The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 14, 1868, Image 1

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    in," u HUM W "U
.NO. 33.
IAC01I Ml. IZ, dealer llllors& llnwnro, Mnln
tj M., nbovu court house vl-ull
I M. Itllli'.IlT, fo rs ntnl tlnunip, lhipert
l, Mook, MuiiiM., 'vest of .Market. vl-till
DlK'. A7ir,MlTMA.V, Altenl, Klo.., Tluunro
h or nil Kinds, .mtlnK olc. l'lrst fttoro uti
WW (lid of Mouth Mulll tlt. V8-1II7
Dl.()Vi:Mll:H(). merchant tailor, .Main fit., ai
, door uuuvo American house. vl-nl-1
1 CMIi:MlnTuiN.'liolenlenlulrelnll;le"l
J, cr In clot Mug, etc.; Ilurtinnn's bulldlnt.Main
"trVot. vl-nll
PltUGS, uui:noAUS, ac.
I N. Movnil, ilmsal'tonil nnntheenry, lis
j cluitigfl olock Mulll at, vl-nll
1J 1". l.UTZ, druKKlst nn.l npntliecary, llupert
Mock, Mnln t., uontorMnlltet. vl-nll
I OUI.S nilUNHAlll), wnteh unci clock ranker,
li nenr noutlieaitcorner Muliintiil IronsU.vl-nn
n i:. HAVAOII, ilenler In clock", wnteliei nnd
((.Jewelry, Mnln st., Jut liclow American
llonse. vl-nll
RCAT1ICAUT, wnlch and clock iflakcr, Slarkct
81., below Main. vl-nll
boots an i) shoes.
M. UIIOWN, lioot anil Mioemiilter.Miiln street
, opposlto Court llotlse, vl-nll
V HO I.I. i:ir.ll,mnnu Tact urrr ntnl dealer In boots
and iliocs,Mnlnnt., opposite Episcopal church
HKNUY KIXIM manufacturer and dealer In
boots nnd Htioes, yrncerllH etc., liiiKt Itlooms
burn Main t. vl-nll
AVID IIIIT., boot and nhoemaker, Main nt.,
below lliirtmau'H slore, went of Market street.
J It. llVANH, M. 1. muKcnn nnd physician south
side M.iln t., below Market, vl-nll
DIC. II. I'. KlnneysnraeondenlWiteetll extract
ed without pnln. Main st., nearly upppslli;
l.plseopal Church. vl-nlH
TnT M'KCI.VY, M. 1. Kuriseon nnd physician
(J north sldo Main Kt., below Markit. 1-nll
KlT'ITim, M. 1). surgeon and I'll lf Inn.
Market hi., nOove Main.
It. II. c. uowim, surgeon uenusi,.Mimi m..
iitiovo com l House. i-in
I II. lloniSON, Attomey-at-IJiw, Olllco I lurt
.1, man's building, Main strict, v'-'-nai
D"lT. sTl'. CHAM'ANT, Dentist, Mam St., lo
lowMurkit, Next dMr to DjvllNans v--'-1?
MIHS l.IZZIR UAUKI.UV, milliner, Itamsey
liiillnlni!, Main st. M-nll
MISS A. 11. WKllll, fancy kouiIh, notions, books,
stationery, north side Main street below Mar
kit. vJ-ii 1 1
li I'lri'KUM AN, millinery mid fancy goods op
IV poslle episcopal church. Main st, vl-nll
Mil's. .WI, IA A. .t HAIll! llAUKI.KY, ladles
eloaksaud ilres, pattern f, southeast corner
Main and west st, vl-ull
Its M. liRKIIIUKMOK, tnllllnery nnd fancy
gosls Main st., opposite Court House, vl-nll
Mil's. M. II. I'UIIMAN, milliner, Main st., below
Mart man's stole, west of Market st. vnll
rilllH Ml si:s IIAHMAN millinery nnd Liney
J goods, Main stteeljust below Anal lean house.
I l,l:A('l)v'K,osteraud eating saloon, Anicrt
. J can Mouse, Main St., Ilalt7er Usuiiielt suiiei In;
tcndcnl, H'iL'
lirillMYiat JACOHY, confeellonry, bakery,
and mslcr saloon, wholesale una leian.
O, l.-S-
change diock, .Mam si.
MUX A Wllllll, conteetlonery, bakery, and oys
I' ter saloon, wholesale and retail, Mulll St., Just
below lion. vl-nll
by Koons & Clark, Mnln
I'jst., opposlto court house
IMMUCAN IKIl'HU, by John I,i:A( ock. Main
A St., west of Iron stleet, 1 Mill
IKIIIKH 1I01T.I., by tl. W. MAl'dEll.enstend or
1' Main st. vl-ull
i STOIIN', retrehhinent saloon.Maln st.Jnst
1), iibovu eoiut house, vl-nl 1
jr(KNH A ChAUIC, refieshment
IV cbango hotel.
saloon, V.x
T IT. niU.MOltn, rffreshnient saloon, Shlve's
11 blmUhoulh hide Main (t. Mili
m h 1 1 ci i a yis a x i ) cnrdcKus.
II JACOliS, Conteeiionery,
'i hi. , abovo Comt llinisi,
gineerles etc Main
fj II, MIl.I.Dlt, draler In dry goods, cioceiles,
n iiueenswaie, Hour, wait, Mines, notions, iir,
lAchungo blcKk, Main tt ret t, vMiU
lMvlXVY NKAI V Co., draleiK In drygmls,
ill Knt criCN, littur, u fii. nui. iimi. iuiii, nun's.
etc., northeast rorner Main and Maiket ht. vl-nll
ii. a
C. IIOWKIt, li.U m and caps, boots and shoes.
Main st., abuve Couit I liaise.
vl-n 1 1
C -MA1UC. dry kimhIs and nollous, houthwest
, corner Main and lion sts.
l .T. IIHdWlMt. dr- l'ihmIs. irrorerles. etc.. north
tJ, west corner Main and Iron Mm. vl-lilt
1i:V. A. 1IAUTMAN, Agent, diy goods, notions,
li ami groceries, .Main bi.,opp.jsnu
Cnrifll'K l''ur
nltuio Hooins,
If II. IIUNHIIKluiini.biiront.lirrocerlcs.tolia
DA, HKCKI.KY, Keystoneshoe store, books and
.stationery, southwest corner .Market and
Main sis, vl-nM
TTTJI.MAM r.UAHMUM, conftTtloneilcs, Mahl
- ' !,, IIUII IllKIUHU, VJ
ri .mi:nih;nhaij,,
U, dlso and lumber,
Iteiwlck road.
ecneral hloelc of merchan
comer of Main meet nnd
1 .1. ItOHHINH, dealer tn dry go-wN grcti a
tJ Hhlvo's block, Main st., below lion
s elc,
T K. cilUTON, llroeeiles & rroMons, muiUi
(Jcnht eorm r Main and Iron Ht teeth. vl-nll
CI V. h.N Vl'l.U, baidwate, iiitlcn, gun, etc.
i. Main st.. below lion. l-nl
i J. Hl.uAN. ilt alc rln choice dry nood-. House
A keenluijuood. liesh inoccrks. etc.. etc. Mnln
ht opohlto court house. v-tutt
l K, 1 ; hit, uioecritH and general merchandise
tj .Main si., jiuu t' thi,
T. hllAltl'Ll.hS, dry goodi-, gloeelliH, bools,
I J. ho s. elc,
luiptri oukh, .Miu n i i
ut st OI
O CUAMI'H A A. I.. HAMIUUM'.Dealerslii
DJ, 1II1IVI1IIO. I I'lllll llOlll lllH IIIKI .IMIII,
heuttowu. south side, u doois aboo UrobM'K
Willillllllll.ll.l llll. .lll-i
I, bilek on Main St., (it of Maiiat tt. Mill
l.i J.THOIlNTltN, wnlt paper, window hhade
and llxtureK, llupert lilts k, .Main st.
1 1 ltl)Hi:NK'10('Iv. iibotnirnii.hir.
1 1 , block, Malu bl oppoiillu i-oui t bouse
I IV It HO A I )T. nhotoirmnlier. Hiii f idiiii'k build
t) lugiioiihiasKoruerMuUiaiidMaiktlht, l-ull
P .1. IlinMIMAN.AgnttMunsou'sCoppcrTu
H tni uu i.iguiuiiiiii.oo, v
u PI'HHKI.Tj. nubile, trunk and harness
f maker. Main ut below court, hout.0, vMHO
(1 I 1191 UIUW UlUlil-l, HIIU 1 lltlV M" mill.
jt Tanner. Hcotlown. vl-n!7
)I.()OMHllUHa MJJimUl CO.. manufuctuurH
l)and ileatern In Lumber, of all Hindu, planim
mill near the ml I-road. vliil
Ur J, I)IItKMAN,addleand harncNH maker,
. ni'iir utiiilhwi'ht comer Mnln mul Murket st.
i WITJ1AN, maiblo works,
j, toruer Mulu aud Market tU,
mmblo works, luar southwest
i It lUN'ni.T'lt.dpnlfr In nlniiOH. oruaim lUtt!
1, nielodtoiiw.ato, W.t'oiell'iilurultniinouiiis
u ii mauti'in iitrf.iit fur nmvtTtt: linker'
I u.-iuliuf t.m.liliio Mnln kl.. Iliirtninii'ti blllld
ng, up tttalm. v 1 1 1 1 1
i W.HOIHUNH, liquor dealer second doorfrom
, iiorttiMCKt corner Main and I urn sin. Mill
T IMIACOCK. Notary Vubllc, notlheast comer
W MalnuudMuiket kt. M-nll
If UN A, V'UNHTON, mutnnl and cash iMeit tiro
1 liikiiriiiieo eomoaiiv.liortbiahU'ornfr Main and
WiUfct. 1111
fll'.OWir. IIASKKUT, niaiiufucturer nnd icpalr
li er of thicshlmf inachlni K. Hainnla &. C'ii'mMH'
chine Hhup.Kabl JUoomsburg, lnU
I H. KUIIN, dealer In mint tnllow, etc., Chun
1 n riiirn aney, rmoK or American houne, vl-n
OAMl'KI JAmilY, MarMo and Urown Hlono
U'lirlTL Vnut IIIU1,..I.... IL.tUI, ...n.l Kit.. IT
N" W, RAMl'I.K A CO. JIa(hlnUt8(Kaktmoom.
, hurg mar ralliond. Outlng-imudant short
i)itlct?mnchlJiiry in wily ml itpalrtil. vJ-ik-'U
DIt. O. A,. Mi:aAlttli:t., physician nnd
Mnln si., licit door to Good's Hotel.
nttlcit II0T1II. nnd refreshment saloon, by
1) i:entt
cor. of Malnnnd lMnost.vlni7
SWAN IIOTm,, the ujiper houso by John Hny.
der, Main st alsive rine. V1-1H7
DIC, HI.DAN, denier 111 dry grHsU, groceries,
. lumber nhd genernl Melchandlse -Mnln st.
:(1U(1I1 IiAZAlU'H,nddleilidlinruessmnker
Mtilu t.. uLmjvo llio Hnan Hotel,
T H, HMITIf, innnofurturcr of tin wnro nnd
f . ili-nliT In nln ft rtn. Miiln nt.. nbovo Mio
. dealer In slows eto,
HWItll IIOU'1. VlUl7
A II. W. CDI.KMAN, Merchant tailor nnd
Ucnl's fiirntshlnc goods. Main Bt.. next door
to Mm brick hotel. V1-U17
MH. llAYHiniHT, Clocks, Wntchcs ntuUluns
. repaired, duns nnd Watches for fcnle, Main
HI., below l'lnc, V1-U17
JAMIM 11. HAIt.M AN. Cabinet Maker, nnd Un
dertaker. Main bt below Tine. Vl-nl7
MICIIAr.I. C. KKI.I.nit. Confectionery, Oysters
Ap Ac, on rino bt., between Main nnd Mill.
U1I. A C. Kni.CiINi:il,l!lncksmllhs,tjn Mill
. Htreet, nenrrine, vl-nl7
Aini.I.IAM Dni.ON(I, Shoemakernnd ninluifac
U turcrof Hrlck,MlllHt.,1vestof l'lno Mnl9
11I.IAS SNVm'.n, Flour and Clrlst MU1, and
Vl Dealer In grain, Mlllhlrcet. vMU7
T r.WIrt II. HCIIUYIXIt, Iron founder. Machln
JJlsl.niid Manufactlller of plows, Mill bt.vl-nl7
MI WW A. WILLIAMS A CTuuncrsund Man
ufacturers oi leather, Mill Htreet. vl-nl7
101IN KLI.LIIU, limit and Wioemnker, l'lno
J Htreet, opposite tho Academy V1-U17
1 II. HI'HHTNO it-, fnrpenlers nnd
A. llullders, Mnln Htreet, below I'lne. V1-1U7
SAMMKI. HIIAHI'LU's's, Maker of the Hayhurst
drain Cradle. MnluBt. l2n5.
JM. IIAItMAN, saildle. nnd linrnes, maker
. Drangevllle, opposlto l-'ramo clitirch. vUnll
n troii Ittor, boulh-cast corner Alain and Second
Wtiuct. vg-nli
Jit. ClinAHY4dry poodi, Kroccrles, and con
, crtit Mcichnndlsc, Main Htreet. v'2-nU
Ci I. KINAUD.iUnlcr In Rtoves and tin-ware.
O, Main Htreet. 2-nia
r.M. II. AIUlinT, attorney at lav, Main Kticct.
) 2uU
Ctlt.lli:UT& KUNK, dry Rood, proccrles, and
I yenenil morchandKe, Alain Btieet, 2-iUJ
T Ki:i u:it, bllltartl satoon, oysterH, and lc
j, cre.ini In iscaoii Main HlrLCt. 2-nl2
1 DAIJiMAN. Meichant Tailor, Hccond St.,
1), nobljlns' Uulldln. v2-nK
DK.J. K. UOnniNH, Hurgoon aud IMiyslcIan,
Hccond t below Main. iMilft.
J n. KIHTrXH'Cattawlsallouso," North West
. Corner Main ami fefecond Htreets. v2-nis,
MM. ntlOllST, dealer In General Merchandise,
, Dry Ooods. Orocerlej Ac. v'J-nK
DI'.TIMt i:.NT, denier lu dry goods, groceries
I Hour, feed, snll, llsh, iron, nulls, tie., Light
htleeL Vl-nli
1 Ti:itVlI,LI(li:il, Cabinetmaker, Undertaker
it aud ulmlrniiiker. vl-nlU
, IlhicUHinUh, opposlto post
ni I'D,
1 1
II abovo hchool house
ItH. K.
UNKi millinery and fancy goods,
v I-ti 16
inoiof in T rxitlnif IMilnn. Itnrlc.
etc, L'ttMi pahi for Hides. vl-nio
AlIM. M. 1!XT, dealer lu stoves and tin wnro In
all Us branches. vl.iH"
JOHN A.O.MAN, mauuractuier nnd dealer In
boots and slioes. w-ni,!.
.1. I.l'.IHI'.lt. M. 11. Surgeon and l'hyslclun.
Olllco lit Keller's Hotel. VJ-n-7
.IHI'V hl'IlAM l'LOUlU.NO -MILLS, J. H. I'owler.
!j 1'iomietor. l-'ull
P. Ill'.KIllAltH, vtimo.,dcnlors In dry goods
), gioeeries, and gentral ineleiiandlse. l.ull
I, (HI nu'l'l 1 lr.i,lir I, i ,lrv eootls. tiroeeT'
ies.'oneenswaie. hardware, 'llsli, salt, nails.
, lllllis,
., He.,
V. i:i(lAIl,us(iueliannn 1'lalilug Mill and
llox .ilanuiacioiy. .-...
viun'U' t ntiiV. h-.i1ii tn drv l'OihIs. uto-
.Verles, grain, lumber etc., Jeiseylown. vl' 16
ACUlt A. HWJSUint, ilcaler in Hide, Leather
Hark etc. Madisou tu nshlp Columbia county
, vl-nw
i i!T Mtrnr, litMliV. MadUou Hotel. Hrn
r lis mul htiauuers intet tallied. VJ-nl
MO, AW. II. SlIOi:.MAKi:iI, dmlirs in dry
goods, gioeelks and genelill nieli-liandlse.
irsLsioro in sou in cmi 01 iuw 11.
r i-ill .t- U'M. IIAItltM. dealers ill dry goods,
V'loeeiics. drugs nnd medltlnes. I'lrst stoie lu
north end oi town. .-nis,
m ,Mii niiKi-i nnl Ifillil t r t It I
illiUUtUDtlL HVI, vui.'.nii.i 4
Tim iin.i(.i't.lrnin1 Imvlnif tMirchascd 1IiInw(11
knoMiandceiitially-locatedhousD,thoi:xchangis lUoomst.urg
lmmedlatily opposl o theColuniblacounty Court
UOUSC. reSpeClIUHV llliuuu uivu nivnim "ii'i
publlo In gtiieial that their hoiw) Is uow In order
lor tho r etiillou and entertain mint oft ravelins
..i, l... .IImikisi it In f.ivnr itulth their cus
tom. '1 hey ha o spared no expense tn prep.ii lug
Hie l-xenanuMior lueemt rniniiiieiiioiiiicii isur"
neither shall thero bo anything wauling on uielr
ari to minisier n ineir pei.niii eoiuiori, im
ioum) is siaelous. and enJojHati c-MelUnt bus
niniiifiii linifl mul f Im viirlmis riillmuit dt'Duts. by
i urn iiiuoi run if nil i in it's ifiurt'ii iiif i.
whUhlraellerswlll lo pkakantly rmni'ltu
and ttoni tho respi-tilo stations In duo tlmnlo
I in-f I. inn i-.ii". '''"
1 l.'l illvu t'l.l I ! li
IllOOlllSlilllg, Aplll i, 1M(S,
()IUv,iS IIOTKli,
oi;oufii: w. MAUtiiut, riopiieior.
The iduiv well-known hotel has lecentlv uiuli r
iroim i ud 'cal chanties In lis Internal an ahKciut ntw
and Itn pn prb-tor annoaiices to bin lormer custom
and Iho trasolllng public that his accouiodatlonn
for thocomlort ot bis guests are mjcouu io noun in
tt.. am, Hist iDhlo ii'lli lllU-HVN llA fotllld SUD-
men, not oiiij nn hiimiii" ii
tin i r ciiP Miif tno seasiui. jhn winei aim u-
miiiiu .ci-tii lIuiL imniihir bivcruro known aa
tl.VcfarJv"J,pnrehai.ed direct fiom tho Impoillng
kniiousiliui!H. Ho Is tlin nk ful for a liberal nation aio entneiy nitre, uiui ireo ironi uu ooi
nno lu tho past, and will contlnuo to denero It lu
' iipciiffii' v MAirnrit
Tiik I'roprUtor of tho KxchaugcHatnouluiM now
on haihl n largo stock of
consisting of
HllhbF1 TONUl'K, 1IOH.K1) htlQH, BWKI fi!KH (')H-"J-hli
comi; oni:. comu Mu and hv.v., -c
llloonubuig, Ma !1, IKt7,
Tit k subset llx r lesiiect fully infoi ins his fi lends
and Iho ntihjto, that ho lias taken tlieuhovo u-ll
Icuomu llouw. ot i:ntertulumcut. nnd vill bo
pleased In riiH'ho tlio custom 01 nil uho will
larnr mm wiui a iuh.
nr. wn.i. Ki:i:i' a (loon TAiii.i:,
n liar ell stoclted with tho best or Llmiorti, and
ecry tiiort will bo iiiuuo to r noer enure sntis
taction. '. ii. mi:ni:iiit'ii.
i;siy, I'ft., Alru i;. iso7,
kdwaiu) kvi:ui:tt. I'ltoi'iiiKToit,
Having lnkt-n pos.tsslon of this well-knoMn
bouse, so long sei'i iiy npiiiori ... 111 ii, tite I iik
in l il in Uu .out 111 It oi-1 ni so tni re milrund furiilsli.
eil IIAll AN1I I.AIIU1. II Willi Iht'tliolllktllijuors
aud newest iielicneies, jus ftmiuo is uut exieiusi
lu tliocouutyi uml no Hlus will uo .iartn 11
uccniuiiKlttioijut'stH npri!'(A,
Domooi'ivttc Nownpaiici1
is i'uni.tsnn evekv rninAY mohnino at
Tl IK principles of lids Ia per nre of the Jellerson-
lan Bchool of politics. Those principle u 111 never
bo compromised, yet courtesy nnd kindness shall
not bo forgotten in discussing them, whether with
ludlvlduats, or wltli contempoiarlcs of tho l'rcss
Tho unity, happiness, nnd prosperity of the coun
ts nurnlm nnd oljcct; nnd as the mean, to
secure that, ire shall labor honestly nnd earnestly
for the harmony, success nnd growth or our organ
ization. TKUMSoFSunscnti'Tios; Two dollnrs a year
If paid In adiance. If not paid In ndvnnco two
dollnrs nnd llfly cents will lo lu ni Inbly charged.
