THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Imvu wo In hand n iju nf iuimiomiIi)ii or temporary appointment or employ mi'iil, In rtw, under the ws-imd hoc tlnn; nor tliueiHiiofun oillro In tiliey- mice nudor thutlilnl jivtlnu, Tho sixth section therefore cuii llnd uo provision In nny otlierpntt of tlieluw to which It can uUuch Itself for thu pur powof chnrglni; u mlnli'iiieiinor upon thu President of thu Unite J Stiitr. In other words, the letter of authority to Gen, ThmniM not being "contrary to the provisions" of tho Temiro-of-Olilei' net, tho nlxth section enunot deelnro the net of Issuing It to be 11 high inlsilo nuiitior punlsbnblu by Indictment or Impeachment. I l mum pnss um eniirtfu lounn in incsti articles that tho letter of nuthorlty to Tliomns was Issued durlui; u session of tho .Sennto mid without Sciintorlitl eou Bcnt, with tho slnglo remark that It Is made upon a misconception of tho na ture of nit ad Interim order. Such order Is not an appointment (within the mean ing of tho Constitution) nor la it subject to Senatorial nils'lee nnd consent. Hut tho question remains: Supposes tho act of 1803 did completely repeal the act of 1705 relating to vacancies In Kxecutlvo ofnees, nnd that thero Is no law which expressly authorizes the let ter of authority to Gen. Thomas, then, was tho Issuing of that letter a high misdemeanor Inouicc? Unquestiona bly It was not, unless made such by tho Cth section of the Tcnure-of-Olllco act, which has just been disproved. In fact the Issuing of such n, letter by tho Pres ident, oven without statutory authori ty, when required by the Interests of the public service, may be not innocent merely, but laudable. The order issued by President Lincoln to Gen. Skinner to net as Post Jhistcr General i(f ifrm although without authority of law, was not a criminal offence. It was njustillablo order to meet an emergency In tho public service. A htrgo number of similar orders for ad Interim service in tho several Kxecutlvo Departments, wholly unauthorized by any statute, liavo been put In cvldenco on tho itresent trial. Tlioy wero mado by President Jackson nnd by his suc cessors In the Presidential "lllco fre quently and without question. BpUcopal Convention. COMMUNICATKIi. Tins body met In St. Amlrewiicliurch Phlliidelplilii, on Tutwluy Mny 12, nt r, o't'lnck P. M, HIMiop Stevens nreslil Ing. After tlmonlllntf nf thn roll nntl tho election of oftlccrx, the eonvontlon atljourncil. On Wednesday tho fcrvlcp-i wero opened with tho mornliij; prayor and Sermon by Dr. Wutson. UeporU of various Committees were, made, nnd referred. Tho Ulshop's annual nddreis was read hy himself. It was lonir and InterostliiR, we may publish an abdtract hereafter. The election of tho "Standing Com mittee" anil of Delegates to tho Oenernl Convention, to meet In October, In Xnw York, were proceeded with. On Thurs day the report of the Committee, on tho division of the Diocese was tann up, and made tliospecial order for the after noon scsi-lon. Tho debato began at live o'clock P. M., and continued until eight l'. m. Dr. Slombert opened It for di vision. Speeches wero inadu by Hon. J. Glancy Jones, Mr. Parry, Itov. Mr. Parvin, Judge Conynghairj, Hov. Mr. Coleman, Rev. Mr. LIghtner, Bov.Mr De Mllle. Rev. Mr. Wadlyigh. Dr. Goodman and others. On a motion to lay tho whole subject on tho table, the clergy voted "aye," and the laity "Xo." On a voto by Or ders adjourned. Friday morning the question was resumed. Tho Convention proceeded to tako a yea and nay voto by Orders, upon tho last ameudinent made by llcv. Dr. Moinbcrt, of Lancaster, providing for a division of tho dloccso upon tho "five county line." (This proposes to circum scribe the present Dloccfe of Pennsyl vania to the five counties of Philadel phia, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery ami Ducks.) Tho result wivs as follows: fl.KHll'AI, VOTK. Whole nuiiilierof vole-, 121 picce-tary to a ninlorltv. ft!. Ayes II Nays 8u On motion, tho concurrent vote of tholiuty was dispensed wmiiicuiiicmi mcnt being already iosi. Tlie question then recurred upon tho amendment of ftev. Mr. Morris, speci fying adlvislontipon tho "seven-county line.7' I This includes, In addition to the live before mentioned futilities those of I.ebigh and Northampton. The result was: CI.KIIIt'Ali VOTK. Wliolenumbcrof votes, 120; necebsary to nmajorlty, C-j. Ayes II Nays M On motion, tho lay vote was til-pens-sd with. Tho considoration upon the " fourteen county line," being tho orig inal resolution onereu oy iiev. .Mr, Jndw "'"n Mr. William Welsh offered the fol- lowing substitute : Jieioteni, i hat tins wnveutlon win - w thin the limits of tho existing illo. ceso, by a line, leaving the following fourteen comities: Philadelphia, Mont gomery, Delaware, Chester, Bucks, Le. high, Northampton, Monroe, Carbon, Pike, Wayne, Luzerne, Wyoming, Sus- quehanna in the old diocese ami tho re- but tim Bishop s'imll not bo asked to L'l :d to give his consent thereto until he has teeured evidenco thattwo-thlrds of the clergy, and parishcH representing two-thirds of tho communicants report ed In Ib07, approve of being set oil' as n new dlocof-o ; and that t2,500 a year for 11 vu years bo secured for the support of tho new episcopate, Itov. Mr. Appletoti moved to lay the juUstltutt) upon the table, which was rejected by n clerical vote of tl ayes to li7 nays. Jiulgo Parry, of Pottsvllle, moved that Schuylkil County ho also retained within tho old dloceso. Judge Conyng ham proposed in addition Bradford County. These amendments wero re jected by u voto of 120 uyes, to 31 nays. Tho substitute was then voted upon with tho following result s CI.IilUCAI. VOTK. Whole uuuibw, 187: majority, C Ayes 70 Nays G7, LAY VOTK Whole number, 102; majority, A3, Ayes CU Nnys 12. Tlie substitute was then declared adopted, Bv division on tho "Fourteen County Line," tho now dloecsa will consist of the following tweiuy-eignt uounuest Lancaster, Berks, Lebanon, Dauphlti, Schuylkill, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Lycoming, Sullivan, Brad ford, Tioga, Potter, Clinton. Centre, Union, Buyder, Blair, Bradford, Kul ton, Huntingdon, MlilHn, Juniata Per ry, Franklin, Cumberland, Adams nnd York, Tho dloceties stands us follows. Pannsylvanla 14 countlw, Pittsburg 21 counties Kowdloceso (notnamedyet) 28 counties, Valuation of personal Property In Now dloceso Wi.GWfilQfiO. Population 081.192. No. ofucren of laud lO.IOO.OSO Thus having more than J thu popula. lion, by tho last census, moro weulth than tho diocese of Pittsburg, mid near ly or quite an equal area. din wasunnortnBlshon? that (Hies- tlou wo may roturn to "gain before ) long, 3Hhc Columbian. HMJllMSHUIta. PA. KHIUAY .1IUIlNI.Mii .MAY '10, 1 NUN. i- TIIK COI.l'JIHIAN lim the Largest Circulation In Colmnlil mill adjoining counties of Nuy paper imbllslmt here, and Is ntso nittrlt turner sheet limn miy nf I Itirottmnoriviltsl mid Is therefore llie best medium Tor nitvrrtlslii In this section or the Stle. The Radical Nominee. Till! recent t'hliiigo Convention pla ced In nomination Air President and Vice President, U. ri. Grant nnd Schuy ler Colfax. The nomination of the for mer has been u foregone conclusion sliico tho ltadlcal defeats of last fall, and yet that ho has not strengthened the party U apparent by tho results In New Hampshire, Connecticut, nnd else where. It Is understood all around that ho Is nominated becnuso of his availability, and not becnuso ho Is a statesman, or has any claims on tho ltadlcal party. Wo need hardly repeat that they may, as heretofore, gctcaught In this game. (Tho mnn who voted for Douglas in lfcfiO, nnd "bottled up" But ler in 1SIM, who sent Into Congress what Sumner termed "n white-washing report" of tho results of tho President's policy In the South, who cordially civ dorscd that policy, nnd "swung round tho circle" with its author, has not tho clearest ltadlcal record In tho world.) It is now claimed that ho Is nn nrdent "impcacher" an advocate of negro suf frngc, and an endorser of ltadlcal re construction. If this be so It, shears him of his supposed strength among tho conservative voters. Colfax Is now, nnd always has been n determined ltadlcal. The Convention, however, in placing on the ticket two Western men, from adjoining States, virtually conceded the loss of prcstlgo In tho Kast. The baro repudiation of Gov. Curtln, "the soldiers' friend," will cost them thousands of votes,wlilIo their treatment of Wnde, Fcnlon and Wilson, will loso them many more. of thn Platform we will speak here after. Conservative Soldiors and Sailors' Wational Convention. T'JtK Kxecutlvo Commlttco appoint ed by tho Soldiers' nnd Sailors'Convcn tion, hold nt Cleveland in 1SC0, havo called n National Convention of tho Conservative Soldiers andSallors of the United States, to meet nt tho city of New York, the Ith of July next, to tako action on the nomination of Con servative candidates for President nnd Vice-President. As It Is deslrablo thnt Pennsylvania should bo fully represent ed In said Convention, wo request our late comrades in arms to tako the nec essary action to have delo gates elected or appointed from every Congresslonnl district In the State. As tho time Is rapidly approaching when tho Conven tion will meet, thero should be no delay In the matter. Edward L. Dana, Hrlgadler General. Wellington II. Knt, Brevet Urlgadior General. Jacob Sweltzcr, Lato Colonel and Dre- vct Brigadier General. Joseph K. Knipe, Major General. W. W. II. Davis, Lato Colonel nnd Bre vet Brigadier General. William McCandles.9, Lato Colonel. John P. Linton, Lato Colonel. John S. McCalmont, Lato Colonel Levi Malsh, Lato Colonel. All Domocratlcand Conservative edi tors throughout tho Slato aro requested to publish this notice and call attention to It. Bribery. DuuiNii the sitting of tho ltadlcal Convention at Chicago, tho following dispatch was sent to tho New York dallies: Tho knowlcdgo that Senator WadeM nomination us Vice President will pre vent tho success of a pending negotia tion for the votes of two ltepublican Senators for conviction, who voted against tho Kleventli Article, has vir-i tuully withdrawn him from tliecontost On tho next evening tho telegraph an nounced tho nomination of Grant and Colfax. Now let us know who aro tho "two ltepublican SenatqH" for vvJioso votes; a "negociatlon" was pending ; "and what bribe was ouered theiu to vote "for conviction?" events havo .shown that tho telegraph had some foundation in fact, let us know If it was nil true. New Senatorial terms havo been free ly offered by Kadieals fur votes for con victlon. In other words, a Milundid "k0 n'r lyw.naTIIIIlTV-SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS havo been held out to Senators to lnduco thcin to 1 vote against the President, and a threat . '"'prive them of thom position, and ' ""'t money, If they did not m vole. Open nnd Muiniclchs bribery. , , , Notice. Uan uWllJ. rrm (,o hubscrlhrlr, on ' "?? day of May 1609, a boy mm.c, -,lw"1 -iuciingo nianioii, a cniL-usy, thick-set fellow, aged SO yearn or there abouts. Ho wears goggles, and had on when ho went away, a brass swallow tailed coat with blue buttons, with bundle (if Impeachment papers sticking out of tho pocket. Any person Hading Mm, need not go to the trouble of bring Ing him back, as ho ain't wanted; and 1 specially warn all persons from hnr- bourlng said I-.dwIn Mucllugo Stiintnn as It is almost Impossible to get rid of him. A. JOHNSON Washington 1). C, May 27,'Gs. Uuciukdi.y Qur.Kit. Wo clip tho following lnturesting scrap of lnforma tlou from the Congressional proceed Ingsoflat week: Pnlemou John Into internal Boven no Assessor for tho Thirteenth district of l"ensylvniiln,allowedcred It of?7G!) for revenue sunups lost in transmission uy mnn. Will tho editor of tho llemtbUeiai toll how, when, nnd where, ho lost tho $7U'J worth of staniiw ho now claims to bo paid for' If really lost, why lias tho thing been kept quiet for two or Hire years? Itlsunlco llttlo schemo that wo should llkiitobco ventilated. Wm;.v Guii. M'Clcllan was a candl date fur President In 1S0J, tho Itepubli cans wero very Indignant becauso lio did not resign his commission ns Major General. As Grant is now their candl dato wo would suggest that ho resig his commission ns General. "It Is poor rule that will not work both ways" Tin: lV'iinyylvanla.u(iuuiU Btatu 1'alr Is to bo lielti nt Hnrrlsburp from Rent, f 20 toOt-t.L'. IMPEACHMENT DEAD AND BURIED ! ! Do you think thoy will Impeach ANDY JOHNSON? Not if this Court torn STANTON VACATES! On Tuesday last tho Anal strugglo on Impeachment took placoj nnd not withstanding tho threats, bribes, nnd Intimidation used by tho Managers, tho President was acquitted on the Sec ond and Third articles, they being the stroncest on tho list. Tho voto was, the same as reported In last week's Coi.umihas. Atten minutes before two o'clock, tho voto on tho third article having been announced, Senator Williams moved that tho Senate, sitting ns a Court of Impeachment, do now iuloiirn sine die A voto was taken with tho following result: Yeas, ni j nays, 10. Tho antl-lmpcachnient Senators vo ted In tho negative. Tho Court then adjourned line die. In tho House,on motion of Ben. But ler tho existence of tho managers was continued by n voto of 91 to 30. Mr. Bjyor offered a resolution that two Members of tho llouso who voted ngalnst Impeachment ho added to the Committee authorized to investigate tho nllcgcd corrupt means used to In iluenco Senators in their votes. On motion of Mr. Butler, It was tn- bled-liO to CI. BIXBETAHY STAXTOS'S ltr.SinXATION. Tho following letter was received by tho President this afternoon, between three and four o'clock : Wnr Depnrlmcut, Washington, May 2Gth, 1SCS. Sir. Tho resolution of the Semite of tho United States, of the 21st of February last, declaring that the President has no power to removo the Secretory of War to desiguato another ofllccr to perform tho duties of that office ml interim, having this day failed to bo supported by two-thirds of the Sennto present and voting on the Ar tlclef of Impcaclimoiit'prcfori'cd against you by tho llouso of Bepresentatlve.s, I havo relinquished chargo of tho War Department, and havo left uio same, nnd tho books, archives, papers, and property in my custody ns Secretary of War, In tho care of Drovet Major lien Townsend, tho Senior Assistant Adju tant General, subject to your direction. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. To the President. Washington News. Washington, Mny2J. I.v the Senate, yesterday, Mr. Davis offered a resolution reciting thnt seme persons wero using Improper means to Iniluenco Senators in their considera tion of tho Impeachment articles, there by violating tho rights and privileges of tho Senate, and asking for tho an- nolntmcnt 01 a eicct coinmiuce 01 llireo to nivesiigaio mu uuiuer mm iu report tho names of perfons using hucIi threats and Intimidations. Mr. Hen derson roso to n (luestlon of nrlvllcgo and stated that lie had been summoned bv the Imneachmcnt Managers to testl IV regarding mo nciion 111 iiionemuu on tho Imiieachiiientcharircs.aim tiiaccon slderlng such buiumoiis mi invasion of tho nrlvilCL'cs ol tho Senate, and an In Milt to that body, ho had refused to go until ho had reported tho facts to tho Senate. Alter Romo ueoaio Mr. unv resolution wus ndonted. After a short executive session, thoScnatoiuljouriied, WASIIINOTON, May 21. N0i.i:aisi,ATivi'.iiu.sixr.-;3Tiii.svi:i:K Tho Senate, yesterday, agreed to nd jouin over until Monday, and tho llouso uiu, biiu'equeiiiiy, mo saino ining yes terday, rrom preseniiiiuicnxions, uoin houes will not fairly rcuino their reg ular legislative business until about thu llrat ot next month, 'llie consideration of tho lux bill will Involve i-omo time In tho House to say nothing of tho Sen nte. and tho probabilities are that tho session will extend lo tho middlo of July, If not longer. Tin: Hi:t.uiti: of tkmxhiamm. Tho Mnnnirers of Inineaehmoiit havo mado another remilsltion upon tho vv estcrn Union Telegraph olheo for tel mis passing iictwecn certain pi named u.v tlio JlniinL'ei'.i. but tho Com tinny lias declined to maUo any further exhibit of private telegrams, unless they bhall ho compelled to do so by duo process 01 law. INVITATION IIKCLINKII IIV Till". I'll II IIU'.NT. The Masonic fraternity of Snrlnullold Maus have Invited President Johiit-ou to attend tho celebration, to tako placo on ht. Jolnrs Jjay, Juno Ut. Tho Pros ident has. in a lettor. informed tho In vltei'8 that ho will bo unablo to attend hut thnnUs them for tho honor of nn in vltntlon. It Is pitiful toretul Iho denimclatloiis of tho!.o ltepublican Senators who vo ted for tho Presidents acquittal, by tho ltadlcal demagogues through the press. Utterly unablo to appreciate an honorablu man's respect for Ids oath thoy see, In theso Sena tors voting ns their consciences bid, only nn nbandon mentor party at tho tlmo or that par ty's greatest need. To them there nothing to bo gained, nothing to bo striven for, butbiich as has In effect tl continued rule of ItadlcalUm. What aro consciences to them, whoso leaders openly cominandthatsuch wcaknesi bo thrown aside, and who whllo deitouuc Ing honor and approving purjury, on deavor to bribe tho very men, whoso corruption thoy loudly assert, has been ulrentiy accomplished by the oppoj Ito party. Certainly aro thoso Hadicals n "law unto themselves." Jkff. Davis'h Thial, Cliler Ju-tlco ChnBo having ttfecnted to Juno 'M iu tho day forcommoiu'liiff tho trial of Jullcr son Davis, If tho Impeachment trial hud IluUhed by that time, tt U under stood to-duy that tho trial will certain ly tako placo then. POLITICAL. CAM. VOU THIS NATIONAti DI3MO. CUATIO CONVKNTlOSf. Wasiiinoton, February 22, 1SW. m.n vAllAat ni.tninll. IVimtnllloe.hv Virtue or tho authority conferred upon tlicra by tho lint National Democratic Convention, nt n hiei-tlng lielil tills day nt Washington, " -' voted to hold tho next Convention tor tho purpose ol noni nn tlnii candidates ror President nnd lec-Prosli cnt ottlioUnltrd Htiitcaon thellli day of July, Imj, nl IJo'ctocir. In f ho pity ofNcw lorjt. Tho bnsisot repriseimuiuii.ii-s uscu National Democratic Convention, Is double i tho number nfsonntnrs nnd lleprosetitiitlvcs In ton gross oreaeh state under tho lnstnppnrtlonmcnt. " Hneh Htnto Is lnvltiil to "end delegates accord- '' AUGUST HFI.MONT, Chairman. ritniil'.IltCi; O. rillNUn, Secretary. Domooratio Stato Tioket. ron ac iiiTon-OESKUAi.t CIIAHLES E. BOYLE, 01' fAYHTTi: tTlt'STY. FOll SVllVM Oll-ll KKKItAI. I GEN. WELLINGTON II. ENT, Ol COLUMI1IA COUNTV, Candidates for Nomination Uio foUowlnu gentlemen havo been inent toned for nomination to tho several County omcci to bo filled by election tho present year, and their names will bo presented for tho consldoiatlon of tho Democratic County Convention I I'Oll COMMIstlOMHll William a mint quick, MONTOUU TOWh'Sllir. Market llrporl. VVncat per bushel IWo " Com " ' Oats. " Flour per barrel I'lovclseed . 1 Si . 1 23 W) . II N .. 7 00 . 2 OH ,. : 211 II IlaTseed llutlcr K2S I'altow rolalors llrled Apples - l'orlc Hums H Sides and shoulders . 1 M) .. 2 fiU . n ,. 20 .. 13 una per puumi Hay per ton I.UMUntl. Hi-niloclc Hoards per thousand feet- l'ino " " " (onelnchU II .. ID 00 , tin oo .. isa'-fl 15 00 ,.. oo ,.. 7 Oil .. IS oo , sra !W SB Joist, HeantllnK, Plnnlc, (Hcmloclt) hliliniles, No. 1 per thousand- Hiding " " fl. 7."""'.'.'.'. IKON No. 1 Hcotih plK No. 2 " " Hloom Phllmlrlplila Markets. Tia-itsuAY, May 2s, 1SW. 1'I.OUK . . VnrthwAHtrrn kilni'l-niin nt 8.i0fn H., Norlhwestcm exlm o.iiu 0..l Northwestern family 10.(VSI1.7. I'enusyUaiilannd Western Mipeillno... S.7oa0.oo 1 Vnnsylvanlannd Western family lii..VKtcl2.7.'i cunsylvani.l and WeMcrn lancy 13.WWI5.iio niivyivaiiri aim i.i-sii-iu .-aih. w..jMtviu."Y Pennsylvania and W estcru lancy. ievo Hour Wiirat IVnnsylvanla red, v I'Ui Mont hern " " California " " " Mhlto ltvi: lvimsylvanln i c, v bus.... ii i s.'Roaf.'s") 82.00(i52.73 M.2U $.1.141.10 f2.17M,S2.1S SI.17HSI.2I UOUN l I'lIOW w u o. " , 81.17(0.51.17 TstCiirjo S20.22 SJI..VI SJieSlH! ljefeulGe l.Hic&llo 12cl3'ic S3..Wtl.llO SJ.30 S2.SIKa,2.S3 (1ATS$'US Pliovismvl Mess Pork, V bbl .Mess llcef, ' l)liscd Hogs, y tf Smoked Hams " " hhouldeis'fllb Lard, fl V HKKPs (Movers! eil V bus Tlmolhysced V bus l'laxsieil " CATlI.i: liter Cntllo'nrb Cows, bead siienr ? to Unas -ei nw lbs .. llestll'SO (.MaSo S1I9S1I.73 $torriai)e:i. BUOH KU-MAKKS Outho 23il Inst., by Itov. Wni.J, V.yer, Mr. Hamuel A. Buclier to Mtti Dnmn Murks, bothof Locust township Col co. SfillllB. KK'lir.Y In llel wick, nn tho 22d Inst., Frederick Miely.UKud OSytars.SinontlHnnd SOilaya, DOAIC In llerwlck, on Saturday lbi lOlli Inst.. Jolov Imnk,,aed 09 years, 4 mouths and 20 days. The deceased was one of our most lespeeted citizens. Ho was nleadlnc member of tho Pres byterian Church ; held tho ofrlco of Justice of thcreaeofor several sucecsslvo terms, and at ono tlmo held Iho olllcoof County Treasurer. He ns"a firm and consistent Democrat, nn upright, honcbt, honorable Christian gentleman, and was loved and respected by till who had tho pleasure his acnualntanco. Ills loss will bo severely It In this community, Qazcttc. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "W T A l, l, P A P K It s , WINDW HHADHs, COIIIo, TASni,, l'Utures of the latest and best patterns, ratent ep I.a.lders for house or garden. E. J. TllUllM ON, Malnbt. below Market. M.iyCO.'OS-lt ,S T It A Y. i iiuio tolhe nremlst k of lbo subscriber, in Ku- gurloaf lownsliip. about the lastof April, ll white sow, innikcd Willi u holo In her lelt enr and a notch In tho sumo tnr supposed luuen year old. no owner will Drove iirnm riv. iiiiv ciiurci's linn ay,orsuo ivtu numiui iit-L-urniiii iu .1US11UA II. sutjirlonf, May ','G. LOOS IIUOWN, ('HAS. j. FWAI.P. B1 KOWX & KWALl), VV1I0I.IA I.i: (iOIlt'EUH, X. i:. Cor. Third & VlnoStrecs, May'.-l, ISaS-Cino, J- SAMiMiK A CO., arACHIXISTS & IONGIXKEUS, MAIN HT,, X h, it a It. It., BLOOMSnUItO, Ta ,ro prepnrnl to ftuutsh till ItUidi of Mnchlnt' Merle, huch ns STKAJr KN(iINKS, BOILKHS, SlmttJng.l'nUcy, Hungprs, CouplinnH, Mlllgonr- his, Saw mtui'lrlw, etc., CItiaij cocltK.lVt pocic-i, Btciiia iilpc.luyctlicr with nil IcIiuIh of Htcuin lit- tings constnntly on lmnu. ThreilunsMadihU'Hiiud Jlorbo rowt-r mnae toonlcr. All kinds nf Agricultural Machinery rciulrnl. Mny aoa. 'DUHLIO HAhVl OK VALUAIiU- X im:al r.vrATi:. n mirsunneo of an onlcr oftlicOri'lians' Court oi uomuiMui I'ouiiiy, I'd., on ruiuiim , uiu -vm ilay of Juno next, utJUo cloLl: in Uv lorenoon, .lull ii Kiiiitniiii. (iimrilitm. Ac. at thu minor chll dren orilunry lIimltT, Into ofjleuver towushlp.ln Muucoumy, uccriihe-u. win i-xpoif 10 imuni- ouiu on tho rt'inlhes,ft ccrinln piece of liiutl Kituato iu UL'atT lowilMllp in uiu fciuu count) ui uiuui' hta.liouiulpildiiil tlchciibod its lollows, to i On tho mtrih um! pnst iiv lnmi of John lllnterlt ht, on uio houui ny lanu oi nuviu utjniinuii nuu oil iiiu wi'bi iiv u m Ol Joilll Biucriimu, vuumiH Uva twi'iity-thitt' aore moio or le, AI0 ! Ono other nlrco of land nltiml In Iho lowiibimt vi jsruvcr uiiu luumj- ui'icauni, uiuii' ilod ntnl ilckct i,c, n fnllnwu. tn wit I Oil the lmrll, hy land of Thoman Luti, on iho oiut hy hind of Johu IlluterlUer, on thu tmih hy land of the WHIHW niULTlllHH nil XV U) Hlllil ill ihuiry Jlash'r, coutainiua thro acres niore or Idito thu entiitn of nM deceased, NlLuato lu thn lowimiip or liouvtr nnd cunntv nioret-iuii. Civile, TmMfiOFbAI.ITi-Ten ner cent, of ono-fourtll oi ui inuvuimu juuiiL-y iu u puui ui uio KiriitiiiK clown of tho ii roiier ty ; tho one-fourth Ichm the ten I'lrr itiiit in uiu ci j i) n i fiiumm ui mo fti, tmu uio reiuaininc inreo jouruis in ono year tnereac HT Mllll lIlltTDl JH'IH VUlllllIIIHllOB HUF, JOHN' H1IUMAN Mayi,'0. . (Juvriian, Ac JJN1TKI) BTATra MAILS. 1' liNNH Y It V A N I A. Post Officii Dkpaiitmcn r, Wahiiinqtos, AprlU3, VGi, VUOPOMALS will bo received nt tho Contract OllUo of this Demirlment until HV. M..ofWLl- Ni;si)AV, Mny 25, isut for eonveylnij tho mnlls f inn uuiiedHinteN, from July I, Ibiw, to June, 30, PKNNHYLVANIA, on tho roulcfi nnd by Iho nchcdulo of departure mm tinivm iivreiu ii,eiuin. llGfihlnria nniiounced hv Muv ftO. PCs. Tho following routes were mostly ndvtrtKed October 31, 1MJ7, but, (torn various emues were not icti luou From Noriistown, hy lllekurvlown din Plymouth Meeting, to llarrtn lllll, 6 miles and uaeit,turea times u week, Leavo NorrUtown Tuesday, Thuuday and Hat Arrfvfl nt ltnriL'ii Hill bv D.:iO n in; Iuvollarreii lllll Tueduy,Thiirday,and Hat 111 l HI J II fr IT, I J U 111, Airlvo nl NorrUtown by 11 a in; 1910 From NorrUtown. hy Pcun'sHquar, On ttndHairordsvlllo,to Humnuytowii, 1UJ miles ind uinn(imiu iiiiiu it niTtti l-envo NorrUtowuTuesdny,Thursdny,andHt ui'iu.r m i in, Arrlvftnt Huiinvliiwii bv 0 n. in. lAayo Humueytown Mouduy, Wednesday hi i tl i iuuy, ut u i in, Arrlvo ut NorrUtown by It a tn; 1011 From JcflVrsonvllle. bv Hhminonvilo tin Port Providence, to phwutxvlllo, 8 miles and baik, three times a wot k. . Leao Jtdurnonvlllo Tuesday, Thursday, iind Saturday at Spin; Arrive nt SliwnUvlll by 7 p m; I.eavo PhrrntxvlUo Tuesday, Thursday nnd Bat lirdnv nt fi.SH n in Arrlvo nt Jelt'ersonvlUo by 7.30 n m; 1818 1'rom ZelgloMvill, by Frederick, Douglass, Colebrook L'nto nnd Olnyton, to Hereford, Iti;j miles nnd back, twice a week; LcnvcZelgtorsvillo Tuesday ntidSalurdiiyftt 1 plM Arrive nt Hereford by 5 p ni: I.eavo Hereford Monday nnd Fildnynl 3.30 a in; Arrlvo at .clglersvlllo by 7 a m; I'roni North Wftlcw, Krnneotilrt mill TvlersnorL t 'X.. union Huunro, oTrumbaursvlllo, 10 ml Ion nuil linck nnre n week. IjCiinc North Wnlm Httlurilay ntOft m; Arrlvo ntTruiulKiurRVtUo Hatunlny by 12 m; Iicuvu TrutnbfturtvUlo Hatuntny fit 1 p m; Arrlvo nt North Wales by Opni. 1921 From JcIlVrsonvMlo. by I'alrvlow Vlllaco Ijowcr I'rovMcncp.Hchwetik'Rtorc.ZelBlcriivlllo ami lVrlclniiienvllIf, to Hid Hill, 111 miles nnd back, three times n week. .jciiornonvmo ruesany, inurmmy Aim Hntunlay nt 1UW n in: Arrho nl HM Hill bv 3.10P m; ! Leave lied Hill Momlay, WeittiMilny nnl FrI- ilay nt5n in; Arrlvo ut JeiTcrsouvlllo by 11 am, 105 From Upper Dublin, by Thro Tonn, tn mtles nnrt bnelc, three times n week, Hcheilule to bo nrrnnsod to the nntlracllon nf tho postmasters, making iluo connection with inn II train on ltallroad, froiMJHals lor more frefi"ot ser lee Invited. PJ37 From (iuaKertown, by Illchlaudlown. Pleasant Valley mid SnrliiKlown. to Durham, 11) miles and back, three limes n week. iKjiUoOuakertown Monday, Wednesday nnd I rlday, nl 1 n in; Arrlvo at llurhamby Op m; lae Durham Monday, Wednesday nnd FrI- 1037 Front tiimltertown, by lllclilamltown, day, at 7 a m; ruvo ul viimkfitoMiliyl2)u, 19IJ Prom IjiicaUr. hv Willow Htrect. Mar tiii8ille, New Providence, Camargo, ami (luar rs vlllo. to Mechanics Uro e, miles mid back, tnreo times n week. Jjcavo L.nncasier TuesdAV. TimrMiiiv. una Hnt urday at a.;ti)pm; Aruveni -MLcnamc uroTP uy p. iu. Lrue Mechanics Uroe. TueKdav. Thurxdnv nnd Halunhiy at o a in; Arrn o ni liiiucaiei' uy u u m. 191!) Prom Iteftinlnvii.hHviirtzllle. AduiilH town, OoiiKlerKVllle nnd tumrn, to HeaiUng, 15 I nines nun imcii, inreo imie a ween. ljea o ltcainaiou n Tuesday, U hursdUy nnd Wat urdayntftn tn; Arrive nt lieudlnsby 5p mj Leae UeadliiBTuestlay, Thurcdny nnd Hatun day nt 8n in: Airive iu Keamitown oy u iu, 1U51 Prom SportliiR lllll, hy Old Line nnd Mas tersuuvltle, tu ColebiooIt.U lnllei ami haclc.twlee n week. Leave Hiwrttna IllinVcdneday and Hitnrdiiy nt U n m; Arrlvo at Colebrook hy 12 mj Leavo Colebrook W'eduehiy aud Salurdny nt 1 p m; Arrlvo nt Spoitlns 11 tit hy Ipm, 19 VI Prom Gap, by l!uyertown, to Intercourse, 0 mile and bnck, turco times a week. Le.ivu Oap'luesday, Thursday and Haluiday nt 11 a m; Arrive at Inletcourso by 1 p m; Leavu IniercourHO Tuend.iy, Thursday nnd Katurdav nt 7 n m: Arrle nt Unp hy On in, 19W Prom Lltlz to llrunncrvUle. mlUv, nnd back twice n week. Leave Lltlz Wednesday nnd Haturdny nt 1 p in; Arrlvo nt IJumncrvlllo nt 2p, m; Leavo lirunuei vlllo Wednesday nnd Satur day at 3 pin; Arrive ut Lltlz by 1 p in; 1P09 Prom Halifax, hy Knterllno nnd Kndei, to PliiersvJlle.U inllon and back, imce n week. Ltao Haillax Saturday nt 1 pin; Arrive nt Pishenlllo by 4 pmj 1 Leavo " Katmday nt y n in; An I vu lit Hiliax by 12 m. 1972 Prom Ihnnon, by Cornwall, to Mount Hope, IU miles nnd bade six times a week to Cornwall nnd twice n wcelc tho residue, Leave Lebanon dally except Sunday, at y.30 . m; Arrlvo nt Coinwatt by Un m; Leave Cornwall dally except Sunday, nt "Wa in; Arrive nt Lebanon by 9 a m; Leavo Cornwall 'J uet.dny nnd Saturday ntlp m; vnlvent Mount Hono by l'p in; Leao Mount Hope Tuesday nnd Saturday nt 3 p m; Arilvo nt Cornwall by 1 pm, COM From Lower Saucan, to SloutV, l mlUit nud hack once n week, Leavo Freeman burg Thuisday ut 7 a m; Arrlvo ntstout'sby in am; Leao htout'H ThurMlny nt I p m; Arrive nt Frecmansburg hy 4 p m. iVlS Prom llethlfliem. by Hanovervllle nud Bath, to Chnpinnn (junirles, 1 1 J 5 miles and bark, thiec tlme a week, Lenvo llethlehem Tuesday, Thursday and Hat- lining in in; Arilvo nt Clianninn Ouarricshv Tin m: Leavo Chapman (uairltb Tuesday, Thursdny nun niiuiiiuiv in o n in; Arrlvo at Itethlchem by 9 a ni, 20) From Dm vlllo, by Ilushtown nnd KUne'n Ontvo to Hny dertown, V2 mile nnd back, onef n week. Leave Dnmlllont 8nm; Arrive nt Snyderlowu by 12 in; Leao Snythrtow n Sntuidnynt 1 pm; Arrive ut Danville hy 5 p in. SOM Prom VlUhton, ly ltniHoin, Palls nnd La' (J ratine, tu TunUhnuuocU, "2 mllvs and back, twleo a week. Leao 1'ltUton Monday nnd Wednesday at S Arrive at 1'nnlilmnnorlc by 4 p in; Lene TunUlmiitiuck Tuertday nu) Satiiidfiy nt ittt,ton by 7 p m. 2U70 Prom HhlekKhlnnv. bv Muhlonhcrir. In wect Valley, 10 mllen nnd back, twleo n week. jieuvoMiiCKsninuy -noiuiay ami inursuay ai mm: Arrlvo nt Sweet' Vnlley nt 1 p mi i Liavo Sweet Valley Monday and Thursday nt iti v in. niiiiiiMiiuiij uy ti j) ni. 20S1 Prom Old Force, bv Mlluankif. Iiuld Mount and Mill City lo Factory vlllo, 1ft miles and back, oncon week. IllM U UIU IIMRU i m-nuiij lib U H 111, Arilvo at i-nciory vino hy 3 p in; Icave Factory vlllo W't'dncHday ut 9 ti in; Arilo ntoid Forco by 3p m. Proposals Inxlted for Kcrvlee three times n eik, Wi Prom Keianlon to Ilni'mni-c. 'J mlt.-s nnd niK'K, hix limes . wet i;. Leuo crunton ilally, exe pt rtundny, at .n mj Airho nt Dun mute by 1 pu; j.u inuiiinMU ii.iuy, i'.ci'jn riui'iay, iu i in. Arrlvo nt Seianton by it, i j a m. 2i02 Prom Love Hon to IVHa Svlvu.fl inlleNnnd back, oneo n week, jjcuvo io( uon i uesiiay nl 10 a m; Arrlvo nt llella s lvaby 12 in; i.eavo iieim fy iu inihuay at 7 n in; Arrive at Lovelton by li a m. 2l0."i From Cantin. bv Fast dint mi. ltn Wst Franklin nnd Franklin Dale, to Tuwanla. 2i miles nud hack, three times u week. jcavo uanion i uchuav. inuisiinv nnj satnr- av,at 11am. Arrive ni lownnna nv a p m; Ltnvo Towundn Mondav. Wfilnehdav nud Prl. day ut 1 p in; .ri ivu hi x am i m uy p in; PioposaU ln itid for k rvlco dx times a week. 21& Prom New Oxford bv Green Itldtrp. ltmnn. on and Hound Hilt, to York SulhhurhmlmM. 11 miles and bnck, twice n week. Leavo .New OxfoidTiKsdny nnd Sntuulay at 1 pm. . A , . Arrivw in irii p-iupnur primrs i y i p m; Leao oik SulnhimSnrintrs Tued:ivnnil Hat urdny nt.ln in; Aiuve ui .iff ijxioru oy n a in. I'ioponals Jor moiolrequent her lee nlso Invited '"i"j Piom llcedsUUe to Lttk'f. MIIK. A mile and back, once a wee k. i.envo uecuh me naiuruny ni ji n ra; Arrlvo at LocIe'h Mills by 1 p in; Lenvo Loek'b Mills Saturday nt & n m; Arrlvo nt KeedhVllloby 10 u in. 2lT.1 Prom Woodland to Grahnmtown. A l.itlra nnd lack, twice a w eek. lenve oouinnu juesuaynnu Saturday nl ll n in; Arrno nt uraiiamtownbyism; I Lenvo nrnvliainnton Tot t.dn ntnl hnlniibiv nt IP. i"l ,Trive ai oouianu ny p in, i'!2S Piom CVvlon nnd Willow Tree, to Davlhtowu, 10 lulltH nml bnck, om-o a V U IE, L nve CarinlehntpH Wednesday nt 1 pm; ArrlM at Da Utownby 1 p in. Lenvo Davistown WediHhdny;nt 9 1 m; ArrUe at Carinlchucrsatl2m, 2310 From Plttt-burtr. by W(8t View. lVrrvHlllo U'llllnma V'i.vrii.l fl.ila Va1I..1.. 1ln...Ani nud Whitt'towii,lopioif)cet,SU,15infltB& buck, ,eno I'liuourtfiotuiny, wednewiny nnd Frl- day nt 7 n m Arrive nl PrOKrf etbv 7 n in: LeavtvProbDeci Tnesdav. Thumdni- nml Katnr- day nt 7 am; Arrlvo nt l'ltiduurg ny i p m; 1'ronm.ils lr moro frermont tiervlef nlan invi ted. 21IS Prom BharpHburK, by Oorsoyvlllo, llnrul 1 1 til ye, Culineivllfe, nud ltlddle's Cross roeuls, to HaxonburL', U0 inllos nnd hack, onco n week. I .envo hnnrnsbui a Fi Idnv at 8 u m: Atllve ut uxonburR hy tl p in; I lcnve HaxonburR 'Ihursday nt 0 n in Arrlvu at Hharphburg by i p in, 2JI9 Prom Pittsburg, by Ituehanun, Onnsby, A Hone Church, to Lebanon Church, 10U miles aud back, twico dally, except Sunday, to Iltichnnnn, and twice a wetk tho residue. Leavo PtiUbum dally, except hunday, at U30 a in niuH-30)m; Arrive at lluchananhy 7-13 n m and S p n; Ih'iivo lluchauan dally, except Sunday, nt u n m and 1-30 p m; Al rlvo at PlttsburK by fl-M n m nnd 2 p in: Leae liuchaunu Wednesday nnd haturdny at 7'M n m; Arrlvu at Lebanon Church by tKlOnm; Leave Lebanon Church Wednesday and Satur day ut 10 n in; ArrHent lluchauan by 13 m, 2152 Prom Turtle Creek to Monroevllle, -Oy inilcH nml liuek. twlen n untlr. Leavo Turtle Creels Wedntsdny und Haturdny nt U n in; Arrlent Mouroevillo by 1080 a m; Leao Monroevllle Wtdnesdny nud Hnturday t7 a m; Arrh e ut Turllo Creek by b-1 0 u m, 2.113 From Pittsburit to West Maneluster, 2J& miles und bnck, six times n week. Lcao Plttsbuu dally, except Sunday, nt 10-15 a in; Arrive nt West Mumhesti r byll a m. Ieave West Manchtster dally, except Kundny, ntUuin; ArrUe at Pittsburg by 10 a in, 2351 From Tarentura, bv Lnudtvllle, (n.o) lo SuxiinburK, 12 miles and bmk, once n week, Ltau 1 an utum haturduy ut b n m; Arrive at Haxonburg by 12 in; Leae Haxoniiurg Suturdayuil p u; Arrh e at Twriiilum hy 6 p m, flffi) Piom llHrmnnv. bv lllddle. Inneaatrr. Por ter" v Hie, Willie I toy, Hunt-nbburts, und leesburg to nieri'i r. oi units Him nucw.inrtu iimichu wi m, i Merci r. si nines nntl nuck, inreo tiuiosu ween, i ""'i .wwism i'mw n .ri,v,,, -..-Iavo Hnnnonv Mondni. Woilncsdav und Frl- l " Propisiul, Mlulo of Pelinsylvlll,"uua scut uuy uuer ui rivui oi i iiisuuiumuii tikx uv s inn: X rrlvout Mercer by 10 pm: Leuvo Meicer Tuesday, Thursday and Buturd ArrlveatHurnionrliytant. 2.T70 rromhllppery HflrrUville, Ws ley.nml i:nst Handy, to Frnnkllu, 27 miles nnd hiu It, three times a week , LenvoHllppery Itock Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday nt 0 n m; ArrUo nt Franklin by Op m; 4 , , Lent n Franklin Tuesday, Thursday, nnu Ratur tlay nt 7 a m; Arrlvo At rilipiory Hock by 4 p tn, IEW From Klk nun to Clmy's Vntley, 3 lnllei A. bade twiro n week. . . . Ixavo i:ik Itun Tuesday nnd Hnturday nt 2-30 Ifuvotlray's Valley H.csday ami Miuroay ni w Arrive ni i.iu ivun,,ij .-ou m, E190 From ( Umx llun In HnWnsTllte II miles nnd bnck. once a week. l.envo uaines vt eunesuay ai u 111, Arrlvo at Mablnsvllle by ion mj l.onvo Hablnsvlllo Wednedny nt 2 p m; Arrive nt tlnlncs by 5 p in. lion From .lersey Hhore, by riiclp' Mills, to Hnnevvllle, 111 miles nnd buck, once a week. I .cm e Jersey Hhore Thursday nt 0 n mj Arrlic atllnncyvllleby Um: Leave Haney vlllo Thursday at 1 p m; Arrll o at Jersey Hhoro by 0 p in. 2115 From Muney, by Wolf llun and Hunters, vlllo.tolllir. Urove, Similes nnd back, oncon week. .... Leave Jlunev Tuesdarnl Vi nit Arrlvo nt Hill's Urovo by 1 p m: Invo Hill's drove Tncsdny.nt 0 n m; Arrli o nl Muncy by 12 m. Sl.'l Kiom Iick Haven to Island, Z)4 miles and ,i,eU oncon week Il0nvo IjOI.k jivrn Katurday nt 10 n m vnlio at Island byll n in- i,0ao Island Hafnrday nt Il-M a m; AlrUo nt I.ock Haven by 12.30 p mi 1'ioposuls for moru frequent service nls 1 ' potnts for moro frequent nerviee nlo lnt- 212 Piom Westnoit, hy Leldy, llnmmeriiley's Pitrk. nnd Crois Fork, tu Kettlo Creek. 30 miles lieae wemiwu lucsuay uim ifi,) i iw 1 Arrive nt Kettle Creek nt 0-30 p in; Lenc KettleCreek Widnesday and Sntunlay at 7 a m; Arrlvo nt Wctport hy 7 p xn. HHI tVn.ii tH,1frn,-(ii- In l.'nnpvV I 'ntndnll Ift. A Tyler's, to Pcuritld, 17 miles nnil back, twice n ween. Leave Klilewny Tuesday nnd Haturdny nt Onm Arrive ni renueni uy up in: t n i Leae Pinfleld Momlay nnd Friday ut Un m; Arrlvo nt llldfe'cway hy it p in. 2111 Fiom Ilrook llie, by lttelnnUvltte, Hchoir ner's Corners, nml Airoj o, to llldseway, 31 mllos nnd back, onco n w u k. raollronkvUle 'Ihursday at 7 n w; Arrive nt ItUlRcwnv bv 5p m; Len o Illdeewny Weilncsdny lit " nm; Arrive nt llrookvllle by 3 p m. 2I1S Henderson, Perrlne. undHattcrlield.toMeicer, ltl miles nnd bnck, 3 times n Meek. , , , Leave ltaymlltoii Tuesday, Thursday nnd Hat urdny, nt s um; Arrive nt Min er by 12 m; . I,cave Mercer luesday, Thursday nndHatuiday nt 2 p in. . AirUent nnymlllon hy fi p m. 21-H From Franklin to J)empse town, 0 miles and hack, twice a weik, . , . , . , Leave Franklin 'luesday nnd Haturdny at l l1": . l.pnvo Dcmimc) tun u on Tui'sJny nnaSiilumu ftl11111! . .... ArrlvcntrrnnltlhiliylMUini. 1'roDOHnls for inoiefuquvnt service ln ltcul. 2IC0 From IVIrolcvtm Centro tn Cherry Tree, 2U mlliH nml Imclc, oilinoH n work. l'lmo lVlrolcma litre dully, exrept Sumlti nt l.'m; Airlvo nt Cherry Two liy 1 l'l"! , , , Lenvo Chel ry 1 1 ec dally, exrept Mindny, at li 3il ii m; . , Aimcnt l'ctrcileum Centro by ll-oOn in. 2iM From Wonyl'oIlittoi:vnmlmrB,:j.'mlle nntl Imtlt, MX times ii WLtlt. lit tt Hrhrilnlo innmim eloso connection wlUi mil ln.ultrnln.tubeurrnll!Ciltu the Mllinictlon of poitmnsterfi. tilO rrom ivtcr' Crook to Touch Ilottom, two miles unit uuclt, Ulllly, eoot.t blliulny, Si'hoiluloto ho nirniiECd sailsructory I" the postmasters. KIT Trom New lloll.iiul hy Clreen Itank nml reqile.i, U mllos nml lack, twice a "iTeiiVo New Holland Tuesday nnd .Saturday nt " i ... ArilvcntlVquinhylJin; Lenvo lVqiiett Tuesday nnd haturdny nt 1 p mj Arrive nt Ncwllollntid by I p m. 23H From lltchland Htallon, by Jlllllmck (n.o.) nnd Klelnlellersvlllo (n.o.) to hhaetlerstown, miles nnd bnclt, nix tlincsn week. Leave Hlchland htallon dally, except Hunday, nt l:! in; irrlventhiiairerstowniiyipin; . . Leave hhullertown dally, ccf pi Sunday, nl , ' Arrive nl lllehland Htntlon by 0 mil. 2M9 Flora Klnisslnn, hy Iluutuvlllo nnd Loh, to Lnko, 11 miles nud bnck, twlco a week. Leave KlngXoll Monday and Thursday ntiin hi; Arrlv e nt Ijike hy 11 n in; LeaVf Iike Monday unit Thursday lit 1 p m; Airlvo nt Kingston by I p m. ii-tl From Kingston, by Mill Hollow, Truck. Illo. liallas and KunkleB, to Bowman's Creek, li mlten and back, twlco n week. Loin e K Incston .Monday nnd Thursday at T a m Arrive nt llownian's Crook by Um; Leave liovMiiau'rt creek .vionday and iuosuiiy nt 1 p m; Ai rlye Klnnstonby 6 p m. , I nnd uulliy, loliushore, IM ltillesnnd back, onco ll week. Leavo Tunkhniiliook Haturday at S a m; Arrlvo at liushoio hy 5 pin; Lenvo lltishoro Friday at N a ni; A l rlvo at Tunkhaiiiiuck by 5 p in. 25Ji From Wyaluslng, hy Wllmot, to liushore. 1.' miles nnd hack, ome u week. Leave Wyaluslni; haturday at 1 p in; Arrivoat JHlshoio bySpm; Lenvo liushoro Satuiday a Tnm; Arrlvo at W nluslui; by 11 n m. From Sugar Hull, by VA oil, to Culley, li miles nnd back, onco a vveik. Leave HuBar Hun Wednesday nt 1 p m; An IVo at Culley hy 5 p in: Li av e Culley NV eduesduy at 7 n In; Airlvo nt hugar llun by 11 a in. 2521 Floinltolno hy Orwell, to I.o llaysv Illo, 10 mllos nnd hack, three times a week. Lenvo Koine, Tuesday, '1 hursday nnd Hnturdny nt 11 am; AlrlVu at Lo llaysv Illo by 2 pm; iH-avo Le U.iysvillo Tuosd.iy.Thuisd lynnd Sat urd.iv. nt a n m. Arilvo nt Homo by 6 p m. 2.25 Fiom Fanluttsburg, by Carrlek Furiiaio, (u. i.,) to Loudon, 12 miles and hnek.onco a week. Leave Ftiuiultsbiirg haluiday nt s a m; Airlvo at Loudon by 12 m; Leavo Loudon haturday at 1 p In; Arrlvo nt Fuiintttsbura by 5 p in. 2"2(l From Xeviry, by llluo Knob (n. o.,1 nnd, in. o.,) lo ituilll Chllrsvlllo, 23 miles aud buck, onco a vv eek. Lonv o New ry 1 rldny nt a ni; Airlvo nt halm Chili sville by 0 p m; Leuvehalut ClalrsviUo haturday 1117.51 a in; Arrive al New ry by II p in. 2.VJ7 Fiom Sheloctn, (n. it.,) hy Advance,, (n. ii) llosiuk's Mills (u. o..) and Atwood'n (u, o) to llariiiudV, 17 inllts mid hack onceu vu k. Leuv efchdottn Saturday nt 0 am; Alrlveal llarnaid's hv 12 in; Leavo llarnard'ssntui'ilay ut 1 p m. Arrlvo ut Shcloeta hy 0 p in; S)28 From Monongalioln lloallsvllle.lj nillis nnd back, thrio times n week, Lohvo Moiioncahela City. Tucsdav. Thursdav and Saturday ai mi in; Arrive at lleallsvlllo hy l'ni: Loavo llonllsvllloTiiesday.'.Thuisday aud Sat tmlay nt 1 p m; AlllM M 1 1 1 ) i I i J I , I 2320 From Ts lorsburg lo n.iilnglou, 12 mllos nnd hack, onco n week. Lenvo T j lersburg Saluulny nt Sum; Arrlvo nt Clnrlngton by 1 1 in; Leavo clnrlngtoii Saturday nt 1pm; Ai rive nt Tylersburg by 5 p in. 210 From Indiana, by Utah, to Mintn, 17 mlhs and bade, twlio a week. Leave Indiana Tuesday nud Haturday nt 7ft m; Arilvo at Mlnta by 12 m; Leave Mlntn Tuosdny and Snlurdiy nt I p m; Arrlvo nt Jiullauuhy i) jni. r oiui or riiorosAi., au.uuxrm:, axd camriCATi:. rnoros.vL. '1 ho uiiilorslKm d , vvlioso post cnleo nddlessls , I'uiuuy of . Hlnto of , proposes to convoy tho malls of the United States, Irom July 1, Islis, tu Juno 1W, ls2, on routo No. , belw een und . under tho adver. tUement of tho l'ustninstcr Ocneral, dated April lath, lswl. with "celerity, certainty, nnd securi ty," for tho annual sum of dollars. Thu vropoml it vuuleutth full knoulotlyt of the disttlihe of tlte rouU; the ivetyht oth mail to be ear- rim, miki uu timer iiiinicuKir in rryt,i,ii.c iu ,.ir rotife nail rml''o,ia olao 'erniroiil examittriHon a the lull i unit tnitrttcttons ttttaehrtl lo the lull erttie. vient, lialed (Signed.) auAUANTiu:. The understgned.resldlng nt , Btnte of , uuderlako that, If tho lorogolng hid for cnrrylng tho mall on routo No, bo accepted hy the Fohlinnster Ocnera!, tho bidder shall, prior to tho 1st lav of Julv. lslls. enter into tho reiiulnsl obll gallon or contract to perform tho service propos ed, w Itli good nud Milllclcut sure ties. ihlM we th, itilileritanttliig tllitfnetly the olltpattrin unit Ualilttlet lasltmeil by tjuarttntora under Vie 'Zith stelton of the net of Ojnrrest vf July 2, Is'l'l. Dated (Signed by two guarantors.) CF.UTIFICATF.. Tho undersigned, postmaster nt , Htnto of . nrllllCK. fNurilltlS OATH OK OVl(K, that ho Is acquainted w Itli the nbovo Buarantors, and knows them to ho men or properly, nnd iiblo lo inaiiogood ineirguaranicF, Dalod (Signed.! NOTl. lironnsnls iniiil Lain Cfirrv t bo mall with "lO' lorlt.r,ciiialnly,nndkccuilly," using tho terms of iho law, nnd they must be guaranteed by two rosimnslblo persons, certified to ns such hy ii pohtiunstoror iiliutgoof ft court of record. No pay will ho paid for trips not performed, nml fni i ni'li nf Mii'h omissions not satisfactor Iv explulnid llireo lllnes the pay of tho trip may bo deducted. For nrrlrnls so far behind tlmo ns lo bieuk coiiueetloii Willi depending malls, nnd not HUl le ellliv excuscu. ono-iuuriii oi uiu coiiipeu- sntlon lor tho trip Is subject to forfeiture, l ines villi no lninosoil. unless the ilel nnuencv hosntls- facloilly ixplnllied, for lioglecllng to take tho lunll Iiom or Inton post otlliet for Kuircrliig It lo bo Injured, de stroked, lobbed, or lost; und fur refusing, niter demand, to convey thoinall as frequently as tho contractor runs, or is concern ed In rutiulng, vehicles on tho route, Tho Post innsier Ociieiiil muv annul the contract fur dlso. livlnr tho imu.1 ollli-o hiws. or Iho Instructions of tho Department, Ho may uller the schedulo of ticpariuriN nun umvn:s, nun uisu mun uu criaso ol seivlco by allowing therefor ftjiro in. mini increnhenn inocoutrnei pay. lie nuiy uiso cur tull or illscontlnuo tho hitIcoIii whole or lu part, al n rronorllonato decrcuso oi pay, allow- Iiil'. nu ti full hiilptiiiittv to tho contractor, ono inuuth's extra coinponsullon on the nniouut of service tiispenscu wuu, nun u iio nun cuiupou siitlr.n fur llie kitvIcb rolslucd and continued. Tho llenaitincnt reserves tho right tu icject any hid whli li muv ho def-med oxtravngaut, ululalso to tllsn Kind tho plus of lulling coniruiiors niui bidders, ltlds should bo nddressed to tlio "Sec ond Assistant Postmusier (Jenerul," supciscrlh- '4.,',,v. ..... ., . I For Instruction and ther Information, see nd ' MyV2.'0H, rostmostor Ociwral, OFBCATr.l) I.ANHH IN COIAJMI1IA CO. k nnt.1tf In ItiA .i-nvllntinr lhi Act Of As sembly, entitled nu Act to reduce, tho Mtato debt Ac., paVsetltlioUUth day or April, 1811, tho Trea urerorthe County of Columbia hereby elves notice to nil pernoiH concerned therein, that un less tho County, Uoad. Hchool, Foor nnd Htnto Taxes etc.duo mi tho fullow Iur real cstato situate lav of sale. Uio whole or such parts or encn ns will pay tho clinics nnd enMs ciinrsnbio jcon will boioldnt the Court Homo In HloornHburK, nn , o. to i " i n day for arrearaiies of taxes duo said county nnd llie cnsis nccrueuuii vhi.ii icri..".., . JVnr. Atrrt. . Oinicrj. JVnanlj. M. CU. mil 2:0 Pol. Coal & Iron Co. lliavcr til? i iwni VI Moses Mover 1KII-3-0 12.1 Miller A Mnnn so I :i7 John Johnson lsui-6 29 John V Creswell 1U lftl Anthony liavls 1H0I-0 1VI0 T, M. Hulil; f IK1I-5-0 I ") Mann Miller 130 Mann, ll.ildy A frlst well lM S00 Miller, FWicr Long' enberirer 10 u S.i 12 0 7fl 3, 20 I 9 ( &2 02 2 SI S') 10 11 00 17 fd 2 24 41 12 II. W. M'lleynolds W JohnKoons Ilenton It Tracy Whlto " I HannahTjko ' T lllrnm Kclnfreld .'.) 1'elerHhultr. lit Nancy l'rcntls . Hloom w li in isw 1M11 IH112 WW ltt iwti lHfll-0 iHrt ImV8 1H03 lSti jmh 1W lft IKiVC fl '21 2 31 4'1 lit AuRUBtuischncll nerwicic nor. i vt lltJncoh Mnley it .m con Jiniey i.onyiiKiioi ill wni A'uinan lltOwcn Cnln llt.lames Collier 'JltPllon Durkln W Kline, Ltndenmlth &. Co. 7 7 M 8 01 ll 12 H !M 4 l) i ia 7 11 lm 82 I w lit John U. Morgan 111 Michael Nov in lit Anthony O'llotinell " W lxtonJilliieAHharpless' 2HJnhn Shaw " lltChnrles oalloglier " 21tHlmon Asllton " lltDomcrlck crnnc " lltJohn Hopkins " lit lvter How er 3 la 111 10 1S60 lH(J ISO) 1MI 1HC0 lsr,0 1H01 im- Wi lHfV lSO. lsn- I KM Will lMJ-fc 1M1I IMII WII I Mi I 1MjI-.V1 lSt(l-J 1MI Will wm " ;i m " l i " n M " l co Franklin 11 01 Fishing Crock 2 11 .1 INI lit Win Chapman W Jacob Snyder It! H. llnyeoek U ll.lviirnc ,l Jacob Yaplo UtJobn Hcndershott lltdrlillth l'lillllps 8 Jackson A. Watts lltMary Allen lit Win Ilgar UltF.dwald Lewis Ldward 1'rossor iltlleo Weaver lik) lloss & Oolder .5 00 ill (1. Wood 1 so " til 1 ID ' 37 Hemlock 3 SO Ml " 4 .V) Jackson ll fi IM 1 John K. Kocier 4S 117 117 li Henry sholoiiberRer ll.iv Id lhshllno Jnnits llowman lloss, sam A. l'orsy .Tamos Uolston " S 1,1 " 11 Nl lo ul " 21 1 hi Madison HI 1 H) 210 20 11 HI ISOtI ISMl lCtl Wil-3 l"0l llil lS(t Nil WiM Wtl IMm WVl iHirt 1M" Wii Wm I Mm Wt-l-l-5 lwiu Cyrus Laird's Fst, If. Mllhelm's I'.st. lltAd.lln vv elliver " in lim Wm chaiiiberllii Pino 1j 21 17 Jackson li iddo " tt) 130 Sol I nirk " 01 ll Hav Id Sweeney " 3 is 02 M. Shoemaker " 3 3J 2 Abr Welsh " 7 11 lim Thos Htntkhouvo " ll 20 loo ihnssiuiui " 7 a; .V) John Fox . " s H 100 sohll) lor & Waller " 0(1) iV) Michael Kieslor " 2 so loo John Cotpor's IM. " 1 im a Cole John 1 '20 M John Folk " 2 70 117 John C. null ", 2 50 Ni Folly lloss (widow) Hugarloaf 8 21 100 Henry Holder " l''l Jlt Charles Mutlley Scott 1 m rpiUCAfciUlUCH'rf SALK ji' UNSF.ATF.D LAND4 I'Olt COLUMI1IA CO , Agreeably lo tho provisions of an Act of As. somhly entitled nn Act dlicctlng tho modo of soiling unsealed lands for taxes nud for other purposes pnssed tho 13th day of Mnreli lsli, and tho luithor supplements thereto passed on tho 13th day of Maich 1I7 and tho 25th day of March 1S2I, and tho 0th day of March 1S17, tho Treasurer of Columbia county hereby gives nntleo lo all icrsons concrened thcielnthutunless iho Conn y, Hoad. School, Poor, Hounty nnd Slato Tnxes duo on tho lollowlngtracts of unseated lands sit uate In Columbia county, nro paid before the day of Sato, tho vv holo or such parts of each tract us will pay tho costs chargeable thereon, will bo sold ut Iho Court House in tho town of Ulooms burg, County of Columbia on tho will ol June, Wis, for nrroninges of taxes duo said County,'r.nd tho otsaccruea on each tract respectively, v nr Arret. Warunleel or Omlert. Hot. fY. 1IUNTON. j Ann fhrlstmnn S 10 01 in J4 John J. ICnrns 2 OS Tracy White 11 OS irn ioo v 3soJ wo am Ui an iu) :w 2300 an ino Columbia Coal & lion Co. 73 40 Harah A. ColTman 2190 Wm blowart 12 Is I.owls Fllger 7 s .inhi, nroll' 13 01 Mn, iu A Uoat fl 21 Kllas .Miller . IS (14 fllrtu-r-ll Ulttonhouso .4 Oit24l IN) Calharllto Noyor 12 14 Hamilton W.Hhlnman U 21 llUIAIt CItFKIC. Paul Apple Snniuol filank Wllllivm J.llttlalli eiuy llryiiu John Cnln Win, J. eleni Win. L. Froas Wm. 11. Ilnrtmnu ri. 11 7i I II 7 Ml 15 HO 5 00 II 22 ai no 1 71) io 10 23 5110) S11 1S0J CI mi S, V. lleadly Catharine Peaico John Parkerson Abraham Uecsel Jacob Hitler CO 02 41 .3 21 II 7.5 400 10) ISO 00 14 Joseph Stackhouse .".If) 14 John II. Suit John Yost CONYNGHAM. Judge Cox Lewis Wulker John Houston Jacob Trlen Wm. Hhanuon (ioo. Illeltham John lloastly Thos lllllzlahiu'l Amos WlcUcrshain Hobeit Jordan Alldievv Porter 130 H 112 101 371 100 ,3s I 3s I 250 277 2s5 Mil 17 10 3 M 21 41 S7 2) 1P.SI 10 20.4 UO 100 04 103 U4 110 K) IWI M :tiii hi Lewis Walker 321 51 of la) !of JsO '1'. lllistnn"0. W. lllcnoiigh" 21 12 Mary Uustan " " ll. si SMaS-VS-I-TM i-i.rvr iti-.iniiniii niiK. y, of is) !3 Of 3s0 in 100 401 120 111) IVI 100 Ilcnjainlu Coomlio in 111 71 FJ 10 f.u .V) Ut) u 178 flu .lnmi lining Joshua Hi am Poter lluchner Nathaniel llrovvu John Klllio CF.NTrtt:. llcnjamln Aliabncli Isaiah Conner's Fjdnto Hewitt -t llencdlct Wm. Delong Frllz's F.stiito Jncob Good M. L. llrown lvier ilageubuch CATAWISSA. Thomas Diddle Uopjaliiln llelhor Joseph Clewcll J.S. Ihobst J, P. Flnchor FlnchoritThoinai David Gaunicr FIIANICLIN. .Inuien Fox Flljall Keynold A Co. (Jen, Hwank FISIIINO cnrxic, Geo. J. rulliner J, N, Jones John Allegar Wm. lluekulew's lUlalo Freus & Hotllllilll Fdviaril M'Hcury Win. Moars Saniiiel J. Fcidcr fleo. Ponlor Wm. Ilobblns & Co. Wm, shugais Ii.hholor a Kelchncr Cyius II. Whlto Abraham Y'ouug Win. lUeler gui:i:nwciod, Androw Ikoler Margaret Lemon Joseph I'llklngton John H. Shultz I suae Dow III Wilson i:dgnr Ilaulel Kittle John Melllck HIIMLOCK, Win. Appleman Ii. It. Applemau -M. Apploinnn Samuel llrugler Nathan Calupbclt II. W. M'ltcynolds 11. 1). M'llrldo John Mordan .ehuinn Ilobblns JACKSON, Win, York Win. Stephens LOCUST, Lewis llusli Phi urns llllllnetnn John Fisher Mury Myers "Oreeuough" Thos. Itustau " Daniel Heeso " Mary Iluslaii " Charlnlto Uustan " .lonn Ileyuolds M M (iisroimiKi Chai. to Tliouuis Itustnn " Daniel Ileus " Mary Uustan " Chailotloltiistnn " John lloynhlds " John nud Jos Hhoails Wm hii) crs MIFFLIN, (loo Latimer WinMcuslnger Nungisser A Holsalrr Joshua Zlmiceiinan Jucub llomboy Joel Hlltllll Samuel Park's Kst. Dav Id llrown Br, MAIN, Daniel A Isaac Yotter Daniel Yelter Jacob Hostler J P I'lncher II (1 Miller dee'd, Philip Miller Duulol Shumun dee'd. Heubeu stiumaii Joshua Webb Philip Wnll MADISON, Joseph StrcUU MT, PLUAHANT. John Ale 5 3 11' i 3 1 tw 5 01 5 10 51 1 20 51 2 00 1 lot y. lot 2 CO 2 10 3 fc'l 2 03 10 24 37 73 CO 20 11 III 70 I 40 II CI 1 12 21 71 II 30 3.1 00 3 111 11 30 55 2 til 13 12 11 30 11 ai 10 17 7 01 am ioo 21 K) 3 50 11.3 11 (I 130 CI 0 20 1 5 100 1 42 11 IX) 13 50 1 42 3 01 l 7'J 3 44 IU 83 2 31 ll 00 1 34 II 00 5 70 CI 3 HI 1 02 1 50 7 100 30 5 30 11 0 111 10 1 hi ai o it) 17 10 19 a) 19 20 11) 20 10 20 0 00 17 10 19 20 19 20 19 20 0 I) 8M y, oi am luu 8 Oil 1 49 2 09 1 01 I 00 IH) 00 37 is no 14 35 7 00 II 00 id ai 5 :j ll 03 61 OO 1 10 117 10 luo 47 70 31 31 t 150 171 IIS) 133 27 112 07 400 200 7 1) (10 .MONTOUI1. 10 Michael Drover 01 ohanoi:. 2." .lames Kveretl's Ks't. I 7 20 Jereuilah Hagonbucll 17 8 Samuel Crew ling 72 PI John Mellek 2 si 01 Oiollldloy 2I I'l.S'i:. Ti Wllll.iin Hodman Ol 10 M J lM.vons . 21 II luo Win Wldeiihatiior 2 20 r, svlvostor llcatli 0 (l no Jos Lockart 2s so 4U0 Thomas llcnflcld 72 (111 UOAltlNO CHlIF.Is. 52 I'elerlluchner 3 (is Ml 'lliomns llarncs .3 C'J (121 (loo Howes 19(11 Inn John lliislln n 11 Philip Kolh Is no 120 . Isnno Llnvlll 7 7H tl) Jacob Irlou 3 10 Hi) Abraham Uonbcr 1 s2 IM Peter Monscll 2 " 00 (lenrgo llloss I M HUdAIlLO.U'. 2.'i Ahrnhnm Shnttt's Ks'l 2 72 1 Jamison ICoeler :i 31 40 Samuel Fritz 4 A2 30 Win J Hi ss 3 31 IM .Inmos liuclcnlew Is IH ft) Irnel Copo I SI 71 .Mary Custard 7 31 4H) Daniel live hart HIM 53 lien (loci halt 7 Ml Bit It'ihcrt (Hay 111 1)4 St'i tlosso's Ls't 10 04 ll Anthony Ocnrhnrt 1121 am Win ll.'iu hait In ft) 50 Folly iless Wldov .IM & Abraham Kllno 2 71 IM Ilobui. Montgomery I'.s'l I vi am " i.'i 111 Daniel J M'llcnry 'i m ( Ahlahnin Yong li 3) April 3,'IH JACOll YOIli:,Tlenslllor. OPIlCIAIi HOTIOES. DFIIILITY. Hvir ono at times ft els tho necessity of some thing to tone up tho system doptossed by mental or bodily exhaustion. At such times let every one Instead of taking alcoholic or medicinal stlni ulants, which nfTord only n temporary rcllif, ro llivlgoralo his debilitated system hy Iho hatmal tonic clomt nls of tho I'KUUVIAX SYltCP, or 1'rotLCted Solution of the l'lotoxldc of Iron, whleh vitalizes and etirlclus tho hlisnlhysup plying It with Its life Hi incut, llnit. llelug frtcfrom Alcohol lu nny form, lis ener gizing ellocts nio hot followed by corresponding ienetloii,butnro permanent. Infusing strength, vigor nnd new life. Into nil paits of tho svhtcm, nud building up nu Iron Constitution. Win. l Sterling, ln..,orroughkeepslc, N. Y.. snvsl "slneo lnl.1 nil Iho Pel iiv Inn s too f loot bettor, toy stlongth is liopiovcd, my bowels nru loan tin, in ii pi ion i ii in si rule, '1 hero Is till ofil l'hvslclnii In this ollv iitdor than 1 um). who has been lu tho Drug business for 10 years, who has used tho Syrup lor throo niuiiiu, ii I l'l mis ll us ins ill l lileil opinion, null It Istho host Altirnllvo Tonic .Medicine ho evr knew." For Dyspepsia, Debility, nnd Female Weak nesses, Iho lvi iiv Ian Si rup Is u specific. ADJpago pamphlet suit Irto. 'ihogonuluo has "Peruvian h) rup" blown In Iho glass. J. p. HINh.MOltl:, I'ropilotor, No. 30 Dcy st. New Yolk, Hold by nil Druggists. 6U10IUI..V ffllUII AFTEII KKV'l.X YCAIM SL'l I'tKISU. J. W. Hoi nor. Ksri., ft piom Inent lawyer of Park olsburg, W, a., sajs i " 1 had 37 lluiinlng Ulc ers when I commenced taking Dr, Anders' lodlno Wilier, My llreast, 'Ihroat nnd Faco was one continuous Mire. I am now ft well man, and am b.ltMlod tho lodlno Walor Mired iny life." Clriuhus In leg.ird to this remedy will ho sent free. J.P. DINSMOIli:, Propilctor, 3(1 Hey Street, Nivv ork For stile hy Drilggostsceniiatly. May l,'t,s. Nl). I. The undents desired "hicks bushy nnd blntlc ns tho raven" as ono ol Iho porlectlons of manhood and tresses long, silken nnd lustrous, ns tho crowning henuty of woiiinuliood, but lime, tho sly old dog. drew his lingers through their hair nnd lolt "hlsmnrk" In white. Time Is now bar- ''-'J '' ".'"VVJ ." ,"0.1!l",' Xffiil?? '"'"t 11 niodern tllm s. 8 Vogetnble Ambrosia !ih!c Hair llostoratlvo .viay i-lt INFOHMATION. Information guaranteed to firoiluecftluxurinnt glowth of hair upon n bald lead or benidloss iu', nUoft leielim tor tho lo muval of Plmpios, lllutelies, Krilptlous, etc., on tho skin, lonv lug Iho same soft, clear, nnd beuutl lul, can hoohtaliud w ithouti hat go hy addressing iiiu'). i'. en,vivi.., i uciniHi, sojilS'OV. h-1 Uioiidwny, New Yolk. CHILLS AND l i:Vi;l!, DYSPFPHIA, COMPLAINT, AND KIDNF.Y DISnASFS Cl'llF.D. MI4I1T.1 It's Ill.Kll UlTrEUS Has cured moro diseases vvhoio It has boon used, thnn nil othi r Modlolnes ontiihtued. It Is tho only remedy that really purines tho blood, nnd has never l. died lu curing Dyspepsia, 1 over und Ague, nnd discuses ol tho Liver. Sold hy all drugulsls nud Dcnlcls. D11.H. II. IIAUfMAX A CO., Plopllelins, Lull- enstor, Pn nud Chicago, Illinois. May s,V. TO CONhFMITI-F.H,'lho Itov. Fdward A. V llson will solid (lioooi (hill go) lo nil whodeslie It, tho proserlptlon wllhthodlioelloiis for mulling nnd using th.i slmplo iiiuisly by whleh howiw cured ot a lungallectlou lilull hat illeadeddlsenso Conslllnptliin. Ills only object Is to bonotlt Iho ntlllctod, mid ho hopes every sulleier will ny this pioscilpiloii, ns ll till cost ihoni uoihlug, nnd may prove a blessing. Ploaso address lli;V. LDWAHD A. WILSON, No. IDi South seoolid Street, .nySl'07-l ,J Wllllauisblllg, Kings oo., N, Y, gllKIUFK'.S SAlii:. OF V.VLU.MII.F i.i:ai;iiui.d fstati:. lly vllluo of n wilt of Floil Facias Issued out of the Com t of Common Pleas ot Columbia coun ty und to mo dlreeli d, will ho exposed lo public sale or out oiy on the premises nu Haturday Juno 20th iMiS, tho Inllowiug leasi bold I slato to wit : All that col lain term ol yiais, or leasehold es tate, In nil the mnl underljlngu rertnln tract of liitnl klluiito III oflriicnuliiii I, ..uim. tyund Stale of Poiiusj Ivnlila, 'patented In Iho naino ol "t'atilna Longonhorgcr, eontalnlng , , iAun:s.Mou.:om.,:,s, lifulnninir nt a htone eoiner ot said land, und mini 'i viiirw tiiiiu, lumu I'MtnuiuR nurin, flulily undoiiC'linlf tUtsuei enst.twu liuudied nml tlilrty-twti jieuhei nnd tweutjMho luin- (luiltlis: llienee uxtemllne by land oi John Itien, north, lulrliennnd tliue-iburtli ilerten west, two hundied nndrseM'nly-iiino rculusnnd four (emus io n hioncjiiieiH-ncxuiniiiijifcoulheialitj. nne nnd lle-Untl denci wwi, two liuudied and lldi iy-onoiuu'lie8 ton post; and thun'ohy buld t'iaru'ii laud soulh thirteen nnd onc-luli du pret" tnsi, two huudrednnd ellily.ilvo perches in iiiu jiui-r in ui' beginning; w hleh was granted to iieury j. noweri enry J. Powers bv Michael C.Kreltzei and Marv his w no, joini w.piioi,ai',and itobooca 11. his wife, Cvius J. Power nud 1 rank! Ill 11. Power, heirs ot Henry Ilowor, di ceased, and Henry J, Jlower, (luiirill.ili of Fmllv Ilowor. Itoboit Ilowor, Add!, son Ilowor, Mary Itowor, Will. Ilowor iludUihsull Power, bells of Dr. Win, Ilowor, iteeeulsod, und Hugh W. Mclloyuolds, by their Indenture, d.Ucd tlie 1st dny ot 1 ebiuary l"tii, aud which was ns slguoil hy Iho said llcuiy J. Ilowor, lessee there in, to "Die Denver Click Coal Company" hy ns slguiiienl dated tho Mh day of Juiu,'C5 tlio same bolngfttorm ortlltoen veals from Iho said lllst day of February Isci, villh n ilhht of renow'il,at thu option of tlio lessee, lor nil additional term ot leu cuis alter tho tcmlual Ion of tho said tlltooll oars logothor with all Iho rlghls, privileges unit nppurlelrincos ns siourod tu tho Mild losscu bylhosald ludciituio: Subject to tho rent or royalty, on the coal mined und removed under too leiius oi mo sain iiiiicuuro as tnoiein lo se rved ; with all tho buildings, Improvements mid erictlo lsm.iilonti snld laud uuder the pro visions of tho said Indenture of lease. seized, tulion In Lxieullou and tn bo sold us tho propiity of'ibo Heaver Cieeic Coal Compa ny.' Soniiswus MOHDHCAI MIM.AHD. Hheilll, May 2'), 1V.. ;i:iinci; ci.izimT. corv.J tn fTiirju'iTKiroF tiik pk'FT- .L Hon of Alem C, Van Llew, Assignee of James .vieiodith, lu the siieeilto perloruiauco of a con. tract entered Into by Pi tor Melllck, now dee'd., Willi the snino .lames Me! edit h. COLVM1IIA COUNTY H.H. Tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania tu Win. II ltn..nli.., nml l iiii 1 Melllck, AdinlnUtrators of Poter Mel tyy lick, decoasid, und Isaac Melllck, lu v-lua Mellek, Piter Mellek, Abuer Mellrk, Hiruin Mellek, Mnrgaict, lntoimarrled with Daniel Hhaiie, Phoebe, Intermarried with eloculh Oman, and Ualuli Mellek, (Juardlau tut litem ot Itachcl 11. Waring and L'duiund Waring, nnd of Mary M, McDonald, Peter llest, Nettlo Host, Hy mn Host nud LIHIollcst, heirs nt law of Peior Mellek, deconsod. Wocouininiidyounnd every nnd nil of you, that luvlnii asldu nil business and exellscs. von im und upponr In your pioper persons, befoio our J udges of tho Oriihnns' Court of Columbia Couti- ty, on tho tlrst jloudav ot September next, nnd iinswer tho bill or petition of Alom C.Vun Llew Assignee oi uiiiues .iieieiiiiu t'xiuoiicu ill our 20 ""id court, mm praying me sum comt 10 ilccrco 2 70 f'i;"'" ! ;!.;, s ii..V; i 111 , James Meredith, and to do further nnd 01 what our sulit Colllt sliull have oinisidotid in 20 1 that behalf. Hero of full not at your peril, nnd SI I ll.n Mlmllt. , l.n, H .... n.l.ll.i VI' 11.. t win. j.iwcn, i-isiueiii 01 uur sum eiurt ino eighteenth day of .Mny A, D., 1WV4. liny ai,'04.4t JLssl: COI.i!m.N, Clerk O. C. QLI) I'ltlKNDS et NEW FlUKNDS, 'I HIS WAY! I A, Hniiiiiun'b new Store ltoonis on Mnlu St., below Maiket, IUIV GOODS, NOTIONS, IIOOTH.NHOIX, aubciuura, PIlOVIhlONH AC, ill'., lie', Also, a new nnd good supply of STOVFH AND T1NW AHH. llavlugt-eeuied n wdhknowt) und supeilor woikiuiiu, is picpurtel to innko new work, uud repulrlug tu older. HPOUTIMI MADliTO OKDLIt, Allnsiiienpforonsliortrndo ns thn chcnpesl. Cull ami see, Flist store on west end of south MnltlSt, A, HAHTMAN. April lo.m PUIlliIO NOTJC10, From Treusuicr of Conynghani Township, on Hoad and poor Aieotiut lor hoi. DH, (.'II. Hoe'd of Tnx Col.,8ll.5iV4 24. I'd. Orders 112,131 31 " Uhstlltt-il L. tax 5sl OS. Trona Coin. 233 11 " John L. Kline, 250 W. 1'dlt.Thoiiiton 22 im DuoTuasuiir, l'l lilt e'l'K, 10 00 12,390 45, 12,890 15 llnlnnco loTieasurer, 09 F.Il. WOHLrAinil, 100 1 Mny?VC.