it y lit- Jor Lift, on llie rami. Wi: often linir pen'ilu talk of tin liui I wnrl; performed in nlimtllitf, liny ln,r :nul hnrvwtliiKi w "Ocn liotir tin nu-rlt of thn vnrlotH Hvo Mock to- ferri'd lo ; we til-o list, .1, iiltnost dully, to ;h rulViiiitnKt"' olVortiiln flolil crnp in I how to iimlte f.irintn nioro pro diu'iivo. Yet wo rurely lmr nnytliliu H.1I1I, In sympathy or imilM, ot the lin niin-"u labor, euro unit pcrpluvlty 01 thoio who iitteiul to tlio Iti-iltor until' oftlio Farm. It U tlicro, to 11 Rrcnt extent, that tiic farmer makes Ills profit nml reap liU dully harvest. Tin patient, tolling wlfej the lmltPitrloiH, per-noinieal cU-Kliti'i--', tuiil tin- faithful hardworking fuinalo domnstlot, novel eea-e work In nil hours of the day. The him rises nml wis nml yet the work la never finished. Iiiditstrloiu blinds nml loving henrtu labor ootitlnu ally, persistently, ulwny.i, In fact, In doors ou tho Farm. We know there nro men who tlvo on farmi who nppreclate mid remember thexu facts, mid who do evcrythlnf they can, lo cheer mid nllovlato the wife, tho daughter nnd domestic who do ho much for their prosperity and happiness. Hut thcio nro thousand!1 of farmers who either never counted up tho crent aggregate of lnbor per formed In tho home, or oH are so ah aorlnad in their own duties that they ennnot stop to think of them. This latter c!ns3 In, inifortmmtely, too large. And It belongs to 11 class not the most Industrious or prosperous j ninny 1 whom neglect to manngo their bu'lnesc to the best advantage; who sire away from homo more than is necessary, nnd who nro often discontented with their lot or profession. Let 113 go Into a farm house nnd we will soon tell you If the wife Is u peer or 11 slave j If tho daugliters nro en coui aged and appreciated, or If the stir vunt has a sympathetic nnd realizing master. A look Into the kitchen, the buttery, tho wash-room or the nursery, te'ls tiic whole stery. Wheiuu farmer pnidMinlly krowi tlio cares, toils ami dr udgery of Ills household, then every thing Is generally ni at, well arranged and sjMenu'ic. Mela laorsavlng ma e ii y, Improved 11 eiislis, ulniiii'iiine ; ji;ili(", iiiid an air of llnift, pr iri p .ut a.-.d (.huirfuliusb Is all tirounil us. 1 o.d 1. 11 luuglis at us from liie t'. nivo the chimney, frmii 1I10 floor to t' miters. Hut if we go Into tlio Iwum; c the "don't e.iro" and ' Int It gi" far- i'-, wo notice the reverse of all iliis. i poor wife ioik . the picture of neg h j nnd soirow; tho girls an; cru-ty discontented, the hirnl help are not worth luue-c-room. 1 - sills picture over-drawn or lot highly rolond? I'erliaps it I.., hut ttV near tho truth as most things in lViu life. The fact cannot be denied thai In-door life 011 tho Faun pri-.ents tw dlntinct pluws. One ! where tho far mer knows its trial, labors and econo mic iiiiortnnee,niid tho other Is when he knows llttlo and cares lu-s of the hnpplnes-", health and pro-perity of Iit own household. Far bo it fiom our In tentlon to lower tho character of the American farmer, or to depreciate the general good traits of our rural Irleuds. Li'iru Jlncon clalineii that every man was a debtor to his profession, mid what class of our citizens owo more to their calling than tho agriculturists? With out knowing Itthoroughly and practical ly, none can succeed j nnd without sym pathy nnd hearty co-operation with the In-door affairs of the Farm, you can not have: nor will domestic peace nnd happiness bo your companion". 7-lirm mm FiresUU. Preparation forltool. If no land hns been cultivated In au tumn, and is lying In :i good state for mangel-wurzel, carrots and swedi-s, nny nlceclenn place of corn stubble, will do; for If tho rows between tho corn were well cultivated last summer, it i. a very fair preparation for tho root crop; and If dung U hauled from the homestead during the wlner now a load or two from the cow--table, then from tho horse-dung heap, and some from the piggery and Is thrown to gether in heaps In the Held, so as to be mixed together, the soil can he turned over again In A pi II, and will be In ex cellent order when wnnted ; nml being on the spot, the planting can ho pro ceeded with In good t me, nnd will go on altogether so much moro expedl tlously tlmii If everything is driven ol till spring. As roots are so very valuable forstock In the winter, mid not only help tin young animals to grow, ami l;tep ii goodlualth every kind or beast, bu s v such a ileal of liny thus eniibllnt nny one to carry Ihiough the cold sea miii much huivler nmulcr of eatth ti iii ilm-p- it is urpi ioing that mor. uif. 1.1I011 is not gisen to the ral-ing e, this exceedingly valuable crop; tor b simply looking forward and setting un wind every spring operation, there i no real dllllciilly to oveieome; nml 11s the English fanner, who does not own a foot trf the soli he fauns, glows root extensively for the sake of keeping ii tho fertility and stamina of the land he rents, surely those who own then fdrms ought to make tonic effort to ben efit thejr stock of nil agist nnd de.-erip-tlons their laud by thelnereaed quan tity of manure uimlc by the eon limp Hon of loots, ntid'thiyiiselvcs by lin greater amount of produce from tin ground nnd tho Improved clmilltlou ot everything. This Is tho season of tho year to think on tho subject to tet about commcn clng, nnd to decide on n couiso or pro. cccdlng which will glvo opportunity for growing a full heavy crop Vorm pomlcnt otie Country Gentleman. KtUuclitg lluneit fur Form tr. A fortnight ago 11 correspondent ed forun economical way toreduco bones to manure. Sly experience limy bo of service to him. A year ngo I bought nn old whito horsio for n dollar, had him taken to n largo pile of stnblu mnnure, nnd there killed nnd burled him In tlio black mats. In Hepteinber last we haul ed immure out ; nnd nothing remained (0 bring tho old horso to memory but tho longhair of his inane nnd tail, tho skull-bone, nnd n good rich smell. Ho and tho manure wero completely amal gamated, Tho grain nnd grass grow luxuriantly over his remains, nnd tho old horso is probably moro useful in death than In life. I do not know that theeolorof iho horse or of tho manure had any special effect; but in this case certainly "reconstruction" wus promot od by amalgamation, tcrretpomlent ef the Country Gentleman, .gov the lounrj oU;is. 1 lie tioclli'l, Tut: king of 11 great land died, nnd lefi his queen lo take cure of their only htld. This chlhl was n daughter, wlin was very beautiful , mid her mother oved her dearly, nnd was very kind to mr. And there was n good fairy too, cvho wus fond of the princess, auilhclp- d her mother to watch over licr. lieu ho grew up, shu was betrothed to a .irlnce who livid u great way oll'i and is the time drew near for her to be untried, she got ready lo set oil' on her lourney lo his country. Then tho queen her mother packed up n great many costly tilings; Jewel-, and gold, and silver; trinkets, line drce, nnd In hurt everything that Inline n royal bride. And she guve her ti waiting maid to ride with her, nnd give her In to the bridegroom's hands; nnd each had 11 linifo lc r the Journey. Now the prlnws's horse was the fairy's glft.and it wus called FnliuU, nnd could speak. When the time camo for them to set out, the fairy went Into her bcit-chnm-bcr, and took a llttlo knife, nnd cut oil a lock of her hair, nnd gave It to the prince.-, nnd said, "Take euro of it, dear child; for It Is a charm that may bo of use to you on tho road." Then they all took n sorrowful leuvo of the princess; nnd she put tho lock of hair Into her bo-om, got upon her horsc.amt set oil' 011 her Journey to her br.dt groom's kingdom. One day, ns they wcrcrldlngalongby a brook, tho princess began to feel very thirsty; undhesald tohertnald, "I'rny net down, and fetch 1110 fouio water in my golih'ii cap out of yonder broolc, for I want to drink." "Nay," bald the maid, "If you aro thirsty, get off your--elf, and stoop down by tho water nnd drink; 1 shall not bo your waiting maid nny longer." Then sho was -o thirsty that she got clou n, nnd knelt over tho llttlo brook, nnd drunk ; for sho was frightened, mill dared not bring out her golden cup ; and sho wept and mild, "Alas! what will becomeof mo?" And tho luck answered her, and said, "Ala--1 aUi I If Ihy mother know It, 1 ly SiiilJy, ivoulil hlit) illy Ir." Hut the princess was very gentle and neeli, so sho said mulling to her maid's 11 behave. ar, but got upon her horso -.gain. Then nil redo further on their jour ney, till the d.iy grew so warm, and tho -tin so scorching, that tho bride began 10 feil very thirsty naiu ; nnd at lat, hen they came to a river, sho furgot her maid'srude speech, and said. "I'ray .jet dewn, and fetch mo ,-ouiu water to drink in my golden cup." Hut tho maid answered her, and oven spouo moro haughtily than before: "Drink if you will, but I bhall not bo your waiting- maid." Then the prluce-,s was so thlrs- ty that she got oil' her hor,e, and lay lown, nnd held her head over tlio run-! iiing striam, mid cried and said, "What will becomeof me?" And tho lock of linlr answered her again, "Mas tntol! If Illy mother knew It, Sadly, siully, would ihe ruo It," And as sho leaned down to drink tho lock of hair fell from her bosom, and tloated uway with tho water. Now sho was so frightened that she did not feu it ; but her maid saw it, nnd was very glad, for she knew the charm ; and she saw thut the poor hrldo would bo in her power, now that sho hud 1 st tho hair. So when tho bride had done drinking, and would have got upon Falnda ngaln, the maid -aid, "I shall rido upon Faln da, and you may have my hor-e In stend:" so sho was forced to glvo up her horse, and boon afterwards to take off her royal clothes and put on her maid's shabby ones. At hv-t, ns they drew near the end of their journey, this t reachcrous servant threatened to kill her mistress If she ever told any 0110 what had happened. Hut Falnda saw it and all marked it well. Then tho waltlng-inaid got upon Fu ludn, and tho real brldo roila upon tho other horse, and they went 011 in this way till nt last they camo to tho royal court. Tliero was great Joy at their coming, nnd the priuco flow to meet them, nud lifted tho maid from her hor-e, thinking sho was the onu who was to he his wife; nnd she was led up--lalr to tho 'royal chamber; but tho true princes was told to stay In tho court below. Now tho old king happened just then to havo nothing eNo lo do; so ho ainu-ed him-ell'by sitting at his kltch-en-window, looking nt what was go ingon jniiil he saw her In the court yard. As she looked very pretty, and too delicate for a vulllng-nuiid, bu went up Into the royal chamber to ask tho irhlo who li was she had brought with her, that was lints left standing in tlio court below, "i brought her with me mr the sake of hi r company on the 10a. I," said she; "pray give the girl oine work to do, that she may 1101 be idle." The old king could not for Minio time think of nny work lor her to do; hut at last he said, "1 luuea lad who l ikes care of my gee-e; she may go and hup him." Now the name of this lad, 1h.1t the real bride whs to belli in watch ing the king's gecne, was t.'mdken. Hut the fal-e bride said to the prince, "Dear husband, pray do 1110 0:10 pitce ol klndiie-s." "That I will," said the prime. "Then tell one of yourslnugh terers t ) nit olftliu head of the horse I rode upon, for It was very unruly, and plaguid 1110 sadly on the road ;" hut the truth was, sho was very much afraid lest Falnda should tome day or other speak, and tell all shu had dono to the princess. Sho carried her point, and tlio faithful Falnda wus killed : but when tho truo princess heard of It, sho wept, nnd begged the man lo nail up Pallida's head ngalnst a largo dark gate ofthe city, through which she had to pass every morning nnd evening, that there sho might still see him some times. Then tho slaughterer said he would do as sho wished ; nud cut oirthe head, nnd nailed It up under tho dnik gate, Early the neit morning, us sho and Curilken went out tlio gate, sho said sorrowfully, "J-'uladJ, I'ulaitu, U.rrc thou hnDff-M !" and tho head answered, Jlrido, brills, Ihiro thou t-nngtDl t Alan I if ihy moihtr knew il, Hiully, Kfl y, wuuM fcho ruo It.'1 Then they went out of tho city, and drove thogeeseon. And when ehocnino to tho meadow, shonat down upon a hank there, nnd let down her waving locks of hair, which wero nil of pure silver; and when Curilken saw It glitter In tho sun, hu ran up, nnd would have pulled somo oftho locks out, hut she cried, tiosriNvru," THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAHD'S GERMAN BITTERS. MOFLAND'S HERMAN BITTERS, AND HooflancTs German Tonic. I'rcpnrcd bj l)r C. 71 Jntltaon, raitiDitrmi, Fi The Great Remedies rcititL maun or titi LlVJCIt, STOMACH, or digestive onaAr??. Eooflaud'a German Bitten Ii eompmimlpd or the pnro Jntcr. (or hty nr metlictiiAth tvnn --.a r,.-, j t-l Afmc'Jt of Hoot, fterbf TaHi lUirh,tnMi. iintfttirt'turuilon, j """" t a li.wh'j ruium irrtlod, nti'l mllre t-Uj ly nt rwt Ui (vho it pJmixturt tf anykvi t. Hoofland'a G:rmati Tonic, ! a comMrtatlcn of all the tnim-dlr-ntu of th ttlrtiri, null tltu tiurct litinll.j r s.u:a Out Hum, Uriincu, eic. mukltm uiu or tliv nnt f !oiiinl tttiil airiTJtilu reiocJici ivtr iKtJ to tie putllc. 'lltoM iircfL'trlnn n McJkloo free from Alco holic Mu.iuurf, v 1.1 u Hooflaud German Bitters. In Ciici of ncrroua dcfu-cflFlan, nlitn pons Hoofland'a Gorman Tonio The KtUrs or tbe Tonic are both equally gcoi, aiu contain tlio mxnvi m-OklnaJ virtue. Tlie nlotnarli, Troro a ui1vty ofc-iiiaci., utli n Indiitcttlun, !) , V1!'"!! Ntnoiii lieU.ity, cte, t Turjr ant to liuo lt function de lEA JJH runduil. The re ult of which la, Vi tUat the iiatlcnt 'nlTi-ri from fuvcral ct mure of Uio fo.loltij 'ItacuBee: Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Piles Fulness of Jlloori to tno Head, Acidity of the Btomaoh, Nauifo, lie art burn, Dlsg-ust for Pool, Pulneasor Wolwht in the btomth, Sour Eruc tations, QmkiiiK or Flut ter In k at the Pit of tho Stomach, Stvimmintr of the Hortd, Iluiried or Dim cult Breath ing, Fluttering at the Heart Chotting or autl'ocatin t Sansatt ns when In a Lying Posture. Dlmueas of Vision, Dots or Webs boloro tho Slent, Dull Fain in tho Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel low nest of the Skin and liyoa, Pain in the - Side, iJack, ChBt, Llm fM? s, etc. t3ud den Flushes of lm Jm Heat. Burn ing In tho r Flesh, Con stnn; ImntrininEO of Kvil, and Great Depression of Spiriti. riiena remodlci will fffoctoally cure Liver " itnplMnt, tlaundlro, Dyjwpola, Chronic or NtnoullellIli,Ciironlej limrrlicej, D1om of the Kldnij, untl all Iloouict nrlwnK from s I)iaorJurul Llwr, fc?uoucbtor luUntlait. DEBILITY, ItlRtTLTItO PRrtM 11T f!lWI WniTXTXR ! PK03T AT I ON OF THE SYSTEM, i4DC0ID bt Hkvihk Lnon, HiHieuins CirOfllBI, KS1KH3, KTC. There Ii no mcdldne eztuit ei&l tt thaw rcDiodlea In mich cams A tone sad lgor U Ira vurtcd to Lhv whlo Bvitsm. the Aunt-tlto U BirntiilMHd,food u enjoyed, llie tomncli dttfwoti itflj promptly, the Wood 1 puriMfd. T the compiuKloti becoinpn Miund nnd wm healthy, the yel low tlntftf I uradlcdtnl from tho eyi. a bloom I given to the clit'ikn.ftinl the weak ana urroni lnaid becomecs troug sad hoalthy Mngi rcrsous Advanced t)i IJc Aful Ice'lnu the hntid of tlni wpiLTirDi roarii upon them, mllh nil lt Rttfricbnt ., will find Ut UietMo of HA WnLHeLur the TONIC, an elixir tlmt will fnull now lifo into their rcliu. restore in a mc.iuro tlio emrny and ardor or more jouthful diyi, build up their aUronkrn fornix, nod (five hvaJth and happlucts to tliclr temaioJin, jtars. KOTICE. It In a well-t'itallishtfJ (act that fulfyonhalf of the female pir f --j tlon of our -opu-ltllon are M-ldom tlP in tlio voIojiikdi olyoodl'1-.tlU..iir, tj 7, o tim? thtir owti lpRM'kli,"lK-U'r rm"l ipfil I Tecl Wfil," Ttcj arj bKitulJ, duoid f all tncry( eitrouitly iter Tons, iiid h lie no HpHtite. TiithUcliwsof purwtjtit thtr IllTITItS, or th j (JN 1 0, U tpLcUI y rvcmiim'udvcL WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made ptronn ty th uio of villa r of them rcmedl? Tin.1 mil cur t.ry coat of MA-UAMU-S, without Ml. Tmntt.irnlii uf ct-rtillcaten have acenmntated 'i llie lind of the ruiTiiUir, tut fp'u Hill allow of the puhllcMiluu ol hut a fjw. Tltonu, It will beotjHervi'd.uioint'iior nte and of su:U fcUu'J tig thai they must to belWitud. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, Clii'fJutttct ott Supitmt CVwr( of Va., wrtif-t VhitatUlphij, JJnreh 10, 13C7. " I find ' Hoof- . lund'n Ocrmitn niUCM'Natool iO t'iilS u-elul in (iiniaitipof tliuill (ttthe oniHim, ami of trri-ut Lvn iiiJ iilthicaHisof da- tltlty, mid want of ncrtaiu action In tho jittin. " Vou truly, "UW. V. WOODWAUn.' Hon. James Thompson, Jtutgtti te Fuprtmt Cuurto i'mnrjlrania. fhthuUlyhit, Apr!) IA. '1 cotldcr 'Ilottiltiida Utrmio l:trn.m a -alnaltt mediant In ctinv of altnckt of ttidl tlon or Ivja-i.iiH. 1 q-m certify tl.U Irom my Mjurliuci-M-I ft. ' Viur, alth npft, 'JAMlId TIIOMIVOV.' Vtora. Rev. Joseph H. Kcnnard, D.D., Patter cthi Tenth Dortdt CUun, rUa-UpltJu Jtr.J jfktnnUcpT Sir: I !i. Uvn ft ii't .? tenuvkted to tuiuii.'c.t my n.tiue with n Jit.'ii-ii dutioiiM of dilKuul IkUidd of mudlaiiiH, li.r, tv gsrd'.i'K the J r.. , then out of u approi.rlam TftT pphcrc, t U l-i aliuiwidci-11'.i.di 'I Vyl h ' c !. proof hi VutlOUt ad liMUlKiaalid p.r- tleu urly In mj own famtlj, cf lint ui.fiUKa vt Dr. ilt'oitiUTd'a Uvrmni ll.ticn, 1 dipu.t fur onco from my uunf i'uure, to i Jpn m tu I tonTJ tlon llul, for gtntral d-Laity of the vjtttM, an4 ttitaHy Jtir Lntr C'itt-Aiirt, i tt a i-ijt and rtimiWc preparation, Ju omo tutv tt mny fall: but uti til), I dmilt not, It will butry Uii-tIU) to lhov lui ilhr fioui ihoubtiveruiiKtf. oura, rrry n mt truilj , J. II. K L.NNAl!!), Llghth, Ulow Cejtm Ht From Itcv, E. D, FcndaU, Jltfoanl i'Jttor Chrutian Chnnhle, i'hCtitV j i J. IliATedcrlTed dedied ben'tlt from the Die cl Ilootl.nid' Ucnnim lliittr, nud feel It in) priTl Vg to rcromnn A them ut a iaot alunhle Wttle juou i.unrriuiRnnr iroin general ucuut in., i - from dlMuatfit aritlng from dtrougtmtnt of Hit trulr. j OAUTIOIT; .foofl&nd' 0rman P.emidlee are coitntnMU nft Hi-e that the r----r- ilcnatureoIU.U. JAUKdONUon "FJ V the wrapper cl ach botde. AU 'J jjffl othtn lie coun. i'rihclpai Offlpe an I Manufactory at the Qer' nau Uiidiclno atoro.Ko. Wl AKt'lf btrct, 1'Lii- aitlphU CHAltLES M. lTAa. Uiluisii Druilsl, 1'ruprlitor, , . .. lr,i'rlj 0. M .1 cxn Co. lor.sIalyHI DiUii.n 00a UiJi. dot.. PBIOEa. IIooDiuia'. Clcrman 131tteni,tH.r belli. ,1 tu .1 j. " . ". n..... C Uoonai Uena.n Tuale, rut up in uaurt lttlM ..,,,.,..,,7,,.. 1 w jsr bulilr, cr . lulf doua for 7 fio 02r Vo not fiirct to einroln. well vL. artlcl. tea Inj, la miit lo i'cl 1L0 maulng. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIO. January 81, 063. DRY GOODS. J-lI.Mill'S STOHE. iHIHYVlJ vir rxLt anii winti:h OOODW. The milmerlber lin Just retuniM from the cities with rinother lnrgo nml nc Iff t ntiorlment of HritlNO AND HUMMKU GOO!Wt purchnicd In Now Vnrknnd Phltndclphlft nt the lowest figure, nnd which ho Ii determined to sell tm ni iiiodernte terim ni cftn bo procured tUc where In jllooiniuurt;. II In atock comprises !AUir,s' vnvm tioom of the choicest it Ic fttid latest fnMilons, loRethrr w Ith ii lnrio nnortincnt of Dry 'looui nnd Oro- cerlei, eonltlngof iho following nrtlclcil t'urpeti, OUClolln, Clot hi. Cuiilmerei, fctlmwli, t'lattneN, Hllks. White floo.1 Linen, lljpHLltK MllHlltlN, llollnwwim Ct'ilurvuit Quetniwnre, ihitdwni' Ilootliltld Hhnos, lluta mid OipM, iltmp Neli, Uinltrellns Iinkliivftluut'S Toil-1 fit , Coi't-e, Sttnrs, leu, ltlci AlhpU , UltlUlT, LMnil.tnion, AXI NOTIONS UI1N KAMA. In Mmit, lurytMn;! uimliy Utja hi coutilr Mores, to uhldi no Invltca the ullt hllun of tin pithllc Keneriilly. The hUlirst prleeuill he pnhl f-r t'onniry iro-liue in ixchuiie for gooiN. M. II. MI M.Kit A SON. Arrmle Hulldlmrs, tllnniii.liiirj, I, QUK AT UKDUCTION IN IlllCi at ih:ti:ii nxr'n htoui;, in i.kiiit HTiiKirr, OK KAIilj AND WINTKIl GOODS. THE RUtHcrltcr lmi Just rcc(ird niicl hai oti hand nt his oA Rtiiud In Light Htreet, n litrge nnc elH AS80IITMKNT OF MKIlCIIANDISh pnretumcfl ut the lowest figure, niul whleh In' determined to Hell on ui miHlenite terms m lm priK-ured elsewhere In Light Htreet, foit outsit oh couxrtr monrct.. Iiii stock con-dstMuf LADIES' DUKSS GOODS, tholccst fityleti nnd hitest fi'tlilont, (.ifttleo-f, Musllni, Ulngbntni, rinuncN, Hosiery, Carpet i, hltks, SlmwN, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Hutiuett, CaxslmcM, Cxjttouades, Kentucky Jcnnn. 0., tlf AC. GKOCEIMES, JIACKEltAiJ, Qucennw&rc, Cedarwnre, Hardware, MedlclnoH Drugs, OIH, Taints, Ac, DOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS In short everything immlly kept In n cnnlr htore. The patronnso of his old friends unl the pnbllc Keneriilly, Is respectfully Rollclted. The highest market price paid fr country pro. duce. I'KTKU KNT. LlRht Street, Nov. 8 IW. riHEAT DEDUCTION IN PUICEJ? AT I). K. BLOAK'H BTOIIi:, IN OIlA.VdllVI LLK, PA, O K FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Tlio mbftcrlN-r husJuMt recel ed and lias on ham ot his btore In Orftno Uh. ti Lugo nud nelect ASSORTMENT OF MEHCIIAND1SI-put-chatted nt the lowtBt Ui;ure, tuid which he 1 determined to sell on ns moderate If nun as em N' priK'ttred ilnc where In OtaiiK' llie, run cahji wit coi'.vjhv ruoDt'cn. His btcH'tf rcIll-l( uf DA DIES' DJt i:SS GOODS, aiotrLsr ash laths r pasiiioxs, Clkvf, ilusJlu-i, OlriRliains, Klaiitiels, llotlr, miav i.s, rVDV MADE CLOTHING, Nitinfifr, CsIiiien, t Vdtonndc, Kenltul Jimu-, AC, At'., tt GHOCEHIES MAC'KEltAL, (I weens wire, t'HjjJwure. Ilmdware, Ifdleliie TIKCCH, OILS, I'.MMii, M HOOTS A SHOES, HATS A V. In xlmrt cvt.ryiliniB iimiuN ltt nt a et.uuti htore. The palrunam' rhtsnld t'tlemK .tn-l il. ptiMlu generally, Is ti fjH-."iull wjlU'itiil. The hlKheH rnirkt t prhe pal. I Inr ttinl ly t. duee. li, II, SLSAN. Onttmevlllo, -May 31. ii7. j .1. is h o v 1: n, Is now oirertliK to the jmblle his l-tink of s j' jc j A' ( a o o j) ,v nslttliiK In part of a full line of INfiHAIN, WOOI, AX1) 11AO OA It 1' I1TH,. Pine tlollis and russinieie lor ladles' coats, IIANDI-O.Mr; DltKKS OOOIH, of all patterns mid iiualltles, InlatUs and Prints of t nrtoiin iiunlltkii and pi lees, UI.BACUl'll ANII liltOWN MU0I.1NH, IiADlK'H .FllKXCIl COIISKTS, AND llAliMOUAIi SKIKTS. Ciood assortment of LADIlA'd VIIir.llllK.X-N QATTKltSA BOOTH Presli clroeerles and Spiles, New nssortnient OI.Ab-S ANII (!Ui:i:nh-waiii:, FX XO. 1 MAOKKHKIi In oncdinlf nnd one-fourth barrels. Now U the tlmo to make your seleitlonw, ns 1 am nnVrlni rihuIs at tery low piiees, nnd run motto U fair dealing to all, and not 10 be under sold by any. J, J. llHOWKIl, Uloomsbnrir, April 12, ls07. TTUIUIAU I'OIl (JATAWISSAI -LJL iiurstt.t rule ii.tieii.ti.iis. G001U to eompHre trllh stringency of thu money markit. Uiok and compuro prices beforo pur ehaslui- elsewliero. Just rail at the favorllo busi ness slam! of MCNINCII AH1IU.MAN, and you will bo met by tho obliging proprietors or their clerks, ami shown through thclrBrent vat let) storu free of chaife,of e-otirse. They will Kit r nil a fair rhanco to sjiend your looso change, they trust much moro profitably than It ,cau bo spent elsewhere. Their HTOl'K OF JJIIV QOOIlH this Kprlns Is much lnrser lu all Its varieties than usual, Their LADID4' JJUOi-i UOOD-I aro of (he nicest styles lu market, They hnve n fine assortment of HATH, CAIW, IIOOTH AND HIIOKS. HUMMPJH ULOT1IH, CAKHINtTlH, CAHHIMKHI'H, AND VDsTlNCiS, and uuaicrous nrtlclcw common to sucltestubllsh. incuts, be.ldiM. h general OMorluient of IIAUDWAHP., TINWAltll, llUIlIlNHWAIti:. AND UltOCPItll-X, all nt g-eatty reiluee-d prices. They wish lo con duct their business on llie M,sti tu of "PAY AS YOU UO." and Ihey think Ihry enn alloul losrll teryeVenp. rhey return llielr Minnies lor many uist lators, nml nsk llie future pulrumiKesl their loiiuere'us toinerHitnd iho public in ncially. Mt'NINPII 4 slU'MAN. JOWi:, KL'STOX A CO., Mnnufuctiirerieand tviiolrsnle lii-ulf rs In (OTTON YAII.NH, CAIIPKI' l ll.MNH, HATfH, WICKH, TIK YAIINH, CtlllllAlli:, HltOOMH, WOOD AND WILLOW WAIIP., I.O(ll (lC;lHHr,fT.OI kf.lAM 1 llSKl IS TAlU.n, rliOOH, ANDPAltniA'IK 01I,CU)TII.S,Ai' No. MO UalU. t Hln et, south .Lie, 'IiIIi..1-I.I'Ih. JOKHl'lI H. DKlili, lilanufaclurcr of and Wholesale Dealer lu CLOTIIINO, UIITI1H. t ASiHIMHUUH, AND VKHT1NUH, No. is. Norlh Third Btrrel, i'uUulclilll. MILLINERY GOODS. TIT1SS hlZZlli llAHKlil'Y -.-- . . . . . ... .i.i.. t mis ju.i rcct'ivcu, ni nrroiu pmcw wu ...t liiooinsuurKi ncr TALI, AND WI.NTI'Il HTOCIC or mtlllncry KfxU cf ertry quality md ntyle, con.l.UiiBor i,atit styia: liosjcinn. of tho vc ty ticat nintcrlal I logelhf r with tho , try uciti ntMurinieni 01 TItlMJtlNtia, ItlUUONf", AC. which nro niroioil for iialoiit the lowmt ixwIWo nm'. cull niui w'o. llloonisburij, Oct. i OMUTI11NU xi:v. n. .....1nlrTiin.1 f.Ma InnvA In Inr.irm hT lYIenil. nml tlm imbllo ucncrnlty, that Mic has opciicu 111 MdllT RTltKHT a ficsli htnclt of pioilH In tho line of MI I.I.I. S'lIUY Ullll TIIIMMIXOS In coniiei lion with Iire.i .Mnklnm ami h pre iiaieit In mt'llttoii, In l'ol.nll ru vw HATn on thchortcit iiutlep.nliil In the I'd ftyle of tho nrl, rilciiluniatiiMutiliMillliicHr, Mil-". II., t.lchl Hlrcel.llrlol er I, !'(,;, ATEW MILLIXKItY K.STAUI.IS11- 1 ! nl!r. n... Mu.... II.II.IIUIII u'iiiiIiI rewoei toll V nil .lUlti-i. In thi'tl fri. n.N III louli "llilc..lll.t, tin'1 II..V liiiv.-Jd.t I ivililt liii't pin. e ol i.ui.ttli"' ill .M.lhl HI, In .ow Alllcl mill ll'i'lHV.H I'" KO hum .m supi i or M I 1,1.1 N BUY iliD H .i i. ii .l.......i.,ii..i.t. .nttii.i i..r Pull i.u.1 W'lnlrr v.'uir: iiii .u.lliu H'iiiiii'I" i" ihc t.iii "I -.i.v l..llil- I III4. I 111! I II 1 11 ltIM 1 'I HI' H.PI1H llll'l "I Hl I t.1. I- . .i.i i... nn i..ii:nL .li.ri. i.ji l. .it-M. I ii'll Km t.-rn. iilul i i'i' i.Iiii.iii. tin -nnvt. .ml Hi. 1.11 S lllll II II I.I" 'II I 'I'. IM I " "."M III ii - iv .. not hill t"ft'H "ti I 1..X11111II11. til: .1 iiNli l.'i' pri li'ill.j ,-U. i hi tc. . I. i . E. i;VlUlKlT A DU. J. . CASK' av:ii' nnru sroni:, IN (lUANOI.VIl.l.l:, .i u h 'i' o r i: N i: i wini a si'i.i'.Miin asu VAitiru AiniuiMr.xr o. luom ,tiTi:itt.tisi.Mi ro nth. hkl'ii nutlNis rum: liiti'tw, ciiumicai.-., ii c, Al.lCAt. ON HASH. In short nny nrtlile Hint enn lie niimeii tu mi ni die iini-nui oi' lui'l III uieir Mini-. ".'." ' 'nvc is ii rrtiiiliuii'i', nml iiImi unilersliiii'i" rhar- iiuii'Vi I;. KM-retl li n .iii'iiiiiu Miiiirin, lui'l mi- Ifli'li'il one Ii nil ut the JilliTwIi Meilli'iil I oNife 'I I., i ri'.i. i tlnllv till 1111 III" liiltllilltll!! ot tlll'lt i i-U'iit, nml Hie nubile Kviieially, iiiiilnn ilieni Mill" ami ulintever Mill be I'lirclinM'il ol them 111 lie lii'Mi nun iure. nn-.-'' v. E a T A 11 h I S 11 U 1), 1 8 a L'. H T O D A It T MAV HC tl.f, OVr.lWTItfNO, l'l'LI. IRON InAMP. ! 1 A X () K O It T E S. HTOP.tll T A M O 11 U 1 S. Mnnufnelurerii of flrnml, Monro anil l'lnno lo the'lr pi'i-itllar ineiil-i, conlalu etirv lenlly viitiiulilo iiioileni iniiirotetiient. lenilerlnsr them Iho nio-t i oin ph to mill perlict loMruinenl ever ..fl...n.l l.i II... nli.l l.lirltV tit lOtlC. Del' luicy otlouili ilumblllty, nml alsii M.iliilliin the ti-K' of i.eterei-lilnati'H. llie new heme stimuli ri inn IVirtu ..IiiiiiU utirltiili-il. The l'lallOH of IlllH ninmifiiiture liave slouii Iho test of mote than a ....... ...i. .if .i i.i.miiri. nli.l ilin iii'iiiiif.irlorers lire nt liberty to lefir to otir'l wciny lite tbousmiii families who have hail them In li-o. In ncui ly nil imiis ofthe elvlllj-oil tiorlil. All letters will ho , romrt.ynntwcrcil by Toll T'6Mm, CM IllouiUl ay, New Yoi It. JJ C. HOYKlt, liui opened a nrst-clnsi HOOT, HIIOi:. II AT CAI", AND I Vil fiTOl.n. at llieolil stanUon JlnlnSlrect.llloonivburg.iirew Uiinr. aoot o inouourv iioove. iiii siui-i.,-n..'"-iio-eil of llioveiy latest anil beststyles Lt er olln ill to the 1 111eiiH or I'olunibl.i County. Ilcenn Il.n 111'l.ltr.iillll II"' fill Oivlll 11 HOOlN ut llie lowest liitci. SIi'H'b henvy ilouble soldi tou boots, men s iiouuie onu siosii' nui swik I.l.ri..,..,u ... 1.. ..VI- kl.."l kl'OI'H ofnll k nibi. Ill 11 n line minis nun sinus i i '"' s""-t v in...i.i I.....I.. .iti.i .i.ii..unfti t.-imW. men k Blote Ulil Iliilniornl shois.ioen's, woinin',bii.ts,ii 7...I ...I..,,.' 1u.llt..f imllnrv 1A I ill! I'll' II lit O Kl'l I'ollsli tety lliii',tioiiiiu'siiioioio lialnuirnlsnnil eulfshois, tiomeirs tery line Ul'l Iniltoniil trs. in slioit boolsol nil uistripuons Hum pi-a-yed and scweil. , , , lie would nlsn call attention to his line assort- n s ion bool.ol nil in st run loni ninu I'l'K- tneiil or HATS, CAIf . PL'ItS ANII NOTIONS'. whliii comprises nil llie new and popular t ail, clllis nt pt lees ttbt' ll I'linnot r.illtnsult all. Hiese liomU mi' i.tli'Hd nl Iho lutiist ui-li nites nml 1.111 I... tr 11 n 1 11 1 1 1 i'i' 1 tniiite sntlslnt'l on. A en' .u ..n..n.ui ki..... i.i". l.u.iii" Ui-mIi, 1 1 ns It Is tii'lleti.l thtil In Hi r bmemlis me to be fusn.l 1I11111 lit nut otlu r place 111 llioiuiinly. in e. 11 1,.- flMIK AM KHIl AX 11A WIN'. I .vti 1 1 .III.' tl.. il.. 1111.I1 1'slolli'd clllcll uKs on Hu- liuiu'of .Mr. Puisil, In llimlocl. I'i. no. Inn. oil Miinilllt. May ",lsl,il. hem 1 ell in. urn in-.' 11 11 ii lit. II' mi 1 l"il. in 11.11 1'-iuii 11 ti SllitIM 1! A l "., "1 Lewis .nni. I'll., noil the Itllli'l ! I'.tli 111 IIll, 111' II... Autiiliiili roll. llll''.t lii'iie lint '11 "tu 1. ...1. .in 1I1 in ll.. il.iuili ' 111 ll'.ri e. A i 11 li' -nl Is 1....1 it .1 ill 1 1.1;.. 11. nui, b h-it olln Hu- lil" 'i- tm , t tulles ,1-11 .ll'ilW. 'l I S H It 11 .'Ullllll. '11 ..1..1 Ihllll. II i'IUIII"! Ill- bi'.lt lis It ll'iv lilllle. inii'li'.'l liill v rec'iiiimin'l II ns tlm bisl buy lurk mil K ti III ise biivi iter si in. 1'. nn 11 sin sin 11, nn. 1.1. 11 tiiiiisus-. W. 11. Klilits, .IIUIN I'O.K, I. .iiv 1111 full S'. IIAMI.I Stlt I 11. II. t"ii(il.rili.i.Kii, -.ti.vixrrii I t hsi.l, M. .nut list. 1.1 It. .lulls tt'ol I. 1 boy nlvi mniiuriu'liiii' llie 'i'lelir.ili..l f.ticlieyi ii upi 1 1111.1 .t. itt'llls. no olln . iiiipK'' lAUltlAUi: MANUl'ACTOlt Y, llloiinisl'Uti.'. 111. M. C. hl.OAN ,t IIKOT!li:i! llie sucei ssulsol WILLIAM SLOAN A SON .'OUtlUUC Ibe business ut mul:lh4 I'AUIUAIIIX, III'CHIUM, and et cry style ol PANUV WAIIONM, which they have colistiinlty on hand to sultcus liiiiieis. Neter iisltiR any material but the Us mid nnploylnu' Ihemosl ipelleliiiil twuhnitli tbev lioi'i'liieonltnueiis hen tulote to Kite 1 lit he siillsfacllon lo rteiyiuslomer. All ll.speltlon fl their wink, and of llie n iisonuble pilco asked lot the same. Is sure lo Insure a sale. I 11. I'UIlSKli, HAUSirsS SADDI.i:, AND TllllNK MANUPALTlHtKIl, nnd denUr In CAltPP.T-HAat, VA1 1SF.1., KLV-.NP.TH, nci FAio isohem, iionsi", which he feels confident he enn sell nt lower rule than any oiner peisiin 111 m imiiuo Shop "1st 1I001 In luw the Post Olllco Mali! Stri el, Itloomsliurg, Pa. Nov. 15, IsiiT. I'LTllXlTt'ltK STOIU-: A T M A I Jl V I 1. 1. P, P A. a. .1. iw:iiNiN(ii:it, 1.1 . ...lit. ,1,111,11111 In Ibe r.ublle. .. . t. .'...niiA.i . .i..iv 1'nriilliir.i Kloro In Mnlli' llie, whi le he keeps nil kinds of city nnd lioine iiiiiuti P U II N I T U 11 i: . rnno bottomi'd and hair eushlonrd ehalis, all slvles ol lieiisieuiis noil oiiiiiuis, in .11 n n"." slaiul", and all coods In his line', llepnlrlng ileal- ly nlul illliciviy u'nii;. iiiiiis,' ",iiii.,'b'...H..,-. liiiliiiini; done at short 1101I10 undcriasonablo in tlio 1-est luuuuer. Also, undertaking ,,i,. Tutiv'S2'H7-e.s III sum iii'.o " i- CUSQUEIIANXA IIOTKIi, e'ntnwlssa. Pa. Tho nlmvo 'lotel lias lately been puichascd by in.'viiv.T n.AItK.nnd lias been uiorouaniy ro- iieiKlcllisl. repaired, and refurnished. It will bo found mis'. In Us nrialiscnielit and appointments, 11 llrsI.elasH Hotel, and second to nono In the isiuntry. Persons In ellles wishing to spe nd the hoi mouths In tho country, will do well to give the rrupl letnr a cull. j i1. nKAiii), with LIPPINC'OTT. POND A CO., Manlifiii'l liters nnd Whole sain Dealers In H.VIH.CWIH. I'UIlH, AND SI HAW I10ODH, No. -inMsrkilSirect, Pllllmlelphlil. s 2NYI)i:U, IIAHUIRiV ItASSKTT, Muunl'ii luri ihiiihI JoMm r. tr 0. V. HI.AI'.ON A (0 Mmilitn' tuli is ol Oil. ( I 1)1 IIS AND WINDOW SUA DPS, tc nni i'ush, Nn. M Vim I. '1111111 sin 1 1 ri'llix'ell Ilia WAIi'l'lCH, lete Waller A KuuU, luiorter unil Dealer in C 11 IN A, C1LASH, AND QUK-NHWAHK, No. il Not Hi Third Htreet, between lure uud Vino rhllsulelplilu. c. 11. uonsr. w, u. kino, j. 11. suvniiiir GROCERIES, cc.L Q O N V K C T I 0 N H 11 Y . Tim iin.iionii nmil.l fr.nrrtfullr flnnonnco to tho public Ihnt ho liaa nH.icd n coNri:cTioNi:nY stoue, In tholmllitliiB lately oocuplo.1 l.y tlcrnanl Woli 2 lately oerllhlMl ny nrrnnm riu. - - .. I. t fnrlilBli ft 1 b Midi Ol " i '11 1 rl.Al.V A I'ANCY canihiw, tli;NCII CANIUI., ronuniN a domhstio rnuiiH, NUTH, 1IA1SINM, AC, AC, AC. by on iuitaii.. .1..... n.a.trlmi.llt r.f nil POOIl. Ill lilllnoorWislnc. A treat MirKty ot DOI.I.M, TOYS, Ac, nullalilo fur tlio Holiday Kit ni lo l'nrtlcular attention nur.Al) A. VI) CAKI'S of nil Itlint., ftenli every ilay. U II It I H T M A H O A N Ii 1 1'. S, CHI HTM AH TOYS. A call Is Millellnl. ami natlKfilclloll will if uiiiuitnti ni. Nov. K, I'Cr. 1.0K1I Altl .i.troiw. 11 K J! O V A K O V C..C. M A It It'S x i: v a t o u i: ro N It l V .".V II I. O CK, US Till. lOIINI.U OK MAIIKKT ANII ICON STKRF.Tl the'rntuiifl lint ln leeelvifl from the elt lull it 11 ' 1 1'iiiiipli'te of ni'iti.M! asii -nM.ti:u duy uooh.s an ii (iiu)0i:un:, .V O 1' I O . H. rlX-VAU10 AND IIAIIP-WAUI ci:iAii' iiv..iMi'-nM.';, co.srixTioNiniY, ciI'Ai-vaiii:, T () II A C CO, .i rs a x i) s ii o i: n, ri.oi'it. halt, i mi, anii mi:at, ill of uhlch I itoio.i'i.i'lllnuui a very low figure lor enili or iriKlm c. Ou- 1'nll mi. I M-i'. April l-', im. C. C. MAltlt. piCUNAIU) STOIIXHH, woulil ii"tH'cIlllliy nnniuilieeio nil irieii'ii nun pall onv, that he liai openeil n flrsl-elass l'uunw coxi'i:jTioxi:itY stouk w here thorn may be rounil nt all times a llnecol- lection of i'iiuit, ro.sri:cTioNi:ttv, nuts, .tr., ni well ns ciiiociutin", which mav bo obtalueil nl reasonable rates. The stoelc It nlwnya fresh nlul of the tery bet nunllly No nalni will be sinreil to nialto this estab' lihineut tho il l of 1U Ida 1 In t i.f l. A eilll Is Unlli'lti'il heforo iiiiiebaseH nro mililo I'lsewhere, at It Is bellcteil that perfect satisfaction will bu elven. COI.U.tlHIA nouMi;, Main St., opplte Sllller's more, ntH9'C7.) llloomsburu, In. CGlIKlili, UKltaKIt & CO., v.UJl.llI."31U.S .lll.lltll.i.ll.-J Dcnlcrs In riHit, salt, cm:i;sn, rr.ovisioNw, ao., Xoh. l2nuil 121 Xorth ,niarvcs, above Arch St. riillnilclphln. Holo ngents lor Wllcox'fi Wheel Orense, In bar rcl., kegs, anil cnus. yAINWllIGIIT & CO., W Jl O It I, H A I I4 WKUUIiKH, N. I. Comer Hwond nnd Arch Bticet, PHIIiADELI'IItA, I leak 1 h In Tr.AM,svnurf,corn;i:,HuaAn, Mor.ARHfis- men, sricn, 1:1 CAitn sonA, ac, al t5- Orders will receive prompt nttentlon. .M.tylO, 1807-Iy. I l-l v. i'i;ti:iimax, - wllh i.ippiNtoTT a Ti:orn:ii, wiiomxam: cuioci'iti, No. 21 Norlli Water Micct, ktid No. North ivlnwaie Avenue Plilladelphla. wi:avi:ii a simiaxki.k, u'iiouimali: (mot'i:iin:s andcommimsion MMIU'IIANT.h, Vos. 12.1 nml 'ir Aicli street Pup ..i..i".i. DRY GOODS, &c. IIAX1 OI'KXIXCi .t I1IIASU lll'UVlNfl IIII t Ml dl'lMMI HlttM) nl'P.NINd CIIIANH IMTNINO or tVIVTI'M tVIYTI'lt W'VTPP tvivnn WINTI.l! PA 1.1. I'tl I. PAI I. Ptl I, PALI, A Vll t 'll A VMi AN'li AND 'inn in, (lllflll-t imniw, nninis; (lot IDS, eoosl"lln'j ol eoiislsiln'j of eon.t-ttnj of consisting of cmslsllr.i. of luiv nnmm. Iiltv 'loniN, imv nnniN, iniv r.nnns, imv Goons, II TH Il.tIN 1IATM II TS HATS AN'tl A Vll AMI AND AND f'Al'st, CAI-s, PAP., I'Alf, t'APM, linnm and sunpij, lineiT-e AND SIIOI'-e llOOTst AND SIIOKf IIOOTH AND SHOP IIOOTH AND HIIOl.H, nilATiV-MAIli: rLOTIIINO, lIPADV-MADi: PLOTIII.V'l HPADY-VADi: PLtll'lllN'l, UMADY-MADI', I'LOI IIINd, UPADY-.MADM CLOTllIfld, LOOKINd-flLAHSP.-e, I.OOKINd-III,ASsss l.t)Oi:iNI!-ILA--.-.;.s NOTIONS NOI'IONs, NOI'IONS, Nol'IONH, NOIIONH, PA I NTH PAI.V1H PAI NTH PAI.V1H PAIN1H AND OIIX, AND OILH, AND OIIJS, AND OILS AND OILH, dn.O(TIHP.H, ditiK'i:itip.H, dllOCI.ItlP.H, dltOCPUlPH, UUOt'LltILK, lllIKKNHWAItn, oin:i:NHWAiu:, tjl'LLNsWAIti:, I'UKliNHWAtlll, HAItDWAIli:. HAllDWAlli:, HAItDWAIli:, llAitlltVAlti:, HAItDWAIli:, TINWAltll, TINWAlti:, TINWAltll, TINWAlti', Tl.Ntt AltL, HALT, H.M.'I, MALI' SALT, SAI.'I, KHIl, Plsll Plsll I llll Klsll, OIl.MN dllAIN (illAl.S IIIIAIN dllAIN AMI HKPIlH, and hi.i.iis, and hi:i;ds, AND hLKDH, AND SlllIDM, Ac., e. Ae MeKPLVY. Jl. I. hi t Y, Ml LI.IA t. MiKI I t, M.AI. M Al. M AL Nl AL I O.'H, I 1 1, K, I I l.'H, I t t.'ls. .111 It 1 1 t , . - I Al. I II, H. N01 1 bill ft I t in i.l tl. ... 1.11. 1 SI.. 1 L. 1 Kit. ..I M Aoiinui si 1 1.1 111 r nt xi,. in mui Mnrlii 1 sires u, Nuitlittifti 11.1111 1 1 1 Mini, ii .Mii,, 1 sin 1 is, N, 1 11.11 . .1 si.... 1 t Nl Hi. Ml .1 s 1 1 wtsi ol 111 1 ol Mum mid Mmlu l stit-i is. 101 1.11 1 1 ii 11 111 ui.u Mm kit Slue l, 111 OOMSIIPliO, 'A IlLHOMslll'ltll p., IlLliUMSIlPlld, PA., lILOOMHIIIIlld' PA. HI.OOMKIItllKI, PA, I HON AND NAII.H, IHON AND NAIIH, IKON AND NAHM, IHON AND NAIIX, IKON AND NAHJs, In laree quantities end nl reduced rules, nlvray - . HARDWARE &, CUTLERY. IS II A 11 1) W A U K, ikon, naiw, KTi:i:r., au., c., u. MAtV MTllUKT. DI.OO.MHIIUUO, 1'1'SN'A. . . i !.,..( . TultO IlllH IllCl Oil Ol IMIUl ilium niv I.. i,n. t,(,tir.t mi r.ffli.Kn liimum coiuj i urn. "- i " llnrdwnroHnreunJiuin unci, in lumuiin, m-nr Iron street, anil Hint ho hai on haiul n t.utcinu htoji: anii iii:tti:ii ahsuiithd fmiml nny wli ro else in tho county, ami which ho lntcti'l. tu ju ni pnrei which uc, competition. C1IAIX9, AXliS, sri.iiii, inw.t. t i...n i.itn. nit hIoh. axes, nil tnuKo nmi weglll6tcel,all sires, Iron, nil shapes, anil nil icry low. 1IUI II l lill'H ll.tlll'ii 'llli'i of ctrry descriptions. Nails, nxle pulleys, sn.n ninl, hitches, loiksunil knobs, butt screws.snsh r,..i.'U' stiMmis. bu"!' linons, sirup iiiiiii'i haps mi'l slnples, lusitts nml staples, ali.1 In fuel cti rythltiK lu'i'iiisi in nmi inn-. I'lllf'tl ... tVAflll.N .tl.tKl.ll ll.ll""'i""i ni.ii.r.iAlii.riiliiiiisI ptervlhlimln that tllie. Also 1IAI1NI HS MAK I -l ll'llll'ii .tin., lluclili'..lnl'.iune'l: bin Hies, silt i r piausit ..uis ,.f..i"M- limit . II ttiiii. Ironipii'l trees i u.tjins, wiiikI isa.lille tlits.glB tties.ilirin , mnl totton i thrvtiil, silk, nwlsaii.l neeiin s, 1001 r all Icln. I. miiiikma II llAnntv.tiii;, a tun nsKoiinieiii inr' uris'titi rs. 1 Hat 011111111 -ill kinds, Elites! 11,111 1,11111111' I. rip. mnl vimi 'lil'iii's-stiol 11, mil li'y 1 bin ma ni.icmni' htsb's, iiimi rs, In vels, iiniil'-is, criiis's, (aiuK- plows, rules, hits, mnl iinuiil Hiilllinn lur eat- ,H liter. lull tiik ri'iin.i; m .i.u.ti.i.i I buve 1 11.ll ll'sts, i-ohI shotels seoops, eo.ll stlirts. taut ii'iis.iiibi. I'utlcrj.iniket ititb'i,., plalt'il spoons, 1'l.lteil t'iilis,si'ltits,Uunnil(o. leoB'is,liutli'iknlvi s.nilllsnws, cross cut siiws,i'iiiuliirsiiHs(rt.iimsiitvs, Ilk s, hot se shoos.w ti'inhes, rIM ts.liuni mers, hatelii'ts, mnlloi ks, pliks, fuiks, lirtll IiIiilc hoi's, shot el,sp.iili,sp.iillnB folks, hoe1 rakes, boil plus, Iw Inr, skates, plows 11111 nun inlus", Kniery, ml chalk, white ilialk, wne, hoise lulls, meat cu til is, scales, wash I1111111I' holse bui'kiis, wikiiIl'U pulls, clothes plus, k!uo, iloor louts, poicl. mats, par lor mills, coin poppers, palnl bruslies, InrsM bitishes, sli-lyh bells, heel calks, riiamel oil kettles, brass kettles, ropper kettles, stewluttles.siiuce , p:tns,bro:ul nxes, trills, Metises, curtain Hxtures, Thlmtileskelns anil boxi l'utiips, lcnil pipe, f tc. Tarriil rope nml hunilruls of nrtliles not .entr merateil eonslaully on lmnil at CIIAIII.1M W.SNYI)i:i!M, .Main htreet, IHoomsburi;. QJCOItClK II. K015KHTS, Impoitcrnnii Denier 111 HAlltrtVAItl, fUTLCUV, OU.NH, ic, No. 311 North Third Htreet, above Vine, Philadelphia. J.H'Oll 1C. HM1TH. J. It. .VI I.T7.H1 M i t 11 .;- BKliTZKJt, Impoitci'M nnd IK-aU tH In l'orclgn nud Domestic II A III) W A 11 K, (J V N S, C U T L ll It Y, AC, NO. 100 N, Till llll S.TKI FT, An.CAI.r.OWIIIM., PIIILADP.L1'1IIA. Nov. i.',rr-ir. IRON, TINWARE, &C. JATlOXAl. I'OUXDUY, T'lOonisbtiri;, Ciilumbl.i L'liunty, Pa. Tlm subset llier, pioprfiti'r of the abote-t ami'il extensive establishment. Is now pupared tu re celte oulers for all kinds of MAI-'IIINLIIV I', ULAlsT . 'l UllNACLS.SiI'A'HU.W P.V IINIIINIX, Mll.l.H.TIIIllXIlINd .MAClliNLW, A He Is nlsn pii'piiti'il to make Stoves ol till sli - ilid p it let ns, IMiiii-usiiis, mnl 1 verj llilnu tlsuall.t 111-lde 111 llrsl'i'la-ss les. lllsi'Mi'Usc inciliiios mi'l prnctii'.il norluiieii unriiiul I1I111 in 111-iitliu Hu-l.iriii'.l eoiiliiKisoii lin most iin-oii.tble ti'iuis. llralli ol nil kinds w III In- lulvi'U In exclinniee lol I'usllmjs, llilsi'sliibllshliuut Is Io'mIisI near the Lack llllllllll llllil III'10'li..blllLj llnlll'ja'l llepot. Pirri ll IIII.I.MYI li. rvi: and nxvvAiti-;. A. M. Itl'PLP.T minoimci's tu his tilciids anil cusloinrs thill LOUtiliues llie llbote business ill lllsolil phlte 011 MAIN s'lltIXT, llLOIIMSIlPltll. e'ltsloini-rs I'lin be lUcoiniKlated Willi PANCY S1UV1M uf llll kinds, Stotlplpcs,Tlnlule,lltld eteiy VH llelyot iirtlcln louiid In 11 htote liutiaie L labtNiitiKtit In I he 1 il It s.and on llie most reason able terms, lie initio;: done ul llie shot lest uotlct 2"i IIOZIIN JIILK-PANS on huui for s'llc. N JKV h'l'OVK AXD TIX HIIOI'. IILOOM5I1U1.0, PP.NN'A. TlIK lllldersielil'd has tiisllltli d on nnd ooroed STOVK AXI) TIX SHOP, in Ibis place, where he Is piepnred In make new 'I in Waiii. of nil kinds In Ids line, nud lepnirint; ti-llli ueutness mnl illspiitrh, upon tin' most iitiMiunltlc Uiiiik, He iUmi K(iiii onlmiKl stovi:h of vAiuors i'attki.nhaktyuj1, w nifii iio wm M'li upon u nns to t-ult MirrliaM tk tint'liliiimiill, HliU n mtilinnlp, nnd iitM i VU12 01 i no puniic rimoiKtce. . ,, , JACOll mi:tz. llhtnnubtitt:, April SO, H-f7. TOBACCO & SEGARS. MIK OXliY 1'IiAClK to get the best TOI1ACVO AND CIOAIW, AT WIIOLIWALi: AND ItUTAIU s at HUNOHiiKitfiPira. n fi'tv iloois below tlio Amcrienn House, Illovmsburg, Pa. Ho hns tho largest and most wlect of HM01CINO AND CIIUWINO T01IACCO cveroircied to tlio eltlcns of lllisimsburg. All 100 i.auey ornuus or HI'CJAHH, nud th. Iwst rino-eutand I'lttg CllllWINCl TOIIACCO, I can iio had nlhlseuunleis. TOIIACCO PIP1X In greut tnilely aru among his largo stock, DON'T POItOI.T TO CALL. II. II. lIUNHIIIinflPIt, ll V. ItAXK'.S ttllOI.LHALi: TOIIACCO, HNUKP, AND CldAlt WAltLIIOlllsi:, No, 11(1 N01II1 Third Hlreel, belwe eu Cherry nnd Itnre, west side, Plilliiilcipliin. Q I'. vooi)iii;i F, Whnli'sale Di'itlrm lu TOIIAC I '1 is, e Id.Mls. PIPIX, Ae Ai' No. liNuilll I'IiiiiI Mi, u, aluni Miukil, I lill.tili'lpnin. with Tin: cat opt i i'miion ll'ull tiled llicililber l.llh. I'Wl.l And iicknowliilgid by milium pluycis lube Iho .u Mw, ni nil it'i .1, sun. . , 11, iinir. ie. v ..ct Aim A lil-.e.Kl.ll, I).eC0,n.3,(uOr"r tu'"" V. Mm DRUGS &, MEDICINES. g aVe"y oun it o n i: y i o it 1: A T I N I) ir c r. M I! N T HI o it i! at 1: 11 INP I'c r.M r. n thii O It 11 A T 11 S T I N II I' f I! M II N T HI 1 1 AT Titi: oi.i) niitta fironr. or li. X. MO Villi, Where inn bo found the i.aiuikst anil nr-HT as- SOIirMkNf euunty. of ever oileteil lii lliu rltiiens of this llrugs, C'helulenls, l'alnls, ', Glass, Varnishes, l'utly, llrushi's, li.teturfs, Mixeil l'alnls, all of these me of Iho best known mane nun aru uariau ed us 1 ure nml uuiiilulieriile'i. I he uiiesi and larirest stock of 1 A N U V A 11 T I C li K H lobe found m Uiisor iiiljomlniiiuntlei. iVrmtiieiy, Hatr I . I'lilli'S Honps, lliu , I'oiubs, Cosiiiell"", ll.ilrtuis, Tolli t Arlleli", Mnllomry, i'i" lul Hooks, T 11 A l' c o 1: H. HtuoMuH mi'l rhewtn.', CiicalNol nllilescr'pllons, Pipe-, fliiar llO'tlels. iiotwrnm.!) aiuic'Lix. hntnps, ussnrteil sizes nnd st les, Lamps, t 11, xmadi.s, Hlminfiw, m psc 1 : 1 . 1 . an 1 :o UH ODD I M. sipomres, Cliaiuots sktns, I'lithi'leis, Mpeellllinis, l-trluues, In. ust I'umps, Itllbhrr Oomls, Trusses of nil uppioti il patterns .Ce., Ac, I, I 11 t! O 11 H . A tine assortment of uir Uniiors for medical purposes eonslaully on hniul and Iho best known kinds of H'lO.MAtll Iin rLllH. 1MTKNT .MFIuc'lNIHof etery itiscrlptlon, in I'lllllllll! tho best fill let lesot pills and Ionics. I'livsiriAN's I'ltixiiii'rniN.srAiM rci.LV im I'Altl.ll. No such slock has ever berll presented to Un people or this section of country. The prlcesnrons small as the stock Is large. The Whotcvite lv tea nro more favorablo tu the puiehaser than eter.ns .trrmiscmenls hnve been cireeled Willi I hu wholesale dealers In Iho larger cities, so tlinl Koodsenn be procured In lllooms. burn as cheaply as III New Vol It or rhlllldelphln. S-l'ountry ilealels aro earnestly luvlled to study lliilr own Inteiests, by examining tills stock. Heine mbcrlhe place IlxcitANfli: lll.orn-nbove r.xchanae Hotel, Main street, llloomsliuri!. Jan. .It, 10. Cm VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 13 THE MIRACLE CF THE ACE! fJra-v'-ircnelo.l I'oopl. Imc their locks restored by it to thu dark, Uutroui, silien luuea of Joutli, 11111! ,iru luippy ! Yo'.iiislVople,titIi;iV''.'"'ci'ori(inialr, i' tiieso unf.ihion,ible eolurs tliungeil to a beautiful auburr, anil rejoice ! People whose, heads are e'ovcreil tilth Ihintlrvjf and llnwors, ll-r it, ami hate clean lo.its nnd elenr nml lie.illliy tc.ilps! Jlalil-IIi'ntl.'.l Vft.'iiuiw hato tlietr rein.ilniiir locks tihtined, ami the li.ire fpots rotercel with n ltiMirLnt grovtli of Hair, and d.mco for joy ! Younjr flcntlenicn uce U liecr.uje it Is richly perfumed 1 Yuunt; Ladies uo it berause It keeps their Hair In I'lace! Kvcrjliodv voist and uill use it, beenue it ii nn- cUa.itst and Iftt article in the mirki 1 1 For Silo by Drng-gista Generally. AMI I 'ill H 1.1, 111 L. N. mid P. P. I.P1Z. IlniL'il.ts. Ill1.0111sl.1u1:, nnd M, M. Illloltsl', e nlitwls-a. .Iiiuuti -1, Wis.t, WUOLLiSALUA KP.TAII, I) 11 U (1 li I ,S T, tstnwrR or main anii MAnienr sriinuTs, 1IL00MHIIUI1O, PA., w hern will be found a lurgo and selret stock of Drugs, MHDICIXKrj AXI) CIIKMIOAIiH. Also all the 'ATi:nt .tir.DiriNns or thii ntT, I am also prepared to turiilsh country Htores with Pastor Oil, flodfiey's Cordial, TUIILINOHTON'H 1IAI.SAM, and all other medicines kept In their line nt City prices. 112- Prescriptions carefully compounded nt alt hours. up In medicines, eiuallty Is of the llrst importnuce. do ... . . Illonmsburg, Juno,, 1SII7 a u a ii's COM MP.ItCI A I, MANl.'111'.H. 1- We allliouiico lo fnrniers nnd denlers in Peltllli rs, Hull lliu follovsing pilccs liatubctn ailopled lur the pii'senl Spring season 1 HALiilPH HAW IIONI1 PIIOsPHATi: Pl ice, .VI por 2,IU lbs. HM'dll H ClIICAdO UONP. PKIlTJMZi: Price, $! per H.iHHIlbs, IIAUliH HCIIIOAdO 11I.OOD MANUIti;. Pllce, "i)peri',OI)lllbs. Tills tve-ll-known popiilur Irnde-ninrk tvillbu found upon I't't-iy pnekuiee of llie nbotuinu mires. Tliu hleh estimation In wlileh lltre.u'H Hon MANl'iujibavo been iiele, iliulng louiltiu years past, we shall lully suslulu in Ihululure. Hut lug now Hie 1 utile e mil 1 ol ot thegriut lesouices or iho eltym i hiimm ior liiiiiMilim Ammoulu and Pliospliiiti' tluilinir niiilillal, U: Hones, Drill! 1 le.h, IIIoihI, Ac., we hate, in e'onnectlon wllh our tun l,s lu I'lilluilelplila, Ihclmiifht fucll illes for luiiiisliliig these nianuiis, at thoubote low pile is. llaimh A Sons, phtlndilphlu. Norlh-Wesii in I eitlllziiig Co., Chlcnt-o. John ItiiUoliA CoClinelat Aylfc., New York. deoiur W, Klikr A Co., " It, .Mon. lirniKo Duuilalr, Wbohsale Aut,. Ualllmore. Por lllllll null loo I, si.t ,-t hit I In. iilnie , Mil null s. aildiess e'llhe-reiftlitiiilioto houses. jiiu.l'tiH-ani. UMIIHUSTICH .V llllOTIIKlt, Importers nnd Jobbers of lIOttlrfUY, CILOVIM, HHIItTH AND DItAWIlllH, lIll'lTilNM.HUsJPP.NDllltH, Horn HKiitiH, HANDi;i:itcnii;KH, THIlIlADH.HllWINdHlLKH, TltlMMINIH, POIlTi; MONNAH1H, SOAl'H, PPHPC MPIt Y, I ANCY llOOllH, AND NOI'lllNHIIHNiaiM.I.Y, Also Maliuf.u llilels of IIIIIIHIIIW AND I.O0KINII OI.ASKIVH, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WAIII', lllll 10MH, lloPIM.TWINr-H.Ar. No. 'l Noiih I'hlrd sin t'Lubtitu Vim-, Philadelphia. .l.i:il ii IIOfsT, Sui'cessoi's to Priiukllu P.Sellrer A Co., Impotleismitl Wliiihssli' IHhIi is lii LHIPOHH. WINI3S, Ar Nos. iiuiiud lis Norih Third Strict, Philadelphia, jVJ Jl. MAItl'lii:, NOITONH, IIOHIIlllY.Ol.OVlXAND 1 ANCYIiOOIW, No, &1 Norih Third Slrret, Philadelphia,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers