The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 27, 1868, Image 3

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Htt OfolumMjui
iii.ooMMiiunn, 1'iiiDAV, M.uti'ii nt,'n.
ItllAtt Slinrpleft'H nilvcrtlMcmont In
niiolhor coltiinn,
I'. John flnlin.H lo bo tlio father of
tin) llciulilicuii pnrly In tills County.
If bo It Is now stiirorltiR for tlio sins of
Its purcnt.
Tin; Northumberland Democrat cop.
lus In Its local columns four articles
without credit, from tho Coi.umma.s.
"Why is this tliti-.'.'
.loit.v Ai.stadt, who now barbers on
Main Street near Court lloiiso Alley,
April 1st moves his shop to the. room
ubovo Miller's store.
Tin: real estate of flcorija AV. Palmer
deceased, In Port Noble, has been sold
at Orphans' Court salo to O. A. Jac iby
for tho sum of STii'-MJl).
K. II. Iiirrxi:, Ksq. has sold his houo
and lot on tho road loading to l.l(;ht
Ktreet, Just abovo tho Tannery, to
Samuel Hnzeltlno for tho sum of 1'
Oii)i:oN IIi'.iht has sold his lioiiso and
lot on Iron Street to Frederick llender
shot for $si.j0.oo hikI has bought Homier
shot's property on tho samo street for
j.vhi.od. i
Tjiosi: of our subscriber!!, both In
town and country, who contemplate
changing thciraitilre-H or locution about
tho First of April, should notify us of
tho fact that tho address of their papers
may bo changed.
"Tilt: Twin Sons" is respectfully do
el I n vi.llrtt(lor(l Argun.
All wo can say Is (hat an editor who
would decline a pair of "Twin Sons" is
unworthy of tlio name of an American
A ((iiiiii:si'oxii"nt at Wllllnmspiirt
Informs us that during the recent fresh
et there, tlio water leached twenty-one
feet nlno Inches in height, being six
feet three Inches less than tho flood of
lSiij. (leu. Knt lost ."0,0(r feet of logs
by It.
Ai'I'moa.vtu for Tavern or Restau
rant licenses should file their potillons
at once. On receipt of twenty live
cents wo will send tho petition and
bond required under tho present laws.
Two of tho bondsmen must be signers
to tlio petition.
Ouu friends In Greenwood achieved a
glorious victory, electing tho Judge of
elections by IS majority. This Is n di
rect verdict of tlio peoplo of that town
ship against tlio action of the lato Flec
tion Hoard, In refusing tho votes of reg
ularly qualified citizens.
Fcoxom v. Tho father of an Interest
ing family not long sinco stopped tho
only newspaper which ho had over al
lowed himself or family, and solely on
tho ground that ho could not airord tho
expense. This man chows up fourteen
dollars and sixty cents' worth of tobac
co every year.
Ai'I'OI.ntmijxts by the Fast Balti
more M. K. Conference for Herwick,
John A. (ieare, (i. 11. Day (Supply);
ISorwick Circuit, P. Franklin, Alfred
H. Itowman, Deacon. Illoomsburg, Jus
tus A. Jfellck, A. llnrtman, (Supply).
Kspy and Light Street, Wm. M. Meu
ii'Ker. Tin: opening of Market St. to Its pro
per width will soon be a llxed fact. Tho
preparatory work has already been
commenced, and in u short tlmo tho
buildings that obstruct tho way will bo
moved back to their new foundations,
thus completing- another- necessary im
provement. Tho spirit of progress is
abroad, and will not be smothered.
Sl iu)i:.v 1)i:.tii. Our esteemed fel
low citizen, Charles II, Hess of Milllin,
whilo pursuing Ids Usual duties dropped
down dead in his lot. He had Just been
up in tho village, and did not seem to
have any pain or any disease. A short
tlmo since ho occupied the position of
County Commissioner. I towns univer
sally loved and esteemed, and his loss
will be deeply regretted by all tlio-e
who knew him.
Tin; School DIrcclorsof llloom Town
shin havo purchased two lots at tho
eastern termination of Fifth Street
from F.llas Meiidenhall and Judge
Kvans, on which they propose to erect
a two story brick school house, to ac
commodate the people In that end of
town. The school houso near tho rail
road Is in tho way of openlngthatstrcot
and must bo removed, whilo the one
In thu back part of Smoko town Is In a
filthy alley, and is too dilapidated for
human being to live In.
Ouu many readers will learn with
regret of tlio sudden death of Kdward
M'Henry, one of tho pioneer settlrrs of
Columbia county, and for over half a
century a leading surveyor In It. On
last Friday ho attended the election at
Oraugevllle, and lato at night started
for home, In company with Silas Ap
plenum. Tlio latter left him at thu
bridge over flreen Creek, near Vanco's,
from which point tho road ascends the
hill along asleep bluff. Tho old man,
not reaching homo tho following day,
his family became alarmed, and sent lo
Orangevillo for Information. Learning
that ho had left town tho night before,
they looked at tho bottom of tho ledgo
below Bowman's mill, whero ho was
found dead among tho hushes, one arm
clasping them, nnd tho other on his
breast. A sovere contusion was found
on his temple, which, undoubtedly
caused his death. 8, nt least, tho in
quest found. Ho leaves n largo family
mid a numerous circle of friends.
Important 8am:. Capt. Caslowhas
sold tho Kxchango Hotel In this place
to W. H. Koons, its former proprietor
and Henry J. Clark, former proprietor
of tlio Susquehanna HotelatCatawIssa
for the sum of $10,000, not Including
tlio furniture, which Is to bo appraised
on Monday. They havo also purchased
Mr. A. J. Sloan's btoro for $10,000, al
though for tho present ho remains there
Tho purchasers get possession on tho
1st of April. It Is their intention to on
tlrely ro-llt and ro-furnlsli Iho wholo
Hotel, turn tlio ball-room into bed
chambers, and mako other sweeping
Messrs. Koons nnd Clark aro well
known to tho citizens of this County
as well as to tho traveling public, and
their names am un assur nco that Hotel will bo kept under their
('aid. Caslow leaves tho Hotel with
tho good wishes of tho entire communi
ty, Ho has proved an obliging land
lord, and an enterprising citizen.
Tin: poem sent us by "a subscriber"
Is respectfully declined for want of a
responsible name.
12. W. Wynkoop A Co'h., Spring
term of School will commence on tho
0th of April next. Lt
V. Jolt.v is succeeding admirably In
making tho party "a unit." Ho comes
nearer to it each year.
Ouu amiable friend It. J. Clark, has
sold his Hotel stand In Catawls-a, to
Samuel Kostcnbouder for $1 1,000.
TitHsnowstoriiioflnst Friday was an
oxeccdlngly severe one and did more to
Impede travel, and Interfere with Hall
Iload communication than any previous
storm during tlio winter.
Tin: pigeons were quite numerous In
this section on last Saturday and Sun
day, and many ot them wcro netted or
shot by our sportsmen, l.argo num
bers were caught In tho back Town
ships. Tin: question of the dlvWon of lirl
arcreok Township seems to havo died
out. Locust Township, whero tho same
question was left ton vote of tho people,
decided against division by a majority
of 1 HI votes.
llr.V. .1. P. TrsTlN, Pastor of the
Haptlst Church of this place, owing to
his onerous duties, has decided to rest
for a season, and hence, until further
notice, tiiero will bo no more preaching
there. The prayer meetings will be
continued ns usual.
'i: would suggest to tho editor of
the Republican tho propriety of In-ert-Ing
In his weakly sheet the following
advertisement :
A N T K D.
"tu1 InmilrtM nlilu-linllfil Ui.tnililii'iiti lit mrry
Mimm Timn.hlp. 1'. JOHN,
Wm. Lewis sold ii lot at nubile sale
on Saturday lat, to Mn-c Hart fur $.!(!,
lion. The lot Issltuatid on Iron -tivt't.
We gather the above alouinllng
piece of Insinuation from the .Seranton
Ileputliran. Having drawn up thu pa
pers In that ease we aro able to slate
that Moses Hurst bought thu lot for
lilt. (10.
A Sllltioi'.s accident occurred on
Thursday last In connection witli tlio
moving of tlio old building on Main
Street, by which Harrison Sliatl'er had
his right leg crushed just above the
ankle. Ho was clearing away tlio
wreck of tho building when a heavy
piece of timber fell on Iiiin Injuring him
as stated.
A rr.wday.ssinco Henry Hlttenbender,
brother of Conrad Hlttenbender of this
place, was found dead undera tree near
Ida residence In Hollonback Township
Luzerne County. No cause is asign-
d for ids sudden demise. This is tlio
third death, almost without warning,
which haseomoto our knowledge with
in the past week.
Last Spring tlio editor of tho Repub
lican denied having had anything to do
with tho formation of tho tick-
ot, and intimated that the overwhelm
ing defeat then sustained was In coiise-
queued of It. This year lie managed
tho caucus In person and so managed as
to defeat ills friends womu than before,
notwithstanding tho ''aid and comfort"
from romo so-called Democrats.
Tin: llimii.i:iiti:i:i. It. m.iioah.
The work ou the railroad between this
place and Northumberland has been
ommuncod, and quite a number of
hands aro at work a short distance bo-
low Northumberland bridge. We nlso
le.iru that an additional subscription of
$100,000 has been obtained In Now York
City, ami from parties from whom still
further aid may bo expected. .SWM-
ijrare Junes.
I'm: fsraclite, one of the most itillu-
enlial of the JewWi organs, says:
"While clad with tlio brief authority of
lopartiuoiit commander, Oeu. (Irani is
sued an order expelling the Jews from
his department. We can neither work
nor vote fora man wliohasthusabu-ed
his authority, who outraged a whole
cla-s of citizens, although many Jews,
olllcers and privates, fought In the
ranks and line."
Tim; Montour American has in glaring
capitals "First Ouu" "Republicans
Triumphant" "Inerea-ed majority"
"New liampshirospeaks." F.vldeutlv
llrnwer presumes on the ignorance o.
Ills readers. A l-s of TU.) In majority,
and L'l members of the Legislature don
look iiiucli like an "iuure.i-eil majority''
Tho fact is, however, the retention of
Radical States llko Massachusetts and
Now liainpihlru in a mutter of con
gratulatlon, though we think they will
not long enjoy it.
Couuts or Lu.r.uxi:. Jury List of
April Term. Joopli Walton, Salem;
Jacob Seely, Salem;.!. W. Stevens,
Huntington; Kdniuud Cullenders, Hun
llugton; John Feiisterniacker, Hollen
back; Nathaniel tio-s, Hunlluglou;
(ieorgu Rhone, Huntington ; Henjamlii
I'vims, Nescopee; II. A. Hldlack, Hun
lington; J. W. F.nglo, Hollenback,
Thomas R. Chaplii, Huntington ; Na
than Harrison, Huntington; Daniel
Crnglo, Hollenback; Thomas Hicks,
Salem ; Charles Frey, Nescopee ; Joseph
Hess, Hollenback; Henry Moore,Salem.
Wr. were witness to a"movlng scene'
last week. Daniel ltaumun having
purchased ouo of the old buildings on
Main Stroct, near F.sq. Chemberlln's,
attempted In move It to Third Street
After much labor and frequent mishaps
it win moved to within a few yards of
Its destination, when an unfortunate.
lurch tumbled It over, and completed
tho destruction, which age, rats, and
Ill-usage had begun. The occasion fur
ulslied employment to a number of
able-bodied men, besides giving the
boys amusement, and Idlers a chance
to tell how much better they could do
it. Upon thu whole, It was a rrmhlny
Sl'lti'iilHiMi. -The Intimation or
knowledge (lencrnl Fill had of hlsnoni
luatlon for the olllcu of Surveyor Urn
eral, by tho Democratic State Conven
tlon, was obtained from tho Phlladel
phla morning papers of Thursday
morning, whilst on a brief visit to bis
friend Dr. Lott, of this Horough. Ho
came hero during our absence at Hur
rlsburg, and wo had no knmvledgo of
his being in town until ho called ou us
on Thursday afternoon, for some Infor
mation ou the subject uf his noiiiiiiii
tlon, In this Instanco tho oillco lias
trulv touolil the man. Whilst at our
oftlcu he was presented to quite a mini
her of our Democratic citizens, upon all
of whom lie mado a very favorable Im
preslon, Sutton Sentinel.
Election Returns.
I)r.AVi:u. Justice of tho Peace, Allen
Mann, Wm. Michael; Constable, Thos.
J. Shuman ; Supervisor, Reuben Hons,
Nntlian Hrcdbcnucr, Sr.; Assessor, Nn
Hum llredbenner, Jr.; Poor Overseers,
John Hnuck, Daniel Slngley; Judge,
Isaac Kllngerman ; School Directors,
Allen Mann, F. L. Shuman, 1 S. M.Ooar
hart ; Inspector, Joel Hrcdbcnucr, Jno.
Shuman ; Auditor, Andrew Shuman.
lli:uwicu Ronouoir. Chief Hurgess,
Silas 12. Walton ; Assistant Hurgess,
Wm. Ross; Town Council, L. H, llru
mou, W. II. Woodln, Hudson Owen,
Wm. Herrln, D. C. M'Henry; Judge,
It. II. Faton; Inspector, L. T. Thomp
son, Levi llredbenner ; Poor Oversers,
(i. II. Fowler, Jacob Moyer ; Constable,
JohnM'Anall; High Constable, J. S.
Chamberlln ; Assessor, Nathan Stock ;
School Directors, l. O. M'Henry, Jacob
W. Dcltterick.
IIi.oom. Poor Overseers, Stephen
Knorr, .Install II. Furman ; Supervi
sors, Peter Hlllmeyer, MuthlasSballer,
Charles Thomas; School Director",
William Peacock, Wesley Wirt; As
sesor, L. H. Rupert; Constables, Jacob
S. FvaiH, James K. Kycr; Judge, Aaron
Hendcrsliot ; Inspector, I'. II. Freeze;
Auditor. M. F. Fyerly.
Hi'.ntok. Constable, Samuel Apple
man; School Director, J. (!. Wcnner,
J. R. Keller ; Judge, Charles Olbbons;
SupeavNors, John It. D.ivN, Thomas
Davis; Inspector, A. L. Davis, .1. W.
lllshllno; Auditor, Peter Kino; As-es-sor,
Fmanuel Laubiich ; Poor Overseers,
Jacob Welllver, Reuben (ilbbous.
HniAii Cm:t.K. Judge, Wm. La
mon; Inspectors, Isaac Hiower, Ree-e
M. Fck ; Supervisors, Kninier Doittei
Ick, .1. C. Suillli ; School Directors, Le
vi Shaffer; Oeo. W. Miller; Poor Over
seers, Oeorgo I'.vans, William Kllnlob;
Constable, Adam Suit ; Asesor, ('. F.
Sieel ; Auditor William Lnmon;
CnWMlllAM. Jus'lec or Pence, CO.
Murphy, Ilifiii d Tlio nton ; ( 'unstable,
J tin Gunning; Supeivlsor, Patrick
K.:.ui, Lawrence Casey School Dhccturs,
Martin Lauglilln, Richard Thornton,
Henry Diirkln, two years, James Hren
nan, two years, Lawience Keenaghan,
one year, Michael .Mulligan one year;
Poor Overseers, Thomas Kllker, 1). 'I'.
M'Klernan ; Auditor, C O. Murphy,
S. P. Ryan , Judge, .lames Dewey; In
spector, James Ilrenuou, Jacob Him
leauf; Assessor, James Dwey; Town
Clerk, Martin Flanagan ; Township
Treasurer, Richard Thornton ;
Cr.NTi'.AMA Honormr. Chief Hur
gess, Thomas O'Connor; Town Council,
Martin Cain, Philip lleirron, Hryan
Farrel, John M'Donald, Patrick Hurke;
High Constablo.Patrlck Kllleen ; School
Directors, John P. Hannon, John Kll
leen ; Judge, John C. Coughliu ; In
spector, W. 1). Mellck, Patk.Moiiaghau;
Justice of Peace James Uealy ; Poor
Overseers, Thos. (Jcraghty, Anthnuy
)'I)onncll; Assos-or, Thomas Oorey
Auditor, Pat'k. Fogarty ; Constable,
Patrick Kllleen;
CMNTiti:. Judge, John Hill ; lnspec
tors, Lafayette Creasy, J. Hagenbuch ;
Supervisors, Samuel Hagenbuch, Ste.
pben llutton; School Directors, Fit
ward Ilartmaii, John Kelchuer, Sr., II.
A. Schwoppoiiholsor; Poor Overseers,
Stephen l obe, Je-se lloll'man ; (.'iiti'-tii
bio, Henry 1). Knorr; Assessor, M. 11.
lllcks; Auditor, L. A. Hutchison :
Town Clerk, Samuel Neyliart.
C'ata Wlss.i. Constable, P. (I. Camp
bell ; Judge, Oeo. Willlls; Inspectors,
M, Ifawly, Jeremiah Shuman; As
es-or, Clinton Fills; School Directors,
James Iloeder, S. I). Itinard ; Poor
Over-eers, Abel Thomas, Stephen Hal
ly; Supervisors, John Kelfer, John
Strntissor ; Auditor Geo. S. Gilbert.
FistiiNii Citi:t:K. Silas M'Henry
Inspector, Isaac Labour, A. T. ('rove
ling; School Directors, William Long
F. M'Henry; Poor Over-eorVharlos
sh, K. M. Laubach ; Auditor .1. I
Campbell; As-esMir, Cyrus Rubbin-;
Constrble, Thomas J. Hutchison ; Su
pervi-ors, Philip Appleman, Michael
Lemon; Town Clerk, John Sutton,
FltANKM.w-Justice of the Peace
II. J. Rcodor; Judge, Clinton Mcndcii
hall; Inspectors, Daniel .air, Michael
Menseli; Constable, II. F. Clark ; Su
pervisor-, Jacob Lohrifian, .lamb Kos. '
tenbauder; Poor Overseer-, .Inii.itliin
toitiicr, Samuel lloagland ; S-leiol Di
rector-, Joseph Iliirtmaii, II. I'. Catik !
Auditor, James Ki-ter; A--e-snr, Win.
Glti;i:.NWtioii -.Lulge, A .1. AHuTl-
sou; tn-pietors, (i. W. n.iiliunn, Meii
olas Kindt ; Supervisors, Wm. F. Hob
bins, Peter (iirtou; Constable, P.iMon
Kline; School Director-, A. P. Young,
loliu C. Leuimou ; A e--or, .laiob S.
Kvans; Poor Overseers, .lames Van-
born, Henjanilii M. Henry; Auditor,
Ira D. Kline.
11 KM LOCK, fudge, Geo. W. Illtlle;
Inspectors, II. D, Appleman, Matlila-
G. Glrton; Constable, Daniel Neybart ;
Supervisor-, Daniel Yociuii, D. H.
Wagner ; School Directors, John M'-
Reynolds, Mathlas A. (iirtou; Poor
Overseers, Po-sawell Folk, Fll Old ;
ssessor, J. 11. I'oust ; Auditor, N. II.
Monro ;
Jackson, Constable, Win. Albcrbon;
Auditor, S.W.M'lIenry; Judge, Michael
Remly; School Directors, Abraham
Knous, William Parks, Hugh Shultz,
last two tin; Supervisors, Fphrnlm M'
Henry, Joseph Yorks; Poor Overseers,
(icorgo Illrleman, Williams Parks; In
spectors, G'eorgo Rcmly, Alexander
Knou-e ; Town Clerk, David Yocuiu.
Locust. Constable, Solomon Fetter-
man ; Miporvl-ors, .Michael Mower, Pe
ter Hlttner; School Directors, Lucas
Fahriuger, Peter Ithoads ; Judge, Jo
nas Price; Inspectors, Simon Fetter
man, Lewis Lee; Auditor, Kolnndus
Herblue; Poor Over-eers, Christian
Small. Jonas Helwlg; A-sossor, (iera
Hower; Town Clerk, D. S. Helwlg.
M i it i, in. Justice of the Peace, Sam
uel Creasy; Con-table, Peter .1. Lautz;
Supervisors, Peter Michael, Lewis Crea
sy ; Poor Overseers, John R. oho,
Lewis Fckrotn; Judge, Henjamln Yo
ho; inspectors, Philip Creasy, Abra
ham Mastfiller ; Assessor, D. A. Hess;
Auditor, Dr. D. II. Montgomery; Sch.
Directors, Thus, ,ten, Lawrence Wat
ters. Ma niso.v. School Directors, Andrew
J. Carr, Jacob Slioemaker ; Poor Over
seers, Richard Demotl, Silas Welllver;
Supervisors, John Smith, George Hen
glo ; Judge, James Dlldlno ; Inspectors,
Samuel Johnson, John Shultz; Asscs-or,
Samuel S. l.owr) ; Constable, Isaac
M'Hrlde; Auditor, Jacob A. Seu-her.
Moi'.nt I'i.uanant. Constable, Jo
seph Ikeler ; Supervisors, i'eter Illp
ponsteol, Mathlas Gilbert; Judge Wm,
Ikeler; Poor Over-eers, David R.Applo-
man Samuel Jolmslou; Inspectors', Wm,
Oman, Andrew Crawford; Assessor,
John Kllno; School Directors, John 0.
Mordun, John Illppciistccl; Auditor,
William Miller. Justice of Ponce, J. It. Jam
ison ; Constable, Rudolph Shuman;
Judgo, 1). V. Krltz; Supervisor-, Wll-
llnm Longenbtrger, John M.Nu-s; Poor
Overseers, Nathan Miller, Samuel
Drum ; Assessor, J. R. Jamison ; School
Directors, II. (I. John, 1). 11. Fedorolf;
Inspector, F. Fleminliigs, Fllas Slut-
man ; Auditor, John M. Ninst Town
Clerk, Jacob Shuman.
Mo.vnil'li. -Ju-tlco of the Peace, Jno.
(I. Quick; Constable, Peter J. Helm
bach ; Supervisors, Poter lleliubach,
Sr., Michael Roitch ; Poor Overseers,
Joseph Mauser, Lllas Glgor; School
Directors, John H. Weaver, Jacob GulM;
Judge, Kvaii Welllver; In-peclors, Pe-
ter M. Kei-sher, James 1'nriisworth ;
Assessor, John Cj. Hark ley; Auditor,
John G. Quick.
OltA.Vdi:. Judge, John Meg.irgoll ;
Inspectors, John Van Mow, Wesley
Howman; Constable, .Michael Keller;
Supervisors, Daniel Kline, Reuben Hel
las, School Directors, P. While,
John Keller, Thomas M'Henry ; Audi
tor, J. 11. Harman; Assessor, F. G.
Rlcketts; Town Clerk, HenJ. P.iden.
Pini:. Valentino Wlutersteen ; In
spectors, Giorgo Wulllvc r, Fnoch Fox;
Constable, Thomas I larlln; Supervisors,
Moses Watts, Joseph Sweeny; Poor
Overseers, John Lore, John Hrttner;
School Directors, Philip Ilartmnn,
Fnoch Fox ; Auditor, John F. Fowler ;
Assessor, Jacob Long.
RoAltlNU ClllXK, -Con-table, Jacob
l.ongenbergcr; Supervisors, Henry
lloll'mali, .lo-eph l.evnn ; Poor Over
seers. Abraham Wltnrr, .lo-eph Lovau;
School Director, John I). Hnuck, F.llas
Rarlg, Joseph Craig; Auditor, John
D.IIouck, Charles Dyer, Tie Vote; As
sessor, Nnllmii Drelsliuch ; Judge,
Miraluim Wittier; In-pector-, Owen
lb agluiid, Samuel Staufier.
Sciin'. Juilge, Thomas ('reveling;
Inspectors, Wm. A. Harton, John W.
Keller; Poor Oeersters, D.ivld Whit-
mire, O. P. Knt ; School Dinctor, .1.
K. Fans, John Krcs-ler; Supervisors,
Lawrence Marr, Wm. Marr; Auditor,
U.S. Howell; Assessor, William Christ-
man; ((instable, Samuel lre--Iir.
'-l.'dAUl.oAf. Constable, Wm. A.
lie; Judge, John Lewis; inspectors,'
Jo.-so llarlinan, Alexander Hess; An
dltor, Wm. Ii. Peterman; School DI-1
rectors, Montgomery Cole, Sh.idracli
L. IIc-s; Poor Over-eer-, Flhis Fritz,
S. L. Hess. Sunervlsors. Jes-e Hurt-
mail, J. F. Kile; As-e-snr, Je-e Frit;.
llnnv'K K, Mnrcli 22, 1-ys,
('Al'r. Hiidi'KWA'S , Dear Sir: At our
election for Horough ofllcers on the tflih
lust., Davhl Hocher, Republican, and
S. 12. Walton, Johnson Republican,
were tho Candidates for Chief Hurgc.-s.
Arter a sharp contc-t Dr. Walton was
elected by f! majority. J. W. Wetter
Ick, Democrat, and John Lggart, Re
publican, for School Directors. Dieter
Ick was elected by :W majority. Chief
Hurge-sand School Directors were the
only ones that hud opposition. I;
From the above It will bo seen that
l'reslili'iit .loliiison tins been sustained
in Herwick.
Tiirui.ow 'i:i;ii mij,'os. tlint ('mi
Kress full in tlio l'rcMiiililf to tlio Con
ritttutlon, tlio Dt'L'htnitltm of Iiiili-pc-n-ilciu'i'.uiiil
Wnsililiiytoii'si I'lirowoll Ail, tintl burn them, tv tht iioniilo
may in-silily -ret to rrutliiifr theiu, mid
tlmt wniilil ercito uiii'iisini'ss.
Xiinci:. -The .StiicklKiltlt'r.i nf the
Illilillll-inirK iiuiiiiiiiK -vs'ls'lllliuil lire
hereby iititilleil tu pay on or before, the
I' list iihv ill Ann 1 next, me 111 si llisiul-
inenl line un t heir sllhseript Inns a iiiiiii nt
Inyr to One Ilimilreil Dollars per sliaie
tn Davlil'uiibiirtr. ISii. Tre.isiner
of the As-iiflatiiin. .lolinti. l'ree.e. y.
Many SnlVer riither thniital.e nnii-e-oil-
nit ilhiiii's. All 'li(i Miller finin
eiuili-, eoliN, Irritiitlon ot the brniiehlal I
lubes or teinlaney to eon-iiiiipilini, will i
llinl in Dr. YVi-lnv'.- llal-ain ul WIM I
Cherry ti leinul.i lis njjrie.ilile to tliei
palate as ellietnal in re.iiuviii; (li-e.i-e.
The Ilal-am is n pletisiint ii ineily; It Is I
a sale leineily ; It is it powerful reineily; I
It is a specily renieily ; it Is it reineily t'lll'i'-. ' i
1'r-ir vill i; Ki:i.osi:ni:. In view nf
the ..miy lanii. eM,,ins ,es,,ii in
III lllil.t illV.tri tllly from III" Use of b ttl
kerosHie vve nriie npon the heail- ot
ItUiiuii-n nn- iiiiiMMtmiu' u i -(ii'K i ' "
oil iM-lonM.h. Tin- m:iy
lie rt'iulily ilono by any mttii, wuni.ui or
hi til, by im;m ol a lIuiiiHiim-tt r, a
little warm water, audit lable-iioiinfiil
of the nil. l'ill the enp with w-illil
water, tile teliiperallile of w hk'li is to
be liroilKlit to 11(1 ih'Kl'ees i'nlirelilii It.
rniirollon the uater, apply llanie to
the lloatilltf oil by maleli or uth'TWi e.
If tlietiif Is nn-afell will Inl.e lire, unil
ils u-e iii tlie himp is ilaiieroiis fur It
is liable to explode, lint If the oil Is
safe anil l'oih! It will not take lire. All
pcr.-oii.-i who sell kero-ene that will not
-tiiml tlio tiro tost at lio il( frt'c an,
oiitfht to ho, UHblo lo .i'-iviitloii.
or !
BilAin: Tw:us. Aj It U now near
tho yoaoii lor onlorint; tro?p-and -hrub-l)i'iy
w would will theattoiitiou of our
rouders to thN f-uhjoct, In thohopo that
all will tflvo nioroalloiitlon to It than
li).. hfoii irk'nii licndnroro -mil sot nut
li.liiicon kiu ntrt-ioiort, ami sli 1,111
pome iroo.s. ii ymi uu iim vi iiiuui ai
a nurctory, mi in uio ri'riu m uio vi;uuv
.. ... ll... ...It 1
nnrl unu-iirii miimo lino variotk anil nut
thom out In front of your dwollin, or j
nlonldoofthoMnot In front of your,
iihiei's. (iet L'ootl enrrant. riwnberrv ,
l.t ...I.l ......... II.. . i . ... I,,
unil iii.u i.i" i V ""l'-i "in" I'iiiii-i '
link' tlii'iu out, nml ill ti few yearn they
will repay yon ten tiiiicw for your truitli -
le. II you etiu't t'l't theiu froin tlealer",
(,'c1 them of your neighbor-, plant them
anil havo them uroulnj,'. Iree.-i or
shrillH ueeil but little eaie, ami ate not
only tin ornament tn it pl.tee, but lire
yearly rc'turnliiK liirjre liieoiue for tin
amiiiiiit Inve.stetl.
Mll'll'l. U lii'itli.t ulttlil'inll I'llsuin. ti, ,l mi
lm , ii ll, ur iiiin i wist, in' u iittii' iinttt ti n
mi' in niter nl Jnlui Hull, iliiiul nitiiiii Un I.i el
tli'litlii'r IsHT, lur tU'llt llttllnlN, lis 1 liHM' li' ,1 li'.
iciutl Miliii' lliti' lur. nml ulll imi )u ll.
Ill.lllllll. I.. 1.I.MH
I'ul). 1IK.V "I
1 i'ht iirci:ivi.ii-Tliu ihtiipest mmi
1 r-i.tiiifs in in tiiiini) hi
l'l.l. T THK IOI t MM UU- "l'l I
1 nt'lltl t'MHUtt'd ill TUB I'UUMIilAN KliMlu
rlHliul (HllVM.
J niuiri;MAt,i:(,(rli.i:(ii:,ii.iirTrttitni).viv
.liTKcy, A JiimrtUita-HclKKil forlioih ncx'tt, Innnt-it
ltihllhi-. nnd nf tnuti pnnlo, nltitlnn Prtrnci-tt In
rvi 1 lit nttt iilloti lo tin i ihtcfillon, Hit' moruli,
Hip liotne fimIVrli mttl ltrlitnlt1l ff I In ftlt'lnt.
'ItttiiKiiitnli iu(i. Ait't rrs.-t Hit Iti v T It AM UN.
A. t. I. imliiKttm, ., J,
!()( ) k ac i :ntiv A NTKD-nm
.1) tilt. WIM.IAM H.MtlJlH Itti TIOAIIV OP
I Mi; nlM!.i:.-WMMrM l.y ;i.(,f ti c mn illslln.
CnKiio.) j M virion In llnn.nonti'l Aturrlrt, llln
Imlnl wit Inner l Mil I nii-l ool I'.hjir: ltiR,
tti our hit up Metiiv . wmhii' h v ?l i tit-
Mllv (tllllf.n publhhM th tiUTlcrt ii.titli ii-. I hv
hi-.Hiillth'Aimn IiiiimI. v uiiiny no l(larnl
AKriitintl'liinVrnni Xtn Instil I'Tiunts (r Acr-nln
tl-alihK Willi lit h ml tor ilmrrlollvn rlriMimra,
nml "n'mir u mi'.J, H. UlMlttA t o.J'ublUtifr.
Ilarllonl, I't.
(M)() A(U:Tri WANTKI)
ljyrJ u nil pmis tt ttio rnlltd Mlr.ti-, to
nrll our IniiiicHHi' 1 1 of nrnrly tm llirrt'iiL
iioin;, iiiki nitti rniH'nriiiii ,n tmif,
I ttnil t UiH s-.iiirlliitij liitiii II.
nt il'tuiH-sfnitililit on upplli'itin'ti, titnl wkH
nt-i iim "i ill I o ny 'I'Uln n on n n-ljii of rUt',
riuiMixiiu li'iMtn'uiilnlnltiKttM' list, u ll li orltc
toiyi iiii'i uiih hiniik siuitfi unt! prln id I hcmlln
lur t'tn oil inn ii lint ot h ititt , fctni fii-c to ntiv oni
on nr. Iit X ft t'vuu,
Anlnly ciin ult Imtn lm i't ,ir) of ttimi
iHMiliHiilinost nnywlifn'- I or tcriiiHtonmnlj nml
other Infoim itlon n-l-ln-is
tilt IN i:, liim;it IH, I'nl-IMinn.
Not, i.ll litKl CI7 J-niiHom Htutt, l'iillnili-IOiH(
a (u:nts vanti:d,
1. t'or'Tlic Ill-lory nnni; wau nnTwri.N
ihk hrriV" 1 1- iiiiim, tlmuiut-i. Comlui'l
nml Kt'siilii. li Hon. Ali Jcnti-U-r II, Stirn.
Mi oiiiciMi cti.irmtir unit n-.i'ly t-nlr, i.omhltKtl
with nn fuel, ifrcl cintmilfsloti, ui.ikc ti tho lrt
Milisrli'tioti IttmU rir lAihlUln-il. Hi'tiil tor rlrru
hirsiui.l si.-fnur terms atxl n full ilcm-rlhtlon or
Mh- will;. AMUKM Nuthiml l'tiMlkliltiu' In.,
I'hllA.Mi.hl.t, li.
r toi ll llootf rtllil nil A I'll It ltliUt'' nn; t iho Woiu or ttiMn-
intlon. ,vi-iy Mtt. r tit'i-iU h U-foro No, Wis
I ii tuht, hiri"t (niniiilsMiins tttnl iri'tuluni of
?n puiil. for turtifuhirf iiililn s- 1.. srr'.liln N,
lliirtrmil, I'otm.
xv urii'i:
to uu:
ht.dtiN ,n Fi.owra c uuncs,
A 11.S' IMlTIVHwork lm piittcsrully 1 luih.i
tctl wlili a l.-imtUiiliolotvl i.iti' nnl Un enwrav
I fMiihiinmit tt llt of iim-i' uih'tn-H oi
l''lMwr nml Vimtitih'-(fiN; Uo, Vt nt!-iUi
orilifcli'MtMt i n-ni-ii Ihhi-l.ltJIivllolus Alttlhi
Not fll u ntlh of l lit llowi 1 ttll'l Vi KHllhlo, utf
iMis will li tomut iIi-hitMh-iI in lli nlioi woiic,
T-isufuM tiuiin.l in cloth,!' colori'il hiti sprlti-,
HI-.fii, 71 VII",, 111 I'llJHT '0('1S 'OM-tlH,
"i .1'iiin .-iiiii. ii.
ml JIM1, liosion, M os
;((,, llotiiotittii'
ii r. u a l) i r a
.i. a monthly siauazini:. .i..o:ni in it
1 HOUiflll. 11 ll f '.til 4 ii. S l ( ftK, t r KIJl L'l
tin ii nuniTM-r. AiMtrs.- nil: KAliM'AL. I.ork
lo E. Itn.ion, .Mu-s
fi'LUI UN's I'Ml'.Nr. .Inly, !), HI7.
'i'riul and not t'ouinl Wanting.
W. I'l.ihii n ullti'iil Tiii'iiiyilvo c.i)lir oiiit
Mum: riilili woun Pill! n.w
lliiiliuny , Tlni iixc hiiute
, M I.i.i urniiT, 1i r. Ii', Mff.
Ml Ssps. I.ll-PINI OIT Co.
sirs : I liim. fully ti-lcl y.alr )iltnt itiiuvl
fin. I Out It Is nil Hull mi ilulhi lor ll. il Mill
en.'!' i isit r limn nn iillHT .xe 1 lint J mw
lUhl Ii liv.'s III.' u-itisl u'lllimlt Klifkhi r 1.1 nil.
xwiuM nut flmp tliuc ilitys ,'liliuu( one for ino
isist. 1 111 , il not miy iiiin miire, r.ii any m.tii Mint
WM. KlIKx.
VTTIO.N : -'llu'llM'Ulul llieliiln I ll IV Iwlll i.i
cnli'il. liiirlnui rs on tliwo l tilt ills will In mos
t'rnktl.ieci iril Ini; to law, Vi nili-rs or ilonU'iv, mi't
l'isiis o-iiit: miy liiirnigt'ini'tii, uie o:voii. uu
tlio innk-rot 1'ir liililnt'incnt.
I"l: SMI, l ,l.l, liEALKKS AM) fit!: MN
i tpi'iscorr a u.Ki:wi:i.t , os 1 1 . I,tpilurntt ,t l'-..., s.,,11. ownt'iM
Hi,. .ili i.l, I'll islifl'OH. P.t.
Xl fun.
IIIlI'll ilH 1.1 NK lofAMrtlltM V.
VIA l'.AM on Ml CAI.t A .
i . ,, ,
' ..ii , i.ii , i ii 'i.ii iiiio i.iiii io ;n,
I'.lli nml oil..
Hi X. Mliilns'lli'- of I lie llrsl i l.iss.
cssi.i, i -in s h tM 1 1.
Tor iiirlli-i Inf. i illation al. (less Hi.- l.n.lir-slioo-il
ul 177 Wi si so, ,.tt ,w Voik.
II. X. C.MllIINIllll.V, AiB-itl.
W. II. Wi l,r. l'o's I. I'll s.l)iv, Vi,-.- l'l. s i.
i nil -i "il lii liulisc I'l.itT, Ni'W Voik
C V. I, i: II It T :
I. -I T h " n ' il .',
t. irit
VOX II I'M ANA sflil'.
i',. ,, ,V nil n l. n., Kuril il Hi- must
'i . v-VT' j"i V-t : inu'lluu'Iii. "j,"i'!sV.V;
, . t.'i... inu in inm, i in.' t.iiKin.u nitiutii
iiii-l Miiniifncinrtr.. 117 Urmitno st N, .: LT"
ItiMi M 'lin lvl Ynili; Is i.iili :ih
SI ., I'lu! IJ't li.tli.1, t!.li SI. , i llltilnti.
a P i: i; o N 's
iMii'.iivi ii imii-K
mai i ii. ni:.
i n-isi,:i t iriftii iii.i.i t ie Lin'.!1
.Willi r I..'
iim n-ttl it ii. 1 still, tit mil innist . II 'I U.MI'lJls
I III: I LAY llllllllil (IIIIA.)iri-sMll lliltitlii'
im. nl. s mi. I ll.i'liiitk t.tit of llic liiiuiliis in i... lii.ilifti up, wiilttitil ilr Inu nn tin
inil. '-i ml l..i iilusiit,-tl t'lri'liliu In I', II.
SI. tin , Nt w Millnrtl I'tlllllt f.lfUt, hull' nitl'Ht I'll
I'. lili" i nn in, Ullt-rniiilli't., No. u Mur-l.n-
si I is I, N, ,
I A X (1.
mi u.M. i i:itr ia:. oi ami. tu-i mij.t't.
.ll.Stlllttl , I'll n- 111, ml.. I Untie rlKlilltiiiliu, I'lu.-
tt r. I'.i'.-i Inn I.- t.i,.int,K, .u., im nin I')' (IKtHidi:
i:. wimi:. i a i m n, y.
Q I DAY, sritl:. Xo iiiiiii"y
V5 I tin n.K.iiit., , aw in- W'Oitii't t.'t'ryulii if
; r .', "wi" jfty; VV,i'
I 'n.,S. V.. I", sl l lih'.l.
AN'l'lUl. SA l.KSMKX to travul
, t. r hum i tiirinif "lilPim titid wll h
. fV' .:.,,!," n ui'ff
I w i'ini idi i -1 . v.
uii.ii'iilit. , il. A. It riss
, IIIIWI .lis I'li.slllll'
MlV Wll. I M
1 1 innl l" e 1
in nn i is. .il in
inn In. in si t,, 'I, 1 1
it'tsiir, , -i .i .. ii . lull i .i :. u1 -i--s,
Mi: I i ' i -.
ll VViilIK I 'HI !l A HAY
.. M.n.l. mil ii .vi. ii i-.ini nuntiH
it ' . , I I. .,11" s- till.l U ill .l
i ,1 , ,,i . i , r i , nin : Ii in
i . - , i ,1 n -. I,. I 10 ft 111
.11 I , . ' III- III'.".
A 1-UI.Ml.M
l ll j , ir on i, U . .
sit ft .' In mi l.-'i 'i
i w VAt.n.t
li, It. I i I i -.(,! H 11 1' W il t v
t ilV lllllLi-. I'.ll 111 ll II ..IMl
ii ttllt s, nt III
l l.lll U.M N
Mu nik wttli -iiiiiM. V 1.
, in ll.ih'ii i -ii. lliion,Miirv(
i ;5 ? i i ?
V Till'. WiiUKINti
lai'iiiiii. Mich uu-, J.ndic-, mid
i-iiUht'tiui iu('! v ti" im u' li'-mcs i!
ol .nin- I. tn" . n" in Mur -iiii tniitiuui-
IU H WW -'t-' '-HO 1 I "T-1 "Ml . i' C III. 1 . ? I l.
rvt ninj .iu iiilliid I iv pi tsoiii i i i I i -
(Hid I lit' hoXiJUld (liils neal! " lu.i' h u loe'i
iiiMit lndui ouiTitiiidiofi'd Hi-"-" t" wilhu ot
ihtmhi w ho . thU nnlltjc 111:1,. w ml Ihcir ltd
ut u,o 1iuMiuik ir thcin-fiMl I
llltll ll' in- nun- v. ' " . i I
th. i iiuuinu impurnllm imr: Int-iMvlio
liri' ll"l "''"I "Ull-MM-M nilll I I IV "l'l ie-1. I nil
i 1 1,, , ,v r,,r tin trnnnii oi "miiiuk. t un
-,,u!'. " "j . i i.' V i il1.1.1.".' v.iKr.'.1. J -
Am.n-'... MuIih.
VIJTK)N I.N TltADi:. (iroat
li ,.i in.i iii.m owr iiffnn' r.n.'ii.i t.
l,.s.,i uillliu ll. illllis lllolll IIM'! nui.i.Alt
rtll. n. ii.l nn Nl tv M'CIM.I on ft All, I'AII
1 Km a .inu.-i r. .i.k.i ft., iwsini,.
1 ., ... . (, ,.
im .imii'tiOiiiu I wnitld In ri hv warn tht i.iil
lit- n.tho-t nuln-i'r in ui'tltionn :i nc' nii n h
.1 1 i'h M. II ii nni n, and inmh- p.iMiliV to lr. . A
.Mi-i-iiiiit 11. and wliiihuiI'M-iim nth m ntc Into Hit1 -.hluii ul tin1 undt t,li:ni-d. 'I hv Mild nolo Milt
yUui In Mn) or .ititit' iv,,iniii ii.imhi: i n't-ii 10-1
im iim iii i in inn i not i -i-i o Miip ii'ii.
1 il .. in. (i I l I 1 1 1 1 w V V I k I ' II
: k i)
1','li.iills ilislrlliLSi ivll'itliiliirslif I 111'. HH.T .tin!
i; . iti.nsi hisiisi'iin ut- Mii'i'iii'ti nun
i:.m:i i.tiupiiii ll,
I'lttin ritiiu 'mil, uinl intt llul'li' tnrm.
Aii'lym ll. N. WH.M'IH,
Nuir I iiilaiwniiiin lii'i-nt, III imisih'h, p
I'llO'tiK Iw
r S I (' H O X K s(
l'ui inu fiom ont lo Ki i nl -uwi tuium. kiid
t-ootluu iroin tf I ihi to s.Mmmd; I'vmy triily ut
l 111' U' hi in 1 1 nil hi ll i nii'l I in.
llu un-nil lUiihl 1'niiHMli nil for lh lliitll
w fll n Huh nuiiinii niklor Hut i.olui, lluvlu
nh'ii inu ulUn'iui to tlmt hnutth
ii mil- Toi tin' hist i iL'hii'f ii v ii- urt ulilf
fcui'p nv wiin t iii'U' r ini.l iUUUir ilmu u
ouu i m-f in nc i iiiui
M I l'll I MlbA CO, luipntt. i
I vW. ti ui, ! ilitiiitn 1 i-t upkUu N
rrcsli iml i.l
F.M.I, M WlN'IrH.'Kjxl.
ill VII. s Hltl-lltlon to lit- stork
I IIM.M' A Nil I AHlilNAlll,Kti.l)llllNil
at Ills Htolt' on
iiiiiiWiisi,t-vortw)iiotiiiAntirt, iliuij
ninomsliniK, IM.,
wlifin lis U Just rewlvcJ rtnfn ,. 'i,rkntit
1'liiia'li-l,lil,i n full iiHsnrttncnt of
Mi:x ANIintWrMrtlllN'd.
Ini'ln Uii tin must fii-liUitiilils, .tnriibl, nnii
inslstlin- of
II' IX, HACK, ,,111)1 H.tlLM, AMllllllfl.dTII
( HAH AM' l'.NT-l,
of all i,rt,lri , and color,. te ha. kIki tt pleu.
Mini hu nirfmty litrttf i'o 1; i
Mll!ll'l:tl, ridfltl.l'. A.VIi PLAIN VIMTS,
HlllllTH, 111 VVAT. Mfl-ii. K-i, i lll.t.Allsi,
liANiii;i:i:i'tiii:i'-, ci'ivr.s,
"PTI'MllimM, Wll I'AM'V Altl ll'I.lls
llr- ims tonNlnntly on lum I a tare' itial u...
1. noil ii.soilnir.nt of
CI.i JT I IH A S U VL-) 1 1 Nd.s,
uliicli ho u prepari'il to mulct, lo onli-r Intoany
ItlnilofclDtliliiii, on or nimrt iii.lks.Min 1 tu tin.
I'i'M tilalinpr. All Ills ilo'liltifi U inililp to M' or,
nii'l most of It is of hoino lnamiftu'liir...
(UII.IJ WATl'lir.s ANIUI.wn.UV,
if isitv ilnwrlMlnii, nnc anil il.inn. lllsc ao o
Ji wilryh not Mirim'M 'I In this iilaiv. I'nll nml
I'XuinliK. his ijotioral iiksoi lini'iit of
i: It C II A ND1SK,
NicrifK im iiKRim oivi;n
To my frli n.:
.unt tlio ... I M , iu rally, tlntl all
DltY (iOODS,
Mv " . I.titllj on lo. ml nn'l for snl
AT UMtTOX'8 01,11 T.VNfi,
ill.ooM.slit'ltrl, liv
ite-A'i, isoio A -I.' i.i 1 1 1 1 t uospiiAi i: or
IMt. I.nrirr lot i.iio.thlllly I I ml. f'ljft'fi7.
the un li'KHttiHl mite, linn nithiHl lo Inform
the putrid: Hint ho liuiopelleil n
xt:w iruMTrni! waui: nnrm:
In llic Wn!l"f llriol. I'iiiIiUiik, on Main Wrrpt,
lll.dfiMsnriiii, I'.t.,
Wltk'h tin lias urrl,nii'ttniiit Inlcf.tls lo kis-r. P01"
inati..itly nliiil Will Kitnilttn r.f
Ir cnitw:tKS or
i: i; a n a t h k s h v. k ,
-(ll'AH, Mll.VUlCW
MAlini.f. TOP er.NTItl! TAUI.lJs
I 'll M-l L'.-illIliNED, CAM! IWnOMHIl,
a Ni woun nono.Mmi.
In I'uM ii full tilortiMn1 of
p. i: a n v - m a n r. e o v r t k
of ill i,' -, .III I Iff
1 r'SV'l IIK-'. IN 'ill! 1 INiin-IIII'illA'il
A'l ..' t.l... h t.l'l Sr I
i ii i i r mi: c a s is .
I'- .ni'.' ,', i, .iltorall rn'l I'V.imtii my
lo.l:l. , ur h .'ue . Iscwhri'i..
i.i:n'.( I' W. I HI'.KI.l
Ltustns' i , ai H'-L 111 lsi7
'1 1 1 cut I ' V
rXI"'TO" lM I! T
-A.Uit. I IMl I. t
tiik uniiiri'
I'ltlZK !
I . 1'tlIM. I-07.
M M'HINi: ro.1
iv t -i n; L'tltOlH
1 '. itts tt II '
im: iim v i nits'- .-I i i
, 1 .Ni u . ntc, d- M.ichiih s
a. .I'll.- expo. nn!.
, .Miilitllai'lllli I ol Si lily
l:u i 11. 1,1,:
'i.ti nines, t.'t'iiiiiior.
Thin dotitu' iii-i hi.utit f-ss.nnthi'i' proof uf ihc
Uii'iit hiipifiti i n. o Die llow'cnwlim MtuhliKs
ovr ml olln i -
K. . .'. is mill fcinht Si!.'. .
As. It!
toi 1". M. Imhi'.i N'i-1
Jlli'l V 1. 1 11 N HH
Vj . . ,
iiMMutfi;i it i, v u.i in,, rt,
Tim niuh i, Jin .1 h. ini inili'linrd till in It-
liiiowuuinli t titiuilv -'uciUfdhoum, Un l.-.t hmitfu
Until, Nlitnii"."i M IN HIU r Kl, In ltliHni-.nui0
mint 1 iiitftv 01 M si i st'i ti iiinii luc univt ouri
lloiiM, i chp- nullv itiiornt'- hit. fi .tndu and tlin
niiii.' inun'iM in. 11 m-t noil.-1- now iu iiniHr
1 U lli ll . I I I I. I d 1 111 1 IjUIIlM. t.t of I uHi'lll'l-H
, i U hi . , -, il in i.nm ii with Hu'lr i un
to lit-1 ti 1. .1 no 1 tin in pii'imrlnit tin
ih i',' 1 i't I.- 1 iti'i 11 i'ii it : is Kin ii.
i i'l . 1 It 1 t -in-, thinu wntiiliiK un id .
ii luin . n it 1 . iMiiini "niiiriiri. liw.
. ii' ) . ti 1 1 n - mi I'Vn-Hi'in I
s 1. , : ' 11.
iimii'i ti-M -. -11 y 1 iui-11 in iwi-i'ii tho l.x
1 111 lis. lh ti t . ii. tin- in nitiM liilllottd tUTrOln. l.v
whlcli n.i I'. . u ill ). 1 U iu-ntitl i-iiuvt'Mil tti
11 ltd fiom tlii i iii.i' .t.illnitt. In Uiif iiiinto
tnei't th im' . y. iiny.
r.lonniktiui,' M i' 1 . ;. lJit).
wt ujuii, MMitwt, rrupnmor.
i i--1 wt-unuwii hot i liur. ri'n utiy imdr
11.' in 1 ..! i'l' 'iiui-s .11 ih u. I im mil Minimi imUt
un 1 tisp, prli'toi'riutoiii
I llll' I 1 11 1 t'l 1 1 II K I'lili li III"! Iim lri"llllllHli'llH
tllt'lOllll'irl III I tr Ut-l ' ItroHI'I'Ollll til IIOIIU 1)1
1 'lliil:. II 1 t dlu M''1 IWi.Nr. I i loillld p.
liiikl liol utiiv W llli t.l -lUl t at food, hilt Vk llll llll
II III lit ll'l-'iil 1',. kciMMi. 11 IH Wll ll H mill II-
nori il ii 1 t-uliii ii-rittii known
UJuim .tiuii-iii.s. idiii'it fnnn tin-Itun-'rilntf
iioiwth, iti' t'lion-u I'tiu'j nni irru iioiu tut 1
honoiMtlrnvs. Ih it- th.miiml lur 11 llln.nil i.u 1 -
utf' In the iut, iu I nlll iMiLiiitiii tndi'M-ni ,1 in
th future.
.llllllfv .KM '
1 UM'Jv
1 '
tUIANt-l 11.1 1 1UI1'H11 k MH'.N'IY PA,
MII.TO.N II, IUII. t iroi'itn.'ltHl,
IIllMllb till. Mi M's-if-M. 11 tl ihU wi ll'UlloUl)
IUUP, is.i lonu kl 1 1 1 Mnuei i,t uu, Uu VTCk
01 li'torl ns nut In il vt iiofini'iit it uttt inidfnrnNh
mu iiii i.itt il. lli-iii ii
11 II.Mt .1 1 I I I l'l 11 Mllll UUTllfH 1 ki liquor's
1 1 U fct.U.1.1 III li..t I'Xit'lltsl
II I lit l'l lllltV ! .tlltl I
I'nlliw 111 1st KI tu.'.l to
iirt'iiiiit.iiHtjiii tint 1 ,
llltt'IlANT'r. IIOTKl.,
i. MiHtit t'oritTD sii',1 rr,
J, a '.V. a. M K1U11IN. I'r.'i'ilitoi,
Vur t.
lltAUU iidhsi:,
(Vim rt NlutU mnl I'lieftnut Wi-rU,
f ' . h It A A
(till 11 III i ! - . il Vj Ii , I ll i
i ul l. i . i i . i . u t. in i him i-
-. '." 1 . .1 111. i . t 1,1 I, I I I II i In- ,
in. "..!. iu) , l-i .'miii-, m ...i-
t'.iii t.h Iphln.
tl W KANAtiA.
Tn llolrl nml hnlnoii ktiprr of Hlnuiitb
Ian IA wnl t'oluttili.i t"iinty.-I hu-.i upMiiuttt1
Mr, 11, Htohut r utf eta mi tht huh oi m ult-.iMirtt r
hi own i.U'Ut, un.l lnuv i in 1 1 , wio w ill supply you
ul the Miiuv Hit,' uud w dh the fcuuiu uiUelet, u 1
would ftiruhdi on i rum th hiuwr . Kiioou. iuy,
I hut hi- w U) in' i tn l .nd uiteut ve tn hU vhti
lll.iyl. V Urt i ll . i. isnllip fo iiim
j uu 't ' i-ulh .
i i . im ui: ,
l in y Ut lntji 'h
toi. your ntohpy imi'k In ,o !
uii Hlmi Kiwric.tst- i
t,. r. iitAnri.1!rxn'8!fli,hi-.
JfST niiClilVKU
X lYnh liniHt HI Uni ouu, i.llt,
Miislnni, 1 1..,
' ji'mt lint'tnvKii
A firth IiivoIcp nt ltnop fSKlrlunf H
Wiiil-, ml,r,i("ini(.11ni tte, Um
CUIIi mid t ..liars for ktUtta.
jrsr itr.cKivKii
JIB1 IlKIKI vi;n
A flwh InvoUe i r I'aiwrl.'oltunt uurl
L'ullK iiuw t Kit, Utwti Khlrl rnmu
fur 3itm nml lki)n.
J l.'.-sT UKCF1VKD
,iini;i vi.n
A lieu Invoice oic'itiokwy,
ware, pllou'warc, -te,
.iiimT llK('KlVi!i
A mw InntiilitiK'iit uf IIhiiih,
Kerf, LVxi J (ah ulid Muck rW,
Ihc brt tl.WSynip in tht
Mw nKCiuvr.i)
pared nnd un pored, oirtcklM'rrlt'H,
rrunw, U'hlt lleaimi lUrifty mu
lltitli'r, l'.rg nml Litnt l li r a iirlmo
nnlolr ."nun wllllrt nnlfl.
KhoiiMcr nii'l ll.t(iiii.
HI 11.11
Mil. II
-si.u.i. AnvAM i:.
SUA 1. 1. AllVAM l
lull t'AMI III! UKADY I'.W.
lul! I'Asll ul! Itr.AllV f'.Y,
Hilt ' MI tilt UKADY 1'AY,
Hilt sn in: iii:aih PAY.
Al I.. J'. MIAltl l.I.ssis, rtioitt:.
AT 1 .. r. sll Mil'I.I'.sM HTOI'.K.
A'l I., r. HIAIti'l.C-nH SI'tlltK.
A I I . I. I1A1;'I.!SS srnl'' .
I.tcoliisliut l, .MilK-ll . I, 1M.
n: auk runiNC,
A N I WI U. l-iib-i,X T d ) AN PBIl M N !"Xi t-
i:;o va a i lit u is t'ii our r it'll I ai: si.i:
DltY AXI) I'ANX'Y (iUDll-i,
A Watcll, I'licu of heollnif, Milk l)roN
,. .
IV.KirOr" lOT. Our tndti'fni-it tltiriiiK tlio
ptiH' Uw ji-urn liavc Ik 'U Itirn,
wr. miw uoum.K r u iuvrtrisjir imkmi lmk
"in l. kinm ill ri-uddv iHftkc i,ur prJunU far :.)
.in. I if' cinlii tirMiv i.itui' I linn i-quiil In
Milm-t'i (dn'xnf ilu un4 Id) riMpii't
lvd fotlnr rlrtii.
to-1' i, k a n k n x a n x : i: -tea
Any pern m onlerinnt'itlicr ot iliu I'tntj-, mni-
tioih'il Ik Imv, ca ii haw tiiflr Huti-citoni of prt-ml
uiiitnuinoi:itt'd, ' Mn-cipon Unit t-i th Uior Hi
run: ur hm: ituid,it!
I'ul i I'luitofH. - dm oftlic f.dlowuij .irl-
Itx.vlzi Ik'laflit' ilr.'.n oiitti-ni: f.utiv iiilund
bed splritd : li-ihv I'lllUi) lil'h'ui'i'.j ilhlilll . -J I
pit'Llli: iiuUf) roliili quill ; all 'uui hUui'
,iui nr 1 1 UK ; niiiii -iiiuifn' imiiiiii" nu-i
n.iwi mh "nun tiiu n imiiu nnii; uu wool nin
n-. 1 1 in i ic l Jill It. n ml t hi i ulln ll : in lit s u.iir
t i.i id cli. if ii hoM It i nun limn; llvt-r pjuti-di-huM-d
iniiriiisn: mi fr pi-a'(i j uo.tit h vui nit im--
nil t""K-: viorstid nroiti n.utit nhnul. Indus' '
ii-i i : mm siijn i ii,r i i, i iiiiiui'.i Itint
h'ii Mdd iiittli d tlntiii; Jmlu ' i?'ld tiuilih-1 n ; i
H In :iy il nt .. d ill I t;ni 1 1 nn "oil t hl'u-li J
.ii n nt 1 1. 1; 1 1 i ii H I it in, ' ih's'i ; i Mi., ijtl.dtl v' l
1 1 i 1 flint: M-t i-'li'V. si -vi hntiMitH in I
iiiut'li; Nudlnund bi-w ; u nii u.inUuan jni'K. i :
i ltd .ny J itufi , iVoi.. tiiiiru'tit'-; npi -
lo I tn k y iimiKK-o Snipping tmtf liidu-s' liiuil
S- VV'V.VAt'VmVji ,,,.. f .ii
1 . ' ' 'll.',,d !' ' ' ii' "ft I " nlli.'tiv urii-
i. i.n dri'si lutldrti: oil.' oil i r h'. i -ii.-.l
iAl IllllCiv HI' i 0,1111 ,1 lllliiu .ltlin lilllll'l ll
ijuun hheuliiu ; i iiifiuved, tllvei-plui'd( i bti
t.. ii ol. iii" t iMor: .: j.iit- -ni'i'ii.ii i'ii.l.. f''r;uint-uid;(st all t rn extra lit nvyliotn 5 1
oiou tjiiui; iwuj.ini' uoioilo hl'i 'it ii'H'ii; iiair ,
enlf liunpi: l miiiK fiirmrv unu
inH'iing; fancy tuMiim-u; plaid tln'm miIIi'ii:
eliK-Ui liidiL's'nlt wool elouk ptittci-.i ; uLr ptiit-
l iimui) 1 1 1 ii 11 it 1 Mtiri; 1 "-t ti"u uni 1,1111 tu 1
I'tl tlll.f l'l ( 111 H.KI I, llll 1J lull 111 I J 1 , l.t'UI S
tioliloit-d h donldi- hhnv I ; nU ndio rlimpt d
lain V IiHili- I'-vlJ vi uu iit- nml 1 i.uiMHUft : li
d. ih nioli- witlll) wiirr nrooi I'liHittlnu : -.rl lo-
iy hand It Un.Nt'fs, w an mIwm -pluM d 10.Uk ; ml
list r tut h' . in 1 1 1 11 1' 1 it '.'tins.
1'iij. rfiuooi rat, -i.i. 'iiifoi uit'i .iiowuiuhi
i'h m. 1 . I iiitN ...i,id.- w .kil. lii.iUtlnroi
Ine ; JIhiv". Hn , Idemd id llnili titldn tHifM,
111 1 mi., i.tiii Mti'-i 'iiiun'i it.itms if tt ttii t'h j
enf .tJd-s hi ill-! dltl I 1 e vi,l 111 ' am 0
olo! &; itni iMiiili'itv Utu k 01 .iljn a 1 u -s pit
,; (, .-i-i mi. not '.ii-iiniin -i-niiins. unt
one I.'Iku iiltic t-iti "ii.ti iudii lAti iuidilii
"in t Omi; i'.oi ui n ,t.. 1 u 'i - o t 111i.1i tt - nil.
u'.tiHi: 1J ii -
i) luiimn Ufik hiuvii nun iinu ; .n it-
i.lnli'd I'initnvt d nlt 1 .11 th- r(u Inu iiihlor. with
Uirrvt luvolvnrt p tlr KU rlr wl ih umtl hlHiik
ui nlu'iur muii uud i .i , Miw.p!i,ted tn-
iiiiivihI U't-plti her. wiihM'ivcr; m-oii mid on."
Ul'llhllil Vim 1 l.ili',li ltikttllll'.',lUt tllll ; out
l(tK(,l, hi si KllMT-iM ill U lot I.i t oiiiifi
Mini- 'V.uig titnl 1 uioi-iddcriinc ltl'HhilV' to
tttd himlly Hlole, tet'.iid mid .liou-nujiu inm
OUU? mill' Hlll'l- . ,1.. mini Mlifll-
1 oi ri '-,1 1 1 i 1 t 1 -'. ii'.
.line ruitu
allilotfiiio ol, nit,ti
Iriktiliui. Hi ml in"1 h,. 'v ,1 -Ul
I V'' Ul) il I
1 l.llil,
Addli' nil oi'dci I.)
f.LKN. 11 WW. . ( 1)..
J.i 1 mVi'h! ht. I'. .ii. Ms.
. o, M .v r.
y u.df du unit in ui uinl i'tuiu ii.iHt.
tuiVi', I'll ltd W1.1., AH. ul. s, l4athn
1 lie un .1114,11 U uuUid it i" - tc ', ' in
.ltd iftion of tl plthlU' to hU w .t'i 1 .i I ; 1 'ed
itH-thod of iiikUIiiu .'ImIIkh h . .in ln-.M
tuinii in illiuimttUtuI prmuipn, . l. . iii ..m. 1
linj'Oiutlijli' lt hif olltt ih Ink .ou ii i'. 1 . nil m m..t
lit cUl fr thU tit'!!' 1 fx 1 ''iliiu ul
Vr.nlugt" ivy f.i iMvmntvy.
A MlVltl',1 of tll llllisl, nf III" tlllll' H.IWll- Mil,
Alilllij i.niit.iMii. aii Uuun-tMi imI.. Hisiiru
lint hi III
run i. .I iti. u. m.roit.v .,i ... ..
Iiie-uiueil Mon-1 1 mil onee, iu nUuti w thr
from Hm ui.'j.i i 1. 1,, .ii ,,r nijkini i
lltM.otlM nrui' tii nulille IntitVl' It liit.iit
UsatlKihMt (hut U utve per(wi iiiurli
ii,. tn i, . in...,.! 1 uiiniiii iinitii .
futf nt uu time t
.i. w,
Mulit HM UU ilHiUi i
Mmvli lo-.
f N S V U A N (
i: A a i;.n c v
Wytmiliis ...
.VdllH.. ..
Nurtli Ami rim, ..
lulonmiloiml . . .
, 111 MUM i
.('.Dm lilUhlmk ,
Pultiuui ...
Ml'll-tutlltM ...
H.rlHiitli itt ...
JllMllilllli t'OIII) III), of Slut, l' l.ll
I 'Hill i tl Ml Mil',. 1 1 tf.
iru i ,i tti Tt ti
1 . - 1 litiW N, Atiix:.
IU l Pl.o .MMiUltJ
or THK
i; it i i: v x
w a
o v i: i.
bh llh 'ha.l, ..I 1 11,'k. 11-. tsin-
?' , i.i
1. nliii! 1-11 Hi' ii . li soi Ii. viillior, nml prlntc
ff .til nn- !ntrt .'iluion ..f Uu- miitiorifsl tett.
ifouioplil. .1 In w e.ilnnn . erici- n. ia, t-orn
IM nii .l on mi.' iii
vi niini iiikIH'.
. I ni.'i.
PHOHOI'M l.ll l ' MlllAi I B
i. t m kv.imi
oiinr.i: or
I. Wmwlny
tt ivmiii'H'.
1. (Iity.liiiiiiirii',
4 Aiul'iimo .
11. r,.nimi-i. orMKcl.
H. I'. Mill of tlinl'I'lik
l'l, IJiifnllti Diir'.aril .
17. nt, Uomin - Writ.
Is UMlfttttnttcf.
ii. lion liny.
ul Jlonnllly. iiiifhiaiul Widow,
IV. inn lirirotnii
niafK 1'mirrniiii int. inmiiian,
A Idaeinl tl MnlitliMf
il. SVtitaUliM'k.
U. llrTflf of Lnmtnpr
inonf K Ih-urt urMttliothlmi
11. tlw MonuMt r: .
I:', Til A blurt,
IX Tin- IMrnlc
a. 1'alrMnMof ivrili.
Xt. lino of (llc-i.trln.
'.'I, I'titinl UnlH-rtof 1'itrla
i'u TlK'lStir;i'Oii4 IiaiiuIi
tt r.
On ifNt-int of -iix lioi.i, uti u-t 111 kfiul thvL-n
tin-tt nf AV'ufik NowIn, ii" (uiIjIUIuhI umlu
vtrfty of ii new
Sti:i:i. IM.ait. roiiTUAir or Sin
un:r. Scorr,
rnun n rufni ina hv Mir Thoinni Irfiwrenci. oull-
iib.u lor IriiiiihiK ; Hit) Ilookt titi'l i;mruitn;t to
impriil rr.'i ori"Mnu.'t uni mri fifth' Unlleil
emu r or tin it 'ma,' h m t hut n jurooa r
wlpt of price, 2t rcntJi wr olniin
MCKMNH fin uniform Mjlio, it xoitimiN.u d
U'AVIMtl.I'.Y .2i olnint'N will Ih nnt ivist
Tlif Chen "t Ton IollnrH' woith tu Ih foim I In
inomioit- itin.oi Jturrtiiurr. iorijio vol
utin' fo, to.
:XTKAniiMN ltV Ol'l'Oill C.MTV Foil TUP. MIL
i.ioNTnn KCiiAm: ETiriK u'altkii
cM'II It TI-.S! OiicCoinnlcti'hi't.Mvotunieii.Sfl
Thift'l'oiiip! Scin. tluini's, 1C. 1'lvu heti,
26, Vn m-i- ri Mnilcil at our exrotiM?.
Any ivnon ohlahilnz f itir r-uuierilinri for the
PTltHlftl inn trt olU( l;n'is IT vniullllfs, Rrntlf, All
inniK'tiui our cxpfiiw.
Anvprn-on oiiialnlnK h;ht t-ulinc r' ri, nnd
lemlillug H(" u 111 inei a tupy oi iiiu"Wa
irl ihilh-r,' .untniniiiii i; htn-1 rjiRrivlni
of the 1 t'inn'i' Clutiactcn In the Wnvi-rh-y nov
clit, tdHiii'l In i'h Kiml iiv-roroo, prim HV).
17111) w oiiiti in i nry iowii in iiif
llnlitnl NtiiifH. A oiiiiiiiluitltv Ih nirurdcJ
to liHlii-strinn ntr-n mill woincn in iiinke innnor
nn rcry tn iiijUonmn ainl hIMu 111 pnrch:ou tin
Vk V I 1(1.1 V fcl.f III lin jiiw oriri
For Hps'iMiw rjut'H iippu to tn riHinnprn,
1, vpri.lroN, A-COMPANY
lV).','(j-lt lll.i OilUlOAli-VV N Y.
J, IIK Villi Ol l . W. II, M VI If. M. I, UAKTb-v
COH.Sril or- U'K-ir sritKKI A lll.Clt HOllHK Al.Lhl
IdiMini IihtciwiI i.ur facilities In thnviiy of
shop nnun, mtifhlnory, Ar.( we an prcpnreil to
IIIIIIIIIIMII till' I.l " M.lllll I i. 1 I.l 1., Ill 111 llll MIIIUS
hukkt-Ikon WoitK.A., AH wotU promptly don
to oitlt r, nt l.oi l liott-'f, uiul
HPi:rir, ArrnxrroN paid to i:i:iAiits.
t SI I A I II H .1. ..MUMM.Uvf. i ANKH,
Yotir nltciitlon Is rclnlly ralleil to the mem
ber oi o ir llrin-all lulnu Practical JSoxUr Mttkert.
Mi. Hi Tiri iti: lins had an nr'Tlcne nf over
ihiriv Mars In the 11111 1) 11 fnc I mi of all klnJs of
Mi nni Iloili rs anil fioni onr loiiRrxpcrlence w
mv ItiHv nwntc o the necchhlty of u well-mnit
und . t Vi r i . 1 1 1 1 nrur V.mi. n. In Ki ( tile not onlv
'nriv hul "fttlifnotory renilts ; iml we hlinll rItp
our (iivtunnTrt only inone oi itic iwsi riuaiuy n
ricai ' iiintcrl!it,v"ikninn'.htp,nn(tftniplehrBi
lug sin In ", mil lid eonll'ient tlmtwe tnnren
i!i-i '-ii'iMi i'.iii, ami nt pi ires fully as low as any
otlicl hu'lilcj- u!n(! the same qu:illt of Uiatert
" won' t call Oii'attf'nttnn ol ltnllwuy ruin
pniiUn I't miii luellitUt for dolus I.OLOMOTIYK
VHMv. : nm n i:i i.ifs ntt m.w, ns -ve make it
tv poii'i tor otic of tho linn toalv n ivohls j er
Konnl attcntloi.
Wi mw nlmi preparrtl to do nil kinds of Strum
rittuiut, Mich a i livnllns l'ulill" nnd rrlvnt
Hnlldlny. !' M'trhs, lining up Meam Holler Ac,
onMum! on l.imdall kinds nf meam Kit-
UNfl'V-T!. Mi V TI I: lit AflKH STTM 1'IPrt
and all mttnusfontiii ted with the hindnenR.
Al ",i .istliiof all kliid-.Itoilcrrronls.Cirnl'-i,
Mn h, IMowm.jiimI nil work coimeetfd with Ih
in i! ii t.ndr Ittihlne'-f.
li pfcif itlv oliiit'r.i' onr order, ire m
YimisMrv tin".. J. HKATIK'OTr.A CO.
i: a ii nasi:
A ST Nl'Al.l M ANt'ltr. mil AM. lMHt.Ii Cl
it IN C'l.ol'-.
1 1. .viii..' i. if 1 1 1 1 1 I in i.nst . inr!v tnrimrti
t mid lmprnulmir .u lllth- for iirliiiiliu twiiM
i i-nd nmiii'iiH'lnnn,', vi' iu piepu
il i.i luriiUh
(lie ffitiriiiid I'i nnnvlMinli. :
it-r-rlor Hrtlrl
.. V.i'1'I it III -l'l Vi 1
mtr 1 1 1'Miim lei hiti l itii ilioioiuhty tested
li t'.t-i H'ii l pr.n'tli'iil men of oitrlninie
..i'i. !i il oiliin.d in !-i .l 1 n-, nnd In tery
0 -i tin H'Milt 1 it iiii. intiifly utiit-rut'tory.
ui ptit 1 1 f pu!i 1 ns.whiuijj it In prf-
1 n d -i.r tiud cu.UMiiti 1 il
..hViult-H till ol.jtclli'ii wl lilt i-Uiahrh to many
lerlilt is I'iid m run 1 t Ihi tirnirru mlngof
uilt-lt Willi. i.U' liliti.
'-'ol-ntt Mn-llltll. UflU'torj 1 1I 51 II'KKT hTItKKT
iMiri:v, l'., rnd hv our .mc 1114 throuahont
ihi- i oiiTiiry, in Uiuh of Stuff", .h h. nt in r ton
n wn H.s Al-o !Illlli:i 1 HOMITLY to all
iMtilll- lu'i-i f-il h- li mil 0rn1n.1l.0u iitimi t of
i.rdi i. T-iltltlNflTON A HOIXIKIN.
1m A tin 1 .or t.Miiotir. Moiumi A Alhn.B
Si'Tlhilhin; lluipi-i nml II Ntw irk
i-i , it ml J'rutt A MiHtllej s llt-5 i'iid -iniiii ltuku.
.1. K. l 1:. Aq n. l-ti in.liur, I'h.
S,r,-. vi fViciitur, I 1 lj,'-l.v-i'm
AT i: W (M) i V M Ii 1' S
.ir.i: ami ii:mli: ai'xhkm i
Winter nnd S flm: K.t,n oithH Iti-titut tnn
MiMi.'loiiii no r.t) HMAA . MAltL'U -lid I MA
hiMIUi-tiiill vilt Ik iM li til nil hrtiti. Ut . taupht
lit tirM t'lit-i- A-'idttnlts nnd r-ntiliiuru'f. i-mi-d
nt-. ir"tttir'n. lor t'ulh ti-or '1. Ri hin will u
, I . i ) Ji iii-ullii !U IlUi'tl.
'lLKWl'Ht til AKTIinnP I'.LKVI.N WKKK"
llH'fk.lJitlnnllil Mutlit intdle". . . . n M'
I (iliiliitili -t hold llrulli'lu s i ll)
I'ttiiinrv SfUon' I'ltini'ln?' , t i
, .viiti'im, Jlluhi-r ArithiuttU, lliiior nnd
' N'.iinial Sih im - D iu
J liicidi iitti , .i
' M"IIU.n l,Ai.tvol.nltiitMlHin..xu.i,ii.itu. ly
, . lllhllli mKj.nd Miixu-ili MUnih.
, , iinn 4 ..... ,.,.,1 In n. Until-.. t,ll.r ln.lf
nl ih. i nd of tl 4iii f r. No d.ilm-iti-n txrppt
tor i-h kut.
ll.l i m (i i,i.iMiii:i-,' rrm .1 m.
A 1 1 nni 1111 til. -nl u.tih . 'will 111 In-nilillc- ! il 1 . tlie
lilncliil nt .Nuvi oluuHm-i, Lii.rm-nni, J'.
01 tih:
ruMKUvn ti'al rut!'. is'ruANi
I oi Mttmt r 1'i-.nn4 t. m
t t itth 1 In 1 Unix UU', Pu
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- . ,n, n I'.h-U In lot vv .fun. Ul, p'i'
Vlil't. ol iTul-eni ju-itnti Jim,,
Wi, lti.
nji.Tt'o w
Atn'i. id IWin nun Nmet In tori-i'
1 .inn. int. ii.
i hmkh hy ruin r.un uniiMi tmi vhi t n
lutilid Ueh-i ol Lid..t 110,.,
" u'iyili.,l8.
i li luiitlml. in.w North d., to...
::u a)
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tiiitii I r. of forlird.. vv
JnLfi hleeln'l'.of Mi'ltpitir co
l.t ollliUI .oilUl , 01 1 oiuuioiil i ....
t Pfli-i IItfipi'liiilil,nflNdUlilMtli'o.
t V, V. l-luni'o, o Montouri-o
' th nj imlo lft, ri Lyenmlni; ei... .
1 Ai.iottiii of lo-.hf prevl-.uMji ld
f 'fotitl .'.mo ltd dil tor
7 au
t r..?U HO
' Alns nl llif H'Ml'VNI JSNl'Y 1, IPHHt
i"iih1i tn Tn-rtsurt r't 1 nml' 9 2.0 U
i Amount loaiud at init-ithi s,7,w 10
moiitit itm tthn tnem nfttr tie
1 ilnmtntf lot ilium nituiiiH iiiid Com-
1.1 t.l.. I 4S& Vt
mount din-11.. m m. -lit k .n Pitiiiu.ini. bH 19
(nh l itlntn In 6-.oro tin
( U ininm iioil tit tt in ,
t oiiipany i I2.1M 31
A v mlidilt 1 upitii .
$IV7jlff 'Jt
' l'.l.ITir - Ii4 III FIMI-;;nT 1 P.T Dl'K t
i ,1. 'initht 1. Hii'dir, of .Nt-rt'lieo M.ttlti ut
rU l It K C 11 Jt S .
Win. ljlliiur. r.llilu Julin. Atirutiiitit Mill limn.
l',tt-r llttMtfli61.fitlt mill lisllAt' Hlill.-sltfti'li ; nf Nur
Ihutiilrliuitl .siiiut). Win. V.'i Us, Attluli.ini
Wmnit-r. .Iiitin M'W'ftliuiiKi.Jiiliti uml
i Jt-stfliiii'i; 01 .Mitiili.tiriiiunl). il. H, A.U.
, .i;.,Vi..t litti.ui il. Kim..: ..ri'tiiiiiiii....
lllllll,-'. ... llll. ... ... It.'" 111. .11. - tlll.i-t n.i.
1 uH'l''UI
, w ,., u.nnit.iTwi. 1'. j.hisshn. Htc;,
Uu attiws V... l'r.s'l. H.M 1 Yt.i.ks .1.. '1 hum.
KVWVuin?i K,is"!it
I I'liimiutttl 111 lue jmr Itu.', mr tin Mutunl Iu.
.h, nuruiiw of ( niiu;i rroprily nl; , tind tmini'dl
I ut(ly Ihrtt itttt r. i-oiniHi iit'tdoi erattoin. on il.nt
pntlt'lpl', WlUli h.iH lull HllUtl UiihiU'd in
i hIo
1 1. H willtentii h Hi nlni ItMoit thia tl.w
t ' r.iiiipnny Iiiin i ultf lur h.n-ifcl.y hie durinu ih
y.jir, ,!" ;tf; Him iitiouuirr, utiet tu
oitiiluii.tii i.V.'iU 1,11.
The tituoutit of euili ((dUittdon ii l'te Yetiin'
I'olitj , dui t ml t'Xittd 1 1 4iilli.ry tHlt
tliHiitetlhy mmi CuinimnUt or out' iart el,
h lite liitairt.m e ol Mit'-iitr.-itt Mit I'ttofi h
i uiity, uud htrlt 1 1 t-om m.v in nt i udlluitk.tlin
i wmt-uio Iiuh nut nil ihiImIiiuk ilui iim IU mmc
ilvf '.ihw ii vi. opt mil' im l uinkiiiix intt I'll' nff Nkiiu ut
MAllaj, I mi ilio premium Nidtn t ttn memht ih, Mk.
i.w,' .,iU4 iNl im:, nilpr itiit. thuNtdei., nnd
4'iu,( ig (j,e li i i e o 1 1 i-liowh a ruth t uiiuict- In faor uf
Hi"-."-)! I the t oiiipnii oi tiu.iiTu id cm r ml lliddUtUn,
u,.lkkl l t'OM 1 11 viiti it.- No piuptity ultu
a at'''' iM ull I "' tf'i, 'luwiioi V lllr ii hhull
IM,oi 0 , ii.Kim ,1 hy km id i'i -in nn n .
l.i-M.K) I Wm,, l'rw'l
, 0 r,Jnll.S'MiNi. .
JidlS A. I 1 NMD.. liluiim-djurL Au:eiit for
l.V' I
i ki.fV
Hit tow iiftlup. iu loltiiui'ia fount) wt.t of thu
ntr. ii'ipt ,M ntour tiiwiuhip, mid xlu lor
llmi pun ot l.iueme tuimt l went of tht rlv-
HIT K IDEUWN, Atfitil lur Miilut'. MifTlIu und
it. ii v . i.'ui-hh'K. i'tiluiiiliiti utinn .and uUn tor
i ih i u 1 1 ion if Kim ri." eoiinii , ling eiul uf
i tii in. v.
V 4t M NMMIl n ? tin hnUuiee dfCul
tit l ui I'OlllllJ
M .1 4 i l