The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 05, 1868, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Ilw (ifatmnlriatt. IlLOOMfllllllKI, l'llIDAV, JUNE 3, 'OS. Tim singularly wet Spring which hns visited this jmrt of tho country nji licrtrs to liavo boon general throughout tho Kaslcrn States. Two of tho houses on Market Street hnvo been moved bnck, mid placed up on their foundations, preparatory to widening tho Street. K. 1 hVT7. Is about to erect a drug Htoroon Main Street ailjolnlng his pres ent dwelling, and has already broken ground fur that purpose. Till: IIKNKI'IT 01" AllVIlllTIfst.Nfl. Tho man who had taken our three vol umes of Poo's works, called this week and claimed and received the other vol ume. Anothkr Stuaw. Tho Democrats elected their entire ticket In Hcrantnn on Tuesday last by an average majority of COO, thus doubling last year's major ity. How arc you, tlrant? A iL'Aniti:t, occurred on Wednesday night last In a saloon In this place, be tween two mun named Fox and Deal which resulted, in the former being bad ly beaten, nntl tho latter having his head seriously cut by an Iron weight. Tiir. ceremony of decking with flow ers tho graves or tho soldiers who fell In the late war, took placo in tho ceme tery at Bloomsburg on Saturday Inst. Tho Ilrass Hand was In attendance. There were no speeches on tho occasion. ONliof the workmen on Hrower's new building narrowly escaped being crush ed the other day, by tho falling of a largo ma.-s of earth from tho side. A laudilldoofthls description had already taken placo on tl.o opposite side of lite cellar. Wo deslro to call attention to tho ad vertisement of tho Sheriff's salo of tho Leasehold Kstato of tho Heaver Creek Coal Company, In this paper. The sale will be made at tho Court IIou-o in Hloomsburg, at one o'clock In tho after noon, Juno '20, 1SCS. Vk regret that we Injured tho feelings of tho Miltonian by sending them two copies of tho Columman last week, and also that they are not " fond of us." Wo would bo plaued to receive two Millimlam at any tt me. They aro val uable imperii for wappcrt. Whkn the first voto wai on Impeachment hail, Bomo folks rejoiced, and some wero mighty mail; Amnnj; tho latter ivni a QuaUcr friend, Who to a Joko u 111 Knmctlmcs condescend ; And. meeting on the .treet hU trusty chum Looking ilellKhteil, whilst himself was Blumi Hilld .Toe, "Well I your man Andrew llvclh HlllI! LltolhJ why yes, and relgneth too," s.iM 11111. O.v Thursday last, a littlo son of Ml sha Purscl of K-py, aged fi or C years, was kicked by a undo and severely In jured. Tho skull was fractured ami it was found necessary to rcmovo portions of tho bono In dressing tho wound. The injuries though severe are not dan gerous. A sixoui.Ait accident oceured on the 1.. & 11. It. 11. near Willowtlrovon few days since. A gravel train ran off ilits track and tho axlo of tho lender having broken, an end of It was forced up through the bottom of tho tender, al lowing all tho water therein to e.-capo. No person was Injured. IIi.oom School Noahd. Tin' new Hoard melon last Monday evening and organized by electing vVe.sloy Wirt, President; William Peacock, Secretary; ami T. J. Morris, Treasurer, The con test for Collector for tho school tax was between Jcsso Shannon and Sheriff I'lirinmi. Tho former unsolved tho votes of Morris, Hlttenbender, itupert. and Wirt, while Peacock and Urockway voted for I'urman. A statement of the receipts and expenditures appear In another column. Tl v.Scranlon City .oiowt perpends Some idiot In tho Hloomsburg Colitm ikm says : " Generations lo eomo will pass their Judgment upon Lincoln as they do now upon Honaparlo or Nero" The idea of our eorropondant, who was a soldier, and Is a gentleman, was that Lincoln had become a historical character, and as such would bo judged by posterIty,favorablyorunf.tvorably,as tho caso might be. Nothing but the Impenetrable stupidity of the Journal could havo mUsed tho point of tho sen tence. Perhaps tho JoioviftMhlnks It would be better for Lincoln to bo utter ly forgotten. Some folks do think so. Pardons. Tokens of 'Executive Clemency" promptly procured at reas onable rates, for all lladlcals In good standing with their party.Quallfications necessary for a successful application; "Trooly loll " KadlcalNni. Strict ub servnucoof law (when It docs not inter fere with tho party.) Total disregard for Court decisions (except when null. Democratic.) Willingness to refuso hi gal votes on all occasions. Applicants presenting former pardons, taken nt re duced rates. Hefercnccs. John W. Geary and oth er " reputable citizens." Apply nt tho Republican otnee. Tun Gvi'.siks. A largo pat ty of these singular peoplo havo been for several days past encamped on tho bank of Visiting Creek a half mlto or so below tho town. They aro accompanied by rather more than tho usual number of children, of nil ages and sixes, and have as well a full complement of horses ami dogs. Somo of tho horses aro of a good description, btit tho owners do not seem to bo desirous of trade, If tho high prices which thoy ask for tlielr animals aro any indication. It Is n matter of wonder how thoso peoplo, whoso means of sub sUtenco consists In fortunetellIiig,horse trading, tliikerlugand tho llko man ago not only to support life but to pro vldo themselves with cash, with which to purchase horses. Tho credulity of tho people doubtless supplies tlio greater part, through the fortuno telling wo men, A man's, wife In South Hcnd, Ohio, presented her husband with a very lino boy. Next morning tho man stopped Into tho mayor's oiUcu and stated that tho night previous a fellow came stalk lug Into his house, stark naked; that hu was there yet. Thrco policemen nt oucostttrtcti on ttio run to oust tho in truder, When thoy got to tho liotis they asked to seo tho fellow that had comu In tliero tho night before. The iiurso brought out tho baby. Tho no llceiuen suddenly disappeared, It and Is supposed imvo had to stand it goi)d ma ny extra treats since. THE KALEIDOGCOPB t A map of tuny life, It Unci nation, nnd tin vast (onoetnV' AKC1INT Ol' ANflUH .MOUNTAIN. So.Mi: months slnco I undertook lo wrlto for tho readers of tho "Kaleido scope" tl description of n Journey from Now York to Quito. Many of my rea ders I doubt not got weary with tho first number, while others manfully followed mo on tho ocean voyage to As plnwall lingered on tho isthmus of Panama, and from there gladly em barked for Guayaquil, ascended tho river of that name, and finally trav eled with moon mulo back to tho bao of tho Andes, when, appalled by Us steepness, both writer and rentier stopped. Hut It will not answer for us to slraln our necks endeavoring lo traco with tho eyo the thread-like path that winds above us, until like Jack'rt bcan-slalk In the fairy title, 11 ends In tho clouds; our lunch has been eaten, and cio night closes, wo must boon the top of Angus. Now It Is that tho proverbial sure-foot- cdnc-s of ourniules Isshown. Notwith standing their heavy burdens, they toll long patiently, until somo unusually high pitch is reached, when the mule- er applies' his shoulder I was going to say to tho telnet but It Is to lb,) mule's hind nturlcrs, ami with this a-slstanc then-cent H gained. However pleuilii'.- tho Kfii-ation may bo at first, a man toon tires oftho monotonous sleep, and much as ho may admire his mule would prefer not having his head in constant proximity to the animal's cars, and his et continually dungllug near Its tall. This Is not the only dllllctilty wo on countered. There Is a constant lrr,ini of travel descending thu mountain, and many ami serious are the collMuns met Itli, and us the path Is exceedingly narrow, each party gets as near as pin- Iblo to tho centre, the result of which u constant collision between shins and trunks, or bales of goods. Where the path Is very tortuous and steep, the descending caravan has thu right of iv, which he takes care to announce to tho parties below by yelling In a manner that would do credit to a C'.i manche Indian. At such times the mulo spreads out his forefeet, keeps his hind ones together, and then slides down with great rapidity, but almost always managing to keep his balance. When the load is unusually heavy, or the path very slippery tho thoughtful tirriero seizes hold of the mule's tall, and not only checks his descent, but teers him clear of whatever obstruc tions there may be In tho path. Tho ridgo wo wero ascending was very much llko tho comb of a roof, for on each side wore deep ravines, an I some times tho path was only afew feet wide. Thus wo tolled nnd,struggled on houriif- ter,hourcver ascending yet never reach ing tho top,untIl Just before night to our great Joy too summit, called by the na tives Cuiiiino Jlcal, was reached, where wo determined lo pais tho night. We wero now about 7S5U feet above sea luv- , and lu four hours had .wended from tropical region, to ono that was tent- pcrato ; and where the nights wcroiiuite cool. Tho orange grove, tho palm tree, the sugar cane, had given place to the vegetation of a cooler clime, and wo wero glad to don warmer apparel. At this point occurred one ol llio-p cues so peculiar to Kcuador. While gazing towards the -ea. mid listening to tho singular sounds thai came up to us from tho boiindle-s fore-its below, dense clouds began to settle at our feet, veil- from our eyes tho brightness and beautv beneath. The world seemed to tvo vanished Into space, except the little island upon which I stood, and a feeling of awe came over my -cusps as gazed upon that mass of billowy vapor, hich rolled hither ami thither assum ing nil kinds of uncouth shape--. Then thosuu slowly sank Into it, as though Us lit nnd glory were to be forever quenched. Yet, although i nlombed, It bhono up from lis grave, tinting the clouds with a bright, roseate hue, a autlful emblem of death and the n.-- urrectlon. It was but a step from the delusion of this fairy woiltl to ('amino Heal, a col lection of a few mUcrablu, mud-walled, straw-thatched, wlndowle-.- hut", from the chinks of which i-siutl volumes of smoko caused by a small lire, built as ma I in the centre of tho room, around hlch squatted whole litters of lllthy and debauched Indians. Wo crowded ourselves into one of the huts, and lay ing our blankets upon lliegiound, trhd to obtain tho rest our fatigue entitled us to; but between ihu chattering of our neighbors, the snoring of the Indi ans, tho squeaking of the Gulniaplg-1, and maintaining an unequal contest with a multitude of fleas, wo managed to pas a comfortless night. cji'ii:n Saim', Receipts of tho COLUMBIA! for May 1B08. ,t'v UolKhllno s:oi I'liilipdntslinll t no I'oliiinlii.t lount.i 2 in 1'lilllp lllllllUllll lias Uollllt'l' ii'i- Minor A OK.-.- iV ou ji.iiii i i-ou ii r ! M M liniilol .iloiiitin - .'in li l-i'ier M nil, Imnii'l iKScor 1 ,V)., Illjht inn oi Mino 1 oo J U Kico,t J no Jiicoii II 1'rll i ii'i:ilii M-onr. j-i -' uin I u Hwunlc :i"i 11,'H itinsi. is 2 no r c Murr 'J no .M A Aininc-minn Id JohnMiyilor John 1'iirM-l Hr Hit'ohon Irulii Mlclini l Tcililirolf i Ikl 1 11 " ll 10 IHI 1 mi llr MontBomcrv Hiimui-1 HlMclIonrv 2 Oo U.iuah .1: huui It! M I'Jno ItL'Ubi'll llU-tlollih '.'T'i (loo II ltolioils .loolihllt-llhall Mil lieorue Ai-ni nonrii w !IU lion 1' Unwell 4 Co S 71 A J Hlonn iiunioi lvcnor OllinkN I'.llrU'k Kllloi'tl i so IirH i; wnnon -j in Mm Kllrmlii UI no II M I'nlnniin I 01 loim ii ii nc-r :i (ni. i (hi .iom'iiIi I.uioy Iianfol Klinistniry llii Itliki'ttK lolin l uvlor liitnk'l Ijinriu 2 IN Anron U'H '" AllllUH Colo li&KI I,OUl I no i Wm U'nishni r '.' no IIOIMI- U' tll,. ;'iiiii fill ill -. no ,i ii a Doiiiiiio J 11 lli'SH John lH-nM-r no Mrpnon 11 lltll 2 in ;t ii w 2 (Ml 2 m Herman rahrlniier ' W V U wohirirlh A A Kllllt) W KllaHCiinsv (leo rctU-rman 'J Im ( "luu let Haitman 7 " JoMtMih It Cole 1 ho, uuMarr li oouHeury TrauKh 2 ("iSuimiel lt Dleiuer J 00 Abel Thomns ii 00 Jaiiien M Dewllt SWi lMWm ClaMou 2 O) jjeitso Coleman lu " s M AlheitHon l! (MMAiiniii A ml row h couynffham i wp. K lt Wohirarth Iteuhen hitler 1 IM J (II ) :i oo :i i0 li .ii V .'ill .170 John Kile 1'yrus ltohblu o c Knhler Jr jacoii terMiiit;er L A (lermau John Hndtr ut nenry n unorr IIInnkH ;i w I 4VM Mary i:Ueidiaii a V ltoyal A: Itoytr Oeort'eCiniu Henry Yost Hamutd Himhy John Hies Hamuel llliouo a i"' i ltuerieiv nusii aw Jacob j'MierJr 'i 'Wnlnvrlht A Co I II Walltr fwiii'honmi (Ikh)ions :i7i Jacob Keller 1 IMi'W (I Quldc 7 CD 7 (Ml 5 10 n :i i.i I lu I homns o Uiuiner Joseph H I.oiux j ;i Miner Lewis i:cKroiii William Meiuluyer Kamutd l'Klicr j oo i:nu 2 (Kl.llllniikH i m' m,.i, .....,. 11,1,,.... John W llaintK Ji! kni-i-lit ill' I! m .Iiihn liAinmirmnn" (" -J mt'Aiiiiiii IIi-ii.Ut.IiiiU -j i.i 1 W Kst Alll.-il Mi-lllll- II M i (mi llmi-.t C'D Ii i 11. Nk-liulu. -I" a id, ivntur Tu p. UUJ j) k Hioan A K Hhuinnn Wm Uclons J W Hanltey David Yeaur J (loiduer Itluii.MiiNl), Juno ll Tho U.S. Court met this morning, Chief JihIU-o CIiiimj and Jiidjjo Underwood prsldlnj;. Tho caso of Jell'DavIb was postponed till the Itli of November. Kit CAiiho.v, tho'raiuuus weMoni pioneer nml bcotit, Is dead. In Iho west and en California Ills nniiio Is ns famil iar nv house-hold word.. Communication. JlUHsnu llnrrouss Wo noticed In your columns somo two weeks nlnco an nrtlelo entitled thu "Tlincs," written hy ono who Gtyles himself .1. .I.C. his ostensible object, being, nsho pxpresiM It! "To given slight view oftho com lirtrUon oftho times and tho condition oftho poor man." Now whllo wo hear tily endorso the phllaiithrophy Hint will utrnlii every nervo to rIvo thu poor innn's toll tin object ; whllo wo ardent ly ndnilro thai .spirit that will work un ceasingly to ameliorate Iho condition In which Indigence, and poverty may have placed theni, Yet wo cannot, but ns cogently denounce tho.o who lu the language of tho Poet : "Woulil utral tho 111 cry of llioipihoflunit-ii Tofcnc tho ilcvll In." Those whoso policy Is to dWguho strong acts of Infamy touching domes tic tnmipillllty under popular forms, and that such li tho ultlniatc design of that article, l.-i to Ihose that have pe-rti-ed It, and nro conver-'.mt wllh cer tain facts apparently manifest, A pure unalloyed feeling for the poor man's poverty has an Infinitely f mall share lo do In Its production. Wo do not con ceive for n moment that tho Individual who penned It, Is tho prime mover.he Is doubthvs tho pliant tool of a despicable treachery. Xow 11 Is not our purpno to make pe who nre unacilialnleil with Hie fuels Involved, familiar nt present, for by so doing we would beyond doubt ii-ber haughty nnd doiiilneeilng spirits Into the controversy, yea even thine who-e debts In other places continual ly harassed, and ro-e before them like lluniiun's Giant, and whom Providence In an anger llnally ejected Into the Iranipill bosom nf Cent rid hi to bo the origin of ilNcord and contention to test like .lob, tbe endurance of her piety and pdleiice. I'ut we do feel It encum bent onjmr-iolvos to remove theobloiiiy which eli'iHioiH of Mich a nature lire calculated lo heap upon our actions, among those who may bo unacquainted with the dimcultles with which the operators havo to contend. We admit that .I..I.0. hasdcllnealid, though In rather an exaggerated man ner, tho condition oft he poor man, but If his object was to draw "tbwiyini7on" he evidently failed, Inasmuch as after he had pictured the poor man's condition he studiously avoided a description of the relative position of thu (.'o il trade, and operator, with tho single exception that tho latter owni'dhoiHes and charg ed rent for them, which according to i'.' put'';', was a ".id, and trying grio". I lo failed to ubicrvo that II N a no torious faot that tho wage. lu the Coal Region always correspond with tho price of that material, and that t'o.U that formerly sold for ten dollars and upward, Is now reduced lo two and a half, and lis tr.CHportatlnn I'vlremely onerous. The exp n which attend i a Collii ry is enormous ljtt J. .f. (.'. conslib r fi r a moment the price the prodttcr receives from tho coiiumer; the expense of Its production, allowing a reasonable re numeration for his Investment and la bur nnd then maliciously pronounce up on hli monstrosity. Hut again this eloipieiit, and toiin' d'ci' writer states that thoy havo "a great many Iioihuj called Company lioii-fs" "and married men that work for tin-in aro required lo live In these houses, and pay (hem the lent they ple.i-e lo a-k." The rent fur "Company j leni-. -'' Is from M.l!7. lo is.M. ner I jipr I 1 I mouth for hou i.'s containing live rooms each. The rent of the Individual Imu-es li.e tho-c not owned by opciatm-,! rungi's from i?7.oi) to f in.uii.Ilven iidiiilt tiii". that the latter are more iummudl oils and neatly constructed, thereexl-ts t.) lialaitee It, a enrresp-indlug dlll'creiice lu the rt ii.. And that It would lie Jus tice for the operator io pay a rent to Iho land holder- fur llieir pot-.slini, and also the tare s and expeiueof r pairing, wlthoiM re,--ivlug a fall- eonipeii-alion, Is an averment al which lie would blush. As for tho Slorn keepei.s they can not from the no ttireof their liu-ine-s be over exacting, ouipitetitlou that happy arhllor ever In lugs thein to the loivest iio-ible sl.i-.d.ud, and that am bition, and deslro I'm- pei-uiii iry advanc- ment, which Is li.hi r.nt In tho-e in- dividual-, that ionic under the ap pellation of "Company storo-ki cjieis," to extend their trade and ir.erca-'o llieir custom will hot fail to bring them on apar with their neighbor-. It would undoubtedly In- to tin; ad vantage of J. .1. C. to seriously reilivt upon the error of his way, and If ho iigain presumes lo tran-nill 'Hutnpuri- smut'' to tho public gazo and Inspection through the medium of the 1'ie-s let him analyze both sides of the cino-llnti and resort for his argument to iho fair domain of common tcne, and we ap prehend that with imlltlte difficulty he may receive Ingres?. It Is an old -ay-lug "That a blind hog will mnii-tliiics find an aiiirn,"and we would be doing a manifest Injustice to this piittm'iro- ie wtlteiylhl we not commend hlm for the disposition ho admonishes the dov- eminent lo mane ol tiio I'reedmeii , liure.ui. That there aro hone-t labor- Ing men wrllhlng in tho vortex of in - nml niM'ivl it t j l.nin.l .1 .... 1 .4 . "v rvj i v 1 1 j n mi wiiu uuui.i , liiui wir.y iiiiun nil1 DOIUIIS "l Ihi'Ir rc-ipet'tivo townbliip for a Hii-lun- niicolsaiulpabloniid crying tllsjjrnco; Hint tiio ItmllcnH in Congress assem bled are c.xnc'lini; Iohih to Uuep tho Xoiiro, their pet, llvlns in Wleiicm nnd luxury, for thu enliibllsluuent of Ahi- , , ' , bitiiilan (.oiistllu Hons, nml taxhtLr tlto-o i. i.,n ..ii .i . i, .1 . that left all that was dear to them, and Oi rnnirli llu. irnni .mil kitw.l-n ,..I 1 llirOUKII 1110 KOti) 111)11 MIlOUll Of Wfll ctjntested imttles preserved tho nation from thu tmpnillri!; (loom of dissolu tion, and who now feel tho wltheiliiB blasts of pay tho Interests lo bei-iiretho bonds uponwhk'h thu lonmarc based Is triio.Sticliaelsic(iulreInimedIatti revision and rcdre-s. Hut that iiitllvlil. mils who wish and pray forthelr repeal I hhuiild bo i-tiKiiiatl.edas thoorljfluators , of tho distress tho Initialed writer I hpeal.s of, is entirely tiiu-alled for, is I laise in lis tiueiauee ami at oik-o pro- Hiipposed lo all eunimoii sense, men a menial di-enn on his pint, for whleh their is no euro within the province of reason. TltV HoVAl. ll.VlU.NIi rowili'il. It Is tho best thing In uso for cooUIni,', It Is cheaper, anil ninth betterthan Civiiiu Tm lar mill Soda. It la for tale by J. I). Maichbnnk, M'Kelvy Nenl k Co., A. lliirtmaii, J. li. Shannon, ,Io.cph for rell, I.. T. Slliirpless. tt, I'lin ahi 1 piiia, .luno.'l. Si venlet'ii year loi'intsmiililenly appeared to-day 1 in cuiintlc-. iiimiliii. LEGAL NOTICES, jli wrvrK or hamum. intrm,itn men Letter tmiameninry cm mo omiuo or Hnmuei Iti-ituli-r. In In nf HomioclC InuiiMilo. Pitlnni til.t county havo lien granted hy tho lUuMer of (.'olumhta County to Jnne l-niKlcr nnd Peter llnutler, or wild TownMitp. All pei-non lmltig r In Inn nun lint thtH-ntnloimi reo,uvhied to pi i sm t them for fKlllemcnt, ud thnto Indebted to tho odato either on notn or huolt account will mako pnymcntto Hit? Kxeruiorsu lllinnt delay, JANi: llHWIM'lt, PKirit miiHium, Jirty I, u-t, lixeemori, IHU I iiwiiiiip j u' 1 1 lorn it in t it i v fi i in I'uiii InothaHliii'pliUVV (unwed MuylMli 1j7. P. I. Ptijia ht 1, IH to tln-lr ilutlfH tl Hlitrn tip ItraNerH nndto tho "provlaioin of mi Act up HOM'U iHIiriH tSJlll 1-01, I i In I IIKI' n, 111 lilt! .'tiintiilMliiiiiii4 will Imkiio no unit rs for bin mi dntniiKo nficr thin date, iuiIom the law Ui com pllo-t with, . . iiuii, i t i iiii iii.iv. i MONT. COM!. - Coni'in. AIImI. KAVII) I Win, Krltliltauni, Clerlt, I.May I.hVi li:in on thu "i Jn Iho Court or Coin L'huoi DASii.l.iloiini' mnn l'leitHof Culmuljln 1 1 . . M'mtntv VI Pa No. 67 (Ir-oiinr, I.Kin, ( May T l(Wt VntlfoU lmrpliv nlvcn. that the niidr1utiod. nppolnlrd nn nudllor hy thu wil.l Point, to dlv .tl t.n ri,t..t nt-lBliwr rr.i.i tlm Mlmrlfl'u int., nl tho icul t'Mntu or JVIeiidiitit, nnd otderi'tl to lu atii into Lour i ; v,ii ancuo ni iih ut k'"' lei! in lllonnuhtirir. mi Halurdav. Jutio Ctli. Pin. fm the purposuM ninttltiKMilddlslrltnitloit. All pi'imin nro lififly riftihi'it lit mako their III llll S ID fit Ml IUII'1 DI'HUt" IIU" IHMUIVI III tun time Hpt'i lilftl, or Iw ilrharird from romliiK In IIIKIII Mllll 11 lit 1. IWIIO V, I IlKKll AUTlto "(lzt;rrh" pleao copy, G I01ATM11IA COUNTY S.S. in tlm Ornluiti'M Court In nnd fur t-uul County, In tlin intitter of tho nccuunt ot Miliiut 1 Aihin-Imt-li una Jni-(il) It. Frits, i:ei-HtnrH sf tlii l.wt slll nntl tfHtanicntor Wm. l-'rll, ilri-t-iiM-il. M.iv tl. Wis, on motion nt Mr. rlnrk, I., II. I. It tin lVnpjilutPl Auilltor to mnllo cllsti lljiltton nf tho li-iliim-o In (Ho luiutls of ita iiccouutimt-i to tint i-rnlllnrH of --nl 1 itot-i usc-.l. Ii tin fourt. l'loin tin- i.i-onl. JL.SSJ.I D1.I1M S,l lull. Voile1 l'i lurrli;- ilin thill I will ulti-lul to tin Otltli-sof llmnlioM' iipointtiieut ill my ollli-c In llumtii-hort;. on halui.l.iv. tltn .I iv ol .limo iioxt, nl Ion o'floili ii. in., ivlion iinil wlu-iv nil iictsoin mo H-iiulrnl lo I'l-cM m Uu'lr ( l.ihns ho. lorotiio or In tl. Liu ion Ironi romim: In for u slmio of tho nssuti, i:. tl. i.t 1 1 la Amlltor. .Muy ii l?STATi: OV (JKO. UAUl, DKC'l. I JTu M irlluV Itaiip, Itaup, Win, lut, Jonas Itaup Henry llaup, John It-mp, (ifuivi1 M Itatnt, Han nah, Init'imairlod w 1th -In iiiKtarlt I llai'ht-l, IntirmarrUrl with John CtMn-r and 1'. ur Hutirruuardlan ad fim orMatthu llnin'i l.loyd O. HutuT, ltm-htl U. (IuImt, Wm. Ilnhi-t na l.Iolm Holier. 1,1 neat dcxctnulauWot Hiori;t It.uip. lato i.i LocUhtTownshlpdma-ou, and to nil ftfiei I'fjt-tms inttL-rostoH, Hiataiy: Vou an Iti-ichy rlu-d lo ho and npinar hefore tho Juikt'S if o r Orphans Court nt an Orphans' Coat I to be ludd at 1 (looms! mr;?, on the thiit Monday of May tin n nnd ttifro In accept or lotusu to taUn tht rral stale or snid (leuryu Itaup, ilccrast'd, at tho appraisal nlimttnn put upon it hy tho Imiiu'st duly uuardiitl Uythe n.iid Omrt, ami returned hy l la shcilll, or snow caii'-o wlij-thu sumo hhould hot hu hold, Alnl lu-rent rail not, Wllut'M tin Honorable Wm. Klwtdl, Titt-ldi'iit ot our s.dd court, the sc n'h tlay of May A. !., liW, May .Uf5i;c01,L.MA.N,Clt.rkl TKi'hli mattkh ok Ti'u: i"m:ti- X Hon of Alem t'. Van LU'y, Avsljfuponr Jnint" MiTCdltli, tor tnc sp( mo j cuoimnuvc oi a con. tinct tntt i cd lntooy l' ur MUik, tiow U.'M. with the Mini Janus Mcrtdllh. COLVMniA COt'NTVS.S 'flu Coiinnciiiwi alih ori'mnsj Kanla r mi i i ," JI-tnhuch nml Wllsnn V j -"-iKK, Auininiiiaiors oi rnir-nu Mnn MilU-lr, lvt. r Mdicli, Almtr Mt hcli, lllram Mi tick. MaruarLt. Intermarried with D.inlt 1 shunt'. I'horbt'. intcrnill I led ulth yohtuih OliiHli.aud Ualall Mt'llclc, (iliardlnn fid litem or ltteltol It. Wnrinw and Kdmuttd Warhu.', nnd or MarvM. Mt'Donald.lVtir Ucst, Nettle lit ht, Iiy ron lJcst and Mlllu lltsl, lit 1 at law ol IN-ttr MtlliK.tli-tta'l, We co .imaiid you nnd iiy ainl nil til ou, th tt la InjMismu all luihifss nml cxui's, vou hi nnd appear In our nioper x rson i, tn'foip r.m In 1-esor tho Oriihans Court ol i.Vlumbi.i L'otin iv, on tho lliht Monday or September next, and im-swcr tho bill or petition ut Alem c,'au I. lew A-!fjueo of James Metcdlth exhlbiled in our s tld i oiirt.and iiinvltm thu said Coin I lo ilcciro l hi' kim i illc iRTloriiiatire or a lonliiict ent lad hint fieturtii Piter Militli in his Ilhlhni' nml James MLredlth. nnd to do lurthi r m:d u-et he UIll I'll!" MlMl ijUtiti airio uim- t-inxint-n-i i 111 hi hair. Hereof fatt not at our rll. no 1 Hie penalty that may clique. Witness the 11 m. Wm. 1 Hull, ritshtent or our nuld t.aut th eluhttenthilnytir May A. I,. IHX. May LV, .tt J lMl: I OUlMAX, CK-tU i . r. s IIKIUKK'ri SAliK. tr v.uAnr.r. Ii!:ahi:hom c-ta tl. l.y htue or ft writ or I'icil 1'i.clus KmuvI out tint.e Court irCommoii lMum of Columbia coun ty and to me till ll tc il, w ill bo exposed to public sale or out cry ut t lie Court House in Illoiimtlitnu nt one o'clock: Ijl tbourieriioini. on hat tu day .Iiuio 'MiU IhtIS, tht? TnUowlim U'm hold CHllllo to It I All that cvrlatn term of j tarn, or lenst hold i b tale, iii nil tho coal undeilylnu eeitnln tr.u I or laud sit unto lu Uener lounship, Columbia conn 1) olid Mnli'ol Pen lo-) hanta, pnltiiltd In the name o "Calrlna I.oiiytnbiifr," t'oiitainlng ::(. ACIIKH, MOIHJ l)lt MS, bi iimiiiK nl a stone corner or s.Ud laud, nnd biuil ol Atllew tlm;, ll.t nee t xtvlidlns tiotth, tlnht and one-half tlenes east, two huinlied anu imuy-iuo turns ami iweniy-iivo nun drcdlhK Hit net l-.1i mllny by land ot John lit oo, uoi 'D, Hurt it naiul lliree-lotulli tuiu s vi.M, lut iiundit d nut st M-nt, -nine yi rdus and four lent hi to a stoii'-jthi nee e. tending sunt he!t;lil, em and l) t -t ulh depict m iviM, two huudietl and tblrt y-oue pctclies loa poil; and theiico 1 said I'latk'rf land south thli leen anil one-hair tie diet's t ast, luo hundred and eltfhty-llve pen'hes to the placo r hct-iiin Oitr; uhlch ivas granted lo Henry J. llmu'Uhv Mlelnul C.Krelizt rnndMaiy hH wile, John W.l'ihi;ar,init IteUec.i H.his ire, Cwus J. Ilowerand rranklln II. Itowtr, liehsor Htiity, thceastd, and Heniv J, Itouer, ijuaiiltan or i mily lloucr. Uotuil 1 lower, Addi mil linger, Mni now r.Wm. llowti auddlbson How er. In lis o Uv, Wm, I lower, tlfeeaei, and Htitili W. Mellei nolilx, by Huir Imlcntuie.d.Uul tl.e Jtt tlay ol 1 1 biuaiy and w hlth was as Hiyni d by the said Hi my J. Hower, levn e theiu In, to "llui kaer Cm t k Coal lfuupnn" hy ns slnuu nt ibit id the Mil day of.Juiio i;V-Iho iKinuttrm or ilitein years (torn the sahl brst day td I'lluunrj 1Mj.', with a light or renewal, at the opt b. n of thelessi i; for an addition il term ol ten uiii.1 alter Ibetei mhiallou or I he s.iid tilt t n ytnis top tin r with nil the rljihl, prlvileis and uppui ti iniiets tis n t ured to the xaid Icsste bv the Mild luttcuiuie: hubjtel to the unt or rojal , on tin eont mincit ami it moved unb'r the teiius tf the snltl Indentuu' ns therein n Miid;wlih all tlf buildings impiovemeuw i and euetbmsm.ide tin -al'l I. Mel urnVr thepro 1 visions til Hie siid indenture tr lea-st. Mli'd, titkth in I.Miiitfon (Hid lo K sold ns lie propei ty t r ' tho Jie.ivt 1 Cm k Compa ny." So'UlSW'nrs MtHHTi AI MII,1.AIH, shitnr. ;iav '.u. iifl. ;t. ::w h u a i n r toi-v. KKlK AdKNTS WANTKD ill.-ltt.iiliTu for ltrAVm. Minllb's likllanirv id I In- Ihble. 'Jho onv ulltloti publtvhtd lu America, comb nsid by Or. Mtilth'M own hnnd. in one Inrbe Ocnu voluine, tilusiiati'tl with our l'-."oltel and wood iiiKrainKs. Agents and t-uiwi I lie's u-i that joii yet the iii iiuim-1 tiii ion bv in. Mnltli, 'In '-prlnml'dd Uepublitau sa IhU ulltiou imbliil ed bi Mtis, Uuit A. Co., is Oil f;umilio HifllK. Tuo Cons' eK-itlonalNt wlioever wishes (n ui-i.ln I he cheapest loim, Iho lies I OMloiuiy of Uin Ititdoslioultl buy this, Aleuts uto ineellUK w Uh UUpiira' ltd stn-ei ss, Wo mploy im ileneial Am nln, and oir. r ixtr.i l ml in i minis to CnmnssciH, Akc nis will see the (uHaiitiiKHof ilii.IliH'dliietly with the publish cik, 1'or tb sell pi he cli culms with full paillei). nml let las, uddh-is Hie Puhli-dic r. J. It. IICKUAI O., May -2'C-t. Hnrtrord, Colin. A ' T T IO X T 1 II M llu- mull i.lmiiil tinvln hit i, . I iii IIIK llltllli'ty ut I.lliUT isTlir.iri', l'A I'l rlfully Itil.iriu 1 1 . i.iil,. Unit li. I. 1 liY.ou'iYni to IULV till' - lilKlu-.t i-ii-fi pru cii fur li.irlt. voiilil fulilfliiit lilsTukiiur lias iji'ui 1 II lid U HOW I1' Idllltl til till II tillt 11 H HiumI Uiilil IIH '..,.(, lt ,,.i nN ... ,.,,1,,-trv. nriiiui.nw.url.ark. "'" Mil VOs-lt. .1 mi:s w. i-ANiir.v. IUIILH.' SAliH 1 ltl-IAI. 1-S-TATi:. OF VAI.l'AllIil-: In iiursunnco of nn nrih r nftliclJrplmns' l-uuit f I'lilumliiii Ciinnly, l'K., im Hnturiluy. tho tilth iluy (if .lunu ne.t, nt luu Vliulc In Iho forenoon, .loim 1-Iiiiiiiiui. tluiiriliiui. .li-.. t.f tin- minor chll. "in .. ..-..( i.wai. i, ..ii.' t i ikiii ri it... u-iiip,! ii .iiiiiiiinniy.iUi-tnuii. will i-mwi m i uiiiiohaiu , nu Iho iirt'iitluc, ii i-i-rtnln pki-.. (if liiuil hltnatu m iicawr tnui-hiiin ihomiHiniintj otc-Dium. 1 I'l.i. ImliniU'it ulul (Icucrlljcil Ul, follnw a. to w It 1 . ,, ',ll0 ,ir0uinil cni.t hy lllillilll. hen of lU-nry lloili r, l.ilo of lten rr lovntlilp,1n n-r, on the smith liy linnlof l)aKl Joluihon nml en tiio ui-bt hy Int.. I of John hhlcrniiin, cunl&tn ini iwcnlj-ilireoafri'K inoioiirlt-.H, A1XJ i --one other I'ln-o of ljinil hltuuto In thu low n-nip oi iu-nc-r nun roui.iy alnli-hadl, liun il.-il 1,11.1 llls(-rillC(l DM lollliu-ll. tu wit loll On. nnl 111 hy liin.l of 'IhoinuH I.ntz, on tiio rust l.y l.ui'lof Jnlill IIIlltcrlllL-r. on Iho lolilli liv luiul of tho I, low t-hloriiiiin anil on tho pi.t liy luiul of iiinry iio-iiT. t-unut nnu: n ai-n-4 n ort. or I l.'SS. I .in- ino siuir in .-nu ui-crnst-u. hiiiiuio ill luo tow nslilp of lli-nv r anil i-oiint v iit.n,l. 11111111111.11110,'. May il,'lis. JIXsiKltJI.IIMAN, clcrV, 'HlllMHOI-'KM.Ki- Tin piriinl.ofoiio.foiirlli nf llu- piiu-li.ii-c money lo ho paia al tin -trilling ilown oftho prop, rtyi thooin.'.fonrllil(ntlioUii iiii nt. nt tho (iiiilliiiuilliin ol thu huh-t ami ilio 1 1 inal ul nu thri-o fuurlhi in oiioyiar lliiii-iil. lor wllh Intiii.t Ik in 1 1 nlii million m.. JOHN Mll'.MAN, May ."J.'us. Ilnanll.iii, Ar. r it a y . t nine lo the Mt mUt'M of tho mlixeriber. In Ha caitoaf louiihldp, alioiu (ho lalof April, u wliliv now, inarltiti with a liolo In her left mv and a nolth in the Minio ear hupimsed toheu year old. 'ihe owner will proe proiierly, pay rharMKitnd lake lit nwnv, or fche will I m hold weeoiilliiu to law, Jusiur.v r, IUS. hiinrIoaf, Muy Pl'G, 1 Ol'IH llltOU'N, tiUt. J. MVAM'. niiOWX A KWAIiD, wiiouxau; (iHon.iiM, V, K. ror.TUlitUV VlnoKtrcoa, vnihAurjiMihu MayW, UU'Unio. MERCHANDISE. jHv htocic ok currinxf. Frli nrrl1 of KAMj AM) NVI.NiMt Jf(Ct. ItAVIII fXlWKNltKUd invites attention lo hU Ute of c:i!i:Al,AKI)l',A.Hl!lONAIir,i;cU)IHINH. (it Ills Morenti Main Hlr ot,tTo doors hhne the Aiflirlwti I tout llloomlmrK, l wlaie he liftn Jut reet'hed from .S'ev loikmtd 'lillMelphm n full assortment or mi:n anI) iioyh- cuniiN, Including the mot fiisJiUnnMe, duntble, rtntl h nnd hoi ae DUKKSfJOOHH, consl&tlnK ol llOX.HACIC, IIOCK.OUM, ANHOIlMTiO'Ul COATH AM I 'A NTH, or nil hoilt.hlrt'H, mid eolorn. Hp Imn nUu replrn- Uhed IiIk alicady largo nloek or KUA, ANIl tt'INTKHHIIAWLM, HTitirim, I'lfiUHiin, anh riiAiN vf.sth, H1IIUTS, CUA VATH, STOCKM, VOX.L VUs, nANDKT.itcimirH, or-ovr.H, HUHn;Nii:ii, anh i'anx'Y autici.ix He nas constantly on liand n Inree nnd wi M-xe eled nssmtmcnt of CLOTHS AMI VI'-STINOS, whktt ho ii prepared to mako to order into any kind of clothing, on very idiot t liollee, and In the lust iiiiiniii r, All Ills clotiilnn h made tonvar, nnd tno-st of It Uof homo manufacture. OOUi WATCHI-4 AND JIlWKt.ltY, of eMry I'.cscripllon, fliu and cheap. Ills cuwew Jewelry Is not urpased In this place, Call and examine his netietttl uroilnu lit or ITtOTIIIXH, WATCHI, .IllWHI.UY, Av. iavii Lownsnruci. M I- 110 II A N 1) 1 H K. To mj filoii In uii'l tho i'ul-11.- jrnmllj-. Unit oil IlllOl-'lf DIIY UOOD.S, (IllOC'KltUCS, QUKr.NSWAUK, NOTIONS, AC, hu- rou-tiuitly on lmmt fin-1 for wile, AT JIAllTUN'ri UI.II STAND, r.l,OOMSl-VU.I, It T jamix k. 4' I 91 K, Uin, Sole Aci lit Ii r 1 Itl-i' I'llosi-IIAl E or 1,111 t. lot lOllKlllllllj i li lmnil. IffbS'OT. jTi;V OAHINKT WAKE IIOUSK, 'J m. undcrslBiied take this metlifMl to Inform Iho public that he lias opened a NHW ITUMTIMIK W.MIK llOl'HK In tin? WnlhrKrlck Itulkllne;, on Main hlretl, HIMttMsnViiUt VA Which ho hns purclmtednnd Intends to keep per inaueiitly filled wllh rurulluroor CITY AND HOMH MAMM-'ACn'llP IT CoMritPiKA or II K I) M A T H li H S K S , snpAM. I.OL'NCH:i MAltni.U TOf CIINTIIK. TA11M t'ii.nus-rUfii!oM:i,rAMMioiTOMi:i AND WOOH IIOTIOMMH. nxiiiNtm.t taiili;s, olassi, KAUI.OU, CIIAMHKH AND DIX IXC ItOOM KPHNITUHE. In 1st t n mil ussorlir.eTit or u i: a HT-iui' t: co v v i s:h of nil sli-rt, nnd ol KVKIIYTI!!. IN'lHi: I IM.'T KI '1 It A UK ; All or vrhih dl i-f sM !' H K A V toll i' V II. 1 1 c publlr arc lii Itt d to itud exnmiux lo tock I rtorc I itrchiirdhlf lewUdl. (JKOltl.K H. i nllM . Ulo tm-ibiua. Auti lfi, l-tf7. JI.O'I'IIKS ItV .MACHINKItY. Hie tiiidi rsiRiietl would it spee'.lully call Hit nllcnllon or the public, lo bis mw nnd upprowd liutbod of ninklnu tloUun )j a wjstcni b.t.'itl hhiii iimlht'intitlcii) iirlnclplcn, which reiuUlH 11 Impossible lobe others UetlinnprnVelly uccurnle He claim ftr this method tho foIIowln ad- an tapes. rniHT. Peril r! cecumey. Mil u.N I i. A Kit ihi; of tiro thirdu or Ibe IIsiihMt In li en to ut out tin cloth. Till 111'. Abllu.f l lioatuit. all iSilit & s lnn a K.s! rtt. POIIUH. lliitt it d"i i Mway with Hit iitt-t,slt,v t bt.iij; liluutned moielh.m mn e, in oflen li llii m from tlie mlnpprel tnslm -i lulstaki. i.r iiifftsuter. Ha would ll i ku tlit inblU to li li a Olai.ns I. la wllulicil thnt It will t,t" pttTtct iatlsrn-tlon. Hu will hi hnpp to cxblbHnnd ex pin In its woik Im; nl i.uv (lun to Nllms. .1. V, i HKMrtf.Itl.IN Mai eh W IM'"1 MulU hi., b. low Maiket, LACK AW,' I.PKO ItAI ANNA ANI) IU.OO.MS MLIh I AO. on and nib r Mny lllh, IM-i, P.tssi nt v Tialns will inn us loiiowh: Ooiiu; hoiitli. tJolnp Norm. I,ne Leave ArrUe AirUe n. m. p. m. a. m. p, in, S.'raiitoii .Vft 1,'M !M7 Leave Plltslon li" n,:;i !i ia Kiuv'siou O.i l.t'i la.aa j Plymouth t'J i.o'i 7.11 R.J.i hhUksblun .iu i'.u-I 7.1s Hem It Ic 7m C.t'i Vt l-."S J I loom So'i U.Y 7.M (..III llttpflt vjil 7.HI 7.IW (J.IMf H.tiivble IMti ".li 7.02 rX All tvo Al l lvt e Li u e Nollh'd t'.-Vi V- WJi 1.15 Tho Il.l'iTr.iln nl i-liiiili'ii iiuiKi-h (Miiliei-lloiiH ulth llxpiohs Tlfiln lor Ni-u- Yml; at U n'rlock p. in,, tirrli Inn In .Vow York P.:. ' i. ni. II. A, 1 O.MIA, nnp l. IC7. IW. JIllliADr.ljl'llIA AND KltlK L llAll.ltOAll.- winti:ii iimi: taiili:. Tiniordii ami nun (t nut ii: ni.ivri-.N t-itu.A- iili i-iii., nvi.TiMiiio-, lt viiiiisneini, wit l.i iMsi-onr, ami 'im: (lltKAT OIL ltl:UION (IP Pi:SNsiYI.VANl . i.i.ruiNr hi.r.itriMi i ms On (ill Nlsht Trains. On anl nl'lrr Movniv. Mvv II th I'M, Hi" 'I lulus on On- Plliiulililila A Pill- Hull Itoail Mill run n-i lollnu-.: Wl.silW Aim. MAIL TllAIN It. itii PhU.uh Iplil.i . 11.1' " " .Voilluiliihtrlnlul. Ii.l'ill.lil ' urr. at Lrlo s-vip.m. i;m t: i:. i in.--iriiM-s riiuuiHipiii.i.. i-,im hi. Norfil ...ii.'.i p.m. ,.. .K.I.I 11.(11. .... I.' p.m. ..7. uin. " " ait, nt Itilo LLMIHA MAIL leaves Plllluch l,il.i . " " Norlh'il urr. nt .. i: VSTW.M11. M.MLTItAIS' liMM-sP.tlo .Snltlul " - urr. at 1 liUi'lolpliln Illlli: LXPlll'-s . . . Nort il ' ' arr.KtPhllaih-lpliin, PI. Mill MAIL leiiMH l..K'k Hiimii.. .11.0.1 li.tii. .11.01 p.lll. ..7.I11 a.m. .7.1.1p.m. .. n.lsu.m. .. .l.i.i p.m. .7.1iitun. .lu.lil a.m. . U.lUti.m. isoriii i uir. at Phlhulelohl.l. Mull i,ii,1 Pxori-SM eonllis-IK Willi fill nil tinliiii on WAIlllLNA t HANK I.I.N' HAILWAY. PukM-n KtrHle.nhiKl'hilntlelplilaatK'.D.M.ntrhe nl lr vim tun at ti.ioa.m. and Oil City nl tt.', iM'avlnir IMilladelphlant "J" I'. M. arrhe nil m ritv ut i.'il 11. in. All MitltiM 011 War il-11 A KrnnLllii Uailrnv iniikeeloMMimntellaii nt OH City with trains fur l miiKon aim I't'iioiennu vnire. iiaKK"B,-,'i'e'K 1 nroiui 11. A. L. TYI.KH, .eneuiSiipeijiitt'iuk-nt, Wlllt.tintport. c. 11 o w 1: a, petifl a rlritt-t'lnn BOOT, HUOi:, HAT CA1', AND Kim HTOHi:. nt tho idd t and on MalnHlrfet, JlliwniHburg.n few (loortaooM? iiiei tniri jioiist, uin titim ueone iuixed of the verr InteKt nntl hehtHtTlt-n uer oIIit tl to thu elllzi'im of Cohmihla Cuiintx. He run apetuninodate the pnhllo with thofullowlnKOtitlt nl thu loweht latesi. Men's heavy douhlo holed Klnita hoots, men'H iloubla nntl hfnglo tap kolxti Ufp booU, iiicn'H luuy btou'ii Hhofs of all UIikIh, men'H line IhkiU nndfhocH of all irnuUn, hoy itoithlu holed hoot nntlhoe of nil KliuU, men' ,.!..... r. I 11 111-1,1 1 in.iulilAll'a umln.iiiV "!' '"."."".;""',: ""V" aim inisKeK' inuiiff eniier, woineirn iiioa Kill Polish i rv ntio.woln, n'Mliloroeeo 1 lilt morn!, nml ealf .hoi'N, worn-', vrry tlna k I.I Imttomil unit, ei.. In .tiiirt hoou ol nil diiicrlptioiiH iHittt jig- Kl'il mill heWI-il, llo Mnnlil iitsnoiill ktlenllon lo lil. Duo assoit. inent of ii.vth, cAifi.rnw anh NorioNc. Willi h oomi.rl.i'S all Iho heir ami isipnlar iiri. t-tllm at pi Uch u lil( h cannot fall In .nit all. Tlic.o Komi, nro ollircil ill the l.iuii.1 easli lule. ami will ho Kiiaranteeil tnlo hatUfaellon, A eall Ih snllcllnl boforu pun liN.Inu olbowhoro m. It In hollow-.) that h.tier linrKUtn. are In he fo-t nil limn at any otlu r placo In the isninty, luo. (lui "y a i, i, i' a i' i: a h, VI.S)OVHIIAI)Ii'',l.0lliH,TAK-li:i.S, rillllUMOf tliuluU'.t Old U1 p.i tin iih, Palenl hliji I.u liter, for liou-uuriiuiilt'ii, .. v,, . II. J.IIIOHNTO.N'. I il i".v, w it iiuuihi, uiow iimuti NHW ADVBirriSGMBNTS. TIOOK AOKNT8 WANTKI) KOU I )t.tMMlS'(l SI MlMTdltV 1)1 Till: I Mll.ll hi ATlJH-iinni ii.iiiMovt ry IoUim rbs. or An drew Jnhn-sfiirii ii-iiulnhtniilrtii : in m n tl tiMi ultimo ot Jiftt jMitf . lllitNtiittctl i ui hun dred rntra Iiick on w dnudtwc!t ttmrnMtntN on fit eel t cnthelv new. I'm -1 .-t im-iM-m 1 b i mi apply to T, 111 I.KNAl. llaiifoid, Co-m . or 111,1"- a ii' i itroau n., r-i wain, j. A OKNTS WANTKI), Kur thu JU:it- MIN AH HIHTOIIY OK (IT'.NI!!I A I, rll LAM'. hy A, 1). Hit'UAnmov, author or "Klcld, Hun- :eon ami j.scniii", mm iinnnn ine.inintsf ippi, ilntrrlnl a:ithiU'd bv the nnthor at "Ilcnd-nnttr- ters In Hi" l'h hi, and (i i mi '.mmi I . cue I by o i: v i u c A i hlmtsell. r-Ul ii P ' 'n i Mi I in at tor no ol her vnl Ii in i inu'i. o'lt-'in It Iho only nuibci..d "laie ol Ur.uit,' Won't oirernti Inrerhir work. "Oi't theltt," Address ,Mi;nicAN vu ii.iHiMNd ' " . ii.u iroiu.ronn. or 1H.IHS A CO., HI, Jhond t Ni wirk, N. J. AOKNTrt WANTKI) VOU TIIK whauino or 'im; tiiu:i:N.-The Ktent- est hook r,er published. Jts cfnitnts ntedi cply Interestinir ntnl i-hould bt I nrefully Head I y ev ery one, 'ilu Jinmeiiie ib nmnd ! r thl yrent wuiKRiamps ii inu intisi.-tiicci-minn notiitwui, u Ih dcclih'illv llio ltook I-or I be Times. II fnllv llliiHtratcs Obi Ireland, abounds In llomahct. Oicldrnt nnd wit, Miowimr the p. tn.,ivm nnd Hevotlou, the Tmlti nml I trvor, ot ilmt warm hour led people, eutitalnlnu -iiO pugi s nnd over Mki llhHttatlons, bound In cloth, mn-n and c;ild. l'rlee ?.t. Ai't-nts watiled i ii w hi i e. H flu sh e territory gheu. Heud for circulars nnd snm plocopy. Win, FLINT, Ho. 7th si., l'hll'n., 1M. CIKNTri WANTKI) "roil TIIK or on an r, li V A TA!r oi rir .( 'IhhlH the ohh I'till, nthentle nnd OlMel.ll History oi ibe I, Mr and I'uMlc StrMeis or tho Orcat Clib rtiiin.nnd tho only one that 1st ndniftotl by nil his Iiend!!!" Oenerals, Send Tor Hpeelnn n 1'iiL'cs and CliciifaiH wlihteimt, Adthe-s Na tional I'ublMilliK Co., I'hll ulelphia, P.l. OA HTlo v. iboeountiy Is bcin tioiMhd with so-called hives ol Onint, written hy Chilians and I'olliiclnns who never k.iv a ballle. heu Oiil the Hook ,nu buy Is mdorned by all the I,cadln- Oeueralf, JnOK A(MiNT8 WANTKI). i tir "People's I'ook of llbirratdiy,' by James Pa noli, Ihu "Prince ir Illoarnphcis," contain injr liven ol ill.ithiKUlshed pciaoiis of nil njzes nnd countries, women as wt II na mt n. A haudootue mlavo biHik (t over piues, HI nitrated with I binP'Til steel eiuriiliiis. No eotilpetlllou. AUt f"iv It sells inKtt r ! hail nnv book Ibey i v cr '. 'it nun liberal. Hi ml Tor subsciiptlou elr cula A.H. HAl.Htir Co., Puirrs., Hurtloid, Conn. A .IK.NTri WANTl'.D l-'OIl Mi N tr tl'i: 1).V ; (li UI.. : "'il.- nfovr.' i fill,, liit.vt prnniiiii ill i. ii-ii ,ii h nirinii. in, ,-i! n-( (iimii. Mi- riiiuii. ( nil iv, K'utiiii r, Miiiiiiin, - li. i hIiiii. Hutu. Kd li, Iny I'iKi!.!-, t:uitlii,"'l niiuliull. ri-nluii, llurk. Iui:li:iiii,, fin i-i.-y, W toii.l-i.ll I li-.. riitrnailt, t liiisi-, lmiiii, Mi-miis, Hcci-Iht, unit i.thi-ri. Cinlii'liUlipil ,M nvi-r I) lllo-llku i-ti-i-l Piirltiilts, tiim Pimm. S'llit only by Ac.-mIh. (Iruit Itiiliii-t-iiK-nM. si-nil for t'liculnrn, Kill l.l'.It, M t l'llllV A Cl., Ul AtvllM., l'lilla., I'll. "VTOUTir 1 HI IIP CO, AMKK1CAX HTIOAI- Tiiuortiu r.iNi: to camfohkia, SA1I.INO 1'HD.M NHW YOltK lS TIM' riir.oprin i.isi'.'Joi'At.iriiiiNi via r.YNA3i.v r. mm:.) mi. "itli nntl aitli Kvcry JTontli. O tin- tiny before lion those il.tto- fill ,m .sntitttnrt fij i,.siuu;r.ow-nniiAX ,M nun n mm-. ,1 Tnr Iiirnimntlon nilili-t-n-i H. N. CAltlllNt. i i v, AKLUt, ItJ (SIMllui'I, .n. s . W. II. Wkiiv, Pios l. t.l!A(.. I)M., VIl.iPli on'.rc- "il Ilxrlmniie l'liue, .Vi- Vmk. f1I IK'U hA H, MI Mi, MULAY, J OA NO A CHOSS CITHAV.-. Hviry Siw Ihnt haves our Vaclor.v i n ..ui petcd nnd Patent Hround, iierfcctlv trie . id een,nnd i.mdeof unlfoim temper b out i t i ul tempt riny proce j. t'uiiiiiiiiii sli-iiio, a-l (jtnul ns tin- hct, 'I In ltLI JAl'Kin' (l-nlliiirir-, 1 nil ' .l . unnut I - ri'lh-il. irilfil.uilv On 3 Will .-nl -i p r '-i-iil, hinltilhnn rulnnirin Ax -,, Willi loiii l-llirir In llu clinpi'rl'. s. n,t Mr clr'-lllnr ainl pri .toLIPrr.. IIAICl'.Wl.LL, I'll .hini-li, P.i., Koli ..liui'ii Pol-salo hy prlneli'iil Ilnrill.-aii- li. ,'!.-r-. j A Hit & LANDMAN'S P.iri ni Ltui in Ui-Kc i. ru i oi i.i.n. A Oltuln Pnsori.tli' of i:3lls, l'llllt,, Ac, lor any I. Willi of tliii.-, Por -ule hy 1 nudists ami r(H))i: WAT Kit (. -. H P I I l'll'U. 11, ami i:avi; tiiocoii : '1 In- hi I ami .'In- l titli-li- - 1 1- i.i-uli.. Pi. i-rvhisli-, parll(iiliirl Pnruu-is tiiul Mho 1 . h-iu! I, .i- 11 llu- tl( st-l iptlv.- iMi-oul-ir 11 in I pi III" ll.l l 1 J. A. llooliWAHIi, Wlllliiiiiporl,P.i. "yANTKi)- acuTnts. 'In sell hy s.imiilo a ooiniilnisl hqn in-, I.. ,-l a Ui-yi-i. itdiit iiultioi nu nil oiti-roit. I'liiinty IPuhts lot-milo on most llhi nl terms, Pin-p.ii. II. iilni - ..l-lii-s, W. s, ISAT('lIHLUI-:ii A Co.. PillHhnri;li, pn. fAXTICli- MIKN'l'S, i j4o in Jl.i-oi ter niontli to tlioa' havlinf a lit 1 1 o cnpltnl. We Ktuu.uity llio iiUim nnmtlil (sitlaij tu Kondnotix n nuentHjittlieirown honiei, Jlvti) aent, larnier.L'aideiu'r.ttlinteratid fruit grower, .orin nii'i pmuiii, t-nimin heini ai mice ior paiin' ulaiM I'lt-awe eall mi or nddies ,f, AIM'WIV V CO., isis.ruiid m., llalllnioie, Md. A' (IK NTS WANTKU, IViii-Ii u li. are In want of. ind Air.-nttx h i mt hellin all lilinN of hewlnst Maehlne, iirw it f 1 itt-iKi c i to mmic s-t jiunwim stamp) tor ureal I v 11 diieed plieeH an I term , . Iv. I'l! MISDNm.o ix i( t naiii mow ii, .intx. I NDISI'P.NSAllliI'. I'lUt liADlKS hl'.WIMJ ht'llii:, l-'.ir the a-slnlatite id ladle In hand etlnk', t'lotcetliiK ihe IIiik r lioni tho needle, nml e.iu-t-inKhtilehetto liHtnken wltliexact ieuujiiltv and Ineu-ned r.ipidltv. Innlnahhi lor all l;Iu-N of 1 mhioldtrliiurnnd eroelu tint'. Sent to nnv ad ilriM-,h,v niall.eli'tftintly llt i-)aled,fur Siet nt, ur mi Id .-illver. foi Tt 11 nth. Auents i allied In every town. Teim and) cani ne iiir-tei'iitr-, itiseutint to ti o trudo, Addtts. MldX MANlT'd to., Vi Wan rM lli.-tiin. Mum. waxti:i) a(u:nts, 1 C73tn 5-iMptr month,! i rwhcre,nult mid femalti 10 Intiodtiea da inimlm.' lmpioil C'ominoii K-iiMi 'ainll Mvinn .Mut-hine, Thu mat hlne will Mltcli, liein, i il, tin Ic, quilt, mrd, hind, hi.ild and t inhitii-li r In a ihdi hineifui manner. l'U-i .niv 1 ullv winantnl t..r IHoyiain. Wewt.lpm i'mn im nnv no Idiu Ihnl v 111 t vv a .irmuer, m ie !, ut iittl, or ain ehullo rseam ttian om It mah- s p "ljijuiltf loelC St Hell.' I'm y n aid Hi l. 11 1 14 h ent, iiiul Ktltt tho 1 ih 1 .itiuiit 1 ) 1 1 1 I Willi out trarln It, Ui yny Aj, ii'i loot jjTfito Jliw pi r month and cxpitikiik-01 n t-oinin.nltin fumi whit li tulec that amount enutm made, ddri'h Hl.i'oMIU. to., rjiwhutiih, Pa., or ilMtcii Muk L'AC l'loN. Dti md hu IniKitttl upon hy other pat t ten pilmlntj oil w-ortlileH tusUlron ui.i (hlneN under tho tMiuo nniau or otherw he. Ours It tho on ty M'uuliiu nnd praetleul rheap nut eh luo mauuf.u Hired. GllKATl-ST CMUOSITY Ol' iuilii'l-:.nitvi tiii-: Wonileifnl P.t.etrlo PUIi-ll plon.eN all! Hi niiill for lo-i nts anI itninii; lf,r'.". AiMiou. Iho lioi-lilnr, NAIII.VN 11 VI. I., VVtsl Vllllilily, Mas,. -t-.lilllh Miinte.l in l 4ii ot ih.- i i.rl.l.-i i iuioNizi:i) i iiA'r." .v,1. ? . 1 111 vnr kIMM'I'Ii . ..,1 itt'ui tie irrr ii-iMMtitM ' iiiiiuiut.i iiiNHrviprioN', niioNiiiiiw, ASIIIJU.or IllNPLPIsI.V'f lf'i,- 1 III: "I VI!I10N1Z1.1I Mll.VI'- Untsurot'llti! AfcUvohr HiiijuUI fi HorMinl ,. .... .. . no, oi r- , ii, i ii,. . I'll i- JlU periliKi li. 1,5 Keln, Pn. OTIIINO 1.1 Ki: IT t? sii nii'ivi' iiiiiih i.. ii.., painUfc'ievai'iiiiiil.a ift ntle vllinutant lull cireuiiiMon, a i. iplratory pieiiratlon, tin utlthhl 0L1N ini-.llcllie. u kliiimii hlit u llu. lelic. mid mlmlrnhle ixeiutal ntletatlvi', Mieli mo ilieackimM ltduidand d.Ulv pioi u propel -th. of TAllllANTK i:ilem.ent Al'lini LS t, Wild hy nil Druitvuu, 1 lir.XTS WANTl'D for UVKUY v i ui 1 1 -('in- in mc ill ilt! nt ir -in - In i s i in ,r in, ii Ii I. II ur l-I' V flllNI ll (ill I PAI K V(.l s j .V 1.1 I'llhl II I, I nip l.ri I lal !U-ilu,n! A X H S, ml ior i i ularj Ii v .VMS M 'O, I Ii r' aeil -( id' ' I S-l, Nvw V I. .m mrnsEMKXTs. DOLUaS a i'm'i : oi VAWK, f. r-t if'w iln-if J'ttriliuiar ntl Of,- . ut oVil i 'ectl n r'i'i ' I i ncl v !iie hi uiiy t"i n or VdlflKi ... r-i . .. t i. i..'. .. m. Kr 9 t f.OljOMAN a t'o., w Hi noverm. Hotoii,'Mns! MAItHH A (()'rfM0nc Dollar SuTo of Kutftlsli ntnl American drv and fhnov uooilf. t utlery, Jewelry, At; Agent 1 t- tholr tf'XMl ns an niulvnteiit for tlielr lbor rr profurtng cluLm H.ndi'iclH, loi tha tminoHoi two articles which wni he wont on r eeipi trim.- u nnr eneii, ALenls winded. J'uil duncrluUtina Mint frto bv imil!. Addu- MAItHH a Kti,, i i reinonr now, nri-i u imwnm iirwunn .nnt. V) Tim l-ADIKS. Vu art- iiKcnts foi ot ur One Huitdrtid Kureivu nu 1 Jtotin stle Mnnufnoturcrs, nnd urf protmr! io inrnisn ine winiie eouniry wiiu ory mm mnav Kmtti.rllkn,i(hnwlii, Jewilry, ullver ware, fitrnl line, tdnnn. ncwlmr inncbinon. ttf,. '(?. at the tiulloim i ru k. of oni: i oi.'.mi ioa i:a ii amticm:. Si-lid our i Inbt i,f M mid tit wnnln. for dcscrlo- llvneliecltH.r howinuwhnt ni tu le mn Iw oldalmid for ( nu Hollar, w Uli tt u etuis for melt chuck. i in i j.aih tsi::.r I ilk. Prettntfi otih fioiu :' t i jii a -.cut frco (if eliarffe toupetn -Midlnir ehd, AuctiN ttntitml lu ivtrj birtii. ( L'ilLMAN A (Om 10 Aren nr., noMnn, mmh. 1 nfVJ-H t'KNT tfavcil. r,00i) Agontn I Jf Wnnttvl fir tho Mammoth Hollar Sale. Pull paitteulftrft In elrouUr. Addron Dbxti i:, P.AMW A. CO., li'ii Wn-diiiigtou t Host on, Mn. "yi: mA. kou oni; j)oijijAitt . orn! ftii'i Hiiver vntenen, Hew in ju acini Milk I l tviiuiU'i, i .irpeiuitfa, Uiinu.Mit t. tot hip, AO ihiilaiu hi:nt rnni; i vln lull iwrllculiir, or lenelwH-ks ncht for Olio lldlAfklt M inllar. desf rlbim.' ten dllfr ill niHcle n't oi' ii vrf wm scji ior oni: i:ai h, Mp'endld ltidueent;iit onrial to Aents M-ml um in ciubs, AdtfreM, i.AiioNii: iiAiim rr,. No. IMutlbury, Bt., I lotion, Ma-.. 0 r.00,000 CUSTOM KH9 IN KOUIt YUA11H PATltONl-r. tiu: lllsT. HnvIU(( the huaent enpltnl, tiiost ixiierliitlnet,-!! buvf rs, nnd cKteimlve trade of any concern in the Dollar Halo business, wo (U ahanthl; KATisrAtrnoN liijeery lush ncc, and nho tl v 1 esl stlectlon of pwKls etr tdrereu nt oni; Doix.Ui i:Acn, No other eon. ern h.s nny show wherever our Atteuts nrt villus. Our motto i "PuoMi'T AM Itt.l I Hl.K." Male and l"mal a'e'ttH w.mled 111 city nod ciemtry. t ii j: l a l) j r. h Ain p.'itleulaily letiuestod to try our popular iluh sj r-t m of si Hi lit; nil kinds or dry and lancy Roods, tlieKirttleins, cotton cloth, castors, silver plated Roods, watches, t le. i llablisliuil 1M1I.) A Patent Pt-u Fountain nnd n threk denerlbIiiR an ni tide to besidd for a dollar, lOttK.; 'iforfrj; Wfnr H W 'ir Uu for went hy mall. Tree prefcnw to Keller up, (wnrlli hi) per cent, mow than those si nl hy any other comvnv "' unllnt to ttire of cluli. H( ml nun irlnlelnb, or ir not do not Tall lomiid furu ulraulnr. N. II. Our aale should tint be i-lns t 1 lt i Ni-'V Yoik dollar jewelry sale, or lMgus "Tw Com pin't ," i it I . nolhlim or th'- "it. i:A(sl'MAN . KUNUAI.I., HI JlLtiuiNei-Ht., UoHtuti, Mnim. rpo Till: LA Dll'.-J. run nvt.v oyr. iii-ir.i, n. i- nu- N"llltiM MlliK.hlmwls, tin- nml rtuioy ttnmln ul el V lluiiVllliUull, tlllio, .tlVCT M-Hl-P. iuriilltu-0, ot -. N'nlunblfi rri'olilK rronl 1 loVri, Hi-nt fi't-i-,-i ,,.,i ii'tii DirtntH m-n.llui; tluli- ol loll nml np- M ,i i iroiuni---ir lu to nnv luitii-tH1, WVCTlt J CO., I'.ii. 1! iv ui'l. i. II in,. i- -St., liu.tim Mim Mny r.m-ih). laiAiTirn, MAV -.'Il Ml'. 11,K hi. 1 ru , .'lot in lt-.i n..l .illli'otlv.- l--l, . i I UM-fni Jnventlwns m Itn iko, t,. IIU'III 1, Hl.ll I i-1 . I,-.., , .i". I ! " i- 1 -K s.iil . P.-r Hnndriit Ill ed, ami with V ih i, 'i i" ur - n.. i. uipi-iiiiic pi in-ii. -', . ,- s i u 1 ii u i. not-ic, i n .'ii'i.iu jn solid 1 u&e, i ."pstiini i, ni'll. .li."- -' f 'fi l.isi AI. HOOK MLATI-;, I . i Jtillllim ij.'lusil ti e. v. i ii -sli no penetl, -.sll.Ir.V LOOK SI.AT1., Inii ilouvoti 'sK stiatc rmrr.u-fsi lor tsUiin.l, nu ix-antll.i (initio - i ill) S 111 - t-illO 1 ciull, hILP.N l'l.ulv i I A'll',, Inl'ili.i.i I., ;,-siu' hiiifnei fur i.ilUo.u. I ii .'i-oittitllii pnrpe wllh ..iiii,tii:io iicnell, - , kio.n'i: hook .:VTH., I -IX MiHO -lll-filei r ir schools ain I -pinln-irlei w'l soapslnliii lioncll. ... M I.N llltA I. IIili IK BI.ATU .1 1 ll'll II". i il . ll III 7,1 Vi Iniriloavdl, mix Rlatomtrfnoes; r -r i jllej-.-s. i.-iiu.iiil.-s and prnfa -ion 1 use. villi snnpKtons pi-noll. I" 7 II Hli i i i s I i i n ik si, j i., I I , .-"I, , -i ,'.'nlo i ' i Iho 'leidoi-, Htor.-or mun'iHi, o. I 'll 'lIp.I'.IIL' Ji 11 - 111'. I,' I " I '. 'I' iiv iii of tli-s alios .-lllS,onp,.,s (.-ill r,,t.l. pit p i , h Jiilill,, ol l-.-.N lj.1 tlfll.e Kii.(lu . l.ili.l. M "lii- ei-ylii, ly I n. s ur (.ii . '. .v 1 .1 i. ' I ,i pi.,,-lli'nl fllll'pl,-', . .. i; , I man w in-,.! forlllU Hondo. it(.iil. -i ii l.lii-.Nm V .i-i. si le-.l.s; - I i- nu ".v. ..ncirUniitKiH.e', w Vnrlr. Apill.-Vul-Hn, A' (IKNTis WANTKI) roll 1 li l. il I r I - I A 1. 11 I s 1 ii H Oi-' THK WAlt, i nti -., ( Mn'uuUr, ( vltdutl -md K'di. l.y JJ(.V, AM:XAMUlll. 1 KlMlKNi, A Ititoi; lOK.ui. ki ior a ,n ,i.i, .vunij. llilsgiLiil w ah priMJut llu onlj hmui hte j nnd impartial niiiil.l of tho I'Rtiwn of th- v;ir i t t publUlu'd. nudfjivt u tlniu itilorlorliKliu tuul Nhmlow of the srent fonfllet only I;n iwn to llioito hluli ollli'L-rN who wuehOl llio tluotUlldn ol ' revidmii.n r.ioin IK 1'iiiiitnlii I'tiiv ei t 'vli'eli , W'eie so aetv-tslhlt? t .Mr. hLo dienH, lrim id- n-i- Sit U tl 1 h t lOl d i lilt.t.1 Ot ii, l UllHt'i. ' J i . , j 'lu tt pnltlle ihnl 'm hreii Miiif!l"' m i f 1 1 - I an mis i'lo ltuiioti. ue n o:uU, n elinilpt of Hue, hi. Ih nnier nhle ni.d lt r t , and nn llilellfi'tu tl u.nt ut the hlt,U. -.1 i tet. The liit 1 P'lill at I'lii AT I.AM'id a hW toriaii wnt'iiy of It iinpoituneo, and at wluxr lumWh wlltiei'iiw ihi niiHii'mtc, 1 uudit) mul linpnrtlnl treatment . hleli tinthnml jtiKtlee mi uivntly tlt-inaiitt, '1 lu intense ih'drt. I'M lywlu-ri' maiilfcMi'd to nhlatii thK wtnli, it4 OfUelnl eliaruelvr utul lead saU'.e'.niMnt d wllh nil htie:ietl en1nmNlnI), niehe a mi' i'r.p!i-n .mfo c r pule IInIkhI, Di.pAk- nl in IlnMoii, l'a rept'tin uhwrilM iv 111 Ihrt.e days oil- in Itufetoit, M,i ., IjJhiih . ul" 1 1 In I i.j ft. t'HR 111 Mempliln, Tonu.i UW MiUiX'ittaM-H 11 ti 1 tl .i s i end for elreutnri and et- ur leini", nii'l a full tltNerlptlon or lUo wmh, with JVohk i.nikv oi 1 dnneosh(t-ts.rt". Ad1;.- NATIONAL 11" II l.lhlUXll i'Om :'t. Moutii vi , I'hliniltflpHIn, l'i. .Ma I.A.JI. H DWK'S iSTA:si)AHU KCAU'X s i.Mltili ul m t'.L to KlM t niltu illhlnetloti, HeiuUor Cm.ih 4110 and t tr i tilari neon it hand Mialiof oltmr 111 tluM t-dun In pari pay Im utllr-, Ur Mile C'huap il l'.ul: l'laet New 1 oil, 1 It i udeiui Hi. UiisUm. A pi 11 21, V-im rpltl r.MIMI ANT 1 N oOimoTmrs! W tl T Ml A. H n O 1 "rt 1' 11 I '. V. MoWKitS ANI ItKAPKUH! 'i alie the It .ul, nntl ut tl everywhere. Tun ill una iiotil MuduUtmd Innicrlal C'i- of the l.eiflnii of Honor lt Iny tlie HI.. II I Sl Wll?l' M AltllKH A I 1 A III - t M M. VI. I SriWITlO.'S, 1NJ7 .'mOriiHi I'jtiuw lit nil purls of tin SWUM IIMI IM.I-U U'JW 111 USf. Il.-'Ii, 11 lUltUl'lll w 1 1 Ii In. it iiM-d f.iidlllh"- and lo i--oi ineutt to I' d liy nil Vv h" Tim iii:,-sT 1 . till l'i I'sii:. IN IVvOlV-1 PU1.P M' iW I tieuAul I i ! is,- WlllllK 111. API!!!. -Mill, ir wlllil.lll WOllli-- -SUV JlMWi.Nt) .VTT.Vl.II. M l.'N'IVrVs-s-wt .vim? WO iini ITASll (, ' ItlliVI'hll, 1 1 A l.vrf-l I I.LINl iTsTTTv llVKHTRKsi. Miinulaclureil l.y Ihe W.VI.TKIt A, Vl'oul) MOWlStlANIHlP.VPlNO JIAlTll.Vlit 0..1HII (in! Oltleo anil Ialitilni-l(ir llnosUU IVallK, Itens, t'onnty, N. V. llu l sen "r ( l. ij am. H ll.knilluoi,: N.w Yoili 1 llv. lu l itlaiull lnt. P.O. I. MU.ll. ll.--KI.Nl:i:, An. 111. ciiiuin'i in.,.'',, Uii.. .i.oi, c, i:., Au i. Aloxail.llln, Vn M. V. H'i.l.l.lti IS... Adonis. Portl.llIN I'llKI', h I'ppei Tliiiln, s 1-110,1, Lonil'in, Kiiki-i'i'I. M, mt fm m-w ileieriii(!.ci'li. culiir lor INis, May I'l.'". OUN ( II AM, i-1 vs-, iiii urii MJir.irr. tCi.. Nil, ItUAllWA., Cturhtj;o nntl lliutues Mnmiliii-liiur. 1-STIU,I4II 1K1T, nilnxlim ag r rllltlt-stoi Miiiiuf.t. tunuttlhaii any lhaie lu iheeit.v , einnhliii ) wllh a r v fa MruhlultUkrt. U Kn.ihliHl tu hell i pt'( ttidi le I bun I.iuhiU way -Jlori"., iinluiM for thliiu iii nml igitjiuu tmUr ta I.MVAnfc!..Vi,..-.VM , , .. Vlildii-iiu I i.n (i in iv iti iMi'iiin ti it tti tit u iv jnminir tu Jnll.N I. HAM, III li ., 1 II. 1-51 ami IMC. flilll M, (1.11 III llio VVorlii. Pull III llio I j s, -,i York Kipni ' May l'i, I.S..HI t 11 I Xti'l! h' J .11.' ' 'N II ml i DRY GOODS, ETC fJMirJ'i.ACK i . iw wmnKriU'iiwi-- Iwtiln roH WiiXKM lnifl.i,liil I.. T. Vll A 1 ll'I.HMtt tST . ltt. j i:a i iiKoi:ivi-:i) ' jiibt iti'itvmi A rrh hnnlc- .Muni ill., iiTliolplno., t'dll,M( tT ust incrjKiyKi) jp-st iie;i;ivi:i A rifcshjihuicu.ol Hoop HklrlHufHll kinds, vinbraelng extra slzev, Llnou Cutis nml Collars for lad Its, just ni:ci:iVKi) JUHT IIHCKIVKI) A rresh invoice ofPapertllnr ntut cuU'e, newityles, I.ltieu rihlrt liuntt iot .im nnu li foj M, JUST HKCKIVKl) JUHT HKOKIVHli A new Invoice of Crockery, (-Uteam ware, Ycllowwarc.etc, JUST HKO'KfVnii jcvr iir.cpivKH A hew luHtjillitiL-nt tit lluiu., litl.d Bf, L'isl Phliunil Mncti r-I. just aroRivKi) .It'MT ItKCKIVKII The I'Mt ll.lj-ntr Hi lli-t., JUST llKCKIVUl) JIHT llECMIVKl) I-'usli Ilrlftl rrtill, AiijiUn, Pi-ucIii-s, linriHl nml imnnrist. IIInt-kliorrliH l'rimw, Whltf Ili-mis, llnrlpy nml llnmln-. fANTKI) linllrr. IVnml Uiul: tm n i.m urllrl-i rash il I In- pulil. 'yANTKll limn.. !.lii,ul.tfrv ntnl Unoon nooiw (KJOIW IIOOIVK (lOllll- Htll.ll "i i siii.Ii SOl.ll AT AT a r AT SMALL AIlVAXl'i:. SMALL ADVANCK. CMAI.l, NMALI. AIlVANCK. OIVASCK POIl CAII Oil ltliAIlT P-.T. l oll t'AHIl Oil UUAliy PAY. IHU PAsilI op. lti:.l)Y V.W, loll 1-AHII oil lli:iy p.v yi T. ss iAitpi.nisis R-roitn. A . T. HAltPLI.SH-.s nJo ItK. y I.. T. SlIAItl'l.l-ssn R-iO IK ST L. T. MIAIlPLrs-ro sroKp! iilnOnirir, .Mnr.-!i;i. la. V.l lii.Ann.ui-. iv. b. MAln ash. i. niirrn.. jj JIK.A i'llciiri: A COMPANY li U I 1. I'. 1! II' O 1! K .1, COIINl U "F V-THTUKi:r .V II.ACl-lll 11 JU II I.vt Unilm lncru.. l , nr rioillos o. n....... ... nlw-i ropm, inai-li-ii, r, wo are- iir, t. inaaiiiio lino l.oi us til' ivk Kl.rilnii.l all 1: Iii,1m ol M KAM lliill.l lis. s.MtlKlisil a, Kit Tisvl MiKKr-lnoN .iiiK.Ae. All ,.rk promr'uy .irni." t'"..l, i, i.t shell hull.,,, iiiul 1 ' s-PI'UAI. AITPViHiN PAH, -io UliPAIIts. Your alloiillon ls-p.'i-!iillv ralle.l lo the mem li. i s ol i. ir in in-all 1 1 Um J; ortln,; Holler Jn-n. fci! .'.. "V ".!' "" C'MHrluii'oof oTcr Li ,'',y V"",'.'"" lln- mannf.Ktiiio of allklmhoi Hlonni Iloll.-rs ; uuj fumi our lonsexperl-nco w S, '"".X """re ol th, iierenslty of h well-majj i . r...' 'V1'.'1" ,.y lain 1I.HM.K, lo -.rcura not oni, safol. hut snl Isoif lory mulls: mid w. .hall uy. our uiMouiiin only ihimi of ll.i) but quallly a. mnlrrlil.Morloimnslilp, ainlai iplolunl .'." I""' eonlliluit Hint m Vnii r," (lor wi isr,i,-(,,n, nil nt piien ri.ll- as low as am ojh, r hnliilora nsli.i. tho i,. ,,n ,uty ,,r nutcrl- IVo Honlil tlioiillonlloii ot linllnnv Com Ivi'Ii'm-":.','-!'.'..''1""1''' '"l 'i"'"!! LUfOMOIIVl-. A OIIK. ri-lliri: i-ii-uns or m iv, as o inal;.- ll n isilnl lor ono mi., nun per S, 111,(1 III ll'll,,, 1 V-.-!-on:.ipiepii,-l t.,. I , .11 kln.N i Sleoi. l i, .11,. .1 , a, L-iiiltu, p. ',0 ,.,) p-ivni, l.iiilion s, I i,,-i ii,, lining in, . i, Pn, pii.,s.,. (.MiM'iiit . i.n i i,u,:., of sri..,.u pii '-N. s.sil Ul IM' M lll.lllil',1, .,S1UM Pll-1 iimi nil mtiiiK. e. i-iuftf.i wm, ii,.. i.niin,. . .'I.' ' ,:'"l"h.l!"l!i rPr..l.'s.(lri.l. r-toM'S, Plow., nml, eniii,,.,,,) n'lu, )h i iii'ial ii'im.h t.i-.sin, .... Kospd-trillly -r.ll,.ln vur ,,nl, s,, , Yinil-i vmj mil, I. IIHATIII (il-p.v ( i I , lj. I- ly ii a ir si'i'i:i: 1'iiosi'iiATi: or l.tiiK, . luIriMtMU VAV,'!!1'"" 'IIUI1U INI. It'll ilnt wii'liln tl.r past .vciiuieii v iu, er.s..i ;;' I1"!" 'M-lllUcs f- F BUni.l i- hone, nml numin.eimiin;, or.i,. pi-t-i.i.,,! lu , ,r,u oi r'pi'V'r-ii,,:.,.i,,,.,iTn",i " " "- our mninnui'ii-i, has iVen thnr n.i, illille liel;l,hiii!.,lanil rlMMlirn.Mi.l .1, .rjy ckcthi, le-nllhiiHliiniiiUril, i-lns'" t, T mil iiroir.s . r pnUirUliii, uh, ,. , ,, , I 'ii "1 ior nml iiuim i.lml 1 iu PA.-- IHOl'lill A.NV Mill L. frillllsirK.uiil s. i-niiK ,i n,H f. i .. ... ,., ... (Illll-ll Vlllllllli'i linn.. " Hol.lrl llio liinnnriiot, ry PistMihui I rt fi,lM;, 'il,"i""' ''vV'J1' 'W'ls IliloiUlionl llio rounlry. In has of Mir, cue i. at pi r inn poiin- r.ei. .1!.!,. l.y oriiilial. on irrrlM u ol'ilel-. KlIlItiMlTO.N-.v IIiiIl(IK-.NlS. si.Trn ii f' "-sJl'mnr. .Miiiwin A AlUli.. n( If Il.ill. ii ltMij i r .nu! Moiror Tin KiwUill ' V A", "n--. s nay IKi.l l.iulll KllKe. si.,1,. L. 1 vi i', ill. I.!, 'ituhtiin -;, Pa, cu'in-T.i: ,v i.uDoi.rr, 11 lusi im. isiirn is i-ii, ...'inn ii.ieiiin i. of Hie in w i in. in s'n.NPiiiR L.vii: l inn i:, iniionuii I-, i, Pi-i. Milri'anli',1 1. ir lUo joins. um ii.ih. nu room,, i in. .,, in,, s. y,.r T ig imt.-lll .M, iil,,r Plato Pianos hv llieir in ',i' i1;'..''0",';1""'"' '.'"." '"I" "'" """ otm-l.,iitnl tlu lr nieill coiiHisls llitliewrisliilauklielnii.up. i.irl ilhy llu lion lioine.ullowlii,' a Lirmr .purs, l"i iIih lionr.l ll nti I. I'os.eil lir an, .,.r,V,m1.,"' " "' linalu. thuiiniulllT navull n llio imnlllvi.f iho lone Is UrVolT ti.. i-;iiBiil, TUfo I'lnmis Itnre I.i in pi i.nounoisl hy Ik. lH..tJuiluo. loin- uullviillKlior l'OWl P. AMi SWnn.MVl (IK-luNM, l'"asy anil nqie. nlil-loii.'h ml I ,JUtj of rlnUh. .Miitllntloiliii e. rlllle-il,- of csoelleuca froi lluilh, rir, iioits, I.n l.iral;,.-.-.!!, Vl,uti)nip,aii n Lure nuinlvrorilii. inon .llst!n-;iiiin.J Prof.-.. MiiHaml Aiualiuiii. Prom lona ,-s.iH'rleu,sj unu Miperlor fsollilio, fr .MamifacliTrln't1, i iue i Vi '"i "!". I"''"."""1 nl"w l-rku, o. m t Heiiil (')ri'liiuliiruiiil prlro II, i Miil-.ii-Ui-ly fyTiriiATniuiu-:. " " ll PIANO PuHTL MiSCITli (l tiu!.. li r, .ui,.. lis HI,,, 1,, , (ret,'c, York (liy, V. ti. I s.,, ii.i .i,nr -jt Trlr. (ai. iVu dvil. (.nr PLum 1 1 hsllf.l muniiOn.liiiul, nnj Mlimori.r Ihoj Ii.i-b h-fi n no.l, mo niu um rinuln'a to My ono woi-il In tholr la, nr. tliUr ic"lliTi"o innils i.n . inlm-ntly lo n,v' t mher makVr. : iKKllromllii. Kit-tit niinu ikIiIumsI, ami m. piiilellillll.Il.llilL h, uh lit IU.- Uu.t Ih itv JeJlli ;;"" "''';" nr.t-el.,1.. Pi.,, ,, Viirlo I olBowiioro .........I o... ,.,ii i. unuitit I P.very l'liinn Pinto VVnrianl-sI lljr 3 Visit., nnd U KlV o hsuti-.liKtl.ill. I "nr l'luiio. tilll'I.- Ktiiisl ; Iho luutelllllu U.ld i i.irovory j 1 llio ir, cry mil nro tlioroinihl.r .eaonoil, and or lt.,,,'".';l'll'"".l'.,ll."1''"".bu irocuicl. o sKllllhlcli wlmt tlioiuihllcew. inlKht lin. n.iri nmunnci: n,it tliu imhllc ow. iniitht oior, in. ,,'i O.C11I (.our (111 nnro. 1- ,irv oiirl In. i suio iiliil, l. Iioiiiktlj- lulllitully ami tl or. I buibl, tiis.1. Millull.t iv'ill Icrtlidmo" I uie . Miiiilnaiion, They iinior troi... tho loud. fltll'li 1111,1 .lull..!., .t..... 1.1 i1',','?1,1!!"."! ''' ""'"""In It. tiimliiii 'mucin-, and slro,. Clllct I'Os'ueii ,-M-iy sl - Tli.- are. uUlu.ut itoiiut, tho i,tt, ih inn.1 IiuIIiik. ami ions,, mom ly tfio chcaiio.'t.1 VVo ui I tHlUTO.Mk to S. I'.,:. ' nXna lUMIK SUIISC'IUUKHS 11AV1NU i, -1 '".' Hi" I'lonliiK Mill ami MaclilmiMioii Iwoinicrlyiwuplnl hy h. o. -.hivo, v m p SSiiR ! K Ulo hlUlllis, ,,,f,u.rp,,( HI isiUlllll 1.IMI11S, KKH, III.INIiK, Mil. l.HINli , I Wo Ule uU ,......i i ot ',p.'t''1."'i."1 '.' ,l'n"lw ml Ml other luiniiei '" i i-nulrisl in I j. tsiiiniiKllon nf MUMinu. All Uinlsof tuiuim,. ilono nl Khort iintici.. till U li r ' -"inn iinim, HUlll I1IUS1 Willi PlllUll.t ". .".V'"i''' f,lor .i-slH.-tlull) w.llclt.,1. s ,,MPllt or Illfll'.l !'"!". "I VVOIl IIMITON. '111. I I III MS ! r i vinm i ..ii im A 1,1, KINDS (IK Jon 1'IUNTINQ I. bll VI I l l St, Mn. ","''U, T,,k ''"---U! 8ttlU