The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 29, 1868, Image 3

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    Ill.OOJISllLItU, 1'IIIDAY, MAY 9, 'OS,
Judoij Et.WEM, li holding hi) Court
InSnlllvnn County tlili week.
Tho Methodists nro trying to got Iny.
reprcscntntlon. They will jirobnbly
Mll.l-.-i A. Comstock will iilenguconi-mtiiilrfitt-
to tills olllco lils imst-ollco
Tun Columbia County Agricultural
Society linltl their Fair this year on the
1 Ith, inth and 10th of October.
V. 1), Koonh of this iilncu lias lea-ied
the privilege of pasturing tlio I'nlr
(Irounds for tho present year for $101.00.
Tin: communication of our Centra
lla correspondent will appear next week
It has been deferred on neemmt of tho
press of matter.
Wi: devote the first page of our pa
per this week to tho nblo opinion of
Senator Uuckalew on Impeachment.
The conclusion will bo given next
Tin: Lehigh Valley Knllro.ul Compa
ny have had recorded In tho ofllco In
Columbia County, a Mortgage, upon
which tho stamps are FIV10 THOUS
A woman by the mime of Cain Is
now In Jail, on a charge of obtaining
goods under false protences from Hlch
ard Thornton of Conynghnm twp. Sho
has nu Infant who shares her Imprison
ment. W. U. Kno.vs has purchased the lino
largo brick house on Fifth Street, lately
built by John & Harman Kramer,
for tho sum of $1,500. Tho houo Is not
finished Inside, but will bo completed
by Mr. Kooih.
Tin: worm which destroyed so many
currants and currant bushes last sum
mer, Is out again in full force. Wo lmvo
tried on them hot tobacco juice, coal-oil
and tire, but they rather seem to enjoy
and thrive on it.
On Saturday night last, Frederick
Fox of this placo was assaulted by a
boatman named Daly, who struck him
n severe blow on tho head with a 'hilly.'
Daly was bound over In $3oi) ball by
Fsc-ulro C'hemborlln,to answer at Court.
Wuhave been informed that our for
mer townsman, Dr. F. C. Harrison, has
been elected President of tho National
Dank at Lewlsburg. Wo arogratlfled
at this lntcllgencc,aiul bellovo tho Doc
tor will prove nn accommodating and
faithful ollUer.
Tm: Hcrwick Catvlle publishes what
purports to bo n law changing tlio timo
of holding tho Spring elections. Wo
have carefully examined tho general
laws passed by tho last Legislature, and
find no such Act there, and aroinducod
to bellovo that none such passed.
At tho last session of our Court abo.ut
thirty applications wero sworn to by
the soldiers of 1S12, or tliclr widows,
asking for tho annuity and gratuity
given by an act of tho last Legislature.
Wo have nlready published tho act.
Wo had no Idea our County had con
ti United so largely In that struggle, as
the number of the survivors would In
dicate. Serg'l. Collins, who runs tho Barber
establishment In tho Exchange Illock,
has placed on our table on unctions
preparation for tho halr.dcslgned espec
ially to reniovodaiulriiff from tho scalp.
We have tried it, and have no doubt It
Is a valuable preparation. For partic
ulars, prices, and direction -,citll on him
as It isapieparation of hl.s own Inven
tion. Wi: have fretiuently been asked by
our out-of-town friends which of tho
merchants and dealers here should bo
patronized. In reply to all such queries
wo would reply, patronize tm.ieicio ud
nrtlte. It is a sign of liberal spirit,
and that tho man's goods will bear In
spectlon. Tho man who is toorontract
ed In mind to advertise.wlll ho very apt
to take advantage of you in a trade.
l'noM timo to timo as now laws arc
passed, old ones repealed, or new de
cisions given by our Courts on Import
ant points, wo havo published them In
tho Coi.u.MiiiAN. This legal Inform!'
tlon Is necessary to every citizen, and
Isnlono worth many times thosubscrip
tlon price. In addition to the above
Inducements wo publish all tho legal
advertisements, full Court Proceeding
etc. Now is tho timo to subscribe.
tlx last Wednesday, May L'lth, thu
charter election took placo in Williams-
port, and resulted In tho election of
Dr. Logan, tho Democratic candldato
for Mayor, by 2ufl majority. Consid
ering tho wealth and popularity of Pe
ter Hcrdlc, his opponent, tills result I
gratifying, and shows wo still main
tain our ground in tho Lumber City
Sharswood's majority last fall was only
CiniAi1 Goons aro not always deslra
bio things, for tho quality Is apt to be
of ns low a grado as tlio price, but now
and thon nn opportunity is ollered to
purchnso first-class articles at low rates,
Such a clianco Is now presented to tho
citizens of tho county, by Pi:tiii Ent,
ut Light Street. Ho has Just returned
from tho city whero ho has procured n
most eonipluto assortment of Dry Goods
Groceries, Ac, at very reasonable pri
ces. His long experlcnco and ability us
u merchant nro too well known to need
special mention ; it is enough to say
that they aro a sufficient guarantee) for
tho excellence and tnstcof his selections,
Wo would recommend our readers to
look at their own Interests, by calling
nn him.
Amono other causes of Radical ills-
gut Is llio fact that Chase's beaming
countenance Is Impressed on ono dollar
bills of our national currency, while
Fessenden's photograph is to he seen
on overy quarter dollarof ourshlu-pla
ler currency, Forney laments that
every timo ho opens his pocket-book ho
Is fated to seo the visages of these recro
nuts. It Is an unpleasant circumstance,
and goes far to nhow tlio changofulucss
of sublunary ntralrsiand, to provide nn es
cape from tho predicament, wo would
suggest to tho faithful Radicals, that as
wo havo no such antipathy ut prsent for
Chaso and Fessenden, wo will accept
tho bills at par, and give them ercdlton
tlio boots of tho vi an., OitASTsays ho enn't apeak and
don't want to learn.
Another l-'onlnn raid is talked of,
for July. Canada tho point of nttack.
In Washington City, tlio Ilcpubllcans
of tho Tlrst SVnnl, lmvo put In nomina
tion negroes for tho Common Council
and Alderman.
A ino.n:cT for tho re-unlon of tho
Old and Now School Presbyterians Is
under discussion In thonsscinbly In sess
ion at Albany. Success Is doubtful.
Tun nomination of Grant excites
neither enthusiasm nor comment. He
and Colfax nro from adjoining states,
and South, Knit and X orth nro Ignored.
Tiiitnr. volumes of Poe's Works are
nil'Slng from our library. If tho per
son who has them will send us his nil
ilrcs, wo will send him tho remaining
Tin: Radicals think the defection
from their party of such men as Chase,
Fcsscnden, Clrimcs and Trumbull, n
very small matter. Of eourso j they
lmvo Slovens, forney, Duller and J. p.
llv an Act of tho Legislature any
township having on hand any surplus
bounty money arising from taxes laid
and collected, Is authorized to pay tho
same Into tho school treasury for com
mon school purposes.
Fousnv Is reading n number of lead
ing Republicans, Senators and others,
out of tho party; and follows them
with eight or nine of tho ablest news
papers belonging to that organization.
IIo will lmvo tho party mado"a unit"
very shortly.
SixciiT.Ai!, vi:u v 1 There wero sev
en managers of impeachment and seven
Republican Senators voted for ocnult-
talj each manager disgusted ono decent
Senator. Had the House bent but six-
blackguards the President might have
been convicted.
X. W. Sami-i.i: it Co. having com
pleted their machine shop nro prepar
ed to attend to nil business connected
with Machinery and Iron Work. Cast
ings inado at short notice. Patterns Ur
Maus' Threshing machines can bo ob
tained at all times.
O.v Tuesday of last week Congre.ssad-
Journcd to meet again on tho Tuesday
following. Taking ndvantago of tho
brief recess, Senator Duckalow, on Fri
day last, returned homo, and remained
hero until Monday. IIo Is enjoying
unusually good health. His family will
remain hero.
Gixmcn: IIahseiit, formerly with
Joseph Shnrplcss at his Foundry has
removed to tho now Machine shop of
W. Sample & Co. East llloomsburg
near the railroad, where ho is now
aily to repair Itcapers, Threshing and
other Agricultural Machines, and at
tend to any work relating to machinery
In general. is a suro test of excellence.
This Is proved by tho case of our friend
Clieniberlln, whoso perfectly fitting
clothes have galnod him tho reputation
of being tho bent merchant tailor In
this part of tho country. His stock Is
unusually good this spring, and bis
workmanship cannot bo excelled, lly
all means gis'O him a rail, If you desire
to bo well sitltetl.
Tin: Dally Lycoming Gttzitte, conie.s
to us enlarged to seven columns, and
bearing other evidences of prosperity.
Tho typo Is flno aud clear, the paper
good, and exceedingly well edited. Its
tone Is fair and candid, and wo hope to
seo it meet wlththesuccesslt merits. In
no County has the Democratic press Im
proved as much as in Lycoming, and
wo expect to see the result in Increased
majorities for our ticket this fall.
Fun:. On the 20th Inst, the large
mill of Wesley llowman at Orangovllle
was entirely destroyed by (Ire, together
with its coiitents,lncludlng several hun
dred bushels of wheat, two hundred of
which belonged to tho proprietor. It
Impo-slblo to ascertain tho exact
amount of los. The building which
was a very old structure, was insured
for $::,ono. Tho fire was occasioned, it
is said, by the friction of the mill stones,
tho grain having been allowed to run
out, through tho carelessness of a boy
placed temporarily in charge.
ever, is conjecture.
Mnitc'ANTir.i: Ari'itAisiiMi'.NT. For
years the subject of Mercantllo Appraise
ment has been Imperfectly understood
In this County. Many domestic manu
facturers havo been placed on tho list
who wero not llablo to tho tax, and
many omltteu who sliould bo placed
thereon. A lato net especially declares,
"that a manufacturer or mechanic, not
having a store or wareliouso apart from
his manufactory or workshop, for tlio
purpose of vending goods, shall not bo
clnssllled or required to pay tlio an
nual tax and license."
PACKAUIl'ri Macia.ini:. Is tho
namo of a new Monthly, "devoted to
to tho interests and adapted to tlio
tastes of the young men of tho country."
Tho list of contributors embraces many
of tho best known names of tho day.
Tho Juno number has articles from tho
pen of Hornco Greeley, James Parton,
Edward Cary, Elihu llurrltt nud oth
ers. Judging'li'om ino copies, two in
number, which lmvo already been pub-
llshoJwo predict that a want in tlio
literary world will be creditably tilled.
Tliero being as yet no other magazine
devoted to young men and their Inter
ests. Luzr.HNi: County Aanicui.TiiiiAi.
Sociktv. At a meeting of tho Luzerno
County Agricultural Society, held In
Wyoming on Thursday, May II, 1S(W,
it was
Jlesolml. That tlio Society ho'd its
annual fair on Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, !IOth September, and 1st
and 2d days of October, 180s, on their
ground in Wyoming.
llesoheil, That tho premium list of
ibu-j uo imopicii us uiu misis mr ino pre
mlum list of 1603, to bo modified uud
prepared for publication within ono
week by u committee appointed for
nun purpose.
Itesohrd. That Payno Petlebone.Stu-
ben Jenkins nud James P, Athcrtou bo
a committee to tret tin a trial of mow
ing and reaping machines durlni! tho
coming harvest, and to attend to the
matter in winter lleld-crops and gul
On motion, the towuslifpsof Ablng
ton, Dallas, Kingston and Salem wero
designated as the places for tho trial of
mowing ami reaping innchlucs.-.iYi'W'J
To Tin: Comjmiiian : So ii
been said, and so great Inqull
lately about Stale Normal Schl
I beg spaco In your column I
wldo circulation of some fnclN
tlon to them.
Tho Normal School Law for I
vanla, was approved May i0tll
divided tho Stato Into twelve!
School Districts ; the Countlcl
umbla, Dauphlu, Northml
Montour, Union, Snyder, Perl
nta and Mllllln, forming tho si
'I lie requisites to obtain thel
tho act and bo recognized oftl.
thirteen, of which tho follow)!
most Important, viz: Tenl
ground in ono tract a hall
seat comfortably ono thousand
lodging rooms and refectories
rooms, properly lighted and vjj
to accomodate at least threel
students a library room at
professors of tho nccessaryl
branched and mathematics.
pai, nnving tno gen crni care,
and regulation of tlio whole.
matters relating to the tuliiij
structlon, examination and ill
students Powers and duties 1
(y, etc., etc.
Some supplement? havo bcl
but the general features of ti l
main tlio same.
Under this net, live S-'linolsl
In successful operation. Tl
Millers vlllo In tho Second D! j
ino year iwi,, nail on its nl
hundred and twelve studants I
library of nearly, or pel haps ol
volumes, and property valtieil
Sinn.nuo.oo. The total IncoineJ
sources was $(!2,0 jO.O:).
I lie school at I'dlnboro, Knl
for the Twelfth District, sbowi
670 students a library of lie I
volumes, and an Inconio excecl
The Fifth District, Matis'lel
County has a list of over too st
a library of over 700 volumes, il
perty valued at fifty thousand J
Tho Third District, nt Kd
lierks County was recognized
It has over 100 students in nttei I
library of 20oo volumes, and
valued at over $."0.o00.00. Oil
malnlng ono wo have no statist!
Wo venture to say however, I
ono of them has so splendid a t.
beautiful a building, or so p
village, so easily and generally
bltyuid sotinlformly healthy ni
burg. Li'tiil
Tin: Republican lias di.-covel
enormity of tho Democratic
tho proposition of tlio New Ytl
to buy up Senators to voto hi
tho President, and, as Is the i
Jtadlcals who to a man pos
souls In purity, It raises a hoi
guish at this llagrant as-ault i
nils of tho community.
ii tno jtejmtticitn nan pos
a modicum of that sagacity
party claim as their natural ill
It might have discovered thai
rible suggestion was a joke, J
the purpo.o of catching suc'l
editors as abound through tin
Doubtless, however, U wif'l
grave with a linn conviction!
is no Joko in tho ca-n, nnl
Democrats being given ovcrl
and corruption and all evil
ably Indited those amiablei
Senators Henderson and VI
purpo-o of casting shame if!
on the Radical patriots. T!
A Si'andakh Worn:. A
of the lllble, Comprising 1
ties. l'loimuihy. Geoaraiiliy
nl Hi-tor v, with numerous 11
and Maps. Kdlted by Wil.
l.lj. 1). I'lliillsiicii ny Alt
llurr A- Co., Hartford, Ct. I
Tills work Is a timely r
wide-spread and urgent ncc
Hlhlii readers, lleiinr tlio o
can Edition of tho only nl
by tlio anther's own baud or
moils ijicuouary, wuicu is
for the common purse It I"
only ncrfcctlv rellnblo and pr
containing all that tho gem
and stiulunt can wish. Hie
havo in this given the public
of which they may well bo
is a standard work, aoiumem1
all who examine it, and -i
found lu every family. Ho
get this edlton, if you would1
most rellablu Dictionary at
reasonable price. It Isi sold by
tlon only. Agents should at
publishers at once.
Ir tlio Radicals believe ono In
their papers havo prophcslc
past two weeks, they must b
unhappy and uncomfortable '
what they havo said bo true,
avo "revolution and blood-hei
general dismemberment of
All of this was to occur If John'
acquitted. Ho is acquitted, now
nro wo to look for tlio "Party of 7
Moral Ideas" do not wl.-!, to dip tl
immaculate lingers in gore.
DvsTin'SiA and Scrofula aru two hy
dra-headed monsters from which near-
i ii il , til, 41. ., 1 .l. 4
ly all tho Ills tlmt ilcsh Is hwr to orll
mile, I'm dyspepsia, thol'cruviiuiSyr
up. a i.rotceted solution of tho protoxide
iron. Is a lone-tried and well-e.stah
llshcd remedy; and for serofula In all
Its manifold forms, Dr. II. Anders'
Iodlno Water is n Hiieelllciniiosealllkt-
cd will try theso remedies they will
thank ua-for ealllni; their nttcntlou to
Ca.mi:uo.'s (I rent Speech In the Im-
penehincnt ease :
Senator Cameron "-Mr. President"
Tho Chief Justice "No dohato is In
Senator Cameron "I am not koIiij;
to dclinto tho question, your honor. I
hnvojust arisen to ask a iiie.stlon,wlieth
er tho Managers will ho aide to go on
with thocasoon Monday."
A LAitnr. Voliinio would not eontnln
tlio mnss of testlmeny which has
accumulated In favor of M'istar's Jlat-
sum of Wilu Vierr.i asneiue,elUclent,nnil
rellnblo remedy in curing cougns, coins,
anil pulmonary disease. Many of tho
cures aro truly wonderful.
"Tin: Ciiuucii CiiutiNici.r." Is a
neat and nhlo and sound Episcopal
Church paper) of eight pages weekly,
published in Philadelphia, hy .Messrs.
Diinlap A. Co,
Vr-siiviUH Is said lo have reformed.
It seems to havo uhiiiidoued Its violent
courses, mid has very nearly nultsiuol;
A Jloni'i: wi'ts ins Diisr.itTn at
Last. New York, May 27,- In
Calllcott-Allen case, tho jury this even
ing brought lu a verdict of guilty
agaluet Callleott.
Yoik ill
7.10 A- 1(1 'HJ
niiliillio II... s ."ul ii i.i mill
withmit fliiumt.
TT llitirlhljurir lor ItcmllnL'. Pottslllo. Tu
in, MlnerhIU,AHlil:iii'l, Tint' (iimo, lUn-
t-iil rhn.iiiflilil.i ut, iiml i? n. mul
t-tUllOIi 11111 i.u'l'.in. iiiiuviir; rtMiufcinmH iir .
J-litlai'll'i nnrl L'dlumblunnly v rittvtlto
OhUl(H IIUVlll 11111 AIIUIU , Mil ( llllj llvlll
vj v,Siujinniu luuiihui, irV iihhii.iiik at
3,, i.j .KiuuiIuki xw Vi.ut nt w
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,, i..trtiii-iVirliout dinim.'. Wny rusienuiT
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I ,,114 111. at .! II.... . .ii.,1 - I. ii.ti... A.l.h.n.l .iAMl
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mid SuniPliAiinu. Hiiiioii.I j.t niui l.'. ,
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1'olti.ti.ii Appoinil'ilnllnn TriilnilciiM h I'oIIm Kll
nll.K, l.-nv.s riilla.lilplil.i
ntl,:iup.i -Column
7,00 ml 0-15 p.n
.luni'tlon.PWW u.lil
IaihoSIIvI""1' iU''.
lu-i-llni! -Itll sllillliu
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l Trains li'iivu lVrklnniPii
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. i un. in i,,ui, run-
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llnirM.iu ' naji
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, season, Sphool nn.l Ili
um nil polnln, nt rp.lncp.1
uuli:, nn- j,.vii...... .
mul l,M ,m. l'if 'J i
Coinin Inlli.n, -Mil
piirtlon wlii in in nn
i nm pn 'Hli r
0. A. N'K OI.l.S.
i ml hujn'iiim-iiii'iit,
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ik, Aiii-ntH will ken tho
Ltly ultli th.) l'libllnli.
iltii-t with full lutith ii
e l'ulilinhi . 1
Aunt. i' mj ni'B
w. iiiipi"
tli.lllC. !' "
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lo nmki! ilun-ii.iiii....'
I of Mild ncr-oiiniiiiiiu
o lernnl.
rllflt I Mill ntlin.l in ii.
Inlmciil nt my mili-o
. iiii' jiili iiny i,r.mii
i"-i t ll".'i K"'" n I
Ifru-ii i-mnlni; in r,,r
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Until., ilpivuviii. i ii,,,
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III lint. WltnisH u.
rPMli1,i,i ,.i
IMiiy A. !., lvw.
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ri--.. in ino ion-noon,
r.ili.rni .Mnlhlns lilu,,,,:
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IM.V'.ul".V '""i.i'ii.i iiifiiitl-1
I v i if m III HUH Korlc
Il'ihNvhiikikhI Hank it.trn '
Ul.INU IIOL'Hi:, i
lain I snrlni'lii.ii'io n....t- it...
I'y f;f iiuli trip-, iut tho
I, Muiniu ni tlio tiiwnMiln
ftlousalit. 1
JIXSK L'or.MIA.-f CltTk,
; Tin rfr tvnt of nn...
I iio iinl.l on the poniliniii-
i.iimiii-1' in'M-iir in, in
hup, Willi IiiIpipm (ruin
. ir,..)ii niM-n on ,,.
nt. rnu Inn i r to i,u
isAMl l:i ItlRlNK, '
rrs imi iim vcv.
Kllll VN II(H:h, .
Iit(ciiiiii to .i-h ..ion nt ,,r
si t ri h, counts, oir.s.
ii...mis, i sn UN- , w).
nn., w im-s 1 lj mis
i. it., nm it
ANiii' t iiin i.r.s.
'! I III'" I" I'l.'nt'lll,.
'pun il.
.UIU, Til,
"AN .. UllOllihli
3! sr(fA 1 i
( h 'f maUin.
V.VCY VA(in.Nrt.
! i'(,nsliiill on iiuna lu unit ciih.
r mhiff nny iniittilal Imt ihu lusi
thi-iiuiM I'xpi'i'fpnica workiiu'ii
i'-vrri-iifctiiim-r. An liui..-1.-iinn .i
nml ct iViv.'ismiaU-. ,rt! nHkwi roi
ls teiir ' i ii at , h.i,
vTJL; i-. I a.
Wiiulil ntcifuliy nniu uiHH i tin i ul.ltc,
llmtliu has opcii'-il - new I'm inline Stun hi
MiUnvill', t.litu- la lai-i nil KIU'Ih ol rlty iml
lininu IlliUle
v v it n i t r it i:,
cnup lottomnt tin) halt I'tisliloiiHl t Imfi, ull
htjU'H Of ill'tlsUillU OlHl lltlliatiB, niui
htttiuls, ami nil uhhIs fn IiIh Iiin-. trp.tltlnu' iuut
ly ami quickly dmu, 1 f t.ii-c )alittl)i tmd p.ip-i
hunuliiK dom- 11 1 fehort nuttio mul jius.dii.iIi1l
1 litis; In tlio liM m.iuiHT., untU'rt.ikln
nt hlu.rt tutthv (nov'rj'tj7-
The iiiiiltTKluui-il Moulil lOhpirM'nHy tall Uv
attmlloit uf Hut (ii.hltr, u liN ntw niui tiiiUM4
nuthntl of making cIuUk-n Ijjt m njMoin
uiHiii nmlhctniLihul irIiu'iiUb, which rt-iultir. It
Itupossllilt'toliL'ittlit rwhctlmii irrVe:!y luvurute
IK' claim for this tm-lhoil tlio follbuliiK
1'viArt mrurucy,
A fcrtln of two thlnlBoftht' time lumOly tak.
01 Ut tut out tlio rldth,
Ability U iiHu to mi) tUuru.. iiRto ItiHiiicu
gCKt fit, .
Unit 11 doi t iittay with tho tiertMHlty ot hoiuu
iiunurM morp than imei'.nt ortcn U thf t
from (Im iul.iijiri'lit union or tuUUik? of t
iln wouUl nry thoiiiiMlo to (jive It n trlat.tiH ),
1 kntUilcil tlmt It will gin i -or foot wtlKfattlou.
He u 111 ho happy tm'Xhi)lt ltd work
Iiih'nl any time to vIMtniH,
I, ") LJlJliliJ-.(ll4i1
Moiu HtM htlow Marki t.
noArti) or iNSTiuvno.v,
lll'NUV l'AUVi:it, A. Mi,
I'lOHKKOr Of IMlllOi
I'llni'lpal nn 1 liu
ilth,v, Ac,
Ml Sural i A, Caicr, l'licciitn bn,
TiulIu'I "T lunch, llotuuy ami cuinu.ioiiiiil
Uuuc O. JU Kt, A. Jl.,
-ilcHir nf AnclciU UiugiiHi-k
L'harlcH H. nice. A, IL,
I'rnh'jjhor nt iluUunmlk-4,
K it. Itaicu.
Tnu of llunk-kit'i luif A L'nr.lMt hiunthi-i,
MIm Alice M.fum-r.
Tcarhcr oftinituiUKiital Muklc.
T ai her of Vf cal ifuhlc.
Ml JuUnducHt,
IVurhtr In I'llnmry Itej iittuiiit,
Pi ilnu tcitu coniiuoiii April nth, su .
Muuh Wi
. 'P A 1
....... ....'"'' "i i
t voltitiin .,r sii ii. .'y.1'1.1.".'!'"'"'"!'"-
Him riiiirnvliiui 1 1. i .i . ". .V ,lV "" liun.
OH MI CH " MV I ?: l,,r'', ' !';''' "mnvlllis
pliply to r. III.I.KNp',7,lAl,;ll'''.''ll''rii
III.IMSJ CU.i l!ll ll,V. lit 'J' 'L..' r
ffm, ,(()
A Novrl,,LVA-D- i"or tho
i ft H'f.i, . .... .
M .1
i . .".'. "."' "y Mm tiutiiorni vr.
ii" i ii'iii. ii ii. i i i .
" N- i: It A I. u n a N t
i ..
'7., T,";
' ?'"ll
!rriio.!iir:L", i'iis: :!f"if,:'M.-'vi,'''iiMsi,mi
iiii.-rnii tmorlor u.iVi. ."". . I"ii l
xmi'iiV.. A ('!,, .AVA.TED FOR Till-: " "iui
n imoit rV .ii.1;. ii:k.v.-ti, emu. F""'.i
liiliTi-Mlnnun'i ,n fil W fninnrnilc.-j.u- ""! I'UMtn, ,.
"Iv-MirrloVvui'v,,''.';' "''J'- J" r.
i"-.y. i'V,Vi.:'iV.V1ri;'l?rnC!r,,"".'.ni-
''11- 111' IIISANT,
A ST.lH IITI Ii ri,
. .mill HH UIK OPOllIlH.i1 I II J . ''". "', fll. All III tlti,. no. I
'Ill 4 I si I ... ,
m I''''.11! n Miiiiuiti,.
KaWOift' fir rlii'.rirn.n S ,1"' ' ''
i-tillril I.I.-.
' .
omuIIcI,., ,"r r i .... .. i -.! . i?1"-""
ti. I mi. i nn imi. ii .i t -i .....
"nil ItillllrlniK,
PlllllB .. "-""II
7inoK- wM.v.,.:, -
J ) in A'l'i;i),
liVr.,'.'1"!VlV.';.'lJlt'f..l:t"Brnll..-. ,y
iivi-s i.V dTsiii.r .i.iSi1 0i'r''.i'l'i-'s.',.r''iiii:iiiiii
- ii."
toui;.: ,u ;. "" r'" vmM .,r .u p'
t ,.
pr solil,
iinrtionl. Conn,
Jil:.v or ont day j
!i',pn'.Vri.1i!!.''l.l,la.t,'.,..rr -'lof tlip mmt iirr.intnt.,,1
: i-. 'i...niir. .sin in,,,, I in ,,.i. .
l'.,lr,- m...V"-.-' '...I.HIII1K lirnlll. shpr..,n
illiprv f-,i!pTll-i ,inY,V.iTO,!.l?'SV".
1 i orlrnll
'"V..T'".."0" Hll nvor-IU lllr.lllcn sW.
i-jiKCHi. Mr,M nniv in- a
Mill. MVVl Vv a :i n n! ,rofC'1lu' WMh
N'mm-ai. A-M-:l"fA.N STEAM.
Tiiitornii mm; 'mcM,i,f,
-'Ui,i.oi no. xnw -.mi; ov .,.,.
1 1 1 1 lOffl 1 1 I.I N 1 : T, m A uro Itx-A '
vi v iMs-A-iA inu.mnt).
.lb and 2iith Every .Month.
" U-'Me '" Hifsr .Into., mil on .sn,lu
tsst,.,: ,.., ,.11IAS lN1 ,.TitnlUN,;.-s-1
oi lnr..rni.illon nil.lrn. n v ....,..
'. II. W,,,,,, Vr&XyyX-S-
fUllCCLAlt, Mll.L Arri "vv
HASH i LI!0-,H'ci.Tisw' 11 '"V
.'AVi,,o'lP,Vi"t.I;K.,:.'i..n!'r '-"'"? mhi iv.,,.
iin.l, I'. ' " ' ' . "'!
1,1 I..,.,.,... ""' "I "!
I -'?H.
A X E s,
J t.' l-'r-p? !";,- "''."'"'1 Un. Imi, Ul-ii
i Vi,' , I'ltlslmruli, I'.i., solo Mnniir.ii'i'i
I I r l.y prlnrlrnl llnnlH-nro I)iipr"
1 in it l.nirm Ili-Kri.
li ti or i. mi .
I t'c.lnin l'i, .. iiniHc ,,f w i-,i, i.,., .
l;.r nny 1ps,i, ,.f ,,-, , ,.' Ci,; ,'! iVrV,ffi
a h ! i i i:,
AM) EAVE TltOL'lllI!
'Mi- nn-l 1-hoapoi.t iut, t,. V(.r .,-,.
n?ly. t.artlculniy ranucrs niui Mim'rV s! .
JA. (KliVA(i( Vllllam(.pnit, I'a.
rlh.1: fiilcu,1 '"'""ficnt-i niiou.. I'.iunti
lUi'his inr Milium moHt tcinis l v ,.
tlcuIitrMi.l.lusp, ,. IIAIVlli:tY,;nA ni1
I'tttKlmittli, i'a.
kJ1,J1,ll)A,n"t,l '"J" rouu.i nrntinfiitt nf
niiPiit, f.irnipi-.irnr, pnpr.i, r..u..rn.i r. ....
ni"., J' ,lT""",,i ""O'U'I -'ml ill i.tiio I.Tiinrll.';
.I'. J 'll "" "r ii.l.lrc .1.
It)., 01 rippon.l s.1.. Hull i. ..,,. ii.. a
I'i' Iflllt llt. 111 Ui.,., t
M-UUm all kinds nf hewliu .Macinnc. mo n--iUiitul
t aililic-M niu (ulih Klainpi (nr muitly
it tiiii-ru pru-ct iuki iltiii-i. .1, iv. I'l. li-slj.NS.imx
i, t.mi ii-iittu 11, .mi ,
jxdisimcxsamij: kou i.adiks
im -ru i:
HlAVIMt i.l'IDK,
Pov thu a.r.lstanc ni Indic-n in hand Kt'ulnv,
proKctlnK the linger tioni the needle, ami came
llIU StllflitK ti tut I ilk i'ii wil h oiii'i i no 1 1 1,, .-it t ,. m.i
tin lcllvi-.t nit.l.llti' IhvhIm l,in I,. ..ll i i.i. f
c-inluiddv'rlinxanii criKlniln. heut to any -t..
dn-hi.hy jimll.clcK.mtlj n.llvvi-Plnteil.furSilviitt,
or HiUd fciiver. for T'jemu.
Aueiitn wauteit In cery town. Turn, and I
k.iiiipu- mr . ifi'iu. 1,1111 nu ui-eoiini lo 1 1 e I rude.
Aounvi., mi.i;s .mam'I'ii en.,
Vi Water st(( lliiui), Mui-i,
1 1 (7j to e-1Hiifr iiinii Mi tu ,i". u'lifir.. .,..1
teliiulo to introduce tin- (icimliu- itiinriu'
Outnnioii heiiho I'ainily heulmt Mathlne. Thlx
nmi nine in Mill II, mill, It II, HICK, fjtllil, Ciril,
Ittml, build and cmbioiiUr In u nut -tuperlor
iiianncr. I'rlro only K l'ullv wiirruuiid l"r
nsoyeau. Uo will pay Slimo fui nny machine
tliat Wi l KCW a Htronirei'. linmi hcniitlrnl ii.,n
t latlo ticuiu than ouis. It niakert tt "Khiktiu
jkusutch." l.vuj M-toud ktllch can tm cut.
ami (.till tho cloih iiiiiiini in nun. a nn .rt tv-nii.
out tearing It, M'e pay Aueuu liotn 70 to tsuO
pirmoni namwxpiubcii.uru cuminUKUm frtm
which twlco thai anmiint can he made. Addn-Mi
HKi'oMM a CO., l'lltstairuh, I'a., or lUwion Jliifc.
I'AUilO.S. Jitiuot boltn)M't upon bynttur
ptiiticM palmliitf o(r worthlcs-i eiit-lron ma.
chlUCM. under Iho uninn mudih nr . .t Iili-h-u..
Outs 1h the only cemilnoatid pi ml leal i heap inn'
n.Hi:ATi:sT cuiuosity of tiik
vJT iuiici:xrri i
W on.Urfnl Klcclr o It plcnses nil I lly
ninll for ni'iit nml iliiinpi .1 for S3.'. A.l.lifsi
ll.o inv. nliir. NAI11A.N lUl.l, Wi-i Mlll'uiy,
irAgt nl. unuL-.l In i iiy art of tlio .irlil,ift
HO MH MHTi:it nml IUKIt-. ritosi
tiu: 'c.Mii.oM.rii jic.vT'
Nil Mm; I'liri'l A.lni.ur IlriMKlsl for II nrpml
II r.n n Cnn, lo l-AM I. II. i (H.IN A en..
J-ll)p,-l il.iicii. I.J Id ih, IM,
J.A ."VU.LIIl'l.M. A I ii v ii i Ii i tl... ....I
l-inl-tacuiuil, a uenilehtliiiul.ini totlir
autl-hliou medicine. ktiiiniK-hLi .u,.
uiic. ami admirable ueiieral altpmtle, Hueli
aio the m kiiow h-dutd and dally proven proper.
vt?iVft.il1l.llAN1'.K li'i-nc-cvit Al'i:ili;.T.
fV. CUl-N'I V -Our, I ...
I ill. l- l.V .i-Vi-.'li1 i'V'l'? H,l'AII)Ni:ilY I
i 1 i iiiiV.'.iV' ft,!"' ilIW"" IA"I
I . ..,,.-: i'l..- -.i.h, . it.ii , nn.l niuiioi
W- l'ktul.lUlll.U'llI l07l.Hi y HI X.wVnlk
., iv. ; i 111.: . i . . M! niwmiHiiiiit
fiilfax SnnlVr .s,;,V,,.:.U,!"K.'.lr-'''l'..SIl'rinnir.
"1' ?25 VALfU.
ifMHiriurn nlortlii
pi:ii. -" ii,;v;m,;,v;
r -si Hu.oiVVr": 'j
. ?. '''..4. akwiu, . v:. .v.
.-'inn i- i . ii ii rii ii 1 1 nu til f.i i i "'hi
". !!':". "I I'-.-iVuiM 'r i'-ni T",'T-". .'.'.
A dii:si,
inn. i u-: v'"":r. v.v? ;' n'i
" ,u ,;A(. AI1TI(X1.
."ivli.viw mi;nt l iti:i:.
flmiWliiliBO I n.. ,.ni!.Sl1? fK'!'
I" ovwy IohiV. rUHllMAN i'ui,
-rc-n hi., llmton,
.Ilil lTl.AIlSHM.VP i-im.,1
nt Iui
l'Air.o.vizr. nn: nt-sT.
iiSffa.-MS T!ii;
i, vrri mplliil. most
I'Y, nfl.t,w....i I
tlioltollarsnloliiwInoM wo
niiy i.iiiporn
.u.liA.NTi:i HATNuiPi i,,v
NcvcVno&ntJ "lo''".tlll,,
ONI DOM.AH i: i ir.
. . ':' ' i
I -Nl
r.. .'.:J." .""'"rwn lins nny nhnw Wh
.'iinil oountry.
L A D I i:
try i.,.,ii.ii-
irixuls, ilrpn tintti'rii. it. J i !'. "ry '"i'y
l.lnloii iiik.ii m"" 'I'.lli.pni on, sllvi'r
ilry niui nmov
.n'i..r sis wi rr 5rirV for Z''LY;, .'r':1 '".l -i
rptnisioin..itprii.. ' ' ' "
nmii tlioM-KpntbV, i ,:... . "' ""
il )Innuprs. llasiuu. Mn's.
loll oxt.Y list;
DDI.I. Ml.
VaIii.i!,i.. V.!.Vi i"1""' liuiiiturc.
r. ii. n.u,
.May li, i,s.,ii.
.... ... ii ,t iii..
I-Hanoi, r M., lioaion .Mn.
M ft nun;
-.11. 1. 'Ml: lldoic HI.Alll,
Jll I l-ll'il"'
Hue in, ili'r. '.. " "V. """ ! Ic".
.".i-f. i.i nip line.
' .il.i,.'-pl...ol,.ii,.i Miu-nnliip l:,..,i; m,,,
"'nn 1 1 1 1. ciorii niM,i.s,,s;
1'. r 1 lnti.l ro.l
I'ocui.r nouic si.ati;,
Inl.-rlp.up.l, nml with ('.,1, ,i,.,. tl)r j. "
p'-nHi'1'1'"01' i-"
'ftv.M'Ai,noi)KMr.Tr " ,ln- :':M' '"
I or coniniim m-Iiu.i h , i, it Ii i,.
IliHTliuv...l (nix Hliit.i'nirr.ip..s)
,, T,11"'01. ii'intllp pin I...SPS
mi,i:. hook m ah- .--'.J.iio
f,.V..,.. t,lil-l--'-l,ii''niif,iPti
f '''""I'1 '"iTpnntll,. piiriiosps.
l-ro.NIJUiioKNI.ATi.-, " "
'.'( I. .Ji 7.7 ll
r,. L. . ' 1 . """""silir.ii-PM
Ml.sliitAi, Jiook'mf.'vtp" """"" on
Ink i lp,n ,-il, Ms sinl.. mi f.,,., a f,
pollpjjPS npn,p,nlPH nml pioiA, , nl
Ullll" .l"-:x.l..)
.'.VJ Vf .1,t-". ''" ! t"l ; "''iii fciiirnii,.,
!i lU" h v"""": ''".-'""iy i.i
-Inn thlnu i. pmriiinl i, .......
Ai.rii!i:w:i;;1v',, w
(HvNT.S U'ANTl.l) ion
1 l": i i' i i . i a l, ii i s r i, it v
)!' Till: VAt,
" ' '"" 1 li.irj.i. i-, c. iniu, i nmi ii, .,,iS,
ny iniN. ii.sii.i'iih.mj.
A II..OK I OH Al 1. SECl 111X8 AN11 .1 1.,. I'Ai.iu.s.
TlllHUIP.ll U-.ill.- ....i ,,
iiii.iiii!,,.,Mi,,i mini.M, ,; Th. vZ.',,,'','! !!'!:. ;:
"lent Alllpiluin W.irl. l-p 1 "iui... . T'
l.,!K,r.,.ls,.,.,,;:."!!!!f"1 ''" iruiiinmi ";Xp ill
uiitcntly dcnimid,
..Mnl'n.tMir,!'-' ':" '-l-ilil-isml to
,1 , " --ii.siiipili.n
I.....1. cvpi- pun.'
OimAiii-iit In, ',i i...,oi u
In tin ii- il iys.
.ii-i i!.!)::,; liv",;r -;x
''Wll'N.tllO., '!""1'' M., 'hllu.Mi.lilii, l'i..
l.ipry iliMrli.ti.jii ol M-ul.-u.iiiitnU.l lo uip
iullip..ilM.t.-tlon. on.l f.ii-Ciitiil.tKii,inti,l i'lr
( iiIiiii sp....n.l.linml hpnl.-s ufotlipr iiiik.-iH, tnlipn
In p.ul j ny lot ou.s, i- s.ili' cl ,.io
.. . . il(iwi;si'Ai.i;co.
S I'.ilk I'liup, Nun Yoil. 1 11 r hi. Il.u.n.
Apiil i,'ii-.-:;iii
rjMUU-Ml'HANT IN .'.nil ( -O.NTKST.s
w a i. i n it a. - . .. I. H
I' li I i:
MOWKUS AND Ui:.l'i:itH!
'lulio Hip 1,-nJ, nn.l nsp.l i i pr wlipiv,
Two tlinml (lol.l Mnlal. ami Im. -rlnl Closu. nl
tin- l.lnloii i.Hlulli.r lii-luw II. P
1IU.III..T 'HIK AWA11I.1.I. AT 1-AI1I4 1 Nl MIsAI.
rxi-nsirinx, IhtfT
V.l l--it I'rlic-i In nil inlrtinf tin. Wutt.l I
tiji-i un,ui now In us.-, lncipiislna
Mllli Im-ii nnil f .ellltl.". nml linpr... in. nu n.i
I -.IS
l'i on. ii m i .1 l.y nl 1 m ho lm i tis.-1 1)1, r.i in in.
wiiiiirsrill.ilMiiwr.lix- n. nii.nii ilioiko
VO(i)'H Sl.l.l-.ltAKlN.. Jtl:,l', vlh ii-Ml-NV
NV"UI,H 'S1'W Ml'" 'Nil AJ-rACII-
IIAIMl'i- ll.l.INOlH ll.MtVlXl'nttH.
.Muiinf.Kiiiici i.y ni,. a. wood
crnl tilllco nml Mntinmrlnry llmuklc l-'nll. it. u,
Cniity, N. V.
UltANt ll 4IF1 i j
A- l, S VI A.iH,lM
New ork Cllv, HI I'.iillnn.ll
.WU. o. it. Aif.n.i.
II.-. t. IMI
Cliliuuii lll.,l (-.I:., An t
Alpxnn.liln, Vii., SI. I's KIII,l,i:U. Cn Apii1.
llllllJltl.N Oll'lU-. 7? 1'ppir TlniliiK cti.t,
Lomlnti, lliiKlnml. Hpii.1 ..r iipw tlpK(ri.ltv-i..tii-.
pulur lr lou-. n.,y i.v to., ,.
joi7n. ham,
n.i. id i ast rtn-itTii MTitnirr.
'1-nn-ii.u iinmiiwir.l
'nrrlny. nml llnniCM Mniutf.utuirr,
l.-l'lAllLIHIlrP, Iblf.
llnlii! lniiii r fiiplllll. sfnr Mamif... tin iiiicllniii
liny llonsi. In Dtp pity, enniljI.i.M lulti it wi- in-illlll,llJ,(-Itsp.
I Dmil.lixl to HpII J.I i-.-i- ,t 1 1 1 . ,K. mm, I'lon,!.
wny Htiniw,
OliU'lH lor kl.lpinpul mul I'wi Uu i,i.ui, m n.
Iyniuii,p.l to. '
1'lut rrcmlnin MImi- MKlnte hy
Aiiu-ilimn liuiliiitp lu
III Nl.l, Nil, K'l .ili.l IM'.', Al.,, n
tlnl.l nl llio Win l.l's 1'nli In
s. . .iU K.I V..
Mny 1. 0---JII1
Clly r.i
4 n fvli'in-Ivo Asstn tine nt of nit'ii'i-
V. nmll... a I INl'N r-llllir I ItUi.lH. I'mnV
tuiiiiisiina (ui, .n.i 1 nuii i'ims cdi'iTii
iiiiii i
-M ,1' 1. In H
u,..npcp,,,v,' ;::;;;;',':',!:
l nn iia upon.i r.nicpr V thi ( ,,i , ' '
liiilliillillo Una li. . n Mil li'lii i il .i'l,
, n'.'rMV'f!',',','' 1 "" ' "l'k' iJ --H i ,1,
T l.lUlll'11 -
V (t
I" -tr-l mif moiipr lxik In ijnoil
B-hiiIj nl lnu iirftWf. ni
I.. T. hllAIII'MWuUM-ioni-.
ii-mt itii'i:tvi:-
? '
kimiii h
iu'ht iu:ci:ivi:i)
iXJCT1' 'nvnlon ol llooii Hltlrlnof nil
.iuht iii:ci:ivki)
Vn,"', I
mr ! Jl' JnZX,yi!AMn fr0"U
ivat ni:iTivi:i
A lipwlini)lcoof(,'riK.liiry Onptn..
Ji'sr i:t:ci:ivr.i)
rrr-.'i,!"i",""'"i ,lr """. "-i"i
i.t-el, LimI 1- ih niui ainclcprel.
ji'st ni:ci:ivi:i)
jumi- iti:t;i:ivi:i)
Tim iMtl.(WHjriUilii lhPtw.
Jint iti:ci:ivi:n
I 'run ph. u-iiiin" nn....'..
Hominy. '
niivy uilll
niillir, nuiisniiil Ijinl- fora uilui.
nrllrlernsli will l.o j.ulll.
llAin,Sli.ui.oniniii1 Unrnn.
Mil, II
i on cash on mum nv
till CASH (ill n A i- ,.'
nut i-AHii mi i k j.M.
-p I , ' 'J Alt' f.l.ft .S 5TOIII'
i. ' Aui'i, st!!
i- i. -iiAiii'i.ras.s sir hp-
liluulusliuig, .Mm,.
llf ATlll (IfK.
.11. MA 1TI.ASB. " ,". hartov.
' O A A' I! ir
m-,..nfiutin-, I'oVii" (ii'iv fi vt.ff!' l,P"rt t
"isriiAst ik'h'i ii h'iok ! .':',.V:l''llltn''''
1'. -ir.1,-1-, t hit ,mtl. ,J1'J'u"kl'r"'lll)r U.,1,..-
f-i'i-viAr. Arri:.vnoN i-aid to iu-pviiw
nml kuilk-lpnlly larva ?, i W'11-ina.lj
Jpif heat-
enn r..n .
II-I..C tli nnm,. lty ?n?St?f.
H e uoul.l call theattcnilni.
l'o i, ..t 1
s nruo fi
w.Wniilt,.V "r,n """m eirohu
I'lttlliPH, Ktu-I, nV lipni IH' 'k "i' ,HIii
llull.lli.u-. l.,. .,rl.V. M i K, ,'' 11',1'- n'1,'.1 . "rH-nlii
i. ni' nil, i h n )
'IV.sSiiaii am.
iiii.lull inline .1.1.1,,, i,',iiV," 1?.7f"'l''l--',l
M' l AHiutJUAfllx HtuV.i 1 .
an :.w Vlf'Vf I''::', w!!!'iii.'i.uMn, '
,i.sBiV.ittifi' i,-r.r.',i,i!!p''.
it.'ii.inll..iin.lf.v hn.ii V' "'"nwicil Willi tl.
....... aniu'llliiir ,ur O rB
I'.-ll.S-.,S Jy
1!111N(,T). lV IIoikYkixs.
ui'l iiini'iufae , ? wt !'n I? ,tlSV" L'",'-
... .--i i'IIDnimiati: r Hiuvie
(tur mhi .
mim ior an, I
ill PAW TllOI-dH ASy mi. .
cl.vli.n-, nn i.m.pii,,,, ,.,.,. . '
1,( uri to I , , f r 1 :. ..' '."
llllllll Mllnnl,!,, ll,.,
no. ....a ...
points ni cessii.lo. ,v inn ;;,, ,,'.'.' '.
i.nk r.
,S( ,ioi.
i. it. I.rn:,Aucnt. i.,V
!'i AT.i: I'iaxo i-o it l I V! W!,
.Maiiiirii-iniou .. .... . V"
ix,''. Win i-niili .l rr iivo i purs
.yyiiKloolns. I ,'. Iir..niii."s.t. v..
looms. I,'. Pp.. f . V.. . ..
'I- ,-...'"" i-PW loik.
oilier Itlml nr rRnn.'niy'v.lvU'UVliis larcvr "pu'u I1"-"1'"1 ll.-tnilP l Vfi;r,"UT
llliti- I'lim.Mi Ii.itp Uin l.loliouiuul by tti Juilfp. t.. i.p uurlviilliHt fur
I' AND (Wi:TOIks w TOMl,
1.. 1jy nml uijri nnuli uml l.w.utj of nulab.
Most ilntt.-iliiK (rrtlnYiitps of mp1Iuco noi
llitill.eli5, tlnttMlinlk.Mriilu.Riti, luuiiinps. niij
n In i lip iiiiml i rot i In- inosi illlliiaiilliHil.f,. nn.l Ainntpitrs. Krnin lonir (xK.ItiiisjuiiiJ
npi rioi fialliiii f..r Jl.iniiiUpiiirlnit, wo nru c.iu-
1.1. hI in nll.-r plan HI i. low prlc n nro
liskpil l. iltfii-lor l.liilti-rk,
K. ml for. li. iil.u nml prloo ll.l.
( A; II. 11AU.MOUK. "
l i. I....H1I., IIWllli-ikiThlUPI, New VrrU lily.
W Ypiil 1-sllil.likliiHl, nml -J7 l'rlo Misluk Awtir
iliil. Jinr I'liiiin r.irtfturAiimt unlvoisnlly luJinnwi.
y. acU l.y tin. uinnt .lUlnliiB,ilku,i nrtliu to W
tlio llp.t Imimiluiliiicl.iimTwIiproYer llicv hnvu
Iwen lnlr.liic,i nn.l n...l,w,i mo not roquir'-d to
Miy.miiMuui li, tliclr fnvor, thuir x"JliVii'
Klnli.l pr(--tmlnpirtly to tliuso of ollur liiiikor"
nml fioni tho iinut MtmM ni liliivcl, ' ," id Imi
propn.. nls iniulp l.v u In tlio Uul 111 it" yiSti
wp i nu to noil n Hit.clni.i I'lulii I'.ift" nl
Where " ua" 'w Umi.1'1
V.ver I'liiiu, I'orio Wfirrniitul fi,r j rrau. nml to
Ulin NUM.iillon. ."'"i"
uiu 1' iiio iiiiulptolnst: Hi. lunttilnls u.d
f.iroiciyi,uit nr.. lliormiclily i.wuoiio.l, nml i.i
llip eiy to i.riuri"l. xl!
lut Is slliililo.1! Minn tliiipnbllceiemlBht i,ni
u r, n.Aor i. tk our vlilUinrv. l.vory .iir Iii
hl.lp iin.l oul, Is lonr.lly, fulllimny mi I tl
mmlily ihh.Ii., mi Unit It will Lenr tlio mint n n
Hli.exuiiilnolloii. Tliey iinur froi... llio !"uj
Mnl. !w0" ".losl l'1''"""! twhleli Is Una In tl "i
l.mlniilni:, nml erinn moiko ovi ry Uu.) iiin
iiiuy i n Il Is i..n,.,i mi iiriipnte. ifuri fli ltl ' I.
.ruiioiis, iiuiKiHiiiuil lis ting UK (-opacity. wi,l
llr" en!"'t '""'' ' "' ' lui " "itT
II I-SUV Wnl.v,
tiiHcissoraioH. c.
fpiiv: sriiKciunKits ha vino
.lu l.eni...l Uiu I'lnnlni! Mill ami Jlmliliio Hlmi.
Hip lutsliiesa nr mnnurnrtiirlni.'
llini lipja.lp w nre nlso preiarcU to furuUli
(lussiil tl.aillim, kliliiKleauml All ulher luiulir
VSuxnl .'" 'J 'nlriictloi, of I.Hll,llni;. All
UliiiU of turnlii)! dono ut aliort uoileo, lill n "ii
JnUt iui, oilier liniuo aiuir llllo.l wltli prom t.
"ci" n.1.",l,:ur'-' OMi'ra respootfnlly iollilteil. 1
AprllW.W Vul.r'.t 1IAHTON.