THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. j'.u-mcv's Sqiiutmcnt. Clorntnritl for llutter Muklug. At it iiii'ctliiit oftli( Iilttln Knlh I-'iir m r'i ( lull, lit tlrrktinor, X. Y. .Imlgc Owen tntulo ioiii( rpitinrkHun fomlliiK ("lrnmpnl to cow, which nro ropnrtpil as followM, In tho rtlra Herald! lie fottrul no Krotiiiil feed no good for tiutler-nmkliiKiis Indian mail; liomnde a miiniior of l' Intents In foctltiiii mid tho licit rcHUltH wcieohtnlned by fmlliiR it dry. In ditto, tlic iini nirtl ttxik (Mow, inolstenliiK' It with Nillv.i mid thnroiiRhly tnsiitlcut iiiK It. In fit'dlng It wet, hu IIioiikIiI It iuwshI dlii'Ctly tn tho third ctomiu'li, mid hcna Mils not properly iiftinlhiti'd' Und n liirjri cow, of Hit1 IIoliliTiuvi hri'i'd, on whh'h lie t!.ierlinente(l to sim' how intlcli tni'iil could bu Ail with profit l'miniKlmtfeedliiK' twoeiuuri.s at i Icttl. nnd twice u day wuh nil lio would bent Thin, In niUlltlon to liny, brought down tho milk In largo qunntltk'i. Hy such fowl this cow yielded fourteen pound; of butter per week. Her hk'hcstpro duct wiw forty-one pounds In tlftccn ilnyi, besides thirty qnnrU of milk, which win saved out for family use, Did not regurd turnlpi in of much vnl' tie for milch cowsj preferred potntocs tn titr moro vnlunblo to reed. Corn mill Umftt. Kiom carefully conducted experl merits, hy different person', It lni been HH-ertsiIned that one bushel of corn will iimKe u little over ten und ono-li nil poundi of pork, bums. Taking tho n Milt if 11 buU, tho follow lnirdrliictlon! me linitle, which till our fnrmeri Moulu do well to Iny by for n convenient refer eiHC, Unit ben corn m-IIs lor lijcetiti perbiHli. el, perl; co-its li cents per pound. In n com win 17 ceiitr ) i r liHr-hel pink eo-lH icent n pound. In n corn o-its 25 cent per bushel, 1 oi i. co-ts ;! cent pound. ln ii (orn costs 3a cents per buliel, u-ts t cents rt pound b ii corn cot BO cents per bmbel, piii'lc coiIh u cent" a pound. Tht following statement shows what the unncr realizes iii liN com when wild in the form of pork: When pork K'lls for rtcent' per pound it i' iujj-i i'. cent per bushel tn com When pork sell for I cenli per pound it brings an euntijTier bushel In corn. When pork sells forO cents per pound it brings l.j cents per bushel in corn Tht emu (Hull. The corn crop has several formidable enemies to contend with, and amonu them is what is commonly called tin white trrub, which damages tho croi wrlounly. One of the best and most Jil dielous remedies, perhaps tho very best ever biiggested, Is the application of self, as soon as tho plant makes its appear ance abovo tho ground. Take one par. of common mltnml three parts plastei or gypsum, .and apply about a table spoonful aruimd each hill, and It will bi a sure protection. Tho mixture Mioulil not come In contact with tho uprout.-, as it may destroy them. This method h.w been tried over nnd over iigulu hj some of tho best farmers of I'enusylva nhi, Delaware and Jersey, and when properly applied has nevct failed to hi perfectly succenful. Wo hope our farm ers, who have reason to fear tho depre datlons of the grub this season, will tr.v this mixture, leaving a few iilternuu rows of corn without tho salt, and com municate to us tho result. Wonro aware some writer? say salt has no effect upon vormin, but wo speak In this matter on the best authority. Gemiunloini Til. Tomato plants may now bo trans planted from tho hot-bd at any time. They should be et firmly in tho soil, which should bo well-manured: and for tho llrst wedc or two, should the weather bo wnrm, bo protected against tho sun during four hours of tho day. If tho nights hocoolor frost threatened, they should bo covered In somo way old newspapers, with stones or clod.i at tho corners, aro as good as anything for tho llrst two weeks. .Mulching with gia-s and frequent stirring or tho soil havo an assuring effect In producing an "abundant crop. Some peoplo allow tho vines to run over the ground entirely, and wondmli that they will produeoas greatly tbli way as perhaps any other, but, coming In contact with tho soil, their flavor Is Octroyed and they becomo insipid and worthlc-H. Our mode is to "bush" thrm a- we do peas, only more exten sively, and we havo the best of crops. Tho expen-o of trellises aud flame work, which nmnteurgardcncr.ilnilulge in, Isjust Fomuch money thrown away. Cenii'intoicn Telegraph, IiiiiIIiiqMiuu lliaiu, It is notgcnerally known, or If known practiced by few, that Lima beans, so lial lo to rot afterplantlnglnawet spell, can be protected ng dust this danger by simply gmutng them well liefore plant ing. It should bo done thoroughly, and unless theseiison bo extremely wet, It will prove asuro remedy. A few yearsago, w hllea neighbor had to plant his bed a third time, ours was wholly uninjured. This Is a hint worth acting npon. It may Insure many a crop ol early Lima, which everybody admits Is tho "bean of mw,"amnanloun TtUgraph. The Varuier'i Wife. In thcro any position a mother can covet for her daughter, moro glorious than to bo the wife of an honest, Inde pendent, happy farmer, In a country like this V To bo tho wlfo of one who Is looked up to by the neighbors as one whese tsfinijile may be safely followed one whose farm is noted far and near as n model of neatness and perfection of cultivation ? To bo mistress of a niun fIoii of her own, tlmt mny bo tho envy or every pasrer-hy, because It Is neat and comfortable a sweet and lovely homo? To bo theangel that flits through tho garden, bidding tho flowers bloom, oml twining roses and honeysuckles around tho bed room, or sweetening UK'IrJrngraneo with hersweetest smile; or spreading the'.mowy cloth beneath tho old oak nl tho door to welcomo her husband as lio returns from his toll; or even tipping tho cradle with her foot as .ho piles tho dasher with her hand, or busily moves thenwdlo,'nt the samo thno humming a Joyous song of pralso thnt.'t hols the happy nnd U'lovfd wlfeof mi American farmer ono of tho trim noblemen of this freo country ono that should by right, rank as tho prldo and glory. of America? Wman' Jlurttl tt'orhl. .o v the Houiifl olliis. A Clill.r llrrnm nr n Slnr, HY t'HAUI.r.S IIU'KKN Tiiuuu wa once n child and he! strolled nhout n good deal, and thought of n number of things. He bad u sister who Mas ii child too, nnd his constant companion. These two wero used to wonder all day long. They wondered it tho beauty of the llowers ; they won Icred at the height and blueness of tho sky; they wondered at the depth of tho bluo water; they wondered at tho goodness and power of Clod, who made tho lovely world. They used to s.iy to one another, "omctliucH, suppo-lug all tho children upon the earth were to die, would the .lowers, and the wat'-r and tho sky bo nrry '.' I'or, said they, the buds are .he children of the llowers, und the Ut ile playful streams that gambol down thu hillsides aro tho children of tho wa ter; and tho smallest bright specks playing at hide aud seek In tho sky all night, must bo tho children of tho stars and they would all bo grieved to sco their playnintcs, tho children of men, nu moro. Thero was ono clear, shining star, that urd to como out lit tho sky before the rest, near tho church spire, abovo iho grave. It wa? larger and moro beautllul, they thought, than all tho others, and every night they watched for it, standing baud In hand at tho window. Whoever saw It llrst cried out, "I see the star." And often they cried out both together, knowing so well when It would rise, and where. So iheygrowto be such Mends with It, that, before lying down In their beds, ' hey always looked out onco again, to Old it good night ; nnd when they were tinning mound to sleep they used tn say, "dm! bless tho star 1" l!ut while she was still very young, oli, very, very youiig,the sister drooped and came to bo so weak that sho could no longer Maud In tho window at night ; aim men the child looked sadly out by hlmelf, and when ho saw tho star, turned loimd nnd said to tho patient paio luce on tho bed, "I sco tho star I" and then a smile would come upon the lace, anil a llttlo weak voice used to say, "lion mess my brother und tho star I" And 'o tho tlmo camo all too soon I when tho child looked out alone, and wnen tlierowas no paio facoon tho bed; und when thcro was a llttlo gravo among tho graves not thero before ; and when tho star mado long rays down to ward him, as ho. saw It through his si lent tears. Now, these rays wero so brlcht. and they seemed to mako such a shining way irom earth to heaven, that when tne clilld went to his solitary bed, he dreamed that, lying whero ho was, he saw a train of people taken up that sparkling road by angels. And tho star, opening, showed a great world of light, where many moro such angels waited to receive them. All theso angels who wero waiting turned their beaming eyes upon tho peoplo who wero carried up Into tho star; and some camo out from tho long rows in which they stood, and i'cII upon tho people's necks, and kissed them .eiHlerly, and went away with them lown avenues of light, and wero so iiappy In thel r company that lying In .lis bed ho wept for joy. Hut thero wero many angels who did not go with them, nnd among them ino ho know. Tho patient faco that onco laid upon the bed was glorlfled and radiant, but his heart found out his sis ter among all tho host. Ills sister's angel lingered near the entrance of tho star, andsald to tho lea der who had brought tho people hither. "Is my brother comoV" Aud ho said "no." Sho was turning hopefully uway. when tho child stretched out his arms, aud cried, "() my sister, I am hero! Inko mo !" And then sho turned her beaming eyes upon. him. and it was night ; nnd tho star was shining into tho room, making long rays down to wards him ns he saw It through ills tears. From thishour forth, tho child looked out upon tho star as upon tho homo ho was to go to, when his tlmo should come; and ho thought that ho did not belong to the earth alone, but the star too, because of his sister's nneel gone before. Thcro was a baby born to bo a broth er to tho child; and whllo ho was so llt tlo that ho had nover yet spoken a word no siretclicd his tiny form upon his bed nnd died. Again the child dreamed of tho open star, and of tho company of angels, and tho train of peoplo, nnd tho row of nn gels with their beaming eye all turned upon those pcoplo's faces. Said his sister's angel to tho leader "Is my brother hero?" And ho said : "Nqt that ono, but an other." Astho child beheld her brother's an gel In her arms, ho cried : "O sister, 1 am hero! take mo!" And sho turned and smiled upon him, mid tho star was shining. Ho grew to bo a young man, and was Inisy at his books, when an old servant camo to him and said: "Thy mother is no more. I bring her blessing on her darling son." Again, at night, ho saw tho star and all tho former company. Said his sister's angel to the leader "Is my brother come?" And ho said, "Thy Mother." And a mighty cry of Joy went through all that star, becauso tho mother was ro-unltcd to her two children. And bo stretched out his nrms, and cried, "O mother, sister and brother, I am hero 1 tako moi" nud they answered him, "Not yet," and tho star was shining. Ho grew to be a man, whose hair was t liming gray, nnd ho was sitting in his chair by tho tireside, heavy with grief, and with ills faco bedewed with tears, when tho Mar opened onco again. Bald his sister's angel to tho leader "Is my brother como?" And he said, "Nay, but his maiden daughter," And tho star was shining. Thus tho child camo to bo nu old man and his onco smooth faco was wrinkled, and his steps wero slow and feeblo, and his back was bent. And ono night ns ho lay on his bed, his children standing round, ho cried, as long ogo "I sec tho stat!" They whispered ono ttfanotlicr "Ho Is dying." 1 - And ho said. "I um. My ago Is fall ing from ino llknn garment, nnd I movo toward tho star ns a child. And, O my l'ather I now I thank theo that It has so often opened to receive those dear ones who await mo I" And tho slur was shining and It uhlnca upon his gravo. DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOPLAO'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A Nil Hooflantl's German Tonic. Prcjinri-il b) Dr. r. 31. Jnckion, I'mtltKLsniJ, 1'a The Great 'Jtenictllei rcR ill Diiamtot tai LIVEIt, STOMACH, or DinCSTlVE OROA1V9. Hootknd's Gorman Bitters N of tho iuroJutcefl, (or Mthey r mnUclwIlr Ulra r -, ry ti, tttracU) of Iloou, lUrl-i iHT-Hr ndBr),mnk li'iiarrcwatlon, JBB. tilfliljr eoncra trav.1, ri.4 cwlra H-MU WfrafnmAU cu'io.'..' it ItnUlurt tf Any Und. Hoofland's German Tonio, U a comhhatlon of nil the tnirrcttlcnti of ths HlMfl. nltli tLa rnircst nualltv nf Smtt rv Han, Oraniwi, I'lc, making one cf tho moul r,: fluuMtil nrul ifrii'i4Uio remcdUi ever olTureJ to .he I'uWIc iiionw prticmntr ft siMiPitui rrcfl Irom Alco I ollc mhtilituie, ueo Hoofland's Gorman Bitters. In rftti of norroiu Joi'reailon, when om t'coho:id atlmuhu 1 necenaary, Hoofland's Gorman Tonio ttotiM Lc uierf, The Hitter or the Toule are both equally gooil, and contain the enrae rnedMnal Tlrtue. Tho tooiAch. from ft Torfetv nrcinui anh B tiidliresiloo, Dye . . DehUty, etc , U lie ruiicttor.e de (SH JM all or hlcb ii, 'Qfce liidliresiloo, liye pepila, JJerveu Tery apt vt cave ranged. The re Hint lh na(l..nt l!!er from scverAl ar mnr f t tl, r.fWiin.. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Filet Fulnya of Blood to tho Uead, Acmity of tho Stomach, Nausea, llparEburu, Distrust lor Food, Fulness or We in tit In tho Btomach, Sour Erno tatione, Sinking or Flut terinjr at tho Pit of tho Stomaeh, Swimming of tho Head, Hmrlod or Dinlcult Broath In?. Fluttortnir at tha Jloart, Chokinsp or Bulfocatin Sensations when in a Lyliiff Poaturo, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Weba beforo tno SiRht, Dull Pain in the Head, Deflotcncy of rerapiratiou, Yellow ness of tho Skin and Kyes, Pain in tho - , Side. Back, Chtt, Ltm f47B bs, ole.. Bud denFlushosof lm JM Jfoat, Burn inff la the bJP Flesh, Con stnn ImnfflninKS of EvU, and Oreat Depression of Spirits. TIm-m remedies will effectually eure Lher 1 omilolnt. Jaundice, Dyflncpala, Chroalo or ervotij DehWty, Uhroulo Dkrrhcea, Dleeaee of the KIdncya, and e.11 Dieeaaea arlaing from a DLiordered Liter, Btomoch, or Intceilnea. DEBILITY, JLiCLT", Givtn wmf stir ; PI103T rt ATI OX OP TBXB SYSTEM. Imdocio sr bum Iasoa, UisDsmrn. Eirosuss, Fa Tits, bto. There la no medjclne extant eqal tu theee rcmediea in iuch caws. A tone sod visor U Ira parted to the whole eyitem, tha Appetite U Btrcngtbcned, food . le enjotcd, the Wood la purified. JB1! Ibe compfeilon beeotnea sound and Beaw healthy, ue ycl tow tinge 1 eradicated from the eye, stloom la given to the cheek, and the weak and twvoui rnva'td beoemea a strong snd healthy being. Persons Advanced in Life And feelrng the band of time woiMng TieariT) wpon them, with all tie attendant ilia, will find In the uie of th!a IUTTKitH, or the TONIC, an 4xlr that wUi loiUl now life Into thdr reins, rtatore hi a nwaiure the energy and ardor of more youthful day, build up their shrunken forms and Se health and happlueee to their remalnlojf ycara. IJOTICE, Itii a wdl-citaMIihed fact that fully one-half of ths female por r Uon of our popu lation aro leldoin TW" In the enJometil of Koodl.eulihior, ( a to oe lli3- own expreHMlou.ntver UBhB fvtl wb;1.' They arwIaotuM,duvofd of all energy, extremely ner roue, Niid hae t:o spicule. Tothliclamof permna the CITTEU9, or the TOMll, Ii i.peclally rt'commendtd. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Arc inu lu itrung liy th uio ct either of tlxw rcmcdlc Ihty will cure tvtry caie of MA UA8MU3,wltliuutfUl. Tliuuinndsof cvrtlucatea have aecumnlated 'n the handa or the loprUlor, hut er are will allow of the putlluiUon oi tmt a few. Tlioae, it will bo observed, aie men of note and of auch etacd trig tlut ihey muit he believed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, t7iiJu-fiv oM Stij rtme Cvart o Pa , wiltee Vhila-U!pii, March 10, 1M7, -I Ctil Mloor Hitler1 1h a (.--ml dUcaMieof tliudl hit) l'a tiiTinait lOIll'", untful In and of t-reat tin at ui2U eUt In eee of de goailte oa'ann. winj, aim wai,i. tn noua acuui in the f(ttcai 'loiiii trutv, "(il'.O W. WOl)VA!II." Hon. James Thompson, JuJgt t,t Xujrtmt lmrt vf 'luntMnli. rhi'4'i'lpMi, April 21, IMA "1 eoniiUr lltHiilaad'i Ucrnuii IUu-b' h wiuull mdicii lu 04 of attvk of iitl lloo ci lij'fpcpiU. I un certify this from my eiperieiKeid ft. ' Youri, with reptct, "JAMI-i 'niUUI'tiON." Vtom Rev, Joseph II. Kcimard, D.D, i'4Whr of t!.e Ttn'K Hij-ftst Church, rA-W''... lr. JiieKiunif.t Hir 1 hne htn tyntuWy ul'luUri tJ iiiiinct iny n nr wilii rt it nir fi dailom (if ditU'iiM Liuda ol inert1 I . 1 tit, n ttmdiiig tl.e tUv ii.t ot i'i appropriate "TT T ;pW 1 U i.i all ciui-idn-ll-icilj ii vs., but vhii a itw r proof In aiiou W- t&I itiatuin .m.) u.r tlruiurl) in mpn fiinllj.ot tin- u.1iu'm ot l)f. llwon.iil'Ov'nnaa Diltir, 1 hji t.t U r once from my uml coLrne, to cTprtui i )u I mum ttmi iit,jvr ptneral tlthtitty .-f thf au,l trjwi'l jvr lit'ir Camjtawt, U il u tiwj uiit'( titration. Iti tome e awe It ma. Un . but un uly, I duM not, It w ill l u r bt nwi i to ilti;' t).o uilvT from tlie ah-o i oure, iry riprrtfni'y, J. Jl. KKNNAIiTJ, i:ihl.tlj, bi.yw C nte it From Rev. 33. D. Fcudall, Jtiit'ant yhtor ChritHan C,niU, i'A?dJt j Ad. 1 haTo dorired dochled 1-erj-flt from tho me ot JIiKiMid'a(itri)inn lijtteri.hiidfcel it my pint logo to rccinimid them aa a motnliitl le tonle to all hj are iiillL'rli.g from general debility or from dUt-uca arUlnit from domngtment of the Ilur. Ycura truly, K. 1. FKNJJALI. CAUTIOIf. Iloofland'i Gorman lmedleaar counterfeit- JACKcONUoo ,M the wrapper of eaehouie. AU j Jf othei. L Trliielf al OHlce an t Manufactory at tht Oer "tnuInBicrelNo.031AliCiIauet, 1'hii- CnAItLE3 M. EVANS, Uerman Dragslat, proprietor, v , v formerly U.M.Jicaios A Oo. or sale by all lmggt.taand Dealcieinlledl- 1110330. Iloofland'a aerraaa Bittern, per Utile. ., 00- Bute? a ToD,ci Tut op la qoart s w i. 1 fiO per botUe,orsha!f downier,,,,,,,. 1 id- 3T Do Dot forget to eiarnlne well tha article, m Voy, to wJu to Kt the genaltf. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONI& Janumy l,li. DRY GOODS. M JMjtilt'S STOItK. THEHU AUIUVAIi OK FALL AND WINTER 0001H. The Kubacrlbcr 1ms Just rpturncil from the cities Willi nnotlier largo nnd nelcct ftsxortmcnt of BritiNO and BUM&tnn cioons, pu relinked In New York mid rhilfulctphlci ftt tho Inwi'NtflKtirc, nnd Mhlch ho in ilotcrmtucil to fiell nn at modern to trrms nn can bo procured tlio M hrro In llluomsburg. Ills sloelt comprlHin IiADIEft' Dittos GOODS ii f ttitf cliolceal st) les niut latest fashlofiH, tone! lief wlthnlirge nMorlmcnt of Dry Goods nnd (Iro- rrrle, coneltuta of tun following nrtlclev CnriictH, Oil Clotlix, rtothx, rfllmcrwi, 'HI in w 1ft, Flannels, Hllks, WhltoOotKls, Line us, ItooprJklrt, Muslint, Hollow ware Cedarwaro Quecu.HM'(tro, Uardwato lloota nnd Shoes, Hflts nnd Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrollai, LooklngUla.HHes, Tobacco, CofTec, Bugars, Ittce, Allspice, dinner, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONH GEN It ALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which no Invite? tho Attention of tho public generally. The highest price will bo paid for country produce In exchange for goods. S. It. MILLKU&HON. A rendu IlulldliiKK, Iiloomburg, Tn. Ci UK AT INDUCTION IX liUCMS at I'lrriiit i:nth sTonr, IN LIGHT HTUrr.T, or Hl'IUXG AND SUMMEU GOODS. THII KubfcrllKT has JuhI lfelvM nnd hits on hand at Ids old htntid in Light Htreet, n Inrgo nnd select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE putchn-sed at the lowest figure, nnd which lio determined to Bell on ns moderate terms ni bo procured elsewhere in Light Ktieel, hvn cash on couxmr pjwduca. llli stock consists of LADIES' DHESS GOODS, choicest styles nnd latest fashion?, Calicoes, Muslins, Glnghumt, Flannel, Hosiery, Carpi t, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, HatlncttH, Cusslmers, Cottonndes, Kentucky Jeaim, dLC, A AC GROCERIES, MACKEltAij, Queenware, Cedarwaro, Hnrdwnre, Medlcinett, Drugs, Oils, Faints, Ac. ROOTS A SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept In a country store. The patronage of his old friends nnd the public generally, is respectfully solicited. The highest market prlco paid for country pro duce, pktiik i;nt. Light Htreet, Nov. a I8o7. J J. R R O W E R, Is now ottering to tho public hia Block of A'PiJ ISO GOODS confuting In part of a full lino of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG OA It V HTS, Fine cloths nnd cnslmero for Ladies coat, iiandomk muzsa GOODS, of all iatterus nnd qualities, Inlalds and rrlnts of various qualities nnd prices, II LEACHED AND DItOWN MUHUNH, LA DIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, DALMORAL1 SKIRTS. Good n-Shortment of LADIES' it CJIILDliEXS OAITJiIiS& HOOTS. Fresh Groceries and Hptces. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WARE, FX-NO. 1 MACKEREL In ono-hnlf nnd onefurth barrels. Now Is the time to make your selections, m I nmofTerlng gootU nt very low prices, nnd our motto 1h fair dealing to nil, and not to bo under old by any. J. J. D HOWE It. Bloomsburg, April 12, lwJ7. N EW Y01UC 1'IAXO TOllTK COMPANY. (CHAUTtimn MATICH 11.) lanufacturerfi of (IIIAN1) AND BQUARK AGRAFFE PIANO-FORTKS. No. 3IQ nntl 312 Eeeouil Avenue, (coii.NKn or SOtli him:r.T,) cw voitt: Hitul fortloMrlntlvo Cutulogim anil Prlc Llt, April il.'oS am. honison'ti Crown CrinolIni"s Aro Charming for LlnhtntHN. Thomson's Crown Crinolines Are Buporlor tor Elnhtlclty. rpiioinson's Crown Crinolines Ar uncquullcu for Durability. rPli()mson'rt Crown Crinolines X In n wonl, nre Ilio lest in tho world, nud moro widely Known than any oilier, At wholesale hv T1I0J1S0N, LANCIDON A Co.. April 2l,'CS-3in. 3D1 llroixluy New Yoik, H. AltTMAN. C. II, D1I.J.1NURR. K. H. ILATMA RTMAN, DlIiLINQER & CO., NO. 220 240KTII Til HID 8TRKET, (.Vcarj opposite James, Kent, &antrf .t Cb.) Wholesale Pealers In YAH.NH, IIATTINO, WADDING, UAUl'hTM OIL CLOTHS, SHAPES, KLY NETH, CHAIN IIAOB, COItDAOi:, 4C, ALSO, WIIXOW AND WOODKN WAIIH, VIIUHHI, TRUNKB, LOOKINO OLASAU, ETC. May ID., jjOWK, HUSTON & CO., Mauufacturcrx wid AN'holci.ale Denlem la CWrON YAIINR, CAUPUT CHAINS, BATTS, W1CKH, TIE YAIINB, COIlDAQi:, IlllOOMH, WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, LOOK'Cl I,ABSEH, CLOCKS, FANCY BABKETH TAIILT, FLOOIt, AND CAMtlAOE 0ILCL0TIlH,4c, No. SM Market Btrcct, nonth ia, Hilladelphla. O 0 F I N a. itOO! toOFtNfl In rolls, reatlv to bn oniu.l .tnwn. HOOFINQ dm 1 1 liir much liss, nud moreakrablo inau nu, ItOOFINO that can bo applied by any ordinary workman, HOOriNO that win not expand or contract by ...,.,..... the action of the weather. ItOOFINO that tsadaptril to steep or flat roofs. Hend for n sample nnd circular. ItEAllY HOOF ING CO., 81 MaldeuLaue, New York. May 15,'w-3in. rj.ALES COPPER STRIP FEED JTCUTTKH For hand or horse-power, acknowledge the fast est, fastest, and In every way best In use. For sale by J. It. DECATUR A CO.. Dealers In Ag rlcullural Implemeuls.itc, Bend lor Illustrated Circular, May, 15,'ta-Sm. JOHN 0. YEAGER & CO., Wholesale Dealers In . HATS, CAIN, BTRAW GOODH, AND LADIES' FUItS, No. 257 North Tldrd Btreol, PhlUvleOphU. jyjUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YOI1K, F. .V. WINSTON, MM, Oross Asst U Feb. I, IMS ISSJI1MIII 5 Incoinefor 1SC7 !7Wilsii) Dividend puld Policy holders lu li7, DtDfln M largest Mutual Comny In the world. Heduetlon of Hates. .. ........ JU"N U. PHKEZE, Agent, March l'il.f. llloomsburg, l'a. MISCELLANEOUS. 8 OJIET1IIN0 NEW. Tlio tinderfdiifd boir lerwft tn inform her friends nnd tho nnbtlo sencrnlly. Hint ho lina openel In IIOIIT BTHEKT n rrenh ntnek of goods In the line of JIILLINEHY mul TUIMMINGS in eonnecllon with Drem MftUlnci nnd H pre pared in addition, to COLOH HTIlAW HATS on the horteH tiotlce,nnd in tho best style of ino an, rucen enenp una worit nausinciory, MIW.E. KLINE. Light Bireet.OctolKT I, 1SGL M ISS UVMK RARKLEY lias Juit ritiiruoa from l'hllatlclpliln, and has bought, nnil Is now orrerlng tlio hrt amorlmpnt of FANCY noODS, rrtiMMiNOs, IIONNf.TS.te.Ac, ever exhibited In Illoomsburu, and Is prepared to make up dresses nnd nil other articles of female wardrobe, nt Rhort notice, hnd tn tho best nnd LATEBT BPltINO BTYLES. ltooms in tho Itninsej Ilulldlngs, on West Malu Btrcct. fall nnd see her varied stoclc of Hprlng Goods. May ,'W. THE GREAT RR1ZE! Expositon UNtvcHi:u.c 1'AItH, 17. "Till: IIOWi: HEWING MACHINE CO." Awnrded over Eighty-two Competitors, THE HIGHEST PREMIUM, T1IK ONLY ritOSI OT Tim I.UllON OF 11 NOK nnd G O J, J) M 1. I) A L given to American Kewlmr Aiaeliiiu, per Jmpf rial I)ecrtM tnHdMml in tht "Muniu-nr I'nlvt r Bel" (Oitlclal Jou run I of the French Em hire), Tuesday I'd Jnl, !", In tin he wurtisi rnhrlennte, do Mnfhlnei EMAsIIowr, J ii. ncviurt) rxiiOKtitif Maiinfueturer of Hewlmr Macliiue, Exhibitor, Thli double flrfct hrnior li nnotherproof of the great superiority of tho llowuHowlng Machines over nil others, SUJLEY 4t STR00P8, No. 2tHouth ElghtStieet. Agents for rcnnnyhnnln. Now Jeuey, W law are nnd Western Virglnln. lVb. li'CS-am. T HE REST IS THE CHEAPEST! THE BINOEK f-f.WINO MACHINE HEAPS THF. LIST. And lends Ihecolumn J.P&S nhead of all others, 'ihls Machine Is tho MOST rOPL'LAIt IN UBE. It UfiPfi tho flnfrtt nc-illo iifnnr Mncliloo In ex istence. Any way wanting n gooa SEWING M A C II I N E, Will consult her own Jutorctds by hu)lux n order than any Mnchluo In tfio world. OVEIl 3iO,IO OF THEM IN USE. Tho fullest Instruction nlven thoso who our- ehaj,e,aDd tho MachluowiLL UK WAltriANTKU to you for one ear. i'lea&o call at iny nioronnn wiiisiy yourselves. Here you will llml Neeille, Thread and Blllc. DAVID l.OWllll.P.O, Agent April 3,'Cjj tf. llloonisburg, l'a. THE AMERICAN HAY KNIFE AND 1'OltK. Wo thonndersltrned eitl7eui. ot Columbia County ultncKseil the trial of hav forks on the farm of Mr, I'lirsel, In Heinloclt Township, nu Monday, May 7, INid, hetuccn the BIJFEK, WALLS, S1IUINKU A Co 'of Lewis burg, l'a., and the Huudcl's Patent Hay lUxik. Tho American Fork lifted more hay In ono draught than the itumlel In three. Wo are satis- neu il win taite as muen nay into too mow as iwo pootl horses can draw. We also saw It culling hay, and think It cannot bo !eat as n hay knife, and cheerfully recommend It its the best hay fork nnd knlfo we have ever seen. c. niTTnsiiKNnnu, im. r, c. iiakuison, W. It. Koons, John Doak, John Dktkuick, Uanikl Novru, II. DlOLKMll.I.Elt, SVI.VISTKK riIUSP.1., MiniAEi. ilEi.i.F.n, John Woi.k. Thev also manufaeturo the eelehrttlfd llnckev. Reaper and Mower, aud other agricultural liupfe. inenis. c O Ii U .M it I A II O U S K, II E It N A It I) ii T O II N E It , JlAviNd lutelv mirchiihitd ami lilted un tho weildtuown HohUon Hotel IVojuTty, located n KW HOOIWJ AHOVK TilK COUNT IIOL'81:, onthCRiune tslde if tin strict, in tho town oi llloonisburg; nnd lmviug obtKinedn licence for tho K.ime ut. it R E S T A U R A 2C T , the rronrletor 1ms determined to pive to the peo jlo viiltlnif tlie tow u ou buslnehh or tU-nhUit, A MTTbtt MOltE UOOM. His htfthllntr hIko U t'XlenMive. uml Is fitted up to put hUKRlewuml turiiiim'H In the dry. He prom lfteH thnl uverythhiK tdiout hU fbUddliihnu'iiHlintl lie conducted In nn ordeily und lawful mniiner; and ho respectfully Kolleltn n hhnre oi Um public 1 UronuKi'. ttnyl7'o7-tiu. E1 STAIILISHED 178H. JOIHIAN A IinOTIIEIl, WHOLF.SAI.E OHOCEItl, and DealcrH In BALTPirrrtn and iuhmhtone, No 200 North Third Blroet, Philadelphia. J I HEARD, with LIITINCOTT, HONDA CO., Manufacturers nnd Wholesale Dealera lu HATH, CAPH, FUItB, AND BTKAW OOODB, Nn.tl3 Market Street, Philadelphia. gNYDER, HARRIS A IJASSETT, Manufacturers aud Jobbers of MKN'B AND IiOY'S CLOTHINO, Nos, 625 Market, and 623 Commerce Htreet, Philadelphia. Q. W. RLARON & CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHB AND WINDOW HHADEH. Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Htreet Philadelphia, j ii. Walter; " ,I,ato Walter A Kaub, Importer nud Dealer In CHINA, OLABH, AND Q.UFJJNbVAHE, No. 231 North Third Btreet, between Race. and.VUie Philadelphia. CH. HOU.NE. W, B. KINO, J. 11. SKVUKKT NDREWS, WILKINS t CO., Dealers u FOHEION AND DOMIBTIO DRY OOODH, No. Mia Market Btreel, Philadelphia, JOHN HTROUP A CO., HucceKsorg l HfcrMp A Brother, WHOLEHAUJ DliAUam IN FIBII, No. 21 North Wlianes, snst 85 Nerth Water Bt., Philadelphia. JfBT RECEIVED TIlO Clll'SIirat HOOP .. HK1HTH In the county at ar.,-tw-i! UT.H1IAHPLI1' GROCERIES, &c, Q O N F EOT I ON E R Y . The undersigned would respectfully announce to tho public that ho has opened n FIltST-CLABB CONFIXTIONEKY BTOltE, In tho building lately occupied by nemard Btoh nor, whero he Is prepared to furnish all kluds or PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FEENCH CANDIEH, FOIIEIGN A DOMIWTIC FltUITS, NUTH, ItAISINS, AC, AC, AC. nv wnoLcsAi.i; on iiktaii., In shorl, a hill assortment of nil gooiVs In his line of busluess. A great variety of DOLLS, TOVH, Ac., aultablo for tho Holldiy". Particular nltenllon given to nllEAD AND CAKEM, of all kinds, ficsh ory day. OH ItlHTMAH OANDIEB, CH1BTMAH TOYS, A call Is Hollcllrd, nnd satisfaction will bo euarnniceu. Nov. a, 1807. ECKHAKT JACOI1B. E M 0 V A Ii O F C. C. MAltl'.'S NEW STORE ro aiiirvs jilock, OHTltKCOHNMl or MAIIKET AND IRON BriOM.TS. Tho undersigned having recched from the city a full aud eomplclo supply of BPIUNO AND SUMMER DRY OOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTION!), TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, cr.nAn axi wiu.ow-wauv, CONFECTIONF.I'.Y, GLABM-WAItE, TOBACCO, A T S A A' I) A O ; ,V, FLO tin, HALT, FIHI1, AND MEAT, all of which I propose Nelllnal a very low llure for cash or pioiluce, ff-t'all an.! st-i, April 12. IW. ('. I'. MAItll. G1 HANI) Ol'KNING r OHAMI OPEN'INd llltANIl llPEM.MI tlllAN'l) IIPKN'INll llltANIl tll'FSINCI FALL NH WINTEP ll(i(lll-. FALL A Nil WINTEI. lidlllw, KALI. AMI tVIVII'l' iiiiiiIm' FALL AND WINrllli (Kkiin, FA l.I, AND IVINTEl' IJOODs! eoTlvltn.' nl eonKtlnir of eon-NHii!.' of onltlni.' of r-m-dMlt.' of DRY IliKID. DltV (KIOIM, llltY flODIM, DRY (1DOIW, DRY (1O0IM, HATM AND CAVfl, IIAT AND CAIN, HATf AND CAl-i, HA'lt AND I 'AIM, 1 1 ATS AND C.UH, nom and Biior., l'.OOTX AND KIIOIX IIOO'I'S AND SHOES IIOOTH AND SIIOIX, IIOOTM AND SIIOIW, READY-MADE CLOTHINO, 1 1 FA D Y-M A D I ! CLOTHINO READY-MADE CLOTHINO, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIHC!, LOOKINO-OLARSEH, LOOKINO-OLAHS1X, U)oiciNn-ousi:M, LO()KIN(l-(ILASSIi, l.( IOK I NO-0 Us US, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OI1J4, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, OROCEEIEK, OROCERIIM, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, ejHEENSWARE, liUKHNSWAEi:, QUEKNSWARI:, ej tiEi.NHWAiii:, liUEENSWAlti:. HARDWARE, HAltllWAHE, HARDWARI.', HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, SAI.l SALT, SALT, FlslI, FISH, FISH, F1T11 FISH, OH UN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HI.E1IS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ac., AO. AT MtKELVY, .SEAL 4 CO.'S, MtKEI.VY, .SEAL A. CO.'S, JllKEI.VY, SEAL A CO.'S. MlKI.I.VY, .SEAL CO.'S. McEI'I.VY. NEAI A II lM. N01tlivu-t e'oilicr ol Mwlli und Mldltel slri'PtM, Norlhufht coilitT ol .Main nnd Miilkt't lriflh, NorthMci.1 "oincr ot Mum unit .Market streets, Norlhwehl . oilier ot Main met Market wired, Suilliwehl to mir ot Mn In unit Mm Kit Slueti.,. III.OO.MSIIttRO, p.. lll.llil.Ms!R(l 'A IlI.IMI.M'-lll'ltG, PA., lll.oo.MslU'HG, PA., lll.OOMMll'lKi, .., IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In lnri;e qufditltlid mul til ueti.ied uit(K,alwirx on luiliil. ociiKUi, m:itoi:u & co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Deitlers In FISH, HALT, CIIEI'.SE, PROVISIONS, AC, Nos, EX' mul i:i Not Hi Wliaruw, above Arch BU PliUmlclplila. Solo ngcnti for Wllcox'u Wheel Orcnso, la bar rch, ltcgR, and cann. yAlNWIUGHT A CO., WHOliKRAl.r, UROOEltH, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Btreets, PlllI.AVKI.VIIU, Dealer. In TEAK, 8YRUFH, COFFEE, SUOAR, M0LA8SUH niCE, uricKH, m card soda, ic, ic, S- Orders will receive rrompt attention. Mayl0,1867-ly. JJ V. l'ETKHMAN, With LIPriNCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. a North Water Street, aud No. 9) North Delaware Aveaa Philadelphia, "yKAVKH & BPUANKLK, WHOLESALE OROCERIES AND COMMISSION MERCHANT8, Non. 235 and 327 Arch Street Philadelphia. jyj M. JIAUPXiK, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, CJLOVEB, AND FANCY OOOIW, No. SI North Third Street, Philadelphia. J ATKIjY OI'ENKO. 'j'lio lindrr.lgneil would reBpeetfullylnformthe eltlteiiBot lilooiuhbiirufiiiid lclnity,lhat lioha. JUNt opened akhopon Iron street, between Main mul Third, where lie will lollow the i-alillut ma king b ii i.lii n lu all lu biuuchek. Oideu (or METALLIC OR OTHER COFFINS filled with pronipluiKK mul despatch. Repair, cheaply made lo all lilnda of furultiiie, lmiud. Inn the replall lllol (uucbotliinied ehalrf, Pnt tern, for eubtlng. made ueuilyiuid expe'dllloiu. It, and order, me kollctted eltiu-r In pi uon or by mall. Picture (rumen made lo order at Mton no ' .. ..... .. ROIIERT ROAN, April 19,'8-tf, jyKUUHANT'H HOTEL, It KOUTII IOUBT1I .TUIET, PIIIIADKLPIIIA, J. A W, O, M'KIUIIIN, Proprietor, Mar . lun-iy, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIIARIjES w. bnyuer, rEAi.rn It A R V W A R H, IIION, NAIW, HTEEU AC, AC, AC. MAIN HTltEET, I1LOOM8I1UUO. rENN. Tako thlH method of Informing tho rlllzeni nf Co lumbia couty, that ho hni opened nn extcnslvo llordwarestoroon Mnln street, In HlooniNburg, nenr Iron street, nnd Hint ho hat on hnnd a STOCK AND UICTKlt AMoul 1112 U than can ho found nny where else In tho county, nnd which ho Intend to sell nt prices w htch defy competition. CHAINS, AXES, STEEL, IRON. I hruo chain, nil atzes. nxes. all mnko nnd weight, steel, nil slrcf-, Iron, nit fhnpen, nnd nil very low. HUIIiDEH'H 11 A 11 II W A HU, of every descriptions. Nulls, nxlo pulleys, sabIi cords, latches, locks nud Itnohs.butt screws, snuh fusts, ulndow springs, imso ltnoofi, strap mnges, haps nnd staples, hoolts nnd staples, nnd In fact everything needed In tlmt line. COACH A WAOON MAIvElUS' 1IAUDWAHU cmhmeliirf almost every thing in tlmt lino. Also 1IAUN1XS MAKIW 1IAIIDWAUE, IJuehleK, Jnpannedj buckles, stiver plated; hilts orevcryklnd.llAMF.'S iron j pad trees l XIahgh, wood ismldle trees, gig trees, girth web, worsted and cottont thread, silk, awls nnd ncctlles, tools of nil kinds. HHOEMAKEU'S IIAlTDWAItE, A full iisNorlmeiit forenrpenterH. I hnveplfthtfs all kinds, saws; hnnd, pannel, rip, nnd compass, isqu ares fl eel. Iron, und try 1 boring machines, chltdcs, miners, bevel, mullein, braces, imUKes, plows, rules, bus, nnd about everything for car pouters. rOU THE PEOI'LE OENEuA LIA I havo eonl hods, coal shovel, scoops, enal nlfttrn, lant enis.tidjluiutlery.pocket cutlery, plated hhvou, pint ed torks, nervci k, t r und ( of feopfitM.hiitlerkuUevulltMtws, erost eut mv k, eln-ular wi n, mm nn , ill li'irn'shui'w.wn'iicheH, rivet H.lmui iiii'iD, ImlelM'ts, nultK'lt pii-kK, litrku, yiuh lIn h'HH, NiH4,l,ri:Mli'h,hpijo'IUK fur It h, Uuv, ralttf, ht'd piiii, tuinekuli'N pniw, millii lilin I ii I n K-., Elntrj, led tluilk, white ehulk, win-, ImrMt nulls, mini ciitur-., m-hIck, wush bu.irds, lunsf tiu'K'ti, uixidui pulls, clciilies pint, kIiH', door tnnt, poirli mnt, par lor uitiirt, corn h ippiTH, paint bruli, bnishtH, hk-lyli belt., Ih i t I'flllih, Hulilt'l ed ki-ltli, bins ki ttlei, etippcr ttiitlt'-i, h te IV I.H tleVitlH't p. llli, blu.Kl ledges, cuitnlu tlxtuies, 'IhlmblfkrliiH und ioxt I'umps, lend pipe, etc., Tanvil rope and hundred id urttele-t not .inu i ue ruled ioiistuutly no hand at I'llAHIdN W'.SNYDKIt'H, Mulu Street, UliMiiimbtiiK. QICOKCIK H. HOIJKUTS, Impoiterand Dealer lu HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OUNS, Al' No. 311 North Third Hlrcel, abovo Vino, Philadelphia. J.(on K. Smith. J. R. vriizhit g 31 I T II & H i: h T 7. v. n, Imp' -rter and DealcrH In Foreign audDomohtlc HARD W A It E, a U.N S, CUT L Y, AC, Ml. W9 N, THIItll HTKKKT, AU. CAM.OWIU I.I., PHILADELPHIA. Nov, S,07'tf. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. RATIONAL FOUNimy, Illoomsburg, Columbia County, Pa. The subscriber, proprietor of tho abovci atned extcusUe establishment, is now prepared lo 10 eclvo orders for nil hinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, 11LAST FURNACES, STATIONS HY ENGINES, MILLS, THP.ESHINCI MACHINES, Ac Ho Is ulso prepared to mako Stoves of all sizes nnd patterns, Plow-lrons, nud ever thing usually mado In first-class FoundrU'S. His extensive facilities nnd practical workmen warrant htm lu receiving the largest contracts em tho most reasonable terms. drain of nil kinds will bo taken In exchange for Castings, This establishment Is loailed ne'ar tho Lucki wanna and Illoomsburg Raltroad Depot, PETER mi.LMYElt. gT()VK.'i AM) TUWVAU10. A. M. KtJPEUT uiiiinunocH to his friend and en to me in thai rontlmu'M thf above liutiiit-hs ut htsnhl plucpnn MAIN HillEET, lILUOMHIllinU. ru-iiomeiH eiui houd-itiiioduhit with I'ANt'Y SKIVES of nil klnN, Ht(ieplptt,Tliiwuie,und eer h rlfty of urliclo tound In n Muw mul 'rinwuio E luhllvhmrnl In theeitleH.Hlid mi the most leuvoii iW ti'inis, Ki'palrtiiydftiHiut thoshorleKt untleti i" DOZEN Mri.K-I'ANK n hnnd fur Mule. TAV STdVK AM) TIN SHOP, O.N MAIN rim EFT, NBA ULY UI't'OsIlK MILJ.KlU WIOUK, ni.ooMHiiund, im:nn'a. Tin: umUrstyiud huHjust Hi ltd up und opened llU llL'W STOVK AND TIN SHOP, In this pint e, whetu he Ih prepared to luuko up iifW'liN U'AithM tdt kliuff in hU line, und do repitlitim ulth heiitm s imd dUputth, upon thf most reusomdile terms, lie itho Uccps un luaitl KiOVEH Ol' VAltlOllK 1'AT'l EENH A STYLES. nhleh ho ulll sell upon leiini to hull puiehuerK, wive mm a can. nv ih a p( i Icbervingof the public pnlionnt'o, lu N u V.O-A iiietlmnU', and jo. .1 Amu nvrz. Itlnonifctiurn, April i'fl; Wi7. TOBACCO & SEG-ARS. 'JlllS ONLY I'liAUM to get the best TOI1ACCO AND CK1ARS, AT WHOLESALE AND ItETAII, at nUNGSHEItaER'S, a few doom below tho American House, Illoomsburg, P.l. Ho has tho largest and most select of SlIOKINO AND CHEWING TOnACCO over oflorcd to tho citizens of nioomshurg. All the fancy brands of SEQARS, and tho best Fine-cut nnd Plug CHEWING. TOUACCO, cun be had ut hlSounters, TOBACCO PI PES In great variety nro among his largo black, DON'T FORGET TO CALL. II. II, HUNSI1ERGER. JJ AV. HANK'S WIIOL12SALE TOUACCO, HNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 1M North Third Street, between Cherry and Rnco, wet side, Philadelphia. Q L. "WoomtuKK, Wholesale Dealer, lu TOI1ACC0H, CIGARS, PIPFJs, 4c, At!., No. 13 North Third htreet, abovo Market, Philadelphia. QM NXHUS LINK, Thu uikU-ndsued would rcsptclfully unnounce tn thocltlzeun of liloouuburu und the puhllu yeuo tally thn ho Is runtiln nn OMM HUH mm; bftwioulhlH piuctund IheilliUiiUt lulfrond do itdiilly(unduyit excepted), tocoiinett with tho several truliiH nolnu Hnuth nnd Wckl on the Ctitu. wlbMiund U'illlunuport Uullioud.nnd with thoso koIul' Kortp und Houthou tho Iucknwiuinuuiul iil(H)bisbiira Rullroud. IIIh OinnlhusseM uro tn good comlttlon, roniino OlouN und i nmliN table, and elmryei rciuonablu, rernomi wIsliliiK to meet nr tieo their frit iuU de P tut, run hcnecutnoduird upon rcuKoiiabloi-hur i by leuvlng timely uoltre- ut uuy of thu hotelN, JAOOIj u amiON, rroprletor, DRUGS &. MEDICINES. gAVM YOUlt MONkIFi O It I! A T I N I) U 0 E M E N T HI (I H EAT i: It I N DUO E M I! N T HI O It E A TUB T I N 1) U C! E M E N T H AT THE OLD DRUO RTORE OF L. N. HOY Kit, Wheioian bo found tho LAnoiai and iikst Ai isonT.itr..NT, ever otrcred tn tho cltlzcni ofthU county, of Drus, CliemlcaH, Paint, Oili, Mas, VnrnlBhes, Putty, llrmhcs DyoStufls, Mixed Palnls, all of IhcKonro of tho bent known malto and nru warrmiied as pure nnd unadullrrntod. Tho finest and largcM tock of F A N C Y A IIT10 I. E H to bo found lu this or adjoining counties Pcrfunury, ItalrDyes, Fancy Hoops, Ilrushen, Combs, Cosmetics, ILllrOlls, Toilet Articles, Hlutlonery, I'oeket Hooks T O II A C C O E H . Snioltlug and ehewlnp, Cigars of all descriptions, Pipes, Cigar Holders. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. Lamps, assorted sizes and styles, LAMI'S, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, IIUltNEIlS, M ISCELLANEOUS HOODS. Hpoliges, Chielnols Skins, Cnllii'ti IK, Spi'i'Uluuis, Sjrllifie'S, llleast Plliups, Rlllilier (looils, Trusses or nil iippmeed patterns .lc., c. L 1 tl V O R s. A lino assortment of lire IWuors for medical ptllKes constantly on hnnd and tho herd know ii kinds ot SIO.MACII HITTERS. Mi.nteiMs l eer ile'scrlptloti, In. eluding thotaxtYiirlctlcsor pills and tonics, i insiiiAN's piiiJie'uii'rio.Nst'AiiPKi'Li.v wn. I' No such sloe'U has over been pllM'lltcd to tlie peopto of Ibis section of country. Thu prices aro as small as tho Mock Is large. Tho irWceroV VI it'it aro noro fmoriiblo to Ilio pun baser I ban ever, as Arrangements hino bn n etlee-ted with thoubolesale dealers lu Iho lurm r rltl(s, so that goods can bo procured In ll!otlits burgus clieaplyas In New York or Philadelphia, iiu-Oounlry dealers nro earnestly Invite 1 lo htudy their own Inleie'sts, by examiiiliig tins stock, Ilemeiiiber Hie place Excuanok 11I.OCK above Exchange Hotel, Main street, llloonisburg. .bin. Ill, M'.s. dm graVjhair. ' TliUhthcAMCliOdlAthlttUliiKraxli, Tl.i t. il. r..-,. ili.e ! fir' In Um AMcf.oslA that Ring xatd: Abo wss bsld su.l ivcn lories, they isy X made. Tills Is tin, hftiuhionie aivl Wliomnrrli'd the miin once bald and , A't i gray. tiw fe5 uuxv 'ln, rarn i('ks' nit,y ""y- mnoe. 'Hits Is tho tlie way Married Hie lu ul. II, liauUMiinc uu-i ft. il.!?,'.,..., mu ( Mill nml frrnv. , Hut evlio now hns r.nell lurka, tli r Iteealiso lie uu'd tlie Cure lint lay 1 III til' AMtmime lllatJrij . ;-l Tliltt I II. i. t'sll tt at rlturs awav " KKrf.'. ''r. T'lo moil., til" liei ..I pud .mil I i ;9II fjfci I ntn llils mr, wlili lib. ( (l. I '.Sf1 lK "'" KCillmitl. hill.' " . 'igfsyJ1 a" i."osi iii. tii 7 ii N . r ,J T',S'v!ftG3.,PaO?i:iICrS,PIEIlBORO',H.H. an ii rottMALniiv L. N. MOVER nnd E. P, LUTZ, Druggist., llloiimsbiiig.alid M. M. 1IROIIST, CntiiuNsu. Jaliiiury 1, Isil, J It. MOYKIt, WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL 1) H D O O I S T, t'OKNKIt OK MAIN ANII MAUKKr STKKKTS, IILOO.MSIIURO, PA., eeheiowllllm found u largo aud select atoik ol Drugs, MKWCINKH AND CIIKMICAI.S. Also nil Iho PATENT MhlllCINlH (IP TUB I1AY, I am also piepuledtii tilrulsh Country stores with Cllstoi Oil, Oinllley'H Coidlnl, TURLIMISTON'S IIALHAM, and all other medicines kepi In their line nt Clt) pilccs. ts. Prescriptions carefully compounded at alt hours. In medicines, quality Is of tho first luiiwrtmiee. llliiomsliiiig, .Iuno7, 1WI7 Mi'uN .t NUKDLia, hOl.t: AlANri'AtTUUKI'.SANtll'KOI RlETOtls. Of their Improved BIH'KH IMIOSI'HATK OP LIJtK. Also tho A.MMONIATED FERTILIZER. l'UUUVIAN (1UANO. We sell only No. 1 I ecel veil direct from the Gov ernment. Super Phosphalo In bags of a Itis.each. Prlie CM per SWUM, Ammonlated Fertlller, lit bags 1!0 rns, each. Prlco 8JJ per m IK A discount to denleis on abovo prices. Agricultural Works, llench and Plum Streets, oillces nud Stores, H s. Water street, and II South Dclnwillo Avenue, Denleis lu ou-s. t'iNin.i and General Com mission .Melehauts, Plllladelphl.e. Feb. i'l, IMS, JKHU11ANOU A O K N 0 yT Wyoming .'. AOtun ifM, Commoree too.lee) Fullon. 3D0,0i North Amerlcn 300,000 City tiO.OOO International I.KKi.uD Niagara l.OOO.aO Xtnu LlvoStocli. , SOO.OiK) Pulnam MO") Merchants 3no, Hprlnglleld 5T0,ii lusuinuco Company of stale lYmi'a.,... Conneetleut Mutual Llfo 10,ono,(0 Norlh American Transit - OOO.tsieJ FREAS 11ROWN, aml, inar8C7-ly, llLooiisuuita, Pa, a itJinuusTKit it unoTiiEni Importer, aud Jobbei. of HOSiEllV, OLOVUS, HIIIRTH AND DRAWERS, UU'ri'ONM, SUSPENDERS, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKT.ECHIEI'H, TTIRIiMiS. SEWING SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAIES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, AUo Manufacturer, of IIHUSHEH AND LOOKING GLASSES, uud Dealer. In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, I1ROOMS, HOPES, TWINIW, Ac No, 3t) Norlh Third Hlreet, nbovo Vlue, Philadelphia M.IiKIl & HOST, Suocesaul. lo Fraullllu P.Sultr-er A Cel.. luiu)rteri und Wholesulo Dealer, lu LUiUORS, WINFX, AC, Nos. 110 and Ui North T hlrd Htreet, Philadelphia. A I
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