The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 17, 1868, Image 2

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    Sffewi Ztomi.
Tin: high viUt liiis!looltilrii),(HXl
fti-t ill loj; on till! irc'iiiN( of n mIiikIo
Slitliw fiirmcr.
An fJtclmiiKo wiys Hint tlm k'tIi In
soniu piirt.i of I'oniHylvuiiIii nrosu liurd
up for liusliniulH, Hint thoy HOiiiotlini's
marry editors mul linvyrr.
Tilli OlitolniiH luwo tiouglit it wliolo
township hi Xclmiskii, 2.1,(100 iutih, to
cultlvntu iw a eiiiulo liirni, with MtrootH
laid through It mid mi Osuu lined n ve
nue nrouml tho whole.
Tun llsh In Inko iMollyehiiiikeinnnk,
Me., nro snld to ho superior to either
tho-Mi of Lako Wolcyksebiieock or
Mooslocknmgontk'. Those of Lake
Chaubmi'goKiiiigaiiiauK wero very flue.
hut nil got choked to death in trying
to tell whoro they llvnd.
Bumi: ono in Chicago hiw cnt?'jOU to
the Treniury, with n Htnlemeul that It
wui friuidulently obtained from tho
government. In this connection It may
ik) proper to remark that Chlmgo he
nuilim Ueuiocratleclty nt the hilo i-lw
thin ; hence tho restitution.
A vllovi:n of the inatiiroage nfone
liuuilred ninl two, was recently married
In Allegheny coiinly, Jlaryland,
A Iikaiima rooster nt Aineuhiiry,
Mais., was found to have thirteen
iiU-klu cents and two two-cent pieces
In his crop.
A million' tons of coal dust are an
nually consolidated for fuel In 1'i-aiico
nml lielglum. Tills it nil wasted In
this country.
A exclmngo says that the Menken is
going to write the history of her hus
hand, l'orhaps Urighmn Young will
favor us witli u biography of ids wife
A one hundred dollar greenback,
which was stolen from. n Mrs. M'llim
nld, in Boston, some weeks ago, was
tucked under her hall-door In an envoi
oxi last Sunday.
At tho lato election In Wllkcsoounty
Georgia, ono negro voted a Jeweler's re
ceipt for u gold wntch taken for repairs
mid another an old almanac.
A man In Dayton tied a motibter
Knapping turtlo to n hnnd-wagon tho
other day, and upon coming out to look
fur his wagon found It moving leisurely
down tho street, tho turtle crawling oil'
With It,
Ovhtei: iro tenacious of life and are
Mid to keep up their organization In
thelimnnn feloiimcli for u long time.
An oyster's heart beats ereeptihly half
an hour after it follows the stylo of
journey Jonah made.
A Southkun paper reports ft most
extraordinary yield of corn two hun
dred bushels and twelve quarts from a
bingle nere. This bountiful crop was
grown In IUchmond District, South
A viuow In Now Haven has been
sul for $500,000 for breach of promKe.
Wo cannot seo why men should not
have slilnplasters put on their wounded
hearts sometimes as well ns women.
A woman In Chill throw her husband
over n precipice. When ho seized n
shrub to snvo himself, bhc cut tho ten
dons of his fore-arm mid ho was dashed
to pieces, Sho is serving in Jail for fif
teen years, and tho monotony of her
imprisonment Is varied by one hundred monthly.
Mns. Jank Kinni'.v, of Virginia,
Warren county, l'a., recently becamo a
grandmother at tho early age of ill
"years, sl'ohavingbceifa mother al 1U.
The daughter has well followed tho
maternal example by doing Ihu suuiu
nt IS.
Two boys III Iowa attempted to blow
up a stump with powder. Tho charge
falling toexplodequlckly enough ono of
them blow tho fuse, when not only the
stump hut tho boys wero blown up.
Ono lost his head, nud tho other an
arm and an eye.
NATUltEnnd History curiously ap
proved each other's record In tho caso
of an old olm tree cut down In l.o-ilon
the other day. The (own record shows
that the elm was planted by vole of tho
town of lioston in tho year l".'t:l that
Is, lai years ago; and tho annual layer
of rings of the tree, which were plain
ly visible after Its trunk had been mjv
orcd, wero counted to tho number of lill
thus exactly corresponding with the
ilato at which It was planted. It ap.
pears that some of the Incidents of his.
tory oro trustworthy.
I'iks should bo cheap, from tho ra
pidity with which they nro niauufac-
tured. A mnu In Hartford, Conn., Iiuk
Invented u machlno by which between
eighty and nluoty millions of pins can
bo madu In n day of ten hours. Accor
ding to this statement, 111,000 can be
modoovory minute, or ",100ovexy sec
ond. It U almost as Impossible to con
celvoof tho rapidity with which Uhmi
machines make pins, as it Is to deter
ntno what becomes of them when made.
What does become of nil tho pins'.'
Till'. lliiltlmojo American says
"About 11,000,(100 bushels of oysters
uro. now annually taken from tho dies
apeako Hay and tributaries. Moro than
two-t birds of thorn como to llaltlnioro
nliout 2,000,000 go elsewhere. There
nro seventy regular packing houses en
gaged In tho business, Thomas Kensett
being tho largest packer In tho world
About 15,000 persons, men, women mid
children, nro employed, nud 15,000,000
cans aro packed each year. Ono-half of
tho amount caught aro packed hcr,o and
shipped In the shell to nH parta ot tho
country, i nero nro i,7uu upais averag
ing tidy tous, each, nud about il,000 in
uom engaged lu. d,relgJuB und longing
'JJiiE HadlynHRo ia thy Prtutilfn
t IjI rampalgu without measures or
principles depending entirely upon
the assumed popularity of ono man ns a
uu,cccssful military commander In the
past. It uaed to by said that principles
idhL-o tho man, hut now tho man Is to
keep principles out of tight at least to
keep the odious schemes and measures
of mongolism nwny fioui tho popular
oyounil knowledge until ofter the elec
tion. A Oi'.okuia newspaper speaks of n
gentlciimn In lllbb county, In tluitKlnto
whoso wife lias bornn film twenty-two
children, nil of whom nro living with
tho parents, still lu perfect health. An
other gentleman In ihu nuiio county
has been twice married, und has had
twenly-ono children ; while another,
who has been married only fifteen
years, lias twelve.
Tun House has passed n Hill nppio
printing JO.OO.OOO in gold to pay for Al
nsku. The hot weather fetched them.
2fhe (jfolumlriam
m.ooMKimna. pa.
J-Till! tOMJ.MlllAN Im. III l.nrgul
ClrciilAlliiH In t'olitmlitn nmt ntlldliiliifc
eniliitl.. of liny iitrr tn1ill1ittl Ill-re. mill
nlin n much Inrrr Hllrf I llinti nny of
lt.colrnitnrarl. ami I. llirl rfl- III. lie.l
medium fur nilvrrllihiR In Oil .eclluli of
Ills Mute.
County Convention.
llv reference to iir "political" bend
ing It will bo seen that tho Delegate
Rltctinn take place on tho First Day
of August, and the (.'utility Convention
assembles on Monday, August Third.
Honest In all their convictions, devo
ted to their regular and unbroken or
ganization ; we are sure tho people will
now as heretofore, protect themselves
from Urn designs ol evil men mid hon
or Iheuisi h-es by maintaining their an
cient Integiity.
The history of the past will not ho
1'orgotlcn, and.lhe people will bo true
to their icpiilallou, lo their traditions
and to themselves.
Our Ticket.
l.v Tin: Coi.fMiirA.v of Juno l'.Hl
we statisl our preferences for tho nonii
nallouof President and Vico-I'rosldont
und on IhoUth of July the Democratic
National Convention rntnled that pref
erence by putting In nomination the
very gentlemen whoso names had been
suggested lu our paper threo weeks be
fore. Weary highly gratified at this
result. And more highly gratified still
at tho unanimity with which tho result
was achieved. Tho only paper In the
United States which made that combl
nation, This Columiuan, points to It
proudly ns showing Its Intlmato nud
deep sympathy with tho heart mid
volco of tho great Democratic Party.
The lead of Tin: Comjmiiian Is al
ways In tho right direction. In tho in
terest of tho wholo party, and for its
harmony and success, wo constantly la.
bor. Xovcr turning nsldo from our
great purpose, supported mid sustained
by tho people ; wo hopo to chronielo
this fall tlm brilliant success of tho
ticket Just nominated, nnd the final
overthrow of radicalism.
nrscitiiTioN of tho now Tammany
Hall on West Fourteenth Street Now
York Is to bo found in tho Cumpaign
Horlth Tho cost is nearly $100,000,
nnd to cover that sum n Mortgngo of
Jii'iKlO was given, payablo in twenty
years. Tho Commlttco reported that
the reuls of tho building would bo suf
ficient within that tlmo, lo pay not on
ly tho Interest, but tho wholo principal.
That Is Just what the ncwHalhcorner
of Maiiiit Market, St's. Itloomsburg, Is
expected to do; and Just what It will do.
It will bo Ao. 1. in all Its features, aud
will bo a capital Investment.
Ratification Meeting.
A.Mr.r.TiNO of tho Democratic mid
ConnervuHvo citizens of this place, was
held on S.itiirday evening last to ratify
tho nomination of tho Democratic can
didates, Horatio Seymourof Now York
for President, F. P. Dlalr, Jr., of Mis
souri, for Vice-President. Tho meeting
was called to order by Sherift' Millard,
after which tho following ofilcers wero
chosen: Win. I!. Koons, ICsrj., Presi
dent; John A. Funston mid Michael
Waller, Vice-Presidents; O. 11. llrock'
wny nnd W. H. Jacohy, Secretaries.
Thu meeting was then addressed by
Col. John G. Freeze, In mi earnest mid
forcible speech. Ho was followed by
0. (i.l!.ukleyandW. 11. .Shoemaker,
Hso,rs. If the sentiments expressed by
the speakers aro forwarded by tho De
mocracy of this county with earnest
and zealous labor active and methodi
cal exertions there will bo no dllllcul-
ty lu rolling up a larger majority this
Fall than has ever been done before.
Fatso Frctcnccs.
I'm: Itadical Pi ess pretend to be
much horrified at the fact that several
prominent Confulerato Generals wero
delegates to the Democratic National
Convention. Wo think It right; ami
proper they should ho there. Why keep
up this unnatural fratricidal ,trllo ho
t ween the sections V Do our opponents
wish to engender another war by their
fanatical oppression of our defeated
enemies',' Is our nation so strong that
wo can allovd to allenato tho affections
and allegiance of ten millions of our
citizens? ICven monarchical govern
ments deal moro leniently with rebel
lions, and at this day lu Kngland it
matters not in tho estimation of tho
peoplo whether ono's ancestors fought
for York or 1mcaster for Cromwell or
lint wo contend that our opponents,
aro acting hypocritically In thlsmattor.
Tho leading rebels have been pardoned
through tho iulercession of tho Itadleals
themselves. Longstnet, Leo's right
hand man, thu General who hung tho
North Carolinians for deserting to tho
Union Army-has given In lilsndheslon
lo Itadical policy, and now ho is ono of
Joseph 1C. Drown, ono of Secession's
most fiery leaders, nnd llehel Governor
of Georgia wasndolegatototho Chicago
Grant Convention, nnd was lionized by
tho whole Uadlcnl Convention. lien.
Butler, the now trusted leader of this
party, voted in Charleston Convention
In 1600, f,7 times to nomlnato Jell'. Da
vis for President of this Country, nud
Iloraco Greeley, their pet editor, balled
him out when con lined under the charge
of tiensonl Outoiibuchcautlnghypocrl
'y I
Who's "littlpr
Kiwif wm.-..-ii.,,-, ...... t
hlm-eir "Lieut. Gcoigo Little, formerly
of tho 1 Itfd Pa. V.," hoaxes Forney's
J'mn with n story that suven killed mid
twenty wounded residents or "Nigger
Hill," wero offered as n Micrlflco by tho
"tlerco Democraclu" on receiving tho
linwiinr Knvmrtni-'u nntviliinllnii A Iji
that "tho houses of Mr. David Falrchlld,
Gcargo Itcese, nud other well-known
Union men In tho vlllago of Kingston,
one mllo from here, havo been stoned,
shot Into, and their Imnles forced to
Inko rcfugo lu tho houso of their neigh
bors, nnd call upon tho authorities
mid cltlens for protection."
Tho Wo showed somu"greenneas,"
wu cannot but think, lu being taken in
by thu story,- Scranton Rejnitllcttn.
Tho saino J'ras manufactures Us
"Southern outrages" In Ihosnmo man
ner. Tun Senato has confirmed tho nomi
nation of Mr. Kvarts as Attoruev Gen
Hints to Political Wloetlngs.
As tho season for political meetings
approaches, It may bo well to reproduce
tho following oxcollcnt ndvlco given by
Hornco Orecley, somo years ago, which
Domocrats might do well to heeds
1, Do not fix tho day for your meet
ng mid then look' up your speakers
they will already, perhaps, linvo been
engaged elsowhero for that very day
but beeuioyourspcakers first. Let them
fix thu day.
i. Two prominent speakers with tho
local nld nt your command, oro amply
siilllcicut for liny ono mass meeting.
Let the people understand theso can bo
relied on, mid do not load your bills
with an array of great names only to
disappoint your audience,
i). Have your meetings if possible. In
doors. One Indoor meeting, oven if
packed, Is worth hnlf u dozen outdoor
gatherings. Tho former Is comparative
ly easy and tho latter dlillcult for n
speaker to control.
1. If you must have outdoor gather
lugs, then seek tho grovo or woods, and
fall not to erect a stand for your speak
ers, and cover It with boards, and with
nothing else. Canvas absorbs nud dead
ens tho voice, while withnothlngnbovo
the speaker's head, tho volco will waste
in tho air above, and lu five cases out of
six ho will break down.
0. Always put down upon your plat
form, whether in or out of doors, n
piece of coarso carpet to stand upon
Never cover with oil cloth, unless you
expect your speakers lo bo lifeless and
C. Consume ns little tlmo ns possible
in preliminaries, lu marching and
countermarching. Oct your procession
upon tho ground with dispatch nnd
proceed at onco to tho business of tho
7. Ilemcmber yourspeakers, especial
ly tho more prominent ones, have
famlllck to support. Their tlmo is
valuable, and It costs them money to
travel on railroads and stay nt hotels.
"Thou shalt not muzzle tho mouth of
tho ox that trcadoth out tho corn."
Negro Equality.
uuruiiMCANS who nro In tho habit
of denying that thoy or their parly nro
in favor of negro suffrngo mid equality,
sliouiu bo convinced by tho fact that
the party has attempted to fasten It on
every Stato In tho Union, nnd as they
hold despotic power over the Soutlicru
States nnd tho Territories they havo
fastened It upon them without their
consent. Not only this, but they aro
now urging them for tho highest ofllccs.
In (mother column wo glvo n letter of
Senator Sumner urging his Ilndlcnl
friends in South Carolina to send n full-
blooded negro to tho U. S. Scnatol Wo
now republish from tho Scranton Re
publican an editorial on tho induction
of tho negro Dunn into oillco as Lieut.
Gov. of Louisiana. Is not tho ltcpub-
lican party In f.ivor of negro supre
Nr.anons in orricE.
