jfor the Houno .olhs. AaWtuliiVr of WiniiU'. CM -A ClitUImm Tnlirr Clitlitrtii. 'l,ltlil.Kclilli1roiimit'lilvi!rlii(j ovor ti forlorn llro, out) rolil morning Hint full .unonii tlio UhrlitiuiH days. Thoy lr.ul wit Bllont In their coUl rnirgoilnttw for eomu time, until one or mem, whom smitll htmu fltruro looked pitifully young to boar so old and troubled a face, said: " Arehlenpposo you and Kathlo go out now, you will soon get warm walk ing lu the sun and among tho bright warm shops." "Hut, won't you bo lonely, Wlnnio?" paid Archie. "No," bhu replied, "mother will get homo from work early, as It Is Christ' mas Eve, and then, I luivo Kittle you know," and sho stroked with chllMiluo fingers, a cat that lay like a snow drift on her ragged lap. Archlo and Kathlo had not gone very far down tho gay street, when they saw Winnie's cat como running after them, tempted llko thcmselvou, perhnp?, to desert a cold damp hearthstono for n warm sunshine ) Kathlo took Itupgent ly It was sacred, for It belonged to Winnie (tntl was about to run back homo, but"they had just reached a bril liant shop, whoso Interior was a perfect mosaic of color in its clo.-e-packed shel ves of russot nuts, nnd crimson apples, Boldon oranges, and rosy candles, and hero they paused. "It Winnie, could only see tho-o beau tiful things," cried Kathle, her llttlo while" face growing radiant, asslio press ed near tho low broad window and look til eagerly In. J tut then, a girl protected from the cold witli rich cloak and furs, and laden with dainty llttlo parcels, camu out of tho shop, pausing on tlio step as s-he caught eight of tho two rugged chil dren. Tojiulgo from her dl-contented face, a purchase ol some of tho bright things within had not given her tho tame pleasure that a mere sight of them was giving Archie and Kathle ; but her face brightened as sho saw tho snowy kitten: "That isJuH what I want a livotoy," said the girl, taking It from Archie's arms and laying it among her furs. "Hut you can't have it," said Archie, resigning It unwillingly. "It belongs to our iamo Winnie, and it's all tho pleasure slio's got." "Sho Would rather have money though, wouldn't alio?" asked tho girl, looking with a llttlo scorn at tho child's ngs. Kathlo hesitated a moment, glancing from the cat into the shop, thinking of what money would buy, and then, cried, "No I" a? sho shut her eyes on tho bright shop, but sho had hesitated too long. A shining coin lay In her palm, and tho girl with tho kitten had dlsapioarod lu the crowd. "I'oor Winnie," cried Kathle, with a llttlo.burst of tears. "Poor Winnie," echoed Archly, leadi Ing tho way back borne. Grace, tho'new possessor of Wlnnio's cat, it belfish chi of wealth, had gone but a llttlo way, when the kitten dis covering perhaps, tho difference, be tween her warm nest of furs and Win nie's old ragged lap, began to grow rest less, and suddenly, with a premonitory purr, sprang from her arms, darted across tho street, up tho half ruinous wall of an old building on to Its roof, and took shelter near a lqv garret win dow. Graco stood fo.v a few minutes watching It, until tUiosaw the window open and a cli.iid's hand draw tho kit ten within., then, with n llttlo sob of Im patier.oo, slowly turned Into a splendid shop, near by, and therein buying from Us falry-liko Christmas store, tried to forget her loss, but tho gay toys looked uninteresting after tho soft furred, bright eyed kitten, to possess which siio had robbed a lonely eh 'id of poverty, nnd presently leaving tho store went into tho houso wherein her eat had taken refugo to ask for it. Tho law damp room, into which sho stepped and which appeared deserted, frightened her in Its prison llko damp nnd ugliness, and hearing voices above, mounted a Mtort flight of crazy fcteps and found herself In a dark, cold, attic room, uear whoso flro-placo sat a girl, her iont figure in shadow j but a small 'gleam of red fire light caught on ',,tr work and Hying fingers, "I expect this will bo tho first Christ mas gift, grandfather over got, lisle," a boy was saying, as ho held a new, red comforter up for her Inspection. "When wo go this evening to meet him at tho church, after hoisdonoringingtho bell, wo will carry It to him. Ho won't say then, there is no Christmas for poor people," and the merry child Inughud until the old roof rang. Somehow after hearing this, Grace did not llko to ask for her kitten. Sho remembered Archlo's words, "It's all . the pleasure sho's got !" This poor chilli's, unselfish Christmas expectations, reminded her how cruelly bho hud darkened .our iamo Winnie's Christmas, but Essie, seeing her, bad risen, so sho had to put her request. It was pitiful to beo how tho Christmas light that his laugh bad brouij'.il to tho boy's faco died away, and resumed lis usual gravity. 'U am sorry," sho said, "but Willie, sp)d, tho llttlo cat, (slnco wo woronot ablo to feed It,) for a comfor ter for grandfather, but run back to tho shop Wllllo, with It, Jcnnio will glvo you tho kitten back. Tell her you have found tho owner." Following tho child silently down tho stairs and along tho street, Grace toon reached tho shop, liungawlth, a jneagro array of woolen hoods, jtOcklngs.Tom forters, etc., tho patient handiwork of a blind woman nwj hor granddaughter. Tho old woiiftn sat behind the' counter with her ueodle busy among tho bright wools assorted by Jennie, who stood bo hind talking earnestly. "Now granny, don't over you say again, that wo aro too poor to enjoy Christmas. I'vu been nnd brought tho tea, tho very kind you like, and It actually smells like Christmas," and Jcnnio turned her llttlo blrd-Iiko head to ono side, and laid her linger with an emphatic tap on the bundle, as if it wero u wag's nooO. "I took tho kitten to Jack, who I know wanted a mouser, and ho let mo have this tea for It, for who could help doing a kindness on Christmas? Ho woro a sprig of holly In his button hole, granny, to remind him to bo kind, when ho could, theso holy day," ho said. Hearing footsteps In tho shop, Jcnnio turned with her usual demuro courtesy, but it was only Willie, who throw him self Into hor arms crying : "Grand father's Christmas gift lu a humbug, Jennie," and bo told his story brokenly. "Bo Is grauny'H," Bald Jcnnio, trying tojtst, with tlio Umrs In her cyo-a, as uliotook up tliotfii, "Lot'tt run to.lnckM nml i;ot the rat ngrtln." "If you mi) roIhi: to .luck'n iijrnln," sulil tliuialmiilisolil woiniin, only civU-li- lutr her words 'uvrtly, "Hid him oomo nml drink it cup of hN ten with u, iw tiH oiirl-tnms live, Mid bring liU Am iilnn Nlirhts with hlin to roml." "Dear, dear," said Jennie, wllh a bravo attempt to bo cheerful, "it's too had, granny, ho lent It to a llttlo sick neighbor last week, and when it camo homo half of Sinbad was read away,and tho rest Is so begrimed that It's llko try ing to read a coal-heaver's handker chief." So, marveling at the poverty and beautiful cheerfulness she. was seeing about her, Graco followed them to a llttlo corner store still further down tho street. Jenny laid Iter tea down upon tho counter lieforo tho hoy with it sprig of holIy.in bis coat. "You may keep tho tea, Jcnnio," ho bald, "I found out that tho kitten be longed to my llttlo neighbor, Iamo Winnie, and was going with It to her as you eamo in." So, onco more, Graco followed In tho path of tho kitten, which brought her to Winnie's threshold, where the threo shivering children sat over a dead lire, and a woman holding frail Wlnnio's head iu her lap, told with plalntivo voico tho story of "The Star," and "The Manger." Graco only waited to seo the cat in tho iamo child's: lap again, nnd then sued llko wind back home, where she poured out tho penitential story of her selfishness, and her new-boin do sho to make the poor happy. And that sho did so, let the bright lire and smoking supper that filled with un known comfort tho homo of Iamo Win nie, and led them for long afterwards to think nnd speak of Graco, ns "The Chrl-tmas angel," bear witness ; also, tho merry -hearts that laughed on tho Christmas Eve at Jennie's, where the Old Sexton with Esslo and Willie gathered, with Jeunio and tho grand mother, surely not blind to-night with o open and happy a heart 1 about Jack who read thejoyous hours away from a new Arabian Night", separating, as tho new year tolled in, with a prayer and blos-dug from tho old sexton ou their liow-fwund ClIlilsTMAH AMlill.. jjannfr's gcpai'tmcnt, Utiles for 1,'nrmcis. 1. Thy farmer ought to riso early, to seo that others do so, and that both ids example bo followed and hi orders obeyed. '2. Tlio whole farm should bo regular ly Inspected, nnd not only eypry ttetd examined, but every be$.k -eii at lenal onco a day. 3. lnii ceu?lderablo farm it is of the utrr,q?it consequence to have hands es pecially appropriated for each of tho most important departments of labor, for thero is often it great lo-s of timo where persons aro frequently chang ing tlioir employments, and tlio work is not executed so well. 1. Every means should bo thought of to dlmluish labor or to Incre.isoits pow er. For instance, by proper arrange ment, live horses may do as much la boras six perform, according to the usu al modo of employing thom. 0. A Farmer novor ought to engage Inn work, whether of ordinary prac tice or Intended improvements, except after tlio most careful inquiries; but when begun lie ought to proceed in it with much attention and perseventuco , until ho lias given it a fair trial. G. Every fartner should take his coun ty paper and keep posted from all parts of Ids county and town, ho ought not to lo without it. Iinproa emtnts lu Grain. Exi'illtlMUN-TS have demonstrated, nnd analogy hi shown, that tho finest and best samples of seed, continued for years, will improvo tho quality and quantity of tlio product. A better wheat is thus raised! oven a variety may be established. On tills principle, (in farm btock.) wo have tho different breeds of felioep, swine, poultry, etc. Experi ments ha vo not been mado on the hu man species j but tho same no doubt, holds good there. Wo plant and sow "as it comes." Wo take tho seed of tho samo grain that wo use In tho aggrogato, and sow it. Is not tills tho case almost uuiver.-ally '.' Corn Is an exception to somo extent but why do wo except corn? Uecuusc it is understood to bo good. Analogically, then, it is good to do the same with wheat, oats, barley, etc. Hut tills is less easily done i wo therefore neglect it. How long will It tako a farmer to go through his wheat, and secure tho finest and rlprst heads sufllcient to sow an acre, or half an acre, or a quarter or even a pint of seed '.' This pint sow ed will bo sufllcient to form siet crop. Tho best heads taken from, Ibis again, and sowed, will yield another test crop, from which should bo taken as before j and so on for a nemher of years, say half r. dozen, more still better. Hut threo or four yours will work a decided shungo. Uut tho trlat should bo eon tinut-u from selected wheat every time. In this way grain can be Improved and crops enlarged. Thero will bo largo grains, earlier maturity, and better growth. lural W'orhl. Tlmuthy fault Jtuat oil Uhtnl 1 Upon this subject a correspondent of tlio Hurul Gentleman says : Tills is a question that lias for a long timo'ttgltated tho minds of intelligent furmtlH, buiyt has been settled, Iriify mjmf Jt leajtl by a series of oxjitSu jnents. I n'nfsatlsfled that it does iuAt loait nlnctv-livo cases out of a hundred; I haVb toin tlio wheat with nntl without tho jjKss seed, and have novor' tjecn rust whejtthero wnsno grass, whilst In tlio samij Mid tho rust has affected tho wheat. -Sliograss holds tho damp ness at tho rootsof tlio wheat, and, when tho sun shlnt'S out very warm, prodii' ces tho blight. Hesldes, the wheat standing alono will produco flvo bush els moro to thencro than when tho grass isbown. 1 mean, now, that this will bo tho average dlfi'erenco. Hut tho question arises : When shall tho grass bo sown V I answer : After tho wheat harvest. J'low tlio Hold and prepare It smoothly and sow tho grass seed of whatovar kind you desire, and your crop of gross tlio coming sear-on will bo equally as good, If not better, that If bown with tlio wheat. Farmers, try tho above, and my word for It tho result will bo satisfactory, "Doctou, what will euro tlio fever of lovoV" "Tlio eJilld of wedlock, Made-molsellu." THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUltG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAO'S CERMAM BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hocdand's German Tonic. Prepared bj Ur. C. 31. Jnclison, ritiUDRtrntj, P.. The Great 'Jlcmcilict ton ALL tiatASI3 or Tnl MVi:it, STOMACH, or iucu:!.tjvi; oimjang. Hoouand's Gemma Bitten Ii compounded of tlio pumjulcca, for na tticy ars medlcliully term Koala, llcrba nnillirt.A,m.tl utK BT'n'itraii(in, lrnte.1. iwi.l rntlra lilphly coDOCti lyrc iwa .If coliohc (iifmi rturt e any iunf. HooflamVa Gorman Tonic, I a coinl lint Ion t r:i ttio Inured IpMh vt the Hiuin,l!h Ibti fun, finality uf .Vm.'i tVit Hum, Ordntfo, cm., m tklint ono of Die Hi nit i-ltaiuitat.nvirtiriltlii ituu-iliiB tur Ktjvri'tl In ll.e pMW. 'Hum' I'nfcrrins n McJUine tuc fm.n Alco holic fUn.lituie, i I uit) HooflamVa Gornmu Bitters. In caaci of nrrvont dcircnIon, liou r9 alcoholic stimulus li iitcopdarj-, Hoofland's Gorman Tonio TIw flitters cr tlia Toalo iiru both cqnalU goM, and ccntiln the tunic mctlli'lii&l iilut.it, Tho Btomacli, from a arlctj olcuise, eiu.li ai InJ'asfltlon, Uyi --y- - Trr-sln, Xmoui iVlilllty, ito, Is fjfy- M-rynpttfi liavc ltd fmitllons de WA )&y ratufod. Tho re null of which ti, ImS' that Iho jiatlent uffora from fcviral or moro of Iho ftviowhi.-, ilincaecB! Constipation. TJatulenco, Inwanl Tile Fulness of Blood to Uio Xleait, Acidity of the Stomach, IJausea, Heartburn, Diflffuat ior i'ood, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Kmc tatious, Slnkiui, or Flut tering at tho Tit of tho Stomach, Swimming of tho Hend, Hurriod or Difficult I5iat h-ing-, ITutterinH1 nt the Heait, ChobiiiB or aulTooatinc Senaatiorj when iu a Ikying Posture, Dimnens ot Vision, Dots or woba bfore tho Slcht, Dull l'aiu in the Hend, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of tna Skin and Eye3, Pain tn tho - Sldo, Hack, t Chpst, iiin fs lia, etc. Sud den Flushes of (ffl )W Heat, Durn in tho Flesh, Con- aenne lmarriianes oi iivii, ana Ore at J - Ajepxesaio; lion of Spirits, Thte r&a-cdle will effectually euro Mrcr Complaint, JaumHre, l)ipcpBla, Cliroiilc or Xenons Debility, Chronta DitiiTlnea, Disoae-" of tho KUncjn, auJ all Diecafct arltlns from a DisorJcreJ Liver, t3toraiu.li, or IntcsUnts DEUIHTY, RBflriTivo from AST CArsit irnA-rrrrn: PKOSTiiATION OF THI3 SYSTEM, DTCfiD DT bkTEAB LlDOR, llARDSUIpa, Expcscsa, Fat tBS, nc. Thero la no medicine cxtunt rny.tl to Xhita rcmwllci in bjcIi ctfu A tono ana ior li In., parted to the wholo Byitora, Iho Appttim li HtrcnelliMioJ. food , ,mimi u enjoyed, thu Btomach 4 1 g e s t s W-1 promptly, thu Wood i purified. fyI iho coinr.kxloii becomei Bound and LMi healthy, ttie yel low lingo U eradicated from tho ejcu.a bloom given to the checks, and tlio ncak and ncnoui hnallj become a ttron aud heallliy btlnu. X'ct'bons Advanced In JifOt And feeling the hand of time wclgtilitft licanij upon than, lt)i n'l ltn attendant till, ullltlnd lu the uie of Dili Itl'lTKliH. or the TON'IC, an cllilr that will Itittl now lire Into tht-lr Minn. reBtore In a measure tho en.rgy nnd ardor of more youthful days, build up the.r shrunken form, and gUe hualtb aai happluifi to tlulr remaining yurs. NOTICE, Itl awell-fbtabtUhod tict that fully one-half of tho female ror tlon of our popu lation are seldom jSr In tho enjoy mtrt ot good health, or, to tiso mn eiIrefclon,"iwir rmitw nt ft 1 well." They oro languid, devoid of all tiiertfy, extremely t.i r oiik, nnd hi o no appttito. To thin cUof pernona the IHITKI;?, or the T0N1U, U cepocUhy recommendtd. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by tho uo of cither of t!ir" remcdlr. The will euro every ewe of M.V ilASMUd, without fill. Thousand of ccrtlflcitee hive apcumuttiiij u tli handi of tho proprietor, hut (pn-e mM allaw of the publication oi but a few. Thoxo, It wili boobsercd,aieniciicr n to and cf aocU fttand Ing that tl.ey mutt U bellbcd. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, VhitJ Jiciict qfUte Suj'iertu Court of rt , rites .Vareh 13. 1M7. "I find lIoof- land Herman Ulttcre In a ml 'f A lo.iii- ireful in dUeae of Uut dl f l fc'ont o orgniw . and of jfrrat lui UiU 'ti&i elUliieaiieBOdu. Ullty, au 1 vima of iu i otis uuluu In the cyitcir Voun trulv, "UI'O. W. WOODWAUD." Hon, James Thompson,, JuJ'jt ff tin St'j rtt Court rf rt iylwtint. I'fiildilifphi I, Apr!' W, hOO. "I cormi-Kr 1 Hooll ml'i Uirnuit It.tUn a icilmlU medium In ttte uf attack i of lu.Ut,i tlon or JJyi'cyf- 1 can ccitify ihuttwu my experleoce -f It. ioiue, wiin rrancn, Vrom Rev, Joseph H, Kc.inivrtt, J'attor of the Tait liUA t hu h, I ' t irfWAU Jir. Jatkton - Dear B.t . 1 ha u Ih-l. renncBtLd it rotni'it mv (iamo m h'i i ttitit'iitlj' datloni uf iVuu.il klitda uf m ,i t ,i trftrtllnif i niMa , - , lu i n ,.f mi n p r o p r I all GtUailU.' M vrovf In ai 3 1 1 a io H a ; tt. i u ire u, I Gtuuiajdinttl: if 1 l ui i t a rli-pt irevl In arlom i vt3 ; ,t.i ,, .hih1- ueularly In my mvn f.nnt'y, it l i. m ti tit Vr. Iloi.lnnd tieniian Iitm, 1 .Up m ir utwv frum my usual coumc, to upM u ' i I ninth tlon that, fur pM'r( itlii'''v "ft'.' , a cin, itiitf ttytc i i(y fur tAver V.Mjtmu, tt u a tji mitt taluabte yepat atttn. lu huntit e vnt it i t fail; but UKiirtltj, I il'.ubl not, U I umy h.wtMti to Xhoiv wlio ull(.r fruin the at' e ".uiva. uuri, try ffpi.t' i y, J II K( NSAIil, Trom Rev. E. D, Tcndall, JttUtant tdifor Uhritlian C'tronfJ, J'ftAuUt fhia, I linre dorlred decided 1 ep'-fit froin uae o( IIjp(laiid't Utrman HIUmb, uiid ft el ttaiypml h'ifi to reoonimend them at a m vrlnthio U j to oil ho ait Buflorlng from KMierU ticbulty or from (liit-afiii ariUi fiom d( rautfbraui.t if thtf iUtr. out truly. OAUTIOH. nonnand'i Clermon ncmctileiaii ronnlerMt d, Hfo that tho rrzr-- "JgUftturuof 0,M. JACUtiO.NUon ill lh wiaprxr of gjfh tat. 4 jj&J$ rrlndpl Offfee and ManufiUoryat the tier. manMcdlclno btore,Ko.OJl AlU'll titiw.i, I'hU adtlplila CHAKIXa M. EVANS. Uerinan lrui,'ctt. I'ruj'i Inter, , . Kormcrly (J. M .Utnauf i-Co, For talt by all Druegiiu and ixjlut in Mwll clot. Jloofland'i German ilittrB,rir ttUe.,,,ll 00 .. " ., " " half dowu A 00 UooDand uerrnan Tonic, put up lu quart botUet , , ,,.,,, 1 60 1-erb.jttle, or a half dozen for.,. 7 &ij C3 Vo not forgot to esimlnu wo!l the artlili tea tuy, la order to imi tig uuiuc. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, January SI, IMS, DRY GOODS. I IhhEU'S STOllK. rnnwt AnmvAt, or TAX, ANfl U'lXTEtt (I001W. Tlu KtibHcrlbor lina Just fptitrm-d from Hit- cltle Willi niiotlier lftrgp nnd nclcct nm Imcul ot srnis'o ani stTMMr.n aooiw, urchr,ril ill New York nnd nillnflplptiln (it un loweBt figure, nnd whh'UIie U detormtnud to Bell m m moilarnie li'i-mn nn ran o pincnretl la whero In r.lomniirg, liln slosk co.nn'lwn LADIES' llllKBM aOODS . r Iho cliolresl Hsin mid luteal fotlilotu, Untellier wttli it largo 'Mnortmotit of Tlry tlootlt and Oro- eorlos, ronlilng of following nrtlolM i C'urretDi Oil I'lotlm, Clothn, fnw'Tnefo Slmwle, , lplfUnt-ifl, SIIIUh, Willie aooiln, Mnci), flnopHltlilH, Milium, lloltnwwi'i'e (inoeimware, iiuninni- ItooUnnd Khuca, Itntunmt Cnps, Itoop KeW, Umbrellus, LiKiklng-Olas-teH, Tolmeco, fiilpe, siiK.irR, Tcm, itlco, Allsinco, L'lnunmon, Nminoga, AND ItoriONH 0K 1ULI.Y. In uliotl, overylhtng nionl'y krt In eoimtry stnrei, lo which tie invltoi tlio otlciilton of tho rmWIcxio'ietnlly, The hlglii'Kt prlcowlll lio pniil for ''mnitry proiiuce In exeluuiso forgootti. ft. 11. MrM.EttAxii.V. Arendo IlaHiHim-i, nioonnliiirit, I'u, G "in hat itunaoTioN ix vitrei: AT !'l:Tl!lt l!.JT'rt HTOItr., IX 1,1011 r RTUKET, KAIJj AX1) W1KTI5II (JOOJW. THK ftibscrthc r Imt Jit reeciveil nnd lias on linnd fit his old tnnd in T.laiit SHct, u lftfso nn t-olect ASSORTMEXT'()FMriUCITANJ)ISI' laifchnficil nt iho lowest fltfuio, nnd wlilrli lit determined to Kollun in modumto terms ui lie procured (lfewhcip In MghtHtieet, ron cAsir on covxrur phodvci-, MIh sloclt eoawtsts of I.ADinS D1U3SS (100DS, c holecst Hly Im nnd Intent faslilotm, Ciilleoe, Muslins, Oiiiglinmi, Flnnnols, Hf-lery( Otrpf1. suits, Bliowls, U13A0Y 51 ADM CLOTKlKG, SaimottB. CisslniorB, 4 Cotlounilcf, Konttnl;y Jeans. AC. AC AC GUOOKHUCS, MACKKllAJi, tiuecti-tv.'iire, Cednrwnrc, Hnnlwnrc, Meflleliies l)i ugt, oils, l'ttlutw, Ac, IK)OTS & fUIOEB, UATS.A (JAPS. In short overytliina munlly Uept In n conntr Mure, The jutrmmge of IiIh old fi lends ttnd tl pnhlh) Kennrully, Is renpeetfully solicited. The hlttliewt mnrket piire paid for entmlry pt dure. PKTKtl LM, Mghtfctieet, N'nv.8 1HU7. KKAT ItKDUCTJON IX VUWl' VT T. K. HI.OAN STOliK, IX OI.AN'OKVIhM;, 1'A,, o r KALI, AXJ) WlNTKJt OOODa. Tho t-u!jscrllm h'tJutit-'ct'Ivcd un.lhuHon hniiU nt his stmu In Ornnstovlll, n largo ttndhelott Assoimn;NT ok :iKKriiAXi)SK purr luswl nt t lie lnuvst flgm.1, iitt'l whkll ha It, di teniiliitdlo Hell on ns mixlrmtp ItTin- utrnu Ijo procure! elhuuhtic In ()rnnKollh', IMIi CAMU em COITXTUV lM.OIH'C'K. IIIh Htnrk eon-'lsls ol laoh:s nit j; ss goods, C'nOIlKMT HTYLES A Nil TATI.sr I'AHll H1.S4, OiIUWR, Muslins, fiinghatns, rinnn.'ln, Ilo-jU-t; CAIII'M, KttAWI, iu:adv maim: cLOTinxfi, SniiiiL'1'4, f isslnier,, L'ottnnrnli't. IContucky .Icudb, AC, At'., Jr( njIOtUSUIKH atACKISUAL, (ItiPinisw.iiT, L'odnnvnrc, Ilimtwnre, Mtillclnt nncas, oilk, vAism, jlv. hoots a yiroKfc, jiat.s a cains, In alioit ovei' ttilni,' uailully kept 111 11 eoniil! alore. The pntlon.igi. oflitaoll filemla unilllili public Koncinlly, la loajieotfully Hollcitcil. Tlio highest market prleo imlil for country pro. ilueo. li, K, SLOAN. (liungevllle, May 21, 1S07. j j. 11 li o w 1: it, 1h nuiv oiluring to tho public Mm HtocI; of .S' 7 ii J A' Q GOO J) 8 conMlsthig In puvt of u full line of TXCiKAIX, AVOOh A XI) It A O OAni'BTB, I'lue t-lntiw tmd rajbshnc'to lor LiuUm' conl, of idt lattctns rijHl (iiuilltlfs, InlaUls nnd lrtntH ii voflotiM Piunlltlos mid ;'tlce. jiTj:ACiiEr axp jmoAv:; jnrdN, LA DTK'S IMlBXCir COKSKTii, a n n 31ALM0UAL SKIUTS, Cluod uHortmeut nf rrosli 0 vovt rles and Splcet.. Kew nbfroi inwnt Ol-ArW AND qukj;n8-watii;, rX-XO. i 3tAC3CI3ItKL In onddmlf nnd one-fmnlh barroli. .Now i tho tlmt- to mulio your nclccilons, na 1 niu flferltit! B(od4 nt vory low pilooa, nml citir nintto U fidr dettllug to nil, and not to ho untU'P bold by uny. J. J, IlUOWISn. WloohiHlHUkI, Al'lll 1M17, JTUIUIAH FOI1 UATAW1HSA! TIIIH WAY I'OH UAIIUAIMS. Ooutla to I'ompnro wlthMrlngeueyof tlio mone market. l,ool: nnd compare prlcoH beforo pin (hnslug Llsowhere. Just cull nt the fnvorito bul ness ataiiil ol JIlNINCII A S11U.MAN, anil you will Ik. mcl by thoohilgllig proprieUira or their clerks, and biiuu n iliront,li their uroat viirit t Blorireo of charge, of oourse, They will Blve i a fnlr chance tn ip(iiil your loose clutuge, Un irust mnoh moto piofitably tluin It ean bo speni elsewhere, Their KTUCIv OK BUY OOOIW thla sprlni! Is much larger III all Its varieties than usuui. Their IiAniiW 1IUKBS OOQIH nre of tlm nicest styles lu market, lliey iuneii iinoiiasoiiiuenirii hats. ai. iiooTH Awn mom, HUJIMEU CI.OT11H, CAHEUNiriA CAHKUiKltKK A.NH VInNlll, nud nuaieianaui Holes common tohucliestnhlish' nieuts. besltlw n Reueral assort mt nt of IIAItllWAllK. TIKWA11K. tJl'r.i:NW.ilE. AK1) OitOCKIlIIW, 'till ut gatly redueetl pilces. They wlalt in etiii- iluct Ihelr business on lue Hypttm of "I'AY , YOU 00," ami they think they caiiiilford toull oryeln-iiji. 1 In-y rt turn llnlr tlitinks for ninny past laaoi and ask the future tMifroiiage tif llulr ioriuei ctt. tinners nml tin public generally, Mc.NINVII A. HIII'MAN. JM'WK, HUSTON iV CO.," Mmiultictuurs and VholoMile Ilealers lu t orlU.N YAItNS, C'Alll'lIT L'HAINH. IIATTH, WICHW, Till YAU.Nla, fOKHAOU, llltOOJIH, W0O1I AND WH.I.OW WAIiJ', LOOIC'd (HjI-SIW. L'l.tlC'US, I'AM HAKKI.H1 TA 111.11, 11.1)011, AMK'AUHIAOI! OH, CLOTHS, AC, No, r;u llnrkel ritrcet, south side, rtillmlclphlii. JOSld'H H. DKUZ, " " Mauiifatlurer of ami WhuUsnlo lienlcr in Cl.onllNO,(T,OTllH,t. SIMl.lltil. ANl. VISTINO ' NoithTlilrilMrcct, I lillllili Ipllln, MILLINERY GOODS, 18S litZZIR IlAUlvl-llY iiiiq liml received, nt lirroldnlace nn Maliifct., tllo"iiilmrg, licr AM. AND WINTKlt HTW'K or InlUllierj' gooiN (if ovcry tjtiuJIty mid Rllc, COllRlHtlflg of I.ATMW HTYT.fi UONNKTH. of IhH very bent material toKelliorwltlitholoVy Mnt nSHortmcnt uf Till MM WOS, millions, C, WlilolmtcoflVrod forjtnlf at tlio lnwwt llilo lien, i;nu mm mv, flloonwlmrg, Ort. Zi, 1JT. OUllKTlIINCl NHV. Th Htulpmlsnnl hem leave trt tnfnrni ior iririiu, arm opi'llfd lit nml tin. publli- gciioroiiy, iimi nu nua MGHT RtllEHl' fl fW'Ril atntlt rit sondH 111 tlm Uut nf MIT.MSKUV nml TUIMMISfH lit mtioci'tlmi Willi tlreia MnUltln: nnd l ptireU In mltlfUoti. lo ilt.1111 VTIt VW MAI a on tin' ."IiorloM iv.Urc.iiiiil in Hip I' I atyle nf i'iii.(.n oliffiniitin worlt tiilKim'inrj, MIlx. K, !!I,IXI!. t.lgllt Mlrpol, Orllilifr 4. I"". I" THE OltKAT I'lllZE! lOXINWTO!) I'NIVI.HIKI.I.P, l'Allia, IW. "TI1K 1IOWB HKWIN'd MACllIN'l! C'd." Aminlcl ovor Elsiiiy-inn i'onipi'illnr, Tin: itifii ii:st I'liiottc-M, I.-, or ii Milt l'h-t 11 lo A merit 1111 l-i i Inn Mi t lilm , per iinpi j it. 1 Ili'-i, 1 , I'Ul.H .In il tn liii "Mm Hun- rnior 11 1 11 Mill i.l .loiuiiMl 01 tho 1 until rnipirc), '1 11. .,1 i I .1 1 1L I 1 7. I'' tlll'HO in uN: , 1' il.uiMiilc, ill- M.irlillica ..... ,, ,,. ni Hint' i liii-nlil. " lll'l. , .11.. i M UHl'.ll.tlUl'l' llfHOlVlllR (. .Mm liilua, i;.lilhllni. Tilts tlon blollrit honiirlaoliolhirplotif or llio great wit'Orlorlty 01 tho lloioHi.iii(t Mnolihua uvornllollii 1 . PtniiEY A iSTl'.OOl'S, No. 21 Houl'i Kitrlit Hlrcoi. Agent a for Pcnnaylniil:i nml wi'in Feb ll'ih-.lni. Now .Iu -1 h -101... T UK UKiT IS 'Uil. MMI!'1; .af.WJNl. MAI HINT. 1:1 AOS iui: 1. hi. Annl. uln lb. M.Hm.n l,liln iihciul of till olhcra, Till Mo Mill la the MU-.T rOl'UliAB IN VHV. "it ilfcea Ihc flne.,1 ueeole of any Miiehllio In vh Iwteiiei , Any liuly wuntniy a ood SEW IN CI MAC II in 1:, Will eoiiMilt brr own H.l. li-ls l.y liiilnir n M.N'OKH. ItlsuiNirlo nn., liniii (iiulkeip In ntlt r llltill liny .'1. ihllii- 111 101 m-i1i'. (.VI H J' fil' 'I HI M 1' I'MU. Thelullo 1 lin-.i 11. tlon ulvon Uio.e who pnr ilinae,tiu.l Hi. Mi.u.iint w.i.i. 111. WAuuiMi.i) to ami fjriaa'M.n. , , , PhllsoTlilfiitliiv si .ri'an.i satl-fy joiiiehca. Hero yon Will ilml Nfiillo . Tlil'iaul 11ml -l 1 U. U-i 111 I.HW I.NIl' IK i, Auelit April R,'iH 11. 111. mills hulls, l'a. E ; t a a ii 1 h n i; u, i 8 :t 12. h 'i o D 1; i f ' i.f, o 1 I.-1 . ',itit. fm.v nt ami: K I A X t 1' O It T K S. H T O li A It T C 1 L) U U I M'lmii.u'tum- of iinnd, Sitmic nnd I'ltino 'uitim. utirnew Kuilc l'inno 1 nrti'j in ttuiuiinn to their tK'iiillnr inrnU. itmtnln vcrv iinlly YitUtublo mihhtin 1iuivol mint, umli ilnx them 1ho ntoHt compli U-mid i.ni 1 1 1 mMiii.iunl t ir ofl'uicd lu the j mhl If, n tut lo 1 nuilU 1 tone.JUd- uiu-y 01 umcn (inianuiiy, nim iun miuuiuiu i.iu li'fcL nf hueie flhniitt the litw M-nle Minliut l'i nno Forte slnmlH uni 1 nlrd, Thel'mnos nf Hits tiinntifnctme Imve sloml tne t-M nt inoie innn n Mttrterif n eentury, nnd lhe nuinnl.tilun tsnjo nt lilieity to ion v In tr Twtnly-lhu thoii.nd I 1II1I1ILH Willi IIIIHI IIIUI III' in in. , in mum ill pirlK ot lh- lUl.'d WOlid. Ail ItlU It. V.lll nroinnt nii-v urn nv lVh7'dv:im. ""1 Uw.ndin , New Votk, IMIi: AMKUKAX HAY KXIKK L ANf) ItdtK. We tin tmd, 1-tuned cltiint n tiiuiiilii com ly u.'ii, si a me unu tn nny irk j r.n II iitm i I1. J'lll-tl. Ill lIL-iliir: iNiwie-liih, en d , v 7, iMni, lutween tho metle n lluv Kmle it'll) Km ic ni:inufm tint'd hy ni,in:ii, m ids, miiiim:u ('., m Lewis- i.tiifi, ru i.ud the lnitni) i n 1'nti nt ii.iy hook. lie Aliuri'Mii I'H'it linen mom nny in (inw nitiiflit Hum th. llundel in lime. We nte hntls. e d it will takt'i"- mm h Imy into tin- mow its two )1 HiitMb i. tn ui..v.'. We uin'i haw it cuittns v. imi p.nnit it eniu t iu nem us i nv k tint t'lieei'ftill recommend H ns Ihe hvst liny foil! mil Unite wc hnvp t sei -i i n. t . JtirrK JiKNW U, 111, l , f . II MtltlON, W, II, ICuor.a John Dovk, John Dktkiuck, Junim, .Nohi. 11, l)IOt.KMJLI,Ut, Hvuvimnu l't usvu, MinllAVI. II Kri.i.H. JottN WoLl'. 'I Ikiv n Ihri nt ii nut ii I lire Hie eelebrntt .1 I'.uekoM! KcntH'r otid Mouci, tmd other nui'U'Ultui'nl imnh- E8UV AliMfllKl) 1; .iOi'.DAN Iir.nl I '.I.l'., wnoi.rs.ArE oi;ih ri'.'-. and Ileuli l' in SM.TrrailK ANll imi.MsTONl.. No a Kulth Thin! 11 l'liilaik'h.lni.. J P. BTCAIM), Slllll I.II'l'I.Ni HI',', I I. A I o llW'Ul.ltllnt 11, and In 't 1. llcnlclslnl 1IA1V. I'.M"- FIT.S AMI -I HAW (lOOlfrl '.tiil laiki'l sin et, Tlllladelpi'l '. gYlffill, IlAItniR A HABSlVn IlllllllUgU' t I i"0 I 1-1.1 Hill aWll HuVh ( ".O'l ,vniiN(j, NosVWMaitirt m nil .( o lulu nn i t'o Irt-et I l-I.IN IHntiln at G. l.AT.ON ( O., Mftnol . Im. . "Il.f IOT1I- AMi I"-'!" tt ll-l. ,IIM V,.. I 'I VlHll i ainniw, 'I i mi Mr -el t WAl.'l I K, Ijite V ' I I. ' ' Kiulh, in. I I 1 1 i in iMi i,fl I Intgoit i IIIWA i.l t- an North 'I h 1 ' i-1 ', It, It'lllNB. NimHWM, WIUK1NS A CO., rOHKION AND DOMIMl'it IlitY UOOIl Ko.nnMnrkithlirrt, I'hlluilelphln, JOHN NTHOUI' A CO., ic ti' 'ii.up.l Ihoihrr, S Hiil.i HI M.I I1 ' IN 1'IHII.I Mo.' li r.inl. i N,Hh Waltl 1 it'ladVphln, IMI l t'O - HI III). I I I- I 1 11.1 a o L n m i: da i. Till: llKAl'KftT! GROCERIES, &c, QONFllCTlOXi: 11 V. 0 Tlio inulorslnncit woukl lpanectfiilly nnuoimeo in tlio i.itbllc tlmt lio linn njinictln riiwr-ci.ASH coN'rixTiosr.KY sioiti:, In MiolmlMliialntolynoniiilKlliypffiiiiia Woli lur, wlioro lio la inrpnrcilta furiiluli nil lilmlauf l'l.AlN A rA.NX'V CANW1X, l'ltlJXCIICANDins, l'oitr.itiN a iiuMIwtil' rnuiTS,. NUTH, HAIShV, AC, AC, AC BY VHOI.rsAI.r. Oil HKTAII. t.. r..ll I,,,,.,,! ,,r nil rftrl 111 hla lino nf liualno". A Brent nrlcly ol l)01,I,f, TO YM, AC, mltiililoforlho ltnllitnya. l'nrllculnr nttrntloti KH'en to 11 ltll A 1 A Nil OAKl'.K, of nil kliula, fi-oRli cury day, II li I HTM AH OA N I I 1!H, U 11 I HTM AH T II H. A mil la aollpltoil. nll.l iitlafnollnli will lo giliihinloi'il. Nm. S3, M". t'.i IttlAIIT IAI Dl'" 1 1: i o v a ii o r O. (', M AKR'H X E V S TO It 15 TO N It I V ." II , O OA", OVTIlHlollNKU OP MMtKKT ANII I ICII V aTltllSl. The ntiiloralKiioil lmtim eh oil Irnm I ho ell 0 full mill oonipli'lo atipiily ol .SI'ItlNd ANil CfMMIlll DRY (UK)IJS AND UltOClOItlKH, N (1 T I 1) N H, TIX-WA11K AND IIAUD-WAHK, ri:i).tn .i.vi ir..nii,.ir.i;;;, COXI'r.CTIO.VI'.llY, OLACS-WAltli, T () II A C C (), 11 A T ,S ' A X J) ,V U O -' S, 1'I.OUIt, HALT, 1'IHlI, ANII MIIAT, nil of M-lilch I iroposn at-lllhSittn vorylnu' llgtlro lor cnali or proihirt-', i.5-full nml ate. April I.', Iv,7. C C JIAUlt. KltXAIlD STOIlNElt, WoiiM rivpeel fully nniioiincetnhlafrleiiilaniiil tmllona, that ho hiia opcuoil n (hat-elans 1'ItUITit CON V ICCT10X Kit Y STO U 1 wherolhci.1 mny he lounil m nil limed, n llnoeol leillouof rnuiT, coNi'nfTin.Ni.uv, xrw, ao., na well na l'ISl! tmoccrtiKs, which mny ho nljtnlneil at reniioiinblo rnton. Tho Mod; lanhvuys fresh nml nr the very bout quality. Xo p.ilna will ho npnre.1 In mnko thla ostnb Hlnnent tho Uio t of tta kin I In t Kvn. A c.ill la laolicltel liof.irn purclinaea nro innilo elaowhere, aa It la lielieveil Hint porreet Klllafuetlnn will ho Klven. tOI.t'MtHA ItUUHIl, M11I11 a!., oppallo Mlllela (atoic, nuall'OT, lllonnwbui'g, I'u. QCIIIOIili, liEItOER A CO., (inXilllAIi CO.MM1HMION MEItC'IIAXTH Ilc.ilers hi 1'IHII, HALT, CIIi:lJal;, PUOVIHONS, if., Koa, 12." nml 121 Km Hi Vhnrven, nbovo Arch Ht, l'hlln.lclp'ilii. Solo net lits lor Wlleox s Wheel OrCMe, In hnr lola, Iioks, nml calif.. yAixwitiniiT a. co., w ii o i. i:h a i, r. (ikouiihh, '. 11. Coiner laeeol'il nnd Arcli Micela, l'lllLAliF.M.lll , llcaliis In TI1AS, hYltUI'M, I'dlTIli:, HUaAlt, JIOI.A'-HIiV i:ick, Min.K, nr ('Ann soda, .u., ac. fin. Orders will lecclve piompt nttentlon. Mny 1", 17-ly. H. with V. I'KTHIIMAN, i.irriNforr a tkoti'kk. WIIOI,i:.HAI.i: (iUOCKHH, No.21Noilh Water latliel, and Xo. 'JO N'oitli llelawiiro Avt Phll.i.lelphln. "yKAVKIl A SI'UAXKI.i:, wnoi.i:.sALi:oit(i Kiiir-i vnim ommiisiov Ml.ltt'lIA.NTs, Noa iiiinii' rch sine! (Mill i.li-'pli. i DRY GOODS, &c. G" AND Ol'KXIXCi UllANMi lil'DMNII UltAN'K (II'IINIMI (lllN-l III'IININU 1,11 Sli Ill'KNIN'd I'AI.I. AN'll WIXTKII (I0(1I)J. I'M. I. AMI WINTKlt (i(ii)lw, I'AI.I. ANII WIXT1.I' (IOOIW, I'AM, AMI WIM'lill (iOOIK, I'AI.I. ANII WlXTl.Ii OOOIN, conslsllnu or cowMhiK of cotlstlng ol OOUaWlhi'J of eolialatlli of IHtV tlOOll.-l, iiiiv noons, 1111V (JOOIN, IIIIV (IOOIIM, 1HIY (100DS 1 1 AIM AMI CAl'M, HATH AMI CAl'M, HA'Ift AMI ('AIM, HATS ANII (IAIK. 1IAT-S AMI t'Alia, HOOTH ANH H1I01X IIOOTH AMI MIORS I'.OOT.S ANII MIOIX IIOOTH ANII KIloKfa llOoria ANil HIIOIW, Iti: A 1 1 Y-M A HI 1 I 'I,OTl 1 1 Nf I, IlllAHY-MAlii: I I.O I'll INI 1 HHAHY-M IH' ( I.OTMINO, IU:aiY-M Mil CI.OI NINO, i:i:.miv-maiii: i i.ci niii, I.lllihTN'l. dl.Al-'-r'- l.OHU 1 .1. 1.1 l 1 iKI ,' 1 I V- ,1 , 1,11111 V' 11. 1 l.ill )! j I a HARDWARE Si, CUTLERY. ilAULIM W.SNYDEll, ruAi.KK 1H II A 11 1) W A It 15, IltOM, NA11.H, KTHBL, AC, AC, AC maix sTitrxT. iii-ooMfliiuito, i-ukk'a. Tnlto llili mi'lliml of informing the cltlnnaorcn. lumliliimiily.thutlio Ima oponod on oxtonslio llnnlwnronlori on M.iln -troot, In llloom-.lmrg, nonr Iron nlroi 1,11ml 1l1.1t lie Inn on hum! 11 i,Aittii:it Mroi k ami 1iKTvr.1t AHmTr,D than ran Lo riiunil nn win re olc In llioconlily, nml which ho Inlonili to ai II nt prlcca wliloh loiy comtii'llllon, f MI A INS. AXES. STliF.U IltON. 1 hnvo rhnliia, nil lws. nxo, nil mnko nml woiglil, "tool, nil aln a, lion, nil .lraroa, nml U ery low. 111! 1 1.PKK'H II A ll av a n p., ..r ovcry ih aoilpllona. Nulla, nxn pniieyn, mw i oonla, IntohiNloi'ltannilUniilia.lmll mn,HHta I ftiata, wlinlitis aiuinir. "101 bwi'w,.ifip ...uij .,i... h.H.i... nml nMn.lt". 11ml inflict n.l Mm.. - rriAi ll A MIIIV MAUhll. AH' WAIIB. I oininiii'iiiii niiiioM ii-ii ilii- in linn uni- vino 1 1 1 Mt N I - - MAK ,11-a II AIll'W AIU5, im .1,1,. ii,,m,iiii,ii im..kl,. aller nlnloili Wtt rrvory k.ml . Uahw.. Iron , n,l troo, , IUMps .,l 1 Hnilillo irooa. nl inoa. lrn, wch, womtert Kim .iiiton 1 tliioml, ilk; .in la ,,11,1 no. illos, t.inla nf nil hlmla. HlKlKMAKEIfH I1ARDWARR, A full naaorliiieiit fnrciirpciileni. I luiveplnnt nil Uliiita, nwj lintnl, nnel, rtr,niKlcornimw, miimiea-nloel. Iron, nml tri 1 Imrlug machines, chlalea, iillKera, boaela, lnnllot,"Crneea, gnttgeft, pliiwn, rulw, blla, nml iibont ovcrythlnit futmr tlitern, i-OU THK 1'EOI'I.E Ol'.Nl;ilAI,I,Y I have conl Inula, conl RilOVela, Mi'OopB, eonl SlItLls Inlil- crna.tnble cutlery.pocltDt iiillcr-, liluteil apomia, pluloil forka, nervera, ten r ml eof H!epoU,biittorknHea,nillliiwn, cross cut snws, elrcitlnr saws, sang Hows, lllea, liorao shoi a(wrohchea,rlvota,!innl hum, littleliotsiii.itlucka, picks, forks, emb htUB lines, almvnla, simili a.apnillni! forks, boe, mltea.bcil 1 Ilia, ttt hi",hl.litf 1, )ilo s, rofllu Irlm iiilnira, Kio-ry, nil ih.ilk, uhile 1 linll:, who, ltoi-e n.ill ', incut entiora, tthtc, wnah boards, hore bin kel, wnti'len pnlla, dollies piua. ylu.i, dour null" pou-li iiista, ni h.r mala, corn poppers, point l.ruahea, liorxv bruaiiea, sleliih tielLa, heel euUtfi, cnnnlel r.l kettles, I irai.- kult'ca, copper ki tiles, Htewkoltlea.MincB pana.bi'ml iixes,'.i'i'.!w, Wcdijeii, curtain nxturea, Tlllmblo'-hi Ins aud la.VS I'uiop, leu. Ipe,ele., Tnrrcil rope nml bun Iroli of mIMi . i't .ran mernleil cou.ittuitb " 111 111 Afli: W'.t X1IMI'". '.lain 'r. 1, 1.." i'iiOhi : .KOHGE II. llOUWlTN, Iliiporlii'nnd liiitiu u. 11 AlinWARfi, C fTI.l:HY, GfN , itt, No, 811 North Tlilnl Sti tt 1, aho e Vine, riilkulolplilii. JAIOH IC. HMtTlI. J. II. BH.TZBII g M I T H & B F, L T V. E II, linpoili'isilltd Di alcl-hili 1'Vilclgn andllulmsllc n a ii i v a n n, 0 I'.N S, C l' T I. E li Y, AC, SO. MUN.TIMIHIKIUI rr, All.rAM.OM'ltll.r., l'lllI.ADllI.l'HIA. Nov. 2,lJ7-ir. IRON, TINWAR.E, jTATIONAli KOUNDHY, llloomhurR, t'nlnnihlit Couuty, Vtu The HUbsmher, propnetfir ot Cho above viumI i-.iti'ihho estahllshmeni, In now in'eimrod to re reive oi'di'ii foi nil kliuKwl .M VCIIINKUV ruUCOUJIUUl-X, lUiAh-T rUXAl'lv1-", STATIONS UY KX(iINI4, , M 1 LliM, THTlKSJll NO .MArJlINKH, &v lie U nlhu niepnred tomnke Htoves ol nil hlBoi 1 and t'Httt ins, How-irons, und everythiiiB usually iiiiuU1 in iHht-fluNf roumlrlcK. Ills ccnKlve fiu'llltlos nud piutft!rl worltinon wnrnint him In receiving tho lnrgit continctN on the in out icnsonnblo terms. ciroln of nil kinds will he tnkeu In erhnnfsc for Castings, ThlmslnMlKhnionf is lm"iltd neat tin LncU wnnnn and J!loomNt'UtK It-tHrond Liepttt. I'KTKK KILIiMYTH. QTOViiS AND T1NWAUJ3. O r Inimounoes to lila fticndi nud tuateuieiu that t'oiitlimeri Iho ubove ImMiiew at his old place on 3 IAIN FiTUl.-!. llW)03IHBUUa. Cm tomora can bo accomodated vlih of nil khulH, Htnvei)Iie, Tinware, nud every va l lety of nrl lele loimd In a BU o nnd T luWQt'e It- Uibllshmcnt In theeitlcH,and on ihcmosi reason ahlotpmi'!, UeiiaiffnBdonoattheMtortCKtnoUc", 3 JjOKEN MU.U-J'ANB on band for tsale. STOVJi ANH TIN SHOP. OS MAIS STBEKT, KEAltT.Y Ol'POSlTB JIIUjER' b'CUUls, IHiOOMBm'Btl, I'ENK'A. The nudeKlSieirriii'. Jui.t fKUstl nn and opened hia novf STOYK AND' TIN SHOP, In this pi, , , m j,. (. he u prepnreil in make up iit'W'l s i i.rallliiuda In his Hue, nun do 1. 1 nil i ,i v iih maiui's and dispatch, upon tin ii.t.v' i , , .. hu i, in.-. He also kei ps oulinnd -i'iVIS nr Al'lol I- I-ATTKllNK i: KTYMJH, 1 1 ' I i I ! . " i i .ii ti mis tomlt i nrehnsors. I i.t l.iii 1 l.i l a K'iiiU Ulei'liauii', unu I ' i i i .i i .uioungo. a.i li aii;fi, 1 i . , 1-1,7. lilut ii CD iOO & 8EGrAR8, '1, ('K . Mi ClaAKM, I SU UKTAIU I. '.tlBR'B, ' Atoerletu) House, i .'-t solnetuf 1 WIXQ TO11ACC0 ' of lllooinsburK, All . IIIH, i, -I, I I'lllg V . I'OBAC't'O, II ' I'll'llB . i.in ' his lnri;e slot It, 'ITO CAM.. II. II. nVNSHEIlUIlll. vl ' , i ft a i v I O.HNUH'', ASH IrluI'riK 1 1 aud liiee, west sale, ,.lilu. ii"i 1,1 1 K, li. .dels lu ItS I'H'Fj, At'.. AC, . , l, hIkjvu llallitl, i 'phis, wimi ". i i(. r i IM I l i l n' ii spectfully iiunouuce i : aud the public KC - , i, , 11 Hi! i 1 ti t .MSB "vTt. a. .Tio. i - ;.r"' aa i . , dlilcrtnt lallroudde lie v ill' ! 't tlf, toeouneet Willi 1 1 Hi i nud inn ,'Ni'ilin I ii and West on lue Catu 1! illioiul, nud with Ibose ,,n II e f..u'l..iwunnn Inn hui" IU 11 laOmiiihii I i , 1 1 unlit mil, comiiio i ' . h.u ,i u naouiiblt., r i i . I In ir li u ml ! I I' i i n I 'i lb i , , n.. nt. I (i.l I r and ' nili - m It, c tu DRUGS &, MEDICINES i a V E V 0 U It M 0 N II I U It II A T I N I' V (' 1- t T Hl 0 n r.A r k n 1 n rr i;i N T H" 0 1! K A T II R T 1 N 1) V I'll M 11 N T Hit I AT run oiiU lmro htoiib ok li. N. MO Y Hit, mM ,hc tlAmmT ,i,i mar As- iBW - 1!M twr offered In tho cltMtonn of thla inmily, of lttltgll, tlioinlonl", Oil, VArulalicM, lim"i w.i nii- iiriianca, IyoHulli, Mixed i'alnla, nil of wnrrontKl na pure anil tinmliiltornM-n. 1" nnd imgeiil tocK 01 FANCY A 11 T I C ti 13 H lobe found lit this or ncljnlriingcoiintiea lernttner', Hnlr Uyes, Fancy Him, nrtmlies, Com1, Coametlea, UnlrOlIs, Toilet Alllclea, Btnllonory, I'ockct Hooka, T0 11A0C0R H, MinoUlnr ami ebowlnn, Clgnrs of nil ilmerlptlonii, ripos.Clgnr Holders. HO0H1311O1,1 AUT1CI.1X. Lifmpa, nssorteil slfea ami styles, Lamps, cntM.tm'S, sitAnns', iibiwkiw, MISCEtLAXEOUS OOOIiS. PpoiiBon, Chamois Skins, aithetem, - Blenhiina, Hyrtnges, llreustl'unips, llllbher flooils, Truaaes of all opproved patterns Ac, Ac. I, I (J U O It n . A lint' naaortnient of ure Uijuorafor incdhnl purpon") eonstnnily oh hninl nml Uo beat known kinds of hTOMACH lllTTlSKf. l'Aii.sr MEiiicisiaol eory iliKilplion, in tluilhig tho host vnrlotles or pllla nnd tonics, physician's l'ltLsi'iiifrtoNs rAHr.ri'i.i.Y rui:- I'AUl.D. No such stock lias ever bttn punuliil to llio pooplo of tills section of country. Tlio prices nro iw small ns the hlock Is lnrfe. Tlio ll'Asfemlc VI fnro molo f.ivorablo to tlio pnrcliiisor thnll ever, as .arrniigeim nla lm o liei n .tTivlcd wllh thewholnalo ilcaK-rs in the linger lilies, so Hint Klioils call be 1 loclired lu lllotilila bun? na cheaply as In Now Yolk or riillniUlplila, Itn Counliy di.'lom ore (nnnally lmlted lo atuily their own Inuircta, b" examining Ihla slock. Ilcmembcr the place llM'llAMM: lll.oiu ahno llxcknnri' Hole), Mam .Inn. ill, Wis. no, i Mot t, r.ioomsburg. VECfETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE Mi RAGLE CI THE AGE! i'ny-XJctuli-l I'ctiiilc Imic their locks rcstortil by It to the r , i droits, ulLcn O'fjseJ of youth, ami aie h.ipi'i I Young l'coiilo,wltlii7..'.i'i('ori'iMl.ilr, li.ive those unfasliioiuihle inlora ck.ingeil lo a beautiful auburn, unit rtjoite! People tiliose heaila are nivirnl Mtlh Vantteuff uni Humors, u c ii, ami h.no clean co.ita ami clear anil lieallliy tcalpi! Ilnltlelli-nctuU VctoratiH liaie llicir vciimlnintr locks tt'lnuml, mul llio bare spots covered trlth a luxuriant (.-ninth of Hair, nml d.mco for joy t Young Gentlemen use It becauso it is richly perfumed ! Young Lollies use it beeaun' it keens their Hair in place! liveryhotly must and will iie it, because It ia tlio cleanest and beJ article in tlio market I rev Sals by Druggists generally. AS 11 t on HAUE nv T N. JIOYI'.ll nnd 11. 1". I.ITZ, HiuKitlstH, lllooiiisburit, and 51. M. liItOIMii', CuIiuvKmi. jiiuuuiyi;i, Ksoa-:!, WUOLKHAI.U & I1KTAIL D 11 UOfll S T, fOUNEB Of StAl.N ANII M.UIKCT fjTl.lllir.H, 11L00JI11U1W, l'A., Wlicro will he i'ound a large and siiect stool: ol Jlmtfsi SIKDICINES AND OIIUJIICAI.S. Also nil tlio PATENT StlSDICISKa Of TUT. 1) IV, 1 am also prepared to furiileliConntry Stores with Castor Oil, Oodrroy's Coullnl, TUnMNaSTON'H iiausam, and all other medlelnta kept In their lino nt City prices, ta. Inscriptions carefully lompoundcd nt nil hours. In medicines, quality Is of tho first Importance, llioonisbum, Juno", 1SK7 E a v a it's COM MlllCI A r, 51 A .VUHI1H, A3 Wo announce to farmeis nnd dinlcis In I'Vi tllters, that tho followlm! pi lees lunobcen ail.. pled for tho present spring season i UAL Oil HAW llO.Ni; I'llii-ai'ii.vi Ji l'llce, e,Opcr;,Wulba. HAiion'rt i iih'aoo iioxii I'r.nni.izi: I'rlco, l(l per 11,000 lha. hauoii'mc iikiaoo iii.ooh manuiu:. l'llce, SJJ per yxw lbs. Tola iipll-kiioM n Doiiular Irade.tualk will bo found upon i veiy pni Kane of the above manures, 'Ihc bli.ll I tlllilltU.il lu vhllll IHtdll'H Hun jhMiii- ii.iac Iii i u l.ild.ilurlni! nuuliiii eai ' , ue ahull nill lU'iniii .ii un lining-, ii... iii verthe 1 1 'in' i . urn l ui i In Mini usouicia in. arh oi i n ,", i oi iiiiiilliliiK Ainiiiniiia .uni B 1 1 I 'in ' '"'"n l'lt6lJl.ll, 1.1. i. d, ic, W utUJ i il.s iii I'hllaili itliSltnr luiiii'iiii) il f-e iplll , ltlll!l,' llllllllllll, l. I I,". I, AC, Ml" IIIIM', ill ii.iii"iii..'i Hilt llilll.l, ll'1-iiui.i-si luvii- e maiiuii , at Ihe above loWTitlci . . , . , llumui Kill", I'lliiliuei "I". , , , NotTii-WeMein l-'iUlllnni.' Co., t llleugn. John Unison A (''., Oi hi nil Aijls., .New W. 0(ii. i V. Mike A Co., " Ins on. Oeniui IHu'lule, Wholesale AKl.,lliilllmoie. l'or hiliiiiiinl'on lisnecllim Ihenboao Miillll i', llddleaa ellhcrnl IheuboM' houses, 'Jan. I na-nn. "i ltMliltUiSTKH A lmOTUKU, linportcis and JoUbtis of HOBjrfllY, tlLOVW, Wtillllia AWH ini.1" ' IirrfoNH, HI'KI'CMIKUH. 11001- SKIllTH, UANIIKi:UCIlli:i's ........ ui.'u.iviii.M i.'a 1 111117, ' " ' '1'HIM.MIMIH, I'Ollll. M. AN All S WIAIH rnni''L'Ml,UY, CAM i.hhI'S AM' NonuNiaOKNI.il M I.L Also M.iuuraclurers or KltUHllI ANU I.OOKISO l.l.AKSEH, ami Dealers In WOOD ANII WIU.OW WAIIH, 11BOOMM, HOI'I J. TWI NIW, Al . No. 'JUO Mm Hi Tlilid Blreet, above vine, I'lllUvlelpllln. iu 7ku Tiios'i Hueeessor. to I'lunlflln r.Hellrcr A Co., lio portent aud NYlioleule IXnleis In l.KJCOllH, WIXI, A'',, Ktw, UOnad 112 Xoi 111 Third Htnel, I'bllntlelphla, Ui ne. the and iy( jr. MAitl'hi:, V, n K iNH, IIOSIIUIY, (ll.OVI. AN1 J ANfi t.'OOIII, ; i .iN.'iili'tulnlWicel, l'l 1 Ic i; hln.