The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 10, 1868, Image 1

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    A "
.nddwuia 0
VOL" 2 NO. 28.
IAi'011 MIX, denier In Moves tlnwnrc. Mnhi
J St., tlhuVO CIJlll t llOUKC, l-nll
I M. ltltPI'IlT, Miivch nnd tlnwnrc,
i. block, MnltiM,, west nrMnrki-t, ,
I) PA . A. HAItTMAN, Stoves, Tlnwnro t,f nil
uC Holltli Mnlu Hired.
I 1 KIIHl",
'Irht Hloro mi West end
I.OWi:.NIimiO,merehnnttntlor, Mulii-t., SI
ly. uwr uutnu anii'ni'uii nuuse, w-
.1 . IT III rlntliliit- ete lliti-tm.iii'u Imllilliiir. Mnhl
RlleCt. Vl-llll
r N. MOV tilt, druKsUtnnd apothecary, Kx
JJ change block Mnlu at. lnl'
l.i V, I.UT7., druggNt nnd npothecary, Ilupcrt
i'j, block, Main St.. west of Market, 1-Hl1
f OVtH linUNHAIUi, watch nnd clock mnttcr.
I J near southeast corner Main ami Iron fU, vl-n 13
Oil. BAVAOK, dealer In clocks, watchei nnd
.Jewelry, Main st., Just below American
ltuuso. vlnl3
I CATIICAUT.vralch ami clock maker. Maikct
JV St., below Muln. vl-n 13
C1 M. llltOWN, Imot nndfdioemnltcr.MnhiHliect
, oppo'dto Court Homo, vl-n.3
i KOrXF.IiJ'It.mnnufacturcr nmlilcaler In boots
A' ami iliocB.MnliiKl., opposllo Kplscopal clutrcli
HHNUY KT.i:iM, mnnur.icturcr ami dealer In
liootN ainl shoes, groceries t tc.( l'-iist It looms
liiirRMulust. vl-nll
DAVID lliiTZ, twot niid shoemaker, Main nt.,
below JIartiuan'H stoie, went ofMaiketMrcet.
III. UVANS, M, I). surgeon and phj-blelan houIIi
bldti Mulu bt bulow Market. vl-n 1 1
l it. I(. T. Kinney Kurncon denll-d,teethoxlract
W cd without pain. Main bt., nearly opposdto
l.plscopul Church. vl-n Id
J 11. M'KULVY, M. I), surgeon and physician
north bide. Mala bt.t be low Market. Mill
I O. ItUTTnit, M. P. Bur
J Market ht.,nbuvc Main.
P. nurgeon and Physician.
vi lm
iiiv. Hi K.. i-.iv, nuiL-uii ui'iiuii., .-iu.ii si..
1qbovo comt house. vlnlj
1 II. noniSON, Attorney-nt-Iiw.Oinco Hnrt
il. man's building, Main Htrect. vJ-n'JO
DH. H. 1'. CIIALKANT, Dentist, Mam Ht.( be
- J"W Market. Neil door to Dr. D vans 2-17
milliner, Itamvcy
building, Main M.
f ISS A. D. Wnilll, fancy goods, notions, books,
111 hUitloncry.noillibiduMalnbiiect below Mar
ket. vMiH
n 1'KTKItMAN, millinery nnd fancy goods op.
ij. iomiu riiumi, .muiii hi.
ill cloaksnnd tlicss p.dteriH, Houtheat corner
U1UU UNO Will hi.
MISS M. DiniUICKSOX, millinery nnd fancy
goods Malnj.t.,opiKJslte Court House, l-nll
1 KM. M. 11. KUUMAN, milliner. Main bt.( below
11 L llaittnau's store, west of Mailcetht. rU
fPlIK MIKSIM NAKMAN millinery nnd fancy
L goods Main street Just below American liousf.
r I.IIArociC.oysterand rating mdoon
Amor l-
l can iiouse, .Main hi IamcocIc hiiperln-vl-nl.
liriDMYlIlt A JACOIiY, conf.ttlonry, l.ikry,
) and ujstorwnloon, wliolesaleand u-Ull,
elmiiyo block, Malu st. ln!3
Mt7X& WKllM, confectionery, bakery, nnd ny
I' tcr saloon, wiioieitaio nun retail
Mul n t
hcbiW lion,
iXCHANdi: IIOTIIU by Kihuis A Clark, Main
I'jst., opposlto court tiouso,
1 MM!
MIMtlCAN John I.kaiock, Main
A t., west of Iron fctieet.
nOUIvS HOTIX, by O.W. MAUUr.u, east end of
V Malnj . I;J?
) HTOIINIirt, reficsbnient Halonn.Maln f.l..Just
), nbovts court house. 1-n W
Kooxs it claw:
cliaiiKQ hotel.
refre&luucut aloon, I'x
vln !(
irir. tiiLLMoni
refreshment t-nloon, SIiIvh'h
11 block suulli bide Maliibt,
1.1 JACOll.S, Coulectionery. gi
j ht.,aJLooCourtHouse,
unwerli'S t le Main
n If, Mir.MHE, dealer In dry Koods, EiiHcrles,
niieeiihwure, ii"iir, mix, mi
UxLimniio block, Maliihtreet,
notions, etc.
it Co., df alerH In dry Bonds,
etc., uuiHieuht corner Maliiunil wnrlcet t.t,'l-nli
ill groceries, Hour,
ii. a
v;, jiijv i.ii, iiniH iiuii cup's uooiw unit piiui-b.
Mala M., nbovo Couit House,
OC, MAltlt, dry nondsnnd notions, houlhwest
, coiner Main and Iron sta. vlnl3
1 .f. llltOWCn. drvuooilM. irKH'ei It .iU. north
tJ. weHt coiner Main and Iron .ts. vl-nll
ni;V. A. HAUTMAN, dry cnods, notions, and
Ik imxprlfM liiln kl.. oinihllo I 'in ill's l'lirill
luioltooms. 1 1'hjj
KH. HUNHllKitmm, (aeiil,)KioceiIeH,tobnc
. co. nnd confeillonnrv. Mulu bt.. opliasltP
iplscopnl Chinch. vl-nll
n.. 1)I:cK1.i;Y, KtyMonokhoetttore, books nnd
. k tut Ion erf. kotithueht corner Market anil
.Muln bin. vMill
IM.TAM miAHMUM, confi'itlonciltB, Main
near the. inlliond.
11 Mi:NlJi:NlIALl,.tr-ii'il stock of lueichnn
I J. ilKo ami lumber, mtiwr of Main bticxtnnd
itt-rwlck roail, vluM
I .1. Itnmil.VH. di nltr In tlrv irood cici rles I Ic.
tJ Bhlvo'n block, Muln nt below li on vl-nil
I, Iv. (J1UTO.V. (3ioei-il(N A. l'ro ilons. south-
Jcust corner Main nnd Iron streets, lnll
0V. hYDlUt, liardwnre, i-utleiy guns, etc..
MiU" M below Iron. vl-n4J
i J. hLOAN. ilealerln cholcoiliy ukkU, lfoiiso-
si., opponlto court bouse.
il ' HIT illlkh"Uun,iivoilhi"Mln,i.iil,i.iii
IC. 11VK1C, khm'i ries a ltd gem in! meiclmndise
J Main tit
i r.HtiAiiri.
I J, hllOCB.tte.,
,i:sH, dry uoim1, L'roceiit,
bootH, bllM-K, ilulit fct,
wtst ol
vl-n l.i
O CltAMKU tt A. li. IIAYllUlthT.DuiUrMlu
O, (JroctiieK, ConicctlciieileM nnd Nnllons,
tcottown, south side, two doois above lliobst'tt
wnt!onmalf er bhop. v'-J-nlH.
Gt W. COHKLIj. furniture rooms, thrco t.tor'
I, bih'kon Malliht., wintofilarlitt tl. I-iilJ
.T, TIIOUNTON, wall paper, window bhadcK,
1-11 1.1
una uxiureH, itupcrv uioeu, iiiaiu bt.
HHOHl,8TOCK, pltotoyrnplier, KxeliniiKfl
, block, Main bt., opposllo tourt bouse, l-n 1.1
f 1M1UOADT, pholORrnpher, Haitman'8 bulld
tJ IntfUoUlieosleoinerMulnaudMaiUttst, JnU
Li J. lUDMSMAN, Agpnt Munson's Copper Tu
IV bulnrMghtnliujKod. VJ-nli)
Til, rDllHKlX, saddle, trunk nnd harness
maker, Mulu bt below court, house. vluia
n FOSTKH, Gluo Maker, and White ami fancy
I. Tnnner.Heottown, v-ii7
I jiind dealers In Lumber, of nil kinds, planln
v T ft IQIIIllin T llf lll.MI
mlliiuarlho rul broad.
T J, HIDLKMAN, saddle, nnd linrnesg mnktr,
y) , near southwcsteoiner Main und MurUetst.
maiblo world, near southwest
A. corner Main uud Mai Let u,
r It.ltIN(JLl!H.l(fdf r In ilnnoH. ort-aiiH and
J. meiodeous.ntU, WtCoieU'slurniluio looms
ni H. mabti:hh,
agent for flroverA llaker'H
1 , sewlnfi mnihlue,
im, up Btulr.
lam st.. iiiiriman u uunu
1 W. HOI1II1NH. llnnor dealer second door f loin
J, norths cut ccrner Main nnd Iron it, vl-nll
lir I'KACOCIv. Notarv Vubllc nnrl beast renter
Main nnd Maikct bt. vl-nU
if UN A.I'UNKTON, mutual nnd tosh rates flro
t) insuiTtiico conipany.northi at corner Main and
West it. vl-nll
fir.omn: nAKHi:UT,manurnclurcr nnd repair
I er of thieshlntt marhlnes. humnle A fo'MMa
ehlnehhopjist HlooiUbburg, vlnll
I H, KUIIN. denkr In meat tallow, ele., Chem
1 borlln'M alley, back of American bouse, m-hii
CJAMUi:! JACOIJY, MnrlTo and ilrmwiPUmo
O Vorki,l'jutUloorabbuiE.Heiwickrad. vlnt7
M y.HAMI'I.K ACO. MnrlilnUtb-.ICaslIlIooms-
, burg nenr rallrnod. ('iibiliieuinadunt short
uiUcfiunibUiuy umdv tmliipuliul, vii-n'ii
DIl. ). A. Mr.O.Mianf., iliylrtnn nml ninoon.
.Mnlu t., next dour tu UihkVh ilolcl. vl-n 17
BIHC'K llOTi:t. mul rpfrrMitncnt inlnmi, liy
lkl. lAiTill, cor. iir.Miilnnlul l'UicM.vlnlT
SWAN llnri;i., Iliamijicrhomo by John Knv
Ucr, Muln nt iibove I'lne. VI-mIT
DK.KMIAN', itonlcr In ilry kwk.( priwerlr,
. lumber nnil general MerchnmlKe. Main Rt.
Gniltd II IiAKAUt'H.nilihtlr- nml linrucN, mnker
Mnlu it.. nbovo thoHwnti Hotel, vln!7
J It, H.MlTlt
mnmiCiclurrr of tin wnro nnd
T denier In Move ele, Alnln si., nlKivo '.lie
Swim Hotel
Vl-u 17
1 ,t li, XT. COMIMAN, Jlerelmnt tnllor nnJ
i, tient'n luriiNhliiKgonilK, Muln bt next door
to llio Ul Id; hotel, Vl-ll 17
H. llAYHUnST.CIorUii, Wntclien nnd (lulls
, repnlreil. Gun, nnd Wntches fomnle, Mnln
beluw l'lue. vl-1117
"I AMI'S II. ItAUMAN, C'nblnet Maker, nnd Un
t) ilertnkcr. Mnlu Ht., below rino, vl-nl7
MIC'HAIXC. lvi:t.I.i:il,Conrectlnnery, (lynen
Ac.. Ac., nu l'lncHt., belivccn ilnlli mul llll.
11 It. AC. KlU.CIIXI'.It, Hl.icUnmltlK. on Mill
11, Htrett, near l'luc. 1-U17
AUIM.IAJI DKI.ON'O, Klineinnliernnd nmnufne
M tnirrur llrlclf, Mill Ht went or l'lnc vlnlO
1.1 MAS HNYDKlt, Flour nnd drlit Mill, nnd
I'j Uenlerln grnln, Mill Ktnet. vl-1117
T liWIrt II. f.CllUYM',lt, Iron foimiler.Mneliln
Jjlst, nnd Munufnetuler or ilow, Mill Ht.Vl-1117
MII,i:n A. WILLIAMS ('n.rniinrrHnivl Mini,
ul.n-lllicln ol lonlhir, Mill htleet, VI-H17
TOIIN KIIM.r.K, Hoot nnd Wineniaker, I'lne
(J KlU'Ct, oppoblto the Aciidciny vl-nl"
1 11. IIKHKINII.V llItol'UMt.l'nrpeuterinnd
A. UlllldelK, M.llnKtleet, below l'llle. M-1117
CJAMtli:!, HIIAUPMIHM, .Mnker orthn llnylmv-t
O liiulu i'uulle. .Mulu Kt, vl'ui.
IM. HAItMAX, nnddto nnd Imrucvs mnker
, oriuigevlllo, oppOHlto rrnnio elitireh. lJull
n inritrIetor.houth-eat corner Main nnd Second
Mreit. VJ-U12
JH. CltUAHY, dry poods, groceries, nnd rcii
, eial Merchandise, Main .street. v--nl2
D. niNAUD, dealer In btocs and tlnwuie,
Main Street. M!-uti
r.M. II. AllIinTT, attorney ntlaw.MaluMreet.
V --llli
IT.lirilT .t- KT.IVP ilrv iuuiiV
groceries, nnd
VJT general mercliandUe, Muln Street.
1 KIHUUt, bllliaid Kaloon, oysters,
nnd lee
, crcnui lu bciisou Mulu Street.
1 DAM.M AN, Jlerelmnl Tnllor, Meeond St.,
UobblnV Uulldlng. vMils.
) Seco nd St., below Main.
UOIIIIINS, Surgeon nnd riiyslclnn,
11. K1HTM-IU, "Oltavlsa llouie," Xot t h Wi st
.Corner JIniu and ticcoud Streets. J-nK
, M. IlltOIHT, denier In General Meri liandNe,
ill. Hry Goods, Groceries ic. vWili
nr.Ti:it i:nt.
!ry gocwli, groeerlcs,
1 Hour, feed, bait, lMi, lion, tuilH, etc
1 '.
Ti:KWlM.l(!i;it, Cubfliillunker
tJ tmd ChuliuiukLi.
JO-tl'.l'II WAMT.ll llllellKillltll, opposite post
olllce. vl-n 111.
HI'. OMAN A Co., Wheeln rights, Hint door
nbove hUiool house, 1 l-n III
MltM. R KUXEi millinery nnd r.mey gooiis.
J" W.SANlCnV, dealer 111 !.i(!nr, Hides, Hark,
etc. Cu-sh puld for llldis. vl-ulil
nr.M. M. i:nt
denier lu Mines and tin wmo In
nil Its branehe1
Vl-ll li
liinuiif.ieluier nnd denier In
1 bootH and hhoes,
.1., M, H. Mil riii un and I'hjslelun.
Ollleo at Kellcr'M Hotel. -J-n27
.ISl'Y HT11AM n.Ol'Itl.NO Ml MX, C. S. 1'owl
l'roprletor. vl'-'nll
1'. UKIGlIAllli, .tllllO., dealers liulryi!iHls
groeiili's, and general merchandise.
II. rAM)Wi:i.l ilenler In dry goods, groeer
les.iiiuilisivaie, hiirilivnie, IWn, Mill, nails.
, He.,
W. i:i(lAlt, Susquehanna I'lanln;
ilox Iauuluetor ,
Mill nnd
I NDItr.W JIADISON, ileiilcrlndry goods, gio
i eel les, grain, lilinbor etc., Jerse II. l-ny
TACOll A. HWISIIIUt, dealer In Hides, Lrnthcr
tl llarketc, Mndlson township Columbia county
l'a. vl-nia
0 Al'T-SAMUia. ItlMIlY, Mndlson Hotel, Dro
vcr nnd Nlriingcis eutirtalucd, v--nl
MU.itW. II. HUOIIMAKKIt, dealers In dry
woods, uroecrbs and Keneuil men haudKe.
First sloro In boulh end of town. viMils,
TACOll A W'M, llAUHIH, tlenlers In tlty Rood'
uroeerieH. tirujrs nnd meuiciiu-s, i irsi i
urocerlCH. tlruss nnd medicines,
I'lrsf store In
notili end ul town.
n in.
J llI.l)OMailUUU,CO!.t'MlUA C(i l'A,
'I lm miib-rktincil luvluif nurL-hased tills ;l11
k nown and eenti ally locat edhouse,tlm;xclMi)ao
Until, sliuatoon MAINhl'Uiari'.ln ltloomslmt
Ininiedlately oppo-dlo llio Columbia county Com L
House, rexneetlullv Inform tholr Irleitdii find Ui4
puuue in kcik'iui vimi, loi ir iiiiiiMi i utiw ut uiuci
lor 1110 if ccpiioil linn rnu-i iuimiuni m uiti i-iu tn
u in mnv im i i.iiimi ii r.iVfir ltMiin k r (lis
tnin. 'ibev hau Mimed no exneuso In inenaitm;
t bo i:ehauceior t been tei tnlumetit of I hell-guests
neither bltalt theto bo anything wauling on their
mil in mnmicr in nieir peisonai comioii, iiii'y
touso Is dn.ctous. nnd enfovH nn excel cut busi
ness location.
chnnuo Hotel mid the various lallioad depots, by
whlcli liiivelleiK M'lll ho lilensniitlv eonievid to
UinniMisemun at nil tunes iiciwt-ui tnei.x
nml Irom the. it.pcctlve- htalloiiH In due time to
liuet tho ear. KUUNS A CI..U1I
llloomsbuii,', April ', l.s.
Tho above wtll-Uuown hotel has recently under,
couo rad'cnlfhaimes In Its Internal arrnnuemenlMi
find Km nr. vtrletnr announces to hta former custom
II till! ITU' ViiiliJ I'llutlU i"l nwmiiiiiimiiiiK'iH
for lliucomiorror ins liueHisarosetonu m none m
fln (..niiiiit.- Ills tablti ulll nlwiivs bo found sim-
plled. not only with subMatttlal food, but wllh all
iho imllAfh-sof Hit Nr-iison. Ills wines uud li
quors (except thai popular be vera so known
,1JU'.,irftnr7,purtlinMddliect Horn iliu luiwirtlnK
nouses, niu i
ai;o lu tho past, and will continue to itesei It In
the juiuii', uiuituij . iuivuiti.iv.
Til K l'roprletor of tho KxchnliifeSulooiiliaM now
on 'nand ft largo stock of
eoliMUtlns of
81'IIXU UTlHThltH, BAltDINIJl, Tltll'll, lllll.OONAi
tl- COMI! ONIJ, ('l)Mi: A Mi AN'K Hill:. 1i
llloomtUiri:, May !), 1KJ7,
l'.Sl'Y, C0M).MI1IA COUNTY, l'A.
Tin: mhi-erlber ieiieetfully lufoimulitu frleudu
mid tho publlo, that Im linn takill the nbovo well
I.-noun iIoiim of i:utertnlniiient, nnd uill ho
faor him ivith ucull.
nr. VJM i:i:i:i' a gooii tahi.i:,
ft llur welt Rtoiked ivlth tho be.t of MiiuorK, and
eieiy euori lllll uo jiiaue I" li oner enure Mini,'
lariiou, i , 11, I'ir.i i iH II
j:py, l'u Apilt I2.IM7.
DIlA.NilllVlM.i:, COl.UMUIA COl'NTY, l'A,
udwauii i:vi:iu:tt, vr.oi'iur.Toij,
Having tnken pohgcHstou of IhU ivell-kiioiin
hoiuo, ko lonu kent by Samuel lA'eull, thel'ro.
nrli tor ha nut In It permanent repair nnd ftiruUh.
ed UAH AND I.AlIIi:lt ulth thocholce.t llnuom
nnd tiewefit delicacies. HUKtAblolHiiotexieilfd
lu Ihocouutyt and un paliin will bu .pared to
uccdMiuoiUitiigueiitM npr3'.
A .Democratic Nownpapov
ni.oo.MsnrntJ. ii:.n'a.
Til I. principles of this paper are of the Jellersou
Ian Helioolof pollllcs, Those principles w Ul never
bo compromised, yet courtesy nnd kindness ltall
not bo forgotten In discussing them, whether with
individuals, or with contemporaries nf the 1'rcss
The imlly, hnpplnesa.nnd rro'perlty of the coun
try Is our aim nnd object ; nnd ns the means to
Btcurolhat, wo shall labor honestly and earnestly
for Hip harmony, unccCM nnd urowlti of our orgnn
Tkhms ok Hunsi'iii rrioN: Two ilollais a jtar
If paid In advance, If not paid In ndwiuco two
dollnrs nnd lllly cents will boliiMirlably charged.
TFitMsoKAivi:UTisiNn( OneKQuare(tenlliKs
or lefts) one or thrco Insertions ?l,JiO; each subse
quent Insertion uO eent.
Cm. lv
Sfl,"") 810,00
0,1 "0 11,00
1-VKJ ls.00
1 1,U) 20,00
C0.OO .10,00
yo.oo co.oo
Two squares... . n,00
Three Kquarcs o,xi
I-'our squaren (1,()
Half column 10,00
One column l.",t)0
Kxecutor'snnd Admtiilstintoi'H Koth-e Sn,ooj Au
ditor's Motlco J,10. Other ndeill.ciiieti1s Inver
ted uceordlny lo special contract.
Justness notices, wit hotit ad verlNt men t, twenty
cents per Hue,
Tianslcnt adveillscmeuts jiayablo luadvaneo
alt otheis duo after the Hist Insertion.
i It Is, In alt ciifi, more likely to lm satisfac
tory, both to Mibsertbets and to llio VublNhers,
that lemlttHncesand nil eonuuunlent Ions respect
ing the business of ho paper, be sent direct to the
olllce of publication. All letleiTi, whelhc r relating
to the editorial or business concerns of the pnper,
nnd nil payments for Fubscrlpllons adverllolng,
orjobbltiy.nre to be m.idctoand addressed
miocKWAY a iitni:i:,
"Oihihilian ttykr,"
llbooMsitruu, l'A,
l'l luted at li.iblson'n Hit tidings near I be Court
House, by
c. m. VAMir.usi.ici:.
Xcatly executed at lids Olllce.
attou.n i:yati,a w,
Ashland, Schuylkill County, IVnu'a.
a r rutin 11 - j 'i - i. . w,
Iteiwlik, Columbia County, lVnn.i.
ri.l-l-IA?! H. AHHOTT,
A i I Kl li iS it 1 '.l I'll . v
W, AlILLlilt,
A TTII It N 11 Y A T I. W,
tiiiuowith i:. li.
.Illllll! Post (llllie.
'ilislons eiillt-eted.
I.lltl,'. In bllek blillcllni; nd
lluuntles, Uaek-I'ai and
A T T O It li Y - A 1 - I. A V,
Oflhelu Hi'Hlster nnd Itecordcr's nflhe, In the
basinient ol tbes Court House, Hlooinsbui fa.
()1KHT T. C-I.AltK,
A T T 1 1 II N I ; V - A T-I. A W
cnrlitriil Main and M. strut", i,ir
I'll National lialik. Illoomsbillii, l'a.
n. i.ittm:,
a r ro u n i: y-a r-i, a w.
Otlleo on Muln stti t t, lu bllek billhllln.',i' Ihe
(-uurl Houm1, lllooiusbui'i;, l.i.
1!I.()(1.MHIU'1!(!, l'A.
ti- nrui v. Con it llniivc Alley
below the rii
.liilil'a. lumhltm unlee.
T ouis nioKMiAiti)
1J .
Would Inloitn tin-) ritl'itis of lllnr.iiist.iiri' nod
lclnlty that ho Is now premdtndonll kludof
plating, silver or Knhl, Iti-cbl.tiT,
T I O N K li H .
lla ln llMwd tho profession of Public V ndne
Ciler lor tnauy 3 ears, would Inlorm his fihiids
Hint ho Is still lu tho Held, ready and w till in; In
iittt'iul to all tho duties of Ids callluif. r..i-'iiM
ikslrlint his ser Ices should call r wthe to hltu
iu liloonisbuig, l'a. nuus't7.
.hsisiiiiii .Mtuicai juit
1 II Y H I C I A N A N l
h-i i . Army,)
s l' nil KO N,
iuin-s isiiM-k,
tin Olllce at the bou
liloonisbuig, Va.
Call ptoinptly utKiulid to belli ulttl 1 un1 dm
lih.umsbuv 'hi. IS, N.
and dealer in
CAlU'irMlAUH, VAI.IHli, I lA XK'lM,
ni'FKAi.0 noiitA .it.,
which ho ftels conlldeitt bo can sill M lower
late than any other pciNoti 1 1 1 1 1 in cnuntiy. r.x
nm Inn lor oins Hi k.
hhon first door below tho l' Oltk-u Main
Blieei, Uloomsijurg, l'a.
g c. cqiiiiiNS,
! A n J l l U ? A li 4 li
Over U'idiwtjcr V Jacoby'b Ico Cream HaWwi,
lil.UOMSIlUUU, l'A.
Halt- )elni! nnd WhUkirs cotoud black or
blown. Hair Tonic to destiny dundruit uud btati
tlfylng tho hnlrj will relniu hair lo 1U nrlnal
color without soiling tho lint si labile, eoiistmitly
on iia uu, upi ti vtt
K N T I S T Jt Y .
h, c. nuvi;n, ih;ntist,
Itcspu tfully oilers Ids profi-Hsloniil servlcfs (o
clnlty. Ho U prepaied lonltt nd to nil tho van
l lie lauies ami uunuemcii 01 inoouihuui-u an-.) vi
ous opera! Ions lu tho lluoof hU itrofefislun, and
Tn-'in which will bo litHerted cm irold idat uif,
14 io ineti vim niu uiiiKi iiiioiut fn 1 I'lti 1.1
klk er mul rnbluT bnso to look lis will 11st be lull
uialtetth. Teeth extracted by nil tho new and
most uppioNfd uuthodu, and all nptiullmw on
tho teelh cniiiully and ptopeily utleiultd lo,
Itesldeiuo nnd ollho n lew iIimh ulxtvu llio
I'ouri iiou-e.samo sine,
T)owniOH ki:gs and i.umhku
Ilupcrt, l'a.,
Manuf-ttturtrrt ol
and dealers In idlltln'Uof
i-Uoiiotliollint they nre prepaid (oiuwrmnUl
ihvlr cuMoni with dispatch, ntui m iho il.inf-l
.erv dcseilptioti ol bcnlo wnriaiiltd lo. ulvo
tntliosiitUluctlon. Hendlnr Catalogue end Clr
culnr becuudlhnud Scales of other iniiUers,,lKen
! I l-uy-ru. iWwii'sCAM'.CO.
3 Park l'lnre, New Yolk 131 f tdcrul hi, lloston
April :i,'08.lui,
(Cholrc gotvti.
rill'. ClIIIHS.IlOAIIll.
11 v owi.s Jli.nt.nnil.
My llttlo Inie, dojoii umciiiher,
Ki e wo M ero grown no undty wise,
Those evening. In tho hlenU Ileceinher,
Curtnln'd wnmi fnmi llio snowy wenthir,
When you nnd 1 played eluns toselher,
Checkmated hy each other, eyes?
Ah I still I see j our soft white linnd,
Ho,crlHK wnmio'er queen nnd knlulit,
llrnc pnwns lu nllnnt hattlo stnnd,
The double castles guard the wing,
Tho bishop, bent on distant thing.,
Move. sidling through tho right,
Our flnKcls touch, our glances meet
And falter i fall your golden hair
Agnlnit my eheik j your bosom su eel
Is heaving. Down the field your quern
Hides slow her soldiery between,
And cheeks mo unaware.
Ah mo I (ho lltllo battle's doncj
Dispersed 1 nil Its cliii nlry,
full ninny it uioioslneo then, halo we,
'.Mid llfo's perplexing checkers made,
Anduinliy ftBiiiuowlth TurUmc pliyed.
