The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 27, 1868, Image 1

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    r r-r i r
VOL. II NO. 10.
BLOOMS13UHG, PA., F1UDAY, MARCH 27, 1 808.
HT ) V KS AND T I X WA 1 1 K.
lACOIIMiriz, dpfdpr Iti sto i'h A tinware, Mutn
(I ulwvr court Inmsp, vl-n II
I M, llVrilt!!'. Mnvps mwl tlnwnln. Kurort
il. lilri'l:, MalllNl., west iifMnrUi I. vl-lll3
I.DWKNIIKHII. lnnpliant tailor. Main it.. 2d
itoitr ribuvo Am rlcnti liouc, vl-nIR
I W. I'llKMIlKllliIN. wlmtpiuilpniiilrplnllilpnl
(I. pr In ploUilinr.Pti'.t llnrlmiiirti liiilMln-r. Mnln
mini. vl-nn
dhugs, cirranc'Ai.H, ,te.
i N. Moymi
ilrnirul.L niul Hnotlipcarv. tix
J change block Main nt
"P V. I.UTZ, drnjulst nml npnlliponiy, Hiipit
J'j. ldoplc,Malliist.,wpstorMaiUpt. l-ii.l
I OUIH llHItNItAItl). wntrli nml ploek innkpr.
IJ liPiil-AiHltlirn-tPollipl Mailinlid Iron sKvl-tl I'l
ft I!. HAVAHI!.
lUnli-r In pIopUh, watt l'n and
w, Jmvpliy, Main nt
npiti'iv n iiiviic .miii-iii'iiii
I -ii 1 1
I) UATIK'AI'.T, watpli nml flu
H id., lirl'iK.Mnln.
It nialti'i'. Mmlu-l
1-n 1 1
t ah'l shoem iltei.Maio stu et
Jt opposite Aluuileati house,
4 M)M,Kti:i!,iunmiIarturer nnd dealer In boot
J' nml Mluit',MiiliiKt,( oppo-dle i;plncopalchurih
III..NUY KMIIM, manufacturer nml denier In
ii '
ImioIs niul shoe. irrnrerh4 etc
I'axkI bloom'
burg Main st.
DAVIH Hi:r., boot niul shoemaker, Main s(.,
below Hartnian'K htotv, u-blot.Mail;cistieet.
vl-n It
I H 1 IVANS, M. 1. surieon niul physician mhiMi
I si. MulliM., below Mullet t. W-hll
nit. I). P. Kinney Mirirenn dentlxl.tii th extract
ed without pain. Main nl,, iie.iily opposite
l-.piieopal church. lii HI
J 11. M'KTIA'Y, M, 1. Ntiwmi and phytdclan
notith nIiIo Main M., below .Market, lnlt
t) Market M., above Main.
DU. H. L IIOT.l.,MiieoiiilenllHt,Matn M
above coin I house. I -1 1 1 !
MISH I.IZZM1 UAltKl.HY, mfllhitr, Itamsey
building, Main t. vl-nit
MWS A. I). Wi:illt, fancy nollnim, Ito-ilw,
stalhmcry, unit It stile Main nirrcl holmv
I. l-nlt
l.i rirri'.KMAN, millinery nml fanoy );.hhIs op.
i posltr rpSfnpal rlmnli, Main i, vl-nit
A! Its. .IL'MA
A. A- HAI1I1 ltAIUCI.i:V. hidlit
Main mid wi'it st. ' ' l-nlt
n 5
MHSM. nintllK'lCSON, nillllnorv
KOntU MalutMiippollc ('uil)t llrat
tin I i iik.v
. M-nii
II IN. M. It.
ill Unt im, iii's Mot
L'liM N, inlllliirf. Main
mill! MIOSIS IMJtMAN inllIIiKMy im.l lanc
I KonilsM.tln sirct't JusL In-low Ainci It an liou-'.
I l.i:.('()i'K,ostoran-l tfttMu saloon, Anuil
t) ran llmisi-, laln kt., IJ.ill3ffcr 1.m. otk Hiiprrln
iL'inlont. l-iH"j
rniMVi:it t JACOnV, wmfoitlomy, lial.ciy,
U niul ovHici frion, vholonlo mil lutnlLlJx
chaiiifo block, Maln-bt, l-ni l
nnx a vi:nr
eoufwtlonrry, liakcry. nnd o$--
L' h-i --'alooii, uhoU'f.nloiinLl tetall,
jrtv I run.
-nXCUANUK irOTHU by J. r
l!i Ml., upptlti- uouil house,
f ah i.ow, Mnn
vl-n ! l
1 MIIIili'AN IIOl'SK, by John Lk-U-ock, Main
i i.t., v st of lion t.trcui, l-nli
l.viMKtt HOi:,l, by J,V.;,i.-iht uul or
1' Main -t. l-ni)
.VL'iilI.snil, ri'iit'dlimctit i.aloon.Malimt ,;ut-l
I), nlxA'u tourthuiihi', ln I J
I r.l'ALdW, rtfruohnu'iit saloon, rxrlian'
fj hoiol, l.nwHon Caiman, hupcrlnuiuli'tii 1-niit
iri-pHhinfnt hnUn'ii, hhlv 'h
H bio. k south Kl.lcMahiht,
i; ,IAi i UN, CoiJh' tlomry,
1j slnbot) t'.mit Ibmsf,
vl-n Hi
l"ali r in lrv tmiils, wroocrli-c,
Hour, ttu't. hboch. nolions. He.
t j iiuc( nwau
imii;i blot It, Main -In i-t, v 1 -1 1 1-
ill urtHTrU-H, Hour. !!. Milt, iMi.
lrur.i.vv ni:ai
il ab it In dry iootl
Milt, ll-li. lion, units.
iioitht-aM (orr.i i Mtilnmxl Mmla-t -t, I-nl(
Hr.lIOWi.ll.lialsaml nips booU nml hluu-,
Main tt alHtc (null luai-i', lnli
CI ('. MAlMt.iliy coo.lnan.1 imiliui-,
f, coiner Main mul lion his,
l .1, ltltiVi:il, dry tioodscron lien,
cJ.wiht eorncr Main mulJion ts.
(Miullnti st
1 nil
l)i;V. A, HAUTMAN, dry bkmH. notions, and
11 biocitIcs,, Main t.,oppo.llo KpiM'upiUtliun'h.
ln l-t
II II. UUNhIlKlt(li:it,(iii!'nt,)j'KcerU'K
i. tobac-
1 1 . o, i
p. mul ponfiTtlonarv. Main hi., brlow Ann r-
lean hou-e, I-nl t
l A. IIIH'ICI.KY. Kftoiuihhoi't(tori'.li
IvK mid
I , htatloiiL-iy, Kfuitliwiht luiii'-r Markd mul
I mul
N 1-1)1 1
MMiTAM KHASMfs, conru'tlomrb's
justai'oo fi am iinusi',
i; MIONPKNIIALb.K) ni'i-il Mo-k ol nii'iih in
. dlntt nml himhiT
iim-r ol Main hln-ct urn I
IkiwU-k loud.
I .1. lEimillNNdi'ah'fludry kciNkw
I !-hlvrK bloi U, Maill M IilIowIioU
ill rtr.
l-li It
1 K. (11UTDN, (ii.u.-rlis A riolslons, hoiiib
Jrast i'oiiM'1" Main uudlion stntt.. vl-n 1 1
NV.HNYIM.U, bmdwaie, mtlti
, Main k,, below liun.
i .1. SI.OAN, dialer in i lioli ediy jroo.1
il ill I pi o noons, nihil fetiou i j
Si., OppOtllU t'Otllt 111 lilt I',
. etc. Main
Willi I
T i. l.YlJt, ik et It h nml ueiit ntl inert in lull'
f .Ml
Main hi,, uboe W'i'ht,
l T. in
1 1. h boch. c lc. Ituttrt bit
iihIk, uincules
. l;( Slulu hi.,
it ot
.'iai at'L,
Ui nrieivoii
Main ht., vi-fct of MaiUl tl.
1 J. TIIOUNTON, wall i-apir, uludow dmd
i, mat tlxtuun, llupeit bloik, .Muliiht. l-ui
II ltOMi:Nh'liu K. iiliotourm.ber. r.MbaiiLr
11, Mock, Mnliifl., oppoKlte (ouit lioiiM, W-nli
I IV llltOAllT. iiliolni-uiiili.-r. Ibllllnilll's l.lllhl
eJ inuiiortliiateoim i Muluiitnl MaikcUI. 1-iiH
T V. llAltTDN.toliaeionlst.mid lUaU rlu t-tuM
i t coal, Main hi., opposite coilll Iioiikc, l-lil
i it. PITIEsirt.I.. Kiuldle. tiunk mul biiriu-
I innktr, Mtttit l bilow touit, 1ioum l-uic
i rnriMi. uluo Malur. ami While nnd lmuv
U. Iftiincr.Hd.lumii, M ni7
Hl.Vltl.MCIIl ill Jll .Ml 'I. it .. IUIU1H1I"
nnd ilenleiH In btilulier. of 111! KtliilM. hlnlullm
mill neartho raibioud. M-nlO
t .1. liltil.l.MAN. hiidd Ie and barm HU mnli
, near t'outlnu'ht coi tier Slain mid Mmkei hi
W1TMAN, nimblo Wtukx,
near houihwctt
roriier Mnln mid Market bin, vJ-nW
Rll.lU.MiIJ It.ilialet In iilimriK.orbuim mul
, rtu' (l, W. t'oiell'i lut nil me moms
Ml 1l.MAhTr.HS i't lor fioeri. rnkci'a
I k. iHmr.iHiililn.i Mnln kt.. I (ill t liUlU M l.lllld
inr. un Htuln. jc
1 W. UOHHINS, llipior ileali r M-cond ilmu tn ui
, norUiueil liunii Main and ItohhU. l-iil'l
MT I'l
liJACOCK. Nolnrj rublli'.iioillitUhU'
Main mul MmKi l i(
If US A. 1 UNh'l OX. in lit mil and i-iibli tuli s t!
) liikoiiiiu'o iouiimi'.iioil)uiikt col in i M.ihi urn
Ml (iluil'
HAhKl I IT, inmiuiueluier and i
111 'lllli' lolll llllll n. ( 111 III) I I 111) 111
U 1 1 ol tint -ha.'
nun- Mmn It " i i iuh. li.i
IH. KI'll.N, dildil in input lldloM, lie,, lluti
l'i illn'h allpy, 1-itcA ol Al.u luili Iioiikp. 1ii
OA.Ml l I. JAIiHiY, Miirl.l. mul llrownSlone
O W.ikt, L'utl 111,. u,.mv, UkrnUliiiiiid, vl'rlt
nil. II. A. MI'.(IAI!(li:t., rlij .lelnii nnd Mirm on,
Jlillll H.i next door In llooil'ii Hold. O-llli
IjtlK'K TlO'li'l. mid n rnnlmunt nnlonn, lii
J)&ttlluti liulli'oiticrorM.tliitmd I'Incat. vliuT
CJWAN UOTI I., Hip I1linr hull"
) dor, Main "I.Ikivo rillP.
I Jnlpi :t.i
VMilT Dli, HtA'AN. donlor In dry rhoiIa, Ktocprtii,
. lnmher Arid griiprtil ercrlnndlNll Multi t-t.
riCOIIflK LAZAlft'S,lilWIUlPnlidhiiri!Plnnl:i r
U Mum Ht.. nlKiMjHiprlnUTi Hold. vl-ti 17
T tr. RMITII, mntinfliPltmr of tin wnro nnd
tl.dealor In NtoWH cU't Alain Kt., ftbovo '.hp
R'Tull Hot. 1. vl-nlT
ciAMUIitt HVIininT, rinipi-lHt ,t Apothcrnrr,
ijstnln SI i opt. m-iiI
I I!. W. cnr.KMA.N, Jlurchmil tailor mil
Jt iIi'iiL lurniHliliiuuiimlH, Main St., next door
lo ihpl.rlil. iioipl. vl-n IT
H. llAYlIt'IiST, Clockn, WnUlii d mid (inns
icpnti-nd. iluim mul WalohPn for nalu, Main
below 1'Jny, vl-n47
I AMKM1J. HA KM A.N. (Jublnot Muki-r, nnd t'll
I dcrtaker, MtilnMt., ielow l'ltio, 1-n 17
K P.I.I tt jit, Coiirtcliouciy, OynnTn
rnjimiiaiHi aiiu.
vl-n 17
II. KKM'IINKII, Uliirhrnillia, tin Mill
iri'i-i, in m- ritu vl-m;
U'H.l.l 'l lli:i n,Vll,-.
II luipi'i f llilile, Mill Hi,
Illnkl I Olid lillilHlf iP-
ivi't i.ri'inp vint'i
IM.I - ''NYM''!!. Hour mid
li iitalpi in urnin, .Mill Mn'iit,
Mill, ami
f lAVH II. KI'IIIIYI.r.ll, lion r.inndi i.Miii liln.
I jWt, nml MmtilfMi'tnierof lilown, Mill Nl. 1-lllT
ll,1'.rt A. WII.UAJIH A l'o.,Taniipr
.md Mati
.11 iiini'imi m oi umiipr, .11111 riirti-i.
tollM KHM.IHt, ll.Kit and t-lioimnki
O Htrppl, opiKinItt; Hip. AnnlPliiy
r, l'llip
ii. Hi:i!inxii.v iii;ii'nii:i:,cmiiniitiKmid
HiilldiiT, Main Hlrptl, hplow 1'inp. vl-nlT
SAMl!i:r, HII VUVM, Maker ortlH'IInliurt.t
(lialn fiadlc. Main St. L'n"i.
JM. IIAItMAN, nadiJlo nml barns inakir
, oraiiwllU', opponlie ri.imorlmrcli. Unll
)HTHU HNT, dpiilfr In dry jroods, Krocprlun,
Hour. TiihI. snll. llh. Iron, nulls, ftp.. I.luht
sirptrl. vl-nli
L'ndprtaUt r
J mul C'liallniiiker.
l-n in
;ilnlllit iinjioiilte pout olllcp,
P. KHI.I.Cr,!
HI'. OMAN t'o, WliPPlwrlslit
allOl P hPllOIlt llUUM'.
llrsl door
IN. !!. tCI.INI'i
mllllnpry mid fulipy moiiiH.
I W.HANUnY. dcnlor In LralluT, II Mom, ll-nk.
) etc. Uishpalilfor Ml.le. vl-nl'i
rM. M. TNT, denlei "n sttves mid tin wiiib In
all Us imimlifj. l-uH
t) l.T I'll V, OMAN, inn mi fact urcr and dealer In
1 boon nn 1 tdiocs. lu
i uioni'letnr.fcoullw'ist lornrr Main and Seeond
i ii 1.1, -iii-
II. t'Ili;.SY,diy fzn.uli, urneorit
nml to b-
) i r
ral Muchnmllhe, Main Street,
O 1. ItlNAItli.dialer In
nml tlii-watp.
II. AlllUUT, attorney at Liu-.Mnln St red.
m.muir & KUNi:,tu uood
'J nl-
in ral HKivliiiiiiIHe, Main
ui:;i,i:it, billiard .sbiou, uw
anil in'
i, ream In m i ton M.iifi Sticct.
'i rioprb'tor.
. KOH'I.'V.
I'll 11
r. iu:uiiiAi;i, a ri:o., iu au n in mi
ur .iviIim, niul ui'iiL-ial oierelianilian.
u.-, ipn't n uari
d-nh1 nitlM , .ds, ijiiifi-r-,
iiatilnmv, nsh, halt, nut's,
V, i;iOAU,HUMpu!.arn:
ll'ix Manuf.u,Lir.v.
IMaulllK Mill mid I
Nldli'AV M iHSON,
, e.'i'le, ami ii, Innilii i
ill ah r in div yootN, ttn
elf., .1. I ii low .i vl-li '
. sWislIKlt, d.Ml.'i' In Hides, T.ealbei
ie. Ma iiM-u lu. nliip ('oluinbla I'ounty
vl -n lii
-lAI'l'.HAMt'i:!. IllMnY, Mi'dtsoii Motel, lira
V ' '-rw and Miuuyer.s i nli-i laiiad, -Ml
o x (i r o x i) ii i) t j; l.,
I in-, timn l u.iu-m nu ina ii'useiiuiei ie-Hii 11111
I in 1100,1 slle Ihe atioe Uell-knoUll liouc
A Mil Ml Till; MO IT NT A INS
In 1 he bonier nl L'ohiliibl.1 mid Mill Ivan entuilles
In ono ol the must beautltulmid hcalthtut 11 tllons
ill 1 no bun ut ii imiy prepmeu 10 utcniumonaif
isitorM and hojotu'iictrt
Y.'lTIl TIU-.IU rAMll.Il-S
The 1 'olid and tdtcnms tt v.tdl stiH kt tl vlth
Ulu-lotw tlsh of many kinds including
T Ii O L' T A .N D I' I K I'.,
and boatH In mj1 ordu will bo kept foi tlieuc-t-oiohiodatlon
mid miMiKehn'nt ofmicsis ellhei
lor tlshhu oi'pUasuiei'Xfiiihloii'i upon IhN beau
tliul aet of water whli-li is
Ki;, miu:s in i:xti;nt.
Mirroundetl by an extt iele l'oiexl. Iheie Isatrbr-
len 10 me iiuuisii, 111 a mui'iiohi ih"m 101 in- mvn
peeullai poitM, 11 1 nl cm'Umm' u ttli his
1 O U A N 1 tJ L
Ills I.arder w 111 be ahvaK pinUleil with lli'
: Ui-aeli-Hof thi'M-iiMHt : and his ISai hloeked with
I'L i:K blui oliK, Uiu House W laiv'nild eotiiiuo
lion-,; uic hiaounu exuiuie mm kiic,
'I lut 1 Iniivi. U 1 1 li'itm knu ml 1 if tint k ol
llii) illoonishnrtf iV j(iiekauanni Itallnud; ann Ii
U spli'iulld plaee to pass I lid hot months of Milli
liter, II, ii. 1 1 A 1 111 Ul .
May 17, lN.7-1111.
ii r y 11 1 a ii o it s 1:
11 1: It N A It I HTO II N lilt.
II vvis'd latelv Mire based and lilted no the
well-Uuown KoIjImiii Hotel I'ropi rty, located a
imv noons .noi: niiiiuruT 1101 si:,
nlhesmiie side of the street. In the town of
Utoniiisbuiir: mid balii' obtained a IUh.nsc lor
the Mime asu
U i: S T A U Jt A X T,
tho l'ronrlctov hai ileteruilned to kIm to the poo.
pie isiuui; ine lown on nusuiess or pn iiMire,
IlisshiblhiualfoN extensile, mul W fitted ini
to put huuuicxuhdiiiiikmi'. In the dry. Ho mom
isi'hiuai et rytniOK.ioiaii iiihisuioiimihi 111 tiiiiu
beioiiduettit In un ordeily and lawlul mnnnev;
ud he tcspt t Hull, solleltsashme ol lhepuilie,
rpili: SWAN
Tin: in I'l.u iini'r,l
olIANdUVll.l.i:, CIlM'MllIA ID., l'A,
Tim ,nlii.prll(i' ipMipptrnll inroiiiiv IiIk flit ll'N
mid Dip I'lllillp, Hull lip ha. ud, 11 Hip nliOMi Mi II
Itilinin noiivu 111 1 .nii'i iniiiioi'iii, nun mi
olpiui'd to ruplvu Hio custom or all Mho Mill
luMir him ith n pall.
111: Vt'tu, 10:1:1' a tioon taw.k,
a llai Mpll hIiipHpiI wl'lt Hip IiphI of t Iqnore, ami
p pry t Hurl will bp turnip to ipudtr puiUp suti-i
fiii lion. JdllN hJil Mill.
Ui'aiMill!-,rti Maroli 1.1, MI7-Im,
Tin: 1'iupilbtor oru.iiK&pluiniioK.iloiiuliii n w
on liiind 11 Iiuko Hlock ur
uiUfclntlUK of
HI'Kl.ll u)hl'lllll, filltlMNIU, TilllT, lllll-oi,
min i'loiiil'i, null. tn 1111.., .WT.iTisr:H n i: iaB,
i.aoi:u iii:kk, au:, av,
dj-'comi: om:, i umi: am. ami fV.v. -tu
huiu i-lnti nilint.
lil.i,iiiii..iiti., May . lrr.
flMIU Khl'Y 1IOTKI;,
IVI'Y, I'id.l MlllA COUNTY, l'A.
.pn tr .ii.k,.,ii , 1 11 .in i-irnllv liiiiiiinuliU ri ii n,l
and Ilia 1 lllillp, dial (ip lilo. Ild.i n Hip iiIhap i II
known llnn-p 01 1 I'U no I'liiini, mm Mill 01
1 1, ur il in lu'ilMi Hip ii.Kiini ot all uliu v 11
1 . r I tin M III 11 il!.
HT WIN. Kl I I' A (IOll TAlU.i:,
. Ilnr MPll Morkpil Mllli lliu UH of I.liillol., nml
pvi rv 1 lloll 111 I'P 1111.1l' lo 11 ndpr 1 11 IP Mill.,
flirtioll, t II. till 1 U-ltlt II,
int. r i 1 '"
A I eniOL i u - Ac wsjipor
is rt jitt iitti) 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 ) 'k tiN.r.i) at
TUK prlnclplcsnftliliiiporaroortlie.loirerfon
lan Hehool of wiHtles. Tlinw prlndi Ich will nevt r
bepninproiuIPd,jftcnurtiny nnd klndew alml1
not be forgnttnlndljteuilntflhPtii.whHlirwlth
Individuals, or with CunUtnporat Ion of thti 1'ieHM
The unity, hnppluehM,i;nd prtmperlly of tlio eoun
trylHonralm nml ot jcetj nnd n tlio tnontti to
sreiU'D t tint, wo hlmll lubor hou ttly nnd 1 anient ly
tor the)mmiotty,fciiccci4iu.lffiowtliof oar organ
Ti:iiMrtorSrn.sriui'Tio: Two dollaui a yenr
If paid In uilMitUH'. If not paid In a.haiice two
dnllnn and fifty rents v. Ill be ln nrlably clmrKcd.
TkhMs of Ab MvriMNn IOne itinn rtm Ui.eH
or Ie.) one or tltrre Inwillons ll.'Wli each pult
iti nt Intertlou -Vl ccnis,
"PACK. IM. 'M. M. I..M, IV
one sipiare $'.0o ,00 W,W) f I',U)
l'u'oK'iuaren 3,fW flt t),W 1,h U.'JO
Tlilee houari'i, ... ,VW 7,01) s.Oij (ni is.l)
I'mir .iu.iri' . i,w h.ik) I' ll.oo av)
Half column. .. . I0,t) IJ.iw ltfi 2j,(j0 au"
One column w H.'O l.i-i UM cum
i;xccutor and Adiiilnlstrator'H Nut lee S.l.ffl; Au
ditor's otlcu S-'.'A Othr ndcrtleinehle fiiscr
ted aceordlnj lo special continct.
centn per Hue,
Trnn-lentndvcrtlvcinents pnynbli) In advance-
all others due after the tlrtd Insertion.
i It H, In itlanrs, more likely to be satisfac
tory, loth to subscribers and to the Publisher",
that rnulttancesaud nllLouiiminieullcimrei-picl
Ins the biulncsof the paper, he sent direct to the
ofllccof publication. All Utters, uhtthrr rilatlnn
lo the editorial or business; concerns of ihe paper,
nnd all payments for MiWrlpllono, adveilMn,
or Jolibiti'.m" to be made to mid nddnssed
imocicu'AY a nu:i7,i:,
llbnoMsiinm, V,
l'i fii'.-l at Hobl-on's Ilnll.lhiKs, in ar tl-e court
llOUsi ,
r, ?r. VA.Mir.itsi.u 1;,
j 01;
Neatly executed at thti Officr.
jyj s. l.'vr.ia.!-:,
A T T O 11 Jf II Y A T -1, A V,
Ailii md, SpIih Iklll t'unnty, rcim'n.
A TTIl UN II V-.V1-I, A W,
llprwlpk, I'olnmld'i Connly, IVnn'n,
jj 31. M'UAT'fill,
ATTOKNHY-AT-I.AW,'' -IlPl'vvi,
k, i.'i 'luii.l 'i 1 Cnnnlv, rpnn'n.
a 1 .'ii 1; . k r t-r. a v
( JiNTHAI I A , l'A,
A T Til il X I. Y AT LAW,
IMlli'p Willi I'.. 11. l.ltllp. Ill lilii'll lilllliilllj lid-
Ii .11 1 Uiu l'"d OIUpp. U-liomitlPK, Hilili-1111 mid
I'.'lldollH Plllll'PtPlI, iMPp-Hl'lP,
IOI1X (i. KllKIJ.R,
at to it :.-i; Y-AT- I. A
In tl Kl-t,i nnd IVeordiT'i omVp, In Hip
1 1111 1,1 1 f Un' I 'on-! Iiou1 1 , lllooni il lire, I a,
1 ir.
oiinitT i''. ci.auk,
A T T ( 1 II N 1 1 Y A T.I.AW
Ollleu I'oinev of Main nnd Mailut Hticetti, oir
rind T'liHyuu! Until;, liloouiKburjr, J 'a.
if. i.ittm:,
ATTor. I.' 1.1 - AT-1. A V.
oiiipoon Main Mripl, In lirlil; Imlldliiii ludow H;o
Ciiurl Doiup, r.looiiivbnip,. l'a.
?i 11. IUlOCKWAY,
lll.OO.Mm'lId, l'A.
tumblft oillpp.
Court Hoii'.e Allpy, In low Hip f
Jim IV.
attoii.m:y-at-l v,
otllco in ITnaniistN ihilMInt-, Main Mrcd-Wi-sl
of Ihe Ann rlcmi House. rnij2r'7.
lelulty Diat he Is now pit pun d t
plallnif.Mlvir oriiold.
nl. .nil khels
T I () X K K It.
m osi:s t'ori'M a n ,
Itn loi follnwi'd th oiof.-Kxlon of Public 1 ad'U
I 1 It r tor inniiv 1-iirn. woiiM in form Ids llli-tlds
that he Is still la the Held, leadv and uilhnu to
intend toall the iliilleH of his VallttiK. )' is lis
defchinu his servkei. should call or wilte lo him
nl ltlooiusbuiur, )'. inaist7.
11. W. II. IillADI.KY,
A .Mailt Mi'.llPlll Illliplor l'. H, Arlll.v.l
l'llYHK'IAN AND HlIUtir.l'N,
ija- lllUi'i' ill tlio Iiou!! 00i0l.ltpSlll(i'K Illoik
lliniililslailK, l'a,
Calh iinttni'tly nllcndi.t to both nlnlit mid di)'.
lllilii.liu-a, Jan. 1, I".
e. s 11 1 v 1:
a 11 1 1: t i a i; k it ,
AMI JIAM'IAni'lll-.U II v srn.SM ol
H II r T T 1: It H, M I) U Ii II I N II H,
lll.lHIMSIll'Ud, l'A,
Juno I'CT.
1'AHH IHNAllI.i:
r-llAMI'riOIN'n HAI.OON,
Over V'.lini'.i i-r A J. I'ob.'ti Ipp t'untij rtitlui.
in 1 n'-iiu iiii,
llnlr IimIiil' .ml W lul.i'M fololid blark
i....... t. Il, !, 'I..,.!. ..1. ,,. ,l,ii.,linll'iii,.ll...n.i.
Illylnil tin hi"; will n uai' ball' lo
potor MlHiuui .01II111 i' m.iM i.iinip, i'omi!iiiiiy
011 nanii. ,u'iu.
M X T I H T It Y
II. ('. IlOWrit, I'K.YIJNT,
Uchpiclfully oilei'H hi'i profcfslonal mnlciMto
ine ut'iiei. aim kiiik nn 11 01 iuooiiiMuon unn 1
, Inilv lli U in. .1 to nlli ml 10 nil the mil
ouh opei at Ions in the line or Ids prolunblou, and
Ii provided with the liupiou-d I'oi.t i
Tl .T1I WhU h v III no IliMTIitl oil uom piauuic,
tiki 1111,1 1 nlil.i f liRkt. lo tiuilr mi w 1 II imOiH llll t-
tirnl tilth. Tilth cxirai ltd li all the m-w and
most appioM'd imtli'tlh, nnd nil oitiulloUH
tl,,. 1 utli , ii 1 , 1 mill 10 il i,n lull d lo.
llesldimi' nnd Hint a liw dot aboe ll.i
('null Home, seine hide.
Illoomhbi.iit, Ji.i..M.'lMt
yrA UTiM ax a knuklmak,
'inllAlTO, HMTF A' Hl llAlt
i.Nn'Ai I'nUY,
No It MiMM UIU phTliKH.
Hc-'ond Poor below Vnod,
(Thohc i'oftry.
Ml.Ol II.
"A i.iTrhK iiioro sleep, a Utile more ulumber,
V litrl mom folding the hmln tottleep,"
1 awpiii'U fo'detl ill. attis tlho-al outer or innu
1 f i-
Cm my mind me begtliuii (o Cfcepf
l,.u Un' Jnippltii'Hi lb 11, (a boraptttro l
1.1 ..un wild wlilHjK-rs. my mnulfitl irm'n,
And, IU; .1 linnet, ho em fully ertptttrrH
In 1 be ofi netn of my tionuttrtil timln.
r te li not thrse curtnliml )otir haiid will bo
Delltuto tUflUeti ot OioukIiu nnd of things ;
Cull mo not ( your cruel volco will 1 scaring
Kluckn of yoing vlffWns on feowtamer m Inga
Leu e inu, O louve me 1 for In your rnJo priMphce
NoUilnuuf all my bright work! enn remain ;
Thou nrl .1 blight t tlilii garden of pteafnnc,
Thou ml a blot on my hfnullful brain I
I'ease jour dull lentuteon cure and employment
I,"t mo forgft AM'hllo tt&tible and Mrliu t
Iaovo nio la ponoe, let mo husUaml ouj iyiucnt,
This in tho heari an I Un, man u of life I
I'or to my ivellng tho eholooot of plenMircH
litollu thtH, without ymilui' pain,
IjiBlIy lUti nlng ihe nimilcnl meaHuren
of ihe ei t voice hi ny heautlnil b.-aiii !, for the halo of cnlnuieHs It spi catting
Over my sptr'l -is mild a a d ve;
Hush, ir tho ans '1 ol comnut h flhe hllnt!
over m. body liti vial of love;
Huih, for new sUimb'Th ure over me htuullug
'llnu would I comt thciu again mid ngihi ;
Hush, for my h art U hitoie't'ij-rcpllng
In the swift uallor my bean'lMtl bi-nln !
In rc.-'pim.-i) tnllio ropciili'it iippi'iils
I11 t!ii'o cnliiiims lo dip DoinnfratH
tliroiiKliimt tlio nmntry to (irKantzo nt
onto for tliu I'rc.ililcntliil ciiiiiihIkii of
1WW, vc Imvc twlvnl let
tci'H n-O.'Ini: liow to to work in tliN
nmtti'r. I'li'd-imt m It won lil ho tu 1111.
"jWci" tlico li'ltcrdfcoparnli'ly, thi'Ir imtn
lior rLiiili'is It liniiu-i-llilo.
Tin' llr-t tlilno; Hint tlm Dcmoi'rata In
every vIIIhkc, town, city, nml county
ltoillil do, i , to unite. In union tlu io
U -tren;lli. Ilnt,.tliu iiulioii In nsl.i il,
In wlint iiiiiiincr ilinll we iinlto? D iri
coitiilnly nn i-aty innttcr for llio-i- who
liolil u ciiiiinon polltk'nl f.iitli to come
tonclhcr for the purpii-n of nctlii' In
coiiri'i t In nil nnUter-i i elating lo the N--lit"!
to lie ilc lilcil nt til" poll-, ff tun
or three men in every lown i r to ile
vote li.ilf n il.iy lo iniliiflnjj tlieir fellow
DenuicriiN lo join ImiiiH in the 'trei'.i
worl. of reM'iilnj; lheeoiiiitryfr.ini Iho
p;rdipof Itailk'illsiu, they would ii"
toninhed at the rc-till. So -onn m n
numher of men Imve nftrcctl to form
1111 orgnnlntlnn, the n..f -lep lo tie
ciile upon tlie modi' of irjj.tnizntinn.
A-i to the Intter, we comnii'iid the r-itli-
joined druft of n cnn-dittitloi!, which,
in IU mnln fenture:', we learn, !i.i liecn
adopted with oil Ire succtJ- in niif or
two Stall
AVo, the Democrats of County,
?Pt)rt) Slate of , liMleving that
tliu perpitully of Iteiiiibllcan IlisUld
llous dcpiiidti upon tlie iiii'intemiiice of
Jli'liiocintlc iHiii'iples In the ndmini.-i-tratlon
of Hie goveinmcnt, Htnto nnd
'Vdcmi, mid that upon the Democratic
party ma 111 iy mu d wo rely to ciieic
lladlcnllrim now llirentciilnji t,i over
throw tho CoiHtltu'lonal flove.'nmoiit
of out' fdtlieiN, iilot overel,;uStdtei
and Htihverl the lluurlh of the people j
In order toueenro such thorough oiKan
luatlonof the Dcnioci.itle party, a will
niaUo It I'lllcleiit In promulfratlnK ltn
principle?, nnd lo defeat the evil miicli
innliiini and purposes of Hi eneniii i,
whi ther Minght to he neijomplMiod ut
the polN, or liy i'rmid and violence che
where; !: lehy pU'luing each t the
othirand to Ihe w.'il l t) devote our
selves to Hie work of reclaiming our
iieloved country from the misrule of n
h mil of dcspcr.ilo fanatic-, corruptlon-i-ts
and I'oiHiilratoi-.'', and in this inercd
iiu-i) mutually to !upiort and prntict
each other, do if-snciate nur-eivm and
nlopt the following
I'll.VSTl ri' I'ID.N ,
Ani K'l.i: I. Tlll Association siiall ho
known as tho Dcinm ratic ('liih .No. ,
of Town-hip.
A 11 1', L The olllcers of the I'luli hhall
lie 11 Drcldenl, Vlce-Pri'-Idciit, Secreta
ry, Trca-uier and Kxecutlve t'ommlt
lie, con-d-dlngol'iine meinlier from each
School Dl-trlct in tlie Town-hip.
A I'.T. '!. It -lull he the duly nl the
l'iililent to pre-ldi' at all nieetliigs of
the ('lull, lo pre-.-ive oiiliri of the
Vii'i'-l'i'i'siilent, to pre-hle In the tih-
h(;nci"ir Ihe rre-lilent : ol lit" r-fcicui'
rv to record the proi'i'i'dlllg-1 ol tin Club
nnd In preserve all honk-anil papers Iki.
longing to tliu -.lino; of the I re.i-urer,
to receive aiiildi-liuieall fuuil-'ieloiig-
Ing to the ('lull, to keep an aivount
tlicrtof, nnd to make Mich repoit from
time to time iw tlie Cliil) may order.
Aht. I. It .-hall he the duty nt tho
Kxectltlvo ('omiiilltee, forthwith Id oh
tain n correct of all tlio voters of
- Township, marked Democrat,
Radical or Doubtful, as tlio ea-e may
be, and It hhall tlieiciipuii be Hie duty
of the I'ri'.-ldent nml Secretary to re
turn a trim copy of said lists to the
President nml .Secntary of tlio Dpiiio.
cratlc A-.-ocintloii of Connly,
without delay.
AliT. .1. A majoiity ol tho iiiemliern
of the Club, may nl any regular meet'
lug of Hie t'liibe.slabll-h Mit'li by-inws
and riih'i a-may lie deemul wbe mid
iiT. 11. Any male- por-on, over im
age of H yi ur-, who, the i-tillic being
niul aloud In In b. arlng, shall gUe In i
n- eiit to the prinolpli i, ami piiip t-i
Nd lovth lit theproniiib'.'of He-' 'nn di
tulioii, may becomn 11 iiiemln r of Uii
t'lllli by "lulling the Constitution uii'l
na.vlng Ihe Tt'eaiiiircr tliu Hum ot -
Ccitllli'iite 01' inemDcrshlp can ho hnfl
of tlie.Secrolary.
Aht. 7. This Coii.tltutlou may be
aniendcd ut any legulai' nieelliig by
vote of tvui-thlids of the lueiilhern of
Hie Chili,
AltT. S. Jl htdl be the duty of this
Club to gio all po.-i.lble aid to increni
theciiculalion of Deiuocmtin new-pa
peiioind dociimeiiti, and in hold ills
ciimIoiis upon political subjects at their
minings, itiid, when eoineiiliul, ti
have enMiyi, rend or lictuivi, ik'Uveied
to Hie Club.
A III', U. It shall be fll'' duly of till
Club lo make lalthliil itpoit of nil It
uuliics.s to tho Dcnuicrittlc A -oclath
of - - County, monthly, which Club
Is orKMilxctl under tho iiulhorlly of
wild A'yoclatloii,
Wo w If Ii lo makrVpecIal referenco to
Article VIII, of the conslltlltlon pre
M'nti'il nbnve, for it covitm tlie mnln
uei ); f .lc elnb w hen once It Is organ
lod. l'jr-1 and Inn most, each club
'lioiil 1 ',pn rending room In which
sliould I e uhvnys ii(poH(.lljh: lo visitors
tlio lending Dcmoiratlci local newspa
per., .is well ns ono or more papers
which may bo regarded ns national.
Hut this ! not all. Whllo each club
shuuld make It a point lo bo provided
with wiuiid Deinucratie. tiuWopnpcrH,
nnd oecnMnnal documcntuj.earing ie-ftjotiplbk-
Indorsement", It should exert
Itself In .circulate tliu journals which
uphold-tlie faith to which It clings,
(.'ireuhlii your local papirs, and too lo
Itlhntt'vory doubtful llcpliblliali is sup
plied with miiml Democriilic rending
matter, and every Itepubllcautcna.'lous
of Ida polltlenl opinions affordod tin op
li 'i luiiity 10 rind calm mul able -into-meats
of bis political opponents. In
connection with this work, every club
photild endeavor to 'ccuri' the, services
of some 1, Itracthe speaker its oflon nt
po.N-lble. It is not luccssary to look
abroad for sticli tin one. Verv often
Just the man needed for the work Is tn
lie found In your own town. True n
It may be that "a prophet l.s not with
out honor sine In his own country,"
there is hardly u town in tlie country In
which there are not two or three per
sons wlio-c words will e.ert as much
influence upon their neighbors ns will
tho-o of some Imported orator whom the
people never have seen. Let the young
niuii jia e a i-naoi'i' 10 tain, every
manjipcak who can do o Intelligibly
and cfkctively. And let nil work,
wor.; wor.K.
One word mole. Wo would urge up
on 1 very Democrat tho importune of
beginning lids work now, not to-morrow,
not next vuok or next month, but
this very day. At llr-t it may seem un
uphill ln-k, but so soon as the spring
nnd summer campaigns open and tho
bugles -ounil fur notion, It will bo found
thai the most eiTcetlvo .ohllei.s will bo
tho-o tt'i 1 have organized thcHHehcs
into cliibi. Our oppono'il.snro marshal
lln" their forrr., for the coming contest.
I.i'Cils be ready for them, though, ns in
the old lU'Volulionnry limes, we refrain
from il'ing ii'.til wo - ( ;h" hli-of
A Sablow Xn Three Aclis.
in- .lusn mi,i,t'iii,
ArK I'usl -Knler a lap doig carrying
n hoirillng school ml-s in her arm
nboiil 10 hands hl'.'h. It makes Hie dorg
puff the dorg lays down tho ho.irditi;
rU0.1l inl-s, and nider.- mint juleks for
two, Willi tin 'i-iutl -iicksluiii. The
dorg begins tow Till, the boarding skoot
n'tts-tM!!him"!'',wllry tip," Hn I'ronchl
(id th- iIorg....vs "!., Im danied If In1
will,'' (in dorg,) gient en-ii-hiiii anion
th' a"Jiiii(p with criei of "put him
out !" ''iinlly a comproniiso Is all'ectcd
the lioiirdliig .skool ml-s kl"-e. tho dorj
with tears in her eye-'. Konkliislon
I.up dorg di-covi'M a wicked lice at
work i.n hN tall iiur.-oot him round
nd round they go dorg u little abend
ssrimWiody hollors "mud iloj:
boarding skool miss faints -landing
the kurtin drops.
Ack n imber 2- Cut'tln rises slowly
big buloiia-iir-age nil tho table bnlnna
snr-ige lifls up her head unit begins
wbark -bin.! piny.-"( lid Dnrg fray.
I'at chum In- kilt's till" begins tow
sivll--ladoiia -'arsagetinil K.'it lin-ailie.
I hoy mod 1 1 rounds-the stage is env-
I'eil wilh kats ami dog-'. Konklu-lnn
tlm nil Jlne hands and walk leu the
lotllghts, an old Hull Tarrier, rends
tho I'.-e-ldcuC- ".,!! fir ";!(in,niM moiv'
hand play- "I in in l.cinon- -bell
ring- ami kurtin wijts
Ack iiumbor M -A -ivne on the Kiio
Knual a terrible -torm rages Hie
kuiial net- I Mil -several boats go down
headfu-t with awl their hoarders nn
board--kaut make n be -bore -tha
drag thlr ankers - s mio uv them hnvo
tlie bi-t luck at .wearing the water Is
stivwe.l with lint' and kittles ,-everal
noks, 'jiaf s - im iidmre witli their
stove- in their tii-ib -tliey havo tn
draw nil' the kan.ill to -top the storm'iii men are -ecu along tlm
bank- of Iho kuall -pcaring dead lios
sos nnd eels -bind play- "A life on the
Odiiin Waive." Amid tremenilllls ai
pluu-e tliekurtln fall-, nml Hi awjenne
diper-', -Ingle tile.
A tliin-r.. -A gentleman. In put-nit
of n goose for dinner, was attracted by
the MKht "fa pi""'!' e.xeivNod one, '
Is that a yntii'g oneV said lu lo a
rosy-cluv ion la in nueiiiiaiico.
"Ye-. -Ir, Indeed It is."
"How iimeh doyoiiusk fiir!t'."'n-ked
tho g. -.tlrm in.
A d'lllur, sir."
Tint Is to i mtii li, say live eights,
and hue your money.
- "Well, sir, a I would like tn get you
in a steady cu-tomcr, III take It,"
The goose was carried "homo) nnd
roa-tcd, but found to bo so tough us lo
be iiueutl'.bU'.
Vhu following day tho gentleman nc-
insii d the fill' poulterer:
Did yon not tell ion Hint Hint gome,
vhich I hough t of you, was young'.'"
"Vt .,n!r, I did, nml It was."
''o ll WHstint."
"D mi'i yon call woman'.'
1 uiu only ninetien."
Yi'., I do,"
Will, 1 have hoard mother sny
iiiitny vimis, that It was nearly six weeks
younger than me."
Uit llMtiNli correspondent mentions
as a .ign of proure- li. Irglnla thai
nobody was nmntsl In the Convontloii
the other day when "a very black
liieiiibcr called a page to him and sent
to one of tho lending White meliibi l'i
for a 'ehtiw nf lobakker, Willi Ii was
iMiirteou Ij sent In the form of a ten
ceul plug. Ill.wk gentlenian 'bit oil" a
blgtl'ild and sent tho remainder back."
Stieh n atisiaetory sign of returning
loyalty -hould not hn oveiiooked ill
Congiess. UIs n bolter proof of this
w liito man being "sound on tho goo-e"
iban If Im were to swear a hundred
. lbs of allegiance dally. Hut what
Ono of Davy Crockett's Stories.
Tin: late Churchill C. Cnmbrellng
told me i-ays Mr. .1. II. Ilnckctt In the
N. Y. I.rrirlcr) nn anecdote of that ec
centric nnd then brother number of
Congress -tliu Into David Crockett
who hud n sent near him In Hie Ilnu-o
of Itepresontutlves Mr, Cambrellng
being from the city of New York, and
Mr. ('iwkett from Tonne ce:
"Onedny as I sat writing nt my desk
during nn Interval of the session, Crock
ett asked mp how long 1 had been In and, upon being Informed
".-everul years," remarked, "You ought,
then, to write n pretty good hand by
this tlmo," ns though he thought my
constant practice there should hnvo Im
proved It, Crockett continued: "Some
people object to uiu because of my want
of education nml laming glneinlly.
Now, some people know too much,"
"Said I; "Oh, no I A man can't
know Ion much "
"Continued ho: "Yes, ho inn! I re
member a cn-u In Tennessee by which
I can prove It to you."
"'Two farmers who lived not far
npai met one dny on horseback, when
ono - dd to the other: "Who nre you
goln ', to vote for, for sheriff?" The other
uns ered: "John Hoblnson." "Whatl
-aid the questioner," "you going to
vo! forh'm'.' Why bo's such tin Ig
norant cum he can't spell his given
nnine, John ; and, what's worse, lm Is
so stupid I would bet ten dollars you
couldn't lam hint to spell It between
now nnd to-morrow noon."'
'Tlie other remarked : "I would bo
willing to take that bet anyhow."
Well" said tlio propo-or, "I'll stand
'Accordingly tho bet waff made, and
a public hoit'o a few miles distant was
igreed upon n the pine" of their meet
ing at noon Hie next day for Its doel-
Hon, nnd tho neighbors parted.
"Tli" one wlio had made the bet in
favor Hi' John's ability proceeded
straight to the hou-e of John Uobln
(on, n few miles off, nnd found him nt
homo; told him of tho cnnver-atlon,
nd of Ids bet on him; and Inquired
whether It wa- trim that he hadn't had
dlcallonenoughlo-pcll "John." John
llobln-on at mice owned up that ho
could not, Hint be had never been ten
"nle- from that place where he was
born, and that no s.'hoolln' was to bo
had anywhere about thorn 'iro parts
for love or money. "Nover mind,"
said ho. ,'.lolin, I'll larn you mighty
I'.tick, nnd we'll divide tlio winning-.
Thewny to spell John Is -.1-0 II -
N," which John readily repented, and
In-i-led upon his visitor s coming in
and taking some whi-koy, which ho
did fieoly.and talked over the affairs of
the country llll bed-time, and nt la-t
was persuaded lo stop all night with
John; bofh on 'em being pretty tight
"Next morning, at breakfast, on
John's being ti-ked to -pell his name,
he did so easily enough ; but his friend
wasn't -ntislled, and said, "John, there
may bo some crooked ketch after nil In
-neb politic-. There's tlmo enough be
twecn now and noon, ami if you tiro n
iiilnd to larn the whole alphabet, I'll
I. irn you from first to last that Is, from
A to Izzanl." John agreed to be
high limit, nnd ho before noon could
say every letter from A to Izznrd; and
off hev started on hor-cliack lor the
pl.uv appointed, whore four or live of
the neighbors had got together on pur
po-e I i hear John Kobln-oii, nnd Judge
whether lie was able to spell his given
'The men wa- appointed as judges
the liet reclti d, and John wit- asked If
he was rendy to -pell his name. John
said, "Try me 1" And thojiiilges.-uld,
"Well, "poll John."
"So John began : "J"
"All tlio Judges looked ut him, and
nt one another, and then nodded mul
said. "Itight- next letter'."' "O!" -aid
" Thev nil looked at one another as
long a- If there wire some doubts about
tne letter, but nodded at la-t and said
"Klght; now, next letter'."
"fMhl John, "That's II."
"John's friend, seeing tlio judges, by
liultiiigln glvliigajtidguient alter every
letter, hnd somewhat bothered him
caiitiitned him to keep cool till al'tt
the judge- had done fooling, and had
agreed and .-aid "Itight." Now Tor the
next lelier, whoi hi- fileml aiiied
I hln, "Jolin we are
nil light now but
the la-t letter don't loiget.'' John
hesitated, and thinking lie meant the
la-t letter nf the alphabet, which he
1 ju-t learned, bellowed out, "lz?ard,
by thunder,'' nnd lost tho hot
"Now, If his friend who made the
bet hnd only been -nti-lled with giv
ing John learning enough In spell John
he would hnvo won It. And ju-t -o
It i tiow-u-i!a -, with some, people -
they know ton much for their own
good. There'- John (Julncy Adam,
now. lie's .-o high hunt he often gets
soconfii-ed he can't tell a 11 from bum
blebee !','
A.ot'iN limit's saucasm. -When
Aaron llurr returned to New York city
to prnctieo I,aw,nfter his voluntary ex-
llolu l.iiropo, ho found the lato I low
Jededlah lturchunl, then a celebrated
revivalist, holding a -eric- of protracted
meetings in his family church. 1 Id at
tended from habit, always went late,
and disturbed thoservlccs by attracting
to lilui-elf the attention of tho audience)
on account "f his Inuuioiis notoriety ns
the m iii who shot Alexander llumll
lou, and who had been tried furtrca-on
Mr. Hureh'ud re-olved to rebuke him
openly. The next Sabbath, when ho
came lu and got about half way up tho
aisle, tho clergyman paused in bis ills,
course, and pointing to Colonel llurr
said, in the moet scathing manner
"You hoary bonded old sinner, I'll ap
peiii' igallist you ut the day of Juilg
nieiit!" Tho pi mul delimit old man
t'lnillug erect as ever, with Hint perfect
uompoMiio that never deorted 1 it to
nnd Using hi- line grey eye-, on tin
cud mt of the pulpit, replied: ".Mr
llurchard, I have observed through
long course of profcs-ioual experience
that the very meanest chess of criminals
are those who turn State's evidence!"
Jr.m iai. km has only
'J.iiixi inhabit
Angling for Dog-,
llrlck Pomeroy tells the following:
Another time we were travelling on
grounds we hnd no right lo trnmpovcr.
I he only exctie was like tint of milita
ry necessity It inn belter flblng
thrmmh the farms where tho trout had
ii en preserved than In the open lots
whore all could lldi.
It was early morning. We hnd rl-en
at three, ridden ten mile, and struck
tho creek as the trout were rendy "for
brcakfat. Looking carefully for a shel
tered iiluco to hitch our hor-es, wo sly
ly crept on behind fences, etc., till wo
reached the part of tho stream not
generally llshed. A farm house stood
t quarter of u; mile away. o saw
tho morning smoke curling lightly
from n stovc-plpo saw a man and
two boys come out to do chores
nw two women busy nbotlt the door,
nnd a ferocious bull-dog wandering
about the yard.
If ever wo fislud close, It was then.
Not a whisper to disturb tho bird-, or
tho owner of the Intnl. We crawled
through tboj grass dodged behind
clumps of nldors,nud lifting large speck
led beauties out of the water till our
basket was full.
Vhls was tliu lime to have gone ; but,
the trout were so largo and bit so read
ily, that we could not withstand the
temptation, so we decided toslrlng and
hide what we bad, and take another
basketful. So nt it we wont. No soon-1
er would the hook touch tho wuler than
wn had a trout. Wu forgot the house,
the man, tho boys nnd tho dog!
Suddenly there wns n rushing through
nn oat Held, ns If n mad bull wore com
ing! We looked toward the hott-o.unil
iw the farmer mid his two boys on tho
fence, tho women in the door, nnd the
hull-dog bounding toward us. We saw
It all wn had been discovered. The
well-tralncdidog had been sent to hunt
us out, and, as tho matter appeared, It
was safe to bet that he was doing Hint
tiling right lively.
To outrun a dog win not to be thought
of. Thorn wn- no timn to lo-e. He
cleared a fence, came for us Just ns wo
reached a front sent on i, limb above Id
Here wa-a precious go! A vicious
tnilbdog under the tree, and a farmer
and two big boys rendy to move down
upon our works, It was a light, foot
race or fangs ;
Hio farmer yelled to his dog-" atch
him, Tlge!"
Tlgo proposed to do that little thing,
and keeping h't eye on us, seated him
self under the tree.
Then spoke tills uly farmer man
"Ju-t hold on thar. stranger, llll w
tret breakfast ; then we'll come out and
see you! If you -are in aliurry,bownv
er, you can go now : inch mm itgc:"
Wo surmi-eil trouble quite niucli ;
for twice had that bold man of bull
dogs ami agriculture elegantly wollop-
ed Innocent tourists for being seen on
his suburban premise.. Ills reputation
ns a peace man was not good ; and there
arose u large heart toward our throat!
Time is tho esscnio of contracts, and
tlie saving ordinance for tho-n in trou
ble. We had a stout line in our coat
pocket and a large hook Intended for
rock bass ir we failed to take ttout.
And, ns good luck would hnvo It, we
had a nice sandwich and a piece of
boiled corned beef lu our other pocket.
Wn called the dog pel names, but he
wn-n'toiiit! Then we trie 1 lo move
down when he'd move up! At last we
trebled our bn-s line, fastened the great
limerick to it, baited it with the corned
beef, tied the end or the line In a limb,
nnd tingled for ting !
Tlge was in appetite. lie -melt ot
the hoof j it wns very nice, lie swal
lowed it and sat still with Ills eye- on
us for more, but with no friendly look
beaming from his countenance. Not
When we pulled gently on tlio Hue- -It
wns fa-t ! Tlge yanked and pulled,
but 'twas no u-o! The attention of the
canine was diverted from us his busi
ness was being done by another lino !
We quickly slid down the tree com
ing near blistering our back doing It--sclcd
the bn-ket and pole, and straight
way went thence somewhat lively.
We found our string of tlsh, and
reached the buggy and a commanding
snot ill the road, lu time to see the
sturdy yeoman move forth.
We -aw him and his cohorts, male
and leniide, move slowly, as If In no
baste. We saw them look up the tree.
We saw an nxlous group engaged about
tho dog. We came quickly home, and
kindly left the bn liueand book to Hie
fanner. Till' I'll. This old color-
il woman, now living lu Michigan,
recently vlsitt-d Milton, Wis., where ,
she was the guest of a Mr. (loodrlcli,
who was an out-and-out temperance I
innn, and a noted hater of tobacco. One , SKKUi.roN in a MlNlitiAI.
liiomliig she was piilllug away with alllmr t)0 ,,mn ()f Mr Andrew
long pipe In her mouth, when her host. shl ,,, hv mM from tlU d,..
Mr. (ioodrlch approached her, and com
nienced coiiver-atlon with the follow
lug Interrogatory :
"Aunt Sojourner, do you think you
are a Christian V"
Yes, llruilder Goodiicli, I speck I
"Aunt Sojourner, do you believe ill
the Jtlblo'."'
"Ye-, llrudder Goodrich, I bleev.
the scrlplers j though I can't read them
nt ynu can.
"Aunt Sojourner, do you know that
there Is u pa-sage in the Scriptures
WHICH ucciiiies 111:11 Homing
can cuter the Kingdom of Heaven'."'
Yes, llrudder Goodrich, I have heard
tell of it."
"Aunt Sojourner, do you belli",
It V"
"Yes, llrudder (Ioodrlch, I bleeve
it," ;
'Well, Aunt Sojourner, yon smoke, .
, . ... .1.. t-i 1 r'
aim you cauiini eincr tne iviuguniu m
IU',iveii,beeaue ilwrn Is nothing s. 1 un
clean M the breath of a smoker. hat
do you say to that V"
"Why, llrudder Goodrich, I speck
leave my broil' behind 1110 when I go
ir a iimiioinptTeT'hTs Air-n Into
bead, no man can take It from him.
An Zdiot Packed in a ox'and'Wcar
17 Killed.
Si-.vr.itAi, weeks since half Idiotic
boy, aged between Id nnd 17 yenrs, left
this olty nnd wnlked to Indianapolis in
search of work, Arrlvlngut his domi
nation his sinrch for employment wns
unsuccessful, and he concluded lo re
turn homo, but having no money, oral
lco't a very sninll amount, hestnrted to
walk back. On Friday lust ho reached
Acton, lnd., and,nci'ordlng to his story
he met six men, who nl first trentel
him kindly. They finally took him In
to an empty warehouse, and after strip
ping hlm,hlni'kcdihlm from headtofoot.
These rulllans then procured a box,
placed the unfortunate boy In It, nailed
the cover down, and, in order to make
It more si euro, fastened two Iron hoopi
nround It. The men then took tho box
to the Adams Kxpres office, and, after
having marked It "II. 0. Lord, Ivtq,,
Cincinnati Ohio," stnted to the agent
that it contained "livo stock," nnd they
wWied it handled wlthcnre.Tliongont,
after weighing the box, stated that tho
chnrgos to Cincinnati would be $1 CO.
This amount the men aid and Imme
diately left. Soon the down train came
thundering along, and when It stopped
at the station tho box containing the
poor boy win"glven In charge Jof the
messenger. Kortunatey there was very
little freight lu the car, and the box
containing "live stock" wns placed near
the centre. About an hour after the
train left Acton the express messenger's
attcntionlwas nttractcdlbyja nolso com
ing from tho direction where the box
had been deposited. lie wns soon satis-
lied that the noise enmo from the box
said to contain "livo stock," and pro
curing a hatchet, he, after considerable
difficulty, succeeded In opening it. To
bis utter astonishment, ihelfound in It a
human being, greatly exhausted, and
ga-ping for breath. The boy In a few
moments recovirnl, and related tho
tory to the messongor.''Jlc was kind
ly cm oil for, brought lo this city, and
wns nt the Adams Kx pious otllco most
of the dny on Saturday. Tlm boy, who o
name we have been icqticstcd, lor
tlie sake of his mother, to supprc
told tho circumstances of tho affair t
Mr. 11. C. Lord, President of tlie I. nnd
C, H. It., to whom the boy was consign
ed, nnd that gentleman immediately
telegraph! d to Acton, requesting every
one connected with the. road at that
point to rome to this city atlonce. Mr.
Lord is determined to have a full In
vestigation made, nnd should Ihe guilty
ones bo found out, they will no doubt
rrccive tho punishment which they so
richly de-erve. There Is nn doubt, that
hud the messenger not discovered that
the Lot. contained n human being, tlio
bov would havoboi u suffocated to death
before the train arrived In this city. -Cinriniitl
Tin: Xi:w IIonxkt. After Cover
nor (lllnier, of Georgia, returned from
olllcc, lie went to Ids old home In Lex
ington. He had a penchant for old
Iron-, such ns plougli-sliures, old car
riage Irons, grlnd-stoiie cranks, old
hovi Is, nnd the odds and ends of plan
tation tools. Attending the sales ot es
tates, he ncciiiiiulated an ot cartload
or two of such stuff, which ho dumped
down in a corner of hi- yard near his
dwelling, very much lo the annoyance
of his wife. The pile kept Increasing.
She ileteruilned to make away with it
and ono day (Sheriff's sale day i sent I
to the court vuld iwith the knowli dgn
of the Sheriff, who loved a joke) to In
sold tn the highest bidder, (ioveinor
(aimer that morning rode out of town
a mile or two, ami was returning as Iho
Sheiill' was proceeding witli his sales.
Catching the eye of Hie Governor, who
was looking on, ho pointed out to him
Hie lot of old Iron, and requested I.I i . i
to make a bid for them.
1 "Good," said Governor Gilmer, '!
will; 1 have some-pieces tit home that
will match exactly. I bid ten dollain
for them."
"Tun dollar-! ten dollars!" repeated
the Sheriff (nobody bldsmoro) "They
tiro yours, Governor."
Delighted with the purchase, he paid
ten dollars, and left them in the yard
for future movement. Tlie Sheriff paid
the ten dollars to Mrs. Gilmer. In a
few days she I ought a handsome bou
net, and the Governor, admiring It
vi ry much, .-aid:
".My dear, whole did you get that
pretty bonnet V it Is beautiful and
becomes you."
'Don't It, husband, don't it I I
bought it with tlie ten dollars you pnld
for your ow n old Iron tra-h !"
The Governor wilted ho wns sold
by his ow n wife.
ltul time cured the chagrin, and the
good Governor had frequently to join
lu the laugh nt his exponso over till
little Incident.
- t, Unn ,,,,, ,nt,ri drift, in thosldo
of a hill, from which some mineral was
taken at one time lint tbedlgglngs wore
abandoned about twenty years ago.
Last Thursday a little son or Mr. Slier
aril, mid another hoy, whlleout nt play,
walked into a drill, nnd when nlsiut
one hundred feet from the entrance
they wore startlid id the sight of a hu
man skeletim.whleh was sitting up la au
I nUna ,,,.,,.t i.o-liion.ouly slightly lear
In., back ii'-nln-t the side wall of the
I . ,,. T(, llo,h wns entirely eoiisumed,
i.,,,..!,,,, t)i, 1,0110s i.orfectl.v bare, nnd
the siippo-ltlou Is that the man had
been dead for several years. Of coursu
the question as to how he camu thcie,
Is all a matter of conjecture, lie may
have walked in them; or it Is possible
that ho was murdered and the body
hid away lliere for concealment,- (7
Iran 1 III,' Gazette.
Till', great Carlyle must havuluul tlm
era ot tlie ltiinip Congress in view when
ho wrote : "II was tho very ago of Inn
posters, cut-purses, swindlers, doublti
,riiiirr,'tii I'll I ll ll-til.ts. llll lllll'IIIIIIS llPI-
to I us. mn.u H,lu,,UvlllaclkH compound ;
crack-brained, or witli deceit prcpi'n.cj
Id-1 quacks mid quackeries of all color ami
' kinds,"