THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. antur's Jqiavtmcnt. Tor Hula, A ( iiiiig-si-osnKNT of ilu Arknnis Om I'l'itltv, whine limni Win overrun with tuts, snys! "A wrvant Rlrl, who hail wen tlinolUvt nfwhlslu-y on IiIdi'iN, IhntiKlit aim would try tin uxiorlliloiit 1 1 1 1 1 r.tts. Arxumliiuly hIic tool: n Hiir.tll iiuiinllty, 11111 1 tt It very Mvcot with, iTiunlik-il In lirortil oiKitinh for ttuf crowd, mid not tho dUli In Hit' collar. A tew liouwiiflcr, sho wi'iit down nml found sovcrul rata gloriously "fud dled," cnRiigcd In throwing potato pur Inics and liauUiiK ono another up to ili'lnlc. Thcso wero easily dtspiHed of, nnd tluno not killed loft tho promises liunu'dlatcly, suirorlnis from a .-evcro licntluclic" Came ofllnst oil wheat. Tins Is a (.ucsttou that has for a long time imitated the minds of Intelligent farmers, but It Ims heeu settled to my mind, nt least, hy a Korles of experi ments, I mil tntlsfled that It (low in at least ninety-five cues out of u hundred. 1 have sown tho wheal with and with out tho grass heed, nnd have never wen rust when there was no grai ; whilst In tho samo field the rut has affected tho wheat, Tho gras In ilds tho dampness at the roots of the wheat, and when tho sun shines out very warm, produces (ho blight, llesldestho wheat standing alono will prodnco live bushels moro to the acre than when tho gnis Is sown. I mean now, that this will lm theaverage difToroiiro. Hut tho imestlon arises: When shall the grass bo sown '.' I answer: After the wheat harvest, l'low tho field and prepare It .smoothly and sow the grass seed of whatever hind you desire, and your crop of gra-.s the coming season will bo equally as good If not better than If sown with tho wheat. Tanners try the above, nnd my word for It, tho re.-ult will ho satNfactorv. llttrttl Atmrkvn. From a lot rr of hU Profession As who loves bis profession, nun ueiieves Unit n runner can mulo good living If ho pays attention to his business, and nt tho samo time lay a little up for n rainy day, I propose to tan; nllttlo to uiy brother farmers, to give a few hints, etc., A little nl" every thing which may Interest the fanner. In regard to plowing, this should bo well done, the furrow slice well laid or turned that the vegetablo matter may not bo lost by the wasting elfect of tho atmosphere. I believe that fall plow ing Is destructive to tho cut worm, and prevenls Its ravages, and the action of tho frost does tho groiMd good, while nt tho same tlmo tho plowing places the eggs of the cut worm out of the reach of tho heat which It requires to batch Yet by plowing lato in tho spring this samo point may bo gained. If you glvo a top-dressing beforo plowing, seo that the sod Is well turned over : do not cut and cover as so many do. Sometimes tho plow Is tho eauso of bad work, (wo need a great Improvement In our plows.) the furrows should bo well turned, not broken or pressed down aslsofterthecase, What trouble there Is In thenfter cub turo of tho land, when the plowing Is poorly dono.I Opt tho best plow you can find In tho market; tlmo will bo saved, and "tlmo Is money." Savo your manure and mako all you cau. This Is your capital. It Is not what wo mako, but.what wo savo that makes us rich. Never put your crops on short allowance. Better to culttvato oiio aero well, than two only half. Tho samo labor that ralsos twenty bushels of corn, will raise sixty If you manuro pro perly. Does not this kind of saving pay? Tho same doctrine may bo advo cated In tho keeping of stock It Is al ways best to feed freely. Adopt tho same rulo In regard to your laud. Take a leson from nature slio never takes from tho earth but sho gives back some thing In return. Look after that great leak at the barn liquid manure. Have you a system of gathering It If not, pre pare one. Tho saving of this nlono will amount to many dollursin vahiodurlng tho course of tho year. It is a good Idea to havo a cistern for this, so you can pump It out over tho long manuro. If you let It become putrid In tho tank or cistern, and then apply to plants, It has a tendency to preserve them from tho ravages of Insects. It is also a great stimulant to vegetation. Savo the soup-Hids that aro made at tho house It has strong properties. It contains tho food of plants In solution ready to be taken up to glvo now ener gy. It Is an excellent Ingredient for tho compost heap. Wo use It for our currant bushes, scrub tho trees In tho orchard with It, sometimes wo glvo It to our squashes and melon vines, and sometimes throw It over rubbish com posed of chips, leaves, vegetublo matter, etc., It hastens decomposition, Look alter lheo things nnd you will hnveles eauso to grumble. Seo that tho poultry droppings aro not lost this is generally another leak age. It Is worth tho time spent In 6avlng It. Tho droppings of seventy fowls Inn year would put up n good poultry houso. Havo you ever thought of this brother fatmerf There again goes tho wood ashes why tako llflron cents a bushel for them? they nro worth to your land more than n dollar a bushel. Try tho experiment of using them us a topdress. Intf, and see tho benefit you derive from them, After you try it wo don't think you will over sell another bushel from tho farm. Try n Httlo In your corn seo how bright and luxuriant it will bo While growing, and notlco tho big bright yellow car at seed time. Tho wasto of fanners on all tho farms In tho United States, if gathered nnd Hold, would pay our national debt 1 Let us see how many moro holos for treasure aro visible. .Neighbor A' throws his fodder out lu tho yard in stead of cutting and steaming for tho stock. If ho would pursue tho latter course, one-third would do. That Is a bltr leak. There Is n fine bunch of hay dropped when neighbor U