What Is It wo hnvo won?
This, thU nt Icast-lf this nlone
T Jiat never, never, neiermorc,
As lu those old still ulghts or yule
I Kre we were grown sufntlly wise,)'
Cun you nnd I shut out tho skies,
Shut out tho world nnd wlnliy winlhii,
And, eyis e.xcbaliglng waluilh with eyis,
Tl.iy chess, us thin we played, logethcr I
7011. Il'm. j:ttrcll,on behalf of the Trm
tus, after the laying of the Owner
Stone of the Xormal School Jlttildim
at Jlloomstiiri, .fune'ZVh, IfliS.
L.uni's and C1i'ntm:.mi:ni After
llitciilii; to tlio clonuciit mid ioi ttiicut
lxliiailCH of tltc Ciovcrnor, and tliu ulilt'
ni.d intorest itiir tiddiiis dvllvurcd
In tlio Institute, It U scarcely ju-tl(laljtu
to keop you lim-jcr oxtio-oil to tlio
hCorcliliiK rays of tlio sun. In carrying
out llio picvlous arrangement 1 must
however, as llio reiircBcntatlve of the
Hoard ol Trustee, crave your Indtil
genco for a few moments.
If tliu occaslii'; which calls us togeth
er had I icon of it .sectarian character, It
would still hiuoliicn oneof deep inter
est to tho people of the) middle coun
ties. Tlio erection of it public edlllco,
such us Is here proposed, could not fall
tu attract tho attention nnd enlist the
sympathies of all the people, as well
tlioo without tliu organization having
it Ininiedlately In charge, as those with
in, Hut when, as here, tho object to
bo attained and tho means by which it
Is to be accomplished, havo neither n
sectarian norupollticalconiploxinii, and
every citizen may feel that he sdands
upon an equality In reference lo Il,wlth
every other clti.i'n, IU Iniofont li.
comes mow extenilcil anil the sympa
thies in Its behalf, of it more ardent
Dial .such feeling exists hero to-day,
Is manifested by tho interested counte
nances of tliu vast us-emlilagu before
me, and the anxiety to participate in
lliesu proceedings and listen to what Is
ml in behalf of thu enterprise in hand.
That It Is an occasion of no ordinary
haiacter, is shown by tho presencu of
thu Chief Magistral of thu Common
wealth, uud tho pcrfiirmunco of tiie
principal business of tho day by his
hand by tho pic.-.encu of tho oillcer un
der whoso control aro tiie Common
cliools of the.State at large, and also
by the pre.-enco of distinguished gen
tlemen in tlio cause of education,
from mii rounding counties.
In all ages of tho earth the progress
of the people in tlio arts and sciences,!!!
lvlli.ution and general kiiowIedge,hds
been marked by the character of their
public and private buildings.
l!y architectural .structures every whcio
we are enabled with much certainty to
tuko tho Intellectual moa-uiro of tho In
habitants of the country. Hy Iho pres
ence or absence of certain structures tho
traveller can accurately Judge whether
the people of a community li'.ir (iod
mil regard (lie matoilal Interests of
man. 11 ho .sees no siilroiKiiutliig lie.iv-
uwaid no building devoted to pub
lic worshipihe lias irrelmgllile evldeucu
that he Is in the mliNl of ail itrellgious
If his eye Is greeted uilli no building
indicating it as it place where the young
Idea Is taught to shoot, or if he Muds the
school hoiisulesni!oincd,iuoie cramped
uud inconvenient anil more illy ventlla
te.l than other buildings of the neigh
burliood, he may .safely ret down on Ills
note book, that Iho standard of cducu
tiou is not miu'h elevated in that lo
If hounds no inaiiufactoiles wbero
the facilities for lln in are ample, and
their establishment would boprolltablo
hojitstly conclude that there Is there,
a lack of Industry .cntcrnrisp anil Iauda
bio ambition to cumpetu with, II not to
excel other localities possessing no greu
tcrnaturalndvantages.Hul Iflu Idstrav
els through n country.tliough It bu with
railroad tipced, ho discovers churches,
Beinlniuies ol leiiiing, business build
lugs and ta-teful lesldences, ho may
wiltu down that peoplu ns moral, edit -
(sited, enterprising and rcflnud, assured
that tho testimony upon which humak
up tho record Is reliable and true.
It Is thu purpose, to which uu edlllco
or sliucturuof uny kind la duvoted that
gives character to It uud tho people.
11 tho de-cendanls of Xoah under
NlmroiL.tho mighty builder and hunt
er luuTbcen content to build acily upon
tliu plain. In tJuJjluud of Shinar, they
would not therefore linvo bioughl upon
their onterprlzo tho displeasure of thu
(Ircat Architect of the Universe. Hut
their dcslru for famu, and thu during
spirit manifested by them In attempt-1
lug to build u tower whoso top bhoultl
reach to heaven, being In delluuco of
Divluu authority, brought down upon
them confusion of huiguago uud disper
sion overall thu face of the earth, Ina
bility to understand ono unothcr'.s
speech was a Bevero punishment to
them, ami has.bocn a souico of lucon
venlcnco to their posterity In nil tlmo
Hut by tho aid of Institutions such as
Is heio Initiated, wo are enabled, by
dint of labor, (tho mildest piinlli
incut which could be Indicted upon
man) lo overcome this dllllcillty, uud to
understand each other, though wonpeulc
with tongues nnd lu divers laiiguagai.
Tho magnificent Templo erected by
.Solomon, nt u later period dedicated to
tlioliaino of tho Lord was hallowed In
Ills sight. And becatlsu, Its purposes
wero right, It was declared Hint "Ills
eyes nnd lllshearl would be perpetual
ly there."
Tho beautiful and uneiiitalled piles
of Architecture at Alliens wero splen
did specimens of human art and skill,
but they wero temples dedicated to
Idols, except, perhaps, In tho singlo in
stancu wliero thelnscrlptlon"Totho un
known Ood," was unwittingly placed
upon thu altar. As works of art they
challenge, our admiration, but as their
purposes wero Idolatrous, we regret thu
forbidden lu their u-e, while wc learn
material wisdom from their workman
In the erection of buildings of a pub
lie character there urn eousldcrallons
which cannot probably bo Ignored. Lo
cation and adaption to tho uses for
which they aro designed will dictate lo
thu cultivated mind thu order anil style
moslsulted (o tlio surroundings and In
keeping with the object oflhe struct
ure. In tlieb.tronlal Castles of feuildl limes,
sticngtli orpo4tlon,nnd Impregnability
of walls wcrechlclly consulted, In order
to guard against Invasions from ene
mies wllhout.
In countries subject to e.irtliipi.ikes,
iirtidenco dictates that they .should not
build their houses Iim high. While In
our favored contries we may safely oc
cupy upwards or downwards all that Is
comprehended within the legal mean
ing of the term land,without rendering
ourselves liable to I lie charge of temerity
or rashness. Wo may even by our own
buildings make to uur.-elves a name
and fame lu the earth 'Hid so long as
wo keep within thubouuiN of thu prac
tical nnil the useful, without danger of
confusion or other mark of divine dis
Hut I must not pursue further the
general siibjecl just glaiiicd at, hut pro
ceed lo ion-bier the particular ca-e be
fore ii.
Invited by the net ofa-cmbly ol 1S.17
lo creel and establish it school for thu
training of young men and women as
teachers for the common schools of tho
.Statu for tlio sixth Norm d School dis
trict erected by that act, the trustees
and stockholders of Tho Hlooiusburg
Literary Institute, resolved to accept
the Invitation and comply with the law.
To this end they have prepared for the
erection of additional buildings of
which ivo have here now by the bund
of the (iovernor laid the foundation
with appropriato ceremonies, Invoking
tlio AluilKl.ty l.'inl fur 1.1s lllfssltl
Hoping and trusting that nothing may
Interpose to impede or delay what has
been so auspiciously begun
Its objects uud purposes are of thu
highest and holiest character.They are to
elevate thestandarlofedtieatlou,lobiilld
up the capacity for knowledge, lo form,
developeand discipline thu mind, to un
fold, deepen and strengthen the lacultles,
to III our youth for the parts which they
aro lo act In thu drama of life, and to
bring them up to tho high position or
iginally occupied by man, declined to
bo but llttlu lower than the angels.
Such an institution, wo may safely be
lieve will meet with divine favor, and
with Hie cordial sympathy anil active
co-operation of all citizens within the
.shallow of its beiiellls who delight lu
the mnitd and material nilvaiifi'Uifiilnf
this poilion of our gieat State. Its lo
cation needs un commendation; t levat
ed above the surrounding country, the
ttiiinsplioiv is as pine and its healthful
us the heavens uMiird. The scenery In
all directions is misitrpa-scd for It-. beau
ty and vatiely. Standing here as in the
centre of a grand panorama, Illinois
pread out befoie yon one of thu most
lovely landscapes upon which thu eye
can rest. Near by and at the foot ol tho
gentle a-cent you seen thriving village
exhibiting In every iitarter signs ol
activity, Improvement, rapid growth
and Increasing prosperity- -Having
within its hound-, nine ebuivhei, three
newspaper establishments, a Court
I t(u!, Iron I'tiriiuces, many business
buildings and line residences, and sever
al school houses, indicating legard for
religion, education and Industrial pur
suits. Heyonil the plateau iiivuplcd by
the to. vn, spreads mil i fertile valley
bound si bv 1 1 a - - Sii-iiiichaiinah and
skirled by undulating hills. Lonkiu;
nwav !o Hie -oulli you see tiie hills be
youd the valb'.v of the 1'atawlssa, rising
still higher, nml still further lu thu dis
tance hills peep o'erhlilsand A I pson Alps
arise, lint I mar Hie ellecl ol the seen
erv bv attempting Its description. Tliu
picture Is before you; no words are nee-o-istiry
to prove Its grandcurutnl beauty,
Look for yourselves and adiulie.
The siiperstriicluro about to hu erect
ed upon tho foundation now literally
laid iiDou a rod; for Its support will be
In Its architectural design pleasing to
thu eye, and suggest 111 Its whole out
ward appearance adaptation to thu usu
1 to which It Is to bu applied, us wen us
a dim regard for order, strength nnd uu
lis fronliigo lo the west In connec
tion with thu building licretoforojereet
ed will bo upward of two hundred feet
uud tothusouthamu hundred und twelve
feet. Its hall will bucapablu of seatln
ovei onu thousand persons. Its school
rooms of largo proportions, will hu well
ventilated anil conveniently arranged
Its rooms for recitation, lis dormitories
for hundreds of sludents,lts dining hall
nml culinary department all combine
to make It u perfect and complete Insti
tution of Us kind.
Tho subject of schoois solely for the
education of leathers: has been agitated
occasionally for upwards of it hundred
years. As early as 17 18, such a school
was established by Frederick tho (Ireat
at lierllu. lu America It Is said the
llistono was opened at Lexington Masj
about thirty years ago. Now ihey aro
established hy law In many of the Stales
and In others are carried on as a niero
private enterprise. It Is upwards of
eleven years slnco this Commonwealth
was divided into twelve Normal School
Districts for ns many schools, yet up
to this tlmo but four of tho districts
huvo availed themselves of theprlvileg
t's conferred.
Whatever may have been thought
heretofore, It Is now no longer n ques
tion that schools of this sort nroa ne
cessity. Tho mind of the teacher should
not only bo stored wltliguncral and use
ful knowledge, such as ho Is required to
Impart to his pupils, but It should havo
been trained by suvere Intellectual dis
cipline, glvlngitkeenues-t andcLMriKMS
of vision which are the key to till true
knowledge. The perceptive and reflect
ive power In the u should bo drawn out
Into vigorous uud healthful activity.
It Is this training and Instructing of thu
Intellect, which give,? both Insight to
discern uud comprehen ilon to grasp
the principles nf tilings, which enables
tliu inliidtostrip oirthe husk and rive
tho heart of a matter and lay baru Its
living laws; It Is this which brings sue
cess,iiud tho want of It which brings do-
feat on nil our other means of educa
In reguid to the proper method of In
struction this Is net thu tlinu nor have
1 tho Inclination to speak. Hut this
much I may siiy,that all uxperlunco has
shown that In order to succeed
veil In any branch of business It
must bo miulo a specialty, otlierwlso it
Is mora than probable tint knowledge)
in legard to it will bj superllcitd, and
tho party a ml-erable failure.
I low can one successfully teach unless
hu has been taught, and how cm bu bu
taught as a teacher except lu u school
devoted to that purpose? It may be.
said let thu teacher bo taught In existing
schools. Tho experiment has been tried
to engraft Normal Schools upon other
schools, and In every Instance has
fulled. Thu attempt was pronounced
by Horace Mann ono of tho most un
fortunate inovenienls ever made In lids
country In regard lo education.
model school for practlcu Is requir
ed by our law, to bo attached to tho
Normal School in order that students
inayacqulroa practical knowledge of
the art of teaching. Hut the schools tiro
nevertheless separate and distinct al
though undur tiio control of thu s.iiiij
general head. Thu connection between
them is therefore not only not subject
to tlio objection stated but Is necessary
to fnllll thu requirements of tho law.
Tho Hlooiusburg Literary Institute
was organized but little over two years
ago, since then Its present building lias
been erected, a work of
skill which doos honor to thosu who In
augurated it, and which will stand as a
monument to tho memory of thu ar
chitect and builder for many generations
Its history might properly be com
nienced as Is that Inspired history of
thu earth. "In tho beginning," (all
lllllllirlill lUlni1 murtt imvt. tlielr llCiglu.
In tho beginning then of the now era
which has dawned upon.'lhls community
Micro was no building duvoted to tho
til-io of education, except such as thu
law under tho common school system
compelled the erection of. Thu tlmo
had arrived for a new dispensation and
dlllerent order of things. Upon thu ad
vent of Prof. Carver, the liberal yet
dormant spirit within our people was
arou-ed, and nobly did they come up
tu thu work of contributing material aid.
Within thushnrt spu'eof one year that
pleudld building was erejled, theso
grounds enclosed and ornamented, ami
the machinery of a school unsurpassed
for its excellence sul in motion. Un-
lor the supervision of l'rof. Carver tho
architect and bullder,thu wholu uxpenso
lid noi evceud twonty-iivo thousand
dollars. In thu same hands it is conll
dcntly beloved Hint the new bulldlngwill
lie erected ami completed lu nil its ap
pointments for less Unit twice that sum.
ill.ciis, upon you depends the equul
of this onterprlzo. Tlios.imu liberal spir-
t which lias heretofore been manifested
iy many of you, participated In by all
inerenteil will ensttru It complete sue-
ess. And hence shall go forth highly
educated disciplinarians, with minds
thoroughly Imbued with the philan
thropic doctrines of Christianity which
lunii part of tho coiiimon law of Hie
laud,whiKu biislnus- It will bo to in. mid,
and form the minds and shape llie ili--.ll
nlusof your j outh-t liu generation which
will soon, occupy lliu places which
their teachers no a' o.vupy. And
thus Irani the centre shall extend on
ward and outward uu inllueuci' constantly enlarging Its elide
until It Is felt, not only within lie ills-
met but throughout the borders ol our State, and llmite.l by no iinaglii
ury lines shall extend over our broad land
from ocean to nv.iu, and passing iho
bounds of time be recognized In liiiuii
less eternity, wotk con
not he accomplished nor good
lea II .ed unless thu people come up and
help us, not help u merely 1ml them
seleej in well, l-'or be it lllldersto id that
the men who mv laboring In tills en-
terptizo and those who contributed
their money have lu reality but an In
terest in common with lliu whole eoui'
iiitudty. .Motives of a high character,
thoso which relate to tliu moral and so.
cial Improvement nf our youth, havq
been presented to us with great lorco
and power. These alono ought to uiovo
us to prompt, decisive and sticeiuslu!
llcsides these, tlicruuro consideration?
which although of a selllsh uud pecuni
ary character I may bu allowed to men
tion. What has Infused now life uud
vigor into your town ami surrounding
country? Two years ago it was com-
parltlvely llfelss nnd Inactive.
Now It exhibits n freshness anil
activity which must glvo pleasure to
uvcry citizen, Wu have got out of tho
old riit.and mo vo on with tho rust of tho
world. Wo look around for th-j caiisu of
this Increased prosperity. What Is It
that bus milled to the value of your real
eslatu llfty percent, and doubled your
rents? What has induced tliu erection
of this largo number of dwellings? Tho
Hlooiusburg Literary Institute and tho
prospect of the statu .Normal School
huvo done this.
Ask tho wealthy farmer who has pur
chased property and removed to your
town, why ho did so, Ask nil from city
or country who aro coming hither, why
thny select this locality, ami with ono
accord they will nnswer, that tho deslro
to educate their children without send.
lug them nbroad,controlled their action.
If It bo suggested that thero nro other
causes combining to favor our locality
nnil build It up, I nsk whnt are they?
Have you more manufactories than
heretofore? Do your Iron furnaces give
employment to moro men? Is there
any branch of business which has giv
en this Impetus to tho growth of this
village-? If any of Hiusu things exist
they have tailed to come under my ob
servation. Your town has taken rank among
tho important towns of the .state, but
chiefly on account of tho Interest It Is
taking lu Kducatlonal affairs.
Tako away your Institute, deprive
you of tlio prosptct of tho Normal
School, and your real estato would de
preciate lu vnluo much moro rapidly
thnn It bus risen. Let every citizen
then contribute In proportion to tho
valuo of his property (to that extent ho
Is clearly Interested) and the highest
anticipations of tho most enthusiastic
actor In this undertaking will be more
than realized.
Hl'dAItLOAl' Jlllic 30, ISiS.
M it. AeiiiiNjiACH :l)ear Sir; I havo
been much engaged sluco the uppcur-
nncoofyour rejoinder In thu "llepubli
caii" of thu eleventh of June, lu regard
to the publication of ourcorrespondeuco
1 yielded to tho wishes of friends, who
thought It would Interest others busldu
ourselves, both your friends and mine.
In your original letter you asked int.
to nnswer them, 1 did so, plainly, fully
anil candidly, 1 was lu hope, if you re
plied, your would alurm or deny, and
glvo you reasons, in referenco to each
one, and thus niaketi llttlu controversy
that would bu both Interesting, and
protltablo, hut Instead, you havo given
a great many things that tiro Irrelevant
to tlio questions nt issilu. To follow you
through all this, would inaku an urliclu
that would weary tho linger; ol thu
Printers toset up, and patienco of the
reader to read It.
A few remarksoii thu points that you
have touched lire all that mo can give at
this time. There is one general obser
vation to be miulo in legard to your re
ply. If thu North was all ltepublican,
thu South nlonuDemocralic.and 1 lived
iulheSduth,then somo of your remarks
might apply, for you keep up tuu Idea
all through, that whatever was douu by
the rebels, wasdonuby tho Democratic
party. Xow this Is ungenerous, for you
know as well Us I, that as soon as tho
war commenced, communications weru
Interrupted between thu two sections,
nml lliu Duinocrals of the North had no
couneclluii with those of the South.
You asked, 'what wero thu principles
of tho Democratic parly since ISM?" 1
answer, thesamu as theyadvocato since
ISllil. You Impliedly deny this by ask
ing "did tho Fathers adx'ocate tho right
of .seces-lou?" "did Washington, Jeffer
son, Miulljon, Monroe or Andrew Jack
sou advoc.ito that doctrine?" no, cer
tainly, mid I will tell you .what else
they did not do. They did not endeavor
toengraftthopiincipleof Monarchy into
thu American Constitution, thuy did
not attend the Hartford Convention to
consider thu propriety of seceding from
tho Union, they did not burn blue
lights on thu hills of Now England, to
gtildu thu oiiemy Into port, they did not
petition Congress lor a separation of tliu
States they did not etidorso uud roe
commend the "Helper-book" that was
it lire-brand of discord, they did not car
ry around persons, and some of them
Wenches, who taught tho people, to
vote for uu Anti-Slavery President and
let thu Union slide, they did not place
Sharp's rltles in thu hands of u Kansas
murderer, and money In his pocket,
that liu might luv.tilu the rights of Vir
ginia, and when ho was hung, as hu de
served to be, they did not dilfy him
and place blni on tlio Thiono with the
Saviour of thu world, and inako his
"inarching soul" the slogan of a Fiat
ricidal war, all thls.nud inuielh in oth
ers did, they did not, uu, they did not
teach si ivs-loit befori) tho war, mid it
did not matter so much, who taught it
after thu war who taught
It before, and by t In 1 1' teaching helpd to
bring It on. Nor did (he Democratic
party teach II or advocate It niter the
war began, nor since it dosed. I defy
( m I lor how Iiiiiu any platform, eithei
National, State or County, or lioni the
ri solution ot any meeting ul' any jut
Iborllies, or Irom the spivehcs f mi.s
acknowledged leader, thai Ihey "itiho
caled the light of -oiv-slon." Did lien.
M'Chilan whom your parly repudiated
because he iiiodestly pr ,po,iil to catry
on the war in a Constitutional manner.'
Did James Hnclmiiiiu whom hisbay
wlll yet vindicate, and whose iljlng
words urn worthy to be engraved in
gold, and hung ut.tbe bedside of every
President and every Coiignssuian, Hint
when they llodowu to sleep, they may
pray in Hie language of tho Sage ol
Wheatland "(iod ble-s my Country. "
Woilosty lhe"Allen and Sedition ion
try laws" wcivcouiiUng to thnspiiit of
American freedom, and tho peoplu so
decided by their triumphant election
of Mr, Jelli'i'sou. ousiy "the-u laws
wero made to punish the guilty nml not
tho Innocent." (iullty of what? of
using the freedom of speech guarenteed
by thu Constitution, and cauvulng thu
teaching and acts of publlo men? Of op
posing the Introduction of prlnclpli-s
foreign to tho nature of our Institutions
and of defending the fruits of thu Itov
ol tit Ion from tho attacks of its enemies,
when they hadjust began to taste its
sweetness? Tills was their crimes, uud
these laws wero mado to punish tlieiu,
and did punish them, for they wero
"enforced" anil many a man was lined
and Imprisoned under them. Wu bad
a taste of tho nature of these laws din
ing tnu lulu "reign of terror," only,
they wero tenfold morn violent and op
prosslve, uud hail not tho excuse of n
statute for their execution. Thu"lm
pcriul Will" was the sole authority,
anil who even spako a word against
his "niejesty," wassiiruto feel tho force
of the "Sedition laws," Issued from thu
Yon net) thitt ruw ut Utile lielU
1 .itch onu lu kiiiim olllcliil tells,
Hiilue Copperhead Willi UenHoii .wells,
Uiihrluuhllil foilh lo niu
I'll teach him how to upenk hU tnlnd,
III- tongnn In idli-ncc. I wilt hind,
Or ilso ror him a prison nnd,
t'lltllhehons tlio lane.
You talk of "saving tho country"
From what have you saved It? Did
you save it from war? From taxation
and debt? From military despotism
and Negro Hureaus? Did you save the
Union ? Did you rcstoro tho Union ?
1 shall mako but one more remark nt
this time nnd then close.
You talk of our party playing sharp
since 1800" to your party tills well ap
plies, for was thero over such u set of
"Sharpers" disgraced a country as tho
men who havo hod control of tho Gov
ernment for tho last elghtyears? When
wo say n man pluys mean ho looks
out for himself without regard to the
means ho uses to accomplish his ends,
and there never wero words moro ap
propriate, than these, for their wholo
aim has been to aggrandize themselves
and perpetuate their power. It Is
"strango Hint men sutler themselves to
bo gulled by their leaders who havo an
end to accomplish." Somoof tho Demo
crats have been burnt by ltepublican
fire. They wero told that with seventy
live thousand men tho war could bu
closed In thirty days.but It look nearern
million of men and moro than four years.
They wero told that the war was for tho
restoration of thoUnIoii,when it was for
the Abolition of Slavery and tho equal
ization of tho negro with the while
They were told that when thu South
lnld down Us nrms it should bo restored
to Its former rights nnd privileges. In
stead, It Is under the Iron heel of Des
potism, and , governed by negro law
makers to this day. Hut I hope they
have "learned wisdom," nnd I think
have, and will keep their lingers out or
the lire this fall by helping to elect u
Democratic. President; If not they de
serve till they get. Hoping that you
mav see your error and go and "ifti
1 tun yours very respectfully.
C. Mooiti'..
Singular Method of Discovering a
Drowned Body.
Wo aro informed hy Mr. J. Huchiiuun
the uncle of the young girl, Miss Kate
llruper, who drowned herself In tho
Mississippi liver, by Jumping from the
bluff In Fort Pickering, that her body
was recovered yesterday afternoon be
tween four and 11 vu o'clock, and was
immediately bttrludln Klmwood Cem
etery. The body was discovered by the
following strango Incident. It appears
that a young man employed In Mnr.s
teard's brewery felt confident that the
body bad lodged In the bottom of the
rix'er at a point about one hundred and
fifty or two hundred yards below where
she had Jumped In.nndthat hy keeping
constant watch it would soon make Its
appearance, lie had been led to tills
conclusion by tho movement of a loaf
nf bread whlclv, thrco days after the
dtownlng occurred, and when every
effort to recover tho body had been in
vain, was loaded with a quantity of
quick-silver, and set afloat near whero
tho girl threw herself in. As strango
as it may seem, the bread directly float
ed out to tho same point In tho river,
ami Instantly sunk where tho body
made Its appearance yesterday. The
young man, induced by the liberal re
ward of one hundred dollars, which
had been offered for tho recovery of the
body, patiently bided his time, keep
ing constant watch nearly the whole of
the time, night and day. Yesterday,
Hie ninth day after ho had seen her
drown hoi-self, and within about fifteen
minutes of the same tinio of the occur
rence, he was suddenly startled by
hearing an e.plo-lon in the liver like
that ofu shell bursting In tho distance,
and on looking around, saw tho body
liso ty thu surface, Just where tho loaf
of bread had disappeared six days ago.
This is Indeed uhtraugo phenomenon. -Jfnnphh
Visiiii.i; Skins or Mii.itauv Hank,
- While A. 1'. HHPs division was tear
ing up the ll.tlllmore and Ohio Hall
road track, lu the, Full of ISiU!, Lane's
brigade of thai division was ordered
faitber Noith than the other Inigades,
where a live "li b" was u curiosity. At
tills time the quai termasler bad not
piocuiid new clothing lo lake llio plant
of lilt' worn, liillcretl, and ragged relies
of Hie campaign lulu "My Maryland,"
and we were rather lugmiiutllus, Hull's
a fact. To.iilng up railroads Is not :i
vi-rx pliu-.inl business, and we had en-
ji.yi d ourselves for about twenty-four
hniir-, when Captain K. went to the
liuii-e to get sumuthlug cooked, and got
into quite uu Interesting conversation
wllh the good lady of thu housu :
old Lady --"You is uu oillcer Isn't
Captain IC. ."Yes madam, I am n
Captain lu thu Seventh North Carolina
old Lady "Thar, now, Helsy Anil,
I told you ho wiu an oillcer. I kin lelt
an oillcer, whenever I lay my two eyes
on 'em, Tho olllcers. they have their
biecches patched, and tho common sol
diers, they doesn't."
Kr.ia'iNti a Sr.L'itr.T. - The illsbelluv
r lu woman's ability to keep a tecret
would havo repented Ids error had ho
known Lucy 1' , a pretty brunette,
Whom everybody scolded for her odd
nnd quizzical tuyings, and everybody
lovtsl ror her frankness. One day hIio
was walking with a friend, urm In arm
and was teasing her fiiemto tell her
something which was not proper to be
universally circulated. Her friend
answered her
"Tell you, Lucy ? No, Indeed, I shall
do no such a thing you never kept
anything twenty-four hours In your
life "
Sho Hung her arm around her frlcnd'H
neck inn very con vluclng nmtincr, and
exclaimed. ,M
'Oh, Miss , 1 can keep a secret,
Indeed I can. Then) was Miss
told mo six months ago that sho was
engaged to bo mtiriicd, uud I nover
told any one of It, and I nover will I"
"Hum,i:i()it," of tho lioston Journal
says Hint six cents' worth of green paint
lu powder used about nny houso will
"clear the kitchen" and all Its surround
ings of roaches nnd kindred pests,