ELOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ni.ooMsiiuiiti, pitniAV, .im.v a i. i Htm, .Simon Ciikviilino of Drlnr Crock township lmtl sun-stroko on tho Ifitli Inst., from tho Directs of which ho died n tow hours after. Tac Oood Templars of Ciitnwlna In tend holding a festival in their Hall, coiiimenelng Friday uvenliiB July iiltti and continuing until Saturday evening. Wilson JlACic who was severely In jured by u fait from u liny wiibou, on tho farm of Jesse Hoffman, week be fore! last, died on the Kith from tho ef fects of tho fall. Tim: (ienthmunly Levi L. Tato Is dis closing In public letters, editorial no crcts of six or eight years ago. Ills mwiit associates may know what to expect from 1dm. DnoWMNd. A man by tho name of Shay was drowned wlilNt bathing in tlio river fttCntiiwlsw, on Thuisday of la.st week. Tho deceased was a lnnUs man on the Itallroad and was nnniiir rled. JAM IN V, Sankkv has. so enlarged and Improved his tannery at Light Street Hint a visitor would scarcely rec ognize tho spot. Tho new buildings are convenient nnil sightly. We like to seo improvements of this sort. Ho.v. l'i:ri:it Knt at Light Street 1ms successfully built ono oT tho ilnestnnd largest mills In the county. Tlio frame work is unusually strong, and the ma chinery of tho latest and best patterns. Ho will soon have it in working order. Ti:i,i:(ii!AMs from a number of locali ties in tho Stales of Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, with two or three exceptions, nnnouuco tiiocropsof smnll grains unprecedented, botlt in imiillty and quail tlty,nnd tho corn nover looked better. Unlesssomobllghtshouldcome, both tho small grain crop nnil tho corn crop will bo tho largest over gathered In the Northwest. Ahuvhiii: storm of wind and rain passed over Circepwood on Sunday last. Many trees were blown down and the road in places rendered impassible. The grain was completely llatlened and will beoxccedlngly dilllcult if not impossible to cut. Tlio force of tho wind was tre--mendous. Wo linvo heard of no dam ngo dono to dwellings, llloomsburg was favored with but a fow drops of rain; scarcely sulUcient to lay tho dust. Tim: character and reputation of n candidate for olllce should be ns sacred to lilm.ns that of nny other cftizen. It lias got to bo a lamentable practice to rake up all sorts of slanders against a man so soon as ho announces ids name for any olllce. Col. Kline, n candidate for nomination to tlio Legislature has submitted to charges and slanders until "forbearance has censed to bo a virtue," and very properly lias placed summons In tlio linniljul' tlio, Slicriil' to servo on ono oDiis defamers in 1'lne, and omi In illooni Towiiilil'i. Tin: Church L'nton says that "( Is not a fit man for u Christian K port." Tin: President this week sontlnl tn nftlio Klectornl Collcgo Hill, was at onco passed over ids licail strict party vole. iTlsslntcdlnthoNoW York that 2W persons died from tlio i sun-stroKo in uuu cuj , in during Inst week. Wi: would call tho attentloil Korvntlvo lteiiubllcaiis to tho i tcr of Scnntor Doollttlo to M j der of Danville, which we l another column. 1 v his olcclloiicerlni.' eamiuil nor Is ncliiiL' under tho tithl John. They will liuvooiiUnoi ...',...'.. i.rnanlllK. nculnqt tlnl nomineo of tlio Democratic pal Tikhi: who havo been sll f (ov. Seymour becau-o of his ord, Ac, should read tlio urtlil othcrcoluniii, headed "lor (1 achs," anil then hereafter nnil hold their pence. Yoitatt, tho well known vl surgeon, who bus been liitlciJ ten times by rabid animals, crystnl of nltrato of silver riJ the wound will positively prJ drophobia in tlic bitten per.sil liiul. Tin: Itescuo Flro Company I this plnco had their Knglno tiring on Tuesday evening. n good stream, and will no good service In caio of fire. ccrs nro P. K. Wirt. Presideutl J. llucknlew, Secretary. Taxiw. Columbia Count tho publludcbt brought onl Kadicnl mlsrulo is St.311,1 yearly share of tlio inlcrctt of $2.iS,0"0,SO! Just think of payers, mid then dccldo win! will continue a party In pol thus rob you. SoMivrni.vd Xi:w ! Tho others to llnd all tlio novelties! appear from time to time, in of wearing apparel is at Cliembl If thero Is anything really pril good in tho market, ho Is sure tl it. Ilobas now a lino nsorlinl summer goods, linen and cloth, can not bo excelled. Kverythlng can render u man comfortable this I weather is to bo found In ids estaj ment. CJivolilmii call and coil yourselves. uun rentiers siiould bo gii against tho stories of thoso inttf persons who go uround Just befoa egato elections trying to sway incuts of men by outrageous slnl Tlio trick is an old one. Last yc instance, it was assorted that Jll vans owned tho stock of tho an. That lio was nailed. In IN havo sprung up n hundred slncJ for their rclutation wo have sinl point to our course. Wo bavel "bolted," novor voted nnr miiu tho Kadlcal ticket, nor neccr name o f Juilric Jiticell when on Ik ...... . .i i r wo years ago uurpcoiuuwuru muu.eii or Uuiffrru, wlitch Is moro tl! astounded at tlio course of certain poli ticians bolting tho nominations niado by the Democratic Convention, and making a combination witli P. John to throw their Inlluenco for Jlercur, if tho Republicans would support Tate. Thoso same parties now conio before tho peo ple and ask to bo again entrusted with power 1 Is tho past so soon forgotten V In what way havo they deserved it Slnco that timo not ono of them has mndon speech, nor spent u dollar for the success or tlio Democratic cnu-e. "Uy their fruits yo shall know them." Tun Coi'iiT 1Iousi:Kxti:nho.v.