The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 10, 1868, Image 1

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    mr iti
t 'it i
VOIi. 3 NO. 15.
I V oil Ml'.TZ, dealer 111 stnvis .V Hun mo, Main
,) nuuve I 'Ml 1 1 nnoso. i-
M. tU'l'I'Itr, stous mnl tinware,
Moi-lt, Malnsf., west orMmltct,
nl.own.VniMtU, men limit Inllor, Main it., .i
, iloornl'or Aliu lii'llll house, l-lll
I W. Clll'.MIIintl.IN. wholoiMlleimdrolnlldeiil
,) . i'V 111 If!!!!!!!.!.-.; llnrtman'-i hullililiif, Main
-licit. vl-llll
1 x.
triu-iilst mnl miolhccnrv. l'.
I i ihangohlnek Mn In hi.
, . i 1 1
1'. 1.UT7,. illtuiulsl Hint nimthecnrv. ltlll.rt
, hlnck. Main St., west of Maillot. vl-MII
i i
I j Hour Koiilhoast comer Main mid hoiist. vl-ul
1. SAVAOt', dealer In clocks, wutflio unit
j, Icwilry, Main t-t., Hourly oppsllo Ainoiloiui
11 ( ATIK'AUT wp.dllindotoik mnkor. Mall-it
It si., 'letow.Maill, 1-nll
ri At. lllluWN, boot nml dinoinnkor.Maln spool
jt opposite American house, vl-nll
1'iluifaclurer nnildenlerlnhiiota
A1 niul kIioi s.Mulnsl., opposite I'plscup.ilchiiri'h
Ul'NKY 1I,1:IM tiirliur.tcturer ulul ito.ik r In
hoots and shoes, occihs etc., Kail Hloonis
buiB Main st. vl-ull
lyWIII llirrz, boot nml Umeiuakor, Main St.,
t below Ilnrliuan's stoic, west of MmkitMioi t.
I It I'.VANH, M. I). Niir-iooii nhj phj sh Inn south
tl .nlo Main si., hilow .Malki I. M-nll
1 it. It. 1'. Kinney miiireon dent 1st, tofthcxti
iil ulliintii pain, .Mam St., Hourly
I iilsoopul Clinic!.
It. M'Kt't.VY. M. II. Mintonn mnl physician
Miutli Hide. Main st., hihiw l-nll
c. IILMTKIl, M. H. Min-con nml rii'slclnn,
Malkctht., nlmvo Miiin. l-nll
Dit. n. u. nowiui.Hiis
alumi ronil bonsis
'on tlcutisl, Main St.,
MI-.S I.IZZIi: HAltl'I.KY, inllllnor, ltaiiiso
Imllulii!!, Main st. l-n
M IsS A. l. Wl'HIl, fancy --nods notions, book
,11 sintionoiy, norm aide .iuin
li el below .Mnr-
I'l'I'I'ltM.VN, inllllnoiy aiul fancy Hoods op-
posllo.l:plcjipul t lunch, Mnin st, I-nll
iiits. irr.iA a.
.ll cloaks mnl ilic
Main mnl west si.
,t HAllI! 1!.UIC1,1:Y, I.kIKh
s p-ittelli i, soillbeilst enrnir
IMM, IHUtltU'KSnN, millinery nml fane
lnoods Mulnst., opposite Collll House. A J -11 11
WW. M. 1
I'l'lt.M AN, inllllnor, Main sl below
J I Hnrtmnii-sstiiii, wist ol Muiki t st.
MIssM HAUMAN milliner- mnl lancy
1 i-muls, Main st loot Just In low Alnoilenn bouse
Il.r)')( k,nMtrinl tntlnt; saloon, inori
.in llniKi , Iuln al,, I la 11 .i r l.cai'ofk supci in-tt'inli-iii.
lIIMYi:it A .IACOI1Y, I'nnffclloiiry, liaUcrv,
) nii'l ovHit-r Kaloon, uliolot.nloun'1 iiluil, l!x
t InmijL' him!;, .Mall) t. 1-nJ.!
IinX I : 111, cnnfor'tloiKTy, lmUocy, ami uys
I iii million, uholcsalo and u-tall, .Main hi., jusl
in lnw Irfni. lnl.l
nxi nN(ir, inn rii, iy .1. r. i.
I J HpIHIltL' ('Oil It llOUSC,
4 MKIill'AN I to CHI !, Ity.lOTIN 1.1 n
JV st., west ol 1 1 on ttuct,
, .Main
i k, Main
nniiics nirrr.r,, iy av. .MAicnt,
1' MainM.
tist fini or
I) STOHNKK, it-rrcslimoiit saloon,.Maln tt.jut
D. aboMi couit house, 1-nU
)I CASr,(tV, icfrcshmcnt wiloon, i:.cli;nu
hotel, liiiwson I'alinan.hiiiM.rlntr'iuloiit l-nl i
y II. rm.i.MdltK, n il
hniciit saloon. Hlilw's
U IjIOCU hOtlttl
Itlo.M.itnM, l-nH
lUAUUiS, (Vnilct tlonciy, kio
J j ht.,aboo Coin I U(usc,
Q U. .Mlf.I.KlI, ilcak-r In itiy Kiocci ies,
fi fiiici Jiswntc, Ihnir, Halt, hho. h, nol4-ji", tic.
I :fhung hlK k, Main hlu ct, 1-u 1 i
Al KlJfiVV M
l. -V Co.. tlialfi.s In iliyunoils,
J I til'OlCl'U-
llonr, feed, will, iKh, lion, nails,
t, noithi .i--l couu'V Matniind Mauu t Jt. 1-ni f
He., Iml-t and cajis, hoots and hhot's,
Main hl uhoi3 ciaut housi', l-nl.i
( V. JIAItlt. di-v L'oods and notion., soulhucst
U. lonur Main and lion hti, vl-nll
I .1. ltrt(lU'i:it. ilrv irnnds. ei'ncvrlcs. ( t( . Iioitll-
t). west, couur Matn und lion sis, l-nH
Ii:V. A. 1IAUT.1AN, dry koinK notions, and
1 1 t'1-Mi'.'i Mnln t.t' l'nl-,1 on:d thlllcll.
... vl-ntl
MIT. IIl'NsllI-:it(Ji:it,(aircnt,)niofciles, tnhac
. ttt. and (oiiifcllonarv. Main M.. helow Ann !
lean house, l-nVi
hooks ami
I, hiauoncry, Kouuiwehi a
JIaikcl and
ni.I,IAM i:i!ASHW.
((mfcclfonciies. Main
U ht., Just nhovc collll house,
ii AII'Ili;NItAI.r,.-i npral htocle of meichan
Yu (tlsoaml lumlur, coiner of Main sticetnnd
Ituw irk load.
I J, KOllllINS, draler Indry irooiW tin t lies i-le.
tl Milvc'Mhhtek, Malnst,, hilowlion vl-nl
I K. OlItTON, (iinccilcN X rimUloii
Jiat (mm r Main and lion Mitet.
. hOllll
CV. KNYIiI'H, haidait', rutin ,
, Mnln ht., helow lion.
i .1. SI.OAN. k nhM ill ( linlcoiltv uoods. House
A L-, ,i.1im. .Miorlu lu-hh i-t.MiU cili'.t'lr. Main
hi., opposite i oilll hoiih6, -111 1 1
k. KYI '.It, Kioceilch nml ycni'iul nu u handle
Main tl ahoo W'i M.
T. MIAUl'I,lS, tlry Komi
ificirlcs, hoots,
I. f.hocK,tte Itu in-it Ijlotk, Jliiln H,
wist id
U, hllck on Main ft vibt of Slai Ui t ht. "l-n
IS J.THOltNTuN'.wall parrr, whulowiJlindi t,
ht and lUtiui'H. Ituheil block, ilaln ht. ifl-nW
UOSnXhTOOK. fdioiocini.lit i. Kxclianiri
II, bloik, Main bl opposite touit house, l-ul
I P. llltDADT. PliotoL'rai.liri'. ltiiitniaii'n build
tl lui;iiottluat coiner Main ami Mai kt Iht, l-nli
r V. llAUTtiN.lohacconlst.and dcalerln slo
IN , coal, Main Ht,, opnohlte i nm i house, 1-nl (
i ll. ITlEsriJi. HuUlle. tiiiuk and lianu
tl maker. Main M below louil, house. l-niu
n rosii:i
dine Main r. and Whlto niul lam-
j, 'rannei.teotloii,
nl.ooMMliritO I.r.MUi:it CO., inamifacturciN
n.m.i ih'iiifi-M in i.imiher. nf all klm s. ila nu
inlllmarlliu lall-l'oad, t-nli
.1, llliI.l'MAN,Hiddlo'iud liniuiKH inak
in in v.nilhucst coniLi Main and Market M
i MTUIAN, maihle oikf,
i, (otmr Muln and Maiki t M
mur houtliw
I) ll.HIMil.l It.dtaltr In planon, oriiiuit nnd
, nitlodiniie,titi, W.t'i'U ll'iiliunHuie iikhiim
i-u j i
rn H. MASTKIts, nui-nl for flinvrA Haku
I l u-hur nm. Iiliu, lulll hi.. I liirl mail's hill (
II,!, Ui BlUllK, N 1-111 1
l W. ltOIIIUN'W. Ildiinrilcnh r wiond doot'llolil
I, iioithwefct t'onu'r Main and lion tW, lnl I
ir l'i:A('0('U Notaiv l-nhlle. noitheaht eoriic
) Main ami Maikct ht, l-nH
It UN A.l'l NhTO.V, mutual and cnsluatiH tiro
) Intsiituiu'o (OUM'Jiiiv.noi Hit ustLoiner Main nml
Wtnthl. vl-nll
pKlHUJi; llAShl'ItT, manufacturer and icpalr-
A VI VI 111 4'Mlllli'n iiiuciunet), iiioL-iiui h ilia y
iicai" MU'iiacsn unimiiy,
I h Kl UN', iliulcr In mint tallow, etc,
I Liuuu'NiilUyi b'U'Aol Aliuilr.tu liinu.e,
QAMl 1 I JAfOUY, Mnihlo nnd lliowiiHt mo
oii.N((i:vii,i,i; i)iiti:oToitv.
Dtt. tl, A. Mi:(IAlt(li:i,, physician nml siirKOon,
Main sl next iloor tolloinl's llnlol, Vl-llt,
pltK'l 11(1X1:1, nnd ri frcshmcnl snloon, by
l)-nnnj:iicll, mr. of Maluiuiil l'ttiot.vlni7
CJWAN Will. I,, I bun piior bouse In .lolm Hny
O ilcr, Main sl nbovo I'Ine. v 1-HI7
DK. Hl.llAN', ildiU r In ilry kooiIs, croci rles,
, luuihi r nml ki'Hi ml Mcicbunillsc .Mnlli si.
Mi:i)ll(ll: I.AZAIirM.saililloniiillinnicssinnkir
Main sl iibovo I hp Hwun Hotel
mnmiractiirer nf tin wmn nuit
If , iteiltr 111 stoves etc,
.Mulll St., nbov o he
Hwult Hotel,
I ,V I!. V, t(H,i:MAN, Meldinnt tailor unit
iV. (IpiitMiirnlsbliiRnooiN, Mnln m next door
to the hllck hotel. V1-UI7
MR IIAYltfl:sT,Cl...ks,YateheH niul (luni
, lipulioil, (inns niul Wulcbos lor sale, Main
su., below I'lllo. Vl-Hl
I A M I M 1 1. A 1 IM A .V, ( 'alilnet Mnkor, muntii
(J ih linker. Main St., below l'lne. vl-ll 17
Mil IIAUM'. kM;l.I,inr,Oinrtlone7"(lj":"piis
Ac. Acnn 1'lnont., Intwc on .Main nml Mill.
l-l 1 17
UII.Ar., lllaoksinllhs.on Mill
, street, hour l'lne, vt-lil7
nl.lXuT7ll:l.l3riTTroelnnkora7iil iiuinufae.
II luierof Ihlek, MlllMt.,west ntl'lno vlul'J
IJI.IAM HNYIHll:, I'lour anil (ll 1st
I'j Healer In urahi, Mill Mlroct.
Mill, nml
I r.VVIS H. srllfYl.llIt, Iron foiiH.lcr.Maehln
Ijlsl.nml Mauillactiiii r nf plows, Mill M.M-n 17
Mlt.lM A. Wll.MAMs.t.- ('o,,Tiinuersnnil Mnn
ulnclurors or louthor, Mill Slleet. vl-iitT
IDIIM Kl:i,l,l:lt, Hoot mnl Slim maker, l'lne
.J Street, opposite (be Aeiulilny Vl-1117
i li. 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : i x i a.- iii!iiTHi:it,('uiiintiismni
il. Illlllilels, Malll Mleet, below l'lne. Vl-1117
li Mti:t, KIIAI!ri.l.ssl, Maker ol Ihollajhurst
O (lluln Claillo. Mulu HI, M'n'i.
1M. HAltMAX, saitillo unit harness niakor
. l!t.uii;clllc, oiiposllu I'minocliureli. vlJull
)MT1',U I. NT, ilcaler In ilry cooils, crnoi rics,
Hour, led!, suit, tlsb, lion, nulls, etc., I.lfihl
Mleot. Vl-1115
I etui I'ii.iliniaker.
v Mi 111
1.1 1'. Ki:i,l.l:V, Illackklulth, opposite post nlllcc,
L' M-nlll
I'. OMAN .t Co.,
ubovu sihool housi
Wild l lights,
llrst iloor
s. 1-11 I.J
iji'-. i:. ki.ini'i
liillllnt ly mnl fancy gooits,
l-ll III
Cash palil
itealer In I,puther, Utiles, Hark,
for llliles, vl-nlil
M. M. i:NT, ilealerlu sles imil tin wnre In
(I all Us brnnehos. l-nlll
)1:ti:ii v
lAN, niiinufaituiirauil iloaler In
.shoos. Nl-lllU.
nUMH'lIIIANNAorllilck n)If'l..KucliuiiltM
n ti""Ii li-tor, sniit h-t'ii-t coiner .Main nm! Sinnul
stmt. vl'-nli;
r II
II, CIMlAsY, 1iy w''"!-! uMicoiIc4',
IttHl K-'Il
J , CiiU Mi'U'li.ui.U-i', .Main StU'tt.
I). UIN'AUlMU-alu- In stmt-
nml tln-im.
lain Mu-el.
yM. ir.AIIIli;iT,ivtlnnc til law,.MalnHti
HMliniT A Kid N'K, diy jrooils, Kioceuis, and
U neial tneieliaii'ilse, lulli stlcct. -nu
i:i:M,i;iI, bllllaid sul.ii.n,
cieam In season MulnHUe
oslcrs, and Ice
lsl'YM'i:AM FI.ol III Ml MILLS, C. S. I'.m ler.
1'iopi icon, 1.1111
I. 1! I'l ill U I ), i liKO., deah is in ill hoihN,
Kii'cei ies, and kfueval meielruidlse. 1 it 1 1
l.t M.DWI.M.
Ies, ijuei lis H .lit
dcah r in dr, aotnU,
, hatduait-, illt, salt,
. I IKiAK.husfieliannsi riaulny Mill and
l!o M mnl letory. vlJnll
,ii:ksktwx DiiiiicToia.
.'IHtl.U' MAIiIMIN, ilonlor 111 ilry Komls, itio
I'orlos, uraln. Inmlier etc., .Ierse town. 1-iiHI
M oll .H'ISIII'.l!,iloulorln lll.tes, Leallier
llaiU en . Ma.Hson tou nslitn I'olunilil.i i ountv
i. W-nlij
Al'I'.HVMl I'l, IlIMIIY, Maillson Hotel, llro-
vi i s alio hi lungers i tuoiiaiiieu, v--iu
7xniAX(ii; iioTKh,
ULUdMlirmi, rtJlXMIHA CO., I'A.
'J he nnih lsl-rned hnvinu imicliaw-d this will-
know u aiul c utiallv-locaied house,! ho Ilxch.lliKe
Motel, situate Oil MAl.N r I HUlll.lU IIIoomsi.iu
Ininu diat.d opposite IhoUohnnblacfainty Couit
1 1 1 hi si i i-siu( t on iv in (rn tut' ins ii lends mm i ne
uhlle limincial tuat his itoiise is now inouier
r the tett ptton and nuitainmc ni oi inn eneis
torn, lie has (-paled h M'iisf in piepai ins; tin' i
no ii. ay oe uispusi n in u nr u iuiii nun vm-
.xi lanire or ie i nti ita nun nt ot nis uuesis.
ih hlu rhiiall tin ie heanjtliiiiK wanting on his
iu l to mluMer ti their pcisonapcoinitni. ins
muse Is hpaeloiw. and injos an icillent biihl-
lit ss lot alioii.
hanue Hotel nml the ailotis lulliuad depot h, by
l hlrh li-.iwlleis will he nleiisaiillv eone.Mdlo
i inn iiusch inn iu an mis ntiwtin iuei.
and Horn the lespt ctho Millions in due tlineto
llioi I lie fins, uuu.ra ,
IIloolUsltlilB, Aplll :i, INis.
1 o t it ii r a ii o lt s i:(
ii v
ii i: hn a an htoiimiu.
IIaumi lalclv txiifhased nnd llttitl UP (ho
well-known Houison Hotel I'roj'iity, lornted n
m.w noous Aiicivr. 'ini: luunr iioi-hi:,
on tho same side of the Mice I. In the town of
oonishuru: ami luvina oniaineuii nccnsu -r
Ihe fame as it
It K S T A U It A X T,
Ihe l'lopi ietor has di teinillied to ii to the peo-
,e Isltini; the tow 11 on inisllieKSOl pliasuie,
a un m: muim; ieuom.
IMsi Hinl.lliHf ului is exit nslve. and Is tilted UP
to put hutiiilcHand can lanes In t ho dry. He piom
Isesthat ieivthluKnhmt hlsLMahlhhmcuuhull
he eoiidiu ted hi nu oideily and law lul manner;
mi ne ri'Spcciuuiy souens a Hiuue iu me puonu
itiomii-". im I7't.7-Mn.
run uiti it inn f,
ouan(ii:vii.ij:, cohrjiitiA rn., pa,
Ths hiihscttber lespectfully lufoims his fi lends
and llio public, that he. has iukinthe alioe wilt
now 11 iionsu ui j ai i ei i a in i lieu i, nun i in i
leat-eil to lecelvo tho lustom of nil who will
i nr him with a call,
hi; wiMi Kr.i;p a (Jood taiim:,
liar well Mocked w Ith Iho best of I,huoih,nnd
uy elhnt will be iimdoto icndti entile mils.
faction, JOHN HN YDl.ll,
oiautjuvnie, ra., .Mtucn i , -j in.
jvcniANcn; sakoox,
till: I lopi ii i or oi uie i..i naiiKeaioiiii nan ni'-.v
on hand a lariro stock of
srMMlMt iuxiiimiimiinth,
eoiiMstlutt of
si'iun muriKs, kiiuiimh, tkut, noioa.sAH
biin i i oMitM", i i.r.s, hvi iTzi:ncui in.
LAfiKU UKKlt, Alii!, AC.
I'OMi; ONK, ( OMH AI.I. AND HKI3. "lia
Mi pi 1 1 ii It mlnu,
Itloouishuii, May ;i, N.7.
Titr Mihst ill i r iesp cllullj liifoiinshU fi lends
known lloip-e oi Kuti ttalnmtnt, ami will
in t ie pumic. liuu ne iihn iiuan n nioo v
plfiiMd lo ircele Ihe (iiMoiu ot all who tv ill
i.uor nun w tin ii t an,
nr. wifj. Ki:i;r a ciooii taiii.i:,
a liar wt M stneked with the best of I.h'Uoitf, and
l' i'l V l noi i win ne iiiuiie in ii uner t nine Mtus-
hu Hon. r, II. Ulirril HlC'JI.
Hfcpy, I'll., Aplll 12, ML
I.iik Inki ii possiiMou t-f thin wtlhkiiowii
lioii'-e. su oiiK iici'i ny tsaniiuii euii, uiej io'
i.i i, t m'Iik i ill iii tl neiiitniu nt it Pall and JnililMi
I'd 1' H AND 1 Altl'iat Willi Iheiholi i hi IUuioim
nnd m ut t iU Ikncles, HlHhliible Is not i xi tiled
In Hum ntntyi nml no pnlnu will hu taiiil lo
A Di'motrulic. Now rip.-.ipci
m rr hmmhi.h i i:hy 1 1 ?hai mh.mnu ai
in.oo.MKin no,
Till: principles ofthlsimiernie of Uio.IoirciM)U
Inn chont of pollt lei, Thoe prlnclpIcH will nc i r
liucompioiiilved.yctcourtesy nnd klndess hhnl
not ho rorgottcn In discussing t htm, whether with
Indli 1 huh, or with contemporarlei of the 1'ion
The itHlty, liappIneK,niid protperlty of Ihe coun
try h our nltn and object anil hi t ho means lo
Ki-cute that, Wi! shall labor honcfdly and earnest ly
for t ho harniony, miccchs ami gi owlh of our orpan
TKKMsoFhL'nsfKM'itoN'! Two dollars a eai
If paid in advance. If not paid In jidinuo two
dollar and liny cents will bclmurli'jtyihai;d.
TritMi 0KAnvM;TttN( :-Onc niuniefh n lines
or less) one or lline Inseiltons 51, V); each suh.e
qtitnl Insert Ion 3() c(-nl.
One"iu:irc. . ..
Two MMru'es
Thiee sqiuics .
Tour Miiiatey..
Half column..,.
1 0,4 H t
tiM. lY
fn.ou $ui,oo
h.'d l ,m
11,00 2,l0
One column
1'xeculor's and AdinlnlsttalorK Xc.tlcu S.V't Au
ditor's ntlre 5,,'V). Other ndwrtketnc nts Insei
ted nceoidlng lo special conduct,
r.uslness not letfs.M it hnut ad vol tlsemcnt, twenty
centw per line.
Tianslcnt ndxertlsements pnnblt- lnadvanen-
all others due nfter the Hrst Insertion,
ceIl Is, In ult rtc, more likely to ho Kitisfar-
lory, both to subscribers nnd to the rubllshcis,
that l emit tanees nnd nil communications respect
Ins the business of the paper, he sciitdhect to the
otllecof publication. All U tteiw, whf ther ltlatlng
to the edltoi Inlor business concerns of the paper,'
niul all paj incuts fur t.ubscrIptIotiM.ndveitlslmz,
or Jobbing, nro to he made to and mIUi sed
nuorKWAY a rni;t;zi:,
"fttuvl.lan Opirrt"
lli.oo3Hm'nn, V,
I'llnti J at Uohlsnn's lluililliiKs, mar the dmtt
House, by
C. A'AMIllltsMCi:.
Neatly exeuitcdnt UdHpllhT,
A TT " It .N I! V-A T-I, A Y,
Ashlalnl, Sehuj llilll Oounly, 1'. mm.
A TTI1 It N M Y-A T-1. A W,
rwlelc, I'oluuihla rmmty, l'enn
M. M
T T (1 1! N ll Y - A T-1. A W,
llerwlok, ('olunililii Coulity, IVnu
AriliMAJr jr. AlillOTT,
A TTO U N 11 T- A T-I, A V
Ollleewllli 1.. II. I.lltlo, In Inlel; laillilln nil
Jollilln; Post Olllee. J:i.-lliilinllis, llael:-I'.H Mini
1 'elisions eolletlnt. i'IiU'IiT,
A T T ( H t X I : Y - A T -1 . A V ,
Otlh'O lit l'e-ilst. r and Uecoider'n olllee, In the
basiiiunt ot the l' iii 1 1 House, lllituinsbiUK, I'a.
.A UK,
AT TO tl N ll V - A T-I, A W
Olllee enlner ot Main anil Mlllcet stnots, ov,
lTlst Xallonal Hank, llloonislair, I'a.
TTO UN i: Y-A T-I. A v,
Otllce on Main Mrect, In hi Id; bulldlin: l low the
Court House, llloonisburfi, I'a,
iii.oo.Mniii'r.n, iu,
luttihUui Otllce
Couit House Alii y
, l
low the A
Maul 07.
111 OOMSIll ItO, I't.NN'.l.
Olllee In I'uanu'st'" Ilullilln
of the Aluuloali House.
.Main hire. I. UVs
W mild infoini the clllens of ItloonisbuiU and
le hilly I hat he Is now piepiued to do all kinds ii
piann, silver or rihu, weci ,'"
V V, T I () N K K It.
Ha Iuk tnlliiVM-d the plotesvlnn of J'ubllc Vendue ,
Ciier lor many eai, would Infoini his fi h nils
that lie Is still In the Held, teady mid wllllm: to
nti. .ii1 lit nil Hi. i .llltleK 111 till cntlll!'' IVrsilIlH I
deslilm; hisM i lees should call or wiltu In him
nt llloomshuiji, I'a. hnaih'i7.
Jjlt. W. II. nitADlvHV,' .tsisuini .Mi-nicm imici ioi u. n, jiihj ,t
V 11 Y H I ( 1 A S A N l K IT H (I HON.
if i-oillcout tlio house oi.poslle ShlMi'H Hlodv,
lUKuiusbmi;, 1'n,
'alls piomplly atU ndtd lobi.lh iiUhlnml d-i).
Itloornshirtf, Jan, , Im7,
g O, H II J V K,
l Altls 1,1 .u , jv i, li ,
AMI SIAM'tAt'll'l.KK 11V KtHAM CH'
H H H T T i: It H, M (I U I, H I N l f,
f W.OOMMIl'Iin, l'A.
Jnnus, 1S0T.
0. COl.UNS,
r ah ii i o n a ii ii i:
tlerVlilluajer & .laiolij's leu Cuum HalooH,
111 uilMhlll ltd, l'A.
Hair Hvolim niul wiiUkm uiloiul l.laiU or
Iuom H, I lair Tonle to ill nin) iliiluli 111! ami lieau
lll luu Iho liulrt III HMini' Inilr ioIUoiIkIiiiiI
ii.Ioi llhout MilllH!! tin lllust lulTle, loTimuill)
on 1 1 it 1 1 1 . lui'ilJ'lii.
!; N '1' 1 fi T It Y .
lUfrluitlillb ollelh HU nrofesslonal i,ellees to
lliu laillcs ami itnlillunoli of Illoolnsl'Ulu nml I-(-lulty.
lie Is iiii'i'lileil limllt lol tonllllie vail-
i.llsi.liellltloUS 111 Hill IlllOOf lllS Hlofl'kHlOll. Ullll
Is inoUilei! llll tl"' llllest lliiinounl I'olll'l l.MN
'in ill wliiili will In' Inserltil mi I'oliI pl.illuu,
KilNor nml iiililior linso In look tot Mill iikIIio mil
lllllltiitll. 'Intli i Mlliiliil I'J nil Ihn new niul
most npi'iouil iiuilioilh, nml nil oi'eiiitloiib on
the Ioi 111 lull lull) nml 1'li'l'olly ntti niliil lo,
iloKiiiinui nml iitlee ii lew iloou nlioii Hie
Coult llollM', t-allle .lile.
lllooiiihlaiiK, Jan.ill.'entt
ToiiAtro, H.surr a m:uau
Ml. Sl-I MUl'IH TlllllHhinUT,
h conil loor la-ioiv W'ooil,
I'll I I A IU'1,1'111 A.
J. W WAI11MAN M, I'- 1'XOlt.MAN
tfhcilcc poetry.
foil till. int.rMHi
Win tu: HiiBi-ii- hntin i' loely 'dreatn
I Iowh onward Mtftl.v nsiulrcnm
"inn anty, which doth h irdly si etn
OfHarlhj whose holvcalm wedei-m
Hath much' r llinen's tniiMiudlltv,
I'l on th(f(intly nloplny dde
in a trieiii hill, 'neath which do'li gli le
Tin-: lver flHtr rhiK llm tide,
(et lonhlim all the Vntle, 'h pride
orbe.nity mid serenity,
A ulaleiy edifice there stnnd,
fiulll by the skill oftunnlmt hands.
'Th not n Cnitle wlu nee the h-unls
of hh el I lift thloM'H, dfxpotl Mm lands
And hoiiiBH of honest lmluslry,
A mlHhlhr powtr h thtte enlhioned
Thin barred and guarded ensiles owned ;
And yet nncaptle everKronned
I u ntuuhli r hh chains, or niomied
H. hIoss of blessed llberiy.
A gentler monanh rules tin telu,
Who at lives to cuiMi I ho leign of hit),
And had his Mihjccts w heiu begin
ViieJoysorTiuthntid I.oe, nnd In
Ihe paths of t'lirhtluu eliailly.
'Th IMueatlou'H kingdom thcie,
Nor do hh happy stibjeils wunr
The ll vi ty of hhamo or cuie,
l!ut heaitH nie thelr'nns pine ns nlr,
Heails ncM-r bound Iu slavery.
('(cntle Huler nay thy relun
ron t huii' eer,nnd tlie.tiiln
Of lunoraiu'e no lnoie teinaln
Tomilly our f.dr land, oi chain
t'apth es to such base t innny.
I. u hoin.nt niil h'HsdUlip'
'I ban that wepay to (iod,liti thine,
And thy letlected alorles Milne
O'er al I our lles, and be the kUii
if our tine henited loj nit v.
And may thy Temples, throiish ihe land
Im leiiMj In number, till (hey Maud
On c-eiy hill loji.nnd lommand
Mich heauU',ous scenes as NitttUe planned
Iii Mi.iiiichniitia'H tcoii( ry.
o hlehM'd worknu n, lhe who inKe
'1 hese palaces w lieielu thj piaKe
1 4 haiitfd loudly, may the la s
( if loe be fclvui tin in, lor the d i
l'asi d In th swi 1 1 .-oclitj .
No nobh r in f hi tuts aie know n
Thau thise who build this Monaieh's thinne,
Wheie pel feet loe and pence, alone
fan ute 1 1 ue happim s, ur tone
The flce to mm etest melody.
Nn loollei spot can i'i r he found
Tort-acud I.earutlM's hallow eil ground,
Than w heie the ntl$ swelling mound
Holds our fall Tuiuple, ami iiioutid
Its runt the .sin am laughs, men lly.
In the A'( naif of the I nilat Mult, M:trl,
iiiit, IStW, tin1 Anna itninofiulion Mil
btiny unth f ('tiintiilrrttlitni :
jut. ltucKA i.r.w nni'rcii iii" roiiow-
Ino; iiiiii'tiilnii'tit iim nu lulilltiotiiil hir
lion: "And lie II further tnuctetl, frtini
nml lifter tlio lltt tiny of .Mny next, tilt'
Aims tlmll lie lTiltn'cil to n luimlit'i
not i',i'OiilliiM' llilrtv tlioitsuml men.
mnl unci Ilk' ; unit Hint tlio l'lcl'lcnt
of tlio Uulti'il Stntfs proceed to ninUo
nil noec.s-nry ordcr-i nml leniil.ittuiis
fur iiiii-teri,iK out tui'ii nml olllccrn nml
to cll'et'l Mich lediR'tioii."
yf; II, tlit'ii mlilrc'i'Ml tlio Si'imto in
fnlltiw-i In npiioi t of the niiieniliiieiit:
Mr. 1'iv-idi nt, I nm iimvllltii'r thnt
tliU iiiiiortuiilniproiirintliiii lilll .-Imulil
pnss w ltliont soiiii' expression of opin
ion from the nieinlior-t of'llio .Soiuito
who HfO'ee with u InrKd jiurt of the
people of the eouiitiy out of door-i thnt
the Army of the United States oulit
lo he redueed, nnd reduced promptly.
1 did not rail for n division upon the
niiieudment of the Senator from Ken-
tui'l'V IMr. D.ivN licciiliso I was not
Mire thnt liU umt'iidihcnt did not
too far, ns n ut.-t uiowiiieiit, I now,
however, oiler Ills itmenilment with
the tittiuhcr duuu'ed nnd mmle-o Inr-je thereenn lie iioiea-onnlile (itiestion
Hint there will he tin ndeoiinle nunilier
of ofilcem nnd Mildieri left (If it lie
itilopled,)tocon-titute the Army of tho
I'nited Stntei.
We have listened to u debate tills
iiiornlnt: upon the appropriations and
oiitltiyi lor the Army dttriti"; the past
ye.u and durltiK the current year. "I
'do not think Hint the linpuitunl t-ucs-titinnow
is, how milcli money .shall he
appiopriated for tho support of the
Aimy for the eoniiii; year. Whatever
amount of expenditure U incurred
which ! not provhleil for by this ap
propriation bill will bo made up here
alter. It must by met by tu ; it must
be covered by n deticlency bill when
ucaenihlo in December next, or at
umc other time. Therefore, whether
wcupproprlutc Si..,uii(i,(iuor i?::n,(iOil,(ino
or.jii,Ullll,llliil, lit thepre-elit lilll to the
support of the Army proper, Is perhap
not material, if we appropriate moie
money than will be needed the It u ll
will bu that a certain amount will ie
I main In tlieTreasitry uiiopended which
li.i-been uppropritited by law. ll tin
i outlay Is to be greater than llic-.mii ap
paoprialed, you will be lciiiii'cd here-
alii r lo ituiKe up ine uece.ssuiy uniouni
by votlnj; nn tuhlitiomd approprlallon
faun the Treasury. The mode b.
wliich tho expenditure for military pur
poses can lie i educed Is by reducing the
number of olllcers nml Mildier.s who are
to be supported, or by piovldiiio; dlller
eitt tides of conipeii-atlou for them, or
bv cuttinjjoll'.someof the collateral out
lays connected with the orfrini. ilion
and iiiaiiagenieiil of the Army.
Now, Mr. 1-roi-ldi'iit, can nnythlii'.' be
more clear lliaii that a force exert dlni;
lllty tboiisaud is uiiiieeo-ary al this
Unto, nnd that u force so larj;r as that,
will not probably be nrcer-ury durlii";
tlio next year','
lleiols it proposition wliich will test
,'eiitlcnicn upon tlio nucstlon of reform,
altliounh I ito not oll'er It for the pur-
po-e of inaUino; a list. 1 do not oll'er It
for the purpo-e of puttlii'' gentlemen
upon the record nnd lioldlti"; tltpnt re
s'pon.siblo for their vote-, 1 oll'er it for
tlie ttintijitlc purpose of reform, consid
ered by ItM'lf nnd for it-elf. At the
Nimo time, however, jour net ion on this
question will drlluo our' positions, not
only to our-rlvi s, hut lo tho people ol
the'rotiuliy wim oh-crvu our procrnl-Ine-.
Wo are' ieeUiii; to relievo the Indii
ll'lra of (bo (oiuilry by tho rcmov.ll
or reiliutlon of tuxes which pre-s upon
tliem, Wo are conlronled b facts In
relation to our llii.tncos which inu-t ar
rest our attention, our loveuue InwH
aro not nil enforced, Our ofllcers who
a ro chained with tlio execution of tlioso
laws do not perform their duty. Tho
failure to enforco our revenue laws coin,
pfls us to ritaln taxes which wo would
Kindly repeal. Our appropriate com-
itiiuees in uoiii iiou-esuto enj'ai'rii in
attempts to amend our revenue law-;
to name iiieni mi unit we Mian oiiiaiu u
Ju-t nnd proper re.-ult from them.
1 lull is one onjet'i upon which wo nro
c ngno'cil, ami ft is nece nry ami lauda
ble. Another object, tho ono lo which
1 h.ivo Just alluded, Is also legitimate,
ami, In fact, Inilh-pciisahly necessary to
promote tho public Interest ami man
lulu tho nubile credit, nnd that is. tho
relief of tho people from tlio pressure
ol piiiictiiar nixes which near severe
lyupuu ludu-try ami production,
Again, hero Is n third object as Im
portant as either of tho others nnd enti
tled to prompt ut tent lun; ami that Is,
the reduction of expenditures. Kvcry
bodv is talklii"; nbout lt. Kvery ono
Drofes-es to be 111 favor of It. Wo nro
con-itunlly mal'ltio; professions of econ
omy; of our ardent desire In attain nnd
Insecure material reform In our out
lays of tlie public tmiiiey. Hut let me
warn Kentleiiicu piv r nl, and warn the
p 'ople who mo not present, that econtf
my is noi lo lie -r cured merely by re
diii'lii; tho appMjirialion of th" public
money In the.-e bills. Outlays which
are dependent upon the iiniount of mon
ey appropriated may be reduced III this
manner. Where th " expenditure Is en
tirely dependent upon the appropria
tion you may limit mid curb your out
lay by cuttliur down appropriations,
but you will not curtail and curb your
outlay by .lmplv falling to appropriate
money iu cases llku the present, where,
under the law, the outlay will be Incur
red at all events. If you have 11 fly or
hlxty thousand men, rank and llio, In
your military service, and in your ap
propriation bill vote a smaller Mini
Hum that which Is neces-ai v to miiiiiIv
unil pay them, you have done iiolhinj'
mr icoiiomy; you mive noi reduced tlio
outlay ; but you have practiced a decep
tion either upon your-elves or upon tho
people. While upon tho face of your
bill yor show hut a limited appropria
tion of motley to tho particular object,
you know, or you may know, that the
amount actually expended will ureatlv
extent that; that it Is merely a ipics-
lion oi lime; mat wnat is not voted in
.March will lie voted iu Dcceniberor ut
some other date hereafter
.Now, sir, we are to meet our obligation-,
and to meet them In tlio -spirit in
which you, sir, ordinarily meet your
public le-ponslbilllles as a member of
iliK .Senate- meet them I'ranklv: cover
up iiothlngidi-'-ulsenothiii!,'. 1 propo-e
to you u mode of reducing the expen
ditures of the Army by .-aylng lo the
Commander-in-Chief of tho Army and
to till men concerned with lt, "o'n tho
1st ol May the whole nunilier or per
sons In the military service shall not
ovceid thirty th'iu-aiul." We have
b 'en told hero thnt the number nou
employed In tlie -oiithrrn Slates 1- not
very large; eigntor ten tliou-atm, per
haps; It may bo le-s than that.
Wo havouo infoi m.ition Unit upon tho
wo-torn boarder a largo hotly of troops
will be rci-ulicit. Wo have negotiated
yitli Indian tribes who were hn-tile;
and continually tho rates of the ex
pense, even if we have Indian wars
tlieie, are reduced by our railroad Im
piovements, which give facilities for
transportation, and reduce largely that
Hem of outlays lo wliich reference lias
been made ill tills debate. We do not
med troops on tlie l'liciUc coast; at
least we need tin considerable number
Xow, in-lead of merely talUliigaboiit
lel'orm, ni-teail of to bede
villed to reform, let us, by tho adoption
of nn iimendment like tills, mtii re re
form, and. -irtiie it against all accidents.
Itisniy impression that so large a force
as thirty tlioti-and is not neeis-ar.v;.thal
Iu all probability nn army of twenty or
twenty-live tlioti-and men will meet
any lci'iiiremcnt of thu public servkoof
which .o have any knowledge or ex
pectation, lint, -ir, 1 uni content to
take the limit wliich I have named. 1
would ehaige upon the President, the
Secretary ol War, and the Oeneral of
the Army a duty which they can easily
and conveniently perfoVm.
lint gentlemen may say, "We do not
knou what Hill happen; there may lie
renewed I isurreclionMmiewhcro; u new
Indian w nr or m veral Indian wars may
preak out; and to make un absolute
limit of this sort may bo found incon
venient after awhile." .Mr. President,
this Ci ingress will ho In ses-ion long nf
ter this reform takes effect if tlie amend
ment 'jo adopted. Wo will doubtless
be here until tlie middle of tlio .sum
mer, until the approach of fall. In
fact, we may havo some members a
niong us de-irons', as they were last
year, to sit In permanent sc ion. If
any unexpected emergency .should arise
Congress will havo no dltllculty In auth
orizing nu increase of force. The Inter
val between the pi'e.-cnt long ses-ion
and the next one will be, ut all events,
very slinrt, a few weeks meiely. There 1
can, glut 'leiore, oe no aigiuiieiu uu-eu
upon the possibility of some great and
now unexpected emergency during llio
pre-ent year.
Sir, If you cm by an amendment of
this sort strike oir twenly-llvo or thirty
million dollars from the public outlay,
you will lelolte the hearts of the peo
ple; .oti will do something whkli they
will undeistand; you will call out to
yourselves their respect and their confi
dence ul-o. They will believe you aro
in earnest.
Dm it may be -aid and with a word
or two upon that point 1 will coucludo
mat an tin- -iiuuin nu ten lo inu rre.-i
,l,.,,l M,n!,..ri.l irenl'U'iiP o ll , 1 1 1 1 1 . ( I Oil
end 'of tho Army; that they are butter
aino lo judge now many men shouui no
employed iu the public service. I im
derstand, so far as the epinlonof tho-e
olllcluls nro coni-erned, they think tl
largo reduction of the Army can bo
made. That is their opinion. "That
being so," gentlemen say, "why should
Congri" act'.' Vh should not tills
iiurstion be left to their Judgment'.'"
There is a very le.uly answer In this.
It is un ungracious thing to disinl-s
men wlio an- employed by the (ioveru
nietit, to turn them our ol their places ;
it Is an ungracious and unpleasant duty
to dismiss olllivi-w ho hold our com
mission nnd draw -aiaries from .our
Treasury, nml men employed in the
military servlie who have enlisted un
der your law - ntul are performing their
contracts, and restore them to their em
ployments at home; and neither tlie
'IJoiiorul of the Army nor the Pie-iilent
can very well do till- alone, You
must give iiieni an act of Congress,
s"iue uxprcioli of the law-making
power, to aiithoii.e, to wairaiit, their
action. If "inn like them all express
permission, command to do ihl-,
doilinie-s iney will proceed Willi urn ri
ty nnd with proinplni lo execute
your diel-ii'ii. Without ll, whatever
'may be their private opinions, nothing
Important will be done; men unneces
sarily i uiploytil Iu the public servlco
will 'not be discharged. To accomplish
thai, it is nece-sary thai Congress shall
net; lciiigros, which authorized tlio or
ganization of this force, must itself re
trace il- step i to sumo extent, Hill-t nt
hast lonfer the uutliority. In distinct
and explicit terms, bv which this re
form cm be Introduced unit executed.
lloweer, Mr. President, I desire, at
alleents, If nothing else, he accomplish
ed by my motion, to make up it record
nn inysen, aim ny my voio upon nils
inienilnient to show that I nm sincere
Iu the cause of reform. Tho people de
mand n reduction of the public expen
ditures, and l desire to be heartily
with tlirin in opinion anil action.
Win.N parlies get married and tho
groom Is paying tho parson his fee, If
he should forget to baud him a dollar
to pay for selling up thu notice of thu
event In the paper, tho brido ought to
Interfere Immediately ami do tlie llrst
great duty of her married life by Insist
ing that they commence their carrer
honorably mid Justly by paying tho first
hill of expense.
A l.rrri.i; dumb boy, when nsked
what forgiveness was, wroto upon his
slate this beautiful icplys "Tho odor
which violets out when trampled
So tho Honorably Discharged Sol
diers and Bailors of the Iiatc War
for the Union.
ttl'llilltl'l. L'ONSF.IIV TI C AllMV ANU NAVY
I mon, i.sjn. in? renlisylvallln Avenue
asm sin us, 11, i-,, jnninry o, iriss,
Cii.MUAiics! Inasmuch ns numerous
calls nro in v beltig Is-ueil and circula
ted throughout and from this
clly for Mildier.s' nnd-allo. ' convcntloni
nnd, In order Hint our eonirnibsiiiay fully
undi rstiiiid from whence isucthc-e culls
their ulijects, and In Whoso liitere-ts
they tire to operate, this address is
The following extract Is ii specimen
from one of the calls referred to, now
being circulated, against which It be
comes our duty to warn you ;
WAiiUNdToN-, I). C, Dec, IS 1K07.
At a conference of I'lilon soldiers nnd
sailors held In this city, on Monday,
December 1(1, 187, to consider tho pro
priety of calling n national convention,
le-olutlons were uiinnlmoti-ly adopted
recommending Unit an invitation lie
extended to all loyal persons who have
served in (lie military or naval servlco
of tho United Stales, lo unite iu i-siiiug
a ca ' for u national convention, to b
held In May, 1WIS, for the con-ldera-lion
if national ipie-tlniis, and the nom
inal n of candidates for l're.-ident and
Vic -I'l e-lileut of tho I'liited States.
'I nu disordered slate of public affairs,
the restoration of rebels lo power, the
de-lgning elforts to destroy our national
credit, the failure throtighotil the coun
try to recognle tbejust claims of the
veterans of the war; these, coupled
with u desire to perpetuate the funda
mental principles of our government,
are deemed sulllcienl rea-ons that tho
men who crushed lebelllon should
counsel such incisures ns shall tend to
pri serve and protect tlio civil and poli
tical rights of all the people.
Iti'igadler (ieneral T.T, Crittenden,
William A. Slioil. Secretary.
The purport oftbe-e calls would lead
many to believe that thc-e propo-ed
conventions were to bo held solely in
the interests of the soldiers nnd sailors.
Hut do not ullow yourselves to bo de
ceived by expediency men and design
ing politicians. Ciider the pretext of
serving -oidlers anil sailors they are
laboring to delude you into their ranks,
utter which tlie same fraud, falselioo.l
and ingratitude will bu practiced upon
you that has been so signally evinced in
tlie past.
" The tlhortterul tittle of jmbtlv af
fair," has been brought nbout by this
same party, which has been in power
for years, nnd by a system of usurpation
and uncalled for legislation, stripped
thu executive branch of the government
ofall authority to stay the tide of evil
indicted by them, from timu to time,
upon thu country,
" The rcsioratitm of rein la to jMttrr," a
paltry plea (only practiced by tho par
tyin powcr.nslnlrlye.xhlbilcd.) .should
rail the blii-h of shame to thu cheek of
the manly -oldier us lie beholds a pros
trate and now starving foe, reaily nnd
willing to yield to any terms consist
ent with tlio honor and dignity of u
great Christian peoplo and nation.
" The tlesiyntnu efforts tit destroy our
iiulontd cntlll" will Indeed be a small
Inducement to soldiers when they tiro
aware of the fact that tbe.-e conventions
aro to bo called in tho interests of n
party wliich litis for its objects the. sup
port of a moneyed aristocracy, wliich
exempts from taxation, and gives lo
the rich bondholder thogoldnf thu pub
lie trea-ury at a premium, wbilo it
heavily taxes every laboring man and
soldier, anil exnets that be should bo
paid for Ids services in a depreciated
currency Increa-lng the rich man's
dollar, and making the poor man's less,
"The failure thrtjityhout Ihe country
lo nvoyni:otheju.-t f'ttiinii ot' Ihe titer
am of Ihe tear" has nowhere been so
openly nnd wantonly exhibited a- by
this same party in the United Stales
! Senate, in tlie njeetlon ntul icfu-al to
appoint thousands of our bravo disabled
comrades during tlio past lew year-'
".I tlntlre to pernluttti ttefttiutuiiirii
tal jirineiit $ of our orirnmtnt," will
no doubt, appear lo many of our com
rades as intended for a joke by these
convenlloiil-ts, when it 1- well known
that they have been laboring with, mid
are now iu lull communion with, tho
parly of usurpers who, by uibltrary
legi-lation, havo i-tabll-licd military
dictator-, Inaugurated a system ol ty
rami, raised the negro tube the politi
cal superior ol tlie w lille man, eieated
lioirrit lot'l-l'l! l,V lloir,-,, liul,.,.. ,,iwl
negro Jurie-, tlie" writ of
habeas corpus, ami are continuing ar
bitrary tmesis and liials iu lime of
peace; for ail of wblih they can find
no warrant within the finiilaiiiotitiil law
of the hind.
We, therefore, desire to ask y on, frank
ly ;
Are you iu favor of the supi-cmucy of
thu negro raco over two-thirds of our
territory '.'
Aro you In favor of negro legislators, j
negro judges, and negro Juries 7
Are you in favor of being taxed S-sii,-
11011,(10(1 annually for the support of ne
gro governments Iu (be Southern
States 7
Are you lu favor of having epenileil
from your hard earnings if lil.imo.oo1) an
nually, iu support of tho i'retd men's
Hurc.ui, for tho encouragement of Idle
in ss, theft nnd vice among tlio negroes
of thoKoiith, while not a dollar Is appro-1
printed toward tho maintenance of the
widows and orphans of your fallen
Aro you In favor of conlluuliig n
lliuiiicial policy which uxempts from
taxation tho wealthy bondholder, who
prosporod upon tho misfortunes of the
country, and taxing the laboring ela-i
of people, giving to thu former the coin
of thu Treasury, nnd to tho latter a de
preciated paper currency, thus exempt
ing thu ricli from assisting in thu pay
ment of thu war debt, nml Imposing it
upon tho poorer class 7
Aro you in favor of having your com
rades thrust iisldo by the United States
Senate, whun brought ooforo it for con-
Urination for such olllces as aro within
the gift of tho Kxceiitivo'.-
Are you iu favor of long continuing
' the instructed condition of our country,
that ambitious politicians nnd grasping
speculators might thiive'.'
Are you In favor of throwing aside
principle, patriotism, mid devotion to
your country to enter, with political
charlatan-, the band of usurpers, tyrant
nnd families that now reign and rule iu
dire confusion '.'
If you iironotiii f.ivorofsucha course,
wenppenl to you toabslnin from entering
uny of the conventions whlch.areto he
managed nnd manipulated expressly In
the Interests of tho party in power,
which has brought starvation nnd un
told sulfcrliig upon tho peoplo as exhibit
ed Iu the pitiful appeals welling up from
every section of the country.
We warn you, therefore, against Invi
tations which, from lime to to time will
bu extended to you, some coming from
persons and organizations having no
local habitations, urging you to partici
pate lu a national convention of soldiers
anil sailors, for the purpo-o of nomina
ting candidates fur the Presidency and
Vice-Presidency. Politicians, often un
friendly, to soldiers and sailors, who
desire (o make themselves prominent,
nro apt to have such calls clrciiliitud.the
real object of which Is not set forth
therein. Let u, therefore, be careful
not to lend our Inlliience to any set of
Pre-ldont makers, who aro unworthy
of our coiilldcnce ami support, or who
woultl rrllect di-crcdlt upon Ihe high
character of the Union army and navy.
A few of the employed agents of the
party in power may, at any time, l-stiu
a call, setting forth rea-ons why we
should Join them In an effort to retain
said party In power, the very evils liar
rated beingbronghtiibout through their
In view, then, ol the misrule under
wliich our country is now sulferlng, we
admonish you to stand firm ny tlie
principles for which we fought, and for
which so many of our brave comrades
suffered nnd died, and to accept no in
vitation of any party or clique of President-makers
without tine deliberation,
and upon full conviction that they aro
pledged to the vindication of the Con
stitution, tu X'nion of Hie States, and
the recognized supremacy of the flag
throughout the length and breadth of
the land, As wo contended for the stt-
ptemacy of law and order, the rights
and liberties of the people, in tho field,
so let us remain true to tho great char
ter of our freedom now, permitting
liono to iis us for their elevation, but
ever acting with the people nnd (or the
people ; and In so doing, peace, pros
perity, and happiness will follow In the
train, tho heels of thu tyrants now
pressing upon tho necks of the populace
crushed, and our country assume Its
wontul position ns Iho proudest and
free-t among tho nations of the earth.
Hy order of the Executive Committee.
Cm,. P. H. Al.I.AliAi'H,
Cut. A. W. Ciitrro.v, President.
lieenrdlng Secretary.
Tin: following aro some of tlie rules
by which fortune-tellers profe-s to bo
guided in their practice of mtrology :
.lANt Aitv. Ho that is born in .hum
ary will be laborious and u lover of good
wine, be very subject to infidelity, nml,
withal, a Hue singer. Tlie woman born
in this mouth will be a good hoii-cwife
rather meiiincliolv, lint yet good-nuttir
I'KlilirAitv. Tho man born iu till
month will love money much, but la
dies more. Ho will he stingy at home,
but prodigal abroad. The lady will be
humane, and all'ectlonate to her moth
Mauch. The uinti born In March
will bo rather hand-ome. lie will be
honest and prudent, but will die poor
The lady will be palonate, ji alm.-.und
u chatter-hox.
Al'llll.. Tho man who has Ihe mis
fortune lo ho born in April will lie sub
Jeel to maladies, lie will travel to his
disadvantage, for bo will marry a rich
heire, who will prove a virago. Tin
lady, who suH'crs the same misfortune.
will share thu same fate.
May. -Tlie man born iu tills montl
will be huud-oine nnd unliable. Ile will
make id- wife happy. Thu lady will
be cdtially blest lu every respect.
,lr.i:, The man born In tills
month will bo small of stature and pas
sionately fond of children. Tho lady
will boa personage fond of coffee, and
1 will marry young.
Jri.v. -The inaii born In July will
i be I.U, and sutler death for the woman
he lines. The female will be very
j Jl""m'. wIUi u
lutrp nose anil u Hue
bust. She will bout rather sulky tem
Ai'iil'sT,- -The man born iu the month
of August will be ambitious and cour
ageous. He will havo two wives. Tho
lady will be amiable and twice married,
but her second husband will cau-e her
to regret the Ui-t.
Sin-Tr'.Miiru. lie ylin is bornnl iu
September will be strong and prudent,
but will be too easy with hi- wile, wtio
will cause him great tinea-i in -.Tholady
w ill be roundfaced and fair-haired, wit
ty, dl-creet, and loved by her li lends. -The man bom ill this
month will have a liaiid-onie face and
tl'oihl comnlexlon. lie will be wicked
and Inconsistent. He will promise ono
thniL' nnd do another, and rcmaiuf joor,
Tl$ lady will be pietty. uMiu fSlid of
talking, will have two ocfthre6 hu-baud-',
v Ito will die of grief e will
know why.
NoVI'Mliru. - The man born in tlu-
nionth will have a line faceaiid be a gay
deceiver. Tlie lady of this month Mill
bo large, liberal, and original,
l)i:('i.Min;it.--Tho mini bom in this
month will bo a good sort of personage,
though passionate. Ho will devote
himself to politics and bo loved by his
wife. The lady will be amiable mid
haiid-oine, with a good iiilml, a Hue
figure, ami very honest.
DltYDl'N was so bound up In his books
that his wife one day exclaimed, "I
wish I were a hook that I might always
bo iu yoursoclely." "I wish you wcro
mi almanac, so 1 could cliange you ev-
M.vssAcill si.Ti - luisllfty three thou
sand more women than men.
itClijllHI.5 lUaiUiiij.
From tho Cathollo Worl l.l
I III. CllltlSTIA-V CH01.V.V
Tkn ei nturli innil one liml trm!
Jerusileiu, sliiee nlifii,
In mortal fomi, the Hon onio 1
llleit for the soon or men.
Ainl the- who In the Mmtyr round
Their HuMour, wnlloil ntul wept,
Thnt itutccoiiK horrors Miotild nlicum!
Whom chrll the nlcit,
Hum ehim'rous tnt u, mnl Trm-M' liu-h,
As ea-eniles from Ihe gtoom
flfenvos, t'l'iisntleri enstwnril ruh
To win ttii- hoty tntnh.
Their oorsel.tK, ntul nml .llier hrli-ht,
Neath su aylng pllllnoM ilLplnynil,
Xow ilnnce, llko btrenms, In lines of lluht
Now loiter on In simile.
Tholr erosseu plow 111 iM-ry torm,
tns'lrlli't ale alul lanrt,
As throujh llmselns of earth they -iwnttn,
I.lko hlooil hielclo Ihe heart.
Tli mlil-ilay of inld-iliniiier'H heat t
Knllh erowns the nml iloml j
Jerusalem Is nt their reel,
Urine (Joilfrey at thlr hewl.
M'llhlu Ihe nails Ihe rampart" ring,
As iirotnlly they proelnitn
flroat lioJfrey ile Houlllon l-lnaf
A ltlnirln more than name,
Th-- rllhy-hu'tilln-E riown lo html
Aholll his head they Btnod;
Another crown li In his min4 ;
1'or milieu, heads of blood.
";" and hatk Iho hatihlo fllms
"No noId I lil-s hrnw tnlorns
Win re willed lie,! hrlst, the Klnss nf klnis,
To wear n crown of thorns 1'
T,et not theulorloits truth depart
ltrnve (lodfrey handed down ;
A ltlnit whoso erown Is In hts heart
Need wear no oilier crown.
Caught in a Trap.
Tnui:i; men once walked through a
railroad car on Its way to New York,
looking about them sharply, us If in
neareli ol'sotiie one. Presently, ono of
them laid his hand on a gentleman who
was half asleep ill ono of the seats, nnd
said, "Will you have a game '."' "No,"
thuiidertd bo In reply. lie was
nt being waked up so rudely ; and, be
sides, be was one who never pla.sed
cards; so hu answered In a very strong
way. "Well, you needn't lane n lei
low's head off for asking you," return
ed the first, and pas-cd on with Ids
companions to the next car. They
were In quest of somebody to gamble
with them.
They looked around here, and soon
aw a man who appeared easy unit
good-injtured; and they Invited him.
I don't play very often," he answered;
but it's sort of dull here, nnd I don't
know but 1 will have a game."
"lletter not," said u gentleman at his
Ibow; "they're simrpers." Tint he
heeded not the warning. He went
over and joined the card-playeiv, and
the first and second games be beat.
"You're u pretty 'cute player," -aid
they; and he began to think tlio same,
though he had never been considered so
anywhere el-e.
"Let's put down a dollar just for
fun," prnpo-ed one of the men as they
divided for tlie third game. They
played and the stranger won the dollar,
mid giew quite proud of Ids skill; nml
the next garni he hlin-elf proposed to
put down ten. "While we're playing."
aid he, "we might a- well play tor
something." They agreed; and tbl-
tlme, for the car had nowalmo-t reach
ed the city, ho was beaten, lie wn-
vcry much vexed when he found he
had got to open his pockt-t-book, and
hand out ten dollars to tbe-o strange.
ugly-looking men. When he went
back to his. seat, he was quite crcst-fullon
and, as he sat down, he muttered,
Well, I was u fool; that's all about
it." His friend who had warned him
smiled u quier kind of a smile, ns much
as to say, "Cuttfhl in tt ((;). !-
Tom KIchariUon had In en u hard
drinker, but was reformed, nnd now,
for live years, had not touched a diop
of any thing that could lutnxlcato ; and
hu was very careful, too, not to go Into
the way of temptation. lie would not
trade at a store where whiskey was
.-old; and would on iiouccount go near
a tavern, or associate with tho-e who
were in the habit of drinking.
Ono Christmas Day ho went with his
family to ell tie with a friend; and,
among the many good things that
were spread upon the table, there
appeared a tall, black bottle.
"That looks suspicious," said Tom to
his friend. "I thought you were a tem
perance man."
"So I am," he replied; "every bit of
it. 'fids Is nothing but lagir-beer.
Why, man, It's perfectly harmless;
wouldn't hurt a baby! I u ink," Mild ho
"drink ;" and he poured out u mug
ful, nnd placed It before Tom,
".No no," said Tom; "don't tempt
me. I want none of your new-fangled
stiilf. It's half whiskey, I'll bu bound."
Not a droii lu it, Tom ; Its pure lager
right from Philadelphia. You can
drink n dozen gallons of It. and not get
di oik. You neve r tu-ti d lager bi cr, 1
know. Come, now, be social, and drink
n little. If ou gel dinnk on that, I'll
glvoyoii my head."
"Your l.uid wouldn't do me much
good then," laughed Tom ; but, to
plo'iso Ills friend, hai'iil-cd'tho mug mid
tasted. Alas, alas If Ilo had no sooner
got the tii-ste-tho tnMc In the live pa-t
yeais ntttiiipi iiieu oui, out may .sunn-
licied thaiPhe drained the mug; and
then he eiifloil for more. And, oh I
how shall I tell it '.' lie went from that
friend's houe lo the tavern, where bu
hadn't bri n lor so long, ntul called for
whiskey, and drank and drank until he
was laid down under the table, too in
toxicated to move. Poor Tom ! he wn
euuyht in it Ii i .
Tin; Sol i. The atheist laughs ut
the liniiioritnllty of the soul tho soul
that can build lnr nest among tho stais
of lli'twui, walk Ihiough yonder man
sions, and tastoof the rlveis that make
glad the city of God the soul ti.v- can
wing her way above the clouds, aiid
survey the crowns and sceptres laid up
for tho-e who dare de-pl-o tlio world
and have their conversation iu Heaven
'he soul that etui llvo lu I'uradl-w
while tue body Is in anguish, and when
the llerce winds of worldly tribulation
rageurountl her, can rejoice in lllm who
Is here all In nil,