1 THE COLUMBIAN, J3LOOMSBUHG, COLTJ iCsfctl, . ?L". zzz rr -i- ,- - favmcv'is gjpnvtmrnt. rmi - J CanNv. Mnmtro Too Aluclil IVtrut, un Iiluaof tlio Uuni-llls of iniv c, wo luxvo but to notlru tho diowIiik ftiul Dlmillnir of cow-ynnU. This irob.ibly ovory one of m Iuh mcoh. TIih JiiKli't to ljOHtiltt.'Ictit ti Imiirees us with ihn boiu'llts of IiIl'Ii liiiuiiirlm:. Wo ru- lnumbur tmvur.il siuu lnstiuiet's, hi nil of .which iitcru wrio ixuim tutu uuuiii inn jwoll b nirruseil. Hoots, corn, ami i-v- 'ft.tl rfm.i. urri, ri.l,nil nlniiwf. tn nilr'nr-ti. lloiia ouAuUlcs. Grnsa wui croi'ii cnrlv s hi tho BprliH', when tlioro scorned to hu 'not fluUlKlent heat to shut It. Hut it VM'oW lit mum, nml wits cut when other Kvb wiw not yet In head. Three heiwy cutting wo luivo known In such etw, In which thcro could not havo heen list Hum two tons to tho cutting on nn nv- itrrtfrn f.nr nnrfk. llm inrn I'tntili.d n i liutulrud IhhIicI-i ; tho roots onorniously. Now this U till owlnir to nrtat fertUUu. "So"ifluch manure, coviirlne tho ground each year for many years without crop ping, would Hccm to bo Altogether too much. But U It ? Aro not such crops un equable roturn? Doei It not pay to lmimtro so If you cm got such returns? Yc-jj not only do theao cuttlo yar.ls provo-thts, but old barn xltisdo tho unic. Wo havo known tltcso to show tho bcnellt for fifteen years and not only dojldodly, but In largo rcmunera tlvo cropi. This shows how lastlu(?a boll may bo made. M iiirois tho host Investment n farm er I' . I MI:tlCl. it A II ltfl' IllVAM-MWtllK It f; I iit)l run away; It will not ovap- ora c; li will, If.u'omiireliciHlvely rich soil, rn ,. .my uraln any tiling you may . ; iy to it. It will always noil, and ncid wo say 1'or what price? Jf it Uttlo maiiuru pays, doubln tlio quanlty will pay doublo, trail o on. How then -ICtlils Isdoubleil asjoroof times? There Is it scoro of beneflts. Vliero Is rt point, It h trim, whero tlui must stop where a crop will yield no more, If moro ma nure Is applied. Uut who has ever found this point? Thotruth Is, wonovcrmixnureciiough. ll wo woiilil tumble, ipiailruplo our crops, wo can readily do It by uslug tho mentis which Is manure. There Is oth er treatment of tho soli which has its advantage.;, but manure l tho main re llancc, without which thorn is no farm Ins. Clay Armiml Applv Tree. 1i:ohahly no faqt in agrlculturo has been moro clearly shown than thatelay mixed with tho soli around tho roots of old upplo trees, whero tho oll Is until- rally tinculcureotw nml sandy, will net moro ciTeotually hi reviving the system whfn old. Di up or reuuvc tho soil to tho depth of nix or eight inches tho deeper tho better, provided the- roots nio not too much exposed by tle-operation, nml (111 hi tho cavity with a mix ture of loam from the-wood and pul vei Ized clay, In ecjiml proportions, Af ter tilling hi with this mixture, spread on i-oiiiu wnodnshes and gypmm, cmul parts, This will stimulate the most morbid system Into vigorous nctlon, nnd pre.-'crvo It In u llmiiishltig nnd fruitful condition for years. If ul the Mine lime the bnrlv of the trunk and larger limbs bo scraped and cleansed of mess and other parasites by the appli cation of powerful wash, as for instance liouse-hy or soapsuds the circulating xystem will exhibit increased power, and become rolnvlgorated without man ifesting oven the slightest symptoms of dlaeasO. I havo known many old trees, and moro than one orchard resuscitated in this way. Ju preparing tho clay for this purpoae, It should bu taken from the bed and dried by frequent turnings and exposuro to tho sun. When the molsturois oxpnlled, It should bo pul verized and mixed with tho mould sumo days beforoltlsapplied. "Mulch ing" Is ns beneficial to old trees, after this operation, ns to young ones newly transplantud. For this purpose, straw affords a valuablo material uiid so, al so, tlo spent tan and forest bcrnplnys. Corn Culture. Tin: .season U'iny baikv.n.il. with moro ruin than Usual, great car.- will be Hcqu'd in tho proper rultivailou of corn, sons to I:ef p thm-oHtis, light ns ppS'iL' mil perfectly freo from weeds. Krerj' .i stirrlpg of thpf- ill Is all 1 in por ... tg corn cnltiuo, for :t renders ruo. re.nllly soln!Iu tiiO"U or?anlcsuh stance,) which constitute tlio proper nu trlmentof thoplantjtimlnlso alrate.i the soil ami mnk.s It moro readily receptive orinolotiire. wiln n largo number of farmers, thu old prnctlco of hilling has fallen Int disrepute, nud except on hllNhlcs and rolling land, level culturo luui'been ndojited. In soino cacs tho change Is undoubtedly for thu better; but tlicromoclrcumstancesuiider which hilling com may bllll bo tho pieferablo mode, ami whero tho usa of the one JioriM plouglt Is strictly allowable. As a rule, however, wo prefer the shovel plow ami tho cultivator! und with the exceptions to which we havo alluded, wo think Oat culturo the hot. Hut tho main thing In mUlnglargo crops of corn la to manure heavily nnd to till tho land thoroughly. 4 Trcubl(MlllOIIIk. Can you gjvo mo any explanation or rpmo-Jy for tho turning of a cow's milk into whoy niter nil king? I havo largo number of cattle and occasionally somo or mem will become completely worthless, In coincquncoof their milk turning Into whoy. When milked,, tho milk looks healthy, but after stimding a short lima it thick curdUles. In tho bottom of tho vessel, tho cream rises to tho surface, and between tlio cream and curd a largo body of milky water col lects, leniierlnj,' tho wtole unlit for use." Churning this milk produces sweet milk, which, If loft btandlng returns ngiiln (.o milky water. 'i'HU Springfield llemtMtan publishes tho following romarkablo cireet'of tho reocut dampness s Itobert Uaehelder.of Hallsljiiry, has a 11 ck of 28 thcep, which during tho winter, worn Jiouscd In n plnco whero their wool becamo tilled with hay seed. They havo boon out to pasturo for nover.d weeks, nnd tho seed has Bproulcd, and they nro now bearing about with tlieiu a crop of grass two In ches In length. Ilolllusrcai foflMniitliiff. It la stated on good authority wo havo novcr tried It that putting peas Into boiling wntcr foruboutono nilnuto lieforo planting, the crop produced will bo freo from tho bug. This heems to bo tin easy nnd plnusiblo remedy j thopar of the seed will also tloubtlcss The t 'nllftH. Kvkhv man carries two Wnltets, one before undone behind, ami both full of faults. Hut the one before, Is fullofhls neighbor' J faults', the one behind, of his own. Thus It happens that men aro blind to their own faults, hut never lo-oslght of their neighbor's. 'l'lie llrlfrr nml tin- Ox. Allr.irr.it that ran wild In the Ileitis and had never felt tho yoke, upbraided nn Ox nt n plough for submitting lo such labor nnd drudgery. The Ox said nothlUL'. but went on with his work Not loiiunftcr. there was u great festl val. Tho Ox got his holiday: hut tho Heifer was lend oh" to ho sacrificed nt thonltar. "Ifthlsbo tho end of you Idleness," said tho Ox, "I think thatmy work Is better than your piny, i nnti rather my neck felt the yoke than tho axe." I'll Uontlicul l U Mol. It was u stormy day, nnd tho snow wns fulling fast, when n Goatherd drovo his (Joats, all whtto with snow, into n desert cavo for shelter. There ho found that n herd of Wlld-Oonts, moro nu merous nnd larger than his own, had already taken possession. Ho, thinking to secure them all, ho left his own Coats to take earn of themselves, ami threw tho branches which ho had brought for them to tho Wild-Goals to browse on. Hut when the weather cleared up, ho found his own Goats had perished from hunger, while tho Wild-Coats were off undnwavto the hills nnd woods. So the Goatherd returned n laughingstock to Ids neighbors, having failed to gain tho Wild-Goats, mid having lost his own. They who neglect their old f rlcnils for tho sake of new, are rightly served If thoy loe both. Motivis) or Givi.no. Hero Is n lit tlo fellow at the breakfast table. Ills father says, "John, you know your teacher tells you that you must deny your.-olf In order to present an accepta ble otl'orii.g to the missionary causo, now what tlo you think of doing?" "I have made up my mind, father; 1 won't eat unit ninckcr.il for breakfast.' "I am glad, my child, that you nre willing to deny yourself nnythlng for Jesus' .sake. Why do you select that ?" "Oh, father, I am not nt nil fond of It It is very easy to give it up, nnd bwltlo.s wo don't very often have It." The childrctiiippreciate tho illustra tion nnd smile. Oh I how innny boys nnd girls nro very willing to glvo to Christ what coils them nothing I Hut Christ is not reudy to accept such olfer-lugs. DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAO'S GERMAN BITTERS. .