.ifKfdmHlot) v i VOL. 2 NO. 21. BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1868. I'MCJK FIVE GENTS. i W.OUMSKUIW DIHKCTOllV. SfOVIM AM) tixwaui:. I acimi mi nr., iteiierin stmn iinwiiif. Main I t.,ubnvi i-nitit boti.i. cl.till A.i htovi n tinware, ., west of MmUil. I tut lit i-tili Ii:y. A. IIAUIMAN, HtuVes I Jnutirt if nil i Hiiiu-i, rHiui iii ne. iiiMMunnm wtKirnu in i"omii .mhiii ririti. ui' t'LOTHIXU, AC J). I.OW'IIMII'.IIU, merchant tailor. Main M.. ltd door uhove AiiurU'iiu house, v I mi 1 1 1 V. I'lllJMIIKIlMN. whole-ialt amlrelatldcal J, er In elothln,r,ito.: Hurtiiiau s hulldltur. Main HlltCt. ltilt DItUOS, CHKMICALS, AC. N. MOYnit, drucglstund apothecary, Kx J J ehanjjo block Mtiln nt. I-nlt 1.1 1'. UVT'A. diunsHt nnd nnelheen-y. Ituoerl ij, hlorlt, Mnln ct,, et nfMaiket, vl-nll "(JhOCivH, WATCH I-aV AO. I OUIS ISKHNltA.tH, wiilcli and clock linker, lj near southeast eornor Muluninl IroiiM.l-nn C1 J), HAVAflli, dealer In elnrlr., wntehei unit , Jewelry, Main hi., nearly nnpsllo Amertum linu0, lnl'i U CATIICAUT. watch and clock malur.Tlnrkit ll St., helow.Muln, l-nl.1) HOOTS AND SITOKS. (1 M. imOW.V, boot and Khoeinaker.MahiMirrt , oppotlto Court House, vi-nl'l 4 SOI.t.lininmiuir.U'Uirer nnd denier tn hoot I ntnl hliooSjMrthiRt., opposite KplscopuUhiirHi Mitl HIINUV KIdllM, manufaeturcr find dealer lu hooln and hhoen, groceries etc., 1 Uist litoonis burg Main M. I-nH DAVIH llirrZ, IhmI nnd fcliocturtltor, Main U., tictow Jlartman't store, west of MaikttMrect, vl-nll PROFESSIONAL, I 11. KVANH.M. I). Mtnreon mid physician Hotilh I side Main st., holow Mat ket, W-nM It. It. Kinney hiirieon dcntl-d, teeth extract 1 WUIlOUl pill 11. .M.UU MI, nearly nntmsli episcopal Church, vl-uW J 11. M'ICr.tiVY. M. IK muKeon and phyfdeinn Houtlt sldo Main t., below M.Ukct. Mil! I IIWTKU, M, I. mirueon ami I'hyslelan. t J Market St., above Main. l-nl-i Dit. II. 0. HOWKK, surgeon dentist, Main hi.. nlm o court house, l-n IS It. IIOIIIHON, Atlorney.at.I.aw,omco lluit fl , man's building, Main Street. .Mi2') ' MliTUNEHY & FANCY UOOJ)8. i ih.4 i.izzrn nAUKLUY, milliner, IUmey Jlhullulng, Main at. VWIH IIH4 A. 1). Wr.HU, fancy coods. notions, Uviks, stationery, nortl'i Hlilo Miilnsdect beldw Mar- fvtl fvit, M-iiIJ 11 i'i:n:itMAN, millinery and fancy goodn op- I i po-illu Kpiseopal ctiurcli, Main Ht, "V fill) MU4. JUMA A. & sAm; clualtsaud drrss pattern ifc SAnil ItAltKLIlY, ladles Main nud west st. Mjiuiif'iiM corner i-nti HHM. )KltHILIC40V. inllllnnrv mid liinev K'xxts Mnhiht.,opuslto Court Hoiivc. vl-llll lilts. M. It.l-'UltMAN. nilltbu' Mnln bl.( lu'low JL Jl.irliuan's hloie, wubt tl Mui itel st rplli; MIOSIS IIAltMAN niiliiuery mid l.mcy 1 K',,ds,Maln stieet Jut below Amei ic.iu house. l-nll HOTKhS ANirSAlA-)ON8. IldAfDCK.uVhlt'rand eatlnn Mitoon, Aiiieri euu House, Main hI., ll.Ut.ei Leaemk mipeiln-triitU-nl, n l-m nii.Mvi:u a JALOiiY, c)iiiiiti.iiii, iuii.it. 11 lill'l nKU'l' hitUlllH, Mlltlert!IIU alia L-1U.I. ilitino liliK-k, Mailt Ml. l-l'lll I.VIX .1 WI'.IIII, iiiiifi'i lloni iy, lmlti iv anil nyi- r H'r.lHlll lieltiw 1 1 cut, V Iit Kalinin, Mhnli'Hiilf'iiittu lull, MlUlll., Jutt l-ii 1 l.lXCIIA.N'di: llivrr.l., Iiy Kihiiih A I'l.ilk, Main list,, ujiikUc rourt lnuii,( l-lll! 1 MDKII ;, Main M-ni: A tt., Mi-l ill lliill htll ( t, I.IOUIvH lion:! r M.ilnsl, by (I. W. Mauiikii, t.al ind "i l STOIINKIt, li-fl'cslmu-nt y.llnnli.Maln tt..Usl. I), abie ecairt hmw. vl-lil- I'lMlNS A l l, MIK. IV lialio hull I, Tallinn, Kx vl-nlt 7 It. rtll.l.MoitK, lefieshment i tn, Hhln'H vl-nll uiolk hcitiin sum .Main hi. MKHCIIAXTrf AND UltOCKHS. nJACOrtS, Conteetlonery. yn li bt. , above Couit Uoue, Main l-ntfl n 11. MII.l.KIt, df liter In diy H'X'ds, uicerleR, ) iiiiens an , lloui, sail, sboi s, notions, etc. Uxeh.uijce. Mock, Main hi '-eet, W-ni-i I'KKriVY NKAI A Co., duller In drycotHls, ill gioceilts, notir, lieu, sail. nsji. 11011, uain ill KI "Ci'i K", noil), iivn. run. inn. himi, i ic, noitheiiAt eoimr Malnuiul iniiKct -, 1-nli hoes. Mil. I 1 1 ('. HOWKIt, huts mul eap, boots nnd shoe I I M Main ht., nhue oint hou MAItlt, ilry i""ds and notions, outhu st vl-nlt j, twrner Main and Inm hts, J. llltOWIIIt. dry K"ds, ttroeerle1, etc , west corner Main and lion sts. .north 1 nlJ ni:v. A. IIAIETMAN. dry pootts, tuitions, nnd H ynnerleis,, Main St., opjioslte Uinrel's l'uinl luie Uoonui. 1-u 1 1 II It, llUNHIlintUint. (iiKenUnioecUe-t.tobac. i;plseopal Church aim eoiueciionary, .atn st,, opposite ini ikt and 1 A, jTrX'Iv LV Y, Ke stone shoestoi r, li I, siituoueiy, souiuwesi eonii r Market and V111H iriMIAM KUAHMtTH confeetioiieries. Main M st.,juitiiboo court house. M-llI! P Mi:MH:NlIAM.1Keneralstot )c of tnetrhan li.dliseand lumber, turner of Mulu street nmt Jici-w li k to.td. l-nlt J. UOllltlNS, dialer In dry Roods rih I HIiIo'm block, Malnst., bclowltoii rlcs i te. VI -MM K. OIKTON, (liocerles A ITovislons. south Jeast corner Main mul lion Mu-tU, vl-nll ( Av.HNDIdl, liardwate, cutlery, ijutis, ite.. J, -Millllhl., utiuw ii on, i J.BLOAN.deatorln tholeodry K'x1 A kc epliitf goods .fresh Kioceiiis, ite., i si., opposliu court house, W-nli , HOUM- lc. Main V-lliW K. KYKU, proctries and ytneial tneithandlse Mulnbt.,aboo'ist, vMiU 1 T. HlIAltl'LKSH. dry tood. irroeerles. IiooIm, I J, shoes, ite., Huptft bloik, Main bt., Mist ot Aliiikct. 1iiU fj rilAMi:it A A. 12. HAYHUltfsT, Dealers In tV (1 run rii n. Contt'i tloiti rli s and Notion 4. Itcottown. south side, v o iloortt uboo Ihotjht'u waBonmuker shop. 2nH. JUSCKIiLANiCOUH. W. COIti:i.I, furnltnro rooms, thuo , brl-k on Mam st west l Miuktt M. Ll.,1- l-llll 1J J.TIIOIINTTJN. wall Mlur. wllulow tliiulca, IV. mul llxuiii'H, llurul 1,1," U, Main it. M-ni.'i II llOsi:.N-10('K. uliolomiililiir. llMlialnii II. MiH'k, M.illii.t i'iuiiitt iiaitl Iii.um'. Nl'lill I 1'. IlltOAllT. liliuU'irlnuiar. Hill I inaii'i. bull, I .J iliifliolt III llKt ml lu 1-M.illlliliilMiukLtht, I-n 11 ll .1.1111)1, 1'.MAN Auflll Mlllltuli'u foi . er'lu j. liular l.lslitnliialtiKl. vj-nl'i I 11. rlMtsi:!,!,, i.iuMle, Inink mul Iiiiiikhi. iJ niaktT, Main .t 1,1'luw I'i'Ult, lii'llse, i.ini. (!. l'(isTi:it, (Jlue M.iktr. and White nm laucx Tumi i.heotlou u. v-n(: i)I,0()MKlii;it(l MtMlU'.U CO.. mauufactuiirs hand dealer In Lumber, of all kinds, idatninu mill nun ttie tall-road. lu!0 W. near simthweht eoiiur Main uiul Maiki t si I VUMAN, nunble ioifcn, i, (oriur Mnln and MluUltti i ll.ltl(il,ril..!(nh r luili mar sotithwist Vl-M 1 t J, nulodioiih.ulii. W.Coii H'slmnltm fll II. MAKTT.UH, npent for (IrovcrA llaki-r'n I . sew Inn nint blue. Main si., llurtnian'h luilld- Uil, Ull HtUllM. I'll) I 1) V. I10I111INH. Uuuor dealer Mcond doorfiom lioiiliMekt coiner Main and Iron sl. W-nl.i ltr l'llAt'OCK". Nutarv l'lililie. null hi list K.riu . Main mul Mulkit bt, tl-nl, 1 1. UN A.rU.N'hTON, liiutnnl mul rai.ll lnti 111 .1 liit.uiuiu'i' iniiiisiliy.lliillliituteuriu-r Mnliimi pr.DlKir, UAKhl'ltT. nimiufni tutor mul lepnir ll el- lit llutsliluij mi,, bum., t t.i mt.ir in'. i,ll, in nr piuui'iiw. -iiiunury, " i I H, KllIN, ilealir In innit lallnw, ite, I Ik in I btrllii'Milli y.lnicA nt Ann ili'itn lum t; M n (JAMi'r.I. JAKHIY, Miiiblu mul llnmiiKi me kl Wuilil,,rinlUI.Ki.biii;,llcniH'Ul.lil, Vl'lll'i OIIAXKUVILLK 1HKKCT0HY. It. O. A, M!:(lAUUi:h, phymclm nnd Mtrjieon. Mm in "it., next iioor tntinmris Hotel, 111. )ltlK 11(111,1, l)atnl. ntintt, in., I ii iri'hlni lit milonti. In ' I'm. of Maluanil T'liiii.l.vlnl t"'AN llfrrrii, mi' niMwr lion"" lv.lnlin mij - I i ilcr. Main .inl.vo I'liif. 1-iuJ nIC. Ml.o.VN, il.-iil.-r In ilry k.hI, , Itintiitr mul Ki-ni ml Mi'iTlmnii' TO. , i Main -l. I'm; tlTO Till!; I.A'.Aitt'.taulilli nlul hami'Mtn-tlu r I Math .!.. nlMiVf lln "twiill llnti'l. vl-ni: lir it. MMII'lt. in .niit.'L-Luiir it lln unru iiikI II M.ilaitttl- til hluv lilill ft,, rtUiiVr 'In) -uun ttnll I, i A i:, V. COLIIJIA.N, Jlelrlinnt tailor mul il. tU'lttN ItUllMlilitfsiiuiU, MalllHt., lieM iloor In tlm lil'U'lt lioli l, V1-IU7 MK. llAYlll llHT, (liwll, VllUhM mul (Iiiiih . ri'i'iiiK'.t. (ItiiH mul W'ntvlicM lur Kill-, Mul n hi., U-I'iu I'ltii'. vl-fi IT I AME" II. IIAltMAN, CnliliiPt Milki-Milul I'll. t) ilprtukor. Mnln hi,, f,p.iy lMm-, . vl-nl7 AlltllAl'.I.t Klll.l.r.lt, rniir'tl"iiery, 0.Mir on I'jik- hi,, lalwucli Main mul Mill, 1-HI7 Ll". KKI.CUNl'.lt, lliiwkllllltlis "n Mill 1 1, lii'ar l'llli-. 1-1117 nrll.MA.M Iri)N'll, Slini'lnilki-rinul tnnillir.ic M tillir llrli li, Mill Htv.ti.f l'liw llil') IM.IAH K.VVIillll, M.iiir mul (Irlut Mill, mul li I lonU'i' lu Ktiiili, Mill Stt. i't. 1-1.17 I KWH It. si'lll'YI.Ili:, Ir in f.miiili'r.Miu liIn JjM.niul MaimiaiMiiioror iituiv., Mill t. I-nl. II II.l'.s A. WII.I.1A Ml ('n.l'mintTKmul Man Jl iil.iclilli'notlinthi'r, Mill Htrtct. W-nli T .ut alul -li clllnkl,, rino 1-1117 tl Htri i-t, iipi,slti' Hit' Atiulrlilj A. 11. Ul'.ltlllNOA- l;ll()llIl'l!,Cari)i ntrr mul llllil'li'lK, Main Stliol.liflow I'llio, VI-1U7 JAMl'KI. HIIAllI'I.rjsr, Mukpr ortlio llnylnirst j drain i lit.ll-. MalnM. x.'ll IM, IIAltMAN, wuMli. nlul linnu,jH linker . oraii3i-HIi uipoilto l'mina cliurch. vl-'ull (,'ATAWISSA MRKCT011Y. orsdl i:iIANN A nrllrlcKIiatri.o.KiHii.iaiiuii r ll iiroiirlut'ir,sollH.i,ikt i-'il nil Muln nlul Hi'i oiul nticft. v;-in-' II, IJIIlSASV.ilry Bocwli, kimiviU ' t'llll McrelimutlM', MalllHIut't. ml Kfli--J-iilJ (J 1. IlINAIlli, iknler lii Ktovts mul tln-waro, O, MillllMlicct. 2-llU r.M. II. Alllir.1T, nttouu'y at l.vw.Mnln fltroct. GII.IIIIIIT .t Kt.I.S'i:, ilry booiIs Kiwi'ilfi, mul Kfiieral I'iMi'i'limu-lic. lulii Hti'tLt. 2-nl- 1 ICi:iI,l'.It, bllllaM mlnon, oyteri, li. rrcani in season Main Street, ntul Ico J-nl-.' 1) T. DAI.I.MAX, Stcrcll.tnt Tailor, Hcrnnil HI., J). Uoliblllh' llillUllng. vS-lilS n it. .r. l. IlOllllINH. Surgeon mul riiylelnn, ) HeeiilulHt., buluw Main, 11. ICISTI.i:l'.,"('nttilwNnltmiMV'Norlli Vt .Corner Muln mul seeond btreeu. -'-nl'i. M.M. llltliusr.ilealer In Clem lal Min-lniullie, . Dry (looiK, llrueelles Ae, J. il, liHillT HTlMiliT MltlXTOHY. l7ir.u I i, ii' 11,1111, r, i, - n, , r 111 llrj qnuiK, ! tl, ll (Hi, nulls, I I , 1 1 u , I.Unl Mnet. I TIMIWII.I li.l K, .1 uii'l rluiliiunker. VWMi Tit li't-tiiki-r M-iiHI raliinetlti'iliiT, -inltli, nppi .Hl'lHlst I -ii u'. l'. u.MAN A l 'i . Wliii1 Ilium! M lui'il house. I'.i. II. Kl.lM'i mtlliiieiy urlil l.mej V.SA.N'Kh, .li'llter III l,e.ltlllT ete. f'.isli iwlil lor IIUUk, iiiiies, unit.-, vl-nll I I li Mum 111 i l-lll'l 'M. M. i:NT, iI'MU'i' Ir. slip.. . m H nil its bl.llu lli'i.. )in i:ii w. ii.ma- , innuuliii tuiermul ill 'ib r til Nl-llW, llliitm lino ("il'ir'i KSl'Y DU'iKCTOUY. ;1' V : 1" 1 1 A M I'l All 11 1 Nl I M I I.I.H, I-. . r.nwer, M-lill rioiuleloi'. 1'. lir.Kill Mil", A Ill!ll.,iliali u null iriio.1-. ). yri el It anil i. nei.il nit leli.iuiiiM'. vuitii ii.ci.1ivi:i.i li'i, iMi' 11MI U, , ib a'.ev lu '. Iiiijiiu.ii ,l itoO'H , II li.sil , nulls, Xl-'llll W, Ml, -llMil. Iiiliin i , Ilos M iiiulai'lorv . Mill ami vl-MIt .ii:Hsi:T(nK iini: Tuia. IMIIII'W M MI1M1N, ilei.li r in Hiy irinHIS Kin i eelU'N, J.'uili, llliulu r uti., -li lse lliwi vl-llll Al'illl A. n HlIIMt.ileilerln 1 ll,li , Li uttii-r ItiuUeli. .li lis, in tnu'ii. liih i 'iiliimi'iii i i-imlx i. "l-nlil riAiT.s..Mi'i:i. nninv, Maiiiiiui Hut. i, Uru- m-is ana Mianuvi's i iiiiMiaini'ii, ..in HITKHOKX DIUIKITOUV. WW l. HIluPMAUI'l!. denhrs lu diy Is t:ii)ceil(s nnd t,Tnemt mciclmiitllve. Hki store in smith t ml oftown. vx-nis C01IA WM.llAmtlH.dfnleiis hi liv uooiIh. irroeeiles. drill's and metneitus. l'irl slotohi tioitti ind ot town. IIOTKLS AM) SALOONS. "JXC'IIAXliK llOTHly, ill. 1." .lim lUi, l l JA Mll I i ',, I i. The mult islunetl havlnu mil elm id thl well- kuow u and c. u t rally-local od house,! he 1-Jfi ham;e Hotel, situate on .MAJ.N Mil 1,1.1, in liioomiiui imiuedmti ly oppnsim thel'idtimbl.ieoittity Couit Uoum', i. spci ttull.' Inform their hhuds nnd th) ubl I. lu m neial (hat iheir lioiise u now in oruii or tin ii . it Ion and nti italumc nt ot iui i this w ho nmv in dlspos. d to favor Itwltti theli cus tom. '1 In v lm e spaiedno expense In picpurltiri tho r'xehanuctor ihoi ut rtaiuinent oft heir nuol neither i-liall tin ie be anything wnulim: on ihelr ail to mui 1st i r to itietr piisoual ciiiutoi i. nry louse spacious, mul . 1 1 joys an exull'iil busi- sm location, tmuibuse tun at nil llnus betwten tliellx- change tb'trl and Ihe vailous lalltoad depots, by whl u tia. lifts will be pleasantly unnijedto and tiom the ii sii-i e stations In due time to hi t the curs. kuo.nha i i.AI.K. litootnsbuig, Aplli It, 1MJS. (iiuntoi: w. M.Utii;u, riopueior. Tlionlve well-kuown hotel has reci ntl imdtr gouorad calehumfcs In Hh internal iiuanucuients, nnd it nn prietor announced to his lot nier Mistom and Iho rn veiling puldte that ldHnetomo Utlonn Tor thecomioii or ins guesiNaiosecouu n none in. the f ouulry. table will alwajn be found sup- Uii ii not uit ly w mi hunsiaiiuai moo, mu w tin an b iiellc-e 1. v i, il.e bcoMon. Ill wines mul II- ftuo' 't'.M i pojnilar tjeeiiufo known at .V Icmji ,pi- Mm i.IdlU'.l lioni Ihelmpottlnix hoii'ts.aie h' i pure, and fue in m all ii. soiiousd'Uii. lit , (haul; lul for a llbt rid put ion mui- In tin' past, mul will continue, to di set e ii in tin rutin. . uixntoi: v". m ui,rit JXCIIANOi: .SAI.OOX, 1 UK rruuili inr 01 uir uxuiianiieMiiii'iii i.,o now nii liaiul a lame itiiek of . hfMMi:u iii:ritiW!Mi:.VTi-, rnni.li.tlni: of hl'lt Kit lli-TKlis, H.M'.UIMJI, Tllll'l , t.OUII.N H Hill I I' T1IM.IT. llotl.HI I fi, hWl 1 11.11 "tll.l 'K. Iiaokii iii:ich, au:, .e. TUMI: 1INT, t IIMI! AI.I. AM' hKl". -ull I.AWKO.N I'ALMAN. HuiuilluU'luli'llt. lll.,i,iui.,i.ii(, May il, 1W17. MM IK KSl'Y llOTHL, IWV, LdMJMlllA ItH'N'IY, I'A. Tin i ui m i ll t r i , ki ,( c 1 fill ly 1 1 lie mi. bit, trb luls mul tin' bill, He, Hint lie bas taki 11 ibe nl,ii wi 11 known lloii.c nf riitiitnliiiiu lit, mul will be i.ba.i-il to liirlo tie iitktdlii ul nil Mbn Mill linol bllii M lib a lull, in: wii.i. Ki:i:r a noun taiu ):, a liar hi 11 .lot l.i'il Mllb the bent nf Miiuotn, mill iiirv, ib, it will 1 1 liuiile tn It luler i nl lie MllU billion. I'. II. I'lKT'lllKH ll, KM')', l'" A 111 I'.', IW7 f ItH'K 1KJTKL, l J : l.l vn ir, l Ol.l'MIIIA i in Nl v. I'A. I i Mill I VI IIU'T, fit' i I'll 1 1 Toll. , 1 i v know ii , I l'i; lu) ml ililfcb I I l V tin! i a 1 1 .1 l, T TIIECOLUMBrAN, A I ( lUOi'K ' if NoVHlMpil K I't Itl.iSlI) ii . . t III II IDt M(IIIMNI) A T lt,OOMxi:i IUJ, PllN.N'A, Til Ij principles i iii.fipiipcu aicof th Jefleiw-n lau SVhonl of politics, Thoe priuclplen will hover W compromised,) ot courteny nnd ktndnMs hall not be lorgotten hi discussing theni, whether v. 1th Individual, or with conlempornilfs of tlie I'ress 11 10 iiHlly, Imi pi newt, and prnsprlty of tho coun trj' Hour Him nnd object j nudn Iho means to secure that, we shall labot honestly and cururMly Tor tholmimnnytfttiT(upnd srowthof our nrgnn 1 .all on. TiiiiMsoi si-tWit!l!'TtoN: Two doIlaiR linear if paid In udvance. lfnotmld tn advance two doltam and ftfty cviiIn will be Invariably thnrgd. l'i tiMis ok AhVl I'UniNrit OnBr!rtmre(l(ti llnrs or Icsk) one or thteo InseitUms ItVl; cudi subse quent Insertion m cents. Hi' Am, Onosiunr0...... Two squareK.... Three Hfiiiiiicv I'our r'Hiarci.. 1 1 Kl r c lunm... Ono column... Isr, 2. ItM, rm. lv W.W JO,tJO 1,(J0 evt I0O il,'M r,,tw dfiO P,' 11,'fO r,oo r,w c.oo u,ti is,ikj 0,00 H,(W lft.Ot) ll.Ot) 20,00 m,M 12,00 im 2ii,w no,' ic.no K,un 20,00 av f,m Kxeeutor'H and Admtnlstfator'H No tin $,; Au ditor's Notice 9'2'A Ottur ndvcttlHcmenlB Iiwr ted nccordlnir toiiieelal enntinct, Tiuslnews notle(s, Ithouliehcrttsomenl, twenty cuts per line. " rrnns'cnt mHcrtlsemfnU puynblo lnndrauc all others duo after Iho flrt Insertion. an It N, In alt twiei, moro Ilk ly to be nt Is fac tory, tjotlt tn RUbscribera r.nd In tli PubllcherH, I hat temUtaneesond nlleommuulcAttonsroispecl Ins the buxmessnf thopiipor, Ik tteiitdtrtit to ttie offlceor publication. All letters, whether rnlnltng to tho etlltoi lal or limlneim cnneernHof llio imper, and all i aments fir subscript loni, ndvcitldng, or Jobldn?, are to bo t.iado to and nddrensed ltrtocrcwAY a kukiizi:. "Columbian OJ)," Itroorfist'iKi, l'.. Pt'Inte 1 nt rtoblson's Huddiniis, near llu Court JIo!e. l. m. YAsnp.iisidcn. BUSINESS CARDS. j on V HINTING Neatly uxcruua nt this omet. jr. ivni.i.r., A IT OILS' ll V-AT-l.A W, A .bin lul, Si !ll!.!k!U Count V, ruill'ii. TI jr. TJiAUCW, T T u I! S 15 V - A T - L A W, llerwltk, I'nlunililu Cminty, IVlin'a, yni.UAM 11. ATUSOTT, 1TTH IIMil W-l.AW I AT VIIIA, I'A. V, jiru.Ki XTTfillNMlV AT LAW, Ollli-e Mllli l:. If. Utile, In brlik Ulllilliiii n l IninlUM I',-1 oillei. UiiiiutieK, 11 itk.l'uy nut) 1'. lil,.n,i,olleel.l. 'M'ilVC7. JOITX (i. T T I I! ST. V.AT-I.A W, Olllet in IbKistir mi'l HecoMer'M nlllee, 111 the ba lenient of the f'nurt Home, ltloolilhblirg, l'.l. A I I'O 11 X ll V-A T-I. A V, oillee etiruer of Main anil Market fetieels, over l'lrM Natiotia' ll'iuk, lllnntii.lntlir, l'.l. 13. M. liI'l'l'LE, A II "1 I! ,' V V- A T-I. AW, oilli-i' on Main stieet, In brlek biilMliig l Ion Hie t'utirt lloiuie, lllrsinisbtirif, l'fl C. 11. mtOt'KWAY, ATTOU.VKY AT I A W, lir.ooMsitrno, i'.. tra- ornm htmhlan tHilce Court Hon- . Alley, beloy the A. (jar7. OUIS 11KUXIIA1M) Would Infoim the rlllrctis ot lilomnshttrK (t tolulty that ho Is now pi i pi t til to doall l;liidn!' plating, sllvtr or gold. l)eclJ,c?. Au T I O N ll K K. MUSKS C01TM AN, llaing t.dlnwed tho pioftMlon ol rubtle Vi uduc ( rler for many years, would Inform his frleu.N that ho Is still In ttie Ik-Id, itfuly and wilUn to 'ilteml toall the dutlei of his cultlnn. I'fi-son ' desli big his s-eivkesshould call or write tn him al illooiiiibuig, 1'a, mur.H'ii?. j)n. V. II. JlUADIiKY. it He A ' t.itit Modleal Director iT. K Anuy.) I'M si i' A ANU filTRHKOJf, r i-11 u' th.'hniJn opptmlteHbiNH's lli'M-k, ISim iWHil. , lil, Calls promptl attended to both utvi nnd 0u. i:iouin-bu-g, Jan, H. ls(ff. 1. JH'USKTj, Ii VIlNl4t HAIHU.i;, AND TllUNK MANvrAcrumcit, ni'd deal. 4- In rUOT.i-Il.Uis, vamsi;, VIA'-NHH, i.i i j'.vbo i;o)ti.w, itoiwiK-nraNKErs dr.. i which be feels conlldent ho can wit al lout r luie lunu nuy unit r peion in ium country, i.i. amino lor j oitiselves. -"Hhop Utst door below ,tho -I'ostnpnUtr. Main StietJ, lUisimstuiii;. I'a, " v' i"r Not, 1.1, !Mi7, ' s. COLLINS, VAHHIONAll DI) jJlAVINd, IIAIH OUTTINCI AMI rillAMI'OOINIl HAI.CO.V, ller blllllll I A' ,laeob'ii Iiu Clllill) Halmwi, llI.dllMsm'ltd, I'A. Ilulr liMlnu mul Wbl-kiiM iiiloint liliu-l; nr i a HMD, Hair 1 utile to ill .-.I hij iliimli lit! ami beau tlf luu Ibe lailr; lllt iihlolu ball InlltiiillKlii.it eoliir wit bou i Hoihnx H'' tlnet.1 labi le, imuiliiiitly on liaiul. (aiirlS'ir;. D i: N T I S T It V , ii. . imwrr, iii:.nut, Itikii'iti.iJI il' I. Ul. luofeMloiiul uerleiH(i lite limiei, mul u nib mi n ,,f lllooiu.btituaiul I illlll, llu ill I'l, i in. il to nlti ml toulltbo Villi ou ii,eliiliiu. in 'lu bin ol lili. i1ii'aiIijii, una i. iuiiviUi',1 wlib tl e lub it Inn t o nl I'oia 1 1. mj. Tl kin wlileb will bu lu, rtul wii uolil bliulur, MlUei nlul lubbet bnwu to look u. mi 11 aullie nut. tittil teetb, Tiilu e.lriiilicl by nl! (be new mul inoki iiiimul lttiiliuiU, mul nil oiiatli,iin on l bu lei III i-ttli lulU mi I i iol ell littelub il to. lb .lilt net) mul i ille.' a uw iIooik iiIhim. tbu t iiiilt lliilifcd, klililti Mile. lUoiillial mi, Jlili.lll.'Uiir 'i)TiwTiiTu iTLtis axF li'mmiTu W. M.MnN'UOKAiii., Illlll, IM Manutieiuieii. ul I'DWUKll U'UUH, un.l il.nler. In nil l.ltuli, .1 I.I'MIIUU, klvmiiilleelliat lliey UIH iiiuiuil In ad'ulllthteti' llwlr eie.lotu Willi illipuieli, and nu tliuoliwr.! emu. A (il)OH ( UAXt'K. 1 lie 1 ,i ' ' ii li , I li (in , I li IK'ltl I 111., I) I l! Ill I I i n i i 1 till 'I 1 1 i hi a I M I imoi ftv Uleiiui . t tflioh'c oftvy. NAI'OI.KDX'S r 1 1 n i c. i it ii ft v j e v. i tmM uinnritMAM oi hmjon ii.m.it. I1Y r.AUUNi'l. MA SOAK. W'li s iindiiiuhl hour 1- conip The drummer tors ikes nl inrnli, Atid hrirrh', iuiny( bis pliant. indru;ii, To mid ho ihrM'igii tho ifhitAtiy gloom, lie pin is tho ilimusihk twain With JleshleiMi llnueis pule, And beats and onus attain and again A totig and ilu my rantiet LIl:o tho oIco of nbjkinttl mwcs lleftoiuuU lt4 uiiiurthly tone, 'illl the dead old Holdler, lon tn their graves, Awalu n Hiroiigth every cone. And the dum In the laud of the lluu, And Ihe irocn In tlm Icy Xoith, And ihose who under llin burning Nuti Of Italy sleep, eonio rorth. And they whoso bones loiiKWhtle JJe bleachh.ii lu Hyrlim sauds, Ami tin slunibcrers utnhr thenedsof the Nile, AUse with arniH In their lundt, it. And ut nitdnUht, In his shroti 1, The trumpeter leave his tomb, And blows a hl.isi lou.dcep and loud, As. he rldort through tho ulautly rIoojij. And tho jellow moonlight shlncx On tho old Imperial Iirnsooinj And tho CulrasnUirt they iotm In lines, And Iho CaiablnecrHln platoons. At a .shjtinl tho rank unshcatho 'lhtlr weapons In rear nnd van; Hut they scauely appcartospealcor bicathe, And their feature1 nro sad and v.nn. Ut. And when midnight lobes theslsy, Tlio llinperor h axes his tomb, And rides along, Mirioiinded by Illsslmduwy stufT, thtough the Ioom. A silvt rslar so bifht Is ght k-t 1m; on his breast; In tui uniform ot blue and white And n trrny eninp-riock he Is dresveil. The m-ionbemm shine rfar on tho various nurshallcd siuups, As the Man wlih IhcBlitteilng slhci tar It ides Torth to review his troopi. And tho .lead battalions all 00 nnaln through their exercise, Till the m mui withdraws and a gloomier pall 01 bl.ieknesn wraps the skies. 'llan around the chltf once more 1 he ticncrnls and Marshals throng ; And ho whispers u word oft heard betore in tin-1 ui ol In1- aide , -I nuip. In tlhi tin- hoop adaucc, And then are no hinger seen, Tin ihallcnglng watchword given it "1'ratnv;" 'I ho answer w " salute IleUnel' An 1 this is the (irand Ue lew. Which at midnight on the wold.-, If popular tales may pa-s tor true, 'J h" bulled Kmperor holds. $Jntcver.;tinii tovt. ADVENTUEES OF AEHIN00ER0S ni:M i;k a in.i: 'loiiv. A wiirrr.it In an nn'llsli ntUKa.Inc (ivi'i slugiiliir turiiiiiit nf the miunicr 111 Wllidl 111' lilllltd ll lIlilllHVllH. Ilu I'lnlms t lint tin' v lld'-l of iiiiliiials, In tliflr wiMi'si .(nil', limy l' tiimctl liy until ; llml liii'.v will voluntarily ktI; him anil lii . nlil ; and that tlioiu tuny lit; v:tii'Ui" nl wilit anlinalsas yt't not ili'-iiilii'il liy any ii.iliir.tl lilsluriaii of any uku or I'lninlry. riNDi.M. nil: i:iii.noci:i'.o-. Tin' wilter hays : 1 lcailiiil what art- mil thu "lilai'k Lakes" ot "Hi'dnum" liito onu day, Ju-t aj tlio iiuti win rcilly iK'.-ecndlti!;, lwiv lni;thi"l:lt'.i in a liiriilKlaii'anda blood- i liki- .i.jii'i't. In Africa tlii'iv is no ! Inaininit or twilight, l-'rimi day-llKht J lo nif;lit Is hut a ivi. it was tiino I K'li'i-ti'il in v- iv.--tln pl.too for thu nllit, ! ami fur viirloiis i'i'ii-,uns 1 mailo i'IidIcp ol ,t tivoiiu tin' tiiai'(,'iu of thu uppi-r or oa-tiTii luKc. t'pon tho biinaci! of the black water I miw ayoiinn and fat hip popiititiiuis. 1 was thinking nioie of saiiii.iiis tli.m such in he, fur 1 knew how ntealtlilly they jlido up, a hank to intioiliiii' theni-'elvcs to a ctranuer, ami va pii'p.nvd to repay their attentions hy kIvIiik a .-teel lie.lt to any t lint eaiiie lead Is tnoMift fortlieir hlili". While Klviii"; a eat like Klaiiee nil iiroimd me, I heard tt pla-h in thu Ink like liquid which pa.es for water in llie-e lakes, and, looking annintl, pcr ivlved the largest rhinoceros I had ever t"ti, either In India, Ceylon, Sumatra, llnriieo, Africa or nnywlieri) el.e, niiiii"liiK hltiHi'lf hy poking the fat hip popotamus with his bioail .-niiiit in tlio rlli. nr latluir the armor plate of fat wliii lidel'enilcil them, making him f-pln round on hi-, own n in the water, or al'ier Hie liihlon of a iriind btone. Tlio pour "hippo" Miuealad nt every poke j he did not approve of Midi llliertle.-, but lib' rhiniii'cro-. did j and "might," In i-ueli ea-esls "rlglit." lil-j,'U-ted with the frectloni to which he was uli)eetcd, the hall offal ejected tlio air from Ids Innjfs and dived, h'.ivln;; tho leviathan nia-ler o( the "itiiatinii, hut no longer inai-ler of him. ThuKlant thin .aw mo, anil tippt tneil ..truck Willi wonder, lie had nover .eeii Mich .H'loatui'i) helore. What was It V Wlierudld It conio froniV I was certain ho had never beheld man j for If lie lunl, ho would havo either turned from me, or rushed upon mo to goro nie with a liujjo horn that htood upon his face. Such u lioljlu heat would bo oiii !;(: if ever man had seen him. ho would have left one or two impressions upon his memory Intense fear or deep hatred ; but this animal only evinced surprise. I had made uu mv mind what to do If lie meant lighting, hut I would not provoke him. "I'eace or war, old fel low'."' s dd I, to break .Iiu silence. Ho stood very square on Ills thick legs, like a massive billiard-table firm, bi-o.id, sturdy not moving an Inch. I saw tlie while of his eyes, Ills great tu-ks nnd broad teeth, fit to tear up and lend u tree, his white hornjre.idy to rip open .i hundred elephants If lliey stood before lilm. Tho moon wus well up for ihe night's business or pleasure, and I could see distinctly uny movement of hli. frame or face. I gave uu occasion al look round for saurlaus ami other plensiint members of African society, for lliey are sly enemies, moru lo hu feared than tho open foe beforo ino, If Indeed lie were ii loo, of which I could not bo certain. There wns a dull splash -my new nc qualiitiiucu hud moved ono of thu solid 1 illars that ho called Ids legs, I presiim c I lowly and deliberately ho moved tho other; then again ho paused, gi lng earnestly ns before. I did not un derstand his looks or meaning. Did ho Intend to bowl mo over ns ho hint ilono tlio hi ppopotiimus? "littler not old fellow," I said, laughing, "If you try It I will put a Htecl bolt In your head, lie civil, If yo.l regtrd your Mi tlth." The words were no -.noner fcaltl than lie iitaileti very peMitar noise, .mil ho to'ik another step; I did not think It exactly a step In the right direction, for It was towards iim j but the -oiniil. that preceded It were not indicative of Hiivageiios). They were harsh, hut de cidedly not tiugry. I would not deter mine raslily ho might not Intend mis chief I would tint harm tho nohlo beast in could avoid It. I went to my tree, tied my cliaplet atfraxhmu leaves arouinl Its trunk to prevent snakes from ascending, struck a light ami kindled ono of my torches, and was up to tlio lowest branch before 'tlio rhinoceros hud stepped ashore. I miw It would bo about t-oven feet above him ifhobtood beneath It; for the rhi noceros raises Itself to hook Its horn on all branches It can reach, to break them down for food, In tho seasons when our food is scarce. I could have n Joko with him now and watch his move ments; on he came, trudging and .stump ing slowly, but earnestly, uttering sounds which I read as 1 would tlio whines of a dog that wanted to reach its master, not that they resembled tho eaiiino wltinlngs, but the mode In which they e.caped him impressed mo with that belief so strongly that no con sideration could have induced mo to hurt tho animal, as 1 laid my roer on a forked branch ns a weapon for which I had no present use. if a billiard table could walk, It must ho in tho stylo of that rhinoceros at that time. I thought ho mtit helatno nud stiff. Now, I am going to make au ascent to hunt for .snakes, ami, if 1 Unci any, to whlp;them with tnisci(.riwii(i or annus. A CI.OSKU ACil.'AINTANt'i:. I sccarchcd the treo well, but found nothing obnoxious. I was rather In- tent upon my taik and was silent, 1 which made my new friend unea.y. Any notison.-e 1 talked, strangely I enough seemed to please tho huge beast, , but If 1 cea.cil for a moment he grunted ! and impatiently stumped with one of his forefeet till the earth vibrated, and i his face turned upwards revealing Iho ' whole flout of hi. hum. Presently I got down. As I descended, my friend's ' sat.,tctiiin was great. 1 went down to offer him i-oinu bis cuit the attention -unicd to nlrasc him mightily not so much, I thought I for llu' Mike of tlm liiead as having mo 1 near him. As I offered the frangapani he rubbed his no.e again.t my head many times, till 1 put il Inside his thick lip., when he eiiincheil it ill a style- that would havelnuclied (lie heart of a tooth!cs Nillnr. 1 ale more slowly; he got three shares out of four. I went up for mole, stud to laku come, for 1 was lliii.ly, but Impatience diew mo down very soon. 1 gave him the best half of three bi.cults a small supply forsuch n garri.on as hh interior; but my stock- was getting low, and lie might have thought them dry and In sipid; but all his deslro appeared to bo to have me mar him or to hear my voice talking non.-en.o. Finding that to sty something, however absurd, was needful to his pe.iee,I thought of'killing two birds with ouu stone," and that, as I had given him folly enough, lie-should have Mime thing better. I took a hook frniu my knap.ack nud lead aloud, giv ing any dialogue in n conversational tone, nnd I can a..uro Mr. Charles Dickens, or whom eNu it may or may iiot;coiiceru,thiit "l'ickwick"never met with a moro attentive or apparently gMtilleil li.tener tlian"(.'aptaln Uliino," as 1 called my friend, I cca.cd reading to have a smoke, 1 had not indulged In twenty wlillls when Captain ltliluo became as Impa tient as tlio gods of a gallery of a London theatre. Ho grunted no reply; gi uiited again, louder nud repeatedly no notice taken; giunteil very loud and siiiiiiipc.il furiou-ly amu result ; then, vt's, by all the gods of all tho theatres both sides of tlio water, he fairly wlil-tled, pretty much as they do when they want "wio'mic," only a hun dred time, louder. My ears were pierc ed. "What tlie devil do you iiiako that lioHo for'." I Hiked, and then c.imo the low, guttural murmur, eoniparti lively, Indicating hh Joy that I wits neither dead or. spieclile.-.. I began to fancy 1 should haven regular night of talking, and to feel no pleiiMiru lu tho prospect. For the prc-ent 1 would Illl mor him -he might grow sleepy nr hungry .o I kept up a desultory III" of arrunt nonsense, between pulls ns "few and far between" as ho would let me, ami ho was tolerably at ease. 1 had tilled ami newly smoked out my mi ersihaiim tho third tlnie,when 1 I ii 1 ii 1 1 tl whether his mamma was nware of Ids not being at homo? He was replying In his own murmuring way, when n row began on thu eastern lake. Trombones, big drums, thunder, shrill Hies, uonuey untying, bagpipes, sharpening of saws, roaring of bulls, , dylng'groaiis nnd squeaking of unoiled curt wheels, nil nud sundry, and much more, in a 'Dutch Medley,' entranced thu ear. Tho captain turned Ids car to wards thu wutt'r. and looked up lo mo with an I kimw-nll-ubout itsortofnlr. It was plain such rows weie not new to him; he look thu matter philosophical ly. Presently came' moro noise, nml moro still ; moro sounds lu gi eater vari ety nnd violence; horrors accumulated fast ami furious. Over thu bank, from into lake to another, rushed dense mass os of saurlaus, hippopotami nlul rhino. cerosi, thickly massed till they became tightly wedged, nil lighting for prece dence, roaring, plunging, tearing each other madly, thu latter goiiug and ills emboweling tho nearest to them, and quite reckless whether they were of their own species or not. Herpents long and large, bounded through the trees like lightning, hissing hoarsely ns they went. The birds of night and day were alike aroused. At length tho narrow bunk was eiulto blocked, thoilciiso mass of hugo beasts swayed to ami fro, ono or moro occa xlouully fulling over. '(.'apt. ltliluo now thought It time to interfere ; his head ami horn went up and down as a hull moves when hu thinks evil. lie could see mo plainly, by tlio light of my lamp as I sat smoking, nnd looking nt thu light; his looks said, 'you'll seo smiii! fun presently,' hut he uttered no sound, Ilu went to work silently, lu till cases I observed ho reserved Ills rumpetlngs till victory was achieved. 1 r.nher liked Hint; for silent dogs bite deepest. Klovntltig mul depressing hts head and his boll ropo tall, with its lit tlo tassel tit for a night cap at tho end of It, ho went oil' deliberately as qofore butstwrn determination in every step. If those in his way had not inado their wills, their last opportunity was gone. Ills horn made forcible eiitrlcslnto ma ny Interiors ns lie plowed his way through tho mass, casting bodies for wards, backwards, sideways and all ways, clearing tho path ns If an Irish man 'to tho manor born' and 'Kuugh-a-biillagh' was hts family. Tho lightest went over his head and back sonio yards behind him, many into tho lake each sldo ; In threo minutes the bank was freed of nil tho living ; only tho dead encumbered It. Then ho plunged Into the eastern lake, after the scudding legion beforo him, to tho seat of war. As the tide of battle surged near or remote,tho horrible sounds Increased or diminished. I took tho straps off my knapsack and haversack, passe'd them round tho branch nnd my own body, se curely buckling them. My roer was laid alongside me, tho inuzzlo towards my feet, everything ready to my hands In the event of danger, and after com mending myself to the care of Him who was ns much with mo In thosu wilds as in tho temple, I was asleep In two minutes. At sunrise my leviathan friend had not put in au appearance, I was rather anxious, fori wished to know why he sought me. I was sure ho had somo reason for doing so. As I took eoffeo I saw his head upon thu lake, llkoasmall boat with ono mast nnd no sail, the ri sing protuberance of his hind quarters like another boat 'in low.' Hu swam slowly till tho water, or ink, shoaled, then Iiu limped to the bank, up which ho got with dlflleulty, and walked ns If he had four wooden legs without nnk les or kneo joints, bonding forth sounds which I thought denoted gladness to seo m. 1 saluted him with a volley of nonsense ns ho approached me. I had gone down to meet him ho seemed in great pain, but ns pleased us If he bad found a fortune. Ho was very demon stratlve, and, being wet, might have been dispensed with ; but ho thought otherwise, nnd his sincerity could not beouestioned. I offered biscuit, but of that he took no notice; ho rubbed his head against my hand, nnd placed his face to my chest. I fancy no animal can be more clumsy than a rhinoceros nml, though ho was less so than the an imals exhibited under that uainuin Kit rope, his imitations of the movements of a lively lapdog were highly ludi crous, but what ho wanted in graco he mado up in energy, nud, in displaying it, seemed to forget his pain. J now saw that ho was not so old ns I took him, I had seen him at night im perfectly, llo was but Just at maturity, and a line specimen of his race, being what I, for want of a better term, call the rhinoceros mnJor,clas?ing the inferi or itnlnial ns tho rhinoceros minor. Jn height he towered high above thu ordi nary animals I had seen ho often, which I liadcha.ed,and been cha-ed by.many a time. Subsequently a tupo mea.uro showed he was fully !) feet !1 Inches high ut the shoulder, at the quarters ten feet three inches. His proportions wcro good. Ho had not the distended .stom ach which is seen In the inferior beast generally. The peculiar fulds of tho massive and ponderous hide from the quarter to thu shoulder,gave an appear ance, at a distance, of a large 'saddle cloth; the folds at thu bottom hud a sort of edge, which gavu it a llnished and ornamental appearance till huc.iino near, when it was seen that the whole was his natural covering. Tho edgu was darker than tlio centre within. All ; sion of tho eyu will guide them more Wu aro obliged to Inform our corres of the superior kind of rhinoceros that I truly than any comprehension of thu pendent that tills Is not entirely corrcot. 1 have seen are distinguished by tills I words in their liberal seii.u guides man j The husband is under no legal disablll natural peculiarity, somo having It who finds that iaugu.i,'0 is oftuu ! ly to contract, while the wife N. Tho more marked than 'Captain lthlno.' used to conceal thoughts rather than to law requires his signature lo her deed, That thu animal should, us hu clearly i reveal them. 1 to give effect to her own ; but her slgna- dhl, seek me, seemed more than strange lu my knapsack I carried two rope., i luru Is not essential to tho validity of tome. This rhinoceros had not been , used to tie up springboks or any oilier his. There is no necessity for her con- accustomed to the sight or malt; his wonder when he first beheld mo proved that, and it was so plainly depicted that 1 could have mi doubt upon the subject; but having see e, why should ho bo so desirous to get upon gootl terms wltli me'.' 1 could not uu derthind It then ; but I had not long to wait for n solution of thu problem. A Sl'ltdK.'AI. OI'i'.ltATlON. I tib-crved that among all its demon strations of gladness ami unmistakable fondness, ho seemed very stiff nml in great pain when ho turned to move quickly. In his warmest revealing nn occrslonal sound escaped lilm, Indlca- without inuch tortuie, yet It wus Hulls-, thu land owned by the husband al mar live of acute pain. At first I attributed pensable. At lint the strap was llxed rla0'c, or afterward acquired by him. Ibis to tjio Inst night's warfare but ns i and thoroughly secured, I re-exam- j Hut her rigid to this does not vest ah-ti-his anguish appeared to bo Intolerable! Ined my work, ami thought It effective- luteh In hejjmtll his death ; It is sub and lio ut times tiurned his glances to- ly done. The ne.l thing was, would Ject to'lnc'iimlirniiccs created by htm, wurd his right. Hank, unit from that tho ropes go around the trunk of the and may liiidefe.iied by u s.tlo of the his exprcsslvo eypsouglit mine, Icloter-' tre'e. That, by getting my patient lo land for his debts. It will thu. Im seen mined to discover iho cause If possi ble. 1 could not seo his intcnsoSjufler - lugs without trying to know their source, and make an effort to relieve them. 1 mislting my heavy double rilled roer from my shoulders, laid it down, ami knelt upon tlio ground nt his side to look at the part nt which ho gazed so earnestly. As 1 did so ho ac tually steppud Mdcwuys nearer to mu us If to give mu a butter view us If anxious that 1 should do something fur him at all events I thought so. 1 laid my head upon the grass, nud saw enough to account for any amount of uneasiness tho wonder was how tho poor creatures could move or stand ; it was plalnlilstorturesmustbe exquisite. I ro.e to my feet anil patted his face, which he laid ou my chest. I knelt again, I saw thero was n deep wound I ll. 11. .ii.i.n, ... i, no, ..v. ,i,i iuuiii in his flank, us If somo largo foreign body was forced into it nnd still re I inalned imbedded there. I could have no doubt it was full of matter, which by its distension of tin- parts, caused thu suffering. Tho mouth of thu wound was festering, as wounds will In such n climate. it was useless to only look I must do mori!. First, I must ascertain what (he foreign hotly was. Would he per mit that" I hegnn not without so placing myself Unit I could quickly regain my feet If he made u hostile de monstration. I need not have mado such n preparation, 1 had no sooner touched thu wound than he, although moaning under tho agony I gave him, positively leaned toward my hand, looked at mo with no earnest gaze, which, as I read It, said: 'Do all you can for me, It is hard to bear.' I found tho iniiso of all this forturo was tho horn of another rhinoceros, which had been forccil In up to thobase,and then, proba bly by tlio desperate .struggles of both animals, broken off. How was 1 lo remove that'.' Without removing It nothing could bo done ; nil that could hu tried or effected short of that was worse than nothing, ns It could only give useless pain, nnd tho poor animal must inevitably die. If gangrene had not began to set In, It soon must. I look ed Into tho eyes of the sufferer, their expression was mild but It told all his misery nil his hope In me. That look seemed to Implore my aid nt any cost ho should but devise meansof affording it benellclally. A terribly offensive ili-clinrge oozed from tho wound ns I pres-ed It, but in too small a quantity to give ease by re ducing thu tumefaction. I endeavor ed to get him to tlio water; but ho was perfectly docile and readily compre hended my effort to get him thcic. with sonio of the silkllko moss, lung lng pendant from tho tree, 1 clean-ed tho orillce of the wound, removing some dirt and moro sand and gravel, which adhered to tho glutinous discharge, ho gazing beseechingly at me all tho while but seemingly soothed by the bathing. There was no sign of anger or impa tience ; his natural language was all new tome; of course I fancied his anguih was somewhat assuaged, and that ho wl-hed the application continue.. 1 was sensible that beyond this effect lt.cotild have no either none really beneficial all wits done in vnln unless the hoi n was extracted. 1 got hold of It passing my hand be neath It In the wound ; tho poor fellow roared fearfully ; If ever au angry de monstration might be expected, It was then, but there was none ; he merely placed his face upon or itg'Un.t my chest, ns before, ami although his co lossal frame trembled violently under fierce pangs, and the large tears rolled from his eyes, he licked my hand. I hail . started to my fiet lent the ngony I had iMii-ed might have generated auger, but It was a valii apprehension; poor "Hhino" only felt gratitude for my Imperfect aid. I had not.glven the pain without nu object I wished to know tlie lot-in of the base of the horn, and thu comparative size of the part abovo It. T had thought of M'Veral way.sot accomplishing thu evtractlon, rejecting all - because I was destitute of everything needful to reduce llieni to practice. Having n-eertnlned the slzo of the lia-o of the horn, ami that fsome nobby excrescences were, there I ,...111.-.., . ...1... ...... !..!!. ml uncled I had got what my Irish scrvent always called a bright meaning there by a bright Idea. I resolved lo cher ish It, lea.-t 1 might not get another ; hope now began to animate me, and 1 for the first time felt confidence. Up to t licit moment I had been Work ing In the dark, now I saw what nil men desire light. I was its sure of saving my poor friend's llle, and end ing his agonies, as I had previously been doubtful. "All right, e.iptnln," 1 exclaimed, patting him and going oil' to my trce-for my principal baggage ic Wife's Signature to Husband's was lu my bedchamber, lthlno follow- Deed, ed mu closely, tho moro cheerful tone of j A Suiiscniuuu who has been reading my voice might have struck him; till i our statement of tho law lu regard to animals aro keen judges of tone ; from i the sale of limit by married women, that they take Iho inclining of tlio . writes that he 'understands tho bus words they hear. Wild aniiunls uiu j band to be equally unable to sell, unless especially olwrvant of and skillful lu tho wife signs the dead;" and wishes to interpreting touu ; Hint and tho oxpres- i know " If this Is not correct." animal when killed or hiuken up; they I were not very thick but well twisted, strong nud very flexible, always moro i 0r less greasy. It was touching to see how thu sufferer clung to me, us If ho centered every liopu ho had of life lu iiieulono; a child could not clili :to lis mother mure closely, I joined the ropes, ami to ihein uni ted the btraps which prevent me from falling out of bed during my slumbers. One of these straps I wl-hed to pass around the horn nboxelt- base; and to i effect this, tact and force wero required : I It could neither be done quickly, nor - 1 go ns closu to the tree ns possible, was, that her Interest Is both a contingent ' ellected, with about n foot of rope to ! spare when duly secured. Then eaiiie. the greatct dlflleulty of all, how could I prevail on tho animal to hack, even If I could iiiako liliii understand what was necessary. I placed ouu hand upon his horn, the other upon his wldu brow; looked in his eyes; they wero mild as ever. 1 stood before him free from upprchenslon, uiul endeavored to make him know what 1 wished lilm to do, 1. u., to retrograde, . as If the wlfu hod signed tho deed ; nud Thu horn had been driven In from front the saine result follows upon her death to rear ; It iiui-d bo drawn out from rear ' after recovery of dower, to front. j Tho husband, therefore, can convey After two or three effort, I got lilm his title ns fully without his wife's slg to comprehend that it step backwards J nature as with it. Without it, liowuv wus needful, llo made It; it was a it the purchaser must risk bolng culled short one, Insufficient for tho require- on for licr dower in the land, should lm iiients of tho case. 1 pressed iny whole siirvlvo tho husband, hi this event, If force against his face,", still talking to ho Is fond of lltlg'tiou, lie may try a him ; he made another, and lu so do- lawsuit for Indemnity on tlio covenants lng felt all the acute ngony ctttised by In the husband's deed. J'UMon Gmettr. full traction. Nover till then had ' heard fo appalling a scrtntn and roar. I resumed my efforts, patting ami en couraging lilm by voire and gesture as bct I could. He bent down his head, rubbed his nose ttgnlnst the ltihlo of his foro leg; It seemed ns If he was trying to understand what I inennt.- Suddenly he raised Ills head, licked onoofuiy hands, and, us deliberately as po-slble,prepared himself for the re trograde movement. I seconded what I conceived to be an effort of his own, by pres-Ing upon the broad front of his head, resuming my hold of his horn, and he nnd I both moved In the direc tion required. I felt him quivering, shaking through his vast bulk, nnd then with one deter mined effort he showed that he fully comprehended what was wanted. As I thought, he now had some notion of its real object. I might have been wrong in thls,but ho persisted, though his suffei lugs mut have been fearfully great. Again came fortli that mingled roar nnd scream, hut ho did not leap forward this time he bravely persisted as I coaxed and pii-hed. l suuitcniy dashed my shoulder against his nose ho went us suddenly back shrill, hnrsh nnd hoar-e, tho roar, so expressive of ngony, came; (It seemed to plerco through my entire system) but neither of us gave way and thu object was ac complished. At ono and tho sauio moment the imbedded horn was drawn fortli upon the ground, upon which ho fell on his knees convulsively slinking under hisnccumu- lnted pangs; then lie rolled upon ono side. I was hurled over his lieck ns I relinquished my hold of his horn, ho was shaking niiilhcavingspnsmodlc'ally I gathering myself together us best I could, exclaiming "Thank God, it is over!" I ro-o nnd beheld n grim visitor ; a saurian had seen the rhinoceros fall; while thu latter stuod he Would not have dared to nppru.ich but now he thought I was easy prey. Uu did not know thu virtue of steel bolts. I had slightly hurt my wrist by tho wrench it had received as the rhinoceros fell, I clasping his horn ; but I sprang to my roer, aud.as tho open claws of tho saurl- nuturnidroundthohlnilmo.tpartofpoor rhluo.n bolt crashed into theeyonearest me and he threw himself upon his back lit terrific struggles. The report arous ed thuexhaustede.iptuln; he rosojo his feet from a pool of blood which had welled from the wound, and still ran from It In n huge stream as he stood. He looked as If to i.k what was the matter. I pointed lo thu bullied sauri an:, all his pirlt was aroused and ho stamped the hideous brute to death and .shapeh'f-tte-s. A blast of victory fol lowed, but It was faint as compared with the blasts of tho night before. I was thinking of washing the wound. Ills tongue was hot and his lips seemed parched with Inten-e thirst. Ho trudg ed oil he walked better now- -and after walking about two hundred yards he turned the angle of a low bluff, behind 1 which I -aw with gladne..., n spring of delicious looking water sparkling In the nun, a. it di'si ended Into a natural basin, foiined, probably, by the action of tho water. I was thirsty, -o 1 lusti ly drank (niter 1 had loaded my roer ,r , ,f t.itio" 1 ' 1 from the basin which he emptied, and stood Impatiently waiting for more water to How, that he might .drink again. When his feverish thirst was slaked, I bathed his wound in Iho basin 1 nnd plugged it with tlie silky moss. My ! operation- my first In surgery was 1 performed ; with It I had performed the most rllfilctilt of all operations, that ! of ninklng n true friend, for such was I "('apt. Hhino" of "The lllack I-'ikes." ciineiicu in tlio rule ot his real estate; hut his eoiiietit, expres.!),! strictly lu the modi) pointed out by thu Act of 177(1, Is Indispensable to tlio conveyance ! of hers. A deed regularly executed by , both husband and wito conveys thu In- terest of both ; executed by tho husband alone, It conveys his Interest only ; ex i ecuted by the wife alone, It conveys nothing. To understand tho effect of tho husband's deed, lu which thu wife does nut join, It Is uecos..iry to understand lb.' nature of ihe wife's iutoreit ill her husband's real estate, or hen !yito(lntc ir. This Is u llfo-estuto in one-third of and a limited ouu ; contingent on her surviving him, nud limited to n llfc-t-. tale lu one-third of the html remaining nflrr payment of debts. Should the husband sell laud without the wlfu Join- lng in Ihedeed, she may, ufter his eleiith, if she survive lilm, recover from Hie purchaser her dower In the land; but as her interest N one that expires when she does, should the liu-b.ind survive, tho purchaser's title becomes as perfect