farmer' Stpavtrnful. ft Raising; nattier than !tn tnff Costs Two nf the best milk dinner of Con nit'tli'tit nnlil nt tlio incutlng of the Uonrtl of Agriculture that they bought no cows, thnt they coulil not buy po good at they coulil rnNo. We were not a little gratified ut hearing this pro nounced iiiimmlltk-illy, hocixuso tlio contrary practice co commonly pro- villi. Milk farmers go ttbotit to pick yp freih cowb In autumn ho nt to kvep their winter supply of milk good, and Instead of keeping up their herd from their own caIvch, cither market them "bobs," or as they oay In Connecticut valley, "deacon" them, that h, kill and Bkln them when first dropped. These two farmers, both men nf good JihIk- ment, experience, and menus, cannot afford to buy cows. Tho question is pertinent, can any good farmer afford to ? Wo think not. Tho price at which oa good cows as n man may rnUo should bo sold, ought to bo so high that one who can rnlso them cannot afford ouy. it costs as much to rnlso n poor cow as a good one, and with hay at $20 per ton that is a good deal. If however, tho cow gives nn averagoof one quart of milk more at a milking forSMi days sho will soon make good her extra eoit At S cents a quart tho amount will bo $12 SO rt year. How may good cows be raised with coniparntlvo certainly? Wo answer first, by never using n common, orgrado null under any circumstances, if v ithl 10 miles of a well bred one of any breed Hy using a well bred bull ono is sure o something delltilto and good; otherwise thuro Is no certainty at all. Ayrshire bull are almost sure to impart to their heifer calves a tendency to become deep milkers, Jersey bulls bring butter mak ers j .Short horns, lino large cows, which, If allowed to come in young, well fed, and milk secretion especially excited, often mako very deep milkers j Devon bulls, if from good mllklnu stock as is true also with tho. Hhort-horno, will bo tho sires orgood milch stock. Opinions have varied in regard to what kind of cows will give tho most milk in proportion to the food consum ed. (Irndcd Short-horns have had their ads-ocotes, and grado Ayrshlrcs theirs, l ew of those whosell milk ns tho most Important article of farm pro- duco have hitherto advocated keeping, still less kept, full-bloods ah milk pro- ducJrs. Mr. J. M. Wells, ono of tho mrmers alluded to, Is now (January) milking 19 head, chiefly full-blood Ayrshlrcs, and most of them of his own raising. His product of milk Is 200 quarts pcrday. Mr. II. S. Collins milks Ayrshires, JersoyH, and grades, and is changing his herd as fast as he can ralso Ayrshiro cows to tako the plrtcti of bo as good ml'8?, ,,cr0 Is but one reason wo know of: that "ft. they have not been bred for milk alone for mauy years, and havo been bred for Deefnloue, whilo both the amount and quality of tho milk have been dlsregar- ueu. Heifers Cl lug In Jim. A Wiuteh III tho JVuclicttl IXirmer In speaking of tho value of heifers that Urop their ilrst calves in June, says : "A heifer having or first calf In tho month of June, or when pasture Is best will mako a far better milker than ono that calves in tho fall or winter. Such has been my oxperienco. and- yet in all tho articles which I havo read on the breeding of dairy stock, I havo never seen It stated us the tine jua non of a fiVst rate cow. Hut so well am I con vinced oflts hniisirtiince. that I would give twico as much for a heifer of tho same stock mid ago to calvo in June, ns for ono that would calvo in winter. Tho grass being then In tho best condition to producoa full How of milk, all tho parts tnat tend to tho secretlou c4 milk are developed to their utmost capacity. Tho udder, tho teats, tUo milk veins, bo- como enlarged crw)eji-and tho best cows I over ralied wo had to commence mllkingsovernl weeks before they calv ed, Ibr-feor of garget, us they would ap pear to bo In iain from the fulness of their uduers." Iiuix-nii-menls In Uialii, Kxi'JiiiiMKXTH have deuwastraled, and analogy lias shown, that tho fluent and beat samples, of seed, continued for years, will Improve the quality and quantity of tho product. Abetter wheat Is thus raised , oven a variety may bo established. On tills principle, (In farm stock,) wo havo tho different breeds of sheep, swine, poultry, etc. Experi ments havo not been made on tho hu man species; but tho same, no doubt, holds good there. Wo plan and sow "as it comes." Wo tnkotlio seed of tho same grain that we uioln tho aggregate, and sow It, Is this tho ease almost universally ? Coin Is nn exception to sowo extent but why do wo except corn ? Hecausolt Is un derstood to bo good. Analogically, then, It Is good to do tho same with wheat, oatu, barley, etc. Hut this is less easily Uono ; wo thereforo neglect it. How long will It toko a farmer to go uirougli lils wheat, and secure tlio finest and ripest heads sufficient to 60W un ocrc.orn quitcr orcvena pint of seed? This pint sowed will bo sufficient to form ii test crop, sfl'lie best heads taken from this nguln, and sowed, will vleld another test crop, from which s hould bo taken as before ; nm6o on for u num ber of years, wiy half n dozen, moro still better. Hut three or four years will work a decided change Hut tho JraU slwutd bo continued from selected time. In this way grain can bo Jmprov- cd and crops enlarged. Thero will be largo grains, earlier maturity,' and bet ter growth. Iiural World Live Stock of all kinds should havo tho owner's dally supervision. If others do tho work, his eyes should soo Uiat It is well done. Few hired men can bo trusted to do things constantly, accordingly to directions. In tho very cold weather thero Is a constant tempt ntlon to consult his own enso rather than the comfort of tho anlmnls entrus ted to his care. Feed and wnter regu larly, and shelter nil cattlo In barns or Blieds." Pino boards nro choaper than hay or grain. Keep salt within reach of horses, cattlo and Bhecp. A largo I ump of rock salt Is best for this purpose. If they can lick when they please, thoy will not tako It in oxcess. Attend to ventilation In barns and stables, and glvo tho anlmnls tho benefit of tho sun for a whilo on clenr days. Keep nil mil innls In a thriving condition. The Artemus Ward Monument Is to lip placed In Central Park, N. V. qv the ounrj ot..3. The to an hit Master. A CKiiTAlN man was setting out on a ourney, when, seeing his Dog standing nt tho door, he cried out to him, "what nroyon gaping nbout? (let ready to como with me." Tho Dog .wagging tils tall, said, "I am all right, Master j It is you who havo to pack up," Tlit I'm mill llm Mlork. A Fox ono day invited nStork to din ner, and being disposed to divert him- elf at tho expense of his guest, provld ed nothing for tho entertainment but souio thin soun In a shallow dish. T ills the Fox lapped up very readily, whilo the Stork, unablo to gain n mouthful with her long narrow bill, wasas hungry at the end of dinner as when sho began. Tho Fox meanwhllo professed his ro gret at seeing her eat so sparingly, and feared that the dish was not seasoned to her mind. Tho Stork said little, but begged that tho Fox would do her tho honor of returning her visit ; nnuaccor dlngly ho agreed to dlno with her on tho following day. Ho arrived truo to his appointment, and tho dinner was ordered forthwith; but when It was served up, ho found to his dismay that It was contained in a narrow-neck' oil vessel, down which the Stork readily thrust her long neck and bill, while he was obliged to content himself with licking the neck of the tar. Un able to satisfy his hunger, he retired with ns good a groco iislioc'oiilu.observ- Inj that ho could hardly find fault with his entertainer, who had paid him back n his own coin. The Man blue tt by n Dog, A Man who had been bitten by a Dog, was going about asking who could cure him. Ono that met him said, "Sir, If ou would bo cured, toko a bit of bread dip It In tho blood of tho wound, nnd give It to tho dog that bit you." Tho Man smiled nnd said,. "If 1 wcro to fol low your advice, I should be bitten by nil the dogs In tho city." Ho who proclaims himself ready to buy up his enemle- will never want a supply of them. Tlit llarl ami Ihr Vlnr. IIaut pursued by hunters conceal ed himself among tho branches of n Vine. Tho hunters passed by without discovering him, nnd when ho thought thnt nil was safe, ho began browsing up on the leaves that had concealed him Hut ono of tho hunters attracted by the rustling, turned round, nnd guessing that their prey was there, shot Into ttio bushes nnd killed him. As ho was ! Inc. ho groaned out theso words: "I sutler Justly for my ingratitude, who could not forbear injuring tho Vino that had protected mo in time of danger." Tilt llull and lilt Out, AHum'. being pursued by a Lion, innvi. avo wiloro a -wiiil Goat had this began molesting .jxun Goat upon at him with his horns. "Don't slni- pose," said tho Hull, "If I suffer this now, thnt It Is you I am afraid of. Let tho Lion bo once out of sight, and I will soon show you tho dlffcrenco between n Hull and n Goat." Mean pcoplo tako advantagoofthelrneighbors'dlfilcultios to annoy them ; but tho tlmo will como when thoy will repent them of their iusolenco. The Bay bothlug. A Hoy was bathing In n river, and, getting out of his depth, was on tho point of slnklng,whcn ho saw a wayfarer coining by. to whom ho called out for help with all his might and main. Tho Man began to read tho Hoy a lecturo for his fool-hardlncss ; but tho urchin cried out, "O, savo mo now sir! and read mo tho lecturo afterwards." 'J he Ulitphtril Boy and the Wolf. A SitEriiKitD-nov, who tended his Hock not far from a village, used to nmuso himself nt times In crying out, "Wolf J "Wolf" Twico or thrico his trick succeeded. Tho whole village camorunnlngout tp his assistance; when an trio return tliey got was to bo laugh ed t for their pains. At last ono day tho ANoIfcamo indeed. Tho boy cried out in earnest. Hut his neighbors, sup posing him to bo nt his old sport, paid no luea to Ills erics, and tho Wolf de voured tho Sheep. So tho Hoy learned, when It was too late, that liars aro not belloved even when they teUtliatruth. The Aslrftnomer, N Astronomer used to walk out ovo ry night to gazo upon tho stars. It happened ono night that, ns ho was wanileriug iu thi outskirts of tho city. with his whole thoughts rapt up in tho skics, no fell into a well. On his hal loing and calling out, ono who heard his calls ran up to him. and when hn had listened tohls8tory,suId,"Mygood man, while you aro trylmr to nrv Into the mysteries of heaven, you overlook tho common objects that nro under your feet." Tilt I.loii, the Hear anil tlie Vox. A Lion and n Hear found-the carcass of a Fawn, and had a long fight for It Tho contest was bo hurd and even, that, at last, both of them, half blinded nnd half-dead, lay panting on tho ground, without strength to touch tho prizo which was stretched between them. A Fox coining by at tho time, nnd seeing incir netpless condition, stepped in be tween tho combatants nnd carried off tho booty. "Poor creatures that wo aro," cried they, "who have been exhausting all our strength and Injuring one anoth er merely to glvo a roguaa dinner!" A Otar aud a Foi. A Hkah used to boast of hlsoxcesslvo love; for Man, eaylag that ,ho never worried or mauled him when dead. Tho Fox observed, with a smile, "I'should havo thought moro of your professions If you never eaUdm alive." Better savo a man from dying than salvo him when dead. A AVii.ii Hoar was whetting his tusks against a treo.whcn a Fox coming by asked why ho did so : "For." said he, "I seo no reason for it ; thero Is neither hunter nor hound In sight, nor any other dancer that I can see, nt hand." "Truo," replied tho Hoar; "but when that danger does nrlso, I shall havo something olso to do than to sharpen my weapons." It Is too Into to whet tho sword when tho trumpet sounds to draw it. A Now Orleans quadroon has brought suit against n wealthy gentleman coa cernlng tho pnrentago of n colored p!as ninny. It: Is thought to bo a case, -of black mall, THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUlli DRUGS & MEDICINES, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BtTTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AMI) Hoofland's German Tonic. Prepared hy II r, ' 71 Jnckftoii, VntUPiLrdM, Pi. 2'ie Great Remedies lomti miiiMier ths LIVEIl, STOMACH, or DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Hoofland's German Bitters U compounded of Uio jmr Julcci, (or m the? art medicinally term rmm i-i eJ. Extract!) of jiuum, Hi'iui lnt( a preparation, truUil. tint rtillra I tohoht admiiiurt any ItnJ. Hoofland's German Tonic, tt & comMnatlon of nil Lha IngreillontJ of tha lurtcr. with tho urcit Quality of Vjn.i Vrut Hum, Ornnee, elc. maUnif one of tlio moit j.lua.nntand ujrceftllo remcdlm cu-r otfucJ to tho public, Tliofc preferring a Medicine froa from Ale nolle B'lmliturc, will ub Hoofland's Gorman Bitters. In crtnd of ncrroui drprewlon, when tout feJcoholla stimulus li necessary, Hoofland's German Tonio Tna Bitters or tha Tonic re both equally gooJ, and contain the aam medicinal virtues. Tlia stomach, from a rarlety of caases, such u ludliiesUon, I)ya . pepila, Nervous Debility, etc , la rsk m7 J)l 10 llvo Us functions da m rouged. Tlio re sult of which la, ms that tha jMtlcut tuners from scleral or mora of the folWlnt dlieuea! Constlaatlon. Flatulence, Inward Flloa FuUissa of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, fulness or Welfrht in the Stomach, Sour Eruc tstlons, Sinking or Flut tering at the Fit of the Stomach, Swimming' of tho Hesd, Hurried or Difficult Dreath- ,nJ5- l'i211if?o"nV,wKi'n"'' m T-ymg risturo, uimninV bt Vision. Dota orweba boforo tha Sight, Dull Pain In tha Bead, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side, Back. Chest, llm ijfnl b". etc., Sud den Flushes of WjB Heat, Burn liiit In the Flesh, Con stant Imagining of Eril. and Great Depression of Spirits. Thise remedUs will eflictasllj curs IJver Oumplalnt, Jsundlce, Dj"pppsls, Chroma or Nervous DcblUty, Chronlo DlarrLms, DIksrs of ths KUneyt, and sit DJiwaies srlsing from s Disordered Urer, titomscb, or Intestines. DEBILITY, hisfltiso rsu PllOSTUATION OF -ixuraiTSfis; I"C" eIJo.;::"?, l"m"tj:m, Exroscss, Fsvsss, sto. parted to tbs whole Bjelin?," E? i' felretfthened.focJ . 1 I. enj'" stoaiaeh digests M ai promptly, Iho Wood is purified. !Bt""l lbs eotnp'eilon becomee sound ssd IsaaH healthy, uis yel low tings Is eradleatod from ths eyci, a bloom is given to ths cheeks, and the weak and nerrous Inialid becomess strong snd healthy being. Persons Advanced in Life, And feeling the band of time weighing bcsniy upon tbein, with all its attendant Uli. wlU And In tbs nw o( thle lirrrmieber lbs TONIO, an ellilr that will Insl.l new ills Into their Mlns. restore In a incjiuro tho energy and ardor of more youthful dsrs, build op their shrunken forme, and gho health and happlou to their remaining )t era NOTICE. H ie a well-eslahll.bod fait that fully one half or the female por . Hon of our popu lation are n-ldom TBT In the enjoyment of good health; or, IH m to use own;i."i,ei4r r H si feel well." They sie laoguU, doeold of all onergy, oilrrmely tous, and liats no sppctite. ,'('2l1.,,'V'""0' f1""" nnTnn3,oni.e ro.NIL, It efijieclslly recommended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong hy the use cf either of th u??uiVu w'".cur every cseef MA- ItASMUS, alllioutful. v Tlieunuids of eerimcatee hsve scenmnlated 'n the of the roprletor, but limre will allow pf the publle.itlon u! hut a few. Tlioo, It will bo oUei ved, ate men of note snd of euth stand Uig that they tuuil be bejiercb TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, CAV.ui(tci el'ie Suprtmt Courltf '!., writes. ..,..,, . i'alr(, Msrrh is, 1867. ..... f',1 rm '-"id's 'fJermaa Idttcrs'lsagonl Jk toi.le, iwtful la dl.i-ai.sof thedl ,", geetlvs ork-ans, and of grrst hen 'fi tSSU iflt Ineaiee of di Mllly, stnl want of m rvous sctlun In the e steuv louti truly, "Ullo. Y. WOIIDWAUD." Hon, Jamos Thompson, isffiatttXu;reat I'eurt 0 rninijtvauia. m, ,, l'l'il"l,, April as. ISIS "1 enrslder lloollinds Uermsu IJItms' a T.ilufltl mfcini In eaee if atu.k of Indi.-ri-Honor lij'I'l'sU I can einlfr llm troji my siperience of ft. ' Vonn, with retpect, "JAUEd TIlllMl'KflM." Vtom Ecv. Joseph II. Kenaard. DD, J'JIIor v tl TtuOi .'.ifdi ftiurrh, I'hiLft tJ.ttU ltr, Jurljun-llcir P.r I l.ine bet-i, fi .,11, Mk requeued to eonnm my i,au,e nitt, ani.-it-dalloiie of kin-is n.ta 1 M r. gardil.g the piss - - . lies nn uf apptoi.rlate TNIk'T M'l'".- I U... li, alleurtied.ell'iedl 11.1 Lilt 1u.11 a tlwr proof In tuiious UU lustute. -ali.l 14 r tleulsrlyln in) own fjmlly.of Iho ueeruiniM of dir. Iloofland s (Irrman liltlern, 1 d. pan f.,r nnrp Jrommy uiiiaUouree.loeipriM tr.) Ij.lioinii lion llmt,wr qtittiai tlrUiif J ij,!t, mt jlJ, , J,;,,, ctuiifjiiif, if 11 u ,11 ,( ;J'it' ;")-" Jdon. In some raws llin-y r-sll , but utinilj, I d.iultnol, It tilll tour) 1st' IU i.i to (hot, a h,i iulfer from the aLm e 1 our, Try ri il-et tfiilly. J. ii.'i;i:n.n'a1!i, Ulghtli, Ulow Cortes till Trom Rev. E. D. I'cndait, Jimant Mifert.iritffasj CAnsKlf.i'tilaifdl. J'ltH. i.1 'i",J?,rt.'B' "'elded Ica-m from tbne ot Itaolaiid's Umnan Hitters, .ud f it ,, ,,nv,: lege to rerumnieiKl litem us a meet Ts'ual fe Unto 5 J J,! srssujlirlng from general deldlty or from dl.ea.n ail.ln, lnm de,4i,vralt of,,,; I'irr. loursliily, K. X). FCSUAI.L. OAUTIONi nooflarid'i itlerman Hemtdleisrs sonnlerfelt.. frtnclps OfflM snd Manufactory at ths dir. ad'elphla "'""t1"' AKClf rliCffl5. CHARLES SI. EVANS, Oeriuau Druggist, Proprietor, I PJXIOEB. HooBsol's German Hitters, fer bottlesl ov Wooasnd-s Qermsn Tonle, pu'l'up'faa3 ' psj'beluV.orVhsjVdoienfcrl.'I'.U;; j to KT Do not forget to eismlns well lis article- buy, la order to get lbs genuine. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TGNI& Jnuarf H.lliS, DRY GOODS. TlTILLKIVa STORE. rntsu AitutVAt, oi' FALL AND WINTKK OOOIM. Tho nuMcrlber lion Jiut returned from tho cities wllli nnollier lnrgo nnd select iwaortinciil of Hl'lttNU AND HUMMim OOOIW, lnrclmed In New Ynrknnd riillmlclphlnnt Iho Ion et flBure, nnd which ho In determined to sell on M modcrnto termi ni enn ho procured cIno where In llloomnlnirg. 111a ilock comprises LADIKS' llttlXM OOOIW of Iho choicest styles nnd lnlest fashions, loijelher with n large assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho following article I Ciirpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cnsslmcres, Mmwls, Flannels, Hllks, Whlto Goods, Linens, UoopHklils, Muslins, Hollowwnro Cednrwnre OuccnsMnrc. Hardware Hoots nnd Hhoes, Hats nnd Cups, Hoop Nets, Umhrcllas, looklng-Olusscs, Tobacco, Coffee, Mngars, Teas, ltlco, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GHN ItALLV, n short, ccrlhlng usually kept In country stores, to which no Invites the attention nf tlio ptibllo generally. Tlio highest price will ho paid for country produce In exchange for goods, H. II. JIILLKH A SON, Arcado llu!!dlngs, Dloomsburg, l'n. G ItKAT UKDUCTIOX IN I'lUCICS T PETnU UNT'S HTOlti:, IN LJQUT STllKET, or FALL AND WINTKIl OOODS. T1IU subscriber lins Just received nnd has on hand at his old Bland In Light Sheet, n largo and select ASSOHTMKNT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nt tho lowest flguie, and which ho determined to sell on as niodernto terms ns ho procured clsow hero In Light Street, fOlt CASH OU CQUXTUY PKODVCI.. His stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Knliiictti. Cusslmcrs, Kentucky Ji nns. AC, AH .id GROCERIES, MACKElUvti, Queenswnre, ceilarwnro, iinruwurc, .-.HHiien: Drugs, Oils, Pltims, ac. ROOTS & SHOES, II ATS A CM'to. 1., .1.0,1 s-orrtiiinir usually kept In a country store. Tho pnlronago of his old friends nnd tho public generally, Is respectnuiy solicit. The highest liuirKCl price, puui ' duce. 1 C'1'" ' Light Street, Nov. 8 IS07, .ItKAT UEDUCTIOX IN P1UCKS G AT I). K. HI.OAK'H BTOUK, IN OltANOJ'.VIMiK, PA., l- Aiirj AX1) AVINTKIt GOODS. ThoHuliscrlUcrhasJuatrfCclvpd niulhasonhnntl nt IiIm store In OriinKeville, a lnrgo nnd holed oi.tMIivT QV MKHCIIANDISK purchnftca nt tho Iowcm ngxire, nn wnich hu Is determined to ncll on ns modernte terms m enn lie procured cKcwbeie In Orungeville, roit cash en coumuv ritouuci:. Ills stock consist of LAD IKS' DKESS GOODS, CIIOICI--ST HTTtnS AND I.ATrirKsVSJirON.S, Cnllcoew, JfiiHlinH, Olnylmm, rianneK Ho.slory CAKl'ETS, SlIAWI-, HEADY JtADE CLOTH IXG, Satinets, Cassiint-is, Cottoiia.Ies, Kentucky Jeans, AC, AC, AO 0 ROCERIES .MAOKERAL, tlnM-nsTinri', C'odnrirnro, Hardware, Medicines Bat-GS, OILS, PAINT.S, AC. ROOTS A SHOES, HATS & CAl'S. In short everything usually kept in n country store. Tho patronago of his old friends and Iho public generally, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market prlco paid for country pro- uuce. I), K, SLWAN. OrangerlHc, May 21, W17. J J. U It O E R, Is now oiTerlng to tho publio his stock nf S P U I A' (7 GOOD ,S consisting In p.nt of a full lino of IXGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG OA 111M3TH, l'lne sloths nnd cnsslmero for Ladlen' rnats, HANDSOME DIIKSS GOOIW, of all patterns and o,na!ltlcs, Inlalds nnd Trlnts of various itualltles and prices, BLnACHKl) AND llltOWN MUSLINS, LA DIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, A .V 11 BALMORAL SKIRTS, (iood assortment of I.A DlllV .t- vmLDHEVS CIA 1 riiVCV A 1100 TS. Fresh Groceries and SpIcoH. New assortment a lass and QUi:i:Na-WAiu:, EX-NO. 1 MACKEREL in oncdinlf and one.fuurth barrels. Now Is the tlmo to mako your selections, ns I mil offering goods at M-ry low pilces, nnd our motto Is fair dealing to all, and not to bo under, sold hy any. J, J, imowillt. liloouisburg, April 12, 1.107, JJURRAII I'OR CATAWISSAI THIS WAV I-'OH IIAIIQ AINS. Goods to compare with stringency of tho money market. Iiolc and compnro prices before pur chasing elsewhere. Just call nt the favorite busl ness stand of McNINCH A- SIIUMAN. and yon ullt he met by tho obliging proprietors or their clerks, and shown through their great varic-ty stoio free of charge, of course. They will glvo j ou it fair chanco lo spend your looso change, Ihey trust much moro profitably than It can he spcut elsewhere, Their MTOCIC OF DItV UOOIlS this Spring Is much larger 111 nil It varieties than usual. Their LAllIUV mtKBH GOODS aro ftho nicest styles Iu market. They havo a flue assortmeiit of . . HATS, CAIH, I100TH AND SHOES, HUMMCIl CLOTHS, CASSINETH, CASSIMUItES, AND VKSTINGS, nnd numorous articles common to such establish, ments, bcsldos a general assortment of HAlUIWAlin, TINWAItE, tlUEUNSWArtl!, AND QltOCiatlES, all nt greatly reduced prices. They wish to con duct their business on the systom of 'TAVAH YOU CO," end they think they can afford to sell s, try cheap. They rclnrn their thanks for many pnst fuvors, and ask tho future patronage of their former cus. turners nnd I ho publlo generally. ' McNINCH A HHUMAN, jOWE, EU8TON & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In COTTON VAItNS, OAIU'KT CHAINS, 1IATTH, WICKS, TIK VAIINS, COItDAOH, I1I100MH, WOOD AND WILIJW WAIIK, LOOK'Q GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY I1ASKF.T8 TAULE, FLOOIl, AND CAHUIAOK OILCIX)TIlS,Ae., No. MO Market Btrcet, south side, Philadelphia, M. M. MAltPJiK, NOT10NH, HOaiKltV, GLOVIX, AND TAlCV GOpDH, No, ffl North Third Htreet. riiUtulclcbla, MISCELN iiiounocrnit, l frlenit4 niiU tho it lJ 1 1 m nf gorxls ill I 'i"wll MIT.) In connectl pnreu 111 act-..,., , , 1 - on tno snor Iho ntl. PI,, uVH 'I IIIIOOfllBJ igutntriseii.iiavil - -iniy,t,i o ;r;ons Iml nn, ntni TRAT( I'KTKR 111 nistrntlol 'iitiolonil 'ecu Ernnl ohn W. -Ml .A'l.i'yrl y ..... i-nin no ineiii 1 paynienl -"I "I . '...'RATOll I'FTMl lit! Aw-nlstriitioJ i nciMS Tl. h'o lio- I lyitijiiitiii TllR tins tnvihit of I ho ill . ii'iun, ml S NOT 11 the DM I , rsierti s oi.iian-i-.i 'licel-lliTlil i niipolull . 01 ine los mbla, it mil -liurir. Hi . It II Ml RlVtMl r in in H" ( A''l niMralloiil .lOCCU-'O.I, 1 KU IfhltlfH hi tlolsiy, mil D. Adiiilnisll AKintATOU'. nuts, iikmI rituuti oil 1 ...Miu hum 1 ClU- Itl iu un imhaiil alms or ciluiit nit thn.( 1 111 1 1 1 m:iA,'nl i XOTJtl L'FI. i uac I my nn th 1 leiiuirOlc 10 aljtUl' anionic r t una tiioH 10U' rr IjI 10 I.xccull .1 A3 i'Ki '(I. Itkkcl 'io the I s,.i ill 1 11. l.u .'.'eiiinbl.1 1 '""ills. nlJJ le, Oiuml It e plm-ii Isten'iUl coif Ani'lincnil UA. ins , Mh.J WIIl.;i. ry jj "'u'i,ho oniert'-oti j ln Tho I Tli chase, 1 . f , 1 ou f.ill.BMl Here ,f ;V April-cd,V.-.vl ,llS i: SKW SVA A 1 Tn.1 . --.v .MliliufitcliSV- lo their pccm-ol tlio inosl compl-l nflereil lo 1 1 11, 1111 . 1 lenev ortotteli ilmull test nfseviiocllmV.l alio l-'orto btnnds tnc-l nianiuaciuro nave s.v- nnnrt.-r nr 11 rmitnri-. at llliertv to ri fer In r.V. f.imlliiM who hno hntol all natts of tlio eivillidl bo proiiipilyonstu-rcd 1 eu,(is.3m. tisl 1 1MIE AMEIU0A2 L aVNI) lOltK.-We thl of Columbia C'ounlv wlttu foiks on tlio fjirm of Jlr, 1 Towiishln. mi Miniflii Mn American liny Kiillo'iunl Tl HIill-JJU, WAI.I-M, HIUCIM1 Imrc. l'n.. nml tlio Uundel'I Tlio Amerlcnn I'orlc lined! ilrnuglit tlinn theJlundel In I lied it will tnko ns nuich lm 1 cood horses can druw. Wei lmv.nnd think It cannot 1ml nnd eheeifully leeonimend It 1 and knlfu wo hao ovr hoen, I . IllTTF.NllKNDKlt. I)Jtl W, 11. ICOONS, .Jail .lOHS JJETFllICIf. J)A II. IlKil.IiMII.I.I H. KYA Mk-hafi, 1Ih,m:ii. JutV '1 hcv nNii liiiinnf.ii'l urn llm im Hearer nnd Muwcr. nnd other im L U M R I A II 1 II v HUUNAItD HTOH IlAVlKO Intelv ourelmseil nnd wcll-Unown ltoblson Hotel l'ropeity i-i:w nooittj ahovk Tin: t-oL-iir on tho same sldo of tho street, In 11' iiioomsiiurg: una having obtainean tho snmons a R E S T A U R A N tho Proprietor has determined to glvo to tlio p plo visiting tho town on business or pleasuie, A I.ITTLi; MOIli: 110OJI, Ills stabling also Is extensive, nnd lstltledtlp to put buggies nml enrrhtgesln the dry. He prom ises thnt i-M-ry thing about Ills esinbllsiimeutstiali bo conducted In an orderly nnd lawful milliner; nnd hoiespi-ctltllly solicits a share of tho publio 1 utronnge. (inylT'bT-bm. J.S'Emilished na:i. JOIIDAN A IlltOTIIKIt, wiiolixali: ouocr.iw, nnd Dealers In SAI.TI'iri'Iti: AND 11UIM.STONE, No UK) North Third Stroet, Philadelphia. J 1'. REARD, with LI1T1NCOTT, BOND A CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In hats, CArs, runs, and stuaw goods, No. 413 Market Street, Philadelphia, gNYDER, HARRIS & 1JASSETT, Mnuufaclurcrs and Jobbers of HUN'S AND HOY'S CLOTIIINCJ, Nos, 615 Market, and 622 Commerce Street, rhllailelphln. Q W. RLARON & CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADHS, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Sll eet Philadelphia. I. 11 WALTER, Ijito Walter A Kaub, I m poitcr nnd Dealer lu CHINA, ULAKS, AND QUKENI.WAP.E, No. !OI North Tlilrd Slrcet, between Ilace and, Vine Philadelphia. C, U, HOHNC. W.8.KINa. J. 11. HBYUKRT ANDREWS, WILK1NS t CO., Dealers In KOItCIUN AND DOMESTIC DIIY OOODS, No. Co Market Street, l'lillsdclphla. jofmln'Roui" a co,, Successors to btroup A Brother, WHOLESALE DEALE11H IN FISH. No, SI North Wharves, nnd S3 Nerth Water St., rblladelphUt. OtOCEIlIES, i (oui;iiii:s, ,(itoci:iiii" ?iitni-i-i.V t JUUCl.UEs; 4 MIS' . OITI!I!Vf4 Jiii-:i:sstim Ann, 7: . uiii;i;AsrAltl tlUEENSCAttl irAnnu' ' V.itE. vaL: HAltllW'.l irAIMlU'Al irAltlltOAl HAUDWAIli; TINWAIth. TINWAlti: TINWAItE , TINWAItE TiNWAitu; SALT, SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, HSU, PISH I-'IHII rriii FISH, (IHA1N AND SEEIW, (IHAI.V AND SKKllS I IAIN AND SEEDS HAIN AND SEEDS UHAIN AND SEEDS Ac., Ac, Ac, AT NEAL A CO.'S, NEAL A CO.'H NEAL A CO.'S. NEAL A CO.'S. NEAL A CO.'S. Mult. ,,.wl ftfnrl.... CI.. McKELVY, mc-kei.vy! McKELVY. MtKELVY I T, J- tlvf Ul Main and Market Streets! wii.nvt-ni corner or - ....UIIICIUI Main and Market Streets! ....ncoteouitrOI mi ntit-eil nixioMsnuna, ia.. IlIiOOMHHUHU l'A IIUIOMSlIUltO l'A.. UIXIOMSIllIllo: l'A BIf)OMsmill(4 l'A, J ON AND NAI!! IKON AND NAlIJs IKON ANI. NA S Ji'ON ANII NAIIJs IltON AND NAIIH tAnd.0"""1'" utii "l rtlu', "t.tsy IVARE & CUTLERY. I W. SNYDER, iiEAi.r.n in IV 11 D W A II E, HLH. HTI.I.L. At!.. An.. Af!. r.UT. DLooMsnuita. it.nn'a. Ihralof Informing tho clllrcnsof Co- Ithnt ho hns opened nn cxtcnslvo It cm .nam street, in Illoomsburg, t, nnd that ho hns on hand a CII AND UKTTr.Il ASAOItTUD lindaliy where else hi llm muni V IntemW to nell nt prWcn which defy AXES, STEEL. IKON. nn, nil aIzon. nxer, nil lnnlto nnd dl r.vnt Iron, nil shapes, nnd nil lunt'H n a n d w a n u. iptloni, Xnlls, nxlo imllcys. nsh l locitMntid knobs, imtt Kerown.nnsli prrln, hnso knohs strap hinges, uef., Iiooics nnd Blnples.nnd In fact leded In that lino. AGON MAKIMW HAlUnVAltn. Inoit every thing In that line. Also hH MAK-ItS' HAltDWAHi:, I lined j buckles, silver plnledj bllts , IIamhs, lronjpl trees i Hamkh, trees, glff trees, girth web, worsted 'trend, Mtk, nwlsnnd nccdlon, tools I IMA K Hit's HAITI) VA IlIJ, Itmentforcarrentcrw. I haveplnnt?s iws; hand, pnnnel, rip, and eonipns, I. Iron, nnd try (boring innchlncs, Irs, bevels, innllelK, braces, gauges, I bits, and about cNcrylhlng for car- Till: rKOl'LH OKNIHtALLY 1 ha e coal hosls, coal hoels, Hcoopx, roal sifters, lant- I crns,tnbloctitleryfpocket cutlery, plated fpoons. ited lorks,t,c rvci s, ten nnd eof- l pots.buller kni es.inlll saws, leu t saw s, circular m h, KUUKsaws, iiorse ishoes,w t enches, rlvets.hnm Ltehels, mattocks, picks, fmks, Rmb i,RboveIs,ipndeM,f.padlnK forks, hoes, pins, twine, iskntcs, plout, coflln trim- I mcry, red chalk, uhlto chalk, wltf. Ids, meat cutler.s, scales, wnshboatds, bucket", wooden pails, clothes I glue, door mats, porch mats, par r mats, corn poppers, paint Irushes, ht)rsa brushes, sleigh belli, heel calks. enamel d kettles, brass kettle, copper kettles, Klewlu'ttles.sauco pnns.bioad nxes.unlls, Irtaln fixtures, I Thlnibleskelns nnd boxes, rumps, it ml pipe, etc. pound hundreds of articles not .eiiu- inslanllyouiiand at Main Htieel, ltloomsburi IQE II. RORERTH, Importer nnd Dealer Iu IrtUWAltr., CUTI.KItY, (1UNS, Ac, 1311 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, I'hlladclphla. :. Smith. J. It. Ki:i.i7i-i! TH & SELTZER, Iters nnd Denleisln I'uri-Iit and DomcMIc ' A R E, .II.HY, AC, ! 109 N. 1 11 III II STltnET, All. CA I.1.0W11 1 1.I., nilLAllLLl'lIIA. 2,07-t r. IRON, TINWARE, &C. Ltioxal foundry, Dloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa. I subscriber, proprietor of Iho above--! allied sive establishment, Is now prepared to I orders for all kinds of iiiNi:itvroitcoi.ui:i!ii:s, ulaot I I'l'ItXACKX, STATION.' ISY IINOINIS', U ,. -MILLS, TIIIUISIIIKG .MACHI.Ni:s, Ac . nlsopiepaied to mako Stoves of nil sires litems, now-Irons, nnd cui thing usually ii iirsi-i-inss l-iiuniiucs. xtenslto facilities nnd practical workmen it una In receiving tho largest contrncls on ist rctisonnblo terms. n of nil kinds will bo taken In exchango for 'gs. establishment Is located near tho Laekr 1 nnd Illoomsburg Depot. rirnirt iiillmyeh. VES AXD TINWARE. A. M. IlUl'KItT Iis to his friends and customers thnt I ics the nbovo business nt his old place on .MAIN STltKCT, llLOOMHUUItO. luces can bo accomodated with l'ANCY STOVIW I U I nils, Stovepipes. Ti n wni e. n ml eerv vn. if nrtlelo found In n stovo nnd Tlnwnro lis- liment In Iho cities, nnd ou Iho most icnson- L l ins, Ilepnll lug dono nt tho shoi Ic st uollco. S3 DOZHN MILIM'ANS Id for sale. V STOVE AND TJN SHOP. ItS Tnl;hT, NKAIILY Ol-I'OSITi: MII.I.KR' sroiEK, nr.ooMsnuna, i-enn'a. liuderslsned has Just lilted up nnd opened I STOVE AND TIN SHOP, pinee, wncrc no is prepared to make up 'IN WAIIKOf all kinds 111 his llnf. no, I .1 . litiK w llh neatness and dlspaleh, upon the ...nuu.iuiu ii-iiiii,, jiu ttiso neeiis on lionu us Ul- VAIUUUW t'A'rillll.N'S A STYLES, . lip will sell upon teims to suit Durchasers, M llllil IL Pill . Ilnls n imtl .... I. .....t loinsburir, April ai, 1M17, ' " I A r-nit lit-iv rrpBACOO & SEGARS. hHE ONLY PLAGE t tho best T011ACCO AND CKlAltS, AT WHOLr.SAI.i: AND IIETAII, H at HUNOSHEItaEIt'S, n fuw d"ois below Iho American House, illoomsburg, l'n, llo 1ms Iho Inrgest and most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOUACCO ever offered to the clllieus of nioomsbui B. All tho fancy brands of SEOAIIS, nnd Ilia best I'lne-cut aud I'lug CHEWING TOUACCO, can hu had nt his countcis, TOUACCO I'll'l-S 111 eiiat variety nro ninoni; his larso stock, DON'T l'OIIGET TO CALK H. If. lIUNSllEUGEIt. JJ W. RANK'S VlIOI,rjsALII TOUACCO, SNUEE, AND CIQAU WAIir.HOirsE, No, in North Third Street, belwcen Cherry nnd Ilace, wist side, riilladcli.hla. Wholesale Dealers In TOBACCOS, CIOA11S, 1'IIT.S, Ai- Ac-., No, 13 Norlli Third Slrcet, abovo Market, Philadelphia, 0 MXIRUS LINE The undersigned would resjiectfiilly nnnounco to tno clllr.t-ns or Iiloomsiiuri: aud Iho nubllo uono. rally that ho Is ruiinlnt; an OMNIIIUS LINK between this plaeoand Ihodlirerent rollroaddo rots dally (Sundays oicopted), to connect wllhlho soveral trains gotun Soulli nnd West ou tho Cata. wlssa and Wllllamsnort Ilallroad, and with thoso folng North and South on the Lackawanna and llloOBisburs Hallroad. Ills Oinnlbusses nro lu good condition, couimo. d Ions und comrortuble, and charges rcnsouublc. l'crsons wishing to meet or see their friends de P art, can bo accomodated upon reasonable charge by leavlug timely notice at any of tho hotels, JACOB h GIIITON, l'roprlelor. l - II A R D A a U.N S. CUT. DRUGS &, MEDICINES. A VK YOUR 31 OX KYI s a n is at i x i) u v n m i: n t hi a HIIATIMl I.VDUCIJMIi.NTBII a u i! a ti:t in i v t i: m i:n t hi AT- tiii: uiii) mivu htoui; of h. X. MO Y K H, Wliii u can ))o round tho I.akcuwt nnd soimii-Nr, eer olfcred to tho citizens ofthi-t county, of friiK-4, Chemicals I'nhitt, OlM, (IIami, VninMicR, l'utty, ItrmhcM, DyoStutr-i, JIUcil ralnts nil of iheno nro of tho best Known mako mid are warranted as puronnd uiindultcrateit, 'I he llm -si nnd largest clock or V A N C V A It T I 0 U I". H to befouii'l lu thh or adjoining ountteH rirrutnery, Hair Djo, l'ancy Hoap-i, llru".hcis, Comlw, Cofincllc-, irulrOll), Toilet Artlcl. , Htatlonery, Pocket 11i d. T O A C V O K H . HinokliiKniid chewln?, Cigars of nUdecrtptlon, ripe, Cigar Holders, norninrou) autjcm. Jitnps assorted nl?c nnd fclyh-H, I..M1", ClMMNKYS, Hll.l)W, llt'tlNI 111, Mrsci:Lt,A:n;oL.s cjoodh, Hponijefi, ChnnioU Mkln( Cathetern, Hpeculum, Hyrlnge", Urcat lMmps Utlbbcr (loddx, TiuvM-f of patlems Ac., Ac. U I tj U O It 8. Ailnonfcfsorlincntof nro Uquorsfor medical purposes constanlly on hand and the hesi knonn UlndHof .STOMACH JllTTI.I'X. Tatknt Mi:iiriNnn of uery decilptlon, In- cludlng thu best varieties of pllw nnd tonlef. riniii'iAS's lT.iiHcnti'rross tAi:i.i ti lv rn -r.m.i. Xu such istoelc hps ever been puHlitcd In (hi people of this section of counliy. Tho prices nro nHRiunll ns the slock K laige, Tho Wholesale 7'icctaro more f.noiablo to tin purchaser than ever, ns .rrniiKemcnts havo hi hi c flic ted wllh the wholesale dealers In tha larj cities, bo that noods can hn piotiucd In Illooni bin k as cbenply.ns In New York or rhlladclphi.i. S"Counlry dealer mo tnuustly Initid t fctudy their own IntcrestH, hy exniulnlin; tin htoek, lteniemljcrthuplnto-;ctLNai:lli.ot ii nbi.t r.xchango Hotel, Main Btre t, Illoomsburg, Jan. 31, lew, r,m 1 Ida IilIiyA.Mi:i;o3UlUr41hu; mud, tho Cure tint lay AvuuosiA that UUijr made, as bnld ntni WfijjtVV tri-.iy, tsaOt... Who nuw hns rnvcu links. tliev unv. L UKSl i ,l1' u"cd Hi'' Ll,ri arssWai in thu amiic-jsi lined tlx Curu llmt liy v Jims iiLKio. TliH ( tiu Mul-Uii. ti.ailitomc mil Who nr.ri lod the m.m cure tintd nn I jS '-f'"' ho now h.ifl rni n tI;n, tnry tv p 41 llo incl tlm A!iu:i'i tint Kin 'l III. Is th I'lrunn, ttlm, hy llu- wi- Mnriicil tin- im ill ii, linn .inn. i i Lity, Tu 111.' 1.11.11 nilci h iM nu.t rr.ix . tint Mho nun- hi. rivun l.u-ks. tli sny, li'emsu h- tl --I Hi i'lir. Ill it I is In Uio Amu: -ii Hi it lini.r 1 1 1.1 ?yiS'lii HHiti l!.i p, i.iil j i I ill A. il'uto 1m Tilrt, ti'tl- li I i t Ir frtii, J tha , l'-'isd tut h i ' i. & CO , P.iorB'?iBrs. PtTtrssno', H H. ANJI 10KS.U.K IIV I., n. Movint nn.i i:. p. i.rr, iutnrmsts Illoonisbuii!,nuil J, JI. lJIiOllST,Cliloll"ii. Jniiuaty 1, Isijvd, J R. MOVER, vuor.i:s.i,i:Aiti:TAii, ) ItUUOIS T, CUi:.Ni:il I IF JtAI.V ASIl H.lHKCr MIKI.LI'S, 11I.00.MS11U11O, 1'A., wherowlllho found it larno and select slosk i.l liiugs, JUUHCIXEti AND CHEMICALS. Also all Iho ATKsr 3ii:iiicim or the hay, I ant also jircrwredto furnish Country Stores with Castor Oil, Uodfrey's Coullnl, TUItLINOSTON'rt 11AI-SAJI, aud all other niedlclnes kept In their lino nt t'lij in lees, C5- ri'L-herljitlous eniefiilly eonn-iounded at all houis, III luedlellies, quality Is of Uio first linj oi tiui. i . Illonnisburir, JtinoT, lsil7 LLEX A- XEKDIiKS, MII.i: MANl--AI"ll-Ill.r.SA.-ll-KUI HII.1UK.S of llieli- liniiroved SUPER VIiO.SI'lIATK OF LIME. Also tho aji.moniati:ii i' I'ERUVIAX (!UAXO. We sell only No, 1 ieeel edilli'uct fiolutho cm iinnicut, Siiin-1- riinsihntp lu bags of 'Jul l,s,eai-h. l'rliv SjHni-aol,s, ' Anililonlnled IVrlillcr, III bags 1J) His. i-ai-h. l'lh-o s-Ij ptr Jisi His, A illseouut to de.ileis on abovu nuees. Aurleultuinl Winks, lloaeh and Plum Hire, is, I I II I ... u I C I . u 1 . , ....... nniuit, ii r, n iiit-i nn el , nun I. South Helawaio Am line. Denh-is 111 mis. r-tvnl.lH nml I ii lii-rnl I'mn. mission Men hauls, 1'lilhidelnhhi, 1 eli. SI, lsus. J X 8 U R A X (JE A U E X 0 Y. Wyoming 130.0ns ililnn J.OOu.OiU Coinmeico r, IOO,tX)9 I'lllton 300,(JO North Ainerlen Clly IW.Oio lntiinationul l.liw.oai Nlauara 1,000.(X .lUllll I.UoSloe-k Osl.OUu riltliam 5.Hi,lou Meiehauts ain.'Si S.lnelU-ld 67U.0H Iiisinnnen Comimny of Stnto renn'n.,. . ConneetleutMiiluiil I.lfo K,m,itt North 0H),- I ltUAkl UltOWN, Aveiit, nun S &T-ly. ULooMsiiunn, r.t. AJtMllRUHTER & RRO'IUIER, liiipniiers nun jouuers ui iiosiiinv, ai.ovix SIUIUH ANII HIlAWr.ItS, ii urroNs, susn:N i u; i ts. iiooi- skihts, iiANi)Ki:itciui:rs, TIIUIIAPS. BKWINO SII.KH, TUIMMINUS, I'OltTK .MONNAIIH hoAi's, I'WirirMKitv, l'A ncv ooods, anh notions ai:Ni:i!AI.i.v, Also Mauufactiiieis of Miusinw anii look i no auvssns, and Dealers lu WOOD ANI WILLOW WAIIK, IlltOOMS, ItOl'KS, TWINIW, Ac. No. SOO Noilli Third Street, above Vino, I'hlladelphla. jJILLER A HOST, Kuccesbois tu 1'inuUllu 1'. Sellzer A Co., Importers aud Wholesale Dealers In , I.KIUOKS, WINI'.S, it'.,' Nos, HO aud Hi Norlli Third Slrcel, rhlladtlphla. iT fA ituno
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers