THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. u (ifolumbian, HLOOMSBUllO, PA. FRIDAY MOIt.MNO, JVXK 10, 1808. t-TIIR COI.DJ111IAN On I.rRr,t tllrcnlftllon In t'nlitmtila and aitohillie eiintlea of any "r intitl1id here, and li alo a mncti InrR.r .lirrt (Itan aur of ttaootemporarleii and I. Ihtrtrur.llir It ( medium for advvrllaliiK In Hit icclloit of lh IU. A Republican 7orm of Grovcrnmcnt. PoaTEHiTY will hnvo no moro grlov- mis tiling to forgive tlio Hoimblloan party tlmn this, Hint tiioy lmvo folsUtl upon t ho country for IciuU'ni a sucoos Ion of fools. From tlio closo of Hip war to tlio pri'sont time, tlioso men who during tho Kangtilimry strugglo of tlio nation for existence, accomplished nothing, or very near that amount, have been placed nt tho head of party affair, and tlio people aru told with a coolness which Is omlncntly refreshing that thetio aro tho statesmen mul soges who are (It to guide the nation through a stormy and troubled political crisis liven In tho great Statu Trial they wero content to deliver tho prosecution Into tho bauds of a man, who had been so uniformly unsuccessful In overy posl tion In which he had been placed, that it was no matter of surprlso to any one that ho should havo added yet anutli er to his already largo list of failures Degrading, as ho did, the grave and weighty proceedings of a President's Impeachment into the sharp practlcoof a Police Court, oven then he was per mltted to retain his leadership and drag the House of Itcpresenlatlvcu Into yet more ridiculous investigations, ondlng as all his previous endeavors luul ended in failure. Fluency of speech and bold ncssof manner, coupled with an un scrupulous disregard of rule and prcce dent, have Invariably been accepted as ccrtulu proofs of statesmanship and ability. Whether scoffing at truthful ui-.s, religion and decency, or knowing' ly violating tho Constitution, tlicy liav worn the Fame brazen face and shouted with unabashed effrontery the parly cry of "High Moral Ideas." Truo to their own code of reasoning at least they havo chosen as their candidate for the highest civil office of the Govern ment, a man who knows absolutely nothing of statecraft, or matters which pertain to tho proper guiding of a great people. Avowedly without a policy; with no evidence exhibited of his abil ity to form one; with no record but an Indifferent one of slaughtered thou sands on tho battle-field ho Is yet of fered to tho people as one In all respects qualified for tho dutlos of tho Chief Muglstrato. To what extent thoglttter of his armor, and tlio reputation of tho fevered war times will bo accepted as substitutes for civil capacities cannot bo shown until tho Fall election. Tho ap athy which has followed his nomination has been brokon by tho volcoof Oregon, and less strongly but as distinctly by that of his own native, town, lteasonlng men will not forget his double-dealing in tho War Office trouble, nor will tiioy deem his action as promising greatly for his futurb management of State af fairs International quarrels should they arise. . . . .. The nation has been burdened for tho past seven years with a generation of imbeciles. t Keyhole Politicians. The consequences of a mlstako in tho Democratic nomination nt Now York may bo fatal. For ourselves wo are not bound to any man or set of men, and shall support tho nominee, whoev er he may be, with hearty good will. Wo And however, In looking through our exohanges that a good many of them aro In tlio hands of men who come undor the denomination of Key hole Politicians they aro men of but one idea Incapable of making a sur vey of tho whole political field and cal culating the chances from somo knowl edge of the facts. They aro like a man looking through a keyhole and giving you an inventory of tlio goods in tho room and of their values and of their relative poiitlons, from his very limit ed survey. Occasionally we find u keyholer who is for Mr. Pendleton, on the solo ac count of Mr. Pendloton's financial views : Another ono still more contrac ts! In his views, Is opposed to General Hancock, becauso General Hancock Is a Mjldler. We may expect to find In tho Convention men of tho same collbre, politician, of the same narrow views. With too littlo ability to lead, and too much conceit to follow, they aro In nil p.irtlcn and businesses, the marplots In thu alTalrs of life. Wo trust thu Con vention will permit Itself to bo guided by men of ability and experience, and will not go olf nt a tangent on tho spe ciality of hiiiih obscuro Keyhole Poli tician. TlIK Wl M, 01' l'JMMIIIKNT llUOUA.N- an. Tho estate of Mr. lluchanan Is cs tiniated at 300,000 which Is bequeathed as follows s One-fourth to his niece, formerly Harriet Lane ; one-fourth to Rovoy llnclianan, $2,000 to tho poor of Lancaster, if 1,000 to tho Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, of which lie was a member, fl,000 to bis housekeeper, ii,- 000 to Martha J. Lane, $100 each to bev erul bervnnts, and the halancu to J, ISu chanau Henry, the three sons of his nephew nud to two or threo others. Tho Wheatland property la given to Harriet Lane Johnson, for which sho pays $12,000 from her sharo In the es' tato, $1,000 Is bequeathed to Win. U Heed for the purposo of paying tho ex penses and publishing a biography of the deceased. His privato papers, cor respondento &.U., aro also left to Mr Need for tho same purpose. $5,000 Is bequeathed to Mrs. Mary L. Iteed who died a short timo since. Butleu'h victim, Mr. Wooley, hasnt length been released from arrest, but is held to appear and answer any further questions which may be asuea mm That Is to say, he can runabout In tho open air for while, but with a string to his lez for Uutlcr to pull nun m uy. when ho (Butler) is struck by another snasm of "highly Important discover les." It Is worth whllo living In thli century to fully appreciate the meaning of that extremely ridiculous old word "Liberty." . . Wiindei.i. Ijm.i.irs Is oven more than usually emphatic In his dcnuncla Hon of tho Republican action at Chica go. Neither tho nominations mado, nor the resolutions adopted, at all satis ty orplcaso him. Ho brands tho whole aflklr aa a cowardly uurronder-bolh tho candidates as unreliable, and tho geuer al attitude of tho party as a betrayul of tho negro. Death of Ex-President Buchanan. Wk formally record txlnv (he Intel ligence of the death of ex-I'resldeut llu- lianan, which took place on .tunc 1st, nt Wheatland, after a short lllncsH. Until within n very recent period, Mr. Buchanan's health had been vigorous, lie Was In tho 77th year of his age, having been born In tho year 171(1. He was a native of Franklin County, In this State, though his actlvo professional life was mainly passed nt Lancaster, Wo have room but for n brief outline of his public services. Soon af ter his admission (o tho Bar, ho was elected a member of tho Genenv As sembly of this State, where ho served with great distinction for several ses sions. Mr. lluchanan was elected to Congress from the district composed of tho counties of Lancaster and Dauphin in tho year 1820, and continued n mem ber of tho House of Representatives, holding tho highest and most distin guished positions on Its committees, till tho year 1S2S. Tho beginning of his Congressional oarccr was that known as the era of good feeling, under tlio administration of Mr. Monroo. Ills compeers In Congress wero among tho most Illustrious men of tho