THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sfhc (falttmbinn. iimiommk uti, i.-iui)AY, .ii;m: n, John YiiAanit Inst n very lino imiro n few duys n;o, by ilcatli. Tun llfocstiitii or Jacob HotT-iinn, In pronrly In Cutiiwlimi uw sold on Kiitunliiy ln-t tit tjliurlir Sulc, to 11. 1. I'ortni'r for $101. OK WVdncMlny of hiit week, Alfml H. Ilii'wiinii mul Jiuncs ('. Hrnwn re ci'lvid their Vlnmii'.sOj cri lloti-c, lis (,nt(lliiitisof DIcMntiili Sun. nnry. Timm: will bo n Ti'inpcnncc l.cctiuo (k'llvori'tl by tlic lti'V, J. M. Kmcrvcm of Si'lln-giovo In tho Prfsbylorlnn church In this plnconn Tliur.Mlay oven ln July 2d. Htt.AS M'Hi'.khy mid Snimiul Applo man, on Huturiluy lint, mihitiI, in half riu hour, In tho 1'lililtitf Creek ncr Win, Ilulmcs' 3D Trout wliifo united Iciillis were 20 feet !) Inches. Go to tho Kxchan jje Snloou for nil the delicacies of tho season, l'resh eiitlNIi eals clo., every evening. Ale, Luger, cholco liquors ninl sljiars nlwuy.son hand and of tho best cjunllUcs. Wi: were pre-cnted last week with n mess of trout, by John M'llenry, tho largest of which writhed ono pound and threo quarters. Thero was not llio faintest odor of calico about any of them. Tin: lea-ehold estate of tho Heaver Creek Coal Co. situated In Heaver Town ship, was Mild on Saturday I st, at Sheriff's Halo, to John Jl'Kcynolds of liuckhorn for the sum of two thousand dollars. Wi: K" 111 to rnrly 1" fi'vo any account of tho ceremonies at tho Inyiug of tho corner stono of tho Statu Normal School HulldliiKS, which took placo on Thursday. Wo hope next week to bo nblo to filvo a full report of tho excrcl-ecs. A Young man named Drelbelbls em ployed on tho Court llouso extension fell from the scairold, on Thursday morning of last week and sprained bis ankle besides receiving soino bruises. Ho had only begun work u fW hours beforo his accident. A vounoi: man by tho nanio of Jo seph Van&icklo was placed in jail on Tue.-day Itiit on tho charge of stealing a pen knife. Tho alleged theft was committed In lpy, whilst Vansickle and others wero engaged In playing card-", In October last. rouuTlt or JULY. The attention of our readers is called to tho fact thai tho "(ilorious I'ourth" will bo celebra ted In this place In a becoming manner. For particulars soo tho advertisement In another column, or tho posters W e have no doubt tliero will bo a lingo turn-out. ON Thursday IS1, Juno, Dr. Harrison, assisted by Or.Str.uvbridge of Danville and Doctors Well-", Freeze and Schuy ler of ISIoouisburg, removed a large tumor from tho chin of Albert Hunter of Pino township. This wo understand Is tho third operation that has been per formed. O.N tho occasion of Oov. Geary's vl-lt on Friday of last week, whilst a largo number of horses and wagons were con gregated at tho Depot a horso belong ing to Mr. John White look fright and up Market Street upsetting and badly braking tho buggy, lie was II nally caught mid found to bu unhurt. THE KALEIDOSCOPE! A nwp or limy life, IU nuituutloiiMnlHl IMMislcnnrcili-." NO. I.MM. We arc requested to announce that tho Phllologl, m Society am desirous of Increasing tlu or books In their Libraiy. Tnoy ask for contributions from tho citizens of town. Any boo!, of interest will bo thankfully received. Mr. 1. 11. Mcndcnball, tho Librarian, will call for tho books upon being unti tled by those do-irons of contributing. Tin: following Orand and Petit Jur ois wero drawn by tho Commissioners at Wllkos-llan-o on Tuesday. ltudoliih Seybcrt, Salem; Jacob Hip- penstoiol, Jlolleuback ; Henry ltuycr, N'escopeck; Isaiah Stiles, Hullcnback i Annul Harrison, Huntington ; Jere miah Hess, Hollenbacki 1.. 11. Dobsou, Huntington; John Fusterniaker.Saleui. "Isn't It stylish V' "What?" "Why that suit of clothes V" "Oh ! of cour-oit is. Chrmncrlin made it. 1 can tell from tho btyle. Tho best of It Is, too, that his suits always look and lit well as ho uses nsclcntlllu method of cutting them." Thero Is no doubt of It. Chem berliu is tho man to apply to, If you wish to bo perfectly ut!-lled. Try it Just onco. ' ADVi'.itTlHlNO, Who ever wrote tho following uiKiuestlonably uttered a truth which many have learned to their cost ; "Dis(ontlnuliig to advertise Is like takliiL down one's sJgn. It Is a sort of Intimation of retirement from business, and tho public treat It as an evidence that something has gone wrong Whli'li requires privacy from Investigation. Whatuvf r voiistructjon Is put upon It, tlio result isui'amroua." Timi: to Fish. An old fisherman says If n man wants to catch ll-li when- over ho vliw tho creel;, let mm not nick the full moon days to do It in. He gives a philosophical reason for tho nil vice, lie says when tho moon Is full tho nights being bright, enable the fish to do nil their foraging In tho night time. Of course, having all their wants supplied, they lay uu all day, and con aeiiuently thero Is i scarcity of bites, Under a now moon season, tho fish slecq at night and work by day, which iuake tho dllTeronco In tho llsherman's string Runaway. Quito a eerlous accident happened on Sunday iifternoun last, at Kspy, which resulted In tlio hoveio brul-lng of Harry Long, Clerk at tlio Forks Hotel In this placo. Some mall clous rascal hud unfastened ono of tho reins from tho bit and buckled It to tho hamcs. Tho horso on starting became frightened mid, as was unalilo to guldohlm, ran against n poat and broke tho wagon, harness etc., throwing Long to tho ground. Uesides being baillj bruised, his faco was very muchfcratcli ed. Tho conduct of tho fellow who tin fastened thu rein and was tlio cau-o ol tills accident cannot ho too wverely con deinncd. It did cause much losj ami personal liiconvcnluncu and mUjht have led to lo.n of lilc. eiirquipooiA AND VICINITY. Ouit lodging place was miserable In the extreme. Tlio hut wns not only mud built and whidiiwhs-i, but dirty, cheer less and full oi tl,.,H, Thu night was cold, owing to our great height, and we hud no fuel i-xc-pt the paramo grass or tlio dried ordure of anlinals. Of eour.-n wo had to depend on our own resources for sunner. because the pliuo coiitalnid no provision w liutuvir for travelers '1 he night wo puved vn wretched In the extreme, whllenur hor ses must havo fund much worse, having nothli.g to eat but tlio co.ii so paramo gra-s, and coinpelhd to stand knee deep In mud through the whole of a long night. Near by us was aslugular cave of trachyte which I vl-lled. Through tho crevices of the ro.-k tlio melted lava of Chlniborazo had at oil" time poured, and now liung pendent fioni the rock. ThoHpu:iniens 1 gathered were Impreg nated mi strongly with Iron ore, as to resemble pig metal In weight, color, and shape. Dnury ami unpleasant ns Clumiilpo- gla is In Itself, It Is surrounded by places of tho highest lilstoi ic and natur al Interest. Uchlnd ns roo Clilmhoruzo in awful grandeur, while In tho eastern cordlllcra of tho Andes, separated by a narrow valley, tho volcano of Sangal Is distinctly to bo seen. Its height Is 17,241 feet. Unllko other volcanoes It Is In a statu of constant eruption, and tho adjacent country is filled with Its cinders. Sounds like tho dlschargo of artillery aro heard fconietlines 120 miles distant, while tho nhes from the crater have been curried as far as Guayaquil, on tlio coist, a dlotanco of 100 miles. Xcar Sangal Is another beautiful peak called Kl Altar, which is somo 200 feet higher, and according to a tradition among tlio native, was onco taller than Chlmborao Itself, but after continual iruption for a series of years, tho cono fell In. lint moro traghinlcreit centers around llio l!auiba,afow leagues from our halt lngplaco.Iul797 It was entirely destroy ed by an earthquake which threw tho mountain peak of Slcalpa on tho fated city, and out of unoo inhabitants only 100 ocaped. Humboldt Informs us that the forco of tho .shock was such that some of tho Inhabitants wero thrown ncros the river, on to a neighboring mountain several hundred feet In height. Several of the survivors yet llvo to relate tho horrors of tho scene. Scarcely a traco of the old city remains, and u stream now flows through It. Tho sainoearthquako (caused It is said by an Internal eruption of Tunguragua) changed tho faco of tho wholo district, overthrow mountains, and forced ill new ones, bwallowcd up rivers, and in ihe.spaco of a minute, -10,000 persons wero hurled Into eternity. Even tho temperature of the air was affected bv it. -Near Ambalo thu mountains split, mid tho river now passes under ono of iliem. Quoro, with all Its Its Inliabi tints was buraied under a cliff that gave way, while Pelilo was overwhelm ed witli torrents of heated mud and water. The pre-ent site of ltlo llauib i Is several miles from tho old one, anil it contains about ir,000inhnhltauts. Our journey wa leniinicd at an early hour. Tho path at first led over a dreary paramo or grassy waste on which not a tree or flower was to be found, save an occasional Gentian. At times tho scene was diversified by patch of punihe stones or cinders ihiownout by .some extinct volcano, mid hero and there a dead lako from u ho-e inky waters our horses instinct ively turned. Onco In traversing this paramo my horse started suddenly at tho sight of soino object lying in the grass. Dis mounting, 1 walked back to tho spot, mid on parting tho glass the putrid corpse ol'a man met my gaze. Tho condors had picked out the eyes, and eaten his lips ; and hu lay beforo mo a ghastly, grin ning skeleton, a picture to haunt tho Imagination forever. Undoubtedly ho had been murdered, and left thero to feed the condors. Later In tho day (hu route changed from the rolling jmmjju to a rough and hilly country, where human habita tions began to appear. The soil, though uncultivated, Is of a black, vegetablo mould, and very rich. Wo passed through a miserable placo called Mocha, but it was a great improvement on tho dreary desert over which wo had just come. Tlio affalfit grew hero In great abundance. It Is a species of clover, grown In bunches, regularly hoed, anil sold In bundles. Tho horses aro never fed grain, nor aro they over Miod, yet they travel long distances at a rapid pace, and often with largo burdens on their backs. From Mocha tho moun tain of Tunguragua N visible, being 16,- 1 1 feet lu height, and perfectly regu- ir in form. hllo Its summit Is for ever clad In snow, at its lia-o tho sugar cane and orange trees Moorish In tho greatest profusion. lioyoml .Muclia the road Incomes a dry sandy waste, or what appears to bu tlio pulverized cinder of Cotopaxl. Its da..llng whiteness under an eutia torlal sun pains tlio eye, and tho Hue particles raised by a passing breeze fills tho nostrils and ponetrates through tho clothing to tlio bkln. Many travellers wear veils and goggles during this part ol the Journey. Occasionally tho eyo Is relieved by the beautifully colored American aim which bore attains height of f!0 feet. Thero Is a popular superstition that It blooms but onco In a hundred years, which, however has no foundation In fact. Its Uses re many. Tho Indian extracts from it his bovcrago called pulque, and from that is distilled a much moru dangerous liquor known as vino mercul. Tho (Hires aro used in the manufacture of sacks, carpels, mid soino cuarsu ardcles of clothing, tlio leaves aro u-ed for thatching huts, a good quality of soap Is m.ido by extracting tho Juho from tho leaves, and excellent hones and ra zor-stiops aro manufactured from tho trunk. '1 In.- cultivated lauds aro In clos"d by hedges ofenctu-os whoso sor rated leaves armed with their needlo' like points form a barrier as luipcuo tralilo as a hedgo of bayonets. Wo also met an occasional pepper tree, tho odor from which always caused a snee.o. While thus pursuing our Journey wearisome ullko to horo and rider, wondering when tho windy wasto would end, wo camo to tho brow of hill, when an unovpected sight burst imoii us, SuiTuundcd by barren hills of bhlfllng Mind, lay tho beautiful city of Ambato, with Its largo plazns, well built streets, mid beautiful gardens and trees In every direction. Tho odor of tho orango trcea and countless flowers , even ascended to whero wo stood gaz ing In astonishment at mi lovely r. pros pect. Evidently tho Indians and hor- LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTHATOH'S NOTItJK. F-STATK OK 1HVIO II, UlTl.lNfl. !, UKASKI. l..'tlir ir nilmlnlstmllnll tip himln nnn mi th 'tntuiiMillil II. (lllUllKlntonr Main tmvn!il, Cuhimlilil ('(uinlytdpci-nseil, Imvu Imtm Krimlitl ?cs did not share In our admiration, na ily n limi-trr or'mi.i imii, .im-otMiitiiini both wero Impatient to descend, and I Ki'j&viuK .'.'mjTTIS.'Ii.Kt wo soon entered this teeming Paradise. IllJK Quikn Saiii;? Tin: Cominlsslomr's Clerk, Win. ; Krlckbaum, has kindly handed ns the ESH-lIf.i-AVJTi: 'iV.1::? rcaiilt of the recent U'utMirer'ri u.uu of iiliuiit mi iiic mim-iii Nimun i i uin-r,(f iiniko payment. Juno A.Nlvfil. JAum nn i.tvd. AillultllMI'iUdl, if'- himt ri'M, MERCHANDISE. uuU(l urid tuiMvatud lmiwi: CuIlViin Mtiuili At (Hull Jutil) Mull It A llUIlt Mi'W.iri t in. MlJIUllHIt 11 II ouii Jtmu ifurttiMii win n riiikfiftuu John null luhn II ir-i Jacob l!runuenF:iRn(7er iiuciuier reli-r itiix win IM, Unmn M U Ifulillu'l tins. Jin. bit J H MfUtB Win ItoubuiH . nnlen ItlliliiKtuii Unit 1 lMier Julin 1 tomboy Jucub t-inciter J i Hotter Jacob Wall rnlllp WuLb J oil i tin Vullt-r It a 1 Htretih Jotph iitiuu o i tester liiaiuuTtVur J rlen J ilcoIj L'opU itIMt'l t'ustunl Mary i:crlmrt Utttilel duty Hohcrt Ut-atluiri Anthony iu'iiiliart Win ll"8 To lv WMOM 7 'Jl is M' Henry Dun'U IMS Mvy it ilosci IjLHj MHIlt A Mull 11 1JM) MunnUaUy & Co., w i ko imimaii Nuvlu Mlclmcl l'nxtun. KltneA Co, I'hlllps (irlllltU Linear iison llt'iH Mil ml A 1' Milllll TllUH. scliujIirA Waller Dark Solomon ftuit'iiy DitvKl SlioemaUor Michael Maclliiouni! ThttKHr.. hJ7H mo it icy nia u v? TiXM ,i coi r, $ m it kt .)! ID M n m 17 U 10 M 10 a 0 1(7 1 7U M i It 18 .119 to 61 U8 I v a oh 7 Hit 10 II 11 21 M X IJ 6 V7 11 US 9 1.1 t Id 6 el IS ! :tt . 7 7 UJ 7 OH v i: 11 Mi 4H 21 Ctl 15 82 21 W 77 m 7 j bXl 9 IS 212 h7 u;is iV'y is: 117ft 1 1 IS li l'l 8 i'Q 7 W I'L'KCllAMkl.t, Uiil.erl K Uuik. J A ritllitoii. M J Farter, MUhutl Urobrit. Ijtwl Yctter, H KUlttk. Knl A IlitKkmty Jusin Loleimui. () A Jiu'ittjy. i:m v lirotkwny AVHe. V U nally. Knt d Urockway J WllcnJcrslioit IewH l'tllT J A Kill i st oil O A Jucoljy V Krlckbaum J A f'uniluit O A Jucohv lUttli A'llmmuH OA Jucouy II A .In fob V 1 -nt &. iinnkway .1 a r uuiiuu J (1 I rt fi' Hut A Urockway a w utu lnt A. llrotliwuy t a jacouy James Kobertn John Knotiit t A Jucoby JWJU'iiitvMhotl o AJacoby i:nt & Hrockuay A Jacobv Cut & Urockwny J A ruiiHiou CtlUl'K. M.J.l-arvpr i)nt k Urockway JO J A Filtlhtoil Knl A Urockwny ltlooiii, linu t-Mii M 1,1 c.i ' i in- Htiu tcr of 'ohmilt.a con m , in Jacoli Mtotiil. r, AM hcrwonc iinvihu cumin nnainM me luH-uro I rc.pi-Ht,-,l in .ri"-cnt Ihcm lor urttli tnciif, antl IHO"' iiiiifimu m in' iPiiiir, viuiii un uuiriir IxNik accoiitit nltl iiuk( i-iiviiicnt t tho Kxicu lor Willi iiitih'lny, JACOll rtTOtin-'KIt, j mi u, iiiuutur, A DM INISTllATOU'sj XOT1UK. I.-4TATK OV ri.TJAIl II. Wllrtl.V tiU'KASKl), I.pitrrsof lotmliiittratlon un I lie cKtntunr I'.IN Jnh 11. WlKon, hue or l inlilnacrcck iownlil, l OllUllOMl i irrwi, iuiu iivrn uuiiin-n uj did I'filnti-r f)f xaltl county, to T.J. ilutchlnnoti of O-ntt-rt twi). All tt'rNoiiinavliiurlalin4nrilonmni1 Hcamsl tluTHlMeorilictlcci'dMHiirn rcnucsictlto i litem Known, nun iiioi' unn'inco in iu.iku JllMl'HINMJN. AlininlKtrntor, rtintin piniiM-tit. TJIOMAS J, Jlllll' 11', Willi AKSIGXKK'S NOTK3I: IX HANK HUITCV. In th IHwlrlct Court or tho tTnl iiu htnlrn for Urn Wentorn lHntrlrt of lVnnsyUa niii. In tlui liiuttpr of Jacob Crvanv. Itaiikruot. Towhoni 11 tnuy conccrnt 'IhoiiiitltriiKnetl hcie lv irlvt" notice of hU npiohitiiunl n nitlnoo oi" J iicob Crcniy, of Hrlarcrn k, In tho county o Columbia, ami Ht.ite of Pennsylvania, who tian tu t ii uiijuuneu ft onnurupi upon his own p tit Ion, by th DMUl'I Court of iaM DUtrlct. IatiMl st lllooniiburjr, tho 2th tiny of May. I'M. J. H.HUIllHON, Juno o, fiK-ai, AnsiKiice. HlMONl'. lvAHK t Oil TltKl III tho CtilUt t)f Com l'Sl OK U. W, iMUCY.N- I III Oil VIVRH oiuoiuuinm oLiHii. itoumy rii-u o. u Ck.Coai. Co, JMnyT. W.s Notice Is hereby given that the umUTKlRtKit, oppolntcu nn niuini.r ny iiip mm voun, 10 uii trtbuii' the fund urlslnu Irom tho Hheniri mUi ol the rent estate ot I efcmtnnt, mul ontcreil to bo paltl Into Court : will utternt nt tho IkKl-tcr'rt olllicln liloomnburg, on Wcdiu-Mlay. July Mh, IPli, Or l IIP pill ,OS' "I lUll KHIK HI HI IOSII lUllllllll, A 11 ....--4.i-.iii .it i lir ri I'tf lonulPixl In liiiilfO flKtlf r-lnli.ia in, mi lil in tul lie foil) thu Ami It or nt Win IO TrcoKO I Uniu Hpcclllnl or tohoilcbamil fioni coming in i:nl A Urockway upon bald lunJ. C. H. UltOCKWAV, ,1 A l umtton JuneVtts. Auilltor, IX IJAXKHUl'TCY. ('onin. Cut A llrockwav John A h'unstou '.. i!.. -.1.1 1 ..-.ll.l, i i ... n-..., til,..J f. in.i.iimnr vulii utl w.r. I eriy ly lilm nrpforblihlcn by taw: thatn. mcui firm. Harris & riimimer, who nticr- jHufticriHiitorHorthut-nfaiiunkrnpt.toprovo tUa in ntir ioltimn4 ' 7 AC tSuccessJ" 1 liev itifir itilitn. ami to chooso one or moru nbsluucot until L-nll L-nruvn iirwl rPHiiDi mttitit (Inn r hln futntc. will bo hold nt n Court or llanki upt- roa well Known ana rcHiionsiuio nnn, i.oi.fenntthfi'.xchnniioHottijniiiooniH lind havo incortioratori thu Donular Ono i,..V,r iv.tnmhiiL cnuniv. lvunHviMinia. hi torc Uoliar baio into tnuir imsuii'sa as a i i:iiwnruucrion,jr..iHivr,uii mr Vm .i ui moiinsof ruachlnir tho miwstw. Thty JU,'', nAti V imwi, :V. ir.H. MaiMmL oirur superior inuueomenttt to Aceuls, Juncs. w-it, ny k. rcuoluaulu, Hopuiy, and thoir advortlsement Is well worthy "7 , , . v , M , , T i T, , v t in iittpnt on ofour reaaorn. IVU11W' TV'OTICI '1 his Ik to rIvp notice t Hint on tho Ut ilaT o .Iniif. a. n. istis. ft warrant In lliukiuiitcv wan isHiicii ngftinKiine esiaie oi iMia1 lMAisaroi tho town of 1M) 1" H0 county of Columbia, and Htixto of rcniislviinu, who hat hct'ii luliii'lui'ii u llaukrunt on hU own iictlllou : that Hip raj mont of any tkbts imd dtllM-ry .if uny tropiTty beloiiKtn to biicii Uankrupt, to 111 UI, Or HT lilt um,-. iiuu i lie iiiiiiniui in mi) I'li't' ji:w Hionc ok ulothino. I'ri'li nrrlvftt of KAl.T AN ft WINTKIt flOOH" daviii T,ouM:N!ii:rtn InvlU k nttrntlon to bis nlocU of CIIKA1' ANI)PAM!IIONAMIXOM)TiriN. nt hi ori on Mali lii 1 1, two ilooMflbf'tflliu Attn i l.-ati UmiM M'mi'liuut, iii wl ,. i.t bAt j i'i Mitiri Horn .Sfif Voikainl I'n.iat i hU a full uinTtmuil of miS AMI IlOYHTMJllilNO, Iik lii'l n-t Mu' mot fanhlwuithlt', ilurabh, etui DRY GOODS. ETC. rjMJK I'tiACK topi-l j-our menrj luilttn sowl U'whU nl tnw irlc-i 1 nt !..t, miAttfi.i.SMirim:, JUST IlKGKlVHI) A friMi liivnii Mil shl,, wlc. c of ln-lfiln.., I iIIi-ii4, MISCELLANEOUS nil.! 1 1 1 1 IX ui llOX.IVI't. lllllVOl (KlllllM, , ,,lli il It, (it'll, ASM) (ltl.-l t,01'll I HATH AM1'NTM, f till Jsrjll.,!.'!'-, IHl.l .'C'lrtr., Ill' lilt. IllMt rt'l(M- l-lii-it til . ulnai mUh-I, nf V , t.l . A .N n V I NT 1 : 1 1 HI I A W I A HTIttl'Kll, FIllt'ltKl), AND PLAIN VlXrH, KlIlllTM.l'UAVATsl.sTdCKsl, lOLLAlls, iiANiiivi:ncnti:ii,, HUf-l'f,Nlll:UH, ANII FANCY Altl IC'I.t tlo iiiis i-nuitnutly on h.ilhl a largo imd vrilt-ne. K'Ctctl iiHKorlltitht nf ri.orii-i anii VKsriNus, uhU'h lie In iri)iur(-il In iimkn lo (irdi r lntoany khul nr rlolhhiK, on cr hhorl noltrc, niut In the Ik'hI milliner. All li la ilothttiK l-i nnuto tuwi'nr, mul tno-tt nf It Ik of lininp innnuliKture, HOI.DWATCIir.S ANKJIAVKMIV, nf ovory (li-crliitlon, line niut clifap. 111 cum1 u Jowrlryl. not Riirimssul In thli ilm-e, I'ult.atKl cxalnlnc lit. Rr'tK'rm ast-ortlnt'llt of rmTltlNO, WATCH1, .ikavi:i.hv, Ac. DAVit) I.OW1:N1!UI!0. J M K It (MI A X 1) I H K. Notict: ib nr.iimiY oivkx To my Mend tuul the iiabllc cue rully, tliat nit UtnUof DUV (JQODS, nitouuuucs, QUEKXSWAHi:, NOTIONS, AC, nrw rtiAKlunlly on I'ttiul mul for h.ilt . AT HAUTON'S 01,11 ST.VNI), l!I.OOH-llUllfl, uv .TAMIIS It. KYIiM. tAteo, Hole Arent for.KlnV rnosi'llTt:nl 1W IJirEO lot rolistnlitty t u l.nml. ftuSUi. ilslsto irlp notice! that on tho Klday of An cxpiMisively bound book of 0 5;,- ' '.iVi?. mul costing n volume, mm or luiiiihui in uib ' jmlsiil u ltaliUrupt on liln o" tii-litlnu; Una lliu l' no-ill in uiij i" owi.i.j ' iiaKC" just bt'i'ti Isbiitil tit Waslilneton. The total edition lina cost tho government 0110 liilliilred tliousfind iliillurs. It con taliH nothing but the letter of cotido lenee on the death of Abralmm Lincoln Only a very, very great nation cannf- ford to throw money away in that man ncr. This Is nnlv onu of tho thousand wavn lu which tho peoploN money in nquau- "XTOTIC12 IX HANKUUI'TCY. dered away. One liunilred thousand n,i, is to rKf notice itimt on ilicaiiiiiiny or dollars expended for a book that con- f ' ,f.:.:,,,i,,, n,V.V .of 11-1,-v 11. nu n-iTon-er ill llit'COiiiiiy 01 i iiiiiiuuiH, 111111 11 itiijuuru h tlic pa incut propui'tv hclDnhm to Mich Uankrupt, to hhu, or lor liNu-M' iiil tlio transfer ol tiny propel ly liy uliu ale lorojuiicii ny ihw; uiai h mcciiii 01 iim crt-ittiurK of thu H.ihl liankiuiit. to oroMi l heir tlt'hiH,ftii"l loehiwiho tint) or inwionsslynt o ol hit estate, w 111 u lici'l til a. t. tiui i oi tianiiiui'icy, in bo holilenut the Kxchanso Hotel, lu lilomnsburK Coluuibl.t county, lVnmyUanla, biioru Dluunl UNCrioll, jr., llllifl, on iw vui uhj "i Jinj, A, P., lti", at 0 o clock, n. 111. June GpV'11' Uy 11. It. Cooi.iiAUini, luputy. " - - lHMicdniiainsiiueeviaieoi iicnr, 11. n tains nothing but letters of condolence A't i 'ii'.V, ! V ,Vi'.?.;W, II ST,.-: ,; i',1,1, on the death of Mr. Lincoln, while- Con- iiankiupton ids own petition; that th - ... ' , . Hi uny tlebtsainl il-llery ot any pn ol any Uebttninl it-neryoi any piopcny o. IniigliiK to Mich 11 mkrupt, to him. or nr his u a lul Hit muu-ltT oi ail protn ri u.v nun iia-iui' l.l,M..ii liv hiu! thiil a niLCtllii' of the ('reilttori o! tht hiiul K.mkrupt, loprovo ihtlr ih-bm, and to choohe one or muic aHkilunci-Hof hU t tate, will l) IH'UI UI ft loilll tI UltliHIUl ic , in nr nuiuiii ri T.. 1.1. II, lifhiillrx Until 111 Mil in. n ir. in in.) iTi'Mi.ieiu, in a utmi -,",,,,- , V v. um lu.nln. u !.,. i:,ini,l and lucid veto, wa-lics hi-- hiiuils or tho omioh, sr., igMer,tn mo mu u.ij . jmy 'ill.,' refuses to apprnpriuto onw cent to ward erecting n mo'iumeut to thu memory ot Washington. Tilt: Vf.TO.- "V"KW CA11IXKT WAIU2 IIOUSK. 1 UK ilnilcrsliiuril tnlic. this molliM to Inform llio imlitlc tluit lie litis opciud ft ni:w rmiNiTUiiK. wahf. iioi'si: in III.. Wullir lllkk llulMlnif.nii Mllln Stri'l't, lll.OOMSIlVUO, l'A., WliH li lo. I1.11 1'tirfttn-fitniiil Intend. tok-eppH tntmt ntly tilled m It I. Fiirnltuio of I ITY AND IIOM1J MANLTAlTHlli:. IT cosipiusi-s or 11 v. n m a t 11 1; a a ii s , wii'ah, wranis MAltlll.t: TOP CKNTKi: TAI1M-S ciiAiits-ciismoNi:!), cam; iiotiomi:i, AND WOOD MOTTOMl'D. F.XTI'.NWION TAlll.Fsl, I.OOKINO OI-AhSliS, I'AHLOU, CIIAMltlvll AX1) 1)1X IXG HOOM KUHXITUItK. In Inel ft full nsiortineut of n 1: a ji t - m a. ii r. torriKH of ill l7es, nod of i'vi:r'.YTiiiN(i in ntK i.iNt.or hihthauk All of nlilih will l.o K.l.l C II I! A V r II K f A H 11, i.v piiiilic 1110 Invited to cull und examine my Rtoi I; IM'iiii imrchiislnx flM'wheir, or.or.oi: w. coitr.1.1. lllfc..iUHljurr. Ausi-t III, 1mj7. Arkan-iis bill. IIo reassertB tho old, self-evident constitutional principles which no man could havo doubted ten year.s ago, without lieiug K-t down as a lunatic. I!ut tlio Itaillcnls my "wu have cliiinged all that." Well, that is lust the l-siie. Wo yet bellovo lu tho fundamental principles ofour Amercan institutions. We are glad to seo them rea-erted, even in an Ineffectual veto. Thu neonle will heed It though the Congress will not. Thais Aoain A ltur.STiW).--London, June (leoruc KrancU Train has again been arrested, and was to-dny brought befmo tho Court of Hankruptcy in llarengluill street. He protested ugalnat his arrest, and declared It pio- ceiled from political motives, and ap pealed to the United .State- Army and Navy fur protection. Ho was cheered bv the spectators, and alter a brief ex amination remanded to prison by the Judge. SPECIAL NOTICES. 'l HUM AS . llOWI.llY. II. N. Mm-shnl. llv ,y..i. Cooi.BArnii, ivi.uiy. Jlllno.,'tl. It XTOTICK IX HANKUUI'TCY. This It to sUe liolici: That on the 301 h tlay of Iy A. ji. l-, wnriaiit In liankiupiey uiis Ibsiiiil niiiott thu tMato of Ii-nae Yetler of .Malmllle, lu the tounly or Colurnhla.unil Slate ol IVnui- lvimla, ho him bt en iulJutlf;tHl a liankrupt on hi, ow n petition ; Hint thepas nient of any ilebis ami tU liwy or any pioperty bt loiiulnte ' Uankrupt, to Mm, or lor hi um( Hn.rthotiansierofauy property by hlin aro foi bUliltn bv law : that a merllim of the Creilllornof the miM llankiupt, to proe their tlLbls, ninl to fhooKe one or nion- iiinhiiucmr hN es. ate. will be held at ft Court of Hankruptcy, to be ho Men nt the i;xehaniio Holel In lHooiiiibuit;, Columbia county. IVniiNyhanla, befoio IMw.tul Overton, Jr., Iti'ulNter, on the th tiny of Jul A. n., ht U '''ll'j'j1;. A hoVM:V, U.K. Marshal. Ity i;. It, cooMivftJit, licputy. Juna.VCs-it. INSTATE OK UKO HALM', DKC'I) JJjTo Martha Haup, I Kaup, llannnh, luteriiuirilvd with JohnStiitlel itachel. lutermarrleil ultli John. Crl- r .una DKUII.ITY. Therels nouudlcln eniwl tollootlinas Oei- iiiun llltterM lu cnhPi of ilrblllty. It lmpartx u. imeuud vlKor to tho whole sy-ltm,htreiii;theni theappe'lte, causes an onjoyment of the footl, enablen the Atoimtcli to tllxett It, purllltH the blooil.chOHUBouii, sounJ, healthy eomplexhm, erftdleatet the yellow tin 50 from W ejes, 1m- pnrU a bloom to theehetk,nd chaiiKtf the pa tleiitfrom a nhort-bu-nllitiJ, einacLitttl, weak ami ncrvoiiH lnvalUl, tu a full-faceil, Muut au.l lnorou-t pfnon. 'lIooiluud'M Oerman lliltr tntlrely Ireo from nil nlcoholie ttUmlxture. HOOKLAND'H OUUMAM TONIC Ii u cnmMtutlou of tholnqreillenUof llo'itl.iiul Uttteri with puraH.intaCruzUum, orun, auUe making one of tlio most agreeable, a tul lousant praparatlonnexUnt, Tho tonic It umo y Uiomj reiiulrlnga kjo1 aul Hclontltlo stlm, Prluclpnl olllee, ti.ll Areh Ht l'hlhi. SoMbyall Urugslnt. Juim l)altl Until'. S lit. Haun, .TTiT.K.iun. lleiirs Itaup, John Kaup, ti.-orye m 1'i-ier lluberuuurtllan if wan 01 .Mimua iiuot 1 Lloyd C. Iluber, ltathel K lluber, Win. Iluber und Jolm Iluber. Lineal IchcendnulH ol (inUKe Haun, l.iluol I-ocuit ltmn-hlinleetuMd.tind lo hU other personn lnterebted, ilnettwj, nie In-it-by riled to be and nppear btiore the Judj-es of our Orphans' com tut imtirplinnV Com I tn be held at IJioomOtiirs, on tho llrht Monday of May then and thne to aceept or reluso to take tho nul estate ol mid Ucorifo Haup, decejised, at the atpialM-d valuation putupon it by tho in-iucst itnlv nwiudtil by Hie miM Court, and retuinc.l by t i-slitilll', or t-how cauh why the Kunohliould not bo wild. And heieof fall nut. Witness Hie Honorable Win. lUuOI. I'HKldcnt ol our Kitd court, the he 1 nth day of May a. 1.. 16. May -A'ti. JlHi;t Ol.l. MAN, Ch ik. pLOTUKS 11Y MAC'IIlXlUtY "Hie mi-trrdciiM would rtrt e'fullr dl iv nttt ntlvn ol tb public, to tils new Rnil itppioved imtliwd of iiiaklnt: clolhn by n hjMem lund uuon tnallii m.illal t rliiefplti-, which retidcu It inipo''-Ibletoln otlii rwlethan perft eily accurate He rliihiiM tor thli method the folIowlUK ud KirtKT. 1'erl- t Hcoiirrtfi , HXONO. A k.i ln of two HilnW of tti" en to cut out the cloth. 1 1 1 1 i:d. Abllit to j itiunie any Mt;uii coo 1 r'.t rinmni. That it docn ivway with thu utwit (.f bvititf ineiuute.l more than once, rt often lathe eu ftom the mfcAppn hrmlon ri naUlokr of 1 nu-nMiior, lie wouM mge the public toyhelt 11 1, Is .ntlsfled thai It will yie icrftet i-atlhfiictlon, He will hi- happy to exhibit and explain It wojk imint i.ny time ti. visltot.. 1 v. Mtnh . Ia Main MHbtl(iw MaiKt time iiiifilly tiik fit. bt lnmit VST ItKCKlVni) avht uixi:ivi:h A il'h iMoh e ol Hoop MkllHot nil klnili.emi.raclhKexlijv 7ft Minn CuHn and Col in rt fur ludli n. TUST 11KCKIVUI) JUST lllX'taVKtl A fMh Involio of I' (.'otlnri, mul I'lltK new Nt kn, l.luetl ISNlrt flouts for um mul i!oh. Ilt-si:- lvot.f, 1. e, 11AI1T0S. (mioi wmors to 1 . Mlilve.) tiik .sriiHcitiiinit.s 11 a vino III" I'lmilliu Ml. I Mini Itill'llll.e rtlur loiini ilyoeisii.tiil l,y h, r, Mhle, WIM (soiiiiom tllV OII-lhOhN III IIIHlrijlll'lllllllft WinIlM, s.m-, i.i.iNIih, MOI iJilKil , ttriivhelli .( e. We tile 911,0 preliurv'd lu flirill 1 ttrtHl rot-tnir, .Mnntes nnd nil other lamin. rebutted lu IIk voiiftlriKllon of IriilltllnuK, All tclml. of t.iinlriK flono nt liort notle,. Hills lot . Jol.l Ami otliCT rfmiie mini' mini ullli jrnmpl- lie1,. Hint l-lifn, Of.l r-. II fi', ririlM -ollOltKl. Aillll7.'i- MH.f ItMtniV j"(7iTTc.7i'ATir In nAHT I OI'IITII HTItRRI 1-i'Tinr.u aHo.iiMAV, Currl.tsc and Ilnrncf-s Miinufat'liiri r, inT.m.imtti, iw. llnvltltf Inrkr- f,etllltMrot MnnoAlnlo-itiultiiiu uny ltoii.0 In llio cll, eornbl nul with mtj f. Is nnahllst to Hell 20 per eclit. leM lllHI llloiisl. vmy lotl. Oriler. forNhlntoont ntl I'otnlu,, itritrv t.uvli1. ly niunit,.! to. rn. 1 iTeiiiiitui nnver annals ul,nra'il ov rMiltrletitl In.lltlltP lo JOHN f. HAM, III I'll, Ull, lVilnml ISil Alu.a yl' ADVBUTISB11BNTS. niltcrLAU, Ml til,, MITIjAY, v H S'l I no- 1 lU' Vv. -. w Hi 11 tn nil tiii-1 l,i"nt ii, ad in tie 11 llll .vl Jll lenipe 'it til nn pr un . jtt 1 1, -ier'Mr trttfl nnd r bv ' 11 Oil rem trttfl ntm our pit vst ui:ci:ivi:i) jcsr iu:ci:ivi;i A new Involre nfCrookeiy, wnre, Vellowwnrc, t te. ust ut;cki vi;d hist mxi:ivi:i) A