The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 10, 1868, Image 2

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    i m
2Hht ($olumbiaw.
Friday .nortM.Nu. kvhu. io, ikiii.
,r-Till! COI.UMHI sN li tilt I.ttrrit
Ircnlntton In I'nlumlilit nml fttlJnlnlnR
nutlM nf itnr pup r iiiilillilit'it hrrr, nml
la alio mnfli l.rK.r tlil than any of
llirotf Mliararlr! ana li tltf rrarc lite lit II
itllnn far ailrf HUli.f In Ihl. ifcllon of
I Ik llf.
Tho April Elections.
lly roferenre In tlio ik'.-imtches In
mother eiiliiiiin, It will lie nwn Hint tliu
DMiiocrnc.v Imvc nut only miiliitiiliii'il
tliclr iieeiutanc.v lu Connoctlciit, but
linvp nearly doubled tliolr mr.Jorlty ;
whllt) In Mlfblfian, n stnto wlileh or
dltmrlly li twii llilrdi IU'iitilillcnn, tho
Hnilti-nla lmvo been benten on tho qui'3-
lion of negro suffrngo by over 10,000
nudorlty. In Clurlnnttl nml other
limilltles tho Democrat lmvo nnulo
womlerfiil gains, bIiowIiir that the tide
which set In last year grows fuller mid
deeper as It lutvniiew.
Tho Connecticut election Is a fore
disappointment to the lliultiuls, who
counted confidently on carrying the
state, and In order to succeed expended
thousands of dollars, besides Importing
Oen'M. Sickles, rieasanton, Cochrane,
Ex. Oov. Curtin, and hosts of other
Itinerant orators.
The battle was fought on national is
Mic, and the ltadlcals made prominent
use of Grant's name. Tho result shown
that It has not strengthened them there,
any more than It did In New Hamp
shire, and other localities.
It is now time thoDemocratsof Penn
sylvania were up and doing. An or
ganization should at once be effected In
every election district in tho State,
reading matter should bo supplied to
nil conservative or doubtful voters, and
with proper effort, and n Judicioiw
nomination at ow York, such as
Hancock and Doollttle, we would not
only sweep Pennsylvania with oO.UOO
majority, but would not leaven "grcnu
spot" of Radicalism left to curse tho
land. Ifwe are only truo to ourselves
tlir reign of tyranny nml usurpation
mint cease. Tho people are with us,nnd
unless the bloated despots who now
wield a little brief authority, heed their
voice, they will be hurled from power
lu tho amo manner that Cromwell ills
persed tho Hump Parliament. "Tho
Union mu9t and shall be preserved,"
nil woe to tho men or party who at
tempt to hinder it.
Stato Debt.
Whkx Mtt. I1uckam:w was in tho
State Senate, ho drew, and the Legisla
ture submitted to.tbo people, and they
adopted several amendments to tho
Stato Constitution. Among them w
one to provide a "Sinking Fund," for
the gradual payment of tho Stato debt.
It designated In part, tho sources fr tn
which the said Fund should ho derived,
and authorized the Legislature to set
apart other revenues, directed tho min
imum amount to be raised annually,
authorized tho increase of tho Fund,
and prohibited the Legislature from ap
plying any portion otherwise than In
payment of tho public debt, "unless In
caso of war, Invasion or insurrection,"
"until tho amount of such debt h re
duced below the sum of five millions
of dollars."
This was in 1S57. In ISIS, Mr. Duck
alow introduced tho act provided for by
tho Constitution, designatlngspeclfical
ly tho sources of income to bo set apart,
and providing that, the Governor
should, by proclamation, state the fact
and amount of tho debt annually extin
guished. Over this Democratic mea
sure, tho Iladicals have for some years
been making a great show of paying
tho public debt a thing they cannot
avoid under the law, and tho Constitu
tion. Last winter, however, tho plunder
being less than tho voracity of tlioplun
derers, n bill was introduced by a lead
ing radical Senator, providing for the
withdraw! from tho "Sinking Fund,"
of certain specified rovenues. Senator
Wallace and bis colleagues succeeded
in defeating tho scheme. Hut the spirit
of public plunder Is still rife, and thu
-nine project is again under di-cus-don.
It U claimed that by tho fourth sec
tion of the act of 1658, an "Increa-o or
modification of tho fund hereby crea
ted may bo made," nml therefore the
proposed bill Hjustlflod.
The construction Is clearly incorrect.
No decrease 1 authorized by tho words
or terms, or by Implication, In thu fourth
section; nnd If wo turn tothosUth, tho
meaning Is mado plainer, for It is there
enacted, that "at no time nnd In no
manner shall any portion of the fund
hereby created, be otherwise applied,
except as herein provided, under a pen
lty of one thousand dollars."
It Is plain therefore, that tho Legislt
turo of 16.13 did not mean, by tho word
"modification," in tho fourth section,
to allow certain incomes, set apart by
the act, to bo withdrawn from tho
"Sinking Fund," and thus overridotho
very express provision of the Sixth
Section i Hut that becomes tlll moro
manifest, when wo .refer tho word
"modification" to tho Constitutional
provision, that tho paid fund thereby
authorized to bo created should not "bo
ued or applied otherwise Hum In extin
guishment of tho publicdebt, until such
debt IS reduced below the sum of llvo
millions of dollars."
Then u "modification" may bo mrdo,
If It shall not reduce tho Fund to heap
plied to tho principal, after tho pay
incut of tho accruing Interest, to u sum
less, than two hundred and fifty thous
and dollars annually. Now tho debt is
not below "fivo millions of dollars,"
and no "modification" is legal or con
stitutional. Tho It-uiocrata when In
power, fortuni'tely withdrew from tho
reach of prospective cormorants, In
come sufficient, eventually I'ay "
tho Stuto debt, unless against law and
right and Justlc ', tho Radicals steal tho
appropriated funds.
Oks, Mi:adi: has declared Judgo Ir
win Ineligible for tbootllco of Governor
of Georgia, and he has withdrawn fiom
the canvass. Gen. Gordon was rec'itn
niendeil for tlio position by n majority
of tlio Central Democratic Lieculivo
Committee nnd Gen. Meade dielares
Gen, Gordon oUvWcJtehangt. 1
OS the second day tho attendance
was considerably smaller. An soon us
tho Court was opened, Mr. Wilson con
tinued by oflerlngi (documentary testi
mony tho lesolutlon of the Senate pass
ed last u Inter, non-concurring in tlio
suspension of .Mr. Slnuton from .office.
He then oflend the message of the
President to tin Senate, on tho 2lt of
February lat, announcing the removal
of Mr. Stanton from tho olllco of tho
Secretary of War, and also tho resolu
tion of tho Senate of the same dale, de
claring that the President laid no pow
er to make such lemoval. lie next of
ered a certified copy nl tho commission
of Mr. Slnuton as Scervtary of ar, I
sued by Mr. Lincoln, in January, IMI2,
Mr. WIUou stated that this litis the
only commission under which Mr. Stun
ton claims to hold the qfflcc tt Secretary
of War. These documents were admit
ted In evidence without any objection
by counsel for the defence.
Tho oiler of Stanton's commission in
vidence Is n blunder on the part of tho
Managers, for it shows clearly that ho
does not come within the protection of
the "Tenure of Olllco Hill." Tho Im
poachers called us their first witne-s
m. J. M'Donnld, to prove the service
of resolutions on tho President relative
to Stanton's removal. J. W. .tones was
called to prove scrvlconf copy of Senate
proeicdlngs on Gen. Thomas. J. 1
Creeey pioved t lint late c)iiim!"lons
conformed to tho provision, of the
"Tenure of Ofilco" net. Hurt Van Horn
swore to What passed at tho War De
partment when Thomas went to take
possession. Mr. Stanberry smashed
htm up on a cro-s examination. Gen
Morclicau was examined on tuo same
matter. Walter A. Hurlclgli was called
to corroborate. To n certain question
put by Duller, who conducts tho cute
for tho Managers, Mr. Stanbery object
ed. Tho Chief Justice overruled the
objection and admitted tho testimony.
Mr. Drake of Missouri objected to thu
Chief Ju-tlco making any decision on
the point, and claimed that the Senato
alone hud thu right to decide questions
of law and evidence. It was debated
bitterly by tho radicals. Finally
Wilson moved to retlro for consulta
tion. Tlio yeas and nays were a tic,
twenty-flvo Senators voting in tho af
firmative and twenty-live In thu nega
tive. The Chief-Justice uiiiioiiiiceillio
result and said: "Tho Chlef-Justlcn
votes in tbealllrmatlve; tho Court will
Tlio secret session was stormy, but In
tho end tho Chief Justice wassustaincd,
though Sumner, Howard, Drake, and
Conkllng opposed it savagely. Upon
that announcement being made, tho
Managers retired for consultation, anil
tlio Court adjourned.
on mo mini any tlio attendance was
not large. Sumner offered a resolution
denying tho right of tho Chief Justlco
to vote on tho question of retiring, yes
terday. Tlio resolution was rejected by
avotoof 21 to 27. Uurleigh was put up
on tho stand. A question by Hutler
was objectedto by Mr. Kvarts, was argu
ed and objection sustained by tho Chief
Justice, appealed to tho Senato and
admitted by them by a vote of 23 to 22.
Tlio answer gave no new facts. Mr.
Wllkeson was called as toconvoratlnns
with Gen. Thomas, and was followed to
same thing by Geo. W. Karshner. Ho
was followed by T. W. Ferry, M. 0.,
from Michigan to tho same and with
Emory. Gen. Emory was examined
us to what tho President ordered or
told him. Nothing important was elicit
ed. G. W.Wnllaco was sworn as to con
versation with the President as to tlio
disposition of troops in the District. W.
S. Chandler was examined by Hutlor
as to the process for getting money out
of tho Treasury. Ho got It In NewOr
leaus by stoiling. Charles A. Tinker
was sworn as to telegraphic despatch
es to Alabama. fDariii' thu sjss-
lon Stevens fell from Ills chair, was
picked up, not muth hurt. Hutlor
olered tho President's mes.-age oiiCou-
stitutloiuil amendment. Then called
I'lnker about IS August speech; also
Sheridan, Clephane, Smith, nml Col,
Moore, President's PrlvaloSecrotary. As
to tho Cleveland speech Messrs Hudson,
M'Lwen, nnd blark, wero examined
and all three reports put In, by n
votoof tlioSenate.ngainsttho opinion of
tlio Chief Justice, ports, though no two
of them agreed.
Satoudav April 1th. Court opened
us u-ual. Very few peoplo wero In at
tendance, and besides tho manager.,
not n dozen members of tho house.
Indeed when the houso met Mr, Gar
field inquired of tlio Speaker "whether
there was a quorum of members In tho
city? The Speaker slid there was not."
So that instead of attending in a body
upon tho "High Old Court" tho mem
bers havo gone home, or soniuwhoro
ele, and Hen Hutlor and Hlngham and
Thud Slovens run theCourt. And moot
certainly morn disgraceful exhibition
or quarter hesslons Pettifogging was
uuver shown than tho c induct ot thu
managers In this trial.
L. L. Wallrhlgu was examined about
tlio President's St. Loulsspecch. Mr.
Dean was called to tho samu matter.
Mr. Chew, clerk in tho Stato Depart
ment wasthen called, as to form of Com
missions Issued, and the process gono
through. List of removals and ap
pointments mado by tlio former Presi
dents, during tho session of thu Senato
put In. Also vol. 0, worksofJolm Adanm
as to the removal of Timothy Picker
lug. Mr. Creasy was recalled to prove
handwriting of tho President, and a
letter to Mr. M'Cullough was put in.
Senato Journal was tlieuoll'ered. Vlien
executive me.-sage.s to tlio Senato "wero
Mr. Hutler then stnted that tho caso
on tho part of tho pro-ccutlon was clus
ed, except they might oiler some evi
dence cumulative, on certain points.
On motion of thu President's Cuuu-el,
tho Court adjourned until Thursday,
April Oth., which was curried h a votu
It Is with a feeling of Statu pride,
eutlrely unmixed with anything Ilka
partlzunshlp, that wo are led to make
lionorahlu mention of Hon. Charles It.
Huckuluw, United Status Senatur from
Pennsylvania. Wo regard him as one
of tho ablest iii((mi of that body. Ills
speeches are characterized by clearness
of logic, sound reasoning, forcible argu
ment, and loftiucns and purity of rhet
oric. Although uu uucoinproiitlsi ng
Democrat, ho uuver falls (o command
tho attention anil ruspect of Hopublieaii
members, for hu uuver so Tar forguis
himself in thu heat ot debate, as to In
dulge in Intemperate and III timed r
miirks. Jt would bo well for tho coun
try If both tlio great political parties
would always select such men as their
representatives In tho councils of thu
nation. JJraitord Aryus,
Tho Buckshot War.
NUMlllMt I.
O.v tlio tlth day of December, fivedays
after the organization of both branches
of the Legislature, as stated In our last
paper, Mil). Gen. Patterson arrived In
llnrrlsliurg, In obedience to a requisi
tion from Gov. Hllner, wlth"tho volun
teers of tlio 1st division, Pennsylvania
militia." No disturbance of any kind
bad ociurcd from the .'Hi to the Dili,
every thing was quiet and orderly.
Nobody was misbehaving tint Stevens
nnd his ltuiiipcrs who wero skulking
about the corners and alleys.
On the very next morning after bis
arrival, Gen. Patterson reported to Gov.
llltner that every thing was quiet, and
requested permission to send ut leuM
u portion of the troops home, the Gov.
refu-ed ; and the General, tho samu day,
averting that Ills force was unnece-'sari-ly
large, reiterated the request to be al
lowed to send a portion home. On the
12th thu Gen. requests perml-slon to re
turn all tlio troops to IMiihldeiplila, (o
be dismissed : stating that theio Is no
roil-on for keeping them at Hnr'rNhurg;
hut It was not until the 1 Ot li that bo re
ceived tho desired permission.
Thusended the Huckshot War; blood
less, because of the fixed delerniln.;tion
ofthopeoplu to have what they had
lalrly earned nt tho ballot box, In spite
of engineers from the Gettysburg tape
worm aim "bullies from tho Wlsconlsco
ft eder, "armed anil equipped ut the Slate
arsenal,by command of Stevens, ltltner
and Hurrowes.
Tlio amended Constitution was de
clared adopted, David It. Porter was
inaugurated Governor. The whole pro
gramme of tho radical revolutionists
utterly failed. Thuddeus Stevens went
homo to plot new treasons to his adopt
ed Slate.and tho other actors returned to
tlio shades of prlvato life, receiving ami
meriting the contempt of nil faithful
Thu actors in tbo-o exciting scenes
are coming to be old men. They will
all soon lie thu property of history.
Porter Is dead Hltuer Is dead Peuro-o
Is dead Fenn Is dead Shunk is dead
Stevens is dying Hurrowes Is editing
the School Journal Hopkins Is a
State Senator-and William H. Heed is
amusing his leisure, by defending his
grandfather from the slanders of Geo.
Hancroft. Gen. Patterson and General
Pleasantou are still in tho field, with
their reputations untarnished by the
It might be interesting to examine
somewhat more in detail, the testimony
given on the investigation of the sub
ject, by Mr. Heed, (ten. idller, John
Montelius, Judgo Ilou-ton nnd many
others who wero examined before the
committee ; but the-e papers havo al
ready grown ,n number far beyond (un
original intention, and lest wo should
grow tedious wo forbear. Would that
our people hail heeded the le-oii then
taught us a leonnf unity and harmony
ing as a party, and of a determination
to a-sert and defend tho right, as men.
Can wo not yet mako thuappllcation.
Though much is lo,t, all is not lost. Let
us therefore up, nnd save what wo can
from tho wreck. Tho campaign now
opening Is a brilliant opportunity to ru-
tnevo our lallen fortunes, and to wre-t
from the hands of radical destruction
ists, the power still further to destroy
our dearly bought, but nlas! too little
cherished liberties.
Bill to Provide for the Survivors of
tho War of IS 1 2.
Tin: following bill has been signed
by the Governor:
An act to provide for tho Payment of
Gratuities and Annuities to the Sol
diers of tho War of 1M2 and their
Skc.tio.v1. licit enacted etc., That
tlio act entitled an act to provide for the
payment of gratultlis and annuities to
thu soldiers or thu War of 1812 and tholr
widows, approved tho 13th day of
March, A. D. ISCfi, be, and tho same is
hereby revived, with thofollowing pro
viso and amendment :
Provided, That tint affidavit required
in thu said act shall bo mado before the
Court of Common Pleas of tho county in
which the applicant shall reside
at tho samu time of making Ids or her
application, which affidavit shall bu at
tested by tho Prothouotury or Clerk of
the Court, with tho seal ot thu court at
tached, or in tho event of tho uppllcaut
being too sick or infirm to make appli
cation to such court, tho affidavit nioi e
sald may bu made before an uldernian
orjustlco ortho peace, which allldavlt
shall bo supported by two re-pet'tubbi
citizens, under oath or afilrnuition,
stating such sickness or infirmity, Anil
provided, That the term "necessitous
circumstances" in tlio said section shall
bo construed to mean not to bo possess
ed of real or personal estate of tlio value
of fivo hundred dollars. And provided
further, That thu gratuity mentioned!
in the said act shall not bu paid to any
person who shall havo uceived a gra
tuity under tho said act. And pruviiM,
Also that said gratuity unit unnult
shall eeasoso soon as provision shall be
mado by Congress ibrsuid soldiers and
their widows.aud tlierealterno peiislous
shall bu paid under this act. And pro-
viuat jiiruier, mat every up; liiiuiim
for either a gratuity or annuity under
thu provl-ions of this act shall be attest
ed annually by an allldavlt as alnrc-uld.
l)i(f provided further, That thu up.
plication of any person under tho pro
visions of this act shall bu indorsed as
meritorious by ono ol thu Judges nf ilio
court beforo whieii thenllidavit requir
ed li this act shall be nude. And ino
vtdcilfitrthtr, That no pensions or grat
uities shall bo paid on any application
heretofore mado under theact ot March
10, lwiu, nml persons claiming Uie lien
ellt of this act shall make their applica
tions anew. J'rovtded fnrt,tr, That
any person who Is in receipt of n pen
sion or gratuity in pursUiuico ol unv
special act of Assembly shall not tie en
titled to thu benefit or thu provision.-, of
this act, and that no foe shnll bo recov
ered for the collection of any anuultv
after thu first payment made by thu
Statu Treasurer as afo.-esuhl.
Sic. 2. That any attorney, agent, or
other person prosecuting any claim
under tills act, who shall demand orru
ceivu any greater sum than live dollar
as a fee iorpio-ecuiing any claim undci!
this act, shall lie deemed guilty of n
misdemeanor, and on conviction there
of, In thu Court of tjiiarur So-slnus of
thu eouiiiy where he may le.slde. shal I
pay a fine of nut mnru than fifty dollar
or may bo Imprl-uned not excecdln;r
one month.
Hl.c. ,1. Thatnny soldier of tho sail
war who may not have served thu full
term of two months, but who was In
actual engagement with tho enemy, or
tho widow of such soldier, shall bo en
titled to the benefit or this net.
Sko. I. That this act shall take effijet
from thu first day of January, I8!.
Skc. I, That all laws or parts of laws
inconsistent with till- net bo and idio
same mo hereby repealed.
All doubts of tho safety of Dr, U.
Iiistone, tho African explorer, nro now
dispelled, filr Hoderlck Murchlson lo
day received a letter from tho dUtlm
guUhed traveller, which eanio by tlao
way of Zanzibar, J)i. IJvinuUm wril.M
that ho Ih lu jood health, that his Jour
ney of exploration has been huccoaaful,
and that he will &oon return to KulauO.
inn hip 1 1 iiuheaiiiii
Oponing of tlio Presidential Campaign I
Defeat cf tho Negro SufTrago CcnstUu
'tlon in Michigan,
IlAUTfoitt), April (!. llil! towns give
Lngllsh majority. Forty towns
to hear from gnvo Kngllsh 20S majority
hist year. The Senato will stand
ltadlcals, 12; Democrats, !).
The First District is yet in doubt
The ltadleal majority in thu IIou-u will
be about 20.
IlAUTl'oiil), April 7. Complete ri
turns from every town in the state,
received at the Coiiranl olllco, gives
I'.ngllh l,S7I majority. Lat year II
was 071.
IlAUTt'oni), ft., April 8. Corrected
returns mako l'.nglisb's majority l,7i
The total vote is 09,32,1.
Atciii.-o.v, April li. The city election
to-day resulted in the choice of a Dem
ocratic Mayor by a majority of 21. The
ltadlcals elect a majority or thu Couu
ellmen and School Hoard ; al-o, consta
ble. Lawui:ncj:, April (i Tlio ltadleal
ticket was elected to-day although the
Democrats polled a large vote. This I
thu only time lu the history of ihe cits
that the Democrats have had a ticket in
tlio field.
Li:avi-.nvoi:tii, Kavhas, A ri!7.
Tlio vote at die municipal election to
day Is not yet counted, but It Isionecd-
ed, that Morehead, Democrat, Is elect
ed ouer Anthony,, by fiom
Kin to (ion.
Ki:)Kt'K, April . At the municipal
election to-day the Demecr.its w-eru suc
cessful. It went Itepuhllcau hut year,
Dr.-rnoiT Midnight. lteturns
ono hundred towns give 10.C W a:
the Constitution. Tho votu en prnhili
Iliou will bo quite clo-u; It is iniiiossl.
bio to tell to-night what the result will
bu. Tho municipal elections through
out the Statu show no special change
from last year.
Co M-.M ill's, April The Democrats
havo carried the city by about 1,00(1
majority, a gain of ."00 over la-t year.
Murphy is electc"! Marshal, and six out
of nino Counellmeu are Democratic.
Joseph Oldsisolected Judgcoftho Com
mon Picas.
Ci.vci.v.vati, 11:30 r. m. Nearly
complete returns fiom Ihe wards indi
cated that the Democrats have elected
their entire ticket with the exception
of tlio Clerk of tho Polieco Court and
tho Dir,ecloror thu City Infirmary, Last
year tho H.idical majority was ,'i,00).
The Council will bo ltadleal by a sin ill
Tor.i'.DO, April l!. Thu Hadical ma
jority on the city ticket is 270, a lo-s
since October or 110. City Councils
will stand tun ltadlcals and six Demo
crats. SA.VDUsiiv, April 7. At tho muni
cipal election yesterday the entire Dim
ocrutle ticket was elected by an average
majority of 200.
Sr I.oui, April ". liifoiiiiilpip ro
turns of tlio city election tn-tlny iiulicato
(he following lVMilt :
01'nIiH) School (Hu'ctors tlio Dpiiio
crats clccUtl live. Ol'lwolvo Aldermen
the Democrats t'lectetl ,si, the K.ulieuls
live, aiitt one was tied, On the general
ticket fot-ytrect Hall road ('iimmN-Ioii-
er, the Deiuocralft elected their camll-
tlato by from L'O'I to J100 majority.
Sr. Louts, .Mo April H, -The .-uliro
Dcmocratlu ticket wi elected beie ye
terday. Klijht out of ten of tho conn
ellnien are neniocrat-.
KvANhvtM.i:, April 7. the tlty ehv
lion yesterday rt'.nltetl In the choice oT
Uie Democratic Mayor, a minority oi
iho (ommon Coimell, and all the city
ticket evivpt Clerk. Tit city for sev
eral years pa.-l bin pme ltudlcal. Tho
contert uaiexcitin, Init mainly on loud
J lies.
Milwatkli:, Apiil 7.-Hetnriw vo-
ceivtd up to 11 o'clock Indicate ihe e!e' -Hons
of h. S. JJlxon, Hadical, for Clih f
Justice, uud Ityron liyno, AM)date
Justice by M.DOU to ltUU0 mujorlty. Tho
Hadical majority last year was l,7l.
Mllwnnkeo City haso0nf. Democrat
ic by ,.7K) majority, u guln of 1,000 for
thu DemociatH,
Tlioodoro Hudolf, Democrat, has been
elcftod Mayor of U Croso by IU0 ma
jority, Miiavai ki:!:, April K.-O'NIel, Dem
ocrat, Is elected Mayor by -,-00 majori
ty, Tlio republicans Uw three alder
men and live eouiicilnien, and elect but
one member of thu common council out
of 1'7.
l'.w as You (!(. TIip iirt'M'iit lltiun
uliil i.rcnMiruwhlrli Miiiiroiilitmti'iiii'i'
Intr I'roin liui liei-ii iioilimlit asovi'ro Ich
him to tlioiu piTniitH wliu havo liewlo
foro iiiiliciHluil thl-i well triuil m.ixlm.
What ti lorrlblu tiling It mint In- to n
mim contliiiiiilly "ovc-r lii-ail nml hi-olh"
Inilebt.iH tho suyinj,' U. it Is fur bet
ter, anil In fact iiMwuary fur a biiL'oiful
bmlni'si niri'iT, to ioiiiliii:t till Im-Iio-is
cli',illii(,' upon a cuth liasl-i, Imtli In luiy
tntr mill belling, If yoini IiuhIihi-h
mon , hiiiI old ones, too, would only
learn tint Iiiinirliuuo of Ucallntc upon
Ilio ruliHyntt'111 tlicru would Itu lim fjll-ure.-.
to ri'ford during tliu pi-rKod of n
Hlnu'iiolt'd trailt'.
- -- i
Sho Reduction of the Army.
U.vnr.u Mr. Iluckutow's Hincmljiiuii,
proposed In thu Senate, th" Aioi.v oi
tho United Siut-s would be reduced
fiom "i0,0O0 t.i HO.OOO men. Several it"
publium me. nl. m'f the Senate voted
Tor Its adopM'in, but party discipline
withheld thegteit body of iliein (rom
doing so, anil secured its del'iat We
hope not finally.
fiy this pro.iodllon there would be
uu annual saving or expense to the
Government or thirty millions of dol
lars or mole; or about one do"ar fr
very human helny in the United Slides
upon tin equal division of the amount.
From the debate Upon Ibis subject in
the (ItoticH Is very plain that no gooil
reason can be assigned why the Army
s.iould not be largely lediued nnd the
burdens upon tho people very greatly
lightened. Gen. Schenck has "hit
commence in u majority ol inoHUprcine
Court ol thu United State-." That is
more tlian the Sitpremu Court can say
for (ten. Schenck. They never had
confidence lu him.
U,I. l'OIl Till-! XATIO.VAI, IIW11I.
WAslllM. tits, IVblllary A', lMy.
1 lie N' DotiMit-nilie Coiuinittfe. li h uie
nfllii-mltlinlltv rout, MiU Uli'tll tilt HI lt Itu- lii-l
Niilloli'il Ik-luoi-iillic fnnMiitutu, nl m milium
Hits il.iv lit Wn-,h!tiutnll. 1). itli-tl In liolo
i lie nixt I'niivi-iilleii lor Uu-1 in I'ii-i- of noin lim
it ii v mi in mutt's in, iiisiiii in nun hi-i it- -i i
nl uu-I'nlK l siiiiesiiM ii.- nil u,t in .niiy. i-u-,
at mi'i-iiiik m.. in riii'i-ltv m Ni-w tiiic.
'1 In-basis i,r li (in i ni tlnii, hi ll it liv tlio lust
N'litlniiiil III inni'inlli1 I'lHiM-iition, Is iintilili- 1 1 its
umnlii-rtirMfliiliiirs Mint Kive s. nl tlr. Ill I'tile
lii-i-s, nfi ,n It s-tiilt' limn r Hit; lust .ii nit t Inn iin-nt
Iliirll St.llu I lti!ti il lit t-rtlil iti-li-4-,l nri'in'i!
At ttrsr iii-'i.MnsT.fii iini.iii.
rni.timurir ii. l'ttisii:, siwtm,v.
Dcmocratio Stato Ticket.
ror. suntTun-t.hNi u M
rou sritvr.Yeii-tiF.M r..r, i
r OlI.L'MniA COt NTV.
;iui-ki-l Krjutrt.
WlH'ltt 1 IT lltl-ln-l
U 1
''mil "
Flint! iir bat if I . ...
IllVCIMMll , ..,
l''l,sSMt ll
Mi.t.. i."fri""v.v.""...v. .".,7"".
i 'in I;
-tlH ll 111 1 M.UUltli 1W
I, M it! irr potiitfl
II, i; i'vr tuti
It iiii'ii-li 1,-vmo pr tlin'!n1 fT-t . ...
I 'lilt' " ' " llltl- HU'l.l ..
lo.s-'.SciiittUtM i'l inli,(IIi'nittit i.
h.i :., I ,t i UtiMiHuutL,
"nam " M ft,
St; I M ,
piiiinaitii ;.s.iueu.
' uruMiMt, Arll H XhVK.
Niiititwi-nterii sUpi'iiiiH' ai.... ?Xiti. 7.
Vmtliwfxti :n t Aim v"' t
N'il Ui ftt fill l.ililll HUirt il.
l'-nti ImmiIh hjl ivti-rit -niit-iiliif i -.
IV IViiliM mill -'i a in .,(.,! k.
IV nilvl t-.iiiim iixl .Vi-l ill latnilv... . Il.ll'i t''
I'i nnvyivuiiU ati't Vit!rii Iti y I i. .".""
iiw Hour n viav.
W m:.r iViitisylvitnlu ru,l, v hm t2t&
l JilMornlu " ' SJ.ji
" ultUu " f:UVf!i
Itvr i'ftiPsylvanln yt Y Sl.Ti'in-iLU)
( UIIN 1 flloW, " SI. 1 7i 31. J
v uu. . 1.17 '
t vm-V 'Us 7m nle
l'J:OVlili.NH .Ml-.- I'HIK, 4 bill t-TJ.
. Ml"
Iie-fi JIiifh. v tr
Slllolvf'l lilllll
" Mionhh'i- p 1
-( hlMT-l 111 hll'
'J linoihy-i f. y hu-
1 IIIXM I'll ,
A t n.K Deel l at lie V II)
1 1 1 iv s, it l.eatl
si. i n v ii.
Mix. t i !h !
o t i c j:.
Ihe umlcrhUnul, one nl the p. or 0.rM'usnf
hrotl Tuuuihlii, would uo'tfv Un fiihlif lint lie
has al pirsint utitWr lilt i harpe, two l(1s i.nd a
un I. in; (1 liniiiisfM n io im uii', whom hf wi-h-is
lo hind nllt In Millie Ull.'ihlf ( Ixolinrpi r-uil-,
OnCAlt I. I..N I',
Apll! m.-MJ.-U.
x i-.TAn. np, mium.d.
l.t ttetK nf adiuln'sttiitlun on he i'la u l'
ttr Dilliuiu. lu'c of Seoit tnwnshlp tntumh.n
'ouill.v. ih ei-a-nl. h ie he n ;renliil Pv l'if lt
1-ter nrafd (oinit (o.)ohn K.irot of Hlooius
hiii'tr, .Ml jeifiaiH li.iMhj; i latins of ili-iimnd-amiiti-t
Ihe estate nftht ilet'iihnl in- n nut-Mfd
(o Uiiike t Im 111 klinun, mid th-f linl'hted (i
in-ike na liit'lit. J ( III N K liHi'lft,
Apiilln.V. i.
(jatawissa niniio; t o.,
I'he I'u'sldfiit ai d M.mnao h of the CainwU-n
lhid"e Co., Hiix ilav ilifhilul n il'Vlih lid nil tln-lr
(-'aplial ni'koi:i pi-r i ent. '"'i pi r hh.irt',1 iiyu
hie to tho 'mi k-hoaU-r .orihfir heal ltrifM-n
i.'tlrs. .IOIIN i-IIAl'l MN,
('attawiHHi April (1, IMK 'JreiiMiu r.
Apill h','us-:;i.
qatawissa nniiHu: CO,,
ini .nopu.iy, aim i, pii). nueiretton win i.eiiei.i
a thf iionsf .i .1, it KIsMei'. ion Jlhcis nf t'nt.i
wlsa llrldt'orn,, lor thf en'-iilnif m-ir
April I01't.'.t, Mfi-etaty.
.otke When hy lcn InOTCultf t'lnrniif Mti'f
and t'unnly'Jayi h tir lie (f-unty nt Colniuhia,
In 1 1 oil" ihr '1 it itfcur.x nf mid Ci tmi , il.e J hi I
ntiit'Oflhilr iluplltalir un lnlni Ih'' next
Mft.v i .fin oi i Hint nr i mm r f d pim i ill.iifi
Mltlh c tn 1 e fn i' I it Io 'ni th. 1 if lull ot
1 lu Minn. .Imi- I'. t'i wj i it I i.vt m,i J" ou.'ts.
MO t p i m m.i rt, )
V, in, IviliKhauiu, Apill V),lfi,
ATKI.V OlK.M-:i.
hi in U it,' ifd would lTVf rlnllv Infnfui th
illnt-psui Hh nn-hurii ,nui . nti iii. I lie hn
ju i f i tn il ii lntt c ii lnjti no ' iii imi'ii ?t ''n
, ml 'Ih id, vt u- hi v.ill mllow Uie fat .in f in"'
1. int. hu liiit. In id! in. ln ut'hi s, if 4'ir-air
Mj.i.M.i (,r. ouiiat lot-riN
f"tdvl'I I'toifpiie Mid d'iuh-h, HeiNth't
iiitiipl. in ii ull l.ludx at tin nil hit, iiudnil
ii the i plait in oi fiUf.lioOniiu-,l thulrn, t'at
h .i.lfie tiJ' - ( iif.ith iitul eXpi dllliiUh
lv, and nnlcrs in. .iteiii d t fther in imnuliitr hy
until. IVOr i' fralui in tdo io nrder at ihh
(.... num.iu i:on,
April lO.VMf.
i. lNTKUXAi. iu:vk.viji;.
Nntlco Ih In ri 1 y k'm-ii, llinl Uu- lllilwlil'l,
AhM ,-or i.f llm I Oh l-l.ii.i I i-l 1MiiimIiiii .iuIIi
hold i (lurt. of .i .-Hi r-r l lit- i it.... at t-rm n, at l.l (lllli-i- In III l-lilll J,
ii Wi.liM'h.liiy Mil 'Hhim.1ii, At-rtl
-tt r. i 'Hi. !. . . ,
Ai. tiniki li,- itiuriiiiiuiiiil-l!iiill i-i',-,'-
iti tin- inirtl.'uliii .'.u,i-. lu.iltfti-, ,"l ,t
iii4 lil, li n tti-clhl.m l ru". -tt-l. uli-l ,1' i it
tin- ifimitulor iiliiclil,' ,,l ei ror .-...tij.l un. ,1 ol.
Ait'iili iiiiiv Ih lin-fU-llt f I it- III,,- i I lll,-."
,r-t.or at lili tllil, 1-r, tolli. to lliu litl i,Ih..-
dm ii r.. I,.-,. . i i.c niii--ii.
49- Ifiiuv ii, i ).. ii Iiiiliti- Ii. lux. or oi n.
(j iu rl.iK-, uii, li,-i noil nlliii- iiinrlt-k lutlilo
1. r Ki lii-lul A ol ll"- I'.m-Im- ll, llllM llnl , I
i lliu ui, IihI uolin,,l li.,loot'l
oil,-,- or 1,,1-ollH' llllt-1 lo III,' i,-U,ll. It is tll
hit. ofrw, out-iinif lillljti. to III.' liiu Iii sill;
i'.'AK,i-,hor ot hi liistrict.uii.i muii,- hln ,, nun.
icoili.u 1 I . CI. Mil."
At-M-tAio-1 llll llWt.lvt, IViiii 11, H ui VH
1ihiiiiI.UW. I'll.. April I, 1. f
a- Mtmluiir .lft,u!, l.rmtfii
V,.r, .Ir,,.. .Vi,,.
t , , lbiolu ll'tuu i tir,
iijomii'I t" invcrai,
jit. tin inty,
Anl lu.-ttH.!!.
qi. until ..n i is'KTnTri:N asj
A. Ihirtliuiirii ncwHtolu ItoolllH oil Mllln Kt.,
hulow Miirllt-l.
DltV uoons,
Jtv., Ac, r.
Aim, ii ni-w ninl cooil ni,ply i.f HrtlVIX ANH
TlNVAItl. uili!l(lliliil u tti-ll-llioHll unit
up, nor Moiltiiiiil., 1 il,uii,l to hiuUe ll, w
voiU, nml ii-putrmK loonl, r.
m'I ITJNO M.M'I. TO OltHni,
All ni fli, up fir ,'llbll or ll ull- in. 111,' t-lti'.ilH' .
I ill UIHl hfl' -rhlhlOllllj Wtkt tliil 'll -Holltll
JtiiniKi, A. 1IAIUM..N,
April Id. 'oi.
Jill tin- t'oni O.hto, Ul ntiii-luiiir, April M lP,
i m. H. I.
I.vnonl Jiuup
I iiiit'iit'iiut i V m
Mi,,n- )tl
Milh rOromi' W
Mlll. r ltrnn A
Muittnn .IiHiii
IlllM Ullllll X
.Sim if r.i
V il.rll H
ri ii t until win i;
ItlHiii' nli'
H'nlnviH Vnnnlf
Ifl'-hitnlo " nrtii H
UntilillM W W
Un-imi.l hiioii
li Miin hirtm A
llu-M'H W
hi,,. II i- lifter I
h'iiMo..v m r.
fw ItiU V l!lliBi"l
Htnlth UwU
Hlieli I!
r .on us o s
'I (mum Al)l"ln.l
'llfiniito JainiH S 2
luvy W
Vmiiey .tniii"
Vtvmn .Ininot 2
Wliilrnlplil I rank
Winieh .Itimlo
Wulf H II
Wilcll Ueliecca (J
WellUer T.I
Urllncsi Win
1 rieiit Hflh tl
ft' lift, r Oeoic
.io'in ii. rnisix.
Ihiti w nr. Win
l'l r M itimin
' noli no
.n ml-. Jntili
i inii Of rt(p
'i t ' lout Ut U.((H 2
it ItiT I i."lll.1
itlh tiin Mr
IH'lHoll HllWtll li
Diit llrthti ill
tirh n iii r
iMtf I'tllll
l;vn lt-lm
lit John
I'ox .lilllll
I Ih'mt U tl let
I'rv Willi II
Oli.-fhfait I1.
ilniw Joltn
' 'iirUlHT I ltl)
iln l'u, rick
ll'irtnmii 11 O
lie 111 u little
IIMi-ltlllHI W 1)2
in nr ii v
thiftiliy Jiicoli
lohiiNnii I,-, urn Ann
.jitetih r
Imiilx W O
K On.' I,iI,
vii-liif urHiiinIri u rlt nf V. inHllniil i''.XIiOlVl,
In. iii.. I out lit ll,i t", iiiit nl I tin mi lit I'lt fli of I't
lillni'lii otllil, in iniMlllivUil, will In- t'Xl'iiV'U
tu ptihll' h.iIh iii oulfiy. ut th' Omrt IIiniHi-, In
lllOMiiiOiiirir, oil Mimilnv, the tlh tiny ft Mn til
iim o'floi K p. M., llielolMUlliKK'Hl iMlilt' .own;
All tliat k lluill Unci nr I'lfie ut luiul i-llunie
in miiMiliii.r inuiulilii I'lihimlilii I'Miintv. mil'
tjilnilix otif huiiilieil in n h mute ni It km, ntimi.
s.. . t( il ii. lnll.iM lit u II l ( hi I lie tint til llll.l I'flHt
li (mull oM'uimiil Hi . the miuiIi y UnU
ol Hiitnliel llisniiil on Miewist ny i.uimshi ihmi
Jjiinlii IVleinutii. when mi H iti t-t tl a one il'iry
ntiihk ilut llltl'.' hfittl ii ir-iiMiilile. v Hll the il-
piiiti'iKUicCH, HclrM nml inltf it lu iMcutlonai
Uii lro.eit nf Willliuu .1. lit-.
AI.MM All thai lmv-iiHKi'. I'irfC, nr I raft
n l i m I. ..Il lliitf Iti t (if IllU llHllltl llf I 'lllll
It i. In the town ol Cjitau h.i, Iti the rntllity of
('olitmh! i n ii' I ilf-erll'i it iu foiiou, to vlt ; I roil
tin it im Hmi rou. 1 i n et I lo ft 1 1, tuul imiillnir '
i'lneTli tfi'l, ndjolnlnu anl h aili.h un I hp eant
U lot n Itflil.iiillll I. l orllu-r, w hereon tncreet-
cl a l.irtff 1 1 iiiiie wure-hoii-t uti.lonuui-iU rrunv
.Kf tlln r
tv lft I, tnkf ii Into fXf uthui, nml to o tM as
tin- itmi'iTly nf .hiliti .Iiiriifvnti,
All Hint erlain nlfcf or trm t nf I.nel situ itc
lit 111 iitlf it't k tm n' i, l 'nliihio.ii eitint 1 foil
t tlnli'ix H 1111 1 h, inore ni Ih, hiiiin Ifil nil Die
kM.iih hv intuit nt U'tn. II. I'i fa iiii.l ll.uilel Uuw-
r, un ihe north h lmnU of 01 ntiff K. I let niel
Win. II. I'i tin.) un thf eiisl hv I.hkN ul (lu.
Il.1cl1111.111, on ItH-h In en cled a liiiiiietlrtfllhn;
liiituH ntnl 11 iru un lut rrv tilllithi uniturtfirilieei.
ff J7cil, laki it hilo eH( ulli'ii, itlel to In -riil ns
the pioj irt or v 111. II. II.111111 m.
All Ui it (orlaln itiisiMinije niul tract of huvl
Hltualehi the Howhil'Ii ol i'i ntliilla, Cnllliiililit
.Olllltf. hlltlllll. ll (111 1 tlfM-rlltf.l lit fo low-
H'll : On ill" h Ii0.liHt AM'liue.nli llfunulli
hV Ilallroiul Mii'i t, on the etW h all illey, u
ihi'iiniih nv lot nl It. nli. ii Kniltle. nnon whie
iseicftiila Ir.i i ilwllln lioiwc, t.ihU me
111 lii r 11 ilillnfi.
M'.Zitl, taken hiioeveeiillun.ninl to ho solil 11s
thf propi-ny oi John t'aiinun,
Hioniiisunru, Apr.. 1 t,'n.
pOLU.'.n.A t'wUNTY, S:-
IN Till
j orpu ii a'
url oi 'oUiin'il.i . In t
iii.iitci uf iiit im.Ii Im n-i I vi 'i.iii.iii oi t
esluhi of Tflt-r .Mi lit I,, l.ilu oi m1! I .Mi..o
ohintlila enilliix , ff.i-fil, 'lotln licit nfvm.
I'i .ti Mi I it U, ih it iim il : in Mm nan i Mi ilH'l.
Wll.iw.t MUM tl. ff.unl. .Ili-oli .'If! IK It.
I M llifk, ifs'illnu at I i llaxin, i Iniinii
. .l.t -, li., Hll.iin II. M.'l. " r. i nuai MI
utntToit, 1 oiutiu f anil . , 1 una Muiy
t- in. t ri ii irnt il with 1 '.in h't chilli . it nhl nut ,
ti. in, Ii 1. 1" 'iiniy, W foil Ni, I'tuitiif, tn
i V liaillKl W.UI, llll.OllI'lJlilj, ll J Hllll Ml ;
.los., ,,!i tn. itii . ..if.i.. Ainu r .Mt liU !;. K sl'llliir
."-I-.f M-n, I'a.. .i-Mii W. Mi Hi. 1. lt-lhlit;at
iu .inn, i ..tin. Hiii oiin-y, i (., an i iuui.
Mu'lif-k, uH.miu .it 1-mltl - lifft.i ohitnhla muii
ly, I''i., iih'l llf .oDoA'liiu ni'Mi'"! i;r,iiitl elilltn
to t : i titt liin..i .in. n. l.ilf M:u Lin 1 1 Hi
I't'it llfiit tta I t. IiMuii lies! an. I I. ill
j'l ih'Hl, ciithlti'li .l Hflii.i lift, late I'
I'll. f t. iflt'UM'l. II' lll'tlill't i int. m
P.i., l 'Hurt Wlinriht; nml Win hat-l Whailn
li.lMI' .ul ll .fll.l 'I vi n It '114. i lf H tt n )' I .H''
I if It. iJi efii-i .1. iLiiiniki in ih.- Mat ul luu
lnl.f Iiollff t at nil iMiDi'st Will he la li) . 'it tli
iwle .Iwi'liliu H-'U-; rlfi Miliick, tht-fiiMsl
in wcull lutt iistlilp. i n liu Ml. i. April . Ih I "0
hflWi-tli the tif.uis nt nihik a, in,, and I I
u e.nt k p. in., ol -iil'l tU , tor thf pnrpoif ut in, Hi
ni p.iiiiiu ii ui iiii uiu isinie oi miu hi ri.'ni
to met aiiinni; hN i iiiltiu n alMl lei;al ii'pi i enla
.us. 1 mt Miine i un hi-1 tnif i ii if nl nil il ic
to or M.ulllliu nl thf sln.lf. itlhiiUlMi 10 Millie
aii'l aiiiirai-t' the .ilne in eoulnm to law. at lileii
thin aii'l I'l.iu un aie it qui si ii to ait ml ll
, ml itillili pini.Li,
.Til le,ti. MoliOU'AI MII.LVltn,
oi let; ok ixtiUKsr.
tale ufClt'iiual li. ItifltftlH. late if Oranue
I'in.iislup, (Ifi', io Ma' hi Ir- aii'l hfj il ii-p
it -.'ittaliM' ol C'h'Uiui 1 U, UiekMI-Jate ul Ut
anuf Juunslilp, i'oluiuhia ii.init.v, iheiM-t-d, lu
nil! i'o .Mar, Hii-kill., widow 1 den ilt-lil wlto
n id -s lu Oitini;! nif, uiiui niuii'sa d ; l-dlja
O. lili-k. lis ui Mime plan-; .Inhli likkitls nf
I'li'U. MliKhin, I- llllilil i"lttllj, Ohio; .Ninc
lint II ni lillmd, i .U.KiUii fiauil , IllilinW; 1'le s
.Hu i-un-i ut Middlu 1 ui U, ll.dlali i ; Hie heliM ot Hi Unkills uhosf iitldi.i -s uie uu
lEliovvn; liuih J lulu i, whoe U-id. iee W uu
ktitiwn; ll.ehfiis. l.M.uj M'lnio-h, whusf u-s-idt'Hi't
H mt in.Uuowu i thf iifiiKol- '.th t'oiin.
ilh ,wiiii- r d'lit'f-uii unknown ti oj t tli.ik
otin iniiiiir i lui.lif u ot la i il.iughttr, launui.i
(. ourtlinl, vi. : Uiehitid 1 ., M.iik.iuI C., Nancy
1'., It Pii-ea .M., lunii.iind .Manid.i t'outlilylit,
Ull we i ddi lit i- K ,f, I duanW i'iauil,, ami ho h-tvi- n.r hen (tii.ndian laljuli
(i, liukiii moii said ; 'ind tol.fini.i iilekiiih,
oi la r hells w hoon lesldem fNiiif unkliou u, and
all ot if i' pft ions lnt n st i'.l, Oii'i'iiiix:
ull and null ul iiii uif mifh uolilh d that
III puiNii.iui e ni a w nt nf pan ll Inn ur Mihiatuai
iKMiid tan ol the oiphau' r.iuil nt sullUan,
t taints, lor thf p.iilii.on oi uilu.itlou ot ihf it-al
i"latu of said ilreeaMil, to and unions his helti
and h-Kal it pii-MiitutiMs; nt thf loilowiite de-M-ribut
teal i-lali sltiule In Ihe l'oli-lup i.f
0.i id-oii, lu ihei-uunt uiMitllMin, us iollou,
lo wit :
1, '1 In- nrthuit Hum r oCn Iraet lu the uit
ran lei uiiuie ui Adam Jiuni's Cuiuiiiun, houiuhd
h, ,iifiuf fuuu( line, ihe I oinplnii tlia I alou
s.iid.nuda Had Oi uanuiilit' iiuinu nt Wll'tai
hllluiil, i oulalnll'K 0i' u .is.
Ai.m, it liiu t lu I lie win rant ft name of Nich
olas lliioy, I'taiudid noiili uy tiatis In the
war auii u ii.iiiif nl t'uim litis Kirr, and Ik-no
Nh hoWoii, un the ili-t t titu t ill Ihe wall a. I In1
n.inifoi l.HJah (. Ill tit Us, on Hie mhiUi hy a
tr n't In Die wu n unit i- name of ivu r IIiu vej , uu
Uif wi st hy rhf IpsMirv y. i nniniiun lVxu-ii s,
.t, Al-u, a tr.n t in Un- v.airaiiHe ininu ol Jiumit
,". (ioodoart, I ouiidtd on I. if lioith li lnuls in
tin-wurriiiiti e ii.iUKKnl in iii.v-Naiiol-ou and .liuiuodhai l.ou (he t list hv Ihf l.Ut tile Cu,
1 in, uu Out nailh hy n di'it in ihu wunuiitft
uainc ul Oforf doihus Ken, and uu the wesi'
hy tract in the vutti.inu-f nmnf ut l.llJ.diO. Kit kt
1 1 1. fun i nl n I im ittioul 'Jit ai i f(i: lint 1 4 ..i.iiiidf r u
thf trael innt.iililnu ahoiit 1 N lien- lln' 111 huf
I uu fin) ut ,n ud not i'ii umlii to s.dd th etilfiii
1. AWo.ii tieet in Hie waritiiit' e n mm nl (ho..
Adolphu Ki . r, hiuinded imith h. liaet In Ihe
w .i-iiiuli o lianie o Janit'N I'. (ioudh.ill, nil Hie
e.i-l h the Ijii , in inuiil lllif. uu Ihe M.ilth hy
all.iitlli the walialili e naiue u Wll-un WIjii
liiiiLaiid on the u -i h a lluet In ihf uari'aiilt'e
uaiin1 oi Ulijuh ti, lih-Iti l.s, f.jd.dnn y aiiout ii
"i. Alfo, ii t lilt t lu the w ei re tilt i- u line nt Peler
I lid f , hmi i in d i u haluut luthe
u lit l.i ll i i lu lin nt .Nli l.uiiis I !m !,!',! ihf east
In itaeis lu ihf wanniiiiii uunus ut tl,
It i k( lUiinu H lln n Whilh lil.nn theMUlh hy
i, ela in ll wain mh hm,ii- 1 1 John r.ulliot
and .(uhli'-n i I'imi1" ; and mi ihe west hy
'iiii n .iui-"iu hu lIsaiTft U) I'lMl'llfs
- .1 lu ii Ut tHl ll I- Jin ci . d, wild nil Wlll.-ll Is
. r,'f it-1 a 1 iuf hiimv niiU'iiiitf, kuouu as uie
"1. nu'i ll'iul."
I Will holillill llMiU' -1 nil thf Willi pl'i'lllht'l HU
WtdiitMii),ttif t'l'ilidiivrii May lu i at ianil.i-U
111 the Ii 1 1 MH'ii ul .ihi ti , i ui it and vlu lnou
ate iMitifletl loatli-nd il uii il.nik pr"! I'.
JOHN H, l.AU Ul.M i:,
AiM hv',-m. Mu nir,
m:!UKi's .sai.k,
Vlllllf ol tl I II of I I. l'l r.ll. -..,- U-IH'il Olll
o .' i I oiii! ol I i.liinit'li rltiis lit Lolliliihtii mull.
i" ' t im- ,tli. ,-i, ,1. .1: t n , .i- ,-' to iiiil.ln.'
i-i'li or ,.iil . u on ih. i n in ii r- on I l tl 1 1. i M.,.
Kl In. Mlit- lolluvving pi-iKi.ntit ploptily tllnllilit
I INK lllll! !', Ilii'i , llliiili, r uuoiu,iwii.i-II- ol
'l.irii.-Ilitlt Iti. n lillil tut nl llllilliir III. n
or I, t-A, A lol i rii' i iimii-., . in- r-tiinii , lihllie lit
I!, -uu Nl . I niul nil il , oiliti ,n li'iujim
lvi. nulhu lo liu,i,i l,t-i)i oti ll. v lililnltr.. On
Ilio. tiii',lii it I. tun il,.' loiloviIiiK tlmTlhril
nil) f , M It All I 111. I 1 1 1 llllli b,;,' of
(fiiniti tit ri ,1 iiii, I oi ltii,l kI uhIkI iii n-.ivir
iownliii iii ilii i;. imi.t oi i i niul h'nii,
o 1, llll mtllltl. 111 lllnli .1 Itli.l ,1, urilirtl i, -l,l.
I. I il M il l.oill.Ui il , II II,,- b. illlll lit luniU Mil--
I III 111, in, nit of .loliti .M l'l, Itti.oti Mu- Wi'M
I.) lull', I, ow I lull' ol It. Illit II Mllll'l niul tiluloi
Jui'oh llolio, on ll.,- Nillll li l.llul ,1 Hlllllllll
Uoi int. lit hit 1 ehl, . in' luttli I h!l L-lot n on
tin- I'u.t l land o, 11, oiui' l.uliht-i.u-iM-i- mi l
lunil n w or li,tf of ri.mltlit, Miiiiiiiiii ,'oiitniiiln-4
Olll- llllllilll ,1 llllli lllll. llt'll M h,' 111,' hllllltl llllHti
or !i -ii. H.'t., ! mi I iiiki-n in l:xt" iili,n unit to In,
MW US Hit, lilo. IIV Ol lli'orif,' t.,'111, hoiiittti-rn,
Mimt't:. AI .M I I.I.AHH, Mticillt.
lltoi'1,1,1 iiiti, Ajiitl lu, Is,.,
rpiuj co.m.mi,ssiom:us oi
l.nililii i oiitily, hlllltm iih it "l .n'.! of HnvM in, '
-tltlllOll tl , il !,() 1,'S lo',l, (0Ut OH ,
lo lim iiiini. ,1 lu niul iiliii'i., L'-iiiiiiii-ncliii; t.t
l'.oi-1'.ill A. M.otriu'li .Int.
ln'itioii, Hitic iloul iinil .l.i, l;,oti. M.v
1st in loliti .1. lll, s' tint. I 11, nloli.
l'1-.h i nUL't. . I:. Hiti in il.i.i Muy ;'ii,l I'jiatijKtft'
lioi, 1 1 Wilnitt tt'i-k.
Molili.urmi'l Hi int.. t'K.-W. ilii.'-it;iy Muy t;th
t'ollll llollKl', lltooltishllllt.
Sun, lhurl.iy .MtiyTili i oiifi it lUsr.Hloonis.
lllooiil. I'lliltty Miij fih l nun lloin,,', Illooiiti.
hiu. .Ml.l'l.'illuitit. , Mii.vUlli.MilUk'holi'l.
Ill, , linoo,!, Pint- niul Mil'll.ull, Aluliiliiy Muy
lllll MlllMlh', Itulll.
(iiitiill,-, Tiii'Mluy May I'.'lli Hiiyilt'i'H lioti l.
l i-lllr.', Wi,llltiiliiy May illli 11 Uf-W ly
illlul-crrtl;, PiTtt ii It Ilor.
,.','l. Ili-ittit-k
-ThurMlily Muy lull
t'liliittl iitiiul tiuliltllli, 1'rlilnyMny I'lOild,.
ti r'n, rmiitt Im-u,
1, ti. I mi'l lioiiilnu!, rt'i'lt, hntiuilay Muy,
,iui'i-V liotil M.iiiiottti,
I'ont iitihtuii iiiiiI ft niritllft Ilor. Muiiiluy May
11 Ii Wi-ul, in.iiiil' In. H I I', iilriilln.
Hint t r.Wt tin, ulut '.Hit II I'. Zurr'H hott-l,
M 1'l.x-. '1 liil.Htli.y MtiySl.t .1. I.ulitit iiIa lucr'M
lion 1 Mtilni-vltl,',
M illllll.-! rlUay ul A.W. IIiWh lioli-l Mlllllti.
Will,. l
,,, . MiiMt.otii iiv I'uii', M oiu'ia
U1'.'.'.t .. . I'AMU Vt.Al.lll, J
Wm. Krliklimiin, Aplll lo.MH,
All c.ili'in-hi. Asi-iii-tiiiriit of iiiI'Ii'h
niul I t.y, I INI N H 11 1 it I Ito.NTM. puoir
l 1 r UIHl Ilitl- I Alii II 1.1MS l ol I, Alt'
nml iiii.h IIiii4ii mil hi
Jlur.l .,'1- If I., T. h!IAlt!'!.lH,
MlKAHUIir-lt'.S HAM'S !
AKti-cahU to thf tuovMnlnr the Ael nf A
nihly, tniltleil an Art In rnlu-e the MhUo ilehl
inter nf the I'lMllity o'r 1'o'lui.ihVi hfH hv ijlvr
not to all eih in ("mi ei iif. 1 1h rein, km
I'-fit'Iie I "U ni v , lUiiM, iioim, rmir miii nut-
laxei Iivlne un Hid follow HU real 1 -tatt"ltiial
In Uif i'nimt of t oliiiiihlii(art pal.l iirrnro i lie
IV ni Mile, 1 ll') noil' in Mini pun- m "
..ti ..... ,! 1 n un I eoHli 1 1 1 1 I'll ) e Iheri'on
will he koIiI nl tin 1 niirl 111 HhMitn-lairK,
untltynl t'oillllli'l'i. on nv phi 01 .iitiiv. 1 nil,
I (It IH' eOllliniHIl llj ailJOUl ll ll If IU liuiu im, in
tornrietiraneor tnxiiiluenahl enmity 11 ml
Ihe (otti Hieriiet' 011 meli tesju'ettvely 1
ITy tol lAlMtlfo. IleaM T ?IIi ii
U M m-. Mn. r " 10
1 iil-ll 121 Miller A Minn ' - -
.C .lohn .Inluiion "
IflM VI -hiliM V I'lesMill " A i!"
lMll-(l iM T. M. Mll'ihln " wju
MH-ri-y vt .Miui'i v .-iiiif r -j
U' M.inii, liiilily A CrM
Well " 3 31
lie ful Mllli.r. t'll)fr.t trfiiin.
12 II. W. M'lteyn'iliN " II
ifi .tr.hti triinllH Ui'tltnil 17 tl
H 'lrii'- White " 2 'J
I Mniiiiii'i Tyke " . 1)
; IMiam.-eh-ru'hl " n 'ii
t I'eterr-hiills. " 2l
nt S'niirv ir. nt 1 lHootn -I
lit Annnnliii Inn II llerwlrk !!r. I M
nt T,i.iii M-tlrv Cmiviiuhnni I 1
I Ull
lit Win AMimmi ' D
lltOmn l'u hi " W
Ut.hi.neifolllrr "
Sit r.lh n iMiiUIn 1 2
t .i"i
(11 K'l tie. I iliidf ntiilth A. Co.
Ill.tol.ti l. Minirin " 4 1
lltMlelnnlNeWu " I
tit Anil,.. tt M'tiotitinlt " 7 tl
I -.A
UVI lMMon,l;litle.Vtlll.le, IIJ
"It .Idhn Muiw " I Ml
lit h irliH tl tllo.ihcr " t W
I'UHlninn Aihlon " 11 l
lit Hfiiurlck Cr.uiL ' :l
I -mi
Itt.lnliti M'.I.UlllS " I .1
lit ivier linger " Ki
lit WiiU' " I W
m Jni. ItSimihT riaiilElln 11(1
i: ll. Iliit-tiifl: t'ltthlnn Creek 2 11
(til II, Karne " fi M
.ni .l.ienh Y,iple " , 5 M
lit li.l.n llfiiili-rvhiitt O. Wood (tl
I -ill
I -.n
lltonmili l'liMIipn " 1 hi
K .1ai k"on A. Watt " l'l
lit Mnry Allen " 1 "
lit Win lM-wr
I -'It
Wit IMu'.ilil Lewis minloel: ,T .V)
jilt IMwar.1 Trover
I.'ii Wouter
1 .VI
Itl'-s .1 llllliltT
1 1,
I Hill
Is., I
III .lolin It. K, rter
1 Ml
IH II, liryShohlihiilElT
It; hi 1 : 1 -1 1 1 1 r 1 1-
117 .luliiiK llott-lnati
n llo-i-i, -.un A 1',-r-y
10 l'l
Jill .lllllll'K Itol-ion
-.'il ft ru- l.uinr- r.-t.
1 m 1(. .Miltit-liu'K IM.
lit Ailiiin Wi lllti r
in, Wm iii. null, rlln
17 .In, k-oli 11 ihtii
I'-il hnl Iniik
II luvlt f-tft',-,l".V
hi M. Mux uuiltiT
1 AhrW, I.n
rim- n
Tlio-i .--tiit-kliiusu
1 hll-S, llllli
.loin, rot
7 -.11
H S.
l-i-liuylt-r A Wulli-r
i im
11 K'l
Mli-I.ini liit-l'i
.Inlin i.'o-i'i r'- t;-t.
I im
I; .1 loll.l
John I'olk
.l-.l n . . i mil
Kl l'oilt lli'iwlliw) Suu.irloAf
lo, lli-iirf 'lot l r
Jill li.irlcs .Mulllcv Sirotl I
rpilKAhUll ll'nSAI.H
ur' r.wr vti;ii i.anih i-tui iiiutmiiia i d
Atrr.r.tlilv to Hi,' provl-loui of nit Act of As- , unit,' llll A.'t oirriiiitt; in,' mon,' i
-.'lllliir ltn-,'i., il liilnl-i lol lux,-- un,) for olll.
...r ..n.-i-.l ih,- litli .1 it- of Mur, ti 111",. Illl
n... ,,i,,l.,.r Kiit.oli-to, iiIn thi-rcto Mlt-H,-,! Oil 111,'
llli Muit-li 1-17 nml tin-illlnl ,y ol Miili-li
i.n ii'.l I h hi 1, 1 1 it- of Ma rcli 11 17. 1 h- Ircu-tirr
ri:t,i,iiiiiiiu ,'o',niy 1,,-nhy ul,-i noil,-,- in uli
pi-r- ns coiii'ii-u, .1 Hit i, -In I niili--.- rh Conn
if, Ko.ul. Sellout, ''nor, Huiiniy unit stun- 'lux,'
.in.. .. I.. il,, tr I In' 1 1 in i-i( mi-rnli ,1 I. it, it - nil
,,,, , uiu, ni ill inn t. in until tiftorc
irxile. thf -a I,. .1.- or -in 1, 1'lttt-i of y.'H'h truita-
.ttll oat- iti,- t-i-t- ,'li:iriitil,lf tht-rt'oii, will in
;., ,i,., I'oiir, lion-,- in Ilio low n , f 11 tMiin-
,'..i,i,,v ol ,'mIii, nhl io,, lilt- Mil ol .llltl,-. 1-1-1.
tin... lo ii.lliiiiiiiiiit-.ii iroin ilav toilnt
tor nrrt'nia-:.- of, -.tut- i'o tut-., mul tin,
I , -iii'tTlli"! uu i' nil Hurl l, -piillti'iy,
Xi. of .It'i'tt, H,o',M'f,'. oi- Oit-urr... of. C...
mix ion.
t Ann I'm l-l in in " Mi'l
, , .1 ! .1. l-Inrn-i '' -,
n 'limy hllf 11 M
i- J
Cnluiuljlii C'onI A Inm Co. ?"I lit
Siirnli A. Coirunn
Th l.u I) .1 1-4
L wit KlL-i-r 7 N"
.iniiini.- ir mu
It i ii A lt'.:it H
Mll.l-H MllltT I1 !
M'lititM tl iUtli'iihotiso
C iMi-irilii' N'ner I.'
llitiiillnm W, Mii mil tit t
IlltlAll CKLKk'.
l'iuilAiU 1
s.tiitufi ill tuk 1
Wllhniil J. IllUfllll 7
iu Hi, veil 1"
.Inhli I 'uiu
U ui. I. I'll in il
Win. 1. Kre.ti -)
Win. ll II Mtmm 1
S, 1. Hemlly C'J
t'.illiiirlne I'i nreo
Ji'liu l'iiil-.ei-.i)ii :(
Atuiilii.iii Iteiser II
JtisriiliMiuIillDUse 3'
.inlin ii. suit :
.lulili Yn"t
.Iiiilf'f I nx 1'
I vwl Vull;er .1
.Inlitl Iliilisttill -I
'Si of IM
jlor :w)
I; of isi
, ; or .ISO
.Infill i 'I I i 11
in. Miiiuuou UW
(mm. itukhaiii '.us
.Inlin lU-uvilv
'llm-t lintlii'iiuer lf-t
Auhh I'M
Hnlx-rt Jim uu Vl
Aiiitii-w Purler
I.cwih Witlker 3Jl
T. llusiiiu "(J, V, (Ircnoucli" -I
Mmy ltu-liiu " " o.
'i itiiviim x iter it n v en l'l
.Mart llll-lilll
i;iit-n, t-r Ilruiiliuin
li, tij. iiiiln Cnonii't,
.lolin Vouni.
.lo-linu 11, mu
1',-1,-r Itiuinu'r
Niilliuiilii Uniwu
.loliu Kllno
ci:.n run.
Urnjiim In Alluhii,ii
lsaliili I oiint'r'h l.-tutr-11,'ttltt
A ll. ln'. I t.'t
Win. 11,'loni:
1 1 it k riutt'
.IlU'Oll llo.Hl
M, l llr.iwn
I'ti, r llimiiiloiiii
tiioiiiiik r.iitiiii'
Itoi jmotii lit-llitr
.Io-, jtht'iftti'll
J.H. Ilrol.-t
J. 1'. riiiihir
riiulit-r A'I'hottui.'lil 11 llllli, T
.Illllll K I'll!
iiiijuii i:, noiii a t:n,
(ito. Kttilllk
riMiiNii i:iti-.i:i;,
rite. ,i. i ni mu. r
.1. .. .loll, K
Win, Ittit kulrtt'H INtutc
I I, iik A 1 1 . ill until
I .It,'..... M'lli-ury
Win. Mi'iiri
hi iimii J. l't-iit,-r
ii,,., r. ,i i,r
111. Ilohhlns A Co.
Win, hlil.tttil
Ii, Miott-t .v Ki-li-liiu-r
l .t lit- ll, M hit,
Ah, uti. in Yolili!
Win, Ikfli-r
Aiulrotv lltfl i-
liilK.ili't Lilnun
.li.H, ph Pitkitittoll
.Illllll II. sl.ntK
iKIIIU' l'l Will
Wll-un iltr
Dmili I Kllnu
John Mi llli k i
Win, A l -! liinti
I). It. Apl'Ii liii.ll
M, Al pit lulili
Siitinii'i r
Nullum t', II
II. W, M Uu li. 'M.
II, ll. M llrlilit
Ji Im .'!-. -li.n
.ti lltnll ItlilihlllH
Will. Voll-H
Win, Mi I'lli'lH
I, 'Hi. llll-ll
I'liliuiiK lllllliiitton
lol.ii I ' r
M r.v M, r.i "(In1, noituti"
Tilt. IttiKluit "
II. llll. I Itf, Kl M
Mnr.t lai-iiin "
t It nl., tli- ItiiKtaiK "
.inlin lli't in .1.1- N
M Ik j, ,4 ii t y a ft j
r,Ml. CO
TIioiiiiih Kusliili "
Illllll, I Ut'llH "
Muly Itii-lun "
l Inn lollt' Itu-tiiii "
.lolin Itt't nhlil't "
lolin mul Jo, Hlioadi
Will K.itflK
fipo l.iiiiiut-r
Win Mtii-lniri'r
.Niiimt.Kti A UiilHtifi-r
Jo lllll. .tltlli 1 llllilil
Jlil'oh lloliihoy
.toil Mlllllt
t-tiiiiiti I i'aik'N It,
Uu lit lUimiiHr,
Daiiltl A iKiuiu Vittrr
Hmi. I iitt-r
Jin oh UoKllt-r
J P I'linliir ,
II (1 MlllrrdrW,
Iti nht n Miiunuii
Jii-liltu Wt hl
1'hlllp Wull
U', I'l.l.'AHANT,
Julill Ala
1,1 i
1 tot
I V'
I .'nl
li ai
i -o
10 LO
:i ki
u Iii
17 111
iii ai
11 ai
in a,
ii it i
17 in
io a i
io at
io ai
u ui
'.' KS
H ol "0l
IJnf nl
y, of im
U of '.Ha
IJor am
! of '.ni
Jjoi :')
.(of I'll
14 of im
JJof aw
H (1.1
i VI
'i Ifl
Is 30
Is ill
7 M
II tl
10 ai
11 Ki
CI 00
1 10
1 W
Mlclim l liinti r 01
.luiilr MtfroU'ii WI. 1 7!
.ItiLiiiluli lluK'-lihlli-ll K7
Mitiiini'l ri,tt'lllt 7J
Joint Mt'lli li 1! so
llr-.. II l.ll, J- ll'.-l
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Itoiruimi ia n
.1 P l.tons l'l II
Wm Wult'iilianicr in aj
MylttKtt-r 1 1, nt h it iv
Jin l,,n'Uiiri IM so
Ihoniii- llotllH l'l 7.' 00
" iii)Aiir-(ii'iti;i:K.
1',-it-r Ihu Inn r .IM
ritottii- u.iiiif-1 i is
Hon ll.'ttc. 1,11,1
John lln-lln il 11
Phltiii It'oli, luiii
Ikuiu' l.mvllt 7 7H
.lut'ol, lili ii J 10
Alirnh'ilii lli'iihiT I HI
I', t,-r .Mi liwll 1! 7.1
lll'OIIP' It. o-s I .'il
Alirillullll SIlollK'K IWl 11 ?.!
Jamison K, , lt-r H .11
Siio.lii l hrltz tut
Will.) II, KH .131
Juiihk Itiirknlvtv H in
!ru(i I'tipo I 1,1
Mart Ciislanl 7 111
PutiVl lAiiiiart llll
tlinlli'iulmrt 7-0
Hot., It llrav litH
I1i,sk,''k lln't 111 IH
Aiilliony (irmlturt 11 t
Win Ui'iirlin't pi .fi
l'oliy 11,-s, Wlilntv .. r,
Ahniliuul Klllu- . '71
Uolicrt MontKoiiicry r.s't i io
7 1
li.iiih l.I M lltiiry 'i
Ahruhllltt YoniX" ll
JAl llll Vll.'lli.Tri'listnii'
April 1,'C
iV Hl,'l'lVV.-ln Uu- lllslrti t t'onrlnf Ilio I'm
If l states for Hit' A, 'strut lll-tik-t of Pen lis;, Itu.
litu, III Ihalillillcr of Aitrtin .Mi'lit-tt-s, tmiiitllltit.
In w horn 1 in-it roncr-rii llicllil'lt'rsmnrilluiiiiv
Klvi's notli of his ii t-. l Ii 1 1 ue-.l t us iisKlcn,',- of
.taroit .Miurt-tts. oi ..iiiuiii in to,- t-o,,,,i,v oi
-oin mil a. mi. i Hiuti, or l'l-tinst it mint, turn ins
hu-n ii.iJiiiIukIii liunkrupl iiiion Ills own p, tit Ion,
hy Hit' Ihstrlii limit ol kuIiI lil-lrii't.
li.iU'ilnt niooitisiitirtr. Hie inn nay or .titncii.
I-Os, J, II, UOinnON, AlKlKlut'.
Mart ll -.7, lis lil,
1 SSKINMM-'.'M N'O'l'If!!-'. IN' ItA.NMC.
J Ul'PK'V.-ln Hit- lilstrli l I'oiirt oi tin. tint.
i,-,i Males lor liiu Wi'stcrn lil-lrii't of lliiiisj tn
mu, In Hit' liiuttcr nt JnM'ph ll.'Mltt, r, Ituukrupt,
I'owlioiti It may t'oncerti: Tin-nii'lt r.stmieit Inn'
tit iillfs nolti'e of his appointment us nssiiatte.
I .lo-epu li. .tuner oi i.-nt, in tue touiiiy
l I'oluiiihlu. mul l-l.ile ol l'eiiu-vltanla. ttlm
ItiiH In ell u.iJii.Il;,.! ii iiuiikntpl iipmi tils tittn pe
tition, hy Ihe lllstllet I'oliil of kuIiI llistrtel.
iiileniil iiiooin-iuiri:. tno i-.iii uiiy oi .tniieti.
1-i.s. .1. ll.ittlltlMlN,
.Alar.-T.lis-:!!. .IK-lillee.
.tie lllttteil fnrtlie eieeltoll. III M. W, cm tier of
-Mum llll .MHl ki t sue, Ik. liloonisiilllt:. ol it In leu
lion, llllli 11IV7I It, I all'l II le.i lllfth, wltli Moll.
r.i loin, mul tt'llal lliouiKi Mory to oti nil
l-li, ,1 In Mon k, I lie Kt-eiin.l III a Tott n Hull nml
iho llill'il, 111 loollis, liiml ot stuto mi'l llll,
r p .rule pioi.oKiils in.ty ho t'.r civitiii,,!
.ilul Ktou. tank, lit ! A.uorA, i'tWiti7t, ptititttttj
.in l uttuiitu it, i.i rntlnj. Plan- may in. t iiiiilu
.'ilullil tin 1,1 .lay otAplll,lll tin, olllteot L'ol.
I. II. I leee.
P.tol'o.AI.s tftlt ttlmttc rvviiiitl until lite ithttnu
..J, lol llii- piirtlitisu unit leinottil ot Hie
liiltlitlliK- now lljioit
un nil. A, nil, ns
1 llllllilllitl 1'olllinitlee,"
liloolllstinlK, P, O,
M., len af.'C-'Ji,
jA.tll.K.H. .ll'l.MII I in the I'ollllilllll Pit lis of
l oliiluni.i , nun v. r . I it.
JALOII llol T.tlAN. I .Nil. .10 llet',11, iko;, nil 1,11c
11 hi iiury 3, 1M-.S on motion of Jolin (1, 1'trce the
1'ill k..,II,. 'J he toiirt OIlltIN hot no ol l,ic ul titt.
i'U!!-h lo, Ve.iilillolli l.xpolius on ItienhotK io hc
pilinlslitsl In one li 'ttKpape-, lor lllico ttc, Its pri.
irloMay 1". l-t.s, .i,l,e,ilioll will tit, li.uile In
puiKtiiiiit-cof ihu iihot u oniti, for ii writ ol nut,
toKi'll the lite istiite ol ll.hinlutil In Hut
leal esllllt, left, .1 UIHl t'nhiltilthlit h ll lilt, ol
lilt- llhot i- l'l. 1 il. of ttlikli ii'illeullon Hit, Ktilil llollliiull, the 111 letliliilil Is ItipitstMl to
laltu lioltee t JOII.S 11. 1 IlLK.r., I'lll K Ally.
I tllllleil lloin llltl Ketoxls, JO-.SI-.I.OI.KMA.N,
Maltil .-7,' l'lolhoiiotm-, .
'J O K A H M li U h!
V A C 1 1' 1 U U U A N O.
Till; ATIi:.M10.N' of I'uriiurs nml oilier tou
nllol, Is ot I tlllllel-i is InvileU In lilts Ullalio, t,K
woiiliyol iheirKptt-lal hoiite. lis use ir m-u r
ul ,t, a,s n, .Mary html, Viikiiiiu mul otl't r hoiith.
i-i ti ,-slult'K, l.r nil flops, hus ilt tn .1 u Kt'tiuiurtl
lil.ti-utttr lor txtt lithte lllitiiuullttl hy attj oil,
-I, It pii-st-sstsitll thu ,UisKlltKS nl I'erilMittl
tin. mo tt ilii itriiiuixiit ,iitililitK lint lotniil in
Hi it tittle e. .ii 1,'k, tl nils tluiiuo uu loiiiiil
mole lliuli lo 01 lliK, ol Hit- hi-Kt Mlpel
t-lio, ptl.ilrs it llit lis Itu, tvliiut tlop lliini lite
I, i h- t n ilu.tK eul lit I I hall the ptio-phutes, W hit ll
laetalolie Kit . K II ilii alt ulatile mtt ulllui.1 s l'l lee
Vi p r I ni, toitclt is. 1 or K.ttu hy
JOIl.N S. 111. INK .t. CO.,
(It lit rat A., lit- h.r Pat Hit lliuitio . o
h llel.iw.lle AM., lilll.lo'll
Ami ,l -oniti Mit-t l ll.iltln oie.
Mulch J7,'l,S-titu.
i u ! :
liie lln.Utt nf Itl'VKliHi of ( 'nlinnlilii immli
will lili'cl at Un-1 i'UiliilsHliiueri,nfllee,lii llitiiui-
i.uiK.nli I ritlay. the li'ih (tu iifAplil in t, In
le Im- uinl fjimlli'the iiwtiut-uts nfllie t-eei-;il
DiHlilt is ut s.uil i-uiiiil.
'Uie lulluuliiK I" Ilie tnlnl nlunt ton of uirh
illHtrlet us ifluiiiiil hy Hu se t nil uiniu.-h, Un
lue ii'sfetfet-im ut ot lt,7 :
llhiiuii Tow nlup
Iti-uiii-rei Ic
ItuuM r "
U'lllnil 14
llfiukk llnruush
i'uu iiyli.iui Tp .'. .' ..
I'lshiuiieritk "
F.iuiMhi "
(Jli eiiuuDil "
iii uiiocic !"...'...'!."!
Loitut " tm" ""'t"t
Montour "
Miullsfiii " " ""
Alt. Pleiis.iut "
Mllllm " "
ItouiliMcire'c "
MIHIlllO.ll "
MOlt "
Commlssluuer'n oftlce, llhimnshi
.ioii.v r.,
mon r. niu:.
t , MAVlli YKAOKIt.
Maitli t,-(J-.
. ... I'i,, 11
1 m,7i"i
. . IVjAi
, ll.7W
l h7 1
, r,.ii7
, 17.'
1 7.t,17
... 1 1 MM
h i.M'U
MiUi-h -
Il isiAiK uv ru.Mti.i-.s ii. mH ui.rKv-.rii.
tjctleiiioriuliululolliilloii on the t".atu ot Clius,
II. Ili"s l.ile uf Mimtll lnuishlit Coluiu
htu in., iletecMil haM In en riilHi-i hy n HrK.
lei'of i-ahl (oimi toH.iiuutl Cieawof Mlllln
vltle. All piTMins tuiNlim i-lalnis or ihiunuls
UUlllit ttieelitlrnf the ihei ih-ut me i eUM l
lu unite 1 Im in l.tiMUi, ami ihn-,e iinh-ljietl to
tn.iKe 'ii) iin-nt.
April :i, iN.iit. A-luiliiiMruloi.
liMTK ttf FI.IZ 1IKT1I Ml.TTHUCIt HI CK A -(I'll.
I.i-tii hiifitiltiilnlttiatloii on tin ehtuli'iif VMm
"IhUi iHiitirieh, liiiHot itcrwlek horoimh, Coluni
hlu fount), ih'n ueil,hae hit u uniliteil hy the I If K
hlei ol mi 1. 1,tu I). It. MlltilKl (if l Ultrall.i
t'oi'iuutli, AU.( 'huiii h.ivlnur eliiluu.or ih ihiiiuIh
.imiiiiM'tn Iheihrcth-ii! ti o uniU'sKiltu
niitki Iheiit known, auil UioMt tieli-ttleil tn m.tko
I'.iuimiiI. (), ii, MJLI.AIU',
April :t,VW-fit. Ailuiiulsiiutnr.
A um i xihTUnmwiar" "
I.i-l tern oi iiilinliilHtrntiou on Ihe i-htnio in Peter
Miller, lut u nt i iiiiie dm iithlp, Cohiuihl-i count v
ihemvcii hiUHhien urunteil hythc ItcuKtci- ot
him eounty tojohn W. Win. Miller,
ot stihl luwii-lilp, All perMius Ii ivln e'lilmn or
ileiuiiuili iiK.ttiiM ihe i-HiaiHot Ihu ihivihnt art
ri'iirsteil In make thc-ni ktumii, ami lliou In.
tit Ul il fiiiiakemiiieul
. - Wm. MlhMat,
Aiirll V-St. AilnmiUlrmnrH,
l i-l m ol ml in I ii Ut nil inn im ilui i-Mati ol t Ji'nr n
VliifiiT, l.ttu ot ioutnurlownsh1p. t'nlinuhia i-o.,
ileieiiM'tl hau lu ell uraiited hv I fit' tt kMit ol
ahl iiiimiy to LfwUt'lulslnphcr of t'uitru tup.
All petMius h.iMtiu ehilniH or thiiuiiuK against
Ihu i Mtiitu oi Hu ih eeiU-nt are tequotiM tn in ikn
Mu tu known, una IIumx imlehtcfl in make p.if -nu
ui. I. IAVH UiUIMiPiir.!t,
I'iIj 1 V. Ailininuuiiiiu-.
IJ . i'.v i r ov mi:miv lui.rihitiiit nir'n
l ,i'i 1 1 ik ( i i a u leu I a i y on Ihui'hialM ol Henry
lu iiiie-h. hi tool llrl-imeek touioh'p, l'u uiu.
hl.iiuuiitj h.iu lilUteil hy tho Hi Klsler of
I'ntiiluhlu l.'oillily In hiiuiuel lUeltii li'h, ami
Iliui) A. Die li rleh.of wililTouiishlp. All in r
Mini h'iNlnml ihu- iiKMlnitl lhee.luieare riuues
ti'il tu prii-nl llu in tor K'llteiuent, iitul int lu-ili-hleil
Inlin ttale either on note nr hunk no
initnt will make oil) leeut hi tlii-i:xeeiiloi4 with
out ilelny, HA.MI'DIj Il lll l l.ltH II,
ui.NitVA, mi.iii:uii 11
I t'l', U Cf. lUeentuii.
A w
AlAlh OK MAllllAM ItltUNK PKl hHKIt.
tt il nof luliulnlKlliitlnii on Iheehtiit' of Mn
II 1 1 it h lthnue,!' of J ack ho n tovvu-hlp, I'liluinhht
County. thcrnMil, hi en lauleil hy I lu Un
UU-r ofiiiil Cnilllly, In Hiiuiuel Ukolie, luliu'r.
ruintetuiiuntu ntt)tint,itt! bumi tion, Uin lehhlei
In Scott tiiwnxhln. All)ti-MiiiM li.i liiu t-laium or
iletuaiuti uuulnt (lit mi 4 it.i(taie utpu lt d tn
i.rcstnt ih. mi hr m'HI tneiiL without ilil.ii, inul
those iiiih hh il to luiike pa mi ut. llllNi:, AdinlnUtiatoi.
liWia'U'I'Oll'.S Nl)TI(,'IO.-i:ST"AVK
I J nl MAltV I.. I UVIIi:il.,l,,,'UKi,l. l.tllermiK
tiiliielllitty oil Hie ikiii, ool Mmy 1 I'mler, of
linroiiiili of ll, rw It k, lint t, linn hvili,.
K.'ljtslel- of rollllnhlu utllllty , In I hunt, ! l'l tilel,
All pel miiik 1 in s. lut t lu litis tmaliiKt Ihu t .line ur
ri.iieKteil tn pit-Ktiil lilt in lor ki lllenit ,n, mul
IhtiKi, Iiiih hti-il lo Uu, t -tine, t lihi r on unit-or
huol- neeiiunl will liiiilto irnt tut nt lo Ihe I i . it
lol tllllioiltileliiy. IMAAl' U I'll Ul It,
Mlll'.ti 0h-lil, i:.'.uiilur. 4
o r n i: w v o it k,
J ,S'. IIVAWVOA", President.
llniKs AKsetK l'tli, I PM l.'Vllii,' I'i .l
Jlieoluefoi' Mi7 1I.7M1.I i ll
llll lilrllil paid Polity hohleu 111 I-U7, '.','171', 117
l.uiutsl .Mu I uu I In tlio woilil,
Ittilllt-llon of ItllllM,
JUIIN ll. I'lll:i7.i:, Aut'lll,
Halt h 'Ju CS-I f. lllool.lKhilli;, I'll,