The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 10, 1868, Image 2

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    tc afalumbian.
flllDAY MOIt.M.MI, .11 l.Y 10, ISO.
TUB COI.UMHIAN liu. Ill, I. urges!
Circulation III Columbia nlttl adjoining
eountle. of any tinner iiitlilltlicit lirre, ami
I. also innrh IneRtr alirtl limn nu if
UirolviniornrUii mill Is tlirr roll- Ihr In
medium for nilvcrllsllia; til this nrt Hon nf
tlm elate.
ll I IISBO i I 111 '""
Ni:w YoiiK,.liity 0, 18fit.
(iovr.HNOit SkV.moUH of Now York,
U noiiiliitHVil iiiiunlinmixty for I'rwl
Our riatform.
S'r. wmilil call tlio Hpccliil iitlentloii
of our readers to tliu Democratic IMat
form el ven In to-tlny's turner. It was
uunnliiiouily reported by tliu Commit-
too on ltcsolutlon?, nml iinntiimousiy
adopted by tliu Convention, ntiiidit tlio
crciitest enthusiasm. It dodge no point
but Is clear nml explicit on all tlio liv
ing issues. Our enemies, who expected
division on tho subject, art) wonderfully
mistaken, and our unanimity Is a sure
hurblnccrof success under any candid
ntowlio may be nominated. Having
mado our platform and enunciated our
principles, tt only remains for us to pub'
llsli them far and wide, anil thus secure
Registry Law.
Tun Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
on July 2nd, declared tlio llegislry
VOID, Chief Justlco Thompson dellv
crlnirtlio opinion of tho Court. Tho
opinion Is somewhat lengthy, but we
will publish It In full In TllK Coi.itm-
than at a very early day.
This decision disposes of nil dllllcul
ties and questions as to the right of vo
tors, tlio election laws remain lug as they
linvo been heretofore. There will eon
fcoqucntly bo nothing more dnno in tho
law, and tho wlioiu matter rests. Sue-
cess this Fall will ouablo us to dispose
of maty inoro obnoxious and uiiconsli
tutlonal nets, and bring tho (InvcriP
ment onco ngutn mom nearly to tho
maxims of tho Fathers.
Wu havo Just been revelling nniongst
tho pages and poems of tho most deli
cious book of tho season. It Is a now
edition nf thu I'ocms of John (J. Saxe,
by Tlcknor fc Fields, of Uostou. It con
tains all thu I'oems hitherto published
by Mr. Saxe, and about thirty new
plcccti. Tliu typo and tho paper aud tho
wlioleget upof thu volume arccxquislte.
For tho library, tlio parlQr or tho centre
table, Itlsequally adapted, anil hi all
equally welcome. Nobody need be
afraid to buy It. It Is perfectly free
froraovery thing objectionable; and thu
humour, wit and rythm of tho verse
aro not surpassed by any living l'oet.
Wo adviso all our friends to get it, and
this earnestly and sincerely.
Sknwtok Su.mnkii lias written a let
tor to say that lie "should welcome thu
election of a competent representative
of tho colored raco to cither Ifouso of
Congress its n final triumph of the cause
of equal rights. Until this step Is taken
our success Is incomplete." IIo does
not, howover, tako tho troublo to say
from which Stato ho would llko to see a
colored member elected. Nor does ho
Indicate his purposo to sccuro tho "tri
umph of equal rights" by advocating
tho election of a colored Senator from
Massachusetts in placo of the "distin
guished Senator" whoso term ofhervlio
expires next March.
Oen. GnANThas by military order de
posed tho acting Governor and Lieut.
Governor of Louisiana, and by arbitra
ry power installed a northern man
named Warmouth (and that is the only
way ho warred) and a full blooded ne
gro named Dunn (not Tliomus,) who
is now presiding over the Stato Senate.
Voters should remember this negro
was installed by the direct order nf (Jen.
Foit.vEV wants negro mldshipmaii
nnd cadets. IIo says: "Tlio tendency
"of West PoliitaudAnnapolIs schooling
" Is toward exclml veness, and until tho
" rcvont war-period admission Into hon
" orablo rank In cither tho army or na
"vy wasasdifllcult as into a brother
" hood or Brahmins." This is tho
llrstsleporcoursoto tho ndml-sion or
young African geuinion. 'Hah Tor F.knl
niglitsl What's tho no.xt madness v
Tiik Mkcimnicm' Liiiv. It Is an
nounced by Gov. Geary that ho will
approve, on tho ilrst ol August next,
tho bill passed ut tho Inst session or our
legisl nturo extending the mechanics'
lieu law, to repairs, and providing, lor
tho speedy trial orcertaln cases where
lions have been filed. All persons iu.
terested may govern themselves uecord
"Fiuk your guns," said a poor labor
ing man In Detroit, wlillo tho Iladlcnls
wero ratifying Grant's nomination,
"youean't fool mo any lougur. I voted
your ticket uutll it tnkr thrco dollars
to buy what I used to get for seventy,
five cents and now think It's about
timo for ocliango!"
The General Militia Law of Pennsyl
vania requires all ablo bodied men un
der -15 years orgu to pay ono dollar an
nually In lieu or service oxcopt In timo
of war or Invasion tho lines to form a
brigade fund, and each man who drills
lu n volunteer company Is to rtcelvo
twelve dollars a year.
LITTI.K Li.ctti:. Tlio Cleveland
(Ohio) papers announce tho death by
typhoid fever or little Llwtto Peak
She was with the Peak family of Bell
Itingors In this place about n year ago.
ond thosOjU'ha witnessed her perform
anco, and heard her sweet voice, will
learn of her death with feelings of re
Uauon Kuhskiiow of the Prussian
Kinbossy who lately fought a duel near
Washington with Gen. Lawrence, has
been recalled by his Government, and
appointed to a higher position in tlio
English Courts They do not object to
duelling in PrVshi apparently.
Fnosiall parts of tho country wn nro
rejoiced to hear or tho buoyant spirits
which nnimnto tlio Democratic conscr
vatlvo masses. They uro preparing mr
tho grand strugglo In November, and
fuel confident or victory When tho day
of trial shall arrive.
Woolusv Issald to bo the Ilrst pris
ungr over taken by Butler.
A reclamation,
Wahiixhtun, July:!.
llv the I'lexhleiit of the fulled State.-!
Whereas, In tliciinuitli of July, Anno
Domini 1111, liiiicreptlng the condition
of civil war, which was lirongnt about
by lnsuru rtloii and rebellion in seveial
oi' tliu slates Which constitute tho I'nl
led SMtes, the two houses nf Congress
illil solemnly declare that war was not
aiiged on tho part of tlio government
in any iqnru 01 oppression nor lor any
purpo-'O of concpie!,!, or subjugation,
nor lor any purpose 01 overtlirowlng or
Inlcrferlmr Willi the rlirhls or establlsb-
ed Institutions of tlio Slates but on' v to
(icienii aim iiiaimnui mo supremacy or
the Constitution of tho United States
and to preserve the Union, with nil tho
dignity, equality and rlghls or tho sev
eral Stales unimpaired and that no boon
as the objects should be necomnllsbed.
inoHiu oii me pan in ino government
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cciwc.
And whereas, tho President of tho
United SlnUs has heretofore. In tlin
spirit of that declaiatlc, n, and with tho
view of securing for It ultimate and
complete effect, set forth several proc-
iiuiiuiiuim oiicimg nmiuwiy aim par
don to persons who had been or wcro
concerned in the aforesaid rebellion,
which pruciaiii.iuuni, nowever, wcro at
tended with prudential reservations
and exceptions, then deemed necessary
and proper, and which proclamations
wcro respectively issued on tho eighth
day of December, 1KG3; on tho twenty
sixth day of March, ISdljon tho twenty
ninth day of May, ISO."., and on tho sev
enth day of September, 1SG7.
And whereas, the said lamentable
civil war has long Hliicenltogothcr ceas
ed, with an acknowledgment by all tho
Stales of tho supremacy of tho Federal
Constitution, and of tlio government
thereunder, and tliero no longer exists
any reasonable ground to apprehend n
renewal of thosald civil war or nny for
clcu Interference, or nnv iinl'uvrnf nu.
Mauco by any portion of tlio people of
iiuj ui uiuom!CMuiuioionsiiiuiioii ami
laws of tho United States.
And whereas, it Is desirable to reduce
tho standing army, ond to bring to a
speedy termination military occupation,
martial law. mllltarv tribunals.
ment of the freedom of speech mill of
tho press, and siiBiiensloii of tlin nrlvll.
J'KO of habeas corjms and of tho right of
mm injury, sucn encroacniiieiits upon
pur freo Institutions in timo of peaco
".itK tiuiiKi-iuu iu jmouc iiocriy, in
compatible with the individual rights
or citizciis.'.contrarv to tho genius and
spirit uf our republican form of govern
ment, and exhaustivo of tlio national
And Whereas, it Is ln,lnvi,l Hint ni.i
noity and pardon will tend to sccuro a
couilileto and universal ratnlillal
i on prevalence oi municipal law and or
der, In conformity with tho Constitution
of tho United States, and to removn nil
appearances or presumptions of a ro-
uunuuiy ur vindictive policy on tho
part or tho government, nltended by
unnece.-.sarvills(iiialIfic.atlnns.nnliiQ ,in...
allies, confiscation, and dlsfrancnlso-
menis; nml on tliecontrary, to promote
and procure complete fraternal reconcil
iation 111110111! the wholn iiennlo. wllh
(luoHubinission to tho Constitution and
Now. therefore, bo IL known. Hint T
Andrew Johnson, President of Un
united States, do bv virion nf Hi ft I m.
slltutlon, and in tlio namo of the peo
ple or tlio United States, hereby pro
claim and declare, uncondltlonallv and
wimuui reservation, to nlland to every
person who dlrectlv or Imll rpi'llv imrtl.
dpaled In tli lato Insurrection or rebell
ion, excepting sucn person or persons as
may ho under presentment or indict
ment in any Court or tho United States
liavlnir COIllllClent InrNiIlclInn n n
chargo or treason or other rolony, n full
pardon and amnesty for tho ollenso of
treason neainst tho Unllod atutcs, or uf
uiuiuriiig to tneir enemies uuring the
lato Civil war. with the rratnrnrlmi nf
all ritrhts of oronertv. pvennt n in
slaves, nnd except also, ns to any prop
erty of which nn.v person iiiav Iiavo
been legally divested under tho laws of
tno united States.
Iu testimony whereof I havo signed
tllCSU IireaCIlts with mv limul. mill hnvn
caused tlio seal of thu "United States to
no Hereunto ntllxed.
Dono nt tho City of Washington tho
fourth day of July, In tlio year or our
Lord 0110 thousand ek'ht hundroil nml
sixty-eight, and or tho Independence or
uiu uiiuuu ouues oi America tno iNine
iHigneu) Asnnr.w Jonxso.v.
lly tho President :
Wm. II. Si:w.r.n, Secrelary of Slate.
Tho Irish vote on tho Presidential
Am, couccdo that tho Irish citizens
have the settlement or tho Presidential
election In their hand-that Is, that ir
nicy vote solidly Iieono direction, tho
coute,,t will be accordingly disposed or.
As the Irish count moro than n million
or votes, this calculation Is true. The
Radicals havo a very clear understand
lug or thu political situation j and tliero
Is no fascination which might decelvo
an Irishman's fancy which they nro not
bringing into play. Thu Irish citizens
however are qullo as keen In their wits
lis tho people who nro fishing for (heir
sultrage. Smiles on tho ltadical race,
velvet on tho ltadical hand, and rich
Mattery from tho ltadical tonguo ami
wilting pen, nro thin disguises belbro
ruirlcKM penetration; ho sees behind
them tho at hltrary puritanic inlntl ;
the hateful spirit of tlio knownothing ;
- tho temper that deprived foreigners
of tho vote lu Massachtivclbv-tho bigot
try that reduced toashes thoCliarleston
Convent j -the venom which broku In
pieces the marble slono contributed by
the Popo to tho Washington Monu
ment i the fanaticism which was inoro
than half tho causoof tho war .tho In
describable, selllsh wickedness, which,
lu tho interest or such men as BaiikH
and Pope, removed ablu Commanders
from tho rrout and thus gave a frightful
prolongation to thu contest ; the Im
mense corruption which foundul the
Freedmen's Hun air, tlio SouthernStates
of thu rights of tho Constitution ; tho
Puritan mallcu which U Incessantly
alining at Ihototal abolition or tho Con
btlluttpii ; tlio mad negrophlly which
would make this government a negro
ono; tho peculation in olllco which lias
inailo the public iloht u hundred degrees
beyond tliujust proportion; thu spirit
Hint enacted all tho atrocious laws that
liavodUtlugulslied tho present Conirrass:
nnd though last, tho worst, tlio lato Im
pcaehment, wliich was an unmitigated,
Iniquitous design to nt once control tho
publlo Treasury and do away rorover
with tho Presidency Itself. Tho eyo or
mo irisii citizens lias seen theso things
uenimi tno civility, flattery, bad logic,
and bright promises with which tho
Ilndlcnls address them, nud thoy will
never vote as tho Hadlcali iteslre. It
won't do gentlemen it will never,
n?ver do. I'nkerse,
Bi:VAitr. or Locuhts. As locusts nro
now abundant ovorywhero, wo warn
peoplotobewaroorthem. It mny not
bo generally known that their sting is
poison, and iu u great many instances
turns out fnhdly. When they appear
ed seventeen years ago a great many
persons Hied from tlio effect of their
sting, which Is generally given when
being handled. Wo iiotlco by our ox-
changes that persous havo already been
stung by tlicin slme their present ap
pearance, anil several Ueathsor children
nro reported.
National Democratic Convention.
'Pit i: tenth JJcmocrntle National Con-
vtnllon assembled In tho Now Tam
many Hull, in New York City on Sat
urday July ith 1S08. At noon precise
ly, August Jlelmont, Chairman or thu
.National Democratic Committee, called
tho Convention lo order In a short and
brlllaul speech, and named lion. Henry
L. Palmer ur Wl-con-ln, temporary
Chairman. Judge Palmer was received
with upphiu-o, mid thanking the Con
vention lu a Ileal, eloquent speech for
tho honor done him In calling him to
preside, ho introduced tho Rev. Dr.
Morgan, Hector of St. Thomas' Church
of New York, who offered an Impress-
lvo prayer. I'l'hospeeclies and debates
wonro tumblu to glvo ns they would
llll half a dozen papers the slzo oven of
tho Cor.UMlltAX.
On motion of (Jen. M'Cook, of Ohio,
after debate and amendment, tho Utiles
governing the Democratic Convention
of 1601 were adopted for this oflSCS. M,
O. Periin nnd J. M. Tower wcro clio
sen Secretaries. Tho call for tho Coil'
volition was then read. Mr. Clymer of
Petinsylvanlaoirercd a resolution which
uftcr debnto was adopted In the follow
lug form :
Jlesolccd. That tliero shall bo two
committees appointed, each committee
to consist ol ono delcgato from each
State, to ho selected by tho respective
delegates tncreoi ; ono coinmmco to act
as a Commltteo on Permanent Orgnlza
Hon, and tho other ns n Committee on
The roll of delegates was then called
and the following gentlemen wero se
lected ns members of the Committee on
Alabama W. II. Uarnes. Arkansas
U. C. lloudlnot. California A. Jaeo
by. Connecticut M. liulklcy. Dela
waro-C. AV. Wright. Florida-A. Hit
ling. Oeorgia-U. II. Potter. Illinois
T. A. llayne. Indiana-Charles 11
llceves. Iowa J. 1). Test. Kansas
W. Shannon. Kentucky J. 1$. Me
Crcary. Louslana I). D. Djpontu.
Malno-J. S. Drew. Maryland-G. !'
Maddox. Massachusetts Qeo. W.Gill
Michigan 1J. G. Stout. Mlnnesola
W. A. Gorman. Mississippi P. M
Drown. Missouri S. Sawyer. No
braska-J. Dlaclc. Nevada-J.K.Doylo
New Hampshire J. Proclor. New
Jersey J. it. Moullany. New York
J. A. Ilardenburgh. North Carolina Cox. Ohio-W. Oris
wold. Oregon O. Joynt. Pennsylviv
nia-Gcncrnl AV. II. Miller. Ithodo Is.
land W. Halo. South Carolina W.
