THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA jgarmtv'u jPcinulmfiUT I'ol.altrm Crrtiiitllt nf Plants. Till) writer of An article on lliu iiliuvo ulject, lu No. Bill of tills tmpcr, calls In iiicstlnn tlio theory that KrowltiK l'lnnts oxrrcloat tlio rtxit.nuiy nsolcsd .matter. Ho liiulu no ntttlturtty for tlio fact In rlicinlonl niinljX H, nor In tlio works of such m nro roRiirdi'il in initliorltk't In thoileiinrtnicnt ofrtKikulttirnl sclcnci' In tlio nrtlcloon tlio "Koriinitloii unit MiiniiKement of tlio Soil," to which T. J. 11. refers, I stntctl that plmit. do throw olfa auhstnncu which U Injurious to their roots, tinil Hiereforc fatal to their perfection. Thai statement was founded on somewhat extensive tWr vatlon, and nhundnutly corroborated by tlio testimony ofsotno of the ablest writers cn agricultural chemistry. In numerous Instances I hnvo taken up vegetables mul tlwurf fruit trees, 011 lands that woro underlaid by u hard and tenacious subsoil. The lower roots woro (lend or feeble, In most Instances, and tho plauti depended on tho roots near tho surface, which were thrown out In a freer soil. In seasons of drouth, such vegetation was seen to wilt nnd fade for tho want of essential nourish meat. In lands whero there had been but Httlo cultivation, and consequently a shallow soil, tlio apple and the pear wero Miro to (lie or Hvo rt sickly life: the better grasses failed, and gave place to siifh plants as might be supposed to tlourlsh amid poison, as tho palnmander Is said to do In fire. In objection to tho theory of excrn inentltlous poison, tho cause of failure in such Instances may bo attributed to tho presence of protoxide of Iron In the soil, which 13 suro to stint tho growth of vegetation, If not to render the noil absolutely barren. While this might obtain in tho case of an unru'tivated soil, It Is equally a parent that on land ventilated by the plow and tho hoe, tho protoxldo would he changed to a peroxide, by uniting with tho oxygen nf the atmosphere and thus become available to vegetation. Among tho writers of permanent utility who have borno testimony to tho fact that plants aro subject to injury from contact with oxcremcntitious matter, I have at hand 3tr. Wnring's "I-.lemcnts of Agricultuie." He says (page 221 and other pages of his most valuablu work): "Nearly all plants re. turn to tho toll those parts of their food which aro not adopted to their necessi' ties, nnd usually In a form that is pois onous to plants of tho same kind. In an open soil, this matter may bo car rled by rains to n point where roots cannot reach it, nnd where It may un dergo such changes as will lit It to be again taken up." It is not contended, as Is supposed, that this excretion is born away In tho water of drain", but only to removed as to bo brought Into contnet with at mospheric elements, whMi neutralize Its poison nnd cause It to conform to the requirements of vegetable growth.-Oif-llmtorA- Country Gcntlemun. Granby, Ct. A. L. Loveland. Cent ttl.e Dultar Fooll.h. Tins old adage is exemplified In many Instances, and how people can go year ufter year In the same couri-e, is extra ordinary. There nro actually men liv ing at tho present day, who own good farms, and have not such a thing as a wheelbarrow, cannot muster half a doz en baskets to pick potatoes, corn, etc., Into, nnd when nny job has to be done, it often takes as much time to fix up old trumpery to do it with, as to do tho work. Wagons are kept which want overhauling every time they nro used, and harness, collars aud saddles arc In such a tattenlcmnllon condition, that a very high wind would blow them all asunder, and; what Is worse, they pinch backs nnd .shoulder, ami cause grievous sores, so that after 11 Journey tho animals look as If tho teamster had become hungry on tho way, and been taking bits here and there to fry. A stocking nbovo and ono below the wound, tied nrnund tho collar, and the pinching another' how's back while the llrst gets well, Is tho remedy, and should both the stockings make two morn tender places, another homo mint be galled, that lest may heal the raw flenh. in attempting to mend any of Ihfs (nckle, ten to ono If the leather would hold tho stitches, for, like the wagons, If not handled tenderly, and hasty hammering nnd repairing will shake out two fresh breaches for every relit. Most people who have neglected their fencing, and have not kept their gates In order, spoil their cattle, so that they "nro troublesome forover after, and woo to tho poor man who may havo to fol low In charge on such a place, for pur gatory would be comparatively a heav en to llllll, Again, many farmers long for aud search after cheap men to biro at low wages. They lock.upnnd hang tho keys on hooks, which tho servants know all about, and they nro robbed of this nnd of thnt, in addition to aportlon of overy day's work, to that'hero Micro Is 11 cent wisdom aud a dollar folly. Tluifly Jllut tu Frult-Urowtri, As soon as a plum or cherry knot can bo discerned swelling out, cut It away and burn it. When you see any slgu of change In color on tho bark of your pear trees, cut away and bum that alio And when you stu nny black marks on tho leaves of applo trees, livid tpots on tlio grape foliage, or any chango what ever from tho normal huo, cut away and burn tho wholo thing. By this shall you prevent their seeding and thus only can you ever keep in check a scourge which Is really, In some neigh' borhonds, a mighty obstaelo to success, Ho with insects; as a soldier would say, thoy must bo attacked directly lu front. Strategy is not or much uno. Hand picking, tree shaking mid collect Jug grubs nnd larvie, must bo the chief reliance of tho practical man. Ho who has not "llmo" toattendtothoso things will hiwo to buy his fruit of thoso who have. It seems hard-hearted to pro nounco etich a doom, but wo feel It to bo a truth; and tho tooner all realize It tho better, If It must be. Gardener's Monthly. To Make a Hen Hiton a Stuanok Nkht. A broody hen may bo mado to sit lu a strange plnco by being put on her cues atuleht, In tho dark, aim stmt down closely, After a day or two who will keep to them lly boiling pens for planting tho crop produced will bo freo from tho bti,?. This seems to be an easy ond plnuslblo remedy; Mm parboiling of tho sged will also doubtless: help germination, jjo, the Untim oll;s. Tin: 1111v.Mr.oi' i.iTi i.i: nr.n ltiniNti. ' IHIOI). 1. I'osl b n soluble finest stood, With rough, liruwti walls rout oaken llisir. Anil Ivy clambering o'er Hit disir, Tlip collage of HM llld'tighood. It. "Put mi thy hood," Hie mother snlil, "Ami tnko tho lit I ! butter Jnr A nil Imitktt full of goodies line To (Iraiutame, Ij lug sick la hut. Itt. "Alul hasten through the ilatksotuc wood, Ainl tarry not upon the vny . And whim you reach tho door you'll say, '(Irnnduitic, It Is lied lllillughiHHl.'" IV. Tholltllo nmlit, Willi merry trend; Tim welcome errand glad tndn, Pushed buck Itio brown cuils fiotn her Prow, Ami ilnnneil the riding hnoil of red; V. Tho crock of butter iiuhltly took i One ehubhy hand t ho brown Jar grasped, White one ttie basket handle clapped, An on tho stone sho crowed thebrook. VI. Uut when she reached tho lonesome wood, Neath opreadltiffelm nnd gnarled oak, And shuddering at the raven's eroak. Crept timid, little UlJInghood; VII. And deeper Mill the. shadows grew; The falling acorn made her slnrl, Tlio deepening shadows reaehed her heart ; Iler frightened feel llio Taster aew, VIII. Till peel lnr right nnd len she found, Fast by the roots of old oak tree. What made her hair Rt nnd up'to ree, A cloomy opening In the Ground. IX. I'rlghtt lied, but eurlons Mill, Rho Raid, "I'll peep In there, nnd I shall know What 'tis that makes tho oak treo graw. And hnw the loots and roeks aio made." X. Ataft! poor, thoughtless ItldlliRhood ! IU1 not thy eareful mother nay, "To tarry not upon the way,'1 nut hnsUn throuah tho lonesome wood?'' XI. Tor soon liom out the cave there came A wolf, that bowednnd softly said, "Now, preltj miss, w ith hood so red, Where do you go ? and what's your name ?" XII. She diopped her basket lu Hie, Her heartbeat loud with fear nnd pain; Shew Mini that she wero homo again, In the brown eottngo by tho wood. XIII. Hut tho wero-wolr's voleo was sort lu sooth Ho called her pretty, called her good ; Asked whew sho was going thro' the wood: niio smoothest tonguo hides shnrpest tooth.) XIV. "My name Is llttlo 114 ltldlnghood," With quUcrlng voice tlio maiden said; "My grandmio's 1 Ing sick in bed, I'm going to take her something good, XV. "And w hen I reach my grnndamo's home, 'Who's there?' sho'llsay. I'll answer lond, 'nrnndame, your little Itcd Illdlnghood." 'Then lilt the latch, she'll say, 'and come." XVI. "Well," said the wolf, "ynu'ie noting and strong, Ifiro are two paths, let's run n laee, Ami tu Willi h first shall reach I ho place; You Inke tho shoit road, I tho long." XVII. 'Twas n shabby Irlck as over was played; llo took the shoit road, gavo her the long; And wilh his four legs, Meet nnd strong, Tho wily old lascal outran the maid. XVIII, llo kuoihcil nt llio door of tho grandamo's home, "Who's there?" shoswld; ho answered loud, "arandame, yourllttto Itcd Itldlnghood." "Then lift tho loleh," she said, "and come." XIX. A llttlo whllo later, and lied llldlhghood t'amo panting and putting with basket nndjar, The path sho had taken had carried her far: Bho laughed to think sho was flrst through tho wood. XX. Who knocked at the door nf the grandamo's home, "Who's Ihen".'" said the wolf; she answered loud, "(Irandame, It's llttlo lied Itldlughood," "Then llrt tho latili," be salt), "and come." XXI. Llllle Itcd itldlughood tnteledthe loom, Tho weie-wolfhiy hi giamlnme'sbetl, In granilnme's feeble olco ho said, "Put down your things, my dear, and come." XXII. "Come and llo down by me," he said, "I.lodown awhile nnd take a nap" Hie wolrwas w'cnilng grnndame's cap And special les on hlswolfMi head, XXIII. Once ill the hid she begun to talk; And leclllig Ihohldeotis, wolfish claws, Said. '(Irandame.why do you havo such paws?' orcoui w, my dear, the better to walk," XXIV. "Anil.grninl.nliio, why aio our eyes bo bright? And your nose so long?" ".My no,o Is to smell, My eyes aro so bright that I seo quite well In midst orthe vciy darkest night." XXV. "And why mo tho teeth sosharv In jour Jaw?" "To enlyou up I" And tlio llerco wolrstood Over the poor, llltlo Illillughood, Hearty to tear her Willi leclh and paw. XXVI. .lust at Unit iiioiuwit a huntsman gissl. 'I In-MUli the window tired nnd the wolf lav dead With cap ond spectacles on his head, lly I In irrinhllni; lit tic Itcd Itldlnglimsl. XXVII. And liileicd I In n the good graudamc, Who out nl the house had swiftly lied, Ah soon ns tho woll put lu his head, And hastening back' with tlio huntsman t'amo. i:nw"Aiui KiiOl.mio.v. The Ifcnstin. A ISishoi' who heard that tho sun always shone on tho cottago of a poor man in n certain valley In his diocese. determined to tlnd out thocauso of this wonder. "Is it true," bo asked or tho poor nan to whom tho cottago belonged, "that tho sun always shines on your roof'.'" "It U trtio," replied tho peasant. "Hut what Is tho reason'.'" Inquired tho lllthop, And nono could answer. "Do you pray moro than'."' "1 live by tho labor of my hands ami havo but llttlo timo for prayer." Tho lilshop thought again. "Do you fast moro than others'."' "My work is hard, and I can fast but llttlo," "Well," ho replied, "but perhaps you give moro alms than others?" "I havo but enough for my family, and enn scarcely find any pborer than myelf to whom I may give." So tho lilshop turned and went away, sorely grieved that ho could not oxplnln tho wonder. Hut before ho had gono far, a thought ciimo Into his mind and ho returned. "Ono question moro. Do youlovoour Lord Jesus Christ moro than others?" Tho poor man cast his eyes to tho ground and answered, "I trust I do." "Ah 1" replied tho lilshop, "now I know why tho sun nlwnyts shines on this house." At Honesdale, Pennsylvania, two children, nged respectively sovonteon anil fifteen years, having llrst obtained Mm written consent of their parents and guardians, were recently united In wedlock. DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTEHS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Hoodantl's German Tonic. Prepared, by Dr. c. 71. Jnckson, rmuDurnii, ri. The Great Kemettiet fOB ILL DI3I1III or TBI I.IVr.H, STO.-tlACII, or DiaESTIVE OUGANS. Hoofland's Gorman Bitters 2s com()oiitiiiil of the pure Julcct, for m tber ir medicinally terra Kij rsa ej, Kjtracuy of llooli, llertie HTTM" snJIIuki,mk' Intfaprvpnratlon, IB""""! lilplily conceo tiate.1, ami entire CJw rmd lyr from At cuWte ajmtsturi aan land. Hooflands German Tonio( ! comMnntlon f All th Irip-thI1en(a tit h ItlPteri. mltli llio purfnt quality of Santa Cru$ Itum, Oran if o, tic. mnVliig ddq of trio most flcanaTitanJagretiiUo retnedii'i tu offered to ho public. Tlioo iirikrrlrjfr a UcJUno free from Alco holic nJmiiture, U1 un Hoofland's Gorman Bitters. In erne of iiervoui dcpreMjon, whi-o 10ml fticoholle itlniului U ncct?mty, Hoofland's German Tonio ifcouM UuipJ. The Jllttr or the Toble are toth efiu<r Kwlt nj eonuln tlit unit mMlclnM rlrtue. Tli itomach. from variety of causes, auch a InillfffiUon, l)jf pepila, Nervoiu DeLlllty, etc, it Jlfc very apt to hat IU function! da H JB ranicl. Tlio re ult of which la, that the patient tulTera from several or mora of tho following dlewaaea: Coaatlpatlon. Pldtulenoe Inward Piles Fulnea of Blood to the Head, A cldlty of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dlsfruat for Food, Fulnesi or Weight in the Btomach, Sour Eruc tations, Sinking; or Flut tering at tho Pit of tho Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Diffloult Preath inir, Fluttering at tho Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or webs bsforo the Sight, Dull Pain in tha Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the m Side. Back, Chpst. Lim flA ba, etc., Bud den Flushes of fffLJsw Heat, Burn ing in the fca Flesh, Con Htnnt Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits, Theae remedlea will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyipepala, Chronic or Nervoua Debility, Chronic Uiarrhcaa, Ulttaae of the Kldneya, and all Dlioaica arising from a Uiiordored Liver, Btomach, or Inteitlnua DEBILITY, RitPCTiao rioit isr Cicis wbatitir; PltOSTliATION 07 THE SYSTEM, Ikdcsid ar tii ma Liaoa, Uiaoaairs, ExroiuM, VaTiaa, aro, There la na medicine axtant equal Ui ihe rcraedie Id inch ease. A ton and vigor U Im parted to the whole Byatem, the Appetite la Btrcngtliened, food U enjoyed, tha lomachdlgeate Tsiil promptlr, tho blood la purified. the complexion hecomea aound and fiawU healthy, Uie yel low tinge la eradicated from tha ej e. a bloom la given to the cheeka,and Uie weak and ncrroua Invalid become a atrong and healthy being. FersotiB Advanced in JAfa And feeling the hand of time welgblng Tieartry upon them, Hh all ita attendant ill, will And la the ma of thla lUTTKKf.or the TONIC, an elixir that wlU InuUI new life Into their velna. reitore la a meaauro the energy and ardor of more joulhful da, build up their ahrunsen forma, and gle hoalth and happluoia to their remaining j lax. NOTICE. It la a wcll-establlahed fact that fully one half of the female por n -, tlon of our popu latlon aro ni-Muin W In the enjoniiit of L'oodheatll.jor, u to Uie tluft- own exirtsloii."n.i-r haU fvei wt-Il." Tliev ar UnyuIJ, diiold. of all energy, extretni-ly ner voua, and Lata no appetite. mTi,.i,li'clftS'0' X-ri Uie MTTKUS,or the I (IMC, U especially recommended. WEAK AUD DELICATE CHILDREN Are made Atrong hy the tine of cither of these rcmcdim The mil cure eury cas of MA ltA8MUH,wIlhoutfili. Thousands of certillt'atoe have accnmulated n the handi of the pruirlutor, but spare wdl allow of the publication of but a Iw. Those, it will Lo obit ned, aro men or nolo und of auth stand Uig that they nniit In ltlU ul. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W, Woodward, CliifJuitut otht Suprmt Court qf J'j , vrrlte i'hilHiltlpMa, March Ifl, 1867. " I find ' Ilotf- la,,,!', Oerman Diners' li a coot fX tonic, uful In disease of thedl VV , gt Htive ortfvis, and of great len ftt bJd tilt In casts of de bility, and want nf nrnoue action In the eysleia " i ours truly, "UKU. V. WOODWAU1" Hon. James Thompson, JuJgt r the Xuyrtmt Court '.KiiiiIwina. rhihiJtlthU, April 2 IS.A M contldcr IlunlUnd Ocinun Citura' n wluabU wKiinn In cua of attvlis of Indite tlon or Jai'Oijaln. I can certify thU frum itiy eipcrleiicr of It. ' Vours, with respert, 'JAUKrl TIHIUrn.NV FromRev, Joseph H. Kcnnard, D.D, I'attor nf t,t Jtnth It'll UH Church, VtilaJ tf-hia, Ir, JaektonKai Bin I bnvu ln fre'inei)tly requested to connect my naniu with ri'eu nmi'ii datliina of dithreut kind of niedk-lins, hut, re garding I). prao r r-j U''tt "t of my appropriate 71 phere, 1 Luu in alUwedtlim-dj Jl K but wlili a clwir (iroof In various tU IU Instaiioesand pbr icularlyln my own fumily, of the untfulne oi Dr. Hoofland's Oirman Iiiiurs, I depart tur uiild from my usual course, to einri's m full torn lc lion that, fur central ddtlttg u tht iyurm, and ttrcintly for titir Vomj-hnU, U ti a fifi amt valualU preparation, lu some casus It limy f til ; but usually, I doubt not, It will buury bei'tliuJ to those who suUu from the a)oe causta. Vouri, mtv tt iertfiilly, J. II. Ki;.SNAItl, Llghlh, Ulow Coalci Bt From Rev. E. D. Fendall, JttiUmt i&tor Chrittian CUroniUt, JhUUb j no. ,.1 lJderlTed dec! led benftlt from the use of Iloollaiid' Uerman ltliten, and feci limy (mi tigate n-eommeiid them aa a most valu il.Ie Wo to all who areaulkring from Kcncral deLllitv or ,.u.u ...... 5 irum m.rangemm oi iht CAUTION; llooftand'a German nemedleairt coanterfetw ed. Bee that the t aiguatursof CM. JACKdON Is on the wrapper of each bolUe. All otbera are oouo lerfelt. Usfa' l'rlnckal Ofllra and Manufactory at the (ler man Medicine btore, No, WX AKCil UumL I'Ul adslpbla. CHARLES M. EVANS, 'Herman Druggist, Proprietor, . , v , rnwrtyttM.JcsiosOa, For sals by all DmggUu and Daleia la Med tinea. . PRICES. Itoofland'a Oerman Bitters, rxr bottle.,,,, ,11 CO Upofiand'i Oerman Tonle, put up to quart bo t Uea,., 1 to per bottle, or a half doaen for,,, T M NT Do not forget to titmlne woll the article) f 9 tuy, In order to get tha genuine. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Jauuory .U.lWi. DRY GOODS. jyjlIiTiKK'S STOUK. AtiuLan ui' TALL AND WINTril O00DH. Tho subscriber htin Just returned front tlio elites with rmothcr Inrgo mul neJect nsHortment of Hl'ltlN'd AVll MITXTMint nndllM. rurclmteJ In New Yorltntul riillntlclphla nl the lowest figure, nml which lio Utietcnnlneil to nell on ns moderate, terms ns can bo irocurcil elo where In llloomsbiinr. ills stock comprises DltllSS GOODS of tho choicest styles mul latest fashions, together wlllin largo 'nottmcnt of Dry Ooods nml Gro ceries, cotiHtstltigof tlio following nrllclcsi CnrpeU, Oil Cloths, . Clothfl, t'fiAilirtctcet, ttlmwH, riimncls, Hillis, Whllo Uooilw, Mnens, ltoop KUlrls, Muslins, Hollowwnro Crdnrwaro lneeiiswni o, I Inrd nro Hoots nnd HI iocs, Hats nnd Caps, Hoop Nets, timbrel Ins, Joklng-Ulaes, Tobacco, Coirt-e, Hugnrs, Teas, Itleo, AINpIee, (linger, L'immtnon, Nutmegs, AN1 KOTIUNH Gl'.N KAMiY. In Mioit, evtrjlhlng nsunlij kept In counlry stores, to which tie Invites tho attention of tho public generally. Tho highest pi too 111 be pntd for country pitKluto In rxclmnge for gooils. H. H. .MILIEU A SON, Arrado Uultdlngs, Illootnsburg, Tn, nHKAT UKDUCTION IN IMUOKS AT I'HTr.U KNT'S STOUK, in iiKiirr htiu3i:t, OF HIMUNCi ANOSUMMKU 0001)9. T1IH hulmcrlbcr has Jtmt rrndtid nnd Ims on handnt hN old htnnd In Light Street, n largo and neleet ASSOltTMKNT OF 3IKItCIIANl)ISIC purchased at tho lowest figure, mul which ho determined to sell on ns modernlo terms n.s be procured elsewhero hi LlghtStrctt, j-vn cash on cvuxmv ritonvcf.. Ills stock consist of LADIES' DltKSS GOODS, choicest styles nnd latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Cllughams, I'lanneN, ifolery, Carpets, Wlks, Wtawls ItKADY MADK CLOTHINtJ, , H.tlnetts, Cashlmer,l CottonadcN, Kmtucky Jeans, AC, Mi AC GKOCKItlES, lAOKKltAij, Queeusware, Ccdarwam, Hardware, Meitlclnes, Drugs, Oils, I'aluts, Ac. BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CArS. In short everything usually kept In n country Btwrc. Tho patronagoof his old friends nnd tho public generally, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market ptico paid for country pro duce. l'KTIUt KNT. Light Street, Nov, 8 1807. J J. BHO E n, Is now otrerlng to the public his Stock of S I II I A" G GOO J) ,y consisting In part of n full line of ING11AIX, WOOL AND It AG C A It 1 UTS, Flno clotlLS nnd cnsslmcro for Indies' coatK, HANDSOME DUKSS GOODH, of nil patterns and qualities, Inlalda nml 1'rlnts of various qualities nnd prices, BLIUC11HD AND IJUOWN MUSLINS, LADIK'S FRENCH CORSETS, AND BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIi:& A CJIlLDnLWS GAITKRSJL HOOTS, Fresh Grocoilc-s nnd Hplces. New nssortment GLASS AND QUL'HNS-WAUE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In one-hair and one-foiuth ban els. Now Is tho time to mako your selections, ns I nmoilurliig goods nt veiy low pileeB, and our motto Is fair dealing to all, nnd not to bounder fcoldbynny. J, J, HUOWL'U. Bloomsburg, April li!, 167. KW VOJtK l'JANO J'OUTK 0 O M 1' A N V. ti inun:i:r:ii makcii 1S01.) Slaimfnctiircis of (1I1AN1) AND SiUAl!i: A(! HA VVK I'lANO-l'OKTKK. No, .'U1 mul '112 hccouil Avenuo, ((OKNKIt OF Stltll SristUT,) ni:w OKK Hiul trril(hcrlntlvo Catalogues utnl I'rk'e l.lst. April 21,'w-ilm. fpiiomson'.s Crown Crinolines X Aio ClinriiilnurorIJijlilnch.s, fPlioinsoii's Crown CrlnoIIncH X Aio huperlur for Illnsllclly, rpiionison's Crown Crinolines Am iiiKquutieil lor Jiuniullitjr, fpiionison's Crown Crinolines X In ft won!, rtlo tho host 111 tlio wollil, mul moro widely known lliau any other, 4it u iiuicriiou nv THOMSON, LAN'ODON A To., Apill 2l,'G4-2m, 1SI1 llioailnayNew Yolk, , A1ITMAN. '. II. lMt.I.INHKIt, K. It. 11ATMAN UTMAN, JHliUNGKIt A CO., NO. itW NOKTII Tlllltll HTIIKKT, (A'ir owoslte Jamei, Knrt, &nttee .t Cti.) Wholes.tlo DoalerH In VAUNH, HATTING, WADDINO, CAHI'l:TH OIL CtOTllS, SIIAUF.H, rhTC NETH, chain jiaos, comiAai:, ac, aim, WlI.I.OW AND WOODKN WAUi:, llUt'fllllM, TUUNKB, I.O0K1NO ai.ABSKS, KTC. May 10, lW-ly. JOWK, KUSTON & CO., MunufacliirciM and WliolcKalo Dcalcru In COTTON VAUNH, (.'Altl'lIT C1IA1NH, llATW, WICKH, Tin YAHNH, COltllAgil, IIUOOMH, WOOD AND WILLOW WAUI!, LOOK'O OLASSIiS, CI.OCKH, I'ANOY JlASKirTH TA11L11, FI.OOH, AND CAIMIAaU OILCLOTHS, Ac, No. 630 Mnrkcl Htrect, uouth side, rwiailelplila. OOFI N 0. liiio: tllOI'INfl 111 rollM. 1-r-fliH'tn tn i,nl!,l ilnwii HOUt'INU fOKtliiKinutulit,)!, ana luoio Uurublo HOOI'INU lliatiau'uo applied hy nny ordinary workman, UOOI'INa that will not expand or contract by t ho action of tho weather. IIOOI'INQ that 1h adapted to (.tetpor flat roor.. Hum! for n kamplo ami circular. 1U1AUY ItOOl'' IN1 CO., 81 Maiden Lano, Now York. May 15,'Wi-Jin. VJI CUIT6II ITElt For hand or liome-nower. aclcnowlcdueilliailnHt cut, f anient, and In eerv way he.t In imo Koi hlllu Lv J. tt. IH'.l.'ATlIK Jt.l'n.. lli nleni In Air rlcullura! Impltaiuiittitettiieiid lor Illimtratetl XL JOHN 0. YICAQKll & CO., Wliolcbalo DealcrJlu 1IATH, CAIW, BTltAW GOODS, AND , LArinn' runs, No, 257 North Third Hlrcet, 1'hlladolphla, JJUTUAri 14 FR INSUnANOH CO., OF N11W YOItK, .V, WJNS'rON, VmMcnt, Growl Aet I'eb, 1, 1SGH ;M,319,SI9 (A Inooina for 1MI7 M tf,7Mi,tl (111 1'iviueuu pmu j-onuy noiuera in 1M7, ,ZiQfili w iJirgeMt Mutual Company In tho world, IlCiluetlon of ItatcK, juiin u, i iu:i:zi:, Aucnt, March BJ'ia-lf. illooiuiibniif, 1'u, RAIL ROAC TVroitTinniN cnNxi XI WAYJ On nnd nftcr MaylOlhl leavo NotiTitUMncnLAKD ns foil NOHTHWAItl 1M a, i,. Daily to Wllllnrrnportl forLlmlru, Cntinndalffiia, ltJ nii'peiniou jiriuge, muiixi 1 G.1 V. St.. Dnllv. fcxceot Ktllid.l J llulhilo via Krlo ltallway fii 11.11 imuy, luxcepinunuti port, THAlNSSOUTllN O.H A.M. Dally (except Mondl W II.JIINQTON AND I'll 1I.V1 A. A, D.llly(cxceptKnn ninington aim I'nnauifl General T AOKAWANNA JJ IIU1K1 HAILUOAD. On nml nfter May litli, 1" will 11111 lis fol!ol Going fionl iii'avu jit'ita a. m. in 1 Hcrnuton M5,3o J.'. ritttoii (inn Ml KlllKSton I.I l'lyinoiith ft. u 4.1 MiiicKiiiiiiiliy 7.1.-J ri,i llerwlclt 7.m .i llloom 0.1 llupert s.m 7.1 Danvlllo 11.111 7.1 Arrlvo Arl .Nortn-ii ".oil e.i Tho ll.lOTrnltintHcrantl with KxitrcBl Train for NJ 11. til.. nrrllm' In Now Yoll 111 1VR7. PHILADELPHIA 0 JU KAILUUAI). MINTi:U TIM I Ttntorau and mntcr noil HKLIMIIA, JIALTIMORF, MAMSl'OHT, aitr.AT on nr.aioN oil r.t.r.aANT OnnllXIghll On nnd nrter MonpAv, I Trains nn 1 ho rhlladclphltJ rim ns followNt I MTSTW'J AIAHj TltAIN' lenefi l'hlll " " " Norll " " nrr, nt Krlol r.itn: r.-xi'iuxsifavcs til " " nrr, nt Kr I'.I.MIltA MAIL hmes IMil " Noil " " nrr. ntlioeli lUSTWAl MAlM'ltAIN haves Hrle... " " ' Not t li'il " i'iiiuuii r.ltli; KXl'ItlXs leaves KritJ " Nnrl " nrr.ntrhli! Nortll " " arr. nt Thllf VAU111:N& I'ltANKLIN III Kors leavlmi 1'lilhulelphla at l Inrton nl 11.40 a.m. nod Oil Ci Lcavlm; l'hllndclphlant 8.W1 Liiy ni i,.t.i ji, in. All trains on Warren A' make closu rniinertiim nt Oil rruuktlu and 1'l ti tU uuiLVntil llllOUgll. Oenernl Hup:rlntendt I 13KADIXG UAILHOJ h umm i:u auha ng mcNi (Ireat Trunk Lino from tho West lor I'liiladt'lplila.Ni'W Yoijl vlllo, Tnmaqun, AKhland, Lcbnl Unstin. l.'nhrala. I.ltl7. Ijinciisltl TrahiH lrao i Inn Main? torNi iows: ji-j,.hi, ij.ujaiHiMua. m A O,',('onnertins with m tho I'a. Hallroiut, mul anivln i a.iHt. lo.inj sc 11.50 a.m.. tt y.aj Mi'fplng ears ticcompam lng thl H,:n p.m. trains without thaiu;o. I Leave llarrlshuig for IteadliiEl manua. Mlnersllle.Ahhlan(l. l'lil town nnd Philadelphia nt 8,10 J,iu tun., Ktopplni; nt Lebanon mil Miiiiuiii; inu i,iui,m, minium I'lilladelphla anil Columbia only. hehuvlkltl Haven and Auburn. I nnd Kusquehanua Itallroad, leal i,in, ltcturnliiRt Lemo X-l a.m. aim i-'.uum., aim t,iv aim ears accompanj Iny the U.00,il 11. 111., iiuiiis wirnoiib riumm. Oralu leaves I'lilladelphla at 7,K from Itcnillnt'nt (l.:Wt.m htonnlnl l'ottsUIIoat 6' in., and 2,1.3 p.l n.m nnd noon, mid 2,0u p, in H,W a. m.and l.winnd .! p, m. I Leave tuvllle for Jlarilsbunl nnd bu.srjticlianua; ltallioau at 71 UendhiR AceommfKlntion Tralnl ni7,ua.m.ticurning irum l'lin.i n.m. I lolthtown Aceommodatlon TnJ town nl u, 1 j a.m.,, returning, ica J nt i.rto n.m. I Columbia llnllrond Trninn: len 7,00 a.m., aud (M for Lphralil lViklonun Hall ItoadTralnsUl .iiineiion ai y.ooa.m., ami o.&o i.J Leavo Hklnnaek alG.In.m.. und I nprlimi u llh hlmltiir Indus on ltd On SinuliLVR. Icjivo New York nil adelphlaH,(io n.m. nud.'MSp.m., thl runulmr oniv to Iteadimr: Tottbl iiarrisuuri; a.m. anu i,iu auua lieauinc ai i.iu ana L'..rnna7.i5a.i uuip, ana 7,wti n.mM ana 11,10 p.m. 1 nnd t.'Jj n.m. for I'ldladelnhlii. Commutation. Milenire. Season. iM elusion lick Us to and irum all poiil rates. I Uawjage cheeked through 100 pool each p.ubcuger. I oenerai hupe TIIK HRST IS THK Clll And lends the column 1tOS nhcad This Maihlno Is tho t UKes tho llntsl tieedlo ofnnv SI Klenco. Any lauy wnnuns a hmmi SKWINO MACK Will consult her own lnleiefts HI NO lilt. It Ik f nsler to 11111. kurn outer t linn nny .Machine lu tlio uoi ThofullPht Instruction ulveu Hi chahc,ntul tho Machlno wn.b UK w j em lor uuu yeur. Hero you will ilnd Ncfillex.Thrr OA VI I) LOWIINHKI ApillTO-tf. IHoo! C 101, UJI IHA n o 11 K UN AUD HTOH ItAviN-n lulelv nurchased anil well-llliown Uobltion Hotel 1'ioperl H.W DOOILI A110VK THK C'OUKl on tho same nldo of tho fctrcct. In Iiloolllsl(urlI,, utnl liu!ng obtained llio Mitno una H K S T A U Jl A K T , tho l'ropi lolor has determined to rIvo to tho peo- pio isiunij lliu iowii lu uuaiiivNi or i iciuturt, A LlTTLli ilOlti: 1100M, llUhtalilliiKaUois extensive, and In nttedup to put hiiKKletiahi! carrlaeeH tntuodry. llo prom KeKtluite cry thins abou thlHestabllMlimenibhall bo conducted 111 an orderly and lawful manlier; ainl ho respectfully fcollcltH a bharo of tho pubtlo lutinuae, niyl7'u7-Hin, J 1'. lUCAM), with LIl'I'INCO'IT, IiOND CO., Manufacturers nnd WliolcBalo Dealer. In HATH, CAl-H, FUItS, AND BTltAW (100DH, No, 413 Market Street, 1'hUndelplila. gNYDKll, 1IAKH1S & UASSKTT, Manufactuicrs andJobbera of MKN'S AND IIOV'H CLOTHINU, Nos. h'St Market, and 622 Commerce Hticet, rhlladolphla. Q AV. 1ILA1JON A CO., Mannfacturerii of OIL t'LOTIIH AND WINDOW HUADIM, Watcliouso, No. 121 North Third Btreet riitladelphla. JI. WALTER, : Ijilo Waller & Kaub, Importer aud Dealer 111 CHINA, OLABH, AND QUEKNHWAIti; No, Sll North Tlilrd Hlrcet, between Itace aud.Vluo I'hlladelphla, (', II, 1I0HNR, W, H. KINO, J, 11, UUVUKItT TOHN HTR0U1' & CO., j. BucccuKor. to BU-oup & Ilrother, ' WHOLlMALi: DHALEItfl IN FIBII, No. HI Norl h "Wharvcii, and S3 Worth Wntor (it., Philadelphia. t ovi:i; to,coo tiif.m ifM - m l'JUI.AtlELl'lIIA. Dealem In TUAB, KVIllll'S, COl'l'IIi:, BIKIAlt, MOLABNKB, lllt'P, fel'ICKS, lit CAltll hODA, dU., AC, t. Orders will recelvo prompt attention. May 10, 1867-ly, H. with V, 1'KTKRJIAK, " J.iri'lNCOTT4TItOTTKlt, W1I0I,IALE UUOCKItS, No, 21 North Water Street, and No. 20 North Delaware Avenue I'lilladelphla. KAVKR & SPRANKLE, WHOLl'.SALK aitOCCItinS AND COMMISSION MEIICIIANTB, Nob. 13 and 27 Arch Btreet Philadelphia. M. JL MAIU'LK, NOTIONS, IlOSinitV, ULOVIW, AND FANCY UOODS, No, M Norlli Third Street, Philadelphia. J ATKLY Ol'KNED. 'Aio undersigned would respectfully Inform llio cttltoiiHof llliiointburir and Mclnlty,thatlielia. Just opened a shop ouIronBtreot, between Malu mul Third, whero ho mil lollow tlio cabinet ina king business lu all Its branches, Orders for MLTALLI0 OU OTIUUl COFFINS filled with promptness and despatch llenalrs cheaply maile to nil kinds of furniture, Includ ing ihercplaltlngnf cano.bottomed chairs. Pat terns for castings made neatly uml expeditious ly, and orders uio sollelled HI her In person or by mall, i'lcluro flumes made In order at short no tlco. HOHKHT ItOAN, April 10,'08-tf. un. EHOIIANT'S IIOTKLj 1 N0HTH rovilTH BTllIET, rillLADELI'IIIA, J, & W. tl, M'KIIUIIN, Proprietor, May 10, Itw-ly, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. IIIAItLKS AV.8NYDKH, I1E.M.KU JN n a it i) w a n k, iinoN, naua BTiniti, ac, ac au. Iain btiikut, HLooMsiiuita, i'KNN'a, ftko this method of Informing tho cltlzensof Co libla conty, thnt ho has opened nn exlcnxlvo Idware storo on Main Htrect, in Illoomslmrir, r Iron street, nnd thnt ho has on hand a GKlt STOCK AND BETTEH ASAOUTKD lean bo found any whero gIao In tho county, I Inch ho Intends to sell nt prices which defy I tit Ion. LINS. AXES, STEEL. IRON. L'O chains, ntl sizes. nxer, nit mnko nnd L steel, nil sizes, Iron, nil Bhnpcs, nud nil I U I L 1) fi II ' H H A U 1)V A u n, defcrlitlnns. is'all.s, nxlo pulleys, bohu litehes, locks and knohs,hult screws, sash indow sprlncs, baso knobs, Mrnp htnees, lad staples, hooks nnd staples, nnd In fact Idng needed In thnt line. It A WAGON MAK018' HAltmVAUE. l inff almost every thins In that lino. Also IVUNUSS MAKuSIW HAllDWAItC, Is, Japanned: buckles, silver plated! bltts ly kind , llAMna, iron ; pad trees t Hames, I saddlo trees, etc trees, Girth web, worsted Uont thread, silk, nwlsnnd needles, tools Iclnds, BiionMAKKirs liAnmvAitn. Il assortment forenrpentem. I haloplaiios luus. saws! unnd.pnnuel.rlp. nnd compass. i steel. Iron, nud try i boring mnrhlnes, , augers, bevels, mallets, braces, canires. I rules, bits, nnd about everything for car- KOlt Tim ITOl'Li: Or.Nr.UAI.LY I havo coal hods, coal Miovcls, scoops, coal sillers, lniit crns.tableeutlery.pocket cutlery, plated spoons. plated forki.i.erverseanndcor feopots.bullcrknlvcs.mlllsaws, I ms cut saws, circular saws, gnngRaw s, ks, horsofihoes.wi enches, rlvets.hnm hatchets, mattocks, picks, forks, grub- liocs, shovels spades, spading forks, hoes, icd pins, twine.sltntes, plows, com n trim- , Lmery, red chalk, white chalk, wire, I nails, meal cutters, denies, wash boards, rso buckets, wooden palls, clothes Is, glue, door mats, porch mats, pnr- Ilor mats, cornpnppcrs, paint hrushes, horso brushes, sleigh hells, heel calks,cuamcl t-d kettles, brass kettles, copper kettles, Mowkctttcs.nauco pans.broad axes, uallrj, leuitalu llxtitrcs, Thlmbleskclusnud boxes, rumps, lead pipe, etc., Id ropo and hundreds of nrtleles not .enu- Id constantly on hand at L'UA ULKS HNVDUU'H, Main Hlrcet, lMfminsburg. :onGK II. ROUERTS, Importer nml Dealer lu II AUDWAItH, CUTHJHY, UUNS, Ac, No. 311 North Third Street, nbovo Vluo, Philadelphia. m K. Smith. J. 11. hki.tzkk IMIT1I & SELTZER, liixn tors and Dealers In Foreign and Domostlo HARDWARE, OUNB, OUT I. BUY, JU, 10. KID N. TIUliD STltEKT, AIl.CAI.l.OWUII.I., rillLADKLI'lIIA. , 22,C7-tf. IIRON, TINWARE, &C. LTIONAL FOUNDRY, Illoomsblirff, Columbia County, 1'u. subscriber, proprietor of tho nbovo-l allied Llvo establishment, Is now prepared to ro ftruers for an kinds of Inehy fok coLLir.itius, ulamt IllNACEH, STATIONAItYi;NaiNi:S, MILLS, TlIItnSIIINU .MACHINUS, 40 falso prepared to mako Stoves of all perns, riowlrous, aud every thing usually i ursi'Cioss i' ouuurics. ilonslvo facilities and practical workmen I him lu receiving tho laigest contracts on It rca-sonablo terms. lof all kinds will bo taken 111 exchango for tabllsliment H loentetl near tho Ijickl mil lllnoui'.buig Itallroail Depot, rETF.Il HILLMYKH. I AND TINWARE. A. M, llUl'EKT cch to his friends and cmtomeis that cs tho nbovo business at his old rlaeo on MAliS MJlu;i7I', 1ILOO.MS1IUHU, icrtt can bo accomodated wltli FANCY STOVIiS kinds, stoveplres, Tluware, and every va ir articio round In n Slovo and Tlnwaro Ks hment In tho cities, and on tho most reason. erms, Itepalrlug dono at tho shortest notice., 23 DOZEN MILIC-I'ANS ud for salo. :W STOVE AND TIN SHOP. AIN STKEKT, NEAW.Y OI't'OSITE MILLKK' H1U1IE, HI.OOMSllUIta, I'UNN'A. undersigned hns Just lilted up and opened STOVE AND TIN SHOP, s place, where ho is prepared to make up 1'IN W'AltKof all kinds in his lino. nn. I ,l.t rlUK with neatness nnd iltspntch, upon tho liu,uuaiiia icilllB, Jiu lliau liveps Oil linilU US Or VAlllOUS l'ATTIUlNS 4 STYLES, 1 ho Will Sell Unoil terms tn SIllL liurelinjierfi! o lillii n call, llo Is n gouil mechanic, and viiik ui uiu puuuu piiironago. JALU1I All.T,. imsburg. April SO, 1SW, BAOCO & SUGARS. 5 ONLY PLACE ,ie best TOIIACCO AND CIOA1W, IT WHOLESALE AND HKTAIIi, IIUNaSUEUdElt'S, w doors below tho American House, llloomsburg, To, U thu largest and most select of BItOJCINU AND CIIEWINa TOIIACCO evcrorerea to the citizens of llloomsbuig. All mo nicy unuiils of SEaAH'i, aud the best j'ii-.cut and riug CIII5WINO TOUACCO, can be had at his, counters. TOIIACCO I'll'US In great Variety aro among his large slock. DON'T FOItGET TO CALL. II. II. IIUNBIIEHQEIl. JJ W. RANK'S WHOI.USALE TOUACCO, SNUFF, AND CIOAH WAIIEHOUBE, No, 119 North Third Btreet, between Cherry nnd llaco, west side, i uuuueipuia. Qt L. AVOODRUI'T, Wholesale Dealers in TOI1ACCOS, CIO AIW, I'H'IW, 4l! 4c No. 13 North Third Btreet, nbovo Market, Philadelphia. QMNIIJUS LINE. The undersigned would respectfully announce to ,. , . """"""irB nun uio publlo gene rally tha he Is ruunlng nn OMNIUUS LINr. " " piaeonnn thodlllerent railroad do pun iuuij- (unuay excepted), to connect with llio severultrnlusimiiir. tan, n.i wlssn and Wllllamsport Itallroad, nud wilh thoso . ..... .,., ,. ouuinon uio ijicknwannannd liloomsbnrg Itallroad. Ills OmnlbllSKeH urn In llrvu An...ui . ii . - " vuiiuiuuu, eummo- Ulous and comfortable, nud charge reasonable, .v.v. nuiiiuiiiuiiMtti.or.ceiucit friends ue. V , cau be accomodated upon reasonable chargo by leaving timely uotlco nt any of Uie hotels. JACOI1 1. CJIKT0N, Proprietor. DRUGS & MEDICINES. AVE YOUR MONKYI s (lit HAT INDUCEMENTS! O n 11 A T E It INDUCEMENT SI O II E A T E H T INDUCEMENTS AT THE OLD DHUa STOIIE or L. N. MOYER, Wlicro can bo found tho lahciest and iiimt a. so htm knt, ever oircred to tho cllltem of this county, of DrnB, Chemicals, Paints, oils, Olnss, Varnishes, Putty. Hrushes, DyoStllffs, Mixed Paints. nil of these nro of tho best known mako nnd are warranted ns pnro nnd unadulterated. The II nest ami largcRt stock of F A N C Y A It T I C L E S to bo found, lu this or adjoining counties Perfumery, IlalrDyes, - Fancy SoupH, Hrushes, Combs, Cosmetic, HalrOils, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Pocket Iiooks TOllAOU O E S . Smokiiiuniul chewing, Cigars or nil desci Iptlons, Pipes, Cigar Holders. HOUSEHOLD AUTICI.ES. Imips, nssorloil alzes and styles, LMI4, CltlMNKVH.SHAllES, llUKNUH, MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. Sponges, Chamois Skins, Catlicteis, Spcculums, Syringes, Ilrcnst Piimiis, Kubbcr Goods, Tiusscs of nil approved patterns 4c, 4c, 1. 1 (I U O It S . A ilnu assortment of uro llquois'for medical purposes constantly on hand and tho best known kinds of STOMACH HlTTEltS. Patlnt Medicines of every description, In eluding tho best varieties of pills and tonics. riiisiciAN'a i'iir-scniiTioNa CAitErun.Y the. l'AltKl). No such stock has ever been presented to the people of this section of country. Tho prices nro ns small as tho stock Is large. Tho HViofrjiifc JV ices aro moro favorable to tho purchaser than ever, as arrangements havo been eirecled w till tho wholcsalo dealers lu tho larger cities, so that goods can bo procured In Ulooms. burg ns In New Yorkor Philadelphia. 5-Country dealers nro earnestly Invited to study their own Interests, by examining this stock. Ileincmber tho place ExcHANCl K 11I.0CK ahoe ' Exchango Hotel, Main street, llloomsburg. Jan. 31, lST.S. Cm if live; 's -inlp n III J.- GRAY HAIR. ' This is the AJliiuoslAtliot lung ran!.. ThU In the Curotlint lny lit Uw AmkkosiA that lUng mid. tft.t. I. ... 1. l,.t.l .n.l . . Kwy. .... w tm now imn ravrn lockB, iney iiy Hp iiHt'tl tlio Curo that lay - lu tlio AMHii'JalA that Jtlnf made. Thin U tho MnUU'ii, handnotne and Wliu married the man onro bald and 't?f. J iFrnv. vt iJ Win iiiiw linn ru on lorki. tlicy unv. This I)i tlir I'Ari-on,AIio,tjytti( wny Marrlvil Uiu nt.iltlin, haiiuiiuiae hiiJ ET'iy, To Urn in. in oih'c hiiM am) cray, lint til.. I l.iin- t.iu Mi.ll luli ll.l- ti Uopihiho lu ued thr Cure Hint lay 3L In Urn AMitl:nsl l llln-mailt. k) Tliio U Hi" lit II thnt ihip nwy f. H. TU333S.C0., PsopRiETons. Petebboiiq', H.H. ANIUOll SALEllY L. N. MOVKIt nml E. P. LUT.. Druggists, Illoonisburi.', niidM, -M. 1IKOIIHT, I'nlawlsMi. Jamiuiy 111, ImJiKI, J R. MOYER, WHOLESALE 4 ItETAIL i) r u a a i s t, COUNhll OK MAIN AND MAItKKT HTKKETH, IlLOOMSIlUIta, l'A , wheiowlllbo found a largo and select Htoek nl Diugs, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. Also all tho PATENT MEDICINE.! OP THK DAY, lam also prepared to furnish Country stores with Castor Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, TUItLINfJSTON'S I1ALSAM, nud all other medicines kept lu their line at City prices. S, Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. In medicines, quality is of tho llrst Importance, llloomsburg, Juno7, 11.(17 rpiIE AMERICAN HAY KNIFE X AND FOIHC Wo the undersigned citizens ot Columbia County witnessed tho trial of hay forks on tho farm of Mr. Pursel. tn Hemlock Township, on Monday, May 7, iwsl, between tho American Hay Kulfo nml Fork manufactured by SLU'EIt, WALIW, SIlltlNElt 4 Co.. of Lewis, burg, Pa., and tho ltuiulel'a luteni Hay Ilook. Tho American Fork lined moro hay In one draught than tho Itundel In three. Wo oreeatls. nod It w 111 tako as much hay into tlio mow as two good horses can draw. Wo also saw It culling hay.nndihlnk It cannot be beut ns a hay knife, and cheerfully recommend It as tho best bay fork nnd knlfo wo have ever seen. Uvlli',",t:!""!!,ui!"i Ilu- r- c- Harbison, W. II. Koons, John Doak, .loiiN liETEiiicK, Daniel Noyek, 11. Diat.EMtI.LEIl, SYLVEHTEIl POKSEL. MICHAEI. 11ELLEII JOliNWOLr. T hey also manufuciuro tlio celebrated Iliickeye w "Per andlower, und other agricultural linpfo. JNSURANOE AGENCY. Wyomlug,, tiso.ouu 4,000,000 400,01X1 ittO.MO A;tun Commerco , Fulton H , isortn America S60,A00 Cy 4S0,000 luteiuutloual 1,400,000 Niagara 1,000.000 ElnaLlvo Slock 600,000 Putnam 30,000 Merchants 330,000 Springfield ;. 67ooa Insurance Company of Btato Penn'n 630,1X10 Connecticut Mutual Llfo 10,000,01X1 Noi th American Transit , HOO.OOO FIIEAS UltOWN, Annvt, mars 07-ly, Bloomsiiuho, Pa, RMBRUSTER & IJROTHER, Importois nud Jobbers of IIOS1EUY, GLOVES, SHIUTS AND D11AWEI18, 1IU1TONB. BUHl'ENDEItH. nOOP HKIHTS, HANDKI.IICIIIISFS, TH HEADS, BEWING HILICS, TUIMMINaS, raiTE MONNAIES, BOAPS, PEI1FUMEUY, FANCY GOODS, AND Nfvrmwa m'Mi'n . t Also Manufacturers of HUUBHIwR AKn lmiL'iMi rir.ALiui,.L, und Dealers lu ' WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, I1UOOMB, HOPES, TWINES, 4r. No. 300 North Third Street, nliovo Vino Philadelphia. jyjILLEIt & HOST, Successors to Franklin p, sell tfer 4 Co., ."iimners and Wholesale Daler lu I .LIQUOltS, WINES, Aa,. Nos, (10 and 41) North Third Street, Philadelphia. mm VSRf "ST'i'i'SS1?'.131 Th0 barest hoop M ri."1H '"l'io county at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers