THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. it (iHumbiatt. niooisiH'no, pa. MilliAY .iIOU.VIMl, Jtt.tIK lit IS". .. I Till! 101,1)1111 IN li lh LitiRt Vlreiilnltwit lu Columbia null adjoining touuutltia f ail)' iMti uhlUhil lirrr, ft ml U alto a mufh la rift r lirrt than nny nf Mt vutrmporrlt l therttoir (lit lictl wvdlum far adv rllttng lit ItiW Mlttit of the mtr. rr Democratic State Ticket. roil AVi'i rrtiti.'o.K aM CHARLES 2. BOYLE, 111' I'AYI.TTK ItlfNTV. UM Sl'lls. KYOH-llK.NrR I I.I aSH. WELLINGTON II. ENT, OP CALl'MMA COUNTY. Oandidatos for Nomination. '1 he following gentlcruon liavp been mentioned for nomination to the se trl (Jounty Offices to tui filled by election the present year, anl their somes will bo pre-vnli-d for the consldeiatlon of th Ihrmiterfttld County Convention I FOR COM.l"SIOXHll l WILLIAM OHIEU Ql'ICK, UO.-STOl'll T0WNSIIII-, VOn COMMlUftlONKtl I STEPHEN" POIIE, CKNTWtTOWSsltlr. tato Vrisonera. At tlio meeting holtl !' tlin Col uinblii county State I'rNontTH on the Etl .Inntnry ISC', Mo.wh. II. l Evcrltt 1). L. Cliitplu, Dunli-l M' Henry and John J. Stiles wore npnoltiti-il n coin mltlf i" to procttru htnti-iiit'nU from Pftoh priKmer, of the fiicU of lili Imprison ment otc. Tlif Dflcfciitcs Ui the t.onvi-nlluii of Keliy. 22nd, lnt, were, Samuel M'llen ry, Joseph Cnteiiinn, John J, Stiles, Daniel M'Henry, Ilohr M'Henry, I). L. Chapln, H. V. Kverltt, James M'Henry, K. J. M'Honry, EllnsM'Hen ry, Win. Applemrtn mid Montgomery Cole. A tueetlii"; ot Prlsonum of Stuto Is to U held In New York July lid i as per adjournment ami arrangement, and we csil the attention of our frlentl'i here to the fact, no that they tuny nmko their arrangementH to attend thet'onventlon Wo dhould ho very glad If nil tho Del- ejintei named could tro on j hut at any late we hope such organization will ho had iw will Mind a large delegation 11 measures he taken tit imrefor that ohject. A mo btiiaw. On Monday last tho municipal election occurred In Wash' Ingtoti, aud In tho oliU-Iril count the same night It waa found that tho "Deiii oemtte candidate for Mayor will elected by 100 majority, being a gain of about 2500 over last year's election. Durini tho night, howovcr, a few of tho boxes were left unsealed and In ItaillciU bauds, and on a re-count tho following morning it was discovered tho Radical candidato had a majority of 71. Com ment it unnertmiary. Homo negrotn who attempted to vote the Democratic ticket were mobbed by other negroes in attendance, and only unveil from death by tho activity of tho police Tho Democrats havo a majority of tiireo In tho Common Councils. This tremen dlous gain after tho nomlnntlon of Grant and Colfax, and their homes, Hhowa the weakness of tho ticket. At a Republican caucus held In Wash ington a few nights sluce, Wado, Chan dler, Cuttell and other "earnest Radi cals" left the room because six of the Republican Senators who voted In favor of the President were present. Is it possible to imagino any thing more ri diculous than tills assumption of digni ty and superiority. It would bo greatly to tho credit of the party if thoso "ear nest radicals" would habitually abwnt themselves, and allow such men as Fes aeuden and Trumbull to control tho ac tions of their councils. Tho bettor class of Republicans would experlenco but little difficulty lu choosing between Wade and Chandler and Fe-wenden, and Trumbull. As might huvo been expected, Stan tou in leaving tho War Department could not resist thedeslnro to do hoiiius Dnlawful a manner as possible. Tho law requires that in tho event of there being no Head of tho Department, tho koyp shall be placed In tho hands of tho Chief Clerk, Stntiton, however, disre gards this law in his usual manner, and turns over the bookH,papers elc. to (Jen. Townsend, a miboidlnate ofllcer. liven If lien. Thomas were not .Secretary ail litUrlin hi. Is hIIII tho Oiler OlhYer In Oen. Towniend'.s Department. Tliedle graced Secretary, could not do other wise than hhnw his teeth though un able to bite. Tins l'roiddcnt lust week re-munlim-, led Hon. Henry Stunshery for Attorney Ocncritl, but thu Bunnte this week, In a lit of petulance rejected hltn by a parly vote. The Radicals mo tinabhi to appie cbito thu charurter of a man who would resign the oliieoof Attorney lienenil to defend thu President, Tim Radicals have converted tho Ktsernent of the t'.ipltol in to dungeons, n which to lncareer.ite,t their will, free American cltlmis. What a comment ary on our (loverniiicnt; tho Goddess of Liberty on the dome and tho victims nf Ben, Butler In the basement I Gen. SciioKiKLi), who was nomltiit' toil for Secretary of War by tho Prol dent during tho Impeachment trial has been confirmed hy the Sennto, and on Monday,accompanlcd hy tho President, went to the War Department, nnd en tered upon thodlxfhargoof his duties'. ()uh enterprising towii-iimn.Jolin K. Urotis has rulargetl, and materially im proved his Tannery on tho other side of the Creek, The whole is now cover ed wlthanew frame building complete ly adapted for carrying on tho business in all Its branches. C'OllNKlt-STONK IjAVINO. The Cor-ncr-Stouoof tho Evangelical Lutheran Church at Btickhnrn will be laid on tho Hth day of June JSCS. (Sabbath) at 10 o'clock A. M. Asslstanco will bo expec ted. Tho public nro respectfully invltfsl to bo present. Now opening at Hcndershott's, tho finest assortment of pure Drugs, Med icines, Toilet and fancy articles, over brought to this place. Cull nnd see tbcui, . EX.PltKiilDL-NT liUCHANA.V dlll at Ms resldenne In Lancaster County, on Monday last, at the advanced ago of 77 years. Wo will glvo a more e.xtendetl tiotlce noxt week. I Clreat Excitement In Oranccvlllc i I The Soldlois' Orphan School , . Taltcn Away. Out' lint Int v been intii liilned by i many for some time, whether the quar rel rnglug bctwi en Mr. live anil I'rof. Wnlkir, would result in the removal of tho Professor, or In the removing of tho fcltool to some other place. II mis generally uiiiloinloml that about the first ol June I lie question would bo llnally nettled, and dnutleis for this reason nil examination of the School, or what was called the "closing exercises," was appointed for the 2l)lli of May, by Professor Walker. It Was i not probably by mere ncclileiit that I about twenty of tho Soldiers' Widows, land other parlies interested In tho I school, together with lr. John, Col. I Knurr, Mr. lleckley, and other ''repitta I bio citizens" from liloomsbitrg. were present, to back up. tho 1'rofes.sor In tho way of expressing public sentiment, but all to no purpose, as the sequel proved. Thorn I, no certainty whether Colonel M'Farl.ind, the fttato Superin tendent of thoSoldiersOrplians Schools, was expected to bo present or not, but certain it is that when ho camo Into tho rom shortly after nlno o'clock In tho evening during tho exercises, no place was provided for him and his nslstants and they foundseats us best they could, near the door. Not long nftcr this, au excited gentluuian rose, up and propos oil that the exercises bo suspended with a view of allowing Colonel M'Farlnnd to glvo his rations for taking tho school from Prot. Walker, To this tho Col onel replied that ho would cheerfully give such explanation, but that this was not tho placo nor llmo to do it. The exercises wcro then resumed and concluded about eleven o'clock, after sundry scenes were enacted, a descrlp tlon of which would require a far more practiced pen than ours, and wo there' fore make no attempt to do more than glvo a plain statement .of facts. On r readers can readily imagine liowexclted men, woman aud children will act. It was during this Interval that tho ques tion was taken as to whether the persons present desired tho removal of tho School, and whether Professor Walkor had treated tho children badly, as was alleged? and tho vote was emphatic ally "NO." It wan about this tlmo also that an n..iult was imulo upon Egbert Hill, and he had to run for his life. It was now about ono o'clock, and hitherto thero had been no kind of or der, every ono had his fay, and often two or threo at n time. Therefore Col onel M'Farland proposed an adjourn ment to the room below, wliero ho would give tho reasons for his notion. Down they went, ami Dr. Bradley of uioomsourg was called to tho chair. Col. M'Farland stated his reasons for tho removal of Prof. Walker to bo; on account of his refusal to conform to tho rules of the department, a fter re peated warnings, and also on account ofchargosoflll trcatmentoftho children and of neglecting their education. Tho school was taken from Ornngo vllle, because no one could bo assured that it would remain over n year or two longer at any rate, and especially because tho Htao appropriation was re duced fifty thousand dollars for this year rendorlng a reduction of tho ex- pensen necessary: and llnally, that ho assumed oil tho responsibility of his ac tion lu this matter, and desired nono of tho blame, if any, to fall upon tho uovernor. All thluseemed to tho friends of Prof. Walker ns idlo talk, they treated it all with contempt, and wholly denied tho charges made against the Proper. They boldly impugned tho motives of tho 8tato Superintendent, charged hltn with a wantof truthfulness, and unfair treatment of Mr. Wnl ker. They pitch ed IntoOovernorGeary.dcnounced him in no measured terms for falling to ful fill his promise to come to Orange vllle and seo that Justice was done, and indignantly refused to exempt him from responsibility in tho matter. I'ho war of words may bo said to huvo closed at about four o'clock In tho morning, when Colonel M'Farland was permitted to go on with the work of removing the children. They were greatly excited, possibly alarmed; a largo number received furloughs fur fifteen weeks, n dozen perhaps ran away, and tho balance, not much over half of thu school, accompanied tho Stato .Superintend rut and his w-sMimls to the place of their dcetinatlon. lWy light appeared, neither Col. M'Farland or either of his assistants had taken any rest; they htul to hasten on to RloomMiurg with tho children to meet tho ears, ai.d tho Soldier's Orphan School at Orangevlllo exNIs no more. "That's a tunning mlt, where did you get it?" "Why at I.owcnbcrg's of course. He can get you up a haniNomo suit and one which will lit you (00, nnd will do It fiirtomethlng Hko 11 icasou nbln price. There Is no tension why every man r.hould not dross well, when he is able to procure I.owenberg's goods at such low rates." "Jn that cao I will go at once and see hlm.for I am tired of buying poor slulf fur exorbitant prices." Tho man was M'lislblo and can now be Ken with a perfectly llttlug suit and a cheap ono at that. It's tho , place to go without doubt. Tin: number of well dron-cd men to I bo seen on our streets, Is easily account ed for. Chembeilln supplies their clothes, and ns his suits always fit nnd nro of llrsl rate material, they can hard ly fall to look well when worn, ilo has afresh assortment of Shirts, Hand kerchiefs, and Undeiclolhlugjjiist pur chased In thu city, to which ho desires to call tho attention of his friends, and llwpublle. Ilo has every thing In tho way of gentlemen's wearing apparel, rALEHO read the vote "As 1'mMlvo The sains old tiling, 10 to 1) J Farowell to nil my hopes. Farewell to Wede w e all huvo been In one small mortar lirayi d. jnu fatal vote has laid me up to dry, Us flattened out inynsplrailcns high, AndeVn my pocket book has gut tho cramps For evrn Uutvircd dotlart worth oMtauipt. Another State Democratic. San Fiiakcibc'o, Juno!!. Tho elec tion in Oregon, yesterday, resulted lu a Democratic victory, Tho Democratlo Congressman has 1,000 majority. Tho Legislative candidates and County ofll ccrs elected nro nearly all Democratic. Don't forgot that Mr. O. C. Marr has Just received, nt tho South West corner of Main and Iron Streets, a new assort' incut of goods, comprising moro ospec ially, tho latest styles of hoop skirts, stockings and gaiters. Ladles, If you want articles mat set nlcn nnd lit well go to Mitrr's. .Mmktt IUiorl. Wlifitt i" r litlnliil Hy- " i - i Klnur per barrel . ClOM'llCC-ll. ,,V. xn..) t'laxK(HU HK. ttuttcrrfi,..-...-A...... . v.r M. . -w Tuilow. ..;.', , tl. $2 ?0 .i 7 tfl ' 1 Oil 1KI w 11 .. I w 2 m .. n n ...... it id in .... (in (HI IWl) ..... n i 8 (1 7 m is m j1 A.'1'1!! "' Ham. HUU"t itiul NfiOillileM I dii (I er pniiml.,n....f.h.t liny Mr ion I.l'Mitni. Hemlock IMimtt )m i lhoiHnti'1 t'l ... Hun " Inch). JolM.HciMillhiu:, l'liiiilMMiiilo.-U) riiinjiipd, ?n, i pr moiisino u i Hiding It IKON Nn. 1 stolen flff. No. 2 " ' .. ltloom . WJ I'hlliultlj-hlii Mnrktti. Ttirr.sDW, .Tunc C, tC, Norlliwt.')lirniiiirr.iHneal Sh)3 R.75 Viirthvti.rii ivtr.t O.WtfiS fl.fil Northucsh rn fnuilly . ,10.0iWf1 1.75 IVniiHyUiinltitui'l eliiti Htipfiflia... S.7.K-MI.IH) IVnntylvnnlamul Wolcin c.twi OdxafHMfl lVniwlvnnlii nnd WVitun inmlly.M..,l".fjuH7j I'L'nnnyivaiiiK nun 1 vil'i n itiiu v toiiw'''-"" Itvn Hour (.! Whcat lVnntylvnnU nil, n f2.803f2S. toniiiern " " .... Cnlifoinm " " wlilts ' .... ,... S.f.JU M.1V?H.H) J A m il H II.176S1.2I Cl.l7u)1.17 7tk-faOJc ?AKt U k I'en tiiylvnnla ryo, V hu. C'oiiN Yellow, " While, " iii T I'hovisjon- MeH lVrk, V hid , Mosi Ilprf, " , I trowed tnR4, V K .smoked Hams " Hhoulders V lAin,b SF.KtiH Clove rseed "Whin Tltnothjuced hits l'lnxKci'd " h CATTLK Heef fflttlo V D) .... Cows, A hi nd RitnKP f D IIous-V KX) IM SJj;e(.tPo lTCtJAlde rV($l.i)ia UealOCc ? 119 11.7, vtl JOIIXSO.V-H.MI'rll-ln lllcMmisbiirit.Bn the illh ult., by Itev. J. Thomn., Mmon joimion t( MIm 1-mirn Hinltli, nil i-f Light Htrcil, KIMIIAI.L linVi:i.l.-In WIlllaiiKi l'rl ilnv Dr. I.lni'nln, Mr. . 5t. Klmbnlt to Mil. Millie J. lion t il, uoih or wimiuu'porl. ltf.NllKtWltOTT-UllOTZ-In lUnonnburg May li, ISO.-. lit the houHo of tho brlde'H lAlhc-r, tiy tlio lti'V. Thom&H It. Cullen, .Mr. Noriunn J. llciulersholt, to JII Mury Mnrgnrrt, Onumht m 01 jonii iv. ttroiz irni. lIAnittH-ltl'I'miT-nylhi" mp, In Ht. IVul's C'hurrh, Mny 21, imls, .Mr. John I Ic-U'hcr Harris nr I'oiuniuus Ohio, to .ini i.ncy tionaiui. aiiilKlller o Jll', wm. liupcri, Ol iiiooiiisouric. VANCK-On Mny 2A. im, Mnrtha lfo of Thorn h Vaiicw, of urntigo, nged W years and 20 daj h. ADVERTISEMENTS. AT O T I 0 E . All person are forbldilcn to lrevp.wi upon tho ImhU of t'.o subscriber In Mlniln township, ns thovo bo oIl(.'Utlni!t will bo ilonlt with ncronl- inn to uw.;it, Junoo'&j-Cl. Q.EOUOE FGIIiKER & CO., Wholoale IlralrrR In wooufN i wn.t.ew WAiti:, yaiism, 011-Clnth, Wicks, Twines, llnsktli., etc., etc. SWA251 Murkt t m., L VA ChilR'h St., l'hllmlii. JnnoC.'CS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. UTA TK or DAVID U.UtTMKU, UF.CKASLD. loiters of administration tic tionunon oil the estnteof Uuvhl II. (lUlluglaleor Main township, (.'olitmbfa County, deeensed, havo been granted by lliolteglsterol said County, to Jacob liltllng udiulu'stiator, who resides in Main township. .... i.-i.uii ituvjug ciiiiius or ueinanus nguinsc the said estate nro reoncKteil to nrpsnt Oi.m fn. scltlcmeututthoutdelay, nnd thoso indebted to ,11.11.11 11113 iiieiu. JAC01I GITI.INO, June 6,'03-Ot. Aitnilulslrutor, dt lionti ,101 A SSIONEE'S NOTICE IN BANK- .x.. iniriui.-in 1110 uiNtricl court or tho Unl led States for the Western District of Pennsylva nia, In tho matter of Jacob Creasy, Uunkrunt. Towhom It 11111V eoncnl'ii ! Tlio linil.r.l1rnhl l.i... tiy elves notleo of Ills appointment as asslgueo of Jucob Creasy, of Urlurcreek, In tho county ill Columbia, uud Stato of l'cnnsylvanla. who Has ueen udjudged a luiulirupt upon hu own po- tlltnu, hy Iho lllslrlct Courl ot sulil tllstrlcl. I.Uetl at .llloomsburg, Ihu 2Mb day of May. lies. J. II.UUUIHON, Juno 5,'6s-3l. Assignee. OTJCK IN UANKKUPTCY. 'ililal totrle notk-e I that on tho 1st ilnv n June, a. i. ItitW, n nnrrtuit In llankruritcy wlxh lshutxi aguliiMt the etato orHUoJi JJ.Lilcur of tho town ol Lsnv. In tho rntitntr f Columbia, nnd Ktato of f'ennsylvnnla, who htta been adjudged n llaukrupt on UIh own iwtltlou : that tho payment of any debts nnd delivery uf any i-roiurty belouKhiK to bitch IlanUrupt. to him, or for Ids nwc.nnd the transfer of nny prop erty by htm nro torbldden by luw; thutu iueoi Int; of the Creditors of tho prove their debu, and to choose ono or more uslKnccH of his I'Htute. will bo held at a Court of llankrnpt ey.tobo holdcn at tho Kxchangc Hotel, In llloomh burjf, Columbia county, 1'ennNylvunla, bofor1 Lduurd Overton, Jr.. lU'Rlster, on the 9th duy of July, a. n. iwjs at a oVlock p. m. JltU.iIAM a. VI. 1. U.K. Alnrkhiil June i,tk-.u, Jty II. H.CooLUAunu, Jtepuly JOTICi: IX BANKRUPTCY. 'lilts Is to idvo notice! Unit on tlm Htduv Juno, a. n. IMJs, n warrant In llankruptev was Issued against tho tstato of Cluis, v, McKelvy of Ciitawissa lu tho county of Columbia aud l htato of l'ennsylvonla, who lias been ad- Judged a Uankrupt cm bis own petition; that mo puyiiieui oi any iienis aim delivery ol any property belonging to such Uankrupt, to him, or lor Ids use, mid tho transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of tho L'l editors of tho knl.l 1!.iti1m m.t tn limv. Il.nlr debts, and to choose ono or moro assignees of ills estate, wilt bo held at n Court orilankruptcy, to bo holden nt the llM'hnnsellotcl, In llloomsljurg C'oluutbU county, rcunsylvantii, beloro IMward Overton, Jr., lliplsier, on iho t'lli djy of July, A, I)., IsiW at 0 o'eloclt. a. in. niujiAS a. iuivi,i;y, U.S. .Marshal, Juno 6,'Ls-It. Hy I:, n. CootiiAion, Depuly. TOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. 'Uils Is to gio notlcol that on tho 80th day or Mav. A. ti. lKltf. a warlallt 111 llnlikruntcv was tssucdagalhst Iheeslatoof Henry It. Huusberger or lllooinsbiirg In thocouulyoi Columbia, uud rMtuc 01 1'enusynaiiia, woo lias ueen uojiuiged n Uiiukiuptou his own petition; that tliepti) mi lit oiutiy itcbtsnnil deilviryof nny piopcity be longing to such Uankrupt, lo him. or for his use iiiio uiu iimisitr 01 imy properly iv nun moiur bldilcn by law; that nineelmgof Iho Creditors ot the said il.tnkrupt, toplovo their debts, ami to i house ono or more assignees of his esliile, will bol.rldnta Coiut ol llankrupiev, lo bo lioldcn nt the Lxchnugu Hutel lu llloomshmg, In Coiumbia countv. rtnnsvlvanla. befoto Ldwatd Oierton. Jr., lliglsur.on the Mn duy of July, a, p., lsi.SHt it o'clock, p. in. 'I'llli.f.Cl OOU'T f'V I'. S, Marshal. IIv X. II., litputy, Juuuo.'US-lt JOTICK IN BANKRUPTCY. 'I his Is to givonnllcci That on the HOIIi day of Miy, A. l'. los, a warrant In li.inkruptry whs Issued agldusl the estate of Isaac Yettt-r ol MaluUle, lu Ihu couidy of Columbia, and Ktalo of lVnusyhiiiila, who has bcnindjudged a llaukrupt on his ow n pi tllloli ; that Iho payment ii mi uiui.niiiiiiiiiHij in any piopeuy uc longing to such llankrnpt, to him, or tor ills use, ami thu translcr ol anv nrooerlv liv lilm nro lor. iiiiiueii uv law ; nun it nieeiiiig in mo ureouoisoi the f,ati! bankrupt, to prove llielr debts, ami to choose ono or llioio llss!,nccsnf Ids estate, will bo held nt n Court of liankruptcy, tn bo hidden at the l.Kchungo Hotel lu Illoomshurg, Columbll county, tvnnsjlvanla, liefoie Cdward uw rlon, Jr., lUuister, ou the hi h day of July a. p., I -us, at 'llld.MAS A. ItOWI.r.Y.U.S. Marshal. iiy l.. 11, c-oomtAi uii, iicpuiy. JnneVW-It. J!) LOOM SCHOOL DISTRICT, Iho folliiulnif lnMrnn Stritf liiiwitnr the i im-1i.1h nnd expemlltuie by the lloardn of Directors lor the Suhoolyrar ending on tho Ut day of JunekOi IteoU llahinee from last eur, i: Mendcti IIMll, l.tUIUICI, p J01 lj Hc'd Hal. llounty l und fromll Mcnden- imu.irtaaabpor Aua.fcumtfment, m i Htuto npiiOpilatlou, 20 W " l'rom 13. V, Uurlman, Col, l$U3, oj 11 " other Kourct-a, sj 23 Jhipltcute for '07 and t8, HJH fcS LfhtirnorKaudexhoutitt's 45 " Col. Commiabiou, 1SJ V 211 623,440 31 Net lUcttpU. 4,0 i.7 KXrCNDITUULH. IM. 7 filalo TeaeheiH 7 monthx, 315 (fl "81 unulo " 7 ti'ji U " 1 " " a " iwwja.fM 11 " IlcpalrMat Irondule Kchool JI'm, p.1 M " " Welch lllll ' .1S7A " Ruiidry reralrH.Hoe.plpectc,, III W 321 lit " For ruel iw flj " Hetu-tury ono jear'x salary, m 00 " roradvertUlnguinl prlntlntr, 11 00 For furniture. " lor niaptf, erajonsetc, 'jti id " For five month' rent, one room, 4fr 15 w " 1 or hvo coplei 1'cnu'n Hchool Journal, A 00 " 1 or I)ted,btatnp, and Art. nfitgrremeat, 7 81 " Jaooh Kaiiii un urct. of real etute. uJ no " ;. Mendenhall it). M Trean. Commuloti, k IlalftiitT in handH of '1 reHiirer, bit I.ISi W The Hoard of Ilret torn trnve bought one lot of ground of K. Mendenh&lT In Eut Uloom for the Hum of 000 t Ono lot of Jacob i:anv udlolnlnK the aUn for 8U0 Wl 1.&Q0 CO On which hat lw u jmld ai ah'jve, ,m ii Wl 63 Attwrt J,K. lUiOAH. Ht cruiury, Jimo6,'wi, r. J.JIUHHIH, I'nvUleut. I'OH NKAT AND UUKAP JOB PRINTING, CALI AT THE COMTMMIHAN OFKICB jIST OF DEALERS 'or Iho veir one Ihoumuul rlnht liutidrcd ntitt nlxty-elgUt, of Roods, wnre, mercluindlio, dU titliTles, t-rewprtcB, merchant mills, within tho C'otmiy ot Columbia, returned nnd clnRRincd In accordance wil li the neverftl act of Atmembly, ly i no dp priiiMcr ui niercAuliio iuxcb 01 pmu couii ty, ftl follow, toivltt 11LOOM TOWKHHIP. .ecu if. si) oi 10 no u r,o m on 10 oo 7 oo 7 HI 7 in iU(HiuuurR iron (omimnr, MrKplvv.Nrnl.flVv. 7 7 12 10 13 II II II 1.1 It 1.1 II II II II II 1: 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 it 11 11 11 12 11 11 1.1 11 ti 11 11 11 12 II II II 13 II II II II 11 '.Has Mcnflnhiitl. llov. A llnrlmnn, Atulrow Hollcilcr, Iiiivhl Klrotip, John K, (llrton, nii'Mcr Kit uirr, Aiulrcw J. l-.vaiu, i;lmrlc w. Hnj der, in no 7 00 10 Oo 7 no 7 00 iiiiviu 1,'im enuiirg, Misses ttnrinniis, I,. N. Moycr, Whlmc crA Jncoby, l'alciiion John, Andrew J.Hlonn, John 11. Mocr, llnlilol A. licck ., . Jnsrph Li. Hhnnnon, 7 (.0 7 00 7 10 12 50 7 ) 7 00 7 00 11 M i.ioti i. nnnrpii'SS, Kphriilin 1', l.tilr., Androw M. Hupcrt, Mmn l.l7loU.ulilcy, JiuncsK. Kyer, Aincllu I). Wljli. JmiicH W, i hcmbcrlln, 7 OO 7 00 7 00 10 () 7 111 7 00 7 III 11 00 7 00 uiviiju ... vol lull, 11. c. I, V, ilnrtman, William Kriismus, Mtephcn II. .Miller, II n in c. llowrr, N. It. llendershut, Jeremiah J, lirower, AIInh I.lzzlo l'eternnin, Henry Klelm, Oliver A. Jacoby, Jacob Metz, Caleb ltarlon A Co., l'tixlon .V llarmnii, JoNcph Hondcrnhot, J. 1). Mnrchbntik, Mian Amanda, Joseph L'orrcll, lkhnrt Jarohs, MIssHalllo Ale, Julln A. ti biulu M. llarkley, James Cndnian, I'o.t A Vcbb, BOH. VV IIIMIWK'I Bowman A Jackson, Abram Miller, Henry C. Freas, I. A II. It, llower, MllloriV Hughes, Miss Hell llerlran, J. II. DiHlson, Jackson A Woodlu, lllnbach .t: Hlecker, Leonard Nicholas, James M. Hcesholtr, imvro.v. John J. McIIenry, lllram r. lciett, Hamuel Hoacock, J. K lMsou, Ocorgc O. (miser, llcnj'iinln Mcllrury, llHAVlllt. Abraham Htce, rrankllu I., Hlmmaii, W. Longcubcigcr, II. Zlmiucrman, lIUtAllCItKKK. Btephen Mlcharl A. hou, lVter M. Tiaugh, William I'reaH, Iteuhcn Miller, A. W. liiton, William Kllnctob, lluker 3l Crevellng, UATAWI-HA. J. K. Hharpless & H in, McNInch .v Hhuninn, M. M. llrobHt, lhalali John A. Hons, tlllbert Kline, (Jcorgo Hughes A Sou, Waller Mcolt, 12 60 7 00 7 00 10 (l 7 00 7 00 7 IS) 7 00 7 00 1J50 7 00 7 III) 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 0J 7 01) It II 11 li 11 II II 11 VI II II 12 l'i II 11 II II II II II 11 II II 11 II II II II 10 1:1 12 It HI II M II II 14 II It II 13 00 1) 00 10 00 12 .VI 7 00 7 00 7 00 11 0) 12 .VI 7 00 7 00 12 30 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 Oil 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 20 0) lo 00 12 .V) 11 00 CO 00 7 OO 10 00 7 00 tiimpbell .V Harder, 7 () 7 00 McNlch tt: shuniHU. (Jenrgo Hlshcl, William ilnrtman, 1'ayen Wiaver, ST Cr..NTKAI,IA ROltO. William Torrey, A. II. Conner, J. A T. O'Conner, W. I). Mollick, Martin Mon.iglmn, JnhnHlallnger, Kliunian &. Millard, I,af.ietto I'etternian, liHiiiel Weitnian, Agl. Mrs. William James. 7 00 60 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 m 31 00 7 00 12 M Iteubeii Wasser, J. Chrlsmau A. Co., Abraham Hotitliwnnl, J. J. Hoagland, CONVXOItAM. nichard Thornton, Agt, CIINTItn. II. W.M.i O.IW', hamuel lieltterlck, Mahlon II. Hicks, Abialiam Dlellerlcl., Henry Lolltnau, Jacob Sponsler, Jesso HIclcs, s. s. l onler .t llro. Whltmlre Iloweis, 1'ItANICM.V, rilnion Mendenhall, Welllnuton Cleaver, l'bsiiiNoeur.v.K. 1). A M. McIIenry, Joseph i lunan, (leorgo M. Howell, J, N. Jones, Solomon lluss, Ilernanl Ammerman. 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 04 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 no 7 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 1.1 00 7 00 7 00 o 01 7 no 10 w 7 UI 7 (S) 7 00 7 () J. VI. Mellenrv. James V. Wilson, GltLT-NWOOR Schuyler .t niock, Uogart Sl Krcumcr, John Ijeggott, .v iiiinm jsreamer, Co-Operat Ivc Store, O. & W. .Masters. James M. Hon, Hannah Henry, HEMLOCK. Jl. U. A W. H. shoemaker. Jacob Ilutrls, LOCl.'ST. J. II. Vnstlno A- Co.. Washington Yeager, JUCOll 11'ilClT, i naues reiieriiian, l A. r. M, Voellin, SIT. ri.BAHANT. Joseph Vh SanilR, M.VI.NK. Cnmpbcll & Co,, 7 W 7 IX) 7 Csl 1.1 00 10 K) 10 00 7 00 ilo 00 7 1) 7 10 7 00 10 (.1 7 11O uriau jterniugi r, MIFFLIN. Isaao K, Seiiwepp.nhelser, Creasy A' llrow n, It. J.Millaid John II. Hetler, .Mis. i;. A, Hiss, MOXTOt'It. I'nxton V Hal man. Tubbs ,1: Coleman, i . li. iitiut ruin, William Ihtller, MA1IIKO.V. Conrad Kreanier, Audrew Matll'.on, ohanoi:. It. W. llowmnn, A, ll.siewart, 11. K, Sloan, Mlehael Killir. Alexander Hughes, Uaiid Herrlii';, pisi:. lllchurd W. Lons, ItOAItl.NUCItriF.K, J. C'herlllgtou . Sou, W'OTr. CharUsS. Fowler, J. I. Caldwell, Samut I A. Woruiau, I'.enJ, I'. lie gharri, Piter Lnt, Isaao CrcM'lllig, John Jacobs, H. W, Cn asv & Co., William M. Kill, loo. W. Crevellng, SUOAHI.OAF. II II 11 10 is) 10 00 ID 110 7 00 7 00 7 no .VI OO II II II II 11 II 10 II II 13 in 7 00 7 no 11 in 7 10 7 00 j) no 7 no 11 10 I Ural), West, All lieisous who may Icel aggrieved tiy the above clnsslllcatlon, can havo nil iipisirtiniily appealing, by calling upon tho uiidtrslgiud at bis otllce, In Illoomshurg, at any lime until Iho -.111 nay 01 June, 150s, ai wnicu inuo 1111 iipitcni w ill bo held. W. H. .1 ACOIIY., June s, isiis. Mercantile Aitprulstr. J W. SAMPLE .t CO., MACHINISTS & KXQJNKKUH, jiai.v ht., &, u a n. n. n., iiLooMsnuna, ia.( f Art pn pared to furnUh nil UIihW nf Mncldno 1 voik, hut'h as HTKAM KXCilNlCS, IJOILKUS, dialling. lMllrVH, llniiL'em. Couplings. Mllleear Ins.Haw mandrlU.ete., Uunitoeocktt.X'et cooks, fittum plpo, totjether with all kind of Kteam m- tfns coualnnlly on hand. Ihrcbhlng MachlneH and Home Towers made to order. AU kinds of ARrleultural Machinery- repaired, Mayn't STATIC MAILS. I' V, N N H Y h V A N I A, 1'OaT OKriCK DErAIlTMENT, WASlIINaTON. Aurlin. 1S03. 1 HOPOSAT.M AVlll tut ronMirn,! t,t tt.a I .,. Ofllie of this Uenartnipnt until S l M nfu'l'l. Nl.SD.VV. MilV 'A l(iM for Kiinvnvliiffllia .s,.liu .r 1S7J. in lliiifctut.tor ' ' rnVNKVLVANIA on tho routes nnd by the schedule of departures) iicclslotiii announced bv Slav Si). IpW. Tho fttllowlliur routes went momlv 0CIO1M.T31, 18U7, hut, fiom parlous causes wero l'JUU l'rom N'nrrUtmvti In iricl.-r.rvtiiun nnd FlynioutliMeetlnr.ta Harmi Hill. 0 miles nnd uucK,iiirt'u hioph tt weeK. 1h o NorrUtown Tuesday. Thursday nnd Hat uurd.iy uiu ii in; Arrlvo at J Jarre n Hlllby .30i. in: Uave Darren lllll Tuesday, Thursday, and Hnt urday ulU.ISu m; Arrlvo ut NorrUtown by H a m; llln K' - I . I , . li.....).. lie ( Square. Worccsler, bklppnck, U-deracksvlll niiirMiiuiuBTitiiiunumueyiowu, W miien UHtt U'u'vo NorrUtown Tuesiiay.Thurtdsy.andHtt urdaynt 4 pm; ' Ainvu t nuiiuytuwn uy p. in, 4tvu nuiitury tuvrii jj Kumneytowu ilondar, iv. utfl a m: WVliifitday, uua r rtaay, uta a m; Arrlvo at NorrUtown hy 11 a in; 1011 From JefTersonvllle, hy Hhannoiivllo nnd rortrrovldence, to FhteuUvllle, 8 mUv uud back, threat mtin wet It. Iuvo Jeflorsonvlllo Tuendoy, Thorfcday, and A rrlv t l"hrnlivlU by T pm; IrfAV0phrenlxvlllaTuesdav. Thiirmlfivfltnl Sal. urdoy at 3.30 n mj Arrive ni j euersouvuie ny i ,uo a in; Inifl t.n... VnUt.. in i.M e.u.i.i. ...... . .mil .n-iuivin.iii, u, i-ii'iirnis, ii.ii(i.i Colehrook 1 alo nnd Clayton, to Hereford, ltd miles and buck, twice n week; Leave A'lKlcisvlllo Tuesday nnd Saturday nt I AiniD at iicrriora ny o p in Leave Hereford Monday nnd Frldayat .1.30am; Arrive at Zclglcrsvltlo by 7 a m; 11120 From North Wnleii. liv If n Int. Snunre. I'rancolilannd Tylersporl, lo'l'riimbaurivllle. 111 miles and back ouco a week. i.caorurlli w ales Saturday nlOa lu; Arrive ntTrumbaursvllio Saturday hy 12 tnt Leavo'lrumbaiirsvUlo Saturday nt 1 p in; Arrive at North Wales by II p in. lttl From .lefrersotivllln. I.v VMIlnirn and l'erkloinenvllle, tn lted Hill, U miles anil uucii, iiircu iinien u w cck, LcilVO .leirersonvlllo Tnesilnv. Tlntrsilne nnd Saturday nt II..W n in; Arrive ni lieu mil tiy 3.31) p m; Leavo lteil lllll Mon.lnv. Wednesday and Frl- day At5n m: Arrlvo nt Jelrersoiu lite by 11 n in, ii) From upper Dublin, by Threo Tons, 10 rrospectvllle. 8 miles uud back, three times a week. Schedule to bo arranged to tho satisfaction of 1110 postmasters, malting duo connection with mull I111I11 011 Itallioad. proposals lor more frequent service Invited, irm I'm.,. .... ,. 1 . .( t.jt, 11, ,,y, 1 leilSltllt Vnlh'V noil Hiirlnirtiiu'ii. In llnrlintit. Ill miles and hack, three tlms n week. n1,1 . V .Monuay, elluesllay nnu Arrive at Durham by Op in; xuiiiuiii ...uuuuy, i eiiuesiiay nun 1 re day, nt 7 u in i'ric ut (iuakcrtown hy 12 in, A I 1911 From Iincaiter, by Willow Btrcet, Mar tlnnxilie, New i'rovldenee. UnmnrRo, and Ijuar rj vllle. to Mechanic Hiove.l: miles and back, three time a week. henvo Lnucaster Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Hat urdaynt iWpin; Arrlveat Mcehanlc OroTr hy p. in, l.ravo Metlmnlc-H drove. Tuesilay, 'ihurwlay ami Saturday nt 0 11 mj Arrlvo nt Lnncniiter by 11 n m. 10ia From Bwnrtzvllle, Adam touii.GumikrrUllloun.l uumra, to ltctulliiL', 13 mlies nnd hack, three time a week, Leavu Heamstown Tuesday, '1 hurnday nnd Hat urd.iyntSa m; Arrive nt Heading hy 5p m; lA'avolteadiiiii'lucHday.'lhurvlay nnd Satun day ut 8 a m; Arrlvo nt Henimlown by 12 m. 1031 From Kportlnx lllll, by Old Mue nnd Mnv leronvli v, 10 Colebrook, 11 inllfsnad baek.twico n week. l.cavo fiporllng lllll Wednesday ami Haturdny nt U u in; Annual ('olebUK)U hy li m; Jjcae Ooleurool; Weduesilay nivl KUiuday at 1 p m; Aulvent Hporlln? lllll by 1 p m. 19.VI From (Jap, by lluyerslown, lo lutercoutBe, 0 miles aud hack, tin re times n eek. LeriNeUnpliifsday, Thuuday and Haluuluy at 11 a m; Arrlont luletcuurso hy 1 p in; Leavo Imci cuii iko Tuesday, Tlmr-day nnd Hnturdny ut 7 n in; Arilvont U.ip by 0 am. 19 VI Fium LllUtoniunncivIUe.nmllei., uud back twice n week. LeavuUtlz WeUnesd.iy and Saturday nt 1 p m; Arrlont lluinnervllloat 2p. in; Leavo Itruuuervlllu Wcdnchday nnd Hatur day ntypin; A r uilz by 1pm; Ki0 From llnlif.iv, by L'nterllno nnd Fndt'is, to Fi)herj,vllit?,u miles nnd back, onto u Aiul. lieavu llinllux halurday nt I pin; Airlvo nt Fliliervitlu by i p m; Leavo KatuulayatUn m; Arrlvo at Halifax by U m, l'JTJ From Lob.inon. bv rnrnuMl!. in Mmtnt llojie, I) lnl'i-H and back his times a week to lummui iiiui iwict) 11 w teit 1110 lehiiiue. Leave Lebanon dally except Minday, nt P..10 a, in; Arrive nt Cornwall by 11 n m: Leavo Cornwall dally except .Sunday, at7.:J0n Arrh o nt Lehnnon hy 9 a m; Leavo Cornwall '1 ueid.iy and Saturday atl p mj inu"i uuiiiit imiiu tty i. p in; Leao Mount llopo lut&dny and Haturday nt II n m: Airlveat Cornwall by p m. 20111'rom Lower Sauean, to Leave Freeman-burg Thutsday nt 7 a in; Arrlvo at Stout's hy 10 a m; Lcao Stout's Thursday at 1 p in; wrrlvo ut Freemansburg by 1 p m. 2013 From Hethtehem, tty irnnovervlllp nnd Hath, to Cluipinnu tluanlcs, mile nudback, tlnco times u week, Leavo Hethlehem Tuesday, Thnrsdny and Sat urday nt S p in; Arrive nt Chapman Qnarrlo-i by .r p m; LeaoCliapmnn tiuarrles Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday nt ( m; Arrive at lJelhlehem by 0 a m. GVil From ll.invllM. bv Itnuhtnw-ii nnd K'tltiV Orovo loSnydeitoiMi, 12mtleiand buck, one 11 week. , a hvo Danville nt n m; Arrio at Snyderlown by 12 m; lA'noSnydertounSnturdflyHt 1 pm; Arrive at lnn lllo by 5 pm. 20f.1 l'rom PiMulnn. I.v TtTiicnTii. T.1IU nn.l T.o OniURc, In Tunkluiiinork, 'il mllt-H nnd back, twlco n wock. l'utston ionuy nnu wcuncsdav nt s n m; Arrive ni junKiinnnof k ny ip in; LrflVt) 'I'linkliiniififlc TtiiNilii nml Siilunlfiv nt lpm; Anivontnttsion byp m. 2070 From Milckhhlnnv. bv Mnhl.-nhfro-. tn Fiweet Valley, 10 miles ami hack, twlco a week. Leave Milck&hlnny Monday nml Thursdav nt 10 nm; Arrive nt swert alley nt I p m; LtaoHwet Vi.lley Monda uud Thuriduy nt rrio ni oiucubiiniiiy uyo p 111, .wi 1 rmii tju 1 orcc, ny inwauitct-, ji.ui Mount ami Mill City to Fuctoryvllle, )') miles nnd bnck.oncoa week. Lcavouiu 1 orgo luesuayni nam; Arrive at Faeloryvllle by 3 p m; Leavo Factory vllle Wednesday nt dam; Airle at Old Fnrpo by :i ji m. I'lonosaU invited for fcerTiee. lhren times a witli, Fnnn Scranton to Dtii'mn. 1 mltii nml back, hlx times w week. Leuo hcrnnton dully, exo pt Sunday, at l.n p "i; arrive ni iiuninorn ny ipn; Lefte Dunmoro d.tlly, except Suudnv, nt 1 m; Arrl o nt Hcrnnton hy 0,13 a m. mili l'mm Irfivfltnit In I!, llfi Svli-n I, mil. muni hack, onco n week. ' i.eno i,n( Hon Tuehdav ut 10 n m; Arilont ltell-sylvaby 1J m; Leave HdlnSyUa Tuesday ut 7 it m; AUhu ut LoMltou by Uu m. vio j i-roin t'nuln, uy .m, Cnnton. Lo Hoy, Wist Fraulclin and Fiauklln Dale, to Tms audit, Lcao Canton lueidav. Thnm.biv inul Snlnr. tiny, at Ha m. .ruve ai inwatma ny .ri p m; Leave Touiindu W'nltU'Mtnv nnd ivi. dnv ut 1 p 111! ,i 1 1 o ui i anion ny (,;;up m; FroiosnlslnMlcd for ben Ice six times a wi-ek, 210 From New Oxford bv fli-eeii Itidn-n. niLtnn. tou nnd Itmilld J till, to Voik Kult.hur hniim's. 11 lallt'H uud bat k, iwlco n n-li. i.eao.L'w uxioru inetuay nml Saturday all p m , amvpiu l oris niiipiiur fpriiiE, ' y l p Til, Liao Voi I; Sitli)hiisSi,rltiL'- 'I m hitiivniul Sit. unlay ut.'in in; n ivi1 ni ,-siw uxroni hy kh in, I'nipn-JtiU lor nioie lunm.'iU hen leenlto Invited L'I'i FlOlll I!(t iUii:c lo l.rik'H Mills. .1 mllfs nnd back, inuv a wvik. i ihu' net lusvine suinninynt nam; Arrive nt Lntk's Mills hy 1 p ni; Leave Lock's Mills Saturday ittAnm: Atrlvoat leedallle by inn m. 2C'U From Woodland to Gralinmtow n. .". milon and back, tub-on un-k, Leave ooiiiand 1 ucndny nml Saturday ut II a in; Ail he nt oraunrntown by 12 m; Leave (Jim linniiiton TiicfiIhv nnd Sntiiulnv tit lp. m; Aimc ai w ooumim py . p in, HQ Fmm CurmlcliacrH. bv Cevlon and Wllltiw Tite. lo iKivlhlowu. lu miles i.ud back, uini u v ei k, Leave i niiiucnaei etinrsiiay nt 1 pm; ArrUe nt Davutown by t p m, Lc..e lavlsion Wednesday nt Oh m; Ai rl e nt Cm mkhut 'u at 12 in. '110 FlOlll Flllsblire. hv Weht View. Vt rrvuvlllo Wlllinmh. Wexford. Ouh. Zcllnonlt. llnnnnnv nn I Whltestuwn, to l''i mlle A back, tin co times a week. Leavo Pittsburg Mondny, Wednesday nnd Fri day at 7 a in; Aiavont rropf t'tity 7 p in; Leave 1'roMjeci Tuthilav. 'Ibtirhdav nnd Kiitur. day at 7 u in; Aulveat rlttfcburtfby 7 p m; l'ron.i inls fir mora frenuent storvlcn uUt. InvU ted. 23 ti From Slmrpihuig, by Dorsyllle, Ttnral t-iiiiiiiniiii.iii.u iiiuuiii d inisiiMt'iMn, - haxonburt;, UU miles nnd buck, ouco n week. i.iftvi) nnnrpfcuurs i riuay ai tt a m; Arrh e nt rnxonburK by ti p mj la vc BaxonbuiK 'lhursday at C run; Arrive at blmrphburg by p m. .'119 From Flttsbur, by Huchnnnn, Onnihy, A Hone Church, to Ltbauoii Church. luU miles and. hnck, twlco dally, except Sunday, to ltuiiinnaii, nnd twlco a uetk tho lesldue. Leavu Plttf.lmif iiiitiv. oveeiii Hmtiliiv. ni (130 n in Leavo lluchaunu dully, except Sunday, nt n m Leave HulIijiihii Wedm'kibiv nml h.miiJjvut Arrlvu nt Liuanou timrch by tKlunm; Leave Lebanon Church Wednenlay and rSatur day at lUum; AriUent lluihnunn by li in, 2133 From Turtle Creek to Mnnioo lllc, JJi in Ili'H n nil I .i fir I u'lort n ti ft, Ir la nvi'Tui tie Creek Wednesday nnd Satuiday III U 11 III, Arrlt oat Mnnrnevllbi liv Ifi.Mjl a tn Leave Monroellle Witfnesdny nml Snturday in i ii in, Arrl e nt Turtlo Creek by M 0 ft in. 2Vj3 From nttubuvn tn Wctd MamheaUr, 2i miles nnd bntk. tslx times n week. Leave 1'lltfcburtt dally, exccid Sundaj, ul JO-15 u m; Arrive at West Manchtalr r hv 11 n m. Leave Weht Manchester dally, exeept Kumlny, Ul V u in, Arrlvo nt rutilairg hy 10 a m, 2131 FroinTuruntum, hv Landsvllte, (n. to nuAi'iiuiuKi iiiiivh nini iwik, uni ts u ovu, Leaw'lHreiitum Saturday at 8 a mi Arrive ntHaxouburR by 12 m; Leue Snxniiburu Sal ui day at 1 p ui; Arrive at Tnrcntum by 3 p m. '2?&'i I'rnin Hiirmmiv. hv Ulddle. Ijincnidur. Pur- tersvllle, Willie I toy, llanenkburif.aud lnbinu io jifrct'r. iii in ucn nnu uueic, nut o iihusu wet k Unvv Harmony Monday, Wedmfcday ml Frl day aller wirlal of I'llUbuigiuull lay Hp tn; rrive at Meiccr hy 10 n m; Leae Merri-rTuchJuytlhmsday aud Buturday I'rnm Hllnnorv Ilorlr. hv TTnrrUvlltA. Wel I ley, and Fait Sandy, to Franklin, 27 mlten and bnck, three limes n week, Irf-ne slippery Hock Mondny, Wednesday and 1'rhUyntWum; Arrlvo at Franklin hy op mj Leave Franklin 'I'iipviiuv. Tlnirtidiiv. nnd flntiif- driv nt 7 n mj rrive nv aiippcrj- iiocit ny i p in. 2X1 From Unn tn rlrnv'd Vnllnv. Q mltm A Imck twice n week. liCnvoi.iK nun Tuesday nnd Saturday nl 2-u) p m; Arrive nt Orny's Valley by 3-15 p m; LeavoOrny'H Vnlley 'luesdny nnd Saturday nt 3-4i p m; Arrive nt Elk llun.hy 4-30 p m. 2.11)0 From Gnlnrs, hy LnntiUun to HablnsT'llo It miles and back, onco n Week. Lenvo (laines Wednesilay nt 7 n mj Arrlvo nt Sablim-llle by 10h mj Leave Sabln-ivlllo Wednesday nt 2 p m; Arrive nt Gaines by 0 p m. 2100 From Jersey Shore, hy rhrlps' MIIN, to j laney vllle, 10 miles nml bnck, once n week, Leave Jersey Shore Thursday nt 0 n m; Arrl.o nt linneyvllleby 12 m; lirnvo Haneyvillo Thursday nt 1 p m; A ri ivo nt Jei-sey Shore hy 0 p m. '2t Vroni Xfuncv. liv Wnlf linn nml llnntr llle, to Hill's Grove, ill miles nnd bnck, oncon trri(, Leavo Muney Tuesday nt 12 m; Arrive nt Hill's Orovo by 7 p m; Ienvo Hill's Orovo Tuesday at 0 n m; Arrive ut Muncy by 12 m. 2121 From Lock Haven to Hland,2;jmlet nnd ikick, onco ri wpck, Leavo Lock Haven Halurdny nt 10 n m; Arrive nt Island by II n m; Lrnvo Island Sntuiday at 1 l-fl n m; Arrlvo nt Ioek Haven by 12-30 p m; FmiiovaH for more frequent service also lnvl ted. 2I2i From Wcslporl, by Ihly, Hnmmerslcy's Fork, and Cross Fork, to Kcttlo Creek, 30 miles nnd bnck. tulcon week. Lenve Weil port Tuesday and Friday at 0-30 am; Airlvont Kettle Creek nl 0-:tfl n in; Lenvo Kettle Creek Wednesday nnd Salunlay Arrive nl Westport hy 7 p m. 2I2S From Itldfrewny by Keisey's, Caledonia, A Tyler's, lo Feiilkld.T miles nnd back, twice n w eek. Ltnvo HldKowny Tuesday and Snturday nt Onm l III v III 1 I-Illicit I )1,V U p 111, Lenvo Fen Held Mondny nnd Friday at On m; Arrle nt Hldaeway by :i p m. 211! From llrookvllle, by ltlelmids llle, Schorr ner's Corners, nnd Arrojo, to ltldewny, 31 mllei Leave llrnnlcvillo Thursday at 7 n hi; Arrive- at Itidgcuny b3p ni; Leiivu Uldgeway Weduesilay nt 7 nm; Arrive nt llrookvllle by 3 p in. 21V From Itayiullbm, by Henderson, Ferrlne, and Satterflcld, to miles and illicit Dines a u'l'1(. Invo ltfijmtltoii Tuesday, Thuidny and Hit- uruay, ai a u in; Leavo Meicer Tuesday, 'I iuirtdnj' nnd Haturdny ai - p in. An Ivo at Ihiymlltnn by (I p m. CM From Franklin In Deinpseytowu, 0 miles mm uiicii, iwieo a wci a, Leave Franklin Tuesday and Sntuiday nt P m; An K n nl llniiinsnvtrm-ii liv I 11 in! Lenvo Dcmpsej town on Tuesday undHalnrdny ui a ii in; An ivent Franklin by 1130 am. l'roposals for moie frequent mtvIco Invited, 2ll!d From IVtiolium Centre to Cheiry Tree, "it mll.'si nnd liiirk. a 1 1111 ii wcrlf. IVtrotci m Centre dally, except Sunday ui i- in ; Arrhii nl f'liri-rv Tno liv 1 11 m Li-ave Cherry Treo dally 1 1 xcept Sunday, nt 10 m ii in; An Ivc nt Fetroleum Cculie hy 11-30 a in. 2.101 From Stony Point to i:vnns.lnirg,274 miles ami uiu k. six 1 imis n veeK. Si'linlnlo timklnff clnvit rotiliofllnli vltb mil' road trnln, to ho nrr.umid to the mm-., ictlon of posiinnvier1. KIO Fiom Peter's Creek to l'i ach Hottom, two miles ami uauc, tinny, exceii Minuay, Schedule to be urnuiged Mitihluttory to the postmasters. 2.'17 Fiom New HoIHnd by Oieen Hank and Siliihury,to Peque.i, 0 miles and iMtk, twice u v-eek. Lenve NewHoll.iiid Tuesday nnd Saturday ut y a m ; Arrive at Fequea by 12m; Leave l'oqueu Tucday ami Saturday nt 1 p m: Art Ivc at New Holland by i p in. 21? Fiom Hlchlund Station, hy Millhmk (n.o.) anil Kieiuieiiersviuo (u.o.j 10 snaeiierbiown. iiiIIph and buck, six times a Mick. Leavo lllchlaml fetation dally, except Sunday ni 1. in; Arrive at SlrilTersIownby 2 p in; LinveShallertowinlally, except Sumlay, at u m; An Ivu nt Hichhitid Slnllon by 9 a m. 231!) Fro'p Kingston, hy Huutsville nnd Leh man. to Lake. 11 miles and back, twice u week. Leave Kingston Monday and Thursday nt8n m; Arrive nt Lnke by H n m; Lmv c Lake Monday and Thursday nt 1 p m; Ai rive at Kingston hy sl pm. 2320 From Kingston, by Mill Hollow, Trucks, vllle, Dallas and Kunkles, to HuwmnifH Creek 1 1 nines ana ouck, twice u weeic. Jjcnve Klustun Monday aiid lliursday nt 7am Arrlvent Hovmuhu's Creek by 12m; Leave llovv man's Creek Monday nnd Tuesday m )i in, Arrlvo Klucrston bv C nm. !i"ii!ll''ruiii '1 unkhiinnoi Ic.liv rorlrnlnn r.nvdllnit nml (Jul ley, to Unsliure, 1 utiles una Lue k, once u Lenve Tunkhnnnock Saturday nt 8 n in; Arrlvent inishoro by 5 pm; Leavo Dushoio Friday nt Sa m; Arrlvent Tutiklmnnotk by 3i m. 2522 Fiom Wynluslng, by Wllmot, to Dushore. 1. nines ami oacii.oiici'H weeic. Leave Wyaluvfn Salunlay at 1 p m; Arrive at Dusliorn by 3p 111; Leave Dushore Sntuiday a 7am; Arrlv 0 at WyaUMng by 11 u m, 2321 From Sugar Itun, by Flvvcll, to Culley, milts nnd back, once n week. JjeuveSugvr Hun Wednesday nt 1 1) m; An Ivo ut Culley by 3 p in: Leave Culley ednevday nl7 n m; Airlve ut Sugar Huu by 11 a m. 2."2i From Homo by Orwell, to Lo Haysv llle, 10 Lenv e Home, Vuesd.iy, ThurMlay ami Saturday Arrlve'nt Le Uaysvllle by 2 nm: Leave Lo Haj svillo Tuesday, i'liuiMlny nnd ura.iy, ui a p m; Anive nt Home hy Cp m. 2.:2.3 Fiom Fnnnctlsburti, by Carrlck Furnace, u. ti,, j iii ijimuuii, nines una u,icit,once n vveeK tn uvi tnm uisuiiiK "'IMlllU.iy 111 fi U III: Arrlvent Loudon byl2m; Li hv e Loudon S.itutday at 1 p in; Airlve at Fnnnettbhuig by 5pm. 232G Fmm Newry, by ltlue Knob (n. o.,) nnd n ner, u, t.,j iu vuuil iwUiirhVllie, .3 mill It UlUl l.i nve Neuiy Fildny at lO.Mum; Anlve- nl Saint dullsville by tip mj Lenve Saint Cluiisvilie Salurd.i at 7.3-1 a mj Aitive at Newry by 3 p m. 2.t 1 una Sluiocin, (n. o.j bv Advanie(n. o,,) noMiiit s Mnis, (n,i.,)aua Atwood's (n. u,,) iu i mi uu i u f, ji nun a unn niicit eiiH'I'U Ve( li Leave Sin lot tn Sat ui day nt (jam; Aulveat llarnard'H hy 12 in; Leavo Halliard's sntuiday nt 1 p in, Anlve ut bhcloetu by 0 p in; 2.-..S Fiom MonotiRahela City by Hentley vllle.tti n mil , i in-, 1 1 ut i .in nun uiivii, un fti i tines a ct a, LtnveMoiioiiahela city, 'luesdity, Thursday Aulveat llenllsville bv 12 in Leave Hiallsv ll'e '1 lUMlny.fhutstlay nnd Sat Aulveut MoilongnneJa City by 3 p in. i ';-' lir-m l.hislur to ClnilnEton, 12 miles itim nm iv, iin-i' n ttt'i-ii. Leave 'I v h-rhhuiu sntmdny nt Sam; An he nt Clarlimiou U l in- Lene ( luiluuton satunliiv at 1 pm; Anneal T .euburg hy a p m. 'J'lIVl FlOlll IlUll.11111. IiV ITlitli tnMliiln IT mil, inul baik.twleea wei k. i.i nve imiuinaTiuMiay and Saturday nt 7 a m; LetivoMliiln'l utMhty nml Snturd y nl 1 pin; Arrlvent Jmll.uiu by i) p m, CI.JITJJ'JVAU:. PHopoSAL. - u'hAvii until rtttlcA pi eposes toeonvey the malls of tho United stales, tl'oin July J, Ivjs, to Juno i( ls72, nil louto No. , between nnd . undi r the mlvei tW iiit ui of the Potmnster General, dated Apill liio. tu wiin "I'turiiy, eeriainty, nna feecuri iyAlir ine nnnunl sum or doll, 7 hii invmsnt ft muttvuiih till knoiclarfrc of the btttilff ftl t, m.uIp ,.,r,ht ,.t II... ,.,..11 IlV. ut'i, ami utl oilier jmrlicittart In iiucHet? to tie tOllte (Hill ut f,Innttvirtfifttl i r,t .. ... i.m ty me uiu a nnu mttruciions aimeiuti toific rmimui latea , (Signed.) Ul,V.l.Ul.l., rrl.nis,1Al,.r.,1 I.1l,1r. ., L.UInnf undeilnke that, ir'thu loiegotng bltl for carrying the mail on itmte No. be accepted by the Postmaster General, thebtdder fchalf, prior to tli 1st tlavofJnlv. IhtH. enter lntntbn leonlred obi gallon or contract to perform the service propos ed. Willi L'oim! ami hiihlclent snretles. 'I hit tvctlo. ttmlttiUantlnifi tllatinctlitfit abHanHon ami tinbilittfS twtimetl by tvai union umter the TAh sreuon ty me act 0 uunniei vr juiy s, 10.10, 1 'in i-u rsijii'i"- 11 j imvi,iiuiiimiiii; ci:htificatk. The underblsncd, pOBtmasler at , Stato of , cenini's, f-NUKii him oaiu or orrict that he Is ncoualnled with the above guarantors, and knows iiiem to no men or piopetiy, ami nnio to make good t heir guarunlee, 1 mien (Signed .( NO'lLS. Proposals miibl bo to eurrv the mnil vith lerlty,eertnlnty, nnd becurlty," UhliiR the terms 01 ine law, umi iney muhi no guurame-ea ny two rthpoiulble persons, eerllfied to ns ouch by u jiobiiuiikier or ujiuigeoi u luurioi rt'coru, NoiiavMill Iju mild for trio not nerforineo. nud for each of hueh omUsions not satUfactorlly exblainid thiee times the iny or the trip may be deduitetl. For arrivals so fur behind lime oh to break connection vviin ilepenuing maim, ami not biillleiently eximed, euie-ioiirth of the coni)tii s 11 lion lor Iho trip Ububkit to forfeiture. 1 lues will be Imposed, unlets (be dellntiuencyhe satis biclorlly enplnined, for mghiting to take (he mnll lmm or Into u lOht otllee 1 fur suMerlmi It to be Injuud, ehstiojul, lobhed.or lof,t ami for riinktii), tint r iiiniunu, in t-unvey uiti mnil ni fieoiieiillv ns the contractor inns, or Is concern nl In 1 iinnlng, vehicles on the route. The Pout niasier Gem ml mnv nnnul the eonliuct for dUo- beylng tlie post ollUe laws, or the Inslructioiu of the lit 1 urlmeid. lie may niter the Khedule of ucpiiriiiifv ana uiuvnis, una uiso oruer uu in create of .service by allowing there for a ;xo rafrt I net clue on the contract jay. He may alsu cur tail or ilUcoiitlnue Iho fct-rTlcelu whole or In pun, si ti propei uoiiuio eiecreasu ni pay,anovv lug, as n full Indemnity lo the eoniraeior. one mouth s extra cumpt-ligation on tlie amount of fefMice umneiiRfu wiui, aiui u ino mm coin pi n. fsittlun for the strxlca lelnlned and eoiitbniiHl The Denni linen t reserves tliertcht to rrleet imv hid v hleli muy be dtemed extruvugaut, umiaUo iu nikiiiirti ine inns 01 nuinig coniraiiors ana uiuunt, jnus hiioiiiu no uuurifcMM 10 uiu "ipc. nnd Ahslslunt Pobtmakler (Jem rut." km cruet lh. rd " Pmpokiul, Stale of Ptnmt lvftula," ud sent nv 1111111. Forliulructlorsaml the-r Information. pn nd vertUuunl t,f October 31, mit, ntihe r ncli l 1,1,1.1 i.fllMi Atl V w'lUVIIi'l 1 1 My22.'os, ' pi-ituiuiUr 0nrAl, HlKASURKIt'S SAIjK OFSHATEl) LANt IN COLUMBIA CO. AirreenhU-tn llin linit?llliin flf the Art nf As- semnly, rntllleel nn Art In reduco the Stnto debt Ae pnisesl theai'thdivtif April, 1311 tho TrciV vuterofthe County ol Columbia hereby Rives notice to an peisnni eoueeruen inereiu, inui nn ICHt I lie l Olllll), uomi, niiiwi, i tujr iiiui oimo 'i nfa din ilnn on thu follow I nu real estate sit linte In the County of Columbia, mo paid before tho tiny of sale, tlio whole or such bails or each ns will pay thecharnisnnd posts chnryablo thereon will be sold nl the Court House lu Illoomshurg, County or Columbia, on tuo hth or June. lh(W, nnd to bo continued by ndjonrnment rrom day to day for nrrcnraites of tnxes duusald county ami i no eosi nccruenou viii.ii reni'vuu t-i i Vfii. Arm, Oicnrr. Tenants. ml. CU, H1I 1MII 270 Col, Coal &. Iron Co. Heaver $112 ou ii Moses .Mover 12) Miller A Mnun 7 John Johnson 20 John V Cicawcll 1(VJ Anthony Davli 10 -IS 1HIU-1-0 2.3 12 71 3-3 20 PMJ1 Wil-G II HO 52 02 3 22 isfil-fl lsili-5-d Wl MnniiA Miller ;w j', 4i. iiunnie lB(iU ai Mniiti. .(z Crlut Well 2 31 10(1 1SG0 lMIO enberger M t0 40 12 H. W.M'Heynoldi " 11 00 trJ .Tnlm Ivnmm ltflllon 17 01 4S Tracy Whllo " 2 2H I Will LVil 1M32 I Hannah Tyko " 41 73 HlrntnSelafrcld " fl 21 M IWftrSlitiltx " l 31 1S00 IllNnncy Prentls Uloom in ItlAugustusschneH Herwlck Hor. 1 40 ut .infoti MuIpv Coin nelmiii 1 21 IN'. iMil '0-fl lit Win Anbmnn 18M lMi-VO 1MW iw;i lsirt 1841) lit Owen Cnln lit James Collier " 21tF.lleu I Hi tit In " Do Kline, Llndenmlth A Co, " lit John li. Morgan " lUMIchnel Nevhi " lit Aulhony O'Honnell " 1T0 Paxton.Klino A Sharpies ' 21tJohn Shaw " llti'lmrleiOtllogher ' 21t Simon Asliton " lit lemcrlelt Crnno " lUJohn Hopkins HtPeter llower " 7 JW 8 Dl 0 12 H 2S 1 M i 00 7 3.1 13182 I sf.VO lhfii ivu 1W0 Infill 1HT.0 ISbtl 1 (XI : M 10 10 3 M i at I K3 1 00 lit Wm Chapman M JacbSnyder M H. Haycock tin II. liariic- lsflfl ISlLi lSI'.i lSOi wn IStti I Ml Franklin 11 61 I'lsliimr Creek 2 11 5") Jacob Vnplo lltJnhn lleiidershott UtGrltntli PhllllpH H Jackson A. Walts IltMnry Allen lit Wm Fditar it llward LewU hit IMwanl Piosser lilt Geo Wenver HM HexsAGolder : on (I, Wood at 1 so 1)1 1 to 17 1st, -3 IMil ls(l I iNil IMil 1"')I-.VJ Hemtoi lc 3 30 00 I so 0 03 1 Ml K III 0 Ml Jackson 111 Jnlm K.Keeler IS Henry shMleiibirgir 117 David llMilllie 117 ,1 it I lies Itowmun 1 j Hess, "am & Persy ?lft .In n ten Koltoti I Hit) 10 III 21 NM K.0 I n;1 Ndl I s0 1 1 M I..1 20 Cyrus Lnlid's l!st, M It MUhflnVn IM. lit Adam Willlver loo Win Chamborlln 17 Jackson II ,ddo IV) Std Jmik M David Sweeney t!2 M. Shoemaker 2 Abr WeNIl Pi0 HiosSliickhoiisf 100 ThosHmith M John Fox Iih) Schuvler A Waller 00 Mletun 1 Kreiler loo John Gosper's I'M. 20 Colt Joint .Vi John Folk 117 .Inhlt C. Fruit Madison 1 Ml ISO 1-3 1M1I lKfil Pino 13 IU ism Nil IMJl-0 Nil Nli NVI NI3-1 N ivr NJ.3 I Ml. I NH-1-3 lsrt- h Polly Hess (widow) Sugarloar 8 21 luo Henry Holder " W JiJltCharles Mullley Scott 1 Nt'l rjlllKASUItKIl'S sam-: OF UNHL'ATLD I,AND4FOH COLUMI1IA CO., Airieeablv to tho nrovislons of nn Act of As sembly entilled an Act directing the mode of selling liuseuiltl iinni iur uiAri umi nn uuivi an poses passea tue ioiu aay oi iauren isi.i, una hu inriher siitmlements thereto raised on tho Pith tlnv of March lsl7and tholI.Mli day of Maich Is 'Land Ihelfth d.iv ot March IS 17. the Trensiller of Columbia county hereby gives notice to nil persons eoncicnea inerein inniiiniess ine e oun iv II fin 1 1 hfhool. 1'oor. Itotinlv nnd Stali iaxe4 duo on the following ducts of uiihented lands Ml iiatolu Columbia county, are paid before theday or snle, the whole or nun parts of each tract us Will pay ine costs euiugeiiuiu iiiereon, win uu Hold ut the Court House In tho towu of lilooms burg, County of Columblaon IhoMhol June,lMJH, aud toeontlnuo by from day today for arrearage of tunc- duo mild County, nnd the lots nceuied on euth truit respectively, A'o. of Acrti. M'urauiVr or Owner. tol, Ct, llliNTON. 4 AnnChrlstman 3 10 01 12 John J. Kuril OS 4i TrncyWhlto 1103 IlirAVEU. 4003 my 400 200 123 2d0 100 3i) Columbia Coal A Iron Co, "J 4tl 21 00 12 13 7 SO n 01 0 2.1 IS OS Sarah A. ColTmnn Wm stewnrt Lewis Filger John Oroir Mn n & Hont Kilns Miller M'Dowell Hlttenhouso A Yost Citharlno Noyer Hamilton W, Hhlpmuu liuiAU citm;i;. Paul Apple Samuel lilanlc Wtllinm J.Hrtlalu (luy llryan John Cain Win, J, Clem Wm. L. Freas Wm, H. Ilnrtman H, F. Headly Cnlhnrlne Penice John Pnikerhon Altiahnm Heeer Jacob sltlcr 2:MW IM IHJ 12 4S 0 an law loo 200 10 10 210 10 1H .w m & 218 V iwj 01 201 5 II 73 1 II 7 M) 13 00 5 Ot) 11 22 20 CO 1 70 CO 02 41 3 21 II 73 21 400 101) ISO w IS 300 Josejili Plnckhou .Iiilin II. Fiult John Yost CONYNOUAM. .IlltlRO C'OX l.i-vils Wnlker John llouhton .lucoliTi U-ll Win. Hlmntiou (Ion. IMcklmm John Ik'iistly Thos illlihclmrr Amos Wli'lu-rshain Kobcit Jortl.111 AIHllCU' I-oiii'r Lewis Wallirr T. "O. W, Cirenough' 410 8 112 101 374 100 3S1 34 230 2S3 ;wi Mof 120 Unf :jo of 120 U of UsO 411 100 401 421) 10) IV) ItW 17 a 21 S7 110(1 '.OS ISO laii 11(0 lia :iij SJI 21 07 .Mnry llusian T ItUfcllltl NY1UC1' K U .1 C coil 07 ill! Ill 111 r.i so IW i; .Mary iiusiiiii 1-llH'iU'Zcr lliiiiilmni lli-nj. until t'ouinljo John Younti Jiislinu Ilt-iini lVlt-i lltithlur Niilh.inli-I lliovrn John KltiKi cuNnti:. Ik-njiiniln Alhihnth Is.ilah l-oinurs Kstnto Dcilltl A llciK-dlct Win. lli-'lolai rrilr's IMulo JlH'llll (ioOll .M. I,. Ilrnwn l'i'U'l' llauMilmcll CATAWIBSA. Tliolnus llhhllo Iti-i Jainln lieiher .lust ,ll( 'Imv i-ll J.H. II111I1M J, 1'. rini'hcr riiK-hcrXTliomfts Iiavhl (inuinor l'ltANKM.V. Jntni s Tox i:iljih lU-ynoH ACu. Ul'o. hwunU cui:i:k. tlcn, J, rulimcr .1, N, Jones John Allrirnr Win. Ilnrkalow's Kstalo l-'ri-as A: ilolltimn I'llw-artl M'llcniy Will. Mears Hamuel J, 1'ealer tleo. IValer Wm. Itotiijlns A l'ii. Win. Hhlipnrs 11. MioierA ICelcliner rriw II. Whllo Ahuilifni Youni; Win. lUclcr (ir,i:i-;.swooi). Aniliow iitelcr .MalBUU-l l.enion Joi.lh Villtllllltoi) John II. xhillu li.aai- Dew Jit Wilson Kilyar lluuiel Kiln John Melllck IIUMLOCK, Wm, Applemun 1. It. Ai-pleinuB ,M, Ap),mali Niilnuel lllueler Nathan t'alupUelt II, W. .M'lteyuoUls II. 1). M'llrldo Joim Morilnn y.ubtllon ltobulna JACKHON, Wm. Yorks Win, blephens I.OCUHT, Lewis Hush l'lilnriis llltilneton John Klsher Alaly Myers "flreeliounh" Thos. lliihtan Daniel Iteeso M itary Itiistiui ! 'lull lotto Itustan M John lteynolcts M Myers n y & 11 c ! u it .t CoAI.l'0 Thomas Hustnn " luulel Iteas " Mary llnstnn M t-'harlotloltnstnn " John Hes iililds " John anil Jos lthoads Win Ha) ers MIITI.I.V. tlen Lnttmer VmMeluliiKer , Nuniiesi-er AlloUaf.r jii.huu .Inui eriiiau .laisili llomboy Joel Hlllllll' Hamuel 1-ark'i Kst. IaMd llioHii Hr. MAIN, I'aulel & Isaao Yetlur llanlel Yetler Jai-oh Hostler .1 1' I'lni her III) Miller ileo'd. I'lilllp Miller lianli'lHIiuman drc'il. Iteubeii Hliumau Joshua WehU MlUlp Wall UAHIS-ON, JOMph Hireteb UT. J'l.KASANT, John Ale 3 f 1 1 lot ! tut 11 7 II .',1 IM) UI) :i7 -.1 1,0 20 I) 01 "0 1 10 11 111 1 u IK I 'JN1 M Vl SKI i : 71 11 so Sl U-l r, 1.1 11 M R'l J hi 111.' 11 30 II UI 1111 II ID 17 7 01 1 42 II IW 13 M 1 I.' 3 M 1 71) 3 Is 18 lu 110 01 11 SI 1 A 100 13 75 7 100 Si) I 3D l'l 6 2 SI U CI) 1 38 II 01 5 70 III 3 81 1 VI 1 w I'll 13 'JO 2 71) 13 40 U ot COO JJof WO J? of 1110 ot -JO 5, "t -.uo ,uf W) (i nf 100 4of 11W ( OflMO ofSjti 01 10 20 3 lil 10 20 t) U) 17 10 19 20 1 20 11) 21) II) 20 I) U) 17 M 10 20 10 20 l'J 2l 0 UO i M H lal 10 100 17 70 SI SI tl IV) 171 HU IM 17 111! 07 too DX) 1 m si 1 11 2 U-) qui 2 no 00 isl 37 H 30 IS S.', 7 W U tl ID 20 8 7.I II Hi Ol 00 1 10 OT 30 00 1 UU MONTOUH. Michael Orover OHANUR Jnmes Ilverett's Ks't. Jereinlah Hngeiibuch Samuel Crevellng John.Mellck Get) 1 1 Id ley PIN II. William Hotrman J P L.vons Win Wldenliainer sMveMer Henlh Jos Locknit '1 hoinas lien field 110ARING CUKKK, Peter lluclmer Thomas Hume Geo Dewes John lliistlu Philip Knlb Isaao Lluvlll Jacob Trlen Abrahntu licaber Peter Mensch tlcorgo lllo SUOAHLOAr. Abraham Shold'a Kat Jamison Keeler Samuel FrltJS Wm J lies James HucknlcvY Israel Coo Mnry Ciistnnt imnlel Lverhnrl Geo Genrhurt HobertGmy Oosse's Ls't Anthony Genrhntt Wm Ocniluut Polly Hess Widow Abraham Kline Hobert Montgomeiy Ft Dnntel J M'Henry Abiahnm Vong OS JACOll YOI1U, 61 1 73 f7 72 2 SO 0 20 01 40 21 41 as 20 0 00 28 Ml 72 00 to loo fi 80 400 r.2 00 321 UK) 2,f 120 00 w P0 60 23 2.3 40 10"i AO 73 410 M i. 3 2H3 113 2O0 AO i 271 21 x) 111 03 AprtlO, 3 OS 3 00 10 03 0 13 1ft :m 7 7H 3 10 1 82 2 7.1 1 31 2 72 31 4 32 3 31 1H OS 4 M 7 31 41 00 7 MJ 10 US 111 US 11 21 10 30 r xi 2 71 10 30 1 0 .13 Trensntei, SPBOIAL IJOTICE3. DLIlILVrV. Kvtiy ono nl times feels the neccsMty of home thing tn tone up tho system depressed by mental or bodily exhaustion. At such tlmei let every ono Imtendof Inking alcohollo or medlclnalsllm u hints, which nllonl only a temporary relief, re luvlgornte his dchllltaled syntem by the natural tonle elements of tho PKHUVIAK aYKUP, or Pioticted stdutlou of the Protoxide of Hon, which vllall7es nnd enriches the blood by sup. pljlnglt v llh lis llle Llement, Iron. Helhg lieeliom Alcohol In nny form, Itfj ener gizing elletts are nut followed by torn spoml lug luiitlun, buleie piimaueiil. liiluMt.g streugtli, vlg'.r and new lllu Into nil parts of tho sbtem, nnd bulldtng upuu Iron CotiMllutluii. Wm. C, Stirling, Lh(.,oiptmghkcepste, N. Y., Must "ttiitee taking the Puuviuii siup I ftel betli r, my Kiiengih is iinpinved, my btMeU are levmlur, my uppeiiie llrsi lute, 'llieio Isnn old Piihiil,m In this elty (older G11111 1 nnu. who has been 111 Iho Drug husint ss Ijrioyeais, who lias used Iho Syrup for thiee iiioulhs,uud gives It as bis decided eipinlon. that It is tlie best Alterative Tonic Mcdieluo hu ever knew. 1'or IXvMiensla. Heliilllv. mnl iVmnin lieges, tliu Peruvian Syrup lsn i-pe'Clllc. A:i2imt'o luuii'lilet suit lien, 'llietieiitilnu hni p.i n vnm sviiii" blown in the glas-. J. p, DlNHMOHi;. iTopne tor.o.yo uey wUNew Yoik. bold by all hniorri.v cl'ulii si:vi;n y n a us Hit- PblllNU. J. W. Horner. F,sq 11 pioniiiient lawyer of Pnrk iribur(.', U. Vu., Miis: ' 1 hml 37 Hunnlng Ulc ers w hen I commenced Inking Ur, Anders' jodlno Walcr. My ilieust, 'Jhroat and Fnco was one continuous Miif. 1 nm now a well man, nud nm MillMled l he ludlue Water Biived my life." free' 1 u 'e lumcuy win uo i-eiit J. IV HINSMOUi;. Piepiluor, 30 Hey Street, N(w nrk ForMilnby iJiuiiuesla L'enernllv. May 1,'os, NO. I. Tho alielclils itni.lrn.1 "Inrlrs nu.l l.ln, lr n. tho rawn" as one of the perfections of iiiiiiiIkhhI and tresis lonu, sllkin and lustlous, as Iho vruiinliiK bfiuily ol Momnnhood, but Tluie, tho sly old dotf. drew his llnuels lliioiijjli their hair and lull "his lniuk" lu unite, llmo isnowlin!- lletl hy thoso uho usoltlliil's Veuclnblo Ambroshl lllu alealest and most leliililn Ilnlr ltpKturnllvn of modern timis. l.M l m.M ATI U.N Ilirormalloli L-uarii nroduit-u luxuilant K'owth of hair upon ahald ueiiiior oeatuiihsiaie, iiimiii reeelpa lor tho ro molalof l'lmiiles, Ulotebes, Kruptlons, etc., on tho hklu, lea fm; thu Mime soft, clear, nnd heautl 1111, lull oe uiu a 1 lieu 1. 1 loom i mil io Iiy luluresslnil THUS. 1'. L', bcpl3'07. 12:1 llroadwuy. New 1 ork. CIIILI.S AND ri:VI:It, DYHPIU'HIA, LIVWt COMPLAINT, AND KIDNEY DISEASES CU11ED. IIISIII.KU'S Until 1II1TEUS lias enreil moro diseases uhero It hss been used, thaunll other Medlelnes combined. It is tho only lemedy that leally purines thu htood, and lias nocr lalled in curliiK Dyspepsia, I-'evcr mid Aulle, aud diseases ol Iho Liver, Hold hy all ilrUKalsts and Dealers. Dll.H. 11. IIAltl'MAN & CO., Proprietors, Lan caster, l'a., nud Clileaeo, Illinois, May .,'os. TO CONHUMITIVKS-Tiio Itov. Edward A, Wilson Mill fend llreool cluime)loall Mho ilesllo It, Iho piesellpllou w llh Iheillieetlons for making and nsliii; Hi., Niiimli, .ii..l.- i,.- .i.i.o-i. i.-.. .. cured ol a lungatleclioii and that di-i-aded disease Cousumpllon. ills only object Is Inbeuellt the alllleted, and he hopes every sulleler will tty lids .,. , ,n. uiuu noiiuiiK, ami may piovi-u blcslnit. l'leaso address IlliV. EDWAItD A. WILSON, No. IDjHoutli Second htieet. .ny3l'07-ly,I Wllll.iinhbiiri:, Ivlngs co., N. Y. HimonIMCasi: run llin) In Iho Coiutof Coin- t,.si.ur ii,,,. .11 in. i.-,. i moil ruas ol coluiuliia num.. (Uouuly IT.l'a No. ti UrAVHt Ck. Coai. Co. JMayT, lsti. Notice Is lu rein ulien that llin iiti,lnrutn..,..i appolnletl au audllor hy tho said Court, lu ills, trllnilo the lund arlsini; irom tho Hherm's sale ot thu teal estate ol Delendiuit, and ordeied to bo paid into Court-, will attend ut Iho Itcxlstcr's allicu Iu lllooiusbiiii;, on Wednesdny. July Sll,, .c.-, Kit 11..- 'M, in 111 1IIIIH1I1K SIIKIUISiriOUllOll, All nersons all, leiebv leimltisl tn tnnli.i ih.-ir claims tn said lund heloie tho Auditor nt the iinio spceiueu or 10 nu ueoaireit n om cunilni: in upon said lun.l. U. II. IlltOCKWAY, Juiio5,U. Auditor. at ExinnjnxY low raici. Silver Hunllnn Walt hen sM Oohl HuutliiK WalelitH.Uciinit Cuse n fso Ooltl niiniiny u. thth, LaoieiiSle (70 Pitch wiitch wmrantetl hv Kpeelnl eertlllcate from tho Amerlcnn Watch Co. Wntchen fent hy LNpU'Ss. c, o. I)., with pilvlleKe to exnmine he oiopahiK. Lvery one lu want of a reliable tluio-keeper U lequehted to write for our ilc&crlp tlvo price-list. Atldrcks Jn lull nml please name (he paper lu w hich you hnv tills mlertiement. HOWAH1) & CO,, No, (ill) Uroaelwny. N. Y. June 3,'Ovim, H ITKN 1) K IIS 1 1 OTT'ri PirAltJIACV. ni-i-osiri: AsicnicArt uousi:. When may Polound aeompletu assortment of lieslt nml puro mi:dicine.h, DYE STL'ITH, COLOltS, OILS, WINDOW.ISLASH, LAMIN, LANTKllN , SO DAS, SOAIM, ALCOHOL, W1N11S 4 LIOOU HYItUl',-4, I'EIH-'llMKItY, TOILET AND 1'ANCY AUTIC1.1, which nio oflered at old tlmo prices, I'irscrip. lions aeellrutely pleparcd. Jan 3'0My, QAIUUAOK MAX UKACTOIl Y, llloolushuri;, Ta, M. C, SLOAN At IlltOTHUIt thesiu-ctssorsof WILLIAM HI.OAN i. HON eoiilinuo tlio business of niaklue CAisuiAauH, nuaaiEB, and e cry st lo of FANCY WAGONS, which they Iiavu lonstuntly ou hand to Mill cm lomers. Never using nny materl.U but tho best and employing tho most exiieilenced woikiucn they liopo to eoullnuo us licretufoi u to iih o cullru baturacllou tu every customer, Au Inspection ot llielr woik, and of tho reasouahle prlco asked for tho same, Is burn to lusuro n aata. QUI WOUNDS & NEW F1UKNDS, riua WAY 1 1 A, llaitmaii'snewSloro Itooms ou Malu St., below Maikel, DltYOOODH, NOTIONS, i;oorn,wiom, (IHOCEIlir-S, ritovisioNH J.C., AC, AV. Also, a new and t-ood supply of HTOV'IM AND T1NWA1IE. HiiMUKkeiuiiduuell-kllonn uud hupeilor woikuuiu, Is pupaiid to luiiko luw w oik, and lepuirlnu to oidei, Hl'OUTINO MADE '10 OHDKlt. Alias el.iap lor lufaltoi liaile as tho chtapesl. Call and sic. 1 list fclolo on lust end ol Soulli Mnlnht, A, HAUTMAN. April 10,'OS. UHUO NOTICIi l'rom Ticastitor of Conviialiiim Townshlti. ou Ilutid and 1'oor Account lor lso7, Dlt. CU, Ileo'd or Tux rol1.5C8 28. I'd. OrilerB 12,131 31 " tlliseattd L. lux fxsl l8. Tuns Coin. 2:t II " John L. Kline, 2UI10. l'dlt.Thorutou22isi Hiie'ltinsiiiir, M). " 1'nnteis, 10 is) 12,3110 15 llnlauio lo Treasurer, Wl T, II.WOllLl'AiniL May2J,'C8. p U 11 L I 0 N O TI 0 K. Notice Is hereby plvin to all persons concerned that the accounts or 1', It, Wohlioitli, l.x.'llius. uur ol Cuiiyuuhuiu township, as published, inv iiieonecl. At thu sttlkiuuil ui Ills uuoulils, ll oin which wo liao heard ol no appeul. lit luund a bulunio iulils hands of Seo.3t) lload, uud ,70.8) lluuiily muds, l , U. llll.l. I. . i f. r. ArrlWat Harmony y em, Juui.'WSl. Auditors.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers