VOL. .NO. 3G. BLOOMSBUliG, PA., FRIDAY, SEPT. 4, 1868. I'ltlCE FIVE CENTS. liLUUMSnURO DIRECTORY. STOVES AND T1NWAIIE. IAC0I1 MHTZ, dealer In stoves Jt tinware, Main St., nbove cuurt house, vl-nll ,J St., ftUOVB CUUi ! House. T st tntl'l.'.llT. stoves find llhuute. Itunert A. iilock. Malu si., mil of Market, vl-ntl CLOTHING, AC, i nici.'Vlll'll(l. merchant latlor. Main St.. S, D, door above American house. vl-nl3 t W. CIir.MIILULIN, whotcsuienhil rrtall ilcnU , J. er In cloiniuil,eic.; iiiiriuiau s oiiimins, .,,,, slrect. vl-nl.) DUUGS, CHEMICALS, AC. 1 N, MOVHU, ,lrui!Blst mill apothecary, Hi I j. chautto block Main st, l-uri n V. LUT7., druggist nn,t npothecary, lluprrt liioolt. Main st., west of Market, vl-mi CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. incur Routheast corner Main una Iron Rts. vlnH nlHAVAOK. dealer In clocki, wutchei and i,...,nirt' tn In ki.. iut. l)itnw AniiTlcnn RCATHCAUT, watch nnd clock maker, Market nhelow Main. ylnn ROOTS AND SHOES. Ct M. BUOWN, I Hint and nhocmaUer.Muhiidreet I, opposite Court lloime, vl-nM KOM.KI)nH,matmfActurer anddeulerlnhooU nud fcliopH.Mulnst., opposite Kplseopalchuiih vi-ntt U1INUY KM'.IM manufacturer ami dialer In bonts and MioeN, grot'erlea etc., Ku.it IttoomH burs Main at. vlnW DAVID IllCTZ, boot and shoemaker. Main St., below Hurtman'MMorf, west of Market Ktreet. vl-nK PRO FES9 ION A h . I It. l.VANS.M, I. tmnreon ami phytdclan nouth I aide. Main at., below Maiket. vl-iill Dili B. V Kinney imritenn dentist. toctli extract ed without pain. Main at., nearly opposite l.plscopJil Church. VI 111') I B. M'KKIA'Y, M. I). mmteon find physician north Bldo Main hU, below Market. vlnU . BUTT Kit. M. I). Burgeon nnd 1'hyRlclnn, Market ht., above Main. D II. H. C, HOVKIt,suryeon dentist, Alain ht aoovu cmiri iiuuhb. T . UOBISON, Attorney-at-Law, Olllce Itort- t . man's building, Main Htreet, Vi-II.U 0" U. S. V, L'HA low Market, S. V, C'HALKANT, Dentist, Main t 1h- jifxt door to jur, UMinft MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. MI KM LIZZIE BAUKLEV, milliner, Itamsey bullnlug, Mnlnttt. vl-nU MIHH A. 1). WEBB, fancy pooda. notions, bonks, Ktatlonery, north aula Main street below Mar ket. vMi.3 1,1 1M.TKKMAN, millinery and fancy goods op j posltu Episcopal church, MaluM. vl-ni3 MBS. JULIA A. A HADE BAItlCLIIY.Tadles cloakMiiud dress pattcnu, aoutheunt corner .Main and west wt. vlntJ ISHM. DI'.UBICK.HOy, millinery nnd fancy fancy vMiil HI;""" wimHi., opposite court iiouse. MBS. M. B. KUBMAN, milliner. Main ht., below lI.irtmun'H stoiu, wcKt of Market st. v&U fnlli: MISSES 1IAUMAN millinery nnd Taney X i04HlsMiMii street just below American house. vl-nM HOTELS AND SALOONS JEEAC()CIv,oviterunit rntlne ttaloon, Atmrl can House, Maln St., Bull ace r Leacock nupcrln t indent. vl-ni5 rlDMVEU A JACOBV, confcctlonry, bakery1. 11 nod oynter HAlooii, wholeitulo nnd retail, Ex chuiio block, JNIalu ht. vlnU 1.10X A WEBB, confectionery, bakery, and oys 1 ler saloon, wholesale and retail, Main ht., Just below lion. vlnl.l l.iXcTtANnn HOTKIi, by Koons A Claik, Main Ij h(., opposite court house, viiUi A t., west of lion htreet, iiOBKH HOTEIi, by CI, Mauoeh, east end of 1' Main st. vl-iill BHTOIINElt, relrcshiiientsaloon.Maln M.tjut , nboo courthouse, 1-ul.t !'()( , rcfrchliinent saloon, Ex- l change hotel. T H. OILEMOBU, refreshment saliton, Shlvt-'s block south hldo Main st, vl-nlJ IKItCIIANTS AND GROCERS. 11 JAt'OBH, Coutectlonery. (jrocerleK etc M")iTn j stabovo Court House, lnl(t CJ H. MIIJEB, dealer In dry kmkIs, ((im-erles, j Hiiecnsware, Hour, halt, hhot-s, notionn, etc. ExchaiiKo block, Main street, vl-nl l ,VV NEAI, A Co., dealers hi dry kom1s, 'erics. Hour. feed. salt, fisli. Iron. miiIIk. M (-locerh'S, etc., northiastcoiiH-r Main nnd Miirktt st. vl-nll 11 Main st., nl'oo Court House. vl-nli r it imi'i.M ....- .....i . C. C. MABB, dry nooils and notions, coiner Main and lion sis. southwest J J. BBOWEB, dry ko(1s, Kncerh', elc north , west corner Main and Iron hts, vlhl REV. A. HAKTMAN.Aetnt, dry khU, notions, and unx-erlcs, Midti htoppositu ConcJ's Kur idtuio 1 looms. lni:i II II. miNHBEIt(n:it.faKont,)i;roccries,tohac- ii. co, anti conieciionaty, .Main Episcopal Church. ht.. ODDOSlte v 1-111,1 OA. BECK LEV, Keystone shoestonsbookb und . stationery, southwest coiner Market mid Main stH. vi. nil WILLIAM EKAHMBH, confectlonerlen, Main st., near the railroad, vln).i II MEXI)ENHALL,t!eueral Htoclc or meichan i, dlseand lumber, corner of Main street and Berwick I "yd. vlntl T.I. BOBBINH, dealer In dry noods mcerles etc. Hiilvo'HbUK'k, Main st,, belowliou vl.nll 1 IC. C11KTOK, Groceries A I'rovUlonti, south tjcast corner Main andiron Htieets. vlnll C1 V, HNVBKB, haulwnre, cutlery, , Mala bt below Iron. Bims, etc.. vl-ntl A.I. HLOAN, dealer In choice dry grnHls, HoUkc keeplngKoiMld.fifhhKrtx-erUs, etc., etc. Main SI., OppOHIlt) CilUTly IHJUrlV, 11111 dUo K. EVEB, Kiocerlesmid geneiul mcichandlso i isiaiu hi., uuovo vt esi, 1 T. HHABPLKSM. diy uixitly. miner Its, tKtOtS, est ol I j, shoes, etc., Bupcit Market. uiiH'ii, iiuui ki., wen i ki vl-nl (j t'HAM Elt A A. E. IIAYI1UBHT, Pealeis tn O, Crocerles, Contictloncrlcs nnd Notions, hiottown.houthhlde, two doorn nboo Bmbst's w agonmaker shop. 2-nls. M1SCKLLANKOUS. Gl W. CO HELL, furniture rooms, threo story I, brick on Mains!., west of Market ht, l.ni.i 1 J.THOUNTOM, wall paper, window shades, 'j, nnd llxtuuH, Bupurt blocU, Main ht. vt-nl-l HBOMENSTOCK, photoguipher, Exchange ( block, Main st., opposltucotut house, lnli I l BBOADT, photographer, llailinaii's bulld tj Big not thcahttomer Malu and Alarkelht. vhni l P .1. BIDLEMAN, Agent Munsoira CopierTu IV hulnr LlshtnlngBiMl, 2ul0 TB. PUBHBLL, saddle, trunk and harness maker, Main st., below court, house, vliilO 0, KOHTEU, Olue Maker, nnd White und tHiicy Tauner.Hcottown, vl-nl7 HLOOMHBUBO LUMPEIl CO.. manufacturers and denier In Lumber, of nil kinds, pinning mill near the mueiiruit) ruiiTouu, vi'iuu J, BIDLEMAN, saddle and linniess maker, near southwest corner Malu and Market ht. vl-n II i WITMAN. marble worlta. near southwest j, corner Main und Market hts, vlnU II. BINOLEB. dealer In nlnnns.oruans nnd li, melodeom,ntO. W.CoreU'iilurultururooms . vl-nll Ml Il.MAHTEHH, agent for Orovei A Baker's I . sewlmr macliluo. Jlalu ht.. Hartman'a build ng, up stairs. vl-nM 1), W.BOBIHNH. Honor dealer second door from northwest comer Mulu und Iron Hts. v 1-n id 1U I'EAfOCK. Notary l"ubllc, uortlien.t corner l JIIUIl.llS Dllll.Cl .1, ir.HN A, KUNSTON, mutual and ca.li rales tile .1 liisumucu couipany.uortlieastcoruer Mulnnnd Wr.t.1. vl.nU nl'.lllKli: HAsHI:UT, mauufneturer nndiepalr It er of finishing machines. Hnuiiilo A. t'o'sMa chlueHhop.likt llloonikburg, vini:! 1H. K III IN. dealer In meat tallow, etc., t'hem berllu's alley, back of American houfce. vlnt' QAMULL JAIXJ1IY, Mntl'le sud llrownHtnne O Works. Ki.t Hloom.hu ig, Herwlck rrsul. vlnt7 NW.HAMI'I.KA tX. MnrliluUU.KuitllUioMB. . burg mur railroad. Caklluusiiiadxat short i llce-ruiiibtiieiy muile mid npulnsl. Vi-uri ORAXGEVILLK DIRECTOR Dtl. (). A. Mr.OAllfHX, nhyalrlnn nn,l unrnron. MnlllM., next duor to 0hh1' Hotel. Vl-ll IT Blllrit llOTi'.I, nnd refreshment linloon, by K,l. ):verett. eor, nr Mniiiiuwl riiiosl.vlni: SWAN HOTEL, Ihn tipper lioime liy.Iolm Kny der, MhIu Kt ubuvo I'lne. V1-MI7 Dlv. HI.OAN, denier Ul dry Kno,!., uroeerle., , lumber and general MereliandlHe Main t. Gl:)ll(li: I,A'.AHrH,nddlonndlmrne8smnker Main Ht.. above the Hwan Hotel. vlu!7 W1I, HMITII, niatiurnelnrer of tin ware nnd .dealer In Mow tie. .Main St.. nbovo '.bo Hu-an Hotel. V1-UI7 I II. W. (XH.IIMAN, Jtorehnnt tailor nnd i, Uent'rtfnrnKlilnggooiN. MnlnHt., next door to tho brick hotel, Vl-IUT MH. HAVmilWT.Clookn, Watchei nnd fluns repaired, Ouns und Watches fur hnle, Main Ht.. below l'lne. vl-n 17 TA MUS 11. HAHM AN. Cabinet Mnker, nnd Un. t) dertaker. Malu Ht below Tine. Vl-nl7 MIC'HAl'.I.C. Kr.I.I.KIt, Confeetlonery, (lyniern Ac., Ae.,on l'lno ht., between Main and Mill. vl-n 17 II, II. AO. Ki:i.CIINl-.lt, lllncksmllliM.oti Mill Htreet, near I'lue. V1-HI7 AirlM.IAM I)ni,ONO, Shoemakernnd manufae. II tuierof llrlek,MlllHt.,veslntl'lne villi:) EMAS HNYDI'.ll, Klonr nnd Dealer In tsrulti. Mill street. CIlUt Mill, nnd l-nl7 T l'.WW H. 8CHUYI,Klt, Iron founder, Machln- II JUt, nnd Manuractlller of plown, Mill Ht.vI-lH7 AllM'.s A. WILLIAMS A roTnnnernnd Mnn 1 Man-V1-HI7 ill ufactureisoflenther, .Mill Htreet. TOHN Ki:i.LKIl, ll,wit nnd Hhoemnker, l'lno (J hlreel, opposite the Academy l-nl7 A II. llKHUINOA llllOTHKlt, fnrpenlers nnd llulldeis, Main Hlleet, below l'lne. vl-n 17 CiAMUIX HHABI'LIXH, Maker ofthe Hayhurst O Oram Cradle. Malu Ht. vvhi5. JM. HABMAN, saddlo nnd harness maker , UraiiKevllle, opposite Kramo church. vl2nll CATAWISSA DIRECTORY. r)U(inr.HANNAornrlcltIIotel,S.Kotebnuder n proprlelor.Kouth-enstTOrnerMalnand Second hlrect. vs-nia J II. CH11ASY, dry Rood., groceries, and gen erul Merchandlhe, Malntilicet. 2-nl2 Sl. UINAltl), dealer In stoves nnd tin-ware. . Mailt Htreet. V2-H12 7M. H. AllllUrr, nltorney nt law.Mnlii Slreet. VJ-U12 GILIILUT A KLINH, dry goods, groceries, nnd general merthundUo, Main btreet. v'-nlJ IKKILLIt, billiard Kaloon, oyNterit, and Ice J, cream In reason Malu Street. v'.'nlJ I'. DALLMAN, Moicliunt Tailor, Hecond SI., . ltobblus' Uulldlng. DU.J. K. IloniHNS, Hurg Hecond 8t.,'bclow Main. IloniHNS, Burgeon and l'liyidclan, J II. i;iSTLEn,"CnttawlsnIIouse,"Nortll West .Corner Main and Hecond streets. vJ-uls. MM. IIUOIIHT, dealer In General Merchandise, , Dry Goods, Groceries Ac. MU. LIGHT STREET DIRECTORY. PKTKlt HNT, dealer In dry Bood, grocelles. Hour. feed. bait, llhlt. Iron. nallH. etc.. Light Mtreel, vl-nli JTLIlWILI.lOKIt, Cabinetmaker, Undertaker nnd Chalrmakcr. vlulil JOHUI'II WALTHIl lllacksmltli, opposite post olllce. vl-nlli. HT. OMAN ft Co., i above, Kehool bouse. M IW. i:. KLINK. millinery nnd fancy gooil.. T W. HANKI.Y ,Y.n..ivi.t, ,,ei,-i i,i limn, ..... .., etc. Cash paid for Hldex. vl-nlil l7il. M. K.XT, dealer lu hlovca and lln wnro In H iillllsbrunclieh. vi'"'" JOHN A. OMAN, nianufactnrcr and denier In boots und khoes. vMiOI. J. .1. LDlsrit, M, H. Surgeon and I'hyslcl.m. Olllco nt Keller'a Hotel. MiiS ESl'Y DIRECTORY. 1-HI'YST1 . nSI'Y STllAM I LOUltlNO MILLS, V. H. l'owler. Xj 1'ioprletor, Ulll I V. Ui:iOHAltl). AllllO., dealers In dry goods groceries. and general ineichandlse. l.'nll II. CAI.DWKLIi, denier In dry g,ls, griKer- les, iiueensttale, iiarnuarc, iiMi,p.an, 'jl'ji i le., m W. LDdAlt.Husaueliauna l'lanlng Mill and J , llox Manufactory. M-"ll JERSEYTOWN DIRECTORY. I Vlitfl'AV f A1IISOV. dciler 111 div goods. gro A cerles, grain, lumber etc., Jersey town, vl-n IS TACOIl A.SWlSHlIIt, dealer 111 Hides, Lealher .1 Dark etc. Madison township Colunibla i-ounly Tn. vl-nitl GAIT. HAMUKI. ItlMllY, Madison Hotel, llro- er und strangers entertained. 'J-n I 1RCKH0UX DIUKCTOUY. M(UV, 11. SHOl'.MAKKU. dealt rs In dry K"ods, tinutries and nencial merchandise. First stoio In souih eud of town. --ulS TAt'ClB A WM, 1IABBIH, dealers in dry i;oo.is, mocerics. (irmis uuu ineuiciuc I'lrst store In notth end ot tow n, .''U1 HOTELS AND SALOONS. BLOOMSBU1UJ, COLUMBIA CO., PA, The umlerslgned having puichased this well known and cent rallydocutetl house, the Exchange Hotel, slluatu on MAlNhTBBET.In BliKinisbuig Immediately opposhu the Columbia county Court House, lespectiully Iniorm their Blends and the public lu general that their house is now In order lor the leceptlou nnd entertainment ofttaveltei. . hi. mtii- lu. ill ktmsi'il tn t.W or It .with ttii'lr eiih. to iii. '1 hey hau sjnred no expeiisu in preparing the Bxchaime lor t been t ei t a lumen toft heh guests neither shall theiu bo nu thing wauling on their an io niiuisier 10 iiicir pisonni coiuioi l. l uey louse Is snaclous. nnd enlo.vs an excellent busi ness location. Omnibuses inn nt all times between the Ex change- Hotel and tho vailous inilioad depots, by which travellers will bo pleasuntly couejed to and Irom the respectho stations In duo time to Itloouuimig, A pm ;i, ins. vji.uiuu . .iiAuui.H, rropuemr. Tlienbo"o wclh known hotel has leecntly under gone, rad'cal cliuuges In It s Internal anaiigenieiits, nnd lis pn prietor nuuonucc h to his omu r cutom und tho liaM'lltng putille that his nccomt slat Ions IO!' IllKCOIIIlOll OI UIS gUCSlHIUUheCOIIO IO IIOIIU III the count i y. Ills initio will always bo loiiud sup MICH. llOt (Mll.V llll MHIMllllllill H""l, mil IHI Uil ho ilellcaclesot the season, His wines and 11- nuoiK(exeipt (hat popular hewratcu known n tlMi'Uinrj" ),un based direct trom tho impoitlng nouses, in u emiieiy pure, aim ireo innu nn jioi souousdiug. Ho In thauKtut torn llbeial put ion ngeln tho past, and will continue todcsero It In jXCIIANOK SALOON, iiiK iToprieior oi inu ixcnuiigoraioon lias now on hand u large stock of HUMMEH BEFBESHMEN'TW, consisting of (SI'ICKU OVhTMlH, HAItlHNKS, TIUI'K, ItOUM.NAH SlllfKP TON (117 K, UOILt:U KUUS, bWEUZI- It (')l KVHF IiAOKH BEEH, ALE, AC. f COME ONE, COME ALL ANB HKII, & LAWHON CALM AN. (superintendent, llloomsburg, May 3, IWI, rpiIE KHPY HOTEL, r.nn, Lui(Uiini. iuuu, i-a. Tin: hubscilber lenttect fully InfortnwhU frlendM nnd tho mibJlo, that he has tukin lhoaUe well known lluur ol Enttrtalument, and will I pleased In fMvhe the custom ol ull who will Iuur him Willi n cull, HE WIT.L KEEP A 0001) TABLE, a Bur well stocked with the best of Liquors, and every i lJort will he made to render entire sutis lactlon. C, II. lULTTLBICH, Espy, Pa., April 12, 1MJ7. jiuok" "hotel, OUANO EVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. EEWAllD EVEHETT, PBOPUIETOIl. lalng token possession or this well-known house, so long kej't by hnmuel ENcrttt, the Pro nrlntitrlifiMiiiittn it DerniHiieiit reoalr and fill UWIi- ed BAB. ANB LAKBLB with tho choicest liquors nnd newest deliccles. Ills stable lu not ex le I led In thecouutyt and nu pulns will U sjuired to IkCCOHIaSIKMlie (Uehl T"ffl "9, THE COLUMBIAN, A IDomocvntid NoVHi);.vpci is l tnu.iHiii'.n kvkhv riuiMV siohninii at UI.OOMsni'tUl, I'EXN'A. TH E principles of this p,i per ni eor the. lellerson Ian Kchoolof politics. Thoso prlnclph a will iica er be compromised, yet courtesy and kinJneis hn not bo forgotten In dlfecussina them, whether with Individuals, or with contemporaries of tho Press The unity, lurplness,nnd prosperity of the coun try Is our nlm nnd object J nnd as the means to securo that, we shall labor honestly nnd earnestly for t he harmony, success nnd growt h of on r ot gun lzatlon, TEltMsoKMinsciut'TlONi Two dollars a nr If paid lu advance. If not paid In adwincu tun dollnrn nnd fifty cents will be Invariably chniged. Terms ok AnvKUTistNO OnesquoieOen lints or less) one or three Insertions JI.Vlj each ubsc. qnent Insertion .VI (enls. HIY.tF, IM, "M, :tv. (1,00 11,(10 8,00 10.IW IV I. M. IV W) 8UVo H,C0 1 1,00 12,1)0 IS.IK) I I, 00 2l),00 25,00 50,1)0 50,00 100,011 One square. , Two sqimres.. Three sqiiores Four square.. Half coluinti... One column..., K.ttfl 12 JO , 10,00 . i-vtw Executor's nnd Admlnlstrator' Xotlco tl.nO; An dltor'M Jiotlce S2,W. Other advertisements Inser ted nccordlng to special contract. Business notices, without ndvcrtUement, twenty cents per line. Transient adveitlscmcnls payable lu advance all others duo after the first Inscillon. It Is, In all caies, more likely to be satisfac tory, both to subscribers nnd to tho Publishers, that temlltnnccs nnd nil communications respect ing the business of tho paper, be sent direct to the otllveor publication. All letters, whether relating to the edltoilalor business concerns of the paper, nnd all payments for subscriptions, mlveitUIng, or Jobbing, nre to be made to nnd m. hessed BUOCKWAV A FBIXX, "Cutinntiiatt OlUrr" Bi oofsntiui, Pa. Piloted nt BobKon's Buildings, near tho Court House, by M. VANIKUM,ICK. BUSINESS CARDS. joa P 11 1 N T 1XO Neatly executed at tills onlce. jJ M. h'VICLl.i:, A TTO UN 1! Y-A T-L A W, Ashland, Schuylkill County, lVnirn. Jf. TItAUOlI, ATT O UN l: Y.AT-I. A W, lleruUlc, r4,luillbla Couuly, l'tllli'li. "ritjI.IAM ir. AHHOTT, ATTOUNlir-AT-L A W t'ATA W1SSA, l"A. c. W, MM, I.Kit, A IT II UN I1Y AT LA W. Olllce ullli I:. II. Llllli, III In li-k building lid. Joining 1'osl full,,'. 011, alnll, s. I1.m k.l'ity and l'ellslons eollecllil. ,seOl'C J oiin (!. i'iti:i:zi:, X TTO li N r. Y-A T- I. A W. Oillc lu lleglsler and lleeonl, i's olllte, III Ibe bast mi til i if the Cniut House liliHinisbuig. Pa, OIIKUT V, CliAItK, A T l u B N E V-A T I. A V coiner ol Main un. I Muikel MM-it. Flisl N.diiiiutl Hank. Blooinsbing, Pa, E. H. Ii 1 TT h K, A TTO US I'.Y-AT.I.A W, Olllco on -Multi stii . l, la hrlik bulldliu llo I he Court House, Itlooiusbiirg, l'a, Q 11. HHOCKWAY, ATTOU.VIIY AT LA W. III.OOMSIirilll, 1'A, 4d-On let: Court House Alley, b Imnttiin Olllce, rlow the 11' l.liiul'1,7. A u r 'v i o n k i: it. MOSP.H COKKMAN, Having follftwed the proiession il Public Vt ndue Crier lor many yems, would lufoim his trieuds thnt ho Is still lu tho tltld, leudy nnd willing to attend to all tho duties of his calling. Peisons desiring his services should call or write to hhn at Blooinsburg, l'a, I marH'iC. JU. W. H. HHADLEV, (Ude AssMant Medical IMiettoi .. S Army,) P II Y rt I C I A N AND S V li (I II O N , i- Olllco at tho house opposite MiUe's Itloi'k, BliMiiithbuig, Pa. Calls piomptly attended to Ik.Ui night nnd da. Bt(.omsbu-g, Jan. IK, 1W7. J. II. PUUSEIi, IIABNES.S, HADUI.i:, A.M IIB'NK MANUKACTUBKB, and dealer hi CABI'LT-BAOS, VALInt, ELV-Mns. Ill'FKAl.O ItOllKS, IIOUSE.IU.ANKi:rH ,U' which ho feels conlldcnt ho can sell at lowei into than any other pel son in lbs count ly, I)X' amino tor vouiseles. Miop hist door below the PMkt othce Main rueci, luiMiiusuurg, I u. Nov. ., lst)7. s COM.1NS, 1' A H II I ON A II I.1J SIIAVINCI, IIAIH CUTTINd AMI SIIAMI'OOl.Mi SAI.CON, (i r Wldmajer ,V Jacoby's leo Cualu Snl,su, 111.00MSI1UIK1, 1'A, Hair liw'lni: und Whlskeis eoloied blink or Ihomii, Hall I'oiilclotlcstioydaudiult ami beau. tll