The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 03, 1868, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. jjrmcr's flciiiutmnit. Kill) t'ltlrktus 1'. V'tV iliU-ki'ii'i, IlKo curly vt'tfi-tu.-bli -i lirlnj; iirolllali c irU-iH j lit'iico iiuy Biik'CcstloiH tlint vvl 1 -"how fnnni'M how to lucrt-nxi- tliHr mnUr In titU illri-i-tlon, lll bo of villi '. I suully, with itiiicr wrc, n IVw hrctuds of ulilukcn limy lit' luiti'lirtl very curly, on iiliiiitt nny num. Wlion u lien wiini -to not, ciiyut iiny ttmn In .funimry, 1 glvo lit-r it mmlemtii iinin livr of curs and allow licr to commence buslntKH. Tlio flrut (hingei- It tlint tho liiri weather of ltuiimry may chill Hie t'KKHi when the hen leaven the nest ti soaivh for food. If the litii lmuc ooultl lie kept warm by a utovc, It would un doubtcdly pay, not only to protect the I'jnj of slttltiff hen'), but to proiuotu lay ing uniting tho rest. When tliu first emr-i Imlcli, (Ive the hen the warine-t plneu you have about thu nreinHes nuiiie enot whero nho and tho brood can enjoy the flu n when Itsliltie-s, und whero clilltln winds do not reach her. Tho chickens will require n grout deal of hovering, nntl for tho flrt week or two uiot hen will do their full duty In thli respect towards their progeny i hut at the end of ten days or n fortnight, .they will become more cureless and lexs Inclined to quiet. Tho truo courne, then, is to transfer tho chickens to another lien Just hatching, if It bo possible. In fact to provldo for this contingency, after setting tho tlrst hen of tho season, nth era should bo act every week or two through tho cold season, partly with a view to tho continued care of thu Mist chicken. Thero will bo no dllllculty In making tho transfer, If it be done it I nlglit while thu eggs are latching, or beforo the lien leaves the ne-,1 mid has become familiarized to the appearance of her chickens. Hlaek, white, speck led, i tripod, large ormnnll aro alike ac ceptable to her, If she can bo made to bellevo that she hatched them. Hence, tho beat tlmo for making n gootl step mother of her, is to put tho chickens under her at night ; but nny other time before her chickens become lively will do, provided you mako no special dis play of them flo that sho can compare them with her own brood. If you do, you will' stand a good chanco to fall, I'or winter chickens, then, n new inn Jier, as soon as the old one nceomes caieleAsor "fussy," Is the special need. The other requisites will be apparent. They cannot run out, but must be provi ded with thodriest and warmest quar ters possible, and linvo plenty of good tood cracked com, scalded meal, buck wheat, hay seeds and at night must be miulo secure against rats, or any danger of getting out ot their nests nnd being chilled to death. As to disease, 1 do not Und that they are subject to it than later clilck'insj in fact, I raited n much greater proportion of thosu hatched last year In January, Februa ry, ami very early In March, than of thoso hatched at Inter dates. With n good hennery, kept at a pretty equable temperature, (which I have not yet tried,) I should havesmall fears of plen ty of eggs in mid-winter, plenty of chickens in January and February, ami very respectable profits from tho busi ness in April, May and June Cwintry Gentleman, 4rentu2 Wagons, But few peoplo aro nwaro that they do wagons and carriages moro Injury by greasing too plentifully than In nny other way. A well mado wheel will nduro common wear from ten totwen-ty-flvo years, If enru Is taken to use tho right kind and properamount ofgreasu ; but If thl i- not attended to, they will be used up In five or si.N yei,in. Lard should never be uetl on a wagon, fur it will penetrate, (ho huh and work Its way out around the te of the (ipokea, and spoil the wheel. Tallow is tho best lubricator for wood n. tic trees, nd castoroil for Iron, Just enough grease should be applied to tho spindle of tho wagon to give It a light coating; this Is better than more, for tho surplus put on will work out at tho ends, and bo forced by the shoulder-bunds and nut-wu.-liers into tho hub around tho outsldo of tho boxes. To oil un nxletree, llrs-t wlootho spin dlo clean with a cloth wet with spirits of turpentine, und then apply a few drops of castaroil near tho shoulder mid end. One teaspoonful Is siilllclent for the whole. Ohio I'armei: Making Mauurr, Ax immense amount of fertilizing material might be secured on a farm, by simply making use of tho well known absorbent property of clay, by which we mean any earth which is not mere sand. 1 fnulcd into tho yard, und mixed with other manure, it Is worth ut least onv-thlvd as much as the simo bulb aS tho pure article. Uecently wo came across the follow ing paragraph in an oxchungu from the pen of John Johnson, of New York, who Is umungst tho most successful farmers of th Union, nnd who well bhows tho valuo of tho practice wo rec ommend, lie says: I am drawing swamp muck two and one-half miles j put a good deal in my yards beforo I put In myslieepnnd cat tle, und spread straw over it. I havo a basin in tho lower part ofono yard, that I put thirty load. In; thu remain der I am putting in whero the liquids run out ofono yard. I expect to get in ull 160 louds.uml largo ones; I get us largo loads as I wish to draw for 30 ronta, dug out ready to load, I mix my sheep and cattlo dung with tho muck. When I sell my sheep in JIar.or tho 1st of Apr. I expect to havo 450 loads or tho very best of manure to put on my land next August or Bcptember. 1 ahull keep drawing muck as loilrajisthe- roads aro good. Wtieu I send JJ&o. teams I generally get eight loads a day. ' Hrly l'uiuules. To havo lomalovJ early, pIanTl'ew seeds any time this month In tho ' pots in which tho plants aro growing In tho kitchen window. They will soon gcr ininato and grow very rapidly, and when tho plants are two inches hlgh.set one ofoach in boxes three inches bquure, or very small flower pots, mid givo them thu tamo attention the house plants get. As soon en all danger from frost Is over, transfer tho tomato plants, which will now bo budded and perhaps covered with miniature fruit, to tho south side of a high fenco or sunny sldo of a building, into not over rich soil, nnd. you will have ripo tomatoes on the 4th of July, If you don't miss It, and If parst experience und u favorable sea on aro worth anything. SprttiQfleUl Uepublkan, "HitiDOET," said u mistress to her Irish servant, "whero's tho gridiron ;" "An1 suro main, J'sjiist after giving it to my sister's own cousin, Bridget OTJuherty; tho thing is so full ofholei it's no good ut ull," .fov the young i lit Hil Man niul II, ml,, An (lid Man that bnd travelled u long way with n huge bundle of sticks, lound himself so tttury that he cast It lowii, and culled upon Death to deliver him from his nio-t mist ruble existence. Deiilh enme stlnluhlwny at his call,und nked him what hi' wanlid. "1'iny good sir," Miys lie, "do me but the fa vor to help me up with my burdui a gain." It is one thing to cull for Death, and nnothcr to see him coining. Tin- tunlloti In Olmnctry. A SWALLOW bud built her HC-t utiilt r the eaves of it ( curt of Justice. Itel'nre her young ones could lly, u Ser pent gliding out of tils hole uto them nil on. Whni the noor bird returned to her lie I und found it empty, she be gan u pitiable walling ; but a neighbor suggesting, by way of comfort, that sho was not tliu first bird w ho had lost her young. "True," ebo replied, "but it is not only my little ones that I mourn, hut that I should havo been wronged in that very place where the Injured fly forJuMlce." The llnglc n"'l nc i'ot. An Kngle and a Fox had lived togeth er as good neighbors ; the Kngle at tho summit of a bleb tree, tho Fox in n hole nt the loot of II. One day, howev er, while tho Fox was abroad, the Fugle mndo n swoop at tho Fox's cub, nnd carried it off to her nest, thinking that her lofty dwelling would secure her fiom the Fox's revenge. The Fox on her retur home, upbrnldtd tho Kaglo for this breach of friend-hip, nnd beg ged earnestly to have her young ones again; but llndlngherentreatles were of no avail, shesnatched a torch from an nltar-llro that had beeullghted hard by, und involving thu whole tree in ilaine anil smoke,soon mado the Eagle restore, through fear of herself and her own young ones, the cub which she had Just now denied to her most earnest prayers. The tyrant, though be may desplso tho tears of the oppressed, is never safe from their vengeance. Tlit Old Lion. A I.ion worn out with years lay stretched upon the ground, utterly helpless, and drawing his last breath, A Hoar cumo up, and to sntNfy nn ancient grudge, drove nt him with his tusks. Next a Hull, determined to bo revenged on nn old enemy, gored him with his horns. Upon this an Ass, see ing that the old Lion could thus be treated with impunity, thought that he would show his spite also, nnd came and throw his heels In the Lion's face. Whereupon the dying beast exclaimed : "The insults of the powerful were bad enough, but those I could havo man aged to bear ; but to bo spurned by so baso a creature as thou the di-gruce of nature Is to dlo a doublo death.' ' Tli lllncliamvtir. A c.'KUTAtN man boughtn lJluckamoor, and tlilnking that thocolor of bis skin arose from tho neglect of his former- muster, he no sooner brought him homo than he procured all manner of scour ing upparatus, scrubbing brushi, soap, and siindpnper, nnd Fct to work width his servants to wash him white ngiiln. They drenched and rubbed him for nn hour, but all in vain; his skin remained as black Mover, whllo the, poor wretch M but died from tho cold hocaught u n- tler tho operation. No human means avail of theinol vis to change a nature originally evil. I'll Vol lit lli .Mitok. A Fo iiad stolen into tho houso of an actor, and in rummaging among his various proiertles, laid hold of a high-ly-fliiMiedMnsk. "A flno looking head, indeed!" cried he; "what a pity it is that It wunU brains?" A fair outside is but u poor substitute for iuwnrd wortli. TU Dotfttiiit lUc IlliUft, Somk hungry Dogs, seeing some raw Hides which a skinner had left In the bottom of n stream, and not being nblo to reach tliem,ngrced among themselves to drink up thu river to get at tho prize, So they set to work, but they all burst themselves with drinking beforo ever they cumo near tbo IIldeii They who aim at an object by unrea sonable means, aro upt to ruin them selves In the attempt. The ItMveimnd tlie;Hwnu. A Havk.v envied a Swan the white new of her plumage; and, thinking that its bounty was. owing to tho wuter in which sho lived, ho deserted tliu al tars whero ho used to find his llvell hood.audhe-tooJ; himself to thopoolsand streams, There ho plumed and dressed liiiiiie-Uand washed his coat, but sdt to no.)urpoe,for his plumugo remained as bj;ick us ever, mid ho himself soon per ished fur want of his usual food. Oliuugo of Nceuu is not chango of na ture. Tin au,i-. A ilirtim, to make buro of his proper ty, sold all that ho hail, anil converted It into n great lump of gold, which ho hid in holu In the ground, and went continually tovMt ttndiiispict it. This roused the curiosity of ono of ids work men, who, suspecting that there was a treasure, when his muster's back was turned, went to tho spot, and stole it away. When thu Miser returned, and found tho place empty, he wept and tore hl hair. Hut a neighbor wlu saw him in this extravagant grief, nnd learned thoenuso of it, said, "Fret tby-i ouu uu longer oui uiko a siono nnu put, it in tho same place, and think It is your lump of goifc; for, n you never nieuii to ua6 Jt,''t ono will do you us much good ;B t'Hq.other. Tho wortli'of money is not in its pos session, but Its use. Th Doctoroml Lit J'ntlent, A Doctoh had liocn fur soma time attondluguponnslck Man, who, howev er, dlcduiider Ids hands. At