I THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 4or the lounii .t'ollsjs. I 'I br Dam lug thor. Ow.lt tlio v. mill I'll i- n way there Is a It in' country licit iicitlier ymi nor I, nor utiytxxly t'Uo that wo know, over ?uw i but u vury groat klnj; oncn rvliiuil tliero who IihiI no Hon ul nil, but liiul twelve moat beuutirut diuih'htur-i. Now this king lnul no iuiucii to help liliu to tnku euro or all these twelve young ladles j niul so you may well think that they giivo lilra iioMKUu t run hie. They slept In twelyb'j'twis, nil In u row, In ono room r and when thoy went to bed the klntf always went up, and shut and locked' the. door, liut for all this euro that was taken or them, their shoes wcro uvcry morning round to bo ijullo worn through, ns If they had been dune ed In all nltrlit: and vet nobotlv could find out how It happeneiiSr where they could have been. Then the king, you may bosiire, win very angry at having to buy o ninny tu-w shoes; and he made It known to all the laud, that If anybody could llnd out where it was that tho princesses danced In the night, he should liavotho one ho liked best of thu wholo twelve lor his wills and should bo king after his death'; but that whoever tried, and could not, after thrco days and nights, niako out'tho truth, should bo put to death. A king's son soon came. IIo was well lodged and fed, and In the evening wus taken to tho chamber next to tho one where tho prllieo-'es lay in their twelve bed. Then" ho was to sit and watch where thoy went to dance; mid In or der that nothing might pass without his hearing It, the door of his chamber was left open. Itut tho princu soon fell asleep; and when ho awoke in the morning, ho found that tho princesses had all been dancing, for tho solon of tholr shoes wcro full of holes. The samo thing happened thu second mid third nights: so the king soon had this young gentleman's head cut off. After him camp many others; but tnry had all thesnmo luck, mid lost Ihelr lives in tho ame way. .Vow It chanced that an old soldier, who had been woundpil In battle, and could light no longer, passed through this country; and as he was travelling through a wood, he met a little old wo man, who Mked him where ho was go ing. "I hardly know whero I am go ing, or what I had better do," said the soldier; "but I think I should like wry well to llnd out where It Is thnt these princesses dance, about whom peoplo talk so much ; and then I might have a wife, and In time I might boa king, which would hu u mighty pleas ant sort of a thing for inn In my old days." "Well, well," Mild the old dame, nodding her head, " that Is no very hard task: only lake care not to drink the wlno that one of the princes ses will bring to you In the evening; and as soon as shy leaves yon, you must seem to fall last asleep." Then she gave lilra aclo.ik, and said. "As soon as you put that on you will become Invisible; and you will then be aolo to follow tho princesses wherev er they go, without their being at ull aware of it." When the soldier heard this ho thought ho would try his luck: so ho went to the king, and said ho was willing to undertako the task. lie was as well lodged as tho others had been, and the king ordered lino royal robes to bo given him ; and when tho eveuingcame, ho wasled to tho out er chamber. Ju.it an ho was going to He down, tho eldest of thu princesses brought him a cup of wlno ; but the soldier silly threw it all away, taking care not to drink a drop. Then he laid himself down 011 his bed, and in a littlo while begau tosiioro very loud, as if ho was fast asleep. When the twelve princesses heard this they all laughed heartily, and tho eldest said, "This fellow, too, might havo done a wiser thing Ihan loe his life in this way!" Then thoy roso up and opened their drawers and boxes, anil took out all their lino clothes, ami dre.od them selves at the glass ; and put on tho twelve pair of new shoes that tho king had Just bought thorn, and skipped about as If they were eager to begin dancing. But tho youngest said, "I don't know how It I, but though you are so happy, I feel very uneasy ; I am su ro somo mischance will befall us," "You simpleton!" said tho eldest, "you aro always afraid ; havo you forgotten how many king's sons havo already watched us in vain V As for this soldier he had oiib eye shut already, when ho camo into tho room ; aud even If I had not given him his sleeping draught he would have slept soundly enough." When they wcro all ready, they went and looked at tho soldier; but ho snored on, and did not stir hand or foot so they thought they were imlto safe; and the eldest went up to her own bed, and chipped her hands, and tho heel sank Into tho lloor, and a trap-door lluw open. The soldier saw them going down through tho trap-door, ono after another, tho eldest tending tho way, and thinking ho had no time to lo-c, hejumped up, put on tho clonk which tho old fulry hnd given him, and fol lowed them. In tho middle of tho stairs ho trod on the gown of thoyoung est, and she cried out, "All Is not right some ono took hold of mygown." "You silly thing I" wild the eldest; "it was nothing but a nail In tho wall." Then down thoy ull went, and then ! ruu along a dark walk, till they eamu to a door; and thero they found them selves lu n most delightful grovo of trees; and tho leaves wcro all of silver, and glittered and sparkled beautifully. Tho soldier wished to take away somo token of thu place ; so ho broke offu lit tlo brunch, ii'id thero camo a loud nolty from thu tree. Then tho youngest daughter said again, "I am turo all Is not right ; did not you licur that noise? Thnt nover happened beXoru." Hut tho eldest said, "It liotily tho princes, who uro shouting for Joy at our approach." They soon camo to another grovo of trees, whero all tho leaves wero or gold; and afterwards to a third, whero the leaves wcro all glittering diamonds. And tho soldier broke a brunch from each; and every tlmo there enme a loud noise, that mado tho youngest sister uhlver Willi fear: but thu oldest still said, it was only thu princes, who wcro 'shoutlug