luu tho hair: ulll nsloie hair to Its original color Mlthoul solllntf the llliifc' labrle, constantly on hand. npri?i.7. E X T I S T U Y. 11, c. IIOWLB, DENTIST, Itcsiiictrully oilers his piolesslonul stnlccs to the ladies nnd gentlemen ot Bloomsbmgund vi cinity. Ho Is pupa red toutttud to all tho vari ous operations in tho line of his proiesslon, Hiid lspioldcd with tholstestlmproetl Poiuki.ain Mh.tu which will he insert d on gold plattug, silvi r and lubber bnso to huik ns well us tho mu tual teeth. Teeth extracted by all thu new nnd most nppioud methods, und ull operations on the tteth caielutly and piopeily attended to. Bcslih nco und olllco u tew iloors nboe the Couit House, same side, Blootiisbuig, Jaii.:tl,'tWtl pOWDEIt KEOS AND LUMHEU. W. M. MONROE A CO., Buji'it, Pa., MannUctiirersot POWDEBKKUH, nnd dealeiH lu ull kinds ot LUMI1EB, gle notice that they ure prepau-d to uccouiotlate their ciutom with dispatch, nud on the(haitM enns. I TNION HOTHli, li onus ii ir it (i, l' A, The uiulcrsluned would rckpcctroUy Infoim the lraellnt publlo Ihut ho has purchsMsl and lelllled lu the bent iiianner I he old stand forliur ly iHcupled by W. A. Kline, and that ho Is now prepimd to at commodate, his irlendswliliallthe. comloi Is and coin eulencesofa til s. class hou.e, A line now ham has been built ami lh surrouu iltutfa plactd In perldct older. Tbu bar will ub was bo stis-ked Willi IhochoUest liquors and el Kais. and tho table liirnl.hed ultu lhu last Iho msrtiil uilords. JAMI'K V, tlll.LASI'IK, JulyaiM-ll (Ctioirc goftry. Till-: HUt'EEZEIt. A Yankee of Invent he in hid, Observing onco that womankind Wiro blessed with rather linger waists Than seemed to ladles' tastes, Planned nut nnd inado of polished steel, With many n secret spring and wheH, A queer machine to work n sure And nltogcther perfect cure, On every wnlst that might hot bo Of smntl enough periphery, 11 Is great machine nl last complete, Hendvertlred lu mony ti sheet, In this poetic style; "Attention, ItulleHt call and mc Tho wonder ofthe country 1 Mypalent Wnlst Hecrcnsei, The ladles' loving squeezer 1 Oot up and run by .lubes Kile." Then, seated In htsortlco at his rase, He waited calmly for n walst.to ttqucere. He hn4 not very long to wnlt, Eor soon n maiden dressed tn state, With rustling robes nnd smile, serene, ('mucin to try the great machine And throwing oir her furs nnd 1ml, With stoic resignation sat Htr.lght flown among tho wheels nnd spilugs, Ami screws ntul other curious things; Then said to Kile, "Hlr, If you please, I'd like n lit tie Just n ttlttr 'jnt w,M "Willi plensuie. ma'am," said he, and pt.ued The pliant springs ntout her waist ; Then turned the ernnk ; the springs giew tight; Again she smiled with pure delight. lla turned again, she hlghcd ; mid then Ho turned the polished crank ngaln ; Hho smiled again, nnd whispered low, "My dcnrcstJabez, turn it ntotrf I'd Unqrr tung tnjotf tike thU ' Ho t units I again, she murmured "hthi f" Agnln she smiled, sho strovo to speak, Rut with ecstatic Joy grew weak, (tiuld only faintly gasp, "Dear Jnbtzt ihu Another, tittle, Juat a little tquceie?' The wheels went round, sho fell nsunder ded A nd Jabez Jtetf, yUsrrU.inrouis. THE BLAOKMAM COTTAGE. IIS .lANi: (1, Al'STIX. "I think wearo u remarkably lucky couple Maria," said John Kevin, when lie and ills wife had for the fourth time gone all over their new houso and tak en a good look from each of tho win dows nt the fertile acres surrounding it. "A good Iiou-p and forty acres of excel lent laud for three thousand dollars Is -uch a bargain as is not to lie met with every day in the year. I am so lutl we saw tin; advertisement." "Yes. And If tho house is t littieold and not very large, It Is at least our own," replied Maria, cheerfully, ns sho put the ilrst dinner upon the table in her own new kitchen. "Large enough, Maria, large enough lor tho prcsent.ut all events,and if more room should be needed by-und-by " "Como dinner is ready," interrupted the young wife, blushing brightly, and the two sat down smllingand content. To tie sure John Kevin's new houso was not n palaco either In condition or size, consisting merely of two rooms, divided by an entry running through to it back door, witii two slant-roofed bedrooms above them, nnd a littloslied at the back used as a scullery or sink room. lint the Kevins were a simple nnd hard-working people, ho bred to farm ing and she to house-work, and when it last, by much saving and tho help of a little inheritance, they were able to count four thousand dollars between them, they felt that the future lay in their own hands, and fearlessly muted their fortunes and their live-. A few weeks later, John hud come across tho advertisement of a small farm to bo sold on very favorablo terms, and had hastened to closo tho bargain. Tim owner, a city man, overwhelmed witb bii-lness, treated tho transaction very carelessly, accepting, without a thought 1 the terms of payment offered by Kevin with fear and trembling, nnd in closing ! the bargain sulci: I nuver saw tho properly, Mr. Kevin. It came into my hands by Inlieritanie tho other day, and 1 sent a broker to look at It, ordered some repairs which lie said were necessary ,nnd left it in his hands to sell. I hope you will lind It sati-faclory." "Thank you, Mr. lirewster, I thiol; wo shall bo very well sati-llcd, nnd you will find the Interest on the moitg.ige paid regularly, 1 hope." "Yes, I dare say. (Sood-iiiornlug. Now Winch, what islf."' So Mr. llrcwster returned to Ills India ships and California argo-les, and John Kevin to his littlo wlfo nnd ids newly acquainted property, feeling considera bly the richer of the two. Dinner was over, and wlillo Maria cleared nwuy the dishes her husband strolled out upon the littlo green In front of tho house. Hero ho found a whlto haired old man leaning upon a stall' and looking curiously about him. "(lood-day to you.grandpa," said tliu young man, lu Ids cheery voice, and ready to make friends with all tho world, "(iood-day, .sir, good-day," piped the old man. "1 Just stopped In going by to look about moa lilt. So you're tho new tenant'.'" "Owner If you pica so, sir," replied John, proudly. "I believe I may call house and farm my own." "lie, he, ho!" crackled tho old man, leaning with both hands upon his tliick cane, and wagging ids old head In mil- sou with Ids laugh. "When did you eomoV" ' "Tills morning. We Iinvojust eaten our Ilrst dinner," said' John, staring with nil ids might nt ids strango vlltnr. "Haven't slept hero tlienV" "No, Why'.'" "Which room do you caiculnto to sleep In?" "That one. Over thokitchen. Why'.'" "Well, I would. It's tho sifest." "In tho name of Heaven, old mnn, what do you mean','" asked John, unite out of patience. "O nothing. Never mind, Comeaud see us wlieu you'vo a mind to, 1 live next house. My naino's West. (Jood day." "Slop ii inlnute,Mr. West. Mow long have you lived next house to this'.'" "Ivlghty-foiir years, young imui, I was born nnd brought up In tho old house, married my wil'o and brought ! her homo there, burled her from there, and expect to dlo there. My son has built lilm a smart house right nlong-sldo but 1 like my own the best, so we'ra iHith suited," "Anil how ong lms my house been stniulliip; V" ".Seventy ypiirscomo next Anoint. I wni to tho rnlsliiL'. Old Illorkmann trcnti'd us real hnndsoino too." "Win ho the man that built It V" "Just so. And It'-i nhvays been rail ed the lllackmann Cottngo to this day, ami I expect always will be, for It nev er bus bean In nny other family till now. What's your imniu young man V" "John Kevin, at your service. Hut why do you think r shan't like, the plnee V" asked John, a little uneasily. "i-.hV I'm hard o' hearing. I.Ike tho idai'p? Well, I'm glad you do, proper glad, flood-by, gootbby." And the old fellow staggered off before Kevin could a.sk another question. Somewhat annoyed In splto of bis us ual cheerful good sense, be returned slowly to tho house, mentally resolved to say nothing to his wlfoorthe visitor or bis unpleasant suggestions. The busy day wai over nt liwt, and the young couple retired early, count ing upon a long night's rest to prepare them for the fatigues of the morrow. Hut It was out of hlsllr.st deep sleep that John Kevin was aroused by his wife who, shaking him heartily, mid again and again : "Wako up, wake up, I say, John. Some on(ihasJut ridden uptothu house and U coining in. Hark hear them talking." Kevin, thoroughly ttwako in a mom ent, started up and Ihtcncd. As Maria had said, some horseman had evidently Just dismounted before the hotwo and was now busy lu fastening bis hor.so. I talking meantime either to the animal i or to a companion. I "Wbocan It boat thi-timeor night!" I exclaimed John, springing out of bed mid beginning to dress. "Hark!" whispered .Maria, at his .side. Kevin pauscdnnd listened. Someone below bad opened the door of the cot tage, and was talking to tho new-comers. The next moment the slops of two men were hiard crossing (belittle porch nnd entering the house, while witb their deep voices was mingled that of a young woman. The whole party en tered the lower room at the other side of the bou-e ti it. 1 elo-ed tho door. "What docs this mean'.' Let us go JIaria! I must hcu who ii below. Leave go, foolUh child!" " John! I nni mi frightened ! Ilon't go!" "orcouise I shall. Don't be silly. There, come along, too.lf you arualrald to -lay alone." So rcslgiiinyono arm to be clung to by bis wife, and grasping u .stout liit-k-ory stivkjn tho olliur litxml, Julm ICuv in strode manfully down the creaking staircase and throw ojicn tho tloorof the room which .Mariahail a I ready arranged its her parlor. The moonlight .streaming through the uncurtained window lay while and cold upon the p.tlnted floor, glimmered upon the little mirror and cheap glass ornaments of the liuiiillf slielf, and showed with sulllciriit distinctness every (in ner ami nook ol the clean and Miiuewhat bare apartment, lint except -Maria's poor little bits of furniture ami ornaii.entslH.iiioonllght slio weil noth ing but four walls, a lloornnd a celling, each of them much the worse for time and wear. "There, you -ce, Mm hi, theie is noth ing here. It was all your Imagination," said John, rather cro-sy,for lie hud felt a little frightened, and after lhu fashion of men re.sciiteil it upon his wife. "Look in the other room, Juhii," whispered Maria, not in the leasl reas sured. So Julio throw open the door of Iho kitchen, and afterward-, looked into the slnk-rooni and down cellar, but look as he might, nothing was to be seen or heaid but the ordinary sights and .sounds ol'a summer night in the conn try. "Now, the olln r bediooui, and llien wu shall have been the loiuuN," -aid lie, leading tl.o way up stalls. The oth er bedroom, devoted as yet to baskets, trunks and hudgits of goods not vet nriangtd in the new home, was as inno cent of unlawful occupants as the other rooms, and Kevin and ids wife lelurn ed to their own n om. "It was all .vnurf.iiicy.Murlu. Women arealways " begun John, but was si lenoed t'.v his wife's convuMvo clutch upon Ills arm, u Idle loo filgbtcned to speak -lie poind d towards the lower room whence now proceeded thosouuds of tiprouroiis merriment. Hursts of hiughler, the ringing ol'gl.i--es, tho tat tle of knives and lin ks and loud voices, both male and lemale, mingled in it disorderly chorus, slinking tho very doors and wludowh of the old house, and rc-niinilliig through the chambers a- if lln' icevllers were actually in It. "I must see what this means!" ex claimed John Koviii, throwing oft' bis ulfe'sgra-paiid rushing beadlougdowii stuns, Hut a second search, even more minute and protracted than the llr-t, 1 gave no inoro satisfactory .solution, and 'although the sounds entirely ceased the muiiieut ho approached tliu room, no l"llll r l'lo-e ,1(",r llm tlll' I iccomiiicnccd as violently as ever. I 'l '10 wholo night passed in tills way, ' the gray light of morning did tho mysterious disturbance