was feeding his sheep, It Is not very largo, only about half u pound, but three hundred and sixty fl vo makes nearly two hundred pounds, worth about two dollar.", but tho loss cvorv vear. and six percent. Interest on It for twenty years, would mako n nlco llttlosum Think of this. There Is neighbor llroadacres renting ono oi ms iiirms uy uiu year iu mis aim that tenants tho hind lias become very poor, almost barren. Had economy j ids farm would Improve on along lease. As It Is, It hardly puys tho tnxes There nro plenty moro, but wo nro sick oi seeing inem. jiromer jurmer, let us try to close up thcso !cukugc, and the benefit wo derivo from tho Ha vings will assist us to decornto our homesteads, and mako them pleasant retreats for old ago, a pleasure spot for our children nnd grandchildren. mv the !oHfl .loi Imla Ali.t .lnrlnritl. Tiiuhi; wns mice un old castle, that Mood In tho middle of a deep gloomy wood, and In tho castle lived an old lalry. Now this fairy could take any shaieshe pleased, All the day lung she Hew about In the form of nn owl, or ciept about the country like a eats lint at night shealways became an old Moman again. When any young man came witlilu a hundred paces of her castle, he became qtilto fixed, and could not move a step until sho came and set hltn free; which sho would not do till ho had given her his word never to come there again j but when any pretty maiden came within rbat siucoho was changed into a bird, and the fairy put her Into a cage, and hung her up In a chamber lu tho castle. There wero sev en hundred of theso cages hanging In tho castle, and all with beautiful birds In them. Now there was once a maiden wnoso linmowas .ionium, ano wns premcr than all tho pretty girls that ever were seen before, and a shepherd lad, whoso name was Jorlndel, was very fond of her, and they wero soon to bo married. Ono day they went to walk In the wood that they might bo alone s and Jorlndel said, "wo must luko euro that wo don't go tod near to tho fairy's castle." It was a beautiful evening; tho litt rays of tho netting sun shono bright through tho long stems cf the trees upon tho green underwood beneath, and tho tup tlcdoves snug from tho tall birches. Jorlnda sat down to gazo upon tho sun ; Jorlndel sat by hersluo; anil both felt sad, they knew not why; but It seemed ns If they wero to be parted from ono another for ever. They had wandered a long way ; and when they looked to seo which way they should go home, they found themselves nt a los to know what path to take. Tho sun was setting fast, and already half of Its circle had sunk behind tho hill : Jorlndel on a sudden looked be hind him, and saw through tho bushes that they hud, without knowing It, sat down close tinder the old walls of tho castle. Then ho shrank for fear, turned pale and trembled. Jorlnda was Jut singing, "The ringdove (iillia from the willowy spruy, We I (wlay I Well-n-dny I llemourucd forthofuteof hl-t darling male, Wcll-n-ilayl when her song slopped suddenly. Jo- rindel turned to see the reason, and bo held ids Jorlnda changed Into a night Ingalo; so that her song ended with a mournful jug, Jug. An owl with fiery eyes flew three times round them, and three times screamed, "I'll whu ( Til whu I Tu wlm Jorlndel could not move ; ho stood fixed as a stone, and could neither weep, nor s)cak, nor stir hand or foot. And now the sun went quito down, the gloomy night came, tho owl flow Into n bu-h, nnd n moment after tho old fairy camo forth pale and meagre, with staring eyes, nnd nose and chin that almost met one another. She mumbled something to herself, seized the nightingale, and went away with it in her hand. I'oor Jorlndel saw the nightingale wns gone, but what could ho do? ho could not speak, bo could not movo from tho spot where ho stood. At last tho fairy eamo back and sang with n hoarse voice, Till the prisoner I, fait, And her doom Is cast, There btayl Oh, stay I When the charm Is around her, And the spell has bound her, life away I nway V On n sudden Jorlndel found hlmsolf free. Then he fell on his knees before the fairy, and prayed her to glvo him back his dear Jorlnda : but she laughed at him, and said bo should never see her again j then sho went her wny Ho prayed, ho wept, ho sorrowed, but all in vain. "Alas!" ho said, "what will becomo of mo V" Ho could not go back to his own homo, so ho went to a strango village, and employed himself n keeping sheep. Many a tlmo did ho walk round and round as near to tho hated castlo as ho dared go, but all In vain: ho heard or saw nothlne- of Jo rinua. t last ho dreamt ono night that ho found a beautiful juirplo flower, and that In tho middle of it lay a costly pearl; and ho dreamt that ho plucked tho flower, and went with It in his hand Into tho castle, and that every thing ho touched with it was disenchanted, and that there he found his Jorlnda again. In the morning when ho awoke, ho began to search over bill and dale for his pretty flower ; and eight long days ho sought for it In vain: but on tho ninth day, early In tho morning, ho found tho beautiful purple flower; and iu tho middle oflt wns a largo dow-drop us big as a costly icarl. Then ho plucked tho flower and set out and traveled day and night, till ho came again to tho cas tle. llo walked niarer than a hundred! paces to It, mid yet he did not becomo I fixed as before, but found that ho could go quite close up to tho door. Jorlndel was very glad Indeed to seo this. Then ho touched tho door with tho flower, and It sprang open ; so that ho went in through tho court, and Ilsteued when ho heard so many birds singing. Atlast ho camo to tho chamber where tho fairy sat, with thoseven hundred birds lu tho seven hundred cages. When she saw Jorlndel sho was very angry, nnd screamed with rago ; but sho could not come within two yards of him, for tho (lower ho held In his hand was hts safe guard. Ho looked around at tho birds, butnlns I there wero many, many night ingales, and how then should ho find out which wns his Jorlnda ? While ho was thinking what tu do, ho saw tho fairy had taken down ono of tho cages, und was making tho best of her wny off through tho door. Ho ran or How after her, touched tho cago with tho flower, and his Jorlnda stood beforo him, and threw her arms round his neck ; look lug as beautiful u ever, as beautiful as when they walked together In tho wood. Then ho touched all tho other birds with tho flower, so that they all took their old forms again ; and he took Jo rlnda home where they wero married, nnd lived happily together many years, nnd so did a good many other lads, whoso maidens had been forced to sing In tho old fairy's cages by themselves, much longer than they liked. M. AHTMAK, l If, MI-LINUKK. E. It. UATMAN, UTiMAN, WLMNCIHK A CO., VO.SSdXOfiTlt T11IKP BT11KKT, (A'turlj o'jtotltt JuMfi, Kent, fn$itfti & Cb.) Wholeiule lk-alem In YAltNH, IIATHNa, AVAPWNU, CAltrKTH oju rj.0Tii, miAUM, rUY a tin, CJKAIN J1AGH, CO UP AO K, 4C. AT.BO, WJM-OW AND WOODEN WAHK, NKtHliCH, TK UK, LOOKING UJ-AbHW, KTC, May 10,, DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hooflantl's German Tonic. rreptm J by IJr. C. 31. JntkaoDj I'll I LA DILI HU, Pi. Tte Great Remedies rOK ILL DIJI1III or Till LIVEIt, STOMACH, or DIGU&TIVn OltOANS. Hoofland's German Bitters Is crsi.IHi.t.Vtl of tlie riirajulcea, (or at they r mnjiciiittlly term r . rr;a cl ftracti) of Ilooti, Uerba tnftj-roi-arutloti, tmtoJ. Mini entire 1 ckAo.'ic admixture (if anjflinj. HooQaniVs German Tonic, T a comW nation of ftlt the IngiMfenl of tli Itlintri, with tlio furiit quality of Aina t'nii Hum, Oidiikci ctCi maUnK one of tlie rnont pleunant ami Btfiicftblu rcmodlcB over oirorM to Uio mil.llo. TiioMt priftfrrtnii ft Medicine frco from Alco aduikiture, will ut Hoofland's Gorman Bitters. In cioct cf tirrvoui depression, ulipn ion) fttcoliollc ntlmulua U ncconaary, Hoofland's German Tonio houM te ucJ. The Hitter or the Toole ere totli equally good, ami coDtftla the lame medicinal tirtue. Tlie tomuch, from a variety of cauies, mch as Indication, Dya pepala, Nervoui Debility, etc, (a m Tcryajt to lime iu function de H yJLv ranged. The ro cult of which la, thut the patient uffera from aet trial or mora oi tho fullonlng d I state 1 Constipation, Flatulence, In word Piles Fulnesa of Slood to tho Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea. Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulnesa or Weight in the btomuch, Sour Eruc tations, Sinking or Flut torlna at the Pit or the Stomach, Svrimminfr of tho ICertd, llurriod or Difficult Urea th ing'. Fluttering- at tho Heart, Choldns or Sutt'ocatlnK Sensations when In a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs beloro the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the ------ Side, Back, ChAit, Iilm -fTm bs, etc., Hud denFlushesof vfA )W Heat, Burn ing In the aW Flesh, Con stant Imnfflnlnjra of Kvil, and Qreat Depression of Spirits. Thoie rcmedlM will eflVctaally cure Liver Complaint, Jaundice, DyapepBla, Chrotde or Nrvoua Debility, (Jhronlo Diarrhma, DIaeaaa of the Kldnoya, and all Dlscaiea arising from a Diaordorvd liver, Htomaeb,or latcauna. rEnirixY, ItKCLTIXa FROM AIT CAril WIIATFTUB; niOSTUATION OF THE SYSTEM, iKDCCID ST tilTSkS LA BOB, IlARDSDira, Exroicm, Fit i eb, ito. There Is no medicine extant equrd tu thi-ae rcrncdlei la aach euci K tone and vttfor W lm- E ailed to tha whola Byalm, the AvpclHo la trengtheucd, lood fj la enjoyed, tha tomftch dlsea ta Tarfl nromutlv. tho Llood la puntled. iwai the comple: mnlexlon oecomci muou snu healthy, the rcl- low tlofre la eradicated from the eye, a bloom la irlren to tho cheek, and the woaIe und ncrroua Invalid hecomea s atroDj and boalthy being. Vcrsons Advanced in Life Ahd feeling the hand of time weighing heartty opon thcti), vlth all Ha attendant in, will find In the una of thla HirrKlta.or the TONIC, an elixir that will InnUt new life Into their vein.. reatore In a munaure tho energy and ardor of more jouthful diiya, build up their ahrunken form, aud give hoalth ajid happlucia to their remaining yiu a. WOTICB. It la awcll-ntabllihed fact that fully one-half cf the female por Uon of our popu lation are aHdom m In the enomtnt of goodhonlth;or, ) m to use Unit own xprtlon.,,nov(-r t-fcsaasl fed well." They rolungiild,duold of all energy, extiemely ner voua, and hato no appttlte. Tothliclaiaof pcreona tho BITTERS, or the TOUIU, la cspCLlully recommcndeiL WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made etrong ly tho use of either of theae Tvmediea. They will cure every caa of MA UABilua,lthouttJl. Thoutand of ct-rtlQcatea have accumulated 'n the banda of the propr1eur, hut innce will allow of the publtcatlou of hut a few. Those, It will he ohinTcd.aie men of note and of audi atand liig that thi'y muit be beliered. TESTIMONIALS. Hon, Geo, W. Woodward, CiiUfJuttict fifth tfuprtmt Court cf I'd., writes . PhiUilttrftta, March 19, 13fl7. "I find 'Hoof- land a Oerman niltcraMiaKOo.) IjfL tonic, uaeful in lUeapaof thudl ir" goathe organ, and of great bun Ca-U UU tlltlncaauaofdc Llhtj, and want of ticnoua action lu UioajaU'm. Voura ti lily. "UEO. v. woonwAHiv Hon, James Thompson, JiUtfi tf thi Xuprtnt CVurt of i'enntyhania. rhitadttpUa, April 2, 1308 MI conaldor Mlooflnnd'a riitoti' h vulutill meJietn In cuao of atUcki of Indica tion or D)iei)fli.k I un certify thla now my experience of lu ' Youri, lth reppft, 'JAMK-1 TlHIMl'SONV "From Eov. Joseph II. Kcnntird, D.D, i'ajfor t tht Tenth Vajtiit C'hutx1!, VhttadJi-hU. Jr, Jack WTt Duar Sir I have W-n frequeiilly rnmettd to connect my lume villi ri itmiitrn datlona of dllU rent klnJn of riicdldm lul, re garding tl.ti irao . - r-j tK-uui o.u of in appruprUto iPiT fci.lm- 1 hint- it, all cuaca declined l II yt but wlili u cleur I roof In tarloua UaU liutunci'aAiidpr uilnrly In my own family, of thu vu-rulnui, of Dr. lloufiand'a Uerman Ditteri, I dvpnrt for one from my uaual courep, to exprc-a my full toulc tlou that, fur qtntral debility tf l!,t tyittti anX trpteialtsf fvr Livtr CVrnj-fiHui, it tt a kft und alualU m titration. I n aomu caica It may fU : but uiually, I doubt not, It will U very UncllvUt to thoM wlio autltr from tho above cuava. Your, vary respect fully, J. II. KliNNAllD, eighth, Uluw ComUi kt From Rev. E. D. Fendall, JiitJjJ IMtr Chriitian CSroniclt, J'htadt f Aia. I 1it dcrh ad dl led Upfit from tho uae of lloofland a Ueitnan Hitter, and feel It my privi lege to recommend them aa a moat nluable tonic to all whoaitauikrlng from general dublllty or from dlaeajtia ailtlnu from derangement of the Uvtr. Youra truly. L. V. FUNDALL. 0AUTI0W( lloofl.nd'i aorm&D r.eoitdlea art ach bottl.. AU II JJB oilier, an! couu- i'rinelial onic. an4 MaiiUfjctorv at lh. O.r- man Medlclno fciLoro.No .n a i!iif wn-.t ii,u. .d.ll.lil.. -,..- OUAllLES M. EVANS, Uirmui Drumiiil, 1'ioj mlor, . v ,.I;''rmyU.M Jcilo&Co. For ml. by all Diuggl.u mil Dtjkil lo lltjl iLet. Ilootlud'l German Hitters, per Uttl, IX t .,"," " lill Hoien";:. JOO Upofluid'. a.rui.a Tenle, put nu la auwl tsiuiei ;........ 1 eo 11 tutu., or doi.n far 1H GT Do Dot forest to risnilnnMell tLo tUel. e lur, hi cruVt 10 s.l a utuulii.. HOOFLAND'S UEBiMAN TONIC, .Tttuutrr 81, 1W, DRY GOODS. M1 IliLKlVS STOIiK. VllVMl AIiniVAti 01 VAUi AND WIKTKU (100DH. Tho subBcrlber luwjut returned fioiu Iho cltlrs Willi (ihothrr largo mul select n-norlinent of BPltllS'U AND HUMMnit OOOlW, luirchaHcd In New York rind riillmlelpliln nl tho lowest flguie, nnd which lto U determined to sell on ih tiimlrnto lenns m can bo procured clao wtiero tu Itloomsburg, HU txk eoini.rhct I.ADID4' DnilSH OOODS of tho choicest slylcs nnd latest fashions, together with alnrsojnsfiortment of Dry Ooodn nnd Oro cerlc, comlM lug of tho following ntt Icles t Cnrpet, Oil Cloths Cloths Cruwl mores Hhnwls Flannels Silks WhltoUooils Uiicns 1 loop Skirts, .Mu M Ins, Jlollowwnio Cednrwaie Queenswnie, JInrdwnre lloitti nnd Shoes. Hats nnd Cnps iloopNeU, Umbrellas IiOoklng-aUwses Tolmceo, (Wee, Sugars Teas Hlce, AlNplce, (linger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTIONS GHN UAM.Y. Iu nhort, eerj thing usually kept hi country stotest" which ne Invites the attention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce in exchange for goods, fl. 11. MIM.i:ilHON. Arcado IlullJlngs llIoomHburg, I'.i. G iu:at kkductiox ix imcks AT l'l'.TI'.K IJXT'S HTOHi:, IX LIGHT STllKUT, FALL AXJ) WIJfTKH GOODS. THK Mibscrlbcr linn Just ucched nml hUH on Imml nt his oM Blninl In Light Street, ft lnre nuil kelccL Assoimn;NT of mkiichaxdiSi; purclmsetl at tho lowest flgttre, and which ho determined to sell on ns mmlernto terms ns he procured elsewhere in Light Htrtet, ivn cash on coir.xmr pjiohlxl. His Htock conslslH of LADIES' DltKSS GOODS, choicest Rtylcs nnd latest fashions Cnlleoes, Mtulhis (llnglinnis, Mat mc Is Hosiery, Carpits, Silks, Shawls HKADY MADE CI.OTIIINO, SatlnctlH, Cusslmers, Coltonados Kentucky Jeans. AC, AO AO. GKOG'KIUES, JIACICKH-aij, QueeuKware, Cedarwnre, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, 01U, Taints, Ac, HOOTS A SIIOKS, HATS A CAPS. In short everything iwtially kept In it country store, Tho patronagoof his old friends nnd tho public generally, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price puld for country pro duce, rirmt i:nt. Light Street, Nov. 8 ldG7. ri IlKAT IlKDUCTION IN PIUCES AT II, K. HhOA.N'S STOHU, IN OUA.VGKVIIilii:, I1 A.t o F VALL AND WINTER GOODS. Thosubscrllifrhasjustreeclved nndhnsonhau' ut his htoro In OranKovllle, a laro and Bolect ASSOimiENT OV JlEHClIANDlSIi purchased nt tho lowcht ilgure, nnd which hols determined to bell ou ns moilerato terms as cau bo procured elsewhere lu Ornngevllle, FOU CASH It COUNTUY l'HODUCi:. I lis fctoek consists of LADIES' DUESS GOODS, CIIOICKMT HTYLE.H AND LATEST l'ASHIOXS Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels Hosiery cAni'ETs, Shawls READY MADE CLOTHING, Satinets, cnsslmcrs t'ottonades, Kentucky Jcnn- AC, AC, AO GROCERIES ilACICERAL, (lueensware, tVdarwarc, Hardwnre, Medicines PllV'fJS, OlIJi, taints ROOTS it SHOES, HATS it CARS. In short everything usually kept In n country store. Thopatronngo of his old filends nnd th public generally, Is respectfully (solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country pro duce. IJ. k. SI.WAN. urangevuie, Mny in, iw, J J. U It O W E 11, now oUV-rlng to tho puMlo IiIh Ktot-lt of A v n 1 Ar a aoo d h t'OiislsttiiK In part nf n full Hue of INGRAIN, WOOL AND K AG c a uriiT ft, l'l no cloths and i-itHslmcre fur XdlcV coatu, HAXDSOMi; DUKSS GOODS, of nil imtternsftiuWiual.tlc, litlnldn nuil I'rlnt of various uallllc-H ami iirucs, ISUIACllKD AND imoW.V MUHMNH, EA DIE'S EUENOn COKSETS A N 1 DALJIOUAIj skihts. (iliUil USsOrtllU'llt of Fresh OioccrlcH nnd ilceK. Niw ushortmcnt oi.ass and qui;i:xmaiu;, F X N 0 . 1 3IAC K 13 H E E Inone-lmlf ami onc-fniitlt Lavrcln. Now lu the tlmo lo mako your (.elections, an I nm odVrliif; goods nt eiy low prices, nml our tnutlo is f.ilr ileullug to nil, ami not In bournler- t,oM by nny. J. J. UltOWTU. Wloouiiburtf, April 1-', W7. TTUIUtAII lJuljAa'AMS J.X rt lilia WAX 1UH HAUU.U, Ooodi to comparo with htilnaency of (ho money market, Look und comnure ii Icon Ijcforu imr clmshiB clsuwhcro. Just cull at the fuvoilto iiei stand of McNINCU X BHUMAN, and you will bo nu t by tho obliging proprietors or their clerkM, and bliown through their great altly utoro free of thurge, of course, Tliry w 111 tsl o tu n fair chaneo to tpeud your looso elmuge, they truhi much moru prontabiy than It can bo hpent elhowheie, Their HTOCK OV DHV (iOOD-S thU Sprliitf in much larger lu all IU varieties than luuiil. Their LADIES DIUiSS GOODS aro of the ulcckt utylou In market. They have a flue, assortment of UAT9. OA1U nOOTH AND SHOES, BUMJir.U CLOTHS, CAHSINin, 0ABHIMKU1, AND VI2HTINOH, and uuBieromaitlclett common to suchebtahlNh mnts, bekldo a gencial nsHortmeut of HAUDWAHR, TINWAUi:, UIIUNHWAUK, AND OUOCKHIIW, all nt gieatly reduced prices. They wish to con duct their busincB ou tho bjetem of "lAY AS YOU OO," and they think they cau afford to sell very cheap. They return their thankn for many punt fuvorw, nnd axle tho future patronage f their former cui- tomers nnd thn public geucrally, McNINCit & H1IUMAN, JONVH, KUSTON & CO., Manufacturcm and Mliole.alo Dealers In COTTON YAIINS, CAItrCT CHAINS, 1IATTU, WICKH, Till YAIINS, COltDAUIl, llllOO.MH, WOOD AND WIIXOW WA11I3, LOOK'H ai.ABSI, CLOCKS, I'ANCV HABKLTS TA1ILK, rWQR, AND CAUKIAUK 011,CLOTIW,4C No, KKI Market Street, touth tide, riillodelhla. riATAwissA iiniiTai: coTT The I'resldent and MnnnReuof tho CutawLwii HrldKO Co., till, day declared a dlvlilentl ou their Uipllul w ock of3 percent. (75 per Hliare.) paya- iiiu lu int. .iuiU".iuiui;r.i or iiit'ir leniu rrpreneil' Ullvn. JOHN HilAliri.lH, CultiiwlMKA April 0, IfM. Trcavurer, April lo,'i-8l, MISCELLANEOUS. 0MKTII1N0 NKW. ti... uii.iAr.ifrtir.1 lirf. Iciivn lo Inform licr frlctul nml tho imlillo generally, tlml Uio linn peneti iu i.iaitT sTiu:r.T n frcah stock f uooili In Iho lino c,r MII.MNliltV Mill TIUMMINOH In coimoctlnn wllh Drenn Mnlclugt " l'rc" rca in miiiiuou, to I'nLonnrnAW HATS the tlinrlcut liollce.niicl In. tho lot style of the nrl. 1 TICC'Hcncnitnnuworisrmmmvii'lj. MKH. i:. MshtHlreel,Oclol)cr I, in)". T1IK (UtKAT PUIZICI IUiwiton UNtvi:nsi:i.i.r, l'AUls, WW. Tlti: HOWli BKWJNO MAC1IINI! CO." Awnnleil over Llghly-twi Competitor, tiik iikjui:st hikmiusi, thi: nsi.Y iio') or tub legion or n aui. nml 3S? .flm.1l l 011 to American Sewlntr Machines, ner Imnc run jtrcii'i1, iiiujiimhii iu uiu - .tiwuiiru mpI" (Ulllclai .lournal of the 1'iench Moiiltcur lfnlir 1'iench Lmnire). uesilayl'd Juiy IPUt, 111 Ult'MJ 1)1 UK I rabrleante, do Machines Ut.IAs Howi:, Jit. neoure ospoant. Manufacturer of Hewing jHacumos J.xniunor. 1I1U ildiibloilrst honor Is nnotlurnroof of tho lent Miiierioiiiy oi ino iiowortowin laennics over nu ouicrs. SIRLEY it STROOPS, No. 23 South i;ightSlteet, Agents for reiuiylvnnlit, Xpw Jersey, DclaM'are niui csicru irgiuiii. ivb. ircs-sm. RUST IS THE CHEAPEST! UIU HINOLK hLWINlt MAl lllXi: llEAb. THE 1. 1ST, And lends tho column 1,'ji'S nhead of all others. 'this Mnihtnols the MOST I'OPULAlt IN UMK. It uses Iho finest ucedloofnny Mnchlne In ex istence, Any inuy wanting a goou S K W INO JI A (J II I N K, Will consult her own Interest, by buying n HlNGI-:lt. Itl.ea.lerto run, lenm and kicp In order than any Machine In tho world. ovi:n aayou ov hii:m in uhi:. Tho fullest instruction ulvon thoso who pur- chnie.nncl tliu Machine vim. nn wauiivnted to nu lur one i hi . I'leuse call nt niv Htoro ana sniisiy jourseies, Mere you will mill , euit-s, i iticnu una niiit, DAVlll l.OWl'Nlll.lUl, AKClit April 3,' lib isbuig, l'a. EST A 11 h I S 11 E D, 18 3 2. H T O I) A 11 T M'.W ROAI.E, UVIUSrUt'XO, ITU. IKON EltAME 1' I A N O V O H T K S. H T O 1) A It T A M Olllll H, Mnnufnctmcrs f (hand. Hnuale and Piano I'ortcs. Our new htnle l'iano l ories iu aitdltion to their peculiar meiils, contain eiry really vaiuaoio uiuacrii nupioM ineia. iciiiiciihk iut-111 K iiieiii it ccr e, Del- ng Iho l no m os 1 1 0111 pu ic aim pent 11 iiisuuiiieii oiler 1 d to the public, and lor puilly ol ton lrnrv tu lonrn ooiiiniiiiv. mill also Miiiitu test oeeleelmtttl s, the new Male l'l- ano ltate slaiuls unilMih d, Uiel'lanos or tuts maliufacluie hnve stood Iho lot olinolo limn ft ouarltr of a ct nlurv. and the liiuliufintllleisnro nl Illicit y to mi r In uur '1 wenlj-'IUe thousand iiiiiiiius nun nuMi una uitin in ii"!', in ik-uii. nil pnilHofthn iivlllrcd world, All ktteiswlll oepioinpuyniiswu.u i;v ,,, TebT'OS'Ilni. fid Ulo'ailuiy, ew Yolk, rpiIE AMKUICAX HAY KNIFE I AND I oitrc. Wu tho umUrsluned citizens 01 uoiumoiii iouniy wiini-sM'u uio irmi oi nu ftirlfK nn iho f.irm of Mr. I'urspl. In Hemlock TuMihlp,nn Monday, Mnv 7, ll, httwecn tho Miirrn nil i iiiy iyiiiiu uuu imii h imiiimatiuri-u huiif. I'n.. iiinl ttui ltuniltl'M I'n tent llav Hook. 'Jhu AmcrUan l"mU lifted moio bay In out tlraUKht than the Itutuhl In time. Woaro witls- iieii u win unco ns mm n nay inio me nxtw as two Kood horses can draw. Wo nlso Haw it cutting hay, nnd think It cannot lm hint as a hay knife, 1 and cheerlully recommend It nt tho Uht hay fork aim rnuu wo uuvo ever heen. ihttkniundei:, int. i , i. iiauuison, W. H. Kuons, .Ioiin DoAic, John DhrF.itirK, lNir.r. Novnt, 11, 1icjm:miu.i:h, SviAi-nrKH IViuel, Michaki, Hki.m it, John Wolf, Thev iiUn iiiiiniif.ictuip Iho edebiittcd Ituckev lh nper nnd .Mower, and other agricultural Imple ments. c O h U M IU A lit nous e, II I! U N AUD B T O II N K It , Having lntdv nurchaeil nnd fitted u the well-known ltoblhon Hotel I'roperty, located a 1 ri;v noons Aiiovn tiik coujit iiousc, ou tht samo Kldo of tho street. In tho town oft UIouniMmrg; and Having outaineua license mr , the Mime (mi H i; S T A U It A N T , tho Troprh tor has determined to glvo to tho peo ple nmitr-i i no town uu miMiiwn it ineniuie, a hrrn.i; .moiu; uuum. lIH.tnbllngalsnl exteiiKtve, nnd Is fitted up to put ImuutcHnndcnrriaKeM In t lm dry, llo prom lues that I'MTythlnunhout hlxeKtabllhhuienUhall I lxt mmlm-li-d In nn onh'ilv unit luwful manner: und ho lehpoellull) Millcltn n "-haio nrthepuhllc JSTAllUSIIKI) 17!. JOltDAN i llllOTIIl:lt, WIIOI.USAI.1: UltOtTIllH, iiu.l Deolers In SAI.TITllli: AND UHIMbTONK, Nu an) North. Third Htrcet, - riilllldelphla. J. r, 1112AHU, I.HTIKCOTT, 110N1) 4 CO., Manufacturcm and Wholcitnlo Dcalera In HATS, CAl'S, J'UIW, AND BTUAW (100DH, No. 413 Market Street, I'litlndelphla. gNYHKH, IIAIIIUS it UABSKrr, ianuiitctorerii aim jouuvr. m MKN'H AND 110VS CLOTHING, Nos. 025 Mai ki t, and 522 Commerco Street, rhlladelphla. Q. W. MjAISON & CO., Manuf.tctuierii of Oil, CLOTHS ANII WINDOW BHADUS, WaiehoiiBe, No, III Norlh Third Street rhlladelphla, I. " WAI.TKU, Uito Walter a. Kaub, Importer and Dealer la CHINA, 01,Ar.H, AND IIUHDNSWARK, No. Sill Norlh Third 8lncl, hotweon lloco and;Vlno l'hlladelphla. c, II. House. w.h. Kiica, 1, n. sktdkrt NDUKWH, AVII.KrNfi & CO., Dealer, In KOMIIflN AND DOM1WTJ0 DllV OOODS, No. 501 Market Slrcet, I'lilladdphla. JOHN STltOUl' A CQ., Huiee.sor, ta Stioup .1 Ilrother, DLWI.HIIH IN I'ISH, No.SINoilh Wharves, and S5 Neith Waltr St., 1'hlladelphla, G O h JJ T",! GROCERIES, JScc, QON V 12 0 T I O N 13 It Y . Tlin uniloi.lirnpil itrailJ rcmioclfii ly nnnounco to tho iubllo tiint lio Ims opcucil ft cosn:cTioNi:uY SToni:, In the hiilldlni lately occupied by ncrimrd Ktoli ncr, hero hols prcpnrcd to furnish nil kinds of l'LAIN A FANCY CAND1IW, 1'HKNCIt OANDini, rolUUUN A DOMIMT10 TllUITH, NUTH, UAISINH.'AC, AC, AC. 11T WHOLESALE Oil 11ETAII 1 . - .n.iM.iil rf nil frnntl. In 111. lino of biulncM. A grcnt viirlcty of DOLL P, TOYH, Ac, sultnlilofortho Holiday., l'arllculnf attention Clvcu to 11 Hi: AD A Nil OAKHH, of nil kind., fresh overy day. CltltlHTMAS CAN1J1UM, CHIHTMAH TOYH. A cull 1. solicited, nnd untl.fncllou will Ijo Kiinrnutced, Nov. 22. 1807. KCKHAltT JAC0I1S, II K Jt O V A Ii O V C. 0. MAltU'H N K W (i T o n K to mi 1 v Ji'x it h o v Kt ONTllEC'OUNEn OF MAItKKT ANII 1HON HTIIEET.. Tho undersigned hn Ing received from the city 11 roll nnd completo supidy of SI'ltINO AND rlUMMllH I)HY 0001)3 AND OUOCEIVIRS, N O T I O N H, TIN-WAItR AND IIAUD-WAUK, viw.m AXD witj.MV-WAiu:, CO.Vl'IX'TlO.N'r.llY, (ILASS-WAlli:, T O 11 A 0 0 O , 11 a r s a A' j y 11 o 7; .v, l'LOUlt, HALT, riSIl, AND .MI3AT, nil of which I propose N.'lllni; ut n very low Ilgure fur or produce. . Cult nnd see. April 12, lNi7 C. C. MAItlt. "15KIINAHD STOIINICU, Would respectfully nnnouncoto hi. friend, nnd pntron., thnt ho lm. openod n ursl-cins. l-'ItUl'iVt CONFKCTIONKUY STOKE wherothcio may W found nt nil limes, n Ilnecol lection of I'llUIT, CONTlXTIO.NnilY, NUTH, AC, n. well n. 1-iNi: cmucniML.s, which niny ho obtained nt rensonuhto mtcs. The stock Nnlwnys ru sh und of Uio very bet quality. No palm will bo spared to mnko Hit. e.tnb- Nhmcnt Iho il'lMt r lu Uiu 1 In l ,.vu. A can 1 lsollelteil before pulchn.e. nro nndo elsewhere, ns It Is believed lint perfect tntlsf.u'tlnn will be given. LOI.UMIIIA 1IOUMK, Mulu St., opposite MIIIci'h Klore, ntiiD'117, lllooiu.burg, I'n. OCIinUi, DEHGEIt A CO., ailNEIlAL COMM1WSION .MLltCIIANTS Dealers In I'lHIf, MALT, C1II1IH, I'llOVISIONH, Ac, Nos, 122 and 1JI North Wluuvcs.nljovo Arch Bt. I'hlladelpblA.. Solo agents for Wilcox's Wheel Orease, In bar rels, kegs, nnd can.. yyAINWMGHT & CO., w 11 u I, i;i a liii uiiouiiiiM, N. 13. Corner Second nnd) Arch streets, l'llILAriEI.l'IlIA, Dealcis lu TI1AS, SYltUl'H, COl'l'lin, SUUAll, MOLAHSKS' ItlCE, H1MCKH, 11! CAltn t.01)A, AC, AC, Order, wilt lecelvo prompt atlentlon. May 10, ISCT-ly. JJ V. PETEUMAN, with Liri'INCOTT A TIlOTTKIt, WHOLraALU ailOCKHH, No. 21 North Water .Street, nnd No. 20 North lvlawtue Avenuo Vhlladelpliln. TV7"KAVKU SI'KANKIjE, WHOLEHALE OIIOCEIUIM ANDCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. : 15 nnd 227 Arch (Street PhllndelphU. DRY GOODS, &c. t It HAND Ol'KXINO OIlANll lll'KNI.Vn flllAND DlMlNIXd (IIIA.N'D (ll'l'.NINd (UlAND Ul'l.'NINO OF l'AI.I. AND VI.VTi:il (lOOIM, 1'AI.I. AND WINl'KIt (IflODS l'AI.I, AND WINTKll (100DS I'Al.I, AND WINTllIt (lOdlw, KALI. AND WINTKll GOOUH, eoimlHtliiK ol consNtlntf of convKtlnB of rvinvUllnft of oonslstlnit of DltV OOODS, DHY GOODH, DltV flOOlm, DllV finODN, DHV HOODS, II ATM AND HATS AND HATS AND HATS AND HATS AND ars, CAPS, I'AI'S, CAPS, CADS, T10OTS AND Minus, HOOTS AND HIIOi:s imors and sitoi:s HOOTS AND HIIOI.S 1100TH AND SHOliS, IirADV-MAIir. CI.OTIIINO. ltllADY-MADi: CLO'IIIINO ltl'.ADV-MADi: CI.O I'll 1N(I, UHADV-MADi: CI.Ol'lHNd iu:adv-madi: ci.oiiiifio, i,ooiciNn-ni,Assr.M, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NO'UONS, Mi l IONS, NOliONS, l'Al.NTS AND OILS l'AINIS AND OILS I'AIN'IS AND OILS l'AINIS AND OILS 1'AlNfS AND OILS, OUOl'llllHCH, (iiioci:itir.s, ououDitir.s, iiuocKiiir.s. UUOLlUtllX, OUr.KNSWATti:, UUKDNHWAItll, iiin:i:NHWAitio, OULIlNSWAItl:, QUtUNSWAHL', IIAllDWAltn, IIAUDWAIti:, HAllDWAIli:, IIAllDWAllI.:, HAUDWAllU, TINWAUK, TINWAltll, TINWAlli:, TINWAllll, TINWAlli:, HALT, HALT, HALT HALT, HALT, I'lSII, I'l.lll I'ISH, 1'lTll I'lWIl, OIIA1N (1UA1N (lltAIN (1HA1N U11A1N AND Sl'.KDS, and slkds, and hki'.ds, and hi:i:iis, and wi:i:dm, ic, Ac. Ac, AT MlKllI.VY, McKLl.VV, ni:ai Jt t'o.'H, I ll l MiVl. ni,Ah Ci V ki, n, McKKIA'V, NIIAIi & COH. MrKIMA'Y. Nl'.AIi dt t'O.'M. North west corner of Main und Market Htreeti, Northwent corner of Main and Murket Htreets, Northwe-ht corner of Mulu and Market Streets, Norlhwetit comer of Main and Maikt t htreetn, NorlhK't toiiHi cf Main and Mmlut hltittH, IILOOMHIIUHO, PA,, IlI.()OMSlt!lt(i, PA lH.OOMKitllUO, PA,, HI.DO.MMlUIltO, PA JiliOOMHllUIu, PA, IKON AND NAI!t, IKON AND NAIIW, IKON AND NAIIW, IKON AND NAII-H, JUON AND NAIIi, In large quantities uml bt leJiutd latei.Rlnsny ou hand, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Q1IA1UJCS W. HNYDKH, DEALEIt IN 11 a n i) av a n k, lllON, NA1LH, hTLHL, AC, AC, AO. MAIN BT11IXT, 1II.OOMS1IU1K1, l'UNN'A. Tnko thli niclhod of Informing tho cltlien.of Co- lumblaeouty.lhnlbo ba. openeu nu ciicunvo ltardwnro store on Mftln slrcet, lu llloom.burg, near Iron .tree I, nml Hint bo lins on band ft LAItni:ll HTOuv AND lli;TTi;il AS,')UlllUU than tan ho found nny whero elso In Iho cuunly, nnd which bo Intend, to sell nt prices which defy comiH-'tltlon. CHAINS, AXES, BTlli;ij, JllUiN. have cbnlns, nil sire, nxc., nil mnlto nnu weight, sleel, nil slfcs, Iron, nil thnpc, nnd nil very low, llUII.Dlllt'B IIAllDWAllI!, of owry descriptions. Nail., nslo pulleys, sasli cord., latches, look. nnd ltnobs.lmlt screw s.sash fast., window springs, bn.o itnon, sirnp uiubc, hap. nnd slnplcs, books nnd slapbs.nnd lufnct everything needed In that line. COACH A YVAC10N MAKIiltS' HAllDWAlir. cmhraclng almost every thing In llinnme. Also llAr.M'.SH .MAKillH llAlll'H.liii., lbielilc. .Innniined! buckles, silver plated! bill. or every kind, IIamki, Irons pad trees! Hame... wood sadtllollees, gig Ircet.gmil wen, iiot-roi and cotton ! thread, silk, nwl.and needles, tools of nil kinds. .hhoi:maki:u'.s n.vninvAiir., A lull assortment rorcarpenlers. 1 liacpl,tii'. all klud, saw! bnnd, puuucl, rlji, aud compass, siiuare. steel. Iron, und try i boring mat blues, ehlslc, nugers, beel, innlleU, braces, gauges, plows, rules, bits, nnd nbont cerj lhlng for ear. penter. roil Till; ri:ori,K ui;.ni;kai.i.i 1 ba e coal hods, coal shocls, scoops, coal sifters, lant erns,tHble eullery.isM ket tutlcry, plaled spoons, plated folks, hi rvi l.,lcnnndeof. leo pots.butlcrknlNes.inlltsaws, crosscut saws, eln.ilarsnws.gnngsaws, (lies, horse sboes,wreuclH'S,l 1 ets.liam. iners, hulchels, mnttoclis, plckc, forks, grub bing hoes, shove Is, spades, Mudlug lorks, hoes, rakes, be.l pins, Iwlne, skates, plows, eollln tilm- mlngs, I.iueiy, red thalk, white chant, wire, hmso nulls, meat tutters, ncnles, washbontds, horse buckets, wooilcn palls, tlolbes pins, glue, door mots, porch hints, par lor mats, corn poppeis, paint blushes, horse brushes, slylgh , bells, heel ealk.,innmel. ed kettles, brnss kettles, copper kettles, slewkelttcs.sauco pans.Uror.d nes, nails, Hledges, cuitaln llxtutes, Thlmblcskdns and boxes rumps, lead pipe, etc., Tarred roponnd hundred, of nrtlelvs not ,enu lueraU.I conslantly fn hand at (NIAltLUfi W.SNYDIllfH, Main Hired, lllnoinsburg. QICOKUK 11. ItOlilCRTS, Iiuporttrnnd Dcnltr In II AIlDWAIti:, fl'TMlKV, (U'NS A.C., No. 311 Norlh Third Hlleet, nuovo Vine, Plilladelphlii. J.vcon IC. Smith. .1. 11. Mi i.ti.k g M I TH t S K liTZ K It, Importersand Denleu lu l'orc li;n nml Domcillc II Alt DWAHU, OUXH, L U 'J' It U It V, AC'., xo. I Y) .v, Tiiiun fintrrrr, Alt. callowhilt., rniLAin:r,i'HiA. Xov., IRON, TINWARE, JATIONAli rOUNDHV, llloomsbuii;, Columbia County, l'a. Tho subscriber, proprietor of tho ubne-i nmcd xtensho establishment. Is now prepared to re eelve outers for all kinds of maciiini:kv rortcor.Lii;itn:s, uimv ITHNACUS, STATIONS UV HNUINUS .MII,UVnUll-IIINl .MAcnrxnH, Ac Ho Is also prepared tu make Stoesofall sizes and patterns, Plow -Irons, and everything usually nuuio in mst-cmss I oundrteH. His extenUo fAcilltles nnd practical workmen wnrraul him In receiving tho laigest contracts ou the most reasonahlo terms, Omin of all kinds will bo taken In exchange for Casting. ThU establishment J located near tho Lack uanna and llloomsburjj lepot. rrri:u nir.i,MYi:H. gTOVES AND TIN WAHK. InnnounecH to his Irlends and eustounrr-s tlut contlnucH the aboo business at his old plat eon main STin;irr, iiLOOMsiumo. Cust)nieiH can bo accomodated wllh i'A.vuv biovi:b I of nil kinds, HtoveplpeisJ'lnwnte, nnd tveiy va riety of aillclo found In nStoo nnd Uluuaio l!s tablMimcut lu tho cities, nnd on tho most icason- nble terms, Hepahlugdoueat tho short est notlco. 25 DOZI'.N MILK-XWNH on hand for nale. STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON 3IAIN BTUEET, NKAUI.Y Ol'l'OSI'iK M1LI.KH' H10KK, iiLooMhUuiia, ii:nna. Tiik umHrblcned has Just fitted ut and oncuetl his new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, lit this plnee, wheio ho Is impand lo mnko up new jiis Anr.oi nn liuum in ins line, nnu tin ii nalrlni: Ith ne alnths ami ult.nulch. unon tho moKt itasouahlo leims, ,JIo alt-o ku-ps on hand S'JOVKH OP VAniOUH I'AT'JKUN.SAbTYIXH, hleh ho will hell upon terms to mlt nut chasers. (llo him n call, lie Is a koisI mechanic, nnd tit sen lug ol tho public ptitionuce. III) .111.4 r.huoiihbuiK, Apt II Vlf, lMi7, TOBACCO & SEGARS. rywv, ONLY 1'iiAoi; to Ml the Uht t01iacco and ck1a11h, at wiioi.i:ham: and hktah. h nt HUNasm:ii!i:ii'H, a lew iIooih below tlio American Houho, lllopiubburi:, l'a. llo has tho larucitt anil mubl beleet of hllOKINO AND CIIUWINO TOI1ACCO evcrotleretl to tho citizen, of lllooinhburg. All tlio ianey brauils of HKQAIW, ami thi boht l'lne-cut ami 1'lug C'HUWINU TOI1ACCO, I cm bo hail at hU counters. TOUACCU I'll'lH lu yrent vuiltty are among hU largo Mock. don't Foitairr to oai.u ii. ii. miNHiu:itai:ii, JJ W. HANK'S WJIUI.liH.M.L; TOllALLO, HNU1T, AMI CiaAUWAltUHOlWK, No. IM Norlh Third Ktrect, between Cherry mnl llaee, m i.t Bble, riillatlellil.i. Wholoaalu Denleri lu TOUACCO, CIOAlts, PIIT-S, Ar., Ac, No. IJ North Third Muet, alovo Market, Philadelphia. 0 JINIHUS LINK, Iho undirsliiucd would riMictriillyiiii!inuucolo llmllUiiH of lIliK, unburn and tho publlo uene. rully Hint ho I, running nu (I.MNI1IUMI.I.N1: betwicu till, plucomid thodllleieiit inlliomldo pol,diitly(Nuudays excepttd), to connect Mlllilho fcevtrat train, colng Houlh and 'e,tou tho Cata wlhM and Wllllamsport llallroad, ami w lib Ihoso ifolxiif North nnd Koullion the Ijiekawauim and llloomsburu llnltrond. HU OiiiulbUKhes uru In soo.1 eomlltlon, conuno. dlou, and comtortable, and clmruiH reasonahh', IVrMons wlhhitf their friends ilc part, can beaeeotuoilutiiluiKin reiuonablo chart;, by leavlni: timely uolliuat uny of Iho hotels, JACOll I, (I1HTON, I'roprlclor. V11 eni"si win viY"nfli.p . " DRUGS 6Wv1EDlCINES. g7vM:'o'xru mo n n y i (1 U 1! A T I N 1) V (' 1. M V N T HI (I It 11 A T II H 1 N I) It C i: M I-. N T H 1 1 o 11 1: A TUH T IN I) I'O 1: M 1: N Tan AT Till: OLD lllttHI Willi; or Ii. N. JIOYHH, Wlmo umbo found Hie i-mioimt nnd nrst a hoiiTMKKT, ever oflHetl Hi the cltfrens of Ihi county, of Drugs, Obemleuls, Palnl.. OIL, Hints, rutty, VarnlBhi', llruslu"., Mixed l'lilnl", Dyoxium, all or lhce aloof the bout known niukennd in. vrarmntrd a, pine and tinndulteriitei,!. The tin. -' and lariicsUlocl: of !' A N V Y A 11 T I 0 I. 11 H to ho found lu this or adjoining to lulles lvrfuniery, HnlrDjw, l'niici' Soiom, I'.riKheK, . (Vint, Comictlcs ll.llrOlli, Toilet Artie!" . Stationery, Docket limit. . T O 11 A c c o r. s . HmokliiKUlid ehcNvlu,, I'ljiiiiH or nil description!, i'lpiw, Clanr Holders. llorsllIIOLD AltTK I.US. Iiuipx. pusorted slitcn and nt) Ic, I.AMlSClllMNr.VS, SHAIlKS, llUUNTllx, MISCni.I.ANI'.OHH OOODS HjMinjei, Clmnioli Sklni, Cnllieteii, Hpoitihuus Syringes, Dreust l'umpi, ltubhel (joods, Tunics of nil npproved pntterii" Ac, Ac. I, I (i V O II K . A llnonfmorlincntof tire llquoriror incdlciil puipixiH constantly on hand nnd tho hint kiion kinds or H'lOMACH DITll.lls. l'ATHNr Mr.mclNl-' or (Aery destilptlou, In. eludlnij the best varieties or pills and tonics. I'HYHIC'IAN'M l'liLMIlllTlO.VS I'AIIEI'I I.U l'lll." l'AI'.I'li. No Mich Hoclt hnt ccr bien pusentid to Hi" people of this section or country. Tlie prices aro ns small ns the i-lock Is hirc Tho UYiofcMteivfmnro I'oro Civornblo to tin purchaser than ever, ns Ainuieenients liae been ellVeted ullll the wholesale ileulels lu (lie l.irnel titles, so that uoods can bo proeiued In Iilooins burR as chenply ns In New York or rhlladelphla. LiTCountry dealers nro rniueslly liniled lo study their mm Inteicst, by I'MiinlnlnK Ibis slock, lteineniberthcplsi'e KxciiANon K nb. c l'.X(b!iU(C Hotel, Main sir' it, Hloomsbui;;. Jnn. ill, lvils. Gnt PCALP VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 13 THH HinADLE CF THE ACE! fli'tty-IIenilcMl loiiilf I' ' I' ,r locks restored liy it to the t'f.. i ' i' si'Ucn trtau ol' youth, and nn I . , pi ! yonn;;l'oplc,wltli(i.7,(i.'i !.,,, ill ur, Itiivo these unfiishion.iblc ei-hii' tli.u:. ' 1 to a beautiful auburr, and riy lu ! l'coplo whoso lioads me cnvirnl ullll Dandruff and llnmnrs, ue it. und Imic elean co.iti and tkur und lu ihliy tc. lp! ItnltNITt'titlod Vctci'tiiiM b.iic their remaining locks tiyliti n d, nnd tin' b.iro spots conreil with a liiuri..ul irii.ili of ll.ilr, and il.mco for joy I Young Gentlemen ufo it because it is tidily perfumed I Young Ladies mo ll I i t.iut-e- il kcips their Hair in place! Everybody Must und tu' uu it, beeaue it U the tlmntst ami Ut nillclc in tho market! For Salo by Druggists generally. and roit salt: nv I.. N. MOYIIlt nml I'. r. l.l'T, luiu-TiM. llloomsbuil!, nml M. M. linolls'l', ('lltliK-ii. Jiinumy hi, INJS-ii. J It. JIOYKlt, wnoi.iAi.i: .v uin'Aii. 1) II UOfl IS T, I'.JIINLK Ol' MAIN AMI MAKKtT tTEKKT.", 1II.OOJIH11U110, l'A whero Mlllbo founil a Inryo innl Kelett btoclc ol I)ltl!. aiKDIUINKS AND CIIKMIOALS. Ato nil tho TATCM SIKD1CINM Of TIIK D.VV, I am also prepnriil to furnish Country Ktore.s wllh Cantor Oil, Godfrey's Corillat, TUItUNQSTON'ri 11A1.SAJI, and all other mcillclue, kept In their lino nt City piled, rreserlplloui eurerully compounded at all hours. lu medlelues, iiliallly Is of Ibo llrbt linporliiiue. Illooiusburi;, JnuoT, isi,7 a u a ii's CUMMllItUI A I, MANU 1U1H, Si' Wo linuouneo to fiiunols mid dcnlels In rerllll7ers. that the tollowln'r nrlces have In i n adopted lor tlio present HprlllK seafeoll ! IIAl'OU'H HAW llONi; rilOM'IlATi; l'l Ice, J.Vler2,lliH)llw. IIAUllU'S C1IIOAGO llONU I'UrtTIl.IZIJ 1'llie, JKJ per y.llliu lb1.. iiai'uu s nun (;onr,oi)D manciu:. I'lloo, Wiper L'.lWO lbs. This will-lEiioun popular trade-uiiuk will be found upon e eiy piu kne of Uu- above uuiuuich. HARK Tho hlL'h c&tlmnliun Jn uliMi lui ru'rf Hon i. antiE Man uittHhavo been held, dot im louitten yenin nui, nu Maui juity fcunnui in me luuue, iiuv luir n ou' the enlhb t out ml nf llui ureal leKOtlice' of tho city ot thkOKo.lor lutuUinns Ammonlo and riiohplmto yltTdliiK mnlerlal, Iz : Hones, Drini l'iffcii. l iniiii An., wp iiiivp. in connrcuou with our woiks In rhlladelphla, thelarce-Bt hu-Il-ltleH forAirnUhlnglheho ninuuUH, atthoaboo (IJW I'lil'CK, niiLiKU v nuns, i iiuitiieii'uiii. Norlli'WibtLin reilJllxinu lo,, thlcago, John ltnlton A Co,, dene ml A (.Is, New Yin k. (Icorgo W, Khko & L'n " Uoston, (Icoifo iHitfdnle, AVIiolemile Ant,. Itultlmore. Tor Inrornmttonu-fcpecUng lhenibou Mnnitti-, addit'SH tit her of thottboe hoU".n. (jauJl'L-v-lm llMimUTKlt & llItOTIIKK, Impotteis unj Jobbeis or iioMu'iuv, ar.ovix, KlIIin'rlANDDKAWIMtx, ULUTONH, KVtU'IIMll.Us. iuioi- hkiiitm, iiANDici:miiii:r, TlUtl"VlM, HIIWINUhlldW, TUIMSIINOH, 1'OllTi: MUNNAU.-, KOAl'H.riilll'lTMintV, I'ANCY (iOOPH, AND NOT10NnUNKllAl.lA, Also .'latiuf.uUllefS of MIUrWllH AND I.0OKINU UI.Al -.. and Dealers lu WOOD AND WII.IXJW WAlllI, IIIIOOMH, ItOl'IW, TWI.NIW, .V . No, ami Norlh Third Hti'i el.nbovo Vine, I'lillndilphln. jjilijEH & host, Hiicuissors to finuUllu r.Heltxer & Co,, liiiporleisaud Wholesale IHaleis lu I.IlU0I!8, WINW, Ac, Nos, 110 mid US North Third Btreet, I'lilladelplila. jJ M, MAiti'ia:, NOT10NH, llOSll.UV, OLOVDl, AND lANtVOOODH, No. M North Third Kliect, 1'hilailelphl.i,