Tkums orAbVKlillslNO! One Sfplnreden Hues
less)oneor three Insertions !l,V)j ench subse
quent Insertion JV) cents.
Ht'At'F., 1H. ZM.
f 1,110
om. ly
10,00 (10,00
9,110 11,00
12,10 18,1X1
11,00 20,00
25,00 50,00
60,00 100,00
Onosqunie fid) J1.IW
Two squares .1,ll ",'
Threo squares ,
",i )
Four squares
Half column
One column
Executor's and AdmlnUtralor'a Xotlce $3,00 j Au
ditor's :otlco t2,W. Other advertlsempnls Inser
ted according toFncxlal ccuitract.
IluslnesH notices, witlioiu advertisement, twenty
cents er line.
Transient adertlsement8 payable In advance-
all others due otter the Hrht Insertion.
4y It Is, lu alt cases, more likely to bo satisfac
tory, both to subscribers nnd Vj the Publishers,
that remittances and all tjmmunlcat Ions respect
ing tho business or the paper, Ikj sent direct to tho
ofllcror publication. AH letters, whether relating
to the editorial or business concerns or tho paper,
and all payments for snbcnt lions, advertising,
or Jobbing, arc to bo m.ulotoiind adilrLKHed
"Columbian OJflce,"
ni.ouMSKcitn, I'A,
Printed at Uolilwm's IlnlhlluKH, near tho Court
Houso, by
Neatly executed at this Olilcr.
ATTOItS li -AT" I A W,
Ashlnnd.Hcliuylklll County, IVnn'a.
lleiwiclc, Coliimbln County, renu'a.
1 W, MlhLKH,
T T O it N I. Y AT LAW,
Om.-e wltli II. It. Little, ill I'lklt lalildtbu lid-
olnlln: I'ost Olllee. 2-l!ouillles, Il.Kk-I'ay and
elisions collected. sepjj U7,
Olllee lu Ileyister and Ueeorder's otilee, lu the
basement of the Court House, llloomsburg, la.
oiii:ut r. chAiuc,
A '1'TO UN I'. Y-AT-L A W
Olllco coinci ol .Main and Malket strtets, oer
I'lrst Natlonat liaiik, Itiisunsburg, I'a,
II. 1. ITT h K,
Otlleoou Main stnel, lu hl'ldi blllldllitt lielow the
Comt House, lltoomsburji, I'a.
llI.OOM-flll'ltd, PA.
ia-Ot'Flti: Court llcaise Alley, bilow Hie (V
fuiMm Oltlee, IJaul'C;.
Would Inform tho eltl7ens of lUoomsbuii and
vicinity that ho is now )ireiuristlodoall kinds of
plating, .liver or gold, DecW.07,
llavllu; lollftwed tho trolesstoti of l'ulilin Vendue
that ho Isstllliu the Held, mute nnd Mlllliu to
attend In nil the duties of Ids rolling. Persons
desiring his sorvlces should call or write to him
rler lor in.inv yea s. would eiii.uu ms intiuis
at iiloomsuurg, ra, iiunra iw.
It. II. 11HA 1)1,1. Y,
(bato AfcsUtant Medlciu Dliectnr iJ. H. Army,)
1MI YHM'I A N ANll K I' 111 KOW,
a-Oillceat thohniiMj onnoklte Slilve's HIiK'k.
Jlloomhburg, Pa.
'alls promptly atli'tidct to both night and day.
lllnnnihbu-g, Jan. l. ist,7.
j u. runsia,
and dialer lu
cAitrirr-iiAtiH, vamm. KLV-Nin-s,
m'tFAt.O llOltl-S, H01tHK-lir.ANKFIS AC,
which ho feci coulidciit he can sell at Umer
riit tbidi auv other net hot i Inths countn. Kx-
amtno lor 5 ourhelvi'H.
Shop tlrbt door below Iho l'nht Olllee Main
Blrect, ltlonnuburg, l'.i.
PtOV. 10. IMl,
g G. COIJjl'KB,-
r n. n n i " . u ii'i
0ir Wldmayer A Jacvhj't Ico Cicnm Saloon,
IU.O05IllUU(l, PA,
Hair Dvcluu and "Whisker coloreil black or
blown, llalr Tonlo to destroy dandruU andbcau
tlf In if tint linlr will iti.torB bnlr to ibt orluliml
coior wiijioui boning mo ii n ei. i muric, consuuui'
on nana, (upru si
K X T I S T It Y .
Hrhntetrully olltrt hW pinfexKlonal hcrvlceH b
the ladlcN and limit lt-mcn of IlloonHburg and I
I'i.iliv. Hn lttiirenaicd toatlend toallllio varl
mil operation In tho Hue of hU profeiHlon, and
ih )ir,'iUlil Willi in" iim i'i inii'iimu nnniiiiiiii
TEi.rtt Miiicn wm no interiM on com pnuiui
ktUir nnd rnbbtr bn.e to look as well tin tho mil
mul ut'in. 'i'4'ciii exiracicn nv an 110 new nun
motit upptowd method, and all operation mi
the tcelh carctullynud ptopuly attended to,
Uciddeure ami olllco n lew doom aboo tho
Court iiOUhC, 1.01111) Mile,
-nowDF.n micas ais'd i.umhkk,
x , ....
, wis mil. IA',,
llui'urt, l'u.,
ami (U'ali'iH lu nil Icliuls of
ylo liolUo dial liny aro mipaidl to ucromoiUI
their custom Willi dUpntcli, mill on tlio clu-uibt
riAhKS COI'l'F.ll STltir FKIU)
vjnuriKii , , ,
k..r lia, nl or linrsn-itou'.-i. nrunou ll'tll'f'Lllllo lllfct
i'H, iiultMt, mul In ! ii Ihi I" li"'. Vr
.ali-liy HU'A'I I'll A CO., DiiUern lu A
i hull in ul jini'lijiHiiiii, etc., Hi'iiil lor Iminriiusl
tirciiiur, juMj ,-' !
(Choice gottry.
i iiHocciii tiii; wonMi,
8oME hearts go hungering through tho world
And never find tho love Iheyneekt
feomo Ilrm with prldo or Boom uro curled
To hide tho palu they may not speak,
The eye may MaIi, tho mouth may ninllc,
Tho voice In gladdoUmnilcthrlll,
And yet beneath thorn all tho whllo
Tho hungry heart be pining still.
Thene know their doom, nnd walk their way
AVI th 16vcJ tcps nnd ntcaiUast yea,
Nor strive with Kato, norweep, nor pray
While them, not so sadly wUo,
Are mocked by phnntonn evermore,
And lured by seemlngs of delight,
Kalr to their eye', but nt tho coro
Il1dlng but hltlerdtist and blight.
I cau eo them gao from wistful eyes,
I mark their sign on fading checks;
I hear them breathe In smothered sighs,
And note tho grief that nover speaks;
For them no might redresses wrong,
No eye with pity Is Ira pearled ;
O, m.Hconfltrued ami suffering long,
O, hearts that hunger through the world !
Tor you does llfo's dull desert hold
Ho fountain sha4e, no date grove fair,
No gush of waters clear nnd cold,
Hut sandy reaches wide and bare.
Tho foot may fall, the soul may Taint,
And weigh to earth the weary frame,
Vet nt ill yc make no weak complaint
And speak no word of grief or blame,
O, eager eyea which gaze nfarl
O, arms which clanp tho empty air!
Not alluumarkod your sorrows are,
Not all unpltled your despair.
Hmlle, patient Hps so proudly dumb
When llfo's frail tent at last 1h furled,
Your glorious recompense shall come,
0, hearts that hunger through tho world !
Oxn summer I mado an excursion to
Scotland, Willi tho Intention of complet
ing my series of views, and went over
the Humo ground described by tho learn
ed touriits, Dr. Johnson and IJoswcll.
I am in tho habit f taking very long
walk.) on theso occasions; perceiving n
storm threaten, I mado tho best of my
way to n small inn, nnd was received
by a respectabl'j looking man and his
wife, who did all in their power to
niako mo comfortable. After eating
some excellent fried mutton-chops, and
drinking a miart of ale, I asked tho
landlord to partakeof a bowl ofwhiskey
punch. I found him, as tho Scotch
generally are, very Intelligent and full
of anecdote, of which tho following may
servo as a specimen :
Sir, said tho landlord, this Inn was
formerly kept by Andrew 3Iacgregor,a
relative of mine; and these hard-bot-toined
chairs (in which wo arc now sit
ting) were,ycars ago,fllIed wltli tho great
tourists, Dr. Johnson and IJoswoll,
travelling liko tho linn and Jackal. Uns
well, generally preceded tho Doctor In
search of food, and, being much pleased
with tho looks of tho house, followed
Ids noso into the larder, where ho taw
a fine leg of mutton, lie ordered it to
bo roasted with tho utmost expedition,
and gavo particular orders for a nice
"Now," says he, "mako the best of
all pudding."
Klatcd with his good luck, ho imme
diately went out in search of Ills friend ,
and saw tho giant of learning slowly
advancing on a pony.
"My dear sir," said Uoswcll out of
breath, "good news I I have Just be
spoke at a comfortable and clean inn
here, a delicious leg of mutton ; it is
now getting ready, and 1 flatter mynolf
that wo shall have an excellent
"And I hope," said he, "you liavo
bespoke a pudding."
"Sir, you will liavo your favorite,
pudding," replied tho other.
Johnson got oil' tho pony, and tho
poor animal, relieved from tho glunt,
smelt his way into tho stable lloswell
ushered tho Doctor Into tho hotiso, and
left him to prepare for his delicious
treat. Johnson feeling ills coat rather
damp, from tho mist of tho niountains,
went Into tho kitchen, and threw his
upper garment on a chair beloro tho
Hie ; ho sat on a hob, near a littlo boy
who was busy attending tho meat
Johnson occasionally peeped from be
hind Ids coat, while tho boy kept bast
ing the mutton. Johnson did not like
tho appearance of ills head; when ho
shifted tho basting hullo from onohand
tho other hand was nover idle, nnd tho
Doctor thought at tho same tlmo ho
saw something fall on tho meat; upon
which lie determined to eat no mutton
on 1 lint day. Tho dinner announced,
lloswell exclaimed :
"My dear Doctor, hero cumes the
mutton ! What a picture ! Done to
turn, mul looks mi beautifully
brown !"
The Doctor tittered. After a short
grace, Hoswell said :
"I supposo 1 am to carve, us usual
what part shall 1 help you to V"
Tho Doctor replied :
My Dear llozy, I diil not liko to tell
you beforo, but 1 am determined to ah
stain from meat to-day."
"() dear! this is a great disappoint
incut," Mild Dozy
.it..' .', 'r0i,.,n ...i,.. ,...,.ir,
' '..7.?: 7i . Kir.r".
amplo amends with tho pudding.
Hoswell commenced the attacl
mado tho first cut Q.".J'" mutton.
"How thogravy.runs; what lino na-
iorctl fat j so nlco and brown, too. Oil,
sir, you fotihl liovo relished this prime
piece of mutton." .
I'ho meat being camo tuu
long wished for pudding. Tho Doctor
looked Joyous, fclUtjCgerly to, mul In
a fow moments nearly finished tho pud
ding. Tho tablo was cloarod and Dos-
U'oll Ml 111 m.
"Doctor, whito I wiwWIng tho 111111?
Ion, you seemed frequently inclined 10
laugh ; pray, tell 1110 what ticuicu your
Tho Doctor then literally told ilm
all jliat briil passed at tlio kitchen lire
about tho boy and tno unsung, no.s
w'ell turned ns palo as n parsnip and,
sickoriilmseir nnd tlio company, nan
ed out of tho room. .Bomowhat rellov
ed. on returning, ho Insisted on bcelng
tliu dlrly littlo rascally boy, whom ho
severely reprimanded lieioro jonnson.
Tlio poor boy cried tho Doetor'lnugh
ed. "You littlo, lllthy, milvcllng hound,"
said Hoswell, "when you basted tlio
meat, why did ynu not put on tlio cap I
Biiwyou In tills iiioriilii(,'V"
"1 couliln't sir," Haiti tliu boy.
"Xo! Why couldn't you'.'" wild Ilos-
"llt'cniHo my mnminy took it from
mu to lioll tlioiitnliling in 1"
Tho Doctor Bntlii'rcil tip hi liciTiilcnn
frame, btood meet, touched the rulllng
wltli lit-t wiff, ritured or niulnted ; in
deed, lookeil any way but tho right
way. At last, with mouth wide onei!
(none of tliu smallest) and stomach
lieavineho with some dlUleulty recover
ed ills breath, and, looking nt Howell
with dignllled contempt, lie roared out
with tho liuigiofiiKteiitor.
"Jlr. Dowell, sir, leave olVlatigliing,
and, under pain of my eternal di-iplciH-ure,
never utter a Hlngle syllablo of this
abominable adventure to any soul liv
ing while you breathe."
And such, said mine lio-t, you havu
tho po-iltlvo fact from tliu simple mouth
of your humble servant.
Accepted Masons.
At an inn in tho west of England sev
eral people wero sitting nround the Hro
in a largo kitchen. Among them were
a travelling woman nnd a tailor. In
this Inn, n Masonic lodgo was held, and
it being tho evening for their meeting,
several members passed through tho
room on their way to the lodgo room.
This introduced obsers-ntlons on tho
principles of Masonry and the signs
by which Masons could be known to
each other.
Tho woman said there was not so
much mystery as people Imagined, for
slio could show anybody tho -Masons'
What" said tho tni lor, "that of a
Free and Accepted Mason '."
'Yes' said oho 'and I will wager you
a largo bowl of punch, and any mem
ber youchooso shall confirm it.' 'Why
said lie, 'n woman never was admitted,
and is it possiblo you can know nnv of
their signs i"
'Xo matter fortlml, I -will readily for
feit the wager If I do not establish the
The tailor finally agreed to accept the
bet and tho price of the punch was de
posited. Tho woman got up and took hold of
the tailor by the collar, saying 'Come
follow me.' Thlshedld trembling, fear
ing ho was to undergo some part of
tho discipline in tho making of a Mason
of which ho had heard a dreadful report.
She led him into tli'i street and point
ing to tho lgn of the l.lou and tho
Lamb, asked him whose sign it was.
IIo answered, 'It was Mr. I.nrders'
(the name of the Innkeeper.)
'It hp. H l.'ro-iimin .
'Then,' snld tho woman 'I have shown
ynu the sign of a Free ami Accepted
Tho laugh was so much against
snip for being taken in, that it
with some dilllcttlty he could be
vailed on to partake of the punch.
Tin: Kmi'I'Y t'n.Mii.i:. -Theie 1-, a
wholo voluniu of poetry in the follow
ing littlo sketch, which appeared in a
Into number of tho Weekly, an excellent
literary Journal edited by a lady:
Wo met John on the stair-, lie was
carrying an old cradle, to bo stowed
away among what ho termed 'plunder'
in the lumber room. Ono rocker was
gone, and tho wicker work of the sides
broken; It was an old willowy afl'alr,
but yet we could not refrain from ca-t-Ing
a sad look into its empty depths,
"(ionel" we said dreamily, "aligone!"
What golden heads were onco pillowed
here, heads on which the curls grew
moist in slumber, and cheeks aud Hps
flushed to the lino of ro-oleives. When
sleep broke, tho silken fringed lids
opened heavily from tho slumberous
eyes ; smiles flitted like unbcaius over
tho face; tho whito list was thrust into
tho mouth, and when mama lifted the
muslin and peeped to see if the baby
was sleeping, cooing and crowing was
heard. The littlo feet began lo kick,
out of pure delight, and kicked until
both of tho tiny red shoes were landed
at the foot of tho cradle. Where tiro
those hands now'.' Homo that wero
embrowned by vigorous manhood am
sleeping on liattlo-flclds, Mime me
bleached with tlmonnd cares, ami they
have grown sore and weary on Iho
rough paths of life, l'erhaps some lit
tle one, once tenderly rocked here, Is
sleeping ill the ciilllu. Over it grows
lieartsea-e, anil vigorous box aud wlilto
candv-tuft, anil tho starry la-mine. The
bluebitd flutters its bright wings
through tho willow houghs, and tliu
cool wind whispers to tho green leaves
nnd L'm-s blades on tho grave. hat
of'.' IVihaps of its inimorfallly. Sleiq
nn little dreamless one. "Of such Is
the Kingdom of Heaven."
Tin: two t-r.uvicix "I know, with
Newton, what tho world can do, nnd
what It cannot do," wild lietlley l
cars, a pious ICuglishomcer, who per
Wiwlln the war of the Crimen. "It
cannot L'lve or take away tin peace of
(iod lu the soul. It cannot sootho the
wounded conscience, or enable us lo
meet deatli WTth comfort. I liavo tried
both services. For twenty-four years 1
lived under iho yoke of sin. 'I ho retro
sped of my past II fo is now miserable
to mo; yet, beforo 1 was taught iy tno
Spirit of Ood, 1 thought ami, called it a
life of pleasure. Tho very name when
annlltd to sin, now makes my heart
sicken, liven then I could never enjoy
reviewing tho occupations ot a single
day; and think you my conscience was
unlet V Hitter exiierlenco has
taught mu that thero Is no peaco lor 1110
wicked, lllessed bu liod, now 1 am
pardoned and reconciled through tho
death of i s Son. How Happy is Uio
Christian's lilo when ho has this ii'diir
- s
An old picture represents a king sit
ting In state, with a label, "I govern
nil" n bishop with a legend. " I pray
fur nil" -11 soldier with a motto,"! light
for nil" nnil u farmer drawl ng reluct
nntly a nurse, with tho inscription, "1
pay for nil." Thero Is more truth than
poetry lu the idea,
Wit and Humor.
Anvr.iiTisi.vo von si:ai,i:d imiopos
ai.1. A chap issued a leap year Invita
tion, and sent the following "notice to
contractors" for publication !
The undersigned, feeling the want of
some one to dud fault with, aud grum
ble at when business matters go wrung,
and being lonely with no ono to halo
lit ti i ; and whereas, having arrived at
tho proper age he is determined to
"eoiiio out;"
Sealed propo-als will bo lecelved un
til '2 o'clock l1. m. on the :11st of Decem
ber, lKfls
Applicants must poa.-css beauty or its
equivalent in currency.
.She must possess a sweet ami forgiv
ing disposition, aud when one cheek Is
kissed turn tho other that is if tho
right man is kissing.
She may not chow gum.
Nor wear long dresses in tho street.
Nor freiment sewing circles.
Nor go around begging for eharitablo
Nor read tho paper first in the morn
ing. Nor talk when I am bleeping.
Nor sleep when I am talking.
Nor trade off clothes to wandering
Italians fur flower vases.
Nor borrow money from my vest
pockets when I sleep.
Nor hold a looklng-gla.ssover my f.tco
at such times, to make me toll all I
Shemiwt believe" fn sudden attacks of
chills, and nllowanco for their effect on
the nervous system.
When her "old bear" comes homo
from a "few friend?," rather all'ection
ate, she must not ta jo advantage ofhis
state and wheedle him into trips to wa
tering places.
And nbovo all sho must not on such
occasions put cpccac Into tho coffee slio
prepares for his "poor head."
Slio miintsit up for him when ho imp
pens to bo detained at a latu hour on
his committee.
Hut when he does return, tired and
chilly, slio will bo expected to roll over
to tho other side, and give him her
warm place.
A lady possessing tho forgiving qual
ifications, positive, aud negative, can
hear of .something to her advantage by
addressing tho imderr.igiied, inelo-ing
a red stamp.
All proposals must bo accompanied
with satisfactory evidence of tho ability
of the applicant to support a husband
in the style to which ho has been ac
customed. A .MAHUIU1) MAXC'OMUS OCT Kvli.N.
Two friends, one nn Englishman and
tho other it Frenchmaii,chaiiced to meet
at the Paris exposition.
"What! you in France, my dear
William ."'said the hitter, "lain de
lighted lo see you. How do you do'.'"
"Not very well. I have been mar
ried Muco 1 saw you last.
"No, it isn't; for my wife wa-. a
'I am sorry ; that's bad."
"Notaltogether; for she brought me
ii dowry of ten thou-aiid pounds ster
"Ten thousand pounds! ' I'hat's good,
consoles you "
"No it doesn't, for 1 invested tliu
money In herds of cattle, and they all
tiled of the dl-easo that has Ju-t been
ging in Fnglantl."
"That's, bad."
"Not at all; for tho skins brought
me more than I paid fur tho cattle."
"Then you nre Indemullled."
"No, not altogether ; for I bought a
line hoiiso with tho money, and It has
ii -t been burned,"
"Oh, what a misfortune!"
"Not so great a one, either, for my
wife was in it, and slio was bin ned with
tho litiu-e."
Wa.ntimi l'lti i;n lis, " I wl-li that
1 had some good frleniN to help 1110 on
in life,"crled idle DonnKwlth n yaw n.
"(loot! friends! Why you have ten!"
leplied his ina-ler.
I'm ,-ure 1 haven't halfso many,
md Ihuse I have niv too poor to help
me. '
fount your llngets, my boy," Mild
his master.
Dennis looked at his large, strong
"Count thumbs and nil," added Iho
" I have, there ale ten," said thu lad.
"Then never say that you have not
got ten good friends, nllu to help you
011 lu life. Try what thesj true friends
in do beforo you begin grumbling and
fretting because you do not gel help
from others."
D11. Stuck i.r.v onco waited upon sir
Isaac Newton a little before dinner
time; hut lie had given orders not to bo
called down to anybody till his dinner
was upon tlio table. At lenglhabolled
chicken was brought in, and Hinckley
waited till It was near cold, when, he-'
t.W- I. I... ..... II ,l,l .11'-
llln 1 1 J 1111111,1,1 , IO 101 I. 'l w,-
deied another In bo prepared for .Sir
saac,who came down beforotlie sccuiid
was ready, and seeing the dish and cov
er of tlio llrst which bail been left, lifted
up the latter, and turning to tlio doctor
Mild : "What btrango folks wo stuilloiis
people are! I really forgot that I had
A Caitiocs Ji noi:.-Aii Irish Judgo
tried two notorious fellows for high
way robbery. To tho astonishment of
tlio court, they wero found not guilty.
As they wero being removed from tho
bar,tho Judgo nddi'e.s-lngthoJallor,sald,
".Mr Muni hv. vou would greatly ease
my ml uti If yon would keep those two
respectable gentlemen until seven or
half past seven o'clock, for 1 mean to
set out for Dublin at live, ami 1 should
liko to have at least two hour start ol
A I'ltlM'i:!!, meddling with the ver
dict of u coroner's Jury, struck out ti
comma niter the word "apoplexy,"
making It read as follows 1
"Deceased came to bis death by ex
clusive di'lnklng, producing apoplexy
In tin' minds of tho Jury."
How Good Tomplars Xnltiatc Can
didates. The following must have been writ
ton by a chap who got tight on lager
without knowing It would intoxicate.
It refers fo a lodgo of Oood Templars.
It isu graphic description of an "lni
tlon ceremony," in tlio writer under
stands It :
In the first place, the victim for ini
tiation is blindfolded, bound hands and
feet, and thrown into a caldron of boil
ing hot rain wafer, and boiled for live
Tills is done for tlio purpose of clear
ing his system of "old drunk." IIo is
then taken out of tho caldron, and by
means of 11 force-pump gorged with
cistern water, after which a sealing plas
ter Is put over his mouth, and he is
rolled in n barrel four oijllvo times acrosj
the room.
Tho choir at tlio same time singing
tho cold water song.
IIo Is now taken out of tho barrel,
and hung up by tho heels till thowater
runs out through ids ears.
IIo is then cut down, and n beautiful
young lady hands liltn it glass of cistern
A cold-water bath is then furnished
him, after which lie is showered with
cistern water.
IIo is then made to read tho water
works' act ten times, drinking a glass of
cistern water between each reading.
fler which tliu "old oaken bucket"
Is hung around ids node, and llfteeu
sisters with .squirt-guns delugo him
with cistern water.
Hols then forced to eat it peek of
snow while tho lirothers stick Ids ears
full of icicles.
lleis then run through a clothes-wring
er, after which ho is handed 11 glass of
cistern water by a beautiful young lady.
Ho is then gorged again with cistern
water, his boots filled with tlio same,
and ho is iald away in a refrigerator.
Iho initiation is now almost conclu
After remaining in tho refrigerator
for Iho space of a half uu hour, ho is
taken out and given n glass of cistern
water, run through tlio clothe wring
er again, and becomes a Clood Templar.
IIdmi on' Ho vs. Hold on to your
tongue when you are Jut ready to
swear, Ho or speak harshly, or use any
Improper word.
Hold on to your hand when you aro
about to trlke, steal or do any Improp
er net.
Hold on to your feet when you tiro
011 the point of kicking running away
from stud or pursuing the path of error,
Minnie orcrlitie.
Held your temper when you aro an
gry, excited or imposed upon, or others
aro angry about you.
Hold on to your heart when evil per
sons seek your company, ami invite
you tojoin in their games, mirth and
Hold 011 to your gootl namo at all
time-', for it Is much more valuablo to
you than gold, high places or fashion
able attire.
Hold on to the truth, for if will servo
well and do you goud throughout eter
nity. Hold on to your virtue, it is above all
price to you in all times and places.
Hold 011 to your character, for It is
anil ever will be your best wealth.
Tin: Wicki:ih'.sT Max. According
to the following paragraph from this
week's riii!epc)ileit,luiH Wickedest Man
in New York" has seen the error of his
ways :
"John Allen, the Wickedest Man in
New Yoik" lias recently pledged his
word liideed,lio lias signed a bond that ho
will forthwith abandon his dance hoiiso
business. IIo has been led to take this
course because his little son, Chester,
came homo from school crying as though
ids heart would break, because ids
schoolmates said ids father was the
wickedest mail in New York. After
seeing htnieli' photographed in 'Pilch
ard's Monthly, he called upon Mr, T.
'. Aclon fur advice, and our police
pre-ident advised him in the mod em
phatic manner, to get out of the Water
street den. Wo aro happy to learn that
Allen has proved, by hisapp.ireut peni
tence, that lie Is not the wickedest malt
in New York, and we hope that he has
already fulfilled Ids pronil-e."
A wiTNl.sslu court who had been
cautioned to give a precise answer to
every question, 11 lit 1 not to talk about
what he might think tho question
meant, win Interrogated its follows :
"You driven wagon'.'"
"No, sir, I tin not."
'Why, man, did you not tell my
learned friend so tills moment V"
"No, sir, I did not."
"Now, sir, I put It lo you on your
oath, do you not drive a wagon V"
"No, sir."
"What Is your occupation, then V"
"1 ilrivoa hor-e, sir."
No Nami:. -During the French Itev-
oliitiou a man applied to the pas.port
ofllco for a passport.
"What Is your name'.'"
"NK" ,
"WhatV" " '
"Nonsense! that Is 110 name."
"You have abolished HalnK haven't
you V"
"And you have abolished Do'.'"
"So my niimu Is Nis ; for beforo tho
Hovolutlon I was called Ht. Denis." '
l'uiNci;,i:i!. HofjAi-AiiT visit
ed the ni'seunl In Vienna thotherday.
Two Austrian soldiers, armed wltli a
now rule, were orderctl-out for priiellcc
in ids presence, iind.wiltilii tlio space of
one minute, tlio two men placed forty'
three balls In the butts, witliuut miss
is, wuiiout miss-,
idred yards, f
Miss lioy5Mvlio
ing once, at threo liundre
It Is related of tlio
has Just married Senator llyndorsou,
that once.when slio nnd her ulster went
j to a party with their uncle, Senator
Foote, now deceased, a .grammatical
I servant of the Hibernian persuasion an
nounced! ".sluatur Foot and tho two
I Misses Feet."
Hour Tho Devil lost.
Tin: following is too good lo be lost.
Wo clip 11 from an exchange paper,nnd
respectfully call tlio attention to It of
certain persons who feel disposed to
spread in the newspaper lino.
A young man who ardently desired
wealth, was visited by ids SaUtnlc mr,
est'y, who tempted him to prom Iso
soul for oiern.'ty, II" lio could bo
piled on this eartfi -d'.'l'l.n" tll3
he could use. The bargain was co(- (.
tied tho devil was to supply tho. -ey,
and was at last to linvo tliosotii
less tho young mail could spend n .
11101 ey than tlio dovll could furidsi.
Years passed awuy tlio man married,
was extravagant in ids living, built
palaces, speculated widely lost ami
gavo away fortunes, and yet his coffers
wero always full. IIo turned politician
and bribed ids way into power and
fame, without reducing his "pile" of
gold. Ho became a "fllllbuster," and
fitted out ships nnd armies, but ids
banker honored ail Jits drafts. IIo went
to St. Paul to livo and paid tho usual
rales of interest for all tlio money ho
could borrow, but though tho devil
mado wry faces when lie camo to buy
tlio bills, yet they were all paid. Ono
experiment after another failed ; the
dovll counted tho time, only two years,
that lie must wait for tlio soul, and
mocked thoefl'orts oftiie despairing man.
Ono moro trial was resolved upon tho
man started a newspaper! Tho dovll
growled nl the bill at tlio end of tho
first quarter, was savago at the end of
six months, melancholy in nine, and
broke, "dead broke," at tlio end of tho
year. So tho newspaper went down,
but tlio soul wa.s saved.
A Good Marriago Ceremony.
Tub following curiosi custom of
tho Xeslorlan Christians is commended
to tho serious attention of tho young
gentlemen and young ladies of our
country, who propose to commit matri
mony. After tho inarrlngo ceremony
has been performed tlio wedding party
Is taken in wagons from tlio church to
thehoiiso of tho bridegroom's father.
Wlieu the second wagon, in which tlio
bride is seated alone, readies tlio gate,
opening into the yard in which tlio
house is situated, it is halted, nnd tlio
bridegroom's mother comes to meet 11,
wltli a baby and threo suits of baby
clothes in her arms. She throws tho
child and tho clothes into tho arms or
tlio bride, who is required to dress and
undress the baby thrao times In the
prc.senco of her motlicr-In-law, who
watches every movement as only a
inotlier-lu-law can watch a. daughter-in-law.
If tho nowly-mado brido does
not perform tho operation to tlio satis
faction of her sovero Judge, sho is con
sidered unfit for her new position, tho
wagon Is turned around, and slio Is ta
ken back homo for further instruction ;
wliilo tho poor bridegroom is compel
led to live in single blessedness until
his wifo is educated up to tho proper
How Dutch Gap Got its Namc
Tho following is told by a Southern
correspondent of thoHrooklyn Eajlc:
"An Englishman and a Dulichnian,so
tlio story runs, undertook, for a wager,
to row their respectlvo skiffs from a
placo seven miles below the gap to a
point abovu it. Tlio man who first ar
rived at tlio place of destination was to
lie considered tho champion, and to re
ceive tlio stakes. Hotli started. The
Englishman pulled out vigorously,
wliilo tho Dutcliman.witli truoTcutonic
inipurtabillty, suffered ids opponent to
go ahead without nn apparent etlort to
keep up with him. When the English
man began to round tlio bluff, after
nas-lng tho gap, tlio Dutchman was
"hull down" and almost out of sight of
his antagonist, who was counting on a
"sure tiling of it," When tho Dutch
man reached tlio gap, ho ran his skiff
on shore, raised It 011 hisslioulders.nnd
made his way with all possible despatch
across the few hundred feet of interven
ing space. When tho Englishman ar
rived at the point at which the race
was to terminate, what was his aston
ishment to find his opponent In Ids
skill', calmly awaiting his appearance,
having relieved tho weariness of ids
stay by smoking, with Dutch leisure,
three or four pipes of tobacco. Whether
the Dutchman succeeded by ids trick in
I winning the wager Is not known, but
he gave a name to the gap.
I.ivi: nut (fool),- Thousands of men
Ine.ilhe, move, ami live pass) off tlio
stage of life and are heard of no more.
Why V They did not a particle of good
lu the world; and 110110 were blessed by
them, none could point to them ns tlio
Instrument of their redemption; not a
word they spoke could ho recalled, and
so they perished! their light went
out in darkness, and lliey wero not re
in inhered mure than tho insects of yes-
tuday. Will you thus llvo mid die, O
man Immortal'.' Live for something.
Do good, and leave behind you a monu
ment of virtue that tho storm of time
can never destroy. Write yoiir nnniu
In kindness, love, and mercy, on tho
hearts of thousands you como in con
tact with year by year, and you will
never bo forgotten. No; your namo,
your deeds ' W11J u.n:J lB'0'0
hearts you lea vo behind, as tho stnrs on
tho brow of evening, Oood deeds will
sliiiicA brightly on tlio eartli ns tho
star of heaven.
Wucni: is Youn Hoy at Nkiht.
Tho practice of allowing boy to spend
their es'enlugs lu tlio streets Is 0110 of
tliu most ruinous, jbuigorous nnd nils
chlovous tlilng1iosslble. Nothing so
speedily nudurely marks their eourso
They acquire, under tlio cover of
vtlght, 1111 unhealthy ctatu of mind, vul
gar mul profauo lniiguago,obseono prac
tices, criminal sentiments, nnd a law
less, riotous bearing. Indeed, it is In
tho streets, after nightfall, thut boys
ccuerully acquiro tlio education and tho
capacity for becoming rowdy, dissolute
men. Parents, do you bellovoltV Will
you keep your children homo of nights,
nnd sco thut their homo Is iiuidu pleas
ant nnd protUablo?