THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sflu flfolmnbian. Wl-OOAlSlirUa. PA. VUIDAT MOH.MN4I, .ItINK I t, INO, 4-TIIK COI.L'MIIIA.V ! the t.rR..l I'lr.ulatliin In Colnmlit anil ftilJotitltiK cttuitllea of may nirr uMtlml Iter., mitl I ftl.o ft innh larger hvet than any at Leoteniprarl. unit la therefor Ihebe.l u.illnm far arirerlWIng In till .eellon wi th stale. Chicago Convention. Tliu Htatos wero then called, ntul i-itch voted for a runt. Tho vntu of dvorgln viw announced liy Governor Drown, who wild that tho tleorijlix Hriiubllciins, many of whom wore tin; orlKlnnl sccn Monlsti, recognized tliu miixlm "line mil In wnr; In pence, friends." Tlienbovollttlo iariirraih liusn world of meaning, and wo dcalro to call tho notk'O of our reudeis to It, und n few plain facts, about that convention. Of what sort of material was it com posed ? It had among ltn uitmibers, In union, nympathy, and equality with tliem, some- negro delegates from tho Smith. It had In it if wo are not mis taken, onoof tho most prominent bonds men of Jefferson Davit, tho Incarnation of all wlckadncHS, according to Iladlcal theory. It had In It Gov. llrown of Georgia, an "original Fecc9slonist,"and who represented "many original seces sionist," as Radical republicans, In full standing with the party. And this party of moral Ideas follows Slovens an lnQdel and a miscegenation 1st, Dntlor atlilefnml a coward, Wado o profane and disgusting that Carl Hhurtz eays nobody would kill Grantbo cauio liowanted Wade, President. When you hco such men ns Fillmore. Wlnthrop, and Curtis, and lllalr and lloverdy Johnson, and Judge Doollt He desert a party, It Is easy to bolleve that It has lost caste and character : And when you find It led by darkles and SO' i-efwlonlsts, by Stevens nnd Forney, you know that it has fallen beneath eon tempt. Dialogue- on Pcrjnry. &OKNK, United States Ifnuso of Hep reaeutatlves. Mr. Hons 1 aik tho ceutlfiimn from lVnnsyluanla (Mr. Thad. .Stevens whether, In Idsoplnlon.Henaton wnnlil iiojustiueii in perjuring momwives ior the purpose of procuring a conviction of tho ''resident V Mr. Htevcuv-"Well, nlr, 1 do not think It would hurt them." The above, cut from tho official pro eeiillngs of a llou-m of Itcprc- M'litatlves, nhows Thad. Stevens to bo the "i-nme old coon" he was thirty j cars ago, when ho Ih said to have ad vUol a brother Member of (lie I'cnn'n. t.-glslature, to "throw coinclenco to tho Dovll, and stick tohN party." Uo has grown older and bolder In sin and Iniquity, and the remark thus made flinws the utter mid abandoned shamo lcssness of the old man's moral condi tion. And yet there are men, and decent men too, and pious men, and men of otherwise fair character, who nro so ob livious to everything, In their zeal for party, that they not only tolerate, but more than half defend such utterances and opinions. "Can such things be, and overcome us llko a summer cloud without our special wonder?" The Registry Law. Wr. commend tho following to tho tax-payers of tho county as exhibiting some of tho workings of tho new Regis try Iaw : Under the. old law tho election expenses of tho county have averaged ahout 100 (JO Under the Registry La w,thero aro four officers to a district, sitting five days each, three of them at Si 60 encli, per day; and the Assessor jl 00 por day making in tho 25 districts of tho comity, 087 00 At the Instanco of any live citizens of a district, tho Court appoints two Com mlastoncru to superintend tho eloctlons with tho elec- tlon Board, at il 50 each SB districts with two Com missioners, f0 In nil, 7.100 The Assessors ure required to make a now assessment, and to perform additional duties which will take at least II vo days each, at 81 00 per da v each, 14 , 00 S- 50 This amount, which will bo Increased by thooxtra labor necessary In printing the lists, cost of nooks, Ac, will probably reach 1,000 00 It will be borne In mind that this sum of $1,000 Is additional to tho $100 of fkctlon expenses, as tho Registry Hoard Is entirely distinct and separate from tho Election Hoard. The Registry Law therefore upon the county an additional expense of il,000. This looks very much llko retrenchment I ! Orant vs. the Jews. Tilt Jowb form a very large and liu-' portnnt element in our population, and have niorr cnheslvencss than any other race. They do not form an independent lolltIcal element llko tho Irish, being divided on tho questions of tho day. Wo doubt, however, whether any of them who have a spark of self-respect left, can vote fnrGrant after reading tho following order expelling them bodily, from his Department, and Insulting every son of Abraham, HxApuriRTRKS Jim Akmy Cuitix, 1 DKI'AUTUKNT or Tl-NMEthKi:, OxynilD, Milts, Ilt'cemUr IT, I-.IJ.'. j GENKn.w, OmiEiw No. 11: The Jews as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury .Department orucrs, aro hero by exiielled from tho Department with In twenty-four hours from tho receipt of this order by post commander). They will seo that till this class of people are furnlalied with passes and required to leave, nuu any one returning uuer hucii notiiicniion ttnnii no arrested una held in couuni-inent until au onnortunltv oc curs of sending them out us prisoners, unless furnished with permission from theso headqunrters. ffo passes will bo given those jieoplo to visit headquarters ior mo purpotooi inaKing personal up plication for trado permits. By order of Major-General arnnt. Ben, tliu bold and tho brave, bus found another victim, a woman this time, A lady who has been engag ed for sorno tlmo past In tho execution of a statue of Lincoln, Is to be turned out of her studio and tho unfinished labor of weeks suffored to go to decay, because she la suspected by tho astute Butler of having influenced tho voto of Senator Ross. This Is not only Insulting tooths lady but also to tho Senator. Butler never does things of this kind half-way; not oven the memory of tho lato lamen ted Lincoln lsnbloto restrain his desire to smash somebody or something. Meeting' of tho Pennsylvania Re servo Association. TitK Third Annual Meeting of this body took place on Saturday, May 110th at l'lttsbiitg, ll bring Hie anniversary or the lat light of the Corps nt Hollies da Church, 'a. Columbia County was ropreM.-nted by (leu. hut mid Cnpt. llrockway. The Academy of Mii-lc wmi-ecuied for the occasion, and beau tifully decortiteil by the Resident Com mittee, wheal's) supplied each member as tin arrived with an appropriate bndgo. At 11. 