The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 03, 1868, Image 2

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851w Columbian.
BLooMsmma, pa.
i'IUDAY .1IIIUMM1, ,VU 3, 11111.
Ctf- TIIK COI.UMIIIAN linn (lie lurgt.l
Cliciilatloli III Columbia nlut ndJohilliR
.omttlci or miy poper puhllilieil lirru. Mid
li Mta ft imicii Inrnrr ilittl limn nliy
f i
Ittcbttmiiorai-Uii miiiI l ilt.reroi r Hie iesi
medium for advertising lit till crllull ur
Hie flair.
Tho Campaign Columbian.
My our next Isiuo the Doinocmtle
lumiltinttorm for President uml Vli-
I'ro-lilonl will litivo licon inuili-, mul
tlio (irlnoliilcd lulil down, upon which
tlio campaign will hu vomltictuil. Tliu
nim-M of our oiune depemh upon tho
propagation of our principles, mid for
this purpose no ngency Is ho complrtu
M the l'arty I'ri'sj. My i-ln-ulullug our
pnrty pnporn, tho Cdsohoods of (ho cue
ny ran ho exposed, ns well ih their
nriminni misconduct whllo in power,
in order to placo the Columbian
within the nnch of ceery man, wo will
wild u copy from this time until after
the Presidential election for covenly
llvo cents. It will contain tho proceed
liig.iorthu Democratic l onvemloi, as
well ni amplo returns of nil elections
held. Html in the names at mire, for the
time to orgaulzo and begin tho work
linn nrrlved. The richer Hntllenl". pny
for many of their papers to lie sent to
poor Democrats. Wu should vetallute,
Sen that every Demorral In the town-
chip, has u sound Democratic County
paper and send a number to each of
your republican neighbors. Every
man ran aid In this work, nnd "hoiild
begin nt once.
Tlio SSisiIssippi Xlluctloii.
I-'on tho past teu days tiio negroes
mid carpet-baggers in Mississippi have
lieen holding nn election on the qucs
tlon of adopting a constitution. Great
States like Pennsylvania and New
York can do their voting in ouo day,
but the manipulators of southern bnl
lots requ!- ten.
The telegrams from Mississippi aiv
nou nco that tho Democrats, In spito of
all opposition have carried tho State by
:O,0iH) majority. Another telegram,
however, Mates that this is not beliovcd
nt Ornnt's Head Quartern. Of courxe
ot ! Have not Oram's minions got con
trol of tho ballot boxes? Is not Mull
I tun JP Dowel 1 In commaqAjfiho Dis
trict V Why should GrantiHp,'o such
allly reports when his swofllT-nliordl-nales
hold the elections, count the bal
lots, and doctor tlio returns?
M'Dowell says there is n good pros
pect for the election of tho llepubllcan
ticket, and tills In tho facoof tho fact
that for tho first llvo days tlio returns
wero overwhelmingly Democratic. The
explanation probably l5,tliat negroes nt
that llni;had voted but once.
That Vote.
TO -Jill' lUl.l'MlllArf.
Hawkni.Ni iu Uloomshurg n few
duyrf ago, I was met by a person there
who began denouncing Jllriim Tt. Kline
for dodging tho voto on tlio "Tonnage
Tax" Bill. Now my recollections Is
that Col. Kline voted against that Mill j
hut as you are doubtless ablo to refer to
tho record I hope you will give the facts
In the case the benefit of your very largo
circulation. Yours Ac.
Pa i ii Pi.AV.
Our coricspoudent is not the only
gentleman who was misled by the false
hoods of the, "person" in llloomsburg.
who first retailed that slander. Tin:
Coi.u.mwan Is not tliechamplon of any
man, but In tho causoof truth wo give
the vote on tho hill in question when
on its final passage. It will bo seen that
Col. Kline not only did not dodge the
vote, but cotetl against tho Mill,
"And on tho main ijne-tlou,
Shall tho bill pass ?
Tho yeas anil nays, were ie(iilicd by
Mr. Mrodhead anil Mr. Maudall, and
wero ns follows, viz :
Ykas. Messrs. Abbott, Acker, Ash
com Austin, Mall, Uartholomew Hlnlr,
Mutler, (Crawford,) Myrne, Caldwell,
Cowan, Craig, Douglas, Dulnle.d, Dim
lap, Kilenberger, (iasklll, Gilibony,
Uochrlng, (iraham, Ilnrvoy, Illllninn,
Jlofius, riuliiinKnch, Lawrence, Loin
Hiring, l.owllieM'DonoiiglJImbhall,
Mooie, Morrison, Mullin, Oher, Osier
bout, Peine, Preston, Pughe, Itandall,
Mcilly, lildgeway, Hobliison, Holier,
Kellxer, HhnilVr, Shepherd, Smith,
Phlla'di Teller, Thomas, Walker,
White, Wlldeymid IUvIs ty .( -57.
N.wh. Messrs. Alexander, Antler
fon, Armstrong, Marnsley, Mlsel. Iilx
ler, Mlancliard, Dim, lioycr, Mrodhead,
Clark, Collins, Cone, Disiuant, Dlvins,
J)onloy, Duncan, Elliot, Krazier, Map
per, Hays, licet, Hill, Hood, Inin,
KLINE, l.ichteuwallner, M'Onnlgal,
Manifold, .Meyers, Patterson, Iteilf,
ltliomlf, Sehrock, Smltli, (Merks) Stek
man, Stoncback, Strang, Taylor, Tra
cy, Williams mid Wilson
H(o Legislative lleeord, Session of
IfiOl, page 1(17. See also House, Journal
18(il, page 358. Persons desirous of ex
amlning tlio "Journal" can dosoat tho
ofllco of the Prothonotary.
I'ltiU'AiiATdliv to tlio iiroccullngs uf
of tlio Tenth National Democratic Con
vention, we publish this week a "Ml
toiy of Democratic National Conven
tions" heretofore, heldj which wasprc
pared with great labor mid care, several
yoars ago, by Col, Freeze, for n Ileum
crntic Monthly published In Now York.
Among tho men who figure on tho
sketch are somo who are possible can
dldates now for tho office of President
as Gov. Seymour, Gen. Dlx, nnd per
Imps somo others. And it brings to
mind many great and honored names
of the olden time, to Incrcuso our zeal
and love of country.
To persons claiming to hn Democrats
however unworthy of tho name, who
usniill and denounce Tin; Com'MIiian
and Its Editors, wodo not eondescone to
Asforiibuseundslandei ofMr. Itncka'
low nnd other prominent Democrats
coining through the same channel, It
will only recoil upon the heads of Its
tiutliors nnd cover them with confusion
and the Just Indignation of the people,
Tm: first net of tho Arkansas carpet
bag Ueprosentativos, nfler being sworn
Iu, was to demand pay from March
lt-ti7, though only elected March 1.'),
J8C8, and tlio first net of Senators was
to vote agnliist tho romlrnmtlim or h. s,
Truly, these fellows hcfeln to rob and
rule us early
T'liKlhveiid.i.v.siir .lunei!1 SM-ii'i were
held us the toiiiniencement of tho
lllooliisburg l.lteiary institute. Tho
examination had been conducted by
Prof. Cobtiru, and by Mev. Mr. Collins
of I.uzcriio county. Tho report of tho
examining Committee will ho publish-
td hereafter. Tho o.ierelsos in the fore-
noon of Thursday were participated in
by tho following students, In tlio pres
ence of the Governor, Prof. Wicker
sham, and n largo nudlence.
MuslchythoGlceCliiss; Prayer by tlio
It'jv.Mr.Alleiniuof tho Lutheran Dp'jla
Church illation, the Xutloii'sGratlludeto
Its dead, I'. P. Mlllmeyei ; Declamation;
Discoveries of Galileo, Levi Waller;
composition, Where nro America's Au
tliurs? Amelia Armstrong; Composi
tion, Main Drops, Eva Kupcrt; Music,
Instriimeiital Duo, Mary Klwell, Dora
Lutz; Declamation, Political Virtue,
George Clark ; Dojlanmtloti, Lessom
taught by the Earth, Win. M'Kclvy
Composition, Through tho Wixvesto tlio
Shore, lioltlo 1- unslon ; Composition
Good Mye, Annlo Armstrong; Culls
thcnlcs A Music, by :)0 children ; Dcc
hunatlon, Mepntatlon, Mobert M. Little;
DeclamatloiijOnthosliores of Tennessee,
Wilbur Memlnger; Composition, Queen
Kltzaheth, Mary Gross; Composition,
Wealth, Annlo M'Hcnry; Declamation
The Ocean, J. H, Alkman ; Music, Vo
cal Trio, by Jilsses Mlntlo Hharnless,
Dora l.utz, Mary Klwell; Declamation,
Characteristics of a Noblo Life, Henry
Schuyler; Declamation, Imagination
tho means of Napoleon's Success, K
Fritz; Composition, Crosses, SInry Van
Musklrk; Composition, All Things lmvo
an Angel Side, Kllie Andrews; Muslc,
liiatiuuienlal Quartette, by Misses
Mintle Shnrpless, Dora I.utz, Mettle
Kuuslon, Henry Clark ; Declamation,
Strength of Opinions, Leonl Mellck ;
Declanitttlon, Character of O'Connrll J.
M. Clark; Composition, Up in theMluo
wltlitlieStars, Kllie Clark; Composition
Tlio Muildcrs, MlntieShnrpless; Decla
mation, I.a Fayette's Visit to America,
I. M. Mendonhall ; Music, Harvest Glee,
by tho Class.
The audience were highly delighted
and entertained with tho oxerclscs, and
nlsowlth the, evident marks of Improve'
incut manifested by nil tho studants.
wo have never ourselves seen in tlio
samo timo such decided advancement,
Of another feature, tho Seranton Hcpuli
than, one ol whoso Kditors was present
says :
Tho exercises iu Calisthenics by twenty-nine
Ilttlo girls and boys, who wero
marched on tlio stogo and formed In
three lines.each with two wooden dumb
bolls held over their right shoulder,
was another very pleasant feature. A t
tho sound of n nolo of music on tlio pi-
ano, struck by one of Professor Carver's
daughters, it bell was taken in each
hand, and then commenced a scries of
ealistlienic exercises performed witlt
tho bells tomuslc,vhleh was exceeding
ly novel nnd beautiful in execution. As
a relief from ordinary school exercises
it must provo not only interesting, but
highly beneficial In a physical ppint of
view to the pupils.
Prizes had been otfered by Prof. Car
ver, for tho purpose of stimulating ex
ertion, in Declamation ; and nt the hc-
giuding of tho oxerclscs, tlio school choso
a committee to determine tho successful
competitors. Tlio Report was made
In tho evening by Prof. Wickersham
as follows:
Mest Declamation, Leonl Mellck,suh-
Ject "Strength of Opinions."
Most Composition, Mlntlo Sharpless,
subJect-"The Mtillders."
Most imptovement in Declamation,
Win. M'Kclvy, subject "Lessons
taught by tlio Earth."
Most Improvement in Composition,
Miss Mettle Funstou,stibjcct "Through
tho waves to the Shore.
After the reading of the report Prof.
Carver distributed tho prlzes,belngfour
volumes of books of equal value and
To Mr. Mellck,
To Mr. M'Kclvy,
To Miss Sharpless,
To Miss Kunstou.
And from his teacher, to Master Geo.
Clark for proficiency iu Mental Algebra.
The American Family iu Germany."
l-.very thing passed olf iu u highly
satisfactory mtiuiier,and to every body's
Vlio next session opens on Monday
the tilth day of August.
rourthof July.
At a meetlngof llio Committee ofAr
uigcments hold Tuesday evening last.
the following order of exercises was nr-
rangtd forthn celebration of tho Fourth
of July in llloomsburg.
At7oVi.ijck, a. M. -Tho firo compa
nies, Indians, and brass band will
form In Iront of Snyder's Hull, nnd
proceed to the railroad station to re
celvo tlio Danvlllo firo coinnanlis.
nnd remain (hero till tho arrival of
the lierwlclc delegation, when tho
procession will march to tho front
oftbu Court Mouse nnd disband ono
half hour.
AT 1)1 O'CLOCK. A. M Tho iimcu-islmi
will again form in front ot tlio Court
Mouse, nnd march to Market Squaro
to witness tlio Indian ceremonies, tho
firo companies forming u circle to
guard llio j nutans. Alter thcso cere
monies the procession will again re
turn to front of Court Houso nnd
adjourn until 2 r. m.
At '1 u'euw I'. M, Tho rcL'ulnr urn.
cession of tho tiny will form in front
of tlio Court Houso Willi tho right
restlug on Centro street, in tho order
arranged by tlio Marshals, nnd move
ns follows. Up Mill n street to Itall
rotid street, down Railroad street to
CathnrUo street, ui Catharlno to
Fifth, down Firth to Market, up Mar
ket to Third, down Third to West,
out West to .Main, up Main to Sny
dcr's Grovo. where tho celebration
will conclude with tlio reading of tho
Declaration of Independence, orations
iC'C, &c.
Chief Marshal, Dr. W. II. Dradloy;
.isrisiiuus. juyur u. v, unciiiDcnin,
I.leut. F. P. Drinker, nnd 0. S. F'urman!
W. M. Koo.nh. Pres't
Dr. W. II. HltAix.KY, See'y,
An ant thai', As tho season is now
nl I. and for those pests, tho nuts, house
wives and others who nro troubled
with them may probably uso tho fol
lowing trap to advantage: Procure u
lurgo sponge, wnsli it well and proas It
dry, which will leuvo tho cells quito
open ; then sprinkle over it somo lino
whllo sugar, and place it where tho
ants uro troublesome. They will booh
collect upon tho sponge and take up
their abodes In tho cells. It Is only
nccssary to dip tho spongo In scalding
hot water which will wash them out
dead. Put on morn sugar nnd set tho
trap for n now haul ; this process will
soou clour the house or every nut.
Veterans to tho rront.
Veterans to tlio front I That is tho
cry of the thousands of Conservntlvo
Soldiers who will gather ns tlio repre
sentatives of n mighty host In Now
York on Independence Day. In that
city on the glorious Itli will be assem
bled not tho unscathed colonels, tlio
brovet-hrlgadlers who never saw n bat-
tle,lho corpulent commissaries, tho puf
fy paymasters, the sleek sutlers and tho
horde of political schemers who followed
tho iirmletf of the Union nnd gorged
themselves with plunder; but tho bnl-tlo-sc.irred
veterans who wero tho first
to volunteer and tho last to bo mustered
out. There will bo gathered, not tho
holiday soldiers who composed llio con
vention nt Chicago not such mlllllry
humbugs ns Carl Schurz; but the heroes
of tlio Fast and tlio West, tho men who
breasted the shock of battle on tho Ten
nessee and llio Potomac, llioo who
fought Willi Franklin, Hancock and
M"CIellau,und tlioso who marched with
Shorman to tlio Sea. There too will bo
thoso who led In tho murderous assaults
under Grant, tlio men who obeyed him
then with tho unquestioning nlncrity of
true soldiers, hut who sco'.n to follow
him now when, nt tlio bidding of a set
of radical fanatics ho has voluntarily
sacrificed every princlplo which onco
mado him seem to bo worthy of admi
ration. Tho Soldiers' Convention of July,
1808, will ben convention of real soldiers.
In It will bo heard tho voico of tho men
who first uttered tlio call to nrms when
patriotism summoned truo men to tho
field of battle That convention will
speak tho voico of tho citizen soldiery
of tho republic, of tlio men who nro now
ns ready to light for tho restoration of
tho Union nnd tho preservation of tlio
Constitution ns In sterner days they
wero to defend them sword in hand.
There will bo gathered those who have
solemnly resolved that they will never
surrender to Northern fanatics tiio lib
erty and tho laws which they rescued
from Southern secessionists.
In that Convention Pennsylvania
will bo fully represented. Already n
number of Congressional districts of
tho State liavo chosen their delegates
Home and Abroad.
It is estimated that tlio cotton crop
of thoSouth will reach -1,000,000 bales
this year.
wii.MAMuroitT and vicinity was
visited by quite a severe frost on the
The reigning Princo of Servin was
shot and killed at Mclgrndo on tholOJnst
by thrco men, two of whom have been
nrrested. This horrible murder follow
ing so closely tlio attempted assassina
tion of Princo Alfred in Australia would
seem to provo Ttoynlty a dangerottr
The nineteenth Annual Convention
of tho State Medical Society was held
in Harrisburg. Thero was a largo at
tendance. A resolution to admit wo
men to practico was defeated by n voto
of 37 to-I5.Dr. Atieo of Lancaster was lit
favor of admitting negroes ns wejl ns
women. JDr, W.H. Hrndlcy of Mlooms
burg wns tho delegate from this County-
On Friday tho 12lh Inst. Hon.Mever
dy Johnson, Senator '?Iom Maryland,
was unanimously confirmed by tlio Sen
ate, ns Minister to England.
Stuawiieiihies arc selling in Seranton
at forty cents per quart, in Cincinnati
at eight cents. Mloomsburg prices not
fixed, there being no berries in mar
ket. Tiii:uc Is a man In Michigan named
Davis who claims to ho ono hundred
nnd nine years old, and nobody lias
known him long enough to contradict
Wr. all havo our trials all except Jell'
Davis. Chicago l'osl.
HUN'ATOUSUMKUllWaSubk) tO htlltO
his opinion in tho ease of Andrew John
son in fifteen columns nnd a half of tho
Globe. Ho Is ncqulring great power us
a condenser! Cin. Cbi.
Tituiti: is n diputo among somo of
tho old omnibus proprietors in New
ork city ns lo who ran tiio first 'bus In
America. Tlio New York iS'im thinks
it was Queen Isabella, and tho names of
tlio 'bus was Colum-4(w.
ExTK.NHtvi; Fiitr.. Tlio largo plan
ing mill and sash factory of Potter &Co.
In Wllliamsport was entirely destroy
ed by firo on Wedncsdny last, together
with all tho valuable tools and machine
ry. Tho adjoining residence of S. M.
Kimble wasnlsobumed and somonelgh
borlng buildings mora or less injured.
Tlio total loss Is estimated nt $30,000 on
which Jhero Is an insuranco of $20,000.
Tlio origin of tlio firo is unknown but is
thought to havo been caused by friction
oftiio machinery.
Kkiuiitb Ti:Mi'l,AK.Tho annual Con
chwoof tho Knights Templar of x'enn
sylvaniu was held In Seranton on
vt etmesiiny last. Tho attendance was
very large. Several hundred Sir
Knights from different parls of tho
Stato wero In tho procession. Gen M
Iliddlo Roberts of Pittsburg dollvered
an oration. Tlio following grand ofil
cera wero elected for tho current year
and publicly Installed.
John Vallerehamp Grand Comman
der; James II. Hopkins, D. G. Com
mander; William M. M'Keon, G.aeno
rallsslmo; C. M. Howell, G. Captain
General ; Rev. T. J. Elezl Good.G. Pro-
Into ; Abram Mlllor, G.ScniorAVnrdeu:
Fltx James Evans, G. Junior Warden;
R. A. O. Kerr, G,, Treasurer Alfred
Crclgli, U. -Recorder".
Among tlio proceedings of tlio Epis
copal Convention, lately in session wo
find tho following;
Rov. Dr. Rudder moved that a com
mltteo of thrco ho appointed to draft
resolutions expressing tho sonso of this
Convention touching tho death of tho
Presiding Mlshop of thoProtestnnt Epis
copal Church of tho United States. Car
ried. Tho Journal of tho day was then read
by tho Secretary, after which Rov. Dr,
Howe, from tho Commltteo on Resolu
tions touching tho latoProsldlngMishop
oi mo i-rotestant Episcopal Church In
tho United States, reported tho follow
lug :
Whtrcas, Slnco this Convention last
mei.ino tiignt ttov. John Henry Hon
klus, D, D Uh, D has nayscd from
his high ofilco on earth to tho rest that
rcniaincin lor tno poopio or God; thero-
llenolml, That tho Convention of tho
uiiiut'ii in mis uioceso, with which
Whllo a Presbvter. bo was loiur nnil
honorably connected, desires to record
Its respect for his L'odlv character.
eminent talents, varied attainments.
and untiring devotion to tho duties of
ins sacred ministry (lining his loiignnd
laoorious r.piscopaie.
Bloomsbnrir Stato Normal School.
Laying qf itic Corner-Stone Gov. Geary
OOlotates Addresses by lion. C. L.
nard, Gov. Geary, Judge Klwell.
Imposing Ceremonies.
The exercises Inaugurating tlio lay
ing of tho Coriicr-stono of tho lllooms
burg State Normal School, opened by
nn address by tho Hon. C. L. Wndo, of
Towandn, In tho Hall of tho Institute,
which was crowded lit every part.
At Its close Rov. Mr. Wall or moved
n voto of thanks for tho ablo nnd Inter
esting address, Incorporating therein n
request Hint It bo furnished for pub
lication, which was unanimously vo
ted. A procession was then formed, headed
by the Moard of Trustees, and followed
by the Faculty, Students and citizens,
nnd closing with tho official dignitaries
and speakers. When tho head of the
procession reached tlio corner, it opened
to llio right and left, and tho Governor
nnd Prof. 'Wickersham, Ilon.C, L.Wurd
and tlio Examining Committee, passed
through. Thero was an immenso con
courso of pcoplo assembled on tho
ground lo witness tho ceremonies.
Tho exercises wero opened by nn In
vocation prayer of an lmpresslvo char
acter by Rov. Mr. "Waller of tho Pros
bytcrlan Church, followed by tlio sing
ing of nn Odo by tho Gleo Class.
Gov. Geary then said tlio custom was
as old as civilization itself to perform
duties similar, if not exactly llko thoso
1110 wero to perform, to wit: laying
of corner-stones. He would, therefore,
read tlio titles of tho articles to bo do-
posited in tho corner-stone. They wero
ns follows :
A copy of tlio Mlblo ; Certified conv
of tho Charter; names of tho Moard of
Trustees, iconnni u.Hupcrt, President;
John G. Frcezo, Secrotnry; Ellas Mcn-
ueiuiaii, Treasurer; iioucrt e. uiaric,
lournu uiitcuucnucr, Jonn woir. Jos,
P. Conner, William Klwell, Wm.Neal,
Catalogue of Faculty and Students;
Stato School Moard; Maj. Gen. John
W. Geary, Governor of tlio Common
wealth, .1, 1'. Wickersham, Supt. Com
mon Schools, Charles R. Coburn, De
puty Sunt. Common Schools. Last Mes
sage of Go vcrnor Geary ; Copy ol School
Laws; History of tlio Institute and
School Mulldings; ono copy cacli of
inu LUHiHioiemtno jtepuoiican uiOJJemo
oral; Proprietor of tho Grounds and
first Treasurer, 'William Snyder, (do
ceased.) Building Committee, Leonard
M. Rupert, William Klwell. William
Ncal; Architect and Muilder Henry
Carver; Advisory Architect Samuel
Sloan; Ono specimen each of tlio fol
lowing currency; 1 tnreo cent postal
currency. 1 llvo cent i03tal currency. 1
ten cent postal currency, 1 thrco cent
silver piece, Into Issue, 1 llvo cent silver
piecu out issue; i-rogramino 01 Anni
versary Exercises.
Tho box was then deposited in tho
stone, nnd the stone set in its plncowith
duo ceremony.
Gov. Geary proclaimed as follows:
Fellow citizens, tho corner stono of
11113 institution nas ;teen laid. In tho
namo and by tho authority of tho Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, I proclaim
inu iaei 10 (ins nuuicncc.
novwtNou'.s ADrniiisN.
Tho custom of laying corner stones Is
au ancient one, and although tho pres
ent ono did not occupy as much time.
ami was laid with less ceremony than
somo others, still it was sufficient for
all useful purposes. Uo anncared bo
foro them, having been selected bv
their Professor and others, with no
studied oratory, but ns a fellow citizen
and to glvo them sentiments warm
from his heart. Ho had nrrived among
them, had seen their Academic shades,
and had seen how fast their town was
developing, llo had seen their fair
daughters and promising sons como up
and exhibit themselves in 11 manner
highly crcditablo to themselves, to tho
faculty, and to their pcoplo. Ho felt
indebted to his friends for tho invita
tion. Ho felt it good to bo with them,
nnd ho felt ills heart warm toward them.
Until a fow days siuco ho had never
been among them. Ho could not help
notlug tho advancement of everything.
Ho saw n town which surprised him
by Its growth slnco ho first saw it ten
years since. Their public edifices, tliolr
manufacturing enterprises, tlio smoko
of their furnaces, all of which showed
tho Industry of tho people, surprised
him. Tlicir fertlio crops gnvo promise
that their ba ms would soon bo stored
with an abundant harvest. They ought
to bo thankful, and rniso their hearts to
tho Giver of all good. Whllosuch bless
ings rested on them, they should not
neglect tho cultivation of their minds.
When they look nround on tlio 800,000
children thfown on tho guidance of tlio
Commonwealth, and tlio 20,000 schools,
they could well feel that tho laborers
wero fow, In proportion to tlio labor to
bo performed. Education was necess
ary to freedom. Nations sunk in ignor-
anco never retain their freedom long.
Neither cau an Intelligent people long
remain enslaved.
Wo havo our llbertlo from our
forefathers ; a glorious Inheritance. If
wo would prcscrvo tlioso liberties, wo
must educato tlio children. Thero wero
many who did not hcliovoin education,
but ho would tell them that 110 man
who loves Ids country, can scolf at that
great palladium of our liberties, or at
thoso who would forward tho causo of
education. Thoy camo there, not as
Republicans, or Democrats; as Presby
teriansor Maptlstsor Methodists, but
thoy stood on tho broad platform of
American citizenship, to show to tho
world that thoyjoln their hearts, hands,
and purses for tho education of tho peo
ple. Ho called on them not to hold
their ptirso'strlngs with too tight a grasp;
hot to hesitate. In a ilttlo lcs than two
years thoy had scon ono edlllco nriso for
tho education of children, and now
thoy saw another commenced in which
to educato teachers. Honskod them to
como up and help tho friends of tlio In
stitution. Ho would not laud any ono,
They know to wiiomthohonorbelongoi
and ho would say 'alii honor to th"
gentlemen nnd laldios who hnvo con
trlbutod to Us prosperity. Let it teach
your sons Elinor J'atrte, and lovo to
God; Ood and their country should bo
in tho midst of all, As soon as It was
orectod according to tlio demands of tho
Stato, ho would say to them 011 tlio
faith of tho Commonwealth, that thero
would ho no hesitancy iu granting tlio
necessary appropriation. Ho felt nu
tliorlzed to say Hint tlio $lfi,000 promis
ed would ho forthcoming j $.ri,000 eacli
year, whoa tho conditions wero fulfill
cd. An npostropho to education of a
glowing character was hero Introduced.
Ho closed by giving tlio blessing of tho
Governor of tho Commonwealth, God
bless theso children, God bless tlio
teachers, I leavo you all my most hear
ty blessing. Mless each ono of you In
tho namo of God. As a dlsclplo of God,
I am not afraid to say I bellovo In Jo
sus Christ, and In tho Mlblo. I leavo
my blessing with you all.
Judge Rupert, President of tho
Uoard of Trustees then gavo n sketch of
tlio rise and progress of tho Institute, a
copy oJfWhlch sketch had been deposit
ed If tho Corner-stone.
JiSIbo Klwell then on behalf of tlio
board of Trustees delivered an ablo and
interesting address; going pretty fully
Into tlio Wstory of tlio Institute, and tho
clrcumstahces attending tlio erection of
tho addition, tlio Corner-stono of which
wo had Just laid In tlio presence ofrthls
largo assembly.
Governor Geary then handed over to
Prof. Carver, in a neat and pertinent
speech, tlio plans and drawings of tho
now building, bidding him God speed
in tho noblo work, and again urging our
citizens lo como up nobly with their
money to tho support of this great en
terprise. Rov. Mr. Waliar proposed tlirco
cheers for Gov.Gcary,whIch wero heart
ily given.
Col. Freezo moved to tender tho
tliauks of tho audience to Gov. Geary
for his kindness in being present wllh
them on this occasion, anil for his as-
suranco in relation to tlio ncccptanco of
the School ns n Stato Institution, and
appropriation to it of tho sum of $15,000
when wo ourselves havo dono our part.
It was suggested that tlio namo of Prof,
Wickersham bo added, which was dono
and n unanimous "aye" was tlio rc
Prof. Carver In rosponso to numerous
deserved compliments to himself, mado
an earnest speech, . promising to havo
tho building ready speedily, and tho
Gov. agreed to bo present at the dedica
My eight o'clock in tlio evening a
splendid nudionco had assembled in the
hall of tho Institute. Tho stngo was oc
cupicd by Gov. Geary, Prof. Wicker
sham, Rov. M. Collins, Hon. C. L.
Ward, nnd tho Hoard of Trustees.
Rev. Mr. Collins in tlio absenco of
Prof. Coburn, read the report of tlio
Examining Committee.
l'rof. Wickersham then proceeded to
address tlio vast audlcnco upon the sub
ject of education in general, and espec
ially upon Stato Normal Schools. It is
impossible for us to glvo even a synop
sis of it. Ho held tho pcoplo for nn
hour In silent attention, nnd attliecloso
of his speech was greeted with hearty
It was moved by Mr. Waller that a
copy of thoaddrcs3 of Judge Ehvcll.and
n copy of the report of Mr. Collins bo
requested for publication. As soon
thcreforo as wo can find room, tlio ad
dress of Mr. Ward, and of Judgo El
well, and tho history of tho Institute by
Judgo Rupert, and tho report of Mr.
Collins will bo published in full.
Sec'y Moard of Trustees.
A WTyth.
Pius IX entered on his 77th year on
tho 25th of May. Ho is fond of men
tioning that his father, Count Jerome,
died at SI ; bis mother, tlio Countess
Catharlno, at 82; his paternal auccstor,
Count Hercules at 98 ; his brother Oa
briel at 87 ; his second brother at 83.
The presont Pope was elected Juno
lfi, 184(1, and has consequently been In
his present otUco over twenty-two years.
It is a tradition of tho Church that St.
Peter was Mlshop of Romo for twenty-
five years, and a superstition lias long
pro vailed thut 110 successor shall reign
for tho spaco filled by tho Apostle. Up
to t he-present time tho rulo has hold
good. Popo Pius VI., sat tlio longest,
reaching 2 1 years, C months and 11 days
The incumbent is of a long lived race,
and Is likely not to die of old ago with
in tlio spaco of threo years, but it will
bo curious to note if tho belief of tlte
mlddlo ages, shall bo tlio law of tho
Roman Church.
How G eneualsii 1 1 Saves Sor,-
dieii's Lives. In tlio campaign from
tho Rapidan to tho James, Grant had
three soldiers to Leo's ono nnd 12,000
over, 222,000 to 70,000.
Qrant used up six times as many
men as Lee and 3,000 over, 117,000 to
Grant used up as many men as all
Leo had, and 12,000 mora than half ns
many ngnin, 127,000 to 70,000.
Grant used up 53 per cent, of ids en-
tiro force. Leo used up but 27 per. cent,
of his force.
This wasteful butchery being finish
ed, Grunt was still far from conquering
lis antagonist. Thoy had yet to meet
In front of Petersburg nnd Richmond,
whoro tho deadly game of swopping oil'
six Northern soldiers for one Southern
soldier proceeded till Leo's inforior
force was used up. Would that bo gen
eralship Id checkers? AT. V. World.
O.neMonth's Exvt.nditukks. Tho
warrants issued by tlio Treasurer for
tho expenses of tlio Governmeutdurlng
tho month of May, nmountod to Fon-ty-six
anii a Half Millions ov
Dor.LAits. At that rato tho annual ex
penditures of tho Government, under
tho wasteful rulo of tho Radicals,
amounts to Five Hundhed' and
TniitTV-EiGHT Millions a year ; and
that in time of peaec. If tho pcoplo
want economy nnd reform let them put
this party out of power. Until thoy
do that they cannot liopo for any im
Mub. IJeeciieu Stowi:. after a win
ter's rcjildcnco In Florida, hays that "tho
Southern people nro no mora inclined
to resist tho laws or to foster tho spirit
of rohelllon than Vermont Is. Thoy
dcsl roonly peace and tho restoration of
tlio Union." Mrs, Stowo uacd to bo a
very good authority In overythintr ro
uting to slavery and tho South, nnd
wo presumo thin what sho pays of tho
fooling and wish oUho Southern pco
plo is true.
Tin: following men wero members of
tlio UepuuHcan party In 16G0. and havo
since been read out of it Ulalr, Evans,
boward, Itandall, wells. Btanborry,
Hates. Clmso. Trumbull, Eessenden,
Grimes, Itoss, Doollttle, Cowan, Dixon,
and M'CulIoch. On tho other haud,tho
present Jtadlcal party has received Lo
gati, Stanton, Ben Butler and Sickle
Wo rather llko tho exchange
Hi: uk fsanltum for tho consideration
of our good housowives, mid wo Imvo
somo very excellent ones in this town i
"A email piece of paper or linen,
moistened with snlrlts of turpentine.
and put into a bureau or wardrobo for
a single day or two, or threo Union a
ywir,is u goou protection ugainsimoins
uLjIttj;lV8 Living Aok1' No. 1235
Is printed on now typo. Other changes
and Improvements aro promised. Wo
suggest ono tho omission of such stulV
os"Whlttier to Colfax."
Washington If ews.
WASllIltdTO! Jntie Z
Tho President to-dav sent to tho
Houso of Representatives n messngo
vetoing tho bill for tho admission of tho
States of North nnd South Carolina,
Georgia, Alabama, Florida and Louisi
ana to representation In Congress, on
certain fundamental conditions. Tho
Houso was In Commltteo of tho Whole
on tlio tax bill when tlio messago was
received, and It was not taken up and
read for somo tiino. After it had been
read, however, tho question was taken
on tlio passngo of tho bill, "tho objec
tions of tho President lo tlio contrary
notwithstanding," nnd resulted, yeas
10-1, nays 80. So tho hill passed over
tho voto. A mossncro was immediately
sent to tho Senate, notlfylug that body
01 tno action 01 tno iiouso on 1110 meas
ure, nnd shortly after thrco o'clock tlio
bill was taken up in tho Senate, and
passeu oy a voto 01 uo to a. go h is now
a law, as far as sucii an outrageous and
unconstitutional mcasuro can bo enact
ed by a two thirds voto, In n Congress
not representing all tlio States, as re
quired by tho Constitution. Tho North
Carolina "carpet-baggers" aro hero
ready to tako seats in tho House under
tho new bill, hut nothing Is said to-day
concerning their admission, although It
Is qulto likely that they will all get In
ero long.
wasuinotok, June a).
I.MroiiTANT action respecting Gov
ernment securities was taken by tiie
Houso to-day. Mr. Cobb, of Wisconsin,
introduced n resolution Instructing the
Ways and Means Commltteo to report
n bill lovying n tax of ten per cent, on
tho interest derived from United States
bonds. Tlio resolution passed without
amendment, yeas 92, nays 51. This Is
considered an Important step, and the
majority by which tho resolution pass
ed Indicates that when tho Ways and
Means Committee report tlio bill called
for thereby, It will go through the
Iiouso by nbout tho samo voto as that
recorded above. It is doubtful howev
er, whether it will pass tho Senate this
In tho Criminal Court of tho District
to-day tho caso of Surratl was called,
and tlio accused appeared iu company
with his counsel, Messrs. Merrick and
Mradley. Tho District Attorney stated
that ho proposed to go to trial on tlio
now Indictment, remarking that he did
not liitcnu to prosecute tno out one. Al
ter somo consultation among tho coun
sel, tho Court fixed tho 21st of Septem
ber next for the trial, tho ball bond civ-
en a week ago being continued for tho
appcaranco 01 tno accused on that day,
Tlio now Impeachment articles of
Tiiau. stovcnsjiogetncr wan tno speech
which Is to nccomiiany them nro finish
ed and In typo. Proof slips havo been
taken but aro refused the press. Mr.
Stevens will tako tho first opportunity
to present them, nnd may do so to-mor
row or next tiay.
Thero seems to bo little doubt among
thoso best informed regarding tho Pres
ident's movements, that tlio Amnesty
i-rociamation which nas uccnpromiseu
for so lomr 11 timo is now in actual nrcn-
unit Ion, and that it will include all tlio
exceptions made in his previous procla
General Grant will leavo hero to
morrow morninsr on his Western tour,
As has been stated tho expedition will
no aiiogeincr private, ucnerni unw
lins, chief of staff, will remain nt head
quarters for tho purposo of attending
to any official business that may require
thi: r.initT-iiouu hill.
President Johnson has slmicd tlio
1)111 in favor of enforcing tho eight
hour law in all tho navy yards and oth
er government workshops. It takes
Immediate eil'ect, and tho employes at
tho Government Printing Ofllco here
commenced work under thu eight-hour
law to-day.
Maikel Report,
Wheat per bushel
Corn "
O.its. "
Flour per ban id
it w
7 ()
1 M
'.' 51
16 IK)
Dried Apples
Hides undHliouldtrs
iMTii per pound
Hay per ton
Hemlock Boards per thousand feet SKI 0
l'lno " " fomi lin-lil lUnlS)
Joist, .Scantling, plank, (Hemlock) 15 uo
Hhlnglcs, Ntt. 1 per thousand..
, n vaj
7 W
1.1 00
No. 1 Scotch pig,
No, 2 "
JMtlladelpbla Markcli.
Tiit'it'jrAV, JunoB.i,
Northwestern supcrflno nt....
, $7..Vt(iS S.W
0.WV.8 0V)
Northwestern jiuntly..
Peuusyhanlu nnd W e
isoriuweitierii exini.
usvnanla nnd Western suneifiuo... .7o6lv.w
'eunsvlvnnhi and Western extra OjOffliMO.OU
Peuusylvauln and Western family 10,5itl2.75
Pennsylvania and Western iauey 13.00(15.1')
uyo uour
Wiii:at IVmiKylvunla led, V bus. ...
California " " ,
white ,
Hve Pennsylvania ivi. iibiu
. llcGtllUo
CoitN Yellow, ,
l'novisioNi Mess l'otk, V bbl
.Mess ueei,
Dressed Hogs, V "
bmoked Hums "
" bhouldcrs U
Lard. W lb
Hkkih Cloverseed i bus
Timouiyst-ea V luis
Flaxseed "
Cattlb Beor CattloU...A
Cows, head
Hhei:i' V tb
Hoas-V 1U0 tts
8 p e a t r s.
Tho Ofilco oftiio Into l'ntriot ami Union havlliU
passed into the linnda of tho undersltaied, they
iiiuuti iuhiipjiy a vaeuum uiai nan iouk cai
lu the ni; whim mr iirru4 of Interior PelinHVl
From some cnuse or other tho reading masses
of the Democratic party of tho great Interior
counties ofthe state, havo been compelled, either
todo without t ho lutcst news, or patronise. Jour
nal whoso polltlcuUeutimeutit wero UUtasteful
to them.
Tho Morning Patriot Is Intended to fcupply this
lln nrnnrlf tnr nrn lf tprminpil inai no eiloriil
shall bo spared, on their part, to make it fully
eoual, us a newspaper, to any of Its competitors.
nlrnle. up to tho hour of goliitf to press, will bo
lurnibueain lis eoiumnn uvery inununKi uimi
Its Ini'L-n Kizo will enablo It to elvo oulto us much
reading mutter us any of Us contemporaries.
Asnn advocate of sound political sentiments,
IH UIIUK 1IU lllfUUll. vitijuu Jt miiiuii, iit uHi iy
lug ltseutlro eneriiies to tho good or tho wliolo
party t as a vehicle of tne miesi nows, unu a
chronicler of passlne events, wo aro determined
luuiu snail not uo exitiifu mm wuuiiiiuiruiij
anneal to a dlscrlmlnatlne public lor thnl annre-
elation nnd eneouragemeut which are InulKiM'ii
fen u 10 iq success.
For the Dally, ono year lu advance w... . $7 d)
' six months, II flu
Hlnglo copies, Threo Cents,
It Is tho determination of tho proprietors of tho
Patriot to rauke their weekly Journnlfully equal
to what thu "Patriot nnd Union" was lu its pal
miest ilays. 11 win no ouo oiino largest weeuiy
en to fill Ita columns with such read Inu mntter
as will bo alike Inferential: and useful to tho
Farmer, tho Mechanic and tlio Man of Huslueis(
and to make It nn ufrccnbleand welcome visitor
In ftvtrv famtle.
livery person should subscribe to tho paper
pilllieu in nm own euumy, unu wo uu nov mean
to enter Into competition wllh tho locul papers
f the bt ate, Hut, many people tako their homo
paper nnd u city pnper lu addition. To fciuh we
senu ureeuni:,
Hi utile ropy, ono year H. 23 AO
" " six months - 1
Teu eoples, ono year 'Jl oo
Twenty copies, ono year .Vi tx)
i'lfty " (tuoneaddiess)lyttnr..., 73 of)
One hundred copies " " U1) to
All oiucr sitouiit uo nuiiresiieti to
It. r.MllVKlW a Co.
llunlfcbuig, l'a,
I.0U14 IHtOWN, C1UH. J. KWAl.D.
N. K. Cor. Third &. Vino Strew,
Ms) IN, IW(-ni,
Tlio pemocrilllo votern of llio noveial PUtrlrtfl
In Columbia county nro rcqnonteil to meet nt tho
muni r-lneoor holding thoftcnornl Flection, on
HntnrJny, tlte lt ilny of Aui!Ht ls, between tho
hou nf iliree o'clock 111 llio nUcrnoon. nuil cv
on o'rlock In ttie nncrnoon of Hint ilny, nml elect
by lmllot two persons to represent tho LilRtrlct tn
n County Convention to no helil nt tlio Court
Houso in llloomsburg, on Monday, August tkl.nt
13 o'clock, noon 1 lo select two Congressional
Conferees to meet similar conferees from tho
other counties of tlio District, to nomlnntcncnn
illdnto for Congress 1 two Hepreseutattvoconrer
ecsto meet similar conferees Irom tlio other
county In the District In nominate n candidate,
for Member nf Assembly! nnd to nominate ono
fierson for County Commissioner! ono person
or District Attorney 1 ono person for Coroner
nnd ono peisou for County Auditor) To lj sup
ported by tlio Democratic pnrly nt tlio coming
election t
Ily order nf tlio Committee. J. tl. l'llEKZK,
C 11. M'Ukskv, Chairman.
(I, W, llrr, .1. 0. Wkknrh,
It. .!. MlI.I.AIUi, J. O. HU1CK,
Domocratio State Ticket
rou seitVRvon-nKN kiia 1. i
Candidates for Nomination.
Ihf following gentlemen Imvo been mentioned
for nomination to tho several County OMcev to
bo filled by election tho present yenr, nnd their
names will bo presented for tho coiihMerntltm f
tho Demnerntla County Convention:
TO Till
Tho limlcrtcned resnoctfullv ntiiiotinco that
by mutual consent, nnd to secure harmony
among their friends, they will not be en mil date
before tho Democratic County Convention for
nomination to tho olllce of ltepreientntivo in
the Legislature nml they ery eonllallv
recommend for that poslttun Col. lllnim It
Kline, oi urungo Township.
June 22, 1SH,
Thero Is uomedlcln equal to llooitund's fier
man Hitters In cases of debility. It imparts a
tono and vigor to tho whole system, strengthens
the appetite, causes an enjoyment of tho food,
enables tho stomach to digest it, purities tho
blood, elves a good, sound, healthy .complexion , es tho yellow tlngo from tho eyes, Im
parts a bloom to tho check, nnd changes the pa
tient fiom a tdiort-bicathed, emaciated, weak
and nervous Invalid, to A full-fared, stout and
vlgoious person. 'Hooflands Germnn Bitters"
Is cuttiely free from all alcoholic ndmlxtuie,
Is a combination ofthe ingredlcntsof Iloolland's
Bitters wllh puroBantaCruzKum, ornnge, anise
Ac., making ono of the most agreeable and
pleasant prepamtlonsextunt. Tho tonic is used
by tlioso requiring a good nnd scientific sliinu.
lant, I'rluclpnl office, &11 Auh Sl.,l'blln.
hold by nil DruggMs. June 12, W.
The reason why Mishler's lleib Hitters cures
ho many dWVrcnt diseases, is because It Is the
bet remedy for n deranged stomneh, or Dyspep-
uv now Uiiown, mm teauiAO it invigorates the
entlro system, Mrcnglhcns tho nervous fibres.
elevates tho standard of nil the itnl forces nnd
sustains n most healthful tono of tlio entire bit
man organlnm. Medicine that will do this will
euro any dlsenso for tho simple reason, t lint na
ture will do tho rcbt.
W'o guarantee that no woman or child, how'
ever pjlo and emaciated, can me thcso Bitters
regularly for twenti'-onc dnjs, without tho iC'
turn of tho rosy ihceks nnd fair complexion
characteristic, ol good" health. Soul by nil Drug
gists and Dealers.
Dr, H. II. Ilnrtmau A Co., lVopiietors, Lancaster
ra., nnd Chicago, III. Juao lif.-H
J. AY. Hornor, Esq., a prominent lawyer of Turk
ersburir. XV. a., savs : " I hail 37 Kunnlm: Ulc
ers when I commenced taking Dr. Audors' Iodine
Water. Mv Unas I. IhionL and Face was ono
coiiuiiuoui oir. i n in now u vtii mail, unu um
satisfied the lodlno Wnter saved inv life."
viieuiars in reguiu 10 mis remiuy win uo seni
J. P. DIXKMOIIC. Prmirlftnr. I!fi Uev hlieft.
Tho treat amount of timo consumed by the
idles In dresslnuand arrant-lntr lhrlr liatr must
make any nrtlclo which would lc-ssou their labor
bioshi leases tho hair In such condition ns to
render loo dressing and arranging n ery eniy
matter. It lmimrts to tt that Kiilcndld iiIokkv nn
pcarancoo much admlrcil, eh'niises tho scalp
irom dnndruil" mid air1 humors, and prevent
baldness : promotes Its mowth and restores irrnv
uair to us originni coior, -ii
Wilson will send (free oi charge) to all who U est id
rrrt fiMuimilTllH'U . Tl.. u.. f I. ...... 1
uudUhluKlho simplo remedy by which ho was
i n lunuaiieciion ami tnu
Consuuiptlon, Ills only object Is to benefit tho
ullllcU'd, nnd ho hopes every sutTcrer will try this
nresciintioii. us it will cosi
No. 1C5 Houth Kecond Bti eet,
my3ro7-ly, Williamsburg, Kings co N, V.
INKOHMATIOX.-Iuformntlon cuarnntccd to
irotluco a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald
moval of I'lmnles, lllotchcs, Uiupllous, etc., oi
icna or beardless iue. nison rcccioo lor ihu in-
i nu Mini, it'll vi nii inu Niiinu him. cii'iir. nun nriuiii
ful, can bL'obtaliifHl wilhortcharijobyuddressina
uiun. r. isJim .uain, i;nemisi.
se13'ti7, yJ llroadwuy, New York,
livery ono at times feels tho neco-sity of somo
thing to tono up tho system depressed by mental
or bodily exhaustion. At such times let every
ouo Instead of taking ulcohollo or medicinal stim
ulants, which ntTbid only n temporary relief, ie
Invigorate his debilitated system by tho natural
tonic elements of tho
or Trotected Solution of tho Trotoxido of lion.
which vitalizes and enriches tho blood by sup
plying: it wllh IU llfo Element, Iron,
llelng free from Alcohol In any form, Its ener
gizing cficcts aro not followed by corresponding
reaction, but nro permanent. Infusing strength,
vigor and new llfo Into all parts of tho system,
and building up an. Iron Constitution,
KiivRf "Hlneo taklinr tlio l'eruvlitn h run I fi-cl
belter, my strength Is Improved, my Umcl nro
regular, my nnnetlto first rate.
Thero Is an old Physician In this city (older
IUU11 tllUJ. WIIU J1US UVVU 111 lUt)
forWvenis. who has used the t
months, and ghes It ns his decided opinion, thut
it inn uesi .uierauvo xuuio icuieino no eer
l-'or Dysnensla, Debility, and Temalo Weak-
ncsses, nio Peruvian Hy rup Is a sptcjile. A page
pamphlet sent free, 'iho genuine has "Peruvian
Hyrup" blown In tho glnss. J, p. DINHMOUK,
l'roprietor, No, !W Dey Ht New Vork, Hold by all
IMItoUnl tlio PciinaylVDUla liutltuto cr.McJl
cine, contain, nn nrtlclo on Iyaprjwla,ciillli
nnd Kcve r, nnd Kidney AflVctlom, in which tho
witter itONltlvcly declare, that tho whulo iclenre
of iledlclno pobseRscn no remedy for tho euro of
thoso, that la Imlfns clllcaclonH on MUli
Kt' Herb Illttera. Ho Mcuk fiom exierlcnc,
having Uked tlicm lu his practico for thu imst
two ycarH, 10 tno exclusion ofull other remedloj,
Hold by all DiueuUta and Dealers.
DU.H. II. HAItTJIAN A CO., Proprietors
easier, l'a., and UUcago, llllnoU.
Juno 19, .
Alllllnerv nrirulri lllht.nti. hlibu rim....
uscils, VaiikeoNntloiis.Hklrls, liriss and ClouU
........i.i p., uim riiuKt's, au uiiuit regular itri-
jc. I.nillt's' Vhalcbono Corsets,ut(illets.,7ortH,
M II I llioru ut.r.'nll...l IllU .llllllTlll .V
auu.811 & S1IU tlrand, IHl.m 70 Allen Hired.,
Juim Fifth llloelc liast from Iho llowory,
Munsoir. Copper Tubular Ughtulna ltod U
Iho best proteclfon against disaster by lightning
ever Invented, Tho subscriber 1 agent for tho
uuuvn luvt-uwou, nuu uu nruers oy niau or in
TliciierAOii who tool
took tlin VimL nf Hid uti.lnf.
RlgnM rrom tho feneo-on tho rnrul in thoilopoi
tnstTuemlny morning, was noeM nnd H lcnmwi,
Unless it it returned nt onco tho party wl!l W
prosecuted for then, J. li. rtlllMAN.
U U H II H II U H (J, r At
Tho undcrftltmed won It! rpfmnrtfullf Inrurm
the traveling pubtfotlmt ho Ha purclntNcd nnd
rc fitted In tho bent mnnnor the old Mninl former
ly omiplcd by W. A. Kline, nml thnt ho It now
prepiireu in neenmmoumo nn iriemmviui nil llio
eomtorts nnd eonvcnlenccsofn (IrHt-cliiSH liouv
A fine new bnrn has been buttt nnd the fttirroim.
rtlnm plnced In perfect order. Tho bur will nl
wnya bo otneked with tho ehotsest liquors nnd el
L'nrn, nnd tho table furnKtiPil with tho bent the
inntket affords. JAMIlfi V. UIMjAHI'IK.
juiy ;vj
In tlio Orphan's Court for tlio County of Coin in thu innitoroftltcestAtoof JoHCpliltnyhurBl
to miiko tl Htrlbutlon of thu bnlnnco In th hnntU
of Snm'l Achcnb.irh, Adtnlntflttntor of .lo,llny
mirei ucci'iutrii, iuuong mo crcuiior en uio wiui
IntcMatc, will meet tht part tea Interested for the
purpofto of his appointment on Fimiiav. ,ltti,
2 1 st, A. 1). lm. nt IDo'cloclc, A. M., nt IiIk olhYe In
llloomsburB, Columbia count y( l'a.
All peraoui having claim ngnlnst the t-Mule
nro hereby required to present to the Ami I lor, or
on failure tu present the Bruno bo forever delmi tM
from com 1 1111 In for aMinronftho said cMute.
C. Ii. I1UOUKWAY, Auditor.
A dmi;
nf ndiiilnlKtriillnn on tho fKhitn of An.
ilrew Mellck. Into of Ml. Tleimant twn.. Cohitn
bin co., deceased ,li a ve t teen granted by tho ItcuW
terof snld county to Sninuel Crcnsy of MlMUn
1 1 If. All itcrhon tiavlnu claim or drm:inU
against tho estntoof tho ticcerieut nro requested
inmnKo inem Known, ana inoso indebted to
matte purine!!!,
July 3,'W-Gt. Administrator,
tho Ornhau's Court for tho fuintv oi (Vilntn.
bla lu tho matter of tha estate of Harriet Yont,
late of Columbia co.t l'a. Tlio Audltorappolnt
ed by tlio Court will met-t tho Credltois at tho
ofilco of U, 11. llloomsburg to make dis
tribution nmongst Creditors on Fit in A v. the
31stdny of July next.
