THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The VIcc-rrcsluoncy. HEN. KltANIC llt.Alu'M LP.Trl'.lt ACCEPT IMl Till: tlKMOCUATlC NOMINATION. W.isiilNiiroM, U. C, July 21. Tin: following U n copy of General Blair's letter of nc.Tptniicoof the Demo cratic, nomination for Vice-President, which has nit been received hero: (lateral Georne II'. Moruan, Chairman of the Committer of- tlir National Democratic (Mnventloii : SHItc Qltrluwtrinn. BOoMSIiUKG. PA. Uknehai.: I tako tliu curliest oppor liinlty of replying to your letter noti' rying mo ormy unmtnntion lor vice president of tho United States by the National Democratic Convention re cently held In the City of Now York. I accept wltlioiit hesitation thoiioml n:tton tendered In u iiuiiiiit'r no nrntl tying, nnil give you und tliu Cumnilttcu my tlinnks for tho very kind iiml com puinotilary language In which you Imvo conveyed to 1110 tho decision of tho (.'(invention. I have carefully read tho resolutions adopted by tho (Jonveutlon, mid most cordially eoneur In every principle and MMitlment thov nnnounce. My opinion upon nil the questions which (llscrlmlnn'u the great contend Intr parties have been freely expressed on nil suitable occasions, nnd I do not deem It necessary nt this time to reiter ate them. Tho Issues upon which tho context turns are clear and cannot be obscured or distorted by tho sophistries of our adversaries. They nil resolve them selves into tho o'd and over recurring strugglo of a few men to absorb tho po litical power or tho nation. This effort under every concelvnble name and dis guise, has always characterized tho op nonents of tho Democratic nartv. but at no time has tho attempt assumed u stiape so open nnu daring as in tuts con test. Tho adversaries of freo and constl tutlonal government, in defiance of the express language or 1110 constitution, have erected u military despotism in ten of tho states of tho Union; havo taken from tho President tho power vested lu him by tho supremo law, nnd havo deprived tho Supreme Court of Its Jurisdiction, tho right of trial by Jury and tho great writ of right, tho habcan corpus, Hindus ol sntety lor every cup zen, and which havo descended to us from tho earliest traditions of our an uestors, and which our revolutionary fathers sought to secure to their poster ity forever, in tho fundamental charter of our liberties, havo been ruthlessly trampled under foot by tho fragment of a Congress; wholo Stntes nnd com munities of people of our raco havo been nttaiiiteu, convicted, condemned, and deprived of their rights as citizens without presentment or trial or wit nesses, but Iho Congressional enactment of ex pott facto laws and In dellanco of tho Constitutional prohibition, denying even to a full and loyal Congress tho authority to pass any bill of nttnlnder or ex postofacl law. Tho samo usurp ing authority lias substituted as elect ors, In plnco of tho men of our own raco thus illegally attainted ami disfran chised, a host of Ignorant negroes who arc now supported in idleness with tho public money, aim comuinea togetner to strip tho white race of their birth right, through tho management of Freedinen's Bureaus and emlsarles of conspirators in other States; nnd, to complete tho oppression, the military power of the nation has been placed at their disposal In order to make tills bar barism supreme. The military leader under whose prestige this usurping Congress lias taken refuge since tho condemnation of their schemes by tho free people of the North in tho elections ofthe last year, nnd whom they have selected as their candidate, to shield themselves from the result of their own wickedness and crime, has announced his acceptance of tho nomination and his willingness to maintain their usur pations over Mieeightmilllonsof whlto people at tnoHoutn, iixeu to tne eann with his bayonets, lie exclaims: "Let us havo peaert" ' 'Peace reigns 1 n War saw," was the announcement which heralded tho doom ot tho liberties of n nation. "Tho Empire Is peace," ex claimed Ilonapart when freedom and Its defenders expired under tho sharp edge of his sword. The peace to which Grant invites us is the peace of despot ism nnd death. Thoso who seek to re store tho Constitution by executing tho win oi tno people, condemning tne re construction acts already denounced In the elections of last year, (and which will. I am convinced, be still moro em phatically expressed by tho election of tho Democratic candidate as President ofthe United States,) ard denounced as revolutionists by tho partisans of this vindictive Congress. Negro suffrage (wnich tno popular vote of xsew-YorK, Netv-Jerscv.Pcnnsvlvunla.Ohio, Michi gan, Connecticut nnd other States have condemned as expressly against tho let ter or tne constitution) must suinti, uo c.iuso their Senators and Iteuresenta tives have willed It. If tho people shall again condemn these atrocious measures by tho election of tho Democratic can didate for President, they must not bo disturbed. Although decided to bo un constitutional by tho Supremo Court, and although tho President is sworn to maintain and support tho Constitution, tho will of n fraction of a Congress, re inforced with its partisan emissaries sent to tho South, nnd supported thcru uy tue soldiery, must stand against tne will of tho people, mid tho decision of tho Supremo Court, and the solemn oatli of the President to maintain and support tho Constitution. It is revolu tionary to execute tho will of tho peo ple; it is revolutionary to execute tliu Judgment of tho Supremo Court ; Ills revolutionary in tho President to keep Inviolate his oatli to sustain tho Consti tution. This false construction of tho vital principle of our Government is tho last resort of those who would havo their arbitrary it-construction sway and supersede our time-honored institu tions. Tho nation will say tho Consti tution must be restored and tho will of tho people hl'uIm prevail. The appeal to the peacelul ballot to attain this end is not war. Is not revolution. They inako war and revolution who attempt tourrcst this quiet mode, of putting aside unitary ucspousm auu tne usurpa Hons of a fragment of aConeress. assert' Ing absolutu power over that benign system of regulated liberty left us by our fathers. This must bo allowed to take Its course. This Is the only road to peace. It will come with tho dec- tion of tho Democratic candidate, and not with tho election of that mailed warrior, whose bayonots aronow nt tho throats of eight millions of people In the South, to compel them to support him ns a candidate for tho Presidency, and to submit to tho domination of nn alien raco of semi-barbarous men. No per version of truth, or audacity of misrep resentation, can exceed that which halls this cnndldnto In arms ns an angel of pence. 