THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. iilw Columbian. ULOOMSHUIIO, PA. kuidav, apiui. i, 1HBV. TIIK COI.UM1I1AN lm the Largvut Vli-rnlstlou In Colnmlitn nml adjoining imntlrt of ttypmr published her, aiut U Uo much larger iheel than any nf ltacotemnrarle ami la Iherefforr the liml tuedlnm for mtverllitntf In' thl lertlon of thefltntr. Now and Then. " Wur.N a I'rosldcnt tf the United Mlntts tlpllbemtiMy ox himself Ui to oppose? tho policy nml nets of Coiihtlw, it in iiiuu to scum w'ik (-iivi-riii toutitry." " An Kxecutlvu lias no rlylit to mil Innto unci tittcniDt to curry out n policy." ''Tin1 sooner Andrew Johncon bo put out of tho way tlio better." Wu ilnd the iibove quoted sentence In IN John's Republican of nt week. Wo desire our readers to nee how differ ently Pnlcinon reasoned when he held mi ofllce under Johnon.In n letter toSocreta ry McCulIoch written in February 1800, this two-faced scribbler Who says "tho President has no right ton policy," nnd that "Andrew Johnson should ho put out of tho way," (doe-t lie want him murdered?) said! "The ehargo that I mn opposing the President Is unfounded nnd false. I am tho editor nnd publisher of thu lh publican at this place tho only t nlon paper here. From tho time of the Bal timore Convention of which I was n member, and supported Mr. Johnson to this tlmo I have taken a bold and outspoken position In favor of Andrew .Iolm?on, as tho tiles of my paper will abundantly prove: when others ma ligned nnd abused him, I stood by. de fended nnd supported him." In n subsequent letter, written after the President had broken with Con gress, defined his policy, nnd mado his celebrated 22d,Fcbruary speeeh.of Palo- mon acnln wroto to McCulIough, and sent him nnd tho President a copy of his wiper In which ho fulsomely eulo gized both. Wo givo the letter entire : " Sir: I onclos&you a copy of my Is .up n t Hit week. I hnvo llkewlio ad ilrpasnl nronv to tho President. You will sco that the ehargo that I am oppo sing him Is false. If I am sustained by vnnrself and tho President. If tho pat ronage Is not taken from in and given ,(o those who oppose u, we shall be nlilo to make our vigorous Cnlon organ ization n unit nnd triumphantly sustain the Administration. Itespeclfully PAIiKMON JOliX, Mar. 2i,'0U. Assessor 13th Hist. Pa." N'ow, Uadiculs of Columbia County, how do you like the consistency of your leader, of tho man who guide, ill rrcts and owns you, and who Is so rap idly making the party hero "a unit?" No wonder a Radical Senate spurned a man who could.thus fawn at the foot of power for the sake of retaining a petty offlce. Mn. Hr.i:oni:it has been heavily as sailed becanso, nt n public meeting In Xew York City some tlmo since, he spoko well of tho personal character of General Lee. what will tneso assail ant say about the opinion of Mr. Lin coln upon Lee, and especially when they get that opinion froi.- a source they must credit so unquestioning!, viz., n colored woman. Mrs. Ueckley, the col ored servant of Mr. Lincoln's family, says that on tho very morning of the assassination President Lincoln took up n portrait of General Lee, scanned the faro thoughtfully, and said: "It Is a good face j it is tho face of a noble, noble, brave man. I am glad tho war is over at last." Looking up at Ids sou Robert, ho continued : "Well, my son, you have returned safely from tho front. The war Is now closed, nnd we will soon live in peaco with tho brave men that havo been fighting gainst us. I trust that the era of good feeling has returned with tho close of tho war, nnd that henceforth wo shall live in peace." Were President Lincoln not dead, ho would, for such taylngs and thoughts aa these, lie denounced as a first-class double-dyed traitor by tlioo who havo now tho hypocrisy to'pretend reverence for his memory. Violations of common decency have ceased to be rare occurrences with radical politicians and partisans. Hut one of tho most flagrant Instances wo have recently noticed Is the action of thu Republican members of tho Penn sylvania Legislature, in getting up an application for tho appointment of Mr. Stanton to ho Secretary of tho Treasury under the Presidency of Mr. Wndo. Wo havo heard of getting up nifties for the clothes of u man on trial for mur der, nnd this Is only parallel wo can think jf to tho transaction of which wo speak. It assumes a good many things which nnybody but Pennsylvania poli tical would liesltato about tho Presl dent's conviction nnd riuovnl from of fice to begin with: and to mnko the performance still inoro repulsive, this application Is sent to Mr. Cameron, one I oi uio i-ciinyivunia senators, ono oi tho jurors who nro to decide the que- Hon of the President's guilt! How comes on the Congressional In vestigation Into what Mr. Justice Field said nt thodluner-tnblo lu Washington about the constitutionality of tho Re construction nctuV Why does tho Com- inltteo trifle thus with tho sncrcd inter ....... .i. . i i.. .i.i , .t e4u. .... ..... ..... u uy.ns .... mo inentous inquiries which it was ordered to maku.lnto tho mattery Aro Judges of tho Supremo Court to understand that tho country Is losing Its Interest In this matter, and that they will bo al lowed to Indulge In dlnner-tablo con versation hereafter1 with Impunity? Aro they nt liberty to Infer that Con gress has abandoned Its system of hav ing their prlvnto actions watched aud their words taken down? Has tho vig ilance of that body relaxed and grown fatigued? Or can thoy only attend to ono "great criminal" at a tlmo? Tin; Philadelphia election cases havo been finally decided, Although the Judges wore Radicals of tho deepest dyo, tho Loyal League expended Its money llko water, tho partisan police employed especially to hunt up evi dence for tho contestants, tho caso sig nally failed, and thu gallant Democratic soldiers elected by tho peoplo of Phila delphia tlx mouths ago, hnvo been awarded their offices. Tho party which resorts to such mean tricks must bo hard pushed. Till trial of Jeff, Davis will cerlulnly occur nt thy May term of tho United fitntuu Circuit Court In Virginia, to which tlmo It Wfti recently postponed, us Chief Jusllco Ch'iio has mado all tho nocei-sary nrrnngemcnts to bo pro-out then, provided of cour&o, tho impeach ment trial does not last ton long, which ii not probable, r tato legislature. Tin: attempt to repeal the repealing lawof the session of 180" with regard to a certain near (Vntralla on thu line, between Columbia and Schuylkill counties, failed In the House of Hepies cntatlves; thegeiieral bill Increasing tho bar of County olllceri paed and Is approved. The hill lo allow the remos'al of the dead, nnd prohibiting future Interments In tho graveyard of's I'plscopal Church in llloomsburg, passed Dually. It allow! tho removal of the dead, only so far ns may bo required for tho new building: The bill relative to tho estab lishment nf n Law L!b,!iry In Columbia county parsed lliinlly. Tin: proposed repeal of the I'lsli law in re-poets the lower township, win defeated In the Senate. An Act lb authorize the vestry of Saint J'aul'e Episcopal church, Uloomsburg, to re move bodies from burning ground and prevent interments therein hereafter .' Suction 1. Ho It enacted by tho Sen ate and Ilouseof Representatives of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met and It is hereby enacted by tho authority of tho tame: That tho rector, church wardens nnd vestry, of H.ilnt Paul's Episcopal church llloomsburg, be and they nro hereby authrolzcd to locate and erect n new church building, on any part of tho grounds attached to tho present church building nnd now used ns a burying ground, mm lor tnatpurposo to disinter tho bodies which may bo burled within the spot so chosen for tho new building and to re-Inter them In the Mime bury ing ground attached to the church, or in n lot to be provided by tho said church wardens and vestry, in the Uloomsburg Rosemont Cemetery, nt tho option of tho said vestry in ns de cent nnd proper a manner nt tho said bodies aro now burled, nnd to defray tho expenses of tho removal, re-Inter-ment and lot, If ono is purchased, out of tho building fund nf said church. Provided. That if tho relatives or friends of the deceased desire to remove said bodies, thev shall bo allowed tho prlvllego upon notice to the said ves try, ii exercised witmn tnroe wecus ni ter request by the said vestry, nnd shall also be nllowed for tho pxpetm of paid removal nna reinterment a sum not ex ceeding IH-o dollars for each adult body nnd three dollars for each infant or mi nor. And provldod further, That If the removal by tho friends or tho rela tives Is not made within the tlmo spec Hied, or if there bo no known friends or relatives, It shall be entirely ot life option of the church wardens nnd vest ry, to re-Inter the bodies In tho same buryinsr ground or In tho said Come tery, except that members of the same family shall not bo separated. SIX'. -. 'Flint hereafter the church wardens nml -vestry of tho said church may prohibit tho Interment of bodies in tho burying ground attached to the saint J'aurs j-.piseopal cnurcli, J'looms. burg. KLISIIA W. DAVIS .speaker oi tno House oi itcps., JAMESL. GRAHAM, ' Sneaker of tho Senate. I Approved tho lilth day of April, A. I)., ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-elglit. JUUJN W.UKAKY. SOMKTIIINOrOK Tin:SlcK. Tliefol lowing little Item of Interest to thoslck. or those whoTiurso them, wo find going tho rounds of the press, and wo give it for tho benefit of our -Invalid readers "Frequently wo find sick peoplo whoso stomachs reject all kind of nourishment until conditions follow that In mnnv in stances terminate fatally. In twenty instances in -which I havo heard tho popular slek-bed nourishments prescrib ed nnd rejected by on Invalid's enfee bled stomach, I havo novcr known tho slmplo saucer of parched corn pudding or bowl of gruel refusck. Tho corn Is roasted brown, precisely ns wo roast coffee, ground as line as meal in a coffee mill, nnd mado either into mush, gruel, or thin cakes, baked lightly brown, nnd given either warm or cold, clear, or with whatever dressing tho stomach will receive or retain. Parched corn nnd meal boiled in skimmed milk, nnd fed frequently to children sulTering from summer diarrhea, will almost al ways cure, as it will dysentery in ad ults." Tin: tho recent munici pal contest in Jersey City, elected Mr. O'Neill Mayor by eight hundred and six majority, n gain of ulno hundred and seventy-one in ono year. Last year this city went for tho Radicals. jn llcrgcn, tho Democrats elect soven out of twelve Aldermen, n gain of six. Hudson City gives ono thousand major ity, again of over four hundred. In Iloboken, thu Democratic ticket was nNo elected by five, hundred majority, a heavy gain. In Union, New Jersey, a Democratic gain was tho result of tho canvass, us was also tho result in Morris County. Tho Democrats mado u clean sweep In Harrison Town-hip, Hudson County, with tho ticket headed by Dan iel Capron as Town Clerk. From nil parts of tho Union the evidences of popular regard for tho Democratic par ly nro becoming moro plain nnd point eil,nnd It is no longer dilllcult to fore cn-t tho fale nf tho party now ltillni thu country. - I Chicago Kixctios. Chicago, April I 21. Tho election to-day for Judge and Clerk of tho Recorder's Court, and ono alderman from each ward, pa-sod off quietly. The Democratic ticket for Judge nnd clerk Is elected by a majority of fivo hundred. At tho election last November, Osborne, tho Radical candl dato for County Treasurer, received vpr four lh(maml mnJorlty , ' A RIH'L'IILUAN VlCTOKY. It Will no doubt rejoice somo folks to learn that tho Radicals hnvo achieved at least ono victory iccently. In HwliUon county, Tennes-ee, on Saturday ,nn election was held for County Commissioners. Tho Republican caudIdatestwo white man nnd ono negro, wore elected. Tho Republican ought to parade Its cannon Tho latest. wahii.nqton, Aprils.!. AiTKtt the opening of tho Court of jmpeacimieut, Mr. Sumner offered tho loiiowing resolution s "Ordered that tho managers on the part of tho Houso of Representatives anil tho counsel for tho respondent hnvo m.Yu io nio wrmcu or printed argil tnents before the oral arguments com meneo." This wao Agreed to by n voto of fl to -u, iur. uuriis counsel lor tno l-resi- dent announced that Mr. Ktnnshri-v would Lo unnblo to tnko nny further puri. in uie prucccuiugs. "OHDhKfcO lhat ah many oi the uuiu& liit.l cuuiikci its may mvaru ut- rwroillUM 1U Jl. wrjl ten uruuiuvum fir .uMri'xn the Kuuuo nr. illy." Which being amended by proviso tho concluding oral argument bh.tll bo made by only ouo Manager ns provided in tho 21st rule was adopted by a voto of 28 to At 12.50 M. llrotkui'll rmiiincnui-il hU argument which lasted till 1 o'clock when ho yielded to u motion to adjourn stating that ho would occupy about ouu hourunduhulf to-morrow. Tho Court imiiiixiiateiy after thu Senate, then nd Joiirned. Impeachment. Vt'AUMXOTON, Apltt 10. riti: ltuin couivroi impuAcumuxt. Tin: Schhto-resumed Its session nt noon to-day. Mr Sumner offered a re solution providing In substance for tho admission of nil testimony offered on either sidcuiotinvini in charncicrjwiiii out obcctlon, Senators to give duo con sideration, Ac, to the same In mak ing up their verdict. A motion to lay tho proposition on the tnble prevailed by u largo majority. Mr. Fvnrls, of counsel, then stated tint Mr. Sluuberv was still unable to bo present, inougn convalescent. Mr. Curtis then called waiter w. lox, 1. t .1... .1-.. .!.... . . n...l ..!.( gentleman was examined with referenco to his connection wmi mo m-siucm, ns attorney In the matter of Instituting le gal proceedings to tcsl'tho right of Mr. Stanton to hold thoolllco of Secretary of War. contrary to thu will oi tno incen tive. Ills testimony, wns'vcrv Impor tant, completely refuting tho allegation of "criminal Intent" on tho part of tho President lu the removal of Stanton, showing what steps were taken to bring ino matter uetoroa juuiciai tri bunal for oxanilnatlon nnd declslon,nnd how that design was frustrated by the action of tho partisan Judge who pro sides over tho Supremo Court of the District of Columbia. On cross exami nation, Mr. lltttler endeavored to break tho force of tho witness' testimony by asking a number ot questions concern ing thu suspension or abandonment oi tho proceeding against Stanton In the nature nf a ouo warranto. Mr. Cox an swered frankly, and to tho point, and when no icit tno stand tno important fact that tho President had, on tho 22d of February last,eniplnycd him to Insti tute legal proceedings against Stanton, remained unshaken. ilutler rciientedlv endeavored to shut nut tho answers of Mr. Cox to tho ques tions oi tno l'resideiu's counsel, and to that end ho raised all torts of technical objections, and for tho purpose of hear ing nimseii speaK, argued mem nt length. When submitted lo tho Senate. howcver,they were Invariably admitted by n small majority. tho noxi witness was Air. it. i. Jior rick. also of tho Washlnt'ton liar, nnd counsel for General Thomas, When that gentleman was arrested on a warrant based on Htanton's auidavit. Air. Aicr rlek's testimony was likewise Impor tant, eonurming to n very great extent tho evidence of Mr. Cox, with whom ho co-operated when General Thomas was bcioro .luugu Lamer. Thoy (vox and Merrick) were both seeking to reach the same result, viz : to put thu casein such n position as would enable them to test tho riuht of Stanton to hold tho War Office, after having been ordered by the President to surrender it to General Thomas. Mr. Merrick detailed at length, and lu u remarkably clear and concise manner, ino proceedings wmcu iuok phico beforo Judge Cartter, on the 20th of Februnrv last, and established In evidence a fact which was hitherto well known, that General Thomas was dis charged from custody on that day. sole ly to prevent a snecilv Judicial decision on Stanton's right to act as Secretary of war, niter having been removed ny or der of thu President of tho United States. Mr. Ilutler, realizing tho forco of the testimony ol .Messrs. uox, and AlerncK, nnd stung, by tho overrulina of his ob jections thereto, undertook to bully thu last named gentleman, on cross-examination. Mr. Merrick being a lawyer, however, ami a very good one, answer' ed several of liutler's truest inn bv tell lug him that ho didn't recollect, etc.etc. Finally, Ilutler discovered ho could mako nothing by attenintinir to cross examine the witness, and told him that he "would not tax his want of recollec tion nny longer." This provoked u slight laugh, but it wascvldcntthat the "Massachusetts pettifogger" had been tripped up foroncoat least. It should havo been stated In order that during Mr. Merrick's testimony, Ilutler, who had objected to it several times, and each tlmo had his objection overruled, arose and stated that tho managers desir ed to clear their sklrtsof tho Introduction of that class of testimony : that bei Ilut ler) wished it understood that it was admitted under tho ruling of the Chief Justice. This declaration' produced quito a sensation for n moment, but tho Chief Justice immediately turned tho Joko by stating that the testimony was ununited under tne ruling oj me isenuie. uuticr sat down us quicK as though he had been knocked on tho head with a hammer. Unon tlio conclusion of Mr. Merrick's testimony, tho counsel of tho President called Mr. K. O. Perrin, of Now York, and that gentleman soon appeared anil was sworn, viiorino usual introduc tory questions, Mr. Curtis asked the witness who had sworn to having, in eompAiiy with Hon. Mr. Selye, of New xoric, uau an interview with tho 1'rcsl dent on tho 21st of February last what tho President said on that occasion with reference to the removal of Mr. Stanton. and the designation of General Thomas to act as Secretary of War ad interim ? This proof was oll'ered in order to show the J'resuient's intent in tno matter ol Hint removal on tho day it was made It was objected to, however ; argued at length on each side, and finally ruled out by tho Senate. During tho argu ment, Mr. ilutler availed hlm.'elf of tho opportunity to read a brict (.omnium cation, which, ho said, might ns well bo admitted In evidence, if tlio testimony propo-ed by tho President's counsel was numissiuie. ino document purported ,r. ....., Ju .1... 1,1. t lr ,1 in iui,u i-i..mi.iii'u jiu.u ll.u j,iv.Vt, and contained theso words: "Uutler. nronaro to meet voui- God." When It was read, u general outburst of laughter aroso from tho Hoot- and tho galleries. Tho significant cnlstlo Is said huvo been gotten mi bv u lively newsiianer corres pondent here, who had no Idea that Ilutler was -o stupid as to rend It in tin) rsenate. niKNi;y dinks the imi-kachhus. An owning paper announces that -Mr. .1. W. Forney, proprietor of "two pa- l.frs. hnlh 1 1 !l i I V- ' ttni .-iniii'i.hiri. it ,hn united States Senate, dined tlio House managers ot tho impeachment con spiracy," nnd a number of Radical Senators at bis residence, on Capitol Hill, last evening. It Is not known whether tho patriots'?) thcroa-sembled took n voto on tho nuestlon nf "culllv or not guilty" under thu eleven articles. Wahhinoto.v, April 17. Tin: imi,i:aciimi;.nt tiiiai.. Tin: Cotirtoneued. mill lhi first Ihlni- iv uiu was 10 administer a nr.tod and -evero rebuke to Mummer Ilutler. It originated with tho Radicals and was lia-sed UV tho llatllcals. Sennlnr IVn-v aro.-o lu his place and oll'ered an older reciting mat tneroappeared in proceed ings of tho Senato of yesterday, as pub lished In tho Gtoieol'thB morning, cer tain tabular statements which were not spoken lu tho couro of tho argument of Mr. Manager Uutler yesterday, there fore It was ordered that such tabular btntcmcnts bo omitted from tho publish ed leport under tlio direction of thu Senate. Ilutler attempted to oxplalu, when Senator Hendrlcksaskcdif it was proper for Ilutler to attack, thu Secre tary of the Treasury, and whether It was in power of any Senator to de fend that officer in this court. Tho Chlof-Justico said unless tho Senator objected, ho thought tho Munagcr should proceed with his explanation, Mr, Ilutlur then said that hu did not attack thu Secretary of thu Treasury, but tho Kxecutlve. llu thought It dim to tho Senators that tho tabular statement should appear. Senator Anthony nsk ed If by unanimous consent Senator Hendricks could mako a defence of tho Secretary of the Treasury, Senator Ed munds objected and thu order of Sena tor Ferry was then adopted and Ilutler was rebuked, as far us it lay lu tho pow er of tho Senato to rebuke hl.n, for his violent and insolent liarauguu of ves. terd.iy. Tho evldenco for tho defenco was then resumed, and, for thu most part beforo tho recess, was conllnid to St. Louis nnd ..lowland Journalists who testified in inch Instance that they wur.u personally uuaro that Mr, Johnson spoko with reluctnuco at thosu places, anil that thero were dlscrepanclcH in what was published and what ho uctu ull.v said on thu occasion of thosncechcH. A buzz of excitement ir.n through thu galleries that called for suppression Irom Iho gavel of tho Chief-Justice, ns Mr. Frederick W. Seward was called and took tho stand. Tho curiosity of hundreds who had never seen tho vic tim of tho assassin Payne, was for tho moment gratified, If ono may Judgo from tho lorgnettes which were levelled nt tho distinguished witness. His lev llniony wns brief and related to the mode of making ad interim nppolnl lnunts. Secretary Welles was then call ed nnd testified that It wns nt his sug gestion, and owing to rumors which he had heard, that the President sent for General F.innry to Inquire relatlvo to tho alleged distribution of troops about February 21. This evidence, with that of others, has wholly destroyed the theory of tho conspiracy of forco char ged In tlio Impeachment articles. Mr. Kvarts then Muled that ho proposed to provo by tho witness that nt tho Cabin et meeting of tho 21st of February Iho President communicated to Mr. Welles and other members of tlio Cabinet thu fact that ho had removed Mr. Stanton and appointed General Thomas Secre tary of War adtnterim; that Mr. Welles then Inquired whether GcncrnlThomns wits In possession of tho office. Tho President replied that ho was; that 5lr. Welles Inquired rut thcr If Mr. Stanton acquiesced: that tho President replied that ho did and that nil ho required was time to remove his papers. Ilutler objected to this evidence being put In, and In thoeoursoof his argument main tained that it proved that the President had acted lu tho removal of Stanton without consulting his Cabinet. Mr. Evarts. In his reply, said that tho testi mony did not show that tho President had not pioviously consulted with his Cabinet in regard to this Mop, but that ho at this time communicated to them the fact that It had been taken. After elaborate argument, pro and con., dur ing which Uutler behaved himself very decently, tho Chief-Justice decided that tho evldenco was admissible. Drake, of Missouri, ut unco appealed, but tho jniei-Jiisiico was sustained uv twenty six to twenty-three, nnd Mr. Welles re plica aairmaiivciy io an ot ino inquir ies thus submitted by tlio defence, air. iivarts then proposed to snow that when tho Civil Tenure-of-Olllce net was passed by Congress, thu Cabinet, Stanton ol course included, unanimous ly decided it to bo unconstitutional nun that Secretaries Seward and Stanton were selected to draft thu veto incs-age of tho Mime. A longdlscus-lon on the admissibility of this evldenco then .oc curred. It was so evident that it would bu admitted and Stanton's treachery hIiowii up, that the impeach ers moved to ndloimi bo as to caucus against It, nnd as It was late, they secur ed their motion. W.hirrNCTo.v, pill 19 man coina-or imimiauiimk.nt. Thu 'ilocccdino of thu ben.tte lo ii uienced yesterday h.v an clalxiralo in- jninieiii. Irom Air. Mummer Wilson lu op'icjsitlon to the admission of tjeeietu ry Welles' testimony (otfered the iue vions afternoon) in repaid to what took nuco lu C-tljinet mccllmr over thu"teii- ure-of-oillce" bill when llrst tent to the President (relniary 1807). Tho ariu na-nt of Mr. Wiluon was read from uiauusciiiit, and evidently in-eparcd Willi care. Wilson's urnimieiit, was re plied to by Judu Curtis in a brief but exccemmriy lorciuie sneceii. Tho Llilel Justice said that In his judgment tho eviuonco was aumsiuie; nut iiowaru demanded the yeas and nays on the question of adiulttlii!! it, which bein ordered, resulted, yeas 2u, nays -'J. So the testimony was ruled out. This in the opinion of tho "impeachcrs," was a great point gained. They knew that tlio counsel ior thu defense had llvo Cabinet olllcers present to testify to the nuvico Which iney gave to tho Presi dent with referenco to the tenuro-of-of- lice bill, mid moro than that, to irlvo In evidence tho Important f.ict that Mr. stauion, in company wnn tno secretary of Htate, was selected to prepare tho ve to message on that lniamous measure. Tho next point of tho 1'rc.sident's coun sel was to show tho opinion of tho Cabi net olllcers on tlio effect nnd scope of tho "lenure-of-ofilce" law. after Its en actment, anil that ill (ho Judgment of uvery ono of tlicm, it did not protect those members of tlio Cabinet appoint ed by Mr. Lincoln. Alter a brief dis cussion thu Chief Justice ruled tho tes timony admissible, but tho Missouri urtiKo uawieti out "yens unit nays," aim thereupon the question was submitted to tho fcienntc, and ruled out by a voto (i to z.. Tho uelento then endeavored to show by tho witness that between tho dato of tho pas-age of tlio tenure-of-olllco act and tho issuing of tho or der for tho removal of tilauton, tho Miid act, ns affecting the public service, had lrequcntiy been tno sttiiject ot uauiuei consultation, anil that it had been agreed between the President and tho mem bers of tho Cabinet that tho question of Its constitutionality should bo tried In tho court as soun as a proper caso could be mado up. Pending tho dlscu-sion on the admission of this testimony, Senator Henderson propounded to the managers thu extraordinary question relating to tho admissibility of the evl- deiKeln mltlgatlonof thealleged oll'enso committed by tho President iu the re moval of Stanton. Uutler answered tho inquiry in his usual way, and a voto was then taken on tlio admission of tho testimony, which was ruled out ny uu to iu. (secretary wciles was at terwards allowed to answer .some ques tions relative to tho Emory matter, and was very rudely cross-examined by Uutler with reterence thereto. Tho next witness was his son, Edgar Welles, Chief Clerk of tlio Navy I'epaittnenl, who was examined with reterenco to tho sumo matter, after which PosiinaS' er-Uenonil Il.ind.ill was c.illod and ex amined in regard to lliei-.-uiocatorsiis pension of lilodgett, lalo lt.uli cal Postmaster at Augusta, Uooi-giu.uiul a witness lor tho prosecution, un cioss examination Uutler endeavurtd to make il appear that tlio Postmaster uencrai nail stispeuiieti niougeii with out authority of law, and bi c.iue he had been indicted for taking thu test oath, whereby (as alleged b thelimnd jury oi Hicnmonu uotiuty, ueorgu) no hud committed licilui-.v. and unoii 1 1 1 the order of suspension was Issued. The witness was about to letiro ftoiu tho stand, when Senator, hernmn nioiioun ilcd tu him a question of similar Import to tho second ono propouudul to Air. Welles, viz., concerning tho opinion of tho Cabinet, as to tho ollect and scope of ino lenuro-oi-oinco" nci, wuetner huh act applied to members of the Cabinet who received their appointments from Air, i.incoiir.' nils iioiutovKieniiy tin presses Air. Sherman as uno of very great Importance, and it undoubtedly Is. Ho Ls on record as havlncr exnreas- ed the opinion ur strontrer oven. that. having as u member of tho conference committee that llnaily agreed to tho bill as It passed, stated lu open debato that It did not apply to or tid'ect mem bers of tho present Cabinet who wero appointed byMr. Johnson's predecessor, mn, Dutu is ..iu liu.guugu ui ins proviso in tho llrst section of the act. Tho Chief Justice thought tho question ol -'i.. Dili-Hum. uuiuissiuic, Pill 11 was ruled out, by 31 to '20. Tho effort, there fore, to get lu un.v testimony beni-lm? upon this important point being utter ly futile, Mr. Evarts wns compelled to announce that tho case, so far ru ho Know, was closed on tho nurt of tho do fense. Mr. E. had nrovlnuslv stniml that llvo members of tho Cabinet weto present to testify concerning tho facts bought to bo Introduced through tho nurauuiis pin io Air. weiies, nut as thoy had been ruled out. ho supposed they wwii "iii-i.meu py inoso rulings. WAsm.varo.v, April V), Till' Jill'KACIIMliNT TIIIAI,. Tun trial was continued In tho Sen ate yesterday, Mr. Curtis announced that the evldencu for tlio defence had all been submitted. Post-mustcr-flrm. end Hundall was cross-examined bv tho prosecution, lie submitted a copy of nil liiillntinnnl f,.i,,t .,,.!, ,ot .... t.i,.v..v ,ii,t,i ,iiiii3, 1 UDll l lilodgett, late Postmaster at Augusta, Oa,. which was alleged to bo the eutiso ui ins removal irom oiuce. -i no Ainu, ngera offered to bhow that tho Indict incut was procured bv tho dlslovul cm. mil's ol Mr. llloduclt: that ho u-ns -. moved without hearing, and that tho action was not reported to tho Senate, ino ouico iieing nil appointment oi mo President. Altera lengthy discussion tho Sennto refused to admit thu evi dence. Thu Managers oll'ered thu or der assigning Gen. Sherman to therein iiii.ui. in in u icpuriiueui ... ...u nw.- tic, and ulo tho nomination of Gen, Sherman and Georgo II. Thomas to brovct rank, claiming that the-o acts of tho President wero Immediately con nected with tho removal of Secretary Stanton. Tlio evidence was objected to and after debato tho Senato declined to receive it. Thu Malingers then announ ced tho ease closed for the prosecution. Mr. llotitwell requested nil adjournment to allow him moro tlmo to prepare tho closing nrgumcnt for tho prosecution. Air. Logan nsKca leave to lllo bis argu ment, which ho snld was already prin ted. An order was submitted to allow tho Managers and counsel to lllo their arguments, but objection being mado tho order went over for future consider ation. On motion of Mr. Johnson, the Court adjourned to Wednesday. "Inrltrt !lrort. Wl.f.ii per llvo . f2 m . 1 SI . 1 '.'.1 (.1 , 1 1111 ,. 7 CO . 2 Ol) I'l IW II , 1 & ,. 2 0" II ,. SI .. n ii .. 13 00 Colli " Out. " r our iirr hnriol t'lovcmt-eil,.,. I' his-otil Uutler V.mi i in low 'tmitnpM Dried Allv l'orlt 1 In. ns Kliles nml tshnulikTM lint tier nounil llnyi'erfnn M'.MIii:u, Hemlock hnnrils ncr tl.ouiuntl fori $11 O) l'lno ' ' " (one Inch) .... .IolI.Hciit.tlInff. Mlomlock) . li in . S (l . 7 l .. IS IK) Shinnies, No, 1 por thousand Milling " " ft I.ION- .No. I Kculi'll 1'lK No. '2 " " lhltntlt-liUlA il&rliti. TlICHSMAY, April 23 1S0S. I'l.nci-. Xnrtl.wostcl li Miperlluoiit 8.2-j Nciitlmrstvrn t-Mrn ,llt (U"i Northwestern ly U.5iliiSl 1AI IVnnivlMinln ...til Western su.t tlltiii... 7,.ri0it tl.mi IViimvlviiiilu nnj WVslein extru S.j.lffiS!..7'i HUM .Minn, inn. IH-Mi'ril ...Hilly II.IAHgilll Pi nni Iviinlu inn! We-itern lunry l.LMHif I5.dii live not..- , , Wilt: r reiunj Iviinla leil, V bus Soul In rl. " " " " wltlle " It) i:rt'uuyl .tula i1 e, v lU' ,-il!S- Yellow, " While, " .VM-yin. I'ltoViMiiNS Mess Turk, y lib! Mi.ii U. ef, " llreiseil Units, -a lr H.noUeil lliiniH " " HIiouMe.s-SId IjiiiI. V I"" S ..VKiill.-.'o S2SS.ii $.MKi,W.,l ill. .11 fl.lVitM.lii S1.7t$I.W "l.lil'ISl tl.l'tttl.lT 7ie ll.'e 8. Sil.VI lK'flll l-..-Mllc ... ii.t'te ... S5."iOWII.I"l sr.l.iw flovel-M'iil V oil. 1 liiioth. MTU i rliixsenl I s Iiuh.. ... tll 2.H0 CU11.1- Heel rullll- 51 It, I'omm. H, In .el.. hikki'-t? it ilm.-, r I'nti'i- flS7.i ... . i e('i M- .. 81 1.31 1 JEW AOVjltTjSEiMENTS. h luT.-by tilveii, n pinns-ijry note, d.ited -eniC'itiiH'r it, i mi duo -pni i, i.i, ninm oy .Inlin W'nlier.lii luMr(ii lli-nry Wnnk-h, imd by H.titi Wnntrh nsslniutl toJIcnrv Urtwlnt'. fur one bundled nnd hivty-slx d-ilUiiK, nnd nn which seenti -me ilnlLiiHuie i ndorfml, Nlont or mis. Itildmnd nil inrsons nro heiehvc.iutlfjnoilni'iiinHt pin cliasiu-c or iieollnlina sal-1 liule, its pa men I Ul UIU MtlllU JII.S liei II MOI'Ilt'U. llloomoburfz, April 21, lSu-Wlt. KMOVAIj of tiii: dkad. IS miriuinca ofnn Act of the Ijeiilslntnre approved April Hth 1M1S. nntlc N lierciiy chin to all m r.Mins Jmvlne frkntWor rcl.itfvcH burled within Iho spiu'e of ImJ Ht t on Main Mreit by m teet on lion Htrert, on tho Sonthwest eniiu-r of hi. riuii H i nuivh lard, lilounihiiuifr, Unit the bodies mut bo remoed lv tlio hiir iiiif; frlend-i orifl.itlves, befoto tho (H-t dayof June, iMi-, or that I hey will bo renin v. d ntul ho lutened by Iho I'sirv n Mini iiiiureu uy auuinrny ineroni. uy uiueriu uiu tMry, j. .j, itliuv l.Ji, nes, Attest: II. 1 IIxitTMAv, Hee. Illnomi.bur.i, April lsSt. L. On Wf iv. Anrit IMh. ImW. between m house In I'lvliingcu-elc township nnd IJIooms hui's.a shtepslvin pocket booknbout sit Inches louig and thn-o Inches wide, with n strnp nt tnehed which hal u Rinall holo In tlio end, In Bblo nnn'Wlmt mould v. It contained S'l.r01n mils 01 1110 loiiowing iiennininaiions : 1 ivo ten dollar bliN. iind nltitt flvndnllnr bills. Ten lint. tars teinrd will bo paid to any neison returning tlm itbo o to thu owner Apr, 21,'lil-U. Corks, 1 O,, Columbia Co., 1'a, A KSIGXKIVS NOTICK IX HANK- V KUl'rUY.-In tho District Com I of tho U11I- icd Mates tor tho Western District of l'inus ln nl.i.ln tho matter orMnua-RLli M lehael, bankrupt To whom it may eonttin: Thu undei signed hereby gives nntlro of his nnpointincnt ns assligneo of MuiiHveh Michael, oithotown of Mnltnllle. lu rt olumbla, nnd Matoot rennsylva- been adludired n hnnkumt unon bis own pdltton, by tho lb-dUct Couil ot taid Ul trlet. luieii at uioomstmr, tho isth day of March ,, j. 1 "if, . vi, ji.viui 1KI.UY, Assignee. (prii -'i, us ji. DMINISTItATOIl'S NOT1GK. USfATt: OV ELKAZAIt II. HEsh. 1)1 I'lLVSltl). Letters of luliulnlstratlon tte Lonii nan on tbn est it oof Illeaznr II 1 loss, into nf Centro township. Columbia County, deeen!-tdv hao been gran ltd by tholieghter of said County. tolMntei Hess, adiulnistialor, who resides In Mitllln towuslilp. All persons having claims or demand ng.diut thoKaldestatoaio rcmiested to present them for setll incut without delay, nnd tlioo Indebted to tiuiiiu jm viih iu. U..JI,UA, lUiSS, April 2l,flS.Gt. Admiuistr.Uor, Louis non. VALQAIihK HEAL, KSTATK AT T I'UllldU HALH, Will bo fcold nt tinblln Kiln nf tlm "flUTV HOUmI;" In tho Iloroimh of lierwlck. on Hatur- l.i v, the 2d day of .May. nt ID o'clock n. mM tho loiiowing descilbed Milnnb'o lteal Kbtate. to wit : AH that tlticl of land. situlo In 'i wnnpi lr tnwnshlri. l.uzerno counly. buunded bv tho hus. fmihannu Uivcr, lands of lleniy Killer, Isaac ivi l-ii tiuu a, t uiuiuui U" TWO HC.NMtni) AMI nnV AC'ltE-J, moro orhi-i, fcLMiity-tHoacresof which li 1m- uove((, wnn n nweuing tiousn theicon, 'iho lalaiuoU well tihibtlid. I.ntn t ho t xlntu ofWin. M, llai t, decnised. Conditions easy. Terms in no ii ii 1 1 it on 1 1, iy in (sine, 1110 propetiy will tie t-oid li null i laii. i or nirihi r i.nriicii .o lo qnliuil AONK4 A. IIAUT, esieop")rii;, pril J, u", B AXKKUl'T XOTICi: s tun DisTiiicTfoi-HT orTiinl'suriiHriTrs mil -nil i nil i:n iirrj:N.M,i.vANi.. Am i. Thomas, n IiuuUiuit tnulcr Uii Art nf I nuyu u in aiiurii .11, imi,. uuvillK Hmlltil Inrii lJI-cluilu Irulii nil Ins ili'litu. nml nllifr iliimi ln-iiviililu nniliT wilil Act, liv order til tho I'ourl, ...itlLi. i.iiliiiui uii.,1,1111111 , i l'l!llirj , uu tuivc .Yit i il ilu-ir (U hi., mill oilier iiomon inii-i- Mitf: in i.i tin on Uu-ii-t iluv oi M.w ihi.4. nl y ocock.A, M., bi'fuio i:. iiveitun, Jr., I;sn llcaltt'r, nt Hie uxl'Iuiimo Hotel In lliiininsliiii, . l,., n Dunn iiu-i-, i, iiiij ii,, lllll', y 11 ill- luiiui-Khf'iilil union tn-iuitcil lo Hie hull llunl: iilol. Alul llliiln-1-, liollt-o in lititliy eUen.tlmt ( 111 CCOIIll Ullll T II It'll 111! It IICHIll lllll'. f I lio haul l.nikriiil, ii rjntioii li, llio-jTUi unit 2Mli k(c- uiiiimii fciiin .ii win no ii in uc-ioie tno bam lti'ttttlcr, tit IIih t, uno tlmo anil i.inco. r,. l. kua.mii.i;-,s Cli-i'lt of r, H. PUU'ii'U.ouit Iur hulil llhtllct. ,il.'jrtu-2w JANKUUIT NOTJCK, I.n utr. lMbriticrCoL'i.Tornn:U.Nm:nSrArES, i uitiiiM wj-srr.ns ujbnucr- of1'i-n.svi.vania. HAMurb 11, DiUMtn R Uanliiunt under tho Act orcougitftsol Miuch id, Jvc;, Ji. Jnf a, Ahl loru Him hargulioiuutthlsikbt-i.andothcrt'lulmi jitovablu under bald Ait, by ouler nt tho Court. Minu. in iininiVdivfcN, to ull Creditors who lmo prot'd their debu, and othe cperhonii Inter e ted i lo nunear on Iho 'Mf inv i.t Miv ati o'cluyk, V. M., beforo K, Overton, Jr., I'm, Kegibti r, at tho Kxchunge Hotel, Itloomsburg.l'H. to fchow cttune, lltiuy they ImvtMvhy a Duehargo hliould not boEruntod tothobuld llauknipt, And .uiuiL-i UOUI.O in ueieuy given, Ullll 1110 hecoild nutl'lhlid-MeetliigH of Cn dlloidoniic mild Huiili rutit, required by tho S7th and iSth heitioim or Mifd Act, wMl bu had beioro tho huid UegMor ut . KC. MCCANDMXS, Cleric of U. H, M-.trictCouitiui baldjiutrkt, Apr.wos-'.'w JANJCHUI'T NOTIC'K. In thu IiisnucT CouttToniin UnitkuHtatm. nm'iiiKU'Kttn.its uibrmcf or i-iinnuym'ania. rurKi; H. llAKMAN, a. llaukrupt under Aetot Congress of Alurcli 2d, lwJ7, luivlng up- Dlkd for 11 ilU('hiiri-n Horn nil hlsi ,1 of ,t ntul otlii.- cluiini pioablo umler bald Act, by older ol tho (.ouri.nuuio is nereuy gicn iu an cuuitora wno lniU' nroied their ill bt. and other nerhima Inter. ibtidi t appt'iir on thu Iht day ol May ImIS. at 11 u'clocli u.ih., beioro 1J, U-,ertoii, Jr., lVp, Jiegintcr, ut ll.u xciiaugo jiotel in Jlluomabuig, to biiow cause, Ii any they bae, why a dlschargo Uiould nut bu granted to Iho bald Hankrupt, Aud turther. notleolB htieby then, that the hecond uud 'third lucUluu-4 ofl'ltdilornnf lliiihlil llunL. nipl, required by itho 'fc7th nnd ith htctlonw of said Att, will bu had befoio bald Uegbiier, upon Cleric of IT. H, DMrlatUiu1 Apr.'Jt, oS-Uw IN 'IHK DlbntKT C'OUHT OV TUB UN1TBD KTA1 FS, I.OUTIIi;Wl.sII.K.NPlllTllUTorrENNltVI.VANI aaiion Amuih'vs, lianltruiit iiiuler tlio Act oi Lonmitk oi Muuli 2d, inn, lmiuK uppiusi lor iidlsiiiui'nu from nil hU dehu, nnd oilier (lu IhW lilUUi , iiiuli.r ki.l.l A,.i i.,.i. . ..r .1.. Ikiuit, ..oni't: laiiuut.uvunEN.'lo ull Ciedltorn wliolinoploeil IlielrdiliU.lltid other person Islki. ut!) ocloik. A. M. lu.r.ii.. ! ii.....,..,. l:(l., lleaUKr. ill tho Lnhauuo lioled, lllooms.' Iiunj, l'u., lo show enicc, It uny tlu-y liaM-, whv u !))!' IIIIL'O s Hill d nn, Ik, I' , Mm.... 1.1 is. ..I.. rupl. And flltll.i r.liotlio la lieleby uUen, thai Iho Kecolld and llilrd Miellligs of iTe-Ultoiu of ...v .,M.,...u,., , viiiiivii uy luo .rliu IIIIU lll Seelloiuotfculd Act, will he had liefore Iho buld nb,.(v, u, buiiiu (imu tuiu place, ,., K C.'.Mil'ANDI.l sW, i-lcrlc of I'. H. UUtrlcl t'ouit, lor mid nutria Avr.l (lo-2w POLITICAL VOll TIIK NATIONAL DI2MO CHAT1C COXVI-NT10N. Washington, rcbrtmry SB, 1803, The Nntlonnl Pemorrntlo Commlltce.lty virtue of t lie ntitliorlty conferred upon tlicm by tho Inst iiikiiihi I'cmurnujc miM'ruinn, ru n iiii't-imu held (Ills ilny nt WnshliiRtoii, H. U. Voted to hold tho next fun vent Ion for tho inirnnio of nomlnn Una cnndlilnte for President nnd VIcp-PrrMdcnt ol tho Unltftl HI nlc on tho llli dnv of July, im, nt I2o'clooit m1( In f ho city of New York. Tho hiwM of reprrentntlon, n fljtcd by tho Irnt National Pemorrntlo Convention, li double tho number of Hennlnrs nnd HeprrncnliUlvcs In Con grrit of rnch Mlnln under tho Int nppotlloninent, l.neli htuto Ifl Invited to nend dck'nles necord In sty, AUQUHT MXMONT, Cliulrman, runi)i:iUCK O. I-IUNa;, Hccretnry. Domocratio Stato Tickcti von AUMTon-m.Ni.itAM CHARLES E. BOYLE, Ol' rAYKTTIJ COUNTV. Toil 8CJ.VEVOIl-aENI-.ltAM GEN. WELLINGTON II. ENT, OV COLUMI1IA COUXTV. SPECIAL NOTICES. WISTAU'M 1IAUSAM OK W1LV CIinUUY I'or thu cute of coughs, CobH, Hoarfceness, Asth mn. Influenza, Croup, Whottplng rough, llroii- chilli l-rediirltlon lo Consumption, Ac, Ac, ThlsBroftt remedy U too well known and Is per foi mlng to much yood to mako Jt neecsviry lo fio Into nn elaborate discussion of Us merits. Humco It to finytlmt It Mill lnaltitalns Its nupre mney In curluc diseases nl tho most obstlnato character, mid that nil who HUirer from tho nboo complaint1, after hnlntc tested this lemtdy, sel- loni havoocchlon to tcsort to other nppllauccs to lnmc n perfect lestornt ton to health. Testimony of Mn. rTi: BliAV. Wrar WiNi iKLi), M. Y. Duo., 10, 1VW. Jlessrs. H. V. I-'owm: A Hon, Itostou. ueutieinen, uurinu tlio wintt-ror issi I wn ery mueli out of health, a ill It tod with a hocro Cmiiih. l'u I n In the sitlo and Lunut nnd u CLiurnl depiesilon of health tosiu h an extent as to great ly aiariu in urn nun irientit at u uiu ltiiti. During this tlmo 1 tried secral lilghly rtcoin mended renif dlett. with llltlonr nououd rMllt. and bait coiu'liideil lo try Iho elhct ot n rioutherx cllnnito upuii my beallh; but, ht-fm-o ctirrjliu this resolution Into cited, I was Induced by tin in Kent Mdlcltallon of jour audit, Mr. Ilunlly, toto lir. Wlstai'M IlitU.ini of Wild Clitrry a trlut. I did so, and to niyureatj iv I fuimd ini nieduitoatid perni.imnt u-llefbj Iho use nl only ouo bottle, and I uiu lioW 111111 ptod health us over. I Indieto yuur bniaiu niient Iho bent leln 1 dies, lor CoUKli". Colds ttlid all lillhrf ilheiws, now in iho, and conoientKnslv reconiineiid It ashiui. out nutv. rcn:it -siiaw. 1'iep.iren In st'tli S. Tow lo A sou, 11 I'leiiioiit M,, Jloslon, and 1U n.tle by Ui'tUttists yi nei.ill.i , GUVCU'.-h CULMlUAi niJ .MALVU. We aro constantly hearing lavorublu ieiJii irom inoto wni) n.ivu irieii 1111s reuieuv, viuy Anili inv. who of Alark Anthou. of this dtv. and living at No. 0 Locust Mrcet, atllicteil wltli a felon on tho linger, was recently induced to make u Uiul of this .sahe. AluiosMnstantl kIih experienced lcllef fiom the pain, which had been almost unendurable, hvtry oilier lemedy hut thU nruvtd uinivalbnif. '1 hom who lmw trU( It oneo nio Mitlfslbd ol lis merits, and not h- ln Mill ludu:e them lo uu without a supply. tuu fiver 4fU',T, Aplit it.'O-i-lt, Ifnny nl our n-aderw nro permatuiely igrav,or ate tumbled with milting ot the hair, damn till or lU'iunn 01 1110 setup, iney iuo oniy 10 ue nuvj h Vi net bio Ambrosia, nnd their truulilo w III soon hoover. The picp.itulhm Is not only a re-dorer of gray hair, but one ol tho most 1 levant li.ilr iiretsniijs uierseeu. it alio ny soiicniug ana in lu-onitlni' Hia hnlr. DreveiiL4 tii'em ltuin tmld lieoMind i in in my cusci lehtuies lialr to buld hen Is. IM-'OltMATlON'.-Inrormatlon guaranteed lc nroducoa luxuriant growth of hair upon u bald liead or beardlcsM lace, also a iccelpo lor Iho lo- mown oi nm pies, Jtlotcbex, l.ruplions, ttc, on the skin. ica ill! I no Katno soil. clear. nml oeuulL Jul, tan ueobtained w Ithoul charge by addressing thus. sepiro:. Ihuadwuy, New York. IO rAHMi;itS AND rijANTKUH. Tlio subscrllieis oiler for snle.ln lots tosult pur ehnseis. 2i)0 TUNS Ol DllUIILH UKriNI'.D 1'OC Dltiyni: oftho Lndl Jlnnuiaeturliur Co.. mad Irom the nlfjbl so), blood, nihil nnM dead nnliuuls or rew lorKLiiy.ior w nun ino lomnany nao excluslN o conlract, 1'rlce only 2 DOI.LAHS l'KH 1 . Iieln hi and dunces rioin iSew oil; muled Wan anted by the Company to bo enunl wkioiit for WKitniT lo nny hluli priced superphosphate In tho mniket, 'Jlio 1 epulis on Corn, Cot ion, To bacco nud Grain hao been a-lonishing tlio past reason. It matiucs tho crop irom lu ilayn to two im-i'kfi tiii utr, 111111 uimuit'n 1110 crop. iue I'.imphlo with certificate of hundrrtls of well Known ninntei'H nnd farmers, nnd everv informa Mnn.sent tren toany ono upnlylnRby letter or otherw Iso to MrCOU.UM A CllltsKIJ,, INpy Co lumbla county, I'a., or to tho 1011 Manulaclur ing Company.Ncw Yoik. l'eh. 21, lwW. TO CONHUMITIVIW, Tho Ilcv. IMwnnl A. Wilson will hcnd (fi co orcliiirKt.')lii oil lio ilcslio It, tlio iiiL'hcilptlon w lllitlicdlu't lions torniiikliu (mil llslli tlu simple uinnly ly Mliicli ho wns ( urcd of u lung a Hit tion nml that dri-iidcd disease I'onsiiiiiiitloii. IIIh only olijec-t N to henellt tho ntlllcled. ami lio hopes ceiy sulfercr will try this piesctipUon, nn It will (ritt tlicm nothlui;, nnd may .ro e a blessing. Heuso luldresu in., . l.ll .. Yl l S'o. lfiihouth Second Mieet. -nj3rC7-!y, AVIlllainshurg, Kings co., K, V. SSJGXKJVS KOTICK IN HANK- ted htates for Iho Wibliin IJiifift of lVnn' Ivu 0111,111 uu inuiier oi jiiiih'h m, jrewiu, uiiUK rupt. To whom 11 may concern; Ihoundcifdgncd hercbv u t a not lee of his n minim incut nt nt. Mgneo or Janus M. Hewitt of l'lshlng Creel; inoeouniv oi Loiuinnia, and hlato of lVnniylvani.i, who has been adjudged u bank uipt ujion his own petition, by tho IHslrlet Court of hald lHlriet. IMled nt Jiloomsburg, the IJth dayof April. WH, J, Jl. KOIUHOX, Apill it Dl-.a AMlgllCO. A SSIONKK'S KOTIOK IN liANK- XV ItUl'TCY.-In tho DMrlet Court of tho mil led Mates for the Western IHstrletof remisylva nia, in tho matter oi Henry Trough, bankrupt, To whom It may concern ; Ihoundeihlgned here by ultes notice of his. appointment jinaslgrec or I lenry 1 roiiKh, of I'oundry vllle, in Iho county ol Coluinbia, aiul hiate ol 1'iniisjlianiu, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon hit ow n po tho District Couit of h,dd dlNtiict. J. 11. UOIilsuN', Aprlt 17,'CS-St, Assignee, A,1 lOIINISTUATOU'S NOTJCK. i rAiKir n:ii:iiH, jn.i,vifj. hfccahi-d. i,eiuu oraduiluiMinlion on tbeistaie oilVter S iiejuig, vate oi ronyngnain iwp un-uimbtu tu.. deiea-td, hao been (rianttd b, iho ItmNter ol -.aid county to Umbel llelwlg and William Goodman, of Coiinnl.uiii luwn-hlp. All piTMHiH having elaimt or d in ukU I'galust Iho si. lie of t ho d ced nt ate letpienied lu make them known, and th indt bled In make nay- .V.!!!i;),.'.V,vl,J,A"' April tf'i& iikniiy woi.f, i:, i', miiiiix, (MieeesKni's lo S, C. Shle, mm U3 .SL'iis(.'ium:iis having X I eased the l'lmilUK Mill and Macliluo Shop liiiluei lr occupied oy r. (!. Wde, Mill eoiltlllllu the hu-liicss ol iiuui'ifut lining U001H, SASH, UM.VIM, MOULDINGS Uraclteis ,tc, o nro nKo piepured to fiu-nlsli dlesseil lloorlntr, flilnclesniul all other lumlier requlied In tlio const ruction or ljullillnirs. All IMudsof In i tilni- iloiiont short nollce. Illlls fur Joist nud olli(r liiiino stun" tilled ultli pronipt. nesHiiud cine. UnlcTS reKpirllully soliclKd. April 17,'ils Wlll.1- vV II ltTOX, I'l'LICAXTS l-'OH IilCIONSI-IS. Notice Is licit bv olveu that iho futlowiii!? named persons hae iuad nppllcallou to tho rrothono taiy of C diiinliia County, for Tneni nnd oilier llcetiKex. to bo urn nil d ut tho enmbiiz Mnv Tei in of Com I : Jilnoin, T. 1 MeniUtihall, Liquor More. John Li aeock, lien W Mnucer, I lei nardhtohntr, Dllver A Jacoby, Kooiim a Clink. WmHtlllmore. Iternard Ktnlnift iuein, Knlliig House, Tavei n, Heftvcr, II I'rank 7.arr, llenton. Andrew T llrcliM- Ilerwltk. T llenton Taylor, , " XavUr Wernet, Cntawhia. l'hllip (lottbhall. fiaeou m jvisiicr. " hamuel KoHtcubou ler, ll-VI Jtlll-, ' John 1 Hunyan, " I,eVl Keller, " Win 11 Oiauge, Centre John Uroer, " Henry Lohnuui, " Itobert Clark, Muhlon II. Hick, Centrutla, A W ('learner, " Thomas O'Connor, ' Htcphcn lloiuii, " .Miehael llnnnon, Hating House, Ta crn llallng lloukt LlfUorHtoi c, I'utlng House " Michael tJ'Jlnlre, " Charles Colo, " Stephen Ihoman, Miuy chapman. " " 'lhouias (leinghty, " John Hlglinger, " " '1 hoiUUH O'Neill, " " Henry A Wi'ldiiuaul.Tmern, Conj ngham Anion IVibou, Tat rn, humuel Leiby, " ' John U Kline. " " . liauiel T M'Klernau ' Ml i-mian Kllker, rishlngcrMc, rmaudim Unangst Greenwood, Milton I.Coxe, rating lloiikc Ttivcui, .III V UUIUSplC, John Hurtinau, Kuan Creiisy, Midwig Thiol, Johhua Wonicr, Inlah Ycnger, KAHinith, Samuel Itimby, Abrnham bhnuian, Am nn HctiS, It W Tubhs. Tubhs A. ColeiiUUi, Wm Uutler, I !d it aid i:erttt, Hemlock, I.ocuit, Madison, Maine. m imin. Montour, llatlng House Oninge, Tavern. " Jacob GocmI, HoarfligcricJolm Wiehev, " bcull. annuel It Kline, " l'hiliii 1) K'eller, " CimrfeHli DU tterlch, " Mary IHheen, t JlHlUol(KAIAN, I'lothouoUry, Uloombburg, April 17, 1H..8, " gVJf- i'Olt NIC A T AND C'HKAI JOJJ PHI NTINO-. UALI.1 AT THE COJ.l'MMlJlAN Ol'HW riMtEASUHKIVS SAIK orBEATi:!) I.ANDH IN COtiUMIUA CO, AureeablytolhoprovlMonsof tho Act of An ncmbly, entitled nn Att in reduce tho Hlato debt Ac, pasmd tho Jmth day of April, 1811, tho Tren Hirer or tlm Counly or Columbia lureliv Klves iwitlfn In nil ririiiis pniirrriicd therein, thnt un less the County, Uoad, Hehool, 1'oor nnd Htnto Tnxenrte.duo on tho followliig real entiitonituate In the County of Columbia, nio paid beforo tho day of sale, tiic wholo or such parts of each nn will bay lluehargcs nnd rosin elmipiblo thereon wlllbosoldntthoCourt IIouso In Jlloomshurn, County of Coluinbln. on tno hth of June, lwis, nud to bo continued by adjournment from day to day for arrearnnet of taxes duosuld county and the rosts accrued on rnch tcspectlvcly 1 JVrrr, -lerr. Oirnrr. Tenants, I)oK fff, IMt 270 Col, Coat A Iron Co, Heaver 8112 (k) HU 12 Mnse Mover ' 10 Is lsoi-a-o 121 tinier .Ai.uin 1 11 0 7 :i7 jonn .lonnson 21) John V Creswell loo Anlhony liavli :i'l T. M. Hutiblo Un) Mnnn A Miller :i0 Mann, Ualdy A Crist well m Miller, Plshcr A rong enlifrner IMII-5 itu-i ill ) 9 l M VI V, il 2 31 fi!) JO 12 IIV.M'UeynoklH (12 itohn Koons 44 Trarv Whlto II (M IW iMrfl I SOI) lvfll ls2 Mid ltsl-i mi lG.'-tJ lMtf lsft lie n ton 17 01 2 2S I Hannah Tyko " 75 Hiram HeiKtrchl " &) reter8hultz " tit Nniinv l'u nils ttlnnm 41 (1 21 2 .'II I'l lltAUKUslus-schnell Ilcrwlck ilor, 1 !) lit Jacob Mulcy Conynghnm 1 21 lit in Ashman " lit Owen Cain " IllJnmes Collier " 2lti:ilen Iittrkln " W Kline, Undenmlth A Co. " UtJohn I). M origan " MtMlchacl Neln 14 lit Alitliom O'Diinnell 7 IW 7 IM 8 ni 0 II 8 28 1 m I i'i 7 ni l.n n I 14) inr 1-iUVO IWA I SOI I'M I SOI IStW 1SU 11(1 raxton.Kllno ANharitlcsM 'JltJolm Hbaw 1 llfhiirles (i.illoahor 1 2ltHltuon Ashtou ' lit Dcmerlclt Crane ' UtJohn llopUtiiH lit Peter Hower ' a :i lo in .-I no 1 Hi 0 HI 1 WJ lit Wm Chapman M JacbHnyder It. Hnvcoclc m II. Km ne lSOfl ism Vranlclln II 111 rhhlng Creek 11 5 IKI 1N ry) JneobYaplo lit John llendershott lltOiimth Phillips K Jncksoii A. Watts lltMuryAllen lit Win Kdignr 'lit Kilwurd I-pwIm J Tit IMwnrd I'rosser jit tleo Weaver UN) Hess A (iolder fi (Hi 01 (I. Wood iftn ISlVi 1 SO (II IM.'i 1MJ1 HOI 1 I 37 3 M r,n Hemlock lMtl 4 m l-0t Jackson 0 I HI I 31 ,101m 14, Kceier Henry SholenbcrRer luvld lllshlliic James Hnwitinn 1 so S(j-Ti-0 ISO 1-5 Is 117 8 0 Il sil 117 10 01 1VIMI 1S(,( I, 210 lless, "aiil A Peisy -it niiiien iioiMoii l ma I nlr.l'. I "si l as in 1 80 mi III Madison 1M.II Isoil lHil-3 1M1 P01 lyjl li I Ml 1-0 iMil IVi". IMiVI I Mm IsG ho lsfl-li lMki 1MHJ 100 1(. Mtlheim'8 IM. Welllcr Un Win Chainbi'tlln 17 Jiteksoit II ddo HO Hoi Dilllt J 1 Haw I NWeeiiey l'lno n 2.1 if 8 111 II u .M.Mi'K'iuiikir Abr Wcl-di hos fSUu khotise II II. 2 In) 7 (i 0 20 7 20 100 'I hosHtnltll .Inhii I'ttt 8 8. liuyler A Waller Mli'hael Uiesler John L'o"m r'H 1 Nt. Col( John 1) li'l 2 SO 1 IKI (y) Imi CO 1 20 2 70 .Vi Jubii Folk 117 .Inhll I'. 1-1 lilt 2 M Ni Pidtv lluss(wldow) HUHarloaf 8 imi iti-nr-.-dntdiT " MUCimrleM M ulllfy Scott 1 -Vi niiiEAbUiiui's sALi: 01' U.VsnATi:iJ LAKD-H'Oll COI.UMIUA CO A i.i'i(.nliti' to ,ho oi'ovlslons of nil Act of As- semlily clilllled nn Act dlreetlns tlio mode of selling lllisenlea illlltis nil' tuxeH null ior oilier purposes passed tlio Utll day of March HI.',, titnl the Inrther suplements thereto passed on tho Hill day of Maieh Isl7 and tho i'.tll day ol .March ls.'l. ami tlio Dili day of Minch 1817, tlio Treasuier ofColllinhla county helehy (;lV(M notice to all persons cniKtcncil tni'iein unit unless tno v oun iv, lto.ul. School, 1-iHir, lldiiul v nud Stale 'lai" Ion nn tlm tollnu lnif tiads of unseat ed lands sit nrsiil tin, wlmii, orsueli nails of each tract us will pay tho costs ehalKeahlo thereon, will be SOIll Ul 1 IIU (jOll! I 1 lOllse 111 lull ull ,,( iii,iin I 'on lit V of I'olilluliliioil the Stll lit .IllllO. lSIIS. ml ii, emit lime bv m I loiirn men t Irom dav today for urrcariiKCs of taxes duo said L-ouuty, aud Iho lots uceliletl on eacll liaci respet lively, .Vo. of .lerr. H(irftnf(Pt or Oiciiti. Int. Ci9. nUN'TON. Ann (rhrlstman s 1 ) (Il l .lolm.l. Knrns 2 Os is Tiucy Wlillu UW llllAVKlt. 10)-) 1(0 J IW) j 4'I0 ui 201) 100 9U 2100 2HI 100 C-oluml)Ia Co-il & lion Co. 7.1 10 Sarah A. Coll'man Isaac Divls I.pwls l-'llL'er John (Iroir I'l 01 Ma n A Itoat .0 Miller .M'Diraell Itlttenliouse . YosI 2HI Cilthiilllle Xojer I- Ilamlllon W.shlpinau 0 IIIIIAH CHF.r.k'. PntllAppIo II Samuel 1)1 ml: 1 Wllllniu J. Itrtlnln 7 (luy Itryuu 1 .loliuCufii Win, .1. clem- 11 Wm. 1 1. 1'rens 20 M'iii. It. llarluuti 1 H. r. Ilea.lly 1.3 ('alliarlllo IVaice John l'aiketsoii it Abinli.nn lleeser 11 Jaeoli Miller 2m) 10 7 Gl 2U i"i 10U 10) 1SII ll Joseph hlackliouse 37 John It. Suit 20 John Yost 2 CONYNCilIAM. .Indue Cox 17 Lewis Walker 3 John Houston 21 JiuohTiUll 7 m. Shannon 1100 (Jen. Illdehuni 2us John lleastly lliO Thus Illlllielmer 101) Amos Wlekeisham 1J0 Uoheit Jordan 100 ADiilew Toiler DO, Lewis Walker "I'-l '1', llustan "11. W. flrenough" 21 Mni-y Hustnii " " 0 '1' llusian n v .1 Jt r v ii u . c 1-1121 Maryltustan ' " " " 07 IJicuczcr llranhaiii (111 Jlctijaniln C'oombo HI John YollliK 111 .loslilla IJeilia I'i-I IVter Uucliner '' Nallinnlel lliottll 100 John lvllno ITS ci'Ninn, llelijainiti AUahndi 1 Isaluli e'otiiii i's Instate .1 Dewlll A lli'iieillct 5 Win. DeloliK mux ltiiie 1 Jaeoli (ioiiil M. I., Illown reler lliigenliue'll 2 CATAWISSA. '1 hoiiias lllddlo 2 llei Jamlll llelher 2 Jiisi ph Clewe'll 11 .1. H. Ilrolist 2 J. I', rinclicr lo riiulici-X-llioinns !17 Jiavld (l.uimcr 1-IlANICI.IX. JatncN l'ox Dlljah Itiynold X Co. 9 (1(0. MMllllv ribiiiNo citi:i:ic. (!io. J, rullmer I J. M. .lones ll John AUcKiir 1 Win, lliickalew'H INtute 21 l'u ns .e- IliiUimm II 112 1D :m loo as i aoj fjor 120 Uor am t or lai y. of feu m n'i Ml 120 PW I'll 1 lot lot IlilivaidM-lleiiry . Win. Meai-s a Haninel .1. l'cnlcr 11 1110 2KI :i .Ml M SKI HI 11:1 II !) I.t) CI a 20 l 5 100 (,eo. realer Win IIiUiI.IIih .1 f!ll. Win. Hhueins II p. nhoior A Kclctim r 11 (VIMS II Wlllll, It A'hrahani Yolllltt l'" Win. Ikcler 7 am:r..NWooi). V mil ew Ikeler . 1 Muru.'llct Lemon II .Toscpll rilklllKloll 13 I..I1I1 it. s 111 u l Isaac Dev. Ill 3 Wilson Kile-nr Daniel Kline 3 JohuMelllcl: li IIKMI.OCK. Wm. Applcmnn 2 I). It. Apl 'email V 7 100 fill 5 31) I.' U M. Aptileliinn Kamiiel lli-unler Nathan ('ampbi-U II. U'. M'lti.viuiliU II. 1). M'lllldo 3 John Mordan 1 .eljulon HobUlns JACKSON, Wm, YoiUh Win. btcphens LOCUST, Iuts Hush 12 200 10 Hot 200 U of 100 J! of ino j of 200 JSof 200 jjuf 2JX) )iuS 20(1 i of 1(0 Jaof 1!NI S of 200 Kof 210 IJofWI lil I'lil liens lllllliiBton 19 " John Usher 3 Mary Altera edieelioush" M Tlios, Hustnii " 0 Daniel lleeso " 17 Mary lUlslan o 10 I linrlolle Hustnii " II) John lltj Holds 10 M M ( el H N v A IT ( K It It .e l'oj. (o 19 Thomas Hustan " 0 Dimlel Ileus " 17 Maiy Itustau ' 19 tlmilottoltiistan " 19 John lie lihlds " 19 John nml Jos lthoails 9 WinHaye'ls 2 MlI'l-I.IN, 300 10 ll 17 70 ai 31 II IV) 171 l' Ul 2! II'.' 07 Imi 200 7 (leu Lutlnui' 6 WmMenslUL-er 1 Nuuiitssei A llolsafer .lo-litin .ImiKllunlt Jucoli Uomboy Joel MHIIII Huiiuk 1 rnrle's I'M. l)nld lliounUr. 'MAIN, Daniel A Isaac Yclter 18 Diltllel Yeller H Jacob Hostler 7 .1 I' I' liir her 11(1 Miller dee-'d. 10 1'hllln. Miller li Daniel Miiilnali ili-c il. itculien rsliumall CI Jo.lumWibh 1 rump wan JIADIfeOX, Jonphrilrelch MT. 1'IXASAN T. John Alo MONTOttll. Mlclinel (leaver ouanoi:. James r.verell's 1WI. Jelemlllll Huttenliuell Hamuel ('icu'lllix John Mellelc lieu lllillcy 1'I.VH. Wllllniu Itoirmnn .1 1' I .Mills Win YY'tdcnlinlncr Syhestcr llenlli Jos Locltnrt Thotnas llonfleld I'eterlliicliner 'Ihotnas Itarnes (Ion Dewes John llnstlti l'hllip Kolb Isaac Lluvllt Jacob i'l leu Abraliani Iteabcr I'etcr .Mi nscll (leorgo lllosi BUOAULOAI'. Alirnlintn hhollr.'s Ks't Jaiulson Kei ler Hiiinuel l'rlt?. Win .1 lless Jntnrs llueknlcw Israel Cope Mary Custard Daniel Kerhatt (loo (Icarhnrt llolieit Gray (tossc-s Ls I Anthony (Icarhnrt Wm Oealliai-t l'olly lless Widow Abruliatn KUno llobelt MonlBoincry lls't 1 71 S7 7' 2 Ml 0 29 01 ID 21 II 2S 2(1 0 III 2S. SO 7 1 00 .'I Us 3 (19 19 Hi ll li IX oil 7 7H 3 10 1 HJ 2 7.1 1 31 :l 31 I 52 3 31 Is lis I SI 7 31 II W 7 SO 19 l 19 IIS II 21 PI iV ."l 3i - 71 10 .-i'l I'l III mi ol ' an iii 2i ft) r, 2T) 200 HI Daniel. I M'llijnry Alniiliam Yonit- :i HO 0 31 Treantlci', 63 Apl II 3,'tw .TACOII yoiii: X HICK'S l-'AllHWKLIi 11 Ii OOMS1IU H O. HAN IXiriVH OltlUT HlIOW, tnicfs, Mt:NAornin, and .SCHOOL OK KUUOATKI) AN I IMA LH -icc.iUly oigsinted with referenco to tho URVOW.N1.D J ut ten's IWiriVWA TAltrAVKLIi TOUIt Throuah tho UnltedKt.des, nnd the mottextcn slc,eleBntit, reiincii, inMrncni, nnu iiinus'iuB Titirrtn zoor.omcAi, oust riiot-otttCAi. and An I-MO I'.N rLUTA IN MOT nvr.n comuinki) UNDi;it oni: pavimok, wilt exhibit In IlI.OOMSIlUltCI, TIIU1ISDAY Al'ItlL SOtll. Directed nnd mnervNedbv Dun Itlce In norson, ubo -will npiiear in Ihisnlnco for the Inn time, both nfteinoon nnd evening, tw Ijccturcr nnd ex hibitor of his Anlm il runlls, nnd in bin original nud famous character of "the AMnttcAx nuMonisr" and cr.ow'M TIIK IM31EXBK MKXAGKUII'3 ! n coninrebeiihlvo nnd inie eolonlztdlon or the vondci-, leiron-.nnd c liaims nf Animnl Cre.U Ion, teviy cnpiureu ami iniponeu, uuii eoumuiH uiu niO'.t iiiipiesHl( nud cm tons specimen ecr Dim ed nn exhibition. It lutho llnest efdleclion ofltoyal nnd Mtiuu AulumN on tlio eoiitliKiit, including Till. IXKIMIAN.', MOUKU 1IANMIIAIV nnd the baby Hei-linnl, k a t i: u i c i:, Iho Munllest iepieNentnlio of Its hpccleH ever lilaced on exhibition. AN IXI.CIANT AVIAUV, tii i: n it rn; con li:u h, Fuunded by PAN 1UCI-, nnd conducteit njion tho eminently bucicssful uud hutnano t-yMem or which he Is projector, hnn inntrleuliitid I.lllliii tlnnnnd imiiehUH 1-onles nnd "reeouRliucted" Monkeys who.o emnlilued unllci are liii-xhuuit-nble wnircoot delight to tho Children. A IltTKOOX IlCn-'ALO. Ihe uurlMiled, unild.ible, nnd Oilglnnt Mule Hlow us or tho Animal Kingdom. pirn; and iiahnhv, lheHU(irrb Aniblnn dcieit born Trlelc Hot, hTKl'IHIN A. D0UOLAH, Who doni tlio Hoops. Kklna tho Hope, nnd per rurniH 1'eats .ind lmitntlouH, pl.uliiK lilni only hecond In Iaulnenicoinplishmeuts to that Ki' "t evt nml most, wonderful ut nil llornes Itl.lND IIXCKLSIOIt, JH., An lnUrniis.onof ten mlnules will tnko pl.icf, In order thnt thoso who do not emu to wittier tlio IfOueslilnii peilorniance mny hnvo nn op poilunuy todeparl, betoro tho Introiluctioii ot the thrilling hci:ni:s or mn emeu;, ;W5 lunJIodelL'licus, over which DAN HICK will preside as HUMOItllsT, CLOW'S', SATIKIST, AND LOJIMUNTATOIt, On tho run nnd l'olblfaof the Times, asslsled by llKAUni'UI. (UIII.S nnd HANDbOMU JIH.S, ladles nnd Oenlleincn 111 overy movement nnd expression, ArtlstM lu Iho Into sense or thnt mucli-nhtiscil leim, whuso linmes urn u ill ten liij-liuptn Arculounii.ils.niid who will appear lu u NOVi:i, AND TASC'INATING SDUXTION Ol" DAIIINCl ACTS AND bl'lIHTl'I) AND GKACr.I-'UI. lWLVntlAN, AfltOIlATIL- and L'AMSrllKNIU MT.CIAI.I TIIX Don't fall to sco old DAN ItlCIIfor tholnsl time, nml in I tin tho i hlldreu with von, 'Hie (Irand Triple i:lilblttou will enter tho tow n nt 10 o'clock A. M., lu TUIUMl'IIAI. l'KOCI-hHION, headed by tlio darllngly eiiiblii7oned CIIAllIOT OI' MIDAS, coitlnlnlngl'ro'cqsnr Krltz Meyer's Metroiiolltati Cornel Hand, drawn by twclvo elepiutly capar isoned lioises.alid lolloweil byn blllllnul proces sion or Iviilshts iu niiuor. lUepliaiits, (Vmeli. ..ion,,,,, i I'm, s, .miiiiui', s, lAjiiuu Klines, e i aiued AnlmiilH, Hliu-HiiKli.Klefaiit Cnges, which lire tho tlluliiph ot lhof landscape painter and the mtlsnu; currlaoes, Vnns, Ac tho whole formlii ui, iiicuiici ivuuiy eoiijcdiiH, uiiiiuaiuiK, yiiilio, and ludcscrlha' ly bountiful innvluu tstnorania ul woilil and ni't.contrlbuted wonders, eonstltut. lliB a I'-ieoexhiblllou without precedent or parallel which Ihousnuils ilnlly cotno miles to see. uud dc( luro Ilieiuse'Ues more than compensated. Admission fiileonts. ciilldien under 19 cms 21e'euts, Doors open nt I uud 7 o'elocii l M, wn.i, i'xiiiiut in 1 A X V I U I. K On Wednebday, April 29lli, 1W. ATSllICKSUINNY IVlday, May 1st, 1S6I, ApillJI.'ilMI, T fs"-s. QI1) rill ENDS A NKW FIUKNIjS, TIIIH WAY 1 1 A, Hailman'HnewBtore llooms on Main Bt., helim- Mailcet, DUV OOODS, NOTIONS, llOOTM.fjIIOIM, OltOCI-ltll-M, 1'ItOVIHIONS AC, AC, AC Also n new nnil eood supply of BTOVKH AND T1NWAI1I0. llnvlligKtliliilnwell-liliowii mid itiperlor worKiiuiu, Is pupnred to iiialo new woilc, and repairing toorder. BI'OUTJNU MADE TO 01II:H. A 11 u cliuip fur insli or Irnde ns Hie chcopesl, Cull and see, l llst stoio on wtsl end ol Mmlli MulllHI, A. IIAlllMAN. April 10,'lH. QATAW1SSA 111111)01-: CO., On Monday, May 1, Ivon. uu eleel Ion will bo held nl tho houso ot J, II. Kisller, lor olllcers or Cuta wlssa Uiidgo Co., lor Uio ensuing ear. JOHNbllAltl'I.IWtl. April 10,'Ki-St. hucreuiy.