tho funeral, f the Doctor went ftboutamong tho rolu-' tions, Aayliig, "Our poor friend, If ho): hud only rufrulnctl from wine,' nnd at- i tended to lib' inside, anil used proper iiieaiH, would not havo been lying J there." One of thu mourners answered j him, "My good sir, it Is of no use your saying this now; you ought to havoc prescribed theso tilings when your J'u- f tlent was allvo to take them. F Tho In-st advice may come tio late. Ji "Mi. KiwKiNj:,"sidd a twty Judge if to tho great barrister, "if what you lay f down Is Inw, I may as well burn my j books!" "I think, my lord," replied" tho advocate, "that you might better i, rami them !" DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAO'S GERMAN BITTERS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HooflancTs German Tonic. I'mf iDurnu, Vi, 'J'tie Orcai Remedies ron ill rutins or tm MVi:U, STOMACH, oi' nim;rrivn oitoArvs. Hoofland'a German Bittors 1 ifimiwHinilcil of llio mrt Jutr en, (or m they art m&.lloinally term ; a k - i-J, txtractti of an ll-irkts mnk hfWy conceit- I n n pirpttraUon, co'io'ic admixture of any kind. Hoofland'a Garman Tonio, In i toniMiutlon f ntl tho InRrcillcnU vt ttis iMrt'N, with Un; puitat uiiutity i tStU Vrui I?um. t )i-Hliifi. i'!f . ni.iL.rnu ruin nf lln ti.,1.1 t-K'juntaidH);rvaVl rvmcdlct ertr offaeii to UlB tlULlIl!. 'lfnje j-n fe?rrtri(t ft Medicine fre from Ako tiolk tun, Kill uit Hoofland'a German Bitters. In men of tivrroua dcprcMlon, vrtien lora ftVoliolIc ptlmului la tn'conary, Hoofland'a German Tonio bcultl U used. 1'ha letters or the Toult are both milly gixiL, mij contain the inrLO medicinal virtut . i no lomacn, ironi a variety oi c aunca, aucu as Indlfft-ntUin, l)yi iJcll.lty, etc., it Iti fu fiction do tilt of which in. pejiBia, nciroiu very art to Lave ranged Tho ro that the tutlcnt uvrt from rl or more of the foiloMlntf Coniitfpatlon, FUtulenoe, InwurJ Files Fulness of filood to tho Head. Acidity of tho stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, DiaR-ust for Food, Fulness or Weight In the Htomach, Sour Eruc tations, Smkinnr or Flut terina at the Pit of tba Stomach, Swimming1 of tha Head, Hurrlod or Ultflcult Droath lntr, Flutturinfr at tho Hoart, Choklnir or Butlbcatitu Sonsatlona when la a Lying Posture. Dimness or Vision, Dots orweba before the Sight, Dnll Fain in tho Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In tho y Side, Back, Chjt, Jin(Wl etc., Bud. den Flushes of lf& iW Heat, Burn ing in tho Flesh, Con utin; ImafirinlnzB of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirito, TheM remrdlci will rflbetoally rure Liver f'umrilAlnt, Jaundice, Dyopepalu, Clironle or NenouiDetHlty, Chronic iJiarrbtsa, Ulaeue of tho Kidney, and all DlKasra arising from a Difordoml Liver, t?tomnch,or Intcstlun DEBILITY, llBBrLtmo raoii at Cipbi wditstbh: P1103T.IATION OF TUG SYSTEM, IVDDCBD BI UBTgRU LlBOB, HlRDSIIIPf, Hirostas, Fsvsss, btc. fhcra U no medldns extant wnm to thcaa wraedlca hi aocb caea. A tone and visor U tm ;urtra to the wlkole Byatem, the "Appcllle la rltrcnRthencd, food ta enjoyed, tbo utoraachdlyoila M promptly, tlte Llool la puiiflcd, jBTfl the cainpTcxlon heeomeaeoundand taami healthy, the yel low Uiitfe to eradicated from the eyea. a hkwin Is girrn to the clH-ek,&nd tho weak anil oerroiie rnva'U b-eomcaa strong and healthy helnf. I'crsons Advanced in IAfe And feetlnf te bn4 of time welgtilng reanij upon them, with .ill Km attendant iHa, will fln-i lti thauM of this lUTTLIiH.or the TONIC, an elixir Ihit will hwt.I ww tho Into tluir veiw. miore In a rn-taunt the envrgy aud ardor f moro )oulhfl 1jr, tulIJ uy thtlr ahnmhen formn,iHid kHp htalth and Inipplutu to ttaiflr NOTICE. It 1 awWWatAb.lshvJ flirt t lift t fulfy on-hilf of the fcitu e por j- . tlon of our popu lation re eolldiu EF tn iho cnoyniet oKio.lliollt,,tr, ! to uku Unit own exprfnioyiicwr iB feel welt." They aro lanyulj, dold of all enerity, extremely ntr oiim, tnd hue no appetite. Toth!c!ataor pL-mma the B1TTKII3, or tho rOMC, especially rccoiamcnded. WEAK AHD DELICATE CHILDREN in-idu utronrf hi the UN) or either of romiHliea Tltey will euro every cane fcf M. H ASM US, without fill. TliouiHiidHof ctttlllcotM have accnmalated 'n the hin U of thw i roprlutor, but itmre will allow of tho of but a few. Thuae, it will be ohi.n ct, aie mm of note aud of uch LauJ IfV lhat tliiy imj.t ho MloeiL TESTIMONIALS. Hou. Geo. W, Woodward, Clii'Jutlui vfi Aiq.rtmt Cuurt of Vx , write! rhiUU'vhit M.irtlt lti, 1307. I .... Omuui iiiitcrt' u it ), .'x & Umic, (lfuJ ii unwiumji u.t.Mii jr : L jrNtUu oiiraiii. and of uruit Uu m alUy rtti In rwm r dif tililt), uinl uniil of in roii uUloii ft) the n)atviiu " Voui ti uf , "UMi V WOOinVAUH" Hon. Jamca Thompson, JuJfft nf V,t Suyrnm Vvufl uj '. nut Hi.tft. "1 iii,.lln 'Ilui'lUnJa iKriium .in wJutdti MuiinifK I i uane of Mijrk tl Ji.-i i tlOll It l)JpU. CUM CiTlify till IlOfll 111 eiperiitire ot li ' Vouii, ultii riPiHii, X;j'oiu II cv. Joseph IZ. K? .ird, Or J,' kfim Ifiiaf S,r I Uiv hrr- reiuiM d'i.i .t li't gunliiii priw r ti. i v anpruurlats "STV 1 I la all , Kj, ,1 ia, , ..,r pTot In VitJiulJ S-W 4 ti mUmw ti i ia t tlm arly In tny own f miHj, ut ifu- u-.Hn nf Ir llififluii.l i (itritnn 11 (tir. i -h, t a i-u ftorn m ikiih.1 rtn.rim to epn m a, ' um.i ttutt tUt, for ymnal J.l, , ,f nC c,NBi ttf-tiutUy fr tutf f.mthin, ti i a" mlt atnl 1 Ut UK I'M1 d"l) I Hot, It Will WViTj li ii. f t to thotr k)iii iller from tUenlxnf mjm luun, Trj jm. tn j a H Kl N 5.i:i, Fiom ReT. E. D. Fcndall, Amtan4 Fit Um- C7ifwfntu CAftftflf, i'hUS7- J hatt 4rrUt4 dtrhled tuv-r.l frnm llt,e ( Huohaml (lorma-t Idtttri, uiv fid It Ut pnt h to rtfionftiii'l them a moat tB'imtw smln tiiatl nliohit mikrlnjr from Kencral tleiiiti ci from Uiweei a iiliijf ftntn d'rancemjM feftW Utt. " turatri.iy, 4 K. 4). fKNIMI.L CAUTION, llonfiand't Ocrman !emedlea art eMnlcrfclt- JACUdfJNUon 'ILi "IK. itfnaiurvoi U. M. the wrapper tf Oll.fl UK HIUU 'i earh Uulo. AH IM ,if UtrfUt. 'rinHpal Ofilre and Manufactorv at lha n. s4ilt'ldu ' CUA11LK3 K. EVAN3, Utrmau ItrusvUt, 1'ior rulor, orulyl Iru(Uwond Dvalt'ia (p liedl- PBICE8. IIooflAr.d'a Oerman Hitters, per bottle fi 00- " l's'f doiea I 00 Jlooflaml Ocrmaa Tonic, put up lu murt t'Otlloa I,, n,t iiiiiiii.iiikik , , 1 60 per bottle, or a btlf dunvn tor 7 ijo fJ3y ho not forget to exmifm well the srUcIa ob buy, ta ordvr to jjei tbu u'vuuii'p. HOOFLAND'S CERMAN TONIC. JiuuiKt-y il, txi. DRY GOODS. M PlXr.HH AHltlVAI OF PA Lti AND OOOIW. The Milmcriber )mt Juit returned from tho fltlw vtttli nnotlirr lnrgc nnd select natorttnent of HritlNU AND HUMMKIl UO(!H, purctmsod tn Now Vnrknnd riilladclphtn l the lowest flRtire, nud which ho Is determined to sell on m moderate terms as ran ha procured el no where in itloomburg. Ill Rtctck comprise LADrr.s wtms oooiw of t ho choicest styles nnd latest fnRhtonn, totti thcr withalfirgo aHtorttnent of Dry Oooui nnd uro- etrlei, consisting of tlio following articles : Onrpfts, (HI riotliH, Cloth, CnntmeiM, H haw la, liniuiidn, KllhM, WliiluU.Hj.N, Li net it, HoopHktrt( llollowware Cednrwaro iuccnwnre, llnrdwari Hoots nnd Hhoes, Hats nnd Cups, Hoop NctH, Umbrolta-t, Iitioktiig-OlaMcs, Tohacco, ColIVo, Sngnrt, TcnM, nice, Altuplcp, (1 Inner, Clinmmou, NutniCKH, AND NOTIONS (1UN HA LLY, In hort, everything immlij' kept In country Mores, to hlch no Invite the attention or tho public Benernlly, Tho hlghent price will bo paid Inr rnuntry produce lti exchnnfje for goods. H. II. illLLKU A fiON. Arcade IUilldinKt, lllooinsburtr, Pa. G 11KAT IlKDUCTJOX IN l'MCKS ,VT l'KTUIt UNT'S STOlti:, IN I.IOHT HTIIIIKT, OK 1' AND WINTKH GOODS. THU hiibHprlhor lun Just rccelvcil nn,l lmi on lmmj nt 111 o!4 tnml In I,lglit Hlrct t, n largo nnl BPlPCt ASSOimrENT 01'' MERCHANDISE rurclmcil nt the lowcut ttRiire, nlnl which h ilt'termlncil tn noil on n.s mrMlernte Iprma n.s bo procim'J elen Ihto tn IJht Strett, tvu c.i.w on cou.vritr motive k. UN HtOCll COIlHlltl Of liADIES' D H ESS GOODS, clKlrcst si jlf h nnd lfttpit T.wihloliH, CiUlcoeH, Mu.lins, Olnnljorns, Klnnnels, Hnnlory, Curpeta, SllkB, Hhawli, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Bntlnett, C'wlmci,!, Cottonndt"., Kentucky Jeans. AC, Ad AU. GROCEIUES, MACKEKaj-., Quecnswnre, CVnlnrwnrp, Hardware, MeatcliieH, nrugs, Oils, ratntn, Ac. HOOTS A SHOES, HATS & CAPS, In short everything usually kept In n country toro. Tho pnlronago of his old friends nnd the public generally, Is renpecl fully solicited. Tho lilxhest market prlco paid for country pro duce. PKTKH KST. Light Street, Nov. lt7. G HEAT IlEDUCTION IN 1'IUCES AT I). K. BM1AN H HTORi:, IN OHANfir,VII,I,K, I'A,, VAhh AXI) WINTKIt GOODS. Tho BulwcrlbcrhtiHjust receive! nnd haaon hand nt his atom In Ornngev Hie, 11 InrKO und select A8SOIITMENT OK MKRCHANDIHK purchur-etl nt the lowent lliuri', nnd which he Is ilotvTmhied to nell on uh modernti terniM im-un ho procuud t Im'whrro In Orange Hie, KOIl C'AHII Wit Ct)UNTHV PHODUL'K. JIIh 8 took COUSIhtH of Ij A I) I K S 1 Pit K SS GOODS, CHOICKHT HTTLES AND LATKfiT FAHHIONH, Odlcot'M, Muslins, Glngluinw, Fhinncltt, IIoKh-ry CAHPtrrS, HlIAWLS, ItKADY 31ADK CLOTHING, Sntlnet, CnhMlmerH, Cottonndes, Kt'iitucky Jeans, AC, AC, AC GROCintlKS HACKKRAL, itt'eii8'wnre, Cwlnn.nre, Hardware, Medtcliu- Dnt'ClK, OIII, I'AIhTH, &V. BOOTH A SIIOICS, IIAT8 A CAPS. In short everythhtjf ummlly kept in ucountry toro. Tho jiutronaKe of hlstild fiiendu nnd the public Benernlly, (h ri'Kpectfully oliclted. The highest matket prico paid for country pro duw. D. K. HLHAN. OrnnseTllle, May 31, 1W7. J J. n It O W K R, U now olTurlng to the publlo hi Htock of spuing a o o j) a courtlstlng In itt of a full line of 1XGRATN, WOOL, AND RAG c a n PUTS, Fine elothH nnd wwnlmero for Iuliet' coat, HANDBOME UUI.S GOODS, of ull pattern nnd qualities, Inlalds aud Prlnti of vnrtotiH (tualltlw and prices, HLKACHKD AND BHOWN MUHLINH, IjADIK'S FRENCH CORSETS, AMU RAIIORAL SKIRTS. (jood UHsortinunt of la Dttxr d ciriuutkwx a a iters a boo r.v. 1'iehh tlroeerlcH and Hplcen. Now onhortmeut GLAhrt AND (lUKKXfMVAUK, F X N O. 1 MAC K E R E Ii In one-half nnd one-fuurth barrelH, Now U tho tlmo to make your heloctlonH, uh I am tifl'tTliiit goodH at very lov prlccM, aud our motto in fair lU'idliis to all, and not to ho tuider wold by any. J, J, DHOWKIt. UlooniKbutg, April 12, lvff. JJURRAII FOR CATAWISSA! THIH WAY FOH HAUUAINS, Goodft to compare with stringency of U10 money market, Iiook nnd compare prlcen before pur chasing elnewhere. Just call nt the favorite bust news tiUind of McNINCH A HHUMAN, and yon will be met by tho oblislnx proprietor or their rlcrkN, and Hhown through their (treat variety sloro free of charge, of courtte. They will give ymi a fair chance to upend your loom chnHiro, they trnut mnch more profitably thnu It oan h spent elsewhere. Their HTOCK OF DIIV GOODH this HprlnR is much larger In ftll lt ynrletles than usnnl. Their LADJUy' DHD OOODH 8JB of the nicest Btjrlea In market, They have u flno uBeortinent of HATS, CAPM, I100TH AND HH0V, HUMMF.H OlXTHrt, CAKSINI7l, CABHLMIUtF., AND.VIC8n.NGS and nufturouN articles common to such ctnbllh menu, hesldtvi a (funeral ainortment of HAHDU'AHK, TINWAIti:, (lUKKNH'AIUC, AND OUOCUHIDs, all nt itrtatly reduwd prices. They wlh to con duct tin Ir tnsliU'HH on tho sstem of " PAY AH YOU GO' and they think they can afford to sell vcryclunp. They return their thanks (or many pant favors, and uk tho future patronage uf their former cus tomed and tho publlo generally. McNINCH A HIIUMAN, OWE, EUSTON A CO., Manufacturer and Wholesale Uealom lu WrrON VAItNH, C'AIU'CT CHAINH, IIATTH, W1CKH, TIE VAItNH, UOltDAQB, UHOOMH, WOOU AND WILIOW WAIIK, I.OOK'11 W.kKlX, CI.OCKB, FANCY llAHKIHH TAUI.K, riWIt, ANUCAIUUAUB uii,i,uyriiH,ic., No. UO Market Strict, noutli aide, Philadelphia. JOSEI'H H, DELL, Stannruriurcr ot aud Whokxtsle Dealer lu UI-OTIIINU, CUrTllH, CAHHIMEIIKH, ANU VKHTINUH, No. 13 Norlh Third Btreel, I'kluidAlyuU, MILLINERY GOODS, M ISS LIZZIE llAUKLKY Huh liwt recehed. nl her old nlnco on MftlUfit., Illooitinbtir, her KALL AND WINTI1H HTOCK of millinery Kfxli of every quality nnd tyit cnntNttng of LATIIHT HTTL1I IIONNIITH. of tho very beat mntcrlatt tonctherwl(htliorry TUIMMINOM, IlliniONM, JtC, which are ofTcred Mr fcalo nt U10 lowest posnthlo rnten. Cull nnd nee. IHoomstjurg, uct. , lwr, S1 OMETIIING NEW. Tin, Imilfiiltrtierl Itevs tonvn In lllforni her friends nnd tho public Kchernlly, Hint klio has opened In MOIIT htiii:i;t a frehh dtock tf Roods In the lino of J!II,MNi:itV llllll THIMMINCIS In connectlotMvllli llrefis Mulclnsl nnd Is pic pnred In nddltloti, to COI.OII HTHAW IIA1S on tho nhortcsl notlce,nnd In the bent idylo of tno nrt. 1'rlccs cnenp ntui worK himsiaciory, JIUS. II. KLINI Lleht Clrect, Oi tober I, 1SU7. ATEW MILLINEItY KSTAHIilSII- 0. MUST. Thn Misses llnrmnn nonld resneclfullv nn nounco to their fi lends lu town nnd country, Hint Ihev lmvn lust reci'lved lit their nlnce of business on Mntn Ht., below Aincrlcnn House, a larao and new Kuppiy or M I I, h I N K 11 Y OOODH of nil descrlotlnns sillied for Villi nnd Winter'n Weari Including Ilonneta of tho latest (.tyles.Itlb boos, trllutnlliRs of all Holts, and lu fact keep n Kcnerat furnlshluK Btore for ladles. Their p.U lerilH nun wijien me iiiimihi( iim- iiiit-ni, ,mti itiv prices but a trtllo In ndnneo ofthoso In the City. piireiiilsum , ihuiviieie. Nov. 1,1 sin, E, EVEHETT & DU. J. U. CASE'S iYJir nnua stork, in on.Noi:vii.i.r, JUST OP E N E D WITH A Sl'LKNlltll AND VA1UEII ASOItT.MKNT 01 HOOPS Al'lMMlTAl.VlNd TO TIIK llllfll Ill'SlNllss, rum: imuai, ciii:jiicai,-, i:tc, AMI'AIH ON HASH. In short nny nrtlclo Hint enn be nnined In tho lirui; lino can uu una in men niui,-. 11. .i. i,. L'nf.o Is n 1'inclloner, nnd nlso understnmls i'linr- inaeyj ii. i,ereu is n .niuiciii puiumii. iu,-. r tended ouo term nt Iho .lelleison Mcdlcnl College nn.l MixlAi-klftmls the I'ntimimtidliii, of DriltTS. 'I hey lespeclfully Imlte tho pntroiingo of their frlinds, nnd the public ueneinlly, nssurllic ttiein 1AI E, llllll iviiiiitiri ill i' inmiiinv i n Will lie lresn unil pure, nipiu oi "T? S T A II I. I S JI E I), 1 8 !1 L. H T I) II A II T SKW S0A1.K, UVUt'TllfSU, Ifl.I. II10N TllAMK 1 I A N O V O II T E H. H T O It A n T A M O I! It 1 H. -Mnmifncturers of llrnnd, Kqunre nnd I'lano Tories, our new hcnlo l'lnno 1 ortcs In uddltlon to their peculiar merits, contain every really valuablomodcm lmpriieiiictit. leiukrliiK Ihem the most complete nnd porrcct Inslrunient ever ollcied to the public, nnd for purity of tone, lle. Icacy of touclnlurahlllty, und nlso stnnillnir tho test of HeerecIllnnteH. tho nen' scale htodart l'l alio l'orte Htaluls uurlnleil. Tho I'lanos of ths manufacture have htooil Iho lest ot more than a rmatterofaccnlury.nnd tlio mnniifaeturersnio at liberty to refer In overTwtnty-llo thousand families who hnM' bnd them In use, In nearly nil parlsofthe elvlllrcd world. All letters will bo promptly answered by ' MODAIITA MOHItlW, Tel) 7'GS-.1m. C-.I Illondwny, New York. H C. II O W E Ii, has opened a nrst-clnss HOOT, HIIOi:, HAT CAP, AND 1UH BTUltr;. at tho old stnnil on Main Ktreet, Illoomsbiir((,afew doors above Iho Court House. Ills stoik Iscom posed or the cry latest nnd beststyles ever olli r ed to tho citizens of Columbia County. Hecun necommoduto Iho public with tlio followlni! Roods nt tho lowest rati". Men's heavy doublo mi ed st orii boots, men's doublo nnd stnRlo tap soleil kin boots, men's heavy Moga shoes of all kinds, men's line boots and shoes of nil urades, boy s double mled buols of all kinds, men s Klovc kid Iinlniornl's, women's, bos s nnd mlMcr,' bivtlnn Ratters, wonun's rIomi kid Polish v cry llne.women's morocco llnlniornls nnd cnlf shoes, women's very lino kid buttoned R.ut ers. lu khort boots ol nil descriptions bulb pec Red nnd sow ed. He would nlso cnll attention to his fine nssoit. ment of HATri, iAiK,rnii VXD Norioxy, wbl.-li comprises ull the luw nod popular all ellhs at lakes whkh cannot full to suit ull. rbeso eooils are ollend at Hie lowist cash rales and will be RUiilunteid tiRle Millsfac tlon. A call Is snllcltid bcfnle iiuiehshltiK liscwheii; ns It Is bellcMsl Hint laltir bargains alo to be fosnd than nl nny otlu r place In thoiounty. Dec. CUT rfmK AJIE1UUAN HAY KNIFE I VNl) 1'OllK. We tho linderslRlied elllrens ol Columbia County witnessed the tllal of bin forks on the farm of Mr, Pursel, In Hemlock Township, on Monday, M.iv 7, IMS), between the American Hav Kniru und l oik nianufactuied hy rll.ll ', WAI.I.-s, miltlNDll A Co., of Lewis buiK. Pa., and tliu ltuuders Patent Hay Hook. Tho American Pork lifled nmio hay In ono diaiiRht than the Kundel lu thne. Weaiesatls. (led It w 111 lake ns much hay Into I he mow ns two Kood biases can draw. o also saw- it cult uu hay, and think it cannot b" biat as a hay knite, and i heermllvn commend It as iho bei-t hay folk and knlfo wo bine ever seen. .,, (!. llrrTK-snr.Mir.n, Uu. V. C IIauuison, v. 11. Kihins, John Dok, John iiktkkhk, 1,AI,IFI"Nn,-;"'J, II. IHI1I.KMII.1.E11, MYi.vrsrru Poihei, MiciiAM. llr.i.i.i.ii, .John "r ,.,.., Thevalsomanulai'tuie Hie leliblatiil Iluckee Ileuper nnd .Mowei, nnd other iiBrleullural lmple uleuts, QAHKIAOE MANUFACTORY, lSloonisburr!, Pa. M. C, SI.OAN A IlItOTIIUIt tho successors ol WII.MAM BI.OAN A SON continue the business of makl! CAimiAOPjs, untiling, aud every stjle of FANCY YVAdONH, which they havo constnntly on hand to sultcus. touiers. Never uslns nny material oui iuo ues, nnd oiuployluir tho most e.vperltnced workmen they hopo to coutlliuo ns heretoloro to Rlvo entlto satisfaction to evciy customer, An Inspection ot their woik, nnd of theieuvouaiilo price usiieu ior the same, Is suro to Insuro n snle. T Ii. 1'UHSEIi, ' IIAKNKSrt, BADDI.H, AND THUNK, and dealer In CAUPET-IIAO.l, VAI.IHKH, FI.Y-NF.TH, IlCl-rALO ItOHBH,, iC, which he feels confident ho can si II nt lower rum than am- other nelson In lbs country, hx- anilno for jouiselves. Bhop tlrst door beluw- the Post Olllce Main Btreet, Ulniimsbum, Pa, Nov, 15, liw. Y"eW FrilNlTUIlE STOKE AT MAIJTVU.I.l:, PA. A. J., Would rispectfully announce lo the public, that ho has opened new- 1'ui nlturo Bloro In Mnlnvllle, where he keeps nil kinds of city und homo mmfo rUHNITlfllK, enne bottomed nid hair uudilnned chairs, nil stvlis of lledstends and bimiius, Inbles nml stnnils, nnd all Roods In Ids line. Itepnlrlnit neat ,.. ..aiifii,!,. .Oui,,- I rouse ruil lit loo and oatier- lianiiliui done at short notlio und reasonahle rates' In Die l-est inauner, Also, undertaking . i.nMm liiov2'ir-a SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL", Catawissa, P. The above Hotel has lately been parilmsed hy IIKNIIY-J CIJvIlK, nid been thorouRhly ro iaodelled, repnlrcd, and refurnished. It will be found now, In Its nrrnugement and appoint ments, a flrst-clawi Hotel, nnd second lo none In tho country, Persons In cities wishing to spend tho hot months In tho country, will do well to lv tho rroprletaraeall. J 1'. IJEAHD, with M ITINCOTT, HON 1) A CO., Manufacturers and Wliokiialo Dealira lu HA'IX, CAIW, FUItH, ANDBTIIAW (100DR, No, 113 Market Bin et, Philadelphia. ONYDEH, IIAUHIS & IJASSIiTT, Manufacturers nnd JoblK'nt of MIIN'B AND llOY'H C"0T1UN0, Nos. 62ft Mnrktl, and S22 Coinmiiro Mreet, 1'htladclpbla, G, W. H LA HON A CO., Mauufacturcu of Oil, CI.OTIIB AND WINDOW BH AHKH, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Hlreet miladelphlu. T II. WALTEH, ' Late Waltur A Kauli, InijKirter and Deulor lu CHINA, UI.ABB, AND (JUEKNklWAKK, No. ZH North 'Ihlid Btnet, betwdeu ltuee and Vine Phllaileltilila. u. u, nuNK, w. . Kihu. j, t.aimur GROCERIES, &o., QDNl'UOTION E It Y . The undersigned would respectfully nnnounco to Iho publlo Hint ho n.s opehed a coNri:cTioNniiY BTonu, In thnbulldlnfi lately necupleil by llemnrd Ktoh tier, whcio lie Is prepared to furnlMi nil kinds of I'l.AlN A l'ANCY CANDIPB, fllKNCIlOANDII'B, rOlll'ION A DOMIMTIO FnUITS, NUTB, 11 AISINS, AC, AC, AC, nr w mom-sam- Oil IIKTA1I.. t. .1 1 ..11 -I....., n ntl ...1u t Ills line of instness, A srent arlely or IIOLIiS, TOYB, Ac, miltnblo for the Holidays, pnrtlcHlar nlteatlou Kheti to lilt HAD AND UAKKH, of nil kinds, fresh ovcry day. I'lIllIHTMAH OANDIIJB, OH IDTMAK TO YH. A cult Is sollclleil nnd satisfaction will bo gilurunlccit, Nov. 22, 1SB7. i:CKIIAItT JACOllkl. E M O V A Ii O F C. 0. MA It lt'M N K W S T O It E T O A' 1 V tl'S 11 I. O OK, ON TIIK COKNEll or MARKKT AND IRON STBKKTS, The undersigned bn lng lecelved fiom the city u full and colnplcto supply of 8P11INC1 AND HUMMUIt DItY GOODS AND OllOOEIHES, N 0 T I O N B, TIN-WAHE AND IIAHD-WAUE, CKllMl AXI) mu.ow-WAiii:, l'0.TIX-TIONi:UV, OI.AKH-WAIli:, T O It A COO, 11 A T H A X 1) ti II O K ti, FI,0UIt, HALT, FIM1I, AND MKAT, all of which I propose SLl!ln;ut a very tow figure for ensh or produce. Bi- Call and sec. April 1-', 1SU7. C. C. MAHIt, TJEUNAltl) STOIINEU, Would respectfully ntinouirt'eto bis friends and patrons, that be has opened u fllst-elass FHUIT.t CONFECTIONERY STOIU-w-herotheru may bo found nt nil times, n flnoeol lection of PlttllT, CO.NPlXTIONKltY, NUTH, Ac, ns well ivs fini: cnioci:uit:s, which may ho obtained nt rensonablo rates. The stock Is ntwnys fieshnndofthevery best nunllty No p-tliLS vlll bo np.ired lo muko this estnh. Ishment tho lluoitor Us kin t In A call Is 'solicited beforo purchases aro mado elsewhere as It Is believed that perfect satisfaction will bo Riven. COI.UMI1IA IIOUSi:, Mnln st oppsslte Miller's Stoic, nusa'117, llloomsburg, Pa s CIIELL, HEItOEH & CO., OnNF.ItAI, CO.MMIS1ION MKUCHANTH Dealeis In FISH, HALT, CHP.HSi:, PHOVISIONH, Ac, Nos. 122 and 121 North Wharves, above Arch St. Philadelphia. solo agents for Wlteo-M Wheel Urease, In bar rels, kigs, and cutis. INVniOItT & CO., w ii o i kh a hi) nuoci; hh, N, I. Corner Second nnd Arch Streets, rmrAnKi.t'iiiA, Dt'uli rs In TIIAM, SYKUI'S, C(rKi:i:, SUOAH, MOI.ASS1X' itiri:, si'icfm, nt rAitn hoda, ac, ac, tn.Ordcrn will veceho prompt attention. MaylO.lSiIT-Iy. H. V. PETIMtMAN, Willi 1.1PP1NCOTT A TIlOTTHIl, ap.ocnns, No. 21 North Water Street, nnd No. 20 North Delawnro Aenne Philadelphia. TirEAVEIt it Sf'HANKLE, OltOcntllZS AND COMMISSION MlHtCHANTS, Nos. 22onud 2-27 Arch Street I'lilliulelphU. DRY GOODS, &c. G HAND OPENING (1IIANI) OI-r.N-INO (lltANll OPPN'INd (IHANIl 0P1:NIN(1 UIIVNI) OPHN1NO OK WINTFIl (IOOI1H. WINTPH (looiw. WINTi:il OOOlw WINTKIt (lOOIls WINTIUt OOODH PALI, AMI AND FAI.Ii AN1 l-AI.I, AND PA I.I, AND eonNtlnc: ol couslstlliK of consisting or fmslslliiK of wiuslstlnit of (looiw, ciooim, (1001N, oooiw, DKY HATS AND, II ATM AND CAIN, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CA1-S, 1 1 ATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOPS, HOOTS AND SHOPS HOOTS AND SHOIN HOOTS AND SHOPS, HOOTS AND HIIOI1S, ItllADY-MADi: CI.OTIIINO, ItPADY-.MADi: CI,oriUN(l IlllADY-MADP. CI.OTHINO, 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 Y-M A D 1 1 CI.OT 1 1 1 N( I riKADY-MAlli; CI.OllIIrKJ, I.OOKIN(l-ni,ASSi:s. I.OOi;iN(l-OI.ASF.s I,OOKlN(l-(II.ASsl-.s I.OOKINO-dliASSlis I.O0KIN(i-( NOTIONS, NOliONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAIN1H AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OII.S PAINIS AND UUll oitocnuirw, OltOfKltlUS, (iiiocKitirx, (IHOCP.ltlP.S, UHOL'KIIIiX, oiip.i:nhwahi:, OUPPNHWAIti;, lillF.HNSWAlli: lillF.IINSWAUi:, (iUHllNSWAIli:, HAHDWAlli:, HAHDWAIIK, HAHDWAlli:, HAHDWAlli:, JIAHDWAHl:, T1NWA11II, TINWAIti:, TINWAIti:, TINWAIti:, TINWAIti:, SALT, HALT, SALT HALT, HALT, FISH, PISH F1H1I, FIT11 1'JHIl, GIIAIN OltAIN OHAIN IIHAIN OltAIN AND HKP.DS, AND HKKHS, AND HPlMiH, and si:i:iw, and Hi:i:ns, ir. d Ac, MtKKLVY, NKAI, i CO.'H, JliKLLVY, NKAL A CO.'M HlKPI.VY NIIAI, A CO.'sl MlKPLVY, N11AI, A- CO.'H. JUKKLVY. NI.'AI, A CO.'H. Niirthwel corner of Main and Mai ket Street. Northwest corner of Main and Mai ket streets, NorlhwcH corner of Mam and Murket treel; Norlhw tkt corner of .Main and Market street ortlltkt comer or Main and MaUel Mreeii, 1II.OOMH1IIIIK1, PA III.OOMHIIIIHO PA, IlLOOMslimtO PA BLOOMHIIlIIKi; PA. BUIOMHHUlKfj PA. IKON AND NAIIX, I ION AND NA1IA IHON AND NAII UU)N AND NAII4 IIION AND HXllH, In Inure iionulllli. ut iiVntld lain, ula cu hand, ' HARDWARE &, CUTLERY. QHAIILES W. 8NYDEH, 11 A 11 I) W A 11 M, I!U)N. NAII.M. KTHUU AC, AC, AC. MAIN BTUiniT, 11L00M8I1UK0, l'i:NNA. Take this method of Informing tho clttensof Co lumbia couty, that ho has opened nn exiensno Jlnnlwnrontoroon Mnln street, In llloomsburg, nenr Iron utreet.nnd that ho hai on hnnd ti .Aitarn stock and urrTKu aswutiju than can lie found nny whero clso tn the county, nnd which he Intend to sell nt prices which defy competition. CIIAINW, axj;, HTUKIj, I havo chain i. nil slzci. rxc, nil mnko nnd weight, Rhrl, nil Ucs, Iron, nil thripe, nnd nil ery low. lJUIDDiJirn n a w a ui of ovcry descriptions. NaIN, nxle pulleys, siish cordi, hitches, locksnnd knohi,hutt screwn.finsh f(i,t. w m low ftirlnst. unso kiioi, sirup uingei, hasps nnd MtflphK, hooks nnd stnples.nnd In fact everylhliiK needed in thut line, CO A CI I A. WAOON MAKHltH' 1IA11DWAUU einhrnclnu ntmost every thins In that line. Also UAI.Nr.HS MAK HS' IIAItUWAHi;, nucklen..hinanned: Inickles, silver plnted; hltls of eery kind , IIamks, Iron j pad trees t Hamks, wofHltsiiddlottees.Klijtree.clrth weh, worniea nnd cotton jthrend, silk, nwlsnnd needles, tools of nit kinds. HlIOr.MAKKH'H HAriDWAIti:. A hill nisortmcnl forcurpenlcrs. I lmvoplanes nil kinds, snwsj hnnd, pannel, rip, nnd compass, s(uare slcel, Iron, niul trytunrlng mnchineK, chivies, nugcrs, hevels, mallets, braces, pluses. plows, rules, hits, nml ntioiu eNerytiiins for car pentern. nm Tin: ri:orLn gi;nf.kally I have cont hods, coal f-hovds, scoops, coal lfters, hint crns,tahlo cuttery.pockct cutlery, plated spoons, plated forks,scrvers,tennndeof he pots,l)Uttcrknles(mlltsnws, cross cut snws, circular saws, kuiir saw s, flies, horse shoes, weiiehes, rlcts,hnm mcrK, hatchels, inathn-kn, picks, foika, ntuh Itlna lines it)vels,tspjides,spaltng forks, hoes, rakes, bed pins, twine, t-kutes, plows, coilIn trim in I rigs, r.mcry, red chalk, white chalk, wlie, horse nails, meat cutters, scales, wnsh hoards, horso l)UckctH, wimmIoh palls, clothes pins, Blue, door mats, porch nints, par lor mats, corn poppers, paint brushes, horsu bitishes, kU-IhIi bflls.hi-el calks, eiiainfl ed kettles, brass kettles, copper kettles, htewkeUles.sauco paiis,broiid axes, nails, Sleiljjes, curtain iKtures, ThliublehkihiH and boxes, Pumps, lead pipe, etc, Tarred topo nnd hundreds of articles not .enu merated ciiiHtuntty on hand at CIIAltUlH W.frNVDKU'S, Main Street, llloomsbunr, QKOHOi: II. KOIJKHTH, Impottcr nnd Dealer lu HAUDWARi:, CUTI.KHV, (IUNS, Ac., No. 311 Norlh Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. JACOU IC. SMITH. .1. H. VI.I.IZF. MIT 1 1 & S E Ij T Z E 11, Imi'ittrsand Dealers In lYu-Ign and Dmmstl II A It I) W A H E, U U.N S, OUTI.l: It Y, AC, NO. IflO N, TH lull ST1-.KIT, All. f'A I. LOW III I.I , PIIII.ADPI.PIIIA. Nov. 2!,07-tr. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. RATION A I, FOUNDRY, llloomsburg, Columbia County, Pn. The hilbscrlber, proprietor of Hie ulioel n-iit' e.tenslo eslnbllsinuetit, is now picpnred to ro eeive orders ror all kinds of MACIIINFltY 1-OK COLI.IIIHIIX, 1ILAST I'llUNACliS, STATION.' HY HNOINF-S, MILLS, TIIItlIINU AIACIIINLS, Ac lie Is also pieared tomalio stocsof all slzci and patterns, Plow-Irons, and eeri thing usually iliatle in llrst-class Pouudl les. IIlsexteiislef.u'IIltlcs and prncllcut workmen warrant lilin In receiving the largest contracts oi the most teasonablu terms. Oi nln or ull kinds w 111 be taken lu exchange tor castings. Tills establishment Is locnted near tho Lnclr. wanna and Hlooinsbuig llallioad Dcih.i. PIUFIt HILI.MYKH. gTOVEH AND TINWAHE. A. M. HUPPItT anuouiiecs to his Irleuds and customers that continues the abovo business at his old place on MAIN STHFIT, HLOOMSIIUUO. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVLS of all kinds, SIoM'plpes, TTnw ure, nml every rlety of article found In a Stooand Tluwaie K tablishment In the cities, and on the most reason able tot ms. Itepalrlngiloneat the shot test notice, 81 DOZFN MILK-PANS on hand fur sale, Jtkw Tstove .USlT'FlN suoi1, ON MtIN HTIIEKT, .SFIUI.Y 01-1-041 m MII.I.EIt hiohi:, HLOOMSIIUIta, pknn'a, Tiik undersigned has Just lilted upaud opined STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In this plnce, where he Is prepnied lo mnko n ii., ,i in mi minis in ins line, aim o repairing with liialniss nnd dlsnalih. unon Hi most reasonable linns. He also keeps on ban MUV1.S ur VA111UUH FATTF.HNN AKTYI.I winch lie will sell upon tellns lo Hilt mirrbnser Olve lilma eall. lie Is a god mwlianle, an JACOIl .MI'.TZ, TOBACCO & SEG-ARS. IMU: ONliY PliAOK toKcttholxst 'ItlllAtVO AND CIOAH-S, AT WIIOMWAU: AND III'.TAII, ai HUNamiF.itoF.n'B, a few iloors helow tho American House, llloomshuri;, I'a, He has the larucst anil most elect of HSK1KINC1 AND CJJIIiWINU TOHACCO ever omreil lo the cltleus of llloonihhurg. All tho fancy luamls of HIKIAIW, ami Hut best Fine-cut and l'lug LIIIAVINO TOHAUl'O, can he luul at hu counterH. TOHACCO l'IIF.S In great variety aro among hu large utock. DON'T FOHQIiT TO CAM IIUNSIlF.IKiKR. JT W. ItANJCS " " " "Vv-HOI.r.SAM: TOHACCO, HNUFF, AND CIOAlt WAHF.IIOUHi:, No. 110 North ThlnlHtieet, helween Cherry (ilul Ituce, webt hlile, l-hlladeliilila. M'holesale Dealeis In TOIIACCOH, CK1AHX, I'll-IX, Ac., M, No, 1.1 Norlh Thlul Hlreet, abovo .Market, I'lilliuleli'lila. QMN IltUS LINE. too unucrkiiineu would rtkiu-ctflilly announce to Ihecltkcns of Hloouiiburg and Iho jiubllo gene. rally that he Is running an OMNIIIIJHI.INK beleen this i.laieand tho illileient railroad do siu dally tSuuUiiya exceiiled), to connect with thu koerullialn going Houthand Vet on theCula. wUa aud Vllllauiroit Hallroad, and with Ihime going Not Hi and Houlhon iho Ijukawannaaud llloooikburg Kullroad, 1II Oiniilhukbc nro In good condition, eominu, Ulous and comtortable, and chaigea reasonable, l'emoiu wUhlng to meet or bee their frlendu do- art, i uu he li comnduled u)kiii rt aaonublo churgj hy leaving timely uollie at any of Iho hotels, JAOOH I, UIIITON, I-roprletor, DRUGS &, MEDICINES. A V E roillt M 0 N K Y I (i n i: a t iKiiuo r, m i: n t hi o it hat i: h l n iiuoiui r, n tsii it i: a t i: h t ini) u c r, m r, n t hi i i AT nn: oi.ii imuo htohi; OK Ii. N. JIOYEH, Whero can be found Iho i.ahoist nnd nrat ah. hoiitmi.nt, ever ofrereil lo Iho cltlxem or huh county, of Drusi, ChemlcnU, PnlnlH, Oils, Olasi, Vnrnl-dies, putty, Hrushe, DjeSluiri, Mixed PulnH, 11 of llieio nro of tho best known mnko atul aro wnrrnnicd as pure and unadulterated. Tho Uncut nndlniKesttitocltof P A N 0 Y A It T I 0 Ii F. H to bo found In I his or adjoining counties Perlutneiy, IlnlrDjo, Fancy Soaps, Uriishes, Combs, Cosmetics, HalrOlls, Tolkt Arllclen, Hlntlonery, 1'oi.ket Hooks, T O II A C V O F. H , Hmoklliitand chewluc, Clijnrs of nil descriptions, Pipes, Cigar HoUlcls. llOUSLIIOIit) AltTICI.IlS, IiiuupH, nsNorted al7es nnd M j les, IiAMl'S, CHIMNKYfl, SH.VniM, llt'It.NKItS, misci:i,lani:ous aoons. - Sponges, Clinlnols Mtlns, Cnthctcis, Spcculutns, Syringes, ltrcnst Pumps, ltuhhcr floods, Tiums of nil npproved pnlttrns Ac., Ac. I, I (I U 0 It H . A tlno assortment of ore liquors .for medical purposes constnntly on nana nnu me oesi ktiouu kinds of STOMACH iiirri;iis. 1-AIIAr Ml:lilclNus of eery dCMrlptloti, In cluding Iho bestvullellcsof pills nnd tonics. l'llysICIAN'l l'ltl-Stllll'TIONM fAI'.KFUM.Y l'K-l' NoMichhtocltluiH ecr been presented lo the peoplo nf this section of country. The prlccsiiro asMilull ns the stock Is large. The HViolcv'ile Vt fee are more favornblo to the puithascr than ecr,ns ariangcnicnts havo been effected with the wholesale dealeis In tbo larger cities, so that goods can bo procured in ltlooms- burgas eheaplyas lu New Yorkor Philadelphia. -Cotinlry denlers nio curnestly liultcd lu study tlielr own Interests, by exninlntng Ihls stock. llclneinbei'thoplaeo-i:.citANOt: Ilt.ot K nho o Fxchnngo Hotel, Mnln street, llloomsburg. .Inn. 31, IsCs. Cm HINQ-'S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE! frny-IIY-iuli'il Veojile h,v their loekt restored hy It to the (tarK, lustrous, silken tresses uf youth, und nru happy ! Young l'eopte, w ith Hrjht, failed or ) td lair, liiUe theso unf.ihion.iMc colors changed to a heantifal auburr, and rejou-ul l'uoplo whoso heads are covin d with !aiidrvjf and Jfianors, mo it, and hmo dean loan ami clear nnd healthy sculps ! IJnUl-I ToikIc! Vol cntiiM have their vemainiiiff locks tightened, und Uio bare spots coered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, nnd d.inco for joy 1 Young Gentlemen iuu it because it U richly perfumed! Younff Ladies n-o it In enure it keeps their Hair in place! Hvcrybody -mutt und will uo it, because It U the cleanest nnd lest article in the mark( t ! For Sale by Druggists generally. AND KOIl H I.K l N, MOYKU nud V. V. U'TZ, DrutjylstB, Jlliif)in.l)UrK,ntnl M, M, llltUUhr, CutuwltMi, Junuaiy .'(, lwJ,K3, J 11. MOYKU, j) it uau i s t, COUMCll OK MAIN ANI1 MAllKKT HTKKKT3, 11U)0MS1IUIIG( l'A., where will bo on ml larno und tteleet htoflk o DriifiK, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. Also all tho PATKNT MKDICIMM OK IUK DAY, I nm iiIho prepart'd to furnish Country Htores with CiistorOil, Oodfiey'sCoullal, TUIlLINOHTOfN"H 11AUSAM, and all other medicines kept lu their lino at City prices. ttS. Prescription cart-mlly comnoumled at all hour, In medicines, quality Is or the Hist Importance. Illoomhburg, June-7, 1WJ7 B a u a ii's C- O M F, It C I A I, M ANU HUH. irj-o nnnounco to fatmeru and dealeis In I ellllli'lH, that the following prices huehceu adopted for tho present Hprlng season : HAt'OlFH HAW IIONF. 1-lIOHl'II ATI'. 1'rli-e, ill per 2.OU0 lbs. HACOII'H CIIIOAdO HONK l'FHTILI.ll ' l'rlce, ill per 2,uoo lbs. Jl.MHIll'H (-1IIOAOO Ilf-OOn MANUItK. 1'rke, , Viper 2,000 lbs. This well-known popular Irade-mnrk will be found uiHin eery puckagu of Iho abovo manures. CnonE MARK The liltrh efctlmatlon lu which llAl'oit'a Don Man I'tUHliio Imii lield, mu lot; lourtien jeam past, woUiall lully nisialii in tbo future. Jluv Iuk now thotntlio control ot thunieat rtnources nl iho citypt CbleiiL'o.ior lurnlvlilim Ammonia and PhOf-r-hate jlfhllng material, Ut Hones, Itrletl I Ufch; lllooil, A.c., we have, In connection with our worktt In l'lilhulelphla, tholaitecut faell ItlcN for lutiiUhlng theRo manures, at the above low prices, HnUKh A' Hons, lMilIndclpbla, Norlh-AVt Mem l eitUUfinf Co., ChleoKo. John Itnlhon A Co.t(Ieneial AyU., New York, Oeorye W, Kliko & Co., lloston, (lenrun DuKdalc, Wbolehalo Ant,, lialllmore. 1 ur liifunnutlonrespiTtliiK thuuboNoManureH, addicsn cltherof the abovo liouhts. Jan DS-3m. ltMnuus'nciTA ihiotiieii, Impoiters and Jobbers of iioKii-niy, oi.ovi:h, 81 IIItTH AND DltAWKHH, 11UTTONH, HUHl'lINUIIItH, IIOOl HKI11TH, IIANDKKHCHIFI'H, TIIIIIUDH, HKWING HII.KH, TltlMMINOS, I-OHTU MONNAIIvS, HOAI'H, l'F.Ill'UMFHV, FANCY OOODH, AND notions ai:Ni:n.i,i,v, Also Manufacturers of IlltUHIIFJs AND LOOKING H,AHSF,H, and Dealer In WOOD AN!) WIM.OW WAItli, UHOOMH, KOl'ICH, TWINFJs, Ac, No. 3lI Nm Ih Third Htm I, above Vine, l'hlladelphl.i, IliUKIl & HOST, Huccessors lo Fiankllii I'.Heltter A Co., ImiHirleianud Uhulikule Dealer In MQUOIIH, WINIW, AC, Nos. 110 and IIS Norlh Thlid Htreet, l'olla,lelplila, JJ MrMAHI'IJ' NOTIDN'H, HOSIKUY, OI.OVIX AND FANCY OOODH, No. M North Third Mrept, rhlladelphla. V ff!