The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 08, 1868, Image 1
T t t WW 3 ft VOL ',' NO. fl. KLooMsmiiifl iiu;cToi.r. s ro u-n lin x v a in:. (M.o1munY7 AC, DMiWKNliRtiri, m -reliant uuior, Jlnin m . il'ioi iiiimv Amcrlmu house. i" f '.':Al!,,:i''.'Trr. jThnliMnionnan.l-ii ,mi. I, cr Hll'IM'l. m riouiiim,uc.; llnvlmnuM bull. 111. l-i 11 VIMI 1 I UIl L'US, CI I K J 1 1 OA LS, A C." 1,. ;T' ?'ov.I:l'' '!ruggttiuia nix-lhmirv. li- nnilgo mock .lllllll kt, VJ-M 1 1 It, ( , V?' li'"l"t nn.l apnlhccnry, I J. blink, Maliikt., wctofiMiirl-fcl, ltiinert i 1-IU1 CMCKHWATCilKS, , iii V.V' U."?',' ,n '""I clock maker ,-iiiiniitiii 1 ri rll HI t. l I . -sAVAdl J. J", I.'; Jlillll St., ninrly oimsile Alnoiksiii tl-llR I) ''VTItPAUT.Miiirluin.l,.:,, ll st below. Main. k ninkcr. Market vl-nll HOOTS AND HHOltt.' ( I M. niunVV, Inijt ami shoi.muker,Mnlii slriint U. iippi-slt L'mirt Home. vl-iiii I S0LLI'lldU,miiiiur.-luier ullllllolllcrlllllr,o il mm Mii.i..,.Miiii)M., tiuMiiu j :iiliuiitiau ( jiun-li vl-lltfl MIJ.VUV ICMIIM mnniiniHiiipr n1il denhr In V",'!1", !"".' erow-rli i lc, I,. l.tirg Mnln st, I-nll DAVID tlllTZ, hoot nn.l -.hncmnktr, Main st., iii'lmt- 1 1 nrl iiiii n h (oiv, w est in Market n net, PHOFKSSIOXAIi l!-.l'.A.NH. ' 'iirnnnn ami i.)iy.i..i m .outh II sell- .-lain m iwnm Murki I. l-nH Dll. II. K. Kinney surgeon ilonll-st, tooth (:! rii. od wlllt iwln. Jliiln H., nonily oiiimli I .piscopal Church, vl-nl I W V.vt 'L T). surgeon nn.l i.liy .-lun i c. i!i;ri'r:u, m. 11. KurAoun una riiynMnTi ij .iiiiu.ciki., nijuvo .Main. w-nli IMt. II. ( Itfiwrn cnr.'.... .i. Tt..i.. ubovo couu hutue. Vl-llll JIUiMXKItY A TAXOV GOODS, mllllm'r, vl-nll M rV""' C""1'4, notions liook, ,11 stntloncry, norlli bWo .Miilnniixetliolnw itati 1,1 M-nl.1 Tl l'lircint.VV, mllllnory nml fancy cooJii i i posUa i:ilwralclitucli, Mnliikl. u-i M rkriks nml ilrens patlern i, Hunthuiikt uriu-r .Huln nn.l Mbtsl. l.nlt Ii, '.'', " .ii uuimw, millini-ry mi l l.iin-y Muliikt.,aiposItu Court IIi.iim'. Lull 11 up. .11. ll. IT'll.MA.V, nillllnor, Main st., Ij.-hra-ill Shloiv, went of Murl.i t Nt. vi.ii I i t i "W-W'' nillllnoiy un,l fancy 'I -.... wiiiLijuat it iiiVV.llK',lL'llll llllllt'. l-nll ii6ti:i.s axi) hai.ooxs. I I.i:AnK'K,iiytirnml rutin snloon, Ann ii- I i"lll IIOIIM', Jlnln hi., Iialt.1T UlllHK'IC Mllll'lill- UMKMVIMl ,t ,Ir)liy, ronr.-itlonry Inkcrr. I'linna. block, Jlnln t. ' .':1i, "iiii'nil, ,( llillt'nlll ciKl K-tnll. i:x-vl-nH I' Ilt milium, n'liole'ulc nml ri'tnll, Jlnln at., Jiist nn.l n. :., Jnt vl-nu iixcjlvxiii: iion:i. I j sr., opiONliD (ouri hf Uv ICoiiim ,v L'liitk. Ivtaln urlliouKc. ln 13 I MIlltlfAX llOUNi:,!,' A ht., west of Iron street .K.vrii. k, Mnln vl-ni; P'lllKS UQTI-:i,, liy I.V viAl-cn:r., fntcnil ol l1 Jlillll Ht, vl-nu 1 ) BTOIINI-'H, rcrrukliuiciii snlo.iii.Miiln st.iju-i I ). ubovo court huiiae, vl-m 1 L'OOSS A Cr.AltK, rptVcslimtmt mlooi), Cx- l inn ImiiKe tmtul, rir. UlIJvMOIti:, it'rnshiiiriil uIm, HhKeV l.i JAfOlls, (Niiifwjlionory. ii ht.(lllj(l0 C'OLUt JlOUM', Main 0 JT. MIUKlt, n miOfusiwui'. dpolor in tlrv K'tn-I-i, ccrnierIoM, Hour, wilt, Klines, liotluiiA, etc. lxt'linnglpItK'lt, M.itiiNtiYft. vi-un Ci.. ilr-nlitrn hi tlrv inindn 111 piHtorics. Hour, frpil. .itt. flli. Irnn. tiiilln " i ""iiiii'iini i MiiM-i- .uiiiiiuihi .Mii;t'i nit viij i Hi. HOWKIt, IititR nml i-opw(lxii', nml slmeH, MtiUi ft.,at)vo(onrt lioiHt?. vlnii ft C. SrAIMI, dry RooilH nml uuliuiin, loiiIIiu'psI U, i-rntr Muluuua IiouhU. vJn(.'l f .1. UltOWKlt, dry Kondu, mwcvlfy, ft( iinrU. rj. vtust furntrIiUiKtiul Jum ku, ini;i ni;V. A. IIAimiAN, dry tnUt uotlon., nnd . A ICPl rnioslu Correl'M l'uinl tllpO ItlKJIU', vMili nil. niJNSnUUOnit, Uwnt,) Kroporlofi, ttibqe . fo, mut comfltuniu,, .Mala M cmnoHUi' J.j'lsfoirit Cliuiuti. l-a;( DA. JlKl'KIJ-V, JwPyilonf.infst()io,ljoSH mid , Mnlioueiy, Ktuiliwtflt conn r Muikrt inn! U'U.UASt i:nAMlTrt, confttllimerlc M nt., just idiovp court Iiouho, Mnln (i MIlNlH.NHArJ-.KPiiPrnl Rtonkof mrrpliiui I, din and lumber, cumhi of Main klni-limd 1. 1 1'wtclc lond, vl-nlt 'I .1. HonillNH, donlcrlndi-y Ki-odHBrt-ciU tip, t) Mitvo'bblrwk. Midnhl,, l.elnwJrm vl-ni'! 1 K. CHITON, il, I'iisL 1 1 1 1 iii r M i in ami h i PlOVt'-iiHl', fullth ..ti.siutts M-llit Ct W, rNVI)KU, liartlwun. 'Ullir., situ, itc,, U Mnln bt below Iron. vMUJ I J. HI.OAX, d( ftlorln ( liolou dry RomlM, I"use JY UpppliiKB(iodtf.fipIi;u'fcrit'i(,ctp.,eip. Mnln n.( (tnpuhlio court lioubp, -inu K. i;yj ;it,prociipn mid kciipiuI men tmndJsn tl AIntiibt., (ibi)o Wi'fct. vl-nii 1 T. HUAltri 1'HH, dry rnoiV Krot-prlcb, boot'", illicit m ck, Main vit I if Mmla I. .S. CltAJUUl A A. I HAYJIUltST. junlfisia (Inx t-rlPM. tVinlollonet Ii k mid t Inns. hroltowu, houlh bldp. (wti tluoiH ubovo Jtmbtit'M waifoiimai:ti'fchrjp, vJ-ul, JIlSCKLliAXKOUS. U, bilckon jinCii fiirnltiiro rooms, tlm utory ckmr.Miui,cn,t. l-nll . una Uxlurun, Hups'it UoiU, .Main kt. 1-iu) ItOHIlNM'OCK, pliolonrnr.licr, Uxdinngo , bioi-k, Mulimt,, uppuhliut'ouriliouM', j.nTs 1', llllOAIlT, iiliotoKrnplicr, llnilmmr lmllil. i) 1 im noi ll.i on i onu r jlnln mm .Mm Kit M. vl-nll 1 J, IlII)I.i:SIA S, Aucnl Miinnnrs L'oppci U l, J'i Imlnr MiilitnlUKlloil, ;.il I 11. ruiisi:u,. smMIc, dunk nml liaim. rj miiki'i', Mnln nt below couit, lioiiHp, l.iut) ft I'OSH:it, nine Miikir.nninviilto nml imTcy U. 'riuiner.r'iolliniu, vl-liT nl.oi)MiiiHKl (.I'M ri., niununTcluiTi-ii iiiul iieniera in l.umbev, ol iilikmas l'lnlulnir mill neuriliu inll.ol, l-iwo T J. 1IIIII.1IMAN, Mnlillennil liiirni m mnkcr. It , iiuiri.oniliM.eiit corner .M.1I11 una hi. M-1H1 A WITMAN. iiimblo woihH, near uuulliwest cuiiur Mnln nml Miuket klu, l-nl l I) Il.lllN(lI.i:ll,ilnlir In i.Ikiioh, iiiKittm nuU JV, liuloilii.iiH.i.tll. W.l'i.ii'll'sliniilliiieiooiiu 1 l-UW r i H. SIAH'IIIIPJ, iiirent for fliovrr.t llnl:er'ii I , sewluif miuliliii', Mnln .t llnilinun'H l.ullil nu, up malm, .inl DW.IIOIIHINH, liquor ilenler keconil ilourfiom . norilment corner Main nnj lnuikt. J.nii W i',KAcot'.,V.N','larJ' I'uUlo, iioilliuikreoriier M Mnln nml Mnrltet kt, .UJ IfUN A.l'UKBTO.V, muluulnnilcakliriitcli liio V.,1'urf'nco "li'y.nuillKu.lcoriic-r.MiiluaiKl Wutfct. ' l.uia fl'.-'rW AI-"T. iimiiiif.icluier nml ri pair" r nfi ""! m'i'iii L'lnnibtiiin'kiiiii v .....I'., ,u ItilUHIIJ vliul I H. Kl'IIN ilcnlcr In incut milow, I l'lriln'knlliy.liiu.koi m. n Ii Phi n . fj AMI I I, J U-011Y, Mnibio nml lliown hi un O Woius, J ,i tlllgorat.burg,llirHUkin."d, M u 7 0HAXUKV1LLK DHtKCTOllV. nit. . A.JIEOAI'.dlit 'L, pliyHlotnu mul surgeon, todomrii JInlcI, l-ni. Hill st,, lieM door ltIU; WITH, nn.l refreshment n!.,..n, l, J)nml. r. ii. cor. of Main nml l'lui-i.lni; (SWAN Itnll.L, thoiirmer I J der, Mm.ii t tilvn c I'lnp. r bonne b.- .b.Iin Hin . M-ll, I,". HI.OAN, ilenli r In ilry gomN, lumber nml goiKrol Mcrclnmillsc itpci rii , , .Mnln t! 1 Pn 17 I rU'.UIIKi: l....UVM,kldleiiml bnriicwi mnkcr VI .nniii iiihivo iuerwnn iioitl. Vl-lil" W II. HMITII, tiiiitnilli. Purer of tin intra nml minii Hotel. IT.OClllll- 111 KlOl 0 Oil', si., ubovo 'b vi-ni; A W. Cpl.IJSIAN, Merelinnt Inllor nml ii. n s ruiiilililiiir iiooiIh, .Mnln mi., noxt ilonr lo ilio brick ho: oi. VI-IH7 K ll Minmi',(jlock, Wntcheii nniHIuni .II. rep tii; I. (inns nml Wulrliai for wile, Mnln Ht., Iii low I'lne. vl-1117 I.,, HAIIMAX. Cnblll.t Milker, nn.l Un ii AltiiAi:i,i Jl Ac.. A,,-.,oi KKI.I.KIt, Connictlonery, OjHiorii l'ltm W between Mnln nml Mill, VMII7 II. II. r. Kl.U'IIMKtl,lllaettlnltli Htriut, luur I'lue. oil Mill Vl-1117 .l'lLl.lAM liKI.dNO.Hhoeinnk.riiml inmnif.e. II lurernf inkk, Mill St., irrat of I'lne vlnll ril.IA -i nrfrnr.K, riour nn.l Clrl I 1 j r In iirnln, Mill Htrect, .Mill, nml 1 l-n 17 I Kv Ii II. smUYI.KIt, Irnn rouiiuVr.Mnrliin Ulsl, uuil MnliutonHuerof plown, Mill XUVI-IU" I ll.r.-t A. WILLIAMS Co. 't'untier-iiiiil Mini- ill ulftcturi riot luillier, Mill HI re 1 1 VI-HI7 InIlN K 1. 1.1, I'll, limit nn.l Sin,, milker. I'm. t) str el, opi imltu llio AenUelill ll-lil' Ii. IlLltltlNrl nitOTIIi:it.('niiHiitirHnml Hml'li is. Main stuet, below I'lne. vl-1117 ol tin" ltahunt I lll'uhi l i. Kile. Mnln St. M. II Mt.iIAX, itailiiln nnd Imim-H , Oruii!i' lllc, oppoille l-'nttnii etuircli. in ikr M.'ull PATAWISSA i)li:i:CTO!lY. I'stjf l lit N S A or in Ul: llolcl,'J.i;oi,leliallder niiini li t'ir.kiiiith-eiist wmer Main mid Seeomt Sliest. lI.cllI'.ASY.dry Koods, uiiiculcH, Hal Slerelinndlse, -llulu Stuct. nnd k n li-ni: Sl. HINAni), ilt'iiler In ktovca nnd tin-wiuc , Mnln street. vi'-nl , H. Allium', iitlonipy nt Kiw.Malu tttri-ct. ViMiU niTilJliltT A. KfilNM:, dry Hoods, irroccrJps. and ( Kinprni inpvftmtHlNi, iiaiu btu'et, -nl KlIILKlt. Iilllljiril vnliwin ni'ahiw n lid tfp nt J, cieniu tn .-iPnHnii Mala Street, ) V. DALTiMAX, MpMinnt T.dlor, Hotfinrl Kt., ), liObbius' r.uUdtii, vi-nlH. U..J. 1C. UOIiniNX. mirKoou nnd IMvsiplitn, J s i ond t below fnln. 2-ntS. ll. KIS rrd',H,''CattawIsrtiroup1" North Wi"t , 0ni.-r Main and MccondblitctK, J-11 1. MM. Illtoiwr, dealer In (Ji-iR-rfd Mi'ivlumdbi . luy (looitf, tlrocprlrd Ac, 'Z- mm mum mwvxuniw )i:n.K r.M', ii. iiour. Ren, sun. iMi, lion, Mills Up.. I,Uh htrocl. J 1 1 10 iKiiwnd.ioi::, I'aiitiK.iinni.i and ch.ilrnnikpr. I'lidoitiUar vl-nw osKi'ir wArn:it iau-imith, OJIH)-dtP l()Ht Oi.ll't', I". OMAN At fu.. WluUwilublrt. Unit diMir nbovu Holiool hoiit. vlnli( M .fdNI!i InllllilCiv and lulii'N uootN. ftc, C'UBl) pttlJ toV iUtU. ' W i !. f " .t.nin in rnuiin in,l,u U..1. btovoH mill (in Hum in vi-nw H nil it br.mflli. )i-.n:it w.oman, iii . !!iii..(, iini r nnd dealer in v Until ESPY IURECTOHY. ,i-d' hvi: VM Ki.oriux MIMA i'. Unit I'. lUIHiUAUD, AJHtO.,deidPrslndryuooiii. , r,r ipt-rkt, mul ((en era t inerplmndlho. vl-nll l. (' M.ItWi'Mj, denier tn diy imod-, RriHt.-r-, li , quin nin', hnrdwavo, 1NI1, 'ilt, nulN, ., ii , U..iilf W. l'lHiAU.Kuvfinolmimal'l mhu Mllltuid t llox M.uiui'u'tory, vinlt jTitts iiv: t7 i wTi in i : c foiiv. I NHIIKW MA11IS0N, iloalrrln iliv kiiikIh, Kro. V. ci rlci. i;r.iln, lumber eta., .lersc.i town. l-niil M nil . MWIMIIE1I, dealer III Illdrs, Leulher , Midlson lownshlni oUuni'i.i county U-nu Mail. , '.siami'iu. niMar, MniiKon ji.,t.' . unit btrnugeiuetltultuilKil. Pro i S-ul I51CKH0KN lUUKCTOUY. tl ii. AW. II. SIIOEMAUIJIS, iltnlow In dry ll noods, yroierltM nnd ixeneuil mcrelintidlse. n.u in Nouin onu oiiown. vllt. ill A. WM. HAUIUS, denier In dry itooim, i-el'Ii ... in unit nnd niodlenii i. b'lit I kt.ire In not Hi i ml ot loun. v'J-nlM. raanjise . in i,w iiirwwi tmma mtmm I I10TKJ-8 AND SALOONS, pxcilAXCiK IIOTKIi, m.iii:.lln llu,CIII.VMl!IA l u I'A. ' llliilersluiied hnvlnif inn Mils ,. 11. uouillillileeiitliillv.loi.iitpiflii.ii.1, Hot l.siluntiion MAIM sntl'l'.'f, 111 llkainisblilic liniii. di it. ly op) oHlle !!iut'ulu!ulluiotintyi'outt iiou.i., ii Mpeeuuiiy lllioililil jus menus illHllllli laibii.i in Kfnorcil Hint hln lioui.els now luorder "i no piion unu cmciiotiimi nt ol tnivclleiH l.u i, n l.e dls-poKeil tofnvor II with their (ii. t.iiii. Hi-Ins s. i,lui no c.-k like In mi Mtrluiitho 1 m linn -.. L.i- tlio (iitertnlnnu nt ot bin itmiits. iilu i- slminiu m hlliu v..intlnu on his mil lo minister to tlulr pemouul uinnort, Ih i-i . i. u ,, nml enjoymiu i-uleut bu., lueallon. Oiiiulbuses mil fit nil times betMi i n thoKx- inii-.e Hotel nnd the vniloiiH lullroiid ilenoiK, by bh ll ll.lli-lli Is Will be Hleiisiiiitle .....I if. lid 11 1 1 1 1 tlm Unpettli o kti.llon-t 111 due llliluto ii i v uie i in s, J,liii.H ,v I J.Alllv, liloi.insbunt, Atult :i. Jvii rpiirc HWAN IIOTKIi, Iiiib uu-jsn iioum, cmANai,vii,i,n,c()i.i;.MiiiA vo v.. Tbs sub-jerlber reHrKVtfnlle lofiirma tils rrletiilu nnd llio public, Hint lie link inken the obovo well iiowu jiotuu oi jiiiieiiiiiiiuieiit, una win i-o ltnsedtii ricelia llio eu.totn tif till wlm rtll iiiiorlilin Willi ft mil. in: vfiu, j:r.r.i a oood TArna:, liar well sb eked wlib llio bekl of MnnorH. and eveiy elloit will 1 1-iniiilo to render ellllri' mil Is, a lion, JllllM wniHSH. lu-iingei tile, rn Jlnrell n, IMIT-liii, XfiiAxai-: kaloon, 'J iik PiopiUtpr of IlLliKoIiaugeSi'looiilins now liitud ii lavgu ktock of hUMMKIl llliKlIKSliMta-TH, conilsUntf of lull olill...J, HAKEJ-SOI, 1Uir, l-ol.ol.;.As siiici'msaiF, iion.iiii miiiB, s-iVKiiugn eiiFi ,n, liAOKll JIKICU, AlsK, AC. n.Mi: iM', to.Mll ALL A SI) Sill-:, '.'j LAWSON CA I.MAN. Siloeilnti,iil0iil. i- 'i.iiik, Amy , 1.-37. Mil'. r.Sl'V lIOTKIs, 1-.SPY, (OI.V.MIHA COl'XTY, I'A. TlIK kllliMcrlber l.sie.-l Tiillv Infill inslita fi I. nml Ihu public, that helm. Illkin IhealmM) uell now ii Iloum of I'nlutnlniuenl, mul will le lellked In lieclio tin, riisi,.tn ..r..n ,ii.., nor Ii I in Mlllin rail, 111'. WILL Kl'.lli' A (IOOII taiii.i:. inn hi ii kiociti-ii wiiu inu uebi or i.tiiuors, and M-IV eliolt M 11 bo lllildo to , nil... s.itl. i.'.Hoii. .... ll, liii:rn:iin ii. i;py, nt., April 12, isii7. ill UK 1I0TKL, OIIAMil.VlI.I.i:, COLUMDIA lOl'NTV, I'A. rnwAiii) i:vi:itr.TT, I'ltoi'iiunou, I! i tdlill bos .essk.n ndi , wi ll.ltiiowii Ii 11 1 'tin kci.t by hmniiil I unit, the l'io. ii i 'i l-n i ui 1 1 1 1 inn in ii t ii hi ill Ml AM1 MIl'l Itiiiin llieilu iiiktiliiiiom r. lit i illllit-lis. llliikb-biei notexi I'lbil in I'' ( nut i i-mt nn palnti mil bo ii iinl iii I Hllllll.l. ll i, ! Til 13 COLUMBIAN, A JJlUIUH'l'Uiic XfAVHllMpol1 I ll'lll.lslll I, t.M i,, MoltNI.NO AT llI.tWlMXIH KC, ii:.n:.'a. Ull.l.rlnelplnorilii.pnpernreiilllieJcneriioii. Inn School of politic.. Thorn principle! will never bccotniirmnUul.yiliourlcky mut MiiiIcm "linll not be forgolten In tllmumlug lliem,ii betlier will, or Willi eonteiniiornrlia of the Vrcka Thelmlly, lmpplncssnml pnwpellty of the roun iry mnurnitn nnj onjeitj mum. Il.e means lo ocurotlint,we!wll lnborlionenllynnileiuneiitly roi 1 he luirtnony, ritKantul bi dm Hi of on r 01 gam Initio!!. twins, it si iwi iiinioN: 'Iwo ilollam u jeur If ppl.l In iiiK.iiicp. If nnl pnhl In n.llunce two dollars nml nily cont will bo Invnrlnbly cliorgert. I i'kjm ukAiivi iiTiaiNa t-Onenninre(tuillucH i lemmuoor Ibrio liucrllon. il,V) inch subhe 'iiietit In.iertlou so nt. Ht'.lf'H, IM. tun :,m Ma . n,' . lU.lill . IV") -lit. K,i Rjm fit ,m I.V) 1Vi 351. II, 1)0 (,,il K,W III, 10 15,01 IIM. IV Oliemiuntu s livw 11,00 1J,W Is-.IK) sn,in) TMoi..jum-1-s .. Tlu-ie kriuaiik I our Miinl-e-i . Half isiltiniii One column 'sIVHl llll.ll) .HI.IM Ul.rKI Ilxiculor'Hiiml AiIniiiil.triitor'kNolleo S.1,00 ; An dllofa Nollcc oilier r.dverllvinciils Inser. led neeonlln to special contract. Rnslucss not lees, Mlthoul ndverllscment.tueuly cents per line. TraiMlent ndvertlscincnls pnyablo Inmliiime nll olhcis due arier the Urn Insertion. - It l, In all nun, more likely to be kiitlsniis. tory, bnlli to mibkcrlbein and to the rublWins, tliut reniltliiueeiinud nllcoinuiunl.-ntloiisrinH-ct-Int Hip or the piper, bp sent direct lollio onieoor publlenllon. All litters, wliclhi r relntltiit to the edltoilnl or business concimsof I ho pa per, nnd nil piymcnU for kiiliscrlptlnns, mlveillslu,', or Jobblne, nre to be made lo nml nddu sl nnorKWAY & ritr.iri:, "fl,?ilii.oil O'Hce," lli.ooirsiirnri, I'.i. IVInti 1 .it I'.o'.lsou'k ltuildliis, near the rouit House, by c. nr. VAxmjiiiji.ici:. BUSINESS CARDS. J or. IJ I! TNT I Nfi .'Pltlpil at thl-lOlll.'.-. M. li'VKIiLi:, A T T (I It N I'. Y-A T-I, A W,, tkihuylklll County, lVnn'ii, Jf. THAUOU, A't TOIt:i ll Y-AT-I, llei-wli-U, (.'oliimbla County, A W, Tenti'ii. "YIL1JA3r n- AliriOTT, A t IHIISC Y.AT-L A V CATA WJS.1A, I'A. Q W, Mllslil-'Jl, .1 I TUll.lJJl AT LAW, Ollleo Willi Ii II. I.llll... m In lei; building nd ilntnu l'nkt Olll. . r,'.. l'oooti. iin,a.-.iin.-...,.i I'm, loin eollei-te.1. Ikeii-S) L7. joirx . ritKI'-jJK, ATTnilX H Y-AT-I, A w. OIlliHilu lb Ulster nnd ltceordir' olllii', In the uasemeni oi lliol-'ourl House, llloniushlir?, I'a, I IT V. t'LAHK, 1 1 HHXi: Y-AT-LA W ii.nuroi Mulo nnd Maikit kin-ets, oiir rimt Xatlomii Hank, Dloomkbi'irg, I'it. II. I. I T T J, JO, AT 'i O It N K Y- A T-L A YV, OIIIoooii .Milium... t. tn Uriel! Lnlklluir below tbo f'onrl House, Illonlilkbnri', I'a. q n. imoc'invAY, ATTOH.VK Y AT I. A W llliOOJIHHCUfl, I'A. 4, tn i ii'Twritii-t. irnttu.. linnbhtn Olllc A )!, 1k;i.v tlio fb fJnnfC7. A'lTOKN I'.V.A'M.AW, fiLOOMSIll'Isfi, I't.NN'A. Olllce 111 Illiin;?utV t!ll!l,t!-.i. M'oi I of tho Amortean JTrnise, ' ' fmyiw, j ouis unnxirAiU) Would Infhrni t'.io ilfli.ii. nr In,...,.,. l.i..-.. .....i vjplnlly that he la now piepnrcil to donll klnilsof plating, sliver or gulil, jleell,f.7. t i o x t: k p.. MOSI'.H COl'l'MA: 1 l.u in ; I il lowed Iho )loreHsoli ofl'ubliit Yi initio I ii. i ii i-inniiv viai", would Inform hla lilends Hint l.i'lsslllllntholleld. lei'dv nnd wllllmi lo lb ml !. nil the ilulloK ,,f bis enlllng, IVisonx i --li inu bis seiiiii-s kliniilit i nil ,.i it-ill.. I,. li1i,i lit 111 tuliistiui-g, i'-l. !tiilisi.7. J. V. If. JJItADIiKY, (urn .-, ikikiiini iieuieni iiniclor il. M. Aiiny.) 1'UYMICIAX AX J) KUUCII'.O.N, OtlleO lit llio boils. I nonosllp vtlilc.-L l!l.ulr Uloonikbtirg, I'it, ills piolui tlynlteiiiloil tn both nljhi am) ih.y,, Jon, 111, Iwc, J 1), I'UIlRKIi, ii.ihm:fb, SAHllLK, A.N'II 'lltl'XK MAXI'l'AtijrllRISh, uud detler In "'. f CUlinri'-llAUH, YALISI, I-TiY-NlVls, mjyi'Alal JtOllOl, JlllltlllllL.NKL'IH, ,l(' wbloU lie fuls i-onll.lent bo ran nil nl loaer ratu tlitui any other perkou in tlm country. Tx mniiio for uurkehck. hhop drat door below Iho lvt Olilio Main Blreet, llloomnbuir, I'a. Nov, II, ll!7, g cTaiiiiiixs, r A S 11 1 o X A II L 1, HHAVfNO, II A J It (ni'I'TIXO AKll MllAMI'OOIXIi HAI.CJ0X, cku Wldmayer A. Jiuvib-i'k Ico Cream H,iloun, M.O0MMIIUIIU, I'A. II. itr li.velug uuil Wlil.keis rolon-,1 blnck or blown, Hull Tonic- to ilenlliiyikillillllll'miilbenll tlfl lug the hnli't will irstoto liulr to Its oilgluul color m Iilu tit soiling tin inn si labile, loustnntly oil blind. Inpilvi.T. D 12 N 1 fcS T It Y II. f. llOWlUi. IiKNTIVr, Up-pi' Itnlly nib ik liK I lolitsloluil MUlt-pi In tlic 1ml It h nnd m nib nn n ni litoouiOuuunnd vt (inlty, llu ih i.uj.uii lionllind tu nil tlm yurl uud oppnttlons In llu lliu-of hU iiroli'tr-lou, and U nuiYlili'd Willi till' Inti d IliliaoVid I'nlU Ti-AIN Ji I'ui wbb'li vlll bo liiM'ibd on (fold tdalluc, tdhi'r and lubbn- b.tM- lo look um wvil ax tlio tutt uial li fill. Tidli pxtuulid b nil Iho iii'Wimd inobl npnioMil iiulbulk, nnd nil ojniallnim on tlio Um Hi inii fully nnd pmpcily nib ndt-d lo, ItPHldrnco nnd olllcu a iw doom nboo Um Court lloiiK1, huino Mi I o. IlloomiiburH, Jni),81,'ttr povj)Rii Tc ix is" ax f Tuj'f 1 1 ii it . W. M, MUMItOi; i CO., IIukHi l'n- Mftmtfiiotitrersiof -owi)i:itKi:(in, mid denlers lu all IcIihIk of M'MUL'lt, give notlcMbat Iheynro prepared lo nivonnlali. Ibelr t-ui.tom wif u ill piib-li, nml on tho chuipest er.i BLOOMSBTJ11G, PA., (Choiff goctvii. mm:s to a mtiii.i'.Tu.v, !',,.r,rv ivMr" """ llloLomloil Stnrnlnit Vhmnlrtr piilillkliiHl n poem culllled "I.Iuch to n skeleton." m hlch erelted mncli attention. 1 'very cirnrt, even , ... iiiuooirioiioiii reward or liny Ktilneii., was alulv m.nlo to dlseoler llio nullior. All that ,1 .. i 1 ' ""s. mo poem, in a fair, ileikly linnil, wns lonnd mar n kkeieion of rp. I Innrkiiblii benuty ortoimnml color, In Hie inn. , i-Plim of llio lloynl Colle(jo of SurRenii., Lincoln's Inn, nml 11ml Hip curator or the Museum had lie ni sent to Mr. I'erry.of tho.Voriilii'ciroiilrte.j lleholil tills rultil 'Tuns n .kinl, One of rtkcrlat spirit full I This iinrrnw cell wns llfo'a utreal. 'IhlSHpaco was lliouahl'ii mysterious teat ; What beauteous l Mull tilled thlsnpotl What ilri-Mtus of pleasure long forgot I Xor hope, nor Joy, nor love, nor fear, llnie lclt olio Iraeo of record here, llenealli this mouldering ennopy Onto iliono Iho bright and busyejej llut start not nl the dismal void love Hint eyo employed If Willi no lawless llro It gleamed, Hut through tlio dew of klmlnois beamcd- 'J'hnt eye khall bo forever brlghl, When sun mid utai-n are mink In night. Within tholinll uv c.ivern hung 1 ho rendy.swlft nnd tuneful longup. irfnlsebooirslioney 11 dlsdnlneil; An 1 when It could not pmlsp was i hnllicd J If bold In virlue'H enuso Itupokp, Yet gentlo concord never broke, Thlstllcnt longuo khall plend for t lies', When tltuo unveils clernlty. Hiy did those nngers delie the mine? Or with lis envied rubles shine 7 To hew the rock or wear the gem I'nn little nownvnll to them. Hut If Iho page of truth I hey sought, Or comfort to t ho mourner brought, These haiuls n l lcher mcoj shall rl.ilni Tliut nil Hint unit on wenllh or fame. Avails It whether baieorkbod, Tl.etofeitthe path of duty trod? If from the balls of easo Ibey lied To keel: nilllctlon's bumble kbcdj Ifgrnndiur'sgullly bribe Ihpykpuriieil, And homo to virtue's lot returned, These fin I Willi nngePk wings Muill lie. Ami trend the palace of the sky, yiisrcUinuous. IM 1'OltTAXT TO llAXK Ill'l'Ti". KviTV niiiilifiuit for lliu lic-iieilt of thu bank rupt net, niter tlio ht of Juno next. iniifet show Unit ho Iiiw liroperty sulll- ck'iit to iny ol) cents on tlio dollar, or has obtain u relenso from cuouirli of lii critlitoru to pay CO eenU on tlio dollars to the rcninlntlei'. All who expect to apply for cortiflcivtcM of bankruptcy, without property Mifliclenl to comiily with thu above condition--should huirv up or they will lie counted out. For tho bcnellt of thoso who do not fully unilor.-.taml the law, wo furnish tho fol lowing nuilruct : Who may lake aiUMiitat'o of this; law'.' -ny pcr.sou or lli-m, who owc.-t debts to tho amount of threo hundred dollars or upwards, whether they bo Individual or partnership debts orboth.aud it makes no dlflurenco what Is tlio character of the indebtedness whether it bo by bill, note, account, JuiIkiiiciiI, iis piinclpal, or surety, or otherwise. what does the law demand of tlieab- pl leant V That ho shall surrender Ids property. o.ccptMicli as is hereinafter mentioned, to his creditors forti pro rata distribu tion anion; them. What duos the law penult tho appli cant to keep V First Household and kitchen furiii- lur and necessaries to the amount of live hundred dollars. Siu'oud Tho uniforms, arms and oiiulpments of any person who is, or lias ijeui a soldier In tlio militia or llio nrvlco of the United .Slate-. Third If tlio applicant is tho head of a family, Ids homestead, lo tho val ue of live hundred dollars. If ho has no homt.steatl, lu lieu thereof money or other personal property lo the value of luu. If Hi.) applicant has only mi much properly as is above cuiimcrnkd, of couiso lie has iiothln;r to ;;ivo up to his creditors. Tho result of the lienedt of takliiL' this law is a dl-cliai'fro from all ludebt- Ineaes where thero is no contest, it lequires from sixly to ninety days to procure this discharge. That most dreary and linintoro.stini: of ltopresontutlvcs Air. Williams ofl'a. In his speech on Monday "denied that all wlidom had died with our fathers and that this ('onpTess had as irood a right to construe the Constitution as their predecessors." Mr. Williams did not show his individual wisdom by this display of elotiuciico as ho was im mediately afterward laken ill and theie by revciilcdfroin finl-Iiin,'hNoiation, Wo remembered a olmilar ca-e with wor.-o results which happened to a i;en tlenian by llio name of Ananias roino years slnco resulting from mi Indiscreet remark. Ix the South every facility istriveu tho negro to vote,' tho polls In i-.omo .Stales belli; kept open a wu-k. In I'eiiiisylvnnhi, on tho contrary, every mentis tiro adopted to elo'' the i-lt-lit of suffrage, and keep tho poor laboring men Irom tho polls. Tho whole iflst of tho Jtcglstry law Xorth Is to hamper wiute men lu voting, whllo In tho South Its design is to facilitate negro voting. ('i)iitnul the two, working men! Vhosi-gentlemen in Congress whom popular opinion endows wltn but a modicum of virtue at tho hot, tiro tho ones wlio ui-uino tho loftiest standpoints in lliciraiill-l'reslilentlal harangues. It is delightful to hear tlio highly moral and virtuous dlsnulsltlons of Slovens, lliHIeranil others whoso reputations nro us imtanilshed nnd spotless ns tho "spoons nnd plates" imiliodal at Xew Orleans ! All great men liavo left sonio iiiem- orablo expression to bo embalmed in tlio memories of their countrymen. Lawrence exclaimed "Don't give up the ship " Ferry wrote, "Wo have met tlie enemy, and they nro ours," Stan ton, In tho over to bo remembered seeno In tho War OlUeo rendered lilmcf 11 lustrioiis by Ills thrilling command : "Schrelver, If you have a bottlo hero, bring It out 1 William 0. Hivix, a prominent publlelmnu for ninny years, died at his resilience, at Castle 11111 Va, n few days since. 1 lo was twice- Minister to Franco nud was throu times olected as Jlepre tentative lu Congress nnd threo times Senator, FRIDAY, MAY 8, SAVED BY A MUTE ALPHABET. " I'LL toll you a story how I (.lived my life once, entirely through having learned tno ileal anil iluiiili nlphnbct. There wero two littlo hoys who until to como mid slay with Frank and me, v nun wo wero urst marrietl, nml they i wiiiii iieiiiitT near nor speak. iiiey were ilenf nml . ii.,... - .,.,,,1 1, , nn j .could not talk except with their finger sii-ouiy over so much quicker. Frank and 1 learned this foreln-n nl phnbet on purposo wo might un derstand what they said. They wero 'liiii-K aim ciover, they could read and write, nye, and tlraw anil tew, and do many other things which most of boys wiiii iniiKo inn a oad hand nt. They could play at draughts, and nt backgammon and ut chess, nnd nt fox aim geese, ns well as any bovs. Tlu-v could almost co what was paid, though they could not hoar, with such quick, eager eyes did they watch every move ment of our Ihu. Wo soon, hnwnvpr. got to talk with our lingers as well as v,im our tongues, nnd sometimes, when tho lads were not with us. Frank ami r often talked In that manner, when we wero mono, lor prae he. It happened that on one nttimlnn 1m bail to go to London on Important busi ness ; he wns to havo gone by thu after noon train, but something delayed him so that he was not ablu to leave before tho night express. I was not in verv good health, uud retired to my bedroom about two hours before ids departure j ho promised, however, to como up and givo me good-byo before ho startttl, which would bo between twelve and ono o'clock in tlio morning. Tlio mat ter which callt-d him away wns connect ed with tho bank here, which had been burned down; and my husband, it' .seems though I did not know it at tho ! time, ho great a secret had ho endeav ored to keep It-had many thousand pound, belonging to tho concern in his temporary possession, locked up In tho Iron safe In our bed-room, where tho plate wns kept. lie was bank luaniitrer nnd lcspoiisibio for tlio whole of it. It was cohl weather, and thero was it llro on UiogMto, so bright and comfortable that I was In no hurry to leave it and get Into bed, but sat looking into tlio Ilery coals, and thinking about nil sorts of things; upon tlioiongjourney Frank had to take that night, nml how dreary tho days would bo till ho returned, and in particular how lonely I should feel In that great room all by myself when ho should be away; for I was a dread ful coward. 1 1 was a littlo after eleven o'clock when I letircd t but I did not feel thu lent Inclined to sleep even then. I knew Frank would bo coniiiie in presently to wish mu good-bye, and besides Micro seemed to bo all sorts of noi-es about (lie room which my foolish ears used to hear when I was alone nt night. rr., ti.i i i, ii . t .. . . pitiow; n a itiou-e squeaked Hi tlio Wall I it was tho creaking of some dreadful person's shoes, coining up stairs in kill mo witli a carving knlfo ; anil If the wind blew the casements, it Wns some one trying to get In the room by the window, although It was two stories high You may imagine then my horror ! when I heard a tremendous Mitco within an inch of me Jusl behind (ho headboard of my lied, and between (bat ami tbo wall, where I here was consider able space. I had, as usual, laken tho precaullon, before I put llio candle out. of looking everywhere in tho room where it wns quite Impossible that any person could bo hid ; but in tho littlo alcove into which the bed was pushed 1 had never thought of looking for anybody. Kvor slnco 1 slept in that room, In shorl, I bad been like tlio os trich, that puts lis head Into thu sand, and thru imagines It-elf in perfect safe ly. I bad piqued myself upon precau tionary measures, that, alter all, might Just as well havo been omitted. The only thing, as 1 believe, which saved my iia-on from departing altogether, when I Hist heard that terrible sound, was, that my mind clung to the lnpo that, tiller all, It might only be the sneeze of a cat. Fifty eats together could not have made half the disturb ance, it Is true, for it was a siiee.o lu spito of himself, and tho concussion al most shocked the hou-e ; but tho Idea Biistalnitl mo over tlio llrst shock. Thu next Instant, and Ihu wretch had Eiicezcd again, mid pushed aside the bed, which rolled on castors. 1 felt that he wa- standing benldo my pillow looking at me. If lie had given but the onosiieezoho might perhaps havo no- lloved me, as I lay quite still, breathing ns regularly ns I could, and pretending to bo asleep ; but hu reasoned very justly, that unless I was deal or dead, I must liavo beeiiftwnkeued by tho sound. "ou are awake, inarm," said ho In a very gruir voice, "ami lis or no uso your shamming; If you don't want n rap with this llfo preserver, Just look alive." I opened my eyes exceedingly wldo at lids, and saw n man with crapo over his face, standing by tho bed ; ho had a club, with two knobs on It, lu Ids tight hand, ami with his left hand pointed to lliosare. "Is tho money there V" "The pinto Is," said I lu u tremulous voice; "pray take It, sir. I'm sure you nro very welcome ;" for ho might hnvo taken everything vnliublu In tho liou-u with 'ill my heart, so long as ho would leavo mo my llfo, "Tho money thu gold thu notes nro tlioy thero V" ho cried again In a whisper. "It's ail thero," replied I, though 1 know nothing about It ; "all except fif teen nnd sixpence In my purse, on tho dressing table yonder. Them's silver mustard pots, besides, In tho pantry, nnd n couple of candlostlcks in my hus band's btudy, only thoy nro plated, and I would not deeelvo you, sir, on any account." "You had belter not," nald the bur- ii ii iniiuisjui nn uowii tno cniiniioy, ' is in your uressiii? cao with the rest it was, thought, a great black crow, I I shall be an ago In looking for it! at least, which would lie soon Hying all 1 Might I n-k you to get out of lied for an' around my room, and settling on niy"Niistaul nnd show me where it Is!" 18687 glnr grimly, "or It'll bu worso for you." Ho Immediately produced n key Hko that my husbntid used, nnd approached tho safe j but ns ho did so his guilty ear caught n sound of footsteps on the tlnlrs. "Who Is that'." "My husband," said I. "hut tirnv don't hurl him." "Is ho not cono to tewn. then V" erloil tho rufllnn, with nn oatli of disappoint ment. "Ilu's going at twelve," lepllod 1, "ho is, iiiiiood." "If you tell him, woman," said tho ourgiar Hoarsely, "if you brent hu but ono word of my presenco here, it will tjo mo (lentil (loom of you both ;" l:o iiausiippeti lino tho ulcovo and drawn llio bed back lo its place in uu instant. My husband entered ImmedlnfeK' nf. terwards, nnd uven while, ho was In tho room, I heard tho awful threat retienli'il iiKiiiu tiiroiigii tno thick curtain behind me. "If you but Wliisncr it. woman, r will kill you where you lie. Promise not to tell him." "I will," said 1, solemnly, "I promise not to open my lips at all about tho ma, tor." Frank leaned over tho pillow to kiss me, and observing how lerrllleil I loi.kcd, said : on have been frltrhteiiini.' yourself about robbers again, I suppose, you sll- ly gin." "X'ot 1, Frank," returned 1 as cheer- fully as I could. "I havo u littlo bend- ncbe;" but said with iny lingers to that no eoiini plainly read It in thu llreliglit, "For Clod's sako bo unlet ! Hut there Is certainly a man behind tho headboard." I- rank wns as bold ns n lion, uuil h.ul nerves llko iron, although he was so tender hearted and kind. Ho only an swered : "Where Is your sal-volatile, dearest V" nnd went to tlio lnnntle-pieco to get it. I thought ho never could have under stood mo, ho spoko with such coolness nnd unconcern, until I saw his lingers reply as ho took up tbo bottle. "All right, don't be nfruld." And then I wns not afraid, or nt least not much ; for 1 know I should not bo left alone ono instant; and 1 thought that my Frank was n match for any two such men In such a case ; only ho had no weapon.. "Ilohas n life preserver," said 1 witli my lingers. " Your llro is gutting rather low, now Georgy," observed he, ns hu took up tho poker (ah, lie had u weapon then) "I must leave you a good blazo before I go." IIo fixed the llroand loft tho pokerin, but wlthouftaking eyes off mo or the bedhead. "I'll Just ring tbo liell nnd see wheth er Thomas has got the portmanteau rcauy. Alary," continued he lo the mnlil that eamo to tho door, "send Thomas up." Then when sho had gono on mm errnnu "lly Jovu! I never gave lilm tiiat key. Where is it, (!eor- gy i nave not a moment lo lose. If it I,..... . lie said with Ids lingers "Jump!" mid l luiimed. vou innv 1 sure, iitiick enough, and was In-Mu the die. ing room with llio door locked in hair a second. "Como in, Thomns," said Frank. "Come In," fur Thomas was modestly hesltatlngattliochambertlooi'. "There is s01lll! blackguard got Into the house. ami iieiiiiiii ino lied there. If ho makes (lie least resistance, I'll kia him Willi this red hot poker." At theso words llio bed was pii-hcd slowly outward, anil thobinglar, with out his ciapo mask, and his face as pale as ashes, eamo out from ids hiding place. Frank knew him as u bank iiics-engcr, who had been out oremploy liient since Iho fire, on suspicion of his honesty. "Oh, sir, liavo pity on me," cried lie. "I'm an unlucky dog! If it hadn't been for a siiee.o 1 should have ten thousand pounds In my pocke1 bv lids time." "Oh, you emtio nfler thai, did you'.' Well, give up that llfo pri-erver you havo in your pocket before we havo any more conversation," said my hu-band coolly. "Did your lady tell you that too;and I yet I stood by her and never heard her i utter a syllable,"cr!ed the villain in tie i cenl'i of atonl-liinenl, as lie delivered lip the weapon to tlio male servant. "1 never spoko a word," cried 1 thought the drcsslng.rooni key-hole, for I did nottaiolo havollioman llilnk that I had broken my oath, nor, to s.iy tho truth, was 1 anxious to make a deadly enemy of him in ease ho should ever bo at largo again. "Then It Is a Judgement upon mo, and it Is no good to light against It," said tho miserable wretch. "Xot in tlio least, anil wo will go to the police olllce at once." So oil' went tho burglar In their cus tody ; leaving mu safonud sound, after all. And now, do not you think thero IsBonio uso lu learning everything, oven so small a thing as tho deaf nml dumb nlphnbct? A Xi:w Doixu: in thi: Clhi-iuxo Ilcsixn'ss, An Atlanta correspondent of thu Chattanooga American I'nian writes: Some of the Atlanta merchants nro shrewd, I hear of a good thing perpe trated by ono of them, which was rela ted by him to a Xew York "drummer." Tho merchant aforesaid Is in tho ready. made clothing business, and ho told tho gentleman from Xew York that when u customer eamo In, after letting him try on several coats, ho would say to him thai ho had a cost which hu had given a gentleman lo tako homo tho night before, but ho was not satUfHl with It and returned It. Perhaps It might lit his customer. "Now you icnow," says he, "nil men nro moro or less dishonest, so I put n pocket-book mono of tho coat pockets, which only costs mo thirty or forty cents. Now when tlio man tries on thocoat ho putts hU hands In the pockets ami feels this pocket-book, and ho buys tho coat nt onco for a considerable advance- on tlio usual price; ami he never come) back to nee about It," rrotu tbo Illustrated Time., Jnn, Tho " Gorilla." Ho.mi; ten years since, n traveller In tho Interior of Western Africa saw a un live trlbo engaged in worshiping What appeared to ho u human skull set upon it polo; the curiosity of tho traveller was excited, and with coiiHldernblo trouble hu obtained possession of the Idol, nnd forwarded It to Professor Owen for Ids opinion respecting tno nature of tho animal of which It had oncu formed a part. Professor Owen decided that tho ciealtiro was nltogethcr unrepresen ted by nny specimen of natural history known to tho scientific world ; and tho learned Professor embodied his views on tho subject in it very Interesting pa per, which ho read beforo the Zoologi cal Society. Of course, every body beg ged to dlll'er from tho conclusions to which he had arrived, and there wero not a few who ridiculed, ns completely fanciful, tho thawing of the restored an imal, which the Professor hnd ninde without any other information toguldo him than tho structuro of thu skull. At length, nfter extraordinary exertions, an animal was captured, and, packed lu a cask of spirits of wine, duly arrived lu this country a few weeks since ; and It Is found to correspond closely with tho description of It by Professor Owen. The gorilla Isn native of western Af rica, and Is known to exist, lu very largo numbers, lu tlio Oaboon districts, whero they are among the most formid able of the wild animals or thu forest. Tito present specimen, which has been most carefully skinned and preserved by Mr. Dartlelt, under tho direction of Professor Owen, is rather moro than five root In height. It Is u male, known to bo voumr by tbo state of Ids teeth nnd tho condition of tho sutures of tho skull. In features thu animal Is very much like u negro, and thu orbits over theeyes aro considerably projected. The teeth are formed almost precisely as In man; and, unlike those ol' thu monkey chimpanzee, or ourang-oiitang, they nro of great strength. In the skull, which was first sent over to this country, tho canines wero nearly as largo and as strong as those of a Hon. Tho hair on tho upper part of tho head of tho goril la Is a reddish brown, upon the cheeks thu smooth hair is of tl grayish hue; tho back Is covered with dun or mouso-col- oreil hair; the hair upon thu arm from tlio hand to llio elbow is black, and It grows upward rroiu the hand toward tho elbow. Thu chest is nearly bare. There wero thirteen wounds In tho body of tho nulnial, anil two nullets wero ex tracted from It, one from a wound which had been n long timu healed over Thu negroes of Africa Live in constant terror of these animals, which nro gre garious; and It is stated by tbo natives that they frequently descend in consld - eriiblo force, sack tho villages, carry away the young children and devour thorn ; nud, further, that thoy have a very ugly custom ol attacking men, uud wrenching oil' tho heads of tho-e whom they attack, ir one or tho crea tures Is fired at or attacked, the whole trine como down to tlio rescue, ami es- ; capo irom tho combined assault Is Im- j possible. How far these statemenls t may ho correct there I, at present no ! nieansof knowing ; but 11 is certain that tho gorilla Is not a vegetarian lu his habits, and that he would have no scru-1 pie In devouring any flesh Hint mil lit I chance to como in Ids way. iV specimen is now III tlio llljtisli Museum, together with n skek'toii or an old malo gorilla. A Tew (lavs slnco Professor Owen lectured before the Zoo logical Society on Iho external cliniac- toristics of the animal. lie first called attention lo the shortness, almost ab sence, of neck ; to the great lenirth of spines, causing thu '' nape" to project beyond tho " occiput ;" to tho rent slzo and elovatlon of the blade- bones; and to the obllquo rising of tho collar-bones above the level of tho an gles or the jaw. Thu brain-case was low and narrow, ami a thick integu ment overlapping that rltlge forms a scowling poiit-linu-oover tho eyes. Tlio lios" is more prominent than in tlio hlinpanzoe or orang-outang, not only at its lower expanded part, but at Its up per hair; iho mouth is very wide, tlio Hps large, or uniroriii thickness, tho upper one wllh a straight margin, not liowliig tho colored lining membrane when the mouth Isshiil ; the chin very short and receding; tbo muzzle verv prominent ; the eyelids with eyelashes the eyes wider apart than In Hie oraug or chimpanzee; the ears smaller In pro portion than lu man, much smaller than lu the chimpanzee, but tlio struct ure of tho auriclo moro llko that of man. On u direct front view of tho face, the ears are on tho sumo parallel with tho eyes, Tho lingo canines in tho malo givou most formidable aspect to tlio beast. Tho prolilo of tho trunk describes a slight convexity, there lin ing no lii'Deuillug ut tlio loins. Thu chest is ol' great capacity; tho shoul- lers very wldo across; the abdomen somewhat prominent, both before uud at the sides, Thu chief deviations from tho human structuro wero seen In tho limbs, which nro of great power, tho upper ones prodigiously strong. A uniform clrcunirerenco prevails In the ioro-arni ; tho leg Increases in thickness from below the kneo to tho tinkle. Thoso characters ortho limbs nro duo to tho general ab-encoof llio-u partial muscular enlargements which Imparl the grace nil varying curves to tho outlines ortho limbs in man. Yet they depended, tho Professor remarked, rather on excess than defect nl duvelopuieiit of the cur neons as compared with tho tendinous parts of tho lliiili muscles, which thus continued or almost tho samo slzo from their origin to their Insertion, with a proportionate gain of strength to tho beast, Tho dlll'ereuco lu tho length of tho upper limbs between the gorilla aim man is nut liitiu In cunipurlson with tho trunk. Tho hair or the arm Inclines downward, that of tho fore-arm upward, ns lu thu chliiipun.eo. Tho thumb is much linger thnn lu tlio chimpanzee--: fact or great slgnlll cauco. Thu foro-mm in tho gorilla pusses In to tlio hand with very slight appear mice of tlio wrist, the eircumfcrenco of which, without tho hair, wns fourteen Inches, that ofa strong man uvcrnging PRICE FIVE OENTB. eight Inches. Tho hand Is remarkable for Its breadth nnd thickness, nod for tbo great length or the palm, partly occasioned by tho extent of undivided Integument between the lingers. The fingers nro thus short, nnd appear as If swollen nnd gouty ; and nro conical In shapo nfter the llrst Joint, by tapering to nulls, which, being not larger or longer than those of.maii, nro relatively to tlio fingers much smaller. Tho clr cuiiiferciico or tlio middle digit at tho first Joint In tlio gorilla Is flvenndn hnir Inches ; In man, nt tho snmo pnrt, it nvernges two nnd three-fourths Inches, Tho skin covering the middle Joint is thick nnd callous on the bucks of tho flngurs; tho hnblt of tho nulnial to ap ply those purls to the giound, in occa sional progression. Is manifested by tiiese callosities. Tho back of the hand Is hairy ns far ns the divisions of tho fingers; tho palm Is naked and callous. Tho thumb, besides Its bhortnoss.neco ril ing to tho standard of the human hand, Is scarcely half so thick as tho forefinger. In tlio hind limbs, appearances lead to an Inference that tho gorilla resorts to them in station and progression morn than any other ape. Tlio thigh has n great circumference nbovo tho kneo-jolnt, and a more uni form size than lu man. The relative shortness of tho thigh adds to the np pcaranco of Its superior thickness. Ab solutely It Isnot of greater circumference at lis middle, than is the same part In man. The Woodpecker's 7orcsl;ht. Tirr. woodpecker In California ia a sforcr of acorns. The tree ho selects is invariably of the plno tribe. Ho boros Mivoral holci differing slightly in size, ol tho fall of tho year, and then flies away, In many Instances to a long dis tance, and returns with nn acorn, which ho Immediately sets about adjusting to ono of tho holes prepared for Its recep tion, which will hold It tightly In its position, llut ho does not eat tho acorn; for, as a rule, ho Is not a vegetarian. His object In storing nwny thoncorn ex hibits ncuto foresight, and knowledge or results moro nkln to reason than to instinct. Tho succeeding winter tho acorn remains Intact, but becoming saturated with rain, Is predisposed to decay, when It Is attacked by maggots, which seem to delight In this special rood ; it Is then that tho woodpecker reaps tho harvest his wisdom lias pro vided, at a time when the ground being covered with snow, ho would expert- enco n diluculty, otherwise, In obtain ing suitable or palntahlo rood. It Is a subject or speculation why tho red wood cedar or tlio sugar pluu Is Invariably se lected ; It is not probable that the in- seet,t lit! most dainty to tho woodpecker's 1 taste, frequents only tho outside of wel trees ; but so it is, that in Calaveras, Marlpoa, and other districts of Cali fornia, trees of this kind may bo fre quently soon covered all over their trunks witli acorns when there is not nn oak tree within several miles. ttti ton. ..s.OM1. of ,mr llcWMimipW nro ...... of iiiaelnir beforo Iho l'tiblie the orir-ln of rWU UWIU W think the poor ones ,h0-ild haven chaiico; s0 wo relate the rollowliir-' brief fncist fur ii nieiit or others : " jm Smith wns tin. s ,,r iii- r..n Ho forniprlv u-slilod In uinl.-,. ii.. nnd other places, but be has moved to the penitentiary now. William Smith was the son or his mother. This party's grandmother is deceased. She was n woman. Jjbn Ilrown wasthoson or old llrown, Tlio body ol'lbe latter lies mouldering in tlio grave. Kdwnrd Iliown was tho son of old Ilrown by a particular friend. Henry Jones wns tit) son ofa sea- cock, ; William .limes wns tho son or a gun. j John Jones wns a son or Temperance. In early life Gabriel Jones was nctu I idly a shoemaker. Ho Is n shoemaker , yet. Previous to the age or eighty-five, Caleb Jones bad never given any evi dence or extraordinary ability. Ilohas never given any since. Patrick Murphy Is said to havo been or Irish extraction. John Peterson was tho son or a com iiion weaver, who was so miraculously poor that Ids nicnils wero encouraged to believe that in Ids caso the Scriptures were strictly carried out, ho would "In horlt the earth." lie never got his liroperty. John Johnson was a blacksmith. Ho died. It was published In the papers with a head over It "Deaths." It was therefore thought lio died to gain no toriety, lie has got uu mint living somewhere, Up to tho ego of thirty-four, Hosca Wllkorson never had any "Home. Sweet Homo;" nnd even when ho hnd that, ho hail to sing it hlnisolf. At ono time It wns believed that ho would liavo been famous if ho had becomo eelebin. ted, IIo died. Ho was greatly esteem ed for his many virtues. Thero was not a dry eye in tho crowd when thoy burled htm. I'm: Modkii Max. Josh Hillings says tho .Model Man never disturbs a lien when she Is setting; never speaks cross tew u lost dorg ; ulwaz puts a live cent sliln. piaster In his pocket Into Sat- unlay .Morning lor the church platter; rizes whenover a lady enters tlio street knrs; remembers poor imklo plainly, and asks after awl tho family. If ho stops on a hat's tall ho Is sure to do It llght,uiid immediately asks her pardon, hooks up ins wife's dress and plays hosa wlth tho children. Never meddle with the cream in tbo milk pans j goes easily ov errands, and comes back In sction ; attends everybody's phuiieral; knit alwtiK tell when tho moon changes; thinks Just nz yu do, or tho other way, Ifyn wiint him tew; follows every body's ndvlco but his owno ; prnctlces most ov tho virtews without knowing It; gits sick nrtcr awhile, nnd dies an soon nz no can, to snvomnklng uuy fur ther trouble, An Irish nbacnteo Is said to havo bent this comforting messngo to his steward; "Toll tlio tenants that no threats to shoot you will terrHy mo."