The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 24, 1868, Image 2

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Ir Weak Stomaehs.
'I'll r.iiKnro some punplo, mid cMio(.'lftlly
"Itfimlillcnia" who jiro tlliKUstotl wlllt
I runt ntitl their own imrty, who enrn
nestly desired thu iiomlnntloii of JuiIku
Chn-so, as thoy suy, they eould hnvo vot
ed for him consistently, on account of
hi "record In favor of tho wnr." Theso
Kontlcmou, not having in yet tinted thu
stroll food or Democracy, do. not know
Its Kencrous nnd wholesome quiilltles,
ami their wenk stomachs, roijulri! n mild
diet, lost iinuscii should sui)ervene.
Now tho Radical deniiiiiogues are" striv
ing hard to make these squeamish folks
hellevo that If they swallow Hor.itlo
Seymour they will gzt more copini
than they can possibly digest. Kor tho
ht'iiellt of these people, mid us ti com
plt-lo refutation of thulUillcal culuinlii
les against Ouvernor Seymour, wo pro
pose to print n leaf or two from tho his
lory of the war:
WAilH.Nur.IN, .Imic II, siU-
'I'd his Kxeellency, (lov. Seymours
Thu movements of the rebel forces In
IrL'Inla are now HUlllclently dovoloncd
to sjiow that Ueiicra! I,ee, with his
wnoioarmy is inovlng forward to In
vado the States of Maryland and 1'enn
sylvanla, and other Slates.
" I ho President to repel the Invasion
promptly, 1ms called upon Ohio,
1'ennsylvnnla. Maryland and Western
Pennsylvania, for one hundred thousand
mllitlu, for six months, unless sooner
discharged. It Is Important to' have
the largest possible force In tho least
possiuio time, ami irotbor States would
liirnlxn militia for a short tlmo to he
credited In tho draft, It would groatly
advance the object. Will you please
inform mo Immediately If, in answer to
u special can 01 tno rrcMilent, you can
ralso and forward twnntv ml.
lltla as volunteers, without bounty, to
I! credited in tho draft of your.State.or
iiui miinucr you can possiuiy raiso l
E. M. Stanton, Sec'y., War.
uovornor rseymour immediately an
swered tlint lio would send 20,000 men
to Pennsylvania, and In a few hours af
ter the receipt of tho dispatch, several
regiments wero on the, march and tho
rest ioiiowcu soon tliereafter.
Waiiiisotiin .hi ne 11, HtH.
UOVEltNOlt Skvmouh:
J no President desires me to return
ma inanKs, Willi those of this Depart
ment, ror your nromnt rosimiise. A
strong movement of your city regiments
to Philadelphia would ho u very en
couraging movement, and do greatgood
in K'vmg sirungin in mai Mime.
E. M. Stanton, Sec'y of War,
Four days afterwards, Secretary Stan
ton, by direction of President Lincoln
telegraphed to aovernorSeymour's Ad
Jutant Uencral as follows :
Washington, June 19, Ml.
To Adjutant General Sprugue:
1 llC President directs llln In rnli-M
his thanks to his Excellency Governor
Bcyuiour,anu ms sum lor inelr energet
ic and prompt action. Whether nny
further forco Is likely to bo required
will bo communicated to you to-morrow,
by which time It Is expected tho
movements oi mo enemy will bo more
iiniy uoveiopeu. j. M. STANTON.
Secretary of War,
But Secretary Stanton, filled with an
overflowing gratitude to Governor Sey
mour for Ids proviipt and candid sup
port of tho Government, again tele
graphed his acknowledgments of the
Governor's services, In tho following
ompliatic and enthusiastic terms:
Wau Dki'Ahtmknt, 1
V ASIIINOTON, June 27, 10-1. j
DKAJl Silt I cannot rorlienr
ing to you tho deep obligation I feel for
uiu pronipi nnu ciinciui support you
have given to tho Government in tho
present emergency, tho energy, activ
ity and patriotism you havo exhibited
I may bo permitted personally nnd of
ficially to, acknowledge, without arro
gating any personal claims on my part
to such service, or to any servico what
ever. '
I shall bo happy always to he esteem
ed your friend. E. M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.
His Kxeellency Horatio Seymour:
l-et the "trooly loll" put that In their
pipes and smoke It. If the endorsement
of Seymour's patriotism by A. Lincoln
and K. M. Stanton lia-j no weight with
"Republicans," then they would not be
lieve though ono rose from tho dead
to testify In that behair. Hut let Gov.
Seymour's record; for Itself. In
his mess-ago to tho Now Vor c Legisla
ture In January, Ifiii;!, occurs this pas
sage :
"We must accept tlie condition of af
fairs as thoy stand. At tills moment
tho fortunes of our country uro Inliu
(need by tho results of battles. Our ar
mies in the field must be supporttd. All
constitutional demands of our General
Government must tie prompt respond
eil to. Rut. tear alone will notsavo tho
Union. Tho rulo of action which is
used to put down an ordinary Insurrec
tion is not applicable to a wldo spread
armed resistance of great communities.
It is wihlness mid folly toshut our eyes
to tills truth. Under no circumstances
ran the division af the Union be conceded.
Wo will tint forth every exertion ol
power. o will hold out every Induce
ment to tho people of tho South to re
turn to their allegiance, consistent with
"Wo will guarntoo them every right,
every consideration, demanded bv the
Constitution, and by that fraternal re
gard which must prevail In a common
country. Jlul we can never roluntarilii
consent to thebreaklngup of the Union of
these 6lates,or the destruction of the am .
Again In u proclamation Issued by
Gov. Seymour, Oct. 29, 18C:),ln respond
lio1sald:,1C,,t l'mcol"'!, " r "I.
"In this emergency It Is tho duty of
all citizens to listen to tho utmeal nut
forth by the President, and t!J 'gi vo 'ef
Ic out uud cheerful nhi in lining up the
thinned ranks of our armies, ft is duo
o our brethren In tho Held, who have
battled so heroically for tho Hug of our
country, tho Union of tho States anil
to uphold tho Constitution, and proinnt
and voluntary assistance should he sent
to them In this moment of peril. They
went jonn in mo juii conlldenco that
they would at nil times rccelvo from
their fellow citizens at homo a gener
ous nnd efllelent support.
"Every mptlvo of prhlo and patriot
ism should Impel us to glvo this by
voluntary and cheerful contributions of
men aim money, anil not by a forced
oonseripiion oreoerclvo fiction oil -the
pari oi mo government.'
And tho peoplo of Now York, under
we icauersiup or tlieir nobio Governor,
lived up to and ncted out these senti
ments. In fact, Governor Seymour, as
the records of tho Wnr Department
show, performed more elllclent servico
Jn tho rousing and equipment of troops
thnn nny Radical Governor In nil tho
Union. What moro did Judgo Chaso
do ? How Is his "war record" any hot'
ler than this 'I Wo think that no "Re
publican" who desired to vote for
Chase, ran, after fully informing him
self in regard to Governor Seymour's
antecedents, refuse to glvo his support
to tho Democratic nominee I'atriot
Union. V .
Tjik TAiurv 11h,l.-Tho Tarlir Rill
by common consent, (Mr. Moorhend In
cluded,) has been droppod for this ses
sion. Mr. Moorhend took occasion to
thank Its friends, becauso by tho skin
of their teeth they had managed to :et
It up tlireo times, only to get It Dually
postpone! until next winter. I
it (if dumb inn.
MooMsnuna, pa.
KIllllA V .MOllNINO, Jl l.V '41, lOH
ti- TI1H COI.UM1IIAX lias the l.nlgf
Circulation In Columbia ami mllnliiln
counties pf nil) paper published, here, anil
also n much InlRer sheet limn any
llscoleiiipornllcsi ami ! tlirrerorrtliebtst
mrdlititt for ailvrlllallitf In this section or
the .Slate.
Li.Vt L. Tati:, who, two years ago,
ran us a volunteer, against dipt, dial
Taut, the regular Democratic nominee
ami who, after getting seven votes at
the election, left the canity for tl
enmity's good pi'iipincs again to mod
die In lis politics. We arc clearly of
opinion, that that gentleman, who u
on that occasion hecmne the tool of.
clique of designing men, mid who was
pMtcdnn the luck by P. .lohumidSam
Knorr, who sent a secret olllclal clrcu
lar to their friends In his favor, should
not rolunteer advico to tho Democracy
of Coin rnbla county. Rut the moro es
poclatly does ho seem to ho wanting I
that sense of propriety which charae
tcrlzes the action of n gentleman, I
renewing his assaults upon prominen
Democrats in the county, after he bin
self succeeded to tho honors nnd emolu
mcnls relinquished by Col. Kline.
The .uiio men who used Levi L. Tate
two years ago, nro using him now, nnd
for the same purpose, to wit, to distract
and destroy tho Democratic party ; and
it Is a fitting thing that Ren. Portlier
should ho called In to assist him. What
must the honest old farmers of tho coun
ty think of thu men who tiro supported
by Fortner and Tate? "Like maste
like man," is an old and wise saying
Having escaped thosuaro laid for them
once, nnd having hooted Tuto out of th
county, they nro not likely to bo caugli
In nny trap laid by tho sumo men nn
bnlled by Ren. Kortner.
norm I'-irouna ami Louisiana nro
again represented in the Senate, or at
leal gentlemen claiming to ho such
ropie.-ontntivoswero, on Friday, admit
led to seats in that body. Of tho four
gentlemen admitted, Mr. Pool, of North
Carolina, alone, is a natlvo of tho Stat
whenco ho comas. Mr. A bbott.'hls col
league, and Messrs. Harris and Kellogg
of Louisiana, are carpet-baggers. Mr,
Kellogg comes from Illinois, Mr. Har
ris from Wisconsin, and Mr. Abbott
from Ndw Hampshire, originally, nl
though for a few years before tho war
tie was! a resident of Ronton, nnd edited
tho Atlas newspaper of that city. All
tho Northern men wero connected with
tho United States Army, and tho for
tunes of war throwing them In the
States whenco thoy now come, they ro-
turn united States Senators. In Mr,
Pool's case, a special oath had to bo
prepared, as his service as n member of
tho rebel Legislature of North Carolina
incapacitated him from taking tho Iron
clad oath. Mr. Kellogg is said to bo
conservative in his tendencies, and will
vote with tho Conservative side.
Ntaito Mon. On tho evening of tho
lot nn. riot commenced at Mllllcan.Tox-
os, on the Central Itallroad. A mob of
about twenty-five negroes, headed by a
wmto school teacher named Brooks, is
reported to have attempted to hang a
Win. Halllday. Tho white citizens
prevented tho execution, and, headed
by tho Rurcau Agent nnd Sheriff, at
tempted to suppress tho mob, which re
sulted in tho death of ten or twelve ne
groes. On tho ifith tho number Increased
on both sides anil skirmishing occurred
luring tho day, the casualties being os
tlmated at 25. A small body of troops
arrived late on the night of tho lfith
and dlsper.-ed the rioters, killing thrco
negroes. I lie latter numberinc from
100 to .".on, had fortified themselves
three miles from Mllllcan and refused
to lay down their arms till tho troons
dispersed them. Tho entire loss was
fifty or sixty. Tim dilllculty Is said to
havo arisen from n suspicion that a
member of the Loyal League had been
hung, but who has .since been found.
lost or lUllH'Al, Rui.k. Sinco tho
surrender of Leo's army tho Radical
Government nt Washington have hor-
rowed about eight hundred millions of
dollars, and havo collected In addition
thereto from tho peoplo during the same
period, by way of taxes and custom du
ties, fourteen hundred millions, which
make two thousand two hundred mil
lions that thoy have expended slnco tho
oso of tho rebellion. This is ono-hall
of tho entire debt of Great Rrltain, nnd
more than tho entire amount expended
by tho National Government from tho
tlmo that Geoigo Washington was
imugurated President up to the close
of Ruchunan's administration, dtirlnir
which time tho country went through
two successful foreign wars, and nny
number of wars with tho Indians, and
also acquired all tho territory of tho
united states west of tho Mississippi
River. Theso facts speak for them
1 UK army worms havo left this city.
A. 1 . Tribune.
How do you llko thaLsoldler-cltlzens
you who fought under Rlalr, Han
cock, Franklin, Kwlng, Slocum, Aver-
in, imiuy, Minim, Knipe, F.nt, nnd oth
er gallant men who attended tho Now
ork Soldiers' Convention'.' Horace
Greeley, ball of Jeff Davis, tho negotia
tor for a "dishonorable peace" with tho
commissioners In Canada, casts this
cowardly slur upon tho bravestnnd best
ofllcers of the army, and In mo same
breath asks you to voto for hls'nutoma
ton, Grant! What do you say, "army
BimiNd the four years of President
Polk's administration, which Included
tho Mexican war, tho expenses of tho
War Department wero t90,r, 10,788, Tho
expenses of that samo Department for
tho year ending tho 1st of July, 1808,
tho third year of pence, iiro12S,8.58,IOI,
or over MS,000,000 moro during ono
year of peace than thoy wers during
four yenrs of Democratic rulo with tho
Mexican wnr on their hands. Is thore
uny wumicr nun mo cost or living re
mains at nil oppressive figure to tlio
mechanics nuil laboring classes of (ho
Sti'.vkns calls G reeley n " scarf crow."
Greeley calls Stevens u blncklo, For
ney calls Cameron nn old villain, and
Cameron declares Forney a rascal. All
theso Radical leaders aro eminent truth-
On ftHtrlko- tho sun.
A letter.
To Tin: Pr.ot'i.u:
When the courso of
political ovenls hns carried us beyond
thu. legitimate Influence of Issues nnd
questions which lived In the past, ntid
has left them with Its dead i ho is tho
most foolish of mortals, who will not
permit It nlso to carry him beyond the
passions of the tlmo gono by, and allow
the dead past to bury its dead.
How many political Issues havo not
tho last seven years destroyed how
many old political, not to say personal
friendships have they not dissolved
with what new men and new measures
havo they not brought us Into contact
how has tho Inexorable logic of events
marched with Iron heel over our most
cherMicd opinions, nnd trampled In
mlrcnnd goro our prejudices nnd our
hopes !
New Issues, new questions, new com
bluntlous havo risen nnd demand nil our
attention, while tho world nnd Its af
fairs are moving steadily onward ; nnd
yet, from beyond that gulf of seven
years which divides tho past from tho
present, men who cannot rlso lo the
comprehension of tho actual, drag tho
dead carcass of forgotten questions
which can never ngnln live, and which
have no bearing upon tho present, be.
fore you, nnd attempt to nrouso tho
passions and prejudices of n past polltl
cal era.