forjoy. Bo they went ou till they camo to u great lukc; and at tho sldo of tho lake there Iky twelve little boats, with twelve handsome princes In them, waiting for tho princesses. One of tho princesses went Into each bout, aud as tho boats wcro very biiiuII tho soldier hardly knew what to do. " My company will not bo very ugreca blo to any of them," said ho; "but, however, I must not bo left bolilndt" so ho stepped Into tho Mimoho.it with the youngcxt. As thoy wero rowing over tho lake, the prince who was In the boat with the youngest princess and the soldier slid, " I do not know how It Is, but, though I urn rowing with ull my might, wo get on very slowly, mid 1 am quite tlr.'d: the boat seems very heavy to-day, especially at ono end." "it Is only the heat of the weather," said thu prlncos; " I feel It very warm, too." On tho other stdo of tho lake stood n lino Illuminated castle, from which e.unu thu merry music of horns and trumpets. Thero they nit landed, nnd went Into tho ensile, and each prince danced with his princess ; nnd the sol dler, who wus nil the Hum Invisible, danced with them too; and when any or the princesses had a cup of wlno set by her, he drank It ull up, so thnt when she put the cup to her mouth It was duply. At this, too, tno youngest hi tor wus sadly frightened; but the eld est always stopped her mouth. They danced ou till threo o'clock In the morn ing, and then all their shoes wcro worn out, so that they wero forced to leave oil". The princes rowed them bock again os'cr thu lake; but this tlmo the soldier sat himself In tho boat by tho eldest princess, and her friend, too, found it very hard work to row that night. On tho other sliorolhoy all took lenTO,say lug they would como again the next night. When they camo to the stairs, the Boldler ran on boforo the princesses, and laid himself down; and as thoy camo up slowly, panting for breath and very tired, they heard him snoring in hit bed, ami said, " Now all Is quite safe." Then they undressed themselves, put away their lino clothes, pulled off their shoes, and went to bed, and to sleep. In tho morning tho soldier said noth ing about what had happened, for ho wished to see more of this sport. So ho went again tho second and third night", and every thing happened Just m before, tho priuceses dancing each time till their shoes were worn to pieces, and then going homo tired; but tho third night tho soldier carried away ono of the golden cups. a a token of whero he had been. On tho morning of tho fourth day ho wns ordered to appear before tho king ; so hu took with him thu threo branches and the golden cup. Tho twelvo prin cesses stood listening behind tho door, to hear what ho would say, laughing within themselves to think how clever ly they had taken him in, as well asall tlie rest who had watched them. Then the king asked lilm, "Whero do my twelvo daughters dauco at night?" and tho soldier said, " With twelve princes In a castlo under ground." So ho told the king all that had happened, and showed him tho three branches nnd tho golden cup, that ho had brought with him. On this the king called for the princesses, and asked them whether what the soldier said was truo or not ; and when thoy saw they wero found out, and that it was of no use to dony what had ha ppened, they said It was all truo. Then tho klngnsked thesoldier which of them ho would chooso for his wife: will ho said, " I am not very young, so I think I hnd better tako tho eldest." And they wero married that very day, and tho soldier lu duo tlmo was heir to the kingdom, after the king his fathor-In-law died ; b ut what becarao of tho other eleven princesses, or of tho twelvo princes, I never heard. farmer's gtiwttutnt. The !tnilir rry Destroyer. Tin: raspberry is now being consid erably Injured by a fly or bcetlo which girdles tho stnlk near tho top for tho purposo of propagating its species. Thoso who cultivate this dclieato fruit, w ill do well to look to Its preservation by removing tho tops of tho injured briers, and burning them ; this will destroy tho insect for tho next year. I had watched at times In vain to discov er this littlo destroyer nt its work, but did not succeed until to-day, when I tound n dark looking bcetlo near tho top of thobuili, nnd carefully watched its progress. For a minuto or moro It seemed to bo testing tho toughness of the bark, but at length it settled upon a spot sufficiently tender for its use, and commenced its work in earnest by making incision after Incision until the stall; was completely girdled; cutting through tho nlhuruum entirely, and, thereby destroying all circulation or sap; tlun It measured with considerable precision about three-fourths of nn Inch upwards and commenced a second gir dle, which It completed In course of about thirty minutes. This done, a puncturu was madujust above tho low er girdle, Into which It ejected an egg, quite lu the centre of the stalk, as I subsequently found by dissection. Sup posing his work finished, I secured tho Insect. Tho specimen before mo Is about live-eighths of an Inch in length, color black, with a dark brown spot Just back of its head. Will somo of our scientific men plcaso give us thu nnmo of this Insect. I'rrr J'tot. Saw Corn rir Kmltlrr. J)AiitYMi:x should remember that sowed com, as a fall feed for milch cows, has received tho endorsement of the imijorlty of tho profession for years. It Is grown with tho greatest ease, and yields most prousely. It is rich, suc culent, and consequently just the thing ror cows at tho tlmo when pastures be gin to fall lu the fall. It may bo sown either broadcast or In drills, Thu com mon varieties aro usually sown, but at tho llclvldero Convention sweet corn was very highly spoken of. There is no doubt It yields tho richest food. Tho next beit Is probably somo variety of tho Hint corn. Cut nnd well cured bo foro trost, thero Is no better winter foil dcr, and tliero Is nothing that can bo produced moro profitably, All kinds of btock will ent It with avidity. A dairy farm at tho East without 1U patch of sowed corn Is an exception. Western dairymen