cea-e, allow poor Maria to snatch n few moments ot" thu repo-o which she so 'needed. When ahouwoke, her husband, I grim and pale, sat beside lier. "Come, dear," said he. " 1 liavu n 1 riro and some brcakfasudlredy for you. i I'oor child, how frightened you wero last night; but mind tills, Maria, I do not wish you to say onu single word of tills tunny of tho neighbors bhould they happen to como In. Maybe homebody is trying to scare us tuvny from tho place, and I wouldn't have them think they bad succeeded yet. So whist lb tho word, Uenieiuber, now." Mnrla meekly prouiisjd obedience and kept her word, although a middle aged woman announcing herself us "Miss West," daughter-in-law of tho old man who had already spoken witii Mr. Kovlu, called, evidently upon an exploring expedition. Tlio day passed, and soon after dark Maria, still dresed, threw herself upon Iho bed and fel 1 1 nto n heavy sleep. Her husband, nftercarcfully searching every part of tho house and Its vicinity, und fastening every door and window, load ed his double-barrelled fowling-plccc, and sternly set hlmselrdnwii beside his sleeping wife to wait Tor Intruders. Tho littlo clock below stairs struck ten, nud nt the same moment tho clatter of horses' feet resounded along the ieyel road and presently stopped before tho cottnge, while tho smno voices as In the preceding night wvrv heard talking merrily togethor. John Kevin sprang to Ids feet, throw open tho window nnd leaned out. Not n form of man or beast met ids sight, and milonftcr inlioof the level road lay gleaming In tho moonlight before him, without a moving object nny where vis ible. Hut behind lilm, nnd beneath him, nrose nlready tho snmo sounds of riot ous mirth that had disturbed the previ ous night, und tightly grasping his gun, John sprang down stairs nnd into Iho room whence proceeded tho sounds-. Hut In tho moonlight everything lay so (pib't and peaceful, that the angry man stood for n moment half rebuked and half terrified. A moment, and then ho win startled by Mnria's voice railing his name in tho shrill accents of extreme terror, wlillo nt the samo time n sudden tumult of s'otind broke out In the cham ber overhead, as if some persons was there throwing about the heavy furni ture nnd stamping angrily up nnd down tiie room. Kevin sprang up tho stairs two at n time and dashed open the door ofthe chamber, hut everything rtmalued in precisely thosnmoordorns when he had vi-dled it in making Ids rounds n few hours previously. Thoroughly bewild ered tho young man crossed tho littlo entry and entered bis wife's chamber. She was cowering beneath the bed clothes and crying violently. " Hat Is it, dear? Tho noise in the other chamber?" nsked her husband, tenderly. " No, no, it is that poor woman," sob bed Marin, clinging apout ids neck nnd pointing to tho opposlto corner of tho room. John glanced over his shoulder with ti voluntary shiver, but saw noth ing. "She is moaning and crying so that It breaks my henrt to hear her," pursu- ' ed Maria. "O, what can lie the mat ter?" Hut beforo John could either comfort his frightened wife or listen for the bounds she decribed, the door of the trunk-chamber which ho hud Just closed opened and shut violently, and tho heavy footsteps ol a man were heard passing through tho' entry nnd out tit the back door. " O John, who is that? Don't go, O don't go I" gasped Maria, clinging con vulsively to him. " T must go, dear. I will como direct ly back, but I heard tliat back door open nnd close, nnd I have the key of it in my pocket." So saying, Kevin, quietly disengag ing the clinging arms, ran down stairs with little hope indeed of finding any solution to the mystery enveloping him more and mom closely, but with a dog ged determination to leave no means of solving it untried. Tliu back door was shut, and one glance assured Kevin, not only that the heavy bolt of the lock was shut, put that a wooden bar ho lind hlmselflitted across it was undisturbed.. Meantime tlis spectral feast had re commenced in the parlor, and John, standing lu tho little passage utterly be wildered ami disheartened, could ills tlngulsh the sounds of four voices, two male and two female, of the clinking of gla-s, tho rattle of knives and forks, and all tho other sounds of u merry les vol. No words, however, wero distill-gul-hable, though lie crept eloso'to tho dooriind laid his ear to the crack. I'res ently lie seized the latch and threw the door violently back. The sounds cens us if they hud never been, und the calm, cold moonlight and rigid order of the room seemed to mock his feverish gusto, mid hot, punting heart. "Hold your devil's holiday, then!" cried lie, exasperated beyond measure. " You shall not fool me again." A low, tittering laugh close in ids ear seemed at once to answer and mock at him, but as ho llercely turned and threw out Ids arms they encountered only empty air. Shuddering in spite of him self, the young man turned and slowly mounted the stairs. The sound of low but passionate sobs, mingled with bitter moaas and murmured words, greeted lilm from Maria's chamber, but as ho approached tho bed ho perceived that his wlfo lay niuto and motionless In a dead faint, while thosouuds lamenta tion, as distinct asevur, proceeded from tho other corner of tho room, where lay a broad sheet of moonlight showing ev ery crevlco of tliu loose lloor, every crack lu tiio whitewashed wall, but nothing more. " fry away I No doubt you had cause enough, nnd have cuuo enough still!" muttered Kevin, turning his back up on thesound und stooplngover Ids wife, wlio was Just returning to conscious ness. " Don't leuvo mo again, John 1 I shall die ll'you leave menloneiigain!" moan ed blie, as boon ns sho could speak. " No, denr, I wont," siild John, fold ing her tenderly in his arms, and so they sat through the remainder of tho night, listening, siio with almost frantic terror, ho with gloomy detlance, to tho storm of sounds, combining nil they had already heard, which shook tho bouse till morning. Then they ceased, ami ns soon ns the sun bad risen John Kevin took bis wife in his arms, for the poor woman was unite tumble to stand, and carried her to the housiof old l'eter West. "Khl So they've drove you out, neighbor?" said the old man, opening the door to thorn, "Something lias driven us out, but what it may lie, mail, ghost or devil, I do not know. Maylm you can tell me," said John, placing .Maria upon tho wooden bi'ttlu und standing besldo her. "Your woman Is sick, isn't sho? Scared most to death, 1 reckon. Here, Hcpsey, whero bo you, child? Como nnd see to Miss Kovln. Lay her right nn tho bed in your room, nnd fetch her u.cup of ten or something, quick." Ilepsy, the grand-daughter who lived with, and cared for tho old man, enmo nt ids summons nnd very kindly took chargo of tho poor young woman, who was already attempting to rally from tho stuporinto which terror had thrown her. As tho women left tho room old l'eter West turned to John. "Sit down nnd eat some breakfast, neighbor. 'Wo'vo just done, early though 11 bo. Sit up, man." "Not n bit will I eat or n sup will I drink till 1 know nil you can tell mo of this work going on in that houso these two nights," and John, sternly. "That you can tell mo I am sure, and I do not think you will refuse." "Well, neighbor, lean tell you the story of tho Hlnckmann Cottnge," be- gnn tho old man, delibrntely ; "nnd nf- ter hearing It, mnybo you can gues out tho rest for yourself. If not, I don't know ns I con help you. "Seventy yenrs ngo, when I wns u lad of fourteen, Marshall Hlnckmann built the houso you have Just bought nud brought his family to live there. There was a wife and two twin girls twelve yenrs old tho day the roof wns raised. Their names wero Mary nnd Dorothy, or, ns we nil got to calling them, Molly and Dolly, nnd two handsomer young women than they grew to bo you wont find if you look the world through. I'liey looked alike, ns twins arc apt to do, but thcro was n difference. Anyone Hint bod ever looked at Molly Hlnck mann for ten minutes and listened to tho ring of Iter voice talking, laughing, or singing, never could take her for nny ono else, or nny ouo else for her. Well, well, tlicni days nre long past now, nnd Nnncy Snow made me a good wife nnd was a good mother to my chil dren, but I never'll forget Hint girl, never till I forget to draw my breath." L'be old man leaned his chin upon the head of his stick as he sat in ids great arm-chair, andstarlng at vacancy seem nd to forget everything else in lids one unforgetablo memory. John Kevin waited for n moment, then u-led re spectfully : "What becHino of Mr. West?" ' O yes, Excuse me, your mini I was thinking of well, I'll get on with the story. "Molly und Dolly wero eighteen, und 1 was n young man of twenty, already looking forward to u home, undo wife of my own, when, tho two girls wont to spend the winter with nu aunt in Hos ton. I hated bud enough to have Molly go, but nothing I could soy would stop her, nnd otfslio wenl,shonndDolly,and for threo months I heard but little of either. That was tho timo when the Hritish soldiers wero in Boston, and men like me, that didn't bclievo InBrltisli soldiers kept pretty much' out of their way, es pecially after Concord light, where I would iiovo been myself if I'd hod the luck. Well, in April the girls come buck, but so changed, one hardly knew them. Nothing was heard of now but dressing, and singing, and reading story books, nnd tixing uptho old house witii posies and fol-Iols. Mother lllackiiunn said she couldn't get uu hour's work out of either oftliem, nnd that they were spoiled out-and-out for an Use, but the old man only laughed and srenied proud of id- girls' lino airs and flighty ways. "At last it eanfo out that thogirlsbad got acquainted witii two Kugllsli nfllecrs wiiile they wero In the city, and bad been writing to them and getting letters from them ever since, and finally ono night when my mother was iek and I my father went for tho doctor in Hie I middle of the night, bo saw tw o men on hor-eback stop at lllackinunn's and after a bit tho two girls opened tho door and let them in while Hloekmnnn himself came out and sow to the hor-es. "When father told mo next morning it seemed to me as if I couldn't stand It any way, and I went right oil' to Molly toask what it meant, lint she wouldn't give mo any stlsfaction, and was so pert nnd saucy that I saw there was no Use in talking to her, so 1 went to lllackmaim. Hut ho was as short and iiull'y as ids daughter, and told me up and down that It was none of my business what company Idsilaugbterhad or what prospects she had for the fu ture, So I went home as I came, and stayed there, or if I went to the ltlack iiiunn Cottage the folks inside wire nono the wi-er for it. Hut partly through other people's eyes and pnrtly by my own I found out little by little that the visitors were a captain and a major lu the Knglish cavalry regiment, and that they came twice a week to sea the Hlaekiiiann girls, riding tlfteen miles each way hot ween sun-et and -mi rise, being afraid to lie -ecu In an ene my's country in the daylight. Wheth er they lind fooled the old mnn as they hud tho girls with promises of marri age, or whether they had bribed him with money, (iod only knows, I hopo it was tho tlr.-t, and 1 think It was, for tho end would seem to show that lie was as much look by surprise us any one. However it was, lie asked to let the girls lay out a supper for their lov ers of ull the best that was to be got, and after he had seen to their hor-es ho would go oil' to bod und make Ids wlfo go too, and tho girls and men would sit up cnting, nnd drinking iho wine the ottlcers brought with them, and carous ing, till Just before day the two fellows wou d rldo uway, and tliu girls would go to bed in tho room over the parlor whom they feasled, and sleep alt day. "Mother Hlackmaiiu fell as bud about nil tills us nny decent woman and good mutlier ought to feel, but she was a littlo timid woman, ruled completely by Itlackmauii and the two girls, anil all .die could do was tn cry, which sho did pretty much nil tho time, even while she was nt her work. Vcll,thlngs went on this way for nwhlle longer, un--tli ono line morning, tliu sixteenth day of July it was, I well remember, tho father nnd mother lltuckinnn got up In thu morning nud found the table nnd ull, left standing ns it always wns, nnd tho girls, ns they supplied, gmio to lied, but towards tho nfterneon, not hearing nny sound Mother Hlackmnun went up Into their room, nud saw in u minute thnt they wero off, for tho bed hadn't been slept In, nnd half their clothes wero gone. She run and colled her hus band, und ho soon spied a note pinned on tho cushion undcrtho gloss, signed by botlt tho girls, nnd saying that their sweethearts' regiment hod got to snll the next day for England and that they wero going along too. They expected lio married after they got toKnglaud, though li had got tn lie kept private they said, und they would write again when they got there. "lllackmann didn't wait to say any thing nftcr reading that.but Just ruslted out, saddled his horso nnd galloped down the Host on road. AViicn ho got to tho city lie soon found out tho worst was true. Tho regiment lind sailed that morning nnd ills girls had gone with it. Tho major was a married mnn, nnd the captain belonged to one of tho highest families in Knglnml,nnd no more would marry Molly Hlackmnun than lie would bring lier home thn honest, simple girl ho found her. "So tho father, with no bettor comfort than till-, turned his faco homeward and nrrlvcd just nt nightfall to find ids wife dying. Sho had taken to her bed as soon ns she heard tho-bad news, nnd there she lay sobbing, nnd moaning, nnd muttering to herself, without seem ing to hear or understand such comfort as tho women who enmo to her tried to give, and just at sundown sho died. "When lllackmann enmo into the house nnd saw nnd heard tiio end of all his fine plans bo was Uko n madman. In tho first plnce, lie went into tho girls' chamber and knocked and kicked round tho furniture, toro nil their clothes that wero left behind into bits, broke the looklng-glnss they had looked into, und tho pictures of cncli other that they had bung up, and when lie could do no more ho fell on ids knees nnd cursed his chil dren nnd their lovers, and at last him self with tho most nwful cursestiintnny man could lay his tongue to. Tho wo men that wero with ids poor wife's dead body heard lilm nnd said it wns enough to mako your blood run cold to listen to lilm. "When ho had done, ho got up nud stamped down tho stairs nnd through the entry out nt the bock door. Tho night passed nnd lie did not come back, nnd in tho morning when tho women went for water to tho mill they found his dead body ut the bottom, with thu white faco and starting eyes turned up towards them. "Since-then tho house has been let to u good many tenants, and some of the poor relations of tho Blackmann have tried to live in it, but no ono ever stay ed long, or was very com ibrinble while they did stay. "So now, neighbor, maybe you can guess wlint somo of the noises mennt thnt linvo disturbed you, and como so nenr scaring your woman into llt. "I'oor Molly ! I wish I knew what ever became of her." "You never heard, then?" asked Kevin. "Not u word, l-'rom the day they sailed out of Hoslou with the men Hint ruined them, no one that T know of ev er heard one word about them two girls. i'oor Molly, poor, poor Molly '." The next day John Kevin, leaving Ids wife' under charge of tho West, went to the city and sought un inter view with Mr. ltrewstor. To him be told the wholo story, of Ids two day-.' occupancy of the liiackmniiu Cottage and its result. Mr. lirewster looked him steadily in the face during the whole narration, and at Hip end said : "Well, Mr. Kevin, I believe your 'story, nnd I consider you ju-tlfied In I wishing to withdraw from your hnr I guii.. Let mo make a proposition to ' you, however. 1 will tnko tho land in j to my own hands again, I will tear , down this unfortunate liou-o and build one similar upon another part of the farm, and you shall be my tenant nt a rea-onablo rent ns long ps jou ehoo-o, with tho privilege of purchasing it at any time. Will this suit you?" It eertninly did suit John Kevin re markably well, to resume si, much of ids purchase money as had been paid, and to farm Mr. llrowster's land upon such seasonable terms, nnd ho went homo to his wife with a light heart and und u heavy pocket. An arrangement wns eu-Ily niudo by which the younge couple reninlned un der the roof of old Mr. West while their new liou-o wns In progress, nnd early in the autumn they moved into it. Several yenrs inter Kevin found him self nlilo once more to become purcha ser of tho estate, und when tho deed wns signed Mr. lirewster Jestingly re marked : "Well, Kevin, this time it is for good nnd all. I snppoo the bogle has been laid." "Yes sir, or if not, the youngsteis mako such n nolo botli day nnd night Hint you never could hear lilm squeak." Hut l'hilipWest'shist muttered words wero i "Poor Molly ! i'oor, dear, pretty lit He Molly!" Tliu Kndlcal party hnvo stolen more money from tho people, each year hIiico they hnvo had power, than It formerly took to support tho general Govern, ment. Can It bo possiblo that tho only object tho party lind in defeating thu Democrats In 1SG0 nnd since, was to rol nnd destroy the country and pre vent Its future prosperity'' It would seem so. TiioimANiifi of working men have nbandoned tho Hudlenl parly, und do. daro for Seymour nnd Hlolr. This fact Is very well known to tho Under, and to mako up for the loss, "tho ignorant Negro is to lie niudon voter, .nnd put on equality with whlto men. Who will vote to support such a party? Si.Nt'K Joe Drown, tho founder of An dersonvllle prison, nndtho nineteen ne gro delegates from tho Southern Stntes, occupied seats In tho Chicago Conven tion, tho Haillcal party claims to linvo become imtluuul!