The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 12, 1868, Image 1

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    gsff f Y
- t . i-
VOL. 2 NO. 2 1.
I ACOIl JltlT., dealer lunloui, A lluwnrti, Main
I M., above tourt house. vl-nM
M. lll'I'KHT,
, blotk, Muliiiti,
Ktovis nml tlliM-al i. ltupcit
, west of.Mnrltcl. vt-lk 1 1
tii:v. a.
l ItltliW, Hpiillllll( I
IIAUT.MA.V, stoves, Tniwaro tifall
Htiotillnir I'll, I'lrsl Simeon West, ml
ol Moulh Main Sllett. v:Mll7
DI.OVi:Nlll'.lt(l, merchant tnilor, Main t., IM
, ilotn' nbovti American house. lti 1 1
r W. (MTtM":lrM.vrTi("iSa"ljriii.i rctnlldenf
.1. er In rli1hliu,ctc; ltiittiuan'H Lullillnir, Main
in it. Miij
I X. 5IOVi:il, ilniKsKlnml npothccnry, Hx.
j change Mock Main nt, l-nI3
1.1 I. I.UTi, drutstflst nnd apothecary, llupert
;. block, Main Ht., west of.MniliU. 1-hII
I OUH IlTiuNltAuTiTwatcli nml ctoclt limlter,
j near KoutliciLst corner Main anil IrountK.vl-ii l.i
ft V., HAVAfll, ilcaler In clocks, wntches anil
U. Jewelry, Main ht., nearly oppslto Alnellean
CATHCAUT, watch and clock maker, Market
huloW Main.
Ct M. 11UOWX, boni mi 1 fdmeinaker.MaliiKtrcet
, opposite Court House, vl-nl'l
i H ltd, Miint.munu Tact m or and dealer In boots
iV' and idioeOlainM., opposite episcopal church
IlKNKY Kl. HIM, manufacturer find dealer tn
11 hoots niul shoes, groceries etc., Kast Itlooms
burn Main st. W-till
DA VII i UHTZ, boot nml (.hoemnUer, Main bt.,
la-low Hat tumii's Mote, west orilaiket sheet,
J It. HVANH, M, H. mirtteon niul i liyslcinii south
side Main btM below Mtukct. v I - n I J
1 It. 1(. I Kinney surgeon denlNt.teethcxtract
1 I'll Without paill.
I.plseop-U Church.
Main bt., nearly opposite
M. 1. Miri-on ami physician
V 111 11
Rurccnn ami l'livblclan.
, abovoMaln. vlnw
J south kUIo Main st., below Maikct.
J Mn
On. it. t;, nu j.u, Burgeon tienim, iuiun si.,
above court house. vl-nll
I 11. noilISON. Allonicv-at-l-aw.dllko Hait-
il, man building, Malnhtrect, v2-ir.M
UlsH MZIi: 11AUICLUY. niflirner. Uamscy
lUbulhlltifr, Malnst. vl-nll
MISS A. I. WXIUl, fancy Koods, notions, books,
stationery, not tU hldu Mattibt reel below Mar
kit. vlul3
11 I'HTHIIMAN, millinery and fancy goods op
j puslte KpNcopat church, Main bt. vl-ul3
I lii. i .A l.i i. Milt r. it, pnynicinii niui mii ki oii, i
) M.lllmt., noxliliKir toUiKj.l Hotel. Mil7
IjltlCK UOTlITi niul refrenlililellt MiUinn, l.v
jjMinu. l.vereii, cor, ot.ilailianii ruiusi.viiit.
tnt'AS ltivrr.l.. MiiMiimerliolmn livjohll Snv
O ilcr, MaIntalKivul'fnc, vl-ni;
nlC.SI.OAN, dealer 111 ilry K'"!", Rriieelle",
. Iimilt.r nu.l rilier.ll Merelinllillso .Ma 11 Rt.
Mnlti tit.. aliiAo thoHwall Hotel.
ftr.OHOr. T.AAHt'H.aililleail'l luirneiH maker
nr it. i
11 , tlenler III HloVeit 1
HMIT1I, iimnur.iclnrer of tin ware niul
ili'r In hloVeM i te. Mulli nt.. abtAo'Jio
Httllll lliilel. Vl-1117
W. COI.n.MAN'. .Meielmnt. tiillnr anil
(lenL'H rniliKlilliif inniln. Xlatli Ht.. next ilimr
totlie lukk lioti'l. V1-1H7
MS. It WIli'ltxT, ('lnclt, Wnlcliei ntnlClunii
. repalreil. UiuiHnnil Watches for sale, Main
bt., hojow l'lne. vl-nl"
1 A.MHH II. ItAItMAN.Cnhlnet Maker, ami L'n
tJ ilt l taker, Main St., beluw Hue. 1-1H7
, I ll'll Al'.t. r. rnnfi'i-tlnlierv.
Jl Ac.. At'., on 1'lno Si., bctMecn Main niul Mill.
II. AC. Kr.l.Cllxr.!t, Mill
Street, nenr I'ine, Vl-1117
I i:VIS II. SCMt;Yl.l:U, linn fonli.tcr .Mn'liJ'J: ,llK.t Inscitlnll M telllK,
IjUl, nml Mannracluieruf pluwH, Mill nt.M-nli '
I nr.iit. lii.
1MN A, WILLIAMS A l'ii,,Tnlim Halul .Hull.
iil.itttiiirnor.iuiicr,.Miu Mreei. vi-iiu
WILLIAM lirt.tJN'fl, Shoenialtcrniul mnmifiio
H Untrot Ililtk, Mlllbt.,ttuf l'lno villi)
l.K.IAH SNYIint, Hour nml Orlit Mill, niul
J'j Uuilcrln Kriiln, Mill strut. vi-nl7
IOIIN' KLl.LLlt, Hoot niul Slu.tliiakt r, rini
.I sirict,oiiiuliuthoAcatleniy l-nl7
I II. HI'lllilNd A- llltOTlli:it,('ar.eliterniiil
A. liiill.ltri.M.ilnhlrtct.hiliiwl'liif. M-nl7
CIAMLM'.L SIIAM'LIXS, Maker or the HnylnirHt
0 lliiiln fiiulle. Main ht. 3
1 M. IIAltMAN, inilille niul hnrnes maker
t), oraiiRcvllle, opposlto Kramo cliurcli. vl-nll
CAT.WISSA i)iiu:ctouy.
SUSQlT.ItAN.S'A orllrlckirolel,S.Koslclinmler
Pioiirlt tor.KOilth-eait cin ner Main ami Sfcotiil
Slleet. nJJ
J II. Cltr.ASY, ilry pooils, irvfiecriei, nml gen
, eral McitlmlulKf, Main htltct. vi-nlJ
1). IH.NAIlD.tlealer In Rloves nml lln-wnrc.
Malnhlrcel. vJ-nla
A Duinoci iitii' NcnrHpupor
TlllIprlnclpleHof thllpnperaieor thcJeiltlHOli
Inn School of jiolll Icn. 1 honi principle" will nou r
bo compromised, yet courtesy nml UlnJntss nhnll
not he forgotten In tlhemslliff them, whether with
ItullvMunW, or with contelnpornrlet of the 1'iens
The unity, liiipiilncs'sniul prtmperlty of the conn-
tryliournlm nml ohjtctj niul n, the menus to
Hccille-thnt, we Hlinll labor honeklly niul earnestly
for the harmony, RticceHsanil urowthof our organ.
Tkiimsoi Sl'li.t'itllTlos: Two tlollais n jear
If paid In niUnncc, If not paid In ndvniuo two
tlollaiH ami tHty cents will be Invariably charged.
Tfkmsof AtivtiirisiNo: One re (tut lints
orless)oneor three Insertions il,rrf); each Rtibse-
One squat i'.
Tvrosauaies. ..
Time. RHillles...
1 our RtJUilK I!
Half column
One column.... .
. S,i
. C,H)
, KlH)
. IV"'
S l,)
1 1,1X1
1 1,1)0
M. 1Y
50,110 10,10
(1,10 11,00
12,00 lx.'iO
1 1,00 20,110
20,l) .Hi,i
80,00 00,W
n Il.ULUT A Kt.lNi:, tl IV goods, groc
U gentral nieuhaiullse, Main htlett.
r.M, II. AllIir.TT, nttomey nt strecl.
lvi:il,i:it. billiard saloon, ovstcrx, mid len
lj, cream In season Main street. 2-nl2
I) 1'. DALLMA.N, Merchant T.lllor, seeolutsi.,
. nubbins' llulldlng. 2-iil.
1( r if. llfiniltNS. Siinreotl niul PllVhlchlll.
Dlt.J. K. KOUMISS, Hill
SecomlSt., below Main.
lilts. JULIA A. A HADi: IIAltKLHV, ladles
II .In.jii.llnrnl t. .11 , I ...ft ut r., 11 c.f
Main mul west Rt. ' M-nll MJ
MISSM. )i:itllICKS()J, millinery nml fancy
goods Mnlust., opposite. Court House, vl'till
li lts. M. Il.l'ulIAN7ntIlTiner. Mnhi kt below
IL jiariiuaii s Rtoie, w vri 01 jittiKei bi.
rillli: Missm HAUMAN millinery nml fancy
1 goods, Main htret'tjitbt below Amel lean house.
11. KISTLKU,"CattnwlsnHouse,"Morth West
Corner Main nnd second streets. --nis.
M. HHOIHT, tlenler In (Icncrnl Merchandise,
. Drv Hoods. Groceries Ac. v2-nls.
r.M'cutor'H nnd AdmlnMrator's Xotlcc ?V")i Au
di tot otlcc $2,7). Other advertisements liver
ied according tonptclal contract,
HustnenHiiotlceM, without ad witlsc mcnlf twenty
cents per line.
Transient advertisements pnyabla lniuHanee-
nil others due after the (list Insertion,
Sir It Is, tn dl ctscn, more likely to bo hatKfac-
tory, both to sutcrlberH and to the rubllshcrs
that rcmlttanccHand alt communications respect
.liii; tho buxlnesHof the paper, bo bent direct to the
ofllce of publication. All letters, whether relating
to the editorial or business concerns of tho rmper,
and all payments ror subscriptions, adetllslng,
or Jobbing, aie to bo made to and addrei-scd
'ihtumbtun Ocr,"
it,ooMnri:, 1'a,
Printed at Itoblson'a Itulldlngs, near the Court
House, by
Ntatly executed nt this Otllce.
(Choice goctry.
Till! DV1NU I'AMrOllMAN,
''idle Jmn't Hint.
I,y i'p neart r, brotlur, neaur, fui m Ihnbare
And thy ptcMmi'Fcenulhdcan r whin thy aims
aruntd me fold;
1 am dj Iny, brother, dylnif, xoon you'll miss me
In your berth,
And my form will hooti be lytnn 'death tho
, iK'euii'rt briny utirf,
HtaiLch totnobrothtr, biarken, I bavi hunt-
thing I would say,
Kte ttds cll my vision dnrktn, and I go rnmi
lit neo ty
I am going, Riirely going, but my hrpcs In (1ml
aro trong,
I am willing, biother, knowing tlml he dot-th
nothing wrong.
Tell my father when you greet him, that In death
I prayed for hltn,
1'iayed (hat I mUbt one day meet htm Inn world
thnt'K free front hIii ;
Tell my mother (lod assist her, now that bbe Is
glowing old,
That htrbon would glad hau kissed her when
hit Up grew ale and cold.
Ilcarlu u to me, catch tach whisper, 'tis my w Ifo
I Hpeak of now,
Tell, Oh! tell her, how I missed her when Mm te
tr burnt my brow;
Ilcarktn to me, closely listen, don't forget a sin
gle word,
That In death my ejt s did glisten when the (ears
her memory hllrrcd.
Tell her Ihcu to kls my chlldien, like (he UNs I
last linpief.scd,
Hold them r,ts,as last I hehl tin in, folde.1 eIo.e-
lytomy bieast;
(ilelhenteaily to their Maker, putting all tht Ir
trust In (lod,
And He ucer will foisako btr, Hulntf said m In
Ills wold.
O, my thlldren, heaven Mess them, they were all
my lifts tome,
Would I could once luoro caress tbem,eie 1 sink
beneath the sea j
'Twas lor them I crossed tho ocean, what my
hopes were I'll not tell,
Hut theye gained an orphan's potilon, 5 rt Ito
doethall things well.
Tell my bUter I umember every kindly parting
And my heait has been kept tender by the
thoughts thtlr memory stlned
Tell them 1 ne'r readied the haven w hero I sought
the precious du-t,
l!ut reg'iInedaiortealled heaven, wheietho
gold dolh ncNer lust,
I'ige them to Keeuie an entrance, for the) ll llnd
their brother there,
I'althlu Jesus and lepentaiu-e, will secure for
them a share ;
Ilatk, I hear my Saviour calling, 'tis, 1 know Ills
olee bo Will,
When I'm gone, oh, don't be weeping, brollur
hear my last lareucll.
I)i:Ti:U i:NT, dealer :
1 Hour. feed. bait. llsh.
1 MIACOL'K.ovhterand eating baloon, Amcrl
t) can House, Main bt., llaltzcr Lcaeotk biiperln;
MHMYi:it A JACOIIY, eoiifectlonry, bakery,
M niul oysitr saloon, waoiesaiu nou ii-uui.
change block, Main hi,
1 filler hi drv (roods. croctTled.
Iron, nulls, etc.. Jiluui
TTIIUWIl.UOr.IE, Cabinetmaker, unaenaKcr
J andCh.ilnnalier. vl-iiW
TOr.rll wArn:il lilackpmlin, opposuo po-ii,
1 ol li-e. intu.
HAN .t Co.. WheelwvlKhtM. tlrst door
ulmvn hi IhmiI boost'. Vl-nlli
tt! i tvi'. niMiiiiorv mul f.incv croods.
IV.--. 1.. in.i.n.. ..1.1.1,1
atto 11 r. y-a t-Ii a v,
Ashland, Schuylkill Ciunty, IVnn'a.
1 J 1 1 1 fa .S 1 4 1 J 1 1 J i 1 ,
Ilerwlclc, Columbia County, l'eim'a.
"yni-IilAM II. AllHOTT,
UtCVCStlllfl cftovit.
cry. and oys-
..vniiiviii' invri'i. lviions A Clark. Main
IVst.. oiiiioslto com t house. vlnIJ
liDX A WKllll. confrell()nery, ijt:ery. and oys- . w haNKHY. deiiU r In
I1 ternaloon, wholesale and letail, .Main ht., Just J et(J CftsI fl,r nuios,
in-low iron. i-iuf .
W. HANK I.V, ili-aur in iMiiifr, jiuk-i, ".
1 mi::
A M'f
wtst of I ion hliect.
T r rvr iii-ntorln stoves nnd tin ware in
nil Its brandies.
manufacturer and dealer tn ;
TflllN A.OMAN,
J boots nnd shoes.
q v, ji 1 1.1.1:1:,
A I i 1 K -s 1. I ! .v ,
poltlvS IIOTr.U by (1. W. Mai'iii.h, east end of
V Main st. 111
. .'I'diivi'i! hifiAuliinriil .-i1nfmMfihi st..hlst
n.iibovoJouilhouse. vlnl.l
(.nloon. 1'X
Olllee Willi i;. If.
Joining Po-d oihYo.
j'L'iisioiif rum 1 11 tii
I.illl.', In bih-k building ad
liounlies, i;,u-k-ray and
A iii.rsTLisiNti evening! I run tilone.
An old timid with no liuslintul to
tWroy her peace, nor tiny dreadful an
noyanccM in the shape of children, with
money enough at Interest to l;eep the
wolf from tho door, and a house, of her
own overhead, might htirely expect, in
ter the tea things were washed and put
away, tho tiro made, the table drawn
close to It, tho lamp clo-o to her elbow,
nnd a book elo-o to her noe an old
maid thin happily .situated might, 1
say, in all rea-on, expect a comfortable.
lime. Alas! far from it! Tho wind
wlii-tlcs around tho house with moru
I'OONS A CLAltlC, refreshment
l t
t liango hotel
rir it r T llll! I yln.sli, k.nlooll. S.llfl'S
block rouIIi Hldo .Maliibl
II.IACOIIS, Con feet ioneiy. gioeerles
t st.,ubosu Colllt llolise,
tl II. .MILI.KIt. dealer In tlrv goods, groeeilt
H. mil elisware. Hour, Hill, Rbt.eR, nollnllR,
Kxelialigu blotk, MalliRtltet,
. rrA'v vl'tt. .t- Co. d( nlers
A gloeerlts, Hour, ftssl, kali, flsh iron, nails.
etc., liorlhenst collier
CI C. MAltlt, dry goods and notions,
U eouier Main and lion hn.
psI'Y STIIAM l l.OUIlIXO MIMH, C. S. I'm.-li r.
l'i 1'iopllttor. vuiill
1 ltl'.KIIIAItl), AimO.,deulels In ill
gioeerles, and geneinl iiierelinndlse.
tlt Its, tpieenswiui', iiariiwiiie, iin, k.ui, "';",j
ril W. LIKIAH, Sllstiutlialilin l iaiiur.
J , llox Manufactory,
joiix n. i'iu:i:zi:,
A i t " 1: rs 1; y. a i i. a w.
Olllee 111 Ili'glster and Iteeordir's olllee. In tho
basement of (lie Couit House, Itlooiusbuig, l'n.
Umti ordinary defiance, and I tremble j i,,,,. m irriage. Two mouths afterward
noUKUT V. Cl.AItK,
den er u dry goods, gioeer-
. Iiurdnie, llsli.R.ill, nail;
Mill nnd
l-ii 1.1
,t Co, dtnlers in dry good-
tS'll, Mill. lisn. lion, nuns
Malnniul Rt. M-nll
l. llt)vi:ii, nais nun caps, noois uou mhh i.,
Jlilln ht.. nbosu couit luiuse, vl-nll
hnlltllWI Rt
I JJllltUWMADISO.V, dealer In illy goods, g
A writ's, gialn. luniber tie.. Jcrscylow n. vM
('tlll A. SWISli:it, dealer 111 Hides, Ltnllier
Hark t-tf. Miullsoll towuslilii Coluinbln eoullty
P i-ihii
corner ol Main and Matkt-t sluets, ovtr
l'irbl Xatlotinl ll.ltik. Illoonisbuig, l'a.
11. I. ITTI.K,
A TT I) K .N 1. Y-A I 1. A W,
Olllee on Main Rtreet, In brick bulldlug below Hit'
I Court House, llloomsburg, l'a,
ciMniul Mrangeis t-utertiilnetl
A TTO U N F. Y A T I. A Vv,
Cli' OtTtci-- Court House A1IV. below the Oj-
UmMan Olllee. .Ianr7.
J. lltlOWint, diy goods, groeerleH, t le,
,lsI comer ilain and lion stn.
l)i:V. A. UIUTMA.V, dry goods, notions, and !
It .ri..,.i'lfu Sluln tt ni.nMt.llH t 'ill I cl M lUllll
niut liooms." lH
ii ir rnirrnM irroeeilfs.tobac-
II, to, and eonfcctlonaiy, Main ht,( oppol(e
l.iWonal chuuh. I-nll
DA. HKCKI.HY, Keystone shoe stote,"b(M)k8 and
.tiii loni'iv. southwest corner Matkt-t ami
Miiiu six, vl-nlt
HAHMUS. confeitlonerlcK. Main
Vl-lll (
vv St., near tho railroad.
(I. iv W. 11. H1IU1;maki;k. utaierH in tiry
M goods, gioeerhs and geneial meiehaudl-je.
1'iist stoio in Koulh end of low n. v--nl
I'll A WM. A s.i en rN in ur.V Uttou-
Jltocci1c. druusnnd mediclueK. l'llst htoieln
noitlmulot town, .'-nis
n MHNliHNHALL.ireneialhtoek of merehan-
l'i. ilUtuiiid lumber, t outer of Ma hi btutt and
lu-iwU-k road. vl-nt'I
.f, llOKIHNS dealer In dry goods greti les tc,
.iaiu siM ih-kiw iron j -ii i
K. OlltTOV, flioctrlea A Provisions, bouth
rJ hhle'K block, Main ht., bt-lou'lron
i ) east corntr Main and Iron Ml
1 W. HNYIH'It, hardwaie, cutliry, guns, tte.,
J. .liauibl., below Jiou,
I - ii 1 1
1-n l'i
i .1. Hr.nAN". dealt rln ( liolcodrv eoodn. House-
A k eplnggood, Itesh giocerhn, etc., etc. Main
st.. omioilto court hiaise, vliil.i
T lin iiinlnrul'tni'.l lnivlntf Hill clifintl thlsMill
known and tt utially-Iocatellnaisc,ilioi:xehango
Hotel, situaio on i iii.ii.iu juooiusmim
Imnudlatily opposlio tho Columbia county Court
oiw, resptttlully Inform their li lends uud thn tn i.i.tifin) ilmt lliflr lmiis.ii 1m iutw In nrdfl'
lor the it'iHi'tlon aiideuteitalnnunt f tia tilers
who may be disposed to uvor it with their t un
to m, i ney nae spareti no expt hmjiu ih.-iiuihk
i h I'Yeluint'f'r.n- tlit'enteiliihiment of t hell iruesls
uelllier hhall lliero bo au thing wanting on their
tan to miuiMtr in ineir ptit-ouai c-oioiou. j m-y
ioush Is maclou. and tnJoys an eicelUnt bust-
in lot-iitlon.
Omtili'iiheH iuu at an iiinea neiweeu uiei.x-
Would Infoiiu Hip cltlois of Itloomsburg ami
ielnlty that he Is now t-it puud to do all kinds ot
pl.itlng.hiivtr org.dd. lee:),t,7.
UCTIO X K 10 It.
.MUNl.M UU l'i' Jl A ,
Having tollowed tho broft-sslon of Public Veuduo
ICiler tor many years, would Intoim bis fih-nds
that m is Mill In the Held, ready and willing tn
attend to nil tho duties of bis calling. IVisons
i iiesiring ins serviced biiouiu can or wine in nun
at itiooinsourg, l a. iniaih w,
iiiu' ii-uii'ui nirecior u, r, Aiiuy,;
h u it ti i:o n,
h It lock
i'A- Otllfe nt lilt) house oormnltc Hhlt
Uloomouit;, i n,
t.IU piomptly nttended to both nlht and day.
llloonisbirg, Jan. K tM.7.
t, groceries nnd general meithandl-o
nuoMt vtcht,
T T.KnAm'Lnss.drycoodF. croeeilcf. boots. (iml ,rom Ul0 ruilt..tlo htathais In duo time to
Ii. shots, etc.. Uuneit blotk. Main bt., wtt of ,n, Aha (..irN. KotlNS A L'l.AltK'.
r-luiiiL'n Ilnlrl nml tho arious rallroatl dcnotK. bv
which tiavelltis will be pleasantly coneycd to
XL'-llL1 llloomsburg, Aprils, lsos.
o CHAMHU A A. 1. HAYHPItST, Healers In
O. (lioetrU-s, Conltetloutrlts and Notions,
Mt)tlown.fioulh bide, two tloou ubovo lhobsts
wimonmauer bhon. s-'-nlf.
U. briekou Main bt., webt of Market ht. ylnU
'i, niul lUlureit, llupert blotk, Malu bt. i-nli
UKOUfJi: W. MAUOHlt, Proi.rlttur,
The nbovo welUkuown hotel bns recently under'
L-oiio nui'cai t nanifOM in us internal arranuemciu.
and ltsir.prietorannouncestoblsforinercuslom f1 pir.l.T'VM
and the. travelling public that his accomodations Si uuiiJir,
for tho comfot t of his guestsaiuHeeoud to none In I , ,. .
hauni;hs, badhlh, and thunk
aixl dealer In
CAltPHT-llAGH, VALI, riA'-M'.TH,
width ho fitls eoufldtut ho can hell at lwtr
into than any otner pel son tn ins touutry, J.x
uiiiliKi (in- vimrsi-lvis.
Whop ilibi iloor below tho Post Ofllce Main
iroti, iiioomsmirg, l'a.
iUV, 1J, IX.' 1IU fiililn ulll alu-iivs bo found Mill-
ilieo. llOl on I) nil Miiwiammi iufi4, mv wiih n i
no ut'lieaciesoi iuo sciimhi, jut winv mm
If UOSKNSTOCIC, photographer,
, blot-ktMaIiibt.,oppobltucouithouhe, Wnlt
i 1 ItltllAllT. Dliotftiriiitiher. llnitmnn's build-
J iugnoithenhtt-orntrMaliiaudMarketKt, luU
n .1. limr.HMAN'. Acent MuiibonV CoiierTu
Yi bularLlghliilngltod. vS-iill)
it intKKrr.r, sndille. trunk and harness
iJ maker, Main fct below couit, bouse, MHti
r FOHTHIt, Hluo Maktr.nnd Whitoaud fancy
U, Tanner, HeiHtown.
lI-OOM.SnuUH I,UMIII:H CO., manufactuieis
Ijaim ueiiivrn 111 ijiuiiuer, ui mi innui, juumiimh
fiiwru invi i t tnit ltniuilar beseraeo known as
r.xthango j,7trv") puichiiseddliect from tho Importing
mill near tho rall-ioud.
1-n Mi
1 IT
in kniitliu-fht niiiier iliiln and ihllkt t bt.
marble woilts,
A. i-oriier Main and Maiket Ms.
near Mmthw(it
I H.lUNOI.KH.deahr In munoH, organs and
1, iuclodton,atO.W,CoKMrluriutino rooms
fp "lT. MAHTKHH, ni'ent for (1 rover A. linker's
I ..lUliiiMnnnl.liin t.llll ht. I II rl I Ollll M till U'
mi. mi utalru. l-nll
i W. HOIUlINH, Iknior dealer Kecond door from
1, iioriuweHv corner Jiuui aim iiou ma. i
ir PHACOCK. Notary Public, noitUafct corner
) Maliuuid Mailiot bt, NMilij
if,HN A.l'l'NhTON, mutual and cash ratei Hie
.1 itikiiir.iiro comnanv.nurthtiuitcorncr Main and
WiKtbt. vl-nll
houses, are i-nlhely pure, and flee fiom all poi
sonous dings. Ho Is thankrul for illiberal pat ion
ntjo in tho past, and will continue to deserw It In
i no uauif, "iiuiniii . n m,
im; Proprietor of the r.xchangcHaloon has now
on hand a largo stock of
hummkh ui:rni:HHMi:NTH,
coiiklsllng of
Mi pi rluttudt nt.
liioomsoiirb, .ny , i"
OvMNWidiniiyt-r A Jacoby'tt Ico Crtam Haloon,
Hair liwtnif and Whiskers toloitd black or
I I I ii I h 'I'mi In l .1. Llrmtiliiliilrnll mul I .i.uit.
lltlngthohalri will restore hair to Its original
color w nnoui boning in nnesi luoric, constantly
on iiaiiu. Hjri ii.
X T I S T H Y .
rjIIK ESl'V 110TKL,
uri , i iwui i i, r...
Tin.- sobhrrlbi'r nMix-i-tfull informs hl& frit lids
and tho public, that he has taken the nboe well
KUOW 11 Jiouv in i.iiitruiiiiiut'iii, iv im m hi
Uiiseil in wi-aw iii
,yur lilm Willi a call.
nnoitOK 11 AKHHUT, niftuufaetiirer andrtpalr
U tr or tmcbiung matmuiN, t mioui rmi sunt j
ftliarwilUtocked with tho bebt of Mouors, and
et ry eiiori win no man i" i"i,.'",r "'ti''
liiction. Ht HH.T4iaill.Jl,
l.spy, ca., Apru i.', iwu.
nuicK hotkij,
Having taUtn possenhlon f this wdl-known
. i (..Hi kin.iiu i i'vi vi it. ihuPro
i Kiono i noii!, u i"'k "": v.:
w;rk:h.Villl;.iil.i7,;iierl, U...I7 mleior .n.1... im r.r '"("'UlliluoV.
I .' .,, ,., , .,,.. .v., iia.I
W. HAMl'I.i: A CO. MaihlnUU.lMhtllloqms. mul lletttv.ueiitui ii.
near hlimpithit1 loundiy
H, Kl'll.N', dealer 111 mint lullow
U K'ltllW ilonlfi- In mint till low. etc.. lllCUV
I bi'rlln's allty, buc-tof Amtilcau houhe, vl-l-l
QAMl'HIi JACOIIY MarMe and Ilrown Htono
U, C,
Itrspittrully otltrs. his professional i-ervices Ut
me uiuits aim gitiiiii'inru oi ihhiiiiii'ihk huh i
clnliv. Ho Is i iii-rim il loatti-nd to all tho vurl
ous operations in the lino of his pion-bslou, nnd
is piot im u u mi i oi' inn-si no I no vo i 'uv r.i.-t i
I I 1.1 II U 1111-11 M 111 l)U lllkl-rilll till IMIItl UIUIIUL-
ullv i r mul i nlihcr bnso tn look lis u i-ll nstbn lint.
mul iii-in. 'icei u exiiaiuu ov an too new 1 1 a
imistiippioMd methods, and all tipeiatloiu on
tho let in taitnuiy ami piopeiiy am nui-u io,
Hesldenct) and ollhe a it-w (loots alsiit tho
Conn House, mino hine.
lliooniboutg, jau.i. (au
t, . .., .'it ... tvv. I . C
llupert, l'n.,
Mnuufaeluri X of
mul tlenlers In nil kinds of
gle uotlco tlml they are prepartsl to ntssimiKl.tftt
their eiutont with dlnpateli, niul on the cbeiipf.l
rowrs sTAXDAni)
wonder If tho man expects to k I"
heaven when ho dloi? I wonder If lie
e.xpeets me to pay him three dollars n
day for nmnUlnu Ills pipe and Hwlng
liiff his heels V
Ah! there conies Joseph lSuldwIti Just
hack from his dinner, and let me sec
It'.s twenty-live nilnuteiiast two. If
I had my way nhotit woman'. rlKhtH, I
I'd put the men out of this world alto
Kellicr! Miff would octtlo the question.
What are they, after nil, hut an atjura
vatlon, a marplot and a nuisance.
Xow, there goes Will Wlloj, tramp.
inj; right over my verhena boil t Has
tho man no eyes in ills head? or did his
mother never succeed in beating It into
his head that a vcrbcna-bcd is not to be
walked on, and that a ttarden-path f.i
And now 1 think of It, It was only
yesterday 1 found live broken panes In
my up-stalrs window. Yet that fallh-
less, good-for-nothing glazier had sworn
to mo that very morning that ho had
taken every fash out, from garret to
cellar, and left nil In perfect order.
Lords of creation, indeed I Lords of
fiddlestick ! Wonderful example of su
perior intellect was It not V to take n
wlndow-sa'-h out for repairs and put It
hack in perfect order with live broken
panes in It! If Ml-s Jemima liloor
were to sit In a maiden lady's best room
window and smoke a plpo nnd swing
her heels if lio were tocome from din
ner to her work al twcnly-tlvo minutes
after two If she were to go tramping
about on people's verbena-beds if she
were to declare it wlndow-sasli witli live
broken panes In It to be completely re
pairedwould she call herself a lady of
creation and a superior intellect'.' I ask
the world, would she call herself a lord
or a lady of creation as a su
At this point my Indignant rellee-
tions were Interrupted by a soft splMt-
splash and a subdued llttlo Duller of
Mv ho-tess bad been knitting, with
her comfortable fat hands.a baby's hood
for Mrs. Peters, next door.
As I looked tip I saw the tears trickle
down on her knitting needles till they
shone and winked nt me In nn Impish
Tills llttlo woman is my mental cush
ion my social rest. Mild, round and
rosy In body and mind, crying is the
only luxury she seems thoroughly to
enjoy. Tho tears roll over her plump
cheeks as if tliey were used to It, and
leave them plumper than before. The
round, light blue eyes are alwavs ready
for a shower, and look all the rounder
gllng and screaming with nil heriiilght. his youthful traits, came tho rough fen.
I ran to tho door. Intcndlm? to call for I turcs nnd sinister evu of tho adult Hob-
I help ! but tlio words "Mary, my wife, lnson. Through this chaos of faces
don't you know me?" struck mo dumb. Mnry V, loo, camo up, Just as 1 hail
I turned in amazement, llo still held I soon her when she stood nt tho door of
her In his nrms. (she had censed strtlg-1 her room, bidding me good night, her
gllng, and was looking at him wltli . oycslarge with terror, and her hand
strange, wild, shining eyes. Was her stretched out to mo for help for help
mind shaken? Had the shock been too alas ! which how could 1 give her?
much for her? 1'or was lio not her husband? And Is
"Let her go; you will kill her!" I ! It not to her husband that a woman
cried, scarcely knowing what 1 said. I must cleave?
IIo put her down gently, still holding Suddenly my heart nlood still. Tho
her hand. She stood tiulto still and pas- llttlo woinnii herself crept noiselessly
slve, as If frozen, tho two fixed, bright I from tho bed-room her face looking
eyes staring from her ileath-wliito face. ( horribly wan In tho moonlight ero-s-
Tho man looked from ono lo tho other i oil tho parlor and knelt In tho accus
in a frightened way
"Do you think I've frightened her
out of her wits?" ho asked In an unea
sy whisper, as she stood with her eyes
riveted on his face.
"I dnro say you have," rliltirled out
curtly, as T turned to Mrs. Ilohlnson.
"Mary, my dear, what Is It?" taking
her pasIvo hands In mine. She made
no motion, not even shifting her eyes.
"Won't you speak to me, Mnry?" The
eye turned to me, nnd, slipping her
hands from mine, she groped In the air
Ilk ' a blind person. It was terrible to
set !
' Mnry," I sahl, desperately, "It Is
your liuliand conic back to you" any
thing, I thought, to rouse her; "won't
you speak to him?"
"Yes," said Mr. Itolmison, eagerly,
"I am your husband, don't you know
me, Mary? Ain't you glad to see me
ny dear?" Tho tears stood In his eyes,
and nlthoogli they could not soften tho
look of tho scarred one, still I could seo
a dim a very dim likeness to tho
picture over the mantelpiece, nnd could
no longer doubt his Identity. Deep
lines seemed to grow In the llttlo wo
man's face as ho spoko toher; the very
roundncis appeared to fall into sharp,
angles, such ns long years of sorrow hail
filled to produce.
"Send him away ; toll tho man to go
away. Cannot lie go away ?" cried sho
"Xo, my dear," said her husband :
"I have come to "stay, nnd I thought
you'd bo glad to seo me." His rough
volco trembled a little. "Sec, I've car
ried your plcturo with mo thro' thick
and thin. When wo were shipwreck
ed I thought about it, and tied it up
water-proof, so I should have that, any
way; and all them long years, when
Tom Urlght and George Griffith and
me used to sit in our hut o'nlghts nnd
tomed spot. Her hntuls were ralsetl
above her head ; her upturned ftico wns
convulsed with an agony of appeal;
but for a tlmo no words camo from her
Hps; sho sank prostrato on tho floor.
"Willie has gono from heaven gone
from heaven! I have lost him! Oh,
where is ho?" Then sho glided back
as silently ns she had conic, but the bit
ter moan sounded in my ears tho long
night through.
The next .i.ornlng she woro the tamo
stony faco. I stayed with her threo
weeks, anil then returned to my own
homo, which had, meanwhile, been
thoroughly renovated. I could sit In
peace before my fireplace now, without
fear of storms or risk of draughts. I
could sit in peace, outwardly, but my
mind had llttlo rest. At intervals of
two or three days I went over to seo
the llttlo woman. Month by month
her faco grow smaller nnd her eyes lar
ger and brighter. Their glitter haun
ted me.
Moro than n year pa.-cd. One cheer
ful morning, In early spring, I was
ironing In tho kitchen : a pleasant
hreezo camo through tho window; tho
blithe birds without made tho orchard
vocal with their lively twitterings, and
a bed of strawberries in the garden de
lighted my eyes with its white blos
soms. Life seemed pleasant to me this
bright morning, and my hands moved
briskly nt my work.
A shailowfellncross tlio ironing-board
ami caused mo to look up. There wns
Mr. Ilohlnson, standing in the door
way.Tho weather-beaten faco had cluing
ed much in the year an unhappy year
it bail been to htm but its events had
stirred the gentler parts of his nature.
IIo looked even sadder than usual this
morning, anil his volco was low and
subdued ;
"Mi-s Jemima, my Mary sems low
er than common; she's clean given out
talk over our wives and homos y"f
and bluer after It is over. I never knew ' picture u-cd to look so hopeful like-just I and gone to bed. My rough hands and
her to have an original idea: Indeed, I like you use to look them first two i ways ain't no account in the sick-room
think she never had but one very clear months I almost forgot 1 was a ship-liU-ii
or any tU'scvlptltm. Tho thought ofUvrecUetl sallor,thoiisauds ofmllesaway.
her whole life had been "her Willie." ! O h, Mary, the long days and the weary
Mrs. Itobison, nlthoiigli a weak little j night-, nnd tho weeks nnd tho months
woman enough, has had a curious his- and tho years ! Yes child, it was awful
toiy ofher own. dreary-like, and your plcturo got dim
She was an orphan : bad married, at I and blurred, nnd I grew old and gray
twenty, William Itobtnon, a sailor of aforo my tinio ; and George, poor fel
the town, and had moved into her pics-1 low ! ho died of a queer kind of a fe
cut liome, Willi her hii-tiand and an old I ver, and wo burled him, decent as wo
uncle with whom she had lived before could, under tho big palm Just above
l.erv tle.trlnlloii ol iienle wnrranted lo nie
enllro Hntlslnetlon. Keiut for CntulOKiin mul Cir
cular! kccnuii'itauil Kenle. or nlher iiiAkern.'luWriv
lu part pny lor ours, for fcnle clitap
Inwardly ; for well do I know, and well
does it know, a!.-o, tho cracks and holes
In my dilapidated dwelling. Hero It
conies whistling and roaring ! with a
whisk it turns my new wig askow:
witli another, tho leaves of my book nro
fluttering nnd Happing, ns if they were
in lcaguo witli tho boisterous thing. I
adju-t my wig and rellnd my placo in
vain ! '1 hero it comes, again and again !
rough blast down t lie chimney sends
tho smoko pooling Into the room, scat
tering a shower of ashes over my clean
while cuitaiiis.
1 slam my hook with n pelulent Jerk,
take up my lamp, and start on an in-
limit march up lo bed. l'reak,creak
go the boariN, as if they wero possessed.
The door refuses to open ; I Jerk and
ull spasmodically ; another blast of
wind ; in.s lamp goes out ; still I lug at
tho door: it opens suddenly, and down
I go. Mi-s Jemima liloor picks herself
up, minus dignity, temper and wig. 1
gropo my way up stairs, stepping light
en certain shaking steps, and run
ning n splinter into my hand fiom tho
broken banister; I reach my room at
last ; must leave tho door unlocked be-
uiso tho lock Is out of order ; undress,
creep Into boil, and cannot close my
eyes, becaiiso tliero is a piece of loo.-o
plaster gaping Just nbove my bend
moro terrible to me than tho sword of
During tho long hours of Hint sleep-
le-s night I worked myself up to ados-
pernio resolution. Tho case, you can
see, was gravo and urgent: I ran Im
minent risk of losing that bland, amia
ble disposition which (as 1 know from
tho concurrent testimony ol my most
discriminating friends) is natural to me.
Tho house shall bo thoroughly repaired!
Not another night will 1 bleep hero un
til It Is l
1 nroso at peep of day, and noon found
mo domesticated at Mrs. Itobinson's
Just over tho way. I am to sleep on tho
lounge In tho parlor, for tho llttlo wo
man possesses only two rooms and u
1 Immediately assembled all tho car
penters, glaziers, tinners, bricklayers,
painters and paper hangers with w'lrom
our village Is blessed. My house Is be
ing repaired and renewed outsldo and
in. I contemplate tho changes thus
going on with well let tho truth bo
told with somewhat mixed emotions,
I am slowly coming to tho conclusion
that there Is no such tiling as perfect
happiness In this sublunary sphere.
Men nro so intensely aggravating, es
pecially carpenters, gin.lers, tinners
bricklayers, painters nnd paper hang-
One afternoon wo sat my hostess
and 1 hi her llttlo parlor; I at tliofroul
window looking across tho street nnd
watching that rascal John Ktocker, the
carpenter. Good heavens! Therohosat
In my best room window, swinging his
heels and smokingn p!po--untn thought
of my work In ills head I Now, tho odi
ous creature knows no ono better--what
a hurry 1 inn In and how 1 detest
a pipe, Yet hero 1 may he, for all ho
cares, sleeping on Airs, iioiiinsoirs
young William sailed for India. The
appointed time fur his return had pass
ed: month by month went by, and still
ills wife looked forliim whonevereamo,
After two years tho old uncle was laid
at rest, and the little woman was left
quite alone.
Howslie walled and watched watch
ed all through youth, all through mid
dle age waited and watched in vain
through twenty lung, long years !
In all that time her one thought when
shoro-eln the morning wasof" Willie:"
her last thought when sho laid down at
night was ofher lost hu-banil. Night
ly, long after wo had gone to bed and sho
tho hut. Then Tom and I led a rough
kind of lifo
didn't seem
There ho paused and looked at Mary
sitting motionless: "1 thought, some
times', If ever I did get back, It would
be kind o'hard lor you to get tispil to
wouldn't you Just step over and seo If
you could help her any? I wouldn't
ask It if I could get along without."
"instantly," I replied, putting on
my bonnet. "I will lock up the house
and go hack with you,"
I found Mrs. Ilohlnson lying on her
bed, tho room darkened. She looked
up and smiled a sweet, dim muIIo
then, closing her eyes, she lay quite
still. Hour after hour, that I st by
her bedside, she never moved nor spoke.
wo got savage like, and I In the evening 1 scut for the village
tn care much about any- doctor n quiet, meek little mini who
, shook his head, looked doubtful, and
left some powders.
And so she lay for live days and four
nights. Sometimes she was feverl-h,
and would turn and mutter: but usti-
Onr Candidates.
Wr. hoist to tho nmst-hcud of our pa
her, In this first Issue, the names of Hon.
Chnrles li. Hoyle, of Kayetto County,
nnd Gen. Wellington IL Knt, of Colum
bia County, for the respective offices ol
Auditor and Surveyor General.
Charles L. Hoyle, the nominee for An
dltor General, Isn prominent member
of tho bur of Kayetto County, was a
member of the Legislature during the
session of 1MJ7, and President of the
Convention Hint nominated the Hon.
Geo. Sharswood forjudge of the Su
preme Court. Mr. lloylo's ability and
conscientious honesty U a pari of the
history of this great Commonwealth,
uud Is conceded, even by his bitterest
political opponents. In this connection
we copy from tho Stale Guard of March
Cth, the organ of tho Radical party at
Ilarrlshurg, the following paragraph of
one of Its leading editorials:
"It e.innot ho den ed that hols n ninn
of ability, that ho Is personally honest,
and, if elected Auditor General, would
miiKo a competent, omeer."
This speaks volumes In his favor.
When extreme Hail leal Journals, such
as tho Slate Uncivil, speak In tills man
ner of our nominees, wo have nothing
to fear.
Of Gen. Wellington II. Knt, the nom
inee for Surveyor General , wo can speak
much, as wo have a lingering eelio for
any ono with whom wo have associated
lu tho gallant Sixth Heglment of the
Pennsylvania Reserves ; having our
selves served, for some time, In the
humble, but honorable, capacity of a
privato soldier, in that Itcglnient. How
well we remember Gen. Knt when
but a Lieutenant, then a Cnptaln, Ac
Ids pleasant smile mid cheerful counte
nance, nnd beyond nil that, his great
ambition to promote the welfare of his
entire command. As a gallant soldier
and courteous gentleman none aro his
superiors. Tho many Important com
mands which ho held during the war
aro sufficient guarantees of his ability
to fill the position to which ho has been
nominated. General Knt served the
entire term of threo years, and partici
pated, witli ills Regiment, in all the
important battles in which tho Army
of the Potomac was engaged, from
Drnnosvlllo to tho front of Richmond.
IIo was wounded a few days prior lo
tho expiration of his term of service,
and returned homo with tho proud sat
isfaction of knowing that ho had done
his duty.
With such men as thoso for otircandl
dates, and abiding faitli In tho great
principles of our party, wo do not fear
tho result; and that result will he
an overwhelming victory in October,
and tho downfall of Radicalism. IV
c.V Democrat.
me and my ways, and I'd feci awkward ally she lay quite still, her small, thin
With decent folks. It was nigh on hands folded, and that wonderful smile
twenty ytars, I think, before wo was on her face. The evening of the fifth
found; but 1 thought, maybo you'd be 1 day the room was Inten-ely still; Mr.
kind o'glad to -ee mo any way." And I Robinson nut! r sat watching tho calm
the pour fellow broke tlowti, and look- face, white ns the pillow beneath It.
A GiiiiAT Max o.n Tin: Phkss... Dan
iel Webster believed in newspapers,aud
ho used to say "Small Is the sum that
Is required to patronize a newspaper
and amply rewarded is Its patron. I
care not how humble or unpretending
the gazette which lie lakes. It is Im
possible to fill a sheet w It It printed mat
ter without putting something In it thai
is worth the pricoofsub-erlptlon. Kverj
patent whose -on is away nt school,
should send him a newspaper. I well
lemenibera marked difference between
those of my schoolmates who bad, and
those who had not access to new: spupcr-.
Other things being equal, the first were
were always superior to the latter
in debate, lonipo-itlon andgeneial In-
ed wistfully at his wife
Rut the llttlo woman's mind seemed
quite gone. Sho did not answer him a
thought me asleep, her little figure ! word, mid laid again fallen into thai
.,, . . ...i.i iu ..... . iia.i
iviiti uaitbitii-iy fcuuiiw riu j.piuiiiu, .i-i..w.- - - --. .
would steal from the bed-room and
kneel lu a spot she had often shown me,
Where Willie had saldhis la-t good bye,
and there she would pray, In a low.soft
voice, thewordsalways thosaiuo: "My
God, take me home to my Wllllu;
oh, come and take mo! Willie, my
husband, come back and lake mo!"
And then she would creep away to her
room its quietly as she came.
lly the fireplace stood Willie's arm
chair: out In the pantry wero Willie's
cup uud saucei',caiel'ull,v,tenderly wash
ed every day, Over the mantleplcce
hung Wlllle'.s picture -to her, that of a
beautiful hero; to me, that of a very
ffiiiiinniiiihico vouiil' man with blue
eyes, light curling hair, large features
and a turned-tip no-e. 1 have seen love,
dovolloii, Infatuation, all manner of
mischief brought on through men; but
never, In all my experience, had I en
countered such complete merglngof one
llfo Into another. To her.Willlo .-eemed
to ho not all this world only, but all sho
dreamed of In tho world to come. She
did not think ofhlni as on earth, but
as lu heaven.
The little woman's mind and heart
wero a study to me. I was sitting, with
my hands In my lap, thinking her
over, sho still knitting, and the click of
the needles diversified by the splash,
Just audible, of tho large, comfortable
tears on her neat black silk, when wo
wdfo both startled by a vigorous swing
of the g.ito and u heavy step on the
gravel. A moment and tho door was
Hung upon, uud suddenly, without word
III' gesture, a i.ll'ge, weainei-oeaien,
rough-looking man ttood, like an ap
parition, beforo us. A long, purple scar,
his rurciic.ui aim eneeic, gave n
cpresslou to one eye. 1 Io stared
n gazed about tho room ror
somo lime without speaking ; at hist ho
fastened his eyes on Mrs. Robinson. Sho
erupt behind me and whispered," I'kaso
send him away MI-s Jemima ; see how
ho staros I Dear, dear I what a dreadful
man !"
"What do you wish sir?" I inquired,
boldly enough, 1 think, although quak
ing internally, for he had now tuuisfer
rod his eyes to mo.
"Does Mrs, Mary Jano Uoblnson live
hero ?" Tho harsh volco madu us both
"Yes; I urn Mrs. Robinson." said
fixed, unnatural stare.
might rouse her by cnllln
I thought I
her thoughts
suddenly a light broke over her
mes. Sho Hung her arms upwnrd with a
murmur of Joy: "Willie, 1 am com
ing!" sank hack, her breathing grow
ing shorter and feebler a gentle, -carce
perceptible struggle, anil the little wo
back to dally things. "Mary, dear," I man was gono from her pain, from her
1 s.ild, "Mr. R'lliiiisinniiist bo hungry
alter his Journey: wont you get him
somo supper?"
Sho left tho room without a wold,
moving mechanically, like one In a
dream. Half an hour passed, during
which Robinson had given mo a sketch
of his shipwreck. It was tho old story
tho same, with variations, that Do
Koc and Tennyson anil Adelaide Proc
tor have told. He and his two compan
ions had been washed on an Wand,
rich lu beautiful vegetation, but Infi
nitely dreary in lis solitude through
the long, long years of watching to
which the cataways wero doomed. He
told me how hope hail died out, when
one morning at sunrise, they saw a
ship steering for tho Island, signaled
her, nnd were taken on board, Sho wns
"Tho Zephyr," bound for New York,
and In llttlo moro than two months sho
brought them liome.
When Robinson had finished his
storv. I went out to see what had be
come of his wife. Sho was In the pan
try, standing before Willie's cup, and
the blessed tears wero streaming down
her face. As soon as sho saw mo alio
fell on my neck, sobbing convulsively.
"Must 1 ulvu him Willie's cup?. No
lips have touched it since ho went
nway. How can 1 give it to Hint man?"
I let her cry until sho was exhausted;
then I raised hergentlyaiiil carried nor
to bed.
"Llo there fifteen minutes, dear: by
that tlmo I shall havo supper ready
Sho obeyed ns a little child might.
When I went lo her sho was wlilto ami
still, her lids closed. Alarmed, I call
ed her hastily by name, and she raised
her eyes to mine. There was still tho
same fixed glitter in them. I lifted
her from the bed nnd arranged her
dress; she was quite passive under my
It was a dreary supper, nnd a more
dreary evening. Hut at la-t It camo to
tin cud,
I lay half the night turning icstlessly
on my lounge. The moonlight poured
aciossthe room In u broad stream,
Willie's iilcturo looked down at mo
with tm unearthly expression ; Willie's
urm-chalrtook weird forms in the dim
the llttlu woman, retreating further ho-1 light. I thought over tho rapid sue
hind me. Suddenly I wns seized, chair, cession of events, until my head grow
and nllTnml deposited lu the middle of dizzy with thinking, Then the re-
lounge for ii month or two, and all the thorooin; tho next monient Ihostranger proachful eyes of the young Wllllo
time my parlor-Mrs Jemima Hloor's lifted Mrs. Robinson nnd gave her a seemed staring ut mo irom too uarK
best loom scented with tobacco! I ' bear-like hug, the llttlo woman strtig-1 rorncrsofthe room; nml inlngleil with
longing, irom her rend delusion gone
to a world of light and peace, where
all delusions vanish gono to a world
wheto, ero long, there will be another
meeting; and then Willie will be recog
nized and welcomed by that faithful
heart and loved forever;
Meanwhile, a heal old man -till lives
In tho house over tho way. He, too, Is
going fast. Ills hair Is white a i sullen
ed light shines in his eyes; his mouth
falls easily Into a tender smile when
you speak to him of Mary, his wife lu
heaven, Perhaps who can tell? -she
Is watching him thence; her Willie be
coming gentler, more spiritualized,
through his loving heart, his lonely
life, nnd tho guaullau Influence exerted
over him from nuotherworld limn ours.
filpplnvott'i .Vauizinc.
An Kxcki.i.k.nt Law. Tho Legisla
ture of Ohio liasenactedn law for which
they will receive tho thanks of every
Christian, moral man and woman in
tho country. It was passed on tho six
teenth of Aprll,and provides for tho In
fliction of n heavy fine ami imprison
ment on any liow.-paper publisher who
shall print or publish an advertise
ment oi nny secret drug or nostrum,
purporting to bo exclusively for the
Use of females ; on any druggist or other
person who shall sell or give away such
drugs; on any person who shall, by
printing or writing, or In any other way
A.wnitH'A.N IIl'mok. -Colonel Isaac
Hams, of Hosfon, who died a few days
ngn, was an ollker under the lTnltid
States Government, lie wns a man of
gieat wit and humor, full of rare and
nicy stories, which ho always told w ith
the mo-t Imperturbable gravity, while
his listeners weieionvulscd with laugh
ter. Ills stoiles alw ays received a fla
vor from his peculiar voice which was
quite thin and pitched upon a high key,
and, In ids later years, "turned towards
childish treble."
In Ills last sickness, bo very forcibly
Illustrated Pope's wellknown line of
"JluliiiK pntoii strnni; lu ih-iiih
His physician camo in, an evening or
two before he died, nod asked blm how
he was feeling
".Shan't live till morning," said tho
Colonel, feebly.
"Oh, yes, I think you will ; you don't
seem to be very near your end."
"Yes, 1 am," piped out tho Colonel.
Tho Doctor then felt of his feet, and
finding them quite warm, said," I think
tliero is no imiuedato danger."
Can't help it ; shan't live till morn
ing," prosl-tcd tho sick man.
"Hut," said tho Doctor, "your ex
tremities are warm, Colonel. Did you
ever know ono to ho very near dying
whoso feet wero ns warm ns yours?"
"That's nothing to do with it. 1
shan't live till morning." wheezed out
tin- Colonel, as If he wero determined to
"You tire quite unreasonable, Colo,
nel," gently Interposed Iho Doctor. "I
nover knew u man to ho very near his
end whoso feet wero a warm as youin."
"Well, I have."
"Who, pray?"
fuming toward tho Doctor, with a
publish mi account or description of I clroll twinkle In his eyes, ho labmingly
such drugs, etc,; on any person who ffnspod out-".om Hoyeri."
shall lu any way publish or elrcnlatu j
any obscene notice ; and on any por-nn
who shall sell or glvo away any news
paper, circular, pamphlet or hook con
taining notice ol'such drugs, etc.
Tho act,of course,ls not to eifecl teach
ing In regularly chartered medical col
Ax oi,ii Orri:Nln:u, A learned Pro-
'ressorina Now Knglnnd College was
J accustomed to demand of students mi
1 ecue whenever they were dilatory nt
recitation, The excuse gl ven, ho luvn
ilahlj added: "Very well j hut don't
leges, or the publication of standard i b't It happen again." One morning a
medical books. j married student, happening to bo he-
If this most excellent law was in op-1 html time, was promptly Interrogated
oration In this State, hundreds If not '" the cause. Slightly embarrassed,
thousands of lives would ho saved, nnd i he icplled :
scores of newspapers, some of them lu . "Tho truth sir, I had
our.owu vlchvty, now almost entirely
dependent for support upon thesu oh
scene and Infamous advertisements,
would pass away from thtf field of Journalism.-
in addition
to my family this morning, and it wit
not convenient to bo hero sooner,"
"Very well," replied tho Professor,
In his quick, nervous manner, "very
, well, hut ihm'l tel II fiappen ;."
WnxiiHi.i, Piiu.iiii'snnd tho Uoston . Ax expert printer will set about tw en
Abolitionists denounce tho Chhngo . ty-llvo thousand letters dally, his hand
Platform lu tho strongest terms. There ' traveling moro than nine utiles, ami In
was not half enough nigger lu il to utt tho woiklng days of the vcar about
1 1 lO'tt 1 three thousand nilto..