Mr. Dunn a respectable and Intelli
gent colored man, was on Saturday In
stalled ns Lieutenant Governor of Lou
isiana, and took his Boat an iirosldtni;
ofilcer of tho Senato of that chivalrous
Wo havo not yet felt tho enrthquuko
nor any other of tho dire portents which
our Democratic friends havo told us
wero to follow sucll events ns this.
Mr. Dunn Is tiie first negro in high
ofilco. Ho will not bo tho last. Ills
peoplo nro n rising race tho "coming
men" of tho time. Their eagerness for
knowiedgo, and their capacity for party
organization, ns already shown in tho
elections, indicate that unless Northern
emigration shall glvo tho whites ascen
dancy, tho blacks aro bound lo bo the
dominant race of tho South.
Sknatoii Sumnkii has again express
ed his anxiety to seo a negro In the
United States Senate, nnd has written
tho following loiter:
Kf.NATK ClIAMCKi:. Julj' 3, 1MW.
DnAitSiu: 1 have nover given any
opinion lu regard to tho Senatorial
question In your State, except to express
a regret that tho golden opportunity
should bo lost of making a colored citi
zen Senator from, South Carolina. Such
a Senator, If competent, would bo a
powerful support to tho causo of equal
rights. His presenco alono would bo a
eonslaut testimony and argument.
Nothing could do so much to settlo tho
question of equal rights forever In tho
United States. Tho howl against tho
negro which is sometimes heard In tho
Senato would cease. A colored Sena
tor would bo as good as a constitutional
amendment, maklngnllbaekward steps
Impossible. I write now frankly lu re
ply to your inquiry, and without nny
mimosa ofinterfcrlnor In vnur nlnctlnn.
You will pardon my anxiety for tho
causo 1 navo so mucn nt Heart.
Accept my best wishes, and beliovo
me, dear sir, faithfully youvs,
(Signed) Sdmnkk.
ToThaddcusK. Sasportas, Ksq 'Col
umbia, S. C.
No ono will beliovo that Sumner Is
sincere till ho writes a letter of tho
samo purport to tho next Legislature of
Massachusetts, asking that body to elect
n negro In thoplaco of Charles Sumner,
whoso term as U,nltcd States Senator
expires March 1, 18G0. Tho preenco
in tho Senato of n negro from Massachu
bens wouin no qulto ns "powerful" as
that of a negro from South Carolina.
If buinner Is really nnxlous to see n ne
gro Senator, ho will lose no time in urg
log the election of u"colored substitute'
to his own beat.
Ii Tjus Gon'fi JunaMKN-r? Mrs.
Surratt was hung for being an accom
pllcoln tho murder or Lincoln, Tho
llwf I fl ctn I...... !..!...,
was that of fourmon, Baker, MontgonW., , , , Ooven,or WH lmu,S-
erv. (Meavor r.nnnl ....U P1"! to-day.
cry, Cleaver and Conover, precious
scoundiols. Bakor Is now n fugitive
from justlco Montgomery Is in prison
for embezzlement Cleaver has been
convicted or nn Infamous offenco, whllo
Conover Is serving out a term In tho
penitentiary. Preston King, who pre
vented Mrs. Surrntt's daughter from
seeing tho President In bohuir of her
mother, committed Biilcldo by drown
ing In tho North river, whllo Lane,
who supported King in his conduct to
wards Miss Surratt, bhot hlmsolfln
St. Louis; and now Stanton, who kept
all tho records or that trial from the
President, nt last sneaks out or tho
War Ofllco llko a miserably hound Hint
has been dctecteil In stealing sheep.
God's Judgments nro sometimes slow
but they nro very suro. Tho Itadical
pnrty that uphold this luminous crowd
In their rascality, has yet Its Judgment
to receive. That will bo dono in No
vember mxl.Jliillerreraltt,
Mi:a iik returns 10.0S!) African voters
in Florida. Tho Stato census or 1WI7
shows only T,10l negro mnles or 21
years and over. Queer, Isn't It? '
Sir. Pondloton's Kottcri.
Tiinfollowfiig Is tho letter written by
Hon. Geo. II. Pendleton, or Ohio, to
Washington McLean, or tho delegation
from that State, authorizing tho with
drawal of his namo from beforo tho
National DcmocraticConventlon, when
ever It should seem desirable :
U'uhhtrloii MoLean, Fifth Avenue Ho
tel, AVio York.
MY Dkah Sill! You know belter
than any ono tho feeling nud principles
which nnvo guinea my conduct sineo
tho suggestion of my namo for the Pros
identlar nomination. You know thnt
whllo I covet tho good opinion of my
countrymen, mid would reel an honest
pnuo in so uistinguisiicu n mark or
their confidence, 1 do not desiro It nt
tho cxpouso of ono single electoral vote,
(great nnnlausc.) or of tho least disturb
ance of tho harmony of our party. I
consider tho success or tho Democratic
party nttho next election of far greater
Importance tlmn thogrntificatlonofnny
personal ambition, however puro nnd
lofty it might bo. Loud cheers.! If,
therefore, at any tlmo n nnmo shall bo
suggested which, In tho opinion or
yoursoir nnd thoso friends who havo
shared our conflcnccs, bhall bo stron
ger oeioro mo couiury, or which can
moro thorpughly unlto our own
party, I beg that you will Instantly
withdraw my name, and pledge to the
Convention my hearty, zealous and ac
tive support for Its nominee.
Very truly yonrs,
Giconai: H. Po'iim'.ton.
Hr.YMoun i:.i)oiwi:i) iiy i'i:ni)m:ton.
Ni:w Yoiik, July 0. The following
private letter from Mr. Pendleton was
addressed to Washington McLean, or
tho Ohio delegation, nud was handed to
John A. Green, Jr., on their arrival In
New York :
Cincinnati, Juno 2.1, ls&s.
My 1)i:au Stu: You left my ofilco
this morning beforo I was aware of it.
I sought you nt homo, but you wero
not there. I must say what I want to
by note. As soon as you get to New
ork seo Governor Seymour. You
know what was my feeling beforo nnd
after I hoard from film last fall. Ho is
to-day the foremost man In our party
In tho United States. His ability, culti
vation nud cxpcrlcnco, put him nt tho
head of our statesmen. Ho commands
my cntlro confidence. I would rather
trust him than myself with tho delicate
duties of tho next fourycars. You know
I am sincere. Make him reel this, mid
that he can rely on mo and my friends.
I havo a natural prldo an honest pride,
I believe, In tho good will or my coun
trymen. But you, better than any ono
else, know that it Is neither egotistical
nor overruling, nnd that I nni really
anxious to glvo up tho nomination to
anybody wno can get ono singlo voto
moro than myself, lixpress this frankly
to tho Governor, but delicately, and lot
him understand my views of men nnd
measures as I havo frequently given
them to you. Good bye. God bless you.
Yours, Gi:onai:H. Pjindlkton.
To Wash. McLean.
Ho w ,1000 Stuck to Butler's Palm.
Washington Cor. llaltlnioro anrcllc
Manager Btm.rn is Tearfully indig
nant at-tho chargo that ho attempted to
appropriate a thousand-dollar bill of
woolley's money. Tho following Is tho
statement, as received from tho witness
Butler What becamo of the money
Woolloy left in your hands?
Avltness I havo It In my pocket.
Butler Produce It and the nanors
contained in the envelope.
Witness Hero Is tho monoy, but tho
papers you can't have.
Butler received tho package or money
and directed witness to leavo the room
which ho declined to do, saying ho was
responsiblo for tho money nud was not
willing to leavo It in Butler's hands.
Butler threatened to nrrest him, but
witness denied his right to do so. At
Inst Butler proceeded to count tho
money, and said : I find hero $10,100.
Witness I'll swear I handed you
Butler Then you had better count It
Witness If you will raio that news
paper, I think you will fin d a thousand
dollar bill under It.
Manager Logan now for tho first
tlmo interfered ami remarked: Yes,
General, I see a corncrortlioiioto stick
ing out.
Butler Oh, yes; I did not seo it.
Tliis statement or tho testimony has
been mado public on tho authority or
tho witness, n gentleman or known in
togrily, mid Is tho topic of general con
Southern Items.
Montgomery, July 1 1. Tho Legis
lature or Alabama, which met yester
day, contains thirty colored members.
Tho bennto door keeper Is a colored
man, mid tho door keeper, sergeant-nt-
nrms, and chaplain or the-houso aro also
To-day tho Governor-was inaugurat
ed in tho presenco oX too two Houses.
NORTH OAllOI.INa x.i:oisr,ATUi:i:.
ItALlUCJil, N. ft, July 14. The Gen
eral Assembly proceedings hnvo been
unimportant until to-day. According
to a resolution adopted In a caucus held
last night, tho General Assembly to-
uay elected John Pool. orPasnulntocl;
United States Senator for tho long term
until tho lth or March, 1873, nnd Gen
J. 0. Abbott, formerly of Now Ilnmi)
bhlre, and now of Hnnover, for tho
snort term which expires Mnrch lth,
io(. mo contest in tho caucus was
very closo between Abbott mid Dock-
Columuia, S. ft, Juty II. Tho Leg
islature lo-Uay elected Thomas J. Bob-
inson United Stales Senator for tho
short term and 'l A. Sawyer, who is
collector or Internal Ilovenuo for
uioiong term
So far nearly all or tho Senators mid
members elected by tho necroes in tho
Southern States have boon uatlvos or
worthom Slates, Freedmon's Bureau
Agents, aovornmcnls employoos, and
miicrani preachers.
WHEltK, oht whoro. is Hirmn U.
Grant, acneral etc., Somo tlmo since
wo read or his dcparluro for tho West:
but since then tho "loll" newspapers of
uiu sections tlirougli which ho Is pro
stmiod to havopassod.havo not chanted
his praises In any maniur, however
lowly norhasthoreudy telegraph chronl-
cioii ms nilvonces. Don't loso him
gentlemen I Wo would llko to seo him
ngam uy next Fall. Bi careful of
yoursoir Hiram, and don't Btnnd on tho
platform whilst tho ears ai hi motion
British Opposition. Tho London
Journals nro all oxtreniely disgusted
wiin uio Democratic platform and nom
liiallons. Benson, foreign bond-hold
i-rs uoiri euro nuoui paying lax on
their property In lids country. Grant
Is tho British bondholders' candidate,
rtnal Proceedings of tho Convention
and Closing Sccnos.
The firth day's session or tho Demo
cratic National Convcniion ended tho
arduous nnd complex labors or that
most able body. From ten minutes to
twelvo on Monday to ten minutes niter
twelvo on Thursday, through three
days of tlmo nnd twelvo hours of con
tinuous session tho delegates wero In
deliberation lo seek to namo a candid
ate. The results of day nfter day have
been told in tlieso columns. It only re
mains to sketch tho final proceedings of
At 10: 25 tho Convention camu to or
der. Tho ltov. Dr. Pluuiiner delivered
n most lmprcsslvo prayer from n heart
wrestling with tho perils that encom
pass tho Innd, nnd from a mind steeped
in tho weird nnd wonderful poetry of
tho prophets nnd psalmists of old time.
Such u petition, in its comprehensive
ness, sovcro simplicity, directness, mid
beauty of conception and of diction has
been rarely heard. It was ns npproprl
uto to tho tlmo as It was remarkable In
ilaclf. Tho report of it will Justify and
excuse nils reference lo It. Tho atlcn
tlon of the Convcniion was deep mid
solemn, and tho memorlesof (ho event
ful day will always bo npproprlately
proraccd Iiy the impression the prayer
mauouu mo mum aim leciiug.soi everv
ono present.
Mr. Pendleton's lclloror withdrawal
was then read to tho Convention. J t Is
found elsowhero. Tho rwcnliou given
It was such as marked a mol profound
respect for tho high, unselfish motives
that prompted It, mid which breathed
through It. Tho first step towards
agreement was believed to havo been
taken. Tho significance of tho daloof
tho letter, showing it to havo been pre
pared to meet contingencies which had
not occurred nt the witting of it, was
generally commented upon, itnd was
an item in tho events that went to show
how deep was the determination to so
euro harmony a harmony essential lo,
nnu nn assurance or, success.
Sovcral subsequent ballots only dom
onstratcd an Inability to concentrate on
any or tho remaining candidates. Yet
tho skirmishing was no t long, and was
gono through with expeditiously. Tho
courtesy or New Jersey's voting for
I'ield, to repay n partial prior prcfe
enco California had shown for Parker,
was n pollto event. Hendricks nnd
Hancock ran high, but the distance be
tween them nnd tho two-thirds was too
great to inspire much hopo In immedi
ate results and n very littio in ultimate
Shortly after 11 o'clock, Ohio, which
had been finessing between Hancocl
and English, asked leavo to retire. It
was granted. Massachusetts nlso re
tired. Two largo States were thus out
A recess or fl fteen minutes was ordered
by tho acting President, Gen. Thomas
L. Price, of Mo., In which tho Conven
tion acquiesced by general consent. That
something was being born could easily
bo surmised. What tho issno would bo
was a matter or as much apprehension
as uncertainty. In tho interim tho re
maining States mingled among ono an
other, and awaited, with tho anxious
audlonco, tho tortuous lido or events.
Tho recess exceeded the quarter of nn
hour. This did not diminish tho troub
le of mlml, fo sny tho lensf. It was ad
ding delay to doubt. At last Massachu
setts camo back, followed by Ohio. The
Convention settled to bilcuco at once.
Tho twenty-second ballot was ordered.
Alabama and Arkansas led oil' as of old
for Hancock nnd Hendricks respective
ly, nnd nil tho States, including Massa
chusetts, did tho same. Surely this
was no change. Now York still voted
for Hendricks. That was nu ancient
story. New Jersey and Nevada told
tho samo tale. Wero not things going
ns before? It looked so. "Slatoor Ohio!"
thundered Mr.Perrln. The Chairman of
tho Stato delegation nroso. He did not
merely stand in tho aisle, as had been
his practice, Just to nnnomieo votesnml
then sit down. Ilogotupona bench.
Tills mcnt n new move, as palpably ns
in tho net It was a now move, llo
straightened himself, did General 31c
Cook, rolled hack his sleeves from his
cull's, ran his lingers once through his
curly black hair, and, with tho depart
ment of n man who had struck an Idea,
sprung n discovery, or found a gold
mine, branched forth Into tho speech,
which turned tho tldo of tho time.
Wha!;iiat speech was in its emphatic
brevity Is elsowhero seen. It g:vc
Ohio's twcnty-ono votes, heretofore
welded lo Pendleton, to Horatio Soy
mour, or Now-York. MeC'ook the del
cgalo, tho audleneo, and Governor Sey
mour, wero nt that supremo Juncture
well worth contemplating. Tho flrsl
was erect, calm, and yet Impressively
nnlmntcd. Tho delegates and tho au
dleneo wero lost between a desiro to ap
plaud, and a greater desiro for tho time
to hear General McCook through. Gov
ernor Seymour sat in tho President')
chair, as cool as a statue, yet giving tho
utmost attention to every significant
word. Neither nonchalanco nor con
cern, neither anxiety nor apparent sat
isfaction wero to bo read in his face.
The oxact attention tho Chairman gave
to all tho business was noticeable. No
moro, no less. When General McCook
concluded, tho galleries nnd tho floor
began their speech, it was not bo con
nected, but ono word "hurrah" with
all tho particles ornpplauso nnd all tho
gestures of hands, heads, and bodies,
with which mighty multitudes, might
ily moved, express thomsolves. Tho
spoctaclo from thostagowas magnifi
cent. Tho billows or pooplo surged and
roared ns any literal sea. Tho folks
wero frantic, tho dolegatos wero daft
for tho whllo. Tho enthusiasm was
without precedent. All other enthusi
asms wero as tho babbling or brook: to
tho eternal thunder or NIngaar. Tho
delegations acclaimed with a volume
vast enough almost to fill tho very
States thoy camo from. Tho wholo mass
or men woro given over to ncclalms
which cannot bo oven suggested lu p lint
Tito reason or this Is tho samo rcpison
that moved every Democrat to tho
samo tondoncy when ho heard tho mws,
wnctiior no lived in Florida or In Ore
gon, when Governor Seymour hnd nt
last a chance lo speak, ho positively de
clined tho honor, for reasons ho has
stated before, and In doing so mado nn
nlltislou to Mr. Pendleton nnd to Ids
Slnto, whloh was ono or tho most gnaco
fril that over foil from nny man on jiny
occasion. But it was no use. Not only
umo insisted, but every Htnlo In rovJow
Insisted, with a rapidity undmicmrilm
sH that will ho been In tho report. It
was almost Impossible to do business
in routine order, so soon as tho real re
sult was found. It Is usoless to attempt
description or tho circumstances. Kucli
cheers, such ioiindsoracclamalIon,Hjich
unlvcrsaljoy, such nssurauco or success
ns men manifested cannot bo told. It
was ono of tho effects that aro bo great
as to bo npprcclablo only by thoso who
wero witnesses nnd sharers or them.
Tho great parly had unanimously nam
ed Its greatest man to possess Its
honors. A blrlfo or days hail resulted
lu a union. Tho Presidency had sought
him who had persistently refused to
seek tho Presidency, lllm who was not
ii candidate, all had compelled to bo u
candidate. Tho suddenne.-s, the spon
taneity of tho act, wero equal lo lis
propriety. Kvcryono took theso con
siderations homo to Ida mind. Kvery
heart spoko In every voice, and every
volco spoko In Immeasurable Joy, II
was tho most extraordinary npplau-eof
this century, greatest In lis volume,
deepest In Its meaning, most exciting
in Its incidents, mo3t varied lu Its ex
pressions. Livo a century, and the like
will hardly ho heard again.
Whllo nil this was going on Governor
Seymour retired. A recess of one hour
was taken.
Tho afternoon session consisted of on
ly ono act ; that was the unanimous
nomination of General Frank P. Blair
of Missouri, for Vico-l'ieddent. livery
Stato voted for him us lic man, Just as
every Statu had voted for Governor
Seymour for President. The dramatic
incidents of this act weio thu succes-ive
endorsomenls of General Mlalr by hit
foes In war and in peace ills Mends,
Generals Preston, Wudo llampton,nnil
N. 11. Forrest. The words they spoke
wero generous, noble, and straight lo
tho purpose. When, nt their close,
Generals Slpadmau, McClernaiid, nnd
McCook clasped the hnudsof theSoiilh
ern Generals, the scene was too ufi'ect
ing for immediate applause. All the
heroic und thu fraternal in human char
acter, nnd nil the knightly lu human
nature wero called from their deep
beats to tho surface. The Convention
was stirred to its very heart. When the
npphtitso did come, as eomu If did In
mighty thunders, it camo as tho lighter
sequenco of deeper emotion.
Radicals Who Support CJcn. Grant.
Tllton llo lias called Oinnl n drunk
ard. l'lillllps Ho lini called (Irani n
drunkard ns "liminlcis as lii.s Kiddle."
Sumnor Uoftnyritirnnl is not an "ir
rcvcraiblo guarantee," nnd "mado a
whitewashing report to fortify Andrew
Clinic "Grant is n man of vile hab
its nnd of ono idea."
Anna Dickinson "I am going to
Kngland to get out of advocating lids
Sirs. Slnnton "Grant rays nothing;
And knows less than nolhing."
Wilson"! will never, so help nie
God, support any but temperance men
lor ofllce."
Greeley "The Presidency requires a
man of Ideas nud n f-latesmaii."
uoiiax "l declare in advance no
doubtful person diall have my ballot
for President."
Kelly "I will dio in my tracks be
foro I will sttbscribo to lids whitewash
ing report of lids man (Grant) who has
joined Ids testimony, and will Join his
lato to thai public enemy,(A.. Ion. Nso.v.)
Old Thad "A'ovoi'ii.ik mo to .support
n twnddleruml trimmer lor olllce."
Geary "Drunkards, like plralci, mo
public enemies."
l'rollnghuy.sen '"I'lio nation owes to
itself lespcct lo loleiatc Imbecility ii
polities no longer."
Wade "Grant known iinlliin;; f 1"I
itics lie can lalk nothing bid
Ynles--"! own I havo been a diiuil;-
ird : I will be one no longer; nor will I
longer cast my lot with such men."
Good out of Itfazarclh.
sn.VATon cAMiir.o.s" nxru is a hadi-
cai. rilAl'l).
find the following in
u late
Sir. (.'ameron, in tho I'nlkd Klale.s
fjenate, Thursday, Indignantly inform
ed Ids Itadical friends (hat tho Govern
ment has paid to twoiiew.supei-.-.f lo.oui
apiece, ifiO.nOO in all.
Jlr Sherman AVliat paper
Jlr. ( 'ameron Tho ('hmnlrtc am! Hie
J.'rcn Inyfilurot Ihl.sclty have been paid
or will bo paid, for the piiullng of hib
year, under tho section which we passed
last year, that amount. 'J ho greali
part of that advertising was forthopiif'
chase and Mile of articles so far beyond
tho circulation oftheso papers that none
of them could ever reach tho poop!
who wero interested. Vur Instance
Ihcro wero $1,000 or M!,000 paid for nn
advertUemcnt as to the publication of
mail contracts, in Iho Territory of An
zona. There was a largo sum of money
paid for nn ndvertisemont asking pro
poial.s for a fort somewhere down 1
New Jfoxico. I think there wero half
ilozaii nudes, or sometlilngllko thai, to
bo bought In Idaho, and they wero nd
vcrliscd heio j nnd in boinc cases the ml
vortlsonicntH wero published hero
day or two beforo tho sale or purchase
to bo mado nt thoso renioto places. This
Is an alniso which would shock iho com
munity if they knew It; hut nobody
poems lo know anything nbout 11. W
I hardly know It ourselves.
Will " Itcpubllcans" nleasomako
nolo iif this? The -men who nro thus
squandering the peoplo'tf money, nsli
you to voto for Grant and n coiitlniuwieq
of such Dwindling.
New York. " '
Nr.w YoitK, July 15. Auothor In-
ti nsel v hot dnv, mercury rainrlnir iron
DS to 1(10 In tho shade. Nuuieriis casc
of sun stroke In tho city tlmlnir tho last
four days no less than 00, of which at
teasi ouo-iinii navo proven num. to-
day IS cases aro n rendv ronorlod.
which 18 wero fatal. All tho street rnll
roads are comnellcd to run a less num
ber of ears than usual on account of the
loss or horses by tho excessive beat
Travel In tho city Is thcroby coiihlderi
bly Interfered with. Tho health ofilcer
havo issued stringent orders, with tho
view to preserve a goon baiumry con
ditlon of tho city. JSlnnv persons nn
escnpldg tho city, and every train nnd
noai which leaves iscrowueu wmi as
Jusr beforo going to press, tho follow
ing was linndrd us for publication :
lUrAwimt, July iVM.
KnrrniiH Golusiiiian- I desiro.
Ihroiigli tho columns of your paper, to
contradict u leport now being circula
ted that in tho event of my being elec
ted n Member of tho Legislature tlili
fall, I would oppose tho ro-clcctlou of
Sir. Huekalow to the V, H. Hciiato. 'i'ho
long and unbroken friendship existing
between Mr. Huekalow and myself Is
Hiilllclent to litamp this report as false.
I would not accept thu nomination if 1
could not glvo tho Keiialoriny support,
which horn eminently deserves.
!tespcclfully Yours,
Tho IVinncrfttlc voters of llio unvcrnl llrl(;lt
In eolumuifwrnuty nro rcueMeil to inert nt the
...,..,i ..i..nn..r iwd.iinif ttinrtiirn ihvtlnm. (ill
Hilimhiy. the 11 iluy ofAtiKtKt u'u
liourn ur inrce otimn in iihwiihi muni, -
.... .... i... i, I., it,,. ..fini tiru.ii nf I Im I ituv. mill f led
hy lmilot twoKfrwma to lemosciit tho iMHtilct In
n County I'nmentUm to do licUl nt tho ourl
Houso In lllooiusbun!, on Mondny. Ainut
Conrirccs'to mcel nlmllfir- conferee I mm tho
other counties onho DUtrlet.tonomlnntcncnn-
.u.tnln iTniirrcrtoHi iwn 1 Irnrpspn t at lVP confer-
res to meet Minllnr conferees Jrom tho other
county In tho lUMrlot tn nomlnnlo n ennilWlnte
ror.Mfiiihfrof Aaacmblyj nnd lo nomlnnto ono
iurotiior County ConunNMoner! ono fernon
lor I hm net Auorncyj ono vcrnon "r v"nmu t
mi.i mm (infHnit UtV CntlhtV Allilllort Til 1)0 Mill'
ported hy tho Demoeintlc imriy nt tho coming I
t It, M'Hknuv, . . ... Clmlrmiui,
Urr, J.C. wnsxr.i:,
J, '. IIANNON, 13. .1, AMli:r.lHOr,
Domocratio Rational Ticket.
1 Olt rttLStHKNTt
or ni:v Yoitic.
. iok viti:-l'UUHl
or Mioimi.
Democratic Stato Tickoti
im: ArinruK'i.i- nfi; M.t
oi1 rAvrm: cocnty.
tot: m it i:oiw.i m ui.:
Oaiulidatcs for Nominatioiu
'ihc Ml-nIni:ciillcmcn have been mcnt lono.I
riiouiln'illontothohcvornl County Oillccs 1
lcil by i hcllon Iho prcscnticnr, nml their
nnu" Will bit prccntcil for tho roir l.Ii'intlon or
Iji'imih i.ttlti County Coin out Ion :
rott inuiii:si:T.Tivi: i
CO!,. IIIUAM it. KlilNK,
nc.Asoi: TOW.NHII.
KOIl ui:iuks!stativi: l
VOlt I
MmlcH ItriiDi-l.
Wheat nrr Imshcl
On u "
i ;
.!!!. "
II t0
KI.IXM4 il
Ihh-tl Ai!ch
1 SO
i in it -
Hlilcs mill lioutdcrri
.in mm" rmuml
Iluy ih-i' Inn
10 (10
Hemlock r.o'NiN ner thouiatnl fct
f lfi to
, iMiai
. Ti ul
, S (ftl
. 7 11
. IS IH)
I'lno " ' " (onolntli).
.Ii.ll. Kcniilllnir. I'llitllc. rllolllltick)
Shin;tfK, Nw. 1 per tlHumainl
ft. .
No. I Scotch pi;;..
No, J " " ,
IMtlliulttplilfi JlmktU
Tnur.snw, .luly 17. lstKj
N'mllivvi-islei-ii Minellluont 37.)(3)
t.(ii' it
N'mtliuehtein extra S.mi s,vi
,uitlivKicin ramny n.iMtouii.ui
ViinsylMinUnud Witt in niiti-iilnn... 7.7.vH.J
dnnMih.iiil.i mill UVnIiIII 4. 1 1 11 H.rMS 3 !.'Ji
Vnii'i IvauU and Westein tnmlly M.O0(s1-Mki
'eiins Ivan Li and Wtsltrn 1-incy IJ.M6MI.uu
!fiiuiir a.
U'im at-Pi'iiiivvlviuii.i led. 1 bus 5J.IOi7o.
CallfornlA " ' .'JJ
whllo ' f Ur.ifrU0
;-lVnuylvnniA re, h.s fcl.Mtl.s.i
n -vi'ih.w, " twiihta.u
While, Jl.l7i-i,61.l7
isii in urn " " c..iiu t !.;.(.
lVI- fmi WfSe
V iudXMukw I'm I.. rl Flfl.L'l
.MefS Itenr, tiU'M
lU'enscit IIok,p 11 Njjfiaa
hmoked Hams " Iac6i)liu
hhouldusH l' 1 1'fcMlo
linrd.ntb iVi(cii;io
Krhivi- I'lovert-eed Vbus s;.00,.i7.W)
TIinoUiyititi y uu- tz.
I'ljIXSOltl M t
i 1 t.r--iver t'ai tiof r iicmi o
Cows head iJortSiVi
Hm i.r ' if .luij
jiiHjs p luo vm ti I'-iJti.tJ
inn inn., ni iiioicMiieneooi ino niinos jainct
in lllooiiisburf,', by tiio Itev. .1. I'. Altlltk, .Mr,
Thomas. I, Vnmleihlko to MIsm Joretla Kliarp-
l Slit
u'uoiiwoiti'ii-iiriTciti.Y-oii the mib inst..
liv the Kev. : Wauswittth, ;ir. Jouatliau
W'oml worth of Lawrence Co., to Ml-s hus.m A,
lieiieny 01 Kugauo.u, uoi. C.iliiwUs.'l
nits in 1 uu.. ijv 1110 uv.j), j, waiier. my. j a.
ward K, .Im ki-nn, (tf hernnton.lo .MUa Harriet S,
JtciiMiyiier 01 1110 joinur place.
HIIUMAN' .I0IIN-O11 the -lth Inst,, by the tamo
al ins u-sitifiieo in luotiinsuurg, mv .nhu W,
tdiiimnu of Mayivllle, luMiss lluuk-t K. John I
lIKUItl.NUTo:; MfJUUXX tin tho Kli Inst,
hv i ios. . . Wei iver. J no.. j r. lienrv u. liei
1 fnslon, of l'alr .Mt, Hpi lug, l.u. in., lo Miss
Kate Mtmlau, of .Mt. I'itasaul luunship, this
YniKH-COrn:lMAN-UnthoU.jlhult.,tiy ltov.
in 1 iiiiuici, nil, .uaiiiii luik'i, iu .Hiia uiiij
YOIti;-iniONn-Ilv thu Mine rm tho Kill int..
Jill', josepn ni. 101 lis, 10 .miss .111a1m.1 ItllollO
oi lieinon, uiu county.
Tlicrols uomcdlcln equal to lloolland's uer-
mnultltteru In tnsen of debility, Jt Impaits u
tono nnd vigor to tho whole system, strengthens
the nppellte, causes nn enjoymout of tho food,
enables tho btomncli to digest It, ptnlUes iho
blood, elves n good, bound, healthy complexion ,
eradicates tho 1 ullow tinge fiom thp eyes, Im-
paiU abloom to tho thtdr.aud chanis tho pa
llent from u hlmit-brcalhcd, 1 maclalcd, wtal;
nnd nervous n full-faced, htout and
vlcotouii pci-hcu, 'Mloollnud n tivimnu lllttci''
Is entirely free fiom nil nlcolto!cnlmlt ure,
1 1 on r i-a n ii's c n :i i m a k ton i u
Is a combination oflhelugudlciilsof llooit.ind'h
Hitler with puieftautnClUKltum, orange, anKo
Ac, making 0110 of tho most ngtceabto nnd
plenhiuit preparations ex tunt. Tho Ionic Is used
by Utsoicqulrlnga eootl nnd wlenllflo stlm'i
um. I'nucipnioiuce, aivn ni,, I'uiui,
Hold by nil DtugglhU. Juno 12,CS
The nmou why MUhler'A Uetli Hitlers ernes
ho ninny dlirercnt disease, Is been use it Is tho
beht remedy for n dciangeii fctomadi, or nynpep.
hla now Uqown, nnd becniuo It Invlgoiales thu
entire pyatem, tklrungthens tho nroua fibres,
elevates tho fetaudatd or all tho vital foites and
sustains ft most henllhful tono of the entire iu
man organism. Jledlclno that will do this will
euro nu ydlscnho for thu slmplu leasou, that ua-
Uuo will do the rest.
Wuguaiantcolhul 110 woman or thtM, how
ever pale aud cmnclnled.caii uuo Iheno Hitlers
ivguhuly lor twcnty-ono uayw, without tho iu
tuinoftho rosy checks and fair complexion
ehnrattcrUtlool gootl health, Hold by all Drug'
it ltd und Dealers.
Dr, H, 11, Uailmun Si Co., I'lopilotois, lnueiutcr
I'a., nud Chl&ijo, 111. Ju 10 l-'.-Jt"
Tho great amount of time eoiiHunuit by tho
ladies lu drcMdugiind atiaimlng llulr lialr must
makuany uitlelo uhkh would lentil iiu-ir inhor
nnitlciilfirte ili'hliable. Itluu's Ycutlablt) Am
Iniihla tho hair lu but h condition a u
leiidti' thodicttslng nnu itriaiigiug a tiy taiy
mutur, imparls m n uuit tpiL-iiuiu uuthsy 111
tiffiuiiunkn much lidmlied. ekansiH tlio Heal
iroin ilandruir nml till humoi, ami piovniU
bahluefes 1 ptomotes lis glow th und Uhloresgiay
iiatr io tin "UbtiHu Luiui, 11.
4 1114 .UlillillUlUl.a illiHl II,
KdlUdftt Iho rennsjlvnula ImdUuto ofMcdl
cine, contains nn article on DyMp(psiti,;chlll
fliid lVvir nml Itdlnnv A Hi i-t Inn tn wlilcli Hm
' I .------v ------ 1 -
writer positively do' lares that Iho wholo bCknco
of Medleliioi-ossessosnoicmcdy for tliu cure of
tlioo dlKcnscH, thnt la half lis 1 ninulous ns MUh-
kr'K lleib llillevs. JIo i-iKnlt- fiom expcikucc,
Having HhCil Hi' iu lu his puulleo for thu past
Iwoyeurs, to thu exclusion ot nil otlu v ivnu-dk 1,
una without n KolKary liihtnmo of fulluu,
Hold by nil DiugglMUniid Dealers,
Dlt a II.JIAUT.MN J:UO.iriopiIetoi'ilIMiiP
tmlcr, Tn., nud Chicago, Illinois,
Juuu ID, ls'.
2. ItUlTCV.-In tho District Court nf tho Unl
1 c it Htntc lor tho Western District ori'rnnxylvn
nlti, In tho nuttier of HUn 1). Iklgnr, bnnkiuM
Toulmtn It mny concerni Tho miderHlRnM here,
hy kIvc notleo or hit nppolutiuriil nn nlKin
nl HltrvH It. lJdgur , (ri:ytown, In tho county
of Columljiti, nnd Htntn of lViiNHylvntitn. who
iinsiicrtindju'iucdniinnKrupiiiitoit inx own no tho District Court of unM Dhtrlct,
1 lilted nt HIooniMlnim
mo mil tiny or .Inly.
tlm JUslrlct Court of tho Unl.
led ruiue lor l nu y rtiriu mv i icv in ivnnnyiVfl tho matter of CI inn. V M'Kclvy, bankrupt
1 O W IUJ1I1 It 111
It inny concern: Tl 10 uudcmlKued hereby
Ico of his nprotntment us-tuneo of
ACKelvy, of tho town ofCntawiMn, tn
olvcs notleo
r ? in
tho county of Columbia-, nud H Into of l'e n nny )V fi
ll lu, who has been ndjndttcd ft bankrupt upon hut
own pennon, mo jjisiricicouri ui biuu im
tl let.
jMtcu nt liiooinsinirp, ino inn uny oi jniy.
A. t. HKIIVIIY II. UKOrZ, Assignee.
j my i(,it ji.
1. ULTTUV.-tn Uio Klitrlct Court of tlm Unl
tt'tl Hlnlcs for Iho WchIcmi District of l'ennttylva
nl.i, lu Uio matter or Isntio Yettcr, bftlikrupt.
1 To whom It mn y concern t Tho umlcnilgncit here
IhVUlU'M liollte or nn nppoinunoiu an twuznou
of I.nno Yftter, or Mnlnvlllc, In tho county
nt I'olunililn, unit Blnlo of reninylvnnli, who
Ims hccll ntljutiscil n imuKriii upiui iiih own pt.
uuoiltuy mo aniim-i mini m mim .nirn-i.
C. 11. IlllOCKWAV,
July 17,'M-3t.
JV. ItUl'lVY.-ln Iho Dlslrlct Court of the Unl
i, ,i Kin ton irr tlm Vf Ktprn DUtrletof lVnriRVl n.
uln, InthctnnttorofHcnry It. Ilun8bcracr,bnnk
I nipt. Towhomltmnyconcern: ThcundcMlBued
Ilictdiy iv'H noiicn oi ni uppoiminuni nn hh
tluiico of Henry JI. HuniWrgcr, of lltoomt
huin, tu tho county of Columbia, nnd HtnU-
of Pi inny I villi la, who nnsiiccnmijudRca n unuk
nipt upon liU own
d.iyor.luty, 160-.
)l r-JlKt i
liyor .In
July 17'
ir. mo 17
HIMON'1. ICaskfok tiik
In tho Court or Com
man l'lonn of Columbiu
County Fi-Fa No. u
iKA I it CK. CuAh Co. J .Mny T. im.
1 1 1.1)1 IJT.
Nollcoli hereby Ivcn that tho mulciKlincl,
iippoltilcti nn niuitior uy uio(ni court. 10 uiu.
tribute tho fuiul nrlslng from tho HhcritrH Bute
ol the. iicrRonnl property of Deft, nnd ordered to
on pum lniouourn win nucnu nt uio iicisier H
oMUo In Itloonibburg, on Wodncsdny. Aug. fith"
lMi, for tho purposu of mftklng KnlddlAtrlbutlon.
All persons nro hereby required to miiko their
claims to Nnld fund beforo tho Auditor nt tho
llmof-pccMkU or loijoiiennrreti irom coining in
upon nnld fund. C. U. J1UOCKWAY.
uny Auuuor.
Dovolcd to cholco Utornturc. includhm Toetrv.
Noclcttes,TiilcH, nnd Mornl nud Entertaining
lLe.uling,Kenenilly, In the Ltelrnry Department
wo Mmll piehtnltlio cliolccKt vnrletles within tho
until oiuiir extended menus. Tho Noveletten,
Talc Toelry, etc., RhtiU bo supplied from thu
itesi ami illume houn-eri, uuu uu equui 10 any
thing found lu any Journal or magazine
Agriculture nud Horticulture, embracing
rarminw. gardening, fruit-raising, etc. Our la
horn In this department for over thirty carn,
hae met tho cordial approbation of tho publie.
Uur purpose has been to furnish useful nnd reli
able Information upon theso very luiportHUt
branches of Industry and to protect them bo far
ns within our power ngalust Iho false doctrlnctt
nndsellNh purposes of tho many empiric nnd
Ncnviuou auvemurerK ny which uio inrmer is in
cessantly nisaitcd. This portion of tho Uermun
town Tch'inijit Is tilono worth the price of nub
sewH ii'pariiiivui. jiiu uuinw inunitry, cure,
nnd discrimination lu gnthcrlus nnd preparing
the Mlrring events of tho dny, cxprcsnly for thin
paper, vim n niuieriu uas vwix uuu ui im mariteu
ii.ntuirq nml irlven nucIi universal nallKtnctlim
will bo continued Willi redoubletl e (Torts to in-?l
Uio iiieuuMiig ueiiiauos oi ino imunc.
Ttiuis. ivo iiotiais mm liny rtiim per nn-
num. Js'noulera iccelvea wiinoutiiie cnuh, and
nil MibM-ilptlonshtopped nttuoendof tho llmu
paid lor. hpevlmui JiumberH nent. Address
A JltWt. I iVlkAD,
IMltornnd I'roprteUr,
Ciermantow n, I'hlladefphla, J'n,
A U G JI ' S
UAl'tlU A.SONH, Philadelphia,
.souTii-vi:sn:ttN n:itrn.iziNu iu,
Sole Iunitfucliircrrt.
IS V l (lllrt AW DONL I'llOsl'lIATK,
SVt perl!l0) pounds.
S per 2000 pounds.
IIAIHIII'S CIllCAtJU Kli(H)l) MAN lilt l-
. V per 'J00O pounds.
Tho above M inures nu furnished In both am
nud bairel, hichever customers pretur.
tn Ihu h.igvic;uulformln weight 100iouiuls.
The ni Unl Ion of Farmers Is esnectallv dlreeteil
lolho fa t thtil Iho Kources of tho Haw Materhil
of w hit h t iio nloo Manures are composed, nro so
weiiinmer control mat wo ean rurntsti them ni
strictly uulloi m quality and condition, and that
they eontatn a hit ger percentage of ammonia limn
nny other class ol mauufacUiied tannines In tho
H. Dclawaro Avenue, rhll.i.
Cor, f.ako aud Iianallobls., Chicago.
i!j,-lliucli's Commercial Mnnuros inav be oro-
cuied liom dtutcrs In nny of Iho principal tow 11s
111 inn uoiieti nunt'H or jionuuion ui cauuti.t.
P. w. Aiasieis. AliiiMiie. aim w.Hcoit.oruii
auHsa, Agents, July n.'M'Hui.l
Tlio undcrhlmied would rfsneetftillv Inform
Iho traveling public thai ho has purchased and
1 i-Jl lied lu 1 ho best manner the old stand lormer
ly occupied by W. A. Kline, and that ho Is now
prepaied to accommodato his friends with alt thu
eomioiis and conveniences of a flrsl-class house.
,v une new ham lias teen mil it nnd 1110 surrotiu
dings placet I In perfect order. Tho bar will al
wn h bo stocked with tho cholsest liquors and t i
gais. nud tho table lunilshed with tho best the
UiaiKel Ulioms, V. UIMjAWI'I ri.
juiy yus-ii
Dr. ('Iiiilfiint linvtnt? lorntrul in ldnmosbnri' tor
the mncllco of Ids nuxloiis toawa
ken 11 uuwlulcicst upon the subject of DeutUl-
y. , ,T im ,
This most iniourtnnt branch of Dontlstrv hu
dlscuers lias uutr been properly introduced,
Nu truth Is moro obvious than that a natural sul
of Iceth with proper earo will lost its possessor a
inuinie, yei nuuuus many pvrsons wuu oujvvv
to having their teeth tilled, Judging by bit tor ux.
pel lento that It Is useless. TubucU lie extends
Iho coidlal invitation.
COMinoDlt. CllAI.FANT'SOlt FJCL', llQ Will X
amino jittir lt IU Iteo of chargo and convince
jouol your trior, llo has methods ot fUUug
Uelhnuvet beloio piactlccd In this section of
eounliy, nnd menus of proving to the most
skeptical that the tilling cannot iHisslbly bo ru
mocd Irom tiio cavities, bocouildtmt Is hoot
tills thai lu lids dennrtmcut hn will imurv hit
tiuti.jur tvn years. Ho also lluds persons equal
ly puJudkeJ against
objtctlntj that they cnuso pain, and produce
houjiess In tlio mouth, thai they must bu tnktu
miiwhiu tallng, nnd thai fiequcntly they nro
IhiottiiinddouliogUhcr. .
in sleworthlshe wlslus 3011 to JIKAD illrt
TKllMH, llowlllputupuiiyseiot leoih, upper
01 lower, or vmilof eltliLi-, nud Insert them so
that they cannot be distinguished liom natural
teeth, and giuuanteo satlHtacllon lu every ease,
Any peifcQii not pleased with ids work lu eory
pai l Uu lur, uted not lake It liom thoolllceorpay
lor It. as he allows nn easts tu leavo his oitlce
whknproiliiees Iho slightest pain, or would bo
likely to create horeuoss lu tho mouth, lie ex
it acts tcclli by thu uso ot
miuous OXIDU UAH,
that being the anaesthetic 1 11 general uso, aud
iccommcuded by lead lug Dentists throughout
tho United states, lie will ndmlulsUr ethtr
howover to thoso ptefertlng U,
COMi: ANDBKUllIM.howlll oxamtuo your
teeth, and glo directions fur preserving them,
lieu of chaige, v
Found nt nil hours lu his olllce, next door to
Dr, J, It, i:vans, .Main M, below Murket,liloom
burg, l'a,
July SGS-Om
WAIN HI'., A U A II. It. It.. 11LOOM3UUHO,
Aro picp.'ircd to furnish nil kinds of Machine
work, suck ns
Hhnftlnriilleys.'Ifnngers.Coupllugs, Milt-gear
Ing.Kiw mandrils, etc., Gunto cocks, Vet cocks,
Htemu pipe, togelhor with nil kinds ofHteum fit
tings constantly 011 ha ml.
Threshing Machines and lloise Towels lmtda
to order, Allliludsor Agilcu'.tural Mactiluery
icpalitHh May aow.
nj:w yokk city,
Tim l.Aitotar and cheapkst stock ofhtkaw
ill 1 1 1 1 1 It I Y II U Hit, 111 UIHIIl, nil a, (' 1(1 n'l'p m
nstds, Vankeo Notions, Hklrls, Dress and Cloak
Millinery tioodst IllblKms,Hllk8,FIowcri.rir-
11.11U. Yiiiil.-cn V.ilniifi Kklriu. llrt'HM nnd CluilK
'I'lltmnlniru nml l.'Himiui. nil uiulr retzutar Url
ccn, j 4111 ics wiiauuouo curhum, u uuvi,, j v
Hi II) nml 11 lWi-n r 1 1 u ihniin.
" . ' .' . . .. '..ii.i1 unu'ikiiiiHitii vv
-Mllllneis supplied. i;uwauii uiiu.r. .
jKiO.llli A31l'iWrnnd,Wl.WA70AHenHtii'tts,
Juno U,w, l-'irtlilitock VmhX from the liowry.
An cxton&Ivo Assortment of mon'a
and Iw'uMNlIN H11IHT FHONTH, l'air
collars nud Cutis, aud I.adiw Unkn Co 1.1. a iu
and iprtsselUuihcnjby ..,.
Mur.lV18-' I,T,W!ArLKHa.