will llnd full as much neod for full feed, and wo know of nothing better to recommend to their notice, Sow from two to threo bushels of corn per acre, If broadcast, and cover with the cultivator. rrulrle runner. How lo Prcstrte 1k(E. In 1701, Wm. Jnyno, of ShenUld Kngluud, obtained u patent upon tho following method, which ho averred would preserve eggs In a good nnd fiesh condition for two years or moro: Keep tho eggs In n compound mado of ono bushel quick lime, thirty-two ounces of salt, eight ounces cream of tartar, with enough water to forma mixturo so that an egg will swim 'Ith Its top just nbovo tho liquid. ) DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFL AND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoofland's German Tonic. rrcpareJ by Dr. C. HI. Jacluon, rBiUMirnu, Fi. The Gnat Remedies 90 ALL DlltllM or Tit MVEIC, STOMACH, or DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Hoofland's Gorman Bitters It mm pounded of tho pure Julcw, (or u they ar medicinally terra 1 i td, Kxtracii) of ItooU, Jlerbi ir -T ftndUarkt,mftk liid a preparation, highly concern tratod, and entire A bJBi y frtt fron Air tehohc admitturt tf any XinX Hoofland'a German Tonio, la a comMnatloa of kit the lofrcdlfnu of the ElrunsvUhj tho purcit quality of Smtta Cmt Jiumy Orange, etc. making oca of th tnoit Bleaiant aodagrteabla rtmedlet vrer offered to i pofcllo. Tho prcferrtnf a Iftdldot tret from Alco holic adrolitort, will ou Eoofland's German Bitters. In eAaoa of omont aVpraaalon, whan tomt alcoholic atlmttlaa It aoeaaaary, Hoofland'a German Tonio eSxald hf oied. The Bitten or th Tonle ara both tquallr gKt, and contain tht aama medicinal virtue . i ne atomacn. irom a variety ol cauMt, aucb m Indication, Dyt . - pepala, Werrona DtUilty, ete, la jT very apt to bare iu luncuona at n jmmw rasfti bit or which la, ma that the patient ufftra from aereral or more of the fuflowloi dleeaacai Copttlp&tion, Flatulence, Inward Files Fulneaa of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the a to ma oh, Kauaea, Heart born, XMtruit for Food. FulneMor Weight In the Btomaoh, Sour Eruo . tationt, Slnkicflr or 1'lut torin at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Heftd, Hurried or Difficult Breath inp, Fiuttorlnr at the Heart, Choking or Buifocatinff Sensation when in a Lying Poature. Dlmneta of Vision, Dota or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. . Chf Llm. uWll b ., Bud. den Plushes of VbsLbw Heat. Burn lag in the ma Fleah, Con stant Imaginings of Eril, and Great Depression of Spirits. Theaa remedlea will efftactnallv etir Complaint, Jaundice, Dapepala, Chronic or KervoaaUliUity,Chronle Ulanhoa, DUaaae of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arlalng fjom a isiBurucivu uver, owniAiD, or uicBunea DEBILITY, Risdltiso no at Ciois wsitbtii: FROST It ATI ON OF THE SYSTEM. llDVOBD ST BSTias HlOB, LUft&ailFB, Biroivii, Fbtiu, ato. There Is do medicine extant taval W these remedies In each cases. A tons ana vigor Is Im parted to the whole flatem, Uw Appetite is HtrsDjrthened, food aijj-a la enjoyed, the atomachdlgeats TsT promptly, ths blood la purlQed, ut nompfciion becomes sound and Bsbh healthy, Usa yel low tinge Is eradicated from the eyas, a bloom la given to the checks, and the weak and oerrous tmalid becomea a itrong and healthy being. Fer$on$ Advanced in Lifa Acd feeling the band of time welgblng bestir pon them, with all Us attendant iUs-wlll find la the use of this MTTKlttL the TONIC, an cllilr that will mail pew life Into their veins, reatore Id a rooniurs the energy and ardor of more jouthfu) daye, build up their shrunken forma, and ghe health and happtuest to their remaining) tare NOTICE. It la a well-citabllibed fact that fully one half pf the female por tloa of our popu lation are seldom TT In the enjoment ol good health; or, M a to uae Unit own eipreeilon,,1iieir StSBSmafl feel well.' They ert languid, dmold of all energy, eitrcmety ner Tone, and hi no appetite. n.,Tl,.iI'J".dJ,of Ins the B1TTKU9, or the TOMC, ta eapeclally recommended, WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by the use of either of these remedlea They will cure every case of MA KAHMUS, without Ml. Thousands of ctrtlUcatcs hare accumulated 'n the handa of tho roprletor, but space will allow of the publication of but a few. Those, it will be ohatned.are men of note and of auch stand lug that they muat be believe'). TESTIMONIALS, Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, VhitJutlux of tht Suprtnt Court oPo., writes I'hiUiJtlpMa, March lfl, 1M7. ' I find 1 Hoof- fm land's German lHHeraMasirood tonic, UKfal In diieattscf tJitdt 'fL. gestae organs, and of grrat ten Cast' sli ilt in casta of de bility, and watit of nmoue action In the eastern. Yours truly, "UKO W. WOODWAUU" Hon, James Thompson, JuJgt o tht Jitiprtmt Court of JWnylimiHO. rh.LiJS.yhia, April 21, 164 "1 cunsidtr 'llootUnda German lUtlvia' a taluall medicins In cato of alUcle of Itidie tlou or I)Bppal 1 can certify this from my experience f It. " Yours, lth respert, JAilKd THOMPSON," Prom Rev, Joseph H. Kcnnard, D.D, Vaitor tf Lt Ttnth Iktjlitt Church, 'AiMJefJirfa. r, XKlion-puiir Sin I hve U-trii "fniitiitly reijuiatt-d to conm-cl my mime vtllli nt-imnu-ii dations of dlllcrt'iit kinds of rin-dMnt-N, l.itt, t garding the prao r t rj-j tku nut or nt appropriate iiLvT aplicro, I have In all cuace declined; II wtX I but with a clear proof In arloua UU afid iniunct'i mid ptr Ucularlyln my own timily, of tho Uwfulnc-u of iJr. lloullAnd a Ucrm&n Liilttri, 1 dtpart or unco from my usual course, to eipri'Ms inj ru'It'uinlc tlon that, for genrral detiltty of Ut lyVm, ami Hjvetaltjffor Itetr ComjJutH it if a UJt ami valuallt iT;ir(iun. in some casus It iimv tail , but usiiii.ll) , i d-mbt not, It nlll bu UT) Ki'ilViJ to tbo hIio stiller from tho abow causes, i'wure, try rpjinrtrully, X ll.'KKNNAHn. jUltfhtu, Ulow Coutcs Si From Rev. E. D, Fendall, JttUtant EJitor Ckriitian Cronkli, I'hiUJtl- ..J 1i"Be1Te,1 berjf fit from the uae of Hoofland a German UltUri, and feel It my pnvl lege to rccommeixl them as a most y aluabfe tonio to all who are auflurlng from gcuvral debility or from diseases aiiiinc from direngoruent of the Uur. i ours truly, !. 1 FUND ALU OAUTIONi Iloofland'a Qermaa r.emed!csart sounterfeiu sd. Hs that the signature of O.M. t?reMt JB M "rs sis eoun: riinclpal Ofllcs and Manufactory al the Oar man Medic In a titore, No. 031 AUClt Uuml vw adelphis- CHAI1LE3 UL EVANS, German Druggist. Proprietor, Formerly U. if. Jciioi; Co. Tot salt fcy all DrugglaU and Dtaleia Lo kledi- PRIOE9. Iloofland'i Oarman Bitten, per bottle,,. . . " uaii aoten..,,. h u ' atnnia Tonic, put up la quart per bottle, or s haVf 'down' for so 1 M SeT Do not forget to ei amine well the article res toy, In order to get the geuulnt. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, January M, iwn. DRY GOOD8. TyriLLim's store. rHESII AUUIVATi OP FA Lis AND WINTEU aOOPH. Tho subscriber lion Just returned from tho elites with another large nnd select nnsortmeut of BrniNO and bummi:r qoods, tuircliascd In New York nnd Philadelphia at the Ioh est figure, nml which lie Is determined to sell on m moderate terms ns can be procured else whero In Illoomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADID3' VtlVfiH GOODS of ttte choicest styles and latest fashion, together with ft large ;nsortment of Dry Goods nnd Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles i Cnrpets, Oil Clothst, Cloths, CnsM meres, Flnnneli, Rllkn, Whlto Uoods, Id n ens, Hofjp Skirts, Muslins, Hollowwaro Cedar ware Qtieeusware, Hardware Boots and Hhoes, lints and Caps, Jtoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-ainsscfl, Tobacco, Coffee, H ti gars, Teas, Itlce, Allspice, G inner, CInnamou, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN ItALLY, In short, everything usually kept In country Rtoren, to which ne Invites the ntteutlon of the public generally. The highest price will bo paid for country produce In exchange for goods. 8. 11, M1LLEHAB0N. Arcade Buildings, BloQmsburg, Pa, QREAT KEDUCTION IN PIUCES AT PETER ENT'8 STOKE, IN LIGHT STREET, OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE subscriber has Just received and lias on hand nt his old stand In Mght Street, n large and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nt the lowest figure, nnd which ho determined to sell on ni moderate term as be procured elsewhere In Light Street, IVIi CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. HI stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTIIINii, Batlnetts, Cusslmers, Cottoundes, Kentucky Jeans. AC, An AC. GROCERIES, MACKEHaij, Queensware, Ccdarwarc, Hardware, Medtclucs, Drugs, Oils, Taints, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept In a conn try store. Tho patronnge of his old friends and tho public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro duce. FETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1807. J J. B R O W E R, Is now offering to the public his Stock of S I 11 7Ar G GOODS consisting in part of u full line of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG CARPET s, Flno clotlis aud casslmere for Ladles' coats, HANDSOME DItESfl GOODS, of all patterns and qualities, Inlalds and Prints of various qualities and prices, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, AND BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIES' it CHILDRESS QA1TER3& ROOTS. FreBU Groceries and Spices. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WARE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In onedinlf nnd ouo-fuurth barrels. Now H tho tlmo to make your selections, as I nm offering goods at very low prices, aud our motto Is fair deallug to all, and not to be under sold by any. J, J. BROWER. Ji looms burg, April 12, 1S67. jg A u G II'S n.uan & bons, ri)i!aici., AMD NOIiTr-Wr-STKIlN FKIIT1UZINO CO., Chicago, Solo Manufucturcrs. TRICKS. IlAUnH'S HAW BONK wiosriiATi:, 'JS per XDO Jiouuda. UAUOH'S CHICAGO BONK FKKTIL1ZKII, 50 per 2000 pounds. BAUOli'S CHICAGO BLOOD MANUIIII, fM per 2000 pounds. The Above Alanures nro furnished In both hnffH nnd barrels, whichever customers prefer. ,SsTho bags.are.uulform lu weight IGOitounus., Tho ntteutlon of Farmers Is especially directed to tho fuel that tho sources of the ltaw Material of which tho above Manures uro romposcil, are so well under control that wo can furnlbh them of ssrlclly uniform quality and condition, nnd that uii'y cumuui a iarKerperceniai;uuiumiuuuiiasn uny tuner rjuhs vi muuuiaeiureu uiuuures iu iuo market, BAUail 4 SONH, M H, Uclnwnro Avcuue, I'lilla. NOHTII WJSTKltN FIUtTILIZINO CO., Cor, lAko nnd Lasallo fcts., Chicago. Ad Baueh's Commerclnl Mnnnre. nifiV bo hrn. cund twm dealers In nny of the prlnclal towns In tho Uil It td Mlates or Ilomlulnu of Canada. 1). W, M nsters, Mlllvllle, nnd V. bcott, of Cnt. nwlssa, Af cuts, July 17,'l.3m,j M.AKTMAN, C If, B1I.LINHER. K. It. BATMAN, jRTMAN, DIIjLINOKR & CO., O.S28KOUTI Til I HI) 8THEET, Xturly oi'jmitte Jamet, Kent, Bctnlet it Co.) Wholesalo Dealers In VAUNH, BATTING, WADDING, CARI'ETH Oil, CLOTHS, SUACS, FLT MKTS, GRAIN BAGS, COItDAOE, AC. AWO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WABE, BHVSUES, TIIVXK8, LOOK 1 NO OL ASSES, BTO. May 10,HW-ly, JOWE, EUSTON & CO., Manufacturers and Wholeijfapealera In COTTON YAItNS, CARrETUINS, BATTfl, WICKS, T1K YABN8, CJIUDAOIC, IlltOOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'a 0 LAHHES, CLOCKS, FANCVAHKETB TABLE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, u No. too Market Street, sooth side, ' rbiladelphls. O O F I N a. ItOOFINO 111 TolUl. rRilvta hn finltcl Hnivn ROOFING rostinr Binch less, ana more durable than Tin, HOOFING tliutcun bo applied by any ordinary workman. HOOFING that win not expand Mr contract by the action of the weather. ROOFING that In adapted to steep or flat room. , JJend for n sample and circular. HKADY ROOF INU CO., si Maiden Lane, New York, May I5,'H8-3m, jyjUTUAL IJFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK. ,V. WmsrON, PntUUnt. Gross Assets Feb, 1, 1S0S l25,al,8H U I noome for 18u7 gSlo hj oj Dividend paid 1'olloy holders In 1WJ7. 'J,W0,l M largest Mutual Company In lh world, Reduction of Rates. .. ... J0,,N KE2E. Agent, Mareti WUtt-kC tllooaiburg, i'u. 1m RAIL ROADS. NORTHERN CENTRA Ij RAIL WAY. On and nncr MnyAUtli M&S Tmlns will leave NoiiTia'Mnr.nLAND at follows t NOHTUWARD. 423 A. M., Dally to Willlnmsport, (except Bunday) forKlmlrn, Cnnnndalaiin, Hoclienter, Buiralo, Huspcnslnn Bridge, nnd N, Falls. GjO i. M., Dally, (except Hundnys) for Elmlrn nnd Buiralo vlo Erlo Hallway from Elmlrn. 0.15 r. M., Dally, (except Sundays) lor Williams. P'1' TRAINS SOUTHWARD. O.H A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Balllmore. WILMINGTON AND I'ltlLADELFHIA. 11.50 A. A. Dalls'(exccptSunday's)for Baltimore, Washluatou nnd Philadelphia. f:i). S. YOUNG, General Passenger Agent. LACKAWANNA AND 11I.OOMS BUBO RAILROAD. On nnd nncr May 11th, isos, lMiscngcr Trains will run ns follows t Going South. Going North. Leave Lcnvo Arrive Arrlvo n. m, p. m, n. m. p. m, Scrnnlon 6.30 3.30 ll.lu K.I7 Iavo I'lttston (1.(11 I.IW H'.: D.io Kingston I.2S 4.l l'Ul 8.411 l'lymouth U.' I.Vi 7,11 K.'.'i shlckshiuny l.ii S.IO li.oi 7M Berwick 7..Vi (l.l." Bloom K.30 d.ri 7.4l 0.111 Hubert .4U 7.01 7.IKI ll.ixl Danville , 0.10 7.12 7.02 6.30 Arrlvo Arrlvo I.enve Leiivo North'd VM 8.23 0.2) 4.45 Tho IMOTrnln nt Scranton makes connections with express Train ror New loru nt 3 o clock p. in,, nrrlviug lu New York 9.60 p. m. It, A. FONDA, Sup't. lRfI7. lt.R7. pHILADELl'IIIA AND ERIE l(AIl,ltUAL. WINTER TIME TABLE THKOUalt ANDDlnECTltOUTE BETWEEN rillf.A' BELrjIIA, BALTIMORE, lIAKIlIsnt'llU, WIL LtAMSI'ORT, AND THE GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. F.LEOANT SLEEl'lNO t'AIIS On nil Night Trains. On nnd nfter Monday, May 11th ISfls. tho i rains on the 1'hlluuelphln A Jirlo Kail Hoad will WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia.. 11.11 p.m. " " Northumbirlaud...G.l?n.m r., . . . , arr, nt Erie 8.rj0p.m, wm'. iii-jii.-v) iiues i-niinucipiMii.....i2.w m. isoriii " " nrr, nt Erie ELMIItA MAIL UnNes I'hllnU.'ltililii.. " " " Norlh'd... " " nrr. nt Lock Haven EASTWARD. ,0.6ij n.m. ni.oi n.m, ...8.00 n.m, ...l.2p.m ...7.13p.m, MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 11.00 n.m. isortnti iLrjopjn, " " arr. nt Philadelphia .7.10 n.m, ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erlo... .7.10 n.m, " " " Nort'd O.Ha.m. nrr.aii'hiiaoeipiiia i.oop.m, ELMIRA MAIL leaves lock Haven .".lon.m. ' North'd 10.1(ln.m. " . " arr. at Philadelphia 0.10 n.m. Mail and Express connects with all trains on WAIUUSK .'KANKI.IN HAILWAY. l'assell' gers leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 M. arrlvo nt r- vinetnn nt.AdOn m nn,l fill nii-.t o rwi n .ii Leavlmt Philadelphia nt 8.00 1'. M. nrrlvo Oil nt lit i.&t . in. All trains on Warren A- l'rnnlrlln lLillwnv make close connectlan nt Oil City with trains fur r minimi nnu l'ciroieum icuuc. unggagcciiecKCK A. L. TYLER, General Superintendent, Wllllamsport, JEADINO RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, May 20th ISO. Great Trunk Lino from tho North nnd North, West for Phllndclphln.New York, Heading, Potts, vllle. Tamaoua. Ashlnnrl. T.ebnnnn. Allt'iityiwn Easton, i:phrata, Llllz, lincaster, Columbia, Ac, iruuiH iciivo iiarrisourg jorficw iOTK, as loi lows: At2,o0,6,2jaud8,lun. m., 12,10 noon nnd 2.05 A D.3on.m..coiiliertliiir Willi hlmlliir tnilns no too Pa. Itallroad, and nrrUing at New York nt 6,(X), 10,00 & 11,60 n.m., & 3,60 7,10 4 10,30p.m. Sleeping ears nccoiupnnylng tho 2,60 n.m. nnd tr,,to p.iu. iruins w iiuoui ennnge. Leuvo Harrlsburg for Reading, Pottsvllle, Ta mariua, Mlnersville, Ashland, Pino Urove, Allen town and Philadelphia nt 8,10 a.m., nnd 2,0, and 4,10 p.m., stopping at Lebanon and principal w ay stations : the 4.10 p.m. maklnu connections for Philadelphia and Columblaonly. For Pottsvllie Bcnuyucu. iiavcu ana Aubuin, Ma bchuylklll and Uusauehanna ltnllrnml. linn lliirrlsliurf' nl 3,66 p.m. lteturnlng: Leao New Yolk at 0,00 n.m. and 12.00m. .and 5,lK) and 8,00p.m. Sleeping cars accomponylnytlio 0,00 n.m.,nnil6,0i) aud 8,im p. zn,,traln8 wlrhout change. Way I'asscnger Train leaves Philadelphia ut7,10 a.m., returning from ileauingat u,30 p.m stopping nl all stations; Fottsvllle at V46 a. m., nnd 2,46 p.m., Ashlnnd 6,oi) u.ui auu oooii, una i,w p. 111., jaiinujut. ni 8,:K) b. m.and 1,00 nnd 8.16 p, in. and Susquehanna. Railroad at 7,lo a.m. and 12,00 Reading Accommodotion Train leaves Reading at 7,30 a.m., returning from Philadelphia nl 6,l3 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Tratmlenves Potts town at 6,45 a.m.,, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4,30 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains: leave Heading nt 7,00 a.m., and O.I5 i.in. for J.'iihrata, f.lllj:, Imuran. tcr, Columbia, Ac, l'erklonu-n Hall Road Trains leavo Perklomcu Junction nt O.'io a.m., nnd 5.5, p.m. Returning: LenveSklppackutO.ria.nl., and 1,15 p.m., con necting Willi similar tialnsou Heading Railroad On Sundays, h avo New York at 8,00 p.m., Phil adelphla 8,00 n.m. nnd 3,15 p.m., the 8.H0 n.m. train running only lo Heading; PotlsNlllo 8,00 a.m.: Harrlsburg 6,26 n.m. and 4,10 and 0,35 p.m., and Heading at 1.10 and 2,65 and 7,15 a.m. for llnrrls burg, and 7,00 a.m., and 11,40 p.m. lor.New York, and 445 p.m. for Plilladclphia. Commutation, Mileage, heason, School and Ex cursion tleketstonnd Horn alt points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked 1 hrough ; 100 pounds allow ed lo each passenger, G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. Rending, Pa., May 20, It&s. T hi: bkst js the ciikapksti Tim8iNai:it hewing maciiim: It KADI THE LIST, And leadn the column t,WS ahead of all otheis 'J'liLs .Machine Is the MOST rOlHJLAU in uhe. It usen the flncHt needle of nny Mnt-lilne In ex lAtenee, Any lady wuutlng n good SEWING MACIIIXK, Will oonsult her own Interests by huylng n HINOKH. It Is eadler to run, learn undUtep In order than any Muchluo In the woilil. oveh 300,000 or thlm in usi;. The idlest Instruction Riven thoso who pur chiuip, and the Machlno with ua wailkanted to you for one rear. 1'lease call at my Htoronnd natlfy younolven. Here you will Dud Needle, Thietid unU HI 11c, DAVID LOWKNIlLlCd, Auent April S.'tW-tf. UluoiiifeLum, l'a. Q O L U M U I A IIOUS K, Y B K It N A U D BTOIINUU, JIavino Ifttely purclmscd and fitted up tho well-known KoblMm Hotel Property, located a FEW POOIW ABOVE THE COl'JIT HOt'SE, on the name nido of tho ttrect. In the town of ltloomiiburg; and having obtained a Ike use fur tho same as a KEHTAUIIANT, the Troprletor has determined to glvo to the peo ple veiling tho town ou bu.luefea or pleasure, A UTTLU MOUU HOOM, HU stabling also In extensive, and Is fitted up to pnt bUBiilennnd earrlnees In the dry. He prom Ueu that everything about his establishment shall bo conducted in nn ordeily and lawful manner j and ho respectfully sollciu a fcliaro of the publlo 1 atrouRtio? (mynff7-m. J. p- 1JEAnV. with LIITINCOTT, DOND 4 CO., Manufacturers and Mliolesale Dealers In MATS, CAPS, FURS, AND STRAW 0001)8, No. 413 Market Street, Philadelphia. gNYDEIl, IIAURI8 & UASSKTT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Nos, (25 Market, and (23 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Q W. IJLAIION & CO., Manufacturers of OIE CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Street Philadelphia, J II. WALTEIV, Lato Waller 4 Kaub, Importer ancT Dealer In CHINA, OLASS, AND QUP.ENMWARR, NoZU NortThlrd Street, between Race and,Vlne Philadelphia. O.U. M0BMK, tr,8.'KlNa. J. B. SBVBIIIIT JOHN BTIIOUI' & CO., Successors to Hu oup 4 111 other, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, No. 24 North Wharve, and 25 North Water St., Philadelphia. GROCERIES, &c, C ONFEOTIONKIIY. The untlrrRloneil would resnectftlllv ftlinoilnco to I lio public lhal ho lias opened n FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, In the building lately occupied by Bernard Stoh ncr, whero ho Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIIJ), FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RA19INS,IC.,C, AC. 11 V WHOLESALE Oil KF.T A ti ll! short, a full assortment of all goods In Ills lino of business, A great .arlcty of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for tlio Holidays, Particular ntteutlon given to DREAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, CHISTMA8 TOYS. A call Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will ho guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1507, ECKHART JACOBS. J K M O V A L OF C. O. .MA It R'H N K W S T O U K ro s it t v irs n ho c k, oNTUKconxEii or vAnm.T an iron stukcts. The undersigned having received from the city a full nnd complete supply of SPRING AND SUMMER DIIY GOODS AND CII.OCEUIE3, NOTIONS, TIN-WAKE AND IIAKD-WARE, CKDAlt A XI) n'll.I.On'-KAItK, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, T O II A O O O, A T ,V A A' J) S' JI O S, FLOUR, SALT, Flllt, AND MEAT, nil of which I propose selling at n very low flguro ror cosh or produce. 4S Call nnd see. April 12, 1SU7. C. C. MARR. G HAND OI'ENINO tlRAND OPENING GRAND Ol'KNING GRAND lll'KNING GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTER GOOD4. FALL AND WINTER HOODS. FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS, conMsttng oi consisting of cousistlug of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, DRY GOOIW, DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAIN, HATS AND CAIW HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAI1 HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND shoes! HOOTS AND SHOES HOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING REAIlY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING. READY-MADE CLOTHINol 1.00 IC I NG-G LARS IX, 1.O0K-ING-H LASSES I.OOKING-GLASSIW LOOKINO-ULAKHEis! looking-glasses; NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GltO('Eltli:s, GROCERIES, (lltOC'CltllM, GROCERIES, tlUEENSWARE, llt'EENSWARE ((UEENSWARE, ItllEENSWARE, (tUEENSWARE, hardware, hardware, hardware, iiardwarl:, hardware, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, KITH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ac., Ac. Ac., MlKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKHLVY, NEAL A CO.'S McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S MlKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'a Northwest corner of .Main nnd Market Stracts, Northwest corner or Main aud Mai ket Streets, Northwest coiner of .Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest em ner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest to rtur of .Main and Maiket Streets, nt.ooMsnuiio y DLOOMhlmllO PA BLOOMSIllIRG I'A IILOOMMIURG PA. BI.OOMSIIURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAIIX, IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS lu lorgo quantities and at reduced rates, alway CCHEIJ;, UEKOEK & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers In FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Aa, Nos. 121 and T.'l North Whan'es, above Arch St. Philadelphia. Solo ngtnts lor Wilcox's Wheel Grcaso, In bar rels, kegs, and cnus. yAINWIUGIIT A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N, E, Corner Second nmlJArch Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUI-S, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, IlK'P, Kl'ICES, nt CARII bOUA, dC, AC. a. Orders will lecelvo prompt attention. May 10, lSW-ly, JJ V. l'ETEKMAN, Willi LIITINCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLISALE GROCERS, No. 21 North Water Street, aud No. so North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. WEAVER' it SI'KANKLE, WHOLESALE GROCERIES ANDCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos, VIZ aud 1-7 Arch Street Philadelphia. M. Jf. JIAIU'LE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, No. SI North Third Street, Philadelphia. j atel67nedT 'ho iinderslgmd would respectfully Inform the cltliicns of llloi.msbuiijalid Mclnlty.that he has '""KVI'l"!'1 I"P on Ironstreel, between Main and llilrd.whuohowllliollowlho cabinet ma. king liiifclnis lu all Its blanches, Orders for METALLIC OR OTHER COFFINS filled ylth promplutss and despatch. Repairs cheaply niudo lo all kinds of luinituro, luclud. lug Hie repluliingof cauc-bottonicdcluitrs. Pal. terns lor tasting mado niatlyand cxiwdlllous ly, and orders mo kollclled ellher In personor by mull, picture Rami mudo lo ordt r at short no ,1AT,rl..0.'t,f. ROBERT ROAN. yjEKCIIANT'S HOTEL, 40 KOHTlt f OOltTll BTllKIT, PIU LA DELPHI A. J. A W. O, M'KIUBIN, Proprietor. May 10, lW7-y, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QHAKIiES VT. BNYOEK, DEAT.Efl IN II A II D W A II K, 1HON. NA1L.M, BTKKIi, A0.( tt'., AC. MAIN BT1UXT. HLOO.MSI1U110, TEXN'A. Tako this method of lnformlngtho cltltcniof Co lumbia couty, that he has opened nn extensive Hardware Btoro on Main sticet, In Illoomsburg,' near Iron trtrcct.nnd that he 1ms on hand a LAItOKH STOCIC AND IinTTlIIt ASiOUTED than can be found any whero else In the county, aud which ho Intend to soil at prices which defy competition. CHAINS, AXES, STEEL, IRON. I havo chains, all slzct, men, all mnko and weight, uteel, all sizes, Iron, alt shape, nnd nil very low, DUILDKH'H II A It I) W A It IJ, of every description. Nails, nxlo pulleys, Bash cords, latches, locks and knobs, butt scrows, sash fasts, window springs, baso Knobs, strap hinges, hasps atul staples, hoolcs nnd etnpjcs, and In fact evcrythliiR needed In that line. CO AC II A WAGON MAKER8' IIAUUW'AIIE. embrnelns almost ever' thing In that line. Also HAUNIUS MAKifiaS' HAItUWAUn, Buckles, Japnunedt buckles, silver plated! hilts of oery It I ml , ItAUra, Iron; pad trees t Hamkh, wood ; snddlo trees, gig trees, girth web, worsted and cotton t thread, Mlk, awls and needles, tools of all kinds. HllOnMAKni'S ltAUDWAUE, A full assortment forenrieuteia. I haveplnties all kinds, saws; hand, paunel. rip, aud compass, squares steel. Iron, nnd try: boring machines, chlsles, nugers, bevels, mallets, braces, gauges, plows, rules, bits, nnd about everything for car penters. FOIl THE 1'EOPLE aENKItAMY X have coal hods, coal shovels, scoops, coal sifters, lnnt erns,tabIo cutlery, pocket" cutlery, plated Pptwns" plated forks, servers, ten nnd cof feo pots,butlcrknlves,mlllsawK, crosscut saws, clrcnjar saws, gnng saws, Illes, horse shoes,wrenches,rlvets,hnm mcr, hatchets, mattocks, i)Icks, forks, grub bing hoes, shovels, spades, spading forks, hoes, rakes, bed pins, twine, skates, plows, coflln trlin nilngs, Emery, red chalk, whlto chalk, wire, horse nails, meat cutters, scales, washboards, horso buckets, wooden palls, clothes plus, glue, door mats, porch mats, par lor mats, corn poppers, paint brushes, horso brushes, sleigh bells, heel calks, enamel ed kettles, brass kettles, copper kettles, stowkctttcs,sauce pans,broad axes, nulls, Slcttgcs, curtain fixtures, Thlmbleskclns and boxen, I'umps, lend pipe, etc., Tarred roponud hundreds of nrtlclis not .enu merated constantly ou hand at CIIAUMIS V HNVDEH'H, Main Street, Illoomsburg. Q.EOKGE II. KOBERTS, Importer and Dealer lu HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, 4c, No. 311 North Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. JACOII K. HMlTir. J. R. MKl.TZEll g 51 I T II A S E Ij T Z E K, I mportcrs and Dealers In Foreign and Domestic II AUD W A II E, GUNS, CUTLER V, AC, NO. 109 N. THIIID STI1EET, An. CALLOWllIU, v . I'lULADELPIIIA. Nov, 2!,67-tf. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. Rational foundry, BloomsburK, Columbia County, Pa. Tho Mibscrl ber, proprietor of the nbovo-i amed extenslvo establishment, Is now prepared lo ro eeUeoidcrs ror all kinds or MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAHT l'lIRNACES, HTATIONA RY ENGINES, MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, Ao Ho Is also prepared to mako Htovcsorall sizes and patterns, l'low-lrons, and everything usually mado In first-class Foundries. His cxteuslvo facilities and practical workmen warrant hlni In receiving tlio largest contracts on tho most rcasonablo terms. Grain of all kinds will bo taken In exchange ror Castings. This establishment Is located ucar tho Lacka wanna aud Illoomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER I1ILLMYER. gTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M, RUPERT announces to his friends and customers that continues the nbovo business at his old place on MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of article found In a Btovo aud Tlnwaro Es tablishment in the cities, nud on tho most reason, nolo terms. Repairing done at the shortest notice. a DOZEN MILK-1'ANS on hand for sale, JKW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STREET, NEARLY OI'POSITE MILLER' bTOUE, IlLOOMHRUItn. IM'.kvIa. The uiideislgncd has Just lilted up aud opened STOVE AND TIN KTIOP n this place, whero ho s prepared to mako up new Tin Ware or all kinds iu his line, and do icpalrliig with nentuess nnd dispatch, upon tlio most reilhOlinbln trrms. I! nlv,! l.A...!u I... i.A... STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES Wlllnll llA 11.111 lr.ll . JjV.; i i ' ' Mr. 111 ",M hu purcnasersi Ulvo him n rail, lie Is a Kowd mechanic, and Illoomsburg, April S6. 1S87. JAC" METZ jroBAbed & SEcsAiaa. rpiiE ONLY li,ACE " " to get the best TOBACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at HUNGSBEltaER'S. a few doors below tho American House, Illoomsburg, Pa, Ho has tho largest and most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO everotrered to tin citizens of Illoomsburg. All Vilnius 111 BEGARS. and thu best FlnnBut and plug CHEWING TOBACCO. can bo had nt his counters. TOBACCO PIPES lu great variety ujp among his largo stock. uuj i- i UHUET TO CALL. H. H. HUNSBERGER, W; RANK'S V, UOI.r.SALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREIIOUHK. No. 110 North Third Street, between Cherry and Race, west aide, Philadelphia. I-. WOODRUFF, Wholesalo Dealers lu TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, Ac, Ac, No. 11 North Third Street, above Market, Philadelphia, QJINIliUS LINE. Tho ui dcrslgned would respectfully announce lo tli. clt Ueus of Illoomsburg and the publlo gene rally Hi n he U running an OMNIBUS LINK UctMeeu this place and thodlileient railroad do jwts dally (fcjuudaya excepted), to connect with tho severul tralus going South and West on tho Calu wlssa aud Wllliamsport Railroad, aud with those going North and South on tho Lackawanna and Blooiisburg Railroad, 111 Oinnibussea nro In good condition, comma. dlous and comforlahle, and charges reasonable Person, wishing to meet or seo their friends do. nsrf mHU.vu ...... .. ., ... ..tuuuMuin, uimju reasonable cnargo by leaving timely uotlco at any of tho hotels. Avuji u untiu, t'ropnetor. DRUGS & MEDICINES. gAVE YOUR MONEY! GREAT INDUCEMENTS! O HEATER INDUCEMENTS! 0 II E A T E B T INDUCEMENTS AT THE OLD DRUO STORE op L. N. MO YE It, Whero erfu bo found tho laiiokst nnd niaiT As- sohtmknt, ever orrercd to tho citizens or this county, of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, oils, Glass, Varnishes, Putty, Brushes, Dyostnirs, Mixed Paints. all of thoso nro of tho best known mako nnd aro warranted ns puro nud unadulterated. Thu finest and largest slock of V A N C Y A R T I O L E H to bo found in 1 his or adjoining counties Perfumery, Hair Dyes, Fancy Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Cosmetics,. HalrOlls, Toilet Articles, Stationer, Pocket Books T O 11 A U L O E S . Smoking nnd chowtnp, Cigars of all descriptions, Pipes, Cigar Holders. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. Lamps, assorted slr.es and styles, I.AMl'8, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, BUnNRItS, MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. Sponges, Chamois Skins, Catheters, Spcculums, Syringes, Breast Pumps, Rubber Goods, Tiusses of all approved patterns Ac, Ac, LIQUORS. A lino assortment or uro liquorsfor medical purposes constantly on hand and tho best kuoHu kinds of STOSIACII BITTERS, Patent Mewcines of every description, In cluding tho best varieties of pills and tonics. l'MVMCIAN'S ritESCniPTIONS CAHEFULI.Y l'BK J'AUEll. No such stock has ever been' presented to tho peoplo or this section or country. Tlio prices nro ns small as tho stock Is large, Tho Wholesaler ices aro moro favorable to tho purchaser than ever, as arrangements have been ellccted with tho wholesalo dealers lu tho larger cities, so that goods can bo procured In Blooms burg as chcnply.ns In New York or Philadelphia. A3" Country dealers aro earnestly Invited to study their own Interests, by cxnmlnlng this stock. Remember Uioplnce Exchange Block nlnivo Exchaugo Hotel, Main street, Illoomsburg. Jan. 31, lsos. Cm GRAY HAIR. ' A TlilildlUcA.'lur.uslAtUatlUngmsd.. Till- I. tho Cum tint Ul fcF lu the AuiiiiiisiA th&t Illogmsds. s--l? This U the Man who vn bntd tad i;ray, lto now linn raven lock, they thy llnusaillliiil'iisalM !i In tlio AmiiiuMA that Uluff made. ThU U thu MnU'.tn, liiinJsomo anA .,.?".!!.,..,., ... .... J Who now lias) rnvc n lorks, they tiny, H Hu ns-. I t,i AMiiuoHiv that llln- trruv. sis f J made. 'I lih h tin r.irnon, who, by Hie uny Mnrrlod tlu mniilrii, liaininomt' tuni L'liy, To tin1 man once ImM furl cruy, ltut who iinw hi riitru lock, tlirv my, I lectin "0 hn m tin1 Cure that lay In tin.' Anitl ti Hut liiuj iiiaifp. f?) Thl.l' tin- IM1 that rlnj.'" nwny in liroiiM' I lie h dine Km. Iit.u ;:iv Jrntu 11il4 f' t, Ui h li'Tl' ilm I i l' the .tMlUtOSIA th"t V'"J III E. M.TUBBS ft CO., Proprietors, Peterboro, N.H. ANDFOIt SALE XIY , U N. MOYUH nnd I'. I.UTZ, DniRKUtu, UIoomsburK, nnd Jl. M. 1IHOI1HT, ('ntnv. Iksh, Januiiry 21, J R. JIOYER, WIIOLESALU A RETAIL DRUGGIST, CORNER Of MAIN AND MARKKT STFKKTS, BLOOMSBURQ, PA., whero will bo found a largo nnd select stool: of Drugs, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. Also nil tho l'ATENT MEDICINES OF THE DAY, I am also prepared to furnish Country Stores with Castor Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, TURLINGSTON'S BALSAM, and nil olhcr medicines kept In their lino at City prices. ta-Prescriptions carefully componndod at all hours. Iu medicines, quality Is of tho first Importaure. Bloomsburg, June7, 1807 fllE AMERICAN HAY KNIFE AND l'ORIC.-Wo tho undersigned citizens ol Columbia County witnessed tho trial of hay forks on tlio farm of Mr. Pursel, in Hemlock Township, nn Monday, May 7. 180(1, between Uio A.",,f.r.l.;l.'".,.,.u'.K"lf" "ml mnnufuctured by SLIF1 It, WALIJS, S1IRINKR A Co., of Iwls. burg, Ph., and tho Rundel's Patent Hay Hook. Jho American Fork lined moro hay lu one diiiiiKlit limn tlio Rundel In three. Wenrosatls tied it uiu lako oa much hay Into tlio mow ns to R'MilJ.'"wf? urttw' . s ttlso " R cutting hay, and think It cannot b beat as a hay knife. aud cheerfully recommend It oa tho best hay fork and knife wo linvo ever scon. l'vI1,TO,"1,!1',"!"i 1b. O. HARRISON, V. 11. Loons, John Doak, John Deterick, IIaniei. Nover, H. DlOLEXILLLII, HVLVE8TEK PlIKSEL, Michael Hem.fr, John Wou. I hey also manufacture tho celebrated Buckeye Reaper aud Mower, and other agricultural Imple menu. r J N S U R A N CE A O E N C Y . Wyoming JlM.aw "'t 1,000,000 Commcrco 400,000 FuRon noolooo North America 800,000 t-"')' 150,000 International 1,100,000 Niagara . j,ooo.oo0 XtuuLlveBificlc M0.O00 I'utuam tM,a Merchants 3J0.0W' Spriugtleld 670.0OO Insurance Company of Stato Penu'a..... 030.0W Connecticut Mutual Llfo 10,000,M North American Transit suo,v FREAS BROWN, Agml, lnalSC7-ly, Uloo.uuru, I' a. RMIJRUSTER & BROTHER, Importcra aud Jobbers or HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS. HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, TIIIIKA1IM, SEWING SIIJJ, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAIF.S, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, ANI NOTIONS GENERALLY. Also Mauuructurers or BRUSHES AND LOOKING aLAHHEH. mid Dealers 111 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. IIUOOMH, ROPES, TWINIW, Ac. No. Dug North Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia, jyjULLER & HOST, Bucctssor. to Franklin P, Scltter 4 Co., tin porters and Wholesalo Dealer. In I .LHIU01LS,; WINES, Ac,, Nos. 410 aud 412 North Third Street, Philadelphia. JUST RECEIVED TllO dltal)(t HOOl' w SKIRTS in the county at Mar,IVUi-ir UT.HHARPLIiia' ijnisa' ,, mn ess. mm