day, Mr. Clay, Mr. Calhoun, Mr. Sergeant, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Baldwin, and, greatest of all In the estimation of men of his own time, Mr. Lowndes, of South Car olina. Li tho Presidential strugglo of 1821, ending In tho election of Mr. Ad ams, Mr. lluchanan took nu active part being an original and consistent sup porter of General Jackson. Ho was n loader In what may bo called tho Par liamentary opposition to Mr. Adams' administration. Soon after the eleo tion of General Jackson, 1828, Mr. Bu chanau retired from public life, nnd ro- suuied tho prnctico of his profession, at Lancaster. From these privato pursuits ho 'was, most unexpectedly to himself, called Into tho diplomatic service of the country, nnd appointed to succeed Mr. Randolph ns Minister to St. Petersburg He remained abroad about a year, liav Ing succeeded in negotiating a very fa vorablo commercial treaty with Russia In 18.11 ho was elected to tho Senato of the I'nlted States, where ho remained for nearly ten years. His eminent (It Unction thero as n member of that Il lustrious body, for such it then assured ly was, is freely conceded by every one. In 1841 ho was appointed by President Polk, Secretary of State nud continued a leading member of his Cabinet during the wholo of tho administration. It was tho crisis of tho Mexican war when, necessarily, complications of our for eign affairs occurred. From 1818 to 1853 Mr. Buchanan was in private life, and In tho latter year was nppolnted, by President Pierce, Minister to England, On his return, in 18-30, ho was elected President of tho United States, serving out his full time. Such is a rapid out line of a very remarkablo public life, in borne respects with but ono parallel In tho history of our country. Mr. Monroo and Mr. Buchanan roso by steady graduations from tho lowest po litical position, for such it relatively Is the State Legislature to tho highest, tho Chief Magistracy of the Union. Avoiding In this our hour of sorrow any discussion of tho disputed merits of Mr. Buchanan's public lifo, especial ly os President, wo havo a right to ask for, on tho part of his oppououts, a truce to further warfare None knew better than tlioso who wero closely as sociated with him, his conscientious devotion to the public Interest, his hab its of laborious Industry,and his perfect disinterestedness. Ho sought to hand over to his successor tho government as he found it. Sinco 18(30, tho ex-President lived at his homo at Wheatland, In dignified re tirement. His homo was tho abodoof generous hospitality. Around him wero clustered personal friends who wero dovoted to him, nnd near relatives who sincerely loved him. Mr. Buchan an may bo described as the last of the raco of tlio statesman of tho olden nu d better times of tho Republic. Hon. Ri:vnnnv Joii.vson, our now Minister to Kngland was born In Annap olis, Md., May 21st, 1790, and Is there fore 72 years of nge. Ho Is n lawyer of 53 years practice, and stands at tho head of his profession In tho country. Ho has held many offices among others tlioso of Stato Attorney, and State Senator of Maryland, Attorney General and U. S. Senator. Ho also reported In conjunc tion with Mr. Thomas Harris, soven volumes of tlio decisions of the Mary land Court of Appeals. Ho Is n ripe scholar, a finished lawyer, and n pol ished gentleman, who will worthily represent tho United States abroad. His confirmation by tho Senato was highly complimentary, being mado unani mously nnd without tho usual reference to committee. Tiu:Frccdmen's Bureau which was to havo been abolished after tho South ern States wero admitted, has Just boen continued for another year, and this too when these Slates aro virtually admit- ten, as Cougress lias sufficient Radical votes to carry tho Bill of admission over tho President's veto, should he return It with one. The Radicals refu.-ed to admit these States on any terms, how over bad, until their electoral votes be camo n matter of necessity for their par ty i nnu tlio liurenu Is loo useful a ma chine for manipulating these votes to bo readily dispensed with. When tho Radicals havo obtained all they desiro, both negroes nnd Bureau will bo thrown overboard together. Thk successful result of next Fall's election will depend greatly on theju- uicious distribution of Democratic pa pcrs and documents. Wo would urgo all, who havo the Interests of tho couu try at heart, to aid In this work. Let those who can afford to do so, presont some poorer neighbor with a copy of a good sound newspaper, and by so doing evince truo charity. Zealous personal interest In tho success of Democratic principles und personal exertions In bringing tlioso principles before tho people will ensmo success at the coming election, and the total overthrow of tho present rotten party In power. Wk aro sorry somo papers can no vcr tell the truth on any subject. Tho timo of holding thu Convention was settled by tho following Resolution of 1800. Jletoleed, That tho timo for holding tho annual County Convention be changed to tho first Monday of August, and that tho Delegato Flections bo held on tho Saturday preceding said first Monday of August. It Is not, therefore, on tho 25th and 27th of July as stated, and the Conven tion will bo called at tho time settled by the Itwsolullmi, Carpet Bag RcconstructlonUti. Who the bill for tho admission of rknnsas to representation in Congress was beforo tho Senato, Mr. BuckAikw, In tlio courso of an nblo argument show ing tho nntl-repttbllcan featuros of tho bogus Constitution of that Stato, nnd tho grossly unfair means by which Its adoption was secured nnd tho election under It held, drew a graphic picture of tho carpet-bag adventurers from tho North who manipulated the election farco In Arkansas. As theso fellows ore ".specimen bricks" of tho materials with which the Congressional work of recon struction lins boen carried on, wo pro sent thorn for the ndmlrntlou of our readers. Speaking of tho Board of Com mlssloners (threo In number) who wero appointed by tho Arkansas Con vention to take chargo of tho election, Mr. BfCKAi.KW proceeded t Now. sir. you ucrcelvo what lanro powers wero conferred unon this board of commissioners. They had nbsoluto control oi mis oiaio election. Tiioy were authorized to appoint all tho offi cers who wero to hold it, to mnko such oruersns wero necessary in tneir judg ment for holding it : to receive nil tho returns, nud not only to dcclaro tho re sult, but to try any nucstlon with re gard to tho fairness of tho election or other matter which related to It. Who wero they? The first man Into whoso nanus mo wnoio power over tins cicc tion was committed was James L. Hod ges, who was himself a member of tho convention irom ino couuty oi l'uiasui, ono of tlioso in which thoro was an enor mous fraud afterward. Ho resides at Littlo Rock. Ho came Into tho Stato about tho year 1805 from the North, nnd was ompioyeu lor n timo as tno lore man or ruanacer In the Stato peni tentiary. Peay and Ayllff wero the superintendents of tho Donltcntiarv un der a resolution of tho Legislature of lBuo-uu, anu tney nnu n contract witn the Stato which was supposed to bo quite profitable They wero to havo tliouso of tho penitentiary buildings, iney weru 10 nuvu mo results oi mo in hor of the convicts, and to bo nald thlr- ty-flvo cents per day for each convict as an allowance, and nt tho session of itsuo mere was an appropriation oi sio, 000 for machinery ami materials for working tne convicts In llie penitenti ary. Havlnir the results of convict labor. having the establishment stocked with machinery and materials for working llm nnn..UId nn.l linlni. nlln.o.l 4l.tM... fivo cents a day for each of them, this appears to iiavo necn n ilucrni nnd lucrative agreement. It was held bv Peay and Ayllff; but as thero was somo question n'oout their being compelled to take a now military oath In order to iioui sucu a position unuer tno state, their foreman, or manaccr. proposed to purchaso them out, and ho did so, by an agreement that ho wns to pay each of them tho sum of $5,000 for their In terest in the contract, ho to assumo It. That agreement was mado. Tho con sideration money, as I understand, was to bo paid out of tho net profits that might como from running tho Institu tion afterward. This northern man nnd purchaser of the contract (who had been there but a short timo) turned up afterwards ns a member of the convention from Pulas ki county, and by a resolution adopted by tho convention,hls penitentiary con tract was ratineu anu connrmcQ tonim. Tho convention confirmed tho contract with him after a warm contest, In which others, who desired an interest in tho matter themselves, or wero op posed to tho particular contract, resisted It. It was approved, however, and mado good so far as the convention could validate it. That contrast ho held un der the resolution of tho convention pending the election. Ho was tlio lead ing man to manago the election, to see to it that tho constitution, tho work of tho convention under which he held his contract, should bo adopted, and that tno proper men snouiu do elected to places in tho State Legislature and to other positions of influence and power in tho Stato, who would hold good tho contract and maintain him in its enjoy ment, n nas uccn rcporteu to mo ttuu this penitentiary supcrlntendcncv Is ono of the most lucrativo positions in tlio state of Arkansas, nnd I nm almost afraid to mention tho amount of money which It Is alleged tho incumbent can maKC. it is a very largo sum yearly, What I have stated will manifest tho Interest which this commissioner had in tlio result of tho Stato elections for offi cers, as well as In tho adoption of tho constitution. Tho second member of this board (Joseph Brooksl was'a chapllan who ac companied a negro rcglmoilt into tlio State during tho war. Ho resided at Helena, in runups county, In tlio east ern nart of tho State, and was a dele gato from that county In tho conven tion. During tno sittings ot tlio con vention, nnd afterwards, ho was accept ed, and understood to be a candidate of tlio Republican party for United States Senator, and It was understood generally that he would bo selected as such if the constitution should bo adopted. Ho acted ns commissioner of election, therefore, in prospect of becoming n Senator from tho State as tho result of n successful proceeding under tho recon struction laws by tho adoption of tho constitution nnu tlio election oi n legis lature favorablo to tho constitution, und mado up of men politically friendly to nimseii. Tho third member of this board was Thomas M. Bowen. He was n mem ber from Crawford county, nnd was president oi tno convention, no camo to tho Stato In 18G3 as a colonel in tlio Army, I bclievo in nKnntns regiment, though ho was from Iowa. Subsequent ly, whllo In servlco In Arkansas, ho was cashiered or dismissed from tho Army, I nm told for alleged immoral practices, n may no mat subsequently tnero was homo proceeding In regard to ids restoration, but I am unablo to slnto thu facts. Atall events, he was ncash lered officer of tho Union Armv : who. remaining thero after the war, became n member of tho convention from the western part of tho State, and was se lected as its president. Tills man was a eandidato for a seat unon tho liennh of tlin ftnnrnmn fiMiif of tho State, and ran as fcuch at this very election, over which ho had largo control In his hands. Tho tenure of tnnt olllce, I bclievo, Is for a period of eigm years, nnu tlio naiary, i am loin. has been fixed at $4,000 per annum. lie liau never practiced law. Ho had stud ied law In youth, as I understand, from mm nf Ilin Cnttnln.ii fW.... Tnn.n n.1 u.u J ivv.tuiuif, .lull. 1U I) tl, UUU been idmltted to the bar, but did not prnctico ituerwnru. no engaged in tho military service, turned up in ArKansas, anu is now elected n Judgo of tho Supremo Court of that State. A dismissed officer of tho Unit ed States Army, unnractlced In tho law. becomes a judgo, for eight years, of tho Stato with a good salary, and while a eandidato for that olllce, for which he had no qualifications or fitness, ho Is enipioyeu asouoot tno inrco commis sioners to manago and control tho Stato election under the vcrv oxtraor- dinary provisions of this schodulo to tno constitution. What was tlio Inovimblo result of theso convention arrangements? I shall not 1:0 over unpleasant details of tho Statu election; I shall stop with the lucis uiipcuring on tnu jaco oi tno con stitution Itself, und with this explana tion of tho positions of tho men In wnofco cnarge tno election was put. The practical result or all this. sir. I ro peat, was that thero wero fuw if any opposing votes at tho Stato election; tho convention party had it their own wav. Throughout tho Stato all oppo sition was excluded, was stilled, was rendered impossioioi tno convention shaped tho election to suit themselves nnd put it In tho charge of men who wouiu control it in llieir own interest and in tho interest of their political friends. It was a very unanimous election ; all on ono sldo. Canada Is afflicted with thoKuklux Tho Fourth of July. In compll nnco with a call Issued by citizens of Bloomsburg, a meeting was held nt Snyder's Hall on Tuesday oven lng, Juno 10, todovlso ways and moans to appropriately celebrate tho Fourth of July, Tho mooting wns organized by appointing L. N. Moycr Chairman, nnd A. F. Yost Secretary. Mr. Knos Jncoby stntcd tho object of tho meeting, nnd In nccordnuco with his suggestions It was decided lo eclobrato tho coming Fourth by carrying out tho following programme : Notable scenes In tho llfu of Captain John Smith, Bonn's Treaty with tho Indians, tho burning nt tho stake, by Indians, of John Harris nt Hnrrlshurg, nnd other scenes connected with tho enrly settlement of ourcountry to tnko plnco In tlio forenoon, and nn oration, music, nnd n general Inter- chnngo of congratulations In tho after noon. Tho following committees wero ap pointed, nil to commenco operations Immediately : Commlttco on Finance to solicit subscriptions to defray expenses L. N. Moycr, J. J. Bobbins, Isaac Miller, tho chairman of which Is treasurer. On Printing to advertiso as tlio com mlttco deems best J. B. Roblson, U.K. Iklcr, Peter Freeze. On procuring an Orator C. B. Brock way, Dr. P. John, Chas. Miller, D, A Beckloy, J. G. Freeze. On General Arrangements to secure excursion tickets on tho railroads, pro vido music, sccuro tlio ground, elo., II. C. Robison, W. B. Koons, M. C. Sloan, Elins Mendenhall, John Barton, W. II. Jncoby, II. C. Hower, Dr. Brad ley, E. B. Brower, Henry Carver, A.J Evans, C. G. Barkley, F. C. Eyer, R.F, Clark, Wllllts Hnrtman to oppolnt their own chairman. Commlttco to orgnnlzo nn Indian brl gndo E. Jncoby, Philip Moycr, Baltzcr Lcacock, L. R. Shlpman, Thos. Wobb, Chas. Sloan, Thos. Vnnnattn, Geo, Diehl, B. J. Crawford. In tho evening tho Hook and Ladder Company proposes giving n grand plat form hop, in which nil aro invited to participate. Upon motion It wasagreed to hold an other general meeting on Saturday eve nlng, Juno 20. Tho meeting expressed tho hopo that thero would bo no lack of effort on tho part of tho committees in perfecting ar rangements. L. N. Moyuii, Chairman. A. F. Y.ost, Secretary. TnunKnrotwo men In tho Stato of Pennsylvania whoso positions in regard to tho death of cx-Prcsldcnt Buchanan aro worthy of comment. One, is tho Exccutlvo of tho great Stato of which Mr. Buchanan was so long a citizen, and tho other tho editor of "two papers, both dally," John W. Forney. Probably tho "earnestness," as tho nastlness of party rancor is now called, of tho eminent Governor would not allow him to soil his party robes, by any official uotlco of tho death of a Democratic Presidont, although, if re port say truly, ho has received favors from him in times gono by. But what shall wo say of Fornoy, who, after wil fully maligulng and abusing for years tho man who gave him what lie has of decency and respectability, helped him politically, and bestowed on 111 in official positions far nbovo his deserts, could al low his old benefactor to pass from earth without oven attending the last solemn rites of burial? Wo would de spise u cur who would bo vllo enough to snap at tho hand that fed him. But theso aro probably somo of tho "high moral ideas" of tho party which has tho proud privilege of calling Forney n '(.lilulng light." Mil. SciiUYi.mi Coi.vax has a plat form of his own quite, ns distinctive and charming as that of General Grant. In 1851 ho took tho following oaths nt South Bend, Indiana. riltST IlEGltKn" AS A KXOW-NOTII- isa. " In the presence of Almlcrhtv God nnd theso witnesses I do solemnly prom ise nnd swear that I will not voto, nor give my luiluence,or any munfor uny ojjice in tne gut oi tno people, unless ho bo an American bom cittten. in favor of Americans ruling America, hoj- if Ac be a Jioinan lulwltc." "SECOND DEORUn." In tho presence of Almlchtv God nnd theso witnesses I do solemnly und sincerely swear, If It may bo legally uono, l win, wncn elected or appointed to any official station conferring on mo tlio power to do so. remove all.forelfners. aliens or lioman Catiolica lrom olllco or place, nnd that I will in no case an point auci lo any office or place In my 0W Mr. Co'fax has undertaken to flutter tho foreign element slnco his nomina tion for Vico President, hut tho oaths ho took In tho Know-Nothing lodgo nro tho best evldenco of his real posi tion. Sthaws. A book ngent, vngngtil In selling tlio "Lifo of Grunt," states, that In traveling through n iiortlon of tlio county whoro Radicals aro somowhat numerous, ho found no subscribers for his work. Upon requesting u reason for tho rofusal to purchase, hovcrnl men Informed him that tiioy wero Grant men, but that they "wero afraid ho would not bo elected and then tiioy would havo no usa for tho book." It would njipear from this that Grant's friends aro not very sanguine, nnd that his lifo would only bo valuablo as a I'resutent't. The Carroll (La) Jiecoril says : " Ser geant Bates should undertnko ono 111010 trip In order to cap tho climax of tho servlco (for It Is a servlco) ho lias ren dered to his countrymen. Lot htm un dertake to carry tho samo flag through New England, unarmed nnd without monoy, nnu sco how long It would bo beforo ho starved to death on radical hospitality and patriotism In tho pros porous North." Oregon, San Fuancisco, Juno 13, Dispatch es from Oregon report tho majority for Smith, tho Democratic eandidato for Congress, between 1200 nnd 1300, official count. Counties noxt to Idaho glvo un expectedly largo Democratic majorltleg. Tho total voto of theS tato was nearly 22,000 larger than over before polled In thatHtate. Tlio Senato stnnds, 12 Dent ocrotlo, 10 Republican; Assembly, 28 Democratic, 10 Republicans. Congress. VEitv littlo business of general Inter cat has been transacted tho past week. Tho bill for tho admission of tho Southern Btatcs, passed tho Senato on tho 11th nnd tho House on tho 12th. Tho tax BUI haa occupied tho attention of tho llouso for a greater portion of tno weeu. POLITICAL. Democratic State Ticket, ion Al'DITon-assEnAi. I CHARLES E. BOYLE, or fayetti: COUNTY. louscnvsYon-aF.SEiiAt.s GEN. WELLINGTON II. ENT, OF COI.UMIttA COUNTY. Oandidatos for Nomination. llio following gentlemen lmvo becu mentioned fortiomlnnliontothoRcvcrnl County. Ofllees lo be illlcil by election the nreienl year, nnd tlielr twines will bo r-reRonted for tho eonsUlemllnn of the Pemocrnllc County Cornell! loll I I'on iii:i'iii'.si:'rATivi: CYRUS B. MclIENRY, KISIIINOCnr.EK TOW.N"lllf i'on ni:iMu;sn.TATivi:i K. J. MclIEXllY, H-itllNnCKKI.K TOWNSHIP. KUH COMMlHSIOXICIl I WILLIAM aniKlt QUICK, MOSTOL'n TOWNHllir. POll COM MISSION IS 11 t feTKPIIKX VOHE, CCNTllK TOWNSHir. MarUrt llfport Whent per bushel lljo " Corn " Oatu. " Klour per bund Clovciseed , Kla. necd , hitler I'&rt-t Tnllow , I'otutm m Dried Apph-M Portt lining , , hides and Hhouldcrs I.iml per pound Uny per ton i,UMni:u. Hemlock Hoard per thousand feet Pino " " " (ouo huh) .JoUl, Hcfintltns, Plnnk, (Hemlock). Mhtnlc(, No. 1 per thixituul . ?2 M . I :r . 1 M w ,110 ,. 7 U) . 2W '. 'JO 1 . 1 Mi . 2 .VJ . $10 M .. lvil.1t I) INI ... X W ... 7 it ... IS (-0 Hiding IltON No. 1 Scotch pig.. No. '2 " " . llloom It. ?:r 9.UI Phllndclpliln Mmlicts. THCUSPAV, Juno H, PHK Pl.OlMt Northwestern tmpvirtueut $8.-w 8. Northwestern etrn 1JKI(3 iK N'rllivii.ti-rii In in IK ,..l(UWll, lVnnvlnnl.i nnd WVkteril MlUCrillie... S.7.V'l1MH) Pennsylnnlftnnd Western extrn VJ)frWn.m IVnimvlviinln. tiiul Went Dill fillililv wJAM I IVnnylviiulft nnd Western iaucy U.UKs lo.' 0 kvo nour Wiikvt Pennsylvania ivd, bus. ... Hout hem " " California " " .. .. whlt " It ye Pennsylvania rjo, V bus Coun Yellow, " White, " Oats V'ms Phovisions Mess Pork, bbl Mens lteef, " , UieKFcd Hogs, tt Hmokcd ItaiiiH " " hhouldcrs lb Lard, ft , Hkeims CIovcriced V bus Timothy heed km Flaxseed " Cattle Ueef CattloWBi Cows, & head Hheep 1lb Hoos-t KM IbM 2.7iva-: 9'WtfitSl.l fl.Mjl.N") 21.1751.17 7;crfi IL'c fj-tf:c rc?U(t! He 5 He 11 Me KKr.T.Y MtTNINHY In Cntflwli on tho 11th Inst., by Clinton I Mnrcerum Jq.Mr. Charles Keny oi virKima, nnu .mim nuinim u.uuunr of Ilutler township, Luzerne County, RTOITT IIRSH At tho reside ii cn oftho bride' Moiner on mezuuay oi.nay nyjiisiiui u. i rax JC' .o.Air. YnientinoHtouttoiuifcs t both or Sugnrloaf township Columbia Co, jur. nieniinoaioui 10 ansi Minui jiess, JIAUMAN-InOinnfielllc,on the nth Inst. John lJniiimn, nltornhevurcnud lhiKCtlii neb-i need about 21 yenrs. OOKl In Illoomsburff, on the l&th Inst,, (Jordan It. (Jolt; nged about 4i yeiua. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. jDMINISTItATOH'rf NOTICE. K3TATK 01 ELIJAH II. WILSON IKCEASKH. LetlcrHof ndmlnibttatlon on thu estate of KIN Jan II. Wilson, Into of Fishing reck township, i ouuuoia uo oectascu, nave ncenuianieii ny ino Itcglstcr ot said county, to T.J. Hutchinson or Centre tup. AUpcrionn having clalmsordemauds a gal lib t the eh tut oof thedecedmt mo requested to make them known, n.ul tho-te Indebted to mnko payment. THOMAH J. HUTUHINhON, Juno l'JvCt. Adinluistiator. I ''O THE PUBLIC. I'he uiuU-r&lnncil remiretfiillv Informs hit old frit-nils niwl customer tlmt he linn icltttcil Ills Cnrdlng Machines mul h now unily to ilo wool cnrilliiK In Rood order, When good, rlum well picpatud wool lsfcelit nic, my imtrotiH limy luoU lor good rolls. Culllni!, Coloring nnd die-sing Clulh, ilono to order, wool lell ut lIurtlnnu'H htoie, Wooil. burB, will bo tillcen und ritlltiud eveiy Iwo or threo weeks with bill of woilt, 'llio fay eun be lell nt lltutmnli'K. Wool left nt OrniiKevllle, nt cither of tlio Mores wilt be attended toi-oimt!y. No wool waiinn Is i tinning for mo Hits hummer only to lllooiusbiitgnnd Uiungevllle, for llio fte commodatlou of those nt n dhuiim-n, Ul.Oltlli: VANM!. JunelK, ISIS, Near Uinlifc'cWlle p u in7Trw'Ai7ii 01" YAI.UAI1I.U ItllAI. KSTATII. Ill nurhlinneoof all older of tho Com t of Com inon rieas of Columbia county, l'.i,,ou HATCH. DAY, July 11th, iN.s.nt hlo'clotlc Jnthe forenoon Holouion ll. Itliinid CominltUe. of llio pen-on nnd llstnto of Deborah llenn, n lunatic ot fatawhvt Towuhtilp, (ounly ot I'olumhln, will expoHo to Rule by public vendue, on tho premises, a leitnlu lloiiirand L () T OF GROUND, Kltunto In tho town of Cutaw Nsn, township nnd county aroiesaid, bounded fand described as lol lowii to wit 1 ndjoluing a lot of ileboiaii Itiighuid on ino sou in, isicono si reel m Fnui town on ino east, and nu alley on the west, (onlalulnir on Hecond stleet alcucRald ninety lect more or less, and In depth along said alley Iwo hundred am! ten feet. Ijito tho estatu ot said llebornli llean. s-ltuutc in the township of Ciitnw'ls.n and county aforesaid. Jl.'-Hll COLUM AN, Clul:, t-oNiinio.vs or half, icn per cent or one. fourth of tlio pulthase money to bo paid by llio nuichnscr at llio sti llilnif down oftho orooeilv. (llio fourth less tho ten percent to bo paid ut tho coiiurmniiou oi ino sine, ino nuianco to iicpniu In ono year lrom tho confirmation of s-alc, villi luteicst lrom llio tlrst day of April A. !., 1m. i ossession oi 1110 pieimses ill oe giveu mi uiu orsi Dee-d and Stalnlis iiiij iii aiiiii A, it,, jou-.r. rurciiiisrr lit luy 101- ntji.u.'uuis J'. Hl.,iii, iiuuwiss.i, June iv, Oollllllltttc, (III AND STREET CIIlCAl Storo HliW t'lTV. THK LAUtU-ST AN1 fJIKAI'KST STOCK OF HTHAW GOODS IN Til IS CITY. WITHOUT UOI'IIT, Killlncrv Oootls. HILhons. Hilks. I'loweiH. Yar- ftnols, Ynnlteo Notions, hklris, HrtkH nml cloak ana FrlnKeu, nil under ic-Kulur prl- SI Ut, nml upwarils, chimp. IHtlL'UUllU LUrhUlK. II L UUi IH.. 73 ('IB. ..lllllllll'fS MUJJllls.'U, L.)JKIIH'l.l.l, iM,Ml &. SlUfi Urancl, C,0a 0 Allen HttceU. June 12,'bH, riltli UlocU l.ast lrom the Itowery, OTY'S CLOTJIl! AVASIIEH. i-XTIlACT FUOM IlEPOUT OK rAllMKUS' "Wttfclilng Mnchlnos WlUlniu I). Osborn I'ort llyron, L'ayugu Couuty, V,, askui 'Will (ho Club alve us ltd onlulon of wuslilnc-macliinos? I It fi'onomy to pny fourteen iloltumfor one of Doty's muehlnest Will It wiuli tanner' clothe I'luuu, nnu noi i-eioo nam orlt tor t no women 7 WaHhtUK'tnadiliKulmvotto ucnerully moved to uu tiiiiuii-H iiiub x ma iinuiu oi iiuowing'uwiiy inv nionev unon one.'" 'Bolon Hobluion "If jou lmd to poy ten times in v mviivy )uu iiu-uuuu, n wuum uu ino nfHi 111 vestment you ever inadu upon your'oiutm, Itut vim in ii hi uoi. imxv nu.v iiiiiiic, i it' i ilia u ii i vcr ial ClothtN-Wrloeei with It nnd vonr bhhseil, i'oryou will Ilnd wnf-hlnc wudo eutty." hold by 11. U. 1ULOWMNC1, Oenerul Apent, aaCortlaiHltbtH t, N. V, jnu ny jeaiera nnd uuuviucrN everywutrt Sluy IVlW-Siu, E 7STAHUS1IED 17U3. joniiN 4 imoTiimt, WHOLESALE QHOCintH, ami Dealers In BAIlffiTlli: AM) BniMSTONE, No aid North Third Btroet, l'lilladolphla. ti a k . All tierion aro forbidden to 1renniinK unon tholamlHoi tUofcubhcrlbertn Mlftllu towuklilii, aw thoie fcooIU'iallufr, will bo d(< wHh accord Ioli to mw. H. ttUIlWJUTJliKIHUI., June OAS-Ot, An oxteuaivo and bov's I. II AHHortnicnt of mcn'tf bov'g l.INKN HI HUT KUONTH, l'ur Ci.lla.ri and cuiu, and Lauiui LtNtN Coi.laiu Mar,U,'0-tf fc, T, Juar iu:oj:ivi; Tho c!icai)(t nooi , HKIHTrtlnthocounlyat I Har,I3,-(iii-tf .T,HUAHU'-fl4, JIST OF DEALERS 'or llinvrnrniin llinimnti rlaht hlliulrcil nnd Mxty-clght, or Roods, wares, merchandise, dlv tlllcrlPH, breweries, merchant mills, vllhtn the Omnt v of Columbia, returned nnd clnMlfled In in,i'iniii'B wim oi Atuipinmy, ny the Apprnlscrnriurrt-autllelnxcs ofsnld coun ty ns lullfjvs, to wit i HLOOM TOWNSHIP. Illoomabutg Iron Company, 7 McKolvy, NuitA Co., 7 SCI (si in ) 12 60 SI ( 10 ( It .1. I Krullllln 1 fl,, Kilos Mendenhrdl. Hev, A Jlnrtnmn, Andrew bulledrr. linvidHlnwjt, John K. (Jlrton, Chester C.Mnrr, 7 (1) 7 l 7 ) li) nu 7 ID 111 Ul) (vnmuw .r, mans, L'hfirles V. Hnjder, inm i.'weuuurg, MIm Ilnrmans, 7 tJ 7 (10 7 (0 7 OI 7 Oil 1J eVI WldineyertV Jncoby, rule tiiun John, iiiuiirw ,i. nioau, .inn-, i,, .iiiiii-r. ll.llllcl A. llcckW. 7 no 7 01 7 "0 12 01 Jo--i idi I.. Hhnnnon. I.lo;. d 1, Hharplcss. Kphralm r. l.utz, Andrew JI, Uupcrt, Miss l.lrzle llaililcy, J.imcsK, Uyer, Ameliu 11, Webb, James W, Chclnberllll, (leorgo W, (,'orrcll, 7 HO 7 (M 7 (HI 111 W 7 Ul 7 lJ 7 (XI 1", (M 7 W 12 Wl 7 Wl 7 Ul !?..., J,." "arimnil, llllalii I iiismus. hUplnn II. .Miller, iiiiiuu . . iiowcr, N. ll.llelidershol, Jeiemlaii J, Ilrow-ci", Miss J.lTlu l'elellllall, llelliy Klcllil, Oliver A, by, Jacob .Meu, Cnltb llailon Co., l'lixlon ,; Uarnian, Joseph lleudershot, J. I). Mnrchbaiil:, Miss Amnudu Ve-il;liel-i r, Joseph Correll, IMthnit JaeobK, MNs Milllei Ale, Julia A. .c ,ldu M. ll.irUlcy, Jalueit t'adluaii, 10 Ul 7(0 7 t") 7 00 7 is) 7 IX) 12 Ml 7 00 7 no 7 W M U) 7 llU 7 01 7 l 7 (W noli, (if nmiwici;, ll)Ulnaiii(: Jib-kHon. Abr.iiu Miller, Henry ('. 1 run, I. .v II, 1!, Ilower, Miller A llliKhcs, Miss I lil I llirtruu, J, It. Ilodsou, Jiiclcson iV Wixslln, iUuibaeh tsu-ekel, Lcounnl Nicholas, JalllCM M. Hecshol!?, UllNTUN, John J. Mcllcnrv, Hiram 1', lleelelt, Mjinuel lie'.icocle, J. 11. IMsoit. (looigo (1. (lulscr, llenjiiinlii .VIellcury, Abraham Itlco, I'lalilcllu I., iShuiu.'iil, V. Longcnoeige-r, It. Xliumcriuun, iiii!ai!chi:i:k. Stephen MUhael A Won, 1'eler .vt. '1 r.iugh, Wllll.un I rons, lteubeu Miller, A. W, Ilittun, Kllnetob, linker (: Cicelliir, CATAWI-.. J. K. Hllliridess H ill, McNInch A sjliunuiu, M. M. Ilrolist, Isaiah John A Hons, (lllbcrt A Kline, (liSHgO llUgllCM A SOU. Walte rHeoll, H. II. ltlliard, Campbell llarder, .McNlfh it Mitiuiun, (ie-oigo Itlslul, WllUnin Ilarttmin, ratli M't-nver, ci:.nti:.!.i. HOItO. William Toircy, A, II. 1'orlner, J. T. (J Couucr, W. li. Molliclt, Mnrtlu Monaghau, JoliiiHIgliugcr, Hhiiiiian A Mlllai-il, I. af.iyelto l-'eltermau, liuifel Wcrlmnn, Agt. Mrs. William Jnnic, Iteubcu Wasser, J. Chi Isinan & Co., Abraham Southward, J.J. llo.ljsl.lllil, CON'Y.N'dllA.M. Illeli.iril Thornton, Agt, Alex, H, Muorehcad A Co., Cll.NTlli:. II, W, M. A (1, I,, Low," Samuel DelttcrlcU, Mulilon II. nicks, Ahlnluim Dle-ttelle-k, Henry l.ohnian, Jacob Snonslt-r, Je-sse lllcks, S.H. rowlerA Ilro. Wlilthlire A lioweis, I'llANK'M.'-f. CUnlou Mendeuhnll, Welllngloii L'leuser, l-'iaiiiNacitr.Ki.'. H.A Jr. .Meircnry, Joseph Ilunynii, riioigo JI. Howell, J. N. Jones. Itl CO U A) 7 Irtl 7 W 7 W n o 12 &) 10 I" 10 I") 7 (HI 7 Oil 7 (H) 7 (H) 7 W 1M CM 10 IH) 1 1 ll (HI 7 (H 10 IN) 7 (HI 7 00 .VI ID 7 (KJ 12 ft) 7 00 10 00 7 Oil 10 IK) 7 m 7 W 7 l Oi 00 7 00 I.' 5. 2r.o 7 W 7 fO 7 00 7 CO 10 00 Solomon lluss, llcrnaril Amineruian, J. H. Melleiire. Janus Y. Wlls-ill, (iiir.H.Nwnoii. Rcliu.elcrit lllnek, 1 i 00 jiugiii i iv i.ii-aiiie-.-, .tohti l.ei'cott. II) (HI 10 00 William Kresimer. 10 I Co-OpernllveSlore, 11 0 II. A v. Musts IS, n oo 7 01 liiliie M. lto it. Hannah Henry, 7 00 llll.MI.OCK. M. (1. .t W. II. shocmaki r. Jacob llmrls, LOCUhT. I. II. Vnstllie To.. PI ID 7 00 Washltiifloii enifi-e. Jacob Yi-ager, i liulli'S re-tle-rmiin, 1'. st 1'. M. Yen mil. MT. I'l.KASANT, iseph 11, Sands, maim:. ilnobell .t fu.. II II II 11 1.1 l'l II 8 II 11 11 11 II Ull.lll llcllllllger. MIITI.I.V, Isaac K. Scliwcniic.iliclscr. 7 10 10 (JO 10 w 10 0') Creasy ,v Hiown, It. .1. Vllllnrd John II. Heller, .ms. I.. -. ness, MO.N'TOIIU. I'.iM'iii lliumau, I ulibs ,v (oleuuin. 1. it. Miugi-iuiu, 7 William Duller, 7 IK) MAIU'-OX Cnnr..d Kreainer. OUANOi;. It, W. Howinan, 10 0(1 ID 00 A II. MPWHII, I. K. Hloiui. .Mlobnel KHUr. Alexander llimlu f-, 1'avid Herring', Ulchaid M. Lyons, itoAUiNO(iir;i;i. ,1. Chcrlnabm A Son, BCOTT. Chin Irs K riiwler, J, I). Caldwoll, h.umud A. Wornum, lit'iij. l . no Kiiam, IV-u-r Knt, lMllC t'U'XtllUtf. John .Taeohx, li. w. cn'iifc.v A i n,, Willl'Uii M. Cut. Oi . w, LU'vdhu. Sl'fJAltLOAP. abotM'lahbHleatli)U, tan lmu uu oppoitunil lliiiicuiiiii;,u. iiillllii: ilIUlll II1U UUUf 1 bllillt II his oillee, In lUoounburlr, nt any timo until tl III da Ofsltllic. IStA nt uiiii-h tlnio on niMnml ,iuue siMi.. Jlfreantlle Apptolwr. Jt AV. SArPIiE it CO., MACJirXJSTS & EXGINKEJtS, MAIN HT., & L. A 11. It, It., HLOOMSIlUUfJ, I'A Aro piepaiedto furnish nil klndu of Machine woru,uth m STEAt KXOIKES, 1JOILEUH, Hhaftlng, Pulleys, Haucers, Couplings, Mill-gear lna, B.uv mandrlU, etc., auagocoelcti.ret eocl Hlcam pipe, tonelhcr 1th nil kinds ofHteam fl tlng-i cons tniitly on hand. Thrifchlng Machines nud llore l'owcm mado toorder. All kinds of Agricultural Machinery repulied. May 2','iiri, yNITEI) BTATES lAILS. im:nnbvl van i a. VOST OlTICU Dtl'A I.TMKNT, AVasiiinoton, April H, PC. i UuPOHALH will bo rrcotvod at tho Contrar Oineoof lbln Department until 31'. M.,ofVi:i)' i i.fn. l , iny m, inu lor couvi'yint; mo mans tho i'nlted Btates, fiom July 1, IbO", to June, ! 17J, In thoMatoctf PHKNSYI.VANIA, on tho routes and by tho hchcdulo of departur anu nn ivais nercin him-i'iui-u, iK-'cltdtniH annoLinct'd bv Mav 30. 1LQ3. 'iho lollowlnu louleKeio mostly udvertlt-ed October al, lw7, but, irom vniious eausea vet mthti IWrj Trom Norrlhtown, by Iurkorytowii nm I'lymoulh .MtttlUtf, in iiurten illil, umilert on luwlr Mi i in UliKk il erk. Lf nvu NouUtown Tuibday, Thursday and Hat uiutuiy in n n in; Arrlwi nt I Inn on 11111 bv D.ttO n. in; Leave llurn n 11111 Tuehd.iy, Thursday, and Knt iiiuay in l.iiu in; Arrive nt .Norrudowu by 11 a nij 1910 rrom Norrltilown, by l'enn'MBquare, Ceu tro hiiiiait'. Win cf i.i t r. Hklnnaek. Lt'dcraekrivllh nnd Hal Ioiukv Ille, loHumiiei towi),lUJ$ mllea and ihirit, imii'u i imuuii i(Hi Liuu NorilklovuTu.bilay,Thuikdfly,aiKlH. urdny at 1 1 ur, A i rKn nt Knuiivlnwti bv tl 1). III. Li'iiMi riunineitoiAU Monday, W'tdnenday ami i rinay, ni u a in; 1011 l'rom Ji'flV'iHojnllle, by Hhnimouvllo nnd Poll I'lovldeuee, lo PhaniXNlIle, 8 miles nud biuk, tluce tli.U'Hft wt tk. Lemo JUKI houvlllo Tuefcday, Thurtday, wud Haturday at fi p mi Aulv at I'bffiiUvll! by 7 pm; liCnVDlMutntxvlllc Tuesdtw. Thursdni nnd Rat urday atUOa tn; ,rn o m JiiHrgonviiio uy 7. w a m; Jfll I'rom elijlrmlll, by Treilcrlck, lougtnj. ) i curium ijiiiu nnu uiii) ion, ki iicreiorii, nM 11p and bnek. i ico u wrek! Leave ,clgle! llio Tuesday nnd Haturdny nt 1 Airlvu nt Hereford by f in: ijt'nvo iiereiuru loimny nnu i i iuiiyiu u.-winn; Arrive ai -eigieriiviuo uy a in; ma) rrom North Wnlcw. bv Union Hnunie. I'runconla and Tylernporl, to'liuinbaurnvllle, )(f miles nnd bnelc oneeu week. l,eavo riortu wnies Haturuay nui ft m; ArrlvontTruinlmursvlllo Maturday by 12 m; Leave liumbaurHXllle Saturday at 1 p nij (rrivc in florin , men ny u p in. 11121 l'roiu Jeirerson Itlc bv I'alrx lew Vlllnoo Loutr l'lovldiuee.HeliwiMik'MKloro.plirlerHVll o nud l'erklomeiiMlle, tn Itud UIU, 111 mlleit nud b.ieu, Uirco tmiein ween. Ij'iixo Jillortionvillo lUeudnv. ThurHiluv niul Haturday at n.'Wn m; licnvo Kett J Mil Monday, Wednesday nml Prl- ay ni-ii in: AriUe ut Jelleraouvllte by 11 nm. lftl'i rr.mi I'pTier tUibltn. bv Threo Ton. to tomh.( t ille. o iuUen nud batk, thieo tliiien a WPI It. Hi'iifdtiio in no nrrnnceti to tno nnturnet on or tno puHiiuasterx, maKiug uuu conueeiiou uu mnii train nn itiuiroiui. lropoH,u( lur muio lrequenl Nervleo invited. rout ij tin Ken own. uy nicni.imiiown, 'Irnnnnt Vnlb nnd Hm nil i'H nnd back, threo Ilium a wei It. niRiown, 10 imrnain, io If N IL Wl'l If. Leave Ouakcrtown ilond.iv. Wednesday and rld.iyt ni 1 u in: Arrno nt iminnm ny op m: nvo Lurluiiu .Mond.iv. U'' nnd I'rt lay, nt 7 a in; imve i iimt'iiuwji uy m, Pill l'rom LnneaRter. bv Willow hiipM. Slur tlim Hie. Nuw I'roMdence. Catnartfo. mul ounr n llle. to Miehanles Uiove, s) miles nnd back. lliri'U IIMM 1 II nlllii Leuo Laneaiter fuosdiy, Thursday, nnd Sat' uiuuy ni. j ut; j rn u in ii ( I'liiiiiic h ( i rove n n. in. liiau Ml'l'1i!IIiIl's Grove. Ttuidii'. Tbursdav mm -suiuro.iy iu u u in; Atuve at Lancaslvr by it n m. lll'J 11 oin Ueamstown.bvMwntUllle. AdaniH. LOUD. UUllUlL-lMWllU 11 Hi Llltlllll. Il ill-Ill 11 MIT. 1. mill h and If. tlm u tlnip u wrlc. iiiaL- liLMiniiuwn incsiiay, j nursuny niuiMiv UUI l j lit n u lllj Ll'.ivo ltciullliLrTin'sihiv. '1 hurs.liiv nnd Rittin iiri is ii l iii-aiiinu n' .hi ni' .iricut itcains:ovn uy iz in. ltm riomHpnillnit Illll. by Old Line nnd Mav iitmhi wi.e, i uoit'uruou, v iiuiuj nuu uatuvtic Lenvu Hiioriin mil m cdnesdav nnd Kiturd.iv Hi. u ii in; Arrlvu nt I oiohrnoic ny 12 m: Leave Coleln'onk WedUi'l.iV and Satnrdav ill i in; aiu.u in nporiing j 11 u uy i p in. llUl I'intil (bin. bv I)ll rrpilou 11. tn Inlnri'imiiio. 0 in Hon and back, tnieo ilmun a wiek. Li live uap lucuuy, iiiuimuyaud Kduiuay n ii n in; Aiinu ai i ucieouiKO nv i n in: 1a'Uo llltficotilhu TiK'sdiiV. 'Ihorrtdav niul atullay at 7 a in; iuvu ai uap ni u in. Ill jfi Piom Idtlz to IlriniUL-r llle. lallci. nnd liacK IWlLU it ti'K. Li uve Lltlz WciltH'sday und Haturday at 1 p m iiuituui Jiiu uuisi jiic hi. - ii, in; Liavo llrunnervl e Wednt-sdav nnd Hator u.i y uv ! i in; .i u n at ijiiiu ny i p in; llHf) rrom Halifax, by Lulerllnu and 1'ndoM, o riMieis iiio.ii lanoH aim uuck, once n wteit, Leao llalllax hatuiday at 1 piii; Arrive nt I'lsiimlllo by i pin; Liae " Kit ut day nt lln m; Arilvcut Halifax by l.'m. 1072 I mm Lebanon, bv Cornwall, to Mount lluiie. 10 ml ni and back Mx tliin-sn wt(r tn Ltunnaii aim iwici a wecit ino lesiuue, j-cau jji'unuuu u.iuy uxtepi p-uimay, ai l,on, HI! Arrivo nt Cornwall ny ii n m; Leavo Cornwall dally cxrept hiinday, ni in; Lea u Cornwall 'J utfcdny nml Saturday atlp nv j I I l l" 1 1 1 .UIIlllH UIIJIU I IV k I Lcae Mount Hope Tuesday i r nnd Haturday nt P ni; .iiic in vuiiivnii ny i pill, 2011 riom rreenuinsbnrtr.liv LnwrrHnnonn. t Leave l ieemntbur( ibuisday nt7 n m; Arrive nt Htout's by 10a m: L('iiuntoul'8Tburdi.y nt 1 pin; Arilvo ut 1'iecmunsbuig by I p in. jiii r, ii in iii-s ii uu uu k uiivo it wi'i'ii. 3H? rrom Lethlehem. bv Hamnervllln and lutn, to cnapmnu uuairie, Jl5 miles nud back Leao l.ethlcheni Tuesdnv. Thurtulnv nnd Pal urdiy ntL'pm; Iii'ao ciiaiimim OuairleM Tutsdnv. '1 Imrsil.ii linn nuiiiiu.ij iiluiiju; .ruveai j;eihiciiem ny tia m. SiV) 1'iom Danville, bv Unihtown and Kline iiroe toMiyuctlown, 1J milis nnd back, once v;eei;, Li-nvo iinm ino nt h a m; Arrivo nt Hnyderlown by 12 m; Leave htiydertown Hnturdn at 1 p m; Aulvont HauvHle by 3 pin, QfMLl I'iiimi 1'lttHtDll. l.v ItntlHfittl. I'ulla nml 1 (liangn, lo 'luukhaunoidv, 'S2 miles und back, twice- a i i ii, Lcae lltt-.ton Monday nnd "Wednesday nt am; Leavo Tu uk ha u Hulk Tuesday and Haturday ni A invent Jiiniclinnnnrie In in; P ni Arrive nt lMtlston by 7 p m, 2170 1'iom ShlekKlilnnv. bv Miihk'iiberi:. ti fiwi'i-i uney, in niue ami nacw, iwico n weeid LoavoMiUKsiituny .i outlay and Thursday 10 nm; inivo nt iswert alley nl l p m; Lrao Hw cct Valley Monday mul 'Jp io; .rrivc in r'liu'lisiiimiy iy, p in, 3M 1'iom Old 1'oice. bv Mlluntilcpp. Mouu und Mill Clly lo l'iu:toryvIlle, IDmlles and unfit, uiii'i; ii net li. Leavo dm i oro luesdayat Onm; Aulve at l'netory lite by ;i p m; Liao ractoiyvtllo Weilnesday at Dam; A r rho ot Old 1'oro by 3 p m, Piono-.i1a lmltcil Ini' tsorviio tlllcO till! tW2 rioniFetnnton to Durmore, 2 mUcH nnd uacic, mx umes a weeic. Leavo Heiimton dally, exo Pt ftundav. nt 1.1 i' .... . ai jiiinnioio ny 'i pn; Leao imnmoro dally, txcept Sunday, nt ai uve ni minion uy v,io a m. 2.'.i2 Prom Ln rlton lo Pella Hilvn 0 itt.l ii, i fit, uni'u i w I'l'i., Leuvu Lowlton TueMday nt 10 n m; Aulve at llella Hylvaby Um; Leave Itfll.i Hyhu Tuesday nt 7 a m; Arrivo nt Loelln by Un in. Vtst Frank tin nnd i'rankllu Date, to Tu'wanda! )1A- I'l-.i,. n,ini-..s i... T"1.. . n,s..n., t ii... .ii iiiiii'ii una untie, mue uniet a wwk, Le.ivo Canton Tuesdav. Tbuisdav nnd Kntn (lav. in nn in, Arrive ni lownnon nv a n m: Leavo Townnda Monday, Wedntday and V uav in i p m; Aulvo al Canton bv 7.,0 n m; PiuposaNlnlted lor jer.leoslx tjme n week, 21C-J rrnni New Oxfonl by (JreenUlilEP. Hamp ton and Ibaind Hilt, to ork Huti-hnrhpiliiBs, H miles and batk, iwleon week, Leao New O.loid Tucfcday nnd Hatmday nt I p m, Airlvo nt Yoik Hnlnbnr Hnrlnos Ivln nv Leave mk HnlphusHpilnKsTuendny nnd Hut unlay ut 0 a in; Arrive nt Isew Oxford bv ft n m. Pioposals for inorufuquent bcrvlcoalolultcd 2-'I" 1'iom Itttdsvtllo to Link's Mills, .1 miles ntui dock, once a wei-it. Li-ao lliedsvllle Saturday nt 11 n in; Arilve ut l.t I;'k MIIIh by 1 p m; Leave Loek'H .Mills Hatuiday atift tn; Arrivo nt ltcedsvllle by 10 u m, ii!iU l'rom woodland tn (Jrnhamtown, mile nml biuk, tu tro a week. Leave oodiand luesdny nnd Hatuiday nt 1 in; Arrivo nt ainhnmtownby 12 mj Leave Orayhampton Tiusdny and Hntuidny lp. m; Arrivo nt VoodIand by 2 p m. 23 l'rom Ceylon and Willow i rce, in unuw u, iv nn an unu uacic, once Leae Cariulehnern W'ednesitny at 1 pm Arrive nt lu Utownby I i m. Le.ivo HavUlowii Wednesdoy(ut 0 a in: Aulve at Curmti'iuu'l'a ut L!m. 2110 1'iom PittRburp, by Writ View, IVrrysvltlo Williams, Wixfoul, (t!le, Zellnople, Harmony and Whltestown, to Pronpect.yy mltcH A bnek, iliuu llliit n ii l-vii, Leavo I'lttsburK Mondnv. Wednrxdnv nnd Vrl .Ul ill fl III at; rrUent Piosnecthv 7 n in Leavn I'iiihdull Tlie.sdav. TIiiiisiImv nnd Mnlnr, uny ui ii in; Airlvo at Plttfcburgby 7 p m; Proposals fir moro frequent fcervleo ntio ted. iSHS l'rom Hharpiburs, by I)oreyvlllo, Uurnl IUdBO. Culiiurvllfe, and Hhldle'it Cross-io.uU, to Leuve Hbuipsburg 1'rldny al ti a m; Airlvo at Huxonbura by U p iu; Lcuo Haxonburfj Tliuibday nt On m; Airlvuut hhaipiburtf by i p m. .tKI rrnni lll lal.iirtr liv TliiAliniinn llono Cliurib, to Lebanon Church! loU mil man, in"" iij niiiltniy. lluehnnau, niul twice a m eck tho residue, Leuve l'llthbmu dally, except Hunday, ul C30 ft nnd !:) pin; Ai live at litulinnnn by 7-15 n m nndSp m Ltno liuchanaii dallv. rvceoL Kumlnv.iit It n nnd 1-lf) p m; A rl Iw. u I I'll i iiitd 1st- n.tUl n tn ntwl 1 t. .... Leae liuchanuu Wcduchdaynud hatuiday nt 7ao ft m; Anlvo nt Lebanon Church by twin am: Leuo Libnuon Churcli Wednesday nnd Hatur uny ni iuu m; ArrL'eut Ituchnimn by 12 m, 2'jJ 1'iom Tmlto Cieek to Momoesllle, ( in Iks and back, twlroii ulc. I.t nvoTurlle Creek Wetlnesday nnd Halurday A i t v i , il t tnt.rnfiv111rt l, Ifl.'ill n t.i, Leuve MouioeJllo Wiilutbduy mul Hnturday Anlvo nt Tin tic Creek by 840 a m. '.' "it l'rom PUtsbuiK In Wet Mniuhenter, 2J mlleM and bat It. klx IIiuch uuik. Li iuu rilUhurr dally, exceja hunday, ut 101) u in; Arrive ul Went Mntuhefcter bvll n in Lcno Went Muuchebler dally, except Bundny Isl, U 11 III, AliHe at I'ltUburu by 10 a m. SWI l'rom Tnrcntum, bv Laudsvltte, (n.o) Hnxuuburu, 12 juIU's and back, once u tvtz, I .i a e '1 nrentum Hnturday nt H u tn; Arrive nt baxonbur by 12 m; Lfiie Huxouhurtt Hnturday at 1 p m; Attii utTarentiimby.jpm. Hi!') l'rom Middle. I Jinoakter. I'or ti-illle, Willie Hoy, Ham mdmrii.uudLcchburu u mincer, diiiiiiiHiinii i'ui u. nine iikHNft wvi k Luivo Hannouy Monday, Wednettdny and P rt nay uuer itriivnim i'ii ituui tjiuuil bay alipm: Arilvo at Min er bv 10 n mi Lf nvo Mercer 'i'ucfctiay, Thursday and haturday Arrive at lUrmouy by am, 2370 1 rom Hlippprj Hock, by HnrrUvlllo, Wen- V. nlld linnt Hnnilv. tn I'rnliklin. J7 mllen nnd bnek, thrre times n week, irfnveniippery hock Monday. Wednesday nnd rlday ntlta in; rrie ni j rnuitini iy op tn; ,eao l-'railkllll Tlicttdnv. 1 hiirkdnv. nn.l Mntnr day at 7 n m; Arrive nt Hilppery nock by i p m, 21) l'rom I'.lk Itun tn Orav's Vattcv. ! mlb- ,t inck tw lee n week. Leno Hun iuendnyniid Haturday nt 2-r1 in; Arrive nt flrav'n Vnllev bv .1.11 n mt Leave (Irav's Vnlley 'luesdnv nnd Hnlurdnvnt 3-41 p tn; Arrivo ni i.ik iiuii.ny p in, EIUO From (lalnen. by tjonir Itun to HablmiTlIb? I mllen and bark, unco a week. Irno Unlnc rdnenday nt7 ft tn; Arrivo nt Hntlnvlllo by ion m; Lemo Hablnsvlllo Wednesday nt 2p m; Arrho nlUalnes by 5 p m. SliHl rrom .lerv Hhore. bv I'helns' Mills, tn Hnneyvllle, III ml fen and back,oiicou week. I ,eavo jersey noorc inunuiny nt u n in; Ai-rlp nl llnnevllln bv V2 in irf'ino HareyvUlo TburKtlay at 1 p m; Airlvo nt Jeisey Shore by 0 p m. 2113 I'mm Muney, by Wolf Itun and Hi llle, to IHU'm Ue, 21 miles and back, uulcm once n re a. Leave Mntiey Tuesday ot 12 m; Arrive nt Hill's titnvo by 7 p m; iirnve jiiii iiruvo i nciiuiyju u a in; Arrive nt Muney by 12 m. 2121 l'rom Lock Haven to I&taud. 2! miles nud back, oiire a week. i t'H v iit-i-H 1 1 ii en nti i lining ni iu a in; Arrlo nl Island by 11 a m: Leavo Island Haturday nt IL30 am; Arrivo ntWk Hnentiy I2-T)pm; Prottosats for moro fieauent service ntso luvl led. 2125 I'roni Westrort. bv Leldv. Ilaminertdev's and Oack, twice a week, ' Leave Westpoitmemiay nnd rriuay at () urn; , .rrie ni uniioi ret ic ni ij-jbj p in; Leine KtttIeCrt.k Wednenlay nnd Haluiday at 7 a m; irmuiii vt empori uy t p in, 2IH l'rnni ltldirownv bv lvferKv'n. CnlmlnnLi. A Tyler's, to Pentlcld, Jt miles nnd baik, twlco a week. Lenvo uiiiffrwny Tuesday nnd Hatuidaj nt vum Aulvont remit Id by Up m; Leae petitleld Monday and Friday nt On in; Arilve ut Wdgeuny by a p in. 2111 l'rom llrnokvllle. bv Itlcbnrdsvllle. Heboft- net'H Coinetn. und Ariovn. to ltld!iewav. 31 miles and back, once a werk. lAave nronnvnie inurstiny nl 7 ft mj Arrive nt HldKi-wny by 5p in; Leave ItlducHny Wednesday nt7nm; Arilvo at Iltookvlllo by 5 p m. oil.) t II,,...,, Ml,.., 1... tln.I.M 11. and Hatterileld, toMeiter, 10 ml leu and back, '1 tltncH a Meek. ,eae na mill on i uesuay. i uurciinv and Hat unlay nt tt u m; , Airivo ni .ueiccr ny u in: Leave Miteer 'luesbiy, 'I iiuisd.iy nnd Haturday ut '.' p m. ju i u in liayiiiiiiun ny it p in, 121(1' Trom I'lanklln to Drniitftex town. !) tiilli. nnd bmk, tulce a vetk, , Lcae l i.uikllu Tuesday nud Hatuiday at 1 I"."! .... . ... aim e in i lenipsey iowii ity 1 p in; Leave Di muses town mi Tuesday andHattinlav at 8 a m; Arrive nt i rnnklln by li-no am. I'roposalH lor nioio Iiequent service Invited. SlfliJ l'rom IVtroknm Centrn tn fbprrv Trpn. 2J i miles und back, U times a week, l'cttoleum Centre dally, except Hunday atl2m; (rrii in t iipiij- i reo ny i p in; Leave Chetiv 'lieu flallv. excent Hnndav.nt III. 'A) u m; ArmeM retroletim tentro by 11-30 a m, ?ii)l rrom Htnnv Point tn rvniiOinrir.21: ihHaii and back, six times u week. Hcheduio mnkltii: close connection wllb rntl. roatl train, to benrintiKed tn the sntlsfactioti of pOSUllllSU'IH, CjlO 1'iom I'eteiN Cieek to Pench llottnm. two tulles und back, dally, except Hunday, Hcbeduloto bo ai ranged KalUfattory to tho posdnasterH, 2."d7 I'roni New Holland bv fJrren 11.ui If nml I'erpica, J miles nud back, twice a Leavo New Hollnnd Tuesday and Hatnrdnvat 0a m; Aim out pcqura by 12 in; Leavo lVqueu Tuesday nnd Halurday nl 1 p m; Arrive at ew Holland by 1 p m. 2.1S I'm in ltlchlnnd Htatlon. bv Mlllbuck Mi.n.i and Klelnfellersvlllo (n.o.) to HhaellerHtou n, ti mites ami nncK, six limes a uecic. Leave lllclilatid Htatlon dallv. excel it Hnndav. nt 12 in; Arrivo nt Hbanerslown ny p m; LtftoHUallertown dally, except Hunday. nt 7 a m; Airneiu uicuinim nianon uy u uin. 2.119 l'rom Klncstou. bv Huntsvltle nnd Lrb man, tn Iike, 11 miles nud back, I w Icon week. 1. eue Kinttuun .nouuay una iiutrsuny ni h a Anlvo at Ijiku by 11 a m; Leave lakn Monday aud Thuibday nt 1 p m; Atrlveat Kingston by 1 pm, 2. 20 Ii om Mill Hollow. Trucks. vllle. Dallas nnd Kunkles, to l!o man's Cieek, IH miles anu tiacK, iwico a week. Leave Kingston Monday nndTliursttay at 7 a m Atrlveat llowman's Creek by 12m; Lmvo Itowman's Creek .Monday nud Tuesday ut 1 p in; Arrive Kingston by C p in. ill-Ml'loiii TiinlctiiiiiliiM Ic.liv I'm tctstnn T.nvftttnn. and cullcy, to Onshore, 2S miles and batk.oneo a Leavo Tunkhannocl: Haturday at S a m; All iv out Dushoie by 5 pin; Leuve Hushoro I'rblay nt bft m; Aiilnnt Tunkhnntiock bv Op in, 2522 rrom WynluNlng, by Wllnnd, to Dushore. 12mllesuud back.ntiiua week. Lenvo Wyuluslng ni day at 1 p m; Arilvont Ouihoiu by ftp in; Leavo Dusboro Hatuiday n 7nm; Aulvont Wuluslntf iy 11 a m, 2"2-l l'rom Hugar Itun, by L'lwcll, to Cullovi, 12 mllesand b.u k, oncn a v eek, Le.iVohUBit (iuu Wednesday nt 1 p m; AtrlveuiCulley by Tip in: Leave Culley tdnesilay at 7 a m; Aulve at hiiijar Kim by 11 a m. 2.-f2l rioinltomo by Orwdl, to Ln llayavllle, lo miles and back, Hit en times u veek. Leave Home, Tuesday, Tlitirndny und Hatuiday at 11 am; Arrive nt Lo Itaysvlllo bv 2 pm; Leave Lo llaysvllle Tuesday1 iiursday und Hat urday, nt Up in; Arilvo nt Homo by Op m, 2Ti 1'iom I-'annettsburg, by Cnrrlck rurnnce, (n. o.() to Loudon, 12 miles nnd back.oneo a week. Leave runnel tsburK Haturday nt 8 n m; Arrive nt Loudon by 12 m; Leave Loudon hut urday at 1 p in; Aulvo ut 1 auuettsburg by 6p in. 2j2U 1'iom Xewty, by Illuo Knob (n. o) and Httitzir.tu,o.1)tolfaintClaiisllle,2;t milts mid back, out e u week. Lcuvo Nevvry I'ridoy nt 10,:t0a m; Atrlve nt Halnt Clnlrsvllleby fl p in; Leaje Halnt Clalrsvlbo Haturday at 7.3.) a in; Aulvo at evvry by 3 p in, 2.'y.7 I'loin HhcloeUi, 0, o.,) by Advnuce(u o) Hohatk'sMllls,(n.o.,)niid Alvvoud'H (n. o,.)' lo Hnuiaid s, 17 milts and buek.onceu wetk. Len e hhelot t ft Hal Ul day ul 0 n m; Arrlveut ItauiaitPs by f2 m; Leave Harnnrd'sHaturday ut 1 p m, Aulve at hheloctft by 0 p m; i,25 I''"MoiioiigalieUi HeallsvllIe.U miles und bat k, three times a week. LtuvoMonongnhcla City, Tucbdny, Thuihdny ntul Haturday ul 8 a in; ' At rive at lltulKMllo by 12 m; Luivo IleallsvHleTuehday1;TliurMlay aud Hat urday at 1 p in; Arrlveut Monongahela City by 5p m. Ej2l l-'jom Tylersburg to ClnrltiBton, 12 miles and buck, once u vwek. Leavo 'J 3 lersburg Haturday nt 8 ft in; Anlvontclarlngtoii by 12 m; Leavo Clarluifton Hatuiday at 1 pm; Arrivo ut Tyltubuig by 6pm. 2VW riom Indlann. by Utah, to Mlnta, 17 mWh nnd back, t v Ice a week. Lea o liullana Tuestlny nud Haturday nt 7 ft m; Arrivo nt Mlnta by 12 m; U nvo Mlntn Tuisday und haturday nl 1 p in; Arrlveut Indiana by 0pm, roiiM of vjiovoxaj,, a uajia ,ytv;j; axd CL'JITWJCATK rnorosAL. TliouiuU-n!gned , whose post office address is .county of , Htuto of , proposes to coin ey the malls of the United htntes, lioiu July 1, Irnjs, to Juno ao, 1872, on routo No. , betvieen und , under the ndver- tlsement of tho l'ust master Oeneral, dated April Pith, IImjs. with "celerity, eerlulntj'. nnd securi ty, tor the annual sum of -dollars. Thte proiiaml is vuxieuiih full knotvlotVje of, the ((4ijncfJ of the route, the weight of the mall to be cr nw, fui ii tilt other particulars in reference to the route a tut sen far, and alto after cartful examination of the tans ami instruction! attached to the ttiUrrtttc ment. Dated (Signed.) OUAHANTL'i:. Thoundeihlgued.resldlngat .Btnto of , undeiluko that, If tho loregolng bid for carry Iuu the mail on routo No, bo accepted by the Pcd master General, tho bidder shall, prior to the 1st day of July, 116N, enter into the leoulred obll gallon or contract to perform tlioservlcn propos ed, with good and sullleleiit sutettes, 'Jltit we tlo, understanding distinctly the obliaatlan ami liabilities astumcil by guarantora under the inth strtlon if the act of Ibnmessaf July 2, 1130. 1 luted (Hlgued by twoguarautors.) CHHTiriOATK. Tho undersigned, postmaster at , State of that ho Is ncqunluttd with the nbovo guaiantors, and knows them to be men of property, nnd ft bid CLTllllt'S, I'MJKll JUS OATH OV Ot rlCB. in iniiitu Kuuti wieirKiiiiraiiive, Hated Algned.( NOI liS. Proposals must bo to curry tho mail with 'cc elItv.cerllllnty.ftnlUecutlty.,, using tho terms of tho law, nnd they mubl be guaranteed by liinrniiiiiiillil,i, uiu forttflPll tn an fciich bv ft posttnafctcr or u Judge of a. court of reepid. Nopny will bonmld lor trips not performed, and mr ench if sncli omissions not satUfactorlly explained three tlnus the pay of tho ttlp maybe deducted, ror nirlv ills o Jar behind time ns to break connection with depending mails, nnd uot sulllelently excuml, one-jonrlh of the compen snilnu for tho Hip Is subject to lorfeltuie. 1 ines will be Imposed, unless the dcllnnucney bosntls. l.utoiily explnlnid, lor nigltctlng lo tnko llio mall f loin m lulu a post olllco lor fcuflerlng It lo be lujuud.dtbtitjiid.ioblid.or Josli and for lefnslng, nftrr demund, to couvey thoinnll ns fieoiuntly as tho contiactor mus, or Is concern, ed In lunniug, ehlcles on tho loute. iliel ost nuuler (Hiuiul may annul the toutiact lor dlso biiying the post olllce laws, or Iho luhtructlons of 1 ho Heiartmtnt. He may niter the kcbidule of departuits nud uuivnls, und uUa otdcr nil In. crinsu oUerlco by allowing tbirelorapiti mm Incriusooti tbecoutructpuy. He inay also cur tall or illhcontlnuo tho mvUelu whole or in pari, at u piopoitlonato dituasu of puy, allow fug. ns h full Indemnity to tho contractor, ono mouth's extra compensation on the amount of servlco dlfcpcustd with, aud ftruornMcoiupeii' nit Ion for tho fctnlco ictnlued und continued, '1 be Iirpartment reserves tho right to leject nny bid which may bo dtuued exlruvagnnt, und uuu to (lUiigurd llio bids el lulling contractors and blddeis, Jtlds should bo addressed tu the "h(c otid Assistant l'tistmuster denerul," superscrib edrroposul, Hluto of lt-ima Houia,' and sent by mull! I'or lustructiors aud ther Infoiuiatlou, see nd vtillriimiit uf October 81, JSi7, atthe pr ticlpul pmt unices. A LLX . W, HAN H ALL. )Uy rostiuiuur Ueueral.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers