THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 8Uhc (jfatttmbian. Ill.OO.IISimUl), KIUI1AV, .MAV 1, 'OH. i:xci:i:i)i.ot,Y scAitci:. Oood jiotu taloM, mul llio few In tho mnrkct bring (mormon? price!). It Is tlmo nn nrk load cnnio nlong, Xi:xt week Is Court, call ami bco hi mid Biitacrlbu for tho "Ciii.umihan," tho best, m-atcM, lni'Kest, nnd conpo (iicntly cheapest paper In tlio County. Tin: Hosemoiil Cemetery Company havo purchased additional grounds which will bo laid out In lots, during the coming reason, and offered for wile. Oi'lt friends attending Court nro re quested to call at the attractive Drug Store of X. .1. Ilendcrshott. They will llnd prices much lower than eUowhere. Dim friend John ft. Moyer, DruggNt on Market fit. has caught the spirit of Improvement, and Is engaged in "re constructing" his establishment on a modern lmU. Ouit thanks are again duo our active Heaver Valley correspondent for addi tional subscriptions. Why cannot our fi lends In different parts of tho County "go and do likewise." O.v I'rlday night la-it the cellar of Joseph Walter in Light Street was en tered, and tho most of his provisions taken therefrom. Ho had moved there only tho day previous. Wr. aro to bo fivored on tho fetlt of May next with a visit from "Hreban's HwUs Hell Hlngcr." Our readers ' should not miss tho opportunity of en Joying this musical treat. Till", call for a meeting of tho Stock holders of tho Iiloomsburg Literary In stitute, was accidentally omitted last week. It Is in this Issue and we call special attention to It. Mhs. Mnitt'Y HnoTiiwr.M,, relict of of Dr. K. Ilrotliwell late of this county, died in Dauvlllo last week, and was burled in tho Cemetery, last Friday. Hows. Cullen and l.lghtner officiating. An acquaintance from Salem .says that on Saturday morning last, several inches of snow fell In his vicinity. This all comes of buying Itusslan America. Ah a remedy wo would suggest the pur chase of Cuba. have heard It whlsperedth.U Mr. A. V, Yost, whilom partner of P. John, intends to remove his printing estab Notice. A meeting of tho Demo cratic Standing Coinmltteo of Columbia County will bo held at tho HegUterV Office In Iiloomsburg on Saturday, May 2nd, at ono o'clock 1 M. A full atten dance Is earnestly requested, JOHN 0. FltKlV.K, Chairman. LEGAL NOTICES, A DMINISTllATOH'S XOTICK. J:. EKTATR OP IMAKI.r.S II, llr.W IIIURASFII, letter, of ndmlnlslrnl Inn onlho estnto of elm. It. Hps-, lato of .Miniln Kntinhlp, I'nlum bin cn., ilecocscd hnve been crnnteil by tho llcnls Itrof snld county to Hnmuol Creasy of MliUn. vllle. All persons lint line clnlms or dcninnds nunlnst tho pntnto of the decedent aro requested loninko llictn known, nmt Ihoso Indented to iniilie imyment, HAMUKTi CtlEAHt. Aiult 0,'M-GI. Administrator. Why don't tho ltnntbllcan give us credit for the news wo furnish It world v? i Do fair now. ! A DMINISTHATOIl'H N0TIC1 Tin: Commission of J, It. Jameson, a nowly elected Justlco of llio I'caco, Is In tlio hands of the Itccordcr. 2. KSTATB OF EI.IZ HFT1I HIETTt.nil II HF.CI AS! ll. I,rltersnfndmltilstrnlloii olithe- estntnof Kllrn. 1h th iileltcrlcli, Into of ilerwlelc lioroiuiti, Colum bin rou nt v.deeensed.hni i, heeli urnhled nv lbi llei Ister of said O. 11. MUliml of I'c ntrullii O.v Sunday last the house of Jonas Doty In rishliigereek Township was burned down. Wo have not learned tho origin of tho tire, or tho amount of tho loss. Wi: uro Informed that Judgo Uyan of Schuylkill, rejected one hundred and seventy-four Applications for License at tho last Quarter Sessions In Schuylkill county, because they were not represen ted by an Attorney. Oi'lt friends In the country who de sire to know where to purehaso the cheapest nnd best goods should always consult tlio columns of the Coi.UMIiiak. Men who aro willing to endorse their goods through the news papers always fell on honor. bin rou nty,deeensed,hnt, been Krnllleil lslerof ttitlit ennntv.m fl. II. Mlllnnl n bnrouKl). Alllcrsons tinting clulmsor deituihils ngnlnsl I ho eslnnlor tho decedent nro renuested to innke them kiimin, nnd those iniiehtrd to make i UMIXIHTllATnil'f VOTtf'l. J. t'.STATK OK l'KTRIt MH.t.KIl llhCKAShll, I .idlers oi administration on tho estnte of Ivter Miller, lato of Centre tuHhshl,, Columbia county deceased, Imvo been ixrnnted by the llcijlslcr of hald county to John W. Miller, and Win. Miller. ofHnld township, All persons having claims or demand nKnlnst tho cslntoof tins decedent arc reiiietcd to make tlieiu known, nnd those in debted lo make paj ment .iiiu. i . .-vi ii, 1,1. u, W.M. MII.I.IIIl, April .1,'tH-M. Administrators. lako iiuyincnt. April ltitw. O.v Wediic-day last, about noon, the bam of John Hurler, In Xescopeo twp., Luzerne county, was discovered to be on lire, It was entirely consumed, to gether with tho hay, grain, buggy etc. Losri about $-,000, Insurance Tho origin of the Uro Is unknown. Tin: i:plcopal Dloccio Convention meets In Philadelphia, at St, Andrew's Church on Tuesday May 12th. Charles It. Paxton, Jeremiah J. Ilrower and JohnO. I'reezonro the Lay Delegates. Several Important questioner 111 bo dis cussed, among them the Division of the Diocese. IIisTonvop Tin: W.M!. lly refer ence to our advertising columns It will bescen that Alexander II. Stephcns,lalo Vice President of the Southern Confcd eraey,has published a history 01 the War from tho Southern stand point of view. Mr. Stephens threw tho whole weight of his Influence against secession, but the current was too strong nnd carried him with It. It will be widely read. Xi:vi:u Say Dyi: Hut buy clothes which will not fade, and there will bo no necessity for dying. Chemburlin keeps a class of goods which look well, fit we.ll wear well, and which do not fade. His stocc is worth looking at, it is so complete and of such good styles A DMIXISTHATOH'S XOTICK. XV fSTATK OK I'lm il ntt.I.MtN, IIF(i:.l II. Letters of administration on the cstntn of Po. ler liAllinnn, lato or Merit t township Columbia county, deceased, hne bo. n urnntcd oy the Hen. Inter ol said county lo John K. tlriitu of Ulooiu. burir. All person hiivltift elnlms or demiindH nKnlust llio estate of thn decedent nre leiiuevled to inako tlitm known, nnd those indebted to Admlnlstiutor. ASSIOXKK'S XOTICK IX HAXK-lll'lTl'V.-In the IiMrlet Court of iho mi led states for llio Wotdern liistrkt of rennsj lvn nla.ili the malti r ofManasvcli Mlelmel. bntikriii.t To wliom it may conctrn: The undmlttned heichy inn in, nee oi ins iippoiiiuucni us iissinnee oi Inuiiseh Michael, nflhotown of .Maltivllle. to the county of Columbia, ami state of Pennsylva nia, who has been adjudged n bankrupt upon ills own petition, by the District Coutt oi hald l)ls-trlel. li.itednl nuiomsiiuiir, the lsiti iiay of March , n. 1HW. C. 1. IIAIIKI.KY, Asslsnee. April UIOS ADJUXISTHATOIt'S XOTICK. istr.vrKoK 1:1 K.vzAii n. tiKixAsKn. Leiiers oi uiiminisiiniion if,' oonit non on me statenf Klenxar 11 lleas.t.ttc of Centre townsliln. by the Hejilster oi ald County, toilanlel lless, admluistlator, who resides In .Mlllllli township. All persons hnvlni; claims or demands nualnst the i.ald estnte ill',, lenilestlsl lo Dicsclit tbeio netlh ment w llhout delay, and tliose Indebted to iiiiikc paymeni. ii..sii.i,.., April 2l,'r,S-CI. Administrator, de bonis non. BA IN TIIK llISTUKTCoVr.T of THK 1TN1TFII HT Tt S Foil THE WKSl Fits DISTIULT OFl'KNNS LVANIA. AitFl. Thomas, a llankruiit under tho Act of .'omircHKOf March 2d. lw,7. ha nu amilled foru Discliatno fiomnlt ll s debts, and other claims provable under order of the Courl, SOT1CK IS ItEltEIlY oivi.n, to all Ciedltors who ia iiroved their debts, mid other Kisous Inte rihled; to nppenr on the 21st day of MAY IVA at 9 o'clock. A, M heforo II, uirton, Jr., l'.Kq., itefilster, al the i:clinhi;o Hotel III llloomsbuit:, I'll., to Khow l-ausf. If any the luue.why ll Ills- linrpe should not be urantcd to the said llink- rupt. And turllur, iintlco Is bcriby iilvcli. Unit the second nnd Thltd lueetlniisnr Cridltorsof tlio said ll.iuklllpt, requited ly the '.Till and 'XIim-c- lionsoi final ,ci, win ue una neioie Hie sain ltei;lsler, at the Name tlmo nnd plnee. r. , , .mw .. I'l.i., Clerk of I. S. District Conn for said District. Apr.1 tH-2w llslimcut from Tunklianneck to this He has everything in tho way of gen tlemen's wearing apparel, under as well as outer garments. Don't forget that he cuts his clothes by machinery and that they always givo satisfaction. Ji.i milt iiit ! Wi: had tho pleasure of a visit from place and cstauiisu nero a neutral pa per, together with a Job Office. Tho more the merrier. v Tin: Xormal School grounds havo been purchased, by tho Trustees of tho Institute, adjoining the present beauti ful location, and Including a part of the Captain Urockway, of tho Coi.umiiian, grovo lor play grountt. immediate Iiloomsburg Pa. the Dcmocraticjournal arrangements will bo made to put up which was started in lSii.1, as a political tlie necessary buildings. Xntcmlli; the old organ having broke over the traces. In order to aid .1 voliin 'iHiomcersoi an lamp i,ougu I. eer fortiolitiual im-ltiim In iilnon nftlii. u. ti. 1-. lor me eurreni term are .some regular nominee. Tho paper is one of uraiiu, .io-epn hiiannon , Mce uranii, nlu i,0,t country Journals in tho State, Win. K. C'offmnn : Secretary, C. V, Knapp: Asst. Tecrctary.M. Appleman Treasurer, James K. Ever. Tho tlnui of meeting Is now 8 i'. M. of Saturday evening. . A ri.vr. assortment of ladles' cloaks, dress patterns, trimmings, children's patterns etc., Is now to be found at Mis. Julia A Sade ISarkley's store. A new and complete collection of Sprlng'goods broad noon, and in sight of carpenters Just received. We would call the atten- at work in a house a quarter of a mile and Is fast becoming the leading organ of the Democracy of that .section. Cien era I Knt Is also in town, looking after per.-onal iuteicnts ofn llnauclal charac ter. Lieoininy Ouzetle. Highway ItonnuitY. Tho colli ctor of taxes of Ilolleuback township, Mr. John WhltelJiead, was robbed of near ly four liundretl dollars last l'liday, in tion of our lady readers to thl,ln order that thev may get the latest and best styles. Wi: are glad to learn that the survi ving friends and relatives have already oil'. IIu stopped at Mr.Siioonebergi'r's, wnero money was paltl mm, and was Invited to dine, but started on, and soon met a young man who presented a pis tol, and demanded his money. Mr hit loirnfiil lini linf inn, oem mt,I buguii to o.u. i, i nccW Ho was knocked down llnryin (iround, to tlio (.Vmotery. Wo tru-t Ihe km)U work will go htt'Adily inrward, till not only tho plot for the new church is cleared, hut tho entire burying ground letored In its original condition Wi: publish this week tho lato act of aembly regulating tho fee.s or Jiihtlces of the Peaeo and Con'-tahlen. It I.s n very Important matter, nnd concerns every citizen in tho County. Wo havo aNo on hand, the fee bill properly mado up for posting In onicc., as required by law, for Hide. Kvory body nhould call and get one. Tin; many tornu and backward ooa- and Ids money taken. Tho tldef had dark hair, red face, was dre.-K'd In darl- caimero Milt. Half an hour before, two neighbors pas.-cd along andnnUccd this young man fitting on a choituut Mump no doubt waiting for Ids victim. Search was made, but tho rascal may have reached tho Lehigh valley station, six miles dbtant, in time for tlio afternoon train, or, if holsoneof a gang, U linger ing about that region, and knowing all the money transactions going on and the hores worth stealing. Jhvorrf of the Time A FuiKNi) in Xr.i:f . OracoM CVle brated Salvo is a friend indeed. Who has not found it such in curing cuts April ti, wmi (). 1). MMXAHI). Aitmlnlntrtilnr, VXKItUJ'T XOTICK COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. QOUHT PKOCIjAMATIOX. WilKitKAi, the Hon, Willlniii Ktwrtl, I'ri'nldctit Jmlffn of Iho Ouirl of Oyrr and TcrmlntT nnd (Jt itrml .lull DcllM-ry, Cnurtor qunrlcr HrnNlnnn nf tho IVnco mid Court of Conunon I'lcm Htil or idmit'H C'outt In 111 2otli Jiiillclnl District, com iMMt'il of the cnuntlffl of folumltln, HullKnn ntid wynmlnp.aiidthollnii, Irnm lKrr nnd TeUTK. Iterbcln, Awoclnto .ludRM of CV)Himbtn county Imvo litued their precept, bt'iirliitf duto tho 'A (lny of February. In tho jeur of our Iint, ono thnunnd(rlht hundred nnd MlxtyplRht. inoillrct-trxl for hrddluitft Court off tcnera(itmrtvr HohsIoufi of tho lVfiw, nnd Orphan' Court, In JlloomHlmrKi In tho county of Coluinhht, on thp Hrit Slonday, UcIhk the ili day nl Muy next, locontluuoono wick, Notice Ik hereby nlen, totho Coroner, to tho Jiutlees of thn lVnre, nnd tho ('(mituhleH of tho mild county of Columbia, that they ho then nnd there In their proper )ht(oii nt lu o'clock In tho foiono)ii of wutd iluy, with their record-, lii'iulnl tloim nnd other reinenibrnnccK, to do those thing which to their nlllees appertain to bo done. And thoo tiuit nro iHtttnd by recoKUl'imoo, to prose cute nunliiML tho prlsonern that nro or m.iy In thejuil of tho mild county of Columbln, to be thru and thero to protectttothcni nnnlmll by Just, Ju rors nro requested to ho punctunl In their attend. nnep,nKieeahly to their not Ice. Dated nl lllmnni f ys burtc.lho lith day of Feb., In tho i ear UH. of our lmt one lhouand eluht bun li v-J dred niulxty-elttiit.nnd Inthenltuty necond year of tho Indepeudencn tif tho tlnllet) J-tales or America, MOllIUX'Al MII.LAUh, lUoomshurg, Apr, H, lS. .herlir, jn HANI) J u HO US, roll MAY TKUM, !!-. Illooui Win, IMfinr. Ilener Tohn Mlcliael, llrlar Cretk Hninucl Conner, Wesley II. Vivns, Kiion I,. Adntnt. Hen ton Hainuel Applcinnn, (Vntro Win. HhatU-r. Cntaw ltsa John K. KtIK t 'cut tal la llnro. Tho. () Connor, franklin II. .1. Ueeder, tlrei-nwfxid tleo. Derr, Itlehiird Klti hen, Win, I. WINon.snmuel Treat. IN nilock Samuel ohl, Win. Fry, ijoeiHt Ilobcrt Wndklns WVlIinnton Yt uaer, Jacob Flher, M I Itllu Abraham Hhwf ppcnhcUer, Madron Milan AVclllver. I'lho Jacob Chrlxtl.m, I'rancU 1. Mruters. ItoarhiA Creek Cha. Djcr. rpUAVKUSK .TUItOHS, rou may ti:um. 1VW. Uloom I John It. Casey, Rudolph H. Hliitflcr. I (rlarcretk Jonathan (Jonliur. 1 teuton Abraham llartmnn, Heaver C. F. Mann.Haniuel Flher, Ccntralln lloro. Iavid Catnp. (Vntro i:iwod IIiiKhe, Daniel Jnmlion. rithlnncicek John Hess, Jr., Win. Meant, Phil. Appleman. (decnivood Francis I. I!cm, Joseph Keller, Wm. F. Hobblns, Wm.Lawton. Hemlock Jacob Harris. Jackson John 1 Derr. Locust Joset liHtokes, Isnao Dyer. Madison Samuel Him by. IsnacMcllrhle. Mimin John lloofiumlr. Mt. rieasant Jonii JI. Vanderilico, OtHag tlrimcs, Aaron Kester, Joseph Cinwford. (iraiiRO M, 11. 1'atteron, Henry Kechner, A. II. Stewart. Pino Josejih V. SentterROod, ltoarlng Creek D. H. llowcr. seott John Hhtunan, John H. Fans, I, While, Kilns Krum. MERCHANDISE. T IUAIi lil.ST, B AXKHUPT XOTICK I.n tub DjsrmcT Co cut oktiik L'MTt.Mr.Ti.M, 1UUTIIK WlJifKUN UI-ilUILT Or 1 LSl LVAMA, Svml'ki. II. lin:!Ht n n.inkrunt under the Act of Coiuriess of Man h 2d. Im7. ha In 2 m-nlled lor a Dtocluiruo from all hisdebts.and othir claims pruvablo utuler said Act, by order of tho Coiut, MtiiiE is iir.utiiY oiVLV, to all Cn-dltoi s who havo nrocd their ilebln. and other persons hit er- eNled ; to nppenr on tho '.'Ut day of May, Hs o ciocu. i .m.. oeioro ij. tJeriun. .ir.. io. llcirlster. nt the Hxch.inuo Hotel, llloomshurtf.l'a. to fchow cause, Itnny they hae, hy a DNfh.irco should not lio y ran ted to the Bald Il.mkrupt. And further notlco Is hereby Riven, that tlio Second and 'IhlnlMeetliiRs of Creditors or tho wild l'..uik ruit, required by tho .Tib and 'th SeciloiiH of Mud Act. wlt bo had before tlio said HegMemt l no h.une unio ami piaee. rs i . .oil .io,i,., Clerk of U.S. DMrlil Conn tor nM DMrlei. Apr.'JIM-.w B AXIvItUPT XOTiCK. IN IMK DlSlllKTCoCltroKTlIK LMTKOHlAriS, Miiniii;wi:iKK nisrniiT ok rf.i I'Kit n s. llAiiM vn. a ItnukuiM under Ai-t ot Cnnurihs of Match 2d, lvtT, halni ap 01 H'ii ior a nist' lariro iioto nil nisue in.ani n ht viiiiiiiN iiiiiMiiii. uiimi r hivui An. nv niut-r n inti Coin t, not lee Is hereby Rlw 11 to all eiedlloiH who have nroved their debts, nnd other lieri-ons Inter- at 11 o'tloek, before K, ()trton, Jr., Fhfj., tpu XW-r. lit tli.t 'xi-liniiun lliilcllii lIIHliiOU!if. In khiiu iniiso It nli f lit'V lui t t li v 11 iMM'lllll I'M Hiiouiu uol no Rrauieii in 1 lie nam liiiiiKiiipi, .im luithtr, initlcu is hereby wien, that thosicond in nt 'i 1 mi ii iiifi'thuTu nt rri-iiitftt-KftriiiMMiiii nn ok- 111 1 t requhed by tho 27tli and lh hcelions of "Uiu aci, win ue, (mil oeiou mud iieyiMrr, ii"in 1 lie raiun iay, ui ino h.11110 place. r. ii JM ua.MUiii"1, del It of V. S. DIst rlct fuiirt lor P.lid DM t let Api.'JItH-Jw- untiKK's,i:s. itv irtno i.t siilidrvurit tif Vilidltlont r.Moir ti. ii .,! ,ii iin I'li'mi ir Ciiiminni rii-jis ui 1 huubl.i County, to mo directed, vlll be ixpttM-d to puijlie mho or ouiciy, ai uie -ouu juium.-, ui til' I l. ,.,,(., 4- ll.ll Ill, ,1.1V- lit Mill lit jinn, u 11. in., tli.t tollou hiEfieal 1 stati' tow It All tn:it ftitniu tiaet or nine of land hltuatu lu SiiR.irlu.if town-hip, Columbia comity, con itiliiliisi one hundred iu 1 p- inoif or hs about slMy acres of whu h Iseltared. lloiin.ieii aim in. scrujcil as w 11 : 1111 iiieimiio imi i;t-i bv lauds oft' Hess, on the nailli bv lands ,r siimtiel Ilfs-i.niid 011 t lit wi t by lauds ol lit ii- j.iinin Dili, w belt on is em it d a oin story puilenanivs Selrd and taken In execution as (he piopelt of William J. Hess. AI0: All that inehMUlRi', pln-e, or trait of land, situate lu tho township of t ala ilsii. In Ho' Inn 11 of ( atawissii, lu the count of '..!... .1.1 . .iti.l .l.i.n 1 1 n.. I 11 w L.tliUl-J til U It ! I'll 111- tliumi Uallioait Stuit 1 1'. f. t. rui'l hontltiR tai Meiick, FOU MAY TKn.M, IVi-i. 1 John J. Shank H.John Cain. 'J Wm, A. Mnrr vs. James Djke. .( J. ll. ItlackMonct.ul.Ns. LehlRh A Mahanoy U. U. Co. I samuil VntcrHMIeo. Wlllll. ."1 satnuel Watcru s, tleo. Wlllcts. il Clark 11. Stew nit nnd wlfo v. K. C, Cb'aer, 7 Saiuh Ktlno m. Jiu-ob Sllne, Jr. Afslanees of tho Wtt Itranch Insuianco Co. s, sliuon C. Shle, ii Hd. M'Callcl. ul. s John Swteney. la F, II, Person s John Cnln. 11 Daao Vetter vs. Henry Moyer. 12 Daniel F. Se bert vs. Jarob Dossier 1J HanklO. l.nfa Adnir., v. Ja-. banke". II in.i Davenport vs. Wm. M. Kllnetnp. 1" D.inlil hi JnsUih Thomns 'uso' vs. Henry C. Fmis, IT John N. Lelly vs, Oldcon Arndt. Is John Coleman s. Michael Cronen 1 1. nl. 1!' Farlcer vm. sius 11. liusnr. W Hcnrv Yost lilid WibV. (ieo. Hil-scrt A wile 'Jl John Ittf sc s. Joseph F. I..011R. '.-J .1, It, llnrli-ton vs. Henry c. Hartmini. in Wm. Ih nyMm vs. Uutb-r IMm-r, 1 Win. Clark vs ltobeit O.Chuk. i: D. W. Moutifoiiun'rt Km'".: s. o.A, .l'(ir- Rcll. , a J)a M J 1 cm iff I'uvui miu i. -7 John Cooper s. D.mltl Hosier c t. al. John C. lauti vs. John lllutcrllter, VO Jovoplt Hess vs. Samuel Hvtiett. St) John Ullroy vs. Wm. I".. sterner. 31 D. lMRar vs. Abraham HaRcnbueh l2 Silas D. HURcr h. It, F. Helchard. :u lleubt-u Ueiser nnd wife vs James Thonia. Ill Inano tejiely vs. James W. Sankey, .Vi William Hancock s. (JeorRO 1Mb. IW 1'hlUp Mowry s. Sarah A. Don man. JJKW sto(mc or oMvrmxo. Fresh nrrlval f FAI.I AND W I NT F.I t WK)r. DAVID I)WKNIIKIltl Invites attention In his stock of CIinAl'ANOKAMlllDSAIll.KCMnillNti. nt his stole on Main Street, twodoors nbm e Iho Atrorlrn llmis- lUiHmsburst, l'a., where ho has Just received from New York nnd Philadelphia n full nsorttnent of MHS AND HOYH crTHINO, Including the inol fashlwuablp, du ruble, nd linndfiom dhi;h.shooih, eonslstlng or IIOX.SACK, UDCK'.dFM, ANDOlUCLOTll COATS AND PANTS, of nit sorts, sles, and colots. He tins also replen ished his nlrciuty larRo stock of FA Mi AND WINTF.UHIIAWI.S, HTIIIPFD.FIOUIIFD, AND PLAIN VTH, .SHIItTH, CHAVATS, STOCKS, COIXAtlH, HANDKFHCHIF.FS, (ILOVl, HrsrKNDints, and fancy akticmm Ho tins cotiMtantly on hand n la rye nul well-selected assortment of CI.OTI1H AND VU-SllNOS, which ho Is p it pi ml to maku to order Into any kind of clot hi up, on ery short notice, and In Ihe oct manlier. All his clothing Is mado to wear, nuit mnt of It Is of home mnmifaclurc. (JOI.D WATCHi; AND JHWF.I.UY, or every iteM-rfptlon, flm nnd cheap, IIU cae o Jewelrls not Mirpasscd In IhLs place. Call nnd cxanilno his Relic ral assort nient of ct.orniN0, watch 1,,ac. DAVID 1.0WKNUUIUI. K It 0 II A K 1) 1 9 K. NOTICI, IH HEIir.IlY OIVKN To my frlvniU nu,l thp public nonvrally, Hint all klniliuf niiY 000 as, aiiocEiiuis, QUEKXSWAUK, NOTIONS, AC, nre ronilnntly on hand nnd Tor ato AT lUUTON's Ot.I) STAND, IlI.003wnt'u, 11 Y JAMIiS It. KVHU. 9gAUit, SulP ARl'Ilt fl,r.l.M.I.H' 1'ilOSI'llATROP t M n. Larte lot conMnnllj nn l.nntl. m ADVERTISEMENTS. yoODKN VATKU I'IPK. 11 AH F I p n, AXI) liAVK TltOfiiH! 1 he best nnd iheniKt arllcle err tnndt. '. eryboily, pnrtlculnrly Fnrmeis and Miners, send for n free descriptive clrnilnr nnd nrlco list to J. A. WOODWAUD, Wlllliiiiiiwtt,rn. TATKNT OKF1CKS. J Dnentor who wish to tako out I'ttets Palentnro advised to counsel with MUNN' ACXM editors of theAWrn(Ic American, who have pros eeuied claims before th Patent Olllce for over Twenty Years. Their Atnerlcan and Huropenti Patent Aueney is tho inst extensive lu thv world, CharRcs tess than any other reliable iiKcncy, A Pamphlet eontalnlnj full Instruc tions to Inventor, sentitratK 80 a hntid-ome lxiund volume, coutnlnlna 150 Mechnnlcal ciiKrnvlna, nnd tho Fnlted Htatis Vimts by Counties, with Hints nnd KecclpM for Mechanics, mailed on receipt oriWeenwAddress MUNN CO., :r7 Park Itow New York. ! vv.vv B OOK AO II NTH WANTIII) 0lt 1IIK N PAY MUIIK, ".mi:n or orii iiMK-' ADVBHTISEMBXTS. yu HKia. rou oni; ih)i,i,ah, llfil.l nli-l Hlhrr W'ulrliwi, Hrltm Marhlnn, HI Ik lirc-NM rntleitiH, .'nritlntii,l'"n)H.ti' tloiHli, ' ' tiiit'ri.Aim hunt mix.. fUhiK lull I'lirlltnliiro, ir Ii tioli'Tkn Ncnt fori inn lollnr, ih'.crllilrij? ten tllirfrent nrtlrlci Uilch we will . 1! f.,r (INK lioM.AU KAMI, Hnlrii'llil Iniliiri'inrtitn on",Tr,I lo Aumtft kimhI' Inu ll, riuln. AddroM, I.AIIONTl: IIAIIHITT, J!iin u Tioi,i,ai ltY liADY AND OKNT Iho it i ,rtd nl u u'ntilcdniAlfcntH forONH Alt HAM:. A Wntcli. n cnl nf cotton, n Tor tl.oti tiu'h. Hmd 21 rmti for 2 rherk, nnd olrmlnra ulvlnd lull Infonnntluli. Mhcml tr dncenicnt, to AKntM. L'trcnlarn unit fwr, HANKH, LOIIDA m 2l WnohlnKtiinHt., Iln.1011, JIm. VK AUK HTIt-l, .MA KINO 1 ' ' I A lot! I'l.l.Th KIAOl.t T1UN, IS TltAlll, I and KcllhiKi'MTy dcHcrlptlou of I try nnd 1'ithcy llooilw, rifitod Ware, Jcwplry, Wntrhr., Hrnlrn; Mnchlni 14, etc., for the uniform pilce of DRY GOODS,,EXC. fJMIH I'l.ACi: toKt our inoiiM liiick In ut.A (loo.U at low ,rlti'. Imit l,.T. nllAHI'Mixn'riHnillK. ust uix'i:ivi:i JUS .IL'HT HlX'KIVJtD r A Irish liiiolnntflHtiillies, ailleoes, Mnwlins, etc. "1 ITHT H1CCJKIVKD .ii'sr ih:ckivi:d A fresh tui !! id Hoop Hklrtsofull kinds, embiaclnK extra siren, Linen Cull und Col Inn for Indies. ui f j mllnv I'nlrlntii nf (lint In v. An oli'itim 1 1 taio volume, rlclily llluslraled with Isibc.iutlful ONK DoI.I.Alt, 1 Hteel FnKrnvliiKs, nnd n portrait of O.e nulhor j W(lw,uMllllir(.!iUIM,ll ,mr prions ihnt our I Miti. HAHllIKT I 1 11 :' 1 1 1 : 1 1 STtWF Htock Is not composed nf second. hand floods or PiiK'ti Itmlsftrn' MtiVfiloiOiinl Htm If. lull (ifwlalut .tKviiin i-Mj it m mi' w-i hud ntin u"i careiuuv M'lccieo turcci i mm .mi-rii an aim i.n i ifiv ti nf mil 1 1 Hnnin 11 rn I ti It I ttr '11 1 ... . t r........i..u i I.n a..l,... ,.r ' orut-in kt Hi iv win iiiiimi 11 i niic unu i u lik'll UfO tT8T UKCi:iVKI) JFhT HF.CF.IVi:i v It nny uok they eer sold. Homo urn taking ju l tunenn ManufaHorlf. llm urenter r Meik. It Wll outsell "FllCle Tumi u hm. Cabin. ' We cmnloy no uenernl acents. lail nay extra commission. Old agents will appreelale this Item. Heud for elreiilars hIi Ihb full lxullcu lars. Address HAHTFOItl) I'lJLlMlIIN'tl CO, Hartford, Conn. A freh Invoice of Paper Odlnr and Culls, now styles, Mnen Hblrt fronts for Men nmlllojs. MAM I- It U lll.1i 1 XI 1 1 SI Kl V I till i .. 37 'Ihomiw llondH. .loltn Mowry. .1 iHli l.(ll,l..MA, lllooiushura Ai,rll,.ll lvlS. riotli'y. j"i:V CA1UXKT WAUK HOUSK. Uhk uridi-MtRind takt'H thN inethfMl to Inform Iho public that hi hni o)itnod a xi'.w rnt.viTi'iii: iv.mik ikh'hk In the Wallor III 1,-lc llulldlnv.on Main Htrrel, III.OOMS11V11I1, l'. Which lie Ikih lairchavcd and Intend. In keepper niancntly lilted with Purnlturoof TlrV AMI llOMI". .MANl'I'AUTUHR IT COMI'KIS Ol ll V. I) M A T U I" SS KS, ' vhimh, l.iP.Vii:H mauiim: top (.ii.ntui: taum en uiH-i:i!MtioNi:ii, cani: norroMKD, ami wooip mirro.MKii. i:xti:nhion taiii.ks, lookinu olahxix, 1'AUI.OU, CIIAMUHU AND DIN ING noon I'UUNrrnuK. t In fact ii lull n.Horllncnt of It I! A I) V-M A II K Cdl'l'lHH 1 of all M?(K(and or I r.VKllYTIII.NCI IN Till". MNKOKHISTRADK I All of which Mill h sold I c it i: a l- r o it I'Asn. The public nre ln Itcd to call and .xamln. my j Hlork betore purchn.lllK . Wewhcrc. I di'.OHor. v. foitM.u Ul.nmsburtf. August Id, 1I-C7. y A NT K I ) A O l l N T.S. In nil parlN of thu Tnll d Hlatoi lor our New Work, "lT.Dl'I.irn 1I00K UK UIOdllAI'in, fontatnliiK ocr clchty skotclii'K of eminent iier. im of all nes anil count rlcH, uomcu nn veil an ment n loind.ome. Octnvo book of oer tHJU pokch lllu.trated with bcnutirul rteel eiiRrnvliiKi; written bv Jatni-H Tarton, tho mobt popular ol 111 Inif nutliorv, whono nfllno will ensure, fur It n rapid Male, hend for descriptive circular nnd ace our extra tellim. A.M. IIAI,i:&Cll., Pub'rn., Unrlford, Conn, T A N T K I ) K V K K Y W II H II H I" (IikkI Aio-iits for our new work 'Honie Hook of Wonders nNo, lor "A JTew Family Photouraph Illble,'' For terms, address A. liltAl.VAUD, Hartford, Conn. AXTin-AcncxTs.lxTir I IMHiin W llIHJUl III' A.iJ.n.ll I.I NATt'KK. 12"0 Hoynl Octnvo Phrcs, WW Flno Hnurnilnns. iiuci: OXLY .ii.r(). The Chenoest Iloolc 111 tho World. Hxcluslie Territory nnd the lamest commission, circulars plvlnn full particulars, terms, etc., nls our (Uie Diiiin with m H.imolo Illustrations, sent free on application Address r, F.VIA'H CO.. sill n iiiciiiiiiiLi, uiimi. (JKXTS WAXTKI) VOW THK OFt'ICIAt. Histokv or nn: Wau "Hs Cause. Cliaincter, Conduct nnd Ui-sulK1 Hy Hon. AI.F.XANDim H. HTliVKNS. Mm icndv snip, combined with an lliriea-td ominisMlmi niak" ll the licst subteilptlou book M-riaiousneo.; oneAKcnt In lia-ton, Pa., H''tis 72 .ulrierlb is In thre dae, Aiioincr in uosiou, iv Mioscriocrs in i naj m. w.'inl fur rlrnilniM.and see our lermi. nnd a full description of tho work. Addriss National Pub f 1 AlU'KNTKUS. i spud for Catalocuu of Xw Practical HiNks on Art'iiueeiuii' ami niar liiiiiuiui;. .. u. iwtn MiMi iv cu i'ui)iiHiicrs,Mpriiia"cm, in, T 3U f) U7TAX T AXXOUXCOIlTXiH ! neiullfnl Hhihtrated Itnok Worth nThoiuanil i Ikiduri, si nt freo to any addtcus nnrt'celpt f-' 'eniH.riv luiuirvsms rroitNor ji 1 1 y i r.iv i unit V.. .-. M' Ill inrt Vn,u Vnrlr nllv A riUOWH' Al'l'UAISKMUNTS. Tin, rullnw liur iiiiinnisi'tiiftitH nf n-al nnd tier sonal property set nuirl to widows of decedents, huMtK-fii tlliit tu tho oilo of tlio Iti-nl-UT ot Ci luinbia county, under tho Hules ot Court, and will bo pnsenled tor niihotuto coiitluuatlon, to thetirplians'Couittohfheld In rioonisburi;. In andlorsald county, on WminkM'AY, nti:Mxm Div ok May, lss, at tuo o'chwlt r, m., of Mild dav, nolens ecfjIImii to Mich conllrma tiousaiopii'iiously tiled, nf which all peisons Inti'tcMeit In said estates will tak liolfio: J, Wldowni William HtiHln-s of lilooin toiiti--hip. -. Widow of Duvld W.Clark of Montour toiwt ship, ' :i. Widow ol Johnliiooks if Franklin town ship, 1. Widow of (leorye Ylncer or Mnntoitr town-f-hlp. j. Widow of John M. Maitln of (jlrienv-ood ton ntlilp, ii. Widow of Gldouu Stecki-r or Hemlock town ship. 7. Widow ol Dnid proiui of Mimin township, John (i. Fni:i:.i:, lieRMer. ll!inimburi, A pi II lu-s. lSi:TKUXTr(5H is XV hcieby rHcii toall tcnalees, creditors and oilier peisons in t crest i d lu tho i -states of the re Kpectho dfcedtiitH and minors, that t lie tollowim; aiimiuisittuion nnu Kiiaruiau acfounis hum m-i-u , tiled 111 the ollleo ot tho ltel-t r or Columbln i iiniuty.nnd will be piesfiitcd for conilimation I and nllowauee In tho Oiiihaiis' Couit, to be held , in Iiloomsburg, on VUesdny, the sixth ilay of, Mav, IvH, at two o'eloclc In tho aftemoou of hald day. ' I. Acentiiii of John V, llodlno ndm'r., of Peter llm line Lite of Catauls.i towiiMhlp decd. aicinniKH inci , .tiriit'ii ua'ii.. huihi.. nl D, Itams'iy Mellik latenf heott lo iiship dee'd uuu oy ivier i.iii one oi mo mini rs , oi i,i. has opt e. ii o w r. it, . opened a llrsl-class HOOT, HIIOU, HAT CAP, AND FUU hTOHF.. Pi in Til iit-l. iidloinlnuand bounded on the uisi by lot of itetij.imln P, Former, nbfuon tsi ntt ed n laivt'liamo ware house and 'n.-small tiame dwelllm:. , . hcliid, taki n Into cm cution, ami to . i sold as tlic pi opei iy of John Jameson. A1AO: All thai certain piece or trntl oi l.oul Mliuate in KriaurciU township, Columbia coiiuly, con talulnu I-acres, mom or les, bounded on tho south by lands ol Wm. It. Fnasnud Haiilil lkw er, on tlio noith by lands ot (iioip 1C, Hess and Wm, II. Freas, nnd on tho eiul by lands of Clms. Ilachmall. on which lu elictcdil iiaine dwelling houso ami a frame barn, with the ni-purli natuvi. Seized, taken Into execution, and to be wild as tho propel ty of Wm, II, Hail man. ALSO: Is hui'iisi. bruUoif. (scalds, felons. bolN.niul l 111,,,, i-l.i, toil nr.iv Itml f.ilr u-fllll. OVOH tllO IllOlt olwlllltltll Olll tllt'ClS 1111(1 ill Horn isbui-r, Hit now Hint ldlrwcuii- oth(,r It sn womlcrriilcomiimiml cr has nt last tol In, wo may expect to sulle(I t() tho g,.,n of tho clli(1 nll(l coo them jmsltoil forward with unusual ()f llio adult enerL'.v. Our town lias awakened as If from ft Hip Van Winkle sleep, and now Mils fair to excel her neighbors in tho march of Improvement. fohepli B Hell 10 I", .1 W hlumara J,,,..p i .n.lll..l ii lu, IIU htcll (lio W Muiiael" l'lilllp Appli'iuan in ll,.f,r,T I li, &n,,wt if llm 1111,11 u'lwi liCIMSlt'IUiy iuiikih V.U a, v. nu 11. nu oun main . , .t. ,i ,..i 4i.n -T..,t Vmu Vnndhif 1, 1'tU ri UKi'i uuu MiiuiuBirii. ii in. ii 'hm. tour County wns not entitled to a ri'j-entntive, aro now kouiuHuu Ii. imiNcs, ami iiibi&tliifcon his rt-noniina t on. when L'o uniDlu eouuiv n un V2 Receipts of "THE COIiUIVIDXAIV" tor April loos. Columbia County fH7 0H V ICnnaj;n 2."i W An ?j'Abel'homas 'J w' Kiastusllendershota to .latues M Hewitt 1 W s fiu.j Henry Trouifh I on 2 to j.Manassih Mlcli-fl l ti) 2 (Wi laeob Cieascy t ") 2 oni Husnu Dodsoti I no 2 fni.d'.ht Isaac 11 puis a U 1 tu' liuijamln Wanner i ua bert 2 w Mephin Wolf l to, William Jktiei N'atbmi blitlth M M Kinney James Kinder William Wfimer ivier r Kviri.i Klchnrd ThomaM 1 SniiUiil (lioss Da Id i ll Mi lt) HO All Hint certain mevsungo and tract oi land .Itmilfi lit tlin llnrinioh nl I Vn 1 1 ill 1.1 . I nllltllb .1 county, bounded und described as follow, bni lllinm It, of the Kxi'm, wit : On the nest by Locust Acuue,ou in houin by ltallroadstrtet, on tho east by an alley, on Hionorth oy lolof Ilcubi'ii Knlllle, upon which Is trie ted n tiaino illielllng house, Mahh and otlierout'bulldlngs, hi ied, takwi Into execution, and l he sold as the property of John Cannon. Illoom .hunr. -nr., M.'tiS. MOUDKCAI MIl.I.Altl), KlMTlll. t. Cirst nnd account of William Mvvtler. miatillanoi Cbarlen C.ilmer llb-d bv Charles ny derand Willlain Ncal Kxrs., i-f William i-nih r, d.c'd. t. Account of I uuu' Hcncock iidm r ot Archi bald Path rwm late ot (lieeiiwoi id township dee'd. .". 1'll'Ht and acciaint or Johnson 11. Ikeler Adm'r., ot Heoryo M'Hueu lato of tlrtmvood ton ushlp ilei'd, ti. I'lrnl and ilnal nccount ot Samuel firasy Kiianllim of Cmiiia tiiaihart.lato Kmma Itrovwi. 7, Account ot Miiiini'l Creasy (tuardtau of Kll. iibeih J, Miller. Aecoitnl of 11,-njanilu Yoho (iuardian of Michael Fry. Acet. ot P.U Cre i Unix, (Iuardian ol Marpartt Abbott, minor child of William Abbott, tiled by 'Ihos. Creelinn Jr. ndm'r., of I'M Cioellinf dee'il. I), rinalnccount of Jacob D, Kline, Kmnnuel I.aaius nnd lllrnin It. Kline, HxrX ol Ueiau Kiiuoinieoi urnnKO lownsuip uec u., uiuo oy nt the old htandon MalnKtrcet, nioomsburt!,nfevr lioois uiio t l 111 l uuri JIIHISL'. Ills nlul n in (Mil' nosed of the crv latest and bi-itht.vles eer oflcr- eil to tho eltl7( ns of Columbia County. Ho can nct'i iiiiuiodato thn pllbliu u 1th thefollou IliKROOtls aiiiioi'iwcM raicN, .icn h neaiy uonoio hoich htoua bodts, nicu'H double and Mlifflo tap noled kin bin it i. nu n' hi aw stoua s iocs ot all kinds. men's init' bootH and shoes ot all KrutleH, boy's double vnlcd boit.s of all lcluds, Men's Klovc Md lialmoral Choi's, nun's, uomeu'x.boys'N and mifsi h' lasting waiters, uomcn'H i;loe kid Pollsii M-ry lliic.Moiiiiirsmoroccn liiilmoralsauil can Mines, women s very one kki nuiioueii xaii' erw. In short boots ol all descilptlons both j k pi d and sewed. He would also i all at lent ion to his fine Msoit ment or HATK ( Al-H, 1 l it" AND NOriuN-. whiih conmiises all Ihe new and nouular ail ellhs at pi ices whiih cannot tall to suit all, Tla'se iroods aie o tiered at the lowest cash rati s and w 111 Ite mini nut ei d toum MilKnutiun. A call Is soiicittd bi lore putehslnn cWewhete in It is helicM'd that In tier bargains aie to ) fusud than ut any othei puce in iiieiounty. Dee. b'u' QAMllMll-: y I A N V K A( Tl) I i Y , tlloomsburff, Pn, M. C. HI.OAN A llKUTUKK the .llClehsoisof Wll. MAM HI.UA.S X WIN continue the biHinem of uniltlnn CAiiitiAiiiH mfi(.in;s, and i vi ry stj lc ui I'ANCY WAtidN.i, which they have coiihtantl.i on hand to null tomers, Ne r ushiR any iiialcilal but tin nnd (inployliu; the most txpeilcuced workmen they hope to continue us hoetofoie to jlc i ntlre batlstatllon tu eeiy customer. An Inspection ol their work, and of the uuMpnaLle pi ice nuked for th Mime, 1 hiiro to Insure a wile. NKIV KlTltXITTHK t m a i ?; v i M. r. pa. 11, Account of John Treuih-y Guaidlan of Aunl. j;. i ihoii minor cuim oi jacoo uarnson uec n, i. Account of Holoinon I lit ley, ad mr., of Jacob Itunp.late of Iiocimt township dee d, 11. A c con til of John Wcuner, ndm'r., of Jtuob KeiuMfi laie nicoiumuui in. me n. 1 11. Account of Lovl Cox adin'r.,olJohn Cox late . of Hemlock tow ushlp dce'd. , 15, I'list und Ilnal account of John W, Ilelshllim 1 ndm'r of hUMsanaHltlerihe'd. I pi. Account oi Lizzie l.aiuou ndm'r., oi Henry Ijiiuoii lato of liiiai cut U towmdilpdic'd. 17 Account of I'M Haitman ndm'r., I. T, A. oi William Webblateofsieott townshlpdea'd, I Is Account of Andrew Kms udm'r,, of Dald j V,tH late of (I i ten wood township dee'd lit or not e i v nn the la-cmiceH mi I'll I HA V Mn I " ,....! i n... i . . v i.... , ,,) 1 . . . ... Is' Account of s.inuiil lloweradm'r., oi iorK ON ; llDltH. three lumber waonn.twoM'tis ot ," ,, ,,,,,,,, i(n ,,f n,.,,,,,,,, i,.,,..,,.!,!..,!!,. .1 "'"- ,",'"?.l""ur" u V m".r .,, 1 irst an I tlnalaceouut of.M. 1.. I.utx IU litue ot a wilt of I'lctl Parelas issn. of l he Coin t of Common Pit as of Columbia U nnd to mo directed, will bo exposed to public i mi! ollll iloiiblcrtly entitled to tlio HeineMmta. ic;.ry ft1 gXW,i.!S2.w live. Wo uro curious to lciu ii the eniiio of this ciulilen conversion. lid uirlti-rlih .1 u uoraner u .M MiiHi!iive Hcott Towiulilp CiiturMFt 11 CI11VM fnrllin Viilliml Kl'lirilll 'loin, II llotick n.-n il..- .nol n.,,,1.. An. II 0011 r-lliooi IM- iiuiiiiiiii; iuu iiii'uiva3,,,tt ,v.,, . I irui 111 . u t L,,.r.,.aori n,,.i. I Hatnuol llruult-r UlllLT yuiir Wllin-Ull til niiutmui u,v...- (lH) ,, 1(1W,. ,t (, tlon, nnd tlio two or tlireo men who op. i n-iiei po'so will uo ashamed ol tlieir course. i:miiunyau Tlio imiuovcmciuniui liroineriiyoi nun ., (,s-,7nreri Co (own nnd county nro not In their lmmh. i'aii iik . , . v M Tin, lofntlon of Iho Kl 11(11 Xiirmul Kclirail a m Hhihti will givo, not only to tlio town but to 'Sil'ffi, tho county, lioiltlon in tluenco mul j'u,, V",ii.H eiiuriicier niuiimi. 'J l.ll lM,,P .(.till, i on . II Lonestriili t 1 tO jiuaou iini,rir r II 1,111 2 in Thou II Miller 2 Ooi (leo I, Kruiurr Wm liouvcr :i ,vi 1 ml rrinlcrlck Iibbarli .ijimc-H V Kii-lcr John Aluutl MidlHt-l Kuuou.o John J Mill's llilllil Lowenui'iK JiTi'tnliili llomlioy Anion Amliim .MonlKoineiy on Wi: wiutt tho tiix-payers to reineiu her that all tlio agitation which now oxUtu In tlio country, tho comineiclal depression, and tlio 1U0 In prices aro ji,Ai,i himiil-r attrlbutalilo to tlio crlinliml loKlslntlim Vi'i'V-'i" ofCuiiBrois to retain power. They uro lib- J;jijj uIt!,1,,1';' hOIUIt'iy llillllc; lioillliin lui inu uiiiiuii , .iiiiut'A i.iihu Imt iiro HKMidiiitr millioiis lu trylnir to .i'lhaha.T11 f'.oivlct Pri'sliloiit Johnson .for tlitnncio hwiku yihc? 1'tirposA) of K'ttliii,r u few otlKvs lio lias nt 11U (li-po?al, u .W Kuttleo Kramer II .Vi 1 a Mou renown 1 w 7.V 1M Abraham I lob. bins lo:) S co, Jonaihan Htrotip '2 i j wtj it Corlncr '2 fti ll'DKrlhr I Ul 3 OOMMer Kick : 00 3i ou Daniel A Ho" i 00 '2 iwl'M Hleaar H Diss a 00 lo uo ill A Uuciim'y '2 00 2 0u James Keuly 'J (I 1 ou litlanks 0 1 2 UU M O Woodward ' l 2 60 illlchard Thornton 2 0i I A CO 1 00 .'I 00 Jnnies Vol lock 'J 00 J'j hoYiVM Vctir Mllhr ."1 0-) 2 U)li:manuel I rlta: '2 00 i an Kid bam 1 uruuier or W., A lot of Ion ihnlns, one steam eiichu 1 In-saw Mill nnd all tho other pi ihoiial niopi it In loiiKliitf to tleorne l.clb on (lie hruutscN. n thcMimeday levltdon the following decritud eKtnli 1 11 u il 1 A 1 1 I lint i hi hi in. i.iiiitri or J 00 1 tcueun nt nod tract 01 laud situated in Ik it '2 uo township lu the County of Columbia and Mate '2 00 (,f JVnnsyivauia. Hounded nnd described as M 1 i0 low blow it: bounded on the Houth by lauds htir l- ot' eyed In the name of John M Calla, on tho it . hi hy land now or Into or lleuben Miller and laud of - 00 Jacob Honls, on the North by lahd ofMiinihl 3 oil Moomy, llinry I.elir, and Dalcl Mtiiiley and 011 00 1 1 liti I'jiht liv hold of (It'oruu I.otiLrf iibei ui r nnd 1 00 1:4 1 Kt now or lato of franklin Bhiimuu contalulm; " I one bundled and ninety acrca ho the baiae more 7" or less. Seized and taken In Hxvcutlou und lobe hold iif the piopcrtv of Hi orire I,elb. hoatiHwern. MOUUi;CAI Mll.l.AltD.Micrilt'. Hloonihbunr, April 10, tsti. i An'.rriitiH'r.v IliiyTiurHt 1 (10 mihll lllltrubomW 'J Tl'i Ailnlil ltont !i IIU, Hun Itll'u'H C'lll'IU '.' ui'U'Ti'il lllun 'j uu, 'IhoH I un U-r J HO 111' J U lIobblllH i W J 11 KlslhT 2 1) 1U my P Wolf a wi Allml M'lUniy 1 m S li li w j mi 'j ii 1 10 I IU '.' Ill) MVI'IM rtlW. oiuiu I nuii.j. On Sunday night lut tlio Iiibtltuto ut this piat'ownsaL'iunciiti'rcMUiyburKUir!. They ofVcctoil their cntrmu'o through tho wliulow, beforo(by hur-stlnia' itn tho almtter. o tlenretlatloiis wore t'onimittt'il a.s tho ulaiiu was given ut once, when they hocuino frightened und Mod, Thin ntylu of outrage U hecoinlug ton frcniiunt, and the eaptlvo mid con viction of somu of tho i-urtlod engaged, U tho only way to teach them tliat tho lawa cannot bo broken with Impurity Hill d.-JO(i.niu. 4ii v.iiuii i.s, oii uiii mm Ull., ty JlCV. 11,11. i'lll, .Ml. I'UVio, ,, nmiuf, ii I lew ail, lO .Miss nn i tin i n oioisiuii, ui (own, ,tiii'iiK.iMI IW'ftllin-At Diinvllln itu the fith lnt.,by Hev, II. A. Stoke, Mr. John C. Ulr ton, to MU Murijaiet Ann Cruwford, both of Hemlock township, Montour county, 1M, MM-; COMtlH-SJOXKltS OF COK-j umhin eon my. Killing ns n "Hoard of ltcvlslon,'' I will hold llii-ir uppiaU for wild lounty on the foil n a named daiaand plaeh, eommi iicIhk ut i 10 o'clock A. M. of each dny. Hen ton, huuloaf and Jaikon. Friday May Ut at John J. Miles' hotel lleutou, I nshluncrii k. Saturday May i'nd Cnancstn' i hotil rii-hlimcieck. ' Moulour and Heniloelc, Widnesda May tlh , ( ourl Hotihc, ltlooiniiburK. 1 Keott. '1 Itui'Mliti MnVitii Court Hiaise.ntonms. 1 burL'. ' lllootii - Tilda) May Mb Com t Houfe, IIIoouih , num. Mt,I'leaiiatil,SatutiIayMaytthMelUk'M hotel. Uut uwuud, Vine and Madlou,-Mouday Mav Hlh MUhllh', Im.UI. oruiue. Tuehday May I'-lliHnydei'M hotel, Centie. Wednesdn May Utli Half-Way house, ISiimvuU, TU'iwhk ior.- Thursday May 11th Unnlul'itliotel, llerwlcU; Catawlssa and rmnklln. I'rlday May lllh KU terV hotel, Catawlhsa. ,iH-iiht and lloarlnKtreek, Haturday May ICtu Yentfcv' hoUl hliibtown. Com iiuhiim und Ccu 1 1 alia Ilor, Mouda May lsth Weldiiisaiil's hotel Centralia, Heaver, Wednesday Citth U. V. arr'n hotel. Maine, 'rhnrnday May;Ut J, LouBenbiger'n hotel Malnelle, Miaitn.-rrlday C.'iul A, XV. IleWnhulcl Mllllln-IIU-. John V, l'owu.u, ) Mo.nioomi.uv Cot.t:, Com'r .Mtest Daviu, J wm. liiicKoaum, Apin in, us, x r.of v.lniii I. ul In tu nf lleutou low lihliio dce'd. ' Klri-t and put Hal uccount of rhoinan and i Moses Hower adm'rs., of Danlvl Ilower late of riankllu township dee'il. t.t. Account of John V, I'owler r.r.. 'r Jot Hoimhton Into of Vine tow ushlp dee'd. 'JI. Account of John Atcn udm'r,, of Maiy hehwcppenheUer late of Mllllln townhlp dee'd. '2 Account of William Hinllh ndm'r., tie Uoiu non of 'lliomas Wlldoner, lute ol Cwlumlilu Co, iW. First and llnnl nci-ount of Kit ltoblns, ndm'iof Abrahnni HoblnH, l'lshlmtcreelc Two. 27, Account of Henry Yost Adin'r of John Yost lato of Locust Township deceased, Js. First and Ilnal account of Meow D. find Philip Keller, and or Jacob Keller, Hr.,deceael, lato of vcott Township. 29 Account of Abraham V, Itubblns, ndm'r., of Thomas J. Uohhlus, lute of FUhlngcrcek. twp , deceased. :fa First Acco'.nt of Thomas Crccllns. Jr., nd mlnUtraiorof F.U Cicicllns, late of N-ott town hhu, dce'd, 1 JOHN (J. rilKir.K. HeiElster. Itloomslmric Apt II & l, A. J. Ilf.UNJNOFU, Would ri'M.cctfullv amiotiliie to the habile, that he Una opined . ihu Futnlture Sbau In Mnlnvllle. wlierebr Knp nu Kinnx ot city hu iiomo mane F t It N II V II H, cane bottomtil iud hair cushioned chairs, hit styles ol MididtadH mid tatuaiiK, laohs ami Htand, and all ood In his line. Itcpairl nn neat- Iv nmt , i n Irk K done, llotlhe liiillitlm'aild T iiaiiBlini done nt thort no'lee and reaHonabUt rates; in the lest tiiauutr. Also, iinUi itaklni; nt snort notice iiiov u.mi (iKttltiiF W. MU'UF.It, Fropiiitor. Tho abo-e well-km wn hotel 1ms iirenth uudor. Bono rti'l nil ( haniics in its Internal ai lanm'iueuU, unci itma't prl toi announciHio his iuiim-r custom andthe travelliny public that his nccomodntions for Ihecomruit of his KiieidrfaiCM'coud to uone In the country HN table will always be found sup plied, not onH' with unbstnntlal food, but w'llh all the delicacies of (he season. His wines nnd 11 iiuors (esiept that poiailar lieeitiRn known as hous(n,arr cuttrelv pure.and fni trom ull id-1 koiiouk drug, He h thankful lor nlili-ral iwdron nifo In the punt, alid will continue to di serve It tu Vhofutnie. llFOUUr; W. MAUUFH. 1 which fact enables us Inoiterour custotuirs i i terlloiHls for the money than those who proriss lo be "Manufacturers Asents," or thnti ran be obtained In nny other way, Iho unparalleled lucreuiu of our business, and Iho endorsement of ptomluont business men and the press lnKeneral,ls n couvlnetnn proof Hint we have ndoptcd Ihe fnlret nnd imwl popular svslem ever placed bcfoie tho public. Wemo Ihe tint who have attempted to make ii "Devolution lu Tiadr," by ennbllmr Iho public to procure Hoods hi ninnll ipinntiticH at maiiufaitureis' prices thusfcnvln the consumer tin ee In rue prof. Its mnde In puMhiK through the hands ot Ihe Commission Men hant, the Wholcuh r, and lb--taller. , , , Hend Cluhsofuu or more, with lOct .for each ileicrlptlvo cheek, nnd the wetter tip or Ihe club w 111 receive u ptescnt worth $J lo Joo, nreoidin to number sent. 4- Ktn ion orii M-.vr i iitcrt.vit, We have also made nrrangemnts with Hie tinUATOUIKNTAl.TIIA CO., of Hodon, so that we can furulsh our custuiiicrs . with other Good-and their full limn of Teas at precisely tho name terms to Aaenis ns thought dealing directly with the company, thus kIviukI r nn opportunltj of Aclcc-tlng from tlio various tf yiauea uny iiiai iy nicy inny iiemn-. inimvi pny nuents tho Name commlslons ns nllowed by IhuComimnv, lllanlt form of older, with pi Ice- I list nnd 'Th Tea Cup," nt toanynddre-s. vahUhua tt., ' So. CI .1 01 Federal Mt., Ilostoti. , ji'ht nccmvj'.D J J A new Inlolco ull lucUny, ijikhik warp, IVIIowimr.clis VHT lll-X'KIVKI) .irr iiKcmvnn ni'ii In.tnlluiiMil 'il llnlii., Ilrlfil lliif, foil riKliunit Mu. UiKl. UST ItKCKIVKI) jrvr iii:i i:ivi;ii Tin- l'l l.illHlli, lu IIikIowii. i:st m:ci:ivi:i) .ICsT IIIXMUVlill . . I'lreli Drlnl Klllllr, ApploK, lVncliifB, tmroil ninl uninri(i, lllnrltbiTrli'., PruneH, Wlillo lli-nn., Ilorloy nn,l Hominy. rNDISI'KNHAlH.H I'Oll I.A 10 ICS 1 0ODSl'KKD'S VOUXTA I X PKX. t0 lines written with ono neu of I lift. The best thlnir in tho world, sample sent for 10 cIh. fin uday guaranteed to Agenth. Addr?i i(iLi,iui,,n ran; now , new ioik. J.T. IS Til H hkwino oiriDi:, a benutliul article for tho nnHlslnnce or ladles In hnud sew Ins, not only protictltiK tho tinner from the Italy prick of tin needle, but, being provided wit hu rib, theHtltehes nre made with F.xnet Keg. ularlty, ntid IncirnM'd rnjildly. It also keeps tin point of the noodle In perfect condition. For nil kinds of embiolderlng and cioriietiii It Is Inval uable, 'iheiiuldels eligantl.i slhirt luted, and will nell ut night loeery lady, Hen t to nny add teas by mall, on receipt of iicent, or solid silver, lot "'cents Agtnts wanted In every town. Terms and Mam pie for 25 cents. Liberal discount to the Hade. Addies. NIl.Ktt MANCF (I CO., M Water Hi., Iloston, Mass. nw "youkI'IAXo voivve C O M V A N Y. tllAKTMlKIl KlII lsi'd.i ManufaclttrerK or (JUAND AND SilCAUH AUKAtTK PIANO-FOUTIvS. Vo. 310 and 312 Second Avenue, UOHM-i: Ol' 20tl MTHKliT, KVV YORK Helid 1'ordrM rlitle CataloiiUe and Vrlie 1,1st. April 2I.MS am. I WANTi;!) T T T 1IOJIAS It. AOXHW. nioiii.-on's Crown (Jrinollni'.s X Are Clmrnilns for I.tRhln,-i.K. WumlSU GUCUNWICll ST., .N. Y., 11ns rilucpil tlienrlceH ofTcni, Colfi'PH, Miliar riour nnu nu kiiui oi uini'mei 1,0111 lu toii)ii.rciuit. IIf-ht Japan Ti:,tl.OO. Ill ST KNULIhll Illtl:Ak'l'AHT TlA, 11.I IlKST OOLUMI Tka OOcl.1, ltwl hlils. Flour HllKrndeR, from 111 upwftnl.. JI.imikiiI. Molussrs.nll Krudi's, from Inc. urwiirils. i.oui-i'H, ronsifu una Krotuui, i'. 10 iw. fuk.iis nil urndvH, nt ri-llni-rH' ltrlci1., nntl nvrrytlilinl usftl Invvi'ry ruinuy vlieupi-rnnu uelMr limn an) sioro in iMjv lorn. 1IIUMAS K. A(JNi: orcuolL'H nisoiin nlolo. owns Ihe piopnly, mullius no lent to imy : lin liorlsntnl uujh i-xi'lusli'ely for cnli, never kuo ii liotfi In Ills life, consentient Ir he cull lllitlersell uny houso In theelty. 'piioiiisoii'a Criiwn Crinoline" I Are Superior lor KliisUelly rpiionisimV Crown Crinolliit'S L Aro unequalled for liuriiUllty i Pliomson'd Crown Crinolini'.-i I In n woiil, nre tlio lest In tho uoild, utui luoro widely Known innu nny inner. At wlmlfhftlebv '1IIOMSON, LASdllUN ro., April 21,'trt-ani. :ll Urondliny Xt-w York. lfuller, Vwi nnd lirdt for n prim, llltlcleenslt will lie pflld, YrAXTr.i) lliitini.istioiilders ii tul unroll. IIOllllS (lOOllS doom OOOIIS Ml Ml SOI, II Sill, II SOl.II SMAI.I, JS.MAI.I. SMAI.I. SMAI.I, AilS-ANCl',. AI1VAN1I., AUVANC1-. AllYAM I', KOH UASI1 oil IlKADY I'AV, FOU CASH oil llt;.OY I'AY, roit cash on ui:ady i'., Koiicviii on m:UY AT I,. T. HllAKW.IN-rH HIOllU. AT I T. SIIAIIPI.IISMH KIOllK. AT 1 T. SlIAItl'I.l.iss hTOlli: AT 1.. T. hllA.IU'I.USlrt HlUlli:. lllooinsliurit, Mnreh M, ls-l. TV. Alir. COMING, T MlUSSi:S.-'',SKKliKY'.S IIAIID tains ihoinost dlltlculLsafelv ami easllv: lievt rusts, breaks, moves oruils; alwayi new. hold nv in i ii imKiifiB, nviiu mr pniiipoiei, ii i in li mit htrect i IdludelphU. A17ANTKI) AOKNTri. 11 $75 to ?.1i0 per Hint Ih.CM'ry when a. lv II. ItAIOIOUK. piano Fuitn; 'tiM r.vrTt Waii'-iuomH,:ii Ulec.'kerStreel, New ml, i it. , 3ill1l' F.sinbllihed, and 27 I'rlc Medals Awar ds). inu Claim FuilfNiiiennw uiilierHlli acI1iowl olced by the most ilNtuliiffiilhhftl mIMs to be ihellcl nianufai tured, and wherevei Hit h ivv been lull od need and lived, we nu not loipilred In ia one word In thclt favor, tin It excellime stands pie-emlnenlly to those of other m.ilceis ; und front Iho tnat sucie.s-i uchhved, and 1m pioM'tuents made bu ns In the la" l tblilv yon. ihuuii uii'ini mini u utm-i iiiih I'liini) . oi U' .11 .il'xi lo Fi"l ii I' 'in it -diul! .r on,. . 01 b b mniir ew In lc I'laow 1 nit- Unn iiiiid tii .'i gl satlsfiit t inn. , nod In letuiile to lutrodU'-O the tienullie Improved Common Hi tin Family Hi'vilng Machine. This iiiiifhtim utlt htiti'h. hein. tll. inek finlll emil. bind, braid and inibiiiUlcr In a rnot niiperloi j .il' manner. 1'rlen only Fully warrantid lor j eN, nveyeai'f. o v win pay jicj un mo iiiucnine i v that will hew a stronei, nioie beautiful, or iitmo , eiaiie heaiii iiian ours, ll umiven uie -i.uisih Ijih-Ic stilch." i:erv second stitch can be cut and still Ihe cloth cannot be milled apart with' out (uiriii it. We pay Agents trom t7"ito ' th vi ty best quallly that can hi proiiiied, pi r montn ami expenses, or n cominiMin iirm . I'firi is miuiiicii; vi ihu u,e puniie ev o miuut pis which tw Ice that amount inn ho made. Addresy 1 ovi t, in vi r i seupeH out igilaiie, Hvej.v HM'DMH A CO., FlttsbuiKh, Fa., or liosion Mass. side .nut out. Is falthlullv und tlior- CAl THIN. Do not 1 Imposed Upon hy oth r , ouglil , mi I Imt it Will leu Ihlilost lnln parllcs pal in Inu oif worthless cast-irom ma ute eMimlonilon. Thev dIPei- lrot, die bmd, iiiin-h, uiiiier i no name name or oioerw ise. en.u in ujue in iuum i-iiiiioh, wine u is nan in inc I nil I't'ituis nre M:tde1t.ict ; ihe toali 1 1 tm evtiy p.irf me iboiinmhly seasoned, mid AND Wll, I, l'HllWUNTTO ANY I'F.ltON 8KND INO Vtt A CI.ITM IN OKU OltlMT tN k Diti.i.Ai; sai.i; ON DHY AND l-WXCY (iOODf, A NVnlt'h, I'U-KMif Slu-ctinj;, Silk l)ri I'atW rn. tcM Ac II a 1. 1. DF ( )iT. nur Induct ment a duriiii; tin pat low yiars hnvv Im it Uig. WllNow D0IrHT,l orn I!.VTK.mi' I'UF.Ml I Mm ' i tur fi lends vt 111 ic.idlly notice our presents for and I'Nielubs are now more tlriu muni In 1 value to elubsofwi and loo riicft iv-ls ofntlit r tlrms. I' I, i: ASK K X A M I N J n jt i ion Midei in ellbi-r ol the i'ui.H men l Imicd bi low, can have ibelr srh eti(,ns oi prt in lints en unlet up .l,corie'i Hiding b- the nl. .w u Club, I 1(1. L id' oM. (ittl.l.Alt ! 1 or oi lull of , VI, i-kt.j cli h, u : iieiatiic ours in Iho only Kcnulne and piactlcal cheap ma chine manufactured. iter month KiiarantetMl to Aneitls everv when hell Inu our Pat ent KverliiHtlint Mi tallle Clothes I, im-K. Write for Citculars to the AMhctrtN WntK Co., 1 lln-adway. N V. or 1 Dtiubotn 'st., I hlca OWK A STKVKNS KAMI la dyi; t oloip-i. loirtv d ilen-nt hhades. all in Lion Id nam, 'Ihe same hhades, all lu powder foini. WeaUvNe the Use of the ItlaiUM, Ilrnwimand Uralw, In Ihe powder form. For wile by all DrmrfiUis and Dealers, and al Ihe Manufactory, Ilnstou, Mas-,, INjoaTii 1 Hllll' CO. AMKIUCAN STEAM- In olniilhir. 1111,1 urmu hnrui im n itut Inn much as it Is rellmd and df lh ate, pure In Un vU biatlons, itilfuhKutlu Its hluiiu capatit, and has nil tin1 tiower nc ei-fnrv lo priHiuci eci rv b hhedKrict. They are. vi Ithoui iloubt, the best, tin niosi lnstlm:. and ciiiivMiuenllv Ihe eheaoenl. We me eoiut ui. wiiii a imr pioio i-X) to MKl.ljO, H (IWK'S STAN DA It I) SCAI.Krs Iai l.v dei-cilpllon oi wnlo ii'itrrimteil to ul enllru mllstfti'lloti. hi-ml lot t'litnlouiu-mul i elllnr: fceeoii'l.hnnd M-nles or other lusliers In;, n lu pull nny foi oiiii,, lor snlo rh, nr, iiowi:fAi.i:c,i. J Park l'liiee, .V. r oil; 111 rwlernl "I. Ilo.lini. .plllil,'UV3ni TIIHOirilll 1.1NK TOI.AI.i;rOHM lUI'lMVlul: Mr lit u L'A. sAH.INU KllOM Sl'.W YOHK Mnn li 1 1 1 nnd Hili j-Apill .Mil unit l.",lli Mm l",th mid i'lli. Willi Sew Kteninslllps of Ihu Hint eliw... 1'AH.SAflE 1.0WI.K THAN ll V ANY UTItllt 1.1NI. Tor further Intoruiatlou uddress Ihe undir. fclUHed III 1" Wi'i-t Stieet.Noiv olk. II. N. L'AllUINinilN. Anent. W. II. WKIll", I'res t. C'll H. 1IANA, Vlee l'r, .'I. Olllee ,11 Kxehnuire I'lueo, Now York. moHK iii:autikuk m:vv lllKK II.IC.V1K UOOKMiaTl-, Jiui pubiuhcd lu 11. c moil attractive hlvl, ah. i Oneot i he most uveful Inventions of theme. I I'Ksctripi iv i: i'ii it i; i,i.r. i ein yu, hchooi, inui Mercantile lluol; Hlalis, ;Wmt Fl'IL tt,orit II1M1NGSF) Pi r Ilundri IMCKKI' HOOK Sh.VTK, i rt, iniencaveo, ami nn emeii'ier nir i"'. AXI'.. i:i) JACKKT i nl. Ill U.N i I' VIKN1. July. Ti li'il mul not I'oiinil WmUini;. , iv,;. I ijr way. kock si, i i:, roreotunioti Ncho l usi' jielii'll. lll . nlih hou'i. ,! llu IUMI .SlS'i.VI , 1 On H KNDKHSUO'mS PIIAKMACY. ori'OnltK AMFRKA.V ilOl'Hi; Win re may be found neoinph te nKfoilnicnlof iresli and pure rpOHlMNOTON A IIOIKiKINS j;a ii' oa'; NITKU IMIOSI'IIATK OV MMI3, A KPANDAHD MANUIIH rou all AM UHAIN CKOrH. 1 lav Inu within the punt year urciiUy liierenMd and Improved our (acuities fur ftrluditiK lonMi and munufactuilnu, weaie pn pared to furnish the funnel of IVnnsv Ivnnla a fciipulor nrtlclo ot M'PFUPIIOMPHATK. Our manufactory hiisbtcu thorouuhly hided am itni.1 i.eMuni liv ornctlcal men of our luiuio- dlaie nelithhoihood and Iewhcre, nnd In eTtry icaso the lenilll nan oe n miimy naiiioaciory, Our pifKCHs of pulveilzinjt, whereby It 1 pre paled lor and Riiaiuutccd . 10 PAKH THOUGH ANY WUI.L, ' obvlatiK un objection which nttarhcn to many I ferttUrerH.nnd hecuicH to the f.irmrra wtvlitRof titucn vattiaoie nine. Scalhii. lK)Wi:il On 'rimrul.iy nlslil, Ai-rll Slrd, of n Mioko ni I'ulny, Aluuliiim llouvr, of (iniiito tullllp,l'"hllllljlii'OUIII)' 0t,'eduljouU3tliril s ADDl.K & HAUNliSS MAKICII. .Mi:niciNix, nvr. Krrrrs, rouiim, ohm, WINIIOW.niR1, I.AMI'H, t,A.NTi:i!N , HO UAH, KlAfH, AI.COIIOI,, WlNl'JS A I.lQOIlf HYltfl'H, i'i:iti'i'.Mi:uy, tou.Kr AND TASPV AI ll'l.lX, Klileh aro iJTereil nl old time price.. I're.iilp. tloiiM ni'euriiti'ljr prepnred, Jim 3'Coly, J ATK1A' OIT.NKD. ' Hie uudrlklKlied tloulil ri .peel full)-Inform the t'lllens ol lllooliiMbuiitutid lclully, Unit hehnh jiut opened u .hop ou lion HI ret I. Iietueeu Mulll und 'llilrtl, wherolio nil I follow tin, euliiuet uiu l.iuit IiukIiui. Iii nil lls brnnclii., Oidoia or jii:tai.i,ic on oriir.H coitin lllli'd nllh pioinptlieuH mul ilebpnti-h. Ht'siliti ' Sold lit Ihe mnnumetory KAHTMAHllKTeiTllllliT I mi.Mit iiv. I'a., nnd hy our utuiius throuuhout I ,1,., , i.iiittrv 111 lines of 2l.l P.. . eiicll. nt Is", llel toll ol mi Un. AlHoHllllTKU I'llOJII'l'I.Y to nil points neeesslble by mil orriiuiil, on receipt of order, TOllltlNllTON A 1 101K1K I SH. Also AurnU for heymour, Mormm A Allen., hull Itiillllill ltenperiind Monir i'lho w York er ulul 1'rwltA Hundley. Jlny nnd fliuln Huke, J. K. t'A vn, Ayent, ltloonisbnrr, l'n. A, ml or tTrcuor, I'eb.s'tl'i.lliu On (ii:vii.i k, t'ciA'siuiA, I'i.ns' t. Till! uniltrsliined ri'spcctfully Informs Ids menus urn iil'iui i ai i.. . , ", , it e, n,,.boltinne,l th.ilrs. l-iil 1 IOM ll l Kir, lino ivii . . . ...... . . 1 .1 ...ri .!,.. il .... ,,, I, VuntW nod eimsllll ,os, iinte .mul ikim'm io t iservo ami nn-eivu iiieisii 1 mim, , .,:,.-,:,:- v::- im uot oof ll who need mllcles In his Hue, ,litVn i.iw Feb.-'i,'!, OF.OItliF UA'IMWH. 1 VpliUO, Oilt heaply Jitado to all Kinds of furniture, inciud it the i uumuir uuan. QciirTzi-; & v)ourv T7 UJSTAUI-l'illkn IN IKtt.) Manufuturcrs nf ihenewpatint MONITOH li.ATF PIANO FOlt'l i;, patenud Fibeuuiy ith. isiri'i. Warranted for live yearn. WnteioomK, 4ij lliuome-hu. New York. Thu natent Monitor Plato Pianos bv their ne- ctillar eoiihtitictlon aro ku pel lor to ull olhem, nnd their merit conaUtu lu the w icd plunk belna mip jairtiil by the Iron ftame, allow I a l.irKer fpaco ior l ue uuu in 1 1 uk otuiru iiiuii is iim'fu oy 11117 other kind of Piano, lly this mums the (timntlty as well ns the HUalliyof the tone U largely lu 'IheKe Pianos have bun jiroitoitiKed by thn best JudtcM to be unrivalled for POWFIt ANl HWKKTNFjsS OF TON H, Fasy nnd asreeablo touch nnd beauty of finish, Mont (latterlim cert Ideates of excellence) from Thai buy, Ooum hnlk.HtruUimch, Vlouttuipti, und 11 lartiu number ol the most dUtlnRulbhcd I'role kom and Amateurs. From lonir rinerlenco und mi pel lor factlillen for Manufacturing, wo aro ena bled to otter our piano at as low price a ura tutted by Inferior nuikcru. Hend rorelimlar und price Hit, Mur.u'bky tYHl V.L HOUR M. V I I., For common school ue wtoue pencil, Ii.n poof; HI.A'IF. Interleaved isl sjate sun ices for St bon). iiieieanUli' puipnsm w lib KnHi stone in nod. wll I V I'll ll' kl'l'l I Intrrlfaicd, isl Hlale Mirlnicst tur olllce anil toercanith' jairposi h, Willi honps-tone petirii, . do. ft'ixhi'i luteiieav d, ikIx stale burtacesj for Kchoolsuiid xeniln ines with ' h utikstoiu tvncll, ... do, fl x H 75 M , MI.NKltAI, IlOOK M. 1 tm tlenvid, nix statu Ktirfaceh) for I rollceh. academies and luofeswlonal 1 line, w 1th Miapstmie pencil, do. T I'M, FI.IM' l.OtilCM.ATi:, t Interleaved, (hlx ulala surfaces i inr the dialer, ftuieor met hanle, with soapstnne pinell . do, v 1 2 1 lad o , An one of tlio abovo tFtimpUhi will be hcnt, prepaid by mnll, on let elpt of the hlnhi prlte. FveijUidy vvantH: everab'Ml.v buj h as nuick 10, Hi fk i.l hiiui fullv triinl vour imtent axeuild n 1 nnu inai 11 is 1111 umi you ciauu mr 11, 11 m (Hie ol the mill w ilK ill tilitleill : hlta I 1 t a J hi d ptt ad ; lHtvhw 'I'uiUov mocoeeo iiibum jj it til wbeetlliH ; lrlpeil c.uhmcie ilel.llll. On, pattern; limii eoMib (piill j all wod -jii,ti hhawl. t-el holld Kohl liosi.iilhttids all wool Jut) i iiKtmu ie pants and vi st pattctu, vent & Jia.i utrird chain unld iiinnnlims; silver laiedchast'd butler dish ; f ltv er plated i bollle m .U ,nn ca tor. on fei t ; M't huperlor htnled bludeit knivi-. and forks; viointeil piominade ohawl; ladtcn Ion- -jidd plah'd cli.ilu t l.tdh s' cold tloubtt uti Wenth" binvy chtiied fidld (told rilift i 'olid bltul, wtttuut work box or w tHlnj desk ; evliu ipt'illlv our iTkes iane 110m I "almoral ,fKirt; m-i jeweiiy.Mccve imttons n iutl 'I 'i.s.. m niatili; violin and buw ;. uciiIh' cardluati jrn k 1 ' widen. ltd eb niv 1 ilnte. I vorv trlmmiuus mim1 ilor Tuikej' inoiroio Mhopilntr tut:; hmk nl. 11 i-ut baliuoral booth. For aclubot ii'iis'l . iinei.f ihe mlluw u - a.t 1 s, v iz: llliu'k ni cohtr d ul nea dies ( -lei 1 iiopltu ilreu puttiiu; oin piece i.f ble iclutl u in-own hhectiiiK ; euijiavcd, htlvtrplattd, t but lie ieolv iuu 1 ,tKtor; :t ljards mo i-rtor cnt-h-invretoi;p.iiit- indjv tat pattern exti a he uvy honey comb tpilll ; two tauev cololed Ped koicuiIh, uh uelit'M calf bouts; -t nrds farhitr kooiI wool irocklni;; fattc canhmeie jdald drms pattitn best iUullt tmlmoral skirl: lose wihm! biasKalarm clink ; ladit-s' all wool cloak patu-in ; nihil p'ai ed cake or en id hiikkit: tur liiliir or eai e: ladicn fashionable wool double shawl ; splendid 1 1 lamlly Itlble locll! ti old l ut,i and iUKiisV iK ibuible Wbtlli vinU-i proof clonkliiK ; sei tv rv handle Un. u i, with klher-plut. .1 i,nu, t hllvel fnlks 1 one n 1 1-ue 1 Ul tailii. For a club ot I-ut, aR, uue nf Un ii.hw ju . .u tlchs, Iz: 1 ynidi double wtkth cloak lint or emit Im: ; '2 large, line, bliathed Iluiii table ihvimn with 1 do. Iiue sized dlnm-i napkins to liu.tch . t 1 wein. -uve aro spn uuai neinp e.irpi uuk kooo tcins; extra ijitatll.v poplin du.s patterns: one uue lare jiliie mi pel lu r itmllt etlta w'UtU shietlni;: pair pent's calf boot- beht iilialil m r lnnniiiicased on It nt leaver vviileii 1' to tapstuiic I iy biindli d Mti 1 1 bl.idcd knhcK and 101 Us; .iier no, at; , w ! pi. in ti 1 imi u v ni si 1. utile rev 01 v inu cu-ioi . w 111 'Ul KlilMS ooiut ; H.'lUllU V l')lltl, .mi cumpiete; Minute I urrel Hhot un: Muerm tix biuret ruvolvi v ; pulr euperior white vne t.n ul, eUt nice fur muir 1 ml cnim ; s!lvr-pltt. tn Uiavisl tee phciu r. viitli hufvei ; h ven me! ant hull yard ull wi 1 1 iiic ahimci'e fm mu. , one dn;i it Itotli in' 1 1 m silveiplatcd fotks eninmou Ulise n'Uiiy 11 I 1 lolil'iiidclimt lituciiliie, iwi heavy Imii-' inii.h inllU; idindM ndi'ii Old Iililll lilble. lie nd att 1 pli'iloyi.lpli pail. For tiiraer t In!" the Value lueiviisih In the I'ttllO lot 11 ('atutotie of Uut .iIn nild huiuple m ut Iw auj l 'trifcsfrti. Ft ltd lnioti li reuUtin d b ir Asl.lieHullonlei to hUh.MCxs!, li'i 10 ilalur It wlUciu Twtiil.vUve "i'ti pe , MOItl! t1HI WOOll PKU A thnnaiiy ithei 1111 nude iut CIIOII I.lblLT IIIUII UIIJ Ullll'l IIIUII l-ri ritn, and leuvcH the wixjd without s(lckin ut nil. I would not chop three d.ii vi llhout one for the coHt, 1 need not Kay any more, foi any man llutt irnss one win we vniiHietj, vv M, KI.l Mi KKKspoitr, Dec, !, lfiC7, CWTTIl lM I .Tin bid and thu label art both oat ctileil. InfrlouerM rm tlieoit tsiteiiln will be tiros ecu ted accouUm;r& law. Ycndeu or deulers, and perHouu lutmfauy iiiiiiiiciiii'iii,iiie uaoie who the maker of th" Infringement, Just the thins for nrncltcal tiaiiioM'i. A koo1 man wan'ed lur this i'ounty, apply r add 1 ens New York Hi Heat I took MatQCmup-mv , JUCortlanitKtieet.New Yoilt. ' Apriiii, ovini. 0U HAtK HV AM. llKAI.RItS VMi fit H M A N -VVAeU'ltKllt.. MPPINtWr A tlKKWF.l,l.. (sut censors to I.lppiucott A. Co..1 Mote owileinof Paleitt, Prnlll'UOII. Pa. mu w . 1 mv :s' M(JIT WAXTKI) ran An iud. ! 1 I' ' ' I' rifl A I, Ills T o IM Imp OF TIIK WAU, Its fuuses, t'lmineter. t'oiiduci mul llo-ntts. lly Ull.S'. Al.rA'ANIUlIt II. HTKIMITN". A Hook ion tl I. Kutions sni Al T I'tunes, m xl v r or $25, Of your own selei-tlon, freo of eust, for nfew dtiys hervlcu 111 uny limn orlllui;e, l'nrtleiilms and u ulft .cut frie, bv lldilressltn; m lib kUiinp, N, 11. rUll'IIMA.N A CO., tailiiiioterHI, Iloklnn,.Mn. ONE DOLLAR A I'UKSKN M) Till: LAW IS We are am-nls fur over line llmnliitl Fineluo and Iionii'itle Mnnufaclureis, ami aie prepaied to fin uish tho w hole country with dry mul I incy tioiMiv, kllbc, bhawlb, Jewell y, silver ware, lurnl. lure, pianos, newlnt; innehlnc, itc,,ele., nt Iho uniform price nf oni; l-ouait Foil fai ii autici.f Hend our club of 10 and upwards, for ilicrlp live chtckhuw inu w hat nrtlclo can be obtained for One lo)liir, vrlth ten ccnu for each chccU. CIHCl r.AUH Hr,NT VIW.V PiekcnU woith from tl to i(0 kcih treu of chnrtiii tonucntkendliu:iluhij, Akiiu Wauled tu every town I I'MIMAN a ro., 10 Altl t Cv.t tu, bi-' This meal wnilc presents iho only compb'le i au.ilnlN of tho i.aiuts if thu War yet published, nnd gives those interior l)Khb und I Khadown id ihe urcnt contlicl only known to 1 I those hlnh ollU-crs who wnUbo.1 thu tl- ml-tlde nf , revolution fjom it, fiaintalu ptluu'., and which t ' were ko ucc. itsiiih- in Mi. Hieplien-. liiun bK m tillton as upcoihI ottleer of ihe Fonhsleiiu v, Ion public that hniui Miru-ltod with Ap parently Mmllar Proiluctloiis, we pinmne change of tare, luith agreeable Mu Milulaiy, and. an Intellectual licat oi the holiest imler. Tbu (Jieut Amcilcan WurlmsAT l.AHT found nhls-i torlan worthy of its Impoitauce, mid ni wiiomti . bunds ll will lecelve hul uuKterato, mndld and ' ImpaitlMl tiealmeiit which tiulliuud Jutlee mi ureenllv demand. The Intense ileshe eveiywlmo iaauli'dct to obtain thU work, lis Ollkci il chaiaelt-r and leadv Mile, combined with an lneieaed eiimtiilmitlon, make it the Wt iibMiiptiou book ever pub IMhhI. OueAKeut In iatoiuu, Pa.,iepats7Hub4 r(UM in tluee li f. One hi notion, .MnM , luistibserth'rs In I ibivv. OnelnMfmphlsTunn,. lot mbscrlleis n if a daj s. hind lor i liculais and w our leria, and a uiU ileM'rlptloii of the woik,vlth piem not let m i.i fidvaiice nb'-elH, etc. AildreN ATIOV.. pl'lt I.IHUINU lO.,V'i fsoulliht., Philadelphia. Pa. Ma l,'(s. AM.KN, 1IAWI .( t'o P IVdirulHt,, llifclun, Man, P.O. llof, Wholewile luuh is In Ih and Fancy (JuixIh. f uthii. piniid Man-. Alhums, Untlo-r Oto U( Ac, At .vbitch 2 1 iiT7 HY MAC111NKUY. 'Ihe unders'tfiied would re.pce'tullr will (Li- allenttou of tho public, lo liUnew nppioveJ nietliml of maklus Wot hi b)i u syalom Ihimm tiVHin matiiciuaiicai prlncipich, whleii rendot u Impossible tobeotherw Ke t hnn perfee'ly nccui uie lie cialum for nils method iho lollowlue lantaijc. Filter. Perfect mvuihi'v. A hiv hit: ul two thirds pf ) .f uniaU u.U- it to rut out Ike rtolh. I iimm i Ablliiv to metiMtrc any Hume -o imt., tuW t 1 liood lit. i'oputu. 'Umt ll doth (iwny Willi tho i.eiN'Hy of tH tie ineivureil umietlnn nnco,ns often 1m the cn fiooi the inUuppielu'iisIou or mistake ot t i metisuier. , Me would urge Hirpubtlc toijlve It n ulnl.M i . IsnalNtuil that It m v,v pi rfM l kiitUfaetlnii IU will bo happy to inhibit ami explain JU work I iiE nt tm lime (o vUUors. . , J. W. slllJMm-.Ul.lN Match tfi, Wi Main Ht U low Mark l I TOIIN 0. YKAUKIt A CO., Wlioluulo lieuleri lu II TH. Clt), HTllAW 0(11)1, ANI uvmr.s' run. No.lMNoilliTlllldMrnl, rklludulphln. flW ,OU NKA1' ANU I'UKAl' r M)H PlilN'l'lN'O .1 LS'!'..1.":.1 l',v.' 11 1110 iJiwipM nooi- l-i,. .. , t. . .f:.. " I O HKll.TH lu the 'smtity ul 1 , " won i. urn p. Mnrl 'ia if T nil llI,ls