-TIiIs improvement Is rapidly approaching completion, having been under roof for over a week. It will add much to tho comfort and convenience of jurors, wit nesses anil suitors'. Our readers mny not all know that this measure has been recommended by three successive (Jriinil Juries, chosen from tho body of people, and also by tho unanimous re quest of tho Judges and Attorneys. It Is of no advailtago whatever to tho people of this town, inasmuch as they nro de barred by tho Commissioners from us ing It' although it was originally built at their expense, ami not allhc county's, principal of our defamers can sil Tin: two gentlemen by tho M'Hoiiry who wero llrst spo! Member, represented at the i withdrawal from tho canvass,! cal Interests in tho Democr. t A very largo number, a maj willing to acquiesce in tlio arra niivto by them, lorthcmselvos friends ; but n few who wouh ruin, immediately denounced t M'lienry in unmeasured insisted that Col. Kline, who compromise candidate, mils posed, that peace and haruiou not obtain among us, that t County must bo thrown Into nun mat too upon tho very el Important Presidential electlo so anxious aro they to carry on to tho disaster and defeat of tli ocracy, that they employ Hon to nssist in opposing Col. Kllno, they can't beat him for noinlna defeat him nttho polls. RiiMoVAi, ov Tin: 1i:ai. Thoso bodies burled in tho churchyard of St. Paul's Church, which wero not remov ed by siirvlvliigrclalives or friends, and which wero within tlio limits laid out for tho now Church, havo been disinter red by order of tlio Vestry under au thority of tlio act of Assembly relative thereto, and re-interred in other places in tho graveyard ; members of families being buried together, with tho grave- stones properly placed. In somo install ces wliero tho burials had taken plnco many years bluco, tho decay was so com plete, that neither tho bodies nor tho colllns woro to bo found; both had crumbled Into kindred dust, in eon trust with this, however, in ono case, that of u lady whoo death took place over forty years slnco, a tortoise shell comb which was placed in her hair when prepared for tho grave, wus found to bo in perfectly good condition nnil bore no murks of having been hidden from tlio biinllglitaud tho air for nearly half a century. AriucuN Pj,i:asa.ntiui:s. On Sat urday night last, somo of tlio colored population of our town, laboring under a strong prossuro of animal, or other spirits, instituted n wordy warfare, on Main Street, near the Hxchnngo Hotel For n timo matters looked dark. Threats tho most bloody, attended by stampings of feet mid contortions of body, nroso upon tlio quiet evening nir. As ninny of tho citizens ivs wero not engaged par ticularly, wero nttrncted to tho spot mid lent tholr vocal nsslstntico to tlio hub bub. Somo few stones wero thrown but no ono was seriously injured. Tho casualties as far us wo lenrn being us follows. Ono colored geutlemnu fell dowu into tlio ccllnr of tho now build ing, and another rejoices in a Uuckeye, Tliodispiitnntssucccededlnattracllug to themselves ns much public attention ns tliey ordinarily recelvo In Congress Wo would recommend that fiitnro. "rl ols" of this description bo carried on in somo of tho conveniently located nnd i aslly ucccsslblo vacant lots adjoining town, wliero they can enjoy as much ubtisonud scullllngns In tho publlo street and nt tho same timo have more room. Tlio Frcodmen'sllureaunilglit furnlslin plnco through I'. John or somo other "repulablo citizen." Tm: lli.oo.Msiiuitci SruiiiiTs. candidates for nomination in tills ty, finding no chanco for success honorable canvass, havo resorted! old scandalous trick of stating thu opponents aro In favor ofopeniij widening our streets nt thooxpi ino county, as our renders nr aware, no street In this town ov or can bo opened by tho Comml or Representative Like nil othe it is dono upon petition to tho which appoints viewers from th ty, nnd they report for or nga, Tho Commissioner or Represi. lias no power to alter or ilx that The only timo when Leglslatl lorenco was asked, was when wrote to Messrs. Jackson an, our Renrescntntlves snvlne Street j)iiis be opened. lioth Kllno nnd Qulckmitho say that they nro opposed to in iiuivo inierierenco with the s this township. kEGAL NOTICES. kSTUATOK'8 XOTIOH. ffiV llAVIII n. HITMNfi. DKCKASK1). administration ile honit non on tlio Jd Jt. Ultllng Into of Main towmhlp. riititv,.-1orea.ed. limn been irmntif Memr wild County, to Jacob Ultllng Lr, who res kl c.i In Main township, having claim nr demand nKainit Ib nro lprpicsieu mnrencni litem ior lthouttU'liiy, and those indebted to l" .JAUUJI u n 1,1 Mi, Administrator, tie tVmft non. MERCHANDISE. i )wh son v l i:sr at r: MTOtMTJIIl.ileei-UKpil. f ttirMtcs- itiio (Kiuicoi Mimuiei Miouiirr, m I iwvii Krnnicti ny inn ikih; tin county, lo jacoo Minuiicr. Ititr f InltiiH nifiiltiht tlio CKtnln nm Icftcnt Hit in lor HfttUiiK-nt, and I to tho cMaip, t'linrr ontioiutir It make t,nylr,lt t'1" l!nwi l. JAtUltfiJOl ri'1,11, j.t'cuu)r, j-jJ-KW BTOC1C OV CLOTHING, i !rcnh arrival of FAIJj ANI WINTl'Jt OOyiiH. ItAVII) IOWKNIIKIUI lnvlti-H attention to lili Ktm'k of CiniA!' ANI i'WHIllONAIlI.K CI.OTI1INO. at I ill Rtoro on Mntn HtrcetttwiidooiNalifivii I tin Anu'rlcan HoiiMn l!lo)iittiui-t;, Ph., wliero ho lint Juit rn''fd fiom Ni-w Yoik and riilladtdphl.i a mil assortment of mi;s' ASD hoys clotiiino, Including tlit tnost rnKlitMimliU, ilu ruble, and imr.sMoooim. llfXtliUotlll rotistntllili of nOX.HArK, JtOCKtUUM, ANDOlUCLoni COATS AND PANTH, of atl KortrtHl('N, nnd color, lie 1ms uImi n-plcti Islu-d lilnaltendy l.iryo ntock of KAMj anivinti:uh!iawih, HTitin:i), Kiaum:i, and riai.v vj;sth, H 1 1 II ITS, CU A V ATH, HTOCKH, CO I At A 1 W, lfANtKr.UCItti:i'K,(IU)V1X, HUHl'KNDr.ttH, AND FANCY AHTJCI.RS He mH l oti'ditntly mi liund a I.hkm and upll-Ke-li-ctfl MHMirtnirut of CLOfllH AMI VlXl'INOS, o.. tn. 'Ihn Auditornpnlnt- uiilch lio i pri'iiaird to inuke lo order Inloauy All! inwt tho CU'ditoiH nt 11m . , . , . ,,.,,,,, ,ltl . tiinH 1Uli(. mi m tim liont manner. AH hi rlotlilnK W tn.id loucar, and most of II It of home miinul.tc-tmc, (loi.n wATcmw .Nit.ii:wi:i.UY, of wery dim'illlon, tine and ehenp. IINraM' Jewelry I h lint Mirpasspd In this Anvv, Call and eta in Inn liN K'"f ml assoi ttnent of cun'iiiNd.WA'iciir-s.jnwr.i.UY.Ar. DAVID MlWKNllUUO. ritATOIt'8 NOTICK. I A II 11. VtrSnN l)t.('KA n. Inilslrutloii on thu eHlatuof KM Balo of nsliiiiKcrceK lownsiup, ease i, ninii i en kiuiim'h nyuio t.lO IhI.IIIIICIIIIIOII 1)1 r IKHIIIK rsouslia lniclJilniHor(leniamift Ior t lio uerciii'iu a ru rcriueMeu lo it, and t hoti Indebted to make OMAM J, nriCIUNMON, AdimniMruior. NOTICK. ICoutt for tho County of Coin in lotuiH fhiaiu oi iianiei ioni, PlerJn ltloonishiiiti to iniikitillN si (.jeiiuuii on i kiiiv. ine I ext. Ilni; tlaliiiH niiint tho (statu i. tl to mi ne ni lo I iiu All' i or. or iilthehiiiiiu lio foicver itehatied I r a rthato oi ino miiio esiaie, 111.1), . 