The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 14, 1868, Image 2

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SUhc (jfol urn Irian.
I'ltlllAY JIIIIIMMJ, Aid. II, 1N0K.
at- THIS Ctll.CMIItAN lm. tlx, I,rge.t
Circulation hi Calmiililn ami adjoining
cnuiill. of any ftnprr imttll.lirtl btr, anil
It ftt.a n much larji.r sheet Oinn mny of
ttsrattmporftrlc. I mt I. (litre for Hit bl
mrillnm for nilvrrtUhtg lit lhl .tttlon of
I lie HIKtt.
Tho XiCfUlativo Nomination.
J.v tlio recent contest for iioiiiliirttloiis
In this county tlio Couwiman careful
ly avoided pcrMitinl annults upon jiiir
(Icnlnr I'liiiilldntc-! while It yiivo minm
word, of ilufenco to Cot. Kline, a etui
illdaki for tlio Itonrcsentntlvo nomliiu
linn. That defence wiwiiuulo In tlio In-
tercat of fair jilny, ant! not ono word of
It will bo mulled by in. In our' opin
ion It waiju-t, tluiolyjuulf irojier, nnd
tho result In tlui-tSTuveulliiii lias not
rcliangediif o,011. yu Mlovo Col.
10 bo n perfectly honorablu geiitle-
v iiiiui, nnd tlmt Iih coureo In the Lcgi
"liiture upon n former occasion win up'
fliiht nndjustltlable. It U true ho was
ot euccewful In tho CoiivctiUun, nud
tin doubt the accusations ngaln&t him In
connection with lili former scrvlco In
tho legislature, contributed to hN de
feat, ltut a larcc number of our citi
zens who had had unfavorable Itnpres
(oils of his public conduct, had their
niltuN disabused In the couiso of tho
canvas, nnd enmu to regard lilm from
n favornblo und friendly point of view.
Tim result h not therefore to bo taken
tn one of personal condemnation or as
liilllctliiffft stain of dl-Kriice. It U to
ho remembered also that a majority of
the popular voto In tho county was giv
en for delegates in his favor at tho Del
rgnto Elections, although ho did not
obtain n majority of the Convention.
Tho truth U that Col. Kline received
rmmh treatment sonio years since upon
his return from tho Legislature. Tho
editor of tho Columbia Democrat bo
eamo his rival for nomination, and con
trolling tho organ newspaper of tho
party In the county, used it to advance
own Interests and put tho Colonel
down. So far was this carried that tho
I mprcsslon that teemed to have been
left upon tho mlndsof thopcople was,that
Col. K., had votedfortho tonnage-tux-repeal
swindle instead of voting against
lt,as ho honestly did, nnd ills attempted
defence through thecolumnsof ihoDem
ocrat was subjected to hostile and injur!
nils criticism in the interest of his rival.
Nuturidly he and his friends have ever
r.lnro felt that ho did not have fair play
at that time and they were perhaps cor
rect In that opinion.
It is now evident that the Snnbury
and Kric Supplement (tho only bill ob
jected to for which tho Colonel voted)
was a wlso measure of public policy ;
that It secured thocomplctibn of agreat
public improvement ; that it has In
creased largely the reveuuesof theStato
In tho northern and westorn Conntlos
by increasing the general value of prop
erty and encouraging settlement, and
that the Stato securities upon tlio road
wero not sacrificed by tho measure. In
other words, results have vindicated
tho integrity and wisdom of tho Sup
plement even to those who had doubts
at the tlmo of its passage.
There is only ono circumstance of
embarrassment in thia case to which we
must refer. In 1601 Col. Freezo, in tho
Interest of Col. Tate and to aid tho lat
ter in his canvass for nomination, wrote
an article denouncing Col. Klino for
hie couro in the legislature, which
article was recently republished nnd
used in tho canvass. Now that artido
was written without tho advantage of
facts subsequently developed in relation
to tlio questions involved and under
tho impulse of friend-hip to Tate,
in tho heat of a contCft in which a
good deal of feeling was involved nnd
iVlien It was desired to nominate and
elect Col. Tato as a rcbuko tc Dr. John
and other "loyal" scouniliels who had
tiiully nbmcd him and even threatened
liU printing olllce witli destruction.
The nuthorof that article did not think
or ?ny, nor does ho now believe, that
Col. Kllneactcd from any improper mo
tive; and he is satNficd in the light of
exltlng facts, tliat injiwtico Was done
to him. Tor this reason, in part, lie
stood forward to support Col. K., ear
nestly in tho lalo contest, (regardless of
tlio charge of inconsistency) endeav
oring to make amends for a former er
ror, iiut whether tills course adopted
by him bo thought frank, Just nnd man
ly, or on the other hand Inconsistent
and improper, is not material -p far as
Col. Kline is concerned.
Wo make thesn observations in no
spirit of complaint against tho decision
of the Convention, but Injustice to n
leading and faithful member of our
party. And wo think this Is n proper
tlmo to make them becau-e thero can
now ho no Imputation that they nro
made to subserve any one's personal
interest lu connection with tliononiina
lions. Hiok! nominations aro now
made and wo are all united in their
support. They aro satisfactory and
thoy will all bo successful. Hut Justlco
Js the ilrst duty and tlio highest policy
of n party organization, and men of
merit In its ranks whodo not recclvolts
favors aro clearly entitled to Us respect
nnd protection.
The Democratic Club.
Tjijj regular meeting was held on
Mondny evening last. A committee
was appointed to procure a transparen
cy to lo placed outsido ; also a commit
tee to procure n tlag. It was resolved
that hereafter tho rooms should bo kept
open overy ovenlng until after election,
mm n collection of Democratic
nowspapers supplied. On motion,
tint President wus authorized to invite
lion. 0. It. Uuckftlew to address tho
Club. It was agreed to instltuto u Glee
flub, and a commlttco was appointed
Jor that purpose. Mr. Chas. a. llark
Jey was requested to uddresu tho Club
ut its. next mcetlug, and It was agreed
that at each ensuing regular meeting,
nonio member shall deliver an address.
'J'Jio Club then adjourned,
Tho Black tut.
"J ilo solemnly swear that J accept the
agree not to attempt to deprive any per
son or per tont, on account of race, color
or previous condition, f any political
or civil right, privilege, or Immunity en
Joyed by any other data of men. So help
me God." Southern Jtadlcal Larpcl
Jiag Coiutttutlons,
No Northern man, soldier or civilian,
ran hocomo a citizen pf any of tlio "ro
constructed atrttcH," without taking this
Flag Raisin?.
Tin: Union League of llloomsburg,
on Monday last hail n Hair niMni?.
which took place uinliM the plaudits of
n small number of large men and a
large number of small boys there iih
scmbled. After cheers had been given
for the flag and for Ornnt and Colfax,
the Itov. D. A. lkrkley was called for
by 1'. John and two or three others.nnd
In response, though unprepared for tho
onerous nitty, orated.
no Degan, of course, by abusing tho
nomocracy; paid a handomo compil
ment to tlio Now York Convention by
declaring that "It was tho most treason-
..i. i.. i . . ...
mm: iiuuy 01 men ever ns-embled on
this Continent ;" Indulged In tho usual
amount of llaillcnl clap-trap nbout tho
Copperheads and rebels being lu lenguo
to (halroy the t'nloii, and after somo
Vlllllleatlon of Iloratlo .Seymour, tho
new gentleman dually subsided.
Cheers wero given for tho speaker by
several persons in tlio vicinity.
The groat ltadicul leader, 1. John.
thou assumed the ollenslvo. llo thought
Just ns little ol Seymour and Ulalr ns
did ids predecessor, but dill not think
Horatio Seymour insligaled the Sew
iork no. Horatio r-hould by nil
menus take the Republican. Such mag
nanimity! I'alemou said "Copperhead"
n great many times and smashed
Democratic mottcrs generally, but tak
ing all things into consideration was not
ns savngo us usual.
Co). Kiniit, who followed, was al
most overcomo by emotion ut sight of
moling, to much so in fact, that ho
thought it unnecessary for him to speak
nt nil, which bcllcfhowns perhaps right.
Ho however did say that the Democrat
ic party would rather bo under tho
Stars and liars thau under tho Stars
aud Stripes. Ho imagined thai whilst ho
and his noblo Africans wero riishln g
madly Into well, say rations, Horn -tlo
Seymour was Inciting to riots nnd
opposing tho war. Hu did not state, nt
least audibly, that tho samo Horatio
Seymour sent 20,000 troops Into Penn
sylvania when tho Stato needed them
pretty badly. "And tho negro troops
fought nobly," didn't thoy Colonel ?
Capt. Whitmoyerwasthe next speak
er, llo predlctod an easy victory in
the Fall, nud said It would bo n "great
pity" to loso tlio good things they now
possess, to which tho party will doubt-
less say "Amen." They would miss
the Treasury especially.
-nr. j. ij. Jtoblson then mounted the
rostrum. Ho said it was the proudest
kind of a privllego to stand under tho
American flag ; no ono being prepared
to deny tlio truth of this, ho repeated
tho assertion two or thrco times, and
finally rested his caso on that nolnt.
Tho magnitude of tho Idea was too
much for him.
Cheers wero given for each speaker
at tho close of his remarks, and finally
the crowd dispersed to their homes, to
soiaco themselves with tho Idea that
they had heard somo really flrst-clns
The "Crawford County" System.
First. Tho candidates for tlio several
offices shall have their names announc
ed In ono or moro of tho County papers
at least three weeks previous to tho prl-
miy mooiings, ousting lliu OIUCU, nnd
to do subject to tho action of tho party
at tho bald primary meeting.
fsecoml.The voters responding to Dem-
cralic principles in each borough, ward
or township shall meet on tho FIRST
al places of holding tho delegato elec
tions, at a o'clock P. M and proceed to
elect ono person for judgo and two per
sons lor clerks, wiio shall form u board
of election to receive votes and deter
mine who are proper persons to vote.and
shall hold tho polls open until 7 P. M.
Alter tlio polls aro opened tlio candi
dates announced as aforesaid shall bo
balloted for; tho name of each person
voting snail be written on a list nt tho
tlmo of voting, no person being allow
ed to voto moro than once for each of
fice. Third. After tho polls nro closed tho
Hoard shall proceed to count the votes
that each candidate received and mako
out tho returns accordingly, to bo certi
fied to by thojudge and attested bv tho
Jourlh. Tlio Judges (or ono of the
clerks appointed by thojudge) of tho re
spective districts, shall meet at tho
Court House, in Carlisle, on tho Mon
day following (lie primary meetings, at
It o'clock, A.M., having tho returns
and a list of tho voters, and count tho
votes, ami tlio person having tho hlirh-
est biimbcr of votes for any ofllco shall
be declared the regular nominee of the
Democratic party.
J ifth. Any two or more persons hav
ing an equal number of votes for tho
samo office, tho Judges shall proceed to
ballot for a choice, between liioso thus
a tie, tho per-on having tho highest
numuer to bo tlio nominee.
.S'uA. Tiioreturnjudgesshall bo com
petent to reject , by a majority voto tho
returns from any election district.
where there Is evidence of fraud, cither
in tno returns or otherwise, to the extent
of the fraud committed.
Seventh. Judicial, Congressional. Sen.
atorlnl and Legislative nominees shall
have the privllego of selecting their
own confirees.
Eighth. Ilio return Judiro from each
borough, ward or township shall namo
tho members of tho Standing Commlt
tco from his district, and tlio Commlttco
thus appointed shall hold its first meet
lng on thosocond Saturday after tho
meeting of tlio return Judges, and shall
elect Its own chairman.
Xlnth. Tho Standing Committee, at a
meeting called for that mirno'-o bv lis
chairman, shall havo power to select
delegates to tlio Stato Conventions and
appoint the necessary conferees.
Death of Shaddons Stevens.
Tjiaiidkuh Stkvkns died nt precise
ly 12 o'clock last Tuesday night, at his
residenco in Washington, on Capitol
Hill. Simon Stevens, Tlinddeus Stev
ens, Jr., a nephew, and his housekeep
er, Mrs, Smith, wero at his bed sldo;
also, sister Lorettn and sister Ocncviovo.
of tho I'rovideiK o Hospital, and J. Scott
rattersou, or tlio Interior Department,
aud tlio servants of his household,
Mr. Ktovens was bom In Vermont
April ltli WOT, and was In ids 7ith year
at his death. Graduated nt Dartmouth
Collcgo, and camo to Pennsylvania In
1811, Ho camo to tho liar In 1810, and
was elcctetl to tho Legislature In 183S.
Tho Huckshot War and tho Gettysburg
Tapeworm aro IiIb achievements, dur-
i tho following yeurs. Ho was elect
ed t Congress first In 1818, nnd slnco
1858 hu has been constantly thero. Our
opluions of lilm ns n man and a politi
cal! havo been so freely given during
his life, that wi ncod not ndd them to
this notice of his death.
Lottcr of Hon. Horatio Seymour
Accepting tho Democratic Nom
ination fcr tho Presidency.
UticA. Aumtnt 4. ISGS.
Okntlemen: When, In tho City of
iNew iork on tho 11th of July, in tho
presenco of n vast multitude, on behalf
of tho National Democratic Convention
you tendered to mo its unanimous noin
lnntlon as Its candidate for tho ofllco of
President of the United States. I stated
I had no words "adequate to express
my gratitude for tho good will nnd
kindness which that hotly had shown
to me. Its nomination was unsought
nnd unexpected. It was my ambition
to take an iietlvopart,from which I am
now excluded, In the great strugglo go
lug on lor tlio restoration of good gov
eminent, of peace nnd prosperity to our
county. Hut I havo been caught up
by tho whelming tldo which is bearing
us on ton great political chnnge, nnd I
una myself unable to resist its pressure,
You havo also given me a copy of tho
resolutions put forth by tho Convention
showing Its position upon nil tho great
questions which now agitato tlio coun
try. As tho presiding officer of that
Convention, I am familiar with tholr
scopo nnd import ; as ono of Its mem
bers, I nm u pnrty to their terras. They
nro in accortl with my views, nnd
stnud upon them in tho contest upon
which wo nro now entering, nnd shall
strive to carry them out In future
whorovcr I may bo placed, In political
or prlvato life."
i men stateii tnal l wouia send you
theso words of acceptance in n letter, ns
is tho customary form. I sco uo reason
upon reflection, to cliango or qualify
tlio terms of my npprovnl of the resolu-
Hons of tho Convention.
I havo delayed tho mere formal act
of communicating to you in writing
wniit l thus publicly said, for tho pur
pose of seeing what light tho action of
Congress would throw upon tho Inter
ests of tho country. Its nets slnco tho
adjournment of the Convention show an
nlarm lest n chnngo of political power
will give to tho peoplo what tliey ought
to have a clear statement of what has
been dono with tho money drawn from
them during tho past eight years,
Thoughtful men feel that thero have
been wrongs In the financial manage
ment which havo been kept from the
public knowledge. Tho Congressional
party lias not only allied Itself with
military power, which is to bo brought
to bear directly upon tho elections In
many States, but it also holds Itself In
perpetual session, with thnnvowed pur
poso of making such laws as it shnll seo
fit, In view of tho elections which will
tnko place within u few weeks. It did
not, therefore, adjourn, but took a re
cess, to m eet again if its nnrtisnn Inter.
ests shall demand Its reassembling.
Never before in tho history of our coun
try, lias Congress thus taken a menac
ing attitude towards its electors. Under
its in fluenrc somo of tho States organ
ized by Its agents are proposing to de
prive tho peoplo of tho right to vote for
Presidential electors, nnd tho first bold
steps nro taken to destroy tho rights of
suffrage. It is not strange, therefore,
that thoughtful men sco in such action
tho proof that there Is with those who
Hhapo WO policy ut tin, XWiiubllcnu mi
ty, motives stronger and deeper than
tho mero wish to hold political power;
that thero is a dread of somo exposure
which drives them on to nets so desper
nto and impolitic,
Mnny of tho ablest leaders and Jour
nals of tho Republican party have open
ly deplored thoviolonce of Congression
al nction, nnd its tondeney to keep up
discord in our country. Tho great in
terests of our Union demand peace,
order, and a return to those industrial
pursuits without which wecannot main
tain the faith or honor of our Govern
mcut. Tho minds of business men nro
perplexed by uncertainties. Tlio hours
of toil of ourlaboarsaro lengthened by
the costs of living mado by tho direct
and Indirect exactious of Government.
Our peoplo aro harassed by tho heavy
and frequent demands of tho tax-gath
erer. ithout distinction of party there
is a strong feeling in favor of that line
of nction which shnll restoro order and
con fldencc, and shall lift off tlio burdens
which now hinder and vex the industry
of tlio country. Yet nt this moment
tho-oln power havo thrown Into tho
Senato Chamber and Congressional Hall
new el ements of discord and violence.
Men havo been admitted as Represen
tatives of somo of tho Southern States,
with tlio declaration upon their Hps
that they cannot llvo in the States they
claim to represent, without military
protection. These men nro to mako
laws for tho North as well as tho South.
Theso men. who a few days slnco wero
seeking ns suppliants that Congress
would give them power within their
respective States.aro to-day tho masters
and controllers of tho actions of thoso
bodies. Entering them with minds
filled with passions, their first demands
nave been that Congress shall look up
on tho States from which they como as
m conditions of civil war; tlmt tho ma-
Jority of their populations, embracing
their intelligence, shall bo treated as
public enemies; that military forces
shall bo kept up at tho cost of tho peo
ple oi tno worth, and that thero shall
bo no peace and order at tlio South savo
that which is mado by arbitrary power.
Every Intelligent man knows that
these men owe their scuts in Congress
to tlio disorder In tho South ; every man
knows that they not only owe their
presont positions to disorder, but that
every motlvo springing from tho love
of power, of gain, of a deslro for veil
geanco.prompts them to keep tho Soutli
in anarchy. While that oxlsts.they aro
Independent of tho wills or wished of
their fellow citizens. While confusion
reigns, they aro tho dispensers of the
profits and the houors which grow out
of tho government of mero force. Theso
men aro now placed In positions whero
they cannot urgo tholr views of policy,
but wlicro they can enforce them, When
others shall boadmltted In this mannor
from tho remaining Southern States,
although they will havo In truth no
constituents, they will havo moro pow
er In tho Senato than a majority or tho
peoplo of this Union living In nino of
tho great States. In vain tho wisest
mombcrs of tho Republican party pro
tes ted against tlio policy thatled to this
result. Whllo tho chiefs of tlio lato re
bollion havo submitted to tho result of
tho war, and nro now quietly engaged
In useful pursuits for tho support of
themselves and their families, and aro
trying by tlio force of their oxamplo to
lead back thopeoploofthoSouth to tho
order and Industry, not only essential
to their well-being, but to tho greatness
and prosperity of ourcommon country,
wo see that those who, without obllitv
or influence, have been thrown by thu
nglhVlons of civil convulsion Into posl
thins of honor and profit, nnd striving
to keep nil vo tho passions to which they
owo their olovatlon. And they clamor
ouslyln9lst.tlat they nro thoouly friends
of our Union a Union that can only
havo a suro foundation in fraternal re
gnrd nnd a common deslro to promoto
the pence, tho order and tho happiness
ofall sections of our land,
Events in Congress slnco tho adjourn
mcnt of tho Convention havo vastly In
creased tlio importance of n political
victory by those who nro seeking to
bring back economy, simplicity, nnd
justicoin tno numiiiutrntlon of our na
tlonal affairs. Mnny Republicans havo
heretofore clung to their party who
havo regretted tho extremes of violence
to wh tell it has run, They havo chcr
ishedn faith that while tho action of
their political friends has been mlstak
en, their motives linvo been good. They
mu st now sco Hint tho Republicnn par
ty Is in that condition that It cannot
carry out n wlso nnd penceful policy,
wli ntever Its motives niny bo. It Is u
misfortune, not only ton country but
ton governing party itself, when its
ao tlon Is unchecked by any form of op
position. It has been tho mlsfortuno
of tlio Republican party that tho events
of tlio past few yenr.j havo given it so
much power that it lias been ablo to
shackle tho Executive, to trammel tlio
Judiciary, and to carry out the views
of tho most unwise and violent of Its
members. When tills stato of tilings
exists in any part., It has ever been
found that tho sober Judgments of Its
ablest leaders do not control. Thero is
hardly an able man who helped to build
up tlio Republican organization who
has not within tlio past thrco years,
warned It against Its excesses, who has
not been borne down and forced to glvo
up his convictions of what tho Interests
of tho country called for: or, If too pat
rlotlc to do this, who has not been driv
en from its ranks. If this lias been the
caso heretofore, what will bo its action
now with this new infusion of men who.
wiinoui a decent respect lor tho views
of those who hnd Just given them their
positions, begin their legislative career
with tnlls for nrms, with demands that
their States shall bo regarded as In a
condition of civil war, nnd with a dec
laration that they aro ready and unx
lous to degrado tho President of tlio
United States whenever they can nur-
suade or forco Congress to bring for
ward now articles of impeachment.
Iho Republican warty, as well as we.
uro interested in putting somo check
upon this violence, it must be clear
to every thinking man that a division
of political power tends to check the
violence of party action nnd to assure
tho peace and good order of society.
Tho election of a Democratic Executivo
and n majority of Democratic mem-
hers to the House of Representatives
would not givo to that pnrty organiza
tion the power to mako sudden or vio
lent clianges,but it would servo to check
those extreme measures which have
been deplored by tho best men of botli
political organizations. Tho result
would most certainly lead to that peace
ful restoration of tlio Union nnd re-establishment
of fraternal relationship
that tho best men of thollopubllcan par
tydcploro as deeply ns I do tlio spirit
oi vioionco shown by thoso recently nd
mittod to sents in Congress from tho
South. Tho condition of civil war
which they co utcmplato must bo ab
horrent to every right thinking man.
I havo no merepeisonnl wishes which
mislead my judgment In regard to tho
pending election. No man who lias
weighed and measured tho duties of
tho ofllco of President of tho United
States, can fall to bo impressed with
tho cares and tolls of lilm who is to meet
its demands. It Is not merely to float
with popularcurrcnts, without a policy
or a purpose. On tlio contrary, whllo
our Constitution gives Just weight to
tho public will, IU distinguishing fea
turo is that it seeks to protect tho rights
of minorities. Its greatest glory is that
It puts restraints upon power. It gives
force and form to thoso maxims and
principles of civil liberty for which tho
martyrs of freedom havo struggled
through ages. It declares tho right of
tho peoplo
"to bo secure in their persons, houses,
mm papers against unreasonable search
es aud solzures. That Congress shall
mako no law respecting an cstabll-h.
ment of religion or tho freo exorcise
thereof, or abrldi: ntr tho freedom nf
speech or of tlio press, or tho right of
tho people to petition for redress of
grievances, it secures tho rlirht nf n
speeoy and public trial by an Impartial
No man can rightfully enter upon tho
duties of the Presidential ofllco, unless
ho Is not only willing to carry out the
wishes of tho people expressed In a
constitutional way, but is also prepared
to stand up for tho rights of minorities.
Ho must lio ready to uphold tho frcu
exercise of religion. Ho must denounco
measures which would wrong personal
or homo rights, or tlio religious eon.
science of tlio humblest citizen of the
land. Ilo must maintain, without dis
tinction of creed or nationality, all tho
privileges of American citizenship.
The experience of overy public man
who has been faithful to his trust teach.
es him that no ono can do tlio duties of
tlioollicoof Presldent.unlos.s ho Is ready
not only to undergo tho falsehoods and
abuse of the bad, but to suffer from tho
censure of tlio good who aro misled by
prejudices nnd misrepresentations.
Thero aro no attractions In such por
tions, which deceive my Judgment,
whon I say that a great ehnniro is mine-
on in tho public mind. Tlio mass of
tho Republican parly aro moro thought
ful, temperate nnd Just than thev wero
during tho excitements which uttonded
tno progross nnd closo of tlio civil war.
As tho energy ol the Democratic nnrtv
springs from their dovotioa to their
cnuso nnd not to tholr" candid.Uos, I
may with propriety speak of to fact
that n over In tho political hlsfoVv of
our country has tlio action of any iiko
body been hailed with such universal
ond widespread enthnslnsm as that
which lias been shown in relation to
tho position of tho National Democratic
Convention. Willi this tho candidates
had nothing to do. Had any others of
thoso muncd been selected, this spirit
would Jinvo been, perhnps, inoro
marked. Tho zeal and energy of tlio
conservative masses spring from a de
slro to mako n cliango of political poli
cy, ami irom tno confidence that they
can carry out their purpose
In this fulth they aro streiiL'tliened
by tho co-operation of tho great body
of thoso who served in tho Union ar
my and mwy during tho war. Having
given nearly sixteen thousand com-
missions to tho officers of that army, I
know their views mill wishes. Thoy ,
demand tho Union for which they
fought. Tho largest meeting of theso
gallant soldiers which over assembled
was held In New York, and endorsed
tho action of tho National Convention.
In words Instinct with meaning, they
called upon tho Government to stop in
its policy of hate, discord nnd disunion
nnd in terni9 of fervid eloquence they
demanded the restoration of tlio rights
nnd liberties of tlio American people.
When thero is such accord botween
thoso who proved themselves bravo
and self-sacrificing In war, nnd thoso
who nru thoughtful nnd patriotic In
council, I connot doubt wo shall gain a
political triumph which will restoro
our Union, bring back peaco und pros
peritjjtp our land, and will givo us
onco moro tlio blessings of n wise, eco
nomical and honest government.
I nm, gentlemen, truly yours, Ac.,
To den. G. W. Morgan, and others,
Committee, &c, Ac.
An Outrage on Columbia County.
Oun citizens will remember to their
latest days how tho Radicals In 1801
flooded tlio County with soldiers, who,
In order to ntd in securing tho election
of tholr master, arrested n number of
prominent Democrats, nud statlonod
squads of armed men nt different poll
ing plnccs. This year Grant's military
nie nil required in tho ten Southern
Stntcs, (If States thoy can bo called), iu
order to coerco tho negroes and other
radical voters into Grant's support.
Hut Geary has anew device. Is to
scatter his minions among Democratic
Cbimties under the guise of " special po
lice." Northumberland, Schuylkill, nnd
other Counties havo had theirs for somo
time, nnd lntclyoiir wero appointed
for this County. To mako tho matter
moro scriouSj tlio tax-payers of tills
county nro required to support these
"pets" of Gov. Oenry.
Their bill for tho month of July Is bo
fore us, and amounts to tho snug sum
of Three hundred and twenty flee Dollars.
Tills includes tho pay for a marshal
who lives in another County. Wo want
the tax-payers without respect of purty
to examine Into this outrage, nud then
determine whether their taxes, already
enormous, nro to bo Increased still fur
ther to pay tho sum of Thirty-nine hun
dred Dollars a year to support Geary's
political spies. In tlio namo of the peo
ple, wo protest against this bill being
To mako tho outrago still worse, tho
Commissioners of tho County aro re
quired to arm theso men with revolvers,
handcuffs, etc. Wo say emphatically,
NO. No freeman forges tho handcuirs
that arc to bind lilm.
To verify our statements wo append
hereto copies of tho official documents.
Marshals Office, 1
I'OTTSVILLK Jutio K'lh 180, f
Commissioners of Columbia tnunty:
GEXTLEMtN. Antiexcd hereto, find
copy of letter which I reed from his
Excellency Governor Geary. Will you
please Inform mo per return mail nt
what time 1 can meet your board nt tho
Commissioners' ofllco of your county,to
arrange tho tlmo of tho Monthly Pay
mcnts of this Pollco forco, tlio law nlso
requires tho Commissioners tocquip tho
omcers. m iiosooi cnuyiKiu county nro
furnished with ono Coopers Patent Re
volver and ono Holster, ono pair of
Jinnucuiis ami n mctlal with tlio in
scriptlou'Schiiylkiii County I'ollco.'tho
amount required for equipment will be
about JO.j.01) for tho wholo force.
Very Respectfully,
Marshal of Police.
Pennsylvania Kxfci'tivk Ciiamiiek, I
llAltHlSIil-ltO, I'll. Jul- lllh lbb.1. j
Joseph IIlismiu Marshal of Pollco of
Schuylkill County :
You aro hereby informed that I have
tills day appointed Edward Shaffer,
Henry James, Samuel Richards and
Edward Ferguson, of Columbia County
to bo l'olico Officers in said County un
der tlio Act of 12th April 1SC7.
They aro to act under your Instruc
tions to rcceivo tlio samo pay and bo
subjected to tho samo regulation iv tho
l'olico iieretoforo appointed for Si-huyl-kill
It is understood you nro to receive tlio
sum of three hundred dollars per an
num for your services from tlio County
of Columbia.
Most respectfully your obeslietit scr
vet, John W. Gkauy,
County of Columbia, Dr.
To Joseph Hel.sler,
Tor ono month's service as Marshal of
I'.dico for Columbia County, from Julv
1st, to July ,'llbt, lfcCS, included ns fltoo
per annum, $'2o 00.
County of Columbia, Dr.
To tlio following named persons for
one month's service as police oillc-i.-rs
for Columbia County from July 1M, to
July :ilst, 1808, lucliiilvo at 7") 00 per
Henry James, otuMiiontli, $75 00
Samuel Richards, " 75 00
Edward Shadier, " 75 00
Edward Ferguson " 75 00
JOS. llKISLMl. Mar. of Police.
Marshal's Ofllco, Pottuvlllo July U1,'C.
Tjii: Florida LetrMaturc on Tuesdav
passed over tlio Governor's veto tho bill
to nav to member! nm. vf-ni-'w unv fnr
services 110111 Juno to i)eceniber, and
adjourned at midnight until November
3d, when they will chooso Presidential
electo rs. Press Dispatch.
Thero is much food for thought In tho
nbovo paragraph. In tho first placo
theso " carpet-baggers" voted them
selves an entire year's pay -for a few
months sorvices. In this they followed
thoo.xampl oof Congrifcs, which voted
thocarput-baggors pay for a fullsetslon,
amounting to $5,000,00 when somo of
tliem had not had their seats over a
week, and 0110 of them win admitted
only seven minutes before adjournment,
yet drew his full pay.
'ilie idea is that tlio present I.egNIa
turo shall chooso Presidential electors.
thus depriving tlio peoplo of any voico
in tho coming Presidential election.
Tills attempt to smother tho voico of
tlio people, by taking from them tho
privllego of voting for tlio candidates
for President and Vico President, is an
nci oi gross usurpation, and shows In
Itself to what extremes our opponents
aroreuueeu. ir, upon n fair election,
Grant lias a majority In tlio olcctorul
collego iiko good citizens wo will
submit. If,howovcr, tho Radical
manipulators expect tlio Southern negro
ized Legislatures to cast tlio electoral
votes of thoso States, which l.eglsla
lures wero olected before tho nomina
tions, and before this (luestlon was mis-
ed, then we will not submit I In this
election tho peoplo wilt be heard, nnd
their verdict will bo executed.
IJi;n. Hutlhh ran furBtovens, Mined,
Tlio moment ho was dead.
And ulbo grubbed Ida ahlnlngwlfr,
To clap Hon Ida head ;
Thus liablted from top to too,
moro lamo no hopou to win ;
'Tin lint n nnuMmwln n
Tho Ass und Llon'n akin,
Democratic) National Tiokot,
ron nir-smsM!
roil vii'E-1-nL.stiii..Nri
or Missouitt.
Domocratio Stato Tickot.
Democratic County Ticket.
E. R. IKKLElt.
fok si iivi:voiii
FOR Al 1)11 oil I
Market llt-in
Wheat per bushel 12 2"
Hye " l ;v
Corn " , . . l 25
Out. m
Flour per tmrrcl ... U 00
rioverscuil 7 w
KluXKcetl 2 no
Mutter :
1 'nut
Tallow 15
I'litutwa 1 ,v
Dried Annlca .. 2 ol
I'ork 10
HUtoHnmlHlioultlers 17
Iml per pound . 1X
Hay per ton 10 w
Ilomtock Hoards per th'usuh.i feel
I'lno " " (uiie tui a, ......
Joist, Honntllns, Plnnk, (lli"Ioeii
Hhltiijles Nw. 1 prr thMand-
Ntdtnij " " it. .V.'.'."'.. '"'.'".'.
No. 1 Hootch nli?
8tf! (Ml
. isajil
. 15 110
.. 8 00
.. 7 00
18 tn
No. 2 " Stl
uioom -s-m
NorthwcHtern nuperfluon
Northwentera exlru
NorthwcHtern ramllv
I'ennHVliniiljL and vYii
i.iliA), Air. It. ISGS.
!7.O0 7.75
H.WKifl .
sUw'illnu... 7.7.VorV
Pennsylvania and Went
IVnusvlvanla and Western mmtly Ki.iHK9U.u1
IVniiHyivunia aud Vlein lam-v 12.5"!MI-i"
Ilia fl..XK$3 v.a
Kvo Hour....
Wheat I'ennMylvania re.l, y Lm.
Hnuthurii " ' ..
California " " ...
" wlntu " ..
Kyk Pennsylvania rye, $ tmi
Corn Yellow. "
White, "
22. kh9J i't
. fl.0lC4$l.tfj
, $1.21M1.U
, $t.l?4.91.17
l$c Wo
lfe 87.0Utt7.?y)
ia in fitiiii
Pkovimons Mess Pork, j4 bbl
MeMH Hoef. "
Dressed Iiokh, ft
Hiuoked 11 a in- "
' HhuulUerM ft lb
Lard, ti
Heep-4 C'lnverMt'd w im
Timotliyneed V
KlaxHi'L'il ' M.
Catti.f Heef Cattle V
Cows, head
Hons v I'' lbs
I nasi. .M
lIWir.KMAN-KKEFEIt-On tho 10th ult., lit his
reMdeni:t.,ljy ltcv. K. Fullmer, Mr. Ueor,rclIer
lcinuti, J r., .f Jiukt.011, to MIhh Hurrlot Kc.'fvr
or llentrm- tills County.
KKNT-KESTER-At Light Hlrwt, on Tliurhilny
(lie blh Juki., In l.llloy, Km,. .Mr. Mullil.
ns Kent, i.f Mount I-lfutmut, to MInn Tiiiiut
.111111- ivi'sic-r 01 1110 H.unc luuvu.
Tho irroat amount of tlnu, oonsntitt'il h- ttin
ladles in dressing and uriiitmiiiK tlit-lr hair must
niiko hiiv article which would li-ssen their labor
itttrtlctilarly dcslialjio. Itln'h Vegetans Am
Won la Uuch the hair In huch condition as to
rentier tiituireshiiiK ami hrraiiKtiig a very cany
mutter. It lnnmrta to it siiirndld uloasv mi-
pearance ko much ud nit red, chanses the bcalp
from dandrutl ami all luuiior, and irceuu
baldness ; piomoteH li kmawIi and restores gray
n.iir 1 1) u.i origin hi coior j my 01, uj h
Vom the uAJi(iU Albany, X .
Wo are not In the liaolt of noticing bo-called
Patent Medicines ; but wi imw no hesitation In
commeudlnK thlH nUmblt llitn rn to tlio public
It Is composed ot noun but tlu juitcst and btst
lUKndluutH, und the tli(ufiudn ui teotlinontaN
to iUctUcacy, ltac no tioubt I bat In tho most
valuable spt'dtle known lor the- turo of liiseasys
wi mu iLiivtrr, Ktiicrai i-oiii,, r e era, aim com
J11U11118 unsung 1 rout it nisonu'it'ii niouiaen.
Tlio llllttTH Ucntliely tu-o trom all Intoxicating
Combines all the ltit!rnlieuti.l'llit.' Hitters with
pure Santa Cruz Ituui, omnc, tu.Ke, a.c, it is
uset lor wiu isamo uiHt'if iu imiers, incases
whero nomo Alchohollu Mihtiil.tiil is necessary
ami mukes i rieparat on dtluhiiully nleasuut
und itgreeablo to take. 11 lucii :u t.illu', t:tl Arch
siriet, rniiau a, I'a. i-'om 1 ver w lu re,
July lUfivli.
Hated, whose Kiitleiiiif, lnc bun protracted
fiom hidden causes, mm whose canes require
iuuui(n, irLiiinifiiL iu muni vai'hiut uesiruuie,
I f nil II rM Wlltliirllllf- Ot bllf Mlitt l.xl Imm In.
oiuutur dlsidiurKes, ul.i.l itUitdocH It produce
upon jour general health? I to jutt ltd weuk.
tkbllilutud, earlly tiled r Does a liltlc extra ex-
eriiou prouuee a imipiiMiuii in tno neari? Does
jour liver, or umiiuj- oiyiorn, orsour uniucg,
licuuiutly att out nt oider? Is youi urine
bometliues ttiu k, nilD.i, oi (hnlf , or la It ronv
on fecitling? Or Hoc a ihckscum rUo to the
Lop? Or Is a sediim nt ui th botumi aiier It lias
Stood uwblie? llOOU bu eMU'lU i,i slwirl l,rnili.
Inn or di anopsia? Are j our bowels constipated ?
Do .oil liavo spelts ol buntiii.oi iiilnsot blootl
tothohend? Is our memory impaired? Is jour
mind tonituutl) dulilugnp)n ih ssuljiet? l)o
you hel dull, listless, tnopunt, tiu-u ol company
oi life? Do you wish iu ten it alone, to yet ua
fiom eerbudy ? Doesun little tiling mukejou
Is tho lustio of juur m ui orilluM ? 'the bloom
on jour cheek us brmlti? 1'ujuu enjoy iour.Httl
ll rtiiviuij " 'll I'UISUUA OUT UUSlUCbh
wiiu lur BiuiivvueiK) 7 (HI J Oil It el as mum COIl'
lldeluolU yoillscir? Ale i.ur snhllH Mull nm!
lluLrjrlntf. Klt'li lolllsof iiu mucliolly ? If so, do
not la It to jourllMroi dsjnpla. Jltivo you
ii-niiL-n, iNtin. 1 itiii nu,, hiiiis, your Kueei
weak, and hae but Jiuu uppulte, aud )ou at
tribute lids todMcpiu 01 liii-complaint?
Now. reader, belf-uhuxi . wurronl ilu.-m.. Im.l.
ly cured.uud sexuul exeesst are all capable of
1. I..1.H..UB "biiibiii iiu- uniiiuuvf oruaiis.
Ilie otuansoi jitneratlou, u lu 11 lu periect healtti
miilut themau. Did )outtr lldnk that lliose
bold, delimit, euergetu, pfueeilim', biucesslul
bustness-men are alwah those wlioso gem-rellvc
organs ure In laiftct heallh?ou neer hear
aus.11 linn eiuuiniiiii 01 oeinu me.uncnoiiv, 01
uervouMiti-s, or palpitation ot the heart, 'lliey
.ro never ntruld they winnot bucceetl in bufclness
tllCV don't beeoitin fiidiitul itlM-i.nrfnl M.nt
aluajM polite and pteiiM.ut 111 the company of
own n, is4 luuii uu unu 1 111-111 r tm 111 too i.ieo
none of jour downcast looks or any other
mcunmsK nbout tb m, 1 do not mean lltuso who
k.--imiu;"ihiii uiuuuii uy runuiiiK to excess.
I hcMi will not only nun their eomlitutlous. hut
also those Ihty doLiu.i.rhs wiiu or lor.
HOW llUinv mi-n. fli.lil l.iiitli-.r nrn.l .HLr,t,.u
from the t lUets or self-abuse and, Imvo
broimht about that stulo of weakness In Ihoso
oiKniiH that has reduced the general sjstetu fo
much us to induce almost rurj oilier di-.t use
idiocy, luiiac),paral)sis,Kplnatal!ictiou,suieldo
und almost t cry olher lorm d distaso which
humanity Is heir to, und the rial cause 01 the
iww ' ui nv ever suspecuu, una have ( oc
to red for all lmt lh r(L-ht mm.
Diseases oftheseoiiiHiiji requite Ihu use of n
IMurctle. Helmbttld Vluid Extract lluchu is
thoKreat Dluietic, ami isu certain cure tor dis.
sesoflholiludder. Kidueis, Uravel, Dropsy,
DebllMy.unu all diseiiMH or tho Urinary Oryans,
whether existinK In Mf.ior J-finale, from what-
-i iiu.booriKinu.uit;, fciid no matler of how
Jong standing.
