S5tte df0lttmWni llMIOMSltlltU, kUIDAY, MAY i, fll. A.Mi:r.TiNa of tlioBlooiiisburg llutlil hit; Assoclrttloii will bo held nt tlio ofllco of llobcrt 1 Clnrk on Bntimliiy evening JIny Oth nt 8 o'clock. A full nUeiulruico Is requested at tlio Drafts of tho now building will bo presented for examina tion nnd business of iinportntico trans ncted. JOHN 0, EllEEZE, Secrctnry, Tin: man who leftn black dog In our ofllraon Monday last Is refiuested to eoinomul takohlm uway. lie- Is get ting hungry. A lioAHl) walk from Centre Street to Iron Street, along Third street Is In contemplation. It Isvcry much needed, nnd wo trust will bo built. Tin: Northumberland District con vention of tho I. (). of Cl. T. will meet in thisplaceon Wednesday lilth of May to continue In session two days. Tin: well known suit against 11. J. Yaple for tho larceny of u hor.-o has been tattled by a verdict in his favor. Tho question of tho ownership of the liorso was amicably settled by tho par tie. Wi: learn that Capt. John F. Cuslow and Kgbert II111 havoobtained the con tract for bupplying tho Orangevillo Academy for tho ensuing year. Wheth er they will accept or not wo are una bio to state. Aaiio.v I'r.itsoN lias been granted n license to keep n hotel nt Montana, In this County. Tho application of Mrs. Green for n license to keep a hotel nt I.lmo llldgo was rejected on tho ground of Informality. Wi: trust that nil tho friends of Agri culture will nttend tho meeting of the Columbia County Agricultural Society nt tho Court IIouso on Saturday, May 16th. It Is ono of tho institutions of the County that should bo fostered. A VKitv cpley debato Is going on In Scranton over tho recently parsed law regulating tho selling of goods by Fam pies by trn veiling merchants or agents. Some of tho citizens, apparently, do not care about being "protected," which this law pretends to do. Tin: name of Gen. Hancock ns Demo cratic candidate for President has been seized on by tho mns.sw, and created an enthusiasm heretofore unknown. Tho South isfor him, nnd the only oppo sition comes from States that never can cast a Democratic vote. Mirru.s- aiii:ai)I Last week we had tho pleasure of adding seventeen new names to our list at Minilnvllle. That makes our total number there semi-ty-onel Other townships nrcdoing well, and ero longwooxpectto issuo from this ollleo 2000 copies per week of tho Cor,- UMIIIAN. Wr, print this week the new Time Table of the Lackawanna t Blooms burg It. It. Co., which began on Mon day, the-lth Inst. Tho principal change is in the evening train from Scranton, which arrives hero nt 0:.'i5 p. m., bring ing the New York mails which were formerly received at 8:3:1 p. in. Tin: Ilejmbllnm wishes u explana tion of an article in the Coi.umiiian. Certalnly.Dr. Wo fancy It is something like the followlng.whhh we tlnd in the JlvjmbltcuH : "Thu registering of letters makes it more easy to trace than when lost or stolen, but that Is all." A Mntc ment which is doulitless true, although slightly Idiotic. D'yo i-ee, DrV Tin: Jlvjmlilicitn has an editorial un der tho beading of "Olii-ceulty defended by the Democracy." Wo certainly don't defend tho obscenity weekly pub lished In tho aihertNlng columns of the llepubllean, nor that practiced by tho Itadieals In Congress. John Moris sey has shown more good manners in Congress than nil tho llutlcrs, Donnel leys, and Wnshburncs combined. Tin: pursuit of happiness is tho nim of all men, but it Is ltllo to hopoforsuc cess, when tho clothing Is uncomforta ble and ill-fitting. Go to Cbemberlln's and try n suit of his making, then you havo taken an important step towards happiness. Ills goods nru warranted to bo of tho bet, nnd, ns they uro cut by f-eicntlflc rules, never fail to prove both easy and graceful. Call on him and convince youitelf. Wi: publish In another column thu license law for Luzerno county, smug gled through the Legislature, by n number of lobbyists, for tho purposoof shutting out nil intorcour?o with the county, and making It n clo.-o corpora tion. When it is known among thu people that n Itndlcal Legislature passed this bill, and that a itadlcal Governor signed It, wo believe they will place tho responsibility where it belongs. At tho Kimo tlmo wo do not believe the Courts will so construe it ns to shut out traftlc from neighboring counties, although that undoubtedly was the Intention. Wo pronouneo thu whole thing an Infa mous Mvimilc. Wi: uro constantly In tho receipt of communications from nil parts of thu County, from perfeous of all shades of opinions, and on all kinds of topics, The fact shows that our columnsarenp prcclntcd ns n menus of communication ami thereforo Is gratifying to us. Wu would suggest, however, to our com pondents, that lengthy communications not only crowd out other important matter, but on account of their length are seldom read. Ilo brief, and to tho point, nnd then wo can tlnd room for all. Suveral communications, now In our drawer, will bo inserted bhortly All must havo a responsible name at tached, or they will be Ignored. A bA Ul.T. On Tuesday hist tho guests nt tho ICxchango Hotel wcro treated to n specimen of plantation manners by Si niou I'eter Krisc, wtll known tu tho people In this County. In passing from tlio dining hall In answer to n remark mndo by some perton sitting nt thu ta ble, Simon gavo him a slap In thu face, Aftor dinner thu Insulted man, pitched Into S. Peter K. and lu a fow moments would havo put thu stock of thu Suip bury Hazletou and Wllkes-llarro lt.H Co,, below par,badnot tho pcacoolllccra present, separated tho belligerents. Since writing tho abovo wo learn that S. I'. Kj ou his arrival at Danville, was eoverely neaten by tho man whom hu had Insulted. Court Vroceod How. Wm, Kmveli.i 1 Hon. Irani Dcrr nnd Ilvl beno associates on tho bill Commonwealth vs Oil cognlgauca fornication nil Com. vs William UcJ zanco fornication nnd bast Cora.vs r llagcnbuch-j fornication nnd bastnnlvl In tho matter of the nl tho Sheriffs Salo ofthoil ty of tho lleavcr Creek (I lirocKwny was nppoinl distribute tho fund. Catharine M'Cormlck Cormlck subnoenn In dl S. Howell nppolntcd conl i.utry ts. i-rnsmus vs I subpoena in dlvorco IM appointed commissioner J Com. vs Iteason Connol battery Not a truo bill, to pay cosis. Com. vs C. J. Ash Asl tery Settled nnd I'rosecil Com. vs II. C. Howcl tornlcntlon nnd bnstardyl Ellin Martury vs Danl Subpoena in a divorce allowed. Estate of Josenli Stiles unpointed auditor to dlstJ Com. vs John Eiirlv mil Indictment Larcery J I Early guilty and Mary Eal Marr lor Com. Clark for l $10 uo lino and thirty tin' ment lu the county a II. Com. vs C. J. Asli ninl Indictment, assuult and tied. Com. vs I'arvin Even- rejecting the vote of a quail Truo blli. Defendant prodil by John denry. I Com. vs Vincent Erwlml above. Win. A. Marr vs James action or ejectment. 1'llf. y nros. to bo entered. Com. vs llobcrt Muxgral ment. assault and Imttrrv. I f-chool teacher, on his puplll ""'I JIIUH.VIUMI, ,,111. pay tlio costs. Com. vs Henry J. Yaple I u. Daily. Indictment, steil ol ilatthinsShairer. A teuil caned and ICeft. acipiitted, r uviug calico. i 15CII . Alalincli. Adm'r. nl , - - - - . M ueccased vs James v. sann tlon or ejectment. Verdicl James W. Sankov vs Hoil lick. Diminution of rcconl On motion, rulo grunted oil icy 10 inaKo a more peiiectl I'.l.tl U AT'lHlll. W'nlol. 1 battery. Continued until i.om. vs 11 rain JSevlial ment, fornication and bastl iinuea until next sessions. Com. vs Geo. itenner. 11 larceny and receiving stolen truo uiu. In the matter of tiio dliail ur Creek (ouiishlti. On moil Freeze, order to Comitil-sloncl uea. Com. vs Ludw ir Tlilel. Ill sclllmr Honor on Kunclnv. N'l bill. Lcfri Strnuser, tho procl pay the costs. 1 in ino unmans' court in tini oi nccounts 7,8, 1) and 10. of nun, uuaruian oi Agnes, .31 i'.iizauetn and lilennor llei vl Ualdy. Esu.. nnnolnted Auditol ,.-' . . .'. -. . cepuons io ino noovo nccounts. HIE DANVILLE, IIAZLKTl Wn.Ki:siiAnitElUii.iioAD.--T lino of railroad starts nt Suubl runs to Ilnzlcton. Tho lino of I follows the bank of tho north bl tho Susquehanna river of Cnl thence up tho valley of Catawlsl to Mainvllle; thence skirting thl ern slope of Nescopeck Mounll ending thu valley of Scotell thence up Itlack creek and Cranl llozletni), a distance or llfty nnl This road will develop that of thu Lehigh coal basin kill tho Duck .Mountain or lilack Coal Field, and duvi'Iop about! teen miles of coal lands her lying In obscurity. Tho value lauds will by this road bel augmented in that vicinity. nection will bo with the I'hlhl and Erie and North Central nt f-1 and with the Hazletou, Lehigh I and Lehigh Navigation and liaiiua road at its eastern tel tlieroby completing the chain muulcation I io m Eileandthegti growing West to l'hiladelphla i York, forty-ouo miles less distal via Harrisbiirg and thirteen ml dlstunco than by way of tho C Iluilroad. Anthrncito coal heretofore bl sent out of tlic State, and over '. sey and New York railroads! our Pennsylvania railroad col have either not seen thu Import! the carrying over their own monts, or thu proper public i been lucking somewhere. The enterprlslngnnd energetl at tho head of this enterprise el complete tho grading and bril tho 1st of September next, wliil completed, will furnish a line 1 inuuicntion from Chicago to Nl sixty-seven miles less distance I way of Now York and Erie, ami six miles Icm than by way of Nil Central mm Hudson Itlver roil thu same tlmo tho cars laden wll and Hour of tho West, hltunilnol oil, and lumber of tho Interior ofl sylvnnla, will pass over this road i seaboard cities, and return laden , anthrucltii coal for the West. NoTWii iisTANDiNO tho great on about tho dc:-tructlveiiessto fruit of t frost u short time ago, It now appears that thu yield will be ubiindant, unless some new reason to the contrary urNes. i'lirouthoiit tho West tho peach crop promises well,und thu season is progress ing favorably In nlinost every respect. JUrkct Ilrporl, WlaMt per hiiNliel Iti-B " , t: m , 1 :n . 1 'ii 111 . it (.1 7 itu . 3 (1 VI J) II . I Ml , li .71 ! Ml 111 . II . 18 UU S10 Kl , IL..H . 15 l h l ,. 7 ll ., P ml .. in ... .' , .s.u ('mil " Out. " riuur rr I'arKi ('tovfrht'eil l'laxKi-cil , Iiullcr TulldW l'otlllot'H , Ill It'll .ill 1'illlC HlllllH HUli'H alul Klinultlem UUil 1(T limtlul liny nT tcta I.UMIIi:il. IIiinliK'lc llimtiU pt-r IlioiiHiunl fft I'hiii " limn lmtil JoUt, onnlllhu', I'Uiik.dlc jnliKk) Hhluuh'M, Nw, 1 )Hr llinusaiiit Ki.ihiu " " n, rZ3.V".'.'.','.'.'.".' 1 HUN Nci. I Soitoll .IB No. 2 M " , UIODlll , liilliidrlililH PI.rkl.. Tnuiisiur, May 7, ! N'nriliwi'Ktrrn Hiiprrfluuut Xoiilnu'tttriii t-xini ,. Nillliwt'Kli-ru rmiilly 1'fiin-j hiinlii ana Wt'ktcrii hiiM)iniii, ..K.IHIta, !VN. It'. VI I L.V I . 7rihli'Jol I UIKy 1 lltllll llll.l iti,iil!l I'AIUI.., ..'((. si 73 P.lins U aula mill Western lillillly ll,tlKa I P. niiHyivaulii nml Wc.lcin l.in.-y, l.t.i.in.1 .'jiha WiiKAT I'.n nu I vi. 11 In red, Y hua, ... Huulhcrii " " t'alirornla " ' while.- " , Hvk IVniisyUnnlii rye, v hua L'oiin Y.-lluw, M Willie, " OAlK-VJtua Puuvisioss .Mm Pork, V t'bl Mchh licet, " llreastsl Uokk, V tl..... Mmoke.1 llaiilN " . " hliuuMcra V I.ttr.l. V V' Hkkps Cluversciil vthiiN Tluiotliy.eeil y hua 1'lniiiceil " ,. n. t'ATTl.li-ll.tf fultlew t'ows. A head UsuU'l l.'.OWl: S'I.IV4?l0 j.M75.'J8 il,ITrIYt II.IIHil.fc 1....A ,1., ltfc(,al. Iic 13 tip .'.ftl llSHilu 7ctUa . IIU..JI7.1 HIIKP V ' .1.... s. inn IC(ftHO IU.60ll. cvN-i,p.ir. r.iini.io .Mm Mr. III111111 l.oni ol . I iwy, of ilniuituNlllc. llio li'.l.t.'iic.. r ih. F.lll-1.. Al.lll ltli. I.v tin, Ili.v wn. Mnltavlllp .M'lltorv. 1.1 Lyons, nil , this County, nry 1ms locafil at Il.-nton. (lltl.v :u i'lru.iilv o.t.t.u.1 l.v .1. .1. stll.,4. V, licrp 11.' suiicr...'." I'Ki .italic 01 top commu nity. l-I.TKltMAN-Iii UBarlouf toVnflil.on tlu.Wli or March ln'.s. lia .Mary Cntharlut P. tcrmaii. VI yeurH,,1 monilA nml IS .luja. A Hu. m.iiiw I'lacooll Hits Mint March lW,MNs!.yillii llhlu, 1 eterilinu, AR' "?''.. .,,'u.maai.i m 111.)., Hlktcra, thai wert nilltl nn.1 luvel tlentlu n tio Hummer hrecze 1'lei.a.tnt n.ilie nlr uf ocnliiK .Yhen itiaU H1110111; the ties., Peaceful if your hllcnt slumhcr, Pfiuufi lu H10 Ktule hu low; You nKuoio wilt Join our uumbfri Y'.,u 11. more our hongs ahall ku pcarcaitlslt ra, you I1.1M. Icll us, Ilcre-liy lot we.lceply ft ol ; Hut 'U tina that hath hcrtfl us Ie sin all our norrowa heal. Yet hfaln wo hupp It, meet you, wicu lite uny 01 111c iHiicti ; Tlifi, In hciven, wllh Joy loyrcct .11, Vlitro no farcUt II tear In shi'J.j UP.sslu huttatloaf tuwnshlp, Poluii ,1 ci MutJtt 31al, 1KU1 Wealcy Jtihuaoli, l,f lint' li a Aluila llehs, ngc.l li k 11 ilii. f. M flenrllttlo tiaaauruofihy hcurt ' How boon thy life, has lt.il, V How k.H.i, Hum linih hu)l piiiici ,i, nuu iiiiiuocri'ti wiiu llic-ncail, 'TU liurtl to lay one loved bo mil tjvr 11. uiu com naiK earlll; No'er to behold Ills kinllca okuIii, Or licur lila Keutle vulce, Hut look not lu Iho cold .tails curlh, Nor hi thy heurU di.palr, Por liven now dentil imlnta ta litmeu, And aaya lhatliula there, Hut wo ahould not weep for the.. Thuu un now w hero Jcbua 1 eluna, Kurcwcll Johuuy, dwircat Johnny ,J We klmll meet, yea meet uealn, Then weep not pareula for your ililul, Who from thu world hulli sono j To live u life, ul upleudor bright. A tur In Jma' crowu, rS. -rrOTlCE ' . NOTini.v f.. v miiiii- ur u em finds tliTcilcnt nru rffiui(.,i inn uivnv JllUfUU'U HAMUIXOHHAHr. 'umnmiraior, l)Jt'S XOTICI'3. rUKTTKHICH 1HCFAHKH, Irwivu uuroiiKH. ( ollllll iiwn Krniiini ity tlio Uvjt I it, iMiwurti in s-rmriiiia h urn cmunnor iK'liuuiilK rmlcntnro rcrniciti'ilin lliosn ImlolilctHfi I U, II. IIIihAliP, uininisirnior, IH'S NOTICE. ii.r.rit nt.i'R.mcti. lnimthortut(, nrl'drr 11111,, iniuiuiiiii cotinly hi v i .. i,ivi, unit in, iiii,r, oni liarlim clntim or Io ol I lie itpi't'rifiit nru l;li(iwli, nml iliiw lll.V W. Mll.f.lMt. Im. mii,i.i:k, Adiiihilitr.itor. Vii NOTICE. IM.M.JN, IHTI'ASKI,. I tin mo ckiuk, or IV lUWIlKllIlt l.'llllllMl.l,, liKrniil.il by lli Itin. IK. llri,!. of lllomnv. rlahiiM or Ocni.iri'W i ili nt nr,- lT(U(-,ln Ml lllflkt. Illfli.l.l. .1 ... I'JIl.-. IV Ull'll, Aiiininiiiintiir. ICE IN IlANMv. I let r'nurt urthn i,.i. iNlrld orl'i imayiva- Iu.HiL'iiai-1; nilllKliii.t imilim uiifi1i.,.i,i'. Inont ns iitsiuiu (, i,r mi of Jlaluvilli. h, Htntcor IV nun l-rn. a Imiikrui't nimn hu t Court oi miIu Mi. i ''U'.'ln.v "f Mnrch Mvl,i;y, AMnliiiin-, NOTICE. II I-St. Iircl!Atli ( fcoufi tion on i he mvi ikm'II Kuuilci .Mllll ill towtiHlihi Iimhcm'HI thtii) lev I thop iii'Ublt-il io N'ii:n a.iiins, ii'iuor, tit bonis nun. NOTICE. i I (J. Dl f-t:Ai-1 IllDlSlUltMlflVtlTH IVI1 . I 'nlllliilil,, nn I uiunviiip. All Ufinniiil mi:ihit iiniuftif.t t it nuila bli'il to nuNr jMT- j Ailinln ii irs LFU ni;t fi fiiui ui .k niiU(.i miisliin. ( fitiiin. i by the IlflsU-r nt iiiBicr unii lvtcr II tClOUH llllVllif fltHhtr-d tu .n-M nt t liuK-btt'il to t!i.- I .ok ni-L-im... " ( ST. . lull, . lull' 1 l7. Io ;...iv. iVi'i'i'ulio J"h" j .-,"" E it. IV" "'n "f nm tin. ' ii, ,. iu ..... u hob,, i t-k. i pjhnrah Conn. I flltrn l.iiciii.l. V"'- I ., Nancy I.... . ,, "'J;. r.tniia jo. ki.tV. riu.ui i.u .,. r llliktinu ii ... t Hr.vllHL'. r oy li'it lu, il I lid t I 1 it illliatlon lUl.itloii or tlmr.lll our. oi iiiiiiii.. nuiimi' lili ln'trrt the follow In thu III Iho Touiishm H Iull);iu, nt loliow-. ' f f ifi.M hiiliM h-,m. 'U I'llIllt.t.lM ll.,,ttl.l,l 1 ('uillhlinitr'm't alun- ! Int v mine ot Wll-on I Ii'ianh'L' n.iuif nl Nic h. F.orth l UiiriH In tin Iclius Kirr. ami lli-mv I tract In tho wniranli1 it Its. nil I lilt hOtllh I iv n t nne of iVUrlhirxey, on ' iti Iniiilnii 1 ftt'Jiar. fwjiriiuiii'' ii.iimii nr.iMim-M run the not u. hy Inutn In Of Ik'liiv NIc inknii mi I riLM'n'.tby the I.ti7i-riu i'u. ft tl'fict 111 Ihr uinitinti. fpliu-t h'l-rr, nnd nn tho wiw Inn i' lniiHMit nilalul.Ulrla r,, Heir's; the it-iiiililithT n. ' uttint I.K iintii. it im. in I ir Id hi I.U in I lie to i .lid tin', ih'ii'. ihtMVitnu.it n ii mm l (ho,. iniiid nnitii h nut t lu Hit! JllllllH 1. llOIMIItllK, in uu i-rounty I tir.on thor .uth h ! allliv n.iliio of WlUno U'hlt- ' Ifst h u Unci in Mm Ui.rimtti... I Im tin- uurriuiUo nunio ofivn-r onihuhuilh h ittnut luttu I of Mi hums Jluiy,nn ilio ent lAiirruiittn liiiini-h ir i-.iiinii ii liioli Wh i I foul. on thu hoiith 1 1 v Iii unit i iinnicN ( .luhn ILilh 'i i't'.slf and on tlu ui.sl I' COMtlmilK HsilcUl Io) iK'lchc'f "in iniium t u, mi'i nit nii'lllK ioiu inijuiiiitf, Known us thu iiiiiitsl in the c.iid puinlsL- on N.ilhd.iym .Mit iicvl ut luiilottw Oft- Id UllV. Whl'll tlllll Mllfl'l- Mill fo nl li nd 11 ou thtnlv tiiopi-r. JOHN II. J.AW 111 N'L 11. iK Muiur. CUSIIOTT'H I'll MIMAt'Y. pl'J'oslTK ASKlttLAh 1101 S) i nay U found iiminpMe noiiiiH nt of 1 JUJU' .mi ini'iNix nvi I WINllOW-dl.AhH, MT1 1'.-, (.'0I.oi!, oils, UV.MPS, I.AN'll'.ll.N , s(). UAH, Ml UN A 1.1 OIIlll,, WIN! h ,t I.I.J. nriS KYUt PlUMTMl'llY, Tulf.llr ANiir.sn Aiini i.iN. Hlilfli lir utclcl ill .,1.1 lime price. Prcpilp. I I I0I1. in lll'iltclr prc..'rc.l. ,)rii r, .),. ' 1I ISS MZIK ItAHKM'.Y ll.lN JlHt HtUMlfd trohl I'hlladidphlM, and Iihm I hoiiuhl, atul U now olf 1 rln;ih h nktortniitul . ur PAM'Y (Itmlrs, 'flHM.MINds UO.S.NKrSJIc. ,1P eel exhlhllol in Itloi.ni'.hiirKi uurt is prcpnrtsl In make up ilrht'H utiilull olhcr nrllclcs or f. mule initliohp, ut short notice, and In the I est nnd I.ATlIhT HPI1INO HTYI.l'.K ' Hnouia in tl.c lttimaey IlulldlnH, on W..t MnliiHliecl, i-h1 I end fpp her nilcl mick of HpillU tlooda Iy 1,'fl-. 11UHI.IC NOTICE I'HOM TltEAK- J l-Ili;lt ol' I'ONYNUIIA.M IOWNsIIIP, on nminty 1 utul, for 1-117. 1 It. p.il Un r.tui.l l.iT. M. Pi Irk, lu lull, " Io llol't rl Oorrt'll, II.H M 1 . M k. I 141 ) 1'J TU III u n ' 'Ii.iiuhi I'.'lulilisstr'n, .1,17'! Ul Hit. Itprclie.l 01 Collector,.. Tax. .',t'IJ IW. " " l'iutiily'1'ietisiirprl'.r iin-eat cl I.sn.lTn' I s1, .Ill an. siJiiTTs ,I70 UJ May 1,'IH. P. II, Willi 1,1'AUI'II. M.AIllMtS. r, II. Illl.MNf.I'lt. K.K.KIIUAN imiAN, Dii.i. iNfir.it a co Ml. M Mlltril Ullltl. HI It I kT, i.Y.iicli ii'ioxite Junta, A..,!, .'ioir. a (b.) NVholesnl. JiculeiM In YAUNh, IIATTI.NO, WAlHUSti, fAUPI.TH oil. (-I0III.4, MIIAItl', I I.Y M:lri, tlll.tl.N IIAOH, I'HUDAni:, iC, AIXI, WILLOW ANIi WIIODKN WAItK, Itllt SIUS, TKUNKS, 1.00KINO ..leases, May to, lk7-ly, (1001) CHANCE. 1 .... i-n.i.r-iinw..i tiiiii Iii hlu ch.iwo tun lino. likely hoyi..ulHtM' aU'Ul'aroihudnd,honi ho liestu- tohliidout to otne i;ood pcrMiu or i r kolit i ll ini'v uiinu ui, iiumii." i . "i"" . piirtii uiiiUQiidrtii It. IlltOl KWAV. Uloouitbuig I'u. MERCHANDISE. JEW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Trpuli nrrlral r 1'AI.t, AMI WINTI.U (lOolw. David U)wi:Ntu:im Invltrs atltiilloii Io hln locl of tO CIIl:Al'ANDKAIIIO.VAni.i:cl.01IIINII. nl hn fttnroon .MnliiSliiici.iwoilw.riial.iTKllif Aiiifilinii II, ntoom-lmrx. IV., wl!irn i.. i... ..... i.i.ii i.i , V .; ,r"'Tru "m .New Yoik "l it ihii niiurtniinl of JIKN AND llo VH' CUjTIII.su. IlinlK.H.. . . ., Mmrmole, ,lutl,,, tnnko f 111 luu ntuu'ui roniMlim ol IIOX.HAUK, lt()CK.IIUM. AHIlllll.rlnrn t IIATH AND I'ANTH, I I ' I"?"";"1",'"' l'olur"' !' '"' ltleii. r ", .uiKu pi, n-K OI I'AI.l, AND WINTHIl BUAWIX, HTItim), PI(ll'lll:i), AND PLAIN VKSTO In. WIIIHTH.CUAVAT.x.HTOCK.S.C.ll.t.nm i'!J..n, r'"'''- lIl'.i'tMUsf Willi MiMAffl HANDKi:iluiIIi:i-M.(ii.(ivi-1 ... lectM nMsortttu'iil uf . ... - ""ll'Jf i-, .." -."-' finilll Mltl 1'IKIIITVlll nmiiH AMI VUMTINOH, U lil. I. I... I.. . .... kh I f i Vi '" '""''' InloMiy , " ,Mt i niioii iioi icp, uu,i j,, ll mnnlipr. All liln tlothlna I, i,e nu-i in-isi in u in or Jionip liianufavltirr, iioi.D WA-rcmw AND.u:wi:i.uv. (ir cl-rit'.l....l..tl.... . . noi MirimsHcl In nil, ,lc,.. Cu un, K nciai uHKortnx-nt r cuniiiNii, WA-nniN. ii;wi:i,ii, ac. DAVID LOWKNIintd. K It f 11 A N O I S E. ' Nonci: ii iinnmiv oivi:n Ti.lny lll.l,.lIm, u, ,,!,!, p,,,,,, ml K I IHW I l HHY GOODS, . OltOCEMES, t) UEENS WAKE, NOTIONS, AC, " "'ii'tnully on liana ,m,i ior ,ie AT imtTON'.S (11,1) STAND, IlLOOMsJlUKO, HT jamim k. i:yi:h AirAlM, Hull- Arnit iori:i us' I iio-ciiatkoi-ime. Ijirtdot i-mislui.lly ,i, i.nil. rel,sc7 jNEW CAUINET WAKE HOUSE. 'IiiKiimlcmliriir,! inl;M 11,1s mcll,o,l to lnr,irm lie fiiMIr th.it lii-IuMnpinrdn Ni:W IX UNlTflli: WAlti; HiH-Ni: In Hip Wall, r I!rl k IlulMlin;, on Main HM, Jii.nostxucua, ..i.. Which ho hns piirchaM-iliiml llilt-mln to Lfeimpr. mniiMilly mini wltli I'll rnlt 111 or TITV AND IIO.MI: MANl'l-ACTlTltl'. n uiMi'Kisrs m ii v. D m a t i: e n si:s, SOPAS I.Ul'N(ll: ' '''"-HrlNi.UXA.VfYiV.VJ'ii AND WOOD IlilTT.nM.,. ' .:x..-;Mros,N TA,.n, utx Lii. JiHElt AND DIN 'N'fi ,i()0M 'fii.NMTirnK. i """""'uu ns.,,1 im, t of I.IJADY.MA ti; "f hIIkIu", nn.l nl ovri ; m ,:v':nNiTiiB,.ISI!KIMTllAI1I! All of which will h,hol,l K A P r (, I, l I.. ,.. 'AHll, ..r ,.,,c,rpi,vltf.ti ..H ..,, 1 '"Mr., rurcl,,.!,,, ,,,,,,, rtL..,.... . ... Ul"ml.iir,. Auptt 10, 17, I W11IXI.. tt .... i i-i - n t w i: it . Alt I I'MHoivnMn rlri.l.cl,,v. HOOT. SM()n( MAT CA1' ,,i.i . ... . .. . .lours ulio ,, tlli't'ouit IIoiik,. iiih kiock l-scnin t l,'''tii in" -ry liili hi iiiui ii-st.Hi li-s i.-r kti..r. ! tn tin-clllrt iituf ('.iimnhlii I'mmiv. iiinim wiitininml KMh" imhilcuMth thif.illnu lninn.U I " l'ntt rat. .Mi-n'w hc-iivy ilniihln holed I ?r,r,; ii Uit-n m iloulil.i nnd wliiKlc tail xoh-i) It ll' I mot", uu h'h hi n v v hiik.mi vl.ow .,f -it' i,i.,.i InL-Il'N II II I' lllXlfM llllll Ml.I.fW .if l.tl I ' ilouuh- Milcd IxhiU nnd.shijtH (il nil Umk.'niHti K'ovi' kill Iliihiiorul tho h.im h'h. won!cn'H.ljoMH . !! j lHllHH riun'r, uomcil'M k!.im Md I nIKIi i; llni',uiiih-n'hiiiorov.) I'.iilin.iihKjiinl citll Mini", Miimcn'n iv tine kid tmttnn.'d K'dl-fr-. in hlmit boot ot all Jin rlj.tions t.oth m. Kcil :in 1 m uid. Ill- won!. I , 1m. .-Hll nfli iittnn to hfs tv nnsnrt. ment IIAIn i MS, I'l'Ii-. AMI NUIM.N which c -inprlvR nil tin- m-w nnd 1 oi ulnr ml tlhs nt ili-i'h,hUhuniiotfnilt(ihuit nil. 'Hum unod- uii oih rid nt ihf h,.i vnh n.ti mid hi Kimninti-td t 1 t MttKJai tlon. A ui" H hOilcill 1 Infill.' I lltt'lllliK t 1st wluH' lh It I hollcvfd Unit hi-lh'r I itrKHlut ntf to ho fuvrnl than n i m fihu j.latv lu thMiiimt. C ahkiacm: MANnwcToiiv.' M i ril-OAN A IlimTlIKn Lh" U'MJ.I M KIM N - HtN mntlniiK Hit1 biiduM or tunkln,' rAUl'.lAdVH HIMIOIIN. (Hid (l tijlMOf F.Nr WAiiil.NS whh-h thr liuroit.mtl un hand to cultnm. tompj-h, .NV(- wsltiK un iiuiliilal hut thf Uwt aial tmi'lojlin; lln'U.nht t. nlinttd woiltnun they linjui tooiiitlmui us In ti'tofoic to Klvt I'l.tllc hiillsUclhtn to 'Miy cuhlunuT, An inhpfctlon nl llitdr work, and of thi'ii.'V'Oiiulihi (.ih-e aiUM lor thu Minn, In huro to Iumiio Ii Mi!i In TEW 1'1-ltMTrUE S'lOItE a i u a i :i v I 1,1. p., PA. A. .1, IU:il.IN(lI 11, Woilltl I . slit t'lllilli kliltottoc in tli. ,,,l.ll , Ihiit lie hits opi-tipil . n..,' l'tirlillur.' Htolc lu ' Maim III,-, wh.ip I.. kup nil I, I ml. 1 1' pity mill lionip inailc r P It N 1 T V li 1:, 1 caiip hotl. ,1111.1 11 ul hnlr . iihIiIi tu il .I.itlrM, nil j slyli-H ot lliilht.'ials wii.l hitifiuiit, titbits un.l ....,.,-, ..,,..,. in , paiuiiH iicill- J lUl.l lllllkl il.lllP. Uiill-t' IHlllillltK l.ll.l litll'iM- haiiKlni; iloi.p 111 .horl noli., ulitl rpusoiribl,. Iitlca; lu Up I , M liianii.'l'. Also, tlti.lcl litklluf Hi .hull noll.p (ll,l'.''J't,7-... j J'OIIK'S HOTEL, iip.n;. , W 'f i am, Propr.!... IIiomU.-.i 11 ci -l. ...st n lint. 1 1,11s rpnlilly iinoai. ! feiu... 1 act . nl cliitov. 1. .11 Its inlcrrml i.in.tucuicnl mill lljtpi'i pllt toi lil.lmuuctsti'hlhlollio-rpiiHtMii, 1 I .nt 1IIC U't Ulna pill lie I'll1. I.lh ... .'..l.l.KiUUOU ' thi.i hlh tu ' j tho (-OUIlt O . IHh tllhll- U 111 .-tlHllV 1 1 Hlllll Mlp- pllinl not oiil with NiihMiiiitl.! fo'l, hut with Hli 1 in in iu'HMf" 01 iuf hMiMiii. in Mini- nd n quor1! (rxcipt thai no.uliir tn--rmc t;noui t 1, ntltclT pme mitt rice rrom nil pi.l. fiouointdiitux. Hp I lluiukuu turn lll.einl isttroip Htto In tho Otittt. Htid n ill niluiti hps. re it in JIAUllfll thelnlun. (.l.tHKii: W, Ol'titYxnT)N & HOlHiKINS' HA ir HO Mi SriKH PHOSPHATi: 01' lilMK, AHTANUAltl MANI'IIK run aii fimham IIRAIS I'ltOf. llnvlnx within tli iwiit ytur arnitt.v inord mid Improved our fuel I Hie. fr Krlndlns lmnf nnd iniimifcluilnj. wmie Vr ) uicd to inrnih the f.irniPiHof ronnylrkiilfi ft fuprnor nitfclo of Hi ITU I HOSl'llAtr.. Dur ninuufiu'tory Ihik ht-en ihoroimhly teMtd thomnt M'tiMou hy pinrllrnl inoii of onrluuui dhito iifiifhhorlinod hihI vUt win rt nnd lu 'virj cast' Ihf 11 Mill hua Utu t litJitl.v nMtu toiy. itiii oiocrni of pulvi'i lyliiA. w hen-hy it U tt put dl ior it ml Hiutiahtivd IO VAhH HIOl'OII ANY MtllX. iihvlau.i tin ohjfcilon whhh utttic-hrM loiimiir fi-iilllr(ri,iindMTinvK to tin itiimcrn wtriusof much Hluuhle tluu. Hold nt tin1 iminut ictot 1' ivr M a hk i r HritrtT Hr.Mii'iiv, 1'a uud hv our Hcuti thruushout tin coutitiy.ln hus of CK) fl-n, ruch, nt fVni t''i) of LtM nw. ANo HlUl'ri:i) l'ltOMITIiV to all iiomlK iirr'nlhIo hy int! or rmiul, nn iiHtdot of ordir. TOftUl.NCil'ON A JIliDOKINH, Aim Aurntu (or Hiwnour, Mniimn A: Allfii.N KPir ltalknK Knipiriiml Mmter illie .Ni-w York (MUiiiriiilU. hmrdlfy'b Jltiy uud (iruln lhikc. J. K, l.vrit, AH'iil, Uhimnxtmrr, l'a. Hciut or Umilnr, Ki'h.-ViViV-tini Ql'JlUTOK A iiLMMJI.rP, IO (KhTVltl tIIUl IN IMi.) Munui'utnni of ilu'Dew itatiut MONrjOft VI, Xli: l'IAMinmriJ,'ttfUHil r.hninrj -oth hm, Wnnaulf l loriliink. WnUTooms IVi llrooiui'-si,. New Yorlt. 'Ihn ii.dtut ilohltor I'littu I'luiioK hythi'lrtH. nihil r fnnnlruethm in n nipt rlor In nil othi'ii., uud poiii'ii ny un' iron iiiuur, niiowiuct u lartii-r npa for the bouudlnu hn.ir.l than U hiih.iw...i hv ,lt,v for tin- bouiiditm othii kind ol 1'iHUn. It thl iikhiin th iiinihtity an well hh tho ttunllty (if tho toiu Im luiiiili In riniKcd, Miv," 1'lnnoH luo lion prououiu'ed hy Ihc hcNt judwei tu hn uiiilvalltd for rowni ami Hvi:i;T.Nrh-t oktoni:, j:ty aiul njttci-uhlu touch nnd hetiutv of UuUh. Most ihiih'tliiii wrl I ilea t eit of exci-lU-iKo iiom Thulhtru'. iioltM-halk.Htinkom-h, Vleutt-mpB, and a lai'ifo muuhi-r ol the iuom dUtlutuUhed rrok'k. HorHund Amatourn. l'rom lou vxperli'iicnund "iipi i i" M.ijvri iu din iiii lUL-iurniK. m r urn i n. hh-d in i-lh-r our iuiiiim.nl nw luw pilcen uu are iikU. il l.v inMl I. IP lilnlr. iw m-ihI for circular and prlcu llt, lUr.oWl COUNTY, PA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rooDEN WATEIl ilVK l A H 1' I I' I' AM; EAVE TltOKHI! J'W'ODVAIUNWllllamV''rl,i:, I3ATENT orFlCES. -1 ItiVrtifrir ulm i.i. i i .. . Calf nt nrp n,U l.rd to oonmel ih ll Vvw ami V" ,V 'y "'!, "''.f l" I1"'! "t ''" i..r oriil. llintirrH 'oun I inn mif ..it,. .. ? ,'?.'Vi'1;!.0'. "''.'I"1"'1"" " - Rlui A Imticl OIIH! ImiuiiiI voh'im... f,.l..i.. Cnn.i.iS1.. '"tyvlriK. nn.l II,,,' fnllnl huh,:, .iiiniil mall, .,1 ..niwl, loraicoiu S.A1I.I1P., .... v.....,, mm kow.ow York. o()K a (Tenth wanted on Till: jei.w noon. .MII.V or orit IIJII- . ....Kiaii,K,, mm n portinltorilMMiniiior .iiis. iiAnim-T tiiM.vif, ordi f-ornn in,, itUitiiiij Sl-oVi ml;"'1! n,",ll "Wiwln T.Vm'a Cnlilii xiiaooinmi,, V, i 'o JVr,11t, "ui i . r,y ulf ,nr llarirnnl, ivuiti, A NT ED A O E.N'TS, Sew nlliurlsoflli,. rim , ,,, u, i'i:oi'l.i:-s i:iioic of iiiooiiai'iiy. . T Yr "' , ' lSlll M.C1CDCN ori 111 lielll ll,M. lit', u i . l 1 ST" ' ""'i li, m oi.u n n" ii n, iV..,!..?,.!.1;,1'.," :'."u 'Ltavo liok of over Ml niaen I 'finlillllltir. ........ I..,. 1 ... . . - nmiVn I v tJi .... i '""Uill ktevl cnitrarllimi II, tZ !,,,.. ol"lf '"", Hi" most poiiiilur oi ,. iVCJf, 1. ' V- "''-""aiiKi will n o 'for It mplil wile, hi nii r,,r i ovrlimvoelruilnr nnl k our l,n i,.s. a. s. 1IaV.1:, u" l",!"",., llnltlorit, I'onii, W-,-TI.'I)-i-vi:it y wi ii:iti:-l li,,nV '",. ''" Kir Miir luw ork "II, & 'Stei aNn lor "A Now rn'mlK- 1IUAI .A'dD.-iiiiroiJ.. .',,,' """" "' A. ANTED AOENT.S, foil I iMH.l.YS glsrOHY IIP ANIMAII.D NATUItl:. lift I.nynlOi'inuiPn,.., Pin.. i:,hj, , n,.,,. i'ltif'E ONLY r. v , , p iff ! ,,okl"11"' Worii . i:k-Ii,h1 o i1.".".11, ;""l"i'l."ii'lnllilHhsloii. Clri'llliin Kl ni mil ii.irtlcularn, ti-nn,, i.t,. niu our i ,V,;:','ir VXh '"."'"'I'll' llluslr.i'tlni i, ",t f"w m a iillnilloli AiMii-m C. P. V;v i ( . n III. hi., I'liii'lnuall, Ohio, OUNTS WANTED KOI I THE (HI 1(1 M. lllstiun ill TUB Waii "lis Ciusc. Character, Coiuluct un.l Itcsutis," iiy lion. Ar,i:s.NDi:it n. mt.vknh. ll r.'inly snip, roinlilncl wih ,,,, ,n, :r';:,Ki! "if " Om Airt'iit iiTrjit..!! u ..-.. ... ir. In ihn.n .laj-;. ' -'""- ilf-crlptlon ..rthi. work. A. Wren s!il'l"m Pi! . IW.Ini! I'"., Plillailcli.hln. Pa, "'" 1 ul' Mtl'ENTEHS. Mil r.ir f 'fltnl.l.,,,.. r.f V "J "tl'l"p. ami Mlar inillilliiL-. r. A. .1. nil u-. I n r.i.i. .i. t-t pi i'oi:r. .vt ax.voijx.7em i;.VtM ( OOlisi'EED's rou"i'"rv inx- 'JMIOMAH It. AUXEW. " smiin.lau CiP.;.;i;;nui HT., N. v., Ilnsnsliinsl nw. i,rlc,. .,rr ... .. ... I lour ..ii,l ii kluilsottiro'ciii,., , ,.,iu"r i. io toat percent , nr.i J litr.VkT-Asr Tl.., SIM iiurull urii.lcs. t.t.iu 11 outfitr.!. IlK I l'r.ilibt ai,im..l, Molns-.'S.till Knult'h, lim I v. ii wnr.ls, coil.c, ro.isti.1 una u ij... tm'v. suuum nil 1:14.1. -, 1'il.B". mill cv.rjli.iui! io in .nS. i'.'.'.'k J ,uil"""' "y 1IIUMAH It. AO SEW .h-cill.Ksl.lsown ...n-, owns tho prntity, nu.1 1ms 110 tenl li puv. Im p irl unJ uuvji cxclusl.rly for ram, l-.cvor uni 11 iiolu In IU lllc.convcniiMitly lin rm tuxl.-i -.-11 any houso In llicilly. '1UU.SE.S.-".SEEI,EYVS ll.VItl) X lll'lilil.u Tltt'h-.- ciu.s Huniim. n mm thu innst illllleuU Mircly nul cally: i!.-M r nisls, lircnlu, Moves orsollsj nlwnjH new. k.j l.y nllliiUKKistb. Hunt tor iiiini.l.lit. 1:117 flu s. mil hircct . iillu.lt Iplil . . WANTED AtlEM'S, , . ",SJ;M l''r m" tli..-vtiyli ro.iunlf nn.l I. nun 1,, lntr,i.lu.. n,. 11 nu.i,., i ni.i ... , ,1 1 jininon s, nsi lunilly hmnu Mu.lilii... lhls in i.-li in- will Mi, 1,, nci,,, mi, mcli, niiUl, ,,.i., l.ln.t, 1.1-iit.l un,! imlirol.lcr In 11 limit .,ui.. 1I.11 ni.iiin.'r. Pil.o only il I'uily wurinnl. .1 ior ,vo. I'lUpny SIimi An any iiu,. i,Iiip lint Ill m-w n Nl iviip'r, luoro ),euuHlul, 01 more . uistlc slum limn inns. 11 inakfs Hu- "i;iusiic I oi-k H Idl." i;vuy H....U.I Mtn-li nm l. ,.t ...i.l still llic cloth t-unnot he imlk-il npurl ulth- ul ti'l.rin; It. V,...y sr, nts iriim 37.. to ji .. ' 1.1. .11111 mnlp,i nsps, or 11 coiiniilxslon nui .. In. Ii Uucp lh:il unimi.it cun he ui.i.le, A.l.li. sm " ' ' "' I'll'"''""-"!., Ph.. or llnsH.n M.is. . Al I Io.'.. Ho not l.p luiiiosL'.l iiiou liyotli.r panics . ulinuii: ml uounlcs ci.st-tro.u nm inlii,', ,i,.i, i' Hu K.U11, luiuic or ol k n i.p, ...us iM.iio 01. i.v m-utilii, 1111. 1 pi.tclli'iil cl c.iln. uiuiaii ...luu-a. .,i ut t. .QO'n I'fr moiitli 1,'immntc.Til to ... V Ak'-'ii.s. vpnttli. ii- .Mllinaoui Put- nt I'.n-ll isinu M. Iitlll.' loH.es l.lup.. X.'rltp I."' I'jl.'Ul.l.s I., I!p AMIIl,,;s UlllHI'o., Ii;; I.i'..n.luu. , .N, Y. (.1 Is P. 111 hoi 11 St., 1 lil. "T.fOWi: A- STEVENS FAMILY a.. 1.1 1; 1 uums, lliuU tlltlcitlil kluithn, nil In l.l.iultl f.,1111, Iho sump Kln.itps, all In pimil. r foini, W11u.lt 1st Hi,, use of 11. 0 ilia. s:s, Hum us nml limlm.lu ihf I'ou.l. r r.rin. l or .u.. hy nil ImiubIms ami lanlcrs, mui ai ih.- .Miium.tciruy, liustou, .M.i.s. "VTOHTII V SHIP 111, AMEUICA.V STEAM- Ilinoi'llll I.ISi: TtH'AI.I.'llllMA, V 1A l'.v...31 V OU Nit i:aui . KMMNII PIUIM NP.W YOIIK Mai.-h .-.Ihiin.l '..Hi: Apill.illinn.ll.'.lli;Mi, iSlli, IdlU Ulitl ',lh, Willi .S'cwi-ic,iiii.lilii,r the fln.til.is4. is.-..iii. t,oi:u uian uv asv orni'i: link, Pol ltirthcr Inf.illlllltlou llil.tlPMS Hip lilitlt'l. -lun.-il lit 177 W.'.l Ml cel.. New t ullt. II. .V I'AIIIIIMIION. Ak. I.l. V. II. Wwii', Pris t. fit is. Ins t, Vice Pr.i'l. OIII11 ", Pxclianj.' Pla.-p, New Y ak j) El) JACKET AXE. . in pi uv -. priTv;-. .it,! T. i. il V i iiuiu o Mum t t til 11 d 11 V ' III Hlu. ! ' ..t tlnd th.it a ih . Lhop l.iti i- Ih li I 1 1 d utu puti'iit at- .mil II Hi.i! .iii i-laiui hd' It, 11 will i nn oiln i A xi lliull t er wwv. U.iilil Ultllllllt Ktlftfllxr uf .ill I Him ji'aytfi iu' Would Hot (hoo ttiiio (.is Wllhiiilollt fortltU rot, 1 iii'i'd not s.u au nmrt , f i uny in in that tileiniii will hi U ill. I. wit. ki:ix M- Ui f.ti-our, le. IU, 137. CATOUN ! -Thi ttXMvnTtl.il lal-i 1 uih IwUnwH. i uti-d. Inlilnuui on tlu-.o pidinu will bv ino-. icutid iuvordlnatu law, Vt inh-r or dealer, and n rcoiiH ulutfimy lntrlnc(-iaiani.ar. tkibhi with tin. niuki i oi the InrrlnnuiK-Ht. I OH 11 Al.l, DK.W.M. AM Til M ryACTuiir.nw. MrriNf ott iiaki;vi:i.u 'um MH h l.toi MdHln l.tpplwottA (o... Hole ouiieiof Patent. l'irilll'MuJ I Ta. V A PHKrfENT OE $i"i VAl.t'E, or your own a. I.cii. ofi.,si,.,iufcw ,1,15 service lu nn Ion 11 or vllhu;...- Parllcnlais mid ".F"! i1'!!' ii"'. l.v ii.lilrtssiiiH wiih aiump. s, 11, (1.111 D.MAN A 1 '.., to llaiio. r t-l. Iloslou Mass, T THE I.AIMES. P Itlc Ucelils fui- ,,. 1 ,. ti,. 1. 1'.....,..,. v, ik: ftiirf : i 1 Ull. I iiMillij. uinl lit.uie.Hc Miiuuraituiiia, and hip prtparcl toiurnUli Ihe wliolocounliv wlthdrj un.l imcy iioo,i,i.I1U, ahimla, jr-w. Iry, alher warp, liiint. lure, pianos, acwlim ma. him . ii...ie,ni iho miliumi prlceor OM: iml.l.Aii pint i:.(ii .viini'I.i:. bund juur cluua ..f lu ami iinwurtla, for .lccrip. live tllcrka.Mion In : wluil al'llclocan l.u tihlnlluil lor One 1k.II.ii, wlih tun tenia lur eitcli clicck, PUP I I 1. - MI ST I 111 I Present v irlli from fi In 0 a. ul free of cluuit'i P' in;, ni ''niiiic! . inha, c( ui. u iititea lu iv ry tutu 11 sum n a i'U, lu Alsll.l., Uoatuu, naa. mTV ADVKHTISUMENTS. y: skli, i-on one Tn)Eir.ut (liltil illnl Hllt.r Ve,,lnt.. U....I ... ... Ar '"I" tlOH-, I'OllllillC cnnii.AiiH hi:.t i-ni:i:. BU Iimrull .nrlitnr, or (nirhrrku m ul for Om will "ell for lr" rc"' wlllc" we ONI! D(H.f.AIt KACIt, i..-p.'.,''!'.!''li '"''"'''indllHnrroriil to ArpiiI? md IliK IMl lul.i. Aitclrrn, I.AIIONl'i: A IIAIIIllrr, No.Mhuilhury.ril., IIobIoii, Unt f.Vlf" "out I?VEUY I.ADV A V 1 1 m.-VT 'n'l V'vliVl ir'i- '"' vf"?'?'1 AKonlii for Itiir - flrxitlnh. J r it . ' 'V ,,-.KH (1ii..,.,n,.,r,.. . . V.i '"""". ..oicriii ...v...L,,,B ,u uim. i uciiiam noni irto. n ... , "A.-SKM, LOUD CO., 121 nshliiglon HI., lloitoti, .Mni!. i yr. AltE HTII.E JIAICINO A COMI'I.Ktl. IIKVOM T10.V, IV THAI)!', Mfl", l'iW 'lewi'l'tloii or Dry nml I'linoy nnl, I'laldl Wnt-. Jpuvlrv, Walclic fiwlnv .Maclilni h, ilc, for the miirorm mv of ' ww", ONi: DOI.I.AII. noli, , ."4'.""I"' M '.''sm our enlroiin ihat our Iiikii llrokpn; unrnlrrmnl Kloik, l,nt (Jn,Nl '" 1 rl f 'i 'lirrct riom Alner can nn.l 1:1 . K5 '),,"r"-""l, Uio Kroner mlon V,r m.NfK.u-rviiEii rxii.rsiVKi.Y tnn vi. wliWi fnct .'nnl)lo n loomrmircininmrr l.el- i.i.i.iint I.. ..n.-i, i,,o i-iui I,,, , ........ v., .,. in.HiuiTuny, . llioilli.iirnllilullncroniofnurl)inliicM ami he n,l,romoiit of promlnpiit Imsli, ,,,. ' tliu fiiKM in K-nral, U n loiivlnclnif Jl li nt irali,iM,n.o. o,t il,o rnlrct nml i,7rt uonnlJi ira linM.nio.lc,t Iho rnlrmt nml moJt iiomilnr fyMMiJ f ver plaocl b.roro Iho imlillc. Wt nro tlm o t ,".l.",'V"!l",")"t''l.v, '"'"" n '" t "Hi i.u i ',;',a r ; 'I'laiimi",' V7.5 StaSBSSJ j,,...;. ,1,1,.,., ,, Hrn.l Cliilnoficn or more, wllh IDil , r.ir .m.Ii ,. !,rl'".v"c"t,c,;."1"1 U'"K-tlcr up of tlir It, i:."n fon oca .-.km ftitcei.tn. Ur l.iivc also inailc atratiirriii..iil. in. n... (i n i : at o 1 1 1 1 :nt a i, t I : a c i i., lJi!!'.'?','i",t.'!11".'1 ","" furnl-h our rii.loincri. ,r ". ",,l'.l,!,"'""l'ni"l Ih. lrfull I , .,r To: , ,," rrw Mly thowtnio term, tu Aitcntn ns Ihouiil . calll.B .1 r.otly III, ,c ..ouiMuiy thus il ,,J an opimrlunlt, or Mcollnii iron, tin" Srlo 5 I a agents tho .inio rnmniHsliin n. nllnwist hy f m','.'i".l.'i',"yV ,(orm f ""lor. with ,ric, J. list nn.l "I ho n a l .ip," sent lonuv ml.lics. i. nl.'i.'i, . ... 1)1 A CO IV,lcrnl Nl., lloitou. JNM)i.sVi:NSAiiiT)TrEAi)i lis IS Til K NKWINf) Ol'IDH, . l.i.iitlluln.ll.-leroi t,onsltnncuor ln.llc lu h.lii.l m.uIiik, mil nnly prottrtliia thu niiKer frol i Ih.- ualy i.ilck ofttis uccllo, hut, hclnit pr" -l". ! h,'.'- V',' "' """"T'l rn.l.llv. It nlso kcrps tho .oliil orthPin,., lc In iKirtctrnn.lliloii. Por nil uaMo ' r,'l"l'r"1'1' 'I" mm croclictlni! It Klnval- ..Tih."."!"'.'i'!',',":n"!lv llpr-ilntisl. nu.1 v.111 m- I at ll,l lu.ry lw.lv. Is. ue to any aj.lr. "s Ti."ni I'"" ,,wl'1 "f 2","it,nr M.ll.l ilUot, tin ABMits wnnto.l In every town. T.Ttrn nn.l Kl uiplo for ..cuts. IJIvrnl .llsmunl In the Irn.lc A'MH', ..X'.I'lSs MANUPd CO., i WittirHt., linston, MftHt. yTEV YOllIC 1'IANO EOItTE I' O M P A K Y. cnMirKitn. ..1 viwiMsfti.) Mnlittrncturcrs of flP.ANI) AND SQl'AHi: A(;it.El'lC 1'IAXO-KOUTES. N...3W lin.KUJ !-'ccoli,l A.nuc, t't'HNril .IF 30t, bTUKKl,) M W lollK ApV.li'lhsUnl.,'MV'' "1" U. rpiiuiiis(.ii'rt Crown Crinolines - Arc Cliarinliiiii-, Thuiii! .nr.rTT.".r lor r.liistli lly. 'j'liouison's Crown Crinolines Arc iilKquulU.l for Imrnl.lllty, ' piKJiiiMiii'n Ciown Crinolines L Inn vnr.1, nip Hit lest In Hip tti.rt.L. nn.l Miorp ul.l.lr Unown Hum nn oilier. At ulinUs.ilphv THOMSON, I,AN(iI)O.V At'o , l. .7.11 Itioudunv New York, Apiil aiwi. ( A II. UAItMOHK. pi vv iDim: Vll t'ACTt'llKlts Wnr.-iooiis, .,sii, ku'Stinl.Nt.H tmkfltt. S.' Y. m. IMal.lKlipil, mid 1.T Prlu .Mpdnla Avnl- ICO, (Mir Piano Portt sure now unlvcisally ncknoivl. ."It;c.l hy ll, most .IMullienlkhcl nrlisls to l o Hip lint mnniir.i.'luriil.niHl whcri-Mi' Hiev have bom IiiIio.Iiipc.1 nn.l iihp.1, wpuip not leo.ilrcl to my one wur,l In il.r iavr , ir ,Aleci,.,,1(,e' miiii'U 1'ip.pmiiipntiyio those or other niVk, V" ...... K , . pu V H. m mee.1, bllil till- ! -. s in llle last Ih ll yiMin . W'."'''.'"'"'! I" .'Il n llrn-olas, Phtm, rfi, ,,,' SI") l,. SI1 1 .him a slmll.i! on,, cm ,c hniiithl j ClsPWllPl. i:it, pi,.ii,. i ii.- Waiinuleil ,,r r, . mt,. un.l l ' e Satlsractlon. .'.'Vi VL"I,id"''-,",.'l',"',''!i rlH' "-i 1 II , i i . 1 . .. ...... ,,,, he,,..,, 1P,. , ,, part Isallttlttcl: w,"i Hip lillhll. i""'!l.,!l.'",ll'1..w' l'riH.iii,',l, No .'..'iiiUht pass , lidVli t our l 1 MMn'r1 V;-."; 'i'.'1'' KMWn' I'wUiUHul! IM Mew Turlli-y morocro nlhum ; .m oiiL' o. .. Ji I. i liiifil,,h,V.,,y n,", ,l,ur- S"riNMn-Hliijit KlrliK.I mshtnoie didnluo drV '.Minih . 'in TwWiiiit,TlP,,,M,lrl "'In- p'Hi"j hon.-y t-oinh quill t nil wool Miimrf iiTi nltffi-H teiffi'V1 lll,V,Ur1 . hllHUl.1 M' "'lKol'llKmoiaiilUds; ,,11 wool Ian ? 'u'n - iinVi u.Aulf u f. h t iul 111 M'1' cy r.-p'uiu mid tsi pntti-iiit Kntn hnlr i. iu.1, us it u tc Unci I iinddtdh'fit-. pumin H vtl hmth.i.'s.dcIUhtfuiln Us sinning t-apntiu, and lms nil ho pow.r ncccswny to produeo ovA V Khod ( lUct. ii"? uif, without dm.ht. Hu h.t, th- most '""'l . . "o-'i,ui'Oiiv lilt' l-IHNlpl'SI, . tV .Kkipi April -. lio.'ini. jOWE'S STAXDA1U) HL'AI.Es I eiy .list rl. Hon ol scale Miirrautp.1 .. un,. rutin, Mitlsinrtl.in, Scud r.,r I'litnloKin-nn.1 t'lr. I ulai: Hpptuid.hali'l henl.-s ofothev m .prs, nil;,.,, In pill ay lot ours, lor aale rhenp .1 P.nl. Pint p New ml; in sJcmi st. Hosloii. pi 11 .1, 1'.-.sm Mlnsi: HKAUTI Kri NM. OllU 4lliC,TK liOOKSLAIlJi. JiitMittlilUliol lu tho inn-d nttintUi htvl,., l (im ftflhoiiomt UM-fiU liui nllonol ihfitsie. I imst mrrivi; rnit i; j.ir, I'oih yo, -fhooi, nml Mi'ii'iintU- Moolt sh( 'uitii hli. ti.oni lusin.vo-s,) P.r lluhdiud Pii"Ufl' P.11IIK hi.ati:, llUel'Iuuo.l,and Willi onl, u.lcr Ior Isl with aonnKioiu, ppi.eli, . si?. w..i' : -s. o )i'.nr. liDcic r.i,Aii;, . " v. i ol .'"luiu.iui.chu 1 tlw, so,n.stoli., pPIIPll. - . . . .' ij. J;.!' ft) ml t.li.slAI.liu.ii.-,'n;, '' '' I' r common -..h.,.,! ipe, wph a'tiu.. riv.'A'Tr.'ftMi.'.r. w . ii'IiimwiI 'ixbhii inr.i'i 1 !.t..-l. li.fiuinhli nii 011. Ui lis il) -m. Hi I i-lli'U. . .'.KlJiJ 0 ' I! 1 1 1 lK f-I A'IP, -.J' ! i..l.u.u. ,xihi'i rtfiii'e!i, .1 1 .iilh-iMiitd n.er-iuilil purHiH o, W .III f M)l-.hilHt pi in il, . Jlj, Ai-taMtl' ta 76 Ul I nt i .. u. d, (siv (ntan suriio-oNj 1 r li d-t'iid i.-iniu rn 1 wild M : lot, 1I1 ,c,, Mix -.(..le surfnew,) for . ', a, a, a,Ulul.-4 Ullil iror..vsloil 1 1 v. t.i'h sonpsl.iiii, n, iiPlt, . tin. 7 It hi, I I IM ..iillir-I.A'IP., ' Jilt.-ilealcl. xh slllU) kllrfucuaj I ir 11, p denier, slurp or mecliHiilp, w 11. s.aip.loii.. icu.ll . .In. 11x13'. Iu ui Am "UP "f Hi" iil...f.Mampli) will f.psci.l. Pj..p .1.1 1.. mnii., on re.. Ipt .,r iho slimi,. i.rice. a.!u'"r' "'"'Us; pverjlKKly buys a 0,111c!. ns Jusl I',, ihlnij lot pri.cljcul conn A uood loan wnii'txt f..i iiiU i ,.;.., H.iiiK'.K v..m- ,..v wm .... : 1 ., 'V : . ' : ' " MopllHti.)tHtu.et.Vw Ynik AplIU'l, iW-llo, oinp.iny, OliliTri WAN'l'Eli KOlt I II r Q MUI A I, II 1 H T 0 H V OI'TIIE WAH, Its t mi.ts, i.-iauicufr, ft.udiut nnd Iltsulia, iiy iiu.v ai.i:x vNDKit ii.sria'iip.sis, A P,ti,IK Toll .U.I. s,! rio.S AM. Al.l, 1'AltTllJl, l lils Bunt woiK iipsciila the only poiui.I. ltll.lllllparll.il iiualjala ul tlio I'nus. s nl ie War i t l.ubllaliPtl. iiiulKlii,thou llllelloi'Hithlsiinil sha.lowK of l u. mptil connicl only known n. Ilii.se I, lull nlll.-i rs w ho wutclioil tho lloo.l.tl.l.i of revolution iji.iu lis rt.unialu spiliuta, an.l which w pre. at, niv -sll.le I o .Mi. Mlepheus, fiom Ills po. klllou us kecoli.l lllii rut lhel'onf..liliic. Inuiiubliii that liaahun aurlell.nl with .p. pnrelilly Mmllar Pru.lucllons, ui, piomlso u ehMlK.1 of lino, hut Ii nislectililu anil ajlularv. mid un Inlcll.'.'tH.il H. at ol h hlnhcst order; TiiV flroiii Aiiierlei.ii Wm luia AT I.Ahl' found n hu li.rlull M ol I 111 of is uiliiirlaiicp. nn.1 t ui .... lands II wilt v. pelt.. Hial nioilprale, paudld ami i li!r!Wim!Sl?, u,,'el, "","U"'l, J""" 'I lu. Intense ilt-ali., t,.ivt,l.., t, ........ ... , ois ...in., ,.s uutciai tiuitnclti uinl leadv wil,;,.rnililtud Willi nil lncronsed eominUsio u, nil!..' It Ihe best auLsscrlpllull l..ajl; eMI pul,; Hue An . in in l...a.,i. Pii .IcpoilhTiauhsclllHrs III lln.p tl.i .. line In llil,,n.Masa IMaul.apllla'ra lilt U ' ()iln In Mcniphia.'Unn., uu mbsprlhura .11 live Kpli.l for clieulara uud ace our leuiu, and a mil dt pilpll..ll of Iho wolU, Willi Pre.s'iiotlc,., ,,r atl.an.esli, ,1a, etc. Addriaa N'ATIOXAI, l'PH. Zlly lib -"'"O. , I'l.llttat-ll.lil.V. IV. tjVf- I'OH NEA1' AND 01IEA1' iIOM PH1NT1NG. tAU T Ull l.ll.l .MM1IIAN 0KK1UK DRY GOOD8, ETC. rUK PEACE luiirt jour uiunry UuUlnnoX iuotln nt low irlo U t I..T. IlllAlll'LKSSHHlollK. MOOIU, JUST llECEIVED JCht m:ci:ivi;ii ONi: A frii.li involcHof DelnlriM, OtlMt, ..Ill.lllii, etc. llll, 1' JUST ItKCKIVKD A freth limilcooi Hoop Bklrtiof all ItlnrlA.einlirncltiffoxlra Uof tun nnu Collar for Utile , JUST HIiCKIVKD JUST IlKCElVnD A rrtiili Invoice of l'nper Collar and LutU, new fttviM, Mneu Hhlrt fronta for .Men nnd Hoy. JUST HKUKIVKI) J L HT llKCi:iVJ;i) A new Invuicfj of Ci-cckcrr, Quetit nr, vllovi'Wfire, vie. UKT 11KCK1VKJ) .mwt itKci:ivi:ri A lu'wliwtullninii of IIhitih, IrtM Itn f, Coil l'lKii nnl Alttrkerel. JVHT ItKCKIVKD JVHT ItlXMJIVKJi Tin- best l.ii N vi up fa thptcmi. JL'ST ItKfJKlVKI) Jl'rtl ItlX'l'.IVIU) i rcfih Drlfd frult-i, Amlt, Vtavhta. imu-d nnd unpnrel, Htuckberrlei. J'nuu'n, White Ueun. Harler tud rAXTEJ) lluttPr, Ksjs nnd laid: lor u orllu. artlcU-ru.il nlllherHl.l. "RANTED lInn.s,Hhonl.lera nnd Uncon, r.onni (UKHis tl.ltlln Uiions Htll.ll MILD Sill. 11 rldl.ll AT A AT A AT A AT A SMAM, rt.MALI, H.MALI, .S.MAI. I. AI1VAXCE. AIlVANL'i:. MIV.VNCK. ADVA.NX'i:. I 0 1 CAI1 OU IlIurtYTAT. 11 i;,HH oil ItLAHY PAY Tin i'akii on iu:dy paV 1'Olt t'AHH OU ItKADV I'AYl Vi- ',- I- "I'AriPLP.'.SH HliiliK. A). L, HIIAIlPt.KKSM SKI ; Yi. ' I- XHAItPLP.ssH SI., U . AT L. T. HIIA1:PLISH maw.. lllooiushurtf, .MnicliM, lil, WK A JIJ -r 1 1 ."T7T it I .!:. T TO AST I'EKOX HX1)- I.VO PH A f.T.UII IN OPIt OrtU AT O.NK DOLI.All SALR OE DRY AND l'ANCY OOODS, A Wutcli, i'kcLMifSlieutliiB.SIlk Drews I'uttmiH. Ac, Ac. 1'Itr.K OP tovr. Our Indurrmcnta durln lh pnKl fuw J tnrs have hecn Urse, WUsow llOlHII.i:ol'n ItATIStoif phkmiitm. Our friends will readily notlcu cur prwtenta for M nnd (lueluljs uro now more Ihnn equal 1m valtlo to eluhsofOJl nndlao reNpect Ivuly oftithcr 111 ms. 1' I. E A S E E X A .M 1 N K-jy Any isTMiu ortlcrluii . llher ol Ut ."luhs liirta lloiicit licltiw, t-nn hap their sell cltonaof preml. uiiiseniiiiiprated,tsrreNtrt.n tluu to l tin aloof ik (.Itil,. 1'itKi: op on p. iioi.LAiti Pori.tluliorai.(J.l.i-Oiieof the rollowln aill. cl.s,l.; lielnliie .lies, in.lteru: f.in.v tolor.sl Iuiiiiru i-iuui) pnu uiiiiniiiis; Hii(-r iuiuui?uuea hutti-rdlNh; MUtrpluUdohottlo u vi.IvIiik run tor. un hit; Kt-t mi per lor utecled hhultHl knives i n ml forUd; worsted promt-nude tthiiwl: lnditV louir coh nhihsl chain: lndli'H' cold douhlo rlncr gfiiiH' htn v rhased holid gold tin,; ; bolld htack witlntit work Imr nr u r-lt Inir ; -xtrn qunllty hiilniornl Kit ii I ; hft Jewelry, tUoo button- to tnilti'h : lollll Ulitl hoW! izentM ruritlaiin ln-bi't Hplontltd chony 1 ft it tnt lory trltnuUnjr ; tup rior Turkt y niornxo Khopnlnn L"U ; hdii.r hfuh ( tit hulinoiiil hootH. 1'or uiluhof iiiMvJ,. OiiHof thi hdhrtuu '"til i cits. Mi It lark nr ndurtd nlptua dii-KB putt fin M topi In ditss patltrn; oiw plecnof hlrarhod or irowu hhi-i tliiK ; fninid, tdlw related, o hot. j tliMi- ol inu 1'iihtor; l-jardt Kiipi-rlnr ttihli I nierufor;iuntini;ft paltfrn extra hiavy uouy foinh quitt ; to inney colored hed hpri-adx; pair Kfiit't. inlf IhhiIk; i jnnU tai nit rt' ((Mui vmm.4 Jioiklny; f.mcy lashniem plaid it ret n paltegi; , btht qualily hiduioiatfiklrt: ruHiivoiKlhiahNulAriu I chK-k; ladU'h' all wool clonic patti-rn ; fcllvcr plat--d tiiki or cun I h.kfi; fur niutr or vuv-; ladle' (H-hlunnblu uikiI douhl hhnu 1 ; tinlpiiiliil elahiipH tiuullv llihloifxis record tmgeiind cnsravluKN j a yiU, Uouhlo width watt-r proof ctoal:lui!: tilo. ry hnndlo kulwx, with fclucr-nlatcd lurku; wfl sltvfr foikH one bft l.uo curtnliiH. For ft, club of H, nf io. ouh of the foUowluu ftr tlch . IzM aritn douhle w Ikthfloiiklnonr print. I lug; Jlury', lliu, bU-ucht-tl linen In bio chimth, with 1 do7. laiu hlziil dinner uiipklm tu mulch ; twenty rive j nuU Mplcndld hemp drifting good 4 riuorn; eAirii ijiiiiiuiiy macK oraipatii urei pat ' 1 tel tin ; eitia tjuallty iioplln tlrt'ht. nuttenikij ouu iiirye pine Mipertor quality extra width ahci-tiOKl p.lir ueut'M calf hoot hebt quality 1 fell i-i iiiiniiiiK-casiHt juieut leaver wnlch j li Ivo ty handled htn-I hhulwl knheN and rorkn;Hllvcr. pl.iled enuinvt-d hlxholtlu reolvliiK t-iottor. with eut k'lass boitles plciuUtl violin, box ind Imw, i-omplelej hinle barrel bliot-uunt ISutoii'ii h1x hiiiiel ii'Viihi-r; pair Biipeiioi w hit wi.ul blank eU; ntinfur liuur ami enw ; Kilvorplativl eu i;ru id lee pitcher, with KiiUer; khm-ii nml oiik half ynniH nil wool hmcy tioiitiiei-i'. ior null ou d.i.eu UoKeu" bestijllMT'phitoiliorkt : tMiuinou. j.eti- M'wlnt: and t mhrolderinj; machine; tw "AW .'.m,.'"A ,,'"l qullti.; Hphu.ud bpleu did family Ilible, ii-cord and plmt, it.pl rur larger fluhi the value tncr. me in th aiii i.Ulo, ('alaiotue ut (iomN nnd Sample t ni im en? no dreu. frio. hi nd money hr reyUierisI UMbr, A tit) i io all onlem to AMilJN, UAU'IM A lV, , , 1 Kednrallat,, lUlon. Umi. 0. JtoxC. Whoh.iIe IitiiUm In Hr hi id f'anoy OoWl. uih ty. I'jutcil Wan; Alliums UwtWw (juods JtO., JLc, Man-h J, If 07, QI.OTIU IIY MAC'IUNEIlY. Hie unJ. rs'slu.l would rpspruvmily call tt nlteiillon of the puhllo. in his u.w nnd xpprovK method of iiinklm; elolhta by a ayit.m bassl iun uiuihPiiiHllc.il principle., which render, tt Imposslljleto be i)tlnrwl,,llinnrrcc'.ly accural. lie ilutinaforlhls method ih. fnllowlua mutagen, FIIIHT. Pencil ueeurner. AaavlngofllttHhll'daofthPtllna usually tali. en toi ut nut Hie cloth. Tlllllll. Ahlllty tu mis. sure uny rlanro as lu luanra t,'l 111. POUltTlI, That It tloia uwny wlih tha nrcesally of beln mpiuured more than once, a on en lathe m Iriim Iho luUnpprehenalon nr mUlaU. ut t ineusuicr, lie would nig., tho public in give It n lrlal,n I. ;;-Mtliat.tWIU .Up perfeet tw.'ct.on. Ht w 111 be linppy tu exhibit un.l mitlnln it. . Iiik t uny tlmo Iii vlaltora. J. V. llKMTUIHUN Main M., U low llark. -March 20, W JOHN ('. YKAOKH A CO,, NYhoUsvnlo lKulera In IIATH, HAIH, HTltAtV DOOM, AND I.AIU1X' KL1W, No, U57 Nona lutrd Hireel, ralu.pala, I JuI,,1:,ly,,:l-TI I'ltcupM iioov "MafWilCS u " .. . . liny i v ft. ..,-.. l l.HUiltl'l