The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 19, 1868, Image 1
f t . .s-s - . -. f . .... .NO. 25. BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1868. PllIOE FIVEOENTS. IILOO.MSBUHU H1RECT0KY. HTOVKS AND TINWA11K. I ACOIJ ilim, dcnlerln stoves A tinware. Stain d st., nbovo court house, vl-nll I M. Ut'l'lIIVr, Moves nnd limvnie, ltupert il, block, Midlist., went of Market, vl-llll Rr.V. A. IIAUTMAK, HtoVes, Tinware r nil kinds). Hnontlngetr. ilrst stole on West did or Houlli Main street. v2nl7 CLOTHING, AC. LOWKNIinilU, merchnnt tailor, Mnln ft., 2d door above American house, v l-nl3 I Ctlt'.MIlIIltLIN. wholesnloandretnll deal (). IT In clothing, etc.; Hnrtiiinn's building, Main street. vl-nll DUUGS, CHEMICALS, AC. IN. MOVWt, druggist and apothecary, I!x J change, block Mnlu st. vl-nll 1.1 1. LOTH, druggist nmi apothecary, ltupert V. block, Mnlti st., west of Mai ket. vl-ull CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. r OUIS lll'.ltNllAItn, watch and clock maker, U near southeast comer Main and I rousts, vl-ul.1 OL. HAVAOU, dealer In clock, watches nnd , Jewelry, Main at., nearly opp-dto American House. vl-lill R CATIICAKT, watch anil clock maker, JIarket St., below .Main. vl-ull HOOTS AND SHOES. M. llltOWN, Ixyit an.l Kboemaller.Maln street , opposlto Court House. vl-nll VSOI.Lrcinnt.ninnufaeturcr anddenlcr In boots nnd shocsMnlnst., opposite Kplseopnl church vl-nll ITIINItY KLKIM. manufacturer ainl dealer In II boots and shoes, groceries etc., Last llloonn burg Main st. vl-nll DAVID IlllTZ, boot nnd shoemaker, Main St., below Ilaltinau'ri store, west of Market street. vl-ull PROFESSIONAL, IK, KVANH, M. 1. surgeon and physician soutti sldo Main St., below Market. vl-ull DIt. It. F. Kinney surgeon dentist, teethevtrnct cd without pain. Slain St., neaily opposlto Kplseopnl Church. vl-nlO Jit. M'KF.I.VY, M. 1). snrecon nnd physician south sldo Main St., below Market. v 1-nl.l J.. IIUlll.ll, .U. J'. M1ICU11 llllll I 11 Kll'lllll. Market St., nbovo Main. 1-n 1J lilt. II HOVi:U, surston dentist, Main St.. 17 aliove court house. Vl-U II T 11. UOI1IROX, Atlornpy-nl-hnw.Oinco llnrt il . man's building, Main Btrect. -Mi20 milmneky a fancy ciooixsr MISS LIZZIi; UAUKLUY, milliner, ltanwy bulhtlns, Mnln st. vi-nfl II ISS A. I). WM1I1, fancy goods, notions, books, 111 stationery, north sldo Main street below Mnr ket. vl-ull 1.1 PHTKHMAN, millinery and fancy goods op 4 posite Episcopal chtirvh, .Main st. vl-ulj 1I1LS.JUMA A. & HAIII! nAItKM'.Y. ladles 111 cloaks nnd dress patlenw, southeast corner Main midwest St. vl-llll MIHSJ M. llHKIUCKSO.V, millinery nnd fancy goods Main st., opposlto Court House, vl-nll lgoods Main st., opposlto Court House, vl-i ill liiir'tninu'H store, west of Market st. lis. M. ii. l'UUMAN, milliner, Mnln st., below mill: .IIHSLS HAIIMAN nillllnery and fancy 1 goods,Malu street Just below American house. vl-nll HOTELS AND SALOONS. 1LI1AC0CIC, oyster nud enttng saloon, Ameri can llouso, Alain St., U.tlt7t-r Leacock superin tendent, vl-im llflDMYllIt .t JACOUY, coiifccllonry, bakery, nnd oyster saloon, wholesale, nnd retail, Lr ehullgo bloclt, Main St. vl-1113 IIOX A WLHIl, cnlirecuo..ory, n".e, Jt ...... V ler saloon, wholesnlo and retail, Main st., Just below Iron. vl-lll.1 riXCIIANOi: lIOTi:U by Koons .t Chirk, Main ljst., opposlto court bouse. vl-nn IMKIUCAN HOUSi:,by Joll.N I.eacolK, Slain A St., west of Ironstieet. vl-llll V M I) HTOHNI'.lt, refreshiiicnt saloon.SInln St., Just 1, above court tiouse. 1-nll KOONS ,t CI.Altlt, refreshment eluingo hotel. salnnn, 1.x-vl-nll 1r II. OILI.SlOItn, refrcshiiient saloon, Shlve's U block south sldo Stain st. vl-nll JIEHOHANTS AND GUOCEHS. 1,1 JACOIiM, Confectionery, groceries ill St., nbovo Court House, Slain vl-nlil O II. MILI.KIt, dealer In dry goods, gi nucensware, tlour, suit, shots, liollt w..,!.. t.ln..l. Mnln klrc-t. Tocerles, Ions, etc. M-nlJ H'Ka.VV NIIAI. A Co., denlers 111 dry Roods, 111 groceries, Hour, leeu. sun, 11-11. 11011, nmi,. i tc, noi theast corner Main and stai fcet st, vl-u 1.1 ii.'a IIOVi:it, hatsund caps, boots nnd shoes. Mnln 6t.( nbovo court house. vMili o. corner Mnln and Iron bU. r J. UUOWlilt. lry booN, trroecrles i(t'north J, west corner Mnln nml Iron bts. vl-n I J RIIV. A. HAHTMAN, dry coods, notions, nnd KiocLi'ics,, Main ht., onpoMto Correl'H I'urnl tuioRooma. vl-nH II. nUNHIli;ilGKIl,(nent,) procerlestobne- 111 i", miu i-niiiv inUeonnl Church. nnd confectionary, .-uiu u si opposite vl-nll 1). A, lil'X'ivIXY, KeybtoiiebhooKloie.boolcii nnd . utatlonery. bouthwest corner Market nnd Main bU. vl.nlJ WIMJAM P.UASMUS, confectioneries, Main htt, nenr the railroad, vlnU Mi;NDi;NHALTj,Benernl tdoek of merchan dise nnd lumber, corner of Main Ktrettnnd f:er ierwlck rond. vlull I ,1. ItOHHINH, denier in dry goods grctileH etc. ' Shlvo'B block, Mnlnfet., below Iron vMiiS I K. OIUTON, Clroceries A l'rovlnlons, houth Jeiut corntr Main and Iiun KtrtclH, vlnll f W. HNYlirit hnrdwnre, culltry, guns, cle.. J Main bt,, below Iron J. SLOAN, dealerln cholco dry goods. Ilonhe- keeping goods, fresh groceries, tic, eic. Main hi., oppoblto court lioube, vlnU JK, KYIUL groceries ami general merchnndlbe Mulnbt.,nCoo Wcbt. vMH3 r T. HlIAItriJ;SH, dry poode, c: It, bhoett, etc., Hunt it block, Mu rocerleN. boots, uln bt ubt of Market. Ci CUAMint & A. H. HAYHUIIST, Denlers lu O, Orocerlts. t'onfietlouerlts nml Notlon, Siottown. boiuh side, two doors aboo llrobst'K wugonmnlter hhop. vU-nls. MISOKLLANKOUS, GW. COHlIJj. furnlturo rooms, three btory , brick on Main fat., .westof MnrkttBt. vl-ni.'J Il J. TIIOltNTON, wall pniwr, Mindow Umdes. Ii, nnd lUturcs, Uupeit block, Main st. vl-nll U0HKNS10CK, photogrnpher, Kxchnngo , block. Muln fat., opposltu court hotibe, lnlJ i) Ing noi llivitb t corner Mulnuiid Mm ket fat. MiU 11 DI-ATi1 .htnrnnl,n.' l.nll.1. ii J. lliriLlMAN. Airent Mmibon's L'oimerTu- bular Lightning Hod. Til. PUIlHr.LL, saddle, trunk nnd linrneNs maker. Main St., below court, houbc. vl-uld 0. K0STi:il, Olue -Maker, nnd Whlto nud Inney Tanner, Hcottown, vl-n 17 ..I ,lfl,ail,l1 t IIMllI'll f'C n,nnnr.i.lnrs,D Jjand dealers in Lumber, of nil kinds, plaining mill near tho rnll-road. vl-n W ur J, 1UDI.I-MAN, saddle nnd harness maker li . near southwest corner Main and Slurketst. vl-nU AW1TSIAN. ninrblo works, , corner Slain nud Market sts. near sutithwest vl-nll RlI.ItINOU:it,iUnler In pianos, organs and , melodtons.iita, W.Corelrsluinltuio rooms rn II. MABTKIIH, iigent for OroverA Haker's I . snwlnir mnchltie. Mnln St.. llnitlliail M build- ng, up stnlrs. vl-nia i W. linltltlNH. Ilnunr ilenler Rtcond door from ), norlliwest corner tlnluiiiid Hon sts. vl-nlJ u rilACOCK. Notary I'ubllc, lioitlnast corner 11 aiuiu mm luiuvb if, UN A.rUNKTO.V, mutual and rash rates Ilia I limiiiT.ncn rnitioiinv.iinrtlii'astcoriier Main anil Wfltst. Vl-llll nlloilOi: 1IAHSHUT, manufocturer nnd repair, VJ er OI lliri'klllllg llllieuilies, vm'iuuv.iiu uuej near Hliarpless' loundry. I H. KUIIN, denler.'lu meat lallow, etc., Clieni 1 bcrlln's alley, bueA, of Auuikun house, I m i:i fJAMin:i. JACOHV, SlarWo and llrownHtone O Works, liistlllooiBibuiK.Bertt Ick vl'ul7 T ;.1AMrLKt!ic6. Inr)ilnlt8,i:nstIl!ooins. W , burg tieir inllroad. Catlluesiuadeiil slioit k ll,-.umsliKi j aiuilevud u pallid. 0RAXGEY1UE DIUECTOltY. DIt, o. A. MnnAUCIKr, rliylclnn nnd numcon. Main Bt.(nct door to GUkkVh Hotel. vlul7 DHICIC HOTTIIi itixl rcrrcMimcnt n!nn hy J)Hnml. Kyerctt, cor. of Mnlnniul 1'lnp wt.vln.7 SWAN IIOTI'L, tlioumfrlioitio hy John Sny der, Mnln t nbovo I'int'. Vlnl7 DK.HI.OAN. ilcnlcr In ilrj ROfxt, prwerTcn, . lumber nml general Mcrclmiulbe Mnln nt. Vl'1117 GKOItni: LAZAHt'H.ttniMloniKUmrnes'iinnltt'r Mill n ttt.. nbovo the Mnati Hotel. vlul7 r H. SMITH, mnmifnclurcr of tin ware nml M , tlenler In KtoM'i etc, Hwnn Hotel, iniu Kt.. noovo .no Vliil7 A IX W, C'OI.KMAN, Merchnnt tnllor nml il. (Jent's furnlshliiK gotuN, Mnln Ht., next door to tho brick hotel. vl-n!7 K. IIAYIIUUHT, Clocks, Watches and ami, repulied. Ouns nnd Wntclies forsale,SIaln below rine, vl-n!7 TA.MCS 11. 1IAHMAN, Cabinet Maker, nnd till tj dcrlaker, Main Ht., below l'lne. vl-nl7 MICHAKI.C. Kr.I.I.KIl, Confectlnnerj-, Oysiers Ac.. Ac, on l'lno wt., between slain and Still, vl-nl7 Hit. AC. Ki:f.ClINUIt, Illncksinitlis.'on Sllil . Htreet.nenrrine. Vl-nl7 lirll.I.IASI IHXONO, Miocmakcrnnd tnnnurac 11 Hirer or Urlik, .Mill ht., west of l'lne vlnl'J 11I,IAHBNV?r)i:n, riour and Urlst Mill, nnd j Dealer in grain, Mill Htrcct. vl-n!7 T KWIH H., Iron founder, Mnchln Jjlst, nnd Slnnnfactulcr of plows, Sllil Ht.vl-nl7 1 1 tl.l'S A. WIl.t.lASIS A Co. Tiniliersnnd Slnn- JL ufaclureisof leather, .Mill Klrect, V1-I1I7 tans k7:ixi:h. iioot fslioelnnkcr, l'lno (J Htrcct, opposlto tho Academy vl-nl. A, II. Ill'.ltllixa A IIIIOI IIIMI, Carpenters nnd llllllders, Mulu Ktrect, below l'lne. vl-u 17 SAMUI'.r. .sllAItl'I,i:sH, Sinker of thcllayhurst Oram Cradle. Main r!t. v-'ui. JM. 1IAI1SIAN, saddlii nnd harness maker , orangovlllo, opposlto Traino churcli. vlinll CATAWISSA DIUECTOIIY. SUS(iUi:iIANNAorIlrlckIIotel,H.Kost(linnder proprietor, south-east corner Main nnd Second Stieet. S-nli Til. CUIIAHY, dry goods, groccilcs, nnd gen , eral Slertliandise, Slain atreet, 'J-lilj 1. HIKAItl), dealer in stoves nnd tln-wnre. . .Main Street. vMiM rSI. II. AllHinT, attorney at law.Maln Street. I VMiIJ GII.IinllT A KMNi:, dry goods, groceries, and general melehandlse, Main Street. Ii. mid leu V-MlK! cream In season Slain Street. B W DAM.St AK, .Merchnnt Tailor, Second St., . Itobhlns' llulldlng. va-nls. 1H. J. K. ltOIUIIN.S, Burgeon and Physician. Second St., below Slain. vS-nls. II. KIMTI.Klt,"CilttnwlsnIlimse,"Norlll1Vest .Coiner Mulu nnd Second Streets. 2-nls. MSI. HltOIMT, dealer In Oeneral .Mercliandise, , Ury Uoods, Groceries Ac. -nls. LIGHT STREET DIHEOTOUY. l)l;n:it i:nt, denier In dry goods, groceries, X nour, leeu, sail, nsu, iron, uaus, etc. l.lulit vl-ulj TTi:itvii.i.t(ii:H, J and chnluiKikcr. Cnblnelinalter, Undertaker vl-nlU oiiliostte post vl'nkl. 1 1 r. osian On.. Wheelwrights. Ilrst door 11 nl nbovo school house. vl-n Iti US. 11. KI.IN'i:. millinery and fancy goods. JW. HAN'KIIY, denier In Lenllier, Hides, Il.irk. etc. Cash paid for Hides. N 1-nlJ TM. M. KN'T. ilenhTln stores nml tin wnro In nil us u nine iivs, rolIN A. OMAN, mnnuriu'turer nml dtnler in I booti niul slmes. vMiOl, ESl'Y MKE15T0KY. llSl'Y tsTlIAM l'LOUIHNU SIII.I.S, C. S. I'owltr. Yi l'roprletor, lJnll 11 1". Ili:i(IIIAItI,AllUO., dealers Indryg'KKls. D. groeeiies, and general inercliandlse. vl.'nll 1 II. CAI.lVi:i.T,, ileuler III dry goods, grocer ,1, les, mieensware, hardwaie, 11-h, sail, 111IK et;- etc., il-' T. UDOAH, Huifiuvluuiim ruuliitf Mill nml Jlox ainnui.iciory JEUSEYTOAVN DIHKCTOHY. 1 NDHHW MADISON, denier In dry Rond-t, K": A eeiles.Krnln.lunibcrclc.Jerneylown. lnl iinnn v MU'TWlTI'lf itmiler In Hides. iJ-ntllCI lurit nc. .niuiison iowumiui luiiiiih.i UrT.HAMUKI IHMnV, Mmllson llolel, Dro- vi l s nnd Htrnniiers entertained. v--n 1 KUCKHOltX DIUECTOIIY. n x w u iieuieis in ury J I goods, groctrUa and geneml iiu'relw.iullsi'. IThl hioru 111 hUUIIl VUU u. lun H. TACOIIA WM.HAHUIH, uenicrn 111 ury gouut, LToterles. diims and medlelnes. l-'lrbi btoioln 1101 tli end ot town. v--m HOTKLS AND SALOONS. PXCIIAXGK IIOTKL, IH.OOMHnUIta.COI.UMlllA CO., PA i Tho mideislirned haviutr inirehased this well If itou-ii iiikI riii I ml I v. t-d li(illM t hit Hxehaiim Hotel, kituaiu on ,m.i. si lu.r.i, in iiiiKminuuiK Immediately opposite the Columbia county Com t lli.iis.v i-iKif'tfutlv ii.rorni ibelr lrlemls nml the publlo lu general that their house is now In order lor the u-ieptlon nndenteitalninentof travelleis who may I'd dispostd to ravor it wllh thtlr ius torn. 'Ihey hao spared no expense In preparing thn rxeliniiL'o lor llieenterlnlumeut oil heir guests neither fehuTl there bo nuylhlim wnnltu on their pan 10 minister 10 uieir personal commit, i uep lutibG Is snaclous. nnd euloVM nn excellent bust liess locnllou. umuiiiuses run ninu times uetween me i;x change. Hotel nnd tho vmlous rntlroad depots, by which truvellers will be pleasantly comeyedto and from tho lespectlve stations in duo time to mett the cars. KOONH A CIjAKK. luoomsimrg, April a, ims. u1h.ui.uu w, -MAUUi-.u, iToitrieior. Tiio nbnve welMniown hotel hns recenllv mder- goiiQ ind'eal changes In Its Internal nrrangi ments. iii.l ita tn. nrletorimnonnees to his former ruiUim and the travelling public that his accomodations for luocomiori 01 ms guests are seeouu 10 none in Hi., f-fiimtrv 1 Mm Inltln will nlwnvs bn found hun- plltd. not only with hubslnnttal food, but with all tho dt'lleiielcsof the season. HU wines nnd li quors (exci'pt that popular bocrftjto known na (1Ji7Ac;iriQ,pur( bawd direct from the Imparling hotiNCs, nnrentliely pure, and freo ftoin nil pol. bonous drugs. Ho Is I hanktul for n liberal pat ion- ntomtliopiiii,nnii wiiu-ontinueiniieservo it in UU IUIUI V, V I.1JHVI 14 , , .iltlUidti TXCIIANUE SALOON, the rropnetor on no i;xeitnuuo naioou uas now on hand n largo stoclc of hummi:u iti:ritiam.Mi:.sin, consisting of Sl'ICKD OlSTKl'.S. 8A1U1IN1-S, TllirC. 110I.OUNAS enniPTosuiT, noii.KD Koas.dwi i I.AQKR 1JKKH, AIjK, AC. ti CO.MU ONll, COMi: ALL AMU HKII. Hi LAWriUN CALMAN. Huperlntendt nt, Jtloomsbiirf.', May , ls07, rpiIK KSPV HOTEL, IHI'Y, COLUMBIA COUTV, I'A. Tin: subscriber resnretfnllv liirorinsbls friend and tlio publlo, that lie. lias tnUell Hie nboMi ve knoMli IIoum of i:ntc!lnlnnu-ut, unit 111 bo pleased to M ine custom oj all ulio win Iaor mm wuu a can, m: will Kj:i:r a oood taiilk, a liar well slocked v. Itli tbo best of Llouors, nnd every tiiort mil ue niaue 10 ivnuer rituro suus- IUC11UU. , , i:py, i'a., Arm k.vm. 1JJWU1V llUTi'.U, OHAKUIJVILLi:, C'OLUMUIA COUNTV, I'A. udwaiu) i:vi:iu:tt, l'ltoi'iuivron. Having taken ihibscssIoii f Ibis well-known house, so loim fct-j.t by Haiimcl i:iretl. tho I in. tirlelorl asiaitluit perniiilieutreiinlraudfuriiHli. aud neweU delicacies. His Unb o la not enellea tuthecounly; und no ilus will bo fcpaf" o 'JIIE COLUMBI AN, HHBlisBliHlflHII' Domooratic Nownpapci' H l'l'llM41ir.I) LVRKY HUIlAV MOitNINfJ AT IlliOOMMIl'IlO, PENX'A. TIIIJ principles of this paper are of the JelTersou lan fchoolof polities. Those principles will never be compromised, yet courteny and klndnesH thall not bo forgotten lu discussing llieia, whether with Individual, or wllh contemporaries of Iho Tress The utlly, hnpplneh,and prosperity or the coun try 1h our aim nnd object; nud a tho means to secure Hint, wo shall labor honestly and earnestly for the harmony, success and grow thof our orgnn izatlon. TEiiM-iOPht iwitli'TloNi Tw dollais n year If pnld In tuhnuce. If not paid lu ndwutce two dollars nud flny cents will be hnnrlably charged. TKitMiOKAtiVKKTisisfi: One soume (ten lines orless)onoor three liicrtlonn $1,10; each ttubsc- luent Inseitlon V) ccnN. spAtn. 1M. . S2.t) .. a.tnj .. ?, ,. 0,0") 10.W . ;im. I.W J,0i) S.u) I0,W 1 1,00 Cm. Iy ffi.fw ,(J0 1 1,00 I2,l 18,00 1 1,00 20,00 20,00 30,00 30,00 W.00 One Sfjuare Two squares Threo Kfjunrts... Si.oo c,oo 7,1 m 12,00 our squares.... Half column Ouo column. xccutor's and Administrator's Notice $3,00; Au ditor's Notice Other ndvrrtNements Inser ted according to special contract. Business notices, without ndverlltemcut, twenty cents per line. Transient ndvertlhcmcnts payable lundvnnco- atl others duo nflcr tho flrht lnwrtlon. 9i It Is, In nil cases, more llkoly to be sntUfac- toiy, Ixitli to subscribers nnd to the Publishers, that lcmlttanees nnd all communications respect ing the business of the paper, bo tseut direct to the oillceof publication. All letleis, whether lelatlng to the editorial or business concerns of tho pnper. nnd all payments for subscriptions, advertising, or Jobbing, are to bo mndo to nnd nddresped imocicwAY a rni:i:zi:, "Gtlutabian Office," Ili.ooMsi.uito, Pa, Printed at ItoliWon's Uulldlugs, nenr the Court House, by V. M. VANIIRUSMC'IC. BUSINESS CARDS. joi PKINT1NO Neatly exeeuled nt IhlsOIncf. A IT OHMiY'A T-L Ashland, Schuylkill County, A W, lVlin'a. M. M. Tit AUG II, ATTOUN I'.V-AT-I.A W. Horwlelr, ColumbU County, Venn'n. "Vrir'IiIA3r II. AIMJOTT, r 1 1 U 1 1 1. 1 V t ' l. V " OATAWIKrtA, I'A. MILlil'Mt, c.w A T T O It X i: Y A T I. . Ollliowltli i:. II. Utile, in In lik biill.llin: ad- ollllni; 1'osl Olllee. J?y- KotlPlle., Unek-I'av and 'elisions collected. si p'n u,. JOHX (i. VliVAW, A TTO It N I', i - AT-I. A V. Olllee In IteNler and Ibuordti's nittct-, lu the bat-emtnt of the Com I House, llli.oinhuiK, ra. A 1 1 1 1 11 . I . i - . 1 1 1 - W Olllee comer of Main and M.irlcct stte't, mer riisl National Hank, liloomsbtng, I'a, E. II. L1TTLK, A T T O It N i: Y A T I. A W, Ollteoou Mulu street, lu bliik bulldlllt; below the Court House, Iiloomsburt;, l'.i. Q II, lillOC'KW'AY, ATTUHSr.l AT LA W. I'A. lll.OOM.IHUnt!, JtirOyftVK Court HousoAllev. below the Co- liwibian tllllec. lJnul'07. T OUIS llKKNIIAltl) i J Win vleli plat Would Inform the cltlcns ol ltloi.ii,t.hutu and vicinity that ho is now piepam! to donll klmlsnf plating, sliver or gold. .lVel3,i7, ctioni: K it. M OHi:K COKl'M A N , llavini' followed the nrofesslon nl 1'oblie Vi-uduo Crier for many x ars, would luloiin his diuuN that ho isslllllu Iho field, ready and willing to nttendtonll the duties of his calling. lVrsons desiring his services should call or wilto to him nt Itloomsburg, I'a. mniVt7. JQ1I. W. H. IlItADLKY, ti,nie AHhisiam .ntuieai unit mr u, w. Aimy.) I'll Y H I (' I A X A N I H V U (J HON, ts-Oflhv nl the hnuso oi.ihixHh Khlvtt'n lli.u-k. tlotnubuig, l'a. Calls ptomplly attended to uluht and day. llloomsbu-g, Jan. is, iMr7. J. II. l'UHSKb, HAUMS, BA1HK.K, AND TIIUNK M A N U FACT UK K U, and dealei In CAlU'irr.llAtjS, VAUSl, KM'-Nirm itt?FrAi.o nonii, nonsK.iir.AMUira .ic, which ho fvels cimlldeut he can sell at lmwr