The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 24, 1868, Image 1

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    VOL '2 NO. ir.
I Al.'oll ll;TZ, iti-nlrr In itmt.ft tinware. Main
tl (,, above court house, t -1 1 1.
I M. Itt'l'ljlll', shun nud tlnwnlo, Itupcrt
Rr.V. A. IIAIUMAN, Nlncs, Tlnwalo of nil
kinds, SlpiiUtluiX I Ic. l'hsl stnru oil Wi st t lid
in i-niiiu .Mlllll PMII'll, ll-lil
CLOTH fXO, &v.
DI.oWKNIinttfl, merchnnttnllor, Mnln !., 2.1
door uboo American house, 1iiI1
l. it In fluthliifc'.iif.j llurltimn'8 building, .Main
U' I'lM'Stllt'll, IV I 1 l-M
drugs, chemicals, ac.
1 N. MOYlItt, ilrutrslrt nnil annllioi nrv. t'.x
1J- ciinngo Muck Main M. l-iui
li1 !': ''.ut;f 'InntuM mid niinlln-cnrj-, Itupcrt
I J. block, Main St., west nr.Mnrkct. vl-nll
I (1UI1 IlKIINIIAlll). watch and clock maker,
I j ucur south, nst corner Main anil I must, vl-nll
dealer In clocks, watches ntnl
V. Jewelry, .Mnln t marly onii
no .lner can
UOATIICAItT, Match ami cluck
, Market
I M. llltoWN', boot nti'l shocin'ikcl.Mnliistuvl
U. opiiinllu Court House, vl-nll
I HOt.I.imilll.mnnufacturer nnd denier In boots
1 nnd Khous,M.iluj.t., opposite Dplscopulcliurch
IICNIIY KM'.tM, manufacturer ami ilenlcr In
I L boots nnd shoes, Kiocclks etc., i:mt hlooins
burg Main st. vl-nll
DAVID llirrz, boot nml shoemaker, Main ft.,
below- Hurl man's iitoic, wrest of Maikclsticct.
H. KVANSt, M. 1). fuirijoun nti'l phlclnu south
,J Main St., below -Market, vl-nll
DK. II. r. Kinney stirR. on ilentM,tocthe.xtnict
cd without pain, Main st., nearly opimsiio
l.plscopnt church. l-nld
I II. M'KI'.IiVY, M. I). suriseon nml jilij-ilclnti
,J south side Main St., below Mai ket. vl-nll
I f. UUTTKlt. M. i. surRCnn nml l'hyslclnn,
() Market St., nhoo Main. l-ull
Dlt. II. ('. llovrat.stiruconilcnllst, Main Rt7
above court house. l-nl I
IIHH l.VMK 1IAIIICI.KV, milliner, ltnmscy
lUbulluIng, Malust. vl-nii
MISS A. I). WEnn, fancy goods, notions, books,
stationery, north sldo Mulu shed helow- Mnr.
V PKT1UIMAN, millinery anil fancy koisIs op
Ijt posttc. Kplscopat churili, Mnlust, vl-nl.I
M18H, JUI.IA A. it HaTmI IIAllia.KY, ladii'H
cloaks ami ilHkH intlcm (, Kouthenst corner
-Main nml westht. vl-nll
MIM. llllllltlrKsON-, millinery nml fimev
liooilt Malnst.,oniuslo Court House. M-nll
MIM. M. II. riillM AN, milliner. Main St., below
ltaitiimu'riKliuc, west of Miukel ht. M.ll
rpil l: Mism:s HAHMAN mlllhierv nu.l laiwy
1 boh li.Malu Kticctjust below Auurli'.uihouie.
II.KAf'OrlC.oShteranil eallnn haloon, Ameil
ean llouie, Main vt., Uiillzer Leacoel; miierln-
leiulellt. Vl-lH'i
irlll.MYl:lt .t JACOIIY, cimfi olloury, bakery,
II inn! ojhterNaloon, whohMalcnlul icluil. 1I
cliiiun block, Main M. 1-nll
l.l()w A WI'MUl, (ourectlonery, linkerv. alul nyn
tl let fntoon, w holcNiile aihl ri tall, -Main 1 , Juvt
i.ixciianhi: iioti:i by J.
caimiw. Main
IJ M.t I
, iii'poHltn court liou.e,
1 .MintlCAN IIOI'.HI
by John 1.kiikk, Main
A M., IH'Hl of Iron street
nniiux Htm:!,, by (i.V.
I1 M.iln st.
M.rm. II, east en.l ot
p hTillIN'Klt, rilielumut MiIoon.Maln st. .Just
D, above court house. l-nl I
l I', t'AHI.OW, icrrchhmcut saloou, KM-hnnvi
i) . hotel, lAWbon Caiman, suiiciinti mleiit l-nl t
r U. (III.I.MOlin, icrreshmcnt saloou, shlvc
block south sklu lalust. 1-u
1.1 .1AC011M, Cnnl.Hllouory
i'j i.i.,uliuvti Court Homo,
1-n 10
II, MIt.UUt, (tonh-r In dry kihmN, isuttvrlt's,
uucf nswnio. (Iniir. wilt. mmi
iM-nuuKO lilcjck, Mulu Httet-t,
'KI'.IA'V SUM, & Co., dmlfiH In lryK"oit,
gitict'iloH, Hour, Ic nilt, flvi linn, iiniK
., inullicHft cuiiic-i MniiifiiHt Mm l;t t ht. l-nii
It C. IIOW1M!, liutx mid fap4, bouts nnd sliocs.
1 1 Mum hi., liiiuu' ttiuii ii'ni-c.
C. MAltlt, dry coodwmil,
, (utiar Midn and Iiua hU.
south v't
1 J. mtOWWt. dry KnotK, kiwi rlt-s, i w ihhIIi
J, west coi nt r ilulu und lion kU, l nil
DT.V. A. UAHTMAN, dry ponds, not inns nml
11 (jrniTiifH,, liuii hi., t)iiiuri
l tirniTil.
to Coiu'l's I''u ml-
tnii Unoiiis,
M H.UUXrinKltarciUnsi'nt.) ro.-orl"s tolnc
II, co, nnd contact Innury, Muln tt., t.ponItu
l.l'Kcoiial Clitiit'li,
1 7, Htntloiiery, Boutliwtfct comer M'uilitt
It A 11 !,((.' I 1 ' l'i,,i,nLi.,l.., 1. ,,!
. JH'X'KIdlY,KcyhloiiL'ishnehtor
Ikx.Uh and
Main bin.
ln 1.1
rir.MAM I'.ltAMMlJS, coiiifctloncrlcs Main
11 fct., JnstiiboAt) i-ouit house. vl-nll
1.1 MIINIH'NJIAIX.Kf iipra) ftnt-lc nf inrrcluin
i, illsnnud Uuiiljir, con id of Main hlucttiud
Jknvlck load. l-nl
T J, ItOllIIlNH, dealer In dry Ktds KHcik etc.
ti Hlilvti'tthlin-li, Muln ht., lw low lion yl-nli
r K. omTOX, Orocnrlcs A rrovlslonn, w.uth.
tJciM corner Muln nnd lion hhcctH, l-nl I
t l UVVTil'II Ixthli. n r,.,MAiM- a ,.t
U, Mnln fct., tuloV lion, ' ' vl-nll
J, SLOAX, denier In diolccdry gofds lltmsi'
J l Kt l JHIlfiUUllS, Jlt'MI yif K-l'I It
Hi., OpJiOhltO COUrt IlOUM1,
K. HYIUt, procciles nml ytntiul mui haiull'-e
Muln fct., nuoo West, , vlnlJ
I t, MiAiin. ury Kootiy, i;riK't ries, irftoin,
1. hhofH, etc., llurut block. Mnln kt ist of
GV. COHUIJ. ftirnlturn rtHiins. threo htory
, biltUon Mnlnitt., west of Marktt fct. vl-ul.t
lii, nnd Uxturcu, ltupeit blotk, Main Kt, 1-nl.l
UUOHKN STOCK, rhotofjrapher, Hxthnnjio
c block, lluliibt., omioslle com t hutise, vlntl
-VI r TtinilVrflV n-nll nnmni inn.lm,il.l,n.1.
1 V. IIIIOAUT. ijliolfiLMnnbpr. Hnrlinan'K build
t) Inifiioithuuttoiut-rMuinandMuikettit, l-nH
AT V, llAltTON.tobnceouUt.and dealer In htnvo
1, dal, Mainfct,,o)inusltO(ouitlioLihe, l-lil3
( It. ruUriX, fiublle, truulc nnd Imnutw
tJ 1 linker, Muln kt,, below couit, house, ln(vl
rt I'MUTI'll Olitn Mulrrr nml U'lilin nml Iniinn
j. Tuuncf.Hcottown, ' vl-nl7
ir.nOMstllirttn I.tlMlir.Il CO.. lnanufaelui
J5nmi dealers tu Lumber, (f nil ktnd-4, jIalnlmf
nun unit 1 no iiiU'lOiUl, i-uiu
r J. lUPI.l'.MAN, Middle nnd liarnesH mnk.v,
) . near MmthwcKt corner Main and .Maiktt ht.
i WITMAN, mutbln workK, ncur Muthwtkt
il, 1 ti 111 1 i it 1 it a 1111 iui ivi i mi
M II. UlN'til.lllt.ilfnh r in I'lfllinw. rirtnim 1
J, juilotItoiiN,al (1, W. Coll 11V tin nit 111 omoiiiN
fM II. MAhTintH, npent for (liovirA- llaker's
1 . sew 1 11 ir uiufhlne. Muln bt.. llartuian'K build
I 'it. up tttulr. l-ii 1 1
W. UOUUINH, liquor denier M-cond door from
j t iiufim to i tnj nee jiitiu aiut mil n. 1
MT IMIACOCIC. Notai v l'r.blle. northeast corn r
MuiiuuulMniket bt. nI-iUI
If .UN A.VUNHTON, tuutuul nnd cash rates tli
tl Intrtnaiicti coiniauiy.uorttKaktcorner Main nml
Wen I kt, YMU1
n IHJlUli: IIAHWKHT, manufarturer nnd icpnln
V 11 in (in biiiiih mm niiun, mi iiiuvHiu iniv .
mar Khnrplt-bh'iniindry, vlnll
In, i 1 it, iuiii if 111 in tiii, wiumT, in,, i.iiviii'
biriiu wulley, buof Ann I leu u house, 1-111
CiAMlMU JACOIIY, Matblo nnd lliowuhtnno
O WuikiJ'-nhtllloowidauifi UuMhUisud. vlnl7
okaxokvilm: ihhkctohv.
lll. (I. A. MKdAltOi:!,, physician nml nurueon.
l .Main St., next iloor toUood'n Hotel. l-nl,
IllUCK IltlTI'.Ii mill lefrrshlucnt ffaloon, hv
Jjaml. llvirttt, cor, of Mnlunml riuost.vlul
fjW'AN II'ITI'I,, tho ut'pcr homo by John Kny-
dcr, Muln Kl1(nliovti I'liic, vl-n 17
DK.HI.OAN, denier In dry Rontl-, prneerlew,
, lumber nnd yciicnd McrclmiKlUo Mnln Rt,
nrnttdi: I.AAlU'H.Md.ltenndhnnirM mnkcr
U Mnln Kt.. ubrtvollirMunn Hotel. ln!7
f II. HM1TI1, innnufiictnrtr of tin wnrc nml
ll.ttciiler In hloves vlv. Main tt., ulnve '.ho
Mwun llotrl, vlnl7
.V li. V. COIdlMANrMeicliant tullor'niid
j. (li nlS fiunlslilnaKoud.MftlnHt., next dtxir
In Hit! brick hotel. Vl-nl7
H. HAYIU'Itsr, Clocks WnlehcH utulduiw
repalnd, iuii and WuUhes lor hale. Mnln
below I'lnc, vl-li 17
1 AMIS II. 1IA11MA.V, Cabinet Mnkrr, nml Un
j ucrtaucr, Main mi., uciowi'lne.
M.. ... i .11 1 . is i .luieeii'iiiei J , i.jsiei.
Ac. AC lI'lnoHt., between Main anil At 111
HII. AC. ICi:t.CIINi:it,l!lacklnlthH,im Mill
, Strict, near I'lne. vl-nl7
lrTI7lXM lli:i.ON(l, w7oelunKernnirtiinli"lirae".
II luierof llllek,.Mllsil.,estofrine villi!)
l.iI.IAS HNYIlKlt, I lour nml Ollt Mill, nml
Jj Uenlcrln Kinln, Jllllflrcet. l-nl7
T J WW II. SCIH'YI.ini, Iron founiler.Maehln.
I Jl-t, mu! M.imil'iK'UitiTi.f ilii, Mill Kt. vl-1117
11.154 A. WII.I.IAMH A. Co,,Tnnnciaml Mnn
;ll uractuicrHiir li nthcr, Mill ftntt, M-ul,
liillX Kr.l.I.Mll, Hoot muf Hlioi mnkcr, rino
ij silo t, opposite the Acailrniy vl-nl7
I II. lll;l:lllN(IA lllt()'IIIl:i!,Calpintusaml
2. liulhli rs, Main Stlcct, below I'lnc. vl-1117
nAMl'l!!, HIIAIU'I.lWsi, Maker or thcllnyhurt
IJ ilrain Cuullc. Main SI. oij.
I M. 1IA11MAN, saildlo nliil harness linker
tl tlraliBevHIe, opposllo Cranio church, xl-'nll
)13TKH I'.NT, dealer In dry Kods urnrerles,
Hour. feed. hall. 1Kb. iron. ualN. iU. I.inhf
mn-etj vl-nl.'t
1 Ti:nVlI.rdtir.It, CnbluetinaUer, Undertaker
fj nnd Chulrmnker. vlnll
,i lMCi:iJi:V, mack-iiillh,
tlHtosllo itost nlllee,
M-ii 10
l K OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights,
first door
1 L Ul
l ubovo sehotd houte.
11,1!. KI.1N1 inllUnerj nnd fancy Kood.
VI' 11 Hi
7 HAN'KIIV, dealer In Lcatlier, lllde, Itark.
t) ttc. Cash paid for Hides. vl-nl'l
rM. M. KNT, dc.itcrln fitnts atvl tin win e In
11 nil It brnnrhes. vl-nKt
r.TKU W. OMAX, inanuractuierniid deider In
bootH and hhoes. vl-nl'J,
OUSQt'KlIANXA orllrlckllotel.M.Koslibautler
n nroptlctor.Houth-cnt coi ner Main and Second
Htleet. 2-nl2
II. CltKAV, dry KfKnI4, urrcerlct, nnd yen
end MeiihnndlM', Main Mrctt, N.-nU
1. UINAlll),iUiikr in slovtsnn l tin-Maie,
.Main Stleit. -nl
tm. ii. Aiini'.rr,
allot ncy at l.iw,Malu street.
