The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 28, 1868, Image 2

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    35hc tijiolumbiiut.
Hl.omlSUUHG. PA.
rilll.H MOIl.M.Ml, Ai d. M., IHO.
TIIK COI.i'MIII.VN Iim lit t.rR..t
Clrf uIMIoii In t'nlmnbla anil ntljolnliid
roiiit.. of nn ,n.r inlillili.l lirrr, .nil
I. .Lo a mlifh Inrifrr .ll... than all) nl
IUroUmiorarlr ami U (lirr.rnr. I lie but
m.illum for nilvertl.liig In .III. rrllnn nr
th.. MIKIr.
Attention! Democrats IS
In order Hint cluflp rending inattiT
limy lit- fiirnUhed tin- it.-oiU' until iifti'r
Hut i-li-ctlon, u tiutkc the lnllowltij; of
fer: Tlnvt we will m'iiiI Tin: Coi.umiiian
from now until nftrr llio PrivliU'titlnl
election to clulw or twenty roll l'lVK
liol.liAitH. This Is only Twenty ilvo
ivnU n nunilier nml lii.-.t eoverd thu
iDt of tlio iier on which It In printed
Tho pupor contiitiw each week sixteen
luro column-, of entertaining llterory
tmd political ncurt,
No Democrat Is so poor hut what he
tun give twenty live cent to aid In thu
coming contest, nml ho should -ec that
hU llndlcal neighbor has a copy.
Chilis should bi forni"d lit every Post
Horatio Seymour.
Wj. print upon thootil-ddool' thel'oi.-
i miiia.v tlit:- week, the omel.H voconl
nflhal part of the public life ofdov.
SeyiiMiur, to which p.vocptlon h:is been
taken by tho opponent1- of Hint einl
ncnt ftcntlotnan.
Sn limn has ever ilenlcd his honesty,
no man haa over questioned his ability,
no man has over Impugned Iho purity '
of Id? motive ills, public a well tv
private life Is without a blemish j unless
allcsalions apersltiff his cminn as Onv
ernor of "N'ow York .luring tho war can
be maintained atfniiifl him. And It is
for tho purpoeof disproving thrso alle
gation?, nml putting his conduct fairly
- , ., . , , .
Jiefnro the noon c, hat this record I ,
..linn.l it.l lin it fntnrMYitini-n(l flint .
liroduccd. And bo it rcmompered that
this Is not a partial statement mado up
by personal and political friends to on
.swer oomo ulterior purpo-'O ; but nn offi
cial recognition of most valuoblo and
titllclent services, acknowletlged by men
of tho highest official position In tho
nation, who wcro neither personally
nor politically, among his friends.
Hero then we havo testimonies to
(iov. Seymour's "prompt," "energet
ic," "candid support of .the Govern
ment," and to his "energy, activity
and patriotism;" in thu same behalf,
" and for his prompt and efficient ef
fort" In corrcctlngthe draft quota; "and
that he did every thing It wa9 posslb lo
for him to do," in suppression of tho
Now York riots ; made and given by
President Lincoln, by Secretary Stan
ton, Governor Curtln, tho New York
Republican Legislature, and by-Mayor
Opdyke, of New York City, also a Uc
publlcan. Will any man tlare to say thnt those
warm acknowledgments of Gov. Soy
mour'n services are fatso nnd InsfnceroV
Will any innn daro to assert that those
official records havobeen manufactured
for the occasion As well might they
assert that tho 15,798 men sent by Gov.
NIA from Leo's invasion, wero also a
myth and had no existence. And that
too from tho Democratic city of New
York ; whllo Gov. Curtln was saying
that notwithstanding "a iiewand press
ing exhortation had been given to fur
nish men, Philadelphia had not ro
pondcd""l,hlladelphia with 11,0)0 Re
publican majority, n Republican Legis
lature nnd a Republican Governor.
If you want to oppose Gov. Seymour,
opposo him llko men. Your prc-ont
pretext Is fal so and groundless. Say at
onco that you are for unjust taxation, for
unlimited squandering of the public
money, for Radical bayonet nil-rule at
tin- -nuth, for negro political and social
ispiallly. Stand up to your principles
like men, and lit us know whereto llnd
you, nnd we -hall know bow to treat
FrocecdinRS of the Lcsislatiye Con
ference. Tiik I.ollallvo Conference fur this
ion, tameron anil .Mclvran, met at
i nni. . noiei, in iius lioronUjiin I mil
tlaythoLD of Atigu-t.
On motion of M. II. Herlng, .ludgoA.
S. Arnold ofMelCcan was elected Chair-
man. On motion William P,
Clinton was elected Secretary
l'urey, of
Tho following resolutions wero read
by thu Secretary.
Ilesolicd, That lu the Hon. C. R.
llucknlew, wo recngnlo tho dignified
gentleman, thowlsu and upright states
man nnd that his ro-electlon to tho Unit
ed SUtcs Siiuato is demanded by every
consideration of political Justice.
Jlenolred, That our Representative,
this duv nniiiiiiuted. is berebv Instruct
ed to voto llrnt nnd last to carry the
above resolution into etrect.
On motion of S. G. Wright, W. J.
Davis, of MeKean County, was unani
mously nominated for Representative.
On motion, udjourned. Kmporium
TilKHK are gentlemen in this Coin
iiiiuiity who havo uniformly voted with
tho opposition to tho Democratic party,
for moro than forty years; It would bo
Interesting to know what in their est!
mation tho country lias gained by the
overthrow oftho Democrats in 16G0, and
their having been kept out of power
Cau It be, that they aro so blinded by
party bigotry as not to see that tho
principles of thu Democrajie patty re
main tho mimu as they over havo been ;
whereas thu principles and purposes of
tho prcaont Radical Republican party
aro as different from those of tho Whigs
of 1811, as possibly can be. The Whigs
of 1811 and 1818, weruas decidedly a
national Union party as the Democrats,
nnd thereforo no harm resulted from
their success in 1818. Thero was a slight
degroo of union sentiment oven in the
so called Republican party, which suc
ceeded it, up to 1800, but it was mainly
controlled by ngltators; to-day It Is
thoroughly revolutionary ami ucstruct
ivo In Its purposes nni principles, nnd
manifestly It must ceoo to havo power.
If wo deslro to prosorvo our country
from ruin. The whigs or 1811, if (hoy
nru truo to their principles, will voto
for Seymour, Dlalr, ami Reform.
Hon. HoitATio Hevmouii ha Delo
gato to tho Episcopal Dlocesau Con veil'
lion of Western Now York.
Watch-rires Burning in Old Col
umbia. MK' IX lll.OOM.
At tlit- regular Hub ineetliigon Mini-
i -lay evening It was resolved to raise a
r ing tin the Thursday evening lollow-
lug. Tormlng at their Club rooms,
Win. K. Hotlliu1, hearing a beautiful
haulier and Mall', 'cd ulf, followed by
thullrass Hand and then by n commit-
tee of thirteen bearing u very largo Hag
which lu ii few minutes limited to the
breeze over the Street between tho
Court House mid llio Kxihangu Hotel.
As It rose In thu air Inscribed with tho
names "8KYMOUU, 1H.A1H AND
Til U UNION," It was greeted with
tluee treliiendous eheers from the largo
enmd of cltlzeiH. 'I lie Hand played
"Hall Ciilumbla'iiiidou motion of Kx.
blilf. Itlllmyer the crowd lllcil Into tho
Court IbaiMt yard. On motion of Mr.
Coleinau. Kx.Shtr. r'urimiii was chosen
President, anil Col. l-'reezo on motion
addressed the meeting briefly, and no
ceptably,lf wujmlgc by tho enthusiasm
of the crowd. On conclusion of tho ad
dress the meeting adjourned to the club
m r.KHNn IN ni-.A.NOi:.
On Wednesday evening thu regular
Club meeting was held 111 Orangeville,
Col. I'rc-.zu made the address. Wo
aro assured that Orange will Improvo on
her last year's voto which It will bo re
membered was tho best ever cast. Tho
Democracy tiro awako and all voto their
In Scott Township, on Monday of last
week Gen. Knt organized a Club, ami
iniidu mi address: And on last Monday
Kvening, It was addressed by Chris. O.
Tlarklcy, Kq. Thero was a full attend
ance and great enthusiasm. Scott will
bo effectually redeemed this fall, mark
that. "Vast Full tho majority for Hlmn-
wood was one,
Tut: meeting at this point on last
Saturday ovening waa ono of tho largest
and most enthusiastic over assembled
in (he Jlorough. Not only was its own
population out in nmw,but delegations
1ownshlptamUInrmlo from AsUnd
1 n
wrrc thoro from nil parts of Conyngluun
headed with drums and fifes. Wo ro'
gret to sny that tho list of officers was
not handed us.
The meeting was first addressed by
Wm. A. Marr, Esq, who, In a speech
of an hour, ably discussed tho topics of
tho day. Ho was followed by James
Uryson, Jr., of Pottsvillo, who has Just
mado his debut as a publlcspeakcr. Ills
address was replete with telling lilts
and unanswerable logic, and the multi
tude cheered him to the echo. We pre
dict for him a brilliant future, and Ccn
tralla may well bo proud of her son.
Mr. Uryson was followed by Capt.
Darling of Ashland, who reviewed the
past courso of the Radical party, and
conclusively showed their extra vagnnco
and venality.
Capt. Brockwny mado tho closing
speech, the sentiments of which met
witli a hearty rcsponso from those pres
ent. Among thu distinguished gentle
men present wo met our friends Ryan
and Whltttcr, who .seemed to enjoy tho
oecaslon as. much as we did.
Although many of our voters havo
left tho place on account of the late
st riko.we confidently predict an Increas
ed majority In Ccntrnlla, nnd Conyng
ham. Oar friends there are alive.
Tui: Joint discussion at this point, on
Monday evening between Capt. Wiiit
moycr and Capt. Hrockway was a de
cided success, both In point of numbers
and lu thu good order. Republicans
heard soino facts, which never would
reach them through Radlcul channels,
and Democrats heard tlioctii-oof tho op
position stated In tho most favorablo
light it will bear. Tho officers of the
meeting wero ns follows :
President, William llarber; Vico
Presidents, N. Wclliver, Robert John
son ; Secretaries, Lowls Schuyler, Geo.
Capt. Hrockway opened tho discussion
in a speecli of half an hour devoted to
Reconstruction. Capt. Whitmoyer fol
lowed In an address of three quarters
of an hour. Capt. II. then spoko another
half hour on tho 1'inances, and was fol
lowed by Capt. M. In a speech of equal
length. Capt. II, than closed the discus
sion In a speech of fifteen minutes. Tho
people listened attentively many of
them standing up over two hours and n
Jm)f. -j'ta-ro was a inito a largo attend
niiec of ladle,
ma in villi:.
in Tuesday ovening Capt Whitmoy
er and Capt. Hrockway held a Joint dis
cussion at this point, according to the
published programme. Tho meeting
was on unusually largo one, dozens not
being nblu to get Into the school-house.
All tho Republicans In tho neighbor
hood wero present, showing their anxi
ety to hear thu points of different be
tween tho two parties.
TIip following officers wero chosen :
President, Win. T. Shuman, Esq.
Vlcu Presidents, N. H. W. llrown,
Francis Fleming. Secretaries Wm. Utt,
1). II. Fcilerolf.
Tho meeting was harmonious, and wo
doubt not will be productive of much
good to our cause.
A Democratic Club was organized in
Denton on Wednesday Aug, l'.ltli, and
the following officers wero nominated
and elected: President Samuel Rhone,
."secretary .1. J. Stiles, Treasurer John
The Club was adtlre.ssed by Frank
Cooley Esq., Who stated tho questions
at Issue, and their Importance In tho
coming contest.
"Tho Flshlngcreek Confederacy," or
ganized into a Club on Tuesday Even
ing, Aug. 20th, and elected the follow
ing officers :
President E, J. M'llenry, Secretary
J. S, Kline, Treasurer, John Drencher.
Mr. Cooley addressed tho meeting at
length. Look out for n big voto In
Flshlngcreek. Tho peoplo In that ro
glon aro gettliig wakened up, and will
do all In their power foi tho success of
Seymour A Hlalr.
Tin: following Is tho official state
incut of the public debt mado by Secro
tary McCulloch on tho :iist ult, ns com
pared with his ofnclal statement on tho
UUt of March, IBM, at tho close of the
July Ul, 18G8 t2,62l,r3l,180,07
March ill, lSfi-i 2,:i0,u5,u77,8l
Increase 1G0,K9, 103.83
This Is tho result of threo veurs (if
' Radical rule In time of (leace.
. -
"Reconstruction" is War.
"Let us hnvo peace," cry tho Radi
cals. Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
who but yourselves make peace Impos
sible to us ? Tho puro military despo
tism set up by theso Radicals over tho
South, two years after tho last Shot had
been fired In anger against the Govern
ment, was nn net of war. Tho pretend
ed " Reconstruction " accomplished by
this despotism Is nil act of war. And
thu cost of these outrages nlono suffices
to Impose upon this country the expen
ses as well as tho alarms of n stato of
Hero Is thu Tribune after cutting off
a few millions hero and a few millions
there, on one and another Idle pretence,
from the sums charged by tho Govern
ment to the War Department (as If
money not accounted for wero tho samo
thing as money not -pent) hero Is tho
Tribune, wo say, brought to give us at
last Its own figures of tho " cost of Re
construction last year."
Thcso figures, us wo havo already
shown, nnd ns wo shall bIiow again nnd
ngalu till thopeoplo know the truth, aro
monstrously understated. Rut never
mind that. Wo tako what tho iribimc
dares to confess: "Tho entire cost of
"maintaining troops lu tho military
" districts during tho last year for Ro
" construction purposes," exclaims this
organ of tho blood-sucking Radicals,
with tho exultation of n fine lady prov
ing her economy by tho fact thnt sho
hos purchased only ten camel-hair
bawls, "was 1S,117,!)13,72!"
Only KirnrrrxN millions or hol
lars! And during tho ten years of peaco
which preceded tho accursed civil war,
out of which this monster of" Military
Reconstruction " crawled upon tholnnd,
the entire cost of the Wnr Department
of tho United Stntcs never reached an
avcrngo of si:vknti:en Millions ov
And during tho ten years from 1811
to ISflt, which inc'uded our brilliant
war with Mexico, whereby wo won
California nnd secured Texas to the na
tion, tho entire cost of tho War Depart
ment of tho United States never reach
ed an average of fouktlen millions
So that thcso Radical leeches actually
had tho audacity to get up and ask us to
givo them four more years of Hccnso as
a reward for their virtue in inventing a
system of oppression over cloven Amer
ican States, which, on their own show
ing, it costs us a million of dollars a
year moro to maintain than it cost us
seven years ago to defend and protect
our wholo national dominion, and four
millions of dollars a year more than it
cost us twenty years ago to annex to tho
Union tho Emplro of tho Pacific !
Let us havo peaco ! Ay, for Recon
struction Is War. Wortd
The peoplo do not sufficiently appre
ciate tho beauties of tho Freedmcn's
Durcau. They aro not fully awaro of
the Incstlmablo blessings of that won
derful work of Radicalism. Let us
throw a little light upon this subject.
From a book entitled "Register of
"Officers and Agents, Civil, Military
"and Naval, in tho United States, on
" tho 30th of September, 18C7
" Compiled and printed uuder tho. di
" rectlon of tno Secretary oftho Interior
"in pursuance of tho fourth section of
" tho act of Congress of March 2, 1S01,"
. . . . from pages 191 to 202 Inclusive,
wo present tho following for tho infor
mation of tho general public:
Ctmpen- Amjreyatc
irirrcf.i. Xu.f mtvmto lmitcn
nlolied. llltuiluma. Itftl tntum.
lleml'irs. Wash
ington . -1 UHICl'll jiu.J.r vi
SS Clerks so.lJJ i
(i MeiHeuKcrs.:i.Hi 10 'IH.IWI W
Ittmlilu Agents..,,. f,--iu w
IV uterus -JI.7IW m
tl MesMliiuTH 2.0 WW .V.iilt IK)
Maryland s Agent M0 TO
I i.iefH". u,ei. v.
1 Messenger 71M 00
1 Laborer ISO )
Virginia lu Asrcms I Moo CO
tilt i;ierKH ou.o.t i
12 Hurseons. . 11.1110 00 60.071 41
North Carolina 0 Agents 11,100 00
i nurgeous.., o,i uu
as Clerks :.ij no 52.soo oo
Hotllli Carolina IS Agents S5,IW)M
1 Burgeons.., wj
13 Clerks 1 1.000 00 M.XM) 00
Oeorula 4il Agents 5S.V0 00
n tturseous M,yuu wi
H Clerks 31.100 OJ 68.500 (XI
ri.irWa 10 Audits Ii,iu0 oo
X t'lerk.... 4,'Jikl 00
2 Messengers 720 00 10.310 00
Alabama ti Agents !I,1I7 So
1M Clerks 27,2-JO 00 81,307 50
Kentucky 17 Agents 17.5JI 00
r nurueouN... i,..u iu
17 Clerks 17.IU0 00 11. U 10 00
Tennessee is Agents 1.0,100 U)
z Hurgeous... i.wuijii . .
11 Clerks IT.Hhi ! 39,300 00
Mississippi '.7 Agents !M,.i0 00
IS ('leaks... ;,200 M
U Laborers... 2,700 (0 W.'-DO 00
Mi. si, ml I Agent 21.00 0O
1 Clerk 1,200 00 3S,00 00
Arkansas 1 Agents 21,000 00 ,. .
7 Hurgi-ou.. s,4(io oo
2S Clerks ll.'UU 00 01.320 00
Li.ttlsluiu 23 Agents 2K,(H0(O
11 Kiirgeons,. J I..-00 Of
al Clerks 37.1(1) 00 7S.0O0 0(1
Texas U Agents ln.OOS U)
11 Clerks U.200 oo oi,lts oo
(Irand total 717 employees at ft yearly
compensation or ....-Kjn.iiiYJi
Is It any wonder that tho national
debt must bo counted by billions V Is it
any wonder that tho masses aro groan
ing under tho heaviest weight of taxa
Hon that was over imposed upon n pa
tient peoplo'.' Is it any wonder that
they nru waiting with deep sollcitudo
to right their wrongs at tho polls, and
sweep from existence the wicked an
thorsof all their calamities? thing must bo said In favor of
Grant, and that Is his perfect knowledge
of his own ignoriinco and incompetency.
When offered a responsible position by
thoPresldent, ho declined Itln this wise;
Washington, October 21, IS07. 1
On further nml fullicllection upon tho
sunjocr. oi my accepting mo mission
proposed by you In our Interview on
Wednesday, I havo most respectfully to
beg to bu excused from tho duty propos
ed. Jtisa dlplomatto service for which
tion ohtasti:. It has necessarily to
bo conducted under tho Stato Depart
ment, with which my duties do not con
nect mo. Again, men, i most respect
fully but urgently repeat my request to
bo excused from tho nerformanco of a
duty entiiely out of my sphere, and ono
loo, wmcn can oe so mucn tetter perform
ed by others. U. S. Okant,
His Excellency, A. Johnson, Prcs't,tU'
Is such a man fit to entrust with tho
Presidential olllce in tho present crisis
of our national nflulrs V
Oun Democratic frlonds will do well
to keep an eyo on tho movements of
tho Radical Monarchists; with the
millions of money tho party has stolen
from tho pcoplo,they propose topcrpct'
uato their power by buying up poor
men to voto for their candidates. Poor
men aro to bo becrctly drawn Into their
Union league dens, nnd sworn to voto
with them, after the fashion of Know
Nothlnulsm. Watch them, Democrats,
their secret midnight meotlngs havo
for their object the destruction of our
Docs the laboring- man pay any
Wim.E tho producing industries of
tho country nro unjustly taxed, and tho
almost Intolerable burdens of tho war
rest upon those who fought tho battles
and mado tho sacrifices, thoso who till
ed land to produce supplies, nnd thoso
who labored in tho Aorksliops, tho or
gan; of tho Radicals aro asserting thnt
tho bondholders aro tho men who pay
nil our revenue. Tho organ of tho Rad
icals In Lorain county, replying to nn
nrtlclo which recently nppcared in the
1'laindcalcr, sncerlngly says that "not
ono laboring man In every hundred ,
pays n penny of taxes lo tho govern
ment directly." True, tho Inborlng
mnn docs not pay his taxes directly to
tho government, but every man of eenso
knows that tho consumer pays tho fax
upon every nrtlclo manufactured by
capital. A practical working man j a
few days ago, being In onrofllce, hand
ed us the following, which In Itself Is
n volume of argument to show that the
poor man does pay taxes :
Radical legislation requires the con
sumer to pay nil taxes. It tnxes
Tho lint on your head.
Tho boots ou your feci.
Tho clothes on your person.
Tho food you eat.
The tea and coffee you drink.
The pot it is cooked lu.
Tho cup you drink it out of.
Tho implements on your farm.
Tho tools you work with.
Tho paper you write ou.
Tho pen nnd Ink you use.
Tho paper and books you read.
Tho furniture in your house.
Tho gns or oil you burn.
Tho coal you consume.
Tho stove you burn It in.
Tho match you light it with .
Tho mediclno you take.
The tobacco you smoke.
The plpo you smoke It in.
The dishes on your table.
All you eat off them.
Tho laboring man of tho country, who
owns a little house nnd lot, which ho
has earned by tolling from early morn
ing to night, pays State tax, county tax
school tax, road tax upon It ; whilo his
next door neighbor, who is n bondhold
er, owning fifty thousand dollars In
bonds, pays no taxes whatever, draws
Interest In gold, nnd laughs at bis un
fortunate neighbor, who has ills money
lu a little homo! If thb masses of la
boring men deslro tho equal taxation of
every speclo of property according to
Its real vnluo Government bonds and
other securities included if they want
ono currency for tho peoplo, tho laborer
and tho officeholder, the pensioner and
the soldier, tho producer and tho bond
holder, they will not voto the Radical
ticket, but will voto for that of the
Democracy. Cleveland l'laindealer.
From the Tribune of A'or. !), ISO".
IP the Cotton States shall become sat
isfied that thoy can do better out of tho
Union than in it, we insist on letting them
go in peace. The right to secede mag be
a revolutionary one, but it c.ei.yts never
theless. Wo must ever resist the right of any
Stato to remain lu tho Union and nulli
fy or ilefy tho laws thereof. To with
draw from the Union is rulte another
matter; tehenerer a considerable section
of our Union shall deliberately resolve to
go out, we shall resist all coercive meas
ures designed to keep it in. AVo hopo
never to livo in n republic whereof ono
section Is pinned to the other by bayo
nets. From the Tribune, .Xoe. as, IMiO.I
If tho Cotton States unitedly and
earnestly wish to withdraw peacefully
from tho Union, we think they should
and would be allowed to go. Any attempt
to compel them by force to remain would
be contrary to the principles inundated,
in the immortal Jh duration of Independ
ence, contrary to the fundamental ideas
on which human liberty Is based.
17 'com the Tribune, J)cc. 17, lMiil.J
If It (tho Declaration of Indcncnd-
uco instilled the secession from the
Hritlsh Kinpiro of three millions of col
onists In 1 770, we do not scewhy it would
not Justify the secession of Jive millions
of Holdirons from the Union in 1 SOI .
From the Tribune, Feb. !2s, lf-iil.
lIVirHcrcr It shall become clear that the
great body of the Southern people have
become lonclusively alienated from the
I num. ana anxious lo escane.rom it.
V-'rom the Tribune, Jan. 20, 1S0-J.
If three months moro of earnest light
ing shall not servo to mako a serious
impression on tho rebeU if tho end of
nun term sunn una us no iuriiier ad
vanced than its beginning if somo ma
lignant i- nto lias uecrccu mar xuo nioou
nnd treasure oftho nation shall ever bo
qunndered in useless ellorts, let us Low
lo our nesting, akjj juajyj-. jiik
Whllo lloraco Greely advocated thus
tho doctrine of (secession and tho policy
of pusillanimity, Governor Seymour bo
effectively wielded tho forces of tho
Emplro Stato as to extort grateful
thanks from u hostile administration
and to rcscuo Pennsylvania from tho
grasp of tho Invading nrmles oftho
"Riimf.m unit Paoi.i." Democrat-, it
will not do to forget that for ilvo Ion
nnd weary years wo havo been insulted,
somo of our friends Imprisoned In loath
somo llastiles.anil others also havedled,
by rea-on of Radical Indolence, tyrrnny
nml persecution.
A malignant and revengeful spirit, Is
tho solo property of a Radical, and docs
not enter Into thoeomposllloii of n Dcm
crat hence It was that n kindly nnd
fraternal feeling prevailed throughotil
the country, between the States. Xorlh
and South, nnd nlso in communities, to
long as Democrats ruled. Hut all would
bo glad to seen far more Independent
nnti fearless expression of opinion by
our friends, nnd more aggressive action
than thero appears to be. Democrats,
tho day when you wero surrounded by
spies, has Indeed passed away, but
bhould tho Radicals succeed lu putt! ng
urnnt at tho head of tho Government,
tney may return with redoubled terror.
Tju; news from Kansas, giving an
account of shocking Indian outrages In
holomon Valley,Is enough to sturtlotho
country. Think of the fact, that, with
twenty thousand poldlers in tho ten
Southern Htates, doing nothing, or fetlllielplug tho Radical party to
forco negro equality and negro rulo up
on tho whites, our frontiers nro left un
protected, and hundreds of settlers nro
driven nwayj many of them killed,
and tho most terrible outrages com
mitted on helpless women.
Vhntnhowl thero would bo from
tho Radical pnpersjlf thoso poor women
whose persons wero bo shockingly vio
lated by the savages, had been black 1
Tin: famous horse "Dexter" a few
days ago trotted a mile In two minutes
and fourteen bccondsl
A Quaker Organ on Orant.
Tin: Chicago Herald Isnn organ of
tho Society of Friends. In oilier words,
It spenks tho views of what is known as
tho denomination of Quakers. This Is u
largo and Influential society. It has Us
thousands yea, tens of thousands of
voters. Hero Is what the organ of tills
extensive religious organization says of
Grant i
"Toward Clen. Grant wo feel nothing
but friendship j we have no" faults to pa
rade, or, rather, no deslro for tho su
premacy of this or that party, simply
for party's sake, but only n strong and
abiding hopo that our country will bo
preserved, and tho liberties wo now en
Joy pcrpctu ntcd forover. We regard the
nomination of Gen. Grant ns an error;
ho Is solely a military man j has no rep
utation only ns n General) has never
had an opportunity to display thoso tal
ents necessary for an oxccutlvoto repre
sent this great and growing Republic.
Claiming to bo n christian people, wo
hnvo tjomo regard for a christian repre
sentative In our choice. Knowing that
a great Republic llko ours can only bo
maintained by llio widest legislation,
nnd needs tho services of great state
men, wo yet hand It over to school boys
lu experienco and soldiers by profession.
That thoso who tcrvo their country well
should bo rewarded wo admit ; but let
us reward wisely. Rccauso a noble sail
or should snatch us from a watery grave,
wo would not foci bound to employ htm
as our Physician. Yet the manner In
which wo arc handing this country over
to soldiers Is nearly parallel. Far bo It
from us to cast a slur upon a soldier.
Nor will wo crowd upon htm olllces of
trii-l and importanco for the same rea
son. Tin; New York TWiiiiichas a Wash
ington correspondent who recently
wrote from that city, rather oxultlngly,
that ''the Republican Committeo aro
".sending out documents at tho into of
"more than 100,000 per week." The
New York J'.epress, in noticing this
little enterprise, says, with great truth,
that everywhere, on every slilc.ln every
home nml household, Is a Democraliu
argument Hitch ns
The doublo pricoof tea.
The triple price of sugar.
Tho double prlco of clothing.
Tho velocity and volume with which
property In almost every part of tho
country Is running from tho poor lo tho
rich, In consequence of tho Inequality
and injustice of taxation.
Tho destruction of our foreign com
mercial marine.
The banishment of all gold nnd sil
ver ns coin, and the universality of pa
per. Tho downfall of tho Constitution
Tlio substitution of n consolidated for
n federal form of government.
Tho overthrow of the right of trial by
Jury, and of tho habeas corpus among
10,000,000, of our people.
The subjugation of eight millions of
white men in tho South to three or four
millions of negroes.
Tlio reign of carpet baggers In Con
gress (generally runaways from tho
North ,)nsstimlng to represent the whites
and negroes In the South.
All thesunro Dcmucrntln nrgiinieiil.s
In every man's mouth, nnd aro present,
moro or less, every wficre, in every
house cottage, and cabin.
Wnhavo wondered ,-omu tinio how
tho Radicals cm have the cheek to nsk
a poor man, or In fact any one, lo voto
for them, after having been thocauioof
so much ovll to tho Country.
Iloforo the wnr, which was Iho re-ult
of Radical success in 18G0, this was tho
cheapest mid beat governed country on
tho Globe, and was so regarded every
where ; but seven years of Radical rule
has thoroughly destroyed nil this, nnd
entailed upon us, not only cru&hlni;
taxation, but disorder, corruption, ex
travagance, and crime, to nn extent
fearful to contemplate. Kvery dollar of
tax wo pay, direct or indirect, over and
abovo which was paid In 1800 Is wholly
owing to tho folly of giving tlio control
oftho Government Into the bauds of a
etof knaves and fanatics. Vote for
Ueymour, Illalr and Reform.
IllUii: is a llttlo sum of tho multiple
eight : Fight years ago tho Radicals
.solemnly declared In their Chicago
platform that tho peoplo werew) alarm
ed at tho lecklcss extravagance nnd
plunder oftho party In power that an
cntlro change of administration was im
peratively demanded. Well j since tho
Radicals havo run the government
machlno tho yearly expenses havobeen
considerably moro than eight times ns
largo ns they wero eight years ago ; tho
plunder and eorruptlo nls eight times
larger; consequently, tho alarm of tho
nlarm oftho peoplo is eight-fold great-
er,nnd tho demand for nn entire change
of tulmlniitratlnn Is eight times moro
Timi'.s liavo changed tho day was
when political parties claimed to have
tlio good of tho country nt heart. .N'ow,
It Is as clear us day light, that till tho
Legislation, nnd all tho power posslblo
possible to bo exerted by tho Radical
has lu view tho perpetuation of their
hold upon thu Government. Thu im
peachment of President .loluison had
that In vlow, nnd It will not great ly
urpriso us, if llndlng that Seymour Is
i likely to bo elected, tho Rump Congress
m meeting in fcopiemuer, removes
tho President, nnd declares Grant Dicta
In March, 1800, gold was selling In
this townnt 121. After moro than two
years of peaco It Is now selling nt 117,
or about twenty-thrco per cent, higher.
Thus Radical rulo has, In two years, re
duced tho vnluo of tho greenbacks, the
currency which thu soldier Is paid Ids
pension In, nnd tho laboring man re
ceives for his pay, from eighty cents on
tho dollar until It Is now only worth
sixty-eight cents on tho dollar.
Tiuiiir. nro no troops to protect white,
women from tho nameless outrages of
Indians ou the Plains, but an abun
dance lo forco negro t-upremney upon
whlto men lu tho South. This Is thu
Grant platform. How do whlto men
llko It V
Why does it cost $11,113,101 moro to
support tho army and navy in tho year
of peace, 1807, thnn It did lu tho year of
pence, 1800?
Why aro tho expenses of the nrmy
nnd navy for tho year 1807, M5,o2-Vi8a(
or moro money thnn was required to
carry ou Iho Mexican war?
Our Rtat Debt.
Tin; Radicals, nro trying lo mnko
i-omo capital out of a trifling decrenso In
tho Stato debt; they nro careful to pay
nothing about tho nntlonnl debt, of
Suppose somo one would Inquire of
Auditor Gcnernlllnrtranft whnt amount
of taxes, stale, corporate, or otherwise,
was paid Into the Treasury In IMiO, and
how much In 1807. Perhaps that would
bo n very dlsngreablu exhibit however.
It must bo remembered that although
tho tax was taken off of real estate, It
lo-s was far moro than supplied by in
creased receipts from corporation tnxes,
nnd by tax on tonnngo nnd gross re
ceipt of Rnil Road Companies, etc. So
Hint with a proper degreo of economy,
such ns was usual In Democratic times,
tlio receipts into tho Stnto Treasury i
slnco 1S00, ought to hnvo reduced tho
State debt not less than ?10,000,000,oo.
Since explanations nro being made,
perhaps It would bo well to tell us about
the great loan swindle of 1607. Auditor
General llnrtranft, and Ex.Statc Treas
urer Kenible, can tell what profit thero
was In taking up a Ilvo per cent tnxablo
loan, and giving In Its place bonds nt
six per cent interest, exempt from nil
tnxntion, State, County nnd Township.
They could also tell us what they made
by Inducing tho Legislature to exempt
tho whole Stnto loan from taxation, to
benefit the brokers of Plillndelphla.nnd
others. Tlio Radicals will find the
management of the State llnances.n deli
cate subject to touch, and nothing but
the ignorance of Mr. Grow could have
caused him lo stir it up.
In 18,"(i, Schuyler Coii'.ix, Daniel UI
inan, Hcnajah Deacon, nnd other then
prominent Know-nothings left Phila
delphia, where the Radical National
Convention was In i-ccsion, on the owl
train, came to Trenton, routed up
William L. Dayton at midnight and
sworo him In his shlrt-tnil into tho Na
tive American party. Tlio next day
Dayton was nominated lor Vice-President.
On tho strength of that midnight
oath Commodore Stuckton rc-ignod his
Native American nomination for Pres
ident, nnd supported Fremont and Day
ton ; nlso supporting William A. New
ell for Radical Governor of New Jersey.
Colfax held the lilbloiuiil read tho oath;
Deacon laid tho sword across the book,
and Ullman rntllled the lni-iness by
drinks all around. That M-ttlcs tho
question in tliealllrniallve whether Col
fax was a Know-Nothing then.
Anvicns from Idaho to the lltb of
August stato that Judge .Shaffer, the
Democratic candidate for Congress, runs
Hon ahead of his ticket. Ills Is
claimed by 000 majority.
in iiom- lim Id I,nvM niciLr,.l. II. l'lirinan, .loliu
111 uvMi i. lnl.ili lloer, A. II. S. r ly, .liieuli
llTil'uii ill.! u-l . r.Meele,.li.hiil!..liioity,.l
belt Mllllh. , ,
JICMoN-.l. .1. M'lUnry, T. lienti.u Cole, .loliu
' nilAVUI Mo'i'sHelilli'lKl, IMIInlellllcr, lui.
1', IircUiMili.
Cf n niAl.lA John 1', lliiniion, Tlioiims (i(.o
haily, John Mllimei,
Ciimmiiiam Dr. 1'. I!. Wiilfnltli, Anton Pel
son, l:, 'I'hornli.n.
(MruilssA-lll. .1. IC. lloWillis Waller --end,
Adam rcderult.
Crs rill .iuanaiii wniie, r-.iitnici .cyii.m,
,n, in, .1 llou.-e.
riuNsui-1. II. Kiillll.-. II.. I. Ititil. r. 11. .us
W. M llimy. . , ,
ri-tiiiM.i lift K M. A Aliilneiliian. I l lull
M'llenry, II, I'linny-I.
l.llf.l. w nun ti, w , I ii, t in. jviiuiiei, .in... (i,
1 1 i:m ij.i-ic Win. II. Miouunki ijiiieh M'liiido,
.. KnlibllH.
,1 VI-KMis- ln. lltlllllllllll. .llio. .-lllllliy.
r.lmltUM 1 Hliwige.
1.IH I sr I nil. 1'. 1.. llelliiue. limit I r-uut',
liera Ilntwi. ,, ,
MAIIlhON lit. I.I-.UCI-. A. .1. lltri, IIHKU
M'l'nlllllll, ,,, ,
Sill i LIS 111'. II. II. .Mnlllunmcr.v . tsalilllel
M.I. I' .I I " ,1,11.1,1 II .llillll -tlv. I nil'.. I 1MIC1
U..I..I . ..n.,l,U,t. k,m Lilts. I III II r.'it'l iieiniii.u n, .1. 1 . 1 nn-n-11 'i 111
etir 1. Villi-..
.Mr. i'l.i'AsAM-'Ihns J. WelllMr, .Inn n.
nli Ii .Iiih, Ji,liii-nii.
1 11: N f 1 II Cll 11 ei. Un1111e1.11,, u, mi i.cin., tt . 11
'lViV-.lni-epli Slmt maker. Jus, Tilblchls, Ale
diew Wliltlimitr.
KtlAlclMU Hl.l.K J. I'. Iiniifit, tt ill, I'leiii.ien Lot nn
hrnrr iKc.u-1'. llnl. U.inlel Miydcr, cha'w, II;
11, ii. 1 ii-li .
hfllAlt I.IIAI A, UUllJ.Utl. liawtl l.ettis, 1, til,
l!y nrder of HtanillnR miniums-,
JOHN A. Fll.Sis'lON, Cliallliian
ItlniiinsbiirK, Aug. -l.'as.
The great nmnunt i
f time consumed by tho
ladle in dicsslngiiiiil arranging tlielr hair must
mnko liny article ililch would lessen their liibur
tnrilfUUlUy tiesuanie. ..inn 7 .ih. h.u.o ......
,.,,hi,i l,nt.-s 111., hull 111 Slllll colid It loll Its to
lender theiltcssliignm! uirunglng a j ly tasy
mailer. It Inipaitstn it that splcniiui glossy nn-
ItlttlHCMI 1110(11 lulllllien, t utilises tint st-itti
im t! until nil and nil humors, mid pieeiits
, iiess : 111 monies us u'intt ill nun lesttues unty
ll.llr to Its nl Iglnnl color, .liny ,11, !,J 41
'row the "A llll I'm; AWmtti, ,V. 1'.
We ale not In tho halill of noticing so-cullcd
'.iieiit MciliclncH : but v.e hnvo no hesitation In
commending llils Millinbk- llllltis to tho public
Ills colli post-it oi unlit! nut I lie puusi nun nest
liif-reiliriits. ami t ho thnusatids ni testimonial
tn Its elllcncy, leuo tin doubt (lull is tin. mos!
v nl until., slice I o Known tor thu minor Disease
oftlin I.lvtr, gcneial lielillity, 1 cmih, and conv
lilailits tlllsing iroiitu inaouiercii Moiiiatu.
The Itiuers Is entirely lien Irom all Inloxlcallug
Combines all llio liigreditiilsot llio Hitlers with
purt.Killta Cluz num. outngc, Itlilse, tic. It 1
useil Im- the same illstu-ts as Ih. l.lturs. Ill case
tt licio somo Alclioliolic Mlmiil.iutis necessary
nml makes -i nit-liillntujli ililiuhUuUV bltllsant
mitt agiciaiii.. lo iiu;e, riiiicipai nuicc, !n men
stlctt, I'll Hail II. 111. nolil cW'lj wilt IC,
Allllltl'.SS '111 Till'. NKUVOl'M AMI 111 Mil I
Kilted, w liovu hUllellligs have lit t-u protracted
Irom liidtli u causts, nutl whoso cases reipilre
prompt lleaimeill lo It nut I cxisu-lien nesiiiioie,
i .tliiiil ill v diss hai lies, cueiti ties it moiliK
11 you ill u sunt i uiu, in iiutu stineit'.i, iiiiin in
utmn nlir gtni nil litnllli? Union Icel weak,
lUbllllattd, tarlly III id? lines a UKIti extra ex
.rtinli liriidllcc a mil nil at loll of (he heart ? Dot)
niir uiluaiy muan. or .nur Miliums,
Irt'iiitc ully gtl nut oi oidtrfi Is our uilno
snllltllllies (lilt k, mill. V, nr (lucky, or Is It mi
on stilling? or doesu thick scum ilsotu l
lop? Oi Is u seillmcut at the bnlloin alter II lias
sIiiihI nttlille? Union utioslicllsul b hurt bleat I
lug i
ird.Mii-iisla? Aioyinir
fin ton mite speus i
il (iilntiiu, ur i ashes oi blond
it- vnur imtti'is cmiKiniaicn
tn the mail? Is lour lileiiiuiy impalretl? Ismiu
mind cnustanllydutlliiigupni Oils subject? Du
jnu ftt 1 dull, listless, niupiiig, tirtd nt cum puny
nt lile? 1 in tun wish lu Im leu iiloue, loget away
11 inn ctiijhinly ? lioesniiylllllt. Iliiug mako) oil
stall oi Jump? Is jour sleep broken or restless?
Is the liMic tif j our est) as brilliant? 'llio bloom
intuitu i lu t li us hi lehl? l)n lull tllluv vuuiselt
III society us tl ell? fin nll pill sill. J our business
with liu samotlielgy? l)noii fcelns much con
lltleliee lu .itilllsell? Alo our splilts dull nnd
(lagging, gilt u In Ills ol liicluiieliully? II so, tl
not lay it tujourllltl'iirtljspepstu, IIjio j
icstltss nights? Vour hack weak, your km
weak, and linui but llltlunpptlUe, and lou nt-
tiidutu this to iiyspebsia or mir-compiaint?
Ami-, teatler, sell-aouse, leiitnai uiseasts uau
ly euied, and sexual excesses, are till capable of
producing n weakness of tho genirulliu urgaiis,
'llio tn gnus ol generation, wilt n In pel feet iieallh
iiiako thu man. Did iuu ol er think tliat ttioso
bold, intliittt, energetic, ptisol erlng, sutccsslul
business-men ulo always those tthnso generetlio
olgans ato In perfetl htalth? You never hear
slltll men eulliplalll of being liiilnuclioliv, nr
lieriuusncss, ol palpitation ot thu lieait. Tliey
aro never iilrnltl ttiey cunuot succeed lu business
they don't becouio tad and discouraged; they nro
always polllo and pltnsaut lu 11. u compuny of
ladles, and look inn and them right In llio tuco
nono ot your downcast looks or uny other
meanness about tin m. 1 tlo not mean thoso who
In ep tlio oigms Inlinti d liy luunlug lu excess,
Tlit so will not only ruin ilitlr lonsi nations, but
also thosu they do business with or lor,
How many men, rum builly-t tiled discuses,
from tho ellccts ol sell-abuse mid excesses, hale
brought about that slato of weakness In those
organs that has ictlucid tlio general system so
much as to lutluce almost tiery otheitltseitse
Idiocy, lunacy, paral sis, sptuitlailecUou, suicide
and almost eieiy other form ol dlseaso which
humanity Ishtlrlo, mid llio mil tiiuso ol the
Iroulilo stiutely eier suspeitid, and havo tluc
loied It.i-nil but tho light one,
Dlseasts ot liteso organs icqulro tlio uso of u
liluiitic. iltlinlnilil s liulii Lxiraet Hut lit) is
llio great Dluieilc, and Isn teitaln euro lor tils
eases of Iho Illatlder, Kldncjs, Uraiel, Dropsy,
iiigiinio Weakness, lVmalo complaints, (leueruf
lit blllty, and nil dlseiu-tHofihe Urinary Organs,
whtll.el existing lu Malt, or reuiale.lioin w hat
el tr cause originating, mid uu Hinder of how
Huo treulintnt issubnillttd to. Consumption
or Insanity may iiisut-, Oui ilesli and blond ate
supported Ironiilitsiikout its, nml iho health uud
liiiliplutsH, nml thai ot I'rositrlty, depends upon
plompt uso of n relinblu rthud),
ilelmbold'H i:xtrutt Uiu liu.estnbllshed upward
of is iiars, pieiiared by II, '1, llelmboM, Drug.
Kist.Siii New York, and lui Kouth mill Btreel,
I'hUatltlplila, l'a. Price ll.iU r lioltle, or (1
buttles for fll.uu, Utllieitd In any uddiess, (Sold
by all Drueglsts eierywlure.
None ore gtuulue uiiltsstlouo tip lu steel-en.
, giiivid wrupped, with lae-siliilleof my Chemical
I Wan house, und signed ll.T, IlKLMUUMi,
Doraocrntio National Ticket,
ton 1'io.sitiKNr:
or ni:v vouk.
roll vicr.-i'iiiJliii:.sTi
OF MIssoUKt.
Deniocratio Stato Ticket.
I on AVDiTon-aExntAt.i
or rAYKTTi: countv.
i on bfiivi'.Yoii-onsKini.i
Democratic County Ticket.
ron si iiVKVoit i
Market lienor!.
Wheal i-cr bushel
Ill-o "
. ti
. l :
. 1 25
. 11 00
,. 7 (HI
. 2(0
. 1 uo
. 2 M
. II)
,'. 17
,. 1U w
Corn "
OalK. "
Flour per batrcl
i inveiM'cu
Kelts -
Drleil Apple -
Hides nnd (Shouldcra
Iiiil per pound
Hay per ton
Hemlock Hoards per thousand feet-
IMnn " " (ono Inch)..
., $16 All
.... lXiVJO
15 W
.. K IK)
7 W
.... 1H U0
Joist, Hcantllng, rinnlt, (Hemlock)
rsiiiugies, .-st), i per iiiuuiaiiu
" 2 " "
(Siding " " tt 5
j itos-
No. (Scotch pig
Itloom 3K
IMitUitclplilft MarkeU.
rnunsnAV, Aug. V. 1M(S.
Norlhut'Ktein Miperflne nt 87.0i)(r5 7.50
Northwestern em H.0"Vrft Mi)
Noithwchtcui family
...-.. ...I ....-fliia T-V.VH
'i.iuiuvlv.mlii nml Wpvlfirn extra..
fllllA llllllU Mill v-irm rui' . itit....
Pennsylvania and WeHtern family
IVninylvnniiiaud Wenteru lancy
Itvo Hour
W ll K M I'ennsylvnniu led, bus
Momnern "
California " "
while "
IIyk IVnnsylvanln lie, bu
CoitN Yellow, '
wiiue. "
IMhivmions Mes l'ork, bbl
niess ueei, "
Dressed Hogs, t
Hmoked Hams "
" Hhouldors 1 K
Skkos Cloverseed "Hbus
Timoinyseeu oun
flaxseed "
CATTLK Heef CottloWlb
, llc3llja
t ows, . neau
8 IX5i
hiikf.i V
llods UK) lbs
liri.l.I.AS lUIllM'. Al T.rtvii HIM Uv U(V.V.
WiulHUnrtli, Mr. Samuel licims, to .miss Jiur-.
inn iiiiniii, iiummm iiiiiiiiuiiiu i.urcniofi'.
hKlI.l.Vfl-noTll-On the llnd,, by Itev, V. 11. tieorii' . noniiK ni iiiiiuiuu jiihi
.MtssCnirlo A..M,lEtb,if Knt lor, nil ni i.uzctno
Ci unity.
lAHT Will I'l'llllAltD On lh' Mh lm.1., by
the same, at inu UMuence oi too iirmeuntoiu,
Mr.snimwl Hart nnd Miss Itoso Ann White
beaid id Holleubiick,, co.
lll'f I' I T l.'l T.i t' 'IS.-II utt I-VlllllV
lllli.'fnCt!, WmlMCoith,Non of l'erry'ind hnrnli
llmkalw aged 21 years,
Thedceeniscd wns n nephew of Hon. C, It. lluck
ale w, ho senedhU counlryas a soldier In tho
Into Uehellion, Ho had just completed hls'Jl
yeniH, when he was caiieu irom eann oy ucam.
'i im iinii(ii,lL'iied wnutd Inform the mi bile that
having rebuilt and retttted his Tannery at Light
Htrect, ho Is in Immediate want oi a
Tor which the hlgbest market price will be paid.
All who hno bark to sell should call at once,
as 1 wish to lay in n largo Mock,
This Is toglvo
nntlcn Hint on tho llth dav of
Ainriivt a 11 I WW. n. wnrnint lu llauuruotcv
was Issued against tho estnto of Levi kutz oftho
Itmough ot Verwlck, in tho county of
Columbia, and fetnto of rennsyUania, who hns
been ailludged a Bankrupt on his own petition ;
that tho paymentofnny debts and delUery of
any properly belonging to such llankrupt, to
him, or for his use. and the transfer of any prop
el ly bv him are forbidden by law: thata incit
ing or tho Ciedltors of tho said Daukrupt,to prove
their debts, and to chooso ono 01 moro assignees
ol bin estate, will bo held at n Court of Bankrupt
cy, tobo bolden at tho Kxehango Hotel, In Dlooins
burg, Columbia county, l'enusylanlo, betore
IMwurd Overton, Jr., lteglster, on tho Slid day of
Aug. 'JH,'is-lt. Uy H. u. CooLiiAVOH, Deputy.
n u 11 ii 1 0
S A 1. E O V
Will bo exposctl to public sale at the lenlileneo
nfiiiK nti.lcrnlinfitl In O nn lire tow nsllln. Cultliu-
bin county, lit., cm haturdny, tseptember 12, lsw,
KritK iiroperty, hltuaunl ouMuln hi ret I, with KW
leet front and WO feet lu depth, 011 wblth Is erect
ed a iramohtuio House, u gnM two story
D W 11 Ii I. I N O II O I'Hi:.
an Ice bousi! nnd a good bain, Also tho follow
ing personal piopeitj ; Ilvo bead ol hnrses, one
span o uond carilage lnneK, & dikI Mth'h cows,
one bmr-h'trso wagon, one tlist-elass spring wig
on, one twohoise shd, one twohore uleiyli, leu
head id joung cattle, two setts of doublo
team luirncs, double sett of enrriago harness,
thu-e hetlH ofllyutls, ono leaper, oun tanning
mill. nni. treml.Dower thresh I till machine, till CO
ono town 101 in iiiauueviu', uw u mv "
feed ill I tern, plows, harrowx, and alt khuU of
f trmlng utemdNt Alsooneook Hoe, two par
lor sIomh, and house and kitchen furultuio of
all dt sci ipt ions. luii.M.iiii h ih.i.i..m,
Aug, ysti".
Uy virtue ofu writ of l'Jeil i'acliis Usiu-d ont of
the ton it or common rimsoi Coluiuhia county
and lo me dlncttd, will bo exposed topubllo saU
or out cry at the Coutt House in Hloomshurg.nt
ono o'cloi k in the ufleiuooii, on Monday Held,,
"Hi Iwis, hu following real estate, to wit 1
A certain lot of ground situate in Franklin
township, Columbia county, couialulug
H I (1 II T A C II H S,
moie or les( bounded ou the south by hind of
. ora im m 1. nicy, on 1110 west uy land or riilllp
Ht'ohult, on tho north by public road, and on
tho east bv land of Abraham Ml lev. 1111 ulil. li la
(reclMu tory and a half Dwelling House with
tho nppuitc naiu-CN, helzed, taken T
in KXec
and lu be sold ns tho pioperty of Hamuel 0ir
doit, Hoaiuwir
X There will be cxpONCd to put) I to sale, a farm
situate partly In Montour township, Columbia
county,aud partly in Cootertownshlp, Montour
county, bounded on tho north by lands of John
liny lor. and Haywood Knyder, onlhteasthy
Samuel In4iruK,(iu tho south by Wm. O, Kane,
and ou Ilia west by Mat bias Applemaiit contain
ing one hundred uud nineteen acres find ono
hundred and ono pt uiies, strict measure, 011
which mo ended the following bullUlimsi n
huge house ami stone kitchen, 11 Iramo bank
barn and stiaw shed, a double wagoti shed,
blaiksnilihshop.slone prliighouse, etc, AUo
11 good apple ouhard of 150 trees 011 the furm 1
also a bily of limestone, and somo iron oie.
About eighty acrescleared,the icst in good white
oak and chestnut timber. Also a good well con
enlent to the housu aud barn, aud u stream of
wster running through thopluce.
Late tho estate, of Henry werttnan, deu'd, lo be
sum on r rniay. tho Zjiu day or September, A, i,,
lsus, at ' o'llocic p, m.( on tho prcmlsis, upon tho
following conditions t
1. One tenth nftbn niirrbnkn mimev lo 1m rml.l
on the day of sale, one half of tho remainder ou'
nit iiim iiuv 111 nprn, iimju, uuu uiu ret 011 me ifi
day of April. 1K70, with interest from the first day
of Vprll, l&oi), at which time possession will bo
2, A deed forthe right, tllle.audliiterestor the
said Henry Wertmun lu sutd rsal estate will he
delivered to tho purchaser at his own expense,
at the puyment ot the whole ol the purchase
Aug, l.'tW-tb, Kxecutor,
i. neatly executed at Tut Colvhbiah HIsaia
FrCillnf Offlee.
Ily vlilttonr n writ of Fieri Fiiclns Issued out
of llio Court uf Ciimmon Fleas nrcntumblu conn
ly nml In mo illrwtiU, will Lo exixwiil In i.ublli
salouroul cry ntllio Court llmuo In moanm
bmi;, ul una u Vlork In the uricrnoon nn Mommy,
tho Till day nf (September, 1W, tlio follow Inn
real etnto in wit! , .
All that certain lot ofKroumt Mttinto in t'on
yiiRham lownahlp contninlnit one acre, inoro nr
less, bounded nn tho cast by lot lalo nfW in Anlc
mall, nn llio north by tuibllo rood leading In
Herman town nnd on iho bouUi nnd can ny
land of llio I.( c'wt Mountain Coal Cnmttany, mi
w inch nercrtedn Two BtoryHlono llouso with
niHirlenanccs, , . M .....
Ainu all that certain lot of ground Mtuntc In
tho borough of Centratla, Columbia county, bo
ln twn lots any feet rront, and one hundred and
liny feet deep, bounded ou tho nut by Catawlwa
Blrecl, nnd on the et by-street, on tho east by
an alley, nu tho nnrlh by lot of ground nnd
blacksmith ihon with tho nppurtcnaL-cei.
(Seized, taken In Execution Mid to bo hold ns
Iho pinperty of Btephen Thoman, Bn nnnweri
Aug.21,'08. (Sheriff.
htijmournnd Dlalr. A book for every library
nml f work of extrnortllnnry lnterpH and raro
historical value; No TalrloL run do wltliont It
or lHnnJustuuderstfl.ndiiigonho beforo
tho onuniiy, without reading it, indorsed by
tho leading Dcmocratn and Ckjnuorvallvei! of tho
Union. Tiioclutmi! oftho Democruticcanrtldntm
to iho null rages of tho peoplo aro so forcibly jvor
iritved and clearly shown lit this volunu-, that
no friend of connlitutionftl liberty should In. I to
rend U. Agents In all pnrlH of tho country "it
fltidltig this great standard work tho best opimr
tnnlty to mako money ever oireied, ns its lingo
l7.o, low price, nnd great popularity have made
n l ohIMvo tnia!tj whicli canvassers only hnvo
t supply. Hend forclrcnlars, and seo our lHn-ml
teim and n full dcNcriptlon of tho gieatest mtb
hci Iptloti book of tho times.
CNirrn htatrs i'Uhlihiiiko co.,
ill HroomeHtreet.
New York.
XV liereby i
irivciifnnlt leirnLrrK. creditors ninl persons Interested in tho estates of the re
administration nnd guardian accounts havo been
lllid lu tho ofllco oftho lteglster of Columbia
county, nnd will bo presented for confirmation
and allowance In tho Orphans' Court, to beheld
in ilioomsourg, on iuonuay, uie kuvbiiui uuy i
Htt't, lww, at two o'clock in tho afternoon or
id day.
I. Account ol John ytAddonduardlan of Ainau-
da K. Itobblns,
'. First and final nccount of Anthony Mcnuey.
administrator of Alfred U Menuer., deceased,
a. Account of I'eter Ilayman & Jacob Dayman
administrators of Jonas lluyman, late of Urcen-
wooti townsnin, tieccaseu,
4. First anil llual account of Nicholas, Obadlali
nud James J. Campbell, executors of Obadlali
Campbell, deceased.
5. First and final account of Llwood Hughes,
executor uf l'htebe 1. llicks, deceased.
. Account of Thomas Hutchison, administra
tor of Ann Hutchison, Into of Flshlugcreek iwp,,
7. Final account of Androw Croll, executor of
Adam Croll Into of fill 1111 li twp., deceased.
n. iuira anu iinui acuouiu ui jiicuu uuu v hm
in Eton Ycaiieradmlnlsiratorsof John Ye-ager late
ofXocusl twp.,dtceaned.
Michael Hllemnu lato of Mudlsun two., deed.
Final account oi Isaac lineman executor oi
IV. ill l I'll lit VI IJltUtlU IHIU,IIIIIUUAIUI,
adr.ilnlstralors of l'hlllp Cool, lato of Hoar lug.
creek twp., dee'd.
11, f irst unu nuai account oi jutauetii iiuckh
lew and 1. C. Wadsworth administrators of Win.
lluckalew ilecaseil.
12. Account of C. H. Hess, administrator of ti.
11. IIvhh as tiled by Hamuel Creasy ud mint (drat or
ofC. H. Hess.decased.
I. 1, l'uruai accuuui ui jauies m Ainrney tuic ni
tlio executors of (ieorgo Longenberger dee'd.
II. Final account of John Michael administra
tor of Jacob Keller lato of lleuver twp., dee'd,
1). First account ol John ll.and Isaiah Dtetter
ica administrators or John Dletlurlch, lato of
Montour twp., deceased.
hi. Account of John It. Mover, administrator
ol George Cramer, late of II loom twp.. deceased.
li I irst account ui jouu it. uuiii-rnme uuiuiii
Utrator or lte bereft Vandersllce, lato or Dloom
twp., deeettHed.
is, Final account of H. Neyhnrd admtnistratoi'
ol Huhs.1 White, late of Centre twp. deceased.
ID. Account of Kamuel L. Chcrrlngton Ouai titan
ol Elmlra ilouch, Into Klmtra Yocum.
llloomsburg Aug. 7. 1M.
Tho next session of thlsRchool will commene
on Monday Aut8Ti!lih, ihoh.
For particulars auuress rroi. tt, u, wALuiji,
rrluclpal, OraugevUlo, Columbia county,
Aug. H.'tlS-yt.
O or Hitters has never failed to cure tho worst
kind of IHspepsla: Is tho most successful med
iclno yet discovered for the euro of Consumption.
Dyspepsia, Idver Complaint, llroncbltls, and all
diseases or tho Throat, Chest and Lungs; U
mado entirely of roots nnd herbs. One bottlv
wlll convinceany ono who gives It n fair trial.
No family should bo without It, llit up In large
bottle, prepnred and sold by Jonathan lleUler
& uo. ntuuyiisiu jineu, i ix, mm ujr mi uiu-
rpilIAlj IIST,
foh beim;miiich
, l-"l".
1. John Hhonkvs John Cain.
2. John It, Utacklstou ct nl t he Lehigh A Ma
liHUiiy li. It. Co.
'A. I'eter Bchug"use" vs Wm, A. Case et al,
1. Hamuel Waters vs tleorgo Wlllets.
5. Hamuel Waters vs Ueorgo Willels,
o, Harah A. Ktlno vs Jacob Htlnojr.
7. Wm. Feason et nl nsslguess of tho Wosi
Ilianch Insuranco Co. vs Mlmon C. Hhlve.
8, Hdward M'Call et al vh John Kweeney,
0. F. H, I'cison vs JohuCaln.
10. Oldeou Armlts John U. Lelbj.
U, Thomas J, Vandersllce vs ltobert Howell.
IJ, Lnvlua Davenport vs Wm, M. Ktluctop.
1,1. John O. Lelby ,s Oldeon Arndt.
1 1, John Coleman vs Mlchal Cromls.
1 ". J. It. Hazlctoti vs II, C. Dartmnii.
Vi, John Cooper vs D.tulel Iloweretal,
17. John Olliov vs Wm H. Klerncr.
H. Conyngh.uu township vsl'tter I. Kleece
in, wm. Hdiuyler s lillsha T. Tiflauy.
io, IMward Hweet s John Anderson A Co,
ul, Isaac I'egly s James W, Haukey,
Ollbert Fowler vb Heuuen Miller.
Vi. John Laverus vs Margaret Ureheny et al.
'JU Htacy John vsOeo, Ijougcnlierger exr'b
Si, Hllns Oeoige vs Aaron Person.
2(f. LU Cieeting Adm'r. vh J.ll. Case.
27. Lucas N. Sloyer vsOeo. W, Collamer et al,
Jl-HKCOLKMAN, I'roth'y.
llloomsburg Aug. 7, IbtHi.
H A Ii E .
M U A 11 h K L O T ,
Located In the centre oftho
town of Illoomsbuig 011 Moln Btreet, near the
Court House, the Hotels, nnd principal stores. It
has a front of Kl let ton Main Btieet, and lias
erected upon it a frame dwelling house with ne
cessary outbuildings. Tho situation Is admlra
bly ndnpled for a business stand. Information
(oncoming terms Ac, can bo obtained from
llernbard Mohucr at his saloon on Main Btreet,
llloonubuig, Aug., 11,'08-tf
The following appraisements of real and per
souul property set apart to widows of decedents,
havo been tiled in tho olllce of thellegMerol Co
lumbia county, under tho Hules of Court, and
will be presented for absolute continuation, to
the Orphans' Court to bo held In Bloomsburg, in
andforsald couuly.on Monday, the hkvlndi
Day of Brtrr, I&Oh, at two o'clock 1, M
or said day, unless exceptions to such confirma
tions aie previously Hied, of which all persons
Interested in said estates will take notice 1
1, Widow of Jacob Merkel of Flshlngcrtek,
2, Widow ol Hamuel Klstier ol Greenwood, de
ceased, .1, Widow of John Doak of Ilerwick, deceased.
I. Whlow of John Olcer of Montour, deceased.
5. Widow of I'eter Miller oi Centre, deceased,
ii. Widow of Hamuel liruglcr of Hemlock dee'd
7. Widow ot l'?ter B, Helwlg of Conyngham
k. Widow of Charles H.Hess of Mifflin, deo'd,
I), Widow of Andrew Fieas of Centre, deo'd.
lo. Widow of F.Ujah It. Wilson of Flshlngcreek,
JOHN (I. VnUlVM, UegUter.
Illoomsbuig, Aug-7. 1SU8,
Notice Ih hereby given that tho flrstlnstalment
of sulihcrlptlon to tho Normal Hchoal llulldlng
was due on tho first of Juno and Is required to
be promptly paid to tho rieasurer, AUo unpaid
subscriptions to tho llloomshurg Literary Insti
tute, which must be paldas the old stock must
ho settled. H. MHNDKNHALL,
Aug. ll.'iW-St Trtusuier,
O K .
otlco Ih lien bv clvcn tn llio nublli-Hint llicrn
tire In t In- liiimlK uf Jiimt-H Mcllenry at cnniiira.
twu niili H lor 8J50oni Ii, Blvenby tlioiinilcri.l8(iei
on llio 13th day of July IVm, ml.J. I'J lie, for llio
rlslit loki'll.tikomiil iiiiiUb 1''ii Comb Inril
W ni!on Uriilto nml llumiilriH Derlio i" far which
I rcrclviil 1111 vnliu-,an lin-raicnt IhwoiUiIcs.
nml which mill hoIcn I will not iwy.
llcnliin Twil, Aug. l,'(-3t I'M'KIl, L'AHK.
1 in undersluued auditor aiiirOlnted bv the
Court or Common liens of Columbia county to
teport lacts with his opinion as to the propriety
id giautlng tho sale 01 the real estate of Mury
John, a lunatic, lor the purpose of paying debts
anil tnunutnu'iits. nnd the sunrort and main
te.iance of said lunatic, will uttct tho pur tics
for the purposes of his appolutuiciit at his ofMce-
in llloomsburg ou tho
worn uhv 01 neiMt-iuuei
C. W. MlLLl'JK,
Aug. 7,'tl8it.
p a n m k n sm
It contains three per cent, of Ammonia, nn
ample qunutlty to give activity without injury
lotue egalatlon, nud n largo percentage of ko
lublellono liiobphate of Lime, together with
Fntash and Hindu, the tssentlal elements ofu
COMI'LH'IK MJNUill3. The Increased sales to
f iriuers who are using it with hlehly satisfucto
ry results Is a suro guarantee of Its value, l'rlce,
i0per ton of ll) bugs Uuu lbs each, bend for a
pamphlet. Aililress
July3,'C8.1y 67 Uroadwoy, N. Y.
I.OUU llltOWN, CHAS, J, KVAI.ll.
N. E, Cor. Third & Vino Stress,
May , ISCk-Cu.
V K M A h V H K M 1 N A l Y
Tho next session w 111 commence on Bept. Mthv
hend for circular, V, W, NAHHAl'rliulr!,