1 UlJiJl A.N, Atntitor, lltATOU'8 NOTIUK. IVMHtRU MKI.K K", DF.CIIAMKH. Iitrntlou on the estntu of An i or .mi, ricasaut np., t oitiui. Iftvo l'en uranteil hy ihn ttculs l' (o Wiiimiel CreiiHV nf .Milllhi. It tiavlni rlnlniH or demandn of theiteeedtiit an rtnuesied Itunvn, and those Indebted to .lAcon mi:mck, AilmlnlHtrulor. NOTICK. k Court for thu County of Colum- I nrihnevtntuor.Ioh nil IIiivlmrsL ludltor nnnolnteil bv thu Court1 I Hon of thu bnlaneu in tho hands rch, Administrator of .lot.llny niiiniitr the el editors of the nald teet thu parties lutensteil for thu nnolntment on KltlHW. .IL'I.Y It lOo'clock, A. M., at his oiluu In in iih l.i county, l'ti. ivlnsf etui ins airalnsl the eslnte trctt to piesent to tho Auditor, or entthutmmo ho forever debnried for ft tdiaro of tlie nald estate. I C. II. IIKUCKWAV, Auditor. H notici:. Ii'n Court for the County of Colum- ler of thethtatu of Daniel I,eun j Auditor npnoinutt ny tno ! dKii ibutlonol the balance In thu Vflnndmnti onu nt the Aillur'M of ImioliK UiGhmiteeaoftcMate, mierehieu ior inu ruriKcu oi ins loil'llirnsDAV, Mil ol A. D 'ik.A.M.at lilsoiitcoin JHooiusburL', Imty, l'n. I Initio" elalins una nt tho estate Io.il I ted to piesent to tho Auditor, or nrniiit. ihu hiiino beloieer de- Icomlnt; In tor a Mian of the said cs- C. (I. ItAUKIdlY.Andltor. DRY GOODS, ETC. rjMIK I'IjACIC to get jour money back In good Koodi ut low prlect la at I,. T. HI tAItl'I.IHs'H HTOUi:. TUHT ItKCKIVKI) ji'ht m;ci:ivi:i) A fiexli Imolrc ot tM.ilue, Catlcorit, MuslltiK, etc. JUST ItKCKIVKI) j vht ni:ci:ivi:n A fresh Imoucol Hoop HkltUorall kludi. i inhracliuf extra nlett, Idiien Cull and Colin th for ladleM, JUHT HKCKIVKi) jcht ui:ci:ivkd A fresh luvohe of I'jiper Colhirn and l'n lit, new stj Ivh, Linen Khltt fronts for .M( n and llojs. TUHT ItKCKIVKI) .iitht iti:ci:iVKD Tl! MISCELLANEOUS. 1IKNIIV WOl.F, V, (, lllltTUN. Min HUHKCItlllKIbS IIAVlXd enr-il llic 1' nlilliiz Mill nml 3lnc-h ho Hhoti Idrlilt-rlv npi-iitil. il In- M. I' Klilip. .-milliiii., inu ijiiuifn ii lUllirillK-uirillK DOOltH, HASilt, IIMNIM, .MOUI.DINU , Itinckc-tH .to. Wu nia nlxo impnictl to fntnUli drc-Hx-il l'n rlMK, thliiKln nml nil oilier Itunlic-r ri'iulrttl In Iho ronstriictloii uf ImiIIiIIiiek. All kinds or turiiliiR ilnno nt Hu.rl imllrp. Jtllls for Joint nnil oilier Ilium- Mull' lllleil wllh irmnit. nei-4 mnl f nre. oi(ei rcupeellully ftollelleil, April 17,-OJl . WOI.I' A IIAHTO.V. TOWN ( HAM, in kat loi in ii hi iii:i:t. II'BVHI IIIHUI.WA1.I ('iirrlnxi' nnd ItnrncM Miiiiiiliiilnri r, 1-aTAUI.lMll-lt, 118;, "llmliii! Inimr ri-IIIUi ror Miiiiuriii-iurinullinM ...... ; j i III---II.V, I-Ullllllllttl niiii leiy vonililol.mm-. N Kniil.lcl I A new IiimiIi e or Croi kery, tluipti-.. nre, Yellowwim-, i le. JUST ItKCKIVKI) jtWT m:ci:ivi:i) NOTICK. It an xty IAinouK nie Ufoitis oi sCouit In and iorsald County. It Is nod : In the mat ler hfthe account of Ii, imeor tne auniinisiiaiors oi naniei asid. May t', Inn, on motion olMr. I llarkley l., nppoinuu a minor on Knimu liom uie nt euros .iny ii, Iieieby rftii, thnt 1 will attend to i the ubo o appolntmi nt nt myoitlc urn, on 1 liiUMlny, thetth day orAiiR. i lock a. in., w here ntul m lun all par ed v 111 ap ar and te heard. ISTlt ATHIX'S KOTICK. or M.IIV 1-KltllMAS. 1iI.Ci:AM!D. iliulnMriitloii on tlio entulo ol Mury I into ot hnKillloill iwp.. I oitiinuiH i.o., mi been Kriinlt-il hv tno IU-kMct ol ry lo Hailill A. reu-iiiian oi h.uu All nelsons ll!tlln; (-lllll)lM or Illnst tlieestillo ot the decedent nrc . imilce tlu-m ltnovn, nnd tlioso ln uku imyiiu-iil. n. u. ii .i. ri.ir.ii-i . . i ct. Adnilnlstrutrlx. FOU'.S XOTICK. han'a Court for Iho County of Col- iiii-.IUiii At-eouul of Thomas ;llull II the persons nml esinies 01 i;itinor, snes and Mary Ann lletly, r lor a pom it-u oy uio i on 1 1 io .uiiii. iuIIiisL the nt-i-omit of 'IhonniH Hull I r the persons and INtntnnr Kle.mor, lAmiesand Alary Ann llelly, will meet IIUH lesleu loriue puriosi-H oi nisiip imTluusday, AuUsl Idll A. 1. N.s, , f. Ill I 111' oiiit-i) oi iiuwei I I i linn, lown of IHooniKliurn In naid e.aiuly lln. II. II. ll.M.KV. Iiru, Junu 'Jil,'tis-ll. Auillior. InKinvKk- i.Ai.rri tm v.l K lit! H A X 1) 1 S K. notici: m iii:iii:nv uivkn To my fi lends and tin) public (jeni-rally. Hint nil kinds of nnv UOOUS, (1H0CK1UKS, QUKENSWAKK, XOTIOXS, AC, nre ronstnutly on hand and for snlo AT IIAKTON'l OI.I) ST4KI), IlLooM-sni'im, li v jamiw k. Kvnn. fAUo, Solu Alicnt lor i:t.f.is l'ltosi-ilATK of mf. Ijirge lot eoiikianlly on liiiml. fibS'U7. JEW CA1I1XKT WA11K HOUSE. TlIK underslgnl-it takes this nuthod lo Inform the public Hint ho has opened n Ni:V I-'UllNITUHl! waui: llOL'Ni: In tho Waller Uriels llulldlntf, on Mnlu Street, Ill.OOM.SnUlKl, '.!., Which ho 1ms purchased unit lulenila to fciwp Hr innneiitly lllled wild Kurniture of CITY AXll 110511'. MANUK.SCTUUK. IT C-OSII'ltlSF-S OF 15 10 IJ M A T It E H S E S , hoi'ah. 1.0un(1i'.h jiahhm: top cknthk taiimcs CHAIIW-CCSIIIONKI), OANK nOTrOilED, AND WOOD llOTTO.MlIIl. nXTCNHIOX TA11I.IX, LOOKING UI.ASHICS, I'AHl.OIt, CHAJIllElt AXI) DIX IXG ItOOM KUltXITUUE. lu fact n full assortment of U 1J A 11 Y M A O K CI) K KIXH of all M7ch, nnd of i:vr.iiYTiiiNo in Tin-: mniiof hihtiiadk Allot thlch lll beold c ii r. a l- v o it ; Ann. 'Hid iuhlieale lliNittsl to call hiuI examine my hloek lieloie purt-hiihlm; elsewhere, (ii:oii(i: w. coitKU. llloomsliuts. Auuvul 10, ls67. J A new Installment or limns, Dried lieef, Cod Flth and Ma kt rel. UST ItKCKIVKI) ju.st iti:ci:ivni) Tho bestSI.UDHyruplu thetonn. J VST ItKCKIVKI) JCHT hixt.ivkd I'resh Dried I-'rults, Api'Ies, reaches, oared and impart d, Illatkherrfes-, l'miiea, Wliltu lleans, Hurley and Hominy. TV TANTKI) Unlit r, and Uud ; lor a prime artlrloennh will be paid. "YrAXTED llnms.Sliouldeis and llacon. tiOOIIS (loons noons oooiw KOI.II hUUI SOI. II hOI.D AT A AT A AT A AT A KM AM, M.MAI.l. .H.MAI.I, S.MAI. 1, advaxci:. AIlVANCi:. aiiva.m'i;, aiivanui: van cahii on uiiady pay. KOIl OAHII Oil llHADY I'AY, FOR CAMII OH HKADY PAY, FOIl CASH OH UIIAUY PAY. AT I T. SHAliri.lSlK S MOIti;. AT I,. T. HIIAHPI.KSH'S HTOIti:. AT I,. T. HHAHPMWSH MOIti:. AT I T. HHAHI'I.CSVS STOlli:. Illoomsburt;, March 2(i, lsfts. II an per i i ni, lew. ll.iii l;ioa.. May isioien. OhUrs lor shlplnelil and I'ihcIkii onleisi"Kela. ly atteinlisl to. 1 First Premium Hlhir Muliils nunrilnl by Alilllleall Ihsllliile III .lOIIN C. HAM, In Ism, H, Kil and IWi Alsou lold.Med.il at Iho Woihl'i. Fair In Ihe t'lly ol New York IH-,..'.-i. May r,,-iw.;m. OClirTZE A J.tlDOM-'', 1J, (UTAIir.lsllhll I.N IS.13.) Mlltlltfiirlllli is of II... I..., I fiivi-r.ilr PI.A'l i: PIANO I OHTl:, putelileil IVIieuiirv aith. l-ii. Wairiinti d Mr 1Im si ats. tllrlooms, W llioolne SI.. New Yolk. Hie Pa U n Monitor I'liili. 'li,n..u I..-i l...lr ,n. i iillai lousiiui'ilounii supeilor lii all mlicis, and uie r iiuriteoiiMsts in tliewctplnukbclli(!i.ll polled by Ihe Hon frame, nllowliiK n lamer spneo for the notiml hnr hoiir.l ihnn Is t...sU,.u..7i l.u n ' other kind or Piano. Iiy this means the quantity ns will as the iii-alllyof thu tono Is lamely In- TIipm- I'lani-s hne Uen pronounced by the bestjudiiestobc' llnrlnlled lor POWKIl AND HWni.TSISH OF TONl:. Knjy and nisreeabln touch nnd beauty or finish. Most tlntlerliiir ,-rl llltnu r ,.v...:itn.... r-.,.. Thailnri.', (loltschalk.sirakosih. Vleulemos, nnd I.. , in. .mist iiisiiimuisiieti i-roii Horsiiuil Anintiurs. 1'ioin loin; experlencennd superior laeiiuii-s ror .Mnnufaclurlnir, wo nre i na med to Oder out- tilnnns nt ... ..rl,.,... ,.u , m I asked by Infei Uir mnkers. .-eiio ior eiieuuir unit prleu list. ,'ini.i, u.iy jOIUMXOTOX A IIOIKiKINS7" JIA )V JIOSJC SUPKU IMIOSIMIATK OK LIME, A STAN DAI ID MAN't'lH! mil am. it, 1 1. ant, (iltAI.N ( KOl'H. iiuvinir wit i in tin- o:i.t i.irin.iiic tn..P.,L..,i and ImpioMtlour laetlltleH r.r urJmUnx Ihiih-h and mamitarturlnir, ueaie pnpuied to lurnlsh I IP ,'irilll IHfif I'l 1Ui Knnt . viiii.il.n-n.it.ili tl Nfl'KU I'HOHl'IlATi:. Ulll liUlllllfiietDiv liimlin.ii llini-,.11.,1.1.. i..bt.ut the past sutson by priictleal men of our Imme dlate nelslihorhood nnd eUewhere, und In eery ease the lesult han bit n riitlrelksatlsfartory. p.iitd lor and KUartiuUed 'IO VASS TIIt)l'CiII ANY Dltll.I. ihVluWtt nil ohkellon whh-li nllnfluu lr.t.imi- teilt f7eii.aiid si etuis to (he (.uinera saving of uiueli Milmthle time. Sold at the inaniitiif 1nr I'Atr M a ttu v.r snu-iT SfNiiritY, I' i and by our aucnts thioiiKhout i i.u . i-uiinj , iii iiiiKH oi i.iMiTM, i Hen, at per ion nrM lt.s. Also HIUITKD I'l.O.MlTI.V to all points aeeevsible by tall oreanal.on rerelntof lir.loP. 'Ft 111 t I VI l'l I IV I. HnliII'lOu ANn A-'()( fot Si ltntmr Mnrmin .t- All.no mi iiiiiiiiid lienperann Slower (iho New- Vorlc 1ohiiu i uiitiv fioeuiey m iiny ami .irain itaue. .1. k. i.vi n.Auent. Illoomslmiir. l'.t. 1' t b.Ub'o-Vm xNinV ADVJ5UTISEMUNTS. TO!?2(H) . Kit MONTH HALA V J HV paid to iiRentK, Malo and rrm.tlo, to Introduce our pit. nit eeiluttlii whlt wlro elothen line, Audrey Ainerlenti Wlro Co., 7 U'llltnniHt.. N. V., or Pi Dearborn nt. CIiIcuro. ru houiTa u, m nrwsiiAY, J (IAN(1 A CU0.kb VI I'HAWH. i:iry Haw that IauHoiir lactor.v In Oil Thim pereil und Patent (Iround, perfect I v truo and oven, and made of utilfoi in limpcr b our pit' enttetnp. rlmt pr m'iMi a x e rf Common hape,iu Rood a llm b. si. Thu III D JAL'Ki;T Co) burn h l'ntcut AXI. cannot btrx celled. We Kuaranty they wilt cut 2i per cent, more than common Axon, with less labor to tho t hopper. Mend for circular and prices to MFI'I SCOTT -AKKWJ.LL. rittMhiiruh. ra..Sole Manufact n Firsale by principal liurdwarc Dcak-ri. iTAH AOH1GULTUUAL WORKS. 'ihe Albany Cotton Gin Manufactures Co. AU bany, N. Y. Manufacturers of General AKrlcul. tural Machinery, comprising tho eelebrnte! star Threshing Machine", ; 'tar' railway for emll1 cmunjanu iever Jiorso rowers; 'Mtar coiion Olns und condensers, Cltcular Crosscut saw- muis; rower i.orn nentrn; ijor i'ower, Ac. Wo wish to call tho particular attention of far mers to our celebrated 'MTA It' IHIUlMUnit nnd CLKAXKlt, which, as lately Improved, we etulm u nir superior in any mutT imicmiienowiu mar ket. It is compact and easily portable, nlmplo In Its (.oust met Inn, and theretoie easy to operato by the most inexperienced, and will do lln work with iiiMrvellouH rapidity and perfection, ami with comparatively tho least demand upon the hti ciigth of tho nulmojs tlrlvltitf It. Wu hac made recent iinpiocnicnt In tills machine by which wo aro tuabled to thoroughly clean ttiCRialn almost under uny eombt nation of dllllcultles, niitlf aro now using an entirely new and ellectlve device lor relieving the feeder of dust, thus making the operation of thresliInR as comfortable and sale as with tho ordinary machines- It Is annoying nnd trcrjuenlly destruc tlvoor health. These machines aie maile of suitable sizes lor ourStaC lUllway it horse powtr und for our ftlar' Ij4'er Towers for 4 and b horpcs. l-'or side by our ngtutrt nnd dealers generally. 1'orlull paitlcularH ticml forour Illustrated De scrlpttvoclicutar and price list. Corespondents will pleas address Tjii; Amjany Coiton (Jin MAMiKACTL'isiNdCu., 1. O., Drawer 1J Albany. N, V. tirittl for Circular. G. a ir. isAitjioKi:. B LOOMHUUMJ LITKIIAUV ISHTITltTI'. 1IOAIIII Or INlsTItl'lTION. I'lluelpal an I Pro. iOTIIKS HY MACIIIXKHY. OTI.iIj nil KiJi. Dim; ill IIKI I'lllllllr H Ifml Ii III! 'I I OUIMIAN'.S COLMtT KOU IllUA COl'NTY k ATKOF CKOIwliK Vi Ml. I'H'l'. itoramtolnled by the I'nuit to leport In ot the halam e In the hands ot Sam I AdmliiMiator oi Iiioiko I'lew uuu Iiio crcdilorH il thu said tleceased at i Itobeit K. Clark i:so.,iu HlooiusbiiiK lslli ilav ol .111 V A. If. IMA. All i claims or ilenuiuds nunlut the ii ihnt. aie uolies leil to Mtsclil ludilnr.nr bo deliaiiid Itoin toin- ioui the asfi.. i iu;itVY 11. tiunrz, ty ft, imi"). Auditor, Ks. uAhrit; fi.t Asi.coi1.! prniiU. rslulied lespeclfully lufotms his old UiistomeiH that ho has ictltted his lehlm-s anil in now leaoy 10 no worn L'ood oit ir. lien uong, eieau aim ud wool s sent me, uiy palions may oil ii.u-. CoIoiliiHnnddlesi.lnK Cloth, dono to unlit 11 at Maintains finie, innim.s li.i lukt ii mid letllined eciv two or KHWllh bill oi work, 'Ihe pay can bo tinan s. ... t at i)iaiiuellle, nt elllu r of the store t ndid topromptly. Wilson in llinnion no nn' mm nimiun i Hinisbunjanil Oranwi HhMm the ac lon ot those al a distance. Ul.imiJl, A.'M.. Isu1. .Sear oiaunie I (' N O T 1 C K. ons nie hmbv notdled not lonitt r on fsot the utitleisiRiu! loi ine puipi'Mi jor shootlim t;me. Auv tisou tics- In iiitM'Ui'iitniH'11 oi wiim iimiu, iiii understuned svnuld respectfully call tho I attention of tho public, to his new and npprovod method of making clothes by a yhtm biucd utoii mathematical pi lnclplrs, which render It Impossible to be otherw Isetlmn perfectly accurate f lie tlalms for this method tho following ad- Mintages, r 1 1 lis r, IVrleet atetiruey. HKIOND. A saving or two thirdx m the time usually tuk eu to nil tail the cloth. TUMID. Ability to iiuwHinc any ll;uir so ns to luui a yood lit. rovuTii. That It dots away with tho net easily of belu measuicd innreth.m onco, an nftfii U the eu from tho misapprehension or mistake of t m t usurer. lie woutd uiu'H the)ublle to ulw 11 u trlal.as 1. Is Kill-lit d that It ill Kle perfect satisfaction. He will be happy to exhibit and explain I U work lnKataii time to vlsltois. .1. W. CIlCMHKHIdN Mulch Im.s Main St., below Market. IIKNKY CAUVlUt, A. M., nridor. Professor of 1'hllosophy, Ar, Minn Hnntli A. Carver. Pit ei'Otre,n. Teacher of French, Itotuny and ornamental rancnes. IsaocO. Itest, A, It., I'rofussor of Ancient lJinyuaKPs ChurU'H 1,. Kite, A. 11., Professor ot Mathematics. K. JI. Hates. Teacher of riV)kkeerhiff A Knllsh brant ht. MKs Alien M. Cnrvi r. Teacher of lnstiiuncntal Music. Miss , Teacher of Vocal Music, Miss Julia (iuest, Teachtr lu Primary Dcpaitment, Sprlni! term commences Apill 13th, 1M. PIANO KOltTi: MAM'FACri'ltfKS. Waie-rMuns, .iti IlletMctrSticct, ,,.u Vnik City. 32 Years lMnbllslud. and '7 PlIc Medals Aw.ir- (ieo, Olir Piano Poifesiiif nnw unit, l.i lie v., i-i. film d l)V till' llllist llKtlllll"llKlm.l ai'tl.le t.. i... the Ilfsl iiiaiiiilaelni'i-iL nml cii.t'.t-. n...., i,n.. been lutinduei'd and used, wo art not lemiired to say ono word lu their l.tvor, their exeellenco ! Mtiiin- pii-cniuieoiiy io iikm- o other makeis; nndtromthe (treat success achlevid, and lm- woean aiIoriUosl)nllistthisHplano I'lirlu at miiti SI less than a similar one can bo l-ought Kvery Piano 1'nrto Wananted fnrS Years, and to our Pianos a to mr.de toluol th.. trnHn. ,i roievtrypait me tlioionhly seosoiud, and of inu u-i) ui-si i naniy inaiean on piocuud. No pait lssllRhtod; what tho public e o mtht pass irr, never escanes nur Vim anee. Kerv itnrt.ln- Miiei no m i, ii nonesuy i.iithtuily and thor ouuhly lilfide, sothat It w 111 hear tho most mln mo examination. Thev i ii.t frmn t. irtn.t coarso tonettf most pianos, (which is bad in tho btKirinlntr, and mows worso v try day,; inas- i mi it. I'Miiiiui nun uciiciiie, ptue in us i- I nations tUliKhtfiil In Its sIiikIiik capacity, nnd i. i i i o pitKuue tery ue- TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. Warranted to reinoM all desire for tobacco. This Kreat remedy Isun excedent appetizer. H puri ties the blood. lnjRorates the system, possesses , (treat nourlsliltiK and htreiiKthenlnB power, enu- wt inu nvuniiicu in uiesi wie neariiesi loon, makes sleep ietiesldn, and est'ibllshes robust health, smokers and Chtwers for fifty years eiiied. Prlco titty cents, post Iree, A treat so ou , the Injurious i ilicts of tobacco, with lists of ref- t'lfiiiTN, tesiiiiioiuais, ivc.,seiu irt e. f'cnih w an ted. Address In. T. It. AltimfT, Jersey City. (iKNTS WAXTKI). Homelhlmi new. Kvervfiinilv wuiit.s It. 1, aulcHllvtr put 1 inr tluld. Htcelveil tlrst premi um at Paris Kxp.-blllon. SendWcents for sum- Id. ilAitius x t o a: north 5th nt., Phlu, OKNTS WAXTKD. A HOOK I OH IT-MOCIlArft. A Y t'llAM.'!- VOK AUKNTf. Agents wanted for a new and vtrv iiotitilai Demoi-rallc CainpalKU Hook, A chance fm iiemoerats m every county to makomonev. Hpc clal terms for aucnts. No bettor stlUnt book can be found. Addiess lor terms and particulars. R APPI.b'lON ALU, 1 ublislier, N. Y rpiIKS X a Itc vc shed elkct. iney are, without doubt, SUCCESS of thu ono dollar Ailu Itc volut on In Trade. Wo furnish ataunlform nileu of ONT. Tiftf.. LAlt. sucli articles nsnro Used bv evirv fumllv at a less prhotlmn they are sold by any whoU xyv) uif, wiuioui tioum, ino hest, tho most V , r1" " 'JI-3."11 UJ last liit;, and cons ouenttv the elieaiwvt. nn I sale tlealers in New oil: or lloston. content with n t.ilr piotlf. (nir prices ratmo fiom I AKents wanted toco-opeiate with us In carry- 0MKT1IIN0 NEW, The uiulvislL'ncd beL's leavo to Inform her friends und tho public (teueially, that she h.ts opened In MH1IT STItl'.r.T a fresh stock of KotnU In the line of MIIJ.INKUY and TKlMMINCiH In connection with Dress Maklny; and Is pie paren in niuiiiinu, io COI.OK sritAW HATS on the shoitcst notlce.iind In tlio best stlo of i ne uu, riicts tiictip ami won: saiisi.ieiory, MUM. K. KLINK. IJlit Slieei, uctoucr I, 1M7, TT V, O W K U, has opened a first cl.us i HOOT, SHOP, HAT CAP, AND KIMt HIOH1X at thttold slaiidon MalnStieet,ltlMinsburi;laIew tloorsaooM liiritaui noiu1. din mukiiiihii povptl(rtlieery latest and beststj les ot r ollei ed to the cltli'ens id Columblit County. Uu can necommodilie Ihe public with thofollowlnEKoods at the lowest rates, Men's ht-aw tloublu sedtsl stoK.i bonis, men's double and singlo tap soled kip biMits, men's In ay stoia shot's ofall kinds. men s nm mmm onu mhh nt uu Ki,.,-n, double soled boots iinil.shoes of all kinds, men s Klovo Itlil llatnioral shoes.nun's, women's, boys's and misses' lastiiic caltirs, wonun's k"o kid polish m ry llue.w omen's morocco Italmoralsand COU snot's, voiiiru erj one m iihimih-u ers. In slant hunt Hot all tltsu Iptlous both peg ued and sewed, lie niild also call attrnllon to his fine assort ment of HATH, CAlKl'IlS AND NOT10NK, whlchcoiiinilsesall Ihe new and popular arl- etlhsat prices which cannot fall to suit all, Theso yoous uie iiiiercu ui iiu uiui iu' mm will uuarantted tnuivo saliractlon, A cult Is sollclttd bt toto purchssltiK elsewhero as It Is I ni lev id that better batKiUus ro tu bo fosnd than al any other place lu tho county. Die. ii bi M ISS LI.ZIK liAHKLKY lias Just ictmned liom Philadelphia, and lias Ijoiiitht. and Is now oilcilu the In st nssoitmr nt tif PANCV (lOOD, N TllIMMlNOS HONNiriXAr. Ac., evere.ililbllrd In Hloonisburn, and Is prcpaiedto make up drcwM and all otlu r ai tides of ft mate w anl robe, at shoi t not U p , and In tho best and I,ATi:HT KIMiINU STYLUS. Knotmt in the Uamsey Ilulldlnns, tu West MalnStit-Pt, Call and see her varied sluek ot Spring Goods, May 0 A) KK1KNDS it NKNV KHIKNOS, in the limit isluuts will bo (HO. II. Wll 1.11M I I U IS ltolll, Pllll.ll' Kltt'M, .lollNtlllAN lilSHU., lll-MAMIN Klll'M, c i:.ci t-w t i i , oy D, . Ct KICK S 1'sr.) :u. i.s-u tdtlthir i, I.Al.K Kl'l I r. ism 1! oiinoN. K'HJSllsHi. I IN AliMll owuship, J I in O M S II 1' H (i I WAV UHIlMlVt i, wrnnHHioitH, m vi srnt hi. TIMtM THIS WAY!! A. llarttnan's new Htoin Itooms ou Main St below Market. DHY OOODS, NOTIONS, POUTS, SI ioi;s, (mocr:mi, PUOYIMONS Jtr., Ar., Ar, SHX)toMW,(0. j. iu;iiifon . v. ,MAin.iM), r. hahtov. ,J IIKATIiroTK A COMPANY ; o l ; n ir o kk t onsi i: u- wisrsii;n;T a iu,ai kTiioum: am.kv 1 1 n tnir lucteastii him- fiii-iiitis n. iimum- ..r snop loom, maciuneiy. ,e., wt aro prepareil to maaurattuie l.oi OMiil'lYli.PI.PC.and iill kinds oi mi c.A.Ai liitii.i.i;, sjh IK I. -STACKS, T.MCs, niii.ia-.jiHi h oiiK, ac. ah worupiouiptly done mi.vi, ... nuui i ll'nirc, lllIU S1M:CIAL ATIPNTION PAID TO ItP.PAHlS. our alt i nt ion Is m.pMjiIIv i-nlio.l tn ihn t...m- b, t s nt our tlim-llll bLdmr Pi-aetirtil Ilnilrr Afnlrta. mi: iirATiiroi i lias had an experience of over thhlVMnisIn the niinuit.u tnn of nil k-imlinf nituni noiieis; ami troiil our lon-texperlenco wo aie ttillv auaie ol the neet.sl!y or a welbnuulo ami suiileienlly lae ltoii.ri:,loseeuio not only .ui-i. mui n.iii-iiu tny lesiuis; anil we snail (tie on i i-iiMojiii is tuny inosooi tne nesi oua v in i ( tt'ii ds mult, t iul.w oil; ma nsliln. and amide ht at iuj uil.ieo, ami hel cnniMout that wo tan mi dec sat Kfact hm, and nt pi ices hilly as low as any other buildcis usln the same quality ot matin- o would tall the attention ot Ilallwnv Com. panics to our facilities Inrtloiiitf l,Ol OMOTI VK nil I, IV, 111 11 Ml KIT WUS OH NI.W, lis We Ill'lKO 11 ii pmni ior one 01 ino mm toaiwaj s (;lelils ier sonal attention. e mo aKo mi n.in d to do altkliuKot sNmiii Plttlnus, such ns lltatlni; Public and Private IhiUdlniiS Pari Mlts, tlttiiin up Meam lUillers.Ac, Coiistauth on hand all kinds nfSiKiM Pit TINOS.S11 M AMI WA1I K ( ! I' All l-JS S I K M PlI'W, ami itn 1111111 tonmi uu w 1111 uie mislliess. Ais., astinusiii all kinds.no er I lonis.Otates. Stuc, Plows, nnd all wmU coniucltd with tin Ufiieiai nainuiy nusimss. liespieimiiy souciiiny join- orders, ue aie Yours ery 1 1 lily, .1. II IJATMCOTK A CO 1 L'lVJS usL, ry () A K M K It S! I'ACII II ttCAM) ( OMPANY'S SOl.PIU.i: V A V I F 1 (' (i U A X O, million, ami lu thetllspusal of a l.irpe and varitd stock ot Dry A Pnncy (loods.stivt r Plaled Wan. Watt lies, Cnrpctiugs, Ac. uui terms to OKt-nts are supi'i lor to those oi any otlicr tlrni us our en cm, ii win snow, i nose t u uu up cuius tun Si-eutea 1Im.i? of Sheitlliif. Wntrh Kill; Hum Shawl, Sew itis Mat bine, Ac, nu:i; op co.st. A thei k ih sci ililnc nn m t f ! tn bo ti.M fnru dollar, lu cts.; 20 for y.'; -tutor!: OOini yti.UOfnr sio.seni oy man. m-ihi monej ny lu (tisierisi letter, Cliculais mailt il frre to aiiv address. Ajtcnts want lit ier wliere. Addiess H.WUs A PI.CMMKH.IU IItinocr St., ILwtim, .Muss. PUOOF OK oun STATKJIKNT 1 11 AT VK tl V MATE A COMPI.VTI. UKVOLUTIOX IX Tit A UK tail U' found In tlu lact that the luimeuso bust iiess we hat built up lias induced a mullltutl of small concerns to Imitate our club system. iiii"iwiiui'u iiuw iiisiii(t ii io pi es en is iney will Kleto agents, setdi. unsuct essfully, to tllvtirt soinooi our nusnn'cs in uuiuscues, Wo make this announcement simply to inform tho public uuu u iii uu ku tiii'ii iiut'ii'iit pm run io our house.ns wu w 111 continue to give bctttr unods and (trcater Inducements toaytntH than uuy oth er eouccin in tho business. we sen eeiv inscription or Pr anil lancy lioodij. Plated Waie, Jewelry. Watches, hew Inu Mat Ivim s. Ar., ior the unimrin price ot ON K uui.i,.u. ctituiars si nt to any muirt ss tn o. PAUUI It A CO., Nds, 1'hQtid lODSuiniutr Slttet, lk stt.n. 7I-: AUK I'UKi'AUKI) TO UK- l-KIVf All I'KTI.Sl'.Nl-.Nrs lull A M.W LIST Ut' 50 NKWSI'Al'KUS 00 K AOKNTS WANTill) Dli.MOl'll.VTIOC'AMl'AKl.V Cl.JH. Oil I'i-Iiliiyuvmilnir of lust wi'i'l; il'o Dt'in- ourutlt! nnil Cimsorvatlvo ultl.cns of Hloom towiiililp, mot in tlio Coiiunls- Klonor'n Ollk-o lu tlio Court House, to tnko steps for tlio foriiiatlon of a Uomti crutlu Ciimimlgn Club. M'ter tlio meotltiK liml been called to onler, M. WyuUoop win eboieii tern- jiorary Cliulrinaii. Tlio following per manent olllrerii woro then eleeted : J.A. 'iiuston, President! (ieo. H. Coleman and V. Cooloy, Hecretarlod : tinil 31. Wynkoop, Treasurer. A Cominltteo on liy-laws win nppolnted. On motion of John U. Freeze, tho President win iiutliorlml to set'iiro tho Hall over Ilcn dersholt'.s Drug Kloro. After 11 discus slim conceruliit; tho Hall, iiiltlatlou fees, and other minor points, tho Club adjourned to meet at the now Club Itooin on tho Monday following. Tho Club met on Monday nt tho now Club Uoom. John Leaeoek waschoben Vleo-1'resldeiiti novernl committees wero appointed by tho President. A general discussion then ensued on tlio adoption of tlio lty-luwa; tho cluitfeo providing that thero should bo tin lul tiatlou fee was Htrk-keii out and thu lly laws wero thou lulnpted, Tho Club then adjourned until Monday tho U7 1 1 1 lust, Tho regular meetings of tho Club will bo on Monday evenings tit 8 o'clock, at Iho Club Uoom over Hi'iidcrshott'fl Drug 8 tore. TueasidiMiMTuHTIuMUTTnMiiTiii-I t . " i.K Hxmiriii ui, iMine, iiu h iinoiii panled oi'caslonly by u professed Dem ocrat or two, to keep him (.uunle nanee, while ho retails his slanders and his threats. His threats of ilnri.iitlmr Col. Kllno after tho llOllli nullmw nnl futile, mid hhow bis follv. nml ii... riH. of tho-.o who employ him In this busi ness, ue dpi; io ten Jtcimu. iimi n... Demoeratle nartv will tnl.-n" ..,.,. r n own Interests, nnd neither ho nor his employers will havo much voice lu our councils. Democrats know It Is alwn safe to support tho man that lien op- puses. PllA.MKWOIti; of nil tllfllenillmriii.ll... les of tho Uepuljlleun press from tlio present time till tho ,'ld of November s Copperhead rebel trai tor.,, disloyal led.handed rebel copperhead treason lllllllS I'lilitiiirhiiiiil traitor disloyal iilotti'r ,., conspiracy copperhead veiiei ...iciiei ins loyal copperhead .treason traitor reliel II loyal COl'PKUHKAD! WiHTAH'rt Ualsmii of Wild Cherry A Uracil's Celebrated Halve havo'stooil tho test of lonu experience and havo come Into general ii.o. These articles urn no iiuack nostrums, but genuine nrenarn tious, skillfully ciimpouiided, and well adapted to tlio class of diseases for which they aro recommended. Kclh Fowlo .v miii, nosion, aiiiss,, mo ino piiiprlii' tor.". (Iuant deserls his best friend. Let us havo pence, says lie, when war niado him what Iiu Is. . ti "i , :i ui 1 ViiiitiiilHllbsi-lUiril. Hull Yiiirl). ...! .ml.... ht.tl 111 tun I nm rtuii i i-.n.i. illi-riiii liniikHiil unulliiii- DAILY Hrilsi IlllilUlM. riiiiuiih nr iinoiiK I'i'rii ly, .it Mii.,a i-i'iiis. liullv nilisdllioiiittlll ho iinulli'il In nil riini'B In U-ilu u lll'ui-lt i 'iliil I" Tillut' Hilliu iiiiuk. -1 in, now limiliH will lint lioiilloMiil in iiny mih- r... it, .it ....)..). 1 ir.w.ii. sitiii ITh Dlciliinurv ul Uui lllblf. 'lln' nnl' I'llllinll pillilUlii'il 111 Amtili'ii.riuiilcupil ly I'r. MiilUi'i. iiwn Imnil. Ill tllld Iillai' Ol'lllMl Mllllinc, IllllhtlUtl'il Kill! oer 1J1 Hlt'fl nml wii'Hl I'liiiruvliiBi. Aul'IiIn nml miliKi'iilii'iH M-ti Unit juu Ki't Urn Bi'iiuliiu oillllim li.v Dr. Snilili. Tlif snrlimlli'lil lUinil'lli'iin :iyn, Hilt vdltlon illlilll)iril l.y MOKKt.. lIllll A. I'"., in llm H'-lllllllo 'TIlo'l'iillKri'lItttlnniint khvh, wllOi'VlT wIkIu'S In Ket, In Ihn i'licillii-i.1 l.u in, Uie lii-bl Dlclliiniiiy nf iho litiilo htniiilil Imy till. AKi'llli llru Illi'i'llUK wiiu iiuiuini.ii'ii-ii .ui-,., t-lililny nn lll'lii-lill Atli'llU, mill nltiT (fxllil tlUllllI UK IIU 111 rilUMlhhCIH. AUI'UtK Milt M'U ltl u.HuHlac.M'l iliiillnn.Uli.-Uy Willi llm 1'ilMUh. ers. I'nr ilcii'ilillc clriulnm iih lull parlli-u. l.irM nml teruiH, fidilrhH Hip I'ltiillHliom. i. n. in inn iii).. Hurl fun!, I imn. I in. A 1 1 I.N l IHN ill I ii line r mnl nllicr i-nll hlllili'lN ill rrlllll.-iH Is lli lli-il In thu lillilllll, Wnrlliv nr lliflr si.ccf.il untie,. n... III iimi. In Mur. IiiiiiI. Vliulnln mnl ntluT Miulli- cl-n SUilfi., InrnII i Inps, Iiiik ulMii It u Mnnilnril ( limiut( r tm ci-i Hi lit i' lllii-iiiiilkil hv uuy nlli ir, II Misschsi. till )u. iiitUUiics ni I'ttiivlilll .1.. ,. ......).. klnl'IM Wll M.llllllii Willi I'l'l Ilium III lillillll l., lint lnllllil 111 IMNW'AItl' llllMllu'hdll uilllWlll.kllilWll lillit llu" llltll'lc I'K I I 111 U tlunlll. HIM fnllllil llnr wnflkllllin, IS .li.llllil in lilliuo lutw : v;"', r-," ni..-.. lu .-i,T.. 2m p V li L I C N () T I 0 K. ' Ail iM't-kims aro heithv noil tied not to enter on i uie piemihcs ti tnu uiuuiiiiKiini uu mv I'm ry" 1 t iiiiiiMnL'oi't.)iiiotlmi LNitnc. Anv ncrsmi m.s- er liter lor a longer l1' ' 'j'1 ,.t",.'1iV. I.tVf. .... I ir..iii !r m t V.11 ilr 1 A 1 im iiiiiieritfneil will ls ileialneil besoiui thai iinie, 1111 iiuuii nmi -iihik; t- irr-..iJT. r.iri.i.iViii su nc smlc, ami lepaliliiK to 01 tier, HPOL'TINU MADr.'Ul tmPKlt. All us ehcnti tor eiisli or 1 1 title 11s the clieantst Pall ami sec. Pii-Kt htoic oncst end ot boiilh MulliHt. A. llAltr.MA.V Aplll 10. Vi. WAIrilAM WATCIIKS at i:xtiu;mi:ia low pkilt.s, Hiler Huntlm? Watthes fH tlul.l It nntini' U'atchts.lM-uiat I'ukcas .. ,.5v) (lohl Huntln Watthes. IaullcsHie $70 Kach uatch warranteil Iiy peelat ccitllleutL' r u. I ...... I...... Xt'.il. I. it V'iiIi-1.u ki.nt hv P.xpress, P. O. P.,lthprilimeio examnu' ne foro payluic, Kvery one In want of u reliahl 1 1 im. if 1 i'ii.t iu ri'michtcil towiltoforour tloi lin tu.. i.rn..iut. AdilirhH In lull ami nleast n.unc the piiir In Thifh ou hiw this luUetlUemeut. 1 ( Aillt A t o Mi,uniuiaia. 1 June 5,Vlin, 'lniMihatt a It I iiu lis t lie w hent cioti Imm lle to K'ni tlas em in 1 1 ha 11 the phosphates wUU h 1.11-1 iiione t s n i in nu uiaoie ntivaniauch 1.111 t rai t list mini n m aieis. 1 nr huu- ny .kuin s. ui:i:m; a tx., .SKinilh Pclawaie Ae.. Philiui'u Ami Ti t-nutli htieii Italttmoie .Milieu , innni. PACIFIC COAST, t lllll 1 1 IS, CALII'Oll.MA, OUKtiON, m: ADA, .Millli:Tritl.lTnlEI.s ,.1 MONTANA. ' l' l All, IDAHO and WASHINdTON. Iiu twn wi-rk. nr if Alll.n..k nro iiin.liUlnl nlil 0 lilnlltliii nllcr ... :t ,-..,! ,htv ....llit'i' Ih ilttiilllcil lnyiiliiflli.lt Utile, li'.nl" pirilay. i' '!!' il..... July lu, IkJUiii CUMANTOWN TKLKtiUAl'lI. A KAMII.V AMI Allllll CI.ICII 11. JIICI1NAI, MuitCH Ciilluiaii, P A U M K 11 SI! AI.TA VKLA I'HOiil'HATK. r Itroiiulim tlilco ir lint. Jl Ainiuiiiiiii, uu uiiililoiiiiiiiitlly In iilvo iictlilty wllliout Injury in thu ii'iiutiillou, mnl u Iiiiku I'lii'i numo ui 'i- 111111(3 IlUUtf .-11111.(11111111 ni iinw, iiwiim .. 1'iitui.li mnl hilu. thu i-.M.'titl.il t-lrmciiL nf u l ll.Mri.K'IKMA.MIlli:. 'l'l"' llicrca.cd mliHln furinciH wlio un tiHliii; il uuu uieuiy uui.iui in- MIIDICINIX. DVi: HTUl'l'S, WINDOW.Ol.ASH, I.AMl'M, wtistf UUil, Tlio tlllllliKiif Irllil Isnlsii forultlden lll'.MI.Ol'U TOW.S'SHU'. Si tvt'nlt-r t'lll.i'l, lllrain AppWinnn, .lulm Miller, Wi". Kyeily. i:.illl lllltllll, Jlilllllilltutl, lm Id W. Arin.liiuiK, Hurry iliuli, Diinti-l Vix-uiii. 1II,OOMTOWNHIII1', Mullilus Amilcmnn, tUviaWlnnor, . 1. .., .,u w . 'nt roll. . . . I ir '! t..U iioviiieu iii ti nun ne iiuri. uu u i i mi I in try. Nuii'li-lliMriiltK, mnl Miiinl mnl hull ilntiiluu llemlllut, ifini-liilly, III lliu l.ti'limy DcpiiitniL'lil 1MI bllllll lUChlllt Hid lllllldht Ulll lll'N Itlilll tlio ri'iitll il nur I'Xtuidl'd liicmi.. Tin, NiiM'li'tti'K, 'I'lllctf, l'oeliy, etc,, hlliill 1.0 klipiilicd limn tliu hcht mid lllulll'fct MillK in, mill Iiu Kiunl In 1111)- tlilnt; luiitiil In miy JiHiiniil nr iiuifiiuliiu. Aurlculllllu mid lltiilli nlliui', tiiilimeliii: liirinluit, iturileiiliu;, 1111II-111I1.I11K. ilc. tlur lu. tiiim lu 1I1I11 ilcimiui(iit fur iiir thirty yiinu, lllll U IIIL'l UlU CUI llllll lllllllllllllt lull lit 111,, l.llllllc. our imliiuKU liintliieiiliiliitnl.il tnelulmnl loll uhlu liiliiriuiitldii iiiiuii tlie.ri eiy IniimrUiit liiuiielieii ut Imliulry mnl In hlulii t lln lu wi lur I ry rrH iHiikUH'BUiiiiinU iiiil ll vulue. t'rlce, nli,k,1.,1iriir uu vt till In nur luittir nun list llm fuKi. iliKlllneii IZaZ'r Urn ol IU lnli -Jul llm (lull, hind fur i llw""' " JJKNl)KUSHOTT'.S I'll AUMACY. iiriMstrK Ajii.iiii in ihn i Wlieriihiiiyliufoiiiiil iiennii'ii ic luMiilminl nl fn i.li nnd imrti To llotil StiliHiii kteprrs of llloomix hint; nnil 'oIumlia t'ounty. I hae apptmittit Mr. li. stohner aeiit lor tin1 Kile of m ale,in tt r Mown Mom, ami l.iaer heer, who will supply jou at the sunn- pilce.iunl with tho wmie iirilclo, as I would luriiish you Horn the hieuu v. K'ninm)nji thai lie ill ! pu m tun I und utn uiue to nil uho mny i-tor iilm with tin h tnnli . I solicit ta him tmi mpjitnt. Vci'j n vpi 1 1 rut i , 1 IIK1 I.APKIt, ni 11 in l-i i't el) , ItcmllllH. Pa UD1.K iV 1IA11NKSS MA KIMt. I M 1.1 I'llfM , I'KNN . spi'i'lfully Inform I'Ot.OISM, OlIA .ANTIIIIN , HO. IAH, MIAl'H, AI.l'OHOI., WiNIW i I,lnlUH HVHUfS, t'lnii'iiMKitv, Toii.trr ANIIFANCV AltriCMW, Mlilcli 1110 nllcred iitnUl tliuci prlccK. l'l ierli. tliuu iici'iiriilely preiiurisl. Jun 3'M-ly, c A Kill AC K MANUFAOTOUY, HIooinHbiirn, 1'a. M. L HU1AN A IIUOTIIPU amlsellUli purposes 01 tho many ki'usuiiiui iiLieuiuil is mitlrlr unit iv u hlf h i h o. r U In. iTssantly asbiilliil. Ihls potltonol (iiu (cnawn. town Titturoi'i Is iilono woilli tho pileo ot bull-hcrlptlun. u n 1 'i 1 in 1 1 111 in 1 1 no saiuu imiUMiy, care, and illM-ilmluiitlon lu iiUhcilnu ami pieparlnu tllU felilllllif cellts ol the iltiv. ikiii kmU- n.r Hi I u paper, w hlcli hitherto has hcen one of Its nun kud fcatuuM nml u I v t 1 1 suth uuUeisal salisiactlou, will Uot'oullnucd with iclouhlftI cltoiU tn meet tho lucicaslntf tlemnmls of tint puhllc, Teinu. Two dollau and llity centH per aiw nuui, oouleu icceived wlllioullho cm.li, and all suhseilpllons stopped at tlio eml of tho timo paid for. hptcimeu numheis st ut, Athlress rilllill' it. 1 iiuah, pilIlipilU'l, JulyiVtWdy Aililn-i.w rut! AI.TA VKLA flUANOCO.. 07 jtroaiW'oy, i, I.OU1S IIKtlTI I HAS, 3, KWAl.ll. WllDtd-WAl.i; (HIOCKIW, N, M. Cor.TlilrdA Vine Strtvs), Msy 'Jit, IntiV-bM. Killtor nnd propiletor. ulouii, Phlliutt'lphta, Pa, (ieimaulou ii, A n pxtenslvu AHHortuuMit nt' inun's 1. and hoy's UN1JN HHItir PUONlM, Paper Collars und Putin, and Uuim Lini-.n L'ui.hAiw ml I'Ufrtrt btlllna iliiap ly Mar.lVtt l..T.HUAItPIdHS. KT THK JUvST. iluiikou's Copper Tuhutur MkIiIiiIuk llod Is tho test protiitlou aeulnst dUiuter hy linlitnlui tcr liiMutetl. Th kuhxcrlher i atent for thu a note Invention, slid all outers ty mail or In iiurson wiuio iirompiiy iiiieuouo in. 1 MaylVw l;.I!,iudm:.man, W1I.14AM HIJAN Jt WIN cnallnut tho hublncssof makliikf 0AHHIA(U, lilTUUUH ami wiry tyl of PANPV W'AtlONH, which they tmvo constantly on hand Io minus. tomcu, Necr uhIhk uuymateilal hut Iho hest and empltivliiK thwiuoht oxpeilemvd workmen they hopo tocoutluuoas heietofoio to uhe enlliu satUfarllon to every ciutouur, An liiHH'ctlon ot their work, and of tho teasouahlo pileo asked (or tho same, I fcure to lusuro u sale, NDItKWS, W1UC1N8 A- IU, Ptuleis lu KOMIION AND l0MtiTIC DUV OOOIW. 11 KAMI MY 1 1 I I Jill: iiudiivuin I ii Micctfullv InrorniK tits 11 llilk Hi 1 1 1. 11c Hull lm tuiri luniirhl mil 1iomah Ui 1 k 1 1 nnl wilt continue (he hun.lntf olHADlUI aul 1IAUM hH M A K I NO, in all its various In nm In - nt tin U stand aboc hui tier's lltttel, nml hoi i in ih K'i ve and tctiho the p:rf innauo of all w C' mnl ai th h lu his line, w l'el.a,'l. ti.uiuii; J(..AJ,1IK. rAHTMAN A KNOKLMAN. IUHAU ti, f f hi;ij.II MANultTOUV, so. .il l NoitTit 1 111 it D siia.irr, Sieoml Pool helow Wotxl, V U I 1. A ! PI.PI1 1 A, J. W. WAlilMVN II, P, KNt.M.MAN GrKOU(iK I,,()KIK,3U w)m unii Mile ivalcis lu Wl'l Pl N A W1UMV WAlti:, YAIlNh, ( HhPluth. WU Un, 'I whit s, llat-Kt ts, i tc tc, AUi Pliuitli St., I'hlliula, l-n nen 111 i tieunptipus by wlitdi wo enu mset 1 on atli itistnu-nt octupjlitKiin Inch 0! space, in uowspApers, lor 0 its,, each p-r m nth Send stamp fjr ciicular illu s Geo.PBowll- ADVBHTISINQ AOKNTH, 40PakkEo July to, 'N JOTY'S CLOTIIKS W'ASHKU. i aiuait rujt itirour ov rAitJiEiw l'Lfll,Ni:W YOUh.111,7 "Wiikhlinr M.ihln.h Willi.,,., 11 n.i ...... llvmii.euyiuii iminly, v. iuUt 'Will ilia 'u Kite "lla uplnljiij ut win.hliii;.niicliliiiiiT 1? V . " ".V 1 .uiiiieeu uoill.l.iur HUP VI D.ity' luurtalues WtUU nu.liiuinivn'clatliH i ciui, und not t.utoo liurd oil: for thu women? WuliliiB-iiiii(liliiealiueb(i Keuemlly iirnieil to lie fnllurea llmt J 11111 iitmta ot tiiiowtni: awuy my moiiev uiioii uiiii.'" "Solnti lUil)lh.oli-"If 6u liml to my tentllnwi Iho iuoiuy sou mention, it would !u tho bet 11. Mktmeiil you eiet tiiudo upon jruir'iMarni. Hut ou iiiutiiot ,111110 mat uloue. liel tin. l'i,iver. uUloilii.Wilni!er with It mnl y,,ur i,"h, H,r"" uva,i'i?k,e!?iiKf My ft$&r & a la A asi .MmUel ht., Juiu.s.'tw. JKTAULIHIIKI) I7IK1. joiidan a imoTiunt, WllUl.lMAI.I'i UlltiliKltS HIM llOHll-U In MAI.'lTrTIIIU AMI liltlMHTciM., - Nu WU Nut Hi Tli I nl Miwi, I'hlliulelplilj, N 0 T 1 ( 1 l r .Nn.&J. Muiket HI if rt, I'llllmlellillliu K. i - oilmen 1.1 iieiuiii.H upon i likei ilu r In .Mtilllu luuiibhlii, IB, Will he iliiilt Willi III,,, 1,1. -1 .1 uwi.m Ntiuhi 11, y A It It K N 1 S IMM1UVH1 IIHI, AMI WATHl flUIOl 7.7, t a av cj:.vi:.t ji oori xa i Tlmudvriutiiteii tilth llita coiutiuHllliiiiiMitkCb.il re iiiiiny, 11 Is botlmHtcr.llniit tiiid 1 ,0.V,rw!i II U not utlecl.d by lieut nr cold. " em' li. m tilled 111 nil iiliii.,?t wireclly Hut liifl, (ino nel" u llm lout U lliKiill lliiit 1 iii,ullid, It Ih Vail y !"i',' '.'V,'ly "-V111"'11' " " ' 1oh llmu any tint 1 rii-iriiol HH.f tune in ubo. Te.tl u iilit,, titi 111 11 I muu of tlioeountry a. t Hii iluriu Il?y beeurily iina elu 11 uiinn,obli(iwri i'""""'"'. Juno-11 -iu JOHN W KII.VSIKU, Juno.M.iis. Agent, HUKjrubburu, 'i, A lliie iitctiiienc' tho roollim run tiu keen n . Il, K0011. uew hoiibeon i-itti, Hneel, ALL KINDS OF Jon 1'UlNTlNa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers