THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. $w (ltalumbian. ULODMSHUlia, PA. PH1I1AY MUHSlNd, MAY 13, IHOs. J- TUB COI.DMIll N ha. tin- I.niRtt lllreitlatlonv III Columbia adjoining coiiultc. of any mtrr intilllieil lirrc, nml ll also a tttnell lal-Rer sliV.l than any of llcolrniiorarlr. aim It tlirrrfiirr Hi best mi-illum for ailvrrlUliiR In till, .trlloii if I lid HI ate. Wearing tho End. llv reference to our report- fif tho pro ceedings of tho Court of Impeachment It will bo seen that' the vote was not taken on Tuesday last, ostensibly be- causo of Senator Howard's Illnes, but really because tho defection of Hender son, 1-Vssonilen, Grimes and Trumbull assured tho IinpeacherH that a voto at that tlmo would result In tho President's acquittal. In vain did Thud, Stevens Wield his lash, and reiterate his old de mand for Senator "to throw conscience to tho Devil," they remained linn, and tho voto was postponed until Saturday, to Uo further delayed then If conviction Is not secure. .In tho meantime all tho Influence nt thocommand of thollndlcal party Is brought to bear on tho doubtful Jurors. Promises, threats, everything is resorted to. If Andrew Johnson be con victed. U Kill not be becawe he is yullty of any crime, but because the success of certain politicians demand it. what would be thought of n verdict in our Courts, when tho Jurymen are button holed night and day, bullied, threaten ed, or openly bribed V Will the people -deny Andrew Johnson u fair trial be- causo ho Is I'lesldent, because ho Is nppostsl to the Radical policy '.' Wo warn Ids enemies that the people arc becoming aroused, and that tho out rages of the past week may blazo out in a civil war, to which the late rebel. Hon would be child's play, Ileware of putting the, last straw on thn camel's back ! Congressional Courtesies. Is former times, we were accustomed to hear from our opponents, very much on the subject of Insolent behaviour and of unparliamentary haranguclng, on the part especially of Southern mem bers of Congress ; all of which was of course charged to the mode and manner of life of those gentlemen, and partlcu Inrly to tho demoralizing Influence of slavery. But since 1801 thcro have been no Southern members in Congress, no slave-holders have cracked tho me taphorical whip over tho headsof fellow members; no man brought up among the surroundings of serfdotn bus been permitted a seat thcro ; and yet what do wuseo and lienr? Filled as thoso congressional scats are with tho party of great moral Ideas, with, it is to bo supposed tho best and ablest, most gentlemanly and refined members of that party; we aro forced to witness scenes and listen to language which would dlsgraco a brothel ; scenes and languageso degradlnguud dlsgraco ful, that they themselves admit that thoy "never found any thing to com paro with It on this floor j" and Mr. Dawes, Rep. Mass. said they were "re marks of the character ofwhlch no man could find a parallel in thu debates of Congress, certainly not In thotlmothat ho had been a member of tho House. Ho had never heard anything that could comparo witli theso remarks both as to their personal character and the degrad lugand olTenslvo languago used on that occasion." Woreferof courso to the Donnelly AVashbume debate of last week, and that our readers may see tho kind of men sent to Congress by this "great moral party," and who, as wo said be fore, wo suppose aro tho best of the lot, woglvoa few extracts. It must bo re membered that Donnelly and Wash burne are both Radicals of tho most malignant type.aud of tho highest posi tion In tho party. Its tenders In fact, in ability as well as in character. And if what they say of each other is true, thoy should each bo in the Penitentiary of their respective States. Wnshburno speaking of Donnelly says, ho (Donnelly) Is a man "who Is covered all over wlthcrlmeand Infamy; a man whose record Is stained with every fraud whisky and other frauds a man who has proved f.iKo alike to his friends, his constituents, his coun try, his religion, and his Clod." Donnelly speaking of Washburne, says: "What If God In a moment of enthusiasm at ono of the gentleman's speeches were to pluck him to his bos nm and leave this wretched nation staggering on In darknevi to ruin. I fancy tho gentleman haranguing tho as sembled hosts of Heaven, the cherubim r.nd the seraphim, the nngcls and thu nrch-augelM. How ho would sail Into them. How he would rout them, horse foot, and dragoons. How ho would at tack their motives and lllug Insinua tions nt their honesty ; and how he would declare for economy, and urge tho wheels of tho unlverso must bo stop ped because they consumed too much grease. (Laughter.) And If there bo In our midst ono low, sordid, vulgar soul, orburren, mcdlocro Intelligence one heart callous tojuvery kindly sentiment, and overy generous Impulse ono tonguo leprous with slan der one mouth which Is like unto a den of foul beasts, giving forth deadly odors if tliero bo hero ono diameter which, while blotched and spotted ull over, yet raves and rants, and black guards liko a prostitute it Is tho gen tleman from Illinois," Men who could listen to, and laugh at,such profanity and Impiety art) worse If possible, than thu speakers. What must bo tho character of tho rank and tile of a party whosolcadorsaroa Wash burnoanilu Donnelly? Asa fit end ingtotho blasphemy and bllllnggato of these honorable men ; Mr. Donnelly Ironically a-kod Is It proper forme, In tho present temper of tho House, to propose that thu liouso imltnto tho Illustrious example in the case of tho Secretary of War and (Jen oral Thomas, nnd go out anil tno a drink, (ucnerul laughter, boiiio say ing agreed. My whistles dry, I say amen to that. Hal 1ml Good. Hatha! TiiK Radicals in their rage, nro id rwitly reading Grimes, Kessentleu, Trumbull, Chaso nnd Henderson tho brains of their party out of tho organ ization, It must bu gratifying to such life-long Republicans, tho men who organlzod und led thu party to victory, to msi such renegado Democrats as Hut ler, Logan and Stanton controlling tho destinies nntl policy of tho party. (Jo ou, Sirs, read a fow inoro out, and all tho decent white men of tho country will certainly be on our tide. Revision of tho Dclogato System In ! Schuylkill County. 1'liK Cutiimlltiv fiiiiioliilcil Ijy tl'o Clu.lnnrtiM.rtlu. County m.rtlni? liultl in So UmuIht lu-t. In icvNu the Dole- irntu Svfllfin nml to u more proper tlmeiuut manner of holding and f lmltllllR illlil i ir Conventions I n this count v ' io Committed 1 conducting tlionomluatlni; of tho Democratic party I respectfully rrimrt that tl met at tho Merchants' Hotel, In tho borough of I'ottsvllle, Oil till! -8 lilt., and after carofidly uxamlmng several proposltlonx, and a full Interchange of sentiment, nave agreed upon the annex ed resolves. The eommltteo uru aware that no system chii lie devised or adopt ed which will lu thmight entirely fair or he perfectly satisfactory to nil, yet they firmly hellevo that tho ouo they have agreed upon will lio found on fair trial, to he the best that can bo procur ed, one that will forever fettle this vex ed tiucstlon, and bo conducive to tho greatest trootlof our time-honored party I, Ukkolvi:i, That each election district In Schuylkill county shall bo entitled to two delegates In tho Nomlti atlng Convention of tho Democratic par ty In said county, and ono additional delegato for each ouo hundred Demo cratic voters In said election district, In excess of two hundred votes given for tho Democratic candidate for governor nt tho last preceding gubernatorial election. 2. Hnsoi.v-n. That tho districts shall be called In alphabetical order, and as tho name of each delegato Is called ho shall rise and voto viva voce, for a can didate for each ofllec for which n nom inntlon Is to be made, commencing with tho highest and ending with tho lowest, for this purpose. In order to expedite tho business of tho Conven tlon, tho Chairman of tho County Standing Committee shall furnish to each and every delegate a printed slip containing the names of all persons of fering themselves as candidates for the several offices, :), Hhsoi.vkii, That no person shall be admitted to the room In which the convention is held except tho members of the Conventlon,its officers, tho Chair man of tho County Standing Committee nml tho reporters of the press I. Hksoi.vki), That tho time of meet ing of tho Convention shall bo Tu esday Instead of Monday as heretofore. 0. HK80i.VEi,That worecotnmendour fellow Democrats of tho County to send their best menus Delegates and to frown down and frustrate tho efforts and de signs of any candidate who may travel through tho district for tho purpose of "setting up" persons for delegates, be- llovlng as wo do, that tho peoplo of tho districts aro moro competent to Judge who are their best and most trustworthy men to send as delegates, l). JU:soi.VEi, That upon sufficient proof that nuy delegate has accepted a brlbo from any person for his vote, such delegatoshall bo peremptorially expel led from the Convention. 7. ItEsoi.VED, That if, upon satisfac tory evidence, it can bo established that any delegate has been returned to the Convention whoso election was brought about by votes of members of tho opposition party, or from Demo crats living in other districts, such del egato's name shall at onco bo stricken from tho roll. 8. Hr.HOLVKU.Tliattlie Chairman of the County Standing Committed shall here after cause tbeso rules to bo published with every call for a County Conven tlon. Tjik Galaxy koii May, 1863. Con tents Tho Black Bess. By Harriet Prescott Spoflbrd. (With an Illustra tion by W. J. Hennessy). Our Million aires. By T. W. Tho Trumpet Smith. By Charles Dawson Shunly. Personal- ism. By Walt Whitman. Tho Shad ow ou the Wall. Clementina Klnni side. By E. Lynn Linton. (With an illustration by Gaston Fay). Soldier Statesmen. Tho liouso and tho Heart. By E. It. Sill. Tho Pllgrimngoto Mec ca. By Edna Dean Proctor. Woods anil Waters. By Edmund Clarence Stedman. Beechdale. By Marlon Hnr- Jund. (With an illustration by Win slow Homer.) Chapters L, II., ami III. Words and Their Uses. By Richard Grant White. Five Years in Japan. By 1). B. Simmons. (With an Illustra tion from a Japanese drawing), Stev en Lawrence, Yeoman. By Mrs. Ed wards. Wreck. By II. II. Tho Gal axy Miscellany. Articles by l'ierro Blot, Mark Twain, and others. Drift Wood. By Philip Qullibet. Litera ture and Art. By Richard Grant White, E. L Youmrtns, and H. H. Con- ant. Nebula?. By tho Editor. With this number The Galaxy Is en larged so as to contain fully fifty per cent, moro matter than heretofore. It Is now tho largest Magazlno (with a single exception) In tho country. Tho illustrations of Tho Galaxy will hereaf ter bo under tho personal elmrgo of Mr. W. J. Linton, who stands at tho head of Wood Engravers, not only In this country, but also In Eugland. "Beechdale," tho serial story by Marlon Harluml, commenced In this number, will continue to be Illustrated by Mr. Wlnslow Homer. It will run through five or six numbers of tho Magazine. The next (June) number of Tho Gal axy will contain an article by Mayno Held, and stories by Henry James, Jr., -Miss Crane (tho autheruf "Emily dies ter," Opportunity," etc.,), und other popular writers. The price of The Galaxy Is I it year. Advantageous clubbing terms nro also offered. Subscriptions should bo ad dressed to SHELDON & CO, Nos. 108 and Sou Broadway, New York. IMPOIITANTTO SOMHEHK. TllO Stllto Legislature at Harrlsburg recently pass ed a hill, which provides that tho dis charge papers of soldiers who served In tho last war may bu recorded In tho Register's Olllco In each county. In this way tho fuctofhavlngan honorable discharge from tho service moy bo pro- served by tho soldier ; but a copy of such county record according to existing rules, will not supply tho place of tho original discharge certificate In caso of application to tho govern ment for boun ty, land, back pay, etc., In all such ca ses tho certificate of dischurge itself must ho produced to tho proper authorities at Woshlngton. Soldiers should remem ber this and carefully preserve their certlllcates of dlschnrgo from being lost or destroyed, whether they bo recorded In tho office of tho county recorder or not. TnuSouthern papers print the Wosh-burno-Douuclly debate, probably as a warning to tho negroes what they may yet bo reduced to when they get Into Congress, Communication. OlIANtlF.VII.I.K, Al'l II H, S(W. Mil, Mooiu:, Dear Sin If my mom- r' 1,10 rlf1' tho controvowy ww" j 'U mi m6cH 11w,"Vi!S tl'U ! nl nro how good principles mo right, tho controvcrxy v uul 1 i-wiiioiTiuic imny s'nc0 ,8li0' ' "lu l'rcscnt tlino, that woulil Justify you In sustaining them '.' 2-What iiiwm.rcs.uiil principles l.avo tho Republican party advocated slnco ISCll to the present time, that will Justi fy you in denouncing them '.' .1. What claue In the Constitution gives Mr. Johnson the right to expel Mr. Stanton V 1. What advantage had 1 over my neighbor In obtaining nnd holding Gov ernment HondsV "). What kind of principles should Mr. Lincoln have taken wlillo Presi dent, that would have met with your approbation ? Theio arc the questions that you prom ised to answer, ami I hope you will do as you agreed to tlo. And nftcr you have answered them, and havo any questions to B9k me, I thall bo happy to answer them, and If I am not able to onswer them, then I will acknowledge tho inability to tlo so. Yours Truly, SAM'L. ACIIENIUCIR AKSWKIl. Tlio "good principles advocated by tho Democrats since 18G0" aro tho samo ns advocated by them slnco 1S00; they hnvo never changed their principles anil therefore havo never, llko tho Re publicans, changed their name. At tho close of tho clghctccnth century tho Is sue was squarely made between tho ad vocates of Monarchical principles and those who favored n Representative Republic. Tho principles of tho former were at work at the very foundation of tho.Govcrnment, nnd strenuous efforts were made to engraft them upon tho American Constitution, os tho debates In tho Convention clearly show. Falling In this, thoy endeavored to carry them out In tho Administration of tho Elder Adams, hence The "Allen and Sedition laws," alt of which were inconsistent with American Freedom, nnd contrary to tho minds of n largo majority of tho people, whoso opposition was shown in tho triumphant election of Thomas Jefferson to tho Presidency in 1801. For sixty years tho nation was governed mainly, by Democratic principles, nnd tho result was, wo prospered beyond n parallel In tho history of nations, prov ing conclusively, that these principles wero adapted to tho country and the liberty of tho people. But let mo state theso principles a little moro clearly : I. Tho Government of tho U. S., is ono of delegated powers, and theo powers aro defined by tho Constitution. 2. It is n Government of co-ordlnato powers, anil couslsts of tiireo branches, Legislative, Judicial and Executive, each of which lias its own powers and duties defined by tho Constitution. 3. Congress is ns much bound by thn Constitution in making laws as aro tho Supremo Judges in deciding upon thcu ami tho President is bound to executo them only when they nro ndmitted or decided to bo constitutional. 4. Tho States delegated to tho Gen eral Government certain well tlelmed powers, and reserved all othors. Ilonco while tho States cannot exerclso tlio powers thoy havo delegated, neither can tho Government encroach upon tlio reserved right of tho States. 0. Each Stato is independent of tho others, and lias sovereign control over its own affairs. Hence no Stato has a right to mcddlo with the affairs of an other. C. Tho Constitution is appllcablo to tho country in a timo of war us well as in times of peace. Founded upon tho above wo believe, 1. Had tliero been no interference with tlio reserved and Constitutional right of tho Southern States, thcro could havo been no war, for then there would havo been no occasion for it. 2. When tho States seceded, tlio solo object of tho war on tho part of tho North, should havo been to suppress tho rebellion in order to restore the Union. !!. Tho Government had no right to Interfer with Slavery, nor with Slaves, only so far ns they being property wero contraband of war. Other prlnclp les will bo developed ns wo answer other questions. On tho abovo foundation rests tho wlido super structure of American Liberty. Tako theso away and you undermlno our icantlful Temple, tlestroy Its magnifi cence, and prostrate In tho dust that which cost the labor, tho wImIoiii, nnd the blood of our Revolutionary sires. Wo charge tho Republicans with tho war, all tho treasures of money nnd blood, with tho tears of tho widow, tho erics of tho orphan, nnd tho untold buf fering and desolation it produced, be cause. 1. Thoy approbated tho interference of tho rights of tho State, ns In the euso of John Brownwhom tho deilled ns a martyr to their principles. 2. They might havo settled the mat ter beforo hostilities commenced had they not been bo thirsty for blood. 3. Thoy prolonged tho warbychan Ing tlio declared objects of It, nnd thus united tho South and divided tho North. Wo charge them with frequent viola tions of the Constitution during tho wnr. l.They Interfered with Stnvcry whlcl they had no right to do. 2. They suspended tho wrlt.of Jlabeu, Cbrpusln States where thcro wasnowar and whero tho civil courts weroopen il. They subjected tho peoplo to un lawful search and seizure. I. They arrested citizens without pro cess of law,and thrust them Into gloomy prisons without trial. 5. They established military Inqulsl try civilians and thus held tri bunals unknown to tlio Constitution il. They consciipted thupeoplowlthout regard to tlio lows of tho Sluto in refer- enco to tho calling out of thomllltla Wo charge them with deceit In car rying on tho wor. 1. They professed to bo actuated by patriotism, when they sought for gul in overy Imaginable way. 2. Thoy professed to bo lighting for tho Union, when their object was tho freedom of tho nljfgcr. 3. They declared again nnd again that If tho South would luy down their arms and submit to tlio laws they should bo considered as brothers and restored to all their former rights and privllege-s, But theso pledges they havo violated, I. They opposed Mr. Johnson who ho was but carrying out tho agreement and proclamation of his predecessor. Finally, wochargo them vlth,greatly and unuecossinllylncreaslngtho national debt by tho frecdman's bureau, feedlug and caring for millions of negroes, and supporting n largo army In tlio South when It Is not needed. With establish ing a Military despotism over tho South ern States with franchising tho negroes and disfranchising tho whites, with uslngtliobayonct tocarry their elections with setting up Ignorant blacks to rulo over tho whites. With endeavoring lode stroy tho President beeauso ho would go according to tho Constitution nnd would not carry out their reconstruction acts,- wlth encroaching upon and assuming tho powers of tho Executlvo and Judiciary and with tho Intention of establishing a despotism over tho wholo country All this wo elmrgo them with, nnd lioiu them guilty beforo tho country and God. When tho history of tho times shall bo Impartially written, future generations will wonder that tho American people, sensible of their liberties, did not rise, nnd rid tho country of such tyrants. While tho Constitution gives tho right to tho President to appoint his lirinclpal officers with thoadvlco nnd consent of tho Senate and says nothing about their removal, yet tho custom has always prevailed; you enniiol point to n sluglo Instance, except tho ono under consIdcratlon,wherc, when tho President removed any of his Cabinet, tho Sen ate objected. Tho very naturo of tho caso requires such a construction, for It Is necessary In tlionaturo of things that, as tlio Cablnot Is tho President's Privy Council, It should bo composed of men whoso sentiments accord with his own. How could ho carry on tho Government successfully If his Cabinet wero nil opposed to him? But you say ho violated tho "Tenure of olllco bill." Let mo call your attention to ono fact. If, as tho Republicans con tend, tho Constitution gives tho Presi dent no such right, why was It neces sary for especial legislation to prevent him. Tlio very fact that they had to pass an ru;t to meet thu case, Implies that they considered he had tho right or clso why this net'.' Just as they havo recently paed an act to pre vent the Supremo Court from passing upon their reconstruction acts. If their acts aro legal, why afraid to tost tho matter beforo that tribunal which was appointed for that very purpose'.' The advantages of tho bond holder over others are theso: 1. Tho bond holder pays no taxes for his money at Interest, others do. 2. Tho bond holder receives his Inter est in Gold, while tho others must tako Currency; the ono receives 8 or 10 per cent, tho other,but(! In our State. Then deduct about 2 per cent, taxes from tho latter and you leave him about 1 per cent, for the uso of ids money. 3. Tlio bond holder may enjoy privi leges that others havo to pay for. Suppose you sell all your property and invest tlio proceeds In Government bonds, you escape all local taxes. Oth ors mus t support the country ,antl you enjoy equal privclegcs for nothing. Others must support schools, andyour children can attend them, others must mako roads, and you may travel on them, others must support tho poor, whilo you who may bo worth your mlllIons,are relieved from thocliaritablo burden. A man's mind must ho very obtuse not to see tho dlfiercneo In favor ot tho bond holder nnd his lieart calloused by tho love of money not to acknowledge so gross an injustice. Mr. Lincoln would havo met my np- probatlon,and tho approbation of overy Democrat, if ho had adhered to tho rlnciplcs of tho Constitution, if ho had carried out tho convictions of Ids own mind, "that ho had no right" to inter fere with slavery, that tlio war should be prosecuted, "in no spirit of aggros- slon.but for thu restitution of tho Union and tho malntcnanco of tlio laws." Had ho done this, tliero could have been no Emancipation Proclamation, no suspension of Habeas Corpus in the nonconibatant States, no arbitrary ar rests, no trials of citizens beforo Mili tary tribunals. The war could have been closed booner, restoration complet ed, nnd millions of money baved to the country. As it Is, history will record, and millions will remember blm, ns having violated his oath of office, ns well ns the pledge given in Ills Inaugu ral and other speeches, ns one who rul ed tho United Slates with as much des potism ns tho Czar of Russia. Mr. Lin coln is dead; with his future stato we havo nothing to do, ho has gono to ap pear beforo tlio Supremo Judge, who innot ho intimidated by nets of Con gress , nnd whoso decisions will bo ac cording to Righteousness and Faith, But with tho history of Abraham Lin coln as President of tho United States, wo havo something to do, and genera tions to como will pa-s their judgment upon Lincoln as they do now upon Bonaparto or Nero. Pennsylvania Reserve Association. Coii. John II. Tacioaut, Correspond ing 8ccr(itury of the Pennsylvania Re- bervo Association, has Issued the follow ing notice : Tho second annual meetlniiol'the As sociation will bo held at Pittsburgh nay iiutii. on wn c n occasion a iu at tendance ofall thesurvlving mcmbersof tuo out corps" who can maKo it con venient to attend is earnestly desired, All who Intend to participate will plcaso iiuiuy iuu or joi in u. Jiarvoy. jtecoru- Ing secretary of tho Association, at thu oiuco oi tno I'litspurgn, nnu councils vllle Railroad Company'lttsburgh,!'!! ueiuru .nay join. ino uonimitico or ArrniiL'ements ni pointed at tho last celebration will se lect tho place ofmeetliiL' In Pittsburgh A handaomo badgo, to bo worn by tho uieiiiuers,wiii uo presented lor odopiion. Let overy man who can como bo tliero to spend a fowlhours in social Intercourse with their old comrades Inarms. It Is expected it eulogy will bo delivered on uioyoio .najor uencriil ucorgo A. ile- Newspapers throughout Pennsylva nia, without distinction of party, will comer a iavor oy puuiisning mis notice Tun KimiT Houh Law. Tho ful lowing is tho eight hour law passed at tho lato session of tho Legislatures Si:o. 1. That on and nftcr tho first day of July, 1608, eight hours of labor between tho rising and betting of tho sun, snail iiuiiecmcii anil ucm to po a legal day's work In all cases of labor ami service py tno nay, wnen inert) h no contract or ucrcenicnt to tho contra ry. J'rovidcd, tho pay bo tho samo us in ten hours. Hix !i. This act shall not apply to, or In any way ull'ect, farm or agricultural labor or service by the year, mouth or ween j nor snail any person uo prevent ed by anything herein contained, from working us many hours overwork, or extra work as lio or sho may too lit, tho tuiiiiii-usuiiuii tu uu iign-eu upon ou tween tho employer and tho employee, ttr.c. I). All other acts or parts of acts relating to tlio hours of labor whlcl snail consilium a day's work lu thl rjiuio aro repeaieu, Washington XVews. Wasiiinoion, Mny 8, In tho House Mr. Robinson offered. as n question of privilege, n resolution directing that tho resolution of tho House ordering tho Impeachment of tho President ho oxmintrctl from tho lour- eal, and that afao slmtlic of tho Journal with tho record thus expunged bo pre sented to Mr. Johnson and each of his living lineal descendants. Tho Speak er ruled that It was not n question of prlvllcgo, anil tho resolution was not received. Tho bill to prevent tho salo of public lands gavorlso to considerable debate. WhlhiMr. Donnelly wns speak ing n storm camo up nnd tho fall of hall stones on tho glass roof rendered his words Inaudible, ond tlio HoiisO ad journed. WAHUI.NUIU.V, J1HJ V. Mit. Butler offered a resolution to amend tho journal by striking out nil record of tho resolution proposed by Mr. Robinson to expungo the impeach ment resolutions. Tho Speaker stated that the resolution In question had not been received, and consequently was not on the Journal. Mr. Stevens, from tho Reconstruction Committee, report' td back tho bill to admit Arkansas to representation in Congress. Ho moved the iircvlous nuestlon, which was sec onded. Mr. Bccklwns allowed twenty minutes and opposed tho bill, on tho ground of tlio sweeping disfranchise ment, nnd other obnoxious provisions 11. n..alll.,lln.. n.,.1 l.n. LUIIliklllLU III IIIU VUilSlllMUUll, mu- causo It could bo demonstrated that tho nconlo of Arkansas had re ccted It at tho polls. Mr. Woodward argued that Arkansas nan never uccn out oi too Union, and yet by tho forco of Federal bavonots and bv clvlnir tho ballot to ne groes It wos proposed to reconstruct tho Stato; that juch reconstruction was levying war against a State of tho Un ion, and that tho authors of It Wero guilty of treason. Mr. Stevens closed the debate, and tho bill then naised yeas 110, nays 32, Williams, of Penn sylvania, and thrco other Republicans voting no. a mil to nunmsouiu uar ollna was reported, ordered to bo print ed, and recommitted. TIIK AltKAXSAS MM.. TiiEtti: Is evidently a feeling of un easiness lu Radical circles lest tho ma jority of tho Senate should refuso to adopt the Arkansas admission bill in its present shape. It will bo remembered tuat it contains a nrovislou forbidding tho peoplo of tho Stato to so alter or amend it, as to deprive negroes of tho prlvllcgo of voting. This is a feature which It Is believed even Radical law yers In tho Senate, of any standing, ..-til lML.n fn , ..nt l.n.-,.,-.. Il.n. , ill iliui; iyj .iiiiuf;u, iiui -7vi iiivj are opposed to tho object sought to bo accomplished, but for tho reason that tlim l.-timv flint vnr-h n rntiiltt Inn Is lint. valid in law, when applied to States of mo i-eiierat union. THE SUIlltATT TlilAf.. Tin; second trial of John II. Surratt Is set for Tuesday next, tho 12th Instant, beforo Judgo Carter, of the Supremo Court of this District. It may possibly commenco on mat nay, nut tliero seems to bo an Impression that It will bo fur ther postponed, at tho request of the District Attorney. Tlio accused has al ready been confined In ail over eiirh- tcen mouths, notwithstanding tho fact mat mo uonsiitution guarantees mm n spceuy trial, tho caso nas uecn posi tioned several times to suit tho convo- nlcnco or eanrlcoof counsel'rcnreseiitinir tho government, and It Is about time that some disposition wns made of It. Wasuinotos, Mny 12. A resolution was adopted requesting Gen. Grant to furnish n statement of tho number of votes cast for and against tho Constitutions of tuch Southern States as hnvo concluded their elections. A resolution directing an Inquiry to bo mado into tlio treatment of rebel pris oners in Northern prisons was laid on tho table. Tho Hotiso then agreed to a propo?Itiou to tako a recess, tho Sonato concurring, from Saturday tho 10th in stant to Monday tho 2-ith. Tho bill ap propriating 7,i)uu to cover auonciency in tho appropriation for Reconstruction expenses in tlio Third Military District was called up, and after tlebato was passed. -Mr. Slovens, from tho Recon struction Committee, reported n bill providing lor mo admission oi jNortu and South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, anil Alabama, which was mado tho special order for Wednesday next, wncn itcoato wilt no allowed. -Mr. Farnswortii reported from tho samo committee a bill removing tho political -11. ..i.ntu... r. , ..i i a t i i iiis.iuiiitie.s itoiu uuuLit two iiumueii residents of North Carolina. After de bate tho bill was passed yeas 89,nuys 23. Impeachment. Washington, May 8. The Senato yesterday met as usual. and with closed doors proceeded to tho consideration of tho various orders pre sented rclntivo to taking tho final voto on impeachment, nio first order was that ol 31r. Sumner, dlrcctim? thnt tho Senato proceed to voto on tho articles nt 12 o'clock on tho day following tho closo of tho arguments. An amend ment was onereti proposing an adjourn ment until .Monday at 1!! o'clock, and that Immediately on usscmblinir on that day tho voto bo taken, Sena tors to havo permission to fllo their written opinions to go on record. Tills proposition was laid on tho table and ono directing that the voto bo taken on orbeioro Wednesday next was negativ ed. Air. nun ner moveii lo nrneeeii nn ncdlately to tho consideration of tho articles lost, several other proposl Hons wero considered, and tho Senato finally agreed to adlourn to Monday. and to tako tho final voto on the articles on Tuesday at 11! o'clock without do nate, senators will bo allowed until Ihursdav to lilo written opinions re garding their votes. Tho Senate then adjourned to .Monday. Washington, May 11, iiictii comer or imit.aciimiint. Tin; Senate, ns a High Court of lm pcachment, assembled at 10 o'clock this morning and very soon thereafter went Into secret session. After thodoors wero closed tlio Chief Justice submitted to tho court tho form of questions prepar ed by himself, and to bo propounded to i-uni ionium un inu nujiutiuu articles und it was thereupon ordered, on mo- ,.-,. wi . uliiiiivi , null WU 1U11II UU adopted ns proposed, and that tho Chief justice in inning inoscnso or tlio court on tho final question, shall ask each senator wnciner ho considers tlio res pondent U're.s!dcnt)"gullty or not gull ty." After this matter had been ills posed of, n fifteen lulnuto debate nroso on tno several articles, and Jlessrs, Grimes. Hendricks. Davis niul Dnnllt. tlo spoku In opposition to conviction ou any.unil all thothargesiirelcrrcdlugalnst tho Prosldent. On tho other : liniul. Messrs. Williams, Stowart, Jlorrlll of .name, romcroy, anil i;itmuuds aro said to havo favored conviction on each ond every article, Mr. Sherman declared his intention to voto against conviction ou tho first article, but was understood tu iitvur it on tno second ami third, air, Howo took similar around to that occu pied by Mr, Sherman. Mr. Henderson oi Missouri, (iiiti'cito regarded ns cer tain for conviction. 1 Is snlil to hnvn nr. gued in favor of acquittal on tho first eight articles, making uo reference to tho other thrco. Later in tho afternoon Air. Tritmbu ob a ned tho iloor. and according to current report nutslito tho i-ii-imiu jiuiiiuer, lie- uiqiuscu cuuvitliuil strongly, remarking, as Is understood, that the charges preferred against tho rresiuciii wouiii not no sustained in any justices court In thu country. Jlr, said to havo opposed conviction, adopt- i cmviai':u mis tuo ne.t spe.iKer, anil is nig ni Mimu iiuo oi argument lonow ed by Jlr. Trumbull. Up to3o'docl( this afternoon, tho "Impcachcrs" wero bangulno of success . and somo of them made heavy bets. Later in thn dav. n reaction took place and odds wero off- ered on acquittal, A eonsldcrablo amount ot money wus staked by both i'miiiuh in inu unmoor imiucdiaiciy iront of tho Senatti Chamber, Till! SITUATION, Thu advocates of t'oiivtt-tlini In mak ing up their lists of Senators, who In- tend io voto mr tno removal or Mr, Johnson, put down Wade, and somo of them declare that tho scliemo cannot succeed without his voto. Tho out nnd out Impcachcrs will, of courso, voto for conviction upon cacli nrticioscpnrniciy, nnd if several Republican Senators who nro against conviction on any one, two or thrco articles go over and voto for It on others, tho result will bo tho samo as li mey voicti mat way on an. i iio opinion seems to no general mat President Johnson will ha nciiulttcd. Tho names of tho following Republic ans nro freely given as voters ngatnst tho articles of Impeachment to-morrow Grimes, Henderson, Trumbull, Van Winkle. Fowler. Ross. Anthony, Fcss- en den nml Frcllnghuysen. VASMINiiTos, Jlny 13. Tin; Senato galleries wero crowded eslertlay long beforo tho hour for open mr Court. Policemen wero stationed In tho various aisles to presorvo order. ino nrneepi titrs wero dunned wnn prnyer by Rov. Dr. Grny. Mr. Ed munds called for tho consideration of tho order tiroviouslv offered by him, proposing a ro-conslderntlon of tho voto which directed tho final voto on tno Impeachment chnnres to bo taken nt noon. Mr. Chandler mado a statement that his colleague, Mr. Howard, was verv 111. that lin liml hnil a fever and was delirious all night, nnd thnt his physicians forbado his attending tho Senate until ho was better. Ho there- foronsked that tho Court ad ourn to Saturday at noon. Several modifica tions wero oi ereti ami re ecicu. nun Mr. Sumner's motion was finally ngrecd to. nnd tho Court thereupon ndjourncd. Immediately upon tho adjournment of tho Senato as nn Impeachment Court, the President pro tempore resumed tho cnair. nr. DraKo moved to atijouni immediately. Messrs. Anthony, biicr man, Hendricks nntl othors wero anx ious to transact somo leirlslntlvo busi ness. After eonsldcrablo debate, and tlio exhibition ot connilcrnuio excite ment on tho part of somo of tho Sena tors rclntivo to tho action taken on the Impeachment oucstlmi. the bill nrovid lug for tho renewal of tho charter of tho city of Washington was taken up. Tho House amendment allowing persons to voto after a residence of fifteen davs In tno Ward, was rejected. Tho other amendment wero ngrecd to and the bill passed, tho senato then aujourn cel. Washington, 5Iny II. Tho Senate adjourned yesterday un til Saturday, anil no misincss oi impor tanco was transacted In either House. Tliero wero no new developments on tho Impeachment nuestlon. Tho Radi cals aro picking up confidence, and If mey cannot securo mo votes oi tiouui- lul senators mey win endeavor to pre vent them irom voting nt an. POLITICAL. CAM, FOIl TIIK NATIONAL, DEMO- CIIATIO CONVENTION. Wasiiinoton, 1'cbruary 22, lsix3. Tlio National Democratic Committee, by lrtuo of tlio authority conferred upon them by tho last isatiouai uemocrauc Lonveiiiion, ni u iiieeiini held this ilav at Washington, ll. C, voted to lioli t ho next l.'iiiiintloii fur tlio our nose of nomi Ha ting candidates for President mm Vice-President ol the unlit il btaieson inotin nny ouuiy, jsos, nt 12 o'clock In Mio elti- of Now York. Tho basis of representation, as ilxed by tho Inst National Democratic Comentlon, Is douhlo tho number ornenators aim iteprescntativcs in con gress of each Btato under tho Inst npportlonment Knell Htnto is Invited to send delegntcs accord ingly. ... . iiuuuni 111.1..UU.S i, ii!iu ilium, I-'HEDKIUCK O, 1'ltINX'i:, Hccretnry. Democratic) State Ticket. toil AUDITOH-UKNKHALl CHARLES E. BOYLE, OF PAYKTTi: COUNTY. F0USCHVKVOIt-fli:NKHAI. GEN. WELLINGTON H. ENT, or columum county. Market Kciiort. Wheat per bushel , Hj-o ('urn " . !1 . t Hi , 1 Out. " NI , 11 ( . 7 00 , 2 10 10 20 Flour per oariel I'lovcrhoeil Flaxseed lutter , Tallow Potatoes .KBS.. 1 , 1 SO llrlcd Apples Poik , Hams . 2 60 Shies niul Khouldcrs l-nru per pound Hay per ton .. 10 IU) I.UMUKIt. Hemlock Hoard i per thousand feet l'lno " " " (ono inch) , SKI 00 .. ISalM ... IS 00 o St. Kcantlllii?. I'lanlr. (Hem ockl Shingles, No. 1 pel- thousand S 00 7 00 18 (X) , 839 SHI tUi Hitting ft. HON No. 1 Hcolch pig. No. -J " ' llloom I'lillmlclpliln Marked. Tiiuhsday, May 11, lsM. Flock Norlhwesternsunerllnoat SsiOia 8.V Northwestern extra tl.ooto) u.ftj Northwestern family 10.00ill.7. Pennsylvania and Western superiino... s.-.'sitll.oil 'cuusyivuulii nnd Western extra.. ., ..rill(.l,lf 10.00 eiiusyivaiuil anil ttcsicru iiiiuuy 'eniiK.vivanlu and Western faucy , io.,-iOfuirj.7 ., I:l.(i(.il5.(l sum ityo Hour WllKAr Pennsylvania led, bus . 82.W)9)S-.00 . SiooaSMJ 8.I.2U . ei.lMM.IO hoinuern ' , California 11 " " Mhilo " IIyk Ponnsvlvnnla rye. "Hlma . 82.17(aJ.l CollN Yellow, . 81.17MS1.21 . Sl.17C-i.tI.I7 Willie, Oaih Vbus 1-KovisloNS Mess l'ork, V bbl TM-fali-'i 1820.2. 8.M..V .Mess ucer, Dressed llog, lb Kmokeil llnms ' " Shoulders V to Laid, lli : hijMUla i2i'(,injio SLOOfallfsl 82.50 82.(.i,2,M ,.. HrtcllUo .. trnta li1 jrj,so llsci-ul HbKlis Cloverseed bus Timotnysecii y bus M Flaxseed Cattle lleef Cattle -ri lb Cows, ijtheml MIIKK1- p 11 .... nous ti iW its Bi 1431 in IVI'lllrtrtlf (ji,mii I iim)(,;i, MI'.NDIINHALLDAVIH-On the 7th Inst., nt tne resuieoi-ooi me urine's lamer in- liev. I lios, m. ciiiiiis, .nr, jiH-oiioie .-iieliileuhnll ori--rnnlt nn Township, to .Miss A ionium Davis ltloomsburg, si'i:wi:n nr.i-ti; in liiiiru.isi.iiri. i,- itv. i A. lleckley, .Mr. W. 1'. .M'Lweu to Miss Hnlllo licese, ooiu oi ureeliu ood. K' lTCIir.N-MOnr.-Ill nionmshurg, on tho 22.1 of April, ism. by John M. Kll Kitchen to Mrs. Cnlhariuo More, ull ol tills LAKH LUTZ In Illnomsburir. on thn Dili Ins by Itev, .Mr. Thomus, Mr. Jnmes IjiUo tu Mrs, iiiiiuiuiiiit-j.uiz, uoiu oi l.spy, i'u. l'UItHllh-ln Valley Towiuhlp, Montour Counly uunuiuiuuv-iiitvviii, imuivi iu roil or,, uui t-j j ears 9 muntlu ami lUduyi, After a life of nturly thrru wore nl Un, nmUiurouiuUilliy Ills family towhoso happiness lu hiul for m loug nUme contributed, hU spirit jmssed gently Riul iicnccfully ftwny to Him wli (,'iivc It. JIN HUiemi wns Ions nnd tciUoux.lmt 1: Ufa th was jiftliilenH, "Tlio Lord glveth and the Lord Ulioth uway, Moused no tho lumie of Hi Lord," W NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 K of 1UMH, MoHKia 1 mon l'leaK of Col uinb I, u, 1 county n l a sto. Oroitm: Lmii. J Mny T lsWi Notlcols licrchv bIvcii, that tho imdcrttlmie biuu uouu, 10 111 tribute thu fund nrUlnu from tho Hht-rllpH Mile thn. ml iktfitnor Dcfi-niiillit. und onlereil In I Mild Into Court! will attend nt tho Hd-Uter'n 1 i)(o lu JtlwmuljurK.onHatunlny.Jui.o 6tli, 1ms. for tho t'lirpofcour uuiriinitioii. a lierhoiiM mo hereby rcnuiteu to mitKo t ilulnuto Mtld fund befuo tho auditor at t lime m perilled, or ho tieoarreii from rninitiu upon fculd fund. JUllN (J. I'ltl'i:!:, why 1V-'. Au-sitor "IJ AifiKTrh" ileajo popy.l 11 00 1-' I N O. Itiiol-'INU In rolls, reaily to bo nnlteililoiiii. ltOUl-'INll eostlnif uiuili less, nml inoiu durublo IIOOFINU thut inn boni'i-lUtl by any ordinary workman. IlOOi-'INO that will not eipnntl or eontrnc-t by inu uLiiuii ui me nt-iiiiiri. HOOFING hut Is nilunteil tosteenor lint roofs. Hi nil for asami'le uuil clreular. llHAUV Itliul inu iii., si .'muiuiijjuue, isow lurK, Muy 16,'W-llni, OAIiKH COl'I'KH HT1U1' I'KK. rcii-ntit 1-or liuiul or horse-ioi e r, ueknowleilut ditto lust- .-!, i-uait-i, uiiu ill v 1 ry w ny uesi lit use. 1 01 salcby'lUltA CO., Healers 111 Ag- rjtulturul liiiltnunla, tie. Henil lor !l!ustrnlu Hill)', 13, wi. Jin, TREASURER'S SALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMUtA CO. orreiuilylothoiirnvwoinnr Hie An i ncnibly, cntllloil nn Act in rcuum iiiomntoiicui ,. lulHHtHl tllO HUt It (Illy OI Alltll, IS) 1, U1U iii-ii- uri-nit tlio (Anility or L'uiumuin iit-rt-iiy Ki" notlro to nil persons coiicerncil tlit-rcln, tlmt hu ms tllO UlUDIf, millil, ISI'IHIUI, I i Hi r nun ruiiu I'lixcs Ptc.iluo on tho following rcnl estiMoMlunto In tho County of I'olumbln, nro palil Ucforo tno tiny or snip, IIIO wnoio or BUCll imrwi ni men ns in fin miiti nt tho court liouso la llloomsbum. ll tm-1 leelinrnes nnu eosis cimrciiiiia uiereou County of Columbia, on Ino 8lh of Juno, lsos, mill III UO eoiiliuiieu iij uiijtiiiiiiiiu-ii, ... ....j ilm- f..- .franrnvp. nt tnXI-4 lltlfl Unlit POlltltV nhU tlio costs necrucuon each respectively I Year. Arm. Ou-Hcrt. Tennnlt. Jtot. Cf. 111 ain Col. Conl A Iron Co, llenver sua ii 1II-,V0 11 Jtlller&Mnnli ' 2 li lull 1 1 Amm-M i ni-.r 1114 lti :rr .Inlm .tnlitismi " 1) TU isill-i SI John VCiesMol! " 33 31 1KIH KM Anthony Iwvls " II 111 111-0 ! T, HI. II11M1I0 r.iO'i 111-3-0 iixj mnnn x .inner " wt'a Hum ISO) I Mil Wl .nnnu, ltniiiy a umi well " Miller, fisher lunr- 2 31 enberger " m 40 11 l 12 11. . il nej niiiiis John Konns lleliton IB IS 1 - 50 17 (11 Tracy Whilo HnnnnhTylto ' 1 1 Irani WelKfrcId " l'i-li-r HlmltX ' 2 28 11 1KIII IMIJ fl 21 2 III ISIIII iw-u isciva imi; ill Vnni-v 1'ri-nlU Illoom' II lit AiiRiistusHclincll UcrwUH llor, 1 n lit Wm Ashman " lltOM-cn Cnln " lit Jnmes Collier " JUKIlen liurkln " Cil Kline. I.liulcnmlth & Co. " lit John 1). Moraau " llt.Mlclincl Nmfii " I I. ncol) .MUICY iunyiiKimiii . i 7 2D 7 M n 111 0 12 S 2S 4 l 1 1-0 7 IU -.i iwn lNI'i IKtlTi 11IIV0 1HM ISM 1WK1 1XIK! Mlkl lit Anthony O'Uonnell ' 13U rnxtou.KUno&Hharplcss JUJohn Hhaw ' litCharles UalloRlicr ' VltKlmon Ashton 1 lltPemcrlck crnno ' lltJnhn Hopkins 1 lit Peter llower ' 111 1-2 i m a ll) 10 4') :i m l .1- lKlltl 18011 ltill 1KB II K' lit Wm Chapman W Jacob Hnytler If, It. llnycock 1 1X1 rrnniclln rislilng Creek II 1 2 11 lhlll Ml ll. inrni- GO Jacob Ynpto " lit John llcmlrrsliott (I. Wool llttlrlllllh l'hllliis " 8 Jnckson A, Watts ' lit Mnry Allen " Ml Hill S ml 113 wn 1ST.-. 1MIII 1MW 1SIII-5 HI I 1MII sill lNil 1 1 1 so til 1 in lit vm iiKar JiltlMwanl Lewis HltlMwarU l'rosser 17 ltemloelc 3 M J'tll.tieo Oliver lijo lless .V Ooliter Jackson 31 John K. Keeler " -IS lleiiryshnli-nbertjcr " 117 Pin hi lllshllno " 117 James liowmnu " li Hess, Ham & l'ersy M 210 James Uoiston " -.'0 Cyrus lialrit's I'M. Maillsnn luo 11, Mllhelm's 1M. 4 II li1 1M1 lMil-VO s 111 U Sll lMHI ID 111 21 WKI 1SI.II 1MI ISM) ISIIII lVII-j 1 I.S in 1 Ml lit At am wel Ivor " ! 10O Wm Clialnberllll l'lno 1 il sill 17 Jackson II ulilo " 0-1 lsill 1W III (12 2 lim Hoi nunc s lil I sill lsill Pavl.l Hweeney " :i Is M. Hhoenmker Abr Welsh Thos Htackhouse Nll-tl lsill 1SIH II 211 7 20 nm 0) TliosHinllh John I'ox SltV s K NIVI 101) Ht'liuylrr At waller Michael Kri-sler II Kl IWI1 till 2 NI I Kl ls(l- Iini John Coiner's 1M. IH.i 31 Cole John ILi -Vi John I'olk 1KIL1 117 Jnliii l i-rolt 1 20 1K0.I-1-5 Ki Polly lless (whtow) Hilgnrlonf Ul 1SIL1 Hill llenrv floliler " ll'i IStiO Ult Charles Muffler Hcott t to rpilKASUlvElt'.S SAIiK OI-' UNSUATCI) LANDS I'Olt COLUMUIA CO, Acreeably lo tlio provisions of an Act of As- hem hl ptitltleil nn Aet illreetlm: the inouo o selllliff unseateii inniis lor mxes nnu ioroiner jiurposes passetl inu i-iiil uny oi iunreu no, null lm imtlier soiinlements thereto nnsseil on tho l.ltli itnv of Mart-li 1817 anil the h ilav of March ls'l.ntiil tho Bth ilav ofMarch 1817. the Treasurer ort'olumuln county nereoy Rives notieo to nu ncrsons eonereneu iiierein nun unless inu i nun ty. lloail, HchiKii, l-oor, liounty aim wtato -inxe ilu ue.on tlio foilowlni; tracts of unseateii lanils sit- IIIIIUIII IUIlllllUHl.-"llllJ,U I'.HU U.UIU IIIV 1MJ nrHfllp. Mm uholo or such tiarts of ench trnetiis will nny Iho costs chnrKcublo thereon, will bu solil at tho Court House lu tho town of lllooms- buri:, county oi uoiumbiaon tuo sin oi June, isns, nml in font I nun hv lulloin nment from ilav to dav for aircaraKes of taxes duo snlil County, nml tho lots ni-crueii on ench tract respectively. ,Yu. ti Acres. traucia or un-iicis. 7)ul. CO. ! 10 01 BENTON. 4i Ann Christmau 12 John J. Kariis 48 Tracy White IlUAVEIt. 2 (IS II 03 400 4IUV smj 4K) 'JO ill 210 ll) Columbia Coal A lion Co. 73 40 21 00 Barah A. CofTmnn Wm 8tewnrt Lewis I'liKor Jolin Uroll Mnan A Hoat Kilns Miller M'Dowell Illttenhouse A Vi Catharluo Noyer Hamilton W.Hhlpm.m 12 I 7 h-J 13 til ti 2.1 mo 18 (: EIIO 90 st2Sl 110 1! 1UU (I 23 11UIAU CHKKk'. rntllApplo 11 Samuel Illank 1 William J.llrtlaln 7 so (luy llryan l i John Cain -1 Wiu.'J. Clem 11 m Wm. I,, l-'reas 20 io Wm. 11. Hartman 1 mi) 2lsl lsllj H, 1-'. Heuilly 1.0 I). t'atiinrluo l'enrco 111 201 3 Jolin I'arkerson 3 21 Abrnhnm lleeser 11 Jacob Hlller 400' 10'J ISO IH) 18 300 Joseph HtiU'UhoUHt; .lohn It, Hult John Yost CONYN01IAM. .ItldRO Cox Lcwln AValkcr John Houston Jacob Tilen Wm, Shannon Geo. It fit ham John iwastly Thos lIHUhclmcr Amos Wlekernham I lobe it Jordan Ainliew l'orter Lew is Walker T. Hustaii0, W. tlrenouHh' 41 4K1 8 112 101 374 1(0 381 381 2.V1 277 2S 30.1 1211 ISO 120 3S0 Mary itusian oi- Mnrv itustan 1 Ull.Mllll 1 it II V 11 ll Jt I' LU I " (.7 311 111 111 1W 0') m m Kbeiieer llrauhatn lienjamln Coo m bo John Vouiik Johhim ileam ivter Uuchncr Nathaniel lliowu John Klino ci:ntui:. lienjamln Allabach Ualah Conner's llulo liowltt AlkneUlct Wm. I)elou l-'rltz'H Kfetato Jacob Good M. h. llrown l'tter Jlatjcnbuch CATAWIS3A. Thomas lluUllo :t l lot Jilot Jlenjamin Jleiber I Joseph Clew ell :i J. S. llrobst J. 1'. l-'lnchcr ll) rinvhcr A Thomrw 37 D.nld Gaumer rilANKLIN. James Vox i:iljah Itcynold A Co. 0 Lien. Muanlc KisiiiNa cur.Kic, Oco. J. ruUmcr I J, N, JoncH John Alkuar i Wm, lluckulcw's l.htato "I & Ilnllman 11 15 HI KM) :t fiO M 1.1 I Hi 111 11 lMwanlM'ilenry .11 Wm. Mears 5 Hamuel J. IValcr 11 lii-o. Ivnler Wm. Uobblns A Co Win. Hhuuars 1 f 1, tShoier A KfUlincr ll Cvrui 11. White 11 Abraham Young 11 m. Ikclcr 7 (iui;unwooi. AudrowlUcU-r 1 1HJ 01 a 1 Margaret Lemon 11 Joseph I'llkinulon is John 11. K m tz 1 lnac Dew it t it Wluon j;dtur Daniel Kllno a John Melllclc 1 IIKMLUCTv. Wm. Amileuinii li Vt 7 100 :to & 3D li tl 1. It, Appleniau V M Aiitihu.inii l Hamutl llrniflcr lj Nathan Campbell 6 H.W. M'llcynoUH IL I. M'llride John Mordan .cbuloii Hobblns JACKSON. Wm, Yorks Wm. Hleplienii LOCVHT. Tewls Hush l'i'2 0 l'lilnras llllllnutoii 10 John l ihlier u Mary Myers M(iretnouBh" Thos. Itustan " Iianlel Hecfco " 17 Mary Hiiblau " 11) Charlotte Hustan " It) jolin ueynouu I'J &l Ml CM N J AMVV It HA CoAht'd 1!) Thomas HuHtan " t Daniel IUus 11 17 Mary Hunt an 111 Cliarlotlo llusiuu iu John Key n bids " l!) Hut lft) Uof 1K) ISof'JU) liof 1SW KoflSX) 2ii joi m ana Jos jtnoaiu Win Haycu MUTLIN. (len Lntlmcr 8 n liu 17 70 :ti 31 tl Till m ion i: :7 m t)7 13U0 7 WmMeiiHtiiKer 1 ftuiitiher tXiioiMtier i vj Joshua Zlmiccrmuii a 01 Jacob Horn boy j Ol) Joel Sutllir tm Samuel Turk's VM, txl David lliowi8r, 37 MAIN, Daniel A Uaao Yuttcr I 30 Daniel Yelter H ;.1 Jacob lloktlvr 7 1M) J IM'lncher 0 U) II (1 Miller dcu'd, 10 U) l'hlllp Miller -S7J Daniel bbuman dee'd, 0 U'i Heuben hhuman 51 imj Joshua Wtbb 1 HI Vlitllp Wull 'JJ MADISON, JoHiphHtrctrh 30 W UT. I'LUAHANT, Jolm Alo I O) MONTOUll. 10 Mloliail drover CI OUAKOn. 25 James Kvcrctl's IVl. 1 .1 I'll Jeicminh llnpenbuch S7 M Samuel Crpvellni; Ti 1(1 JolmMollcIt 2 W) (fcollldloy tl ) I'iNi:, William lloirmnn 0-1 40 M J riijintis 21 II loi) Win Wldcnhaincr as 20 ft SyhcMcr 1 lentil (I t ho Jos Itckart 2-S so J0 Thomas liundcM 7i iw ItOAIUNU CULIIIC. 52 IVtcrlluchncr .1 os (Hi Thomas liarncs :t 321 (Irol)cwcs I'ltl'i lim John HiiMln il n 2Xi l'hlllp Knlh H :m 120 Inane Llnvlll 7 Th M Jacob Trim 3 10 M Abraham llcnbor I - reterMencli 2 7.1 M (leorgollluss 1 HI BUOAItLOAr, 2i Abraham Sholtx'HlVt '272 2.1 . Jamison Keeler 8 .Tl 4D Samuel rntr, 4 ri WmJIIess :i;ii li' .lames Hucknlcw IS (is M Israel Copo I HI 7.i Mary Custard 7 31 O) Daniel Kvcrlmrt 411") M Hon (leal hart 7W 20.1 Hobcrttlray lit lis an oossu's jt io tis ll'i Anlhony fJcarhait ll 21 W Wm (learhart hi M M l'ollyllcss Widow ft ai JV'i Abraham Kliuo y?i 2."o Hubert Montgomery IVt l't Mi 2oo " i m 111 , Daniel J M'Henry -mi R Abraham Yoiik li :tt April J ACOIt YOlIII, Treasuur. SPECIAL NOTICES. DKIIILITY. ry ono at thins, feels tho necessity ofMiino thing to tone up thoHyslcm dcpicsscd by mental or bodily exhaustion. At such times let cvciy ono Instead of tnkiiiK alcoholic or medicinal slim- ulantswilchairoid only n temporary relief, re ln Igorato his debilitated system by tho natural tonic elements of tho PKItUVIAX SYJtLTP, nr I'rotectid Solution of tho 1'iotoxldo of Iron. which vliallres nml enriches tho blood by sup- piling it viui lis nro j:inunt,lion. HcliiK fuufiom Alcohol In any fotin, Its tiicr- glzlntf cllcclsare not followed by corresponding reaction, but aro permanent. In Tuning strength, vigor nnd new llfo Into nil parts of tho system, and building up an Iron Constitution. in, C. SterlltiK. Y.M.. of roimhkcensle. N. .. aysi "slnco taking tho lVru inn Syrup I feel better, my stienglh l Improved, my bowels nro 'millll,I!l)T lllU'lllO lllhl Illll', '1 hero Is uu old Ptivslclitn In IliU vv (iicv than 1 am), who has been tu tho Drug business for 10 years, who has used tho Hyrun for three years lis. nn i It ns his decided opinion, that atlc Tonic Medicine ho eer It Is tho best Alle knew." I'or Dyspepsia, Debility, nnd Kemnlo Weak nefcses, thu I'cruvlanSyiup lsu spcclilc. A32ngo pamphlet iscnt Dee. 'ihegenulno has "Peruvian syrup" blown In tho glass. J. J DINMMOlti:, rioprieior, jso.;iij pey rsew oric. sold ny nil DriiKgUtft. M-llOFlI.A tl'IIKIl A1TKII HIIVPN VKAIts' Sl'l r KKlNUi , W. lforuortIN(,,n prominent lawyer of Park rsburg, W. a., hays : " I had 37 llunnlng Clc rs when I commenced tnklntr Dr. Aii.lrrM' inillni. Wntcr. Mv Hreast. Throat und l'nco wns ono continuous torc. I nm now a well mnn, nnd am satlsilcd tho lodlno Water sacd my life." vniuiiirM nt rt'gnni iu mis renicuy win no fieiu free. .1. I DINHMdlM:. I'rimr ulnr im llnv MrM( New York For salo by Druggcsts generally. May i, (is. NO. I. Theauclents desired "locks bnshvnnd bind; u the raven" as one of the nerfccllnns nf nmnhnnil nnd tresses long, silken and lustrous, ns tho crowning beauty of womnnhood, but Time, tho sly old dog. drew his ilntrers through their hair and left "his mark" In white. Tlmo Is now baf- lied by those who uso Hlng s Vegetable. AmbrnsU the crenteHt nnd mast it-linbln Hair Ucslmiit ln of modern times. May 1 - It INI'OUMATION.-Informntlon guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon ubald ncau or oearuicssjactv nison rcceipo lor tho re liinciit nf lMmulflti Itlntr-linu IVnnHniia .... the skin, leaving tho ha mo h'oft, clear, nnd beauti- uu, can oeooiameii wiinouicnargooy nuuressilig htpU'CT. b'Zi lirondway, New York. TO I'AUMiniH AND I'LANTICIIH. uio suosciihers oner lor lois to suit pur r hnscrs 'JUOTONHOC DOUIiLi: ULriNLlI I'lHI. DKirni: of tho Lodl Manufaclurlnif Co.. mnd lrom tho night hoi, blood.ollal nnd dead trnimals of New Yoilc City, for which tho Company lme I'xcluslvoeoiiliact. l'rlcoonly 2 DOLLARS l'Lll TON. freluht and ihaiilCS fiom New York ndibtil. Warianted by tho Company to bo equal WKiunr for WKHiiirio any hlli priced superphosphate lu tho market, 'J ho results on Corn, Cotton, To bacco mid (Jralu havo been ustonlshing the past season. It matures tho crop from lo dais to two weeits earlhr, and doubles thn crop. Tho l'amphlo with certlllcnto of hundreds of well known;planters nnd farmers, nnd o cry t n forma- llnti.sint lion InnnriuiA nimMiiirliv Iminr r- otherwlso to McCOLlAJM A I'lllWKLL, l'.spy Co lumhlacounty.'l'n., or to the Lodl Manutaclur lng Company, New Yoik. reb,21,lMW, CHILLS AND rilVKH, DYSIMII'HIA, COMPLAINT, AND ICIDNUY DISILVSHH CUIIKD. Mism.KU'a iu. uu KirrKUs Has cured morn dkonsfn iln.p., it i.,...,. used, thanall other Medicines eomblued. It Is the only remedy thnt really purines the blood, nnd has ncer lulled In curing Dyspepsia, l'eer und Ague, nnd diseases of tho Liver, nun. iij uu uiuKKiMH nun ueaieis, DH.H. 11. HAH'IMAN A I'll T mm. caster, Tu., and Chicago, Illinois. May s.'os, TO COXSITMITIVKM Thn TJa.- im.mi a llson will send (freo of charge) to nil who desho It, tho prescription with (Indirections formaklng and usinir th,t slinolu ltnictK' hi vrhicii imunu cured of a lungallectlon aiuUhutdrended dlsenso tiiiihiiiiipiiuii. ins oniy oujeci is to hchcnl tlio ullllcted, nnd ho hopes every sullerer will try this piescrlptlon, as It will cont them nothing, and lll.V. UDWAltl) A. WIIAON, No. 111 South Second Sheet, ;n3rfJ7-ly, Williamsburg, Kings eo.,N, V. 0 lil) FlUKNDS & NKW F1UKNDS, THIS WAY 1 1 A. Ilnrlmiin's new btoio Ilooms on Mnln .St., bc-low 31nrket, DllVGOOIW, XOTIOSM, llUOT.-S.hliOKS, (HtoL'intiix, 1'llOVI.SIONS At- At'., ic'. ... .". .'!V,V ,"t"'l,KO'l Mipiily of S'fOVKS AN11 1 1 AltU llnviiigsecuiiii n Mell-Itiiown nml siiieiior Moikmnn, Is iirepnuil lo mnlto new woiic, nml lepnlilnij to outer. hl'HUTI.NO MAU1-: '10 OIllltK. fail nml sit- .Allnschtnpforensliortmilo ns Iho ehen)iesl. MulliHl, April lO.'lH. lininiuiuuil HMl run ) rMllllU A. IIAU'IJIA.N. rjp o v a it ; it si I'AL'II'IC UUANO t'OMl'ANY'S KOMJIII.i: 1' AOI1MC G U A X O. Till', ATTENTION of l'nrmers nml oilier eon hllmersoiriilllleis Is linlteil lo this Uunno, ns woithy ol their speelnl notli-o. Its use for scver iil yinrs In Mui IuikI, Vliiilnlit unit oilier Soulli. eni Hlntes, lur ull erops, hns ulveii It n slumlnril thnriiLter lor exeellemu uiieiiunlleil by nny oth er. It possesses ull tho qulnltness of Peruvian (lunnowltli pi-rmniu-nt itualltles not fomul in that nillcle. 30 It.s. of this tJunno mo fouml marolhun tquul lo 31k: lbs, of iho best buoer. pho-.phutes. It ripens tho whenterop fiom ilvo to se en days earlier lhan tho phosphates, whleli f.tctnlono nives it inenleiitnblo nilvuillnies, era! illseoiinttoilt-ulers, I'or snto by JOHN H. nuiwi: A CO., IJenerat Auents for I'nelllo tlnnno fo.. 3.S South lleluwaro Ave., I'lillatl'u Anil 71 bouth Mrtet llaltliuoie, Miirelii7,'0S-(iin. JUTUAL 1AVK I.VSUnANC'K CO., o r n i: w v o it k. 7-'. ,y. IIV.VA'VO.V, J'mldcnt. (Iross Assets I'eb, 1, I-OS i1,.H(l,nil) ,Vj lueonu.liir IWI7 li,7S0,M ui DlvWenil paid Policy holders In 1MI7, 2,x;ti;m m Iju test Mutual Company In tho world, Iteiluetlonnf Itnles. Jt'iiN u, i hi:i:zi:, At-eut, Jlurcll WJ'US-tf. llloomibuiu, I'u, A HU P.M.. v Ifpper Story, dw, X May8 it, ? j D. uu WedncMlay, April 15th, IsfiH, between my house lu l-'lhlihiKcicck township und lllooms burg,H hhtep sklu poiket book ubout six Inches long ami tbito liitlas wide, with n strap at Inched which had a small holo In tho end, lu. side bnmuwhnt mouldy. It con I allied guj.ootn bills of tho following denomlnulloiist Klvo ten dollar bills, and nino ilvotlollur bills. Ten Dol larw rewaitl will bo paid tu any person u turning tho above to thu owner. III. I UOII11LNH. Apr, ilVdvlt, 1'oiks, V, O,, Columbia Co,, l'a, riOL3tLJJUA COUNTY AOHI J CULTUHAL HOCILTY, The annual meeting of tho Columbia County Agrlcultmal, Horticultural, and Mtehanlcal As. soeiatlou fr the e lctlioti of olllcers to bere. ono year, will bo held at tho Court House, lu ltlooms burg, on Saturday, tho liithday uf May,lsas, between Uioliouisuf2nnd :i o'clock, i. m. JOHIU'H CONNllll, I'rcst. L. II. llt'l'EitT, Kec'y, May 'Iho public. uro hereby notified not lu trust or hai bur uu my account, a woman calling herself Mary Oelgerfurmerly Mary, Ward ua I shall pay no debts of her contracting unites couiiclled tu do so by duo con i bo uf law, DANILL UL'IULlt, May J.'W.SI.