All persons having claims against tho estato
nro hereby required to present to tho Auditor, or
on failure to present the samo bo forever deburied
irom coming in lor n Kiiaro oi in hnui i-sioie.
ui-.u. n., Auouor,
July 3,'
plf 11 L I c" N0T I cTe?
All DemotiH aro herc'bv notified not to enter on
tho premises of tho undersigned for tlio purpose
of huutingorshootlng game. Any person Ires
massing auer ino puoiicuiion oi mis noiiee. upon
ho tiremUes of either nf tho under I trued will bo
Sylvester Tuuel, lllram Appleui'iu,
John Miller, Wm. Kycify,
Ksau Olrlon, John Ulrton,
David W. Armstiong, Harry Uiolr,
Daniel Yocum.
Malhlus Applcmau, Diivld Winner,
Oeorgo W. Oorrell, Moses Coll man,
July a,1i3-U
A U SI K K S ! I
Itcoutatus throo iter i-ent. of Ammonia, an
amnio quantity to gUe activity without Injury
iu inu vi'Kuiuuuii, mm u iurgi' uuicvniugo oi so
lublollouo l'honnliato of Limp. totrMlitT ulth
Potash and Hnda, tho eseutlal elt-ments of a
COMI'LKTlIMANlHtR Tho Increased sales to
farmers who aro using It with highly sntlsrueto
ry results Is a surcguaruuteoor lis value. Price,
SaOpcr ton of 1(1 bags 'Jun lbs each. St ud for i
pamphlet. Addres
111J. A1U VI.IjA IJUjrtU i u
JulyOCS-ly 67 IJroadwoy, N. Y.
Dr. Chalfiint havlnir locatcil In IllnnniHbiit-u
tho practico of bin profesnlou, Is anxious touwn
Ueu u new Interest upon thchubject of Dentist,
1-111.-31, HV1, lUUU.AlUUAl.l i:ill 11.
Tills most Imnnrtnlit hrnneli nf n.iitlslrv 1.
discovers has never been plopeily Introduced,
No truth Is inoro obvious Mian that a natural sit
nf teeth with proper earo will last 118 possessor n
im-iimi-, vi nu nuns num.- pvrson.s WHO tn.jeel
tohnvlug their teeth tilled, Judging by bltterov
perlenco that it Is useless. Tosueu ho extends
the coidial Invitation.
fOMIlTO 1) . U All-ANT smni'i:. lm v ,.
amino your teeth Heo ofehuign nnd eonvluce
jouof your eiror, llo has methods ot lining
teeth never beloro practiced In mis section m
country, and menus of proving bi tho mi.l
siicpucai inui inu lining cannot possibly lie re
moved irom tho euMtlcs. Ho comment Is ho ol
this that lu this department lif mil Imiirr 1,1,
n-orkortcniiiira. He also tludH pel sons eon. il
ly prejudice ugalnst
AltTll'lUlAI, THUT II,
objecting that they cause pain, una prodiuv
soreness lu the mouth, that lliey must bo taken
out when eating, nnd that Ircmicntly they aiv
In view of this bo wishes you to ItllAD HIM
TKHMS. llo will nut up any set of teeth, upper
or lower, or part of cither, unit Insert tlieiii sn
that they cannot bo distinguished fiom uutmnl
teeth, and guaranteu satlslactlon In cery cave
Any person not pleased wllh his work In eoij
parilculur, need not tako It 1mm thooillconrpio
ior It. as he allows no iaso to leavo his olllce
which produces tho slightest pain, or would he
likely to ereato soreness In the mouth, llo ex
tracts teeth by tho uso ol
that being tho anaesthetic In general live, and
recommended by lending Dentists thioimhoul
tho United Htoles. llo will administer "thu
however to thoso picrerrlng It.
COMIIAND W:i:lIIM,howlll exumlno jour
teith, nnd glo dliectlous for preserlug them.
Irco of charge.
Koundot all hours In his ofllee. next door In
Dr. J, It. Uvans, Main ht. below Mmket, lllisiius
burg, l'a.
J" W. SAMPLE &. CO.,
MAIN HT,, A I A 11. II. It., HI,OOMSIHinU, l'A.,
Aro pieparedto furnish all Muds nf Machine
work, such us
Hhaftlng, Tullcys, Hangers, Couplings, Mlll-gear
lug. Haw mandrils, etc., (Juage cocks, let cocks,
Mteam pipe, together with all kinds of Htetinitlt
tlngs constantly on hand.
Threshing Machines and Horse l'oweis mado
tooider, All kinds of Agrleultuial Machinery
repaired. May 2s),'ls,
11 nersons nro liercbv notllled not to outer on
tho premlspsof tho undersigned for the puipoho
of hunting or shooting gamo.
ui iiuuiim; or s looiimi camo. uy ncrhou irt
paaslng.nlter tho publfcathai of this uotlce.upoii
tho premises of either of the uudcrblgncs w III bo
John HiiAitri-bst,
J A CO II til ST,
Ham urn Kisitrit,
John N. Uohdon,
l'KIKU Al. jCkhsiineu.
Ono. H. WiLLiTt
J. 8. HllUMAN (Ali-MH. oi
D. W. C'lAlIK'H li-iT.)
Montour townxhlp, June. ViVti-j-H
A It It E N 8
Tho advantages which this composition possesses
aro many. It Is both watertight nnd rfrc-prooi.
It Isuotuftt'Ctcdbyhcntorroltl. It can bo ap
plied lo nn nlmoht peilectly tint roof, ono inch to
llio foot being all that Is required. It is easily
and quickly mmlrcd. Its cost Is less than any
other lire-proof roof now In use. Testimonial
from all parts of tho country ns lo Its durability,
security and cheapness will no shown by
Junoo,'C8. Agent, Illoomsbuig, l'a.
A flno specimen of tho roofing can bo seen at
W. l.lvoons now houso on Fifth Htreet,
Tho eitlztms of llloomsburif havAiIctciintiii .I tit
celcbruto tho coming unnlu-isury of tho Dccbuu
tlon of ludependenco, by such exercises oswlll
instruct, cntettuln and ainuso all classes and
ages, lixtciihlvo arrangements bin o been made,
nnd a lenl old-fashioned celebration Unntlclpat
ed, Tho following Is npait of tho piogtumnio
Iteprosentatlonln proper ciiarncter audappio
prlafo costumo of various events In our uationnl
and local hhtorj', including
with tho ludluus rochnhontaseavlug tho I Kim.
Kckcuo of John Harris from Iho Rluk! Van
Cum pen running tho Gauntlet, etc., etc,
Heading of tho Declaration of Independence!
u dd i esses by distinguished Orutois troiu honm
and abioud I and a Urand l'nrado by several Kite
t'omjiunles Irom liloomsbuig uud other place.
A torch light dance hi tho drove, under the au
spices of tho liloomsbuig Hook and ladder Com
puny. Cltlens froni neighboring towns ami
counties aio cordially Invited to purtleipato In u
celebrutlon calculated to remind us of tlioso ear
ly days, when weio secured fur U tho blessings
and privileges which asAmeilcauw wo enjoy,
9i Tho llloomsburg llrass Haud has been se
cured, Airangements have bueu made for ex
curslou tickets on thej,4 II, Hallioad, t'omo
ono I Como all II
Ily order of Commltteo on nrrnugemeiiU.
Commltteo oiU'ublUullou,
oxlcnslvo AtHortiiiont of inon'u
and bov' I.INKN HIIII1T FltONTH. I'nuer
arsand Lulls, and I.ADira Linen Coi.i.aus
and (-UFFK sellllncehean bv
M.ylV'-". H, U, Ullir.KMAN,