THE COLUMBIAN, ELOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. $t Gfolumbhm. lll.OO.MNlll Itfl, lltlDAV, JIAIICII -ill, '01!, HmiiMj and liltiu lilrds nnd powlts nro dili-pliiR. iMi-CAcii.Mr.NT wuIU for tlio Slnl of Mim-li. llisiioi' HTt:viiNt Is recovering from hU lutu Injuries very slowly. Tin; Coi.UMiiiASBlvM weekly, from llflecii to twenty i-oliimttt of new mut ter. P. .Inii.v litis I'oi.umiiia.v on tlio lirnln, nnil inipocs to acini Ills wliolo head ovei to our ollke. Ilovi.i; and V'st n-p recent thuyonn;,' llpinoeniey, and InivciiUo the endnric ment of the sternly old -neheim of the l'iirly. Wm. S. Moor.i: ol WiisIiIdkIoii Co., volt il lur Stanton lor Vice President Military and alone. Moore has a strong Htlllll It'll. .TacKson ,t Wooiiin employ nlniiit 01 o hundred and hands at their exti n-lo I'oiuidiy ai.d iiiaehlne simps at Iterwlek, IM. pid I ah lids week the prospe. tii of urn llliitiiiislnir!.' l.iier.iry Institute. I; i n iwlii n mosi llniiri'hlin; eoiiilitlon aim .-minis us liitrli ns any iiiMlttillnii In tlie ale. M WY ye.uv au'o a imini'.l S imp miii l:i i-;r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) . r. hi ii i t. w 1.1. the J.lW-lintll' of in :i-s- p. .lullll lllii'i mei'iileis lliri-tit is inMiille tnl-tlili-, with a (hicp'.s he.'.d. 'I'm: Ilemoeralle Slate Ticket K hailed Willi the un atest enthii-ia-io hy the p.irty tliroillioill theSlale,' anil will k tints" old liyle-, I lai'tianlt and Camphell, out of water. VllMlllAt. l-'AUIlAtlUT U ll.UllCll IH a eandldato for Preslilenl. No train.') are jet running on tho Lackiiwaninut Illooiinburu II, H. Wr. learn that a woman, who-ename l sflvi'ii as .Mellen, ri-xltliiij; In lti iar ereek was burned to death hy the e.x pleslnn of a lamp. Xo partleiil.irs are (liven of the xinl aeeeldent. Wi: had Ioiik thought that the i-tiTots of UloomshlirK eould not he outdone in the way of tilth. week we were In Seranton, and we now yield the palm to that City. Absolutely, thero Is not one decent erinduj plaeo in the city. IlllNMAMt.V A. llllNTl.Y, of Williams- port, has been appointed by Oovernor Ueary, Proshlent JiuIko of the new Ju dicial District composed of Lj c nnliitf eounty. .Ioiin 31' 1 1 nxnv. Sr. , I liu woll known deer-hunter, and who was the llrst white child horn above OraiiK'ovllle, died on last Tuesd.iy morning ae-ed about !H) years. Wo shall hereafter rIvc a more extended obituary. A LncoMoTivi! and train of coal ears have been partially i-ubnicrp d for sev eral d.iys on the L. & II. II. It. below Itupert. The etitflno Is oil' tho track, and It will require some lanor to get It on ajjain. 'fhe traek Is under water for ,i eon-lderahle dlslance. Mu. .1. V. CiirMiimn.iv would i-all theatleulloiiof hli patrons, andthe pub lic Kiner.illy, hi his adveiil-i'iiient in anollier cohimii relative to his new 1 1 ni 1 1 1 x t ol makiii.clntht's, He Invites iii'.eetloii, and will h Klitl at any time to I'Vhihlt his plan, Pint:. -A boii'i' lieloii"'!! to a in'i. r hioi-iI lliilllili. a. I'en. lallu, ile- iini.ii 'i ii; me oi . IHIiMliiy milium. :, l.i I H ( i n I In i 1 aiiil lour u'r'iH' , 'I'll'' 111. "i iliii.itc I Ii .III t i i'Xii' .ii i lilt toil III iillllji, I Ixllsi- and I'llllll-ills ni-iired In L eomliiK lor neveii liuiidicd mil Illy dullais. I.h-m ab mi twelve liUinlli .Atlmnilv. IlAl.M ion i:vi:ii v Wiii'Mi lil'iiee'- ('i'i'liniti-i Silve Is mm' -.1 ni-ii udly ii.iisl fir Hie eiiienl wntim I-, col-, Imnis, ulici's, lelons, siimiin, ami til ilm ases n the skin, iiimK' nf it ft mi to he needlen. Thtw A'lio b.ive H ied it once nl w iij l;ecp a In is on hand .inn uoimn win induce man in ne without a supply. v l'i:w people uiiaeiiualiited with phy.i- iolo'dcal clieinltry ate aware of the mtlty of linn In the blood, hut all nmttltl kimir the Impnrtanee of kccpiii; up the supply, for debility, tlliease and de.itli ale line to I'olltm w lien the quan tity lieeoiues reduced loo much. I'll" Peruvian Syrun la protoxide of Iron supplies this vital element, and has) cured many chronic dl-ea-es. Wr. bej;ln tho publication this week, of a series of articles on tho Kuckxhot War. They aro prepared expressly for Tin: Coi.u.miuax, and will run Ihrniifih several numbers. Xow subscribers do slrliigtheni should send in their names at once. llAVixn hail occasion to driven miles Into tho tountry l:it week, we fnund mud several inches in tleplli In some place.", solid frozen roads In other-, and in others Mill, snow, through which It was almost Impossible to drive. Ox Saturday the 1 Ith one of the em ployees in .lackion A Woodin's simps al Ilcrwlck, whilst at work witli a sawing midline, had his hand eiunjht by the saw anil terribly tut. Amputation of the thumb was found to bo neces-ary and theoperallon wiii successfully per formed. The yoim man wa- hut l!i years of ae. A man at work on a sawiiiK in.ichine lu .lacl'sim A Wooilln's shops was si uck by the teeth about eleven o'clock, splli 1 1 1 1 jt his thiimh lamp in the hauil,maU liij,' an Hilly wound. Dr. Little ampu tated the thumb and dri-ned It very neatly. The wounded mutt Is only 111 years old, but ho bore H without a wind. Waiii:' twenty-two Made S.llll look blue ; Ami Stallion's nuo Hit P.ileiiiou; While Mliter (irow And (ieur.v , Had not a show. Dear ) ! dear (! Till, ft How who wants to eud hi sheep's head to I'll r. 'tit.lWIIll VN ha Jllsl j;ol his th Ii '.ile to thel.r. U.ilii.i. Convention Into .ninth r s'i'ii'. It seems Pah'iiioii ji"' him to vote fur lien Wade. The repoit sa.s: "All lie Delejiates, Seualoi, from Philadel phia voted for Curl in. and the list went forward w It limit change mil il Coliunl Samuel Knorr, of Columbia, voted for WA D1C. A storm of lilsstw jreetetl the vole." That's the way P.ilemon John ami his I lele;ato support tho "war (lover nor and the soltllern' Irieuil." Wi: learn that on last .Sunday nijjht the store of Win. Kramer, at I.yer'.s JnjVf, was robbed. Tho robber or rob hers entered tho hulldln;; by cultlii',' n hole in the cellar door. A hole wai id so cut In the window shutters. About si-i.dii lu money was taktn from the drawer, a giiti, a pair of line boots, and probably some other kooiI.s not yet inls-ed. The money beloiiKlii; to the Po-t Olllce, iinnmntlnn to about sO.un win alio taken, beshle.s the mail ha),' key. Measures have been taken to search out the guilty parties. We would warn mail carriers to be on their nuard until the iiiIIiik key ii found. Our mi'ivliaids mid i-Ulzi.ii- sluaild bo on their ijitard ngahist thusu depredators. Tin: warm weather for tho past few days followed hy the tlreucldiij; ralu on Monday, has produced Its duo ell'ect. The heavy snows wlilcli . still cover the hlilh grounds at and near tho luwl wa lors of tho river, rlvuh.-ts to miniature torrenls. Asa natural emi-eiiueiico both tho river and rMilnj; Ureok nuo to n Ureal holsht and tlo i h)d tho lovul and low -r v.v liiiid- lylnrf -d nis their h inks. Moit of tho farm near tho river side art) -overo I with water to some extent, and lu ouoor two c.ii "i tho ,U'jII1u,'i havo hiw'ii rendered uninhabitable. Tht-ro was but little loss beyond that which may arWo from deitruction of fencing etc., us iho lUrinor, luliu duly warned, removed thulr stock to higher mid safer lo.-alliles. Cuiiiniunlcatloii In- twten this place nnil Itupert Ii kept up by menus of boats. The Lackawanna and Hloom Jnir' It. It. Is cowivd with water lu ninny placi-mud iravel enliri ly ntopped, I'roui prt'ieut appearances it Is not UUely that the waters will roe-h the height iittiilued in the g real llond ol IHil'i, I hern beiiie; still six feel of a ral-o reoulred to eipial It, Tho river alal Tin: river has been fulling for tho past two days. Tin: happy family known in history as the radicals, had a happy time ex- 1111)111111,' themselves at Philadelphia. I'he light for Vice-President was a reg ular Kilkenny eat affair. 'Twixt Curtin, Ciiownnd Geary O, They mailo them-elves imltu weary O, And Paleinon looks dieary O, And .Samuel lather skceiy O. Lome our rou C()U.ti:i'.i'i;it.s. Coimlerfelt greenbacks of the. denomin ation of one dei'iir aio being put into circulation. The note is a photograph, and Is both shorter and narrower than the genuine, besides being pale, blurred audi distinct. Tliu back of the note is printed in Ink ol'a much lighter grten lingo Hi. in that u-td in printing tho genuine Holes. The number of notes of this character i-Miid Is Mild to hi large, but If merchants and others oxer- c!.-o common c.ire they can easily detect tliem. Hi i WTo Cook Sua Ii. The fre-h shad season Is nearat band, and lu order that our lady readers may be enabled lo do ample ju-tict lo that excellent ll-h, we publish the follow ing iut-1 liotl of boiling their tinny victims: Clean the shad, wa-h It, Hour It well, wrap It In a cloth ami place It In a huge vessel of boiling water with a great deal of salt. It will i-iipni'i about twenty minutes to cool It. Serve il up w ith egg saute or rich drawn butter. This nio-l exiellent tl-h is said to be very palatable w lit n dress, i il in the maimer stated. An Interesting ca-e. Irom the Court ofClii sp.r county, was d cldtd by the Supremo Conn of Pennsylvania, a few l;i --i in e. Dr. 'thump-on puuba-til h meillrtil pia lilt-ol l)r. M'l llll' of t -t drove, Chester enmity, but after ward Dr. M'l hug again l ommeiiei d pun tiee nl thai place. Dr. Tbomp-oii eiileit'd -nil agalli-t him, mid inked lor an Injunction to le-liain M'Cluig from pinelli'liig at Wesl drove. Thi-liijime lion was gian'.eil by llieCt url ol'Chcs tor eounty, from w lilch tlecl-ioii the ile leudi.lit appealed to theSllpreliie Coin I. This tribunal ullli in- tliodt clilon of the Court below, and Dr. M'Clurg Is the e lore restialned from piacticiiig a a physician at West diovc. Tho point decided Is an Important one, A i,i, thi: i.ocAi, m:vh, (irjtili mmnltig to juti. Mm, Hmnlil I'M' lit t li ti liclglilior MoiKo'n j I'or Ik'ii Mm lie III 1 lilcln il Iniknlli Ilj- clKhlJfr.IollPS, homrs, I lliiiuelit t'tt mil nuailiil. Kiiuw, Hut lutvn no lliuo to tin i -, t'orHuny Anu has got it hcitu, Anil Just iilioiit to marry. A rharniltiKitny to run nwny, II Is no t-ool una ftift'tv I fi'tiuso you ltnotv that Mury Drew lloi not nllltlolinliy? Aiuili' l'nlt iiml litirus Hull, Tim' tti'lCn Knillilly lllftlnil, tluvt'iii i t ftiihiK out, llicy wy, Ainl now they've M)'iuittel. Ol.l .llmuiy sin? tin- ilrunkrti tlilnif Who Mule from Mr. t'ns'tiiiin'n An. I Unity Molt nnollirr not Alt tl liu with Hit' "trt-mens." Aiul hy liu- wny, lal Huturitny, Whoa t u-ni out n wnlttlug, t lii-ai-il tint D.'neon l'.mc r'tt Rito lt.ta htii-'l hM l)eiif-oti Hloftchiif. I ilo not Icnow Uovr trtio It I. Ilt I lln) It'll iiB-rul nlorlt-s I If I lull nll'ntr, lhi otlit r ilny, Thai hittieiiua out ut Morcy-ji. Ilut I iiiukI go I t-auuol Mtn I Ii n my hu'.ttl a iisliut tint wlmt this uoi-til is mtiilnv to, Imnort' nil') moo Miri'llnlm. Til !: Si xnuuv Co o';iiati vi: Awso- i-IATIox. Mr. C. 1-'. Crook, the Secre tary of tl 1- Asso iut on. In speaking of Its operation-since lis euniniencemenl, s tvs : 11.-.' ipiarter wii; coniliii-ltil on n .-apilal ofSH-Jo j number of member at end ol ipi.trtef was PI ; our total sales iiiii'iilnled In --HI. sll, on width there mi- di cltiivil a 'livldeinl ol lour per edit. to no nun - on account of th -ir iinbvltl- i.n t.ilit'ini-i ai toe -loi't-. il., an lueuigi nl " ui, ill ii I n illi a in, 'lube, snip al lie' end ol the iiiai ter, oi -il, liio .-ales ol the .-ennui ipiaru-r aiiniiiiileil lo j":!, !-.". lil, which, tiller paying uiiiiraiite luxes, and In n-rest on shares, tiu-ro was a dividend to meiiiber.i of I per eenl. So .sou see we have iiiriiul our capital over -ix time in iho last three moillhs, which liiiies oii-iilerable llu.iiieiering, us wod. al mi strictly ca-li principles, never giving or receiving credit. Out- shares sro placed al llvo tlollai-s, llniiled to one hundred -bales per member, interest at tliu r.uo of live percent., to be lncrea-ed to so en per cent, from Jai.tiary 1st, 1S07. Our pro-pects are llatiering, coiisltlering the dull time which prevail. Our reputa tion stands A Xo, 1 with all; and In lime we ho'pn to make the Co-operative Association of Sunbury a blc-ing to overy home and a eredll to it- foimder-. Sunburn (iuxi tlc. K.Xfl.i'T I'oiixkv, no one of the Kill ed delegation to their National Con dition has even a State reputation. Our delegation is eompo ed of men of National chaiaeter. Woodward, ltlg ler, A-a Packer, and lleliter j and Ho ratio Seymour heads the list in New York. Wo are vastly adeatl .u far lu the personnel of our delegations. LEGAL NOTICES. nMINISTHATOH'S NOTICK. liners nf nctrnlnlHlrntltm nti tlm cMntr or Ocnrx'1 Inner, lulu of Mujitmiri(ittiilili. rot n in bin cik. lit i- tifu'il lni o ht'M HHUitdl hy I (m ItiKlMtr ol (Mil'l county ti lifwli ('hrlMoplur of tvtitro iwp. (he pstrtlti or tho ilci-i-itfiii lire rerun U- in make thrill ktiuwil, ll tnl tlinm lmlchtil In nmlto p;iy lncm. JjKWIS L'llltlMHll'UKlt, IVb 1 't. AiliiiinJ-iiitt'r. i;Xi:CUT()U',S NOTK'i:. I J I,- .r.n: uk im.niiv ttiKrri.itHit iiw'n l.i tltiM 1 ioliiiiiili)iirr OH tint I'nlul- nf (Tmipv IhMlt'i h'h, tuti' ul llrliiicr." k tnnlili, Coltmi ili roiintv h.iM' In-en if mulct hv tho Itculnd-r nl coitiiiihl.t Cotnily tiisiiiitul iMittrilih, nixl lit nrv A lio trrli'h.of Milil Tnwmhlp, All k i oim fi.iv lint rtulniH nttnliitt tlio ("state urn rt tws. I I l) I'll'l'llt 111! Ill II 1 1 MM l IK- II It'll 1 1 II I H I I IH I'M) III "Itlilci to tin' inlntt rlthofoti tmtu or htnili nr. imnt will nmkc p ivnicttt to tin lrrn tort with out ik-hiy. hamii.mhi;ii i mm, llh.NUV A. I'M. I I'Kltli It IVh, KxirutoiH, DMINItf TUATOHtf NOTIl'i:. IV KHTATH OK JOHN M, MAItTIN llH I.At II, I Htprttnf rultnliiMi-Htlou initio tnle nrJolm il. Mrtrlln. hitixif llrnt-nu'iMHl tiinlivlihi. (Silntn. tiht en., ilfi'ft'Nrtl liuve hcrll yiunh'il tvtllO lt''ul tor or nlil umnt to Win. Ilouuhtoii of riti twil All H'lM'li hniki iIiillilH or (h limtiiU H)(itUlt tin' i Mull' of thi' ileeetteiit 'Hi U'tineMiil ii iimhii mu'iii itiiintii, mm iiiuii' iiiuciMl'il tl tntiki' pnvtm tit. AilniftiiMrnlor, wn-t.tAM imrriino.N tVb 7, lff-ni rTf. or i.noSAttiiH. jiroNTM w, iu ri hi n. 1 tcr oi iiiliiitniHnitlcn on tht'eMntonr I -con .ml Htoiii-inun, inii tr lllixint tow nhli,t'oliiiu iiiiufiitiitv. "It ci iir,tiavnhii n cr.mhvl hy Hu Hc l-(rrirJilit I'oiltilv.tuMlrlui-l I'.t i-rlv, ol lllooni t vp, f rfiiit'avlni'MliiHtr'h imm'twilit Hi (imIi- of thi 'ti'"f tent itro riTm ileil In 111111(1' Hi. 'in I;nmn,iunl thoo Itxh'iiti it to nmlic htt- nt. MI( It V,U I'. LYKItl.V. I'm H-tlt Vitmhil-tuhT. 1 11! I'tW notut;. in tin- 01 plip u'n ( .111 1 lir ihf 'oiint or linn 1 m:i, In lu.' 111 liter of the t'sutoor Mury l,t nhtut ill 1 HKi'it. 1 In Atnlltol' uppnlntt l l) the I'nlllt t' 01 1U0 ilKt! lUtilon iii th.. Imiunee in thu IuumIh r I iii. .nl Ailiitiii. Adi.iliiKlliih.i nf M.11;, hli.iri HM'i.ieil tUiiulUstln ileri"r(nl tin-1. till hli. it U ill met t thi' parties Intel iM l r-'l Ihf pttrt ' rtii-iippo imnr-iton riti itn,M i 11 -In, . 1 1. tHW, ill llh.Vl.irlt, A. t lit lim ulllee 10 Klii.niiHi.uig,' olumtil.i 'itutil , l'n, ll ieiHims lun hi'i rlitiiH iiailul Hi-- rstutr .11. lieiebv ri ipllriil tn preMit In the AlliHtoi, 01 -il Itihnietn pi i-M lit thet-iihie lie loieer tk-li.irii I lioin KMiiliu in Tor 11 th:ireiirttif kiiI 1 .Tat .joit.v 11. nti:i:i;, Au.iiioi-. ivii.:i,M. UDITOIl'ri NOTICK. 11 the dtitlmii's Court for tlioCoiintv nrColnm 'in, in tliu niutti r or the fKtuto of Wlllltini i'i iv ton del eii-t-il. 'I he Alldllnr nppolliteil hv the 1 'oint, to tn 1 Ice iNtrihutlonor tlie hulnncn In (he h iinlHofH.iiiuii-1 i:nt, I Vein rrr Wlllhiin t'l iv tnli it. 1 esise'l, iiniMim the ti L-ulefs orte-.tnte, wilt hie- t the pil'lh Intel enN il lor the ptllpnsf ir In .).t)Iiitlnent oil I lllIA , -71 ll ot MaIKII.A, IK W s ui In i. el k u, . l.iit hNom.'i'ln lllooni'.bur, 'oliiinht 1 cititn' v, I'a. Ml pi ikhm hulnu chtliiH nK.iinst iho rvintr Kl'e IieitOjj leiplll'i il In ple-ielit to the Atl'lltoi', 1 V ll li'ltllie tn I'll si til the mhho tie forever He h.11 ie'l 1 1 mn com inn in fur n sh.ue of the oul.t 1 t ite. jiuiN i. ria:iv.t;, Amittor. l NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3ISNNIN(iT0X MAIjKSKMINAHY . rllill I,MAl,t;( (H,l,i;(H' iimrTri i.lnn. NVw JtTPPV. A lliilirillnaHftiiiitl Inrlwilli mim. timrmu tfilillfshfil 11 hi I or tilifh trriutp. nlmliut imii-iiphI Iv tit wvl In Httt lllloit in tho iilnetitloti, the tunrnN. 1 he hniiiu I'timtorti ntnl ihPlieultli of tho ntiidcnt. leriimiitiKirriUff, Ail'ireM Hit' UuVt i . LIAM.U-N, . M., lvntilnKtoii.N. J, BOOK AOKNTH VAXTICI)-KOIl Ilt. Wit, MAM HMtl I I'M liUTlOAHV or llll'l till. I!. Wrlltrn hvToof Ihn mnit itNtln. KuMieil IMMnen in j;uioiie ntnl Alnerlcu, Illiu- til mm lurirr Drtiivn vnlmtin lrlfn 'Mm. ontv Million puhlltthcd in Atiir,rleiironlenci by irr.niuiui nw n liiillil. U I'lllplUVIlO lil'MTUl .Ki'inn niei uuer no i,iriini'inreiiirni in AKelKS h'lilltnf Willi IIH. Killil for tlcHPlloLtVi. clriMitnrM. nnil Kcu our I rtiiF, J, )i, lU'lllUV ro 1'ublMi r-, Ji.11 iiMio, v. 1, lOOn A (IK NTH WANTKI) l-Jfyj tn nil partH of (hi! Tnld-d Hlnte, to eil utir 1 111 met) on lltt of iifiirli- ,'iiNI ill Hi. runt HunltH. fini m 11 nd I'liotomiiiih Altiinim. i:nrv family wmii notiicthlnn trniii it. 1 iiniminicf. lurtiiiheii mi niipiirntion. ntnl bnoltn tit host on lil In iiiiv mlilri-MH on ni 1 (nt nf i.Hfn HUiHslIli lionkHcniitiiln nn the lUt. u Ith orlt l os tln-r wi.h hlutik Kin-' tHiitnl piinieil liuxllimt tor enioltiiiii n lM ofiiiitiici, "etit flee tontiy 0110 ntl ri eell t o! .yiU'lIt. Auho.iy rut) hvU notn I'M In 1,0ft) of the no xiktii linnet iinvwlieie. I'or tertni to ini nu mul olhDr tnf inn itlon i-tijreiH .HUi.N HlTll.U A (()., rutilMK'IPt. An--, lil I Hllil fl!7 Hill I -null I H lift, rillllKlrlpllla. A Cir.NTH WANTKI), 2.'M'lie ltKtnr.V OflllK WAIl HKiWKLN nth mtatk-," Hi i'iuhch, ( h iriuti r, roniltiet an t IteMtliK. Hv Hon, Alexnuttpr It, Htcvcm. iiotitcitil rhaiiKter and n-udv wtie, cotnlilncd with an iJit re.i'fd cominl'.tloii, innUi It tho boot Miiiflptluii bonk ever puhlMie.1, fitnl Tor circu lamitid mi e our b mn, nnd 11 mil ileM-rlpthm or lli-V hi ik. Aihbf Nntlfitml I nlnp-hlinf t n.. hllulelphiii, ra. AniiNI'S vanti:d xV i.n-ii tifit nl A I'lr 1 t'liij f it1 lilt: IH'.Sf)I,ATi;iHTATI.!in.l I he Woik ot ltesto. 01011, i.irv oiriut(M 11 hej.rt) miv. teluhl. I.niri'tit t'DiiiiiilsNliiim. 11ml tiri'iiilmii nf t piud. I'or piirtteuhr4ii.li1ieHs, sTI'.llltl.N's, Jiitiiinni, i oiin, A mati:cii CririVATOifH xv in 11 r to ntt: KIM IK'S Mi t I.n U' Ml l.MiPKN, now ukady. A 1KH( IllPriVCwnrli I M hnt' btllv PliiHtrn il ulilm biiuitliiilenloiiil pt.ttr iukI lun 1 nura Lh. cull till 1 1 1 Mif u list of nr 2.VHI inhtltH of HuHir mul V Ui tnhli ri 1 .U also, t arhlh-H T thulium. t I 1 tut Ii II hriil(li.i. lining. All thi Not Hum, boib of i lie l'l'ow r tuul Vt-B. table, tor 1 1 1 1 je 1 ui n 1 01 eri 1 i ii 111 mn aoot- won;, 'I 1 vi ful I bound 111 t-iotli, 'J t'tilnietl plm n.prlee, I'oit-i aid, .ii) (tH,,lti papt r eni r, pnt-paiil, 'Ji iv .Mi'iiess vt .x-MiuuiI.N LU., IloiIifUItu- UOITOlt'S NOTICK. in thr On bin's rnurt for the Count v of Col tun hi 1, In the liiuttei of the estate of 1'iedei U'k lli" lteiae.. the, Auditor appointed h tlie Com t tn make dWtrlhuthiii of I he balance In the tin ml of I'lionisis Hl's-, IlXeeutnror I'ledcrbk llet,dc. t e.itM'd.aliiointthe li K lies of Mid t Ma(e,u IP met t the itaithH lutirevtiil the iiurnnsc of his no- pollitllUUt.ou VTIM(PAY, Maui II S A. I. l.Mw, it Un n'l-Iock, A. M nttlm ttl e f Jlntu rt I. 1 .i.iK, hsi., (oiiif r ot Main and M.iiiiei sirt-t-l tllitiiiii.sbuiu. t olutiibla emintv. Pa. All pei-nun having tldim PKalnnt (he rilale me heic hv 1 entitled tn orutctil in the Auditor. 01 on l.illuie tn pa nn( tllCHaine he fou erdf bill red 1 i'i mi Miming in mr u hli ivo of Hie said e-ttaie. JT. i:..!A KM1N. Ait'lltoi 1 , b,:i ii-. Wiii:nt llicold man Woller win iv in his son Sdimiol nunc mlvico nlmu writinir !(vu IptUTH, ho told lilm lo uniiioi' tlit iti mi tlml lho-( rcu'ivitiK tliem hhoidd wish that th"ro wtt" muro ttf thrin, CottldiiU Satntb'I kIvl us a IllthMiiori' Ili't), Wadr; or Nn't thrro any more wanted ? William llr.Miv ArofbTrn 1 i )), l).t Hrt'tor ut' Trinity Church, dV'tirva, N. YM va unanimously elect fd MNhojior Vrniiont, hy tho KjiNro- pal ConrnMoti at lhti'IIii,'ton. St'AM) uvric whltr folk, and cotnr not nlh original and honc.-l Itriiuldl- 'atii Kurnry head. lhi Ksidiral drlrJi- lion to their N.ahinaU'inivt iition. Old lti'ltlihUcaii rnjoy that hugely. SPECIAL NOTIC'UH. A DMINISTUATOll'H NOTICK. j. rsrAii; oi- matiiias iuio.nk dutshi. i i th it of aihiiiulfdratloii on tlieistatei.f M.i iin.iH Uh"ne,late of Jaelcson township, t'oluiiihiu i '.iintv.ilecrioied. tiaM- neeti (riiuti d ov 11m Ihk UtiT of Kahl ColUlty, to Hiiliinel 111 nlie, ad till. (Kin le-t't in nfo tttmtjn. tic liunit lion. v intit.Ide lu Scntt township. All i'i rsons m inn cIuIiiih oi d- mninU tifMihst the Mini estt.le aie it ipiehted to piem tn tin in tor m ttl ment Mllhoiit ihlay, utal (lint1 hum mi ii hi Miiuvi- ii;i, 1111 in, KA.ML 1.1. It f ION U Atlliilui-dlutnr. Mar.JTiVwM 1?Xi:tVTOKS NOTICK. K.VI' AT-; I i of MA l.Y I.. IY1U E.i iieaMi . LrtlerNte i i.iiein ntj i ti the estate ul Mar l.i'rdtr, of it.ii iiuu ui in iiiK niit into miiiinii o i ne hi uthtt r ot i oitniioai eon ntv . to Ikuiiu b, t r. del All pel-, ns hn Inn hilin amiltisl tl e i .lateaie l','lU. nlul tn pleMlit (hi lil lor m tth tnelit, tuul ll.i.hi- lhiiilii t he i slut e e thi r on not buoli 1 1 1 mint v ill ii'.il.i pa tnent to ll e I e. u i-ir wttiiuut iiuu . isa .r i.. rin in:u, On-IjI. r.teenior. totTcT; in Divoncjf. t 11 Ivl.l S l oliNia.tMIN s CAhltlfc. ( ott.SM.lDON" In I he i 'iairi id i '11111111 u I'h finni'i '.ilntiihla v ) 1 :t, iMi", l.i he) 111 diMiiei it 1 nriilit tnnti iimutii And now l ihtu.ii .id, A. Ii. ihi the fhi,t, mid ft 1 mi uibiitiiift ha, hit: In 1 11 it Hum n X l.. I the u hove li.iliit d texpondi tit is belt l Mntillf il lo in a in 1 iipi'im 111 1 01111 on me 1 list ,miuh.i 11 Mil, lit M lii;,i Ml atisu-l the eoinplaitll Ml till' e.t-e, .MUHHIIl A I .Mlhl.Mll. M.irii(t-IL Hhelltl, R.:x NDKHSIIOTT'.S HIAIIMACY ort'tiin: mi i:n n ind sr. bile hi ll iIUhI ii 1 1 till) il. a-iM 1.)1 . I'd pinu n o 1 1. s. i.ll'iHlu, huiU uUt' J-.llt In tin folll l.lUf the ntl 1 Iteii ei.uteiiin id the ! 1 p till 1 1 a. I. I" tno' iliufittisc nl ai.lIi MilK-i iiu it Is only n-1 tsill to MtaU tliebloiKihj Mippl;ili ll vM!i Its I. Ife elf nu 111, Iron, Till; I'KlsUVIAX sYUll, piiitteied'nlui). tl nf ' lie Vint i.di of Inm Will i this 1 lUvuai . Mill Ml nO . no - -t li. I 11 v 111. lo tin- wb-ih v -i fin, J .if m a I t-u. r todii Itev. tlf 11 viu I'.ni nl r.uf on, M.i"- "1 r u ai I wns 11 wtill'f.-'i Until b tin 1 1 1 1 1 1- mil n 1 ailx in thi mi ;h 1 n I pet MM. h I II t III) 1 111 e I IIH-'Hs MERCHANDISE. jKW KTOl'K OI-' ('J.f)'l'JlIN(l. Trfsh nrrl, I ol r.M.r. and wi.vniK uuuim. iiaviii U)vi:sm:uri litvlkN attention tuhb.tock of C'ltltAI' AMll'AHtltO.VAtll.l.CIAnilNU. il lil vl'iii'on MiiluMlir-rllin:ijilo'jtRnliootlir Atnrrloan llotu niomilsl.urg, 111., wl.fro Iip lm Jnn n-pfU-wl frmn Xew Y6rl nml l'hlliiilclt.lilnit full nivirllnrnl nt MIIN AND llOVM' l I.0T1II.N, Incluilliu. tho infill M.liUtmlitr, iluraolr, m. J lintiilnitnc TtltPm(ln()ti4. roiiHl-itliig of IIOX, HACK, ..UOCU-, HUM, AND 01t,-CI.0TII COATS AND l'ANT, f nil oit,.l7.i", nuil color 1. Holms nlna renltn. lilitit lilnnlliftdy lnruoKlock of A I.I, AND WINTI-.ll RltAWIfl, STHIl'i;!), rillt'UUIl, ANIU'I.AIN VIMW, Kit hits, (nAVAiM.HTiicKH, aiM.Aiif, 11 Ni)iii:ti('iii-.i-H,(ii,ovfi, HI'Ml'll.NDhllN, AND fANt-V AlllIL'I.IM lit- nu,. comt intly on Imiiil a Iaiko ml woll-nc U-i'toil tixsortmt lit of CUITIIM AND VWTIXUH, wlili-li hp K pu-i'iiroil t muUo lo order lntonny kind of t'lotlilln;, on rry Khort notice, mul In Hi. est manner. All 111. olotliln li luado towenr. nnd mot of It I. of lioiim lii-umfiietiirp. (101.11 WATCIIIN AMI JUWKI.llr, if every ilPMll,tlon, Hue nnd clicup. lIUcAiit'f, J"wi'lry In not MirnMril In thin plAce, Cnll end -EHiiiIno hi. froneutl fu.iortim-nt of (.'!,( ITIl INO, WAI CI I US, J KWKI.IIV, A C. DAVID LOWIINIIDIIO. H A 1) I (! A I.. rp II i: L AMONTIH.Y Jl MIAZ1N i:, il.'MiIc.l lo I'ree 1 milium I'll, 1' tin s it, ii-t.r,irM,oe null milllli-l'. Ailitl-rss -I'Ml! HA llll'. I.. l.fMlf mil jj. 110. ion, .Mnis. J KI) .1 ACKKT ANK. rot.liritS K PA l I'M. .Inly, 0, 167. Tik-il anil not found Wanllu; Wi- ei dpi It will nit Twi'iittli) ri)pr nut Mont: com W(nn im:u dav iiiiv. ot hi r 11 tnado MiKrm-oKT, Die. in, l'-OT. Mmstn. I.irrtNdyrr A. Co, Mih : I li,te lullv Irittl ran' oiitrnt use tuul lind It Nail th it mi th.h.i l..r It. It will nop uisipr liiau till V oiiicl AM' that I t 1 1 mid leim s the uonj w llbout st leUlin at all, .'oiud tid rlion three d.i.H uitlinut one loi Hie ost, I in-ill not any nmie. im anv in. in 1l1.1t 1 1 11 "t mil' ill ui' s;i isiiril. WM, ki:iv. rATTlUN ! 1 ho axe nnd thel.thel are bnt limit tilled. Ifililnm-l-4 on tUn- patent" will be pnw ei'Utedairi'tdins tn law. Vi ndcM orilealelH, and in 1 sunt uthitf any Intiliineiuent, art.) Unble vvlth me intiKvrui ui" lnirn.KeiiK 111, mn si.t. ri 1.1. tuaiMW s Tin: man- t i.Airi;i:iiE., l.UMMNroTr iiAKr.wr.u,, Mlieesioii to I.ipplneotl A ('n..Soh nvMierr I ill- p.tlrllt. VII iMiUUdll. I'.l. XTOliTM AMKUICAN STKAM x Hint cr. mi:uimt 1, im; 10 c'Ai.inHNiA, VI PANAMA Oil Mt'AttMICA, HAII.lNtl I'llOM MAV YOUU Maidi .'dh nnil Hit lit A pill .tb and 1Mb; MavJ liih and iilh. Willi Nt-WMtain-dilpMif Ibe first flasH. nvnir imvrn thin m am nrni 11 i.inp. I'm inn her lufiii tnatfnn adduss lite nude hlUt d at 177 Wi l Mm el, New Vol 1; I) N. r.UtltlMiloN', Am nl. W. II. Wnits, I'ii st, Cii vs. In n 4, Vict l'res'i Oilhv-.1 i:t han.'e IM.ue, New Yoilt M 10 ik; II A N 1) I SH, NOTIl'i: IS Iir.llKllV (IIVK.N 'Jl II 1: (' 1: I. 1 r r. r. 11 it t r. n ii , .11 i.i.i ii 11- iu m i-.iii'iini 1, mu It-- i-i Is tin' 111I1M nf tlie ii('piir;itinii for llif 11 mi 111 Aiiiirt-w .iniiiiMiii, 1110 i-riit ti-.iltor. Diivli. U In-t '.Iclit nl'. cxi-rlit wi' know lie living lll;i' u prliii'i) in tliu Smith, wlifif his liliml I'ollowris -.till t-llii!.' lo till' iili'il of hi-i lllliliinlt' siurC". Mmitimr Aim Anm, It Ii iiiiiu-.liii,' to M i' how ninny ollke lioldi r-. uiiilri-.lohi.i-oii mi' J 11-1 iicgln nin to llnil out lie is ti tmlliii', Wlll'll tllt'lt' 1- ll ll'0-l,ll't Ol' tl .-lllTl'Of liL'in t'lio-i'ii. Iliowt-r wtiH 11 (IcU'inito to llir lute I'lillniltlphla I!t'ulilli'iiii I'ouvciitioii.miil litoi-tlur to I irlus "fruits meet for it'iicninnei'," In order to iiutliittiln tlio'' putty olllie of Iloputy AMi'-r, voted for Wmlo s his C'tiiull ilulo for Vleu 1'renlilt'iit, not iltiulitliiK tlml the hitler would inward him when heeiiitie' Into iK'Wer, lint ciippo-e the Wild" I'liliie "p Imvs out," what IIilh? A MvsTi:m i:xi'i,. ini n. It is n mutter of hurptUe to nmtiy ltepuhlle mis lu tills County Unit nil the Delepnten lo the Itadleal I'lilUulelihhi('oueiitloil from lliM'tiiiKro-sloiial Dhtilet should ote for lieu Wade its their Candidate lor VUo l'lVildeut.In preference tollx-lios-. Ciiilln, who, irtife In o v, was so popular with hi. p.tity. 'I'he answer Is plain. I'. John, who enriles the Itmiienl 1 i:ul,v lu lids i-eitloii In Ids hreeelie.s poeUi't, hn -till tl ImiiUetlun alter "the lleh pots of Ktfypt," uild iiioinins thed.iy when ho was Mrlrlu'ii lioin the rolls of the "lueail ami hotter In iu'iule." lielieviiiK that .lohiiMiu would lie linpi itehetl, nnil Wade tliere hy hee.iuio l'ii'.hlent, ho orlelt d Knori and Ilrower to vote lor him us I'anill date for Vleo 1'riislilent, meaiilii!; to el.ilui hli I'd ward, tho iissomiii's hip of the IHstrk't, of which .liiliii-nii mu iiilarlly deprived him, l-.i 111, a in ill, -mull ul ln.v i'ii,!,. 0 jii Lilm- i.ii-ri M i,t iIl','(,1iiiii,i ,1 lii l, 'li'l t' i i ' V lu ill M'.nnl nuii.v.ltnil lli'il limit I ill lull nll'l , ii ml illiiuilii mi' ol ll" ..vli'iu w i HI'' ii . II. Miv I Iiml iccini I til In, iii Oil nl In. U iu,i I'lllllll l lllll'lllK-ltl. llll'l.l- Hill III". 1,1 i Ui,iiikI I i i- ituaill Ihn nil tn I Mllll n ii" I'I I'l-IH'I' III liu -ml. ilims tu uliluli I Iiml Iiiim I'" n stil.ji-.-l.-l. II ,Sill lltlHtlllH' lllllt 1 I'llllllll I' I tllhlllU lll- l'i:itL'VI.N SVltl'i. I i Hli, ml tiil;!ii,.ll uii- till I I liu I IIH.-il tl i- liutt It's ; ini'i thru I itwll 1 ihilliiiiitnrtlioklnil. I'm- i-ini. I wu i,n- ,it On ui nu fit suiu-rei k. iiihi r in, iiirlni-s u-n in1 1' aiiLlti nipniun it'll, t, 1ml tins i-iiiuii'Ui.iili' i-i'iiii'ily, Ulli iilttn-l mul liittiltiM seii.i-, iM-nt 1 1 1'. i'i I , tn t In' t ul Hi,. i'MI, una ,IM Its wiuli Willi n wullliy ul It. iliU.lli-il .IlllUU'll'l'." l-' ujj" I'.llill'liti't si'lil fti'f. Tli'B' null'" li" ' I'i in i- s, m i-" li uwn in liu' ulii-s. J. I', Dl.SM.Multl., I'liiiin, im-, Nn. .'Ill Pi')-ft., Ni-w .,k, -,,1 1 l.y nil llruuijlsiH. ,M iiiniATIoN.-liiloiniiitliiii to i, i, Mint ,. ii iL.Mirimil kiiimIIi nt linir Ufiin u Iml'l l,i u, I oi In nl, IU ss la.-.', iilsoii i.-iljm Im- tin- I-,- III, , Mil 1,1 I'lllll'lt-S, lIllllllU'-l, lUtnillllllS, I'll'., nil i hi, si. in. li us lim tlio miiihi fntl.i lt-iii. mul 1,1-tiuli-nil, , -in I i 1,1., i iiml wltliiint i'Iiiii-u.. hy lulilli'ssiiiu iiHi.-j. r. i'ii.r.M.N,t-ii. mist, ki'l.l.vT. .-t lliimilMiiy. N. vi i,rk. I in li l kiiimn ti-ini-il ti r rt'lioll'l., in all ii . in.inliiil'l In, ins ItiL'liulitiK I'li'i'i-., l iiii ,'i I ., is , .h ills Ki, 1 1 I, hi mil, L'nii,iiiiltitliill it, , i- I'll. WDI-ll-s IhIMM: WA'llllt.iil'llli-s, lu ll',! ol ,i,llll", Witllnlll 11 snlvi'lll, illsi ,ii li it ! li'iui.ti, i in . t ,( U'lltltli- ti-h. tin tl.111,1 i n- ,ii. ii'. I'i-i , i . Hi- ttiuu liiini(i,-t tit.iu nu t -i "i ii 1. - nu, ii.,, nti-uut. .t iii fi.-i-. .1. 1'. lllNsMultr s.,1,1 l, ,t 1 l,ilU4lsli4, wi, li Ntl. S. N . Jlur.irt s it, I's. I i, I ii!M, .Hl.s. I M i i: h mi U I N I'S ,V I ll) I 'III Ml I'M IM s 1 I s-( . ' MinW 1.1 - s, I ll s'ltl s M.' ' 'If'l . 1 I.I I--, I'I Ul I ,11 I. I, K'll I 'I M-. Y Mil ii-i.r.- i !. I, ..11... 1 lit i'. 1 III, I'll, ' s, l'll's.-lli i, ii it. i ,i .iir. ,1. I'll .!-!. .s mvt t.i, pui.suN r ri nv v:i-o v i:sv isn rs .v rMMUN'nrij'iui:.T or oxii jKiM.Ati -am: DliV AXI) PANVY (.t)(M)S( " (I It il A N, wi rn VOX HUMAN A MOP. I'miit'iiniH'tl h, nlMvholiuMi la aid It tlie moi nai in. 1 1 uti'l h( null fill hull it Ion or tho Itr viN Vturi; tvir wt liitro-iiii-ii. j. twii.V, mii liiaith hoio, 'l ih unulnul tni'iitorn ui') Miiiiiif.ictnror-. r. itmiuiirt m nt. Y.iVTO Itior si., .mv Votl;; Is oiili ,ih. I'i. II i.; tl K. Hi. loll hM., ( hlcao. 1 a r i: it o n ' s i.Mn:ovi;t mticic MArtiiNi:. I r iimh . !.n (liiii'tl fioni the h.ui!-.'tv;i,''r ',- li'JE n-'vl It in. I Mllllch-llllv moists It WiMI'KlU Illl.ri.AV IllOKOl'dlll.V, pit-hiult Intutho iiuailli ati'l ral tin I. lick out ot I he niollhlH nady lo ho lanKo.l up, ulthont ilr hit; on tin -inl. cinl Im itluiinti'il I'lrcuKii- lot'. II. .-iuin, Nw Mih'uiil 1'oiini t Unit, nU nt;int lor I'i nn lanla. M iiuit.ifttircr'h oil Ice, No. ; Mm ia Mivi t, N. Y, loiny frlvii'lianJ tKomiblto renemUy, thol nil kimiior IJHY GOODS, GHOOKIUES, QCKKXSWARK, NOTIONS, itC, nti' coiutuutlj" ou luuul nnd lei mile AT IIAUTONV OM BT3M, JAMI. K. KYKR. tAlfv, hole Akt-nt foi i.uib I'noiMiATKor imi . Lnipr lot roi'Mntitly on h-rnl. febS'(T7. JTAV CA1UXKT WAUH IIOUSK. i imiuritenoii lakoi thu mcttioii lomrorni tlm itihlli that liu huHoptncil u NT.W rritNITl'llU WAHK T10CHU In the Waller Hrhk IlulMln;;, on Mnln Htroot, IlI.QOMSItUHO, iM Which ho has pnrchnm-iltunl IntomU to keep per manently tlllctl with I'uniltuir uf city and uomk .MANur.vcTirni:. it coMmtsLs or n h n ji a t ii i:ss i: s , mh as, i.orxcir.H ii.vitiiu: top unNTUK taiimv ritAiiw-.VNinoNi:u, cam: uorroMnn, AND WOttD ItOTrOMlZD. :xti;nmo.v taumj, lookino (ilasht I'AItLOll, CJUAMIHJU AND DIN 1N0 KOOM rUISNITCItK. In fuel n full n"oilment of r. k a d y -.i auk corn ; n of all lzc, and or rATHYTIIINO IN Til 11 UNlMlp (W TIt.l)i: AUf Mhlch wlllbcf-M r II I! A I' F O It C A N M . 'I hi- puhllc are liullrd to eMl rnd xnralnu ia htfrtk hi tovf i.urrhiiMnn c!sL,vht re. jr.oi:(;u w. romxu ItlMiishiir,, AunusL 10, lKCT. p i; n ij i c s a l i: OF V A I, 0 A II I. V. IM.AI. IIH T A T K. In puibiiani'fofan oulor nf tlio Orphan 'tmtn Ol ( itlllinbhi fiilllUJ . r.i.. on KATLIIUW, MAlU'll 21. iH.H. ul li-ii o'lli.i k Iii tho lor nonn.lUilllH Stur hint AilnilnkHlratoi of droit;? "W. l'afnur, hvtu ot UliHini towiiKhlp.m mhl iounlj,ih''.,a-i'il, will iYnoi lu Mil.'. Ijv i n lil ti' vi'ininc on hti nri'iiiM' a i i'i tain nu tii.n;i' aial I.(' (il tiKOl'M), nil u uii' in lllowin luuiishln. hi ihi'toiintv afon.ilii hoiiiah-il hv Jot of Mikt lvi NraltV Co. M Iioh IIiiii-i lot. tin- aii'it. nnil l 'a nu I Mrect. on wli.i is i It'i ti il a I- KAMI 1 IU I I.I I Ml JIill'oK, aial 111 Usual I'Utlillllil.liirs ro.eKloii j,Ui n on lh I ila ol Apl tl li'H I..Ui tin i i ti -i M.UUIfU'Uif n't nato lu tho ton nship nnil ton my aioi''l, Uloi)lilibiii, I'i li. 'Jt, ii Jr4f: Coleman, Ch rk i inuwiu.Ni i i t. ; iui jii'i iiiu in 'i llir punha-i' nioiK .l:nU 1 1 paid al iho htriulny i low n uf the propcrt? , tho onc-fouilh It s tho ttn mr iN'iit at thiTontlrmatioi atviiiue. anl t n n in, lining thiie luUi ths Inunc , i.n thoioaficr.wlth iiiicii'-! iiooi uii roiiuiiii iiiun a i. ii, l uicnast'i to imy loi dint aial htnnin. JlAI.rH HTI'IU.TNO, A'lm'r. Itlooinsbuip.Mar.'i'it-"! V A N O. no. n.i: ii:itt;viAN hiiano. itit Kutur. pliii-spliali , t'liir litouial it'iia 1'loh in.ino, 'Ui tt r. l'h).ph,itUi (iinuius, i,, inv mill hy tll.ulH.I, II. Kill.. Ut 1 mm M N, V. No ttitttiry Dt'Koto wln-n ho Mtt-il tho hlinrt sof Ann i if i, Miinfhi hn aii'l uiiliioiuly lortliR "HpiliiiC"' I" ' iiitual outti," tiittli..Hu who hathi'il ll in iolht iuMrntow out In tipponrunit'. rnpif m our rta li!ic In I att illii-it-iul a Milistitut'' l i tliN uwhniii'l hi'llliu Ut Kliiu's Vri-tahlo Anihni- 1 1 , a h-u ii) plh'.ilioiiK ul whlrli urn to uhiii a lira) hall that aik, fctioiij; uiat shwuy up) nii aiH'i tn youthful hituly. Jlaui ol -ui H'lith'lH llollhl till1, li t llliMll ll a liolth .lil'"' 1'nnv Ini-i-il ! tho 1 1 ml) of niiru.'iUon .Mai.m.i-ll 'jo lAltMIUt-i AND 1'l.AN fl' I1-. 'I In htili-ii lhi-ti tiih'i' fni Mik 'n hit- tohint par i iiniN.'joi'p'NMif' i'iirni.1. Ki:i'iNi;n rm - nttUlli: oitho I ...i .hinnliu'tuiln Co., ni.ul H ti in i hi' n il. I i ml, li 'i nl, i 'Hal iih-u ilt ail annual oi Ni'U oihcku.toi tvhirh tin t Kinp'inv lm- .M-IiisImt -n.-l. 1 ihvoliU 'il'Ol ),.lh I'i-ll 1 (tN, in in hi ami i haiu' hom Ni W ) oi l( iahh il, Wariahti-il h liu- toll to In iilial Wt-H 111 loi u i in mi) hlfcli nih i il mpi i hohaif In tin- inaiKi t. '1 hi ii futi nn I'oiu, i ot ion. To h.u'cti aial if i a In lia. v Ui n aKioulxhlnvi tin' pas.1 hi iiMn. H niutui. tin1 i op fiuui 10 to lun units i,,iii. i'( mul ihuht'H ilia t'top. 1 In rmnphh' v, ilii u itlth'ali' of ImmlmU of v kii"n l.ui 1 1 is i, i nl t.uhn tf, uint viy lutoi inn inn, m ui in to a ni oni' applv lim U h'tti'i i r oUh-mMm to Mil i 'l.i.l'M iV I Itl l.!.,i:.p Co in tnh. n fount) , I'.i., or lo thu lrfHll Miinmai'tui liu oiiiiuitn ,Ni-n YmK. 1 1 h, l, ly. Ill I O.NHl MI Hl.-lh. ll. 1 ilUIIHl A. llon u III t lnl Im ul i hut uc tioill who ilt'hr t ii, liu-1 1 i il lion Ithiht'iliin'iii'iih toi inl uuu Hi i si)n i H'lin il ' vAhu h hi Wh- I . Iili'il ! a il '., I'lh t'l loll itml thi.t tin aili 'I iIImno-i roliolluplK l 111) i ll ) i.I'JmI in lo hi-ia tit (la I lilllli Imi. i.lnl In Impi'M iii ll Ilt I l MillllJ ilia I p.i',-ii t' -ii. . II Hill i i-M thriu llulhinu, aial 1IIIIJ l ll I'li-n-siiiy, ( n-tiri iniuii' I.IA . i 'W Alll A. V II.miN'. No, Uj hi Ulli Mi-oinl ttlt 1 1, ny H'nT-lv ,i V Uliuiiifhuru, KuntMi ii., ,V . S Al'l 1-1 A- UAHM H III'. IlitilituU in Coiiuto-iirr riHlrtiv- rirrk mu lulling elllilly ut ll.o prt M'nt tirliij; to lurivoii tin i upln (if Alnl'ii writing ami vvitluiul a tiravy ruin ntujul'l 1 ni-i, llir ('(iiitltiitlt'. Hamuli it m, Mt In, wr liat) 4 r-!. 11 wvn tin t;ni ruiivi ntlrn I lU whU t va h fi-nl-uor-l of It V" havi luanl tn no "ii I f ronlr w) n n. In I ml tn it uiu accklcut.-i or irgo lotof Drop, rt,, . , voti'i ill. .M.I 11 I 1 . ' I 'IA ' "I V t , P( ,NN . till, nmtt itiutiul HHpiaiull) intoum U Illi'iaU aui Ilo hhlii l lull lit I UN hoiiithl cut I iioM hu hi i . ' in' Mil i out i ut tht-1. iioii - , m-.llll nt JiAllMhMAKIMi.iu ulliu I ui Im h hiaia la ,at thi'Ohl HiHial arf'f Kioilu V It I, alio li t I tltdht i uhtl it i'i lie tht' ptil in I I nil W I I 111 to alt h h ll 1.1 I Mir i . us tn ruin i y iti " 111 l l i l l I l Tlir t lit apt not V tl i i ' ) I Mui.l-.o U i j.KHAh.U A Wattli, riuoorshiftliiK, SilU Dir.-s Pattrnis. Ar., Ac, I'MKUOK CO'.T. Our Inihici'im 11U duilii tin I ast h w i aiH h.u v hi'iii hiric. WKv-.w li.triH.nnritllVTr.soi I'llCMI I'Mi inn- hji'tnls will readily tiotliv mn pri-M-ntt tor ; ah t uOuItib't flru now mort than (ipialln ! value to cluhtof m nml li r. pii t tvoly of ntlu-r tlrniH. T V U K A H 10 i: X A M I X E Any pcrwiti ortWrluu utllmrnrtliu t'tuu niuu- ilouail bulow, can hnvo lliuii m-U't i ui- nt ptaint iuii-i'iiuin,nitaii,iirri'i'M)iHluj t tii -ii nl 'h i mil, mu: or oni. Duu.vit ; 1 ur a club of.Ji, i,M.(-unt ortht lollnnin; aitl i-li'.. Di'lalua (Iii"h nattiru: I 1 1 1 i-oIohm! in 1 (.pii'iul : lun kw i uiUi'j in-M- iivn aihtini a uiN slii'UliU ! trtti 1 i-alim-l h'l nii lu piiurnj hoiu i-ouib ipiiit , .ill wool Hi-uait. slum I ; i l Kolld Kind h is.iiu nIiuU; ,ill uuol lull -f ituhim ra paiiiM ami wm p.iitiiu, nt'n hail '.uaiilrhulu i;old tiiimninK; ilt i pi th itt h.ii d intttrr dUti ; iirr pun a q hii lU' i. i . nu '"--tor, on Itt, fct t.iiirlyivit'. it il hiut.d Uin., and foiUM; uoihtt-d pionitnadt h.k..t, luU Inii nul I plat ad 1 1 in In : l.idiiio (.ulUiloui'h nn,; , i;. nu la av ehasLil r,uld notd nu , will hl.iilv tiidnut voiik hnv or urltloK ile It ; extra nu.Ut hilm Mtirti fit Ji-ut-'iiy, r-lcfva lattioni i niatili; lnlinaud how: wmii' I'.irdUan J.uket ; sph'ii lid uo my D lim.', i nr tOmuiiunj muu--i an ImKi-j inoiiuctjhlii.jipiii ni-j , linluV Iiiuii i ul lutlliioitil hoolx, i'or at'luhol liaise. uiu ul ila fulluw Inn iittl- . ii.. i. niaikol t'oloud .ilpat.i illicit pattt-Tli lopuii dtt".- p'ltti'rn; tan piun'.-f hltaciiti nr in im khet-ilnu i t ntciai d, nti i'i .plated, a hn -th- it olint' raMi'i'i .i l-.'md KUpiilol t' tni.pniit iiid;i nt a ti nu Miiiht a) homy i lim ijoni ; in unit i-iiiiirii ui-i ii i-ii" ; (mil- i,t nl Will hnnU; I .Mild liiltltlH ani unl 1 1 in KtlU i I. nn i .ixhioi lo pi il ill i m p.iltt-i ii ; i ti.-ni o.iImnralsKin; tdnt Hon I hintH.iLu m i t ; .itdh'' all tiul s1m.iI; path I'll ; Mlci p'..l- j nl o.K.' oi i lil h llt t ; lilt man tl t .i i n ; ,tii- f i luhhaaiahli woolittiuhlt duai i ; hp! mlidi'..tsp,t i lotinii in hie i.U in tail ,tui and t iiia inu- ; 1 1 i il-, ih ui hit' idlh a t-r piooi t'loakiia; , n I II. h.iailh' kll tb, Ultn fcll.H-pl.lh'd iniKs., -.i'i sum i niKi ; mil' .( 1 ut' rui 1,1 ins. l'ul A r ill! n IiK', fl h-lJiii' it IhffnltnlV iiu ttr I la I. ih, u : 1 itldx diuhlt' wiklht loakiiirfin to it inn;;' hum', hilt', hUachtd lim u Uihlt i.t'l, llh 1 dim. an tt -li iiunit't napKiii lo mati h : t m til uv jald fpli mild hi mp v l pi'liut; tinod I'l-lm; . xi rn inwitiU' I; oi al) ai' i nit ah pa hum; i ttit tuallt pnplin tin putii inx; out .-in .tu- mi i ina iinilil ivtiauidlll -nti'lil.tfi pail M mVi nil hoot-ht'r.1 inulin : nil-' vu immitaj-i a-ii'd piti-m Iimxit u.itWi ; li Imi i halidh it ti 1 1 hl.tdt-d Hill-eealid ul Kh d t-l ).litu n t u.iavt a hnitlf i.'S n, mu i-akhu, uth i nt UlllfH tmttit'S krl' Udld lolm, hn and I'HU, tninpltli', kiliulu hailil rhol UUli;'o hl. h.n H 1 1 1 olt r; paii u pi ihn uhihMVnol hhuik- I i i , ii ii ! im m nil and iMiu' ; i-l U t rilitt ttl ui it;'.iMd t v pllcht i, w llh i rj M'Vt'ii and uliv I ii ti , miok ii I wind tutifj iiokkiiiti'ri', tot ul' ; m. i' tlni ii lttKt lukt mIm rplati d Inilvti ; t'liiumnti I m itMt taewinu and t mi-iiddi'iliu maehlitu j im la,i hi-ui ti an I. ipiiltt. tiphmtld tphu- 'did lit ni, il llthiii ad nnd phnhigiupi. pai1 i l"i htuii tilths, ni, ,ilur lui-nithi-i tu tha - IIIH miin j Cala'ouut' iiMioniU and Knioplc m nl In uit. H di i ii t tt hi ml naauy t it uMi'ud 1 tti r. ildiiiall ordt't' in w. li inir l 'ai i. nt i a. 1 nu M. tullie (jlotla I-lui'M. Aitdn'- Ami i;ic s- iki i'o kj niotd ,fay,N. Y.. l' l.uh.iui' M., Id. .tun. T ANTkl).--SAl4V:SMi:N to trnvri 11 torn Miuiufiu tilling Company mul sell h. haniplo. (hmd u cm ni i uiuraniuMi. Aumt-K-vUIh t.tai II VMllTON A lIOWi:. Ui Chi'fctMU hi,, riill.iih-lphlu. IM. wniY wiu-Yor wo uk rou a day li and la lmM',l naiml, In u ou t atit ngiuf lnailat aii'l liutaini liii-niitH inai mu ia oulioml to "a per day ortJ per tt ulnmi nl il.nii.. iiiituiil hes.'llN 111 lot tall l ulli. iiuii- nun Miinpif. H. MDM.I.N. I" wlMon. Me. en. I ISeent Addlilll.o .XL V VAi.n:, ONE A I'HII.Xr llh our OH ll M h etlull. in e nl fi M, lur a h ihln M-nai i .v ttiuu m mUio... rril-Milaisand a ultt Man li . ; hv inliLi i liij Willi hi amp, N. It, ri.oro.MAN A. i o.. .a Hanovi i t. tto-tnu .liiht( nrnitii saijv I ol VAU'Alll.l' Itf.AI. I-sl ATr. tn MirMianrr of nn nnler of th Orihim't f'ouri til l'u unihai folilitv. r.i..iill rA 1 1 U1A Y Male i llth, IM)", al niie n'eloi I; In the ntternoon, Willlaui i it-a-y, iiuaiiiian ui -in-.m one oi im minoi cnn lu s-Jtld 1 1 urn Iv. ih 1 1 a -i il Vtill cMinsu hi m la hv' nubile vendue, nn the nitinises. IIjii uniiLvhkil uiie. i mi u tuieit m in a cei hum i, o r o r c n o v x i, Hltiiate lnti)Un-hlp nfnn al'l, ndloinlnK land of li in. Minn .Miner, ahuiii iiurinu, uuti tnai'i, t'ontainluu ahout TU o A Ill's nf html, vv ai eon mi i lected H. DWKI.1JNO IIOI M:,tore UtniM aim Maine, t no iiiipiim oi ino vv mow, ami i .Inli it ih ai ha 1 1. an I Matihla P. tit at hart, the nth ot t litldii n ot lieetili lit, Will ba hnhlat the Mime I hue itinl 1. 1. it e. II- MnlMUN. (.' el K l o. )I I IONS o' S M.I. : 1 n per t i ut of one haii th ol iho iiuii inse mom v he mud at tin t I Iknitf dou n tif t fie propi rtv. the uUl'1uUI Hi les Hie leu per uiu. in ine t miih inaiiou aosiiiiin ami the uiiia iiimf ihiep-tiiui ns m one ihetiatter, with liilerct-t from the ennflrma tlnn, rilli hUer to a inr ileitl tuul hUlil: I iit i the t t.itc i f a!d ih ei i"-i tl, Mtlittte n ptmt Niiiil. UIU I AMI UI.A,(,i.udiali Teh. 21 rt I. i") r ii h i c s a u i; oi VAU Aitu: i:i:al fktatp. In the piin-imtira of nn order ot the oiplnms C am if ( olmiihlu couuly, I'.i., on Moinlay tht dav ofMaali in-M, al h'oVUnk In the Mr ii'ion, John smith iidminMrator ol Ollur 1' Uuu.v an late of M million u phhlp, ib-me-i tl, ui) t .pn-e (u tale, hy I'llblle i lahle.oll the pi i inl-e a i utaln tun t or ltd of I, rnd Miu.ite In viiull.oii Invv 1i-lilp, Uneald(adjnlufnu lalid ol l.,vdla -if, Mmtln Oiahani, William M'liiMe, .Iniut Muiphv and nihil), t oitl.itiiinii 'ihlity Aetet itiid iilliiivanei , tin i ' It on the pit In ie a ! uihli I Iuli-t and Ila. ii, a tin i.n r la.p uml a Mtlfll pph (lhitil lah IM ist.ilenl t-ttlU ill eeuM'o. i'uati Hi lu 1 ' l ino td Mittllsnll alld t.tUlltv -si.i. I. ll ) I ! I MAN, Clelk. 'it, ..'.('.' - !iti i ii m 1 1 oiie-foimh i i ihc puielat-x' imna tobt piiidfiiOit day ol Hal im -is mu lit lev Hie teli ja-r eenl iit the enitilruui nun oi t-alt the ifiiuunHm ihn c luiirths in uit v i al tin It iilttl u hh I ut i it si u out (lie eon til in. i 1 lull M. fi. t he j uii hitM r to pa lur (lie entiv e ame ntnl it vt uuw Maui) s. iOtlN NMJ1 ll, I th, Jft'i-t-ot. Adniliuliatnr DRY GOODS, ETC. gTHONU I'ltOllAmi.lTIK It I, rri.UibU Hint Hi. InillJIiij nut. uc.ulrd liy li. T. Hnsi-rt t5, will lilm iii. on Urn l.i , if April l!?s, the nlit liiitl.llng I.n nilmm n mngnlllcenl unj ikifonitis .trurlnr errtt ' .1 tli.rwn, tHilitalnllitf n votuiuotlli.u., T O VV N 11 A 1, 1,, nnd uevci-nl i1ii llil stoic room., (I II 11 A T 1 N 1) u o i: Jl r. N T mo tlieu-linti ulltrtil by lilm tu tlnvii' wlslitns to litiyRocnU fur cash or iijuut vay. Tlie en illt i.yti'm on enemy to the cnh buyer. Tlie awu or II ll A II V I' A V H Y T V. M, tlie ontr true fcjhlim,lfilnJustlc t.jtli buyer us ucll fiH tlio hellir. it I'liiibleM tin. MrrcUiiut to buy fur c-nsh mul thett-foiunt U10 LOWEST IIATKS ntul tojlvo the ittstomer Hie benefit of bntli jmr- ilinhi.. liiorilci'to icittH'i-lil. htoelc beforo the thru of i.-Mioval hi- otli-r l.U-iianl r nr. .veil m i:u j.vos AtMeentt, irorlh Sl.W. 11I.ACIC A IU10W.S' I'llI'I.IN AM'ACAI At McentsT'iryiT-ll AMF.KIC.VW lir.rtl.N'OsAl.I, COI.OItS At 111 ceiils, worth 45 eenti; OlIOll ClllU'OH i. lUstllll, Ut 9..U. tletter " " " 19 " Il.-H " " 124 lll.i:sC'lli:i. .MUSI.! KM, j;toId. wl.ln Kroiulii; tu Mcont.. IIK.M- lil.llAClIi:!! MUsl.l.Nt, 1 Ml. wliU At I'i ri'llls. U (1 on II 1 X O If A 51 ft At 1.);, lDhml l.trntH p.ryd. iinr.Y f iiiiiTiNu i'i.anni:t. Al 'Ji et-ul'i per 3 aril. 11XTUA 1'I.AII) l-I.AN.Vr.l. Alijf.'Uts ter Jiml. AM. WOUl. CASSISIKKUS 1'ruiu 1 1.10 tu rl.O.. Tii'itir ivi:i:i s & i.AiiM'.nr. Kruiu 73 lu IW iuxi pi-r ytl. iji'ii.Tixa tuntiN rimu to Ilj eelltH tier ISi. IHBW hllAVI Knit Shirts A l) tu clus nut. low. AIIJIV Cr.OTIIINO, WAVHOW.V, iv t'Asjsi.Minu: hiiiiil-i I'rom S-.0-J to cxtrJ. iil'ck ai.uvt:s a mutkn.s 111)01' HKI11TM, YOlTll L-mUl.-K At Tj i-ts; SI.CO, SI.M A iiJ. 11AIH A CAW. 1-'0U Jir.X A II'lV.-., L'loth, Vilcl A Wool. A t KW 1, a 11 1 1: .?' i-' 1; 11 ul Imualii. iIomu, v 11 t t r: 11 1, a x ir i: t 1'ruiu $1.55 lu s.., U li A I X II Add, 1 I Ki, CJ &111I ul ci 11U. U A K 1' ll T 8 , ui ;o,5 uml ii, ri.0011 on, oi.ijtii 2 yiii'di. w 1'U' MISCELANEOUS. IM'MCTONB1 KDITIOX 0 Till' A v 1: H Ji 1: V X O V K Ii t Now pnblKltlna fimii th new Mtwrc-otvperiit-itiitfurni with flit new edition of Jilclteiif. on tHiiiltirf nil the tiotefl of tho Author, nnd printed from tho latent odd Ion nf tlie nuthorlMd text. To Ik? ronipletct! inaivoltiine. t'lice 2ct. rneh lriiitf nn nno whltf pnpt-r, clour tvpp, nnd enii VtUtehl In ulrc. 1. Warrliy t Innhoe. X ICeiiilworth. 4. tiny .Mnntu'rintf, 5. Ahtlnuno'. ij. anu uny II, rortniU'H of NIfl. IV lVvrrllof thelVak M, Qurntln DurwHril IT. ht. Honnn'N Well. K ltiityauntlet, 15. Tim lletifithe-t flit. ?. old MortnlitV, llliihUud Widow, K Thol line k DuorfniKl 20. Iho rallinnn, A IiclidifMorillo'(i l. WnMltock, P. ilrhlo of Ijitnmcr- 'tl. l ulr Maid of IVrth. moor Zl. ntip of (Jierntrln, 10. Heart m Midlothian it, ('mmtltohcrtofl'nrU 11. 'I he Mtmntdtry. i. TheHurg-xint ImugcU 12 Thn AtitioT. ler, 13. Tho l'lrate. On rccltl ufMtx T)oI.laih we vrlllRrntl theiti tiro wt of Vavtrley Nol1h, n published nnd u copy of a m w Bti:i:l I'lati; iohtiia:t or Km WAirnt Scott, I'umin palntlnby HIr Thomni Lnwrcnc, nult nblo for itttinliiK j tho Itaokmml KnravhiKu to ho Rout flea of pnitniip tn any rent of the United htatoa. iilthcrof the nbovp went tn nny mldreinon it uwlpt of price, 2i ceii tn per olunin. On reTlplof Tn.v )o.laim n coinUeto net of TK'Kr.Nh (l milform ntyltO, 17 olnniM(ni a VAVi;nMiV,2ioUiinc will be ncut podt paid. 'Jhpchenpi.'t Ten ItoltrttV woitli talofouud In tho whole rouge of Mternturf. rorty-two vol tumH rbr in, FATItAOKMN 1UY OITORTUMTY OU 1IIK illh I ION Hi 1THCIIAHK A nFT orfttll WA LTEtl HLOTT'i WOlfMl-llKNOWNKD WA VKni.r sovr.LS. ( LUH ItATL'H! OnoCornnIi'toHct.25volurnri!,Vl Thrco l.'omplctu Hotn. ' oluinct( fill. Five HH, tM, Ten ja. Mailed at our expense. Any perBon obtalnlnit four Mih-,crlbcrs for tho VfltTley Novels, and rtinlltlnn uh $21, will be entitled ton n t ofDlckc lit 17 volumes, grat I. All mulled nt mir ex)en,t?. Any person (htnlnln tiht ttubscrlbcrfi, and remltltiiK Jn,fn) will mUui n copy ot thol'Wn verly Onllery," contnlnlim 2il Hteel lincrnvliiff of the rotnalo Chnrnrtcrs In tho Wuvcrley no cN ijouml In elegant morocco, price $1 j,ii. (ittivaasurfi Ytaiitcd In cti town In th I billed Hlatct. A Rreat oportuiilty It fillordel to liuluhtrlout men nnd women tomnkf inom y, as every miin.womnn nnd child will purclino tht WAVkHi.EV oVF.LSat thW low prite l or (ipeclal r.itci npriv to the initiiistjcrN I At I lli, l'eb.2'i,a.f :Tf.V. A f'UMI'ANV. IHl4l)llHOAUH'iV Y. uk Mm orr, v. ji, mai;i.M). iiautn JIKATJICOTK A C03IPANY J. o 1 1 j: n ir o n k s, c oKNEi: or wkst & iilack nor..K llaltu Increased our facilities In the wny of shop mom, machinery, Ac., wo mn prepared to nuwufaeturo MicoMiiTIVi! KM'i:,ninl all klndu oi hiKAM ram.i.iis,hMtu;i:-sTA( kh.tankh, HtiKVT.liiON WfniK.Ac, All work promptly clou to oitler, ut hhoit notice, and M'lXJAL ATTi;NTI0N I'AID 10 RKIWIHH. Your ntKntlon lt pcclnlly cnlied Jo the mcm- MTH oi our urni-aii neniR iiucucmjumrr watra. 3ir. lU.ATiicoTi: nan nan mi expciienro or oer tldrlv Miirn lu tin1 lunmifat t ire of nil klndu of Uniii liollersj ntidlromour longexprrlcnce we nie fuI'V nwnre nl the ncfewslty rn welbmnd ami Htitllch ntly larKu Itoitr-n, to hf cuie not only ah ly hut hull factory icMiltn: and we phall ntve our cuHttuuerH only thot-c of the tiet fjuallty iut rt i;aiu iiihk riai,worKiuauMiip, iiihi in pi' neni ln Ktirf.H e, and icel it. Diluent that we tan rcn (lar hu htfHct Ion, nnd nt prlctn lully na low nt nny other hultdiiH tuiiut tliu name qunlll of inutirl alls. Vo would call the nttentlnn of lUllwnv Com puiltstooiirfacllitleH fordolm LOt'OMOTIVi: WcHtlC, mm k iiHAir.- ou m.w, as we mnle. it point for one of thi firm toalwnjh glehlf ntteiitltm. Wo nre uKn picpnicd totlo all Ulndi of riitliiWK, Mu'i. at lltullnii I'ii hi ic ntul Vrhat ISnll ItiiK-, rneiiirtt, flillnn up Steam HollcrH.e, I'onntautlv on handall kinds of Hitam I it TtM.-s.Sri AM NI WATI.ItOt'AnmSriM Vxvv and all llttiliL'h cotilHi'tcd with the bunlucs. Aid ,i'alln(;.ot all l.liid.l:olIcrrionib,Oratev, sttcn. I'lowH.aittl all woik connected with thr lltut'i'iil liamtlrj hiiMnt'hs. Kt"pt(tfuii MilkdliiK your order, we ni Yoihh ery tiuly, J. IinATlIt'OTK & CO. IYb.lAV Ij rjOIUtlNCiTON A IIOIKIKINS1 ' 12 A ir HO XV SUIMIU PHOSPHATE OV IjIMK, A STAMiATin MANt'Ili: ton ail rri.t.n mi uitAiN emu. llu lim within the p'tst yenr urently lncreiifej and Improved our tacllttlcH fwr piliatlm; honeft iiihi niiiiiumciuriim, wenre prepareu 10 luniiKii th r.mi.frtof l ennv unnln n Mtptnor nrtlelc ol M'I'l ItrJIOPJIA'lI.. Mm tor has been thoroughly tt(tcil die pa it reason hy pnu'tlenl men of ourlniiiH'- ui.iie neipiiioinoou iinu t ist w nere, ami in iw-ry ene tin' teMilt bun 1 1 1 ti i ntlrely Mitlstariory, utir i roett of puhirlinp, wl.ircbj It Ih prr piud ior urn) nuuianite.l TO l'ASS 11101UH A MULL, ohvl'ittrt nn ol.jf etlfiii wldih lus to mmiy ft rltlli r.atal m eurih to the t.iriuirii Mivlngof much valuable time. Sold at the m.umf.irturj 1'astMahkkt STtirKT r.Mtri:, l'v., nnd hy our tiKents thrtaichout tht eoutmy, in has' of aanm, t m-h, ni tt ptr ton ot LU ps. Alo HllU'l'r.n J'HOMITM to nil points necoslbh' hv mil or canal, on rtcelptof old r, TOltUINOTO.N A HOmiKlNM. A No AmntH for htjim.ur. Jlortrnn A. Alluu Sell Ihilkuj; lit n per and .Mi-mi r 'I lie New York t r, ami 1'tnti A- Stnedlf-y'tt Ilni and firuln Ilnke. J. K. l, i i:, A'tnt. lUuoiihmt:, l'u, s Jiff jvr (tn-utar. l'eti.' bS-vm Jl M.i: en i. r ji r. l-.s AM) I-1..MAL1. tAIU.Jl ! ?????? M 'A M A f oil ' I'liiMMix. Mtiii-it", laidiifc, ami i.i Uid. 1 am in At iui. uid h. luiniMi i -u w uu eomtlaiit i itiplox iii-tii at our lailili hlhi W latle ol out tlim , oi in your 'pttu iiuaium Kati ueitH in W, li-t'l and piolilaijh . i(' et ut I" ' pi r eenli; eiiMly lauii'd by pet .mis uf eil hi r m-i , mid the h'lj1 nu 1 tfiris m m l ionuiih in. mm. (ill nl ItidueeliientiiUlloU'd lhoiu ttl.'i u ill .levott. their vholi lime In tlio tuisiu ., and, that t eiy perttoti who -eex tliK nnllce mn html Hu-lv ail dttss and tift Hit huslnesH im thiinvtlvckl I iitaki thti fd low Inu iinpii tailed oftcr: To all who aie ii"i uell witt-iied with Hie huslm'hi, I will Mint II (o pay tor tho imubloof wiitluv. lull iiaria'!, dlret tlmi-, Ae., hint fite. Simple b. in hv mall lor Mel-. Addit m 11 ('. Al.IdlN, Auuu-l.i, Maine, I ) KVOIA'TION IN TUADi:. OrrtU- I 1 er IlidUeeiuentH thiili ever belote olti'i I In p. moil uylllun upciubsj iii tan UNI; lnjld.AU I,r. st nd tur Ni w simiimi i im, PAlt A rn.. til mid i I't 1 i'i ii t St., lUe.toii, VOTU' K. I in iiudertiniied would lu rt hy wurn the pub lic ii Limit. I bin Inu ol lit uotlaliuu a noli elt 1) h .bo -li M. 1 1 it 1 ti in ti Jiiitlniinit pat libit to II), (), A Mi y.ila II. mid w hit IimiLm iiu lit ) eaine Into the p Milou ol the il in I ihtuia d. I he mild note wn nivi n In May or .lum- N'C, and hnv inn been hM, kiv tnent thi icof w Win Mooned. 4 Mm, JAi oll SNYUUIl. 'OTIC!'; IX ItANKltl.'l'Tl'Y. Tl ii iit' me nnilee: That mi the M d5 td Mn-ili, v. li. (Ml", a waiiimt in Itaukiupte. ttu issiutl aitln-l the t"l.ih-iif llmr) 'lit .m; i I'omtilr.v villi. In the i iimt m t uluiiihhi, mid M nl I't lilis.V l I u f I.n I a in t II MijlllUl d i Lit uk inpt tll lit ow ii pe'ilioii ; (lu- p,tv ment i I unj th Id ttial th 1 v t iv of anj pro t in W -loimluj to -.iii'h linnlniipt, lo htm, or im hi tin , mid the ttm ti i oi anv hioiit'ttv' hv him are loi- biildillb 1 .w ; llial u mt t imi.' nf the 1 itilltoUi.f the wild llnukiupt, to puivi- thtlrdehtH, and i fhooM t u oi' limli' atvltitaesof hN t state, v. Id ho hi-1.1 al a Comt of llatikruptcy, to he ludticti at tho UxihanKe Hon I lu ltloonihhuiK, I'oluiuhta eounty, reunvnnin, bfloie I'd ward Overtoil, jl.. lttuitcr,ou tlKMUdn) ot AprllA, p., 1mx, at vii i in, llliiMAH A. K0W1 l.Y.l'.H, Mnniul, 111 I , ll. t mil oil, I'i put) . Mar. It O-Mt. JOTICK IN liANKJtl'PTCY, 1 hit Is to Live notice i on tho Tt 1 1 dav of .Mn leu, a. . ii warrant tn iiiiikiuptcy Uiti h-hilt tl nuilied the t Mule of .hit oh rirav td tho lovvnMitp til Ihlunrtik tn the eount if i iiiumma. mul Mine oi 1 1 un ivaniu, who him i.ei n (eiju ii a a iianitiiipt on hi imn pi tltlou im- I ni nn in 'i nii nt m n iinu tieiivtiy in s i;r, i) potato nn, I'.-ikun. ,1, ..h InuSi isl rtiliiln. . ur rut. in si n n.l l-ltl II S KIS'I'NI-Illl I'I' Sll'll.l nil It ll.Mtl Y ((hllHlll'll, 1IAIIIM1X, (II.IIAHOS ANIIt'AI.Il-l), I'i mn .-li an ill, uml not llnlili. In r..i. Al'l'lyl'i 11. N. WIII.ITH, Ni'iir I .... knMfliiiin lii'i fit, Itt iiuMsiii'itn, I't, rili.' I'.o. n (' . . lu VI.UIN-, II AWf.l A l ll., ll l'u. itnlKt,, II, I.IIIII, tu.s. r s i c n o ; !: s, . . i im. 'i .0, JpW Ill l 1111,1 'Illl' IJiH.ll,, il Wm l' ulli'. I.iti Hit i'i. n lim from mn. In K(.iiitvtuti .iiiii.m ut,,l uistlnu lli'lll II tx l.i iJl.,1 l.i; i",. ly .rli-l)' ut tli.- in mi .I in- mul iiiiiint nts, I iu urt- til, iisuiit i'i.iiitniiil.ins lor tli. Inviili,!, us Mill us lim in muni iiim i..r Mu. liuvlni: nti, n ..ui si'iiuil iiiuiiiinii in Unit liiuii.-ti .) Iniitii lor lt.-I.i.t i-Ulit.,ii tiirs H. an. klil. I. htiiit iiii hum I., i r a. ul ijuiikir tliu. .-)-ntfii t I iitst in in, i , iniii r M i I'.MI I All! ll.., ll.i,r-liM, I tli " IiU-. vi, .llll.ulml r ul .In.. S, inn t'liii", rl.x li.'liuiL'lliir In i-iii li lliniki uiit IIIHI, ,11 l.'l III. Il-M'. 1.11,1 i ur iiiiiisi. r in anj jiiiiji. iil h lilm i.U'l..rli)il,l. ii 1, Im.'t lliiiiu nn... I.IU lit the I I. '.Ill 'I . ol lll . 1,1,1 ll'HIUlll'l,ttllllill in. ii .. ,,. b, ii in i , , , ....i's, . in- in i ii i, if asMKiu-t . iiriiis i-slitl... i HI In- h,.,l ai a i -,,iii l f ItiitiUiui.t. ,,i' t ... I. ... . ut Hu, xilmum- Hot. I, In 111, hums. Unit, .'..llllulilu riilllilj , riliu.liiiilii, HilM-nril tiM-rtoti, jr., llii.'ihii-r, nti the intuitu-, ul A su il. i. n. INis.ut ii', u i, l,. in. . ... ,.i,r, ... 1 1 , i i 1. 1 , u . p.. .-.inmitii,, n i:. li -ioi.iiAi'uii, li'tit. JOTUJK IN llAN'Kltl'I'TCY. ' Mils 1. tn, i'i il .il nn thr Illi ,lav nf Mkli-li, . li. Istls, ,i uiuriiii In ll.niKnii'liy itiisls.iii-iliiuiiliisl Mi. , .tat, ,,i Mm, k,, mi.I,,,;! it .MniliMlli- in tin- i.iiitnv ui t iiliiiiiliia and Mul,' nl 1'. lilis, lalilii, t I i, Inn. Ii. n iiiljialui.( ll .nlliui'i ., IiI.ii-.wi 1 1 til .in; Hint tin fa) uii tu nll.lll lll-IUblillil ll llMItil mil ., iiT, , ly u,. I..I1UIIIU In 11111111.111111111,1, tt. 1.1,11. Ill tut' hi. I..,. aim il.K lriiii-.iir .il nn-. I'mi'iMj by hint an, n,r l.l.l.lui I law, Hint a iniilliiKiil id,. fi,,iiri,t tin-snl.l ILinUriii't. I.. i',iiM iln ir ,1,, mul in I'lii,..-..' uiu-nr l.mii hsmui..,'s. III. i.tati., will I..' Ili'l.l ul u I , lilt i'i l.i nl.iin,li,ii, I... Iintiliu at III.' rxiliull-i.' II. ,1.1 In lllimiiisliiiiif. In num. mil ruin 13 , iiui.j iMiuiii hlMi.t. UtU.,111 ONeitnli, Jr., II, Kii.ii-1-.i it Hi,, utlidiy uf Anill, l.ll., IsllSlll ju'i-1 k, ll. III. ' U O 0 T S A S 11 0 r, ri n Men, Wulilisti A CtllllllCl! I.ADIl.V OI.OVK ICI1I llAl.ilOl'.At. A CO.S. Ulllls-, tlAU'i;i,H M.irlli -Jl.m o .v a i, o t o ' ,y o k h fn' -J-., wurili w.i.i, voiut t'lioicK oi- mi i'i;m;.vr loth UV JiOW.-s. aoou nt.Acu tia Al fl,'"i ni-r i nuiiJ, 1(0011 flltlX.N THA At SUO j'cr iioutul, niiiXN iioAvn.n corrui- HOT CAIUU.l.VA HICK. I' j: A 1! i. u A it 1, U Y. is u c .1 u a I'rti.i, 1J(, to. i rent. S Y ll U 1' .-i TfOtu T-S.iti!' toWl.-x 0 A T i Ii n M o a x At g cihUu pgunu, 0 Ji I V 14 n O A P At m;ctnu m wunj, 0 V H T H Y HO A 1 AtlSwntHKr maiml. V IV M ! ) N H 0 A 1' AW'HvijIw a pouiol, POTATOES ruii SA(4! Whiter mul MpUnu Set-Klon ot thin Institution ulli ci'iutnemc on MONDAY, MAKCJI Vml Instruetlon will lie nleu In nil branchen ttuiRht Jii fliftt cla&H AiatlLtnliH ami emlnarle,. stn ilents prepiirln tor t'oileo orlVwehlmr, wilt ie eelvn pjirtkular attention. tkiims ri:uurAUTr;uoFi:Li:vi;N wr.KKS: tiuek.Iitln nml Mat la math'K ul t'onilnoti Sehool Uiiinehett f u 1 rrltn.iry Sehool Ilram Ikh j tv AlHt-br.i, Hluher Artthn'ttie, lIMory nml Natural Sell ni eh () Jneftkutaih , Mohei.n LvNar.Miiatiil Mru (extra), namely rieiieh a ntl lUrmau.Si fi'.antt MuMeVia to each. oueOialf tuition pavable tniulv.mre.tdhir half at the cud olthe tmaittT. ilttiuttioii except ior Kleknt"s. WII.I.IA.M (1AI.LII1IU:U' rilnrlpnl. All eom imiuii atiotih shouMhe mtilieM il tt thn nt NtwColumbusi, I.uernpi taimy, Va, rth.ivin. Y n s u it a i-: "a u i-: n c- y . Wyoming $iv.wt i;tna i.uoo.uu f'oniinereo ..7. 4ou,Ut 1'ultoii W,i Ktirth Aimrlui 3tW,w t'lty 47Vm 1,1',ii Niajtaia I,0u0.0it .Ktn.i I.Hfhtoek WW.nuO Putnam fcw.aio Men-bantu H.J0,lit spilnntkhl 670,01 tm.ur.imi Company tf siati IVnn'rt.,,0 , I'l.nneetlcut Mutual Life I North American TrutiMt ritllAH HlttAVN, A'jeiit, IlLUOMtllUKd, llIar (f7-ly "1 X('HAN(iK HOTi;U JL J TlI.ooM-lUU(1.t'OM'MlHA 0, PA '1 he unih iMiit il hitVlns puriluietl thiswtll. Kiiom niHiilit nt nil 1 liKiitiwl house, the I.xebuURO Hotel, hituati on MAlNMltl iri.lii ltloomMmru I mini (Uutel opoM e the t'olumhlu eounty t'ouri llmiM', iii-i 1 iilully infoinnt bin iiuhUh ami the publle In nim nil lhat IiIh hom-e t now In onler loi the it ei 1 la u aial nti rtainnu ut of traveller vWnw a In iii-i mi il lo lav 01 It with their cus tom. Hi hint h nu ii no t jtpt use tn pu parlUKthw i:ehnie i"i th. t nit 1 1 nl 11 1 itt nt of bin giiiM., tieitht 1 Mill 1 1 tin it he miv IlllUK w till till il ou hit 1 an to iiihi u-r n tin ti per con a I eomtoit. lilt huii-c 1 t.piu'Jiu", unit t njojs nu excellent bin,l Hi loe'tiit'li. tiuiilbii'i tun al all tltma between the Kt t haliui- Ib-iel uuti the MilloUv fUlloml tlepolw, by v hu h tuiv Uii. v ill lepltanuitly eonvevtilto am) Horn the it njifi 0 MiUImm hi tine tlnn to IheiiiiK, JU11N I". C'AHl.UW. llh MiushlilK, Malt ll WW. JUHK'S HOTKli, tn oiiui: Vt MAl'tlKU, Iroprlctor. 'I In abovo. well-known lintel has recently unJer i;oni rait iiiiriiKiieHliUtHlntt'rualiirriiUKeuu'ntk, nml ltKpn prletorannoutieeK toiiUtorintreiiitui mul the tmM'HItm public th-t hU lu'cmiuMutlum for tliccnnifort of hN KueMNarftKi-coml to none, lu tha country. 11 U table will iilwav h hi iouml nup. plli'tl, not onl with Hiihstantlal footl, hut with all Iho ilellcaehNor lha kohhou. HU vln- nnl 11 riunrit itxeipi that Hitnlai heveracu known as tl 3fv itt a"',purehii'.eii ill ret from tho Importing houte. are entirely purr, and tree fiom till ipol ktinouttiliuitt. He utlianUful fora liberal patron ne In the puM. mi. I will ontlnue todeteive tt In thf future. tll'iUUii; MAUOUH. niiK-K I 9 noTr.i. IlV I 1 l .'ni It v alar 1 it "l"U 1" 1 ! ' 1, I 1 1 I S Mji-1 1 " J lMUj All kimJiorj'lGdui tnUin itl thoiljli'-.l 01 ur Ui t prlcvti, t'.lM) 1 i.t id (ur n r t t 11 a ii t: o Iicmtmfitr Cash tuys cheaper than tYttiit, CM.U AT Till i'oa nkat anu cmur JOB PHlNTlNO .01 iiMMvuA.s omut- oil N(11-.VI1 1 V, l Ol.UlllllA Cul'NTY, 1'A Ml 1.1 ON II. HAI1.Y, l'ltl)l'ltli:iOll, llli intt laK, 11 l( .si hslrn .1 thW wtll.UluiHU lioii.t-, .u Iuiik 1.,'l't ly hamtifl lA.-tt-tt. Ilii'l'ro trlt Ini l.tisiuitinll pi ttiitiiHtitiri.alriiliilfiiriiti.b isl IIAll A.Ml 1 AUDI. IU Ith Ih.-ihok'i ktllnuor. ami IH w pst clflti-ai'lr., llln htalilo Im not t'lt't-llisl 111 tli,' rniiiity; anil no j-nltn. will t .nnrM lo nci'iimmnilatn tllli-.l. (Jiibltrci JlUtCUANT'H HOTKI., , NOKTM (nllRsI RMIHU, riiii,Ain:i,i'uiA, J. A W. II. M'KIIUlIK, lloi'iictoi. kliy 11. l'U-1) To Hotel nnil s.looii k.ip.i. of llltt.m. Inirit anl t'ol.iinlil.i I'nunty.l ln,. apnutiiteil Mr, 11, Muhurr uji-ni lor llir milr urniy.l.,poilrt lirowit .tout, nnd Lui-r lie.r, wuu 1U uiily )im al tlio .ittuf pi Ire timU with lb. .awe HrVlcle), .. u-oulil fiiiuu,. you from tli. lir.fry. K.ouwlus tliut lit- will b. I'llUCtUUl D4ittu.lli t .11 ., m.iy luior Uln. wlib llirU u.'l., I r.r klx .out ..ipnirt Y.ry r- .i'..lfuU,, Fit Ell LAUIJt, teau llrrHpry,, 1'.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers