THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUItG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sfhc Clf o I inn b t a at; HI.OOMMUUII, I IIIIIAV, Al'Itll, 111,'n,. TiiKiulvcrtMiiiriiiliimiHuf u nuws pnpcr viiiiiprlxu thu luifdiifss history uf the riitllttry. Till; liiipiui'him'iit (rial upoiud fur tlHMlcfoiiM' yi-li-nlny. We will Klvi! piirtlfiiluri ni'Xt K'k, O.V lul TIiiimiI i.v lift m.Ult ilcpirtcil nor woro ri'icivi-d nt IhU plaw over tltn Ij. A II. It. U. Tlio I'Atmi ls;tli to Ik tilts hIischiv of tliti mull ugcnt. AxoTitnn Ciiitstv. A plmi tonmkc n new HiMltiomil I'oiuily out of parti of I,aii(a-lcr ami ork U mm to lit In pro Kr.'si, vv It It C.ilumtil.i ns tho county Kill. Dr. II .Uli.Mtl. nvhin i.iiioviiI hi ollk'i' from the Kxt'liniiRP Mock to thu fianu- litilltllinj twitr MlllcrN t-t.ire, -formerly iiicil hy Mr. riuui-tiHii-hop shop. Wi; would lull tin nttfiithm of our niuli-r.-. to tin-mlvcrllt'iiicnf of Mr. Ihirliimu in iinotlK'r i-oltiiiiii, mul to tho fact that hi-Inn rciiiovt'il lil-i stoic loM.iln Street In-low Market. ''Mi,.ni;v favcil it money cirncd," I I.v Inlying Painty, Oil, coIoih, kIh-is iliulilriitr-i ut IIcimIi'inImiiN I'm inn icy, wlicr .every aitlclc Is Mild at the vet y lowest rate-", money can lnave l. Trv It. Tin; hoy.t of town liavc tiil.m up a htili-erlption In re-pidnl and lcpnlr the olil Hit-i lijillic, and to ptiivhiiM. aildl llonal lin-p. It Is a move in the ilj t tlltcctlon, and in ca-ool'n lire wedouht not tho hoys will do!lent service. Tin; widow of a Colonel of IlllimN, Infantry N peddling plelmes in llull'.i lo. llntl. lUfliiiiiiic Oh, that'.H nothing! The whldy of a former President of .ionic of tho Slates H pcddllnjr old clothe-) In different pnrli of the country. L. T. KltAitrt.r.-s still holds forth at tho old stand, itnd it Mil a-loni-tilnr folks hy lite cheavne-s of his noml-.. Tliey liuve ln'Oli selected with tiR'nn-iit-et euro and will stand the closest in spection. Yi-it him, and you will not regret It. SiT.lNd Srvi.f.s. Oar IVIend and in fact "every hody's friend," . lienihcr 1 in is on hand as usual Willi n Ini tio und hclter aortinent Hun ever, of .Spring (joods. In tho s 'lection of the-e kiiimIs lie has e.ercl-cd his well known i;ood tii-to and judmetit.atid now offers them to (he pulillc with n perfect conlldenie In their work, (live him a call ami he will cerlalnly pl'ic-e you. Mil. KcKll.M'.T Jacoiw, wouhl call theiittenllon of (he aihlic lo Hie newly e-lahlllied llakery in connection with his Confectionery, lie Is now prepared to furnWi l'ie-h Itreail, ItollMitttl Mills, cult dully. Cu-lomer can have Bread left at their hmi-es hy leaving tlielr names at the Store. I'.iiilcular atlen tinn will h.'p.iid to Imtli plain and fancy Cukes ofall kinds. i to tiii; Si'ami-.s. Somi people never think of a revenue Mump on letters: yet some letters require Mumping as much us a nolo or deed. Under tho Internal revenue luv.v, let tersackiiowUdiring tlr. n celpt of cither drafts, checks or money, exceeding twenty dollar, aw Mibject lo a stamp duty oftwo cents, the -alne as if u for mal i receipt had hren given lor so much money. This fact l- sometimes for gotten, or Is not known' oven by good business men. Ox last Saturday our citions were gratllldl by the sight of the new lire engine, "rrieiid.-ldp." II seems to be in Bond older, is as neat as a pin, anil altogether a biuid-oiiie piece of ma elllnery, and loii-ldei-ing Hie ilii'lcnlly of supplying II whli water, wor'id well. Its utility would be va-tly iu creacd if we bad lire plug-, a - a' pies- out viiler nint be carried lo the engine, mid then thrown onto Hie tinmen. Wa ter works are a neee-dty lo Hie to.v , mid wo truM It will soon be lidded with tho other projected iinpiovemenls, Tin; demolition of old hou-i's in Illooui-hiifg lids spring, removes thu oldcM buildings in tho town. Tho old log boiisu taken down by Mr. Kuhn was, wo believe the Hint erected here. The one taken oil' by Mr. Iirower near Till; CoM'Miu AN olllce has been built about forty years. Wo wl-h someone of our old citizens who know the hM'o ry of thu buildings hero w ould sit down and wrltu it out. It would be exceed ingly iiitcrcMiiig. Mr. M'Kelvy, Mr. John It. Moyeror.Mr. Jiiitlce Clieni beilln could do It correctly a'lil Inlly. Imimiutan-t 8ai,i:.-Ou the illtli of tho pre.-ent inonth .Mr. A. S. Uc.-ter, will oiler for sale at Ids rciilenee In Madl-oii Township, u large lot of hoii-eliold goods, u splendid collection of funiituie, almost new ami of the hcM make. Al-o a farm of sixty nine Here with dwellinglioii-e, outbuildings elc. all in the be-t order and tliuiougldy furnl-lieil. This is the best opportuni ty ever presented lo clti.oiis of Col- j iiuibla County, to purehu-o tine good. lit. )n. K. W. Wi l.l.s, sticces.-or to Dr. V. C. llarii-oii, has n moved to the house forineily occupied by (i, W, Col Inmer, on Centre St., below Third, one door below I'eler Ulllmycr. Otlb o at lKiidcrshott's Drug.Stoie, on Main St., op(ioslto thu American House. Olllco hours ut House, ftoni 1 loL'i'.M.,ut Drug Mine, from 7 to S p.m. All orders U II at either place will receive prompt til telltlotl. N. II. Special ullciitlon given to the study and irealment ol'lhe llrulii, Heart, lllood, Skin, and lo Scrol'uloiisdi-t ,i-e. N..nMA.,M.o,,, .--A l.leitlngtof the lllv,,.i. of It iwiiiihIiiii-i. l"l 11,1,1 til Itlll " , ,, ,,. , . , . llll il UOU-UO. . I.S,,, ..,, ,S ,,, 11,1. ail.l . , l . 'viti .. . HUH a nee iiiic!cu,iug;u in iiiiiion ii was unanimously HfMttcett. "rinit tn thu vli-w of thN UH'fMm; R Is iiUdit to hIuih1 i utul hoeuro tho tttUo Xoriuul M'IhhiI In HlonninhuTKi A Coniinlt ten nniIrttInp;of lrSi'hii" lT. KaiUTk' t. Ivvt-r, iMtlah Muirriihiii'h anh .1. il Rohhlns. wcro aiipointtMt folli'lt riih-i-Ti)Unin autiiuri.ln a tax on Mih-oiiht'rs irod'ity to ruiM tht-lr iironitiaoi iiioii(iiuo,tiu wnwn n (tilrnl to put up tho hulhlliiKH ; I ml a mi) to In rui-t'il hy foiituhutloiii fllioii. hhiiuhl any ho nonlnMl uthli. lionah Vinti;ii still llnners vigorously In thu lap tifMprliiK'. Two Inches of Ice, mill thrceofsiiow Interfere comldoruhly wltli thu garden making tendencies of our people, Wll learn that the contract for carry lliir the malls from this place to Iltlpert, and to tlio I.ackawaunii A-lllootushurt,' It. It. Slatlon,hus hevn awarded lo tleo. II. Iliowu. V.N i r,l. In order to complete our files, wo want Not., 1 1, HI, U7, .'II, !12, il:l, til and 111, of tint Coi.t "MIAN mililMicil In ISW1 liy (leo. II. Moore. Any person sendltii? the iiiMni; ituinhcis will ho stlltahly rewiirded. It. (lonnv for April has come to hand, contalnlni,' everything that tho numer ous lady friends of this well rstalillshed magazine desire In its line. A line steel (MiKttivhiK entitled " Tho Hustle llelle," the nnuil colored fashion plale, beside i many patterns, iigctiernl !i-oi'l-incut of reading matter, etc., arc some of its principal features. Terms, 93 per nullum. Address I. A. (lodoy, Phila