III.IHIirr & KI.I.N'i:, ,li v irnla. Kioccrlm,
1 general merehatiillse, laln Ktiect,
Ki:i,i:i', bllliatd salnnn, nysU'in, and lee
, fl I'll in In wuiuii MulnHtrcet. v-J-nlJ
,1.11'Yhl CAM 17.1)1-111 NO Ml 1,1.4, C. S. I'owlcl,
) 1'. lti:l(IIIAIlIl,Al:llO.,ilcnlcrhuliyui.nils
), Kisicerles, nll'l yeiu nil mi reluuiillse. lmll
I I). I'AI.IIWCI.I.. ihuler In illy no,ls, ijroccr-
I. le.s, iUci'ii.iMire, litnilware, Usli, salt, Ii ills
W. CIHIAIt.Mlsiiuihaniia l'liinliu Mill nml
tins: Miinudctory. vUull
.ii;itsi;vToivx ihhihtohy.
1 NIHllW MAHI.SDN', ilenlerhulry tfonils, i:ro-
eel les, ttraln. luuiber etc., .Icrsej low n. vl-nnl
I A (lilt A. MVIsili:it, ilealcr In lliiles, leather
I lt.nk etc. Miellson tow nslilp Ciilutubla count v
a. l-li IU
IAlT.MAMri:l, IIIMI1Y, Miullson llolel, Urn.
J vcis ami SI i angers cntcitulucil, v-nl
Th' undersigned bavlni! iitiirhned (Idtu-tlN
knownuntleL'iiti'.dlv-brfiiti'd bousLvtlie Ilxi-huiii'o
Hotel, fltuide on MAIN M KIXT, In lllntmisbui
lmiuedlnttly np(l(it t he Coluuibl.i county Ci an L
House, it-hpttlrnllv luloims hlx liiinds inutthu
none in general unit iuh uouso is now iiioitur
or tlu lot fit ion nnd entei tiilmnent nt tmt lbi s
who may l.iMlIsjwi-scd to favor Itwllli tllr un
ion), lie mis nau it no t.t 11110 in reiannt;iuu
i:chniitro for tho t nteilnlnineut 01 his iruestw.
neither hh.dl IIkio bo mi thlui; umlln on his
ii ( in iiiinisicr in uieir nciMiiui eoiuioii. ill
intise N Muielnlls. and c ihon 1111 eXii-llenl bu.l-
in hs lncillou,
Omnibuses tun at nil times between the l!x
t liiui'ic 1 tolrl and the nilous rallioad dt ikiIm. bv
wbh h luivt Ih in m 111 bt iik'finnllv t-nueedli)
and Irntu the lesiiet-th u htutloits tn dun time to
III 1 i l I III ( II ITS J '( ln i. 1 li.lllv,
llliuniisbiiri!, Aplll :i, isils.
Ci O 1, IT M I! ' A
II v
III: U.N-A llll HTll 11 N Clt.
llwtNil Inlclv liureliaseil anil tllteit un the
well-known Itohlsoii Hotel 1'iojieliy, loealeil a
i kw iioor.s auovi: -ihk cornr iioi-sk,
niitlieKitine slilo or the street. In the town or
lilooiiishiirir: niul haMntf ohta uulu license lor
the same asa
n i: S T A U il A N T ,
tlu1 I 'i opt h'tor has dt tei mined to kIwj to lho pt o
pie Isltlm; the town mi buslnesM or plcavuic,
A lutm: moiu; koom.
HIh stabllnic also N extensive, and In titled un
to put huKultsaud ni ri In m- In the dry. lie piniu
lies that t'urj lliiiiK about hlKeslabllshiuent Khali
betoudutUd in nu oiduly nml lau lul lunnm r;
and luueipettlul!) sullelt-i a slime of Hit public
fTIIB fri'hit noun:,
TIih MibMTlher rennectrully liifoim, hlsfrltnds
md thu Mibllc. Ihntlio linn lulu nt ho nboewell
known House of Kitlertuinment, and
d eased to iecelo tho cutom of all who wilt
ioi linn www n tan,
in: win- ki:i:i a oood taum:,
u liar ui II itfn Ui d with the bi't of J.luuou, and
every eiiuii miii i nnuio (o iciuii-r tnnre hiiik'
fuel Ion.
JOHN hNVluai.
I'a., March 1
j:cnAXGr, raloox,
l in: rroiiriemr of ine i;xenaui;e.'sliiisiu lias ikiw
on hand a l.iruo stock of
Hi'MMi:it iii:ritnsu.Miff.-r,
consisting of
siiKti' iosaci:, iion.un i oi.s.swhukiiciikijik,
ite- l o.Mi: o.nk, cn.Mi; ai.i, anh hi:i:. -ua
jsuii rlulemUul,
Illoolushunr, Mu II, 1M7.
rpiir. KSl'Y HOTEL,
i:si-v, I'or.viiiiiA cuii.viT, pa.
TiiKsiiliscillur ri ihi tfully liili-nii. Ms fileuds
anil the nuhlle, that lit has Ink, u tlicnhmu well
Known llouso or riitiitullillient. mid Mill he
i.lcand lo iciclvo the custom of all who will
favor him with a cull,
hi: wiiii, ki:i:i a gooii t.uii.i:,
a liar wi 11 stocked Mlth Ihu hest of Manors, and
eeiy ellort will he made to ruuler enilic tntls.
f"i"m' . ,.,'.'" ll1:'nl;ll'"'
ly, I'a., Arll IS.lsW,
intANUiiVii.r.i:, coi.ujiiiia i-oiintv, va.
i:nwAiti) r.vintKTT, riioi'iiiiJTOH,
HaUntr taken possihhlon -f this Mcll-kuown
house, so lonu kci't hy Hiiniuel It, the I'ro
liiletorliusj'utlu ft permanent l enalr unit lul liUli.
id UAH A.N H I.Alfnut Willi tho chnliitt liquors
nnd newest delicacies, Ills stable Is not excelled
In thecounlyi mid no iulus will he bi'tircd In
ccoiiiluoihile quests (al3'u,
A .Democratic XowpMpor
is rrtibtHiiku kvkiiv nttPAY moknino at
Tlltl principle"! nf this pajter nre of the Ji fleroti
inn Hchnol of politics. Those principles w lit never
bocompronilcil(tttourtey nnd kind ess Rhnll
not be fnrKotlenludNcusslngtlienhctherulth
ImUvMimU, or with contemporaries of the Picss
The UHlly, hnpplnes,nnd ptosperlty of the coun
try Is our aim nnd object; nudns the mentis to
Kccure that, wo shall lnlwr honestly and enrnetdly
fur thohnnnony, success and yrowtliof our ornan
liitlou, TutMsoKhunsciiifTluN: Twu dollars a year
If paid In ndvnnce. If not paid In advance two
dollars nnd fifty rents Mill bo Invariably charged.
TriiMSOKADVKitTlsiNO i One tqunro(ten linen
or lens) one or Ihrco lntertlous I,W; each subse
quent Insertion 50 centK.
Hl'Al'K. 1m. 2m. 3m. Cm, lv
OneRfiuaru. . .. $Jo $I,(J $l,iio l&M 31W.00
Tu-oiifp:iaies 3,(tJ V" 0,00 tyiO UfiO
Time fipmres fi.utt 7M 8,ik Y,m H,no
Four squnrcw um n,w lo.oo iM,(t0
Half colui'in lo,(i i;,(ki .,no fk,oo
Ono column lS.'xi Ki syo stuxj wum
Kxecutor'.snud Admlnlstratoi'H Notice 8.J,i0 All
dltor's Notice $2,50. Other ndveitlscments Iiim-i-
ted nceordlnjf to upeelal ctintinct.
ltulnoHK nnt lees, without ndveitlKcinnit, twenty
cents per line.
Transient advertisements paynblo Inndvnuce-
nlt others duo after tho flrt Insertion.
'It Is, In all cases, more likely to be Mitlhfne
tory, tK)th to Rnbscrlbei-s and to tho lubllhhers,
that remittances nnd all communications renpect
Ins tho business of thopnper, be Hcntdhcel to the
oftlceof publication. All letters, whether relating
to the editorial or business eonecinsof the pnptr,
and nil pnj incuts fur Mibscrlptloiin, advert Mng,
or Jobbing, nro to bo made to nnd addressed
imncicwAY it i''iti:y:zi:,
"litumhlan OJflcc"
Itl.onMIlCHfI, l'A.
1'rlntelnt ItobNon's IVilldliiKs, near the Court
1 1 Oil so, by
C. M. VAMiuusiacn.
J Oil
Neatly exeiuted at thlsOflhr.
r. Tj'VKLTjK,
attouni:y-a r-iiAW,
A-hlaml, Hclmj Iklll County, return,
jyj 51. THAUOH,
A T T O It N I. Y-AT-I. A Yt
lift wick, Columbl.i County, rcnu'n.
a ttii i: . i: y. a t-i a v
CATA WlhSA. l'A.
A TTO UN r: A T 1. A W,
Olileewlth II. If.
Tdttlf. in bihk bull.lliiK ml
Uounth s, I(.t k.l'av and
Joining Post oiilce.
renstons tniieeu u.
(Mllceln lUlster nnd lh'eortler'M oMtv, In the
bast'inent of tho Coutt llouie, ltliwunbiug, I'a.
A T T l It N I'. Y - A T -1 . A V
Odh-e coiner tt Main and Maiket streots, over
First National U.tnk, UIoumviurii, Ia.
II. Ii I T T h K ,
A T TOlt N I'. Y- A T - Ij A V,
(tltlcKOli Mulu Mreft, In brlek blllldlui; WUV (lie
Court House, Iiloninsburg.rn.
III.OtlM.-liUlKI, I'A.
'!' OfKK'K Court House Alley, hilov tin- (b
htmltinn Olllce, lJaul'i7,
A 'I TO It N I'. V . A T. I, A V ,
lil.noMsiit'i'.n, I'fNS'.v,
oillco In Unaimst's lliill,llns',.Maln SI reel. West
of the American House, nij.riiT.
J OUJS IlKllXlIAltl)
oulil Infoim the cllleiis of r.loi.tnshuti; ami
lelliity that ho is- now piepurt il to iloall kln-lsor
pl.ltlni;, silver orgohl. licl.i,l7.
u a t i o x k k n .
Ila Iiirf followed the profei-hlon of I'ublle Vt nduo
Crier tor many tain, would Infoim his filinds
that he 1m ntlll In tho Mr Id, ready and wIIIIhk to
uttiudloall the duties of his calling. IVrsons
(h'Kliinuhls her lees frhould tall or witte to hla
at ItlnonisbuiK, I'.i, lmars'17.
(I.ntu AhsUtant Medical l)iitctor if, K Ariny.i
V II Y S I C I A N A N U H V K (1 MO N ,
CD-Olllce at tho house opposite Hhlvo's JUoek,
llloniMsbliri!, Til.
Calls promptly attended to both lilht nml da.
Hloumsbu-K, .Inn, IS. IMf7.
J 11. I'UKSKL,
and denier n.
UAiirrrr-iiAasi, vai.iii,;ts,
ltCir.W.O IIOIIIM, llOltslMII.ANKinH, M'
which ho feels eonildeiit ho can stll nt loner
rate than any oilier person Inths touiitry. K
amlno for jourselics.
Shop first door below tho 1W Olllce Main
Ktn et, Illooinshuii:, I'a.
Nov. r, lsi.7.
Our Wliltiuijer it Jwcohy's lie t'ruini Palooii,
llnlr PmIuo nnd WlilskciN colon d black or
brow it, 1 lull-Tonic loilcsl my ilnudliiir and buui
lllvlni! the luilri will icstorolinlr tnltsoiluliial
color wit bout soiling tho lluest fabric, constantly
on hand. nprui.7.
i: X T l S T It Y
II. t'. lluWWt, I1HNTIS.T,.
Itesnii tlully oll'ers Ids professional services to
the l.ulles and iwiitlciiicn of lUnoinsliurirnnil .
clnlty. He Is prepaied toiittind tniilltho varl
mis upei al Ions In tho lino of his piofebslon, and
Is pro hied with the latisl IniproM'd 1'oikm.ain
Tt i nt wbh h will bo Inseileil on imld pliittuu,
slher lllid lllhhcr hnsu in look as wi II ns I ho nat
lllal ticth. Ticlh extinilfd by all the nt w and
most npproMil methods, and till npiintloiis on
the Ici'lh can hilly mid piopcrly utti iided to,
Jtcsliltiic-tt and nlllco u lew di-nis uhoM- tl.o
Court House, Mime side.
liloomsbm e, .1 un.:il,'tA I r
Ituperl, I'a.,
Mnnufadiiiers of
l'OWW:it KKOB,
nnd ileuleu In nil kluds nf
lilt a notlco that I hey uro prepared to ucunntstato
their custom with dispatch, nnd on the chcspisit
(Choice goftry.
KOR Till'. Inl.l'MlllAN,
I. dk; I
'Til sulil Hint to nrgue, Willi hulc, n cae,
Is not In n woman's itotuliiloni
Hut on questlnnM of nil klmli, with ery (imsl
Klie ciin reaillly Khonn ojilnlon.
Injustice Iiasiloulillt sshein rclnlcriil her here,
Aselsewheie wlicnmeu hauileclilcil,
I'nr n moment's rcllrct Ion must inakcltneur
That lier JtiilKtnent should not he tlerlilcil.
We think thntslicnnswcrswlthtnglcnmltruth,
llelngasketl " If our future, she'll hlcss?"
Whr n,iluly considering the fnctn nml our 3 oulh,
Her flnnl decision Is "ycsl" C.
A Jlaliorinaliun on Hat tonne Han
cities for Hats, ami How thru Qiw
(itcHtarllinti IW'ccl of the IVkil
Xnonnc Kpcciesltow ?WrM Work
A Chapter of J)omestic Affliction.
W'vru you over troubled with rati?
ltttts arc now tho ntlllctltm of our
lienrth ; they mnr lho tcrcntty of tho
hotHoliolil, nml rulllo thoi'tirri'iit of tho
ilnlly llfo of JIM. 0'I.iimis.