1 urn, very respectfully, your most obedient servant. FRANK P. BLAIR. KIllllAY .HOUNINU, Jl'l.V 31, ISO. r TUB COLUMBIAN lias the I.srr.l ClrcnlAtl.m hi t'olumlila nml adjoining counties of any luiiivr published here, anil l also much larger sheet llmn an? of Itaroleintiorarlrsl ami Is llisrrfore Hie brsl medium for dtrrlliliiR In (Ills rcllall of Hie Mlalt. . I Another, Plot Exposed. On Monday evening last at the Club neetlng, lllllliieyer Introduced a reso lutlon which was advccaled by Bark ley, giving one delegate from llloom to Kline nnd Quick, and thoothcrto beott and Polio. The. renolullon lkl not pass finally. It was opposed by tho friends of Kline and Quick. I ndc pcndcntly of the 1 mpudence of of ferlng such n thing before a Club, which had no control over or business with tho question, the coolness of the affair was lncrea-ed, when thomovernnunavocnto claimed to offer It as n measure of peace, We like pence we have always labored for It. we are for peace now, when tho offer Is honest. Hut in this case It Is not honest. When tho Messrs M'Henry withdrew from tho canvass and recommended Col. Kline, we acquiesced. That wus a measure of pence an offer of harmony n pledge of unity. But "no" said Blllmoyer, Bnrkley, Jacoby nnd Tate, there shall be no peace, there shall bo no harmony, there shall bo no unity. Col. Kllno must be opposed, this effort nt nmlty shall not succeed, thero must bon can dldatc ngnlnst him. They nro pretty fellows to talk peace. Hut for them thero would havo been penco nnd harmony. This contest Is of their own seeking, not of ours. Wo forbore until Ibrbearanco ceased to bo virtue, and If we have been obliged to handle some people without gloves. they havo nobody to thank for It but themselves. Voters should remember that Col Kline voted against tho Hcpeal of tho Tonnage Tax, nnd any man who asserts tho contrary publishes a base slander, Woglvo the vote In full on tho final pnssago of tho bill. i jjas. uessrs, uuuu. iuklt, ash com, Austin, Ball, Bartholomew, Blair, urcssier, urewsier, nurns, miner (uir bon) Butler, (Crawford,) Byrne, Cold well. Cowan, (,'raiir. Douirlus. Dufilold Duniup, EHenberger, Onsklll, Gibbons, uoeuring. uranain, iiarvey, iiiumnn lionus, iiunn, ltocn, Lawrence, ieis cnrlng, Lowther,M'Donough, Marshall Moore, Morrison, Mullin, Ober, Oster hout, Peirce, Preston, Pughe, Randall, Reillv. llidgowav. Robinson. Holler, Seltzer, Shaffer, Shepherd, Smith White, Wildey and Davis Speaker 37 Nays. Messrs. Alexander. Ander son, Armstrong, Bamsley, Bisel, llix ler. isiancnaru. unss. nover. urouneau Clark, Collins, Cope. Dlsmnnt, Dlvlns, Donley, Duncan, Elliot, Frazler, Hap per, nays, iiecu, inn, jioou, irvin KLINE, Llchtenwnllner, M'Gonlgal Aiamioui, jieyers, ratterson, item, iinotuis, HcnrocK, smitn, (iierKs) sick man, Stoneback, Strang, Tnylor, Tracy, Williams nnu wuson i-. of Notwithstanding tho war ended lu 1SC5, the expenses of tho War and Nuvy Departments during 1807, two years after the war closed, were $5,000 OOOmoro than during tho flrstyear of tho war. Where does all this mouey go ? The expenses of these two departments in 18C7 were over $14,000,000 moro than in 1600, nnd from nil accounts the In crease of 1803 will bo doublo that sum. Again wo ask where docs all this mon ey go? All efforts In Congress to re- duco tho cxpenso have proven futile. Tho Hadlcnls continue to squander tho money and add to tho cost of living of every man, woman, and child lu tho country, In order that they may rovel In luxury. Tho leaders of that party arc now trying to elect Grant President, that they may still revel In largo ex penditures nnd plunder the national treasury. A look Back. Two years ago Levi L. Tate, W. II. acony, Itobcrt C. Fruit, Charles u. Bnrkley, Tctcr Blllmoycr nnd somo other men In Columbia county, bolted tho regular nomination of Captain Chnl faiit for Member of Assembly, nnd brought out Lovl L. Tntoivsn volunteer candidate, ostensibly against Ciialfant, but really against Btickalow. Thoy however carefully masked their object, and the people In tho county wero gen erally of the opinion that tho cause was olther sympathy with Tate or npposl- tion toChnlfant. Finding shortly, however, that Tit to had no strength, they entered Into a conspiracy with I'alcmoii John and Samuel Knorr to assist In tho election of Tate, and thus carry their point. Knorr, however, having but llttlo ex perience ns a politician, blundered ter ribly, In making tho nrrangemcut for securing tho Radical voto to Tate, for hodlscloscdtlictruoobject ofthe Bolters which wns, ns wo havo snld, opposition to Mr. Bucknlew. His secret circular, dated n few days before tho election and sent out with the "Bolters Bogus Ticket," distinctly stated the object of Tato's election to bo 'to break down tho Bucknlew despot- Ism In this county." Thus tho truth was at Inst out, nnd tho instnnt Tnto nnd his co-conspirators found that tho circular had got into the hands of tho regular Democrats, and their object completely discovered, tho wholo plot concocted by thoBoltcrs and Hndlcals broko down, and llzzled out In soven votes for Tato nnd somo ten or twelve scratched tickets serving to show the Imnotcnco and malignity of tho leaders. But tho samo cabal Is again nt work. Tho samo object Is ngnln In view, and tho old rnnk and fllo Democrats nro ngalu called upon to prevent tho suc cess of the plot they defeated two years ago. Wo say nil this In tho Interests of tho party, tho whole party; and to show that what wo have said Is strictly true, wo append tho secret circular, and tho bogus ticket. Read, ponder and bowaro of tho men who enter Into combina tions with P. John nnd tho Radicals. Ori'icic ItEri'BLicAN Standing Com.,1 ULooMaiiirito, l'AM October 1, lsOJ. Dkah Sin, With this mail I send you tho regular Republican ticket. You will sco that thoy aro got to tho polls early on Tuesday morning. Make It your business to sco that this is done. Wo hnvo no candidate for Assembly, nor for County officers. You will soo that thero aro but two ballots for our ticket this Fall. This is in accordance with tho now law. Ono is labelled "State," and contains these words, " Governor John W. Geary." When this ballot Is folded tho word " Stato" appears on tho outside. Tho other Is la belled "County" nnd contains theso words: " Congress Ulysses Mercur." " Senate Alexander J. Frlck." When folded tho word " County " ap pears on tho outside. To accommodato those Republicans who desire to vote for Colonel Tato for Assembly, lu order to break down the Bucknlow despotism In this County, tho " Democrat and Star" havo printed the Republican ticket with Tato's namo added. This matter Is left optional with our friends. As wo havo no candidate and If tho friends of Tate aro willing to voto for Mercur. we Bhall offer no objec tion. To accommodato thoso Democrats Wlio voto for Mercur, tno full Demo cratic ticket with Mereur's namo substi tuted for that of Klwell will bo sent you. Yours, Samuel Knowi, Chairman Standing Committee. Tho following Is tho bogus Democrat ic ticket printed by Doctor John, and headed "Tho Regular Democratic Tick et." STATE. Streets In Bloomibnrg, It Is n certain fact, that nn Improve ment in any part of tho county Is nn advantage to ovcry other portion. In most counties of tho Stato, tho clttzons tako a natural prldo in tho growing Im portance of tho county town, as reflect ing honor on, and giving position to tho county ; but in this, tho caso seems to bo roverscd, nnd tho moro mean nnd shabby tho town looks, tho better satis fied they nro with its nppenronco; nnd somo people living In tho town nro so short-sighted ns to bcllove, or so dishon est ns to pretend they bcltovo tho Hanio thing, nnd encourage tho opinion In others. They forget that ovcry brick laid Increases the taxable value of prop erty, nnd Is thus n direct bcnellt to tho wholo county mid Its funds. But not only nro thoy guilty of this folly or dishonesty, but they nro guilty of tho still greater ono, of deceiving the people in regard to tho opening of streets, nnd Improvement of tho town generally, by representing ccrtnln per sons ns favoring, nnd certain others as opposing tho opening of streets. When a cnndldnto for Commissioner travels tho county upon tho allegation that he Is opposed to opening streets In Blooms, burg, wo tnko It for granted that ho is, upon tho samo principle, opposed to opening streets In Berwick, and In Cntnwlssn, nnd In Ccntrnlla, and that ho Is opposed in llko manner, to thogencr nl growth, nnd expansion, and prosper ity of tho wholo county. You might as well tako for an ofllcer old Rip Van Winkle himself, who slept for twenty years, and tho peoplo all being of tho samo stamp, ho found upon nwnklng, everything just ns ho had left It, old, cttlcky, dingy, tumble down ; the same. old tavern, tho same old faded sign board, tho samo old horso tied to tho samo old worm-eaten post and tho samo blear eyed old hostler glv ing the samo old horso tho samo old drink of water out of tho samo old wooden bucket. Hurrah' for old Rip Van Winkle II Streets nro opened In Bloomsburgand In every other town In tho somo wny that they nro opened In Centre town ship, to wit : upon petition of tho cltl zens, by viewers from other townships nppolnted by tho Court, nnd who per form their duties under onth. All this fuss is therefore a charge of malfeasance against tho gentlemen, nmong whom was Judge McReynolds himself, who havo acted as tho viewers. It Is tlmo such foolery wns dono with, nnd tho peoplo relieved from tho senseless twnddle, nnd permitted to llvo in pcaco nnd harmony, with mutual Interests and wishes. So It Is apparent too thnt tho Commls sloncrs have nothing to do with tho opening of streets, cither In the Town ships, Towns or Boroughs; and the man who reports what ho will or will not do on tho subject, as Commissioner, is ig uorant of his duties, and attempts to usurp power not belonging to him. Tho Court nnd tho viewers detcrmlno tho question of opening ronds und streets nnd wo presumo the Commissioner will not undcrtnko to run them. Ho will hnvo enough to do to mind his Icgltl mnto business and lenvo theirs tothem selves. Tills assumption of power reminds us of Miner's llttlo boy "Daddy, will wo nil bo Governors now?" "No, you fool, only mammy nnd me." At the olectlon in 1860 in Bloom Township It is well known that a few then prominent Democrats, scratched several names from tho regular Demo cratic ticket. One, whoso ticket came partly open, wns Robert C. Fruit. Theso persons voted lato lu tho day, they voted together, and at tho count ing off, a batch of " hcratchcd " tickets ciimo together. Charles G. Barkleyand W. U. Jacoby voted In company with Fruit and another gentleman, nnd four "scratched" tickets wero found In ono place together. Tho conclusion Is Irre sistible. This is tho siibstauco of a statement made at tho limn by a member of the Board and which wo bellovo has never been contradicted. Governor, Heister Clymer. JUDICIARY. Associate Judges, Peter K. Hcrbeln, Irain Derr. COUNTY. Congress, Ulysses Mercur. Stnto Senator, Georgo D. Jackson. Assembly, Levi L. Tate. Prothonotary & Clerk of Courts. Jcsso Coleman. Register A Recorder, John G. Freeze. Commissioner, Montgomery Cole. Auditor, John P. Ilanuan. "Htyjrriendi." ONlhol3tliofJulyiirlot broko out' In Now York.On tho 14th of July Govorhor Seymour reached tho city from Albany, Issued a, proclamation that tho city nnd county were In a state of Insurrection, tho form of law necess ary to such nn cxcrclso of power hav ing been complied with. On tho samo day ho Issued an address to the peo plo of tho city, In which ho inrormeu them that riotous proceedings must nnd should bo put down. So much for the written facts; now for other facts. At about 12 o'clock on tho 14th n largo crowd was listening about tho Tribune olllco to n mail who wns haranguing them, Inciting nn attack on tho Tribune building. At that moment, Governor Seymour appearing on tho steps of tho City Hall, thoy rnn over, Joined thoso in tho Pnrk, and to tho loud cries of 'Seymour. Seymour," tho Governor responded. Ho snld, "My friends;" what should ho havo said? Thero were no rioters beforo him ; thero was a mass of excited laboring men, believing that tho draft was Illegal, or If not illegal, lncqultablo and unjust. What was tho exact way to talk to such men ? First, tote them that ho had sent ins nuiu tant to Washington to seo that their rights should bo protected. Second, to tell them to net as good citizens and sc euro safety to property nnd person . Now why did tho mob temporarily get tho uppcrhand ? Mayor Opdyke, whom Republicans can bellovo, pro claimed, July 10, that tho riot "would "not hnvo interrupted tho pcaco for a "day but for tho temporary absenco of "all our organized local militia." jsow let us sco how tho riot affected military operations. On tho night of tho 13th Leo crossed the Potomac auu Mcauo diu not pursue. Now let us turn to a venc. rnblo memory. Archbishop Hughes on tho 17th nddrcsscd nn nsscmblngo. Ho begun "They call you rioters." Ho proceeded to tell thura that ho was their father. What kind of language wns thnt ? Wns It wiso or foolish ? Tho Archbishop hnd lived long enough to kuow thnt, In nddrosslng nn excited body of men maddened with a real or fancied grlovnnce, you sootho if you wish quiet, you denounco If you .visii light. So much for tho foolish gabblo of Nyo In the Scuato Chamber nnd of tho Re publican press. It Is utterly Impossible for them to lash oven their own nd hercnts Into folly on this subject. The only result of their talk is to demon strnto whnt insane noodles they all wero five years ago. ' Guant says "Let us havo peace." What docs lie mean'.' Tho party which owns and rims him proposes to ills. tribute arms through out tho South, und this, too, in opposition to tho earnest remonstrance of Southern represcnta. lives. Tho Radical Idea of pcaco Is embraced In that' quietness created by bayonets at the throats of their fellow men, and thosu bayonets in tho hands of negroes. Wo trust that tho peace desiring men of tho North will fully np preciato Grant's empty cry for "Peace" as well ns his pnrty's endeavors'to carry out the programme by placing nrms in tho hands of Ignorant negroes to shock tho country by i repetition of tho hour rors which followed the Washington election. SoLiiiKits of tho War of 1812, aro by n recent Act of Assembly entitled to nn annual pension of $10, but beforo this mero pittanco can bo got, they must annually appear beforo tho Court of Common Pleas of tho County, and makoafildavlt that they are not possess ed of real or personal estato of tho value of two hundred dollars. How dlttlnctly the old hostility to tho War of 1812, is hero seen. Think of $10, vls ciiitnrtvllnrr n nnn. ..1,1 int. n. ,1,ln, ni I ' Cheap literature. Duiiino the past week somo twenty or moro copies of the Now York Week ly Urtbune have been received nt tho Post Office in this placo nddressed to ns many Democrats, who are Informed by n printed notlco In ono of tho columns, thnt tho subscription therefor Is paid until tho 11th of November next, the small sum of flvo cents for postago be ing all that Is necessary to secure its weekly reception. Wo think wo can perceive in this the hand of P. John, assisted, perhaps, by tho Loynl League, who having driven from tho party most of tho men of weight, Intlucnco nud standing In the town whom the Dr. denominates ns "drift wood" and"refuso," nowwlshes to recruit his shattered forces by n ro Inlorcemcnt of respectnblo Democrats. Tills AVcckly Tribtino has undoubtedly been sent to such men as aro deemed by 1'. John weak-kneed, nnd whoso sup port it is thought enn bo purchased by a gratuitous supply of Radical litera ture for a few weeks. Wo trust that all Democrats to whom this sheet may havo been sent, will duly appreciate tho position to which 1'. John has as signed them,nnd that thoy will prompt ly repudiate both him and tho rotten party to which ho belongs. Let every man refuse to tako his paper from tho office, and thereby provo that his prin ciples uro not to bo led ostrny by tho pernicious doctrines of Horace Greeley, who during tho war attempted to no' gotlato n dishonorable npnen. nml after. wnrds becamo tho ball of Jefferson Da- Oam.icott, who Is serving out his sentence in the Albany Penitentiary, is still Collector In tho Third District. Tho President has dono all In his power to remove him, but under tho Tenuro-of-Olllco bill tho Scnato must concur in tho suspension, or It amounts to noth ing. Whut possible object has tho Scn ato In retaining a Radical maletactor, now In prison, lu nn Important olllco? Tim English papers denounco tho Democratic Platform. Of course. When wero tho English over in favor of nny thing beneficial to America? Tho Plat form Is right If tho British denounco It. hakiptare on 0ov. Seymour. 'Now in I Uo wlutcrorour dlncoutrul Mud xlorloua auuimir by tlila nuu of York, And all lite clouda that law'r'U uinu nurliaunp, lu tliadeap Ixwaul ol tliu (K'hiii Ijiirlud." Tub Radicals aro trying hard to muko capital out of tho falso statement that Horatio Koymourgavoaid and comfort to tho Rebellion, Thoy seem 'to forgot that whilst Seymour Vas despatching troops for tho defence of Pennsylvania, tho "trooly loll" Inhabitants of tho In vaded districts Instead of attempting a a defence wero trying to turn on honest penny, by belling theso samo Now York Soldiers cold water nt sovcrnl pennies per bucket, nnd thnt ono of tho High Priests ot Radicalism, tho venerable Greeley, was endeavoring to negotiate a peace InCanada with Geo. N. Sanders and Beverly Tucker, nnd declaring tho war n failure. Which record looks best gentlemen, Seymour's or Qreeloy's? Tiik Radical Journals boast that tho entire British press favors tho Grant ticket. It Is only n llttlo whllo ugo thnt these samo Radical Journals wero howling thnt tho British press "sided with tho rebels." It does not occur to thoso papers that possibly tho British press encourages rebellion and Radical ism because both tend to tho disruption of. tjio Union, supporting a poor old man or widow, at tho present cost of living. And all this while the peoplo of tho North aro load ed down with taxes to support millions of negroes in tho South, in Idleness, nt a cost of perhaps $250 a head. Let tho friends of tho old soldier think of that, and voto for Soymoua. MiriDLECitEKK R. It. In speaking of this improvement a Snyder county paper of last week, says : Tho President of tho M. C. R. R. Co., advertises for railroad ties, to be deliv ered beforo tho 1st of September next. Asqulton number of stock-holders hnvo mado provision to pny their subscrip tions lu ties, thoy hnvo been notified by advertisements posted up, that tho samo shall bo delivered beforo tho 1st of Sopt., nlong the lino of tho road lu such numbers nnd placo as tho chief en gineer may direct. Tho tics aro to bo 8 feet long, 7 Inches thick, wltii two parallel faces, tho ties to bo peeled and mado of Whlto, Chestnut or rock oak. Persons who wish to deliver ties ut 40 cents, mado ns nbovo described, enn so- euro contracts by culling upon A. K, Gift, MIddteburg, J. A. Smith, Krcmer Moses Specht, Beavertown, or Georgo Schnureof Sellnsgrove, who nro nuthor Izcd to contract for any number not ox. cowling 20,000. Thus tho good work goes bravely on. Tho rond will certain ly bo built, already ono-fourth of tho road Is graded, tho rails havo been con traded for by thoShado Mountain Iron Company, for tho distance graded. What reasonablo man can longer doubt that the road will bo finished? Hon. Wm. 1. Wiutk has been ap pointed by Gov. Hwann, U. S. Senator to fill tho "-lexplied term of Roverdy Johnson, Wo havo no doubt that theso twenty copies together with hundreds of oth ers distributed In llko manner, aro du ly credited to tho "largo circulation" of tho JYibune; n cheap notoriety to which that Journal Is perfectly welcome. Let no Columbia county Democrat lend a helping hnnd to tho dlsemlnatlon of such documents, or nld In poisoning tho mind of his neighbor wltii tho par ty falsehoods and slanders contained In Its columns. Wo havo need of nil our strength in tho coming enmpnign nnd It should bo our constant aim to prevent defection Inourownrnnksand toencour ngo tho npproaches of such of tho other party as may bo disgusted with tho corruption nnd extravaganco of Radi cal rule. A Cuiuouh Sioiit. Twenty thousand dead Fish in the Canal. -Tho State Cluard snys lately a curious nnd unusual sight wns witnessed In tho Sus quehanna canal. From early morn uu til nightfall doad fish, turtles, frogs, und cols woro floating down nnd tho water changed to n beautiful green, nnd beenmo so clear that tho bottom could bo seen without difficulty. It has been estimated thnt twenty or thirty thous und fish must havo so floated down dur ing tho day. Tho renl cnuso of this whole sale slnughtcr is as yet unknown. Somo nssert that it wns caused by tho sinking of n canal boat loaded with llmo ; oth ors that n sulphur spring abovo Clark's Ferry suddenly burst yestorday morn ing ; and others again that thoy woro affected by coal oil refuse from n refin ery near Rockvllle. Sunstroke. Tin: following facts from tho pen of Dr. Harris of Now York, with reference- to the prevention nnd treatment of sun stroke nro of importance at this time. when so many are stricken down with tho exccsslvo hent : 1. When exposed to excessive heat tho natural perspiration or sweating must not bo checked. Let tho sweat flow, nnd do not throw off all the flan ncl garments. 2. Wash tho head and neck frequent. ly In cold water, und If exposed to tho sun or In uny very hot place, wenr up on tho toil of tho head, under a lint or otherwise, a light handkerchlof orother thin folds of cloth wet with cold water. Remember thnt tho hendnnd neck must bo kept cool nnd nlso freo from tho press ure of tight clothing. 3. If headache, dizziness, n feeling of tightness across tho forehead , a falling of sight, or n feeling of weakness nnd prostration ("giving out") occurs, let tho person Immediately go to a cool placo nnd Ho down, with the bnck and feet covered, nnd hnvo a few quarts of cold water poured slowly upon the head and sides of tho neck. If tho symptoms nro not nt onco relieved, send for tho nearest good physician. 4. What to do until tho physician comes. If tho patient Is still sweating, let him drink freely of cold black tea or coffco ; tea is best. But if sweating lias ceased thero Is very great danger. Then tho head, face, neck and entire chest should bo rapidly sponged with Icown ter, nnd a bag of powdered ico,well cov ered with a towel, should bo kept un der tho head and back of tho neck ; give a mixture of the carbonatoof am monia (hartshorn) nnd muriate of am monia, eight or ten grains of each In wider, every ten or fifteen minutes, un til tho pntlent rallies or sweats. A WOW) OI' CAUTION AND lJXl'I.ANA- TION. Enfeebled, Intemperate, poorly fed, overfed nnd Irritable persons nro most in dnngcr of tho fatal effect of heat. Peoplo who llvo andsleep In foul nlr,nnd unventllated places nnd who nro over worked nnd underfed, nnd who uso Intoxicating drink nnd tho habit of morning nnd evening drams, let good black teu nnd coffeo, nnd good, nourishing nnd well-cooKcd loon uo regularly taken. Batho tho wholo body early in tho morning In or der to havo n clean skin nnd good na tural sweating during the day. Labor ers nnd others who hnvc much to do should rlso so enrly thnt they can havo several rests and kcop In tho shade from eleven till four In theso very hot dnys; nnd let tills most importnnt fact bo re membered nnmcly, that by nnturnl sweating (perspiration) tho body Is kept healthfully cool when exposed to theso terrible heats, nnd thnt over exortlon, passion, nnd nil kinds of intemperance must bo avoided. In his noto to tho President of tho Honrd of Health, Dr. Harris Justly in sists thnt tho contractors, builders, nnd other grent employers of lnbor, should bo urged to bo conslderntoto their men and give them tho advice nnd thooppor tunlty for rest which they now need. Tho fact thnt the flitt 1111k ii ('iMf July Imvo had un nverago or mean tem perature ten degrees higher than has been experienced in moro than twenty flvo years, should lead nil our fellow citizens to uso ovcry menus posslblo to enco urngo or enforce sanitary cleansing nnd tho observanco of tho rules of health, Especially should theso suggestions con cerning sunstrokobo heeded. Age, Address of the Semoenitlelltate Committee. DCHOCHATIO BTAT COMMITTE IttrO, 1 CleArfiklp, l'n July 21, It), . f democrats of Pcimsylcantat ' .' tub noun ron work has come I Wo earnestly Invito you to organize for victory. Attention todelalls,persovcrlng encr- ey organization nnd dlsclplluo will bring triumph to your principles. enl nnd perseverance In every Dem ocrat, nnd thorough organization lu every locnllly, aro tho truo ronds to success. Superficial effort, noise nnd parado uro valueless. Thostnko Is a mighty one, nnd must bo won by systematic work nnd business-like energy. Pennsylvania is tho battlo-ground. At tho October election the enemy will make their most determined con test. You occupy the post of honor tho vnngunrd of tho Democratic nrmy. You havo proven your ability to carry Iho stato j nnu individual effort, faith In your principles nnd courage In their maintenance now, will enable you to count your majority by tens of thous nnds. Tho drift of tho lido Is toward you; tho evidences of changes aro abundant : nnd It Is nppnrcnt thnt the political re vulslon now In progress will end In the utter overthrow of Radicalism. Let us labor to deservo so propitious n result. Wo invoke vou. then, to energetic action, to close attention to tho details of your organization, to tho details of your organization, to the formation of clubs, to the conversion of voters, to tho enthusiastic support of your candl dates Seymour, tho statesman, and lllalr tho gallant soldier. Let us recognize In their names tho symbols of change, tho representatives of hatred to Radicalism, and extending tho hnnd of fellowship to all who will nidus in saving tho republic, Conscr vatlvcs and Democrats will movo for. ward under their banner, ns n mighty phnlnnx, united, determined and irre slstlble. Let your warfare be aggressive. Do lenti notiiing. The Radicals in power nro responsible for the unhappy eoudl tion of our country. Charge upon them their extravagance and their crimes Demand of them nn account for your treasure wasted, your Union not restor ed, your raco degraded, your business destroyed nnd your government prosti tutcd. Let your rallying cries bo, n Govern nient or whlto men ; equnl taxation one currency for nil. Organize! Orgnnlzol Organize! To work 1 To work 1 To work ! By order of tho Democratic Stnto Committee. William A. Wai.i.ack, Chairman. POLITICAL, COt'.NTV CONVENTION. Tho lf innrrntle voter of the evcrnl l)ilrloti n Citlunibln county nro rccimnlcd in mr ct nl tno muni nlnco ot liol.llnK tliu general ciwuona, m Hnturdny, Iho W any of Anuust W, between i the nour or tnreo o cioik 111 liio imi -mi '". J " en o'clock In the nrternoon of Hint lny. nnd elect try bnllot tnoiiennna to represent the lilitrlcl ln ft County Convention to be held nt tho Court Homo In IlloomsuurK, on jioiumy. .Miuii,ou.i" 12 o'clock, noont to nelcet two Concremlo nnl Conferee to meet Blinllnr conrereej rrom me other counties of tho DUtrlct, to nominate a can didate for GoiiKrean two llcprenenlntlvoconrer- ce to nieel miiumr ronicrecn iroiu urn county In the District I" nomlnnto n cnndldnto for fllemuerui jiriaerriuiy i uiiu miiuiiim-ivu,, rerson ror county uoiiinunmuiicr i uuo ,,vrnt,.. or lii.irl.l Attorney! ono rerson for Coroner ! nnU one person for county Audltori To be sup ported by the Democratic pnrty nt tho coming electlont . . ,. ,,, . lly order or too I'ominmcp. .i.u. . n......, fc. II. M'HENiiv, , , Chairman. o. W. Urr. '. U. Wennfii, lt..i. MiLLAim, j, q. quick, J. 1". HANNON, 11. J. AI.I1EI1T80N. SPECIAL NOTICES. ThoKrcnt amount of llmo consumed by Iho Indies In dresslnirnnd nrrnnKlng their hair must ninkp nny nrtlclu which Mould lessen their Inbur Democratic National Ticket. roll rnr.siuENTt HORATIO SEYMOUR, or Nr.w yoiik. KOI! VICE-I'UEHIIrKNTI GEN. FRANCIS P. BLAIR, OP MISSOUItt. inrllcu arlv ileslrnble. Itinir's Vpirelnliln Am. brostn lcnr tho hair In such condition ns to rehdtrlhn dressing nnd nrrntiKlng n very ensy mntter. It linpnru to It Hint splendid (lossy nn penrnucoso much ndmlred, clcnnscs iho scnlp from dnndruir nnd nil humors, nnd prevents, bnldliess ; promotes Us growth nnd restores grny hnlr to Its original color. 41 from Ihr "AHOUS AUwyTTr. HOOFLAND'H OEIlSfAN BITTERS. ' Wo nro nnl In Iho linhll nf nnttntni. n-ntr( Patent Medicines j but we have no hesitation li commending this valuable mttera to tho public It Is composed of none but tho purest and best Ingredients, nnd tho thousands of tcstlmonlnlr) to Its elllcncy, leave no doubt that Is the most valuable spcclflo known ror the euro of DIsenses of the I.lrer, general Debility, Fevers, and com plaints nrlsfng from a Disordered Htomnrh. Tho Hitters Is entirely free from all Intoxicating properties. HOOFLAND'H OEIIMAN TONIC Colnblnesnlttho Ingredients or tho Hitlers with puruHnntn Cru Hum, orange, nuiso, Sic. It Is used for tho same dlsenses as the Hitters, Incases where somo Alchohollc Htlmulant Is necessary nnd makes n preparation delightfully pleasnnt nnd ngreenble to tnko. Principal oillce, 031 Arch street, rhllnd'n. l'a. Hold everywhere. July 3l,'(ii-ll. Democratio Stato Ticket. on AuniTOH-axithiiAt.i CHARLES E. BOYLE, OF'KAYETTE COUNTV. l OIl 8U11VK1 OK-CIKNKKAI. ! GEN. WELLINGTON 11 ENT, OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. JNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ijl O T K A 0 II K II 8 . ANTKI Ono male nml ono IVmnle tfitvlW Tor tho UnrmiKh of Ccntrnlla. Term eight to U u mnntliM, Hnlfirleft liberal., llxnmlnntioit to l held in tho boronch nchool limine On Ausutl IHtli 188H. JKHKMIAH U'COXKKK, Hec'y. Ccntrnlla. July .tl. 'US. ny otdcr.of tho lloim). NOT I O 10. Candidates for Nomination. 'Iho fullowlng gentlemen have been mentioned for nomination to the several County Ofllces to bo filled by election tho present yenr, nnd their nnmcs will bo presented for tho consideration of the Democratic County Convention i KOIt IIUPIIHSKNTATIVK I COL. IIIItAJt It. KLINE, OHAXdE TOWN-'Htr. KOK llKPllKSUNTATlVi: I QEOKQK SCOTT, CATAW1SSA TOW-SHIr. roil COMMISSIOM2K I WILLIAM CIMKH QUICK, MONTOUJt TOWJiSllIr. l'Olt CO.M.1I13SIOMSR I STKI'lIEN I'OIIE, CKNTHK TOWN8II 1 1'. FOR DISTRICT ATTOHNF.Y O. C. KAIILElt, ov ni.ooMsnuiifi. Thero will bonn cxnmttintlnn nf TeArbem Rir llloom Township held In tho Aendemy on Third street In tho town of Illoomsburg. on Hturdu nuiruii riii. firiiimcnriiiiz nl w ir.riocK 11. m. CHAM. (I. llAUKLKY, County Hup't. At winch time Hie Uonrd of Directors of llloom Township will select tenehers for thesehools of snui i isincr, lor toe coming term oi seven monins commencing on tho first Mondny. being the 7th day, of Hentember. Persons exacting or nwalt lug schools must nttelid the examination, W EH LEV WIHT, July 31,'ilS.St. Pris't .Ilonrd School Directors. TICK. All Pernon s nro forbidden to treKoatif. uiju the lands of tho nubscrlbor in Main lown&uip. for tho purjioHo of MhootliiKor flub Inn, Any one hcreofler su ollcndlng, will bo dealt with Record Intrtolaw. J A COU BHUMAN.Hr., Mnmvllh', July 31,'GH-lt. Tlioi ISSOLUTION HIIIP. OK 1'AllTNEH- 'nrtncrshln herelsforo exlstlmr between Pnvld Urobst and John W.Evans, Initio wngoa mnltlng business In West Uloomsburg, Is thla dny dissolved by mutunl consent. Tho bonks, filters and accounts remain In Hit hands nf Dald llrobst, who Is authorized to. settle and receive and leeetpt for all moneys nci accounts. DAVID UllollST. JOHN W. EVAN!?. Illoonisburg July 80, IMS. The business will bo continued at tho old stand by David llrobst, who , thnnkhi! for pnst pntron nse and fnvor, respectfully nsks n continuance of tho tamp, DAVID UltOllST, July 3l,'08-3l. VTOTICE TO COAL DKALEHS. Market Report. Whcnl per bushel t2 23 Ilyo " 1 ! Corn " 1 M Oats. " N) Flour per barrel 11 00 Clovclsced 7 UO Flaxseed 2 ol) Hutter :i Eggs... Tallow., letter from General Hancock. HT. Louis, July 11, 1SC8. Ma lor- General Hancock : 1 lloeill It nroDor todlrort vnnrnltpn, tion to statements miulo by tlio ItiullciU press io me eneci mat you nro greatly dissatisfied with tho results of tho Na tional Democratio Convention. Tho object of tho statements istocroato an Impression that you do not iicauioseo In tho Judgment of tho Convention. That your friends tlo not, nnd in consequence Seymour and Jllnir will not Imvo their coriinii support. I wnn you to know, General, that I havo taken tho liberty to prnnounco thesobtateiiieiitsfalse.and io assiiru tiuxo who navo spouen with mo on the subject, that nothing' could causo you moro regret than to find your friends, or any of them, less earnest In supporting tho ticket which has been noininaieu man tney would liavo been had your own nainu stood in tho placo of Jlr. Seymour. ihigneii) s. T. (H.oVEit, Xewport, Ithodo Island. Ht. Louis, July in S. T. Glover. My Dkah Si it: I am greatly obliged for your favor of tho 13th lust. Those who suppose that I do not neuuiesco In tho work of tho National Democratic Convention, or that I do not sincerely desiro tho electionof its nominees, know very llttlo of mv character. licllnvinc as 1 really do, that tho preservation of constitutional government depends on tho success of tho Democratic party in is 1 80 2 51 10 22 17 Potatoes Dried Apples Pork Hams . Hides nnd Hhoulders - I,nrd per pound IK Hay per ton low) I.UMBEIl.i Hemlock Hoards per thousnnd feet Pino ' " " (ono Inch) Joist, Hcantllng, Plnnk, (Hemlock) Hhlnglcs, No. 1 per thousand Hldlug " IllON No. 1 Scotch pig., llloom (10 ID IsnlS) . 13 00 , H IO 7 II) n is oo , SVH n in Healed nronosnlflarelnvlted bv the tnnlerslimMk Overseer of the Poor or llloom Townshlp.for fur nlshlngConl Irom the luth of August lMjH, to the 15th of April lw Heparalorntes most leutven for No, 4 coal nnd No. 5 coal. Proposals will bo re eclved till 12 o'clock, noon, of August 10. J. II, FUItMAN, Overseer of tho Poor.. Uloomsburg, July 31,'OS. B L00M8HU11O MTKUAUY lNHTlTUTfci. 'iho Fall term of thU Institution will crti Ait. gtistai, IW, nt which tlmo n class will bo or Kntilzed for tho profeshlounl training of Tcachent; und tt Is expected that during tho yenr the Insti tution will bo recognized 119 u Htnto Kormnl Hchool with nil tho privileges of the other Htate Institution's, For lurther particulars or circular address tho Principal. July31,tW. ItXNIlY CAUVKK.A. M. T KACIIERS WANTED. lio maloand two femnlo teachers fop tb.n lie schools of ConytiKhnm township. Examina tion to be held nt Ceutralla on Thursday aukuhi VJ, 1SUS, commencing nl ten o'clock. Ily order of tho Hoard. July :i,'0S-3t. C, O. Murphy, Acllns Hee'y. IMilUilelplila Markets. TllCKHUAY, July 30. 1SG8. Kf.rilTit . Northwestern iternnent f7.o(K$ 7.73 Northwestern oxtrn 8.04 8.,'jO Northwestern lam Ily U.UU4H.U) lnmulinnl. n,l U'nu..,-.! im.orMtin 7 9. 'ennsylvnnlnitnd Western extra 8.5or$8 0.i 'eunsylvauhl und Western family 10.UXall2.WI 'ennsvlvanla und Western luucv HolXalll.U) live Hour '." WHKAl-Peunsylvnlilu red, Y bus nouiiicru 9i.wntit.iit Ciillf.iruia " " J.20 " whlto " ...... ItVK Pi-nnsylvnnhi r c, , bus Con.s Yellow, " White, " O ts Jtbus I'Hovisions -Mess I'OlK, uui ..less jji'er, Dressed Hogs, V lb Kmnked Hams " " hhoulders V H I.nrd. n lb HkhbH Chnersecd V bus TtmoinyKccd bus H Flaxseed . Cattle lieef CulUe-Aft Cows, tl heud MIIEKl' v id Clov. Oeaiiv has decided not to call mi extra session of tho Legislature to reconstruct tho Ilcglstry Law, lately decided unconstitutional. tho coming election, wero I to hesitate in iwciuiiim support, 1 feel I should not only falsify my own record, but uuiiiiiiu a ciiuiu tigitiiisi my country, i nover aspired to tho Presidency on ac count of myself. I nover sought its uuuuuui nuuors nnu cerium moors and responsibilities merely tor tho position, My own wish was to promote, If l could, tho good of tho country, anil to rebuko tho .spirit of rovolutlon which hnd Invaded every sacred precinct of liberty. When, there' foro. vou pronounced llm sintn. menu in question false, you did exact ly right. Principles, not men, is tho motto for tlio rugged crMsIn which wo nro now struggling. Jlad I been mado tho Presidential nominee I should havo cousitiereti it atrimite.not to mo, but to tno principles which i liad proclaim ed aiiil practiced; but shall I cca.-o to revero thoio principles because by mu tual political friends nnntl ler lirw linnn appointed to put mem into execution'.' Nover, nover. These, sir. aro mv sen timents, whatever Interested pnrties may say to tho contrary, and 1 desiro tlial an may Know and understand tiicm. i snail ever hold In grateful re membrnnco tlio faithful frfeiwl wlio hailing froinoverv section nfllm ITnlmi preferred mo by their votes, nnd other expressions of confidence, both in nnd out oi inoLon vention, andshalldo them niijuiucu to believe mat they wero governed by patriotic motives j that they did not nronososlmnlv tn mrrmin. dlzo my pertoniil fortunes, but to bervo iiiuircuiuiiry turougu me, and that they will not suirer anything llko per sonal preferences or Jealousies to stand between mem unit tnelr manifest duty, I havo tho honor to bo. dear sir, Very respectfully yours. WINF1EI.I) S. HANCOCK. The Philadelphia gas-slrlkers havo succeeded In accomplishing their object; tho Trustees of tho gas-works having complied with their demands for In creased compensation, Work was re sumed Saturday. The contest between Horalio Sey mour and Illrum S. Grant Is simply one between brains and buttons. Grant 1ms no qualification for tho offlco beyond his military thibcl, Drains will win. Thoy will beat buttons. , H.1K3W.I0 , 8 1. liJ 1 1. M , l.'il(431.l.l , 81.I7KJI.17 MJcGtSSc 8ai.,HI tll.M 8!$c(,!.9o lSwaltio l.'ic 12e13Vo 7.00ca.7.!iO 82.75 I2.7.1 . llrfflll),;,) SlVaSfii Uoos filuotts 8113311.75 Mr. IlOllllINS-At HarrlkburB on Iho 25th Inst., m, uouuins, ngeu ears,o in, e unys. Young Ilobblns was well known In this com munity, nnd wns universally respected nnd be loved. Wo sympathize with his friends lu their bereavement but doubt not that their loss Is his gain; nnd thnt ho has been called from this world by nn All Wise Vw Ideucc, Ihnt ho might escupe tho pnln nnd misery which his disease would otherwise hnve brought upon him. May ho lest Inpenee, A T GRAND STREET CHEAP Storo NEW VOI1K CITY. tiik LAnat-sr and cueapit stock of stiiaw HOOPS IN TlllSCITY, without uouiir. iiiiinn.nn,r. iri,.v.n.. tim.o it..- asols, Yankee Notions, Kklrts, Dress and Clonic Trimmings, and Kllnges, all under regular prl ccs, Ijidles' Whulcbune Cursels, ut 50ct., 75ets, si ur, rum iiiwnriis, ciicnp. V!r..'iiiiiuerH supniieu, ouir, Juno run miwariis, ciicnp. dllllner supplied. EDWAIID IHDI.EY, , 311 A 31)1$ (I rand, btu ,1 70 Allen Htrct is, ) 12,'W. Fifth block Lust fioni tho llowery, ixronMATioN wanted of ono U. S, Grant, or U. II, Orant, or, ns ho nlso calls himself, II. U. Grniit, who loft Wnshlngton a fortnight slnco. Ho sta ted to his friends that ho was going West to "fcco a man." No man out West has seen him, and It Is feared that ho has been gobbled up by tho police. Any Intelligence concerning his where abouts will bo thankfully received by his bereaved party. The "party of falao pretences" havo Just completed another llttlo attempt to throw dust In tho eyes of tho people. Tho proposed reduction of tho army, llko thorest of their plans for tho de crease ofoxpenses.hns como to nothing. It simply means this ; all olllcers of tho army who full to support Grnnt, will bo dropped from tlio rolls nftor tho Pres. Identhil election. Fall In, regulars or fall out ! Conoiikss adjourned on Monday last to meet Beitember 21st noxt. Tho Had leal party urged adjournment on tho ground that tlio present legislation was ruining Grant's chances for tho I'rcsl Jcncy. K Communicated. IlKNTON, July 20, IS8S, LEGISLATIVE. VOTE11S Ol' COLUMIHA COUNTY. This subject manifests moro interest durlngthlscampalgn than usual. There Is moro to bo gained or lost In tho con test from your choice, than you may suppose. Rome reflection mayenabloyou to net Judiciously. Col, II. It. Kllno Is violently assailed by u fow designing politicians who euro not so much for his success or defeat because he Is not tho man thoy nro nfter. Thero ore other liv llucnces brought to bear against him outside of our district for tho samo pur poso. The assault Is not upon Kline, but upon Senator IJuckalew, hoping to trl urn nil over him with tho defeat of Col. Kllno. Thoy daro not openly denounco tho Hon. (Senator, for tho peoplo aro wan him, and they know it. All Indl reel means aro resorted to bring about his defeat, by bringing uut candidates by no meons friendly to him, Tho oh Ject In this contest, Is to make his chaib ces less, for re-election to tho United htutes Senato, this coming winter. I'd low Democrats, wo have no better man lu tho old Keystone State, or ono who deserves higher honors than Charles It Ilut'kalew. Hols second to nono for developed administrative abilities or statesmanship. Our country Is proud ui mm, our auuuis proud or mm, our country boasts of hlm.nnd lu tho English Parliament hlsspccehes aro quoted and praised. Ho has dono moro for you and y our country politically, and In ninny cases individually, both helping you to position and ot of dlfllcullles, than uny other man. Now Is tho tlmo to standby him. Hack Township. Mits. August Belmont Is tho daugh ter of Commodore Perry. And doubtless that Is ono of tho ren wns' Gust Is such nglorlous democrat. STATEMENT OP BOUNTY FUND OP CON YN Q II A M TOWNSHIP KOIt 18117. Aprll22d,lHiW,,To-Am,tofDuplleate. 81iSI III " " " UliM'Utt'd laud tax from County Coin'rs, 311 20 810111 3l Ily nm't. of unseated land tax returned mi. :im io rullons. vn s ltob't. (Jorrell nn Iruin ., n.t... i.,,.. Io Treasurer lor per ccnlage. 112 n, Collector for commission, lit no, S.WU SI Wohlf.irIh rj urn i. oi unseaica ranu lax relll In l 'ounty I'onrrs for collection. Ily int. t. or errors nud tjioiivrulloi " paid I, it. l'leck on lonu I Kalnncelj bands of r. Tleasuler. July 31,'0X-3t 1IENKY SKWEIt, C. 11. MUIIPHY. 870 Mil Auditors.. JHIDGE LETTING I ThoCominlssloner'sofColiuiibla County will u a ut tlio mill Water ml eur Haven Cr.tJr l l lshluifcreek luunslilli. on l. nn day of Aug, next ut tell o'clock a. m. tu retell i proposals lu i reel nil open single trnck truss bridge ncruss Haven Creek, The bridge tu bo nr. ty-Ioiirfeet long between abutments, and four teen feet from out to out, and six feet high from low wntcr mark. Commissioners Olllcc. lllooomsburg July 21tli J. E.KOWLHll, MONT. COLE. DAVID YEAUEll, July 21,'(W, IJMIINK OF YOUJt TEETH AND HAVE THEM ATTENDED TO. Dr. Chulfunt having located In Uloomsburg for tho piaillcoof his profession, Is nnxlouB touwa ken a new lulciest upon the subject of Dentist.. ' PUESEUVE YOUH NATURAL TEETH. This most Important branch of Dentlstrv 1 discovers bus never been properly lutrojicsd No truth Is more obvious than ihai u natural sol ol teeth wllh proper care will last Its powissor i lifetime, yet he iluds many peisons who obWrt to havlug heir teeth rilled, Judging by butciv" nerlence liiat It Is useless. To tfucB no ciusds the cordial Invitation. -wus COJIEIO DU. CHALfANT'S OrticE, ho v.111 ex amine your leelh Ireu ol charge and convince you of your error. Ho bus methods if miiug teeth never betoro prnetlced In this section oT country, nud means of proving to the luoit. skeptical mat the tilling cunuot islbly i ','W;'J,n'0,'" U'V V". Ko conlldeut Is ho ol this that lu this denartment he mil burnt Wh'f.'u'W"; llonlsotmus persons eiiual ly prejudiced ugulnst ' AHTIFICIAL TEETH, objecting that Ihey cause pnlu. nnd ur'sluco soreness lu the inoulli, ihut ihey must bo taken ouiwhen eating, nnd that licciueutly they ur" thrown aside altogether. Ti1',1i'i'SwVf"'17,1."' "'"' iu to HEAD HIH 1LHMH. Howllli.utupanyselol teeth, upiir or lower, oi pnrtof ellher, nnd Insert tlieiii so Hint they tuuuot bo distinguished from uuturaj teeth, and guaruutea htitlsinctlou lu everv cjirb Auy person not plcused with his work lu everv' parllcular, need not tnko It Irom the olllceoriiur lor It, as ho allows no caso to leuvo his iiAii V which produces tho slightest pain, or would be.' likely to create soreness tn the mouth. Ha ex. tracts teeth by tlio use of .!,. NITUOUH OXIDE 0A8, that being the nnaesthello In general uscv and reconiniendid by Icudlbg Dentists throuahoui tho United Mates. Ho will udiulntstci llr however to llioso preferring It. COJIEANDHEEHIM.liowIll examine your" teeth, and give directions for preservlug them Irco of chuigo, 1 J'oundut all hours In his oirice, next door to bu'rg ' Pn r'vn""' ' ht' b'luw J'"rket, lllooms JulyaoS'ilm JyT W. SAMPLE & CO., MACHINISTS & ENG.'.NEKHM, MAIN HT., & L. & 11. It. It., IlLOOMSBUKO, I'A Are prepared Ui furnish all kluds of Mnchlne work, such as STEAM ENGINES, BOILF.nS, Hhaftlng, Pulleys, Hangers, Coupllugs, Mlll-getr-Ing.Bnw mandrils, etc., Ounge cocks, Pet cocls, Stenm pipe, together with nil kinds ofhU-nm nt Hugs constantly on hnnd. Threshing Mnchlucs nud Horse Towers made to order. All kinds of Agrlculturnl Machinery icpnlrcd. May fcliw. f"JO THE PUBLIC. rue uudcrsigncd respectfully Informs his old ivZ , inai ne tins renited h i Cnrdlna Machines unit lu nnw ,n .... .u...j w.!,n',''.!,,,!.l!V"a raer' K00. dean nuoi inniip "r"ll "'""""""t '". my patrons mu) CullliiK, Coloring and drcsslnir Cloth iimm order. Wnnl ten nt linrtn.,,.. m,.,,,.. burg, will bo tnken nud returned ovcry two oi threoweekswlthblllofivork, The pay ran be leftat llnrtinnn's. Wool kit nt Oruugciilio, nt either of the store will bonttendid to prom pi ly. No wool wagon Is running for mo this summer only to lllnunisburguud orunguvllle, for the ac commodation of those ut it distance. OEOItOE VANBE. Juno 19, 1803. Near Orungovllle p U B L I O KOTIU E. All persons nro hereby notified not to ruler n Iho pieinlsfsof Hie undersigned for thapuriicse of hunting or khuotlng gumc. Any person true pasilng,niier the nnblleuiion of tills iioilce.uisii, prosmitedM'" ur'''"'cr ",0 Bhl'tsiguis will Ui AN11I1EW C'l.AiiK, aeo. IL WllUTS JOUN HllAIll'l.rJW, I.tWIS ltOTH, JACOII OIST, PlIILII- KKl'M, 'rH'si' t,""'Fll, JOHNITIIAN ItlBIUI, John N. (loimoN, IIknjauin Kui'v, I'KTrU M. KMISIINKR, UKCUWILt, J. H. HIIKMAN AUMK. OK 1). W. CLAllK'll lAr 1 Montourlowuslllp,Juno20,,08u uu 1 ma f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers