The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 15, 1868, Image 3

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SHItc (Columbian;
III.OO.MHIU IKI, I-'lllDAV, MAV 1.1, 'Oil.
Snvr.HAi, Indies of piiow fell on tlio
North Mountain Inst week.
Tin: Ut. Hkv. Dit. Hawks, MiIio-i
of Ml&iourl, illeil April 20th 1809, tt
tho ngo of fill yearn. His health has
loiij; been very liiilrm.
Tin; malls from Sow York, 1'lilla-tU-'lliliIti,
HnrrNburi; mut llrle, reach
oiiriilacomticli earlier than formerly,
niueli to thuKratllk'atlonofoiireltl.ens.
I'll n -rlrr, UMinlly mt'tiriitu In Mtuh
matter.-, In copying our editorial last
week, credited It to the WwiyMil t
ttniiliiuit. No'jmh jin pur Is published
Mil. Jonx It. .Se'lioi'.Nnr.iKiiiit, of
I'ltt.-burfr, hassulwrlbeil one humlral
thoumnd ttnllum toward rt'-tiullilltiK
Trinity Church, In that city. What a
splendid example!
'i: Mroultl-cull iitlL-ntloii 'to nnutlier
eluuiKo. made In the Time Talilu of Ihu
Lackawanna &. llloomsburs It. It. Co.
Tho train (joint; Hotith which formerly
arrival hero at l. to a. m. Is now duo at
S."0 a. m.
Tin; gnbs crop of I'eiinylvania, It is
expected, will be the heaviest cut for
ten yeitrs. Tho wet weather of liisl Mill,
(ho .snows dnrlnj; the Winter, and tho
continued rains of April, all comliincd
to creato a heavy growth.
Coi.l-.miua County has now in the
lCiisterii Penitentiary, Thomas Klotltl,
Isaac Mill and Abraham I'calor; anil
tho bill received a fow days ago ly the
County Coiiiinissloners, to bo paid on
their account is &I71. 10.
A l.Alttu: eaijle, supposed to bu of tho
bald or whlto headed species, was shot
at lrondale,on l-'rlday last, by Joseph
Witts. It mea-ured town feet three
Indies from lip to tip. A bird of tills
size Is a rarity and Is worthy the atten
tion of ornitholo'l-its.
Or.T Tin; Muiiaon's Copper
Tubular Lightning Kod Is thu best pro
tection against ill-aster by llghtningov
er invented. Tho subscriber is agent
for the above invention, and all orders
by mull or In person will bo promptly
attended to. K. I!. I!iii.i:.max.
Tin: Act for tho establishment of u
Law Library at this place having been
signed by tho Governor, tho Court last
week appointed J. li. Hobi-on, ltobert
I Clark, and J. (i. Freeze, a commit
tee to select books, and to carry out the
provisions of tho act.
It Is telegraphed from Washington
that A. T. Stewart, the merchant prince
of Sow York, who Inaugurated tho
movement for (runt's nomination for
President, is now counselling him In
view of Into events, to decline becom
ing a candidate, or if nominated to
refiiso the nomination.
Tin: revision of the delegate system
has received the attention of both par
ties in different parts of tho State, and
was dl.scu.-sed In our County Convention
last fall. That feonio reform Is needed
is certain, but tho plan to bo adopted is
not so clear. Wo present hi another
column tho rules adopted in Schuylkill
County, which possess many good
lr our readers de.siro to know where
to gel really cheap and good goods, wo
can tell them It Is at the store of C. C.
Murr, south-west corner of Main and
Market Streets, llohas Just returned
from Philadelphia with a select and
beautiful assortment of tho latent Spring
styles. Call at once, for Marr's goods
go oil' fast. 'Cause why, they nro good
and cheap.
Sl'lUNd has come nt last. C'hcniber
llu has been waiting for her approach
for somo time. Ho has all tho articles
to complete a gentleman's outtlt forthe
sea-oii. Tho newest, neatest and pretti
est goods which tho city markets allbrd
tire made up into walking or dre.-s
suits with caro and with promptness.
Thero Is no danger of a nil-lit In his es
tablishment. Wi: liavojust prepared, and have for
sale, a neat form of Marriage Certlll-
cates. Jllulster.sand Ju-tices of thol'eacu
should send In their orders at once,
Constables and Justices should also at
onto procure of us n copy of tho new feo
bill which tho law require to bo hung
up in their olllces. Summons, execu
lions, subpaeuas, and all other blank
on hand constantly.
ON .Monday last our sanctum was
graced by tho presence of our old friend
and follow citizen, (ieorgo Acheubach,
now residing In Clinton County. Ills
Democracy Is as vigorous mid puro as
over, and ho represents tho faithful In
his section as being extremely hopeful
for the future. Mr. Acheubach I
Delegato to tho Democratic National
(Joon tasto has undoubtedly been ills
played Intho selection ofMr.D.ivhl Low.
euberg'sslock of goods this Sinlng. lie
has surpassed himself, and now oll'crs
to his friends and tho public generally,
u collection of cloths, casslmercs, vest-
lugs, etc, which has ngver been equal
led lu this market. Wo earnestly ad
vise our readers to vl-lt Mr. l.owen
berg, beforo deciding on puiclm-lng
It is rumored hero that P. John. In
anticipation of Johnson's removal on
Tuesday, left for Washington on Mou
day night tojoln tliolniiumerablothrong
of carpet-baggers anil olllco seekers
there, and to ask Wado for the a-sessiir
ship of this District In consideration of
his supporting him for Vlco President
Tho postponement of tho question until
Saturday will send Jiltn home a wiser
man wo hopo.
JtoAD Tho viewers nppoln
led on n petition to widen tho alley run
nlng by Sharpk'ss' Foundry Into
street, reported adversely last week, so
for tho present it must remain an alley
Tho Court overruled tho exceptions to
opening Fourth Street on to Its connec
tion with tho road leading to l;py
and lu u short tlmo wo may expect to
scu It opened. In tho short road laid
out in Centre Township where tho dam
ages were assessed ut about $1,000, tho
Court after considering tho testimony
refused to conllrin tho view, unless tho
petitioners would pay tho damages n,-
Court Froccctllngs,
William Hancock vs (leorge Leln
Issue and rule for trial, .lurv called and
sworn same day verdict lor Plalntllf
lor f.i. ami cost.
Com, vs Oeorgo llenner Indictment
Larceny u true bill. Deft, pleads not
guiuy. issue niui rule, lor trial. Jury
called and sworn. Verdict not irulllv
ns to first count, but guilty In seconil
count. Sentenced to tho llouso ItofiiL'o.
Mary Harlnian Kstatc. ltcturn of
inquest continued itbvoltilcly. Itulo
granted on the heirs to iimn-ai- at next
term and accept or refuse tlioTeal estato
at tho valuation orslioWcaiMnvliy the
saillU snouiu not oo sold.
.loseph Ilayhurst Kstatc. On motion
of Mr. Clark. (!. 11. Itinckwnv n.
polnteu Auditor toinaketllstrlbutlon of
mo u.nanco in tlio bands of Samuel
Acheubach Administrator to tho pur
tics entitled to reielvo the same.
William Frit. Kslato. On motion
of Mr. Clark 10.11. Llttlo V-tp. appoint
ed Auditor to make attribution of the
balance In the hands of Samuel
Acheiibach and Jacob It. Fritz l-Nij, to
creditors of said deceased.
Samuel Blank's Fstate. ltetiirn of
Inquest c .uilimed, mid on motion nf
Air. .lacKsou rule granted on the heirs
of said deceased to appear at next term
nnd accept or refu-c tlio real estate at
tho valuation or show caiwo why the
samu should not be sold.
Charles Stewart's IM. On motion of
v. i.. ji.irKiey, v. Wirt V.q. appoint
eit Auditor ;to make distribution of the
balance In tho hands of Weslev Fleming
as surety ol Lemuel Potter, Administra
tor ofsald deed, to tlio heirs and legal
Jacob Wenner's lOst. On motion of
Mr. Wirt, C. U. Itarkley appointed Au
ditors to make distribution.
Harriet Vomit's l.'st. On motion of
Mr. Ikeler (.S.Colemau INq. appointed
Auditor to make distribution of the
fund in the hands of tho Administrator
among tho parties lu Interest.
Peter Ilartzell's lOst. lleturn of In
quest continued. And on motion of
.Mr. Clark rule granted on the heirs and
parties in interest to appear at next
terminal accept or refuse tlio real estate,
or show cause why the same should not
be sold,
Jacob Shoemaker vs Michael Coon.
On motion 10. It. Ikler tho appointment
of Samuel Knurr us Auditor continued.
Oeorgo Ilium's lOst. Itetiitn of In-
quest confirmed, and on motion of C.
li. nrocKwny rule grouted on thepartles
lu Interest to appear at next term and ac
cept or refuse tlio real estate or show
cau-o why the same should not bo sold.
Personal notice to be served on the par
sldent residing in Columbia countv and
to those out of tho county by publication
for six siicccsslvo weeks prior to tho
llrst Monday of September nc.t etc.,
John liayior's lOst. ltcturn of Inquest
continued, and on motion of Mr. Clark
rule granted on tho parties In Interest to
appear at next term and accept or re
fuse tho real estate or show e.uiso whv
the same should not be sold; personal
nollco to bo served on tho par
tics resident In Columbia and Mon
tour Counties, and to those out of said
Counties by publication etc.
Oeorgo Longenberger's IM. On mo
tion of -Mr. Clark the appointment of
U. 11. Itrockway K-q. as Auditor con
tinued. Com. vs Maria llelfelderfer. Indict
ment assault and battery; a true bill.
Settled by parties.
J. S. M'Xlnch vs Holl'man. On
motion of J. (i. FrcezoF.sq. Court grant
leave to Issue a vendition exponas.
Oeorgo I 'fell's 10l. On motion of .Mr.
Itrockway 11. II. (1 roll! 10-q. appointed
Auditor to make distribution of tho
balance In tho hands ofSainuel I Everett,
Admiul-tratoiy.iinong the creditors.
Thomas .1. Vauder-lice vs Jtobcrt
Howell. On -Motion of Mr. Ikeler an
allldavlt tiled Judgment opened.
Peter Weaver's list. lleturn of In
quest continued, and on motion of Mr.
l-Cuinr, rule granted on tho parties lu
Interest to rumour next term and accent
or rel'u-e tho real estatoat the valuation
or show cause why tho same should not
he-old, personal nollco to be served on
the parties residing In Columbia anil
Northumberland Counties, and to tho-e
out of said Counties by publication etc.,
Daniel Levan's IM. On motion of
Mr. Clark C. (1. liarklev l-.'sn. iimmlnt-
Audltor on executions to tlio account of
loiiu i.ovjnono.oi tnoAiiminisiraiorsoi
lid dee'd.
Daniel l.evim's IM, On motion ol
Mr. Clark C. li. liarklev i:u. niuioiiit
ed Auditor to make distribution of the
balance in the hands of in. Ijootltnan
one of the Administrators of said dee'd
to the names in interest.
(!eo. Lazarus vs John Lazarus. On
motion of Mr. lirockway judgment for
ant ol a plea.
Abraham Miller vs John l'eiistenna
erwlth notice to terie tenants. On
motion of Mr. Little, Judgment for
rant ol an appearance.
Win. Ileriin vs Levi Ihedbenner with
notice to terro tenants. On motion ol
Mr. l.ittlojuilgment for want ol mi al-
lulavit ol ilelencc.
A. C. A T. llagernian vsSam ISwei
penheiser. On motion ofMr. Hurley,
udgniciil lor want ol an appearance.
(ieo. F. Itocdel v Manama .Michael,
On motion of Mr. Hurley, Judgment for
ant of an appeaiauce.
Theodore Well et al Vs Manass.i Ml-
had. Same as above.
Lewis A- Abraham (iolil-oultli vs Win
.Snyder. Same as above.
Jo-eiih Carl vs Malilou Hamlin and
Solomon llelwig. On motion of Mr.
Coleman, Judgment for want of an ap
.loiiu iieavener vs aiiiu r in Aiiaiu
DIeterlcli. On motion of Mr. Jackson.
Judgment for want of an appearance.
Win Pelfer vs Patrick Fogaiiy. On
motion ol n. S. Murr, Judgment lor
waul of an appearance.
Tlios Morgan vs Henry Jones. With
notice to Ccntralla Saving Fund Gar
nishee. On motion of 11. S. Murr, Judg
ment agaln-t garnishees.
Levi Lelb Jor the use of Daniel Mur
s vs Geo Lcib, On motion of 11. S.
Marr, rule granted on the Sheriff to re
turn his writ in tlio above case, anil
that tho money in the writ in this case
bo paid into Court.
in roller vs i nomas ami Aiiciiaci
.Murphy. On motion of II. S. .Marr,
Judgment for want of an appearance.
.imuiam lllco vs oeo l.cln. on mo
tion of .Mr. Abbott, ludguieut for want
of an allldavlt of defence.
V. A. Miller vs. Aaron Person. On
motion of .Mr. Abbott, Judgment for
want of a idea.
10. It. Ikeler vs Joslah P. Shaman A-
Solomon Shuiuau. On motion of Mr.
Itarkley. judgment for want of an ap
pearance vs Sotmiiou Shuuian.
10. It. Ikeli r vs Solomon Shuiuan. On
motion of .Mr. liarklev. Judgment
agallist Solomon Sbiimaii for want of
an appearance. ,
m uoup vs w m -M. lloaglaiul. on
motion Jul' Mr. Clark, Judgment for
want of a plea.
Win .Minus, ludnrsor ol 1 lies w . i.u-
'ar vs t;, II, Pim-cl anil in. l.ougeu-
berirer. (lit motion ot Mr, Chirk, Judg.
incut for want of an allldavlt of defence
Sninuol lIiiL'lii'o. I mloi'di'o of WiMi'v
Itucklo vs .lolin MuKiiini'.v. On motion
ol Air. Clurk, Juili'ini'nt tor want nl mi
.1. S. Sliunmii i't ill vs Anilivw Chirk
Suiiiiiioni lu inirtitloii, On motion of
.tir, i nii'K, jliiiKiiiL'iii niion puriino u:u
niior iiirii's al',
Juliii Parks vs Wi'sloy Iturkk'. on
motion of Mr. i ri'iw, JiiilKiiK'iit for
wnni oi u liien.
.lo-cpli Sliwirnmn vsOi'ij. l.i'lh. Nimo
us nbovo.
Daniel P. Kczor vs llelM'V Itolililus
ci in. filllllO ws nuovv.
ivtcr i:nt'suio vs D.wiii nun. on
inotlon of Mr. l iTL'.o, JuilKini'iit lor
want ot mi niMiL'iiranco.
PlilllnMllforvs Henry Hliall'er. On
inotlon of .Mr. I ree.n, jiulu'iueiit lor
wnni oi mi iiiMiearniue.
Ueiniiu l'iilirlii(;er vs CViitrulla ltor
oiikIi. on iiiuiion oi .mi nvi ze,jiiii
ini.iil fur wnnt nf ll lill'il.
Peter 11. I'lec.n vs (loililuiil MeOuiro
.t Co. On mot on of Mr. Freeze, tuilu'
ment vs N. W. llarton, iuriillii-i lur
want ol mi apiiearaiHe.
.Ineoli llart.ell'scsliite. ltetiirn ol In
quest coiillrmed and on motion of C.W.
Miller lOsq, rule granted on tho parties
lu Interest to appear at next term nnd
accept or refuse tho leal estate or show
cauo why the Fame should not be sold.
Sherlfl's Died to David Yeager for
loot acres of land lu Locust township
sold us thu property of John Lazarus.
Sheriff's Deed to Franklin L.SIiuinnii
for all the right title and Interest of
ucorgo i.em in looaerosol land in Hea
ver township.
Sheriff's Deed toWaltcr Scott for a lot
of ground In CatawNsa.
Levi Lelb for uso of Daniel Morris vs
Oeorgo Lelb.On motion of M.M.L'Vcllo
J. G. Freeze Ksqr. appointed Auditor
to distribute the money paid Into Court.
Henry Lewis vs It. A-A. Cranley. On
motion of S. II. Yiiciim (Vims m-nt
Judgment for want of an appearance,
rrotliouotary to assess the damages,
In the matterof the report of Auditor
lu tho Guardian account of It.ll.Menngh
Guardian of Milton (Iodine. On motion
of Mr. Hurloy Guardian ordered to pay
the costs of Auditor.
.1. ; Miller Itatibvs Fdwln .lames et id.
On motion of H.S. Marr, Judgment for
want of an appearance.
Kersey S. Cleaver vs Fdwln .hums
et al. on motion of U.S. Marr, Jmlg
incut for want of an appearance.
Alexander Monro vs John Snyder. On
motion of II. S. Marr Jndgnrnt for
want ofan appearance.
Win. M. Ilo.igland for tho use of his
wife vs Kdwiii James. On motion of
11. S. Marr Judgment for want ofan ap
pearance. AlexnndorMooroot al vs Win.Snvdor.
On motion of U.S. Marr Judgment for
want ofan appearance.
John .1. Shank vs John Cain.
J. 11. ltlakistou vs Lehigh A- Maha-
noy Hall itnad Co. cont'd
Samuel Waters vs George Wlllets
Samuel Waters vsGiorge Wllletscon
tinned. -v
Sarah A. Stlne s Jacob Sllne Jr. con
tinued, l'ea-on A- Vnrdlv Use vs Simon C.
Shlvo cont'd.
F.dwaiil M'Call vs John Sweeney
I . II. Person vs John nun could.
Isaac Yetter vs Henry Moyor.-cltlcd-
by parties.
Daniel I'. Scybert vs Jacob Ilos-Icr
et al settled by parties.
I.aviua Devcnport vs Wm.M. Kline
top cont'd.
naiilel ettelvs Isaac M'ltcr et al
Pl'll'takes non suit.
loliu r.l.clby vs Gideon Arndt cont'd
John CoIemanlvsMlchi e' Cumin et xu
Lett Parker vs Silas L.lOtlgar. Judg
ment by consent.
John Heeso vs Jo-cph F. Long. Judg
ment by consent.
Win Itenyson vs Mutter I-.dgar. Set
tled. Wm Clark vs ltobert C. Clark. PI' 11'.
takes non suit.
1). W. Montgomery 10.x r. vs A. o.
Megargell. Judg't. by consent.
David llelwig vs David S. llelwig.
Judg't. of non pros by consent.
John Cooper vs Daniel 1 lower et al.
John Gilroy vs Win 10. Sterner. Con.
Silas 1). Kttgtir vs Abraham Hagrn-
buch et al. Pl'IV. takes non pro Judg
ment against pl'll'. for eo-K
ileuoen n. neoscret in .lames i nem
os. Conllnuod.
Isaac l'egely vs Jas. .Sankey. Con.
Ill the matter of the report of a road
ill Catawlssa. lOxceptioiis tiled Feb. I,
'lis. Continued.
Stacy John vs Geo. Longenberger's
10'rs. ( a-e ill debt. Demurrer tiled.
Amendment Ac. Douiurier withdrawn
May il, 'tis.
I.xvcptiuus to the report of a road in
i I'liiri- unvn-iii i iicur niiv .tun; Aiuy i
(i. '(!. Tin' Court refu-o In i-outlrni tin-
ii'pnri unli'.-s tlio ilainiiKes t-liall In- jmlil
liy tlie petitioners.
ICei'iliiiin to Hie repuit of a review
of u in Orange town-liii iie.ii'.Ioliu
Steliier's. Coutinui'il.
The township of Cun.vnjjliani vs Pe
ter I.. Kline, .John I.. Kline anil Win.
(iooilinau. Itulo to show eiiiio why
jiulKiuent should not lie entercil for
want oi an ainiiavit oi iieien.e. -tiny
(!, 'lis ltule tlNeharjreil.
Overseers of the Poor of Itlooin twp.
vs tho O. S. of the Pour of lli nilm k
twp. Appeal from the onler of remo
val. Coiillnueil.
Win Davis vs Margaret ISrahauey.
Itulo to show eau-e why Jinlliient
slioulil not lioopeueil ami ilefenilaut let
into ilelVuie. AiK'ueil.
Philip Ort vs .lames h ike, ltule to
show eau-e why appeal should not he
stricken oil'. May li, 'lis, ltule made ah
tolute. John lloyart Vs Cyrus Fox. Certiora
ri. Dluiiiiltloil of reenr.1 sim;i'sU d.
P. A. Seel vs Norman 1 lenilerhott.
Cerlloiaii. No notire to pl'll'.
Joseph l.elliy ti-e of wife vs Hiram
I lower, ltule" o show c.iu-e why ap
peal should not he sii'ii'Uen oil'. Con'til.
ICxeeittioils to the lepoi't of a review 1
of n road in lllooni twp. letleii-lnn of
rourth Street) argued ami report eon-j
llrmeit Mav 7. 'lb. 1
A, Dennis vs .lolin Ciirl.siinau. rem-
orari. Notice to lie "Iven Pl'll".
hxi'f litmus to the renort of a view ol
i road In Heaver twp. Iteviewjjr.mted.
ICxeeiitions to tho renort of a view of
a road in (ireeuwood twp. near A. P.
tellers. Argued mm report i-ei ii-me
.May 7. Ni'l.
I.. i i..i. . 1 1 1 I. t .i
r ii'ui'i icu .uiuut vs ii.ivio
Appeal, exceptions Illeil -May 'lis.
line to snow catiso grunted. ,
Hxceptions to thu report of a view of
road In Orccnwood lownjhli tuar
Theodore Lemon's.
I'iiuni.v ii as ttisKiNf.i) ! Whether
lie feariil furtlier Investigation Into the
matter of the tnis-ing lll,ii(H) of pulilh'
money uhieh passed through lilshaniK,
or wlii'tlii'r l'oteed to do so hy the Indig
nation of Senators whom he hits In en
hounding through Ills "two papei-.linth
dally," wo know not. Certain it 1-
that he has compelled to loose hlsgia-p
on the public teat which ho has sucked
so long and vigorously, The next good
thing would ho to heir of Stanton's n
Tin: trial of John II. Surrat ha-
igalu heen postponed for another term.
Ills counsel nro endeavoring to t-ecuie
his release on hull, Tlio ltadlcaU are
too busy with Andrew Johnson to think
of trying minor criminals like Sunalt
nnd Jell'eison Davl-.
Tin', way "to minister to a niliiddl"
ia-eit" Is to ttiKu I'eruvlan rsyrup.a pro
tected Milutlon of the irut( nj Iron,
which gives strength and vigor to the
whole system, restores the digestive or
gans to perfect health, thereby restoring
the mind to its natural vigor.
o Until nml Milium liii'tit-i-H nf Illinium.
lnni; 111 .1 I'liltilnlilii r..unl. I Iiumi llptHiliiliiil
Mr. ll. Muliiii r hki'ui i..i tin snli ufuo nle,itirlti'
lu nun Muni, mut t- t.i'i r, wlui lull Ktiiply jnu
nt llu' Mkinn i'l li-u nml 11 llh Hm siiini' iiuli'lo), As I
wuillil lilllllsh ynu lium Hie lii't'iiory, KiinnivltiK
tlllll In- Mill 111' lllltll-tlllll lltnl lit (t-lll ivl' In nil Mini
mny r.iMir I1I111 ultli tlulr tin li, I .nlli-u tnr lilin
ymir hit iurl. vir r. .ciiftilly,
l KKIi i.aui 11,
stuim UreM'rry, llt'inllim, I'n.
'lOllAt'CD, HXUIT A Hi:(iAI!
NU, 313 Mllllll llltllllHIItl.M',
hl'l'Ollil llnlil' III lnM' WhihI,
fit I I. All IM. I'll I A,
J. W. WAIIlllAN 11. I'. ItMIH.MAN
Wlml'- .1 ! HI"
I.U II S' l l Its,
N'. .i7S'u, 'I ilMl.'tt,
I lit ' I'll '
V IJ4TVTK OV tT.Tlill IMt.t.M IN, HAi:it.
Irt'tti-is of ivltiiliill nitton Oil till) fHlftlO oT IV.
kr lt.ilinum, Iain of Hr.itt luwimhin t'nluiuMa
fiilllily, llin MM-.1, lifii lio-lt Krntltcrl hy Uw !(.
Mcr ol siHil rtiiinty to.tnhti K. (liot. of llloonn
lium. All I'fiHOiit lmln (Inline or ikiiintnl
iinltil tin1 1'stiUe cf tlio ik'ffilt ut m r (inot-tcil
to mnko them Jdiottii, ninl tlion ImIi hirtl to
tiiako jmymrtit. JOHN li. uiturx,
Aiirif Hioh. AiliiitulMitttor.
J. V MTATB H' i:r I ZAIl II. IIIh, DM li.
I ,o I lorn "f nilnilnl'luiitoii 0 httnh n mi tho
t iti'tpf'Uill' II Itt H,littl(r I'ciltrn tOlllllt,
( uhiniMii ('"imty.ilct fin J, hiur In i u Ktwitiil
ti tlie ItruNIri ofsnlil Comily, to Dutilf-I IIi,
a-linlnlNirntur, who r lpt hi (illlln towtiililp.
All iMTHon huvliiK (IhIiim or (trmmuN iiKtilimt
tin1 htU i"-int' mv tr'iH'iiiil i f iirweiit thrm ft r
till Micnt without ill l-iy, mill tlioi tn!( Weil Id
timlin tmyinctit.
Ai'rll L'lii-.iit,' AitmlnlKtrutor, t'ui mi.
a DMixisTiiAToirri Xcnnci:.
V.lTAllHli' I'M I'll H, IIM.U'HI, tHli"sKn,
1 ticrrf of mlnihiNI nit loti (nitlu't Htitto ol ivtt r H
Ih'lul, lull) of t'otijtiitlmni tup., t'otitmlila ru.,
iltrt'Usrit, lmr in'1'ti urHlltcil Itythn lU'iiMrr tit
nll county to tlnc-licl Hiluttf ninl Wllllnm
Uo(tlm:ui. tif t'onyimlmia towtiiliip. All
I'itmiiii hiiNlutt tliittii! or iloinniKti ntiitiivt
ihi fHtntf u( Hit' ilocptlnnt nio riiinosti'il totn.-iUi
Hm ni known, ihkI llmsc Inttthii-tl to tn.ilie pay
in lit. It M'llMI. ItriAVHJ, 1 ii11,1.ii-tor)
April 17 'a.-.
lxi;crT()its NOTin:.
I J LMrnni'NANfn. numt.Kii hu'it
l.iMti in tt'Hluiiit'iitiiry on tho clulo of Mihhk I
lliiuh i'( Into ol Hi in look lmnh1p, t'olutn
hlti nullity I itne hotn uumtoit tiy tlio KoKlnlcr of
rolunihl.i Coiintv to Jano Unifier mi'l lVIor
Itrintlcr. of til" I Towiitliln. All iici'Hotii hnliiLi mo iinnhiHtthorHtatiMiio ntmewtiHl to puti-nt
them for Ht'llU'incnt, ninl those ImkMoit to tin
DHinti t'llltor (Mi iioto or konlc nccount will
iiiiutc pa.Miii'iit fi the i;xTUtnrHnii(ut lU-iay,
jam: imrni.nit.
M.iy Idvfit, llXfrlltoit,
i c 10
'lliO TiiWllHhlh AtiattDIH will il. WI'U to
I'. I ..
INI till' lircp AlV Khrt MnV LIJIIl K7.
I'liui'Mii, i-rr, t, im ici ini'ir nuiitH n mi.
l.ritUf.rM imil til (hp "nrnvlsliiliv Itt nil A
l.lliM'il MlUI'll Clllll Isfll. I'. I,. l'UK.' HO, lis llio
r.iiuiiiNKini'rs xilll Issiii iio iii.Iits simp
iltllil'ij:.' nil. '1 tills iliiti-, unit us llu Inn In. i'miii
l.!'i'.l Willi.
.kiiin r. rnwt.mi. i
.Ml INT. I lll.i:.
Atli'st.' 1IAV11I VKA(ll:n.
Wnr. ;u lllmlim, Clerk. Mny ,'iw.
totici; or IXQUKST,
l.tlati- of flcmuet (). Ulrki Iti. kilt- of (U'liinrc
Township, ilwraHoil. To tin ht'li't ami u p
ii siti1ntrfHiircifluUil . IMrkittt. lalu of il-
aimo Township. Colutnhla wainty, ilrwnwil, to
wli : c Maiy likki-tt, wklow ol ilcceik lit nt
nl'k-iln Oianellk', rniiity nrorcHalit : KtIJa
(l. lilr-koitH ol Niitnr placa; John Uli-kftu of
INikoiIiiuton, V Itik-kt rotinty, Ohio; Nancy
O... II ... .1MI...I K.O.... ItO....!. Ill
tun HiutHof Mkfaio I'ork, linlUiiii; tho helm or
IJtalK Iti Uk-ktttt vluso ic'skkiicrs nit nil
known; lluth llttlri', Iiom U'hiikncc U un
known; Ihr hi iisi f M'lntoh, Whoso u.
jilotict's aic unknown: tho hole oi stu.ih lonit
ilki.wkoHo i't slilonot ( an- unUnnw n, om rpt that
oi ih minor wiiwu n oi lur naimntor, Liioiinlu
ContlrlKht, l : lllihail r , Miimaul '., Nancy
1 IM'tcta M., Iiotrt, ninl Matlhl.i Coiuti luhl,
w Utise Uflik nro H Ntw Hope, IMwunIs rnmly,
Illinois, aial who hao for lliolr Uiiaitlliin lltijuh
'i. lUdu-ttt nlouwalil : ami (oI.otlll.L Jtlokitlx,
or lu-r lirliH whoHf irsUioiH-oiaro unknown, an
to all otltor p isoiih lntt i Mrl, fret ttim:
on ami i iU-Ii ot on air liriih. unlillfil tliit
in pitMiiiiiu-roi u writ or pin t It Ion or valuation
issui-il out oi I ho OiphunV Court ot nlliwtu,
i-oimty, lor tho iiailitlon or Miln.itlon oi Uio iml
relate ol alil iluc i a- it, to ait'l aniolm JiN hi-ll'
aii'l lou-il ii pir-rnlatlot; ol tin- li'llowlim dt
vrilhul tMil ost.tto MdlMlr in tin I'oWli-tlnp of
li tlltoii, in tho ootint.v ol sulllMiii, loliuws
to wit:
I. 'J ho math-wet ia nt r ofa lirtct In tho war
i unit o naiiio ol Adam Jamos t'oiuptoti, hmimUil
1 Itttt i no i ounty lino, tho I'oiuptontiaot it lot c-
till, ittut a tract tn waitantto tuinio ol WINou
I iihtord, ooutalnln' -tj to us,
' No, a tiai'l in tho uiininloo iruno oi Nl h
mis llimcv, houii'Inl nortli hy ir.K'tN in tlio
-. n niiP'o uaniPH of t'oi in linn k i r, ami llrtny
Nit liol-sou, fill I ho raM by U.c t III tho uail.UiU r
iMtio ol I.HJallO. Ulokrtts, oil tlio i-ouill l. a
I 1 1. ii t In tho watianlt o name of Titer llai voy, on
I tlx west by riiolpNHurry, 1'oulalniliK IVtaoH's,
' :t. Al-o, a Xvm-1 hi the watrantoo uaino ofJatm-H
(.ooiiimit, I'oiiinloil on the north hv tuuts in
ill' ni ru uii i mimes ol llotuy Nh'ftolsou ninl
' i;isilni ( ioinllunt, on Ihc i a-.! h tho ,nrinoio.
line, on the Miuth hy a iiatt in uio wauanto,
li'imo ol Uooifi- Adolphus Koir, and on tho woso
hy lia-tt In the w.uruntro name of JJIjnIiti.ltUkt
iil. ooiitaluhii!4itj()Ut T7 a ion: tdon ninlinl. r o
tho ii not roiitainliufahout IU uoios 1 1m; in I nf
oi lu'ooiitu.v ,aun not noioiiiiu i" aiu tioo modi
I. ANo,a tract in tho wariantoo name of tloo..
Aiiolphus Kur, houmloil north hy 1 1 tic t in tli
w nfiantt o iianio of Jamos (looilliart, iai tho
ci-t h tin- liiiorno t uunly lino, on tho oulh lj
a trad In tho v..u mutt e natno ol Wilson Whit-loi-d,
timl on tho wi si b n tiai t In tho warianlro
nainooi Klljith (I. ltli-kotis, rontalniim aholil JO)
.i I, ti'f
u.irM-v. .i ..i. n., ii.nih iivnim.
in tin.
u in r.mli i. I.i.liK ill Nil lu.Iits I Ini t- .i .11 III.' i list
1 IV llni'lH 111 tin. M'nri.illUi' tliltllt's ill r.lljnli II.
Itli liilUiiiiit Wllsuii Wlillliiul.iiu llii' ki.iiOi liy
IlintH III llii' Mnrililitit' tiinnis nl .lnlill Uilllnl
ninl .liilillsnll I'l'ilhlfy : ninl ml tin. tli-sl liy
"I'lii'lpH' sin vi " riilllnllltlli; llsni'l'i's ut pi'ii'ln s
VI ni'li'M of tilikh Ik ) nil Mhiillll
ll'ltl"! II l.-llui sliilR. I'tlllltillr, lllluMIl us Mm
"lilnr I'lilnl llutl'l.'
1 Mill I mill nil Iniilli -.1 mi llii. snl.l -(.tsi"l mi
Wi iliii's.lnj , llii'i'iiiliil.iyiil Mny next ill Ioim lui-lt
In I In lint in mil nl snlil itny, w hi'ti ninl u lift i' yuu
mi' li'.illi - li l In nt li ml II nil llillllc etiiln I'.
.InllK II. i:.
Apill to.'l.s.-ls. Mini UK
WMMiwwwwa1 . am.
v n i i c s
(ir VAi.rAiu.i-:
A 1, i:
In piiisii.inoo ofan nU v ol llio Oiphaits' Coint
oi Columbia loimty, I'a., on Hit n nitty the .'loth
ila ot Slav Inst., at la oolok In tho inn noon,
s timiol Ithoiio Ailmlnlsttator ol Mathlas Ilhoiio
lain of Jarkton lov lihip, In t-iU roil lit y, tie
1 1 U'cd, u 111 r .poK to hair, hy ptihllo i ml tic, oil
tli" pn nit-e , a reitaln inohMiaKo ami
T It A C T () V I, A X I),
I I initio in Jack -on towiithlpJiiMilileouuly ofCol
1 umhl.i, l ion mini ami tl n-i ihou! as ml low tu Ul :
I in i li ni i ii ny lamisoi ia at uoaiei on mo imnn.
1 in nits ot mj hart a iviio i ii i no m nut
lamlH of
I aiotit I oiks on the wM, 1 MnU i
oil tho o.tHi, ontilalllln (
onj: m nuui:i & six Ai'iucs,
m! l.i' 1 1 it la - and iillouaiui.
t niii at it s oi iho itho o N c loannl land, V
t ut wlitrh Isjioi tl Meiuhiw latHl,atil
iiin. i- v 11 timl etui with riuMnut tuul Hock
oil.. 1 1 ue Is on the i iiju)- k a b il Hank Hani
1 i'i.vnk mviuiMi ihji'mi:,
, not il pt ItiKot uatir aiitt spi Inn home neat thu
ilo r, an il a laic.y M'rlrty of liult lite-, lain I ho
i tale oiNahl ileeuiMil, hltuatn In llio township
ni .laol("on, ami i onnlv alia salil,
l.iooinshnrjf, May t,'M, .Iks-ijCoim n 'lot If.
k,,' 'inMn 'Vit,-'hii per i-iii ot one
l in Ih o tlio pun Iiiim' iiionry to Lo pa hi on tho
hk oi Mile. Ono-luinthof the i-iiioltaso money
i It -s the ten per relit to ho paltl oil tin i onllima
tloii tu tho Mile, ami tho balmier In one) ear iroin
thoioullimnllononhu wilr.witli Inteiest iroiu
iiiitiiiitiitioti ni. hi. rnks(.i'ii on tho
I i ii men oT thu ten p r n nl. rimhiiMf lo pay
i i.l e.lim'Utampf. HAJII'M ltllo.Ni:,
.Mti, K. iih-if. Aiuninwuaior.
oi'fosni VMl l!H N 11"
i iii.i) In lutin-l m mui h i
1 pun-
Ml Mi I M s, hi i villi-, i in ni: . i 'll.s,
s ill-li s, lls, i.wn n Ml.
1 1 s, si i 's. A I I nllnl . IM A I HI I 'US
i r.i i -.
1 1. in I li ni. i .ii.i : r
V.MU'ANl V Alfl'li Mis,
mM. i mi. uiri'ii.l ill nl.l linn- iirln'f. I'iisi'rli-n.iii-nu'iirnU'ly
.Inn Tlli-ly.
ni''H 1-MlOM THKAS-
I filial ol' I'OiNVMllIAM tOWNMIIir
mi liiuiiily ruml. fur isw.
I'nlil.ill lioml tuT. M, I'l Ink, 111 lull.
" In Itnlierl ljurri-ll.
Tivnhttl'tr I'litiilnlKKli n,
ll ll llf l ulllWllll
" lltilltltV 'J
'ax. .
.1 l.inilTiHtWi,
iiiri'i nir iiiim'u.!
Mu 1,'iis.
i'. it. woiiMwinii,
1 J ni'
11(1 llAll.lttl.Ml.
1111 iiiiiliifiir May lini, lls,
t'tisi.i'iiiti't' Tiiilns
wHi inn us miiinmi
I ini) 141
.'UM ll
Til tr,
IU !
3.1711 l
2.I.IJ 111.
Ml iFl.
Wl't ss
n. 170 tu
lining Huuili, (inliu N111I11.
1,1'llVtl IK'UVI' AlllM' AlllM'
U. III. 1. 111. II. 111. I'. 111.
,,'i.:.u ll.iu 1M7
t.l 1IM'
., I'i.I"! I.IM 1 11.10
ii.'.'s 1,1.1 Hum M
. MJ I.V1 7.11 h.'-'l
. 7.i! Mil I 7.1ft
7..V1 ti.n i.i n.'.i
. .;iu 11..V1 7. M 11.111
... M. tit 7,1)1 T.llil Ii.ikI
. 1MI1 7.IJ 7.UJ Ml
Alllll) AlllM' l.t'iln Li'llMi
'.1,311 .U"i li.'i'i
Hi Illtl1nllv..
I'l Itiutltll. . .
slili-li.liliiiiy .
lii'iii'UU ....
lllllllli .
Tim IMnTi'nln at Ki'itintuii iiialii'Mt'iuiiicottniiK
wit Ii UxiiU'wi'l'mlu fur Ni'ii' nilc nl .1 iiYluiU
I,, I V....' V.. !.- II 11,1 1. t.i
" II. A. I DNHA, Hiii.'t.
T T i: N T 1 O XI
1110 iinilorlitnoil luixlnu; Inlintluoi il Kieam In
to hit Titntiriyat
utjiiT H'iiii;i:r, r..,
wtaikl iisptrlliillv lnrtirm tho huMIe I lull hn U
pirpaioit to 1 my tlio hlahot.1 rash pi lien lor I tail;,
lie uaiUl aihuhal hW Tannery hm hern leiitUtl
ami i- iio 1 11 paiitl to tlllll out iun.iM Wohl 1
, .in 1 1 i ni mill- 1'iiiiiin, Hi ini on jour hai k.
.all. .
JMl - v u I Y
rou xj:ai and uikai1
AT - I I (OirPH ' . Cr hi t-
( U I
I'reli arrlvat vf
iiavik u)vi:.Nm:tiu
ItiNltL't atlontloii tn liNht.K-k tf
nt 1 1 In stoic on
MntiiHlrri-tuiMlooiniOioM'thp A i notion n Hihh
Itlooiio-innir, I'ii,,
whoio la h. n jusi lO'tlvril man Now Yoikimd
IMiltl'lf Iplllrtll full nwrt till tit nf
lmltnlln'4 the inosl inhloimlilo, ilunil.Ir, atxl
Ii iiiikuim'
naiitHtlin of
liOX.HW Kt (J,II' M'K, (HTM, AM) OlI.''I.OI II
of all sorl", aIoh, nnd rotor!. Ho Ian also icpU n
hi tod hl- aliiady larifo ntxk of
HTim'i:it,rniiiiti:i. AMiriAiN viisi-h,
HllIUTF4,tMlAVA'l,.STiH,KK, 1tS,
hlvim:nih:iis, and tancv
Ho huh coushnilty on hand a laiK" aitd wt'll-hu
let tnl a-vortiaolit ot
vumiK asmi viwriNtH,
whk-h ho Ih rt'uiod to lniko to nrdir Inloaiij
kind of olotlilnif, on vi ry shott not Ire, mid In the
bo i mannei, All I tin clothing It niide low our,
ninl most of It is of homo ni.inurarturo,
of r( iy ik'irrlptliin, tine and el trap, tilt ram n
Jowi'lry li not enrpnod In thN place. Call and
examim hN lionerii! aMiitinoiit of
i: it o ii a x i) isu.
T.I lily ril.'lnlniliil till' I'llljlli
i...r i nlly, lltnl till
Ii IiiiIs ul
DHY noons,
mi iiiiistitntly mi lintnl una for mile
lll-IIOMSIieilf!, IIV
ja.mim i:. : iai.
5-.l., Milu Aljil.l li.rl:mV riHwl-HATIlot'
Mil:. I,nii;'t (iniKlnnllj rn 1 ninl. TiliVtrr,
J"HV CAlllNKT WAltll 1 10 US K.
'1 in. iiiuli-rsliott '1 InltfH IUIh iiiitlio.l to Inform
tin.' imlitk' Unit lin lin nii'iii'il u
si:w i TiiMTrm: waiii: nousi:
hi Hi.' Willi, r 111 Ic-U hnlMllw Mnln Ml ni,
lir.ooMxiil'iifi, i:i
Wlil.-li lie lini piu'rlmsi ilninl hilt nils tu Uuep cr
hlnlii'iilly lllli'il tvllli I'm nlltiv-or
i riY anii nii.Mi: .i.Nur.rrimi:.
ir eiiJit'tosLs of
ii r. i) m a t ii i: s h i: s ,
MU'AS, l.l)L'N(ir.S
mauiii.i: Tui' i'i:.sri!i: taiii.i
i'Iiaii: irsniuvi:ii, cam: norroMr.i),
AND Wliilli lIlinil.MIMi.
Ill Ini-I n full nsm.ittiirtil i.r
u i: a ii y - m ii r. i d r v i ;h
or llll ll, illhl n
i:vi:iiYi iiinii in iiii: i.iNimr nisiii.Min
All .'f Mllll'll Will 1.1'KOlil
i' ii r. a r o u i a a ii
I i l I llh! I. :ili llivlli ii tnrtiU ninl i'Mimllil' tuy
t.itl. In l. I." I'llu'linvln i'lhtM hi'ii.,
fir.ouiii: w. (imi:i.i
lllnnlil'.l. il'u. All-lust ill, 1VI.7,
IT. r
now r. it,
ha-i opt in 1 a lit -I o'.is-t
a n i nut HTOlli:.
at the oltl staiiilon Main Mi col, Hloomshnrtf.a low
tloor-. nboNtj tlii'Couit Iloiito, llii t lock Weom
point ol tlio vt ry Inlrsl mal he xl stylo-, rer olh i
ril to MierlHoiis o Columhlii Coiinly, Unriin
a rommod.tto I bo piihlloullh lliufnllow IngootN
at I he lowest inton. Mrn's heavy ihaililc solrtl
Klon boots, men's iloilhlo ntiil fslitlo tap Milcd
kip hooC!. uw n'K hi avy Ktofn KhorK ofall kltals.
men s lino IiooIh and fhoes of all cituiox, Imiv'n
tlotililo soh tl I toot i aiid.Muas ofall klml-, mi ii's
i;loi- M1 Italmoial hhorijiu n'n, woinrirn.hovsV
ami ml-wt - In-tlna allt is, uniiicn'H j,'Ioo Itltl
I'olli-li 1 1 tlnr.Moim u'h morori o ralmoialsiiii'l
ralf hhoi'H, uiimin' ory lino Mil hnitomil alt
ri s. In shot t in tots oi nil iIom i i pi ions both pi
U tl ami oil.
lie M-'iiM uli call ..tUlltioti to hi, r'n.- , s .,)'
llll lit of
ii.vis, caps. rri:-. axi xn uiN-.
u hlih eompi Noh all tho now atnl popular mu I
ell lis nt pi let h uhli h .innot Tail to suit nil. '1 Ins
HiotN mi' ollileil at llio Ion est rah lutes uml
111 bo miaiantenl lolr t-allsfai tloii, A nil1
Is solk'lli il la lore plUi h"-lti t la tr lis It Is
hellrveil that Ulur bargains air to he foNDil
llian at any other pktce tn the rounty.
Ire. 6't7
AltHIAtir. .M A N b' !' A t " I'l ) It Y ,
l.looiltshllltf, I'a,
M. C. nUAN A IlU(TIIi:it
Wn.I.I M SI.OAN st.N
ot.tilinilo the huslm-si nf mnUlli;;
CAUltlAdl, Iirfidll.s.
Dial eeiy Stylo ot
I .NC WAduX,
u lilrh they har (om.tatitly on haml lo suit ous.
touuis, Xeu iux unj material hut llio laM
ami ottiployin tl.rmoKt e.pi liciienl uotkmon
they hope lo ronllnue ai htietofoir to i?lv entire.
Hallsr.icllon tn oeiy niblomer. An Inspection (1
their wink, mul of the mrtou iblo pi loo iisluil lor
tho sainr, Is suie to iiihiiro u alr.
M A I ?I V I 1. 1. 1.,
.1. ni.l!NI.Nli:i!,
Wf'ltlil ri'si lllllly nllliiiilliri' In llii litlliltl1,
Hint llll litis niflli'il . IHM- rmillttlli1 hlnln 111
MlllllvUlt', Whin In Kii'Ik llll kllnls ill I'lly ninl
liiillll' lllltili.'
r r it .v i t f i: i:,
lime linlti'iiii il ii ill linlr i ii-liliiliiil I'linlli, nil
stlis nt li.'itsti mis ninl liiiii'inis, tuiiieK ninl
sinliils, mui mi kiiiiiis in ins iiti.-. in pail inii iii-in
lv nml mill kl ilniii'. llimsi. ui hit tni! uml limn i
li.niitliii; limn' t.t slum ini in- nml nuniniiiiilfl
nitis; In tin list tiiiiiinr. Mm., uinli itnkliin
tltHlllill linlli'i' 'I1IIV.I..-I1-
ril.) MY M ACIIl.NKItV.
llin lllnli i-'uni il iinlilil n vK'i.'lull,v i-iill ttm
iilti'iitliui nf ihu iniiiiii'. In lil ni'W nml n'i'i"cil
limtlioil nl iiiiiklnu rliilliiH liy n lrm linns!
lUK'll I'l'llll'llillii, lillltll ri'll'liTH It
lli 1'lnln.s i..i this tni'tlniil I lie lullmuiiE ml
vm,..,e. nlnl.
1'trfWi iiiiiiuii'y
sr.i ti.Ni'.
A Mivlnitui ni1.
I'll In I'll! nut llu
tliil-iN uf 111. Illni' llvll.'lll) tali
I. .III.
A 1,11111 1
in any limn. ... 11. tn tiibiui a
l!i-kl III,
Timl it tints .11111) Willi tin. tiii'csNity i.f liiintt
tlU'llKtlll l llltlll' lllllll lllll'l', IIH llltlll Is 111.'
fiimi tli.' iiilsRiiiirolii-iisluii nr lulhliiUi
nf I
Hi- Mi.lil.l HUM llii' Mil, 111' Inghi' II a 1 1 I,
In .iillnlul tlmtlt will Blvi ,pir,(t ml lsf.i 1 Ii.ii
llu 11 III In' luippy tiifxIilMl mM explain It. win k
Iiik nt any tluii' In vlhltnrii,
.1. w. t'in:Miii:iti.iN
Mail'll SU.Vus Main M U-low Slut III I
I n.i iiivisni' itii i.iir.iiAitv iNsnTi'Ti:.
llllAlll) (II' INSTIll'tTION.
III.MSV l AUVKll, A. .M.i t'llliilpal mil I'm-
pi ii-inii
1'rnri-i.nii- if 1'lilli.hi'pliy, Ac,
Mlsi. S.1111I1 A. Cmif-r. I'l 1-1 .-til i'i .h
Ti'iii'tii r nl ruiii-li. llniaiiy mui iini.imttitiil
In iiiii-in.'H.
lui iiill. l:i M, A. II.,
'll,ri'HKIl ,f AlU-lllll IjlllKllllU'S
I'lliillm 11. llli i', A. II.,
1'iiiIi.mi.iiV nl .Mitlln iiinlli-k,
I. M. Rile
kit 1 itiK A
'IVaeher ! H't'l
CiijllMi Mum-la,
MIsm AllirM.tVrver.
Tea 1 her ol lustutimnlul MuMi',
MImi ,
Tiiirhvr of Voeal Mh!p,
Mlsi .lulkltlllrst,
Titular in 1'ilmary iKiutitmrnl.
Hpilnu ti im 1
inuneneeK Apt II )3tli, IMJ.
1 ) 1 a. 1 : a- maki:u.
Oil VN'ilA 1 I.I.I , 1 1 LUMP I A Col NO, Pl-NN A.
Till utnlt i-im d k sp( .'ifiiHv lulorniH In-liirml-siiml
iin ah lie thai ho ha hoiiuht tan
'1 iinsi h Kri it i i , and suit ontiimo the iuln
ol h Vii I i i II MINI hM KlMt, m tdl
sin to m. In m la i heiMd, uUo. e hip d'
II t'l, and h a I i th i s i ami rt -ei the y
Ihjiui u ol ail si need nt'i i in hi'i Itiie
Ii 't t lOHOl I Pl
jjhosMiNf. m iiiHioiir k ini;rMTii
Hl'A'l I.S--In in n 'oi i Killi. rkiH, ( All
drew Johnii n in'io.iil' t r ii u ; In our loMd oo
tnn volume of m p m. h.m tiniiil hy Amr him.
drril rniittnlim-i on , mui iwclwi'tiftrmluu
o u vi ; niuii'ii in . r o, t oillirillllll'l l' rill
nppix to T. II1LUNVI'. H. iiruwl. Conn., o
HMHH A Cl I"( Jin . ;tt X, J,
x i, nO,Ali II In I U It I U HI
A, I). Ilictt nmoN, an1 hoi
j'.iBin, ii
Mi on ainl l".oitpt , inul ' lit ninl Hit Ml
.Miiioriai mi 1 1 ,
I li .i..iiiiir.
trls In Hi. I i
i i.v
i. 1. .. i i: A I i. li A .'. i
IiIiiim ,1. . I u T I i . i.- Ii -.i iii s. r ilium . iiinl-
tOI llllllllli 1 IVulll ll.l ll'l-l. I Olltl 111 - lll'.lC
It lliu OIIK iittfli.iii, , 'I.M.' 1,1 (.mill." INHI'I
mil run inri'Hiit inn k. "c.t tin-Ihwi." Aililrcs
AMKitii'A N 1'l'ui.isiiiNnrii, liiirtroni.rfiiiii.
nr 1II.1SH A i'ii., mi, i .-.I .., N,.nrk,N. J.
A HUNTS WAN 'IF. I) KOlt Till':
J.. WI.'AltINO llf 'lltl. (lUKIiN.-Tliourrat-int
lunik i i r I'lilillsliiil. It. . iiti-nls nroffppiily
liiti'ri'HlltiKiiinl slimiiii in' I'lin iiitlv lii'inl ! i'.
iryiitK.. 'I ho iiiiiiii'iif a. iniiiiii ior tiili urcnl
wurk Mniiiis it tlio niurisii .','. rul HikiH out. Il
jili'Hili'.llj llii. DikiIi .'. n. 'i .,, It rnllv
llliHlrniii Ola liclniiil, iiIi .iuiiIh in Itmnnnii.
lli'lili lil nml Wll.nlmtvlliit llii' r.itrliillsin nti.l
Ihnntiint, tl.,. -j i-iiiii ninl Frrvnr, nf tli it ivariii-
lV)lr,, ll 1 pli', i-'iiiliilHliia uw i.ikcm uml n it H
lliKtmlliiti'i, Imtin.l in cinilt, unnn nn.l noM.
l rlii'!. ,bi.iI M iiili il l u i'ywlii i'ii. Kxi-llt.
Klvnii'iiliiiii alvi'ii. it mi i li.'ulnrs nml wiiii-
ili.i'ii.y, Win. I'M NT, '.11 Till l lliICi!., IM.
ltlKNTS W'ANTIU) 11)11 Till',
I. ii i i.r ritA 'i,
nv A r oi i'ii-
Tiii is Hi" imil- I'uii. nt i ni i- i n.i oiiii.inr
lltstnry ni tin- i.ifi- uml I'ni.ii.. s. iiii-oM (,r ttin
Uri iii rlilillalii.nii.l ti. only ,.w uml Isoinlnr-iil
liy nil Tils I.rinllnir (li tn nils, si'inl for Htiri'ltni'ti
l'u. ninl CIiiuIiik ultli linns. AililrcHs Nn
tlmiill I'lilillsliliin l',i., I'lillnili'li.liln, I'ii,
1'Al Hi IN. lliociittitryl. lining llomleil Willi
Sll-l'lllll-il l.llr-s nf flu ml (vrlll..ii l.t. I'Ulllrt...
ninl I'lilllli'i.itiH, ni,o novcr f,av n 'luititi.. Spc
tlllll llio Hunk .Mill liny t. Mii(ir,d ly nil I lit-1.1-nillnic
1n ii Atii:XTsv7NTi':i).
rarhii.tiit "I'rlnoo of tlmynoth im " tntnlior
llVt". (tl I lStlllUllKlll',1 ItPl'MlllK llf III) IIUMM 1111.7
rim nil lo., women as well n men. A hmnlwnio
I ta hook or over (VM) imtrt". Illutiatnl u lilt 12
t leant
il uteri inarnvlmiH. No roinnrt Itlonr
ay it o11h tanior than any hook they ov-
Iff H(,l
l'iriiislriitt, Hviut for tuljicrlptltm c!
A.M. IIAI.K Piih'fM..
Ilnrtronl, Conn.
:nts WANTi:Tri'(7ir
Dr IHourophloH tjf out .V'i of t hf mo 4 pioiufncni
nienortho nation, ini'ltelliiK (iinnt. Sherman,
I'olt'ix.Stimmr.Hiaiiion.hiK'iulnn, ilmw, KrU
h'y, .lay ('unite, ('nuln.'Triimbull, 1 nton, linrk
liiKhtim, WINon, liroi-icy.W iule,lorioti.'nllim.
I'a rraunt. Chain. Loiian. Stt-vi'iii. Itiifhir. tni.l
othorw. IIiiiIh-IIIkIioiI wllh over I'l lllo-llko Mttrl
I'orlrall-.. l'un.-s. M only l-y Avonth,
(treat ImlllortiH'llt-. Knal tor ( lirtilant, ZKH).
I.i;i, .M t't ltltY Jl ( ., (ill Arrh Mt , rhila., la.
1 Hllll' CO.
I Illtoroil UNi: TOCXMOHNIA,
aii.ino rmM ni;v voiik ox thi.
i muti'dii UNiniicAUKoitxiA
MA PAN Of ItAtl.lI'lVn.
.Mil nnd 20th Kvory .Montlt,
(Mho .lav of hen those tUie-tfnll m Sumluu
HA l" VH-r VOi; MM HAN AN oTItntt LINI'.. I
I'or Inlormalion mliht-M l. N. (.'Altltl.VdiuX.
AL'Olll. 77 Wist M i... t. V
NV. II. Whiip, I'rrs'l. CltAS. HSA, Vleo I'teVI.
inure -il lAeluitiRu riarr, Niv York.
pi UtMTLAU, M I Ith, MlMiAV,
I Any Haw lea( i tatr Vacton inDH'I'im-
poieti an-l Patent (Irouii'l, iirrtrrtl.v into ninl
M'll, IIO'I lllIHIt' Ml iioiioriii ll'llipt I l out pill
Hi ii'inpi ling prneisn.
'.mi - Impi1, ii'i unoil
u. si, 'ih.. iii-:n
. 1 1MII11I ll." l'-
Al Kl.l I llllllllli I' 1'.
lli-il Kiiat.inti t
lll I ill -l pi I' 1. I'l
III I.-. I ll.. .1- I
limr. Hutu I'liiniiiiui
Pl'i l'.
. Mt'I'INrnl'I A
H11I1' Maniilui-rts.
i- li,- 1I1 i'i.
I. till-in III Nri.iMnri op i.iii
l'll s 1
, (Vrlnlu I 'i I'M rvailo ot IV". I'liilt. 'Mrut. tc
tor an h tmth of time, I'or -ale h1 prtlRiflst ami
urot. ii.
ixiDKN' W.VTKU I'll'H.
1 A H P I I' !',
'ih. In 'I ami ehei't'i'sl nrtU'lo i ver ttitiiU . 1'v-
i inirtteiilailv I'lirmerx timl Minn-, snal
for ll ft re ilrserlpttve rlfeill irailit pi U o Uhl to
.1. A, UtlOUWAUn, WMIlamsporl.ra.
Ttiolll xamnle a oomhlned Huuaio
IteMl. tlii at Iti'litcriucntH otmr d,
lor pai
IlluhiK for fmlo on inoxt llhoral torniH.
I loiilars addict V. H. HAT ItEl i 1 1
I'lll-lmr-ii, l'u.
? Vu lo fcl.iMM nar monl 1 lo tlioita htivlmr a littl
eapuai. e nuarHiiiy inr auove mouimy auii j
to uoottaetlva aucntH al thrlrown home. lOvi-i'-i
aeiit, rirnior.mirdi-uer.plantri'ami fruit Hrownr,
.1111111 nun n 101 11, 1 mum fi'ii'i 111 mt' i' 1 in
ulaiH Pleiihe call 011 oriultho J, .Hn.UX iV
Co., "u'oud M Ilaltlmoi't'. Aid.
I'ooplo who are iii want oi(tuil Atfi-nt-. w h 1 in-'-llinu
all kirnU ol Huwlliu Maulilm am ir-
ith'sit d lo addron itR" wlin Htamm lor uriat1
iednoe-1 prit-es ami ti-iun. f, IC. PK Usi ",tiov
1 nnnoMown, mih,
Xdisim;xsaiUiK koh i-aiuks
l-i I II K
HKVIN(i liUinK,
l'ortliuioo.ii.l.11100 o ladle In hum) moaIiui,
1 tit 4 etlmi I ho iluuor Horn tlm uuudle. and cami
)lll(ei. h lo ho taken till evict ref-mllll'l I V Und
nelea-kiHl ranidltv.
Invaluihle lor all kit)dn of
1 mhrolilprlliu and ei im-IiuI mu. Kotil to ftiiv utl
ill, oy maii.eieHiiiiuy
Iht r.platefl.tor wiii.
' miM'I -"IIMT. lot 7 it.
AuoiiU uii lilt d In v ii v Lou 11. TV ruin nml
iamplo fir j.roiiir. I.lhrial dM'ou:,l lo li e trade.
-1 all 1 fl . Ko-Uoll. Ma-.
UANTKli A(ii:XTri,
1 T.'llO O"! O. 1 111 lllh., .
. 11 1
lomale lo tni 10 in. r in 0,
nnlii" Imuios
Common Houm IM-ui 1
t v ln Mif kino, 'ihls
I II, imlt, itullt, 1 1 -itt,
r In a most hiipt rim-
1 uilv sv.ii-ianti l 1 a
U'lHI loi mis a tn liine
in re 1, 0 01 1 !i mot,
II miik ! "1 -.istli
Oil I -t... ' t , Ih . ut,
ni'ir 1 nn will s it, 1. ii
hind, Inn It I nn t 1 in m
10. oilier, iti 1 1
(He oil I ('Will 1
Dial HI m w a -!
riant lo Moam (hint 11
UKk H lit.- I. I.i l
ami Mill tho ( lot f 1 1 1 1
1 I MlUl.
io ti
out teninw It. t pas An III
pi r inoliiii iuki
iuk 1 M 1 iim 1. 111 1 o mo 1 . don Ir-fiin
sslitch isvlrCthai unotiiit .111 i-o m 1 Ut, AdilrcHK
Kl roMll.1 CO., Pilltthuruh, Piicr Dmum Mm-,
CAL'TION'. lloni't lui liMnout d unon livnili.,i
HiitleH pat ml uk oil' s?trtlik'ii isuiiiot tin
iiuiieK, iinner in-p m 10 name or ttiaersritr,
O111H Ih Uio only Kemiim- and plant lea I rlioauma
thine niauufiirtuivd,
imii crNi'i'its
W'oiuit Hill l.Ut'ltli
mall for Hi oi-uik mui
I-IkIi-II iiIiiii-i-k iill I IU-
1 1111, 11 ; '! Im- -.'"n-. All.ll1. H-4.
the lustlilor, N A 1 II N
ii .1 i.i., 1. 1
ii-.i tits sraiitt d liiesi iy 11 it of tht sitnhl,
lo iiUMTI I'M in d Id siui: UCUKl'iui'tM
AhlllMA.or .
IYKPI pt.A? fHo,
Tlli: " MH'oNivrii MK.VT"
IsHMlli-Cuir! Aht. t in lumrutht for Ufl hi-ml
tt 11.1 n i no, iu ,v 1, 41, 1 ttl.l'JH A tl
it)-lap, i.liMU. I4 btfUM, -Til.
IN .MU'lclM'. A Inxuri In tlio palm.', a
nainli Minn mini, a u uiie Ktluiulniit tniho
rlii ulalloii, a pi t -pit .pay 11 rmmtloit, an
lillli-hlllOUs liltdit-lll
i ttt oh molt k', A dill-
r. ami ,i,imiriiitie m n
Ih ... Urn. s.k Uo.l ,,n I
t I Mill I K I I
Is 1 I t III i
ioti'i-ititsu, muoii
-ii - ii iirutu i -M'IMlll.NT
! i 1.
-V X li S.
is Hi.. I
Si ml l.i, 1 i.ii , I 1 . I
nxiicu 1 1 I.. I'lii-in.i,- 1. r ..
I'lll -s.lll- 1 I I 1 III lp.ll 11. It. 111. 1.
r xl v
1 M j onr own m li 1 it-ai, h oi"iii t, r i. a a w ih t
N(rioln an) toun ot lll.f. Purllriilumninl
11 ulft hod I frit-, h iKhttt fiitx u itli Ntamp, N. 1),
t'CoUKMAN drl'4.t hi Ifniiow hi, llostou.Mnu.
A I AltSII it ('(VS., One DollnrHiilo of
1 1. Knttllnti nml Amcrktnntlry nml fancy twxxK
eiitlerj , .Iewelr, e. AKents relvo their awuU
tn nn 1 tiilvnoiti lortiietr liihot for prnrtirlnff
iiiiihi rn no i ri", ior uir unmet 01 1 wo nn iriin
wlifi-li w 111 ho -.enf m rrerlpt of One Uotlnr fMieh.
Ani nlH ivntittd. hull ilisi ilplloitn unit fiv liy
:i Irrmunt Haw, nml li Ilo wnni ki llooloti NIiim,
Ve urn auMilH fiti nVni- 1 tut) l'niwtali
nml Ihiiiipitlc Mntiiifoturi m, nml lire pmmiwl
to fiirniiit uk- wnolo country w ltd ilry nml lincy
iKfit.,MlkB,nlmvln, Jewlry, dllver ware, rurnl
lilmioM, srUitiK liinrliflirM, etrMt., ftt Hi'
oaimrni pr.t e 01
ini; i i.i.vit mu i;a h aiiticu:.
Ht-ml ymir rlnlmof 1" na iip,uu.N. for iIum rip
1 1 vo elurl(s,nliovli)K hat ni tl-lr ran bo oltlnhieil
for On hollar, i lilt t ll n lil,, f.i rarh check.
ci ill 'i IjAhs hivNt runic
ri-Htnti worth fiotu tl lo stu) wit liet of
rniii;o 10 ftrmiiniC f'llihe, AuelitN unntdl
Hi every town. C IJHllM A N A CO.,
M Arch Ht., Ilo-ton, Mavs.
I ()( Ii:it CKNT Saved. .",01)11 AgonlH
l JV.t Waiito.l fir tho Maniiuolh Dollar H.ilo.
Full pwrlh nlarn In clunUr. AihtirnH Hkytme,
IrHH HKYTt t:,
llohtun, Muhh,
I V PI KH Vi I'll., lUll WUHtllllglOll Ht 110
"rK SKhli ydh ONKl)()IiIiAHt
Cult ninl isillvi- U'.H.tltna U.. .,-lt.., f..,,l, lixA.
Hllk In -xs I'alleniH, CarpetlngfiJiinnoMtlr (Jooilnl
1 incrr.Aiis mknt niui:.
(tivlijKfiill puiilcnlnrM, ortonclitekHsi nl fm Ono
Inllnr.ilpicrihlng ten itHfrrent nrtlelrs whlehwe
will hAi for
Do M.Alt KAUI,
Hlllemllil llittltrotnentM otT.-rril to .wntM nin,l.
itimiHriuiHt, AiiuraM, IiAIUkVIk. UAitntrr,
10, tininioiiry, Ht., iiottton, Mil,
I'ATiuiNixu 'i uk iiFwr.
ltllVtnu Illl lnruiRt iiollil mnul nvnnrUi In. it
f tuyere, MM fxtritvlvf trmk' 01' any eoneorn In
Die iHilltir Main lillt-llluH.o, M i
Intexri'v I iiNtnnee. iitnl 11 1 '.i
tlio l)0t ItiPll m of
tfootm uver oiitroa ai
otfiei'ronrera Iiom uny show wherover mtr
nentH offt hollliiir. O111 tiiolti! 'I'lfiiMir and
lltI I ttlLK.'' AI11I0 nml fiMinilf nrrcitfn ti'itnt ml In
elty mitl roitntiy.
T H li h A J) I
1; s
Are paitleulni-ly 1 tqiicfitoii to liy our popular
1 lU s stefii ol srllliiir till kitirlK ol ttrv ninl tnm-v
kooUh, ilrcdHiHttternn, eotton cloth, runt ora, slUrr
piuieu hoouh, wuirms, eie. (i,MiauiiHneM wui.
A l'alent IVn Conn tain nml a chock arsrrlblng
an artirle to hui-okt for intollar, lOuli 1W f' W
Wlnr -i;(iiifor tti HMiforH): m nt hy mall. ITro
prernt toirrtlrr up, twortli IM per rout, more
thniUhoHo HiMit by nn other concern,! arctirillng
to li 01 1 1 ub. Heml u a trial elnli, or It not do
not lull 10 semi lorn circular.
H. OiirtMUo Hlioilld not In? clan oil Willi Nrw
York ilollur jinvolry hhIim, or hoati- "Tea Com
panies.,' M- 11 Is notlilnu of the Hort,
ill Hanover Ht., Huston, Muh.-.
I'DIl ON' I A ONli lioM.Mi.
Wi air s( Mllkh.khnwl,. ilrv ninl fnncC irotwU
of every dcHcilptlon, alio, Mllvor waie, liirnltuie,
etc. Valuahlo prcMonu fiian in .Vtii, Mnt fire
oi elm rye to nKciili nentilmj cIiiom ol ten ami tip
iinln. Clienlur-' mciiIINh- tonny aihlr
WVKI'Il a to..
P.O. Ilo.s ."il, U II.ui.rr.St,, Itti-ioii Mi,--.
.May l as-tm.
rpiitMi: iii:ai;t!kui.
WI.W filllK
KM U'rt5 lllinKSI, l-lls,
Ju-i 1 1 ..'iOii'il in tlm mint utiriii'lf i - i.tit.-i.
1 111 nl I." Illtll.1 UXl-fllt ltlM-lltlllllK llf till' IIHI-. Illl'l (VI- l-IIll I. I.lhl'.
1 .., m li.n. I, .tml .XU'ti' intll, lluiilv . lat ,
nun in. I. i-i,iii-ji nis-iiiNiis,!
i' 1 1 1.1 hook Hi..vrr , ,i..
I 1,. 1 ivi"l, nml XTllli r.'.li-tlH' 1 Ii"
' u 11I1 s.innfctiini' pi'lH-tl, si,
,i miiz noL'K Hr.ATi:.
1 11 r.iliiiiiiin m'll.. l usr. k.i.,11.1.11.
P iu-it. ..... i,.
I'i r iiiriiindii si-li-ml usi , i-. 1 Ii- 1
sliilili til IM-tl. i
s-iucaIhooic w.atk,
lllti lll-lixi'il (Six KllXtl-FXIl 1 li .
1.11- Si-laiul, iiiiirr mtll.i p.tip "
M'ltll Si ui.stiillP pi-llplt.
I lllfl li-al 1 ll, isl-x .Hllllr hlirl.i. 1 - nnii'eunil int. ,iim'-
II lilt Mmnstouti ni-nt-tl, - il...
lllti'rli-tlvCil, (KtX Htltlll Hill'i s.
nil-M-ilii'iisiiuii si-inniai-n-H Illl'l
. in- inn' iii-ni-i .
.sl:itAl, illHllv SI, ATM,
I nteiIeaotl. fillx Htale HlirfliooK) tor
i- illcgos, actuiemlo t and proi'tssloni-l
ir.-. w itli onpntoti(jjHmU. - !
,7X11 Inn
lot- !ood,fsjt Hlnle Hilt'f.ifCS)
1 ' I1." leu lor, utoro or nioohaiilo;.
'i iip-naio p. ti'-il - do, titl'-i'j If '
n v 111 ni 1 no nhow (.tKH.implf)H) will liu nont
1 1 pi i 1 i'A ioiiii ' on n .-cin oi ii)t wiiimtt prifi
l,oJy wim'
1 r hotly hn h nn (puck
Just t'lo thlliti for) 1 .i-Urnl eoinp'
A Koodmnn wan'rd for ihW County, apply
millions kvv uric WUeut.; I look si ne Coaip-iny,
l II K o V !' I (' U I H I s T o 11
Us Cuu i-x, Clmiaetc. Ct iplial ami UoMilin.
llj Ho., AI.rXANPUHIl.fiTl.paKNr.
A Hook oi: AI.l MUCTInNrt Sl A 1.1. P.iriF-i.
TIiIh ureal work nrrsolMa lluv onlv lottiol, t
and imimrtlttl aimli ot Mm Caitnes of thu nr
yet iniuHahriL mid kIoh Hiom- Interior lipids ,nnl
MnutoWH of the (treat coHt1t't only Icmmn to
lliomi lil-uh omool-H wlin v 11 lehrd Uut I1c1Io1h oi
rrvidutloii f.iom lt fountain sprlnu, ai. I uhleh
were mu nfcexioio 1 ' .ii, w-'ou-uiiN. mini lit p-i
slllCill im Hiooild n I net. r ol llu Cimmte;noV.
Ton lmhltr thnt ,iasbeou mirtVltrtl H i
intently Himllar Piodm Hon., we p .-iilv, ,
oh a lure ot lam. both airr eMo ai'd wulut' rv. mu
all In lei Ice tuul Ileal ot tlio hlwho-tl oi,l. Tito
ureal Aimrteim Harnan at i.AKrioiuvi n hlx
tiirlati Wiilhv oi ltN lmuortuimo.auil nt wlioxt
liaudti 11 wiIlrcrole ilu.t mod rale, ettudld ami
impnritai ircaimeui uiin-u iruuiami jimuci
u r
ueiitly tloinuml.
1 no iniene
ileMl'o t'Vorx . lieiv miLiiircsltd to
nuialii tni wnrj;, HHOtUolai cmti.u wv aud roiwly
Milic, i-oiioout'u y mi 110 iiiriniM'H t mu ni i-sfion.
til .Ua H the lit t -4111 -fill lion hook 1 ver pllh-
one A i 'itt in Ka ton. Pa., report -st:.1 -oihierlh( t
in Unve d it,.
tlm in Ili,u,ii. M.i h 1 It ,ulis t J, ms. lo t .I.ii k
ono lu MouipliK Teuii., U'ti tmilnrj:lljoiH 11 live
Kend lor 1 In ulart. aud -n o our term . and a full
tit -irrjpttoti ot tlio woiu.with I'l.'-t uiiiiri , o
i tlsaiicmliot In rle. Ad.lirs VATllt.N'AL Pl'H
i.ihjiiu i o., .ti r aiin ti , ciiiimttipnia, im
May i.'i-tt.
l.oi d.i(t 1 Iplloii ol t-atxW uananli d lo uls
fiultv -ai Isi.H'iit.n, Ht ud 11 i .itahvm and Cir
cular: tttoon i f-itiUen 01 olln-r m ll-oi, UW
iii puu pai ia -i, 'or -ale cia up
HnwisVi'ii Km.
Upurll Plaee, .New 01 Mil I -tli lal !-l. Ho toil.
April asnm
W V I. 1 I 1. , 'V 1. il O '
P K I I,
MOW Kits AND ItCAPKItH!' tltr Irinl, tin I iisotl , s i'I's
Tsio tiiuild OoUl Medi-I 11 lit 11
lht it
nip 1 1
tie 1.1 limn 01 iiom 1 t.t in tij.
' .1 siiUKU 1 fse
I MhtTlON, H ,
i.t i lit nil p tru d itt
mS tu 11-0. ! in 1
l im illni-- tni ni.
ll) l-'ll l I'
user -n,to.
u llll I11010 -
.it 'inn nt liy nil uli . I
nu-: wot
Wi nll'K IMII.I-: M .WI s ,, tt
WI 1(111 M HI II. I l
I.I Wl-.ll, Willi
iVlHluul DDI) s s 1 u l
ill l 111 11 i'.v
It AINli't ll.lilNOI-s liAllVH.&ttM.
.MaUllftll-tllU'il til' II111 WAl.TKlt A. UI111I1
AlOWlNtlANIllll'AI'INU MAl lllMvi ,1.0. n-
oi'lll uiniia linn .t iiitiltii'tiii-y lluonliiit l tills. t;-ii-,
futility, N. v.
ltltAolf hi i it i m am s ii.u,itL.i.aHi
Jii- link Illy. 1' 1 1 nt Intuit stii-i-t, r. ii. ti.
isii&.n. It.riKIN'N'lllt. Aui-lil.
Kcllliitl-ju III..-.II I IjiK, sll.-l-l. V. ti. Whllfi iii, Ak'l
Ali'Xiinilrlii, Vii M. K. l- l'l.l.Hlt .n r.. At. nit.
rUKI.IU.s. I '11- III-, i l 1I1K.I --llltltH Isllt'l t,
liiilliliiu, i:ui'l.tiiil, Hi'itit tin- it. iv th-Mii-liilhtii-l'--uular
I'm' iMf. May i;., its.; m,
JOHN V, 11 AM,
Nu. i'i i: kt i ufi.Tii -nu irr.
i nu Mit ultl..vllll'.v ..
C'lirrlDK1' "1 Huniw Miiiiiirarlnii r,
t-s,.iln.isKt., I f.
UaVlliK Itlllier luollil UftJi M
tfllV HoUW 111 llieciiy, ,kiiu . it
In r.mhled tn 11 ' per a
way fi i
ortl-uH ftiriilpiuijOi v
. Ami PwwVuiu i
Vml'l- uu Itioliir
'uii i tUlilUth in
l ult a v-ury I'a
lliun Hi on l
i dl'lm e, nil.
tWtinltd h
In Isl-i,
. I M. nl
Ml. KM nml IR.U
llu- MiiiIiI , (.'uli
A" '
' Ht "1
.ii ffi-i jiiur inline Iwrk Hi iimiiI
Ktiwlsul low pfkiiis I. lit
t.. r. BliAiii'i.n.sHMM'miir..
A ini!
b irf twloliiw, 1 mil' 1.
JHHT llMl'I'.lVIJll
A frotili ItlTolconl llinji rllilrlsnrnll
kliul.,i.'tiiiiiftlititixini .ltn, Linen
ciiir. mui iiiiuim fm- IiuIIi,-.
.ursT iincKivi:!)
A fii'Hh Invulm of Pnr (Joltarn ami
CulN, new Htvlr, I.lnf n Hlilrt fronti
for .Men ami l!o,
jtkt iti:t Kivi;i)
A new lnuli'iil('un-lti.ry, iucrn..
wnri', Villowii'nii'.f lr.
Jl'MT uixnivr.ii
A ii.'M liixtalltiunt nr tlntn-i, Iirlc-it
lltx-f, Unit I' ami .MiukLii'L
JI'Ml IIM'KI Villi -
Tlio l.i.t lt.inyiuilu I lii-1. mil
1'renh Urleil 1'rnlU, Apphw, pcadiCM,
pHrud ami nn pared, Itlat-kherrloN,
Prinien, Whlto Hmtn, Hurley ami
liutter, IiKsaml Jjtrd: Tor 11 pi line
nrtlolucH'sli Will he paltl.
I tniiis,.hiiiiUlt rs aiul ltiii'nti,
(lOi 1 1 is
nut c.vsii on ucady pay.
I lllt CASH (lit ltllAIIY PAY,
1 IK l-Asit ot; tt;.liv I'AV,
on c.Hir mi m:iiY pay.
T I. T. SHAItl'MSS'.s HTdlli:.
A l J.. r. .sIlAIII'I.I.Ssh STOItP.
a r 1 . 1. hiiaiii''s sioni:,
.VI I.. T. MIAUI'I.fjsSS MOltl'
111. 11. lii-Inn-.', .Mat-. Ii -Ju. Isiii.
1IBA1 IK olK, U 11, M UTI.ANI1. I, IlAtlTON,
in:.vTiic()Ti-: comi-any
; o 1 h : it 11 1 o n ics,
ouNt.iioi wi.r Ttii.rr a hi. t k iioiui- ai.i.kv
Ilasliw InoH.iM'd our fiieilltti- in u
lion roOIII. miU'Il III 1'V. iSl Ui ion m. t,iw..l In
niaanraclur.'I.i icoMo'l IVi: l'M i:.nmlall KIihIh
ols'li:M l,.ofr,MH,HMoKJ:-sTA KTlMvS
ut:FT-li:oN' oi:k.,o. All woiUpuimoilv dim,'
nirr.nt M101I lioltto.aiid
rtii:(fi. vn'r.xTioN pn -in uni'Aiit-.
Votir ntti lllloii lu -vi-irflnlle 1 nil. .1 In tlm i..,m
IjiM'h ot our llnn-all U luu J'nuiuui It.nltr r-.
Mr. lit' S 1 Hi Ol I. hint 1111 oi HoiK-ii ,.r..i 1.1
thltly eaM In thn tnmiurau ire of all klmN of
sunm Hollers : and fiom our loneperlonre w
nrr fully aware o the ncooisttUy om utll-nuula
nnd Mitllfit uit.v Ini v Hon.! 11, to Mime not onls
vafdy hut ( tory results: nnd sin Minll Rive
ouriiistomtiti only those ot the host quality
ir-aattN maleiliil.sunkmiimddp, andumplr'luat
Inu surfaeo. ami iirl roniltleiit Hint in cmi rM,.
der Mitlxf.ictlon, nml at piloen fully as loss nsuiiv
o her imiltl.TH uslm; Ihr r-amo i,u dil of inatcri
SS O SVOU 1 on 11 1hr ntlnotloii ,) Itnllu-nt-
iiinioK to our f.iellltlrs lortloinj- I.OC0MOTIV1:
iV O I K. t.l I 11 I.II 1M-P Vll;-l ,m . 1 nt. tin tnnl.-n II
a point for 01m of tho tirm lotilssavN ulvrhls pei
Monal uUiMiIlon.
S O tlio IllNtt liu-O-H-i toilo nil Uln.lsicl Ml...,,,,
rittlnu., hin-li as Uniting I'uhlU' ami private
Illllldill'.M, 1' irtoiU s. (lltlliu Up Mi .nil Polh 1 -,A
Ct-n-iantP on haml all klmU ot Mii.asi nr
TIMis.Sl l. SSI AMI V VI t U (il' U-WMKIM Pll'tJl
ami all IJtllnus ei d u llii thr husfno4s.
Ah .t'.lsthlL-HOt llll lilOlU ltr.11,.1 I Mini-. Clnt.i
Sh-soM. PlosiK.nml all svork rnnnectt d svlth llu
fiotifial foil ni 1 1, s litisinrss,
Ii0fpirtiuil KOiirilllifi mil oitl.M. sir mt
ouis srry ti nK
IVh.'M'l!- ly
.1. ni'ATiit'orr a c
It A II Ji O A v
A HTANDAUD MANPUi: ron si.l. i lKUi AM.
r. ll VIN JlOI'K.
lias Imr si thin tho mist s ear eroiitlv liiiirio.(it
and impiosetl our liicllities rr urltuilnti Imnon
and manuttetuilur, sioiuo prewired to luruixh
the farmriior 'rnuvlvnnla a huperioi aitlPlo
ol hi put iilOhl'IlATi:. 1
our mauutaeioiy imH ieeu tlioioimhlv teMo.1
1I10 pnjt seiiMon hy praotlral men of ourlmnif-
I in l o neluhhtivhond nml etst si here, and In o rv
e.ts,- tlm i4Kult has Pre n entlirly mtKfiictor
OUt ploiisHi.l plllSl 11111, Sllli IrhS tt tl 1 li
lt noil toi nn, uaiautt rd
To J'A!-S '1 Huron AN mil I .
ohvtalt nn ohkrlloti sihleh attuslu. toiuauv
rtitiiii'is.nuii M'iuro tutho f.uuurn ntslnuor
uiurli vuliialilo time.
mihl ill tlio lontiti fnet ors- I . it-r M A Kit 1 rkinii 1
Kt siiruY, Pv., and by our uKent-t tiiroimhtnit
tlio ot nml r , In liaH ofJuathtt, iio h, nl kt oii
of wau Ihh, AImi KIIIPPU) I'lti isIITIA to all
points aeresMlhlo l.y rail oreaual.on ireelpt of
niiT. IiilUUtilO.N -.V ItlllKilvI.NN,
AIko Ail nlk lot' Si- limiir. M01 irioi A All.-Ok
Self HalKiiK lh apt 1 uml Mosser t'llie Nrsv Votk
t r in m t rail iv rsmtniey ti iiay aim oratn Haitr
.1. K. l'.Mtt, sient. Hlotaiisimrtf, I'a.
,0 df ( tiritlur, li,'J.ilv-!)m
O ' l-st 1 1 f ii in NtVt
ManutaetureiK of (he new patent MoNTI'olt
I'l.ATK riAXo PollTi:, patenti.l Fihumiyyilli,
HW. Warriutotl loi live .sear.
VauiMin. siii llrtKune-st,. Nesv oik.
Tin patent Monitor Plato PlatlON h then pr
eitllar rotiMti notion air mi 1 mm lor lo nil other., and
iiiclr 11. rill etimdhU lu the sviett plank holm; Mip
portfd h. the Iron rmiuc, ulloss ln a larirer spiu-r
li tin Koundmg hoard than U possi-Mseil h an
nitior kind ot piano, liy thin means tin quantliy
ni well tot the iniallly of the lotie is i.irf.s ill
on jim d,
TltffcO PilltlOt ll'iSlt lieeli ploiioiiurril hy tlltf
hi st jmUjei ttiho unrlsallrd lor
powicu am svi:j;tmsh or ton k,
1-'jiy ami iwirerahl. torn h and teautv of HnUli.
Most llnurrhiK ivitltlnttrH ot extellenco trum
TliaH'" M. Oott-sfimlk.Ktrakoi.rli, vit uti innn, nmi
11 la rut- iiUiiiIh rl lin- iuokI illiiiit(UiHhiil Profit.
-ns-iud Vmatfiirs. K10111 lotm txp rluirrand
siipfrita 1 n lilt it's ii MiimtfiietnrlUK, so air t-nu
hh d lo 1 llu- onr piano- at a-s low 1 1 h t 1 hm ate
iv(d P inffi lor makoiH,
t ml lor oiiritlar and pi lee lii,
.V II. liAIlMiilli:
IMANU flillli:
MA St I'll 11 III lit.
ills lis llli-i k. 1 tsli. 1 1. Ni-i Yuill I'll,
Ksluliltiilii .1 ninl -.7 I'lti. Mi-iluli. Vu 1
IIIIW lllllll 1'IMllll ,ii I, III. IV I
i-itui it liy tin. iit.,1 ilislinnilllli-liiil ni list-
(Im IIoj.1 urn iiiitn. i ii i . 1 1, emit lii-ri-i.-i Hi. i luu,.
U'-L'tl llllllH lll-isl llllll UlkfHt. llll lilt- lu. i... ...I I..
yoiiw..i-.l In lli.'lt- Miiir, Unit i-M-i-iliii,,.
-.tuiiUs iuv uiiilnmilly In Ilium, ni iiiin-i iiuiki'ii, .
mill mini nn. iiniui milll-KS ni.ilri.l, ui,l t.
ii.iii-iu(iiliMHi(lii lulu iiii. iii.t llinu ji-iits,
WI. t-tlll lliriinl til Kl-lf ll Ills) I 1,-lHS l'lllll.. i.nti- in
(luu In 101 It, ttmii u -.Inii' ii tun-1' iii i... ti mi i,t
KM-ry I'lniin t'urli Wiitiiuiinl rm "i Y , nml m
lll - HalUr.irtllill.
uur VtaiiiMnit" iiiii.l-itiilii.t., tlii.iitiiii-ii.iis iikhI
I'iri'V.iy imil nn- llmiMiiulilj si.isiiiti'il, uml ,
llu m i y In--., iiual liy i lint i-iiii Lo iiriH iiii il, N
.il-l Ufllulili"!', lull tin. I'lililK-illicit ,,,.H
iiM-r, lii'ii'i i-i-ii.iiiiitii i iKlliini-i., l:i-ry'
iiml mil, is lioni-nly fnllliiuliy niui t.
iiiiillili- in. iii-, kii Uml It mil In ni tin must ihiii-
llli-I'Hiilillllutl 'limy illlli-t- llinu, ih ii luiiil,
i-iiiir-ii' lulu- i.r uuat I'l ilniii. (wlili li Is Inul lu tin!
li'Ullllllll:, mi l uruwi, llinsi- i-Miy tln , ttm..
nun. I li. It Ih i-i-tltitil iiiiil ilvlluiti', iiitii! iii lis M.
IiiiiIUiiw, ilillitllllulln IIh -.IiiuIiik i-ui ui liy, mut
I,., .im- ! it iirics-tiuii.v iii irmitiri' ,' i-ry i n
hllisl I'lllHt,
Ttii-y iuv. Mlllunu .tiniiil tlm t -.t, llu- uiokt
liistiim, nml i iiiihi itni iuly tin-iliini.iKt. Wo mu
'VA! "tJ!1' " -r-1'1 I""111' "iiri'iiwi. liiu-tofiiiiii
..mii.ii--tijii.iiii. 'a,, fit -ji.-Si-iim,
ii,-m;-i uni.t-,
Item-tit-,!--, tuts.
J I 'U4f
SUllSClllllKItS il AVI X(l
'UHr-il tlio I'lniitiiir Mill 11 n.i M....I.I .. tl
luriilfrlyiK-i iHiltiil liy H, C. Mit,., m 111 i-.mltiii...
ilu' liu.tue.. ut iiiiiti'iruuiiiliii:
IHIDUM, HASH, lll.l.NIIH, MlU'l.lU.N'tl ,
lii.uki-i..i.-. Wi' iiro iili i.ti-puriil to futiiMi
illi-ssi-il tlm. I tin, .llluiiii'H nml 1 lt.r ItiitibiT
ii iiiin i ui tin i-.iiintiii-tii.ii ur iiuiiiitimu. ah
i ni- i iiiiuiui! iiunoiit .in it untii-is, lilllii fur
...... ,ni. Mui, mu.,, unit
II llll' il Willi lilillillit.
sin -tllilly mllAtoil.
01,1 ii IIAUIO.V.
ii in i ii in r. r.
r Int Thk t ui.uMiiiAN Kteam
1 1'