THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. farmer's! gjriiartmriit. Krum m l.over nf hU Prflfcs.loii. Ah mie who lovca tiN profi'sslon, nntl hi'lU'Vm it rirm r inn mnku h ijooil llvlnj; If ho i:iyi Mllciillon to hU bust-ih-hs, mid nt the Mine llinu Iny u little tin for a r.ilnv I iirimii'it In tulk n little to my litntlnr .inner, to clvo n few hint, Ac j n little of everything which nmy luleren tho farmer. In rcRiinl In phuvliiK, tliU shotilil In well ilone, the furrow lliv well lulil or ttirneil Hint the vivetnliln mutter nmv not he hut hy.the wnxtlnir ell'cct of the iilmoi!ieio. l helleve" that fall plow Inst U ile-ttrucllve to the cut worm, mill pl't'VPIltis Its ravines mill the netloii ol tliiTro't iloe the L'rnitiitl ko(I, while nt thi'Hiime Hum' Hi.' plowing ilaee- tin I'Kol toe cut worm mil of the lead of the litl which It rniilrc to hatch Yet by iloliiK lute In the irlnj thl unie point nut. lie lmIiiiiI. If you Kiveu toii-ilieliiif lielbre iiIowIiil'. ri that tin-Mm! Is well turneil over; ilo not cut ami cover in o many .do. Some t lines the Iilow Is tlie ciiii.i.(il'li,ul work io iiiviln jriviit Improvement In our lilows.i tho furrows tlioulil he well turned, not broken or pressed down lis Is olten the case. What trnulile there Is In the afrer culture of the land, win tho plowitiir. I poorly done! (let the (n-t plow you can lind In the market time will be unveil, nnd "lime I- inon ey. Save your manure ami mnku all you can. This Is your capital. It Is not What we make, but what we nivo that makes us rich. Never put your crops on short allowance. Itettertocultlvate one acre well than two only half. The -ame labor that ral-es i)) bushels of corn, will mlsuiiii If you manure prop erly. Does not thlsklndofs.ivlnj'payV The same doctrine may he advocated in the keeping of stock It Is always bei-t to feed ficely. Adoit the same rule lu regard to your land, Take n leu. mjii from nature tho never takes from the earth hut she gives back .something in return. Look after that groat leak nt tho bum -liquid iimninc. Have you n system of gathering it'.' If not, pro pare one. Tho .swing of this alone- will nniouiit to many dollars In vnluu during tho of tho year. It is n good idea to havo n cistern for this, so you can pump it out over tho long manure. If you let it become putrid In the tank or cistern, mid then apply to plmts, It lias n tendency to pteserve them from the ravages of Insects. It Is also a great stimulant to vegetation. tiavo tho soap-suds that nrc mado at the liouo It has strong properties. It contains tho food of plnuls in solution ready to bo taken up to glvu new ener gy. It Is an excellent Jngredient for tho compost heap. Wo usoltfor our currant bushes, rerub tho trees In tho orchard with It, sometimes wegivo It to our squashes and melon vines, nnd sometimes throw It over rubbish com posed of chips, leaves, vegetable matter, Ac, It hastens decomposition. Look utter things and you will havo lea to grumble. Seo that the poultry droppings are not last this is generally another leak age. It Is worth thu time spent in sav ing it. Thedropplugsof seventy fowls lu a year would put up a good poultry house. Have you ever thought or tlits brother farmer V There again goes the wood iishes why take lllleeu cents a bushel for them V they are tu your land more than a dollar tt bushel. Try tho experiment of lulng them as a top dressing, nnd seo the benefit you derive from theiii. Af ter you try it, wo don't think you will ever sell another Im-hel from the farm. Try a llttlo in your corn -ee how bright and luxuriant It will bo whllo growing, nnd notlco tin. big bright yel low ear nt seed time. The waste of farmers on all tho farms In thu United States Ifgathered and sold, would pay our national debt '. Let us seo how many nmro holes for treasure aro visible. Neighbor A throws his fodder out in tho yard in stead nf cutting and steaming for the stock. IT ho would pursue the hitler course, one-third would do. That Is a big leak. There Is a lino bum-It of hay dropped wuen neigiiuor u was leeiitng tits sheep, It U not very largo, only a!out half a pounu, out tiirce hundred and sixty 11 vo makes nearly two hundred pounds, worth about two dollars, hut the loss every year, and six per cent, interest on It for twenty years, would mako a nlco little sum. Think of tills. There's neighbor llioadncrcs renting ono of his farms by tlioyear to this and that tenant; tho land has become very poor, almost barren. Had economy, his farm would Improve onu long lease. As It Is, it hardly pays tho taxes now. There aro plenty more, hut wo aro sick of nelng them, Ill-other farmer, let us try to closo up, thetu leakages, nnd the bout-lit wo derlvo from tho liv ings will assist tHtoilecoratoourhonio steads, ului make them pliiwuit retreats for old age, a pleasure spot for our chil dren and grandchildren. How lu Uulhl a I'om-CrlK It is asked how to build a rat-proof corn-criu. J luivo ono that has stood for over twenty years.and has nevur had a ,rat, and but ono inouo lu It to my knowledge-Posts ten or eleven feet long and eight Inches squuro; mortice two feot from ono end; for sldo and end ulllu, two Inch mqrtico with tuk. Taper post from till to tho end by hewing off Inside until the end Is reduced to four Inches diameter, mako smooth with draw-knife, nnd nail on tin smooth half way to cud, below tho sill.. Lot sills bu eight Inches W'tutro ; also, cud tlo them nnd tho rafter plates, strong with moderate Inner, lies. Unite, well, and lath up and down with thrro-quar-tcr Inch lath ; dovetail or countcrsluk Joisti crosswise ; lay tho ttoor und board up tho cud with ungroavtHl boards; let each bout bu twtdve!feet long, six feet wldoit the sill, and M-ven and a half fc-et at the plule, with one and a half feet tloor, and If full to peak, It will hold two hundred and llfty bushels. I never had an ear to hurt on account ofthn great width. If prefernd, Iny tho lloor with lath or narrow hoards, with room for ventilation. Kaeh post nhould stand on stone, about three. Inches from tho ground, mid each stono havo n foundation two feet square, and below (he frost. Oir. Amnlmn I nntl. ttile lirmfr' Cltii. It Is said tho State, authorities pur poso giving full deeds to land wold for taxes, nnd bought lu by the State ami re-sold. Willi'!! aro tho best kind of agricul tural fain t Farmers' daughters.. $or the XlOUUfl .0ll!J5. A KlrsiiKe Mnry, STHA.NdKNtorleshavefromllmutotlmo been related of Jewels, ring, and even watches, found lu fishes when bought and opened, and siilnoqueutly returned to their owneia hether or not these stories he true, woof course, cannot say, hut we vouch for tho entire truth of Iho following, related by a clergyman, him self the hero of the story, to a wonder ing circle of listeners. Though expect ant of something strange as n jtnale, they were by no means prepared for tho actual uenouemtm : "It was one summer twilight," said he "that, standing on a rustic bridge which -.panned a well known trout stream near my father's house, I won from the girl I li-id long loved, the promise to he mv wife. She wasoinc thlim of a i-iHiiette, uud 1 had a llval In tin- lle.d ; so, to ni.ike the mutter sure to myself and evident to him and' others, I drew from her hand a ling which slio had often declared she would give only to her betrothed lover, nnd transferred It to my own finger. "It was my mothsr's engagement ring," mid she, half playfully nnd half In earnest, "and thero Is a superstition cognccled with It. So long us you keep nnd wear 11 wo are engaged ; but If you lose or part with It in nny way, tho en gagement Is broken. So take good care." "Some weeks after she went away on a vNtt, and then my great con.-olation was to haunt that favorite spot on the bridge which had been our trystlng place. Once, leaning ovir the railing and thinking of our betrothal, 1 tool; from my linger tho treasured ring, nnd gazed fondly on thu Initials hers as well as her mother's engraven within, in attempting to rcpluce'lt, thu, golden circle fell Ironi my grasp, and disap peared in the waters below. "Only a lover under similar circum stances can imagine how I felt. Day and night 1 mcurneil, disconsolate, my lost treasure, anil my great dread was her returning and finding tho ring mis sing. Yet strange to say, I had n sin gular presentiment or Intuition Unit I should some day recover it, though by what moans I had no idea. "Xot long alter, fishing In tho same stream, some distance below tho bridgo 1 fell to thinking of my lost ring. If I could fish It up and Just then there was a quiver, a tug, a pull, and a strug gle at my line, and after fomo play, I drew out a lino largo trout. At the sight of him tho thought suddenly and unnccountably Hashed Into my mind that the ring my lost ring was to bo found In his body. I cannot account for tho feeling, but I know that It was heightened Into almost a conviction when, upon grasping thu victim, I por- ceivo I on a portion of his body a singu lar protuberance, and felt there beneath the skin, something liken hard, foreign ubstance. "I seized my largo pocket clasp-knife . Eagerness had mado me cruel, yet not more so than If I had left my vlctl n to die a slow and lingering death. I cut oil" his head, and then, with a tremb ling hand, ripped open his body and explored tho suspicious protuberance. .My knlto grated ngalnst something hard, and yes, 1 caught the glitter of snmu .shining substance. Imagine my feelings when, with a heating heart and a trembling hand, I drew forth" "The ring, uncle?" breathlessly In quired Nellie. "No, my dear, only a pleeo of green glas3l" Tho general consternation and indig nation may bo imagined. The Onk mid III Ilrccl. An Oak that had been rooted up by the winds was borne down tho st renin of a river, on tho hanks of which mnny IteedsTvoro growing. Tho Oak won dered to seo that things so light nnd frail had stood tho storm, when so great a tree as himself had been rooted up. "Cease to wonder," said tho Rccd,"you were overthrown by fighting against tho storm, whllo we are saved by yield ing and bending to tho slightest breath that blows." 1 lie Hoys and the Frogs. A Tiiooi- of Hoys weie playing at tho edgo of a pond, when, perceiving n num ber of Frogs In tho water, they began to pelt at them with stones. Thoy bud already killed many of the poor crea tures, when one more hardy than tho rest, putting his head aboe tho water, cried out to them : "Stop your cruel sport, my lads ; consider, what is I'lay tu you is Death to us." Tlir Kaglt and the Jackdaw. An Katrlu made a swoon from n hlih rock, and carried oil' n lamb. A Jack daw, who saw tho exploit, thinking that ho could do the like, bnrn ilrm-n with nil tho force ho could muster upon a rain, Intending to bear him otf ns a prize, urn ins claws becoming entangl ed lu tho wool, ho mado such a flutter ing In ids eilorts to escape, that tho shepherd, seeing through tho wholo matter, enmo up nnd having clipped his wings, cnrrlcd him homo to hischil dren at nightfall. "What bird is Oils, father, that you linvn lirnimlif if... claimed the children. "Why," said he, ii you iisk iiiinseir, lio will tell you that he is an I'mrlcs; hutir vnnwin ini.- my word for it, 1 know him to he a Jackdaw." i TlIEKU Wits n LTOIlt stir nninntr .ill fl... Deusts which could boast of tho largest Pj family. So they enmo to thu Lioness. .' "And how many," said they, "do you . bavent n birth V" "Oiio."snldshe,grlui-1 ly; "but that ono Is a Lion." Quality comes before quantity, Vrlltit aud tile Cat, A Cat having fallen lu lovo with a mail besou-'ht Villus In rlmnmi riunur her into n girl.ln the hopoof gaining his uiieciions.'iiunniiiesstnlslngcompnsslon onherwcakncusmetnmorphodjier.lnto a fair damsel : and tho vntmv-niin. nun. mourn! of her beauty, led her homo us ms urine, as tliey weru sitting In their chamber, Venus, wishing to know r whether in dianelne: her form ubn Im.l also changed her nature, set down a Jloime beforu her. Tho girl, forgetful of her new condition, started from her teat, and pounced upon tho Mouse as If niio woum nnvoenien it on ttio spot ; iivii-ui-ui! mv vjiHiucss, provoHcu nil) iter invoiuv. stra L'liiwnv turneil nor Into a Cat again. What Is bred In tho horn-, vi lli mi-r out of the flesh. Impeachment will cost at tho rato of I; IM,wio,oon per unnum. u DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, ANII Hoofland's German Tonic. by Dr. O. .11. Jnclmon, rmWMirnu, I'l. 'J'ie Great Xtmettles ro ill. PirniM or tiii MVril, STOMACH, or OIGKSTIVC OUOAK9. Hoodauil's Gorintm Bittora U cnm.HKitulcil of tho cure liitcci. or m tlioy art mMiciiwlly term ',4 tmt X'tracii) of lia'roinruUon, M " ' M hljrtily concon. liiiU-u, nhl etitlro UBd U9U y frtt rmi Jl cufitttie attmixlurt of an Jim J. Hoofland's German Tonic, 1 a com lil nation of nil His tntrrMlcntft of tho l!lmr, lth I tie) tjiurcfi, qyaliiy of AanM Crvi A'rini, Urnnu'c, pie. malfnif ono of the muxt ptctiiMnt urn! ntfUTftDo ruiiiuilln cur ulkrcl to llm t ml. lie. Tlittut f-nfurilng h Medicine frco from Alco holic admixture, m III ueo Hoofland's German Bitters. In ennti of nerrom oVrireMkm, whou lomi rrohotlc itlimilui U nmaaary, Hoofland's German Tonio ihouM tended. To nitteri or tho Tcnlc r both equally satl niul contain tho eimo mciticlnnt Tlrtuvs. Tim itomoch, from a variety of caunci, nuch mt IMillty, etc, It , Its funcUam do I iRrlk cry nrl to hao K raiitfou. The rc- un or wiiitu ii. that tli vm iiirtrj from icvtrl or uoro of the folio Inir Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Piles Fulnens of 111 00 d to tho Head, Acidity of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Wolfrht in tho titomach, Sour Kr no tations, Sinking or Flut uterine at the Pit of tha stomach, Svrimminff or tho Hend, Hurried or Ditllcult Breath infr, Fluttering at the Heart, Obokintr or Sutiocatintt Sensations when la a Lyino; Poflture, Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs bolero tho Sicht, Dull Pain in tho Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of the Bkin and Eyes, Psln In the - RM. nAv Chest, Lira 'm bs,eto..Sud den Plushes of I Heat. Burn intr mine . Flesh, Con- ttnnt Iinnelnines of Evil, and uj-oui. jjopToaaion ox spirits. Tlu-M remedlei will efft-ctuatly euro Liver ComvUint, Jaundice, Dynnepila, Chronic or NurvouilJllity,C'hrorjlo DJarrht, Uiseuo of tho Kldnoya, and sit Dlicaici arlilng from s UiiorJered Liter, Ktomach, or iDtciUnm. DEBILITY, lt.i.Tiio riOH ht CArii wruTKvm FIIOSTHATIOK OF THE SYSTEM, lUDCCSD BT tilTIBI LlBOR, IllU)IIllK. ElFOSCBI, PsriRi, STO. Thtro Is no medicine exttnt eial It, thooe remedlei in iuch eaaes. A tone and Igor U 1m urtod to tho whole Sy-lom, th ApneUte U iHKngUiencd, food Is euyed, tho jtOBrnhdlBeBtB IM proiuptly, the Wood It purified. Wm the complexion becomcB Bound and hsh healthy, the ycl low tlDge U eradicated from tho eycc.aUoom U gien to the cbccki,and tho weak vnd nerrout luva'ld become! Btrongand healthy bclnir. I'ei'sons Advanced in Life And feeling the hand of time wulcchlng fieanry upon them, with all Ms attend int 111b, will find hi the uw of Ihli lilTTLlW, or tho TONIC, aa elixir that will liif.1,1 ijow lire into their velne. restoro lu a mcuiuro the energy and ardor of more jouthful i1jb, luU4 up their thrunken forma, mid tfh health and hap,4iuafl to tlnlr TCmalitlnjjLriia NOTICE. Il ls ft wulL-iitabtlbed fjcttbat fully cne-Jutf if the femato (or muK, lion of our popu tttilon are idiom Br In the enjojmmt ottwA health or, M a to una thtlr own xprtulun "never feel mcII." Ther arclant'iiUl,dold of all energy, extrt-tuely ner oiu, ai,J Irnxt, do appetite. l''laelaiof peptone tho U ITT U 113, or the 1 UA IU, U ejiclally recommended. WEAK AHD DELICATE CHILDREN Are madu atrong by the tie of either of them HA3MUS, without till. TlHJUPande of certificate hare accumulated the hauU of the jiroprlctor, but ei-nce will allow of thu publication of lul a few. Thode, It will be olBi.rved,aie men of note and of auch Btand ing that they muit bo hello ed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Qco. W. Woodward, 3iitJutt(a oth Suprmt Court J'j , mti:m, ....... . ''AAffA'ai Warch 10. 1J. "I flrid 'Hoof- inn,!', Omnnii imtcraMeairortt Sk tonic, utfiil In JUeftMBof ll.bdl KUe orgsni, ndof great ben m 'Ld nit In caeca of de bility, and want of nervoue action In tho jitein. ' 1 ouia truly. 'uiio. w. woonw.Mtn." Hon. James Thompson, JuJgt 0 Uit Suirtmi CvuH 'tnntvania. 'A.'n'i'Afa, . pril 2S, IfM. "I comlJu MIooIlaiidB litrmuu iiltcr' h. wludblt mcticini lu cuio of attack of liit)K? tlon cr JjKIU. I can certify ihli from my jftlUini tf it. " yom, with rcnTiwt, "MAMLa TiioMrsfjx,- Trora Rev. Joseph II. Kcnnard,, D.D, rat'er t'u Ttnih Ihftitt VUunh, iWiHj Ma . Vr. JaeU'iH-Mx Sin I hnvu bei-n frvjupntlj rpiuet!l conmct iny minu wltli n n nmt'ii ilatlona of 4ilft rent Linda of mcdi imt, but, io tfaidlng 1) itmic r. riivi tl "t of in) nproprUto Tfa.f Mitre 1 lm C ullcnaiadtfrllooli II tul ulili m Cthr I roof in tarioui ULi 'SJ intiuicaudpii Ucu'urlyln my own f.imlly,of tlip usurulncb ol' Ir. Ilooflaud ULnnan il.thif, J di-piirt f'ir once from my uhiibI coutto, to rtprcn my fu I conlc lin that,wf central dtbiltty 0 (t igttnanJ1 tiperwtiyjur Urtr I'uutjJairt, tt it a tt awf talu4iblt vrrparahon. In ouuio cawe It may f!u bat uiunJy, I doubt not, It Kill buury Uutlli Uk to tbuw ulio iuflcr from the above cauce. Vouii. Ttry rfsprttrully, J, II. KI.N2iA.ll, LUbth, U-Iwvf CiMUtUfl Trom Eev. E. D. Fcndall, Jntitaiit Uiior Ciruftj.-i Chrontttt, Vhihdtl- ..J 'l. ',Prl'J decided IfP'flt from the uw or WooCand tJcniiRTi LiittrP, nd U el il iny pni lege to recomn.ei.d them a. a mo.UAliuLU tonle to all who are eufhrlng from gewrl dublUty or from (IUu.ii 1 wl.lni fiom dratuement of the JlViT. i our truly, II. I). TEXJJALl OAUTIONj lloofland'B Ocrman Hvinedlvi are counterfeit "iapM' th elgnatureofUU. JALKdUNleon H the wnipoer of UrCilLCU1''' A" rJBy fctUri k courj. rrliii'lpal Ofllce and ManurVtory at the 0r man Medlcluo btoro.No. Wi AIIU1X Uliout, I'bU- CUAHLE3 M. EVANfl, Ucrman UniUt, I'loprtitcr, or ule by all UiuUta and Ucultu lu Uedl- PKIOE8. HooBand'f Gorman Hitters, per bottle 1 ofr t . half doien..,.. a 00 LotUce 0ena0 Twnlft P lojuar rboUlVVKjlVdoViVfor!,".!!! 1 1 S ftot forget to ex mil tHi well ibe article feu buy, la order lo tut the guiulne. HOOFLAND'S I tJERMAN T0NlC;t January ai, Isils. DRY GOODS. M UbLKU'S BTOllK. fiu;s AimiVAt ok faltj and wiNTini 000 us. The sulncrlbcr hniJuU returnoit from tho cities with ntioUicr lnrno nml select nMortmcnt of Bl'UtNO AND 8UMMKII UOOIW, purclmM In New York nml riil1ntlc1ilttant Iho lf)Ltflgute,niiil litch ho h tlctennlnctl to Hell 011 n mmtcrnlo terins ni enn bo procured else where In ItloomftburR. HH Block coiniirhes LA1UIS4 DUHSM (IOODM of the choicest stylei nnd latent fashion1, together wlthnlnrso;nortmcnt of Dry Good find Oro- oerles consist Itig nf tho follow Inj(nrtlclet Carpets, Oil Clottn, Cloths, Cnstlmtrci, KhnwH, I'l n mi el, Hllks White (loiKh, tAucti, Hoopsuni.-, llollowwnnt Crtlnrunre Ciuecnswnre, Unnlwaro Hoot nnu Hhot'M, UntH nnd Capi, llonp Ncls, Unthrellni, toklng-lllftflseM, Tolmcco, Come, Tert-4, Itlce, Allspice, OltiKcr, Cinnnmon( NtitmegH, AND NOTIONS GUN UAM.Y. Dt fchort, evetylhing usunhy kept In country uhlch no Invites the nttentton of the Iiuhlle KCiiernlly. The hlnheU prlcowlll bo jintd for country product; lit exchnni;i for koikN. S. IL .MlfXlUiASON. An-iido IlulldItiR'4, Dloonivhurj;, Vit, G UK AT HE DUCT I OX IX PIUCKS AT PKTKU KNT'H KTOKK, in" t.ioiiT stiii:i:t, OF PAIjIj and avintku goods. THU Mibvcrlhcr h.i Juit received nnd linn on hand nt hW oM Ktnnd In I.luht Ktrcct, n Inrge nnd nclect ASSOKTJIENT OK JlEUUHANDISl' puichnvcd nt tho lowest Hgure, nnd which ho determined to Helton ns luodcinto tci ms nu ho proem cd elsewhere In Light Htreet, mit cash on moiwct. Itld stoclc consists of Ii A I) IKS' DI1KSS GOODS, choicest Ics nnd Intest fashions, Calicoes, Mmdln, (linglmms, Flannel", Hosiery, cSupctK, Silks, Shnwlx, 11KADY MADK CLOTHING, Sntlnett-s, C'usnliner.s, Cottou.ulcK, Kentllcliy .leulis. AO., AH AC. OHOC'EHIKS, JIACKKUiVli, Qtieenswaie, Cednrwnre, llnldwnlc, Mcdleiuc, Drugs, Olln, riilntH, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. IuMiort everything nMinlty kept In n country store. Thopntronngoof hlHold Irlends nnd tho public genernlly, in respectfully solicited. Tho hlgliest market price paid for country pro duce, rirrnn ust. Light Sticet, Xov. 8 1S.U7. Q.IIKAT ItEDUCTION IN PIUCES AT II. K, BLUAS'H HTOIIK, IN" OllAXGKVII.I.i:, l'A., O V KAI.L AND WINTER GOODS. The M.bsci iber haslutt received and him on hand nt his htoro In Oiangevllle, a largo nnd select ASSORTS KNT OK MERCHANDISE purchased nt tho lowest figure, nnd which hols determined to sell on ns moderate teims ngenu lie procured elpcwhcio In Ornngev llle, ron can n mi cou.vtiiv l'ltonuci:. J lis stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, PII01CFST hTYI.F-S ANI, LATHUT FAiniON.St Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, riannels, Hosiery CAlll'ETS, fillAWI.S, READY JIADE CLOTHING, Kallnets, CasslmerH, Cottoimdes, Kentucky Jeans, AC, AC, AO GROCERIES MACKERAL, (tueenswnre, Oodarwaie, llardwnie, Medicines DIIUOS, OHJI, I'AISTH, AC ROOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept In a country store, Tho patronage of his old friends and tho public generally, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest markc t prlco paid for country pro duce. D. K. BI.WAN. Orangovllle, May 21, KG7. J .L ITr o w er ", Is now ottering to Iho public Ids Stock of SJ'JIIA'a GOO!) ,v consisting in part of a full lino of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAO C A It I' II T H, l'ine cloths and eassimero for Indies' coals, HAXIWOMi: JHUXS OOOIM, of nil patterns uud qualities, lulnlds nnd Prlnln of various lunlltles nnd prices, ni.IUCIir.U AND DROWN" JIUHMfs, LA DIE'S KRKNCII CORSETS, IJALJIORAIi" SKIRTS. (Jood nssortment of i.adiwa ciui.Mtn.vx aAirt:it.i& jioots. I'resh OroeerlcH aud Spices, New nKi,oitmcut (JI.AM AND QUr.ll.V.S-WAIti:, KX NO. 1 JIAOKEREL in one-half nnd onc-fourlll bnrrels. Now is the time to innko your selections', ns I am otfcrlug goods nt very low prtccB, nnd our motto is fnlr dealing tn all, and not to be under sold by nny. J. J. imoW'Wt, Uloonisburg, Apt 11 12, IbUT, JTURRA1I FOR CATAWISSA I this way ron uaikiains, Goods to compare with stringency of tho money market. Ixu and comparo pilces before t.ur- ehaslng elsewhere. Just call nt the favoille busl- ness stand of McNINCH AH11U.MAN. and yem will be met by tho obliging proprietors or thelrelerks,nnd shown through their great s ni Ic ty store freoof charge, of course, They will gle lou n fair chauco to spend your looso chnnge, they trust much moro protltably than It con bw spent elsewhere, Their HTOCK Ol-' DHV GOODil this Spring Is much larger lu nil Its varieties than usual, Their I.ADIICS' DUIMS GOODS nro uf tho nicest stylon ln,ninrkct. They huvo n nnonssoruncutoi UAV). OA1W, IIOOTH AND HIIOI'-S, HUl.Mr.Il CI.OTIIH, CAhSINlriD, CAKSIMIUIKH, AND V1WTINGH, nnd uuaieroas articles common to such establish' ineuts, besldos n general assorlment of HAItDWAItr, TINWAHK, (lUr.llNHWAIti:, ANi) fiitociinirx, nil at greatly reduced prices. They wish to con. uuct their business on tho system of TAY AH YOU GO," and they think they can uITord to sell very cheap, They return tholr thanks for mnny past favors. nndnsk the future patronage of their founei-eus. timet s und tho public generally, McNINCH A' HIIUMAN. JOWK, EUSTONTt COT, ManufAclurcrs nnd Wholesale Dealers lu CO'rrON YAHNR, CAItl'CT LHAINH, ilAriW, WICKS, Til! YAIINH, COItDAOK, IinoOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARIJ, IXJOK'G GLAWiKS, CLOCKS, rANCY HABKKTH TA I1I.K, riXMJll, AND CAIUUAOK Oll.CIX)TllH,AO., No, ttfO Market Strict, south aide, Philadelphia. ruTAWissA ijriTkFk CO, Tho Vresiidon laud ManngeiBof the Culawtssa llrldgo Co., this day declared n ellvldund on their J e;i.iieui ocKitio per co ni. (70 per snnre,) payft' blutothostlKk-hulderi. orlhlr lr,ri.l rli.unu. lallves. JOHN HHAUI'LEHH. tuiiaw'issn April o, IM?, Al'fll IV, im-oi. MILLINERY GOODS, ISS MZZIK HAUKIiKY 'iin.JiMt hcroM uliico on Mnlnat., llloomsburg, licr FAUi AND WINTKIl HTOC'IC of millinery gonili nf every quality nnd Myle, conlntlngof I.ATUST BTVlX IIONX11TH. of Iho very 1i0t mnlerlnll together Willi tho very item nswrnneni ni THIMMIN'OH, lllllllONf, AC, which nronirerctl for uftlo nt Iho lowest poslhlo rnlci. Cull nml nee. Illoomalinril, Oct. 2i, 1S07. gOMKTHIKO NEW. Tho untlcMlitncil hrgi lenvo lo Inform her rrlendi nml tho public generally, Hint "he lw oitened In 1,1(1HT PTItiniT 11 rresli utock of gonjji In tho line of MU.M.VintV ami TIlIMMINflS In connection with rcs Mnldiwl nnd 11 pre puled In nddltlon, In C0I.01l8Tr.AW HAM on lltowliorlcut liotlce.nlul In Hie bent Mylu of 1110 nil. J Tier llienp niKlwont piiiiihi n.i j Mill. 11, KM Nl'. Iitght Htrci t, 0( tolrt r I, 1807. TIIK GREAT l'MSSBl i:.l'OSITON U.NIVHISnt.l.K, 1'AIIH, 1W. "Tin: nowi: hhwiko machint! eo." Awnuled over i:ighly-two Compctllori, TIIK IIIOIIKST l'UIOMIUJI, tub iihi.v niovt or tiii: i.Knios of n -von and gleen to Ami rtcan Soxrln .Machines, per Inipo llal Declee, pulillshcd In the "Monlleur Unler sel" lOlllclul Journal of tho l'lcnch Umpire1), 'luesdny 2d July, Isi!;, in ihiso wolds! rabrlcante, do Machines li iii l lnw i' fi, aciniroexposant. . Machines, llxhlbltor. This double tllst honor Is nnnthcrplonf of the grent suiierlotlty oflhe HoweScwIng Mnclitncs over nil otheis. SII1LEY k STROOl'S, No. 21 South right Slrcel. Agents for Pcnim Ivauln, New Jersey, Diiawaic audwestein Yliglula. l-cb. lro-).3ni. THE REST IS TIIK CHEAPEST! i hi; pinoku m:vinci mauiink II HATH Till LIST, mllendu tlicitduiun ,W nhuul at nil others. i inn .-viiuiunu ih mo AlOT HtPUI.AU IN VHL It usen the flueht luedle of nns Mnehlno tu cx- Isleiiee, sinviNa MA OIIl XK( Will consult her osn lnUi(flM by lmyin n hlNOKU. It Is mulct to run, knm nnd keep In older than nny Mmhluu In the workl. ovj:h s."A(-oo or tiit.m in usi:. Ihelullest lnstiiu'tlon uien those who mtr- ehm.e,nnd tlio .Mnehlno will hi; WAK'USxnu to ou lr emoyenr, l'lenso enll nt my Store nml MitMy 5 ouoeUes, Heioyou will llml Ntedletsllirfiul nnd KIMc. 1AVI1 I.OWI.'NIIMKJ, Aui-lit April a,lW If. llloomvlmrg, I'n. T? S T A II Ii I S II E I), 1 8 ;j n 1 ii if . n i nmv hCAi.r, ovi:itsinrs, 1 vi.u ikon kuamk V I A X O V O It T K H. HTOUA It T A M O 11 H 1 B. MnnnfnctnrerH nf tirnnd. Snuate nnd PInno M Tories. Our now Kalel'lano 1 urtts In uddlllon to their peculiar ineritM, contain ctry really valuable modern lmproement. HiHlerlng them the most comrdt to nnd nerfi et instrument ever ollered lu the public, niul ior purity of tone, Del icacy m loucn ournouiiy, unu nisu Kiniuuuti 100 test of fscwrutllmaUs, the new f-cale Modnrt Vi auo Korte htnmls unrUnltd, 'iho Pianos of thpi ninnuftuluio bnve (stood the teit ofmoio than 11 (junrler of a century, and ihe inanufuclunrHaro tit 11 )(.! ly tomu to oerTwtnty.lle ihonwind families who havo had them lu m-e, In nently nil pmts of iho chilled woild. All lelteruwlfl bo piomptly nnvweied by reb"'t;8-Cni, Ml Jliundway, New- Voile. riMIJO AIKHICAX HAY KXIKK A N I )!'() 1 1 u. We Iho un ert. Lrned c t zens 01 Columbia County witnessed tho trial of hay fnikH ou tho farm of Mr, l'urset, in Hemlock Township, on Monday, May 7,liil, between tho Aincilenu May Knllound 1 oik munuf.utured by Hidliill, WAI.IX, hIlItINi;U A Co., or Lewis bum. Pa., and thu lluudel's Patent llnv Hook. Iho Anu'iiean i'oik lined more hay lu ono draught than thu Itundcl lu three. WenrotatU- nul it win tauo uk much nay into tno mow as two Kood hoists enn drnw. Wo nlso miw tt cutting hnv. nnd think It cannot bo bent ns n hav knlle. and cheeriully recommend It as tho hcht hay lotk 11 in i Kiuiu u iiiw v ever m ii. i nirrFMir.Niu'it, int. c. c. tiAitnisnN, W. II. Koons, John Doak, John Dim kick, Daniel Novku, II. Itim.hMll.U It, HVIA I-STEH Pl'ltiKI Mil UAV.U llKM.KIt, John Woi.f, They also iimnur.ictuio tho etlebrated Uuckeye Ileaper and Mower, aud other ngi (cultural Implo mcnt. jgSTAUhlSIIKl) 1703. .lOItDAN t HIK)TIIi:ii, whou'-sam: anogKits, and Dealers lu BALTVirVUi; AND UUIMSTONK, No 2U0 Noith Third HlKet, Philadelphia. V. liKAKll" MI'I'JNCOTT, UOND ACO., , J. Willi MaimfactureiH and Whokbnlo Den! era lu I TATH, CAl-H, FU1W, AND BTIt AW OOODB, No. 413 MarkttKtrect, Vhlladelphta. gNYDEIl, HAimiS it I1ASSETT, MunufaclurciH nml Jobbers of MIIN'H ANII HOV'H C'LOTIIINO, New. 623 Mnilcet, niul 52J C'ommereeHtreet, I'hlladelpliUl. Q W. I1LAI10N et CO., Muuurdcturera of Oil, CI.OT1IH ANI) WINDOW (SIIADIX. WiireluiHse, No. 121 North Third HIrect riillmlclihlie. J H. WALTER, Ijito Waller A Knub, Importer uuel Ucnler In CHINA, OUAftH, AND QUKI1NHWAKI1, No. 31 North Third Html, between llnee nyd Vine I'llludelhl. c. u, iiuiinu', r. s. mud, j, ii. KitT XUllEWH, AVIIiKINH et CO., Deulcr In KOItllKlN AND DO.MlriO DHV (JOODH, No.6WMiirletHtreet, 1'hlladelphla. joiin KTiioue a co., Huece-ssora tu Htroup A llrother, WIIOI.IXAt.U DUAI.KItH IN KIHII, No. SI North Wuurvea, and 85 N.rlli Water HI., rhlladclphui, G O L J) MED A L Irk GROCERIES, &c 0 O N V E 0 T I 0 N E R Y . Tho underslonrd would resiiertfulH nttliounco tn ttio public that ho hns opened a riltST-CLASS CONl'IlCTION IHtY ST0IU1, In Iho tmllrtlnglntcly occupied byllernnrd Stoh ner, whero ho Uprepnredto furnish nil kinds of I'LAl.V A I'ANCY CANDIIX, ritr.Ncit CANDIIX, roitr.iGN a. DOMiwTiornuiTM, .NUTS, 11A1SINS, AC, AC, AC. I1V WIIOLCSJAMS oil 11KTAII.. ,.. ...... .,,,.,,.,.,, ,.f nil n...ul I,. his Hue of business. A grcnl vnrlcty ot DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, sultabloforthe llolldnss, l'arllcular ntlentloii given to II It HAD AND CA KI'.S, of all kinds, fresh every day. 01IIII8TMAS OANDII1S, CHISTMA8 TOYS. A call Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will bo H.iMmi'ci, Nov. 22, 1.SW. r.CKIIAHT JACOIIX, 17 E JI O V A L O V C. C. MAUll'H N E W S T O UK t o n it i r irti n l, o a k, OS TIIKCOUNFIl OF MAIUCnT ASH IIION HTIIF.KTS. Tho undersigned hn lug received from Ihe city a full and complete supply of HPItl.NO AND flUMMIIlt DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, cr.DAii axi iiv.z-oii-ii".!;:, CO.VriXTION'HUY, OLASS-WAIli:, T O 11 A 0 CO, a r s a Ar j ,y ir o r. h l'LOUlt, SALT, rixll, AND MKAT, all of which I propose scllhi'jut n very low flguro tor cash or produce. Ad Call and see. April 12, 1U7. ('. C. MAltll. ")KnXAlU) STOlIXKit, Would respect fully ntmouticotu hln friends nnd patrons, tlmt hu 1ms opened tt llrst-clns FIIUIT&CONFKCTIONKUYSTOIU' where theia inny ho found nt nil limes, n flneeol lection of I'ltUIT, CONKIXTIONKHV, NUTS, Ac, ns well ns i'ini: anoci:un:s, which inny ho obtained nt tensounhlo rates. Tho KtocU ! nhvnyfl frehnndof iho very lcst quality No pnlus will bo np.ued tn muUo this cstnh Nhtnent tho iluo-tt of 1U kin 1 lu town. A cull Is 'solicited hefen-o puu-hnses mu nindo chewhere. iiH It Is lwllced tlmt perfect witUfuetlon will ha given. COLUMIdA HOUHlI. Miiln st., oppslto Miller b Htoie. nus!)'07, IlloomshurK, I'n, QCIIKIiT;, IIKJIOKII tt CO., anNiniAr commzmhion mi.kchanta Denlers in fish, halt, cni:ii:, rnovi.sioNH, ac.( Nos. V22 nnd l'-M North Vhnrvos,nlove Arch Kt riilludelphtA. Solo agents lor Wilcox's Wheel GrenAO, In Imr rcN, lceg, nnd cans. yyAixwjuaiiT a co., wnor.KHAi.i: u noemts, N. I!. Corner Setontl nnd; Arch Streets, rnii-AnKLi'iiM, Dealers in Tl.AS, SVHUr.-, COKl'inJ, SlTOAlt, 3IOLAK8r-S' KICK, HI'ICi.S, Jit CAIll. SODA, AC., AC, Orders will receive prompt ntteullon, MnylO,lSfi7-ly. H. V. PKTKHaIAN, with LIITINCOTT A TltOlTiZU, WHOr.USAI.K (UtOCEUH, No. 21 North Wntcr Street, and No. CO North lielr.waiu Avcmio Iidlndtlphln. "yyEAVElt et SIMIANKLE, wiioi.nsAi.i: aitoci:itu:.s andcommihsion MKWltAXT.S, Nos, Knnd -27 Arch Stleet I'hlladelphln. DRY GOODS, &c. ND OPENING OUANI) OI'llNI.NO (lltANI) (ll'llNIN'd (IIIANI) OI'KNI.VCl (IIIANII OrilNIN'O I'AI.l. AND WIXTCIl fioniw. l'AI.I, AND WINTIlll (inoiM, I'AI.l. AND WINTKIl (lOODH l'AI.I. AND WINTlllt (IOOIN l'AI.I, AND WINTIHI (lOODsl cnnslvtlns ol consist ln of consist Iuk of consisting of einslstln;' of imv noons, DIIV CIODIH, nitv (iooiw, DUV (IOODS1, DRY (lOO DM, HATS AND OA1X, 1 1 ATS AND e'Al'H HATS AND e'Al'H HATS AND CAI'H, HATH AND CAI'H, HOOTS AND KIIOIX. IIOOTH AND HUOIX HOOTS AND KI10IX HOOTS AND HI 101 'H HOOTS AND SlIOUsI hi:ady-m.dii cloth ino. llllADY-JIADI'. ci.oniiNn ItllADY-JIADi: CI,OTIIINI. Itl'.ADY-MADM CI.O'I IIINd tlUA 1 1 V-MA HU CU) III 1 no; T.OOKINfl-Or.AKHlN, I.OOICIN(l-(ll,AHHIX I,OOKl.V(l-(lI,Ah-li. i,ookin(i-(1i,ak-i1, i,i)oi;inh-(ii,akm,h; XOTIONH, -NOITONH NOTTONH, NOTIONS, notiunh; i'aints and oils, PAINTS AND Oll.s I'AINTH ANI) OJ I'AINTS AND OILS I'AINTH AND UllH, (IHOCIIIIIIIS, (IKOCDItlKH, (lUOUllltll'.H (lllOCllltir.s UUUL'KUIIK, OlIKllNHWAllI' '-(iui:i:nhvaiji:; IjULllNHWAltn IJUllilNSWAlll:, tiUliUNHWAUU; HAHDWAItK, IIAItDWAUi:, HAllDWAIti:, IIAHDWAIIL:, IIAItDWAUi:, TINWAHH, TINWAltll, TINWAHH, TINWAltll, TINWAltll, HALT, HALT, HALT HALT, halt; I'lKII, 1'lHll I'lHIl mil 1'lHll, IlltAIN AND HLI'.DS, UltAIN AND MlillDS, (I11A1N AND HLIlllH, (I1IAIN AND HllllDS, UltAIN AND MllUM, 4c if., AT MeKIlLVY, NI1AI, 4 CO.'H, MeKULVY NI1AI, CO.'H McKHLVY NI'.'AL A f.WH MeKLLVV; NLA I, A CO.'H. .MeKLI.VY, NI1A1. 4 CO.'H. Noilbwikt corner of Main nnd Slnrlict Sliects, Not thwest e orner of Mulii nnd Market Hti e ei, Norlhuest eorncr of Main nnd Mnilce t Streets, Northwest comer or Main uud Market Htieeia, NortliwcM coiner or Muln und Mnilict Hlreeu, IILOOMHIUMKI, l'A., lILOOMHIIllltd l'A IlLOOMHIIIIItll, l'A., HLOO.MHIimtO l'A. HLOOMHIIUIKI, l'A. IIION AND NAIIX. IHON AND NAIl, IKON AND NAIII, IIION ANII NAHM, 1110N AND NAll.H, In large qusnlltlea and Ht redueed rules, alwuy on baud. HARDWARE &, CUTLERY. Aitr 1 ls.i lit tfX-sllII PEA Lr 11 in II A It O W A i IJ, inciN. NAir.M, htiuil, ac, au., ac. main htm:i;t, ni.oo.Msiiuita, tjinnU. Take this method of Informing tho clllzenaof Co httuhlacouty, tlmt ho has opened an cxicnsivo ItnrdwaroKtoioonMnln fttreet, in inooinsuurg. near Iron Mreet, and tlmt lio 1ms on hand a HTOL'K AND JIUITKU AHAXJUTHI) than enn ho found any whero else in tho county, and w hleh ho Intends to ftcll at prices which defy competition. CHAINS, AXKS, STI.Iili, IHUiM. I have thnlns. nil tslres. nxes, nil make and weight, Kteel. Ml bIzcs, Iron, nil nhnpcs, and all very low, nuii.Dint'rt HAitiiWAJti:, of cvety description-. Nnlls, nxlo pulleys, mi eords latches, locksnud knohs.hult i-crewn.Rnsh r;ts. w ndow pnr n?s. unw unons.Firnn ninRcs, lumps nnd Maple, hooKsand Maples, nnd lu f.itt everything nr'iletl in mm line. COACH A- WAtlON MAKIUIH lIAUnWAlti:, ctnlirnelutf almost every thlnij In that line, Also IIAUNIHS MAKiKH' IIAHDWAKi:, Iluekten..Iiipnnnedt huekles, Hlvcr ilatcdj Mils ofecry kind , IIamks, Irou;pad trcesi llAMP, w tMHlihnddtotrecn.Ela trees, clrm ei, worsieu nnd cotton :, Mlk, awls and nenltes, tools of all kinds. HHOKMAKCtl'H HAnDWAIli; A full nssortment fbrcatpentem. 1 haveplnnes nil klmls, Rawnj iminl, pnunel,Mp(niKlcompns, nques steel, iron, and tryiljorin innchlnes, ehlslcH, augers, bt,".cls, mullets, braces, jiaujre, plows, lules, blt, nnd niHuit etrylhliia f'r t'"1 penter. von Tin: woi,i.i;;iiat.i.v- I han hods, coal shovels, Bcnop, coal siflerfl, lanl ci ns,tablo eulkry,ioc ket cutlery, plated opoons, plated rorks(erveiN, ten and cof fee pot,bul tuaws, vi iss cu t paws, clrculn r n w, ti ng kiwa, , llh'S, horhe Rhoes,wi enches, 1 1 c ts.hnm mcr, hntehets, mat locks, picks, fork, ftruh hlng lioes hhovcts,!ipade',pudfng folks, hoes, rnke, bed plu, twine, Mialcn, plow.-, eofllu trim mlnps, i:mery, rtu ilmlk, while clinlk, wire, horo nalN, ment euttetH, hcaleti, wash hoards, hoi'Hn buckets, wooden nUt clothes pins, glue, door mats, porch mal, pnr lor mals, corn popper, paint hinshi'S hoix biuhe", sld,:!! belts, hcil calks, enamel ed kettles, brass lullliss, copper ketlhs, hlewl.tttleu,sfluto pan,bro.ul nxcK,iialls, HUuK'e, turtnlh llxtures, '1 hlmhletkelus and boxes, Tump, lead liie, etc, Tailed rope and huudrods of articles not ,tnu merateil eonstanllj on hand nt ciiAitu:s w,HNvin:n-M, Main Hticet, llloomsburg. Q.K0J10K II. ItOIiKUTS, ImiHiiicr and Dealer In IIAItDWAUi:, CUTId'UY, UUXH, At, No. ail Noi III Thhd fttreet, nlsvo Vine, Philadelphia. Jacoii K. H.MLTir. J. It. Wi ni it tTH A- SKJ.TKU, Impoitiiaand Donh is In I'oielun nnd Doinentle II A III) WAKE, CIU.NH, CL'TI.llltY, it'., No. 10') x. ncir.uHrnnirr, Aii,rAM.oeviiu.i., l'lIILADllI.l'IIIA. Nov. 2J,(.7-ir. IRON, TINWARE, 5iC. RATIONAL roUNIMlY, Hloomsburg, Coluiubhi County, I'n. Ihe Mibsci Iber, proi.rle tor of tho nbove-l n'ned extenslvo establlshmenl, l-i now prepared lo ic ceteo old, i s for all klmls of .MAciiiMiitY roit cor.i.niiiirs, hi.aht rCUNACIX.STATIONAltYIlNOININ, MILI.H,THltl S1IINO, tl. IIu Is also prepared to make SloM'sofnll slcs nnd patteriH, Plow-Irons, nnd eve rj Ihlng usually niaiio in nivi-class i'oundrlcs. Ills eilenslvefAcIllllos and pruetlcal woiklnen w.irianl him lu u celling the I irest contiacls em the most reasonable teims, (Iraln of ull kinds will bo taken in exchange lor Castings. This establishment Is local. 'd near llio Laeki wanna and Hloomsbuig Ilallinad Depot. PIlTllIl IlILLMYKH. gTOVJiS ANI) TINWAKE. A. M. ItUPllllT tiuuounees to l.Is fileuds und eustoiners that contluues the nbove business at his old pl.iconn MAIN STUnilT, lil.OOMSIIUItO. Customers can bo aecomodaled wllh I'ANCY HTOVIX of nil kinds, Stovepipes, 1 Inwaie, ami eveiy vu liety or nitlclo found In a stove r.nd Tlnwure Ils labllshment In lheeltles,nnd on tucMosl icason able terms. Ilepalrlngdoneal lheslioile?t notice. 1". D07.LN MlMC-PANS em hand for sale'. jTEW STOVE ANI) TIN .SHOP. ON MAIN Hri'.CCT, Nl'Alll.V OI'l'OHITB MILI.H1' HroitK, lii.oo.Msiiuita, punn'a. Tiil iinderalgneel liaajiut lllled up und opemd STOVE AND TIN SHOP. In this place, s here he Is piepaied to make up new 'l i.v Waiii; or nil kinds In his line, and do lepalrlngvvltli neatness and dispatch, upon the most iciiMiuablu tetins. He also keeps on hand niuwji eji .lliiuun l'.vriLllNH .v SI YLIZS which ho will Kill upon teims tomlt tinrtlmserf! lllcll 111! Will Kill (live him a call. erne mm n can. Dels n Kosd meeliaiilc, und iicci juy oi mo piiuuc pni lounge. ICSClMUglfl I nioolusbliig, Aplll iO, in: J.e nil .Ml17., TOBACCO & SUGARS, rjMIE ONIjY I'liACK lu get the best TOIlACCt) AND CIUA11H, AT WHOI.r.SAI.l; AND IIIITAII, s nl lIUNaHllllItGlllfS, u fuw doois below Ihe Amcrlenn House, Hlrsjiusburg, I'a. Uli hns Hie larrrnt nnd ml si h i t or HMOKINO ANI) CIinWINQ T011ACCO " everoircied to the cltlrcus or IllooiusUiig. All tiioianeybiandsor sr.aAiiH, nud Hi. Wsl 1'liio-cut nnd 1'lug CHUWINa'TOIlACCO, can be had ut his couulers. TOIIACCO I'IPIX 111 gieat vailely nio among his lalgo flcs'k. DON'T l'OIinUT TO CALL. H. II. lIUNHIinlttllllt. TT HANK'S Wl lof.llHALIl TOIIACCO, HNUl'I', AND CIGAlt WAHUIIOUHi:, No.liflNoiih Third HIrect, between Cherry uud Ituce, went ule', Phlliulelphln. Wholesalu Desiu is In TOIIACCOS, CKIAim, l'lPi:s, Ac., No, l.l Norlh 1 hlld Htieet, uboe a Market, Philadelphia. 0 MNII1US IilNE 'Iho undi lslgned would I'espeitrully lillliounco lo Iho citizens uf llloomsbnrg and Ihe public gene, rally that ha Is running nu OMNIIIUH I.1NH between this plneoiind tho dlirerent lallioadile pols dally Csundnys excepted), tocniinect with Iho aevcinl trains going Houlh nnd West on Iho Cutn. hUsiuiiuI Wllllamsporl Ilnllioiid, nnd with those going Norlh nnd South ou tha Ijii'knwiiiina nnd Illoouuburg Ilallioad, Ills OmulbukseH uru In good coudllton, e'oiumo ellous and comfortable, nnd charge reasonable. Poisons wishing lo meet or acci their friends' ile. pin t, can be nceomcsluled upon reasonable cluirgj by lea lug timely linllce lit any of tho hotels, JACOII J, UIHTON, Proprietor, DRUGS &, MEDICINES. gA v m y o u n M o x k y i U 11 11 A T I K I) U L 11 M 11 N T HI (I It 1!AT ii It IN 1) t'C I..M 11 N TSII 0 It K A Til H T INlll'l r M 1! N T HI 1 1 AT Tim oM) imua sToitn OK U N. JIO VEH, Whero can bo found tho LAiiaraT nnd iit:nr as- HoiiTjiiiNT, ever oiTereel tu tho citizens uf this county, nf Drugs, chemicals, l'alnts, oils, (Mass, Vnrnlshcs, l'utly, Urushcs, DjeSluffii, Mixed l'alnls. all of Ihofome of Iho best l.non make and aru evarian'cil m luiro nnd unadollemled. The finest and larireststnclc of I' A N 0 Y A It T I 0 I, 1! H tn ho round In this or ndjolulnj eounlles I'crruineiy, Hair Dyes, 1'nncy Snaps, llruslies, Combs, Cosmetics, ItalrOil", Toilet Allleles, Htatlonevy, Pocket Hooks, T O II A CCO IIH. Smoking nnd ehcwlnj), Cigars of nil descriptions, l'lpes, cigar ItuUlcrA. iioimnuor.i) Aitrici.u-). Iimps, nssorlesl sizes and stj les, I.AMI'H, CltlMNinS.HIIAfS, I1CUNF.11S, MISCLI.LANIIOUH O00DH. Sponges, Chamois Skins, Ualluteis, Hpcculums, Syrlnses, Hrcnst l'umps, llubber Oooils, TliiKsc or nil appioved pnllerns U, A.c, I, I (I V O It H. A line iissoitincnt or uru ll'iuovslor medle-al purposes e'onslnnlly on hand and Iho best known kinds r STOMACH lUTTI'.UH. l'.vn:M' Mi.iiU'INIW nf every description, In cludlna the best varieties of pills and tonics. 1'insU'l N'S I'lll-se'ltllTIOXS CAltIU'UI.t,Y I'lll.- I'.U'.un. No Mieh stoelc has ever been prcicuted to the pe-cple of this flection of country. The pilcesnrensfcinall as Ihestuelc Is lnrge. Tho Il'Aofci'ife Vi tees nro moi o favorablo to tho putehascr than ever.ns Arrangements hnye be'eli ell'icte'd Willi tho wholesale dealers lu Iho larger cllles, so that goods can bo procured In lllooms burg as cheaply as In New York or Philadelphia. X-Ciunlry dealers are earnestly Invited to study their own luteii'sts, by examining this htoek. ltenieiuber Ihe place KxcitANOi: Hloci: nbove Ilxeliaugo Holel, Main sliect, lljoomshurg. Jan. ill, lsets. lira i VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 13 THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE! fii'H-TIoaclt'cl 3eojlo have tlieir I-xki irdored hy it to Iho c'o., lustrous, stf'scn tresses of youtli, and re liajipy I Younllcople,wdtlil'iV.i'('iiorKiiII:ilr, linvu llieso unfashionable colora changed to n bf.inLlful auburp, and ii'joicel l'coilo whoso heads are coveicd with Vandrvjf and Humors, tit-P It, and h.i'.c iltfaii coat-i and dear and healthy cculps! JJaltl-I rontlod VctcranM luno their renuininff locks lightened, and thu hare pnots covered with a Iuxurunt growtli of Iliiir, and danco for joy! Young Gentlemen wo H heeause it Is lltldy pcifumed I YounK Indies io it lcr in?o it lucns their Hair in place! Everybody wvst and will uso it, because it ii Iho cleanest nnd lot nrticle In the in ark ( t ! Tor Salo by Druggisto generally. ami roitH w.nnv U N. JIQYKH nud V. V. LVVA, IUwmMh, lUoiinivbuiK, ami M, M, UltuUsT, UatawUta. January 'Jl, lsis-y. J it. MOYKU, WlIOI.IAIdl A HKTAir, I) It U a G I S Tt t'OUNI.Il OF .MAIN AND MA UK I r hTKKKIS, nmoMsnuita, win tow III lx found n laryo nnd Kdeet Mo.U o Druyw, .MKOKJIXKS AND ClIKJUUAfjH. Also all tho IMTKNT JtKniCl.Nia Ol' llli: DAY, I am also prepared to fuinlsh Country Stores with Castor Oil, Godrrey's Cotdlal, TUIU.ING.sJTON'H I1AI.SA1I, and ull other medicines lccpt In their lino nt CHy prices. Wl.rrcscili,tloiisentcfully compounded ut ull hours. In medicines, quality Is or the llibt Importance, llloomsburg, Juno7, ls(17 J A U (! IPS COM M 11 It CI A I, M A Is U HUH. i-Wo nnnounco lo farmers and denlets lu 1 eillllers, that tlio following prices have been adopted lor tho present Bpilug season i HAI GH'S HAW HONi: 1'IIOSI'IIATH I'l Ice, SOU per 2,W0 lbs, HAUGH'.S ClIICAdO 110N11 I'UUTII.iy.U Price', till per 11,1)00 lbs. n M'oirs ciiiaAao m.oon manciii:. l'rice, W per '.',000 lbs. This welt-known popular trnde-mnik will bo found upon eery paekiigo,rtho above manures. MrnK" Tho high ehtlmuUon In whl.h liAitfii'H Hon MaM'iiijiIuuu been held, dining imulccli years past, wo halt fully mnalli in Hie luture. lluv Ing now Ihoenllieeoiilioliil tho gieat lesource s of tho elly ol Chicago, ror lunilsblng Ammonia nud I'hosphaie ) Icldlng malerlal, vizi Hones, lined I'leeh, Hlood, etc., wohnve, lu connection with our v, oiks In l hlludclpbln, iholnigcstracll llie'g for lui nibbing Ihcfco maniacs, ut thonboeo low pi Ices. Iluugli HoiiB.l'lllhldelnhln. Noilh-Wektelli reillllnlliKCo., Chicago. John liaison.: Co., General Agts., New York, (Se orgo v, Klrko .V Co., " lloston. (Icmgo Ilugdiile, WholcMilo Agt,, llattlmme. I or Information i cspcrtlng thu nbovo Manures, nduiess either of tho nbu o houses, jjau'iretv-'liii. ItMimuSTKIt et I1HOTJIKH, Imimi leia and Jobbers or IIOKlUHY, (1I.OVIW, HIIII1TH AND IlllAWlllW, iiirrroNs, huhi'1-niu:i!h, iiocn hkiuth, kani)i;euciiii:ii', TIlltlUDH, HIIWINO HII.KH, TH1MMINGS, l'OHTU MONNAIIM, hoai'm, rr.itrii.MiiiiY, candy gooius, anh NOTTONH Ul'Ni'UlAM.Y, Also Mauut.iciitrei'ror IIIIL'MIIIW A.NII LOOKING OI.ASK1W, and Healers In WOOD ANII WILLOW WAlli:, I1I100.MH, HOIMX, TWINUS, Ac, No. .nsl Norlh Third Wlreel, above Vine, Philadelphia. jpiiiiUit & host, Hiici'ekors to Frnnkllu r.Heltzer A Co., Importers nud Wholcoalo Dealers lu : LKJUOIW, WJNlil, Ac.,' Nos. 110 aud Hi North Third HUeet, Philadelphia. sr. srAiti'iiK, NOTTONH, IIOSII'IIY, GLOVIW. AND I'ANUY aOOUH, No, S3 North Third Btrect, rhlladeli'hla. r nfenE