10 A.M. the Association was called toordcr by Its President, I'x-Gov. Curtln, who, Inn few brief words thank eil the members for thu honor of iv re flection during Ids absence, in Kurope. riie Secretary, MnJ. llarvy, then reail the minutes of the last Association, which were adopted. Tliu next busi ness in order being tho election of n board of Directors, each Regiment hav ing authority to elect three members, a recess often minutes was ordered to enable them to mako their selection. From thoCthRcg't Col. W. II. Gore, Capt. Charles Allen, and Serg't. M. Dwyer weresel.ctcdi rrom tno 1st Arty. MiiJ. 11. Meconkey, Capt. C. B. Brock way, -md Serg't J. K. McGlnnls. Motions wero then mado that tho next meeting bo held at Lancaster, Phil iidelphla, nnd West Chester. Tho latter place was selected : ami its the hum oi May next year will como on Sunday, tho following Tuesday was substituted. Tho new Board of Directors then withdrew, nnd elected tho following ofllcers for tho ensuing year. President lion. A. G. Curtln. tVcc 1'resldcnt Gen. Win. McCnnd less. Corresponding Secretary Col. John II. Taggart. Recording Secretary MaJ. John C. Harvey. Treasurer Col. John P. Taylor, Col. Riddle ltoberts was elected ns tho next orator, The Association then adjourned to meet again nt two o'clock In tho after r.oin. AFTKHN'OON HKASION. The Association was called to order at two o'clock. Gen's. Swcltzer, Collis, Owen, nnd Coulter were elected honor ary members. Gov. Curtln Introduced then to the ntidiencn Mr. Vroom, a ris lug young iirtlst, who exhibited tho model of a stattio of Gen. Reynolds, which It was proposed to erect to Ids memory nt Gettysburg. Tho orator of the day, Major Lemuel Todd of Carlisle, was then introduced, and delivered one of tho most eloquent orations wo over listened to. For half an hour the audience listened spell bound, except when some unusually striking pas.agn called forth their ap plause. Tho Association may well boast of so gifted a member. His allu sion to" Pennsylvania's War Governor, A. G. Curtln," willed forth deafening cheers, nnd It was somo moments t-ro tho speaker could proceed. At tho conclusion of tho oration, tho Association, preceded by tho band, marched to Lafayette Hall, whero a magnificent banquet had been prepar ed, nnd to which somo t!00 persons sat down. Gov. Curtln presided, and near lilm were Gens. Crawford, McCandless, Ent, SwclUor, Anderson, VhUUps, nnd hosts of other names as familiar In the Corps as household words. Full justice was dono to tho piles of solid food on the table, whllo the pyramids of Ice cream and mountains of Confectioner y did not long survive tho charge of tho Reserves, which, ns usual, carried all before it. Tho tlrst toast was "Tho President of the United States." which was re sponded to with cheers, ns was tho toast to tho Governor of Pennsylvania. Third Tho Memory of Washington. Fourth Tho Army and Navy. Fifth The volunteers during the Into war. They acknowlcdgo no superiors, and claim to hnvo no rivals. Threo cheers. Sixth Tho Pennsylvania Rcservo Corps. Modesty forbids us to say any thing of ourselves. Checrs.l General William McCandless respond ed, lu his usual effectivo vein, nnd spoke of our dead In eloquent terms, deliver ing a flno eulogy upon Gen. McCall, who has died slnco tho last meeting. Seventh To the memory of those of our comrades who have fallen. Ever green bo tho laurels they hnvo won over fresh the memory they bequeathed to their country. This sentiment was received In si lence, and standing. Eighth a. G. Curtln. His wisdom conceived, his energy Inaugurated, and his patriotism accomplished tho great act of Pennsylvania in creating tho Pennsylvania Reserve Corps This toast was received with cheers. Governor Curtln responded. Ho said that to much of his nctlvo life had been connected with tho organization of troops, that ho could scarcely separatu from bis mind that ho was not ono ol the corp Governor Curtln now gave a lengthy account of tho organization of the Reserve-Corps, stating hownn or der was received hero for twenty-fivo additional regiments; how It was Im mediately filled, but the authorities nt Washington refused their proffered ser vices ; how they wero about being dis banded In eonscqueneo of tho factious opposition manifested by tho Legisla ture, then fitting at Hnrrlsburg; how they wero offered over and again to tho Government, nnd as often rejected, mid how subsequently they Illustrated the glory and honor of the American army and saved tlie Cnpltol nnd tho Nation. When tho cry for assistance came, elov en thousand men fromtheStateofJfenn. sylvania, thoroughly organized and equipped, respouded. Tills was tho tlrst great army ovor seen at Washing ton, ns tho Prussian Minister truthfully remarked. In conclusion Governor Curtln allud ed to the pledges to protect tho widows nnd children of tho soldiers, and asked if that promise had been fulfilled? No! It had not, On his return from Europo ho was grlovcd and astonished to sou so many of our bravo defenders, who had lost mi arm or a leg in tho service, seat ed upon tho slduwalks, grinding an or gan to procure from public chnrlty a mite sufficient to keep Ufo in their bod ies. Ho considered each vripplu so em ployed u lasting monument against tho iilcdt'CB wo hud made. It was adecn disgrace, and he hop4no man would oo neiped or eicvateu to otuco, upon any consideration, who would not pledgo himself to tho fulfillment of tho promised duty to our maimed soldiers, Applauso. Nlnth-The survivors of tho War of 1812 and of tho Moxicnn War. Wo honor nnd rovcrothem, Tenth The Ladles. God bless them. This sentiment was replied toby Col. R. Riddle Roberts, In n humorous ad dress which elicited much merriment. The Colonel concluded by paying nn eloquent tribute to tho memory of Gen eral Reynolds, killed nt Gettysburg. Eleventh The resident eommlttco of Pittsburg. To-day we have drank from tho samo canteen. Thu reply to this toast enmo from Dr. Donnelly, who gave nu interesting nc- count of tliu scrvli-e-i of tho Medical Corps of tho Reserves. Gen. Ent was then loudly called upon, but declined for tliu reason that being a candidate before tliu pcoplo it would not bo proper for h im to address them at that time. Tho next toast was " tho artillery arm of tho service" to which Capt. Hrockway briefly responded. Governor Curtln proposed " tho healths of Major Generals Ord," and Meado which was greeted with three cheers. " Tho Signal Corps of tho Pennsylva nia Reserves," was replied to by Jlnjor Morrill, and Major lloyt mado home brief remnrks In reply to tho " Commls sary Department." Governor Curtln mado an appropri ate and feeling closing address, and tho Association adjourned after singing In chorus " Auld LangSyne." Tho meet ing had been a pleasant ono, nnd not a single event occurred to mar Its harmo ny. Political allusions wero carefully excluded, nnd from this fact wo predict tho futuro success of tho Association. Tho new badge ordered by tho asso ciation was then produced by Col. Tag gart, who stated tho prico to bo from $2.00 to 310.00 according to whether gold or silver was taken, nnd whether It was to bo fastened by a pin on tho back, or bo suspended from a chain. Tho model was rejected on account of its high price, anil becauo it did not have on It tho arms of the State. On motion of Gen. Crawford It was ordered that the different arms of the servico bo represented on tho badge, crowed o.tnnons for the Artillery, etc., Landon. Ruv. Gi:o. Landon, Is I. John's f.i vorlto candidate for the V. S. Senate, to succeed lion. C. R. Uuckalew. To show in what estimation ho is held ky his own parly, we select tho following extracts. Wo regret to learn thcro is u strong pronauiiity tutu uio liepuuiieans oi Bradford district will return Rev Georco J.aiidon to tho Slato Senate, That ho possesses uncommon nb.llties as a debater Isnckuowledired on all hands but he has mado n reputation In other particulars wiiicn renders it nigniy lies lrnblo that he should he remitted to tho duties of private UGt.l'Htibtirg ixaxate. So Senator on either sldeof tho Cham ber was connected, by tho common ru mor of tho lobby, with more corruption than the Rev. Georgo Landon. Wo of courso mako no chnrgo against 3Ir. L., nor do wo repent what others so fre quently nnd so boldly alleged against him, but wo do say that either George Landon was recklessly slandered last winter, or ho willfully disregarded his oath as a senator, and perilled his high reputation ns n professing Christian. .State (taint. Mi DDLiscmscK R a i ad. Wo learn uuthorltalvcly that an arrangement wns made Inst week between tho Shade Mountain Iron Company and the Board of Directors of tho M. C. R. R., by which tho road is to bo graded from Sellnsgrovo to Beaver Furnace, a dis tance of twelvo miles, by tho first of August tho contractor hiving ratified this part and tho ties anil rails will immediately thereafter bo laid and tho cars run tills Fall. By this arrange ment tho S. M.Iron Company will fur nish the rails, fifty-six pounds to tho yard, and ngreu to take out tho eot in transportation, so that twelve miles of tho railroad will bu laid without tho expendlturu of n slnglo dollar over nnd nbovo tho cost of laying tho track. Mr. Alexander, the President, lias thus far been most fortunate In pushing ahead this Important link in railroad com munication, and If nothing untoward occurs, we may now safely predict that tho cars will run from Lewistown to Northumberland beforo tho eloo of 1800. John McFnrlnnd, of Northumber land, nn energetic business man, wns elected a Director in placo of John A. McKee, Esq,, resigned tho latter now filling tho positions of Secretary nnd Treasurer. I.ewhtoini tiazcttr. Tin: Ingenuity of Radical pers Is wonderful. Tho last Instance which has como to our notice Is, that President Johnson Is insunc from tho tiso of opium. Indefencoof this state ment It Is alleged that no kiiio Presi dent would have alluded to tho im maculate Foruoy as it "dead duck" or have spoken "lu Mich harsh, vulgar, nnd abusive language na Mr, Johnson con stantly applied to Congress." This charge was mado agniut Mr. Johnson before tho end of tho Impeachment trial, nnd It wns suggested gravely that his counsel should plead insanity for ids defence It is not easy to perceive tho force of this argument nor to con vince sensible men tliaMho "dead duck" Is not more dead than over. But If abuse, abundant and outrageous, Is any proof of insanity what Is to bo said of Sumner, Wnde, Slovens, Butler nnd Co. Tho remarks of tho President f.ido Into nothingness when compared witli tliu pompous anil pedantic insults of tho Massachusetts bigot, or tho blasphem ous ravings of Wado and Slovens. Tho Character of Butler transforms Insults oMerod by him, Into compliments, When applied to a gentleman. Hypoc risy thy namois Radicalism. Be.v. Dutmiu mado hlinielf famous In New Orleans by his war on women, und to keep his exploits fresh lu the minds of tho pcoplo has commenced persecuting Miss Vlnnlo Ream, nn ac complished young K-ulptress lu Wash lugton, whom Congress commissioned somo tlmo ago to mako astatuoof Pros sldent Lincoln. After falling to get her to use her influence with Senator Ross to voto lor convicting tho Presi dent, they havo assailed her character, and havo ordered her out of ho studio lu tho basement of tho capltol, and thus destroyed her model, which cannot bo removed. What n pitiful spectado tho American Congress presents I Hah tho man on horseback spoken V Said tho Trllune, editorially August 17' 16071 "Probably General Grant can "afford to bo a deaf nnd dumb cnudl "date, but this country cannot afford " to elect n deaf and dumb President." TIIK.M STAMPS. P. John, In n column Of twftdlo inot solemn, In writhing nml rain, J (Iocs on tocxplnln, .' Tlmt onco on a tlmo , ' In tho prcsont regime; llo sent nn enyelopo Mntkeil "l'nlJ," 'IlcRWf recti" Ami though tho llmo's well lie, Hn never yet heat-it Wlint lieenmoof tho letter, WhU h i iald to contain Tho Mnmps which nro lo-,t, To Pnlemim's eail conl, 'Tl renlly obsutill Hut hid ho not belter ,tu4t prove, not explain, Wlmt that much travelled Mitel In fact, did contain? Tor you see, It won't do Tnnwrthal theielu, Wero hundreds of dollarn Otnaillcal "till!" Tor no man ha seen The content, I weon, And therefore eant Rwear Tho Mnnips wero In there) And letters of Mcrcur AnUlolIliniCo. On n subject llko I hat Aro noljust tho co; And can never enure To Pulemon's behoof. And all for tho want ol Legitimate proof. HI.MO.V. Communicated. WASU1SOTON . C. 117, O. St. JUUO Mil ISllS Mil. Editor : Tho minority In Con gress slnco tho impeachment lias receiv ed an added strength not to bo measur ed by their intenibcrs,nnd much of It is duo to tho clear nnd nblo logic of tho Senator from your County. Hlsdefinltoconcltislons from well es tablished principles always command respect, and In conjunction with Sena tor Hendricks modify party legislation. While tho mnjority have been ringing tho changes on old tlmo progress, the listeners In tho galleries have heard him advance ideas on tho rights of mi norities which to day nro tho study of leading minds in England. Closely connected with this is the burden of taxation, and it would bo a useful process to trace the comforts, not to say pleasuies which tho producing class havo relinquished on account of our enormous public debt. Tho fertilising stream Hows down wards not upward:, and statesmen of tho futuro will not think it progress to taku from the rights uf the middle chi's to support thoso who have not earned fie benefits of a higher civilization. Gen. Butler lias1 assumed control of Radicalism and is increasing his pres tige ns a leader by creating n prison in tho capitol anil ejecting Vlnnlo Ream from her studio. llerenthusiani In tliu profession she has chosen will not innUo It n Dutch gap for her, and we trust that in anoth crstudio Mio will havo added inspira tion, to complete her statuo of Lincoln, nnd convince all by her success, that tho appropriation of Congress wnsjuf-t. Theexcitement of themtiuiclpal elec tion pervaded all classes nnd resulted In tho loss of lifo. Tliu teachings In re gard to suffrage! havo not been Judicious when colored washwomen comment thus. "Do you know such a person vo ted secesh nnd is to bo Imprisoned for it." StifiViigo is aright belonging to Intel ligence ami good Judgment, but is too after controlled by party -spirit, and wiHoii-tslslnUnn would navo given It Is a reward for Improvement to those re cently libciatcd from slavery. S. M. M. Wi: must congratulate Washington City. If reports bo true, Forney hav ing retired from tho Secretaryship of tho Senate, is about to sell out ono of Ids "two papers both dally,"tho Chroni tie, and lcitvo tho city. To bo Miro Philadelphia, his proposed residence hereafter, will suffer somewhat from tho change, but he will havo lost homo of his power to do evil, in giving up his official position nnd will havo his hands hands full in creating di-sen slons In ids own party as liu will doubtless do. Thcro is probably no Radical lu tho country who can so nearly attain to the emlnenco ot Ben Butler ns "Col." Jolm W. Forney. Wo wish Was hiugton Joy of the happy de liverance. Tin; Patp.iot & Union. This time- honored Democratic Journal has been purchased by Messrs Myers, Brown nnd Jfoorc, and tho first number of tho "Morning Patriot" under their man agement was Issued on last Monday. It has been enlarged to afii column Dally, and In size, appearance nnd ability, takes its rank among tho first class dal lies of the country. It has full and com pleto telegraphic despatches, and a corps of compoteiit correspondents. Be