The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 28, 1868, Image 3

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$u dffltumlmm.
Senatou Buckalkw speaks In Nor
rlstown on Saturday (to-morrow)
August 29th.
Tun laying of tho Cornor Btouo of
Saint Paul's Church, IMoomsbtirg, will
lio en tho eleventh of September, being
A fiAMK of Jluc Hall was played at
Kspy on Saturday last between a nlno
of this plaeo and a club of Ipy. Tho
teoro resulted Kwpy 22 llloom It.
Sijxatou 1H'cka:,i:v, Col. l'lollctt
and flen. Knt will address tho great
meeting nt Ornngovllle, on Saturday
September fith.
0f Monday evening of Court, being
September 7th; iron.ChnrleaK.Ducka
lew and Hubert F. Clark will nddresi a
County Democratic Meeting in the
Court House, in Dloom.sburg.
OA it. C. IJ. lluocKWAYhas been ap
pointed n member of tho State Central
Commltteo of tho Democratic and Con
servative Soldiers' organization, for this
Congressional District.
One night last week, D. A. Huckley,
l'alcmon John and a Darkle, Tlcmontl
by name, mado speeches in Scott twp.
And tho negro troops fought bravely.
Lot us have peace, and "Kknl rights."
A. If. Kmmy, ksq., who returned
from a trip to the sea shore in apparent
health on Baturday last, died suddenly
Sunday afternoon almost without any
premonition, lio was a banker and a
well-known citizen of Wllkus-Barrp.
Festival. Tho Lutheran Congrega
tion at liuck Horn propose holding a
festival In their new Church on Friday
Kvenlng, Saturday afternoon and eve
ning, August 23, and 29th. Tho pro
ceeds nro to bo applied to the p.iyment
of tho Church debt.
Capt. M. Whltmoyor on tho part of
tho Republicans, nnd Capt. C.H. Brock
way on tho part of tho Democrats will
hold a Joint discussion on political
topics at tho Orangovlllo Academy on
Wednesday livening, September 2ud.
A general Invitation is extended.
Ox Saturday last n largo (Ire occurred
hi Wllllarasport, during which tho
Mulberry St. M. E. Church and six
barns wcro consumed. Tho loss is es
timated at 25,000. Tiio flro originated
in flov. Packer's stablo, and is suppos
ed to bo tho work of an Incendiary.
Wi: would call the attention of our
leaders to tho advertisement In anoth
er column of tho sale of valuablo real
and personal property by Cornelius
Hollas ills Mile will comprlso of horses,
Cattle, Wagons, and furniture of all
kinds. Tlioso seeking bargains should
Notici:. T'ho Stockholders of tho
llloomsburg Building Association nro
requested to meet at tho oillco of Col.
Freeze, on Tuesday evening next nt 8
o'clock P. M. for tho transaction of Im
portant business.
John A. Funston,
Heavkk. Tho Democracy of Beaver
held a meeting on Saturday evening
lust, and organized a Seymour A Blair
Club. Tho unicorn chosen aro Charles
F. Maun, President ; B. Frank Zarr,
Secretary; Charles Michael, Treasurer.
No voters will be left at homo In Bea
ver this election.
Notice. A meeting of tho Standing
Commltteo and also' of tho Vigilance
Committees of each township will bo
held on Monday, September 7th at 10
o'clock p. m., In tho Democratic Club
Booms at Bloomsburg. A full atten
dance Is earnestly requested. Kaeh
township Is expected to be represented.
August. 1SG8. John A. Funston.
Chid rinan.
The statistics of Pennsylvania Epis
copal Covention show that tho proposed
new Diocese will contain illlri commu
ulcants, and that tho contributions of
the Inst year were U7,-1 17,70. There aro
2S counties, 57 parishes, 10 clergymen,
and a population of over one million.
Surely this Is i splendid field of labor,
enough for tho ambition of any man,
Let us have n now Diocese. F.
No IX of Smith's Dlctiomuy of tho
Blblo has been received from Hurd A
Houghton, Published, No 139 Broome
Street, New York. Each No V cents
Tho first nrtlclo is "Genncsaret, sea of "
and the last "Halach." Tho lo.ultng ar
ticles are, Ocrlzlm Oethscmano QI-auts-Ci
Ibeah-G idcon-G ilboa-G Head
(iilgal Golloth Gospels (a very full
and exhaustive roviow.) Ifabukkuk
1 Incar Hair Ham I laran beside
which aro many short ones. Tho Illus.
trationsaro excellent.
IVii V Is It that tho prices of Hour, beef,
potatoes, and in fact all tho necvsaries
of Hfo, nro so high as to bo almost be
yond tho reach of tho worklngman'.
Let tho Radicals answer. It was not
wont to bo so under Democratic rule,
nor will thN unhappy stalo of all'alrs
continue when Horatio Seymour isplae
ed, by nil overwhelming vote of the
people, In tho Presidential chair. It Is
not surprising that they aro turning by
scores and hundreds to tho
nf tho people.
rent party
An aitk.vv. Wo aro informed that
on last Sunday n ineleo took placo lie,
tween a number of young men near
tho grounds whero tho Brlarcrcck
Cainp-meetlng was held. During tho
fracas a young man named Thomas
Brlttalu was struck In tho head by bll
lies and by a whiskey bottle. Of late
years It would seem that tho mass of
our citizens look upon theso meetings
as places to congregato for entertain
ment rather than for devotional exerci
ses; aud every town Is sure to scud
there Its full quota of roughs and row
dies. TllINflH TO HE ATTENDED TO. Every
Democrat must bo on tho lookout, nnd
heo that on the second Tuesday of Octo
her, thcro Is not n slnglo Democratic
voto absont. Seo that every Democratic
voter Is legally nssossod. See that no
Democratic voter falls for want of na
turalization, See that uo Democratic
voto Is lost for want of payment of tax
es. Seo that no Democratic voter makes
business or plonsuro arrangements that
will mako or probably may mako, his
ueiug at tno polls on the 18th of Octo
bcr uncertain.
Am ftp of busy life,
It fluctuations anil Hi, vast concerns."
DuiiiNo tho night tho enemy fell
back, leaving their dead and wounded
in our hands. At this time I witnessed
tho most dreadful sight of tho war. I
will not speak of tho ovcry day sccno
of scattered dead nnd dylng-tho shrieks
and groans of tho wounded tho mu
tilated bodies, torn by tdiot and shell,
riddled by' bullets, crushed by tho
wheels of Hying artillery, or mangled
by tho Iron hoofs of charging cavalry
tho nauseating, boathsomo stench aris
ing from thousands of dead bodies ex
posed to a hot sun ; these things nro
common to nil battlefield. But In tho
trenches held so stoutly was an unu
sual scene. Bodies lay six deep, and
tho dead nnd wounded wcro Indiscrimi
nately mixed. The clotted blood filled
the bottom of tho ditch, and hero and
thcro might be seen a leg, or nrm, or
hand, In which vltnllty still existed,
tho remainder of tho body being press
ed down by tho superincumbent dead.
Officer and private youth and age
black curls and grny hairs, allko tinged
with blood, aristocrat and beggar alt
were mingled together. Agonizing up
pcalo wcro mado to us by tho surviv
ing wretches to assist them ; the name
of God of our mothers of everything
sacred was Invoked, or whero tho pow
er of speech failed, tho lips faintly
moved, or a mangled arm was mutely
raised towards Heaven. But no moth
er's caro or slstor's tears cased tho suf
ferer's pain, nnd God answered many
a prayer, by calling tho supplicant
In tho midst of this sutl'erlng many
of our men coolly cooked their collector
Jokingly related their exploits, and
then waited upon the dead and wound
ed; not to relievo or aid them, but to
rlilo their pockets, and light and quar
rel over tho products. For the honor
of our arms I will say that this is not
often dono by tho true soldier, but Is
generally tho work of tho straggler.
who, however remiss in a tight, Is
prompt at plundering. Two of our men
lost brothers, yet not a tear was shed
nor a lament heard ; after finding tho
bodies tho ono merely said: "Bill, If
you'll help bury my brother, I will
help bury yours ; wo can soon finish."
The usual amount of shirmlshlug and
artillery firing was kept up throughout
tho day. Ave also received somo re
cruits from Washington of a peculiar
character. It seems that a number of
officers from Colonels down to Second
Lieutenants had placed bloody rags
around sound limbs, palmed themsclvs
off as wounded men, and wcro thus cn-
abled to reach Washington. Tho fraud,
however, was discovered; they were
scut back and ordered to report to Gen.
warren, who placed muskets in their
hands and sent them to the extreme
front, whero they wcro kept without
relief, twenty-four hours.
On Saturday, during a heavy rain,
tho Fifth and Sixth Corps moved to tho
left of Burnsldo, leaving us on tho cx
trcmo right. At mld-nlghtour Corps
prepared to fall back, unit for want of
transportation wo destroyed the captur
ed cuisaons and limbers. By noon of
Sunday wo reached the rear of tho Fifth
Corps, and halted on tho road leading
from Fredericksburg to Spottsylvania.
For tho tlrt time In two weeks our
horses wcro unharnessed and rested,
and tho traveling ration of ten pounds
of grain allowed them.
I rodo nlong tile lino of the Fifth
Corps and found them well entrenched
beyond the Po river. Their guns
boro directly on SpoUsyls-auia, ouo
mile distant, and a number of shells
had perforated tho Court House. Many
of tho enemy's works were grass grown
(having been built before tho first Fred
ericksburg battle), audmouutcd somo
heavy guns covered with paullus. At
this point some 25,000 frenh troops Join.,
ed us, principally heavy artillery regl'
incuts drawn from tho defences of Wash
ington and Baltimore. One Brigade
was the Corcoran Irish Legion, which
was Joined to our Corp, and In their
enthusiasm declared their ability to
equal Meagher's old Irish Brigade, uUo
with us. Here nlo the llcervo Art II
lery was divided among the different
Corps, making an average of twelve
batteries to each. These wcro nIo ro.
dueed from six to four gum. Tho rca
son was that tho country was iiiii'iivoru
bio for using so many pieces ; and be
sides, tho Immense trains were a source
of much trouble.
bout midnight on Tuesday, tho 17th
of May, wo were again In motion, and
on Wednesday morning wcro once more
in tho breast-works were Hancock had
mado his famous charge on tho 12th
Tno night beforotho enemy had nttacli
ed our small force left at this point, but
wero signally repulsed. Wo had seareo.
ly got into position before tho enemy
mndu their appearance In our front
The Corcoran Legion was ordered to
charge, and with a wild yell they start
ed. A more Imposing sight was never
beheld. Their whltu turban, red
breeches, and other peculiarities of tho
Zouave uniform mado them prominent
targets, ami their good order mid wi ll
filled ranks excited admiration, The
enemy lied. Tho Legion was not a vet
eran one, and they pushed after the fly
ina1 foe without reforming their Hues,
Hut soon they repented their ardor
Thu retreat of lliu enemy was a feint
and the Imivi' Irishmen soon found
j thoni-elvcs umu-ni withering artillery
nro which cniiiailed their entire line
Their ranks wero broken thu Impetus
of the ehargu was lost, and the entire
Brigade became entangled In thu one
iny's atutttlt. Half of their number was
lost, and dearly did they pay fur their
Initiation Into n veteran army. W
chunged position several times durlu
thu day, but our lino neither advanced
nor receded.
At dusk, thu most of tho dead belong
lug to the Jrlsh Legion had been gath
ered together, and there 1 witnessed
thu most solemn scene In my life. Be
neath tho calm heavens lay tho gather'
ed dead, their gaping wounds looking
tho more ghastly under the light of tho
pale moon, In tho centre knelt n priest
with thecruclfix in his hand, and light
ed tapers around him,and In a clear nnd
Impressive voice ho repeated masses for
tho dead, Even the wounded for a time
ceased their moaning. No organ peal
was there,but thodeep booming cannon
aud ringing rltle-shot mndu fitter music
for thu dead soldier. Bullets fell thick
and fast, yet not a muscle lu tho face of
that dovotcd priest botrayed fear, nor
was there tho slightest quaver In his
volco. Would that nil chaplains hud
his devotedneas. That night we fell
bnclc, and parked ourguns near Grant's
Head Qurrters.
On Thursday, tho 10th, by n sudden
movement, Leo throw Elwcll's Division
In our rear,nnd reached tho i rederlcks-
burg road, capturing a number of wag
ons passing along It. Tyler's Division
of heavy artillery, which had Just ar
rived, attacked them. It was their first
fight, and they went in llko a mob. in
somo places their lines wcro fourteen
deep, and overy body fired, whether
they saw anything or not. Our batter
ies wero soon In position to repel tho as
sault, and this, with tho noise and fuss
of tho "heavies" frightened the enemy
moro perhaps than regularly disposed
lines of battle would havo done, and
the rebels retreated, leaving their dead,
wounded, and somo prisoners, In our
hands. This engagement raised tho
Heavy Artillerists lu our estimation;
though clumsy In a fight, they had tho
gramlrcqulsltoof courngc.Agreatmany
of them, however, shot themselves In
tho hand or foot, preferring a slight dis
unity to the chances of getting killed.
This practice was soon checked by send
ing such cases back to tho front with
their wounds undressed, or by ampu
tating tho mutilated parts without ad
ministering choloroform.
Qui en Sam:?
Sullivan County Convention.
On Thursday of Inst week tho Demo
crats of Sullivan County met In Conven
tion, nnd nominated a full County tick-
Michael Jloylart, lvq. and Hon.
James Deegan wero appointed Con
gressional conferees with Instructions
to support Hon. Oco. I). Jackson for
The following aro among tho Hesolu-
Sixth, That wo heartily endorse the
tatftirin of the Democratic State Con
vention, and will cheerfully support tlio
gentlemen put In nomination for the
ofllces of Auditor General and Surveyor
General ; and that, feeling highly com
plimented In thu selection from our
Congressional and Senatorial District of
en. Wellington II. Ent as candidate
for Surveyor General, and fully appre
ciating his patriotic efforts in putting
down tho into rebellion, his purity of
character and ability as a civilian, wo
will give to him our hearty bupport,
and the every honorable means to se
cure for him such a majority in Sulli-
.111 county as will assure him that as
wo remembered him in war, we havo
not forgotten him in pence.
Seventh. That our confidence In the
Hon. Charles It. Huekalew, our i'ultcd
States Scii'itor, lias not abated! that his
career as a Senator has been one of tin-
Interupted success, placing him high in
In the Ustof eminent American states
men; and that whllo we fully endorse
his course as a Senator, we express tlio
hope that ho may bo continued in that
Important potttlon, and to that end in
struct otir.Stato Senator to u-eall honor
able means to secure his re-election.
The Magazines for September.
ftirju-r'n Xcie Muntltly Mittjuzinc for
September is before us, with its litimer
ous pages well tilled with lutcrc-ting
I'tti-rnon1! JauUcs Natltmal Matinxliir
for September isu lino number.
i'ho (lulajrjt is ono of tlio bent manag
ed magazines in the country, and the
number for September, now before u-,
is splendid in every respect.
I he Ladle J'neml, edited by Mi s. 11.
Peterson, Philadelphia, for September,
is a capital number.
The pioneer of American magazines
tltiih'H'n Lml'i' lion; for Septem
ber, is a cliai nilng number, u hieli will
find ready sale.
St'jili'iulicr I
I'ulimm's Mityuiiiir fin'
otitaliis Miine- of the hum entertaining
paper.-, ever given to the public.
Tin: SlT.ii.M. I'lil.ici: Ahain. -Tlio
Hmlk-aN of till- Comity lliidlni; that our
cxposuru o tlii- fraud upon tho tnx
payers nf Urn Comity whs doing; tlii'in a
daniUKu, liavu.'-uiit to Jluri'lilnu and
Kot tliuiiaiiif.sof Miiiin iK'iiioiTaNwIioin
thoy ay sIkiiwI a petition for theii- up-
polntiiH'nt. The Ihiimi-riittwhti sitiierf
that petition did it with the mitlt r.iliiiiiliiiij
tuit the expense this Jarre uvre to be
puitttii the ran uperiitir,(tnl no' hi the
Count, ThU is the way it Is dono in
Schuylkill, and in Xrt!iiiiii!.rlanil
ci)iiiitlcs,aii(l It was iindi'itiiid that wan
tolio tho plan hun-. Xo l)i'iinn.'rat is in
favorofapolli'ofort;uti)liopai(l lorout of
thocntinty funds. Tho oiitriiKPconsltts in
thu fact that tlio pcoplo of lilnoin lli'in-
louk, and othur Towiiihipi am ttixctl
a9liii.(iiia;yi'artuiay u;ntof Up.iry'upi'tH,
wlio-o ncrvifos aro not of tho .-li'lilist
U--0 to tilt) pcoplo of tho County. Wo
say to 1. John, If you would tM-apollio
diuriro brought against you, have Weary
discharge thesu men, that tliey may
eiirn their bread llko other men.
Ton .Mcciu.v. Wo hoard yesterday '
of it i-lngular ea-e of tinsworlng to pray
or. A gentlcniaii who has boon mar
ried for u number of years hits tilwavs
desired to bo tho father of a daughter -
lii- ehildron all being boys. So groat,
indeed, was hl. doiiro for a daughter,
that ho often prayed that l'l-ovldeiiee
might bless him with ono, mid ho did
not pray In vain, for recently, to his
great surprise, ho was granted three
blooming girls theru being about two
hours dillereiico in their ages, lie don't
pray now near .so much us he did. I'ul
riot. Ana you willing to pay taxes on
overy tiling you eat, drink, or wear, to
keep millions of negroes In Idletioss,
ritsllcatltiL- 111 the l TCCIllllnilN llnronn .
H IIUU 1IIUII II11VO 10 WlirK llliril irotll
davtodavto kenti Imdv nnd soul In.
getlier, and uo l'reedman's lluroau
Agent ever thinks of them they may
ntarvo and dlo, us many have, for ought
the Radicals caro.
AX answer to tho following conun
drum Is respectfully Millclted: Ifa Had-
leal administration spends millions of
dollars a month moro than It can realize-
by the present enormous taxation, how
long will It take a Itadlcal administra
tion to pay u puhlhi debt Hiiioiiutlng to
billions ?
Tim bargain between tho Negro ami
tlio Itadlcal party Is this; tlio negro Is
to bo kept by means of tho Preednian's
Ihireau at public expense, on condition
that ho regularly voter with the Haili
Mils. That is as plain us noon day. Voto
It down.
At ihi iivcrtiKoIt ciHtulSiMiOiior an
mini moro to pay tlio oxjic'iison of u
Uiullciil l.i'Klslrttiirn tliun It iloi'tf to jitiy
Uiosuoill iJCiuotTiiui: l.rlsliuurc. por.
liroof.feCll Auditor (il'llcrtllB' ItcnorU for
tho Itut plKlilirn yearn.
JL hbai. estate.
In pursuance of nn order of thnOrnhanH'Courl
or Columbia comity, on HA'JUHDAY, August
Btth, IhW, at 2o'clocK In tho nfternnon, Hamuel
Creasy Executor of the Inst will nnd testament
of Henry Puttier, Inlo of Centre townsnlp do
censed, will ex posolo unln, by public vendue,
tho folIowiiiR described ronleslnlei one Ititot In
Mlflllnvllle, mnrked nnd described m tlio plan
of Hnld town, Nn, l.contnlnlnu tliroe-ulgbtHornn
nrre; ono oilier Inlot In kaul (own lylnu between
Front nnd Hoconil Hlrceti, Nn. 1111 iiuliiliur
three-fourths of tin acre; ono oilier lot In hnld
town bounded on the Nurtli by l'lflh Hired, on
tlio went by Market Klreet, on tlio noutli by bind
of Hntnuel creasy, nnd on tho edit by Innd of
tJeorno Kbtininn, containing
T V O A C U K S;
ono other lot lit wild town, bounded ly lulu I of
(icurifo llowman, Jolm Keller nnd tho Husque
hannnhlMver containing Una nnd V,i ncret, nil
In Kood cultlvntlon.lato tho estnteorwild deecnv
oil. Term made known on Ihn dnyof alo by
Aiigpftt 7,'(S
Thero will bnn examination of Teacher for
Illonm Townnhlp held In the Ar.-utemy on Third
Ktrvct lu tho town of llloomsburg, on Hnlunlnj'
August JKith, commencing nt It o.elook n. m,
CHAS. U. HAltKMIY, County HupM.
At which tlmo tliolloiml of IMrcctoiH nf llloom
Township will select tenehers for ihohchooU of
mitl lHstrlct for tho coium term uf ne en month
rommenclUK on tho first Moiiduy, belntc the 7th
ilny, of Bentemher. Tithou e "epoetin or nwtilt
I1114 KChoolM must attend the rxiiinPiPtlnn,
W1HM3Y Wlltr,
July 31,'ii9-it. I'reVt. Hoard Hchool Directum,
J O T I O K ,
All persona nro forbidden In tuMins noon
thclnmlsor tho Rtibncrlbcr In Mut i tnwtiMilp,
tor the purposo ol Miootlnu or flshlntf. Any one
hereafter Mu intending, will bo tlenl with neeord
liutlulnw. JAUOUHll MAN, Hr.
Mo'iivllle, July31,'0S-lt.
ho 1'all term of thU Institution will nncn Au
KUhtill, ls8, at which tlmo u chu will bo or
Kit filrt d for tho professional (raining of Teachers:
and It ! expected that during the year tho Insti
tution will ho lecoRiiuua tiH a htato rtormui
Hchool with nil tho pnvllfijes of ihn olber Htute
Institutions. For timber pattlciilat-Kor ilreulars
address the rrlnehml,
i'ho undertluucil resneLtfullr lnlorniH bis old
frlendt and customers that bo ban refitted lils
Carding Machines nnd U now ready to do wool
cardlux lu good order, When koh1, clean and
wen prepared wooi ih seni me, my pairons may
look tor cood rolls.
Culllnir, Coloring and dressing Cloth, done to
order. Wool lelt nt Hnrtmnn'M more, Hlooir.s
hur, will bo taken and returned every two or
threo weeks wllh bill of work. Ibo pay can bo
leinn ituruitioi h.
Wool left nt Oransevllle, nt either of the stores
will be attended to nromnllv.
No wool wagon H running for mo this summer
oiuy id ifinomHiiurgnuu uraugevme, xor tno ac
commodation of those at a distance,
Juno lit, Near Oraugevlllo
SUllinery Goods. Itlbbons, Kllks, Flowers. I'ar
asols, Yanueo Notions, Hklrts, Dress nnd Clonk
Trimmings, audi nnes, alt under regular pri
ces. Ladles' Wlmlebotio Corstets(at5ycts.,"jcts,
$1 01, and upwards, cheap,
W.MllllnerH supplied. KDWAItD HIDLKY,
ajy.ail a mA trand, till. US A TO Allen Htreeu
Juno I2,tw, l'lflh Mock Kiwt from tho Itowery
IMlTox 1 li t HtK AMI W.UEUlT.OOir
'1 he adMtutages which tills tomiosltfouttt
aie many. It Is both watcMluht and tire-
It is not nlK'Cted by heat or cold, it can bo ap
plied to an almost perfettly tlat toof, ono inch to
the lootbelngall that Is itu.ulrod. it U easily
aud uulcklv letmlied. Its cost is less than anv
other tire-proof root now in use. Testimonials
Horn all parts of the country as to Its duiablllly,
neeuniy mm eiiHiMii-i win n miuwii uy
Juue'Jtl,'t)S. Agent, IJloomsburg, Ii.
A tine speelnun ! (ho luoilng can be seen at
. u, kooiis new iiouso on I ittn street,
Dr. Chal fimt having located in Illooiuftbmg tor
mo I'inciicu oi ins ixiiiihrvun, is iiiimuuh iuuwu
ken a new InleiLst upon thoMihjeoi oi Dentlsi
ThltnioNt lmiH3itaut blanch ol Dentistry ho
discovers lias nter own pioptrly inttoducetl,
No truth is moro ob ions than that u natuinl set
of teeth with proper caro wilt last Its possessor n
lilLiiuie, yei tie onus iiiiiuy peirtuiis wnu uojeci
to having tbelt Keth lilted, Judging by bitter ex
pel icnee that It Is useless, rosiuh ho extemls
iho cordial Invitation.
t'OMi: U) Dlt. ClIAI.t ANT'sOl FICK, llO Will CX-
mulno our teeth ireo of charge and eonvineo
ouot jour euor. Ho has methods ot lining
tieth never biloru pi act Iced lu this section ol
eouutiy, and means ot proving to tho must
idteptlcnt lint the tilling cannot poMhly bo re
moed lioiu lboeaillis. .so conililelit is ho ot
lids that ill this ilepaitmelit In tittt tnsttie his
u fit K Jot ti-njutrx. lie also finds pi r,olis equal
l piejudicetl ag.nnst
A It T 1 ! I CI A L TK LT1I,
objecting that they cause puln, and priHluco
nut when eating, and that iiequeully they imi
tliiow u asldoaliogt.iher.
lu lew ot this ho wlshts ou In ltLAD Hln
11. J I. MM. Ho will put up anj set o teeth, upper
i in hot, or partoi either, and In. -it liietu so tiny lauuot bo Uistiiigulshed i.oiu uutuiul
let lb, and guaruuteo satisfaction In iii) cum1.
An) pel sou not pleased with his work in cety
panteular, need nut take It iroui thooillci or pay
loi tt, ils ho allows no caso to leaVu hi nitleu
u hieti pioduces tho slightest pain, u Would bo
likely io citato soreuesi in Iho mouth. Ho ex
l melt teeth by tho u-e of
that being tho anaesthetic hi giueinl use, and
ueoiiniK'iided by leading Dtuttsts througbniii
Oie t mud Males. Ho w 11 administer etb-r
hoeel in thoso prefeirilig It.
Cu.Mi; A.NOHKKJlUl.hewllI examine your
uem, auu give mieeiions lor picserMiig 1111111,
I let id l haige.
i'.iuud ai all bonis lu hU olllce, next door to
01, .1. it, l.MiiiK, laui bt. below .Market, JlhNiuitt-
Jlll .l,llS-IHll
jr w. .sAjii'i.i: v co.,
MA1.VK1-., .1 K A II. It. 11., IlLOOMSIIl'ltU, Pa..
Are prepared to llirnlsli all Ul mis of Machine
wotk, Mich as
stkam i:x(iixr.s, non.i:iis,
Mi.illinu, PillleH, ll.iuucis i'hu pilars, Mll.ear-
ln. Saw inaudrlN, ete,, lluatie cnclth.lYt eockn,
Steiilu pipe, tot tiler with nil kinds of Steam 11 1-
tltiHs constantly on hnnd.
Threhhlni; Mnchlncs unil Horso Powers iiiade
toorder. All kludM of Atirlclllllllnl Macliluer
lepalled. May ISi.'uv
ry II
it K A H () X AV II Y
Tl I IJ A Mi IHO JIT Fit V IT J A 1 1 Mi
w On. hest of ituv In Iho market t
1st. Tho iiihUr lucklui! Unit makes Hit tolnl
lesU oil a i.ulooth kliollldcr which In hlow'll In
i I he mould ihhleiol ol he liy HI
llie mould ihsleail of heiny Klotllltl down on the
1 ului,s In iciliiilluic fnli-l Ihenlr Intolhojur, which
. '3 '!" "." V l "
2nd. You w 111 heo Iho llilihcr U nwav fiom
trilll.w hi tells theuiound hhoithleiti or end must
iieceo,ariiv niiuit oinieutje 01 inu runner in eon
act Willi the Flail.
:lid. You can test or loost u tho fahtenlniis win it
IhuJur or fruit cool, and kco II our cowr Is
I ifll! It ho. mil know' It I once thill olll lilill
will keep. II the i-iiut is ioose joll lull heat
oer lietoto It sisiIIh,
llh, 'lliey iiiot'iiHy toopeu, which it tlio most
lilipouaui purl liner nulling u jar niai w in help
IIIIJY Ki:i:i' JOMAT01s.
TheveJarii me win l anted A 1,1, It I (HIT,
.MOYi:it llltlll'll . US Wholesulo AuullH
liioouitouil.r,ra., nun oy nil eiiuuiiy iieau is,
AUK. 11,'l.s.
li O ) M H K lT It i'
VlliVCLA TlXa JJiiAJi )
A, II. W K1IH H HrilllE, M UN .irilKK
Auniuil HuhNclli e-N, ,.,.. . . ,.1 (hi
Hair Yeally, , :l w
iuarterly , 1 mi
'I Ins auhbcrlptlon iiitllleH out lo two
DAILY HUJlHLillllintH,
1'or loan of hookn liel'ilay, per ol., U telilH.
lllllly hllhill'rllieril will ho require.! lu all rilheii
to teilMl 11 ilepONll t'iUill 111 Yulllu to Iho IiihiL.
The new' hooktl will not houllvweil tunny hub.
kcrlher loruloniier ptrloti than one week, or 11 he) mill Hint time, all iililltltinnl ehilluo
of H eeliU nerituv i oil i r hoc!. Iw n u',.clru ,.r ir
I oeiiiiiii'ii uejoaa inui nine. eeiiia pel uuy
All hookn utv connldiiul oM o inunihV nller
Wii WU 1,0 ,',"'r'!f',
Fresh nrrhnl of
Invites attention to his slock of
UHKAPAND KAHmnN.m,i:cl,nrilINfi.
til hU Ntoro nn
Main HtreeMwnilooM nlHelii- mci lean D'niV'
ItlontmburK. I 'a.,
whero ho hns Jut rroelwd fiom New Yoikand
Philadelphia n full iKinrlmcnt nl
mi:n and iioyhtujtihnu,
Including the most fa-.httnnhle, durable, and
ha ud somo
COUSlNtllltf of
of nil sorts, sUes, and colors. Ho has nlo teplen-
tithed his already large stock of
He nan constantly on baud a large and well-se
lected luctnrtmentof
which ho Is prepared to make toorder Intonny
kind of clothing, on very short not Ice, aud lu the
best manner. All hi clothing li mnda to wear,
and most of It Is of home manufacture.
of every description, fine and cheap, UNcaseo
Jewelry In not MUjasscd In this place. Call nnd
examine his Keneral nsvrtiniiit of
To my friends and tho public generally, that all
kinds ol
die constantly on hand and tor sale
ltuioM-surita, uy
iAUnt nolo Agent lor KLi.ta' Pnosi'HATK or
mr. Large lot constantly on hand. fcbS'fi".
nip. nnuerhigneii nnte inia ineiuu'i luiuiurm
thu puljllo Unit he him opened a
SV.W 1'tIltNlTUllK WAIli: IlOUHir
111 tl.o Waller Illicit Illllhllnj, on Mnln Street,
lllMOMSnVJUl, I'.l.,
Whleh ho 1ms purehnseil nnd Intends to ktep per-
mnnently tlllid wllh Furniture of
IT I nsll'UIHhM OF
11 K I) M A 'I' It K S S K S ,
sopas, !.(ii'N(ii:s
MAItlll.i: Till' ukntui: TAW.UH
diiaiuh-cuhhionkh, cane norro.Miii),
i:xti:nsiox taiii.i:, looking ihassix,
ixo uooM I'uuxrrunK.
In tliet 11 lull nisoitinenl nf
It HA II Y M 4 l I'. I'll I' !' I KM
of nil NleH, nnd ot
Ml ..I uhlrh u 111,I.I
r II P. A I' 1 O II C K It .
pul'lle nit1 lu Ited In eiill nnd exiitnllif my
itiM k Leioif iiiirt'liiixlu i'1-eiilieie.
(iKomiK v roui:i,u
IU.JIIITslllirK. Aui4vlt 1H, IM.7.
'Hie llllill'lHlKHi'tl vttml.l rfHpH'Uully (nil lliu
attention of the puhlie. to hN new nnd nppruved
iiieth.Hl of mnklnir elotheN by n tyidriri Imsinl
upon iiiutheinntleal i Inelpli h, m lilcll reudei
impossible to he other uUetluih pel fectly.iiccu rate
lie il.llins foi llils metlKsl Hie folloiTlna nd-
Pel li i I iiieuiitey.
A siivllm ol I wo I hi ids of I he time Uslnilly
ell to eul out the cloth.
AhllH.v to mcHMiie ttiiv tUuie si, us lo Insure ii
uood nt.
I III 111 II. It iiw.ty ullh llie ucteKsll ol hclui;
liuullled more than once, u.s often Is the ill
from the inlsiippichensh.u or mistake ol I
He would Ulkc thepuhlie to i;le It u trliiltns I,
is Kntlsfti l Hint II will lie princt nilifiullon,
1 In will he hnptiV to exhlMlnndcMilnlu PnvoiK
lnutimy lln to visitors.
,i. w. riir.iiii:iti.ix
Mulch l. Isiis
Main rd below Maiktt.
has npfiii'd 11 tlrt-elai's
noor, siioy. 11 at cp, anp Kim stokk.
at I be old htatulon MaluHlreet, ItlfH)inKluti,ntew
uoors iiimve im1 1 our 1 jioum-. iiin iik'k mconi
pusedii! tlu erj-latest and behttttyk-s twr otlei-i-it
in tin Wlli-n or Columbia I'oiintv.
.iceoiutuiidal . Hid public with tho fullou lupiodH
ill ine 1 i cm iuie. -neii s ueavy oouoiu mhiu
sioiii iiooih, men k uouoie ami Millie nip sou-u
kip hunts, im n's luuy stoi;ii shot s ofnll klndu,
lueu'M Hue hunts and hho-s nf nil (iiades, hoj'n
doubli' sob d bunts alidhot of all kliuH, ini'ii'ri
Klove lild Italtuoial shneM.uu n's, Women's, hiis'H
auu mioses' latiUKKaiiors, luii'ifirit i;ioe mh
1'ollsh t'i j iine.wnuu n's mnroi-eo Italmorilsand
au shoes, wniiH-n M Miiy line km niiiioneu Kim
in. In sbnrt boots nt all ilesi (lotions both ik-q.
ned aiidHiued.
lie would hIm tall alii utlnii to hU lint- pssnii.
im-nt ot
hats, cms, ri it wit tjrijN
which fniniuist'K all the new and l.m.tilnr 111 1
etlhs at pi lei s uhh li cannot fall to suit all, 'Ihesn
Knnd-i are oih-ied at the lou-st rutin aud
win on niiaiaiuieu iiium siuim.icuou, n run
Is Kollcltt-d bi-lon- puichssliu; elsfwht te ns It Is
hellewd that Uttir burnalns aie to bu fuNhd
than at am nlla-r place In tho count).
Dec, t Ii7
Kxrixr: MAxrmuts.
Allen A Ni--dU's luipiui-d Mip-i I'liosphati- ot
lime the old stand.iid aitkle. nullotiii luotiiillty
thuniust lliiel pu-paiedaud 1 lnapei.l I'lnwphute
In tho M.uKil. In Huns. l'". nu h. pt 1
'.ink) lbs. Aminolllaled
r 1: u 'i' 1 i-l 1: it.
AcknowhiUiil to ho the mol vallialilelnalillle
nt tlio 111 lu-, olhlul ,11 Iho iihllc, 111 lliius, I Vt
lh. each, l . pi r i ll'.
I'l'ltH (IIIOUNI) 111 INK
We sell only
(Inw'iunu nl.
No, I- lecehul illlecl 111 11(1 llie
!' 1 S II (I I' A X O.
A splenillil lu.inuie, aint ouo Is allliictlnit
much attention Ironi luimeis, aike, In liar
lels, j.ll pel '.1I lln.
I, A X 1) I' I- A s t i: It.
In ll.tric'j.nt lowest maikit talcs, A pitiear
A discount to iH'iili'i'n on aliovo pi lri's.
Klioiilil tho ilealei near ou not laiMiinir mile-!cK,hcnilourolileiiilli!-ft
to im, nml tliey will
Iiiim prompt attention.
llllU'cs nml HI. iris., II S,
lit Itiwiuo AY,
Water K nml u s.
li:s'i'Aiii,iniii:n in kh.i
Korfcalu hy tho Illoomthuru lion Co,
Auge.i 7,tw-:n,
thu bent mutt (thin Hualimt dlnuter bv liulitnhiu
ever Invented, 'I be hiibscrlber U BKeiit for the
(tboMi lnentloii, and all order a by mall or In
op i nun ui ik) promptly uueuueo. in,
MylV K. H. limt.KMAN
rjAiu: i'laci:
to Kei i our mom y nacK in ;omi
goods nl low prices Is nt
L. T. HlIAHPLINM HHlolti:,
.n vr Lri''i:ivi;D
A liesh lltolce ot Delalm-, Calicoes,
.Muslins, rtc.
jvni Hi.ui,ivi;u
A fresh luolce ot Hoop HklrlMralt
kinds, embracing extra sizes, Linen
Cutis and Collars for bullet.
A Tresh Invoh e of Pii( r ( 'olhirs and
Culls, new Rtylts, Linen Hhlrl rronts"
lor Mtn and Hoys.
avxy iit.ut;i v 1 ; 1
A new inviilcootCn'kt'ry,
ware, Yt llowware, elc.
JCHT icixiaviii)
A new installment of Ilnnis, Dried
lieef, Cod Fish nnd Mftelttrel.
Tin- best 1.00 Hyi up In thetown.
1 ST ItKOKIVKD ih:ci:ivi:d
Krcsh Dried Kill Its, Apple, IVmhrs,
pared and unpared, lilac kberries.
Prunes, White I Scans, liarley and
llittter, i:KKsnnd Iird; f.ii-n pillne
urtleleeilvii will bo pulil.
lliimli.Khouldfni nnd Il.leon.
coo I is
H.MAU, ADVANl.'l:.
hmai.Ij advanci:
roil cahi on iihadv pay.
run cash oh uiiady pay,
ni. i .1.11 uii lll.LJl
AT 1.. T. HIIAUI'IjRMS'H sioiii:.
AT I.. T. HHAUPI.FSS'S stoih:.
llloiilushui'K, Jllireli 2r!, 1CJI.
(i.oo.M-uruo i.itf.i'.ahy i.wrrnn'i:.
hi. or i.vstiu'itio:;.
V l It, A. Pllnell ii.
pi'ti tor,
i -1 of Phi nsopM . A, .
MirsS.ii.,Ii A, f'ater, I'lt-ceptit'-s
eh i 'i t iv nib, liotany and 01 n iint-iiinl
lsaaf O. Ib st, A. lb,
I'lnfesfcor ot Ancient Ijxnguag''-
L'hntlM V.. lU-, A. .t
Professor of Mathematics.
V. M. IUtei,
u lift of litiuli-licr plug A ITiiglUb bumi'liis.
JIUh Alice M. Carver,
Tiacher of ltistiuuiental Mil!.-.
Miss ,
Tacbcr cr Vocal Muie.
MIih Julia (bu'st,
Teiubt r lu rtlinaiy Depaitint nt,
Spilngteim toninunccH Apill 13tb, lsi(
'I lu undt thi 'lied In
Illl-IUK .111") till' ptlbl)
in in d J 1 1
i.Kiirr riu.r.T
it nitils In be Hue ol
m i i.iii NKiiY ami
tu couni'i turn with Du-Hs il dtlny
im ifu in fiunii inn, 10
(ox.ousti:au' If TH
011 ibt sboiti -t notlce.Mid In the best st) U
the ui t. I'lb is 1 1,1 ,ip nnd win I; sallstui toty.
miw. r ivi.ixi
l.fKht Mtnt.tMobi-r I, IM)7.
1SS U,,11: ItAUKMiY
Ins lust ntiiiui'd from l'blladelphi.i, and has
bnuuht, 11 nd Ih now o'li'tht'J the brst lissoi 1 m.-nl
I'AM lii.ODS,
IlONNlllS AC. A i-.,
1 vet fvhlblted lu Illoonn-butt;, and Is pie paved to
male1 up dnss( s nnd alt otlu r m tides of lemah
uaidiubf, at choi t not be, and lu the bel and
i ttst hi'iiiNd sty t.r-
lloniiu in lb- Itauncy Ihilldlns, .-n Wist;
I- wo- itrn i !
im ) 1 1 -i-s. lt im ilp
Hons lie ui,ili'l, pi-)'
bin .itft-ly.
Uloomtbura, I'a.
M. l'.HTiOAN & nnivriiKH
tbe nutft'
WIM.IA.M til.MA.N Js Wi.N
t'oittlnut the bip-hiewiol m'lklii;
VltltlAUlA lll'fifil.S
aud eti h- ol
nlihbllii.v buve eoiistnnlly on liioid lo btiltiu.
loiiiiis. Ncmi bit) the best
and i-mplo lliu the most expeilcmvd wnikiuut
they hope to continue as but loloie lu t,-tithe
k.dlslattlou to ei-i iUkbiiiet. An Inspection nt
their Mink, aud ol the i insoluble pileo iisluM for
the h.iine, Ih sure to Insure a Mile.
Xl)Ki:',S. WllilCIX.S A CO.,
licalem lu
H)lli:illN A.NH DOMUVnO UUY UliODs..
No.SO.1 Market Mrett,
I'hll ililphlu.
IVIloieMFlie oealerk 111
Ull.t'lulhK, Wiik., Mllu.,, etc., etc,
l'J..i',l Mai ki t ht., A I'hllllll St.,
Juno .'iis.
il. I-hi Alb Id AMUIKW MM.ll K, DEI t-Ah.l',
Utleisotadmlutstintlouoiithe tstaln ol Au
diew Mi lUli, late ot Mt, ri(nnnt tup., Colum
bia co dct 1 utid,hue hi cu granted by I he IteuU
tir (d said iniihly loJmob MiIlUU ol Mt I'l iu
aitl. All I'i'uoiis baxlnu claims 01 deiu. U
aualust the i-sialL' ol the decedt nt aie iiouesit 1
to make thim Unouu, and those tudtbud to
make pa im-ui.
, , , JACOIJ MIU.It'K.
July VO-Ut, Adiulnuirutoi.
A 11 oxtt'iislvo Aswortini'iit ol' iiion'i.
JV ami '. iy nl INI N HlllllT IIIO.N IH. 'a
tolhiraaiul Cull., iiinl I .A in is Li.m.n loi.i.Mis
ml I vn i selllui. 1 heiip hy
piar i" ii- 11
Main ht 1 1 1 1, ri.ll nml h e la l n.rli-il sioll ot
Spring lliHuls
May l.i...
.p'.N'linil.KIIOTT'S IMIAli.MACV.
1 , 1 i . 1 " .1 1 ,
HI.. Ill I I' -HI 1 ' S..- ' "I " 1 l Ml
At I'. Sk tv- .s-. t n.
Ml. im IMs 1,1 .. 1 1 1 - , ,. mis, uli.i.,
'!'.. OSI l.i V - 1 I WTI UN .l
IUs,mHIs ..iiiliiil 1IM'.,1 IJ11 "Us
.si iiriM,
1 1 1. 1 i
'. 11
wi .1 . 1. 1 1 1 1
1., T miAHI'M'-HS.
ItEM'.V WOl I,
(Mucec "sors to H. t
I. V. tIAllTON.
mm; srnscitinKits u a vino
Lenspil IbeP nitliiL! Mill m id Maehliio hlmp
lormerly iwcuplcd by H, t. Shle, will continue
me uusinesN 01 maii'iiaeiuriug
Uraelutsctc. We 1110 nUo pie pared to furnUh
dressed llnrlng, shlngltHinxl all ntlur lumber
teiUlrcsl lu tho construction or buildings. All
kinds of turning dono nt tdiort notice, liilln fur
Joist and other irame stud' tilled with prompt
ness and care, orders renticclfully solicited,
April n;w V(JLK A llAltnN,
O (f-jirAtiMMtui in Kru
Manui.irturerM or tho now nati til MoNITOU
PLA'I i: PIANO POItTi:, pntentcd Pcbcuary iJlh,
lwrii, Warranttst for live ears.
Wareiooiun, ra Ilroome-St., New Vol Ic.
Tho patent Monitor 1'lato Pianos by their pe
culiar tonl met Ion aie superior In nil others, and
their merit consists In tho wiest plank being sup
ported by tho Iron frame, allowing a laiger space
tor the sounding Imanl than Is possessed by any
other kind of Piano. Uy this means tho quantity
us will as tho (jtialllyof the lone Is largely In
creased, These Pianos have been pronounced by the
biRlJudgcH to bo uurhnlled tor,
Iisy ami ngietablo touch and btauly of flulsli,
Most llnttcrlng certificates or excellence fiom
Thalbctg, ((ottsebalk.Strakoveh, Vn utemps, and
11 large number of the most distinguished Profes
sors and Amateurs. Prom long experlencoand
superior facilities for Manufacturing, we ate ena
bled to otler our pianos at as low prices ns aro
atdtod by inferior makers,
Kend tor circular and price list.
.Mar.O' 1
rjmuN(m)N it hoikTkins' "
71 ir 11 0x1:
niiAtN t-itors.
Having within tho past year greatly Increased
and Improved our facilities lor grinding bones
and manufacturing, wo aro pu pared to furnish
t,.10.,,,fl.rn1.0" fr Pennsyhaiilu n superior nillclo
Our inanuraetory hns In en thoioughly tcstoil
the past season bypracth-al meji of our Imme
diate neighborhood and elsewhere, nnd In every
case tho lesult has bteii entliely fcatlsfactory,
our process of pulverl7ln, whetrby It Is pic
paicd for and guaranteed
obvhites an objceltoii which attaches totnaiiv
toiltllzeis.nnd secuics to tho faimern MtJiignf
much valuable time.
Nold.'at tho manufnetory Ka&tMaiikiti flntrKT
HuNiiunv, 1,, and by our ngenH thiouguout
tho count! y, In bags ft L'nott.s, cach.nt s"ler ton
of ismo Us. AIm h!IIPP1:D PltOMlTLY to all
points ncccPdo by rail or canal, on receiptor
Also Agents lor Heymonr, Morgan tt Allen.s
Self Ualkuglteapcr and Mower ('Iho New York
eruind 1'iattA Hmedley's Jlay and (fraln Pake.
.1. K, Hi:ii, Agent, ltloonibnrg, Pa,
Acid hi' CtrcuOtr. rch.s'i-i'ni
!' a i: m r, it-si
1 A (' I V 1 V a V A X o.
iiii; AiiJ.rrnu.N or runners and otber um-
muiipm ol IVrtlllers Is lin Ited to 11, U tlnniin. as I
u'liiilif nf iimir ul.i 1 ,1 1 1, ,i i,. itu ... 1,,,. t..,, , 1
al j eai 4 In Mar land, Vlrnlnla and otlior Hoiilb-
ern Htntc, lor nil crops, Klen It u htandaid
IHUHI-II.T iur f Acenenco uuptu.iiicu uy any 0111
r. It iKibiCHHCH nil tlio (iiitiknrK ni Itiivlnn
(iuniio with immnncnt tiuulltkn not found In nillcle. Mi) r-, i,t ibis (itiatio mo touml
nioiothan trjual to Sir li.. ir iho benl Supci
pbovptmlefi. It rlj'ens tbo wheat crop Iiotn ilvu
toM'cn da.H earlier than Iho phosphate., which
fact alono bIch It liiciilcul.ibIoatlaiitauc" bib-
1 1 ih iiiv-ouni 10 111 an. is, 1 or Miiu ij
John s. ui-:i:m: &. co.,
lit ni l al ARontH lor racltle Uiintioro.,
JiNhoutb Dolawato Ae I'hUiut'a
And Tl Smith Httcet Ilalllmoie,
Maicb '-7,'ii-t)iu.
Tu HnUl nnd Hnloon Kctiuri nf Itlootiti
buin nnd Coluinbiu County. I hae appointed
Mr. It. Ktnluieriiyeiit lor the Mileofiny alo.poiter
bron siout, and loer bei r, who will biipply you
ut the mine price (ami with Ihes.tnie Mitldet, a I
woutd fumUh 3011 fiom the biewuy mnln;
that he will bo punctual and ntlentUo t .1! who
may favor him with tlalr trade, I ollLii i,,ni
your HUppoit, Very respectlully,
VllVA) laui:h,
81 tain llrewiry, Ib-adltiK, I'a
OlIVMJjv li l I , 1 i l.CMniA Ol'M , J
Till', undt iMutted 1. hpi 1 1 mil Inli.uns bin
Ii U 1 i nl tin 1 ul 1U- 'bat bells lioiijjlit out
1 1 on lin 1.1 f, and will contli'iu-11 c bujifnefs
. k . M"l.l 1 1 t' 1 1 A It N I hsMAKJMl, In nil lis
ii. '. . t in 1, i Ik - ..m ll.i 1, lit kIiimI iihuif Mi jih I't,
lit u 1. 1 m 1 hn i's t d m t e ami rici-U'ti the put
1 mi 1 j'Sl w 'n 111 co 111 til o. In 1. Is Unit.
1 b.-. (ii.oiun: i.AAitrs.
II A V 'i; COM K
Mt'llb lireiit lndiu
ids In ucnt to cooj'iiiate
1th us 1 11, our
(i It A X 11 o;i; IOM,AII HA
Mieetluss lico ot i'ot to our Agent.
Walches freo of Cost to our'Ajjcnts
.sewltiK MathlncMiuool Cost lo Agents.
I-ealher (loods freo of Cot (n Ajreut?,
I.inen (Joods lu oof Cost tu ulu Agents,
Silks and Mia win tree oft o t to ARuits,
HontH nnd shoe ireoof Cost to AcentH,
ltnas Ooiids (u-e of 1 o itomii Aii'Mds,
I. HI T I'OI.l.Mt It.Vl
1 I! I I'hmMl ;s
f"-nd tnr out 1 Iii'Mhii. oiv w ant it ei--.bere
Address lIAlilll.- A I'l.Ht.M Kit, lil llnn-
-Im , 1. vl ,11, ias.
s 'I' r 1. a
M HUMl, t l)U
HO MtltJNt. .1 I Jui it, tuU ' N(j I.AI'IIj
III i-utiMillnn with tin- Stub' Sothial hi honl,
Tmilon Ni u .liMst.y, i'utiil eharyes. Ineludlny
bniild Mill lull, Ulld hunk, i'-Jfj u j I or I'lrcil-
l.u- with bill p.utleulars. npplv to
WA. JOHN . ilAHT, 1'iliicipni.
Will ni. s, thi' Hon. r.lwell, Pu -.Ident I
.ludytMil Ih1 Con it ul oyer and Tciiulnei' and I
(b iit-ial Jail lvllM'iv.Cuuilot tiuaiter S-sinns 1
1 the Peace and Couit ot Common l'U';is mid or 1
I'nun's Couit lu Dm Mix .liallelal Distrb-t, oin
iH-i-il of the couulles ol Columbia, Sullivan and
ninliitr, and tin Mmi, limn bui un I r i r K,
fteibelli, AMsocl.iti- lUd'Zes ol Columbia ro.inly
luie Issui'il tlu-lr in. . , pt, in .iiiu del" tin tali
of May in tho vur ot our I,ord, onu
thous.iud,elubt hundred aud sitvoiiibt. aiul lo
incdlreeli d im b iMlimii Couit of tb'iu-ral ffti u ter
sessions 01 ihi- IViic, and (iphiiu'.-i ciuit,and
Couit nt Cihiiimn I'b as In lllooiu-biu j. In the
mini i Coin nibl 1, nn tin- tlii-t Mou'lti . lii'lnt;
the 7t It l i'ph ml 1 ti t t" t.nT.iiii one
wvt U,
Nntii ! i- n h 1 iv sm-n, 1 1 li I'oinin i, m the
JuslhiHn) lln lVaeo.iilul the 1 mi-labii-s ol 111'
salde(Miui n Cnlumhl.i, ihat lh- I-l- lb 11 and
Iheie In ibeii piopi-r i'-it.oii el Pi o'etoiU In tho
lot-enooii o said u.i ,Ulll tludl l.-i oiiW, luiiuist-
1 1 in t tu 1 ii-j 11 1 in 1 11 1 i 11 1 1 1 1 1100 1 noc 1 niiin'
bio tbeh ollni s am ii t tain in be duiio. And
tliOM- au- bound by ieeounlilliei to plo-i-
iidi nualnsl lln p' Ismieis lb-it mo or innv h in
ihej-id ni tin s.iiu I'liuidv id Coluinbhi.b. b. ibi'it
nnd tin 1. lo piosneiiti-iheui ut shall be jut, .lu
1 . ni i.i.r 1 .mi, one iiiMiMui'i ciuht nun
ih. ! ami stMi.i lulii.nnit ltilliu iiluets -
11.I ol the liiilc.eii.ellc. ot llu I'lutol (,r Anieil.-n. MlllllU'l'M MIU.AHI),
llUiumshlllu, Aoi;.7. SIW. Hlict.ll
t 1 1 A X I ) .UT.OltS,
1 1 nt M riu.Miimi Tiaui, im-.
1, on liii-s ,1, ru i.iinu,iicniui. iliinuiiiu.
, ot 1 1 -si, phen
mi.! n jliiu-.i l'. II. N liuU'iiilli,
. uUiiii.t lliil'n .lames Iveal.l ,
ilawi-Mi lleo Slllekcl.
1 ul.lln .loi.hmi t lendeuhiill, tliMiricii W,
1 . nl . nun in 1, .lulu. A 1 uev.
1. in iiwoiHl-Uu... W. I'll, lllelinra J. IJv a, iist-.hihu . .im r.
Muitisoti .itu.l l Mntii, tiro. M. Iiuuulni y,
lilt haul lu iuoll.
Miinloui-reli 1 lli mil, i.i,,Inni Q, llotllle.v.
Mlilne-Wlll. II. lit. '
Ml. rhasanl -lli orv Hit. In-i .
Ill'lllu. Nl.lalliiio itllll '.
I'lut Vita nunc A'iiiicr.uoii.
isiil Aat. n Li-otu-. W a Hlirte), IJXk'.t M. ... .
I nit hl.lMIOIJIJJIt Tl il.M. Ni.
lUooiu ' C. Jluttun,
Ktihn, N.J. ilendelslKitt, 1-m
s.. Aniileni ill. Uiih rL Uoiin.
Ii 1 . Milllil is
Ililaii-ii's U- KC. hmlih. 1 1 W httmlie.
lien ton-- r, 1 1. Cole, lu nj.iihIii Winner.
Heaver Alh'ti Mailli,
Catawi.s.i Win, Cimisv, .b.xeph Urtiltti, Mose
lUitmiiu,samiu 1 UaiiosUtu, Mlllw.
centit Win. ivitn
I- innUlIu Clinton Mi tahnbull, Jaitib KuiU
I lblniicm U Jonas loty.
1 been Wood Ji'i-miidi lleaeocli,
Hemlock Win Hums, John KWiler.
.lii(ksoiiTbos. W.Miulh
In'iisi Jiiiin mi, di-r.
Mini in satiiin 1 iii'Uemnn,
Ml. I'luiisant -.b -i ph Iketi-i, skipuni linn.
Maine-John II ntel tobn llretueii. ltn,l-'"
i human,
uiune- kii jvio.i .
lln.irlni; (Veek John i.t an, -
hutiwkuil - I'llil' I, ul. Alllltii 1 0I1,
ISTAHMSlllMi I7U.'!.
jounx a tn.tcnir.u,
WH0I.1AI.K (HUM Kl'js.
and, Ik .ih-is in
No flMi4Suiin Third Hln.1
ridladeli hlu.
uuiuvr's HAl.K.
Hy Mltuiinl a lll 1. 1 licit I'm las imi, 1 ii
ol Iho Couit tifl'iililluiiti I'linii ol I'olinuhla cun
ly unil to inn itiiii ifil, w 111 ho exiuisiHl to pul-in. i
kiiloiil outel at tliet'uilll Itoutolli llluolu .nu i
nt one o'eliick tu Iheniiiinooii. on Momiav .,i
7th Iho Inllowillil leul.itutu tnwll t 1
A 11 rtulli lot nl i.rounil tltuilli'il In Cad, n ixsa I
lown-hlp, l "lliu. Iila C.iuuly'iiliiliiu ,i.rii
a. les, mine or I. s-. liotilnli'il ih, i,,i,y lauit
..I sainui l inuiii, .,11,1 ihow,iitii uuilMisthy inn, 1
.Uoiin Klell.i nml. .11 tin Nmili ,j inihlle .,ml
eatllliU irom ( ipiiM-Mll. Slimiin llie, Milh lli
lipplirtetuilice. '
heii.'ll mil l.i II .lH'ieM'i UU.111 unil (. u. s ikl
v he 1 in 1 scpli 11. JcinlM,,,,
M'limn u mii 1 Mtu,
u u t I -v h,l,,,,,,; I
III tin Ilk HMH ni l
j ii
IKMALK COLLKC1K, Ilnnlcnltnvii,
1 1 V .1. ruey.
1'kMMllllly lr,.nl,l on the Deliiwiire lUer. 114-1
lioum rldo from New , orli. nn 1 1 11 from Fluid .
'1 he verv lient ednrntioiiiil iidviintngM rurnilre
liie..nn.elloiMvltiiipl.m.aut home. Full term
beilin Hi pt. 1 jilt. For ('jitalnituew, nddren.,
Itev. JOHN IIUAKFJ.Y, A.M., Prii'l
I or Hie Kfniiit ii t mi I
MOUIIA I1LIP to r.-virv iMini vim I
a work t -u sunt niton --i utid permant tit x ah
No lfrmoctnt or Cotwer i.m do w lib- t,t
or bae a Jil( uudiftfatidiug fifllio Issues bt f n
tho eouniry witl.rittt readliift it. A?enl are r
eiywh r fliMfng It tho tiet opjiortunlty Id tunK.
mouey cli olIeiLd. Kind for i liculursand '
our lllieral tettiis nnd n full defer lnl Ion of the
work. Afhlrss i;,M'l IID Hi ATHH PL'Iij isj
INO CO., ill Hr-'otiic sirM.N. Y.
t'nf th Mv mlu I'd in it rtlli-ifil Lifn of Hon.
HOIUYLI.II i old AX. Indif jioiisublo tnu .lint
undcr'andlt. f.i Nmips of tho day
andeinl'ii- d iiv the b idcr- rf tho Uepulillcan
party, 1 ho i I.uiih hi (hi - staleitninii tntho giatl
tudoof the nation are soehnrly set Wrth in this
(dtiiiiM that none r his nditilrets tin nfl'orU lu
bo without a copy. Hend for circulars nnd se
our Ilbeial teims nnd a full description of the
work. Addion PNiTP.D h PATH'S PPIILIhH
INOCO,, III llroumebl., New Vorli.
nt i: nr. r i:-cu at .
And how thev lived, ronght and died t- '
Cnlon, xv ilb seem nml Incident in the Oreut
lletelllon.' It contain over 100 fine rngravlnirs
andTiM1! age i.and U tho spiciest mid heapest wr
book es. i pu- li-dmi. prieoouly ft i r eocy,
Hend for circulars and seo our term-, nd full
descrlptb n ortl.M work. Address JoNI- mi'O'.
&CO..Plillrt1..lphla,P.-: Cinclnnattl, Ohio? cul
cago. 111., 01 HI. (.oulsMo. "
An octavo volunio of cto paces, cnutulnlny i
newly iiossrs. Pnrton, Ore
ly, IIlffglnon,Ttlton, winter. Abbott, Piof.llop
pin, Mrs. U C, Stanton, 1 anny Peru, Orai
Urccnwood, etc Illustrated wilii fourteen beau
tlfnl steel engrnvfngM.
'1 be New York Tubunr, snys; "rio tborouubly
Imvothi publishers done their work thnt thu
olumo tu paper, tjpe, blndlug, engikvlru
aboe aP in the excellence ol Its subject inati .
goes far to rcmovo Iho reproach urged ngalni
subveiltdlou books 'onlv made mado to sell,'
For (lesirlpllvo circulars, t r,, uddress H, M,
UirrffsA Co., Hartford, Coun.
Alt AfuacrinTitAi AVOHKS.
Tlio A 1! ft iiv ( ntlr.ii ('. I u tnii n I irf nrl tiv I 'n A I
bany, N, V. Manufaciurers nf Uonural AKn v
tural Machinery, cornpiistugtbe celebrated HUr
'Ibrrljlnc MrcliIueH ; 'fttar' rnllwny for cndlf1
(baln)nnd Lever Ilorso rowem; Htar' Cotton
(litis aud coinleutiHt Clicular Cross-cut haw
mills Tower Corn win Hers; l)tf; rovers, do.
Wo wlhli to call tho pnlcnlar attention of far
mer to our celebrated 'rtTAlt TIIUKSIIKU ami
( LKANI It. wliletitBM lately linproed. wo claim
11 lar MipiTmr 10 any otner iiiacninonoTt'iu mm
lect. It ih coin nact and easily portable, slmnlt'
In Its con stun (Ion, ami tbereloru eimy to otoralu
. uc 'Vs' "'"eiic nnn wi 1 uo iib woik
wilii iu.umi'ous nipuiuy. aim periceiiou, nnn
witheinnparathily tlnr liaBt leinnd upon thi
Miengin ot 110 inmua'M uri mih iu
Wo mado recent lmprovenieuts In Ibb
machine tiy wlilfli we aro enabled to thorough r
clean tin v.ialn almost undt r any combination
tlllllcultles. andvo urn now tt-Uic au rutlulv
im'W and c ilt.eli device i.-r ietcln(;.tbflA'idi
of dust, thus nmkin& the oncratlou of thtrshiiu
im emnioitable and tafo a with the ordinary
machines It s nnii'j lnj nnd fit'iucnth dcru
tioof bivdlb
I Tbi,-e m.M-hlueit m:di 01 auituble hUvn fur
! our st.iv Kntiwi 2 b port-fi and for our
i '.-Ini l.iur l'nwuiri li.r l nnd it Liiimm.
Tor Mb Ijv our arfnts r.nd dialrn ueneratly.
I'orluU piiJcuhubfud torour IlbiMratcd Il-t-crlttlxeciitnlai
and prkv lbt. ('i.mM'oiiili'iiljs
wilt pb ii fuldi'-s The Aiiunv cotton (Jin
Manliahi ut m. Co., l'. piuuer Albany
rn jtriM.A n, MiiiL, mUjAY,
t. VN(. k. I lt.S- CLTHAWM.
r. ry Saw tl. it h aisour Hictoiy U OHlfiu
pi t 1 ' d V- tetit Ground, perfect! tun and
uen,atul nindi ofunponu tempir y (nr t-d
, ( ommuii p ,n cood ns v
tK i Ui. Ul I
hiaunot 4ef
Ut 3 p T f'lli
LK11 x-olbuin lAii-ui v.
celled, Wo ciiiiianly Hi y i tl
1 I 1 ''1 u ud price to M1TIN Oil'.
HAK1 I Id, I'b sbuiiih, l'a Sok Manutm
1' ' i In , nl Ihi-dwai Iiia't
aim: OX J IAN 1 1,
lor I ho llloiit v
i.N is I.M t i
J-n urn IndiMuntnt-s tor :
tuoie lb in donlii IUII ,(1 H1,
the tountry.
imlrir .
b;t ,
1 sttibl,-.hin
for the pioof of thU assertion, phrtsi t i
our Tunis to As-t ins, which an- hh IoII,
i I tend eaiefullyand eomp'iri-wi'h
t .ruelllnsiupi'lub-, as ndt-itb.;iU ..-i . ,
tablsbim ni
.ny nt ikoii si'iidipu u . two
dullais (kii lei- ie toi the fcuiuu a seh aUn
titjio the lollnulnu articles; 'I wo 'not one
picture Moil new j Albums, jmlr-i unit uu i n
ol CoiiKi-ens Knots, s pheiH not one pk-, 0I
I'mtm nut mi... .,rhi,.,i linmi. 1.1.1 wi.... 1. .T
niiv -t wo arta-b . 1 nt one ai lirle tioin on- i
. Kutiyt' h-t,
I U'i. will 11N.1 -..'ml 'Jontiiii."! mtavsnt ar-hit-s
' im ab-al onk dolKn wicb.
ii;i, r ....
:..:...:::7.i'r..':"iv':. v ' wn
11. il on." pill 1 w Tlllkev Min-n.-ii. '
Vils, Khiel luu, Wis.i Ntiuiuo Phalli, J 11
uiii'sit Uolil 1, .1.111 HUuK, inn on I'm , lm (1
' I'lunii . llh 11. hi tilmuilnu. 1 1, mm.
' 10I111110: Uu i.. chains nro n.licith. . 1 1,. .li,
, . . .it. ems ns u M, which Is 11 itccpiai: , tlo
areiill it lln iu ol.l plalcii. - not on si,i4I
pli.lnl 1 .L.siil Pi.iur 1 1 1.. . ' ut ,. ni,.,.
I p nl. I 1 .ml 1. I. MiK ' 111 1 ,iM,i s. .'cl- mi, nn,
I ml HI,. I 111 ,1, I i:in. .mil luit.s, ., .
Wi-t'sii.l pr. in. mull sii.iiilit, l,u.,i ,inp .uiUt'
1 Inni; i-olil'itl-iu 1 1 h lus, 1 11 .1 i, , i.u'i.M ,n,i
I Kohl 11. illblill lui!s, uol tille 1 (J. l..s h,,uv ,,,ai,ul
llOll! pi.UHV, ri". Illicit l!ll' m ,,, ,
Until hy olhei'eoniH.'i lib nn ,ollil uul.l, wiik.ii A ,.
Iiuuil I.. Hi pi'lic.i.: mil o ,) l,I,.i mui
norUhoxi s ,.r c. riling Dckl,-,; (uut ,,,,) VVIU
lltnl ij I'tilui. ...1 sKlits, itts 101 oneiul .lei
dry runt .hs m- I'liitous to inati h, u , 11 on.
MllH-li -l '1 Ulkv .Morocio hlioiit Iiij ilTus. 2 mlrs
.1101 "i . hull' s ilolnunnl IM.'u. '
W. I.III ll'MIUHllt lllll) l 1..,,S llirsilll
al 1.U1 .I,, lar oat h.
Am i clson k. nilln tlo ilolhii'. 11a. i.
iii. can teieie iroui thehaiiieu si..,.ii,m r' 111
'1 el. wi a 1 1 1. ell hi A him!, or 1 ,,,, .
'less 1 ill If I'll , 11 Jiopllll ilriik 1.11M, n , .
1 i.u.wii or bha. I1.1I Kla itiini, 1 ., ui ,1
. 1 I ! 1 1 plat 1 it revol vlmi c'i-i 1, ,
I l"l
.Up. Ui.ii I'.itMineiv, oxtln hi a,i tutjr
wh l. ,iii'l. 1 pslrij. nl'i'eiilri i,,ls,i.,m .1. ,
woo u.Hlllllii. iiiuul Ollol hi'tl iiuallly 1'lntl.Mi
kklu . ill; l;h' I IIV I'l cl.. Ill 1, 1, 1 hK.ll'JUiiiu
IS ul'lcwl'lllii'loil. ..Iiel' ,tiUi
. ,.1,11 ilti v 1. ,', ,1 nil;, (,i ( ,1.1.1
,1 1 .nil ; enl.i., W. ., hum shawl, spin,,
eii.sii miiilly luW, 1 ,.ls. n. t s )iU.i ihiui h
,..... . ' ' I- is , mil 1 ill
f'nu n"ij nuiiiuc i.iuiis, Willi sll,
l-.rUs. I scloriac clllt.ltl.t.
t put
Wo will nl. 11 s. ml M inIuliHl 11, n, , . ,, ,
1.11 kllle al ..ti 11. .Ihn ciich.
Anv ,, ci .1.11 s. nillnij Ten 1I..II1 , ,, ,u ie v .
lor tin-..ii... .' i h" Hon troni 11 i iiiowuit! m 1.
I'll-:-; us 1.1 I I J.I..I limit,!, width, l
lonkliiKor.-itniliiK. J(noi i hii.iflmi Huon u.
i.i.-.loihs, with ilo. , 11, 1 ..ui. ,1,,, un
i.inU nuiiUlin. J.iyu. : y.l.,1 lump crri 1
IliK.UjilscMriliiuulu. I in.'U 01, ,1 in, 1 Ai1(,
,-u uiims raiierus, 11 , or,, ,,, .1, . . ...
Irtas pullcrnii.Hliwi liuuuiitf inse wa'ti lt. iJw
llotkei.oiu.iiinitcil,2iliii. (not one don li.Vv
uvniiivii tiieci Mini, inn en 110,1 r,i. rr..
Tior o.ilhliink.ii., nice, fur luuU'una tunel,t
ouo) MlTcr plaint euBravml lee plicheriW Wi.
I (not J!JSis- wiiliiu,iiuciofiirktiit,a ilo" fiioi
- ui 1 K.-e
x 1:
..v. .n . lift pmtcU 1011m, COltli
111011 ki 111.11 kw Inti iiiaclifuo ((no real article, not
.muse itultatlon ii,ueahy other ivincei ni'i ', u
r.nyhific' "Wwllt'.nonin" kpiMi-JlHcliti
W will alsii wnrt prliite.1 iiolie, . r,lt. i vi .,,1
.los im-hale nt .me ilulluroiicli. i.'niti
l'or htritci' t.uhi tin, valua Inerease. ui 1 ,.
k.imo rnilo. otii ' UocU of gooj. 1, ttn new1 11 5
In uoo. oiilu. flio uuullly ol tlio-aoiiili 1, Itetl.i
man Hum iuei hy'iiuy i.thcr cGutern In ihi
isiuii ry. Wo me of tho opiulon tun utter
Inii the uhove nilcrtl.rnieni, ion". p,t. w m
comotuttioeonelmluii Hut thuy Have "'n k.
eiely kwliiiliul hy soiue nf tl,, ''l,,,..,;' '
conn. In this elly. k 11 ""'
Woiuunot i titi tnthe j,i. ,in,iiL u
hirBektniiioiiiitu,uone.vf..i i. inoii 1, itt, 't
money 111 wiitclicn.i.ii Hint , ,, loHi'oii If u,2
law Uttlllllkt lotteilM, hi i kitat o' !
uhove fluerill leriiU, lltt w III kell , J 'J.,.1" '!
niiiy H'liJ in nu eleven iirilcle. trim "oSr i.
eluniKa IU , a lube e ut In on, nriler, "ml r. i
4 i wo y II e I iwcniy.two nrllelf . 1 ,i Tor i,L
eliiiilgo II. I, all Hi he tent In oiiJVi.le", '
' J-I..ui y nellt hy itKlter,.,l 1 itcu m- ..utii
Monej Outer.,,, t , , L- ivi,f,,1.I
-fill t" iliyil.l.,les. .iiisi.
1' H. Alieiit, vlll nleitt 11 i, v i
lime, audita In thelr ..,' u 0 elty, In., Ii.n
- ron xur and iukai
nun i.-'llilS'l'INO
oall attiihcoliimh"-, Krieic