Jtnts tuny hnvo their iisc, in t'liliin
for liHtmicc, whero they servo them
up for giunc nml tlevnur them with ti
Itcmembcrlns this, I huvo been
temiitcil to invito tho .solitary China
mini who clU iiliKMpplo rock etintly on
l'ullon street, to como up to my house
tuul boaril frco of eharga in lont; as
there was n rat In tho pntttry.
I would bo Willi nc to supply him
with salt and crackers to complete the
The case Is getting rather dcsporalo ;
those rats are doing an aiuotint of dam
age, heartrending to contemplate. They
cat any thing that comes handy ; If or
dinary articles of diet nro not within
reach they have no objection to ,-nap,
towels, boot tops or ilatlroiis.
They have eat up a (set of napkins,
and ruined all of Mr.s. O'l.autis' table
Perhaps you want to know why 1
don't try to get ild of them ?
That's precisely what I tun doing,
I got a dog nnd cat, both warranted
to bo rat-catchers. The cat has b.wely
deserted ; the dog has stood by me
lie carried on a vigorous campaign
against tho rats In tho cellar nnd In the
yard, nnd routed them with loss. Tho
survivors took refuge In tho house, ef
fected a lodgment under the Iloor or In
the wall
and from these secure re- j
treats they smile sardonic defiance at
their bailkd canine foe.
I tried "pb-en," the exter
minator. They appitueil to like it nnd
It seems to Improve their nppetltes.
Mrs. O'l.anus read In the papers away
to kill rats which was then ti loci.
It win to fry pieces of sponges In fat
ami lay them round loose. Tito rat eats
the sponge, takes a drink, sponge ab
sorbs nnd swells ; rat swells, as long as
there Is any stretch In him, flnnl result
explosion of rat. '
It Is a sure thing, but It is tool
dangerous. Wo tried it.
Mrs. O'l.anus laid out a dUli of fried
sponge every evening. Ono old rat
tool: quito a fancy to it. He grow visi
bly day by day. All the holes had to be
enlarged to let him through. Ho was
us elastic as intlsai ubber, and swelled
like nn alderninn. lie win tho fattest
rat you over saw. We kept him on
sponge diet for three weeks nnd had be
gun to think it was u failure, when ono
evening, nl'ter the children had gono to
bill anil Mrs. O'Ltinus wns sitting quiet
ly hy the stove putting a now eat in i
TheinLtocle.s' pantaloons nml I win j
rending an interesting work on tho 1
moial condition mid spiritual benighted
ness of tho population of Term del
I'uego wo were stuitled by a terrific
leport. Tho hou-o was shaken, accom
panied by a grand crash of crockery and
tho sound of falling plaster.
In lho suddeness of the emergen
cy Mrs. O'Lanus couldn't make up her
mind whether to faint away or rush
out into the street and call for the po
lice. As soon ns sho had .stilllclently recov
eied from tho shock wo went Into tho
kitchen to prospect nml fake slock of
the dmnage.
Tho elo.-sct wall had been blown In
and a shelf demolished, with fearful de
sli uctiou of crockery.
That rat hud gone oil'. Tho sponge
had wiped him out, and he would
sponge on us no longer.
Hut when 1 caiuo to ealciilato on tho
cot, I found thnt sponging out rats
would't pay.
llcsltlo tliediiniage,thcre was danger.
Estimating by Its effects the explosive
power of one rut charged with sponge,
six rnts going off nil at onco would blow
a small house up,
So I throw up tho sponge.
Then 1 bought a trap; one of those
terrible machines that shut up with a
spring and tnko a rat's on", If ho
don't get out of tho way.
Tho only thing caught was two of
Themlstocles' lingers. Ho wanted to
seu how It caught the int. After that
ho left the trap alone without being
Thnt boy has quite ti retentive memo
Hut the rats they didn't care a snap
for the trap.
They saw through It nt once. They
stolo tho bait from tho very Jaws of de
struction. Then 1 tletl tho bait fust, and what
dltl they do but carry oirtrap ami all,
1 mu woiso off thnu Xo.ih, 1 haven 't
been ublo to light on ury-rat.
(rpcnklng of Xoali, 1 wonder Hint ho
took a couple of rats into tho Ark, Hu
might, I think, havo exercised somu
discretion in tlieselectlon of zoological
specimens for his menagerie, and omit
ted rats.
I don't think thnt tho gratification of
Chluamuii mid black nml tun terriers is
asulllcicnt Justification forthopre.erva
tlou of rats,
When I saw Mrs. O'Lanus last oven
Ing with tears In her eyes, conteiiiplat
lug tho wreck of a dainnsk tublo-eloth,
I was moved.
Hullylng her feollngy, she turned lo
mo with the air of u woman who had
mado up her mind, nnd wasn't to bo
trifled with any longer, and In a firm
and resolute volco said :
".Something must be done."
Hut what is to be done'.'
1 havo heard of suveral remedies for
rats, warranted to bo effective.
One of which Is to pour halfa pint of
nltro-glycerlno down n rat's throat,
then apply n match to his tall nnd blow
him up. Tills Is us dangerous lis tho
("pongo remedy.
Ucslde which It involves tho necessity
of first catching your rat, which is Just
tho dllllcully in my case.
1 begin to feel desperate.
If you know of any sure way of get
ting tho rats out without burning tho
house down, I will try It, and regard
you as the benefactor of
Yours er-rat-lcnlly,
CollltV O'IjA.NL'.s.
A Haiiv fjoMi.otiL'V. I am here.
And, If this Is whnt they cnll the world
1 don't think much of It, It Is a very
flannelly world, nnd smells of paregor
ic awfully. It's, n dreadful light world',
too, and makes mo blink, I tell you,
And I don't know what to do with my
linniN; 1 think I'll dig my lists In my
eyes. Xo I won't. I'll scramble lit the
corner of my blanket and chew It up ;
ami then I'll holler. Whatever hap
pens I'll holler, mid the more paragoric
they give me the louder I'll yell. That
old nurso puts the spoon In the corner of
my'motith In a very uneasy way, nnd
keeps tasting my milk herself nil tho
while. She spilled snuff In It hist night,
ami when I hollered she trotted me.
That comes of being a two days old ba
by. Xever mind, when I'm a man I'll
pay her back good. There's a pin stick
lug me now. nnd If I say a word about
It I'll bo trotted or fed, and 1 would
rather havo catnip tea. I'll tell you
who 1 nm. I found out to-day. I heard
folks say, "Hush, don't wake up Km
mellne'.s baby ;" and 1 suppose that
pietty white-faced woman over on the
pillow Is Knimellne.
Xo, I was mistaken, for a chap was
In hero J 11.-st now and wanted to see
Hob's baby, mid lo..ked at me, and said
I "was a funny little, nnd looked
Ju-l like Dob." Ho smelt of cigars, and
I'm not used to them. I wonder who
else 1 belong to. Yes, there's another
one that's "ganma." Kmuiellno told
me, nnd she took me up and held mo
ngaliist her soft cheek mid said, "It was
ganma's baby, so it was." I declare I
do not know who 1 do belong to; but
I'll holler, and, may be, I'll 11 ml out
There comes Snuffy with catnip tea.
The idea of giving babies catnip tea
when they are crying for Information !