Ono of tho nbsurd fosslllsnu of
tho day, Is thoattcmpt to rovlvo against
Col. HI ram R. Kline, tho worn out pas-
slons of tho past. Col. Kline had n
Beat In tho , Legislature of Pennsylva
nia miring mo session or ISGl. It was
a most Important session. Tho war
had Just broken matters of loir.
lslatlon were arising, tho fountains of
tho political deep seemed to bo break
ing up, nnd men's minds wero alt at
sea; and yet, nmld nil tho exciting
mailers coming up for action nnd ad
Justment, hut three mistakes wero over
charged against him ; nnd I propo-o In
tho lights that time has shed upon
mem, in oxnmlno them, nnd seolf thev
nro to be charged upon him ns crimes,
or whether, indeed, his action lias not
been Justliled by tho event.
Thosn tliion questions nro the follow
ing. First Tho dog tax.
Second The Tonnage tax.
Third Tho Sunbury & F.riu Mort
gage. As to the "Dog Tax," It does not
deserve even an examination. It has
been the lnw of our county for seven
years, and if wrong or Injudicious, It
could long ngo.havo been repealed. No
body that I over heard of asked for lis
repeal; but very many citizens did.
only last year, ask that tho tax on Dogs
bo raised to one dollar. Such a two
penny objection to Col. Kllno onlv
shows tho utter weakness of his oppon
ents,and precludes tho ncccssl ty for fur
ther reply.
"Tho Commutation of thoTonnntro
J am persuaded that It Isn sublect but
little understood, andby nonolcss, than
by those who arc now making it mnt-
tcr of denunciation.
In tho year 1857, threo years before
Col. Kllno was u member, tho Leg-
isiaiuro passed an act for tho salo of tho
Main Lino of tho Public works. Since
lSlo tlio Pennsylvania railroad com
pany had paid a tonnngo duty on all
freights received between Hnrrisburg
ami I'lttsuurg, wlilclnvero carried moro
than twenty miles on tho said railroad,
which said tax was Intended to com
pensate- for nny probable diminution In
tho receipts of tho Main Lino, then
owned by tho State: and which tax-
was a bonus paid by tho company for
tho privilege, of building tho road, in
competition witli tho works then ow n-
ed by tho State. Rut when, In 1H57, tho
warp sola us improvements, to protect
which, said tonnngo tax had been im
posed, it seemed ns if tho State, havinir
divested itself of Its works for a full, or
what was deemed by tho Legislature, a
full compensation, should no longer tax
Its citizens for tho benefit of n rival cor
poration. Reeatisolt was said, loo, that
this tax was paid by tho flour, tho cat
tle, the iron, nnd tho grain Hint went
Into tho consumption of the laboring
man, una oi every oilier citizen of tho
Surely there Is nothing unfair or un-
usl in nil this.
Ry the same net for tho salo of tho
Main Line, tho Pennsylvania rail road
company werc.upon bccoinlnir tho our-
cha-ers for thejsiim or$7,500,(JOO,nnd tho
iiyment nlso of tho sum of 81.500.000.
n five per cent bonds of tho Conmanv
to bo "rcleiwd from tho payment of nil
other taxes or duties on Its capltalstock,
uoiuis, dividends or property."
Uiiat was tho condition in which Col.
Kllno found tilings when ho took his
seat. There had been law suits about
It nlready, and the mailer had to bo
adjusted. Tho company offered to
comproiniso by paying tho Slato
annually, till tho year 1S00, $160.-
000 to submit to. and nav all Ihvom nn
tlieir property to which thov mb-lii i..
mado liablo to tho State, to reduce their
charges on local trade, nnd lo pay in nd-
iimou,ouo, to tho bulldlngof colla
teral railroads.
Thus Instead of getting out of tho
ompaiiy $,000,000-nnd eternal law
suits, tho whole caso was compromised,
nnd thu Stnto actually receives ?13,S7u,.
000, and which , tho provisions of tho
net, goes to pay tho State debt.
'Iheso aro facts proved bv tlio record.
and 1 submit that so far ns Col. Kllno
had any thing to do with shaping them
they nro not disgraceful to him cither ns
n legislator, or as a man. It wns a ne
cessity for tho State, and tho best that
could budouo nud It wns an act of Jus
tlco to tho people of tho So too.let
Justice be done to Col. Kllno In tho mat
ter.though tho Heavens fall. Notwltli
blandlug all this liowexr,COL. KLINE
'Commutatlonof thoTonnagodutlds,"
which was nevertheless passod by tho
Logislatureand signed by tho Governor
nnd becamo n law.
Third "Tho Sunbury and Erlo Rail
road Mortgago." Tholmmenso success
a business Investment, of tho Peim'n.,
Slato Central railroad, Induced capital-
isis io projoci mo building of a similar
work through another portion of tho
ointoi to wit, from Philadelphia lo
Erlo, being In tho whole length, nenrly
Ilvo hundred miles, nnd for tho s-pneo of
nearly thrco hundred miles j viz. from
Sunbury to Erlo, through a portion of
tho Stnto entirely unimproved, After
great oxerllons nnd tho expenditure of
u largo sum of money, In 1801 tho work
stuck Tor want of funds, with a debt of
six hundred thousand dollars, and a
mortgngo for seven millions. Tho debt
for MOO.OOO wns lhe first lieu on tho
road, nnd tho Slato owned three nnd
n half millions secured In thomortgnge.
A salo on tho debt of $000,000 would di
vest tho mortgago, nnd tho Stnto would
loso Its money, for tho unfinished road
wns comparatively valueless.
It was therefore provide that to ralso
tho money to secure tho building of tho
road, tho soven million mortgago bo
cancelled, and tho company authorized
to Issue ilvo millions of bonds secured
by ajirst mortgage, nnd to secure tho
Stalo by n second mortgage.
It wns objected at the time, that by
thus postponing tho claim of tho State
It would ho endangered, If not lost,
A llttlo moro than soven yaws havo
passed slnco then, nnd what do wo sco'.'
That samo HOI) miles of railroad runs
through tho richest coal and oil region
in tho Slate. Hundreds of millions of
dollars In the shnpo of those staples
have been brought to market by that
road. Tho vnluo of property has In
creased nlong Its line, in some Instances
n thousand fold. Mines havo been
opened, wells sunk, forests cut down,
nnd a steady stream of coal, oil, and
lumber hnvo been pouring over tho
road. With almost 800,000 tons of
rrelglitiige,n;!5,ril2 passengers havo trav
elled upon It during tho last year nlono.
Towns, cities, and villages havo
sprung up along tho route, where but
Intcly wero found only Interminable
woods. Tlio Increased valuation of
courso enormously lnercaso tho taxes
paid to tho Stalo ; and tho railroad and
its equipments from Sunbury to Erie Is
worth $20,000,000. Tho claim of the
Slato Is abundantly safe. No man de
nies It.
In favoring Hint measure, Col. Kllno
showed himself a far-seeing statesman.
While others doubted, ho looked Into
tho iiiture, and seven years has-o vindi
cated hisjudginent. Nono of his acts
seem, in tho light of tho present, Justly
censurable, most of them highly com
mendable. His votes were neither
mistakes nor crimes, and the peo
ple will do lilmjustice.
John (i. Fi:F.r.zn.
Rlonnisbiirg, .inly 21, IRflS.
Address of tho Democratic State
Di:mooi!Atic Statu Com. Rooms, )
Cli:ai!i:ii:m), Pa., July 1 1, 1S0S. J
To the People of I'ennsyleunia:
The political contest Just entered into
is laden with gravo results to your busi
ness and lo yourselves,
Tho Radical party asks a renewal of
Its power and a continuance of Its ml
Defeated In every recent election, it
now disguises Its principles nnd trust:
for success to tlio military prestige of nn
available candidate.
It oilers to Grant tlio shadow of pow
er, as a price for securing tlio reality to
Its success will bring you continued
mlsgovernment by n Radical Congress,
tho control of every department of the
government by Radical domination
nnd tho perdetuatlon of its iniquities,
its extravagance, its elevation of tlio
negro, and tho prostration of your busl
ness interests.
It camo into exlstanco to benefit the
negro j its devotion lohls interests gave
us lour years of war, grinding taxation
nun tlirrn thousand millions or debt;
Its determination lo placo tho negro
over tno wliito man has for moro than
threo years kept society shattered, com
mcrcn paralyzed, Industry prostrated,
tho national credit polow par, and tho
union divided.
It lias governed us for nearly eight
years: tho History of its first adminis
tration is written in four years of blood
and recorded In nn enormous nntionnl
debt j tho history of its second adminis
tration is that of nearly four years of
peace, with absolute power, and a Un
ion not restored, n government of tho
sword, business destroyed, taxation
crushing tho energies of tho people and
tho negro ve.sted with tho balance of
Its end and aim Is tho preservation of
lladlca! power through tho votes or no.
groes, and to this will bo sacrificed your
material interests, mid, If necessary,
your personal rights and your form of
Military rule oppresses tho nation
and eats out tho substance of tho people.
it is nt mat Grant should lead the par
ty that maintains that rule, for his lau
rels were gathered by tho sword alone,
Uio Democratic party, placing itself
upon tlio Constitution, pledges Itself to
strict obedience thereto, to tho mainte
nance of tho government created there
by, to the supremucy of law, to a re
form of abuses, to economy In adminis
tration, lo equal taxation, nnd to justice
to mi.
It antagonizes nud denounces that in
famous policy which, during more than
thrco years of peace, has overtaxed the
peoplo, lias governed by tlio Bword and
lias destroyed tlio credit of tho nation
lis policy is oiio of thoughtful fore
sight, of cautious statesmanship: it
seeks no. now path j but by tho line of
tho written law, In tho light of experi
ence, it will guldo tho Republic back to
tho highway of progress and prosperity
and will restore It to national credit
and fame.
It presents to you with prido Its can-
um.uu iur tnu j-resiucncy : iiou.VTio
SuvMouit, of New York, a statesman
and un honest man. Capable and pure.
possessed of largo oxperienco, nnd gift
ed wltlt thu rarest qualities of tho head
and of tho heart, strong In Intellect,
souim in judgement nud prompt In ac
tion, nono mbro competent to lend us
back to tho haven of law nnd order.
Pennsylvania owes him a debt ofgrat
Undo for his prompt aid when her bor
der was attacked.
The issues nro before you i thov nro.
Tho statesman against tho soldier:
intellect ngnlnst force; tho law ngainst
uiu sworn.
It Is for you to determine which of
uioso will best suit our present unlinp-
j'j twimuiuu,
iiy orucr or tho JJomocratio State
Tins Rndlcals aro badly frightened at
tho wont of llfo In their ranks, nnd tho
uuunimiiy nnd enthusiasm with which
Democrats and Conservatives rccelvo
tho nomination of Seymournnd Rlalr.
Thoy can neither coax nor drlvo their
adherents Into a worm support of
Washburno's man Friday. Let Demo
ciota seize tho opportunity, and by
thorough organization and determined
effort, inako tho coining victory so over
whelming that not a vcstlgo ot Radl
cnllsm will ronialu nfler tho first Tues
day In November,
letter From Mr. Soollttlc.
The duty of Conservative llcpulil'uans
l.l'i.v nH Patriotic Men without J)t
Unction of Party, Should Support
neymour ana Jtiair.
Washington, July laili, IMS.
O. Jf. Ostrandcr, JCsrj., Danville, I'd:
Diiah Sun Inm lu receipt of your
letter of tho loth Inst,, In which, speak
lug for yourself nnd n number of other
conscrvntlvo Republicans of your (own
you express n "sensoof disappointment
nnd regret that no better names had
been offered by Iho Democratic party
to lend tho conservative nnd patriotic
masses of tlio peoplo to victory, and
tho Radical Republican party to deser
ving and merited defeat. As a gentle
man nud a .statesman, Mr. Seymour
noms our respect, but ns n Peace Demo-
crnt wo nro Indisposed to voto for lilm;"
nnd, you nro pleased to say, that, if my
name, among others, had been placed
nt tho head of tho ticket, "all would
ii.Mu gunu wen, nun victory would nave
been certain." You desire my opinion
upon mo situation nnd "(ho prospects
or n third party."
I thank you for Iho conlldenco thus
reposed In me, nud shall not shrlnk
fiom (ho responsibility or stating frank
ly my opinion.
i no not twine tno organization of
any third party Is wise, or cm work
any practical good to tho great cause In
which wo aro engaged. In tho very
nature of things, when great principles
nro at stake, there are, mid there can be
but two effective political parties. "He
that Is not for me, is against me," In
politics ns well us lu religion, is n truth
upon which every wlso man is com
polled to net.
What then Is tho great and paramount
l-suo i What Is that great nnd unpar
donablo wrong for which tlio Radical
party Is now arraigned nnd should bo
overthrown '.'
It is substantially this:
lu violation of tho Constitution in
violation or pledges made and often re
peated, from tho first battle of Rail Run
to the end of tho wnr; pledges to tho
-North lo get men nnd money; pledges
especially made (o tlio Democracy to
get their support In tho Held mid in the
elections; pledges mado lo tho South to
induce thorn to lay down their arms
and to renew theirnlleglance.midplcdg
os to foreign powers to prevent Inter
vention In violation or all theso sol
emn pledges, upon which wo invoked
tho blessings of Almighty God upon our
cause, and by which nlono wo gained
strcngtli to master the rebellion In vi
olation of tho natural nnd Inalienable
right of tho civilized men of every
State to govern themselves, nnd In vio
lation of tho clear provisions of tlio
Constitution which leaves to each State
for Itscir tho right to rcgulato sufl'rage,
this party has, without trial, by cxbosl
facto laws, disfranchised hundreds of
thousands of tho most Intelligent of our
citizens, and has forced upon ten States
and six millions of ourown Anglo-Saxon
race, the universal and unqualified
suffrage of seven hundred thousand Ig-
norant, and, lu tho main, half civilized
This is tlio great wrong for which that
party is arraigned at the bar of public
Judgment, and for which it should bo
'l o consummate that great wrong.thev
havo abolished nil civil iroveniiuonl.
and civil liberty, even in theso (en
Stales ;
They have established five absolute
military despotisms, wherein all rlirhts
of life, liberty, nnd (property, are sub-
jeet to tlio will of ono man ;
uncy havo Kept tho Union divided :
They havo prevented tlio restoration
of Industry ;
I hey hnvo kept down the credit of
mo uovcrnincnl, during threo years or
peace, to a point so low that, to tho
shamo or every American, tho six per
cent, bonds or tho United States sell for
only 73 in gold, whilo the bonds of Urn
zll, bearing only four per cent, interest,
bring over !0 In gold.
I hey havo encroached upon tlio hist
rigntsoi mo l-;xecutlvo;
'iney navo threatened tho iudenend
enco of tho Supremo Court ;
ihoy havo unjustly, nud without
cause, impeached and put upon trial lhe
rresiuent liimseir, and, byoverv spe
cies ol denunclntlon.mideven bv threats
or assassination, havo endeavored to
force thoSenalo to convict him, In order
to placo lu tho oxecutlvo chair ono who
will uo all its power to consummate
that gigantic wrong against tlio Con
stitutlon, against our plighted faith,
against civilization, nnd ngainst our
own race and kindred.
mho Lonventloii lu New York met
for tho purpose of organizing to over-
throw tho party lu power for this great
wrong, and to restore tho Union mid
tho Constitution, nud tho rights of tlio
Slates and of nil tho States under It.
rsow, I do not say tho nominations
mado at Now York aro tho very best
mat could navo been made for that pur
a no elements to bo organized Info a
victorious army wero four fold. To use
u military figure, there wero four army
corps io no organized Into ono grand
army : ,
i' irst. i no great Democratic corps ;
Second. Tito War Democratic Corps;
Third. Tho Conservative Ropubllcai
Corps ;
fourth. Tho Civilized Southern
tho first, or Democratic Corns, was
fully organized, with ranks well filled
but not In sufficient numbers to secure
tlio victory.
'there wns tho War Democratic Corns
which supported Lincoln In 1601; but
wnicn, in consequence of tho great
wrong nhovo mentioned, wns ready to
sever useii iroin tho Radical. Army un
der General Grant; nnd there was tho
ivonscrvatlvo Republican Corns, of
,vhlch you nrc pleased lo speak of mo
as n icauer, who, for tlio samo reasons,
wero ready to Join tho Grand A'rmy,
nnd do nil in their power to bring suc
cess io our cause,
Tho two last nro thu rccrnltlm? corns.
Thoy hold tho halanco of powor. Asa
matter oi policy, had tho first olllco
been given ton chief or tho ono ornfilui
other, It would havo mado our victory
more easy, if not certain.
wcryiiouy Knows that tho result of
mis contest is lo depend upon tho liu-
pormni question, whether wo shnll bo
nblo to recruit tlioso two corns in nun.
dent numbers, nnd carry tlicni to tho
nearly support of Mr. Seymour. If wo
inn, victory Is with us: If wo cannot.
victory Is against us.
In my Judgment, It Isourduty to do
. Tho very llfo of tho Constitution
Is Involved, nnd, with It tho rights or
tho Shitos oud tho liberties or tho poo-pie.
I cannot hcsltnto ono moment ; my
Judgment Is for It; my wholo henrt Is
in it. So far from relaxing, wo should
redouble our efforts. Rear In mind that
tho war was ended thrco years ago,
when nnow era was opened In political
affairs; thnt Mr. Seymour Is n man or
high character, of unquestioned patriot
ism, of great ability and experience,
wholly with us upon the living nud
paramount Issiioj nnd that, If elected,
ho will make a most nblo and dignified
President; nnd certainly no Pennsyl-
vnniaii will forget that, but for his
promptness and energy In forwnrdlng
tho forces orNcw York to Gettysburg,
that great battle might have been lost
nnd Pennsylvania overrun. Whilo In
General Rlalr wo have a civilian nnd a
soldier, whoso promptness nnd liuloin
Ilahlo resolution seized Camp Jackson
nnd saved Missouri from secession ; who
nlwnys stood amongthu foremost of the
war Republicans, In council mid In the
field, whilo tho wnr lasted; and, when
It was over, was among tho first to de
mand that for which tho wnr was pros
ecuted the Union of tho Slates under
tlio Constitution, with their rights,
equality, and dignity unimpaired.
Let us unite for n victory! Let us
havopeaco a peace which comes not
rrom a violated Constitution and tho
despotism or the sword, but a peace
which comes from n restored Union
and the supremacy of constitutional
law, by which nlono liberty Is secured
Respectfully yours,
Montour County Items.
Wi: clip the following Items from the
Sunstkoki:. On hist Wednesday
Mr. George Allien, of Limestone twp.,
whilo engaged in the harvest field, was
overcome with thu Intense heat, and
before medical aid could bo procured
died from Us effects.
Wo have heard ofu number of other
Instances lu this vicinity which came
very near proving ratal, lu Llinestoiio
twp., someslx or seven horses foil down
dead in tho harness from the cfi'ects of
tho heal. Ry our exchanges we learn
the tame eU'eets Wero experienced In
other localities.
Fata i, Acci hunt. Francis Rrndy,
farmer lu Dcrry twp., one day last week
whilo In the net of unloading wheat at
ono or tho mills lu that township, fell
beneath his wagon, when tho horses
starting, tlio wheels passed over him
inflicting internal injuries which resul
ted in death. Rrady was an Irislimnn
by birth and for many yens worked nt
ono ofthe rolling mills in this place.
Locxvr Stino.s. Wo noticed tho
other day whilo Journeying In tho cars
over tho Catawissa railroad route, that
lor miles many of tho trees looked llfo
ness, mo loaves as dead In nppoarimco
as though touched with nsovero frost.
On inquiring tlio cause, wo learned that
It resulted from tho sting of tho locust.
Whenever tho insect deposits Its ovum
death Immediately ensues to tho trees.
And more singular still, it always se
lects tho chestnut or rock onk In which
lo deposit its eggs.
Tjir.ninr.i: and Fatal Accidknt.
Yesterday morning a lad named Thom
as Jlonalian, son or John Monnhon, n
workman at tho Pcnna., works, whilo
hanging to a train of cars on tho 1,. &
R railroad, was thrown olfby n sudden
Jerk of thocais,nnd being thrown across
tho track, tho car wheels passed over
his nock severing it entirely from Ids
body. It wns a sudden nnd terrible
death and should be a warning to tho
largo number of children who nro dally
to bo seen recklesslyjiimping onnnd off
passing trains.
The Bight Hour law.
Wi: give below this law entire. Tak
en In connection with tho recent dem
onstrations In tho mining districts, it
will bo read with interest.
SiU'Tio.s" 1. Re It enacted by tho Sen
ate and House of Representatives of tho
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In
General Assembly met and It Is hereby
enacted by tho authority of tho samo:
That on and allcv tho first day or July,
eighteen hundred undslxty-eight, elglit
hours labor between tho rising and set
ting or tho sun, shall bo deemed mid
held lo ha a legal day's work in all cases
or labor and service by tho day whero
there Is no contract to tho contrary,
Si:c. 2. Tills act shall not npply to or
lu any way all'cct farm or agricultural
labor, servico by tho year, month, or
week, nor shall any person be prevent
ed by anything herein contained from
working as many hours ovcrtlmo or ex
tra work as hu or she may see fit tho
compensation to bo ngreed upon be
tween thu employer nnd employee.
Si:c. il. All other acts or parts of acts
relating to the hours of labor which
shall eoiistltuto a day's work In this
Stat'i nro hero by repealed.
Washington News.
Wasiiinotiix, Tiii'Mluy, July a,
Tho concurrent resolution declaring
tho fourteenth article a part of tho Con
stitution of the United States, passed
both Houses to-day. In tho llouso tho
Speaker presented a dispatch an
nouncing (ho ratliicationortho amend
ment by the Georgia Legislature, thus
making thirty States In all, or, twenty
eight exduslvo or Ohio and Now Jer
sey, the requlsito three-fourths, nnd
placing the question bevond nil iinnht
whatever. Tho President's approval or
mu ji-auiiiiiuii is not required.
Congress 1ms again disposed or tho
weighty caso of Miss Vinnlo Ream.
Ilecaiiso sho was supposed to havo fa
vored tho acquittal or President John
son on tlio impeachment trial, Congress
turned her out of tho room lu tho Capi
tol which it had previously given her
ns a workshop In which to mnko a stat
uo of President Lincoln, Yesterday,
on motion of Thad. Stovcns, sho was
again permitted to occupy tlio room.
Justice and mercy nro equally beautiful.
i'ay or Mr.Mlir.its i-'kom Tin: south.
Tho House to-day agreed to pay tho
now members from tho South from tho
dato of their election. In tho Senate,
3Ir.'Irmnbull, rrom tho Judiciary Com'
mltlce, reported lu favor of paying tho
new Senators from th
or tlio'Fortioth Congress, but tho eon
sldcratlou or tlio report was postponed.
Tho Clerk of thnrhmrnuiainnni rv...
mltleo on Mines nnd Mining, Isn negro.
'I ho salary Is $2,200 n year, ami tho vork
Mr. Wilson nresnnlrwl dm ,.i.,,l,,,,iti
Of I'l'ederlek A. Snwvor. nlrvlml iiiKi.n-
V .I T 'V. K lcrm 1111,1 Thomas j.
ftuui-iinnii u n ocnaior lor tnosiiort term
!,.yAl'?.u't!l'il,,tllro of fouth ntfollnn.
Roth Senator s wero sworn In,
f 'llli:. W'n nrn l.,r,.r,n.l U.. nr. r.
,,, If"1 'A10 (lmt tJo ham of George
1 .11 1 V 'i rmlklln tuwiiblil) wn? struck
TK.i F . 11 "f0" ctint'Siniy niulit int
nml totally ilcstroycil with Its contents.
I'lli: Dcinni-i-nlu f,r il... 711. t..,ii., .11 ,
ll,t . , " W, ,.1.1,1,(11111, ,l,
tr ft yostordny imni Inatctl Hon. Dunlul
. oorliles for Coiigrcsn.
Tllll Ornnn-ovllh. n.ii.n.w,i c.i ,
I , " . 1 1 ,. . v. 'I'"1"" RVIIUUI HlW
hot 1 ro-etublWicti nml tho clillUren
Willliiiri'luriicil Ihero lo-tluy
Tho Democratic vtitcrnof tlionowrnl PUIrlcl
In Ciilumblft county nro rciiucslcd lompct nt tno
muni r-liico of holding tlio uoiicrM elections, on
Hntimliiy, Uio lit day of AmbihI ln,lielnrrn tlio
houm of Ihrco o'clock In tlio nricmoon. nnil ov
cn o'clock Intlionncrnoon of llmtilny. nnd elect
by Imllot two- persons lo represent tlio Pint rlct In
ft County Coinenllon to lio held nt Uio ( ourt
Homo In niooinnomy, on .Mondny, AUKtiM.M,nl
12 o'clock, noon) to select two L'oimrewilonnl
Conferee! lo meet idmllnr eoiifcrcen from tlio
other counties or tlio District, to linmlnnlo n enn
dldnlo for Congress! two lleirescntetlvoeonfer
eesto meet similar conferee Iro.n tlio other
county In tho District to nouilnnto n enndldnto
for Member of Assembly: nnd to noinl.into ono
person for County commissioner j ono person
lor District Attorney ono person for Coroner
and ono peison for County Auditor! To bo sup
iwirledby tlio Democratic party at tho coming
election 1
Ily order of tlio Committee, J. (I. I'HV.KZh,
V. II. .M'Hknhv, . .. Clinlrinnli,
(I.W. Utt, .T. ('. Wkn.nui,
H..I. Mll.l.Allli, .1. (1. IJliICK,
j p, Hanson, 1 J. ai.ukiitsos.
Democratic National Tickot,
1011 ritl.SUIKNT!
oi nim i-nilK.
r in irr-riissiPiNn
Democratic Stato Tickot.
OH --11VK-. OIWlKNMlAt.t
OI' ti hi KtA COUNTY.
0aii(lidi,to8 for Nomination,
'Iho Mlowlm; Kintlehieu linvo been mentioned
for nominal Ion t- tbr veral County Olllces to
bo Illlcd by elect in Hi, present year, nnd lliclr
names will bo i iveivi 1 for tho consldciiitlnn of
Iho Democratic to nu Convention!
run nr.i'iiioNEJiTATivi-: t
tH frVK 10WNSIMI'.
run. Kiii'uKSK.NT.i ri vi: ,
von . om.iussio.n i:u i
W I R f A it 'il rtl E R Q V I C ' K ,
vat fpuit TOWNSHIP.
roll u.MMissio.i:it i
' : '" AIIIiER,
OK III OOM-Hl hfl.
'Inrhel lUp.irt.
Wheat per lim-hel $: lo
iiyo " i a-,
Com M i 2.,
?! , " , SO
Hour per ban tl. . . n (hi
Cloverseed t
Flaxseed 2 (s)
nutter . -. :r,
Kkss n
Tallow n
Potatoes i so
Dried Apples -J ?,t
j;rk 1(1
HaniH ?i
Hides nud Hhontdi-n 17
Lard per pound is
Hay per ton pj (jo
Hemlock Boards p.r lh.nn.ninl feet $10 (
1'hio " " (ono Inch) isn'll
Joist, Hcantlliu;, Mink, (Hemlock). 15 110
Hhlngles, N. Iper thousand h w
" " " - 7 Kl
Hiding " " n IS 00
ro. 1 Keotch pig, ?.w
No. 1! " " .. $.l
,.lnlila Markets.
TIIUHSDAT, .lUly;;. IsVi
Northwestern sup.rflnont 57.lsiffl 7.7."i
NorlhweiiLTii exlfn m .mim. s..vt
Northwestern fatally 1ukiii1.ini
rennsyinnin lum uesiern supclliuo... 7.70.J)s.
I'ellllsvlviuilailll.l Wflktern evil.) M .lik.Tift fl
Pennsylvania. and Western family IO.Uk.012.oi
Pennsylvania an4 Western luney liana.!
Ityo llourM.n;..i.H,H in.Z'i
Wheat Pennsylvania red, -p bus
i-BoutlUm .
., ' whlto "
IIvk Ponruylv. into rye, bin
Coun Yellow,1 L, c "
Whit,. P "
Picuvisiohs Jdlas Pork, bbl
.flM Beer, "
- - Hiloked Hums "
V " Shoulders V
8KE1.S Cloversfed bus
rTlmottivseea V hus
CATri.K Iloef vnltlolilti
cows, A head
hhkk.p f.v . il H
, llcaiIKo
S 1 13S U.T.j
I0l.I.0WKI.In sTOUFFi:it-A t tho ro sldeneo of
uiu i.riue k miner 00 mo llilll Inst., by t lio Kev
Mr. Davis, Mr V. K. Holiowell of liloomsbiiri!
1. ....-ii hi iiu-.uui , ui uiuiiuucrsuurK
BULT WAI1Y on ilieSiih ult lu Locust twp..
...iss ..iiiii-... r wary, un 01 lierwlck.
., ...; 111.1 tesnuit alio
ItoiiINH. .i.r.L.v In Oraneevllle, by Itov.N.
l-i-.i., . n-... JVU....1S, i uieeuwootl 10 .illss
o..i.i.iu,iiaii'-ii oi i-jwiiseuu cauada West.
Iheiuls 110 lisliun equal to Hooiland's Uer-
mau lliuers la isis of dcbllily. H impuits n
tonti nnd vlitd i- the wholo svst -111. klrel.ulbftis
tlioappHie i.usnaii enjoyment of tho food,
ue 1 oiiaui to uiijest It, purines Iho
Mood, ciM'mi'ood s.iund, henltliy.complcxlon.
v.iiuu-uir, .. jcuow lingo irom thp ejes, Im
parts a ',!,, ii,i the clieili.nnd clmiiees tho pa
tient Ii n a .110 brcnthid, emaciated, wenk
niulnoi ,s m ,1,1, -to a full-r.tced, stout nnd
. ni-.n.i. j,.-. iiooiiaud s uenuiiu mile
Is entirely fri from nllnlcoliollc ndmlxluic.
is n com 1 InatlimofiticlUBredienlsofllooilaiid'M
llltlcis with .pureHautaCruzltum.orunBO, nnlso
Ac., ma , Uio most nui-eeablo and
plcusanl picl'uratlousextatit. Tho lonlo Is used
bythoiereqiklrlDtisi.uood olid sclenllllo slliu'l.
lain. Prnolpviomc,(i,l Aiclt Kt l'hlla,
Hold by all rutls, Juno 12, 'tin.
Tho rtsisoiiljjiliy'Mlshler's lleib lllitcrs cures
so many dhriiractdl leases, Is becauso it Is Iho
best remedy Joi 'ode ranged stomach, or Dyspep
sia now ),feu;nd becnuso It Invigorates the
entire systeijii strengthens tho mrvous Hbres,
elevnlMlheiniiilarU of nil tho vital forces nnd
ustln, a )mjtst healthful tono of Iho enllro hu
mon orKaulsftSMe-llcIno that will do this will
euro andlslwiefor tho sliu.lo reason, that na
turo'sriliai)iJiTOt, Wu varw Irrsft no woman or child, how-evef.-Talriiu'mucialed,caiuiso
theso Hitters
regularly foil twenty-ono days, without tho ro
turn of iho -.siy cheeks and fair complex Ion
charuclerl.ileol ood health. Hold by nil Drug,
gists nud pelilirs.
Dr. R. 11. Uijrtmnn & Co., Proprietors, f .minuter
Van r' - ."I. Juio 12,-lt-
'I he groat amount of Umo eonsuiiieTTbylliio
lad eslurtr. "'"Hand arranging their hair must
inako nny u tlile hIiKIi woiild tlidr lalsir
part cularly deslrab lo. lung's Vegetable Am
brosla leave hair In such condition as 10 uiu ur- ... sun arranging a very uasy
matter. Jt ilmi"rt to It that splendid glossy on 'ouch atlmlred, eleuuses the sculp
i,,.. " .""'mired, cleanses the sculp
lull ami nil humors, and prevents
Wuftn'sHlls growth nud restores
rlglnalcolol. ' -siiisss. -ij I
batdoess . 11
hair tolliirlgt:
Edltod at tho Pennsylvania Instltuto of.Med.
elno, conlalns nn article on Dyspcpsln.IChllls
...... .t,., un,. jviuuey Aiieetions, iu which thai
writer poallvely declares that tin. u seienM
01 jicuirinepossosses no remedy for tho euro of
llioiu diseases, that is half as elllcacloiis ns Ml. I,.
.W Herb Illtlorn. Uo speaks from experience,
having used them In his practice for tho past
two years, to tho exclusion of all other remedies,
nnd without a solitary imtuiue of failure.
Hold by all Druggists and Dealers,
DK.H. II. HAUTMAN & 00., Proprietors, Lnn.
caster, Pa., and Chicago, Illinois,
Juno 10, im,
illlllnery Uoods. ltlbboni, Kllks. Flowers Pur.
nsols, Yanteo Noilous, Bklr s, 1" -ss ami .cloak
irlminliigs, an. Princes, all under regular ml-
"o.,rlu1;,vatetor'c," Ul W?1" M'!i'
Vi s!li1,;.lsri'iii-'l'lluV .KnWAIlI) 1IIDI.KY,
JuS' f j ',5 ai Mf'SS'",' M 7" Allen Htree s,
Juno 12, im, t mil nioeit .i,t ,ronl lu itowtlty
l-lvo mule nnd two female tcncliersfur n... .
llosdiools ort'onyimlinm towns lii" r! ''I."'1'
lion to bo held nt Centrnlln nn Tliuii.i,,;. ,"""
n, isiis.i-oinmciiclngnt ten o'clock, 5 -v,,Bl
Jul, WW.' 0.lXiiIc'uJ,
COM'JtlltA COUNTV 8.8,
TTT huh. Trnev italfi.;'".'"''. Irtii,.
v;. ; i ."VT."' ."' desccnd.n, .
consod, nnd to nil oihe Persm , teVted'll',' "V
IliKI You nrohcrcbyeltciltobonn.l
foio tho Judges of our Orp ons' i ??, I, ni',iKnr u"
nhnns' Court lo i i.Ai.V-. .' !.' V.".1 rt "l an Dr.
court, nrul returned by tlio Hlicrliror trTni!10 ""M
why (ho ui .hould li. ,t be "o 1 A Sn ,?,ll,0f
full not. Witness tho Hon. Wm. Weil I'r.'.0,'
A.'d "!$.' ""'J CuUrt' 1110 0VC,V), ,Varj! of 5Ky
.liiU yi -i:a ti i t.uut, .... .
. - "' it-cp i. iaji.ujiaN, Clerk O. C
It ANMf IIIID'I' Vrvnwii.
TIIK DlSTllK.T Couiit Of THE UNITrn Xr . . . .
,i; , r ., ::. ;.i , ,n'i'i under m
-o iir.iv.-il ,i..r:.
nV-.!i'1"'.''r lwr"iislni.'i'.
ii,, lii iMipear on tho 121I1 dnv of
I 11 clock a.m., Vforo I). 0crto,i I
' ";., l I-'xchnnKo linlel In l,
...v.. uiu,., iiuti 111 inr ofriKi
nl v
l . ,,. ;.,,.,, . ,H" niootnsburir.
I ii hi 1,1 ti ,1. i .li I. i-ii i . . ii. . , . . J-.n d Iscbci m..
riVrV : i r. . " 1 " " . mimrupt. Ami
nld'Aellwllllio'lmdire', o'V d 1 egMc'r
bo sumo day, nt tho Miinoj.lnco. '"tmtr' "I"'"
July- '"''"''"ffiwrl. I.
ThoCommlssloner'sotColunibla Counlv will
!'i?W.ti.V';i'".".w,,,cr !nl. "M" 1" freek
y-ro irfeet Iouk bttueen abutments, nnil fTOr
iow wnn-r'n'mik"1 '" m" nml "u fl'ct
I 'mu hi Ikiu I mi i.i u 1 .111,. di. .... 1 ... . . ...
.1. K.rowr.Kit, 1
Jii.'v'ilAo.:.!. c"m''"-
July Sl.'si,
iax t:e'.s notice in hank-
. UUPiCV In I in lll.trl,.. rvnirt nr... trai
led Hates lor tho Western District of pennsj lvn.
11I11, In tho mutter ol stilus D. l;.lgar, bankrupt,
low 10111 it muyconcirii! Tho underslmied here-
.V I! CS lint!.-., of h s niitiliil.iini.. .,2
nl IMIas D. IMKiir. of l-Npyiown, lu tho county
of ( ollllnb 11, ami Htalo of Pennsylvania, who
... ' . 1 . Ju'."icu a oaiiKrupt upon Ills own .u.
tlllon, by tho District Court of said District.
.it ....n.iiiMjiir, 1110 1111 uoy 01 .luly,
J. ll.HOllIKON.
J:. HUPTOV.-In tho Dlslrlct Court oftho Unl
le.1 .stales for tlio Western District of Pennsylva
nia, In tho matter of (.'has. w. M'Kelvy, bankrupt
'I'.i whom It 111. lyeoucei 11: Thu undersigned hereby
gives liullio nt hu appointment as assigned of
l-lins, W, M'Kely, ofthe town of Catawissa, In
I bo county of 1'oluuihln, nnd Mate of Pennsylva
hl.i, who lias been adjudged nliankruptupon his
.... .. in-i.i.u.., ..j- mu i.isirici. Loan, 01 sum ins
Dated nl lllonmshiiri', tho 17lh day of July,
,.11. 1MB. IIi:ilVi:V 11, UV.OT., Asslguee,
July 17,'CS-3t,
il ItUl'Tl'Y. In Iho District Court of the Un.
ted Ktateslor Iho Western District of Peutisylvu
ntn. In Iho miiltir of Isaao Vettcr, bankrupt,
To w hoin It may c-oneern i Tho undersigned here,
bv gives notice of his appointment nsnsslgiiee
01 Isaac Yoltcr, ol .Malnvllle, lu tho eounty
of Columbia, nnd Ktato of Pennsylvania, who
lias i.e. '11 ni.j.ii.ue.. .1 ..i.i.k. ..)l ....i. own m--
tlllon, by tho District Court of said District,
lv. lit l.I,VJIV , J 1 ,
July 17,'GS-3t. Asslguee.
tho Dlslrlct Court of tho Unl.
nil Miaies nir 1110 isieru j.isiririoi j'euusyia.
nia, lu Uiomatter of Henry II,
rupt. To whom it may concern! Tlieuuilcrslguul
hereby gives nolleo of Ills appointment as as.
slguco of Henry II, lluiisbcrger, of lllooms.
burg, In tho county of Columbia, and
or Pennsylvania, v. ho has been adjudged n bank
rupt lll.on his own pclltlon, by tho District Com t
of snl.f District. Dated at llloomsburg, tlio IT 11
day or July, IhbS.
July 17'6-3t
il. WHIT.MOYl:it,
HimonP. Kakk vnu TH Kl In tho Court of Colo.
use Or-11, W, M'ltl.VN- mon Pleas of Columbia M't.unty l-'l-I-'a No. i.
llKAVKit uk. Coal Co. J .May T. IMS.
Notlip Is hereby given that tho undersigned,
inmiiliired 1111 iiiuliiur by iho snld Court, hV dls.
trn.utotlioiiindiirlsl.,,, rrn, , Hlicrliri wUe
oltho personal property ot Dell, ana .", ie"e.i t .
bo paid Into Court; will nllend at the Iteglst.-rs
olllco In llloomsburg, on Wednesday, Aug. Jihi
lN,f, for tho purpose of making saldillstrlbutlnn,
All persons iiieheieby lequlud to mnko Hi. Ir
claims to said lund bcfnro tho Alldllor lit the
time specltlcd or tobo debarred from eomlii" in
upon said I1111.I. C. II. IIHOCKWAY. "
July 10, '(is. Auddoi-.
IIAUOll & S0N8, flilladelihl.l,
A Nil
.NOltl ll-WHSTllltN l-'i:UTIM.IN(l I'll..
Solo JlnuufuelurorH.
tV per 2000 pounds.
tSO per 2U10 Kiuilds.
Tho nbovo Mnnuies nro furnished lu both bags
nud battels. whichever customers preler.
j-Tho bagsjireluniform In weight IGOpouuds'u
Tho nttcntlon of l-'armers is especially dlrect.-.l
to tho l.ict that tbosuuicesof tho Haw Material
of w hlch the abo 0 Manures aro composed, uro so
welluuder control that wo can furnish them of
ssrlclly unllorm quality and condition, nnd that
t bey luntulu 11 larger percentage ufuiumnnln than
any other class ol lu.inuluctuie'1 manures 111 the
20 H, Delaware Aveuuo, rhlla,
Cor, Luke and Lusallo sis., Chicago,
J' Iiaugh's Commeiclal Manures may bu f.ic
cuied lioiu dealers lu uny of tho principal towns
in tiio edited Mates or Dominion of Canada.
. D. W. Masters, MlllvlUe, uud W. Heott, of Cut.
aw Issa, Agents, July 17,'im.ain.
Dr. Chnlfunl -having located In llloomsburg fur
tlio pinetlco or Ids protcsslon, Is nnxlous touwa
lion u new Inletest iijuii tho subject of Dentist-
" riiiMuiivnYouitNATUiiALTcirrii.
Tills most Important branch of Dentistry hu
d Iseovers bus nu er been properly Introduced.
.No truth Is 111010 obvious than that a natural set
... j w iui i.r..per euro win lasi its possessor a
... 1, in. ..iimil.. V-.UM ,iu.i ii j.ossessor a
uo, yet liu lluds many persons who object
ring inelr teeth illlcd, Judging by bltterix
ico that It Is useless. Tu such ho extends
.U..I1IU, J 1-1, 1IU IIUI.S ...1...V
Iho cordial Invitation.
COMK'lulllt, ClIALrAMT'HOri-ICE, ho will ex
Bluliie your teeth lieu of charge and convince
you of your error, He has methods of rilling
letiluiouT before practiced lu this section ol
country, nnd menus of proviug to the most
skeptlcu! that the tilling cannot possibly bo re.
moMd Horn tho cavities. Hoeoulldent Is ho of
Hits that lu tills department he will insure hu
wurk Mien man. lie also Iluds persons equal
ly unjudicial ngainst 1
objectliif! that they causo pain, nnd piodueo
soieness In Iho moulli, that they must liu taken
outwhtn eating, and that frequently they uro
thrown nslde altogether. '
i i1M.MlSw','.fUll'!.1,'c ?lshe" nu Ul "EA'' '
11-.UM8. Hewtllj.ut upnnysetor teeth, uprr
or lower, or part of ,ltlur, i.nd Insert tueui so
tliHt they cannot be dlstlnuolshed from natural
tei in, and gmiSMoE sutlshtiTrmJ" "Very ease.
An nelHil not nle..sea will. 1.1 whlsJt 111 e..rv
particular, need not tulco 11 n-0111 tlieouTT-eor tmy
lor It. as he allows 110 cum lo leave his
1 ins won
whlcu pruduces tuo slightest pain, or would bu
likely to cieato soreness lu tlie mouth. Ho ex.
tracts teetlt by the iwo of
that being tlm anaesthetic In general use. uud
rccoininuiideil by leudlug Dentists thlouglioui
tho Ulilltd Mutes. He will udmlu ster Ither
however to those pieforrlug It, "
COMIIANllBKKlIIM.howlll examine your
tenh, and glo directions lor presertlng tnein
Ileo of chntgo, ...,
Poundntull hours lu his olllco, next door tn
burg ' lii ''vul"', ' Iul" m' blllow '"rkcl, niooius
J illy tl.'bii-tliii
MAIN HT Ji U & II, II. It,, llLOOMSllUnU, Pa
Aro prepared to furnish all kinds of Mochluo
work, such as
Bhafllng, Pulleys, Hangers, Couplings, MUl-gesr-lug.
Saw mandrils, etc, Gunge cocks, Pot cocks,
Htoam pipe, togethor Willi all kinds of Htcam ru
lings constantly 011 hand.
Threshing Maghlnos and Horso Powers made
loorder, All kinds of Agriculture! Machinery
repaired, May B)
l'.llliiiJior,l..iiiiiiii,iiirii-,l (., .ir,
lorlrcsli higln Indiana Co. 1M ")c timri ''5
lor, linnlcl llnylor. Hamuc 'llay lor iKI
thoMlnlonfohlo,)K.tcrIlayor7re,i;i KSi' 'if
tour Co., I'll..) imvld llaylorlresldio,; AW,1 T"1
... .. . .j '., ..iiMfnil Il,iit..
nr.lnlin tlr