ing I hconly Democratic paper published at tho capital of tho State, wo trust it will bo sustained by tho party. Wo liopo somo arrangement may bo made by which It can bo received hero the day of Its publication, Ifso, inanysub scribers can be procured for tho daily. A Nr.w Orrii'i -j no itegistry law nased by tho into Legislature establish- es another now ofilco that of Resistru tlou Commissioner. It Is tho duty of uio to inauo a registry of all tho voters, and tliu ollh-o slinub'l therefore bo filled by nn Intelligent and well-Infnrnn-d mnn. It is nrnsnirw-il that the salary will bo paid by tho uuiiiiiiissiuiieis. Wo find tho nbovo paragraph going tho rounds of the Press. Wo do not beliovo tho Registry law, so-called, ere ates any such ofilco. It Is but n device to take nioro money from tliu tnx-pay-ers, A sr.uioua accident occurred yesler day, on tho Cntawlssa Road, at tho creek Just nbovo Catawlss.i. Tho wood train ran over a cow, belonging) C tiann, i.sq,, una was precipitateorover tho abutment of tho Cntawlssa Bridge, into tho wntcr a dlstanco of somo 1! feet, almost Instantly killing a wood s.iwycr,by tho namo of Mr. Rcdbendcr. Tho passengers, baggago nnd malls of tho Philadelphia taaln, which, camo up immediately, wero lransfcrMMno elal Train nnd passed on tHriis- port. Standard, r McCoof.ijnndCoburn, tho prize fight ers, wero arrested In Indiana whllo on their way ton bruising match and have been Indicted by n Grand Jury nt Law renceburg hid., and sentenced to forty days' Imprisonment, which term thoy nro now Fcrvlngout In thojnll of tlmt county. GAi.i;NA,tho homo of General arnnt, nnswercd tho voice of Oregon by elect ing tho whole Democratic ticket, on Friday hist, by threo hundred majority. Every election that takes placo points to ono result a crushing defeat of tho Radical pnrty nnd Its expediency can dldato In Novembor noxt. POLITICAL. Douiooratlo State Ticket, roil ACUtTOll-OKNl.ltAt.1 CHARLES E. BOYLE, or iuyp.tte county. l-OIl RtmVEVOIl-OKNIill M.I GEN. WELLINGTON II. ENT, f)t' COt.UMMA COUNTY. Candidates for Nomination, hofullonlncirenllcnicn have bicn mentioned for nomination to the soternl Coimly OfTices to he tilled bv t lection tho present year, and their names will ho prconlcd for Uio consideration oi tho HemocrRtlo County Conventloul l-'Oll ItlJt'llKSENTATlVlS I CYRUS B. McIIEXRY, KlSIUNOCnEr.K TOWNSHIP rou ltKt'nr.iKNTATivn i e. j. Mchenry, risniNornnEK Towssinr. POIl COMMISSIO.nil I WILLIAM GRIER QUICK, MONTOCIl TOWNSHIP. l-OIl fOMMISSlONBIl I STEPHEN POIIE, CKNTIIK TOWNSHIP. .Slnrkct Report. Wheat per bushel Ill o " 82 Ml i m 1 !5 so H m 7 t'O 2 00 l CO 11 1 SO i m l -oru " Oats. " 1-lour per imrrci clovcrseed Flaxseed muter Tinw3.'.,.7.V".'. Potatoes Pried Apples foils Hams Sides and bhouhlers - Iriild per pound Hay ptr tun I.UMHCIl. Hemlock Hoards per thousand fef I..... Pino " ' " (ono Inch) lolst, Pc.inlllns, rianlc, (Hemlock) tthlmilcs, No. 1 per lliousand. n n 10 II) !I0 oo lso3) . II UO , s on . 7 IK) . 18 1)0 .... J.n sai f.'H sldlnsf ' I nos No. 1 Scotch pis No. '.' " " lllooul ft. Plillailclpliln Markets. Tiicusnw. Junes, 1CS. I'Loun Northwestern superfine fit Northwestern extra.. .Voilhwcstetu family - IVniisylwiul.t und Western Miperllue. r.iiiisylvaul.iniid Western exlta IV niisvlMinla and Western family I'eiiiislaula and Western linii-y - lt e Hour W HCAr IV nu' Ivonla rod,"s bus Southern " ' Caltrutllln " " whlll " H. IVntisylvanl.i rjo, V bu, Coun Yellow, " While, " (UTS-flius I'ltovisioNS M ss l'ork, V bbl Mtssllf'-r, " 1 Messed 1 1 os,', VIU Slnok' it llaln-i " ' Shoulders V ft ljirtl,9U SEEPS CloMlsei-d "ribus Tlinothysec-il't bus - l-'laxset-d " CATTl.E-lIl l f Cntllo V ft Cowi, 4 head Hiten- V IV linns 1 l'"lls SS..W s.75 ...II.OIH'I. f'.-'VI .1U.I"KI 1.7.1 . S.7.VI ll.O" , n.VOGtSlil.i.) , l"..Vsrl.'.7 1 ).J0(U1-1" 3''.ol 2."sl!.-M J.'.ljUit"S.7i M.S0 IIVS-UO SIThJ Ms ei.PMI.'.M !I.17..I.17 ,H (c'.'Je f.uirj S2I.5" Sljcrti Hi Is .1 111- ITlCMll.- I-'CM-I lip f.j..Vlyl.lJil f.'..VI f -'.K05i -'.-vi llcDIUj" $ii.cot I.UaKe tM'u.rli.73 'iiH'ii'i'I'.iisiii; AMMi:llMAN-Wi:l.I,IVi:it. At the residence ot the bride's pal ents, on tho aist "f .May, by III v. II. C. Mouroo Mr. Charles Amliieriiuin, of liniivlll, to.MlssDlla.I. WtllHcr, ot White Hall, Montour eounly, l'a. SWi:ri'i:XIICIZEK-WIISON-At the house of Oliver s. Wilson, in DlooinsburK, on tho nn tho si h Inst., by the llcv. Thomas II. Cullin, .Mr. Wm. 1). sweppenhlzcr to MIssLluloM. W llsoli bolh of Philadelphia. DP.HU In lpy,cn Ihc 261 li ult., Mr. Hbet-cu 1 if tv, itKtd 0o curs, niul ID moti tin. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IXliCUTOR'iS NOT! CE. ESTATE U otSAM'I.HTOUI-'l'mt.ileeiascd. Letlerstes iiiiuentuty on tho ei-tnteoi saniiu-1 stouner, of lllooio, liao bein tirantcil by tho Heels. tcr of Cohilobla county, to Jacob Slotitier, All porsous hu log elalois ncalnst the estate aro requested lo piesiut them for settlement, and thoso lmlibuil to the estate, i Ither onnoteor book recount w 111 mako iinyment to the Hxicu lor wllhout delay. JALOII STOUI'l'LH, Juh li.'o-tit. Ktecutor. s IIEUII'T'S SALE. Hvlrtuof KuiitlrvwrltHtif Venditioni Ilzijomi? ' Issued nut of the Cutut of l 'amnion pleas of Co lumnU (Anility, to mo tllnctnl, will bo txiost'il ti public fcnto or outcry, nt tlm Court IIoue, In Jlluonivbui, nn hu1ml.iv, llio 'Jith lny of one o'clocl; p. in., the fulloMluK real fstutc tow It: Thu following U'lil t-siute, or Ww lifo iniuto In a certain lot of ground stuiatp in tho lowu of t'atuwi'si.a, Columbia nullity, bt'liiKJu2 feet -U-cn, 21 fri't wKle.buinitlnl on tin .South by lot of Wat tcr LnsluJ, on tho Wtist by nn alley n tho North by lot of J, H. Khumuii, ami on tho Dist by Bcr ontlht,,on ulih-h latrcclnl a two Mory fruiuo house nnJ kitchen with tho niipurtcuancch, helzetl ami taken liuo execution ami to bo soM tho proiierly of Jacob llollnum. Juno 2," wtterlir, gAKKKUVT NOTICE, l. THE OihTIttCT Col'KT OPTHK 1'N1TKI STATIC, ion Tilt; wi-smiN nisriiii-'T ok Pennsylvania, J a sits 31, Di.Witt a lUnkiujit utulcr thn Act of Conyrchs of Man h Im??, havlnn acpllcil for u lHhthfirpe ironi all his debt vuid othcrclalmt piovablo uiulci' mltl Al, bv orih-r of tho Court, :orifK is liutHiY ( nil Cutlltnr' who ha e irotil tlu-lr dtbtH, nnd othiT persous Inter t'Mcd : to nppoar on tho Mil day of July, IvW nt 11 o clock, A, M., IkIoio 11. Ovi'iton, Jr., Cmi. Utilitor, at lht Ku hniigo Hotel, Ulootnvluir.P.i to hlmw taiise, llnuy they hue,hy a DWcharKi should not bo uninUd to thouuld lJ.iukrupt. And iurtlu'r iKitlco Is he.i-by t'lvin, that the bceoiid and Tli I rd Meetluus uftredltoritof tho wild llank rnpt, n-quliett by tho 'JTlli and 1Mb heethms of haul Art, w'll bo hadbifuro thu said KeMer tit the hiitiiu time and place. H. r. McCANHM.H, CIcik oftT, H. DIstilctCouil for taid DNlrict, Juno l.'.'us-iiw VMCllUl'T XOTIC1C. i.s run IlisTincT L'otrnr or Tin: IIniti-d KrATi.s lull l,ll-.Ui.fcU.l:S MslllKTOl-'l't:.s,NSVl.V.VMA. 11i:ni:v Ti: wriu, n llankriipt under tho Act of Congress of Mau-h lid, lst,7. havlnti applied f"ra DlschorKe fnoiiall his debts, and other elihns piovablo under said Act, by ordtrolibo Ciuirt, Minn: is iiiiiKitY nil Credilois who have luinf il i heir tlthts, nnd oilier pel sons Into resleil; to appuir on tho Mb day of July l-si. lit 10 n'e oik, A. M., before l-:.()elou, Jr., Ks(.. Hi ulsler. ill llio KMhaunu Hotel lu lllooinsliuii;, l'a., lo show cause, If any lb.-. have, Mhy a Ills ebal'go should not be planted to Iho suld It.illU' lllpl. And luitbel, notice Is hertby plsell, Unit tho second mid 'llilld loietlnusol ('reilllorsnflho sold llaukrill't, ri'iuhed by the '27lh utid 1Mb see tlousof said Act, will bu hud biltuo tho said lleijlstcr, ut llio samo tlmo ami plat-e, H. ('. Ml('ANIH.r.fl, Clerk oft'. H. District Com t lursald District. Juno 12,'w--2w JV OUAXl) STltKKT CIIKAl' Storo m:w youk CITY. HIE LAKUFST AXI CIIKArr.ST STOCK OF HT RA W aoOIH IN TIIIHCITY, WITHOUT DOVDT. Millinery Oonds, Itlbbnns, Silks, Plowers, Par asols, Yankee Notions, Skirts, Diess nnd Cloak Trimmings, and Prlnges, nil under regulnr pri ces, Ultllcs- Wlialeboue Corsets, at Wets., 73 els. St 01, and upwards, cheap, ts.Mllllners supplied. P.DWA11D IIIDLP.Y, 3W), .1 II A 31 Ik Uiniul, CH.bS A 70 Allen Streots, Juuo 12,'0s, l-'lfth block Last 110111 llio llowcry. .TJOTY'S CI.OTIIKS WASII1311. 1.XTHACT rnoM np.roiiT ok pahml-hs- CLUH.NUW YUllh. IM7 "Washing Mnchlncs-WIUlam D. Osborn Port Hyron.cnvusa County, N. Y' nsksi 'Will llio Club give us its oplulsn of washing-machines? Is It economy to pay font teen ilollurs for olio nf Doty's liiachlnes? Will II wash funnels- (lollies clean, nnd not hetoo hard work for Iho women? Washliig.maihincshavoso generally pioved to be falluies that I am nfiatd of lluovillig nvray my money upon one.'" "Solon lloblnsoii "If you had to pay ten times Iho money jou mention, It would be tho best in sestim ut you evir lonile upou joiir'elaim. Hut you must not have that nlone. (let tho Uulver sal Cloihis.Wrlugrr with It and your blessed. Por you will find wn-hlog mado easy." Sold by It. C. HHOWMn7i, Oeuirol Agent, 82 Corllandt strcel, N, Y. Ami by Dealers nnd Canvassers everywhere, May li.'liii-aiii. N O T 10 1-5. All rkprknim nrn fnrtihtdeii tn trcnnhM unon thy lAudtiorti.oHubscrlher In Mlfllln townbhlp, a thoho hq oircudlne, will bo dealt w'tli accord ing to law. H.bCIIWKPPJ'.NIlKIHKH, Julio 6,'tH-Ct. A" Col Inn 11 oxtenslvo Absortinciit of men's und boy's I.INUN SIIIHT PHONI'S, I'niier rs nml ('tins, and Lsnika Linen Co i. la us und l'Ufku selling cheap by Mar.lS.-IH-lf I..T,8IIAHPI.iaH. fvy I'OH N1-5AT AND OIIKAP JOB PUINTING. CALL ATTIinCOLUMUUIAN OrKWU JIST OF DEALERS t-ftr the vear ntm tlimisflhil eluht hundred and sixty-eight, of Koodi, Wflies, uierehitii-ilso, ills- iiuvrit-s, "retteries, luerciiHiu onus, wiimu uir County ot Columbia, returned niul classified In accordance with the several acts of Assembly, by tho Appraiser of ra-rcautlle tales of said coun- 1 , ns luiiows, to will 11LOOM TOWNSHIP. CfflM. ,cf,-, no ( 40 00 iiioninsutirK iron tympany, Mr-Kelvv. l.. 7 7 2 10 II II II II 1.1 II II II II U II II 14 II 12 II II II 13 11 II II II II 12 II II 13 II II II II II 12 J, ,1, Itobbins A Co., 12 AO 20 (10 10 1st 7 00 7 110 7 (W 10 () I.IIOS .Mclldctlliall, llcv, A llartman, Andrew Mollcder, David Htroup, John K. (llrlon, Chester C. Miirr, Andrew -I, Kvans, Charles W, Mnjder, liavld Jiwcnburg, Misses Hamuli', 1.. N. Mo) or, Wlilmoyer A Jacoby, l'alcinon John, Andrew J.Hloan, John It. Mover. 7 10 10 ( 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 UO 7 00 12 to 7 ) 7 00 D.iulel A. Ilcck , lo-t-ph 1.. isnuiiuon. I.lojdT. Hharpless, 7 00 12 60 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 ) Knhrulin I.utz. Andrew M, Hupert, Miss Llzxlo llarklcy. James K. Kycr, AiiK-lla I). Webb, James W, chemberlln, Oeorno Y. Con ell. l.'.'.tfl ''.. "nrtman, William lOnismus, Hieplien II. Miller. Iluain O. Holier, N. II. llelltlershut, Jereinlab .1. Ilinii.r 7 00 7 00 11 00 7 00 12 60 7 IV 7 00 10 (10 7 00 7 00 7 00 Miss Ll7Zlo relerinatl, Henry Klclni, OllM-r A. Jacoby, Jacob Melz, Caleb Uarlou A Co., 1-axlou .vllarmiin, Josej'h llendersliut, 7 00 7 00 12 60 7 00 , 7 00 7 IN 10 00 ... .' .-.UIVIIMUIIK, Miss Alinuida Workhclaor, Joseph Correll, lli-khiirt Jacobs, Miss M.1III0 Ale, -lulln A. A s-ailo it. Ilarkley, Janus Ciiduian, rox A Webb, lion, ok iii:iiwick'. llowinan & Jackson, Abraui Miller, Henry C. l-'r.ns, I. .1 II. H, llower. Miller A lliiRlies, Miss Hell Uerlran, .1. II. Dodsoll, -lackson A Woodln, Itslilbaeh A Mlecker, Leonard Nicholas, Jnnics .M.fsceshollr, HKNTO.V. John J, Mcllenry, Illrnm 1'. Kveiell, sanioel lleacoek, J. i:. IaIsoii, (li-orKo (j. Kaiser, lleujiimlu Mcllruiy, IllIAVril. Abraham lllcc, l-'runklln I.. Hbuman, M. l.oni;enuerKer, II. X.liomermau, UllIAIl(.'lii:i:K. Hteplieli Michael A Hon, 1-ili-rM. Tiaush, William l-'reas. ltriihi'ii Mlllir, A. W. niton, William Kllnetob, ILiker A Ciei ellllK, CIATAWIs-tA. T. K. Hharpless A H in, Me.Mli'-h AHIiuinan, M. M. Ilrobsl, Isaiah John A Sons, llllhi It A Kline, Oeorite lluches A. Sou, Walter Ki-ott, H li. Klnnril, C.llnpbell A llarder, McXlch A .sbumiin, lleorno Hlshel, William llailmnn, 1'ayen W'enver, Cr.NTI!AI,lA 110110. Wllllnm Tiiricy, A. It. K.'itner, .1. A T. O Conner, W. II. Mi-llli k, Marllii MoiMuhan, Juliii.slalliiirer, Shiiioiiu A Mlllaid, Laf.ijetlo Ketterman, I'llllel Werllnall, Aal. Mis, William James, lletllH-11 Wnsscr. J. Chllsuiaii A Co., Abraham Southuatd, J. J. Honiilutid, CO.NYNCIIIA.M. llleh'ird Thoinlon, Agt, ClINTltK. I!. W. M. A O. I., low, Samuel licit u-rlck, Mahlon II. llleks, Abraham llletlerlck, Henry Lohiuan, Jacob Htinnsler, Jesso Hicks, s. s. 1-owler A- Ilro. Whllinile A lloMcrs, 1-ItANKI.IN. Cllnlon Jlendenhall, Wellington cleaver, i-iHHiNocttr:i:K. 11. A M. Mcllenry, Joseph c. Hun) an, (leorge M. HomcII, .1. N. Jones, Solomon Hubs, Ileriiard Ainmermon, J. H. .Mcllenry, James V. Wilson, c!iti:i:NWoor. Schuyler A llloek, llORiirt A Kteainer, John Lev'Kott, William Isrenmer, ( V. porat ive Store, I). A V. Masters, James M. Hoat, Hannah Henry, HIIMLOCK. M, a, A w. II. Shoemaker, Jacob Harris, LOCUST. J. II. Vosllno A Co., AViislilnutun Yiagor, Jiieoli Yi uaer, Charh s ) ttermau, '. A1-. M. Yocum, MT. I'l.lIASANr. Joseph li. Hands, .maim:. Cami-b' 11 A Co,, Uriah Ileriilnger, MI1TI.1N. Isaac K. Kehwepppiilielser, Creasy A Ihowu, It. J. Millard John II, Heller, Mrs. i:. A, I less, .MONTOl'K. I'.iMoli A Harmall. 7 (10 7 00 7 011 7 Ul 7 00 11 1) 00 It II 10 11 10 00 12 12 90 II 7 10 11 7 00 II 7 10 11 15 01 12 12 .10 II 7 00 11 7 0) 12 12 XI n 10 00 11 10 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 oo 11 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 II 7KI II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 U) 14 7 Ul II 7 00 11 7 (o 10 20 00 13 10 INI 12 12 -0 11 lion 10 LSI 00 11 7 1-1 II 10 Ul II 7 Ul II 7 Ul II 7 Ul II 7 00 II 7 Ul II " l II CO Ul 11 7 Ul 12 12 .VI II 7 00 1.1 10 00 II 7 11 1.1 10 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 Ul 12 12 -VI 10 ill u) 11 7 00 12 12 ,W 12 12 50 1.1 10 U) II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 10 00 II 7 00 13 10 00 II 7 00 II 7 IX) II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 Ul II 7 00 r. 10 00 11 Till 11 7 00 11 7 00 II 7 U) 11 15 00 1 1 10 10 11 10 00 13 10 U) 11 10 00 11 roo II 7 f 14 7 (X) 1 1 10 00 II 7 00 1.1 10 00 II 7 00 II 7 0l II 7 IS) II 7 00 II 7 00 14 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 1.1 10 00 13 10 00 1.1 10 00 II 7 00 S 30 u) II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 IS) 11 10 () 11 7 (O 1 1 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 U) II 7 00 II 7 U) II 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 a M (.1 II 1'lUI 14 7 00 14 7 01 II li Ul II 7 (l II 7 (O 10 31 ( 11 7 10 II II 00 11 7 W Tuhbs A Coleman, 1. It. Miuceriim, William lluller, MADIf-.O.V, Conrad K11 amcr, Andlew Madison, oitAxai:. II, YV llownmn, A, II. Stowari, li. K, Sloan, Michael Keller, Alexander Hughes, HaWd Heirlog, I'lXK. ltlthard W, Lyons, HOAni.VOCUKKK. J. Cherlngton A Son, SCOTT. Charles H. rnwlcr, J. D. Calduell, satnuel A. Worinan, llinl. I'. lie ghard, 1-i ter Ihil, 1-aac Crevellng, John Jacobs, II. W. Creasy A Co., William M. i:m, (bo. W. Cii-lellng, sua.Mti.OAr. IV.111O. V.s, All persnns who may feel ngcrleed by Iho 11 bine i-lasblllt-atlon, can haMi an opporl unity ol appealing, by i-allltifi upon the lllitlerslKued at Ids otllt-e, In Illoi'iiisbiirg, ut uuy tlmo mull lb" '-Till day of June, sts, ut which tlmo an appeal Mill bo held. V. II.JACOIIY.; Juno f, hi. Mereiinllle Appraiser. JT V. SASU'l.K it CO., MACHINISTS & KNG1NKEI1S, MAIN ST., A U li II. U. It.. IlLOOMSHUIia, I'A., Are prepared to furnish nil kinds of Machlna wotk, such us ST1-5AM 15NOINI-5S, UOII.KUS, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Couplings, Mill-gear-lug. Saw mandrils, etc. (lunge cocks.Pet cocks, Steam pipe, together with nit kinds nf Steam tit Hugs constantly on hand. Tlucshlllg Machines and Horse Powers made to order. All kinds of Agricultural MMklncry repaired. MnyTS.-as, u MTKI) STATES MAILS. I'nN.NBYlVANIA, FOST OrriCK DerAltTMENT, aVashiwqtok, April 13, UOS, 1 HOl'OSAI-S will bo received nt the Contract Omce of UiN Department until 31'. M.,orVi:i) NIDAY, May 25,1m for conveying the mallu nf th Unltf.t MattM, from July I.lktDt. to June, ;w, 1t:,U liiuhluloor I'UNNBYLVANI.V, on thu routes nml by tho acheiiulo of tleimrtuitit nmlnirlvaU lierelu upecliled, lieelblonttnunouncvd by May 30, Tli lol lowing route wero mostly adertUel October SI, 1mj7, but, from vorloiu causei uru not leti liHiy I'rom Norrlstowu, by Illckorylowit and l'I inoutli Mec-tluc, to liurreu 11111, omltcb und b(.k, threo tlineu a week, Leave NoirUtowu Tuesday, TliuraJay and Hat ua relay nt 8 a m; Arrive ut llarren IIIU by 0.30a m; Leave llarreu 11111 Tueday(ThurUiy,nd Hat uidiiy in; Arrlvo nt N orris town by 11 a m; 1H0 Fiom N'orrlKtown.Uy retm'iilHfjuare, Cen tre I-rum re, Worct-Her, hlilppack, Letlcrackwlllo and HiiUunUvllle, to Mumne town, mlh u und hark, threo lime a week, Uao NnrrUlowirfuenuay.Thuriduy.and Hit urdav at 4 p m; ArrUeutHuunytown by 9 p. m, Luuvo huiuni-ytowu Monday, M'ednenday, und l-'ilday, at 0 u in; Arrlvo ut NurrUtown by 11 a m; 1011 I'rom JelTcrsonvllle, by Khannonvlle and I'oit rrovldenre, to 1'hceuUvUle, n lullev and ba(k,threetlincMa week, Leavu Jt lter-ouvlUu, Thursday, a&d Bui ui day ntAi) in: Arrlvu at l'hiyulxvllU ly 7 p m; uLPhnnlxvllloTuesd IV. Thursday nnd Hat- urdav at o n ini Arrive nijt-iicrsouviiie uy t,nm; 10IS 1'riii.i y.,-IU-r 111. bv l-'l -hrlr-ll . DoLtulass. Coli-briinll I ale and l-'lu'tnn. lo llireford, IDJl il les nun uai k, i tt ice ti wt lag lA-mc .cigictsviuo i m-Mi.iy aim paium y at i pmj Arm e at iii'tei'ini iv -i in: Leave tteri-fnril MotiiUv and Prldayat 3.30am; ArrUont ZelUrsMllo by 7 a hi; MAI l'roin N'orth Wales. by Union Square, DTrtltiibaursvlllo, 111 Franconta and Tyler-port, to '1 miles nnu ooca mice 11 sus. I.cau .Norm waies saturuay nioa m; Arrive alTruinbiuirsvlllo Saturday by 12 m; Lcovo Irunibaursvlllo Saturday at 1 )i in; Arrive at North Wales by 0 i m, 1021 l-rion JclTi-rsonvlllc. bv Pairs lew Vlllseo and I'erklomenvllle, lo lied Hill, U miles nnd back, nine tunes a ueek, l.ciiva Jetlersunvlllo Tuesdav. Thursday nnd Saturday nt W.JO a m; Arrive ol in-ii inn uy .sju n m; Ix-iHu Hcd Hill Monday. Wednesday nnd I-'rl- dayatGnin; jrrt o 111 jeueisuii, iiiu num. 1021 From IToner Dublin, bv Threo Tons, to Prospects Ule. 3 miles and back, three times a sciieiiuie 10 no nrranccti 10 1 10 satistaciion 01 the postmasters, malting uuo connection wiiu moll train 011 Hallroad. Proposals lor more fremieni service inviicti. nil. 1 ion iiuaaerLowii. uv iiiciiiaiiiiiuivu. Pleasant Valley and Sprlngtown, to Durham, 111 utile nn.l It.irlr ,li.. I Iiiih. a u-itf. L.eave iJiuiacrtown .siouuay, vieiiuesuoy nun I- nuiiy, ill 1 11 111; Arrive ul inirnam uy op in; ljClllA Dlllliiuil Mnnilnl-.' ntwl 1'rl. day. at 7 n m; Arris e at (uaiccriown oy 12 in, 1911 Prom Lancaster, by Willow Street, Mar tlusvllle. New 1'rovldenen. rnmntan nml Olliir. ry Ills-, to Mechanics Orove.lsji miles nnd irnck, inrco times 11 week, luvo Ijiilieastcr Tuesday. Thursday, ntul R.u. unlay nl -2.o p 111; Arrivuai .Mecuanic s urovo ov nn. 111. Lrnso Meehiiulcs Urose. Toesdav. Thursday noil rs.iuuuiiy 111 1 u 111; Arrive nt Lancaster by 11 n 111. 1019 Proni Hu-artzs tile. Adams- town, Uouglersvlllo anil cumra, to Heading, 15 nines linn u.ica, unco limes n ween. Leuso Heamsiou 11 Tuesday, Thursday and Rnt uruiy til a 11 111; Arusu ut lleadllurbv fin in: Leuvo ItendlngTuesday, Thutsday and Salun- uity ill s u ill: AirlNc at Hcamstown by 12 111. 1031 Prom Hnorllmr Hill, bv Old Line nnd Slas- tcrsoiisll.c, to Colebrook, 0 inllesand baclc.twlcc n week. Leave Sporting Hill Wednesday nnd Saturday ni u 11 111: Sr. I. nl r-nIM..w.!. 1... t-, ... Leave Colebrook Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p 111; Arrive nt Spoiling Hill by I pin. 1013 Prom (Inn, by lhicrstown, lo Inlercourse, 0 miles and back, three limes 11 week. l.eao (htp'J uesibiy, Thursday and satin ilay nt 11 ti 111; Arrli 0 at Intel courso by 1 p 111; Lealu Intercourse Tuesday, Tblllsday Saturday ill 7 11 10; Ariliu at (hip by 1) am. low Prom I.ltlr. to Ihunncrvllle. 2Ji miles, nnd U.ICU iiviett n fin, Lt-avuLltlz Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p in; Arris o 111 llurunervlilo at 2 p. 111; Leave llrnnticrvlllo Wednesday and Salur- ilay at 3 p in; Airlveat I.ltljtby 4 p m; 1!S)0 Prom Halifax, by Pntcrllno nnd Hnders, to ri-siK-rsviiie, 11 nines una u.ick, onco n sieuu. Leave lla-lliiv Saliiiilay at 1 p 111; Arrive at Pl.beivlllo by 4 p 111; Leave " Saturday at 9 a in; Arrh out Hallf.i-c by 12 111. 1072 Prom Lebinon, by Cornwall, to Mount Hope, 10 miles and back six times a week to cuiiiuaii anil 111 u-ii 11 wen. me icsitiiic, Leave Lebanon dally except Sunday, nt ll.30a. 111; Anlv e at Cornwall by II a ni; Leuvo Cornwall dally except Sunday, nt 7.30 111; Arrive nt Lebanon by 0 n m; Leave Corn wall lllesilov nnd Saturday ntl p ni; An 1 ve ill Mount Ilono by 2 p m; Leave Mount Hope ruesd.-v and Saturday at 3 P m; AiilvoatCoruvall by I pm. Lt)II From rreenmnsburB.hy LowcrKuuenu, HtoulV, 1) inlltM und luck once u week. ijt'iivu iTct'ninu uuig iiiu'Kuay ni 7 n in; Arrlvo utHtout'by louin; Lcn o Htoiit's '1 hurKdny ut 1 n m; Airlva ut Fioewunsbure by i p in. l-'rom liethtchem, by Innorrvlllo nnd Hath, to L'liapman Quarrlea, 11 nllen nml hack, three times n wet-k, Iauvo llethleliem Tuesdny, Thursday nnd Kat urday ntlipm; Anlvo nt Chapman Quarries by Tip m; Leavo Chapman Qunrrlis Tuesday, Thurttdny und haturday at li a in; Arrive nt iiethlehem by 0 n m. S0.V) From Danville, br Itushtown and ICllne's Qrove toHnydertoVMi, I J mill k and back, once a week. Luito Danvlllont Rum; AirlvontHnydcrlown by 12 m; Leae Hnydertowti Haturdny ut 1 p m; Arrlvo nt Danville by Spm, QtHVt I'rom rtttNtnn, Ity ltnnMoiii, t'ftlll nnd La Ornnye, to TuukbnnutK'k, 'i mllej unit back, twice a week, I'ltUton Monday und Wednesday nt 8 am; Arrive nt Tunkhannork by i p m; Leave Tuukh.muock Tuesday nnd Sal in ilay nt 1 p ni: Anlvo nt 1'lttston by 7 p m. Ci)70 From HhlekFhlnny. by Muhlenberg, lo Sweet Vnlley. 10 tnllcH nnd back, twice u weclc, LemoHlikkhhlnny Monday nnd Thursday at 10 am; Anne at Kweel Vnlley at 1 p m: LenoHwift Valley Monday nnd Thurhday nt 2p in; Arrlvo nt Shlckhhlnny by 5 p m. 2081 Trom Old t'orBP, by Milwaukee, llabl Mount nnd Mill City to Factory vlUlrfmlOi and back.oucen week, LeauOUl Forjeo Tuesday at On in; Arrlvo at Factory vlllo by 3 p m; Leave Faelory vlllo Wednesday nt 9 am; Airhent Old Fnrco by 3p in. 1'ioposnU Invited for fcervlco three times n week, 2012 rromSeranton to Purmore, 2 miles nnd hack, hlx times a week, Scrantou daily, exe pt .Sundav, nt -1.15 P l'i; Arrlvo nt Duninore by 3 pn; Leave Duumoro dully, except Wunday, nt 0 a m; Arrlvo at Scranton by 0.13 n in. 2"l2rrom Lovelton to llelln Sylvn.O miles and bad:, onco n week. Leu o Lovelton Tuesday at 10 a m; Arrive nt Helm Hylvnby 12 m; Leave Delhi Kylvn Tnesttay ut 7n in; Arrlvo nt LoeUon by 0 a m, 2103 From Cnntu, Ity Kavt Canton. Lo Hoy, West Franklin nnd Franklin Dtle, to Towanda, 2i) miles ami back, threo times n week, Leavo Canton Tuesday, Thursday and Kntur Hum, Arrive at Towanda by 5 p m; Lcao Towanda Monday, Wednesday nnd Til day at 1 p m: -rnn ni i anion uy ...up m; l'ropobalHlmlted for serico six times u week, 2103 From Kew Oxford by Oieen Hldce, Hamp ton and Hound II Ul, to York Hulphur Spring, 11 miles and biuk, twice n wtck. Leave New Oxford Tuesdny nml Haturday nt 1 p m. Arrlvo nt York Sulphur Hpmies by -1 p m; Lnvo York MitphusSprlngs 'iuesdny and Sat in day nt 5 a m; Arrive nt Ntw Oxford by 8n m. Tioposals lor moiu frequent ici Ice also Invited 2213 From HctdhIHrto Lod;'. MIIIh, .3 mlleH nnd back, mice a wvek. Lcno IteetNvlllo Saturday at 11am: Arilo al Loi-k'KMIIU by I p m; Lenvo Lnek'H MilU Miturday ut & a hi; Arrh out Heedlllo by 10 u m. 22tll From W'ootlland to Ornhaiutowu, 5 mth-ii nnd back, (u fce a week, Leavo Woodland Tuesday and Saturday at 11 a in; Airlveat Orahamlown bvl2m; Leavo Urnyhampinu 'luihday and Saturday nt 1 p. in; Aiilve nt Woodland by 2 p in. 232S From Cnrinichnert by Ceylon and Willow Tree, to Imvlhlow u,10 inlhh and back, once a week, LeaoCaim (churl's Wtdiu-sday at 1 pm: A i rive ut lavWo, nbv I p m. Lo.,o la isioun W( diieivluy at 0 a m: AnlNo al CarmlLhad'tiat 12m, 2TI0 From l'lltsburc, by West View, IVrrysvlllo Willlamx, Wexfoid, (nli, Zellnoplo, Harmony and Whltestowu, to I'uibpiTt.aujj inllcv A back, three times a ctk. Leavo I'ltisbur Monday, Wednesday and Fri day ut 7 a in; Arrlvenl Fronpectby 7 p m; L uve l'iuspeit Tut&day, Thursday und Salur day at 7 u m; Arrlvo nt IMttsburg by 7 p m; PropoLiU for more frequent jmvIco uts j Invi ted, 3.1 jg From Shnrpburc, by Dorseyvllle, Uural HldKe. Cuhuervillo, nnd Hludlu'H t'ross-roadi, lo haxonliuri, 3D miles nnd buck, once n week, Leavu blmipKbuiy: Friday at 8 a in; An hoat fax on burp by o p m; Leavo Saxonburu Tbuibday at 0 n in; Arrlvo nt Hhurpsburu by i p in, tflli) From IMtUburc, hy lluclinnnii, Ormihy, A Ho no Church, to Lebanon Church, 10U miles and back, tlce daily, exctpt Sunday, to ltueliai)au,nnd twice a week the ii-sldue. Leao l'ltthburg daily, except Sunday, ut CM a m and i.30pm; Arrlveia Duchnuan by 7-15 a m nnd 5 p in; Leave Huchanan dally, except Sunday, at 0 a ni uim ! nil A l-rlvn 1 llt 1 4.I.H I-tf til. A.Sl n nt nml O r. t... Leave Huchunaii Wed Arrlvu nt Lebanon Church bv tkt0nm Ltuvo Lebuuun Church Wt dnesday nnd Satur day nt 10 a m; Arrive nt Huchannu by 12 in, 213J From Turtlo Creek to Mouroevllle. tU mile nml back, twlcen we k, Leuvo Tuitlo Cievk Wedntisdny and Salurdny ntfn m; Arrive nt Monroevlllo by 103) n in; Leuvo Monroevllle W'tdntkdny und Salurdny nt 7 n m; Arrlvo at Turtle Cretk by 8-f 0 n m, 2.333 From TitUhurit to Wtit MfttichcMt r, IJ; to lien nud back, six times a wtek, LtuvoFHtsburu dully, except Sunday, nt 1013 a nit Anlvo nt West Manchester by 11 u m. Leavo West Manchester dalh, except Sunday, utOftinj Arrive nt Pittsburg by 10 a m, fc JV1 FroiuTarentum. bv Laudsvllle, (n.o.,) to Ssx-'iiburff, 12 miles aud back, once a wtek, Lt vb 1 srentuin Saturday at a in; Arrive nt Saxonburg by 12 m; Itenve haxontmru Saturday at 1 p ui; Al rh at Tureutum by a p m, 2-t!'J From Harmony, by Middle, Lancaster, Por tersvllle, Willie Hoy, llaneiuburif, und Lecsbun: to Mercer. 81 milt tiand bat k, three tluieuu week, Ixavo Harmony Monday, Wtslneadny and Fri day alter arrival of riltsburu mall any at 4 p ni; a rrlvent Mercer by 10 inn; Ixave MereerTueaduytlliuuUuy aud Suturday ai 8 a m; Arriw ut Harmony by a ro. .170 Prom Slloot-rv Ibir b. bv ttni-H.vlit.. ti-. lev. ntul t'li.t Mi., nl.-. I.. I '., 1 ti. ii- back Ihree times nwwlc, ' ""J .-ii.entitit-r,v iioia .loiiiiay. vv eillKsilai-an I 1 Id yat ua 111: Arrlvenl I'mnkllu bvapin; boojOjPiiiiikliiiTuisiiiiyt'lliiirsdiiy.iindSatur Arrive at slippery llmk by lp m. 23-0 Prom Kill Itiiu loOrny's Valley, 2 lullis.t ack Ivvlco 11 week, .iuiina Ix-nvoLIk Hun Tuesday and Saturday at 2.3, Arrive nt dray's Valley by 3.11 n in; Leave (irni-'a Vntlci' -litKilm. n,,.l MUi..,..t 3-41 pm; 1,1 Arrive nt 1.11c itun.oy 1.30 p m. 2300 Prom Oalncs, by Ium Itun to Snblinr'Ue I rullos nn.l back. once 11 wick, Lenvu (lalnes Wedliesilny at 7 n In; Arrlvo at Sablnsvllle by IO11 in; Leavo Sabliiavlllo Wodnesduy ut i p nt; Arrive at Oalncs by ,1p m. 2tlSI Prom .lersev Klint-iv l,v t'iml..B' llll. ... llancyvllle, 10 miles and back, once n week, ' ... iiiu uetsi-y niiutu 1 iiurstiiiy kids m; Arrlvo ut llnneyvllloby 12 10: Irf-nve Haneyvlllo Thursday nt I p 111; Arrlvo nt Jcisey Mioro by 0 p m. 211.1 l-'rom Mnncv. bv W1f linn nod lttiittot-.. Hill's Urovc, 1 miles und bnclc, nncua Week, 1-avo Muncy Tuesday nt 12 m; Arrlvo nt Hill's (liovohy 7 p in; Iionve Hill's Grove Tuesday nt (I n In; Arrlvo at Muncy by 12 m, 2121 I-'rom Lock Ifavcu to Island. 2U miles and back, onco 11 week. Leuvo Lni it liav en siituriiay 111 10 n m; Arrlvo nt Island by 11 11 111: Leave Istaud Saturday nl H30 11 m; Arrlvuut IH-k Haven by 12..'io p m; Pronosnts for inorofrciuent service also lovl- ted. 2103 Prom Weslport, by Leldy, llnminer-iev 1 Pork, nnd Cross pork, to Kctlla Creek, :M null , and back, twlcen wetlc. Lea u cit prn t l uesiiay nii-1 I'rldnj nt O-T-i nnr, Arrive nt Ketuo creek at p in; Lenvc KtttloCietlt Widuesday und Hatuida, at" a m; Arrh c nt Westport by 7 p m, 2I2S From Hldsewnv by lversev'n, Cnledonln, A Tyler s, to Pendeld, 27 miles and back, twlco n week, Lenvo Uliljtcwny Tuesday nnd Saturday nt Hnm Anlvo at FenfUld by opm; Leavo IVntleld Monday nnd Friday nt 0 a in; Arrho ut Itldsewny by 3 p in, 2111 From Hrookvllle, by Hicbanlsvllle, Schofl ner I'orners, nnd Arroj o, to Hldisivn , 31 miles and back, onco n week. Leavo llrookvlllo Thursday nt 7 n m; Arrive nt HldReway bv Ap in; Leav o HUIuuuay Wednesday ut7nm; Arrlvo at Htoukv llio by 5 p m, 2itS From Haymlltoti, hy IIenderoti, lVrrlne, nnd Kattcrlleld, lo Mercer, M miles nnd back, l times a week. Lenvo Haymlltou Tuesday, Thursday nnd Sat urday, at a am; Arrlvo at Meiet r by 12 in: Leavo il titer Tuesday, Tiaiisdny nmlS.ilurtt.'iy at 2 in. Airhout ItnjmlUon by 0 p m. 210' Fiom Franklin to Dempseytown, It miles nnd back, twice n week, Leao I'rntiklln Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p ni; Arrlvo nl l)cmpie town by I p mi Lenvo ivinpsej tuw u tu Tuesday nndSaturd.iv at 'in m; Arrive ntl'ranklin v ll30nin. Proposals lor inoio lieciuent service Invited. 2Ufl From Petroleum Centre to Cherry Tree. 2)3 miles nnd biuk, I) tlmi h a week. Lhavu IVlrok'uiu CVntio dally, except Sunday at li in; An ho at Cherry Tree by 1 p m; LouvuChciiy 1 tee d.iily, except Sunday, at 10 .'10 n m; Arrh u at Fell oleum CeiiMo by 11-30 n m. 2-301 From Stony point lo F.vanvburB,2j4 miles ami biuk, mk times u wcfk, Hehedtik imikliiK eloso connection wi'h rail road irutn, to bo arranged hi the hultsl.ictlon of postmastets, 2510 From Peter's Creik lo Peach llottum, two miles und biuk, dully eiept Mimliiy, Kchedillo to bi nniiligtU sutlslnctirj to the postmasters. 2.317 I'rom New Holland by Green Hank and Salhbury,to PefitU'ii, 0 miles and back, twlot a week. IjOuvo New Holl.uul Tuesday and Saturday at 0 a m : Airivontl'eipie.s by Um; Leuvo l'efjiif-i '1 uesday and Saturday nt 1 p in; Arrlvu ul .Stw Hulland by I p in. 2311 From Itlchland Station, by Mil I hack (u.o.. und Kleluleliersvillo (n.o.) to sluiellerstown, s miles und buck, six tlmesu iu k. Lenvo Hlclilaud station dally, except Sunday, ut 12 m; Arrlvo ut hhaircrslownby 2 p in; Leavu Shailuriovvn daily, excepL Sunday, nt 7 n m; Arrive nt Itlchland Station by Dam, 2310 From Kindlon, by Huntsvitto and Leh man, to Xiftke, 11 miles nnd back, twice a wetk. Leavo KliiKstuu Monday und Thurhday at S a m; Arrlvo nt Lnkoby It n m; Ijeavo Ijikn ilondny mm Thursday nt 1 p m; Anlvo ut Kingston by t p m, 2320 From Klnsstou, by Mill Hollow, Trutks vllle. Dallas nnd KunUlts, to Howmau's Creek, 1.3 inilem nnd back, twice u week. Leavo K I ni:ton Monday and Thursday at 7 n in Airhfut How man's Cnek by Urn; Leavo Hovvman's Crei k Monday nnd Tuesd.i nt 1 p in; Atrlvo Klnpdou by 0 p in, 2i:il''rom '1 Foikstou.Lov eltou, and uulUy, lu Uiishoie, is nillesnud b.iek.onceu week. Lenvo Tunkhnnnoi U Salurdny ul S u in; Airlvout Hushoiu by fl pm; Lenvo lnishoio Fiid.iy ul sn m; A i rl vent 'lunkhatiuoek by 5 p in. 232J From WyalushiK, by Wtlmot, lo Dushure 12 miles nnd Inuk.iuieou week. Leavo WyiihiMiiKSaluid.iy nt 1 p in; Airlveat Dushoro by 5pm; Leavo JushniSuluid.iy u 7 a in; Airho at Wyiiluslng by ll u m, 2f)2'l From Sugar Hun, by Klvvcll, to Cnllfj . U mlksnnd back, onco u veek, Leavu Sug ir Itun Wednesday nt 1 p m; Arrive ai Culley by 5 p m Leavo Co lley v i dnesday at 7 a m; AirhcntSub'urlUiu by Ham, 25.M Fiomltome by Orwell, to Lo Hnvsvlllo, . miles und, (lino tlmesu week, Lenvo Koine, i'ucMlay, '1 hurday ami Snturdnx at 11 a m; An ho nt Lo Hnvsvllle bv 2 pm; iH'iiVf Lu HaybvIluriufc.sduy,Tiuu'sdavnudSii urday, ut3p m; Auive ut Home by Opm, 232,3 Fiom Fnnmtlsburff, by Canlck Fuinnu. (m. ".,) to Loudon, 12 miles nml bac k.oueo a wet k Jjouve 1 anntttsburKSatimlay nt Hit m; Anlvo at Loudon by U in; Leavo Loudon Saturday at 1 p in; Arrlvo at l'miiicttsbug by spin, 2320 From Newry, by Hluo Knob fn. o.,) and Swller.iii. o.,)ioli'alntClulrfcvillc,23 miles nn.l back, once a we k, Ltuvo We wry Filday ut 10.30 n in; An Ive ul Saint Clali8llle by fl p rn; Leav o Saint Clalm-lPo S Utirdny nt 7. a m; Anlvo nt Netvry by 3p in, 2527 From Sheloctn, (n, o.,) by Advnme'u. o) Hosiuk's Mills .(n,o.,)and Atuood's (n. o.,' to Haruuid's, 17 mlks and biuk.onceu wetk. LfnvoSlieloclaSntuidiiy ut onm; Anhent l(arnaid' by 12 in; Leavo Jlurnurd'w Saturday ul 1 pm, Arrlvo ut Sheloctn by o p m; 23J-H From Monontsiihela lionlleyvlllcto Healls lllo.l'i miles and back, three times n week. Leuvo JlononKiihela city, Tuesday, Tluusdav and Nilurday ul Nn m; Anhent Heallsvillo by 12 m: Luivo HeallsviItoTuesdny(.Thursday und Sat uiday nt 1 p m; Aiilvent.Monongahela City by 5 pm. 2329 FiomTjIersburmo Clnrinston, 12 mil nnd tiiuk, once a week, A'V 'll lfbnr(( bniurdny at 8 a m; Arrh o at Clnrlmtion by U in; Leavo ClarliiKion Hul urday at 1 um; ArrlveutTiUisbuitf b 6pm. 2330 Fiom Inilhina, hy Utah, to Mlnta, 17 miles nnd biuk.twl'on wetk. Leave litdtana Tuesday nnd Saturday nt 7n m: Arrlvo at Minla by 12 in; Leavvillnta'l uesday und Saturday nl 1 n m; Arrlvenl Judlaua by 0 p m, roi;.v or 'Koiosau otvtM.vry.v:, iav vv.nriFWATi:, ritOPwMAL. Thuunderslgmd , whoso post office ndilnsis , eouniy of , htato or , proposes to convey the malls of I he United Males, irum July 1, Iwjs, io Juno :w, h72, mi louio No. , bttHeeu and, under Ihoudvei- tlM iiuntul ihu I'uNtmaDtertienerul, dated April 1 Uh. Inh. with "ulerily, ceitnlnty. und secuil ty," lor tho Mini of doliais. to i ma jiroiHmn u tutuin wltn Jull Aioufw? of (he distanc r, (oi other vuiticuUus in itfcrutve to the route ami sn i ir, ami o aftrr vurtfat examination of the taut nml instruction uttachtit to the adiattse mcnt, Ha ed (Waned.) aUAUANTKH. Theundcrnliined.resldliiBnt .Slnleof , uudertuke that, ll thu lortolns bid for currying tho mall on route No. ... - bo accepted by thu PoNtmnster (ienerul, thobldder almlf, prior lo the 1st day orJuly, ImW, enter into the reuulrod obll Katfon or contract to perform the service proios id, with good uud suillcleut sureties. This we tlo. wutcrslttmting ttutfmctly the olltfatloni anil UablUtlee usuumetl by tuarantor tinder the th section of the net t (hmress of July 2, 1S.W. Dated (Hiirned by tvv o guarantors.) CHltTIFICATK. The undcrslKiietl, postmaster at , Stale of , fCllllleS, IT.NDFU Hia OATH OF OFKUT, that hoi ncaunlulcd with thoubove guarantors, and Knows thtin to be men of pioperty, uud able to makegood theiruuarantee, luted (Signed.! NOTHS, I'roposnls must bo to cany tho mall with "ee leiity,ftrlnluty.undseeuilfyt" using the terms of tho law, mill Ihey must bo guaranteed by two resHinslblo persons, certlfletl to as such by u poslmasitror njiulgeol a court of rtcord. No pny will bo paid for trips not performed, nnd tor each of siuh omissions not aalUfuclorll explained thieo times the pay ot Iho trip maybe ded luted. For nrrhnls so lai behind time, us lo break connection with dt pending malls, uud not bulUclcnlly txtused.oue-lourth of Ihu eomprii sat Ion jor Iho Iilp iKsubJfct lo lorfeituro. Fines will bo Impohid, unUss Iho delinquency bo satis fatioilly rxplaliutl, lor iHKltttliiu lo take the in a 1 1 fiom or into u post uihco j lor sullerlng 11 to bo Injun d. dMioj td, lobbtd, or lost und for refusing, uf(er"leiuaud, to convey the mall ns fit qutnlly us tho t-oiitrntlor ruus, or is concern, ed In ruunlmr, veliiehs on the loute. Iho Host muster Oeutial may annul iho contract Jor diso bey I n tho tost olllco laws, or the lusliuitlous of the Dcpnitiutnt, Ho may niter tho schedule ot tlepnituies uud nrrhnls, uml also order mi in dense, of sci vice by ullowlng therefor npio raM Increase on the con 1 1 act pay, Jle mny also cur lull or illseoiiilnuo the si nice In whole or In pait. at n pioporllonuto detieust tif pny, ullow lng, as n full indemnity to tho com rut tor, one mouth's extin compensation on the ninouut of service dlspciistd Willi, nnd u jru ruin coiupeii Ration for llio strvlcd ittnlucd nud continued, The licpurlinent icserves tho right to rejett any bid width may ho deemed extiuvntt'inl, und ulso to disregard the bids id falling eontiuclors nud blddeis. 1 1UW should bo uddu-ssed to the "Ste nnd Assistant I'ostmusler (Ienerul," supersorlb td "l'roKJsul, stale of Ptiinsj huuiu," uud aent "For iustrucllors ami thcr Information, see ad MTtUineiit uf OctoU-r Ml, 1 wit. nt Iho prmclpal postottlcts, ALLX.W.HANHALL. May22.'fl8, loatmustr Oeiierul.