The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 03, 1868, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sfhc Opcrlnmhhvtt lll.OO.HSIlUIlul, P1MDAY, JULY .1, lKSH, Tub administrator of KHJn 1). Wil son resides In Flshlngcrcok Townslilii, nnd not In Centre. Komi: corrr-siiondcnce for our paper was received too lalo to lin Inserted tills week. It will appear In our next U sue. Wli would eall the attention of our readers to tho advertisement In another column, of Dr. S. I. Chalfant, a dentist who has reeently loeated In tiur midst. A woman hy the name of Dolan was plaecd In jail lastTuoVon tho charge of severely PcnldliiKthu child of a neigh bor hy throwing holllnp water over It. rol'.NMi.-On the Institute ground on theoceadou of tho laying of tho Corner Stone, a Muck Hllk I'nrnsol, which the owner can ohlaln hy applying at this nfllce. Wi: worn In error last week, In stat ing that Prof. Wlckcrsham was with the Committee, mid other distinguish ed gentlemen, on the location of the Insane Asylum. Wr. lako this occasion to say to our r( aders that tho Oom'.miiian will he is sued as usual next week Tho people are entitled to a newspaper then ns well as at any other time. .STir.i.ANUTinnt.-Thobarnof Mr. Mil lard on Iron Street took tire on Friday last, but tho llanies were extinguished after burning a holo through the roof. Tho loss was trilling. Tin-: morning Patriot states that Col. Victor K. Piolett Is r candidate for the Democratic nomination for Congress in this District. Ho was a candidate In ISC.t, and made a glorious tight, under iidverno circumstances. Kiuix. Tho saw mill of William York In Sugarloaf township was des troyed by tiro last week ; the saw mill of l''enstermaclier, CrevellngA Co., in lleuton,on West Cicek,ns also totally destroyed on Friday last. Si'iilliN'Ull A- Co's. "Hook lluyer" publishes n notice of Memoirs of Wal ton A- Cotton I vol. moioceo $I7".(H. Walter Scott ffli vol. russla S27.'i.Ol) Caesar's Commentaries I vol, $.15.00 Hui c chances for book fanciers with money. Tin: Cambra tnall which was duo here ye-terday failed to arrive. Tho cause we have not ascertained; ono re pint states that tho carrier was sick ; another that he had failed to make proper provisions for carrying out his contract. Look out for Tm: C'oi.u.miiian' next week. It will contain tho full proceed ings of tho National Democratic Con vention, .Indgo Klwcll's Address at tho Laying of the Corner Stone of tho llloouisburg Xortniil School, and other matters of Interest. .IrutilMi by Hie columns of abu-e heaped upon Mr. Ituckalow and other prominent Democrats of Columbia county, and upon Tm: (.'ol.l'MliiAK, and its ICdltors lately, it would seem as if I'alemon John were editing "two newspapers," both Weakly. 1'iilt a couple of weeks theie has been some dilllcuity about the delivery of our paper at Light Street. Wo have made n rigid Investigation, lint as yet have failed to ill-cover tho caue. We knmc tho papers wore sent from here. It cannot possibly happen again. Painti-i, Ai'i;iii:nt. On last Tues day morning, while woiking in the blacksmith shop at ltupcit, William Workhcisor caught his foru-tlnger in tiio bolt machine, In which was a red hot bolt, and tlie result was the loss or Hui tlnger. Dr. Kvans of this place dressed tho wound. Wi: had tho plcasme this week of making tho acquaintance of Dr. .1. J. LeNer, formerly of Money, and who has now located at Light Street for tho purpose of practicing medicine. Ho is stopping for the present at Keller's Ho tel. Tho people of Scott Township will llnd him a pleasant affable gentleman. Tm: Fireman's Festival Inst week was a complete success, the total ro eeiptsamountlng to WlO.a'i, and tho net profits toSlOl.l,'!. Tho Fireman's Horn wns voted to Thomas Wcnner, Win, II. (illmoro Is President of tho organiza tion, and Hary Long Secretary. Suc cess to the boys. Wr. announce tills week Hie mono of another candidate for tho Legislature in tho person of Hon. Cleorgo Scott of Catnwissa. A number of years ago ho was In tho Legislature, and has ul-o served on tho board of Canal Commis sioners. Until recently ho also held a position In tho Custom 1Ioiih at Phila delphia. Mr. Scott Is well known to many of our readers. lOxciiANor. Saloon'. This well kept establishment Is more amply supplied than over, with nil the delicacies of tho season, Ilarhoeued chicken, Catil-li, F.els, Frogs, Clams, Clam Soup, Sar dines, Spiced Oysters, Ilologna, Kggs etc. Alo and Lager always on hand. Tho bar is stocked with tiio choicest I quorsaud Cigars. Knlranco from tho Hotel or tho Alley. (Jive Caiman a call, without fail. Tu i:CI Lomotil FouiiTii. Our friends from tills and adjoining counties, who como to llloouisburg on tho 1th of July should not fall to fall at Hendershott's Now Drug Store and try his famous lee I'uhl Arctic Soda with cream and plain Hyrupsof all kinds. Tiio most delicious and cooling heverngo for hot weather. Nothing like It ovor oll'ercd to tliu pub Ha before, In tills part of tho State. AlTJ'.ll tho oxerclres nt the Hall were clo-ed, and tho Governor and friends had returned to tho Kxcbifngo Hotel, tho liloomsburg Hrass Hand, and tho Friendship Flro Company, In parade dress, serenndod Ids Excellency, who appeared upon the balcony In response to repeated calls and madotlioa-'sem I dago a very acceptablo speech, Prof. Wickeroham followed In a few humorous remarks which were highly enjoyed by tho audience, which dlsper sed a In state of happy excitement, On Friday morning Prof, Carver con veyed tho (Jovcruor to Hiulctou, and Mr. Ward and Prof. Wlckershnm took tho train to Hurri-burg, THE KALEIDOSCOPE t A mop of busy lire IU lluctiintlnnsnnil ltMvnnt'onceri." .o. I..VIV. f.A TACU.VClA-t'OTOl'AX MlUITO. Wk remained at Ambato nearly two weeks. I pasfod tho tlmo In n delight lul manner, getting acquainted with tho manners and customs of the people, visiting tho numerous cathedra) and monasteries, and found many of them In ruins from tho effects of earthquake?, to which tho country Is subject. Tho landlady's daughter kindly undertook to teach mo Spanish nnd to mnoko el tarlttts. In tho last accomplishment I did not prove an opt student, for how ever skillfully shu enclosed tho tobacco in Its corn-husk wrnpplng,aud although In order to get It fairly ablazo she would llrst takon few puffs with her own sweet lips, 1 never could compete with her, and always after tho ell'ort was troubled with nnuea, dizziness, etc. Al though wodid not understand eacli oth er, tho conversation hover Hugged. Sunday proved to bo Ambato's mar ket day,(as it is in every Spanish Amer ican city land from ourbalconythogrand pla.u preset.te.l an unusually gay scene. At least U.iioh men and women wero there, the former in parti-colored pon chos, and Willi their trousers reaching tojust below their knees; and tho wo rejoicing in neatly embroidered, low-necked caminnn, and short red pet ticoat these being tliclroiily garments. Fruit was abundant and exceedingly cheap j a quarter of a dollar would pur chit .3 enough to fill a peck measure. On all sides, lino, largo strawberries, pine apples, and other tropical fruits were temptingly displayed. To tho urchins it was a lino holiday, .'nil well did they improve It. A fiworito aniu-ement was putting a monkey astrldo a dog, and seeing iilm rido la John CJIlpin around tho plaza. Here, ulao, I wltneescd for tho llrst tlmo tho enforcement of ti con.-criptioii law. Kenador, being at war with Peru, needed soldiers ; but tho draft proving a cumbersome method of procuring them, besides subjecting tho rich and powerful to its operations was dis pensed with, and tho poor Indians weru indl-crlinlnatcly seized wherever they could lie found. To us in civilized Ameri ca it seems strange that these savages should not liavofelt honored by tho prof orenco shown them, nnd basu creatures as they wero feel unwilling to dio for their country; but It only Illustrates the advantages of civilization and "hows how much weaker these southern He publics nro than their model , the Unit ed States, wiicro drafts nnd conscrip tions are unknown, where money does not piocure exemption from tho tolls of war, and whoso population upon a call to arms rush valiantly to the front;1 to Cimwht. Tho otllcers would seize their prey liap-bazard from tho multitude, thrust them Intoprl'on ut once, and with truly loyal zeal laugh to scorn tho groans nnd tears of their victims. I Joys ten years of ago were torn from their mothers' arms; and should an unhappy parent, sister, or wife, endeavor to break thro' the ranks lor a parting emorace, or in givo tiio loved ono somo parting token of remembrance, they wero immediate ly knocked aowu by tho officers, for ex hibiting such unpatriotic emotion. For fear of this conscription many of tiicso poor wretches seek employment with Foreign Ministers as a means of exemption, and frequently when pur sued tako rofugo in tho Legations. At Ambato our company wns consid erably enlarged by tiio addition of a number of servants. Prominent among them was Oeronlnio.a burly halt-breed, clilel cook, ami u legacy lioni our pieii ece.s.ors. lie also had Ids servants and 1 attendants. T'lien camo Itiillna, chain ber-maid, Josofa, Antonio, and others of less degiee. lln tun Illli ol Koiiiciiiiicr wo Initio good bye to our friends in Anibato.and being mounted on good liotsej.travelled along with coniparatl vo ease. The scen ery was wild and Interesting, and tho ravines wero many and deep. Near Ambato the river passes under a moun tain, through a channel said to bavo been caii-cd bv the terrible earthquake of 1707. It was Into iu the evening whei; wo reached tho tauiLo whero wo proposed to pass the night. It was a dull, unin viting place, with an unusual lack of accouuuiaiions. Tho following morning our journey was resumed. Tliu country presented tiio nppearanco of a dry, arid waste, de void of vegetation, savo a few cactuses; tliu sand was of a peculiar chalky color, and undoubtedly a deposit from Coto paxl. It was extremely painful to tliu eyes, mid made respiration difficult. About noon wo readied La Taeunjw, a city of about 10,01)0 inhabitants, and tliu capital of tliu Province of Leon. Its el evation Is about 0,000 above thu sen lev el, but lis clitnalu is colder than either Quito orAmbato. Tho city isrogtilarly laid out, nnd lias many cniiieurais ami other buildings of imposing size and ap pearance, though a number of the Illicit nro In ruins, tho result of tho frequent earthquakes, Tho houses are built mainly of the cinders or lava thrown out by Colopnxi, mid owing to Its light ness can easily bo cut Into blocks and carried lo Its destination. Tho walls uu made Ironi I uco to nvo feet thick iliorder to prevent their being thrown down by earthquakes. The volc.inojs bavo been very destructive. H.v tho falling in of Mt. Cargiiair.izo 8,Ono persons are said to have perished. tiio records stnioinai in joub mo wnoiu placo was thrown Into ruins except the Jesuits' Church. Iu 17.V5 this enormous stonu building wns itself destroyed, while a sermon was being preached lu it, and according to ono account ,"i,000 peoplo perished in tho ruins, Tho earth quakeof 1707 which destroyed Itlo Ham lin, ami during which 10.000 lives wore lo-t, according to Humboldt, did hot littlo injury to La Tacmign, though Hint oflsOOilld. it also suffered considera bly by tho earthquake of lsoO. The City is continually In danger from tho eruptions of Cotopaxl, which is only about 15 miles distant. This is tho highest as well us tho most noted of nil American volcanoes, not only because it Is constantly active, but also beciuiso of tho destruction It hits caused. Its form Is that of a perfect cone, anil Is covered with perpetual snow, except nt tho crater, wJioro tho neat ins me led it nwuv. caving a w.ui of black rock, through thu crevices of which lliu niu can ucqueuiiy uu seen glimmering. On account of lltco deep crevices it Is Impossible to roach the .summit. It is tliu largest volcano in uclivltv Iu tiio world, being 18,000 feet nigti; ami nas inrown oui such im mense masses t rock anil scorho on tho plains below, Hint If heaped togeth er would of themselves form tin im mense mountain. Tho llrst eruption it corded depends for authenticity up m mi Indian tradition. Tiio siibstatico of It Is that an eruption took placo on the day Pizarro executed tho Iiica Atahii uilpa,and that tho summit of I ho moun tain was toppled ovor. An immense rock halfway down tho mountain is to tills day called Ctt6c: del Iiivu (tho In en's head.) Its second eruntluu is said to liavu oc curred lu lOill, from which time until tho beginning ot 1712, over two hun dred years, it remained quiet. At thai tiniou great eruption took place, throw ing out Iniiueiiko quantities of water iiiitl mini, and doing great damage to tho Holds mid cattle In the neighbor hood. Tho (bird eruption (wu quote fiom Mr. llassauiolc) look plate on tho 0th of December 1712, and was preceded hy u l uiubllng'.subtermnean uohe, which hist cd for several days. Tho tearing by Which It was accompanied was heard at a dl itant of (10 leagues. Its principal fcatnru was a great inundation, which Is generally ascribed to tho ouornioiis mass of ntiow which covered tho moun tain and of tho crater and tho streams of boiling water it iiuuw out, t oo noon mcnuing over thu narrow bed of tho river ha Ta. ctingii, Inundated tho plain below, do shoving many haciendas, a great num ber of cattle, and a largo part of tho ills trlcl. Tlie tinmen aro-o iai.Ul feet, or over half a mllo boyond tho crater. On tho -Ith of November 1711, tho fourth great eruption took placo. On this occasion tho force of tho explosion opened a deep cleft or ravine, which now leads from tho western side of the crater to tho foot of the mountain. Tho eruption was again accompanied hy a most disastrous Inundation. Tho flood reached tho Orntid Plaza of La Tiicunga lllllng tho streets, court-yards and house). Tho next eruption occurred February ", 1717, during which tho plains of Cat lo and Mulalil, and tho town of La Ta cuug.i weru again devastated' by a Hood; and to Inereaso the general terror, shocks of earthquake were felt, which threw down many churches and laid several vlllug-'.s In ruin. February loth 17G0, another though loss destructive ono occurred. A terrible eruption liiysiti April Itii 17G9. Tills explosion was iinoimced by monstrous columns of smoke and flro, which wero followed by an earthquake, and a rain of ashes In sueli quantities Hie sun was completely hidden, and fur several hours the Inhabitants of the neighboring towns and villages Were obliged lo light candles and us lanterns In tho day time, hi Ambato, CO miles distant, the darkness prevailed until three o'clock In tho afternoon. The thatched roofs of many of tho huts were crushed by the weight of the sand and ashes upon them. Crops nnd cattle wero alike destroyed. At tho same tlmo tho roaring of tho volcano was In cessant. At Guayaquil, 100 miles dis tant in a straight line. Its eruptions wero nsiuidibly distinguished as It there had been repeated discharges ol c.uiuon close to tho city. They wero even he.ud at Honda, on the Magdalenn ltivcr In New Granatin, lion miles distant. Tho people attributed lis discontinuance to tiie iuterpodtinn of the Virgin of Mer cedes. Other eruptloiis,sliiillar in their char acter and clloctstook place In 1&01, 1831, nnd ISoo. A description of each would provo tedious. in viewing this mountain everything combines to form Hie most nwful and majestic scenu Hint can bo Imagin ed; tiio pyramidal summits of Lilnlssa, the snowy ridges of oilier mountains, tho singular regularity of the inferior llnoof snow, and the luxurlancy of tho great plains beneath, offer an ntiiiiiriil lcllcd iis-embly of tho grand and pic turesque features of Nature. After partaking of a hearty dinner we resumed our Journey towards Quito, pa-sliig through a country similar to that we had traversed during tho fore noon. Wo slopped lor the night at an liacleud.i in an Indian vl'Iage called Mulalil. The placo gave evidence of former grandeur and beauty, but now tho fountains had ceased playing, the statuary was broken and dlsllguieil,tlio gardens over-run with weeds, and gen oral desolation showed thesloth or pov erty of the owner. Our stopping place the following night was Macbacbt', about eight leagues front Mulalu. A part of our road led over a jianuno, or deseit. Its barrenness was only relieved by the numbers of blue gentians which rcmcd their pretty heads just far enough above the surface lo prove the fact of their ex istence. The following morning wo left Much ache and trotted briskly fonwud as it was to ho our last day on the route, Qui to being only eight leagues distant. Tho character of tliu country Improved, habitations became more uuiuerotH,nuil wo licquently met largo caravans coin ing ft om Quito, consisting of gay Span ish rnvallus, beautiful Indies, fill priests pom Indian men nnd women tngger iiil' under heavy loads; donkeys, whoso burden in some cases weic so lalge t hilt nil v i-outil -ee of the animal was hi ear-; mule.-, iioix s, oxen, llamas, and occasionally sheep '.villi a pair of chick ens thrown over their back-, in one Instance I noticed a donkey, which in nt'dllion to Its muni load, hud on it nil Indian woman with her child strnpi eil to her back, and in fiont of her the donkey's colt, which bad become wea ried. Tin piople we met weru excel dlugly polite, espicinlly the Indians, who al ways jrut out ol tlie road, dollid their bats, and inuinbliil "God bless your Worship." About two o'clock in the alternoon we reached Quito, where quartets had already been provided for its. Nothing further thcreloro remains for me lo do than to bid the reader good-bye, and to thank him for ids patietne in having lieru-ed the account I have given htm of "A Journey to Quito." Qru.N Saiii:'.' Receipts of the COr.trMBIAN for June. KM .1 III, in. n. h Caiit ;M iiiikei Capt W M .1 llol Inei S I'ohe II i'liree .1 C 'lllblis IIiL uhiud A Hall ill' Mnir .1 ll.iit.ill C IIMa-leller .1 1'esl-r .1 Cope i: Voi urn I.KIkiudall i'.l I.ant i:tl Hobblus I. Sh.Uler .1 I 'ole J Mouser -Mlsa HCAle i: J M'lliliry .1 !' M'llenry II. 1'. Whlteinali Win Heels I .flleni II 1' Woll A M'llcnij .1 Monie fleo (lii'lou I! W Wyukoon A .M While II W Valiilerstiej 'l'l:ch.iiin lilKlIievd llZi-hllir 2 uniM i: II Wllion J Mi I Vender I oi (ieo I1 Uowi II a I . Hi A Yolks 1 ml .1 W Illiiilei' '.' in II Talker '.' MIA Croll 1 I'll A chul; 2 IV Col V li I'lolell '.' ml I I'll Is .li 'o 2 III W lllldlue 2 ll I' A i:ulis J In) Thoinan M'liluw '.' I) M Im K 11 lei lil.lli '.' no A Wohlf..rlh Oil lll'llben tilbbolls J UI.I X 1 1 CM. -'milt I' chirk I ins W lluik 1 on 1'iof 11 Ciiim l :i no A Shoemaker -' in. I Hctsimjrr 1 m MhseHlliiiiiiiin 00 111' J .1 Lelser J IK) !; role 2 l) .Ins IC Hver .' IU i; lln-ll.i 1I, '. in .1 A Om.iiK J V lllllnspie 1 (HIM (,, i 2 (Hi (1 Scot I I on Win Hnydei i no U Vocum II iu jiii ... in tin I oi I nil II "O '.III tutu I INI !'" 11 1" HI JlO ill) I w ' III 2. HI I'lll fill an" i hi for Tin lti:v. A. IIautman has u IIoim .siile.idsii (',, a, fjooilis, Stoves niul W'nre. Dost! What V Why net your elol lies nt uny pliue except David l.owenliei'K'-. Ills (foods always (five Mitlsfnitlon hi every renjici't, whilst his miees nro such ns to nminiinodnto every man's jiockct. Mr. I.oweiiherp und'erstiiiids tho thnroutflily nnd only buys such studs as aro llrst class. You call mivo both cash and loss of toniier hy huylnic of him. There's no diiulit of this. ClllIMiinttLiN Is oven more wide iiwahothan ever thl.sSuiiiiner, If .such u Uilnif ho ponsllilo. Ho has ovcrythluif which cm i I'onlriliulo to thu eomfoit nnd convctili'iuo of tliu outer man. A visit to Ids establishment will ennvlmo thu most doubtful that It Is unnoci-.s.iry to visit Ihoclty to procure- liiindsoino and well fltllnp; clothin. Cull on Iilm by till ineiins, Pahaiii:. On Thursday tlioiMh, tho Flro Conti:tiiy laado tholr llrnt public iippcar.UHO mid inarched with tho rojf. til.ulty of vcturans lo tiio lino music, of tho Illooiiisbiiin llrass li.ind, No moro hliowy drohs could havo been chosen tliaii tho red slilrl trimmed with white, and tho black pants which forms tlie new dress, If the Company prove as ellectlvc In action us they are oiniiincti. Inl on pantile, wo predict foroiirclllzeii a perfect Immunity from thoduviiiiiiii(f element. Wo trust that the new Ku'lnu Ilousoniiiy bo pu'dl!y HiiL-hcil, that tho Association may become a llxed fact In the history of tho town and form onool'lho mlh-dnni's on Its match lo civilization. '' Wv urn iii'iiiiil.i il 11 tro ll I'miii U' I, nrii inoniisiu 11 111. u innil v ilsll- iivloii. Tliu ti'li'crunli Miyiitlnit "Tlnul. jiiiuii, 1110 iiiih'"!'" "ojoiiiiii iiiuii, Sll'Vl'lll Will IllllUll 11 hpeccll Hl'llOlini'lni: tin. 1'ioshU'iit, wlit'.i liu pmi-iiU lil new nrlli'loof Wo IVlt Miro nil iilunir Unit Mr, Ktuvt'im would ,1 r 1 1 1 11 irlvn 1H Sdllll'tlllllK Ilf'sll 1111(1 nrlllinnl Iw.R.w. II... Iniiiuul '" "'II HI,' .'-.".. LEGAL NOTICES. A DMINISTltATOK'S NOTKJK. J.X. KsrATB of iiAVin n. niTt.l.Kj, iilikaskii. ltteri ir lulmlnlatrntlon tie bond uon mi tiio esinteoriiuvlil II. OUIliiR Into or Mnm lownslilp, L'olutnliln L'ounty,ilerenotl, tmvo hien Kritnli-il ly thoUoKlster nf wild Comity, lo .Jiienli timing niliiilnlMiiitnr, who reklilei In Mnln townslilii. All person having clnlm or (li'iiinmln itKMimt tin, cHtfiln nro rrriiiPRtM to nrenent them for pttlotni.nt without ili'lny, niul those Indebted to mako nnyinent. .t.U'Otl (IITMNO, June Vo.ftt. Administrator. tlnbonti no.i, TXF.CUTOIl'ri NOT1CF..-KSTATF, Xi orsiAM'I.HIOUI'l Hll.drcinwl. I,elterto liiiuelitnry nil On- (Hlnloor Hiilnin.l Mnun,r, of Uloom, hnvi, him fctnntul tiy lh Ueutit: tel- ol I'oluiuljlil futinly, lu Jacob Htiitlllor, All I't'lKOlli hulnx t-lultiiK nmilnxl thucMiitomu n-qiu'sird to iiri'KHit tliein rorni'ttlrtncnt, nnd thou Ind.littd lo tho i-stntf, either ontiotcor hook nrcount will imilu' luiyim-nt to (tie Kxeen lor without det.l, .lALOllNToni'l'lUt, Juli 12,'uy-tlt, llxieutor, DMINISTltATOK'S NOT1CK. KSTATH 111 M.UAH 11. WILSON LetteiMof ndtuliithtriition on the estutuof Kit nh 11. Wllnon, into of I'lhlnijereek township, Cotuinblii Co. decerned, have been Kninlcilby the. UeuNter of Mil, I co, to T.J.Hulchhifton of t'stihii. creek tup. All pcrsonHhnvlnKclnlmiordcinamu liflnlliNt the estate of the decedent urn rioueiledto innkothelii known, nnd those tiHtebted to mnko pavinent. TIIOMAH.I. HUTCIIIN'HO.N', June I'J.'ivi.GI. Adlnlnlitintor, A SSIGNKF.'S NOTICK IN DANK A lll'PTL'V.-ln the litntrlft Court ortho t'nl tnl Htatcw lor ttie We-U rn IHstrlct ot rentiHla liln, In the matter of Jacob Creasy, bankrupt. Towhom It may concern! '1 hound, ridgucd heie tiy Klves not tin of lils appointment in nshliineo ot JacobCieavy, of Urialeleek, In the county ol Columbia, and Ktnto of lVunsj Ivanl.i, who tins u-i n adjtidiciil a baukiupt liH,u bin uu it pe tition, hy the DlMrlot Court of until liMrlci. i.iieii iu iiiiHimHourK, toe --iii nay 01 ,Mny, W. J, 11. IlOllIsoN. June .Vas-'lt, HimonI'. Kasi: niu Tin: est: of II.W, M'llhYN- lil.ltSM. llllAVl n CK. CuAl. Co. Assignee, lu the Court of Com mon t'lcns ofColumbla couniy Kl-t'a No. a .May i , iM,s, Notice Is licltliy given that the Ulutelhtuned. nppolnted an ninlltor by the nalil Coult, lo dl. lilbule the lulul arising fiom the Hhcrlirrt untu ol the teat eMtite of I'l-fcudailt, nnd otdered lo be paid Into Colli It Mill attend nlthn llculxur'ri olllie In Hloonisbuit!, on Wcdncidny, .Jiily sib, lids, tor Die purpose of lunkliittunld distribution. All persons are hereby reriwhed lo make their clnlins lo hald lund heforu tlie Auditor at the time upecltleil or IntioUebnrreil trom eomlim In upon wild lull.!. C. II. llltOCKWA V, Junu.VlA Auditor. JOTICH IN UANKltUPTCY. 'Hits Is to bUc notlie l Hint on tho 1st day o June, A, li, lsis, a wunaiit lu llankiuptcy was IsMiieit against the CHlalu of tslhts lMMKar of the town of Ipy, In Hie county of Columbia, and Htnte ol lVliunyhanln, Mho lam bei'iiiulju'ti;edu Itankilipt on bin own petition : that the paj incut of nny UebtK anil delivery of any propeily hclougliiK to Mich U.inUrupl, to hi in, or lor Ids me. and ihntlnnifor or any piop. erly by liim nrelorbldden hy law: thnlii meet ing of din Cl editors of tlie nald llnukrupt.toproxc thefr itehti., and to choose ono or more intnlnm-CH of his cMalc, Mill he helil at u Coult nf Ilankiupt ey,tohe hohlcit nt the i:cbaucelIotcl, In lltooms huiir, Cotutnbla eiitinty, l'i liusyhauia, before IMwntil melton, Jr,t Hi ntster, on tlie nth davof July, A, l. IM,s,at -.'o clock p. in. 1 IIIIMAH A. I!OWI.(;V, U.S. Mnishnl. .tune ." lly li. It. CooMiACdll, IHpnty. j'oTicio in iln"khuptc"y7 'lids Is to ute uollcei Unit ou tlie I si tl.iy of June, a. p. Isi.s, a wananl In llankiuiilev was Isnied anninst the ctale of Cln-ji. W. MeuiU y ol Catawlsmi lu too couniy of Columbia and sd.ito ot IVniui, Ivanln, who bus hetn ad judlliil a Unliklupt ou his own petition ; llial Ihe piiMiieut ol any debts and tleilM'iy ol any properly heloiulu to such luulcrupl, lo liim, or t.,r his use and the transfer ot any piopcttv M blni ate finbiilili n by iaM ; Hint n nn ethui or Ihe Ciidllots of the said Unukiupt, to piovu their di lit, alnl to choose one or luont nshlunecs of his elate, will bo tield at a Court of ItaliUlupley, to be li.jl.l. u al Hie I xi ti.inne Hotel, lu Hloomsbui Columbia couniy, rclius.i tnula. belolo I jlwunl iMiton, r., Hiylslir. on ihe 'lib nay or July, . n . I'.'.s, al 1! o'iloi k, a. in. I '1 HUM AS A. UOWI.I.V. U.S. Marshal. .Inue .1,'i.p, 11 H. 11. CooLHAl no, Hcputy. ATOTICK lN"lLNKituI'TCY. 1 111- Is lo liiM-notice: Hint ou Hie. lti day of May, .v. li. Ih'.s, a wuriaut lu n.inkrupti'y was l--u..dl.K.itlisllbeeslateot llilli. II. HuitsU'iKir of llliii.iiisbuit' In Ibcfouolvoi Columbia, and Slate ol IVnlisyUnnltt, who linn been udjudiuil n li i pi on nisow n pi i moil ; iiiai uie pit) uieiii oi tiny in oik nun iiiuiveiyoi any piopcuv oe t'.lmliu to htn-Ii Uankuiil, to him. in' hn liWusc and Hie li.uihfir ot an pioiiilly tiy him motor' hidden bv law: that a liieLlin" of the Credltols ,. thehntd Rinktui t, to plovo their ilebtM, and to eiioosi, one oi uioi o assii:iii e oi iiisiMine, win be held nt a Collltit Hnl.i.l u'jll . lo le 1-olih n at the r..ctmue Hold In llloouiMiult:, In i olulnbia tolliity, 1Viiiik iMilila, hi Ion IMwaltl oiition. jr., HiaMcr.on ihe sin my or July, .n.. Isos nt :i fi'i lock, p. m. I'llll.MAS A. IIOWI.IIY, I'.s. Marslml. 11 V ,t:.ll. CooMlAL'llll, lleputy. June r,'ys it TICK IN 15ANKKUPTCY. 'Ihls Into Klo nollcoi '1'bat on the .'lelb dav of .May, A. li, jn.s, a w.iiraui in laiiiKrupicy utis li.i:id at'nlii'.t Ihe cstnte of lsnae Vcttcr ol Miiinvllle, in the lounty ol Columbia, and sr.ue of r, nns lvnula, who Inij. been adjudged a llalil.llipt on his own petition ; that the pn incut of any, and dt lively ol any propeily be toiilm: to such llnnkrilpt, lo htm, or for bin use, and the transfer of any propel ty by him are lor hidden bv law ; Hint a me filnot Hie Cleditoisof the Mild lt.inklllpt, to proo their ilcbtn, and to choose one or mole n-slmieCKOt tils chtntc, will he lield at n Court ol Kiukruptcy, lo bo hidden nl ihe i-.xihaniio Hotil in liiooiiisburt:, Coiumblu county, l'i mini iMintn, hcloio Hdwurit Oiciton, Jr., Ileuister, on the Mb il.ij of July . ,, lMs, nl II o't-lo, k,a. in. IHOMAh A. ltOWLl'.V, U.S. Marshal. lly II. II. Cotii.iMfoll, Mepnty. Itiue.'i.'lo-ll. 17 . STAT K OF C.F.O. KAL'P, KKC'l). JL J 'I'o Martha Kuup, lald Hiuiii, Win. ituup, .loiius Itauii, Henry Ituuii, John llaup, (ii oiiru M llaiip, llanunh, luteriuariled w lib Jobnsiaili 1 U.iebel, iiiterliuiriled with John Citsber unit I'eler Hubermiiiidinu oil ItlrmtiS Muilhu llubcr 1.1. .id c, Huber, ltncln I H. Huber, Wm. Iluher niul .Idlm Huber, I.lueal ilesiendauts ot lleome llaup, l.lte ol Locust '1'ow ushlli deceased, mid lo all other H'lsons Interested, i.'rciloiy.. Vou are herebv clleil to he and ai.pcar before Hm .iudii.s of otii" OMituuiH' Court nt nil Orphnns' Courllo he held nt Hloouihiang, ou tlie lllht Munilay ol Mil) llii'li and llieio lo acceiit or lcfuso Intake the it ni estnle of Mild (Jcoiko llaup, deceased, at tlie uppiuiiid Milunllon imtupon Uhy tho Inriuisl duly nwnriled hylliuaald Court, nnd icturncd by 1 be Shell!!, or show cnlihc wliy tho samoi.hou!il not l,e sold. And hcicof fall not. Witness the llouoiable Win. dwell, l'rculdent o! our hald lour!, the sevinlh day of .May A. I)., IMls. Maj :-.',i: .lisi:i'Oi,i:.M..N,chik, A DMINISTltATMX'S NOTICK. .(ttirs ( nn the estate ot .Mai v Cl'eternum hito of honrloal tvp,t Ctihiiuhlti t'o., dti'i'iiM-il, lmo been uruntod by tliu Ihlxter of h.ild county to harah A I'eleiiaaji of hiihl township. All iH'i'huiiM having rliilinn or ileum mU utjalnht thet'state ol tlm ilecedent ftiu refiuestej to uiake them known, ami lho.e In dehtt'l to lmtkti pa) im-nt. SAHAII A. Pirrr.itMAN, June iVi.vct, Atliiilnistttitilx, A rniTOH'.s toti(.m;. in lltoOrnh.m'H Luttit fur tho t'otintv of Cnl. umbl 1. thumllau Account of 'I lionius Hull cuiirdluii of thi' I'i'fhoiis mul cMate of Klunor, l.llaheth, Aciifti nnd Mnry Aim Itellv. 'ihe Auditor nj polulid hy Ihe Couit to Audit. KPtllt' and ailjtiht lht uteonut of ThouniH Hull uuaidlaw of the peisons nnd INtnteof IMeiinor, l.tlzaUth, ACneHimd Maty Ann Hellv, nlll meet Ihe ptirtlei InteirKteil lorlln puiposen of tiNaii-polutineiUouahur-sdio, August ith A. D. WW, at 1 oVluik, I. 3i at thuollieeof Jtoln-rt l I ., In the ton ii ot Iltoomshuiif In ald county in iiiumuiu, i it. iiAI.I'i, llloonihimig, Juno iMtii-ll. Aiulltor, UhltWlCK OAI.I Ii: t01',J INTIIi: OHPHAN'SroUUT VOU X IOMJjIHiA LtHJNTV. KM I ATI OKliKoitliHlTKlI, M f' I . Tin: Auditor appointed hy tlm I'outt to iej ort dMilbulli'U ot tlie huhilue iu thu hupdsol Sam ue! l.veictt AdmlnUtralor ot (hoiKf 1'tell iht'd. will tm lithe eiedltors ofthc hiihl deoeahed at uu1 oinceoi Kotit rt f . uhuk i;mi t jii llloonihtiur fin Halnnhiv Ihe llli dav ot .lulv A. I). lsiiM. All perxouM haxlnt; elalnihi r fit rmnidn tu'iittt tho fhtntoof Ihodu'iUcnt uie n iiiti htiil lo pun'iit 1 in. 111 in 1 nn ii(iiiir, or t'v iiLiituu'il lioni (Dili liiK lu lor 11 hhurn of ilu;iu,sets, uiiuvvii, (iitorz, hlininnhiii't,' .IiiiH'i;!, im, AuUltor, UKUWll K OA.KrjK I'l.KASIUUfV, T V) TUK I'Ulil.IC. l ie IIUdeiH cued U'Kneeltllllv Inrnrinw liU i.!il liirinii uoui nun lit! nut mined ih t'aidlmr Maehlnih nnd In nou h hiIv in ,n uiU.i caidlnu'ln kooU oidei, When nood, cltan ami J'H ('HU M H Ul 1 BLIlfc IIIV, lilNOIM U,V liwilt iur good rolls. t'uilinir, uoiorin nnd (lii8lui Cloth, done to onu-r. 001jc11tu jiuitniaii'ij Htoie. Illutni b I'UiK, will uu tuki'iuuid aturned vvviy luu or thuewi'ikHultlihliroforh, Tho pay run he U-li at Ilnrtiatui'M. Wool leli al Uiniim llle, nt rlthrr of (he tdoren Mill ooiiiieiiiiiu lopioinptiy, ,n wool vhkoii U 111 mil 11 fur me thin (.inuniei uiii) in iiiinmoiHiitfiiiiu uiiumuviiiCi iur uie ue. 1 ouiiumlittloii of thohn ut a dlxinnee. . illKHtUU vani.i:. Juno. Id, Near Oiuiijie llle lT It U I V H A I- K or auaiim: iuiaIi ixrAii:. In puihuaiitwof mi ouhr ol (he Couit ol I'oni Hum l'leilh of I'ollllid.ln eniintv. Pn.-im HATPll. DAV, Jul lllh, DW, iitlUotioiU liithefoieuoon Holouion D. Itlnaid i'oiiHiiltlie ul Ihe ) vinn mid i.kiuii'ci I'lnoiuii jit'iui.ii inuatlf ni t iiiuuiMa Towuhl, louuty of Columbia, will c.oso lo IHll 1IIHI 1. O T O K li It O U N 1), I Kltunle lu Hie town ut CtitiiwUsn, towusiitn nnd eolllily lilolesuld, bulllidiil HH ilesi llbed lis lob I loMK lO W ll UdiolllllIU II lot Of HellOrilll I oil IheiollliSii'ouilfclleiUil.ulit Iomii ou tho , 111, nou uu iiuey 1111 lue Vl'hl, eolllulllllli; oil reeoiiu siiiii tilollkiil.l nilll-ly le. I l.ioie nr llN. . eon in oei'iii 111011K hiiui niiey 1MO IlllUllletl mill I 'V''1,' J ."I" t li eslilloor mild Hiboluh llellll, (.iinnioln the i..uii.bii, orcuinwiie.iiiindeounij1 ;. -t..iiii. jiSshciii.I'.ma.n. cieik. l iiMilnoXrl OF HU.I...-Tl-n Her lenl of nnu. I tourlh ollhe nun hiii money to ho iulii hy Hie 1 iS;tVnV.Vl.A iMi1t'i . 'iXi! 1 i'ltfu'iiroui ihoiiiki dny ur April a. d in.ii. I 1 in,sesHlou of l lie in 1 mine!, tu be iveu uu tlie 111 it dnyof Aiull A. I., IbUi. I'lirchamr to my for I Heeil nnd SIuiiiim. SOLOMON II. UIn'aIUi, I IIIHIVI.MI, ,lll. III, US. IIOIIIUIII MERCHANDISE. JJKW STOCK OK CLOTITINO. nrrlvnl nf PA l.h ASM) WINTKH noniW David rvr:NHi;iU) tllVllfl Utttlltlnll (lllllHMtlH'U llf ciiKAPANt) rAstiioNAtit.i:ni)riifNn. nt lilrtnlimum Mil In Stii,(l,twi)ilr.)rHHl(s)viitht Aim ilfim Mono v. licit) lit : rirttet tifin 't tmkniul I'lillmK'li'.hin h full n"n,'thii nt nt mi;n and iuvh' ci-oriiiNu, liulinllim I lu- in-- I fmliinimtilf, iliirnlilt. nnd liitllilniiif tltltNs (lool'x. i)iiitlliit til HOXACK. (lt(H Kt(lUM( AM0l..( !ftni (.'OATH AND 1'ANT. of ull moi x, itt , niul uolorn. Hi linn hImi rtl-u Nliwl UU alN-mlv liirirtf Rtck nl I'AtA.ANIt V!NTi;it HHAV!,s, Hrniri:nf natmKD. a.ndi'i.ain vixih, irANDKi:iu.'iin:i-M,fii.ovi, HL'KI'KNDKltH. AND I'ANin AHTlri.M Hi inn foiivtiititly m h not m ttxrm mnl kvII-xc ItTtl itHsoitiiient nf cr.')TiH and vi:sriN(is, whkli In' t iitiiniHtl in niitku loonier Intouny kind of tl't lihiif, on uiy (hort notice, ami tit tht bet rn.imuT. Alt liK flotliliv imiitf loupur, iHht limit of It h ot lioinf manuriti tin. MOLD W'A ICIIIN AND.Ii:Vi:i.llY, ol vwty lUscilntlon, llli" alnl rl.i'nit. H1hciiuh Jewelry li not MttpuiM-fl In this Anw, t'll niul evil nine lilt ciu'inJ ioiliueiit of I'LorniNO. H'AiniUM, .ii;vi:i,hy( &v. . DAVID liOWKNliimu. M i: it C 11 A N I) I S K. Mirici: m iimiKiiv uivk.n To my Itleud nnd the public iti-niTiilty, tlinl nil kinds ul DItY GOODS, fillOCKItllCS, QUKKNSWAUK, NOTIONS, &C, me (niiKlanlly ou hand and lor Kale AT HAUTON'rt OM) STAKI), tlbooMsiifiiri, uv .lAMIM K. r.YKIl. Alio, Sole Acelll for III 1 IS' I'lln-l-HATh ol' IMC. Ijiikc lot t.Uslritill ( li hl.l.d. flebsl,7. J"KW CAP I NOT YVAKF, IIOUSK. i n k uuiit rsijiiien nines mis meiiio.i loinroiin tlie pllhtle Halt he tins opened 11 ni'.w fi'HNiniiti: waiii; itocst: In Hie Waller Urlck lltilldlui.', on Malu Stn-M, lll.t)OMlllflt(l, M Which he has pun hn-ed nnd inleuils to k. ep per uiniieiitly lltli',1 wllh I'llrnlliite of CI'IV NH H1IMK M NHrACll HK II ItlMI'lll-l-S Of 11 !: It ,M A T 1! H H 8 K H , soi'as, i.oi;n(ii:s MAI'.lll.i: IOP CCSTIIH l'AI!l.r.S i ii iuh-i i;siiioM:ii,cAN'i:u(iTi'oMt:ii, ami woon tiiirroMi'.n. I'XII'NsiO.S TAIll.tH, l.ooKINH III.AssLS, PAIll.OU. AND DIN- IN(l ltOOM FUHN1TUHK. In f.icl a full iisorliiu ul of ii i: a ii v - m x n v. cor r i x or all sl7cn, nnd or l;Vi:ilYTIII.S'll INTHH I.INC.OP IIISTttAIll: All of which will lu-uld l II H A ! r O It c s II. l. pnlll-nri lux III it to ("ill nnd .'xnliitoe uiv nioel: In i,i, ptiiclia ilni; elsew l.en . lil.OU(li: V, cnltl.l.l. III0..111-I111U iuusl l'i, Q LOT I IKS I1Y MACIIINi:itY. 1 hi" miilri stirnwl would rcMKc'.Uilly utl tl i utti-nlioti nf tliu uliltc, to hlx new tilut iiiproveil hU'tlHid of iiiiiUing clnlins oy u Metn n.tvi'il uuon itnitliciiiatli'til i indoles, nndeif It huitoFlllclube otlicnt letliJiiii'tfi'uily iiiriirnte He vi wn for thN itieltioit tlm fnjlitwlnp nrl ivi ftu-t lut ui.o y. -i:cond. A Mivtlii; nftwo tlilliU of the time ltimllv Ink II to eitl nut till' i totll. 'rmim, Abllll hi intntuie tiny llllli' no tis ttj liiMin-U KH)l lit. iwimiii, llial ft tloi'ti nwity with tho m-rt unity ul Ulit luiiiKiitt-il inoto thiitt ottei'.ai olti 11 Uthe tu fjom Mil- iitlMtpnri.hensoii or ihIhIuUp of l measurer. Hp would 11m' tlKipnlillc toulve It a trlnLun I. U MitMh-il that it will tUw- i Hut Mllxtiutlon. lie U he huppv t i xhiltllainl explain ltuwoik tntr at ntiv time i t Un, 1. w. cHr:Miu:m,is Mai. h l-i. Main M helow Mmket, TJ I, IK) W K It, Lit- opem-d u tllt-e:u-n itour, siioi:. ita r ( ap, nd n itsumi:. at the old Mtntid on Maliihtifi t, IlliHunsburK.a lew d(H)isiibnVe tlutCoiilt Hoiuo. lllMhtiK'klseom. posi-d u the vi iy laht and l'ChtM h-s i-mt olbT ed to the cllUeiiH ol Columbia Count v, lleeiiu neeouimodate (he publlewlth thefollowfuifKuoilH at (lie lowest laics, .Mi n's heavy double holed htojju booth, uu u'is double and miikU tap holeil kip booth, liuu'h hea htoU hhoi-s of all kinds, ineu'h Hno IhmiIm nnd thot-K of all fintdeK, ijny'n double Milt d hootH nud.hhoi'H uf all kiudi, mcn'h Klove kid Ualmotal hhnos.nn'n'M, wuitu-n'n, Ikivk'n and mines' Iatln ualti rh, woiiicn'x Kloe kid TolUh eiy Ilue.womi'U'M moioi-co ll.itmoralHiuid cull hlioen, vionn-n't! ciy Hue kid hultoued icalt i'lH. lu hhoit intt of nil deH-tlptlouH both pig yeil nndnewi'tl, ID1 would also t all attcntlun to liU Hm iihsoit nn ut of IIA'IK, t ATM, I'llllh AND MM lONh, which eoinprNew all Ihe new nnd popular ail etihh at pih-eh whh h eauuol fall to hull all. These goods mo ot IV 1 I'd ut the lotteht (iisli XhUh und will be cimiantied toulve hatlsl.iellon. A eall N h-ulleittd bcloio ptri liHtllu; tUewhere as It N in'iin 111 nun oeiier o.iryaniH uie 10 tut iriNini than at any other plaei lu Ihe count . Dee. r1.7' ' T)0K AdKNTS WANTKD Tohiilh'Ui)ihl t, U-.Vni!illllft ol the Ulhle. 'Ihe oiilj (dltloii publMieil lu, (ninli iihed by Dr. Mufih's own hand, Dl 01m luice Uctao oUnne, lllusl i.itcd with over li'ihlcfl and wool t'lir.i vIiih. Aueuth mid hubM-rlbtTH w tint 3011 p-t the Hon 11 1 no edition hy Dr. Hmllh, TUf Hprluntlcld lU'publkan ni h, thlt edition published by M'hrs, llurr A Co., Is tho ijeiiulue thlllL'. Tiio Comncunlinii.illhl mivw. hoeer w lsht h lo iret, In thu lieapeitt loi in, the best Dictionary of llltl IIIIMl Mlltlilll I'HJ I Agent au meidlim w Ith uupina'U-icd miceehs, Wv employ 110 ih nejiil Anentb, nnd ofir exlia Induct iiieuli to Cauak.fih, AliU w 111 Me the adantUKi ft dialliitfdlierllv wllh Ihn l'libllKb-ot-H, I'm ileM'llpllveilU'ilhii'eiWltli lull pailUU l.irrt and h nil", nddresi I In I'ubllkhi .1. It. m'i.KXCt)., May 2), u :'tn UaHimd, Conn. jlAiO-M SC'lHJOU DIiSTUKlT. Tim fnllnu nix 1 a true htateinenl of the lecriptrt and e.vpciidlUuit by lh lUuuU ol Dliertou lor tluHclioolyeiireiidluioii thu 1st day of JimeW Heed I'.ilaner lioni t rnr, Mem!en hall, Tieantirer, 1 1M ut itee 11 nai, imuniy 1 nun iiom 1, .Mtfiuii-u hall1 U'iih 11 per'llh'iueul, " Htato iippropilatlou, " Cioiu 11. 1. Iluitman, (VI. 1,m, " ' oilier houieet, Duplleute for 7 nnd 'tlx, f.1,721 i tu iii 01 Hit A'K-IIIIHUI1III',I1II1II'II1 Till II " Col, Comintson, IhJ 17 2ll W3,IVl ai Net UeidJplh, UXl'lINDirUHIH I'd, 7 Male I'twln-ls 7 Uinnths, M .I l-Vinalo " 7 " " I " " " I. li'i 27 D'W II lrji W II i lUpalrr ul IroiidaleSdhool HV lul .is A Welch 11111 . :w 75 ' Sundry lepiilu, btove.plpnetr,, ll'Hiil .121 III " rorlttel 15-' W ' Kec'ietury ont yrnr Nilai v, in m " roi aihi'jthlnt,' mid piihtlnn, m ' l-'or I'm nil uie, ;iki I'or iiiapi, 1 1 axons i le., m Is M 1'or il e month' lent, unn loom, . ui l or tlx I i-oph-h IVnn'a Si hool Joutiuil, h ui ' I 'm iK'td.htaiup, mid All.oliiieeiiieiil, 7 , " Jaeoh j:aioi an uei t, id leal it.ite, ajtj mi " 11. Mi iidfiihull " us s M Tieax. CommlHhm, Vi Hal niu1 In h.indx ol Tieji.urer, 'm l.lil 27 The Iloaid ul Jmctturi. liuu boimlii one lot ol Kimiud ol V.. MemtvUlinU in i:ahi lUmnu lor thu sum of .Vm L0 Ono lot of Jamb 1'miuh adjoining the uho e lor sou ut lio) tm t)ll whleh Ins hern puld as uImi mi VII li. r, i. MimiiiH. I'lrnUVut Attosl I, K, KhOAlt, KevH'titlj I u tie 'j.'uH, WV?- KOU KKAT AND CUKAP EWfc' .TOH PUINTINQ, CAI.I AT TMK CtiMIMUl IN OFKlt'K DRY GOODS, ETC. rjiJIH Vl.AVi: lOKi-iyoui money linek lu too,) K'li at low pllei'i. h at I..T sllAllli.lwosloKi;. J U.ST ItKCKIVKI) cur nncKiVKii A liesh llivoleeol 1 1, w, Citllco n. Mu-l'lis, rle. tj i;.sr Hix'Kivicii .icmi' iir.ti;ivi:ii A In .li ItiMilce ol HiHip sklrlol all kluilM, einbrnctiiu exlia slm, l.tlien t o IU and Colhim lor Indies. TCST ItKCFIVMII ft ii'st ni:ci:ivi:n A llibll Imolci'ol l,iiivrCi.ll.ilM and CmlH, neWKlylcH, I.tnelt shin iiouIn for Mm nnd IIoak. JUST ItKCKIVKI) 1111 iu;ci:ivi;ii A nun liiolifoM'iiiiktt, tiiii' wniit V llownniv, le. JUST ItKCKIVKI 1 ich 1 111x1:1 villi A new limtnllluent of Hams. Ueef, Cod Fltdl and Mai ki-rel. JCST ItKCKIVKI) II'ST IIIX'KIVIIII The best ll.lISyrii. In thelowu. JCST 11KCK1VKD just hkci:ivi:i l-'rehh Dried FrulU, AppleM, reaches, nnred niul uuiai-ed, Ulackberrli a, 1'runon, While lienns, llnrlev nnd Hominy. A NTK1) llulter, Kt.'K'tnml Lani; foru rliuu urtldu nihh will la pulil. A NT HI) H.i tils, Sllonhhis. nnd llacli. (1O11IIS lioolls Mll.ll SOI.II SOLD Mll.ll H.MAI.I. S.MAI.I. S.MAI. I, SMAI.I. AUVANl K AllVANCII. AI1VANCK. AllVANCII AT Al' AT (iOOIlS UOIIHS IOI! CAXII Oil KHAllY I'AV. Hill CASH Oil ItHAUV I'AV, 1. in i .r,ii iii;.iy ',Y. I Oil CASH (IK HHADV I'AV. A I' l T. HIIAIIM.ICHS'rt STOUl;, AT l T. SIIAHI'I.KSS'S SIOlli:. AT l T. SlIAItl'MXS'S STOni'. at 1,. t. siiAiii'i.rjsss sroiti:. Ulonmshuii;, March So, Isr.s'," uhMMiiriiu Mn:itAitv t.v.sTiTini:, )Aiti or iNsnurcTitiN, IKVHY I'AltVKIt, A. M I'lllielpal mil I prlttor, I' nur u riiloKoph . A MNm Mh rail A. Caner, iMo'fUtlth. io l.t i 01 y iciu-li, JSotttny and onihint'iiiul brunehe, ImiiioO. I lest, A. II.. 1 mir'-hor ol Aneleiit Ijanuinn,f- Chnrlei li like, A. It., 1'iofeShur ot MnlhemnilrH. F. M, DateH. '.mil. 1 ot Uook'kiL'j.lnjr A Ilnglthh hmiu-1 Mlwt Alice 31. CiiMer, Tr aclier oflnhtruiJiental Muslr. MI . Teuther of Val 3timie. MlhH Julia (lui'ht, It.n hi r In Primary Dcpartmeiil. prliiKtenn eominemxH April nth, Vh. .V"uhisvw. S1 OMUTII1XO NRW, I'lie UllderslliLsl bees teliM. lo Itifurti, Iu r II lends mul Hie bliblle lieneintly, Hull she has iU'ened III l.IHIIT S'l'ltKI'.T H rtl'Sll stixk ol uo Is In Hie hue. of MIl.I.IXllKV mill TKI.MJUNOS In isiuiieetloii wilti IJiiks Milking; nnd is .re ml 'd In iiddltloli, to COIIH STIl UV HATS on Ihe shiniest notlie.tind in Ihe best style ot the urt. I'lleeh ehenp und uirlc willsfmlory. ,. ,. MItS. 1:. KI.INi:. Llclit .Mreel, Oetober I. I'd;. JJISS I.IZZIK HAUKIiKY li:isjii,t ie turned In. 111 riill.nleliilil.i, mul bollilht, Hllil U now oil, I hi; Hi,. b,.s iisHi.rllili nt 01 I'AM'V IIOOIW, 1HI.MMI.NIH. nO.S.SKTMAe.Ae., err exhlhlleil lu llloomshnri!, und l iiei.ueii lil.lke 1111 driSrCH 11 lid till ollur llllieles of leuuile w.ildlohe, ut hlioit nollee, mul III Itlo hi'st mid I.ATKHT Hl'llINd hTVI.KK K.ioliis in Hie Itamsey Itulldlucs. uu Wist .Main Mleet. full mill ue her Mirli'd stm k ol Millli Ooods May 1,'U", Ql.l) nUKNDS.v N'KW i'HIHNDS, III II WAY It A, lliirimuiri. new Ktoio ftoonis (ni .Muiu hi,, below Murkel, IlIlV (iOOIW, NO! IiiNh, iiiiiir-.Miiiii.i, iniol'KIUf: 1'ltOVISIO.N'M Also, it 11, u mul .,,i mi jdj 1,1 Movi'.s ANli Tl.NM AI!K I In vim; .1 1 unit u u IbknoMii mid SOi,'lliil l.olhliiiil,, Is ile)iillll III null,., new 11 III k. Hint II I iili I 111; III Older, M'Or'llMI JI.M I. Ill OlltiHi, All us t lii ini loi lo h oi In. do ns the t heimesl. '.ill nnd ste. I'llst stolr on wlht end ot Soulh liillis.l. A. HAK1.MAN. April lii.'iis. AlrilAM WATCH MS at i:x'iiu;mi:i(v how ikicih Sllxer lluntlllK WnteheK io Id II untluK Wati-lu h, h i-inat Ciikc h (lohl llunilnu Wutihih. Ladles Hire.... ..SIH ..stl I-aeh waleli XMirrailted hy h(KeIal eeitltleate Horn the A inei lean AVntih Co. Wati lies m ul h i:iuihh.C. (I. I).. Xi-llh liilxllii:i lo fMiiiiliu In. lore pa Inn. l.vny one in waul of n n-llahle IliiifUi epi-r Is reiint'Mtiil tow rite for mi r ih-wrlp llvi pileellht, Adtlifislu lull and pleiiKun. tine IliepapiM In uhlehxou mix lldsiideitlsi im-nt. imi Aim i 1 1 mi. iiiit r.rouduay, June , iiS-lm, Hi: XDKKSIIOTT'S 1MIAUMACY. OITOSHI. kil F.KIl'AN MOlhl-' When may be found an liiph-tc a-oriintUt ol trenh and puie MKinuiNKH, nvi: mtukiw, coi.oi, ou, WIMKlW'.OI.AriH, I.AMI-H, I.ANTIIIIN , BO. haw, MiAln. .u.rniinr,, vini'.s s. i.hj huh MVItt'l'-l, I'KllfUMHHV, TOll.irr AN 1) I'A NU V A HTIUDiS, vvlilclj me oireleil lllotil Huie prlees. ii..erlp Hons neeuitilfly preinretl. .tun 3', (jAltlUACU: MANUKACri'OKY, ' lltoouihlitilic, I'll. M, I'. HI.OAN A MKliTIIKII t ll'l SlHS'SHOIs I I WII.MAM MUIAN SUN ollllpoi' tile litullll ss lit lintllllu r.MiltlAdIX lll'iiiillK itli'l i tr -lyli' nfft l-AU1 WAHIINls, il.lcli l!.e liuto lou.lulllly nil Iminl lit Mill, us. lonieis, .Never using any tall tlie host uuil eltlplo)tllif llielilnsl expiliilnetl uniUluili I bey hope loiHiiilliilie nn litlitoloie lo iil e i nllii fcutlNl.tcllou to eM-ryilisloluil, All llllst-!.oi, i IU. Ir iloik,uliJ ot Hie leuhiiuiitili pit.'u lUkktsl u tho uiue, in v div to liiMtru n siil. M)Hi:W8, WIKKINH & Vo Ikuleu In FUHUIUN AMI iKIMIMTIli DHV OOUIW, Nu.ittl llmkel Hirer I, l'lilliiUelilila MISCELLANEOUS, IlkNKV U'OI.K, ,:. 1 liti't,(.soii. los. 1 .Slav... 1 , II UlTOS. 'pin: siniscitiitnits iiavino J I.ense,) Hi, iimi, 1: Mill inn Mm In, e shoii lollliellroicupllil h.t . 1 1, in, 1 1 limn the hllslliiiMil Hinit'll.e 'III ,i lnjillt.i, HASH. I, I. '.H Mm I i Nil , Me nie !.,, p,,. , , ,,, rurilhh jlrciMsl I ok in,., .,inK,ii n mi,ei llillllisl III Ihe coliMIU, tl I hllPillnui.. AH liiinlhn ilooenl , , i.r, , fr Joist anil 01 hi r Iran i mini nil, ,1 wub oiomni. llfss niul eale. Onlei i, -pe, tm I,,.,), wi i.i ,1 11 unii.s. rpru r,'ii J Oli.V c, HAM, 11 l:.'-i 1 (icinii s.'i 1.1 , 1 oliM h bini.ii w i . niul .Miiiiiil,,, tin. r .'iirrluj, 1..1 , IlliMn lulio 1 k.lllil.. III1V Hou-e Ill Hy. Is.iiibl'n Vl will .. ... ,, ". . oral,lol.'i,M., N Hiinli'isl 10 s, ij,r ,.,., hl ,, , av -hoes. ly !i1imii1i''h!!' "lul ,,"IV,K" 1 " -l--l"l- 1 irji rieniiiini siinr MnisU ..wi.rih.l hv Ann I lean .lllutu In Joll.V C. 11AM, In I sin, Ml. ts',1 ami .,-,i. ,, Hotil Midnl ill Ihe Woltit'i, fair lu Ihe .111 i ,. ..... Volk s.l Al Jlnj lVls.l'in. CIirTZK it l.UDOI.IT, j, luViA.t,,,Itl.1:l,,, !'' beunryjith, "Mt. Wurrntile.1 iMrihi'inir", W nlelooin, 4,2 l!, Svw ttiU. I hw patint.Muiiltoi i'lale Diiim , UH bi ll m fOllotlUl I llltl 11 1 n miiui ili 11 .:!.. .r...t lu r n.eilt eouKihih lu tlu wn-ht plank hi Uikmip 1k ul hy the lion ltame, nlluwlliji 1. bilei hnui e . tl";,H!",ll.,l huardthanlH iKMtwiftl h nnv othr r kind ol I'iaim. My thin Iiu-iuih Ibriiuantltv ns well nmlip tiualllynr ihiftmifln larWly li . treahtil, J llKMt I ialiOH luic bun pioiionueiil U I t)C hi-hlJitdKeHtohe iiuiDalhd me rowi:ii and hvi:ltnij-.s opthm--. K.i;y and imrei able tnnrh nnd Uautv of finMi. I hiilbflf,', (JnttM lmlk,HtlukoM Ii, li-uti-mp-, nnd II inrye number of the most dihtliiL'Ulhhed I'roJe' horHmiil Aiiiiitturt. I'lom lon experloiic-i.mid Miperhii'liielltthhinr ilanufaetnrhiK, we arei na hledlo oihr our plnnonit ni low prices uie (tmi'ihi mr riiiHllliriUlil prlco 1 xt. Mnr.6'(8.1y OIUUXOTON A- HOIJaKINS' JIA II' 11 OXi: HVVEU PUOSIMIATK OK MMR, A KTANDAltDMANIMti: hui iiM'tim imt. UUAIN lltOI'M ,,.! 1 I, within Ihe pail yenrnreatly liirrcnscd nnd Impimrd our TaelllihH rnr Kilu-iln- iHiie und lniiiiulnrtiirhifr waio lepaii'd t HiriiMi ofM " M'l'ri" 1"-,I0 tmr Jiimiuiaciniy IuihJ,,,.,, 1 1 n- I 1 v ImIiiI i""' M am oy piaeiiOMi nun oi our Immr- ..r-,mMH,, ,, hi nun ci'-eiMK re, niul in ei rv 'V " lesuit lm l ein eidin ly nil Ihiui t-.ry. (iur nriH isi nt iiitK.iiii... ..'1 1.. 1.1. pared lomnd uuanuitud H DASH 1 flfil (ill .N Dlilj.l,. onvtiiie.. iiiiobjullon whhhidhicho leitllli rrt,nnd hf-i'tin s to the liirmern lo ninny l im ot Mini 11 iniiiii)'- 1 1 tu i' Sold at tho limn nine! 1 irv ) a.t M inm t hi . r SI'MJl nv, 1(. ,v our ,11, titH Ihlnii-bimt tlie eountn. In b-ufM tir)iiiiih i-...ii ..1 ..: . 1 .... of win IM. Also HIIII'DKD I'llOMlThV In all poini iures4lbl. by lull nri-Hunl.on icei-lntof mer. TIlltlllNdTOX A HUDHKINH, ..1 ;V tKiil u,r ''.Muour, MuriMti A Alh-li.K ell lln kiui llciiiwi' mul M.ii.11- rn,.. v. u ..i.- c r;aiid I'iiilt A Sioedle's n find (Jialn Itake. ' K. 1 rti, Am nt. Uh-umsburir, l'.i. Afn jnr Urenlm: rVh,'i'iW-MU f 1 A 11. hahmoiu;. riAXO until: IIAM'1'.H 1 11. 1:1: 4 A'i' I lis. .lis 111.,' I.ersti',. I. NVvi ..,i.i'ti.. C em i:Mi,l,ll.l,,,, , - I',!..,. Me.'nls AMIII ib'tl. !'i'';l 'orielisiiionim unluisiili.i nek'uiul- i-i L.i III be iiiomL , Until. 1.11IJ...I ... Ihe II. t liienulii, tilled, mul iihelevt r lln-. loivu Ken nn intuit-. 11 1, t uis . tu, nre not i..,,,i!t, .t i wiyonenord 111 llielr Ijuof. Ilu-li' t v.-.-ll. ,., stunt s i.le.etiiliieiille I,, il. ., ,.r ..,i...H ... . llll'l lioni H.e un III Vlletiss und Itii' inineii.i nts lo.ule . ut i),,. insi thiiiv iimik. . iii.tru iom-ii it llll-eliiss I'lino I'tnlt. nt I'H 'ii !1 i !es Ibiin 11 one e .u I.. U.u.lil eseivbeie lAei'i t'liiuo 1 i.ite Wniiunletl im 1 i 1 ntti, un, I to I'll e 1111',, nur I'lunoj nre jit'i.l,. to I.. . l ; m.i inui, ii nM,l iiueM-ry 111111 111 ,' lliomiuhly s,i.-t.ti..,. ,01.1 ,,f Ihe l l.v b, st ljuillity tltal etui . .ri.iituil. So l-aii 1. Mte.oieii; wuiii uie nunile el e tnltllit nios over, Ut-M-resetlt,! Hour Viulialtee. Ia.iv tut-! In. side niul out, Is honest!) fultlilullj n,,il tbnr. oubIi1 in tle.solliallt will l.iirtbeliiosi mm. llleexaiuln.itloti. 'i'buy tllll'er llol.., Hie loud, eoarsctoueol most l'ialnn, (willed Is bad lu Ihe Iti'Klunln'r, din! mows worse eery tiavj inas- hriillons ilelluhliul in n mi.bIiik Vm milylmiii ;bedelieei '""""" "' '') me, Miuioui uouui, H10 bei,!, Hit nol !.V ' isJl. ; ,: ' 1 l'r'"". onri.rlees riinte ironi it . 1 ... 1 1 1 1 ti rr , w, li.luitl.lMi. 1. luimiv. J ill'.Arilt'UTK & COMI'A.N'Y n o J 1. : n won k s. lOll.NI.lll WKM'Slllr.1.1 A Ill.AlKMlonsl. .11.1 Itiivlti'' lmteitsi.,1 ,111 r, .inn. u 1,. 11 nop 100111, innelilneiv, Ae., we 1110 prei il 10 ftlll-i -r.Tuii v Wi.i..- .1 .. 111 1. ... ... ' . " ' "'"". -'--" li I'liiiiiniiy uimc uiunitr, athimrt notiei', mid Sl'Ki.'IAI. ATl'KNTUJN l'AIIi H) I11:iamih. lour alteuthiu Is hprelally ealhil tutht- meiit- Ml. Hiutiu'oti. has had an e.M rh if(,..i thlriv vi'MiH lu tl.i' iiiuiiiitiii (inn i.r nil i.-it.,i ..t uu imiii'iN ; 111111 uuiii uur louiie.XI' U licit . nitiiuuv aware ot the iu-Thslty m a wi-lhm.idj and Mitllriently larye I!oii.ri:,tomue not only wifely but KillM.utmx lVhiiltH; itml We hhall ivr our t iHioint'iH only thohnoi the best nualllj as Ho...-. ..nun,,, iiihi u ill px mill lii t, ai.d b t l eontldent thatxio iiinii-u oer mi iHiiu uon, anil nt pun h lully uh low ai anj 01 hit ouiuieiK usiiu; ibe hanu ipi - Illy ot in.iiiu- x y wmiat can tnc attention ol Halifax I'um- l,.,,,, ,,1U laciiiuei itr iioitif! UMU IV 'Ull h, i:il IlKK IIKI'AIKs. OK NMV, im We l.iake tl i'i-iui hub 111 uie nun iiiiuwajH uie ills pel hotml attention. 1 .'iiieaisi)pii-ianii ikiIo nil lifiuNol steam niinik'i, kupIi as JicatluK rublie and IMwilu iMuniuiys, i iii'iiiiu k, imintj up Me.mi iihIU'Isac Couhtuullv on hand all klmlu ,,i .n im i.'n IIM,sSTt:M ANli WATKIlGrAlll-J STI AM IMl'IH uini ui i in nun iiiiimi'i ll It Willi Ull' JiUMUfhrt. Als.ii'iivlhitrsdtalt klniN.llrillci I'mn sllmi Sloi-fi, l'luwh, antl all wot I; oniieeti d w Ith tin ui'ut'iui louinuy nusiiu s. Helped t Hilly HOlU'itlllK our Oldels, We a Vouih wn tud, I. IMJATIICorr A t (t leh.'JVl-.s ly ryy o i- A li M 10 U S! I'ACIr'IC (II'AM) ( M.MPANY'S MH.CItl.l 1' A (' I K I (' (i IT A N (). nn: ati i:ntki ,r I'm ..n siimers ot l'i ttlllerHls InMted to this (luano, u al Vt ills In Mai x and. lnlnln tn.l .il..r eni hinte.. lor all oups, him Kti-u It n Imnhud I I itl l.ll IIT 1 1 it lilt Hl'llC k lllll IJlUlIllSl I ll Ollc II. It liOsM'HSfH a I Ju OllMdHSM ul PlIlllllMl (Juano wllh pejiiuininl ijiiatithh tmi fniind In mill uiiieir, i.m. ii u,s l.llltllii nil liUU hum o t li u ii iiunlti in r- ii tin i,i i sup. i hi.plnti s It liptio. the wheat eii.p n n U lo he veil iinx i nl Hit thuu Uu- ( tins) hm.-s, ,, , uir idiiiit- iitu'fc u iiieaiiiiuiiiifnuvaniiim - ,ih I Mil IK KHI1I III IH lilt h. III hUIl I 'J jwin s. uniwi: A CD., (h neral AuilitH 1(r I'mdliu (iuanu Cu., ls(alth ti'lnwaii Ae 1'hll ul'u And 71 Miuth Hitvi Ilaltlmore. M.lleh 'J7, (Js-tliu. To Hotel iitnl Sulouit httpria of Hlooia inn ttini Coiutnhi.i Cmini.- tmui appoluh .nr u. MNiniiTim ni tot i ne suh m mj iile.pon mown hioui, nun umr u r, .vho w Nn pl y mi til the h-iiut prh .Mil ml x;tt!i the x.imu .it 1, 1. It )s I would tuiliUh J nil lioin the hr . i i4v hu w.ii uu tliai he will 1 ! punctual and iiiU'iit. U, nil v U mix 'iit-ni iniu with i ir tndi', I iii;i im imu i suppon v. ix ii'pti tnniv. I liKl I .d l It, li am I'n xxii , J.i-Miliiu, i s ADDIil'; A 1IAI!.I.S MA K I'.lt. Ull IMI1M1.I , I'l I.I Mill I I ,,.s II, ! V'N lllh iiiiiteiilpiittl i,si.riiiiih nini, ,, Irl. nil:, iu.,1 i)i, tlt,i i.t im,, in i, .ni tu. I !liIAs ill i Kl I , mul eill i, lllll' lie 11... I.isliei nfHAIllil.l mul II.MIM H- MAKI.MI.In nil ilk tltlinUK bii,l:t'ltiii,lii lln oM sliiitt) iil-ose hu ilt I . Unlet, mul tin e,. t, tlm ie m.ii nVi he Hu tvn. luuiim.ol hII Ml'oiiiitl nillelti. Iti his line. I ' li..'l. HI Ollllli lay.Altl'H "y AUTMAN A- lfNTlKIUN, lOll.MVII, KSt'M' A Ki:0 Mi MA.N'I'I'Al-KHtV, M'.SII NIMiTII Ullllll KT1U r.l, s-ieoiul lloor tu tov: Worsl, I'll I I, A 11 L I. I'll A. J, W. W.IHIMAK H. I'. H.SIII l M l QKoflCU: rOKI.KKU ",vco., Wll. I, lllll lIllllllH WLII1H Ml.ll-W WAIll,, AHM-. UIM Intlis. M'lt Ut, 'I wliu k, I. I., , i n., i n . '.'IO,tWI Mtnle Juno ".,-". I hi.. A BUI I 1 llli'ti hi.. iMlll. ill 2STAIll,IKlli:i I7!i:t. JOltliAS ,v Uliirj'liu., nit,,, u-n tilitj lieiiUi. iu SAl.TI'initi: ASI. I ltl ,!,,. .Vo t. ,uri i Hm,, l'hll.iitt ll i o t i e k . .All IM'IMilin III. I lorlililtleu lo Iresi. I ine minis ot n ,. mi, , ii,erlii Mliiliu limn filn. M lio.e mi olli u ill U. tleiili mil, "...iA ' 1 n,',1- ,. H.M'HWITl'l NHKlnt i!:V ADYURTISHMJ5NTS. rw iter la u, m i ll, mulay, vii ' iiw l'i i n " 1 I P o tl ii'l n I niu I tn Mi 1 ivv our V 1 iJ . in ii 10 rile inl ntr pit I l iiilin ti r li. , 't 11 jjiumI Ih'' I l, Ih'i II .tack i : .urnviMi t Kv: iuut 1 i ell Ail, WV utu.aiit , tbev will ci 1 i p r vt umre ilmo i" niu n n h l 's I ilior in ehopp. M nd tort'liutini and pilcr 1 1'DINCOlT t DAi;rVi;i D, l'lCul nr!Th, Vn.t KIp Maunniet'i For ha l by principal Hard warn Dealer. NCI I, STOCK. Hhiflitrtl Miitmrillirlliif I .. Ul I'nll.m Mli-m-f New Votk, t'heularH and t imp'.en free. A!: KNTS WANTKU VOU I U li O 1" V- I V I A Is II I K 1 (I it v OK TJtK W'AH, lUCiitiM-P, Chanieter, Conduct nnd Hesullt, lly HON. ALUXANDKH ir.HTIIl'lIKNS. D ready sale, cninhiued wllh nn lucreahc-d eoinmlsMlon, mnko It thobest hubh-erlptlou hook t'er puhllidied, UneAifout III Ijiston, I'.i., rrKits72 ubscrlU'it In thiri da.N. One lu liuhlou.MasN., IftlhiilociibetK In i dmi. Heml for clrculais und sre our term, and n full doerlrtloli of tho wtnk. Add row NATION M l'UllI.IHlllMl citM I'liliiul. Iphla, Da. riHAWKOItli'S Stump mul Itock o V. trai'iur nn 1 Kb .itr pci h rtc 1. iid fm A. criiwlii'it, Wairen, Mi. T ASTVA) A(ii:NTS, II ?; In v.lKi 1 r tnftnth,r eryv lu-re, male t.n.i h'luuie to Inlioiluei' tiii' (.iliutne Dnpio nl Cominon scnM Kamiu Kewlim Atn. hlne. Thh tuaehlne Will hllteh, hi in, till, luek, ipillt, told, bind, 1 laid and eiubr'dd' r lu 11 most hU.erlot luaiiiu r. Dim mux s. 1 ullx wnrrnntid f-r IHnjini WiMMtl pai -loiit lui Mty machine tied will ew a M router, iniia- tit-aui Itul, or mou elaitle hi am than ouik. It mnUiw tie "lllftnUt Doelt f-tlleh." 1 .Very -i'coinl htlleh an he eni and still Ihe floih caniiol he puUttl apart with out li-ii n it. We pay Am in limn i7io uu per month and expt mki, or n eominNMfnn frfiu xvhb h t. !( 1l1.1t aumun -an 1-e m.0'0. Addles SI COM tt , i n. riMt.iin.-b. Cii , ni th'idi M.i 1 ai iio.. im uoi ue iiiImini-ii up. ni nj oiii r pilllll-H p.llUlhlrf ntl Xfntthlos ISl-ll.lll In I'hlni'f, itndir the mune nami Oil I'M Is lln only genuine ntid ml tAlil'KNTKHS. i r- uii-cueoi new li.nUs i.u Arith-i'luifiiiid.'-Uitr UuUdlni:. A. .1. Mi. Iinelt 1'ubllshi in, I ioy, tN. V. riMIKSrcORSSof iho om dollitr .Ill' JL a lii-VolHI hu on lu I'ludi', Wo im nlyti ni m unii.ii in ul.'. ni (is'i-. i ii f I.Alt, hui-h ftr'lcl' iisiyt' um-i! I ix everv ! i -i x it -l loss ,.l . i Ul 1)1 Ihl-.V HIV hOltl h UUX VAllOlf ,ihi di ah-r In New Vorknr rolon, Aui'iitx nl it i 1 to 1'ii.niicriitf wllh im In ;-. lnuoutti plan xvhb-h incite the wants ui tin million, a lul lu t he df spuria I of a laifto and vaili-ii -hm-k i uiv 4V. I llll"' ti'i'Hls -siupr I'liilts) W.Ur Wati'hf. I'nipelltijr . Ao i'iir tei n - tu aueii le hilju-l lor lo I'm, .. uiv , Ui.'i Hi in. is our In ul ir w 111 hh-w . ihiMi'uiii liu up i-Hd- tiiii u-u-i-li pteee SIi clliitt, .iti'h. M'l I i h -xx ' xv iu. ltu it i.i-, Ae. nu'i "i 'oi'. A 4'h-i I; df'Hilbli mm mtlel- to ht- -old foru lohni. in s :) fur a J: tafii i t ui iur i; Iim tfl,t?iii hy mall. Mud moiwy by lhtMtut K-uti, t.iieuiniN mailt. l liit iu mix addie.. AK'iii" wanti-.ii vetyxvluiv. A.lilus ItAltUI ix. 11 l'M.Mi:it,,i llmiovir St., lloi-ion. Mhk. L ()()! LOOK! l.OOK! , ninth unlllfit' St mil, .i I fblfV I'miii,,.. kei'h Salt. In W liom i;l i al llidui iiiiiiiU nn ifl Hid. A c x-. in sJHidyou a Si-wlnjs Uuehlne 4r nb- lrens Irec of rur-t. (live us a trl-tt. Cnt.ih'iiuefc hent Inc. si ia u A risk. 1. 1 1 l ..v nt- i!,.rfi.., Mush. . A V K 'iiv TIUVA) T( ) W1,K A- (' V- NONI'AUKH, IMH.l.AU HAM:? If Mill Hut now Im lhi lh.ii t,! jjU'iiti-st hain.iliiH till, u-d h, any coueirii lu uu- x.orm. inMuu'aif mis nl mu-e It will pay All iniltleh In the liollai n:i!i hushing inlioiii.. to tilvv tin- heht barKiuiiK, best IndlU'einenln to minus Ac. Hut the tjofhls tell tho htorv. 'Ihe ,noiil 'd the pudding Is (lie eallnj. Titiih loxxei hauliio tow t. ('iifiilnrs m-ui froo A.i.ln-t. 'lOW LU A CO., 7 limitum How, Ihlon, Muk-, piUKiK OF ont KTATKMKNT i il x i wi: m wk maipi, citupj.i 1 1 UKVOhrTIOX IN TUAUK an be huiud In the r.u t that the Immenhe inii.i tithi we hiii luillt up has Induced n uiultltiidi Mliall conerl ns In hnllntn nnr i.lnl. itw i andhoineby ndM-iil-lim thv pii4tntn ilu-y will ' Kii -u iv uiim-i LKhiiiu) , hi uixeri Komeot our husiiii'hf to tin iim1 r. We innlii t lUannouneeiuint hlmpl to inform th. publle it will ho lor t huh Inteit-st t palronl our house, n we will tontlnnoto Klve belli i fund and til i ati r ludut'imu-uw t tits than nv uih i r eonei ru lu the huslnehM. V hell , eei ihheilplh.n ni u and I nue fJimiN, I'Pited no. .lexxtliv. Wlltlhis. Sixxllu; Mui-hllte. Ac., for Ihe utitlorut nrh-i ol OM DOM, All, CUi-ulath tnt to nii addn tli f I'AUKl.U A CO.. n.-s. ! at d lUihiiiiuiii i sn ii i Muslim It 10 AT KAI.K OP hitv ;uoiis ca f'vv.vvs. i:y'IK A Kiltie, .SI I.V K li P I. A T I' IJ A It r .1 A ii U MS. And ii wirit'l, ol xuhianh Mltll 111 mid ii.d-lijl mil i i.u $1 VOW KACil AIvTlCKK. A i lu' ); dtHerlbhu u nrtieh s.-ic, ( ,i rinm out stt k ti.i hale ut I'lM'thdiur, will lo hint on th lert-lpt i'f I tj 1 1 1' 1'i'idh tu pax pol:mt , Noehiimo Inl Siluilules or Cheeks inad(-:tt ibis (Khibllsl.tili ul. Si ml Im elreularo, iih UiH i O most lilrt-rnl kiI- nt i ho hi ml In the ii mti x Ad dn-h I'AHNIIAM A i d., .No, VI l'lh iul St., j.ts.i( Mav ryo TJIK KA 1)1 U Wo uu !iKtit tor oVi r and Oiitiii'stli- M ii ii ii f ..-i i IIUIIllM I rorciffu .ind an pup nut loluinlshthowholoiotintry vitlh.h.x and lamy I uood, hilkK.hhawU, ji-wili.x. Mlvir v uu, fm m- tun-, piano, hi wlnn "" IiIik'n t, t f i iiuuoiiu pruuo) 1 "Nt: lint. I Al! I. HI UM'il Alt I ll 1.1 I Hi nil our i lulls vi ju mul upwiiuti,, iur ikieni. I I lie l't'i'l.,lioulii'4vlm( iillieletvin I e oliliilu, 1 foi tilt,, llol In, lth t. i r... . ..i.. rue ii.aiw kknt i u-1 . rreseulH ituUli Iroin tfi. tn v.l.. s, f tuiriio lo III'! llli .elntllif e'ulis, ", I 11, oh-ij , ,PII,1, In Ai, 1, .lllllll li, 'OS. I', A OKNTH VANTi:i A X K S, All niienth tvlio triisi e lo sell, jlul nil islllle. win I'loliose IoImiv n tile uf llpn. (limn ,1 ' unili isl.uiil, Uuil llie I'llsiuuil HUloi) or J tillNIUlAl, tillANT, i IU A Ifn l I I . 11U linnisttii. uillliul- i if I 'li'lil. Dun. moil .V HseujK..." .V " H.e, Mlltlell, with lliosnlietlon ol Hie llluslllou. I lelit'Illl. n lul I. lliu uuly Illlly nullit nllcuiuliiu. llioilml lilouiiii tiy ot liln i, mul virTe nilnln n I nuisk oi lui,orimil niul InurestliiK nuitler no oilier IhjiK Iiusoi emi olllllln liiinllnllli s ol ll . I . lienuilttlnniil Sin ri niter mul oilier lelleia in , I ll.Hlinii lll. II. lu fle.lj,m .),. ,, ,, Uetllliil. i i.i.iai, lluil.uer, I,ie mul nii.ei in m uimliintk "III i Inl nl lo lln null. oi, mul m.i Ii isoi Ihe lilul,, I i'.l llills.llmiee, ul, Him In tie. Ull uo. 111110111 .inei ine ui , on i r ii , ii, , 'mini Mitt 1'ii.iniiiiii emi t, , , i n. ,r .' tlillVler Cnlliiv. ' " 11 14 I ull 1'ui.t 1 uuliiwiu:'. li e inlliiil Is wnl.. kiio ii ,s , ne ,,r most In. .1. lul lis wii i, im, mm wn.,.,v .. Wllh (leneml ll.,,,-, ,!, ,V inV.l'ol hit l t .lelll l llllit'(li., ill... isu .louiliiilUt Will hui iintiitiiiiii tits h , jfi, iu y;u i i.lIiUlllltli.l klippi.i 4fiWH fiom i'e . ' ouuloltM,U,i,l I,,.,,, mtl, ,. '.I limn elwiine.k op, iiisl to Iilm l,y llr-m in) tlii niu ,ii. ii t. nils, iu mm. i,u .Vhi p ,oi"n, J, 1 Ull,.lll n.r.illollurk, Iii. n't .1 i r In . , luvil. i moiK. I Ii ul llil. lu.i. ,r "" i olii li It In 1 I ol Inn,,, mi 1 w il 1 1 im, 1,, , ,, ":,n.i"l i'l t' "' "i" V"w""'"' ll"ni',r. 1,1 nl. .niul tiWI.t t i, Intnl., .n. A.l.l,. . ni l i ns i i ,, !"""",' v. ' 'iniiinrii, t ,11 lilt AS. I I'll lu, 11 '.. .. -' Julll 1-'. 114-11 ' " A I I. KINDS OK Jon I'lUXTINU 1. P'rr,,lln,:,muV""-" ' '-"" "'""HI..I. llnti littler