amlno for vourselves. la e man nnv oiner neihou in ins i'6 i rv. 1 v- nnop una tioor oeiow uie i oai unioe Alain niruei, jiioiiiunuuri;, in. 1UV, ii), iui, s 0. rOLLINH, V AH II I ON A Uhll SUA V I NC3, II AI It CJUTTINU AND MIAMl'OOtM! bAl-CON, Over Wldmaycr A Jacoby'ii Ite Crt'iun MI(ou, IH.OOMSIiUIltJ, I'A, Hair Pu'lng nnd Whlskt-is eolortd black or blow u. Hair Tonle to dtHroy daudi ull' and Unit tifying the hair; will ustoiuhalr to Its ordinal eolor without oiling the finest labrle, (onstantly till iuiuu. (iipri. bj, D X T J S T U Y. n. c. uowr.n, iu:nttist, Itesnectfully nffeis his piofcsslonal services t the ladles und tntltmcii of lltoomsbuig and 1 fin It v. Ho in ireraied to nttc ml to nil the varl uus operations In tho line of his profession, and Is piovhled witli the latest Improved l'nKCKLAiN 1 r.r.l II ttiiiui win uu iiiml-i imi nuiti )iaiiu; Llknr nnd rnbbrr li?i.o to look ns wt II nstho im urnltuth. Tecih exltiutcd by nllthenewund most apiiioM'd methods, ami nil operations on ilm it ith mi .'fii llv nml tiriinerlv ntti'iiilcd to. Itevldence nnd olltcu a lew doors ntiove the Couit Jioiue, same siuc, Uloouibbuig, Jau.31,'(iStf POWDKU KKOS AND MJMIiKH. W. M.-MONUOr.AlO., Uii I '. l'a., MnnuUclunisor 1'owih:kki:os, nud dealers In all kind) of J.UMUKU, give notice that they uie picpured to accomodate their rustom wllh dispatch, nud on thecluapoht H OWK'H STANDAHD SCALICS Kvei-v deseilntlon nt scnto warrnnted tn utvo entire satlsiuetlou. Kend lor Catuloguu und t'lr culntt seconii;baud Heules of otlier mukerslakeii it. purl nay rorours, ror sine cninp ' 1 ' IKlWliHCAI.lU'O. Sl'uik IMace, New Yoili 131 1'sdtiol ht, Huston AnrlU'VuKlui, (Choice godrjj. NP1UXU CMlAMm "Tiik melancholy days have come, Ihe siddet of the year," Of cleaning paint, nnd fccrubblnu iloor. nud scouring far nnd nenr t Heaped lu the corners of the room, tho ntirlchl dirt lay qui el, Hut now the carpet nil nre up, nnd from tho stnlrcnso top, The mistress calls to man and maid to wield the broom and mop. Wlieio nro those rooms, those cntlel rooms the homo but now presented, Wherein wo dwelt, nordrenvned of dlit, so eoy nnd contented? Alast they're turned all npide dfiwn, that suite of rooms, With slops nnd suds, and soap and snml, and tubs nnd palls nnd brooms; Chairs, tables, stands nre landing round ntslx esnndnthevens1 While wife nnd housemaids lly ubout like mete ors lu the heavens. Tho parlor and the chamber lloor were cleaned n week ago, The carpet shook, nnd windows washed, an nil the neighbors know ; lUUstltl the sanctum had escaped tho table piled with boolt, Tens, Ink and paper all about, pi ace In Its cry looks Till fell tho women on them all, as rails the plnguo on men, And then thej vanlnhod all a Way looks,papf rs, Ink nud pen. And now when comes the matter home, ns come ho must of nights, To find nil things nre "set to wrong" that they hnvo "set to rights j" When tho sound Of .driving tuchs is henid.though the house Is far from slltl, And tho carptt woman on tho stairs, that har binger of 111 He looks for papers, ljooks or bill, that all were there before, And sighs to llnd them on the desk or In the drawer no more. Ami thin ho grimly thinks of her who set tlds fuss atloat, Ami wishes she were out nt Ken In a very leaky boat ; He meila her at the pallor door, w ilh hair nml cap awry, With kIccmh tucked up, and broom In hand, de fiance lu her eyo ; Ho feels quite small, and knows full well there's nothing to be fald, Ko holds his tongue, nud itilnks his ten, and sneaks uwny to bed. ihttmstiiui torit. THAT SPEODLATION. 11V JOHX iUILL. 1 nocoiiT him of Johnson, tho lior.-e-iloi'lor, niul hesalil ho was ilaiumcd by rioia Tcnijilo, 1iim1 by Illni'k llmvk, ami ilcMreil by nil Iho liorso Jockeys in tho State. I wlihotl tltoy had got him. J lu was fourteen anil a half hands high anil one linger over, ills eolor wa a dun, and his imivhaser was about in that condition alio. Ho was slightly sprung in tho knees, and his tall had oneo boon out, no Uint It stood right on end, nud looked moro llko a bunch of straw nailed on lo tho end of a log than anything el.-e. II lit he wiiirnthcrn tlne-Iooklng horse, and the man warranted him kind, lint it was a jioor kind, I afterwards found. llosaid he could mako his mile in bido of i;..'t"i without an ell'ort. It was two hours and thirty-live minutes ho mount, unless ho intended to deceive me. Hut ho could mako a milo lnldu of that timo if he exerted himself nnd didn't get one of Ills fits on him. He was a peculiar liorte, and wus subject ton variety of complaint that would hnvo killed an ordinary animal ; but ho seemed lo Maud them well iiough. Tho llibt night 1 had him, 1 put him lu the stablo and gnvo him feed. Tho next morning my wlfo remarked t lint s.ho didn't sleep n pnrtlclo on account of onio locomotivo or otlier out on tho ruilrond, Hint wns pulling and blowing all night, trying to mako headway. I heard It, too, and it struck mo ns queer Hint the engine couldn't get past Hint place. I went out to see about it. It wasn't i locomotive, 11 was my hor.-e. Ho was breathing and sighing unlike any otli er hor-o I ever heard before, anil I was alarmed nbotit him, 1 wns afraid it would blow tho whole end of tho stable nut. I unhitched him nud took him around to Johnson. lohnson seemed surprised, but said lie only bud n slight nttack of tho heaves. "All horses most lias it. It'll p.v.s olf .-aid ho ; so I drove him honioand creat ed an impression in the town that tho wind wns freshening for a hurricane. Vbottt half wuy up the mnln btieet ho camo to n dead halt ; I clicked my tonguo fur lilui to go on. Ho never budged. 1 touched him with tho whip 1 lo begun bucking, and backed tho bug gy right upon tho pavement and through a plato glass window, worth am do! lars. Then ho started down tho street like lightning, and ran over two boys.breali lug their legs und crippling them for life. I won't mention tho expen-jo I wai to, ns yoogvouldu't believe mo If I was to give tuo ugtires. I wns so busy attending court for two wicks that I hadn't n chance to usohlin; at tho end of Hint timet his. lower Jaw had swollen up until ynu cottlilii't tell whether ho hnil got his head on upsldo down or not. Bo I drove him over to Johnson to seo what was the matter with him. Johsou seemed lo feel hurt that the uiilmal should behnvo so, IJut ho said it wns only a Ilttlu touch of the glau tiers. "It don't hurl n boss ii hit to hnve'eni now nnd then, itdoes'emgooilj but it'll pns off," mud Johiinou, So I wns moro hopeful, nud drove home ngnlu without any serious tied dent, except that Hie horso shied nt it chicken in tho rond, and took the wheel oil' by running thobuggy intotliu fence SHU 1 didn't blame him muclr, for Mr, .lohnson (old mo Hint "It wns good for a boss to lio timid ; It's a sign of pure blood." Tho glniideis dld't tilled hlsnppetllo any. Ho nto moro oats, aud hay than would hnvo run an ordinary llvcry-stn ble, nnd not satlsllcd with that, ho chewed tho feed box nil up, and tiled to gnaw down n yellow plno partition. Johnson said it was "a good thing for a boss to bo n heavy feeder." 1 nover owned a horso before, nnd I was n llttlo set up about It. So 1 thought I would drive my wife nnd family In town to church tho following Sunday 1 le wont nlonge all right until heenme In front of Ferguson's house. Mr, Fergu son Is Jenlous of my having a horse, und our girls don't speak to tho Ferguson girls, becnti'o they said they were "stuck up" about our horse. When this nulinnl nrrlvcd there ho suddenly begnti to slugger from nldo to sldo nnd boll nroiind llko a drunken man, butting Ids hend Into tree boxes nud one tiling or another llko some old ram. At last ho fell over tho bank nt tho side of Iho road, turned three orj four somersaults, dragged tho carrlngo uffcrhim, and then lay stretched out there apparently as dead ns nny dum my. Tho women had on their best clothes, nnd they were completely spollcd.whlle iUiguslii sprained her wrist 60 Hint she couldn't do iv stitch of work for n month. And tho wliolo Ferguson fami ly stood nt tho window nnd smiled. I walked two miles to get Johnson to come and look nt tho horse, llo enine nlong nnd appeared as If ho was pro voked nt the horso for his conduct. Then he stooped down and stuck n knifo Into his neck and let out n barrel or two of blood, and the horse gradually got bolter. "It's nothing but an attack of blind staggers," said Mr. Johnson. "Kvcry boss has got to have It. It's Just llko tho measles In children. It'll pass olf, and ho'll bo better for it." Wo got him home by easy stages to tho stnble, and there ho stnld for thieo weeks, until ho seemed better, except that lie. still had a touch of tho heaves and the distemper. Shortly afterwards I had to drive over to Delewaro City to seo a man, and I gnvo Mr. Johnson ten dollnrs to go with me, In caso tho horse camo to pieces on the road, or anything of aso rlous nattiro happened. Wu started nt daybreak, nnd hud pro gressed about a milo and a half by din ner time, when the liorse suddenly stop ped short, nud would not budgo nil Inch. I suggested Hint perhaps tho barbed steed bad forgotten something nnd wanted to go buck. Mr. Johnson said, "Xo, It was only ouo of his llttlo tricks. Most every horso has soma eccentricity or other. Just let him alniio for a min ute and ho'll get over it." We waited three-quarters of an hour. Then Johnson got out anil undertook to pat him on tho neck, aud the horse got frightened nnd kicked until he got onuleg through the dashernnd couldn't get It out. i asked Mr. Johnson what he thought wo had better do now. Hostiid "It was nil right. All really comlliutiwHUlckwu lie wouldn't give n cent for nn nnlninl lhaUiiulii't pluck enough to kick. It was u sign Hint he felt his oats." So wo loosed his leg and got In, and before wo had timo to' pick up tho lines he gave a Jerk nud stnrted down tho rond nt lightning speed lightning for him, Hint is say about four miles nil hour, inn the buggy into a ditch, nud then tried tojiiinpovern fence, hut fail ed miserably, und got another blind .slugger on hlni.anil laid there until nine o'clock that night. 1 didn't get to see that man nt Dela ware City, and, In fact, haven't seen him yet. Johnson said it was a good thing anyhow, for they had the fever down thoriyuul I ought (o consider it a providential thing that the hor.-e wns taken Jiiit as he was. if wo hud gouo to Delaware City we might both hnvo been dead men, It is singular how Johnson always looks on the bright side of things when Hint hoi.-e Is concerned. Then I thought that perhaps after all I hail better sell tho hor.-e, he wns so much trouble, so 1 nil vert Ned him. The man who came to buy him wus not so hopeful ns Jolin-on. lie snld the horso wus spavined, foundered, and distem pered, llo had the gliindiTs.uud heavw, nnd blind stnirgeis, and hots, and ring bone, and a number or other infirmities, Hint 1 don't care to mention. He said the horse was too hard lu the mouth, "And 1 don't llku to pull too hard on n horse, you know," snld he, "for I know ii man who split u liorse in half jerking at Mm." So I told this man 1 wasn't much at driving u bargain, but still if ho would tako the horso oil' my hands fur any rea. souablii sum ho might have Mm. Id said he wouldn't assume the risk of driving him for les than ten dollars. So I gave lilm that Mini, and he took him away, Hut ho hadn't gonu moro than half u mile before tho hoisegot nn other blind stagger on him, und laid down, and gaped, and stretched bis legs out and tlien died, und broke for horso heaven fur all I know. Mr. Johnson was culled in, hut ho couldn't do nny tiling for Mm. He only ild lie considered It n good thing, "for tho liorse, you know, must have stiller cd il good deal, and now he's out of his misery, nud us you're n klud-hcarteil man. (Juill, you ought to bu glad." ho I was, but didn't feel exultant when Johnson handed In a bill of one lain died dollars for ijroiojtslonal services, It didn't seem fjir wit i novel' nan any luck wltliTiofseti, anyhow, nnd I don't earu to speculate ngiiln. A. r Cbw'V) Illram couldn't bo Scared by a JYIon- koy. (I'loui llrunl's Knily Life, by ins I'atliei.) Ulsiw stepped for wardiiud mount ed tho pony. Tho performance began Hound and round and round tho ring went tho pony, faster nnd faslwr, milk ing thu greatest ell'ort to dismount tlio rider. Hut Ulysses sat ns steady ns If ho hud grown to tho pony's buck, l'ren entlyouteumo n largo monkey nnd sprang up behind Ulysses. Tim people sot up a great shout ol laughter, ami uu the pony ran j but It nil produced no tll'uct on Iho rider. Then tho ling-mas tor made tho monkey Jump up on to Ulysses's shoulder, standing with ids feet upon his shoulders, nnd with his hands holding on to his hair. At this thero wns another nml still louder shout but not n musclo of Ulysses's faco mo veil, There wns not a tremor of his nerves. A few more rounds und tho ring-master gnvo It up) ho had come across n boy that tho puny and monkey both could not dismount. Our First Baby. lll.Kss Its dear llttlo bald hend I Was there over sucli n baby since tho world began V Only look nt tho wonderful little red facet all puckered and twis ted and twisted und wrinkled, looking first llko n head of magentaeolored cnb- bngol nstnrtllngcontrast to the smoth ering quantity of laces, frills, tucks, and puffs In which the llttlo highly tinted wonder Is nrrnyed. Its little hend Is not looking, exnetly "careless and hnppy," hut decidedly hnlrlcss nnd CAppymidllkotlioproverhial.Irlslirollof butter which had "only hero nnd there a linlr." If thero Is ono point on which the "ma" Is touchy It is concerning baby's hair, so the least said nbout can ary colored down tho better. Our ilrst baby 1 Heaven bless the llt tlo red lump j what a dear llttlo noso It lias not o bit bigger than n good sized wart 1 and such eyes oh, such eyes "beautiful eyes," mamma says, but lu reality tho "twin beauties" generally look llko a pair of badly worked but ton holes, for fresh bnhles seldom In cline to open their "peepers" wide enough to let nny ono seo whether they nro green or yellow. All babies look n'lkc to most men, though woman have a peculiar talent for distinguishing be tween them. Babies are generally sup posed to resemble either of the parents, though I must conscientiously say that I never eottid seo any great likeness to either one in Hie little pursed up phiz presented for Inspection. The common expression of countenance would Indi cate that "baby" had been sucking n largo size pickle, nnd didn't like It much, either. When tho first Infant comes, Its "pa" has to take n back seat. Tho newly in vented "ma" hns no time to waste in enresseson anything else, nnd In fact pais looked upon as a sort of intruder If ho presents Ms bill for a kiss now and then, llo does not come In for the at tention of departed days, for "ma" hns positively no time for such nonsense now. Slio has to seo lo tho making of "pap," the rolling of crackers nnd tho ndmlnlsterlngof Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup. Poor l'a ! although ho is as proud ns a peacock, still ho inwardly kicks against this usurpation of Ms rights, nnd though ho sinks into nonenlty on the arrival of thu first born, and tries lo bear It like a hero, il takes n long time to get used to it. For instance, ho rushes home tilled witli a desire to attend Sliake-your- hoofs party. Ho says, "Susan my dear, Mrs. S. gives n Ocrnian to-night ; lot ua kiV" Hut Susan't see it. She looks nt him asifholuid been guilty of cannibal, ism, nnd with thoairof an Injured wo. man, says ; "And lenvo Henry Augusta Ciwar JeiiklnsonV Lenvo our 'first baby?' Oh how can you, Charles William, think of such n thing, when the baby has had such n time to get those front teeth, too '.' Oh, you cruel, cruel parent; you tire not lit to be the father of such nn angel." A terrible torrent of tears comes In at this point, and Charles William, the miserable parent withers Into nothl ng. In tact, thero Is no denying, that the Ilrst baby walks Into the nll'ec tiou (figuratively speaking) of Hie hith erto devoted wife, and husbands are obliged to go out in tlio cold, nud dis cuss the relative parts of "swill milk," "one cow's milk," "skim milk," etc. Ho finds a peculiar charm In reading all the almanacs of the year that treat of "remedy for colic," infants teething, chicken-pox, nursing sore mouth, meas les, utc, And though the urchin won't wear sliois for months to come, l'a dai ly examines Ids toes nnd longs for tho timo to come when lie enn encase the little crooks in calfskin. Well, let thu happy parents enjoy themselves over first babies." Hut while loving mid tending the little lump, 1 beg of Its happy mother not to forget that whllu slio Is devoting herself to "our baby," she must not neglect to give u stray, loving word or tender caress to Its hnp py father. Faithfully Yours ; lto.SK IlAVLAM). TiiiiHiwt Lmi'im. "Glvomea glass ofyouriiV liquor," said u toper thu other iluy ns he entered u shop, Tho keeper filled u gluss nud gave it to him, Tho toper, without noticing it, dashed It down his throat lu a swallow Hu soon begun to taste, seemingly not exactly satisfied. "What's the matter?" said the keep er. "Wasn't It good?" 'Why, yes, It was good enough ; but it seemed tomu It wasn't very strong, What kind of liquor win, it?" "Cold HitfiT," was the ropl : "that's the llijitor wo have In thu tliop, and 1 believe It's tho best lu town. As lur any other kind, we have not got any for 1 left oil' selling somti timo ugo. So you've su veil your ten cents, and you will feel better for It alterward." " Well," said the toper, " if this Isn't a regular tako In j but 1 bollevo you're half right, for all that; nud, ns you don't ehargo any thing for your liquor, 1 hnvo u good mind to bu your customer, and see If I can't get rid of my hendncho und sore eyes." Tin: Locusts. Tlio buveuteen year locusts have already nuulu their uppenr- unco lu some places; nml a few days of warm weather will doubtless bring myriads of them to Hie surface lu somu localities. Their vlsllsaruqulto destrtic tlvo and always do moro or less harm to young fruit trees. In this connection It would bo well for our renders 'to re member Hint tho locust Is sometimes n dangerous insect. Its sting Is stiro to prove fatal, and though It seldom uses it, people should bo careful not lu ban die them with ton much familiarity Its poison Is moro deadly tlinii that of tho rattlesnake. Tin: negroes nro making progress Twonty negroes hnvo Just been elected to tlio Georgia Legisintiure. Two ne groes In South Cnrullua und ono In Vir ginia have been elected deltgates to thu Chicago Convention. Tho new Seere tnry of, State of South Carolina, Is u mil' lutto, Comment Is unnecessary, Tho Forged Will. A 1'kw years ago a man of high re Fpectablllty wns tried In Kiighind on a ehargo of forging n will, Iti which It was discovered ho had an Indirect In terest to n largo amount. Mr. Wnrren wns the associate prosecuting attorney, and the enso wns tried before Lord Den man. The prisoner being arraigned, nnd the formalities gono through with, tho prosecutor placed his thumb over tho seal, held up tho will und demanded of the prisoner If ho had seen tho testator sign that Instrument, to which he promptly answered, ho bad. "And did you sign it nt his request ns subscribing witness V" "I did." " Wus It scaled witli rnt or black wax'!" "With red wax " "Did you seo him soul it with red wnx ?" "I did." "Whcro was tho testntor when lie sealed and signed this will?" "In Ills bed." "Pray how long u piece of wnx did ho use?" "About three or four inches long," "Who gave the testator this piece of wnx ?" "I did." "Whcro did you get it?" "From tlio drawer of his desk." "How did lie light tho piece of wax?" "With a candle." "Where did tlio piece of candle eoino from?" 'I got it out of n cupboard lu his room." "Ilowlong was that pieco of candle?" "Perhaps four or llvo inches long." "Who lit that piece of candle?" 'I lit It." "With what?" "Wlthnmntch." "Whero did you get that match V" "On tlio mantle-shelf in tho room." Hero Warren paused, nud fixing his deep blue eyes upon tho prisoner, ho held the will nbovo his head, his thumb still resting upon thu seal, and said in n solemn, measured tone: ''.Now, sir, upon your solemn oath, you saw tlio testator sign thai will ho signed It in his bed at ills request you signed it, ns a subscribing witness you saw lilui seal It it was with red wax he sealed It u piece of wax two, three or four Inches long ho lit the wax with u pieco of candle which you procured for Mm from n cupboard you ilt that euudlo by a mutch which you found on n niautle-bhelf ?" "1 did." "OiK'uiitiire, sir, upon your solemn uatb, R iWf" "I did." 'My Lord it's a wa run ! ! I " V Ti: r. li n n A uu um i : n't. A man on trial for murder was successfully de fended by Ids counsel In the following argument : "Thou shalt not kill." Now if you hang my client, you transgress tlieeoin maud as slick us grouse nnd plump us n goose's egg In a loafer's face. Gentle men, murder whetliBr committed by twelve Jurymen or an humble Individ ual llko my client. Gentlemen, I do not deny the fact of my client having killed a man, no such thing, gentlemen. You may bring (he prisoner in "guilty," the hangman may do his work, but will that exonerate you ? Xo such thing. In that case yen will be the muiderers. Who aniongyou ispieparcd for the brand of Cain to be stamped up on his brow to-day? Who freemen? Wlio it. tills land of liberty and light? Gentlemen 1 will pledge my word not one of you has a bowlo knlle. Xo, gen tlemen, your pockets nro odoriferous with the fumes of cigar eases and tobac co, on can snioKO mo tonuceo ol rec titude in tho pipe of a clear conscience, but hang my poor client nnd tho scaly alligators ol remoiso will gallop through thu Internal principles of your animal viscera, until thu spinal vertebrae of your national construction is turned In to n railroad for tbogiliii nnd gory gob lins of despair. Gentlemen, 1 uiljure jou by thu manumitted ghost of tempo rary sanity to do no murder. 1 adjure you by tho name ol woman tbo main spring of tho ticking time-piece of Time's theoretical transmigration, to do no murder. I adjure you by tho Ameri can eagle, Unit whipped tho universal game cock ol'creatioii, and Is now roost ing on Hie magnetic telegraph of Time's Illustration ol transmigration, in do uu murder. And lastly If you ever cypect free dogs to bark at you, If you ever ex pect to wear boots made of the l'reo hide of the ltocky Mountain butl'nlo nud lo sum up all, If youiivor expect to bonny- body but sneaking low-thing, rascally brained small ends of Immunity, whit tled down Into Indistlnctlblllty, acquit my client aud save your country. The prisoner wns acquitted of course. A Goon AltTiCLi:. "Doctor, that eie rat's biino of yours Is llrt-uite," said a milieu to uu apothecary. "Know'd It, know'd It," said tho ven der of drugs, evidently well pleased with thu llatterlng remark of his custo mer. "Don't keep nothing hut first- rate stulf everything Is prime." "And, doctor, 1 want to buy another pound of ye." "Another pound!" ejaeulatisl thu i doctor, with his eyes almost ready lo start from their sockets, "what, anoth er pound?" "Yes, sir, 1 glu thu wholu of that pound 1 bought tho other day ton pesky old rat and mndo It awfully sick, nud 1 am suro another pound will 1:111 him right outV' Xuwsi'Ai'KH Dkcihions. I. Any person who takes a p'iper regularly from the Post Ollleo whether dlrecled to his name or another, or whether ho has subscribed or not Is responsible for tho pay. i.'. If a person orders his paper dlseon tlmied ho must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to semi It until payment Is made, and collect thu wholu amount, whether It Is taken from tho olllee or not, il. Tho courts have decided that refus ing to tako newspapers und periodicals from thu Post Ofilco, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, prlmufavle evidence fraud. The Odd Fellows. Tim annual session of Hie Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania closed last week, nflcr a very pleasant and agreea ble, session, which will remain fresh In the memory of tho representatives nnd members who attended tho ame. Re ports, resolutions, appropriations nnd business of a miscellaneous character, was transacted. Tho marked and distinguished atten tion of tho Brotherhood In Pittsburg, and in fact Allegheny county, is ac knowledged by nil tho Grand Ofilcers nnd members of tho Grand Lodge, who have shown their appreciation of the hospitality extended In various ways. Tho inlluenco which the session In our midst and tho deportment of tho visi tors from abroad, will exert In tills por tion of the great jurisdiction of Penn sylvania will bo Incalculable, nd will have Its few fiscal effects upon tho city and Its surroundings for periods yet to come. The reports of tho Order exhibit a success unparalleled in ltshlstory, there being no less than slxty-slx thousand members in this State, while there arc two bin id red thousand In tho United States. To thesocau now bo added tho lodges In the Camillas and tho Sand wich Islands. Recent information from Australia bus demonstrated tho fact that the largo Brotherhood without remote regions numbering some five thousand members, dosiro to afiiliato nnd be admitted under the Grand Lodge of tho United States. Wo doubt not that tho day Is not far distant when tho entlro earth shall ex perience the Influence of tho sound doc trlno and pure principles of Odd Fel lowship, ns commanded by tlio kind und genial Instruction contained lu Its many lessons of Friendship, Lovo and Truth. JJispatch, Siiokt Skiuts. Tho London Tele graph rejoices Hint short skirts nre com ing Into fashion. What can bo a more dlstnstuful sight than to behold our In dies performing tho part of dust-carts on the public ways, and chronicling their promenade by a scries of parabol ic curves upon tlio dirt of the pave ments? It is not a subject of minute inquiry; one can only conjecture what lias been the result to feet and ankles, and the drapery beneath thoso sweep ing skirls, from so strange u defiance of cleanliness nud comfort. Fortunately, this very misplaced fashion seems to have been prohibited nt Inst by tho in visible urbltress; and men are no lon ger tripped up abroad, nor to trace the sinuous lines upon the tilth of the cause way, where costly satin or delicate silks have "dragged their slow length nlong." Short dresses nre again thu mode for walking, which is sensible and pretty j nnd thus n return Is secured to reason health, and propriety. As to Hie futuie of dresses in tho druwiug-room und ball-room, although the train may be praised, yet on tbo whole, there will be rejoicing at its promised disappearance. It was a royal conception, but It was made for royalty alone; it wit designed for palaces anil greut pnlntlal halls. What befalls It in smaller und crowded saloons reduces Its sublimity to Hie ri diculous, and turns its significance into trouble. Abroad, tlio gallant dancer is requested to carry tho sacred append age on his arm, where it is sometimes creased nnd tumbled, to the Indignation of tho owner. If the courtly garment l displayed out of doom in a walls the result Is still more serious. A'. '. J(iiV., Yt.t Alivi: and Wi:ll. Harmon;Kdgnr of Mnrtencz, exhib ited to us last evening n common barn yard rooster which has no head, and yet It isallveand hearty, relishing his food and sleeping nt night ns well ns the mo-t perfect of ids nice. About tw weeks since, Hie cook nt Sturgis' Hotel, at Murtenez, chopped off the heads of two chickens, threw Ihem into the woodshed and left them. Soon after bu sent a man to pick them, nud only one wns found dead, tho other having re covered from his fright, was walking around the yard, On examination, It was found that the hatchet had cut clear through the bend, Just where it Joins the neck, Ii living no trace of the eyes, auricular orifices, bill or tongue, nnd leaving him, in fuct, no head nt nil, although It is possible Hint the least possible amount of the bruin Is lelt. F.dgtir took the headless chicken, lubri cated Hie stub ol Us neck with swiet oil occasionally, und fed It with a spoon and it Is now us well nnd healthy ns any rooster In tho world, to all appear ances, though unable to see, henr or taste anything. The toed is Introduced with n spoon directly' Into thu throat, and it Is perfectly digested by tho bird The headless eieature will rulso Itsback llkii a cat on a hand being passed en-le-slugly over It, and when It goes In sleep It tin us Its neck about so that its bind, If It had any, would come under thu whig, Fdgar and his chicken nro nt tho What Cheer House. Such eases hnvo occurred herore, nut tho chicken H a curiosity novel tholes. Attn Oiif A Xi:w Gamu, A new gnmo or chance hnsjiust been Introduced called "lly loo." It Is less objectionable limn somu games nfelmueu, In Hint thorn Is no chnnce for cheating. Lost somu or our rendeiB may not understand the game and wonder wfuit It is, wo will statu fur their benefit that It Is very simple nud easily learned. It may ho played by any reasonable number of persons, Tbo players' muni's am writ ten together, and a lump of sugar laid on each. Then commences tho eager excitement or waiting ror ally to lli-ht. aud when It does so, thu name, or thu player under thu sugar has to treat nil around. It may not bu a very high toned game, hut It makes tots or fun, A Laiuii'.u number if shad luwo been caught this season In tho Susque hanna, opposite Pcachbottom, (hnn far many years previous. At tho fishery on Caldwell's Island nearly two liun. urcii wore tauen in one dnv.