-2" Loll Xot Maok or Gnnr.N' Cm:isi:. A gentlemnn nddicted to enrele.-s Joking told a little girl who waj gazing with admiration ut tho moon that It was made of green cheese. This sho refus ed to ndmlt, but ho persisted lu the as sertion. Having been taught very ear ly to rend, sho hastened to the Blblo ns her rcfugo in difficulty, nnd perused at tentively the necount of tlio work of creation. Iteturiilng triumphantly to the charge she said "It Is not so, for I havo rend nil nbout how God mndo the sun nnd tho moon nnd tho stars." "Very well," ho answered, "butdoes it say tho moon was not mado of green chccso?you havo no proof ntnllto bring in tho question."- "Yes I hnvc,, for this was In thu be ginning, before any animals were made; nnd If thprc vcr&nncows,or goats, or any mllkglving creatures, how could there lie uhetso?" Huasuy and Watuu. Drinking brandy nnd wntcr Is quite popular with certain resldnts of San Francisco, who havo Indulged In tho IiaWt slnco the fall of 'l'Jor the spring of '."jO. Among thoso given to tho hahlt.wns a gentle man known to his acquaintances by tho sobriquet of "The ilnjor." Ho liked his brandy und wnler as well as any ono In tho woild,nnd Indulged In itns often. Somo timo ngo ho- was stricken down with dropsy, nml drew nigh unto dentil's door. Heaving of his condition, several of his old cronies called upon him for the purpose of advising him to mako his will. Thoy found him In his chamber In a very fecblo condIlIon,nnd finally broached tho subject which had Induced them to visit him. lie listened patiently till they had censed, when ho asked Hoys.tlo you over drink brandy nnd water?" Expecting to bo nsked to lake Rome, they all replied thoy did, " 'Twon't do, boys, 'twon't do," said tho Major; "Jiiit look here," ho contin ued, us ho exhibited his distended ab domen nnd swollen limbs. "I tell you It won't tlo. 1 havo been drinking It for tho past twenty years, nud you hoo what I hnvocomo tnj tho brandy has erapornted and left tho water on my iTiTest, nml It's going to kill mo. 'Twon't do to drink nnythbig. but brandy I" ACip:i;iti;ui(.VAci:.-Carry tho rndt luieu of your boul in your face. Let tho world havo tho bencllt or It. I.ct your chccrfulncn.iliofelt for good wherever you nro, and let your smiles bo scatter ed UkOMtiibeams, "on tho Jut as well nson tho unjust." Ruclt n dhmosltlon 'will yleld'you. a rich, mwnrd, "for Its nappy eiiccts win comfljjiomo to you and brighten your momonts of thought. Cheerfulness makes tho mlild clear, gives tone to tho thought', adds graeo and beauty to tlio countenance. Jnubert says. "When you give, glvo with Joy and smiling," Smiles aro llttlu things, cheap arti cles to bo fraught with so many bless ings both to tho giver nnd receiver, plensant little ripples to wntch ns wo btnud on tho shore of every tiny life. Thoy nro our higher better nature's responses to tho emotions of tho soul. Let tho children havo tho benefit of them ; thoso llttlo ones who need tho Hunshlno of tho heart to cdjcnlo them and would find n lovel for tho buoyant finturcs in tho cheerful, loving fnco'of thoso who lend thorn. Let them not ho kept from (ho mlddlo uged, whonertl Ihtiencourngcmentthey bring. Glvo your smiles also to tho nged, They come to them llko tho quiet rain of summer, mnklng fresh nml verdant tho long weary path of life. Thoy look for them from you who nro rejoicing In tho fulness of life, Ho gentle nnd Indulgent to nil, Love tho true, tho beautiful, tho Just, nnd IIOOFLAHD'S GERMAN BITTERS, AKl Hoofland's German Tonic. rrrpnrr.l hj nr. V. !f. Jnclnon, l'nunitriM, Ta. TAe Great ltemtdiet VOBltL Dtllilff Offlll MVnt, STOMACH, or DIGESTIVE OltGANS. Hoofland's Gorman Elttors Itt compound'! of Hit furo Julrcl, (or M Ihfy lr tnrtlu-liiaUy term rr i . n), KrlratUi ot lloou, llctlji irT nailuli,mak jniiriOTut!on, IK . MiiWy ronccn tii.to.l, n-l i-Mlro yfrttfrcmM roWtc mtmhtutt ntmy Afu-I. Hoofland's Gorman Tonic, in a romMnnUnn of ftll the InvinvllenU ol ih IliHi T. nttti lliu 1-urtnt ouallly of A'Jna Vru$ Hum, Orjiiiiu, itc. raitVlntf oiib of Dm memt iilcantiiit kiiJ tttfrH'ulilo rumutlU ctr ofKrcl to tin) public. 