Jf no ireaimenl U huhmlHM to. Consumption
or Jnsanity mny ensue. Out liesh und bliMsi ure
Mipioiied fromlhesesoiiiics.aiKUhu heulthuud
hapt)imwi,undthaton'rosir' j.dcpeudi utkin
prouipt usopfu reliable renitdj,
. ,"" " -t"uiiii iu,csiuuiisueiiupuuru
lit A8 ,f.ul? Iiart a bj II. j. Uelmbold, lruc-
Klst.UM New irlr. iiml tiu ii.h, .i 2,...
i! ..11 tV.. 1 ' v ' V HM "uuit'ss, ooiu
by ull DrugKlsis ever white,
Nonearugtuulneunlissdone up In steel-en-gruwl
wrapped, with tm-Hmlle of my Chemical
nm In tho liumlnot Jimui. M, j, nry At uiinbrii
?iii,i o!! nd,"5 t"J!" '!"' " l-J.l'Jkf.lorlho
Wifoi, iirte.1"".".1, COHlhlllfll
i rffSiif, ""1""-"'lliBliiuot" tor whlili
anu MliUlmld null, i in noi ,,a.-.
pinion ivip;;AU(.,u,.ai il,li;it, CAB II,
UDiToit'fTxtmt i:.
"I'diiklsntil ntnllior ni.polnlcU by tho
Court of Common I'ltiib of (.'uluiiihla cuunly to
.f,!;Vll!fu.,l,"l !lrlnlfii i.Miille pFipflMy
i.f Kninllnu Ihu mli. 1 1 iiu i, (.lute of Mary
Jotju.n )iiiiatlc,, !,f Myi,BS,lif
tmaiiio of ulU Iii.iu.i, Mill 'u'loit the , lSVtlei
a. aTffii turg m ""' """V-'y. i.ti'FVil''
01 1 A X 0 H V 11 j Ij H X 0 II SI A 1.
ihn nrxt Ni-Hslon of thlHchool sis. I tl rntimicticu
on Momiay Al-lllBTUIIIl, IWiS.
For i-urticuiiirn nnurrss itoi. 11. i.. .,
rrinoiiml. oriuiKcvlIk-, C'uluiuhln county, l'a.
AUK, 11, u.-oi,
U or Hitters hni never failed to euro tho worst
kino or DinpHini Is tlio most Biicccsful med
lelnojet tfmcoveu'd Tor the euro oi Consumption
Dj spepfda, Liver Cuoiplalnt, llronchUls, nud nil
dmcmesof tho Ihtoat, Chest and Minn ft t is
mntle entirely of roots nnd herbs. Une bolt to
will coiiMnceany one who Rives It a lair trial.
No family should be without It, 1'ul up In larifo
Ooltles, prepared anu soiti uy junui nun iiciitier
A Co, Mckuyikllt Haven, i'a, and by all Drug
KlMs. lau, lW-tf.j
'.Niiilm Is hprebv clvcn that tho ftrstlnntatmenL
of nubscrlptlon to tho Normal Hrhonl ItullditiK
wus due on the lirst of JunoMiid in required to
be promptly paid to thuTrensurtr. AUo unpaid
(subscriptions to the llloomsburg Literary Instl
tute, which must bo pnldas tho old stoclt must
bo Buttled. UMLNDKNHALL,
Aug. llivs-lt Treasurer,
O 11 BALE,
Located In tlio ccntro of the
town of llloomsburg on Main Htieet, near tho
Court House, tlio llo tcls, nnd principal stores. It
hosufruntoi 8.1) ( tceton Alain htitcl, and has
erected upon It a frame dwelling house with m
cessaiy out buildings. Tho situation is ndtnlra
blv adunted for ft business stand. Information
concerning terms Ac, can bo obtained from
uernnuru oiouner ni 111s saioou on iiiiuu csireei,
llloomsbuig, Aug., ll,'UStr
W'hkrka), the lion, William El well, President
Judgo of tho Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd
UcneralJall Deliver), Court ol (4uarter Messlons
of the react) anu uouri oi lommou i-ieas aim fjr
nhiuiV Court In tho Aitli Judicial DNtrlct. com.
iNisedot tlio eountlen of Columbia, Wulltvan and
Wyoming, and the Hon. Irani Derr and l'eter K.
Herbeln, Afisoclato Judges of Columbia county
have issued their pretept, bearing date tho loth
day ot May in tho jear of our Iord, ono
thousand, eight hundred and sixty-eight, and to
me directed lor holdlngaCouriufOencralQuurter
Hessionn or the l'eiiev, and Orphan's Court, and
Court of Common i'lcus lu llloomiUurg, lu the
county oi cuiumuiu, on me ursi Monday, ueing
tho Tlh day ol Heptember next to continue one
NotlcoN hereby given, to tho Coroner, to tiie
Justices of the l'eace, and tho Constables of tlio
said countv of Columbia, that l hey bo then und
there in their proiier la-rson at lu o'clock In the
loruioon 01 saiu uaj , wiui ineir rccorus, uniuisi
tlons and oilier iciucmbiunces, todothosotiihiKS
wiikh to itielr oIIIcch appertain to bo dono. Aud
those that ure bound b recogul'ince, to piosc
euto ujalnsL tlie prisoners thai uro or may bo in
the Jail of tho said county of Columbia, to' be then
UIHI i Here 10 prosicuio iiieiu at sunn oe just, ju
rors are requested to be punctual in their attend
iiiici' imri'i'iiblv tu their notices. Dated ut ltUirimx.
tr- burg, the I'Ah day of May mthoycar
tlM . f 1 Oil I IjsHII, UI1W I IIIIUI I III! t'lUHL mill-"-Y-1'
dred and tdxt) -eight, and luthenluety
seeoiul J enrol the Iudepeudeuco ol llio I-lilted
estates of Amcriui. MUltDi.CAl MILLAUD,
lhoouisbuig, Aug. 7, I&W. hhtriir.
for si:rn:Mni:n tlum, w.
Bloom rtoss J. Crovctlng.Oeorge Manning.
Centre sHtephen I'ohe.
Conyngham K. H, Wholfortli,
Ceutrallii lloro. James Kvaly.
Catawlisn Geo Hlrlcker.
Franklin Joshua Meudenhall, George Vt
rensttuuuher, John Art ley.
On enwuod-Oeo. V. Utt, Itichard J. V.wh,
Locust Jolm Veager,
Madison Joel L, iloser, Geo. M, Dougherty,
Uleiuird Demott.
Montour Peter Hclmbach, Jolm O, Uarkley,
Malne-Wm. II. Ult.
Mt. l'ltasanl Henry Kitchen.
range Abraham Kline.
Fine Valentino Winterstccn,
hcolt Aaron Itoone,
Hugarloaf Walcott Harvey, 11? m btepheus.
ron snrTLJiuEit term, imw.
Bloom John C. Barton, A. H. Crosslej. 1, H
Kuhn, N. J. Ilendershott, Elijah Hhutt, Mattlilns
Briarcreek-.I. O. Hmlth, Chas. Whltmtre.
lientonr. U.Cole, Benjamin Warner.
Itcntitr AIIpii Mt"tl.
Catiiwlssn Wm, Creasy, Joseph Brclsh, Mo--es
iiariiuaii, niiiuuei Mimtin tinier.
Franklin Clinton Mendenhnll, Jacob Ki ill tie.
I' iHiiiiiKcrei'it---g)nm.' ,
Greenwood Jeremiah Heacoek,
Hemlock Wm HarrU. John KMlcr.
Jackson Tlios. W.Hmlth
L'M'itsi John Hnyder.
Mlllltn Kamuel Bldlemnn,
Mt. l'leavant .losenh Ikeler. Rnmuol Hart7el.
Maine Jolm Hartel, John BieNeh, Hudotph
Orungo Ell Kline.
Boat tug Creek John Lcvan,
Hugui loaf l'eter Lutz, AlinasCole.
Tho followltiKnnprulheinentH of rt-nt mill pt-r.
Monul property apart lo wI.Iomh or l-..',l,.,its
hnvo hrt-u llli-tl lu tho olllt'o of Ihu lU-Qlster ol Uo
luiiihiii county, uuilcr tho HuIch of Court, nnd
will le presenlt'd for nhsoluto (-fnllriiiiitli.n, to
tho Orphans' Court to bo hi-l.l lu IlloouishtirK, In
mulforsal.l county.on Monhay, the hkylntii
Hay ok fii-Kr, Iwis, ill two o'clock i-, M.,
of hiitilday, uulcHs exceptions to Hitch conllrtim.
Hons nre previously tiled, of which all persons
Interested In Raid entitles will take uotk-o:
1. Widow of Jacob Meikel of 1-Islilnucreek,
'2. Widow ol Samuel Klsner of Greenwood, de
ceased, a. Wlilow of John Ponk of llerwlck, deceased.
1. Widow of Johu (lli-erof Montour, deceased.
5. Widow ofl'eter JllllerolCenlre.ileceused.
il. Widow- of Kamuel llrucU r of Hemlock dee'd
7. Widow ol l'eter H. lfelwlt; of Com-nulium
8. Widow of Charles It.HcBs of MiHllli, dee'd.
y. Widow of Andrew r'reas of Cent re, uee'd.
10. Widow ol Llljali 11. Wilson of I'lslilinjereek,
joiix o. fiii:i:zi:, itrKisu-r,
lllooinsburf!, Aug-7. bus.
Rl'Xl ISTKH'S NOTICE. Xotick is wall leualees, cndltors and persons lutcrctcd lu tho estates ot the re
spect lu decedents and minors, that the following
adiiiliiMrallou and KUardlau accounts huu been
Illeil lu tho olllco ol the liculster of Columbia
county, and will bo presented lor conlli inal ion
and afluwaliiu In the urphuus' Court, to hu held
111 lllooinsburi;, on Monday, the seventh due of
bept, INIS, ut two o'clock ill the uflelnooll of
1. Account ol John BUddonGuaidlan ol Aman
da IJ. Hobblus,
2. I'lrst and llnal account of Aiilhouy Menucj
adlnlulslrutor ol Allred U Menuez, deceased,
3. Account uf Teler Ha) man & Jacob
ailuiliilstrutors ol Jonas llu muu, lino of Ureeu
wood township, deceased.
1. I'lrstand llnal account of -Slcholas, Obudiah
nut! James J, Campbell, cxccul.ns ul Uba-llult
Liimpbell, deceased.
6. 1-lrst anil filial account of I'lwond lluuhts.
extcillor oi l'nceue 1", Ulcks, deceased.
0. Account of Thomas Hutchison, admlliisl ru
torol A iiu Hutclllson, lalo ol 1' twp.,
deceased. '
7. rinal account of Andrew Cioll, exiculor of
Adam Croll lull- of Mlllllu twp., deceased.
s, Ihlrd una llnal account t.t Jacob and Wash-Intloiin-UKcrudlululslratorBol
Jullll Veau-er lalo
ol Locust tivp.,deccasid.
..V',-'"'.''!.'.'!1'0""1."1 Isuae llllemnu exeitilor of
Michael lllleninn lalo ol Madison twp., deed.
W. Account ot I'liimas cool, and lllnuii Cool,
admluislru.ors ol 1 hlllp Cool, lato of Iloarlm:
creik lp dte'd.
II. I lisl and llnal account of Kllnbelli Ilui ka
lew and I'.C. iidsHorlliiidiuinllialoiNof Wm.
IJuckalew tlcc-ilscd.
I:'. Aciouut ofc. II. Hess, adinlnlsirator of i:.
II. Ili ss as tiled by HamuelCi easy iidlullilslialor
ore, II, lless.decased.
13. 1'artlal account of James M'Alarney ono of
tho executors ol OcorBeLoiiKelibcigcrdic'il.
H. I iiml account of John Muliucl udiuinlslra
tor cf Jacob Keller late or Ueat r tl p., tlec'd.
11. I'lrst account ol John ll.uud Isaiah Welter,
lei administrators ol John lileilerlch, lato of
Muulotir twp., deceased.
It). Account of Jolm It. Moycr, adinluUiralor
"!-"Ws? Lr,l"",r. '"'e of lllooin iwp.. d, t easeil,
17. I'lrst account of Join, ii v..,wi..:. i....
lsllutor of Itibcccn Vandcisllce, lato of liloom
tup., deceased.
IS. I'lllal ItCCnilltt or H. Vnvt.nnl n.1n,
.'",- ,ul" """f i,, p. iieceasctl.
..'."i-Mnf?1".',1 "f ?"V".1C, J," V'errlliLitoii aualdlan
ol l.llnlru lit. mil, 1. He I'liulrn Votiini.
,., , juu.-s u, i iii.1,,1 , Kciiisicr.
llluoinsbtiri,' Aua.7. isfts, ' 11 '
fjMtl.U. I.iSTj "
roit hi:i'i:.miii:u ti:ii.m,
1. Jollll KllOIllf V .Iril.n Cult.
linnoyll"":cu!Uli'"lU'',;lUll''1' 'Mb'sU 'V Ma
3. I'll ler Hch ub-'uho'1 vh Win, A. Caso n al.
j. Haiuuet Waters stieori:o Wlllets.
,i l.: . I?. .scieoruo willets.
II, )lah A. tsllue H Jacob htlnojr,
itinni.V,1,i.,j!n!V'.ou 1- nl -t'Kui'M of nm West
ATlil i M'Caii n-iil'Yol, y
?: ii .U' 1 t,hon vs John Cain. '
15, J, II. Hnilelon vh II, c. llarluian!
,,Ai...i .
iu. jo in rooper vs Daniel liowor et nl,
17. Jo in 0 Iroy vs Wm II. riteruer.
al. o,, .at cier i i.ieccu etc
V- !" Ho"'ler vh Kll.lm T, TlHauy.
a iwpiMiw.l"'t '" "" Andersun Ji Co.
.V Jr ? .c,f' Jines W. Hankey,
til berl I owler VS Iteuuen Miller
" iV.Vl. 'vc-run j Margaret llieheny et ul,
.' ?.V,'cy,J,ol,l,0l"--''l!elibergeri.xr,
!?' i: ".I ,,l ",rBf vh Aaron Person.
A 1.11 Creyi ling Atlui'r, v J. II. cUsC.
.7, Ulcus ,MojervsOeo. W.t'tillami r et ul.
ftU?!. A.i.iJS.' M u Bl'"u " ,!
.fulya.M-ly OJllioadlloy, M, V,
LOVIS mtoWN, tllAS.J.KWil.I..
N. E. Cor. Third 'cV Vlnu Strccs,
...,.i- i nut ii jonu u. I,elby,
I. Ih- mas J, Vautlersllt-o vs llobirt Iloweli
ii i i ! 'i , 5 ) ",,,to" Ariuii.
II contains three rer rent, of Ammonia an
a luide nuaiitlly lo acllvlly i0 out Jury
Sble im? e "I fsM '? rf? lrciniago " "I
iiiuie iioiie 1 ioii libtu ol Lime, tutctihtr uiih
coMi-i f 5?' '"
Puniiic haijK or vaijUaisms
In pursuaueoof an order of IhoOrphans'Court
of Columbia conuly. on HA'IUHIAY, Aukim
ISdli, o'clock In tliu lUiernoon, Haimn l
Creasy Lsctutoroftho last wm mid testament
of Henry l eddcr, lato of Cenlro towusntn tit,
reaned, wilt fX)oso to sale, by luihlle vendue,
t lip following described real estate! ono lnlot lu
Mlfltlnvllle, marked ond described lu tho iilnu
or hi Id town, No, l.contntnlnK Itiroo-elghtsornu
acre; ono other lnlot In said town lyltiK belwecn
rroui muu rteconti nirecis, o. iiu, eoniaiUlliu
threefourttm of an acre; ono other lot in said
town bounded on tho Norlh by Fifth Hheel.uii
the west bv Market HlrcoL on ihu south he t..i..t
of Hnmuel Creasy, ond on tho ent by land of
uuoocu nun man, eouiiuniiig
one other lot In said town, bounded by land ()r
(korijo Bowman, John Keller nud tho Buviue.
honnah lllvcr containing Uno aud )j acres. h
lu good cultivation, late the estatuof said deeeiu.
ed. Terms mode known on thn day of salo bv
. . liAccutor,
Augest 7,'l$
rjl O T K A C 11 K It S .
WaNTKIX One male nnd one female teacher
for tho BoroURh uf Centra Iiu, Term eluht tottn
months, Kalarlcn liberal. Examination to he
held tn the bninush school Iiouko on Atmuit
!3lhl8dH. JttHKMIA! O CONNLU, Hee y
Ccutralln, July at.'OM. By order of the Board,
There will bo an pxamlnnttoti of IV.Trtit-r r...
Bloom Township licld In tho Academy on Ihlttl
struct In tho town of llloomsburg. on Katuidiy
August 151th, commcnciinr at il o.chxka.m.
CIIAH, O. BAHKLIIV, County Kui.'t.
At which tlmo the Board of Blrcctorsof Btuoui
Towuslilp will select teachers for the schooti nt
sold Ulstncl fortheeomtnir term or seven mouths
commencing on the tlrst Monday, being the 7th
day, of He pie. mrer. l'ersons expectltiit or await
lng schools must attend the examination.
July 31,0S-5t, Pres't. Board Hchool Dtrectois.
ah persons nre forbidden to trespass upon
tholsndsor the subscriber In .Main lowuMiip,
lor tlio purpose ol slHiotlutt or tlstitiiK. Any oin
hereafter so oUeudlUK, Mill be dealt with aceoi
Inutolaw. JACOB MUDIAN.Hi.
Mamvllle, July 31,'t-u.
mo Bartuershtn heretofore existing belwcui
David Brobst nml John WMCvatis tn the uuim
making business lu West 1) oomsbuiKt Hits
day iltssoUed by mutual consent,
Ihe books, palters ami occouulK remain In thf
bauds of D.ivld BiobMt, who is authorltd to
settle nnd receive and receipt tor all inonejs and
accounts. DAVID BBOIIhi,
Bloomsbur Juty ), lfcO.-.
Tho business will be continued at the old stand
by Da lit Biobst, uho.tliatiklul lot iast patrmi
age aul l.or, respccltully ubks a eoiidnuinieo ot
tho Hime. DAVID BKUB.-jT.
July Ul.Oj-St,
Sealed proposals nre Invited bv tiie undri-Nii'tu (
Oxerscer of ihe I'oor ot BioomUownship.ior im
nishlng Coal rrom the luthoi Auk us t im, imIIj,.
I.'th uf April lM.y. te( ante rates mutt I eghen lor
No, i coal aud o. .'j t ual. 1'iopiwais wiu hu te
ccled till ill o'clock, noon, of August 10.
Oveiseerof tne Boor.
Bloomshurg, July .'11,'tH.
'all term of this Instltutloti u 111 oneti A ,,.
gust UI, lKtw, at which time u class will . h.
Kit Hired lor the protcsidoual training: or'lcuc hers
and it is cx peeled tlial duritiu tho ear the lusP
Itlllon will bo lecognlrcd lot a tslale Noinut
Kcliool mihitll the pnvlltfles of the olhei Male
flisiitutloiis. torlurther partlcularsor cllculars
attdress the l'rlnclpal.
JlllySl.'IW. IlKNItY CAltVKIt.A. M.
rlvo malcnnd two female teachers for the pub
lic schools ol Conyiiuliain township. Kxaminif
tlon to be held atCeulralla on 'Ihursday Atmti.t
13, lbtw, commencing at ten o'clock.
., lly order ol llio Board,
July 2I,'0S-3I. C, O. Murphy, Acting Wee'y.
April 2M, Wis. To Ain't of Duplicate. 111
Unseated laud
tax from County Com'rs. 311 -jo
llynm'I. of unscaUd land tnx returned
to County Com rs lor collection. $ -1 1.1
lly ain't, ol errors nud txniicrutious. I'Jll si
" " paid I. M. . reck on lean 111 lull. Nj7 M
" ' Itob't. (iorrcll on loan on uect lwo iw
,, to Tn-iuturer lor ;r cenlage, J 1,
' " Collector lur commission. 1I Iiu
.hi I 51
llalaucoii hands of r. 11, Wohlfarlli
S70 k5
IIUNIIY M01i:il, 1 ,,
U. MUlll-llY. Auditors.
July 31,'(W-3t,
I ho Commissioner's of Columbia County Ml:
ueet at UiomiU Water mill, near Ilaveu criek
In Ushlugcrcck lownshlp, on ialurdiu-.tlnt loll!
day of Aug, next at uu o Iiock a. in. to i"ccf "
proposals to erect an open singlo track truss
l i li!,.,!crVs? '""f". L'retli, Tlio bridgo lo be lit-ty-
our leet long belween abiilnn-uts, mm )mlr.
io;UrZrk't,OUU,UUUMX, ""'
jniHilssiouers OUlce. llloooiusburg July
J. lM OWl.KIt, 1
MU.NT. cul.ll, l-Colii'rs.
.i,D ch,'lf"ut. Inivllig locitlcil lu llloomsburg lor
Ihe practice oi his piolcss ou.l, anxious loutta
ken u new Inieiesl uhiu lue sul.Joel id li-misi-
. T, i . ,!,"!""" losucn llo extendi,
LOMKIO lilt. LllAbk ANT'S Oil ICE lie will ex.
tii. labour item luu oi ihuiLi uuu i"vu.S
,'h hI,.UU,r,tnor "I'Clhou. ol 1 ll'ij
c ,ui?lrv ' Zt'" I'"1"'"" l"l Mitliu oV
. i . '. "uu "leans ol pioMuu lo ii,u m,n,
skeptical ini Wl. im,B tl;lluot ,Tos;ib J t,? "
objecting that Ihey caliso pain, ana onjucu
soiiucsa lu the mouth, una iney luust LVmktii
uulMUiu tulliig, and thai luuileuily ihel ,.
tlinittliusiueuiloiitlhir. '"immij uu ale
Ti loi'i1W!.(','.'M'y..wi""1" ou lu EAU UIis
. r i .. . ... hio set oi . n
liiVeli ! . ,.7..i...7k "Ob'itv.i pain, or uuiild bo!se?b;"u"u"oVuu,u ,"oui"1 u"
miiioum iixmi: (jam,
hat being Ihe aiitusllietie lu gtneral use und
limt.. l,..',P,UU'" "u "duilul.ler ether
uoueMi In those prcitiring It.
tM,J,.'?,Al,b.U-,UM'l'uwl" l''"l"o jour
m-ui!t"uliv?' ",m,u"'' ,01' I'"""" lug tieni,
I)J'uf"!l";l.".'.1'l"'.V"''"l". ,""ll'" "l 'loor lo
bu'lg,' 1 "I. ' "' bl,uw -"rUct, llloonis
J ul'y J,'m,i
j V. HAJll'LE ct CO.,
MAIN HI',, & I,. A Ii. a. itii IlLOOMSIIUUU, l'A.
Aro prepared lo furnish all kinds of Machine,
work, such as
Knurtlug, I'ullcyB, Hungers, Couplings, miu-kwus.
liig.Huw mandrils, etc., Ouago cocks, l"et cocks.
Hiciim pipe, together wllh nil kinds ofHteamllU
lings constantly on hand.
Threshing Machlues nud Horse l'oweis inado
to order. Allkiuilsof ABilcullural Machinery
rl"'rl. May K.-W-
'"'I"8 !ft of any in tho market i
.no rtiuuer packing that makes the Joint
s tho ,. insn of s7, ,Vi. r,r.- " '.".url " ""'il
over bef.iro it u,.iiu
lh. They ure easy to open, which I. I hi. most
hnportuni part lifter finding !, Jar that "m Kp
ThcsoJarsaro warranletl AI.I. KItJirr,
lids most Importunt brauch ol Uenilstrv he
discovers has utitr been troperly luiiou.ittu
in e.h", u,w J",1"''""" i : miiurid iti
Ml. m... 1 !.',"i ' W t'"1 " 111 lu" I'osscsst.l u
ur iocr,ori.urioi i-lilier, una uiseii ii,.i.,
hat ilie, ittuuoi be di.liuLui"he, u, 'm ' mai'ia,
teeth, uiiUKiu,iaiiut,siili.ii.tiou m est it liV.u
Any person i,i paasiu viiti.1,1" "oik n eierv
parleular, need uol lake It l .'iu J," oilui or pay
w f, ,'l.U.r, 'V.''"01!,'' "? l"u 1" leuie iVlS olll