now Instnllnunt of Halut, 1 tried Ucef, Cod I-'ImIi and Mackerel. ust m:ri:ivi:i jcst The best Ul.oo fyiiip In thetowM, lST ltKCKIYKD .HT.sT IIK.CKlVi:il l'resh Drbd rrullx, Applen, 1'eiiches, pareu nun uupaieu, litucKocrrieH. I'luncfi, Whit ! ton ns, Harley iiiiil Hominy. rAXTKl) liutlcr, KRanil Lard; for a prlmu MrilVIMVHMl n li I I'll I l.tltl. World Katr lu the City , York lH-ftl A X K S, Oold. Medal tit the Ne, ty l.",'cs.2m. VJ, (KIT 1111,11111.11 IS IVj .Mtunifar-turci-H nf tin-new pntent MONITOIt , I'LA i i: PIANO KOini' palentnl l-Vbeuuty Uh, ' 1iH. Wnrrnutttl for ilvoyinr. Watrrooms, tij Hroome-M,, Niw tiU. uiu pan m Ainnnor 1'iaio I'l.inos nyineirpe toitNtuiot Ion are ku pi rinr to all others, and thrlr merit conlstH lu the wi est plank holms up port d by tho Iron irame, nllowlnst ft Lilger npuco iorthoMinndlnj; lioatdthauH poteshitl by any othiT kind of I'Jano. llythls meant tile quantity ns well ns the tialltj of tho tone Is laigcly in created, HitfiO IMaiioH Une bten pionoumed by tin tnt Jiulcrs to be ttnrUnlleil fof roWEU and mvki;tnis ok ton k, Kimy nnd nareenblo touch nnd beaiUy of flnl.h, ' Most ilnttcrlim ceitltleateH of exctltcnco froia Thalberir, OnttM'halk.Htrnkotrh, Vicutcmps, nnd a I.irtce number of the most iIlhtlnttulHhetl rrorix sors nnd AinattuiN, l'rom Ions experlenceund Mipfiior f.iellltk'for M.aiiiif.ieturlnie, we are ena bled to ofhr our plntiostit ns low pilcen us mo aked by inferior maker. Neud lor eltcular und prlcu llai, ilar.O'b-ly Common iluii .nino'id as th h si, Tb IH-.D JAlKJ r Colburn'n l'uu ui AXI r.muot be ex relied. We Kimrnniy they wdl i t ?5 per rent emnmon c , with le-. Jutwr loth chopper Hams.Mioutuert ami Bacon. HOODS HOOIW (JOOIH (IDOI)S SOT.l) HOM hOl.L) AT AT AT AT KMAI.I. AHVANrH. HMAI.Ii A!VANCi:. AHVANCK, .UVA.t J. KM A 1. 1 K.MA1.I. OU ('A5 1 1 OU UHADT VAT, OH CAM 1 1 (1 A IV PAY. l)U CASH OU HHAllV PAY, UU t AH1I OH Hl.Al'Y I AY. AT L. T. SHAHM-r.HS'ft .STOUi:. AT 1. T. SHAHPLHHS H STOUH. AT U T. HHAHfIJ.SS'H HTOHK. AT I., T, HHAUl'IiCWM HTum;. lUnomfcburp, Manh 2'l, 1W, gl.OOMSIlUHH LITKHAllY INTITU'Ii:. U0A1U Or J.KlllCCTIO. 1111NUY CAliVl.U, A. M., 1' mil Pro- plieior, l'rofc;aor of Philosophy, Ac. Miss Hur.iti A. Career, 1'receptttkS, OIlUIXr.TOX A UOlJCiKIXS' jiA ir no HVWAl PHOSPilATK OF LliUi, A HTANDAHH MANUItr. Hilt Atb nn n anw k u.n cnoprt. Ha Inis within tho pant year Rrially Int reaped nnd lmproed our luetiuies ir (irliuMns bones und inauuiaiturlnjr, werne preimrcd to inrnNh the farmers of 1 eiiiivvhuufu a BUiirlor nrtlclo orst'ji;iii'iiospjiAti:. Our inuiiulactory has bten thoioURhly tthttil the pnst ivnst.n by pra client men tif our Imme diate nelRbboihoiHl and t lew here, nnd lu eery case the lcsult has btt n enilu-lv nitlhiactory. 0ir pio(.e-.s of pnlvctizln;, v Ik leby Ills pic pared lor und guaiuntt ed TO PASH IIIOt'(IH ANY MUM. ohMfitCM till nblrctlijii ublth iittnehi'i to in in v U ltd Iei i,ii nd m i utcd to the i uiin nt Hiving of much aliuiblo tliop. Sold at the nmuuhietoiy V.Ahi Mai.ket srnnET, St'Nniinv, P.., nnd bv onr npiilt throughout the i ounlry, tn b.ius of JiKHn. ncli. at per t'Mi of . ANoHlIIPPKh PKOMPTM to nil lunlH ueeisiblo bv rail orennnt.on iccciptor t Mer. TofHtlNOruN A IP 'HOK'IN. aimi a pent i mr Seymour, Jioinan t Aiien.s Self HalMiK Iteaper mul Mo,er (Iho Niw l orli i-r ninl Prntt A Kmedle V llu and (Hatn U-iUf, .1. K. I i.i:, Ai nt. ISIfttmihlniis-, Pa, Snu' Jnr f Yi rt'tnr, lb.l ilwim hfii.l lor circular nnd orlees to MPPINCOlT A HAKIAVl.M., riH.bumh, 1M., Kolo Manufnrt ic. i'nr hale by principal llmdwaio Healers. NCI h STOCK. stntlord l.iuuftetttrluj lo.. -n Fulton Mreet, New York, circulars nnd K.unples free. fM:xTsCT7:FTx)ir 1 H 1. i l t 1 t- l . i a i - ' u a i OK tiii; WAU. IlsCmiH", Chnraeter, conduct and Itesult Ity HON. AI.HXANHKU II. HTCPHHXfl. Us i etui y Mtle, eotnblneil with nn ltmea"t eonunihslon, tnnku It thcbe iith-crlptloti book mer iiubllshed. One.(:ent In i;nlou, Pa., reportsT2 biibscrlbert In thrtc days, Ono in liuMloti. Mass., liXlsubscrlbeis lu Idav. K nd tor clt culm sand hee our terms and n full dettrlptlon or tho vault. Addicm NATIONAL I'L'llIdMHlNO CO., Phlliulclphla(I'a. G. 11. HAltMOIUv CUtAWFoltu'ri Stump mul Itock lx- ttnet'ir and I'.levator perfected. .Send for clicular. A. Crawrord, Warren, Me. r ax t kI) agT: X TS , 7.5 toS'JMpcr molt th,et rywhtre.mnlc and ftinnle tn introduce th1 (Jtnulne huptoved Commnii K use Pntnlly Howlnjs Mftcliine, This machine will stttcn, hem, Kll. luck, quilt, enrd bind, build and embroider In a must Mipcrlor manner. Pi he only Sis. lully warranad for tlvoni. Wcwlllpnv SIW rot any timcblno that will -etv a itrni r, moiu beautliul, or more elastic f.enm Hum mux. it ninken t' e "Kiatlc LotkMhih. " Hvery bcooiut ftiteh enn bu cut, and stlil the Joth cannot be pulli (1 apart with out t in iu it. We l nv Ayutts rron t,iv- '.w) mi in. mi li fimt om imi.i. nr ii cnmmiKHloil fi mil which twice that amount eun 1-t lniulc. Addlens hlXtiMM A CO., Pitb-titindi, Pu.. or Kohu.ii Mnn. ca I i 1UA. -iki noi uo imHi'ii upon ny oilier paiticH pilmln oil worthless eiMrnn mn ehlntf, utnUr the n.imw tintno or ottierwlbe. Ours Is the only ucnuln and practical thenp ma- nun muuui.iciurcu. PriMK-h, Bobiuy I'lauchey. and ormaneutul l--ufieO. r.(t,A.H., I'lolifKiir of Ancient t-iinyuji;!. CharltH P.. Hit e, A. II., Promisor t( Malhematloi. r. M, H.Ht, leiicher of nooh-kcej lug ft KtiKlliili brunches MJhh AUeoM. Curtr. Tunc her of lm.ttumi.iiui Mulc. Mlm , T aclier oi Votal Muble, M1k Jullu Hut fit, Traclur In Piimary lVpartment. Hprinu term commeuies April l.llh, 1W. Vrch isvc. OMKTIIIXO XKW. piano roim: I M.M:r U-U'JtLKA Wnic-ionniH, Itleckr.tref t, New Y.-ikCIty. 5J Years lltibllhtd, nnd Prla MtdaNAwar ! ded. I'm Piiinol'oitt siiienow unlTerally ncknowl iMlerd bv (he io-t dlstuluauishtd nrll-ts to ho the llit manuiactiireil.nnd whtrevertliov have been lutroiluci d nnd u cd, we an not re-iuhed to mij (iiiowiinl in Uinr taor, their exctlltnco suinns pte-emim niiy lo tiio-n oi otm r makers; nndlinmlhe yieat muvcss nthleed, and im provements imulo by us in tin- inxt thlrtv ye.irH, we run ntPtnl lo rtell a ilrst-cla-s Piano rmte at 51' to l.V Ich-t than a viinllur ono can be bought iiscwucrti P.ery Porlw YarmnUd for Y-'.tTs,niid In tfi e ttatihiutiion, Our PJ itHMcrt! Hindu tuhibt : tho luiiUiltils iucd f jrevcry juul nie thoroughly ncjoned, and of the i ty ut--t quality that t an bo proiuicu. o pint IsMlchtrd; what the public cc might passt ocr. nevir ertean Hour i:erv nuri.iii' ktitinnd nut, Is huiict-tly, l.tltblutly raid thor outfhlv m .de. fcothnt It will bear the most rain uteeMitulUHMiiii, 'Ihey dlircr lroi, the loud, co:irfu lout- oi niosi, I'inuos, iwmcn Is i M in tilt biginnimr, nud mow woiMfevi ry iln,.) inas much ns It Is rcoiH d nnd th lltnto. miie in it vi- buitloiiR, tlrlluhiiul in Its Mimim.' lanarltv. find hns nil the pnwer n-t t sury lu j unliui ciiiv de- hiieu eueci. Ihey me. without doubt, ihe bLst, ilu mojl lasting, and eonsiquentlv the ehtnpet-t. Wo nre content w lib a fair piotlt, (hu prices lroin J. IHMTIK'OTP. W. II, MAITI.ANI. I. IUUIOV HKATIU'OTi: A COJirAXY J. The uudervlL'tied he's letie to Inloiin ln.r filttuU nud the public generally Hint s)u has opciH'd lu muiit frui:r.T .i Irt sli sivk ot nnU la the lino of MIM4NKUY (UHl THIMMIMi-4 In connection with Dress Mnklm;; and is pre 1 nred lu addition, to IOI.OU HritW It AT4 on the hhoittst nollce.aiid In the best style ot the tut, 1'rhen cluup nnd woik natlsraetory, MUM. V.. KMNi:. IJitht SUiit.iktoljirJ, lisOT. Ii () i , ; n c 1AHPHXTKRS. trt nd for eiit.ilo.rito of now PrncUeal ltookn on Aicitei-turinudMntr Itulldln. A. .1. Dleknell & t o.. IMiblUhers, Troy, N, Y. riMIEaUCOK! X allov iS of tlio otic dollar hnl- llovolut on In Trade. Wo fm n Kh nt niinlfnrin nrlce of ONK HOI- .Alt .ncli it rt Ifl f iimirn tlkfil bv ii V fntnllv. at a b sh piii-c iIkiu they are Holtlhy any whole hale dt uler In New Yoi k or lloston. At,(.iuH wan I in to co-op aie wiin umu lairy lneoitta tilnn whh'U incctH the wantu ol th million, mul In the disposal of a larirnmarled ntoi.1: of Dry A I'aucy Ooods,SIlver l'l j ted Ware, nicues, tai i'I'iiurs, c:c. uiir ifrnin m ukuiu aia Mipcrlor to those or any othtr firm, as our ciu ular will show. Tiioe(;etUiu' up clubH can Kcuten piete oi MiLcunir, wuun, -uk iiiim, ylmwl, wi-wtui: Machlur, Ac. fuki: or cot. A thri U dt-siTibini; an aillde to be tnkt lort dollar, PJ ett.; un fr ; to f-ir 91 ; ro for 6 100 toi eiu,-tui b mull, hi nd money ly Ueallcrt!l Utter. Circular m illetl fief to any iwldr-ti. ApentH w.nitcd ever when-. Addrtus HAHHI- &. I'l.l .MMHH.Si llmuiMi- M IVi.lon, iMhss. L OOK ! LOOK! LOOK! T iO TIIK PlMiUC. jhe utulcrslKUcd respectfully Infoims hi old frlcndu and customeis thai ho has l cut tea nis ClirolUK .Mlll'llllHri nun is now irauy in on i ciirdlmsln nood onUr, When nood, clean and well piepared wool l.ssent me. my p.Urons may look lor good rollK. CnUliiK. ColorliiK and drcsisln-! ( loth, douo to ordtr. Wool leit at llnitman's Moie, Illootr-h- nutSf, will no iiiueii ami icuiium cusy m thico weeks with bill of work, 'Ihe pay can be It-It at Haitman'fe. Wool left ut Oianizevllle, at t lthtr of the storeH will be attended tnpromplly. Nn Moni wiiKon Is innnlii-t tor me this Hummer only to Hlonimdnirnnud oran?evllle, lor thu ac eommudatlon of thote nt a distance. June 19, 1. Near Oiniieille J 11 O V K It. has opened a flrwl i'n hoot. mini:. iiat'p, iND rru HTimi nt the old tnni!nii MnhiHtrect. IHoomsbnri:.nfe ilonrs nbove. the Court lloiih', 1U htock tscoin poitd of lhe( ry latevt and bentsl leu err ollcl- 1 ed to the citii tn of Columbia Count,. He can accommnilato Hi'' puhlk w Ith theollow-iiipiiHlrt 1 at tho lowest tries. Men'rt Peny double holed ! stoHa boots, nit if h double and hlnifle tap Koled kip booth, mi u'h lieay Rtoa shot s of all klmls. mi n'h tine bootH anil i-hom of nil ciadeH, bov'H double soled booU undhoeK or all kind-, tut n'h u!oe kid Halmninl hhes.mcnV, woiiicn'M,boHs and iiilsht m' liistlii!: salH'm, woiucii'm clove kid erj tiue.wonun'K moiocco HalmoruUnnd calf hoch, woineu'N ery line kid buttoned wilt em. In Khoit hoots ol nil dtMilpiI'ins both peg p;ed nndM-wed, lie wouM 1mi mil uucnttou to hU tine assntl ment of IIA'i, t A l'h, Ft AND NOTIONS. which I'luimilst'H nil tlui new and iMioular ftll- ellhat prices whlihtanuot fall to Milt ull, lliee Kooiih are out no at uie uiu lm i-tisu iiiii-h ami w 111 I e yuaianti ed ttmUe hatlHfacHou, A call U hotleltid heioiv pun hhslng t Isewhcie as It It btlleed that hcttr UirKiduH nte to bu fiitud than nt any other place In Hit eount . iec. ooi- M ISS Ll.Zir. I1AUKLKY - T Thoriasoiiwhy MUhlcr's Herb Hitter. cun h I -1 to many dlltVrcnt dl-'e.tses, 1h becniiKO It Is the best lenudy Mr a deranpert nloimich,or Djpep' hla now known, nnd because It Invigorates the entire hyttem, Mimigthcus tho mrvous rthie, clcvuti s tho utandard of all the Ital forces nnd sustains a nuiht healthful toimof the entile hu man organism. Medlclno that wilt do th It will uie any dmeitsu for the hlmplo reason, that nu lure will do the rest. guarantee that nu womun or child, how t r ptle and eiuaclutcd, can uso hicho nitterH refjuhirly lor twenly-one uayn, without tho ie- turnufthe rony cheiks an I fur complexion chariu tt-rUHcol goud health. Hold by ull Dnu- iiMa aud Dealers Dr, H, II. llartmau & Co., rroprictorn, Lancaster Pa.,aulCUtci4 , Hb Jd l-'.-'t. V IJ h I C S A Jj K HCKOn'I.A CVUKlt AFIKK MKVCS KIOi' rinUMJ- J. W. Ilnm-'r, Ks'i.,tt proniltiftit lawyer of Park . r-.bnr. W. V. i " I h -.1.17 Huiiiiliiu Hie. rn u icii i en oi nit-nci'ii i it k in u nr. iiiifrn iimiiiiu Unti-r. Mv Uri'imi. HiruiiL inul rucu wuh onu coi iiuuous oru. i nin now n iiitm, uiui mu natUHcd thu Iodine Water aed my Hie," l 'Hi mum in leuuni m nun rvuieuy win iu hciii f i 1 1. J, P. DINHMOIIH. Piopihtor, 3d Dey Hlrtet, Atw lora rorwaii'i'y i 'iukb i Kfiiumnjr, jiuy i, us. Ttirtrfniit n mount ttt llnirt coiirumit'd bv the ladles m ilri'iititnuuud arrantfin their hair muut mako nuv aruciu iucu nouiu ierteu ineir miHir or vai.uam.i: iu:.r. rrATi:. I,i ..itrnifiiir-.w.r nil iinli-r nf tlui Court oflim nii'ii Plenk ot Columbia county, Pa., on HA'lL'lt DA Y, JulV Hill, iMvS nt lOo'elotk lu Hie loteiloou holomon D. Khinid i inmlitte of Ihe peitou and Hulalet-f Dtboiuh Dean, a lunallo ol i atuwla 'i.iunvliin. couniv of Colllinbiu. will cmkiso to Mile by public vendue, on tho preinlHts, u etittiln llUUhfUUU 1j U T U ! U It U U Ii, hllunte In tho town of (Jatawlt-nn, lowtiMdp nnd county aformuld, hounded and tlescrlbid us inl- lOWH in iii iiiguiniiiK iv mu l'l i'i iMiiiiii iMiti""'" Oil lIlC KOllI 11, rl COIlll Bin t I OI Ml III ItOWl Oil III" liut.andim nllc on the wtM, contalnluK on hicoiid ktrt'd atorthald ninety it et more or h. nud In depth ulmitf Mild ullej two bundled nud un f.-i't. I.iitelhe ffctntenf nald Dt boiah Dean. -.I iu a lu In the township of Calawiu and t ounty iitoreMild. Jl!-Hi: COM.M N. Ch-ik, lll.MUlIUMl or SAJ.r.-llll per mil oi our- fourth of tho purehane money lu be paid by the .Min-imwr nt ibiivtrlkttie down oftbti nrorertv. line fourth Ufctt the ten pi runt to be p.ud at the Ciinnrmnuon oi mo feme, jne naiuucu uj oci'uiu Inonejearfiomtho conflrmutlnn of h.iIc, with interest Horn the llnl tlay ol Apill A. D., IHV. p,-shi'fsion o theprimUcs tube nienm the lliht davof Anrll A. !.. 1&H'. to pay for D?edHndMtamp. hOI.OMO.N D. HINAHU, cntuwhMi, Jim it lfliw, Ooumutti e, A 1' OHAXI) rtTHKKT CIIKAI Slom NUW YOHK CITY. paitleuiuriy tteniinuie. Jiin n vtKeiaui aiu- juuinery uooits, iiiuuouh, hiiKH, i iowcih, rnr briia leaven tho hair lu Mich eoudition an to atols, Yaiikte Notion, Hklrts, Dit bs and cloak TM I-AllutlT AMP CHKA lKiT hTOCK UKillUW UnobS IN TIIIHCITV- WITHOUT poriW, Millinfy fiords. IHbboUH.HllkH, 1'Iowcih, Pnt' render the dresniim and uirauulnu u ery tnuy matter. Il iinpaiii m u mm i'nmm nionny tin- aaiaiicuMi mucn numiriu, cieansitit uio Hcaip mm 1 1 a n u 1 1 il I nnu an uumom. aim ireeui liaioUt'hH J pmiuoirn iih ro m iniu niuirii kiu lutir in lis niife'in ! comr, tv 'l'liiiimlmfH. and KilnueH. all under renular lrl ... l.adics Whnlcbuue Coitelw. at WclB.. 75 clH. bl u , ami unuiu, voenn, - ' i III... ,.,....1l.l YMtl !. II I tit W Ida Ull A 3I1U (iiniul. r LA A TO A Ih n Ht 1 1 eU June UVCK. Fifth lllock Haul iroBi the How ery, TIIH "MINSKNUKH OK IIHALTII," Ml ted ut tin IVnm-ylvuula Institute of Medi cine, contains nu article on Dyiipepitlii, 'Chill und rever.and Kidney AtTvcl'oji-, In which the; wrllt r pohltuely declares that the whole Mcteuce ofMedlelne posnesseH no renn-ly (or tho cuto of IhtiKO ilh-euHen, Hint )h baifas rnunciouMas ;u mil ler' lUrb ltltlcr. Jlu Npc4b4 ftom exi'trltnce, havmaiutd them tn hi practice for thu paid two) eurn, to tho rxclutlou of nil tdher remedteM,' and without a hoiitary iiiHiuiuo of inimro. i Hold by all DnuaiMs and HmileiM. HH.H. H. IIAU'I MAN A CO., Proprietor, lan- runtvr, ra.,andChuiUin, niinom, Jllllti ID, 1868. OTY'S CI.OTIIKS WASIIKH. B1 LOVIH UUOW.S, CUAH. J, KWAUi, uowx it KVAia, WIIOMiAMC (JUOCKHH, X. K. Cor. Third A VIiui Strwti, VUILA DKM'JIIA i'XTHACT ntOM HP.POHT OP PAUMKItV ni I'll -.TM' MiIm. ic.i- "Wftihinis Mai hlncH William I. Ohom Port tt mn. Ca men Couniv. S. Y.. askti'Wlll iho litib Kl" uh l(K oplnttiii ol wahhlnn-iitMhlnes? is 11 economy m tiiy louiiceu nouurii lur one oi Iintv'M innchlne? Will It wrndi lurmom clot hen clean, and not be Ion haul woi k for the women WasliUiK'nuiihlneshaehu eencrilly pintd to be f.itluirtt ibni i mu niium oi tiirowinu away me tmiiH'v noon one.' " "Ho Ion Uoblnson -"If on had tn pny leu llmeo Uio money )u mtntiun, H would U the Ut In-M-Htmt nt tu et r inude ujioii jmu'efnim. Hut you niiihi iioi mn u uiui uioiie. tici uie iuuvur ml I lot htH-Wilnut r llh It and our blekkul. Fur you will rind wahlni; made eny," Hold by l, V HIIVI II 1 11I, llt lll'llll IKI'lll, , 3J ( tntlaudt hi i ect, N, Y. Aim vj jieuitT" nun tauuNer ovrywnnre, May 15,'Ov.lm, riKTTHK UICST. mine thu but lirott ctiou uuuliod dihUhiLr bv Imbtnlnn lerlllented. The mUerlher Is ueelil lor the anovo lUM-uuon, uuu mu oiutru ny mull or in L-erJU win ou I'loiuoiir mn iiuihi hi. lur u;w, h. y, uiDifHMAN, OOlv AdKNTS WAXTIU) bus jiHt letuuietl irom Plulndelphl.i, nud has : boiiuld, und U now ollerln' the best ushortno'iit or I' N Y OMUlW, 'IHIMMINCiS, HONNHThAc. Ac, e.t i evhlbUed 111 Hlooiunbuijf, and Is prepan-u to in is ko up driHno. and nil othtr at tides, of female wardrobe, ut nhoit not lie, nnd In the brtt und I.ATUhT SPHINH HTYHKS. HooniH in the Itimin'y HulldltiKs, ou Wt st Malnhtretl. Call and m In varied slot k of Sjrin,; Hood-. -May I, 'tis. IP U Ii K S, (HUM It oi WI M - i; n v'; Ui-.M KjlbUl'-.L Al 1.1. V lliuln Imiiasut our i.ieilUies In thewa- of hop loom, iiuiclilm rv. Ae we me pivpaii to tuii.intactuie Mm t i.MuiM V 1 . I'M H.and all kinds I oihTI.AM 111 1 1 1 iKHs, hl t iK I "-STA K Tints' SiiKin-lKuN W.,i:k,Ac. All woilt ptumpiiy done to order, nt sumt notice, and MMXIAI, ATTHNTIoN PAID TO ItHPAIi:-. YourulUntbui Is specially talhil to the mem bers ofour firm-all Heine 'utrt.'c tt ll,th r Malms, .ir, iii.a iim oi i: has bad nn experience ot om r I thirty ears in Hie mitnut.uMit; of nil kindu of Meniii Hulleis : and Horn our lonnexpi rl nee wo me fully uw.iu- ottbe tieies4t.v ofa wvlbmad-j and nuillclentl Inure Hon t n, to Kccure not onl tub t. but Hit I.' un toiy ti-hiittf.: nnd wt KhalluHe I our ciislonit t only those ot tin lu it imil.t as ri-Kaitis inuttrial.woi km.iushlp, i.mluiiidi htat inw mrfaee. and b el eoiifloein ibtit wi tan it n tlei mtlitat lion, nnd at pi let tullv as low m any nt her bulldeis iinim Hie sum qii.illt i.inlt i f nts. ewHild-ail th. nti.-nlloiiot Uu1Iwh Coni- Vt)UIC, i.i rum itFi'Aius oi; M:v.ns we make It a point fur one ofthe tlim louiwu yKehls pel Hon il attention. Wo nie iiNu pup.nud to tlo all hihd-i t su-um KitliUKR, Mich as Hc.ittuir Puhlle nnd P'ivite Ulitldnus, .u-UHes, liitiny up Steam Huileitt.Ac, loiistantH on bund all Muds nf sooi Fii ITlNOsHTI il V Il W V f Lit It L'Ad I S h 1 1 AM Pll'l liliu nil 11! (Huts eotll'i cteil With the bUfcinrt-i-, Aeents wanted (oi haw .'. I Ult s Pawul ro kei s ale, tn whom urent hniie ments uie on- red. We w 111 hcndyoii n hewlnt Mnchlne tr nlfi DufcS rtteof tost, Ule us a trial. Ciliilnuuf sent Hee. sihaw A Fisk, P. O. Hut SITS, Ilostnn Mass. A V H YOI TIUKH ThV1jKv TO'- M,PA!il II. InH i! sVP loiltrl'iniiifc, lirntf, "'i.niut tul w 1th Hu In Millelt orders for Dr.Wm. Smith's Dictionary ol the Ihble. 'Ihe only edition published In America, condensed ''X miiiiii h otu naini. In ono lame olunu. Wind mteil witli over lii fclet 1 and wood enura lm;s. Aleuts and fcUliciloers hu iuai you rci nej cnuino ciiltlon t' Dr. hinliti. -ih Hnrlimtteld Uenuh!lenu wns N. this edition mblished bv Memr-. Hurr A Co., In thu teUUllie Ti.r.'i'nniiii i'iilniuilkt -nvs. i hnever w lnht ri In get, I n IhocheupeM loi lit, the bent Dictionary of ine iiuxe kuouhi ouy mis. AL'1-ntn me timtlim with uiipnrn Mi isl fdicciKri. Wot'inpln no Hem ml Aumt-t, and nin r extra Inducement i i"nnhsi m, Atenu will kcc the adviihtaffeof ib nlln?dlrectly wllh the PublUh- rx. I 'or (h-neiipmo tircutar witu uui purucu larn nnd terms, ud Iress thf Publlsbtrs. J. It. 111! Itll lV t U,t May :,'t. 2m Ilnitfoid, t'onn, U)OM M'HOOI 1)IST1Ui:T. TbefoIloMinii iii ti ue hiaicmenioi uie ueeipu and exiHiidltuie by the lioauts of Diiectors lor tho ami year uuiiiiikoii uio jhi nay m jiuiemo Hl.CUIPIX HecM Ilahuioe Irom last ymr, 11 Mcnden- mu, i iciisiiri i, nt Ittc'd Hal. Hotiuty Fund from I." MciuUu nun, i it us ui per .uu.i;iucuiviu, ivi n htale iipproprlallon, t- From n. A iliulman, Col, lb'05, S"i 01 ' other hi mi ccs. UJ j Dupltcale lor 'U7 nnd 'ti1, Sf'1,721 M Dt sit 1 1 1 ors nud c xhoucru'v Ml 45 on. vomuiHHiou, ivi u iijn,iu .it Ntt HeetlpH.. I.Uj Tt HXPHNHITUHi:1!. IM, 7 Male IVachern 7 niontlu, S,Wi lU " A I tinatti 7 " fcW JI i a iiua,iviu " lUpalrsHt liondttle Hcbnol U's, bv'i IW " Welch Hill Us7 " Huudryrpulin, Moved ire etc,, Htf PfJ XI HI " Forluel 1W62 " hecretary on yeai'ti Hilary, M on " roraiHiitUlut'iuid pitnlli'i;, II t0 For l'uiulture, i (V For map, traionsete., h " For tle mouth'N lint, one room, U w " For tle conies I'i nii'u School Joumnl. ft () ' For Deed, Htamp, and AU, id iiKieeuit ut, 7 :U jiM'on l. Mint an iieci, ui ii in esuue, .m " H, Mendcnhall " 10' " 'l icu, Cominlsklon, h Jlalaiue In hand of Tte.uurir, Hi 'Ihe Hoard of Directors have bouuht oue lot of truund of F. Mendcnhall In Iist Ithwiu for Ihokuiunl Am1 CO One lot of Jiicob lAnns adiolnlnir thenbiAofnr fci UI ,W) OU On whlen Iiuk heiii pdld n abovv, Jitt 1 911 &: QID FHIKNDS a- xi:v riMKNIS, Tills WAY 1 1 A, Ilnrtmnu'a rew Htore Ilootini on Main ht., below llarki-t. PHYOOOIH, NOIIONS, POor.MHOKrs, onocr:uii, PHOYISlONh t At'., Ai 1mi, a bt w nnd fctnud Mlppiy ol KU iVI-H AND TIN WAHH. IIiuiuKMiniid a well-know it und supeiior woiKuuiu, Is pttpaitd to make new woik, and ir allium tooidi i. hTOFUNU MADi: lo OllDl.H. AH a cheap foi nivh oi Undo hh the thtnpest. Call mul ste. 1 lit Mole on wtet tnd nr South Multiht. A. IIAUI'MAN. April lO.'Os. W A Ir 1 1 A JI WATC'Il JOS AT i:THHMI-I.Y LOW PHICK.S HIHer HuutliiK Watibes sis OoldllunUim Wntehtii, is carat Case s .. ,.?mi H i. Id I lu ml m; Watclu . DntlleHhlze 70 Kaeh wnlch wanatitcd by hpeclal eertiflcale In i ii i the Ann lb an Watt It Co. Walt hett m ut h I pi'i'Ks, t", 1 1, D,, with pil ill ge to cMitnlue bi lole pa ln, lAi-r onu ill Mind ot a rcliihle llinckieoi r in uoiii'kli d lo w i ite foroiir deserlo- He piite-lUt, AtidrtkK in lull mul please name I Ibetaperlu whlehu aw litis adeitiM im-nt. ! JIOW.MIH A CO. No idlt llloudwii, N. Y. Juno r,'bvlm. NDKHHIIOTT'S 1MIAUM ACY. Als .( ustlhutol nil khuNJ .sitnts, phiWN.nutl all woik ui ueiai mumuy uiuiiick, Ki sped full holu'ttlng otn oidti'h, we nie Yours ei ttulv .1. UKATIICOTK A CO l eii.U-s os 1 V A 11 M II li S! Atuu J, K, KIXlAK, Kecrel.iry Juno 5ts, V.J. MOUIUK, Prt ild rnt, IT'iN PACIFIC OFANii tOMPAN is hOl.LIH.i: i a r i r i c o v a x o. Ull. A'l IHNTIONoi Fartm rs nnd other mn stimi r ol Ft itlllA-i-s is United in this tiu.nio, us wot thy of their s ecial not he. Mh iim- tor i-t-wn al ytars in Miu laud, Viriilnla and other houth t m Htales, lor all t ro s, has gi u it a t-taidaid ehmaiter lor caci lit iuo unujualled bv any otii er. It puhschsis all I lie qllMiiutH oj Pumluu lliiaiio w 1th pi i mailt nt iitialiHeit not found in Ih. it article. IN. i f Ihh (luulio are Inimd moiti (htm tiunl in m I's, of tlu 1 1 t ii per I bosphiltes It llpell ll.f whiUt i li'p ll"lll lUti in seven ny scai lit r than On phosphuti whit li r.iet aloue 4lo it mmlcu table, ndyantiiei I.lh ml tl -i i nut In di. m ik Fi 1 Hde bj JOHN rt. HI ISF. A I .. i it luial Agi uls lor l'aclti" tjuano Cu Shniilh Delaware Ae., Philad'n And 71 f-oulli hln 1 1 Haltltnoie. Me n'li 'jr.'ils-t'm. To Hotel aiitl SaliMiii Urrpus of Ulooni- burg tnd Ctilumbiu County. -1 hue appointed Ml. H. Htohm r nu.i ui fir the s.ih of my uie, port 1 1 brown ft out, and l.ii-r be r, who will supply you at thu Nynu pih'e mud wllh the same arth Ic). a. I wi i. Id I'miiMi ) ou fi in the brewery. Ktmow lux tii.d 'i s.illb' puu and alttntiii to dt wto in. fi.v r him .itli tl eir Hade, 1 holt t r.n Mini io ii mi ipd i. ciy it spu thillv, i pj:d i. v ui M ,.i., I (Hiit, I .i inn. lv II j i-u litive not uou is the tinn to nr. itir te i test bargnlus t i-r oil. n .1 bv itnv t onn-rii lu the world. InesHgnte ibl-al once-H will p Atll.ailii't in the Dollai hale business .idrillfe togit Uie bt hi baigalns. W'-l iutbiceiut nts to atntAe. Hut ihe gooiU tilt the -toij. Tin proot i if tlu puddiiw In Hie outing, icnns lower than the lowest, i'i renin rs j-vm nee Addren TOWl.H A CO., 7 1 n mout How, ltnM m Mnhs. pnoovror nrirsTATKM'r.VT Mill hllUI MA Ml V t'ntlfl tl. HUVOliPTION S TltADK etdi be luuud In ll:e met Hi ll the liniuiie bul m s we half built tip has Induced a tiitillltud or Miiall concerns to imitate our club byMem. nud some by uiUtlUslug Hie pieveuts they will give to agents, nek, unsueis sslully, to divert souit ol our biisiut'ss to tht-mst-ites. We maku litis announcement simply to miorm Hi public (hat il will be lor iheli Interest to jutioiiWe uu liouve, n- we will continue to giM.- i y ou und gtcatei induct meuts to ng nts tin i. i.t olli ei'inii'-etu In tin bu-dlios. We nd! etiv (liHripUou oi Di ,i m t nncy Hood-, Platetl War--. Jewi liy. Watt hi , jscw Inn Machine, Ac., ir the untlnim pi lee of ONU ) il. I.Alt. I iieulurs i-i nl tn any nddii Inc. PAUKHU A ctt., No. lis umi iw huiutnt r Mietl. lit ., hkat sau: or mn aoons camii:tixus HOOTf; A MIOK, ,S I U V VAX IM. AT i: I) V A H U ny AbL UiNPs, A J, It UM S, An lavarlny fit vnliiflhloaud moful nriicb Male at ?i von i:Ani akthtj:. A t hi el: th sciiblng u attleie selected irom our to(k forsalent oin-dollnr, will be mo ton th ic-elpt of tliiei ei ntt to pay pontage. No chut ge lor s.( hedules oi ( bet ks mnde ntt hit Cbtabhshiiieut. hi ud for circulars, as this is th muni lib. ral -ah- uf Ihe kind In th eouutn. Ad tints FA 11X11 AM A CO., N. ;'l Friend Ht., Uoblou, lab. rytt Tin: i.adiks. Ve iileng Ulsloi oer I Hie llundied l'uU-Ik nud Domehtlu Mnuufucturerr, and are lircpartd iu un nihil iuo iiuie i oauirj wiiutiryauu laiww smer .ire, iiirni- Ol rnslTK AMMUCAN HOI hi Wheie ruaj be found a i omplele ahoiim. n( of frmh and pure J.MMil.l-: A IIAK.N'l : MA K Kit. irtiiiil-, .ilkn. hliuulM. Ji-wi-ii v I luu', inuiios, mm III 4 intirli i i ill M riu rlri' i.t M ,vti'., ut 111. liu! 1 .Ml 1 nu KM II AllTK'I.h MCDlt'IN'lX, HYP STl'l'FH, I OI.OIIS, Oil.-, WINIlOW.OI.AHH, (,.I1"M, ANTIMIN . HI- UAH. KOAlK, AIA'OIIOI., WINIX A I.ll. OIUs SVllt'lM, i-riirrMKiiv. ioii.i:t ANIU'ANL'V AUTUMN. Hindi urn nlli-rnl iilolil iliuii jul.'fv. rrmrlii tloim inTiiruti'ly iirrpnri il. Jnii S i)ly. -1 Altl t IA ( I I-I .M A N V I'ACTOH Y. c VOii Nl'AT AND CUKAl't -TOI1 PH1NTINQ. , CAW, T THr. - oj UV W tfFIt'K ltlwimsburg, Pa. M. C, HlAlAN A imOTIIHU Ihe ucvetixouor WII.UAM SI.OAN A. hON I oouUnue thti bUHhit-Ks of luuktn CAUUIAOlis, lUTUCUl-H. and ieiy ktyleof FANHY WAUONH, which tliey have (oiifctanlly on baud to Httlliiu. tonurs, Necr iuIur any mateiUl but the lft aud eiuployluif thu moid t iptrltliced woiUuku they hopeloc'-ntinuo an hen lofore to 8ieenUtB tnUUfactlon in eerj cubtiimir, An Intpeitlou td their woik, aud of lUoriahoiublu prlco unkisl fur tht iaine( U tutu lu luiture a tiale, .NlTliKWH WII.kTnS A Piuleu lu I'OHKIIIX S0 IKIMIXl'll IlltV U'MUlM Nu. Cikl Mntlii l HII..I ,M,lilu, Oil VN. I 11 I I , I , I I .Mill I . I N I V l'l NN'.V, 1111 l.InU IKilitti ,1 i -I I . Illlil tlltiitlilK tl H III, nili, mul, llio, tli.l It I'.i- Imnitlil Mil 'llK'MAM llri'KJ 1,U11,1 Ulll(tillllntu.lll(.l.tli.)lll. nf SA iUU.j: (mil JI.WIM l-s JIAK1.NO, 111 lilltU vmkitiH lininclii'M.nt lln'nl'1 -Uiui lilin.i. liyinrK Hull 1, lllill llO))f.s n, iUmmvi1 mul HTi'lle 1 1 14- Mll. liinnuc nl nil v 1. it n i il intMi'K In liU Uui'. 1 1 ii.'.n,'i. r.i.iiiuii; lazAiti'K Ay"AlTr.MAN A KNtTKIiMAX, TMIA(H 11, SNL'IT A MXIAK MWri'M-IOtlY, N.i.Sli Knniii i in kii Mri: i , H, point I lorir lipluM Wfuxl, I'll I I. 111! I. I'll I A. Wahtm'n II, I'. i:mim.m IV onor, i-oKi.KKit a co Wl-'ilr.iile liuli's In M N A V II I t-W WA1IK All.NS. l ill. I'lol I. s, Wu li. "I, llHtkrlv, 1 1, .. i Ii . UIIAliSl Mini.. I Kl.. A loll I'litllfll -!., rilllniln. Junu.'i,'i, STAltl.IHliKD !7'.iM. JUllllA), A HIUIIUKU, witoUfcAi.i; uiioci'.u'i, Wl.l lHtlCs III HAlU-OTUU AKIl I1UIIIIT').N1 No an Nuiiii riiiKi -u-vti l'lll)uililihlii J. w. Gi:t T O T I ( MI if i on i mi in 1 1 r. . t t,,b i 1 n lo t top-, r u M tilin t v 1 1 dtalt h i ll I I l 1 Ml) ' ifiip. 1 V Mudvour clubs t jOnnd upwurds for den rip ile eru'-k,hD7lug what nrtiele onu be tibt.dne 1-n (lu, Dollar, wlMi ten ecuti Tor each . he. k ciiu'i i. vus hi:st l urr. PicttutK woitii from i'i to $,1)0 M.() ti of ehnigt)tongeiitieiidlng tlnliH, Act nth wanted In fen town CPhliM AN a io 1U Aleh M , Hnsb.n, Mil.. June tis. ATiKNTM wantku. All ngcnls who profi t i.. ,'ll, n,l all pattle , wlii ptopohe to buy a In- ol Dun, liiatit, hliouU uialeriland, that tin IVuonal History ot (ir.NKltAh OKANT, 1 Hi Albeit D. Hit haidou, author of'Fleld, Dui ('ton A- apt ." A "Heyoiut the Mississippi," I was uilttui with the winctlou ot tin Uluidrloiui Ocnrial.niul N tho only lully authentic aud an Ihorlxed Illofrnphy of lilm, und will ejutaln k muss of Important nud inteipsting matter na ' other book lmor cun obtalu, bii-Himllltis nf tbr HiicondlUoniilHurrendcrand otht-i leuem und ' documents liom Pitldeut Uuroli, OeiieruU , (Irnut, Ihukncr, and oil, i-s iiom orlylnuU t ntiustetl to the iiiilhnr, und inaiteisof tho high i hi iuHoilanv, ii-hiHug to Hie (ltd got ruuiuut I hhusa tho war, ni'M-r made public And nn cl IgaulMtil HngiuMnv and r'tuleuneil lito ot i Mhujler Colfax Fiill Pay Hiuialii4K The Authoi Is widely l-it. wu a ojic (,( th most tiulhlul an will ah t-illllaiu wrlteih. H wan with i lent ru I thaut tlmlo,; moht of hU i Wistiiu Campaigns, and as a JounialUt writ ( Ing Hum "Hekthpiatlt rs in the Field." was un i ..f Ids nrllcfct hupitoiiem. He wiltc fiotn per I soiiulobkenaUotuund irom mulerlal gat) ic red fioni ehanut U ope net! to him lo tieutiul Uraul nnd hi- trlemU, Hit route nt w 111 pitivts lt pitloilly oti ullutbii'K Don't kill r biii att Inft rloi work. Hook ut this nrxt, Complt to to Ht of Jutio, aud wllleoutalu u KiuMnKhoftUe Chlenco Cumcnth n. CiirtlUr 1 bent, aud highest commUioiis paid, Addrew MKHH AN lTUHHlUNO to. 1 lluitfunl, Cl. t-i HI IhH A Ct., NewaiL, N I uc lVlt, A 1 KM)S 01s JOU IMUNTINU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers