THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. he (ifolumbian; BLOOMSUUUQ, PA. KUIDAT MOIIXI.NCI, .U'NE !MI, 1HOH. 4f-TllKCaLC.Ulll.VN lit. Ilir LulRrtt Glr.ulMluu In Columbia nntl atljolnlttR ftinntL. of ii' tmic r ptitilUlicil kcrr, Anil ll ftl.o a much larKtr .lit.l than uny of tli cot.mporftrt,. anil It th.r. for. lite licit mtdlnm far ailvf rllftlng In Ibli ...lltm rr th Rlalf. She Xntane Asylum. AN act of tlio Inst Lcgiilaturu author ized tho purchncofnfrm,nn(lthM'iT lon ofHiillnbto bulliliiiKi tot an lti.'tiuo Aoylum for Northern l'onniylvanlii. Tlio conipctlnjr Counties seem to bo llrndford, Lycoming, Montour, Colum bia ntul Luzerne. Tho farm Ii to con twin not less that two hundred nntl fifty acrc9 of land, to bo wlthlneasy dlitaneo of a town, and of railroad and ennnl, to lie In a healthy neighborhood, and to havo an unlimited oupiily of puro soft water; tho requirement of this latter artielo bclnji Klfty tlimwind kiiIIoiih dally. On Friday of last week the Committee appointed by tho Legislature, consist ing of Dr. Curwen, Dr. fircen of North amp ton, and Dr. Heed of l'lttitbtirg; und accompanied by (Jovornor Geary, Miss Dix, Dr. Ray, Dr. Klrkbrlde.fjcna tors AVorthlngton and Krrettand I'rof. Wlckershani and other gentlemen of reputation and offlclal position, arrived in llloomstburg by a special train. Tho party was met at the Depot of the lllooinsburgnud Lackawanna ltailroad, by tho citizens of Illooniburg, among whom were Senator Uitcknluw, Judge Elwell, William M'Kolvy, Charles It. J'axton, Judgo M'HeynoldM, Irofesor Carver and many others, In carriages provided by tho Committee of arrange ments of whleh lion. Leonard 11. ltu pert wnn chairman, and Hov. Mr. Wal ler, Dr. M'Kclvy, Dr. Ilradley, D. A. Ueckley, and John A. Funston Esq. were members. Among the gent'omen accompanying the Committee vc were glad to meet Hon. Thomas Chalfant, our lato efficient member, who was largely Instrumental In necurlng the pa.sfiago of tho bill. In a few minutes niter their arrival, at tho Kxchange, tho Company again entered tho carriages and drove to the farm of Hev. D. J. Waller which had been offered as n proper Mte for the pro posed Asylum. Twenty or thirty car riages filled with citizens escorted tho Committee ami distinguished strangers. A pretty thorough examination of the farm was made nnd an extended view of the surrounding country given from several points. Many questions were asked, but of con rue nothing was learn ed of the views of tho Committee. They were thought to be favorablo from the desire exhibited to obtain full and cor rect information as to nil points. The general salubrity of tho country, the elevation, tho dlstnncc from tho river, the beautiful Flshlngercek running through tho farm, tho fact that sup plies of all kinds could bo readily and cheaply obtained, and that coal could bo delivered on tho spot for about $3,00 per ton, seemed to secure to Blooms burg more advantages than appertained to any other locality. After tho drive over the farm, tho whole party, now numbering about one hundred persons, adjourned to tho Island, and partook of refreshments pro vided there, consisting of every tiling good, and closing up with lee Cream and Strawberries. Just as tho eating was fairly over, a thunder storm camo rumbling over tho hills aud dispeed the party to their heveral carriages In onsldcrablo hurry, and great good hu mour. Alter tho return to town (low Oeary visited tho Institute with I'rof. Carver, und addrcs-ed the ndiool in tho Hull of the Institute. At 6;I8 l M. the Gov ernor and cortege took tho train for tho Wyoming Valley. SWINDLE!! IN CYOHiltU-H. 0 (IK! constantly in receipt of communications from all parts of tho country, covering lottery speculations, und other swin dles under the frank of member nf Cbfi. grest. Inasmuch as they are unable to frank a sufficient number of envelopes by writing their own names, tlicy have stamps made which they present to their friends, aud thus cheat tho Gov ernment. We havo now before us nome documents and circulars from n set oi Claim Agents In Washington, under the frank of John A. Logan tlo pet Impeacher of the Radicals. It h the duty of every tax-payer to use his In fluence against this Congirsional swln dllng. Uerom: .surrendering the War Qftice Stanton destroyed many, very many, papers on fllo there relating to secret Interior party matters, particularly of detective matters nnd confidential re ports, upon which his high-handed ac tion was In many Instances based. It will never be known how much the In dependence of his subordinates lias been oppressed. In all tho branches of his office the, Freedmen's Ilurcau, the De tectlveand the Army holms had a host of satellites In Kccret correspondence with him, the matter of which has no doubt been destroyed. In tho Army tho purest nnd best havo had to ho ex tremely cautious of speech among even intimate associates. The Army has been degraded by his minions. A bettur time dawns. "Let us havo peace," say Grant's fit rlemcn, nplng their leader. Who hinders you? You havo Con gress by more than two-thirds in either branch, Tho President U not In your way, for you can and do override oil his vetoes. The Supremo Court Is not In your way, for you can aud do abridge Its Jurisdiction. Tho army Is not in your way; for you have created Grant military dictator In the rjoutliern ties ert which you have made In ten States and call peace. These powers you have and havo had for Uireo years, thus lit terly unimpeded havo you been on every hand. If you wanted peac why didn't you glvo us peace? CIkn. Giiant Bhid 111 18CI ; " I am a Democrat, and overy man in my regl nient is n Democrat, nnd when I shall bo couvlnccd that this war has for It object any other than what I have men Honed, or the government designs iis Ing Its soldiers to e.vecuto the purposes of tho abolitionists, I pledgo my honor ns a soldier that I will curry my sword on the other side and uist my lot with tlio people." A chutigo has come over tho spirit of CJoncral arant's dream, but ho has fulfilled hid promise to cast Ills Jot With tho Radicals who woro tho alllM of the rebels during tho war. Bis Speech. Gka.nt made the followtngspeech on being visited by thecomiiiltteonppolnt cd to Inform him of his nomination : "You'd scarce expect one of my age, To speak In public on tlio stage. And If 1 chance to fall below Charles Sumner and GalushaGrow, Don't view mo with Hen Iluller's eye, IJut pass my Imperfections by. From Marshal's pups great dogs do blow; From llttlo colls great horses grow. As you'll agree, It Is too Into For mo to try to tultlvato Tho art of speaking. Therefore I, Will let thu little Job go by. I'll only say that I'll fulfill, Whatever you, my friends, may will. Aud It Is now my full Intent, If I am chosen President, To so discharge ofllclal duty, That every nct,my friends, will suit you. Witiisk the careful reading of every qualified voter of either party of tho following questions; Why is tho burden of taxation bo op pressive, and employment senrco? Why nro thero to-day hundreds of thousands of whlto men nnd women In the North living In dread of starvation within the preent year? Why aro thirty milllonsof whlto men taxed fur the special benefit of n class who pay no taxes on the great bulk ot their property? Why should there be over two thous and millions of dollars exempt from taxation ? If negroes aro fit for freedom, why has n great poorhouso system for their support .to bo kept up nt the expense of Northern Industry? If thu war was prosecuted for tho preservation of the Union, why nro ten States kept out of It? Let the onswer, ns your own heart and Intelligence suggest, he given next October and November. Ta x nu a r t e it Dr. ATI i .An exchon go says It has been decided that dying won't suvo a man or woman from tho payment of taxes. Assessors aro In structed that " Incomes of persons who died after tho 31st of December, aro tax able, and should bo returned by execu tors, and also all Incomes which accru ed In 1SG7 to persons who died within that year. Income accruing after de cease should be returned by heirs." Thus It is seen that the insatiate tax gatlieier follows a man In Ills coffin, nits ut tlio portals of the tomb, plants him self at tho side of tho grave digger, as ho drops the clods upon tho mortul ro- mains, and, after dogging tlio carriages of tho mourners, stalks homo llko i spectre and enters upon his books the expected Income the Treasury is to de rive therefrom. What a blessing is n public debt. ritli namo of President Andrew Johnson was stricken from tho roll of membership of tho New York Union league ou 'lliursuay evening. Stale Guard. As Mr. Johnson was not a member of tho organization wo do not see ns it amounts to very much. Somo timo ago an Hon. Mr. Somebody of tho Radical persuasion, refused to accept nn appoint ment as visitor to West Point, but it turned out that ho never was appointed. The Radicals aro so filled with a "spirit of pure cussedness" that they Insist on refusing things which they haven't got and turning pcoplo out of places when they have never been. Can any ono inform us ns to the whereabouts and present condition of ono Useless Mcrcur formerly a member of Congress? So long a tlmo has elapsed slnco tho honleed eloquence of tho em- nont .statesman 1ms fallen upon tho de lighted public, that it is feared li hns come to grief. Can It be that any one in tho country of tlio Ku Klux Klan, has accidentally heard of him nnd of fered him up as a sacrifice to thut bloody organization. Mercur's friends should stir h!m,uporho will hardly bo re-elect ed even with tho support of all tho "em inent citizens" of this and other burgs. Tin: Radicals are highly delighted with tho nomination of Grant, nnd hpeak of him ns "the soldier and tho statesman." Wo confess wo aro at a lose to know whore ho acquired his right to tho latter title. What position lias ho occupied, to call forth his states manship. as it shown in his passing through all thu grades of politics from Democracy to Radicalism, or was it ex hibited while Secretary of War Z-ii-Urim f Tiiaddkl's Sri:vr.NH,. -ome tun since, spoke as follows: "If tho President Is not convicted, tlio Radical candidate will carry but two Northern States Massachusetts and Vermont." The "Great Commoner" ought to be a pro phet of some standing In his own par ty. Wilt his prediction bo verifled? Oregon says "yes." Wo sincerely trut tho old Radical may not bo disap pointed in his calculations. Tim present Superintendent of tho Public grounds and buildings at liar-rl-burg, receives a salary of 1200, and has three assistants, eacli with awilnry of fsno, per annum. During the administration of Guv. Packer, and previously, Mr. Charles Mullln was paid 2.5i) per diem for do ing tho same work, now dono by four. Very great at retrenchment, these Radicals, Tin; first popular election slnco tho nomination of Grant and Colfax took place In Oregon. Tho result Is a repu dlatlon of tho tlckot. If tho Pacltlc States, which have been counted as sure for Radicalism, thus thunder against it what will happen when tho Kastern and Central States announce their ver diet? Radicalism will then orumblo and fall to pieces. A Trilune correspondent Is credited with tho stntement that Hiram U. Grant "still preserves tho sweotness aud simplicity of country boyhood." It Is put up in cans and ordors from Or egon and Connecticut nro respectfully solicited. Wt.ndkm, PniLi.irs pursues Grant with cruel lltcralncss. Ho now says: "Grant cannot stand up before a glass "of whiskey without falling down,' from which It must tie Inferred that ho does not take It " straight," but tho re verse. Raijicai. leaders openly treat with contempt tho idea that thero Is such u thing u Public Virtue, nnd yet straugo to say, tho most effective support thut party receives, comes from bo-called re ligion poplP, Tho President's Veto Message, Wamiinuto, Juno SO, Tut: following Is tho text of the mes sage of tho President on vetoing tho Arkansas bill : 7b (lie. House of Jlenresenlativm : T rn- turn without my signature a bill enti tled "An net to admit tho stnto of Ar kansas to representation In Congress." Tho approval of this bill would bo nil admission on tho part of tho Kxecutlve that tho "Act for tho moro efficient government of tlio rebel States," pass ed March 2, 1807, and tho acts supple mentary uiereio, were proper aim con stitutional. My opinion, however, In referenco to these measures hns under gono no change, but on tho contrary has been strengthened by tho results which have attended their execution. Kven where this tho case, I would not consent to a bill which Is based upon tho assumption either thnt by nil act of rebellion of n portion or tho peo ple, the State of Arkansas seceded from tho Union, or thnt Congress may, at Itsplcasuro, expel or oxcludo a stnto from the union, or liitcrrutit tho trov- eminent by arbitrarily depriving it of representation in mo senate ami tlouso of Representatives. If Arknnsns is a Stnto not In tho Union, this bill does not admit her as a State Into tho Union. If, on tho other hand, Arkansas is n Stato in tlio Union, no legislation Is notes nry to die nro her entitled to representation in Congress ns ono of oiaies oi tno union. Tlio Constitution nlready declares that "each Statu shall havo nt least ono representative," that tho Senato "shall bo composed of two Senntorsfrom each Stato," and "that iio Stato without Its consent shall be deprived of Its equal sufl'rago In the Senate." Tnnt Instrument also mnkes each Houso thojudge of tho elections, returns and qualifications of Its own members, and therefore nil that Is now necessary to restore Arkansas In nil Its constitutional relations to tlio govern ment, is a decision by each House upon tho eligibility of thi io who, presenting their credentials, claim seats in tho res pective houses of Congress. This Is tho plain nnd simple plan of tno constitution, and believing that had It been pursued when Congress as sembled In tho month of December. 1803, tho restoration of tho States would long since havo completed, I onco again earnestly recommend that It bo adopt ed by each Houso In preferenco to leg islation which 1 respectfully submit is not only at least of doubtful constitu tionality, and therefore unwise and dangerous ns n precedent, but Is un necessary, and not so effect! vu fn Its nn. eratlon us tho modo picscrlbed bv the it iuvuives uuuiiiouni delay, m.d from Us tenna mnv lm tnken rather as applicable to a Territory about to bo admitted ns one of the United States, than to a Stato which has occu pied a place In tho Union for upwards vi i iuuner ut a century. The bill declares the Stato of Arknn sas entitled and admitted in tation in Congress as ono of tlio States oi ino uni jn, upon tlio following fun damentnl conditions: "That tho Con stftution of Arkansas shall never bo so aiueiiueu or cnanged as to deprive nn citizens or cluss ol citizens nf tin. lrni tcdstntcsoftho right to vote by the Constitution herein recognized, except us punishment for buch crimes ns aro now felonies at common law, whereof iney snau nave been duly convicted under laws equally applicable to all the luuauiimiu ui sum oiuie, proviueu mat any alteration of said Constitution, prospective in Its effects, may bo mado in regard to tlio tlmo anil pluco of res idence of voters." I havo been unablo to find In tho Con stitution of tlio United States any war rant for tho exerclso of tho authority thus claimed by Congress, for assuming tho power to impose a fundamental condition iinon n Stutn which ha i,n,. duly admitted into tho Union on nn equal footing with tho original States in an respects wliatsoover. Congress asserts tv right toeutor n Htato as It imiy a Territory, and to regulate tho highest prerogutlvcofn free people tlio elective franchise. Tills question is reserved by tho Constitution to the States them selves, nnd to concedo to Congress tho power 10 regulate ims subject would bo to roverso tlio fundamental principle of tho Republic, and to nlnco In the fmnds of tho Federal government, which is tho creature of the States, tho soverelgn- ijr w niLii jusny ueiongs 10 mo oiaies or tho people, tho true source of all politi cal power, by whom our Federal sys tem was created, nnd to whose will it is subordinate. The bill falls to provide in what manner tho Stato of Arkansas Is to signify Itsacceptauco of the funda mental condition which Congress en deavored to make unalterable and ir revocable, nor does it nreserlbu thu mm. ally to bo imposed, should the people of inr portion oi mo uonsiiiuuon wiilcll it is oi.o of tho purposes of tho bill to per petuate, but us to tho consenuences nf such action, leaves them in uncertainty and doubt. When the circumstances under whleh tills constitution has been brought to the attention of Congress, nro consider- cd, it is not unreasonable to supposo inuv i-iiuiis win uu uiaiiu to moony its provisions, and especlully thoso In res pect to which this measure prohibits any alteration. It is seriously ques tioned whether tlio Constitution has been ratified by a maioritv of tho ner. sons who, under tho net of March 2, 1K07 and tho acts supplementary thereto. were entitled to registration, mid to vote unoii that issue. Section ten of the schedule provides that no person dis qualified fro registering under the uonsiuution snau vote tor candidates for any office, nor shall bo permitted to vote lor tne railllcatlon or rejection of ho Constitution at tho noils herein au thorized, and assumed to be In forco be fore Its adoption. In disregard oi tho law of Congress, tho Constitution un dertakes to Impose upon thu electors other und furthereondltlous. Thu fifth section of the eighth article provides iiiaiau persons, registering or voting, must tuuo and subscribe mi oath which among others, contains tho fallowing ouusc, "iiiui i iiccepi titu civil mm po litical equality of all men, and ngreo not to iiitcmpi io ueprive any person or portions, on account of race, color or previous condition, of any political right, privllego or Immunity enjoyed by any other class of men." itis wen Known unit n very largo portion of tho electors in all thu Staii-s. if not a largo majority of all of them, no not believe In or accent tho nolltl. cuj equality of Indians, Mongolians, or negroes, wun ino race io wnicn iney belong. If tho voters in manv of tho States of tho North and West were re. dUlrcd to take such an oath us n test of their qualifications, there Is reason to ueuuvu uai n majority oi mem would remain iroui me pons ratiier man com nly with Its ik'L'railiii'' conditions. now mr una io wuut extent tins test oath prevented the registration of those who were qualified uuner the laws of Congress It Is not possible to know, but that such was Its etiect at least sulllclent toovercomo tho small nnd doubtful majority in favor of this Constitution mere can no no reasonable doubt Should tho lieoiilo of Arkansas, then. fore, desiring to icguluto the elective franchlzo so as to make It conform to tho constitutions of a largo proportion of tho States of tho Nortli und West. modify tlio provision referred to lu tho fundamental condition wlial isio bo the consequenco? Is It Intended that a denial of rcprcs e uation sua i io low. ami n so. imiv wo not dread, at some future day, n re currenco of tho troubles which havo so long agitated tho country. Would ii not bo the part of wisdom to take lor it guide tho Federal Constitution, rather than resort to measuree which, looking oulv to tno present, may in u lew years renew, in an aggravated form, tho strife aim uitterness caiiscu uy legislation which bus proved to bo so 111 timed and unfortunate. A.niiukw Johnson Tin: Dcmocrucy of Philadelphia Tuesday nominated for Congress Sam m l J, Randall In the Fir.-t, Thomas li Florence lu the Second, and Dr. John Motion In tho Thlid Districts. Washington Items. WASHINGTON Juno 19. CONanESSIONAl.. NoTlllNa of particular Interest tran spired In cither Houso of Congress to- uay, com neing engaged in ordinary routine business. The so called Recon struction Committee wero to havo met to consider tho question of reporting n 1)111 amendatory of tho reconstruction acts, so as to prevent whlto men In Vir ginia from voting nt tho coining elec tion on ino now constitution, us it is called, For somo reason of other, how ever, a quorum of the commltteo wero not present, and tho subject went over to n futuro day. Tho general Impres sion is that altur tho passago of thu om nibus and Arkansas bills over tho Pres ident's veto, nothing further will bo at tempted In tho reconstruction lino this session. Tin: suniiATT casi:. It Is thought by well-Informed par ties hero that tho new Indictment yes terday found against Surratt was mere ly for tho purj oso of relieving tho Court on tho question of admitting the prison er to bull, nnd that tho casu will tako that turn on Monday next. The proba bilities Just now nro thnt tho accused will nover bo tried again, ns, according to tho evidence on tlio hist trial, thero Is no moro chanco of convicting him under tho new Indictment than there was under tho old one. The first count lu tho new indictment charges iilm withconsplring with Uooth, Payne, Hnrrold, 0'L;iugliln, Arnold, Atzerott, nnd Mrj, Surratt, to murder Abraham Lincoln. The second count charges him with conspiracy to capture Lincoln nnd deliver him Into the poses slon, custody nnd control of certain per sons, whose nunies nro unknown to the Jury. ALASKA. An effort will shortly be madotopats a bill through both houses making mi nppro.riatlon of seven million five hundred thousand In gold to pay for tho newly acquired Territory of Alaska. Tho Secretary of Stato Is urging the matter, but the determined opposition of u largo party In tho Houso has Hun fur deterred tho Foreign Affairs Com mltteo from reporting tho necessary measure, which must go through this session If the trcnty stipulations uro to bo observed. Thero Is no doubt of Its passago by tlio Senato tho only opposi tion Is in tho House, headed by Wash burno of Wisconsin. ritfcr.DMAN'S llUItKAU. Tho Senato amendments to the House bill to extend tho Freedmen's Bureau another year, wero agreed to by the lat ter body this afternoon, und tho bill now L'oes to tho President. It extends tho Ilurcau for ono year from the 1st of j my nexi, aim mo cost tnercoi will ue at least twelve millions of dollars. Let the tax-payers of tho country make n note oi mis. AN AMNLSTV. Prominent Conservatives nro urging the President to issue n proclamation ol general amnesty, to take effect on thu rourin oi Jiuy. WASIII.VaTON, Juucui. VETO OF Till: AltKANSAS BILL. Tho veto of the Arknnsns bill by tho President yesterday, indicates that he will pursue a similar courso with refer ence to tho admission of tho six other States mentioned in tho "omnibus" bill now beforo him, and Judging irom tho uctiou oi too nousc on me iirst-nnmcu measure, the latter will becomo a law over tho veto. Tho President's friends emlorso the veto sent in yesterday. They wero nii prehensivo that ho would allow tho bill to beedmo a law, by lapso of time,witli out his signature, which might have been construed into an implied ac quiescence in tho measure. tui: ni:w tax hill. It Is understood thut tho new lax bill fixes tho duty on whisky nt sixty cents. Tho finer qualities of tobacco aro reduc ed from forty to thirty-two cents. The bill is long, embracing tho adminis trative, sections on these subjects. WA31!I?,aTON Juno 32, 1M. THE DISABILITY HILL, Tho vote by which tho conference re port on the bill to relievo over twelve hundred citizens of the Soutti of politi cal disabilities was rejected In the Hous last wcck, was reconsidered to uay, and the report agreed to. This passes the measure, which assumes to rcllovo citi zens of tho United Stutes of disabilities i in posed by tho Radical maiorit v In Congress, In tho no-colled reconstruc tion net. All or nearly till tho parties thus relieved havo lately turned Radi cals, for tho sake of tho Congicssional puruoii. UXLEASK 01" St'ltKATT ON HAIL. Judiro Wvlio admitted Surratt to ball in the sum of f"0.000 to nnnearoiiMon- day next and abide tho further order of mo uourt. Tills was dono under the iidW indictment, the piisouer having oeen discharged under tho old one by order of tho Court. Tin: AT'rollr.YGl:NI:ltLHIl. It will bo seen bv reference to tlio As sociated Press reports that tho Presi dent io-iiay sent totlieseiiaioinonoiiu nation of William M. Evarts. Ksti., ol New York, to bo Attomey-Geneial of me united states, air. li. ut Ill's t ue cllned the nomination, but was prevail ed upon by his friends to consent to tho tisu oi ms name lor mo position. RncoxsTitucTion lixi' Washington, June 21, Tho Pay Master General estimates tho deficien cies for reconstruction expenses for tho remainder of tlio fiscal year at $031 Candidates rott Lkcuslatuhi;. Uy reference to our " r-olltica' "column it will bo seen that 13. J. Mellenry nnd Cyrus li, Mellenry, candidates for nomination to tlio Legislature, havo withdrawn, nnd recommend ns the most suitable person for that purpose Co'. Hiram It. Kline, of Orango Town ship. Tholr object In doing so, Is to so euro perfect harmony and unity of ue tlon in tho p.irtv. this fall, and wo havi no doubt the people will appreciate such noblo impul.-es, Our wholestreiigth should bo used against tho enemy, nnd not ngnlnst each other. Col. Klluu Is well known to tho Conntv. havlnu' served ono term In tho Legislature, nnd requires no commendation at our hands. As yet, no candldato has been proposed against him, nor Is it likely that ho will meet with any serious op position. KxcunsioN Tickets. R. A. Packor, Esq., tho enterprising and obliging Su perintendent ol thu Lehigh Valley Rail road, has effected an arrangement for tho sale of excursion tickets to New York and return from tho. 'id to tho 8th of July Inclusive, All persons who wish to visit New York during tho sea son of tho Democratic Convention will boenabUd to do so at tho trilling cost, otWir, for tho round trip. Tlio Lehigh Valley men nro "llvo" peoplf, ,u terne Union. Wo would call tho attention of thoso who prnpoo attending tho Democa'rtlc National Convention to tlio above an nouncement. Tlir. President on Wetlnosday Inst, Humiliated Hon. 1'crry Fullurnr Kun. drs, for Coiniiilwiloncr of Internal lU'VC nuu In tlio ilacu of I'. A. Uolllns, ns Hl;ncd, Tub Deuiocmcyof I'lillmloliililnlmvo nominated Hon. Daniel SI. Fox for Mayor; Judges, Win. L. Hirst nnd Tliomnn Qrecubanl; i for DUtrlct Attor noy, Fur man Htiemmrd. ItUntlcl.ot to win. POLITICAL. Democratic) Stato Ticket. ion AmiTon-OF.NriiAi.i CHARLES E. BOYLE, or I'AYKTTi: COUNTY. 10 11 a 1. 1 GEN. WELLINGTON II. ENT, OF COLUMBIA COthNTV. Candidates for Nomination! llto following gentlemen linve Ik on mentioned for tiomlnntlon to tho several Counly onicc to bo 111 It'tl by election tho present yenr, nml thflr nnnti'S will ne presented for tlio cunMileiatlnn nf tho Democratic County Conveiitttmi TO THE niCMOrilATir KM2CT01I8 OV coLUMUiA cowry i Tho tmdrrrilgncil rorrert fully nnnoimco Hint by mutunl coi.sent, ntul in neoiirp harmony iwnong thflr irlcn W, they will not bp ctHnlhlfiU" iM-forn thu Democratic Counly Convention fop immlnntlnti to tho oflU-o of lU'i' In Hie LKlnIntnro ! nnd they very ponllulty n'oomnn'tid Tor thnt nonltlon Col. Illrant It, Kline, nt orange 'lowntliln. CWlUrtD.M'HliNItV. Juih-.IS. rou itr:tni:sKTATivi: i COL. 1IIIIAM 11. KLINE, OKANdll TUWNSIUI. Foil COMMlSSIOXttll I WILLIAM aiUKll QUICK, JW.NTOUU TOWNSHIP. I'UU COMMISSIONED! STKIHIKN P0I112, CESTIIC TOWNlIir. Mnrket Ilorlt Wheat ver bushel - Ilyo Corn " OntH. " Flour per barrel loereed , Flax need , Mutter Ku-h null i w rotntof Drlrd Apple Pork Hums HiUei nnd Hhouhk-rn , l.urcl tier pound , Hay per ton UIMItnit. npnilock Hoard- per thousand feet I'lno " " " (ono inch) Joist, Hciintllng, Plunk, (Hemlock) Shingles, Nv, 1 per thousnnd Min " " n. r.v.vr.v.'.vr.' IllON .. i a mi ,.. 7 I'U .. 2 m .. arm n .. 10 HI . S1J HI .. IS)C ... r w ... X IM ... IS W No. 1 Hcotch pig. M No. 2 " " liloora IMillsultlphta MfiikctM. Tjiuiwdav, June 25, Ft-OtTU Northwestern superfine at ST.iVya! 8.00 .Nurthwmtoni exim V.wfa 1U Northwestern family lu.tK 11.75 Pennsylvania nnd western huperilue... 8.7.Vati.x Pennsylvania mm western extin Pennsylvania ami WpKtern family Penus lvnnln nnd Wtsteru I.iucy Ityo Hour WiiKAT Penmj IwinU led, V bus. Southern " " , California " " " wbitH " D.5iva8R(xi l(..iihUU'. 5U S2. !)(&!.& ... ... fXlViHlH II VK Pennsylvania ryo, V but.. Co N Yellow, " .., White, ' 0TS bUS .... tl.MJMSl.P .... ?l.'.M(iSl.U ... 1.17(481.17 iN'RNH' 1'HovtMON.v-Mess Pork, t bbl Mess Ueef, " Dressed Hogt, lb (Smoked Hams " " hhouldem V U SlSVi SLM-'iO iK'taiue nrft(ltt I,ard, ft K , i .era; i V-i Hkkdh Cloverseed V bus., i imoinyseea v lU, Klnxsi i ll Oatixe Pcef Cattle Tift Cows, A head HMKFP V ft Houi Y im ttm ITOYTVIL VNKUN'-OnlhG 2Ut Inst.. at Town. hill by ltu v. II. Wndsworth Mr, Delville Uoyt toMNsItosn II Franklin ml of JIunilngtuii iiuzvruu inutility. If AIITMAN IirwS Tn Jaekfcon towiinhln. Col utubla county u ThuiMta, tin lib of June, istw.ny Hem; l'.Kavnae, Dsq.,Mr. Jm-kson Hart man, of ltt-ntou inwusiiip, iu Miss Miriam iimh, oi eug.inoai lownsnip. NEW AJJVERTISEAIHiVTS. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICK. F-STATK OF UAHY V. I'KTCltM ', lUXFVSrn. Lettrrei ol tulltl In titration on thu estate of Mm v C.lVUTtnnn Into ofSniranoaf two.. Columbia Co.. di-ei-nsti. bao been mimted by the Uejtlfiter tif Maia eouniy io a i'eiernmn or saw township. All nirsons having claims, or deinandHUKaluot the i-stato ot tho decedent nro requesieu io maau ineui kiuhvii, aim inoso in. debted totnako payment. HA UAH A.pnnntMAN. June 20,'COt. AdmluUtratrlx. p U B L I 0 XOTIC K. All persons are hereby notlflfl 1 not to enter on thu pienilsf-tol tho nndernlKiied for tho pui poso of hunttnifor Blioollny txann. Any person trcs pUHsln(,',niirr the pubUcation of this uotlce.unon Ibo picnilscs ol iltberot th uinUislguej. will bu prosecuted. Anpiikw Claiik, John HiiAiipLt-as, J a ton (livr, Hamuki. l'ISHKIt, John N. Oobdo.v, I'r.TFti M. Kkrsiineh. (iKO. II, WlLMIH I.tWIS ItoTJI, Phiuf Kni'sr, JOIINITUAN UlMILI,, IIF.NJAMIN KltUM, CClkwi- LI,, J. H. hltt'MAN (A DM ft. OF D. W, Cl.AltK'S EhT.) UDITOU'S NOTICK. in tlio Or) liaus Court for the Counly of Col umbia. (J nn I'tl la n Account of 'Ihmntis Hull miard Ian ot the person and estates tif Klemor, JJtzubeth, ARnes and Mary Ann Hcllv, 'the A lull tor nj poluttil by the Conn to Audit, sumi" aim iiojuni wir aecotiui oi mourns null iruardlau of tho ncrums mid llniateof l leano . Kllz.ibeth, Aunesnnd Mars An Kelly, will meet I Ut) pil Illtra til III t'alwl IDT lllv pilrposi'ti (U lllHJip imlutment on Thursdnv. Auutist ltb A. D. IsM. at I o'clock, I". M at tho office of Kohcrt K. k, i'.Hti., In the town ol Illoomsbunj In wild county Illoonisbuvii, June SB, 'fit?-It. " ' Auditor, UKUWJCK OAZKfTK COPY. AY A It It K N ' 8 IMl'KOVKD rlltC ANI W.UMl IT.OU FKi. t a KJ cj:mj:xt j: o o Fry a i TlieftdvnntURt'SIitcli IhU composition poinehsOH iiuMuiiny. li in ijuiii im r.uyiu mm iui'.inuol, II Ir not iifli-i led bv lient fir cnltl. It run Iio 1111. Jill c-cl lo (in nlmiiht ptrlictly Hut root, ouu Inch to inn looi mini; nil nun 11 ri'tiiunii. ji 11 i-nsuy nnil atilcklv ui'Ullul. ltd cost Is lei'H limn unv otlur llrc'i'rooj roof now In use. Ten tlinonliiU Irom nil imrtN or llipi-ountiy ns to ltu iltirublllty, bL'luruy null lIII'lllilll.Mt t ill lit' mioh u uy JOIIN' W. KIlAMHIl. Jnnt)'Jd,'C3. Aeut, llloolusliuiK, Til, TN TI1K Oltl'lIAN'SCOUIlT X COI.U.MIIIA COUN 1 V. i:nrATE OF (IhOltUK TITU. HEC'I). ron Till. AvuUtor npiMtlntoil by Iho Cou 1 to rtport nihil iiniiiiiii oi uii' miiiiiii-i' in i nu mums oi mm uil 11 rrelt Aillnln li mu.r r.t Glurm- I'ltll UihiM u ill bit'i-t llio I'rt'Ultom olllui Kilil ilcct'iisi il at llie oince oi iioniri 1 . uiunt , in iiiiHitiibUiuu on Miuinluv thu islti iluv ol JuU A. 11. lhi. All IK'rmnni lm Ins clulins i r diinniuU niinltiht tlio t'hllllt IU I no ot i-i ill ill urn it titil'NIl'tl to lu thl'lll i lit in in tin a minor, or uu ntouiri-'U lioiu foni Ing In lor u hhuro ol tlio uhKetii. iir.itvvH. onorz. llloonisljurt; Jmio 'J3, tBj3. Aiulltor, (111 11W1CK GAZETTE l'l.FASK I'OI'V.) pOUItTH OF JULY. Tho cltbenn of nioomitbnrelmvo determined to celebrato tho comliiR nnnlcriary ol tho Dcclara mm in inucif um m-f uy ucti rx uist- it urn Instruct, inicrtuln iiud nmuso nil chie and ncrt. Lxti'iitdvo iirranucuitniH luuehLtn inudr. and u real obblabhloiud celebration lu -anticipated. Tho followliiB 1 upurt of the prmtniuu Ircparedt Iteprctentatlonln proper character nnduppio prUiie cohtumu of vurlouu ovtutH in our uuti-mal uoQ local hi tory, tncliHllnt Pi:NKS TJIKATY with tho I iidl nn 8 ; IolinUonint pains tho life of CAPTAIN SMITH; RpKCiir of John HurrlK fioin thu Stnko; Van Ctuupcn run n I ui; thu CJ luntltt, vtc.ctc. AITKUNOON, Heading of tho Pcclnratlon nf Independence ; nddreitktH by tlUtliiftulshcit Uiutorit fiom homo und abroad s und a (Jiand Parade i neoialPliu ConijauteH irom lilt onibbuiu and otlitr pluccn, i;vi:Ni.Na, A torch light dunco lu thn (Irove.under llmnu up ice ot the ltloorrikburtf IliHtlc uinl Ui'ldcr Com puny, Clllzcnn from ii-l((hiiuiliiK towim nnd couutlcK arc cordially Invited to puillclpnte In u eelit bra tlon calcuUtt d to remind n of 1)100 tui ly tluyv, wheu wcieM-cureil lor ut Iho lilehtilnyi und prlvllepcti which an Amerlciinw uneiijny, Tlio Hloomburu IImum Haiul ban been k0 cured. ArianBcmenu buvo bicn mailo lurix curtduii thkeu ou tbeK. 11. tlalliuad, Cuiuc ono I Cunioullll Uy order of Commlltou on urinmniontK. J. II. JtlMllMl.V, p. ii, pui:i:iv 1;. it. iKi.i.iat. June 2tI,CS-St. Commltiio ouPubllcaflon. A n extt'iifilvo Abftortuifnt (if mcm'ri .TV and liov'h LINKN hlllllT PKONlH. Puoer Loiumuud 1 uIIn, uud I.aiiui Mnln Coluaiw uiki curri Biiiuiic ciieup uy Mttr,u;-lf I.T.fcIlAlUMlH. J J.W)ii 2.fla . iic(tfu;jc W4 Ik! Sirrah.;,-. T 1ST OP DEALKItS or coLUMniA county, For the year ono ihounim eight hundred ntul Mxty-elght, of Roods, waren. inereliatidiw, dls. ttlltru'M, i-rewent f, merchant milts, within the Countv ol Columbia, returnetl and claMlfled In aciordanco with thofceveralactw of Atincmoly, by tho Apprnlxer of mercantllo taxes ofiald coun ty, M fvllOWS, tO Wltl I1L005I TOWMiHII. T.fctnet iiiooniRnurg iron (Company, MeKeH v. fscnliV Ci.. 7 JIllW 7 ID J 2 it 60 1(1 IS) 00 1,1 ID Wl II 7 l H 7 IW II 7 10 1.1 ID W II 7 "I I.I 10 I'D II 7 " II 7 OD II 7 W II 7 I" II 7 V1 li 11 II 7 01 It 7U U 12 II 7 OU II ' (" II 1,)W II 7 II 7 II 7" 11 II 7 V" " 7 II 7 I" 1 1 I D II 7 J" 70D II 7 ' II 7 11 12 jl II 7 " 1, , U) 11 10 OU II 7 0" II 7 0' II 7 OU II 7 00 II 7 tu II 13 01 11 li W 1.1 Id to 12 lib) II 7 OU II 7 00 II 7 W 11 1.0. 12 Hi) 11 7 00 11 7 OD 12 12 CD 13 10 in 1J lu im II TIKI II 7ii II 7 10 II 7 on II 7 OD II 7 OD II 7 OD II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 OD II 7l.i II 7 OD 11 7 OD 10 'JO on 13 10 oo 12 12 Vi 11 11 OD 10 20 00 11 7 OO 1.1 10 00 II 7 OD II 7 IU II 7 OD II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 OD o :,n m 11 7 Ol 12 12 .VI 11 7 00 13 10 OD II 7 00 13 10 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 10 12 12 Till 10 '20 HO 11 7 1") 12 12 ,71 12 12 50 1( 7 00 13 10 no II 7 on II 7 (in II 7 HO II 7 00 II in on II 7 00 11 10 Kl 11 7 00 II 7 on II 7 00 II 7 OD II 7 I1 II 7 no II III 00 II 7 111 II 7 INI II 7 IU II 7 00 II 11 00 13 ID 00 1! 10 ll n io oo II 10 OD 11 1110 II 7 (l II 7 00 13 10 in 11 7 IV II 10 ( II 7 in) II 7 00 11 7 no II 7 Ol) II 7 00 II 7 no M 7 00 U 7 C n ID 10 13 10 no 13 ID 00 II 7 00 D 01 II 7 00 H 7 00 II 7 00 13 10 M II 7 00 11 10 0(1 13 10 00 1 1 10 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 00 II 7 10 II 7 00 6 50 00 11 13IHI II 7 00 II 7 00 II 13 00 II 7 00 II 7 0D ID '20 OD II 7 00 ii i; oo II 7 00 J.J. ltobtilns A Co., , r.iius luinieuiiiin, Itev, A llartmnn. Andrew nu leder. David Htrouit. John K. Oirioti, Cnct r C, Miirr, Andiow J. j-akih, Charles Vt ftijder, i'viu ii"wcnuurgt MI-.NCN Harmaui, ii. iv, Mojcr, W Itiiue) er A. Jacouy, P.ueinou John, Andrew J. Mlnuo. John It, Moyer, uauik!i a, L'ecuioy, losepli u Miniunon. ModT. Kharples.', . ' , l.puiatin P, l.uir, Andrew M. iini.i.rt Mpw L1u1l DaiKIey, James K, Cyer, J.uuen V, i h mbrrlln, iiiNitHtt V. Conell, ltllam l.raftmin, nit-phto 11. .Hitler, ll.iuin c. Iluwer, N. II. Ifinlerslii.t. Jetvmhih J. burner, IKnry Kitim. oiUirA.J.ioby, Jacob Mclz, i akb liuium a. Co., PhXIoii a Hiiimnu, Jithi pit liflidciMiut, J. D. Maii-itlMi.k, Mim Am.ttidu WerkhcUer, Jokvj h I'orrtli, Ivklmrt Jiiob-t, Mls(i.iliio Ale, JutlH A. A.-mtoM. llarkliy, JuiiiLK i'nilmun, l os, & Webo, uon. op nizuwicic. llouman A Jat-kson, A bra in Miller, Henry C. Pr. as, l. a if. tt.itower, .Miller Si iliiKlifs, Miss lldl ifertrmi, J. II. In. Usui i, JaeKs.m A U'oodlll, H Hi. bach & Mucker, U'ouuid Mi holttK, Jauits M.Hee.dioit?, IIKNTO.V, John J. Mellenry, Ulrain P. lAeu-tt, frfiiiuel Heaeoek, J. 1!, Ilavoii, Oi-tuKe H, alsL-r, Deiijamln Kllti.ry, ui:avi:u. Abraham Dice, Prnnklln I,. Himnnu, W. DontyMiberKcr, It. Zimiuerii.ui, nnrAitcui:r:K. HlepliPn Michael A. Hon, ivicr M. Tiuiiyli, William Krcas-, Kt'uWn Mllivr, A. W, Paton, William Klltietoh, llaker ACieSfllug, J. IC. Hhnrplcss a H in, Mc.Mnch 6i Hhuman, M. M. Ilrotitt, Isaiah John A Wons, Ollbert A- Klliu. icorge lliiRiics & Hon, Walter hcott, . H D. ltlnard. Camptiell & Harder, McNlch A Khuimtu, (Icorpe ItKhel, William llartmnn, Paycn Wener, CKNTI1AI.IA 1IUUO. William Torrcy, A. 11. Knrtner, J. T, O'Conncr, W. D. Melllek, Martin Mun inhnn, JohuHlitllmrcr, Mitiman A Mlllnid, LafavettP PeltPiinan, Dinlel Weitman. Ant. 'J Mrs. William James, in uoen asxi-r, J. Chrlsman A Co., Abitihuin Southwanl, J. J. Hiiaglatid, CON'YNOIIAM. Itich.inl Thornton, At, Alex, h, Moiutbead A Co., ci :nti in. P. W. M. A O. I,, i,nw, Niimuel Dell t crick, Malilun H. Hicks Abraham Dlt ttcrliU. Henry Dohinan, Jacob Siiniislcr, Je-sp Hicks, K s. P.iwlcr A Ilro. Whllmho A Dowers, PIIANKMN. Clinton Meiulenhnll, Welllnaton tleuer, PIHIIINOCUPPK, D. A M. Mcllenrv, Jospnh 11 Iiwili, Omryr. M. Houell, J. N. JolieH, Noliimoti llUsH, itcrnanl Aiuim iinan, J. i: Mellenry. James V. WlU'-n, (IIU'XNWOOD. Rehu lfr A lllack, linj; rt A Kiiumer, Jfbn Ia vKott, William ICieamcr, Co-opcraiiveStoie, D. A- W. Master., Inmcs M. It'Mt, Hannah Henry, ni:Mi.oci:. M. O. A W. II. Shoenialtpi. Jacob Harris, I.iXTST. J. II. Vastlnn A Cn WtUftiliiKlon Yeajcr, Jacob Yeun.-r, t-'harles Ptttcrinnu, P, A P. M. Yociiui, MT. riXABANT, Joseph V.. Snnds, MAINIi. Cnmnbell A Co,, L'rmli lb'rnliiKer, M1PPMN. Jsaa K. hweppenhfiUer, Ciens A lliown. It. .). Mlllaid John II. Heller, Mis. i;. A. lles, MONTOUH. Pa ton A Harman, 'J'ubbM A Colriiun, P. H. Mameutm, Vllllam 1 ;u tier, Conrad Krenmi'r, Andrew M.ulKon, ottAKon. It, W. Howi.ian, A.M. stfwntl, ll. K, hlnaii, Miebfiel Kclli-r. Alcxiin-lcr HuKlir, David HenlUK, pini:. Iticlmrd W. LyoiiH, itOAniNaciiEr:i. J. Clurlntoti A. Son, scorr, fhailcs S. Powler, J, D. Caldvu'U, Kwnui 1 A. W'orman, llenj. P. Ko lihiuJ, Piter Cut, Isaao 'rc ellntf, .loiiti Jacobs, II. W. Creasy A Co., William M. Put, Gnu, W. Cieveliug, fePOAULOAP. IVrao. Weitt, All pernmw vsho may feel aggrieved by Iho abnveeliihKliUatlou, tan have un opportunity ol appeal lua, by enllliiif upon thfl underhlKneil at nls oillce, In llloofiinburt;, at any time until the U.iu uay oi .iuue, im at vnieii tlmo an appeal will bu held. w. II. JACOIlV., June., 1m. Mcicuutlto Appralbcr. jr W. HA5nLK Jc CO., MACHINISTS A KNOINKKUS, MAIN HT., ilL.AH, It. It., IlLOOMSUUnO, Pa., Aro prepared to furnish all kind of Machine work, such as STEAM ENGINES, UOILEKS, Hhaftlni-, Pulley, Han(ers,CoiipllnK,Mill-Kear lug, Saw miudrllii, oto., Guaseeock.Pist cockn, IS I cum pipe, together with all kiiuU ofHteam tit HiiKH coiiHlatitly ou haml, Threbhln MftchlneHAiid Horao Powers inude loonier. Allklndiof Aerleultural Machinery repalied. May 2yW' JNXTKl7sTATES MAlhS. P i; N N H Y L V A N I A, Post Office Dkiautj!ENT, WAbiitNtiiov, April 13, ImW. I HOI'(iHALy Will he received at the Conlract OllheorthlH Department until .IP. M.,nf WLD N I- rD W, May ii, 1hH lor conveylm; the tuulU or llie Unlli d Ma leu, from July 1, Itux, io June, :w, 17.', In tha htato of PP.V.NHVLVANIA, on tho routes and by the ncbcUulo of departurcH and arrivals herein ipeel(led, IKeUlimHiitiiiuiinecd by May .TO, NW. Tbo lotliminu r-mleii weio mos-ly advertbod ticioher 31, 1Mj7, but, Irom vailoun ciiuc were not h 1 1 UKrj Prom Norrlwtown, by Hlclcorylown uiul Plj mouth Mietine. to liurien Hill, timllc and I at k,irf e It met it week. Leavo Nombtow n Tuesday, Ihumilay nnd Hat uuuliiv at 1 a in; At rive Ht lianen Hill by 0..fta m; 1 cuve Jlaiien Hill TucHtlayliiUMJtiy, and Bat uidiiv utf.J"a in; Anlvout .Norritown by 11 u m; 19l' Prom Korrlxlowu. by IVnn'HH'iuarf, Ceu tic himiiio. Wouthler. Milppai k, la iU rai-kiv Ulo ftiidHiiliorilJvlllc,t(i huniiii') town, llJji juIUh und buck, tin i e Unit h a utik. l.t ave NorrUtown Tuehday, Thursday, und Hal urday at i p m; ArrlveutHuuntown by 0 p. m. 1 euvo Hiiuinej town MonJay, Wednenday, mid Friday, at ti a m; ArrUeat NorrUtuwnby It a mi 10 1 1 Prom Jtmrsouvllle, by Hhannonvlle nnd Poll provbleiire, in PliuNilxvllle, 8 milt aud bark, three t lines n wpcIc. Luive Jftiiuoiivilio Tut i Jay, Tliuriday, aud Hat urday at 6 inn: An Ivo m PlKtiiliTilU by 7 p m; I,rnVoPho?nlxvllln ThnrKilncntid Ha1 urday nt 5,:ii)a in; Anno ai jcucrsonviiiP ny 7..W a in; IW Prom Zel1crslll, by Prederlelc, HouslaKt, Colebnmk 1 alo and tlnjlon. tu Hereford, Itijj mile nnd back, lulcon wnli l.cae cljleifivlllo Tueiday nnd Haturdriy at I P m; Arrlo nt Hcieforil by 6 turn 1,1-avo lit n lord Mnmlaj und I'rlday at 3.30 am j ArrlNcat .ciulcmvillo by 7 a uyt ltKM Prom North Wales, by Union Hvmr( Crauconlaantl Tj Icripurt, KiTunfaurpivliiet lti miles and back onco a wick. Lvaw oilh Wales haturday atOa mj Arrive atTrumimurHvi Ho Hut urday by 12 m; liCavoTrumbuurKVllloHalurday at 1 jt mj Arrlvont N 01 ih Wulci by 0 p 111, 1MI Prom JelUrMHivllln, by Palrvlcw Vlllano Lowt r Proideuce,Mciienk,hHloro..ellcr8Vill and Pcrkiomoiiviltu, to Itcd Hill, ltf lullen and hucU, three tltiii t n wnk, Uuvu JeHerfumlllo TtiCHttay. Thurmlny und rtultmlny atP.lWtt m; Airlvo at Itedlllli by !U0 p tn Leave Ited Hill .MumUy, Weduenday and Fri day at 'in m; Anlvoat JtiVersotivl.lp by Hum. 1925 Prom Upper Dublin, by Thrcft Tons, to Proflpctlvitlc. 6 mile- aud bok, three ttmef a Meek, Hchertulotohonrronccd to tho RatUficlton of the poomi3ttrfl, niuklna duo coiintctlou with in ml train on Ibdlmad. Propo-iaU lor moic lreo,uenterlco Invited. 19'J7 Pumi Ouakertown. bv nichlaiultown, PleaMunt Valley nnd Hprinstown, lu Durham, lti inlli'H ailtl lini-k. Llnt'u tiinn 11 w i-k. Leave (Juakertown Monday, Weduenday Prbliiy, ai 1 1 m; r and Anne- ut iniriuim bydpm; Leavu Durmim Monday, Weduesday and Prl dv.ut7am: Aiinu in viiuiKcriown uy rt in. l'Jll Krum Ijincaster. by Willow Htreet, Mar. tliiftVlUe, New Piovid lice. t:itiiiario nnd Onar. 1 iue, 10 .Mtciiauus uiove, 1 iiiilcs ami onck, tlneo titticH a wteic, Leavu LuiicHster Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Rat MIU'IJ UK ." ! I", Aulvoai Mechanic' Orove by 8p, m. Liavo Median leu Uruvi. luesduv. Tbnrsdav ana unlay iiiuu m; Aiine ai uiucatier uy 11 a in. 1019 Prom Ucamtdown,uy Bwurtzvltte, Adams toun.floimhihVilieKiiil cunnu, to Heading;, K lubes una U.tkk. Iliree tlniua a. ucck. Leavu Ucainsiuwn Tuertdny, 'lliuraday and Hut- iiiinij uisu 111; Aruvo ut ItcuJInuhy 5p m; Leave Utadiiitf'luunluy, Iburcday and H.ilua day at ti a m; Airiveut Ida ms town by Um. Prom Hnortinif Hill, bv nbl Utirmul Mm, tervinvh c, to Colebiuok, tt miles and back.tvvico U WCCK. Leave Hportln,; HU1 Wedneiday nud Saturday A rr n'r.t t ilnl iwnte lit 1 I i.m Leave L'olourooit Weduefay and Saturday Ai U. oat Sporting XI lit by 1 p in, l'J'il Prom (lap, by lluerHtotvu, to Intercourse, ttiiulCH ami hack. Iln tu time u iwck. Leave Uap lucoitay, TluiiHUay und Hatuulay at Airivo at Intel com so by I n in: Lenvo Intel com Mt lucsUay, Thuihday and iMiiuiu.iy ai i a in; Aulvuut Uap b Ham. Xti PromLUUtoUruuncrvlllc. EUmllcM, and back tvvlcu a u llIc. Leave Litlz Wtdnesday and MaturdHyat 1 p m; Lcuvo hrunnervlllo Wednthday and H.itur dav at J pin; Arnvout Litis by 1pm; IPiW Prom Halifax, by Lnterllne nnd Lenders, io ciiiertviiie, v iiiuei ami out-it, once n wttK. Leavu lliullax Mvtuiday at 1 p m; Arrive at Miiit-rvlllo by 4 p iu; Lcuvo Hatuiday atPa in; Arilvuat Halifax by liia. 1J72 I rom Libnnoii. bv Cornwall, to Mnnni Hope, HI miles and bock six tlmena week to uoiuuiui una iuicu a vveeu tno icMianc, Iuvo Lebanon dally except Hundiiy, nt 9.30 a, Arrive at Cornwall by 11 a m; Ltnvo Cornwall dally except Bumlay. at; A h-U-ji nt T nlinnmi hi- ft . hi. Leave Corn wull 1 uesday umi Saturday all n in; Arrive at Mount lloim bv il n m? Leave Mount Hopo I mnday and Katurdny at 3 Arrive at Comwallljy 4 pm, 2011 Prom Lower Haucan, to Leave Pieeiiuin hiuy Tiiuday at 7 a in; Arrive iUMoui'm by luam; Leave Htout'h Thursday at 1 pm; An he at Putmaunburg by i p m. Piom Ilethtehem, by Hanovcrvlllo ami ii.un, io i.iinpiiiiin iuairiCM, ii;j luiiesaiiittiack iiiM-u tniii' u wren, Leave ItethlcheiuTuebday.TliurRday mid Hat uiuny lit i in; . r r I V.i nt 1'h tiMiinti fln-irrlnu l. H.v iv. Li'iioChainuiu Quairbs Tuesday, Tlmrsda Anlve at Itethlehem by 0 a m, Zd'A Prom D.mvllle, by Itushtown and Kline's Orove tu huyiiirtovvn, 1'J niiUn nnd hack, once a weeit. Leave Danville at fi a m; Arrive nt Knyderlown bv 12 m; L-ave Muydertown Salurd'iyut I pin; Auiv e nt Danville by ." pm. 2D(1 Prom IMlthton. bv U nmom, Pull nn.l La iii.msi', io i imiiiiuiuiocj., inuct ntul luck Iwicii a w-ck. Leave Pitt.ston MonJay nnd WcdnfMlny at 8 ii ni; A l ll tnl Tiinkliaiiiifirk hv I tt in Lcuvo Tuiikhaiinuck Tnca'ilay und Hat urday ut Arrlvo at Plltslon by 7 p m. 2D70 Prom Hmcktlilmiy, by Mublonbers, lo hWtel alley, 10 ioiicn inn I naclC. tvvue u week. Leavehhlckshiuuy Monday and 'Ibuisduy ut luam; Arrlvo fit Wui. ) 1 .1 rrt. iaMV'u sweet Vulley M'onday and Thursday at - P io; Ainve at ShlckMiluuy by 5 p m. Prom Old Porpi, by Milunukee, it.dtl Monii and Mill City lo Kactnryvllle.l'j mile and iiaciv.oncen wteis. Leave Olil Porn- Tuesdav at 9um; Anlveat PaclorvviHe by 3 p m; Leave. Pncioryvlllo WedneHituy at 9 am; Ai rive ut Old l'nrco bv :t n m. Proposals invited for service three time a Wl L'lC, 32 Prom Scranton to Dnrmore, 2 mllei and uai-u, a vvecic, Leave Scrunton ftundiy, at l.l.i Arrlvo nt Dnnmorp Krlpii: Leave Duuinoro dally, except Sunday, nt 9 a m; At rive at Hcranion by 9.Ia m. 2 0J Prom Lovelton to Delia Pylva1 miles and uiica, itud' ii cck. Leave Lovelton Tuesdav nt loani; Anlve nt llella H Iva bv Vi in; Leave Helta Sylva Tuetiilay at 7 a m; Arilve at Luvelion by Un m, '.'Jti-'i Prom Pa nt n, by Paid Canton. Lo Itov Wft Pinult tin and Prnnklln Dile, to Towanda. J'i mill's and uek, (hi no tlnies a week. Leave Canton Tuesday, Thursday and Patur- uay, mi 4 1 it in, Anlvn m Towanda bv rt n m: Leave Ton anda Monday, Wtdneaday nnd Prl U.IV 111 1 l III, At rive at ( anton bv 7.'lf) n in: Proposals Invited fur ervico six times a week, SlfiTi Piom Now Oxford bv Green ItMiin. tiamn ton aud Hound II III. to Yrik Kuliiluir .Springs 11 miles ami ini:. twice u weru. Leave New Oxford Ttusday and Saturday at 1 p Ml. Arrive at York Sulphur upnncH I y i p m; Leave York hulphiih Sprint's Tuchdny and Sat' ui uay in. ) u iu; At rive at ew Oxford bv Sam. Piuposals for moio fit quail berviceaNolnvlled 2J1" Piom UetdKvllIeto Lotk's MIIIk, 5 mlk and back, once n wi ek. Leave IteeilhV lib Haturdav nt 11 a ra; Anlve at Lotk'h MIIIh by I p m; Leavu Lock'K MilUSaturday nlSa m; Air ho at Hecdhvllle by 10 a in, 2tMl Prom Woo.llond to Grahamtown, 6 mile and buck, twice a week. Leave Woodlaud Tuesday and Sntuulay at 1 a in; Arrlvo nt Grahnintown bv 12m; Leave Uraj hnuiptoii Tutsday and Snturday nt hi, Aiuve at Woodland by 2 p m. CliH From Celon und Willow Tree, lo Davlstown, lu lulus and back, once a w et u. Leave Cnrmlehneps Wednesday at 1 pm; Arrive nt DaviMown by 4 p m, la'iive Dav Utovvu Wcduehilny tit U a ni; Arrive nt CaimichaePs at 1J m, 2HU Prom Pittsburg, by Wcht View, lVrrynllle iiiituiiH, eiioiu, i in ic, A-imupic, jiarmouy aim vi inu'Mim n, iu i jumpl-ci. iiiucn x nacic, lliree uuich iiwli k. Leave Plltshuru Mouday. Wednesdiy and Vil (ii) hi i ii in; Arrlvoat Piosnectby 7 n m: Uavo Prospect Tuesday, Thurnbj &ud Satur- uay ni7 a m: Arrlvn nt Pittsburtr bv 7 n m PropusaU fr more frequent servlc fllr tnvl icu. ItUS From Miarphburc. by Dorsoyvllle, ttural lllile.Culmervlllu.and Uitldle s CioHiiroads, tu haxowiuira, bu miles aiui haiu, onco a werk, i.i'ii u riitiriniiui K r iiuuy ui b ii iu, Anlve at Haxnnburi; b a p in; Leave Haxcmburu Tnuiwlay at 6 a ui; Arrlvo at WhuipfnirB by i p m, 219 From I'ltUbuor. by Iluchanau, Ormsby, A ijupu i nurcn, iu i.fiiiiiiuii Ljniicu, ivy, nine und tuck, twice dully, cxcipt Huiahiy, to liucnanan, nnu iwuea vueu ine rcNiuue. la ave Pltuburtl dall , Lxupt Sunduy, ul 030 ft m ami iu jiiii; Arrive ai iiuciiuiiiui uy ,ri a in ami ti p io: Leave Uucbunuu dally, i xcepl huuduy, al u ft in A rU.i. .il ibltulxir.. I it. itn .. ... ....,1 4 .. v. Leave lUuhunau Weilucbday and HutuiJayat f,VJ ll ni; Arrlvuat Ltbanon Cbuichbv tltain: IaftV o Libitnon Chuuli Wtdueday nnd Hatur uuy in iu ii in; Airiveut Jluchaunn by I.'m, Prom Turlhi Creek to Monrotvllle, 1J5 11)111 Ullll IMIVIl, IHII'V ll Ut U'uvi 'Juillo trecU Weduinduy and hitturday ni v it in: rk u nl It. li m. til., l.t.. 1ll."JI n i. Li uvo Monrncvlllo Weiliiisday aud Saturday ai 4 ii ui; Airivo nt Turtle Crctk by 8-10 a in, VV Frnni Pitlkburit to Wcid MnuclKNter, inllcH anil bni k. klx llmi-k a wiek. Luive PlltKburj dally, except tetinday, at 1013 n in, Arrlinnt UVkt Muncbekler bvllani. Leave Weht Maiiclunltr dall,except fiunday. ill v ii in: Auive at PltUbuig by 10 ft in. 2131 FromTarentum, bv LamlsvUle, (u.o.,) t nax'niuurn, a imit-n ami nut k, once a wet it, Lfave'lftreiilum Salurduy at h a m; An I vent Htxotihuru by Um: Leave Naxi'UhuiK hatuiduy at 1 p ui; AH U e ul Turetitum by 0 p ui, ?!ti9 From Hnrmonv. bv Middle. Ijiticnkter. Por terKVllle, Willie Uuy, HaneiuburK, and ia enburu i" ttii-iier. Hi muesauu oaia, mice iimicnii wcck, Liuve llanuoiiy Mmiduy, Wedi ei..!,iy und Frl- ill U HIT 111 I I III III I lll"lll KUiUlt BUI Ul I II III, rrlvH ul iliriir hv III n m Leave Metier Im-Muiy.tbuisday and Ssturday "V ll III Ai rive at Harmony 19 a m. i SWi I'rotii Kllpiwry Itwli.liv HnrrlnMII., Wm. Icy, mill I.niHiiiiily, lo I'liiiiliiin, n mllo. Kn( bnrk, tlirt-t- lime h n ui i lt, .i i ,v! 1 r 1llllnJ'i n caiiMUnynu i iu ia ill v n in; Arrhn nl I'rut.l.-tlM I... t ... da'vnnt Va m;k ''" TU'IK"I' 1 '"""Jay, und Sattir- .rnve at Slippery uock by I p m, S.1SI) Prom 'AU thin rii-tif'. v..ii.. n ...n. . back ivv ice u wet ki ' llV9a pjj?"" i:ilt ItntriuoHday and Salunlny at 3-w jvrriveniiiray n alley hviMI p in; Leavtttintv'M Vnllov i nf.u.i.i.. .i,i u' ... xrrivo at i-nc limi.Oy 430 p 111. 'PM) From (bilnpM. hv tjm.t I'm., in u..i.i....mi . H miles nnd b n'k, once u wieit. i"'i' iinin'fl ivi'diicNiiav ni7 a m: Arrlvo til NiibluHVllin by lu nr Leave Hubmsviili- Weilnesiiuy at 2 1 in Arrive nt Oilmen by A p in. ' Slim From Jersey Hlmre, by I-hei,w Mm, to Hanpyvllle, lit miles and buck, nn u n week iniiiLHi mi i nimii' I nil' nuny ui U U Hi: Arrive at Haneyvlllo by lim; Lenvo Hiineyvllle I ImrHitay at 1 p m; Arrive at Jersey Hhoiu by y p in, 2t li t'rntn Mlitwt . hv U'nlf ttmt nn.l IIiu.ia... Hill's oruve, -il lubes aud back, once a Leave MiineyTnrnluy nt 12 in; Anlveat nui'n Gio e by ? p m; Leave HiITh Grove luemlay nt tin m; Arrive at Muney by u in, 2121 Prom Ltirle Ilavni In IhIiiihI ?l- t.ilt.u n1.i b ick, once a week. ' iaae uhk liuveuisaiiiruay at l'Jii m: Airivo at iMland by II a in; Leave Idlaud Haturday nt iLft) a m; Anlve ut Lih k Haven by LWtu p m; Piouusals fur muiu freiiucul nervice hImi invt. ted. 2li Piom WeMporl, by Teldv, Hnmimrsley'n I ork, and Ciohs 1 ork, to kettle Creek, lit milt and buck, luieuu ucLit, Leave u otpoit liuHday and Friday at CU0 m; Arrlvo rd k'ettleCieik al fi.:if n m; LeiiVi lvtttl(?ivilt Wi ilnovilitv ntul UiiIm.Io.. nt7am, Amvuai w i si port by 7 p m, 2i;s Prnin llldeeway by Kersey'd, C.iledontn, A ilers, tu Pcutlild, miles and back, twice a i eek. Leave lllilu'cwny Tuesday nnd HaturJay at Oum Arrlvoat iVntlcId by Up in; Leave Penileld Moinlay und Friday alC a m: Arrlvo at iihlgcwny by 3 p m. 2111 From llrookvllle, by Itlchardnvllle, HchotT icr b Coruerx, und Anojo, to ltlduoway, 81 tullev Jul back, ome a wc k, Leave llrookvllle Thursday at 7 u Hi: Arrive nt llidgcwav by dp in; Liavo Illume way Wednendiiy at 7 um; Arrlv u at llrook v Hie by 5 p m. 2l.iS Prom Hiiymllton, by HeiuWrson, Periliu iHii.-uiivii. in, lumnuifiu iiiih'i It 1114 UaCK Leave Uu nilltoii Tuesday, Thursday and Sal tiday, at H a in; AlllVoatMeieerby 12in; I.nul-n Mcnvr 'I m miLiv. Tim i t- , ... at2p m. . Art iv u at J la j millon by 0 p in, I'liun I V, In,. n .... . nnd bnik, twice a wi k, Leave Fiatikliu 'luebday nnd haturdny at I pm; Ainvu ni ienipe,v town ny l p ni; Li:lVn l)(-iiitisr Imvii mi I'm vilnt. nt,,l album; ' Arrlvoat I raiiklln by 11-30 am. Proposals fiirmoiorre'iucul strvlco Invllod. 21IM Piom Pitiokum Centre to Cherry Tree, lmlUfittnd baik,Htltncsu uetk. l.llilV I', tlnln. I i, I l.i .!. IK. .1 t, at iiiai aummy Arrive nt Cherry Tree by 1 p mj I.i'iiVit I'hnrrv Irnuihillv v.....,i 30am; Arrive nt Pitrolcuni Centte by 11-30 n in. .nl l.'liwil Mlnlii.lnlnllnt .1 ami bm k, six l linen n week. oi-ni-uuiu iiitiiiiiiK cmnu eonnrciion vvltli lull roud tiuin, to beairauid to the satisfaction of posimu-leiN. . " ' iu ilH.ll UIJIUHU. two milcHuud biuk, dally except Hundny, Hchedulotu bo aiiuiincd satisfactory to tho poiUuasier. 9. IT IV, in. v... 1llt t I... - - t..... . Halisbury,to Pequcn, U milts nnd back, twice a week. Liuvo New Holland Tuesday nnd Saturday nt 9 a ni ; Arrive nt Pequcn by Um; U'livu Pequi'luemlay and Haturilny at 1 pm; Airiveut l'ew Holland by 4 pin. -jij riuiu iiiiiuiiini nuiiiuii, uy lllionciC (Il.O 1 and kleluielieisMllu m.o.) to bhucllcrotowu, a luiiun nun lyiiL-iw, ma l limn 11 nitK, Leave Itkhiaud htation dally, except 8uudav at 12 in; Arrive at Shafl'erstownby 2 p in; Ltave Mjalleriowu daily, exct p. 8uuday, nt 7 am; Arrlv cat lllchlnnd Htation by 9 am, "'.Ml Of I'll K'llurul,.,, 1,1. II....),. I ..., r ,. man, to l,uke, ii iuIIum aud Imca. I w ice a wci-k. Leavu lwiUfc,tou Monday und 'lhurduy ul a u Airlvc at Lake by 11 a in; Leave Luke Munday ami Thursday at 1 p m: Arrive at Kingston by l p m. r ' 2.1J0 From Kindlon, by Mill Holluw, trucks Mile, Dallas ami Kuukli', tu Uuivmun critk, 1 j niiluK and back, twicea vieek. Leave Kindlon Monday undThuihday at 7 a lit Dow iii,iir L'rn k bv L'ni; I.IMH llllWIIl.lll'rf I'll-I L- Mill. Jul .....I T... c.l.... nt 1 p m; J a i uvu KiiiKstou by 0 pm. lij.lFiom 'lunkbaiuaKk.ijy Poikbton.Lovelton, and v.ullt, toUuhou', iftlallijiund batlt.onceu w eek. Leave Tunkhuunock Halurdoy at t a m; Anlve at lnuhuiu by 5 pm; Leave inirihorn I iiilay at mi m; A II In HI 'I unit ui Mim'I t,y 0 i ui( sua Prom Wjiiluslnii. Uy Wllniot, t DuKhorc 12 m lien uud back, ouch n week. ,lurL' Leave Wj aiuiu;; Hatuida ut 1 P in Aliiveal liiHliom byopm; ' ltav Diliore Hat unlay a 7am Aliiveal Wjalunlntflo Hum. "''.I I'rillll hllinll. I,. I I.. . II ..... I.1MM ll(!ll lillll W C'tllUSil.iV lit I 11 111 AliniMtlCUllf aniu; ' l.i'iui'('iilli'j WnlmsiVij- nt" a in Alllli.' ul 1. nil by iluin. S:l ''.'".".'"i"".'; ''J' Orwdl, to I.e. Itiiymilie.H) llllli s uiul Inn li Hi. nt ilium, week. 1.1'llVt lllllllt' Tl.iihiv 'll.i,i...l. ti .... i... allium; ' " 3 ..ur...iH..., Ann. mh i.e Kaysvlllo bv 2 pm LyiiVf LHiiujijvillo'lueMla .TuursdayandKat u it lay, at 3 p in; ' AlllVe al Home by 6p IU, !L"l1" Tinni I'lllihUtUlninr I... I ii. . . . , r . '' ' v. ( tci4 ruriuice. (n. o.,) to Lou.loii, j miles und biu k.onco u week. i.iave i an in UhUUiK h.uui'ilay at S a in Arrlvoat Loudon byUm; ' Leavu Loudnn Salurduy at 1 p in; Aiilvo ut luumtuburbyup m. 2.5J0 Prom No wry, by lllun Knob (U. o..) and Swiuer.(n.o.,).orahitClalrsvllle,23 mlluj ami back.omeit week, Leavo Nw ry Piidoy nt Il.3ila m; Ariiv aitsuinttlairhvllleby Gpm; Leave Haliiiuialihvllie Saturday at m- Ariiveateviry by3ini. 23.7 Prom Shclncia, (n. o.,) by Advance tu o.,) Hiaik sMilIb,(u,o.,)niHl AIwixkPi (ii.'u ) tu liti i im i (l ., n iiiin-H and buck, once a witk. Leave M eh.chi haluuluy nt On m: Ariiveat Laiiiaid'N by 12 in; Leave luiiiaid'sMituiday at 1 p in, An Ive ut Khelocta by U ji in; Proin MonniiKahela Uentleyv llle.lo ltfiill.svllli-,11 miles and buck, threo lime a wetk. Leavo .MoiiuiiKuhelu City, Tuchdny, ThuibUay aiidMttuiday aLNam; " ' Airiveut Deallsvilie by Unit Lvavo lleallsvll-e'luchilay.Tliurhdny and Sat uiduj nt 1 p nt; At rive at Monongahela City by 5 pm. 23211 ProinTjlirsburtf tu Chulnt;ton, 12 mile und back', unco a weik. Leav e 'i j It ikIiiii haiurdny at S um; Alllvc utClatliiKlnu by Um; Leave L'huliiyion mituul.iy ut 1pm; Anlve ut Tiei.buitf hyApm, 2';nj) Pumi Indinnii, by Uluh, to Mlnta, 17 mllen and back.twlcou vteck. Leave Indiana Tuet-dny and Saturday at 7a m; Arrlv eat Mlnia by 12 m; Luive Min la Tin hdny and finturdiiy at 1 p iu; Au i vu at J mlljim by ti p m. j'tntM ov i'JiovosAU atWRAXTt::, axu ciuiriFicvn:. PKOPOHAL. Ihu uiideislgiied , whose ihhU,Mco address Is . , etmniy ot , Mule of pi opuses to tonvey the malls of iho United htates, Hunt July 1, ino-, to Juno JU, li7', on route No, , bftvvt en nnd, under the ndvei- tUemtnt of the PoMma-der General, dated April ldh, ls. with "telcrli, certainty, and securi ty," for the annual bum of dollars. Thi iiroifivit is maite tilth jutt ktumlotlgt o tht distance of the route, the weirlit v the vuitl to be car rial, umi till othtr tmrttvuturi in ieeice to tht tout? ami Mi-nlf, it nit titw ttftt r canut tiamhifitlon of tht Utua unit iiutruittons uttucheU (a the tunci mint. Da ed (Signed. UUAKANTUC. The uudersIifiied.rebldiiiK nl . Stato of, uniierluke thut, il the lo.itjolnc bid Tor carry! a k th niatl on route No, bo aectpted by the poftttnaslcr General, the bidder shall, prior tu thu Ut day of July, teenier Into the icqulred obll. nation or contract lo perform the sen ice propo ed, with (ft hi und KtiilUleiit sureties. Thtt weta, uiuterttniuting distinctly the obltpatioiui ttntl liabilities tttsumrtt by ymirantort ttniltr the 7lU stctiun of the act o lhiutet if Juv 2, 1S.W, Dated (Hined liy two guarantors,) CKUTIFICATi:. The underhluntsl, postmaster ut , State of mute, iMirr.u uia haiii OF ObUClt, thut be is aeouitlnted with Iho above cuaruntorn, and kuow tlit'iu to be men uf piopnty, and abl to ninlie good 1 heir uuuruu tee, Dated (filtned.f PriioinlN mils) be to tiury the mail with "ce lerlty,ct italuly, uiiiUeiuilly," usIdk thu terms tit the law, iiiiu they uuud be Buarnntecil by twu let-pontiible pctH.iik.ttilliiotl to as sutliby ft postmasiei or ujiulguof a court of record, NopHy will be paid lor tilps not iti-rfounei, and fi r t acli of mi b omissions not sutltfaciorlly ex plaint d tbrco tduts the pay of tho trip may bo deducted. PoraiiivatsMilnrbthlml (lino as to bienk emmet I Ion with dep Mllng malls, and not mi ltu lently t xi tiKd,ciiielourth of the lompcn Million lor (be lilplsMibJict to lorfeiluie, 1 imv will be liuoM d. nulths ihtMUlluqiKticy be mils. Iiittoilly t x lulmtl, lyr iKKktllntf lu take (he mall Iioinoi iiduii post t Ihiet for fcuflcrlnk' It to be li Juit il, diMiuyul, iobt ttl, or t und for refnt! i u, alter demand, to cmivty the mall a fiequeiitl as tbu t ontriu lor rum, or Is concern id In iiiuiiliiK, veliieltunu Iho route. The l'ost iunler tit neial may anuul (lie i null act lor diso bey itm the ist "lilt e laws, or tho luftiucllou of the Dt) ailment. He may itlltr Die schulule of (Icpuiiuiew ni d nrnvnls, and also onhr nn In ereiifcu nlbirvlcebj allowing tbeicfor a ji-n to.'a Increase on (he con ti act pay. He in ay alko cur. lull or dint nllnue the nrvlceln whole or In purt, nt a piotiorllonuto iltcituKeoI pay, allow Incus u full Indemnity to the coniruciur, ono monlb's exiru coinpfiimtion tui the ummint of servhe dl-i tiibtd with, and a i u iou eompin siillon for Iho ervlctt rt lathed and continued. Tbo Dt pnitment trservt-u thorltcht to reject uuy bid wliltli may bo iltcmed extravagant, und ul-o tu dUitiiiiril tno bids of fulllniccontiaclom and biddeis, Kids hlxaild bo addressed to the "Sec ond Assistant Postmaster Uvutral," nupersci di ed "Piopowil, btutu of PiUnsylvauU,Muud suit by mull. For Imtrucllorsand thfr Information, see nd viillfciiK ui f October 81, 1W7, at the priulpul postollltts, ALLX.W.HANDALL. Ma a'w, PoatniMtei Uvuerul,