delphia, or apply nt our bookstore. Xr.wsi-A Ki'o.voKits, There are many peoplu in the world who make a biMiuss to sponge the reading of their county paper without any e.vpen-o to llicinolvo-. They are found wherever Hie paper Is left In a shop, olllce, stoto or barber -hop, and often borrowing It before the owner has an opportunity ol seelnif It. This is done by very many ho are abundantly able, and wlin-o du ty would set in to bo to sustain their enmity paper, by subscribing and pay ing lor It. (illATtlTlliS A N II l'KNSHISS. The Lcul-laturo of I'eliiisylviililu has pn-ieil an net giving the Soldiers or their Wid ows of (he War of IS1U rcMiIliijr In this State a gratuity of I'orty dollars mid an minimi pension of I'orty dollars. Tho-o who received thegratuily tinder the lust law cannot get It again. No oiiu is entitled who is pn--csed of real and iieisotial property to tho value of S.'illO. New ulipllcatlons aro to be niadi! be fore tlio Court of the county, except in ea-eof I'hy-icil Disability which must be proved by two wltne-ses. Am m; or Catholic ami I'ihuikix r.r.s. While making a pcech in favor of lhe new fegl-tration law, now before (lie Slate Legislature, John Hickman made a most liiller tis-.uilt upon Ciitlio lies and Foreigner.-.. He (Iceland that (( IK g'o ifiM ( Ihcin a Culiolic lrtelt hum. On being Interrupted by a Dem ocrat, he b' came still more violent In I. N language, binding the negro and denouncing Iii-limen and (icimnn", Tbl.. is an exhibition of thu spirit w hicli animates the leaders of the Until cat party. Some of them try to conceal II, but the old virus of Know -Nothing-l-m rankles in their vein-, and will show it-elf. Tin: ,Sr.Ti: Tax iji I stion. M tlioiiKlt Hit1. Stuli' fhiinis ili.u tlio (.'nun I.v of t'nliiiiililii ri'iii.tiiis Inili'liti'd Id il fur iinpnlil taxes, In tin- nnioiint of M ci'.il tlmiHunil ilnlliiri ; it is not to if Inl'irnil tlnri'lroni, Unit tho Mini m dnlnu'il is in tin.. liiiniU (if tln C'olU'il- (it-s of the County, or of tin- Tri'iismvi-, lull1 or pivscnt. Tliu-o luivcni'V- L'l- !i"cn l.ilil, iis-jcsscil or I'ollocleil ; (ho Hinlc .simply sii.Vs tlii'.v oiifflit lo liuvn lii'cn j llnil tin1 comity is lei I ti i tit-i 1 1 , not the ollkvii- tlii'i'i'iif. All thu mom y lis i s-i-il f,n-.-ftatf imri ..sis nnil colli u i il, lias Ik in p.ilil ovit, nnil noiu- wliat-i-M i-ri-in.iiiis in tin- liauils of tin- olil-lei--. Tin: Diamond Dii'i;i:xs. -a Talc of TWO t'itll'S, mid ( i:vpi'i'tatloiis Tl.c twi'll'ili volmiic of tin- Dlanionil IMiiion of Dicki'ii'.s Works i-oiiliiins tlio two storiis tiitini-il uliovo. Tlio " Tnli' of Two i ilios" pli-lnri-s in n niii-l liowiTinliili'l (ji'iiplilfitMiincrtlii. rnn-i's nnil t'Vi'iits of tlio l-'ii'iicli lti'volillion, II is lioi-oiij;lil.v ili-amaUi-, ami, UioiikIi pnlnliiij; somi! ti'irllilc soi'nrs, Is lii-jtlr-i'il by u ifciiiiliii'ly liiiinano .spirit, "liii-iit i:.iii i-liilloiis" Is n story of prl- vnto llli', w llh plenty ol Iiiiiuor, nn In pi llions anil oii;lnul plot, anil Is nnn of tlio most ollVitlvi! sloilrs, both in iiiuriiiivo ami clmriiclor, ever writti'ii. Tlio llliisttatioiw arooxi'olli'iil, slrll; Intily in keeping; with the spirit of tho elinnieler.s anil scenes represented. The cost of each volume of lhe beau tiful Illustrated Diamond Dickens is otilySI.SU; plain edition, SI.!!."-. It can bo procured of iinyJiOuki-tiHn-. i" will bo sent postpaid hy the publl-lu'is, Tk-knor and I'ields, lloston. IM-tnam's Monthly Mnimidno uf Literature, .Science, Art, and national intercuts. Contents for April, 1MW 1st. A l'aper on Paper. Scheie do Veros -d. Absolution, ilrnce (.reeuwooill lid. its I'hllo-opliy. C'..S.iile.l- III. A Isit to St. AlVun's 1 1 l-tiii-y and rv. 1). I), llli New Yorli. .1. A. Spencer, 1). 1)5 ath. i The Princess Vnreda: l'.ut II. Ti Henry, (itli. Atiioni; the I'oor Wirt Slices. "Hi. I)l-appointtuci I.anke.ster. hth. Life in Ore: Irs; III. Yedn. C lin-. . Kllio The lVijiu and the TenipiiriilSuv ty. John S. ('. Abbot' lllth. Mr-. It. Il.Stoililerd. 1Mb To. it .Story ul'To-Day: (hap-. 11, S Mi. -A reep Into New Netl Two llundled Yeaiii(;o, , I luck. ISlh. Ac'lilents Will I Mrs. it. . Klnililiinl. Ilth. It tioii. I-:. S. liould. I-ith. In Thoni. Willie, l.ucy rottntnli Henry Ward lieecher. With trait. L'7lli. Monthhi Clirimlcla: 1st. Occurrences, -!d, l.liemti I'lue Arts. lib. Tiible-T.UI Tin: (Iai.anv for April mtal Steven Lawrence, Yeoman, 111 Kilward-, l With tin lllii-trnilon i ton I'ay. lid. Ilelure Cienius. Ill llurroug;ls, .'Id. I'artltig; In 1 1 tx 1 Tho-. Hitchcock, lib. Tho l'i ri.ii.,1-'. mn lu- i i.v i.'iiiwi. r.i , , w , , , I"1' 1-ttU'ls Ol till' Mls'l 1(,m.y ,)(A,))1),i -, ,r() j,,,,.,,,,, .,., .. Jlr J, IIKT Kill, Till Hatitfhteivil l'i man. Ry Raul AMKivk. Utlil thuc liriint'licn of oiir (lovi'iiimi'il John X. INmiiToy- luth, Wonll tliHrii. Ry R. (J. Whites Mthl CalltTlih'H. Ry V. R. Ahlt'iu MtiKM!nc niakliiK. Ry tlio Kditor.l to Xi'IuiIils Ry tho IMItor. prlto ?i a year ; m a nts u mul Iifi'Iul utttditlon N nilloil til u. cmuinii tfrtus with other iRht tl thu IVrlodlcals, hy whli'h a huvln oil ur quarter to ono-tlilnl Is rpiul.uu hy K'lilh'iH, Aihlifss V, (, A l- R. C'hl I Xo, ill) Rark Row, X'uw York, A HooKiV liAliliciicompau.v Isiimoiig the lule-t projects In town. The "lire siitencliliig" fsver Is at a high pitch, An Immense crowd was gathered tu IluIfaloSatttrday to witness the arrival of Weston, the pidcstrlan, Ilu accom plished the unprecedented task of walk ing (ino handled and three miles In twctity-lhreu litiiirsand lllly-elght tiiln tiles Inside of thu allotted time. To the weik, tin- worn, tuiil tho wea ry, the I-Mltor of the lloflitn llimiiln' says, "We can mo-t titiliesllatlngly lie omtnend thu Peruvian Hyiup, u iMiilet-t-ed solution of the protoxhlu of Iron, to all Hi- weak, the worn, and t lie weary, having richly experienced P.s lieni His. It pos-csses all the oitnlltle.s cl.dnii'i fir it by lis proprietor. (ii:f. lrr.Nitv II. Wr.i.t.s, of Ati van dria, was Sal unlay moinlng iipiolnled (lovertiofof Virginia byllcn.Sclioilold. He has been residing In Virginia since 1 !, is from Mlcblgiiu, and was n lire vi t llrlgndierdi neral In the t'tilud .Stales Army. lle nleis upon tin dtnles of his olllce nt once.- -',irio;.-. As Impm-lHiit di el-ion has recently been made by the Supreme Colli t (if Pennsylvania In reference t the llabll lly to taxation, by the county, of man. llfai-toi-ies established by r.illlotul com panies for the construction of rolling Mock. The companies may be author ized under their charier to carry en such works, yel only so much of their property as Is ludl-ipens.ibly necessary to running the road Is exempt from local taxation. The protection of the extensive piles of buildings put up by many companies falls upon the residents of the vicinity, mid it Is only fair Hint a share of the biiiden shall he borne by the ow ners. The stock of the corpora tion may lie owned by person living far removed from tlx' locality In ipies. Hon, and the tax upon the shares will not Insure to the benellt of Hi" county where the real estate Is situated. Thu cotttt hold that the property, which Is invti-i. iisi'iui ii.-, i-iiiiiiiing mi; i iioqirfi-y to (.oudticl its operallons more jirotlla bly and conveniently than when under the control of other persons, Is liable lo luxation. -Machine, blacksmith, car lienlerand ialnt shops fall within this description, mid must pay their shares of the loc.d rales. sr.. I,.. ... . ..... ... ii. 'I I . . 11 l l . l l . l, s . 1 1-1 ; (.1 1 1 , c eill , ncstly request every one of our r.wlpr.s to carefully pcruu Senator lhickulow's j eloqtienl and pnwe. fill -puvh against Hie bill to takelroni lln'Siipteiue t omt i til" Hie rnitctl Mutt njipellaie Jurl-d tlllll hi lllttll tt.t I III i"AMl . It U!U il.-. livi rrd uitu-li i.r-iiii.llt.i(Ioii ' I'll- -ii nit.iilly now ilnlln- i'.,n.-ii!iiliii , pii-li llii'ii- pints nnil plans n.ilimt rlvil lllirrty Hint no litnc Is itllnwi'i! tltu friends of Ihn C'on-tllulion to filucato themselves In tho various subjects -lint it i, neverthele-s, a niastii piece of so), id mid iniontroverlllile nrKinnent. It was unaiisweuil by tlic(ppo-ltion,iind will forever remain so, hut It will '.) lo the people every w here a- one of lhe must d.linaiiij; brb IV- that lia- yet been prepaied aj;aliisl lhe iiiniinal tis-iitl-aul-of tlio-e -afcKtiaids lo liberty mid life which the wi-e foil lull-is of tin' tlov eniineiit so carefully eslabllsln'il i.,rlhln pecjile, It ii cnlni and dhfnili d. There N nut ojie wold lu it ofieii'lve lo lhe meiii'iern of any purty, ntul il can therefoiv le nail anil should In- rend as a l'l( a lor nn inilepenileiil mid ptue jtl diclnry and n condemnation of thosu only who would nmke It oiiu rw'i-i- lei I'.i'iii beloti" l'i mil-parly or the o'h ir. I'e!.".-!ln '.." mm .fa lui.ip pel eh Wi- there '.nr.- a-k f"r .1 it : e'lernl perusal. '.(o i .V I'ni ii. l.olin Uvuo" says: 'l-'anio is. being; killed lu battle, and linvintr your u tine -Jiulli-il wron;; In tlie ( iay.ette." The iippropi'lailuii by oilier men ot I oiU'.s own lab il- Is -omi tleiu' akin to, Mich -uppo-ed ai.iiiiyaiii-i-. WieK be I fore hist w e sjienl a g,ood deal ol labor! and time in emu! 'ii-luj; and wriliti1; out for the ('(it.fMlil an the nn-Wers of tlie President In the inipeacliineiit nrtle lis. The success with which the wink was attended is proved by thu fact that last week, tlio Ttiiu-ii innock Ihhun-rnt mid "(. reoiiili'ir,' . viVI"im A h'tnu mil copied tho article entire in their columns ai ulitnrii-i, Xo creditor lie liiiiiwledtcenient I- made anywhere. Many of our eelning;es regularly and syslenuitlcally uppropri-ile our labors mid kIvo us no en dlt. There Is Mimellilnj; le uiucli of IhK Wo aro now publishing; larefiilly pre pared synopses of the Impeachment proceedi'ngjs; you are ai liberty to re publish them Kcutlcmcu, If you g,'lvo us the proper credit ; but surely common fairness and Justice should prevent the constant lllcliing; and crlbllng; lo which wo have been subjected. Sm , ! n- hi w in.-. ,M. w i nil Ii in l.i uw.nnu.'.iwmai.-'Fis ' 1808. TII13 COLUMBIAN. 1808. -)W IH TIIK TIMI! TO Kfllscltllll:. 'I'm: grand results of the late elections, which have revived tho drooping for tunes of the Democratic, parly, and have lidded to their Invincible stead fastness the ardor and lhe eonlldence of victory in nieeoi!lettipproachlng, been due, In Ho Inionsldeiable degree, to reinforcement from the ranks of our opponents-, but -these veiy reinforce mi ills, ns well as the putting I'ulli of our own Mrcnglli, to wi.lcli they are chlelly due, have been the direct conse quence of the systetimtle and well ill reeled energlw of vnrkm throughout tho country, who have labored while other slept j who see to-day the Ili-.-l fruits of tlielr lit I r, and wlionio ready ami eatf! r to pas forward to grander triumphs and flip Hind victories which will crown their noble foil. The same energy put forth now will b. am fuller harvest next Prill. The tide I with us to-day, against which we have been struggling for long and weary year. Taken at the Hood, it evW lead us on to victory. This Is tnoro necessary now than ever, for our opponents, rendered desperate by their lecent defeat", have resolved lo rule or ruin," and in order to retain power ate violating the fundamental principles of out- flovernmcnt. Not only tiro legally elected Senators mid members of the Hou-e of Itepre-enta-lives arbitrarily deprived oftholrseats, but ten sovereign Stales are dlsfrant Ids id, the Picsldent Is In ( fleet deposed, and arbitrary despotic power .placed In the hands of one man fiom whom there , .,.,,, ,.-V0M ,,, n,rvln0 rmt ls not ;tfe from these leveller ,-and tliey now aim lo make Us dccl-ionssub-ei vl enl pnitNun purposes. After-seven years' trial, our oppneuls have not only failed to restore tlie t'tilon, hut are dally add ing to our debts and taxes, and surely .......I.... It.n . ..r 41 ! ' l,M i' 11 iuimiii-1 iin iai. Tllm' N l't t '' Organize, ornnlze, orgiiul.e, and orgrintxc unit: i:.pi riencc lias taitghl Hint in Hie long intervals Lrlwcch notitleal eaitnmlgnsn. , ,, . ilwt,.m,,t.,iltvso i.olent n, ! " -'" iiou-.-imt-iT, wlilili W' !! niim lo the lionn- llu-lilc, nml l eie, w ith truth nml ciiency,set- forth the fads of tlie country's condition, mid applies to them Democratic principles, Xo power is to be compared to this for making Democratic vote. One dollar .-pent for such a weekly vl-itor does mol e than U n dollars .-pent in any other way. Such Is the opinion of lending; slat; snieii of our par'.. ; such h.i- hern tlie -i!ecesful practice of our opponents. Can thi y nut beiuitdnnewith thelrown weapons, by g;clllng; togjether the active Demecrat.s of utch District, hy dividing; up the territory to be ranvfts-'-d, by seo Ing; to it (hat every Democrat whnlnkcs no ptipi-r now. subscribes to one; by hi de. Ing; every doubtful voter to still--. itt'c, tmd who are unwIUitii; or too poor lo ,-nb-cribe, .siipylplng; by !;ialtiitoii- (lUiribitllon, raising; u lunil unions euloun mul well-to-do fiioml fur the purpose. Sevenfold the cost lo every one of them w ill bo .-avi d in (Ax es. This Is the work wlilch will Iii-uro n In moer.itle triumph In IMIs, and so re- sinre the rnIon,ieive Inilit-lry.aiiili ut j dowli the coniipllons and burdens of lhe (lovciniiici.t. "Tin: Cih.i-miiian" will lake lis Itlll shale of HiI- labor. Dining; the hi-l I'ampalttn It provul Us eliK-lcncy, ih our majority wa- inn gtreater that III DOI. It is one of tin! Inrgje-t papers lu tlie .Slate, with lino bold typo, prtnti d on clear white paper by means of a Slenm I'ower l'ie-s, While il ioiittdiig;thoina!--sol'leg;al and other udverllscinents useful lo all our cilh-.i us, It catefiill. excludes all ob-ieno nml llllhy oni-; It ion. .'.Ins the lat.-t i ity mitl iiuiulry MurkU lleports, the lali.-i in w.- fri.m hi. me tindabioad.wltli iiinlli r lor Hie rainier, the Mcdinnlc, tlie 1 alnlly mid the I hildicn. It will alv.ajs be tine lo tl.e parly, Its pilncl-nli- and Us liilcrihts. l'i Ice i'J.un per .. mn. Addre-s mtocKWAY .v nti:i:zi:. l Iii m i x-Kl AN. -It would .seem Hull hi "unreconstructed" southerner!, have orir n ."il a secret society Willi ino- i name, tlio effect of eh, so far, has b' L-u to frighten the is liioits ncg;io voters. They inhibit e-yaids. juuh "il iisslccletoiisjdrlnk I ots lull ol water, tuid commit other i t ...ill the ne.;roes in terror mv l.-Hli tlie Loyal Leag;uiH, anil re- i.l oi' 111 polities. Y.ili.vutgSl'IIU and astute I'oiiu're.s.nii'il -sro I iti-i n ' vi'" to tlio s. Iilou" -however, wiiv tho secret Ileal sin idles .hould all belong; to hide. I'lin opposition have had tlielr Iw Noililu l..xig;es, wiiio a wanes, u Leagues, (iratid Army ofltepuh- and certainly should not til . 1. 1 loii'i'iz all the secret or- I 1 1 . I . i I l. . 1 l . -,,',';;-i iu i.vsirti'iK. run no.v. 1'iiin-inil un I 1 1 . , l'i, ',-iilrniM., t .' ,11 . anil llt'lll.l.l. uUI i, a. p.. I 1 MiKlltitjdt ' Pli e, ,. P., ' Malln m.tlH'ti, k I.' i. ni A Pm,l'nh braiH'lu's. Mo-i AU 1 ' I I U llli M rarer. iiiiiienial Mimic, Ml- .-I ma! Mifie. Mrs lultit (ha st, Ui I 111 Pl llll.ili Hi pull Ull lit, t t iii ' iiiiuieiu'i s Apt II riilb, l. CON'M MPII KH,-ih llev. Kdwtud A mi w ill 'Oil III e ul ehioife to ull V. bu ih-slli e tui notion wltbtliedliielioos Iui luuUini! t inn Iha siiniile iiiuidy b wtdeh Iicvsms ui a him ufU i tlon ami I but ill i iidi-ddlsea.i! luiupl-Hi Ills olil iil'Je. I inbiheuelit ii no lie i - t i i t.u ii i-H r iii iiy lit ai, in il t 4 tlu in iiiilbin., I j ml i lu- I li e iiiUIU'ss N I iKouth Kicind Mm I 7 iv llllnuubutf, Klutt't N COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. QOLHT PltOCI.AMATION. W 111 ie As, Hi. Hi, ii. illlnin iawi-ll, Jii.ltf.-iii l Iti- i'iiiii'I ! ().M-i- mi.l Iriiiilni-r iiiul I (li-iu- hi .lull Ii. !Iit, ( .mrl (if otmrtcr si. sl,ins 1 vf i hi Vt iici iiiul ( otnl nl ('otiuti')ii I'lcnn nn 1 nr I'll. in ( .mil lu tin' MU .Iiiillclnl TiMilcl, niiii- '"M'tlor ll'CMtlllll'Ht1 (VilHFillilil, UlllllMitl ntnl V fitntim. Hint tin1 linn. Irnm inir iih'l IVirr K. Hi rhfln, A nofinti' .Iii'titii m I'olumlilit coimtv hnc iMit ( I'u'lr nn f-i'i't, iK-iirhiy ttnif Hit- I , il iv or l'i liiunry- lit tin ,inr n; our l.iil, nio UiiiiiHiitnl.iMulii hiititlr. l iiml nixn-ciulil. mill in luf.liri'i ("il rtr IiokUhh 1 1 itin t nt iiftii nil ((u rli j thm u iliu I't.M,, -ui-l t .1 tti iii' (.mil, lu UKmhh' htirif, in the ci-uiii uf i ulimiiil i, on (ho llrl MfHul i, Im ln-st lh' kI tiny Ml .M iy lu tl. lu I'ntiMhiii' tine W( r k. Nntt.'i H hiT h KlVi-tl, tflllu ( 'nroiicr, to the 111 llPl'Nltt III" IViUV-llll.l l'l' (tilltlllhlPN III (he Hiiiti Mimty ni Cultimhlti- that limy t.o tlunaiul then' iii their prop, r tri'jnn ui i nV(-lt Inltin lim i mill ul Mil-1 u It Ii their rerui-iH, Inqutil ti ii . iiiul tit her lehifiiihriitiec, IimIoIIkwi- thlimi vvh.i h in iheir oni'-e, iiptn-itnln tu he dour. Arnl l.i ive ;'i.H lire iMitltlil h ri ntnil( r-, tu litnw. 'i:;. -liii-i ll'e I'l'l-ui r. Iiiul im tr mny hi He J ilulfh sii.) .viiutv u. I' hi- the.i I'lii lit. ie lu i M.'i Ule lie III s,ul heliwi. ,lu- Hun it'mu'-ti ii tu he ininctiiul m thi'lr ntli n. miw.iiute. ii,!1 lulii. Irnutlcc liiteiut Itluuiu-c , hiir , die I M Ii lt ir !V.),,iniheyinr i.i: I'ftr I, one (liuiwtiel eiuht htm i -i iii-eii uiel xiyoflxhi,.ttf'l InlhunliH tv si 1 1 nt I ifii ul lhe ltll.v(liCU"e ul the Mliltel -Int. -il A e.i. Molill'AI MlU.lltli. IUu i i-tn, A)i'. .1, I K hiienir. QUANI) JntOttH, I' ill M Y TKUM. HI . in in, IM tin r, lleux r Inliii Mlelinel, Hrh.rcr.. It-Himmt'l LVnnrr, Vfloy II. I'rpii, ).n l. Ail.iitiM, Heiii 'ii-Hii.iiiH-! Ai'ph'tiimi, mil' in. Hiinn't r, t'utiiu Ishh .luliii M, KI.K. t eiitinHti litmi. Thn, o I'-mnor. I lilii1.hli-ir..l. Uee.h r. (iiei iitMultln, lit rr, ttlchtir-l Kllelii n, Win. P. WiKuri, iiiiilel I-'re-e. lit mini l t-ifnml (ihl, Win. Try, i.uiu i U .hi r Wmllilni, Wt llitivtmi Veuner. I h' ilt JVher, M III). n-A inlinl'l MiVi lt nheer. Mn t sun Silie Wclhv. r. 1'ine J.n nil chrNtlnit, I'm ie m l, .Miutcr. Hu.u iiik i r it clhin, ) i , T MtAVKiisi-; jviums, mn may n;uM, iv itiouin .l.ihn It. i'1-.ey, ItucHilph II. Illnul. r. Hrl.itvri'ek I iii.ithiin (1 tnluer. r.ciHun .ofaiiam Jiartiiian. Heave.-c, r, Matin, Htmniei l lsher. i niiitiin lluiu. n.ivld ( m.ip. t etitn i;iwo hI Iluaheji, DalilelJamlxutl, l lshltucn k In. in II. fi, .Jr., m.MenrH Pltll. App: in.ih, (in iiwoud-l'r.u.eN P. Kve-, .Iueph Keller, Win. I'. H'.!)'iitiH. in. , ton. II.mliKi. .im.ih HurrlK. .laekHiiu .loiin !'. Ii u l.uetit h h Hiukes, l-itae liver, Miiill(.1l-hfitiiUel Hitnhs . Imiiu' Jlelti Id .MiClhi-.lulili Hooltiaiih-. Ml. Pie isutil .loiin II. Yumlfllini iloor-jn (linn. Anion Kes'tr, Joseph cmwiord. i oi.iim. M. II. Paiteroii, lluiiry Keeiiu-r, A . I'hi -.h ei ill P. teruotHl. liuaiiiiK i ii i It D. It. 1 lower. ! !-e.ui-.loIin -smmtaii .l-liu 11. P.un, I. White , j Kium. UIUAL LIST, i on may ti:i:m, m I .I'.llll .1. Hliiuil; vn. .i.tili ('.On, - W in. A. Mi.rr v..1.iiiii's tnk. .1 .1. .(. illm-kistuii .l.ul. i. hvliluli I Malinu.iv It. II. O'. I Sllllltl. Wlll.TS ..(I.SI. Willll". Siilll.H'l W lllt'tl VS. ...'!. llt.-IS. 1. 1 i.uK 11. Sili-wiirt an t u Iff vs. l:. I', I'loAi-cr. 7 sl( r.ih Mini. . Si Inc. Jr. s Win. t-t. ul. Asslnn.. .if llio M-o-a Ur.llUil Ills II lull. 'I' I'll, N, Js)i, (' .-. li l il, M. nil 1 1, ul. h .lull., mm eury, lu 1 . II. tvwitt , John i-i.ln. II I'.-iu- "I t Her vs, llt-iny Mo., r. 11 Iitinli-! r. H.-j In ii h. .titi-iili llii-slei-. I 1 II .1111-1 I I 1 III h Alllll i ., , .!.. W, hlllll.'OV, ,' '"i v ,. "! "'. v" -, I' , " i""1' 1 t...-l J.-l i-i Is hi.- ' tl. r. .ul. .1 . iismli II ii .-u, is. Ilinii 1 r,ii., i . . '1 . . ' J '.i "". .. . . , , ' l"";l' " l,' n ' I ii . .' .'v ''! ."". T .. " . , .. . ,.,r j s -r-v L'I .Ifhti Kt i m s. ,I..Mi li t , l,(titr, X: ,1. ii. Ilii.l hm 1 1 1 1 ry r. llaitimdi. yt Win. i,i n.Kim Itiiilcr IjUi-r. 'JI Wm. Clmk h Ilulii't-i ('.( l.uli i: 1. W. Mnuinumi'O Kr'!'.; vn, (),, M' Ul KuW Ih-lwln vn. IniMilKJItlulj!. y; .lotiltl onprl l.thIH lliMT i'l. t, yn .l.-iiii V. Miuiu vn. Joint H I nli'i 1 M if. Ill .fohi'pn tIstK, stilutifl Luii'll. .lotni Ullmy . U m. i:. ti im r. -II li is , iAxw IlauonlMKli tt ill U rn l h 1 1. l.ns.'t is. Il, J. "t! ; Ul ii ltfl-MT .llDl I ft- K .1(11110 riif'IUHH, .il i .t ii- 1 1 1 i .. .(mm W. sunlit .v. .t H 1 1 i.tu rli v,Uur(.t' l.fto. . I'll li'i Vttttl, V". h null A. It 'Alii.Ul. ; i ii -inn-. It'inil , Jb'm.M' wij, jihI'.i ui. i .I ;;. I'rmiiV ill thi'imin Apitl, -1 1 lvi rJDUWS Ai'1'ilAISKMKXT.S I'm I '.tMti)i nm.rnlfi,tni,ntH if r.-ul nn.l ht. k iii'l in mt tifm t lo v. I.loWf. ii iltu-ih nit, h.t. h t it llli. I In (hi I'lllt u hi thf Iti'tlUtur ol i'tv'i cmnty, tin lr tlio Uiih ort'outt, mul uiliu i.iim met) tot uhMjiuU fiiidrnuttliiii, to t:,i 1 ,i, iiVi(.i,'t inu'lii'M in IhouitiKhur, in i H i pi, - iiil on ,i.n WrnM-siiAV, Till: MM it JA ui- M N l tW ti'i-IoflS r, -H,, nt h .ul .1 ', ii. iii - i ai i piionn lu ii-! i ioii III m.i ttMi .in i .i 11011 r lll.'il, uf wfticli all pftmis lilt 1 lilt' !. 'llt"v Will tlliti''ol V, .1 i tin Hir;tlPs o( Hl'Hitn t"Klt . '' I W. I "lurk i f M mi tu lutt ii '.li n 1 . il.s I'l.irkli.i 'nun 'id o '.'i iris ''"' Mutitolu li-li. 1 John M. M.irtln ol (In-, nuunil hi!. J. W ':vi s.op. I o. i. . I) V i l.iU ni tluhiUU Mti'rk'r of II lill'K-k toll Kill I", 7, Widow ol lHivM llrowiifif Mllllln hiwiiiiilp, JlHIN 11. UKi;.l.( It(Ki"i''l. K.o'-iit'iliunr. April i. HW. 1k(iisti:us noticm. Xonrr. h J .i . M-0 tAi'ti I l t, i OV.lti'i rcilll.irst iiml i(.ii intiTi-f i in ; if i-s i.ihi ii iin- spt'v i ii"l i I iu-..ii't mino- -t ilittt tlir ini'.iwin.; 1 IV I htHl ' slYUll'iH till I k'M.itiU.tli .irotUUN tllt' In II 1 im 'I ii tiu ollti'f itt tin Itt-Wi r t.t f 'tilumhiti count ., nail will l.pi.-si'iil -I lor cntli uiiitiuii im I . . iiuiun v In im" or) t mtV I'littit, to In in'1'1 In til, itnxitm. lu .'i il u tuliiy, tin1 sixth .iu of JI . . , Mi", ui twi ot- hi.' i lit tin uticnniiiii if f-'liil . i. i .unit ni lohit V. Uutiiif ii f in r., i r.-t'T 11 nil i.' luti ol fittttwWu toHiishlpih'i'il. 1. A.'.-uuut "t Wllh'i . .M.'ll. k il.'i-M., lulm'r., of J, Iwintctj Milli'l. In'. ..r-ii-iti town-lilp'lM-M iilfil i 1'i'h'i l.nt nif ! tti''rH., ot W, W. Mi-llcU. :i. I- u-.t anil n ii ii ciiuur u w muiiilmtinr ii.irli- I'ulnu-i Uliiiiis t'hmli-M .sn ih't timl Willi im .V .il . "I lllititit r. lirt-'il. 1. Au'.iuiil '4 ihMOiH-ii il-liu r.. nr Arriu- liiihl I'.iiii iM.n luti.- ..iiitvinvoiHl tiiwnshtpih t-M. .i. i-iibt mm lunil ai'cuioii oi jotnion 11. ik kt Ailuv r mi il.'ta-Hi xrUwi-u l.ih'i.f divtutwoul tOWJilllp ill i'll. ii. lit 4 mil M'l'.iiHif .t sitiuui I "r gUnKll.iti ui lliiini i ih .ii hurt, luii ICfniu.i lUiiu'ti. 7. Ai'coutii oi"fa!nui'. ' r.-.i y ol llll illiolh J. MULT, s, Ai'roilllt ot lUuiuinwi V'ii.' iu:trliui) ( Mii'lmi'l l-'rv. I'. Arnmiil uf I. II Cri'Vi Im-:, ihiimlimi "I Jhiry Ahbi It, lulu Jiil.l "i lili nn Ahh.itt. lll.-il hy 'Ihos. ,i.-.-i.uti Jr. .ilmr., of I'.li t'u'rlin-; 'lu. I'limi iu.-u.uit uf J.x ih 1. Klim-, i:m.inui'l Ijimu-i. ml II o:i m It, UHiH1. hti n, ol ha-m Klim-Inti'iti ui!inm l' nshlp .1t'.'''l., Illi'il hy itii, im n i; in. .urn- ni n I m-'h 1 1, Vci'otiiit ul Jolm 'I ii'inh ihiiinliiut of Anulfl v. i :-. rixin miiioi i' 1 1 1 1 1 ul .hifoii u.iri mult Off M. I. , Ai-cui'i ul Niooiooii j.iup , innn r., oi .iiicou Itiipp.laU nf I ''i'iil luwushlp iloi'i. II, Aciuittit i.l Jotui V nun-U'llli r.( of .IlUdh KtniliU Iiil' oi ("oluinhlu i u. ilt-ftl. il. .Viv mul iirioK'" ii'lm r,.ni J.ilin Co lnv or lli-miM'-K mmnoiip o i-nlilll ul .Ii.lill V. lU-lshlhie I i. i ir t Hint mi. n iu mil. nfk. villi. Kit iiiii Nltli'l dec il. hi. Ai'founi ! i.i.'t. i.ftmim im m r., iii iiniij IiUUt'iu I i i HiiiiH in k liiu nshlp h 'l. 17 iKiiiut ol I1H ll.iriu.Hii uilm'i., i. I .A. of illl mi V. Mi lnl" "i'"H louiilpi!."; o. IH Aiv.iiiiit m Ainlii I avi a.lni "f lMnl i;slitti ul l i I . I II t'O'l I'lM Ilslllp il f'll li, M-ciml iiml Until iiii'ounl uf II. Ilolllunh lieii(tiu1ni'i.,i'Hn Hi' It llii litit-l oM'utimUvi TmviiMilpUf.-'il , , , yo. , ct i ui i -t nnn. I I1..UI i ii.lm'r., .f lrors !. Jimti- ot l..t. ..fOiam;i t,.v njhlp.h .M. I ti-t mul ilualiif. uii. .i M, 1.. l-m. t x'r.of Aitniii l-m l.'i "l I l..Mi-lilnilii il. I irt itnl t-i nt uf Ihoniiis mul M.1-.CH llio. 1 1' inim'i-.. ! lunl. 1 Ihiut r lati .f I'lHtililiii luwiiihin h .-.. yi. AiMllil "I I' !ni 1 . t utttfl I.T r, nf J. veph Hi iiuhlmi hitr i'l I'll as ii' hip lU'i- .1. yi. Afcnuii ! .loiin .v'ii iiuio r m '!'. K -hwi pp. ii'ii i-i-r hih- "i Miilllu touimliii .-il. y't. V.f'i-i' ( '.i Willi mi Mimn loi-f el 1 1; in i- il'lnm r, Jm.- ii.tin'r . t.',.i ni 'nnil. I . I ii. ii i n -t i I n -I i.-fimni if 1 1. It"! h", ml in 'i . i 'in U l'iii. I i-.tuii jci ii k 1 nn. '7 . . i. .oil i'l Ih-un Yo-l A.ltn r ol John i".s't Lite i-l I . m utl l-.wush.p .1. -is. .1. s i it si mi. I ii.f'uut uf ii-ii ur I. mi'l Pltihp h.'HiT, ami oi .im "h l iur, br.,iu'fi iimm, lad i I - 'tt Tort,Khip. I'fiint if hrih.ini W. lU'i'i.lni, u.lin'i., .'f T -lo'i- .1. Itohiilii, l NMiuitt' if k I. .N .1 I 111 I I ! ,1 It.ltUi.r. iNm.!ili'Ti'S IMIARMAIY. i . w' s . i sT 'Ill, i.s. .iMtlll ill Ot Ml 1 1 1 i N I IM Wlv I "W 1. V , -.' i w 1 'll t I . I i 'I "I .-'I -, I Ms, 1 Wll I N Ml. II. 'I.. V IM , ,t .m .ill-, Ml 111 l's, I'l it: I'm i it v. i.r ,NIU'AM' Mll'll'l I'.i, slili-tl Ul.- .-Iiiuii ilt nM lillli' I'l'lii., 1'u-si rl ll.ini. iii'.-iiriili-ly .r.')iii.'il, .Ian lf S I V R O X K i'ltvhiutium mo In Him titj-lwn tuneH. Mild eusthu hum it 'vi tu i'jiMiuu; veiy rlit o Hi. i ii unu 1 1 ii miiiuiioiiii ills. 'lhe ie pl us nit euiiipinioiK for lb Invalid, as well as Hue miuinif iitur the puilur. IIiuIuk ....'ii ..iiicliil iiiti'iillon lo Unit brunch ol 1 1 tub' Iui the last i inhleeii eiir. t'lilo uble t suppu un want btltt-r ami o,ulckir (ban uy HIIU I llUlIM' III 'Ul' IIIIIIIIIV, M. I'AII I.Altlii CO., Iiiportfr, Pk, 7'ssrv hi. ;i lUKi 4 l.ith upftulN N- the' i in i und 4 Ll. kinos oraoR RHIXTIXO 'V ii mi 'i' vilrd nt Tut lo tern UN Ht(iam 1 riiuiiuf onur NEW ADVEItTISEMKNTS. piONNINdTOXMAIiKHCMINAUY I nt.irLM,l,i;iOI,I,l.(ll.. tu trTn ntoti.Ni'W .li-isiy. . II..iiiIIi,i1.hi-IiiiiiI InrliMlh siXi-s, liililEi'S tnlill-ln a itrt.l ir Initli urmlo, iilinltiu i -u nc-tlv In cxri 1 In nth lit lull m tin. niu. .it inn. ihn innriiN. Hie llUlllO I lllilful t4 llllil the hen If h if Ihn Hi it. lent. ierMiM iiic'li'iiile, A"l'lreHihf.Hi . T. HAM.o.N'. A. M.( lVhhliiKtJ". N. I)f)OK AUKNTrt VAXTi:i)-!-OIt I) hi:, wim.iam hmiiiph hktioauy or ml: IIll.i:.--Wrllten hy rudfthe muni ilMlif t'UKheii tjni ill IIurfMiemut Aiuerlm. Illun tmieil ultliuver IJTt Hterlntel W-mit llimmNlim. In fhe l.uiiu tlclnvii volume, l'rh-o ? I r. . 'Jhe diilv cdllluii iiiibllHhcl in Amerh'n.euiidenMHl hy Nr.fMiiiih'K tiwn hninl. We employ im (leticrul A: titi nn-lnlh-r iiuexlrn1inlii"etm nti tu Acenlt ' HiiiK with Hen I fur ileeiliitln elreiiinr. ami .i ennr h rim. ., II. llt'lllttV m I'uhlWier Jlurttunl.Ct. I nnn aukxtsTvTvntiTu I JJf itmti i.irli ut tho fnllnl Btnle, tu Ki-ll uur imiiieinn iHt of ncurlv .Vci dlih rent Hut ilt, itttih h Hint 1'hHHinratili Alhiims, Kvery f iintly wains ntiiftliina iroin It, t i'Ht.tlu,iiiei(irtiMiel on iiiplietitl.ti, ami boulti " nt )t pilM to iiny n.liln i on reei lpt of price, iinviiHilini houlftetinliilntntf the lint, with price I 'kcIIilt ulili hlmik Ii(ttw hikI pi I tiled licudlnRt i.'i Liirntllnt: a lisl of iianie. mi nt fn v tu nny one in n eelpt ot VHt HK Aniiui soil front I'M tu of Ihtie ii'Hi4H jiltn t miywht re, I'or terms lu nn nti mid uthei llif il'inntl'itl il'Ml'es .miin i;. mm n a ro., I'nhiMierK- . N'us. mi mi. I ill" HiiiiHum Hirtel, I'hllaUi Iphln, A UllXTS WAXTI2I), 2. I'or "The UlHtnry orniK wah nr.TWFfx nih ttix," IN nutiets fhiiruelfr, I'ondttet mil IteinllM. llv lion. Alexntiilrr It. Htcvctit. luoiiieml eiiarftcter anl rendy wile, combined . Hithiui Increao.'d eumnilHsiuii, ni'ilto II the hest I MihMlpihm IkioU vm-t puhlihed. hc ml fur clreu i I.iif,und hm our teinis, mid ii full h.tlun of the inlk. AddMt-H atlemil I'uhllMiMiK r1-i ! I'hlh.Ielphla, ! A (JKXTrt WAXTKO i V I'm-ii .-mn e.t a iMcirur. or rm: . IU'.MM,A'II.1IHTA ri-M.nn I the Woilt or ItcMo lUtlun. i:iry ot r heeiU IL helnre Nov. lM. 1'felKlit, lamest eolnlillHMnti, lind ITi itilntn f if I 9.ipald. I 'iir particular- address I..Hri:illU.NM, Haitfurd, Conn. A MATl'.LMl CULTIVATOR'S tiiii'i; to tiii: j Kin IIIN AMI M.OVI-.r. UsItDKV, xow ui:adv. , A I .( ItlPI'I VI; wm U I id piiKe, fully 1! lustra . t ! i .iha heautliuleolured plate nmi hJeimrnV liiH. N u IM ot oer -V)U arletU' of I'lov rand Vcu. talde Htt (Ik also, IVJ Mirhtles ot th "hutceHt fit nell Khil.tllhuUuhl. All the i Np Ih huth ofthw I luuerand Vi uetahle, for lo'i-, ill he tuiiiei UiM-ilheti in the atuo won;. I 'I'a till I huund In eluth, i i ohm d pLitttM'i'lcc, ei. .viiii .-tiim a i. lloiilcultu- I nil Hall, Itustoti, Muss. rn ii r i ittr i I f l' ' ,. V' mmuht Pi Ice S I n jear. s tid Wet, fur MH-el- nan nmnher. Addn-ss TUP. KADICAL, l.o.k 1 l. - -'r.N'rt r.viT.Nr. July, , iw. Tried and not found Wanting;. Wr .-lulu. It will out Tw. nly-Ilvi- (i"i))Kr cent Mosti: i-oiti! woon rr.n dav j U.iitiniiy iitli.-r nxi. inmle M. l vi, 1M-. I'.i, lsi,7. i M.ssi'-i. r A Oi. Wis - v tally lrli'1 ur .nl.-lit Ac.-.n,l ,i,ui ,,, u s.,ll,,.iti.ii.-liiiin I.,.- It. II will ,.i,, f,,h,r limn nny ullur Am. I hull hit hi iv, ..nil limis Hi,, mui.,1 wlllimil slli-lillm ut nil. I ,,,,,, , .i,,,,, ,, ,,,,, li,,a,iin-l,irlli.' is. si, 1 in ,-.1 mil -.iy nny niort-, im nny Hint in. sn'i,-.vt 1,,-siii-ii'i. WM. KKIX i ( A rriON ! The itto nnrt t liihfl nro hnllt p-it-i cnlni. liiiiliiwt'it on tlii'sn putt-nlH v Ul ho pros. t i-fttli'il iLtvniillnu to 1 iw. ViMi'h'r- or .li'iilni, mul i piT-oiiH m-liiK iinv Inlrlnitcmctit, iitt- Jl;iijh ullli , tlio r oi Um' Inlilnf4i iiunt. mil- ni a i.j itEXhKi:1- r;n mi- ms- ITACtL'UFI.i,. i.irnxcoTr a iuia;VKU,, tl'PV. (11 . til l.lpplncott A. Co.i.t tuW ownt'iHof (In piiti-m, i'iTi.-4iirit(in. i'.i. JOUTH AMKUK'AX STKAM- .IIII' CO. TllltDlMIM MM: TO(.'At,i;'tUNIA. I PANAMA Oil Ntf'VUAUUA. SAIMNtJ I'll IM NIAV (ir,K Miurh 'ilhaii-l ''tlt: April mi l nU);-.Mn -'.'li, loth mul y'lih. With .N'cu stcmiihlilpH f.f tho first chits. t'.-JM(IK I.OWI It THAN MV AN OJ1IFU I INF. l-'ni rtinhi'f lufoiiu.itliJii ml.tic-.s tlip umlor. t-tu'ii.'! iit 1" Wm stmt, .Now V.nk. H N. I'AKItl.NtUON, AK'lit. W II. U't ltr. I'll.!, I'M H. 1I1NM. Vlci IVt'l't. Olllce ."it J.M-li.mKo l'lioe, .SVvv Vnrk. T ii r. c r, 1. 1: r. n t k d i: h t " it i a n, wiru Vl .X lir.MA.VA M'Of. l'it.r...inn-1-il liv lilt .tn. Iint- Iiciir.l It t Im most n.iuiiiil mil tii.llllllill tmltiitlnii i.f 111.- Ill'- man'i: i-vi-i- .t iini.iiiii'1-.i. .i. iri-.v, i... Ilr.illl. 1'iini, Vl.. tin- .rl;;liril Itivciitnih mill .1 lllilf.H-niri'rs. t .7 Urinillli' St., N. Y.:-J7U t:l-.i.- i 'li..y New Yuri.-, Is N.rlli "tli. I" ill.; II. i lliiti.l ilphsl.. .'i. 1 i: RON'S IMl'ltoVIMi llltH'K MAL'IU.NK, It t.1-! flas ilindU llif hn hu; tisi.l ti nut -n iM lt-n 1 1 v moist , It ril.MHllts 'IMIIil.A llloi;ot'(illI(V-ptissiMit intiiilic iij.mlils tunt i.ihis thohruk mil ol Die mmild- rimU tu in- h.'uUi.l tip, ulihout drying on tlm ,ml. .finl tur lllusinitfil i.' to ('. H. M.iiu', Ni Milfmil ('"ituit Iiftii. M.h iiiicnt for l,-ntts. iv nn In. Muiiiirai'tun,r's(iHU'i,l No. Mnr ruj Mivi i, N. V. 1 1' A X (I. M .so um: fi:iti'ViA.v oi'ano, n.t Mit'.-r- pli.isplmti-, I'lin- liliitillil 11. .lie 1'lsli tin.. IH i, I'l is l.i, I'li.'snhalli- liu.iiins, I.ii-sul.- by ur.iiltlli: I'. Will II', I'm I ii'iit si., V, V, ftir. I'KUDAY, ! V I "iin udMllue. As SKRK. Xo iiKdiry i tits wan Im 1 1 en w In ie ll i in I'uli lit i: i-i Instill Mt u! lie lutlies. l.i in ddi i ss Ami itirs Vn:i: t .. UU llroiid ny,X .. 10 li.uborne ht I'hU'.iit . r AXTKI). SAIJ:SMKN to truvol ft t' r n Mutiu:neiuiln I'ihhiiiiiiv nnil Mdt by itmd.-. lluml w nes hip Kit ii uili-ed, Addln-H with Mntiip. IIAMH.'lON a IKAS I', li'i fh,tiiut .., I'lillaclilphilt, IM. W.:,: r II V WII.I.Mil WOIIK I Oil ill A HAY II .'U CHI. IIIMKP I I,,- ll,.".- i n.iu ... iiii.l lii.-i-iti. ,1 I I'. .1, IH-I -.l 1,1) .III. ss Unit . Ill ll ni s. i M'tiiui: li ul I v 11 ..ll -I'lul ll Ill- .HI U.lll i l.- - 1.., i n. i IIS1 111). I s.illl AllilllS III O. M tsl.'ll, M . DOLLAR A i' in i'iti:si:.NT vai.lm:, III M ,1! i utt It s. ' . 1 1.. ll. I renst, l.le.. dlls k. r ie,. in ;,i, .,i. ... tlliiue 1' irlieiiliiis and t-i.l in It.t.b. n.l.l! I---HIIX ..Ull slallli, II. I i.l v -i i , l" ll .ii'i. rsi. ll,i-ion Mass t 3 I i .4 tu Tin: NVOHKINli CLASS.- j . i I utioi rs, Mii-h.inU'n. l.ndn and eery- 1 mil lloU l.lll'illiil tliflllllUll MUl Willi eoiulunl i'inpl" mi lit at oui" huliii lhe whole iiuUI tlllll , ui 111 .Mini sjniri iiii'iiii-iun. i hi si ll es-. in w, null I mid 1 1 Miaole. tn n uts tu j i pt r eviliuu as ly i .iriu'it b pi non ol either mul On' btis uud uitlsm.iil u h m n h us no ii. I ileal ludu1 1 Im ills. Iti lid iboxe Wlut III di-Mile tiieit ubok tool tu tin. busitii ss, and, that eeiy pel soli who set s (Ills liutK'O Iiiay si lid tlielr ad dnss und lii the biisiuiK hn tia ium IwsI 1 tuilke lim bdluw llltf uup i Hilled oiler; To nil w Im in nut well satoiUd x.ith tho builmsH, I wilt SIIUl llllpUV IU ti I IK'llUlM.r Wlilili. Pull puilii'tila, dllei lluii. Ae.. si til fiee, isanil'ln sent b mull tur lUeu. dlusspi Al.l.l.N, Aiiirustn, Maine. n kvoia' nux IX 'I hadk. ia-at- XV t-i lu.UieiuiiMit than ever hefoie otleiei to pi isoiis Hi'tiun; upelilbM in our ONI, DOM. VIC s l.i:. si-ud lur Nkw hi'iuNiii imn.Aii, PAU K l.H & l'u 01 and Ml Pi d. nil St., Itunton. n it i ' a '! i: s a l. i: riu- ii iuli islutitd iiiii.rdtanaud attorney lor the widow und ihlldrin ot Juhn lluinsi , l.itf oi llloutu low llhlilp 111 IUCtuuni ui i. uiuiuoia, ue- i'liise.l, w 111 t-i li al pilati sail' ine miiuw ipk ' sciibi d ii ul i clali lo i il '! la ih n ami's Intel i si in nil i bait 1 1 lain tnu I ul laiuiHiiuuieiti .Montour tuwiulopi utumhia ci an t , adjuiulim lands lute otpetir lhi-tnbtiuhr,( biislopher Wtilley,.la cob llltii ni a tnli i and lhe hi its ot Jubn ltahr couialitinu Urn At 111 m nunc oi Its., It beliiii uiioii iund. A Un tbe lullow lui: pu ce ul Ktuund situate In tbe tow n oi iiiuiiisiuiu in said luiintj , bouiidtd and tlen llbtd us lolluWH to wll ! Ileuliiiiluu at it pust; I'uiiui ut pine mul l.wr's Alle, and uiuulnti iluiiceaioim rum .iny .-orui ntitiees Paisl Odri -Iwo tei i to a Hist, I heme h tbu laud id Abiubam W. Pi huuth twi ltt -nine diuieeH, l.asl sutiililttl ton pusl, Ilu la c b thesume suulh dXIuue thKi i m N t st thllt-liiiieit to l.tisAlli iiiuuMiid, tin nee atom: said Alhy Ninth iwt nt Pint' ih uii i Wist, sixtim tut to iia pbn e id bi biuiiuiu i Md. ml lu; one pi u h and a lite 1 1 Ilth o U 1 1 ItTi im li or h belliK I alt ot lui No. (.ii in tbi tinviul plan ol uld loiwi uf ItloulilsblllC, Put pal tli lllaih liuilllre oi tbe undelHlmied ' llOPl IlT.l.t I.AIIK. Oiiaidluu and Attt im j ir the In in. oi Ituiasi v iUiMuisbum,Mar( h !, 'uv r.t Jubn KOH XI' A T AND CMKAP ,rt)H PH1NT1NO, ALL AT TUV, C'Ol.UllMUIAS (IKnrK MERCHANDISE. jyiWHTOCK or CLOTUIXO. rrruli airlvol f KAMi A NO WIXTI'll (KHilirt iiAVii) f.owi:Niii:itn ' In It- nllenlluti to hli ulrtclc of fiii:Ai'ANiH'AHiiioN'Aiii.i:ci-oriiiN. nt hi Morn on Main Ml rr I, two dour nlMivcthi; Anifilrnii Holing lltuuinslnirK, Vn., where h.i Iiam JuI receUett from New York and riillniUlphla n full nftortinent of m i:n a n i no yh cm r 1 1 1 so, Including th luol f ih!.iiiihtt diiiuhle, Mid handsome imKS!H100M, conltlni( of r.OX, HACK, ItOCK, IIVM, AN!) OttrCtJTU COATH AND PANTS, of nil urt,tdrrM, and colors. Ito lift nlvo replcu fhhed hi already law xtock of l-'AMi AND WINTI'.U HllAWfjM, HruiiM:!, riorniiD, and plain vixih, HIIIUTH, CltAVATH, STOCKM, COI.!,HS iiANDKi:itinn:rH,(iM)vii, -t'rr.NDi:itH, and pancy akticmm lie na constantly on liand a larga nud well -selected nsHortmciit of CMJTI! AND Vi;sTIN(l, m vhlh he 1 pre paied to make, to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very short notice, mid In the best manner. All hU ctothlntf Ih mnd lomnr, and most of It I of home manufacture. (IOO WATCIIl'-H AND JI'AVKIdtY, of eery ikucrlptlon, fine and cheap. Hi case Jewetry Ik not urpanseil In thl place. Call and examine hi kmi ral assortment of ('M)TinNO, WATC'U,Ji;Wi:LltY, Ac. DAVID MJWIiNltUKO. INI r. it c ji a n i) i s i;. no? in: IH IIKIIKUV (ilVKN To m rrlriuU mul il.o public Keiit'intly, Unit nil kl'ultol DRY (JOODS, OROCKUIKS, (JUKKNSWAKK, NOTIONS, AC, arc constantly on hnnd mul for Mile AT HAUTON'rt OMJ HT-VNO, Hhoofsnuito, nv jau:s K. i;Yi:it. Q-Alv, Soil- AC lit tori. Mis I'ltOHMIATKor no.. Ijiryp lot otiliintlj UiliMiil. IfthVe?, jKW C'AHINKT WAUIi HOUSK. Tin: inulf nlpneil taken thN nutliiHl tolufonn the public tlmt hu hnn opem-d n Ni:W I LMtNITLntr. waui: HOUHt: Iii Ih.-M'alUrllrlck Ilultiliiitf, on MnlnStreft, ni.ooMsitntu, rA.t Which he linn puiehiiHdlnn.l IntcmlH to keep per innuently Ullcl ilth rumlttire of CITV ANI HOMi: MANt'rACTUUK. IT COM rUtlU iV 11 i: I) M A T 1! K HRKS, mii'as mmn(ii:m mauum: ior ckntiu: taiim;s nt ins-nMiioNn, cani: uot'iomkii, am wood jrrroMi;i. i:XTl',:KinS TAI1IXA LOOKINfl 01.ASSD4, PARKOU, CIIAMUKIi AN1 DIN- IN(i ROOM FUHNITUUE. In t-ifi h full B.ortmciit f it i; a i v - m k u n oorriKs uf nil hlr.-s, nml or KVI'UYTIIINCi INT1IH LINK 01 HIHTnADK All of which will hr hoU V II I. A I' r O R HASH, IhupuMlfAir itnltul tocall nml pxnntlne my htoi k hctore pim'h.lnK iNf wherr, OKOKOK Y. 01U31. lllogiiihhurtt, Auuust 16, U87, J v. n O V K R, upetu'il n Urht-clm r.oor, sunt:, hat cai and rim ktoue. ut theuM MiiiMmi MalnMrett-lUoomshiirB-iifcw ildl.rHllhllM' till t'Kirt II OUSf. Ills hllK k inll.tll. piisulol the cry kit' stmnl lestM l Hi r uth-i-t'il to thi'i'ltlniHot rilumhl:i Cuiinly. Ileci'n luri.niuiinlati' tlio puhllewltUlhefoIlowlnim'oiMls ut tin' lowest rnti-M. .Men's heuvv ilouble noled stotrii hnotN. nifirsiioume mm sittaic tup noun U fn hriiitK. tni'O'H heiiw hliiL-'ll slim H ofllll K I IK im it's tine bfiotd uml sln'fs of ull cnulfs, hoy h double, hoh d boots u.ud.sboeti of nil kinds, men s L'luM1 kid ll.ilumiiil, woiuen-H,buR'H tt 1 lil liilsstV lustlnuiiilllers, wmiions Klue KUI I'ullsh etj tltif.wi'tiu n'Miioioero linlriiomNiind I'iilfhboiM, women m wry line Kill uuuoiioi kuii crs. In Miort bonis ol ull diM llptlmii both peR- ueil ntul hvw en. lie Mutild hImmhII nltrntnm to his flno Assort meiit nf ' n ATS, r.MW. 'U AND NOTION"'. wbliheomprt'fHnU Hie m-w uml popular xnrf. etlhsut pili't's whii h i iiniiui lull to Milt nil. 'I lu-se irmiiN Hie ntlelid ill the luuist rush l.tte-J utul i 111 irllimitltfl ll IIIL'lM' nitlsJnit nil. A VllV Is Miileltiil ht-liUf ptiii-hssJtit.' i In win le iih il Is helieved bftlei bumiilhs are tu r funod tbuii id nny i t her plm-e in thetouiit I lee. qa rr.oh M ANUKAirmilY, lUoonisburg, M. SLOAN L nUOTIIIIU th wiiccensorn of WII.I.IAM HlOAN 4 MN entltillUe lhe buslines of lililkilli; OAituiAoi;s, iinunix mid i ery style uf PANCY WAtJONS . ... . i . . j.i.fc which they hue ronstatitly on hand to suit i u- totnerH. Xeir uiltis any matirlul but the beM ,.n.i ......itnuiitf tlieinost eM.riinied orl,men tliev Ilium tiiiniitliiui'.H liei.-liiliile In ill" 1 s.illsriietlon tu N.'iy . llKl.itll I . All llmlu'ctlon ol llielr wo.U, uml uf tliol.lisiiii.ible friei- iisU.-d lor tin- Mime, Is hui.. In tiisuien sale. I ii. l'uiisKi., II AIIN1'S SAIIIU.r., AMI) 'I Ittl.VK .MA-viTAc-i'mint. anil denier In rAItl'IT-IIAlisi, V.M.IsKs, ri,v-M.l. l.f.KAl" Il'illl'-S,, .11' uhleli he leels . nllllilillt hi- call sill at luwel rale lliai. nny iitbel feii-im In tlis . ountiy. l-.x- . Ilr'.l iloor belli.. 111.' rt Olllce MiltU Stltet, tlloiillisbiiri;, I'll. Nm. I i. sj.T. thw i-'i'iixiTi'iu-: .sToui-: A T M A I : v 1 1. 1. 1', i'.i. A. J. PPIININOPH, Would repi 1 1 1 u tlj announce to the public, tbul he bin opitud new I urnliute Muro hi Malnvllle, idiMi' hr keeps nil kind of city and home niiule p p ii n n ni i i...iin-..i -! imir 1'iishhiiHil rhalrn. nil - Isnles id Ibdsteudf Mid minuu. l.i hit n utul stump, ami an bkhh hi him ui-. in t.iunii4 U uudoiiiikl done. iluUM'piiintiimmulpupi'r i! ,n .uiu .inn. .it 1 oil no he and n itHtmihli rutfo: in Hie lest uihiiiipi. Alsii, mtdertaltlns ui ti in tioiiei itiv-;u.- liPoltoi: w. MAPiiPU, Proptirtor ii... -1 UMi.vti linli'l hut rrn lltlv UlulT- loih rad ml ehitluen lu Its Intel mil arrutuemt and Uspr. I'rl::Vr,u,lVV1ul,MV'UI',r-J?lVi!!H,fnl hum uie i ni " v i , ,,. ,,,. r.,fib.M.noifurtof hlsL'Uestsur.'s nil to none in . lliu tt.l.. ill uluiii -. if Ii ill 111! Kill: Piled, not onl with sui'stanilal flusl. hut with all tho ihllcacieHOt the seusun. Ill win'"1 mid U-......t-.. ii.i, t (hut tiimiiitii tune rate known as ,'.ircrnrp,,),puiehaKed dlre-i fiiun the Import In,' houies, aro entirely pun-.and fiee trotn ull pul sonuuHdiiis. He U thankful tur a liberal patrun ! In the l 'iisl. and will i ulilliuie todeserc it 111 t.PoltUi: W. M.UM1KII. the iuiiii IVl RRCMANT'S MOTRlM 4 MiltlU Hit Kill HTItKri, PlllPAUr.I.PIlI A. J, a W.i, M'KIblUN ptupr't-loi To llotrl miiiI SkIimui Itrrpri of lltnoina- ImrK and rolunibu iuunt. I hue appidiitfd Mr, It. Siobm r uneiu for tin salidftit ale. farter brown stout, and Uiter beer, Mho will supply ou ut Ibn same jrice mud with the same article i, mm 1 R-ould furnish yu fioin th brewery. ;notiwlna that hi wilt bt putu'tnal uud ntlentlvu to all uho may favor klu with tludr trade, I boil Ut ur upprt ven rcspectuui) , PUPI) PA OKI,, HIm-j Urewerr, Ueudliiu, IS A!)Ria;A MARNIKS 11 A K KH, OlUMIl Vltll . l'i I r.ItU t'Ol'NTV, PlCSS' . IMP. nndiultfiied ropectfully lnmrm hit fii.-iiilH uml tin- l abile Hi! Iiw hau lniuutit out TIIom am lil t (I k, and w ilt contlmio tlie biuinetn of hA DPI. I. and liAUNl .-S.MAWIMJ. In all itn vurhau iii am Ink. at theold stand uhoeHud?r' llolel, aim liupes vi ueser v uuu iccitte me put tmiUKc d all Ito tu id urthlrt in bit line, Ptti.,-(4.. ui.oitur;vh. TI M' itrri.ivi i Tin' I'luiiiH'-t iiiuii (sUlllTHil.tlw ouiit al . lnrlVsW UT,fcllAIII'l.F.-t' DRY GOODS, ETC. IIK 1M.ACK lu ifet your monoy Iweklfi ttHi (loodn nt low price Ii at UT. HlIAItPlXSH'HKirilUJ. JVH'V Hi:CMIVKI) mwt ui:n:ivi:i A frih ltiotre or Iit-Mlo-rt, CrIIcu-i-, .Mioillmi, -ite. JUST HKUKIVKD A fr-tfih lnvulco ol Hoop hUlrtaofhll ktnU, emtiracliiK exltu slzei, Linen ( uil4 ami Collar for lulUa. JUST HIOCIUVKD JL'Hl' ItlXKIVUl) A tn-nU lnrlcp of I'flper (Jidlfirs find Luir, new t kit, liliieii Hlilrt front fur Men utul linj . JUST itKci:ivi:n JUMl Jtl.Llt 11 A new IiimjIio ol Cruckery, Qitd'HM wurr, Ycllowwnre, etc. JUST HKCKIVKD I U n I UI.Llil Villi A new lnstfillnunt of lining, Dried llct f, Cod FIMi uml Mtick.ToI. J ust ri:oi:ivki) ji'mt ut:mvi:i 'lhe best JI.WNyrup la the town, JUST HKCKIVKD Jtvr iu.oi:ivi;i 1 leiih JJrird I'mltK, Applew, lYnches, ptiled (Hid uu pit led, Uliicltbert ivs. Prune, White limn, llarley utul Hominy, rANTKI) llutter, lui nnit l.-ird; I'.r a jr!t.i UttU-I.-.-Bst. will bo ulil. "yy"ANT:i I, Hhouliltfr- nml Il.K-ou. OOliDS lloolis liilillls Sill, I) M 11,11 Wll, II AT A A I' A AT A Al' A SMAI.t. S..MAI.I. H.MAI.I. H.MAI.l. AKVANlH. AllVA.Vl'i-. AllVANll . ADVA-M 1 I.UIIIH TOR CAsilI Oil HKAIIY I'AT. I'.llt CASH Ull HIJAIIV I'AV, l oll I AMU nil lll.m I'.W. rim i-ANii on m:uv ja a i' i i. sit.MiiM rsn-s sioiti:. Af 1. I' SII MIl' lsK)ltr At' I 1. IIAItl'l.l.sH H'lultl-:. AT I T. sll lt'I,K-ss-H HI'OIIK. lltiiulilvburir, Man li 'Ji, 1313. TV. AUK COMIXU, ANl.WII.I. I'llliSK.VTTO ANVriUlSONinND- iso i-H a ri.rn i.v omt .mr.AT o.vr. SAi.r. OF DRY AXll l-'AXCY GOODS. A Watch, IMiwofSlu'ctliif, Silk l)rc-s I'atterti". Ac, .U-. FUIX 01" COsT. Our Inducf nicntu durins the past lew yciin havo been Uri;e. Wf.sow llllATI Hot- HIEMIUMS. Our frit-nils will rcuillly not leu our lor 0 Ami f club? aro now morn limit equjd tu value tt clubs of GO ftn.110Orei.pect tvoly of other flrmn. ST V Ij K A S K U X A M I X K-S Any pervm onlerUiB either of tha Clubi men- tlmied below, can huvo their helectloiin of preml umiinuuieniteit,cnrrepondl!)2 to thn blzouf tli Club, rm:i; ok' onj; dollahi Por arlnb of Si, il. ()iuof tin following nrtl- eles, Mi: Pelnlni' ilii'Ks pultun; fancy colored bidfpreudi lti lew 'I uikey tnoeocco ulbum ; 3) J llrUS Hill l lllln i ftllipin lliiiuiieiu iii-i.iiuu mvi pitiern; hom-y comb quilt ; alt wool htiunre hi law I ; t-et nuI id K('d bosotti studs; all wool tan ev i ut-b no rejunisund m st pattern; khiPh hulr SU.ird rhalu i;uld trimmings; hll er phileileiuuid ouiti r illsii ; miv r pinieu o ooiiiu levoivmt; tur, on ie t ; m-i superior htm-Ud hluded knlt mul toik; uuihtnl ironu uadu i-hawl; ladle' loiittpild plutei) elmlii; luuies' koiuuouiho rinu, troiiis ha ilmwd solid noli! rim;; holld bliuk W III nut win k i hi ui i in iik ui-n , rim iiiuiiij balni'iial sklit; m t JeMelr,hleeo buttons to Ul. Hell ; Yluillt nun inov; Ktnis eunusuu juciiei ; Mpii'ii nu eo m i' nine, ivory irnutuiiiijs ; miiiii- rior iliritey looiiiHObiioppini; uwii ludleH' Uiah cut b.ilmoinl uuotk. I in1 uL'liib of ttu ' ?ij .One of thofollowlm: aril ehs. Mr: lilacknr eolond ulp.iea dre. imttern Uu dress pattern: mm pn-eeof uifacheii ov irowii Mii-riiuu ; i'iikiiiwii, hiiwt 'ihu'h. u ti"i th n ul luc imtoi : a li:aiiW mi'i-rior eush men for;p.uit VinilihtpatteniextraIimyhouey 1 eumi) quot ; two miicv eoioreu ueu hpnuu: t mr uu,rh 'tllif boots; i jurdti farmers1 koih! wool tniekmiri funey eushiuere pl.ild iIu-nn pullern, " V?.1"' .'"s.'V" V.1. tV'" lock ; ladies' idl wod elu.ik putleiu ; hi her p!at I ( uue or cuiu ii iski i ; iui iiiuii ur e.ipi'; luuies la-tiiouuhle 1 ool double shuw 1 : sob lutlilt lastn d titiiilly Jliole ttl- in ord puue uud i mriunt.i ; 'i d. iluuble uldih wuU r piuot i luuk m; -et lo iy Jul in l if kuim's, who am ei-piuieo nn ks si i silNel bilks; une si l eiirtains. 1 ur A e;uu in i'"i, tin, i uin" in i ni1 it ii nu m-4 ui titles, IK! 1 UltU tlullble Wlkt il eli.ilkuit;. T co it- lim, . larf, rui, im in mu iiiuii uu;it iit, with I ilu. laitre hired dltiiH i napkliiH lo iiiuudi : ln nt-lle junU .plt II-1 id l,i l.ip e i pttlnu nx,d 'OP IIH ; I M 111 11 Ull 1 1 1 1 ' Ullll Iw Ulllll'lllll Mil w i p. I ' teins; iiliu ijuulli puplln dnH pail ni' , w one 1 i.l fit pii.e Hiptllul it Villi ll i Mi. i HI' It lu ellni:; pall' t-'elll i eall Pools limt iUt!li , 1- cr hnuiliiu'i asi d p in iit leu ei wati ii : l- iv iv hnnd li il sti el I. lulled knlw'H and tui ks - ih t r- plati d t tm in1- co hix ooii 'e reui inii i ust i ) i it it iu t'ass iiui iu-m, sjn ii.tin iiiuii, imia .inn i.u ulllldi le: sipuli I'.i 1 1 s 1 tiiot-Lllli ! Itucuu s X- buirel ti d er ; p ui mi e rim white wuot lank niiciui oiuii .inn i .lie ; m:er-pi.iu i en- maMd ice pm In r. w ilh s.der; wu n a ml one nait aius an wuiii uoiej nnuoere,iur ur . one doi ii llouers' btht biUt i -plated forka ; mho m- iim'm winii utul cimnotiieriiii: iiiaehine wu htav hoin v comb quilt.; . u did I'liully llhde, rei ad and phototfrai'ti i i or laiuir iilioh tuu uiuu incruoi's in iu aiue i alio. Culaloi;ue of flood and (sample hi-ih i.-auj u ilrt frte. Hind money by MirUteied h itur Addict all orders tu AI.I.KN, l A V M A- i O., i-i 1 e utul St.. II. toli. M. P.O. Ik ot C. VhueiiIo Ut uleis In Ur atut Pltne Uoud, (uih'i.v. I'iatid Wine, Albmiu, I.e-thfr iluiidil, 4tis., An. H.irch J, ImB. iLOTUKS RY MAf 'MIX KHY. I uitdcrnl(ned would u spctfnUy call th mil ntlou of the public, to hi vtrw nod npprot4 ttN.l of inokln ehuhin hy o tein bawd ... i onoti imitlunuitical t-rlncin in. whhdi renders It InipoHHlbl lo he otherw ie (hurt iMTfinjily uccuralr lie claims for tbl tuutbud th followlni; Mil jutntirs. niwr. Period ittruraiT, HpiDN'P. A Krtvln of two third of the tliu nimll Ink- cu to cutout tbocluth. Till UP. Ability lo nteuiiire any fUur so nto lnur it fiuikl fit, riJL'iuii. Th it It iloe nwny with the necessity of twlng iueouieil more thiiii once, at often U ttm cafi, flout the iiiit-apprehf iwbm or mistake of thu measurer. He would nro the public tohe It ii trlal,iu Iw lisaiUucil that it will kLvu hTfrct H.AlUfaetlon. ll will be happy to e hlhlt and e plain tUwork ttiK tit any time to vlsltoi. j. w. chi:mri:hpin Muri'h IV, lM'.fi Main ht below Market. N S uIa N (J A (1 K jil' Y . Wy.niitiiK Il'm.oug .I'.liu. I,0IU,(U r.muiierco , , Juo.uo 1'llUi.ll i,(n Nurlll Alnerlra Sl0i, l'll l.VI.O'O Iiiitriu.ltoni.l I,l00,uu0 Nluuut.t I.Oiju.Oiv ,i:tliu I. Iso Htmk SUO.QOD IMIll.uil KO.IJOU U.',UU Hpillllillrlil ., I In-urur wf hUl. I'irui.'A... i, i .Miii-i lit at ."ii,iui ., ii,i-jo,ia4 N'ollll Auirlt-i.u Trau.ll 9MM tHLAki UHOW.N, Jgtnt, MurstT-lf. Uu.ou.UTua, I"a hlni
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers