The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 17, 1868, Image 1

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.rtKiMflto'Q W
c -
VOL. 2 NO. 2!).
'-1A00II MUT, iloatertn MocmA tlnwnre, Main
il (!., iihnwicniin imiivf. i -ii i j
M. HITI'iatl',
, hint k, Main Hi
Hlll". unit IllllWIIf,
,, vet hi MurKi t.
. m:v.
I It kltlllS. HlKllttltllf I'll.
h nl Houtll Mlllll Htlllt.
l'lrKt MlllC (III lht I IKl
I.oWMNlllillO, merchant tailor, Muln hl -d
door nliovo Aincl lean house, vl-nlJ
I W'.l'ni'nil-nil.IN.wholesftlcnlid retail ileal In ilutlilng.ctr.; llnrlinnti'ii liulldlns, Main
, ipoct. vl-ull
drnirtilst nml npnllieeary, Ilx-
Imiino block Muln vl-nll
n I'. t.trrz, ilfni'sUt mi'' npothccnry, Itiipcrt
liloclt, Muln nl west ofMnrkct. vl-nll
I OtllH lli:itNIIAKIi, watch nml clock mnltrr,
I J in nr southeast coiner Main nnd I run Ms. vl-nll
SJAVAtli:, denier In clocks, watches nml
r w. Jewelry. Main nt Jim neniw Ainciiciiii
tffl llllUM'.
' I) t.'ATHOAHT, wntclinudclnik maker, Minltel
,wKht., belowMaln. Nl-aJJ
ouaxmkvim.k iiikmtoky.
It. (i. A. Ml'.dAltnUI,, physician nml niri'i mi.
Main M., neUilnor lii.lood'i. Until. l-ul.
lltlck 1I( ninl 11 ficshnietit wilnon, hv
i:il, l A in ll, rnr, in .uaiunmi i-uiehi.v 1111,
iWAN' linn:!,, Ilui hi pel- limine liy.lnliii Hny-
iti r, .Muln kiiiihivo L'lni'. v iii I,
K.Hl.OAN, dealer in ilry K"ints, eroccrleii,
, lumber ninl eeluTal .Melchtiiidlsn Main Hi.
, Mn IT
ll:tltlH'. I.Ay.Altl'K, saddle nmt haincHSlnnlicr
Main hi., iiimvii mo Hwan 1 1 tut i, vi-un
m II. H.MITII, niniitir.tcliirir of tlirwaro nml
li.tii'tipr in hitii ,i i K. .1 11
HMllll llotl-1.
I!. W. COI.llMAN, Merchant tailor nml
lleiil'M fiiriiKliluir L'nod. Main HI., next iloor
llio Illicit hotel. V1-HI7
H. HAYIIUItST, flocks, Wiltchci nml (Inn,
, lcpaltcil. Hulls-and Watches- for wile, Main
, below I'lnc, I-HI7
AMISS 11. HAlt.MAN, Cabinet Makir, nml I'll
ileltilker. Main Ml., below l'llic. Vl-lll7
iriiAi:i.i'. Ki:r.t.i:ii,f'oiireciiomry, j i' "
Ac. Aeon I'liioHt., belli. in Main mil Milt.
II. AC. Ki:t.(llSI'.lt, lll.ielislnltliH.iin Mill
, Street, near l'lnc. l-nl7
rll.I.IAM lllXONd. Mincmakirand liiitntifnc
tureror micir, .miiim., htm m i m' u"
v --
l M, llltOW.V, Imot aliilRlinclilakcl'.Miilnslicil
w. opposllo Court House. J-n 1 1
i KOM. 1 II H :l I, hianufni I tilerulid dealt, rth bonis
A nml Eliocs-.Mnliiht., opposite Episcopal i Iniuli
HllNllY KI.KIM, liinuiir.iclurer ami ileaUr in
bootimulHlioei, grucerlea etc., lilst lllooiim
lairuMalnst. vl-nll
" AVIll 1U'.TZ, boot nml fclioemnker. Main Ht.,
. I) below lliuliiiair8Storc,wtsliir.MaikctBtri-il.
I It. r.V'ANH, M. 1). Minroon mul pliyHli'I lll unutli
I hl.lo Main Ht., below Market. Mill
lrinnov Kiirt?non ilenlKt. teeth exlraet
Itliout mill. Main Ht.. Ilelllly uiipiwltn
' v.iuii en.
i! I II. M'KKI.VY, SI. 11. siirKonn nml pliyslelan
iji ( iioilliHlilo -Main hl liutow Miuket. 1-uli
LI, - .
lU. "..I".
17 eil wit
I ('. lturrlllt, M. 11. Biugeon nml
il Market St., abovo Main.
lt. H. C. llOWllIl, MirKeondcntM,Maln kt..
1 auovo eoiirt iiousu.
11. ItOIllSOM, Attnrney-nt-I,
, man's blllUtitig, MalnHlleet.
iw, OUlou Hurl-
ll. H. 1'. ClIAl.l'ANT, llciillt, .Main M bo
1 low Maiket, Next iloor to Dr. Kvnns v2-27
JlU'I'INKllY & FANCY 0001)8.
MISS I.I7.ZIIJ ll.MlKI.l'.Y, milliner, Itanney
Inilliilni;, MaliiBt. Mill
MIKH A. I. Wi:illl, f.iney i;noiN, notloni, booltl,
hi at lonely, nnrlliHMo Main Ht reel below Mar
l.i I. M-iill
l.l I'lrniltMA.V, lllltllnery anil r.lliry (.ioihIh np.
IV posltn DpKropal eliureli, Main ht, l-nll
llltM. .IU1.IA A. i HA1II! MAItU'l.IlY, laillen
;il cloakH ami ilreas pattern I, Millllieiiht em nir
Main mul wihtht. 1 -il J t
MISSM. lillltltlCICHO.S', tnllllnery nn. I r.inoy
yooilH MnlllHt.lopiKislto Court House, vl-nll
ll ll. M. II. 1'UltMAN, milliner, Main hi., below
111 llarlmairHHtore.weHtorMtirketHt. Milt
ililli: MImi:s IIAUMAN millinery nml r.inry
I .'un.H.M lilt hlleetjust below American house.
I can House, Main hi.. IIhIit Ij'iico. k kiipi iI'.;
It. J. K. ltOliniNS, KuiKCon nml l'liyhlel in,
Hccoiul St below iliitu. i!-uls.
It. IClSTr.i:il,"Cattawlsn noasc,"Xoilli Wcs
, Comer Mnlunua (second streets. sJ nts,
MM, IiltoilfiT, dealer In (Icncrat.Miir lumllsc,
. Inyiloods, UrocerlesAc, Mib.
il'TMl! l'T il.;iler 111 drv eooils. cnnerliH.
n, .nr r..,.i h.tli. 1Kb. lino, nails. ,t.-.. I.lalit
hllect. M-lll)
I.i:.l l)CK',nyhli.rnli'l enttnii haloon, AineH
II....... f..l.. .1 I It, It J..l I J.l..l, If Mlllt.'li,,
i ;.ii,i,.iu. 1-nu
rilitYi:lt ii JACD1IY, coiifeitloniy, Inikery,
II llllil l, HUM- h.llooil. inin-n.,,,' ,i
r-i i.m.n l.iocir. .Main ht. vl-nll
litlX A Wlillll, conhclliaieiy.bikeiv, nml nj'i;
(i Mliolesalonuil lelnll, Main hi., Jiisl
l.elow liiiin M-nll
.vf'ii .viip. iin'i'cr,. lie K'oous .V Clal I:. Main
IVkI.. ooiHisttu com t luaisu. l-llll
:. Main
1 Ml'.ltU
j Ht., We
st of luinstlcel.
nottlCH llOTHU by (I. V. MAKiut, last end of
I. Main hi, :
I) HTOUNl'll, relrchlimelit haloon, Muln hUJust
. nlMivocoiirtlioilbc. l-lill
. r,iovu .f- r't.MlV rri',isli,iw til hiilnOtl. Cx
K cliantio hotel. ,""'J
tirlt til I.l.Mnllli. letreHlimcnt hlllnon. SliIve'H
iV blockBolllliHld.f.Miilnst. M-nll
,' ti-tm I'liiilcrltniH'ii. iri'm-iMK'H tin Muill
Vi Hi. . til iO0 Cnillt llultsi. 111 III
(t II. Mll-Li:!!, tU'itlor In dry kikhH, uroecrios,
r. urn itti-wnip. Ihtiir. wilt. KlituH. imlliuis. (If,
lAcfiiinuo bluflc. ilulnstu'Lt, l-niJ
x- Co . ili-nli'iti In ill v ircioil1
KriK iTit i, nimr, ii-i'u. Miii, iikii. V"Vt
nnrlhciiHt fomer Jlnfnnna Muiui-lht, I-iill
) r. MAHIt.tliy poodsnnil notions,
j, foincrMutn uiul liousls.
l'. 1IUW J. It, llftIR niJlN, IHH(M IllUl Ml""",
Main ht.. nlio(.oiut llouw, vi-nli
ho ut h west
I HI(fU1lr .Irv imi1l LM-nrOI'll-K. 1 tC. llitrtll
. u'fsL corner Jllula uiul Iron sis, vl-nll
, dry L'ooih, not lon, nml
oilosnu loiiii n i linn1
ii i
i mot'trii'X.. hiln ht..
luiu ltmniiN.
iiiTV.miMmi-:n. "ont.l ifKtccrlcH.tobnr-
11 III Mi, itHwin-
i r
II, co, nml conh'clioimryi
nA.lli:cKhliV,K(-yhtom!hli(n'hloril)ooKi nnd
wtiilWinni-v kiiiithu'o.1. i in HIT illllliLL llllil
.Main hti. WnlJ
ttpt I r.l.l a M KItAWMUM. (onrectloncrk's. Muln
VV ht., luarthorallioiul, vl-nll
y MKNlllINMIAlJKcnoiuUloilcof lncrchnn
Vi illkiinml tiiiulior. corner tif Mlllll MlLLtail'
i:Liwklcio.ul, lnlt
.T. ItmtlUN'M il.nh'i' tn drv piioiW lricil I cm lt(.
.1 Hhlvo'ttlilorU.Miiliiht., tclowlioti Vl-lilt
I I-T. ClTttTOV. (Irnfprlp A lro Molls, ninth-
1 1 us L conicriMiilu niuUtiiii KlrcLtN. vl-nll
cntlci'i , (iun, t'
( V. BNVDUU, lmrdwmi
W. Mulafct., U low lion.
i 1 UI IUV iUnlirhi (linli'ftilrVL'ddiN. llolliSO-
i l.n.i,HiinrriiU frnkli in I it I I li K. t ll . 1 I P. Mllttl
hi., npposltu court iiouho. v"Jnl1
I'.VlHt, procerlcH mul yrncrul im-iclmmllw
I T. HllAHrM.HH, dry erlr, unm llt'i
I j. ulioih.ctc. ItiiPilt Motif, Muln ht
1 K. r.Vl-.U, procerlcH nn
J Main ht.,iiboo Went,
, llOOtH.
ULht O
fi ;UAM1'.U A, i:. UAnLUhT1lUidcmln
n. UroccrliH, Uonlcctionoriih nml rsouoir
u.'.illnwii tnnlli lI.Io Iii. ihmrw fllniVQ llrnLtol
wmtoninnucr hhon. 'Jnl.
f Y, VOWl'AAi, fitrnlturo looms, thu-o htot
Uf lulclc on Mnlu ut,, wchUtfMinkctht. vl-n
ll J.TIIOUNTON, wall rnper. window hlindco.
U, II mi I1SU1ICH, itlipcil, Mlllll nit a-ii
HUOHKNHTOCK, ilinlonrnlifr, Kxtlmntjo
, block, Main hi., oniiohltu com tliouhc. lnll
l lllrk1l1 .1,r,l.Ml1,r.i. llili,inllU I,n11.t,
(I IiIb iioi t lienhUonu r Main uiul JMnrUt t ht, lu 11
is .1, IIIDMIMAN, Aecnt Munhon'B Co)ptrTn
iitiiur j.iKiiuiiiisnoa.
nio ,b
.UiTAH HNYlUm, riuur and
Dealer in gruin, 3.1m mrwi,
(lrl-1 Mill, mill
vl-n 17
i'vl if kCIIITVMMI. Irnli f.mililrr. MntMllll
ilst.und Mantir. luicr of uluws Mill ht. vl-n 17
IM'M A, Wll.ItlAMS A ('n.ranncrHiuid Man
nl icIuu'iKoricntlicr, Mill Mu-ut. Vl-nl7
olIN' ICDI.I.I'.ll, 1l.Kl nml MimtiiaM-r, I'lim
htici t, opposite uiu-tatitniy i-nn
11. IMIUlilNU A muH'MKlt.rarpintrt-i an;
. ItnlliUiM, I'lnr. M ill.
AMUI'.T. Hir.Mtrr.KSM, Mul:errtlu'llnyliurht
M. IIAUMAN, naddlo and Iuiiik'sh nnikrr
Oransevllli?, oppmltu I'rumo clnircli. vuuii
I )tMiiotvatic NowHpMpcv
v ritni.Hithii i:M.nv ininvv moiinino at
Itl.OOMmtritU, PUNN'Ai
Tlinptlnclpli'HorihHp.ipt'raiPOf tliLJcir'ison
lanHcliiM,lnrimicft. Tlit'iTlnclplcH will never
be compromised, yH courtesy and klndnens baU
nl be rorfiollenlndl-t'nHHlnglhetii,wlictlierwlth
liKllvMmN.or ullh eontemporai Icm of llio TreiM
The unity, hupplnct,nnd protiHrlty of llio eoun
liy iHournhn and object; and a lb Means to
set ure lliat, we sliail l.dr boneilly and earnestly
for tluliiriii'iiiy,tui-i rvtandgrimlhorour oiKftii-Izatlou.
rutMHiit huim'iillTtojti Two dollar n ear
paid lu udwince. Ifnulpald In udviime two
oIl.uHnml lUly ft nl k will l)eiuvniiabl 1 liargtd.
f HsMHurAnvKimMiMi: (Hiehijiinn'(linlliiiB
orlo)onMir thtee Int ; cub hiibM
iiKU( In i'itl..:i W ceutH.
HI -M'K.
One sriiati
Tlnvo wiuaii"s
our pijuait .
II:ilf eoluinn .
Ona column..
USQUI'.lIANNAornrlfl; Holrl.SKostf bander
cel. -'"-II,
CIlliAHY, dry i;oods, Kioceilis, ami ijcii.
l III! .Hi;it'liuiiilini-, ...mi. ui. v. .. .- ...
I). ItlNAItn, dialer In hlirtcs nml tln-wnrn.
....... l . . v '.'.till
.Main niuti.
ir v 11111 vi"C. niiotncv nt law. M.ilu Street.
II.IinitT & KI.INi:, diycoods, groeellcs, nn.l
Keneriil meichnnuise, .Main hiieti. --iu
KI'.ll.r.H, billiard wilnnii, oysters
cleiim lu heason Miilu hllcel.
i tiiii.Miv, 1, 111! T.itloi'. Herond St
ltoUb'lus' ilulldini!. vMils.
ami CI111I1 maker.
1 above hchool house,
lis, 1:. KI.INM'i inlllliiiiy and fim-y .
Wheelwiljhts, llrst door
W.HANKIIY, dc.ilir III Lcntlii r
etc. Cash paid lor IIUli k.
. It'll It
IM. M. ISN'T, dliili r III hlmeu
I all Uh branchch.
and tin wan In
'01IN A.O.MAN', lllli
booth and hhocs.
.1. I.lMKKIt, M. H. Siusi'.u and
Dlllco at Keller's Hotel.
I di nler tn
t l-niil,
Pliyhli Ian
J riopililor.
1". HIMdllAHIi. Alli:o.,ilalcis IndiyniioiK
), ijiiicciles.amlijencial inercliamllsc. M-nll
i. cAr.nvi:i.i.
les, queen, lllll'i
dealer 111 diy K"i ids, lilocei'
I..M.II,l... 1Kb. mi I. null
' vl.'nll
V. KIKiAll.Hllsqulll.lllllll l'l.llllll'
l!o M.inul.ictory.
Mill aii
s. 1 -1 1 1 1
t vnni'U' r nis.fV. nl. r In div L'ood-i. Ul
VVcihw. unihi. lmubi'i etc.. Jusey town, Miltl
w kti uvviHiini. il.-utcr In UltlcH. Ijtatlu'
riinir 1 in Miuiivr.n ti.u 1 ml iln Ciiliuiibla county
' l-nlii
hp u miiim. iMMiiv. Mnilisi.ii Hold. lr
1 1 t-rn iiud SlruimeiH cntcitaliuil, vl!-nl
"Vtm 1
i (lt& H, HItOi:MAi;i:i, tunitis in uiy
jil Ko"'it,t UiotciKH ami Kin" hi '"' .
'11-ht hloio lu bout 1 1 end ol tow u,
n-nii u'M. ir a iMits. iiciiicri in urv cu
J L'nii-i 1 hn. di uui and nu dU Ines, 1'lrht slru In
uoitu tun 01 vn 11.
,. li,IM
! !,)
(-M, lY
I'J.HtJ H.llO
ii,ihi ayjij
:m,ii wm
:xceuloiHnnd AdhilnKlratoi's JsolleoS t,im; An
il I tor's Notice fi,.Vi. Otbcr adeill.emcnls Inver
ted aceorillutf top pedal contract.
Uiisincss not Ice h, without nd veil Isciumt, twenty
cuts per line.
Transient ftdvertl.t'ineiitn paynbln In advance-
alt otbcis dun after the lliht Inveillou.
4i ll N, In u( rain, nnne Ilki-ly to be
lory, both to Mibsctlbcrs and lo lhf l'tiblltberM,
that 11 lnlllamcHatid nl Ico mm unlcal Ions re-peel-ln
the bnshii-jmof tin-pa pi r, be sent dlrw t to the
ofllcii of publication. All ktter, lla-f iclatlni!
to thepdlloilalor ijUiiHhseonccinsof the papet,
and all pnymmtK lur Mibseilptlon,i, mlvcrtUina,
or Juhblntr.aie to bi tn ulcto ami nddicKhcd
iiiWM'icwAV a khi:i:i:.
tlCUut,ibini Oiltr,"
rilnlcd at Itoblvtiri llulldlny, near I he ('taut
Homo, by
v. M, vam)i:iisi.i(i:
(Choice &tKtvy,
It l lUIM4.
Iho xllvcr rain, llm dden ralu, thojipplln",
daiiilnir, I itiidiliiff lain I'
Ht t liming It h peni Ih nn the yrti'ii ttul'f. cd;;e,
rrlualn with neins the brown rock m led je,
Hplnnliinn ell for the. walrr-lnll,
And bulldititf an mnlx r-coloied wall
AcrohH Ihu VYkI where the; hiinbeaniH lull t
Tho pcnllo rain, hi the hhaded Kmc -I hi- filter
In;;, peering, winning rain)
The noNy rain, the inarch Inn rain, t lit tushtui;
tread of tho heavy rain I
Pouring Its rivers from out the blue, j
lown on the grass w hero the daisies yrvy,; ,
Darting In clouds of angry d tops
Across tlichllts nnd green Irecdops, I
And ItlvstiiK at last lu Us giant gltc, 1
The foaming Hps of the great green icaj
The urce, wild rain, tho riotous rain, the ln.l-
termtsdivddng, shouting ralu I
Tho htill night ralu, tho holcnm ralu, the hoKllei-
htop ot the uildnlght rain!
With Its incasuuil beat on the loof o'er head,
Willi Its ttdtugs sweet of the faithful dead,
Whispers Horn loes whoaielald asleep
Under tiiohod where tho mjitles crup,
(.'ullliiff htiuqucts from the nun-lit pasl,
Of llowerstoohwef t, toof.ilr to last 1
The- fallliful tain, the untiring r.iln, tho cooling,
hobbliig, weeping tain I
Tho hiillty win. tlichltcful ralu, tho bothcrtnj',
plircrliiK, thieving rain I
Cieeplns so lazily oer the M:y,
A leaden nmvlc o'er ft bright btue r c,
Ami Khutllng in with Its damp. htrnu haiuh,
Tho losy faces In imls a id bands
Of glils who thtnk with unwonted ft on 11
Of tho chariuini! laces and things down town,
Thalinight as well for tho tlresomo lain,
Ho in tho rose-laud of Aluiahaln.
Thu hoirid lain, tho tcdloiu lain, tlm nccrcu-
illin;, dingy ralu 1
"KstcKKnno( ki:ii."
P KIN 'V I N (i
Niallj exei illcl at Hits Oilier.
A TTII It N 1! Y-A T-1. A V,
Ashl'iml, Si'liuyllclll I'l.uiily, IVuu'a.
M. TltAUdll,
a r rii 1 1 v 1.1 I'll .1 ,
Ittrwhh, ('nlunibli Coinit), r on'ii.
rn.LIA.M If. AllllOTT,
' A TTO ll N ll 1 -A T-1. A V
V, .Ml 1.1. Kit,
A I 'I'll I! N ll A T I. .
1 .in... ullh 11. II. I.ltlle. 1,1 hi Ii I; buil.llhi' ad
ioliiim: I'osl 1 utiic. i,,r-i:i,iinll, s, n m iv-riv mi'
lisions lollei 11 il. sci,-ihh.
A T'l O II n 1: Y-A T- I. v,
oiliceiu IhsMcr anl Iticoiili-rn ndhi, In Ibe
baM-ment of thoCouit House, IJIix.m .lui, I'.i
A 1 i 1 1 It 1 1 - A I 1 1 A
cmn-'r nl .Main and Mail.i t li 1 Is, ow
riit National I'anl;, llloomsbuij;. I'a.
11. IiITTI.K,
i 11 11 ll ., 1. - . l-l.
1 1111. .nil Math hllcil. In bllcli I. oil. 111. l.i low the
1'olllt House, llloomshili;..!'.!,
!!. miOCKWAY,
A'l Tllll N I'. Y A T I. A H,
.Ml.y, b
II I ,tJi J. 1 .il l- I Hi, t wiiw.uiii.v u'., .ii
Tint iin.lf rtltriifiil linvllll' tilin llllSfd til if Well
Imh.u-ii nn.l r.i1l'.1ipi)iiil Imofcp.llit' l!xchanifia
1 inii' kit 11 ni n (ill i.ii i iiiji.i . 111 imiuiiiMiiMii
Imiucdlalily oi.posllo thot'olumblactmnly Coiut
llOUSC, IChpClllUliy llllltllU lll-U I ivimi mm im-
inoiit) in gciu nu inai int'ir iioiisui-inMv m im 1
iii 1 I hit Knimllnn ninl riitci talllineilt of ll'UVcl U
who may bo disponed to favor it with their cus
tom, 'ihey baohpareduoexpcnsoln pieparing
thollxdiancoforlhecntcitalniiif utoflheliguehts
neither hhall tticro bo any thing wanting on their
ail 10 muusicr 10 uieir pi ihonai com 1011, 1 m-j
ioiiso Is hnaeiotiM. ami 1 u.lo h 1111 ixcelUnl biihi-
ucks location.
Oiuiilbiisc-H inn at all IhueH hctuciti tho 1a
chango Hotel and tho unions lallioad ilcpotn, by
which liavtllciu will bo .Ieasanlly cniiccd to
and irom tho uipeetIo Muttons In duo tlmelo
llltMHUhbuig, April 3, IMa
Utmhinn iJlllto.
T OlMH IlHltXIiAlil)
V. ni
I .w the (I,-
.l t"
telnlty that he Is now pn pai
platlliK, hllvir or gold.
.11. Ml. 1. Ill Icllidsnl
llicl 1,1,7.
K 11.
IT I! T 1 O X K
MDHHH cdi'
llav luu followed I he plolchtdiat nl I'llhlie Vl ll.lun
C1I1 1 lor liinnv eai8. woiild inloim his lilemls
that ho Is Hill In llio Held, unit) mid u llllliu' In
iilldiil to all tin. ilulles nt his inllluit. Ivikoiis
ilihliluu hlshi l lees hhouhl cull or wide to mill
at Itloi.msbuiff, l',i, I nun h L7,
11Y .THAN IKlir.l.OW.
'I'll 1:111: wiis 11 ciickDn I'liick liunj,'iiij;
In Tom Tnnipi'ri cutliiKu. Wlit'ti 11
struck unt', 'I'om'ri wlTu laid tlicbuliy In
llii' iTiulle mul took llio sauce pan oll'tho
llio, from which cuino tt very mvory
Ilor two llttln chllilicn, who hail been
ilny hi; In Iho opun tloor-way, ran to
tho tahlo mul lii'mi soRly to ilrum up
on It with their pewtrr hpooni, looklnj;
UHt'ily nt their mother, as she turned
i nice little piece or pork into ti tllsli
mul set urceiH ninl potatoes around it.
1'lioy brought tho salt, then M't u chnlr
lor their r.itlter, biought their own
stool-i, and pulled their liiolher'n rod;-
iiifjclmlr elope lo the table.
"llun lo the door, llilly," said llm
iiiolliei-, "and ten If father is comlii";."
Hilly ran to llio tloor, midttftor tho fnli-
Ion of little children, looked llrsl the
right way and then tho wrong way, but
no falhci' wn-iseun.
freocntiy Ills mother I'lilltiwed him,
mil uhadcil hereyes with her hand, for
llio mm was hot, "If father doesn't
come soon," she olwrv'.d. "the npplo
dumplings will be loo much dune by tt
"Thorn ho i-t," cried the little boy,
"liuis eoinino; nuinil by the wood; and
now he it j;oiiio; over the biidge. Oh,
father, make haste, and have some iiii-
plo dumplings."
"Tom," said ids wife as lie eamo near,
"art thou tired to-dayV"
"L'liconinioi! tired," mid Tom, and
he threw himself on the bench lu the
shadow of tho thatch,
"lias anything gone wrung'.'" (-aid
Ids wife. "AVhnl'is the matter V"
"Mailer'."' said Tom. "Is anything
the mutter'.' Tho matter is this, moth
er; Hint I'm tt miserable, hard worked
slave !" and ho clasped his hands upon
his knees, and muttered, In a deep
voice which frighleiiedlliechllilreii--"a
miserable slave."
"Illess us!" said liii wife who could
unt make out what ho meant.
"A miserable, ill-used slave," contin
ued Tom, "and always linvo been."
"Always have been ?" said his wife;
"why, father, I thought thou Used tn
say, at tho election tlmo, thiut was.t n
free-born llritou."
it. V. II.
(Late A Islam .Ml. Ileal llli
P 11 H I (' I A H A N 11
(inoitau W. MAUOUlt, rrojirU'tur,
ThOftlKivuwell.loinwn hotel lian iceelltly under.
Bono iiul'i'tllehflligeH 111 11m Internal ari'liniienielllM,
nnd lUlin prlelol'llllllouliee.stiililslorliiei eilslolii
and Iho liaMlllnt! puhlli) that IdHiieeonioilatlons
for thui onifoit nt his mifsuuro Hccoiul to none In
the eonnliy. Ills liihle will nlnnm ho found tup
lille.1, n. . I only Mllli Mihhlalitlal loud, hut v illi till
tho ihlU.iif.lenol 11. . kislholl. 1IU Milieu and 11-
iiuoiK (eneepl Hint popular lieMiise klimni in
"Mclknry ')t puieh.lsed dll'ei
llollhCii, mo i utility
t finm tho linnoillhu
lire. and lieo noin nn pin
I II.' I'UltKr.I.L, MtiMl. tlltnlt and lininesH
I inalier. Main H below eourt, hoiihe, vl-ull
n FOHTKIt, Uluo Maker, and Wlilto nnd fauey
vi. luiuier, rscoiiown,
Ilniid deiilcm In Lumber, of all lillidH. planln
mill near Iho roll-road. M-nl.
V . liLar hoiilhu'eht eomei' Main and .Maikelht.
" Vl-ull
AWITMAN, inniblo m-ii lex, lidir tntitliMihl
, vl-nll
II. llINCll.l:lt, dealer 111 Plain, Mtnlm and
inelodcoim.ntU. W.L'ou- imunilliliolooiin
111 II, MAHTKIIH, atient for drover it Italter'a
I , uowlim iimchlno, Main ht., llartiiitiu'u hulld.
UK, up Hllltrn. v l-ii 1 1
uiaioiiH dines. 11 n Ufhiiol.llll lol'll lihl I 111 lull oil
aco III the l'liht, and will eontliiiiii loih'Keio It hi
iiioiiituie. uixmur. w, MAiiuiiii.
pXCUANtl K HaTooN,
Tun Proprietor oniioi:Mliani,'oK,ilisiihah 11011.
on liiiiul n IniKe bloi-1: or
biiMMiut iti:ritixii.Mi:.viH,
couhUtiui: uf
Hl'U'hll l.VHI'l i;S, mill.lM.S, 'lllll'K, mil win in
HiiiKi' iiiNiii'i:, lioll i n 1 nns, swi llHi cm ise.
u- ciiMi: (iNii, comi: ai.i. anii hi:i:. -in
Illisinihlmrir, May a, INiT.
rpilK KSl'V IIOTKI,,
I W. H0I111INH, Umior dealer leeniul iloor fiom
1, liortliM'1'i.t eoriier Malnand lieu ht. vl-ull
ir l'lIATOCIt. Notary l'ubllc, uoilhcahl corner
)l Muln nud Mulket ht, vl-ulJ
if. UN A.l'l'NHTON, mutual ami rnUi 1 nli llio
.1 liibiiramoeompiiiiy.iioitlieiuteoiiiir.Malnaml
Weitwt. vl-nll
fli:oit(lll HAfsKnin'.liintiliriietuier nnd repair,
ll or iiflliUbliliiK nuicliliitii, HnmploA: i'u'm Ma
rhl 110 Whop, jil llloonnbuig, vlnll
I ,H-Il',IIN, dealer In meat lallow, He., C'hcin
1 btrllu'ii alley, back of AmerUuu huuhe. vl-nU
(J AMUI:I. JAfOIlV, MnrlTo iiiurTllowTiHlono
O Vlnl7
XT W.HAMlT.i: A CO. MnrhlnliturKantllloouis.
l. I. Ciihltiiuainndunl
u. 111 .'..linn inn. 1 y lumlw Iiud 11 pulieil. V-ll'l
I'll 1: hlilihel ll.i r lei i.eet fully InfolliihhlN lili lulu
uiul tho puhllo, Hint lie him tukui IhiiuhoMi vi II
known lloiiiitt of lliitiiliiluuKiii, and will he
pleated to l.eelvo tint iiulom uf nil who will
ruvor him wuua inn,
111: wiT.i. Ki:i:i" a (loon -j'AJii.i:,
n liar w 1 lUtiu lad Willi Iho beht of IJiiiitns, mid
every lllllll Will be inane 111 leiui'.r . 'mire hiius-
lartlou. I'. II, lUl.TIKIIIl II,
j:py, I'a., Apill VI, 1N.7.
nnicK noTKii,
luiwAiii) r.viiuirn', l-noi-iti iitoii.
HiivliiK Inkcn pohneKKloii of IhU wcll-ltiiown
lm,.,n l.i In... if. tit. Ill- htllllltU'l KellU. HlOl'l'lt.
ed IIAlt ANII l.Alllil.ll Willi Iher iiileiHllfiiioni
nml uewiht uciieiieiiH, iimbiaui 1 1 iioienit iuu
lu Ihocoimly! ninl nu pnlus will bo i pured to
His-m.. unman'
tin 1 .V Mm-,)
H 1 1 It 11 !' ll N ,
"ll,'Shlli''s Itloek,
Otllt'CIlt till liHIlMI III. I
lOUlllMHII'tf, i'.i.
'.il!:, imnuptly utti inlt-.l lu U.ih ul-i.i mi. I l.t.
Ill innsliir'K, Jan, Is, Iw,
11. lMJItSlCL,
in it I tliuki' in
OAKI'iri'-UAtiH, VAJ.IHK, 1 IA-Mri,
muAiu uotii, uoii:-niuNKi.iFt m,
which liu f.ils coulltli'iit 1 10 can hell ut lower
lato tlinn any otin-r itiMn in tlm (ountiy. i
tuntno luryoiirfculvc. wf
Kliup ilrht duor Ik1 tow tho Pott Ollhv Mnln
Htrrct, ItUinnitihuri;, I'a.
iV. ivl, iOtHt
Fs 1 1 A V I N(i, HA I It UUTTI Nd
niir Wl'liiiayi r .V Jaeol.'a lie I'uinii Hali.m,
llnlr livilui; nnd WhlskciH inloiul blnik or
lu own, Hiilr't'iiiiUitotlehtloyilaiuliull auituau
Mil lux the llllll'l will Uhlnlti hair In ItH orlKlnnl
color Mill. ..I. I M.IIII.K the buiht labile, lOlihlantly
on uanu, pipiiui,
K N T I S T It Y .
h, i', nowi:it, nn.s'Tisr,
llehpeellully ullim Ills pmrewdonal tu
Ihel idhH mid Gentlemen ol lllooiuhbiiiifnuil I-
elllliy. I in is pi epa it ii to at i em i ii.itiiiou inn-
oiisiipeiatlnus III II,.- Ill I his ploli-HKli, n.iui, I
IS piovldul Willi the Intent IlllplllUd I'ollCl LAIN
'.'.. in vxl.lfh lutll l.n ho, lied nil fold nl.'lllui.r.
hllti'l llll'l I miner nasi' in iooi. as w, 11 .mint' ntti-
llllil III III, letlll I'Xlinillil o nil in., nu,. inii,
lllnht lipploMd lllilhods, mid lill opetlil una oil
Itesltli-nin ami filllen ll lev. lihoio Hit
I'tillll House, hitlilu lde.
nioolilhiuiiin j iiii,7ii, i.ft 1 1
nownrcit kkiis and mum huh
Unpen, I'a.,
MaiiiilJ. IUM ls or
rowiiHlt ki:hm.
nml ile.ihin In all binds nr
I.II.MIIKIt, Ihey nie pn lured In neeinniKlalK
their eiisloiii wllli dlapali Ii, ninl nil Iho clienpt
I . ,1, .set litlotl 111 hinu wnria licit in Oll.i
ulllihiitlfaetlnn. Kiuil lor I'ulaloKUo and ( Ir
llllulihcelilld'.halldriealeMi'f iither liliikeis,'.lal:ni
31'illk I'laie.Ni'W VulkJ.II I'ldcilll HI. llosloll
in yi. ns-
hark, and n hot wall before one's eyes.
Hut I'm n miserable slave. I must ei
ther woik or poo 'em utnrvp) n very
hard lot 11 Is In bo it working nun."
"Ilul II Is not only the work that I
complain of, but being obliged lo Work
ns ho pleases. Itseiiough lo spoil any
man's temper to bo told to dig up thus"
asparagus beds Just when they were get
ting to be llio very in itio of the parish.
And for what? Why, lo liuiko room
for Jlndimi's now gravel walk, that she
limy not wet her feet going over the
grass. Now, I ask you," continued
Tom, still talking to himself, "whether
that isn't enough tu spoil any man's
"Ahem!" said n voice eloso to him.
Tom started, and, to his great sur
prise, saw a small man, about the size
of his own baby, sitting composedly at
his elbow. lie was dressed In green
green hat, green coat, and green shoes,
lie had very bright black eyes, mid
they Iwlnklcd very much as he looked
at Tom and smiled.
"Servant sli',"saidToni, edging him
selfa little further I'ff.
"Miserable slave," said the small
man, "ait thou so lost lo Iho noble
sense of freedom as that thy very salu
tation acknowledges a mere stranger as
thy master'."'
"What aro yotiV" said Tom, ".intl
how dare you call mu n slave'.'"
"Tom," said tho small man with n
knowing look, "don't speak roughly.
Keep your lough words for your wife,
my man; sho Is bound lo bear them
what else Is she for, In fact 1"
"I'll tliitnk you to let my affairs
alone," Interrupted Tom, shortly.
"Tom, Pin your friend; I think I can
help you out of your ditlleulty. I ad
mire your spirit. Would 1 demean
myself to work font master, and attend
loall his whims?"
As ho said this the small mail stoop
ed and looked very earnestly Into the
stream. Drip, drip, drip, went the wa
ter over a lltllu fall lu the .stones, and
wet the cresses till they shono lu the
night, while tho leaves l!uttoreii;over
head and choittered tho nuns with gilt'
terlng spots of its sunshine. Tom
watched the small mail with earnest
attention as lie turned over the leaves
of llio cresses. At last ho saw him
snatch something which looked like a
Utile fedi out of the water mid put It
In his pocket.
"It's my belief, Tom," lie said, res
uming tho conversation, "that you
have been puzzling your head with
what peoplueall Kconoiuy."
"Never heaid of sticii a tiling," said
Tom. "Hill I've been thinking that 1
iWtnr nli. Till lu MOlK 111 iy lllllie
than (hose that employ me."
"Why, you see, Tom, you must have
money. Nowltseems lo inn that there
are but four ways of getting money
Thorn's stealing money -"
"Width ihin'l nil me," Interrupted
"Very I'ood. Then tin re's borrow
ing "
"Which I don't want to do."
"And There's begging -"
"No, thank you," said Tom stoutly.
"And I hern's giving money's win th
for tlic money, that is lo say, work, la
"Your wordsareas linens a wcrinon,"
said Tom.
"Hut look here, Tom," proceeded the
man in gieen drawing hi-, band out of
ids pocket, and showing a little drl
plug llsh in bis palm, "what do you call
"1 call it a very small inliinow,".'ald
"And do you see nn thing particular
about Its tail'.'"
"it looks uncommon bilgltt," said
Tom, stooping to look at it.
"It does," said the man In green,
"and now I'll tell you a secret, for I'm
resolved to be your friend. I'.very min
now in this stream, they tiro very scarce,
liiiiul you -hut every one of them has a
silver tall."
"You iloit'l say so," exclalinsd Tom,
for minnows mul being one's own mas
ter would be a gieatdeal iileasanler than
tho sort of llio l'vo been leading this
many a day."
"Well, tho secret lis to wheroyou gel
them, Is yours and much good may it tin
you," s'.ild tho mail iiigrcen."l arewell,
1 wish you Joy of your fiecdoui.".So say
ing, he walked away, leaving Tom on
tho brink of the stream, full of Joy ami
pride. Ho went to his iiur-tor, uud told
liliu that ho had an opportunity for bet
luring himself, nnd rose with the dawn
and went to work lo search lor nun
nows. Hut of all tho minnows in tho
world never weroauy so nlinhlonstho-o
with silver tails, 'limy wero very shy
too. and had as many turns and doub
les as a hare; what n life they led him I
They nuulo him troll up tho btroam for
miles; then, Just as ho thought his
chase was at tin end, nnd he was sure of
tlteiii they would lejipiiuito out of the
water nnd dart down Iho stieain again
like liltlt' silver arrows. Miles mul
mill's ho went, tlivil mul wet llllil llllil
gry. Ho ciune homo lain In tho cn
lug completely wearied mill foot-sorc
with only Ihieo minnows lu hlspocket
each with it silver tall.
"lint at any rate," liosntd to himself,
ns ho lay down in his bed, "though
they led mu a pretty life, and I linvo
to worl; harder Chan over, yd I certain
bought anything Hint was not useful."
"Were Ihey gnotl lo eat V" n"kcil Iho
Woman at the next house.
"No I"
Then they would not have them.
"Much loo dear," said a third.
"And not so veryeurioiiH,nil.l u fourth;
hut they hoped he had come by I In In
At tho f I nti house they said :
No, no; they wero not ipiHe no silly
as to bellovo thoro wero llsh In tho
world with silver tall?; If there had been
they Hhouhl often have heard or them
At (he sixth hoiiso they were such a
very loiigtlmo lu turning over Ids llsh,
In pinching their lulls, bargaining and
dressing them, that ho ventured to re
monstrate and reiiuested that they
ould mako somo haste. Thereupon
they paid if he did nol ehoo-o to wall
their pleasure they would not purchase
at all. So they shut tliedoortipon liltn,
nnd this roused his temper, lio spoke
rather roughly at tho next two hollies,
nnd was dismissed al onco as a very
rinlo, uncivil person.
Hut filter all his llsh were really great
emlosltles; and when ho had exhibit
ted them all over tho town, set them
out In all lights, praised their perfec
tions, and taken Ininieiiso pains lo con
ceal hlspatlencenud tcniper,hoat length
ontrlvcd lo sell them, nnd receive
exuetly fourteen shillings for them mid
no more.
"Now, I tell you what, Tom Turner,"
liesaid to himself, In my opinion you've
been making a fool of yourself, and I
only hopo Bally will not Hud It out.
You was tired of being a working man,
that man lu green has cheated you Into
doing; tho hardest week's work you over
done, by making you believe It was
more freellko and easier. Well,you said
you didn't mind It, because you had no
master; but l'vo found out this after
noon, Tom, and I don't mind your
nowlng it, that every ono of those cus
tomers of yours was your master just
tho same. Why I you wero nl llio beck
of uvery man, woniait and child Hint
aino near you obliged lo lie In a
, whleh-was aggraval
letter from John Quill.
(II'.NI'.IIAI. ltUTi.nt's INVIIXI HUriN"
W'AnntNtiToN, .lime Mb. - 11 will I"'
perceived from the following repott of
inittee lo-ilay, that (leneral Hutler Is
pushing his Inquiry vigorously, ami
with it prospect of success. II Isevldeiil
from tho following examination, that
sum,) startling disclosures win lie inaoo
concerning the moans used tnsecurethe
votes of tho rcnogntlo Senators for the
President's iieiiilltul.
.Mr. Joseph l'ldgeon wiis placed upon
Ihu stand lo-tlay and examined by Mr.
Mr. l'ldgeon having been HWorn,Mr,
Hutler produced it telegraphic dispatch,
mid said :
"Joseph tin you recognize that'.'"
" Yes sir."
" It Is in your handwriting, is it not?"
" Oblige me by leading it to the com
'I'd rather not," said Jo-eph blush
"Sirrah I you must. nii admit or
having sent it?"
" Yes sir; but I don't like lo read it.
It don't concern' anybody."
" We'll seo about thai. Are you go
ing to read It or ain't you V"
I'sltaw! that's got nothing to with
Impeachment, I tell you."
"Cailltl'l remember wiiero you are.
Don't answer hack. 1 will read to tho
Conimltteu nnd expose your villainy."
"Oh look hero now, don't go to read
ing that thing out loud here, you know
I "
"Silence ser-Iavo! Oenllonien this
dispatch rends us follows: 'Ho Wary
Smith I'res't Johnson's all light.' "
"() 1'shawl" said Mr. l'ldgeon, "that
ain't there. You don't know how to
read writing. You ought to spell all
the hard words. That snys: 'MUs Mury
Smlth-Stuid at Johnson's all night.'
Johnson keeps n grocery and lives on C
street. He's a friend or mine."
"S'dealhl l'ldgeon, remember you're
IhoHiinlly of I ho country Is not safe If
this man is alluwod logo jit largo mul
hi lug about Urii frightful result. Oir-
crtoiiifi nt fillwMiiHt licaimtt Jim
gold for Ten Dollars.
Otu friend (' , says a Southern
out iiorary. Is it neat, taper fellow,
standing about foiirfeot In lilssloc3!ngs
a natural noet and a first-rale lellow
hut he was sold, badly sold, ami Hint
loo, by a "whitu mail." You must
know Hint wo have many n day hero
when not a solitary customer Is about
lo keep the storekeepers busy. As a
consequence, In order lo doslioy the
monotony nnd etiiinl, ninny a sell isgoi
. , . . . . tt
up lo create nn exciiemeui. i.
was ready to do anything to itiaKoiiuii
tiino pay.
"Woll, 0 , I'll give you ncliance
to mako ten dollars."
"I low?" asked t' .
"Well, you're good at running; you're
good bottom, and tho time Is Jtut the
thing, if you will run as larns inns
warehouse, nl tho foot or the hill mid
hack again, and nover stop, you shall
linvo ten dollars."
"Cloud ns wheat! 1 am your man I"
myA c . "The distanco is only
nboul two hundred yards, and my
wind is good -for thrco times the li i
lance." "Well, pitch In, nnd mako nn
Oil" starts (J nt ft 2: 10 paco down
tlm hill all tho clerks nnd storekeepers
running out lo seo whnt was in Iho
wind. Tho quiz soon spread, mul our
"little stud" was encouraged on his
route. "Who laughs last laughs best,"
was Iho racer's thought. Now lie reach
es tlto turning post and back ho comes.
Cheers greet him on every side, but the
thought of ten dollars, mado so ea-y,
wreatheshlsraco wltli smiles, llonrrlves
nthisstartiiig-1'olnt, stojia, and claims
thopurso with aglow of pridennd exul
"You haven't won It 1" saysour wug.
"How's that'.'"
"Why, you havo slopped; and the
good temper, too,
Hook, Tom," said in green,
stinting up in his path, "I know you
wero all working iiicmnud you must all
please your customers. Your master
was your customer ; what he bought of
you was your work. Well, you let
the work bo such as will please Hit' customer."
"All worklngiuen'.' how do you make
that out'.' said 'lorn, thinking ol tho
fourteen shillings In his hand. "Is
my master a working nianV and lias
he got a master of his own V Nou-
sense V"
"No nonsense nt nil he woiks with
his head; ho keep his bonks anil iiuiii-
ages ids great works. He has many
masters, el so why was hn nearly mined
List year'."'
"Ho was nearly ruined becau-e ho
mad(somonow fangled kiwi of patterns
at his works, and people would not buy
them," said Tom.
"Well, In a way ol' speaking then, lie
works to plc;v-o his ma-ters, poor fel
low! He Is, as one may s.iy, it fellow
servant,aiid plagued with very awkward
masters. So 1 should unt mini bis be
ing my master, and I think I'll gn nnd
tell him so."
"I would, Tom," said tho matt in
green. "Tell him you have not been
able to heller yourself, and you have no
objection now to dig up tho asparagus
So Tom trudged homo to his wife,
ave her tho money he bad earned, got
his old nuisler lo lake him lack, and
kepi a profound secret his adventure
with tho man In green, nnd too llsli
Willi silver tnlN.
,, .,ii, ir..,.ii .lon'i to inirn Mi ' nionev was vours oni.v m case you nrn-r
havo von manacled and nlnenl in the stopped !'
dmioeon beneath tho euiiitol moat!" C 's eyes opened wide. 'Twa
Hull tell voti, you don't read il no use to gel limn ; tno tiling wus hid
right. 'I'.n WuryKiuiiiir Jia, mi: NMiyticn, nun um i.uiii,... ......
that' ridiculous: yes It Is." llo took it lu good part, and our wag,
Yount' man. I am not to bn trilled to maueall tilings ngni, toon streat.
with. ()llyollloalltllow,wholsSlllitl.,"
Nover you nilliil now who Smith
"See heio, I'idgeon, I'm dangerous
when I get mad. If you don't answer
A l'nr.TTV r.nvr. Sroltv. There i it
story told in connection with tho Intro,
duellon of Hue lace into Hrussels. A
iii.or young girl named CiortrudQ was
my qtitetioiis, I'll i online you in Vln- Hying fni-lovo ol a young man wno-i-
nlu Ilium's room, uud gel her loinul.n wcaiiu prcciuin'ii an uopeswi 11111111111..
aslnliio ol' you; I will, upon my sa- One night as sho sat weeping, it lady
eretl word ol'lionor," said Hutler wlthn tillered her collage, mid without saying
llendisli ,1'uivl. " ti word, placed in her lap a cushion
Joe I'iilgeou shuddered, and Hie .nld with lis bobbins tilled widi thread, llm
sweat stood upon his brow til the lany men Willi perieci siienco sitowcti
thought oftho frightful humiliation nnd her how to work tho bobbins, nml now
sulleiingof this punishment. (omakeall sorts ot ilelicalo patterns
1 . I . . . .. i, .1. , Mi .1. .. 4 ., ,!..!..
" Hut I tell you," said be, " that you aim compiieaiou suiciies. .uij iigin
approaelicil, iiieinaiiieu nan leaiiieu uie
ail, and the niysleriom vtsltiv-.s had
ill-appeared. 'Iho price of tho maid
en's laco iiiude her rich on account of
lis valtiablu patterns, and sho was able
"Women Iiavo no business with po
litics," said Tom, getting up rather
.,,11. II., A .. 1.,... 11 ....... ,1... I....,.
nuinil. , ii iivoni ii linn inu nine i , ,, . .11..
of habit, or thostuell ,r Iho dinner, that "-'",!" l,N "J w. y W"'
, , .', ,.. lor minnows and being one's i
iiiuun 111111 110 so, 11:1s 1101 ni'cu usceiiaiii
ed; but It is certain that lie walked lulu
tltohoiiie, ato plenty ol" porkaud greens,
ami thou look a tolerable shaio In de
molishing llm apple, dumplings."
hen tho children wero gone out lo
piny, ids wifo said lo him:
Tom, I hope thou nnd master havu'nt
had words lo day','"
".Master !" said Tom ; "yes, a pielty
muster lie lias bion; and a pretty slave
1 havo been, Don't talk to me ol'mus-
"Oil, Tom, Tom," cried his wife;
hut he's been n good mnster to yon;
fourteen shillings a week, regular wnges
Unit's not it thing to make u sneer at;
and think how warm llio children aro
lapped upo' wilder nights, and you with
as good shoes to your feet as over kept
ono out of tho mud."
"What of that?" said Tom; "isn't my
labor worth tho money? I'm not be
holden lo my employer. Ho gels as
good from mo ai ho gives."
"Very like, Tom. There's not tt mill
for tulles round Ihal can match you for
a graft; and us to curly peas but If
ninter can't do without you, I'm sum
you can't do without him. Oh.doar, to
IhliikyOti'nnd ho should havo hard
words I"
"We've had 'ilo words'" said Tom,
ImltollniilK'. Olinl Piii ,l' 1,dtii nt
""1"" e I - "-'r ' 1 . - . 1 1
another's beck and call. It's 'Tom, do 1.V am fu; no liiun can oruer urn tti.oiu
1 lilu I oml I'l'iim .111 Hull I nil, 1 ,,,! 1.1 nir HOW."
but work. work. from Mnnilnv morning Tins went on lor it wiuue ....
1111 Hiiiii-ilnviiliriii. nml I was llilnklii!' worked very hard, but on Sunday
as 1 walked over lo Squlro Morion's to afternoon ho had caught fouileeu lulu
ost.- r.n- it,., iiii'iiin .,.0.1 r, liie i'. I I nows.
........ , 1 r ,i.
was thinking, Sally, thai I am nothing "if" wasu-i nir um pniu... .....
hut a poor working man alter nil, In tiling," no iiiiuseu, -i n uav.ui..
short, I'm n slave, and my spirit won't mom to do villi fishing for minnows,
tit-ma a " This Is Iho hardest woik I over did. I
So saying, Tom Hung hlinseir out nt miiqiillu tt slave to tiieni. i rusii up
tho cottage door, and his wlfo Ihoiighl nml down, I ''"''t'o ' nnd mil, I splash
ho wnsgolug back to Ms work ns usual, inyseiriit llm sun, and nil for thu snko
Ilul sho wits nilstnken; ho wnlked lo of a dumb thing that gets tho bolter of
tlm u'nrul. nml ihcrn. when lm intnn In 1110 Willi 11 wng of Its llns, Hut It's no
tho border of a llttlo tinkling stream,
lio sat down nml began to brood over
his grievances, it was a very hot tiny.
"Now, I'll tell you whnt," mid Tom
to himself," It's u great deal pleasanter
don'l know how to read.
1 lo Miss Mnry Smith
"(ieulleiiicn," said Mr. Hutler, lis
ing," we will trille with this perjured
ti'iillni' 1111 lnuircr. in Ibis letter is con
tained the evidence of the Infamy of to marry the object of her love. Many
KXTiiAoitniNAiiv Match tii'l'isroi,
(!A1Nkt Shot Cir.v. On tho 2'itli of
May, (.'nptaln Travis, tho celebrated
"pistol shot," shot at birds on tho rise
from the trap, wllli n liNtol, against a
shot gnu. The day was windy and not
favorable lo good shooting. The cap
tain's opponent was I lenry i roslliwalle,
wlto used a shot-gun, muzzle loading.
arlridges each onooiineo nnd u quarter.
He was allowed i'.'i yards rise, mul in
yards boundary. Mr. Crostliwaltoopen-
d tho match, killing tho llrst I birds lu
accession, iiilsnlugtho .lib, tho Oth fill
ing l.'i yards from the trap, tho7tlt kill
id, llio Kth a miss, nnd tho '.Hit mid lUth
killed, making In all 7 killed out ot Hi
blids, When dipt. Travis took his po-
bltlon the betting was lllil to I'll on tho
shot-gun. The 1st bird ho missed, 2d,
Id and -lilt killed, the nth a miss, llioiith
killed, tho 7th tt nil-s. Tho else was
desperate. Tho captain could not win,
but by killing tho remaining o nirus,
ho could make tho mulch a draw, mo
word Is given, tho pigeon rises from the
trap, wings mado swifter and stronger
bv tlm bono of freedom. Whiz! lung I
a 'llttlo cloud of smoke, a thud on Ihu
ground of a falling body.uild the eighth
bird Is tidded lo tho score ol tne nine
The ninth rises, the sharp report ot llm
pistol is ngulii hoard, and another bini
drops llko a slone lo tho ground. No
t mo for r.ilterliiijnow. run liiosiring
'llio eaptivo is free. It Is leaving Its
nrlsoii-hotiso behind, r'rlghienod, des-
iicmlo. It snrliiL's into tho air with tho
swiftness ornn arrow speeding from iho
bow tightly sprung by athletic, bunds.
Tho eyo Hashes along tho short barrel,
llnrkl tho report and tho winged flight
of fear Is suddenly 111111011, 'llio nlni
true, nnd tho ball bus performed lis mis
sion well I 'Iho bird falls within tho
boundary dying dead; mul the wind
keeps on its course, 1ml now freighted
with hiiiidredsof cheers, for C'apl Travis
lias killed his seven birds, tied his op
poiicnt, and thu Judges pronounco tho
match a draw. A'. 1 . Suntltii AVir.t,
, u L
iisostnnillng hero talking; I must set
off lo tlm town nnd sell llicni, or Sally
will wonder why 1 don't bring her tho
week's iiiouey." So ho walked lo um
town, mid olVered his llsh for salu ns
sltt Ing hero In tho shndo than drolling lt'llt eurlosllles,
over celery trenches; nnd then thinning "Very pretty," said the llrst people
of wall fruit, with a baking sun nt one' 1 he Hhowisl them lo; "hut they never
Who WiNH?--Two Dutchmen onco
got lu a dispute about tho Kngllsh Ian
guage, each contending Hint ho could
tuu 11 the heel. 'Ihey iiinde tt bet, at
length, of tt barrel ol J.ttger mid forty
pounds of cheese, mid appoint
ed njudgu to decide between them, mid
iiccordlngly they began i
"Veil, Uhon," snld the ilrsl, "did It
ruin to-morrow ?"
"I Hhnll think it," said John.
Wasn't that Judge In a quaiidaryr
llueo Senalors. 1 have at last unravel
led lids vile plol. I will read you tho
whole of Iho despatch.
He U'ur .SVdiVA- l'i'eslilent John-mi's
all right. Senator l-'owler's cnteenleil
I'liick fur tin thousand llattfiitd Han c.
Sure now of (irimes; endeavor to gel
'li-inii I in 1 1 over. Apply In Th. Wild
J. l'i ii(ii:o..
"What ilo you think of that'.'" tuUed
Mr. Hutler.
"I'nanswerable," ftiitl lite toiiinilt
"Ha! ha! hit ! laughed Mr. I'idgeon
"Now who did you send that to
Who Is Smith?" iniiiiriil .Mi'. Hutler.
"11a! ha! ha! ha!" laughed l'ldgeon
Mr. i'idgeon was bcioiiilng by iteilcal.
"Young man, this lovily is untimely,
answer my question?
"Ha! ha! ha! oh tliundei'-r-i'-r,"
said Mr. l'ldgeon.
".Sergeant-iit-urms,i'einovo this knave!
Chain lilm lo llio hair mnttre.-s in llm
coniinlltco loom with the tapestry cur
pel ; allow no one to see him but his
friends, and give him nothing to eat but
tho delicacies ol the season. We'll see
what severity will do," Mild the mallg
limit Hutler.
Mr. I'idgeon was completely unman
ned, I le got on Ids knees and prayed to
betillmied to testily.
"(.'eiitleiiieii,"sald lie "I will
that document. Mr. Hutler mado anab
surd mistake. Well this h ridlculou
11a! hii-ltn "
"Stop!" said .Mr. Duller, cutting hi
laugh short, "no more 11 1-timcd mirth,
young man
"Well," said .loo, "you know I'm
courting a girl named Smith, anil I
came out lo get tho old man's eminent,
lie's here, you kimw, and sho said sho
was agreeable if lm wan. And mi 1
linked hliiitnil lie Mild he didn't cnioti
cent, and I tclegiaphul to her. Oblige
ine," said .Mr. I'idgeon, taking tho dcri-
natch from .Mr. Hutler. "This is what
I wrote. I admit tho peiiiiittnship'H a
lllllo rough
"JAm Ju;v mil In r-Stnld at John
sou's all night. Your h'lttlier's consent
ed, 1 gave lilm ten thousand Heiiily
thanks, You aro now iiilno forever.
Trouble's till over. Appoint ti day for
Tho Wedding. "J. i'l imr.oN."
"That's all, gentlemen. A mail in
my slliiatlou don'l cary it particle for
Impeachment. No, hodmi'l. 'Do Wa
ry Mr. Smith I Well thai is rich, any-1
how;" nnd Mr. l'ldgeon laughed Im
Mr. Hutler lookedpoiiiewliatchngrlii
di, hut In n low moments he Rfddi
Well, sir, your stuleiuent appears to
bo true, I am soiry lo s-ay. Dut h i
this ben warning lo you not to eomo
fooling mound hero with your small ill
fairs while such a terrible titan us I
nin Is itliout. It ain't safe. Dl-ehargo
the prisoner." Anil l'ldgeon walked
Hut you can ea ilysee that Hutler Is
lu deadly earuist, and that If ho could
only get a ure thing on some fellow
llko I'idgeon the people would have lo
read all those furlongs of Mpooches lu
the trial over again, In my opinion
years after, while In luxury with her
numerous family, she was startled by
Hie liivslerloiis lady entering her com
fin table home -this time not silent, but
looking stern. Site said: "Here you
enjoy peace and comfort, while without
are famine and trouble. I helped you :
you have not helped your neighbors.
TIio angels weep for you and turn away
their faces." (iertrmlo went forth witlt
her cushion ami bobbins in baud, and
going from cottage to cottage, slie olV
ered to teach the art site had so myste
riously learned. So they all becumi
rich anil tho country also.
lo Maki: Su.m.muu Dihni:s.-To
make root bcor, tnko u quantity of sats-
ipaillla roots and sassafras bark and
somo hops and boil till tho strength is
extracted, 'lo thrco gallons of tho
liquor, tiller it Isstraiueil.addonoquart
of molasses and a cup of yeast. After
standing in a warm plae. eight r ten
hours, strain again uud bottle. It will
bo lit for u-v thu following day.
l-'or ginger beer, take one pint of mo
lasses and two spoonsful of ginger, put
Into a pail to bo half filled with boiling
water; when well stirred together, 111!
tho pail with cohl water, leaving room
for one pint ol yeast, which must not
bo put lu till lukewarm' l'laco it on
llio warm hearth for tho night, and bot
tle It lu the morning.
For spruce beer, lake three pounds of
sugar, four e-allotis of water, ono ounce
of ginger, a little loiuon peal, or essence
of lemon, and a llttlo essoueo of upruce
to glvo It u llavor. Stir nil together,
warm Hit trllln; add a cupful of good
yiusl. When fermented, bottle up
Mead Is made by dissolving one part
of hoiioy lu Ihrouof boiling water, il.t-
voting it with spices, iiud adding ii
portion of ground malt, mid a pieco of
toast steepod lu yeast, allowlug tho
whole to lei incut.--f.'miwioini 'A h -
Komi, Two gentlemen from N. Y.,
ono of whom had been In I'lillfbriilu
nearly a year, mid the other Just arriv
ed, were accidentally overheard in thu
following conversation nt tho Sutter
lloti-e, Sacranienlo. Thu new comer
was lamenting his condition, when he
tiskod the other If ho had u family. "
"Yes, sir, I haven wlm and six chll
dreii In New York, nnd never ijiuv ono
in tiieni. -
Alter this, the eoiu.le sat n fow mo.
incuts lu silence, mid then the Intern)-
gaior again cnniinencen :
w nere you over liiiiul mrv"
"No, sir."
Another lapse of time.
"I ihl I understand .von to on v. sir.
that you had n wife mid six children
living Hi Nuw lorl; mul lind never
seen one of them?"
"Yes. sir; 1 so hinted It."
Another and it long pause of silence,
'llio the Interogator Inquired i
"How then can It be. nir, lliat you
never saw one of them V"
"Why" was Iho response, "one of
them was horn niter I left."
"oh 1 ah 1 mid ti general Inugh follow
ed. After that tha llrst New Yorker wan
especially distinguished us tho man
who had six children mid never saw
one of them.