'llio' iiuforrlnft t Me.lltlno free from Alco holic ml mil lure, Ul m HooflaniVa Gorman Bitters. In cnnri f-t ticntui dcprculon, wtita torn fclcotiolU itliuulus U ticcvtuary, HooflauiVa Gorman Tonio bOull to UMtl- Tlio Piltcia or the Tnlc nro both ernmily (root, ami contain the iiun meJIclrial vliluv. Tho alomivcli, from ft arlvty of caunei, antli m InillKcuUon, Vi rHi Ntnoiu lVtllity, cto, U Sk very ai t to hn tu fuiatlom d rKQsed. The re ult of Wch lo, tlial tlie jDulluit utrVra from veTtrtU 01 mort of tba follow In j tilaooaci: Comtipfttlon, Flatulence, Inward Files Fulneaa of Blood to tno Head, Acidity of tho Stomach, Nausoa, UeartbuTD, Distruat for Food, rulneni or Weight tn the titomach, Sour Eruc tation, Sinking or i'lut tdrina at tha Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of tho II end, Hurrlod or Uimcult Sroath lnir, Fluttorlnsr at the Hoart, Choking or BuiTocatinir Sensation when in a Lying Posture, Dimnete of Vialon. Doti or Web before the Sight. Dull Fain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of the 6 kin and Byes, Pain in the - Side, Back, Chest, Xilm irll bs.eto.tUud deu Flushes of )m Heat, Burn hitf in tho sv Flesh, Con utant Imnghiings of .Evil, and Groat Depression of Spirits. Thcia remedies will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Jnundlce, Dyipcpala, Chronlo or NcnotiiUclltity, Chronic Dlanho, Dlaeme of ttie KlJnoyi,- sud all Dlicaaoi ariilna from s DMnnlcml Uter, tilomacb,or IatcaUnvi DEBILITY, RtRfLTixa rsou iit Cadii vbitktbi; PIIOSTHATION OK THE SYSTEM, lDrCZD ST Ult Itl LiBOS, UASOBBirHi CxrotCBS, FlTBU, BTO. Thcro Is no medicine sxtsnt qisl W Uieite remedies la euch cases. A tons and vigor U lm- Sorted to the whole Syitenj, tie Appetite Is tiengtlietied, food fs 1' enjoyed, tbe stoaischdlgests TMm promptly, iho tlood li purliled. .Iff tbe complexion becomes sound and Sbbh bealtby,u yel low tinge la eradicated from tbe eyee, a bloom U given to the checks, and the weak and nervous Invalid becomes a strong and healthy being. Vcvsons Advanced in Liftt And feeling the hand of time welshing hrsvir upon litem, lth nil Ita attendant mJlss, will And In Die u of thla 111 ITKUH. or the TONIC, an dlxlr that will Inwiil new life Into their vtlne. rofcloro In a mcjiuro the energy and ardor of more joutMul laa, build up tbilr shrunken forms, and the hiullh sud haplDiSi to their ruiimli.!inr)iau NOTICE. M1 DRY GOODS. Iloofland'i German r.emedlssr ceonUrfelk wsnatuisoiUsU Was mrspper o ouuts at cou& l'linckial Udlce and Manilla tor at tha Om. jnan Uudlclno tiiore. No. ftJl AHClf tiutek ItUl UAXAItJa JO VA-NB, . CAUTION; RAIL ROl Hit s well-catabllahed fact that fully oue-half of tho female por ra Hon of our popu UUon aro aetdura jBP In the ennuient ol Kooillionllhjor, a to uie tlalt own eiprcBhUin.iin-cr bMMBl fttl woll." Thy ar UntulJ, devoid of all energy, cxtriinuly hsr oh, and lias no appetite. Tnthlsclaasof ptrons the BUTEUS, cr tk4 1'ONlC, U titjicUally rccotmncudcd. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Arc mndo Ptronsf hy the use 6f either of thsatt n'medloN. They will euro every un df J1A UABMUB.ulllioutrl). Ttiouaandri of ctrtitl-'otca riave accumulated 'n the hands of the pronrltUtr, but apnre will allow of tho publication of but a fww. 'ilioitc, It will 1 oUort are men of note anil of audi stand ing llul ll.cy muni I c Ullitul. TESTIMONIALS. ITon. Geo. V. Woodwartl, Vhitf Juttut of tht Suirimt Court tfj'a , writes 'Ai'f.i I tj-Ma, March 10, 15(17. " 1 find ' II.f land's Herman niltera'Uai'o.M tonic, Urttful In diiKMllof tUdi jA'Kk Ktaths oo-ane, andof yrt-tit Uu iu 'isu tllllucaieiof di blhty, Kixl want of in rum ulUoii In thu a)aUnw " 1 oUi truly, lion, James Thompson, JuJgt rf Vu Suj rtmt tvurl of I'thHtytcanta. Vhitd't'li-hia, April 2i, WA 1 runildcr Mluullaiids Uvrm.in Ititlvra' i xaliuilU Mtdici) lit eue of attulti of ludlijea tl.n or lyt(iu. 1 certify thli from my rporhj'iMji it. Vour, with reiput, JAMLd TllOUl'SON." Trom Ecv, Joseph H. Kennard, D.D. ratlor of tht Ttnth lUiii Chunk, rUiufcfAi 2r, jclfn-I)(.ar Pin 1 haw bwn fretim iitiy retjuttted to cuitheit my tianio wltli ri unntiK'ii dulluna of dlHuiltt Und vt iia'dhlitcri, but. i- appropriaU lTfUT sphere, 1 luw lit allcafci.jiai.cUi.edi II T'j but wlih. a tliur woof In bullous UU sU litsUncfSftihipur' Uuitailytn iny own family, of the ufulnuk of Ur. HtkiflAnd'a Utrmun Uitteri, i dumii onco frum my mual coumw, to eiprwa my tu coiaIv Uon that, fur gtnti-al l.ltlty vf tht tyu'em, ant 4jctaUyjur lutr ComflaiHl, it u i aift (t.f vtiltubU prtfaration. In aontu tuica It iii.tr r all L but uiully, 1 tloutl not, It will bu wry UnUuUl to Uiuto w in) aulltr from tno h!a cituaha. i'ourii, lcry rt iictflly, X II. KKNNAltP, Lltflitli, Uluw Coatos Si From Kcv, E. D. Fendall, MlUiant i'iifor Chrittbi C'Arenufe, J'hiUUt I have derived decided bcrwllt from thasi 03 IlolUnd Utruiun Ultten, aiul feel It ir. prt 1 Ugv to roLOmilieitd them as a motlnaUi kml to all who ure auirvrlnir from ncmral dsillity o from flktsaus ai-Ulny from dcraiiL-umeut of Uiw Uvtr. ours truly, 1CJ). FUilUALK d. Hetltat4he JACKaON U on each bottle. All urftit. 13 Utrruau Drufc'jUl, I'roprktor, j j-ormcriy u. ss. tiaoiso ILIiKH'S STOlllC. I'HUiil AllUIVAI. Of KALI, and wintkh uoodh. Tho anlwcrlbcr linn Just rctunml from Hi" ,ltl"1 Willi nnothcr Inrco nnJ sclrct maortmcnt of Bl'ItlNO AND HVMMIUt (1001'H, purclinca In New York nml riillmlclplilani mo lowoit flguro, nnd which no 11 iieicrmincu 10 e on n moiltrnlo tcrmi nn can ho procured clo wliero In Illoonuburi!. llli slocl: eomrrlicn LADIliS' llitlWH U00D3 nf tho choicest styles nml Intent fnnlitonn, tnurlhcr with nlarEOInnmrlnieiit or Dry (Jooiln nml tiro ccrlcn, connlslliu! of the follnwlnx nrtlclcs I rnvpetn, oil L'lolhn, Clotht, CnnMmcrcs Hhnwln, riitnncln. KllllH, While (looila, I.lnenn, HoopHlilrln, Munllnn, llollowwnre Ccdnrwnro tiueelHWnre, iinnnvnio lioutn nnu KliocH, tints niulCnpn, Hoop KtU. Unibrelinn, Looltlng-Ulnwi, Tobncco, Coircc, SuunrH. Hire, Altnplce, OliiKer, Clunninon, NulmcEt ANIl NOTIONS UV.H 1IAI.I.Y. In Khoit, everjlhlns nnunliy kept In country fcloicn, to w hlch ne Invllen thonllentlon of tho public gcm-mlly. TholilsheKt pilcowlll bo iwlJ lor counlry proihicn In rxilinngo for uoodn. S. II. MIM.HUAriON. Arcmle r.nllillllRn, lllooin-burB.l'n. JOnTHHItN OEK On nml niter Mnyi.lOll lenvo NouTiit'Mnr.nbAHD ns NOrtTUWA WH A. M.. Dully to Wllllnmni forlllmlrn, rniiniHlnltriin Htinpennlnn lliMsc, nml MO P. i.. Dnlly, (except Hum ltufhilo via llrlo lbillwn 0.13 p.m., Dully, (except Bin ' TIIAINS SOUTll O.tn A.M. Dnlly (except Monl WILMINGTON AND VI U.W A. A. Dnlly (except Himl Wnxhlngton nml 1'nllnJI Ocncrnl r AOKA WANNA I i mnui itAir.tioAD. on nmlnftcr May lltli, 11 will run nn fnllowdl Heranlon rittntou Kingston Plymouth HhlckMiluny nerw icic IWoom : tlupcrt Oolng foul 1 it'll YU I'lll II. 111. .... 0.(10 cat ii. i J :u 7 1 1 n. ii. 7. D.llllllo U.ll) 7. Arrlvo Ai Norm il u.wi o. Tho 11.10 Train ntScrnnl u-llli l.xnrcn.lTrnln for N n. in., nrrlvlni! Ill Now Yol 11' G UKAT UHDUCTION IN 1MUCK8 l'KTI'.lt UNT'H HTOltll, in i.iciirr BTitr.r.T, Hl'llINO AND SUMMKK ((OOI)S. THK nnlwrllier linn Just icielvcil ami ban nn hamt at bin oU (.Inml lu I.lubt Sired, n large ami AKKOHTMKNT OK JIHUCIIANDISR purchnveilnt tho lowekt Hbuii', ami whkh bo dctcrinlnoi! toRCllon iw nioiUinle terms an he procured iKcwheie In I.tuhlHtui 1, roi: QAxu on tvv.xrur vkoihh ft. Uhhloi'lc consists of LADIKS' 1JUKSS (IOODH, choicest MylcH and lulest hnlilona, Calicoes, luslllin, Cllnsbnnis, l-'lannels, Hosiery, Carpets, llllks, Shawls, HKADY JIADII CLOTHING, yilluelts, Cnsslincni, Cotlomilcs, Kentucky Jeans. AC',, id AOL UltOUKHIKS, JIACIvKltAli, Qucen.sware, Cedarwnre, Hardware, Medicines, Diuss, Oils, 1'alntH, Ac. HOOTS & SIIOKS, HATH & CAPS. liiRhoit eveiylhlns mnally kept In n country store. Tho nalrnnngoof bin old filcnils and tho public generally, Is respectfully sol Idled. Tho highest inalkit pilco paid for counlry pro. .luce. l'KTKlt KNT. Light Street, Nov. S 1SCT. iwn. PHILADELPHIA i;au.uu.u. WINKlt TIM1 Tiinovait and Dinr.cT not; 11KL1MIIA, nALTIMOUE, LiAusrour, UI11:AT Oil. ltKQION Ol1 ri.i:aAST sleei On all Night on nnd nrter Monday. Tlillnsoti tlio rhtl.liU-phla run as ioiiowk; wiwtwa .MAIL THAIS' linvcs Pbllj ' Nmtll " " nrr. at Lrle I'IMl'. r.VPIir.sHb.nf.s PI ' " No " " nrr. nt Lit LI.MIItA MAIL UiiMnPhl " " " ni " " nu. at 1.1x1 1IAHTWA MAII.TIIAIW In. jvert IMc. Nollli " " nir.nt rhllai r.llli: nxrillXH leaves i:r: .. ,. .. sat " " arr.ntl'hl r.l.MHIA MA I L leaves I " " " Noi " ' nt r. nt I'h Mnllatul llrpicHscoiinci WAIlllKNA 1'IIANKLIN gem leavlim l'lilladelpbln n iiicton nt (,.lon.ni. and oil l.i'uvinl'lili.nieipiiiaai i uy ai 1. 1 p. in. All li-nlns nn Warren make clnvn conned nn a( I l-'i anli I In and l'elrolcilul Cc Ihriiugh. aeneralSnprliilei PHADINO KAIL X1 BU M m i:u A UU A NO i:m flrent Trunk T.tno from West for Phllnik'liihla.Now vine, Tumnnun, Asiunno, J J. H Jt O W K It, " Is now otl'ellng to tho public bis Stock of ,y r ji i A' o aoons consisting In rait of n full lino of INGltAIN, WOOL AND IIAO C A 11 P II T 8, Flno cloths nnd ensslmcio for Lndles coals, IIANDSOMi: DltKSU OUODS, of all pntternn nnd qualities, lnlaldn nud I'lluls or vnrloun fiunlltlcs and pllccs, iii.i:achi:i) and iiuown 'mdsi.inm, LA DIE'S FKENOH COltSETS, BALAlOltATi SKIRTS. Good nssortmcnt of LADHIH' d- ClllLDlWX UAlTMiiii. HOOTS. KresU Oroecrlcs nnd Kplccs. New nssortmcnt UI.ASM AND QUKKNS-WAUE, FX NO. 1 MAOKEK13L lu onc-lmlf and ouc-fiourth barrels. Now Is the llmo to mnko your selections, ns I nra offering goods nt very low rrlccs, nud our motto Is fair dealing to nil, nnd not tn bo under tiolil by nuy. 3. 3. THtOWKU. Bloomsbnrg, Api II I'.', 1W7. :nstnn. l':thrnlti. Lltlr. I.alii l ruiiiK ii-.-ivu jiiii iixiniiK ' iiws : At '.', jo, ami ,iu a; a. .v u.:i.n.iii.. connect nir Im l'a. Uullroiul. nud nrrl n.iNi. lu.oo & iijO n.m.. & : Klccnluc cars nccompaiiyin U.'ti P.m. trains without chnlil ninriun. Mlnersvllle. Ashlnnd i..uii nml Plillniloliilil.nilS.il 1,10 p.m., stopplno; nt Lcbnnoi siaiions, iuo 4,inp.iii. jiiniii riillatlclpiuanmi coiumuiafi KrlmvllMlt Haven nml Alibi and Susquehanna ltnllrnad, :t..v, n.m. lleiurnlng: Lcau n.iu, und P2.00 in., nnd fl.uo ami inrs nceomnauvlnv thu 11.00 n, . , . in., trains wiruuiiL niuui rain leaves iiiiiiiuviiiiiij.iii fi om Heading at 0,'(0 p.in stop rottsvillo atb'li a. in., nud U.I n.m and 12.19 linon. nnd 'J.00 1 I.niivn V(tth'lllQ fur ilnn'lsbi nml Husquelmnna ItnUrortU n noun. HcrttlltiK Accommoilatlon Ti at7,:uu.iii,( rt'XiiruniK iroiu i town nt 0, Li a.m.,, rc-tuiiihig, It ni i.iiu n.in. Columhlii llnlhoaa Trnlm: 7,00 a. in., mul (M. p.m. for j:ph l tr. ( 'riliiiiiliiu. .Vf.. I U1 JilUINl ll ltdll uomi j mi .Timrtlnii nl D.MI n.lil.. (illtl C.i r,riivnHkhnncI: at (Lit a.m.. i iww in' wlih kltiillnr I raliiH o: On Hiuulrtys, loa o Niw or mlflphlu ," a.m.nml.lip.m ntnulnii only lo llciullng; 1" HarrMnirij o,S3 n.m. nnd Mi) Hentllni;ntl.lO ntul J,.Vjnmi7, burg, na 7,00 n.m., nnd 11.10 y nml i.' n.m. for 1'hUftdelplila. Cniniiiutatloii. Mllfime. Kcai- curslon lltktls to und Horn all laten. i Uaygueo chcrkcil tlirough j 10 cncit inusbcngcr. CJpnoral H Kuudlnir, rn., May IW, IbtW, XTKW YORK PIANO KOIITE U O M V A N Y. lCl!.KTBi:i:U MAT.Cll ISCt.) Mnunfatluicis of (JUAND AND SCiUAUM AUUArFi: VJANO-FOltTEK. No. :U0 nnd 'M'i Fcroml Avenue, (mitNi.ii or 20ih hTitLi'-T,) Ni:W YORK Hciul fonlpirvlptlvo t'alalosuo nial 1'rlto J-Ut. Apia ji, us jm. T T rniiouihnii'rt (Iinwn CiIllollllPH X In a word, nio tho best In tho woil.l, anil lore wiui'iy i.iiijivn iiKiiiiiu; oiiiu,, Atwliol,a.ubvojKoN jAK(1I1()NAI, April SI.'Miu, ut liiiiailwayNcw Yoik. Fot.l. tyi.ll JJimgUu via Ktkk'l.liedl. pmoEo. nM9ad'. Gcrmui Cilt.r.,per tottl ft 00 II n " ". ... 0 iluoDuii'. a.nu.n Tunic, put up In Qurt wiu.i ..7., , 1 to Ii IkjiU., or L.J1 doun lor J HT Da not forget to tiutiln. well tlx utlcl e loj, Id order to g.l th. jmulp.. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. lioiiipon'ri Crown Crinolines Aio ciinuiiiiiK ior j.iciiin.'KH. rVinnisnn'H Crown CrlnnllllPH Are rupei lor iur j .lasucuy. lllinincinnM Crown CfltlollllPS L Aio unequalled for DuiaMIII'. si, aiitman. v, ii. nii.i.mai.n. v, it. hatmah, UTMAN, DILIiINCJKIt & CO., NO. .-ONOUTII Tlliuu hTlir.tl, (.Yiri uppotltc James, Knit, NitnUe ,t (b.) Wholcsalo Dealers In YAHNH. HA'ITINO. WADDINO, CAltrirm oti. (LOTiin, BitAnr-n, fi.t nets, OltAIN 1IAOR, COUDAail, AC. AI.BO, WILLOW AND WOODHN WAHK, llKUSllfcM, T11UNKM, I.OOKINO OLA83BS, k-fft. Mny 10, lSOT-ly. rpilK 15KST nir. MNor.u w.wino iii:ih Hit: Ms And Ii nils Iheiiilumu t'M nhi This MntViuo In Ihu .MOST I'OI'L'LAlt it 1 1 ii' en the fluent needle of an li towns Any lady wanting a boik s i: W I N t! Will lonsult her own ilileu HI,N(li:l:. It lnini.li r to i un. I nub r than any MaUdno luthi OVIIH SVl.tW OF 'l'lie rullff.1 liisllllctlon irlvell cliase,nml thoMachluowii.i, in on for ono vtar. l'lenso call nt liiv8loionnd snl llcroyou will Ilnd Ncidles, Til DAVID I.OWHNI1 Apill .1,'IM-II. Ill JOWK, KUSTON & CO., Manufacturers and Wholcsnio Demon lu COTTON YAltNS, OAHI'in' CIIAINH, flATTS, WICKS, Till YAHNH, COHDAaK, IIKOOMH, WOOD ANDjAYII.WW WAUK, ijuoicu uLAfiaia; clocks, fancy habkitth V4 AlilJl., 1 AJUiV, a(uwiiii"wm oncioTlliJT&a, No. 630 Market gtreol, south aide, ' ,, Philadelphia. at. ft OFINO In rollsfrtady tiJnWiialleddonn. IIOOKINCJ eoitlmi linufi less, and more durable 1IIUII A1U, ItOOFINU that can boopplledby any ordinary V wiirKiiiiiii. HOTlI'lNU Hint win not expand or contract by tho nctlon of tho weather, ItOOKINO that Is adapted to sleep or Hat roofs. Head for a sampUnnd circular. HKADY HOOl'' 1NU CO., St MaldcrlLauo, NowYorlc. May 15,'IIS.3irl, , ' ' " Vi riALEB COPPKll BT1UP XKKI) VJ CUTTEl! For hand or horse. power, acknowledged tho lasl est, easiest, and lu evciy way best In use. For salobv J. It. DECATUn& CO.. Dealers lu Air- rtcullural Jmpltiututs, etc., hcud lor lllustratud circular, r May,i9,'t.iini, JOHN 0. YKAQEIt & CO., Wholcsalo Dealers lu HATH, OAIU-HTHAW GOODS, AND LADIUH' FUIlS, No, 2J7 North Third Bircet, I'hlladelpUIa, I yjUTUAI( Llt'K JNSUIIANOK CO., OF NIJW YORK, H. W'jmTON, J'mUUnt, OrohS Assets Fib. 1, 18U1 123,810,810 K I nooino for 1MI7 ojso.ts.! ui Dividend paid 1'ollCy holdcis In 1M.7, i,37o,117 Ml Iirniost Mutual Coinpnuy In tho world. ltoiluctlonof Hales, ,. . john u, Fiu:iy.n. Agent, March ao'iw-tf. Uloomabuig, l'a. c 1 O U U M 1 I HlUtNAltl) KTOll iiAvivn Intel v mirclinsnl nnd wi-li'lfiiown UoIjIhoii HoU'l I'mjiL KW HOOItl ABOVE THE tOU oiilhohamo ildn of tlio Mrect. 1 IHooinsburttj nml navJiitf obtaiin inuhaiiiuiutu It K B T A U It A the 1'rnprlctor has determined to j nio vlHlflng tlio town ou bubluebf A ilOUE 0( Ills stamlpg also Ii extensive, a to put miguioa ana earnaeeg in tne Ihqh that evorv thine about bis fwlnl uo conuucicu in an orucny nnu jn nrui ne rcjcciniuy iioiiciis a kiiatt 1 uiruuuKV J..1' with LllTlNCWr, BOND All Manufacturers and Wholcsalo HATH, CATS, TOIia, AND HTItAj No. liailaiketStrctt, Fhlladolpbla. IJKAUl), SAVE YOUinfoNKY e & cuTLERYri nrrrrr- - . . u w v w W A 11 b, any whero ehtft Ih ,i. : I'losellnt ,"U?J'. "incii uefy a ii E a t i N v a .rrCl te-TIBa, n '-it V?rV.Vl Tl: OLD Dltuu htoiii! op ,'".bs..;u';" wh, k iti "Vino ' ' 1,1 fu" nm"' ' ,h0 ""'"" of ii,i jffAKL'Il.s' IIAHDWAUU "ll'lnls t'liemlcal,, Hff i pad trees , ,rAMES i, of , 'Z"''r' .VI, . iKL'It'M 11 I i. . .obof,,,,,.,, "..UV ATI0,,I!H J'erf,cry, '"""""""'"'isco,,..!!,.,.. J ancyHoaiw, ,,' "'" Combs, Ihushc, "alroil; ."l?1!". I'm, V'v,: t- H"'lln8ni.,lclieW?1 ' ' H' Wsnrsofnlldescrlptl,,,,, l,'Pe',fIpirllMcl(,. IIOCHI.'IIOLDAIITICLUS ,J"l.n,sottnUe, .,,,,, ' """, HiM,1M ,,,' h w,j''''-w,Uoos:mm' nyiing,.;, r.oci,!, urn. ,. ,!rc"'" ''""'Ps, ,,., "ubber(ino,N, ,,"w""Pl.HHWti,I11fti(1 known hlndsof 1 " '"l-ni..l i , HTO.MACII JII1THIW. r.VK i:ifu t. otforcarpc;,7 , lmnd.nn,,,',"' 1 ''?vo piano. 'rou, nud in. 'i ""ut,onipnss, hove!, ... iZ "!"' 'nnehlucs s. and nlx, nS.ifllr' limit ior ruri ;i-;oi'li: oi:n,:,(a,,IiV, uod. nmi al Si fliv fa '"Wooille'ry.prsiket 1 1 .-"in spiions, "": ITS, ll.nil.l COf. ullerl:iiv,n.. ",elrciilarsniv,Kanita.- .dH.'n''' '"'''.'0''' frtn. "0,K,'1' falls, rlnlhc, -. eon, p,,ppt.1N ,' hoiso biuti,.. . . ., . l;;elcall:s,(.nl'liw. I ICS, iimsn Kt i i N I'l'or Jt tllft., wkiltloK,,,.,, rani.l.rnrui "w, nails, turci. leHcelmniid boxes. ., ... . , ,.,i.-i Tllotirli.n. - "s -Z lyn"'' ,;'!' J0''" W in llloon,, 03'Coimirl-CVZ Stwlorl:o''),ldlailclphl-,. Miulv il . ! .c" ",0 "-"rncslly V;.,, . slock. '"""'". by examining n. lcinrnil.nHti . (Ill f IIUI .. . Ill ItAltl.lfa U' uvv. " '"ooinsburg. aOIJIJUTH, iirnnd Dealer In F.CUT.KItY,au,NH.Ar.. fhlr,lHircct,nl)vo Vluo Idlndelphla. i i. .. r """17. Kit, ffii Foreign niidlXimciio jjs"wSiVii 'h'd iiBn ''bo iindcii tntt would resi,' V.ecns of lllomiis,Uiglu,.jXlifilIy Inform ii.o "opened n shopiu Iroi.VpiitYs ,,t fc,i"; Ird, will ro hiT 1 il li'etl. fotwwn Main "Auslniss In all u bn ti. mu"S JilUi Prompts, VniWNa lnllE mW.! l'liroV''Ilallh. E.nair lv 17,a eiutlngs inndo Wl'ned ibatrs. jSi! iiiuii iders mo fcollcltbliVid eiptuuioiu. tire Hturo flmc" '4Vi lnooK Ai AlV. Wc'.'Vit Short nZ .-..--v:., 1 1.1T10AN. i A UWAItE. CUTLII.Ity. Jin. I'STIlKCT.An.CAMnui,,,, I'LADULl'IIIA, "invvaKe, &c. 1'OUNDIIY, frs,Coliiniw ,.,..,. . . lirmirlnin. . ' I is . men . L . " .".OI"KV'':',"Cd .11 kin...', r ' "''""''I to.o "itt'oi.ui.'nnx.mavp W-HTATIONAIlYL-NUINm, "IWIIINaMA..,M..u nareil in ,ni, ' iow-Irom, 7' 7"?' a " tlSS Fnn, J I. """ '""ally faClllllpa ,h.i' . receiv nl-Ti fmuml workmen ""'""'""""inexclmngofor iiient it l..ti '-burgHnnron,:0 JIILLMYKII. I INB TIN WAUK. A. JI. HUl'EIIT UJ """' lhat !l tl'i-T i , -Is V. " ". olli ','",e " w accomotlated wu, i',Aav stovin . uu uiomost icuon. rinunigiionoaltliofclirjiifttnoi v 'I K Mtlu OMMlDuri. im.,..i. RJdi Jnst lilted up nnd open,.,! JJ TIN WIOI' J'repnred In ,.,'ni, .... MiiWmlVi!,':!','!"' i VAKIOHi f.C''is. " "d ' Public pa'f,,1;,'1 ''.Finnic, ail April en, 1W7i jacoh .mijtz. lOOO & SEGARS. I'Y l-LAOK GRAY HAIR J 'J'l'1J'stlM.'Allli03i.ltl,4tol;ra,jai 1'...- .. . , " 1 "ri- Hut Iny SSVl -""ill'HU that lllno; made. Tl''i-rl.?y"'" Jt"" w,, WM baJ '". IJ Im now , rv . . 11,0 l'uru ' "ay ' y " tl.o Ami.ii.hi 1 1, ,t jjfnj, luaiU, "''(!,"'" ""'"0ra0 """ Wliu iiiarrh d the r.nn on. c L-il.l I '. .-i ,;r"'' . :;ffJ'ui:r.'"!'":'lr)'-y lll.uk., ""' '" i,iNi''.':'i.','',.,'',.,,,.''1,'l'll''ii;y, ' M llcr.l.iw, i,.,, , ,. .. . . in ...u.iiti.mi lint l.'., , iS' .''I 'I- II." I!. II tl.1.1 iln.-.nw,, nuo1,1,.f;i,v;;;i;v;-;;;:Mv ru i. ' - , ' ! r.r iiiutl i if 41)41 , I e tho .iMiiiioilt ,, ( l; , ANUInA,t;''PMr,,IE,t,,,S'PT'!'''."l L. N. MOYl.'ll ami ).;. i. IlOl.lllhlinrfr ..h.i . .. -w- I i It. MOYKIt, WlIOLISALlIAltln'AlL unuaaisT, COUNinc OF MAIN ANIl MAItKlkr Kfl'UKls itr.rmiuii,.w. ... w...lJllu where mil bo found n i, .,., . . . . Dings, " ""c.Miirt , 3IUWCINES AND fimnt.,,. . .. Alsonlllbo ""WJ, I'ATKNT Jil l, if ,v,, t am also prenared tn r.i,..,i.i.,. Ciislni-r.il i, . """""iryHiorcurlih cnsior Oil, Oodr.ey'8 Cordial, TUUMNUSTON'H IIAI.SA.M ..da...,.herme,,,c.,,e,,tfptlu,,,,ri;,,elni). t. l'l'lKCllplloiis l,ourSt ' i".i)mm,., nt all - -C -M..U( IS!, oTcVmmid, ';?,'''oni' i.illlH on tho famiVii. T, "i "lnl of I in v 'I wiishlp,';;?, J l'nrel HeiuK .AJneilenli llnv K.V Sf between lliu It, WALLS, hi ii! vp i ln,nurac,rcd bj .V. B' and Ibo Hn,, LtT''1, .VP'l.nf 1.4'wls I ,.o American i-'niif inVi ""'i'. Jiaj' Jlook. ;'o1Sl'V,m'1i'ol umlo m ,1 ?cnrllay 1,1 I'llACCO AND CIUAIW uom;sali; and hi.tau. lll'NOHIIIJItOIIH'H h s below tho America,, House, Jiioonuburg, J'n, largest and most sele. t ,,r 'OND C1IEWINO Toiia o thj eltlxons of Hloomsburg. AU fcsr Roo.1 horses Tc"nn u nw WS!" 11,0 ,n'w ' o hay, nnd think ii 7. nVt,i V.? .nUo a" It euttlnv S I f".'Jr'Con iiirrrvr,i';.vo cvtr . r "" " v,i.l?ru.'l'Bn. 1),. I,, n ii . Drouif, ','iV, DANlEf. NovEK. "''""nUfllciuiO IhO ecb.1 rn incuts: u"u Momr' agrlculturn, im", SUltANOK AUKNU'V, ONYDKU, IIAHUIS & I) Manufacturers and Jobber.! MUN'H AND IIOY'H CLOTH Nos, US Market, and 02 (1'Aeiil - Fhlladetphla. Q W. 1ILA1ION it CO., Mauufucturers of OIL VJAmili 'AND WINDOW HHADFH, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Hired rhUadelphla. I. " WALTI3U, Lata Walter 4 Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUF-ENUWAHF, No. 231 North Third Street, between lUca and.Vlue I'hlladclpbla, C. 11. 110HNK. W, B.KINU. J, U. UKYUIKT JOHN STItOUl' & CO., Successors to Htroup & llrother, WHOLFALK DKAL1CIW IN FISH, No, 21 Noitl, Wharves, und M North Water St., IHiUtulelpkla. MKUVNT'H 110 L -OUTll rouftTii .,. V "Wti)i snaAiiu 'FIno-cut and Plug CIlIJWINa toh.w. this counters. T011ACCO vivut ly nro ainoiia i.i . ).'T FOItorrr -lYi ..... . u V...J1I. ji. JiuNHiinitaKiL lUANIC'H IWALKTOII III Third filicet. raoiyj.,,,,,, - Whnlml i... .(I TOl.ACC0H1CI0AH1l..ra(l, , No.UNorlhTl.lrdHircCahovoJhuka, rmiadclpliia. Fnlfm. North Amtripa".V'',"',,! r InteriintiniK.i Nlaga ra " " maMvofitock ., l'utnnm i i " i Miffhm.l,. m, Norll. A ':'" " .viiiuu j runslt I1SO.00O 1,000,000 100,0(0 300,000 800,000 K0f 1,100,000 1,000.000 600,000 010,0011 xio.ooo 070,000 aio.uw 10,000,UX) 0O0.MIO FH12AH Illinw.V""J"".. , ...... ,, ,yvw( i-ooMsuuna, Fa XTJi"C,t Ke.ful.yai.,,n, . mil..... . . ".' '""omsburg and n, ,.." " w ..ui no i. running nn .-.. uu. bet.,. "-""JUUHLINK PoUdaiiwJ", ,e",a """llllerent r.illroa.i i ('HuuuyiL'irJ'hliiin I " v sovcral tram, going Umh7ZxTrtt " 1 uiooBisburg Hallroad v "aeuawanua nnd u.oU;rndZXrtVaKra,,'on'co'n'- l'orsous wlslilnc to .. w. ge rcaouabIe, P m t. can Z "'"'l0.'""1 ' their ft lend. . ItJIimuSTEIl A I3ROTHKU, BlIIHTH AND DItAWniW AUoManf:cr.,Ver;TE-Nl'',UI WOOD AND WILLOW Al'AHK. i "lladeliilda, Jn.Lmi a host" HlIfsVMJUnt... 1 ... l.uquoiw,:wiNcs,df... North Third HHeot, FMIodclphla. JALXllI I. Hlliivii. """""i JToprlstor,