THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. .-guvmcv'jj Sniavtmcnt. tMiporlniit-t of t 1 1 1 1 1 xlti b mr Land Tiir only sourcoof prolU tii tlio fur- hut i- ihi) fortUHy of liU land. Tlio diKifu of fortuity It tlu nicnsiiru of profit, nil things i'Imi lielhK i'iual. Tills proiiii-ltlon Isiio iMftctly tM ovltli'tit iiinl -o KciiCMlly riconnl.i'il ns bulnu true, tlmt nrpuinciit to ImprcH It upon our farmers should ho uniicee.wiry. Yet wlicra will you llrnl In thU Krcut ni?rl culturntcoinmunlty tlio evliloneo tlmt till truth Is nppreelutuil ? Aro tho far morn of Wostmorelanil county rolin- burscd for tho capital and labor bestow ed upon tho cultivation of their farms ? Certainly not aileiiuatcly. It W the Kcucral belief that It itoi'I miv. Hence our farmer iiml their mini avail Hirm celvea of every opportunity to abandon their business and embark in other pur stilK Tho reason for nil this U tho povtrty of our farms, if tho farmer could real teo as largu a remuneration for his time nud money In farming as In any other way, ho would continue to farm his sons would remain contentedly with him, and help him. Can thte bo dono ? Certnlnly It cm. Jncrcatu the fertility of your farmi and It Is done, provided good cultivation follows. It needsno argument to convince nny person that liberal application of ma nure to land will Increase thoaniounlof our crop, and tho opposite of tho pro position, Is Just as evident, viz: coip tinned cropplim without manuring will exhaust tho land and result Anally In utter unproductiveness. It certainly needs no argument to convlncoany far mer mat tnero is no business nioro profltnblo than farming when tho nvcr ngo annual cro p of wheat per aero reach es 23 bushels, mi o.'licr kinds ol grain In proportion, or when tho uverago an nua' yield of hay per ncro reaches threo tons, Can this bo dono In Westmoreland county ? Wo know It has been dono by some ot our farmers who aro liberal In the use of fertilizers anil cnroful in tho cultivation of their land, and we are compelled to bclievo It can bo dono by 11 our farmers by resorting to thosamo mtaiis. Wo cannot of courso designate the particular means and methods which will result most successfully in nil our varied soils, but wo can say safely that the ino of every doserlptlonlof animal and vegetable matter will increaso tlio fertility of land. Experience has de monstrated that tho application of Umo to any of our soils long under cultiva tion, largely Increases their productive ness. There is, howover, nothingso ef fectual In produclng'good crops as barn yard manure It never falls to roward tho farmer largely, whether applied to tho heavy clay land of our valleys, or mo tighter soils of our hills. To Its production wo recommend our far mers to bend all their energies. How this can bo best dono wo will endeavor to show in succeeding number ot our paper. (Irccmtiurg Democntt. A flood HOMIon. Tin: following rotation of crop-i, ad opted by Peter Ilodsou of Venice, Cayuga County, Now York-, although similar to that In uso by .some other farmer-", Is so good a ono for retaining or Increasing tho fortuity of laud, that we think it worthy of being proeuted to the consideration of such of our romlm-i as may Uelro to make improvements in mis particular. Tlio soil on which this rotation Is u,ed, is a good medium loam, neither very light nor of the heaviest or strongest character First year Com on foil.. Second year Iin.riey, followed by clover, not cut nor pastured, but allow ed to rot dowiu Third year Clover plowed under when full grown, and alter pulverizing tho top of tho inverted sod with a two horso cultivator, sowing with wheat. Fourth year Wheat. Fifth year-Clover and tlmothymead ow. Sixth year Pasture. It will bo seen that only two. tillage crops nro allowed lu succession, the owner remarking that they always mako tho land "sleepy." A MnaH;crop of oats Is raised only lor homo me. A freou-'e of litter far tho stabled cattle wid horses, mixing nil tho materials uniformly togethes In heaps, enables him to manufacture about four hundred two-horso loads of manure per annum for a farm of about ion acres. This he UMinly applies for tho benefit of the coui crop tho year before it is planted, spreading it broadcast upon tho grass about midsummer or earlier. Ho finds no detriment from any suppuration of tlio manure during tho heat of summer; thi' grass manure becomes gradually diffused among tho roots and through the soil. He has spread as early us tho month of Juno, lly this tlmo thu win ter accumulations liavo rotted cnousU, and tho long fibre la broken. i'sullry J1humii0t S,T. .,, UI, l'oL'ivrnv manure, ono of tho most valuable fertiliser made upon tho t4,o often allowed to goto waste. Tho hens and turkeys roost upon trees, under tho Mud, u tho wagon-house, or wherever it happens. To save tho ma nure, theso birds mut bo taught J to rooatluone place Turkeys readily tako to elevated poles near tho liouso or barn, and theio ihoulilalways be provided for tlicui. Sweep up their dropping every few duys, and put In a bo.t or barrel, and keep dry. Hens will roost under cover, anil u hen-hou-o should always bo one of tho farm bulldius. The floor, If not of boards In a l.oft,. should bo such that it can bo gleaned, easily nnd fro quently. It Is.woll to keep plaster or drlod peat under tho fowls. Put tho sweepings in old barrels as fast as thoy accumulate. In a dry state they will keep n long tlmo without much loss. It is customary to mix theso droppings with wood ashes, without much atten tion to definite nronortlons. nt tlm Hum of planting, and drop them In tho hill ior com aim potatoes, lr care Is taken to keep thobced from contact with the manure, they produce very satisfactory results. Hut this is not tlm lnwt. wv of using It. Two or threo weeks before planting, mix tho contents of tho bar rels with about threo times their bulk of moist loam or peat under cover. When tho mass is well heated, shovel It over, nnd mix with It as much more loam or peat, and let It llo until wanted. Thlsmay bo worked Into beds prepared for garden deeds, or dropped, ft handful to tho hill, for field crops, nnd It will ulways tell a good story at harvest time. A.v Immense deposls of toccollno has been dln'overodnear Puscura, in Italy, It Is u combustible mineral likonsplial te, uud answers for pavements. About 00 per tint, of refined oil, which affords n iar more brilliant light than petro leum, may lio""cbtniiK'd from it. j-or tlx Hottim Mollis. IC.II.XI Mllllh. "Mow,, blow I ll Ciudkch's hut go I lllow, brecros, blow I I .it lilm nrtcrll ki! o'it hills,, dales, niul rocks, Away In? II uidrl'd, 'III! Ihi-nib rry hsks Ari'ftlli'uinb'il niul euil il I' Then there mnio a wind, bo strong that It blew offCuidken's hat; andnway It Hew over the hills : and ho was forced to turn mid run after It ; till, by the tlmo ho cam back, shn Iiml dono comb ing nnd curling her hair, iiml had put it up again fnfcly. Then ho was very angry and Milky, and would not speak to her nt nil ; but th-y watched the gte-i- until It grew dark In the evening, mid then diove them homewards. The next morning, as they were go lug through Ihe dark gate, tho poor girl looked up nt Vnlmln s head, nnd cried, Tnlndn, rnladit, Hit lo lliou haugest t"' and It nnswercd, "Hrlde, bride, tbero thou'gangest Alas tnlnsi If thy mother knew II, Sadly, sadly, would tlio rue 11,' " Then she drove on the geese, and sat down again In tho meadow, nnd began to comh out her hair as before; nnd Curdkon ran up to her, and wanted to take hold of It ; butshe cried out cpilck- 'Mow, hrcccs, blow I Let Curdken'fl lint tin I lllow, lircercs, blow I Lcthlmnftcrltgo! O'er hill, dales, niul locks Awnybelt wlilrl'tl, Till the silvery lories Are all eomb'd nrul curl'it I" Then the wind came and blew away his hat ; nnd off It Hew n great wny.over tho hills nnd far nwny, so that ho had to run after it ; and when ho eaino back sho had bound up her hair again, and nil was safe. So they watched tho gceso till it grow dark. In theovcnlng, afler.'they eamo home, Curdken went to tho oldking, andsald, "I cannot have that strnngo girl to help mo to keep tlio gceso! any. loncer." Why?" said tho king. "Uceuiue, in stead of doing any good, she docs noth ing but tenso mo all day long." Then tho king made him tell him what had happened. And curdken Miidt"Wheu wo go in tho morning through the dark gate with our Hock of geese, sho cries and talks with tho head of a horse that bonds upon thu wall, nnd bays, 'l'nladn, Tularin there Ikons lin litest 1' and tho head answers, MliMe, bride, theru thou gnngcstt Alasl nlas t If thy mother knew It, H.wlly, Badly, would she rue It. And Curdken went on telling tho king what had happened upon tho meadow where tho geeso fed ; how his hut was blown away ; and how he was forced to run alter It, and to leave his flock of geese to themselves. Hut tho old king told tho boy to go out again tho next day: and when morning came, ho placed hlm-elf behind the dark gate, and heard how she spoko to Falada, and how Falada answered. Then ho w ml into tho Held, and hid liiuiielf in a bush by tlio meadow's side; and ho 'oon saw with his own eyes how they tiro vu tho Hock of geeic ; and how.after a little time, sho let down her hair that glittered in the sun. Anil then liehturd her say, "Mow, breezo blow ! Let Curilken'fi hnt go 1 lllow. breeze, blow t LethlninricrltBo! O'er hills ilalts, uuSrocfti, Auay bo It whlrlM, Till lhollery 1-cfci Ale ull eomh'd uuil eurl'il 1" And soon eamo a gftlo of wind, and carried away Curdken 's hat, and away went Curdken after It while the girl went on combing and curling her hair. All this tho old king saw : so he went homo without being seen; and when the llttlo goo-e-glrl eamo back in the evening ho culled her aside, and nsknl her why sho.did sot butshe burst into tears, andsald, "That I must not tell you or any man, or I shall lose mv life." Hut tlio old king begged so hard, that sho had no pence till sho had told him nil tho tule, from beglnuing to end, word for word. And it was very lucky foriher that shu did so.fcr when alio had dono tho king ordered royal clothes to bo put upon her, and gazed on her with wonder, sho was so beautiful. Then he called his sou, nnd told him that ho had only tho falso bride ; for that sho was merely a waltlng-iuald, while tho true bride stood by. And tho young king rojolcul when ho saw her beauty, and heard how meek nnd patient sho had been; and without saying anything to' tho falso bride, tho king ordered a great feast to bo got ready for all his court. 1 ho bridegroom sat ut the top, with tho falso princess on one side, and tho true one on thoother; but nobody knew her again, for her beauty was unite dazzl ing to their eyes ; and sho did not seem nt all llko tho llttlo goose-girl, now that sho had her brilliant dross on. When they had eaten nud drank,and were very merry tho old king said ho would tell them a tale. So lie began, nud told all the story of the princess, as ifitwnsono that ho had onco heard; and ho asked the true waiting, maid what sho thought ought toliodono to any ono who would behavo thus. "Nothing better." said this f.ilo bride, "than that sho should bo thrown Into n cask stuck round with sharp nails, nnd that two white horses should bo put to it, nud should drag it from street to street till sho was dead." "Thou art she!" said tlio old king; "and ns thou hast Judged thyself, so shall It bo dono to thee." Ami tho young king was then married to his truo wife, and thoy reigned over tho kingdom In penco nnd happiness nil their lives; and tho good fulry eamo to seo them, nnd restored tho faithful Falada to lifts again. The Wolf ouJ llie Blirjili nla. A Wow looking into a hut nud see ing somo shepherds comfortably re galing .themselves on a Joint of mut ton "A nrettv row." said ho. 'wnnlil. th?o men have made If they hail cauirlit mo ut such n slimier I" Wen nro too apt to condemn in others tno very mings mat moy pructuetliem solves. The l.lunr. Tjieiik was u great stir among nil tho Hensts which could boast or tho largest family. So they eamo to tho Lioness. "And how many," said they "do you have ut a birth V" "One," said she, grimly ; "but that ono Is a Won." Quality comes before quantity, "Hon, how Is your sweet-heart get ting along?" "Pretty well, I guess, bIio says I needn't enll any more." DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S HERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoofland's German Tonic. rrcpnrrrt by Iir. '. ?i. .IncJuon, rillWMLFflll, l'i. 2'fte Great HemaHes ron ill ttdiA!tcr mi MVnt, OTOITIAUII, or nioi:mvi2 organs. Hooflaud'a German Bittor3 I cotnpouniloit cf the jtire JultM, (or m thej ars me.liclnrtUy term -mt - g eJ, Fxtraeti) ot nJitatkH, muk htphly ronccn yfrttfrvn At- Ina a rropnrallon, trnttsl, kill entire re'ic admirtmt flany XituL Ilooflaud'fl German Tonic, ! a comUnatlon cf nit th Infm-cllf-tit ot tlif JiiUcrfl, ltli Hio pumt mini lly of ftm'i Ctui Hum, Oran? etc.. mikinit on of Itic most iilcaant anj fttfrriAble tfmedlcB etir r IT, re J Is tho public. Tlioo jirofv'irinir h Mnllcln free from Alci liollc Ailiuitttnc, Mill uie HooflantVs German Bitters, In cea of nrnowi dprrcnlorj. rrhfii iimt a'cuhollc atlmului Is nweMar, Hoofland's Gorman Tonio alwuM be owl. Tlio H.tter or the Tonic nre tolli eritially Kom, and contain lite time mcjlclral virtue. TJio tomaeh, from a variety of cauwc. ticli m in.ik'Mtlon, Dja MpBla, S'mouti Dtllllty, ete, Is ifYfc cryart to have Ita futictloLB Oe UC-l )3 raiiKed. Tlio re ult of which tst that tho jpatloiit mlTera Uota neural cr wort cf the fof!cwli) Constipation. Tlatulenco, InwnM Pilea iulnesa of Ulood to tho Uond, Acidity of tho Stomaoh, Nnuaoa, llnrtburn, DIsRust lor Foot), l-'ulness or Weight in tho Utoraaoli, Sour Uruc A titious, Sinking or X'lut terinK at tho Pit of tho . Stomach, Swimming or tho IlOirt, Hurrlod or Dimcult Broat h inr, Fluttorinff nt tho Heart, Choktnj or Ouil'ocatin. aonsations when la a IiyinR Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dota or Webs Leloie the Sight, Dull Fain in the Head, Deflntoncy of Perspiration, Yellow ness or tho Skin and Eyai, Paiulntha a. Sldo, Eaok. Chest, Lim j&T Vrs. M, etc. Sud dan Flushes of lR M& Hoat, llurn m in tho itf ricsh. Con. :ini ImaffininRs of Evil, and Urc at Doproaaion of Sinrita. 'Uicm remeJlM will cfll'ctually cure IJcr i'omplalnt, Jmndicc, Dpeila, Chronlo w Ncn'oui DeLlUty, Chronlo lJlarrluea, loao tf tho Kidneys, auJ all Disease arUhitf from a DUorderci Uvcr, titonueh, or IntCNUuci. DEBILITY, IlitrLtlio rirtM ut Cirn wntTflritR; niOST'CATION OF TUB SYSTEM, Ikdvced bt tiivins I.iboh, Ilmnsnn-j, Eiposui, Fmtibs, btc. There ) do medlclw) extant equal tu ttu4 remedlca in tuch eaiei. A tone and visor U im parted to the whol Syitora, the U HtrenKthi-nt-d, food la cjijojid, the jtomathdlgoaU M --iJ promptly.the tccomea aouud and wi healthy, the j el low tlngo Is eradicated from tho eye, a hlooin li trlven to the chccki,aol the weak and ntrroun ItnaJd tweomea a atrong and healthy Mnj, I'crsoiis Advanced in Life, And fceltnu the hand or time wclf;rtrn(( rtm upon theiit, ith nil tu attcndnut Ilia, v. Ill tlnd lu theuno of thta MTTKItS.or ihe'IONlO. an fliilr that will mul now lifa Into their Minx, natore In a mcaitiru tho energy and ardor of mow outhful di, tuilj up ihclr form, and yito heiJlh and happlncaa to their rcmalnlniryiara NOTICE, It la a shed fact that fully on-haif of the fema.e por jj-- Uon of our popu atlon art l lom In the enKuier.t, m ,A to use tl. it ntt cxirnlon. "never H m M fu wtll." 'ihry fwlauuuld, devoid of all vwtiay. titrctnoly ir iou( and have no appetite. ...,iv.!f,,U,c,iiM0' Mna the niTTKUS, or th IUA I u, In epcciily recommended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN ,rt mnio itron hy tho uro of elthtr of tlw ItAHM US, without f.Ul. Tliouiand of CLrtifiratca have accnnmlatcd 'n tli UathU of tha proprietor, but apne will allow of thu puhllcillvn of but a fuw, TIiohp, It will I'ooWned.arenionof ni,te an 1 of audi aland fn tiiit Ihey muat lo belle e.L TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, VUfJustict ttftht Suyrtmi CWl ( fa., writu. J"ufa.lctjh(a, March 1, 1847. "I find 'llowf- i.u, p. Ucminx lIlttrraMnapoivl V tonle, useful in. tl!i(aaof thodi ,v , votive orfnn. and of irrcat Un (e tU tihlirancaofds Uht),aiid want of lien on action in the eitcui- 1 yure lrulyt "OUt). V. WOUOWAUP." Hon. Jainca Thompson, V.iii'MAfi, April 2, 1-C "1 coiields-r 'IluoiUitd'a Oernnii VU' ' t.. va.tuiLU tntJttmt hi caao of atta-ki of Intina. Uon or U)ipU 1 cuh certiry thU lima my eiperitm-fof ft. " Voun, Hh regret, "JAUlZd TIIOMIVONV Vrora Rev. Joseph II, Kennard,, D.D, ra$tor f Vtt Ttnt fri list Citun ht 7nfi tr. Jjikton-Vtatr Pir I h.ivy l-in f-, nuontly rerpu-atcd to cotn.tM my im m- win, , muu datiotia f f di.Kri'ni kin la i f tutdl i. i, 1 ui. i gardlnst II pi n r; , tllU It, ., ,t ,,f , ap propria 16 7 if a, l. n 1 luw i . lUiMUdooliimd; I yl tU wnl niiu (rout In turiuna b S ln!:nr i .unt i r tKUarlyln inj,ouf.uit .y, .if tt.v um f. I n t) 1H. Hof n.4 a (JtrmMi lutiT, I ) ; jrt f.-r ni,p( frnm ni ikjaI e mrai-, tu u- nan nt fi i iMc Uon that, fvr gtntrat iU,.t Wy tt ty -n, a 4 trptmlly fur Ltrtr Vumj .nti, U tt .1 foi'l nj'inn. Jiiaoiiif fmHiuy fall . hut uain,!, 1' I nu!, Uis.rj fcri.tht'U fcjliiowi !.-. auller from the al..t cahc Vwura, ifT rfNpntl'i l, J. II Ki:N.NMtI, Uilhlh, U.uw CW9t Tiora Rev. E. D. Fend-il!, JuiVdvl riifor lIxuiMn ChrwiuU f-kilaM- Iler1n4 dHfd larfr.l titm tha ua Iloojlai.d a Iwnnan 11 ttera, it 1 UH 11 m prtvl Ia to ruustf lid thftn ua a moat VuUinl U tonlir tuali y hhiaaudiriitrf from Kcmral dchility or from l'jMj. ajlny fioin dLiuiiifiueii( yf the vure truly, L. IK FUN U A LI OAUTIONj HooPand'a Oemian Uemedlca are conntrfl-fV-JACKedMaoti TfRi the Mrapjcr ot l'rlncjnal OlTlee and Uanufuctory at th lfr. 0IXAKLE3 M. EVANS, Uerrnan lrui(lat, I'ruprktar, i. . I'"erly C. M. Ifisiix A Co. er aIe ty all UniM. uud iJi-akia la Mdi- PRICES. llooflana'a Ucrman UUcra(perlittto AO " , ", itall den OCi Iloofland'a Uerman Tvule, put up lo quart pr buttle, or a half down ft,.,,.,,, t m CS I not forgvt to ex milrt well U.a fJcl 0u buy, to yrdcr to cct tho khiUu HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. Jen nary 91, m$. DRY GOODS. Tvnijiinivs sToitK. YlXVAil AltUlVaVLOF KAI.L AND WIKTIIU (lOOI)M. Tho wubscrlljor lmJut rt ttirmil Irnnt thorlllwi with nn other largo nud netrct iwmoitiiiftU of HI'IUNO ANI HITMMnt OOOtw, purchnici In Now Vrlc ntnt Iliilndi'lphl.t nl the lowcHt flfiure, ntul which In- li ttetrnuhuil tu Kelt on in lmxlfrnlo trrmn ni can lo pntcureil cUi whom In Illommlnirg. 11H htook eoniiirUc UVimW DHHHH GOODS of tho choicest slylesmul latent fmlitotH, ((jollier wUhnlnrgolnHsnitnuiit of Iry tlootli nnd On corlo ronsNltngnf tho foltovltignrtlolo! CnrpetJt, Oilcloth, CIotllH, riamuK MlkH, AVhlteaootla, l.tncn, Miwllu, Jlollnwwftl'o Ccilnru'an (Juconnwnre, Unrttwnio IIcKit nnd Hhoc4, Hnti nnd Cup", HoopNelH, Uinbrclln( Tobncco, Co lice, Kitgnrn, Tciw, I!Ice, Allspice, (H np;er, Clnnnmoii, NutmcBH, AND NOllONH (III.V HAt.t.Y, lit hhort, ovrrylhln; UMinliy l;cpt In country Btoro, to wlitcli no lnltoi tho nttcntlon of the public BoncrnUy, ThpIilKhcst price will be pnld for country pr(Mluco lu fxthitngoforcooili, h. jr. jnrxim abon. Arc.ulo Hulldhu1, Illooiiisbuifr, 1' G HKAT HKDUCTIOX IX IMUCMIS ,t iM'rnit i:nt's ktoiii:, i.v i,i i it RTlU'.irr, TALL AND WIN'TKIt CJOODS. Till hubscilbcr lin-. Just iccclvcii mul linn on hnnd nt lih M ftnntl in I.luht strt-ct, n lnrpo ami Rclect ASSORTMENT OF MliHCHANDISK pnrchnxpil ut tlio lowc.t llntirc. niul wlilch ho ilctcrmlnf-il lo poll on ns inoik-inle lonn- ns bo prwurctl t'levlicro lu Mailt Kticet, ivit cash on tvrxrnr rnoDvct-.. Hi rtocl: consols or I, A 1) I K S ' DllHSS CIOODS, choicest nl h-s ami lntff.1 r.islilnn i, OiUcocp, Miullus, (11iii;1iiiuh, l'lnunclrt, Ilovfory, CnriH'N, Mlltn, Wliuvls, MIADY JIADK CI.OTILINd, Wathutls, CVssluiorK, Cotton.'uto", KintntUj .ImitN. .It'., .U' M liltOUEMES, MACK HI' u., ClurtiMnarr, Ci iLtruuri', HuKhvnrr, Miillc lu, I)ru?s, oils, 1'iUuli., Ac JlOOTci & HlIOi:S, HATS & U.VI'M. Iilfchort everyllilUK iisunllj ki'i.l lu u isniuli. Htore. Tho piilrouiiiio or his old Irii'iiils nil'l tli public scncrnlly, h l-cspfc'trully willcllcil. Thohlnliustln-irlr't prh c pnl.t rir counlry pi. "luce. IHUKII i:nt. I.l jhtSlMel, Nov. !.,7. Q.UKAT UP.DIJCTION iN IMtK'Ks AT 1). IC. HLOAN'H STOIM:, in oitANd r,i,i:, i-a., O I FA1,1, AND WJNTjnt (U)ODri. Tlio lll,sci Hjlt Im ijll'! l i-folvctl liu.l h:is ou linti.l nt hlSNtoro In Oinn-vlllo.u lut no nud M'leH ASSOHTMKNT OF J1KUC11AND1SK purrhnKiHl nt tlm lowct nnuli', uuiluliWli hols tlvtcnutnoiltosIl on ns iiiu.lcrnto tcims 10.01111 ho procuriil olsi hcro IiiOiiiiikcnIIIo, foil t'AHIl Wit L'llL'NTKV l'llolll'l'l.'. JIfs slot; conMs or L A 1) I KM' ) It K fci.H UOODH, cllorrwr htvi.ijs and lati-spj-wsiiioxs. Oillpor-N, Muslins, atiiHlmuis, rinniiolv, Ilosl.-iy CAHl'KrS, 8llAV'IS, IU3ADY MADE CI.OTIIINd, Hntliiets, ts'lmcrs, Colton.iilos, Ki ntu, Uy Jt-uns. ,tf., At'., AC CSIWCinUltt MAL'KKUAl,, Qurcnsunrp, Cnlnrtrnro, llnnluulo, Midl.-ln.s imufis, oils, i-.iiNrs, At-, !OOTS it ,SHO:S, HATS & CAPS. In short ovcrythliiK mn.illy kopt in ucmutrj nloro. Tho pntronngo of his oM nn.l tho puhllc neutrally, Is rospi tirully nnllcltnl. 1110 niKiiist mnrUi t piloo pnld for country mo. hiro. i). k. slwax. (Jrnngcvlllo, May 21, 107. J J. h n o w it , rs now oir. rlns to Hip puhllc his stuck of fi J' ji i x a a o 0 j s ron&IMliiK in part of n full lino of INGJIAIX, AVOOl, AND Jt AO V A It 1' li TH, Fine cloths nnd casimcro f.r 1nllcs' coats, HANDSOME IU!1.S (iOOIIf, of all pntlrrniinnd riuallthx, lulaids mul Print of various iiiallllos uud pilcc, IlIXACIIKD AND IMtOWN .MlTfjI.INH, IjADIK'H FIUONCH COHSiri'H, A N II ItAIiJIOllAl, HKIItTS. Good aMortincut of r.Anrix'j. am.rjnii.TsuAm.uss. noais. l'resh Orocorics r.nd '-pices. New ni.aorlnilit Mr,A-S AND (iL'i:i:'NH-WAl!i:, fx-xo. 1 ji,(;ki;iii;i, luonc'liulr nnd onor)Utlh Imnels, Now Is tho tlmo lo muko your clcetloui., ns 1 inn oircrllllt goods nt eiy Ion- pilei-, mul 0111 inotto is fulr lU'idhiH to nil, mid not to ho under told by nny. ,r. J. lmnwru. Uloomsburi;, wVprll I-, lsuT. JJUKKAII FOIt CATAWISSA! TI11M WAV I'OK 1IAIKIA1.VS (loods to conipnro llh filrlniji'iu' 01 iln mono market. Look nud lonipiiio pilee, isinu ,tll rlliwIiiK elsewhere. .lutt call ut thr liu 01 il,. lu . news htnnd of MlN'INt'K A HIII'MAN. nnd ou will he met l.v tlioobllitnij propii, 1 , their clerks, nnd shown I 111 ouuli their yi mt Mil le: htoro fnoof cluiri;,', of courKo. Tlipy will uive 1, a fair chtint'o lo upend our louso change, il'. trust much more piollt.ihly th'iil it (.1111 he spool elff where. Their KTOflC Ol'' Diivaouus s . this Spring Is much hngn In nil It. xnrfoIlM limn iihuul. Their ' .I,AIHKH' DUIivS 1100IM l uro of the nicest tyUn In inaiket. They hne 1. ilnonsKortluent of IIAW. L'Al-H, IIOOIM AND KHOIUH. HUM.Mnil CM)T1IS CAbHINinrt, CAKS1.MUUIX, ANIJ Vr.STINf.IM, nnd nu.ierotts iirtlcU.eomiuou tosuclioklabllsh inciits, hesldes 11 ftelieriil nnsortmcnt of HAitDWAitr, TiNWAiii:, (junnNHWAiti:, AND (JKOLTlllIX, full ut KTeatly reductil ptlccK. Tliey wish In eon- iiuet tneir luihiuctis on thobysteinof "l'AV AS YOU 00," nnd I hey lliLil: they tun nllord tokell p. They return their lliuiiks for many pnt r.unrs, nnd nk tho future patiouaKo of their fouuer cui lomerHUUd liiopublioKeneially. v MlNINL'll A RIIU.MAN. JOWE, KUBT0N & CO,, Manuf vcturers anil Wholonnlo Dinlcin In COTTON YA1IN3, CAItl'llT CHAINS, lUrfH, WIUKH, TJI! YAIINH, COIIDAUi:, 1IW001W, WOOD AND WILLOW WA11K, UIOK'U OIHKIM, ULOCKH, I'ANCY UAHKlflK 'UAUI.i; FliOOIt, ANll CAHUIAdU OII,CIX)TIW,Ac, No. Ml Mnrket Hln et, south side, I'lillioklphln. Mannfaclurcr of nud Wholesale IVnler In CLOTIIINO, CLOTHS, CAhNIMKHKH, AND VIXriNOH, No. ISNorlh Third Wtetl, llillndelphla. MILLINERY GOODS. INI 1SS lilZZIi: HAUKIiKY ihis lost lecixod. nt her old t.lnco on Mnlnftt.. rit, her I'At.f, AND WIXTIIH HTOL'K of millinery Bonds ornery tinallly nml .tyle, eonslsltllH of utiw htyi.i: noNNirrs. of ihe very liest mnlerlnli tniteiher with Hie very best osiorltllellt of lltlMMINim, lUIIIIO.VH, AC, which nro nirered forsnlo nt llio lowest imwiblo r.iltn. t'nll nud nee. Illonmiiburit, on, V IW, S1 joMivnuxd xr,v. Thn limti-valutioil linsfi lf-nVn In lliromi her fi lends nud the lHibHc gonernlty, tint she 1ms aliened In MtlllT 8TUHIJT a fresh Mock ut t'xxl" tt) tho lino of MUiM.viinv nnd tuimmixoh Inronnoctlrm with Drpfs MnltlUfU ftlid li pre pnml In luldltiun, to uiumsritAW h.vtb on thotthoitrt tmtlcp.nnd In the bent Mlo nt mo on, ri ictb ( uohi nnu yyvrn miiiHuu-nn , . UghtHtuct, October i, ls7. X MI INT, i lie Mlrtit llnrinm would rciitotrulIy nn tinunco tu their frlonils In town niidrotiutry, Hint thoy hiiNc'JUKt lecolvodnt their I'lneoot IjusIiiom on .Nlnln wi iMdow Atnerlenn llmiic.n lare nnd new mipi'ly or M I Mj I N E 11 Y O O O I) H ofnll di m-tlptlons milted for 1'nll nnd Winter's Wcnri Including ltonnetHof the Intest Mylo,Ulb liouH.trlinmliiKsofidl norls, nnd In fart Icirji n trniieml tiirtilHlilnir Ktnrn for Indies. '1 heir 1 tilt terns nnd Mj les nro ntnonst tlm Intent, nnd the in ices but n I rifle in iKhnmc of Iboe In the City, liu not fnll tornll nnd eSninlnolhelr uoods before liiiivhnHinjt risi! in ie. Nov. I.IHIIT, E. KVKUETT & Dlt. .T. 11. CASK'S in oitAN'anvirj.i:, JUHT O V K N i: 1) wna a spi.knihh ash vAitunt aoktmi:st or HOODS Al'PKIirAISIXU TO Tim WILD IIL'SIMAH, rriti; ihilhh, fiir.MicAi, irrc, AI.WAVt ON HAN P. Innhortnny nrllrto tlmt rnn bo nnined tn tho Ortid llneeim bo hud nt their slore. Jir. -f. It. Cn-v Is n I'rnetlotier, nnd n No undervtnudH l'lmr- inney; i;. i.eietits a Jieouni wiuuem, nns hi teiHii'd one term nt the .leireison Metllrnl t'oilege, niul uiiihMKt niuls the cnmiioiliiillliir uf Drtiux. '1 hey vet pert lu I l.v Itnlte tin unlionnno ol their frictuK mul the publlu Kenerully, nsnuln them n v r, nun wiiiiun wtu ur iniiiiiiii ii in ni' iu 111 I... r..ul. nii.l i.nrn lritit'II'1.7 n it r- iilsii mn 'mil l.,-.-- 17 S T A il Ji I S Jl K 0, 1 8 .'J 2. 8 T O I A It T skw scAi.r, ovKiisTitrxci, rvt.h ikon riiVMK v i a x o v o n t i: s. H T O 1) A It T A M O It U 1 H. Miinufi'elurd-s or drum!, Ho."nio nnd l'lnno 1'oiletc. uur ih w Hrnle Piano t-orles in nddlllon to their pertilinr merits eoiitnln eiry renlly itlimblo model n lioproimeiil, lenderltu them the iiMft 1 1. in i li lennd peih t-t inmuioi-nt eVi r itlleti-d to Hie puhlte, nnd for purity of tone, Del-li-ney nl' lot; h ili.ituillllx . ittid iiimi Mnndlnit (be U-st nfHeeie ellliotti Ihe lieu wnl Moduli I'l iitio I'nVte tt.Mnl- liurlwtlul. The l'mnoi of this miuiuf.ielui'e lin e stood the ti of mote tbuii a Uurli r ft a et iiitii'. , and the lonnufattutt iMiie nt llherly to ! fir u o r'lwi m live thmtsnhd l.imllh who have ImH them In live. In neailv ,ill pntlt ol ihe i illzi'd nd. All h Iters will bo piuiiiptl.v an -m ied ly HlOUAIlTA- MOItltm, fib7'iN-:fm. i;h litnadwnv, New oil;. II, ('. HO V K II, ns opt ui d n Ih i-i ,iss IIudJ', HlItK, JlAf I Al AND I fit STOUl.. nl (he old Mtnnduii M.uliHtifi t, llomsl)iil,nfeW dut,iHnboe tin t.uil ili.o-e. Ills stui 1; tM-iiiu poMilol IhiMt o liuel mul In ft M le-. t ei oil. t ed lo tlioeitUinHul Columblii ('ouul, Ileum iierotiltlioilllti the pUOlliMUtll I be follou int? kihkIh attboIoUiMt lutes. Men's hcn double Mhd -tnjjtn ImhUs, men doubl mid fn;;lr tup wiled Ulli boolH, mi n heu KloHiirvlnus of tilt Kinds, nun's tlno luuie ahiUlm. ol all irnidtH, Imi s double Mill d b'-nts and -b-(N m all kinds, mi n h Klove kid Unl mom 1 biHs,im nV, m omen's, hn s h ntul ihNmV iiistlmcHiilU, womrn'h Kloe kid I'ollsh m rv lliii'.umiien'Hiiioinei o Hnlnnjiiihuiid enlf shoes, winni h's i l.v Hue hid bultntied Cli, Insboil ImotUeOI uUdesutptious both -ed nnd Mud, , IhM, mid up" cdl ultenllon tohWilno nsoit lueni 1. 1 IIA'IH, CAI'm, TI US AND NOTIONH. ulu.ti. miiN(s nil tbf mw and ponulnr viul iMlhsal pi I s wbli h iniiimt lull In mil nil. These KOdd', nie 1 1 i d at Ihe luwiM tasU lutes nnd Ulbi umm.nUnl InjiHe nitlsfuetion. A I'idl Is Holleiteil liri,ii- i.uirbHhlUK tUtwUl" Us It Is hellewd th u hi 1 1 r bnrulus me to be I'uNlid tli'in nl utr .'liu! i l.u in tin. enmity. Dee. h 07 mm:' am kiu;ax jia v jcxTkk ut L4.1umtaa County the trial of hn Toiks on the Mini of Mr, I'ursel, In llemloik Township, on Muudav, Mny 7, 1M.K, bitween thu Ameilean ll.u Knircnnd rorlt innnufaelured h, WALUS A t'o.. of Is IIHIL', l .l llllll HI" mil"" I n ( .n. n. ...... 'lim Aimiknii Toil; lliled mori) h;y lu one draught ih-oi the ILumlel in thiee. M e nro satls (led It will take ns much buy into thn mow as two t;orm nnrneH eun ui.t. - n.r-n r-.,. nudebeeilully reeoiinnend It as tho best buy toik t'. nirrfNiir.NDi.H, inu i imiuu-, W, 11. Kooss, .John Duk, .loiin Dt.rniirK, 1'ami i. Novru, II. DtdbKMILLKIt, HI.VlTEIt I'LMt.'.EL, MiniAKi. IIh.i.ik, John Noi.r, Tliey IliNO limnUIIU'lilie iii r'inniui Itenpernud Mowir, andotbri aytleultuial Imple hh'uIh. riAintiAOK jrAxbrAcTouY, lllnonmburg, IM. J(. L'. hLOAN & lUiOTIIKIl Ihe fcueci snow of flt.!.TAM WT.MN X SON conllutii) tho l.tiBlneHB of multlHg CAimiAaiiH, nuiiaint, ntul o cry slylo of l'AKCV WAOOKS, t.'hlcli tliey hnvo eonstnntly on luind to Milt run lowers. Never using nny miUcrinl I'M Iho host nnd fnuiloylnu Iho most cxreili need noiliiucii ll.nv l,..n., lu continue ns heretofore to !:lo entile 8iillmellon lo eveiy cmtoiiicr. An lii'pocttonol tin lr worlt, mill of llioieninnnhle irlce n-tu Mr llio sniue, sure to inviro u moo. J I!. IHJJtSKli, llAUSCSH, rlAllJH,U, .VM1I llil. 1 jiA.Nui'Acnn;r,u, nnd tUuler In CAi!l'!7MIAa. YAI.ISIi, I'l.V.NJ'.rt, iniii'Ai.n Koi.iM. iiinsr..ii.Aj;Kr.T', .it'., which ho feelH eonlldenl ho inn sell nt lower rnio iiniii nn., oiiui i,-i".iu ,.i urn undue for nurnclvei. ,., whup ilp.1 door heluw llio l'ost IUIIco Main Htreet, Itlwntsliura, I'll. 'ov. 15, N. VTKW 1'1-ltNITUlUi; KTOUK ' ' A T M A I ?!Vll.I.i:, l'A. a. .i. m iini.soi:ii, Would leHeillull nlilioi'lKC lo llio .lllillr, llu.l ho Iuik o.en..i new ruriiilulo Mini; 1"; Mnm llh, wiiii. 1 1 l:i ei nil Hindu or clly nnd I., one III uie I I' II M T V 11 r. , in,.. i,.iii.ii."i i. d hull umhloned clinlrn, nil ,lles ol l!i""tiiii lid uiui'iun, Inhhi, nli'l -.iinil", i in' ell - i hl line. lte.nllliiK lieiil- IV llllll OlllchlV 'II'. iioiimi.iiiiiiii.uui.','"I" lii.imiiiu tloii' -''-il no lee nnd leiiMiniililo I'.lli; in i" ''" 11...111..,. . ill short n. .He. , , Iliiivilli.-V-" Q U TJI ANN A IIOTKK, ij .iniuvUJSi; i'a. f 'jhe uhoso 'Intel him lately heell pnieh.isiil hy ,.itv' i et ii'i; M.i.i Iwi.ii iliovooiflilv li , I ..n..ln.l n.i.l r, It ulli UO, ,,i,,,.-. - found no. Ill lliulininwment nud opiolntinriils n IHtl-cliiw Ilolei, niul steond to nono lu llic luuntry. I'ersonn In elllen wl.nini! in sp no i hoi niiiiillm In Iho lounlry, will do well In give the I'loprlolor n c-lll. "j"T. IIUAIU), win" i.iiTiNcorr, ihnd a t o., Moiiunwiuriinnil Wliolesnlo Donleraln HATS, t'Al'S, 1'llltH, ANll bTUAW (I001, No, 113 MniUttMrcct. l'lillnihlihln. s NYDUH, 11A1UUS HASSOTT, Mnnufiicluri r mul Jol.hcin of .MI'N'H AND HOY'8 CLOTHINO, No. 02S MniUot, mid CK Commerce Htiel.)J I'hlhulcli.hui, I. W. DliAHON & CO,, J Mniiuf.vturcr of Oil. C1.0THH AND WINDOW HHADEH, Wiuiihouse, No. 121 Noilh Third Hlreet rllln,lelphla. ii. wAi;n:u, ' Ute WnlUr A ICnub, Importer mid IHnler lu CHINA, HLAfrH, AND QUilliNHWAUK, No.saiNorlliThlrilHtiict, between IUee nud Vlue liillKdelphle. a t- ii. iionyr w. t. vivv, ), B.SEvntitT GROCERIES, &c n O N V K 0 TION K II Y . I'l.o nn.trr.loticl wnnlil re.tiertfullr announco nn th in tno itiniio turn no nnft oiencu n I'lltST.CI.AKH CONI'I'.OTIONr.HY BTOUK, In the building Intely oecupled hy Ilcrnnrd Ktoh ner, wlio'o ho U prenntedto furnish nil klndu or I'l.AI.V A I'ANCY CA.MHIM, I'linXCIICANIHIX, l'OltllKIN A IIOMIXTIO I'nUITH, NUTM, ItAlNl.NH, AC, AC, AC. nr wiioi.i.sA r. i: on uktail, III l.horlt ft full nslorllnent of nil oodl 111 hll line of hulne. A Itrent ntlcty of I)OI,I,H, TtlYR, Ac, miltnhloforlho Holldnyn. I'nrllculnr ntlMitlon Htvcu to IlUIlAl) AND CAKllR, of nil kliuN, frcili overy day. CltHIHTMAH CANDtl'. I4, Oil I HTM AH TOYH. A mil li nollelted, nnd Mttlsfnctlon will lo Bimrnnleed. Nov. 22, ISOT. IICKIIAI'.T JAC0II8. n K Jt O V A I. O V C. 0. MAIttl'H X 13 W fi T 0 H 1J TO N 11 1 V IV H Jl I. O C K, ON Tilt: COHNfin OF MARIvKT ANI1 lltON STREETS, The underilgned lmvluis received from the clly n full nnd eonipleto iuiiply of Hl'llINd AND HU.MMI'.ll DltY GOODS AND (lltOOKIUKS, SOTIO N H, T1NMVAHH AND HAUIMVAUK, ClUlAll .IX t) Wll.IMW-WAlU:, roNn:cTioNi:nY, oi.ass-waui:, T O 11 A 0 0 O , 11 A TH A A- ) ,V O J:,S, 1'tiOUIt, HALT, l-'IHIf, ANll .mi:at, nil of which I propoo Nelltnsnt n very low flguro for cnih or produce, ft3 t nil nnd seo. April 12, 1M.7 c, c. jiahu. pKIlNAUI) STOHXJIIt, Would reipcctfully nnnounceto his friends nnd pultons, Hint he hai opene I n llrMt.cInHH I'ltUIT A CONKKCTIONKIIY STOltH wheve thero may ho found nt nil tlniei, n flnecoi- lectlon of rnuiT, co.Ni'ixTio.Ni:nY, nuts, ac, ns well ns I'INi: (HtOCKlHIN, which may ho nhtnlued nt reasonnhlo lntes. The slock ii nlwiiyn freihnndof thoM'ry host quality No pains will ho sp.irod to mako tills estuh ishiuent tho tlnoit of Its Itlu 1 in t m'll. A call is 'solicited hcfoie purehnes nro undo elvewhelo ns It is helleved that perfect sallsf.icllon will ho Bltii. coi.u.MiiiA nousn, Main St., oppislto Miller's Hloie, nus'J'GT, llloontshurt', l'.v QCIIKM,, 1U1I10KH & CO., OKNKIIAL CO.M.MlM-lluN MIlltClIANIM I.Vulers I u I'Ml. SALT, CHi:iE, I'ltOVISIONS, Al' Nos. 122 and 121 North Wlutt es, nbovo Aieh -t l'hllililtlpliln. Solo njients lor Ylh',.'fi Wheel Ounse.ln hnr reis, itrys, nnd cms. yAixwiuanT a co., W II O L 1. S A L 11 ll!OCi:ilH, N. H. Cornel Second nnd Areli Slrei ts, l'mi.AIKM'llIA, Di'.llels In Til K, SYIIIIl'is, COKfUi:, .stlOAlt, .MOIKSKM' llll'K, hl'KKS, 111 CAItll soli.t, .tr AC. r. Orders will lecelve promjit attention. MjlV 10, NS7-ly. jj v. I'lyrr.itJiAx, Willi LIl'liNCOTT A TKOTTKU, WHOLKSAI.Ii OKOCmiH, No. 21 North Wnlcr Slreel, nnd No. 20 Nol 111 I Vlawaro Avenue liillndi lhla. "yKAVKH A Sl'HANKLK, wiioLiMALi: onoci:i:n:s and commission MllltCHANTrf, Nos, 223 nnd 227 Arch Street Philadelphia. DRY GOODS, &c. G HAND OPKNIXfi (lltAND Ol'I'.N'INO (lltAN'll Ol'DNI.NIl (lltA.Vll OI'IININO (il'.ANH Ol'l'NINO I'AI.l, AND WlNTi:it (IOOI11. 1'ALI, AND WINTIIIl (lOOIW. I'AI.l, ANll WINTIMl (IOOIW I'AI.L AND WINTDlt (IOODS I'AI.L AND WINii:it (!00lw con'.lslInK nt consisting of cousllln,, of oonsistln of . oonslstlnjt of HiiY nooim, diiy nooim, IlltY OOOIN, Ditv (inoiw, DIIY HOODS, HATS AND CAPS, 1 1 ATS AND t'Al'S, HATS AND t'Al'S, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND UA1-S, hoots and mtoix HOOTS ANll MIOIN hoots and siioin hoots and shoi:k hoots and hii01x, nllAHY-MAlir. CLOrillNO. ih:ady-madi: fi.oniiNo ltHADY-MADM CLOTH INfl, hi:ady-madi: cloiiiinu, I! KADY-MA 1 K CLO'li UNO, LOOlCINO-OLASsns, I.OOICINO-OLASsIS LOOKMNO-IILAMS LUOKINO-OLASSIN LOO K I N ll-l ! I .Ass l-js, NOTIONS, Nil I'll INK, NOliONS, NO I IONS, NOl IONS,, PAINTH AND OILS, I'AINIS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS ANll OILS, PAl.Mh AND IIIIK, IlKOlilltlRS, liltoli.lllLs, llllO(i:itll.s, liltolLIIII'., UltULIUtU S, OUHI'.NisWAHl'., i (im.l'.NSWAlIK, ((ULl'.NMWAlli:, tilMILNhWAIti:, tCL'L'NHVA Kli, HAHDWAlli:. HAItllWAIIi:, HAHDWAlli', HAHDWAlli.:, HAHDWAHK, TINWAHK, TINWAlti:, TINWAIti:, ii.nwahi:, 'iinwaiii:, HALT, SALT HALT HALT, HALT, KIWI. l'ISII lisll run liSH, flltAIN AND SHDDS, (I HA IN AND HKKHS, (IHAIN AND bLLDS, (HtAIN AND SHHDS, OltAIN AND HUIIDS, Ac, Ac, Ac, AT AtrKI'.LVY, NHAl, & CO.'H, Jlt'KLLVY, NHAL M CO.'H, MlKLLVY, NIIAI, A CO.'s! .MlKLLVY. NIIAI. A ixi "H. . JieKLLYY, NIUL A CO.'H. Northwest corner of ilnlu nud .Market Hlreels, Norlhwesteoriurof Main mul Market streets Northwest corner of Mailt nnd Mnrktt siiecls, Norilmest corner of Main mul Minket hiiei is. Northwest cu rmr of Alulii and Mnrket HI 1 1 1 ti. IIUJOMHIH'IUI, PA HLOOMSllllHO p.. IILOOMSIIUItll, p. HLOOMHIIIIItO PA. RLOOMHIIl'UO, PA. IKON AND NAIIX, IKON AND NAHM, IKON ANll NAII.H, IliON AND NAIIX, IHON AND NAILH In laree eunntlllti and at rcriurcd rslM. cn Imtid. 1-. , HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIIAHliKS W.HNYDHU, II A 11 1) V A Jt K, I HON. NA11.M. HTKI'.L. AC At!., AO. MAIN HTIIHI'.T, Ill.OO.MMIIUltO, I'KNN'a. Tnke this method nf lufoimlliulhe tlllttllsof to- lunihl.ieouly, Ihnttio has opened nn cxtcmlto llnrdwnrostoroiiii.Mnln ulritt, In llloom.liuig, near Ironslreil.nnd Hint hu has ou handn I,All(Ji:it s I (K'iv AMI' I1I.IT1II BM)UTi:il thanennhi foiindnin wh ." else In Ihocounty, mid Willi h he Inlellds UU'll nl prlies Willi h defy colupelHIiin, C1IA1NH, AXIJH, ri'l'Klilj, lliufl. t hmo rh.ilns. all sllf. I1XCS, nil lllnko niul welishl.sleel.nll, Iron, nil slmpes, nnd nil very low. iiuir.nnii'H ii ah i) w Aim, of every deserlrllons. Nnlls, nMo pulleys, BMh eorit, latches, locks nnd l;noh,lmlt Beies,Mwh fasts, window springs, i.ase Klioiw.Mrnp niiiKes, hasps nnd staples, Imotts and slnptes, mul In fuel every llilnn needisl In I hit line. COACH A WAOON MAKllItM' llAHDWAIli:. eiiilunclnsnlinost every thing III Hint line. Also HAll.N'liSH SIA1WIIS' iiAiunv.Miii, nucklcs. Jaimnnedi hucltles, sliver plalcili hltts or every kind , HAMf", Iron; pad Ircosi IIami, wood s-nddlo trees, sis trees, elrtli wc,' worsleil nml cotton I thread, silk, nwls nnd needles, tool, of nil kinds. HIIOHM AKint'H ItAUDWAllK, A full nssottnient forcnrpenlcw. I hnve planes all kliiils. mtwsi hnnd, pntincl, rip, niulcmnmni, squires steel, Iron, nnd try ! lmrlng mnehines, clilsIcM, nugers, ho els, mnllcls, brnecs, unngos, plows, rules, hits, nnd nliont everythlug for car- peiuem. ron run rron.i: t.Y' I hnve eonl hods, coul uliovels, scoops, coat sifters, Innl erusnhlo ctltIcry,poekel culleiy, pliilod spoons, plnlcil lorks, ser ers, tr n nnd eof. reopots.hultcrkiilves.intllstiw's, cross cut saws, circular sows, gniiRsitws, llles, horso shoes,wi cliches, 1 1 i ls,hnm incrs, hatchcls, inalloelcs, picks, forks, griili. hlns lines, shoMds, sisides, spading forks, hoes, rakes, bed phis, twine, skntrs, plows, ooflln trim. lulns-, l.uiery, red chalk, white (hnlk, wlro, lioiso halts, ini'.il i utters, si ules, wiwli boalils, horse hui'Uels, wooden pulls, elolhis pins, glue, iloor mats, porch mats, par lor hints, corn popiier-i, paint hl'uslies, liolsn brushes, Klelljii bells, liei 1 cnllts, enamel. ed kttllcs, brass kettles, copper kellles, stewkeltles,snuce pnns.bnnd nxcK, nulls, Sledges, curtain Ilxiures, llillnb!el,kelns nnd boxes; Pumps, lend pipe, cle, Tarred ioH'nud hundreds of nrtleies not ,pmi- nieinted eoustnutly on hlindnt CHAHLI.S W."K DKII S, Main Hire. I, Itlooni burg. Q.i;)lUJK II. JIOUKHTS, IniiKirternnd Denier irk 11 MlinVAItr, CtTTT.miY, UVSft, An , ill .VutliTliIlUStreot,u,l,o',o Vlue, I'lil'iitlplphuu JAtoll K. SMIl II, J, I!, H13.TI 1! g .M 1 T 11 A ,S li 1,T '. Kit, Ilnrsirtersnud Denters In I'oiviftn uud Doliii stie II A U 1) V A It K, 11 i: N S, C L i 1. 1. It Y, AC., XO. 'I'lll , 'I until Mill 1.1, All. rAl.l-oWll U.I , I'JilLAIiLLl'HIA. Nov. 22,C7-tf, IRON, TINWARE, &.C. JvTATIONAl, I'OUNDHY, Hlooni'.bui'ij, Columhi.1 Coutily, Tn. The subsrilbtr, proprietor of llio c.boe-l lined exlenslve osnblMiment, is now iirepnreil to te elvo ordeis for nil kinds of MACHINi:l!Y ri)!'. COLLIEltir.s, llLAi-'r 1'UltNACIis, STATIONA11Y KNOINIj', MILLS, TilltlWIHNU MAUHNIW, Ai Ho is ulsn prepared to luuke HtoMnof nil Blr.ts nnd pnlh rus, liow-lrous, und ovoO'thlug tuuially madu In lltst'Cliisu I ouudlits. Ills e.xlenslo facilities mil rrimllcnl worknic wairunt him in Hcchinu tlio largest contracts on tho most rensounhlo terms, tlialn of nil kinds will bu Inkcii In txciinnge for Cnstlngs, Thlsestnhil'.linu'nl Is .nuh-a nwir the finolrr wanna nud lll.oiiisl'tir,i It.illit.:i.l Depot, 1'inr.r. hili.mylk. QTOVKS AXJ) 'I'iXWAlli:. A. M. ltUl'WtT nnnounees to his filcnds nud iiislomer tlmt cout limes the uboo business at his old pl.iceou main sritrrr, iii.ooMsiit'r.0. Customtis can ho nccomodnteil Willi I'ANCY HTOVW or nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd eeiy n rlefy or mtlelo luund in u Htoo nnd iinwmo lii tnbllsliment lu thocllh s.nnd ou tho most reason, able terms. Hipiihlngdoneiittheshorlcsl uollci Si DOZ1IN MILK-PANH on hand for sale. STOVi: AND TIN HIIOI. ON MAIN STIIIXT, NEAIll.Y OI'I'OSITL Jlir.I.Ell' bTOltl', IlI.OOMHHUP.a, punn'a. Tin; uudcrslgiied has Just llllcd npniid opined Ills new STOVK AND TIN SIIOI', In tills place, wlicle l.c Is piepmeil lo mako up luw'iix Waiii: of nil kinds lu Ids Hue, uud do repalilugwllliiiuiliiissi.ini ill-nilih, upon Ih.' most leiisiimihle Uiius. He also hi ps on hnnd h'lOVl.s 01' VAllllll'H I'Aiil.IINH Ahl YLI'S wlilch lie will seH up, in u mis lo suit pm. hnsi is! ile him ii mil. II. K n eonl luiihiinle, i.u.l iiesei ving ol I no plllillu p.iUi.illiue J At nil Ml TZ Hliiiimsl'iiii!, prll 2'l !m. TOBACCO 8i SEGARS. 'VUl. DMiY I'l.Ai l. lu let llie best TOIIACCO AND I'KlAIls, AT WIIIII.r.SALi: ANll IILTAII. lit IIUNIISIIKIUIKII K, a few doois below Ihe Amellci'li House, Hlouiiislnirg, Tu, IIu.hns llio largest and li.osl selei l ol HMOICINU AND tilEWtrTOHXcai " eurolleiol to the dllens of Illoomibuig, All llio fancy brands of HHGAH. nnd Hi. hen lini.cul und pluj CHIiWINd TOIIACCO, enn bo had nl Ills counters, TOIIACCO I'lPlM lu gmit vni It y mo nmong hu large Hock. DON'T I'Ollfiia' TO CALL H. II, iU'NsUWtOIJII. JJ W. HANK'S ''llOI.Ii.U,i: TOIIACCO, HN VVV, AND CiOAU WAHKHOUSi:, No.118 North Till i list i ict, lietween Choi i y nnd llace, ws,t side, Phllndelphl.i, Qf li. WOODHUI'l.', Wholtsiilo Dtulers iu TOIIACCOS, CK1A11H, l'll'W, Al' At',, No. 11 Nol III Third Hint I, above Maikct, rhllatliluhln, 0 JINI11US UNK, Tho undersigned would lespetlfully announce tu tlio citizens of Woonisbmg nud llio public gene. rally that ho Is running nn O.MNIIIUHLINK hctwcin this plnco nnd Ihodliliunt rnllioud il pots dally Wuinliisexecpled),liHoniutl with Iho soeriil trains going Soulh mul West 011 tho Cnln. wlssn mid Wllllnnutiort Itullrond, nud with those going Noilh nnd Houllion tlio Ijiiknwiinnnuud lllooiiuburg Knllloml. ' HlsOmuibussesnio lu good condition, 1 online. dlous and comroi table, nnd charges leasonnhle. Persons wishing tn meet or seo their friends de. tiart.cail bo nts-omoilateil unou ti.f.uf.iifil.lncliiii'ii.i 1 i.uwui..i,ii.,uliu..n ,.. , ...., , , oi uioiiuivi.. Avuii ujiiius. i ioiiricior. DRUGS & MEDICINES. JAVB YOCIl JIONUYI fi ii r a t in i it c r M i: n t si ti u i: a t i: it i n it r i r m h n t hi i n it r a t r h t i n in t i m r. n t hi 1 1 At Tin: OLD DllUO KRUll; of h. N. MO UK, Wlicleinu ho found the I.AUM-si niul lit r A hoiiTauiNT, over ofTeied to Iho tlilrcns of th coimly, of Drugs, Chen), i , Prtlllls, oils, OlMB, V.'.lltillC Putty, 1 ii . , DyoSUifft, ..Ii.udl'ii. , nit of these nre of Iho best knu, n make nnd warranted ns pure nnd uiwhtli t I it, T " nnd Inrgestslopit nf V A N C Y A K T I C L I. 1 tnbehiund In Oil i nr wjjnlnlti . , PerlMmory" nilrl'i.".. rnncysont, J u I,. , C .in'js, i i . ItnlrOlls, '1 d 'I Wile BtnMonery, 1'"' ket ' T O U A C C O 1. t Smoking nml ohowlns, Cignrs of ail iioHcilpUous, lilies, Clg'ii ltoldLM, HOL'SKIIOLD AlflKI.I.S. Ijimps, iissorled sli s nnd sl ics, Lamps, tiiiMNi'.is, hiiahhs, llrnNKi.s, MIHCKLIVNl:iH'H OOOIIS. Hjiongeii, Chnmols Skins, OalhcUis, Hpeculuins, Sjr'nge", Unnst Pumps, P.ubber floods. Tiuiwcs of nil appiocd pntterus Ac, Ac. I, I (J r o It H. A line ns'ioitmrnt of uie Hqnoisjor medical eouslaiitly on h.iud-an.l lliohe.l known hinds of M10.MACH lll'lTLIIS. I'ATWNi' AlKtHt'lNLS of eery descrll.tlou, Hi eluding tlio best Mil idles of pills und tonics. Noftlieh Htock has cur pnsinUil to Hit people of litis si i Hon or counlry. Tho prlccsnre usNUinll as the stock Is large. The UViofcsoIc Vt tern are More f.lNorahio lo the puiehnser thsn eer, as Airangcmi nls hno hei n eireeteil with Ihe wholesale dealers 111 Ihe hiriter cities, so thllt goods run lie ploelllt .1 lu llliiolu bui'tnseli 'p'.i .. .n V. u Y uiiorliill.uUlph. eu'r.iiiiilii .1 .i in. i mi iy InvKc.l ti slmly then ono mi. n ,t, by examining I lltOLlt. Itomcml i rtl .'i ' I.xpiia M Ill.nn, nb. Exchnnio' Hob I, M 'In 'lu , i Wo i ishuri;, Jllll. Ill, iHlS. li u VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 13 THE t,1!ilACLE OF THE AGE! Ci litj'-IIotid t'il "Poo 'lis lr v thi ir n"':j u-tore.l liy it to th. iu J. i ' n.,, filrn treiscs of youtli, mid un hup -yl YouiilVoiiU',witiinV;if,V? 1 'i rrcti Ilalr lmo tho.o uutUiliionablo iolor to n beautiful auburr, ami't 1 IVoplo whoso head.-, uro ejttr .1 Willi Uaiulrvff nn 1 uie 11. mi'1 lias cl.'Aii coaH anil tlcir nnd lnaltliy er.lp Jfltlll-IIt'IlllC'll Vt'lft'llllM 1.1 their remaining locks tiRhleni'd, mid (u li.tro roots eovcreil xvltli a luxuriant ir of Ilnir, nml dance for joy! Yoiiiik Oentlcm.n u i It because it i tidily perfumed! Yuunu Indiei u i' lucum It tliolr Il.tlr In place! IIveryTioilv itiut r.'d vi'l u ;o it. lecau It h tlio cPanast nn 1 lat iirtitlo in tli market! For Dalo by Druggist'' gDncrally. ANll 1 oil HAI.1; liy L. N. MOY HP. nnd U P. I.l'TZ., Uloomshtiiu, und M, M. HUollsT, Catiiwlssa. Jiintiiuy 21, ls.'is-:i. J. JIOVKH, whoi,i:sali:a iiltail 1) II U0CI IS T, IOItM:il Ol' MAIN AMI l KlvKT STEEETS, HLOOMsIil'itO, l'A., whtiowltlbo found 11 liuvo nnd select stock of Druss, JIKDIOINKS AND CIIKJIICAI.S. Also nil tlio J'AIKNT MEUltlNHS Of rite UKX, I niu nlsupiepnredto furulsU Country stores with Cnslnr Oil, Uoilfiey's Conll.ll, TUHLINOSTON'H 1IALHA.M, nnd nil oilier meiliclucs kept in their lino nt t'il) prices, CjU PiescriidlolH cnrefully compounded at all liouiM. In liio.llclnes, qu.illly Is or the tlrst IniportniKo. Itliiouisburg, JuueT, ls,i7 13 A lT U II 'H 1 mill 1. Ill' I A 1. .11 A Nl 1!LS. i'lfWe nlinouncu to fiimeis nnd denhis 111 rellillei-.llial Iho lollowing prices luie hull ll.lopt, d lor Iho pi. .sent SprillK season ! IlAroll'H ItVW II11NK lilo.PIIATi: Pl'il '. VI pi r 2,'SSI lbs. HM'dll S CHK'MIO IIONi: li'.lll'ILIZI lilee, lil per 2.UHJ lb, HAI OUHt IIIO Uio IILniU) MAN I ltl Prlu', fjU per v.ihiu ll.s, Thii well-lnioMi popul.n iradfiuiiik wilMe r.iiiiul ii on t .1.1 1 ui'L , . ..i to. abovomauiiris. llii' li.pli t Mliimlion in v hit ti llM'fjn'h Jlo JIan i'i(jliut' bit i) Im nl, i 1 ,jif( joiiiUtn(,niN lnwt, ofcliull mlly hhi ! 'ii ih lutuiv. 1 1 a log now Uio(nliieioiiH(.i .,t Hit yiint itioutti' o! Un i lly .t ( l.leiico.i. LOiiiitlilnu Amm""'' nnd J'ln..i 11 ic jUciltltnu UKiU rial, Uniitu, l)rlil 1 Jt li, ilkul, Ac., MuJmr. In connctlloii with our vml.s in riiiimu-lrhln, Mioiiuncht l.u MJoJi lor liiintiiuu ihiM niuuuii-ri, ut Uie tiloM 1ot jirlcow. Han tf h A hoiiM, I'lili'juU'li'liln. .Ntirili-Wtnt'in I tiiilUfii I'u., (Iiicnuo. .lohii JEnUonA Cn Urntinl AU., Nt'W Voik. (icoHIo W, KI1K0 tV. to,, " lloston. lieiuKo iHiRtlulf, VhoU:Uc AkC, Hallinioii' Tor hilornialion icucunn iiiunbooMimnn ft.lH'i.H fit la i of the iiboM- Iiouwk, iJiui'-M'tivJiu. UMIHtUHTKH IHtUTUKU, Impoiiers nnd Jobbers or lIOSlllliY, (1I.OYUS, HI I IIIIS AND Dlt A writs, HlHTONS.HUHlT.NDl.ll 11001 hicihts, iiandi;i:iichii:i'h, thithaim, skwino much, THIMMINOS, POltTliMONN Ml feOAPH,li:iU'U.Ml:P.Y. I'ANCY UOI'IS M NOlioNSUiM II XLI.X . Also Mfinulacturei-'. or IIIIUHHI'X AND I.OOKINU elLASHrs. nnd Dealers hi WOOD AND WILLOW WAItl., IlllOOMH, ItOPIM, TWINI '. ' No, W North Third Hirctl.iilsivo Vine liilladclpliln. jljiw.nn it host,-- Kiiccissoisn rrunkllu P.HcUzer A Co., luipoi In s mid Wliolesnlo Dealers lu I I.HH'OHH, WINI', Ac, Nos, ligtind IISNoilli Third Hlreet, riilladelplila. jJ JI. MAIU'J,!:, NonoNs, iiosiriiY, ar.ovix, and I'ANCY (IOODS, No. &1 North Third Htreet, Philadelphia. Ss