I'm golut; to sleep. 1 wonder If 1 dou'l
look pretty red in ibe face. I wonder
why my hand-, won't go where I wnnt
i tliei.t to.
The homeopathic rule that "likectires
like" lecelvesa whimsical olf-et In the
follow ing xpicimeim of opposite
tice :
A lad swallowed a small lead bullet.
His ft lends were very much alarmed 1
about it, and ids father nml lii- mother
determined that no means should be
spared to save the darling boy's life,
sent post-haste to a surgeon of skill,
directing his me.engor to tell him the
circumstance-, ami urge his coining
without delay.
The doctor was found, heard the dis
mal tale, mid with us much unconcern
us ho would uiuuifcHt In a common
headache wrote the following laconic
reply :
Sir: don't nlaini yotitscll', If after
threo weeks tho bullet is not removed
give the boy a charge of iiuwdur.
your, .Ic.
"!'. S. Don't point tho bov atnny-
ThU Is much ukin to the laconic pie- ,
scrlpllon of the celebrated Dr. Aber-i
nelhy, 1
An Irishman called In great haste
upon tho doctor stating that :
"Htjabers, my boy Tim iias swullowi l i
n niou-e."
"Then ho jabcis," said Abernethy,
"tell your boy Tim to swallow a t ut."
A llosoM I'iN. -A young gentleman
from lho country stepped Into n country
store and informed the proprietor that
his occupation was that of a carpenter,
nml that he desired lo get a bosom pin
emblematic of that profession. Tlie
obliging Jeweler looked ocr his btock,
and, finding nothing ol-c, showed him
a very gno .Masonic pin. Tho young
man looked at It taicfiilly :
"Yes," said he "there Is the compass
ami square; l use both of them; hut
why didn't they put asaw In It? It's
first-rate as far as It goes. Hullo!
thernV il there -what does that stand!
for'."' ',
Tito Jeweler didn't know. The innii 1
studied it carefully for a moment, nml
then a bright Idea struck him. Ills i
face flushed as If ho had made, a discov
ery. i
"I have it," ho mid; "it's nil right.!
G, slantls torglinlct. Compass, square,
and gimlet 1 That will tlo-I will tnkelt.
I'hero was a llttlo touch of in
Ids volco as ho pinned t lit) emblem on
ids coat, nnd went uwny muttering:
"Compass, square und gimlet, 1 tlo
wish there wns n saw, though."
A llAi'l'Y ltioiiT. Few people were,
better known lu the business and social
circles of Hostou, lu Ids time, than "Old
Hen Hiisscll," Ho wasa good Joker, but
once upon a time, was fairly caught in
his own trap. Doing met, ono day, by
his old friend llusby, hu was familiarly
saluted with a hearty shako of thohuiid,
nnd "How do you do.Old Hen Hussell?"
"Come, now," said Hen, "I'll not lake
this from you ; you uro ns old us lam,
this minute." "l'pon my word," snld
llusby, "you uro my senior, by at least
ten years." "Xot at all, friend llusby ;
and, If you please, wo will determlnu the
mutter lit once. Just tell mu what Is tho
first thing you can remember'."1" Well,"
said llusby, with an assumed dellbenv
Hon, "tlie ('tYiViMf' thing I remember
was hearing people, say, Thoro goes old
Ben Uusbull.' "
Who la tho Bright Mason ?
nv ui:v. nu. iiAini).
Who Is the bright Mason '.' llu who
Is deeply rend In nil Its undent lore,yet
Is reckless of his Mnsonlc practice'.' His
Masonry Is but u Jewel of gold In n
swine's snout. Is lie bright who can
pronounce nil Its sncrttl kons, and
flippantly rehearse nil ItsMibllniotonch
lugs, and then grievo sober decency
with his proranlly and dissipation V llo
Is but u Bounding brass nnd n tinkling
cymbal. Ho Is tho bright Mason whoso
llfo reflects back again tho pure light
that shines from the altar.
Allow mo (o close this part of my
address by nn nUti-don to that signlll
cant word In such common use in the
Lodge, "Labor." How, where, and for
what do you labor'.' You must study
to know tho design of the Great Mas
ter. You must take tho working tools
nnd go down Into the great ipinrry of
your own heart take the light with
you, and there faithfully put to the
test each rising motive, thought, nnd
intention. Gird up yaur loins with
true courage, nml make good proof of
yot.r workmanship. This Is tho way,
time nml place, to learn to sttoduu your
pa- dons and Improve yourself In Ma
soi.ry, and mightier Is ho that ruletlt
his mlrlt than lie that taketh a city.
The trials and triumphs of the last
few years should admonish us to watch
nml bo sober. Xever before was It the
lot of tills veiur.iblo Institution to wea
ther u storm of such va-.t desolation.
Many and great were the temptations
to cut loose from Its moorings, nnd
drive upon tho sea of uulversnl confu
sion. Scarce nu Institution, civil, po
litical, or eclcslnstical, that lias survived
tho storm, and full many n wreck of
past grcntness is yet drifting upon tho
sullen nml troubled billows. Tho geni
us of destruction even now seems to de
light in the vast variety of the general
'1 hero is n gallant ship, new und strong,
tho name of lt.s builder still bright up
on its keel, freighted with the hopes of
many millions, but dismantled by the
tempest, ami still floundering In a
trough of the sea; nnd yonder aro oth
ers, who sailed under the sacred en-ign
some broken In twain, each half
afloat mid claiming to be the original
others shattered to fragments nnd be
come the sport of the spirit of change.
Kvery American Mason, especially,
ought to look up this day and bo thank
ful, n" he sees tills highly favored old
sea-beaten craft, still worthy from rud
der to nmst, and proudly riding the
waves. Let Him who plants his foot
steps in the sen anil rides upon the
storm, bo her Helmsman evermore!
In all the fury and rage of evil pus
slini iiml'corruption, not a single volco
charged this Institution of nbberratlng
from its true sphere. I could entertain
you until another nun with living tro
phies of Its worth. In tho prison, on
the field, and nlong the desolnte and
cindered walks of destroyed homes,
full many a siiflerer found rest, refresh-1
incut, shelter, and it friend beneath its i
old Ivy-grown arch. Who docs not re-'
Joice to know that there ii a bow of sym
pathy and hope too high to be icachcd
by the evil thunders of human passion,
or obscured by the gloom of tho sins of
liienV "We speak that we do know,
and testify that we have seen."
In our ardor to accomplish tho noble
ends of this Institution, wo must bo
fall ly understood. Wo nru not so daz
zled with tho splendors of its virtues,
Hint we nre blind to its misfortunes.
Like all other associations, frailty .and
Inllrinity aro a part of our earthly In
heritance. Wo havo no Infinite pres.
clenco to guard us perfectly ng.iliist im
position. o huvo much to encourage
! ami
us to rejoice, but wo have our !
, causes of grief and -hamu also. Eaith
produce.-) no goodly tree thnt has not its
deformed anil distorted branches, und
we havo ours loo. Many hold member
rhlplnnur Fraternity whosollvos make
mi pait of an unsullied reputation.
Tlie-o we must endure us lho Apostlol
did the buffet Ings, ami use them iw did
liu ids thorn in the flesh. We have not
time, on tills occasion, to specify these
allllctlons-, but simply acknowledge that
they aro many and grIovou- Among
Uho most hurtful of nil, there is (lie man
that leaves not Ills private anil personal
prejudices outside, lie prevents many
u belter man from entering, nnd I- to
bring In many like himself; and one
such is much, ton much lor uuy one
Hut with Its frailties, Masonry is un
asylum for the true man. It is the
home nnd hearth-tono of fraternity.
There uro many ties that bind together
the hearts of men ; ami 'tis well, for
without this there would bo no society.
1 Itiiuan uolllsliuc-s would reign supremo
and brevet itself beyond Satanic power,
and out-devil the heroes of pandemoni
um. Hut It Is trim Hint
" Sonn !celll:ys tire In mi Hals ijlteu
Willi lessor enrili In them Hum henw-u
Every human being wants a friend -somo
bosom listener of hlsj trials nnd
woes some welcomo shnrer of hlsjoys. '
Old soldiers in a common cause must
sit down In tho cool evening of oldage,
and then with friendly, faltering ac
cents, fight their battles over again.
Let Iheni alone, for their tics were
forged ami drawn whilst shoulder to
shoulder they faced tho fiery storm.
Thoo stewards of tho cro-s of Christ,
that toll and sull'er on pagan shores,
haven brotherhood all thelrown. Those
humble heirs of God, antljolnt Inherit
ors wit Ii 1 1 Is Son, whoso tear-bedluimed
eye Is llxetl upon the sumo guiding star,
havo their holy and blood-bought ties.
And we, too, havo our common and sa-
cretl bond, unbounded by iiatlumd in
terests or political distinctions. Our
principles girdle overy Interest of vir
tue nud hope, mid will culminate In the
universal dominion ol thateharlty thai forehead, applying it to her noso for
survives faith, and Is greatest of all. her to smell or. Alter it while she re
Xatlrmul Fetemuton. I vlved. ami ho then became conscious
A Cincinnati brldu picked her bus
band's pocket orl,00tl while he wits
sleeping olf a drunk, ns a lesson to him.
Wnv Is an author tho most wonder
ful man In tho world? Hecauso bis
tnlu conies nut of his bead,
Public Plunder.
Mu. KliWAiiD M'l'llKitso.v, Clerk of
tho House, appears as the author of nn
octavo volume of ail pages, which
would bo faultless In stylo If It were not
so highly figurative. It's a statement of
(lie contingent expenses of tho Houseof
Hepresentatlves, which Mr. M'I'herson
communicates In obedience to n resolu
tion of tho House of HcprcsentntlvcH
passed on (lit) ttli day; of March, 181:1,
which requires "that the Clerk deliver
to thepostinnsterof tho House wci Hint
anil quanUtta iff itatiunury us from time
to tlmo may bo nceesjiiry for tho use of
tho Houe, keeping un accurate account
of tho siime.nud also of the quantity und
vnltio of Hint used In the Clerk's olllce ;
und thnt, hereafter, in tho annual re
ports now required by law to bo mado
by tlie Clerk, showing the amount of
expenditure from tho contingent fund
of the House, ho be required to state
accurately and distinctly the quantity
ami cost of the ttationery used by the
House and the Clerk's ofllco separate
ly." All this Is stated In a very brief
communication on the first page of Mr.
M'l'herson's novel ; and tho remaining
Sit) pages aro filled with figures which
will convey to tho tax-pnyerB of tho
country a startling view of what lladl
cnllsm considers ".Stntlonory." II would
tnko a good nccounttint a week to add
up this bill, und whether it amounts to
millions, or only huudredsof thoustinds
of dollars, tho Items show that full one
half, and probably two-thirds, of these
charges aro downright swindles upon
the Treasury and the pockets of the
people. Radicalism and robbery nre
synonymous terms.
Tho present bill of the House for the
mere Item of "stationery" Is only for n
single year. It does not Includo any of
tho laiger legitimate expenses of tho
IIoiiso the pay of members, printing of
public documents, nml so on. Hut the
mere cartage of documents, mostly ltutll
cal electioneering pamphlets printed at
tho expenso of the people, amounts to
.-1,002 fiO n year, this cartage covering
1 1,1'd loads of trash, tho bulk of which
goes to wrap bundles in grocers' shops
and to buyer uses. Thomas 11. Heaton
nml .1. H. Clark, "trooly loll" of course,
have the carting of these "loads." If
the articles of what may properly bo
called stationery are really furnished to
the members of tho House, it is proba
ble that nearly every member Intends
to set up a btatlonery shop at the closo
of Ids term as u Itepresentutlve. Inn
single session i,7tl,!W:l envelopes, cost
lug $2,478,711 wore furnlsltod. Tills en
velope business Includes fancy note pa
per nml envelopes to match, vl-ltlng
cards, monograms, and paper collars
and cull's, not only for tho members, but
for their families for present uso and for
several years to come. It should hu re
membered that every member is pre
sumed to ptirclntsu nil tho stationery ho
needs with money which ho draws for
the express purpose. There are now
101 membeis and delegates from Terrl
lories in the Ilou-e. In a single year,
according to M'l'herson'.s romance,
these member used VM gold pens, cost
ing .2,.s'17 SI; 1,113!) Inkstands; 2,72(1 pen-
knives, costing ,."i2H; nml ."i27 port
inoiinales, costing $,(i I ;','.. Among
other Items of stationery aro hair-bru-h-i
s, nail-brushes, toilet soap, Marti nlqiie
hit nil" by tho dozen bottles, cork-screws
nnd kid gloves. Tho kid-glove bu-lms
Is ono of the subllmcst of all the swin
dles. I'or Instance, "on account of tho
death and burial" of a Representative,
there nre charged twenty-llvo and tine
half dozen kltl gloves, costing 4772, or
about four pair for each member to wear
tu a single funeral. Other "stationery"
nppears in round charges for eotree-uriis,
sauce-pans, broilers, flour-sifters, and
fish-kettles. It may bo remarked hero
Hint rs..I.Ordway,Sergeaut-at-Aims ol
the House, has u very film thing of it.
There is scarcely n week when 111- bill
for two or threo thousand dollars does
not appear, and his "travelling ex
penses" ulune would cover tho entlii
cost of the HrllWi Abvssinlnn expetll-1 ' Mnrtlvd look turns around, flies about
tlou. Columns could be tilled from this ,'he Iloor searching carefully every
one document lo show the bare-faceil i wheru, stops frequently to make ner-
swindling innuifesl In this list of the
contingent expenses of the llou-e.
I'romineiit among these swindles Is
the outrageous one of .summoning
witnesses, beloro some committee or
otlier,froni Xew Orleans or Alaska, und
paying them for their testimony nt the
rale ol2uil or :!0il each, under pieteneo
that travelliiL' exneiises 1'iivei- the hill.
Every "loll" loafer In the South who'
went lo Washington hist year to beg for
nu olllce, or to He about his neighbors,
or as a Itudienl dirty-work agent. wn
summoned as u witness ami was roundly
paid out of tho people's money. Ite
member, too, that this gigantic s ludlo
ii ono of the least of tho... iitu.tutitlv
perpetrated by the partv In power. To
support the Government, the old cant
cry for Radicalism, means being s,,,,.
ported by thocoiintrv.ut thoexpeiise of
the people, nud right to draw l,tmo
1 from the Treasury is freely translated
Into id,, .irlv'li,...,, nr .(,.., iim, s.-i nun i k
then, wero no other reason lor ridding
tl.o country of tho now dominant par-
ty, motives jif economy alone should
prompt and compel It. Tho entire rrve-
lines of the country uro not siifllclent to
paythoexpeusesofthotiovernmeutaml ' ' , , warns urn negroes 10
at tho sumo time tu llll the pockets of I "J1,1!' lt l ll",lr ","lv '"'l"'' f"r
thethleveswlioareplu.iderlugthei..ib.1"'lllU' "u'n "r" t,,r"'" ,,K,,l,,k'
HcTroumry. ,llcm-
A story Is told of a favorite Janitor in I CoNcuitNiMi "linllerlnu" In mm.ili.i.
a neighboring city who was accustomed
to havo certain inittters In cliaigo at va -
rlous publle entertainments. A short
touueimu .minimi iixiiiin 11 luu.v lllllll
ed. lie wasalwuys ready for nnenier
geucy of this kind, tuul had all tliu nec
essary restoratives eloout hand for use,
Sho wns borne Into an anto-rooui, ami
our friend rushed for Ids bottle of cam
phor, nud proceeded to ruli her face, and
Hint theiuwas something wrong about
the camphor. Ho smelt of It, and found
that all of its virtue had evaporated j
ho applied Ids tongue to It, nud found,
to Ids dismay, that ho had been bathing
Ills patient liberally with niucllagol
She was so stuck up by tho attention
that sho bud tube sent home In a carriage.
Itr.MAinc Aiii.i'.SutiaioAi. Cask. Dr.
Smith of Llnglestow n, Dauphin county,
bus had n patient under ids charge, for
some months past, whoso case seemed
so extraordinary to him thnt ho finally
concluded to cull to hl aid the most ex
perienced surgeons nt hl command.
He accordingly sent to this city for Dr.
V. W. Itutlicrford und Dr. George
Dock, who In respond to therapiest of
Dr. Smith, proceeded, yesterday morn
ing, to meet Dr. Smith nt the bouse of
tliu patient, In Fishing Creek Valley,
some thirteen miles from this city.
The patient, Mrs. Mary Dumbnugh,
tldrly-llve years of ngo, had had a tum
or developing In her abdomen for the
last two years, ami which now attained
such enormous dimensions as to threat
en her life If not rclloved by an oper
ation. She measured around the cen
tre of her abdomen live feet and four
Inches, mid was so enormously distend
ed by tho fluid contents of this Im
mense tumor, thnt she wna confined to
her bed nml scarcely nble to breathe.
An operation was ngreul upon nnd per
formed by Drs. Dock nml Hutherford,
tho patient wns relieved nnd Is now do
ing well. L'pon measuring and weigh
ing the contents of this tumor or sac, It
wns found to yield ono hundred and
four pints of fluid making thirteen
gallons which upon being weighed
accurately, weighed One humlrttl nml
ten jmuiuh. Wo doubt whether a morn
remarkable case than this can bo found
in the records of surgery. IlarrUlntry
State iiiiant.
Hcrkshlre (Mass.) Jjtjte tells the follow
ing curious story: A man In Ilcckct,
while In tho woods for timber, had the
misfortune to "lodge" a tree, and in
order to get It down hitched his oxen
to the butt mid mado them pull. The
tree fell Into the fork of another near'
by, when th" tops overbalancing, tho
other end was Jerked twenty feet high
In the air carrying the oxen with It,
whero they remained snsponded In Im
minent danger of being choked to
denth. l'ercelvlug the trees to bo very
nearly poised, the man attempted to
drag them down by tho tall, but, ono of
these falling, ho had recourse ton fif
teen foot pole, with which by reaching
up to the tops, he could so raise It that
the oxen's hind feet could touch tho
ground, thus enabling them to catch
breath, llelng unable to sustain the
top for any length of time, ho adopted
the see-saw motion, causing the tree to
vibrato up nnd down often enough to
give ids cattle a chance to get air. Ho
continued this operation four hours be
fore aid arrived. He then climbed up
mid out nu the tree, cut off a twelve
foot log, which falling, released the ox
en, and ho "snaked" It home without
even unhitching.
Took Hi ji at his Woitn.-Thefollow-Ing
story Is none the less good for being
old : "In , Connecticut, Mr. Ewlng
hail borrowed twenty dollars of his
neighbor, Squire ltoblusou, and had
fulled to inuke payment according lo
promise. After two or three such dis
crepancies, lie at hist told tho squire
that lie would pay him on the follow lug
Saturday, if hi life iiiw rparrtl. Tho
day eumeiind went, but no money. Tho
next morning, bright mid early, the
squiro sent word to the sexton Mr.
Ewlng was dead, and.ns was customary
In those days, tho bell should be tolled.
Tho sexton tolled forty-nine times, in
dicating the age of the deceased. "Who
is dead V" asked the neighbors. "Mr.
Ewlng," sahl tho se.xton. Hut in tho
course of tlie morning, ns wnslils wont,
Mr. Ewlng was on his way to church, to
the surprise of all who laid heard of his
denth. And he wns not the less eon
founded when told that ho was dead.
The next tiny tliosqtilregiithlsiiiouey.
Ul.ii gentleman at Toledo buys tickets,
putting Ids wallet between his teeth
while be counts Ids change, then with
von I uvestigatlon of ids pockots, shakes
his head mid resumes his tramp. Comes
llimlly lo the ticket window again nnd
says. "Hnvti you seen" nud tliu wal
let fall sfrom his Ill's to tho counter,
"Thoro it Is now ! Had It In my mouth
all tho time." lie smiles lienlgnantly,
the crowd laugh boisterously, nnd the
curtain fulls.
Gi.oiuii: Wu.icr.s the editor of tho
Sjiirit u the Timet u sporting paper,
published in Xow York, I. employed In
regulating h tieaty of peace botweeu
Gen. (Irani and Hen. Hutler. As Hen.
: stole spojiis lu .New Orleans nnd
1 Wllh ''nK!,Kl I" "Uilt KuubUiiKMeculii.
"' -w Gen. Uront li. fumou for
horh0 r"d"f' llll'ro l'"u'11 1,0 ut'tlor
l"'m 'mt'ly'd In reconciling
i we mime u
f"w"i'' I'UUst such things.
,,, " , T"",-
, 1 spring elections uvery where
' hmT .bxrK" 1)t-'ll''t'1J If.diw and if they
"ay 'ho.t ' W"'1;'1 a erltcreon of
1 '" "v" h , ' " v ri'"-i '
, Hnillcal parly at he lull election,
1 such a defeat as was seldom known, Xo
Aunt Judy, un old colored wotnnn.sald
j to one of her sisters, "Taint de ralo
grace, honey ; 'taint de sure glory. You
- liotllTS IOO lOUtl, WIlCIl Villi L'ltS do
dovo In your heart nud de lamb on your
bosom, you'll reel ns ef you was in dat
stable al Hcth'loni, ami de bresseb Ylr
gin hud lent you do sleepin' bnby to
Tan following Is recommended ns u
receipt for making Hologtin samngoi
Take nn eul skin and stuirit with ground
cat ; season It with Seotch Biiutrntid per
simmon oil j lay It on a hog pen'fodry,
and then hntig it up by tho tall In u
grocery for three montlwfor llles to.'glvn
It tho trndo uuirki then it Is ready lor
Tm: wheat crop of Bouthern Indlanu
look vary promising,