The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 12, 1868, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. j-lunuc.v's grpaitMtnt. Tlmtl, (lardtii lllnlii. Whin lliofrull nf cuir Htmwlii'rry lioda It mvcIUiik tiny .-Mould Iki plcntl fully wiilr-rctl In thv iitfi-ncc nf ruin. It lint n mnrkril vfli-vt .ixm tliu perffctiiess mill t-hu of tliu I'l'rry. Kill) utTall tlio sin nuts upon tliotock which you hnvu wt with Kmfls UiU oprlug- It Will lii'lp to push uIoiik tin umwth of tho ei'lon. Not unrrtipii ill' Iy, ktM, nfitr tluy luivu started, tile for want of onp from tho parent stem to iiilnln tliem, The trees transplant l Ihl-t spring hliould he mulched as soon u tho ground lieeoim'M dry. Fur thli iurM-c Kfim Is tf Knod a nnythiiiK. Don't put around the tree too much at n time, mid repeat the mulch when It uets dry and thin. Hhiiiovi' It onto or twUo during tho tiimuier, mid stir up the ground well then replace it. It will have mnny a tree, If the bca.-on .should Ik' hot and dry, which we think this veif-on will he. Your Umpberry and Hlack berry heds should also ho well mulched. Any iiuaiitlty of dry Htuff anout a place, c3' peclally leaves, scrapings, etc., will do, An application of the contents of n hot lod H very henctlclal. A few rndlsh seeds planted around your eauteloupu hills will ordinarily protect the vlncuKfliiistthoritrlpeil hut'. '1 Ids dangerou enemy of the melon piefers tho radish to tho melon leaves and tliu-, while feeding on the rndlsh thu other get tho start of It anil pushes on out of reuchof dangerous thu leaf of i oe ineiiiii is aiiacKeo oniy wiiin very yountj mid tender. When your Hott er plants yet fioui an inch and u lialf to two inches high, they can no tin n lieu out and tranplanted Jt should lie done after u rain, or tho Kiound fi om which they aretaUen and wliltliertheyarepiit should be thorough i,y moisiencii. Itadl-hesalwaysdohetter when nlnnr.. ed In new ground, or at least ground nneruimy nave not icretnforo lii-on Old gnidciH me the worst places in the worm mr muHlies. You will nrrely oh tain any sound ones. Clay mixed witl mo oiii .-on vitalizes it greatly and w produce good null-dies. loinmoc-., and Cabliiige plants, alter being s-ot out, generally become somewhat wilted in their leaves, and u-uruiiiuui inem irom ttiovfreelsof the fun belore they become established. 1 Ills can Do prevented by H-tUinr over the plant, say from eiglitto nlnuor four in live o'clock in theday, boxes in thu nliup.) or cones about fourteen inches In height, open at tho top. Tliey also pro test the plants against frost. Uy tlio iiru of tliese boxes a week is gained iu lime, and sometimes tho plants Nived tiom severe or fatal Injury. Tin; boxes will lust twelve or Hl'tceu years. If you tlnd any of your evergreens to become lighter In color than Is natural for then:, or, Hither if you wish the deepest green attainable, glvo them n thorough dressing of good barn-yard manure, extending ns far out as the ex tremity of the branches, ami you will Ki'complish your wish. If shrubbery or fruit trees trausolant- ed thl sca-on look sickly or backward in growing, pruno them sharply. It is the only way to savo them, their setting out and other things being duly attended to. All Raspberry and illnckherry canes set out this spring should bo cut down to within six inches of tho ground, If not done when set out. It will Insure tho growth of the. new wood, nnd they will come Into flue bearing order next year; whereas, should the canes be al lowed to remain only partially primed, us other bearing wood, there may bo n small crop of poor fruit, and only about halfncrop next year. Somu peoplearo so eager to get fruit tit once that they totally neglect this advice. Those who have not set out "cuttings" of grapes, bhrubbery, etc., can lay the branches down, say two Inches under ground, letting tliu tnd of tho branch appeur. Sometimes it will reipilre n forked stick to hold them in their pla ces. A grapuvlno can bo laid down Its whole length, and If carefully douo will throw out a sprout from each Joint, making a beautiful arrangement for the trellis. Umiinntoirii 3'ttiyfyijii, l nu lug Onion-,, Tin: high figures nt which onions have been wild the past M'Uaon Will probably Induce a moiu extended cultivation of this moot valuable of vegetables. The most suutsjful onion grower.on iisome what limited scale, wo ever saw, kept his ground in high tilth, forming a deep, rich bed for tho seed. Tho soil wus thoroughly stirred to tho depth of a foot or more, and llnally pulverized. When thus prepared, tliu party commenced tramping ncro:-s thu beds in tliu lino of tho extended rows,thus compacting thu Mill ijuito hard. Jl'lds done, n rako was used to stir up or rcarlfy tliesurfaeusuf flelontly deep toeover the onion seeds lightly or to assure Its germination. In thus trumping tho onion bed down, af ter tho soil bus been priijierly stirred and prepared, thu onions was grown, during tho prepared, the onion was grown, during tho period of Its growth, upon tho surface, causing It to expand with moro freedom than would have been thocosu If covered deep In rt mel low toll, Tho result of this mode of planting nnd cultivation was thu most prolific, yield of tho best developed on Ions wo uver saw. This modo was pur sued year nftor year, and with una vary' Ing success. llurul fine I I'ruiilui;, Cut down every woruout und worth' lets tree, It shades and saps tho ground usually with a dump of suckers. Cut away all sprouts from tho roots of your trees. An hour spent arouud u good tree Is time well Invested. Wu have been pained at seeing hi many orchards utterly neglected In this .State, flood furms In other respects uro frequently dMlgureu by then? unsightly orchards, It should not bo so. Theru Is no reason why a man who lookv well after his horses, and sheep, should not also look well (o Ills orchard. Maine Jhmier, Wood Abheh roitflniAwiiKititiKs There Is no better fertilizer for Htraw berries than ashen. A ontemporary enye iinu of the beet crops he ever had was ialsd when theouly monare used was wcod uslim. All soils will not alike bo benefited by tucb au application ; but It U alwiiys wife to two ashen In connection with other manures. If ashen oulyaro used, thoro are fewer woods, as no s-ceil can Ihj Introduced by the manure. or the ilounij -foil;;.. lloitkr) 1. A MKiiltv young huiit-num, named l'eter, was once riding briskly along through a wood, one while winding his horn and another singing a mrrry song s " Merrily tl.tcs lln ImtiiMunn bout, Hlllhesome unit gay rTilvit lie I lh tvlliils his horn, nlid he bend; Is bow, t'nder the tiuTtnwKHl tree." ts he Journeyed along, there came up little old woman, nnd said to htm, "(lood day, day, Mr. Huntsman bold ! you sopiii merry enough, but 1 nni hungry and thirsty , do pray give me some'hliig to eat." So l'eter took pity on her and put hi- hand In his pocket, and gave her what he had. Then he wanted to go hN way, but she took hold of til ti i r ami nlil, "l.l-ten Mailer l'eter, lo what I am going to tell you ; I will reward your Kindness, Oo your way, und nfterallttle time you will iiiniu to a tree, where you will feu nine birds sitting upon a cloak Shoot Into the mliM of them, nnd one will fall down dead. Tliu cloak will f.dl too i take It as a wlshlng-cloak, nnd when you wear It, you will find your self at any place you may wish to be Cut open the dead bird, toko out Its heart and keep It, and you will find a pleco of gold under your pillow every morning when you ripe. It Is the bird's heart that will bring you this good luck." The huntsman thanked her, ami thought to himself. "If all this do happen, It will bo a One thing for me. When ho had gono a hundred steps or so, he heard a wreamlng und chirping In the branches over htm j so ho looked up, and sawa flock of blids, pulling u cloak with their hills and feet j scronni lug, lighting, and tugging at each other as If each wished lo have it himself. "Well," wild thu huntsman, "this Is wonderful j this happens Just as thu old woman said." Then he shot Into the niltM of them, bo that their feathers flow all about. Off went the flock chat teringaway; hut ono fell down dead nnd thu cloak with It. Then Peter did us the old woman told him, cut open the bird took out thu heart, nndcarrlei the cloak homo with him. The nevt morning, when ho awoke he lilted up ills pillow, and thero lay the piece of gold glittering underneath tho same happened next day, and, In deed, every day when ho nron-. IIu heaped up a great deal of gold, and at lust thought to himself, "Of what iisu Is this gold to me wlill-t I am at homeV I will go out lulu the world, and look nbout me." Then he took leave of hi friends, and hung his horn and bow about his neck. mid went his way merrily as before, singing his song: Merrily rUloi the liimt-ui in bold, UlltluvKitiic nml guy rides he: Itc wllttts hU hum, uihl hit bends Ms how, I'lulei'tlie green wissl tuie." Now it happened that ids ruad led through u thick wood, at tho end of which was a largo cnstlo In a green meadow j and at ono of tho windows stood an old woman, with n very beau tiful young lady by her side, looking about them. Thu old woman was n fairy, and isho said to tho young lady, who-enamo-wmJIutn. "Thero comes n young man out of tho wood, with a wondorful prize ; wu must get It awny from him, my dear child, for it Is moro fit for us than for him. Ho has a bird's heart that brings a pleco of gold under his pillow every morning." Meantlmo tho huntsman camo nearer, and looked at tho lady, and said to himself, "I havo been travelling so long, that I should like to go Into this castlo and rest my self, for i have money enough to pay for anything I want ;" but thu real rea son was, that hu wanted to seo more of tho beautiful lady. Then ho went Into tht house, and was welcomed kindly; and It was not long before ho was so much in love, that hu thought of noth ing else but looking at Meta'scyes, and doing everything that sho wished. Then the old woman said, " Now is tho time for getting tho bird's heart." So Mcta stolu it away, und ho nuver found any more gold under his pillow ; for It lay now under Meta's, and thu old wo man took It away every morning i but ho was so much In lovo that ho never missed ills prize. " Well," s tld the old fulry, "wo have got thu bird's heart, but not thu wish-lug-cloak yet, and that wo must also get," "Let us leave him that," said Metuj "hu has already lost all hU wealth." Then tho fairy was very an gry, and biild, "Such a cloak Is a very rare and wonderful thing, nnd I must nnd will have it." So Meta did as thu old woman told her, and sat herself at tho window, und looked about tho coun try, and .seemed very sorrowful, Then thu htintman said, " What makes you so sad 7" "Alas, dear sir." said she. 'yonder lies thu granite rock, where all tho costly diamonds grow, and 1 want so much to go there, that, when ever 1 think of It, I cannot help being sorrowful; for who can icach It? only thu birds and thu tiles, man ciuiuut," "If that's all your grief," said hunts man 1'oler, "I'll take you thero with all myheait." So ho drew her under his cloak, and the moment ha wished to buon thu granite mountain, they wero Ixith there. Tho diamonds glittered so on all sides, that thoy were delighted with tho sight, and picked 11(1 thu flucst. Hut tho old fairy mndo a deep drowsiness come up on him ; nnd ho said to tho young lady. " I.ct us sit down and rest ourselves a little, I am so tired that 1 cannot stand any longer." So they sat down, and ho laid his head In her laiiund fcllaslop; and whilst hu was sleeping on, tho falso Mcta took tho cloak from his shoulders, hung It on her own, picked up the dla. inonds, and wished herself at her own homo again. When poor Peter awoke, nnd found that his faithless Mcta hud tricked him, and left him ulono on tliu wild rock, ho said, " Ahu what roguery thero is in tho world I" And there ho sat In great grief and fear upon tho mountain, not knowing what In the world he should (10. Now this rock belonged to fierco gl ants, who lived upon It ; mid as ho saw threoof them strhllngnbout, ho thought to himself, ' I can only save myself by feigning to lie nslee ;" so ho laid him self down, as If he wero In a sound ilccn When thu gtinlH eamu to him, thu first kicked him with his foot, nnd said " What worm Is this that lies hero curl ed up?" "Tread upon him and kill him," said tho second. " It's not wortl tho trouble," Mild the third; "let him live: ho will go climbing higher up tho mountain, aim some cloud will romo rolling nnd curry him away." (ONTIHCUi.j DRUGS & MEDICINES, IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoofland's German Tonic. I'rciurr,l hf ir. c. 31, JntUion, rmuiiitri.u, Vi. 'J'te Great ftancitiei rpR 11L IIUBIIM or TBS i.ivnt, STOMACH, or DIGESTIVE OUOAKSi Hooflaud's German Bittora It com pon nJi'J of the puro Julcci, (or m they r mclldnully term rsa eJ. XxtracU) of nj Hark, nuk highly eoticeiv lyreerpm In if ii )n.'nration, I irnttHi. an. cut ru ivAcic Oitmxturt tfanjf limt. Hoofland's German Tonio, U a com! Ination ct all Urn InffrMicnti of the lllrarn, with tho pure, nnallty or tn'd Cm Hum, Dratitp, vie . muklntr ono of tho moat iik'flfjuit utiil ogrcvalla rcuiedlci ever oflVrcd to ti.e im'.llc Tlioie irofi'iTlntt n MMldne free from Alco holic fMlii.lxture, will um Hoofland's Gorman Bitters. In cacs of nerroui ilopreplot), when torn nVoIioIIc etlraiilui Is ncct'Mary, Hoofland'a Gorman Tonio houM te ubcJ. The Hitter or the Tonle ro loth equally r;oo. I, ami contain the 1.1010 medicinal rlrtue. The toraach. from a variety of cacei,uch ct ltidiiti-iilon, Dja . pepsla, Nmoni lc-U-ty, etc, fa fifljm very apt to have Ita Mnctlom do (Fi JW rmej The iilt of wUch it, vktW that the patient miuYm fiom teveral or mora cf the following ill !!?! Constipation, riatutenee, Inward Tile Fulness of Blood to the Head, Aridity of tho Stomach, Nauoea, llpartburn, Disgust tor Food, 1 utness or Wetttnt In the titomaoh. Sour Erne tntions. Sinking or I'lut torinK at tho Pit or tht Storonch, flwlmmlnff of tho Ilenrt, Hurried or DilTlcult Brcath luff, Fluttorlnir nt tho lloait, Choklns or yuirorutlna: Sensations when in a I-yinn ronturo. Dimness of Viaion, Dots or webs before tbe Slyht, Dull l'aln in tho Head, Deficiency or Fersniiatlon, Yellow ness of tho Skin nnd Kyes, Pain In tho Side, Hack, Chpst, Um fJtTmk bs.eto.,Sud donJFlushesof WR JW Hoat, Burn. Injf in, tho lar Flesh, Con stint Imaalninns of Evil, and Oroat Depression of Spirits. Una rcmeJIei will effectually cure Llir tornplalfit. Jaundice, Djupopalo, Chronlo or Nvrvoui Debility, Chronlo Diiirrhcra, DUoaae of tho Kldiicjn, and all DUcasei RrUlnj from a Disordered Uvcr, tjtomach, or Intcatluia. ItairLTixo from ist Cmi wiiititkh; PJtOST tt AT J ON OF THE SYSTEM, JjLCCID BT HlVIBB LiROB, UABDSIIiri, EirOICKB, VSTBK0( BTO. Then la no mcjllclao extant eqial K thfM rtjtuedlea la auch Ani. A. tona ul vigor la tin. parted to lha whola ByaUra, tho Appttlto la Slttngthened, food ta enjoywd, tho tomach dlgoati Tf? promptly, tho btood I purltlcd. IW (lit eoraplixlon tccomca aouod and Ubw healthy, the yil low tliiffo la ermUcntod from the eye, a bloom It given to tba cheeks, and the weak and oerroua tma'ld becomcaa strong and healthy belog. Persons Advanced in Ufa And fee.titi the hind of time weighing hfaviii upoo them, !th all Ita attendant lha. will tlnd 1b thsuae of thla IiriTKItH.or the TONIC, aa eltxlr that will iiiiill ni.w life into thulr elaa. restore In a meiiiro tho energy and ardor of inore jouthful dae, tulld up their ahruukan formi.nrui gie hua'lh and happlucii to their remaining)!, aia NOTICE. It U a well CBtaWUhed fact that fully one Lalf pf the ft'tnalo pur r tion of pvpu Utlou uro yel lorn mr n ti,e enjojmi-nt of sood l.e.ilih.or, m to UM liutt own expri-luii."iieUT U.'.i-j w.i Tjlcy liruhmguU.dold of all energy, extremely nor voui, hiid hii u 1 0 appL-tUe. rTiK".cI'l'or.Ih:rh,,na llie BITTKU9, cr tho ros 1C, U ctpcvUl'y rccomuwiidtd. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Ar inji U rtront iy tlifl we of cither of thp Vi'".'?!!1. TW "'J1 .'m ""t MA. UASMlN.witliomfilL TlioiuA'ul. of cttm-'fttM lnt iccumutawd "u lite luniltof lli .rtrrUlnr, but unift WIU allow pf tl.o .ulillcatluu of l a few. Thoe, it will le l...-i ir mrn of r.i U nj of lull! tUn I bij lint II. mu.t U luliaiol. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Oeo. V. Woodward, Oil'Jhttin iff tin Nujirtint Cottrtef 'a , nrlt. . .. ',,,a I'd'". Mth 1. w;. "I Uti.I .llnof- .1S,. Urrnvi lllllfn'l.p.l lotjr, uicful lr ol...i.M iK.ill Ki.ilt. oriiMit, finlof tn-al Ikii M na nil la rn.i'iol Jf llltly, uml want of mnoti mtioii In tho i)im. " 1 oun tnt'v, "OLD W WOODWAUD." Hon. Janc3 Thompson, JuJjt tt.t Wiimm Cujrltf ' iiy.'iiit.K.i. 'Ai7j.l; ,i r.l US, 1SIW 1 conilltr 11 inj-M Uirtiu'i l:m..n' ruliKible mtiltaitt In rjwi of MLickt of l!-llti- Hon or J)v.n I ran ccitifi llil. from my tliriUmi.rl It " Voiirr, w Itlt r .nirl, "JAui;a TiitiMlwiN " From Rev. Joseph II. KcrmrJ. DI). llrJ.iflti IKvirHIr- I It ivw Uim r-'(in ntlv ri-jtK-tiil ti. (inini'i't my n oun wt'li ihui- (l.otom or d i,u 1 t of int.ll , 11. . tiilj.lll! ll.i- I-l . , tl.vj. ...I of ,, , l'iro(.rl.ilo -TfV1 .i.liiii- I lui.l.i iroof I11 ituluu lu l'itt' il.'U'rlyln in) own (null), uf tho ..i of llr. lloorliiiU (Icruun l..tti-ii, I .lojuirl i n oiilu flOIQ 11 IUU41 CuUlw, to rlLUHa III) III ' iollit tloll llut, fur qiHtiit ifi'.i'i y ( Hit .rn, it.! i rM-ilj;yr livrr tmo i.l, il n a tJ ..! ruliiul.,,,,,;.!, ,,.,. In olllllTO"L II I,,., Mi; but imi ii'j. 1 Juiili not, n . uiri Uinl'ul to thou- M lin niirlfr from Um uUn .mi.. wutn, ur rirtHstliillv, J. II. KLNNAIIIl, 1-ll.htli, bvlow Cojlo bt From Rev. E. D. Fcndnll, JitttUht Aififur (Vou,'i'iin (.Vuawn;.! JViifaJil- 1 hiil. I hut. derive! .lecMct Ict-'IIi from tin u.o of llooflund Uirinan Winn, ud f.-l it my i nil Uje to recommeiul them o. uo.t t uluablo tonlo to .11 jiLoiiieuilUrlm from oi.crl debility or flora rilKMtl oiUlnir from duranuvmint of tho llvtir. our lrLly, U. U. TESDALL. OAUTIOW. Uonfland'a dcrmaa Hemedlel ftr. counterfeit. JALKrlONUon ,H k the wrapper of "fwf iELjP oU"r ' rrliielpal OITJ.-a and Uunufaetory al th. O.r. marl Uedlclna Mtoro, No. Ml AllCII Blrwt, TM1 .delpbla. 0HAHLH3 M. EVANS. Urrmao tru(zUt, 1'roprletor. 1 . ..Iforiiierly 0.U JcoOo. Fur lalf 1 all J)iujtUti and Dealtia In Uedl. aluaa. nooaand'i Oirmu Ditlers, per botUa ,1 M Moojarid'i airman Tonlo, pal tipU qiVti ' " pottioe j a pl botlla, or a half douo for J U HF Do not forget to aiamlna well the trtlcU) ou buy, In order to tit Ihv gtu jlna. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, January 81, lwu. DRY GOODS. jyj-iLLKn's sTom:. l'lU.ll AHUlVAIi UF PAMj and wjntku GOODS. Tho hubicrlhcr hns Jti-t returned from tlie elites with nnothcr largo nnl scleet iwiortmcttt of SWUNO AND flUMMMl OOOPM, mrclmetl In New Yorknnil Dillndelpliln. at tlio lowest flfiuri', nnd which ho li delennlneil to fell on nt intxlfrftto ti-rini an eau bo procured clue. wliero In llloomsbttrtf. llli htoclt cotiirlses of tho i lioleent Hty)oi nnd latest futhtonft, together with f mrgo .nHHorttnent of Dry uockii nnd uro eerlot, conshtlng of the follow Ing nrtlclei ( Cnrpetn, Oil Cloths Cloth i, Cnssltiien r, S1mwl Klannel KIIUh, While Good-, Til in n t, llonp BUlrtN, Muslins Ilollowwiiro Cednrwjvro Ouceniwiirc. Ilmdwnrc Hotti nnd (Shoes llntt nnd Caps i loop Nets Umhrellns lAmklng-Uhvwes Tobftcco, Coirec, hlugars Teat, Itlco, AlUptce, OIiiRer, C'lnnnmon, m Nutmegs AN1 NOTIONS OKN It ALLY. Iu abort, everything tisunby kept In country stores to which n Invito tho attention of tho public nenemlly. Thphtuhest prleowlll be paid fofouutry priKluce In exclmtige forgoodi. s. ir. MiLi.i:n akon, Aifiuto llulldhiES lllooniiiburc, l'rt. r UK at kkductiox in ijuoi:s AT PKTint KNT'M HTOUi; IN LIGHT KTltT.r.T, OK SPUING AND SUMMKK HOODS, Tlin subHCtlber has Just iccelved und has on h.iud at hit nit Maud In Llftht Mlrcet, n largo nnd aelect AssoimtKNT or jtKnciiANnisE purchased nt tlio lowest llgure, and which he determined to Nell on nt modeinto terms as he procured elsewhere In Light Htiett, FOit cash on couxTxr jwoncch. ( IIlsiUoclcconsMuor t i.aiurs it phs nnnns. - t cholceht sl Ilk and luti tl fashloiiH, tillco-.-s, Mtullns Ginghams Klannrts. Holeiy, Carpets, SllUs, Shuwls, JIKADV MADK (MOTUINU, hJlttniHlS CuHslmeis Coltoiiadcs. Kentucky Jeans, iC., AC AC. aiiocKitn:s, iackkiovij, 0.uee ii. ware, (Vrtanvarc, llardwHU', Jledlclnes, Dmgs, oils Taints, Ac, HOOTS A S1I0KS, IIATfc A- CAPS. In short everything usually kept In n eountry Htore. Tho patronago of hU old fileiid and thu public generally, Is lcpcctfulty solicited. '1 he highest market pi Ice pat Id for country pi o duce. nrn:u i:nt, Light Hlreet, Nov. 8 ItfCT, J J. U Jt O V E H, Is now oflcrlng lo tho ptibllo hln Stock of A' P Jl I -V a GOOD A' consisting In pnil of it roll lino of INCiUAIN, WOOli AND It AO c a it i i:t h, 1'lne clollLS nnd casstnicro for Ladles' coaU, UANIfOMK DltUSS COOIM, of nil rmtlerns nnd qualities, Inlaid and Prints oi annus qualities nun price, IlI.nACIIKIl AND IIROW.V .MUULINM, I.ADIE'S KltEXOir COltSETS, UAIiMORAL SKIItTS. Ooud usHortrncnt of LADJW & CJUUmKm UAlTKJiS& J100TS. rreih Oroctrlcs find f-pIctH. New nhhortment OLASS ANI QUKKN3-WA11K, F X N O. 1 MACK E 11 E h in one-half and cmc-fburth barrels. Now It tho time to make jour selection., as I nm offering goods nt scry low pilces, nnd our motto U fair dealing to nil, nnd not to bo under sold by nny. J, J, IHIOWIIU. Uloomsburg, April 12, 18o7. JEW YOKK PIANO KOUTE C O SI V A .N r. (CIIAHTEllKIi I AltCII liStW.1! Manufacturers of OH AND AND fiQUAHK AOHAFFE PIANO-FOUTES, No. 310 nnd 312 Second Acnui', (COKNIT. 01' SOth hTUKKT,) NI.W UJttK Ht'Hd lonh'hf rlptlve Catnlosuo aud l'rhe Llt, A pi 11 1,'C-I m. fPhonifiOiiM Crown Crinoline?) J. Are Charming fur LUhtuthH, rpliomsons Crown Crlnollner Aiu Supcilor lor I.Intlclty. rpiioiimon'B Crown Crinolines Are uuiqtmlh'd for ImntUUtj, 'phomson'.s Crown Crinolines X In n word, nre the best In tho world, am more uuiciy unoun itiau any uiucr, THOMSON', LA NO DON A Co., April '-M,'6Snm, ;K)1 Ihoadway New Yoik, M. ART MAN, (', II. lilM.INUKit, r It. ItAlMAN HTMAN, DJIjIjINOER & CO., no, NoiifH fiinin uti.kkt, tA'twitf opposite Jamei, Ktnt, MinUe A Cb.) Wholesale Dcalcrn In VAKNH, HAITI NO, WADDINO, CAHTlTS Oil. CLOTH, AIIADF.H, I't.Y MUK, CHAIN I1A0H, C011I)A0i:t AC. ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODLN WAUK, UKUH1IEH, TKUNK8, LOOK I NO (ILAMEtf, IfTC, May lu,lStl7-ly. JOWE, EUBTON t CO., Mamifacturorri and Wholtsale Ik-hIcih In tHilTON VAUNH, CAIU'ET CIIAINH, itArrn, wickh, th: yaunh, cohdaok, HIIOOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAItK, L001CO rJVHHi:H, CLOCKH, TANCV HAHKLTH TAI1LE, FIXJOU, AND CAIIUIACJK OILCrX)TllH, Aa, No. 6o0 Market Btreet, couth hid, Ililladelphla. roovik a. "r: ItiiuFINd In roll., to l nnHwtilown. HOOF1.NU coBlliiK uniiii km. nnd more Uurnbls than 1 in. UOOi'jNa tliotcnn lio nn.llcil by ouy urillnury workman. ' ItOOf'INU Uml will uot npnml or coulrnct ly , . tlieocllouof thowtnllicr. IlOdKINO Hint Is nilniiteil lo .icon or flnt ronfa. Kenil fur a Min nlu una clrrulnr. llllADV HOOI'. I.NO LI)., Rt Mniaon I.nnc, Now York. Mny 15,'08-3m. ! or liniul or liorae-jiowe r, nrUnowlrdKC d tlie last, eat, rnalcat. and In every way licet In use, l'or snlo iiy J. It. HIX'ATUU A CO., lienlera In Ag ricultural IiiiiiUnutila.cte., Html lor Illustrated Circular, Mny, 15,'iw-Sm, JOHN 0. YKACIKH A CO., Wuolnnle Dealer. In HAW, CA1-H, HTIUW (100 DM, ANI FUltS, No. 237 North Third Hired, rklladelpula. UTUAI, I.IFK INSUltANCK CO,, OV NKW YOllK. i 8. WjmTON, I'mhlent. Orow Aawilal F.W. 1, W 2S,SI9.S19 H Incoan. lor 1M7 a 7h0 1K5 uo DIvM.ud inild J'ollcy holders Iu ibut. wl IiiiBMl llutnal Company In tlio worlJ, lteiluctlnn of llntes, .. t ..... .. J01tN - 1 "HESSE, Asent. Illoomautiin, l'u. RAIL ROADS. TvronTinuix okntuaij HAIL- X1 WAY. On nnd nfter Mny 10th If OS Tmlnt will IcftvoNouniUMiiF.itLANn ns follows t NOUTltWAIll). IMA, m., Daily tn AVIUlnmsport, (except Huiulnv) for lllmlrn, CaiminlalKim, llochenier, iiun.uo, Kiitotitlit ttrliltrn. nml N. r&lbi. tfM i". M lhtlly, (oxcepi Hundays) Tor r.Imlm nnd lIiHlalo vIa l.rle l.alhvay from Klnilva, p.m., Pally, (except Bundnys) for Wlltlnmi ' tuains fcoirrmvAui). P. 1 4 A.M. lnlly (except Monday's) for llaUlmore, WILMINGTON AND I'HILADKLrillA. ll.fio A, A, D.illy(oxceptKiindfty)forUaUlmore, wuHuinion ana fit iaicnum. I;i). H. YOl'NO, Oenernl Paciigsr Agent. T ACKAWANXA AN'I) 11I.00MS I j itriin tt ttt.ttiiAti. tui Rint nft.-r Mny lltli, W Vawngor Train. in i mi nt iiiiiuwn I Routlt, OolngNorlii. lmsc Arrlto Arrltc p. in. n. in. i. in. .WU ll.iu P.l" I.onvo i.m in,ai Mi) l.ll in.ou Mil r.n wtJ 5,.i) ll.ul 7.!W Ml H.Til UM fl..Vi 7.M 8. ID 7.01 7.IK1 CM M 7.0J n. AriHc Loiivo I.f:tM 8.S1 Cii 4.15 u. iti. 5.SII .. (l.ftl .... IWH .... C ... B.flt n.lil .. V.10 Arrlvo Hcrnuloit. IMIIloii KlllRIOtl lMvimmlli Hhlckahlliuy, I IVlfc tltnolll Kupcrt Ihintlllc XorlliM CM The ll.lOTntln nt Hcrniitott iiinltrN coiuifctloin Willi i:xprcR9Tinln for Xow York nt 3 nVliHlc p. in,. nrrltliiK 1 Now YnrlcP.W ). in. 11. 1 v...'. ..... I WTJ. 1MI7. llIIlIiADKIil'IUA' AND IMUK JL ll.MI.UOAU. WINTHlt TIMi: TA11IX. TIIKOl'all ANtl DIltFCT 1101'TB 11KTWK1CN rillLA liKM'HM, TlALTlMOItF, IfA UlllSU VltO, Wllv I.IAMtt'OllT, ANI1 Till'. ouhat oir. m:aioK or nisxsYr.VANi.v Kol'.ClAST mxcfixa CAM On nil Night Trnlni. jh nun nun .mu.muii i'ii um ii'-', iiii- TrnliiH on Iho Philadelphia A Ih lo Hall Hoad u 111 On nml nfler Mosnw, Mav 11 lit lviW, the- run ns ioiios: WI-STWAIID. MAIL Tit A IN Phllnthdiddn lt.nn.MV " " " Notthumhi;rland...0.1.ji..m M ' nrr.nt Lilo H.rOp.m, UUli: I'.XPIirwlcavcH PhlhutcIphia...liOO m. " " Nort'd BaWpain, " " nir.nt Crlc 10.(i?u.m, l LMII A MAIL leilMr i ladcliHiia N.lion.m, ' " ' Norih'd 4.ip.m an. ai j.uciiiuimu ..i)ii.ui IIASTWAUD. MAlLTlt IN lcnvcH Krle 11.00 run. " " " ?,'orthil lLfii n.iii. " " arr.nt ridliulclphl.i Lllli; LritIH lcnc Crlc -.lUp.m " " aVfitfd M nrr.nt I'hiiadclpliia l.(K), LLMIHA MAIiaca(H lotlc llitNcn UOa.m, " " North! I.Utin.m " iiri. nt I'hlliiileliiliiii fl.ll)n.lil Mall nnd I'spiesi connccls lth nil tinlnu on WAUIlLjaN A ril.NKl.I HAII.WAY. CnsstMi Kers lo.ning Philadelphia nt 1J.U0 M. nrrho At "i i 1 1 ml lilt lit it H n i.i nu.Ulll I'lli'til II JVl fi m. Leaving rhiladcljihlant S.UO i M. niilvo Oil nt City nt -J .'M p. in. All tialns on Wmii'ti it rianklln Itallnny make close rnnncitlau ut oil City itn lln1n lor 1 ranlcl In anUVti oleum Cent ic. JIaKgago checked i nrnuKit. A. L., Oeneral Superintendent, Wllllaiiifpoil. READING ltAIIillOAD." HCMMKI! AllUANOKMLNT, May Wlh PtH. (Iteat Tiunk Lino fnun the North nnd North west Tor l'hlladcIihta,New Voik.neaohiit, I'otls vilh, I'ttmiuiun, Ahlaul, Lebanon, A I kn town, Lnston, Cnlirala, Llti?, Lanensler, Columbln.Ae., 'liaiiit leuo llnirlshuri for New York, as lol Iowh: At '.'."iO, .VJinnd s,lin. m 12,1') nnnti nnd A ,1ip.iii,,ioniHrtliu: with Minllartralnson the Pa, ICallroad, und nnlvlni; nt New York at M, U,W A lift li. in.. A- 3n 7,lt A la,W p.m. sheplng cms nccoinpan Ing the a.m. nnd V'Vi p.m. trains without c hange, Ltao llarilvburg lor Iteadlng, Cotlsvllle, Ta mmiua, MlnciNVllIc, AKlilaiul, I'ltie (Jio e. Allen town and 1'hlladelphU nt f,li) a.m., nnd y,(J. and n.m.. istoiiDim; at Li bauon and nrineinal wav Mntlous; the 1,1'Jp.m, making couneetioni tor l'hlhidelhhla nnd Columbia only. I'or Pottsvllle l-huylklll Ilaviu aud Aubmu, hi .Vhu Iklll nnd HUNrjuehatuia Hallioail, leau IlarrNburg tt( :j,ri p.m. Uttuming: Leun New Yoik at I'.t'O a.m. and l..U) m., nnd .itJJ nnd (,wp.m. sleeping eaiMnceompan Iny tho,and.j,0i) nnd s,m p. m., trnins ulihout i hange. Way raseiiger Train lc.iws Philadelphia nt "(.TO n.m., reluming from Uemlingnt (!,'!) li.m stopping nt nil Mallon I'ottsvlllont yjn, tu., nnd 2,i,,, Ashland t'.Ui n.m nnd li!,!!) noon, nnd t-'.uj p. m., Tamaiu.i at $,m n. m, nnd l.oonnd Ki p, m. Loae l'oltavlllo for JIau Wmig, via Hchuylklll nnd Susquehanna. nt 7, It) a.m. and l.'.ty noon. Heading Accommnihitlon Train leaves Heading nt 7,!W n.m. , returning from Philadelphia ut .1,15 p.m. Putthtow u Aecnmniodfttlon Trnln:lrnvcsPotts tov. n ut (,!" a.m.,, a turning, k-aeH Philadelphia ut J,:w p.m. i'uUnulila llntlrond Traine. leave UeinlliiR ut 7 .'it a.m.. und (j-n ii.m, for i:ilirutn, I.lti. i4incan- tcr, Columbia, Ac., IViklouiiii Hall ltoad Tinlus leavo I'erklomen .function at a.m., and o.-Vi p.m. Kettnniug; LeaveSkinpnek nt (l.ll a.m., und J,l p.m., eon ncctlug with fcl m liar t mint on iteadlng Itnllroud On Holidays, U ave New Yoik nt 8,li) p.m., Phil ndelphta n,w n.m, nud:i,Ip.m., tho NOti a.m. train running only to Heading; Potlsvilh s.uo n.m.: Hairlsburg ,i.'J. a.m. and J,l() and l,'l-i p.m., nnd Heading ut and i!,V nnd 7,1 "i a.m. for Iluuli burp, and 7,'mJ a.m., nnd 11,10 p.m. for New York, nnd ,- p.m. for Philadelphia, Commutation, Mileage, Scavon, School and Lx cirrsIon lleketM to nnd limn all poiupt, nt i educed rules, Hagg.igoaheiked through; 100 pounds allowed to enih passenger. O. A. NICOLLH, Oenerul Superintendent, lteadlnj:, Pa., Mny au, ImX. HE ST IS THE CHEAPEST! Till. MNOLIt HIAWNU JIAdllNL ItKAllS TJIK 1.141, And h (ids theeiiltinm l.l'OS nlund of all otln-rx. '4 his Mnthlue Is the MO.Vr POl'L'LAH IN CHL It uts the fluei4 net die of any Machine In ex igence. Any lady wanting u tootl SEWING MACHINE, Will consult htr own luterchts by hujing n MNOI''H. It Is win h r lo run, lentn und ktep In ordi-r than any Mnthlue In tho world, coo.tco or hikm in rsn. The fullest Instruction Riven thoso who pur chase, und tho Muchluo wn.i nt; wauiami:h to 3 on for ono year. Pl use call nl my Ktoiennd fratlfify yomseUcH. Here you will Hint Needle, Tin end und Hllk. DAVID LOWKNIIKHO, Agent April 3,' liloomslJiug, Pa. C o u v jr u i a nous k, 11 v 111! U.N A 111) BTOlINlIIt. HAVlNil lately purehnseil nml mteil up tho Mell.Unowli UnblMin Hotel rropelly.lni-nledu rnw nooiw Aiiaru Tim touiiT iioi-hi:, outhosnmo bldo of tlio htrerl. In tho town of ItlooiiiHbuiK! and linvtut: obtnlneda llecnso for Iho sumo its a U K S T A U It A N T , the l-roiirletor lias detertuluod lo ulve lo Iho peo ple vMllui: tlio tou u on busmen ur pluuuie, A U1TI.D MOltK ItOOJI, HU Hlabllug also 1. extenslve.and 1m lilted up to put bugulenimd carriages tu tlio ilry. lloprom Uesiliat t-MTy thing about lilHeslnbllslimeut shall bo conducted In an ordeily and lawful mnuner; and ho rcsptcttully sollcllsasliiiro of thopubllo 1 Mronnge, tmyl7't7-m, J P. URA1U), with umNconvnoND s. co., ilanufucluiers nud Wlioleeulo Denleis Iu UA1H, CA1-H, FUI1H, AND HTIUW (10O11R, Ko. 113 Market Htrcet, I'lilliidelplilo, gNYDKIl, HAlUllS & 11AS.SKTT, Jlanufacturera and Jobbers of MKN'H AND UOV'S CLOTII1NO, Nos. 623 Market, nnd S3 Commerce Htreet, l'blladrlphla. q wT iTlahon it co.7 Mnuufacturersor Oil, CI.OT1IH AND WINDOW BHADIM. Warehouse, No. 1SI North Third Btreet rhllndelpbla. J II. WALTKIt, Ijito Waller 4 Kaub, Importer and Dealer la CHINA, ULAHH, AND QUEENBWAKE, No. Ml North Third Btreet, between lUce and.Vlu. l'Ulladelpbla, f, H, 110111 u. vr, S. UNO, J, I. SUTUBHT NDUKWH, WIIiKINS & CO., Dealer. In FOItKKl.N AND DOMrJiTIO DUV OOOlm, . No. Ua Market Btreet, riilladelphla. TI,K GROCERIES, &c, C O N V E 0 T I O N E 11 Y . TI toll Tlin unitr-ralcrnoil trnnl.1 Tfunprtfullv nnttotltlCO to Iho r-ubllo that ho liaa opcneil ft FltlST-CLASfl CONl'KCTlONnnV STOitE, In tliohttlhlliiR Inloly noftiplM by norntml Btoh. iit-r, rhoro ho is prcpnrcdlo ruriiti-li nil klmuoi ri,AIX A FANCY CANDID), Kltr.NCII CANDI1W, FOIIKION A llOMHHTIO rilUITH, NUTM, UAISINS.'AC, AC, AC. I1Y WIlOI.r.SALK Oil It K T A 1 1.. III xltort, n full nMorttuont of nil goods In his lino of business. A Brent vnrlely of 1101,1,8, TOYH, Ac, Biillnlilofortho IIollitny.H. I'nrllcttlnr nllcutlon glvrii to II 11 1: A 11 AND CAKliS, of nil kinds, fresh overy tiny. CII UIHTMAH OASBIKK, CH1BTMA8 TOYH. A rnll Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will bo Rtinrantocd, Nov. 2!, 18C7. r.CKIIAltT JACOBS. K Jt O V A Ij 0 F ;. i;. .11 Aiiu'B X K W S T O 11 K to sirt v i n loo k, ON IIIKItlltMER or MAI1KCT AND 1II0K TKKM. The undesigned ltnvitiK received from Hie city a fnlt and completo supply of BI'IIINO AND BUMMKH DUY GOODS AND CmOCEKIES NOTION H, TINMVAUK AXD IIAItD-WAllK, ct:iAii axi wiLi.on'-WAKK, coxrncTioNiinY, OLAdri-wAiii:, T 0 11 A COO, 11 A T H A A' 1) ,S 11 o i: .V, FI.0UI1, HALT, FISH, AND MHAT, all of which I proposo hcUIiik at a very low figure for ensh or produce. Tall ond sec. April 12, 1M17. C. C. MAHIt. G HANI) OPKN1NO OltAND ornNi.vo (IRANI) Ol-I'.NINO (IHAND Ol-IININd IIHAND ui-i:ninii Ol I' AND WINTHH (IOOD. KAI.I, AND WINTKIl (loODs, I'AI.l, AND WINTIIU CIOOIm! l'AI.I, AND WlNTIIlt (IOODH FAI.I, AND WINTUl OOOD.-.; connlstlnu ol consWIInu of consMlnii of ivuiiNtlmr or o-inihtlliii of DUV DUV DUV DUV DUV nnnD, (iOOIN, (1 00 IN, UOOD-t, HATS AND Cnt, 11ATM AND ("AIM, II ATM AND CAPS ITATH AND CAPS, HATH AND CA1H, I1001M AND BHOns, HOOTS AND HHOr.s, HOOTS AND HHOIX. HOOTS AND SIIOIN I10OTH AND .HHOUS, lir.ADV-MADi: CI.OTHINO, ItHADV-JIADI'. CI.OTIIINO ui:.dv-madi: ci.onu.vo, UHADV-MADi: CLOTHING ItHADV-MADi; Cl.OTHIflo; r,omciN(i-(il,ARsi;s, l.ooi;i.v(i-n,Ahsii l.ooK'lN(i-ni,.Hsi;s I,OOKIN(I-GI,.HSI1 I.OOKINll-UI,ASSI.. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OII.H, PAINTS AND OH PAINTS AND 01 W, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTH AND OIlX onocr.nira, IUOUI'.ltIKH, uuoci'.uir.H, (iitot'i:uii:s, IIUUL'IHIIUS, (iiii:i:NswAiti;, QIIKHNHWAHi:, tlllHIINSWAlti:, ijiti:i-:nhwahi:, (cUUUNMWAfiU, HAHDWAIli:, HAHDWAIli:, IIAItDWAHi:, llAltDWAHIi:, HAHDWAIli:, tinwaiih, hnwaiii:, TINWAlli:, TINWAIti:, TINWAltl:, HALT, HALT, HALT HALT, HALT, PISH, FISH FISH, KITH I'lHII, OHAIN AND Hi:r.DS, (1HAIN AND HLKDH, OHA1N AND HF.KHS, (IHAIN AND HIU'.DS, U1IA1N AND H1XHS, Ac, AC. Ae., McKELVY, NKAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NKAL Mrl!lMAV. NKA1 CO.'H, CO.'H, CO.'H. CO.'H. CO.'H. Northwest corner of Main and Market (streets. Notlhwe&t coiner of Main and Matket Htreeti, Norlliucht coiner f Main aud Market HtreeU, Northwest co nicr of Main nnd Mnrktt Htreets, HLOOMSI1UHO, PA., IILOOMHIUIUO PA llLOOMHItllltd, PA., lil.OOMHUUItO PA. llLOOMHIHIHd, PA. IKON AM) NAILH. I HON ANI NAILS, IKON AND NAHM, IltO.V AND NAIIX I HON ANll NAILH, In lnikf luaiitlllfh mid ut rediutd ruttb.nlwity ou liaiul. . (1ENEHAL COMMISMON MEHCHANrrt Dealers In nsii, HALT, CHKEHE, PHOVlSIONrt, Ac, Noh. hii aud 121 North Wharves, alove Arch Ht. Philadelphia, Bolo agents for Wilcox's Wheel Urease, In bar ids, kegs, nnd nins. yAlXWHIGIIT A CO., WlIOLlIHAI.n oiiouiniH, N, U, Corner Hecouil nntlJArch Htreela, 1'Jlll.ilirLriiu, Dealers lu THAR, HV11U1-H, C01Ti:n, HU(I Alt, JI0LA8SKH kick, nCT-8, in rAUll BOIIA, AO., .o, t. Orders will receive promiH attention, MnylO, I7-ly, H. with V. PETEUMAN, I.IPI'INCOrr &, WIIOI.liSALKailOCElW, . No. SI North Wnler Street, W. un.l No. S) North Delaware Avenue 1-hllaUeliihia. ynEAVKK A BPHANKLE, wiioi.i:hai,i:ohoci:ihiandcommihion mduchants, Nos. :Siud ra Arch Ktrct riillailelrhla, J M. JlAKPIiE, NOTIONH, IIOHIIIItV, aLOVKH, AND FANCY O00D8, No. U North Third Rtre.t, riillailclnuli. J ATi:iJVOPENEl). " 1110 unilc ralencd wonlil rcspcctftilly Inform the cllliensof llloonisLurKiiiiU vicinity, (hat lielms Just omniila sliop on IronHtreit, between Main jna 1 lilrd, vi here ho v, ill lollow the cabinet ma. king business In nil lu liruucliiw. Order, for MKTAI.1,10 OU OTHEIt COFKINH filled with ironitncss nnd despatch, ltenalr. cheoiilymndolu all kinds of furniture, liu luU. lug Iho rci'lnlllliii of ruuo-bottomed chairs, I'm. terns for ctistlUKs innde neatly and expeditious ly, aud outers ur. solicited cither In rersonor by mall. 1'lcturo frunus made io order at short uu- ,. Il01li;ilT ItOAN. April IfVDMf. JEltCHANT'a HOTEL, 41 KOHTH OnTU TBET, rilinADELl'HIA. J. A W, O. M'KIHBIN, rroprlttor.) Moy 10, 18fl7-ly, HARDWARE &, CUTLERY. Mir k it t.'ci if tivvm,'1l DKAI.FK IN II A It 1) AV A It K, I HON. NAILS. BTi:i:L, AC, AC, AU. MAIN BTnKLT. HLOOMSHUlta, lUlXN'A. Tftko thlmiielhoil of luformlnstlio eltlzeniof Co- lumtdft couty, that ho has opened nn cxtcnaivo HardwaroaloreonMnln street, In llloonisburK, near Iron utreet, and that ho 1ms on hand ft UQKH BTOL'i: AND llKTTnit AS&OUTEI) than can ho found any where elsoln tho county, and which ho Intends to sell at prices which defy competition. CHAINS, AXES, STKEIi, IKON. I havo chains, all Blzoa. nxew, all malco and weight, steel, all siren, Iron, nil slmpfi, and all very low. IlUILinilt'M II a it 11 w a hi;, of every ilcscilpllom. Nalli, axlo pulleys, utish eordn. latches, locks and knohn,lmtt screw s,raMi fasts, window spring, haw knolis, Minn hinges, hasps nnd staples, hookn nml staples, and In fact cvorythtntt needed In that line. COACH A WAGON MAKERS' JIAUDWAIin. embracing almost every thins in that line. Alo HAUNDifi MAKIW' IIAUliWAltn, llucklos, Japanned: huckles, sliver plated; hltti of every kind , Hames, Iron j pad trees i Ham r.i, wood jsaddlo trees, gift trees, glrlh web, worsted nnd cotton t thread, silk, nwlsand mcdle tool- of all kinds. HIIOi:.MAKi:ifS ItAtlDWAUE, A full assortment for carpenters. I have planes nil kinds, saws; hand, pannel, rip, nnd coinpnss, squares steel, iron, nml trytiiorlng mnchlncs, chtsles, augers, bevels, mallets, braces, Ranges, plows, rules, bits, nnd nbout everything for car penters. VOIX THE PEOPLE aENKllALLY' I havo coal hods, coal shovels, scoops, coal sifters, lant erns.tnblo cutlery.pockel cutlery, plated spoons plnted forks, Ben ers, tea and cof fco pots,butter knlvcs.mltl saws, cross cut saws, circular m s, gangsaws, flies, horso shoes,wrenches,rlvcts,hnm mcrs, hatchets, mnllocks, picks, forks, grub bing hot h, shovels, hpndes, spadlug forks, hoes, raket, bod pln, lwlne,skntcs, jilows, eoftln trim mings, Emery, red chalk, whlto chalk, wire, horso nails, meat cutters, scales, wnsh boards, horse buckets, wooden palls, clothes pins, glue, door mats, porch mats, pur lor mats, corn poppers, paint brushes, hor&o brushes, Motgli bells, bed calks, enamel eil hcttles, brass kettles, copper kettles, htewkcttlcH.Miure pan s,b road uxcs.uaIN, Hlodges, curtain ilxturts, ThlmMct-kcli.H and boxes, Pumps, lead pipe, etc. Tarred ropu nud hundreds of nillclei not ,cnu nitrated constantly on hand at CHAULUS SNVDEU H, Main Htrcel, It looms burg. Q.KOKGE H. KOIJEUTS, Importer nnd Dealer In II AltHWAltE, CUTLEUV, (1UNS, Ac, No. 311 North Third Btreet, above VUie, Philadelphia. Jacou K. Smith. J. It. Hi I.T7I.II S: J! I T II S E IjTZKH, I m ortors and Dealers In Foreign nud Domestic ir.A'.a u w a n e, o.u.n.h, ,c,u t i i: n y, ac, no. WO k, 'ritnii) frui:nT, aii.cai.i.owiiii,l, fllir.ADIXrilIA. Nov. IRON, TINWARE, &C. jTATIOXAL, 1'OUNDIIY, Uloomsburg, Columbia County, 1-a. Tho subset lber, proprietor of tlio abovo-r atned extensive establishment, Is now prepared to re celvo outers for all kinds of MACIIINIJHY I'Oll COIXIIJnilJH, I1LAHT FUKNAC1JE), KTATION ItV UNQINIW, MII.I-S, TIIltnSIIINa .MACIIINKH, Ac Ho Is also prepared to make Hloves of all sizes and patterns, l'lowlrons, nnd everything tnunlly made In first-class Foundries. Ills extensive facilities nnd practical workmen warrant him lu receiving Iho largest contracts ou tho most reasonablo terms. drain of all kinds will bo taken In exchange for Castings. This establishment Is located near tho Lackr wanua nnd Uloomsburg ltallroad Depot. I'UTErt UII.I-MYKIt. gTOVES AND TINWAIU3. A. M. IlUrF.ItT announces to his friends and customers that continues the nbovo business at his old plncoou MAIN BTIIECT, llLOOMHIlUItU. Customeis can bo accomodated with FANCY HTOVEH of nil kinds. Stovepipes, Tlnwate, nnd overy va riety of article found in a Btovo and Tlnwnro Es tablishment lu tho cities, nnd on the most rensou nhle terms, Itepalrlngdonoatthoshortestuotlco, lii D07XN MILK-FANS on hand for sale. N 15W STOVK AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN BTlitET, NKARLY Ol'l'OHITE MlLLKIl' BTO it IE, I1L0OM.SUURO. PENN'A, Thr undLTNlgned liasjnst ntted npntid opened 4iO HUtV STOVK AND TIN SHOP, In ttiU iilnro, where bo U prepared to mnko up uewTlN WAituof nil ktiidH In UU line, nnd do repairing with neatnet-u und dispatch, upon tho nioKt rensonablo teitnK. Hu also keep oiwlinnd ISTOVKH OV YAHIOUH PA'ITI.IINH AKTYLLH, which ho will fecll upon terms to suit purcluusers. uivo mm nrnil. Jlets a uovil met liantc. anl deserving of tlui public patronaup, JACOU MLTZ. Uloomsburg, Apill "d, lHi7, TOBACCO & SEGARS. CJlIE ONI A" PIjAC'K to get the best TOIIACCO AND CK1AIIH, AT W1IOL1WAI.IJ AND HIJTAII, at nUNUSllKHUIJIfH, u few doors below tho Amei lean IIouso, Uloomsburg, Fa. Ho has tho largest aud most select of HMOKINO AND CHCWINU TOIIACCO over offered to tho cltlr.ens of llloomsburcf. All the fancy brands of M1JUAIIH, nud th-i best Flue-cut nud Plug CIIUWINU TOUACCO, cuii bo hn it Ids counters. TOIIACCO PI PUS lu great variety uio among his largo stock, DON'T FOItaCT TO CAM II. II. lIUNHllKltOKH. H W. ItANIC'S WIIOMWAMJ TOIIACCO, BNUKF, AND CIOAll WAItUIIOUHK, No. lit North Third Hlreet, between Cherry nnd Race, west side, Philadelphia. Q L. 'VVOODIvUKE, Wholesale Dealers In TOI1ACCOH, CIOAItS, PIITO, Ai'., Ac, No. 13 North Third Btreet, nbovo Markut, Philadelphia. 0 JIN111US MNE. Tho undersigned would lespeclfUUy announce lo thocltlrens of llloomshnrg nud Iho publlo gene rally thn ho It running nn OMNII1UH MN1J between this place and the different railroad do pots dully 0undny excepted), to connect wllh the several trains going Boulh nnd West ou the Cala wissa and Wllliamaport ltallroad, and with thoso going North nnd Houthon tho Ijickawnuua and Uloomsburg ltallroad. IIU Omulbusse. are lu good condition, commo dious and comfortable, and charge, reasonable, Persou. wishing to meet or nee their friend, do p art,can be accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely uotlco at any of the hotels, JACOU h OlftTON, Proprietor. Ji3a9EV DRUGS & MEDICINES. gAVK YOUlt MONEYI 0 It i: A T INIJIIO IJ Jt 1J N T HI (J It U AT II It IN I) UO UM IJ N T HI (1 It I! A T II B T I N I) U C II M IJ N T R AT Till! OLD DltUCl HTOIII! or li. N. MOY Kit, Whci o nn ho found Iho laiuicht and lusr as koht.mi:nt, over oircrcd lo tho cltlxcni of IhU county, of Drugi, ChcmlcaH, I-iilntS Oil.-, (Hflm, ViirnUhe, l-utly, llriwhc, Dyo-iturr, .Mixed I-ulnts, all of llicioaro of Iho best known mnlcoand mo warranted n puro nml nnndullcmlod. The finest and largest stock of I' A N 0 V A It T 1 0 I, U B to bo found In Ihli or a-tJoliiliiKCouiitlci 1-erfunury, llulr Dyes, 1 aney Konps, Ilrmnes, Combs, Cosmetics, HalrOlls, Tolltt Articles, Htiitlonery, l'ocket Honks T O 11 A C C O IJ H , Bmolilnt,' and chcwln;, Clgnis of nil descriptions, 1-lpcs, Cigar llolderii, HOUHIIHOI.D AltTlCMM. Lamps, assorted sires nnd styles, I.DII1, CiiiMsr.vs, HiiAIins, Huiinehs, MIHCIIT.LANUOUS CIOODS. Hponges, Chamois Hklns, Calhcters, Hpcculuins, Syringe., llrcnst rumps, Itubbcr Goods, Trusses of nit npproved pnttel ns Ac., Ac, hlliUOIIH, A lino assortment of mo llquorsfor medical purposes constantly on hand and Iho best known kinds of HTOMAC1I lllTl'i;!!. l'ATi:r McmciNr-sof ccry dcscilpllon, In cluding tho best varieties of pills nnd tonics. l'ltvmciAN's i'111-.stniiTio.Nii cahi.i l'Li.v riti: i'Aitr:i. No such stock has ever been presented to tlio people of this section of country. The prlcrsaro nssmall ns the stock is huge. Tho Wholesale Pt fee nro moro favorable lo tho pui chaser limn ecr, ns nri'iingements have been eirected with thowholcsalo dealers In tho larger cities, so that goods can bo procured in Illooins burg as cheaply as in New York or Philadelphia. 5Counlry dealers tno earnestly invited to study their own Interest", by examining this slock. Itcmember the place IJ.xciiANfiK Hr.ocK above Uxchango Hotel, .Main street, Uloomsburg. Jnn.jn,lWs. (iiu l : x IV ",s GRAYJ1AIR. 2L-J 'l'ldaIstbAMi:i:oalAUiati:iuBniaJe, Thli i the Jlan who was tntj ftuJ trrnv. Who now lin rncn lorku, they my, lie thi Cure tlint lay i IU lliV .l.Mllli'JjlA mill inn. luiuc. TliN U (ho ii, '.mi.tlaome (itiit l Who nnnU'il the innn ouco bill uu! I Who now Inn rn n lofki, tlicy nay, I Ho xitC'X the AJiiii:urfi tlt&t Kin? I mii'lo. 'MtU h llir Pursoii, who, by the way, Murilvit Hi') nuil tin, h mJnOmc int -'iy. To tin iimii (-mr tinM anil crrny, Hut who W,v lni ri on luck, t lit y ( Riy j IlociilM) he u;rl the Cttro Hint lav , In tho AMiii:iKi th a Klu iiunii'. I lit i ih'- IMI tt.ut ilnr i v-'v lo iiroiiti' Hu' ncanli h-i I ii'i'I i l,ntutlii'trit,lilihl.' n l.i If fitiii irn' m 1 1 e ti . - ( ne trie .ijiiikvuia in- i t.i: nu.ui-. E. tl. TUS9S & CO., PiMiETor.3, ftnmm; N.H. ami rou sALr.nv L. N. MOYIUt nnd IJ. P. MIT., Druggists, Illoomsburif, nnd M. M. 1IKOIIHT, Cntnwlssn. Jauuiityl, lbtiii-y. WllOMJHALU A ItlJTAlIi DJtUaUIST, COUKCll OF 3IAIN ANll MAUKKT HTKKKTH, UL00.MM11UIIO, PA' where will bo found a largo and sclecl stoak ut Drugi, JIEDICIXKS AND CHEMICALS. Also nil tho PATENT UEMC1NK3 OF T1IK UAY, I am also prepared lo furnish Country Btores with Castor Oil, Oodfrey'n Cordial, TUnMNOSTON S I1AI.HAM, aud all other medicines kept In their line ut City prices, ti. Prescriptions carctully compounded at nil hours. In medicines, uuallty Is of the first Importance. Uloomsburg, J 111107, 181)7 IMIE AMEUICAX" ll7.Y "KNIFE A AND FOHIC Wo tlio uncloi signed cIIIouk ol l oluinblii Cnunty witnessed tho Irlul of hay forks ou tlio farm or Mr. Pursel, In Hemlock Township, nn Monday, Mny 7,, between the .";!.'.'.'.'"".""' ''"Uo "nd 1 oik manufuctured liy HI.1FKU, WAI.I.N, HllllINDlt A Co.. of I,owN burg, l'.i., nud tlio Itundol's Patent Hay Hook. The Ami'llciin Fork lifted moio hny lu ono ilniUBlH tlinn Iho lluudrl In tliree. Wo nro satis neil it w Ut lako as much hny Into tho mow ns two good horses can draw. W o also saw It cutting buy, nnd think it cannot bo beat nut hay knife, and cheerfully recommend It us tho best hay folk and knife wo havo ever seen. r,,.1'.1.TT.f!i"r-'"lr.ii, Dn. r, C, lUniiisoN, . 11. Koonh, John Doak, John Df.tkuiik, Daniki. Novku, II. DlUI.EMII.I.r.U, HVLVl-STElt 1'UICSKL, MllllAKL liELLEH, John Woi.F. llieyalsiiiniinufiuiui'n Uio celebrated Duckeve Ileaper aud Mower, nud oilier agricultural imple ments. ' J X S U It A N 0 E A O E X C Y Wyoming HW.OWt Utna 4,000,000 Commcico 400,000 Fulton ; 800,000 North America ? SOO.Ofjo L'lty 430,000 Interuatloual 1,400,000 Niagara 1,000.000 -Utnal.lvoHluck 00,000 Putnam 530,1X0 Mcrclinnt. SJO.000 Hprlnglleld STO.OUO Insuiunco Company of Htate lVnu'n.,... 0JO.0O0 Connctticut Mutual Ufa 10,000,ouo Norlli A merlcnn Transit HiO.fioO FU1JAH UltOWN, Agmt, muiSirr-ly, UuioMsuuua, ItMllUUSTEft & imOTIIEIt, Importers aud Jobbers of HOHirJUY, GUIVHH, HIIlltTH AND DItAWEIW, I1U1TONH, BUHPIJNDIJUH, 11001' HKIItTH, IIANDIvCUCHIUI-X, TIIIlFADH, BIJWIND HII.KH, TltlMMINOH, i'OllTU MONNAIIJS, HOAPH, PUHFUJIIJUV, FANCY GOODH, AND NOTIONH aiJNIIItAMA', Also Manufacturers of UltUHIIKH AND LOOKING OI-AHHIJH, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WA11IJ, imooiiH, nopijH, twinkh, Ac No, SOU North Third Htrcet.abovo Vine, Philadelphia, jyjILLElt & HOST, Successors to Franklin P. Hcllier A Co., Importers aud Wholesale Dealers lu iLIQUOU-S.VWINEH, AO.,. Nos, 410 aud 412 North Third Hlreet, Philadelphia Just itEcr.iVKD The. cheapest hoop HKIIlTHIu Iho county at MarlVtw-lf UT.BIIARFLEBS' JX M