D. Simpson. Tennessee- J. F. Morso.
Texas 11. Houghton. Vermont W.
lirlglmni. Vlrglnla-aeo. IJlow. West
Virginia U.S. Davis. Wlsconsin-S.
. Pease.
Tin: coM.MiTri:r: ox okuanizatio.v.
Tho following gentlemen were select
ed a Commltteo on organization:
iMabama J. H. Clanton. Arkansas
J. S. Dunham. California K. Steele.
Connecticut J. A Hovey. Delaware
C. Heastcu. Florida A. J. Seolur.
Georgia C. Peoples. Illinois W. It.
Morrison. Indiana S. A. Burkirk.
Iowa W. F Draman. Kanas T. P.
Fenlon. Kentucky W. B. Mncheii.
Louisiana G. V. lloCraulo. Maine
J. K. Maddlgan. Maryland A. K
Sycster. Massachusetts John 11. Briggs
Michigan John Moore. Minnesota
K. A. McMalion. Mississippi B. Mat
tliows. Missouri W. II. D. Hunter.
Nebrasica-G. L. Miller. Ncvada-G.
G. Berry. Now Hampshire J. Adams.
New Jersoy II. C. Little. Now York
General J. A. Green, Jr. North Car
olina W. N. 11. Smith. Ohio F. 0.
Lo Blond. Orogon-N. M. Bell. Penn
sylvania II. Clymer. llliodo Island
S. Pierce. South Carolina Carlos Tra
coy. Tennessee General W. B. Bate.
Texas J. M. Burroughc. Vermont
J. 1). Deavelt. Virglnia-J. Barbour.
West Virg!nia-H. S. Walker. Wis
consin S Clark.
After somo deba to in relation lo ad
journment. Mr. Henry 0. Murphy, of New York
I movo that a comniitteu of ono from
each Stato bo selected by tho delegates
thereof to bo appointed a Commltteo on
Resolutions, and that nil resolutions
relating to tho platform of tho Demo
cratic party ho referred to that Com
mltteo without debate. Applause.
Tliu resolution was carried aud the
following is
Tin: committi:i: ox nioi,UTioxs.
Alabama Charles C. Langdon. Ar
kansas W. 11. Garland. California
J. II. llo-o. Connecticut T. B. DoollU
He. Delaware James A. Bayard. Flor-ida-W.
M'Call. Georgia-Henry S.
Fitch. Illinois Win. J. Allan. Indl-ana-J.
U. M'Donahl. lowa-J. H.
O'Neill. Kansas -Geo. W. (Hick. Ken
tucky -Wm. Preston. Louisiana J.
B. lOustls. Mniuo- It. 1). nice. Mary
land Stephenson Archer. Massachu
setts -Kdwurd Avery. Michigan
Charles i:. Stuarl. Mlunesota-J. J.
Green. .Mississippi -F. Harksdalu.
Missouri -Charles Manson. Nebraska
-Charles V. Porter. Nevada -J. A.
St Clair. New Hampshire J, M. C'am'ii
bell. .Vow Jersey- Jacob. It. Wortcn
dyko. Xew York-Henry C. Murphy.
North Carolina H. Strange. Ohio
William J. (illmore. Otcgon It. 1).
Fitch. Pennsylvania F. W. Hughe.
Ithodo Island Thomas Stecre. South
Carolina- Wndo Hampton. Tennessee
V Cooper. Texas Georgo W. Smith.
Vermont -Charles M, Davenport. Vir-glnla-T.
A, Babcoek. West Virginia
John Davis. Wisconsin James A.
The Chalnnnn nniionnced that tlio
Secretary had received a telegram
which would now' bo read. Tho des
patch was read as follows: J'lcaso nn
nouncoto tho convention Hint tlio Dem
ocratic Association, of Pennsylvania,
now assembled, promises tho electoral
vote of Pennsylvania to tho nomiiico of
tno convention. Great applause.
On tlio question or adjournment nfler
bebato it was resolved to adjourn until
Monday at 10 o'clock a. .m.
Mr. Falkner, of Now York, suggested
that, ns It had been proposed to havo
tlio Declaration onndependenco read
at tho ovoning session, which had now
been dispensed with, Hint duty should
bo discharged by tho Secretary beforo
tlio closo or tho morning session. Tho
suggestion was Immediately agreed to
by tho Convention.
William F. Allen, of Now York
neftiro tho reading or tlio Declaration of
Independence, I movo that tho creden
tials of tho delegates from Columbia bo
taken from tho tablo and referred to tliu
Committee on Credentials.
Tho motion was objected to and thu
Chair decided it could' not bo consider
ed -thero being unfinished business be-
roro tho Convention.
A Do legate, Is tliero any military
commander hero who in likely to arrest,
tlio Secretary for disloyalty for reading
tlio Declaration of Independence.
iTho President o tern, said that ho
did not think tliero was nny danger of
such Interference.
Tlio Secretary then rcn'd tho Declara
tion of Independence.
On motion tho Convention then nil
ouined to Monday, nt Ion o'clock,
A. M.
At the meeting of tho Convention on
Monday morning Mr. Clymer, of Penn
sylvania, from tho Committee on Per
manent Organization, reported as fol
lows :
For President Horatio Seymour
(great cheering,) Also, recommended
that tho rules of tho Democratic Con
vcntlon of 1881 bo adopted for the gov
ernment of tho Convention.
Mr. Mnckin, of Ohio, moved the
adoption of tho report and tho discharge
of tho commltttcc, which was carried
and tho Chair appointed Gov. Blglcr of
Pennsylvania nud Senator Hammond
of South Carolina toconduct thoPcrma'
nent President to tho Chair. Gov. Sey
mour was received with great cheering
and proceeded to address the Convex
lion iu a speech of great power and elo
quence; which wo will publish hereaf
ter iu full. A Vico President and a
Secretary from each Stato wero also
agreed upon, thoso from Pennsylvania
being John L. Dawson and GeorgoM.
A letter was received with great laugh'
tcr from Susan B. Anthony, of the
Women's SulTrngo Association, urging
tlio claims of women to participate In
elections. Referred.
Mr. Kerr, of Pennsylvania, olVercd a
resolution that It Is tho duty of every
friend or constitutional government to
sustain thu President in Ids efforts to
stem tho tldo of Radical unsurpallon
and commending him for ids course,
ICliecrs.l Tho resolution was referred
Mr. Finlen, of Kansas, offered a reso
lutlou reciting that tlio national Hag
should protect adopted citizens every
where the same as it does tho native
born. Cheers. Referred.
Mr. Wright, of Delaware, offered a
resolution providing for n commltteo of
ono from each State lo constitute o Ail'
tionnl Kxecutlvo Committee. Adopt'
Mr. Hall of Now York, offered a reso'
lutlon declaring that tho thanks or tho
nation are duo tho Chief Justlco Cliaso
for his ability, impartiality, nnd ildeli
tv to his constitutional duty in prcsld
lug over tho Court or Impeachment,
Prolonged cheers.
Mr. Randall, or Pennsylvania, offer
ed a resolution in favor of increasing
the pensions to soldiers nnd sailors, by
paying them In gold or Its equivalent
Mr. Reed, of Pennsylvania, offered a
resolution recognizing tlio fidelity or
Andrew Johnson in upholding the
Constitution and laws, ltcfcrred.
On motion orMr. Richardson, or Illi
nois, it was ordered that each Stato re
port Us member or tho Kxecutlvo Com
mittee by to-morrow morning.
Mr. Hurley, or Pennsylvania, offered
a luDolnllon that tlio President's amnes
ty proclamation ho read by the secre
Tlio volo was taken and thoresolullon
appeared to bo passed.
Tho Chair was about to put tho ques
tion again, when Mr. Brooks, or Now
York, moved to amend tho proposition
so as simply to declaro that tho Con
vention approves tho amnesty procla
mation, which was carried.
Mr. Cox. of Now York, offered a res-
olution npproving tho doctrine of Mr.
Marcy in tho Ivozlocase, by which a
declaration or Intention to becomoacit
izen or tho United States secures to tho
inchoate citizen tlio same national pro
tection as ir naturalization was already
SSundry other resolutions wero offered
and referred, and tho Convention ad
journed till I I'. M.
I'ho Convention was called to order
at l:i l", m. Tho hall was crowded,
and tho gas lights ready for tho antici
pated evening session. On taking tho
chair, Mr. Seymour was greeted with
thrco cheers.
A communication was received from
the Soldiers and Sailors' Conservative
Convention desiring tho Convention to
tlx n time for receiving their address,
in accordance with tlio invitation ex
tended previously.
Tlio Chnlr, by order of tho Conven
tion, appointed tlio following commlt
teo of (lvo to request tho lmmcdlnto de
livery of tho address: Messrs. Wood
ward, of Pennsylvania; McCook, or
Ohio; Miller, of Nebraska; Richardson,
of Illinois, and Steele, of California.
Thu soldiers and pallors' committee,
headed by tho Hag liorno by Sergeant
Bates, was received with loud cheers,
tho delegates rising.
Gen. Franklin presented tliu Comniit
teu to tho Convent Ion, nnd Col. O'Brienu
read tho address. Gen. lowing, of Ohio,
then addressed tlio Convention. Tlio
names of Franklin, McClcllnn, llaldy
Smith and other Boldlcrs wcro greeted
with vociferous cheering. It was then
Hesoleed, That tlio address of thu
Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention Just
read, bo received und entered upon tlio
minutes of our proceedings, and become
a part and parcel of tlio proceedings of
this Convention,
Tho wliolo or tho evening session was
consumed in debates upon tlio forego
ing resolution, and upon tho various
ifTiicndments offered to It. Finally tho
matter was disposed of by tlio ndoption
of tlio following, offered by Gov. Blgler,
of Pennsylvania.
Jlesolccd, That tho roll of States bo
called In their regular order, and that
each Stato havo tho right to present tho
namo of any enndidato for tho Presi
dency, and Hint tho delegates havo (lvo
minutes allowed them to present their
viows upon their candldate.Applnuse.
Boforo any nominations wero mado
under this resolution however, tho con
vcntlon adjourned.
TlllllII HAY.
Aftor prayer by Rov. Mr. Plummer,
a series or resolutions by Alexander II.
Slovens, ol'Ocorgla wero presented and
read. They wcro referred. After bomo
discussion ns In tho order of business,
Mr. Murphy, of Now York", Chalnnnn
of tho Commltteo on Resolutions, then
roso nmld applauso. Ho said i Mr.
Chairman, I am directed to announce
tho platform, which I hold in my hand,
and with your permission I will pro
ceed to read tho resolutions. (Cheers.)
A Delcgato from Nevada I am re
quested to call tho attention of tho
Chnlr lo tho deep interest felt lu tho
resolutions now about being rend. Ho
noticed that when tho gentleman spoko
Iil3 volco was 'distinctly heard. Ho
would add, howover, Hint it would bo
necessary lo hear all tho resolutions
clearly and explicitly, for tho delega
tion to which ho belonged would not
do anything unless they properly un
derstood It, oven If it should tako tlicin
to winter.
Tlio Democratic nartv lu National
Con vcntlon assembled, reposing Its trust
lu thu Intelligence, patriotism and dis
criminating Justice or tlio people, stand
ing upon ino cousiiiiuinu ana limita
tion or tlio powers or tlio government
and tho guaranty of tho liberties of tho
citizen, ami recognizing tho questions
oi slavery ami secession as naving neon
settled for nil timo to como by tho war
or tho voluntary action of tho Southern
Stales in constitutional conventions as
sembled, and novcr to bo renewed or
rcagiiaieu, no whii ino return oi peaco
Ftm Immediate restoration or all
tho States to their rights in tho Union
under tho constitution and or civil gov
ernment to tho American people.
Second Amnestv Tor all oast politi
cal offences and tho regulation of tho
clcctivo franchlso In llio Stales by their
Third Payment of tlio public debt
oi tno united states as rapuny as prac
tlcable. alimonies drawn Irom tho nco'
plo by taxation, except so much ns is
requlsllo for tlio necessities of tho gov
ernment economically administered,
being honestly applied to such payment,
and whero tho obligations of tho gov
ernment do not expressly stato upon
tlieir lnco or n:o law minor which tney
I33UUI, UU-.S IlUb flUlUU Ulilb
shall be paid in coin, they ought In right
and in Justlco lie paid In tho lawful
money oi tno uniicu (states.
J'ourti Kuual taxation olovcr.v sue'
cles or property, according to its real
value, including government bonds and
oilier piiDiic securities
Fifth Ono currency for tho trovcrn
ment and tho people, tho laborer and
the olllccholder, tho pensioner and the
soi(iier,tno prouueer nim ino oonunoiuer
Sixth Kconomv in tlio ndminlstnv
tlonof tho government, tho reduction or
tno stnnuiug army aim navy, tno nuon
tlon or the Freedmen's Bureau and all
political instrumentalities designed to
secure negro supremacy, slmpllllcatlon
or tlio system and discontinuance of In
quisitorial modes of assessing and col
lecting internal rcvenuo so that tho
burden of taxation may bo equalized
nnd lessoned, tho credit of tlio govern
ment increased anil tho currency mado
good. Tho repeal of all enactments
lor recalling tlio Stnto militia Into tlio
national forces in timo of peaco and a
tariff for rovenuo upon foreign Imports
ami sucn cquai taxation umier tnu in
ternal rovenuo laws as win allow incl
dental protection to domestic manufac
tore, nud ns will, without Impairing
tho revenue, imposo tho least burden
upon and best promoto and encourage
iiicgreiuimiiisirini interest oi tno conn
Seventh Reform of nbuses'In admin
istration. the expulsion of corrupt men
from oflleo, tho abrogation of useless
omccs, tno restoration oi rigiiuui author
Itv to nnd tho independence of tlio ex
ecutlvo and Judicial departments of tho
government, and tho .subordination or
the military to tno civil power, to the
end that tho usurpations or Congress
nnti tno despotism oi tno sword may
FAuhth Euiial rights nnd protection
for naturalized and nntlvo born citizens
at homo and abroad, tho association of
American nationality which shall com
mand tho respect ol loreign powers and
furnish an oxumplo and encouragement
to peonlu btrugcllnir for national intcir.
rlty, constitutional liberty nnd Individ
ual right nml tlvo inniiitunaneo of tho
rights of naturalized citizens against
tlio absolute doctrine of inimiilablo al
legiance nnd tho claims of foreign now-
iia iu j.iiux.sii mum iui tuii'KKl unities
committed beyond their jurisdiction.
In demanding tlicso measures and re
forms wo arraign tlio radical party for
its disregard of right and tho unparal
leled oppression nml tyranny which
havo marked its career. After tho
most solemn and unaulmous piedgo of
both houses of Congress to proscciito
tho war exclusively for thomaititcnaiico
or tlio government and tlio preservation
or tho Union under tho constitution, It
has repeatedly violated that most sacred
pledge, under which alone was rallied
that noblo volunteer army which car
ried our flag to victory. Instead ol' re
storing tho Union it has, so rarns lay
iu Its power, dissolved it, ami subject
ed ten States in timo or profound peace
to military despotism and negro su
premacy. It lias nullified thero tlio
right of trial, by Jury. It has abolished
tho habeas corpus that most sacred
writ of liberty; it has overthrown tho
freedom of speccli and or tlio press; it
lias substituted arbitrary seizures and
arrests and military trials and secret
Star Chamber Inquisitions for tho con
stitutional tribunals; It has designated,
in times of peace, tlio right or tho peo
ple to bo freo from searches and seizures;
it lias entered tlio post and telegraph
olllees nnd oven tho private rooms of in
dividuals, and seized their private pa
pers and letters, without any spocille
chargo or notleo of nllldavlt, as requir
ed by tho organic law.
It has converted tho American capi
tal into a bastllc. It has established n
system of spies and ofllcinl esploungo to
which no constitutional monarchy of
Kuropu would dare to resort. It has
abolished tho right or appeal on impor
tant constitutional questions to tlio su
premo Judicial tribunals nnd threatens
to curtail or destroy its original Juris
diction wliicli is Irrevocably vested by
thoconstitutlon, whllo tlio learned Cider
Justlco has been subjected to tho most
atrocious calumnies inoroly becnuso ho
would not prostituto his high olllco lo
tho support iff tho falso and partisan
charges preferred against tlio President.
Its corruption nnd extravngnnco havo
exceed anything known iu history and
by Its frauds ami monopolies It has
nearly doubled tlio burden or tlio debt
created by tho war. It has stripped tho
President of or his constitutional pow
er of appointment oven of his own Cab
inet. Under Its repeated assaults tho
pillars of tho government nro rocking
on their base, and should it succeed In
November next and Innugurnto its
President wo will meet ns a subject and
conquered people nmld tlio ruins of lib
erty and tho scattered fragments of tlio
And wo do declaro and resolvo that
over elneo tlio people of tlio United
States throw oil all subjection to tho
British crown tho prlvllego nnd trust of
sull'rngo havo belonged to tho several
States and havo been granted, rcgulat
cdmid controlled exclusively, by tho
political power of each Stato respective
ly, nnd that any attempt by Congress,
on any pretoxt whatever, to deprlvo
any Stato or this right or lnterrcro with
its oxerclso Is n flagrant usurpation or
power which can llnd no warrant in
tlio constitution and If sanctioned by
tho people will subvert our form of
government and can only end In a sln
glo, centralized and consolidated gov
ernment, Iu which tho separato exis-
iuiikuui uiu mines win uo entirely no
sorbed nnd an unqualified despotism bo
established, In placo ofaredcrnl union of
co-cqunl States, and that wo regard tho
reconstruction acts, so called, of Con
gress as such n reusurpations and uncoil
btltutionnl.rovolutionnry nud void. That
our soldiers and sailors who carried tlio
ilag of our country to victory against n
most gallant and determined too must
over bo gratefully remembered, nnd all
the guarantees given in their favor must
bo faithfully carried into execution.
That tho public lands should bo ills,
trlbutcd ns widely as posslblo among
tho peoplo nnd should bo disposed of
either under tho pre-emption or homo
stead law, or sold lu rcnsonnblo quanti
ties, nml to nono but actual occupants,
nt tlio minimum prlco established by
tlio government, When grants of tho
public lands may bo deemed necessary
tor tlio encouragement of Important,
publlo Improvements, tho proceeds of
such lands niulnot the Inuds themselves
rhouhl bo so applied,
That tho President of the United
Slates, Androw Johnson, In exercising
tno powers oi iiismguoiuco in resisting
tho aggressions of Congress upon tho
constitutional rights of tho States and
tlio people, Is entitled to tho gratltudo
of tlio whole Amorlcan peoplo, and In
behalf of the Democratic party wo ten
der him our thanks for his patriotic
efforts in mat regard.
upon this piatiorm tno iscmocrnuc
lmrfv nnnrnVs In ovorv patriot, includ
ing nil the eonscrvnllvoelcincnt and all
who deslro lo supjiort tho constitution
and restoro tho Union, forgetting nil
past differences of oninlon.touiilto with
us In tlio present great strugglo for tho
liberties of tho people, and that to all
such, to whatever party they may havo
ncretoioro ucioiikcu, wo oxtcnii ino
b it hand of fellowship nnd hnllall such
co-operating with us us friends nnd
At tho termination of tho rending of
tho platform of principles tho nudlcuco
roso en tnasse, notn on tno noor nun gal
leries, and cli cored and cheered again,
wavintr nats nnu nocicct nunuKcrciucis,
Somocnthusinstlclndlvidual oven selz
ed n standard used for tho purposo or
designating tho seats or tho delegates
and nourished It over Ids head.
Tho platform was then put and accept
ed liv Ihn Cnnvontlnn.
Mr. BiaLint. I now movo that the
Convention proceed to ballot by States
A DKi.ixiATEaskod tho exact amount
or tho electoral vole,
Tho Chairman. 31" Is tho number
or tho electoral vote.
Mr. A. Oaki'.y Ham,, or N. Y., of-
forod a resolution that inasmuch as 211
1-2 voles constituted two-thirds of tlio
entlro majority no person should bo
nominated for President unless ho
should receive 212 votes. Cries of "No,
Tlio resolution was ruled out of order.
Tho Convention then proceeded to
vote for candidates for tlio Presidency
Tin: ruisT iiai.i.ot.
The roll was then called on tho first
ballot with tho following result :
Pendleton 105
Hancock 33J
Andrew Johnson us
Kngllsh 1G
Roverdy Johnson..,
I B. Blair
Vholo voto cast, 317;
choice, 212. No choice.
necessary to a
After six ballots without a result, tlio
Convention adjourned until 10 o'clock
iu the morning.
Twelve ballots wero had to-day, but
no choice was made. Tho eighteenth
ballot stood as follows :
Hancock, 111 ; Pendleton, CO ; Par
Kcr, ;j ; joimson, iu; uooiuiie, iz
iicimricKS. 7 ; tioiiman, ;i.
Pennsylvania on tho fifteenth ballot
changed ft'om Packer lo Hancock ; Now
York on tho eighth ballot changed from
Church to Hendricks. Tho Southern
States scattered their votes. Chaso got
ono voto from California which elicited
tremendous cheers.
The Conveii Hon adjourned after the
eighth ballot to meet to-morrow.
Jlluiket Report
Wheat per bushel t'i Ml
tiyo " i ;vi
Corn " , 1 '2.:
Flour kt hand 1 1 00
I'IOVL'IHC',1 7 l
KlnxKPcil a (M)
Tuilovv 1,
I'otalois 1 Hi
unci Apples M 1' &l
1'oik lo
Hides anil tshouldeis 17
Ijil',1 iilt Dnumt 'l
liny per ton Ill UU
Hemlock Hoards per thousand feet
Hno " (onoltuh)-..
tin mi
j,mi, ncuiitiiii, name, uiciuiocic;
hhinles, Stu 1 per thousand
. 1 1 on
, 8 Ul
, 7 Ul
No. 1 Keoleli pli;
No. 2 " "
It. ,
.. 8.1
1'lillatUlplila Markets.
tiiuiisuav, July u. itw,
Noithwesterusupellluoat 87.jiKi5 8.00
Noilhwestein exlra U.uoc.8 l).5u
Northwestern l.imlly IU.UK41I.73
l'ennsj lwuiU and Western mipertluu... H.73C'iU.UJ
Vnusvlvanla and Weslein cxtta..
Pennsylvania and Western family.,
Pennsylvania and Western fancy...
.. ci.w:.m
.. t:i.lM8i.l0
.. tl.SUj3l.8.'i
llyo Hour
WIICAT I'ennsylvn
aula red. V 1ms
Callloiula ' "
" white '
Uvi: lvnnsylvanla rye, i bus
ColtN Yellow, "
White, "
Ous Jtbus
I'ltovlsio.Ns .Mess l'orlc, y bbl
Mlsslleer, "
Dressed Hozs, 1 b
hiuoked Hams "
' shoulders v Id
Ijird, n in
Hkkiis I'loverseeil bus
Tlmothyseeil "(i litis ,
riaxsei',1 M
Cm I.K. Heel I'utllo "(I In...-
rows, i head H
siii.ui' "ri It,
.. tl.'-'lMll.l'l
.. 81.17(981.17
AMJKUTKON-I''AlHi:Y-In NortlimiitiorlniHl
tin I ho L'til int.. liv llev. J. Ilrii'vw Mr. irnvld
Allicitson of 1'JsfihiK Crctlc twj)., toMlssKtiMiii
1 uusi-y oi uinujic iwp.
JlKMCK-M'ILCOX-an tholIfelIit.,hyl1ioItev
i:. WiuUvoilh, Mr, l'clcr h. Milkk lo MIbs
,Mui'iut Wilcox, hoi it ol iiiiiitlntjUon.
KMITII-OHISON'-Oii tlioCSthull.. liv tho llev,
N.ptar, -Mr. V,', II, hinlth of Orauyf, to Ml
uury J ui ut vi mvoun,
MANNINCi-l'AIlKr.It-On thoVM UU hy tho
Mime, .tir, imik innuitiKoi tuuihon, 10
.MllHlo i'Utittr nt UKtUUOOU.
i III l liM U'tl, H JIJUIN UH IHU fill '
llH' umip, Jlr. Win. Trllleiiltio toMUa l.yiUa
V lUcn, Loth of (Jictiiwood.
llACIIMAX-MlKM.nJMI'H-Ontho Hh liiht
hy tlio iuy.a, Il.Plicits, .Mr. l.t. lttitnnmui
Ilia i:ilbi tli Hii'llhluur, hotU of UzUl tit.
HAJKHH-rArH-Oii t)io?Uni.t.,iy llir ltov
j.i'. in own, ivir, Jutiti ronucrs to sii inin
r iius, puui ui l int?.
MMtltlDr-I'UltaUhON-Attho HfcMcnt'ti of tho
hriue s lamer in iirnuyo i n.t on ino mino uay
ny iiioMuiii-, jtr, iu, jiriinuu to imi
I ha V, l'ui(iuoii.
In ihf Orulinn'K Court for tho Count v of Coin in
hlu Jnthoinnltirof thutKluto or imnlcl Lunqii
iitKiiktd. '1 ho A milt or Dtmoliiltil liv ilm
t.'ouit, tomukuillslrlhiitlonof tlio hulnncu lu tho
liniiiiM oi win. uoodiiifin ono oi tno Aumru or
thu Ufctostil, niuoiiK lhalcMnUeKurUbtuU', will
meet the uv i leu InttreMcdfor the junotuof hU
npfiolnlnunt on Iiiviihday, Ult of Aiitf.,A. It
IbbH at lu o'clotlcA. M, ut hla oilko lu ltlounibburif,
AlljicikunM Imvliiff clalmu nRtiliut tho citut
niu htidiv iroulud to rrtMiit to (ho Auditor, n
on lulluiu to l'ltbent thu tnmo bo hirtviT tie
hitruu irdiiit'oiiiiiiKin lor a tnaro oi inobai
C. O. llAltKUn'.Amlltor,
j uiy tu, ui
Among tho muni of
Iho Oil Iihii'b Court In nnU lor mlil County, tt U
tl.iiMu ntiiiuitl i Jn Iho matter br Iho net omit of
JMih l.t im, out' ol the tnJininutinloni or J)nnU
Miii. lUttiittu, jiiy t, jttH, ou motion oi m
Chnk. (' ti. Km k Itv Kki.. iiMolutid niulltor o
ottt lit in, Kitliuil f i f iin iho ltt'toithi Mny I
Nctlto Ju htitliy dUtli, that I will (itUinl t
lh( llll tllU Of Ihti llh(l0 DMiOllllIlK lit lit IllVOlllt
lii lUtt nuhuiL'. in 'Jhuumiy, lhi-Uh tiny tifAuif.
Ill Al, Ut U O i tot U II, III.) Yi III Ft UIHI VtllVIl Hit J'UI
lUtt nut lftitii wm d l tur una muru.
July low, 6. O. JlAllKI.hV.AuUltor,
p U Ii Ii 1 0 NO T 1 C E.
All i crkciiu tno lit rthy noil 11 ul not lo enttr on
ino ntmufBoi tno uiHUrnJBiitii lor ino fun
or liuutliiK or fchoolliiii unino. Any muoii t
I'luoi) frt
liollrt unti
1 mulntMtiti r Ihc 1 iihlltutltn ol thin iiotlrt'.niniii
Ihc mnlu
ol t lihtr t l lht mult iklgiHit will l
John hiiaih j in,
JAlOIt IJlfcT,
HAri-i. Kit-HUt,
John N. (imtixiN.
(Ho, ii, wiu.m
1'lilLU Kltirw,
JOIINIUIAN Itlfcllll..
1'l'lti; M, KiritbiiNtit,
J. H, rlll'MA (AliJlli. 1,1 11. W. t'l.AHK'll lT.)
Mtnlour louuihlp, Juno lt,,'c-t
T. i., i'.
Tho DoniocmllP voters of tho novernl DlRlrtrtt
ii Columliln county nro roqucslcil to moot at tlio
muni lnco of holding Hie neutral I election, on
m I
'Unv. mo in nay diahhu J", uv.m.-.,.
cn o'clock In tho altcrnoon of Hint jlny, nml oloct
Iioum of three o'clock In tlio nneruooii. ami cv-
by liallot two iwmons to represent .tlio lliel in
Iohjo In liloonubure. on Monday, Aununt ad.nt
11 o'clock, noon i to nclcct two uougrenaionai
Conferees to meet nlmllar eonferocj from tho
other count les or tho District, to nomlnato a can
illdntofor conimm two lterrescntatlvoconrer
ecu to meet Iinllor confer Iroin tho other
county In tho District to nomlnato a candidate
rorMCmueroi Kl'inuiy j turn iuuu,ini.wu,iu
person for county Commissioner ono person
hir District Attorney ono person for Coroner s
n.l nnnlnnn fnr lloil III V Alllllor I TO U0 Rlin-
oncu iy uiu i'iuik-iuuu - v......B
icciioiii . .. ... ,,
lly order or tno committee, J. u. i'ivi.i..r.,
H II. M'llnsnv, Chairman.
ii. w. ui i, f . y
H..I. MlI.LAltn,
J. 1. 1IANNON,
ii. J. ALllKlilSON.
Doinooratio Stato Ticket.
ran AtirJlTOU-UKM kUAL I
Candidates for Nomination,
1 ho following gentlemen have been mcntloneil
for nomination lo Iho (several County Ofllcei to
holllleil by election tho present your, and thel
names will bo presented for Iho consideration of
Iho ucmocrntlo County Convention t
to this i)i:.MociiATit: i:i.i:ctoiih ok
Tho uiulerHlnned rosncolrully nnnouneo that
by niutunl consent, und to secure harmony
run,,. tiiHr frlciitls. thev will nolbu candulates
botoro tho Uomocrutlo County Convention for
nomination lo tho olllco oi ucprescuiawyo m
tho Leulslaturo i nnu nicy very conuaii
iL'Commeiui lor inai position cui. iiuiun
Kline, oiorango Township. ..,..,,
Therein nomedlclu equal to lIoolland'M Ocr
man Hitters In cases or dcbllUy. Jt Imparts
touc and vigor to tho wliolo system, strengthens
tlio ftppelllo, causes an enjoyment of tho food,
enables tho btoinach to digest It, purines tho
blood, lives n good, sound, licalthy;complcxlou
eradicates tho yellow tlngo from tltp eyes, im
partsnbloomto thocbeckud changes tho pa
tient rrom n short-breathed, emaciated, ucak
and nervous Invalid, to n fuil-frtccd, stout and
vigorous person. 'lioouaud H German Hitters'
In entirely freo from all alcoholic admixture.
Is a combination of tho lngrodleutsoflloolland'
lllttord with puro Santa Cruz Hum, orange,
le., making ono of tho most agrecablo and
pleasant preparations extant. Tho tonic Is used
by thoi,o requiring n good and scientific stimu
lant. Principal olllco, ail Arch St., rhlla.
Sold hy all Urugfjlsty. June 1208.
Tho iaasoiMhy Mlshler's Herb Hitters cure
bo many dlirerent dlbeases, Is because It Is tho
best rc medv for a deranuoa stomach, or Dysneiv
sin now known, and becuuKo It Invigorate tho
entlro system, btrcuglhcus tho nervous tlbres.
elevalcHthoMaudardof nil tho vital forces and
suhtnlns n most healthful tono of tho entlro hit-
man orgnulHtu. Medicine Omt will ilo this will
euro any dlbeaso for tho Klmplc reason, thrt na
ture will do tho rest.
Wo guarantee that no uoinan or child, how
ever palo and emaciated, can use thcuo Hitters
regularly for twenty-ono days, without tho re
turn of tho rosy cheeks and fair complex lo
characteristic ol good health. Hold by nil Dru
gists and Dealers.
Dr. S, H. Martman & Co., Proprietors, Lancaster
Pa., and Chicago, 111. Juao 12,-lt;
J. W. llornor. li,n.. n nromlnent lawyer of Par!
erhburg, W. Vu., hays : " I had 37 ltuunlng Ulc
ers lieu I commenced taklug Ur, Anders' lodlno
Water, My Hrcast, Throat und l''uco was ono
continuous sore. I am now a well man, and am
satlbiled tho lodlno Water baed my lire."
Circulars In regard to this remedy will bo be nt
J.P. niNHMOUH. Proprietor, 20 Dey Stiect,
vv iorK i-uffcaio uy uruggcsis generally.
May 1,'oti.
Tho great nmouut of timo consumed hy the
ladles In drcHhtngand arranging their hair must
mako any aitlclo which would IesHeu their labor
purlieu Imly desirable, King's Vegetablo Am-
uroHiu iraves ino uar in sucn couuiiion as u
render tho uresblng and arranging n very easy
nearaiieoho much admired, eloanscs tho sea
irom daudrull and all humors, and nrcveuti
baldness ; promotes Its growth and lent ores rny
nuir iu ti uriBini cuiur,
Wilson will bend (freo or eliarge) to all who deslro
It, tho prescription wlththodlrectlons for making
aud ublng tho simple remedy by which ho was
cured of u luugaUectlon and that dreaded dlseaso
Consumption. His only object Is to benefit tho
iWUlclcd, and ho hopes every suiTorer will try this
prchcrlpllon, as it will cost them nothing, aud
may pto u u ou-Kxiug. i-icaso luutress
Kn IMUniilhUiiiini..lui..l
aiySl't7-ly, Williamsburg, Kings co N. V,
INPOUMATION.-Iuformatlon guaranteed
prouueoftinzuriant growth or hair ui
head or beardlchs ruco, idson recelpo U
on nbald
moal of Pimples, Hlotches, Krupllous, etc., on
tho sklu. leavfnti tho samo sort.clear.und benutl.
for tho re-
jui, tun uvuuuunt'u wiinumcniirijouy auurt'hiiug
Tl tl M I,' CI I A lit!
sep 13'tf7,
Bl Hioadway('Now York,
Kvery ono at ttuiea feels the mvcHslty of some
thing to tono up tho system depressed by mental
or bodily exhaustlou. At such time lot every
one instead or taking alcoholic or medlciuul slim
ulauts, which afford only a tomiKirury relief. ro
luvlgorato his dcbllltatoU system by tho natural
tonlo I'ltiinents of tho
or l'rotccled Bolutlon of Iho I'lutoxkle of Iron,
which vitalises and enriches tho blood by sup
,l ing It with lis Uf. Kkniuit, Iiuii.
llolng fi eo from Alcohol lu any form, Us cuer
Blulng cllects aro not followed by corresponding
reaction, but aio permanent. Infusing strength,
vigor aud new lifo Into all parts of tho system,
uuu uuiuiing up HI! 1I0U UOUSlllllllon,
Wm. C. Hurling, Esi
sayst "hlnco taking I
,n nf ,,.,,,.l.lrn,...ul. XT X'
lh l'cruvluu Nyrui I 'feel
better, my strength U Improved, my bowils am
regular, my nppetlte llrst rate,
Tliero Is un ofd 1'liyslclan lu this city (older
than I am), who has been lu tho Drug buslucss
for 10 years, who has used lh,i
tiyruii for thrco
inpnihs, and gives It ns his decided opinion, that
ItlsthobcstAltcrutlvoToutc Mcdlcluo ho over
For Dyspepsia, Debility, and Tcmalo Weak
nesses, llio I'vruvlanHyrup Isn specific. ASipnga
Ammphlet sent Ireo. Tho genulnu has "Peruvlau
yrup" blown In tho glass. J, 1". DINHMOUIO.
rioprlctor, No.3U Iwy fit, New York. Hold by all
lMlledutthol'euusylvanla Institute f .Medi
cine, coutulus an nrtlclo ou Dys)cp8la,;ChllU
and Fever, and Klduey All'cctloni, lu which tho
writer IUvely declares that tho whole sclcuca
of Mcdlcluo possesses no remedy for the curu of
thoso diseases, that Is half as elllcaclous as Milli
ter's Herb Hitters, IIo speaks from experience,
having used tlicin iu his practlco for tho past
two years, to tho exclusion, of all olhcr remedies,
and without a solitary Instauce of failure.
Hold by all Druggists and Dcalors.
DU.H. II. 1IAKTMAN & CO., 1'roprlctors, Ijiii
caster, l'u and ChUago, I lllnols.
jJuuo 19, lies.
nisw vom: ciTv.
Millinery floods, ltlhbons, Bilks, Flowers, Va
nsols, uiikcoNotlous,Bklrls, Dnss and Cloak
Irlinmliigs, and Fringes, all under regular prl
, I-uUles' Whalebone Corsets, at W els., 75 its.
tl 01, und upwards, cheap,
y!l,l,l,1.l,K,',"l'rllcJ: F.DWAItD IllDLKV,
Mi, 1 ASll!Oraiul,l,U(4 70AIUnHtreits,
June 13,'ui, Flnh lllock 1 jisl from Iho llowiry
Muusou'a Conner Tubular IJclilnlm;
Itod is
lie best Drotcetfon asuinst,r i,v n,,iii,iir
ever Invented. Tho subscriber Is mieutfurlho
above Invention, und all orders by mail or lu
UytVW. UM.llIDJ.mAN.
cm vula rxa luuia n r,
niuml Hulwcrltertt, ilttl
rtlf Yrnrly tw
unrterly w
i MIS BUOHCri 1KIUI1 l-lllllivn uuuHiniiH iw mu
iffcrcnt hooltH tit onotlmo.
DA It A HU lltt UK 111 HUH,
For loan ot books per tiny, per vol., 3 conts.
Ially sulrtcrlberswIUborenulrcU In nil cities
lenvo n oeponit rqiuvi in tuiuu iu uiu uiuit.
Tim now honks will not bo allowed to nliV sub
ncrlber fornlonRcr perlml tlinn ono weelt, or IT
detnlnetl beyond that time, nn ndditlonitl rhrtrgu
of a eents per day i otber books two weeks, or It
tioutineu iicyonu umi umc.j reins per tiny.
Ail oooks nro eonsiuerea oiu u mumnn nun
ikiuuh uiiiiKuii nvi tuuii miii 'v umi bvi.
July lo.'ia-am
wlinfnnlf tlin vest of tho under
Klgned rrom tho fenco ou tho road lo the depot
lllSl mi'HUUy Iliurillim, w rein ium n
Unleni It is returned at ouoo tho party will bu
rottecuieii tor meu, j, ji, r uh-uah.
juiy a,'1""
it u u ii n u u u u, i- j.
Thn iinilrrHltrnrd would rcsnoctfully lllturm
the traveling publlo that ho ban mirchuMed and
rctlttcd In tho best manner tho old stand former
ly occupied by W. A. Kllno, aud that ho Is now
irepurru to lurcoinniuuuiu mi n s--uun iuiii mv
.diiitnrta nml mnvpnlencesofn ilrstclass hoilkt'.
A nun now barn has boen built nnd the surroun
dings placed In perfect order. Tho bar will al
ways UO HKHKtXI Willi lll I'lHUMl'Hl. U'UU1B "iiu vt
cars, and tho tablo furnished with tho best tho
market alloids. JAMltH V.U1LLAHPJK.
juiy ;i,us.u
lu tho Orphan's Court for tho County of Colum
hia.ln tho niattororthecstatoorJoscpliHayhurst
deceased. Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court
to mako uistriumion or tno naianco in ino nnnus
of Sam'l Achenbach, Administrator or Jox.llay
hurst deceased, nmoug thoeredltorsorthosuld
Intestate, will meet tho parties interested Tor tho
Hirposo H 1111 iimuiiiuiiL'iii. nil rmi'iii nuni
tut. A. 1). 1MES. nt IDn'clock. A. M.. nt his olllco In
Hl(Kmsburg,Columbln county, Pa,
All persons havliiK claims against tho estate
aro hereby required to present to tho Auditor, or
on falturo to present tho samo bo forever deburi ed
ironi coining iu ior it Miuru h mu muu vniiu.
V It, JJ11UIW 11 A 1 1 illlUUUI.
iXttcrsofmliulnlstrnllon on tho cstnto or All
ilrew Mellcle, lato or Mt. l'lcnsant twp.. Colum.
hla co., ih'ccuscil.lmvo heeliErftnleil by the llcut.
Icr or irnia county to Samuel Creasy or Minim
vllle. All persons havlut: claims or uemantW
against tho estate or tho decedent are requested,
to mako them known, nud those indebted to
maita iniyiueiii. .
July 3,'C3-6t. Administrator.
In Iho Orphan's Court for tho County of Colum
bia In tho matter or tho cstato of Harriet Yout,
lato or Columbia co.( l'a. The Audltorappolnt
cl by tho Omrt will meet tho creditors at tho
olllco or & It. Ikcler.ln llloomsburg to mako dis
tribution amongst Creditors on Fuiday, tho
31st day of July next.
All persons Having claims ngniusv mo esuiio
nro lu.rcliv rtviiilred to tircsent to the Auditor, or
on fallliro to present the samo bo forever debarred
irom coming in ior n snare oi toe saiu csuiie.
July 3,'SS-lt ' '
p U U
All nei-rimiH nro berebv notlflod not to enter on
tho promises or tho uuucrsigucu for tno purpoi
ot huntlus orshootlug game,
Anv norson ires
ublTcatlon or thu notice, upon
ho premises ol either or tho undersigned will bo
probccutod, Tho taking or fruit Is also rorblddcu
Bylvestcr rursel, Hiram Applenmn,
John Miller, Wm. Kyerfy,
Ksau Ulrton, JohnOlrton,
David W. Armstrong, Uarry Urotx,
Daniel Yocum,
Mnthlns Annleman. David Wluuer.
ueorge w, uorien,
July 3lIw-lt
Ptoses Collmau,
J7 A 11
M E 11 S! I
It contains thrco per cent, of Ammonia, an
amnio quantity to give activity without Injury
to too vegutatlou, aud n largo porccntago ol so
lilblo Uouo I'husjthato of Lime, together Willi
Potash and Hnda, tho essential elements ol u
COMl'LUTUMANUlli:. Tho Incleoscd sales In
farmers who aro using it with highly satisfacto
ry result Is a suiogutuautcuof Us vatuo. l'rlee.
SoO per ton of 10 bags uuu lbs each. Hend for u
isiinphlct. Aildrcss
iiu: Air.v viu.a ouano co..
Julya.'KMy 07 llioadwoy, N. V.
Dr. Chalhiut having localod In llloonisburg for
tho practlco of his profession, is anxious toawa
ken a new luleiesl uihju the subject of Dentist-
This most Imixirlunt branch or Dentistry hy
dlscuvers has hover beeu properly lutroducud,
No truth is moro obvious than that a natural set
or teeth with proper euro wilt lost Its possessor n
lifetime, yet bounds many persons whu object
to liuvlug their teeth llllcdJudglng hy bltterox
pcrlenco that It Is useless. To such ho extends
iho cordial Invitation.
Comkto.Dii. CHAU'AHT'sOFUcii, ho will ex
amine your teeth fieo of chargo and couvlueu
you of your error, Ho has methods of filling
teeth never beforo pructlcul In this section ol
country, and means of proving lo the most
skepticut that tho lining cannot possibly bo re
moved rrom tho cavities. Ho couildcut Is ho or
this that lu this department A uill latum hit
umkortcnuctm. lie also lluds porsous equal
ly prejudiced against
objecting that they cnuso pain, and producu
soreness lu tho mouth, that thoy mustfje taken
out when eating, und that frequently they uro
tlirown aside altogether.
In view ortlils ho wishes you to ItUA!) 1UH
TKHMH. Ho will put upauysetor teeth, uppur
or lower, or part of cither, und insert them so
that they cannot bo distinguished rrom uutuuil
teolh, and guarantee satisfaction In ovory caso.
Any person not pleased with his work In every
particular, noed not tako It lioiu thooltleeorpay
lor It, as ho allows no caso to leave his olllco
which produces the sllghtost pain, or would bo
likely to creato soreness lu tho mouth. IIo ex
tracts tectli by tlio uuo of
that being the anaesthetic lu goncral use, aud
recommended hy leading Dentists throughout
Iho United Hlatcs. lie will administer other
however to those prcforriug tt.
COME AND HKF. HIM, ho will examine your
teeth, nnd glvo directions for preserving them,
ireo of cliuigc.
Found at all hours lu his ofllce, next door to
Dr. J. It, Uvuns, Main HI. below Market, llloonis
burg, l'a,
July 3,'OH-iliu
j" W. SAMPLE & CO.,
MAIN ST., & I,. & II. It. It., DLOOMSIlUrtO, I'A.,
Aro prepared to furnish all kinds of Machine
work, such as
Hhaning,rulleys, Hangers, Couplings, Mill-gear
Ing, Haw mandrils, etc., (Ju.lgo cocks.Fet cocks,
mcum pipe, together with all kinds of Mteam fit
tings constantly ou bund.
Throshlng Machines and Horse I'owers mad.
loonier. All kinds of Agrloultural Machinery
repaired. May 0,'CH.
Till! MOlt.N'l.NCl I'ATIHOT.
Tho oflleo of tho lato JviWot and Vitlou having
passed lulu tho hand or tho underslgued, tb.y
propose lo supply a vacuum that has long exis
ledlu Iho uowspaiier press ot Ulterior I'ennsyl
vnnla. From somo cause or olherthe reading masse,
or tho Deinocrutlo party or tlio great Inlorlor
counties or tbestutc, liuvo been compelled, either
to do without lh latest news, or patronize Jour
nals whoso polltlcaHcntlmcuts wore distasteful
to them.
Tlio Morning Fulrlot Is Intended to supply this
IU proprietors are determined that no elfbrU
shull be spared, ou their part, to make it fully
filial, as unOMspnpcr, to any of Its competitors.
Whatever tho electric wires ul, able to commu
nicate, up to Iho hour of going to press, will be
furnished In Us columns every inomlugi aud
Its lui go slzo will enable It to give quite as much
reading mailer ns uny oflts contemporaries.
Asun advocate or sound political senllmeuls,
favoring no fuel Ion, cllquo or sccllou, but devot
Ing Us lullro energies lo tho good of the whole
purly 1 us u vchlclo of the latest news, and a
chronicler of passing oveuts, wo aro determined
that It shull not bo excelled l and we coulldeutly
appeal lo a discriminating publlo for that appre
ciation aud eucouragcincut which are Indispen
sable to success,
For tho.Pally, one year In advaneo 17 00
" " six months, " iuj
Hlngle copies, Three Cents,
His tho determination or the proprietors or tho
ralrlot lo make their weekly Jouruairully equal
low hat tho "Patriot and Union" was lu lis pal
lulestduys. 1 1 will bo ono of the largest weekly
papers luthosqate, and special pains will be lak
en to 1111 lis columns will
Jl BUi
ueh reudlng malts.
ns will bo nllko lntercj,tli
useful to tha
Farmer, tho Mechanic and tlio Man of llusluess,
and to uinko It nil ngrccabloaud weleomo visitor
lliovcry fumlly,
Kvcry person should subscribe to tho paper
I ri!itod fn his own couuty, and wo do not uteau
neuter into rompellllon with tho local paper.
flhoHlale, Hut, many people tako their home
poper ond n elly pr lu adilltlon, To such we
send greeting.
Hlngle copy, ono year
" six month
Tcu copies, ono year ,
Twenty copies, ono year ,
fifty , " , (to one uddress) 1 year.,
Ono hundred copies " "
.... t'i no
.... 1 St
no ui
r, w
.... 75 ui
m ui
..ii viuirs SIIUUIU UU llUliri'HSU,! IU
11. F, MKYElbt Co,
llarrlsburf, l'a,
A i oxlcnslvo Assortment of incii'a
4 and boy's I.INlV BHIIIT FltONTH, I'upcr
ColTarsaud Cults, and I.Ablta Uiinn Culhuh
nnd curru selling cheap by
Mar.lVM-tf I..T,BHAUPI,EfiH.